For College Procedure Committees
MINUTES FOR 2014-2015
(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)
September 3, 2014
Members Present: Andrew Auckland, Robin Aiona, Carmen Attar, Xiomara Chianelli, Eileen Conklin, Mariaelena de la
Rosa, Celeste Favela, Rodolfo Hernandez, Scott Mann, John Nelson, Sergio Saenz Rivera, and Shanan Valles.
Members not in attendance: Erin McCann, David Raley, and Caroline Woolf-Gurley.
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.
Approval of Minutes-A motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded with none opposed.
Introductions and Welcoming of new members
Old Business
Discussion about the Awards Dinner held in May of 2014. Attendees of the banquet reported they liked the venue and
food. It was a nice ceremony that ran smoothly. The reserved seating for the winners was a great idea and proved to
be successful.
New Business
Charge of the Committee was read to the members.
Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award
Dr. Conklin asked why the timeline was shortened and Dean’s did not get appropriate paperwork in
April, as they had in year’s past. Concerned that applicants will not have enough time to prepare their
packets. Celeste stated the applicants will have the same amount of time to prepare.
Celeste explained that the evaluation forms of the packets were fixed to be in line with the
requirements given to the nominees.
Committee changed the timeline for the review of the packets. Committee will Review the packets
from October 27th to November 18th.
Faculty Achievement Award
Committee changes the timeline for the review of the packets. Committee will Review the packets
from October 31st to November 18th.
Concern over the evaluation process was brought up by Scott Mann. Andrew Auckland suggested
that the committee look through all of the packets before evaluation is done. Then once grading has
begun committee members should be consistent in their evaluation of criteria.
Call for Volunteers by the Faculty Development Office
Celeste Favela reported that Ruth Vise is asking the committee to volunteer to help with Professional
Development Day on September 18th. The list of volunteers is as follows: Shanan Valles, Rudy
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Hernandez, Scott Mann, Carmen Attar, Robin Aiona, Andrew Auckland, and Mariaelena de la Rosa
for both the 8:00 and 11:00 time slots. Sergio Saenz-Rivera and Xiomara Chianelli volunteered for
the 8:00 am time slot.
Volunteers will assist with collecting sign-in attendee cards given out at the President’s General
Nomination of Chair-Elect
Andrew Auckland called for nominations of a Chair-Elect, Rudy Hernandez moved, seconded by Scott Mann
with a unanimous vote that Shanan Valles be Chair-Elect for the 2014-2015 academic year.
The next meeting will be on the Friday of November 19, 2014 at 3:00 in the Library Conference room at the Rio
Grande Campus.
Adjournment: Rudy Hernandez moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Carmen Attar. The meeting was
adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 19, 2014
Members Present: Robin Aiona, Carmen Attar, Xiomara Chianelli, Eileen Conklin, Mariaelena de la Rosa, Celeste Favela,
Rodolfo Hernandez, Scott Mann, John Nelson, David Raley, Sergio Saenz Rivera, Shanan Valles and Caroline Woolf-Gurley.
Members not in attendance: Andrew Auckland and Erin McCann
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.
Approval of Minutes - A motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded with none opposed.
Minnie Stevens Piper Award Update and Approval
Celeste Favela will email Steve Smith with the top 3 choices:
Faculty Achievement Award Update and Approval:
Fariba Ansari
Claudia Cochran
Joanne Peeples
Lisa Elliott
Claudia Cochran
Gabriel Mendoza
New Business
Mace Bearers
Recognition Dinner
Fall – Gabriel Mendoza
Spring – Lisa Elliott and Claudia Cochran
Faculty Marshall – Fariba Ansari
Will be April 24th at the El Paso Club
5:30 – Social Hour; 6:30 – Dinner; 7:30 – Awards
Email Ana Resendez if members are interested in attending. Invitations will be sent out, committee
members will be paid for; however, guests need to pay $30.00.
Minnie Grants – issue was mentioned again regarding the funding of ongoing projects. Committee will
revisit the topic to make a decision.
The next meeting will be determined based on the Timelines for Adjunct Faculty Award. Celeste Favela will send
committee members an email regarding the timelines.
Adjournment: Scott Mann moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Sergio Saenz Rivera. The meeting was
adjourned at 3:59 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2013-2014
November 22, 2013
Members Present: Andrew E. Auckland, Celeste Favela, Ida Gonzalez; Ramon Jimenez, Dr. Gertrud Konings-Dudin, Erin
McCann, Dr. John Nelson, Margaret Rodriguez, Caroline Woolf-Gurley, Terry Sealing, Shanan Valles, Dr. Enayatallah
Excused: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Absent: Judith Mayfield, Santiago Rodriguez
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Celeste Favela
Meeting was called to order by Chair Andrew E. Auckland at 3:05pm.
Introduction of New Members
New members were welcomed and introduced.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from August 23, 2013 meeting were approved.
Minnie Stevens Piper Award Approval
Ken Gorski accumulated the highest points by the committee and was awarded the Minnie Stevens Piper Award for
the 2013/2014 academic year.
Faculty Achievement Award
Dr. Barbara Yancy Tooks accumulated the highest points by the committee and was awarded the Faculty
Achievement Award for the 2013/2014 academic year.
There was a tie in points for 2nd place, so the committee unanimously voted to flip a coin. Margie Rodriguez was
named ‘heads’ and Grace Vaughn was named ‘tails’. Andrew Auckland flipped the coin and the toss showed ‘heads’.
Margie Nelson Rodriguez was selected as 2nd place for Faculty Achievement Award for the 2013/2014 academic
New Business
Caroline Woolf-Gurley started a discussion about the packets not meeting all the requirements. She
questioned how do committee members grade what portions that are left blank. Andrew Auckland suggested
that the discussion be tabled and discussed at a later date.
Celeste Favela presented the “Downloadable Piper Professor Award”. It is a word document that will replace
the original form. This form can be adjusted and saved; also, the dean portion is easier to use.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Caroline Woolf-Gurley suggested moving the “Publications” portion into another category. Dr. Gertrud
Koning-Dudin suggested adding a grade to the “Why do you teach” portion. Ramon Jimenez brought up the
issue with the time allowed for winning the award once previously won or nominated. Committee will check
to see if Faculty Development Office is reviewing this requirement.
Margaret Rodriguez suggested moving the meetings of FPD to other campuses and at other times. Several
members discussed the time, date and place of meeting to be changed. A vote was held to change the
meeting time and place. 3-Aye’s and 10-No’s were recorded. Motion denied, meetings will stay at Rio
Grande during Faculty Development Week.
Celeste Favela showed the committee the follow up report to a Mini Grant. She also brought up the
application form states that the requestor needs to submit application “No later than 10 days prior to start
date”. Proposed changing it to 30 days prior. Ramon Jimenez moved to change the requirement to 30 days;
Caroline Woolf-Gurley seconded the motion. Unanimous decision from the committee. The Mini Grant
Application must be submitted 30 days prior to start date.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on January 17, 2013 at 8:30 am.
Margaret Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ramon Jimenez seconded the motion. All
agreed. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Shanan Valles, Professional Development Committee Secretary (831-4062).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 17, 2014
Members Present: Enayat Kalantarian, Ramon Jimenez, Ida Gonzalez, Santiago Rodriguez, Gertrud Konings, Margaret
Rodriguez, Terry Sealing, Caroline Woolf-Gurley, Andrew Auckland, Celeste Favela [FPD Resource Person], Judy Mayfield,
Erin McCann
Members Absent [excused]: Eileen Conklin [Administrative Liason], John Nelson, Shanan Valles
Recording Secretary: Caroline Woolf-Gurley
Approval of Minutes
Faculty Achievement
Minutes from the Nov. 22,
2013 meeting were
Committee decided it
should be changed to a 5
year window.
Motion passed.
The letter will be
reworded to include
specific instructions of
how to create and organize
their packets. They were
going to try to complete
this before the letters go
out to nominees in early
Terry Sealing,
Gertrude Konings,
and Erin McCann
Recognition Dinner scheduled for May 2nd at
Coronado Country Club, a buffet, not a sit
down dinner to alleviate the problems from
last year. Media needs to be checked, there
was a problem last year. Committee
members are welcome to attend, it is free for
them but they would have to pay if they
brought a guest.
The nomination form will be sent out Wed.
Jan. 22. The committee is allowed to
nominate someone or be nominated
themselves. There will be 3 winners, each
get to go to the Seminar for Great Teaching
Fall 2014 and receive a cash award.
Discussion of reviewing of nominee’s
history of winning this award was 2 years.
The committee wants it to be longer so they
cannot just reuse the same packet. They
would not be eligible to submit a packet.
Discussion of packets and how they should
be organized for the committee to review
them more easily. A motion was made: The
nominees are responsible to create and
organize their packet before it is submitted
to the Faculty Development Office.
The committee also looked at the letter that
is sent out to nominees to explain what they
need to complete to be considered for the
award. Language needs to change from
“should” include to “must” include the items
in the packet. And the letter sent out and the
evaluation form used by the committee
should both have the same sections.
The committee believes that this is not
college procedure, to change these items and
so should be able to make these changes
The Chair,
Andrew Auckland
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
without needing to follow the college-wide
procedural steps.
Next Meeting
Friday, March 28 at 3:00pm, RG 121.
was going to
check with Dr.
Conklin on this
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 26, 2014
Members Present: Celeste Favela, Ida Gonzalez, Ramon Jimenez, Gertrud Konings, John T. Nelson, Shanan Valles.
Members not in attendance: Andrew Auckland, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Enayatallah Kalantarian, Judith Mayfield, Erin McCann,
Margaret Rodriguez, Terry Sealing, Caroline Woolf-Gurley.
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 pm.
Approval of Minutes-A motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded with none opposed.
Old Business
Adjunct Award Instructions for Applicants
The applicants were given new instruction on how to complete their packet. The new form for scoring corresponded
to the packet numbers (tabs). Members showed approval for new format.
New Business
Adjunct Award Winners
A motion to approve the three people with the highest evaluation score was made and seconded with
none opposed.
Celeste will send Steve Smith a memo with the three winners for his approval and then the winners
will be notified.
Awards Dinner
Gertrude suggested that the award winners have reserved seating for the banquet so they can sit up
Table tents with names will be handed out at the sign-in table so people can feel free to mingle and
get up out of their seats without someone taking their place.
Santiago Rodriguez
Ramon mentioned that Santiago was involved in the college for many years and he would to keep him
on the roster for another year. The committee agreed that they would have to speak to Eileen about
this possibility.
Santiago will be mentioned at the awards dinner.
The next meeting will be on the Friday of Faculty Development week for the Fall semester at 8:30 a.m.
Adjournment: Ida Gonzalez moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by John T. Nelson. The meeting was
adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2012-2013
March 13, 2013
Members Present: Andrew E. Auckland; Ida Gonzalez; Ramon Jimenez; Antonio Juarez; Dr. Enayatallah Kalantarian; Dr.
Gertrud Konings-Dudin; Lisa Miller; Mariano Olmos, Santiago Rodriguez.
Absent- Terry Sealing; Ruben Gutierrez; Margaret Rodriguez; Judith Mayfield
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Celeste Favela
Meeting was called to order by the Chair Andrew Auckland.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the January 18, 2013 Meeting were approved with a few corrections.
Santiago Rodriguez approved the motion, and Dr. Gertrud Konings-Dudin seconded the motion.
Adjunct Faculty Award
The announced winners for the Adjunct Faculty Award were Isadore Stowe, Nicholas Fernandez, and Maria Isela
The motion was approved unanimously.
Mini Grant Application (Keith Townsend)
There was a discussion on the mini-grant submitted by Mr. Keith Townsend that was an exact replica of the
one submitted the year before.
Santiago Rodriguez suggested to use the extra money where it is really needed.
Lisa Miller suggested to set up a deadline of when is the last date that an applicant can submit an application
for a Mini Grant.
Spring 2013 Employee Recognition Dinner News
Celeste Favela announced that the recognition dinner is going to be on April 26, 2013 at the Coronado Country Club.
She mentioned that is better to have the traditional award winners over preparing jokes or games for the winners.
It was determined to include in every meeting the names of the people that are absent. In that way, other College
employees can participate.
Lisa Miller brought up the topic of “Intellectual Property”
Dr. Conklin said that the Professional Development Committee will have to perform a serious inquiry in the college
statutory rules on how “Intellectual Property” can be treated.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Andrew Auckland made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Lisa Miller seconded the motion. All agreed.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Mariano Olmos, Professional Development Committee Secretary (831-2758).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 23, 2013
Members Present: Andrew E. Auckland, Ida Gonzalez; Ramon Jimenez, Antonio Juarez, Dr. Gertrud Konings-Dudin,
Cardine Woolf-Gurley, Terry Sealing, Shanan Valles, Judy Mayfield, Mariano Olmos, Santiago Rodriguez
Excused: Erin McCann, Dr. John T. Nelson
Absent: Dr. Enayatallah Kalantarian
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Celeste Favela
Meeting was called to order by Chair Andrew E. Auckland.
Introduction of New Members
New members were welcomed and introduced.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the last meeting 2012/13 academic year were approved by e-mail subsequent to the last meeting.
Timelines for Awards
The timelines for the Faculty Achievement Award were discussed and modified.
The new timeframe for reviewing the documents was changed to October 21 to November 11, 2013.
Also the date to submit recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction was changed to November 27, 2013.
New Business
Dr. Conklin mentioned that from now on there are going to be two winners for the Fall semester as well as two
winners for the Spring semester.
Celeste Favela that the amount of money awarded for a mini grant is equivalent to one overload. She also
mentioned that there is already a mini grant on the pipeline.
Dr. Conklin mentioned that there should not be any cuts on the $15K available for mini grants. Also, she
mentioned that there was a subcommittee working on the intellectual property procedure. Dr. Konings added
that there was nothing in writing about intellectual property.
The Chair noted that there are District policies in place on intellectual property and that the topic is basically
beyond the remit of this committee.
The committee voted to enforce deadlines on mini grants, and late projects will not be accepted. Everybody
voted in favor. Ramon Jimenez seconded the motion.
Shanan Valles was elected as the new secretary. This was unanimously approved.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on November 22, 2013.
Andrew Auckland made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ramon Jimenez seconded the motion. All
agreed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.
Minutes submitted by: Mariano Olmos, Professional Development Committee Secretary (831-2758).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2011-2012
November 18, 2011
Members Present: Dr. Socorro Arteaga; Andrew E. Auckland; Ida Gonzalez; Ruben Gutierrez, Antonio Juarez; Lisa Miller;
Mariano Olmos; Dr. Sandra Perez; Grace Vaughn.
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Joel Villademoros
Meeting was called to order by the new Chair Grace Vaughn.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the August 19, 2011 meeting were approved.
New Business
Grace Vaughn passed the tabulated numbers for the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award, as well as for the FullTime Faculty Achievement Award.
The two winners for the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award were announced. All present voted in favor of the
two Professors with the most points.
The three winners for the Full-Time Faculty Achievement Award were announced. All present voted in favor of the
three Professors with the most points.
A new proposal was brought to the committee by Joel Villademoros regarding evaluation packets.
In order to avoid issues related to the acceptance of late evaluations, the following statement is being proposed:
The Professional Development Committee instructs the Office of Faculty Development to adhere to these guidelines
in respect to the timely review of packets submitted by award nominees and applicants for professional development
leave or mini-grants. Specifically, once a threshold of reviews/evaluations has been completed by the committee
members, then the following timelines must be followed:
If a threshold number of committee members have not reviewed the materials by the original deadline then The
Faculty Development Office can extend the deadline. The deadline will be extended in two day increments until the
threshold number is reached. If the extended deadline is not feasible, then the Chairman of the Faculty Professional
Development Committee in conjunction with The Faculty Development Office will decide upon an appropriate course
of action.
All present voted in favor of the above guidelines.
Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
 The committee made a motion that starting the next cycle there would be only one winner for this
 All present voted in favor of the above motion.
Full-Time Faculty Achievement Award
 The names of the winners for the current cycle were announced.
Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award
 A motion was made by Dr. Sandra Perez and seconded by Lisa Miller to give the reward that the
second runner up from the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor used to receive, funnel it to a third
person for this award.
 All present voted in favor of the above motion.
Folders presentation for 2012 – 2013.
Future Meetings
Lisa Miller suggested that the order of the material inside the folders could be presented on a standard
fashion. The Committee discussed different possibilities. The Committee decided that this could be
discussed on the next meeting. All members present agreed.
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 13, 2012 at 8:30 am at
the Rio Grande Campus.
Antonio Juarez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Andrew Auckland seconded the motion. All
agreed. Meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by: Mariano Olmos, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-2758).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 13, 2012
Members Present: Andrew E. Auckland; Lorena Chavez; Celeste Favela; Ida Gonzalez; Ruben Gutierrez; Antonio Juarez;
Judith Mayfield; Lisa Miller; Mariano Olmos; Dr. Sandra Perez; Grace Vaughn.
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Joel Villademoros
Meeting was called to order by the Chair Grace Vaughn.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the November 18, 2011 meeting were approved by adding the 2/3 approval to the last paragraph of page
Discussion on the “Recording of Committee Meetings”
The committee made a motion to make a decision if the minutes should be recorded.
The majority of the people present voted in favor of the above motion.
New Business
Professional Development Timelines for Spring Events
Adjunct Award Winners Confirmation Meeting-March23, 2012
The next meeting dates were discussed and announced.
Election of a Chair Elect for 2012 – 2013
Please go over these folders ASAP, so that the names of the winners for the current cycle can be
recorded and announced during the next meeting. The reason for this is so that the winners can be
Possible Meeting Dates-March 30, 2012; April 6, 2012
The committee is not going to review Professional Development leaves.
Celeste Favela has already been elected on August 2011 to be the chair for the 2012-2013 period.
Other Business
Faculty Achievement Award
Dr. Fariba Ansari was selected to carry the maze for the faculty achievement award on December 2011
commencement ceremony.
Lisa McNiel was selected to carry the maze for the faculty achievement award on May 2012
commencement ceremony.
Folder Presentation
Use the same order of folder presentation for the adjunct faculty achievement award as the one that is
used for the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award.
Please write down any problems you encounter while evaluating the folders for future modifications.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Ideas for May Banquet
Future Meetings
The annual college recognition banquet is going to be on April 27, 2012 at the Double Tree Hotel.
If you have any ideas for this banquet, please e-mail them or bring them to the March 23 meeting.
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 23, 2012 at 2:30 pm at
the Rio Grande Campus.
Ruben Gutierrez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dr. Sandra Perez seconded the motion. All
agreed. Meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by: Mariano Olmos, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-2758).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2010-2011
November 22, 2010
Members Present: Gabriel Camacho, Lorena Chavez, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Celeste Favela, Luis Gabaldón, Ida Gonzalez,
Norman Love, Cynthia Olivas, Janine Rudnick, Grace Vaughn
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the August 22, 2010 meeting were approved with the correction of adding the title “Dr.” to Sandra
Perez’s name as noted by Dr. Conklin.
Review of Winners of the Minnie Stevens Piper/Faculty Achievement Awards
The Committee was reminded not to discuss their scores with anyone inside or outside the committee for
both the Minnie Stevens Piper and Faculty Achievement Awards.
Committee members were instructed not to discuss the results of the winners for the Minnie Stevens
Piper and the Faculty Achievements Awards outside the meeting. It was stated that the winners would be
notified before the Christmas Holiday break by Janine Rudnick.
Results for the Minnie Stevens Piper and Faculty Achievement Awards
Results of the winners for both the Minnie Stevens Piper and Faculty Achievement Awards were presented to
the Committee for their review and approval. Janine Rudnick pointed out that there is only one individual
that wins the Minnie Stevens Piper Award and there are three individuals that win the Faculty Achievement
Award. It was stated that the top two nominees are recognized at the Employee Recognition Dinner and only
the #1 person moves on to the state award competition.
Professional Development Leave
Discussion on the issue of Professional Development Leave
The Committee discussed Section I.A.2 in the Professional Development Leave Procedure. Guidelines for setting
new criteria for the procedure was discussed by the committee. The Committee decided and a motion was made
by Lorena Chavez and seconded by Cindy Olivas to add a line item for “Faculty only” in Section I.A.2 and to add
Section I.A.3 to read as follows:
Full-time regular staff, tenured, and probationary faculty, are eligible to apply for up to a 40% reduction of
his/her full time load, which might translate to a release from teaching two classes for one semester.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Adjunct Achievement Awards Flyer
Announcement for the Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award was presented and discussed by Committee members.
Corrections included changing the word “completed” to “complete” in the first paragraph of the proposed flyer. And,
the Nomination deadline date in the fourth paragraph was changed to January 10, 2011.
Employee Recognition Dinner (May 6, 2011)
This is a dinner at the end of the academic year to recognize those that won awards during the year. All Faculty
Development Committee members are invited to attend. The Awards Dinner is scheduled for May 6, 2011 at the
El Paso Club.
Committee members were asked to bring ideas to use for the Awards Dinner to the January meeting for
Future Meetings
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 14, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. during
Faculty Development Week.
No other business was discussed.
Ida Gonzalez moved that we adjourn the meeting. Grace Vaughn seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Grace Vaughn, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3345).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
January 14, 2011
Members Present: Socorro Artega, Toni Badillo, Gabriel Camacho, Lorena Chavez, Celeste Favela, Luis Gabaldón, Ida
Gonzalez, Norman Love, Judy Mayfield, Cynthia Olivas, Dr. Sandra Perez, Janine Rudnick, Amy Slater, Grace Vaughn
(Guests – Nancy Nelson, Joel Villademoros)
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the November 22, 2010 meeting were approved with the following corrections: 1) Section 3b -only the #
1 person moves to the state award competition; and 2) Section 5 - to delete the last sentence.
Professional Development Leave (Short Term Leave)
Discussion on the issue of Professional Development Leave
This is a dinner at the end of the academic year to recognize those that won awards during the year. All Faculty
Development Committee members are invited to attend. The Awards Dinner is scheduled for May 6, 2011 at the
El Paso Club.
Committee members discussed their ideas to be used for the Awards Dinner in May. Several ideas were
discussed and the Committee liked the idea of using “jokes” during the Awards Ceremony. More discussion
would occur at the March meeting.
Future Meetings
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for sometime in March however Janine did not
have a definite date and stated that the Committee members would be notified.
Gabe Camacho stated that it was time to elect a new Chair for the year 2011 -2012 beginning in August. The
Committee discussed the possibilities and a motion was made by Sandra Perez and seconded by Toni Badillo that
Grace Vaughn would become the Chair for the year 2011 – 2012 beginning in August 2011. All present agreed.
Ideas for Awards Banquet (entertainment) (May 6, 2011)
The Committee discussed Section I.A.2 in the Professional Development Leave Policy. Guidelines for setting
new criteria for the policy was discussed by the Committee with the assistance of Ms. Nancy Nelson and Mr.
Joel Villademoros. Nancy Nelson agreed to review the policy and procedures and clarify the wording
regarding the Professional Development Leave and the reasons the leave may be requested by faculty and
staff. Ms. Nelson stated that she would work with Janine Rudnick on the clarification of the wording of the
policy and they would report back to the Committee in March. The Committee agreed that this would be the
best solution at this time. Gabe Camacho suggested that the Committee may want to set up a sub-committee
for further review of the policy on the Professional Development Leave (Short Term Leave). After a lengthy
discussion the Committee decided it would be better to wait for a response from Ms. Nelson before setting up
a sub-committee.
Committee members discussed the possibilities of adding Professional Faculty credit hours to this meeting for the
members. Janine stated that she would check with several individuals to see if this could be done.
Toni Badillo moved that we adjourn the meeting. Cynthia Olivas seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Grace Vaughn, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3345).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 5, 2011
Members Present: Toni Badillo, Gabriel Camacho, Lorena Chavez, Celeste Favela, Luis Gabaldón, Ida Gonzalez, Norman
Love, Judy Mayfield, Dr. Sandra Perez, Janine Rudnick, Amy Slater, Grace Vaughn
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the January 14, 2011 meeting were approved with the following corrections: 1) Section 4a - correction
of the spelling of Toni Badillo’s name.
Professional Development Leave (Short Term Leave)
The Committee discussed the recommendation for approval of the faculty member who submitted paper
work for Professional Development Leave for the Fall Semester of 2011. The committee discussed concerns
with the time line presented in the application of the project as submitted by the faculty member; the issue of
monetary compensation to the faculty member was also discussed.
It was decided by the Professional Development Committee to form a Sub Committee to have the above
mentioned issues addressed by the faculty applicant for clarification. It was decided that the Sub Committee
would be formed with the following members: 1) Dr. Eileen Conklin; 2) Janine Rudnick; 3) Gabriel
Camacho; 4) Celeste Favela, and 5) Dr. Sandra Perez. All present agreed.
Janine Rudnick presented the results of the Adjunct Achievement Award to the Professional Development
Committee for their review. The Committee agreed on the two highest scores as being the winners for the
Adjunct Achievement Award as they were presented by Janine Rudnick. Janine stated that the names would be
revealed as soon as the winners were notified. All present agreed.
Discussion of Putting Award Information On-Line for Review.
Adjunct Achievement Award Results
Discussion on the issue of Professional Development Leave
The Committee discussed the pros and cons of putting the award information on line for the committee to review
and score. By putting the information on-line in a secure environment it would make the scoring of these
documents accessible to the Committee 24/7 and limit the time constraints the Committee may be currently
experiencing. The Committee requested that Janine look into having the applications put on-line and the
Committee begin this process as a trial in the Fall of 2011. A motion was made by Amy Slater and seconded by
Sandra Perez to have the applications put on-line and experiment with the on-line process with the Faculty
Achievement Award and the Minnie Piper Award beginning in the Fall of 2011. All present agreed.
Ideas for Awards Banquet (entertainment) (May 6, 2011)
This is a dinner at the end of the academic year to recognize those that won awards during the year. All Faculty
Development Committee members are invited to attend. The Awards Dinner is scheduled for May 6, 2011 at the
El Paso Club.
Committee members discussed their ideas to be used for the Awards Dinner in May. Several ideas were
discussed and the Committee decided to use the idea of using “jokes” during the Awards Ceremony. Committee
members decided that the following members would assist with this entertainment: Grace Vaughn (Dr. Richard
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Rhodes); Janine Rudnick (Dr. Dennis Brown); Lorena Chavez (Dr. Corina Ramirez); Luis Gabaldon (Dr. Bobby
Ortega); and Toni Badillo (Dr. Santiago Ramirez).
Other Business Future Meetings
Future Meetings
Janine Rudnick stated that she would notify the Award winners of their participation at the Graduation
Commencement Exercises.
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for the Friday during the week of Faculty
Development in August 2011.
Lorena Chavez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Toni Badillo seconded the motion. All agreed.
Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Grace Vaughn, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3345).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 19, 2011
Members Present: Dr. Socorro Arteaga; Andrew Auchland; Gabriel Camacho; Celeste Favela; Ida Gonzalez; Antonio Juarez;
Judith Mayfield; Lisa Miller; Mariano Olmos; Dr. Sandra Perez; Grace Vaughn.
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Joel Villademoros
Meeting was called to order by Gabriel Camacho and Grace Vaughn.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from the April 5, 2011 meeting were approved with the following corrections: 1) Section 3a - correction to
the last sentence to read as follows: the issue of monetary compensation from outside the college to the faculty
member was also discussed; Section 6 b: correction of the spelling of Dr. Carina Ramirez; delete Dr. from Bobby
Ortega’s name; and delete Dr. from Santiago’s name and correct his last name to Rodriguez.
Committee Charge
Emphasis was placed on the importance of being present at committee meetings.
Packet Review
Do not discuss your scores with anyone inside or outside the committee.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of participation in the packet reviews.
Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award
The guidelines for the award were covered by our outgoing Chair, Gabriel Camacho, and in-coming
Chair, Grace Vaughn. It was stated that the top two nominees are recognized at the Employee
Recognition Dinner and only the #1 person moves on to a state award (NSOD) nomination.
Consistency with rating style
The Committee was reminded that packets and evaluation forms are under the Open Records Act
and documents can be reviewed by anyone requesting to do so.
Gabriel suggested that the Committee review several packets to get an idea of the content before
packets are started to be rated.
A suggestion was given to not wait until the last minute to go through packets when they are
available for several weeks as it does take time.
Option of online packets
Gabriel Camacho reminded the Committee that Janine Rudnick spoke with Charles Morgan who says he
can confirm confidentiality if the Committee decided to go online with the award packets. No action was
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Full-Time Faculty Achievement Award
The guidelines for the award were covered by the outgoing Chair, Gabriel Camacho, and the in-coming
Chair, Grace Vaughn.
Professional Development Committee Evaluation Guidelines
This document was reviewed with one change suggested. Dr. Conklin stated that a committee member
may feel there is another personal reason (outside of family relation) that he/she cannot rate a certain
faculty member without bias. She suggested there should be a provision for this circumstance in the last
bullet point of the Professional Development Committee Evaluation Guidelines.
Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award
The Committee discussed the Faculty Achievement Award for the upcoming Spring semester.
A motion was made by Sandra Perez and seconded by Celeste Favela to include the following in the
Faculty Achievement Award flyer: to include full-time faculty with the exception of temporary full-time
Election of Professional Development Secretary for 2011 – 2012.
Grace Vaughn stated that it was time to elect a Chair-elect for the year 2012 -2013 beginning in August. The
Committee discussed the possibilities and a motion was made by Andrew Auckland and seconded by Sandra
Perez that Celeste Favela would become the Chair for the year 2012 – 2013 beginning in August 2012. All
present agreed.
Grace Vaughn stated that it was also time to elect a Secretary for the year 2011 -2012 beginning in August as
she would begin serving as Chair. The Committee discussed the possibilities and a motion was made by
Socorro Arteaga and seconded by Andrew Auckland that Mariano Olmos would become the Secretary for the
year 2011 – 2012 beginning in August 2011. All present agreed.
Future Meetings
The next Faculty Professional Development meeting is scheduled for the Friday, November 18, 2011 at 3:00
at the Rio Grande Campus.
Antonio Juarez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Andrew Auckland seconded the motion. All
agreed. Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Grace Vaughn, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3345).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2009-2010
November 11, 2009
Members Present: Dr. Socorro Arteaga, Gabriel Camacho, Celeste Favela, Luis Gabaldon, Becky Perales, Janine Rudnick,
Amy Slater, Michelle Watkins, Pat Duran, Gabriel Mendoza
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick Absent but called: Tonie Badillo, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Norman Love, Cynthia Olivas, Dr.
Sandra Perez
Approval of minutes
Meeting was called to order at 3:09 p.m.
Michelle brought up the issue with having a quorum to hold the meeting. Janine stated that there is no rule about
having a quorum.
There was a movement to approve the minutes by Pat Duran. Motion seconded by Gabriel Camacho. Minutes from
August 21st meeting were approved.
Verification of Minnie Stevens Piper Awards
Janine shared the results for the Minnie Stevens Piper awards. Not everyone on the faculty development committee
evaluated the nominees for the award - one person on the committee is out this semester, two people on the committee
nominated faculty for the award, and one person did not complete the evaluations. The Committee was asked to look
over the totals to verify the results of the evaluation process.
Verification of FT Faculty Achievement Awards
Janine shared the results for the FT Faculty Achievement Awards and the committee verified the results in the same
manner as above.
Discussion about Minnie Stevens Piper and FT Faculty Achievement Awards
There was some discussion about who nominates faculty for the Minnie Stevens Piper awards. Janine said it is up to
each Dean to decide how someone is nominated in his/her division.
There were various issues discussed about scoring the award packets.
Some packets didn’t have the Dean’s signature and some found this a little confusing.
A question was asked about the administrative duties of candidates. The opinion was expressed that the
some divisions of EPCC want to make sure that a faculty member’s focus is on teaching and not too much on
administrative work.
The scoring of the publishing section was also raised as an issue. How does one score this section when it
says that this is not actually a priority of the College?
A question was asked about how to score the recommendations. Some faculty had more recommendations
than others. Janine stated that the faculty can have up to 5 student recommendations.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
It was decided to save these issues for an in depth discussion next year. Janine will try to talk to the people
in Austin about how these sections are scored at the State level for the Minnie Stevens Piper award. The
person that wins this year will update the packet and send it into the state level for evaluation next fall.
Gabriel C. raised the issue of whether a committee member should nominate someone for one of these awards.
Michelle asked if there is a difference between nominating someone and asking someone else to nominate a specific
faculty member. Gabriel proposed that while serving on the Faculty Development committee, members cannot
nominate a faculty member for the Minnie Stevens Piper Award or the FT Faculty Achievement Award. Pat seconded
the motion. Michelle asked to modify the motion to say that a Faculty Development committee member cannot ask
someone else to nominate a specific faculty member.
A vote was taken on the modified motion. All said “aye.” None were opposed. Motion was passed.
Michelle asked if we would like to touch on the issue of being a nominated for an award while on the Faculty
Development committee. After some discussion, the committee decided there is no need to change or make a
procedure. A committee member still CAN be nominated if on the committee and that person will recuse his/herself
from evaluating the packets.
Discussion of Adjunct Faculty Achievement Awards
Timeline was reviewed for the Adjunct Faculty Achievement Awards.
Award applications announced: January 19, 2010
Nominations by February 5, 2010
Committee will evaluate March 24, 2010
Michelle raised the issue of a faculty member teaching for consecutive vs. non-consecutive semesters. She expressed
the opinion that in some disciplines there are less sections available certain semesters and not all adjunct faculty are
able to teach consecutive semesters through no fault of their own.
Amy made a motion that the Adjunct award should say “two semesters in the previous two years.” Gabriel seconded
the motion. A vote was taken. All said “aye.” None opposed. Motion was passed.
The wording of the 2nd paragraph of the Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award was discussed. “the winners are
awarded registration and hotel accommodations to the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching in October 2010 free of
charge and will receive a check for $500.” The addition is in italicized bold type and the omission has a strikethrough.
This change in wording has been approved by the committee.
Further discussion about changes to the evaluation process: There was discussion about having the copies of the
faculty packets available on all the campuses for a longer period of time.
The issue of having the packets available online was raised: Michelle remembered that Dr. Conklin preferred we
didn’t use online, but could not remember her reasons. We tabled the online discussion for the next meeting when Dr.
Conklin could participate in the discussion. Gabriel Mendoza assured the group that anything online would be
password and IP protected. He offered to bring an IT person to answer questions for the next meeting. There will be
an online discussion next meeting.
The committee decided to change the process for evaluating packets so 5 copies are made, one for each campus.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Janine asked if we should also extend the earlier decision about nominating faculty while on the committee to the
Adjunct awards. It was passed that a Faculty Development Committee member should not nominate or ask someone
else to nominate an adjunct faculty member for the Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award.
Setting up meeting for March
March 29th at 3 p.m. was set for the next Faculty Development committee meeting.
Pat Duran moved that we adjourn the meeting. Gabriel Camacho seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at
4:11 p.m.
Amy Slater, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3157)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 29, 2010
Members Present: Michelle Watkins, Janine Rudnick, Eileen Conklin, L.A. Sabaldi, Gabriel Camacho, Amy Slater, Cynthia
Olivas, Pat Doran, Becky Perales, Celeste Favela, Sandra Perez, Gabriel Mendoza
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Meeting was called to order at 3:04 p.m. by Michelle Watkins.
Approval of minutes
There was a movement to approve the minutes by Gabriel Camacho. Motion seconded by Pat Duran. Minutes from November
11, 2009 meeting were approved.
Discussion of Professional Development Leave
Results of Evaluation
Everyone was approved for long-term leave. Now will go to Dr. Brown, Dr. Rhodes, and finally, to the Board for
Revision of Committee Policy on Short Term Leaves (Joel Villademoros)
Joel Villademoros presented an argument about revising the policy on short term leaves. The PD Committee
made a decision last academic year to interpret “short term” leave to mean that faculty members must completely
leave their teaching duties on campus for a specific period of time during the semester. Joel expressed that he
sees this as a problem. He believes this effectively eliminates short-term leaves for faculty because he thinks that
most deans would say “no” to a complete leave of campus. Instead, he proposes that a faculty member could ask
for a 40% reduction of his/her full time load, which might translate to a release from teaching two classes for the
full semester, in order to complete a project. Such a project might be something like a person taking a graduate
class at UTEP or NMSU. Joel thinks that back when he was on the PD Committee, they had approved short term
leave for graduate school.
Janine already went to the Board once this year to do a calendar year instead of an academic year for extended
leave. She doesn’t think we should go to the Board again for another change.
There was discussion about how to proceed with this issue. There was a suggestion that we write our own policy
separate from the Board policy. Pat expressed the opinion that we should bring the Procedure up-to-date instead
of the Board policy. Michelle suggested we table this issue until we can look at procedure at next meeting.
Janine stated that if we decide to change the Board policy, she will go to Board.
Adjunct Awards: Review of Scores
Janine shared the results for the 2010 Faculty Achievement Adjunct Teaching Awards and the committee verified
the results.
There was a concern brought up about where lecturers fit into our award system. The specific problem was raised
of an instructor who is adjunct faculty for years, is nominated for the Adjunct Award, then is placed into a
Lectureship position before the award decision has been made.
There was discussion of the definitions of adjunct, lecturer, and tenured faculty and what their
expectations/obligations are to the College outside of their teaching load.
Pat motioned that lecturers are a part of the adjunct faculty award.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Amy seconded the motion.
None were opposed.
The committee will re-visit the wording to include lectureships at a later meeting.
Evaluation of Guest Lecturer and Mini-Grant Requests
The committee read the three mini-grants and completed the evaluation forms for each of the grants for Janine to
assess at a later time.
There was a discussion about what we could do to publicize these mini-grants. Announcing them in our
discipline/division meetings was proposed.
Some parameters of mini grants were discussed. Adjuncts by themselves cannot get a mini-grant on their own. Minigrants do not fund students, computers, travel, or curriculum development.
Discussion of Next Year’s Evaluations
A sub-committee was established to get more information for the evaluation rubrics for next year. (Pat, Michelle,
Gabriel C. agreed to be on this sub-committee. Janine will serve as a resource person.)
Michelle wanted to have on record that she would like to add two things to the rubric.
A box on the rubric to check stating that you are not related to the person you are grading.
A box on the rubric that you did not nominate the person.
Employee Awards Banquet
Janine asked the PD committee to send a high school photo and a current photo of yourself for a display at the banquet.
No other business was raised.
Pat Duran moved that we adjourn the meeting. Cynthia seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Amy Slater, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3157)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 20, 2010
Members Present: Michelle Watkins, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Gabriel Camacho, Dr. Socorro Arteaga, Lorena Chavez, Luis
Gabaldón, Ida Gonzalez, Norman Love, Cynthia Olivas, Sandra Perez, Amy Slater, Grace Vaughn
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Meeting was called to order by Michelle Watkins.
Committee Charge
Do not discuss your scores with anyone inside or outside the committee.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of being present at committee meetings.
Packet Review
Emphasis was placed on the importance of participation in the packet reviews.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from March 29, 2010 meeting were approved with a few minor changes to names of committee members.
Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award
The guidelines for the award were covered by our outgoing Chair, Michelle Watkins, and in-coming
Chair, Gabriel Camacho. It was stated that the top two nominees are recognized at the Employee
Recognition Dinner and only the #1 person moves on to a state award (NSOD) nomination.
Consistency with rating style
One of the people up for the Minnie Piper Award last year requested to view everything from the
packets and evaluation forms under the Open Records.
Gabriel suggests that we look at several packets to get an idea of the content before we start to
rate the packets.
A suggestion was given to not wait until the last minute to go through packets when they are
available for several weeks.
Option of online packets
Janine Rudnick spoke with Charles Morgan who says he can confirm confidentiality if we decide
to go online with the award packets. There was a discussion about whether it is more work to do
5 hard copy packets or submitting online for the award nominee.
Michelle suggested there is a third option – that we have another meeting where everyone
evaluates the packets together during the meeting. Amy suggests that we all look at packets at
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
different rates. Michelle said another negative is that there could be time to talk about packets
which may affect the results.
A decision was made to table the decision about online packets.
Full-Time Faculty Achievement Award
The guidelines for the award were covered by our outgoing Chair, Michelle Watkins, and in-coming
Chair, Gabriel Camacho. Aug 24, 2010 is the Announcement of award and application procedures. Sept
17, 2010, the nominations are due.
Professional Development Committee Evaluation Guidelines
This document was reviewed with one change suggested. Dr. Conklin stated that every once in
awhile a committee member may feel there is another personal reason (outside of family relation)
that he/she cannot rate a certain faculty member without bias. She suggested there should be a
provision for this circumstance in the last bullet point of the Professional Development Committee
Evaluation Guidelines.
Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award
Dates in the spring were discussed.
SGA Faculty Award
This was not done by SGA last year. Michelle Watkins wanted the committee to be aware that these awards
are separate from this committee.
Procedure, Application form, and Evaluation forms were presented and quickly discussed from Committee member’s
Professional Development Leave Procedure
The committee’s role in approving Professional Development Leave was quickly discussed.
Employee Recognition Dinner (May 6, 2011)
This is a dinner at the end of the academic year to recognize those that won awards during the year. All Faculty
Development Committee members are invited to attend.
Future Meetings
Oct 19-Nov 12 will be the review of packets for Fall semester. Janine will send out a couple of possible dates for
our next meeting.
It has been suggested to have another Faculty Professional Development meeting in January during Professional
Development Week.
We recognized Michelle for her work on the committee.
Committee members were asked to vote for a theme for the January Professional Development Week before
A question was raised about Faculty Development credit for this meeting. This topic will be addressed at the next
Sandra Perez moved that we adjourn the meeting. Gabriel Camacho seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by: Amy Slater, Outgoing Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3157)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2008-2009
November 13, 2008
Members Present: Beatriz Cuartas, Pat Duran, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Becky Perales, Dr. Sandra Perez, Ysella Fulton-Slavin
Absent but called: Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Socorro Arteaga, Tonie Badillo, Keri Moe, Helen Robert, Michelle Watkins
Absent: Carmen Thompson
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
The meeting was called to order by Aimee Harris-Johnson at 3:05. The minutes from the last meeting were distributed. The
minutes were approved with changes.
The point totals for the award winners for the Minnie Piper Professor Award and the Faculty Achievement Award were shared
with the Committee. Those with the highest point values were approved as winners.
There was discussion about improving the procedure for evaluating the award packets. In the future, Janine Rudnick will send
out a timeline a week before the packets are delivered to the campuses to give evaluators more time to schedule their
evaluations. In addition, both evaluation forms will be on a 100- point scale, and the biography, which is part of the Minnie
Stevens Piper packets, will not be evaluated.
The Professional Leave Procedure was discussed. There have been inquiries about getting released from one or two classes
during a semester instead of taking an entire semester off. The committee’s interpretation was that the procedure would not
provide a reduction in workload, such as a class release, but that either a time period, such as two weeks or a month, or an
entire semester, would be acceptable.
In addition, the committee decided to look into changing the procedure so that a faculty member could apply for Professional
Leave for a calendar year or an academic year. The current procedure states that the leave must be for an academic year.
Janine said she would check to see if procedures can be changed and investigate how to proceed if changes are possible.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 9, 2009
Members Present: Dr. Socorro Arteaga; Tonie Badillo, Beatriz Cuartas, Pat Duran, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Keri Moe, Becky
Perales; Helen Robert, Ysella Fulton Slavin, Carmen Thompson, Michelle Watkins.
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource person: Janine Rudnick
Absent but called: Gabriel Mendoza, Dr. Sandra Perez
Guests: Dr. Carina Ramirez, Blayne Primozich
Keri Moe called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Minutes were approved with the change of “Watkin” to “Watkins.”
There was some discussion about Coordinating Board Credit for workshops. Keri explained that in the past, there had been
many requests for credit for meetings, so the Professional Development committee decided that no one would get credit for
meetings. However, if groups had meetings that included workshops or specialized training, credit could be given. In cases
where it was not possible to know in advance what training was to be presented, the groups could turn in their minutes or
documentation plus the amount of time spent on the activity to get credit.
Everything is now credited through the College’s repository (Cheryl Bowman). If meetings are given credit and are listed in
this repository, they are considered training, so the data could be skewed if it is a meeting without training.
This issue has come up because the Faculty Association wanted credit listed in the catalog for their meetings. Because it
wasn’t known if training was offered during the meeting, credit was not given in the catalog. Keri said that when the
documentation was given, the credit was issued. Also, this was the first year during Keri’s term in Faculty Development that
the Faculty Association has turned in a form for a workshop during Faculty Development Week.
Blayne Primozich from the Faculty Association was introduced as a guest. He presented a concern, wondering why areas such
as Distance Education meetings, which are mandatory in nature, get credit and that FA doesn’t. Keri said that they submitted
information about the training in advance. Blayne commented that because they (DE and others) don’t have to submit minutes,
there’s no guarantee that they cover what the criteria says. Blayne emphasized that the credit should be applied fairly.
Blayne had a concern that if the credit is not listed in the catalog, people won’t know if the credit is then applied after the
meeting/workshop. Keri said that a list can be sent out and that people should always be checking the repository. Blayne
asked if a general description of a workshop would qualify for credit.
Dr. Carina Ramirez stated that every year since the misunderstanding in 2006, the form for the workshop has been sent in, so
credit should have been given. Keri said that this was the first year she had received the form, and in previous years, out of
courtesy, she added the FA meetings to the schedule.
Blayne and Carina were thanked, and they left the meeting.
The committee discussed the situation. Keri said that it was a fair point that was raised; we have to be consistent. There was
discussion about changing #9 of the CB list, and the content of others’ meetings. After much discussion there was a motion by
Bea to go ahead and allow any group to have credit if they submit the form every semester with a generic description if they
comply with the criteria as accorded by the Faculty Development Committee. Tonie seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously but with Keri abstaining. Ysella moved that we review descriptions of workshops/meetings that would like to be
awarded #9 CB credit. There was no second.
The committee changed its focus to Professional Development Leave. There was some discussion about short-term leave and
long-term (year-long) leave, since we have had some individuals inquiring both one or two class releases and a calendar year
leave. After discussion, Michelle moved that we define Professional Leave as an academic unless the person shows
extenuating circumstances for a calendar leave. Bea seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A question was raised concerning short-term leave. A committee member asked if there is a policy for work load reduction.
Dr. Conklin stated that a faculty member can get a work load reduction, but they don’t get paid for the classes that are reduced.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
After discussion, Michelle moved that we should reflect in our minutes that the PD committee states that short-term leave and
work load reductions are not synonymous. Bea seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
Janine brought up the discussion of awards. In the past, two Minnie Stevens Piper packets were sent to the state level. Now,
however, the state allows only one packet to be sent. Since the runner up does not have his/her packet sent to the state level, do
we want to give only one Minnie Stevens Piper award and give an additional adjunct award? After discussion, Carmen moved
that we keep the awards the way they are now, with two Minnie Stevens Piper award winners. Bea seconded the motion, and it
passed unanimously.
Bea moved to adjourn the meeting; Tonie seconded it. Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 21, 2009
Members Present: Tonie Badillo, Gabriel Camacho, Dr. Eileen Conklin, Pat Duran, Celeste Favela, Luis Gabaldon, Norman
Love, Gabriel Mendoza, Cynthia Olivas, Becky Perales, Amy Slater, Michelle Watkins, Keri Moe, Janine Rudnick
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Absent but called: Dr. Sandra Perez
Absent: Dr. Socorro Arteaga
Welcome and Introductions were made by both Janine Rudnick and Keri Moe.
Selection of Secretary
We were asked for a nomination for Secretary. Amy Slater nominated herself, Becky seconded the motion.
Committee Charge
The charge of the committee was read from the Standing Committee Roster by Keri Moe.
Keri Moe stressed that it is important to keep the discussions of the committee confidential in order to keep the
integrity of the awards program. Dr. Eileen Conklin also emphasized this point, adding that no scores should
be discussed and there should not be talk of why someone did not get an award.
Dr. Eileen Conklin said that attendance is very important and mentioned that Dr. Brown often asks if
committee members are participating.
Approval of Minutes
The committee read the minutes from the March 9th meeting. Michelle moved to approve the minutes without
changes and Becky seconded the motion.
There was discussion about the wording of the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award and the Faculty Achievement
Awards. There was an issue last year with Michelle being nominated by her division. The problem was that she had
4 consecutive years of service but one semester she was adjunct. It was decided that she did not qualify. There was
discussion on how to clarify the language, why 4 years was required (which led to discussion of how applicants of the
Minnie Stevens Piper award go on to the National level), and how to word the document without redundancies. It was
decided that the description should read “four consecutive years of full-time faculty service.”
Norman raised the question of who is eligible for Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award. Norman expressed the
opinion that the award should be for teaching faculty and not include counselors and librarians. After discussion of
the titles, contributions, and duties of counselors and librarians as well as the state level consideration for the highest
rated employee, Keri asked if there was a motion about this issue or if we should table it for later discussion. Tonie
agreed that it should be tabled. Janine said she would email the information from the state so we could revisit this
issue later.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Janine told the committee that Dr. Brown wants her to work with the Student Government Assoc (SGA) to add faculty
awards in addition to the Faculty Achievement Award. It was clarified that students CAN nominate faculty for the
Faculty Achievement Award, but they don’t. The SGA decided on 10 awards which is one FT and one Adjunct award
for each campus. $1000 from the Faculty Development Budget can be used for the SGA/Student selected awards.
Janine asked if we want to decrease the number of our awards so that some of the money could be given for the
SGA/Student awards. Pat asked if Dr. Brown would find more money if we continued our awards as they have been.
Janine stated that Dr. Brown told her that she needed to find the money. There was a motion by Pat to leave it as it is
and have conversations about moving money in the future. Tonie seconded the motion.
Janine covered the timeline of the packets for the awards and that we have two weeks to evaluate them before the next
Mini-Grant procedure was covered by Keri. We review these grant applications and decide whether to fund them. All
committee members should become familiar with the guidelines. Keri emphasized that when you get these
notifications by email you need to respond quickly since there is often a short turnaround time for faculty trying to
arrange travel and publicity for events.
Deadlines, compensation, and examples of different types of mini-grant proposals were shared. If a committee
member applies or nominates for an award, he/she does not evaluate any of the packets in that specific award/grant.
Janine stated that mini-grants are first reviewed by her and she will go through it with the candidate and discuss any
questions she has with the proposal. Michelle asked if we can change the form so one can type into it. Janine said she
will be changing that. Both Keri and Janine stressed the importance of promoting the awards and mini-grants through
word of mouth.
Professional Development Leave Procedure
Professional Development Leave Procedure was covered in the meeting. As a committee we review short and long
term leave proposals. We have a procedure change coming up about allowing full year leave on a calendar year (JanDec) instead of just on the academic year. The committee makes decisions about leave in March and the President
and Vice-President need to approve. Therefore, the final decision is not ours.
Employee Recognition Dinner (April 2010)
Our committee is recognized at this Employee Recognition Dinner at the El Paso Club. Keri and Janine suggested we
mark our calendars now for this event!
Election of Chair-Elect
Keri is the outgoing chair and Michelle is the in-coming chair. Keri was thanked for her years of service and we were
assured that this is not the last we will see of her as she is a Faculty Development Coordinator. Gabriel Camacho was
elected as chair-elect.
The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 11th at 3 p.m., RG A121 where we will look at tallies for
the awards we’ve reviewed. It was decided that the spring meeting would be decided in November.
Tonie moved to adjourn the meeting. Gabe Camacho seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Amy Slater, Faculty Development Committee Secretary (831-3157)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2007-2008
November 26, 2007
Members Present: Frank Lujan, Sahyly Martmez, Oscar Velasquez, Ingrid Cardena, Carmen Thompson, Aimee HarrisJohnson, Robert Yarbrough, Miguel Aguilar, Helen Robert, Beatriz Cuartas, Ysella Fulton Slavin
Absent but called: Keri Moe
Absent: Gabriela Schwab
Resource/Liaison Present: Dr. Eileen Conklin, Mary Beth Haan
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m.
The minutes from the last meeting were distributed. The minutes were approved.
The Piper Award top score was earned by David Henry. The second place person was Janine Rudnick. A discussion was held
regarding the possibility of setting a specific period of time before someone can be nominated again after winning the EPCC
Piper Award. This will be discussed at the spring meeting.
The Faculty Achievement Award top scores were Dr. Socorro Arteaga, Jose Baltazar, and Tracy von Maluski. The committee
was requested that all packets be in the same size packets and in the same format. The committee requested only packets be
allowed and not binders. Also, the committee requested that all paperwork be typed. The committee did not want handwritten
The Mini-Grant Procedure was reviewed again. The committee approved sending the proposed procedure revisions to Dr.
Brown. The committee approved an application form and suggested naming it the Faculty Professional Development MiniGrant Application Form. It was suggested that a workshop on Mini-Grants be presented during Faculty Development Week.
Another suggestion was that each committee member talk to his/her division about Mini-Grants.
The Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award Timelines were reviewed.
Joel Villademoros sent word that the Faculty Retreat theme may be Building Bridges between Faculty.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 3, 2008
Members Present: Beatriz Cuartas, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Frank Lujan, Sahyly Martinez, Keri Moe, Helen Robert, Gabriela
Schwab, Carmen Thompson, Robert Yarbrough, Mary Beth Haan (resource person)
Absent but called – Miguel Aguilar, Ingrid Cardena, Oscar Velasquez
Absent –Ysella Fulton Slavin, Dr. Eileen Conklin - Liaison (had a conflict)
The meeting was called to order at 3:26 p.m.
The minutes from the last meeting were distributed. The minutes were approved.
The Adjunct Award top scores were earned by Patricia Barrientos and Cesar Rivera.
The Faculty Professional Development Leave rankings were reviewed. The rankings will be given to Dr. Dennis E. Brown,
Vice President of Instruction. The Vice President’s Office will review the recommendations and make final decisions. The
Vice President’s Office will release the information to the applicants.
The Piper Award and Faculty Achievement Award Timelines for 2008-2009 were reviewed.
A motion was made and seconded and approved to change the Piper Award wording to include “The Piper Award is open to
full-time faculty members who have completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC and have not received
this award within the past three years.” This change was made after a discussion in Fall 2007 that currently no guidelines were
in place regarding the amount of time between winning the award and being able to win the award another time.
The Committee considered the wording on the Adjunct Achievement Award. Concern was raised because full-time employees
of the College, who are not faculty members, could be nominated as adjunct faculty members if they teach a course as an
overload. The Committee decided to think about the situation and finalize the wording in Fall 2008.
Professional Development Leave Evaluation and Award reviews were discussed. Frank Lujan and Keri Moe, the present and
next year’s chairs, will put together information or more to help future members of the committee when evaluating the various
awards and the leave applications.
Mary Beth Haan gave an update on the mini-grant/guest lecturer activity for the academic year.
Mary Beth Haan gave an update on the Annual Recognition Dinner scheduled for April 25 at the El Paso Club. Frank Lujan
and Aimee Harris-Johnson will assist with social hour.
Keri Moe asked the Committee members to provide input into what meetings/workshops should receive Coordinating Board
credit. Keri provided the Criteria for awarding Coordinating Board Credit that the Faculty Professional Development
Committee had previously approved. She described various scenarios of people and groups requesting CB credit. The
Committee made a motion and approved upholding the Criteria already established (all approved with Keri Moe abstaining).
Keri Moe presented e-mail messages from Dr. Carina Ramirez and Tracy vonMaluski, officers of the Faculty Association,
providing justification for CB credit being awarded for Faculty Association meetings. The Committee moved and approved
that the Faculty Association should follow the same guidelines as other groups and individuals follow (all approved with Keri
Moe and Beatriz Cuartas abstaining). The Committee was concerned that credit should not just be given for regular business
meetings. The Committee stressed that credit should only be given if an agenda is submitted prior to the meeting, and the
agenda clearly documents that professional development activities and length of time for which it will occur. However, the
Committee noted that sometimes the Faculty Development Office may need to review minutes and other documentation in
order to award CB after a meeting occurred. The Committee recommended that the Faculty Professional Development
Committee in 2008-2009 review and possibly redesign the process for applying for Coordinating Board Credit for future
workshops and meetings.
The next meeting will be Friday, August 22, at 8:30 a.m. at the Rio Grande Campus in room A-121. This will be during
Faculty Development Week and will be a training meeting for new committee members.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 22, 2008
Members Present: Dr. Socorro Arteaga; Tonie Badillo Beatriz Cuartas, Pat Duran, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Frank Lujan, Keri
Moe, Becky Perales; Dr. Sandra Perez; Helen Robert, Carmen Thompson, Michelle Watkins.
Members Absent: Ysella Fulton-Slavin, Gabriel Mendoza
Resource Person: Janine Rudnick
Liaison: Dr. Eileen Conklin
The meeting was called to order by Frank Lujan, out-going chair at 8:39 a.m. He introduced Keri Moe as the new chair of the
Professional Development Committee and welcomed everyone. Dr. Conklin presented Frank a gift as a token of our
appreciation for his leadership on the committee.
The minutes from the last meeting were distributed. The minutes were approved.
Keri Moe talked about the committee charge. She said we have an important role in the College because it is faculty driven.
She and Dr. Conklin discussed how important confidentiality and attendance are because we are looking at information that is
possibly tied to money. You can accept an award nomination, but then you cannot be a part of the packet reviews. If you feel
you can’t be objective for any reason, you will need to recuse yourself.
The timeline of the Faculty Achievement Award was discussed by the committee members. Frank Lujan suggested copying
the nomination folders so that committee members at least two campuses can be looking at the folders at the same time. A
motion was made and passed (with two abstentions) that the copies be made. With the shortened time for nomination
evaluations, we can add more time for people to nominate someone and for individuals to get their materials into the Faculty
Development Office. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the timelines be changed.
Janine Rudnick asked for assistance in coming with ways to make the Faculty Achievement awards more focused on student
nominations. Committee members suggested using the EPCC newspaper, SmartStart, working with Campus Life, promoting it
in classes, hanging flyers, and making sure the nomination form is easy to access online. The form will also be changed to
have the students’ check box listed first on the form to reflect the importance of student involvement.
Keri explained what Mini-grants are and explained the procedure to the members. The procedure isn’t a finalized one; it’s still
a working document. The committee has $15,000 for use with mini-grants and guest speakers. The maximum amount given
for a mini-grant is whatever a 3-hour class is worth. Evaluation forms for mini-grants will be e-mailed to everyone, since fast
turn-around time is often required. If there are disagreements or questions, the committee will meet.
Mini-grant recipients need to provide a follow-up report within 60 days of the end of their projects. The committee discussed
further follow-up for mini-grant recipients. It was moved (Becky Perales), seconded (Tonie Badillo) and passed that those who
have been awarded a mini-grant be required to showcase their project at a faculty development session. Janine will add this
information to the Procedure and send it to Dr. Brown.
The Professional Leave Procedure was given to committee members. There are no updates for this procedure. The committee
makes the recommendation for Dr. Brown’s review and approval. Janine Rudnick said she would publicize the deadlines.
The EPCC Recognition dinner will be at the El Paso Club in April.
Michelle Watkins was nominated and elected as chair-elect of the committee. She will take over in the fall of 2009.
The Committee reviewed a request from Hector Serrano to bring in Daniel Lujan as a guest lecturer. The motion to approve
was made (Beatriz Cuartas) seconded (Aimee Harris-Johnson) and passed. Hector will be notified the first week of classes.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2006-2007
October 23, 2006
Rio Grande Campus, Room A-121
Members Present: Ingrid Cardena, Claudia Cochran, Robert Ferrell, Ghassan Kachmar, Frank Lujan, Sandra Padilla, Helen
Robert, Gabriela Schwab, Sahyly Martinez, Oscar Velasquez. Also present were Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison;
and Mary Beth Haan, Resource
Absent: Miguel Aguilar (did not call), Keri Moe (called to report a conflict and that she would be unable to attend), Robert
Yarbrough (called to report a conflict and that she would be unable to attend)
Claudia Cochran, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.
Minutes from the August 18, 2006 meeting were approved.
The committee approved Saturnino Gonzalez was the top Piper Award winner who will be representing EPCC next year at the
State competition. Ron Clark was the runner up and will also be recognized at the annual dinner. These recommendations will
be forwarded to Dr. Dennis Brown for his consideration.
The Committee recommended that the forms be sent to the nominees in an electronic form.
The wording on the Faculty Achievement Award announcement was discussed. A couple of suggestions were made. The
changes will be brought back to the committee.
Adjunct timelines were passed out. The Committee said to mirror the full-time award announcement. Mary Beth is to bring
the proposed changes to the next meeting.
PD leave form was discussed. The second-line supervisor line caused some confusion last spring. Dr. Conklin will talk to Dr.
Brown because PD leaves effect more than instructional faculty.
The Committee looked at reports from people who had mini-grants approved in the past.
The committee will review the College Procedure, the Faculty Development guidelines for Mini-Grant and Guest Lecturer, and
a draft of an application form for the mini-grant and guest lecturer. It was suggested that a Committee Task Force be
established to look over the College Procedure and the Faculty Development addendums. Oscar Velasquez, Frank Lujan,
Helen Robert, Claudia Cochran, and Mary Beth Haan will look at the College Procedure and at the Faculty Development
addendum to the College Procedure. Dr. Conklin was asked to ask Dr. Brown for information on the intent of the College
Procedure on the Web.
Frank Lujan was selected as the chair-elect.
The next meeting will be at 3:15 p.m. on November 14, 2006, in A-121 on the Rio Grande Campus.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 14, 2006
Present: Miguel Aguilar, Ingrid Cardena, Claudia Cochran, Robert Ferrell, Helen Robert, Frank Lujan, Sandra Padilla, Sahyly
Martinez, Oscar Velasquez, Robert Yarbrough, Gabriela Schwab (sent an e-mail message to report a conflict – BUT she came
for the last portion of the meeting)
Also present were Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison; and Mary Beth Haan, Resource
Absent: Ghassan Kachmar (called to report a conflict), Keri Moe (called to report she had a conflict),
A Faculty Professional Development Committee meeting was held at 3:15 p.m. on November 14, 2006, at the Rio Grande
Campus, Room A-121.
Claudia Cochran, Chair, called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the October 23, 2006, meetings were approved.
The Faculty Achievement Award ranks were shown. Only three packets were submitted, so all three names will be suggested
to Dr. Dennis Brown. The faculty members are Antonio Juarez, Ivette Chuca, and Gamal Hussein.
The wording on the Faculty Achievement Award and Adjunct Faculty Achievement Award nomination announcements were
reviewed and suggestions were made to standardize the two announcements. These changes will be implemented immediately.
The Task Force is looking at the Mini-Grant and Guest Lecturer procedures. A meeting will be scheduled for 8:30 to 10:30
a.m. Friday morning of Spring Faculty Development Week at the Valle Verde Campus. The room will be announced. Dr.
Eileen Conklin reported that Dr. Brown had directed that the College Procedure be reviewed and revised to reflect that the
mini-grant and guest lecturer money is for faculty. Currently the procedure could be interrupted to include any employee.
Dr. Brown had requested that the second-line supervisor signature line be removed from the Professional Development Leave
form. Discussion was raised concerning counseling and who their supervisors are. This signature line and references to the
second-line supervisor will be removed from the form. In addition, Dr. Conklin raised a couple of questions about the
Professional Development Leave form. A Task Force was formed to review this issue. Task Force members include Miguel
Aguilar, Helen Robert, Sahyly Martinez, and Mary Beth Haan to review the entire form and procedure.
The next meeting is at 3:15 p.m. on March 26, 2007, in A-121 on the Rio Grande Campus.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 26, 2007
The committee discussed requiring that all award forms be typed in the future.
The committee reviewed the rankings of the Adjunct Faculty Award. The awards go to Jeannette Minnie and Cornelia
The committee reviewed the professional leave rankings resulting from their reviews.
Dinner: Claudia, Ingrid and Robert Yarbrough will help with the tickets.
Mini-grant procedure revisions were reviewed.
Timelines for Piper and Faculty Achievement Award for 2007-2008 were shared. The information at the top needs to be
changed to match the application forms. The committee decided to remove the word three from the number from the timeline
The next meeting will be Friday, August 17, 2007, at 8:30 a.m. This will be an orientation meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 17, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. The purpose of the meeting was to provide orientation to the new members of the
Following introductions, the committee charge, confidentiality, and attendance at committee meetings were reviewed. Each
committee member was given a packet of information about committee responsibilities.
The minutes of the March 26, 2007 meeting were approved.
Timelines for awards and Professional Development Leave were shown and some of the guidelines were discussed.
The mini-grant procedure revisions were reviewed. The committee noted that the Faculty Senate President needs to be
informed about the revisions. Committee member comments on the procedure should be sent to Oscar Velasquez by e-mail
with a copy to Mary Beth Haan no later than August 24. Several other issues regarding the procedure were raised. The
committee requested that the past recipients of the Mini-Grants be posted on the Web or put in the newsletter.
Frank Lujan, who was chair-elect last year, becomes chair. Keri Moe was elected as chair-elect.
The committee will e-mail Mary Beth Haan their available times for meetings for Fall 2007.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2005-2006
October 24, 2005
The Faculty Professional Development Committee met at 3 p.m. on October 24, 2005, in Room A-201 at the Administrative
Service Center.
Present: Miguel Aguilar, Claudia Cochran, Pat Duran, Ghassan Kachmar, Keri Moe, Sandra Padilla, Becky Perales, Helen
Robert, Linda E. Silva, Ruth Vise, Tracy vonMaluski, Dr. Eileen Conklin (Administrative Liaison), Mary Beth Haan (resource)
Absent but called: Robert Ferrell
Absent: none
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by Claudia Cochran.
The minutes from the August 19, 2005, meeting were reviewed and approved.
The committee members introduced themselves.
Dr. Conklin updated the committee on meeting attendance. In addition, the CE representative Linda Bacion has resigned from
the committee and a new CE person has not yet been appointed.
The Piper Award results were reviewed. The committee approved Lillie Johnson as the winner of the Piper Award to be the El
Paso Community College representative to the State competition, and Tony Procell is the other person to be honored by El
Paso Community College.
Mary Beth Haan shared follow-up reports from a mini-grant and guest lecturer visit. The committee asked questions regarding
the mini-grant and guest lecturer requests. The guidelines are available on the Faculty Development Internet Site and the
EPCC Board Policy and College Procedure Internet Site.
Keri Moe asked for more information from the committee members regarding the criteria for Coordinating Board Credit
workshops. Ms. Moe wanted feedback for awarding the credit for ongoing workshops. She specifically asked for when credit
should be awarded and what qualifies as a workshop versus a meeting. The following ideas and suggestions were presented:
The credit should apply to the semester that the workshop is offered and not for a future semester.
The credit could apply to meetings if there is a minimum of 50 minutes of training.
The credit can only be awarded if someone has applied to Faculty Development and provides information about the
The workshop should be open to everyone and not discipline specific in order to receive credit.
Ms. Moe could develop some guidelines for the criteria and bring those guidelines to the next meeting for the
committee’s consideration.
Becky Perales mentioned the adjunct award and the criteria for the award. The criteria will mirror the Faculty Achievement
Award criteria in order to give librarians and counselors opportunities to apply for the awards.
Ms. Moe expressed appreciation to the committee for their assistance in selecting the theme “Building on Success” for the
Spring 2006 Faculty Development Week. She noted that several good workshop proposals had been submitted.
Dr. Conklin reported that the committee’s charge had been revised and approved by Dr. Brown. The revised charge has been
submitted to Institutional Effectiveness.
The next meeting will be Monday, November 21, 2005, at 3 p.m. in A-201 at the Administrative Service Center.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 21, 2005
The Faculty Professional Development Committee met at 3 p.m. on November 21, 2005, in Room A-201 at the Administrative
Service Center.
Present: Miguel Aguilar, Claudia Cochran, Pat Duran, Ghassan Kachmar, Sandra Padilla, Becky Perales, Helen Robert, Ruth
Vise, Tracy vonMaluski, Dr. Eileen Conklin (Administrative Liaison), Mary Beth Haan (resource)
Absent but called: Keri Moe, Linda Silva
Absent: Robert Ferrell
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by Claudia Cochran.
The minutes from the October 24, 2005, meeting were reviewed and approved.
The Faculty Achievement Award results were reviewed. The top three people were Joyce Whiteside, Sulaiman Abushager,
and Gabriela Schwab.
Ms. Cochran reported that Keri Moe would be incorporating the suggestions from the last Faculty Professional Development
Committee for criteria for receiving Coordinating Board for workshops. She will be using this information in the spring and
report back to the Faculty Professional Development Committee at a later date.
Committee members questioned how workshops were selected for Faculty Development Week and if any workshops were
turned down. In addition, Committee members requested that there be a survey or a means to let the Faculty Development
Office know what topics would be desirable for future workshops. It was noted that the Fall Faculty Development Week
evaluations asked for suggested workshops.
The guidelines for Mini-Grants, Guest Lecturers, and Professional Development Leaves were given to Committee members.
Adjunct Award nominations and the review process will be in the spring. It was suggested that the review process of
documents be moved to a large area at the Valle Verde Campus because the space at the Faculty Development Office is
The next meeting will be Friday, March 24, 2006, at 3 p.m. in A-201 at the Administrative Service Center.
The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 24, 2006
ASC Room A201
Members Present: Miguel Aguilar, Claudia Cochran, Pat Duran, Robert Ferrell, Ghassan Kachmar, Keri Moe, Sandra
Padilla, Becky Perales, Helen Robert, Linda Silva, Ruth Vise, Dr. Eileen Conklin (Administrative Liaison), Mary Beth Haan
Absent but called: Tracy von Maluski
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m.
The minutes from the November 21, 2005, meeting were reviewed and approved.
The Adjunct Faculty Award results were reviewed. The top two people were Ousama Abbas and Mike Fraga. (A change was
made when it was discovered that Mr. Fraga was full-time this semester. Mary Ervin was the next name and was thus
The Committee reviewed their rankings of the Professional Development Leave requests. There were a couple of questions
regarding the procedure and the forms. The Committee would like to go through the faculty professional development forms in
the future.
The Committee was updated on the April 28, 2006, College Recognition dinner.
The Committee discussed the timelines for the Minnie Stevens Piper Award, Faculty Achievement Award, Professional
Development Leave, and Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Recognition Award. The Committee discussed the time for the review
and requested that the full-time be allowed for the review at each campus.
August 14-18, 2006, will be the Fall 2006 Faculty Development Week according to Kerri Moe, Faculty Development
Coordinator. The theme will be Achieving the Dream. The call for papers will come out soon.
The next meeting will be Friday, August 18, 2006, at 8:30 a-m. at the Rio Grande Campus. The date could be changed
depending on the Faculty Development Week schedule.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 18, 2006
Members Present: Miguel Aguilar, Ingrid Cardena, Claudia Cochran, Robert Ferrell, Frank Lujan, Keri Moe, Sandra Padilla,
Gabriela Schwab, Sahly Martinez, Oscar Velasquez, Robert Yarbrough. Also present were Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative
Liaison; and Mary Beth Haan, Resource
Absent: Ghassan Kachmar called to report a schedule conflict and that he would be unable to attend. Helen Robert did not
A Faculty Professional Development Committee meeting was held at 8:30 a.m. on August 18, 2006, at the Rio Grande
Campus, Room A-121. The meeting's purpose was to provide orientation to the role of the committee.
Claudia Cochran, Chair, called the meeting to order. The committee members introduced themselves.
Dr. Conklin gave an administrative overview. She stressed the importance of participation in committee work. Ms. Cochran
will be the chair again this year. A Chair-Elect for this year will be selected at the October 23 meeting.
Ms. Cochran gave an overview of the committee's responsibilities. Ms. Keri Moe informed the committee about how the
committee assists with her work with Faculty Development.
The minutes from the last meeting were presented and approved.
The committee went through the various timelines and guidelines. The Adjunct timelines need to be adjusted because Spring
Break 2007 week has been changed.
At the next meeting, the committee will review the Professional Development Leave forms and guidelines, the Mini-Grant
procedure, the Guest Lecturer procedure, and a proposed template for the mini-grant and guest lecturer requests.
Ms. Mary Beth Haan will speak to Dr. Brown about the College Procedure on Mini-Grants.
The next meeting is at 3:15 p.m. on October 23, 2006; in A-121 on the Rio Grande Campus.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2004-2005
September 23, 2004
A Faculty Professional Development Committee meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. on September 23, 2004, at the Northwest
Campus, Room M-57.
Committee members in attendance included Pat Duran, Terri Mann, Myshie Pagel, Ruth Vise, Helen Robert, Lawrence Welsh,
Tracy vonMaluski, and Linda Silva. Also, in attendance were the committee resource persons, Joel Villademoros, Kelli WoodMancha, and Mary Beth Haan. Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison, was also in attendance. Committee members
absent included Linda Bacion, Ghassan Kachmar, Ray Casillas, Rebecca Perales, and Miguel Aguilar.
The following items were discussed at this meeting:
The proposed timelines for the Adjunct Faculty Award were presented. The committee approved the timelines.
Faculty Achievement Award Eligibility was discussed. The application emphasizes classroom teaching activity. A couple
counselors were nominated recently, and the concern was raised if the current evaluation criteria for the award would be fair to
the counselors because classroom observations/evaluations are considered. Another concern was in which existing Faculty
Achievement Award category would counselors and librarians fit. The committee discussed adding a fourth category and
creating a separate form/criteria for the non-teaching faculty. Since no changes could be made until next year, it was decided
to get feedback from counselors and librarians. In addition, Dr. Conklin would take the issue to Leadership for their feedback.
Ms. Kelli Wood-Mancha, Faculty Development Coordinator, updated Committee members on the new process of allowing
faculty members to receive Faculty Development Coordinating Board credit for workshops held during Faculty Development
and during the semester. However, she raised the question, “Should faculty members get credit for attending meetings?” This
had occurred in the past on a few occasions. The Committee discussed the issue, and though the guidelines allow for credit to
be award, the Committee decided that the “spirit” of faculty development should be recognized. As a result, the Committee
decided that committee, coordinator, division, and discipline meetings should not count toward Professional Faculty
Development credit.
The Guest Lecturer Guidelines do not have a set maximum dollar amount as does the Mini-Grant Guidelines. The Committee
discussed the issue and decided to leave the guidelines as they are to allow for the possibility of bring in a “big name” speaker.
However, the Committee decided to review the Guest Lecturer Guidelines at the next meeting to update some of the titles.
Terri Mann, Transmountain Campus, was elected Chair of the Faculty Professional Development Committee.
The Committee decided to meet at the Rio Grande Campus for the next meeting. The Committee members said that 3 p.m.
Monday was the best meeting time.
The meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 8, 2004
A Faculty Professional Development Committee meeting was held at 3 p.m. on November 8, 2004, at the Rio Grande Campus,
Room A-121. Committee members in attendance included Pat Duran, Terri Mann, Myshie Pagel, Lawrence Welsh, Tracy
vonMaluski, Ray Casillas, Rebecca Perales, and Miguel Aguilar. Also, in attendance were committee resource people: Joel
Villademoros and Mary Beth Haan. Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison, was not in attendance (called). Committee
members absent included Linda Bacion, Ghassan Kachmar, Ruth Vise (called), Helen Robert, and Linda Silva (called).
The following items were discussed at this meeting:
The Committee reviewed and approved Ms. Janine Rudnick as the Piper Professor Award winner to represent El Paso
Community College for the State Piper Professor Award. Ms. Julie Penley was the runner up. Ms. Penley will also be
recognized by the EPCC.
At the September meeting of the Faculty Professional Development Committee, the Committee noted that non-teaching faculty
would have difficulty meeting the current criteria for the Faculty Achievement Award. The Committee further discussed the
issue at the November meeting. Ms. Duran will talk to the counselors, the Mission del Paso Dean, and the Mission del Paso
librarian. Dr. Conklin has sent a memo to the Deans to review the criteria for the librarians and counselors. Their feedback is
to be sent to Ms. Mann by November 30.
The Committee discussed if the Mini-Grant and Guest Lecturer approval form should have a box to check if someone would
like to meet to discuss the proposal. There was a motion made, second, and approved to leave the form and the cover memo
the way they currently appear.
The Guest Lecturer Guidelines with revised titles were presented to the Committee. The revised guidelines were approved.
The Committee received a memo outlining the amount of money the Faculty Professional Development Committee has
approved for Mini-Grants and Guest Lecturers so far during the 2004-2005 Academic Year.
At the last Faculty Professional Development Committee, the Committee met with Ms. Kelli Wood-Mancha and voted to not
give Committee, Division, Coordinators, and Discipline meetings Coordinating Board Faculty Development credit. Ms. Mann
received a memo from a faculty member requesting that this be rescinded. The Committee decided to not take action at this
time, but Ms. Wood-Mancha will be invited to the next meeting to revisit this topic.
In addition, Ms. Mann reported that Ms. Wood-Mancha has asked that the Faculty Professional Development Committee select
the workshops for Faculty Development Week. The Committee discussed whether the Faculty Professional Development
Committee wanted to help select the workshops for Faculty Development Week. Mr. Villademoros suggested Ms. WoodMancha develop criteria for the Committee to use when selecting Faculty Development Week workshops. The Committee
suggested that the Faculty Development workshop form could be revised to include a list of the Coordinating Board areas of
credit and let the presenters suggest which criteria the workshop would meet. The Committee decided to not to take any action
at this time, but Ms. Wood-Mancha and Ms. Stacy Mayo, Faculty Development Coordinators, will be invited to attend the next
meeting to discuss the Committee’s involvement in the selection of Faculty Development Week Workshops.
The Committee has been asked by the Faculty Development Coordinators to brainstorm possible themes for future Faculty
Development Weeks. The Committee suggested that the Faculty Development Workshop evaluations should include a request
for suggestions for future Faculty Development Week Themes. This will be discussed at the next Faculty Professional
Development meeting.
The Committee reviewed the Faculty Achievement Award notebooks. The Committee approved Mr. Ron Suciu for the
Academic Area Faculty Achievement Award and Ms. Maureen Murphy for Occupational Education Area Faculty
Achievement Award.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 17, 2005
A Faculty Professional Development Committee meeting was held at 3 p.m. on March 17, 2005, at the Transmountain Campus
Conference Center Room.
Present: Miguel Aguilar, Pat Duran, Ghassan Kachmar, Terri Mann, Myshie Pagel, Helen Robert, Ruth Vise, Tracy
vonMaluski, Dr. Eileen Conklin (Administrative Liaison), Mary Beth Haan (resource)
Absent: Linda Bacion, Ray Casillas (had a conflict), Rebecca Perales (had a conflict), Linda Silva, Lawrence Welsh (had a
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.
The following items were discussed at this meeting:
Minutes from the November meeting were approved.
Old Business
Faculty Award Selection – Ms. Perales sent an e-mail message to Ms. Mann stating that the Librarians were
satisfied with the existing selection criteria for the Faculty Award. Ms. Duran reported that the Counselors
suggested changes be made in the cover memorandum in the section outlining the sections of the required
binder. It was suggested that Section 1 read “Your latest available New Student Orientation evaluation.”
Section 3 should read “This year’s student evaluation of counselor performance.” Section 5 would read “A
list of your College activities, division activities, and faculty/counselor leadership activities since your last
self-evaluation.” In addition, on the form to be completed by the nominee, the counselors suggested that the
form include the following statements: “Briefly describe your philosophy of counseling” and “Describe your
efforts this academic year to ensure the quality of the students’ counseling experience.” Other suggested
changes included changing “Dean” to Dean/Supervisor,” changing “instruction” to “counseling services,”
and changing “faculty” to “faculty/counselor.”
Ms. Mann suggested that there should be one form applicable for all faculty members.
Ms. Duran made motion to add categories to the Faculty Achievement Award for librarians and counselors.
Discussion included the number of people who would qualify for the librarians and counselor categories. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Robert and approved.
Ms. Mann said that Ms. Kelli Wood-Mancha noted that there was not formal negative feedback for not
offering Coordinating Board credit for committee meetings.
Ms. Mann reported that Dr. Brown had said it was Ms. Wood-Mancha responsibility to select the workshops
for the Faculty Development Week.
The Faculty Professional Development Committee approved the revisions to the Ms. Scott and Ms. Wong
guest lecturer request.
New Business
Adjunct Faculty Award winners were Lois Noroozi and Christina Bentley.
Professional Development Leave Requests were discussed by the Faculty Professional Development
Committee. The Committee reviewed the results of the individual votes were. Eligibility criteria for a onesemester leave were discussed. It was decided to rank the candidates’ scores and to add comments before
sending this on to Dr. D. Brown. Because one of the committee’s members had given a vote of ‘incomplete’
to one of the candidates, that committee member’s scores were omitted. Three professional development
leave requests were recommended, and it was recommended that the fourth applicant submit a more specific,
detailed plan in the future. Also, it was recommended that one of the candidates receive comments making
sure he/she is aware of concerns regarding continuous five years of tenure-track service.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Minnie Piper Stevens award deadlines were reviewed for information and approved.
The Faculty Achievement Award deadlines were examined. The review was after the Committee voted to
add a fourth and fifth category to this award: Counseling area and Librarians. The Faculty Professional
Development Committee requested that a checklist be added to the top of the form where the candidate will
indicate which one of the five areas they would wish to be considered under, if the reorganization of
Developmental Education is approved.
Professional Development Leave timelines for the 2006-2007 academic year were reviewed and approved.
Adjunct Faculty Award timelines for the 2006-2007 academic year were reviewed and suggestions were
made in the wording.
Information – Dr. Conklin mentioned an orientation meeting during Faculty Development Week. Ms. Mann
will set the meeting at 8:30 a.m. Friday of Faculty Development Week in Room E-109.
Next meeting of the Faculty Professional Development Committee will be Monday, April 11, 2005 at 3 p.m. at the
Mission del Paso Campus in Room A-103
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 19, 2005
The Faculty Professional Development Committee met at 8:30 a.m. on August 19, 2005, in Room E-111 at the Rio Grande
Present: Miguel Aguilar, Claudia Cochran, Pat Duran, Robert Ferrell, Ghassan Kachmar, Keri Moe, Sandra Padilla, Becky
Perales, Linda E. Silva, Tracy vonMaluski
Dr. Eileen Conklin (Administrative Liaison), Mary Beth Haan (resource)
Absent but called: Ruth Vise
Absent: Linda Bacion, Helen Robert
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Dr. Conklin.
The meeting started with the committee members introducing themselves.
Information about the committee’s responsibilities was discussed.
The committee received copies of award applications and other materials relevant to the committee’s duties. The following
items were discussed at this meeting:
The charge of the committee was reviewed. The charge needs to be updated. The changes include deleting the Energy
Foundation Award and changing “part-time” to “adjunct.”
Dr. Conklin reminded all committee members of the importance of attending meetings. In addition, Dr. Brown has asked
about attendance at meetings.
Dr. Conklin discussed the need for confidentiality when reviewing committee documents.
The various awards that the committee members review were noted. The awards and the processes were discussed.
There was a discussion addressing that all faculty (teaching faculty, counselors, and librarians) would have equal
opportunity to qualify for the awards.
Faculty Professional Development Leave request guidelines were reviewed.
The members were told about the annual recognition dinner in April and that they had the opportunity to attend.
Mini-grants and guest lecture requests were discussed. It was suggested that the people receiving guest lecture money
should be encouraged to announce the events more.
The future meeting times are Monday, October 24 and November 21 at 3 p.m. ASC.
Claudia Cochran was elected as chair of the committee.
Committee mentioned that courses are cancelled after New Faculty Orientation, so some new faculty members attend the
orientation and then don’t have any classes. Questions were asked about the timelines. It was suggested to contact Stacy
Mayo about the timing of New Faculty Orientation and Dale Hougham about the timing of canceling classes.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2003-2004
October 4, 2003
Committee members present included Dr. Linda Brown, Ray Casillas, Pat Duran, Debbi Farrelly, Kerry Ann Gardner, Mary
Hill-Shinn, Andrea Rico-Elizondo, Helen Robert, Ruth Vise, Tracy vonMaluski, and Sharon Yu-Shattuck. Also, in attendance
were Dr. Eileen Conklin, Dr. Dennis Brown, and Joel Villademoros.
The following committee members were not in attendance: Ms. Pam Aguirre and Mr. Rick Webb.
The following items were discussed during this meeting:
Dr. Dennis Brown began the meeting by addressing the committee. Dr. Brown remarked that this is an important
College committee as it recommends faculty for awards, leaves, etc. The importance of impartially reviewing
documents and participating in the evaluation process was stressed. In addition, Dr. Brown noted that in the recent past,
there have been problems which have had an impact on the work of the committee.
The next item of discussion involved the Piper Awards. Joel mentioned that the folder given out at the beginning of the
meeting contained memo's, evaluation forms, etc., pertaining to all of the awards, mini-grants, PD leaves, etc. , which
are handled by the committee. Those present were asked if there were any questions regarding the evaluation form to be
used to evaluate the Piper packets. There was some discussion on how to rate in regard to student evaluation of
teaching. Ms. Linda Brown mentioned some of the problems which occurred in regard to the Piper packet she submitted
last fall. One major problem involved the fact that her packet was misplaced and reviewed after the committee had
reviewed all of the other nominees. She also mentioned items being pulled out her packet, etc. Other committee
members mentioned problems that they had encountered and there was discussion about how to handle Piper packets in
the future. One major concern involved security. Ms. Mary Hill-Shinn noted the lack of security she observed at
Transmountain in regard to the Piper packets. Joel requested that committee members from the Transmountain campus
inquire into how we might provide tighter security when packets are at that location. Another item of concern involved
rotating award packets among campuses. The committee voted to rotate the Piper packets to all campuses. In order to
accommodate the extra time required to do this, the timelines for reviewing packets will be extended into late January of
2004. Thus, the committee will make a final decision by either late January or early February of 2004. On a final note,
Joel mentioned that the committee may want to consider revising future Piper requirements. Thus, we have attached a
copy of the form the College nominee submits to the Piper Foundation.
The next item of discussion involved the "waiting period" between when one wins an award and when one is again
eligible for that award. Joel mentioned that even though the committee at past meetings may have agreed on a waiting
period, we have no record of a committee vote on this matter. After some discussion, those present voted to have a three
year waiting period. Herein, one would be eligible the fourth year after they had received an award. This waiting period
would apply to all awards.
The next item of business involved the Faculty Achievement Award for 2003-2004. Joel noted that under the current
timelines, the committee would be reviewing the Faculty Achievement Award simultaneously with the Part-Time
Award. Thus, it was agreed to revise the time lines, so that the call for nominations would go out in November rather
than in January. Attached are revised timelines which I have prepared. Ms. Mary Hill-Shinn has also submitted
timelines for this award which are similar except that they require the nominee to submit their packets by January 23th
as opposed to the 28th. Revised timelines will need to be discussed and voted on at the next committee meeting. Ms.
Mary Hill-Shinn has also submitted drafts which are revisions of the announcement of the Faculty Achievement Award,
the memo sent to nominees and the evaluation form to be used by the committee. Please review these drafts as the
committee will need to decide on revisions of these documents at its next meeting. Thank you Mary!
Other items of discussion involved the need to review the documents pertaining to the Part-time Faculty Award and the
mini-grants. Committee members were asked to review these documents prior to the next meeting. Of special
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
importance is the need for the committee to make a recommendation, at its next meeting, regarding the two mini-grants
currently under consideration. Several committee members noted their appreciation in receiving folders containing
materials related to all of the awards and grants. Joel mentioned that the Faculty Development Office staff should be
thanked for preparing the folders.
It was decided that the next committee meeting will be held on, Monday, October 20, 2003. The meeting will be in
conference room 1005 at the Transmountain Campus.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is limited to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who have
completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, faculty or administrators
can nominate faculty for this award. This year there will be four honorees, two from the academic areas
and two from the occupational education areas. Evaluation is completed by the Professional
Development Committee and honorees are recognized at the Awards Banquet in the Spring. The
recipients of this award will each receive a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
November 10, 2003
Announcement of award and application procedures.
December 1, 2003
Nominations are due in the Faculty Development Office, Room C204, Valle Verde.
December 3, 2003
Faculty Development Office will notify nominees.
January 28, 2004
Nominees should forward all required documents to the Faculty
Development Office by this date.
February 2-March 5, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents.
March 12, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents and
submits recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction.
April, 2004
Announcement of winners.
April 2004
Recognition by President at the College Award's Dinner.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is limited to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who have
completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, full- or part-time faculty,
or administrators can nominate faculty for this award. This year there will be four honorees, two from the
academic areas and two from the occupational education areas. The Professional Development
Committee evaluates the nominees' packets, and honorees are recognized at the College Awards Banquet
in the spring. The recipients of this award will each receive a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for
Great Teaching.
November 10, 2003
Announcement of award
December 1, 2003
Nominations due in the Faculty Development Office (Room C-204
December 3, 2003
Faculty Development office notifies nominees.
January 23, 2004
All required documents from nominees due in Faculty Development
Office by 5:00 p. m.
January 27 - March 5, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents.
March 12, 2004
Vice President of Instruction receives recommendations from
Professional Development Committee.
April 2004
Announcement of winners
May 2004
Recognition of winners by President at College Awards Banquet
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Quality of classroom learning experience
Student Evaluation / Students' Nomination Forms (20%)
Administrative Evaluations / Dean's Nomination Form (20%)
Variety of Instructional Methodologies / Peer's Nomination Form /
Nominated Faculty's Nomination Form (20%)
Active participation in College / division / discipline activities (20%)
Professional growth (list of continuing education and faculty
development activities) (10%)
Community service (list) (10%)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
SUBJECT: 2004 Faculty Achievement Award Notification
Congratulations! You have been nominated for the EI Paso Community College Faculty Achievement
Award. Your nomination speaks highly of the good work you do at the College.
If you wish to apply for this award, there are several documents which you must gather and submit to the
Faculty Development Office by 5:00 p. m. on January 23, 2004. The effort may be worth your while as
the reward for the recipients is not only recognition richly deserved, but also a stipend to attend the
Sixteenth Annual Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
Please submit the documents and other information indicated below under the correct divisions in the
attached binder. Do not submit a tenure packet.
The following materials are attached for your use:
1. a nomination form for you to complete
2. a nomination form for your dean to complete
3. a nomination form for a peer of yours to complete
4. three nomination forms for current or former students of yours to complete.
Your packet should also include the following:
1. your latest available classroom observation evaluation
2. your latest self-evaluation and composite administrative evaluation
3. this year's student evaluation of instruction
4. a list of your continuing education, faculty development activities, and community service since
your last self-evaluation
5. a list of your College activities, division activities, and faculty leadership activities since your last
The Professional Development Committee will review nominees' applications and recommend award
recipients to the Vice President of Instruction by March 12, 2004.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me at 831-2653. Best wishes!
cc: Dr. Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
(This draft assumes that the Faculty Development Office will provide candidates with binders)
(This draft also assumes that the draft time lines will be accepted)
(The following sentence is in the original memo: "Remember that only full-time probationary (tenure
track) or tenured faculty who have completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC
are eligible to apply." This sentence should not be in this memo. If a person who does not meet the
above criteria is nominated, he/she should receive a memo from the Faculty Development Office saying
something like "sorry, but you don't meet the criteria this year.")
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
YOU may be eligible for the
The Faculty Achievement Award is limited to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who have
completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, full-or part-time faculty,
or administrators can nominate faculty for this award.
This year there will be four honorees, two from the academic areas and two from the occupational
education areas. The four winners will be recognized at the annual College Awards Banquet to be held in
May 2004. In addition, the winners will receive a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great
Teaching in October 2004.
The Professional Development Committee will evaluate the nominees based on the following criteria:
Quality of classroom learning experience (60%)
Active participation in College / division / discipline activities (20%)
Professional growth (10%)
Community service (10%)
Nomination forms are available at the Faculty Development Office (C-204 VV), Deans' offices, and
Student Government Association offices. Nomination forms must be submitted to the Faculty
Development Office (C-204 VV) by 5:00 p. m. on December 1, 2003.
(This draft deleted the following sentence from the original memo: "Faculty can be nominated for this
award by a peer (full or part-time instructor), a student, or an administrator." It was repetitive. )
(This draft assumes that the draft timelines will be accepted.)
(In some documents the awards dinner is called the College Awards Banquet; in others it is called the
Annual College Recognition Dinner. Let's decide what to call it and be consistent thereafter. )
-------------------------------------------End of October 3, 2003 minutes------------------------------------------Z:/FACPROFDEV MINUTES(COMBINED)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 20, 2003
Committee members in attendance included Kerry Ann Gardner, Mary Hill-Shinn, Debbi Farrelly, Rick Webb, Helen Robert,
Pat Duran, Ruth Vise, Sharon Yu-Shattuck, Tracy Von Maluski. Also, in attendance was the committee resource person, Joel
Committee members absent included Pam Aguirre, Ray Casillas, and Dr. Eileen Conklin.
The following items were discussed during this meeting:
The minutes of the October 6, 2003 meeting were accepted.
The committee reviewed the mini-grant guidelines. After much discussion the following changes were agreed upon
by a unanimous vote of the committee:
#2 on the guidelines is amended to read as follows; The maximum amount allowed for each mini-grant will be
$2500. Due to College budget restraints, cost effective mini-grants will be given preference.
#3 on the guidelines is amended to read as follows; Mini-grants are primarily designed to provide
overload/release time necessary to complete projects or support guest lecturers. Special supplies unique to the
mini-grant project may also be requested. No equipment may be purchased with mini-grant funds.
#5 on the guidelines is amended to read as follows; Mini-grant monies are not to be considered a source of travel
funds for EPCC employees. Requests for travel should still be processed through your Dean.
The revised mini-grant guidelines are attached.
The next item of discussion involved the two mini-grant proposals currently under committee review. The first minigrant discussed was the proposal submitted by Jose Baltazar, Bill Robnet, and Joyce Whiteside. This proposal
involved teaching students with disabilities brain development techniques so as to improve their emotional and
intellectual intelligence. After much discussion the committee unanimously agreed to the following in regard to this
The Committee agrees to fund the $2100 for the three team members contingent on their receiving funding for the
intervention materials which were also requested as part of the original proposal. Furthermore, the Committee
recommends that the applicants contact the publishers of the materials for complimentary copies.
The second mini-grant proposal considered was submitted by Jose Baltazar, Lorena Chavez, and Oscar Velasquez.
This mini-grant sought to empower ESOL students and prospective students with the knowledge and use of EPCC's
Banner/Web capabilities in order to improve registration services. After much discussion the committee voted
unanimously to reject this proposal.
The committee instructed the resource person to convey the following to the applicants as the reason for rejection of
this mini-grant proposal.
The Committee feels that this proposal would result in a duplication of registration services as explained in the
College schedule and assistance as provided by various labs, the registrar's staff, individual faculty members, and
during new student orientation.
The next item of business involved whether the committee wanted to continue to meet to discuss mini-grant proposals.
Those present agreed that the committee should first review mini-grants (as in the past) and then meet to finalize their
The next item of business involved the Faculty Achievement Award. Joel referred to the attachments sent with the
previous minutes in regard to revisions of the various forms/timelines associated with the award. Those present
agreed to the revised timelines submitted by Joel Villademoros. Those present agreed to the revised evaluation form
submitted by Mary Hill-Shinn. Those present also agreed to the revised award announcement form submitted by
Mary Hill-Shinn with the addition of wording regarding the waiting period, reference to the College Recognition
Dinner (not awards dinner), and the stipulation that an individual can nominate only one person per year for this
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
award. The committee then accepted the revised award notification form submitted by Mary Hill-Shinn with the
addition of wording regarding the submission of an optional one page narrative. The revised forms are attached.
The committee agreed that applicants for the awards be sent binders with tabs identifying the materials requested. The
applicants would then submit their binders. The Office of Faculty Development would circulate the binders to the
Committee without checking for accuracy, completeness, or extra materials.
Those present agreed to hold the next meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 3, 2003. The meeting will be held
at the ASC in room A 201.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Addendum to Mini Grant Procedure
Projects may be individual or group in nature. Last year several projects were approved that
involved from two to five participants.
The maximum amount allowed for each mini-grant will be $2500. Due to College budget restraints,
cost effective mini-grants will be given preference.
Mini-grants are primarily designed to provide overload/release time necessary to complete projects
or support guest lecturers. Special supplies unique to the mini-grant project may also be requested.
No equipment may be purchased with mini-grant funds.
There is no deadline for submission of proposals. Normally, one will receive a response within 3045 days of submission. Mini-grant requests are reviewed by the applicant's Dean, and the
Professional Development Committee.
Mini-grant monies are not to be considered a source of travel funds for EPCC employees. Requests
for travel should still be processed through your Dean.
Mini-grant monies will not be used to fund on-going programs. The idea of the mini-grant is to
provide monies for short-term professional development projects.
Mini-grants are available to all full-time faculty who have completed one year of employment with
the College.
Let your imagination run wild. The idea is to be innovative, so feel free to be creative.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is limited to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who have
completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, faculty or administrators
can nominate faculty for this award. This year there will be four honorees, two from the academic areas
and two from the occupational education areas. Evaluation is completed by the Professional Development
Committee and honorees are recognized at the Recognition Dinner in the Spring. The recipients of this
award will each receive a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
November 10, 2003
Announcement of award and application procedures.
December 1, 2003
Nominations are due in the Faculty Development Office, Room C204, Valle Verde.
December 3, 2003
Faculty Development Office will notify nominees.
January 28, 2004
Nominees should forward all required documents to the Faculty
Development Office by this date.
February 2-March 5, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents.
March 12, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents and
submits recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction.
April, 2004
Announcement of winners.
April 2004
Recognition by President at the College Award's Dinner.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is limited to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who
have completed a minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, full- or
part-time faculty, or administrators can nominate faculty for this award.
This year there will be four honorees, two from the academic areas and two from the
occupational education areas. The four winners will be recognized at the annual College
Recognition Dinner to be held in April 2004. In addition, the winners will receive a stipend to
attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching in October 2004.
The Professional Development Committee will evaluate the nominees based on the following
Quality of classroom learning experience (60%)
Active participation in College/division/discipline activities (20%)
Professional Growth (10%)
Community Service (10%)
Nomination forms are available at the Faculty Development Office (C204 VV), Deans' offices,
and Student Government Association offices. Nomination forms must be submitted to the
Faculty Development Office (C204 VV) by 5:00 p.m. on December 1, 2003. An individual can
nominate only one faculty member per year for this award.
There is a three year waiting period for previous Faculty Achievement Award recipients (i.e.,
before they can again be nominated for the award).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Quality of classroom learning experience
Student Evaluation / Students' Nomination Forms (20%)
Administrative Evaluations / Dean's Nomination Form (20%)
Variety of Instructional Methodologies / Peer's Nomination Form /
Nominated Faculty's Nomination Form (20%)
Active participation in College / division / discipline activities (20%)
Professional growth (list of continuing education and faculty
development activities) (10%)
Community service (list) (10%)
POINTS TOTAL ____________%
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
{831-2201, 831-2738 (FAX)}
Mr. Joel Villademoros, Faculty Development Coordinator
2004 Faculty Achievement Award Notification
Congratulations! You have been nominated for the EI Paso Community College Faculty Achievement Award. Your
nomination speaks highly of the good work you do at the College.
If you wish to apply for this award, there are several documents which you must gather and submit to the Faculty Development
Office by 5:00 p. m. on January 28, 2004. The effort may be worth your while as the reward for the recipients is not only
recognition richly deserved, but also a stipend to attend the Sixteenth Annual Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
Please submit the documents and other information indicated below under the correct divisions in the attached binder. Do not
submit a tenure packet.
The following materials are attached for your use:
A nomination form for you to complete
A nomination form for your Dean to complete
A nomination form for a peer of yours to complete
Three nomination forms for current or former students of yours to complete.
Your packet should also include the following:
Your latest available classroom observation evaluation
Your latest self-evaluation and composite administrative evaluation
This year's student evaluation of instruction
A list of your continuing education, faculty development activities, and community service since your last selfevaluation
A list of your College activities, division activities, and faculty leadership activities since your last self-evaluation
An (optional) one page narrative at the beginning of each category/section addressing any other pertinent issues in
this category.
The Professional Development Committee will review nominees' applications and recommend award recipients to the Vice
President of Instruction by March 12, 2004.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me at 831-2653. Best wishes!
Dr. Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction
-------------------------------------------End of October 20, 2003 minutes------------------------------------------Z:/FACPROFDEV MINUTES(COMBINED)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 3, 2003
Committee members in attendance included Kerry Ann Gardner, Mary Hill-Shinn, Debbi Farrelly, Rick Webb, Helen Robert,
Pat Duran, Ruth Vise, Sharon Yu-Shattuck, Tracy Von Maluski, Ray Casillas, and Pam Aguirre.
Also, in attendance was the committee resource person, Joel Villademoros.
Absent committee members included Andrea Rico-Elizondo and Eileen Conklin.
The following items were discussed during this meeting:
The minutes of the October 20, 2003 meeting were reviewed and accepted with revisions to the mini-grant guidelines.
The revisions involved replacing the word restraints with constraints. Also, wording to read "through the appropriate
During its review of the minutes, the committee discussed the need for additional modifications to the Faculty
Achievement Award announcement. The criteria noted on the announcement was modified from "quality of classroom
learning experience" to read "quality of instruction." A similar modification was made on the evaluation form. Changes
were also made to the memo which will be sent to nominees for this award.
Joel mentioned that he could not locate the nomination form for the Faculty Achievement Award. He suggested that the
committee might want to consider using a revised version of the nomination form that is used for the Part-Time Faculty
Award. The committee reviewed the form and made changes that included the elimination of the question on the
"faculty member’s effectiveness in dealing with students…." Other changes included the elimination of the slot for staff
nominations. A copy of the revised form is attached. The committee voted to use the same form for the Part-Time
Faculty Award with changes in the heading and retention of the line wherein the nominator agrees to help the nominee
assemble their binder. The revised forms are attached.
The next item of business involved the Part-Time Faculty Award. The committee discussed and agreed to several
changes in regard to this award. One change was that the nominee must have taught for a minimum of two semesters at
EPCC. Secondly, that one can nominate only one person per year for this award. Thirdly, the committee modified the
evaluation form so that it would coincide with the criteria contained on the memo announcing the award. The revised
announcement memo and evaluation form are attached.
The next item of business concerned the security of packets. It was mentioned that packets will be kept with the
following Deans while at their campus: Steve Smith, Santiago Rodriguez, Eileen Conklin, and Lydia Perez. At Valle
Verde, the binders will be at the Faculty Development Office. Joel will send a memo to the Deans asking them to help
with the security of the binders.
The committee agreed to hold a meeting during the week of faculty orientation in January. Joel has scheduled this
meeting for Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. at the Valle Verde Campus, room B102.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is open to all full-time faculty who have completed a
minimum of four consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, full- or part-time faculty, or
administrators can nominate faculty for this award.
This year there will be four honorees, two from the academic areas and two from the
occupational education areas. The four winners will be recognized at the annual College
Recognition Dinner to be held in April 2004. In addition, the winners will receive a stipend to
attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching in October 2004.
The Professional Development Committee will evaluate the nominees based on the following
Quality of instruction (60%)
Active participation in College/division/discipline activities (20%)
Professional Growth (10%)
Community Service (10%)
Nomination forms are available at the Faculty Development Office (C204 VV),
Dean’s/Director’s offices, and Student Government Association offices. Nomination forms
must be submitted to the Faculty Development Office (C204 VV) by 5:00 p.m. on December 1,
2003. An individual can nominate only one faculty member per year for this award.
There is a three year waiting period for previous Faculty Achievement Award recipients (i.e.,
before they can again be nominated for the award).
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
(Please Limit Your Comments To This Page Only)
Faculty nominated for recognition: ________________________________
Discipline: _________________________________________
Division: __________________________________________
Campus: __________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Name of Faculty/Student/Administrator completing form:
 Faculty
 Current Student
 Former Student
 Administrator
State your rationale for nominating this faculty member:
Please return this form via campus mail to the Faculty Development Office, room C204B, Valle Verde
Campus. Nomination forms must be received by December 1, 2003.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Quality of Instruction
Student Evaluation/Students' Nomination Forms (20%)
Administrative Evaluations/Dean's Nomination Form (20%)
Variety of Instructional Methodologies/Peer's Nomination Form/
Nominated Faculty's Nomination Form (20%)
Active participation in College/division/discipline activities (20%)
Professional growth (list of continuing education and faculty
development activities) (10%)
Community service (list) (10%)
POINTS TOTAL ____________%
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
{831-2201, 831-2738 (FAX)}
Mr. Joel Villademoros, Faculty Development Coordinator
2004 Faculty Achievement Award Notification
Congratulations! You have been nominated for the EI Paso Community College Faculty Achievement Award. Your
nomination speaks highly of the good work you do at the College.
If you wish to apply for this award, there are several documents which you must gather and submit to the Faculty Development
Office by 5:00 p. m. on January 28, 2004. The effort may be worth your while as the reward for the recipients is not only
recognition richly deserved, but also a stipend to attend the Sixteenth Annual Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
Please submit the documents and other information indicated below under the correct divisions in the attached binder. Do not
submit a tenure packet.
The following materials are attached for your use:
A nomination form for you to complete
A nomination form for your Dean/Director to complete
A nomination form for a peer of yours to complete
Three nomination forms for current or former students of yours to complete.
Your binder should also include the following:
Your latest available classroom observation evaluation
Your latest self-evaluation and composite administrative evaluation
This year's student evaluation of instruction
A list of your continuing education/faculty development activities, and community service since your last selfevaluation
A list of your College activities, division activities, and faculty leadership activities since your last self-evaluation
An (optional) one page narrative at the beginning of each category/section addressing any other pertinent issues in
this category.
The Faculty Professional Development Committee will review nominees' applications and recommend award recipients to the
Vice President of Instruction by March 2004.
I have attached the form used to evaluate nominees. Also, attached is a copy of the memo announcing this award.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me at 831-2653. Best wishes!
Dr. Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
This year EPCC will recognize two outstanding part-time instructors. The recipients of this
award will be honored at the annual recognition dinner. In addition, each recipient will be given
a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching in Taos, New Mexico.
Part-time faculty can be nominated for this award by a peer (full or part-time instructor), a
student, or an administrator. Nominees must have taught a minimum of two semesters at EPCC.
Both credit and non-credit instructors are eligible for this award; however, past recipients of the
award must wait three years from the time they received the award before they are again eligible.
The Professional Development Committee will evaluate the nominees based on the following
Quality of instruction (70%)
Active participation in College/division/discipline activities (10%)
Professional Growth (10%)
Community Service (10%)
Nomination forms must be submitted to the Faculty Development Office (C204 VV) by
Monday, February 2, 2003. An individual can nominate only one faculty member per year for
this award. Forms are available at the Faculty Development Office, Deans' offices, and Student
Government Association offices.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
(Please Limit Your Comments To This Page Only)
Faculty nominated for recognition: ________________________________
Discipline: _________________________________________
Division: __________________________________________
Campus: __________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Name of Faculty/Student/Administrator completing form:
 Faculty
 Current Student
 Former Student
 Administrator
Would you be willing to assist the nominated faculty in assembling the packet
 Yes
 No
State your rationale for nominating this faculty member:
Please return this form via campus mail to the Faculty Development Office, room C204B, Valle Verde
Campus. Nomination forms must be received by February 2, 2004.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Directions: Assign a point value for each area. Record the points assigned in the total
Totals for
each area
1. Quality of Instruction: Student evaluation, classroom evaluation, self
evaluation, composite evaluation
70 ------- 0
2. Participation in College/division activities: self-evaluation, etc.
3. Professional growth
4. Community Service
Total number of points
Revised: Nov. 2003
Evaluator's Signature
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
{831-2201, 831-2738 (FAX)}
Mr. Joel Villademoros, Faculty Development Coordinator
2004 Outstanding Part-time Faculty Award Nomination
Congratulations! You have been nominated for the EI Paso Community College Outstanding Part-time Faculty Award. Your
nomination speaks highly of the good work you do at the College.
If you wish to apply, there are several documents which you must gather and submit to the Faculty Development Office by
5:00 p. m. on February 16, 2004. The effort may be worth your while as the reward for the recipients is not only recognition
richly deserved, but also a stipend to attend the Sixteenth Annual Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching.
Please submit the documents and other information indicated below under the correct divisions in the attached binder.
The following materials are attached for your use:
A nomination form for you to complete
A nomination form for your Dean to complete
A nomination form for a peer of yours to complete
Three nomination forms for current or former students of yours to complete.
Your binder should also include the following:
Your latest available classroom observation evaluation
Your latest self-evaluation and composite administrative evaluation
This year's student evaluation of instruction
A list of your continuing education/faculty development activities, and community service since your last selfevaluation
A list of your College activities, division activities, and faculty leadership activities since your last self-evaluation
An (optional) one page narrative at the beginning of each category/section addressing any other pertinent issues in
this category.
The Faculty Professional Development Committee will review nominees' applications and recommend award recipients to the
Vice President of Instruction. Award winners will be notified by April 2004.
I have attached the form used to evaluate nominees. Also, attached is a copy of the memo announcing this award.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me at 831-2653. Best wishes!
Dr. Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction
-------------------------------------------End of November 3, 2003 minutes------------------------------------------Z:/FACPROFDEV MINUTES(COMBINED)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 16, 2004
Committee members in attendance included Kerry Ann Gardner, Debbi Farrelly, Rick Webb, Pat Duran, Dr. Sharon YuShattuck, Terri Mann, Tracy vonMaluski, Ray Casillas, Myshie Pagel, and Lawrence Welsh. Also, in attendance was the
committee resource person, Joel Villademoros.
Committee members absent included Ms. Ruth Vise, Mary Hill-Shinn, Pam Aguirre, Helen Robert and Dr. Eileen Conklin,
Administrative Liaison.
The following items were discussed at this meeting:
Committee members reviewed and accepted as accurate the minutes of the January 8th meeting. In conjunction with
this item, committee members also accepted the revised Piper memos which would be sent out to the Deans/Supervisors
and the faculty member nominated from each area.
The committee members agreed not to recommend revising the current Professional Development Leave procedure in
regard to the section pertaining to the follow-up report.
Those present reviewed and discussed the committee's numerical rankings of the Piper candidates. All present agreed to
recommend the two highest ranked candidates. Thus, the committee recommends that the following faculty be
recognized as the Piper Nominee and runner-up from EPCC:
-- Ysella Fulton-Slavin, English Instructor at RG (EPCC nominee to the Piper Foundation)
-- Sue Selk, Speech Instructor at VV (runner-up)
The next item of business involved a revision of the form used by the committee to evaluate Piper candidates. This
revision was deemed necessary in order to bring the evaluation form into agreement with the new criteria/information
which will be requested beginning next fall. Those present reviewed the current form and agreed to a revised evaluation
form (see attached). Also, those present agreed to a slight revision of the Piper memo sent to the Deans/Supervisors
regarding the Piper selection process and criteria (see attached).
The next item of business involved a discussion of the "issues” raised when the number of nominees/candidates is equal
to or less than the number of awards which will be awarded. After much discussion, those present decided to "table"
this issue until if and when this may present a problem.
Those present discussed the ethical issues involved when a committee member is nominated for an award, supplies a
letter of reference, or nominates someone for an award. It was agreed that one should "sit-out" on all aspects of the
process pertaining to the award for which one was nominated. Also, it was agreed that in order to avoid the appearance
of conflict of interest, it is advised that committee members "sit out" the process for those awards wherein they have
nominated someone for an award or supplied a letter of reference.
Committee members were unanimous in their belief that if monies are provided to award winners, that the amount given
to the full-time and adjunct award winners be equal.
The committee reviewed and approved the following requests and amounts:
Guest Lecturer request submitted by Mr. Ron Clark ($200)
Guest Lecturer request submitted by Ms. Ysella Fulton-Slavin ($700)
Mini-Grant proposal submitted by Ms. Janine Rudnick ($2100)
The committee agreed to Dr. Dennis Brown's request that the Faculty Achievement Award be modified so as to
recognize one faculty from each of the following areas: academic, developmental, and occupational education.
The committee discussed the administration's request that the Piper and Faculty Achievement Award timelines be
modified so that the winners are identified by the end of the fall semester. The request stemmed from the need to notify
NISOD of college award winners by January of each year, so that they would be included in their video. This would
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
result in the committee reviewing nominees for both awards during the fall semester. After much discussion, it was
agreed to investigate the possibility of modifying the Piper award timelines so that the nomination process would be
conducted during the summer. Joel agreed to prepare some sample timelines for consideration the next meeting.
Joel mentioned that there were two additional Faculty Achievement binders which would be circulated to the committee
for review.
Those present agreed to hold the next committee meeting at Mission del Paso on a Monday.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
El Paso Community College
Selection of Outstanding Faculty
"Piper Professor" Candidate
Packet Evaluation Form
Candidate: ________________________________________
Statement of purpose (see page "2-B" of
Piper Form).
Responsiveness to students, personal
contacts with student/availability of faculty
for students, time volunteered more than
expected; counseling and advising.
Respect of colleagues/excellence within the
division (curriculum vita, letters of
College-wide impact/activities related to
College’s mission of outreach into
community (curriculum vita).
Professional development activities
(curriculum vita).
Contributions to the teaching profession as
evidenced by teaching responsibilities,
innovative teaching techniques, or other
contributions (autobiographical sketch).
Directions: Enter the nominee's name next to the candidate.
Enter the number in each category that reflects
your evaluation. Total the points and date and sign
the form.
Below 10
Total _____________________________________
Completed by ______________________________
Date _____________________________________
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
{831-2201, 831-2738 (FAX)}
Mr. Joel Villademoros, Faculty Development Coordinator
August 18, 2004
2005 Piper Professor Nominations
Then nomination process for the Minnie Stevens Piper Professor Award for 2005 is as follows:
The nomination process will be uniform across all divisions. A Nomination Committee should be
appointed by each Dean/Director. The Faculty Nominating Committee will select one faculty member
based on the criteria contained in the official nomination form which is used by the Piper Foundation to
evaluate nominees from colleges and universities throughout Texas. Thus, I have attached the Piper
Nomination form for your use in selecting a nominee from your area.
Each Division/Department should forward their nomination of one faculty member to the Office of
Faculty Development by October 1, 2004. The Office of Faculty Development will notify the nominee.
Each nominee, with assistance from the nomination committee, should submit the following documents to
the Office of Faculty Development by November 3, 2004.
A completed Piper nomination form.
Five letters of recommendation with at least one from each of the following categories;
students, peers, and/or administrators.
Please encourage your nominating committee to assist their nominees in the collection of the above
documents, especially the letters of recommendations. Finally, as per the criteria established by the Piper
Foundation, all full-time faculty members are eligible for the award. Furthermore, the Piper guidelines
also stipulate that former nominees and winners are to be considered eligible for the award.
The timelines for the 2005 Piper Professor Award are attached.
C: Dr. Dennis Brown, Vice President of Instruction
-------------------------------------------End of February 16, 2004 minutes------------------------------------------Z:/FACPROFDEV MINUTES(COMBINED)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 5, 2004
Committee members in attendance included Helen Robert, Pat Duran, Ruth Vise, Sharon Yu-Shattuck, Tracy Yon Maluski,
Terri Mann, Myshie Pagel, and Lawrence Welsh. Also, in attendance was the committee resource person, Joel Villademoros.
Committee members absent included Ray Casillas, Kerry Ann Gardner, Mary Hill-Shinn, Debbi Farrelly, Rick Webb, Pam
Aguirre and Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison.
The following items were discussed during this meeting:
The committee reviewed applicants for Faculty Development Coordinators. After much discussion those present agreed
on the following:
VETERAN FACULTY PROGRAMS - The committee recommended Isabel Baca for this position. This was a
unanimous recommendation.
RECOGNIZING FACULTY EXCELLENCE - The committee felt that all three applicants would be acceptable for
the position. However, by a six to two vote (two abstentions), the committee decided to rank the applicants in the
following order:
Ms. Ruth Pena
Ms. Mary Beth Haan
Ms. Isabel Baca
NEW FACULTY PROGRAMS - The committee felt that all three applicants would be acceptable for the position.
However, by a seven to one vote (one abstention), the committee decided to rank the applicants in the following order:
Ms. Kelli Wood-Mancha
Ms. Stacy Zeller-Mayo
Ms. Isabel Baca
The next item of business involved a discussion of the nominees for the Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award. Those
present agreed to recommend the two highest ranked nominees, as per the evaluations completed by the committee
members. Thus, the committee recommended the following faculty for the Adjunct Faculty Award:
Ric Jordan
Barbara Wright
The next item of business involved a discussion of the nominees for the Faculty Achievement Award. Those present
agreed to recommend the two highest ranked nominees from the academic areas (as per the evaluations completed by
the committee members) and the sole nominee from the occupational area. Thus, the committee recommended the
following faculty for the Faculty Achievement Award:
Gene Muller
Leon Blevins
Debbi Farrelly
Another item of business involved the Professional Development Leave application submitted by Dr. George Torok.
Joel informed those present that all of the committee members who reviewed his application had recommended
approval. Those present, by unanimous vote, recommended approval of Dr. Torok's request for Professional
Development Leave.
Those present reviewed the draft Piper and Faculty Achievement Award timelines prepared by Joel for next year. Joel
mentioned that President Rhodes wanted to have these two awards completed by January so that the recipients could
have their names submitted to NISOD in time for them to receive recognition at the conference in May. Those present
voted to amend the draft Piper timelines so that nominees would submit all documents to the Faculty Development
Office by September 7, 2004, with committee review to run from September 8th to October 15th, 2004. The draft
guidelines for the Faculty Achievement Award were approved as submitted. Both timelines are attached.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The last item of business involved a mini-grant proposal submitted by Blarica Campos, Lourdes Amal de Prats, and Jose
Baltazar. Those present decided that the mini grant proposal should be distributed to all committee members for review.
It was agreed that a committee meeting to discuss this proposal should be held only if one or more members requested
such a meeting to discuss the mini-grant proposal.
The committee meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
This academic year, one faculty is nominated per division. The Faculty Professional Development
Committee reviews the information packets submitted by the nominees. Two faculty members are
selected annually from all College nominees. The highest rated nominee then completes a Piper
Foundation form which is submitted to the state level for consideration. The highest ranked nominee and
the runner-up each receives a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great Teaching. Evaluation
criteria is available at the Faculty Development Office. This award is available to all full-time faculty.
April 12, 2004
Dean/Director should appoint a Nominating Committee. The Faculty
Nominating Committee of each division will nominate one eligible faculty
based on the selection criteria.
April 26, 2004
Names of faculty nominated should be submitted by the nominating
committee through the respective Dean to the Office of Faculty
Apri1 28, 2004
Faculty Development Office will notify nominees.
September 7, 2004
Nominee should forward required documents to the Faculty Development
Office by 5:00 p.m.
Sept. 8 - Oct. 15, 2004
Professional Development Committee will review and rate all nominations.
November 1, 2004
Professional Development committee reviews documents and submits
recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction.
December 2004
Announcement of winner and runner-up.
April 2005
Presentation of plaques by President at College Recognition Dinner.
Summer 2005
Highest ranked candidate will complete Piper Professor nomination forms.
September 21, 2005
Completed forms due to Faculty Development Office for review.
November 2005
Completed nomination forms will be submitted to the President for final
approval and forwarding to Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation by November
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The Faculty Achievement Award is open to full-time faculty who have completed a minimum of four
consecutive years of service at EPCC. Students, faculty or administrators can nominate faculty for this
award. This year there will be three honorees, one from the academic area, one from the occupational
education area, and one from developmental education area. Evaluation is completed by the Faculty
Professional Development Committee and honorees are recognized at the Recognition Dinner in the
Spring. The recipients of this award will each receive a stipend to attend the Southwest Seminar for Great
September 1, 2004
Announcement of award and application procedures.
September 15, 2004
Nominations are due in the Faculty Development Office, Room C-204,
Valle Verde.
September 17, 2004
Faculty Development Office will notify nominees.
October 8, 2004
Nominees should forward all required documents to the Fatuity
Development Office by this date.
Oct. 11-Nov. 12, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents.
November 22, 2004
Professional Development Committee reviews documents and submits
recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction.
December, 2004
Announcement of winners.
April 2005
Recognition by President at the College Recognition Dinner.
-------------------------------------------End of April 5, 2004 minutes-------------------------------------------
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
August 18, 2004
Committee members in attendance included Rebecca Perales, Pat Duran, Terri Mann, Myshie Pagel, Ruth Vise, Miguel
Aguilar, Ghassan Kachmar, and Linda Silva. Also, in attendance were the committee resource persons, Joel Villademoros and
Mary Beth Haan. Dr. Eileen Conklin, Administrative Liaison, was also in attendance.
Committee members absent included Linda Bacion, Lawrence Welsh, Ray Casillas, Helen Roberts, and Tracy vonMaluski.
The following items were discussed at this meeting:
There were introductions and a discussion of the committee's function. Joel introduced Ms. Mary Beth Haan, who
will be assuming the role of resource person.
Joel distributed the Piper timelines, Piper nomination forms, and the form to be used in evaluating nominees. Joel
asked the committee if it would be acceptable for him to ask the nominees to have their Dean complete the
section of the nomination form (first question on page "3A") pertaining to their teaching, scholarly work, etc.
Those present agreed to this request. Also, those present instructed Joel to inform the nominees to stay in the
space allotted for each question when completing the form.
At the request of Ms. Ruth Vise, the committee discussed the issue involved when a committee member writes a
letter of recommendation for an award nominee. Those present agreed that if one writes a letter of support, they
can still participate in evaluating all nominees for the award. The vote was 7 in favor with one abstention.
However, by a unanimous vote, it was agreed that if one nominates a person for an award, the committee member
should abstain from the evaluation process for that award. It was agreed, that in the future, committee members
should consider declining to write letters of support and/or nomination in order to avoid any appearance of
conflict of interest/favoritism.
The question was raised as to whether committee members can be nominated for an award and whether they can
also apply for mini-grants while serving on the committee. Joel informed those present that committee members
could be nominated for awards and apply for mini-grants. However, the committee member would have to
abstain from evaluating the mini-grant or participating in the evaluation of nominees for the award for which they
were nominated.
Joel asked committee members to forward their hours of availability for meetings to Ana Resendez at the Faculty
Development Office. The next meeting will be held at Northwest Campus. Some agenda items for the next
meeting are as follows:
establishing timelines for the Adjunct Faculty Awards
review of the committee guidelines for mini-grants
selection of a committee chair
The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.