DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL For College Procedure Committees MINUTES FOR 2014-2015 (Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.) September 11, 2014 VV, Room B240 for students who don’t quite place into ESOL. There is a “TSI Academy” in the works for spring. Their department recently received a TCALL professional development award. Present: Hector Arriola, Maricarmen Casavantes, Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Mike Duncan, Jan Eveler, Armando Gomez, David Henry, Raul Lerma, Claude Mathis, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Sandra Peck, Lucia Rodriguez , Julie Penley, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy von Maluski. Margie and Claude emphasized the need for an organized, streamlined way to identify ABE-level students and effectively refer them to where they would best be served. Armando shared some testing statistics: 191 students placed at ABE levels 1 and 2 (the lowest level). At ABE Levels 3 and 4, 680 placed into Math, 246 into Reading, and 390 into Writing. Absent: Andrea Berta, Irma Camacho, David Moody, Marisa Pierce. Meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. I. Committee members introduced themselves II. Minutes from the last meeting were approved. B. DE English Standing Committee: Margie and David H. said that a small group was working on House Bill 5 requirements for Reading and Writing. In spring, there will be no more ENGL 0310. Those students will be sent to INRW 0311. That class will be 3:0. The next INRW training will be on October 4. C. DE Math Standing Committee: Ivette Chuca provided updates. Math offered their first NCBM extender. 68 students registered. Will work with Registration to smooth out some rough spots. The course achieved its purpose. A one-credit-hour NCBM will be ready to go for spring (MATH 0114) for bubble students. Through the New Mathways Project, they are offering 3 sections, and 1 section of statistics. Math also worked with House Bill 5 this summer. Math is discussing an intervention for military students who took the option of skipping developmental math but might have needed it. Math is also working with Physics and counselors to ensure that Math 404 aligns with Physics. D. Reading Committee: Sandra Peck stated that the last INRW training will be October 4 at RG Campus. READ and ENGL have developed a drop box in which faculty share Margie will continue as chair this year, and Tracy will continue as secretary. III. Mr. Raul Lerma gave us some financial aid updates. The new PELL limit is $5,730. 92% of our students are on some type of financial aid. The Hazelwood Exemption is for veterans. Hearing Impaired students now need a 2.0 GPA in order to continue receiving financial aid reserved for them. IV. Armando Gomez provided an update re: the Region 19 High Schools TSI Training. We have tested about 9,000 students at area high schools. Training for high school staff: High school staff are in charge of testing their own high school students now. EPCC is the second-largest GED testing site in the nation re: student numbers. Testing is working with IT to add some diagnostics to the TSI. V. Career Services – tabled until next month. VI. Department/Committee Reports: A. Workplace Literacy: Maricarmen Casavantes reported that ABE’s received 25% less money than before. Workplace Literacy is sharing resources with the school district ABE’s. ESOL and Workplace Literacy are working on an ESL Bridge Class Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 1 resources for INRW. The Reader’s Apprenticeship program is an upcoming online training for instructors to coach content-area instructors on reading strategies for students. Sandra also mentioned the Writer’s Workbench, which is to be purchased and placed in ALL labs at EPCC. VII. Committee goals for this year: To hold Registration Fairs again in the spring, and to continue working with Workplace Literacy. The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, November 6, 3:00 pm at Valle Verde (B240). Meeting adjourned at approximately 5:00 p.m. E. Retention/Early Interventions Committee: Tracy reported that they had not met yet this school year but have a meeting scheduled in September. F. ESL Committee: Tabled until next month. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 2 November 5, 2014 VV, Room B240 Margie reported that Michelle Aube Barton, Director of Socorro Community Education (SISD’s ABE program) will come to our February meeting to tell us about her program. Present: Ivette Chuca, Jan Eveler, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Diana Orrantia, Sandra Peck, Julie Penley, Lucia Rodriguez, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy vonMaluski. Absent: Hector Arriola, Rene Chavez, Mike Coulehan, Marisa Pierce, Lydia Tena. V. In order to start planning the spring DE Registration Fairs at the campuses, Margie asked when Fall 2015 registration starts. Claude will find out. Guests present: Martha Edwards, Sara Martinez, Norma Minjarez, Myshie Pagel. VI. Meeting was called to order at 3:03 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. I. Welcome and introductions were done by Margie, our chair. II. September minutes were approved with one correction. III. Workplace Literacy presentation by Sara Martinez, Director: DE Registration Fairs Discipline/Committee reports A. The work with House Bill 5 is coming along fine. English is meeting with its ISD colleagues. English might revise TSI cut scores. ENGL 0310 and INRW 0311 have transitioned into a common final essay, which counts 10% of final course grade, rather than the more high-stakes exit exam. B. Sara Martinez gave an overview of the Workplace Literacy Department and provided an overview handout. Claude Mathis stated the need for more funding and support for Workplace Literacy and ABE (Adult Basic Education), especially for students at 6th grade level and below. 6th grade and below are to be referred to ABE (“AEL”). 6th grade and above can be referred to Workplace Literacy. PREP and Workplace Literacy are working together with student referrals as well so that the process is organized and streamlined. IV. DE Math Standing Committee Ivette Chuca reported that Math is offering NCBM 0114 – a non-course-based option for bubble students who are at the highest DE level. The discipline is working to develop other NCBM’s. They are also working with their ISD colleagues on House Bill 5 efforts. C. Reading Committee Sandy Peck reported that the Reading discipline is working on their NCBO’s. They have been working with college-level content instructors to target their reading instruction. November 14 is the Reading Across the District event. It starts at 9:30 am that day. The goal is independent silent sustained reading. The College is seeking volunteers to participate. Pathway for lowest skilled students Margie had asked Testing how many students had tested low (6th grade or below) in all three TSI subjects (Reading, Writing, Math). 240 students had placed below 6th grade level since the inception of the TSI Test. Margie encourages us to have a coordinated system to help those who test low, especially, in all three TSI subjects because they are the most at risk. She encouraged all of us to work with Workplace Literacy to support students who are not college ready so that we don’t duplicate services. She said that the DE disciplines will need to decide what to do with students who place very low on the TSI. A few committee members expressed interest in doing various pilot studies with such students. DE English Standing Committee D. Retention/Early Interventions Committee Tracy reported that the REIC has met once but was off to a slow start because it proved difficult to find a chairperson. Their next meeting is on November 13. Tracy will chair the REIC this year. E. ESL Committee David Moody reported that Myshie Pagel and Rose Galindo have been working with Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 3 Workplace Literacy on the ESL Bridge program. ESOL has a new textbook series in Grammar I and II which has a strong online lab component. There are new textbooks in the first three levels of Reading/Writing which should work better. David has been contacting parent liaisons in the public schools with the goal of recruiting students, and volunteers in the discipline have helped out. VII. Margie Nelson Rodriguez suggests the committee invite Sandra Lujan Gutierrez to a meeting soon for her to inform us about the Early Alert system. Diana Orrantia suggested we invite Center for Students with Disabilities to share how we can better support CSD students who are in developmental education. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 4, 3:00 p.m., V.V. Room C-428. Other Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:50 p.m. Lucia Rodriguez is starting to work on the Title V Grant application which is due in April. There is also a Gates Segmentation Grant in the works re: family support of first generation college students. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 4 February 4, 2015 VV, Room B240 Attendees: Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Patricia Ortega, Sandra Peck, Hector Arriola, Armando Gomez, Lucia Rodriguez, Cynthia Velasco, Andrea Berta, and Carla Cardoza, Sandra Lujan, Carmen Castillo-Attar, and Maria Lopez detailed information about this topic as it becomes available. Lucia Rodriguez shared data from a SSSP grant report in which 56% of EPCC students still need remediation in at least one area (Math, Reading, or Writing). She also informed that the TSI Academy Work Group will meet on February 24, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. I. Questions were posed regarding financial aid eligibility for students who place in the ABE spectrum on the TSI, specifically with the Pell Grant. Margie Nelson Rodriguez will contact Raul Lerma for clarification. Welcome & Introductions Margie Nelson Rodriguez welcomed the Council and led introductions. II. Approval of Meeting Minutes (Nov. 5, 2014) The Council requested a presentation from IR on developmental education success rates. Margie Nelson Rodriguez will request from Dr. Kay. The minutes were unanimously approved. III. Early Alert VI. Sandra Lujan explained the Early Alert Program pilot currently in place for First-Time in College students at the Valle Verde campus. IV. Department/Committee Reports A. Andrea Berta reported that UTEP’s Developmental Math Department has offered a four-week NCBO that leads into an eightweek Math 0311 course. The UTEP Developmental Math Department also received a STAR Award. Center for Students with Disabilities Carmen Castillo-Attar and Maria Lopez discussed the Center and how it can help students. Ms. Castillo-Attar explained the process for students to obtain services from the Center. Students need to self-identify, obtain appropriate documentation, and attend an in-take session. After this process, the Center can set up the reasonable ADA accommodations for the student, particularly with adaptive technology. The counselors follow a case management approach with the students registered with the Center. The Math Department inquired about the use of calculators by CSD students. If other students see the CSD students using calculators during exams, questions may arise, which places the instructor in an uncomfortable position: The instructor cannot tell the other students why the CSD students are allowed this accommodation. Ivette Chuca will discuss this topic in more detail with Carmen Castillo-Attar. B. Workforce Literacy: This report was tabled. C. DE English Standing Committee Margie Nelson Rodriguez reported that the English discipline changed its cut scores for the NCBW 0111 course. She will send these revised cut scores to Armando Gomez. D. DE Math Standing Committee Ivette Chuca explained that the NCBM 0114 had four students (3 students at VV and 1 student at RG). These students were holistically advised into this course. E. V. UTEP Report Reading Committee TSI Operational Plan: BASE NCBO’s The THECB has released a memo that contains deadlines for content experts to develop BASE NCBO’s for ABE levels 3-4. Margie Nelson Rodriguez will share the THECB memo with the DE Council so that disciplines can begin work on developing these NCBO’s for lower level students on the bubble from ABE to developmental. Lucia Rodriguez and Claude Mathis will share more Sandra Peck reported that Charlie Minn will visit the EPCC VV Reading Lab Feb. 6, 2015, and Feb. 12, 2015. She also provided that the INRW committee will work on using the Reading labs for INRW. Also, Sandra Peck announced that Reading, along with English and Math, has provided volunteers to the TSI Academy Work Group. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 5 F. Retention/Early Intervention Committee: This report was tabled. G. ESL Committee David Moody explained that ESL’s top-level reading and writing courses are not integrated (ESOL 0340 and ESOL 0341). Since INRW 0311 is integrated, however, ESL students are taking ESOL 0340 or ESOL 0341 instead of both, because INRW 0311 is a prerequisite or co-requisite for college level courses. The issue is that in the past ESOL 0340 was equivalent to the highest DE Reading class while ESOL 0341was equivalent to the highest DE Writing class, so both were require to be TSI compliant for credit courses. Now both ESOL 0340 and ESOL 0341 are equivalent to INRW 0311, so technically a student only needs to take one of them to be TSI compliant for credit course registration. H. VII. Spring Registration Fair Planning This item was tabled for the next meeting. Some planning may be done via email. VIII. Next meeting/Adjournment The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in C428. Minutes were taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Career Services: This presentation was tabled for the next meeting. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 6 March 23, 2015 VV, Room C428 Present: Hector Arriola, Rene Chavez, Mike Coulehan, Jan Eveler, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Sandra Peck, Julie Penley, Lucia Rodriguez, Tracy vonMaluski Absent: Ivette Chuca, Gabriel Mendoza, Marisa Pierce (Armando Gomez, proxy), Lydia Tena, Cynthia Velasco Guests present: Gloria Corona, Armando Gomez, Raul Lerma administration that classroom maximums be uniformly lowered for better student success. VIII. Department/Committee reports: A. UTEP – not in attendance B. Workplace Literacy – not in attendance C. DE English – developing their NCBO for lower students (those who almost get into DE but not quite – ABE Levels 3 and 4) for writing. They continue to offer their NCBO for students who almost, but not quite, place into 1301. Students can take 1301 but have to take this NCBO as support (as a co-req.). This NCBO is taught by the same instructor the student has for his/her 1301. One or two of these NCBO’s per campus. ENGL will have another INRW training on Saturday, April 18. Three ENGL faculty will attend a meeting at Region 19 on House Bill 5 (college readiness) as well. D. DE Math – Dr. Penley reported that their NCBM’s are for students who have not quite exited developmental math. However, Math is developing their lower-level NCBM’s as well. E. Reading – Still offering NCBR’s. At VV, the Reading Lab is inviting INRW students to attend the Reading Lab. It was pointed out that Amarillo College has an NCBO lab for ALL of its NCBO students regardless of discipline/material. F. Retention/Early Interventions Committee – this committee has IR data requests pending on the following student success questions: 1. Do students who take EDUC 1300 within their first year show better retention and completion than those who don’t? 2. Do students who take their DE classes consecutively, that is, who do not sit out a semester of DE, show better completion and retention than those who sit out a semester? 3. Do students who take their credit Math and English classes consecutively, that is, who do not sit out a semester of credit Math or English, show better completion and retention than those who sit out a semester? G. ESOL – ESOL is presently piloting a Bridge Program with Workplace Literacy. Myshie Pagel and Rose Galindo are the ESOL Meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. I. Welcome and introductions II. February minutes were approved. III. Financial Aid Q and A: Raul Lerma, Director; and Gloria Corona, Assistant Director of Financial Aid were guests. For students who place into ABE 1 and 2 (below developmental), as long as they have a high school diploma or GED, as of now they still qualify for financial aid. The first 30 credit hours of DE are covered by federal financial aid. Fin. Aid does not look at students’ cut scores or placement scores. There is an appeals process for financial aid for mitigating circumstances. Students can only receive up to 12 full-time semesters (or 6 years) worth of Pell Grants. IV. IR data presentation: Postponed until next meeting. V. Career Services presentation: Postponed until next meeting. VI. Spring Registration Fair planning: Since the College has two days off during the week of March 30 to April 3, it is recommended that Spring Registration Fairs be postponed until the following week. Please don’t forget to invite CSD to these fairs. VII. DE optimum revision: Michael Coulehan suggested that the Council do some research on classroom maximums (‘cap’ number of students in a course section) in DE English, Math, Reading, and ESL to see if data warrants a recommendation by the Council to Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 7 instructors doing this at V.V. Compass ESL Testing has resumed at V.V. ESOL is working with Counseling to filter ESOL students to counselors who specialize in ESOL in order to warn students of the consequences of leaving ESOL early before they finish the Advanced level. IX. Bill 5 and TSI testing at the high schools, but it appears that confusion has been addressed. The next DE Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29, 3:00 p.m., at V.V. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m. Other: Armando Gomez (Testing) stated that there was some confusion among the high schools with House Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 8 April 29, 2015 VV, Room C428 Present: Hector Arriola, Andrea Berta, Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, Mike Coulehan, Jan Eveler, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy vonMaluski ESL Bridge will have a new cohort in the fall, though. The TSI Academy continues as well. VI. Margie Nelson Rodriguez gave an update. THECB was clear that our lowest-level NCBO’s (for those at the lower level who don’t quite get into the second level of DE) are not mandatory for now. If you are going to develop a base NCBO, it has to be linked to a DE (or ESOL) course, and it has to be a corequisite with that course. This lower-level NCBO is to be linked not to the lowest-level course, but to the next one up (the second one). Our lower- and mid-level DE students seem to need a study skills course, as well. Guests present: Michelle Aube Barton, Martha Edwards, Carol Kay, Brian Kirby, Sara Martinez, Salvador Moreno, Elizabeth Moya, Absent: Gabriel Mendoza, Sandra Peck, Julie Penley, Marisa Pierce, Lucia Rodriguez, Lydia Tena Meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. I. Welcome and introductions II. March minutes were approved. III. IR Data Presentation: VII. Dr. Carol Kay and Mr. Salvador Moreno gave a DE data presentation. Margie will send the presentation out as an email attachment. INRW enrollment is up. DE Math enrollment is down. According to Dr. Kay, there are only about 300 military students at EPCC. Reading enrollment is down, especially READ 0309. V. Socorro Community Education and Ysleta Adult Learning Center: Spring Registration Fairs Debriefing: Campuses gave updates on how their spring Registration Fairs went. VIII. DE Optimum Revision: The idea is to propose the lowering of class sizes in DE. Most caps are presently 27 students. DE Math, English, Reading, and ESOL could come to a consensus as to what to ask for. IX. IV. TSI Webinar Update: Department/Committee Reports: A. UTEP Andrea Berta from UTEP reported that UTEP is piloting an NCBO to prepare students for their INRW course. Michelle Aube Barton (Socorro Community Education ABE) and Elizabeth Moya (YISD ABE) gave a presentation and background information on Adult Basic Education programs. A couple of years ago, ABE funding moved from the purview of TEA to the purview of the Texas Workforce Commission. An increased focus on college, career, and job readiness rather than just the GED. ABE and the College are working together more closely. ABE recently developed an ESL “Academic Prep” 1 and 2 to bridge the gap between ABE and college level. The ESL Bridge class pilot continues as well as the TSI Academy (partnerships between ABE’s and EPCC). There is a new project – the Workplace Project for Food Services – for the ESL population. B. Workplace Literacy – Sara Martinez’s update was moved ahead to # V. above. C. DE English Workplace Literacy: D. Sara Martinez gave an update. Project Grow (career pathways project) will conclude soon. The ESL Bridge class will have a “boost” class during the summer to keep students learning and involved. The Margie reported that ENGL’s NCBW is a corequisite model. The students have the same instructor they have for 1301. It’s open exit. The discipline will explore a lab component for INRW soon. House Bill 5 work is coming along. DE Math Ivette Chuca reported that Math will probably develop their lower-level NCBO next semester. Still doing House Bill 5 work with the public schools. Ivette asked how ENGL instructors were being paid for Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 9 teaching their NCBO’s. There is inconsistency between how ENGL and MATH NCBO instructors are being paid, so Claude Mathis (ENGL contact dean) will confer with Julie Penley (Math contact dean) about this. E. Reading ESOL students who leave ESOL early do compared to those who finish ESOL before moving to credit courses. X. Margie Nelson Rodriguez, David Henry, and David Moody stated that they will rotate off the DE Council at the end of this school year. Brian Kirby will be among the new members. The committee thanked Margie for all her tireless effort and work. Update tabled until next meeting. F. ESOL David Moody stated that ESOL has requested data on how students who have gone through our new ESOL curriculum are doing in their credit courses, as well as data to see how Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 10 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2013-2014 October 3, 2013 Members Present: Edith Aguirre (for Diana Orrantia), Carla Cardoza (for Pat Ortega), Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Jan Eveler, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Sandra Peck Members Absent: Dr. Julie Penley Resource Members Present: Irma Camacho, Cynthia Velasco Resource Members Absent: Hector Arriola, Marisa Pierce, Dr. Lydia Tena The meeting was called to order by Ivette Chuca, chair, at 3:09 p.m. at the Valle Verde campus room C428. The people present introduced themselves. April minutes were read and discussed. Michael Coulehan moved to accept the minutes as corrected. There was a second and the minutes were approved. Developmental Math Committee: Edith Aguirre reporting MATH 0404 for the New Mathways Project did not make for the fall. Recruitment difficulties included getting the message out to students and the fact that many students had already taken EDUC 1300 that is paired with MATH 0404. Evaluators from Achieving the Dream and MDRC will be conducting a site visit to speak with students. Eventually the NMP will include a stem pathway but for the present there is only the statistics pathway. The Non-Course Based Math offering is NCBM0114 and is an extension of the Math Emporium class. After finals for one week, students who have not completed the class and who do not want to reenroll in the class in the following semester take the NCBM0114. The other NCBM is to be paired with MATH 1314 and MATH 1324 and is for bubble students who almost made the cut score for the higher level classes. This course is under development and will probably not be ready until next fall 2014. Under the new TSI rules, once students have taken a college level course, they do not have to take any additional developmental courses. English Standing Committee: The English NCBW has three courses: NCBW 0311, 0211, and 0111. The courses are all highly individualized and targeted to the “bubble” students. The course will be an open lab, open exit format. Students will be concurrently enrolled in the NCBW course and English 1301. The instructor does not have to be the same. Reading Standing Committee: Sandy Peck reported that the NCBO is all set up. Instructors of records are established at each campus. Textbook and some computer-assisted instruction will be included. It will be highly individualized. INRW committee report; flyer was presented. Training was discussed. The textbooks are not really integrated yet. Workshops have been offered and will be offered in spring 2014 FDW. David Moody will ask his discipline: For those ESL students whose ESOL 0340 and 0341 were cancelled, can INRW be used as an option? Retention/Early Intervention Committee: Start Right Initiative’s recommendations: Continuation of the Early Alert Program and mid-term grades. The policies and procedures were drafted over the summer. The goal is to make Early Alert part of academic standing and to cue the system. Classroom teachers refer students to Early Alert. Some research has been done on computer system. Several of these systems are costly, but the investment is worth it. Work will need to be done with IT. Counselors and instructors can work more closely. Sandra Lujan is the main contact. Some issues with email system. ESL Committee: David Moody reported that students need one centralized EPCC email account. There are too many student email accounts. Perhaps requiring students to update contact information will help. COMPASS has been working well. A score of 42 in any one area was required to enter the new sequence, but they noticed that too many students were being misplaced and were not prepared for their courses. A survey was sent to all ESL instructors to test placement. A score of 42 in reading is required since the reading was the most accurate placement. Catch 22 is that we have fewer ESL students; but the students are better prepared to succeed. Promotional materials are being developed. NCBO was originally for students who could not pass the entrance. Now, they are revising the NCBO to target the “bubble” students. They will try to work with ABE in the future once ABE is more settled. David reported on the results of the ESL/English study. The ESOL 0341 students’ essays even did better. Alignment was evident. David is going to present delaying ESL students to take the TSI later to reduce the costs for students. David will talk to Rene tomorrow about this. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 11 The following DE Council goals were discussed: 1. Scaling up pilots: ALP 2. PREP Pre-Assessment Activity PAAM-we need a message for referrals. More direction. Maybe ask Marisa run through. Testing Center PAAM 5. The charge and structure-communicate our mission and work better to the larger college community. 6. TSI-ask for data Election of New Chair: Margie Nelson Rodriguez Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. 3. Study skills for DE students-where is it? 4. Next semester, set up a registration fair for DE students. Disciplines and counselors in attendance. Spring 2014. To explain pathways and invite career services. Meeting minutes taken by Irma Camacho and Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 12 November 6, 2013 VV, Room C428 Members present: Hector Arriola, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Jan Eveler, Armando Gomez, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, Sandra Peck, Julie Penley, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy von Maluski. The meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. The Council showed its appreciation to Ivette Chuca for having served as chair last year. Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Tracy von Maluski volunteered to serve as secretary this year. Committee reports followed: I. No one from UTEP was in attendance. II. DE English: Made minor changes to their NCBO and its cutoff score. TSI cut scores for 0309 and 0310 seem to need some revision. III. DE Math: Will offer a new Mathways course this spring. Will get started on their other NCBO for ‘bubble’ students. IV. Reading Committee: Working actively on SLO’s. Did intervention activities with a random stratified sample. Looking at textbooks and training for the INRW course, and recruiting students for that course. V. VI. Retention/Early Interventions Committee: No new recommendations since last school year. The committee would like to recommend that instructors take attendance in order to help with retention and for purposes of reporting to Financial Aid if a student drops. ESL: The discipline has sent an anonymous survey to all part-time and full-time faculty in the discipline for feedback re: the new ESL curriculum. Looking at textbooks for next fall. PAAM and TSI intake process being worked on for ESL students. TSI data and information sharing: Armando Gomez and Marisa Pierce from Testing can be approached for data on how students are doing on the TSI and on accessing the PAAM. Claude suggested that the committee agree to touch base next semester re: instructors’ perceptions of how TSI placement is going (how accurate it seems to be). DE Council goals: We are planning a D.E. Registration Fair at each campus next spring to encourage students to stick with and pursue their courses. We are trying to get students to start their DE courses right away, and to work toward finishing them every semester without putting any of them off or leaving a semester in between. We selected the first week in March. The following people will help facilitate organizing these at every campus: VV – Ivette Chuca; TM – Jan and David; MdP – Tracy, Julie, and Rene Chavez. We will contact NW and RG. We will invite several departments to participate: Counseling, faculty, Testing, PREP, Career Services, Tutorial Services, Registration, Campus Life, Service Learning, learning communities, and more. We brainstormed ways to communicate the DE Council’s mission to the college community: a) post minutes online, b) explain our mission, c) reach out to the Campus IE’s, d) advertise on the EPCC web site. Other business: We could have some professional development readings and discuss them as a committee. Irma Camacho has a professional development tool kit she would like to share. We could have further professional development workshops. Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 3 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 13 February 3, 2014 VV, Room B240 Present: Hector Arriola, Andrea Berta, Irma Camacho, Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Jan Eveler, Armando Gomez, David Henry, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Sandra Peck, Dr. Julie Penley, Tracy von Maluski. Ivette Chuca from DE Math reported that the first New Mathways class made, and she is teaching it at VV. Students seem engaged. Math is working on another NCBM (Noncourse-based Math). It will be offered right after spring semester ends. Absent: Edith Aguirre or Diana Orrantia (from Dev. Math), Dr. Lydia Tena, Cynthia Velasco. Sandy Peck from Reading reported that the discipline is working on their NCBO to be offered soon. The discipline has been working on their SLO’s as well. An INRW training will be planned soon re: strategies for teaching integrated reading and writing. The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. The minutes from the last meeting were approved. SAS Dashboard is a portal which contains data on college enrollment, demographics, and more. Key people at EPCC can submit a request for access to this. The purpose is to make certain data readily available without having to do an Institutional Research (IR) request for data. IR would like to hear from faculty and staff re: what else is needed on the SAS Dashboard or any other feedback on it. TSI Operational Plan Draft as shared by the TX Coordinating Board: The Council discussed the plan and some follow-up questions and comments that the group had. Committee Reports For the TSI Assessment, EPCC Testing stops students when they are approaching five hours of testing and invites them to come back at an appointed time to take whichever subtest(s) (Reading, Writing, Math) they have left to complete. The TSI can even take some students up to 9 hours, especially those who place into DE and/or ABE levels, because of the way the TSI is set up and constructed. It would be great if the instructor could receive the student’s TSI diagnostic report automatically. Testing is looking into that possibility. Military students do not have to take the TSI assessment. Banner has a faculty advising button which provides a lot of information on each student. Andrea Berta from UTEP shared that UTEP’s version of INRW will be known as ENGL 0312. Ms. Berta stated that UTEP is keeping their old [DE English] course numbers on the books instead of just getting rid of them. Margie NelsonRodriguez shared that, as far as she knows, DE will still need to offer some paired offerings. Margie Nelson Rodriguez from DE English is teaching an NCBW (Non-Course-Based Writing) and is meeting with her students on a regular basis. She asks each student to bring their TSI diagnostic report. Instructors seemed happy with the Aplia computer tutorial program, and Ms. Berta from UTEP echoed that, but they are generally not too happy with My Writing Lab. Tracy von Maluski stated that the Retention/Early Interventions Committee has their first spring meeting soon. One of the most important items for that committee this semester will be a retention or early alert pilot. David Moody from ESOL reported that the discipline is designing their NCBO for bubble students who are almost college ready. ESOL’s first NCBO had been designed for the student who hadn’t scored high enough to get into ESL. The discipline surveyed all full-time and adjunct instructors re: the new class sequence, lab, and exit exams. The new sequence was generally viewed as effective. The discipline will select textbook options for the fall this month. The new ESL intake process is now in place so that new ESL students can defer the TSI assessment until prior to their second semester. Students do not have to take a full-time course load for financial aid. A student can be a 1/4-time student, a ½-time student, a ¾-time student, or a full-time student. Their award is adjusted accordingly. Many people do not know this, but this needs to be publicized much better. There was concern that the TSI Reading cut score might need to be adjusted. A few in the group stated that the TSI Reading might be placing students too low. Fall registration is scheduled to begin May 1. The group decided to postpone campus Registration Fairs until after spring break, between March 17 and 31, with the exception of VV because the fair has already been set up, planned, and organized. VV, for example, has invited the following entities to participate: PREP, TRIO, ESOL, Library, Admissions and Registration, Career Services, Counseling, Scholarships, Tutorial Services, Campus Life, and Testing. Margie will share a flyer with the other campuses which we are welcomed to tailor. The Fair needs to be widely announced to faculty, students, and staff. Margie will share information about House Bill 5 at our next meeting, and asked the Council if we wanted Dr. Kay to bring us any certain, specific data regarding DE Math, Reading, Writing, and ESL. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 14 Ivette asked whether there was a specific committee or body that handles the PAAM (the pre-assessment module for the TSI assessment). The PAAM was designed by EPCC and UTEP in conjunction. Armando Gomez and Hector Arriola are working together to fine-tune or refine the PAAM. Armando and Testing welcome any suggestions or materials which could refer students directly for specific help with what is being presented in the PAAM. The DE Council’s next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Valle Verde. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 15 March 18, 2014 VV, Room B240 Present: Edith Aguirre, Hector Arriola, Andrea Berta, Rene Chavez, Michael Coulehan, Jan Eveler, Armando Gomez, David Henry, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Diana Orrantia, Sandra Peck, Dr. Julie Penley, Marisa Pierce, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy vonMaluski. Guests present: Maricarmen Casavantes, Dr. Carol Kay, Sara Martinez, Norma Minjares, Ann Savino. Absent: Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Dr. Lydia Tena. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. Based Writing). Only about 3% of their students qualified to place into INRW. They developed a ‘crosswalk’ for more flexibility for INRW re: students’ test scores to get into or place into INRW. They are exploring the Writer’s Workbench software for NCBO’s and perhaps to be available college-wide. Sandy Peck reported that Reading is working with English to address the fact that so many students are placing into READ 0307 or into ABE in Reading. Tracy reported that there was nothing new from the Retention/Early Interventions Committee this month because they were to meet the next week. There was no report from ESOL this month. The minutes from the last meeting were approved with one minor change. Dr. Carol Kay presented data on current placement and developmental education enrollment data on students who have tested on the TSI instrument so far. Ms. Sara Martinez and her team from Workplace Literacy told the Council about her department, its programs, and the populations it serves. Workplace Literacy’s strengths are that they provide customized, intense, short-term contextualized training with case management and career exploration to populations that might not have high school or GED. They serve as a bridge to career, the workplace, and/or academic programs. They serve about 2,800 students per year. Sara expressed the desire to work with others at the College in order to help bridge the gap between those who place into ABE levels and those who place into college-level classes. Edith Aguirre and Diana Orrantia from Math reported that they are discussing their NCBI and will soon train instructors for that. There is still the question of minimum number of students required for an NCBI to make and how the grades will be so quickly recorded. A New Mathways Pathway course is being offered at V.V. and will be offered at more locations. Rene Chavez stated that Counseling is trying to develop a caseload or case management approach for students who place into DE in all three areas. To that end, they are exploring case management software such as Civitas. The DE Council’s next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 22, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Valle Verde Room C-428. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:40 p.m. Margie spoke briefly about House Bill 5, which addresses new high school graduation requirements. School districts and higher education will need to work together. Andrea Berta from UTEP reported that UTEP’s DE English classes have chosen a new textbook for their INRW. They are now planning their NCBO’s and how many to offer. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski David Henry and other English faculty present reported that DE English continues to offer their NCBW (Non-Course- Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 16 April 22, 2014 VV, Room C428 Present: Edith Aguirre, Hector Arriola, Maricarmen Casavantes, Rene Chavez, Ivette Chuca, Jan Eveler, David Henry, Margaret Nelson Rodriguez, Diana Orrantia, Ann Savino, Tracy von Maluski. Absent: Andrea Berta, Irma Camacho, Michael Coulehan, Armando Gomez, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Sandra Peck, Dr. Julie Penley, Marisa Pierce, Dr. Lydia Tena, Cynthia Velasco. The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by chair Margie Nelson Rodriguez. The minutes from the last meeting were approved. There were two false alarm fire drills during the course of this meeting. First, the committee brainstormed some goals for the next academic year: Rene suggested that DE Math, Reading, and Writing could meet with Counselors to keep up to date with recent and upcoming changes. The meeting could occur at the campus level during the summer and perhaps at the district-wide level in the fall. Edith stated that although Registration Fairs were a success, it might be better to have them immediately after registration started so that students could register on the spot using available computers. Tracy stated that Registration and Financial Aid should be sure to send someone at all campuses since the focus is student registration. The group would like to continue having registration fairs in the spring. Margie suggested the Council work more closely with Workplace Literacy programs especially in light of recent TSI changes. The group will present a DE Council faculty development workshop on faculty development day on Thursday, September, 18. Margie will send a call for co-presenters. Tracy proposed that the college have a larger, scaled-up student mentoring program. Perhaps the group could work with Debbie Aguilera who facilitates the present faculty to student mentoring program. No report from UTEP this month. Workplace Literacy has a grant, Project Grow, in which they share information with other colleges along the border. This sharing has been through Webinars and face-to-face. The ABE grant proposal has been submitted. It includes GED college bridge to careers, a TSI academy, and “reverse referrals,” which are for students who come to the community college but are referred to Adult Basic Education for lowerlevel work. DE English reported that Reading and English voted to use only the Writing cut score for INRW placement for now until the Reading cut scores are modified to align with English. For INRW, the exit exam will count 10% of student’s grade for the course, along with a portfolio, instead of a high-stakes pass-fail exit exam. Holistic advising was discussed. There is talk of allowing high school transcripts to be considered as part of holistic advising. DE Math discussed their Non-Course-Based Math. The discipline will try to recruit students for this. It is a one week “extender” course. They are still ironing out details with Registration, Financial Aid, and others. NCBM 0114 is a new NCBM to be started this fall. The Reading discipline is meeting to adjust the TSI cut scores for Reading. The Retention/Early Interventions Committee has no new updates this month. The ESL discipline has selected some new textbooks districtwide, continues to develop lab activities and exit exams, and the discipline recently had students complete their SLO assessment to be tabulated and reported by the end of the semester. Registration Fair: continue these every spring. Make sure there is representation from Admissions and Registration. Hold them right after registration starts, and refer students directly to a computer where they could register on the spot. Have a table where students could update their college contact information on the spot. Have an evaluation for students to fill out. Margie reported that administration at EPCC is working with the school districts to address the requirements and mandates of Texas House Bill 5. It was suggested that Financial Aid be invited to at least one of our future DE Council meetings. The DE Council’s next meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 11 at VV unless anything urgent comes up during the summer. Committee Reports Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 p.m. Those involved in Early Alert and Project Completes could be called upon to share information and updates. Respectfully submitted by Tracy von Maluski Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 17 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2012-2013 October 2, 2012 ASC B-445 Attendees: Claude Mathis, David Moody, Cynthia Velasco, Mike Coulehan, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Pat Duran, Edith Aguirre, Denise Lujan, Andrea Berta, Dorothy Ward, and Margie Nelson Rodríguez I. Welcome and Introductions: Ivette Chuca called the meeting to order and welcomed the Council. Introductions were made. II. Approval of Minutes: The meeting minutes from April 26, 2012, were approved unanimously. III. Committee Reports A. UTEP English UTEP’s English faculty reported on their 0111/1311 paired course. “Bubble” students who almost passed the Accuplacer (5 or less on the essay and less than 80 on Sentence Structure) enroll in this course. They have been using the current model for five years. It’s a hybrid course that meets once weekly. This paired course offers students extra support for the credit level course (English 1311) and is conducted in a small lab that DE English shares with DE Math. The lab has six computers. The modules for the 0111 course contain quizzes and activities. At UTEP, DE Reading 0310 is taken as a learning community. For example, Reading 0310 is offered as an 8-week course paired with a 16-week history class. The students have 6 hours of Reading weekly for 8 weeks. Then students still have 8 weeks of history. The Reading course emphasizes heavy upfront study and immersion in the beginning of the semester. Reading 0310 is not offered as a stand-alone 16-week course. Math Denise Lujan is on the THECB Policies Subcommittee. She reported that the policies developed by the Subcommittee were not accepted by THECB. The DE Plan draft constructed by the THECB is quite different than the Subcommittee’s recommendations. There is much uncertainty right now, and institutions are waiting for final decisions and guidance concerning DE Initiatives and the new TSI Assessment. Denise Lujan also reported that random questions were embedded in Accuplacer for new TSI assessment and that in Feb. 2012 the new TSI cut scores were distributed. Another complicating factor is the End of Course (EOC) Exam for Texas high school students. Information has not been provided, and the EOC is very difficult for students to pass. Consequently, higher education institutions may more DE students in 2017 as many students will likely graduate with minimal graduation diploma due to poor results on the EOC. More testing updates were provided, such as the new Accuplacer placement exam taking effect in fall 2013. On August 26, 2013, new students and students retesting will have to take the new Accuplacer. If students have tested successfully before 8/26/13, then they will not need to take the new Accuplacer. Another update concerned HB 1244, which will prohibit higher education institutions from having higher test cut scores than the TSI requirements. The UTEP DE Math Department is making various preparations in case certain courses are eliminated by the new cut score requirements. For example, a new course has been developed that is a combination of Math 0305 and a college algebra class in anticipation of new TSI cut scores. UTEP is also worried that they will have the enrollment numbers for the paired offerings as these paired offerings have not had high enrollment in the past. Denise Lujan also reported that all DE Math courses taught at UTEP are in computer lab and are capped at 23. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 18 Denise Lujan also informed the Council of the success of UTEP’s Math Dog Math (MDM), which is similar to a summer bridge. This will count for UTEP’s NCBO. MDM is an ALEX Program Emporium Model. Students attend 7 hours weekly from 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at the library. Students can come in whenever they would like in that time period. There is a rolling start, with some students starting each week but not past mid-July unless the students scored in the top level of the placement. Denise Lujan uses data to track the students’ completion/persistence through their first credit-level math class; she only tracks the first attempt. Her findings show that MDM students pass Pre-Calculus at 90%. There is also a program for students who failed the DE Math final or did not quite finish the course, possibly with their grade at 65%. The DE Math course is extended two weeks after finals week to help students pass the course. In this extended course, students are required to attend the lab 3 hours daily until they reach 85% of their pie, which are the concepts they did not master or finish during the regular course. Denise Lujan shared her data with the Council. Regarding the submission of final grades, if students pass their final before grades are due, then they have a passing grade. If students pass after grades are due, the instructor submits a grade change form for the student. The instructors work with and follow up with the Registrar’s Office. On staffing, there were 3 instructors in spring 2012, versus in fall 2011 in which there was only one instructor for all the labs. The key to success is mandating students’ attendance and participation. The UTEP Provost’s Office has been paying the instructors $1000 weekly for teaching in the program, and it is free for students. They have to make the time commitment, however. Denise Lujan reported that Paired courses for DE Math have been difficult because the credit-level course is not controlled by DE Math since Credit Math and DE Math are separate departments. B. DE English Standing Committee Margie Nelson Rodríguez reported that the DE English Standing Committee withdrew its proposal to establish a placement test floor for English 0309 because it appears that the THECB and new TSI standards will place students who score lowest on the placement test into Adult Basic Education (ABE) instead of DE. For example, Reading 0307, in which students read at an 8th grade level, will now be ABE. There will be will be a floor everywhere with these new TSI standards. Some Council members voiced concern over how ABE will be funded and the idea of cutting certain students out of higher education who could still graduate (Mike Coulehan shared a story of one student who did) but are statistically unlikely to do so. Although there was some concern expressed that ABE students may not return to EPCC after their ABE program, it was emphasized that these students need to be in the program that they will benefit from (ABE, ESL, etc.) and not be placed in DE courses that they cannot pass. Furthermore, it was expressed that ABE students earn a workforce certificate and are often anxious and more prepared to return to EPCC. These students often have a decent job after earning their workforce certificates. We do not want to close the door for these students. Also, there are some financial aid issues that need to be clarified concerning ABE. Also, Margie Nelson Rodríguez reported on the ESL Placement Procedure draft and the issue of ESL students concurrently enrolling in DE English. The DE English Standing Committee will work with the other DE disciplines and the Council on this issue. Some possible solutions posed by the Council: installing a Banner mechanism to prevent this type of enrollment, instructors checking students’ schedules in the beginning of the semester, using a block for DE courses, and hiring a consultant for help. Students’ perceptions of financial aid and misperceptions of the new ESL redesign may be contributing to this issue. For example, some Transmountain ESL students will take classes that they are not ready for because they think that have to keep four classes (12 credit hours) to keep their financial aid. Many students are not aware that their financial aid is prorated, so they will not lose any of their funds by just concentrating on their ESL classes in the beginning of their coursework. Some students have had trouble adjusting to the new ESL program and the new way of thinking. It was expressed that taking 12 hours a semester will not work for all students. Several DE Council members were able to travel to Baltimore, Maryland, in June for the ALP Conference. One exciting program presented was intrusive advising and academic coaches. This program is mandatory for DE students who have failed a DE course twice. The school limits their Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 19 using survey monkey for their own evaluations and Math faculty are not using the institutional survey. No IRB permission is needed. UTEP Math students take the course final and then take the survey. Students do not get the survey until they pass the final. registration to two classes. The Council should touch base with Dr. Vale as Denise Lujan mentioned that the THECB was working on an advising matrix/Texas Toolbox. This may be something coming down the pipeline. In the Baltimore model, the intrusive advising/academic coaches program has funding and an office. The model uses a case management approach. C. Math Emporium Specialist: Having one of these at each separate campus will prevent all the questions and problems, especially concerning technology/log-in issues, all going to Ivette Chuca the first week and last week of the semester. DE Math Standing Committee Ivette Chuca and Edith Aguirre reported on the success of the DE Math Summit. Guests attended from out of town and there was a very successful faculty-driven workshop with ESL, math, and reading. Also, Ivette Chuca reported on the Math 0305/1314 pilot over the summer for Complete College America. They formed a great community. Ivette Chuca would stay for the other instructor’s class, and both instructors there all the time. Students could ask either instructor for help. D. Mike Coulehan reported that the Reading Discipline is pushing for a cap on the INRW at 16 students. They need the Vice President of Instruction to approve. It is cheaper for the College and students since they are getting two courses (Reading and Writing) for the cost of one course. Also, the Exit Test for the INRW needs to be truly integrated and persuasive. The writing will be persuasive and based on a persuasive reading selection. The challenge will be coordinating the efforts to really integrate the test with the two disciplines. In November-December 2012, the ACGM will provide for more detailed descriptions and SLO’s for the INRW course. Math Emporium Updates Professional Development: Since some Math Emporium faculty did not attend the professional development (there is no way to make it mandatory at this point) and there were valuable updates provided at the professional development, there was some chaos in the first week. Currently, there are labs at all five campuses and two classrooms with 40 computers in each classroom. The labs operate from 7:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. and serve 800 students throughout the week; they also have a credit math lab. Ivette Chuca reported that they were going to share lab space with English. The new building opened in spring 2013. The classes are capped at 35 although there are some overrides. In classrooms with 40 computers, they try to cap at 37 students in case some computers do not work. Tutor Budget: Ivette Chuca asked the Dean if the tutoring budget is the same for each campus. Perhaps there will be some leftover tutor budget funds for the Valle Verde campus, which has 30 Math Emporium classes. Math can possibly use the DEI extension of DEI grant funds for one extra tutor. Instructor Evaluations: Ivette Chuca sent out a revised instructor evaluation form that would be better suited for the Math Emporium to the Instructor Evaluations Committee and Dr. Carina Ramirez. For their nontraditional DE Math courses, UTEP is Reading Committee E. Retention/Early Intervention Committee Pat Duran is excited to be the liaison between this committee and DE Council. One current proposal of the Retention/Early Intervention Committee is to require all faculty to provide mid-term grades/grade feedback in the 6th week of the semester. This proposal has support from DE Council, and the committee’s first meeting is today. Next, Pat Duran will take the mid-term grades/grade feedback proposal to the Faculty Senate. The DE Council’s proposed meeting times conflict with the Retention/Early Intervention Committee’s meeting schedule, so Pat Duran will ask if the Retention/Early Intervention Committee can adjust their meeting schedule accordingly. F. ESL David Moody reported on the ESL Program Redesign. ESL used to have 6 six levels, 4 classes in each, with a total of 72 credit hours. To redesign the program, the ESL faculty did two years of work in eight months. All the reading and writing is integrated with basic grammar basic concepts Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 20 their credit level courses after INRW. Other INRW topics discussed: prohibiting multiple choice tests and including more in-class essays. The top levels of DE Reading and Writing will be 100% integrated by fall 2014. and no true beginner’s level. There is a NCBO for students who almost place, however. ESL has established ABE pathways for true beginners and TSI compliance in the rigorous and integrated ESL program. The program allows students to have concurrent enrollment; students can finish class and move on since they are not locked into levels with co-requisites and pre- requisites. It has been a real paradigm shift for everyone to think in terms of skill sets instead of levels. Mike Coulehan will bring the contact hour question and the student cap to the English Discipline’s Special Projects Committee, of which he is a member. Margie Nelson Rodríguez asked under which discipline will INRW be placed. According to Ron Stroud, INRW will be under the English discipline. There are 60 points of lab work required. Lab grades are performance-based instead of time-based. IV. Late Registration Update Edith Aguirre and Ivette Chuca presented the proposal to end late registration to Leadership over the summer. They received instructions from VPI Steve Smith to collaborate with Linda GonzalezHensgen and Student Services on a comprehensive plan. Ivette Chuca and Margie Nelson Rodríguez have attended the Late Registration Committee meetings. The next step is to take the comprehensive plan to Cabinet. V. Ivette Chuca discussed the Mathways Project Factsheet and how the first course can prepare the student to go anywhere, which is the main difference between this program and StatWay. The first course will have a co-requisite of a math-based college student success course. VI. Dr. Vale’s visit to El Paso to explain Non Course Based Options (NCBO’s) was discussed. Students should be able to work at their own pace in the NCBO yet still have supervision from an instructor. Furthermore, the NCBO must have course objectives, contact hours, an instructor of record, and clearly defined materials. Lastly, the NCBO must be listed in the college catalog and transcripted upon completion. Texas Leadership Team Meeting (Sept. 24, 2012) Report A background of this team was provided by Ivette Chuca. The team first started with just math, but the other disciplines were added. This is a result of the DEI and the Texas Association of Community Colleges. Mike Coulehan discussed key concepts from the meeting “Redesigning Students’ Educational Experiences.” There are four categories: Connect, Prepare, Progress, and Succeed. The Council was reminded that Texas is going to tie college funding up to 10% to completion rates and the Performance-Based Timeline was shown. There were concerns raised about keeping the high standards when the state ties funding to performance. One positive aspect is that students’ completion of their DE sequence is considered a milestone under this new funding structure. INRW updates from this meeting were provided. There will be performance funding and supportive tutoring. The question was of contact hours for INRW was posed. Should it be 3, 4, or 5 contact hours? One idea posed is making INRW a 4 hour class plus 1 with the lab. Currently at EPCC, INRW is a 3 hour class. Professional development/training for INRW faculty will be provided by the THECB in spring 2013. The search for INRW trainers has been opened nationally. INRW students will also be tracked longitudely to see how the students do in Non-Course Based Instruction Updates In order to see and learn about some models that are out there and working, EPCC will conduct a conference call with Amarillo College: Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 (was subsequently rescheduled for Friday, Oct, 12), at 2pm, with Tamara Kloonis. The DE Council will send information to UTEP about the conference call. At the NCBO meeting, EPCC Math faculty were told by Doug Schirmer that the Math Emporium could not serve as a NCBO; however, Dr. Vale told Denise Lujan that the Math Emporium does qualify as a NCBO. Since the THECB is continually defining NCBO’s and is leery of being too specific, as long as our NCBO’s fit the general definition they should be accepted. Funding for the NCBO’s will come from Rider 59. ESL is already using a NCBO to close the gap for “bubble” students. They had to raise their standards and establish a variety of pathways for students. VII. Election of DE Council Chair for 2012-2013: Motion approved to table voting until the next meeting and elect a secretary, as well. VIII. Other: Motion approved to add David Moody to the DE Council. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 21 IX. The DE Council meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of every month: March 5, 2013 April 2, 2013 DE Council Meeting Schedule: Nov. 6, 2012 Feb. 5, 2013 Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodríguez. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 22 November 6, 2012 instruction. Computer mediated instruction is used but not as a main instructional tool only as supplemental material. Students come by based on their schedule, but they are required to come to the lab every week. Students can enroll for a 1 credit hour (14 clock hours 2 weeks), 2 credit hours (40 clock hrs.-3 weeks) or 3 credit hours (60 hours-up to 15 weeks) based upon their placement test score. Enrollment is 350-400 students in math, 150 in writing, and 100 in reading. Low drop rate usually around 2% and pass rate is 66%. Financial Aid can be used. A Flowchart for each instructional area was sent to Irma who forwarded to the committee chairs and district-wide coordinators. A trip to Amarillo is planned in early spring. Members Present: Hector Arriola, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Pat Duran, Claude Mathis, Susan Silva, Cynthia Velasco, and Dorothy Ward. Members Absent: Edith Aguirre, Tonie Badillo, Andrea Berta, Michael Coulehan, Denise Lujan, Terri Mann, David Moody, Margaret Nelson-Rodriguez, Diana Orrantia, Patricia Ortega, Marisa Pierce, and Dr. Lydia Tena. UTEP -- Dorothy Ward reporting Students are allowed to enroll for the first college level English course (ENGL 1311) with a placement test score of 5 on the essay and less than 80 on sentence structure portion. Developmental Reading is offered in an 8 week format and paired with a 16 week History course. Plans are underway to fully integrated Reading and Writing by 2014. Denise Lujan is part of the DEI Advisory Board on TSI policies which made recommendations to the state Developmental Education Plan. The plan was issued and will be in effect until 2016. The goal of the THECB is for all developmental education courses to be taught as Non-course Based Options by 2017. In February when the new TSI cut scores are announced UTEP will revise their college algebra class with Math 0311 and 1311. Any revisions and alignment will be shared with EPCC. They have worked with Banner to code students in SOATEST so that they can register for a higher level class when they complete one class and there is still time in the semester to begin another class. This feature follows students to the next class and tracks completions and retention through the first attempt in a class. Non-Course-Based Instruction -- Irma Camacho reporting Amarillo Community College—Access Learning Center A significant group of faculty participated on a phone call on October 12 with Jenna Marion to learn more about their open-entry open-exit developmental lab. EPCC participants included: Angelina Arellanes Nunez, Edith Aguirre, David Moody, Maria Gomez, Robin Russell, Dorothy Ward, Andrea Berta, and David Henry. All Reading faculty and all members of the DE Math and DE English Standing committees were invited. o The lab is open 40 hours a week during the semester and is staffed by three full time instructors and one adjunct with no peer tutors. They aim to have one on one or small group The DE Math Standing committee is looking at the Math Emporium extender NCBI which would give those students who are close to completing a class two weeks during the intercession to complete. Early Intervention/Retention Committee -- Pat Duran reporting Recommendation of posting of mid-term grades for all students in developmental and gate keeper classes. Developmental English Standing Committee Margie Nelson Rodriguez reporting A concern still exists on those students who score a 0-2 on the essay portion of the placement test. Margie, Myshie Pagel, Robin Russell, and Maria Gomez are working a process for students who enroll in ENGL 0309 or ENGL 0310, but who should be in ESL courses. Unfortunately, there are a few students who enrolled for both ESL and developmental English courses this fall. A Special Projects Committee has been formed to work on NCBIs and the Accelerated Learning Program. Developmental Math Standing Committee -- Ivette Chuca reporting A Math Summit is being planned with funding from DEI Valle Verde Learning Emporium has two classrooms which are open from 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM. The faculty student evaluation was revised for Math Emporium instructors. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 23 Complete College America-Focus and Statway offer paired course in which the developmental course is paired with college level course. EPCC was selected to serve as co-developers for the New Mathways Project which is being organized by the Dana Center at UT-Austin. Reading Standing Committee -- Mike Coulehan reporting Mike and Tony Procell have revised the INRW course. The 1 hour course is not in the catalog. The NCBI has been for entering students and does not meet the THECB guidelines, so this will be revised to target students who are near to placing in college level English. Late Registation -- Ivette Chuca The recommendation to end Late Registration was presented to Instructional Leadership who supported the measure. The recommendation and proposal was forwarded to Linda Gonzalez Hensgen who will take to Cabinet. The faculty senate had voted to support this recommendation last fall. ESL -- David Moody reporting Adjournment The revised ESL program is 30 credits and all reading and writing courses are integrated. The program is TSI aligned. Classes are not co-requisites as they were in the past. Instead students place according to skill sets. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 24 February 7, 2013 VV, Room C428 2. Members Present: Ivette Chuca (Chair), Edith Aguirre, Hector Arriola, Diana Orrantia, Tracy von Maluski, Cynthia Velasco, Jan Eveler, Margie Nelson Rodriguez, and Armando Gomez I. Welcome: Ivette Chuca, Chair, welcomed the Council and called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes: Meeting Minutes from Nov. 6, 2012 were approved with a few corrections noted. III. Committee Reports Other Committee Work: There is a Progress Report form on the EPCC Counseling webpage the web. Committee is working on revising the drop form to make it a series of easy to follow steps; this should make the process easier. F. A. UTEP Report: Tabled for next meeting. B. DE English Standing Committee: Margie Nelson Rodriguez reported that the committee is working on its NCBI and INRW. The committee is looking forward to visiting Amarillo College’s Access Lab. The committee is also working on its training program for INRW. IV. DE Math Standing Committee: The committee is working on its NCBI for Math 0124 for bubble students. They will still need to develop the course. They also discussed the Math Emporium as an option. They have two representatives from Math on the Item Review Team for the new TSI instrument. Ivette also provided a Mathways Update (see below V.C.) The Math Emporium has been nominated for the national, prestigious Bellwether Award for the Math Emporium. The goal of the committee for this semester is to develop the Math NCBI. D. Reading Committee: Mike Coulehan is attending the IRW Kickoff Institute in Dallas, Texas. E. Retention/Early Intervention Committee: The Committee is working on two recommendations: 1. Developmental and ESL instructors would give the students their average at least twice before midterm. Banner does not have a place for a midterm grade. ESL Committee: David Moody will email the report. New TSI Assessment A. Standard Setting Team: Edith Aguirre showed the Council the Updated TSI Model flowchart. There is still a lot to figure out for students who don’t place into developmental math and have to go into ABE. They looked into placing cut scores for ABE-CCRS (Career & College Readiness Standards). They took many tests. There were some issues with the wording on some of the questions. The team ranked the test questions based on the level of difficulty. The team was asked to erase their courses from their minds and just think of the person having the minimum requirements, struggling with the test questions. They took an average (team of 25) on the level of difficulty. They could not use their courses to compare the skills and minimum requirements. They made recommendations, but someone else will make the final decision. The ABE and CCRS cut scores will be set across the state. It will be up to the institution to place the students based on their results on the diagnostic. But we don’t know which course the student will need to take after the diagnostic. There will be SAT Score exemptions. There will be no COMPASS, no Accuplacer, just the TSI Placement Test. Edith presented a handout from the College Board, “Texas Success Initiative Test Content,” and the Updated TSI Model. B. Item Review Team: Diana Orrantia reported on the TSI Item Review meeting in early January. Representatives from K-12 and higher education were present. First, the team went through the TSI Placement Test. Next, the team looked at the material dumped (the questions that tested poorly with students) and kept. They were not allowed to change The goal of the committee for this semester is to develop the English NCBI and prepare for INRW implementation. C. Developmental instructor and student must confer if students are not passing before the drop date. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 25 anything; they made suggestions, but these suggestions will not be applied until the second year. If students don’t pass the test, they will take a more diagnostic exam and it will up to the higher education to place into the correct course or strand. If the students don’t pass the diagnostic, they will be placed into ABE. The cut scores are not ready. Now, before the students take the TSI test, there will be a mandated orientation session. C. V. Pre-Assessment Modules: EPCC Testing Services is working with UTEP on the preassessment refresher. This is just a refresher module and not an entire course. Will we use the same modules and the same portals as UTEP? Logistics will need to be worked out and help will be available online. Students will still need to have their orientation. Testing Services is trying not to disrupt the process already in place at EPCC and UTEP. PLATO may be used. We need to make sure the student is registered. Issues with Banner and registration. They need to figure out a way to identify the student. VI. C. New Mathways Project: The Math discipline is serving as co-developers for the Mathways Project, which is a Texas-wide initiative. In this project, a new course, Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning/Math 0404, is paired with Education 1300; some student success skills building is also present in the Math 0404. The team includes counselors, Education 1300 faculty, administrators, and student success staff. In fall 2013, Math 0404 will be paired with Education 1300. In spring 2014, students will take credit level Math 1342 or Math 1333. This project should help students choose a major, career, and the best pathway. After the Mathway Project meeting, the committee will need to present the proposal to the Math discipline for approval. D. Academic Success Plan: The Council recommended edits. Ivette will present to Irma Camacho. Other April 10, 2013: Chantel Reynolds will hold a meeting here in El Paso. Ivette will check on the Summer Bridge data and ask for permission to share. Updates A. B. Complete College America: In August 2013, Complete College America served 99 students, which includes two FOCUS Math courses in one semester. Students will also take student success courses. This semester’s topics will be Study Skills and Time Management. Puente Project: Margie presented and briefly explained the fall 2012 results. The Project had great success in the fall, with 92.70% of students completing INRW 0311. VII. Next Meeting Time and Place: March 12, 2013— Valle Verde B240 Minutes taken by Margie Nelson Rodriguez Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 26 March 12, 2013 VV, Room C428 added four new members to assist in the development of the NCBI Members Present: Edith Aguirre, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Jan Eveler, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Diana Orrantia, Julie Penley, Tracy Von Maluski, Pat Duran, Hector Arriola, and Armando Gomez. I. Ivette called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. II. The minutes for February were approved as corrected. III. Below are some for the recommendations: 1. Use the Emporium labs but with modularized math. This would be a long range plan. 2. MATH 0301-Take out some components which are at the very lowest level and make that the NCBI. MATH 0124 could be used for the bubble students for Math 1324. Committee Reports 3. A. UTEP—No one was in attendance from UTEP B. DE English Standing Committee -- Ivette Chuca (Margie Nelson) 4. NCBI: The Developmental English Standing Committee is researching diagnostic instruments for its NCBI. At the next meeting (Wednesday, March 27, 2013), the committee will discuss these instruments, software programs, and development of the NCBI. Instructor Training: The committee has drafted a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with answers for instructors who teach developmental English. The committee will show a draft to the discipline at the discipline meeting today and work on revising, editing, and finalizing the FAQs at the next meeting. Robin Russell has developed an online course for training instructors who teach developmental English, which she will show the committee at the next meeting. In addition to providing a printed handout, the FAQs will be incorporated into the online course. C. Use the week after the semester ends for those students enrolled in the Math Emporium to finish the class. That last week would be an open lab. Each discipline needs to have at least one NCBI by fall 2013. All campuses are reorganizing for the New Mathways Project (NMP). In fall MATH 0404 will be offered at each campus. On April 5, Tom Connolly will speak to the NMP team. They will have more details after that. The focus program will continue through the summer. The discipline wants to keep the program going and will look into ways to do so beyond the grant period which ends this summer. D. Reading Discipline -- Mike Coulehan INRW: Most members of the committee, in addition to several English faculty not on the committee, have registered for the INRW Regional Conference on April 12, 2013 in El Paso. We are looking forward to participating and learning more about INRW. INRW training will be held here in El Paso on April 12. All reading and DE English faculty are encouraged to attend. There will be three faculty development presentations on INRW. There will also be professional training for faculty in summer and fall. Assessment is another item which will be addressed. A newly formed committee which Jan and Claude have organized is meeting on a regular basis. DE Math Standing Committee -- Edith Aguirre, Diana Orrantia The discipline has decided to use PLATO for the NCBI. The committee opened the discussion on the NCBI to the entire discipline at last week’s district-wide meeting. The committee has Based on the Accuplacer here are the following score ranges for reading anticipating what the new TSI may indicate. It is hoped the ABE funds are redistributed to Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 27 to need another review, because some areas are more emphasized than others. Speaking and listening are more subjective and therefore may be less consistent. A pilot is being conducted this semester. Students must score a minimum of 42 on the COMPASS and this is a big challenge. The discipline wants to work with ABE as a pipeline to the ESL program at EPCC. They are also working with the Reading and English disciplines on the college level threshold. The discipline is also researching how students are performing in ENGL 1301. the community colleges to serve this lower level of student. Level 1-4 Level 5-6 8th grade Adult Education 9th-12th grade Developmental Education Pat described a program currently being piloted with the MdP campus. There is one counselor who works part-time at MdP and refers students who place at the lower levels to a program called the College and Career Readiness Institute which is being offered through Workforce Literacy. This program provides basic skill instruction, career education, specialized advising. Sara Martinez oversees the program which appears to be working very well. E. Retention/Early Intervention Committee -Tracy Von Maluski IV. The grants office is looking for grants that address developmental education. Send data questions to IR. V. F. To continue the Early Alert Program 2. For instructors to call students who are failing. 3. Grade posting for students in Banner before mid-term. The rationale is that students need feedback as to how they are doing. Especially students in developmental education. Instructors are the first line of contact with students and should work closely with the counselor. Students also need to speak with their instructors before dropping a course. NCBI There are several offices that need to be involved in the implementation of the NCBIs including institutional research, Curriculum Office, Registrar’s, Financial Aid, and Counseling. After a discussion it was decided to invite the aforementioned departments, the DE Council, and the Standing Committees to the next meeting of the DE Council to initiate the implementation plans. Each discipline should have a prepared written plan about their NCBI. These are the committee’s current recommendations 1. Data Beginning on August 1, 2013, faculty can take the new TSI test. Please contact Testing Services. VI. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 25 at 3:00 p.m. VII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. ESL Discipline -- David Moody The discipline is refining its approaches by looking for a rubric that all faculty will use for grading writing. Grammar also appears Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 28 April 25, 2013 ASC Auditorium Council Members Present: Edith Aguirre, Hector Arriola, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Claude Mathis, David Moody, Margie Nelson-Rodriguez, Diana Orrantia, Marisa Pierce, Susan Silva, Cynthia Velasco, and Tracy Von Maluski Visitors: Lolo Mercado, Jose Baltazar, Yolanda ChavezAhner, Caroline Woolf-Gurley, Sara Martinez, Dr. Carol Kay, Irma Craver-Castillo, Marta Olivares, Rachel Ortega, Kathleen Bombach-Muro, Maria T. Gomez, Celina Gomez, Sandra Lujan, Patsy Saenz, Armando Gomez, Irene GuranyGarcia, Terri Mann, Irma Hoy, Robert Yarbrough, Dr. Katherine Kelley, David Moody, Doug Schirmer, Sandra Peck, Myshie Pagel, and Daryle Hendry. Reading (see attached description) -- Susan Silva The One-hour Reading class will become the NCBI. Bubble students will be assessed in the reading labs to determine strengths and weaknesses and the bases for an individualized plan. Materials both printed and written to be used for the NCBI will be determined by the discipline. English (see attached description) -- Margie NelsonRodriguez NCBI will be paired with ENGL 1301 and will be initiated at VV and NW. A diagnostic needs assessment will be administered to each student which will be the basis for the individualized instruction. Welcome Questions and Discussion Ivette Chuca, DE Council Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. She indicated that this meeting was meant for each of the four disciplines to discuss their NCBIs with the individuals from College departments who will be instrumental in implementation. Those in attendance introduced themselves. Irma gave a brief Power Point overview of NCBIs. Discipline Reports If faculty are not fairly compensated then they will not want to do this work. At Amarillo the offered 1, 2, and 3 hour options. Many students were selecting the one-hour option which was not necessarily the best option, so this was used very rarely. Bubble students may not need a lot of intervention Tuition and fees vary greatly for NCBIs across the state What if they fail ENGL 1301, can a student pass the NCBI? Math (see attached description) -- Edith Aguirre and Ivette Chuca ESL -- David Moody 1. ESL provided the Colleges only NCBI to date, but they are changing this to develop a new NCBI for the bubble students. The latter will be available for: Proposed extension for students in the Math Emporium. This NCBI was discussed with Dr. Vale who gave her agreement to this intervention. This is already being used at UTEP. Questions and Discussion 2. How many students will need to be registered for this intervention to be able to run? Will a letter grade be awarded or a pass/no pass grade? Can we go back and change the Math Emporium grade based upon the extender grade? Proposal to offer MATH 0124 for the bubble students who will be taking Math 1324. Question and Discussion Additional Discussion In the past the MATH 0124 has not made. Dr. Kelley recommended that each of the NCBIs have a course outline developed and submitted to her office. In consideration of the time constraints, it is more expedient to do this and not to have full course development on these. Diana Orrantia informed the group that while we as an institution must offer NCBIs, students have the option of participating in the NCBI or the regular developmental course. Counselors would be able to more effectively advise students if there was some indicator on the testing screen that the student qualifies for an NCBI. Students often stop out of school for a significant amount of time. When they return they have forgotten some of their basic skills especially math, but students are allowed to enroll for the next indicated class without a refresher. Often these students fail the next class. Math only has two developmental cut scores one for Introduction to Algebra and one for Intermediate Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 29 Algebra. The additional cut score is for ABE and not information was given on what to do with this group. At the meeting of the Coordinating Board on Thursday it was recommended that the 2013-14 school year was to investigate this area. Close work with TEA and TWC was recommended, as well as, increased funding for this area. An example of working closely to develop viable work force options with contextualized basic skills was given, such as that as Mountain View College in Dallas. Sara Martinez described the pilot which workforce has developed for this summer which integrates basic skills. Much preparation of basic skills is needed before entering a workforce area. Students will disabilities need to be considered, because they are at a disadvantage. How will we address these students? What Needs To Be Done Next Complete the Course Outline and submit to Dr. Kelley Based on the new cut scores which will be available on April 26 through the TSI webinar, determine the bubble cut scores. Determine target population size through a data request from Institutional Research. Determine how many faculty will be needed at each campus and fair compensation recommendations. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 30 Attachment to April 25, 2013 Minutes Math NCBO 1. Title: NCBM-0301, NCBM-0303, NCBM-0305. NCBM=Non-Course Based Math 2. Description: The NCBM will be a 10 contact hours in a computer lab and will be offered the week immediately following the fall or spring semesters. Students will continue to work on the emporium course requirements to complete their course. 3. Target Student Population: Faculty recommended students who are currently registered in an emporium course who meet the following criteria: 4. Students must be at most 2 weeks behind their course calendar work Students must have no more than 4 hours of absences Fee: Student Faculty Faculty compensated per hour at the college rate. Example: If there are 120 students then we would need one faculty member and 3 tutors to work from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Faculty: $27 x 30hrs=$810 3 Tutors: $8.40 x 90hrs = $756 Total: $1566 5. Campus: Sections will be opened at each of the 5 campuses. If a section is to be closed because of enrollment then the students will be encouraged to attend a different campus. 6. Staff Needed: Depending on the number of students there will be 1 to 3 instructors and 1 to 3 tutors. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 31 Attachment to April 25, 2013 Minutes In January of this year, the Reading Discipline discussed the possibility of using, the one hour course (READ 0109), Michael Coulehan developed, as our NCBI course. Students who tested just under the cut off will be further assessed (we are still looking for an instrument) for strengths and weaknesses. Then, an individualize plan will be prescribed to remediate weaknesses. The prescription will likely consist of print materials and some electronic supplements. We are challenged with the fact that not all campuses have the same electronic situations or skills books available. The entire reading discipline will decide which materials to use and the campus instructor of record will monitor student coursework. We are having a discussion whether an Exit Exam will be used to show completion or whether the student will be given prescribed mastery tests for the areas in which he/she received remediation. We are proud to offer a pathway for students who just barely miss the cut off score. April 25, 2013 Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 32 Attachment to April 25, 2013 Minutes DW English Discipline Non-Course Based Option (NCBO) Proposal NCBO Course Description Title of Course: NCBW (Non-Course Based Intervention for Writing) NCBO and ENGL 1301 co-enrollment: The NCBO will be a companion (paired) component with English 1301 (student will be simultaneously enrolled in English 1301 and the NCBO). The NCBO will focus on individualized instruction with an instructor of record assigned to manage the students’ progress. The NCBO will be initiated in fall 2013 at the Valle Verde and Northwest campuses. Individual Study Plan: After completing the diagnostic and needs-assessment, the instructor and student will develop an Individual Study Plan (ISP) designed to ensure student success in college credit bearing courses, especially English 1301. This plan will define student learning goals and objectives as well as mandatory scheduled hours of intensive instruction in writing and grammar combined with computer assisted instruction on a weekly basis. The ISP may be adjusted at any point of the semester at the instructor’s discretion based on student performance and likelihood of achieving student’s goals and objectives. Faculty roles and responsibilities: The instructor assigned to each class group of NCBO students is responsible for developing each student’s ISP base on assessment results, scheduling each student in lab and study facilities, providing intensive instruction as needed, monitoring student performance and attendance, adjusting the ISP as needed to promote student success, supporting each student through direct instruction and referral to appropriate college resources, intervening as needed, and grading and recordkeeping for each assigned class group. If the faculty member has students with disabilities in the NCBO, the instructor will work with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). Course assignment: Full time or part time faculty may teach an NCBO as an assigned one three-hour course load equivalent for each 18 NCBO students. Credit hour configuration: The NCBO will have three different credit hour configurations, based on TSI assessment, counselor referral, and the ISP developed by the student and instructor. The Admission and Registration Department will assign appropriate course numbers for registration purposes. 1 semester-credit hour (9-24 contact hours) 2 semester-credit hour (25-40 contact hours) 3 semester-credit hour (41-56 contact hours) (These figures taken 2011-2012 Rider 59 Information) Tuition & Fees: Students will be charged regular tuition so that they may receive financial aid to take the NCBO. Course Exit: An integrated reading/writing exit will be administered when the student accomplishes all of the goals of the ISP and demonstrates mastery of the curriculum. In the exit, the student will read a college-level article and construct an argument based on the article. NCBO Curriculum Development: English faculty team will be assigned to develop curriculum, instructional materials, and select a computer-based instruction option for the NCBO during Summer 2013. The team will Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 33 interface with counseling department to identify cut scores on Accuplacer for first class group of NCBO students. Team members will be compensated on the part time faculty pay schedule. Timeline Draft Plan: Presented to English Developmental Education committee: April 16. DE Committee review: April 16-23. Presentation to Dean Mathis: April 24 District-wide NCBO meeting (DE Council): April 25 Curriculum and materials development: Summer I, 2013 Assignment of faculty of record: Fall 2013 Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 34 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2011-2012 October 4, 2011 ASC B-445 Members present: Edith Aguirre, Tonie Badillo, Carolyn Buntyn, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Michael Coulehan, Ted Johnston, Sandra Martinez, Claude Mathis, Margaret Nelson, Patty Ortega, Hector Padilla, Susana Rodarte, and Susan Silva. 1. The intent of ENGL 0309/0310 or ENGL 0310/1301 Accelerated Learning Communities is to "fast track" students through developmental English. Recently, there have been some students who have enrolled in the course and have not been successful. The committee is considering a process to screen students before they enroll. 2. Currently the Exit Exam for ENGL 0310 is graded by campus. The committee is discussing switching to district-wide grading. Members Absent: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Sandra Lujan, Diana Orrantia, Robin Russell, Martha Sanchez, Dr. Lydia Tena, and Cynthia Velasco. I. Welcome Hector Padilla welcomed those in attendance. II. Approval of Minutes B. Minutes for April 2011, June 2011, and August 2011 were approved with the following changes to: DE Math Standing Committee—Ivette Chuca and Edith Aguirre 1. III. June 9, 2011 minutes: correction - III. Ability to Benefit (ATB). The College will no longer be assessing all students who are under individual approval. We will test only those who are entering as Individual Approval (Admission Status) and who are seeking financial aid. August 2011 minutes: IV. B. D.E. Math – add. All three items mentioned were voted on and approved by the discipline. Classes will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Fall 2012 depending on room space. IV. C. Reading correction - The One Hour Reading course was offered, but due to problems with Banner and co-requisites, students wouldn't sign up for it. 2. 3. 4. Elections 5. Elections 2011-12 Academic Year: Ivette Chuca is the Chair; Edith Aguirre is the Co-chair; Susan Silva – Secretary. IV. 6. Faculty worked in the summer to develop a student reference notebook that mirrors the Emporium topics. These are available at campus ISCs throughout the district. Dr. Peregrino is conducting an evaluation of the math emporiums for the DEDP grant. The maximum number of students in Emporium classes has been increased to 40. One Timeslot includes only 1 CRN now, students are all from the same level. Students who have completed 2 levels will be dropped from the lower level and given their grades for the highest level completed so as to be eligible to register for the next course in the series. Math Emporium instructors host a "meet and greet" for students before classes begin Edith Aguirre is the Chair and Diana Orrantia is the Co-chair Committee Reports C. A. DE English Standing Committee—Hector Padilla, Margaret Nelson, Irma Camacho Reading—Michael Coulehan 1. ESL is now considered Developmental Education and should Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 35 the student is being withdrawn from the class. Suggestion made: The Instructor Initiated Withdraw form should be modified to include some criteria boxes. therefore be represented on the DE Council. 2. 3. D. ESL is in the process of reconfiguring itself into one discipline from three. The full- time instructors met and voted to adopt a new 4 semester curriculum. V. Michael Coulehan (Reading) and Terri Mann (English) have the approval of both of their disciplines to go ahead with the planned Spring 2012 pilot of an Integrated Reading/Writing course as directed by THECB. 2. Suggestion made: Counselors should be allowed to approve exceptions without dean’s approval. Suggestion made: put the Drop survey on-line. If a student is dropped by an instructor, the instructor needs to indicate why Developmental Education Plan still needs to be revised and sent out. B. Ending Late Registration – Ivette Chuca 2. Currently all DE students planning to drop, complete the DROP SURVEY. It is the recommendation of the DE Council that all students wanting to drop, be asked to take the survey. Members were asked to look at the current survey and make suggestions, if any as to revising it for all students. Students can receive an "exception" to the 6 drop rule from a counselor if the student meets the THECB criteria. If a student doesn't meet an oblivious criterion, the student must plead his/her case to a dean to receive the exception status. A. 1. Early Alert Committee—Patty Ortega 1. Old Business 3. 4. VI. We need research from other colleges to show that stopping late registration will benefit the students. Need also to show if a student dropped after late registration, did that (those) student (students) come back to the College in a later semester? Need to show the effect on the testing centers Late registration should be moved up to the week before instructors come back. Other Business Other business was not discussed due to the late hour. VII. Meeting Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. VIII. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2011 with a discussion about moving start time to 2:30 p.m. in lieu of 3:00 p.m. Meetings used to run on a strict schedule from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 36 November 2, 2011 VV B240 2. Members present: Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Sandra Lujan, Patsy Ortega, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, and Cynthia Velasco. Members Absent: Edith Aguirre, Tonie Badillo, Carolyn Buntyn, Michael Coulehan, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Ted Johnston, Sandra Martinez, Claude Mathis, Margaret Nelson, Diana Orrantia, Susana Rodarte, Martha Sanchez, and Dr. Lydia Tena. I. 3. Welcome: Ivette Chuca C. Ivette Chuca welcomed those in attendance. II. D. DE English Standing Committee: Robin Russell 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Early Intervention: Patty Ortega 1. Committee Reports A. DE Reading ESL curriculum writing. Approval of Minutes Minutes for October 4, 2011 were approved. III. Switching the ENGL 0310 Exit Exam prompt to an argument prompt to better align student with 1301 and 1302. Considering cut scores for THEA and Accuplacer at the top end for Accelerated Learning Communities; fine tune the admission requirements for those Accelerated offerings to make students more success and placed in an environment that better suits them. This spring through the DEDP Grant, English Discipline will conduct research to evaluate the success of the Accelerated English offerings. Through focus groups and other data gathering. Developing an on-line continuing education course development supplement instruction for DE instructor – to create a 6 hour course during the semester that they are teaching: guidelines, samples – In the summertime. Irma Camacho offered Robin money from the DEDP Grant to pay for the release time. DE Math Standing Committee: Ivette Chuca 1. Math Discipline will meet tomorrow. Met with Dr. Brown and - offering 3 CRN in one time slot. Reconsider. All the 3 major policy changed. Single CRN for a time slot; Max students to become 40; MWF to MW only. The DE Math Standing Committee is hosting a "meet and greet" for all Emporium instructors, for questions and feedback. First is at RG, may host another one at a different campus to express concern. 2. 3. Drop survey has not been approved for ALL dropping students. Steering Committee wants to look at it – questions about Financial Aid. Maybe the DE Council could push it along. Start Right Committee November 21st will meet to understand the way Start Right recommendations are to be handled. Like ending late registration; justification for the recommendation. Student success workshops are still not well attended. a. Flyers: trying to get instructors to buy into the workshops. b. Suspended students are supposed to attend, but there is no consequence for not fulfilling that requirement. c. Maybe there needs to be a Counselor/Coordinator’s recommendation to Dr. Brown stating that students MUST attend 2 workshops or they cannot register due to a HOLD. IV. Old Business A. Developmental Education Plan: Irma Camacho 1. Update the DE Plan has not been worked on because Irma has not been in-town. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 37 2. B. Ending Late Registration 1. 2. 3. 4. Met with Deans that oversee counselors, counselor coordinator – Texas Administrative Code in effective 2003. EPCC in not in compliance with this. a. Example of UTEP’s. Read/Write/English/ESL scores: counselor coordinator will put together a task force to get this form ready by Fall 2012. Right now there is a TAR form. It is not a whole plan… it is only semester by semester. b. The new form may replace the TAR form. Sandra has been using it. c. UTEP Might help the 2 or 3 math and reading in the same semester. d. Concern: Enforcement – complete all your DE classes before you can register in credit courses. Redo the DE Plan to include this. e. Present to Leadership (a group from DE Council) enforce as other colleges do… Like South Texas. EDUC 1300 must be taken in the first 2 semesters or they have a HOLD. We need research from other colleges to show that stopping late registration will benefit the students. Need also to show if a student dropped after late registration, did that (those) student (students) come back to the College in a later semester? Need to show the effect on the testing centers Late registration should be moved up to the week before instructors come back. Other Colleges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. Sandra stated that South Texas Community College does not allow registration after the first class day. Robin – will obtain information regarding Austin Community College. Susan – will obtain information regarding Alamo Community College. Cynthia – will obtain information regarding Houston Community College. Patsy – will obtain information regarding Tarrant Community College. Sandra – will obtain information regarding San Jacinto Community College. Options for students who don't make the first day. Complete College America Update DEDP Program - Texas State University Math department allows students to take the first college level math with DE 0305 Math. Pilot this at RG (Mendoza) and NW (Calaterian) doing the college level; spring, summer, and fall. V. Next Meeting February 1, 2012, 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Valle Verde, B-240. VI. Meeting Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 38 February 1, 2012 VV, Room B240 Austin Community College does not allow any students to register late after classes have begun. Claude indicated that there is still a lot of counselor overriding the prerequisites for the paired English courses. This leads to the students enrolling when they are not ready to do so. Members Present: Tonie Badillo, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Armando Gomez, Sandra Lujan, Claude Mathis, Margaret Nelson, Diana Orrantia, Patty Ortega, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, and Cynthia Velasco. Members Absent: Edith Aguirre, Michael Coulehan, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Ted Johnston, Sandra Martinez, Susana Rodarte, Martha Sanchez, and Dr. Lydia Tena. Guests: Dr. Donna Ekal, Associate Provost, Office for Undergraduate Studies, UTEP and Shirley Gilbert, Special Assistant to the President, EPCC I. B. Students who are able to complete two classes in one semester in the math emporium (ME) will be allowed to drop the first class and to have the grade for the second class to appear on the transcript. Welcome -- Ivette Chuca Ivette Chuca welcomed those in attendance. II. The committee created an online course for faculty teaching in the ME. There are currently 30 faculty enrolled. A double portable has been set up for the ME classes at VV and will be available as of mid-April. Approval of Minutes Motion was made by Robin Russell to approve the November 2, 2011 minutes with corrections. Motion was seconded by Claude Mathis. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. III. Statway—two sections are available; one at MdP with eight students and one at VV with 14 students. Students appear to like this approach towards completing their math requirement. The committee has also completed the articulation process with UTEP. Completion by Design -- Shirley Gilbert Shirley explained the new Completion by Design Project which is being offered in four states. There are five institutions in the Texas cadre: Alamo, Dallas, EPCC, Lone Star, and South Texas. The emphasis is in getting students to complete an Associate degree using a momentum continuum which includes: Connection—Entry—Progress— and Completion. EPCC will be working with students who place in the highest level of developmental education and those who after 3 years have 30 college credits and have not graduated or transferred. People are needed to engage more faculty, staff, and students. People are also needed for the Quantitative Data Committee. IV. DE Math Standing Committee -- Ivette Chuca C. DE Reading -- Susan Silva There continues to be a large number of students who enroll for multiple sections of Reading in the same semester. Another Banner problem is, if a student’s schedule is wiped out they are not notified. D. Retention/Early Intervention Committee -Patty Ortega Committee Reports A. The committee has not met. The last meeting was a general meeting for all Start Right Initiative Committees on November 21, 2011. DE English Standing Committee -- Robin Russell Developmental English instructors at Valle Verde will be meeting for lunch several times this semester for general discussion about the classes that they are teaching. Robin will be working over the summer to develop an online class for instructors who are teaching developmental English. V. Goals of the DE Council for Spring -- Ivette Chuca A. Complete research for eliminating late registration Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 39 B. VI. Determine which placement test is working best, Accuplacer or THEA. Also, inquire if there is an assessment of the status from those students who placed out of developmental education due to TAKS scores. C. Finalizing the EPCC Developmental Education Plan. D. Establishing a working relationship with UTEP C. The Student Support Service Program (S.S.S.P.) previously known as P.A.S.S. program provides services to students taking developmental education and/or upper level courses. Tutoring services for courses such as: Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, and Chemistry are provided. Other services provided: Assistance to students in academic probation, students re-enrolling in college after several years of not attending, students At Risk, students needing Financial Aid information, and transfer advisement from 2 to 4 year institution. Old Business A. Partnering with UTEP Dr. Donna Ekal, UTEP Associate Provost, indicated her interest in having the developmental education programs from both institutions work together and suggested that UTEP faculty be invited to the DE Council meetings. Denise Lujan, DE Math Instructor, is on a state-wide committee to establish the rules for the placement test. UTEP is also looking into to revising their reading and writing courses into an integrated approach. It is vital for the Development Education programs to work together as much as possible. B. Developmental Education Plan -- Irma Camacho Irma Camacho distributed copies of the revised EPCC Developmental Education Plan and requested that a few individuals assist her in reviewing it again, before sending it out to the disciplines and other individuals for review. Claude Mathis, Margie Nelson and Robin Russell volunteered. Student Support Services Program (S.S.S.P.) -- Cynthia Velasco D. THECB Winter Meeting The following individuals attended the Winter Meeting and Symposium on Developmental Education: Robin Russell, Roselia Galindo, Sylvia Peregrino, Sandra Lujan, Edith Aguirre, Ivette Chuca, Sara Martinez, Ann Savino, and Irma Camacho. The Winter Meeting focused on the DEDP grant projects and the Symposium had presentations and break-out session with nationally recognized experts, who included: Claire Ellen Weinstein, Uri Treisman, and Dolores Perrin. VII. Next Meeting Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Room TBA. VIII. Meeting Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 40 March 26, 2012 VV, Room B241 rigor to classes. Need a tighter conversation between DE and college level courses; there is a webinar and meeting about the core changes; need to add Core review to our agenda. April 25th Core meeting. English may go to Texas State for modified English 0310 to English 1301. Attendance: Irma Camacho, Margaret Nelson, Cynthia Velasco, Susan Silva, Armando Gomez, Yvette Chuca, Sandra Lujan, Michael Coulehan, Claude Mathis, Diana Orrantia, Edith Aguirre I. Welcome: meeting room changed at the last minutes so the meeting started around 3:45 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes from February 1st meeting: Add VI. C. also "and transfer advisement from 2 to 4 year institution." with services offered. Minutes approved. III. Committee Reports B. A. DE English Standing Committee – Margaret Nelson reported: Exit Exam Engl 0310 topics argumentative genre; Engl 0310 should naturally become more rigorous; DE Luncheons are being held with full and adjunct faculty – sharing stories, going well; Paired LC cut scores Diana is on a Learning Strategies recommendation task force that is investigating using Emporium space to offer Reading/Writing – Learning Emporiums – Tabled by VP Smith Addendum via email: The discipline voted to raise the test cut scores in the paired 0309/0310 and 0310/1301 offerings in order to increase student success and completion in these courses. These recommended changes will officially be in place for the 2013-2014 catalog year. The recommended changes are as follows: Valle Verde Math Emporium - 2 classroom 40 students in each schedule. 7 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. English 0310/English 1301 Accuplacer: 5 on the essay and 40-79 on the sentence skills THEA: 200 Wednesday, April 11th 10 a.m. to12:30 p.m. Statway after lunch; Yuri Trismith EVERYONE IS INVITED, Come here what Statway can do for your students; symposium to hear him speak on development education. ASC cannot be used. Looking for ways to capture data that shows success or definitively show a program does NOT work. English 0309/English 0310 Accuplacer: 3 or 4 on the essay THEA: 150 As discussed at our last meeting, Robin, Claude, and I will set up a meeting with counselors to assist us in better placing students into these paired offerings for fall 2012 and spring 2013 since the official test cut scores changes will not be in place until the 2013-2014 academic year. As of right now, these classes are just offered at VV. Irma Camacho added that at National Conference on DE – many institutions expressed difficulty of offering LC at a CC due to logistics, but there is the THECB saying that it is the way to go to introduce DE Math Standing Committee – Diana Orrantia – Math Emporium the dropping of students is working. Math discipline is giving adjuncts the vote for textbook (1 adjunct vote per campus) will be voted on next fall's adoption; May be moving the last two sections of Math 0303 - Will be taking a vote from faculty. Trying to bridge: MATH 0305 to MATH 1314 by offering extra tutoring, support services, in summer 7-11 a.m.; Students must understand, Texas State University materials different from typical MATH 0305. RG, NW, VV Fall 2012-TM and MdP will wait to see how other campuses fared Alignment of objective with Socorro, Ysleta, and El Paso school districts of college math with TAKS IV. C. Reading Committee - ESL needs a representative on the DE Council. D. Retention/Early Intervention – no report given Data is being gathered to compare the completion rates of students after being assessed with the Thea Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 41 compared to Accuplacer. Also success rate of TAKS assessments being excepted in lieu of either - in first college level course: TAKS 2200 students are being successful in their first college-level course. Compare THEA to Accuplacer: Accuplacer places students better in Dev Math; THEA only test students for DE MATH In order to be assessed for college-level math, the student must take Accuplacer. The students have to pay $29 each time they take THEA. Accuplacer questions adjusts as the student is taking it. Can you control the first question? We start at the Elementary Algebra because of the fatigue factor? Students can ask to start their testing at the college level. UTEP, Student with Disabilities, high school Recommendation: Developmental Education Council recommends to Leadership and disciplines that EPCC keep Accuplacer for student placement due to overall better predictability, ease of administration, alignment with area universities, students with disability, and success in the class into which they place. Michael Motion with friendly amendment: Development Education Council recommends that each discipline determines what assessment, (if any) a student is to be assessed with, in order to establish if a student has completed a series of Dev. Ed course. Passed: Unanimously include all the other entities that are investigating the same policy change. DE Plan: By the last meeting the draft will be ready. It will be sent out for all to review Coordinating board: Dr. Vale. Director of Developmental Ed. Ryder 59: April 3rd to apply for reimbursement to non-course based. NSO is reimbursable… through a process How about the student success workshop: intervention must be documented and attended by the same students for 4 hours Extended semester to completed emporium math (like at UTEP) will be investigated It was suggested to have a database that shows what level a DE students has attained (Sign in sheet for students) EPCC should track those students and their needs to be an Instructor of Record – not a lab specialist. Best practice that are being discussed: Zero Week for administering assessments Contextual – Learning Community – Pair prepares students better (rigor) Integrated Read/Writing courses are here to stay Each discipline will report back to DE Council EPCC needs faculty development to learn of these changes Irma Camacho reported: Dr. Vale was here last week RFP: We were told there would be two tests from the THECB Will meet with SACS – all the reading and writing faculty will be credentialed to teach DE Reading/Writing courses Testing Services: The company that handles Accuplacer told us that they will revise their assessment for TEXAS to become diagnostic; THEA and Accuplacer are probably we will have the same set of cut off scores across the state, House Bill required post testing – At the lowest According to Dr. Vale, students who test "into" the lowest levels would place into Adult Basic Education (READ 0307/Math 0301) Puente: We are one of three institution beginning this program. Student retention program started in California – state funded Instructors who teach in this program are calling themselves Puentista. EPCC instructors were brought to training. Michael Coulehan has seen that the Accuplacer diagnostic is good for Reading. Late registration: Ending late registration is a policy that Developmental Education recommends. The DE Counsel supports the ending of late registration and believes students should be allowed to register for a class as long as that class has not met yet. Margaret Nelson has offered to help and she an Yvette will draft the proposal stating such. We will Data from this program shows: Students are more likely to transfer, more likely to finish in the first semester in fall 2012, students will take DE English/Reading and EDUC 1300 as a Learning Community. In the second semester the students take ENGL 1301 with the same instructor that they had the Integrated Reading/Writing course with in the fall. 4 Pilot classes will be taught at EPCC. The Integrated courses will be taught by Maurico Rodriguez, Richard Yanez, Margo Enlich and Roxanne Franco – how were they chosen? The instructors had to be credential in ENGL 1301. The program will be supported by a counselor who went Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 42 to training as well. Sandra Lujan and Irma Camacho were trained at the same time. The literature used is Mexican American literature. This is a strong literature based program. Spring other kinds of enhancement (non-course based) 0309. Students will have to sign a contract and commit to the counseling element (two year). They will take Engl 1301 with the same instructor in spring 2013 Next meeting 2:30 p.m. April 25th DE Plan and Late Registration Proposal Will not become a big program, but will be an offering Students who qualify will be those placed into Engl 0310 and READ 0309; or placed out of Reading Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 43 April 26, 2012 VV, Room C428 Attendance: Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Claude Mathis, Susan Silva, Robin Russell, Margie Nelson, Diana Orrantia, Armando Gomez, Sandra Lujan, and Michael Coulehan, and Cynthia Velasco I. Welcome: Ivette Chuca called the meeting to order. II. Approval of March Minutes Since there were come changes and corrections needed, the approval of the minutes was tabled. DE Council members should send changes and corrections to March minutes to Irene Escalante. Then, Irma will send the March minutes to the Council for approval once the changes and corrections are made. III. B. DE English Standing Committee: Robin Russell reported that she met with the counselors regarding the higher test cut scores for the paired English offerings (0309/0310 and 0310/1301). The counselors will do their best to advise students on the higher end of the cut scores to register for the paired offerings; however, the counselors reminded Robin that many students circumvent advising and register on their own. Since the test score changes will not go into effect until Fall 2013, Robin had this meeting to inform counselors of the future cut score changes and request that counselors consider students’ cut scores before registering them for these pared offerings. Currently, there are nine 0310/1301 and ten 0309/0310 course sections for fall 2012. DE Math Standing Committee: The math discipline is planning a Summer Student Success Summit for all DE disciplines and testing. The dates will be announced. Also, the math discipline will require all math faculty who teach the Emporium courses to take an online training class. More Emporium news: The new textbook for 0303/0305 is the same as the Emporium, which will also better transition for textbooks and software. This will also help accommodate the students who transition from traditional math courses to the Emporium and vice versa. Since many institutions are requesting information on the Emporium, the math discipline is planning a website link to the Math Emporium and to share resources. The math discipline is still working on faculty and staff evaluations for the Emporium. Diana Orrantia reported on the Pathways Project. Representatives from EPCC, YISD, SISD, and EPISD, are working to align K12 and college math. One topic of concern is that some items on the Accuplacer are not covered in high school pre-calculus. This could account for some DE Math placement since students are being tested in concepts they have not learned. If the THECB will create a math placement exam, that should be used (on/as?) Accuplacer. Committee Reports A. The math discipline is planning a workshop with UTEP for future teachers. Ivette reported on the Focus Program, which combines mentoring with an 8-week course. This program will assist ECHS students who have not placed into 0305. The ECHS students have to pay for 0305, but EPCC will pay for 1314. The program will consider students with a letter from their pre-calculus teacher. The Focus Program uses student interviews for admittance. C. Reading Committee Since the current Exit Exam structure of the INRW class requires an entire week of testing, faculty are interested in looking at integrated Exit Exam models. This idea needs to be presented to the disciplines in the fall. D. Retention/Early Intervention Committee The committee is recommending course progress report to students at the 6th week. In the Early Alert Program, instructors provide course progress reports at the 5th week mark. The committee is looking at other schools’ midterm grade policies and would like to begin this program with DE faculty. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 44 IV. Ending Late Registration Proposal: Ivette plans to present the proposal to Leadership this summer. V. Developmental Education Plan: The plan needs to be sent to ESL, Testing, Registrar’s, Counselor Coordinators, and District-wide Coordinators for review. VI. Placement Test Recommendations: Compared to THEA, Accuplacer will be the recommended placement test at EPCC because Accuplacer: Is more adaptive Allows for faster retesting Overall, students are more successful with Accuplacer. VII. DE Council Members: This agenda item was tabled for the next meeting. VIII. Other: Grant monies can fund two representatives from each DE disciplines to attend the ALP Conference in Baltimore in June. Is more economical for students and EPCC Is more user-friendly Is easier to administer Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 45 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2010-2011 September 2, 2010 ASC B-445 Members present: Edith Aguirre, Angelina ArellanesNuñez, Jose Baltazar, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Roselia Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Sandra Martinez, Claude Mathis, Roberto Ortega, Hector Padilla, and Cynthia Velasco. development should include best practices teaching methodology for Developmental Education. V. Professional Development – Texas State University at San Marcos - DEDP will provide 15 faculty members teaching Developmental Education, the opportunity to participate in a graduate course. Members not present: Carolyn Buntyn, Gloria Estrada, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Diana Orrantia, Santiago Rodriguez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Dr. Lydia Tena. I. Welcome and New Members Introduced II. Motions Made and Passed III. A. Motion was made to form a task force to look into non semester-based funding regulations and ways to use them to enhance Developmental Education Student Success. B. Motion was made to have the DE Committee contact Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen to ask for a solution to the recurrent problem of students registering or enrolling in a class(es) for which they have not met prerequisites. C. Motion was made to approve the April 6, 2010 minutes with corrections. D. Motion was made to send minutes Districtwide in a summary format. The Chair and Co-Chair will prepare the summary notes of the DE Council minutes to be disseminated District-wide. Elect new DE Council Chair VI. DE Council Goals - To increase the professionalization of Developmental Education Faculty to professional level; invite faculty to become more involved in conferences as presenters and attendees; to strengthen the model that we have as a council to set goals to make the organization more coherent and functional; to look into seeing if there is expertise here in EL Paso who can work with UTEP in developing a graduate level certificate in Developmental Education; to continue articulation with UTEP and NMSU; faculty UTEP’s DE staff will attend the October 7th Meeting UTEP will provide a presentation of the way Developmental Education is structured at UTEP. The purpose for UTEP’s attendance is to look for ways that UTEP and EPCC could work together in certain areas. VII. Reports The English Discipline voted to accept test scores from THEA, COMPASS, and ASSET that meet State minimum requirements. VIII. Other Business CASP - An invitation was extended to attend the CASP Conference which will be held in El Paso, Texas at the Camino Real Hotel, October 13 – 15, 2010. DEI program and DEDP will fund several individuals to attend conference. IX. ITEMS TABLED FOR NEXT MEETING 1. 2. 3. 4. Elected Chair: Hector Padilla Elected Co-Chair: Ivette Chuca IV. Old Business 5. X. DEDP Summer Bridge College Readiness Student Success Core Team – Case Management Team – Task Force STATWAY Project Next Meeting – October 7, 2010 The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Irene Escalante Secretarial Support for Developmental Education Council Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 46 October 7, 2010 ASC B-445 Members present: Edith Aguirre, Carolyn Buntyn, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Roselia Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Sandra Martinez, Claude Mathis, Hector Padilla, Santiago Rodriguez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, and Cynthia Velasco. D. UTEP representatives would like to meet with three or several representatives from EPCC to look for areas of confusion, conflict, or alignment. They would like for both institutions to go over things, in order to be on the “same page” and come up with some goals for this year. Members not present: Jose Baltazar, Gloria Estrada, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Diana Orrantia, Roberto Ortega, and Dr. Lydia Tena. Guests present: Cheryl Baker-Heller, Denise Lujan, Dr. Donna Ekal, and Dr. Carol Kay. I. Welcome and Introduction of Guests II. Motions Made and Passed E. B. III. Motion was made to approve the September 2, 2010 minutes with corrections. Committee Reports A. DE English Standing Committee reported on a plan to increase number of sections to the two groups of Learning Communities, which will now be called Accelerated ENGL 0309. Next Level up will be called Accelerated ENGL 0310. Reported that Accelerated ENGL 0310 is taught by one instructor whereas Accelerated ENGL 0309 is taught by two instructors. It is being planned to have Accelerated ENGL 0309 taught by only one instructor instead of two. B. DE Math Standing Committee reported that at the following discipline meeting one software will be voted on to be utilized, a comprehensive final exam was created for Math 0301, reported on the addition of “ME” (Math Emporium) indicator that will be used to help identify students who finish more than one course in the emporium classroom, provided updates for the construction of Math Emporium classroom at the MDP, RG, and VV campuses. MDP and RG should be ready Spring 2011. A new building or classroom renovations will be done at VV for Fall 2011. EPCC offers 8-week classes and will begin to offer 5-week classes in Spring 2011. C. DE Reading Standing Committee reported that the Reading discipline is piloting a onehour course for READ 0109 at the Transmountain and Valle Verde Campuses for students who score 73-77 on Accuplacer. Students will take Accuplacer diagnostic and will remediate using “My Reading Lab”. Students must pass the Exit Exam with 70% or better to exit the course. The student may exit the class at any time. It was reported that Motion - As per Hector Padilla, the motion that was made by Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez on September 2, 2010 will be discussed at the next scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday, November 4, 2010. UTEP’s DE Representatives A. Associate Provost, Office for Undergraduate Studies gave a brief overview of how the Developmental Education is structured at UTEP. B. Director, DE Math Program presented a flow chart on how Math courses at UTEP align with Math courses at EPCC, discussed impact of TAKS on enrollment in DE Math Courses, discussed UTEP’s Learning community and Mastering Developmental Math program, differences between EPCC and UTEP placements scores, and differences between UTEP and EPCC Pre-Calculus courses. C. Director, DE English Program discussed the differences between UTEP and EPCC delivery of the developmental reading and writing courses, discussed the Accuplacer reading scores and placement of the students, discussed UTEP’s learning communities, impact of TAKS on developmental English enrollments, classroom setup for developmental writing, and writing workshops. Current data on EPCC Developmental Education Director of Research provided detailed data regarding Developmental Education. IV. A. UTEP and EPCC Representatives Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 47 the Reading Discipline voted to accept test scores THEA, COMPASS, and ASSET that meet State minimum requirements. The Reading Discipline may be pairing down the SLOs. The STAR Program will begin its piloting as soon as the requirements are put into place as per the DEDP Grant. The STAR Program will deal with techniques, such as: alphabetic fluency, and vocabulary. D. Early Intervention Committee reports that it is recommending that a drop survey be made available for DE students and credit (regular) course students, will be deciding whether there should be one survey for DE students, one for students taking (regular) courses, or just combine both into one. It was reported that some campuses have not had a good outcome with the student success workshops. Workshops at VV will be available in general scheduled sessions and in-classes. Workshops will be available in the other campuses in-classes. V. Other Business PLATO Workshop - A PLATO workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, Valle Verde Campus, 2:30 p.m., Room B240. Please RSVP: Ruben Ochotorena, 831-3275, VI. Items tabled for next meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII. Summer Bridge Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) Developmental Education Demonstration Project (DEDP) STATWAY Project Student Success Core Team – Case Management Team – Task Force Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Irene Escalante Secretarial Support for Developmental Education Council Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 48 November 4, 2010 ASC B-445 Members present: Edith Aguirre, Jose Baltazar, Carolyn Buntyn, Ivette Chuca, Sandra Martinez, Claude Mathis, Diana Orrantia, Hector Padilla, Susan Silva, and Cynthia Velasco. Members not present: Irma Camacho, Gloria Estrada, Roselia Galindo, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Sandra Gutierrez, Roberto Ortega, Santiago Rodriguez, Robin Russell, and Dr. Lydia Tena. Guests present: Muhammad Akhtar represented Santiago Rodriguez. I. Welcome II. Motions Made and Passed Motion was made to approve the October 7, 2010 minutes with corrections. III. B. DE English Standing Committee reported on the Accelerated English Program. The Accelerated Program is a creative use of Learning Communities to move students faster through developmental sequence, and also to bridge to college level. English Discipline is working on a policy to accelerate students who have been misplaced in ENGL 0309. Cut scores have been adjusted. Committee also stated that counselors are not responsible for overriding banner, the counselors will only advice. DE Math Standing Committee reported that the pros and cons of the software being piloted for the emporium classes. A decision will be made at the next Math Discipline meeting. Two motions were passed at the Math Discipline meeting: A) Tutors needed District-wide for Math Emporiums and B) students who complete more than one course in the emporium will only receive credit for the enrolled class and the prerequisites for any additional courses completed. Math Discipline voted to accept THEA, COMPASS, and ASSET scores that meet State minimum requirements. Two new developmental courses will be developed for STATWAY. The Math Discipline reported that the new building for the emporium will be available in February 2011. Reading Committee - There was not report available since the Reading Discipline did not meet. D. Early Intervention Committee – provided a copy of the “Drop Survey”, so that it could be reviewed. Council Members will provide feedback at the next scheduled DE Council Meeting. The Early Intervention Committee reported that Data provided at the CASP Conference, indicated that a great number of DE students wait up to two years before registering for a credit course. A question regarding who advises the students, or if they advise themselves, was suggested to be included in the “Drop Survey”. A PowerPoint presentation will provide handouts of the PowerPoint presentation at the next DE Council meeting. IV. Prerequisite flags for DE English, Math and Reading – Prerequisite flags for English and Reading courses have been established. Math Discipline needs to submit their information so that prerequisites flags can be established. Registrar’s office stated that it is not only the counselors or registrar’s fault when students enroll without having met prerequisites. The committee was informed that faculty members who turn in grades late at the end of the semester also makes it difficult for banner to flag students who have not met prerequisites. V. Texas Higher Education Assessment Coordinating Board has asked EPCC to administer the THEA test to 2000 students, starting Spring 2011. The Coordinating Board concluded that the THEA test is the closes alignment with the Texas Annex. The next step is to figure out the THEA Developmental Education cut scores. Coordinating Board is requiring that the program be automated and for faculty members and staff to have access to the diagnostic part of the THEA test. EPCC will be working during the Spring to be ready to pilot by Summer 2011. The fee for the Pre and Post THEA test will be $29.00 and retesting can be done after 30 days from the time the test was taken. The timeframe for the THEA test is five hours.. VI. STATWAY Project - A new course is being developed for non-STEM students. Nineteen community colleges across the nation are involved in the Statway project. The courses will be offered beginning Fall 2011. The Statistics course will have some developmental content in it. Four courses are currently being developed: STATWAY 1171, STATWAY 1271, MATH 100, and MATH 200; Committee Reports A. C. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 49 Committee meeting to discuss ways in which UTEP and EPCC’s developmental education areas can work closer together. The results will be reported at the next meeting. which will be a developmental component. Each discipline needs to decide if they want to use the statistics course as part of their degree plan. VII. VIII. Non-semester Link Funding Task Force - Rider 59 Grant - The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has 30 million dollars to fund non-semester linked intervention courses. The website is: Other Business A. B. Student Success Factored Survey – a committee member attended the Student Success Workshop Factored Survey training. The training provided information regarding a survey that is going to be administered to the DEDP program students. IX. Next Meeting February 3, 2011, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., ASC – B445. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Irene Escalante Secretarial Support for Developmental Education Council UTEP DE Representatives - An item will be put on the agenda at the next Articulation Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 50 March 3, 2011 VV B-240 enrollment was due to banner issues. It was asking for prerequisite courses. A number of students did not want to take the time to meet with a counselor for guidance and may have opted to enroll in another course. Members present: Edith Aguirre, Jose Baltazar, Carolyn Buntyn, Ivette Chuca, Gloria Estrada, Roselia Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Claude Mathis, Roberto Ortega, Hector Padilla, Santiago Rodriguez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, and Cynthia Velasco. Members not present: Irma Camacho, Linda GonzalezHensgen, Sandra Martinez, Diana Orrantia, Dr. Lydia Tena, and Cynthia Velasco. D. Guests present: Sara Martinez, (Manager, Literacy Programs), Ann Savino, (Adult Education Innovation Project) I. Welcome II. Motions Made and Passed A. B. III. Motion was made that students taking developmental education courses cannot drop a course without faculty approval via a signed form. IV. DEDP – Integrated Job Training Model - The DEDP Grant is to provide more access to ABE students in college certificate and workforce training programs for career path employment in highdemand jobs in Texas and/or continued postsecondary education. The Adult Education program is operated and primarily funded by U.S.D.O.E. under the Texas Education Agency by Texas LEARNS (a contractor with TEA). All services offered by ABE-IG are FREE. V. THEA Cut Scores - The Coordinating Board has asked that EPCC administer the THEA test to 2000 students, starting Spring 2011. No time frame has been given to complete this pilot. The Coordinating Board concluded that the THEA test is the closes alignment with the Texas Annex. VI. Items tabled for next meeting Approval of November 4, 2010 Minutes was tabled for next meeting. Committee Reports A. B. C. DE English Standing Committee - Research will be done for funds for a small group to travel to Baltimore to visit the Accelerated Learning Program being used at the developmental education program in Baltimore. The English discipline need to work on aligning the curriculum with developmental education courses. DE Math Standing Committee - reported that a 5000 sq. ft. building will be ready by Fall 2011 for the Math Emporium at Valle Verde campus. A video is currently being worked on as means of advertising the Math emporiums. The video will be available at New Student Orientations (NSO). Reading Committee - The discipline researched test scores from various colleges and decided to use the cut off test scores from South Texas. The Reading discipline had agreed in October 2010, to accept COMPASS, ASSET, and other tests that students are taking to allow them to attend college. As part of the DEDP Grant; the reading portion contains the STAR program. The course READ 0109 which was offered at Valle Verde had a low enrollment. The low Early Intervention Committee - The Early Alert program is part of the DEDP grant and students who have potential of being high risk will be recruited at the New Student Orientation and offered the “Early Alert” services. A survey was conducted on students attending developmental education courses. Statistics show that the highest course drops are in the Math area. Academic concern is a reason consistently given for dropping course. The “Drop Survey” will be made available to all students, not only to students taking developmental education courses. VII. 1. EPCC Developmental Education Plan 2. Fall Faculty Development Workshops for Developmental Education Next Meeting April 7, 2011, 2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., VV – B240 VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. Irene Escalante Secretarial Support for Developmental Education Council Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 51 April 7, 2011 VV, Room B240 Members present: Edith Aguirre, Jose Baltazar, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Gloria Estrada, Roselia Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Claude Mathis, Diana Orrantia, Roberto Ortega, Hector Padilla, and Cynthia Velasco. C. Reading Committee -- Roselia Galindo The STAR Reading Project program has been canceled. The STAR Reading Project contract was cancelled by the THECB because modifications for general use at the post-secondary level were not possible. Members not present: Carolyn Buntyn, Linda GonzalezHensgen, Sandra Martinez, Santiago Rodriguez, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, Dr. Lydia Tena. D. Guests present: Armando Gomez, Assisting Director, Testing Services Early Intervention Committee -- Jose Baltazar Early Intervention – Jose Baltazar I. All the proposed changes for the “Drop Survey” have been submitted to Dr. Carol Kay. Welcome -- Hector Padilla, Chair Hector Padilla welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 2:45 P.M. II. Approval of November 4, 2010 Minutes A revised “Drop Survey” in draft format will be provided at the next DE Council meeting, which will be held on June 2, 2011. Motion was made by Jose Baltazar to approve the November 4, 2010 minutes with corrections. Motion was seconded by Diana Orrantia. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. The “Drop Survey” will be administered to students who drop a course. Recognition of appreciation was made to Patty Ortega and Celina Gomez, Counselors. They developed the Power Point presentation titled “EPCC Developmental Drop Survey 2009-2010 Academic Year (Fall 2009 and Spring 2010). Approval of March 3, 2011 Minutes Motion was made by Sandra Gutierrez to approve the March 3, 2011 minutes with corrections. Motion was seconded by Claude Mathis. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. III. A focus group will be formed to collect data regarding the impact on students and faculty caused by those students that begin classes late. Some students start attending classes one day or one week late at the beginning of each semester. Committee Reports A. DE English Standing Committee -- Gloria Estrada Bobby Ortega will fill out a Data Request Form and ask Dr. Carol Kay for information regarding the number of students who register late. A report from the English Standing Committee was not available. B. DE Math Standing Committee -- Diana Orrantia IV. The software being used for the Math Emporium in the district beginning Fall 2011 will be “MyMathLab”. The Math Emporium at Transmountain will be available for use by Fall 2011. Posters have been made with information as to when classes are going to be offered for Developmental Education Math Emporium. The posters will be available at all EPCC campuses. DEDP and THECB Visit -- Irma Camacho Members from Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board visited El Paso Community College beginning Sunday, April 2, 2011 to Wednesday, April 6, 2011. The Coordinating Board members were here primarily for the evaluation of DEDP. Coordinating Board members were as follows: Robin Zuniga, Senior Evaluator, Terri Daniels, Program Director, under Developmental Education, and Linda Muñoz, Senior Program Advisor for Adult and Developmental Education. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 52 On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, the Coordinating Board members met with a group from the College. V. The DE Council on behalf of the College is revising the Developmental Education Plan which specifies TSI compliance. Irma, together with the Coordinating Board members and other people from the State were present for two Webinars on Wednesday. The Coordinating Board members complimented El Paso Community College for information received. Some of the things that resulted from the Coordinating Board visit are as follows: 1. 2. EPCC Developmental Education Plan -- Irma Camacho Members of the Task Force: Irma, Hector, and Ivette. VI. THEA -- Armando Gomez Dr. Carol Kay and Gary Chacon will develop an integrated database with all of the interventions that are being done at EPCC as required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. EPCC along with four other community colleges will be piloting the THEA placement test. The College needs a way of tracking student participation in different programs. A District database will be developed by Dr. Carol Kay (IR) and Gary Chacon (IT). The placement cut scores for the THEA test were identified by the Reading, English, and Math Disciplines. The cost for the THEA test will be $29.00. Students who will continue to be assessed using the Accuplacer test are as follows: According to the Coordinating Board, Counselors are supposed to be doing the Individual Education Plan for all students/new students with developmental education course needs. 3. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has asked all DEDP institutions to offer an Integrated Reading/Writing course to be offered as a pilot next Fall. This course will combine ENGL 0310 and READ 0309. It will be a 4-hour course: 3-hour lecture and 1-hour lab. Angelina Arellanes-Nuňez and Sandra Padilla are working together to have this ready by then. VII. current high school students students registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities students who need to meet the Ability to Benefit standards students in certificate programs not requiring Texas Success Initiative test results students applying for entry in the Health Occupations programs Faculty Development Workshop for DE Math discipline will be presenting 19 workshops. Dr. Linda Muñoz, representative of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board was very complimentary about the integrated Job Training, ESL, and Basic Skills program being piloted through ABE-IG Grant. Continuing Education - Yolanda Ahner, Vice-President, Workforce/Economic Development will be instituting the I-BEST Model with her program. Early Alert Program will be presenting training on Student School Success Factor IndexSmartgrades Assessment. The training will be available for instructors and counselors. It will be held on April 28h and April 29th. Another workshop which will be offered is “How to Implement the Diagnostic Results for THEA”. Dr. Muñoz from the Coordinating Board recommended that somebody from Adult Basic Education be part of the DE Council. VIII. Other Business Motion A. Motion was made by Roselia Galindo to add a membership category of Adult Education to the DE Council, as a voting member. Motion was seconded by Gloria Estrada. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously. DE Council Meetings UTEP - Donna Ekal, Denise Lujan, and Cheryl Baker are asking to be invited to all of the DE Council meetings. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 53 B. Project Dream -- Irma Camacho 1. The Project Dream flyer was provided. 2. Project Dream will begin June 13 – July 15, 2011 at Mission del Paso, Valle Verde, Transmountain, and Northwest campuses. IX. June 2, 2011, VV – B240, 2:30 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. X. 3. Project Dream program is open to 2010-2011 school year high school graduates, who have a developmental course need in at least one area based upon Accuplacer or THEA placement test. Next Meeting. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Irene Escalante, Administrative Office Assistant for Developmental Education Council Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 54 June 9, 2011 VV B-240 Members in Attendance: Rose Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Claude Mathis, Bobby Ortega, Hector Padilla, Irma Camacho Resource Members in Attendance: Carolyn Buntyn, Cynthia Velasco effect at EPCC. This plan is to be updated regularly and then submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The draft form was presented to the Council. Hector, Ivette and Irma worked on this. Corrections were suggested. Ability to Benefit (ATB) -- Carolyn Buntyn I. Welcome The meeting was called to order at 2:55 p.m. by Hector Padilla. There was no quorum. II. Review Minutes for April Minutes were reviewed and corrected but not approved. III. Standing Committee Reports Early Interventions/Retention -- Sandra Gutierrez The Early Alert Program conducted a Faculty Development workshop on the College Success Factors Index which is a survey on non-academic skills. There were a large number of instructors and counselors in attendance at a workshop which was for a day and a half. Students will take the assessment and then meet with an advisor. Two advisors have been hired for the program. IV. Other Reports The College will no longer be assessing all students who do not have a high school diploma or a GED, we will test only those who are entering as Individual Approval (Admission Status) and who are seeking financial aid. If a student takes and passes six credit hours of college level courses, then they will be considered to have met ATB requirements and can apply for Federal Financial Aid. New federal regulations also limits where the ATB assessment can be administered. EPCC will administer the Accuplacer or CELSA for ATB purposes at the ASC Testing Center in building B. THEA Students in teacher preparation programs cannot use the Internet Based THEA. They can however, go to UTEP and sign up for the Quick THEA or regular THEA. New referral forms for THEA and Accuplacer have been developed and were distributed. Developmental Education Plan Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The Developmental Education Plan reflects all Texas Success Initiative requirements which are in Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 55 August 31, 2011 VV B-240 presentation was created for the Deans. The Math Emporiums are now being offered on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays for one and a half hours. The maximum number of students is 40 except at TM where the maximum number is 30 due to classroom space. Also, only one level of math will be served during each class time slot instead of a combination of class levels as has been done in the past. Members present: Carolyn Buntyn, Irma Camacho, Ivette Chuca, Roselia Galindo, Sandra Gutierrez, Margaret Nelson, Diana Orrantia, Hector Padilla, Robin Russell, Susan Silva, and Sandra Martinez I. Hector called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. and extended a welcome to everyone. II. The Council needs to approve a new chair, but this item will be tabled until next meeting after the individual standing committees have had an opportunity to meet and to select their chairs and cochairs. III. Minutes were not approved because there was not a quorum at the beginning of the meeting. IV. Committee Reports A. The ESL Taskforce will meet on September 6 to select the new model. Four models have been proposed and all include Developmental Math. Completion of ESL courses is also being tied to TSI completion. The One Hour Reading course was not offered this fall, because it had not been entered into Banner. D. Early Interventions/Retention Standing Committee—Sandra Gutierrez Early Alert Program—All students have been assessed on the College Success Factors Inventory to determine other needed skill development, such as, time management and motivation. Some students were recruited from New Student Orientations and other students are in the classes targeted for interventions. Advisors are meeting with students individually and are conducting workshops for small groups and in the classes. V. EPCC Developmental Education Plan Update—Irma Camacho A taskforce of Hector, Ivette, and Irma met this summer to revise the EPCC Developmental Education Plan which is to be submitted to the Coordinating Board. Corrections were made to reflect our current processes. Hector will forward the revised document to all DE Standing Committee members. Developmental Education Math Standing Committee—Diana Orrantia and Ivette Chuca During the summer the committee was able to develop materials for the Math Emporiums. A website was developed specifically for EPCC by MyMathLab. Tutor training was held and were several workshops for faculty during faculty development week. A Power Point Reading Standing Committee—Susan Silva and Roselia Galindo There have been meetings regarding the pilot for the Integrated Reading/Writing course. Developmental Education English Standing Committee—Robin Russell The Accelerated Program needs to be modified to be more selective, so that students with significant ESL needs do not enroll in these sections. To do so may severely jeopardize their success. Students need to be screened at the beginning of the semester, and if they need tutoring they can be referred to the Student Support Services Program or to Tutorial Services. Recruitment of students needs to be tied to the students’ scores. Those students with a 5 on the essay and a 70 on the sentence score will probably benefit from the Accelerated Courses. Irma suggested that one of the faculty teaching the course meet with support services representative to develop a process by which students can be referred and best served. The PREP Program may have some internet based modules which can be used or perhaps the tutoring programs can provide small group or one on one services. B. C. VI. TIDE Institute –Susan Silva: Tabled for next meeting VII. THEA Update – Carolyn Buntyn Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 56 VIII. Late Registration Policy Update – Ivette Chuca Ivette distributed a handout which indicates that students who are allowed to register late are significantly more likely to be unsuccessful than students who register on time. Members of the Council will do research with other institutions to support this item. By next spring a presentation will be done to Leadership, Cabinet, and the Faculty Senate. IX. Integrated Reading/Writing Pilot: Tabled until next meeting X. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. with Hector reminding all of the committees and to select their chairs and co-chairs by the next meeting. The next meeting of the DE Council will be on October 5 at 3:00 p.m. in ASC B-445. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 57 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2009-2010 Minutes for the 2009-2010 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 58 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2008-2009 Minutes for the 2008-2009 academic year were not provided by the committee. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 59 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COUNCIL MINUTES FOR 2007-2008 September 20, 2007 ASC Auditorium Members Present: Dr. Dennis Brown, Olga Thurman, Cecilia Hines, Joanne Peeples, Roberto Jaquez, Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Jose Baltazar, Jose Ramirez, Javier Alcantar, Carolyn Buntyn, Claudia Cochran, Susan Silva, Santiago Rodriguez, Bobby Ortega, Lucy H. Michal, Claude Mathis, Irma Camacho Revisiting our Purpose Members unable to attend: Tammie Campos, Lorena Cardenas, Jim Lambrinos, John Lencyk, Lydia Tena, Eduardo Servin, Della Truman A representative of the Office of Institutional Research gave a PowerPoint presentation updating data on numbers of students placing in Developmental Education courses. The data: The DE Council’s Charge, the ATD goals, and the DE Strategic Planning Goals were reviewed. Updating Data A member made a motion to accept the minutes as correct and the motion was seconded. The motion was accepted. DE Council-ESL Council Coordinating Committee Future Considerations The Vice President of Instruction wants to create a comprehensive New Student Program. This program will be a guide for prospective students from the moment they submit an admission application to the time the students receive their degree. The New Student Program will include the following new student orientation, testing services, advising, case management, peer mentoring, early alert, and other areas yet to be defined. He talked about EPCC’s participation in the Foundations of Excellence (FoE) Initiative, a yearlong self-study that focuses on the College’s New Student Program. New students are defined as those who have not yet attained 30 credit hours of college level work. Several members of the DE Council are also on the FoE initiative and will report progress to the DE Council. The Vice President wants feedback from the DE Council on ideas as to how to retain current students. He stated EPCC’s instructional areas need to be able to determine their effectiveness by asking questions such as: “Why are students doing well or why are they not doing well?” A member stated that the Valle Verde campus Tutorial Services Center provides on-line tutoring in writing and math. The math software that is used is called Maple 11. Another area of the College is trying out a software package called I.Q. This program consists of 12 sessions and improves students reading fluency. Compared fall 2002, fall 2003, and fall 2004, first time in college students Included English, Math, and Reading, and Included gender breakdowns. Complete data journals can be found at: HomePage/tabid/4378/Default.aspx The MdP Dean stated that several DE courses at MdP and other campuses were canceled this fall. He requested additional data that reflected the number of DE students at each campus in comparison to non-DE students. The Council thanked the representative of Institutional Research for his data presentation and requested more data. DE Council members were asked to email requests for data to the Director of Student Success or the DE Council Chair and they would fill out the proper forms to get Art to present more data in a later meeting. Planning for the Year by Standing Committees English Standing Committee Chair Report There is great concern by the English discipline about the lowest DE course. Students can score from 0 to 4 to qualify for ENGL 0304 and there is a great deal of variety in student writing ability. One concern is that some ESL students drop out of ESL courses and enroll in the DE courses without prior advising from counselors. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 60 Mathematics Standing Committee Chair Report Walk Away Questions There will be two District wide “Town Meetings” on developmental math on October 29 and November 1. The meetings are open to all mathematics faculty. A suggestion to provide the schedule for future Town Meetings via e-mail was made. The Math Standing Committee Chair will send the schedule of Town Meetings to all the deans. Lucy Michal, Chair of the DE Council, asked Council members to consider taking the information and conversation in DE Council meeting to their sites and colleagues. The Valle Verde Dean of Mathematics and Science suggested that we place our minutes on a website. The Student Success Chair, Irma Camacho and DE Council Chair, Lucy Michal, will work on this. There will be a pilot program in which a 1-hour required lab will be offered to students who place into Math 0305. In lieu of taking Math 0305, the students will enroll in Math 1324 and the 1 one hour lab. This will be offered for the spring 2008 semester. The pilot program will take place at the following campuses: TM, RG, and NW. Deans from Valle Verde Campus and Mission del Paso Campus want the following MdP and VV campuses to also participate in the pilot program. This semester diagnostic pre- and post-testing for intermediate algebra students. The discipline is gathering data to validate a diagnostic program provided by Thomas Learning. The diagnostic is part of the development of online course formats for Beginning and Intermediate algebra courses. Math Standing Committees will be conducting site visits to review math labs at Virginia Tech and Northwest Vista. AtD will fund the site visits. Reading Math Standing Committee Chair Reading 0309 is the pre-requisite for GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, and GOVT 2311. A one-hour refresher course was developed to be used for students who are at the upper end of READ 0309, and a three-hour modularized course was also developed. The focus of both courses was in the technical areas. Both courses will be presented to the discipline for review and consideration of a pilot. The discipline is in favor of dropping students from their core reading intensive classes, if the student drops the required reading co-requisite. If a student fails the reading required co-requisite but passes the core class(es) with a “C” or better, then the student no longer needs to enroll in another reading class. It is not certain that the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Rule for C or better applies. Early Interventions Committee Chair Election of 2007 – 2008 DE Council Chair Nominations for the DE Council Chair were accepted. Susan Silva nominated Lucy Michal, Jose Baltazar seconded the nomination; after no other nominations were made, the nominations were closed. Motion to nominate Lucy Michal by acclamation was made by Jose Baltazar, Susan Silva seconded the motion. The nomination was accepted. Other Business Irma and Lucy distributed copies of Hunter Boylan’s, Introduction and Chapter One: Organizational, Administrative, and Institutional Practices, pp. 1-31 from his book What Works Best in Developmental Education? Members were asked to read the introduction and chapter. Focus the dialogue and discussion for the next scheduled meeting. A schedule of DE Council meetings for the rest of the 200708 school year was also distributed. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. ________________________________ Lucy Michal, DE Council Chair ________________________________ Member in attendance ________________________________ Member in attendance Posters were distributed with the schedule of workshops for the fall semester. A discussion of the “Drop Survey” will be put on the next agenda for discussion then. Also, more individuals are needed to conduct workshops District wide. A reading faculty member indicated that he has developed a referral form listing specific skills, which may be useful for us to use. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 61 October 25, 2007 ASC, A400 Members present: Joanne Peeples, Roberto Jaquez, Jose Baltazar, Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Jose Ramirez, Carolyn Buntyn, Claudia Cochran, Santiago Rodriguez, Bobby Ortega, Lucy H. Michal, Eduardo Servin, Irma Hoy, John Lencyk, Irma Camacho Guest: Ron Stroud Members unable to attend: Javier Alcantar, Dr. Tammie Campos, Lorena Cardenas, Lydia Tena, Della Truman, Olga Thurman, Cecilia Hines, Susan Silva, Claude Mathis, Lorena Cardenas Meeting Called to Order: Lucy Michal, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A motion was made a motion and seconded to accept the minutes with revisions. The motion was accepted. Communicating the Work of the DE Council to the College The Developmental Education Council flyer was distributed. Corrections to the flyer are going to be made; the revised flyer will be provided at next scheduled meeting. The Director of Institutional Effectiveness, provided information on the procedures that govern Standing Committees. The President of the College appoints all members of each Standing Committee. It is the duty of the committee chairs to monitor memberships, remove those who are not participating, and report replacements. The committee chair and the administrator fill vacancies. The recommendations are sent to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and he will forward the revision(s) to the President. Each committee decides on the rules that regulate its procedures, such as to have a quorum or not, and what constitutes a quorum. Minutes for each Standing Committee and the DE Council should be sent to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and he will post on the IE webpage. The minutes can also be sent College wide and then he will post them. Staggered membership on committees is recommended. It is also recommended that each Standing Committees be consistent with Charge statements. Standing Committee Reports Early Interventions (EI) Committee Report Drop Survey The Chair of Early Interventions Committee reported that the Drop Survey is currently being conducted. Counselors presented several workshops during the semester. Counselors reported that student attendance is better. The EI Chair will give a presentation at the next scheduled meeting regarding the Referral form for Early Intervention. He will be given priority for this presentation at the next scheduled meeting. DE English Standing Committee Report Recommendations for ENGL 0309, for the Accuplacer score to be 3-4 will be presented to the District Coordinator of English and the English Discipline. The score of 3 = 78 or 80. DE English Standing Committee Chair suggested that some of the DE Council might want to take a portion of the Accuplacer exam to have a better view of the exam. A better understanding of the students’ evaluation of the Accuplacer exam might be obtained. A proposal will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for students that do not meet the score of 3 (<3). DE Mathematics Standing Committee Report The Mathematics Standing Committee did not meet since two site visits were conducted. A MATH 1324 PILOT course will be conducted on Spring ’08 at several campuses. The course will add an additional course where students receive 1 credit hour, and class will meet an additional 2 hours a week to work on computer assistant programs. An instructor will be available in the computer lab to assist students. The pilot sections will not exceed the maximum of 20 students per section. The PILOT course is geared toward saving students a semester. Students will be identified to participate in this PILOT course by directly asking students if they want to enroll in this class, counselors can refer students, and instructors who teach Beginning Algebra will recruit students for the course. Information regarding this PILOT will be made available to Coordinators via e-mail from Joanne Peeples. A question regarding a student dropping the lab portion prompted the Director of Student Success, Irma Camacho, to inform everyone present that there is a new Drop Rule. The Vice President of Instruction together with the Office of the Registrar will put together some information to share with the students before the end of the semester. A Reading faculty member suggested that the DE Council develop a strategy to inform students about this Drop Rule. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 62 A member of the Council stated that the Drop Rule would become effective Spring ’08. It was suggested that this information be provided to the students before the end of this semester. The information might also be provided during orientation, and also be printed on the front page of the EPCC Class Schedule and Catalog. Committee Tasks for next meeting 1. Review Charge for standing committees – Lucy Michal, DE Council Chair o o o o English Mathematics Early Interventions Student Support 2. AtD Scorecard – Irma Camacho, Director of Student Success Additional charge to Standing Committees included the AtD Score Card. The Standing Committees were asked to set the standard for the AtD Score Card. The score should be realistic, for example, should not be more than a few points of improvement per year. The Student Success Director will send an e-mail to the Standing Committees regarding the Score Card. This will be discussed at the next scheduled meeting. Meeting Adjourned The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Each Standing Committee was given a copy of its original Charge statement and a revised statement. The De Council Chair asked the chairs of the Standing Committees to present the charges to their Discipline for revisions. The results will be presented at the next scheduled DE Council meeting. The Early Intervention Committee will have to put together their Charge, since it is a newly formed committee. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 63 November 29, 2007 ASC, A400 Members present: Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Pat Duran, Cecilia Hines, Roberto Jaquez, Dr. John Lencyk, Lucy Michal, Dr. Joanne Peeples, Susan Silva. Guests: Mr. Andrew Fisher Director, Developmental Studies Panola Community College Lisa Juliano Assistant Professor, NW Math El Paso Community College Members unable to attend: Javier Alcantar, Jose Baltazar, Carolyn Buntyn, Irma Camacho, Dr. Tammie Campos, Lorena Cardenas, Claudia Cochran, Claude Mathis, Bobby Ortega, Jose Ramirez, Santiago Rodriguez, Dr. Eduardo Servin, Dr. Lydia Tena, Olga Thurman, Della Truman Meeting Called to Order: Lucy Michal, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A Council member introduced Mr. Andrew Fisher from Panola Community College, who was visiting El Paso Community College, Developmental Education programs. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes with revisions. The motion was accepted. Irma Hoy substituted for Susan Silva. The Reading discipline held a District-wide meeting on October 11. Other Business DE Council Chair stated that the President of the College appoints all members of each Standing Committee. The committee chairs monitor memberships, remove those who are not participating, and report replacements. The committee chair and administrative liaison fill vacancies. The recommendations are sent to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and he forwards the revision(s) to the President of the College. Each committee decides on the rules that regulate its procedures, such as to have a quorum or not, and what constitutes a quorum. Jim Lambrinos will continue to be the Reading Discipline, District-Wide Coordinator through Fall 2007. Maria Gomez will become the Reading Standing Committee, District Coordinator beginning Spring 2008. Maria is waiting for a letter from Dr. Richard Rhodes, appointing her to the Developmental Education Council. The DE Council Chair asked if everyone had read Chapter 2 of the book titled “What Works: Research-Based Best Practices in Developmental Education,” by Hunter Boylan. A copy of Chapter 3 was distributed. To focus our dialogue and discussion, please read chapter 3 for the next scheduled meeting. Standing Committee Reports Early Interventions Committee Report A Draft of Developmental Education Council flyer was distributed for review. Roberto Jaquez is substituting for Jim Lambrinos in the Developmental Education Council. Book Discussion The October DE Council minutes should have reflected the following: The chair of the DE Reading Standing Committee stated that she has not seen the Letter of Resignation from the previous chair, Jim Lambrinos, in which he is resigning from the Developmental Education Council. The EI Chair was unable to attend the meeting; therefore, Pat Duran presented the report regarding surveys and the Referral Form. Pat reported that all the surveys have been collected District-wide. The Referral Form has been completed; the EI Chair will provide a sample of the form at the next scheduled DE Council meeting. Packets containing information regarding workshops to be conducted by Counselors will be made available via faculty mailboxes before the next scheduled Faculty Development session. Information about the workshop schedule is essential in order for students to be informed of the availability of the workshops. Counselors need for faculty to get involved by informing their students that these workshops are available. It was suggested that faculty should be asked if they want a workshop to be conducted at their classrooms. DE Council Chair stated that some faculty will allow workshops to be conducted in their classrooms. The DE Reading Standing Committee chair had two students this semester that attended a workshop regarding “PowerPoint” and one on “Learning Styles” at the Valle Verde campus. These students want to know if a workshop on Math is going to be available. A Council member stated that counselors have been asking faculty to take their classes to workshops; Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 64 providing workshops for classes has been very successful. The DE Council Chair suggested that counselors from the Rio Grande campus be available in a classroom; instead of at the Counseling department, which is located a far distance from the main building. Another Council member suggested that the workshops be conducted within a flexible schedule. (morning, afternoon, and evening) Committee Charges A copy of the Appendix including the three Charges was distributed. The DE Council Chair recommended that each Standing Committee be consistent when writing Committee Charge statements. DE English Standing Committee Report The DE English Standing Committee Chair read aloud the revisions that have been made to the Developmental English Committee Charge. A copy of the revisions will be forwarded to the DE Council Chair. Data has been forwarded to the English District-wide Coordinator and the English Discipline regarding recommendations for ENGL 0309, for the Accuplacer score to be 3-4; the score of 3 = 78 or 80. A proposal will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for students that do not meet the score of 3 (<3). The English District-wide Coordinator stated that the recommendations for revisions regarding ENGL 0309 would be presented at the District meeting. The DE English Standing Committee Chair stated that Reading should make more “ground” with the score range of 0>2 regarding the Write Placer; the current score range is 0>4. Students should be referred to the RAP or P.A.S.S. program prior to taking the Accuplacer test. One to two weeks of refresher sessions offered by the school would be beneficial to the students. A Council member stated that not all students qualify to be referred to the RAP or P.A.S.S. program. She also stated that some students are computer illiterate, making it difficult for them to obtain a better grade in a test administered in a computer; students need to be instructed as to how to use computers (paper and pencil vs. computer test). The Testing Center staff is not allowed to explain the instructions, which come with the test(s); it is against policies. An example of this situation would be ESL students. The ESL students attend college to learn English. Apart from not having computer knowledge, they also do not comprehend the instructions. The instructions that come with the test(s) are written in English. they should have been exposed to the usage of computers. Instructions for the CELSA Test (Combined English Language Skills Assessment) are written in English. The CELSA Test is administered to students who are trying to learn the English language; this test is taken prior to enrolling in credit courses. It would be considered discrimination to explain to a Hispanic a test in their native language and not to a student from another country in their native language. For example, a Japanese student would expect instructions to be given in Japanese. Students expect and should be given equal treatment. A Council member stated that the MdP Tutorial Support Services offers a one-hour session, in which a pre-test is administered. She will provide the Counselor present additional information regarding the session. The Council will then provide this information at workshops conducted by counselors. DE English Standing Committee Chair is concerned that not all the students will be able to benefit from this onehour session, since not everyone qualifies to participate in the P.A.S.S. or RAP programs. She suggested that faculty might want to speak to Javier Alcantar, Manager, P.A.S.S. program and ask him if a workshop can be conducted at the classroom. It was suggested that maybe a representative from P.A.S.S. program could work with the Testing Center. The DE Council Chair will bring back for further discussion to the Developmental Education Council at the next scheduled meeting, the concerns regarding instructions not being able to be given prior to administering a test at the Testing Center. DE Mathematics Standing Committee Report DE Mathematics Standing Committee Chair will submit changes made to the Developmental Math Committee Charge to the DE Council Chair. The faculty will meet during Faculty Development week. This past month, two site visits were conducted in two different colleges; in which a Math Lab was visited. DE Math Standing Committee Chair will provide a report about the site visits to Dean Lydia Tena, who funded the trips, and to the DE Council Chair. One of the lessons learned from the site visits was the benefit some math departments have found from having all mathematics classrooms located in close proximity to the math lab. With planning taking place for new buildings in some of the campuses, perhaps this is something that can be added to the planning of any new campuses and redesigning some of the older campuses. DE Reading Standing Committee Report Another Council member explained that ESL students are not expected to take the Accuplacer test until after they have taken the ESL 6th level course; by that time, Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 65 DE Reading Standing Committee Chair read changes made to the Developmental Reading Committee Charge aloud; the DE Council Chair will be provided a copy of these changes. The discipline is still reviewing the Reading Standing Committee Charge. DE Reading Standing Committee Chair stated that starting in January; full time faculty will be invited to participate in the Reading Standing Committee. The DE Council Chair informed the DE Reading Standing Committee Chair that the Director of Institutional Effectiveness would have to be informed of this decision. Susan Silva and Rose Galindo participated in site visits: Susan went to San Antonio and Rose went to Florida. Because of the population difference between San Antonio and El Paso, the observation obtained is that El Paso is doing well regarding ESL courses. Reading 0307 at MdP has a low enrollment rate. It is unknown if the low enrollment is due to student’s lack of wanting to enroll in a developmental education course or if students are testing out of these courses. The English District-wide coordinator is part of the Facilities Planning Committee; the committee studies the usage of classrooms. He stated that there is not enough faculty to teach every semester, sometimes an instructor teaches eight sessions. In addition to this, the facilities usage is at 100%. The ratio of students per classroom should be 15-20; currently it is 35 students per classroom. The office of Institutional Research can provide data regarding the usage of classrooms; which would be the same information that the English District-wide coordinator has provided. An IR Request form needs to be filled-out prior to Carol being able to provide the information. A Council member indicated that Reading courses could be offered in the evening. The English District-wide coordinator stated that the Reading courses are core-required and not pre-required prior to taking English courses. The DE Council Chair A Council member indicated that some classes are in danger of not being offered the following year, since they are erased from the system if enrollment is low. Classes with low enrollment are dropped before the late registration deadline. Lisa Juliano is working with the office of the Vice President of Instruction on a special project. She will be conducting a study regarding the validity of the Accuplacer placement scores in Math, Reading, and English courses. Lisa provided a handout titled “Placement Validity Study”. The strategy of this report is as follows: o o The discipline Coordinators and Deans decide which courses are to be offered before a list is provided to the registration department. A Council member expressed his concern regarding low amounts of courses being taught. It is unknown whether courses taught by a full time or a part-time instructor are more effective. The Chair also suggested that a list be made prior to meeting for the next meeting. o What are the issues that need to be talked about? o Who in their area is doing the planning? ACES Project The Program Review Committee did an overview of all grades for the areas they collected data about. At this time, the data is being looked at. A concern was voiced regarding classes being closed before the end of registration date, therefore leaving the students with few schedule choices. A recommendation was made to offer classes after the registration date; but it would cause a conflict with the tuition payment deadline. suggested that the Reading and English faculty talk to each other about this. o o o Start with Developmental Math Courses: Math 0300, Math 0301, Math 0303, and Math 0305. Obtain Accuplacer scores from students entering EPCC, Fall 2006. Obtain pass rates (C or better) for students entering EPCC, Fall 2006. Compare Accuplacer scores to pass rate. Do similar study with Reading and English. The DE English Standing Committee chair will provide Lisa the data collected by the English Committee regarding Accuplacer Scores. The Math information will be more time consuming since it consists of three sections: Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, and College Algebra. College Board oversees the Accuplacer. Lisa needs to contact Dr. Carol Kay from Institutional Research and have an administrator sign-off a form authorizing her to obtain student confidential information. Announcements The DE Council Chair, Lucy Michal, announced that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board awarded the Star Award to Developmental Education Initiative (DEI) Title V Program. This is the first time El Paso Community College receives the Star Award. A copy of the new Drop Rule was distributed. The information can be obtained from the EPCC website. Meeting Adjourned Meeting Adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 66 January 31, 2008 ASC, A400 Members present: Javier Alcantar, Angelina ArellanesNunez, Jose Baltazar, Carolyn Buntyn, Irma Camacho, Tammie Campos, Claudia Cochran, Patricia Duran, George Keating, Claude Mathis, Lucy Michal, Bobby Ortega, Jose Ramirez, Santiago Rodriguez, Susan Silva, Olga Thurman, Della Truman, Cecilia Hines Members not present: Lorena Cardenas, John Lencyk, Lydia Tena I. Lucy Michal, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM. She welcomed the group. Irma Camacho introduced Juan Garcia, the new PREP Manager, who is replacing Dr. Eduardo Servin. II. Book Discussion – Chapter 1 of What Works Best in Developmental Education was discussed. Some of the commentary include that although a centralized DE program is considered the best a coordinated DE program can be quite effective. Coordination should not only include the instructional disciplines but the support services, FYE class, orientation and other College components important to DE. It was mentioned that in the past when DE was under one administrative area there was better coordination of services. It was mentioned that while one of the chapter’s messages was that colleges focus on major themes, EPCC is presently involved in too many initiatives. A member of the Council presented a motion that the DE Council develop a theme about student services and that several sessions could be offered during our next Faculty Development. Another member seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. For our next meeting, Susan volunteered to lead the group in discussing Chapter 2. III. Approval of minutes – A motion was made to accept the minutes of our previous meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. IV. Reports from the Committees A. Early Interventions – The EI Chair presented the EI report. The committee would like to achieve standing committee status. This can be done with the approval of the Vice President of Instruction, Dr. Brown and the President, Dr. Rhodes. DE Drop Survey results for fall 2007 were presented. The drop survey was implemented for the first time this fall 2007. Some of the highlights of that report indicate that 479 students dropped DE classes and of those 42% dropped MATH 0305 and 21% dropped MATH 0303. The surveys are being conducted at the Counseling Centers. Student Success Workshop -- Workshops are being offered at each campus District wide with good attendance. Faculty are encouraging students to attend. Recruitment of other Workshop Presenters -- The Committee is seeking participation from all staff and faculty District wide to share expertise through workshop presentations. A survey will be sent District-wide and everyone’s participation is encouraged. Referral Services – The committee would like to pilot a referral process for students who may be at risk. The students should be referred to a counselor who will then refer the student to needed services. Two faculty members at each campus will be asked to pilot the referral system. B. DE English Standing Committee – The DE English Standing Committee chair presented the report. The standing committee has made two recommendations to the discipline that were voted upon and accepted. These recommendations had been discussed at the DE Council previously. The Council had voted to support these measures: 1) Students who score 5 on the essay portion of the Accuplacer in combination with 80 on the Sentence Structure be allowed to enroll in ENGL 1301. 2) Only students who score 3-4 on the essay portion of the Accuplacer will be allowed to enroll in ENGL 0309. The higher cut off score would have affected approximately 260 students who scored 0-2 which is below the proposed standard in fall 2007. A discussion on the procedure for having recommendations approved was discussed. Recommendations should be brought before the DE Council which can vote to support the measure. The discipline must approve before an item is taken to the Vice President of Instruction for approval. C. DE Math Standing Committee – The DE Council chair, presented the report. Two pilots are currently underway. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 67 Students who are on the borderline between MATH 0305 and college ready are being allowed to enroll for MATH 1324 and the accompanying MATH 0124 which is a lab that meets for 2 hours weekly. This measure is being piloted on all five campuses. Four instructors at different campuses are using an online homework system for their MATH 0305 classes. Students are required to complete assignments online and the instructor can review their progress. One recommendation that came from the site visits is that ideally the math lab should be close to the classroom where the math classes are held and close to the math faculty offices. This encourages participation and provides convenience leading to better utilization of labs by students and better overall student success. This would not need a lot of resources, only a reallocation of facilities and space. D. Reading Standing Committee – The Reading Standing Committee chair presented the report. The reading discipline has voted that all members of the discipline are members of the standing committee, since all reading courses are developmental. V. Revision of Charges to Standing Committee The DE Council chair will schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Success and one representative from each committee to review the revised charges for grammatical consistency. VI. P.A.S.S. Program presentation was given by Javier Alcantar. He indicated that recruitment of students is down. Faculty referrals to the program are encouraged. In response to what can be done at this time, Javier will prepare a handout to be distributed to faculty. VII. Announcements The DE Council Chair announced that she will be sending out information on a committee that will be meeting to evaluate pilots and interventions focused on promoting and increasing student success. VIII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m. Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 68 March 6, 2008 ASC, A400 Present: Muhammad Akhtar, Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez, Lisa Juliano, Joanne Peeples, Susan Silva, Pat Duran, Irma Camacho. The meeting of the entire Council was cancelled and a few individuals were asked to meet to review the charges for each area. Specifically the group was to try to achieve some verbal and grammatical sameness in the way the charges were phrased. After this was done the committee discussed the idea of having a strand of DE workshops offered for fall Faculty Development. The theme of Faculty Development this year is “Beyond Borders.” The group selected a following theme for the DE strand: “The mission of Developmental Education—tearing walls down”. I spoke with Keri Moe who is organizing Faculty Development she indicated that she might not be able to dedicate one page for a DE strand, due to printing constraints. Keri did indicate that she would do her best. 2. “A Look at Web Assign, a Homework System” Joanne Peeples, Anna Schotten, and Edith Aguirre 3. “Using Accelerated Learning in Reading” Ben Molina, Roselia Galindo, Irma Hoy, Sandra Padilla, Susan Silva 4. “The Power o f Analogy in the Teaching of Mathematics” Russell Ellwood 5. “Building Mathematical Knowledge Using Online Homework” Lucy Michal 6. “Support Services the Bridge to Student Success” Javier Alcantar, Jose Ramirez, Juan Garcia, Olga Thurman 7. “Teaching Lessons Using the Natural Human Learning Process” Jose Baltazar and Irma Camacho The following workshops have been identified for the DE Strand for fall Faculty Development: 1. “Evolving into a Culture of Possibilities” Angelina Arellanes-Nuñez and Sandra Padilla Z:/DEVEDCOUNCIL MINUTES(COMBINED) EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 1/21/16 69