Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015 Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Best Place To Start
Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015
In accordance with College Procedure, Committees, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, each May, requests the chairs of the College’s standing
committees to submit the Annual Standing Committee Chairs’ Year-End Improvement Report to inform the President of the College concerning the decisions and
effectiveness of the standing committees. The data are used to create this Standing Committee Improvement Report, which is available on the College web site: .
CHARGE: To make recommendations that will facilitate instruction which promotes student retention and student success.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
Alignment: The committee reviewed and discussed the results of
the alignment summit. Results were placed into categories. The
Committee will be holding a faculty development workshop during
Fall Faculty Development Week to review these results with the
faculty and discuss the best ways to integrate these suggestions
into the classroom.
None submitted.
Develop a plan of action from the alignment summit and
workshop discussion and integrate into the Student Learning
Outcomes. Measure retention and success rate.
We recommend that the warehouse continue to be updated with
new materials and that the committee moves forward with
recommendation to videotape outside presenters brought in by
the College.
Faculty Warehouse: The committee continued adding content to
the Faculty Warehouse. Committee members volunteered
gathered information that is already in existence from various
departments at EPCC. Other committee members searched for
various tools and videos that would be beneficial to the
warehouse. The Faculty Warehouse is the top 7th viewed Library
Research Guide with 1355 views since August 2014.
Alignment Summit: The committee revised the original curriculum
alignment survey administered to History, Government
and Biology. With the assistance of the Math Department, we
added math-related questions to the survey. The survey was
distributed online to English, Math, Chemistry, Accounting,
Nursing, Psychology, and Physics. A summit was held among
all of the surveyed disciplines and Developmental Disciplines in
April. Thirty-two faculty members from 11 disciplines, 1
administrator, and 1 librarian participated at the Summit.
[No report submitted]
Online Faculty Warehouse: A Library Research Guide (LibGuide)
was created to provide an online space to house a “warehouse” of
information for faculty in areas such as classroom management,
teaching strategies, campus resources, and other areas as
developed by the committee:
We recommend that the results of the alignment summit be
reviewed, discussed, and taken to the various department chairs
involved and to be implemented. A second summit should be
held at the end of 2014-2015 to assess.
We recommend that the committee continue building up the
faculty warehouse. This includes utilizing content that may
already exist here at EPCC or that may be videotaped during
Faculty Development Week. It is also recommended that outside
presenters brought in by the College be videotaped and that the
videotapes be placed in the warehouse for faculty to view.
It is also recommended that the committee develop a way to
award Faculty Development Credit to those who view
presentations via the online warehouse.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
We recommended two proposals for funding to aid in
instruction. One proposed an education summit to share results
of an alignment poll we conducted between reading, writing,
history, and government; the second proposal focuses on online
training for faculty development.
[No report submitted]
We want to complete both proposals, and we want to add on to
the faculty training modules, as well as to develop a system to
post the training modules online and a tracking system that feeds
into the faculty development transcripts.
We submitted three recommendations this year. They were the
following: (1) Teaching the Teachers – proposes to develop
taped and face-to-face workshops for new faculty on general
pedagogical techniques; (2) Purchasing JStor Database to
maintain academic rigor in our classes and aid both students and
faculty with research; (3) Alignment Symposium. This would be a
meeting with DE instructors, representatives of disciplines, and
Alignment Team to review the data collected and brainstorm ways
to close the gaps in skills alignment.
Next week we are prioritizing the complete set of
recommendations to ask for funding. We will also be looking at
external sources of funding, and we will be giving a workshop in
the Fall (during Faculty Development) to kick off the Teaching the
Teachers project.
Some members of this committee helped to form a Universal
Course Design (UCD) Core Team. The team presented during
faculty development with the goal of spreading the word about
A. The alignment team will need to follow through on the next
phase of the alignment, which is to meet with the disciplines on
both credit and developmental sides.
Both projects are in process. We are planning to have the summit
in early Fall 2013 and one training module ready for Fall 2013
Faculty Development.
Two of the recommendations (Instructional Warehouse and
Counselor Enhanced Learning Communities) have been taken to
the Cabinet. The cabinet established Steering Committees to
work on the implementation of these strategies.
The Learning Emporium Course Re-Design is still in process as is
the Faculty Mentoring Program recommendation.
The Alignment Team also refined the alignment survey and
completed administering it to the History Discipline. Additionally,
the Biology Discipline was surveyed, and the results will be
communicated to both disciplines as well as the Instructional
Strategies Committee as a whole.
The committee brought forward four recommendations to the
Start Right Initiative Steering Committee. The recommendations
included Counselor Enhanced Learning Communities, a Best
Practices “Instructional Warehouse”, Learning Emporium/Course
Redesign recommendation, and a Faculty Mentoring
Program. The first three recommendations were moved forward
to the appropriate administrative areas. The Mentoring Program
was tabled until the next meeting.
C. Continuing education for faculty needs to be further explored
and some of the ideas generated by the committee in 2010-2011
should be re-visited.
The alignment team successfully completed its first alignment
survey with the Government Discipline and is planning to move on
to the History Discipline. The model and first results were
submitted to Shirley Gilbert and the DEI team.
[Not requested]
B. The committee needs to make a decision about Universal
Design as well as the UCD Core Team and determine if it should
stay with the committee or perhaps move to the Center for
Students with Disabilities.
D. Although a Faculty Mentoring program was recommended and
may go forward, there is still more work that could be done to
include both faculty and staff.
Asked DEI to fund Universal Course Design Workshops (2
workshops were presented on April 22 & 23rd). Start Steering
Recommended that Learning Communities be part of the revised
New Student Orientation process. Start Right Steering
Committee for recommendation to Core Team.
The committee forwarded a comprehensive nine-part
recommendation for support of Learning Communities across the
District. Start Right Steering Committee for recommendation to
Core Team.
The alignment team recommended a course of action for
investigating the alignment of developmental classes and credit
classes. Data collection is underway for this project. The
The committee will continue to work on the criteria set forth in this
academic year to include forwarding a recommendation that
instructors should be able to use part-time faculty leave to take a
course to enhance their instructional skills.
The committee made a commitment to choose a chair-elect in
order to support the chair and provide consistency moving
Some members will be working over the summer on learning
emporium and mentoring ideas.
The alignment team will engage in data analysis over the
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
steering committee received this recommendation.
[Not requested]
[None submitted: New Committee]
[None submitted: New Committee]
[Not requested]
[None submitted: New Committee]
[None submitted: New Committee]
[Not requested]
[None submitted: New Committee]
[None submitted: New Committee]
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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