A c e s

and reference resources. Also indexes scholarly books
and articles on modern languages, literatures, folklore,
and linguistics. MLA International Bibliography can be
searched separately or combined with Literature Online.
Accessing WKU Libraries Research Databases
From the main Western Kentucky University Libraries
homepage at http://www.wku.edu/Library, click the link for
Databases (Find Journals and More).
If you are on campus, click the ON CAMPUS button; you
won't be asked to log in. If you are off campus, click the
OFF CAMPUS button, and log in with your WKU e-mail
username and password–the same way that you log onto
Blackboard, computers in the labs, etc. (example: DO NOT
USE john.doe@wku.edu; USE john.doe).
Select the database you wish to access and you will be able
research as if you were on WKU’s campus.
*Remember: not every article listed in these electronic
indexes will be full text. Some are available in the HelmCravens Library, and some are available online.
TOPCAT (Library Book Catalog)
WKU’s online library catalog lists books and journal titles
(both print and electronic) owned by the library.
Library Research Database Subscriptions
EBSCOhost Databases
Covers many different subjects. Lots of full text journal &
newspaper articles, plus citations to printed articles.
FirstSearch Databases
H. W. Wilson Databases
Excellent search indexes containing few full text articles.
Includes the Applied Science & Technology Index,
Biological & Agricultural Index with full text, Library
Literature & Information Science Full Text, Biography
Reference Bank, Education Full Text, and the Play Index.
LexisNexis Databases
Includes many newspapers full text, as well as full text
business, legal, and medical materials, Congressional bill
tracking, and the Government Periodicals Index.
Newsbank (America’s Newspapers)
Over 450 full text U.S. newspapers, including the
Louisville Courier-Journal, the Lexington Herald-Leader,
the Kentucky Post, and the Nashville Tennessean.
ProQuest Databases
Full text articles in business, computers, careers,
technical education, computers, non-mainstream &
alternative newspapers, and the Historic New York Times
1851–2003. Also indexes doctoral dissertations &
master’s theses.
Finding E-Journals Using TDnet
The Electronic Journal Finder (TDnet) allows you to quickly
find out whether WKU owns an electronic journal by listing
our individual E-Journal subscriptions, plus all EJournals that are available in library databases.
You can sign up to receive E-mail Tables of
Contents from your favorite E-Journals. Although
TDnet does limited article title searching, it is NOT a
substitute for database searching (EBSCOhost, ERIC, etc.).
1. From the WKU Libraries main homepage, click the link
for TDnet (Find E-Journals and More). Log in the
same way you do for databases with your WKU email
username and password.
2. To check if WKU has access to an E-Journal, use the
initial Quick Search screen. Leave the pull-down menu on
the left on Title, and type in the name of the journal. We
recommend leaving the pull-down menu to the right of
the search box on the "Partial Words” option.
3. To search for a specific article, click the Search TDnet
Online Library Collections
And Research Databases at
Western Kentucky University Libraries
button at the top and adjust the pull-down menu in the
middle to search by title of article, author, etc. We
Literature Online
recommend leaving the pull-down menu to the right of
the search box on the "Partial Words” option. TDnet
Full text works of English and American poetry, drama,
prose, full text literature journals, and other key criticism
does not search by subject. For subject searching,
use the library’s research databases.
EBSCOhost Databases
Academic Search Premier MasterFILE Premier
Newspaper Source Regional Business News Business
Source Premier Agricola TOPICsearch CINAHL/PreCINAHL Clinical Pharmacology Health
Source - Consumer Edition HealthSource:
Nursing/Academic Edition MEDLINE
Mental measurements Yearbook Tests in print PsycINFO
Sociological Collection ERIC Psychology & Behavioral
Sciences Collection Religion & Philosophy Collection
Professional Development Collection Funk & Wagnalls New
World Encyclopedia SPORTDiscus Communication &
Mass Media Collection Family & Society Studies Worldwide
Military & Government Collection
1. Access EBSCOhost using the directions above. Click on
EBSCOhost from the quick links at the top of the page.
If you have trouble logging in, you can go directly to
EBSCOhost at http://search.epnet.com. (Call the
library for the password.)
2. Select EBSCOhost Web from the service page.
3. To search one database at a time, click on the name. To
search multiple databases together, check the box to the
left of each database, then click the Continue button.
4. In EBSCOhost, the TOUR: Click to Check for Full
Text at WKU button links to the full text of the article
whenever it is available from
electronic resources at WKU. A
list of full-text options will open; click the source and the
full article will load.
EBSCOhost for Younger (K-12) Researchers
Primary Search Middle Search Plus
Ultra TOPICsearch EBSCO Animals
Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Funk &
FirstSearch KYVL Databases
for all Students, Faculty, & Staff
ArticleFirst Clase & Periodica ECO GPO Monthly
Catalog MEDLINE PapersFirst Proceedings World
Almanac WorldCat
1. Access FirstSearch using the directions above. Click on
FirstSearch from the quick links at the
top of the page, or go directly to
You must log in with an authorization number or a
password, regardless of whether you are on campus or
off campus. (Call the library for the password.)
2. Select List All Databases on the top left, then choose a
specific database. To search one database at a time,
click on the name. To search multiple databases
together, check the box to the left of each database. You
may chose up to three databases to search
simultaneously. [If you do not select a database, it will
default to WorldCat to search for books in libraries
throughout the world].
3. To do a new search, click on a word under Searching
from the list in the blue bar at the left.
4. To determine if WKU owns a journal, look for a little
house icon with a book in front of it at the end of each
citation of your search results. When displaying
records, the line “FirstSearch indicates your
institution owns this item” lets you know
that the item is available in the WKU Libraries.
5. When on WKU’s campus: Look for the TDnet full-text link
listed under “External Resources” in FirstSearch. The
TDNet link allows you to access the full text of the article
whenever it is available electronically at WKU.
A list of full-text options will open; click the
source and the full article will load. Although
TDnet links in FirstSearch do not work from off-campus,
TDnet may be accessed separately from off campus.
FirstSearch Databases for
Grad Students, Faculty, & Staff
The library has more FirstSearch databases for faculty, staff,
& Grad Students ONLY. These databases cost the library
$.95 for every search and $3.85 for every full-text article
that is viewed or printed. The library also has an account for
undergraduates with Instructor’s Permission Only with the
same databases as the Faculty-Staff-Grad Account which
does not allow the user to access the full text of articles.
AHSearch (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) Biology
Digest Alternative Press Index & Archive Business
Dateline Business & Industry Business
Organizations Business & Management
Practices Consumer Index CWI
(Contemporary Women's Issues) Economic
Literature FactSearch GEOBASE PerAbs
Newspaper Abstracts Media Review Digest
SIRS Researcher Wilson Select Plus Worldscope
For More Information and Assistance
The library has many other online databases and printed
journal indexes available. For more information, contact one
of the locations listed below:
Helm-Cravens Reference
Educational Resources Center
Glasgow Regional Center Library 270-659-6911
Owensboro Campus Library (Located in the OCTC Library
at Owensboro Community & Technical College)
4800 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303-1800
(270) 686-4590 (OCTC Library Main Number)
Instant Messaging and Email Assistance
Accessing library services and resources is very easy using
the libraries’ Instant Message virtual reference chat
service. You can send an instant message to a librarian in
real time, no matter where you are. Monday – Thursday
1 pm. — 10 p.m. (Holiday/interim hours vary).
Screen Names:
ICQ #:
Email Reference Service is also available. We check email
at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday – Saturday, and at 4 p.m. on
Sunday. The email address is web.reference@wku.edu.