For College Procedure Committees DUAL CREDIT INSTRUCTIONAL COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2015-2016 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 24, 2015 Attendees: Ms. Kathleen Bombach, Ms. Luz Cadena, Ms. Helga Carrion, Sue Selk, Dr. Melissa Esmacher, Ms. Mary Beth Haan (Resource), Grace Haddox, Aimee HarrisJohnson, Mr. Bob Jones, Ms. Jan Lockhart, Mr. Oscar Macedo, Dean Mathis, Dean Meagher, Mr. Sotero Ramirez, Dean Rodarte, and Chef Patrick Rosser I. II. III. Welcome & Introductions: Dean Mathis welcomed the committee and led introductions. Overview of Committee: Purpose & Charge: Dean Mathis and Ms. Selk explained the committee’s purpose and charge: to facilitate and ensure the quality of Dual Credit Instructional offerings and the support of dual credit instructors. will send conference registration information to the committee. IV. Other items for discussion A. Dean Mathis and Ms. Selk shared some of the strengths and challenges of EPCC’s Dual Credit Program, including our innovations. B. Ms. Haan shared information about National Alliance of Co-current Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP); more information is available on C. Ms. Lockhart explained the difference between the section 504/IEP/IDEA at the high school versus the section 504/A.D.A.; the accommodations are quite different between a regular high school course and a dual credit course. Modifications are made for high school students; accommodations are made for college students. College curriculum cannot be modified There was confusion about section 504. Ms. Lockhart is going to explain the specific sections of 504 that apply to high school students versus college students. Ms. Lockhart encouraged dual credit special education students visit EPCC’s CSD for the appropriate accommodations. D. The Dual Credit Handbook needs to be updated, especially in the instructional areas. Ms. Selk suggested making the handbook more compact by adding in links to documents instead of having the full documents in the handbook. Dean Meagher asked if information about starting CTE dual credit programs in the handbook. It will be investigated. E. Ms. Bombach suggested information to show the scope of the dual credit enrollment and the number of schools. It was suggested that Power Points from IR and/or Dr. Serrata with dual credit data be shared with the committee. New Business A. B. Nomination and Election of Chair & Secretary 1. Ms. Selk was nominated and unanimously approved as Chair. 2. Margie Nelson Rodriguez was nominated and unanimously approved as Secretary. Review & Discussion of Dual Credit Procedure Ms. Selk requested that the committee members review the procedure and provide feedback by Friday, Oct. 9, 2015. Ms. Selk will send helpful THECB and TEA links (including the TEA Factsheet) to help the new members become more informed about dual credit. Some items in the procedure need to be updated to accurately reflect HB 505 and changes made to DC/ECHS Program Office. The procedure will also be sent to Testing, Student Services, and DC/ECHS Program Office for their review. C. Reminder: Building Bridges: 2nd Annual Dual Credit Conference on Oct. 24. Ms. Selk Z:/DUALCREDINSTRLMINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 1 V. Set meeting dates and times Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in ASC A201 Monday, Nov. 16, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in ASC A201 VI. Adjournment: The meeting will be adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Minutes taken by Ms. Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDINSTRLMINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 2 October 22, 2015 Attendees: Ms. Kathleen Bombach, Ms. Luz Cadena, Dr. Melissa Esmacher, Ms. Mary Beth Haan (Resource), Grace Haddox, Mr. Bob Jones, Ms. Jan Lockhart, Ms. Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Mr. Sotero Ramirez, Chef Patrick Rosser, Ms. Sue Selk, and Ms. Dianna Williams I. II. III. decisions on those. A final review will be done at the next meeting. IV. New Business A. SACSCOC—Substantive Change Workshop & NACEP Texas Get-Together: April 1 & 2, 2016: Ms. Haan invited the committee to these important workshops. B. NACEP Affiliate West Texas Organization Development: Ms. Selk Welcome & Introductions: Sue Selk welcomed the committee and led introductions. She also provided an update on the Building Bridges Conference. It went very well. The conference committee has not met to debrief yet. Next year the conference will probably only go half a day instead of a full day because many attendees left after lunch. V. Next meeting: Monday, Nov. 16, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in ASC A400 (pending room confirmation) Minutes Approval: The meeting minutes from the Oct. 22, 2015, were unanimously approved. VI. Adjournment: The meeting will be adjourned at 4:33 p.m. Old Business: The committee continued its work on the “High School Dual Credit Program Requirements” EPCC Procedure The committee got through the entire procedure. It was recommended to make a separate definitions page linked in the procedure. Ms. Williams will draft a definitions page for the committee’s review. A smaller group can will review the links and make Minutes taken by Ms. Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDINSTRLMINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11/17/15 3 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) Minutes for the 2014-2015 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 4 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 September 25, 2013 Members present: Gloria Estrada, Aimee Harris Johnson, Esther Hughes. Craig Kehrwald, Don King, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Jose Olivas, Marisa Pierce, Carlos Prado, Sue Selk, George Thomas, Michelle Watkins, Dianna Williams, Tammi Mackeben, and Luz Cadena Guest: EPCC VPI Steve Smith I. Welcome and Introductions II. Distribution of Minutes: The meeting minutes from May 1, 2013, were approved and have already been sent to Dr. Stroud. college course. Now, the facilitator’s role has been revamped so that the facilitator can really assist the student. Now the facilitator high school instructional expert can help the student, be the EOC coach, and cover any TEKS not covered the course. Even if the facilitator is not a highly qualified teacher in the subject area (especially in the case of the smaller ISDs), the facilitator can still take a more active role in assisting students. The committee reviewed the dual credit online facilitator and discussed several implications of reporting. Next steps: III. Elect or reaffirm secretary: Margie Nelson Rodriguez was reaffirmed as secretary. The committee will provide feedback to Sue Selk by Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2013. IV. Summer Business: The word “position” should be removed in order to reduce confusion with paid positions. The word “position” needs to be changed to “Facilitator Expectations” or something similar. We will distribute at the Dual Credit Forum on Oct. 14. Training at SISD (very positive feedback) Work on the facilitator description EPCC is a now a member of The National Alliance on Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP); the website is Although we are interesting in adhering standards, we will not seek accreditation from this accrediting body at this time. We are looking to learn more about what other institutions are doing with their dual credit programs. Long-term goals: Facilitator evaluations: After this document has been reviewed, perhaps the committee can develop an evaluation instrument for the on-site facilitator to help maintain quality and consistency. Students, the on-line instructor, and the ISD can evaluate the on-site facilitator. Then, we need to establish the next steps of the evaluation process. Dual credit courses: What should and should not be offered? Claude is going to work on a draft and present to the committee. He will start with core curriculum. All dual credit courses should be applicable to a Bachelor’s degree somewhere, especially in this local region. Some courses that need to be evaluated are BIS, Spanish I, and kinesiology. CTE courses should be applicable to a level I certificate or Associate’s Degree. Education 1301 most likely not the best course for dual credit. We need to Announcement: Dual Credit Open Forum, Oct. 14, 2013 from 4:306:30 p.m. @ the ASC Boardroom V. Old Business: Facilitator position description: The draft was reviewed by sub-committee and English dual credit/on-line coordinator, Ruth Pena. Facilitator has to be in place for all dual credit students who are taking online dual credit classes. Previous EPCC message: The facilitator is not the instructor. Then, the EOC came, and some ISDs wanted to reexamine the role of the facilitator because of concern that the TEKS would not be included in the Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 5 What are the expectations? Dual credit students need to have the textbooks preferably by the end of the first week. After that point, EPCC will consider shutting down the section or help develop some options for the students, such as copying a few chapters for a temporary solution, starting the course over, or (at the instructor’s discretion), or giving students more time to finish the assignment once they receive the textbooks. Again, communication is key. The instructor and dean will work together with the ISD partners to find a solution that is in students’ best interests. The textbook expectations need to be made clear in the various dual credit meetings to inform all the various stakeholders and to avoid issues. develop a process to offer a course. Perhaps students will need to choose a major so we know that the courses will fit into their degree plans. There is six-year plan in place for some fields. VI. Substitute process proposal: The committee has already reviewed part of this proposal. This is not an official College policy or procedure. These are common sense policies that we all need to agree and adhere to. The pay for these long-term substitutes has still not been established. Next step: The committee will provide feedback to Sue Selk by Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2013. VII. VIII. Distribution of processes: Once the committee approves the processes, we will send to Leadership. They will house it internally and distribute to the principals and other ISD administration. IX. Other business/future agenda items: More oversight is needed for the on-site dual credit instructors, besides just the already established instructor evaluation process, to make sure that the EPCC course is being taught. Another issue presented was maintaining college rigor in the dual credit courses. X. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:37 p.m. New Business Textbook distribution processes: Each ISD has a different process for distributing textbooks. Some ISDs are centralized; others are decentralized. The course schedule is set fairly early and July 1 is the start of the new budget year for the ISD, so both of these factors should help. EPISD has a central dual credit textbook system that helps efficiently distribute textbooks to the high school in which they are needed. For the ISDs that are decentralized, perhaps a high school point-of-contact to assist with dual credit textbook purchasing is needed. EPCC tracks dual credit textbooks by ISD and by the 4year window; EPCC also differentiates between online and on-site textbooks. EPCC does not track by high school, but some ISDs track and purchase by high school. Minutes are taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 6 October 30, 2013 Members present: James Littlejohn, Troy Byrne, Aimee Harris Johnson, Rosario Rojas, Alicia Sosa, Claude Mathis, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Armando Gomez, Dr. Jaime Farias, Dr. Armando Aguirre, Carlos Prado, Sue Selk, and Luz Cadena IV. New Business A. UTEP Update: Dr. Aguirre reported on UTEP’s efforts with the area ISD’s to identify high school teachers who have the educational background to become credentialed. These efforts can help with finding substitutes, as well. Regarding the cost of classes for master’s degrees and/or 18 graduate hours in a subject area, Dr. Aguirre is working on a Meadow’s Foundation grant to fund high school teachers’ graduate education in order for them to teach dual credit; the goal is to help cover voids in the dual credit program. Lastly, the ETS program at EPCC last summer (high school students taking College math and English 1301 at the Valle Verde campus) helped increase dual credit enrollment at Bowie High School. UTEP recently did a study in YISD and found that 1,700 students met the requirements for dual credit, far more than actual dual credit enrollment at YISD; however, more needs to be done to capture these students. Sophomore testing qualifications for dual credit should be presented at the next El Paso collaborative meeting as this is a concern. Various topics about the TSI were discussed, such as preliminary results from TSI indicate that the testing seems to be more accurate and more students are testing college-ready. B. EPCC Dual Credit Instruction Update: In the interest of time, this item was not addressed separately; however, Sue Selk provided some updates in other agenda items. C. The National Alliance on Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) Conference Report: EPCC is interested in reviewing the standards, trying to pursue these standards, and possibly conducting a self-study of the current dual credit program as compared with the national standards. Sue Selk reported that the conference was very productive and enlightening. Mary Beth Haan defined NACEP and presented the highlights of the conference. The website has archives from the prior conferences: Guest: Mary Beth Haan I. Welcome and Introductions II. Distribution of Minutes: The meeting minutes from September 25, 2013, were approved and will be sent to Dr. Stroud. III. Unfinished Business A. B. Dual Credit Substitute Process: The revised process was distributed to the group. This is not an official procedure or policy; the process provides guidelines only. Claude Mathis mentioned that the purpose of the process should be provided: SACSCOC requires all long-term substitute instruction to be done by an EPCC credentialed instructor. It was also discussed to add that “Instructors who know that they will be out of school…” to the first line. In the cases in which the substitute is an EPCC employee, the cost of the dual credit substitute will need to be covered by the high school/ISD. This information needs to be distributed to the high school principals so that they can adjust their budgets accordingly. Cost responsibility needs to be included in the dual credit partnership agreement. The committee approved this document to move forward to EPCC Leadership. It was also discussed that the document should be modified as needed. Dual Credit Online Facilitator Responsibilities: Sue Selk provided the background of this document. The EOC has shifted, so now only U.S. History will be impacted by the EOC. The summary of responsibilities still needs to be included and some of the sections were made slightly more general in order to accommodate the smaller school districts and private schools. The phrase “technical problems” needs to be changed to “Blackboard problems” because the Distance Education office handles Blackboard issues but not other technical issues that need to be handled by the ISD. The committee approved this document to move forward to EPCC Leadership. An interesting point: CTE makes up 30% of dual credit nationwide. Evidence-based, best practices and documenting dual credit work/partnerships were all emphasized at the conference. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 7 Technology Intensive Concurrent Enrollment: the content is free and open to the public. has developed a Facebook page for helpful information for students and instructors. VI. V. Other items for discussion: The committee suggested adding Blackboard/online training (early awareness) to the facilitator process. This could be also professional development for the teachers. Smarter Measure is on the EPCC Distance Education webpage and helps students figure out if they are actually “online ready.” Distance Education Set next meeting date and time: Sue Selk will send an email with possible meeting dates. Minutes are taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8 November 20, 2013 I. Welcome: The Chair Sue Selk welcomed the committee and asked for agenda items for the next meeting. II. Reading & approval of the minutes: Minutes from October 30, 2013, were approved. III. Unfinished Business committee will look at the withdrawal survey to see if we it can work for dual credit students. A drop survey for instructors would be useful, too. Early Alert system was discussed for dual credit; however, there is a time conflict as high school teachers have an intense work schedule and load. The job duties for the high school counselor designated for dual credit need to be examined. The counselors do a great job introducing the dual credit program for recruitment, but since they are not dedicated solely to dual credit, the counselors cannot take the time to counsel students on the adverse effects of dropping dual credit courses, particularly with financial aid. Reaching out to the EPCC Foundation to possibly provide funding for dual credit students who transfer to EPCC was an idea presented. EPCC Dual Credit updates: Sue Selk reported that the Texas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (TACRAO) conference went well and the ISD meetings continue to go well. IV. New Business A. Spring 2014 Forum: Discussion about dates, format, & content: Sue Selk asked for feedback on the forum to perhaps try a new format. The following format suggestions were proposed: B. NACEP Standards: Review & discussion: Tabled for next meeting. C. Possible Projects for next semester: Using laptops and screens-type up good news and questions on the laptop and having the attendees work in groups to answer the questions Conference with breakout sessions may be a good idea, perhaps discipline specific Testimonials by current or past dual credit students Holding a pre-meeting for newer faculty for more of an intensive informational session. HB 5 updates TSI data Handbook Converting the handbook to a quick reference guide with tabs and perhaps an online/interactive version. V. Other items for discussion: None. VI. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Minutes are taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez The committee also discussed ways to reduce dual credit student drop rates. The Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 9 February 5, 2014 This announcement will be communicated through different channels. Members present: Claude Mathis, Sue Selk, Dr. Donna Ekal, Dr. Jaime Farias, Michelle Watkins, Bob Jones, Luz Cadena, Esther Hughes, Craig Kehrwald, Dianna Williams, Carlos Prado, Jan Lockhart, Tammi Mackeben, Alicia Sosa, Susanna Rodarte, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Dell Najera, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Jan Eveler, Deanna McSwain, Diane Medina, and Rosario Rojas I. Welcome: The Chair Sue Selk welcomed the committee and asked for agenda items for the next meeting. II. Reading & approval of the minutes: Minutes from November 20, 2013, were tabled for the next meeting. Old Business: III. EPCC Dual Credit Updates and Information Meeting with Dr. Serrata Report: The dual credit student population is more successful at EPCC. The goal is that 50% of high school seniors earn at least 15 credit hours of dual credit. Another goal is to grow dual credit capacity in the high schools beyond the state requirements. Spring Faculty Development Workshops & Meetings: These sessions were well attended. The ISD partners were thanked for encouraging faculty to attend the orientations, workshops, and meetings. Evaluation Issues: Envelopes have to be sealed for security purposes. It is recommended that each ISD designates a person to do this task. Dual credit instructors can get their evaluations back at the division meetings. For online courses, the instructor evaluations were being conducted both online and with hard copies. For online, it needs to be done in the class to ensure compliance. It will be decided on which format should be done so there is a consistent process. The online evaluation is a bit different than the face-to-face evaluations; the online evaluations are labeled as such. A facilitator evaluation is being developed. Facilitator guidelines have been developed by this committee and will be sent electronically to the committee members for wider distribution. Textbook Management/Compliance with Textbook Procedure: The four-year window will be enforced. In fall 2014, EPCC will check to see if the ISD is up to date on its adoptions. IV. NACEP Standards Work Group: A work group has been established that will review the standards and share feedback with the larger committee. Spring 2014 Forum: The forum has been scheduled on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Services Center (ASC) Boardroom. Sue Selk requested feedback on the format on the forum. Blackboard Facilitator & Student Training: A Blackboard training course has been developed for students. Ideally, students would take the training before taking online classes. These students will be tracked. A Blackboard training course has been developed for facilitators with a built in discussion tool. Just contact the Distance Education office to enroll facilitators. These courses are open enrollment. Visit the Distance Education webpage or call 915-8313111. It was suggested that this information be added to the online instructors’ syllabi. UTEP Update: This is the second year for the ETS program. Dual credit students are embedded in regular college classes with support from UTEP during the summer and are taking dual credit courses in the high schools during the academic year. Targeted students are from Jefferson and Bowie High Schools. The goal is for students to earn 30 dual credit hours by the time they attend UTEP. A Meadows Foundation grant to increase dual credit offerings for stipends to increase has been submitted. In addition, an 18 graduate credit hours pathway for English is being developed. UTEP’s history department already offers this pathway with a combination of online, hybrid, and face-to-face graduate courses. UTEP is working with EPCC on a smoother pathway for the Applied Arts and Science students to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Next steps for the collaborative are being established. Dr. Armando Aguirre will become director of Region 19. UTEP and EPCC have been selected as institutions to receive Dream US scholarships (DACA Dream Act students). Please visit the website for the scholarship application and pass this information on the high school counselors. This opportunity closes in two months. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 10 New Business: V. House Bill 5 Update: A TEA slide show was shared with the committee. The ISD administrators explained the bill’s basic principles. Students’ high school graduation requirements will now be defined by a series of endorsements. These endorsements will lock students into a degree plan and hopefully help eliminate unnecessary dual credit courses taken by students. Students’ outstanding performance in a dual credit course qualifies them to earn a Performance Acknowledgement Endorsement. HB 5 will be discussed at future meetings to figure out its effects on dual credit. VI. Other business: Ms. Jan Lockhart reminded the committee that including accommodations for deaf students in testing and online trainings is required. VII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 11 April 23, 2014 Members present: Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Armando Gomez, Michelle Watkins, George Thomas, Mary Beth Haan, Bob Jones, Luz Cadena, Esther Hughes, Jan Lockhart, Susanna Rodarte, Dell Najera, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Gloria Estrada, Rosario Rojas, Alicia Sosa, and Aimee Harris-Johnson I. Welcome: The Chair Sue Selk welcomed the committee. II. Reading & approval of the minutes: Minutes from February 5, 2014, were approved. One scholarship per institution is permitted. The application is available online. IV. UTEP Update: Sue Selk reported for Dr. Ekal. UTEP will be offering 7-10 graduate courses this summer appropriate for high school teachers who need more credits toward earning their credentialing. Courses will be both summer 1 (in the evening or online to accommodate the overlap with the second year) and summer 2. Courses will be both summer 1 (in the evening or online to accommodate the overlap with the school year) and summer 2. Departments will include the following: English, geology (MAT Science), history, math, political science—and maybe more. V. Testing Services Update: Armando Gomez reported that EPCC Testing Services will offer two 2-hour TSI administration training sessions for the ISD’s on April 29, 2014, and May 2, 2014. The sessions will be from 9am-11am and 1-3pm. The training sessions are designed for ISD principals and counselors (those who will be involved in testing at their campuses). Mr. Gomez will send the invitation tomorrow. On-site training at the ISD will be available in May. Old Business: III. EPCC Dual Credit Updates EPISD: Mary Ann Clark is now in charge of Advanced Academics; College Readiness is now under the umbrella of Advanced Academics. Esther Hughes is now a facilitator for K-8. College Readiness Facilitator position for secondary has not been filled. Craig Kehrwald is principal of Austin High School. Spring 2014 Forum: The forum was held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, at 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Services Center (ASC) Boardroom. The feedback was very positive, especially on the panel. Evaluation Distribution April 24 & Pick-up May 8: Online evaluation packets were just sent out to the ISD’s. The packets will be sent to the online facilitator; the students will complete the survey. The students should do either the online or the hard copy of the evaluations but not both. Completion rate for hard copy evaluations is better than the online evaluations. Sue Selk sent a memo to the deans this morning. Students need to be the monitors, and the ISD needs a designated location to drop off the evaluations. Fall Faculty Development: There will be two dual credit workshops during EPCC’s Fall Faculty Development week (8/18-8/22/14). NACEP Standards Work Group: NACEP is offering a scholarship to cover the conference fee for high school representatives to attend this year’s conference, which will be held on October 26-28, 2014, in Chicago. The high schools do not have to be members of NACEP. New Business: V. Committee Restructuring: Claude Mathis reported that the standing committee will become an internal committee comprised of only EPCC employees. A separate, larger group with all the EPCC, ISD’s, and UTEP stakeholders will be formed. A planning group will be formed to develop this larger consortium. VI. HB5: HB5 was discussed and the need to for the ISD to work in conjunction with the IHE to develop college preparatory courses in Math and English/Language Arts to be taught in the high schools. It was recommended that Claude Mathis and Susana Rodarte request an HB5 timeline at the next Leadership meeting. VII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 12 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 September 17, 2012 Members present: Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Gloria Estrada, Dianna Williams, Jan Lockhart, Holly Garza, Susanna Rodarte, Bob Jones, Michelle Watkins, Nancy Evans, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Alicia Sosa, Carlos Prado, Don King, and Margie Nelson Rodríguez I. Welcome and Introductions After being welcomed by Dean Claude Mathis, the committee outlined its goals: more communication, enforcing deadlines, more support for Dual Credit instructors, and more special education students in the Dual Credit program. II. Election of Chair. Sue Selk was unanimously elected as Chair of the committee. III. Discussion of the Need for a Co-Chair or a Chair Elect Thecommitteedecidedthattherewasnoneed foreitherpositionatthistime. IV. Election of Secretary Margie Nelson Rodriguez was elected as Secretary of the committee. V. Review of Dual Credit Procedure The committee was asked to review the instructional portion of the Dual Credit Procedure and bring their comments to the next meeting. VI. Office. EPCC’s Leadership Team approved of the change, and it is now revised in the handbook. A working committee consisting of Sue Selk, Don King, Dianne Williams, Gloria Estrada, and Aimee Harris-Johnson will work on revising the Dual Credit Handbook, creating a list of FAQ’s, and constructing a separate, more concise version of the Dual Credit Handbook, similar to a “Quick Start Guide.” Finding Extended Period Dual Credit Substitutes Nancy Evans reported that finding substitutes for Dual Credit instructors who will be absent for extended periods of time needed to be addressed by the committee. Some of the issues include the following: difficulty finding substitutes who meet college and high school requirements (collegecredentialed and highly-certified), meeting the state and federal requirements for contact hours for college and high school, and compensating the substitutes appropriately. After various committee members shared their ideas and experiences, it was decided that better communication was a start of a solution. A motion to form a work group to brainstorm ideas for finding Dual Credit substitutes was approved. This work group will consist of Holly Garza, Nancy Evans, Aimee Johnson-Harris, Sue Selk, Bob Jones, and an administrator from the sciences, perhaps Paula Mitchell. The work group will need to define rules of notification for a substitute (how many consecutive days does a dual credit instructor be absent before contacting the college dean), a tracking system, compensation, and creating better communication between the institutions on this issue. Discussion of Next Steps for the Committee Better Understanding of Our Respective Institutions In addition to the goals outlined at the beginning of the meeting, the committee discussed the ongoing revisions needed to the Dual Credit Handbook. Sue Selk reported that she and Claude Mathis took a proposed change to credentialing portion of the handbook to EPCC’s Leadership Team over the summer. The proposed change consisted of beginning the credentialing process with the appropriate Dean instead of the Dual Credit Program The ISD representatives shared their ongoing “Think College” philosophy to their faculty and staff; however, the ISD representatives commented that some college representatives needed to “Think High School,” particularly concerning master schedules and enrollment deadlines. Sometimes, the college deadlines are difficult to meet because staffing decisions are made late at the ISD, causing the master schedule to be made late, and so on. Often, Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 13 the high school will meet all the college enrollment deadlines in June, but then a principal must make changes to the schedule. Consequently, in August the CRN has to be changed. Since there seems to be gaps in communication and understanding, it was suggested that a group from the college visit the high school on their Registration Day, so that perhaps this communication and understanding can be improved. VII. Other Items for Discussion: Email Sue agenda items Jan Lockhart would like to attend the school district meetings How do we communicate with ISD’s not represented on the committee? The committee needs a member from the sciences Better communication needed Deans have accepted Nancy Evans’s invitation to speak to all the EPISD principals on Oct. 11, 2012 Distance Learning options Add/Drop Dates and distribution of dates Dual Credit Counselor, coordinator, and principals need to meet with Dual Credit faculty Dual Credit Faculty need to be included in these meetings regarding deadlines and guidelines Facilitators for online classes really appreciate meeting the online Instructor face to face and the students seem to do better Expanding the existing Dual Credit workshop Split between Dual Credit Instructional and Student Services at EPCC Dual Credit Office conducting a workshop for EPCC faculty VIII. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 24, 2012: 3:305:00 p.m., Room: TBA (meeting schedule for next year tabled) IX. Meeting Adjournment: 5:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Margie Nelson Rodríguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 14 October 24, 2012 date, start dates, etc.), drop information, rosters, submission of final grades, sixweek/nine-week grades and grade reports, grading scale, differences in school calendars, evaluations, and coordinator responsibilities regarding checking facilities. Dual-credit instructors need to attend Division and Discipline meetings because much of this information is presented at these meetings. Several ideas were discussed about communicating this information to dual-credit instructors more effectively, such as emailing to the EPCC and ISD email accounts and following up. The dual-credit instructors need to know that the meeting attendance is important to the college and the ISD. The need for more upfront communication will also be addressed in EPCC Leadership. More training and communication is needed for some discipline coordinators. The school districts need notice in advance of these meetings so that faculty can attend. Also, there needs to be better planning for professional development activities that count for the ISD, EPCC, and CPE credit. There will be other trainings and brainstorming activities for dual-credit instructors at EPCC. Members present: Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Dr. Donna Ekal, Dr. Jaime Farias, Marisa Pierce, Dianna Williams, Jan Lockhart, Nancy Evans, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Bob Jones, Captain Jose Olivas, and Margie Nelson Rodríguez I. Welcome II. Reading & Approval of the Minutes The meeting minutes from Sept. 17, 2012, were approved with the one correction of Dianna Williams’s name. III. Unfinished Business A. B. Report from “Substitute” Workgroup & Discussion: The substitute work group had no report at this time. Nancy Evans reviewed the issue of long-term substitutes for dual-credit classes. The ECHS Leadership Council meeting discussed this issue, too. Margie Nelson Rodriguez will send the ideas from the ECHS Leadership Council to the work group (Paula Mitchell is now a part of this work group). Five days of consecutive absences is our temporary definition of “longterm” absences. Several ideas were discussed, especially the requirement for credentialing and certified and changing the course to “online” only as a last resort. We could develop several options/strategies for this situation that could accommodate spacing, scheduling, and the specific situations. Bob Jones will share some ideas on how to use technology for these long-term substitution strategies. Compensation issues? Who is going to pay? These questions still need to be answered. Report from “DC Handbook” Workgroup & Discussion: The notes from the workgroup’s meeting (Oct. 22, 2012) were distributed and discussed. Since the DC Handbook is so lengthy, several ideas were posed by the workgroup to simplify the handbook and to use a variety of channels to distribute this information, such as a FAQ Sheet, a business card with links to information, a smaller handbook/guidebook, expanding the existing information sheet, and placing multi-media links on the DC and ECHS webpages. It is important to define terms for the dual credit instructors, perhaps in a glossary of terms. In addition, other possible areas that should be addressed include the following: syllabus, Banner, definition of terms (rigor, census IV. C. Dual Credit Requirements Procedure: Tabled for next meeting. The committee needs to review the procedure and email comments to Sue Selk or bring comments to the next meeting. D. Continue Conversation about other Issues for this Committee: The continued conversation is contained below in new business. New Business & Other Items for Discussion Dr. Ekal introduced herself, her position, and her role in the committee: Credentialing: They are working on UTEP and EPCC instructors to be credentialed at both institutions. At their next meeting, EPCC math campus coordinators, the UTEP Math Chair, Tonie Badillo, and Dr. Ekal will work on aligned math credentialing. Also, UTEP is interested in making cohorts of 10-12 teachers to earn 18 graduate hours or their Master’s Degrees. This is being done in History and will soon be done in English. This will help increase the number of credentialed dual-credit instructors. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 15 Degree Plan Issues: Students do not always have dual credit that actually works for their degree plan. For example, some students enter UTEP with 9 hours of social sciences. The goal is for 24 hours of dual credit that make students core complete instead of 24 hours of many electives. We need a more collective voice to work together. The Articulation Committee is working on the courses for the EPCC Associate of Applied Science and Art to be more aligned with UTEP’s Bachelors of Applied Science and Art. Transferability: Not all our EPCC courses transfer to UTEP, but we are working on it. Successful Reverse Transfer was also discussed. Dr. Ekal is the first point of contact for the Committee. Textbook Price, Availability, and Format: Claude Mathis reported that notices will be sent to all school districts regarding textbook class sets. Although class sets are not allowed, it is still being done at some high schools. However, this is not being done in EPISD because it has a centralized system that can be used as a model for other school districts. Some work needs to be done on the Dual Credit Textbook List to show the school districts all the textbook options, such as rentals and e-books. V. The Committee can work on continuing direct and clear communication. The process for instructor evaluations has been much improved. This Committee may be able to discuss and brainstorm solutions for some of the topics that, in the past, were discussed in the College Readiness Consortium. We still need committee representation from EPCC Nursing and Science and from all the school districts. The Committee needs to look over the College Dual Credit Procedure. Members can email comments to Sue Selk or bring comments to the next meeting. Set Next Meeting Date and Time The next meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, November 14, 2012: 3:30-5:00 p.m. Room: TBA. VI. Meeting Adjournment: 5:12 p.m. Minutes submitted by Margie Nelson Rodríguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 16 November 14, 2012 days would be fine if it was managed in this way. Most of the time, EPISD has known ahead of time, so they have been able to plan sufficiently. When the absences are not known ahead of time, it becomes difficult. We need a pool and to start training the pool to accommodate emergency situations. Members present: Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Dr. Jaime Farias, Susana Rodarte, Gloria Estrada, Jan Lockhart, Nancy Evans, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Bob Jones, Carlos Prado, and Margie Nelson Rodríguez I. Welcome II. Reading & Approval of the Minutes Video conferencing will help the EPCC adjunct instructors not have to travel to the high school locations. Bob Jones has already worked on similar situations with the technology personnel at EPISD due to the rotating class schedules at Bowie High School. Next step: The work group can write a recommendation and bring it to Leadership. They need to work with the other school districts. The group will develop a plan and send to the other school districts and get more information on the pool. Science classes still need to be addressed for the lab hours. The meeting minutes from Oct. 24, 2012, were approved. III. Unfinished Business: A. Report from “Substitute” Workgroup Report: The workgroup discussed the handout, which describes the most desired scenario to the least desired. The best scenario is a highly qualified and credentialed instructor to be the long-term substitute. Technology may be needed in this situation, such as video conferencing, hybrid delivery, web conferencing, and placing students into a Blackboard online course; this is the most difficult scenario for students and would only be used as a last resort. The next steps are to start developing a process, Early Alert system, substitute pool, and a network of contact persons. Adjunct EPCC faculty could be the school districts’ substitutes. Pools of credentialed substitutes need to be developed by EPCC, by each discipline. This may need to be added to the partnership agreement. The school districts’ human resources departments also need to be involved in developing the substitute pool. Compensation issues need to be addressed later and by higher administration. There was a discussion on how many consecutive days (3-5 days) a dual credit instructor could be absent before alerting EPCC. Five days is different for the school district versus EPCC. When the absence is known beforehand, the ISD and EPCC can plan, which makes the process easier. When there is an emergency, it is more difficult because there is not time to plan. Nancy Evans said the school district would contact EPCC after 2-3 days. When there is not a credentialed instructor, perhaps the high school substitute can work on the non-college work during that time when the credentialed instructor is missing. The substitute would not cover new material. Different scenarios need to be addressed. Susana Rodarte said the 5 B. IV. Report from “DC Handbook” Workgroup: The group would like to insert the portion on instructor credentialing to the Dual Credit Handbook. Sue Selk shared hard copies of the handbook to show where the instructor credentialing portion will be inserted. The group is not going to look at the complete, comprehensive handbook for now, which is 118 pages total. They want to use some of the ideas brainstormed by the group (small at a glance book and multimedia formats) to disseminate the most important, relevant information. The group is asking the committee to review the complete handbook to note unnecessary information and let Sue know. Most of the handbook gets out of date rather quickly. There is a purpose for the handbook, possibly for coordinators, but not for on-site DC instructors. The handbook is for listing the college procedures and for making sure everything is covered. One idea proposed was to send the handbook to Ron Stroud to let us know which procedures listed in the handbook have been updated, especially since SACS visit. They want something practical and effective to give to on-site dual credit instructors. New Business A. Testing Updates & Discuss Committee Membership & Tasks for the Committee: There used to be two groups were College Readiness Group and College Readiness Consortium. At first, the groups focused on Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 17 ready. Parents, school districts, and EPCC need to lobby the legislature. testing and Accuplacer and keep students out of DE. The group evolved beyond testing. Now with all testing changes, this committee can address some of these issues. Before TAKS, 3% of all students were college ready in all three areas. After TAKS, it was over 30% of all students college-ready in three areas. There will be a TSI measure with STARS later, but there will be an overlap time. There will be loopholes for economically privileged students to buy credits and avoid EOC, such as the private schools in which students can buy credits so they can avoid EOC’s; however, the economically disadvantaged students will have to struggle. Marisa Pierce has ideas and we can share. Maybe, students can take dual credit their senior year if they pass tests the junior year. Maybe students can take the ACT instead. The EOC will have a diagnostic feature to help students. Next year, juniors in the dual-credit program will still be able to take the Accuplacer before the first day of school begins. Next spring, there will be a significant increase in Accuplacer testing to prepare for this change. EPISD still owns 11,000 units of Accuplacer. Jan Lockhart wants dual credit students with disabilities to take the Accuplacer at the high school where they will not have to pay for it like the general student. Currently, these students take the test at EPCC and pay for it after they graduate from high school. Next with STAAR/EOC, the summer after junior year will be the first occasion the school districts will be able to determine if students are TSI ready. EPCC may be affected by this change. Right now, students start with recommended plan, and then move down to minimum plan. With EOC, EPISD estimates that 50% will graduate at minimum plan. Dual credit numbers may be significantly decreasing. Possible options: DE Curriculum can be used to help students get college- Concerning the College Readiness Group, we need to consult with Leadership. Sue will send the class of personnel to Claude to add members from other school districts. V. Set Next Meeting Date and Time Sue will email in January 2013 for next meeting. VI. Meeting Adjournment: 5:05 p.m. Minutes submitted by Margie Nelson Rodríguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 18 February 12, 2013 Members present: Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Jaime Farias, Jan Lockhart, Bob Jones, Michelle Watkins, Dianna Williams, Alicia Sosa, Donna Ekal, Holly Garza and Gloria Estrada I. Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m. Members present introduced themselves and their home campus. II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes: The meeting minutes from November 14, 2012 were approved. III. Unfinished Business: Work group reports A. B. IV. Substitute Proposal/Recommendation Group: The group needs to elect another member since Nancy Evans retired. The other members will meet to develop a recommendation for a substitute process and will bring it to the committee. Handbook Revision Group: This group noted that procedures in the handbook are outdated. These procedures will be replaced with web links instead so that handbook users will have access to updated procedures regardless of the handbook publishing date. New Business A. Testing Updates: Armando Gomez updated the committee on TSI changes that will become effective on August 1, 2013. Major points included the following: If a student has tested with the Accuplacer and has registered by August 1, they will not have to re-test. Students will be required to take a preassessment exam before the placement exam. The pre-assessment be provided free of cost. The cost of the placement exam is to be determined. The same version of the pre-assessment test will be given at EPCC and UTEP. High schools initially will not be testing centers to facilitate tracking preassessment testing records. Students who do not pass the preassessment test will receive help from the PREP program and other methods of helping students prepare for the preassessment are also being considered. The PSAT, SAT, PLAN, and ACT tests will be accepted. B. High schools will receive assistance if they need to assume the cost for students who take the pre-assessment multiple times. Students who place high enough will be asked to take challenge exams so they can possibly test into higher placements. Cut-of scores are to be determined. Dr. Ekal recommended that the College Readiness Committee be re-activated and the committee agreed. UTEP/Dual Credit Update: Dr. Ekal presented a packet with updates for the group. Major points included the following: TSI changes will impact the dual credit program as well as developmental coursework. Jan Lockhart brought to the committee’s attention that the disabled students will have a hard time meeting the TSI changes and non-course options need to be revised to meet the needs of students with disabilities. UTEP is also working on an integrated Reading and Writing course for Developmental English UTEP and EPCC are working on a pathway for the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree. Work on the new degree will continue through Spring and Fall 2013. Students are expected to enter this degree program by January 2014. To increase the number of credentialed, dual credit faculty at high schools, UTEP will be identifying students who have received their master’s degree and contacting them with information on how to get credentialed. Since Math and Science instructors are high priorities, other incentives are also being considered. A high school plus three equals bachelor’s degree program enables students to use their dual credit and advanced placement courses towards a bachelor’s degree so that the student can complete their bachelor’s in three years. A chart showing Dual Credit, Advanced Placement and UTEP Core Curriculum course alignments was developed for information purposes and will be distributed to dual credit schools. UTEP School of Nursing and the Early High School Colleges will be working together to facilitate students’ transfer. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 19 C. principals will also be discussed. Sharing EPCC and high school calendars is also on the agenda as are grades, identification of teachers eligible for credentialing. A question and answer session will be part of the meetings. Mr. Mathis is also interested in developing a job description for facilitators. Students will be asked to turn in their application to UTEP’s School of Nursing while they are still in the Early College High School System. Necessary course requirements will also be disseminated to students, as well as required test scores for admittance into UTEP’s Nursing Program. Fast Track Program – this program will enable students who are working on their bachelor’s degree to take graduate courses. Academic Institutions for Military Students (AIMS) – UTEP working with Ft. Bliss identified the top five locations military personnel are transferring to and will partner with the institutions in these locations to provide military personnel with consistent degree plan requirements and course transferability. Dean’s Meeting with Principals: Claude Mathis stated that he is scheduling meetings with Dual Credit High School principals to discuss issues, and procedures. These meetings will also serve to strength partner relationships between the institutions. Committee members were encouraged to add items to the agendas of these meetings. Some of the items up for discussion are designating dual credit counselors at the high schools as well as an EPCC counselor who will be designated to work with dual credit students. The procedure for student evaluations will be reviewed and the roles of facilitators, EPCC instructional deans, and Jan Lockhart also reminded the committee that a training session for faculty teaching deaf students has been scheduled for February 23 from 1:30 to 4:00. Details will be distributed through the Deans. D. Identify Topics for Discussion and Goals for the Committee: This item was postponed, although Sue Selk reminded committee members that anyone can contribute agenda items. Agenda items should be sent to Ms. Selk. V. Set Next Meeting Date and Time: This item was postponed. VI. Other Items for Discussion: None VII. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Minutes taken by Gloria Estrada Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 20 March 14, 2013 Members present: Esther Hughes, Joe Olivas, Don King, Sue Selk, Claude Mathis, Jaime Farias, Jan Lockhart, Bob Jones, Marisa Pierce, Dianna Williams, Alicia Sosa, Susana Rodarte, Aimee Harris-Johnson, Carlos Prado, Holly Fields, George Thomas, and Holly Garza A goal for the committee should be to brainstorm ways to increase dual credit enrollment by having more credentialed teachers. SISD looks at the crossover course so that they can use the same textbooks as EPCC. I. Welcome II. Reading & approval of the minutes: Minutes were approved with corrections. III. New Business: We do not have any specific information on the test cut scores and how the testing changes will affect dual credit. We should continue business as usual and get as many students ready before the test changes. The College Board is coming April 10th. After that meeting, Testing Services will have more information on the new placement test. Marisa Pierce is concerned that students will take the Accuplacer and if the students register at the last minutes, they will need to take the new placement test. A preassessment activity for students is also going to be required by TSI. A. CTE Dual Credit – Dr. Farias Don King asked about how the new testing would affect the CTE dual credit. Marisa Pierce added that the Accuplacer will still be available for testing through the end of the summer. EPISD will try to use all of its remaining test units through the end of summer. Once the ISD campus runs out of units, the campus will have to pay for them. EPISD has the vast majority of the students tested. CTE dual credit students have to meet the same requirements and criteria as other dual credit students; this will not change. Dr. Farias explained the different CTE requirements between SACSCOC and TEA (college and high school, respectively). Dual credit courses should be taken with a specific purpose in mind and the courses should fit into the student’s degree plan. Introduction to Criminal Justice is considered a transfer course according to the ACGM, so the qualifiers for the faculty are the same as the other transfer courses. Without an articulation agreement, it is in the best interest of the student to make sure that the course transfers and therefore to follow the ACGM guidelines. In other areas, like Information Technology, it was in the best interests of the student not to follow the ACGM because the course was not being maintained adequately, even though the course only transfers to institutions with articulation agreements in place with EPCC. Dr. Farias explained the articulated credit option for the Associate of Applied Science degree. However, often when students change their major, the course will transfer but not be applicable to their new degree plan. There has also been much work done on the 6-year degree plan/mapping for the CTE students. The document will be ready soon. B. Instructional Dual Credit Budget – Claude Next year, there will be a small budget for instructional dual credit, including a part-time assistant for Sue Selk. This will help with instructor evaluations and textbook tracking. C. Textbook Lists Update – Claude & Sue There is a master list kept on the Curriculum Office website. We need the information and format consistent. We need to make sure that the information is accurate and current. They are going to use an Excel worksheet. April 1deadline for DWCs, April 15-deadline for Deans to submit the list to the Curriculum Office, and May 1-the list will be posted D. Dual Credit Textbook Management System – Claude & Sue E. Facilitator Job Description/Evaluation – Claude & Sue Work Group: Bob Jones, Holly Garza, Sue Selk, Aimee Harris-Johnson We need a more detailed facilitator job description beyond the checklist. Then, we will be able to evaluate online facilitators on their job performance. Perhaps, TEKS can be addressed by the facilitator. F. UTEP Dual Credit Update – Sue presented Dr. Ekal’s report to the committee. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 21 VI. We need to look at EOC and facilitators from a regional perspective. Sue and Claude are going to meet with Steve Smith about these issues. If we have identified sections online for dual credit students with a syllabus coordinated by the high school and college instructor. Other items for discussion? EOC requires credentialed instructors for English III and US History. Ideally, the credentialed instructors will teach the US History online. We would like to maintain a commitment if we can. The SISD teacher could fill in the gaps in the dual credit course. We need to look into this further. If the SISD teacher providing EOC instruction cannot enter a grade, SISD is afraid that the students will take the class seriously. The TEKS standards for US History may not align with the EPCC US History. SISD is considering matching Early American history with special topics. CISD and SISD do not anticipate major changes in the fall 2013 to dual credit due to the EOC. They are also looking at student performance and qualifications before they take dual credit. ISD representatives and History instructors will set up a meeting to work on the History TEKS standards and possible effects on dual credit history offerings. VII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m. Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 22 May 1, 2013 ASC, Room B445 I. Welcome II. Reading & approval of the minutes: Minutes from March 14, 2013 were unanimously approved. III. Testing Update – Armando Gomez provided the TSI Assessment cut scores that were approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) on April 25, 2013. As long as students are tested and registered for fall 2013 classes by August 26, 2013, they will not have to take the new TSI Assessment. Standard Exemptions will still apply for the following terms: ACT (5 years), SAT (5 years), and TAKS (3 years). If a student meets the standards on the Accuplacer before the deadline, as long as the student registers for ANY college course in fall 2013 by August 26, 2013, the student will not have to take the TSI Assessment. Testing sites will only be at EPCC and UTEP for the first year. Then, after revising the MOU and training, the ISDs could become testing sites again. Accuplacer will still be available for high-level math and student ranking. IV. UTEP Update – Dr. Armando Aguirre reported that prior to August 26, 2013, UTEP is working closely with the ISDs to get as many students registered for dual credit as possible. EPCC may not be able to continue to supply instructors to teach dual credit because of the cost. There is a shortage of credentialed high school dual credit teachers. There are 25 potential teachers who could become credentialed by the college in each ISD; these teachers have Master’s degrees. UTEP’s goal is to help these teachers earn 18 hours in a subject area. Payment of tuition still needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, these teachers are not equally spread out in all subject areas. Dr. Aguirre also discussed the Educational Talent Search (ETS) Program with Bowie High School. There are 31 students in the summer, and they plan to double that figure in the fall. The goal will be for students to complete 6-15 hours of dual credit after the program. V. Faculty Development. Sue is interested in developing packaged training, especially for the smaller ISDs. Sue is also concerned with appropriate pairing of college courses to high school courses. EPISD already has a standardized list of college courses that align with high schools courses. EPCC wants to be sure that dual credit has a purpose and that the college courses are not being offered frivolously or being paired with electives. There have been ISD requests for more facilitator and Blackboard training. There are many questions and ambiguity about the ISD grading systems for dual credit. The EPCC grading system is quite different. Students automatically receive an additional 10 points to their dual credit course final grades (state policy). How are we managing grades? One idea: Perhaps we should send informational surveys to the ISDs to obtain district grade policies and management. Dual credit courses should not be used for eligibility for UIL rules; however, local ISD policy can trump these UIL rules. VI. First Year Re-cap: The process for Dual Credit long-term substitutes is being finalized and will be presented to the VPI and Leadership. Another work group will be focused on the handbook and FAQs. VII. Other items for discussion? For next year, we need to work on the counseling for dual credit. VIII. Sue thanked the committee for a great first year!! IX. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez EPCC Updates – Sue Selk has been meeting with the ISDs to discuss EPCC requirements, such as Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 23 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 The committee did not meet during the 2011-2012 academic year. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 24 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 September 27, 2010 The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at 3:05 p.m., VV B161 on September 27, 2010. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, and Gloria Palos (on behalf of Carolyn Buntyn), Linda Cropper, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Aimee Harris, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Sarah John, Hector Arriola (on behalf of Bob Jones), Dr. John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Elaine Olsakovsky, Dr. Julie Penley, and Dianna Williams Others present: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen and Carina Ramirez Martina reported that procedure High School Dual Credit Program Requirements was approved as a “working procedure” and has been posed on the EPCC website. This committee will need to continue working on the finalization of this procedure. She also reported that the agreements “Dual Credit Partnership Agreement” were updated adding all missing elements as required. Meetings with high school administrators are being planned prior to spring. Plans are to visit with high schools to review internal/external processes, and work closer with them. Members absent: Nita Corral-Nava, Dr. Jaime Farias (called), and Elena Madrid The Dual Credit webpage has been updated and committee members were invited to visit at 1. Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit welcomed all and asked members to introduced themselves. 2. The Committee agreed to meet the first Tuesday of each month. Martina will forward a copy of the working draft procedure and the Dual Credit Partnership Agreement. Dianna Williams reported on New Student Orientations (NSO). There are a total of 49 high schools participating in Dual Credit program this semester, 16 have been covered. Eleven (11) will be completed in October leaving 22 schools pending NSOs. Meeting dates for 2010-2011: October 5, 2010 (deferred) November 2, 2010 February 1, 2011 March 1, 2011 April 5, 2011 3. Updates: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Interim Vice President of Student Services, shared information about the Texas State Audit. She reported that their main concerns related to the existing agreements, procedures/policies and faculty evaluations. Two high schools were audited. The outcome of the audit for the Dual Credit Program was very good. Textbook issues, the opening/closing of CRNs, faculty online/onsite issues, and other dual credit challenges were discussed. Dale Hougham distributed an enrollment report for Fall 2010. Dual Credit students enrolled: 3,284; Early College High School student enrollment: 1,216, combined: 4,500. Next meeting: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 VV B161 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 25 November 2, 2010 The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at 3:05 p.m., VV B161 on November 2, 2010. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, Carolyn Buntyn, Linda Cropper, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Aimee Harris, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Hector Arriola (on behalf of Bob Jones), Jan Lockhart, Elena Madrid, Dr. Julie Penley, and Dianna Williams Members absent: Nita Corral-Nava, Dr. Jaime Farias, Sarah John (called), Dr. John Lencyk (e-mailed), Claude Mathis (called), and Elaine Olsakovsky. I. Welcome by Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit. Approval of Minutes: Ramon Jimenez made a motion to approve the minutes for September 27, 2010. Martha Arvizo seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. II. Martina reported that a Calendar Guide had been developed for the ISD’s. A Spring Calendar Guide was finalized for EPISD along with newly improved Course Request Forms (CRF), Enrollment Roster Form (ERF) and Addendum ERF on Excel. A similar calendar will be used for the other school districts with modifications according to the start and end dates of their onsite courses. High schools must use the EPCC start and end dates for all online courses. IV. The Dual Credit Partnership Agreements have been signed by all schools with the exception of EPISD, SISD and YISD. The Agreement is being reviewed by the ISD superintendent and their legal counsel, as well as others ISD representatives. V. Updates Procedure High School Dual Credit Program Requirements has been reviewed and finalized by Cabinet, and all constituency groups. It will soon be posted as an official college procedure. The Dual Credit Handbook is under review. Various departments have been provided a current copy of handbook for updates on their specific area. Plans are to have the updated handbook finalized no later than the end of the month. Dale Hougham reported on the current enrollment for EPCC Dual Credit: 3,302 students enrolled. Carolyn Buntyn provided information on the new approved testing fees. New student ACCUPLACER placement and ATB testing fee is $29 (full battery). ACCUPLACER retest fee is $15 per subject. Members briefly discussed upcoming test changes for the state of Texas to include the THECB/THEA pilot testing. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 VV B161 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. III. A meeting with all EPISD high schools was held on Friday, October 29. The calendar and new forms were reviewed. The high school representatives had an opportunity to ask questions about the calendar and the forms. The meeting was very helpful and well received. Meetings are being scheduled with other school districts and high schools to review the calendar and new forms. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 26 February 1, 2011 School Principals be scheduled. This would help build a relationship and help the high schools learn more about their role in the program. The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at 3:00 p.m., VV B161 on February 1, 2011. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Carolyn Buntyn, Nita Corral-Nava, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Dr. Jaime Farias, Aimee Harris, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Sara John, Bob Jones, Dr. John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Elaine Olsakovsky, Dr. Julie Penley, and Dianna Williams Members absent: Martha Arvizo, Linda Cropper (emailed), Ramon Jimenez (e-mailed), Elena Madrid. I. Welcome by Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit. Minutes for November 2, 2010 were reviewed and approved. II. Martina reported that the Calendar Guides for the high schools are working well. The districts of EPISD, YISD and SISD agreed to use the EPCC start date of January 16 and used their high school end date. III. Two new forms were developed: 1) Prior to Census Removal Form, to remove students from a course before the census date. 2) Administrator Request to Change a Dual Credit Student Record, to add or drop a student after census date or after course has ended and grades posted. Other Action(s) can be requested using this new form. IV. Martina Arriaga and Dianna Williams visited the high schools of Van Horn, Fort Hancock and Sierra Blanca during the month of January. Meetings with the high schools are being scheduled on a regular basis to help them understand and resolve different issues concerning the program. The Dual Credit office plans to visit all high schools this year. Dr. Jaime Farias will provide information (brochures, pamphlets, etc) to the Dual Credit office regarding Career and Technical Education programs. This will be given to the high schools during visits. Claude Mathis recommended that meetings between the EPCC Deans and High V. Updates The Dual Credit Partnership Agreement for YISD has been signed. The EPISD and SISD Partnership Agreements are still pending review by the ISD superintendent, legal counsel, and others ISD representatives. The Dual Credit Handbook (instructional section) is still under review. Claude Mathis informed the members that a committee of instructors was created to revise and update the instructional part in the Dual Credit Handbook. The committee is formed by Claude Mathis, Dr. Julie Penley, Gail Shipley, Ruth Pena, Kathleen Devaney, Tonie Badillo, Amy Harris, and Blayne Primozich. A recommendation was made to include a faculty member from the disciplines of Math, Technical (possibly Becky Hancock), and Health. Dale Hougham reported on the spring 2011 semester enrollment for Dual Credit: 3,188 students enrolled. Bob Jones informed about the positive response of the Distance Education Dual Credit Facilitators meeting held in January 12, 2011. Facilitators were notified regarding the possibility of ending the ITV courses after the Spring semester, 2011. Suggestions were made to include an Evaluation of the high school facilitators. It could be a quick survey for the students through the blackboard. Also, Bob Jones reported that the volume of calls/issues has decreased, during this semester. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 VV B161 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 27 March 1, 2011 The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at 3:05 p.m., VV B161 on March 1, 2011. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, Armando Gomez (on behalf of Carolyn Buntyn), Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Dr. Jaime Farias, Aimee Harris, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Bob Jones, Jan Lockhart, Elena Madrid, Claude Mathis, and Dianna Williams Members absent: Nita Corral-Nava, Linda Cropper (emailed), Sarah John (e-mailed), Dr. John Lencyk (e-mailed), Elaine Olsakovsky, and Dr. Julie Penley (e-mailed). I. II. Welcome by Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit. committee in charge of revising and updating the instructional part in the Dual Credit Handbook has already met. Members learned that there is a lot of work that needs to be done. They still do not know how long this project will take. Bob Jones notified the committee that the closing down of the ITV courses has been approved by the Deans and Dr. Brown. Spring is the last semester this delivery mode will be offered. Distance Education staff will be visiting the high schools that are affected and will be notifying them about this change. Additionally, technology visits will be scheduled to help them in the transition. Claude Mathis will help to recruit on-line dual credit instructors. An announcement will be posted in the El Paso Times soliciting qualified on-line instructors. Approval of Minutes: Dale Hougham made a motion to approve the February 1, 2011 minutes. Dianna Williams seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. Dale Hougham reported on the current enrollment for EPCC Dual Credit: 3,161 students enrolled. Members of the committee agreed to recognize Dual Credit students graduating this spring if they meet the following requirements: Dianna Williams asked about the required registered hours a student must have to be eligible for an EPCC student ID card. According to Elena Madrid as long as a student is registered, the number of credit hours does not matter. A. B. Certificates for all with Less than 6 credits and a college 2.0 G.P.A. Certificate and Cord for all with 6 credits or more and a 2.0 G.P.A. Claude Mathis reported that the process for the delivery of the Faculty Evaluations will change for the districts of EPISD, YISD, SISD and Clint ISD. EPCC will deliver and collect the faculty evaluations from an appointed individual in the district. Thus, these districts will distribute and gather the high school faculty evaluations. This will help to maintain more control over the faculty evaluations. III. The Procedure High School Dual Credit Program Requirements will be reviewed once the updating of the Dual Credit handbook has been finalized. IV. Updates Next meeting: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 VV B161 at 3:00 p.m. Martina Arriaga and Dianna Williams have been visiting private high schools. During their visits they are reviewing the process of the program including forms. They are emphasizing the importance of submitting all paperwork early and in its entirety. The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo The Dual Credit Handbook (instructional section) is still under review. Claude Mathis informed that the Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 28 April 5, 2011 go with a general calendar using our start and end dates. The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at 3:10 p.m., VV B161 on April 5, 2011. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, Armando Gomez (on behalf of Carolyn Buntyn), Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Aimee Harris, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Sara John, Bob Jones, Dr. John Lencyk, Dr. Julie Penley and Dianna Williams. Others Present: Hector Arriola Members absent: Nita Corral-Nava, Linda Cropper (emailed), Dr. Jaime Farias (e-mailed), Jan Lockhart (emailed), Elena Madrid, Claude Mathis (called), Dr. Elaine Olsakovsky (e-mailed), Barbara Williams. I. Welcome by Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit. Minutes for March 1, 2011 were reviewed and approved. II. III. Martina Arriaga announced to the committee members the integration of five new members to the dual credit staff. As of March 21, Martha Arvizo, Juan Pineda, Dolores Tapia, Jeanette Fasolino and Leticia Valadez are part of the Dual Credit office. From now on this office will be more involved with Early College High School. We will be meeting with the principals and deans. Martina Arriaga informed the committee about the meeting with EPISD. We met with Nancy Evans and all the EPISD Assistant Principals Guidance & Instruction. The EPISD calendar was approved and finalized. Meetings with SISD, YISD and Clint ISD have been scheduled. Private/smaller schools will IV. Updates Notices have been sent out to the High Schools concerning the certificates and cords for dual credit students graduating this spring. These include a list with the student’s name and if they will be receiving a certificate or certificate and cords. The home school students list will be sent out to Ramon Jimenez for his handling. The Dual Credit Handbook (instructional section) is still under review. The Dual Credit Handbook will be posted in the EPCC/dual credit web site with a notation in the instructional part stating instructional section is currently under review. Dale Hougham will send to Julie Penley a report of dual credit on-site social sciences courses as she requested. Dale Hougham distributed an enrollment report for Spring 2011. Dual Credit students enrolled: 3,109. Next meeting: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 in VV B161 at 3:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 29 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 September 8, 2009 A regular meeting of the Dual Credit Standing Committee was called to order at VV campus, room B161 at 3:05 p.m. The following members were present: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Ms. Martha Arvizo, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Dr. Jaime Farias, Mr. Dale Hougham, Mr. Ramon Jimenez, Ms. Jan Lockhart, Ms. Elena Madrid, Dr. Julie Penley, Mr. Mauricio Rodriguez, Mrs. Gail Shipley, Ms. Dianna Williams and Mr. Hector Arriola on behalf of Mr. Bob Jones. Welcome by Gail Shipley, Director of Dual Credit and Early College High School programs. promote and inform all High School students by November of this year. Registrar’s office is working on the electronic DCCR’s as well. Martha Arvizo informed to the committee that completed DCCR’s for this semester are being scanned. This way faculty will be able to know who is registered, who is not registered and the reason why. However, there were some questions and comments of the pros and cons about the use of the electronic DCCR’s. Dale Hougham said that in the end people, who work with DCCR’s, are going to print them. He stated that it is more convenient to have a hard DCCR copy than an image in the computer. Ms. Jan Lockhart confirmed that she will need hard DCCR copies. Committee will continue discussing this issue next meeting. Intro Mission Statement Every member of the Committee introduced themselves. Enrollment Report Mr. Dale Hougham distributed an enrollment report as of September 8, 2009. Students enrolled in Dual Credit program were 2,207 and 936 in Early College High School. Total of students for Fall semester is 27,218 of which 11.5% are Dual Credit and Early College students. Meeting dates for 2009-2010 October 13, 2009 November 10, 2009 February 9, 2010 March 9, 2010 April 13, 2010 Gail Shipley suggested that the committee develop a Mission Statement. Also, she distributed a brochure with the instructions on what a mission statement should include. Dr. Carlos Amaya will work on the Mission Statement. Mrs. Shipley also suggested a motto. Report on The textbook revision is in process. Dr. Brown is reviewing the stipend recommendation. Anything Else? Martha Arvizo mentioned that DCCR’s are a contract between the High School and EPCC, and need complete information. Gail Shipley verified that on-line faculty should expect no new students from today on. The committee was informed of the meeting cancellations for December, January and May due to finals and faculty development week. The next meeting of the Dual Credit Standing committee will be held on October 13, at VV campus, room B161 at 3 p.m. Go Green The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Gail Shipley stated that Dr. Brown wants High School students to be encouraged to go green by applying and enrolling on-line for the Dual Credit Program. The goal is to Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 30 October 13, 2009 A regular meeting of the Dual Credit Standing Committee was called to order at VV campus, room B161 at 3:00 p.m. probably cause an increase in the number of Dual Credit students registering for future semesters. Members present: Martha Arvizo, Carolyn Buntyn, Lee Cannell, Linda Cropper, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Dr. Jaime Farias, Debbie Knapp on behalf of Ramon Jimenez, Sarah John, Bob Jones, Dr. John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Mauricio Rodriguez, Gail Shipley. Hector Arriola from Distance Education was present. Likewise, the committee discussed about how other universities are offering Dual Credit courses. Lamar University and University of Texas at Arlington are recruiting students by calling the high schools. They are offering online courses and they are already using TAKS, ACT, SAT, PSAT and PLAN scores for placement. Students are enrolled through an electronic process. Gail Shipley stated that according to Bill HB 3646 any college or university in Texas can offer Dual Credit courses and the school gets $400 for each student enrolled at a dual credit class. Claude Mathis emphasized that this can be a threat for our business. Members not Present but called: Dr. Carlos Amaya, Dale Hougham, Dr. Julie Penley, Dianna Williams. Welcome by Gail Shipley, Director of Dual Credit and Early College High School programs. Mission Statement Members of the committee brain stormed ideas for the Mission Statement. Intro Debbie Knapp, Linda Cropper, John Lencyk, Sarah John and Lee Cannell introduced themselves. Approval of Minutes: John Lencyk made a motion to approve the minutes from April 14, 2009. Carolyn Buntyn seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. Motion to approve the September 8, 2009, minutes was made by Dr. Kathleen Devaney. Motion seconded by Bob Jones. Motion passed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enrollment Report 6. Gail Shipley reported updated enrollment numbers for Dual Credit and Early College High School. Dual Credit Student count for Fall Semester is 2,461. Student count Early College High School 970, which makes a total of 3,431 students enrolled. Report on Dual Credit Activities Gail Shipley and Claude Mathis informed the committee of the progress that has been made as a result of Dual Credit meetings. Both are satisfied with the results, Bob Jones also agreed with them. Deadlines are being established for High Schools, making the different procedures that need to be followed be more organized in order to enroll the students successfully in the program. There is still room for improvement, yet enough progress has been made to avoid the incident of the fall semester. Also, Gail Shipley commented to the committee about the email that was sent out regarding the Placement Assessment for College Level courses. In which is stated that in addition to Accuplacer the following tests scores will be used for placement TAKS, ACT, SAT, PSAT and PLAN. This will 7. 8. 9. 10. Serve our community by extending a quality education to all students in our service area. Smooth transition from secondary to post secondary education. Offer college opportunity to students who would not otherwise consider college. Extend benefits of college to all high school students in El Paso area. Encourage local high school faculty to expand opportunities for teaching. Credentialed local teachers to deliver the college course in the high school setting Quality education at no cost to the student Have fun! Continuum of lifelong learning We serve our community by extending college education to all students in our service area providing smooth transition from High School to College. Dr. John Lencyk and Mauricio Rodriguez will work to develop a final draft Dual Credit mission statement from a combination of the ideas above. Gail Shipley asked the committee if they agree to change the meetings from the second Tuesday of the month to the first Tuesday of the month due to scheduling conflicts with other meetings. Therefore, the committee agreed to reschedule next meeting for November 3, 2009 at VV campus, room B161 at 3 p.m., originally scheduled for November 10, 2009, The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 31 February 2, 2010 The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at VV B161 and was called to order at 3:05 p.m. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, Carolyn Buntyn, Lee Cannell, Dr. Jaime Farias, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Sarah John, Bob Jones, Jan Lockhart, Elena Madrid, Claude Mathis, Mauricio Rodriguez, Dianna Williams and Susana Rodarte on behalf of Dr. Julie Penley. Others present: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, VP Student Services, Hector Arriola, Distance Education, David Mendez, Mike Fernandez and Valerie Lopez on behalf of Nita CorralNava. Members not Present but called: Nita Corral-Nava, Linda Cropper, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Dr. Julie Penley, Dr. John Lencyk. Dual Credit Procedure Review Members agreed that the committee needs to work on updating and revising the procedure and the manual within this semester or year. Claude stated that the old procedure does not even mention a Dual Credit office. Meeting Dates The Committee agreed to keep meeting on the first Tuesday of the month. Lee Cannell commented that the minutes need to be sent out early. Other The following includes comments, information and discussion with regard to dual credit. Welcome Claude Mathis informed the committee that he would be conducting the meeting as he is the administrative liaison. He welcomed all and referred to the last meeting minutes as a reminder that the committee had agreed to meet the first Tuesday of each month. Dual Credit Update Claude Mathis notified the Committee about important changes in the Dual Credit Program. He announced that Gail Shipley had resigned as the Director of Dual Credit; the Dual Credit office no longer reports to Dr. Brown, Vice President of Instruction, but is now reporting to Linda GonzalezHensgen, Interim Vice President of Students Services. He introduced Martina Arriaga as the Interim Director of Dual Credit and announced he would continue working with dual credit on instructional issues. Election of New Chair Claude announced the vacant position of Chair of the Dual Credit Standing Committee, vacated by Gail Shipley. Martina Arriaga volunteered to chair this committee as the Interim Director. The Committee elected Martina Arriaga as new chair unanimously. Enrollment Report Dale Hougham distributed an enrollment report for Spring 2010. There are 2,500 students enrolled in Dual Credit and 1,040 in Early College High School. The total number of students for Spring semester is 27,552 of which 12.8% are Dual Credit and Early College students. Lee Cannell would like to include ISD folks to the meetings. Claude Mathis will try to reconnect with ISD representatives and possibly invite them to future meetings. Martina Arriaga informed the committee that the Dual Credit office has been moved from Administrative Service Center (ASC) to SSC-VV Room 106. She also expressed appreciation to everyone that has been helping the Dual Credit office in the process of enrollment. She is hoping to streamline registration for Fall. Claude Mathis referred to the letter that EPCC registrar’s office sent out to the dual credit contacts and registrars at the high schools where it says if you have any student sitting in the class who is not registered after census day they have to leave that is correct for on-site classes but not for on-line courses. For on-line courses, students must be removed the first Friday after the start of class. Need to distinguish between on-site classes and online classes, EPCC needs to be sending out the same message. Deadlines need to be adhered to. Official Rosters have been sent out and many schools have not even looked at them. Schools need to send complete information in order to better process their request. Carolyn shared that she has had students expecting to be tested after census for classes already in session. Students cannot wait until the last minute to be tested. Daryle stated that the goal is to provide dual credit high school students the same level of education that for regular students. They have the same resources, therefore, high school students should follow the same rules that a regular student follows. Regular students are not allowed to sit in a classroom after a census day and this should not be happening in the Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 32 high schools. His office has received good feedback to the letters that have been sent out. There are Fall 2009 issues still being worked on to include missing grades, students missing from rosters but sat in the classroom. Linda stated the urgency to revise the procedure and inform the high schools that if they are interested in participating in Dual Credit in the Fall semester, they would be required to attend a mandatory meeting. Committee members were assigned tasks in reference to the procedure and handbook these will be updated. Martina will work on rewriting and updating the duties of the dual credit office. Daryle Hendry will update registration information. Claude Mathis will coordinate the instructional part with the deans. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2, at VV campus, room B161 at 3 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m. Plans are to send out letters to high schools participating in dual credit informing them of expected changes to come for Fall 2010 to include deadlines and new guidelines. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 33 April 6, 2010 The Dual Credit Standing Committee met at VV B161 and was called to order at 3:05 p.m. Members present: Martina Arriaga, Martha Arvizo, and Gloria Palos on behalf of Carolyn Buntyn, Nita Corral-Nava, Dr. Jaime Farias, Dale Hougham, Sarah John, Bob Jones, Dr. John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Elena Madrid, Dr. Julie Penley, and Dianna Williams. Others present: Hector Arriola, Susana Rodarte, and Angie Ruiz. Members not Present but called: Lee Cannell, Linda Cropper, Dr. Kathleen Devaney, Daryle Hendry, Ramon Jimenez, Claude Mathis, and Mauricio Rodriguez. Welcome by Martina Arriaga, Interim Director of Dual Credit. our Dual Credit Program and on-line offerings from State U. Recruiters were able to give the presentations at these assemblies for us. Jan Lockhart would like to see more information about the Center of Students with Disabilities in presentations. Martina Arriaga and Dianna Williams met with some staff members from Eastwood and Montwood high schools. These meetings were basically information about the program. The New Course Request form (CRF) and Enrollment Roster form (ERF) were presented to the committee. Dale Hougham suggested adding a comments section in the Course Request form. Bob Jones recommended including facilitators’ phone number and email address in the Enrollment Roster Form. Martina Arriaga notified the committee about the Texas State Auditor’s Office audit of the Dual Credit Program. Approval of Minutes: Jan Lockhart made a motion to approve the minutes February 2, 2010. Bob Jones seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. The Dual Credit office will have an EPCC Dual Credit workshop on May 3, 2010 for High School Principals, Dual Credit points of contact, and EPCC administrators and staff involved in Dual Credit. Updates Dual Credit Procedure Review Item 1 and 2 on the agenda were deferred. The Committee reviewed the High School Dual Credit Program Requirements Procedure and additions/modifications were made at the meeting. A copy of the updated procedure will be emailed. Dale Hougham distributed an enrollment report for Spring 2010. There are 2,466 students enrolled in Dual Credit and 1,036 in Early College High School. The total number of students for Spring semester is 3,502. Martina Arriaga informed the committee that Nancy Evans, Director of College Readiness from El Paso ISD, invited the DC Office to give presentations along with State These presentations provided the students information about The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Griselda Hermosillo Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 34 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 October 14, 2008 VV Room B-240 Melissa Whitman called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2008 meeting. The motion was made and seconded and the minutes were approved. postponed until that person is in place. It was also mentioned that the revised policy should include a statement regarding students with disabilities. The Committee received copies of Enrollment Reports from Dale Hougham and heard the reports. A stipend in the amount of $350 per section taught for Dual Credit Faculty was discussed, and Claude Mathis made the motion to recommend this proposal. Daryle Hendry seconded the motion. The motion carried. The Committee discussed adopting a policy to replace nonattending members, and the number of members required to constitute a quorum. These items will be discussed and voted upon during the next meeting. The Committee will discuss and vote next meeting whether to schedule the meetings by teleconferencing in an effort to reduce travel for members. The Committee discussed adding a paragraph to the Policy Selection and Ordering of Textbooks that would relate specifically to Dual Credit courses. Gail Shipley will compose a draft and present to the Committee for discussion. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The announcement was made that a new Director of Dual Credit and Early College High School Programs will be hired, and that revisions of the Dual Credit Policy be Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 35 January 27, 2009 VV Room C-428 The meeting of the Dual Credit Standing Committee was called to order by Chair Melissa Whitman at 3:35 p.m. Members attending were Martha Arvizo, Kay Becker, Carolyn Buntyn, Lee Cannell, Nita Corral Nava, Daryle Hendry, Dale Hougham, Bob Jones, John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Julie Penley, Mauricio Rodriguez, Angie Ruiz, Gail Shipley, Dianna Williams and Ms. Whitman. Members not attending were Isela Castanon-Williams, Nancy Evans and Ramon Jimenez, all of whom notified the Dual Credit office. The agenda was set aside to congratulate Nita Corral-Nava and the Recruiters for completing Spring 2009 Dual Credit enrollment before the winter break. Appreciation was expressed to Daryle Hendry and Martha Arvizo as well. Dale Hougham reported that 2,167 Dual Credit students, plus 762 Early College High School students were enrolled as of this date. The minutes of the October 14, 2008 meeting were approved. Angie Ruiz agreed to become Committee Note Taker since Ralph Grimes is no longer with EPCC. The group voted not to teleconference between Rio Grande, Transmountain and Valle Verde Campus sites, but to continue to meet at Valle Verde. The group voted not to identify a quorum. The following attendance policy was approved: 1. A member would be contacted by Dean Claude Mathis after a member had two unexcused absences, to discuss whether that member stays on the Committee. 2. Any member will be removed from the Committee Roster and replaced with another member if he/she cannot attend. Daryle Hendry began discussion of 10th graders in Dual Credit, and reported that Cathedral High School has asked for exceptions for nine of their 10th graders to be enrolled. Daryle asked President Rhodes to consider adopting a policy to allow 9th and 10th graders, mirroring the Early College High School, using only the same criteria that applies for 11th and 12th graders. Texas law states that the President has the authority to grant exceptions. One issue is the line of communication to the Committee when new situations and requests arise. The question arose of how Counselors learn of Student Business Holds, why they exist for that student, and who removes the hold. Revisions to EPCC Policy “Selection and Ordering of Textbooks” were discussed. The draft that Gail Shipley provided was discussed and amended, and she asked that the final revision be decided during the February 10 meeting. A copy of the draft with amendments in red is attached. The Committee’s meetings for Spring 2009 will be on Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m. in VV Room C 428 on February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 if needed (This is Finals Week.) The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 36 April 14, 2009 VV Room C-428 EPCC members in attendance were: Martha Arviso, Kay Becker, Carolyn Buntyn, Nita Corral-Nava, Dale Hougham, Ramon Jimenez, Bob Jones, John Lencyk, Jan Lockhart, Claude Mathis, Julie Penley, Angie Ruiz, Gail Shipley, and Dianna Williams. Motion to change Charge was made by Bob Jones and John Lencyk seconded it. The Committee voted to recommend the following Charge: “To facilitate the recruitment, admission, counseling, orientation, testing, placement, and registration and to ensure the quality of dual credit offerings and the support of dual credit instruction.” Kay Becker from the Center of Career and Technology was present. Members not present but called: Lee Cannell, Mauricio Rodriguez, Melissa Whitman, Barbara Williams Committee members made recommendations for Standing Committee Membership. Bob Jones made the motion and Jan Lockhart seconded, and the committee voted to recommend the following changes: Gail Shipley called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. Ongoing Appointments: Motion for approval of minutes from February 10, 2009, by Ramon Jimenez; John Lencyk seconded and the motion passed. Dale Hougham supplied Enrollment Reports that indicated that 777 students are enrolled in Early College High School and a three page report that indicated 2218 students are enrolled in Dual Credit, which makes a total of 2988 students enrolled. Claude Mathis suggested we need a more detailed report since several private schools are grouped together in the count. Gail Shipley will construct a form letter for High School Principals to sign and send to Daryl Hendry when a student moves into a new school or ISD. (See Attached) This will be discussed during the next meeting. Gail Shipley led discussion about the proposal to add a paragraph to Policy "Selection and Ordering of Textbooks" for Dual Credit and Early High School Students. Some revisions were agreed upon and Ms. Shipley will submit the recommendation to Mauricio Rodriguez check for spelling and grammar. The Dual Credit Coordinator be changed to Director of Dual Credit and ECHS Programs Administrative Liaison be designated as Instructional Dean with oversight of Dual Two Credit Instructors Add Director of Testing Services Two-Year Appointments: One Representative/Counselor from Early College High School Two Credit Instructors Change the Chair of Curriculum to Chair of Distance Education One Dean The next regularly scheduled meeting falls during Finals Week, so the Committee decided to meet again during June. The second Tuesday in June will be June 9. Notices will go out. Meeting adjouned at 4:55 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 37 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 September 4, 2007 Attendees: Martha Arvizo, Nita Corral-Nava, Ralph Grimes, Jan Lockhart, Santiago Rodriguez, Dianna Williams, Michael Cannon, Lynne De Leon, Tammie Campos, Dale Hougham, Carolyn Buntyn, Margo Endlich-Portillo, Daryle Hendry, Bob Jones, Claude Mathis, Lee Sullivan, Gail Shipley, Jan Massie, Douglas Shirmer, Deanna McSwain The Dual Credit Program Procedure will be reviewed during the fall, according to Claude Mathis. He asked that the committee review it as we begin to consider updates. Discussion regarding the late-start and “super-late” start due to specific High Schools’ technological issues and ISD start dates. Open discussion followed: Welcome New Members: Ralph Grimes 1. Michael Cannon reported an incident when an EPISD student with an EPCC ID was not able to check out books from the library. Dr. Tammy Campos will assist Arvis Jones in resolving this. 2. A student that had already graduated from High School in May was enrolled in a Dual Credit course and was assigned to a course roster. Tuition was charged. 3. A stipend for Dual Credit Instructions was mentioned. This will be discussed further. 4. Socorro High School student enrolled in online English has raised issues with the instructor. 5. The time involved in getting transcripts, TAKS scores, TSI numbers, etc., from high schools was discussed. Daryle Hendry will discuss with issue with Mr. Nugent and report back to the committee. 6. The online CRN numbers at Chapin High should be checked out. 7. Jan Lockhart offered to present on Students with Disabilities to Dual Credit faculty. 8. It was suggested that the approved minutes and agenda for each meeting appear on the Dual Credit website. Election of New Committee Chair and Secretary: Unanimous votes were cast for Gail Shipley as Chair, and Deanna McSwain as secretary. Minutes of the June 6, 2007 meeting were reviewed and the following corrections were suggested: 1. 2. Motion was made and seconded that the second paragraph be reworded to read “One representative for all of the private schools” rather than one representative per private school. Motion was made and seconded to include “the Dual Credit Handbook will include the statement of the EPCC academic honesty policy. The statement in the June 6 minutes regarding Dual Credit students being on EPCC campus to “fill empty seats” drew question and Claude Mathis indicated that this issue would be taken to the Vice President to forward to the President for resolution. Review of Consortium Meeting: All attendees reviewed the Evaluation Results from the August 7, 2007 meeting. General comments were positive about the information presented, and the round table discussions were well received. Dual Credit Handbook: Attendees reviewed the Handbook. Suggestions were made to add the FERPA statement to the handbook. Inserts are available for the updates to the Handbook. Any further corrections or additions to the Handbook should be submitted to Margo Endlich-Portillo by November 1 so that changes can be made on a timely basis. Next meeting will be held October 2, 2007 in B 240 at Valle Verde, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned: 3:56 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 38 January 9, 2008 Valle Verde, Room 2112 Gail Shipley, Coordinator of Economics and Philosophy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Louis Mollinary and David Toner were present. The group discussed the textbook used for Econ 2301 and 2302 and the syllabus requirements. They also discussed the upcoming requirements to develop Student Learning Outcomes. Ms. Shipley announced that she will no longer serve as Faculty Coordinator, but that Mr. Ed Chambless will begin immediately to serve in that capacity. Mr. Chambless came to the meeting to introduce himself and to indicate his pleasure in working with these disciplines. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The Faculty Information sheets were distributed and completed and requests for mail boxes were completed. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 39 February 5, 2008 1. 2. Welcome and Introduction 12 = online Angie Ruiz, Dual Credit Counselor-Assisting Dianna Williams Margo Enlich is Coordinator for Articulated Credit Gail Shipley, Dual Credit Coordinator, because of this we need to elect a new chair. Election- New Chairperson, Dale volunteered to do it with permission Term Code will be selected. Kay Becker asked about the Silva Health Magnet. No Jefferson? Dale Hougham will address this at the next meeting. 6. Contacts if you have questions: Carolyn Buntyn from testing, and Gloria Palos. Call Laura Palomino for the database information. We will not test any student not in the Banner system. Contacts will be made to schools to fill in information at the schools. EPCC prefers to go out to the High Schools and test students. When schools send in applications, send in the students’ test scores. Everyone has Dual Credit counselors at the high schools. (See Handouts) Claude Mathis commended the chart. Members Present: Gail Shipley, Claude Mathis, Daryle Hendry, Jan Massie, Michael Cannon, Deanna McSwain, Dianna Williams, Kay Becker, Angie Ruiz, Martha Arvizo, Carolyn Buntyn, Ralph Grimes; Dale Hougham, Nita Corral-Nava, Santiago Rodriguez, Arvis Jones. Sue Selk also attended. 3. 4. Approval of Minutes: Motion to accept the Daryle Hendry, Carolyn Buntyn seconded the motion and the Committee voted to accept the minutes. 7. Textbooks: Michael Cannon voiced a concern with textbooks. Textbook changes need to be known six months ahead in order to get the books ordered and received by the time class starts. Textbook procedure was given out to attendees. Dual Credit textbook adoption may be up to a four year cycle for onsite Dual Credit courses. Claude Mathis referenced an email from Steven Smith on January 30, 2008. Report -- Daryle Hendry: No longer printing first day rosters and/ printing census roster. It was recently brought to the attention on a meeting with instructors and coordinators. If the student is not on the online roster by the second day of class, the high school needs to act on getting the students on or removed from the class. Communication should be maintained between instructors and facilitators. Instructors should review rosters periodically to check for drops. Dual Credit Coordinators need to communicate changes and current information to the Dual Credit office. Textbooks are decided by the College discipline. A form is being used to track the length of time that textbooks are being used at the High Schools. The College will have to have a viable reason to change the textbooks before the four year window. Online use will be more difficult due to the faculty availability. The Committee may address this issue in the Procedure. Daryle Hendry will do a letter to instructors. Dual Credit memo will include statement to Dual Credit Handbook for Instructors. Instructors will not have to maintain grades on paper. Claude Mathis will direct the question to the Dual Credit Management team. 5. Testing: Reports: Dual Credit Meetings: 8. Principals - A well attended meeting Teachers - Issues raised and questions answered Facilitators’ Meeting - Q and A, Working on updating personnel. Handout - Dual Credit Enrollment – 1,653 as of today. (Handout) Home schooled - 14 total. Santiago Rodriquez asked: “Any way to differentiate online from face to face classes?” Answer: “Yes, the system only reports for actually enrolled students.” Task Force Report: Innovations handout The Dual Credit Leadership Team was created to “iron out” the details of Dual Credit procedures and communications of the team, as well as team building. Start dates are minimized this coming year. Late start dates are being negotiated. Faculty and Recruitment are acting immediately to correct rosters and resolve enrollment. Classes start on the date listed on the SRF. New student Fall to Fall revised handout was explained to committee by Mr. Mathis. Applications are worked through the English classes, and online. 1 = lecture Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 40 Presentations will be made to districts to distribute information to expedite the enrollment and registration process for Dual Credit students. Details can be worked out with individual districts. EPCC is willing to work out the details of partnering. Angie Ruiz commented that consistency is the key for equitable opportunities for the Dual Credit students. 9. Anything Else? Proposal to recommend a Dual Credit Office with Director, Administrative Assistant, Full time Clerk, Appropriate budget. Location is already assigned. Motion: Ralph Grimes made a motion to accept the proposal for these positions and an office of Dual Credit at the EPCC. The motion was seconded and the Committee voted to recommend the proposal. Proposal to recommend a stipend for Dual Credit Faculty for each section. Motion was made to recommend a stipend be paid to the Dual Credit faculty by Jan Massie and seconded by Dianna Williams. The Committee voted to recommend the proposal. Recommendation was made to give WebCT access to facilitators the same access as is given to students to view data, but not have ability to make changes to the website. Martha Arvizo had a question about the access. Access to grades will be brought up to the Dual Credit Leadership Team. Gail Shipley made the motion and Martha Arvizo seconded. The Committee voted to recommend the proposal. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 41 March 3, 2008 1. Welcome and Introduction - Gail Shipley agreed to preside until the end of the semester. Members Present: Gail Shipley, Dale Hougham, Carolyn Buntyn, Deanna McSwain, Dianna Williams, Daryle Hendry, Angie Ruiz, Michael Cannon, Kay Becker, Claude Mathis Members not Present but called: Santiago Rodriguez, Dr. Joanne Peeples Guests: Nina Cano, David Mendez, Dr. Tammie Campos, Juan Garcia for Linda Hensgen. 2. Approval of Minutes: Kay Becker made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Martha Arvizo seconded the motion. Motion passed. Corrected minutes will be sent to members. 3. New Business: Dianna Williams made a motion to set aside the minutes to give the floor to Daryle Hendry. Martha Arvizo seconded. Claude Mathis reported that the Dual Credit Leadership Team met today, and reviewed the draft copy of the bulletin that Michael Cannon and Kay Becker have prepared for use by EPISD in enrolling dual credit students. Dale Hougham provided a printout of the current enrollment. The committee discussed whether to establish an attendance rule. EPCC policy states that the committee may set its rules. Dianna Williams made a motion to establish an attendance rule that allows a member three absences, subject to committee review. A member who must be absent may send a representative. Second by Martha Arvizo. The motion passed. Next meeting: Originally scheduled for April 1, 2008, the committee agreed to reschedule for April 8, 2008, and Gail Shipley will secure a location. Motion to adjourn: Martha Arvizo 3:25pm Daryle Hendry spoke about submitting dual credit grades. He asked the committee to recommend including the standard operating procedure for submitting grades in a timely manner in the Dual Credit Procedure and Handbook. Dianna Williams has volunteered to find the documentation and bring it to the April meeting. Daryle Hendry passed out a handout dealing with Dual Credit Student Eligibility. Dual Credit is designed to be offered to 11th and 12th graders. THECB Rules and Regulations specify that younger students considered for the program need to provide extra documentation to EPCC. Mr. Hendry requested this committee make a recommendation identifying required criteria for 10th graders to be admitted to the Dual Credit Program. Claude Mathis suggested that the committee review criteria that other Dual Credit programs in the state have adopted. Carolyn Buntyn volunteered to bring information about assessment tools for discussion by committee at next month’s meeting. Motion was made by Dianna Williams to postpone this item until next month. Martha Arvizo seconded the motion. The motion passed. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 42 April 8, 2008 1. Welcome and Introduction- Gail Shipley, presiding 2. Members Present: John Lencyk, Ralph Grimes, Bob Jones, Kay Becker, Dianna Williams, Michael Cannon, Jan Lockhart, Daryle Hougham, Carolyn Buntyn, Claude Mathis, Dale Hendry, Gail Shipley, Angie Ruiz, Deanna L. McSwain 3. Approval of Minutes: Kay Becker made motion to accept minutes of the February 5 meeting. Ralph Grimes seconded; motion passed. that the College admit 11th and 12th grade students to the Dual Credit program, and younger students will be admitted as Early College High School students. John Lencyk seconded the motion. Motion passed. 3. Dr. Lee Sullivan reported Dual Credit for home schooled students is on the rise. 4. Jan Lockhart suggested involving marketing department to get on the “Estela’s Escuelas” television show. 5. Michael Cannon distributed the EPISD District Bulletin, which was approved by the EPISD Board on Monday, April 7. This bulletin will be used to aid other high schools in developing their policies on Dual Credit. 6. Daryle Hendry announced that EPCC will graduate the first Dual Credit student with an Associates of Arts degree during the same semester he graduates high school. 7. Dual Credit Task Force- Claude Mathis reported that a proposal will go the president for including a stipend for Dual Credit faculty and recommendations for more staff positions. Jan Lockhart made motion to accept minutes of the March 3rd meeting. Kay Becker seconded; motion passed. Old Business: 1. Dianna Williams reported information about Instructor of Record Information regarding grades. She provided a handout that cited EPCC policy stating that Deans are responsible for ensuring that grades are submitted to the Registrar’s office in a timely manner. Claude Mathis recommended that this handout be presented to the Dual Credit Task Force for approval to distribute to Dual Credit Faculty. The committee agreed. New Business: 2. Dual Credit to 10th graders: Carolyn Buntyn reported on the tests listed in the THECB criteria for 10th graders’ admissions to the Dual Credit Program. Currently, no student with less than 11th grade standing has been enrolled in Dual Credit. Early College High School, a completely different program, accepts younger students. The EPCC policy currently states that Dual Credit is for 11th and 12th grade students. Michael Cannon commented the TASB policy says the same. After discussion, Angie Ruiz made the motion that the committee recommend 1. May meeting is cancelled due to Finals Week. 2. Meetings with Dual Credit faculty are being arranged. A motion was made by Daryle Hendry to adjourn, and Kay Becker seconded. Motion passed. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 43 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2006-2007 January 11, 2007 Cappetto’s Restaurant Gail Shipley, District-Wide Economics Coordinator, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The group discussed their use of the Smart Start internet capability. Attending were: Carlos Aguilar, Dan Chavez, Mary Ervin, Dennis Hammett, David Hohnholt, Louis Mollinary, and David Toner Carlos Aguilar announced that textbook selection would take place during Spring 2007 and that instructions will receive review copies of various authors. The group welcomed David Honholt, who is on-site Dual Credit Economics Instructor at Andress High School. Gail reminded the Valle Verde instructors that Classroom Evaluations would be conducted this semester. Gail reminded the group that rosters can be downloaded from EPCC webpage, and that the Official Rosters would be available for pickup at the Registrar’s offices after January 25. Gail had asked the group to bring suggestions for an “Interesting Class” and the group offered their input. Several ideas were presented, including inviting a spokesperson from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to her classes, presenting the evolution of money from the old “bit” to the current “byte”, and conducting an informal auction. The group discussed Census Date of January 25, and the importance of recording student attendance and submitting it ON TIME to the Registrar. The syllabus was discussed. Gail handed out sample copies of her Part 1 syllabus (see attached). She reminded the group that the Part 2 District-Wide Official Course Description is to be downloaded from the EPCC website and attached to the Instructor’s Course Requirements (Part 1) as is on the website. She reminded the group that a copy should be taken to the Dean’s office as soon as possible. Gail announced that Spring Break will be March 12-18, and that the dates published in the catalog are incorrect. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 44 DUAL CREDIT COMMITTEE MINUTES FOR 2005-2006 Minutes for the 2005-2006 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DUALCREDITMINUTES(COMBINED) 11/17/15 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 45