™ File Upload SErvice) V-Rooms

V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Using FUSE (V-Rooms™ File Upload SErvice)
V-RoomsTM File Upload SErvice (FUSE) is a web application that allows for quick selection of folders and/or
documents for upload into a V-Room™. FUSE has two versions depending on whether or not the
administrator has the ability to install an applet. The Standard version of FUSE does not require an applet
install and currently works on a PC (using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+ and Firefox) and a MAC
(using Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari). The applet version of FUSE requires Java 7+ and works on a PC
(using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+ and Firefox) and a MAC (using only Firefox) – Note: Currently,
Chrome for MAC does not support Java 7). Also, be sure if using a MAC, that Firefox is set to run in 64-bit
Launching FUSE
To launch FUSE, select Start FUSE from the FILE UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down menu. If you do not see
this option on the menu, then access to FUSE has not been turned on for your Group. Please contact
Customer Support to request access to FUSE.
FUSE launches in a separate window and can be minimized while running. If FUSE is closed while an upload
is running, restarting FUSE will prompt you to either continue or discard the previously suspended upload. See
more details in the Resuming a FUSE Upload section.
Standard Version of FUSE
After you “Start FUSE”, if you choose not to install the applet when FUSE launches, you are presented with the
Standard Version of FUSE, and the FUSE File Upload window below will appear.
First, you should select a
destination folder in the data
room from the Folder Listing (on
the right hand side of the
After you select a folder, you are
presented with a Selection panel
(on the left hand side of the
window). You can click “Select
Files” to browse and select files
for upload, or you can drag and
drop files from Windows
Explorer (PC) or Finder (MAC)
into the area marked with a
dashed line (on the left hand
side of the window).
Note: You are able to drag and drop entire folders using Google Chrome,
but this capability is not available in other browsers. This will not create
folders or sub-folders in V-Rooms, it will simply present all of the files from
that folder and sub-folders into the Upload area of the FUSE Window for
upload into the designated folder.
FUSE can upload multiple files to multiple folders. If additional files need to
be uploaded, and the upload properties are going to be the same, you can
select a different destination folder and browse and select additional files
for the current upload.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
The following screen depicts the FUSE window with multiple files selected for multiple destination folders.
Once all files for this upload have been selected, the next step is to specify the properties for the upload.
Select either the “+Upload” button (located in the bar above the destination folder section) or the “Properties”
button (lower left corner of the window) can be selected to specify the properties. See the Properties for
FUSE Uploads section below.
Applet Version of FUSE
After you “Start FUSE”, if you choose to install the applet when FUSE launches (this selection may only be
presented the first time you start FUSE), you are presented with the Applet Version of FUSE, and the FUSE
File Upload window below will appear. The initial screen illustrates where files can be dragged from and
dropped to when using the applet version. Simply click the screen to continue after reading these instructions.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
The following FUSE window then appears when the applet is running.
The left side of the window displays a tree view of the folders and files on your PC/MAC. The right side of the
window displays a tree view of the folders and files within your data room.
Select the folder in the data room to upload the folder/files to, then select the folders and files to be uploaded
from the PC/MAC. Drag and drop them on the right side of the screen in the data room. If the room is selected
in the destination area, the folders will be created at the parent level. Note: Files cannot be uploaded directly
to the Room (root) level. They must be uploaded into a folder or sub-folder.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
FUSE can upload multiple files to multiple folders. If additional files need to be uploaded, and the upload
properties are going to be the same, click the “Back to File Selection” button and drag and drop the additional
folders/files for the current upload.
Select either the “+Upload” button (located in the bar above the destination folder section) or the “Properties”
button (lower left corner of the window) can be selected to specify the properties. See the Properties for
FUSE Uploads section below.
Properties for FUSE Uploads
In the Properties area of the window (displayed below), the following properties can be specified.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9.
Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) or leave blank – not case sensitive.
Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon. Note: When a security section is
specified, only users authorized to that security section would have access. Files with a blank security
section will be available to all users at the appropriate security level.
Encrypt: If yes is specified, uploaded documents will be encrypted at rest (as they are stored within the
Include Watermark: If checked a Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on the document.
Note: This applies to .pdf files only.
Ignore Duplicates?: If duplicates are ignored (value selected is “Yes”), then any file with the same name
as a file in the destination folder (a duplicate) will be skipped in the upload process. If duplicates are not
ignored (value select is “No”), then any file with the same name in the destination folder (a duplicate) will
be uploaded to the system. When duplicates are not ignored, then “Overwrite file if exists?” is also taken
into consideration.
Overwrite file if exists?: In the case of duplicate (same file name) file(s) that are not ignored, if the file
should be overwritten (value is “Yes”), then the current data room file is replaced with the new file. In the
case of duplicate (same file name) file(s) that are not ignored, if file should not be overwritten (value is
“No”), then the current data room file is left alone, and the duplicate file is uploaded as a new file in the
destination folder and both files would still exist in the data room.
File Description: (optional) This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window
when the cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search
capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
Additional Document Fields: (optional) This area contains up to six additional fields for storing file related
information. In order for these fields to appear, they must be first defined on the Room Management
window. The text in this field is searchable if search capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
Digital Rights Management Fields
 Permission Overrides: (optional, only displays if DRM is on for the data room) This field defaults to “No”.
Change this field value to “Yes” to display the additional options. Specify the appropriate overrides below
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
in order to override the DRM Permissions for uploaded files. Permission Overrides can only be applied to
pdf documents.
Open (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Open is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be opened (counted as attempts to open the
Print (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Print is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be printed (counted as attempts to print the
Save (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Save is being overridden and
PDF Restriction Fields
 PDF Restriction Overrides: (optional, only displays if if PDF
Restrictions are selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change this
field value to “Yes” to display the additional options. Specify the
appropriate overrides below in order to override the PDF Restrictions for uploaded files. PDF Restrictions
can only be applied to pdf documents.
 Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
FUSE Upload Status
Click the blue UPLOAD Button to begin the upload process.
The status of the current upload will be displayed in the status area of the FUSE window.
The progress bar, time elapsed and estimated time remaining are collectively an approximate indicator of the
amount of time the upload will take.
The Documents processed will let you know if any documents have been skipped or have failed to upload.
The message “Upload Completed Successfully” should display when the upload is finished. If an upload is
cancelled or interrupted during the upload, when FUSE is re-launched, the option to resume or cancel the
interrupted upload is presented. See more details in the Resuming a FUSE Upload section.
Resuming a FUSE Upload
If an upload is cancelled or interrupted during an upload, when FUSE is re-launched, the option to resume
(resubmit) or cancel (remove) the interrupted upload is presented.
Files that have not completed uploading are displayed in the FUSE window in the left panel and the option to
“Remove all” or “Resumbit all” (only if using applet version) is presented.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
Applet version resume screen
If using the standard version, you will have a button
to “Remove all”; however, to resume any files that have
not uploaded yet, you need to click “Select files” and
reselect the remaining files again. Then the upload of
those files can be resumed.
From either version, once the files to be uploaded
are reselected or resubmitted, then click the “+Upload”
Standard version resume screen
Button to resume the upload process.
Note: You will not be presented with the properties window
because the properties from the original upload session will still be used.
If you wish to cancel the suspended upload and disregard any remaining files, simply click “Remove all”.
V-Rooms™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.02
Last Revised – 03/24/2014
FUSE Session Logs
When the upload completes, a session log is generated and can be viewed by clicking on the link in the status
screen. The session log is also saved to the data room in the “Reports” folder.
Below is a sample of a session log that is created after a FUSE upload.
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