• SI. No.: LSD/15 20000941 I I I I I I I I I I 2015 IDJT 6\) B> ~ p51 @Sl w 6U ( LJ LLW LJ Lq-U LJ ~r;L.b) ey:>.$Silw ~i:6J~roga;6Tr 1. 2. @fefb 6l516Ulrr~ Gfbrr®LiY ~® CLD@flm!!)mw (@fefb uB;a;~rofb).$ Qa;rroo@6Trffi@. ~r'r~ GfbrrLffil®tb CJDIT~~ru 6l516Ulrr~Gfbrr@.il.Jmu~ ~!DB;®tbuuia;ooa;rr6ffiluurrmr'r &IDJl.b 6l.JmguSlru CLD@flm!J)mw~ ~!Da;a;a; &Lrr@. 6l516Ulrr~Gfbrr®Limu~ :@!DB;®tbuui-wrrQT Ga:wm1» 1»001»rr~uurrQTiTILL.6l®fe@ Qu!i.J!D~Lm CLD~mwuSlm 6l.JQ)@Y!D~rofb 1»6'U6UTLDrr8:i ililkPJ~@~ !El!D.$1» C6l..loo@tb. ~fbmtSlm Ci»6Tr6l511»~8;® 6l5lmLwml.$1»~ GfbrrLffil1»Q)rrtb. @fefb 6l5lmrr~ GfbrT®UY 200 6'616UlrrMmG1T8; G1»rroo@6Trffi@. 66lmLwml.$1» GfbrrLffil@iey:>6irr @Gi.J6l5lmrr~Qfbrr®ui5lru 6fruQ)rr 6'616Ul1T8;1»~tb 66l@uL1TLDru 6l..IITlroa:wrr1» @Ltb Gu!i.JIDJ6TTG1Tm6'Urr .6fmumfblJ...lLD @mLuSlru ~Cfb@ltb GG'U!i>IDJ~fb1T6Tr1»6Tr :2....Gi°tG1T6UT6l..11T 6fmumfblJ...ltb. a:ITlulTr'r~@a; G1»rrGi'TG1T64tb. ~Cfb@ltb ®mwurr@ @®LitSlm, ~fbm6UT u~@ .@L.6lLrfJIJ;~8;®6Tr ~Qfl!!)l»OOl»IT~UUITQTiTILtb GfbITl6l5l.9;1»~tb. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 6fbOQ)rr 6l5lm1T.$1»~8;®tb 6l5lroLwml8;1»~tb. 6fbOQ)rT 661~1T.$1»~tb a:LDLDrrm LD!EluGuoo1»ffi G1»rr00Lm6l.J. ~ffill»~Qf)LUJ U~64 6f00Qf)~ @fefbU u8;1»~!Elm G'l.JQ)~ CLOru \!;PQflQ)uSlru ~fb!iJG1»m ~mLDJ1@ffiGIT @L~~ru .£ffil1»ffi 6r<!£lfb C6l..loo@tb. C6'UIDJ 6T"mfblJ...ltb 6l516UTIT~ Gfb1T@il.it5lru Gl"@fba; &LIT@. 66lmLl»QflGIT8; ®iDl~@.!i;l»ITLL 61"6N, 6l5lmL~fblTGTr ~mw ~ffi11»~8;® l»OOl»IT~UUITQTl)ITQJ fb~WrTI»~ fbf)Uu@tb. :2....ffiJ1»~mLw u~~ 6T"QRrr, Cfbr'r~ UITL.!i; ®i:6JuS@ LD!i>!J)Jtb 6l5lm1T~GfbrT@iUY G'Urrlma: 61"00 (SL No.) ey:>fbrolW6l..l!i.Jm!D 6l5lmL~fb1TGft6irr @gQfirrLrrtb u.$1»~~ru ~m6'U1»~.$1»1T1» ~roLDJ1@ffiffi @ui.i1»mlru .£Q)tb ~ruQ)@ 8:i<!.!)QflLD .@!D QflLDlJ...lmLw ufe@ey:>mmu Cu6Ul1T6'6lmrrru ®i:61~@1£ 1»1TLL CG'U~@tb. CLO!iJ1»QfirrL 6l516'UgffiJ1»mQT 6l5lmL~fbrrGftru .£riil1»ffi ®iDl~~a; 1»1TL.L~ fb6'UiJ5lm1Tru Cfbr'rG'UITm~w ~i:6J661B;ma;uSlru ®i:6Jui5lL.@ffiQT6'UITIDJ JDL6l..IUJ-8;m1» CLD!iJG1»1TffiG1Tuu@tb. ~Q6l..llT<!.!J 6l5lmrr~tb (A), (B), (C) LD!i>(l)Jtb (D) 61"6N Jf>IT6irr® 61Slml...lf,Q)QT8; Gi»IT~@ffiGIT@ . .£ffill»ffi ~~Qi ~Cg~ a:iTlwlTm 6l5lmLm~ ~r'r~ Q~ 66lroYifb1TGftru ®!Dl~ 1»nL...L ~Qfirr@tb. ~ ~!i.JuL.L c!Rflwrrm ~Ll»ffi ~ ~~ @<!.!JULJfb'TM ~mrrru .£~ uS\ir,8: a:ITlwrrGl!T@ 6f6irr!DJ 61"~ ~J!)r'r~ ~fe>fb 6l5lmLmw 6l5lmi...H1Tmlru ~ 1»nL...L ~~@Lb. 6Tl.Juui-wrru5l@ltb ~ ~~ ~Cg ~ 6lSlm~IT6irr ~r'r)i;Q~ ~oo@tb. ~~LUJ GLDrr~ ~uQuool»ffi .£ffill»ffi 6l5lroY'>fb1TGftill@ii:61~1£ 1»rrL.{5ltb a:iTlwlTm 6l5lrouwl-16irr 6foo6ffil~wu Gu1T!DJ~66lro~1TGftru ~Gi.JQ6l..lrr<!.!J Ci»ffi6l5l 6foo~!i.J®tb 6r~ITlru @ , @, LD!i>!DJtb@ 6fm Jf>IT6irr@i 66lmL 6'ULLrf.i1»ffi ~ffiQTm. ~ Ci»Gfr-661~ 6l5lmLwGftB;B; .£ffil1»ffi a:iTIGwm ~Lb 6l5lmLrow ~Cg ~ 6l5lmL ruL.Y>:@ru LDL@tb ~Lb ~ruQ>@ ~LD .@!D mLDlJ...lQflLUJ u~ ey:>mmu Cu6mT6616mTru ®i:6J~8; B;rrL.L C6\JQfirr@tb. ~Qrurr<!.!J Ci»6Tr6l5l~tb ~ 6l5lmLmw~ ~r'rfeGfb@~ 6l5lroLM;rrGftru ®iDlM Cru~@tb. ~ Ci»ffi6l5l~ ~6irr!DJ~ CLD!i.JuL.L 66lmLwGft~1Tru ~fe>fb 66lmL fb6'U!J)IT6l!TfblTI» ~uu@tb. :2....fbrTfj~LDITI» .£riil1»6Tr @ 61"6irrU~ a:rflUJITQT 6l5lmLUJITM $~QITITQJ ~~ i516irr6'U<!.!JLDIT!DJ @iiJ5l~8; l»ITLL C6\Joo@tb. @•©@ © .£ffil1»ffi 66lm1T~ Gfbrr®ui516irr 6rfbfbl.i u8;1»~mfblJ...lLD .£.$a;Crurr ~Q)Q)~ 8ilkPJ8;1»CG'Urr &Lrr~. Cfbr'r~ C!f>IT~:@ru @fefb 6l5lm1T~ Gfb1T@iui5lQS'lmCw1T ~ruru@ 6l5lmL~fb1TmG1TCwrr Cfbr'r648; &.L~Qflfb 6l51L.@ G6l..IGftuSlru 61"@~@8: Ga:ruru.$&.Lrr@. C~r'r6!.J Qfltq-Jfi~i516irr ,rbffil1»ffi :2....ffiJl»\§JimLw 6l5lmL>'5~1TQf)QT8; 1»~B;rr~uu1TQTiTILtb QB;rr(b\~§)1 661L CG'Uoo(b\tb. @Gi.J6l5lm1T~ Q~rr@l.it5lmm~ C~r'r6!.J QP4\-,ffi~6!.JL6irr ,ffiffil1»Gil ~ffill»\S:5L6irr 61"@~§)18: Ga:ruruQ>ITLD. ®iJ5luyB;ar 6f@~Li UITrTUUfbW@i 6l5lmrr~ Gfbrr®ui516irr 1»mLfil u8;1»~~!i>@i ey:>6irru.$1»~mfb ~uCw rrSil~@.$ G1»rrGTrQTQ)ITLD. CLD!i.J1»00L 6l51:@1»Gftru 6rmfbw1Tru@ uSi:6Jm1Tru ~r'rru1Tm~wtb @ui-Gru@B;®tb Jf>L6l..IUJ-8;m1»1»~8;® 2-GTrG1Trr$ CJf>ITl@tb 61"6l!T ~i:6J~!DJ~fbUU@ilil!D@· ~riuililru 6'UUJ-6'6lill G1»1T@8;1»uuL.@6i"rffi@ii:6luy1»6Trfb1T6irr Qfll!J.-6'U1Tmfb1T@)tb. 66lm1T~ Gfbrr@.il.JtSlru 6l5lmLmw ®J61uSlLCG'U1T, ®i:6Jui51L.@8; $1TLLC6l..11T &LIT@. ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Jl' I • ' ' LSD/15 2 •"\ ·\ • i I 1. Where is the head quarter of ILA? ~ (C) Delhi (B) Kolkatta Chennai (D) Mumbai ffiGTGU~-u5l~ 2. 3. (ILA) ~6W)Q)~L.DlLic$tD GTffiJ@) 2-GITGTT~? (A) <;;lLru61Sl (B) Q.g;rrrus;~~rr (C) Qa:~~6m' (D) UtDUfTuJ Which is informal communication channel? (A) Books (C) Audio, visual materials tJlf!> Correspondence (D) Journals (B) Q~fTLfrl..j Where is the world largest library located? (A) NewYork ¢ Washington (C) Moscow (D) Paris (A) ,®~LLirrrrB; (B) 6\JrT~~u;irr (C) LDrrGitJ~.g;rr (D) urrrflGitl 3 LSD/15 [Turn over · 4. Who was the main contributor for modern library move ment in India? ~· (C) 5. Maharaja Sayajirao III (B) Sivaji S.R. Ranganathan (D) KP. Sinha (B) . ~GWT~ Where is Libra ry of Congress is situated? UK (C) Russia ~6UUl)ITl ~u 6. ~ (A) USA (D) New Zealand $fTri.l$ll)Giu GTmJD !9f16U$LD GTri.J@)WGTT~? (A) ll_jG$ (B) lljGTGWGJ (C) IJ"~lLi fT (D) .mi lLj ~ 6t) fT):5§1 ILA Bulletin and Newsletter (B) Nature IASLIC Bulletin (D) Library Directory The main publication of IASLIC is (A) ~ .. (C) LSD/15 &:JlLI Giu6'518;$1~ t..jG\>6UL...llj-m 4 7. UNESCO launched a programme named ./> (C) UNISIST (B) Pubmed National Information Network (D) JO NET ll..jG6m~Ga;rr qbfJLi:lt.9~!f> G!f>rr@)Liy @~ 8. 9. (A) ll..j6nl151~L. (B) uuGwL. (C) G!f>#lUJ !f>$6tlro QJ~Q) (D) G~rrGJ!5L. In which year was the India n Copyright e nacted? (A) 1960 ~ 1957 (C) 1954 (D) 1956 (A) 1960 (B) 1957 (C) 1954 (D) 1956 Andr~w " ') (C) Carneige t h e benefactor of libraries was from which country? USA (B) UK New Zealand (D) Australia qb~(!9 a;rrfr6nf1.$) J911Q.>a;li.Ja;ffi)~ rurororo 6r~!f> JI>rTL~L.iJ: ,g:rrfr~!f>6lli'r? . 5 (B) t.9iflL.L~ (D) qbffi>GTJ615lUJrr LSD/15 [Turn over ~- What does Academic Library consist? ~ 11.- School, College, University (B) Public, Special, School- (C) College, Contact, Public (D) Mobile, Contact, Research Who is the ex-officio President of Public Library in Tamilnadu? (~) Minister of Law (B) Minister of Health (C) Minister of Child Labour ~) LSD/15 Minister of Education 6 12. Who acts as the ex-officio - Secretary of the Library Committee? ~· 13. Librarian . (B) Vice - Chancellor (C) Principal (D) Head of the Department (A) !91TQ:la;rr Who initially formulated model "Inter-library code"? ~ ALA (B) FID (C) IFLA (D) UNESCO LOrr~ifl ~~!9Ifroa;~~m 6l5l~~tu ~®rurr8;.$lw~ 14. (A) GJ~ruGJ (B) ~Li&l~ (C) re~u~ruGJ (D) ll..j6GT'1iuGa;rr · "Service before self' is the motto of ~ librarians (B) lawyers . (C) businessmen (D) drivers s;wp;ro~~!D® ~ turrr'r? &m G8'~ruu5lm Gp;rrB;a;w ~mu~? (A) .!9ITQ)B; rT (B) ru8;£ru (C) Q~rr~ru ~~ur'r (D) ~~IJ6l.lrT 7 LSD/15 [Turn over 15. In 1957 who headed library adhoc committee? ./.-> 16. S.R. Ranganathan (B) Deshmukh (C) Kothari (D) Sinha (A) 6rGiu.~/r. 1Jffila;l!)rrfb6ITT (B) Gfb~C'Pa; (C) Ga;rr~fZirrrTl (D) fil6ITT~rr What type of library is "Baba Atomic Research Centre Library"? $> (C) 17. Special library (B) Public library Academic library (D) Contact library (B) Gurr§! !9Jl6l>a;t.i:i (D) Qfb rrLfrLj !9ff6l>a; t.0 A library which serve the population of a country free of charges or for a nominal fee is called as (A) College library (B) (C) Special library ~ (A) a;ru~rrl ~6l>a;t.i:i (C) 6l!Du y !9ff6l>a;t.O LSD/15 8 University library Public library 18. Where is national library of India situated? (A) Delhi (C) Lucknow ~ Kolkatta (D) Chennai @)bfhl llJ TT6lSJ ~ alb§l llJ .\9IfQ>a; LD ~ r5J ®Gil°GTT§f ? (A) Gui>6\Sl (B) Qa;rrGi>a;~lbrr (C) QJ8;a~rr (D) Ga:~Gn~ II 19. What is the main source of revenue for college libraries? .vt> (C) 20. Fees from students (B) Cost for loss of book Fine (D) Selling old books 'Carboxide' used in fumigation is a mixture of what chemicals? (A) Ethy1 oxide and H2 (B) Ethyl oxide and 02 (C) Ethyl oxide and H20 .Jl'f Ethyl oxide and C02 9 LSD/15 [Turn over 21. Air.-conditioning of stock room removes ~ 22. Sulphur dioxide (B) · Carbon (C) Iodine (D) Chlorine (A) c%UUrT-6r>L ~.S6r>GTU@ (B) ,g;rrrru~ (C) ~~UJrrtq.~ (D) @)~GTTrrrf1~ Rusty brown spots appearing on old papers is regarded as Copying (B) Writing Foxing (D) Pasting (A) t5lrf1~ 6r@~~ru (B) G"r@~~ru (C) urr.SQl$lffil (D) ~L.@~ru (A) ~ 23. Which animal skin is morocco leather used for binding? ~) Goat · (B) Cow (C) Buffalow (D) Pig (A) ~@ (B) Uffi (D) u~!6J LSD/15 10 24. 25. 26. What is stock verification of books? (A) Acquisition of books (C) Dusting books .JI! (D) Physical check up of books Replacing books In fumigation, a mixture of Ethyl oxide and carbondioxide is used in the ratio of (A) 1:3 (B) 1:4 (C) 1:6 ~ 1:9 (A) 1:3 (B) 1:4 (C) 1:6 (D) 1:9 Book card, book pocket are some of the items that is used in which department? (A) Acquisition (C) Computer section 11 (B) Reference ~) Technical LSD/15 [Turn over ' 27. . 28. Humidity in stock room should remain to what%? (A) 70 - 80% ;If' not above (C) 80 - 90% (D) 90 - 100% (A) 70 - 80 lfffJ~fbiD (B) 60 lfffJ~{b~~!i>® ~~.sLDrr.srn.oru (C) 80 - 90 lfffJ~fbiD (D) 90 - 100 lfffJ~fblD The shelf list in the library is used to facilitate what? ~ (C) 29. 60~ Stock verification (B) Cataloguing Binding (D) Classification What attracts small beetles called 'Dermastidae' in the library? (A) Dust (B) Fire (C) Water ~) Light (A) ~61 (C) ~ir LSD/15 (B) 12 ,, 30. Who developed CPM? ~ (C) 61 t.S1 31. (B) National Library Public Library (D) Tata Consultancy Service ~n.n-re :2....@Q.Jrr8;.$1UJ§J wrrr'r? (A) ~ urru5l~n.:... .ffilwru~U:> (B) a~§lUJ (C) Gurr@ @TGUa;tb (D) LrrLrr a;6lim"a:Gi>Gum§l aa:66lru @TGU.Stb What is the role of Good Office's Committee? (A) ~ 32. Dupoint Company To interact with librarians To decide the Indian rate of conversion (C) To implement new policy for book selection (D) To act a nodal centre for users Who suggested that "only published books should be procured"? (A) S.R. Ranganathan (C) Krishan Kumar .ti> (D) George S . Bonn Bhattacharya Gruroif1u5lu.Jul...L y~~a;ffila;66lm L.DL....@al.D !:9JTGU.$~~6J® rurrffila; aru~@Gl.D6m' ~arurra:66l6m' ruwffil.$1UJGLJr'r UJrrr'r? 13 (B) ~rrr'r~ GT~. urr~ (D) ul...Lrr65rrr'rUJrr LSD/15 [Turn over 33. 34. 35. Who identified SWOT Analysis? (A) Abraham M. Maslow (C) R.R. Bowker (A) ~.°.t5ll)e;rn.D ~LO. (C) ~fr. ~fr. (B) ¢ LDrrGiuGrurr Gurre;fr H. W. Wilson Ulysse Nardin (B) ~8=. (D) 2...6151Ge: J!ifTfrl1J-m u5lffill..j. GiSlQ)e:m Maslow's theory is related to (A) Recruitment (C) Training (C) uuS'!Ji>fil ~ Motivation (D) Promotion Expand BNB (A) Bombay National Bibliography tJ British National Bibliography (C) Brazil National Bibliography (D) Bahrain National Bibliography (A) u LO u rnu t5l t5l GQ) IT.$l1Jrr t5l (B) t5liflL_l1J-~ G~51UJ (C) t.SlG1Jfil6U G~51UJ t5lt.SlGrurr.$l1Jrrt5l (D) u6;~1Jm LSD/15 G~fil UJ 14 t5lt5lGQ)rr.$11Jrrt5l G!bfilUJ t5lt51GQ)rr.$l1Jrrt5l 3G. 37. 38. The Calcutta university commission is also known as (A) Radhakrishnan Commission (C) Hunter Commission .,tJ Sadler Commission (D) Raleigh Commission How many principles have Helen H. Haines put down for the Book selection? (A) 13 (B) 12 ~ 14 (D) 10 (A) 13 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 10 Who said "Demand for books should be differentiated according to its volume, value and variety"? ./:J (C) L.R. McColvin (B) Melvil Dewey S.R. Ranganathan (D) Drury 15 LSD/15 [Turn over 39. According to S.R. Ranganatha n, Public Library Staff's salary will be from annual expenditure. (A) 40 % ¢ 50 % (C) 60 % (D) 70% <OTGiu. ~l'r. IJ"Ji.Ja;!!'>rr~~m ~ct>r6lm u i.q. G u rr~@IQ>a;u u ~tu rrrol'r a;Gifl 6iir 8lDUGTT8= Qe:QJGEl 6bll.O ~6bl~ .@®8;®Lb. ( ~IJ"rr~© Qe:Q>@S16bl~~6151®~~) 40. 40% (B) 50 % (C) 60 % (D) 70% Ranganathan recognized h ow many kinds of mnem onics? / 41. (A) (A) Seven (B) (C) Three ~) (A) q@ Six Four ' Who introduced expansive classification? ~ (C) C. A. Cutter (B) Melvil Dewey S. R. Ranganathan (D) H. Elise 61S1ifl6l.Jrr8;a;u u®u!Sltu6"6>QJ.$ a;~@u!Sl1q.~~6l.Jrr tum'r? \ (A) LSD/15 61. q . a;L.Ll'r 16 42. 43. Library of congress classification has been divided into how many classes? (A) 15 ~ 20 (C) 25 (D) 30 (A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 30 Which edition of CC provided a facet formula for each basic class of fundamental category? ~ (C) Third (B) Fourth Second (D) Fifth ~s.;rrru@r · u@5LitSlro · ~It~ u~utSlro ~llJ-Liu~L ffil.dJ~ru ~mro uL.~L rurrli.JuurrL.llJ-m LOrr!iJ!Dt.0 Qa=li.JtuuuL.@ffiro§J? 44. Which of the classification help to locate related document immediately? ¢Y According to subject wise (B) According to title wise (C) According to author wise (D) According to publisher wise 17 LSD/15 [Turn over I 45. Which budget gives freedom to decide allocati.o ns of funds to different items? (A) Line item budget fJ/> Lumpsum budget (C) Formula budget (D) Performance budget 61"Jb~ QJ~8i ~Q.)8> QJI}"~ Q.%u~ ~L...Ll.b uru 6l.l~8iUJrr~ Qs:ru~8i~GTT8: Qs:tLiUJ .ffil~ G8irr@uu~!i>® a;~)b~IJ"LD G8irr@.S.$1 JD§!? 46. What percentage is suggested for the salary of the staff for public library system according to Ranganathan? (A) . 40% ~ 50% 49% (D) 44% (C) IJ"ri.i8>J!irr~~Eiirr ~.©l.SQ'l8iuu tq.. Qurr§J ~Q.)8) ~wQJQ.)8ifr8>~6irr ~§J.S8iuuL...@6Trm~? (A) 40% (B) 50% (C) 49% (D) 44% LSD/15 18 s:Lbuml.b 61"~~~~ s:~GlSlil~Lb 47. What is the meaning of user's education? (A) Teaching (B) Train t? ·use the library (C) Give useful education tJ'1 48. Instruction given to reader s to help them m ake the best u se of the library The word "classification" is derived from which language? ~ Latin word (B) French word (C) German word (D) Sanskrit word • . p 19 LSD/15 [Turn over 49. Fundamental categories were introduce<;! in which edition of colon classification? ~ 50. 51. Third edition (B) Second edition (C) Fourth edition (D) Fifth edition In which year the manual oh the use of DDC was publish ed? ~) 1982 (B) 1983 (C) 1985 (D) 1986 (A) 1982 (B) 1983 (C) 1985 (D) 1986 What is the size of the visible index catalogue card? (A) 12 x 20 cm (C) 12.5 x 21 cm (A) 12 x 20 cm (B) 12 x 20.5 cm (C) 12.5 x 21 cm (D) 12.5 x 20 cm LSD/15 (B) Jl'f" 20 12 x 20.5 cm 12.5 x 20 cm 52. OPAC is an acronym of (A) Online Periodical Access Catalogue IJi*!' Online Public Access Catalogue (C) Open Public Access Catalogue (D) Offline Public Access Catalogue • 53. Expand CCF (A) Common Communication Forum (B) Country Communication Forum ~ Common Communication Format (D) Country Communication Format • 21 LSD/15 [Turn over 54. 55. Classified catalogue code was published in which year? (A) 1933 (C) 1936 (D) 1932 (A) 1933 (B) 1934 (C) 1936 (D) 1932 What is GMD in AACR II? (A) General Material Document iJJlf General Material Designation (C) Group Material Designation (D) Group Material Document GJ GJ §1 ~ir 56. Jlll!"'1934 II ru ~ 0iD tq.. (GMD) 0~JDrrru 0~~? (A) G~~IJGU GLDL.tq..rtl lU@ ~6l..J6WTLD (B) G~~rrru GLDL.tq..rfllLIG'i> ~~~~lUrra;iD (C) ®®Li GLDL.tq..tfl lUru ~~~~lLirr~in (D) ®®U GLDL.tq..rtllUGU ~6l..J~tD Which one belongs to conventional form of catalogue? (A) COM (C) OPAC (A) §1~0iD (B) LDrrri-8; (C) ~ua; (D) .~L~L 6l..llq-6l..JLD LSD/15 (B) MARC JJ#f' Card form 22 57. 58. The revised edition of AACR II was published in which year? (A) 1987 ifJf 1988 (C) 1989 (D) 1978 (A) 1987 (B) 1988 (C) 1989 . (D) 1978 "' In KWI C indexes the keyword is (A) Derived from the text (B) Derived from the abstract Jill' Derived from the title (D) Assigned by the author ~ :.®6lSlB;@~ui;Q\$lru 59. :2....GTrGIT QP.$..tltLJ 6Urrir~~~ 6r~? The Vth edition of classified catalogue code was published in which year? (A) 1966 (B) 1963 JJl'f"" 1964 (D) 1965 (A) 1966 (B) 1963 (C) 1964 (D) 1965 23 LSD/15 [Turn over 60. What is the basic expenditure for libraries in programming budget? ~Programme .. (B) Performance (C) Functions of the staff (D) Item .. Q5lLJQ)urrL..© 6l.l!J"6l.J Q8'6U6l.j ~LL~~Q) !9Jl6U8i~~!Ds;rrs; ~t.q.uuGrJL G8'6U6l..j 61"~6M? 61. (A) ~LLu51LL 6l.l!J"6l..j G8'6U6l.j ~LLL.i::i (D) Gurr®G"ir Year Books are also known as (A) Hand book ~Annual (C) Directory (D) Dictionary 6l.IQ9Lrr,[5~1J" G6l.lffiltnL..t.q.~ LDJJ)JQu~rr 61"~6M? 62. (A) §lw LJ~~a;L.O (B) ~~© Lj~ffia;Li::i (C) 61SJ6l.Jl)rfila;ro ~Lrfil$)lLI Lj~~a;Li::i (D) ~d;IJ"fT~ Encyclopaedia Americana is published from which place? (A) Chicago ~NewYork (C) Oxford (D) Washington · (B) .ffiliy,lLirrrrffi LSD/15 24 63. "Asian Recorder" is published from which place? ~ 64. 65. New Delhi (B) Chennai (C) Pune (D) Coimbatore (A) Jbll!d>Qu;u6151 (C) IJ~66T What is contained in part 2 of New Encyclopaedia Britannica? Jitlf Knowledge in Depth (B) Index (C) Abstract (D) Contemporary references II MEDLAR online database is known as ~ MEDLINE (C) (C) MEDLIFE (B) MEDLINK (D) MEDSCI (B) GinL.615lffil ,. QinL. ~ruu 25 LSD/15 [Turn over II 66. In India who fixes the rates, terms and conditjons for selection of books? <JI!' Good Office's Committee (B) Government Office Committee (C) Government Official Committee (D) Good Office Council .. 67. COMPENDEX gives information for which subject? Jilf (C) 68. Engineering (B) Medicine Biology (D) Histc;iry (B) ill0J~~6l.Jtb (D) 6l.l1Jrurrw 'Facts on file' is published from which place? (/If New York (B) Washington (C) Oxford (D) Moscow 'Gu8;L. ~~ • .Q">uru' 61".ffi~ @L~~Gl> G6l.lmlUJrr~~? 0 (A) .ffi1 !!J,UJ rrri"8; (B) 6lJ rr~ ri.J L~ (C) ~8;tail>Gu rrri"@ (D) ill rrtail> GB; rr LSD/15 26 , 69. Wha t is a Thesaurus? f3 A treasure of words (B) Directory (C) Index (D) Abstract U 61.l 70. .... '• ~8j6lJ6\.Je;Gir Jbl~fDfe~ LJ~~e;tb GT~U@ GT~6m"? (A) U61.l (B) ru Wl e;rrL.iq. (C) Lj~~e; 61Sl61!ptu ~LL6lJ~QITT" (D) Lj~PJ8:i 8iQ!j.$8:it.D rurrrrf!iQ)!l>e;Gi"r ~Lri.Jcfilw yfi;~e;t.D Who introduced "Books in Print Plus" in CD/ROM formate? ; Bowker (B) Oxford Press (C) John Wiley (D) The World Press (A) Q)u6i.Ja;rr (B) ~8;ffi>~urrrr@ (C) ~rrm~u5l~ (D) ~ ~ru6\.JL. tSllJGiu • i.5l1JGiu 27 LSD/15 [Turn over 71. Process of establishing contact between a reader and document m a personal way is known as 72. ~ Refer ence service (B) Indexing service (C) SDI service (D) CAS service Where is 'European Translation Center' situated? / (C) Delft (B) London Mumbai (D) Oxford . ~~1JTrui.5lUJ~ ~IJ~6iu~rua:~ Ga:~u'r (European Translation 73. (A) Gu;uu® (C) ut.burru.J Center) ~r&.!® ~~LDJi>§JGf1"61T§J? .. In "stencil duplicating process" cyclostyling is also known as . Jl'f_ (C) LSD/15 Mimenographing (B) Carbon copying Typewriting (D) Duplicating (B) d;rrrru~ u~ul.j 28 74. Name th e book available for Abstracting Service in Science ' 75. Guide to world abstracting and indexing services in Science (B) Economic abstract (C) Social Science Abstract (D) Psychology Abstract 'Users Profile file' is created in which servi ce llJlf (C) 76. SDI Ser vice (B) CAS Indexing Service (D) Translation Service 'Libra ry Bulletin' is given under which service? (A) SDI (B) Tra nslation ~ CAS (D) Indexing (A) 6reu tq. tB (C) 51 GJ 6Teu 29 LSD/15 [Turn over 77. Literature Searc_h is mainly used in I"' - Long Range Reference Service - (B) 78. Ready Range Reference Service (C) Re.prographic Service (D) Documentation Service - - Feed back is one of the feature of which Service? (A) Digest ?f"sDI LSD/15 30 (B) CAS (D) Reprographic (B) 61 .~.6T6iu 79. Who said reference service is '·Contact between a right reader and the right book at the right time and in the right personal way" ? (A) Melvil Dewey (C) A Cutter "5rflturr~ Jl"f' (D) S.R. Ranganathan Foskett Gl..JrT68;@8;@). 6rTlUJrr6m LJ~~(jj~lffi~ 6rTlwrrGITT GJ!i1J~~6i.> 6rTlwrr6m Gl..JW1u.Sl6i.> ~@6l..l§J" @)p5luy~@Sl Ge:..m6l..l GT"~IDJ &i.p51UJ6l..Jr'r UJrrr'r? (C) 80. 81. (D) 6J.8;LLr'r urrGil.J(J;L... How many organisations engaged in doing translation in India in 1990's? (A) One hundred gJ{' Two hundred (C) Three hundred (D) (A) !9ITW Fom hundred ITC notifies the translation through "World Trans Index", which is published in the year? (A) 1958 (B) 1960 JIJ'I' 1978 (D) 1979 GLDrrW1GuUJr'r~~Gi> ~(J;Gl..JGO(l;lffiGTT ffit.q.61 (ITC) Q~rTllUuu@~§JLD "G6l..lGi>@ t.q.IJrrmGil.l @~GlLB;Gil.l" GT"J!i~ Gl..JQl)LLD G6l..lG!flu5lLUULL§J? (A) 1958 (B) 1960 (C) 1978 (D) 1979 31 LSD/15 [Turn over 82. Expand GAN r/ Global Area Network (B) Good Area Network (C) Goa Area Network (D) Goal Area Network ~GJ6T~ @~ ~ITl61JrT8ia;U:i 83. (A) @JC~61TrTU GU GJifl lLHT QJD L Q6lJ fTrT8; (B) ®L. G)ITllLirr G,mL.G6l.lrrr'r8i (C) aa;rr6l.Jrr GJITllLirr G,mL.G6l.lrrr'r8i (D) aa;rrro GJITllLirr G,mL.G6l.lrrr'rffi 1995 (B) 1992 1991 (D) 1990 ,, MYLIBNET was launched in which year? (C) Gf[1{h 6l.IQ!)LLD Q>lllG\SluG,mL. ~l)Li:it.Sl8ia;uuL.L~? 84. (A) 1995 (B) 1992 (C) 1991 (D) 1990 'VIKRAM' is a packet-switched public data network developed by whom? (A) Department of Commerce (B) Department of Tourism /jl!"' Department of Telecommunication (D) Department of Defence (A) 6l.l~a;GE\tLJ6U ~Ql!D (C) {h[1~ ~ffi6l.JGU G~rrLr'ry ~Ql!D LSD/15 32 85. 86. Which one of the following is not a search engine? (A) Mosaic (B) Yahoo (C) Google /jlf Zone Alarm (A) GLDrr~a:ffi (B) LUfT& Who took the initiative to set up DELNET? (A) INSDOC (B) DESIDOC Jilf' NISSAT (D) INFLIBNET II (C) 87. • I ,llila:rrL. Among the following which is a Firewall? (A) .Yahoo ~ Blackice (C) Alta Vista (D) Trojan Horse (A) LUfT& (B) ~rorr8;$1 (C) ~roLrr GlSlGiuLrr 33 . LSD/15 [Turn over 88. Expand HTML ·~ Hyper Text Markup Language (B) Hyper Test Markup Language (C) High Text Markup Language (1?) Hyper Text Mark Language ~if i.q. ~ill ~Qi (A) (B) 89. @Qr (HTML) G))lrfl@..m.Sa;ill Q>~ uir GL.SQ\)L.. LDrrirB;~u GLDrrWJ · Q>~uir QLQ\)L.. LDrrir.S~u GLDrrWJ (C) m~ GL.SQ\)L.. LDrrir.S~u (D) Q>~uir GL.SQ\)L.. GLOrr~ LDrrir8; GLDrrWJ 'HOTBOT' is a ~ Search Engine (B) Virus (C) Network (D) Metadata (A) ~~@ill (B) Q)QJl}'Qu (C) QJQ)Q) (D) GLOLL~LLLIT LSD/15 a;®G))l 34 90. 91. Which of the following is a search engine? (A) Netscape (B) Zonelab Jllf' Hotbot (D) Zone alarm (C) ~m.:..urn.:.. Expand FTP (A) Field Transfer Protocol Jlllf' File Transfer Protocol (C) File Text Protocol (D) Field Text Protocol • 35 LSD/15 [Turn over 92. The application software maitrayee was developed by which network? / (C) 93. (B) DELNET INFLIBNET (D) BONET (D) GurrGJDL. Light pen (B) Track ball Keyboard (D) Mouse (B) Lq-GI).$ U/iJ§J (D) L.061.jGlu Which is not a pointer device? , (A) GT§J 94. CALIBNET ®JDlu5'® e;@GlSl @rumru? (A) ~ffil Gu~rr (C) GT@lf>~.$e;mITT ~rrffiJ.$lUJ urume; A program that causes problems for internet is known as (A) Byte jllf' Virus (C) Firewall (D) Crackers (A) muL. (B) mG'l..llJ"Giu (C) muUJirG'l..Jrrru LSD/15 36 95. What is the most popular DBMS for microcomputers? """' dBASE (B) LINUX (C) (D) WINDOWS UNIX ,• (A) ls\-GuGfu (D) 96. @Sl~GurGfu A program written in machine language is a sequence of what binary numbers? (A) 2's and 3's (B) l's and 2's /jl/f l's and O's (D) 3's and 4's (A) 2 LDfD!J)JLD 3 (B) 1 LDfD!J)JLD 2 (C) 1 LDfD!J)JLD 0 (D) 3 LDfD!J)JLD 4 • 97. What is Window? (A) j1f Hardware (B) Software Operating System (D) High Level Language 37 LSD/15 [Turn over 98. Who developed CODEN numbering system? (A) American chemical society (B) Australian psychology society JJlll' American society for testing and materials (D) American psychological society Ge;rrLQ'T ~~ QJrf)Q'ls: (!pQ'l!!)bnUJ ~@QJrr.9;.ilUJ .@!))lGU6lITtb ~~? 99. (A) <:!91GtnrftB;e; Gru~UJru e;we;tb (B) ~Giil.>~G1JrolUJ ~m61SlUJru e;we;tb (C) <:!91Gtnnl8;e; urflGs:rr~bnQIT LDtDIDJtD ~~ITl}'rlile;m e;we;tb (D) <:!9!GtnrflS;19; ~ro61SlUJru e;we;tb What is the main public relations activities? (A) Lobbying and literature (B) Sponsorship and publicity /jlJf' Publicity and event management (D) Exhibitions and publicity (A) lDMQr aue;tb <:!91Q'l!!) LDtD.(:9ltb@ru8;8ilUJtb (B) ~~l}'QJITQTrT LD!Dmttb 61Slmtbu1JtD (C) 61SlmtbufJtb LDtD.(:OJtD .@8iW6l.l alD6\lfT~Q)lD (D) B;~e;rrL...§l tn!DIDJtb 61Slmtbu1Jtb LSD/15 38 I 100. Match the following (a) RAM 1. Output devices used for punching graph s (b) ROM 2. Volatile m emory (c) Printer 3. Device used for getting hard copy (d) Plotter 4. Non-volatile memory (a) (b) (c) (d) 4 3 1 (B) 4 3 2 1 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D) 1 2 3 4 Qurr@~~ffi : (a) ~IJLD 1. 6).JQ)IJULLD 6).JQ)JJ ~QjLL..j L ffi@61S'l (b) IJITLD 2. .ffilQ)Q}UJIT~ ,ffi!Q)~6).JITJDJDru (c) ~if6' ~t.q-Bi®t.0 .@ UJJf>~JJt.0 3. ffilq-~ U~Qj Ga=uJll..jLD ffi@61S'l (d) ~LLLD ~Q)lDLJ U6).JtT 4. .ffil~Q}UJJDJJ) .ffilQ)~6).J ITJDJD6i> (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 3 1 (B) 4 3 2 1 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D) 1 2 3 4 39 uUJ6Mu @.$lJD~ LSD/15 [Turn over 101. Who was one of the initiative of Library Moveme nt in UK? .Jiff (C) Edward Edwards (B) George II Cutter A (D) . Antony P anizze t51rTlL.LGUftru l:91TQ)a;@lUffia;L.i:> Q~rrLrliia; c$fTl)GmlDfTc$@@.di~6t.l(!?ITT 9@6t.lfr lUfTfr? 102. 103. 104. (A) 6TL6t.lrT@ 6TL6t.lrT@Giu (B) ~rrrrm (C) a;L.Lir GJ (D) ~,diG~rrGUft u GUftcfl II When Madras Public Library Act was enacted? (A) 1930 (B) 1946 ~ 1948 (D) 1965 (A) 1930 (B) 1946 (C) 1948 (D) 1965 The word "Policy Information" includes .f;lt (A) Ideas Decision Making (C) History (D) Results (A) 6T~6m'L.i:> (B) ~irLDrr~L.i:> GT@!b~ru (C) 6t.llJQ)fTJPJ (D) QP t.q-Gl.! a;ffi Who prepared model bill for India? (A) A. Neelamegam (C) G. Bhattacharya JI'( S.R. Ranganathan (D) K. Kesavan lDrT~rTl 6LL~a>~ @,di~lUrr@Slru ~lUrrrTl~~6\.J rT lLirTir? (A) GJ . .£Q)GLDa;L.i:> (B ) GTGiu . qi,rr. 1Jrliia;JDrr~6'6r (C) ~· uL.Lrr8:a:rrrTllLirr (D) Ga;. Ga;a:6t.16'6r LSD/15 40 • 105. "Lenin National Library" is situated in (A) ~ Paris (B) Ukrain Moscow (D) London "Q61)6nf)~ G~6llU ,!grr6UffiLD" ~~LDJi;~Gi'TGlT @LLD 106. (A) urrrll01.l (B) ~8;~"~ (C) wrr01.lGe;rr (D) 6UrorL~ Which policy gives importance to Public Libraries? .vt (C) 107. National Policy on Education (B) Information Policy Book Selection Policy (D) National Policy on Medicine A budget which covers the purchase of books and periodicals is called as (A) Programme budget (B) Zero based budget ~ (D) Recurring grant Non-Recurring grant I 41 LSD/15 [Turn over 108. 109. Academic libraries includes (A) Special libraries (C) Government libraries (B) ,j/IJ Mobile libraries University libraries UNESCO was established to promote ~ Education, Cult.ure and Science (B) Literature and Language Medicine (D) Law and Control \ (C) 110. Who said library is a "Cultural Maturation"? (A) R. G. Prasher ~ J.H. Shera (C) Pandey S.K. Sharma (D) P.N. Kaula (D) t5l .6r~. Qs;GTT@IT LSD/15 42 111. Which. is the controlling factor in book selection in all types of libraries? .1' Budget (B) Expenditure (C) Laws (D) Activities GT6i>rurr 6lJ6rl6.i@Trua;r6.Ja;GTtl6i> Ll~~6.i~6rl~ G~r'r.[>G~(~h.Ju~ro GT.[>~ 6.iITIJ~ a;L..@u©~~8; 86'1.lq-lLI~? 112. (A) 6lJIJQJ Ga:ruQJ ~L..u.o (D) Ga:UJroa;ffi In which country did Farmington Plan formed? (A) China (B) UK (C) India ~ USA (A) SQTIT 43 LSD/15 [Turn over 113. Package libraries are one of the ~) (C) ~ctivity of Extension service (B) Lending s~rvice Research work (D) Reference work G.srr®~~Q.i .sL..® l91f6U.S~~~ G6l..16"6)6\) GT~~? 114. 115. (A) 6l5lifl6l..lrr.S.su uoo:l (B) (C) ~J)rrQ.iif41u (D) uoo:l . ®!Dl u Lj~6l51 uoo:l u oo:l Who was the first principal libraria n of British Museum? (A) Edward Edwards (C) A. Cutter (C) GJ: .SLLrr ~ (D) Anthoni Panizze Berwick Sayer Who was the Ch airm an of University Education Commission in 1948? ~ (C) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (B) Dr. S. Lal Dr. R.N. Shukla (D) Dr. A. Neelamegam ~tuira;Q.>@51 @)@6l51~ (1948) ~6"6)6U6l..J ir turrir? (A) Dr. GTeu. J)rr~rr.$1@~6l!M~ (B) Dr. GTeu. rurrru (C) Dr. ~ir.GT~. 8T.Srurr (D) Dr. GJ. ,IBruGLO.stb LSD/15 44 116. Who directs Public Relation Programme in University? ~ 117. 118. Alumni of University (B) Laymen (C) Business People (D) House Wife (C) G!SlturrUITIJ LD.$e;GiT Reading circle is which type of program (A) teaching program ,pf> extension program (C) training program (D) borrowing program In which year was the national library of Russia was established? (A) 1864 (B) 1863 fl!> 1862 (D) 1865 (A) 1864 (B) 1863 (C) 1862 (D) 1865 45 LSD/15 [Turn over 119. 120. A library on 'Gandhian studies" belongs to which type of library? (A) Public library (B) Government library ~ Special library (D) College library (A) Gu rr~ l9lfrua;L.O (B) ~IJ'c!!'rrri.Js; l9JTGUa;L.0 (C) filJDuy l9lfrua;L.O (D) a;Q.>~rrl l9JTQ)a;L.0 Autonomous Organisation (B) Public Sector Private Organisation (D) Industrial Firm What type of Organisation is UGC? ~ (C) l!d>~fil 6rfiJ~ QJQ>a; JBllPJGU~~Ql~6 c!!'rrirfe~~? 121. (A) Biu.J ~L...§1 ~QlLDuy (B) LO.$a;m ~Q>LDUL.j (C) ~~u.Jrrir ~QJLDuy (D) Q~rr~Q.> c!!'rrirfe~ ~QJLDUL.j When was British museum established? (A) 1760 ~ 1753 (C) 1785 (D) 1790 (A) 1760. (B) 1753 (C) 1785 (D) 1790 LSD/15 46 122. Why gliding is done in binding process of a book? ~ (C) 123. To protect the book (B) To prepare final copy To decorate the book (D) To prepare the covering board The survey of the work done during the preceding year is known as (A) ~ Hand Book (B) Annual Review Annual Report (D) Annual Book CPft~ffilLI ~~tq..6irr ~6l..lmru G6li.J~ QPtq..8>@5t..D QPtq..6l.J ~@~~ G6rrru~t..D ~li.J6l.J ~6i.J6l..lrr!l)J ~!Dl1Uuu@.$1!D~? 124. What is over due charge? (A) Damaging book (B) Loss of book ~ Books returned after due date (D) Misplaced book 47 LSD/15 [Turn over 125. Replacing the cover.on a volume is known as /> 126. Recasing (B) Reinforcing (C) Sizing (D) Glazing (A) LDJPlULq- ~~LD~~ru (C) ~m6l51Lru (D) UGTTU61T~1.HT$a;ru Which material is best for making shelves for a library? ,_(y Steel (B) Burma teak · Rose wood (D) Palm tree wood (B) UtTL.Drr a~8;@i (D) U~6nl L.DIJLD Insect (B) Natural disaster (C) Chemical disaster (D) Fi:r:e disaster (A) !d,8:51 (B) . @lLifb~a; ~~6l.J (C) a6lJ~l1Jru ~~6l.J (D) (C) (C) 127. aiJrrG"iu ~L.. What is a "Beetle"? ~ LSD/15 48 ~ ~~6l.J . 128. 129. The annual report of college library does not include the (A) Total number of books (C) Financial constrains .j/!> Activities of library Loss of books Expand GOC (A) Government Order for Catalogue (B) Goods Order Committee (C) Government Officials Committee ~ 130. (B) Good Office's Committee The paper used in "pocket edition" books are of what type? (A) Superior type ,If (C) Medium type (D) Ordinary type (B) LDLLLDIT6ITT' 6Ll~ffi 49 Inferior type LSD/15 [Turn over 131. What is Zero Based Budget? (A) Budgeting without funds (B) Budgeting based on expenditure (C) Performance budget J1'f Budgeting a fresh ~~UJ 6l.llJGl.l Ga:ruGl.j ~L..L ~JDl.S"6>cr; GT6irrJDrr6i.l GT6irr~? 132. (B) G.%U"6>6l.J ~~uu"6>LUJrrcr; Qcr;rr61WL Gl.Jl)Gl.j Ga=ruGl.j fhJL.LL.i:> (C) Qa:u'.J~~fr> UJ ~~uu~LU.Jrrcr; Qs;rr~L Gl.Jl)Gl.j Qa:Q)Gl.j fhJL.LL.i:> What do you mean by Book Selection? (A) Procurement of books (B) Donation of books (C) Accessing of books ~ Adding books to a library Lj~~a;L.i:> ~~rr.IBQ~@uU§J GT6irrU§J GT6irr~? 133. (A) Lj~~cr;L.i:> GUrTffiJ@)~GU (B) Lj~~s;L.i:> JD6in"Qcr;rr"6>L GU~ffil@)~GU (C) y~~cr;6 Ga:rr.S"6>a; (D) .(9lTQ)s;~fh1Gi> y~~cr;L.i:> Ga:rrl.!u§J Which law of library science promotes reading habit? (A) Fifth (B) Fourth (C) Third ~ First (A) &3.IB~rr6l.l§J (B) JD rr6irra; rr6l..l §! (C) ~6irrJDrr6l.l~ (D) QP~Gi> LSD/15 50 134. 135. What does Formula Budget refers? (A) Enhance the facilities (B) No logical way of allocation (C) Emph asize more expenditure on .salary ¢ Standard a llocation of money Who was the First Librarian of National Library? ~ (C) B.S. Kesavan (B) P . P a rthasarathy (D) G. Seetharaman P .N . Kaula ~pi§IUJ @r'ill.$~~~ (y:ipibi.> @rQ>a;rr 1Urrir? 136. ~$8'61.J~ (B) t51.6f~. Qa;QtQ)ff (D) ~. 6~~ITl)ITLD~ Book selection (B) Library cl assification Fina ncial management (D) Library cataloguing (A) t51.6T'Gi\.>. (C) t5I. urrir~~B'ITIJ~ Principles of Drury a1·e meant for what? ~ (C) 51 LSD/15 [Turn over 137. The word "Demand" in McColvin principle is matched with the t erm (A) Marketing (C) Book. Gw8;~rrru6lS16irr Ll~~e; Gffejr'r.rf>G~@d;®tb ~ Supply (D) Finance Ge;m.:. . um.:.. i.q.ru ~ffiGIT G~(ill6l..J 6Tm®Jtb 6l..Jrrir~~~ 6T~®JLm Gurr®.rf>~t.D (A) 138. @SlrotburJ'L.D Zero Based Budget deals with ~ First time operations (B) Second year (C) Third year (D) Fourth year (B) .@ry~Lrrtb ~~@ . (D) JI>rrme;rrtb ~~© 139. · The first and foremos t function of p ersonnel m anagement are ~ J ob analysis (B) Performance appraisal (C) J ob placement (D) Job training (A) u~~w~ (B) ~@)~ LD~u~@~ru (C) u~ 6J!!Jurr© (D) u6lS!ITl ut6'l!D5l LSD/15 · 52 I 140. 141. What is span of control? (A) Controlled syste m (B) Jurisdiction ¢ Number of sub-ordinates reporting directly to a manager (D) Exercise strict control National Bibliography refers to (A) Books published by private agencies (B) Books published by individuals ·.j/r Books published in a country (D) Books published by libraria ns 53 LSD/15 [Turn over 142. Which is the central theme of Drury's principle of book selection? (A) Staffs (B) Books ~ Reader (D) Furniture y~~s;tO a~fr,ci;Q~@$@)Lb (Y)~JDu.Sl~ llt@alJ as;rn.:. . urn.:. . llt~ Q)l.DUJ8; .$0j~~ ~~? (A) 143. . U~UJrr~fr (C) 6lJ IT8'$ IT (D) ~GfT6l.J ITLrlil a;Gi'r The 19th edition of DDC was published in which year? (A) 1969 (B) 1971 ¢ 1979 (D) 1981 (A) 1969 (B) . 1971 (C) · 1979 LSD/15 (D) 54 1981 144. Which classification scheme was published in 1876? (A) Colon Classification (B) Universal Decimal Classification ~ (D) 145. Dewey Decimal Classification Expansive Classification Which notation device is used in the first edition of colon classification for synthesis of subject? (A) Semi colon (C) Full stop QP~rurrQJ~ u~~h.Ji5l~ ,t (D) Gffirrruar u®Li~ @Q'.l!J)u5lru Colon Question mark ~.ffipj ®iDluS© Gurr@Q'.lm i.S'lrrl~~ .g;rrL.Lu ulUaru©~~uu@.il w~? 55 LSD/15 [Turn over 146. Name editor s of 7 th edition of colon classification ~ 147. (B) Ranganathan (C) Martin (D) M.A. (A) ,lliruGLO.st.0, G.srnSlJ!Jrrft LDrDl:l)JLD B~rrl}rrLDrr (B) l}ffi1.SJ!)IT~6'4-f (C) LDrrrriir~ (D) 6TLD.GJ. G.srriSIJDrrft Gopin~th In which plane "canon of h omonym" is used by Ranganathan? ~ 148. Neelamegham, Gopinath and Seetharama Nota tional plane (B) Verbal plane (C) Idea plane (D) Work plane (A) ®i6lt0@ ~mt.D (B) GUrrrrft~~ ~GTTLD (C) 6T6Wr~ ~mt.D (D) LI~ ~GTTLD The term 'literary warrant' was first introduced by (A) S.R. Ranga nathan (C) A. Neelamegam .,t (D) · (B) (D) LSD/15 56 E. Wyndhan Hulme Senguptha @. ~GU/]~m ~lL!LD Q5m®u~rr 149. Canon of decreasing extension is related to which canon? (A) Canon of context (B) Canon of array "' Canon of chain (D) • Canon of currency @5~!Dfbfh 6lS'lrTl@.m.Sa; GlSl~ <;['~~if a:rrrrfe~~? 150. (A) ~~LDUL.4 a:rrrrfelb GlSJ~ (B) ~~6\J@j GlSl~ (C) 6lJrf1~6 6lSl~ (D) piLUL.4 QP~!D 6lSl~ What does library classification mean? f/(f Arrangement of ideas in a systematic manner (B) Arrangement of document according to physical form (C) Arrangement of year wise (D) Author wise arrangement 57 LSD/15 [Turn over 151. Who printed "A.A. Code" draft? ;/ LC (B) ALA (C) LA (D) CLA GJ.GJ: Ge;rr@ lLirrlJrrro QGUGIT1u51Lu~L.L@7 152. (A) rorro 61 (B) 6J rorro 6J (C) rorro 6J (D) 61 6Tro GJ Which kind of budget initialize with a minimal or zero figure for funding? (A) , Traditional Budget · Zero Based Budget (C) Capital Budget (D) Imposed Budget !J~lLILb. 61.bufe>~LDrrm GUIJ"Gl.j G6Q)6l.j ~L.un ~n518;<;U>a;u5l~ Gu lUrr ror~~? 153. (A) UGn!J)lU 6Ul)6l.j Q66ll6l.j ~LL"Lb (B) \:j,~ lU Lb 61.bUfe>ffiLDrT~ 6Ul)6l.j G6Q)6l.j ~LLl.b (C) ~®Lbu uGU!J)ITffi 6UIJ"6l.j Qa:6\.l6l.j ~LLl.b (D) ~~B>rTIJ" \:j,ii"GULDrrm 6UIJ"6l.j Q66ll6l.j ~LLl.b Find out the odd one (A) AA code (C) AACR II ~ CCF (D) CCC G u rr®fe>ffiIT~6UJD6U>!D a;~@t.Sl~ (A) GJ 6J G.srr@ (B) 6161 GTu (C) 6J 6J 61 ~Ii II (D) 616161 LSD/15 58 I 154. How many rules does Charles C Jewett's code contains? 32 (B) 36 ,39 (D) 37 (A) 155. 156. (A) 32 (B) 36 (C) 39 (D) 37 COM is an acronym for '1Ji'f' Computer Output Microform (B) Common Output Microform (C) Complete Output Microform (D) Control Output Microform (B) Japan In which place the ICCP was held? ~Paris (C) New York (D) London (A) umfl~ (B) ~uurr~ (C) .ffillLJlUrrird:; 59 LSD/15 [Turn over 157. '· In which year C.A. Cutter described the objectives oflibrary catalogue? (A) 1867 (C) ' 1877 Jlllf'1876 (D) 1874 • 158. (A) 1867 (B) 1876 (C) 1877. (D) 1874 What was the name of the first international cataloguing code published on 1901? Jill" A A Code 159. (B) RDC (C) Vatican.Code (D) AACR (A) 6J 6J ~s;rr@ (B) qi,rr Lit- 61 (D) 6J 6J 61 qi,rr How many numbers are there in call number? JJil!' 3 (A) 1 (C) 4 (D) 2 (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 2 LSD/15 60 • 160. AACR I is a code meant for which catalogue? ~Dictionary catalogue 161. (B) Divided catalogue (C) Alphabetical catelogue (D) Classified catalogue (B) iS1rfl~~Q"JLD J91Tif>uL.i.q. (C) ~ffil)6UrflQ"l6 .!:9fT!DuL.i.q. (D) U@)UL.j J91TWULLq. Which library use sears list of subject heading mainly? ~ Small libraries (B) Big libraries (C) Academic and special libraries (D) Public libraries 61 LSD/15 [Turn over 162. The sources which are compiled, modified selected and reorganized is known as (A) Tertiary Sources I/If' Secondary Sources (C) Primary Sources (D) Non-documentary Sources ('.YlQ>~601~661~ QfbrT®~~· ~IJl.:. . ui- LDrDfl)JLD LDrrrf>JJ5l ~661LD8;@)tb (Yl6U~60T~~m QulUl'r <01'~601? 163. (A) ('.Ylm!D rrt.O .@6616\) ('.!PQ>~60ltb (B) @fl~Lrrtb /£16616\) (Y)6Ufb60TLD (C) QP~Q> /£16616\) ('.YlQ)fb60ltb (D) Y~fha; GUUJ-6l..J @roQ)rrfb ('.YlQ)fb60ltb Who publishes Science Citation Index? Jiii' Institute for Scientific Information (B) Oxford Press (C) Wiley (D) Clive Bingley (A) ~!D)bl5lUJGi> fba;GU6i> ~~LDuy (B) ~B;Q\>~urrirl.... ~l)Qu (C) ~li.JG\Sl (D) .$1661 GTTGlJ ~ ffiJ .$1@) LSD/15 62 164. Which source would you consult to know the pronunciation of a word? , (A) 165. Encyclopaedia Dictionary (C) Directory (D) Standard (B) ~a;ryrr~ ( C) QI ~a;m.:.. (D) ~LL ~QT~ ur Expand DEVSIS. (A) Developing Science Information System Jlillf Development Science Information System (C) Development Science Informatics System (D) Defence and Science Information System I •·, (B) QPQ!am!DlUJ ~!6161SlUJru fl>a;Q.Jru ~Q">tnuy 63 LSD/15 [Turn over 166. Bibliography" of Bibliographies are what type of sources? (A) . Primary Sou.r ces (B) Secondary Sources ~ Tertiary Sources (D) 167. All the above Who coined the word Bibliography? """ (C) Louis Jacob de Saint Charles (B) Lee Ash J .D. Brown (D) Ranganathan (B) ro~Giu !9IT!D QJD rrroe; Gl.Jrrir~ro~ro UJ (A) ~®Gl.J rr8;$1 UJ GU fr ~u51Giu G~B;e;u 1.e.. Qa:u51t0iio"n.:.. a:rrirQJGiu <;< (C) 168: (D) G~. iq.. LiGl)rr~ ijri.IB;!f>rT~~ 'Data India' is published from which place? Jlllf New Delhi (A) Mumbai (C) Chennai (D) Pune (A) ul.Ourrll..J (B) JB)iyQLGi:J~ (D) kJ,G6lrr LSD/15 64 I 169. Systematic Bibliogr aphy is known as (A) JJ'f" 170. Analytical Bibliography Enumerative Bibliogr aphy (C) Critical Bibliography (D) Historical Bibliography A word book is also known as (A) Index (C) Monograph Jlllf"' Dictionary (D) • 65 Periodical LSD/15 [Turn over 171. "Current contents service" is a service in (A) SDI jiff' CAS (C) Translation (D) Reprography I• 172. 173. (A) 61"0\J t.q- ffi (B) J1 GJ 6f0u (C) Gh.orr~ Q ulLir'r~)'DGD (D) ut.q-Q l!J®.S®L.0 Qfl~!D SDI service is a/an (A) Group Service (C) Parallel Service (A) @5@ G8'~6l.J (C) B'rTlB'L.D G8'~6l.J .Jlllf" Individual Service (D) Retrospective Service NationarTranslation Centre in USA is lacated in which place (A) ,Newyork ""Chicago (C) Mexico (D) California (A) .ffillLllLirTr'r8; I (B) J1.srrG.srr (C) QL.D8;J1G.M (D) .srulGu rrr'r6bfl lLirr LSD/15 66 174. SDI concept was found by (A) F.W. Lancaster ~ H.B. Luhn (C) C.A. Cutter (D) B.J. Foskett ~Giu iq. re ~m!D s;rrmGa:u~L s;~@LSliq.~~GLJir • (C) 175. fil.GJ.s;L.Lir What type of abstract is produced by machine? (A) Title Abstract (B) Manual Abstract ~ Auto Abstract (D) Slanted Abstract I 67 LSD/15 [Turn over 176. 177. Which one is t he importa nt depository of Translation in U.K.? (A) British Museui:n IJllf British Library Lending Division (C) The library Association (D) Oxford University Reference Service is of how many types? ~ 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 @)p5lULj~G\Sl .~a:~6l.J GT~fb~6m 6l.J~.$UU @tb? 178. (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 Which is called the most perso.nal service? (A) Abstracting Service (C) Bibliographic LSD/15 Jjllf 68 SDI (D)- Translation (B) GTffil .tq-.ffi I 179. "Thermofax" is completely a - - - - process. Wet (C) Light ( C) 180. jlf""Dry (A) (D) Thin (B) 11L6UrT Grua:rriro A topology designed with each node connected directly to a central unit and switch is known as (A) Ring ~Star (C) Bus (D) Mesh ~6i.JG6l.lrr@ @~mu..it.D GJ[>IJ"tq..wrra; ~LOwill LO!iJWJt.D a;®61Slu..JL~ @~~8;a;uul...L ~~LDu~~ Quwr'r @6i.J6l.lrTWJ ~i:6lwuu@.$l!D~ (A) 181. rTlffil (6l.l~GTTwt.b) (B) GiuLrrr'r (.!DLB'~~IJ"LD) (D) GLD~ ( Gl.J~G\)) INFLIBNET is a programme of which centre? ~ UGC (B) Department of Tourism (C) Department of Commerce (D) Department of Human Resources Development (B) a;!iJwrurr~ ~~!D (C) 6l.J~a;61Slwru ~~JD 69 LSD/15 [Turn over 182. Match the following : (a) DELNET 1. ·' 1995 (b) BONET 2. 1991 (c) INFLIBNET 3. 1992 (d) MYUBNET 4. 1988 (a) (b) (c) (d) Jiff 4 3 2 1 (B) 3 4 1 2 (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 1 2 4 3 (a) Qui>Gp;L... 1. 1995 2. 1991 3. 1992 4. 1988 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 3 2 1 (B) 3 1 2 (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 1 2 4 3 LSD/15 .,. 70 183. The initial focus of BONET was a imed to do w hich major activity? Jlllf . 184. Inter - library Activities (B) Acquisition Activity (C) Circulation Activity (D) Reference Activity Among the following which is a Browser? (A) Alta Vista (B) Trojan Horse (C) Yahoo ; • Netscape Qs;rr(~).$s;uul..@mm101.J!D!Dlm 6T~ p ,, (A) ~ruLrr 66lffi>Lrr (B) L(~IJ'rr~~ ~rrl'rffil (C) lUIT&. (D) GtoL..ffil~s;u t51Q.IJ'ma=l'r7 71 LSD/15 [Turn over 185. Expand. ARPA Network (A) All Research Proj ects Agency Network ~ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (C) Advanced Review Projects Agency Network (D) Advanced Research peer Agency Network · ~irurr GJDL.G6l.lrrirffi.$16in (ARPA) GlSlrTlGUrrffi.st.b 186. (A) qi,Q.> rTla:ir6 t5lfJrrQ§.lffi@ qQ~6inlfl Q,!!iL.Q6l.Jrrir8; · (B) ~L.GUrr~Giu@ (C) ~L.6l.lrr6inGiu@ rTl6i.lll..J t5lrJrrQ~ffi@ qG§.l6inlfl QJDL.G6l.lrrirffi (D) ~ L.6l.lrr~Giu@ rTla:ir6 t5lrJrrG§.lffi@ qG§.l6inlfl G,!!iL.G6l.lrrirffi rTla:ir6 tSir qQ§.l6inlfl G,!!iL.G6l.lrrir.$ Match the following (a) INFLIBNET 1. National informatics center (b) BONET 2. Department of Scientific a nd Industrial Resear ch (c) CALIBNET 3. NISSAT (d) NICNET 4. UGC (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 (C) 4 2 1 3 (D) 3 2 4 1 -(A) I Qurr®~§J.S : (a) .@6int5l Qfl t5l QJD L. 1. a~lflw ~.s6l.16i.> Q>LDUJLD (b) a u rrGJDL. 2. <::!91!Dl6lSlwQ.> LDrD!J,lJLD Q~rr~Q.> ~W6l..j §)Q)!D (c) a; rr61Sl uQJD L. 3. JBla=rrL. (d) JBl ffiG JD L. 4. ll..j~ifl (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 4 3 2 1 (C) 4 2 1 3 (D) 3 2 4 1 LSD/15 72 ~ 187. What is "McAfee"? itJlil' Virus checking software (B) . . Self replicating programme (C) Open source software (D) Non-text files I• 188. Which device translates information from one network to another? (A) Calcula tor (B) Interpreter (C) Compiler JJll!' p Router (A) ffirT6U@i(g6ULLrT (B) @6b"fLr'rL51rflL._Lr'r (C) ffiLDQ)U6fTrT (D) ei:!)LLrT 73 LSD/15 [Turn over 189. The device that converts digital to analog and analog to digital signal is known as (A) Analog computers JJlll'Modem (~ (C) (D) VDU s;~~~bi> tq-~unl61Sl®Ji>§J ~QTQ)rr.$®t.0 Electro fax LD!f>!I)Jt.O ~QTQ)rrffilrol ®Ji>§J tq-~L~6i@:it.O §)8;QTQ)rrs; L.Drr!f>wt.O s;®6151 @Gi..Jrurrw ~£61tLJuu@ffil!D§l 190. 191. (A) ~QTGUrr6i s;~~ (B) a LDrrLt.0 (C) 6151.tq-.lLJ (D) ~Q)a;L..alJ"rr aua;~ In which section is Bar coding label recognition device used? (A) Acquisition Section ~ Circulation Section (C) Periodical Section (D) SDI Section (B) @llrubi> ru1:9riil®t.0 !Slifl~ (D) ~~ tii-&l !Slifl~ Which of the following is also called as Hard Disc Drive? (A) Compact Disc (B) Floppy Disc Jll'f' Winchester Disc (D) Video Disc (B) !Slmrru!Sl (D) ~tq-atLJrr tq-~8i LSD/15 74 tq-~8> 192. Who developed UNIMARC? JiJI"' IFLA (C) UNESCO (B) FID (D) ILA li..j~LDrrr'rBi~ffi ~(!96l.m8i.$lw ,lli]gJJ6l.JGUTLD 6T~? 193. 194. (A) @ururr (B) 6TU2£tq. (C) lJ...jGUTGiuG.g;rr (D) ffi6TQlG;j (B) Editing What is the purpose of word processor? (A) Storing (C) Manipulating text JI'!' All the above Who started MARC project? (A) ~ UNESCO (B) British museum library Library of Congress (D) IFLA (D) @ururr 75 LSD/15 [Turn over 195. "Higher Level Languages" are called as which language? ~ (C) 196. (B) Machine Language Assembly Language (D) Natural Language Which pointer device is used for playing computer games? ~ Joystick (B) Light pen (C) Keyboard (D) Track ball (B) ~rul... (C} 197. Application Language Qu6ITT £Gurrrr@ Word processing software, spread sheet programmes are what type of software? (A) Custom software jlllf' Application software (C) Package software (D) (A) 6l..lrTllJ-8;~ffi LSD/15 . Qw6ITTQurr@ffi . 76 Digital software 198. The third generation computers began in which year? / 199. 1965 (B) 1960 (C) 1950 (D) 1945 (A) 1965 (B) 1960 (C) 1950 (D) 1945 Which of the following type is non volatile memory? .JtJlf' ROM (B) PROM RAM (C) WORM (D) (A) IJ"fTtD I (B) . 200. ~IJ"rrill Which is the main unit of the computer? Jlllf' CPU (A) ALU (C) Keyboard (A) 6J GTGU (C) £~urrir@ (D) Monitor (D) LDfT~ Lir !hi> 77 LSD/15 · ·[Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK .. ,• LSD/15 78 SPACE FOR ROUGH \VORK 79 LSD/15 [Turn over :LSD/15 ~e:::i:~ I I I I I I I I I I 2015 LIBRARY SClENCE (DIPLOMA STANDARD) Time Allowed: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. This Booklet has a cover (this page) which should not be opened till the Invigilator gives signal to open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. · This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer the candidates are r equested to check whether all the questions are there in series without a ny omission and ensure there are no blank pages l.n the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes. Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. You must write yo~ Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Invigilator to mark the· answers. You will also encode your Register Number, Subject Code, Question Booklet SL No. etc. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be taken as per Commission's notification. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct respon se and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there are more than one correct r esponse, mark t he response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of c9rrect r esponses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. In the Answer Sheet there are four circles @ , @ , © and@ against each question. To answer the questions you ar e to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more. than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for any item,@is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows : @•©@ . You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination. After the examination is concluded. you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will r ender you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion . In all matters· and in cases of doubt, the English Version is final. Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question booklet. ) t