SL No.: LSC/15 300004 21 I I I I I I I I I I 2015 !9If6U8J ~~@SlUJQ) ( a:iT6ITT~?l)~ ?l)IJ"LD) @.$~liu c:!9l iDJ 6l.J m fls; cir 1. (@ft!b uci;a;~m!f>).$ Qs;rroo@Gi'rm§J. ~ii'6l.J G!f>rrLrlil@tb C.£!i1J')'i;pj)ru Pil!Dci;@tbull\- <!hoos;rr~uurrGlTrr &l))Jtb GUmfluSlru GLD@f!Gl!l!!Jmw~ pj)!J)ci;c$8; &Lrr§J. GlSlrorr~G!brr@u~u~ pj)!J).$@jt0Ullj-WfTGaT GIFu:..i~<'D <'D008irr~uurr6TTITlLu51(!9Jb§J Gu.i:D!D6l.JL6i!T GLD@flm!JJuSlGi!T GUru~Ll!D)'i;Gl!l!b <'DGUroLDrr<'D $1WJ~§!~ pj)!Dci;s; CGUoo@tb. ~!f>Gi!TL5l6i!T ~~6\Sls;\58;@> GlSlmLwffilci;<!h)'i; G!f>rrLffil<'Drurrtb. @ft!b GlSlrorr~ G!f>rT@)Ull 200 GlSlmrrci;s;mGlTci; Qs;rroo@Gi'rGlT~. GlSlmLwffilci;s; G!brrLffil@j(Y>Girr @Gi.16lSlmrrp;G!f>rr@uL5lru 6Trururr 61Slmrrci;<'D(5tb GlSl@uLrrLDru GUITlm1Fwrr<'D @uh Gu.i:DwwmmGUrr 6TGi!TUm!f>lLJtb @mLuSlru 10JG!f>WJtb GGU!DIDJ~!f>rrGi'r<'Dcir :LruGlTmGUrr 6TGi!Tum!f>lLJtb. 1Fiflurrrr)'i;~ci; Qs;rrro6TT6l.Jtb. 10JC!f>WJtb @>Gl!l!!Jurr@ @®uL5l6i!T, ~%mm u)'i;§l .©Ju51Lffil<'D(5$@jcir c:!9lm!Ds;oos;rr~uurrmiflLtb G!f>IT161Slci;s;6l.Jtb. 6Tru Q) rr 6lS1 mrrci;s;®ci;@> tb 6lSl m Lw ffil ci;s;6l.J tb. 6Tru ru rr 6lS1 m rr$$(5 t.D lf LD LD rrm LDpj) u Q u oos;Gi'r Qs; rr ooLm GU. 12....rlils;(5mLw up;l6!.J 6T6iiorm~ @ft!bu uci;s;~pj)Girr GUGll~ CLDru ('.Y)~GlluSlru ~!f>JDG<!hro ~Gl!lLDJb~Gi'rm @L)'i;pj)ru ffirius;Gi'r 6TQ:9!b CGUoo@t.D. CGUIDJ 6TGl!l!blLJLD 6\Slmrr)'i; G!f>rr@uL5lru 6T@!f>ci; &.Lrr~. 6lSlmL6iQJ6TTci; @!Dl)'t~ci;s;rrl_L 6T6al, 6lSJg,L)'i;!f>rTGTr ~mw :Lffil8i(5$@j c$008ifT~UUfTGlTIJ'fTbU !f>~Wrr8i)'i; !I>IJ'UU@tb. :Lffil<'D(5mLw up;l6!.J 6TOO, C!bii'6l.J urrLci; @nShtS@ LDJDl))Jtb GlSlrorr~G!f>rT@jULj GUITlmlF 6TOO (SL No.) @!l>Gt5lwGU.i:Dm!D GlSlmL~!f>rrffilm @flooLrrtb uci;s;~p;lru ~mGU<'D(5$s;rra; ~Q'JLD[b§Jcirm @Lffil<!hffilru ffirut.D ~ruGll~ s;®mLD .©l!D Q'JLDlLjQ'JLw u[t~QP~GaTu CumrrGlSlmrrru @!Dl)'i;~ci; <!hrTLL GGUoo@tb. CLDJD8iOOL 6\SlGUflrliJs;mGlT 6\Slg,y;!brrffilru .£ffil<!hcir @n5l)'t~ci; s;rrL_L~ !l>GUiDJrorrru ~rrGUrrm~w ~n5l6lSJci;g,s;uSlru @n5luL5lL_@cir6TTGUrrIDJ .£!iLGUl!j-ci;ms; CLD!DGs;rrroGlTuu@tb. ~6UrT(!5 GlS1GaT1T6l.JLD (A), (B), (C) LD!DIDJtb (D) 6T'GaT .£lirTGi!T@j 61Slmu;m6!Tci; Qc9;rroo@Gi'rm§J. _©rf,Js;Glr ~~ru ~GI)~ 1FITlwrrGaT GlSlGl!lLmw)'i; ~fr6l.J ~ 6\SlmLM;rrffilru ~ <'DrrLL GGU6iior@tb. ~IDJ$@) Cln.i:Dul..L IFiflwrrGaT 6lSJGl!ll...5,Gfr ~ Gs;GIT~ @(!9Llu!f>rrM ~GaT1Tru ,iBrliJs;Gi'r u5IM IFITlwrr~ 61'~ 0~ ~$l!D'rr~ ~ 6\SlQJL.Qf)tu 6lS1Gl!lL#rrffilru ~ 8irrLL GGU~t.D. 6T'Uullj-lUrruSlWJtb ~ Gs;GIT~ ~GI) ~ GlSlmLmtu~rrGi!T ~ri'Ji>G!f>@M GGUoo@tb. :LrliJ~LW GLDrr~ l.Op;luGuoos;GIT _©rf,Js;Glr 6\SlmL#rrffilru@>iDl~ci; <'DITL@tb lfiflwrrro 6lSlmL6iffilm 6T'OO~~tuu Gurrw~@ft!b 6\Slrorr~ G!f>rT@)Ull ~® CLD@flm!Dmw GlSlrorr)'i;G!brr@u~u)'i; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6\Slm~rrffilru ~GGUrr® ~roGlSl 6T'6iior~.i:D@tb 6Tp;liflru @, @, © LD!DIDJtb@ 6Tm .£lirTGi!T@> 6lS1Gl!lL GULLrlilc$Gi'r ~cirGlTGaT. ~ Ca;cir6lS1$@) GlSlmLwffil.9x9; .ffirius;m 1FITlGw6l!I ~tb b1SlmLGl!lW ~CIJ' ~® b1Slg,L GUL~ru LDl..@tb Jtrutb ~Qiru§J ~LD .©l!D mLDlLJmLtu u~ (Y>Q'JGaTU Gurorrb1SlGaT1Tru @iDJ~ci; s;rrL_L CGU6iior@tb. ~GGUrr® ~m6lS1$@jtb ~ 6lSJg,Lmw~ ~rr[tG)'b@~ GlSlGl!l~rrffilro @n5lM GGUoo@tb. ~® ~cirGlSlci;@ ~mw$@) CLD!Dul..L 6lSJQlLtuffil~rrru ~fr>% GlSlmL !f>GU!lJrTGaT!f>rra; ~uu@tb. ~rrlJ'~LDrr<'D .£rlil<'Dm @ 6Tmu~ 5iflwrrm GlSlmLturrs;ci; ~rorrru ~Gl!lfb L5lm6l..l(!9LDrTIDJ @n5l~ci; <'DrrLL GGUoo@tb. @•©@ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. .£rlils;ro GlSlGaTrr)'i; G!f>rr@uL5lm ~ft!bu uci;s;~m!f>lLJtb .£.$s;CGUrr ~606U§J $lWJci;s;CGUrr &.Lrr~. C!bii'6l.J C.£!ilJ'~pj)ru @ft!b GlSlGaTrr~ G!f>rr@uL5lmroCturr c:!9lruru~ GlSlmL)'i;!f>rrGl!l6TTCturr C!f>ii'6l.J8; B<i.L~Gl!l!f> 6\SlL.@ GGUffiluSlru 6T@)'i;~8: GCfruQ).$&.Lrr~. C~ii'Gl.J 01na.lii~L5l6i!T £rius;Gi'r :LffiJs;(~Gl!lLW GiSlmL~~rrmGlTci; s;oos;rr~uurrGlTITlLtb Qs;rrffi~~' b1SlL CGU6iiorffitb. ~6i.J6lS16UTrr~ G~rr@uL5lQ'J6nT~ ~rrG'lJ QPLtt,ris~Gl.JLm )Erius;m :Lffils;c~Lm 6!'@~~18: GCfrorururrtb. @!;Gi'r 6T@pj)u urrrruu!b!iJ@> GiSlrorr~ Q!brr@uL5lm s;mLM uci;<'D)'i;~!D@> @Gi!ruci;s;~Gl!lfb :LuCturr8il~§J8; Gs;rrmmrurrtb. CLDJD8.iOOL b1Sl~s;ffilru 6Tmt5wrrGU~ i.DiDJGaTrrru G!f>ii'6l..lrrm~wtb @ll\-GGU@ci;@tb .£!iLGUll\-ci;m<!hs;\58;@> 12....roGlTrrs; C.£!iITl@tb 6T6al ~n5l6l.JIDJ~!f>uu@8il!D§J· ~ffil.$1 Gil GU iq.GiSl Qi Qs; rr@8;s; u u L.@ GITGlT @n5l u Lj8.iGIT!brr6i!T ey:i llj-GU rr GaT!li fT@j tb. GiSirorr)'i; G)'brr@uL5lru b1SlmLGl!lW @n5luSlLCGUrr, @iDJuL5lL_@ci; s;rrL_LGGUrr &Lrr~. I ENGLISH VERSION OF I NSTRUCTIONS IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET I 0 [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK . '' ' .~ I ' - LSC/15 2 0 1. In which state was not extended for delivery of Books and Newspapers Act? (A) Delhi (B) Rajasthan Jlllf (D) 2. 3. 0 J amm u and Kashmir Tamil Nadu Which year was appointed full fledged librarian in Connemara library? (A) 1928 ~1929 (C) 1931 (D) 1938 (A) 1928 (B) 1929 (C) 1931 (D) 1938 In which year was opened for the Public Connemara library? Jlllf 1896 (A) 1869 (C) 1871 (D) 1873 (A) 1869 (B) 1896 (C) 1871 (D) 1873 3 LSC/15 [Turn over In which year was UGC INFLIBNET established? 4. (A) 1973 ~ 1988 (C) 1982 (D) 1979 (A) 1973 (B) 1988 (C) 1982 (D) 1979 ADLA stands for 5. (A) JJJlf 6. Acquisition Development of Library Association Andhra Desa Library Association (C) Administration Development of Library Association (D) Another Development of Library Association (A) Acquisition Development of Library Association (B) Andhra Desa Library Association (C) Administration Development of Library Association (D) Another Development of Libra ry Association An order with the supplier to be acted upon until it is countermanded is (A) , classified order standing order (C) firm order (D) administrative order (A) LI@)UUrrti..J ~ (Yl~!D (B) .IBJ~6\)UJfT~ (Yl~!D (C) ~Ll.OrTQT (Yl~!D (D) .@r'r6U rre; Cl:P ~ !D LSC/15 4 () 7. 8. Which one is not Book selection tool? (A) Book sellers catalogue (C) Publishers catalogue (C) LSll)8in:luGurn'r uL..11}- (B) Indian National Bibliography ~ Ulrich periodical directory Expansion of LLA. (A) Local Library Advisory rJiil"' Local Library Authorities (B) Local Library Acquisition (D) Local Library Amenities 61"6\:>61"6\:>61" 6iSl ~ 6iSl 016l..HT8;a;t.D 61"~~? 9. (A) Gurr@ ~rua; ~!!516l..J~ll (B) Gurr§! ~Q)a; ~8;@)G8'8'~ (C) Gurr§! ~rua; 2-.rTl~LO (D) Gurr§! ~Q)a; 6l.J8'%1 Current Awareness Service (B) Centre for Assisting Service Current Affairs Service (D) Chemical Abstract Service CAS stands for ~ (C) CAS-~ 10. 0 6iSln16l.Jrrffia;t.D (A) ~~!!)rrL fb$6U6\:> fb®LD u~ (B) G"!~GU 2-fbGiSl ~L.OlULD (C) ~~!DrrL J5la;W6l..Ja;ro fb®LD G6~6l.J (D) GGU%lt.61lU6'.> 8iQ!jffi.Su u~ In which year was passing Delivery of Books Act? (A) 1952 ~1954 (C) 1964 ' (D) 1961 (A) 1952 (B) 1954 (C) 1964 (D) 1961 5 LSC/15 [Turn over 11. 12. 'British Book News' is an example of which Bibl~raphy? ~ Trade (A) Subject · (C) International News letter (D) National News Letter (A) UITL~ ~LLW (B)'r~~a;Li:l (C) a:rr6l.JG~a: @lru (D) G~61UJ @lru Match the following : Category Books (a) Reference book 1. British books in print (b) Text book 2. Encyclopaedia Americana (c) Bibliography 3. ALA Glossary (d) Glossary 4. Heat and thermodynamics (a) (b) (c) (d) ~ 2 4 1 3 (B) 3 2 1 4 (C) 1 4 2 3 (D). 1 2 3 4 Qurr®~~a;: !9lfQ)a;ffi L.S1ITl6lj (a) u rr r'r6"6) 6l.J @Iru 1. L.SlITlL._tq.~ (b) UITL U y~~a;Li:l 2. GT~6"6).g:.$] Grorrt.5 tq. UJ rr ~ Q L.D rfl 8;a; rr6m rr (c) @lrD u Ltq.UJru 3. 6J.GTru.q . ®Grurra:rfl (d) Q~rr®UY @lru 4. ~L._ ~~L._ G~r'rGwrr_6"6)L6mt.61.SIOiu (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2· 4 1 3 (B) 3 2 1 4 (C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 1 2 3 4 LSC/15 6 y8;1Ciu @~ L.Slifl~L._ 0 13. 14. 0 The development of public library system in India started early .in the year Jllf'1910 (A) 1909 (C) 1911 (D) 1908 (A) 1909 (B) 1910 (C) 1911 (D) 1908 Open access increases the use of books according to the Jiff. First law of library science (B)_ Third law of library science (C) Second'law of library science (D) Fourth law of library science 7 LSC/15 [Turn over 15. UGC says (A-) Books a re for use flll( Library is the heart of university (C) Every reader has his book (D) Library is a growing or ganis m;~Q)8;a;wa; LDITmlLl@)Qg Ga:rr6i.J@t.1$)!D~· 16. 17. (A) !;;ro 2-.U Grnr a;~~ !DGa; (B) u;Gn6U.Sa;wa;~~6ilr .@~lLltb Gurr6ilr!D~ !;9IT6Uffitb (C) ~GiJG6l.lrr@ 6l.lrra=a;@.S®tb ~® !;9IT6i.l (D) !;9IT6UffiLD ~® 6l.JGTT@LD Giu~rru ~tb The First India n National Bibliography was published by National Library of Kolkata in the year (A) 1957 (B) 1956 ,r 1958 (D) 1959 (A) 1957 (B) 1956 (C) ;I.958 (D) 1959 Who was the a uthor of the book "My Experiments with Trut h"? (A) Jawah arlal Nehru ~ Gandhi (C) Rabindranath Tagore (D) Sarojini Naidu (A) t:);l6l.J~IT6UITGU G.[!>@ (B) a;rr,m~ (C) f)t51,m~IJ.(DIT~ ~IT8nIT . (D) a:Gf)rr~60l\ .(DrTu.j@ LSC/15 8 0 18. The first printing press established in India at (A) Madurai (B) Mumbai (C) Kolkata J}iJil' Tharangampadi @.[i;~UJrr661~ Qj)f[,QJ ~8:8iffic9nLLD £w8;B;~L 6T}:fiff,@L~~QJ ~Q"JL08;B;UULL~? (A) ·(D) 19. II LO~~I) fblJrlilB;t.i:>urrtq. The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) is constituted by India under the chairmanship of (A) Dr. P .N . Rao (B) Dr. S.V. Gupta Jll!f' (D) Sam Pitrado Dr. Ananthakrishnan @}:fi~UJ afh6JUJ ~p5)Qj6rTrT @)@661~ fh~6UQJl)rTB; - - - - - - ~QJrTB;Q"JITT @}:fi~UJ ~1)8i )blUJL.6l~fh~· 0 (A) LrTffiLrT. tSl.GT~. l)rTGiJ (C) 6rrl.b LSlL..l)rraLrr 9 LSC/15 [Turn over 20. A good librarian should be a rJll' Well qualified and have administrative ability (B) Administrative ability (C) High qualification (D) , User friendly ~® 51!D.ID~ £9I161)8irT 21. (A) 5IJD.ID~ a;ruGlSl ~®~I.LIL~ Jfilrr61HT8.i ~!!J6rlU)l.Lj6rJLlLJ6l.Jl)rr8.i@®8;.s G6Uoo@t.O (B) Jfilrr6)Jrra;~ ~!!J6rlU)l.Lj6r>LlLJ6l.Jl).rr8.i@@ci;.sa6l.Joo@t.O (C) ~lLJrr a;roGlSl ~®~ @®8;.sa6l.Joo@t.0 (D) UlLJ~LLrTG!TrT ~!!JGlj £9I161)]"rT8.i·@®ci;a; G6U6MT"@t.O How many steps involved to POPSI indexing system? (A) 12 - steps (B) 10 - steps ~ 8-steps (D) 6 - steps urru§I ~LL6l.J6rl~ Qfl6rl!!Ju5l6U 6T~~Grl6l!T Lil!j-Jfil6rl61)8.iGrJG!T ~Lci;ffiltLJ~ ? 22. (A) 12 Lil!j-Jfil6rl61) ~GITGITLci;ffiltLJ~ (B) 10 Ul!j-Jfil6rl61) ~GITGITLci;ffillLJ~ (C) 8 Lil!j-Jfil6rl61) ~GITGITLci;ffiltLJ~ (D) 6 Ul!j-i£l6rl61) ~GITGITLci;ffilUJ~ Generally library staff working hours per week (A) 40 - 50 hours ~ 36 - 50 hours (C) 56 - 65 hours (D) 50 - 60 hours Qurr~6l.JrT8.i £9I161)8.i ~@)j6l.J61)rT8.iffil~ a6l.JGrJ61) apilJLD 6T~U~ ~® 61.JrTIJ~~W® (A) 40 - 50 U)~ apillt.0 (C) 56 - 65 LSC/15 ID~ ap;llt.D 10 (B) 36 - 50 ID~ Gp;llt.D (D) 50 - 60 ID~ GpiiJLD 23. In which five law of library science focused the user needs (customer need)? (A) Jiii/' First Law of Library Science Second Law of Library Science (C) Third Law of Library Science (D) Fourth Law of Library Science !91TQ)8; G'l5l~s;Gir &i~fh! GU <Of~~ 6'l5l fhl u UJ 6ol'LLrrGTTil1 ~ a~Gb"l6'l..J6b"l UJ ®W18;®Li:J? 24. (A) !9!Trus; QP~ro G'l51~ (B) !91TQ>c9>@1J~Lrrru~ G'l51~ (C) !9!True; &~!Drr6'l..J~ G'l5lfhl (D) !9!True; J!irr~e;rr6'l..J~ G'l51~ In which one is synonyms meaning? (a) Reference book (b) Rare possible book (c) Not possible book (d) In printed book )llf (a) and (b) (B) (a) and (c) (C) (b) and (d) (D) (c) and (d) £w8;B;~L6'l..J!DW1ro <Of~~ @ll~® 6'l..JrTrT~Gb"l~ ~~,, &jrT~,,i..0 f2..._GITGTT~? 25. o (a) ®W1Li4,,G'l51 !91Tro (b) G~tq. $)Q>L8;8;8;c!M.tq.UJ !9JTGU (c) $J~L8;s;rr~ Lj~~s;Li:J (d) u~ut5lro (A) (a) tn!DIDJLi:i (b) (B) (a) tn!Droii..O (c) (C) (b) tn!DIDJLi:i (d) (D) (c) tn!Droii..O (d) f2....GITGTT Lj~,,e;Li:i General Financial rules prescribe physical verification of books annually for the collection of (A) 50,000 volumes (B) (C) 30,000 volumes ~20,000 volumes (A) 50,000 U®fhl (B) 40,000 U®~ (C) 30,000 U®~ (D) 20,000 U®~ 11 40,000 volumes LSC/15 [Turn over 26. 27. Preservation activities are often centred in the technical service of library because vi' Processing and binding work (B) Provide lending service (C) Increasing document (D) Use interlibrary loan (B) Lj~~a;t.O 61JWffil®61J~rrru (D) ~GiT.[9116U8.i~fh1~ @i;61Jru 61.JWffil®~Qi e:rrl'rurra; (B) Kolkata ~ Delhi (D) Chennai (A) QPLD6rlu (B) Qa;rrrua;~~rr (C) QLruGUl (D) Qe:~6rl~ Head Quarters of National Book Council is (A) 28. I Mumbai Which one is a basic service of the library? (a) Provision of General information (b) Provision of specific information (c) Assistant to location of document (d) Assist to use oflibrary catalogue (A) (a) and (b) are true (B) (c) and (d) are true (C) (b) false jjJlf all are correct Jiwffi8.i~L6rl61J8.iGTf1ru 61"~~ ae:6rl61J @ffi<'filUJLDrr~~? (a) Gurr~61Jrr~ ~a;QJQia;GiT ~®61.J~ (b) ~@ ®JDlut5ll...L ~8.i61JQJ8.i6rl61T ~@61.J~ (c) Lj~~a;t.O a;rr~ ~~Gi51 Qe:l!J61J~ (d) !9JflD u L..i.q. ~Jfil UJ ~~Gl.J 61.J~ (A) (a) LDlD.())JLD (b) e:ITl (B) (c) LD!f>.())Jt.0 (d) e:ITl (C) (b) "1"~U~ ~61.J.())J (D) ~6r)~~~al.D e:ITl LSC/15 12 0 29. 30. Editing activities comes under (A) Library routine activities (B) Technical activities Jlil!" Extention activities (D) Indexing and abstracting activities (A) ~Qle; ~6Ula:ITI (B) Gp>rrWJru.!:9Jl....u Ga:wruurr@e;ffi (C) ~Q>e; t5l!Du~e;Qi- (D) ®J151uS® LD!i>WJtb 8TQ9.$e; Ga:wruurr@e;ffi Ga:wruurr@e;ffi , Discharging of Book means (A) Reference Books (C) Reservation of Books Return of Books (D) Issue of Books ~ru Guwp>~ GT~U§J 31. (A) ®J151Liyp>GlS1 ~Q)e;ffi (B) Lj~~e;~Q'l~ ~@LDU ~UUQ'>L~p>ru (C) Lj~~e; Qj)~U~~ (D) y~~e;tb QJWffil®~ru Expansion for DESIDOC. (A) Documentation on Science Information (B) Delivery of Scientific Information and Documentation Centre ~ 0 Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre (D) Defence Information Documentation Centre (A) p>e;QJro ~J]516lSlw..ul~ Ga:w~ Ga:e;ITluy (B) fl)ffiQJro ~J]516lSlwro QJWffil®p>ru tn!i>WJtb Ga:w~ Ga:a;ITluy mtnwtb (C) IJrT®JQJ ~a;QJru ~J]5)6lSlwru tn!i>!J)Jtb Ga:u:..i~ Ga:e;ITluy mtnwtb (D) l)ff®JQJ ~.g;Q.JQ) {;.g:.g;iT)uy mtnwtb 13 LSC/15 [Turn over 32. The first law of library science focus qn (A) on general appeal (B) on the organisation (C) user and the usable item j/ on usable item L9Jl6UB; 8'LL~~ru ~PJ~ 6l51~ ey:i~ru 8'LL~6rl~ Ga:irPJ~§J? 33. (A) Gurr§] (Y)6rlJDtD@ (B) ~6rlLOUt5l~ LD§J (C) UlUGUTU@~~61.jLD GUIT(!!)PJ~ffi Bnlq.lU~QlfT$ ~(!!)UU1q.6rllU (D) Qurr®PJ~ffiBntq.lU~QJrrs; ~(!!)LIU1q.6rllU Which is fourth law of library science? (A) Every book its reader (B) Every reader his/her book (C) The library is a growing organism J"1' Save the time of the reader )!ifTGUT$fTQI~ 34. L91TQ>$ B'LLLD ~~? (A) ~Gi.JQQJrr(!!) Ll~~s;ey:it.0 Qlrra:s;irs;~8;@) P-..Qr61T~ (B) ~Gi.JQQJIT(!!) QJITB'c!b(!!)LD L91Tru (C) L91T6U$LD ~® QJ61TrrPJ~ Ql(!!)LD ~6rlLOLIUIT@)LD (D) QlrrB=s;ir GJ!ill~6rl~ GB=uSl.Sii; POSDCORB coined by (A) Henry Foyal and W. Taylor (C) Henry Foyal GurrGiul...a;rriru - (A) LSC/15 JJlll" Gulick and Urwick (D) Frederick W. Taylor (B) ®ffi'IB; LD!DlPJt.O. ~irGBIB; m'f!Du@~~B; Qs;rr@~~6l.lir Q~m!Dl urrlUru LD!DIDJt.O Lt5lQ,.~. Qui.JQ)rr 14 0 35. Management as defined by well known author in the field of management contains the following which one is not components (A) planning - organization (B) staffing - organization JJil!' (D) managing - observing staffing - directing ,llilrr6Urra;6l51UJrolm 6l!D~~ ~6lrT\UJir 6UC!!J~~ GLD6UIT~GW)L.O Ga;rrl...urrGB;GIT16'> £~8;a;~L ~mw Qurr@~~uSlGU6UIT~~ ~~GT~? 36. 37. 0 A gateway service may access to networks through Jlllf' single point (A) point (C) end poirrt (D) link point (A) ®!61 (B) ~6Ull8;®!61u5@ (D) Q~!TLfr~ (!!J!DltD@ National Informatics Centre is located in a l l - - - - - i n India. (A) States capital (C) Panchayats (B) Taluks ~ ])istricts 15 LSC/15 [Turn over 38. · Right of readers to take away a ny book to the r eading room.for study without any hindrance is related to (A) Jiii" 39. closed access system open access system .. (C) partially closed access system (D) none of the above Stock verification done in library with the help of ~ Shelf list (B) Accession register (C) Catalogue (D) Allocation register (C) ULLq.UJQl LSC/15 16 . 0 40. Which one is not service of circulation section? Y 41. Binding of book (B) Lending of book's (C) Renewal of book's (D) Discharging of book (A) $1~.IB~ y~~ffi~6"6)~ 6"6>U~tq.riil Ga:i.16l.J~ (B) y~~ffi~6"6)~ GUWriii®~ru (C) y~~ffi~Ql~ y~ui5l~~ru (D) y~~ffi~Q)~ ~@t.Ou Guw~ru I Stock verification helps us to ~ Stock checking and weeding out of damaged book 0 (B) Weeding out of book easily (C) Find out Damage book (D) To know the total No. of books 17 LSC/15 [Turn over 42. A staff member responsible for preparing catalogue entries is (A) Classificationist (B) Classifier ~ Cataloguer (D) Documentalist (A) LI®ULifTuJGlJfTGTTrT (B) LI®UUfTuJ6l.j (C) !9JT!D LI Llit-lLI fT GTTrT (D ) q!JGUGON U~GlJfTGTTrT 43. 44. 1 · is given to the institution to support a broadly defined program . .JI( program grant (B) caption gr ant (C) black grant (D) capital gr ant (A) ~LLLDlLL U GOntb (B) QP~@L_(D U6WT"Li::i (C) 8i@UL.j U6WT"Li::i (D) QP~@L_ur-~ GULut- u~Lii Which on~ is suitable for protecting the paper? Jl"f (A) Tanning (C) Sizing (D) Foxing (A) ~~rrru (B) ~6Uu5l~m5~ (C) ~ GTT6l.J (D) urr8;~ ri.J LSC/15 18 Lamination 0 45. In what binding is a durable for book life? (A) JiJf" Full cloth binding (B) Half cloth binding Full leather binding (D) Half leather binding I 46. 47. 0 In DDC consist of how many main class? ~ 10 (0-9) (B) 9 (1-9) (C) 9 (0-8) (D) 11 (0-10) (A) 10 (0-9) (B) 9 (1-9) (C) 9 (0-8) (D) 11 (0-10) If Book is loss a good librarian activities should be a (A) Fine collection UJlf Replacement books (C) Add the list of loss of book (D) Add the list of damage 19 LSC/15 [Turn over .. 48. Gate register of library shows (A) to find the user name (B) for name shake ~ to know the total user str ength per day . (D) 49. check the library staff . Accession register method ·of stock verification, the accession register is (A) Damage the ACC Register is not Accurate report (B) ACC Register is not damage and accurate report (C) Register no damage and not accurate report (~ The register damage and result accurate LSC/15 20 0 50. Deway decimal classification schedule was published in the year (A) 1866 (B) 1872 riJJf" 1876 (D) 1878 ~uSl~e:rrl.Oe: U@)ULJ ~LL6lJ~~ t5ll}arrt1~~ qj,~@ .. - 51. (A) 1866 (B) 1872 (C) 1876 (D) 1878 Which one of the following is not correct? (A) DDC is a hierarchical scheme of classification (B) Eleventh edition of DDC appeared in 1979 (C) DDC has 10 main classes /Jll'/' In DDC, 500 represents technology t5l ~6lJ Q!)6U 6m"6lJ JD1J;ll GlT GT~ ~6lJ !D ff GITT~? 52. . 4 .. I (A) Lq.Jq..61 utq..JB1@6U U@)ULJ (lp6"6>!D~LLJ8: e:rrir.[h~~ (B) tq-tq..ifluSl~ (C) tq..tq..ifluSl6\J 10 (lp~~6"6>LD urrL;Gi"T ~Gi"TGTT~ (D) tq..tq..6luSl6i> 500 ror~u~ G~rrWl6i> @LU~~~ 11 LO u%luLJ 1979 6\) G6UGrfl6U.[h~~ Modes of formation of subject are the part of which process of the library? (A) Accessioning II#!" Classification (C) Cataloguing (D) Documentation IDJTG1l<E~~~ 2-Q!)6l.lrT$®lD QP~!De;GIT GT~J:ile;rre; ULLJ~u@.$l!D@? 0 (A) IDJI6i> Ge:ir8i6"6>a; (C) IDJIJDULtq..LLJrrd;a;l.O 21 LSC/15[Turn over 53. Match the following : List I List II (a) Relative index 1. UDC (b) Alphabetical index 2. DDC (c) Permuted index 3. IBM (d) KWIC index 4. LC (a) (b) (c) (d) ~2 4 1 3 (B) 1 2 3 4 (C) 1 2 4 3 (D) 2 3 1 4 £~8;e;6WrL6l..JlD6'6lJD Gurr®~~e;: uL.t.q-UJru I uL.t.q-UJru II (a) Gt£rTLITL.j ~LL6l..J6'6'>6WT 1. UDC (b) ~.Sl)6l..Jrfl6'6'>8' ~LL6l..JQ'l6Wr 2. DDC (c) GuirQP~L(B\ ~LL6l..J6'6'>6WT 3. IBM (d) @)~8; ~LL6l..J6'6'>GWT 4. LC (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 1 2 3 4 (C) 1 2 4 3 (D) 2 3 1 4 LSC/15 22 0 54. The word "Hierarchical classification", is derived from philosopher who is (A) Plato (B) Aristotle ~ Plato and Aristotle .. 55. 56. (D) No one of these above (A) t5\ GITrTL<!Lrr (B) ~rT1m>LrrL.14ro (C) t5lrorrL.<!Lrr LDrDIDJLD ~rT1m>LrrL.14ro (D) <!LOdJc!m!Dl tu GlJ ir tu rr@t.0 @ro~Ql In Colon classification, which digit is used to represent India? rJlf' 44 (B) 54 (C) 45 (D) 5491 (A) 44 (B) 54 (C) 45 (D) 5491 Commerce subject come under which main class? (A) Jiii! • 0 Sociology - Y Economics - X (C) Political Science - W (D) Science-A (A) a=(!P.s6'61 tu ro - Y (B) Gurr@GITrr~rrl)"t.0 (C) ~IJ"§lturu ~!Dl6'61turo - (D) ~!Dl6'61turo - A - X w 23 LSC/15 [Turn over 57. 58. The Book Modern Out Line of Library Classification contributed by (A) Jevons. W. Stanley 7' J. Mills (C) S.R. Ranganathan (D) Melvil Deway Which one was the first scheme could be called a completely Analytico-Synthetic classification scheme? (A) Colon Classification 6th Edition (B) Colon Classification 4th Edition (C) Colon Classification 3rd Edition ~ Colon Classification £a~ G.srr@8;.suuL.L6r>6l.J.sffilru 1 st Edition 61'~ QPfliGl516i.l Gl6l.Jffil6l.l.llifli QPQ!>6rlLDUJrrm u®~~ ~1Jrrti..J$l!D QJ6rle;uu@~~fli6i.l bi6Mw ~6r)~8;.suu@$l~!D~? \ 59. Th e foundation of Librarianship is (A) Catalogue (B) Book ¢' Classification (D) Notation l9ITQ) a; LI 6Ullfl 8;® ~ Giu~ 6l.J ff IJLD rra; 6lSl roffil @)6l.J ~ (A) l9JTWLIL~ (B) Ll~flie;L.b (C) U@)~fl)QJ (D) ®!J5lu5@ LSC/1 5 24 0 I 60. PRECIS (Preserved Context Indexing system) formulate and developed by (A) C.A. Dutt (B) S.R. Ranganathan (C) Prof. Bhattacharya iJllf Derik Austin tS1 rfMl Giu ror6irr !D Qe:rn;i>W 85<§ Qe:rr.IB ~8;8; rr11r'r lLI rrr'r? 61. 62. 0 (A) 51.ror. LL (C) au11rr5lrllUJr'r. ULLrT8:8'rTrTUJrT CCC -The added entry comes under the Section of (A) Leading Section (C) Title Section (A) ~6n~.$®t..0 tS1rll61J (C) f!i6nruul_j tS1rTl61J The Unit card system ~Tracing Section II (D) . Accession Part as~mciated f,Jif"" Register card system (B) Shelf card system (C) Dolphi card system (D) Browny card system (A) U~Glj ~L6nL ~6nLDUL.j with 25 LSC/15 [Turn over 63. Which of the following is not correct? (A) A main entry is classified catalogue code consists of leading section (B) In classified catalogue code, call number is always written in pencil (C) In classified catalogue code, tracing section is given on the back of the main entry , 64. In classified catalogue code we can write. the Author name is leading section Which one of the following is not covered in centralised cataloguing? (A) To avoid duplication of work (B) To reduce cost of cataloguing (C) To raise the level of quality of cataloguing vi' To promote the use of E- Resources LSC/15 26 65. The word "catalogue" has been derived from a Greek phrase / 66. 67. Katalogos (B) Gatalogos (C) Logos (D) Catalogos (A) Ka talogos (B) Gatalogos (C) Logos (D) Catalogos ICSV ISBD are formulated and brought out by (A) UNESCO (B) (C) FID jlilf' IFLA (A) UNESCO (B) ICSV (C) FID (D) IFLA Where we do write in pencil to CCC- entry (Which entry)? ~Where Ever Call No's 0 (B) Only Leading Section (C) Only Accession Section (D) Added Entry only 27 LSC/15 [Turn over 68. 69. Official catalogue or union catalogue is mostly used by (A) Guida nce of Refresher ~ By Library staff (C) By all users (D) By particular user What is call number? (A) Clas~ number only ~ Both class number and book number ~6W> ~u y 70. (B) Book number only (D) Collection number 6roo 6r6irr!D rrru 6r6irr60l? (A) U® LIY 6TOO LDL@U:l (B) y~~6.i 6TOO LDL..@U:i (C) U®LIY 6TOOWJW y~~6.i 6TOOWJW (D) y~~a; @®LiY 6rOO New York times index is (A) Journals index (B) Book index iJ'f Newspapers index (D) E-Book index LSC/15 28 0 71. I The description of the document present in brief is called JiJ!" Abstract (B) Index Glossary (D) Literature (C) 9® Ll~~.s~~ru/~GU6WT~~ro 6lSJGUrr1.S.suuL..L ~.sGUro.s~m a;®ffi.sLDrr.s Ga:rrrowGU§J GTGiJGUrr.Q)J ~~w.s.suu@.$l~!D§J? (B) 72. 73. Alternative names of dictionary is VJll' Glossary and Thesaurus (B) Directory and year book (C) Lexicon and Bibliography (D) Thesaurus and Manual Who publishes a Deutsche National Bibliography? (A) France ~Germany 0 ~LLGU~~ (B) UK (D) USA (A) t5lflrr~Qi.i (B) lL( Gs; (C) Q~irLD60ll (D) lL( GTQu ~ 29 LSC/15 [Turn over 74. Which one of the following is correctly m atched? (A) Reference service -+ Special Library (B) Reference books -+ Theses r (D) Clipping service -+ Newspapers and Magazines CAS -+ print Journals 75. Bibliograph y is a systematic list of all the books .published all over the I world. (A) Systematic ~, Universal 76. (B) Trade (D) Descriptive Which is not a Geographical Sources? (A) Maps (B) Gazetteers (C) Travel Guide ~ Bibliography (A) 6l.l~IJLILLD LSC/15 30 0 ' 77. 78. Which program is not related with IFLA? (A) UBC (C) PAC (A) ~LS1§l (C) LS1GT§l ~ Pre natal cataloguing COMPENDEX (B) Engineering complex (C) Online engineering index (D) Computerised engineering index (A) COMPENDEX (B) Gfbrr~Q) !9JLU (C) u51~GUT®J Gfbrr~ru!9JLU (D) cS~~ Q~rr~ruJ91L.u .. .. ... ®!J51uGu@ ®!J51uGu@ ®!J51uGu@ POPSI, PRECIS and chain procedure are the example of ~ 0 UAP The computerised form of engineering index is known as Jll! 79. (B) Indexing systems (B) Classification systems (C) Cataloguing codes (D) Abstracting procedure (A) ®!J51u5L.@ QPm!D (®!J51u5@ ~!&®!&) (B) U®6i®LD QP~!D (C) U®UUITW6l..j QPGr>!D (D) ®W~Q~m16l..l QPGr>!D • 31 LSC/15 [Turn over 80. 81. In which Library, Reference Service was first developed in USA Special Library (C) University Library (A) 6lfDLiy IDJTruffitb (B) Qurr~ IDJTruffitb (C) UQJB;~Q).9; 8;~8; IDJTQ}ffiLD (D) B;Q.i~rtl Public Library (D) · College Library • IDJfruffiill Co-Operative acquisition by (A) i . Collective effort by Individual I Collective effort by a group of Library (C) Collective effort by the Management (D) Collective effort by Chief Librarian &l.L@!D6l.J 82. ~ (A) .. y~~ffiill 6l.Jrrffil®~Q.i ~Q-r!Drrru 6T~6m"? (A) ~~.rr;urr &l.L@ (B) IDJTQ)ffi @j@LD~~Girr &l.L@ QPW!iJ61 (C) al.Dru rr~~LD uSlGirr &l.L@ QP w!iJ61 (D) (!P~Q-r~ LO IDJTQ}ffirtl Q-r QP lU dJ61 @w!iJ61 What is the use of Browne System in the Libraries? (A) Classification of books (B) Selection of books ~ Circulation of books to the users (D) Circulation of serials to the users (A) IDITQ.i u®~~ro (B) IDITro a~n-Gl.J Gsti.J~ro (C) 6l.Jrra:l£ri"ffi®.S® IDifro 6l.J~ri.J®~ru (D) U@i6l.J .@~WB;Glr 6l.J~ri.J@j~QJ LSC/15 32 0 83. Full Forms for CALNET , Calicut Library Network (C) Cochi Library Network (D) Cataloguing Library Network (A) Calcutta Library Network • (f;rrQiG.[!il...t.q.m 6lSlrTl6tJrr8;8;tb? 84. • (A) (f;rTffil(f;L ~Ql(f; QJ6W'>QlllJ6W'>LDUL...j (B) 8;6\>8;~fhrT ~Ql(f; (C) G(f;rr6fil ~Ql(f; QJmrullJmLDUL...j (D) ul...t.q-llJro ~Q)(f; QJmrullJmLDuy 6tJmrulLlmLDuy IASLIC News Letter was issued by ;/(f' Monthly (B) Bimonthly (C) Annual (D) Quarterly II 85. 0 (A) LDrrfbrr.(i;~rrt.D (B) LDrrfh~~6®@@QPmJD (C) QJ@Lrr.(i;~rrtb (D) ~mw LDrrfh~~!D® ~® QP~!D Which law of Library Science is related with the growth of the Libraries? j1fJ Fifth Law First Law (D) Third Law (A) @IJ"~LrTQJ~ ~Ql(f; a:l...Ltb (B) &JJbfhrT6tJ~ ~Ql(f; 8'LLtb (C) QPfhru ~ru(f; a:l...Ltb (D) ~m!Drr6tJ~ ~rue; a:l...Ltb (A) Second Law (C) 33 LSC/15 [Turn over 86. 87. In KWIC indexes the keyword is (A) Derived from the text (B) Derived from the abstract ~ Derived from the title (D) Assigned by the author · .. UNESCO established in (A) 1945 (B) 1935 (C) 1922 ~) 1946 ll..Jm~~B;rr ~l)Lbt518;B;uuL..L ~Qlrr@ (A) 1945 (B) 1935 (C) 1922 (D) 1946 LSC/15 34 88. NISSAT- plan is forms integral part of the larger socio economic plan that is (A) First five year plan (B) 8th five year plan (C) 6th Jllf five year plan 5th five year plan :fila:rrL.... -m ~LLLO GTmu~ c!Fe!j)ffi LDfD!J)JLD Qurr@GfTIT~ITI]" ~L....LL.61L6'5lm 89. - (A) QP~6u ffiJi>)'lirrGrim"@ ~L....Lt..0 (B) 6T"LLIT6l..l~ ffiJi>)'lirrGrim"@ ~LLLD (C) ~.(DIT6l..l~ ffiJi>~rrGrim"@ ~L....Lt..0 (D) re.d>~IT6l.J~ m.ct>~rrGrim"@ ~LLLD Who is responsible for increasing interaction between libraries from common wealth countries through visits and other ways I 90. (A) FID (B) IFLA ,r COMLA (D) ILA (A) 6ru tB ut- (B) @uQ>IT ( C) ~a;ITLOQ>IT (D) re 61"6i> <OJ IFLA stands for (A) International Function of Library Association (B) Indian Foundation of Library Association jiff International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (D) Indian Federation of Library Associations @u Q) IT -GlSl m 6lSl rri 6l.J ITa;a; t..0 " (A) a:rr6l..l~)'lia: !9/TQ)a; a;wa;ffiia;Glft~ Qa:lU6uu1T@a;GiT (B) @Ji>~lLI !91TQ>a;8; a;Wa;~~~ ~ut-~~GITLD (C) a:rr6l.J~~a: !9JTQ)ffi ~~LDULJ LDfbwt..0 :filw6l..l~ffi!a;G!Tl~ BitL....@ a;wa;t..0 (D) @Ji:>~lLI !91TQ)a; a:ffiia;ffiia;G!Tl~ Bil.LL~LDULJ 35 LSC/15 [Turn over 91. IASLIC was founded in (A) 1955 Mumbai (B) 1950 Lucknow ~ 1955 Kolkata . (D) 1942 Delhi ffi.6L 92. . 6TW.6TGU.ffi.51~l)tDt.51~~6U(!9LtD <Of§!? (A) 1955 ey:it.Ourni.J (B) 1950 6UffiG6Grrr (C) 1955 Q,g;rrQ),g;~~rr (D) 1942 QuubOl Cooperation means (A) ~ Types of Document Mutual help and voluntary effort (C) Selection principles (D) Theory of management anL.@JD~ ror~JDrr6i> ror~6Gr? I • 93. (B) ~@GU@ffiQ,g;rr@GUir ~~@Sl Q,g:l!J~Gi> LDJD!l)Jtb GlSl@t.OLSl GU@~Gi> (C) G~rrfe>G~®~~bOl~ Q,g;rrffi6n8i8im In which device is requires when connecting to Internet? ~ Modem (A) Keyboard (C) Eathernet cable (D) Data card (A) Keyboard (B) Modem (C) Eathernet cable (D) Data card LSC/15 36 0 94. Internet Gopher was developed by jltr University of Minnesota (B) Oxford university (C) Microsoft (D) Cambridge university @GirrGu'rGp;L... Ga;rru~IJ 2...(!96l.Jrr8;.$1UJ~ 95. I (A) uSlGirr6m"Ga:rrL urua;~ro8;a;Wa;t..0 (B) ~<i;GiuGurrrr@ urua;~ro<i;a;wa;t..O (C) ~ LD8iG1Jrrs:rru L... (D) Ga;t..OtSlrllL...~ urua;~ro8ia;wa;t..0 Search engine is usually a web based system for {A) Searching the information available on E-mail Jiii! Searching the information available on the web (C) Searching the information available on the Laptop (D) Searching the information available on the Databases • Gfb@t.b GT.[i;/>)1Jt.b GTGirru~ • • (A) uSl~mt§a:6'5lru (B) a;GlR!fl ~ GU ~ro tSi Girr6m"ru ~a;GU rue;~ GTT Gfb@G\.J~ (C) LDLq-B;~Qfl fJiffiGUGi>a;~GTT G~@GU~ (D) fblJGl.J ~fhrr1J~/>)ru 2...GTTGTT fb6iGUrua;~GTT G~@G\.J~ 2...Grn;rr ~a;Q.Jrua;~GTT Gfb@G\.J~ • 96. Consider the following statements: I. Areas of automation in libraries are House keeping and Information handling IL House keeping operations in Libraries are CAS and SDI lllf I alone is correct (B) II alone is correct (C) Both are correct (D) Both are not correct £~8;a;GWT"1_ 8dl.£bWJa;~GTTu urrir.%a;Gl.Jt.b I. ~roa; ~L...GLrrGLD~Qflru ~Gl.JGiu£ut.Slri.J LDWWJt..0 ~a;GUrua;QlGTT Q)a;UJrrGi"TGU~ GTGirru~ ~® ~ri.Ja;LDrr®t..0 (A) I LDL@t..0 a:rll (B) II LDL...@t..O a:rll (C) @1J6lilir@t..O a:rll (D) @1JGWJ"@t.b fbGUWJ 37 LSC/15 [Turn over 97. In providing SDI : · (A) Incoming document profiles are matched with readers interest (B) Reader interest profiles are created a nd matched with existing document profiles (C) (A) a nd (B) both ar e correct (D) Neither (A) nor (B) SDI ~U.Ju (A) GuJDUU@tb ~ffi6l..16i.Je;~m uUJ60TL..urmITlLtb ~~~ urrrruu@ (B) uUJ60TLLrT6fTITl~ G~~6l..l.%Gffi!i>U u~6i.J ~fe~ GJWffi6UTG6l..l ~ITTGTT ~6;6l..16\JB;~GTT ~~@U urrrru~~ JP' (D) ' 98. u!i>!Dl G'l5l6l..I ITl. (A) LD!DIDJtb (B) e:ill (A) LDWWJW (B) @1J~©tb@6\J~Q) What is the best way of Internet Connectivity? (A) Telephone Connection (B) Dial up connection (C) Dial up connection with modem and telephone (D) Use of modem and telephone line @~bWTUJ @~6lllrrUL{ 6lJDfe~ 6l..l~ GT~6Ul? (A) Q1!irr~Q)uGu61 @~6Wruy (B) LUJ6i.J ~ u @~6Wruy Jliil' (D) 99. LU.Jru ~u @~6WTUL{ GLDrrLtb, Q~rr~ruuGu61 G1!irr~Q)uGu6l , GLDrrLtb @~6WTUL{ Which library developed OPAC cataloguing system? (A) ~ National Library of India Library of Congress (C) British library (D) Ohio libra ry corfe~ ~6Uffi~~rr6i.J OPAC ~(!96l..l rT.%ffiuuL..L~? (A) @fe~UJ G~61 UJ ~6Uffitb (B) ffirrri.J .$1 if Gil> l9Jl6Uffi tb (C) t.SlITlL..t.q..~ ~Q)ffitb LSC/15 38 0 100. SOUL - Developed by (A) NISCAIR (B) DRTC Jli!lf .,, 101. INF LIB NET (D) IGCAR (A) National Information Science Communication and Information Retrieval (B) Documentation Research Training Centre (C) Information Library Network (D) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Fore runners of Internet is Jill' ARPANET (C) INFLIB NET (B) DELNET (D) CALIBNET @~~lLJ~~Girr ey:>Glrra~rnSl- 102. (A) ~frurrQp;L... (B) QLruQp;L._ (C) @GirruruluQp;L... (D) .g;rmSluGp;L... Expansion for NISSAT Y 0 National Information System for Science and Technology (B) National Information on Social Science and Technology (C) National Information in Science and Technology (D) National Information Services and System for Technology (A) G~6ll1J ~.g;6l.J@ ~p516lSlwru LD!D!l)Jtb Q~rrWlru @L...u6lSlwru Q">LDwtb (B) G~6lw ~B;6l.J@ (C) G~6lw ~B;6l.Jru <:!9!p516lSlwru LD!D!l)Jtb G~rrWlru @L...u6lSlwru (D) G~6lw ~B;6l.Jru Ga:Q"l6l.J LD!D!l)ltb Q~rrWlru ~L...u~wru Q">LDwtb 6(!J>ffi <:!9!p516lSlw@ LD!iJ!l)Jtb Q~rrWl@ wL...u6lSlwru 39 LSC/15 [Turn over 103. When Madras Public Library Act was introduced? (A) ; 1939 (B) 1940 1948 (D) 1946 LDfI>IJrTGfu Qurr~ !9Jf6lla;~ 8'L.Lt.0 ~fh{I> ~~@@tuJD!J)UULL~? 104. 105. 106. (A) 1939 (B) 1940 (C) 1948 (D) 1946 0 Expansion of ISO. ~International Standards Organisation (A) Indian Standards Organisation (C) International Science Organization (D) Information Standards Organisation (B) u~~rrL.@ fblJ Jfi1ir6l!Mtu JBlwru~t.O (D) fI>a;ruru fI>IJ JB1w6u~i.0 When Karnataka Public Library Act was enacted? JJI!' 1965 (B) 1968 (C) 1972 (D) 1981 (A) 1965 (B) 1968 (C) 1972 (D) 1981 • Name the Register of the books added to a library. (A) Visitors register · (B) (C) Current record ~ Accession register LSC/15 40 Circulation record (B) Ll~fba;t.O Qa;rr@~~ 6Llrrrlil@it.O ufD~ru® (D) 6LIITl6'>8' ~6ior ufD~6L1@ 0 107. Which one is not a "Extension" service? (A) Reading to illiterate (B) Library talk Jlil1" Binding the damage books 108. 109. (D) Story hour (A) u~8;B; GfbITlUJrrfbQJ!'rB;~8;® u~fii~ (B) ~ruB; (C) $1W1.ffifb Llfbfb.$fb6"6lfb 6"6lfbfh~ UIT§).$1Tfbfbru (D) $~fb Ge:rrru~t.O B;rrL@fbru QJLLLD Gp;1Jt.i:> When model Public Library Act was passed? (A) 1932 (C) 1929 (D) 1942 (A) 1932 (B) 1930 (C) 1929 (D) 1942 ,1930 The Connemara Public library was treated as (A) Central library (B) State library Jlilf' State Central library 0 (D) Special library (A) ~ LD UJ ~ruB;t.0 (B) LD rrJBl ru (C) LD rrJBl Q) 6"6l LD UJ ~ Q)B; Li:> (D) ..fl!!)Li'-l ~ruB;t.0 ~ruB; Li:> . 41 LSC/15 [Turn over 110. Bengal Library Association was collaboration with (A) Madras District Library Association (B) Karnataka District Library Association . )iii" (D) 111. 112. Hoogly District Library Association Mumbai District Library Association Expansion of MALA. (A) Mumbai Acquisition of Library Association Jlllf Madras Library Association (C) fyiunicipal Library Association (D) Modern Library Association (A) Mumbai Acquisition of Libra~y Association (B) Madras Library Association (C) Mu_nicipal Library Association (D) Modern Library Association INFLIBNET located at , (A) Chennai (B) Delhi Gujarat (D) Mumbai @6ITT~61SluG.rr>L. GTffil® ~GTILD~~mGTT~? (A) Q8'6ITT6TI Gm- (B) Guu61Sl (C) ®~l)fT~ (D) QPLDGTIU LSC/15 42 0 113. 114. The idea of citation analysis was propounded by (A) A.J. Lotka (C) De Solla Price (A) GJ.Q~. (C) tit- Gs=rrrorr tSlGnf)Giu (B) Bradford JJl'f' E. Garfield Grorn.:. . mr (B) tSlf)rrL..Gurrrr@ (D) @. e;rrrrL5ru© Match the following : • Category (a) Documents Conventional 1. Directly produced document without human intervention (b) Nee-conventional 2. Standards, specifications, data (c) Non-conventional 3. Microfilms, audios, audiovisuals (d) Meta-document 4. Books, periodicals, maps and Atlases (b) (c) (d) 2 3 1 " " ' 41 (B) 3 2 4 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 4 1 2 3 (a) Gurr®~~e;: QJ<;ne; - 0 ~61.JQRITffile;m (a) UWGn LO UJ IT6aTGn6l.J 1. ~!Dl@Sl lLI ru QPGn !D u5lru IQ s=UJru (b) y~GnLOl!..jl.b uw~L.Ol!..JLD Gs=rrfe~~ 2. ~IJB:s=rrmwe;m, (c) LI~ lLI Gn61.l 3. GnL08;G11rrLSlG1511.b, (d) Gs=UJ GUQPGn !D lLI IT6af~Ql 4. Ll~~e;rlile;m, 8'~61~e;e;m, Q..J~f)ULLD (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 2 3 1 (B) 1 3 2 4 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 4 1 2 3 43 QPGn!D u5l ru QI JiJ~GnQI GLL..Lrr ~e;Q..Jru s=rr~mrlile;m LSC/15 [Turn over 115. How m.any India n la nguages divisions a re there in Indian National library? (A) Eleven gJI!' Thirteen (C) Fifteen (D) Ten @J5~w ~ffi6lw ~61.l8i~~6U GT~ffi~Gm" t.S1ITl~a;m @J5~w GumWJ ~6\>a;Gi'r 2-~GTT~? 116. (A) u~GGm"rr6ITTw (B) u ~ 6ITT (y)6ITTIP! (C) u~~Gm"J5~ (D) U~@ Match the following : Books Author (a) Documentation and organisation of knowledge 1. Bradford (b) Documentation 2. B. Guha (c) 'Documentation and information 3. S.R. Ranganathan (d) Documentation and its facets 4. J .H. Shera (e) Comm unica ti on 5. J. Thompson (a) (c) (d) 1 2 ' 3 5 5 4 2 ·1 3 (C) 4 (D) 2 2 5 3 1 3 5 4 1 Jl1f 4 (B) (b) (e) Gurr@~~a;: ~6lITlwrra;m LJ~ffia;rlila;m (a) ~6U6i!l!Tu u @~ffi~LD ~n51~6rrrr ~~LDULJLD 1. tS1 IJ'rTL~ u rrrrL. (b) ~ru 6m!Tu u ®~ffi6'> 2. B. @)8irT (c) ~ru~uu@~ffi~t.D ffi8i6U~t.D 3. GTffi>. ~rT. Ql)'rliJ8i)DrTffi6ITT (d) ~ru~uu@~ffi~t.D ~fti6ITT 6l,1~8ic!h(.5t.D 4. Gffi. GT8:. GGl5flJ'rT (e) GffirTL rTLjc!hGIT 5. G~. ffi rTt.D66ITT (a) (b) Cc) (d) (A) 4 1 2 3 5 (B) 5 4 2 1 3 (C) 4 2 5 3 1 (D) 2 3 5 4 1 LSC/15 (e) 44 r r 117. Who is the Director-General of the National Library, Kolkata? Jill' - • I 118. Dr. Rajendra Kumar (B) Dr. P.V. Konnur (C) Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha (D) Kishore Chandra (A) ur8;Lrr. 1JrT~~/b%11J @)LDrTrT (B) L rr8; u'r. L.51. 6El . Q s;rr6Ur@IT rT UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium was launched in (A) December 2005 (C) December 2004 Jiii!' December 2003 (D) December 2002 u<;i)e;6"6)Q>8; s;~e; LDrT~UJ8; @)@ (UGC-INFONET)- t.016Ur fb1»6l.J<>i> ~Q>s; &.LL6"6)LOLJ~ - - - - - - < > i > 119. (A) ltj.S:Lburr 2005 (B) ltj.S:Lburr 2003 (C) 1.1t-s=Lburr 2004 (D) 1it-6tDUrT 2002 National Library of India accorded a special status as an national importance under which sch.e dule in the Indian Constitution. (A) Article 63 under seventh schedule (B) Article 63 under sixth schedule Jiilf' Article 62 under seventh schedule (D) Article 62 under sixth schedule (A) tSlfil64 63 GJ~rT6l.J~ s:L.LutSlfil64 (C) tSlfil64 62 GJWrT6l.J~ s:L.LutSlfil~ 45 LSC/15 [Turn over 120. • Which is National Library? (A) Anna Centenary Library (C) Anna University Library Jiii!' Library of Congress (D) British Council Library (B) a:; rrr6.J a;) fJ~ !; L.O (D) LSI rfh.:...otq..~ a:;Gl..Jm§1 ro !; L.O . @61.J J:bp51ro G~§l tu !91161.lffiLD "1'~? 121. (A) ~ ~6Wrrr !9f1J:b !D rr~@ (C) ~~6Wfrr uroa:;6l>61.lffia:;wa:; !9fJ61.lffiLD Consultant of book replacement ones duplication with (A) Technical section (B) With maintenance section (C) Exterition service section JI"( With circul ation section Lj~~a:;L.O Q~rr6l>61)Ji;~ 122. !;L.O LSl!D@i Lj~lLI Lj~~a:;L.O 6l.Jrrr6.Ja:; t.O~@L.O Gl>Gl.Jffia:; lLirTQ!>GIDLlLI ~@JLD~ G61.J~(1\L.0? (B) urr~a:;rrffi@il.O LSIITlGl..JL~ (C) @S1rTl6l.Jrrffia:; uGWfl LSIITlGl..JLm (D) Lj~~a:;L.0 Qa:;rr(1\~~ 61.JrTrfil@itb LS!rll.Gl..JL~ IFLA is a (A) Jiii!' National organisation International organisation (C) State level organisation (D) Local organisation @u61.lrr 6Tmu~ (B) ~6l>; ffe!PJ61.J6m-LD ( C) LD LSC/15 rTffe 61) J£1w61.J 6m-tD 46 0 123. (A) lBID (B) PROWESS ~ (D) NIRMAL CAPITALINE PIUS BiwB;a;~L .!Drrm.$'\Gt> ~~ .. 124. LDrDJD (!PmGJDrr@ Q~rrLrrymLLLJ~ <::!9JG\.>a>? (A) .@~L. (B) yGryrrG6l.lffi> (PROWESS) (C) ,llilrrLDGi> (NIRMAL) (D) Ga;~LGi>mrum (IBID) muLLJffi> (CAPITALINE PIUS) When Ranganathan left to England, who can Associates with him m London, Chief Librnrian? (A) Sir P. Sivasamy Iyar (C) Sir Maurice Gayer Jl!f'W.C. Berwick Sayers (D) Prof. S. Das Gupta S.R. ryrliia;,!Drr~m .@rlii.$'\rurr]t~ Ga=mJD Gurr@~ <::!916l.l@Lm ~wi@mGmUJrra; .lliJmJD @fhmmLD .!91la>a;rr UJrrrr? 125. - • (A) a:rr & ffiUJrT (B) W.C. Qurr6l518; Ga:LLJrrffi> (C) a:rr Qwmrflffi> Ga;LLJrr (D) Guryrr. S. fhITffi> @)LifhIT The library promotion entirely based on Jiff' Conduct user meet (B) Conduct exhibition (C) Expand the library timing (D) Provide extention activities W'fa>a; 6l.lmrr55l ~mu@Biwe;a;;~Gir ~mfh ~GirmL8;.$'\LLJ@? - l Which one is not relevant among four? 0 (A) uUJ6~mffila;ffilm &l.LL~mfh ,(DL~~fbGi> (B) Ll~fha; a;~a;rrl...51,(DL~@fbGU (C) W'fa>a; G6l.lma> G.(Dry~mfh <::!91~a;rTl~fbGi> (D) W'fa>a; ~JD u~a;mro <::!9lffil~fhGU 47 LSC/15 [Turn over •• I 126. "Before book selection" (A) Watch.the book price (B) Verify the every page number Jiii!"' Read a nd evaluate the 'book (D) 127. • Watch the book size Supervision of loan desk in University Library with (A) University Librarian (B) Head of Technical Section I Technical Asst. ~ (D) LSC/15 Head of Circulation Dept. I Circulation Asst. Library Asst. 48 0 128. Law of Library science insist, state that make provision for sufficient finance for runs the library (A) First Law of Library Science (B) Fourth Law of Library Science (C) Third Law of Library Science i}iJ!' Second Law of Library Science 6T~fh@l"-h$ 8'LLLD @)6"6)!D,lli~ u~~~Q) @IQ>B;~6"6>~ UlLJ~u@~~ey:> 6T~!PJ 8in.!PJ.$l!D@· (A) @IQ>B; ey:i~ru 661~ (B) @IQ>B; JDrT~B;rrL.0 661~ (C) @IQ>B; e!PmJDrrl.O 661~ (D) @IQ>B;@IJ~Lrrl.O 661~ • I 129. Consider the following statements : Statement A : The maintenance section should be in near place to stock room, reading room etc. Statement B: The entire stock room covered by maintenance section, for renewal of damaged book. (A) Statement A is true Bis false (C) Statement A and B false 8in.fD!PJ A : ~ Statement A and B true (D) Statement A false B true urr@B;rT.$@>l.O U@>~ 6T~U@ Lj~~B; 6"6>@.JLJU6"6)!J) LDfD!PJLD utq..c$@)l.O ~6"6>!!).$@) ~@.$16U @@c$B; a@j~@L.O. 8in.fD!PJ B : Lj~fDB; 6"6>6UUU6"6>JD LDfDWJLD utq..c$@)l.O ~6"6>!D urr~B;rT.$@)l.O ~6"6>JD.$® ~@.$16U @@.$@)l.O. (A) A 6nl B fbGU!PJ (B) A LDfD!PJLD B 6nl (C) A LDW!PJLD B fb6U!PJ (D) A fb6U!PJ B 8'nl I - 130. I I 0 In which law state that proposinally growth of staff, building, as well as user strength? (A) First Law of Library Science (B) (C) Fourth Law of Library Science ~Fifth Law of Library Science (A) @IQ:J.s ey:>fh6U GiSl~ (B) @IQ>B; @IJ~Lrrl.O GiSl~ (C) @IQ>B; .[DrT~B;rrL.0 GiSl~ (D) @lru81 &i~fhrrl.O 661~ 49 Second Law of Library Science LSC/15 [Turn over 131. 132. 133. In which law "Guidance to uses in the use of library"? (A) First Law of Library Science (C) . Fifth Law of Libra ry Science (B) Third Law of Library Science ~Second Law of Library Science In which law states that the library h our's sh9uld be convenient to user's? ~ FirstLaw (B) Second Law (C) Fourth Law (D) Fifth Law In the following Law's in which law expects the reference service from the Library Staff (A) First Law of Library Science IJI/' .Third Law of Library Science LSC/15 50 (B) Second Law of Library Science (D) Fourth Law of Library Science 134. Who is called the 'Father of Bibliography'? (A) K. Navlani rpl' Konrad Gesner 135. S.R. Ranganathan (D) C.A. Cutter (D) 61.GJ . .sL.Lir (B) Pauline Atherton (D) Eugene Garfield Newark charging system was introduced by Jiff"' John Cotton Dana 136. (B) (C) Michael Gorman (A) ~rr~ e;rrL.L~ LfTQTfT Consider the following statements : I The five laws of library science are the very soul of the theory of Interlibrary loan II Fifth law of Library Science insists the growth .in readers (A) I alone is correct (C) Both are not correct I IDJT61}e; ~!DJ6lSllU~~ (B) II alone is correct Jll1f"Both are correct ro)ii~ GlSltDe;<Dil IDJT61)e;;®B;.$l~d:~lLilLirrQT 4~~e; @1J6U~.$@> ~~~lUrT61.J<!fllULDfTQT§J. (A) o (B) I LDL@LD e:rtl 51 II LDL@t.0 a:rtl LSC/15 [Turn over 137. · Loccit means (A) the same work (B) the work cited ~ the place cited 138. (D) in th e same place (A) ~~~u Gurrm!D~ (B) Ga:LLiwuuL.L G6l.lmruGnw ®!!51~~ (C) :2_(!!)6l.lrTffis;uuL.L@LLo (D) :2_(!!)6l.JfTffi.%UULL ~G~ @uo Librarian Day is celebrated in India every year during (A) 8~h August jllf' 12th August (C) 1Qth April (D) @)!i~wrrGlSlru 139. 12th September '@fros;rr ~~Lb' ~ruG6l.J rr® ~6Wr@L.O------L.O (]~~ Qa;rr6WTLrrLuu@.$1!D~­ (A) ~s;Gil>L. 8 ~Lb (]~~ (B) ~a;Gi\>L. 12 ~Lb G~~ (C) GJuIJ"GU 10 ~Lb (]~~ (D) Ga:U L LDUIT 12 ~LO (]~~ Replica means Jiii"' refers to a copy or reproduction of a work of art · (B) refers to a publication which gives a formal record (C) refer s to the copy no longer in t h e library (D) refers to a .membership card (A) ~mu~ ~® s;mru ~61.JQl!T~~m LD©J u~uLI (B) @fru G6l.lffituSL.i.q.m ~® u ®~ (C) ~6WTL s;rrru (D) ~mu~ ~® :il_.(l)J U t51~rr ~LGnL LSC/15 61.JW8;.$1ru @rururr @frua;~~ru :il_ITT6TT ~® Jb.SGU 52 0 I 140. An OSI application layer is a protocol for access and transfered of files through ; / FTP (C) TCP/IP ~""Gium 141. I (B) FTAM (D) ILLP Gc!FUJruurr@s;ffilru ~s;rruLJs;ffilm ~s;ruru illrrrf>wt.0 £~.$s;6liML ""~~ ru~t6lru Gc!FUJruu@.$1!D~ - Computer mediated delivery of scholar by information, education and training to remote users is called , (A) 142. classroom learning e-learning (C) distance learning (D) none of the above The first online computer library was established by OCLC in the year p( 1971 (A) 1972 (C) 1973 (D) 1974 (A) 1972 (B) 1971 (C) 1973 (D) 1974 53 LSC/15 [Turn over 143. · UGC h as constituted a committee under the ch airmanship o f - - - - - - - in 1991 for revising LIS syllabus . (A) /i 144. Dr. P.N. Ka ula (B) Dr. T.A.V. Moorthy Dr. C.R. Ka risiddappa (D) Dr. L.S. Ra maiah (D) u r8;L r'r. GTro.GTffi) . IJrTGn lDlUrT (B) Insects (D) Dust (B) 1::J,6616iffi (D) ~616iffi (A) Lrr8;ur. &GT~. 6i6i.JQ)rr (C) Lrr.$Ll'r. 61 . ~r'r. 6iITl61~uurr Which one is not a enemy of book? Jill' Napthalin (C) (C) 145. Fire ~ Time saving methods of stock verification techniques is (A) (B) (C) Y Shelf list verification · Random verification Assign number verification Numerical counting , .@®Lill 5filurrr'rut.916irr Qurr@§J G,lliiJ~Gn~ uSl6c!fuu@~~Lb Q:P~!D (A) ~Q)tnrrrr1 (B) .@ri.JQa;rrEiirrwt.O ~ri.JQ6irr6irrroiwrr6i a>6W!".$@) GT@~~ru (C) . 6l.Jfil~5 GT~ GT@~ 5filurrr'r~~ru LSC/15 6i6Wr.$Q6i@.$®Lb Q:P~!D 54 0 I I 146. 14 7. A sale organized by a library to dispose of surplus and out-depted books is (A) Book fair ~ook sale (C) Book stall (D) Book week (A) i_jfb~a; a;~a;rrL.61 (B) Ljth)2ia; )2iGTr~utq. (C) Lj~~a; (D) Ljth~a; a;mL 6l..lrTIJW ISBN stands for (A) Indian Standard Book Number (B) Indonesian Standard Book Number ~International Standard Book Number 148. (D) International Standard Bureau Number (A) @.[i)~UJ (B) @.[i;G~rrGm§IUJ %1mruUJrrm J91TGU ~~ (C) u~mrrL.@ (D) u~mrrL.@ %16r>ruUJrr6UT t5ll..lGIJrr ~~ %1mruUJrrm J91TGU ~~ %16r>ruUJrrm J91TGU ~~ Which one of the following has developed an automated book ordering system? (A) Jawaharlal Nehru University Library (B) University of Madras Library (C) Anna University Library JliJ'f" University of Missouri Library £wa;~L uroa;mru.Sa;wa;riua;ffilru ~m6l..l pirT~UJriu..t1 J91TQJ 6l..!Wrfu@)W (!P6r>!J) GpjrrLriua;uuL.L§J? 0 (A);rrrurrro GJD® (B) Gs:~6r>QT uroa;6r>ru.Sa;wa; J9/Trua;w (C) ~~EiWTrr uroa;6r>ru.$a;wa; J91Trua;w (D) uSl~GGnJrrITl uroa;6r>ro.Sa;wa; J91Tru8iw uroa;6r>ru.$a;Wa; J9/Trua;t.O 55 LSC/15 [Turn over 149. A register in which invoices are entered as received is (A) Allocation register ~Bill.regist~r (C) Grant register (D) y~~e;L.O 150. 151. . I Payment register GUrrri..J$1UJ t5l~ GT~~ G.[> u~6Lje;ffi Gw!iJGe;rrffiGTTuu@$1!D~? (A) ~®JLD~ G.[>rrL.@ (B) fJS~ G,mrrL.@ (C) ~®JLD~ GUWri..J$1UJ G,mrrL.@ (D) u~uL.@GUrrLrr G.[>rrL..® First version of "Browne charging systems" was introduced in ~. 1873 (B) 1874 (C) 1875 (D) . 1876 (A) (B) 1874 (C) 1875 (D) 1873 1876 Match the following : (a) Medicine 1. . LZ (b) Pharmacognosy 2. KZ (c) Animal Husbandary 3.' K (d) Zoology 4. L (d) 1 (c) ·2 4 2 3- 1 (C) 1 (D) 3 2 3 ' 1 4 (a) (b) .Jll!f 4 (B) 2 3 4 Gurr@~~e;: (a) LO(!!)~~ 1. LZ (b) urrfrLDGe;rrB;~h) 2. KZ (c) 8;1TbU.Q)~L ~uS\rflUJru 3. K (d)' 6iS'l ru r&.J $1 UJ ru 4. L (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 1 2 3 (B) 4 2 3 1 (C) 1 2 3 4 (D) 3 2 1 4 LSC/15 I 56 0 152. The reader liable to punish by the librarian (Which one is not relevant) (A) Damage the book Jl#1" Covered the damage book 153. (C) Tearing the book (D) Stolen the book Inter library loan denotes (A) Book's borrow from book stall (B) - Book's borrow from other student (C) Book's borrow from staff member Jil"f"Book's borrow from other library ~rua;6Tr @1J6l..lru Gl..Jrrffi.J®~ro GT6bru~ 0 (A) Ll~~a; a;~Lu5lru @®.lli~ Gl..Jrrffi.i®~ru (B) wfb!D wrr~Gl..JITlLL.b @®.lli~ Guw~ru· (C) wfb!D ~§1ITlUJITlLL.b @®.lli~ Guw~ru (D) LDfD!D ~roa;~fb16'51®.lli~ Guw~ru 57 LSC/15 [Turn over 154. 155. Notation should be a "brief, simple, flexible a nd mnemonic" above said quotation contributed by (A) H.E. Bliss ~ W.C. Berwick Sayer (C) Jevons.W. Stanley (D) S.R. Rai;iganathan (A) GT8:.r:r:. uffil~ (B) LUWlJ..l .61 .. Qur'r@Sl8; Ga:tur'r (C) ~6l.lrr6ITT~ (D)· GT~ .~r'r. r}T&.la;Jfirr~6ITT LUWlJ..l . ~Lrr6ITTrol Match the following : Column A ColumnB (a) J .D. Brown 1. Decimal classification (b) H .E. Bliss 2. Expensive classification (c) C.A. Cutter 3. Bibliographic classification (d) Melvil Deway 4. Subject classification Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 3 4 2 3 VJ!" 4 3 1 2 (D) 1 4 2 1 8ilJ?a;EiWTL6l.lW6r>JD Qurr®~~a; : u®~B u®~A (a) J .D . ul)GiJ~ 1. ~61TtD6 (b) H.E. urol~ 2. Qa:ru6l.j 6lJ6r>B;UUrT@ (c) C.A. B;LLIT 3. ~WQJDIT6rl.$ (d) GLOQ.i@SlQ) 4. ~6rlbULIL.j ~G6l.l 6l.l6rl.$UUIT(b\ 6l.l6rlc$UUIT{b) 6l.l6rl.$UUIT(b\ ®!DliD@a;w: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 4 (B) 4 2 (C) 3 4 3 1 3 2 1 (D) 2 1 4 3 LSC/15 58 0 • 156. 157. Which is the oldest classification scheme in the following? (A) cc (C) EC (A) 6161 (C) r:r-61 pi'nnc (D) UDC Find a correct answer: (a) S.R. Ranganathan's five laws of library science 1st Edition was in 1931, 2"d Edition 1957 (b) S.R.R. Colon classification 1st Edition was in 1933, 5th Edition in 1958 (A) (a) and (b) True JJJlf' (b) only False (C) (a) and (b) False (D) (a) only False (a) S.R.G 1rrri1e;p;rr~6011~ !;9If(;l).$ 8'LL~~~ m.lli~ 6\Sl~e;\;Tf!Q) C:P~6i> U~ULj Qru\;Tfl~L.L ~~@ 1931, LD,!bg)ILD 21.b t.Slll~ Qru\;Tfl~LL ~~@ 1957 • (A) (a) LD,!bg)ll.b (b) 8'ill (B) (b) LDL@Lb ~61.l!J)IT~~ (C) (a) LD,!bg)ILD (b) ~61.IJDITQT~ (D) (a) LDL.@Lb ~61.IJPI 59 LSC/15 [Turn over 158. Match the following : , LSC/15 60 I I 159. Who is the father of Library movements in (U.S.A.), America? (A) J.D. Brown (B) H.E. Bliss (C) John Paul Otlet 1Jlf' Melvil Louis Kossuth Deway ~GLDrTl8>e; .QWQ)e;@1LJ8>e;~~~ ff>/]~ff> ror~w ~~~8;e;uu@ururr 160. ul)Gi.J~ (A) J .D. (B) H.E. u61Slffil (C) ~rr~ CD) GLOruGElru ~u.Slffil ~e;rrffilGTI)~ i.e.~ru urrru ~L.QQ)L. Universal Decimal classification published by (A) Library of Congress (B) UNESCO ~ FID 161. 0 (D) ALA (A) ~Q)LJl)rll ~u .srrrfii.ill)ffil (Library of Congress) Colon classification 4th Edition was published in the year (A) 1939. (C) 1949 (A) 1939 (B) 1946 (C) 1949 (D) 1952 (B) 1946 Jlllf"'i952 61 LSC/15 [Turn over 162. Which of the following is meant for bringing together the related documents of the same subject? (A) Cataloguing (B) Indexing (C) Documentation ~ Classification t5l~6l.IQ!)6l.J~6l.lliJIDJro 61"~ bJ~fh fh8;6l.J6i.>a;ro ~Lffi.J.$1UJ Lj~fha;ri.Ja;~6ff bJ~!DIT8; ~6l.JUU~!D® 111_~6tj.$l!D~? 163. (A) l91T!iJuL..t.q..UJrrffia;Li:i (B) ~LL6l.J~~uu@~~fb6i.> (C) ~6l.l~uu@~~fb6i.> (D) U®~~6i.> Colon classification 7th (Basic version) Edition was published in the year 1981, edited by (A) S.R. Ranganathan Jiii!' M.A. Gopinath (C) A. Neelamegam (D) Ganesh Bhattacharya 1987-Li:i ~oo@ Ga;rrQ.J~ u®ul.l &~!DuS1Q17 - 6l.J~ u~u~u Gl6l.JffiluS1L..L u~uurr6lillUJrr UJrrrr? 164. (A) S.R. QIJ"ffila;.a>rr~Q1 (B) M.A. Ga;rri5\.a>rr~ (C) A. .ffiQ.lGwa;Li:i (D) a;G~~ ULLrT8:c'flTITUJIT SLIC Developed by (A) S.R. Ranganathan (B) C.A. Cutter ~ J.R. Sharp (D) Derick Austin t0rGiu t0r6i.> ro 61 G6l.lffilii;Qa;rr~i'r~fb6Ui'r (A) S.R. l)"ffi.18;.[!>ITfhQT (B) C.A 8;LLIT (C) J.R. Q!frTl'ru (D) GLill8i ~Giui.q..m LSC/15 62 0 165. Which catalogue rules was published during 1876? (A) Published the CCC (B) Published the AACR - Rules JJiil""' (D) Published the Rules for Dictionary Catalogue Alphabetical catalogue Rules 1876-L.O 166. (A) CCC -uSI~ t.511)~ Q6l.JGTT16l.J~fli§l (B) AACR--4 6\Sl~s;ffi Q6l.J GTT16l.J ~fli§l ( c) ~ s; l)rT~ l9fT !b u L..tq-uSI 6b"r (D) ~ d>IJ6l.J rTl Qla: l9fT!D u L..tq- 6lSl ~ s;ffi 0 6lSl ~ s;ffi Q6l.J GTf16l.J ~ft> ~6Ubr © CCF stands for (A) 167. ~6WT© GT~fli uL..1.q.JuQ.> 6151~ t.5ll)a;rTl6;s;uul....L§J? Common Communication Formula iJJif"' Common Communication Format (C) Council of Communication Format (D) Common Council Format (A) Common Communication Formula (B) Common Communication Format (C) Council of Communication Format (D) Common Council Format Systematic Indexing system was introduced by ~·Kaiser (A) Charless Ammi Cutter (C) J.D. Brown (D) S.R. Ranganathan (A) a:rrrrruGiu ~L.OuSl a;l....Lrr (B) J. Qs;u:.ia:rr (C) J.D. (D) S. R. llrfil s;!f> rrf!>6b"r Lil)Gi.J~ 63 LSC/15 [Turn over 168. I ISBD stands for (A) Indian Standard Bibliography Description J}llf' International Standard Bibliographic D~scription 169. 170. (C) India n Scientific Bibliographic Division (D) International Standard Book Description In classified catalogue code, H ow to write the "Second Edition"? (A) Ed 2 (C) 2nd ed (B) Edition 2 (D ) 2nd (B) Edition 2 (D) 2nd Ed Ed The objectives of a library catalogue were broadly described by - - -- - - in 1876. JJll"' Charles Ammi Cutter (C) Melvil Deway (A) e:rrrrQ.lffi> ~ U:iuS'l .sL..Lir LSC/15 64 (B) S.R. Ranganathan (D) W.A. Bordon 171. 172. The Vth edition of CCC Classified Cataloguing Code was published in (A) 1962 ll*f" 1964 (C) 1966 (D) 1971 (A) 1962 (B) 1964 (C) 1966 (D) 1971 How many entries are there in CCC (Classified Cataloguing Code)? Entries (Eg.) Leading Section, Title Section, Head Section Etc. 5 Entries (A) 4 Entries (B) (C) 3 Entries J/llf'6 Entries Entries (Eg.) Leading Section, Title Section, Head Section Etc. 173. (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 6 The word catalogue Derived from (A) Latin word (B) Spanish word , - Greek word (D) Roman word (A) Q)~P,err GlJ rrrr~(;flfh (B) ~urrQTJ~ GlJITIT~Q'l~ (C) ~agB;a; GlJITIT~Q'lfh (D) agmnerr GlJITIT~~~ 65 LSC/15 [Turn over 17 4. Match List I with List II a nd select t he a nswer from the codes given below List I List II (a) First law of library science (b) Second law of library science 2. Open access system (c) Third law of library science Library h ours (d) Fourth law of library science 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 1 3 4 4 2· 1 3 2 1 "'3 (D) 4 ul...tq.UJro I m. ul...tq.UJro 1. 3. Classified Arrangement Free book service for all II ~Lar Qurr®~~ Si~ Qs;rr@8;s;uuL...@bTI'ffi @i!Dlu.J@s;G!llQSl®Ji;§J a:rTl UJrr6llT Q))QJu~UJ~ C~rrJi>Gfb® u L...i.q.UJro r uL...i.q.UJro II (a) !9JTQ)B; <:!91 !!5l Q)) UJ ru (!:PfhQ) rri.b Q))~ (b) !9flrua; <:!9!!!5l 6'l51 UJ ro .@IJ'~Lrri.b @51~ . 2. ~ !D Jiifh <:!916'6> LOU Lj QP6'6> !D (c) !9JT Q)a; <:!91!!5l6'l51 UJ Q:i e!:j)6b'r!D rri.b @S1~ 3. !9J1Q)a; Cp; IJ'LD (d) !9JT Q)$ <:!91!!5l6'l51 UJ ro JD rrQra;rri.b @S1 ~ 4. <:!916'6) 6llT6U ®8;® Lb .@Q)6U 6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 4 3 ·(B) 2 1 3 4 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 4 3 2 1 LSC/15 1. 6l.JQJB;LJUn'l...@ 6Urll6'6>6 ·66 Lj liifh$ Lb 0 175. 176. In which year, National translation centre was started in USA? ~1953 (A) 1960 (C) 1954 (D) 1958 (A) 1960 (B) 1953 (C) 1954 (D) 1958 Reference service is ;;If"- Personal aid given to library users 177. (B) Book lending (C) Stock verification (D) Library extension services (C) .!9JlQ.> a=ITl u m'n.J LJ .. According to Borko and Bernier, the Abstract should be in ~ 1-1000 words 0 (B) 1-900 words (C) 1-700 words (D) 1-500 words (A) 1-1000 Ga:rr!iJa;GiT (B) 1-900 Ga:rr!iJs;GiT (C) 1-700 Ga:rr!iJs;GiT (D) 1-500 Ga:rr!iJs;Gir 67 LSC/15 [Turn over 178. CAS stands for (A) Jll!f 179. Content Analysis Service Current Awareness Service (C) Computer Application Service (D) Current Abstract Service (B) JDL..:uy 61S1Wluy6Wrr'r6l.l Ga:6rl6LI (C) .g;~6nl1 UllJ6ITT-u rrL.@ Ga:6rl6LJ Conference Proceedings is example of "1{f Primary sources (B) Secondary sources (C) Tertiary sources (D) Non-Documentary sources (A) (C) 180. User education methods can be classified into (A) Direct method (B) Indirect method (C) Combination of direct and indirect method jlfJ Allofabove 6LJIT8'B;[r .g;Q}GlS) £~8;B;~L ~Ifi~ ~6r)Q)LJi.5\6ITT- £~ 6L.1(!9$l!!J~ (A) GJD.ITllt- QP6r>!D (B) LD6rlj!)QP.$ QP6r>!D (C) GL.DGru ®Jl51ui.5lL.L@IJ~@Li:i Ga=r'rifi~~ (D) GLDGru ®Jl51ui.5lL.L <:!916rl6m"~@Li:i LSC/15 68 0 181. 182. Pre-Natal catalogue is associated with ~ S.R. Ranganathan (B) C.A. Cutter (C) Melvil Dewey (D) M.A. Gopinath (A) ~roTu .·•~!i. IJTfil ffi!D IT~Qrr (B) fil.~. (C) GLDru61Slru 1.e.G6l..l (D) mo.~. Ga;rn.Sl!DIT~ a;l...Lir Which of the following is not covered under reference service (A) The reference interview (B) Analysing the subject (C) The search strategy ~ Library week (D) ~60a; 6l..llTIJlD • 69 LSC/15 [Turn over 183. Public Libraries are establish for (A) ~ 184. Lawyers and Engineers • Public users (C) For graduates (D) For poor graduates (A) ruw8;e;r.6h§fre;~<i;®ill, Qurri:61wrrmire;~ffi®ill (B) ~ruQlrr ®t1t-LDffie;~8;®ill (C) uL...L~rrITls;~8;e;rre; (D) qeiwu uL...L~rrITl.s~8;.srr.s Full forms for ICSSR (A) Indian Council of School Science Research (B) Indian Council of Science Social Research ~ . Indian Council of Social Science Research (D) International Council of Social Science Research (A) .@Ji>~w .s~~filru ~u u~~ ~!!516\Slwru ~!JrriU651 (B) .@Ji>~w e;~~filru ~u ~!!516\Slwru (C) .@Ji;~w s;~~filru ~u c~mfilwru ~!016\Slwru (D) .@~LirG!f>~~ru e;~~filru ~u LSC/15 Gs:rrfilwru ~!JrriU651 q\i!JrriU651 Gs:rrfilwru ~!016\Slwru q\i!JrriU651 70 0 185. Who established Inter-Library Resources Centre? JI{) 186. NASSDOC (B) INSDOC (C) IFLA (D) FID (A) NASSDOC (B) INSDOC (C) IFLA (D) FID Which of the following barriers, come in the way of cooperative ventures? (a) Inadequate library collections (b) Inadequate Finance (c) Lack of support from authorities (d) Distance between libraries (A) (a), (b), (c) are correct pf (C) (b), (c), (d) are correct (D) (a) u6JwrrB:;®m!DUJrr6m' !91161>8> Lj~~e;r&ie;6Tr (b) u !D!D rr6;®m!D UJ rrro umn.b (c) ~LD"1> ~~e;rrrlle;6!llu.b @®.ffi~ (d) !91161>8iffii8i<.§Si®@mL~UJ ~m@Q'ldcl6\.J6Tll (A) (a), (b), (c) <Ifill (B) (a), (b), (c), (d) e:rfl (C) (b), (c), (d) <Ifill (D) (c), (a), (d) <Ifill (a), (b), (c), (d) are correct (c), (a), (d) are correct u6Jwrr8i®m!DUJJTQT ~~6\Sl 71 .. .. LSC/15 [Turn over 187. Function of Co-operation ·~ To eliminate duplication of documents (B) To develop issue of books (C) To increase the readers (D) To make the staf{work @~6Wr,[i;~ 188. ~· G6lU6l)rr!f>roru (A) @~6WflUrrm .\9lf~6l,) ~6lSlfr~~ru (B) .\9lfru 6l..lWffi.l®~ru (C) 6l..Jff6B;fra;~GTT ~~a;ifl~~Q) (D) u~lUrrmfra;Q">m C6l..l~ro Q5l!JlU ~6l..Jp;~ru Which of the following is not covered in Resource sharing? (A) Sharing materials (B) Sharing functions (C) Sharing services ~ Sharing staff £~8;a;~L6l..J!f>iJ5lru '1"~ ~a;6l..J6\)B;Q">6TT u$Jfr~~ Qa;rr6fr6l..J~Q} alflJff~? . 189. (A) ~a;6l..lru 6l..lmffi.Ja;Q">m u$lfr~ru (B) C6t.JQ">Q)a;~m u$lfr~ru (C) alfQ)6l..Ja;Q">m u$lfr~ru (D) ruirk91tUrra;Gflm u$lfr~ru "Pre Natal cataloguing" a term used by ~ (C) S.R. Ranganathan (B) M.T. Franklin Currier Melvil Devey (D) G. Michet U; Jay "Pre Natal catalogue"@.[>~ 6l..Jrrfr~~8;@5 Q5rr~~8;a;rr1Jfr (A) '1"~ .•~i-;Jbrr11J6irr (B) '1"LD.ttt-. tSl1Jrrri.JS;GTfl6irr @)ITllUfr (C) GLOru6lSlru Le.C6l..J (D) ~- GllLD8:Q5L_@ ~rru:.i LSC/15· 72 0 190. American formington plan originated in (A) 1945 (B) 1946 (C) 1947 ¢ 1948 ~QLDiflffigrrGlS)~ urruSlrf.JL~ ~LLtD @6l.Jrii.J$1UJ ~~G\ 191. (A) 1945 (B) 1946 (C) 1947 (D) 1948 Consider the following statements : ·• Statement (1) The LC cooperative cataloguing program was established in 1830 Statement (2) In 1950 the union catalogue of public library holdings developed m California (A) Both (1) and (2) are correct .;Jlf Both (1) and (2) are incorrect (C) (1) is correct, (2) is incorrect (D) (1) is incorrect, (2) is correct .. • 0 (C) (1) e:ifl ~~rrru (2) ~6l..lIDJ (D) (1) ~6l..lIDJ ~Gmrrru (2) e:ITl 73 LSC/15 [Turn over 192. Who is the father of WWW? (A) JI!( John Harris Tim Berners Lee • (B) Johan H. Alsled (D) Dewey LUffity LU Girty LUQrty -uSJ~ 1f>fi>6r>ff> UJrTfr? 193. (A) ~rr~~rflG"iu (B) G~rr~~ ~e:. ~roG°iuG6UL.. (C) u:rt.b GurrmrrG"iu ro (D) ~G6l.J What is VSNL? (A) Intranet service provider ~ Internet service provider (C) File Manager (D) File format 6i5l ~Glu ~~ ~GU ~~JDITGU ~mm? 194. (A) Intranet service provider (B) Internet service provider (C) File Manager (D) File format ; • "OCLC" stands for vt Online Computer Library Centre (B) Online Catalogue Libra ry Centre (C) Online Computer Legal Centre (D) Ohio Computer Library Centre ~ ~ 61~ro61~~u~m61Slrrl6l.Jrr8;a;1.b (A) ~m6f>Q)m a;t.bu~L..Lrr (B) ~~6f>Q)~ Ga;L6Urr8; (C) ~m6f>Q.Jm a;t.bu~L..Lrr @a;ro (D) ~.$1GUJrr a;t.bu~L..Lrr Q'lQ.JUl}"rrl LSC/ 15 6f>Q)U1Jrrl GlfmLrr 6r>Q.JUl}"rrl Q56&fu 'r Glfmur GlfmLrr 74 0 195. What was the previous name of OCLC? ¢ Ohio college library centre (B) Ohio college literature centre (C) Ohio centre for library cooperation (D) Online computer library centre • ~ 61GTGi>61 uS'l~ QP~~~lU Qu lUrT GT~~? 196. (A) ~£alU rT a;Gi>~rll IDJIQ>8> 6lJ GTTrT8> 6ID lD lU Lb (B) ~£aLLirr e;Gi>@l.lfrll @ruffi£LLI Q'JLDLUl.b (C) ~£alU rr ~LD lU l9f1Q>ffii.b ~~§J~WULJ (D) @~GmlU e;~~ IDJiroe; ~LDlULD Which of the following cannot be considered as -"Primary source of information"?• (A) • A periodical article ~A handbook (C) Patents (D) A standard . (D) ·o ~IJ"8:a:rr~WJ 75 LSC/15 [Turn over 197. Expansion for CD-ROM (A)· JJl'f' 198. Computerised Disk Compact Disk - Read Only Memory (C) Computer Documentation Read On Memory (D) Computer Documents Retrieval and Memory (A) .g;~~ fbl...@ (B) B;~~ fbL@ Ullj-cEffi LOL@LD (C) ffi~~ Ga:ti.J~ ~a:.g;rrll.JL...j .®"6?~66160 Ga;rr"1r<.§fb6i> (D) a;~~ Ga:ti.J~ ~a:a;rrll.JL...j LDW!PJLD .®~~6l..Jrr!DJD6i> Expansion of AGRIS. ~ Agricultural Research Information System (B) Agricultural Retrieval Index System (C) Agricultural Retrieval Information System (D) Agricultural Research in Science ~<Errlffi> ~mu~~ 661rrl6l..JrrcEffiLD · (A) 6616l..J a:rr UJ .qJ,IJ'rTuJ 8:61 fbffi6l..J 60 ~LO UJ Lb (B) '5l516l.18'fTUJ fb.$6l..1Ql Guwi.D ~LOUJLD (C) 6616l..18'ITUJ fbffi6l..JQ,} ~8'~6l..I ~LOUJLD (D) 6616l..Ja:rrUJ ~!J)l661UJ6i> .qJ,1Jrrti.J8:61 LSC/15 76 0 199. What is the meaning of automation in present time? ~Use of Computer 200. (B) Use of Networking (C) Use of any type of Machine (D) Use of Robots Which one of the following is correctly matched? (A) OPAC User friendly than a card catalogue (B) Radio and Telephone System Automated (C) Automation Links a group of organisations (D) Network Electronic equipment ~L~L !911!i,)ULl.lf-~UJ 6lS1L u51a;6l.1tb e;ruuU)rra; ~a;UJ rrITTQJ!91 0 77 LSC/15 [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK • LSC/15 78 0 -•- SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK • • • • • • I - 79 LSC/15 [Turn over I LSC/15 ~~~:~:~ I I I I I I I I .I I 2015 LIBRARY SCIENCE (CERTIFICATE COURSE) Time Allowed: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This Booklet has a cover (this page) which should not be opened till the Invigilator gives signal to open it at the commencement of the examination . As soon as the signa l is received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to _open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are ·there in series without any omission and ensure there are no bla nk pages in the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 ·minutes. Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this p a ge. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigilator to mark the answers. You will also encode your Register Number, Subject Code, Question Booklet SL No. etc. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be taken as per Commission's notification. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) a nd (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response a nd mark in your Answer Sheet. In case, you feel t h at ther e are mor e t han one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE r esponse for each question. Your total marks will depend on th~ number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. In the Answer s}l_e et ther~ are four circles @ , © and @ against each question . To a nswer the questions you ifre to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sh~et:--lf you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for a ny item,@ is the correct a nswer, you have to mark as follows : @, @•©@ 9. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Questio~ Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination. After the examination is concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to ta ke the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. 10. 11. The sheet before t he last page of the Question Booklet can be u sed for Rough Wo.rk. Failure to comply with a ny of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion. 12.·, In all matters and in cases of doubt, the English Version is final. 13. Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in t he Question booklet. 0 A