' - Sl. No.: ACFFO 30001192 ~~~;:~::: I I I I I I I I I I 2 014 FORESTRY Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instru ctions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This Booklet has a cover (this page) which should not be opened till the invigilator gives signal to open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. · This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are there in series without any omission and ensure there are no blank pages in the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes . . Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. An answer sheet will be supplied to you separately by the invigilator to mark the answers. You will also encode your Register Number, Sub'ject Code, Question Booklet SI. No. etc. with Blue or Black mk Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be taken as per commission's notification. Each question comprises four responses (A), (13), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose Ol\TLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. ln the Answer Sheet there are four circles @ , @, © and @ against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for any item,@is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows: @ • ©@ 9. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination. After the examination is concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. 10. 11. The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion. In all matters and in cases of doubt, the English Version is final. Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question booklet. 12. 13. SPACEFORROUGH~URK • ACFFO 2 1. 2. "7hich of these soil water is not found in the upper layer of the soil? (A) Gravitational water (C) Capillary water ~ Capillary fringe (D) Hygroscopic water Which of the concepts of agroforestry is false? (A) Production of multiple outputs (B) uses multiple indigenous trees and shrubs ~ structurally and functionally easy to manage (D) 3. 4. Involves the inter.p lay of socio-cultural values An area in which frosts are more frequent and more intense than in the district generally is called (A) frost hole (C) frost locality (B) , (B) · . ocular estimate from general appearance ..,Y.means of pressler's increment borer 6. 7. 8. all of these Age of trees with annual rings can be determined by (A) . referring existing records 5. frost pocket (D) taking three periodic measurements The recommended camber for a forest road if the surface is gravel or macedam (A) 1 in 16 to 1 in 24 (C) 1 in 48 to 1 in 60 ~ lin36 (D) 1 in 72 The micro organism associated with casuarinas is of fixation is (A) Rhizobium (C) l\1ycorrhizae \Jil'!f( (D) Frankia Azotobacter Classification of forest types by champion and Seth is based on (A) Climate (C) Edaphic factors (B) vegetation $ Eco-system Tectona grandis Pick out the light demanding tree specis (A) Dalbergia latifolia \jl'!{' (C) Syzvgium cuminii (D) 3 Abies pindraw ACFFO [Turn over 9. 10. 11. The concept of progressive yield was attributable to .Jiff' Hartig (B) Brandis (C) Smith (D) \'on montel Pick the odd system out (A) U mform system (B) Group system ~ Selection system (D) Strip system - - - - - - - - is a forest type classified based on the growing stock (A) ¥ 12. (B) Pure forest Normal forest (D) Production forest The shade demander of a tropical wet evergreen forest (A) Dipterocarpus mdicus (B) Calophyllum inophyllum (C) Artocarpus Hirsutus ,JJilf' 13. High forest Mesua ferrea The mean annual temperature of montane subtropical zone is (A) 10°C to l 7°C '1Jiff' l 7°C to 24 °C (C) >24°C (D) <10°C 14. is a drought sensitive species (A) Dalbergia latifolia (B) Pongamia pinnata (C) Gmelina arborea " ' Pterocarpus marsupium 15. The instrument used in vertical point sampling (A) Wedge prism (C) Relaskop ACFFO ~ Conimeter (D) 4 Hypsometer • 16. 17. suarina Eguisetifolia is a (A) Strong coppicer (C) Fair coppicer .Jlilf 19. 21. Poor coppicer Ordinary pit (B) Ring pit Saucer pit (D) Circular pit In teak plantations, - - - - - - - - thinning is practiced (A) Free (C) Ordinary ..lt}il( Mechanical (D) Crown Consider the following statements (a) Thinning distributes growth potential of a site amongst the trees retained (b) Thinning increases net yield and in turn the revenue (c) Thinning helps in obtaining earlier returns (d) Thinning helps in getting the timber of desired quality of the given statements, (A) (a) alone is correct (B) (a) and (b) are correct (C) (a), (b) and (c) are correct a.,iJ'1'{ 20. ¥ Good coppicer The type of pit used for dry zone planting is (A) 18. (B) All are correct The height of stump in simple coppice system is usually kept at (A) 5-10 cm (C) 25-50 cm '1}Jlf" 15-25 cm (D) 25-35 cm Which among the following is correctly matched? (A) Rclascope Light intensity (B) Altimeter Diameter Clinometer - Height Hypsometer - Girth """' (D) 5 ACFFO [Turn over 22. 23. 24. JFM concept was first implemented at (A) Jhani;i (C) Aryalur Crop height (C) Average height .Mean height Relascope (B) Altimeter Presslers borer (D) Abney's level To determine yield of a species for a particular region (A) Money yield table (C) General yield table (B) "'1f . Volume yield table Local yield table Pick out the odd rotation out '1Jlff' 28. (D) Which among these instrument is used to determine the age of a tree (A) 27. Jabalpur .Jlll( Top height (A) .Jilf' 26. (D) • The height corresponding to the mean diameter of 250 biggest diameter per hectare (A) 25. ~ Arabari Physical rotation Rotation of maximum products (C) Rotation of maximum volume production (D) Rotation of highest income Diameter quotient for each form class is determined by (A) Karl's formula (B) Simpson's formula ._Jlilf' Hojer's formula (D) Melard's formula The average ~nnual increment for any short period is termed as '1lf{ Periodic annual increment (B) Mean annual increment (C) Average annual increment (D) Current annual increment ACFFO 6 29. . umber of sample plot required for a species in each thinning regime to prepare a yield ~hle~ 30. 31. 300 (B) 400 (C) 500 '1Ji'f 600 .,, A normal increment A normal forest should have (A) A normal series of age-gradation (C) A normal growing stock (B) Appropriate estimation ~ Relative accuracy (D) Absolute accuracy Site quality (B) Volume Number of trees (D) Age of the tree Tree height is related to Commonly available sizes of wooden scale for tree diameter measurements (A) 20 cm and 40 cm (C) 30 cm and 70 cm '1JJll' 30 ~m and 60 cm (D) (C) 36. 40 cm and 80 cm The instrument works based on the principle similar triangle to measure height of trees ~ Hypsometer 35. ,> All of the above Exact estimation (C) · 34. (B) Forest mensuration aims at .Jiif' 33. · (A) (A) 32. · Clinometer Which of these trees is ~ot (B) Abney's level (D) Altimeter a protein rich tree? (A) Leucaera leucocephala (C) Gliricidia Sepium ~Acacia Halosericea (D) Sesbania Grandiflora The product of form factor and total tree height is known as (A) Form quotient (C) Form point ratio '1iJl!/f' (D) 7 Form height Form ratio ACFFO [Turn over 37. 38. A particular species yields a maximum quantity of the material of desired size 111. under rotation (B) Forest circle Forest section (D) Forest range The modified functional classification of forest was mentioned in (A) Forest Policy 1894 (B) National Forest Policy 1952 (C) National Forest Policy 1980 National Commission on Agriculture (1976) The increqient at rotation age is ,Jfi!f Current annual increment (B) · Mean annual increment Final mean annual increment (D) Periodic mean annual increment The type of cells present in soft wood \Jliff' (C) 43. Forest division The unit of forest working plan is (A) 42. Financial rotation Sikicultural rotation $ 41. (D) (C) (C) 40. Technical rotation Physical rotation $ 39. ...Jtl!f( (A) Tracheids (B) Vessels Fibre (D) Epithelial cells (gum canals) Pick out the tree species which yields soft fibre? (A) Hardwickia binata (C) Acacia mearnsii \Jilff . (D) Wbich among the following is correctly matched? (A) Bark tannin Hardwickia binata \JJil1f' Fruit tannin 1'erminalia chebula (C) Hard resin Acacia Senegal (D) Oleoresin Caryota urens ACFFO 8 Sterculia cillosa Khava senegalensis iualit' -!4. ·15. 46. . hieh tree species has wavy gram wood? (A) T ec:tona grandis (B) (C) Shovea robusta ,.,;/llf Dalbergia lat1folia Ptcrocarpus santalin us The most important physical property of wood is (A) Modulus of rupture (C) Porosity ~ Specific gravity (0) Modulus of elasticity Tick the odd out (A) Power saw (C) Priming saw ~ Tip saw (D) Bow saw .. Which one of these is not a logging operation? 48. (A) Rafting (C) Floating (B) ~ Rolling Outer tree bark is otherwise known as ..Y Peridem (C) 49. 50. Wetshde Phellogen (B) Phellodem (D) Phellum The annual rings varies between hardwoods and softwoods with (A) Species (C) Growing conditions (B) ~ Tree age All of these Vertical and horizontal resin ducts -are not seen in (A) Pines (C) Douglas - fir (B) Spruce ~ Populars 9 ACFFO [Turn over 51. Agar oil is extracted from the wood of (A) ..Jflf' 52. 53. 54. Pinus palustris Aguillana agallocha (D) ,Juniperu~ (A) Sterculia urens VJllf (C) Hehcteres isora (D) v1rgma1w Caryota urens Gre\\"la tilaefoha The species highly suitable for Veena making (A) Tectona grandis (C) Acer saccharum .JJl1I" Artocarpus heterophdlus (D) · Toona cilia ta The most suitable species for tight cooperage is $ 55. (B) - - - - - - - - is an example for leaf fibre (A) • Cedrus deodara Teak (Il) Rosewood Oaks (D) Hemlock Species recommended for bentwood articles are 1. Morus alba 2. Fraxinus spp. 3. Celtis australis 4. Morus laevigata Arrange the above in the order of most to least suitable 56. \iJlf' 1, 2. 3, 4 (B) 2, 3, 1, 4· (C) 3, 2, 4, 1 (D) 4, 2, 1, 3 The timber of the following species is sui~able ~ Picea smithiana (C) 57. for aircraft construction (B) Cedrus deodara (D) Tsuga onentalis Lannea Coromandelica (B) Butea Monosperma Pterocarpus marsupium (D) Azadirachta indica Pinus patula Bengal Kino is the product of (A) '1/ilf ACFFO 10 • 58. . xed heart in a timber is due to (A) ...Jll'f 59. (C) ..fj1f ~ (C) 64. (D) Dorer defect Upper side Middle p~rt (B) Lower side (D) Bottom of the tree Sandal Rosewood (B) Teak (D) Padauk 115,000 (B) 1110,000 1115,000 (D) 1/50,000 Arundel method (B) Polygonal grid method Four point anharmonic method (D) Polar grid method Map compilation is done by J,iif 63. Conversion defect Stock maps are prepared in the scale o f - - - - - - - - (A) 62. Seasoning defect The most durable wood amon g the following is (A) 61. (B) Tension wood is formed on the ---~----of leaning stem ._Jiff 60. Natural defect ... A paved dip surface of the road having a span of not more than 7 metres is called (A) Simple wooden bridge (C) Cantilever bridge ..JJlf' Irish bridge (D) Strutted beam bridge Telford r oads (B) Bridle path Branch Jeepable road (D) Inspection path Tick the odd out .Jiff' (C) ACFFO 11 [Turn over \ 65. 66. 67. Pick the odd out (A) Pile piers (C) Masonary piers (A) 30 m (C) 20 feet (B) 100 feet $ G6feet Radiation (B) Intersection Traversing (0) Resection True meridian is usually employed in geodetic sun·eying (B) A back sight is a staff reading on a point whose elevation is to be determmed (C) Alidade is an instrument used in compass surveying (D) Contour lines cross the ridges at acute angles Pick the wrong match (A) Passometer Distance measurement (B) Theodolite Vertical+ Horizontal angles (C) Prismatic compass Whole circle bearing Planimeter Slope measurement '1Jilf'f The art or science of obtaining reliable measurements and maps from aerial photographs is ~ (C) 71. ('rib piers Choose the right answer ~ 70. ( D) • The method of plotting the whole tra\·eri:;e from a i:;ingle Mation (C) 69. Truncate piern The length of gunters chain is ~ 68. ¥ Photogrammetry (B) Stereoscopy Photo Interpretation (D) Aerial photograph If the level of contour lines increased from outer to inner portion, it indicates (A) Valley (C) Closed loop ACFFO "1Jllf (D) 12 Hill Saddle 72. 73. e einstrument used for computing the area from the plan of the plot is (A) Pedometer (C) Alidadc (C) 75. 76. 77. Ghat tracer Causeway (B) Suspension bridge Wire rope bridge (D) Arch bridge In brick masonry, if the h eader and stretcher are laid alternatively in each course, it is called (A) English bond (Jiii" Flemish bond (C) Header bond (D) Stretcher bond The transverse raising of road in the center above the edges is called (A) Crown '1JJI!' Camber (C) Berm (D) Shoulder Building load is trans·m itted to the earth through the (A) · walls (C) floor (B) roof ~foundation The transverse slopes or inward tilt imparted to curves m the road to neutralize the centrifugal force is called (A) ~ 78. (D) A concrete structure constructed across the stream bed of a seasonal stream is ~ 74. ~ Planimeter Camber (B) Berm Super elevation (D) Gradient Ranging (Il) Levelling Offset (D) Declination Lateral measurement in chain surveying is (A) .Jjilf 13 ACFFO [Turn over 79. 80. 81. In compa~s (A) 90° (C) 270° ~ 180w CD) :360; (A} Dumpy le,·el (8) · Compa8s .v Theodolite (D) C'Jinometer State which ::;tatement is correct? ~ The rate of nutrient cycling is high in coniferous f9rests Nutrient cycling is slow in northern latitud<:s compared to tropical ree:10n ~amc (C) Nutnent cycling between regions are (D) No difference in nutrient cycling between sih:icultural systems A unit of landscape that contains all the drainage area~ an<l chantlls contributing to stream ~ \Vatershed (C) 83. 84. 85. • \'ertical and horizontal angles can be measured by (A) 82. surveying, the fore bearing and back bearing of a line <l1ffers b · Seashore (B) Dam (D) Estuary The organic matter content of peat soil (A) 10 - 20 % (B) 20- 30 % (C) 30- 40 % '1P'f" 50 - 90 % (B) Oxidation Pick the odd out (A) Carbonation (C) Hydration \Ilil'( Erosion Soils with EC >4 m mhos/cm, ESP > 15 and pH> 8.5 (A) Saline soils (C) Alkaline soils ACFFO '1J'!f" Salim• alkaline soils (D) 14 Nonsaline - alkaline soils rn 1 86. . hich of these mineral soils have a high content of clay particles? (A) $ 87. (C) 89. Alfisols Iron and aluminum (~ Zinc and Iron Copper and manganese (D) Lead and zinc (B) Polyester · (C) Coir pith '1}11!' All of the above Which among these elements play an important part in cell division? Nitrogen (B) Sulphur Phosphorus (D) Potassium (B) Resist compaction Ideal soil structure helps in (A) Better movement of water (C) Resist erosion ..JJl'f All the above Which soil is not suitable for bund construction? · (C) 93. (D) Polypropylene '1lf{ 92. Vertisols (A) '1lf!f 91. Aridisols Gcotextiles are made up of (A) 90. (B) Under pH 5.5 which are the toxic elements $ 88. Entisols Deep black cotton soil (B) Loamy soil Light soil (D) Red soil The number of hectares in a square (A) 10 (C) 500 kil~metcr is ~100 (D) 1000 Madhvca indica (B) Calophyllum inophyllum Garcinia indica (D) Mesua ferrea 'Kokam butter' is obtained from (A) $ 15 ACFFO [Turn over 94. If the gram size of soil particle is (;\) coar~e 0.00~ to 0.02, the sand , . ~ilt 95 . In a (A) ...Jiii!' 96. 97 . 98. 99. texture is <B) clay (D) fine ::;and \'ersion of a typical forest soil profile, the horizon D refers to Undecomposed leaves (B) Huw humus Parent rock (D) Enriched layer Small gullies in forest areas are controlled by (A) .Alley cropping ..JJilf" (C) Strip croppmg (D) Inter cropping (n) 6- 10 % Shrub checkl:l Bench terraces are used in slopes of (A) 2-6 % (C) 10- 16 % .JJlf 16 - 33 % The loss of plant nutrients by erosion is called ,'+Jl'TJ '°"' leaching (D) saltation Rill (B) Sheet Splash (D) Landslide (A) drainage (C) depercolation Gully erosion is an a dvanced stage of ...vf' (C) 100. ~implifi(>d 80il The vertical JTIO\'ement of water inside the soil is called (A) Infiltration (C) Drainage ACFFO (B) ~ 16 Seepage Percolation • 101. e ndia's forest policies enunciated. (Pick the oddman out) 102. (A) 1988 ..,Jiil'f 1927 (C) 1894 (D) 1952 State which among the statements is true ~ 103. 104. (B) The relationship between input and output can be described in cost funcbon (C) Average variable cost is directly related to average product (D) Complementarities of two products exists if MRTS < zero Selection criteria for mutually exclusive projects (A) IRR (C) BCR (C) 106. (D) Break even analysis Shadow price (B) Market price Constant price (D) Decline price Angles law Inferior goods is otherwise called as ~ Giffen's paradox (B) (C) Ricardian theory , (D) Keynes interest theory Agency or organization set up for marketing and trade of NWFP's (A) Primary tribal co-operatives (B) Large Area Multipurpose Societies (C) MFP Trade and Development Federation VJilf' 107. ~NPV In the Economic analysis of forest projects we should consider .Jiff 105. If total output is maximum, MPP is negative in any production function All the above Disease free plants can be produced thigh (A) Callus culture (C) Protoplast culture VJil/' (D) 17 l\foristem culture Embryo culture ACFFO [Turn ove r 108. ~ (C) lC>!J. • The head office of JTTO is ,Japan ( D) Canada Au::.tralia Pick the wrong statl'ment Characteristics of production function CA) It t('Jls the relationship between input and output (B) It is well within the preview of econom1cs $ .It will not change with change in technology (0) 110. 111. The discount rate at which NP\' is zero is call~d (A) BC ratio (C) GNP (C) '¢ 114. GDP 1887 (8) 1927 1972 (D) 1992 wa~ enacted in Forest policy Uo\9 twas formulated based on the recommendations given by (A) 113. \liA'f' IRR (0) Elephant Preservation Act $ 112. It is for a given period of time or per unit Brandi~ Mc. Clelland (B) Diefrich Voelcker (D) None of the above According to forest policy 189·1, the government O\\:ned forests were clas (A) The management (C) The productivity 1 ~ The primary function (D) The geographical arc Wnich of the following statements about Forest Policy 1894 is not corrc t? (A) Government owned forests were classified based on their pi·imary fun l1 <B) Marn object of forest management is to promote the general well o ~ (D) ACFFO 11 n The rich natural heritage - The wildlife inhabits the forests to hep :Maintenance of adequate level of forest cover for the preservation climatic conditions of the country . 18 h p 115. . ~mphasis on Forest Education was given for the first time in (A) ¥ Forest Policy 1894 (B) Indian Forest Act. 1927 National Forest Policy 1952 (D) Forest Policy, 1988 • 116. 117. 118. 119. Establishment of Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks were taken up during (A) First five year plan (1951-56) "1Jlf' Second five year plan (1956-61) (C) Third five year plan (1966-69) (D) .Fourth five year plan (1969-74) Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 is not applicable in (A) Union territories (C) North eastern states 121. (D) Southern states Capital is a (A) Natural resource JJllf (C) Hum an resource (D) Cultural resource Fixed resource Find out the wrong statement in forest economics' perspective (A) Forests are not static in nature (B) Forests play a dual role - Producer and produce (C) Forests have a long gestation period .Jllf" 120. .J}1f' Jammu and Kashmir Forests have only positive externalities Anther culture is attributable to (A) Bapat and Rao (C) Murashigs and Skoog ~ (D) Guha and Maheswari Mc Cown and Llyod CVP index refers to (A) Climate Volume Productivity index (B) Crop Volume Percent index (C) Cumulative Volume Percent index \j/lf' Climate Vegetation and Productivity index 19 ACFFO [Turn over 122. 12~l 124. Study of biotic community and its a biotic em·ironment is called (.! ) Population ecology (C) Community ecology Plant ecology (A) Deletion (B) Substitut10n ~ l\1utarion (D) Reverse transcription. The quantitative traits exhibit continuous variation as they arc controll J hy Jiff" 126. (D) A change rn the base sequence of a triplet in the gene is called (A) 125. ~ Ecosystem eco]o~ Oligogenes (B) Em;ronment Polygenes (D) ~one Trees that have proven to be genetically superior by (A) Candidate tree (C) Check tree of the above mt--an~ of progeny t :--tmg (B) Plus tree ,Jiii)' Elite tree Pick the odd out Ecological Hotspots in India 127. 128. (A) Eastern Himalayas (C) North East Region of India (D) Western ghats Primary ca use of less of tropical forest Biodiversity (A) Forest Plantation (C) De fores ta tion .Jil!ff' Slash and bum agriculture (D)· Reforestat10n Conservation of Biodiversity can be best achieved by JJlf' (C) 129. Jll{'t Eastern ghats In situe conservation (B) Ex situe conscrvat10n ln intro method (D) Protection Which of the following is correctly matched? (,\) Amogeissus lat1folia - Celastraceae (B) Tectona grandis - Dipterocompaceae JJl!f\ l\.hchelia Champaca - Magnoliaceae (D) C'asuarina eguisatifolia - meliaceae ACFFO 20 l:lO . • Which among the:::.e families will not }ield essential or volatile oils 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. CA) Compos1tae .J)ilf' (C) Geramaceae CD) (A) Chromosome (C) Alleles ~ Genes (D) None of the above In the H.aunkier's life forms, trees nre categonzcd under (A) Chamaephytcs (Il) Hemicryptophytes '1Ji!f · Phanerophytes (D) Crypt.ophytes A relationship between two species in which one species is actively harmed (A) ::\II utualism {C) Symbiosis (B) Commonsalism ~ Antibiosis The zone of vegetation separating two different types of community is called (A) Ecobouudary (C) Ruffer zoi1e (B) Core wne '1Jil1'f' Ecotonc Larger units representing similar vegetation arc called (C) (B) Community (D) Ecotypes Caryopsis (B) Samara Nut (D) Capsules (B) Dendrology (D) Phenology Population The fruits of Graminae are called as """1' (C) 137. Launu:eae Functional units of inheritance ~ Biomes 136. Sterculiacoae Stu dy of pollen is called as . ~ Palynology {C) paleobotany 21 ACFFO [Turn over 1:38. Geographic variability is tested through (A) $ 139. 140. Progeny testin~ Provenance trail (B) Seed orchard (D) Genetic testing Wind pollination ii-; also known as (A) Entomophily (C) Hydrophily Vi!lf <D) Anemoph1ly Zoophily - - - - - i s the specimen designated by the author or used by him as the nomenclat 11 al type 1-11. (A} Lcctotype (C) Isotype '1Jl'f' 143. 144. 145. ~ Holotype (D) Halotype Floatmg national park is situated in the i:;tate (A) 142. • Tamil Nadu (R) Kerala Assam (D) Manipur The census method followed for A$iatic Lion is (A) Transact (B) (C) Pugmark V/11{" Call Waterhole The space which is defended by tht> wild animals is (A) Home range (C) Core zone \Jili!J'f' .. Territory (D) None of these (B) 1980 (D) 1970 Project Tiger was implemented during .Jiff 1973 {C) 1985 Caps1mulgus asiaticus is (A) House scirft (C) Pied Kingfisher ACFFO '1JIJf" (D) 22 Indian night jar Hoopc 14i. (A) 85 years (C) 120 years (C) 149. 150. {B) Dense areas a1·ea~ (D) Hilly terrains Shrub Ecotone (C) Ergonomics ~ (D) Ethology Entomalogy Total young female per total adult female is called ns (A) Refined Natality (C) General Natality {Il) Gros::; Natality . ~ Net Natality Animals lacking body cavity i8 cnlled as Pseudocelomata {B) Eucclomata Acocelomata (D) None of these Pick the Correct match (A) King Cobra Gavialis gangeticu:-. {B) Jacka] ~caraca] Sam bar Cerous unicolor Tiger Panthcra pardus ¢ (D) 153. 55 years Open plains (A) .Jli!f 1:>2. 35 years Study of animal behaviour in relation to ecology (,\) 151. (B) Blackbuck is the animal of .JJf( 1-18. ,, ifo span of Elephants 116. . The Elephant catching procedure adopted in India (A) Pit method (C) Mcla-Shikar method (B) · Kheda system '\/}ilf All of the above Indirect method of animal census include (A) Count of dens and burrows (C) Pugmark census (B) Faecal deposit count ~ All of the above 23 ACFFO [Turn over 15·1. (A) 155. 19i 1 (Bl 19i:2 ~ 1975 (D) 1980 The wildlife sanctuary significant for Nilgiri Tahr il'l ~ (C) 156. 157. 158. • Hamsar convention came into force in Eravikulam (8) Dachigam Kanha (D) Bandipur The Project Elephant wag launched during the year ~ 199:.? (B) 1993 (C) 1994 (D) l 9~).) The Wild.life Protection Act, 1972 comprises o f - - - - - schedules (A) 4 (Il) 5 \jJtJ!f G (D) 7 ICFRE mstitute (Pick the odd man out) 159. 160. 161. (A) IWST "1i1ff' (C) HFHI (D) TFRI NR CAF The most widely rlistributed bear in Indi::l is (A) Black bear (B) Brown bear ,,Jllff" Sloth bear (D) Honey bear Goral Which of the following is not a goat antelope? (A) Serow (B) (C) Takin \JJill'r Cousinga Which ofthese is not a indicator of fire? (A) Agrostis hiernalis (C) Perius cantorta ACFFO ..,JJ!lf Shorea robusta (D) 24 Popul u~ terrnuloides 162 . • orest fire which is difficult to detect and control 163. (A) Ground fire (C) Surface fire Quantity of moisture in the fuel (B) Modes of heat transfer (C) Wind movement, speed and direction All of the above What is haustoria plants? VP' 166. ~ Underground fire (A) (A) 165. Creeping fire Which of these factors affect the rate of energy release in forest fuels. ...f;P( 164. (B) Sucking roots of wants (B) Creeping roots of climbers Sucking roots of parasities (D) Climbing roots of plants Which of these is an obnoxious weed affecting tree growth? (A) Tephrosia purpurea (B) (C) Crotons sparsiflorus ..,Jl!l'f' Aerva lanata Eupatorium sp Which of these statements is incorrect (A) .JJ11f Rotational grazing is grazing limited number of cattle in a fixed sequence Heavy' and continuous grazing help in better establishment of fodder crops (C) Carrying capacity of the area has to be assessed before grazing (D) Periodic grazing and closure of grazing area is essential for the palatable grasses to flourish 167. Choose the correct match (A) Hyblaea puera Teak skeletonizer (B) Hapalia machaeralis Teak defoliator ~ Hoplocerymbox spinicomis (D) Sal heartwood borer Deodar defoliator Hypsipyla robusta 25 ACFFO [Turn over Stem cirlt in Casuarina is caused by 168. 169. 170. (A) Ganoderma (C) .Pseudomonas (A) Psyllid (C) Green plant hopper .¢ 174. '\Ji!ff' Jassid (D) \Vhitc fly Bankia (B) Teredo Ceramb1cids (D) Limnoria Speed of fire trace (B) Length of advancing fire Topography (D) Type of undergrowth The speed of spread of fire and its direction of spread does not depend on (A) Wind (C) Topography (B) Inflammable material ~ Soil type Slash disposal in deodar forests should be done after rains and before snow fall to contr 1 (A) Creeping fire (C) Surface fire (B) Crown fire ~ Ground fire In land use classification, III class land having slopes over 100% should be alloted to '11({' (C) 175. Ccrticium The distance of fire trace from the advancing fire depends on (A) 173. • Manne wood borer .,Jl!!f 172. (D) Trichosporium The vector for spike disease in Sandal is (A) 171. '1J'1'f' Forestry (B) Horticulture Agriculture (D) pastures The scale generally used for preparing fire maps is (A) I : 5,000 (C) 1: 25,000 ACFFO (B) 1 : 10.000 ..giJ1f' l : 50.000 26 176. .:'he species resistant to environmental pollutants is (A) (C) 177. $ (D) Pinus roxlurghii Cow (B) Horse Camel (D) Bull Bark of mature sal trees is a favourable food for .v' (C) 179. Crvptomeria japonica· Elephant (B) Bison Pigs (D) Bears Drought is more severe in forests growing on ..,Jiff Calcareous soil (C) . Stiff clay 180. 181. (B) Sandy soil (D) Sandy loams Frost produced by cold air brought from elsewhere is called (A) Radiation frost (C) Pool frost (B) Frost pocket V}iJtJr Advective frost Nair (1985) classified Agroforestry systems on the basis of .JJi!' (C) 182. Ginko biloba An example for browsing animal is (A) 178. ¢> . Pin us densiflora Structure (B) Floristics Agroclimatic zones (D) Physiognomy Which among the species is not suited for Alley Cropping (A) Cassia siamea (B) Gliricidia sepium ..fJii1f Allizia labbeck (D) Leucaena leucocephala 27 ACFFO [Turn over 183. Method of raising forest plantations in combination with agricultural crops ..Jl'ff (C) 184. (D) Silvipasture - (B) Casuanria eguisetifolia A11anthus excclsa Tectona grand.is The most important silvicultural operation for agroforestry (A) Thinning ..JJll'f (C) Weeding (D) Pruning Climber cutting The best Agroforestry system for food and nutritional security in high rainfall area:- (C) Homegarden (B) Silvipasture Agrihorticulture (D) Silviagriculture Which of these practices can reduce pressure on existmg forest and conserve biodiversity (A) '1ji!f' 188. Shiftmg cultivation Eucalyptus tereticornis ¥ 187. Apiculture (A) (D) 186. <B) \.Vh1ch among these trees is best suited for Sibiagriculture in semi-and condition .Jlilf 185. Agroforestry • Urban forestry (B) Farm forestry Agroforestry (D) Social forestry Allelopathy in Agroforestry is more prominent under (A) '\,/llff Sole Cropping of trees Simultaneous cropping of trees and crops (C) Sequential cropping of trees and crops (D) Sole cropping of agricultural crops ACFFO 28 189 . • 190. pm pe tition of trees in agroforestry can be best managed by (A) Pruning (C) Sequential thinning 193. .J}i1!' Chaise of trees species m~et (A) To (B) To meet the fodder requirement of the community (D) 192. the timber and firewood requirement of the community To utilize the lands of the farmers for tree cropping To create an asset for the village Panchayat The term social forestry was coined by (A) NCA (C) Brandis ~ Jack Westaby KM. Munshi .¢ Agrisilviculture (B) Silvipasture (C) Hortisilviculture (D) Home gardens (B) Karnataka (D) Andhra Pradesh Multitier cropping is a traditional practice in Tamil Nadu ~ Kerala 195. (D) Hedgerow intercropping is (A) 194. Appropriate density Which among these is not the objective of social forestry? "t/jl1f 191. (B) The ratio of height to width in a shelter belts is ~ 1:10 (B) 1: 15 (C) 1: 20 (D) 1: 25 Intensive forestry (B) Recreation forestry Farm forestry (D) Extension forestry Pick the odd out The component of social forestry are '1Jff' (C) 29 ACFFO [Turn over 196. An example for Nitrogen Fixing Tree is (A) ..;!!!( 197. ¥ '1Jlf 200. Neem Subabol (D) S1maruba nepalen~i::: Casuarina equisetifolia (B) Alnus (A) and (B) (D) Azadirachta indicn - - - - - is normally referred as protein bank (A) 199. (B) - - - - - is a non-leguminous nitrogen fixrng tree (A) 198. ~• Teak Hortisilviculture (B) Home gardens Silvipasture (D) Si.lviagriculture (B) Celtis australis Energy species suitable for tropical zone~ (A) Alnus nitida (C) Populus c1liata ""1f' Acacia holosericea Match List I correctly with List II and select your answer using the codes given below List I List II (a) Plantation crop 1. Madhuca Indica (b) Medicinal plant 2. J uglans regia (c) Food and oil producing tree 3. Dioscorea proreri (d) Dye producing plant 4. Cardamom (b) (c) (d) 3 1 2 2 1 3 4 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D) 4 3 2 (a) ~4 (B) ACFFO 30 • SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 31 ACFFO [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ACFFO 32 •