Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015 Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Best Place To Start
Standing Committee Improvement Report For 2014-2015
In accordance with College Procedure, Committees, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, each May, requests the chairs of the College’s standing
committees to submit the Annual Standing Committee Chairs’ Year-End Improvement Report to inform the President of the College concerning the decisions and
effectiveness of the standing committees. The data are used to create this Standing Committee Improvement Report, which is available on the College web site:
CHARGE: To advise the College District on improving its effectiveness of operations toward achieving the College Mission. The I. E. Committee serves as an independent
reviewer and provides comments and recommendations to administrators/ budget heads regarding their annual planning/continuous improvement efforts via the Area
Effectiveness Planning process. This function serves to improve the assessment and planning outcomes of the College.
The I.E. Committee and the I.E. Teams are unique in that their charge is broad and encompasses anything that might address the effectiveness of the College. I.E.
Committee discussions draw upon concerns brought to it from the Campus/Site I.E. Teams, and it then advises the President and/or Cabinet ways to improve the College.
The I.E. Committee is the only committee that brings together members of the College family from all sites to discuss the overall well-being of the College. The I.E.
Committee Chair reports to the President and Cabinet on a periodic basis to forward recommendations of the Committee.
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The Campus/Site IE Teams meet on the last Tuesday of each month.
I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
Implemented the Site/Campus Improvement Plan with a budget of
$30,000, $5,000 for each individual campus. Collected and
evaluated proposals submitted from Campus Improvement
Teams. Each campus/site team has been involved in the
planning and implementation of respective improvements.
Many campus improvements are currently being
implemented. The campuses will greatly benefit from their
improvements and employees will see the reward of their
efforts. Numerous tables for students with disabilities, flags at the
Americana Village, Osmosis water fountains, benches, gardens,
charging stations, an emergency call box and a Free Little Library
are the various items that will beautify our campuses.
Continue the charge of the Site Improvement Plans. Follow up to
ensure improvements have been made as well as the
implementation of new improvement proposals. Work to
streamline proposal process as far as signatures, deadlines and
approved vendors.
Continued updating (and, in some instances, originating) signage
reports for individual campuses and site teams.
The IEC’s April 14th-meeting with Dr. Serrata seemed positive and
April 14th-meeting with College President, Dr. William Serrata,
The IEC has since changed its meeting space from ASC Room
Follow up on the President’s proposed increase of the IEC
budget. The budget in 2013-14 was not approved and received
until December of 2013 and that proved difficult for many
campuses/site-teams. Securing the funds earlier will allow for
The chair of each Campus Improvement Team met with the
Master Planning Committee. Future meetings with the Master
Planning Committee should continue throughout the planning
The chair of each Campus Improvement Team will collaborate
and lead their teams with the Campus Improvement Planning and
Process to ensure many proposals are received, reviewed and
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
may prove beneficial regarding last year’s recommendation to
follow up on budget status. Dr. Serrata assured the IE Committee
that he would recommend to the Board that the IE Committee’s
budget see an increase.
400 to the President’s Conference Room, thus creating a more
plausible invitation for the President’s attendance.
each campus/site-team to better plan and apply for expenditures
of those funds.
The Social Services Fair project now seems obsolete with the City
of El Paso’s implementation of an Emergency 911-like phone line.
By dialing 211, the caller can quickly access the available social
services in El Paso.
The IEC has begun discussion of implementing a Site
Improvement Plan and Assessment Report, which will help each
campus/site to more effectively effect changes and plans to meet
throughout the summer to finalize the details of this report
planned for use in the upcoming academic year, 2014-2015.
A Physical Plant Office representative, Mayra Cordero, was
welcome, present, and productive at each of the IEC meetings.
Her contributions were very much appreciated.
Work to ensure that the IEC has fair and wide representation on
the Master Planning Committee. The IEC has developed many
reports and has a wealth of knowledge to contribute in positive
Introduce and familiarize the members of the IEC with the
Site/Campus Improvement Planning, Assessment, and
Implementation Report. With a solid understanding of what kinds
of projects both the IEC and the campus/site-teams can (and
should) pursue, the productivity should see continued increases.
The IEC continued work to update the meeting room directory
with plans of posting it on the College website before fall 2013.
Revived work on campus/site signage plans for submission to the
I.E. Office during summer 2013.
Follow up on status of campus signage plans and I.E. Committee
Halted work on the pre-planning process, since no reports were
submitted, and the newest version of the Planning Procedure
does not include District I.E. involvement.
Began planning for a project documenting the history of the
College’s faculty and staff. This project will be handed over to a
District-wide committee or task force.
Continue work on the Social Services Fair.
Began planning for a series of Social Services fairs for students.
Follow up with Rick Lobato’s Physical Plant Office to ensure that
the Fall 2013 campus/site teams have a representative from
Facilities in attendance at meetings.
Submitted to Dr. Serrata a proposal to create a budget for the I.E.
Committee, separate from the team budgets, and requested
permission to transfer funds between the I.E. teams during a
fiscal year.
Continued to discuss and resolve issues brought forward from the
campus/site I.E. teams.
Discussed the Student Government “smoke free campus”
Requested that a representative from Facilities attend each
monthly/site campus I.E. Team meeting.
Conducted a pilot pre-planning review of seven budget areas’
planning documents.
Ms. Mary
Beth Haan
Continued work on the EPCC meeting room directory.
Nearly completed the first District-wide Meeting Room Directory.
Continue work on the meeting directory.
Completed a pilot of responses to seven areas in a review of preplanning documents.
Continue work on the pre-planning process.
Continue to work on suggestions for IE District and Team Focus.
Met with Dr. Roberts, Mr. Candelas, and Ms. Shaughnessy.
Encouraged use of Committee Recommendation form attached to
College Procedure, Committees.
 Continued to update campus Beautification Plans.
Halted work on creation of a procedure governing submission of
work orders
 Began work on a directory of meetings rooms available at
each campus to post on the I.E. webpage
 Begin implementation of the Planning Procedure and the
process of reviewing administrative areas
 Began planning for 2011-2012 events to support the I.E.
Committee’s Healthy Lifestyles Initiative
 Continue work on the EPCC meeting room directory
 Approved an expanded I.E. Committee charge, which
includes the I.E. Committee’s involvement in ongoing College
planning and assessment
 Continue planning for Healthy Lifestyles events
 Continue to compile and forward Beautification Report
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
 Revised the EPCC Planning Procedure, which defines the
I.E. Committee’s new role in reviewing all administrative
areas of the College
 Defined a new composition of the I.E. Committee
membership, which includes both appointed and volunteer
 Voted to change the name of the Beautification Report
[Not requested]
To Dr. Ron Stroud:
Subcommittee, made up of District I.E. members formed to draft
Procedure on work requests’ chain of command and
Ms. Olga
Follow-up on the status of the work request procedure the
subcommittee was developing and identify those subcommittee
members that will continue to serve.
Obtain an update from Mr. Rick Lobato on the status of projects
not completed and appearing in the beautification reports.
District I.E. representative from each campus will submit
revised/updates on the status of Beautification Plans to the
attention of Dr. Ron Stroud so that progress can be reported on
the I.E. webpage using a watermark or stamp.
Invite perspective VP and/or deans to monthly I.E. meetings.
[Not requested]
Extension of beautification charge and expansion of same to
include improvements.
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
Mr. David
Allow and encourage representative of Physical Plant to meet
with site teams in order to determine beautification needs.
(Rick Lobato, Physical Plant Director)
[Not requested]
Establish archiving system for site and District IE teams.
(Dr. Ron Stroud, Director of Institutional Effectiveness)
Request funds and follow-up activity for beautification projects at
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
(Campus Deans)
(Rick Lobato, Physical Plant Director)
Inclusion of wording in IE Committee appointment letters to
encourage supervisor support of IE activities.
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
(Dr. Ron Stroud, Director of Institutional Effectiveness)
Follow up on security assessment needs of each campus by Buck
Hamilton of Department of Homeland Security.
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
(Al Lawrence, Grants Management Director)
Look into the assessment of security needs of each IE site by
Buck Hamilton of Department of Homeland Security.
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
(Al Lawrence, Grants Management Director)
Continue use of site folders/archiving system put in place by Dr.
Ron Stroud.
(Dr. Ron Stroud, Director of Institutional Effectiveness)
To President Rhodes and Mr. Tim Nugent:
 Ensure that the District and campus needs presented at left
and other objectives as assigned by Dr. Rhodes are met in a
timely manner.
 Review design plans for the Fort Bliss site, so faculty, staff, and
student government representatives may make suggestions
before the architectural plans are finalized.
 Examine ways to make the District (1) a safer work and
learning environment (2) more eco-friendly
A. Work with the Safety Office to find ways to educate site
employees and students about work/school safety
B. Resume a recycling system, not only for paper, but for
plastics and soft drink cans as well.
 That the architects take site beautification and repair plans in
mind when working on site.
 That when funds are available that the classroom/lab furniture
and equipment needed at each site be placed where needed.
When funds are available all recommended signage (inside and
outside) be placed where needed.
Assess and report on site beautification needs.
(Dr. Richard Rhodes, President)
(Campus Deans)
(Rick Lobato, Physical Plant Director)
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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I. Response to last Year’s Chair’s recommended Plan
of Action
II. Recommendations and Receiving Administrator(s)
III. Recommended Plan of Action (e.g. Objectives) for
the Committee during the next Academic Year
[Not requested]
To President Rhodes:
 To implement a plan for the redesigning of classrooms.
 To implement existing plan for the beautification and repair of
campus facilities.
 To ensure that individual campuses are following procedures for
their IE teams.
 To ensure that representation of IEC and IE teams reflects all
areas of the District including SGA.
To recycle old cartridges from printers and give to charity.
To change a few items on the Employee of the Month form.
To promote employees of EPCC in local newspapers.
To increase budget for each campus IE Team.
To set up web page for IEC and individual campus IE Teams.
To step up the process for signage at all campuses.
To enforce the College's smoking policy.
To set up a procedure for the naming of roads.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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