
Amended __________, 2014!
The name of this association shall be the General Francis Nash Home and School Association.
The General Francis Nash Home and School Association is a chapter of the North Penn School
District Coordinating Council, Inc., established pursuant to the Pennsylvania Non-Profit
Corporation Law, Section 5511. To the extent the provisions of this chapter’s by-laws conflict
with the dissolution, purpose, or financial reporting requirements set forth in the Coordinating
Council by-laws, the provisions of the Coordinating Council by-laws shall prevail.!
The objectives of the General Francis Nash Home and School Association shall be:!
A. To promote the welfare of children in the home, community, and in the school.!
B. To inform parents of new educational methods, practices, and standards.!
C. To promote cooperation between parents and the entire staff of General Nash in the !
education of the children.!
D. To provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas between the home and school.!
E. To raise money for activities and equipment not furnished by the North Penn School !
District for the enrichment of the school program.!
F. To enable the School Board and administration to draw upon the resources of the !
Home and School in making studies of various issues, programs, and concerns within
the district; i.e. redistricting, class size.!
A. Families of Nash students interested in the objectives of the Association and willing !
to abide by the by-laws shall automatically be extended membership.!
B. Nash faculty members shall automatically be extended membership.!
C. All members are welcome to to attend and vote at all Association meetings.!
A. The fiscal year of this Association shall run from August 1st to July 31st.!
B. An annual budget of estimated income and expenses shall be prepared by the !
incoming executive board, presented at the August Association meeting, and put forth
for an approval vote at the September Association meeting.!
C. Requests for funds that are included in the approved budgets shall not require !
additional approvals.!
D. Requests for funds that are not included in the approved budget should be requested
via the “request for funds form”. The request should be approved by the executive !
board and majority vote of attendance at the next monthly Association meeting.!
E. Sources of funds for this organization shall be:!
1. Donations!
2. Fundraisers or projects approved via the annual budget.!
3. Special projects approved by the executive board officers.!
F. A per the North Penn Coordinating Council group tax exempt agreement with the IRS,
games of chance (e.g. raffles), may not be used for fundraising purposes if the !
proceeds exceed 5% of the General Francis Nash Home and School Association’s !
gross annual income. Games of Chance require a Small Games of Chance license !
from Montgomery County, approval by the General Francis Nash Home and School !
Association’s executive board, and approval by the North Penn School District !
School Board. Bingo and pull tabs are prohibited. Please refer to the North Penn !
Coordinating Council treasurer’s manual on the North Penn website for more !!
detailed information.!
G. As per the North Penn Coordinating Council group tax exempt agreement with the !
IRS, fundraisers using outside professional organizations are prohibited. !
H. As per North Penn School Board regulations, no more than one “a-thon” may take !
place during the fiscal year.!
I. No long range projects requiring accumulation of funds to extend beyond the close of
the current fiscal year shall be undertaken without approval by simple majority of the !
membership in attendance at a General Membership meeting.!
J. Management of Incoming Funds:!
1. Money collected from and Home & School function shall be counted, ! !
collected, and deposited at the earliest time possible. Refer to the current !
Money Collection Guidelines for details.!
K. Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific !
purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations !
that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue !
Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.!
L. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be !
distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that !
the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable !
compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in !
furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial !
part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or !
otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not ! !
participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) !
any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Not withstanding !
any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other !
activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal !
income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding
section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to !
which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or !
corresponding section of any future federal tax code.!
A. The officers of this association shall consist of a President and/or Co-President, a !
Vice President, a Secretary, a Communications Coordinator, a Treasurer, and a !
Controller, all of who are members in good standing.!
1. The President and/or Co-President shall preside at all meetings of the !
Association and shall be ex-officio members of all committees, except the !
nominating committee; shall appoint coordinators in conjunction with the !
Executive Board for all committees; and shall perform all other duties usually !
pertaining to the office. Attendance of a meeting with the principal on a !
monthly basis is required. Attendance of a meeting with the Superintendent !
and Coordinating Council will also be required on a bi-monthly basis. !!
Qualifications for this office include having served as an officer on the Home !
and School Association and having attended five or more general !
membership meetings during the past year.!
2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or !
inability of that officer to act, and shall assist the President when called upon.
The Vice President shall coordinate the execution of the various fundraisers !
throughout the year. This shall include: acting as a liaison between the board
and fundraiser coordinators to assure board approval of fundraisers and !
fundraising communication; working with fundraiser coordinators via email or
meetings to schedule fundraising events and programs throughout the year !
and reviewing all fundraising mailings and presenting fundraising !
opportunities to the board, Association members and/or the appropriate !
fundraising coordinator. Qualifications for this office include having served as !
a Coordinator or as an officer of the General Francis Nash Home and School !
Association and having attended two or more General Membership meetings !
during the past year.!
3. The Secretary shall handle preparations for Home and School meetings, !
including providing the agenda, taking minutes, publishing the minutes for !
approval, attendance logs, board correspondence, and other duties as !
needed. The Secretary shall provide minutes to the Communications Officer !
each month for publication to the website. Attendance at 2 or more General !
Membership meetings over the past year is a requirement.!
4. The Communication Coordinator shall manage the Home and School section !
of the website (updating it as needed), coordinate the making of !
advertisement flyers with event coordinators for Home and School events, log !
data for Home and School purposes such as volunteer participation and !
responses to events, and send out communications with updated information !
to the members semi-monthly or as needed. Attendance at two or more !
General Membership meetings over the past year is a requirement.!
a. Oversee Volunteer Coordinator - This position updates volunteer forms
at the beginning of each school year, sends out lists of volunteers to all
coordinators for all events, assists event coordinators with procedural !
questions, and sends invitations to the May Appreciation Luncheon.!
b. Oversee Newsletter Coordinator - This position creates and publishes !
the monthly newsletter.!
5. The Treasurer shall keep accurate record of receipts and expenditures and !
shall pay out funds in accordance with the approved budget as authorized by !
the Association. The Treasurer shall issue all checks. The checks can be e!
electronic or hard copy. Electronic checks shall be audited by another board !
member once per month. Hard copy checks shall be signed by the Treasurer !
and another board member. The Treasurer shall present a statement of !
account at every General Membership meeting and at other times requested !
by the executive board officers and shall present an annual report at the first !
meeting of the school year. The Treasurer must submit reports to !
Coordinating Council twice per year. The Treasurer must issue all W9 forms !
and submit the corresponding 1099 forms for the calendar year. The ! !
Treasurer should preferably have a math or financial background. !
Qualifications for this office include having attended two or more general !
membership meetings during the past year.!
6. The Controller shall receive all monies of the Association and be responsible !
for making timely deposits to and cash withdrawals from the Association’s !
bank account. The Controller is responsible for monthly audits of electronic !
checks that have been issued by the Treasurer and will assist the Treasurer !
as needed. The Controller should preferably have a math or financial ! !
background. Qualifications for this office include having attended two or more
general membership meetings during the past year.!
1. There shall be a nominating committee consisting of two members, once from !
the executive board and one from the general membership who shall be !
approved by the Executive Board at the beginning of January.!
2. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of qualified prospective !
officers with one or more candidates for each office at the April meeting of the
general membership.!
a. Additional nominees may be made by the general membership via the !
Nominating Committee. Nominations will be closed prior to the May !
b. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name !
is placed on the slate.!
c. The slate of nominees shall be publicized prior to the election.!
1. Nominations will be made and presented to the general membership for !
election at the May general membership meeting of the school year.!
2. Election shall be by simple majority vote of the membership attending the May
general membership meeting.!
3. Newly elected officers shall assume the responsibilities of their office at the !
conclusion of the last general membership meeting of the current school year.!
1. Officers shall serve a term of one year. A person may not be elected to the !
same office for more than two consecutive terms. However, if no one comes !
forward and the current officer is willing to continue in that capacity it will be !
voted upon by the general membership.!
2. Only the Vice President can temporarily fill an unexpected vacancy occurring !
in the office of President before a nominating committee is created.!
3. A vacancy occurring in any other office shall be filled for the remaining term by
a majority vote of the Executive Officers.!
4. Any officers absent from two consecutive meeting without reasonable ! !
justification will be removed from the office at the discretion of the Officers.!
The President and/or Co President, Vice President, Communications !
Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, and Controller shall constitute the Executive !
1. To transact necessary business in the interval between meetings and such !
other business as referred to it by the membership.!
To approve the projects/plans submitted by the committees.!
To submit an annual budget to the general membership for approval.!
To approve a committee to serve as nominating committee.!
To resolve any transitional issues between the incoming and outgoing !!
executive board.!
1. Committees and Functions!
a. Coordinating Council Representative - To attend Coordinating Council !
meetings and make reports at Home and School meetings.!
b. School Board Representative - To attend North Penn School Board !
meetings and make reports to Home and School meetings.!
c. Room Parent Coordinators - To recruit, select, and organize room !
parents. !
d. 6th Grade Committee - To organize and raise funds for the 6th grade !
class activities.!
e. Newsletter - To coordinate the publication of the newsletter!
f. Yearbook - To organize, edit, and market an annual publication of Nash
g. Nominating Committee - To present a slate of qualified prospective !
officers with one or more candidates for each office.!
h. All committees need to abide by Coordinating Council by laws.!
2. All committee projects/plans shall be submitted for review to the Executive !
Board Officers prior to execution of implementation.!
3. Committee coordinators may serve no more than two consecutive years !
unless there are no other volunteers.!
4. All committee coordinators shall be responsible for following the Committee !
Coordinator Guidelines as presented at the annual Coordinator meeting in !
the beginning of the school year.!
Special or ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President and/or Co President with the
approval of the Executive Officers at anytime throughout the year.!
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the organization in all
cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by laws.!
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such asset not
disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the
principal office of the organization is then located, as said Court shall determine, which are
organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.!
These by laws may be reviewed as required at the direction of the President and/or Co
President and officers, but must be reviewed every two years to determine the degree of
relevancy. A committee will be appointed by the officers to review and if necessary, submit the
revised (modify existing article(s)) and/or amended (adding sections to or new articles) set of by
laws as a substitute for the existing by laws. Any amended or revised by laws must be voted
upon during a general membership meeting. Changes will pass with a two-thirds majority vote
of the members present and voting provided that notification of and copies of the proposed
changes are made available to all voting members at least two weeks preceding that general
membership meeting.!
1. The name of the Association or the names of any members in their official !
capacity shall not be used for any commercial, partisan, or sectarian purpose.!
2. This Association shall not seek to direct the administrative policies of the !
school or to control its policies.!
3. This Association may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active !
in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils, ! !
provided its representatives make no commitments that bind the group they !
4. This Association must abide by and conform to the rules and regulations as !
established by the school district. These rules and regulations are ! !
incorporated in these by laws by reference.!
The by laws of the General Francis Nash Home and School Association herewith have been
presented to the general membership and approved and accepted this !
____________ day of __________________________ 2014.!
Accepted by:! __________________________________________________!