Towards A Veri cation Technique for Large Synchronous Circuits Prabhat Jain, Prabhakar Kudva, and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Abstract. We present a symbolic simulation based verication approach which can be applied to large synchronous circuits. A new technique to encode the state and input constraints as parametric Boolean expressions over the state and input variables is used to make our symbolic simulation based verication approach ecient. The constraints which are encoded through parametric Boolean expressions can involve the Boolean connectives ( + :), the relational operators (< > 6= =), and logical connectives (^ _). This technique of using parametric Boolean expressions vastly reduces the number of symbolic simulation vectors and the time for verication. Our verication approach can also be applied for ecient modular verication of large designs the technique used is to verify each constituent sub-module separately, however in the context of the overall design. Since regular arrays are part of many large designs, we have developed an approach for the verication of regular arrays which combines formal verication at the high level and symbolic simulation at the low level(e.g., switch-level). We show the verication of a circuit called Minmax, a pipelined cache memory system, and an LRU array implementation of the least recently used block replacement policy, to illustrate our verication approach. The experimental results are obtained using the COSMOS symbolic simulator. 1 Introduction Most digital VLSI circuits are checked for correct operation through scalar valued simulation. In this approach, scalar bit vectors|vectors over 0 and 1|are used as inputs to the circuit being simulated. As most real-world circuits require an impracticably large number of scalar vectors to check for all possible execution paths, scalar simulation alone is insucient to verify a digital VLSI circuit. Several formal verication approaches have been suggested for the verication of digital VLSI circuits. But, current formal hardware verication approaches cannot accurately model low-level circuit details (e.g., charge sharing). On the other hand, formal verication at the high level can provide useful information (e.g., circuit state invariants) for ecient symbolic simulation at the low level, in addition to its other advantages. Since the simulators (e.g., switch-level) can model low-level circuit details accurately, an approach combining the capabilities of formal verication at the high level and symbolic simulation at the low-level can derive the advantages of both the approaches. 2 Bryant has proposed symbolic switch-level simulation for formal hardware verication 4]. In 4, 1], it is shown that a symbolic simulator can be used to verify (check for all possible execution paths) many non-trivial circuits. His verication approach has been applied to verify a static RAM, data paths, and pipelined circuits 5, 6, 7]. Our verication approach for datapath and control circuits is based on a simple hardware specication formalism called HOP 9], a parallel composition algorithm called PARCOMP, and a switch-level simulator(COSMOS). In the past, we have studied the problem of generating minimally instantiated symbolic simulation vectors for non-regular designs, and also developed techniques to integrate the formal verication phase with the symbolic simulation phase. The combination of formal verication at the high-level and symbolic simulation based verication at the low-level has been proposed in 11, 14]. We have obtained encouraging results in this regard 11, 13, 12]. In order to reduce the symbolic simulation eort, a new technique to encode the state and input constraints as parametric Boolean expressions on the state and input variables is incorporated in our verication approach. This technique of using parametric Boolean expressions vastly reduces the number of symbolic simulation vectors and the time for verication, and thus makes our verication approach applicable to large synchronous circuits. Parametric forms have also been used in 2, 8] for the verication of nite state machines. Our verication approach can be applied for ecient modular verication of large designs. Parametric Boolean expressions can be used to encode the input and state constraints of the sub-modules of the design. Each sub-module is individually veried. When verifying a sub-module, it is assumed that its context operates correctly, and so the inputs expected by the sub-module are derived directly from the input constraints of the sub-module. (The input constraints of each sub-module are typically known to the designer (e.g. a certain internal bus carries only unary values), and can be proved to be a consequence of the design, during high level verication.) The outputs of the sub-module being veried are not isolated from its context, and so the sub-module being veried is subject to the true electrical loadings. Since regular arrays are part of many large designs, we have developed an approach for the verication of regular arrays which combines formal verication at the high level and symbolic simulation at the low level(e.g., switch-level). The verication approach is based on a simple hardware specication formalism called HOP, a parallel composition algorithm for regular arrays called PCA, and a switch-level symbolic simulator(COSMOS). We illustrate our verication approach on the Least Recently Used(LRU) page replacement policy implemented as a two-dimensional array of LRU cells in VLSI. 1.1 Outline of the Paper In the following section, we present the basic idea of parametric Boolean expressions and the encoding of the state and input constraints as parametric Boolean expressions. In Section 3, 4, and 5 we present our symbolic simulation based verication approach and the use of parametric Boolean expressions through 3 examples. In Section 3, we show the verication of a circuit called Minmax. In Section 4, we show the verication of a pipelined cache memory system. In Section 5, we present our verication approach for regular arrays using an LRU array as an example. In Section 6, we summarize the results, report the ongoing eort, and outline the future work. 2 Parametric Boolean Expressions We explain the idea of parametric Boolean expressions with the help of an example. Suppose a circuit with four inputs in1, in2, in3, and in4 has to obey the constraint that exactly one of these inputs be a 1. This constraint is captured by the sum of products formula: (in1 ^ :in2 ^ :in3 ^ :in4) _ (:in1 ^ in2 ^ :in3 ^ :in4) _ (:in1 ^ :in2 ^ in3 ^ :in4) _ (:in1 ^ :in2 ^ :in3 ^ in4) (1) Alternatively, this constraint is also captured by the formula: = 9b1 b2 : ((in1 = b1 ^ b2) ^ (in2 = b1 ^ :b2) ^ (in3 = :b1 ^ b2) ^ (in4 = :b1 ^ :b2)) (2) Formula 2 is logically equivalent to formula 1. However, formula 2 has the following advantage: the inputs in1 through in4 are expressed directly in terms of parametric expressions over parametric variables b1 and b2. These parametric expressions cover all possible values of in1 through in4 which satisfy the required constraint. Each permissible combination of in1 through in4 is obtained by every value assignment to the parametric variables. By applying the parametric expressions directly through input ports in1 through in4 during symbolic simulation, one symbolic simulation vector is tantamount to simulating the desired combinations of in1 through in4 separately. Thus, the parametric form of input constraints can be seen to eect a trade-o between the number of symbolic simulation vectors (which goes down exponentially) and the number of extra variables in symbolic input vectors (which goes up only by a logarithmic value, at worst). We nd that this trade-o can reduce the symbolic simulation time signicantly. Many automatic ways to obtain the parametric form are well known, e.g., Boole's and Loewenheim's procedures 3]. We have improved these standard procedures in a number of ways. Some details are provided in section 6. In the rest of the paper, we focus on the applications of the parametric form, and not on procedures for obtaining them per se. Constraints on the State and Input Vectors In many situations, it is convenient to express the constraints of a circuit as a Boolean expression on the state and/or input bit-vectors. For example, a setassociative cache would require all the tags (bit-vectors) in a set to be dierent 4 (6=) for its correct operation. Here we consider the constraints which may involve relational operators (< > 6= =) and logical connectives (^ _). These constraints on the bit-vectors can also be expressed as Boolean expressions containing individual bit-variables of the bit-vectors, and parametric Boolean expressions can be obtained for these individual bit-variables. However, the direct generation of parametric Boolean expressions for bit-vectors, taking advantage of the recursive nature of the relations on the bit-vectors (e.g. 6= on an N bit vector can be expressed using the xor function and 6= on an N ; 1 bit vector) would be computationally more ecient. Moreover, symbolic simulation is more ecient using the vectors generated by taking advantage of the recursive nature of the relations on the bit-vectors. a3 = xab a2 = xab a1 = xab a0 = xab yab + p3 yab + p2 yab + p1 yab + p0 b3 = (xab + yab) p3 b2 = xab yab q2 + xab p2 b1 = xab q1 + xab yab p1 b0 = (xab + yab) q0 Fig. 1. Parametric Boolean Expressions for A : a3 a2 a1 a0 ] > B : b3 b2 b1 b0 ] To illustrate the generation of parametric Boolean expressions for the constraints involving bit-vectors, consider two 4-bit vectors A : a3 a2 a1 a0] and B : b3 b2 b1 b0] and the constraint A > B . The parametric Boolean expressions for the bit-variables of these two vectors are shown in Figure 1. The instantiations of these variables result in minimally instantiated symbolic A and B vectors which satisfy the constraint A > B . For example, with xab = 0 and yab = 1, we obtain A : p3 p2 1 p0] and B : p3 p2 0 q0]. We call xab and yab control parametric variables and pi(0 i 3) and qj (0 j 2) parametric Boolean variables. Boolean expressions on bit-vectors containing the logical connectives ^ and _ can be rst simplied into a disjunction of conjunctive-forms (or \cubes"). Then, the parametric Boolean expressions for each conjunctive-form can be obtained and combined to get the parametric Boolean expression for the given Boolean expression. The parametric Boolean expressions can be obtained using a Boolean equation solving procedure 3, 8], but we are working on automating the generation of the parametric Boolean expressions for bit-vectors, taking advantage of the recursive nature of the relations on the bit-vectors. 3 Verication of Minmax In this section, we take a simple example that was also studied in 11]. Minmax (Figure 2) 15] has three registers, MAXI, MINI, and LASTIN. It implements ve operations, Iclr_en, Iclr_dis, Idis, Ireset, and Ien. Here, we consider Ien 5 IN .... . ..... .... . MINI ....... mini-ld MAXI ....... LASTI ....... maxi-ld lasti-ld .... i .... ..... comparator h .. . ..... ... . .. ........... MUX ... in-gt-maxi. . . . .. .... comparator .. . .... ... . .. ............ MUX ... in-lt-mini . . . .. ALU + SHIFTER ........ ....... ....... C O N T R O L L E R ....... Ireset ....... Iclr-en ....... Iclr-dis ....... Idis ....... Ien alu-sel .. . .... . . ... .. ... MUX .......... Osel ... .. ..... MS ....... ms-ld .... !OUT Fig.2. Schematic of Minmax operation which reads the current input, updates MAXI and MINI, with the (running) maximum value so far and the minimum value so far respectively. It also causes an output equal to the average of the max-so-far and min-so-far to be produced on the output port !OUT. A formal verication of Minmax was carried out using algebraic/equational reasoning techniques 10]. 3.1 Verication with Minimally Instantiated Symbolic Vectors Since every circuit requires some state and/or input constraints to be obeyed for its correct operation, one needs to instantiate the symbolic state and input vectors to the right degree so that the state and/or input constraints of the circuit 6 are satised in the symbolic simulation based verication of that circuit. We refer to these vectors as minimally instantiated symbolic simulation vectors. In 11], we approached the verication of Minmax by enumerating minimally instantiated symbolic simulation vectors we used Prolog to generate the minimally instantiated symbolic vectors for Minmax. We generated symbolic simulation vectors for each condition of a data dependent conditional branch, augmented with the circuit invariant MINI MAXI. Some of the sixteen vectors generated, for the case IN > MAXI (also taking the circuit invariant MINI MAXI into account) are now listed: MINI_0 = 0,0,MINI1,MINI0], IN_0 = 1,IN2,IN1,IN0], MAXI_0 = 0,1,MAXI1,MAXI0] MINI_1 = 0,MINI2,0,MINI0], IN_1 = 1,IN2,IN1,IN0], MAXI_1 = 0,MINI2,1,MAXI0] MINI_2 = 0,MINI2,MINI1,0], IN_2 = 1,IN2,IN1,IN0], MAXI_2 = 0,MINI2,MINI1,1] ... MINI_15 = IN3,IN2,IN1,0], IN_15 = IN3,IN2,IN1,1], MAXI_15 = IN3,IN2,IN1,0] Here, MINI i represents the ith vector to be loaded into the register MINI, and so on for the other vectors. Verication time using this approach, for the cases (IN > MAXI) and (MINI IN MAXI), are listed in Figure 5 under the circuit name Minmax4 and the column \minimal instantiation"(this does not include the time required to generate the minimally instantiated symbolic vectors). 3.2 Verication with Parametric Boolean Expressions Verication of the Minmax circuit for the Ien operation required the verication of three transitions whose state and input constraints were: IN < MINI MAXI, MINI IN MAXI, and MINI MAXI < IN. We generated parametric Boolean expressions for the state and input vectors satisfying these three constraints to verify the three transitions for Ien operation of the Minmax circuit, using the technique outlined in Section 2. The use of parametric Boolean expressions for the verication of Minmax reduced the number of symbolic simulation vectors to 1 for each of the three constraints mentioned above and it also reduced the verication time signicantly. The verication time for Minmax using this approach is listed in Figure 5 under the column \Parametric Expressions"(this does not include the time required to generate the parametric Boolean expressions). 4 Verication of A Pipelined Cache Memory System In this section we consider the verication of a pipelined cache memory system to illustrate our technique to verify large designs. 4.1 A Pipelined Cache Memory System The pipelined cache memory considered here has a 2-way set-associative cache with 4 sets in the cache. The size of a block in each set is one byte and the tag associated with each block is 3 bits. A set is selected by the two higher-order bits of the Read/Write address. 7 Lruout least reset LRU CACHE hit/miss1 match1 hit/miss2 match2 read write use read write search CAM CONTROLLER enter reset Cachebusy readhc Address Bus read write decode add RDRAM dataavail/unavail Odataunavail busy/free Data Bus Fig.3. The Pipelined Cache Memory System The least recently used(LRU) block replacement policy is used for the cache miss on a Read or Write operation. Since each set has only two blocks, the LRU policy is implemented by one ip-op for each set output of the ip-op indicates the least recently used block in the corresponding set. For higher set sizes, an LRU array would be used to implement the LRU block replacement policy. Verication of regular arrays, with LRU array as an example, is discussed in Section 5.1. The main memory is updated using the write-through policy (i.e., for a Write operation, the data is written into the main memory and the cache at the same time). Since it takes more time to write the data into the main memory than into the cache for a Write operation, pipelining can be achieved by allowing more operations on the cache, while the data is being written into the main memory. In our pipelined cache system design, pipelining is achieved by allowing one or two Read operations (two Read operations, if the rst Read operation following the Write operation results in a hit in the cache), while the data is being written into the main memory for a Write operation. The block diagram of the pipelined cache memory system is shown in Figure 3. The pipelined cache system design consists of four main modules, as shown 8 in Figure 3. The CACHE module stores the data part of all the blocks in the cache. The LRU module contains the data storage and the logic necessary to implement the LRU block replacement policy. The CAM module stores the tag part of the addresses currently in the cache. It also contains the logic necessary to implement set selection and parallel search for the tag part of the address of a Read/Write operation. The CONTROLLER module controls the operation of the pipelined cache memory system. This pipelined cache memory system was implemented on a Tiny Chip (about 5,700 transistors) and the simulation les necessary for switch-level symbolic simulation in COSMOS were derived from the NET description of the design. 4.2 Verication Using Parametric Boolean Expressions Symbolic simulation cannot be naively applied to verify the entire cache memory system. For example, if symbolic vectors are applied as the address inputs and the memory is asked to Read, all the locations covered by the symbolic address are \simultaneously read" this can cause conicting drives of values on the data output. Therefore, we resort to the technique of separately verifying the submodules of the cache memory. Specically, the following sub-modules have to be separately veried: (a) the CACHE (b) the DRAM and (c) all remaining units treated as the third submodule. Notice that the DRAM and the CACHE modules of the pipelined cache memory system can be separately veried using the switch-level verication techniques outlined in 5]. To verify the pipelined cache memory system, we wrote the behavioral and structural description for the design in HOP. The inferred behavior of the design from the structural description by PARCOMP was used to determine the Read/Write operation sequences necessary to verify the pipelined cache memory system. Since our example cache memory system is pipelined, it is necessary to verify its operation over the sequences of Reads and Writes listed in the middle of Figure 5. Verication is separately carried out for each of these Read/Write sequences. For a particular sequence, the tags in the CAM are initialized to symbolic expressions that satisfy the CAM invariant (i.e., no two tags in a set have the same value). The Read/Write addresses are then set to symbolic expressions that cause the particular scenario (e.g. \Write Miss ! Read Hit ! Read Miss") to manifest. In our rst attempt, we used Prolog to encode the constraint among the tags of the CAM (captured by the CAM invariant) and the constraints on Read/Write addresses required to make each scenario manifest, and ran the Prolog description to generate minimally instantiated symbolic values that satised the constraints. An impracticably large number of symbolic vectors were obtained (e.g., the operation sequence Write Miss ! Read Hit ! Read Hit resulted in 191232 symbolic vectors). We then explored the idea of using parametric Boolean expressions by generating the tags in the CAM and the Read/Write addresses satisfying the constraints as described above. The constraints involved the 6= relation and the logical connective ^. The use of parametric Boolean expressions reduced the number 9 of symbolic vectors required for verication to one for all the Read/Write operation sequences beginning with a Write Hit operation and to eight for rest of the Read/Write operation sequences beginning with a Write Miss operation. The reason why eight symbolic vectors were required for each Read/Write operation sequence beginning with a Write Miss operation is the following: since a Write Miss operation would write the address tag in the CAM and the data in the CACHE, the set part of the Write address and the LRU value for the corresponding set were required to be instantiated to scalar values there are four possible sets, and for each set, there are two possible LRU values. The symbolic simulation and verication times required for all the Read/Write operation sequences are shown in Figure 5. We veried the pipelined cache memory system by supplying (using the freeze command in COSMOS symbolic simulator) the expected inputs from the DRAM and the CACHE module during the symbolic simulation of the Read/Write operation sequences, assuming that the DRAM and CACHE operate correctly. 4.3 Verication of Large Cache Sizes We believe that the technique of using parametric Boolean expressions can be applied for the verication of large cache sizes. If the number of symbolic variables which can be used in the COSMOS symbolic simulator is a limitation for the verication of large cache sizes, the technique of using parametric Boolean expressions can be applied in the following way. The set part of the Write operation's address in an operation sequence can be instantiated to the scalar value and the tags of CAM for the sets in which addresses of the Read/Write operation sequence map to can be initialized to contain the parametric Boolean expressions satisfying the required constraints the tags in all the other sets can be kept to the unknown value X. This would reduce the number of symbolic variables required in the verication of an operation sequence, but would increase the number of symbolic vectors required in the verication of the operation sequence. The number of symbolic vectors required would be proportional to the number of sets in the cache. 5 Verication of Regular Arrays Regular arrays form an important class of VLSI circuit designs, and with regular array designs being employed in numerous applications, the verication of regular arrays becomes an important step in their design and implementation as VLSI circuits. Also, it is important to develop ecient ways to handle state and input constraints for the verication of regular arrays, because many regular arrays are designed to operate under input constraints (e.g., \inputs must be unary"). In this section, we show our verication approach for regular arrays and show the application of parametric Boolean expressions in the verication of regular arrays. The hardware implementation of LRU page replacement policy 10 COL .................. ....... ............. D ROW ................... ........................ Q ........................... .................... ........ IN ....... ..... ....... OUT COL ........ ....... ROW IN ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ........ .... ....... ....... OUT (LRU) ....... ....... Algorithm: Set row reset col find row with all zeros Fig. 4. LRU Cell and its HOP state diagram LRU Array which we consider here maintains an array of n n bits, initially all zeros, for a machine with n page frames. Whenever page k is referenced, the hardware sets all the bits of the row k to 1 and sets all the bits of the column k to 0. At any instant, the row with all bits set to 0 indicates the least recently used row, hence the least recently used page frame. 5.1 The LRU Array The LRU array is realized as a two-dimensional regular array of LRU cells. Each LRU cell of the regular array consists of a state bit which can be set to 1 by 11 keeping the ROW input to 1 and COL input to 0 the state bit can be set to 0 by keeping the COL input to 1. On rising edge of the clock, the state bit of the LRU cell is set to 0 or 1 depending upon ROW and COL inputs. On falling edge of the clock, the output OUT is computed as logical OR of IN input of the cell (which is OUT output of the previous cell) and the state bit of the LRU cell. The output of each row is logical OR of the state bits of the LRU cells in the row. The functionality of an LRU cell is shown in Figure 4(a). A 4 4 LRU array is shown in Figure 4(c). The operation of the LRU array relies on the input constraint that only the ith (0 i 3) ROW bit and the ith COL bit are 1, when page i is referenced. The LRU array implementation of the LRU policy is veried at two levels. At the rst level, the LRU regular array behavior determined by PCA (a parallel composition algorithm for regular arrays) is veried against the abstract specication of the LRU array algorithm. The formal verication at this level is based on the homomorphism relation between states of the inferred behavior and the states of the abstract specication. We are skipping the details of this proof in this paper. At the second level, the transistor level implementation of the LRU array corresponding to the structural description in HOP is veried against the behavior inferred by PCA. However, the PCA-inferred behavior cannot directly be used as the reference specication because PCA does not take into account the input constraints. Therefore, we rst obtain the PCA-inferred behavior and then substitute into it the input and initial state values applied during the transistor level symbolic simulation this forms the reference specication. 5.2 Verication with Parametric Boolean Expressions at the Inputs The LRU array was veried for all combinations of row and column input values, which satised the input constraint for the LRU array. Each cell in the LRU array was initialized to a distinct symbolic variable, to verify the LRU array for all possible state values. (this is possible as the LRU array does not have any non-trivial circuit invariants.) We illustrate our technique to handle the input constraint on the 4 4 LRU array, and report the results for higher sizes. We rst used scalar values on the row and column inputs, satisfying the input constraint, and veried the resulting new state and output values against the expected values. It required four symbolic simulation vectors to verify the 4 4 LRU array. Then, we encoded the input constraint as parametric Boolean expressions on the row and column inputs, with two parameter Boolean variables b1 and b2 as described in in Section 2. With the use of this technique, the number of symbolic simulation vectors reduced from four to one. In general, log2 n parametric Boolean variables are required to encode the input constraint of an n n LRU array. In the LRU array verication, this technique reduces the number of symbolic simulation vectors to one, independent of the size n of the LRU array. Symbolic simulation and verication times for various sizes of the LRU array are shown in Figure 5 under \parametric expressions as inputs". 12 No. of IN > MAXI MINI IN MAXI Circuit Transistors Minimal Parametric Minimal Parametric Name Instantiation Expressions Instantiation Expressions No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Vectors time Vectors time Vectors time Vectors time Minmax4 1232 16 4.83 1 2.42 21 6.13 1 3.07 Operation Sequence No. of Vectors Total time Write Hit ! Read Miss 1 12.40 Write Hit ! Read Hit 1 9.58 Write Hit ! Read Hit ! Read Hit 1 15.0 Write Hit ! Read Hit ! Read Miss 1 17.90 Write Miss ! Read Miss 8 70.65 Write Miss ! Read Hit 8 70.0 Write Miss ! Read Hit ! Read Hit 8 185.75 Write Miss ! Read Hit ! Read Miss 8 222.03 No. of Scalar Input Parametric Expressions Transistors Values as Inputs Circuit Name No. of Total No. of Total Vectors time Vectors time LRU 4 4 448 4 0.63 1 0.27 LRU 8 8 1792 8 6.93 1 2.29 LRU 16 16 7168 16 134.63 1 34.68 Fig. 5. Experimental Results1 for Minmax, LRU array, and Pipelined Cache Memory System The improvement in the symbolic simulation and verication time, with the use of parametric Boolean expressions, is signicant for the large LRU array sizes. We nd that the use of parametric Boolean expressions can lead to signicant reduction in the number of symbolic vectors and the verication time in the symbolic simulation based verication of regular arrays. 6 Conclusions and Future Work Symbolic simulation based verication is a powerful approach for the verication of hardware designs, which can complement formal verication using theorem provers. There is considerable incentive to make symbolic simulation based verication scale up to large circuits, as this would provide digital system designers with a familiar tool (a simulator) to verify the designs almost automatically. Results reported in this paper indicate that the symbolic simulation based verication approach can scale up to large circuit sizes in many cases. The main 1 Total user time is shown in seconds. 13 motivation of our work has been to discover techniques that would help expand the class of circuits, and the circuit sizes that can be veried by the symbolic simulation based verication approach. One of the main observations is that the parametric Boolean expressions can be used in variety of ways for ecient symbolic simulation based verication of large synchronous circuits. Even though the generation of the parametric Boolean expressions can involve some computational eort, the parametric Boolean expressions, once generated, can be re-used during the debugging of the circuit being veried. In all the circuits we have veried, the use of parametric Boolean expressions enhanced the speed of the symbolic simulation process, mainly through a favorable tradeo between the the number of simulation vectors (which is very much reduced) and the average number of symbolic variables per vector (which goes up only by a small amount). We have automated our method for the generation of parametric Boolean expressions for the state and input constraints. We have also implemented two known methods, namely, Boole's and Lowenheim's method, to generate parametric Boolean expressions for comparison with our method. The comparison of our method with these methods shows that our method generates smaller parametric Boolean expressions which result in more ecient symbolic simulation. By studying more examples, we hope to get further insight into the technique(s) that would work best for a given example. References 1. Derek L. Beatty, Randal E. Bryant, and Carl-Johan H.Seger. 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