Office of Institutional Effectiveness The Best Place To Start Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015 In accordance with College Procedure, Committees, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, each May, requests the chairs of the College’s standing committees to submit the Annual Standing Committee Chairs’ Year-End Improvement Report to inform the President of the College concerning the decisions and effectiveness of the standing committees. The data are used to create this Standing Committee Improvement Report, which is available on the College web site: . TENURE COMMITTEE CHARGE: The President will appoint the Tenure Committee based on the College Procedure on Committees ( Committees). The Tenure Committee will convene for the purpose of reviewing the tenure application materials, interviewing candidates and their respective supervisors with consideration as to the criteria as outlined in Section VII of this Procedure Statement. Each member of the Tenure Committee will determine whether the tenure candidate should be recommended for tenure, not recommended for tenure, or should be extended a sixth year due to extenuating reasons. Each member of the Tenure Committee will sign the processing form and designate their individual recommendation (Tenure Committee Recommendation, Form #7). A minimum vote of two-thirds of the Tenure Committee is required for a recommendation for tenure to be granted to a candidate, or for the recommendation for the granting of a sixth probationary year of employment. The Administrative Liaison is a non-voting member of the committee (See College Procedure Committees). Recommendations will be forwarded to the President through the Administrative Liaison for those candidates who have successfully met the College’s criteria for tenure, for those candidates who are not recommended for tenure, and for the candidates for whom a sixth year is recommended for extenuating reasons. [The charge is found on page 1, Section I, of College Procedure Tenure Review and Recommendations.] Academic Year 2014-2015 I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan of Action II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s) III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for the Committee during the next Academic Year 1. Continued the process of updating, editing, modifying, and enhancing the Tenure Policy and Procedure ( 2. Submitted the proposed Tenure Policy and Procedure to the Administrative Liaison’s office for formatting as required by EPCC. 3. Provided an orientation of the proposed Tenure Policy and Procedure revisions to the Faculty Association in preparation for the formal review process set forth by EPCC. 4. Designed and implemented customized Faculty Development workshops for each tenure-track year group; administrators; and peer review committee members. 5. Maintained active continuous improvement oversight of the faculty development process through thoughtful consideration of written and verbal feedback from major stakeholders in the process (faculty and administration). 1. As individuals come from varied backgrounds and disciplines, the Tenure Committee successfully considered the input of each member and reached conclusions in the best interest of EPCC as an institution. 2. The Tenure Committee modified the customized Faculty Development workshops to provide additional time for training, as needed; effective room assignments; and other benefits based on Committee observations and feedback from others involved in the process (tenure-track faculty; peer review members; and administrators). 3. Tenure Committee membership was increased from 2 years to 3 years. Appointments remain staggered. In so doing, Committee members can increase their knowledge and effectiveness of the tenure process and its requirements; provide more stability in workshops and guidance provided to the tenuretrack faculty, their administrative supervisors, and peer review committees; and complete processes and projects that have significant impact on the mission, goals, and success of the College. 4. Provided comprehensive training and mentoring for 1. Maintain focus on the current Tenure Policy and Procedure ( and continue the work of the academic year 20142015. 2. Monitor the revised Tenure Policy and Procedures, and related forms, as they move forward through the proper channels for consideration of approval on a College-wide level; consider and incorporate recommendations, as appropriate. 3. Maintain an active and progressive relationship with the Faculty Association. 4. Continue to enhance Tenure Committee presentations for each tenure workshop presented, customized for the appropriate tenure-track year; administrators; and peer review committee members. 5. Actively solicit and consider feedback from Faculty Development workshops and meetings with tenure stakeholders to enhance the continuous improvement process of the Tenure Committee, and thus the College. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY H:RS/REPORTS2014-2015/2014-2015CMTECHAIRSANNUALIMPROVEMENTRPTTENURE EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/19/15 Page 1 of 5 Academic Year I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan of Action II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s) III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for the Committee during the next Academic Year newly appointed Tenure Committee members. 5. The Tenure Committee has actively solicited input from and has provided recommendations to faculty and administration to strengthen the overall tenure process. 6. The Chair and Chair-Elect, accompanied by the Administrative Liaison, presented the tenure recommendations to the President of the College; he accepted the Committee’s recommendations and expressed his appreciation of the work by the Tenure Committee. 7. The Tenure Committee would like to thank and acknowledge Dr. Jenny Giron, Administrative Liaison, for her guidance, and her staff for their support during the past academic year. 2013-2014 1. The committee presented customized workshops to the tenure candidates during Faculty Development Week (Fall 2013 and Spring 2014); an active, continuous improvement process continues. 2. The committee presented a workshop to the members of the peer review committees during Faculty Development Week (Fall 2013); the workshop specified the requirements and commitments of each peer review committee member and promoted discussion about the importance of the process. 3. The committee provided two administrators meetings to inform administrative supervisors of significant dates during the tenure process and to reinforce the importance of the roles and rules of the process. 3. The committee continued to work on updating the Tenure criteria to its final stage of revision for review through the College process. 4. The committee will update the Tenure webpage upon the completion of the updating of Tenure Policy and Procedures, and related forms. Overview of Accomplishments: 1. The Tenure Committee has created opportunities to be available to faculty and administration to hear advice; consider recommendations; and, to design and create processes that are timely and convenient for those involved in the process and provide the greatest opportunity for tenure candidate success while maintaining the intent of the process. 2. Coming together as individuals from various backgrounds and disciplines, the Tenure Committee remained focused on its charge, in the interest of the tenure candidates and the College as a whole, and considered the input of each committee member resulting in sound decisions that considered the input of each individual member. 3. The President of the College accepted our recommendations for tenure and expressed his appreciation for the work that the Tenure Committee has completed. Specifically, the 2013-2014 Tenure Committee: a. Individually reviewed the tenure portfolio of each candidate for tenure in Fall 2013. b. Interviewed each 5th year tenure track candidate during Fall 2013. c. Met with the appropriate administrative supervisor and the Vice President of Instruction to review each tenure track candidate. d. Prepared and presented tenure recommendations to the President of the College. e. Continued the year-long process of modifying the Tenure Process and Procedure, and related forms, to update the process and to assure that the process and procedures remain consistent with the needs of the College and the tenure candidates, administrators, and faculty members of the institution. f. Designed and implemented workshops for administrators and peer-review committees related to the tenure process. g. Performed comprehensive examinations and discussions of the requirements for tenure of Teaching Faculty; Librarians; and, Counselors. h. Prepared a curriculum outline for the presentation of tenuretrack training for candidates based on the year of the process. i. Maintained a dialogue with the Faculty Association and other key figures in the tenure review process and exercised thoughtful consideration of their feedback. j. Provided honest and frank dialogue with each other and the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Continue the effective methods that have been created by previous Annual Standing Committee Chairs’ Year-End Improvement Reports which clearly suggest on-going areas of importance each year. 2. Present the updated revisions for the Tenure Procedure, and related forms, to the District-wide faculty and Faculty Association for feedback and comments. 3. Consider the feedback and comments from College faculty, and incorporate, as appropriate. 4. Modify the Tenure procedure, as determined by the sitting Tenure Committee. 5. Submit the modified and reviewed Tenure Procedure, and related forms, to the Administrative Liaison who will forward it through the proper channels for consideration of approval on a College-wide level. 6. Enhance Tenure Committee presentations for each tenure workshop presented, customized for the appropriate tenure-track year; administrators; and peer review committee. 7. Review Fall 2013 tenure workshops to solicit and consider feedback to enhance the continuous improvement process. 8. Request that the President of the College and administration consider increasing service on the Tenure Committee from 2 years to 3 years. Appointments can be staggered. In so doing, Committee members should increase their knowledge and effectiveness of the tenure process and its requirements; provide more stability in workshops and in guidance provided to the tenure track faculty, their administrative supervisors, and peer review committees; and complete processes and projects that have significant impact on the success of the College. H:RS/REPORTS2014-2015/2014-2015CMTECHAIRSANNUALIMPROVEMENTRPTTENURE EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/19/15 Page 2 of 5 Academic Year I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan of Action II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s) III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for the Committee during the next Academic Year administration on proactive ways to strengthen and enhance the tenure process. k. Suggested completion of the update of the Tenure webpage after tenure policy and procedure recommendations are considered and decided upon through the appropriate procedures to maintain timeliness of information. 2012-2013 1. The committee presented workshops during Faculty Development Week (Fall 2012 and Spring 2013) to the candidates seeking tenure. These workshops were specific to the tenure procedure year (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year). This allowed the committee to better address the needs and concerns of each candidate. [No report submitted.] 1. The committee will present workshops to the tenure candidates during Faculty Development Week (Fall 2013 and Spring 2014). 2. The committee will present a workshop to the members of the peer review committees during faculty development week (Fall 2013). 3. The committee will continue to work on updating the Tenure Criteria. 2. The committee presented a workshop during Faculty Development Week (Fall 2012) to those individuals serving on peer review committees. 4. The committee will update the Tenure webpage. 3. The committee met with the Deans (Spring 2013) to review the tenure procedure and calendar of events for Fall 2013. 4. The committee submitted its recommendations for tenure. 2011-2012 1. Committee presented during Fall and Spring Faculty Development Week the different workshops (1st year, 2nd year etc.) for candidates seeking tenure and provided workshops for the peer review committee and administrators. None 1. The Chair for 2012-2013 will schedule workshops for the tenure candidates, peer committee members, and administrators during the Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 Faculty Development Week. 2. The continuation of updating and submitting revisions to the tenure procedure as needed. 2. Committee met and made its recommendations for tenure during the 2011-2012 academic year. 3. Enhance the presentations, questions, and answers in the workshops for candidates, committee members, and administrators. 3. Committee reviewed the current procedure and will make recommendations to be submitted for consideration during the summer. 4. Compile a list of the committee members for the peer review committee to invite them to the Fall Faculty Development workshop. 5. Compile a list of the new tenure committee members to invite them to a training meeting before Fall Faculty development week. 2010-2011 Action(s) in response to the plan of action recommended by last year’s committee Chair: Update to the Tenure Committee web site. 1. The committee presented during Fall and Spring Faculty Development Week the different workshops for candidate seeking tenure and provided workshops for the peer review committee and administrators. 2. Committee met and made its recommendations for tenure during the 2010-2011 academic year. The Chair for 2011-12 will schedule workshops for the tenure candidates, peer committee members and administrators during the Spring 2012 Faculty Development Week. The continuation of updating and submitting revisions to the tenure procedures as needed. Enhance the presentation, questions and answers in the workshops for candidates, committee members and administrators. 3.The current procedure was reviewed and recommendations were submitted for review and consideration. 4. A list of the committee members for the peer review committee OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY H:RS/REPORTS2014-2015/2014-2015CMTECHAIRSANNUALIMPROVEMENTRPTTENURE EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/19/15 Page 3 of 5 Academic Year I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan of Action II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s) III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for the Committee during the next Academic Year Dr. Richard Rhodes and Dr. Dennis Brown: To Cabinet: Recommended in favor of tenure for 25 probationary faculty. Review Tenure Procedure and update as needed. Recommended against tenure for 3 probationary faculty. Expand training for Peer Review Committee to include appropriate review criteria. to invite them to the Fall Faculty Development workshop. 2009-2010 [Not requested] During the 2009-2010 Academic Year, the Tenure Committee decided to: Review College Procedure, Tenure Review and Recommendations, in order to improve clarity and to eliminate out-dated requirements (e.g., documentation that the College no longer uses). Better outline to the Committee the duties of the Committee Chair, in order for committee members to make informed decisions regarding the selection of a Co-Chair (who is expected to become the Committee Chair the following year). 2008-2009 [Not requested] 1. Extend membership on tenure committee to three years. 2. Include a section in the Dean's evaluation form for possible problem areas regarding tenure candidates. Continue to have cohort-specific tenure-track workshops during Faculty Development Week. Request that Deans provide the Committee (via the VP of Instruction and the Committee Liaison) the names of peerreview committee members before the end of the Spring semester in order to notify these faculty and to offer the peer-review committee workshops during Faculty Development Week. 1. Continue to implement "new" tenure procedure. 2. Continue to hold individual meetings for each "year" of the tenure process during faculty development. 3. Have a training session for all new Tenure Committee members. 2007-2008 [Not requested] Members again discussed the possibility of extending the term from two to three years for committee members. Release time to review candidates’ portfolios. Continue to have Chair and Co-Chair Continue to separate tenure workshops into small groups of faculty based on their tenure-track year. Recommend that committee members be consulted and kept informed during an appeal process. That Chair and Co-Chair meet with the President to review actions/decisions taken during the year. If the above recommendations are approved, they should be implemented starting the next academic year. 2006-2007 [Not requested] Members discussed the possibility of serving a three-year term, due to the highly sensitive issues dealt with in this committee. During Faculty Development Week, the tenure-track workshops should be separated in small groups based on their tenuretrack year. Tenure committee should organize campus-based workshops for the Peer Review Committee members. Continue to have chair and co-chair. Committee recommended to provide the Deans and Vice President of Instruction a check list to assist them in ensuring that all documentation for the tenure portfolios be complete. If the above recommendations are approved, they will be implemented starting the next academic year. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY H:RS/REPORTS2014-2015/2014-2015CMTECHAIRSANNUALIMPROVEMENTRPTTENURE EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/19/15 Page 4 of 5 Academic Year I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan of Action II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s) III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for the Committee during the next Academic Year All recommendations to the tenure procedure were submitted to the task force and Vice President of Instruction. Members of the committee discussed the possibility that the administrative liaison be an instructional dean (as it is now). This issue was discussed also in our meeting with the task force and Vice President, never finalized, but later it was tabled for further discussion with District-wide faculty. OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY H:RS/REPORTS2014-2015/2014-2015CMTECHAIRSANNUALIMPROVEMENTRPTTENURE EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 8/19/15 Page 5 of 5