Sports Friday Danes shuffle Cards, 51-44; face Bears tonight

Sports Friday
FEBRUARY 10,. 1984
February 14,1984
Danes shuffle Cards, 51-44; face Bears tonight
By Keith Marder
.is.sf KV.I it: XIIIH is i:ni nm
Just when il seemed as if ihc Albany Slate
men's basketball team was out for the count
in the SUNYAC East race, Ihey hit Plailsburgh with a barrage of defense thai held
I he Cardinals lo jusl 11 second half points as
the Great Danes came out on lop of a 51-44
decision Wednesday nlglu in University
Albany's defense held Plnttsburgh to Iwo
points in ihc final 8:35 and scoreless for Ihc
final 2:51.
"We were playing a lot of defense," said
Dane point guard Dan Crouller. "We can
play defense like thai all Ihc lime. If we keep
it up We'll have no problem."
"Defensively il's Ihc best Ihey have played
in a long time," added Albany Head Coach
Dick Sailers. "Offensively Ihey arc still struggling."
Leading ihc defensive charge for lho Danes
were Greg Hurl and Wilson Thomas.
"Wilsonmid Cireg gave us a big lift defensively," Sana's said. "Thai was ihc hardest
I've seen Wilson work on defense alt year"
Struggling might hoi be ihc word for
Albany'., offense. Ihc Danes shol 22-63.
although they were gelling good shols. Hill
when it came lime lo bear down and hil Ihc
Important shots the Danes came through,
"Wo really weren't shouting thai great,"
said co-captain Dave Adam, "bill when the
big shois had lo be made we somehow found .
a way to make them."
Il look Albany 4:5') m break Ihc ice in Ihc
second half. Hencfiiiing from Ihc fuel ihat
the Cardinals only scored four points in lhai
span Albany was able lo slay close. Willi
15:01 remaining Ihc score was 39-30 in favor
of Plailsburgh.
Albany chipped away ai ihc lead until it
was only one, 40-39, Willi 9:34 lefl in ihc
game. Plailsburgh guard Mark Saiisvillc ihcn
hit a jump shol lo extend his team's lead lo
three with 8:35 left.
Crouiicr then answered back will; a
give Albany their first lead since the score
was 14-13.
After Crouiicr scored Plattsburgh came up
For ihc next 3:48 neither learn was able lo.
score until Crouiicr drove down the right side empty on a block by Albany freshman Adam
of Ihc court and hit a 10-foot bank shot to Ursprung. On their next possession Ursprung
25-fooler lo bring Albany lo within one
fed Thomas, who muscled in and hit an eight
fool shot. Jeff Law then quickly hit a jump
shol lo bring Plailsburgh wilhin one again,
Albany Ihcn went into their spread offense
attempting to run the final 2:51 off the clock.
With 1:02 remaining Jim Hogan fouled
Crouiicr. Thirteen seconds later he fouled
Gosulc which put the'Cardinals over the
limit. Gosulc calmly sank both ends of the
one and one to put the Danes up by three
with 49 seconds left.
The Albany defense took over on the other
end as Crouticr deflected a pass off of
Dwayne Wahl. The turnover gave Albany the
ball with 23 seconds left. Crouiicr and Gosulc
each hil a pair of foul shots which made for
the final score of 51-44, Albany.
In the first half, the Danes shot 14-35 from
the field as ihc Cardinals look a 33-28 hair
lime lead. Believe il or not the Danes shot
8-28 in the second half. But then Ihey had
their stifling defense to carry them to victory.
"This is a big lift going into Friday
(tonight's game versus Potsdam)," said
Albany assistant coach Barry Cavanaugh.
Crouticr agreed: "This will definitely help
our momentum for Potsdam."
A big lift is always needed againsl the rival
Potsdam squad who beat Ihc Danes 81-68 in
Potsdam on January 28.
"We've got lo score more lhan 51 points
versus Potsdam," said Saucrs. "If wc score
51 points versus Potsdam, il's going lo be a
long night."
Potsdam is atop Ihc SUNYAC East Conference with a 7-1 league record, followed by
Oneoma whom Albany plays February 15.
Those two learns are followed by Albany at
4-3 and llinghamlon al 3-3.
HOOP-LA: The Dunes played a very controlled game as Ihey committed only seven
turnovers...John Mracck started his first
game as a Dane replacing Thomas in the starting lineup...Albany has shot 74-204 From Ihc
floor over the last three games Tor a dismal 36
Albany proves to all: "You gotta have heart"
weren't hitting them. What brought the Danes back into this
game and into the SUNYAC race again was defense.
Tenacious, hard-working defense. Over Ihat final 15 minute
span on defense the Danes never let Ihc Cardinals out of their
sight, holding them to two baskets and one foul shot.
"Defensively, Ihat was Ihc best wc played in a long time,"
Sauers said. "We're capable of playing defense like that, we
just haven't been. I think that they had a lot of pride tonight
Added assistant coach Barry Cavanaugh: "1 think il all
came down lo our defensive intensity with about 15 minutes'
to go. There's a difference between playing and competing,
and tonight they competed. I think in Ihe lasl four games
By Mark Levlne
Ihey were just playing."
After blowing three opportunities to grab the lead, Albany
rest of the season may not have mattered. The Danes clearly
finally wcnl ahead for good al 43-42 on a Dan Crouticr
had their backs againsl the wall.
. "I went in with 15 minutes logo," said Albany co-captain 10-foot bank shol with 4:30 remaining. Crouticr, always one
Dave Adam following ihc game, "and I told them that wc lo shrug off any kind of pressure, was asked if he was
had 15 minutes left in our season. We can either extend it, or frustrated after Ihc Danes missed those three chances and
seemed to be losing Ihcir grip on the game.
it's over right now."
"No, I saw me wanting to lake the next shol," Crouticr
I don'i know whether or not Adam's teammates fell Ihc
same way, but something deep down inside every member of nonchalantly stated. "The first three shots 1 didn't get a
this team rose up lo Ihc lop, Call il heart, call il pride, call il chance lo lake, and I wanted lo lake the shol lo put us up,
discipline. Call it poise, call il patience, or call it teamwork. and I did." Al McGuirc, this is an example of a prime lime
Call il Crouticr and Adam and Mart and Zadoorian. Call il player.
Wilson Thomas scored to pul Albany up by three and after
Gosulc and Thomas and Ursprung.
a Cardinal bucket cm ihe lead lo one, ihc Danes got ihc ball
Call it guts.
Albany outscorcd ihc Cardinals 21-5 over that final 15 back and proceeded lo run their patented stall. Using some
minute span lo win going away, 51-44. With the nail banging more of their classic patience, the Danes ran the clock down
ihc door shui lo ihc Danes' coffin, ihc Danes kicked il open, lo 49 seconds before center Pete Gosulc gol fouled.
The 6'8" junior slopped lo Ihe line lo ailempi whal had lo
climbed back out and said lo Plailsburgh and the resl of their
be Albany's Iwo biggest free throws this year. Only a 70 perSUNYAC rivals, "Sorry guys, we're not dead ycl."
foul shooter on the year, "The Goose" was loose al Ihe
"They showed a lot of heart out Ihcre," slated Albany
Head Coach Dick Sauers. who had to wail over Iwo weeks lo slripe and he buried two clinch foul shots lo open up a
register his 476th career win. "They were down, they weren't 3-point lead. Any worry about nol making ihc SUNYACs if
shooting well, they could have given up, They really hung in you missed, Pete?
"No, I was just concentrating'.on making ihcm. The
there; I was proud of Ihe way they hung in ihere."
Offensively Ihc Danes certainly hit some pressure shols SUNYACs are still far away for us. Wc still have lo heal
down the stretch. But that was nol what won the game for three teams in the conference; wc have lo play a whole game
them. They were getting good shots all nighl long; they just like wc did in the second half."
With 15 minutes remaining in Wednesday night's crucial
game between Albany Stale and Plailsburgh, the Great
Danes found ihcmselves on Ihc short end of a 39-30 score.
For Albany, the game againsl the Cardinals was practically a
must-win game, as arc all three of their remaining conference
games. If they couldn't turn this game around, however, the
From the
Third Row
One factor in explaining the Danes' ferocious defense was
their inability lo put Ihc ball in Ihc hoop on offense, as
evidenced by their paltry 35 percent shooting from the floor
for the game. But instead of becoming frustrated and giving
up, Ihe Danes decided lo focus Ihcir anger on Ihe Cardinals
and play "Tough D."
"We shot awful," Sauers said after the game, in what
seemed an instant replay of his comments after Saturday's
loss to Binghamton, when Albany shot 34 percent.
"Hopefully, that (the defense) gives (hem some confidence
"There's a difference
between playing and
competing, and tonight they
—Assistant coach Barry Cavanaugh
thai ihey can still play basketball. We've got lo keep
shooling; Ihey have lo gel over il. Il's a menial thing. Oilier
lhan a hypnotist, I don't know whal you can do."
Adam, who shol only 2-6 for Ihe game but had a key
bucket and rebound during crunch lime, added, "Wo didn't
really shoot that great, but when the big shols had lo be made
wc somehow found a way to put them in. Thai vvas ihe difference between this game and ihe olher games. If we're not
going to do it offensively we're going lo win with defense."
Throw in a lol of poise, desire, and guts, also. Perhaps Jan
Zadoorian, whose inspired play Wednesday night showed
thai his heart is a big part of this classy bunch, put it best:
"We played hard Ihe whole game," he said. "Il was just a
mailer o( lime. We were playing loo hard nol to win. Thai's
what it all was — a lot or heart."
Well said, Jan, Well said.
SUNYA creates
an international
writers institute
By Alicia Cimbora
SUNYA professor and best-selling author
William Kennedy joined University President
Vincent O'Leary Thursday to announce the
formation of an International Writers Institute, which is to be located at SUNYA
Kennedy, who will serve as Director of the
Institute, is on leave from his position as full
professor in the English Department.
According to O'Leary, the goal of the Institute is to attract distinguished writers from
ail over the world. "We're concerned with
the creative world of writing," he said.
Kennedy, added that the Institute will "bring in the best writers in the world," and
"will put Albany on ihe writers' beat."
Part of the Institute's funding will come
from a tax-free $264,000 award thai Kennedy won from Ihe John D, and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation. In addition to this,
Ihe foundation has granted the University a
yearly stipend of $15,000 which the Univcrsiiy
will match. "From thai base Ihc Institute
hopes to attract additional funding," said
Harvard Memorial Hall; Inset: Ralph Nader
The conference at Harvard attracted 1500 students who attended workshops and conferences.
Students unite for voter conference
Acclaimed novelist Saul Bellow is expected
lo be the keynote lecturer of the Institute
sometime in April, according to Kennedy.
By Steve Fox . • .
Kennedy said the Institute could have "in- and Jerry Camploie
calculable" benefits for the campus and
Cambridge, MA
larger community.
"Students are back."
This was the sentiment expressed by Daniel
"I would have given my back Icelh to have Malarkcy, a University of Oregon student
a conversation with Saul Bellow when 1 was a who led the National Student Conference on
young writer," Kennedy asserted. "These Voter Registration held al Harvard Universiwriters will permeate all the schools of Ihc ty this past weekend.
Univcrsiiy, nol just the English
The conference, which attracted over 1,500
Department," added O'Leary.
leaders from over 40 states was aimed at
English Professor Thomas Smith, the reversing the historic pattern of apathy
Associate Director of the Institute, said he towards politics expressed by the nalion's
will be involved with organizational work for youth. The conference was sponsored by the
Ihc Institute such as getting in touch with the Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG's),
writers and scheduling Ihcir visits.
United States Student Association (USSA),
Wriiors will handle ihcir time here dif- and various student governments from across
ferently according to their own preference, the nation.
explained Smith. *
"For example," said Smith, "Saul Bellow
The non-partisan event included speakers
would prefer his visil lo be relatively inforfrom the Democratic and Republican parties
as well as representatives from a wide variety
Chernenko to lead U.S.S.R.
(AP) Konstantin U. Chernenko, a member of
Hie Kremlin's old guard, was named general
secretary of the Soviet Communist Party today, succeeding the late Yuri V. Andropov in
Ihc Soviet Union's most powerful post.
At 72, Chernenko is the oldest man ever
selected to lead the 18-million member party,
which governs this nation of 280 million people. For 30 years, he was a close ally of Anjdropov's predecessor, Leonid I. Brezhnev,
[but Andropov outmancuvered him 15 months ago to become party leader.
The Central Commitlee formally named
Chernenko at a special session, called four
days after the death of Andropov at age 69.
The succession was decided by the 12
jmembcrs of the Politburo, the country's ruling body.
In naming Cherenko, the ruling Politburo a member of the leadership's old guard
rather than hand the reins of power to a
member of the younger generation who could
be expected to serve a decade or more.
It was a remarkable comeback for
Chernenko, who had been pushed aside after
Andropov defeated him 15 months ago in a
contest to succeed Brezhnev. The four-day
delay in announcing the new party secretary
had been taken by some as evidence of a
political struggle in the Politburo.
In a speech to the Central Committee,
Chernenko attacked Western leaders, saying
they posed a threat of nuclear war. He said
the Soviet Union would strive to avert war by
maintaining its nuclear strength.
"We do not intend to dictate our will to
others, but we will not permit the military
equilibrium that has been achieved to be
upset," he vowed.
"And let nobody have even the slightest
doubt about that: Wc will further see to it
that our country's defense capacity be
strengthened, that we should have enough
means to cool the hot heads of militant
adventurists," he said, according to the official Tass report of his speech.
Earlier, in an article written before Andropov's death, Chernenko had mentioned
the importance of improving relations with
the United Slates. And he said the Soviet
Union wanted "fruitful dialogue" with olher
nations, "the United States and Great Britain
in particular,"
The announcement was made by the
300-plus-membcr Central Committee
of causes, ranging from the nuclear freeze lo "how-to books arc there, but we haven't yet
the national taxpayers revolt.
formulated a timeline and a full strategy."
The keynote speakers at Ihe conference inAccording to the National Student Camcluded Southern Christian leadership con- paign for Voter Registration (NSCVR)
ference president Dr. Joseph Lowery, con- packet, the conference met to formulate a nasumer advocate Ralph Nader, and
tional strategy for the coalition of PIRG's,
Democratic presidential candidate Rev. Jesse campus, slate and national studenl governL. Jackson.
ment association. The packet divided Ihe
One of the goals of the conference was to campaign into three objectives consisting of:
organize a voter drive that "will make (1) spreading the NSCVR lo as many camstudents a major political force in 1984," puses as possible, with committed and skilled
said USSA President Greg Moore. Nader NSCVR contacts identified, trained, and acechoed this view in a speech Saturday after- tivated; (2) recruiting students to participate
noon before a crowd of close to 1,000 student in ongoing voter registration projects in comactivists, leaders, and journalists. Nader munities throughout the country; (3)
described the student vote as the "decisive recruiting students lo participate in campus
vote." "The 10 million students who don't voter registration drives and efforts to "gctvote can decide the next, president," lie em- oul-thc vole" for November's election.
The Project Assistant for the non-parlisan
Nader stressed that the next seven to eight . Network for Voler Registration, Cate
months are going to be important, informing Bowman said that, "ihc best thing to come
Ihe student audience that they arc "part of a out of this conference is people talking lo
growing momentum." "There are frontiers each other." She emphasized the importance
of voter registration, saying that it "brings
wide-open for your imagination," he said.
people together." Registering people and
Nader also expressed a recurring theme of
educating them is the "initial contact," acthe conference regarding Ihe student movecording to Bowman. She added that after this
ment of the I960's. "Student activism of the
is done you have to "work with everybody
80's could dwarf the activism of the 60's," he
from the students to the elderly and make
sure they get out the vote."
He described student activists of the 80's as
"more systematic, more skilled, and belter
In order to achieve their objectives the
lobbyists." Nader praised the sophistication NSCVR will be utilizing a $3 million budget
of today's student leaders, noting the techni- collected by 750,000 student members of
ques of canvassing by the New York Public PIRGs in 20 states, as well as hundreds of
Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and campus student governments. The studenl
their success with the Bottle Bill.
leaders project that their campaign will be
The consumer advocate noted that student operating at 750 colleges and universities by
leaders now have full-time professionals and April 1.
a "12 month perserverance," to get things
The NSCVR also expects to recruit
done. He added that, "you don't have to thousands of volunteers to carry out comhave burning buildings to have activism."
munity voter registration drives this summer.
The two-day conference consisted of ongo- Most of these drives will be aimed at poor
ing workshops and caucuses which dealt with and minority communities, where voter
such topics as student organizing, voter registration has been historically low. Virstrategics and cultivating the minority vote.
tually all of the major national Black,
Organization and planning were the Hispanic and women's voter registration proprimary focuses of the conference said USSA jects were represented at the meeting, inVice-President Scott Wexler. "The con- cluding Project Vote, the League of Women
ference was a tool for organizing people, not Voters, the Women's Vote Project and the
jusl educating them," asserted Wexler. "We Midwest Voter Education and Registration
have to gel stronger ties with organizations Project.
on campus and further expand orientation,"
Lowery, who is also chair of the National
he added.
Black Leadership Forum, stated that there
Student Association of the State University are common enemies in "rights
(SASU) President Jim Tierney described the movements." He said that "those who opconference as "good" and said that all the
years. Pompidou also cut Cortial's term to
20 years,
Fighting subsides
Protestants plan army
(AP) A leader of Protestant militants in
Northern Ireland says a network of
businesses has been set up to finance an army to fight unification with the Irish
Andy Tyric, commander of the Ulster
Defense Association, said Sunday that a
trained private army is needed to defend the
Protestant-dominated British province. He
said it would be ready for action against the
predominantly Roman Cathblic Irish
Republican Army and its splinter groups
"when the time comes."
The outlawed IRA is seeking to unite
Northern Ireland with the overwhelmingly
Cathplic Irish Republic.
Tyrie said the Ulster Defense Association, largest of the province's Protestant
paramilitary organizations, had created the
jink of businesses on a similar basis to fundraising operations used by the IRA.
Iran-Iraq war heats up
Baghdad, Iraq
(AP) The three and a half year-old War between Iran and Iraq has taken a new twist,
with the two countries intensifying shelling
of civilian areas but providing advance warning so rcsidcnts'of the target zones can
Iran shelled seven Iraqi cities and towns
on Sunday, and Iraq retaliated by firing on
four Iranian cities. Iraqi officials said the
Iranians killed 14 people and injured 89,
and Iran claimed the Iraqis killed at least 15
people and wounded more than 120.
Both sides forewarned each other of the
attacks in an effort lo allow civilians to
evacuate targeted areas, and Iran's prime
minister, Mir Hossein Musavi, said the
policy "should be accepted by world public
The war began in 1980 when Iraq invaded
Iran to gain control of the Shall el-Arab
waterway, its only access to the Persian
(AP) The street fighting and artillery barrages around Beirut subsided Monday
following statements by government leaders
that they would step up efforts to give
Lebanon's Moslem majority greater power.
President Amin Gcmaycl rejected
demands by opposition leaders that he
resign and said he hoped to convene a national reconciliation conference with
leaders of Lebanon's rival factions in
Geneva, Switzerland, within two weeks.
Gcmaycl, during an impromptu briefing
of reporters Sunday, also said he expects
the multinational force to remain in
Lebanon. He said the plan to withdraw
U.S. Marines to ships offshore was just a
"I am confident that President Reagan is
fully committed to help Lebanon," he said.
It was Gcmayel's first public statement
since rebels seized control of west Beirut,
the Moslem half of the capital, in battles
with the Lebanese army a week ago.
Carmakers note gains
Dearborn, Michigan
(AP) Ford Motor Co. announced Monday
it earned $1.87 billion in 1983, ending a string of three huge year-end losses. The performance boosted the U.S. auto industry's
earnings to record levels.
The report pushed 1983 earnings for the
nation's two biggest automakers to $5.57
million, compared with the $321.5 million
earned by the whole industry in 1982 and
the previous industry record of $5.18 billion
set-in 1977.
General Motors Corp. announced last
week it earned $3.7 billion in 1983, a company record for one year.
Chrysler Corp. and American Motors
Corp. will announce their earnings later this
Merger approved
Washington, D.C.
(AP) The Federal Trade Commission tentatively approved the nation's largest corporate merger ever Monday, voting to allow
Texaco to buy Getty Oil Co.
The commission voted 4-1 to allow the
$10.1 billion takeover, although it will require Texaco to make some divestitures to
satisfy antitrust concerns, said commission
spokeswoman Susan Ticknor.
The Washington Post reported earlier
that the agreement reached between the
commission staff and Texaco for the
merger called for the sale of two of its
refineries, one on the East Coast and one in
the Midwest, along with the sale of a Gettyowned oil pipeline in California.Thcrc are
still possible roadblocks outstanding,
however, in the form of suits brought by
the Pennzoil Co. and others opposing the
Mondale trails Reagan
Washinton, D.C.
(AP) Former Vice President Walter Mondale is making big gains among Democratic
votes in his quest for the Democratic
(AP) Three Frenchmen who collaborated
with the Nazis during the German occupation of France in World War II have been
Treed from prison after serving 20-ycar
terms, Justice Ministry sources say.
Two of the men - Jean Barbier, 64, and
Jacques Vasscur, 63 - had been sentenced to
death after being convicted of killing, torturing, and deporting French resistance
fighters during the Vichy collaboration
The third man, Albert Cortial, 64, was
released in late 1982, the sources said Sunday. Cortial, originally sentenced to life,
was charged with handing over resistance
fighters to Nazi officials.
The Barbier and Vasscur death sentences
were commuted to life prison terms in 1966,
and in 1970 the late President Georges
Pompidou reduced the sentences to 20
Prison break foiled
(AP) Three inmates attempting to break out
of a state prison facility were caught Monday when .a makeshift rope hanging from a
seventh-floor window broke and one of the
men was injured, authorities said.
The daring pre-dawn escape attempt occurred at the Long Island Correctional
Facility - the same prison where two inmates were stabbed to death in fights over
the weekend.
Lou Ganim, a spokesman for the State
Department of Correction, said the three
men, whose names were not disclosed, used
part of a bed frame to pry open the hinges
of a window in their holding ceil. Then they
fashioned a rope from knotted bedshects
and blankets, tied it to a radiator and
climbed from the seventh-floor window, Insaid.
Ganim said a guard discovered the attempted breakout when lie found one of the
men lying on the ground below the window
at 5 a.m., after the makeshift rope had apparently snapped some 40 or 50 feet from
the ground.
MTA eyes long delays
New York City
(AP) The city's 3.6 million subway riders
face seven more years of delayed and interrupted service as the Transit Authority
replaces almost three-fourths of the
system's tracks, the TA's chief of operations said Monday.
"Based, on the age and condition of the
track, we estimate that 70 percent will have
to be replaced over that, time period," said
David Fecly, Vice President in charge ol
Collaborators freed
Nuke plant shut down
An artistic Impression of the Great Danes.
(AP) The Indian Point 2 Nuclear Power
Plant remained shut down over I he
weekend after radioactive water leaked
from the plant's primary steam generator
system into a secondary system, officials
And the latest service Interruption, coming on the heels of a 28-hour stoppage
earlier, could last as long as several weeks,
according to officials of Consolidated
Edison, which runs the plant.
Community Supper at 5 p.m.
on Wednesday, Feb. 15 will
focus on the idea of sanctuary
and refugees from Central
America. SUNYA graduate Ed
Griffin, who traveled In the
area, will speak.
The Eating Disorder Support
Group will meet at Chapel
House on Thursday, Feb. 16 at
2:30 p.m. Call Danielle at
489-8573 for Information.
Sexual Harassment will be
discussed at 7:30 p.m. on
Thursday, Feb. 23 at Chapel
House. Director of the Affirmative A c t i o n ' o f f i c e at
SUNYA, Gloria DeSole, will
speak and The Work Place HusHe, a film starring Ed Asnerwill
be shown.
Jawbone 1984 will feature
poets Jill Hanlfan and Megan
Taylor on Thursday, Feb. 16 at
noon In the Humanities
Lounge (HU 354).
Safe Place, a support group
for families and friends of
suicide victims will meet Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Friends Meeting House, 727
Madison Avenue, Albany. For
Information call 482-0799.
Exchange programs will be the
subject of two meetings on
Wednesday, Feb. 15 In HU 290.
The Madrid exchange program
will be discussed at 1 p.m. and
the Wumburg program at 3:30
Albany Jugglers meet every
Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. in
Gym D at the Physical Education Building. New Jugglers are
A Valentine's Day Party, apon-
Jackson addresses conference;
urges voter registration reforms
presidential nomination, a new Time
magazine poll says.
The poll, based on surveys of 1,000
registered voters between Jan. 31 and Feb.
2, said Mondale was the choice of 50 percent of Democratic voters, compared to 34
percent in December. But Mondale still
trails President Reagan 51 percent to 41 percent, the poll said.
The poll showed Mondale's gain came
largely from formerly undecided
Democratic voters, whose numbers declined from 26 percent to 14 percent.
None of the other seven Democratic candidates gained more than 1 percent,
Time said.
sored by the Gay and Lesbian
Alliance will be held Tuesday,
Feb. 14 at 8:30 p.m. In CC 375.
Dance-go-Round, an innovative dance concert featuring the Russell Sage Repertory
Dance Company, will be
presented Feb. 16,17 and 18 at
8 p.m. In the James L. Meader
Little Theater In Troy. Call
270-2246 for Information.
The Heterosexual Alliance will
meet Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 8
p.m. in CC Assembly Hall.
Campus Information Network
Open House will be sponsored
by the Returning Students
Association Tuesday, Feb. 14
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In
CC Assembly Hall.
Wuttstax, a musical, will be
shown Thursday, Feb. 16 at
the Albany Public Library
Auditorium, 161 Washington
Ave. at 7 p.m.
Gospel Singers from the Addicts Rehabilitation Center of
New York City will perform Friday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Albany Public Library Main
Branch at 161 Washington
By Jerry Campione
1984 Presidential hopeful Jesse Jackson
"// ought to be as easy to register as it is 10 pay taxes."
By Christine Reffelt
The Guardian Angels are exploring the possibility of forming a
chapter in Albany, but at least one
neighborhood official says the
group is unnecded and unwelcome.
Establishing a chapter of the
Guardian Angels in Albany will
"cast a terrible stigma on the community," according to Nebraska
Brace, an Alderman from the Arbor Hill district of Albany, an area
that the Guardian Angels would
Brace said he feels that a Guardian Angel chapter in downtown
Albany wouldn't solve any problems that the Albany Police
department cannot handle.
"It is the duty of the police
department to protect the community, not the (duty of the) Guardian Angels," asserted Brace.
"Community participation and involvement with the police force" is
what is needed to make crime enforcement more effective, he stressed.
Guardian Angels leader Curtis
Sliwa contended that Brace is "unwilling to debate the merits of the
Guardian Angels. Instead, he has
chosen to go to battle with us."
Guardian Angels Volunteer Fran
White added, "authorities just get
nervous because they do not know
the facts," she explained, "and
what you don't know, you fear."
On Thursday, February 16, and
Friday, February 17, Sliwa and a
few members of the Guardian
Angels from Buffalo and Montreal
will meet outside City Hall in
Albany to hand out 600 surveys,
said Sliwa. The scientific, analytical
survey will help the Guardian
Angels to "broaden our diagnosis
of the community needs for a
chapter in the area," Sliwa said.
The Guardian Angels never come
to any city uninvited, according to
While. "The community members
wrote and told us about the crime
problems, and asked us if we would
consider beginning a chapter in the
Arbor Hill area," she maintained.
"The community itself must supply
members, who in turn must be
legally certified in the martial arts,"
White said.
Albany, like many cilies, needs
protection, White asserted.
"Albany must be a real paradise if
there aren't any crime problems
there," she charged.
The Guardian Angels consists of
all volunteer workers, according to
White. Trained young men and
women go into communities on
patrols of eight Guardian Angels,
she said. "They don't carry
weapons," maintained White, their
strength is created through
- O n April 13, 1983, President
policy on Central America, Jackson
remarked that "all policy begins
with an attitude." According to
Jackson, Ihc attitude that Central
America is our back door is wrong.
"II is not a back door, he said, it is
our 'next door'".
Jackson also emphasized that
"our boys should be brought back
home and sent to college."
He also chided the president for
cutting aid to education and increasing aid lo El Salvador, No person who "has a mind to work and a
will to learn should be turned away
due to lack of money," Jackson
When asked about abortion,
Jackson said he is "pro-choice, not
pro-abortion." There's a difference, he said, between being prochoice and pro-abortion and emphasized that people have lo
remember "it's their body and their
Jackson said he feels the New
Hampshire primary coming up on
February 28 could be very important to him and to his "Rainbow
Coalition", a group set up by
Cambridge, MA.
• Emphasizing the point that "wc
must do more than survive, we must
live," Democratic presidential candidate Rev. Jesse Jackson addressed the National Student Conference
on Voter Registration at Harvard
University on Sunday, February 12.
Jackson, who had the standing
• room only crowd on its feet at limes
during his hour long speech, addressed such topics as foreign
policy, and treatment of minorities,
as well as stressing the importance
Jackson also urged the registraof voter registration in the upcomtion of minorities, specifically
ing election.
blacks and hispanics. According to
Jackson pointed out that today's Jackson, the Equal Rights Amendgeneration will be the first "to use ment will not pass unless blacks and
the vote to retire our adversaries hispanics "are enfranchised." "If
and reward our-allies." He men- we are tied to each other," he said,
tioned that very few students in the "we can redirect the course of this
I960's used this privilege to vote, nation."
and emphasized that the generation
Jackson said he feels that the proof the 1980's must "shirt from pro- blem with President Ronald Reagan
tests 10 politics."
isn't his lack of leadership qualities,
Jackson urged all those in atten- which Jackson acknowledged, but
dance to "fight for a unified that "his direction threatens the
registration code all over Ihc na- human race." According to
tion." According to Jackson,
students today face "new forms of
denial." The old forms, he stated,
were "based on age, or literacy
tests, or poll taxes." while the new
ones he cited were "inaccssible
registrars, second primaries and
dual registration."
Two of Ihc reforms Jackson sug—Jesse Jackson
gested were the initiation of postcard registration nationwide and Jackson, the U.S. and the Soviet Jackson. "The New Hampshire
deputy registrars on campus. Union have a mutual capacity for primary could be the Selma to Mon"Downtown ought to come to the annihilation. What the United tgomery of this period," said
campus," he said, "the campus States needs, he said, is " a balance Jackson, referring to Dr. Martin
should not have to go downtown." of power and respect with the Luther King's historic march in the
According to Jackson, "inac- Soviet Union."
early I960's.
cessible registrars are more the rule
Jackson pointed 10 two indexes
While speaking of the coalition's
than Ihc exception." He added that which he considered the "misery in- fate, Jackson said "if wc come out
"it ought to be as easy to register as dex" and the "danger index". He of New Hampshire with our coaliit is to pay taxes."
said that the misery index, under tion intact, we could change the
Jackson said that he feels that Reagan, is on the rise and, in addi- course of this nation."
every high school student who tion, "we must reduce the danger
Jackson arrived in Cambridge
graduates should walk out of his or index for the whole world."
late Saturday night and left imher school with a diploma in one
mediately after the speech for
hand as a symbol of knowledge
Jackson's campaign is based on Chicago. He told the more than 900
"and a voter card in the other sym- Ihc premise that the country "needs students who filled Memorial Hall,
bolizing power and responsibility.' la new direction." According to as well as the overflow, who saw the
Jackson also said that one of his I Jackson, a leader "must talk, and speech on closed circuit television.
plans is to have every United States when you talk, you act, when you
He said that he had finally suggested the early hour of 8 a.m. on
soldier be registered to vote.
act, you change things.'
Jackson encouraged student
Jackson then criticized Reagan's the premise that if students
organizations on campus, such as viewpoints on several issues. wouldn't show up, he wouldn't
fraternities and sororities, to refuse Jackson emphasized the fact that have to either. "But here you are,"
to admit any new members until the U.S. should not be in he said, adding "there must be
they were registered, as a way of Nicaragua. When questioned on his something going on."
Officials dispute need for
Guardian Angels in Albany
raising the number of student
According to Jackson, the
challenge facing today's generation
is "10 achieve greatness". After
relating stories about struggles that
were fought in the I960's, such as
the sit-ins and the 1963 march on
Washington,D.C, Jackson urged
students to remember that "you
must serve your present age."
"Your generation cannot become
greal just by remembering what
that generation (1960's) did," he
Reagan gave Sliwa a citation honoring him for his outstanding
volunteer work. Sliwa was also
awarded with the Presidential
Volunteer Action Award, said
"The Guardian Angels have been
recognized by countless volunteer
work," White stressed.
People in general, explained
White, arc under many misconceptions about the Guardian Angels.
White maintained, "members are
out to help community members,
senior citizens, and serve as role
models for the very young."
When Guardian Angel members
sec crimes being committed, they
enact a citizens arrest, which "any
United States citizen is entitled to
perform under the constitution,"
While said.
The criminal is surrounded by the
Angels, and one member subsequently gets the details while
another member goes to get the
police, elaborated White.
"Only when absolutely necessary
would violence ever be used," contended White. "The Angels are
prepared for anything, but do not
advocate violence as a means to
achieve results," she added.
Sliwa said that beginning a Guardian Angels chapter is an "offense
to Nebraska's (Brace) ego." He added that "Nebraska (Brace) can't
speak for the Arbor Hill residents
like he claims he is doing, because
the hard-working, decent people
came and spoke to me." He stressed that "the hardest thing for
Nebraska (Brace) to understand is
that we arc coming to the Albany
area because the community invited
Sliwa said he views Brace as "a
lackey for the mayor and the
Albany Police Chief." Sliwa
vehemently stated that "they cannot slip us into their back pockets;
it won't work because we sec politicians almost as puppets in
machines' hands."
The Albany Police, in a statement issued yesterday, reported
that "the mayor of the city and the
chier of police do not feel the
establishment of a Guardian Angels
chapter is necessary."
Sliwa, however, said he feels that
by organizing a chapter in the
Albany area, the Guardian Angels
are "giving men and women the opportunity to be physically involved
in deterring crime." The Guardian
Angels also have repeatedly shown,
Eight prize-winning programs from International television festivals were shown last Saturday
through statistics and studies, that
.In the Campus Center Assembly Hall. The shows were part of the New York World Television
crime rates and safer communities
Festival, which is touring college campuses across the nation.
have resulted from Guardian
The festival's SUNYA appearance, which was sponsored by the Dutch Quad Board and the InterAngels' work, Sliwa added.
national Film Group, was preceded by a reception last Friday, featuring a keynote speaker from
Sliwa stressed the need for discusthe SUNYA Communications Department, Dr. Donald Cushman.
sion about the Guardian Angels in
, The tour Is being sponsored by the Benton Foundation, Eastman Kodak and Sony, and has been
the Albany area, "in order for the
endorsed by the UJ5. Council for World Communication Year.
community to know the real
- M a r y Kelly
" •
"Your generation cannot become
great just by remembering what
that generation (1960's) did. "
•W3H.W* • i* TjfJ»JI «Mu •(Erro-frweV*—•* n - ™ *
View from the Podium
Tell the truth:
Compiled by Jane Anderson, editorial
assistant. Photos by Lisa Simmons, UPS.
"We're always where we shouldn't he. It's always
our men being killed. If we really think we can do
something then it's okay to go in, but I kind of
think it's a hopeless situation. "
—Trish Dagliolo
Washington's Birthda;
Feb. 16-20
"I feel they had no right to be there in the first
place without a firm idea of what they're doing.
Other people are going to lose respect for the U. S.
since we went into it with no way of winning.''
—Richard Guimarra
' 7 think he's not trying to make anything belter
— he's just worsening the problem. He's just furthering the war effort by not pulling troops out.
People don't want us there. "
— Lisa McCorinick
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Eight Russian students, originally scheduled to
study at SUNYA last fall, are expected to arrive here
on February 23, according to office of International
programs director Alex Shane.
The official Russian explanation was that technical
problems had forced the exchange program to be
postponed. Shane, however, said the delay was probably due to the international furor surrounding the
Soviet's downing of a Korean Air Lines 747 last
September 1.
In response lo the airliner incident Canada had closed its airports to Acroflot planes for 60 days beginning
September 6. American airports had previously stopped allowing Aeroflot flights in response to the 1981
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
The students will fly into Montreal February 23 and
travel from that city to Albany the same day.
When they arrive the students will live on Dutch
Quad where they will live with a fellow Russian roommate and two American suitcmates, Shane said.
The courses that they will be taking include International Program Director Alex Shane
American History, Communications, and a foreign
language. Shane said the students have already taken
four years of English while in the Soviet Union.
Each fall, Shane said, SUNY sends ten students,
Shane explained that all the exchange students, who both male and female, along with an advisor to study
attend the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Affairs in Moscow. In return, this campus receives eight to ten
in Moscow, are all male because 95 percent of the In-. students and an advisor to study for one semester.
stitute's enrollment is male.
Last semester, only nine SUNY students went to
As part of their stay in the United States a cultural Moscow, because one of the students decided not to
program has been arranged that will take the students make the exchange after the jetliner incident, Shane
to Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C., said.
Shane said.
Shane, who helped with the ground work of the proThe students will also visit SUNY New Paltz and gram before being appointed Director of the Office of
SUNY Oswego, Shane said, because both of those International Studies said he feels that this program
schools have undergraduate programs in Russian provides a very positive cultural experience for both
groups of students as well as the universities they attend.
In addition to the undergraduate program, SUNYA
Shane said that after spending the semester here the
students will return to the Thorez Institute for another has exchange programs with the Soviet Union for proyear before graduating. He added that most Thorez fessors and graduate students, he said.
graduates go on to careers in the Soviet Foreign SerThe graduate exchange program is run in conjuncvice.
tion with Moscow State University. This year SUNYA ,
The SUNYA-Thorez exchange program is the only sent 12 graduate students in the fall and three professors for the spring semester.
one in existence in this country that involved the direct
SUNYA did not host any graduate students here this
exchange of Russian as well as American
undergraduates, Shane noted. SUNYA will be hosting year, but according to Shane, the program is expected
to resume as usual in the fall.
the only Russian students in the country at this time.
NY State escalates search for viable site
for low-level radioactive garbage disposal
By Caryn Mlske
As a federally mandated 1986
deadline draws nearer, New York
State officials must find a new location for the disposal of radioactive
Producers of iow-lcvcl waste, including Albany Medical Center and
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
await a state plan for the removal of
their waste beginning January I,
"I believe it's a ploy by Reagan to consume votes.
He's not making a move that concerns him or the
American people, just one that concerns his
political career. He's changing policy so drastically to mislead the American people. "'
— Tyrone Benton
By Eileen Keeffe
What do you think about the major foreign policy changes in
Lebanon— specifically bringing the U.S. Marines off shore, and
simultaneously escalating military involvement?
Government and
Military Sources
Power GenerationNYPA
passed the low-level radioactive
waste act in 1980.
This act requires that each state
make provisions for disposal of its
own radioactive waste. Moreover,
states are urged to join together in
regional compacts, rather than each
state providing its own disposal,
said Kobrynski. It is hoped that better management and technology
will be the result of such compacts.
"To choose a geological site is very
expensive, especially for stales such
• 15%
Power Generation.
"The troops should stay in Lebanon. The United
Slates has a responsibility to try and keep
democracy in the Middle East and to keep the
Soviets and the Syrians out of Lebanon. "
-.Inch Boll
Northway Mall
"/ guess he decided to go with popular opinion
and gel out. They're still fighting because he
wanted to gel out gradually. "
—Mark Stein
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PIM ballpoint pen. THE
and Industrial
t 51%
A spokesperson for Albany as Maine and Vermont that don't
Medical Center noted that the generate much waste. Economicalradioactive waste they produce is ly, these compacts would be quite
less harmful and more short-lived practical," Kobrynski explained.
than much of the waste that is being
The Coalition of Northeast
shipped out of the state.
Governors is a proposed compact
In the past, according to Albany for New York, New Jersey, PennLeague of Women Voters represen- sylvania, Maryland, Delaware and
tative Carolyn Kobrynski, all state the New England states. According
radioactive garbage has been sent to to Kobrynski, this compact serves
either South Carolina, Washington, to set the framework for regional
or Nevada.
government control in low level
However, to protect these states radioactive waste. Representatives
from unwanted waste, Congress from each of these II states set
guidelines to establish rules and
regulations for the proposed compact, such as the handling of fees
and how much and how long a site
should operate.
Kobrynski asserted, "They also
would begin a search for a possible
site, although they did not decide
on the technology or standards that
would be pertinent of construction
of a site."
It was hoped that one slate would
come forward and be the host state.
However, if. no one came forward
the commission would then select a
host, noted Kobrynski. The host
state would be given two votes in
the commission to give it some additional weight in decision.
Representatives from these 11
states must present the Northeast
Compact to their legislatures, who
would then decide to accept or reject the compact by June, explained
New York officials decided to
conduct a study before voting on
the compact. The energy office in
conjunction with a 17 member advisory committee produced the low
level radioactive waste management
study, which examined the options
of New York State, said Kobrynski.
The advisory, committee is
holding hearings in Albany, New
York City, Mineola, Buffalo and
Syracuse to discuss this study and
give people a chance to air their opinions, Kobrynski noted.
The first option is "going it
alone." We would locate a site for
our own use. This is practical, but it
is questionable whether it would be
lawful since the federal law passed
in 1980 declared that states should
plan together. "There is the
possibility of New York State not
FEBRUARY 14, 1984
Student leaders joining forces to
protest Reagan financial aid cuts
• J;
CollcgeandUtiiver'.ilystiidcnlsare Grants (SEOG) and Stale Student Incentive
organizing against cuts in student financial Grants (SSIG), both need-based programs
aid in President Reagan's proposed federal providing funds to match slate allocations.
budget. The budget, student lenders say, National Direct Sludenl loans (NDSL)
would mean drastic cuts in the number of would be cut from nearly SISI million litis
financial aid awards and elimination of key year to $4 million. NDSL would become a
programs for minorities and needy students. "revolving fund" from which loans would be
According to the United Stales Student made available as other loans were paid back.
Association (USSA), a $326 million cut in The program was budgeted til S.100 million In
need-based financial aid programs would 1980.
eliminate about 797,000 awards to graduates
and undergraduates. An increase in the maxThe TRIO program, which aids minority
imum Pell Grant award front $1,900 to
and tindcrprivcledged students, would be cut
S.1,000 would, they say, result in 300,000
fewer awards, since no new funds are in half to $82 million, TRIO currently aids
500,000 students through five programs, inbudgeted.
cluding Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Ceniers, which would be
"This is part of Reagan's 'sell-help' pro- eliminated, and I he Upward Hound and
gram, which is really a 'no-help' program," Special'Services programs, which would be
stated Scott Wexler, USSA vice president. cut 40 percent.
"These cuts arc going to hurl those who need
Wexler crilici/cd ihc TRIO cms. "Al Ihc
help the most — the working-class and current funding levels," he nolcd, "these
underprivilcdgcd attending public univer- programs serve less lhan 10 percent of the
eligible educationally and economically
The "self-help" proposal means restruc- disadvantaged sludenls."
turing federal aid programs so students must
pay 40 percent of the total cost of attending
Lars Isaacson, SASU executive vice presicollege through loans, work and College dent and a USSA director, said both
Work Study, or pay $500, whichever is organizations arc planning to prevent the aid
greater, before being considered for a grant. cuts. Efforts, he said, include a lobby conJim Tierncy, president of ihc Student
ference in Washington, D,C. March 23-25
Association of the Stale University of New
followed by National Student Action Day
York, SASU, poled thai ilicsc cms would
have a great impact on Stale University March 26. Action Day will include lobbying
congress by several thousand sludenls. In adstudents.
dition, Isaacson noted, SASU and other slate
sludenl associations arc encouraging Idlers
"The cuts proposed in litis budget arc in lo congressional representatives and voter
addition to the 23 percent cm in student aid registration drives.
over the last three years,'-' Tierncy emphasiz"We just came from the first National
ed. "If Governor Cuomo's proposed state Conference on Student Voter Registration
budget is enacted, tuition will rise 47 percent this weekend," Isaacson said. "'Registering
in iwo years while dormitory rem jumps $750 the sludenl vole is a SASU priority and a nain five years. Too many citizens are priced tional priority. It looks like we'll have to go
out of an education already."
to our friends' in Congrss again ibis year," he
Reagan is again seeking elimination of said, "and hopefully with more voles we'll
Supplemental Educational Opportunity have more friends."
Conine Speckltd;
Albany bar owners outline ways to avoid brawls
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I By Doug
Doug WeiSS
that males over 21 often try to
g c of lthose
n v o v c 1 minDbar
a r r oroom
^ n c aage
°^ n o s e i involved
' '
in predicting
future ag~^aBBBBBl
e a ^BB
hmu/linu is
k a
» factor
farlnr in
nrprlirlino fnliirp
IpfTnrc also
alert maintained
maintainor! that hockey
hrv-lrj*v games
gression, according to a recent sociological are not shown in O'Heancy's because
study by Richard B. Fclson and William Bac- patrons are prone to becoming more agcaglini of SUNYA and George Smclch of grcsive after watching this sport.
Union College. In the study they say that the
Bar owners had different suggestions as to
agc of those involved in fights is useful when how to avoid bar room violence and brawling.
predicting later violence.
Lamp Post owner Anthony Sabalino conThe clientele must be made to follow the
tended that agc really has nothing to do with rules of the bar, ISabatino emphasized, and
anyone creating an aggressive situation more
aggression. "If people can get away with
lhan once should not be allowed back, he adsomething, Ihcy will," said Sabalino.
Sabalinoasserlcd that any bar that is "run
Sabatino maintained that with proper conloosely" and "let's anyone in" is going lo
trol over a bar, there should be no fights.
have a problem with brawling. To avoid conBoor's ideas on avoiding aggressive
flict, bars must "monitor any situation" that
behavior arc generally similar to those of
may arise, he added.
Sabatini. Boor places emphasis on "very agLong Branch owner Bob Boor said that,
gressive screening" al Ihe door, he said.
"younger people by nature get into more
The Long Branch will question anyone
fights." Raising the drinking age might lower
perceived as an aggressive type al the door of
incidents of lighting in a bar, he added.
ihe bar, said Boor. The staff can "tell a lot
Boor asserlcd that people involved in bar
from a person's eyes" as to whether they will
room brawls arc "aggressive by nature."
potential fighters, he said.
Although alcohol may lower inhibitions, he
After a patron has entered the bar, Boor
said he feels alcohol is not Ihc triggering
maintained that monitcring Ihe siluation is
An Albany bar room
mechanism of aggressive behavior.
again vital to successful avoidance of agBrian Jcffcrs of O'Heancy's Pub stressed
Anyone creating an aggressive situation should not be allowed back.
gressive behavior. Any "loud, abusive, or annoying behavior" may result in a patron being asked lo leave Ihe Long Branch.
Boor said he feels the majority of people
arc reasonable, and will listen to a staff
By Michelle Speckhardt
economy of Israel, which is a major issue lo livc Israeli softball league consisting of twen- member of his bar. There are a certain
Israel is "not going to slick its neck out for Israelis. The nation must deal with triple digit ty two teams, said Bob. The league has percentage of people who will nol, and he
become a gel together for American im- said lie feels that these people arc balking at
Lebanon any longer," and is instead becom- inflation and a restless labor force, he said.
ing more concerned with its own security, acStrikes and sanctions slow Ihe productivity migrants and has served to bring together authority, and authority is Ihc main issue.
Boor said lhat many of the patrons who
cording lo Kenneth Bob, Director of the Kib- of the country, said Bob. Now Ihc people of citizens from all walks of life and all difcrcnt
butz Aliyah Desk, an American represen- Israel must "collectively tighten their belts" political views with the single common argue with him will then leave and argue,
sometimes violently, with the police.
denominator of ihc sporl, he explained.
tative of Kibbutz movements of Israel.
to deal with Ihese problems, he asserted.
Staff members in O'Heancy's arc alerted
' Bob spoke Thursday nighl on "Israel as a
There is, within Israel, the Jewish OlymThis idea, in itself, causes conflict over
society or a press projected series of issues." who should make a greater sacrifice, the pics, held every few years, that gathers teams to the presence of "trouble makers," said
"It has become unclear what Israel even laborers of Ihe rich elite, said Bob. together from many different countries. Jcffcrs; and anyone creating a problem is
wanls any longer," Bob asserted. "They Demonstrations by the poorer sect show their "There arc things going on in Israel that are escorted out of Ihc bar before the situation
worsens, he explained.
went into Lebanon for peace for Galilee and unwillingness to suffer, bul, ultimately, it is not politics proper," stressed Bob.
A bartender al State Street Pub contended
came out in a war with Lebanon," he said. the legislation that will decide who wilt bear
lhat there were no specific ages at which fre"Should Israel be involved in a war for a new Ihc greater burden, he explained. "There's a
of lights increased.
order in Lebanon?," Bob questioned, saying certain amount of coalescing around Ihe
In response lo a request to leave the bar, or
that many Israelis arc currently asking Finance Minister, however, and that is en- "Everyone in Israel is guaranteed national
health service in one way or another," Bob a refusal to be served any more alcohol, most
themselves that question too.
couraging," Bob added.
Aside from discussing all the widely said. This shows that Israel cares for ils peo- patrons of Ihc Slate Slreel Pub leave without
A study done by a Jerusalem newspaper
revealed that close to 40 percent of Israelis reporlcd issues and conflicts, Bob revealed a ple and has prepared for ils citizens health pursuing Ihe mailer further.
The researchers claim that the refusal to
are in favor of an unconditional withdrawal human side of living in Israel. "Israel is a needs, he explained.
A major pari of some Israeli's lives is living serve people without proper identification or
from Lebanon, according to Bob. The public society where real, live people live," stressed
intoxicated persons is Ihe major factor
opinion is changing in Israel and that will Bob.
have some effect on the government, he
About six years ago, a small, two team life on a kibbutz can be long hours and hard in verbal and physical aggression. The atmaintained.
sof'tball league was started with Ihc American work, bul also very fulfilling and intellectual- lempl to curtail ihc behavior of a patron is
what "elicits an aggressive reaction" to a
ly rewarding.
Bob first addressed the slate of Ihc Embassy, and now il has grown lo be an acn
15»- perceived threat, researchers said.
dried fruit mixes
carob and yogurt mixes
& other all natural foods
T — * * OUT!
News Updates
'Fight the hike' rally
A decision will be made by Wednesday
as to where the February 27 "fight the
hike" rally will be held, said Central
Council's Student Action Committee
chair Steve Gawlcy.
Possible locations include: the Capitol,
the Legislature and the SUNYA campus,
he said. Gawley said thai he is favoring
the Capitol because he is receiving a
"favorable response" from legislators,
and does not want to "insult" them.
According to Gawley, this year's
demonstrations will be different from last
year's in that other SUNY schools will not
be participating in Ihe rally with SUNYA.
They will lobby on other days, he said.
The committee is asking teachers lo
allow them to speak against the tuition in- Sorrell Chesin
creases in front of classes held in the lecHe said he has not decided who will
ture centers, said Gawley.
handle the directories next year, but that
Members of Ihe committee have been
he will consult with the University
lobbying legislators each week, he said.
publications director, Student Association
"They're well dressed and know Ihe facts"
President Rich Schaffer and a represenGawley added.
tative of ihc ASP, before selecting a
Directories are out
After a number of "unplanned, unfortunate" occurences, Ihe sludenl directories have finally arrived, said Vice President for University Affairs, Sorrell
The firm which published the directories, Clark and Moore, will nol print
Ihem next year, because they have
disbanded, said Chesin.
Looking on the bright side, Chesin said,
"it's fortunate thai this is the first time
they've been delayed."
Indian to speak
Mark Banks, an American Indian, will
speak al Worldweek on February 28. He
will lecture on the plight of his brother
Dennis Banks, who is a leader of the
American Indian Movement (AIM) who is
currently "seeking sanctuary from cntradiction to South Dakota", according
to Sara Ciborski, moderator for SUNY
Rights for American Indians Now
Dennis Banks was originally convicted
on riot charges in 1975 in South Dakota,
said Ciborski. This conviction stemmed
from "racism, the personal animosity of
the prosecutor, and hostility towards
AIM, " she continued.
The lecture is sponsored by the Anthropology club and by SUNY RAIN.
Mohawk Campus
University Auxilliary Services (UAS)
Board of Directors has not yet decided
whether or not to sell Mohawk Campus,
according UAS General Manager E.
Norbert Zahm.
The issue has been debated "for Ihe last
ihree or four years " , said Zahm, and no
conclusion has been reached. He explained that once the property is sold, "there's
no going back-UAS couldn't own properly in lhat part of Saratoga County again.
The Board of Directors should make a
decision on Mohawk Campus "before
May," maintained Zahm. He refused to
speculate on what UAS would decide to
do, and he added thai the Board had not
"had the discussion necessary to debate
the issue and decide."
Alcohol policy review
Vice President for Student Affairs
Frank Pogue said that he hopes an alcohol
policy will be implemented by March 1.
"I'm still in Ihe process of getting feedback," he said. Three groups will be consulted: the Residential Life staff, other
vice presidents and the Executive Committee of Student Affairs, said Pogue. "1
would also like some faculty input," he
After receiving opinions from the
groups, he will present his findings to the
Student Affairs Council, he said. The
University Council and President Vincent
O'Lcary will make the final decision, he
The Alcohol Policy Review Committee
made its Final reccomendalions to Pogue
al the end of last semester.
SA booking flights
Student Association is booking flights
to Florida at a 20 percent discount for
students, according to SA Controller
Adam Barsky.
According to Barsky,the arrangement
was made with Hart Trading Company to
offer the flights at a discount in exchange
for the student's business. "They're booking Ihe flights for us," he explained.
The discount will cut about $40 off of
the usual fares lo Florida said Barsky.
"We feel it's a good deal," he added.
• ASPECTS ON T i l E S D A Y l
•Performances -
A Second Look At The Crucible
his past week, the Capital District was
treated to the Empire State Institute ol
the Performing Art's (ESIPA's) production of The Crucible.
Rina Young
The cast carried the political message well.
The main attraction was John McGulre. a
SUNYA alumnus, who portrayed the play's
pmfaganist. John Proctor. Proctor represents
all of us: his excessive pride and concern over
his standing in the community make him flawed, despite a strong sense of right and wrong.
McGuire, a method actor, played Proctor as
an overworked farmer who was constantly
defending his good name.
Another fine performance was given by
Patrick f u l l , who played Proctor's neighbor.
winning team of Gerry Harlton and Vicki
Giles Corey. Tull. an Englishman, was recentThe play closed Saturday to a standing ovaBaral. The costumes were designed by the
ly seen on Broadway as the priest In
tion from the 900-plus crowd, but it did not
talented Brent Griffin.
Amadeus. (Giles Corey was an interesting
always receive such appreciation. When it first
"Most of the clothing of that era had front
' figure himself. When he was finally accused of
opened, In 1953, theatre-goers had to pass
panels, and the designer used that to his adwitchcraft, he refused to enter a plea, because
through crowds of picketers from the
vantage." said Dov Welnstock. a member of
by entering a plea he could be convicted, and
American Bar Association and various right
ESIPA's production staff. "The innocent vichis land taken from his heirs. The magistrates
wing organizations. The picketers were protims of the hangings had curved while panels,
had Corey pressed to death, but since he died
testing what they felt was Miller's unsmpathetlc
while the accuser's either hod sharp edged
without making any answer to the charges
portrayal of the Puritan judges and the
panels or designs in the shapes of daggers.
against him. his sons were allowed to keep his
parallels Miller drew between the witch trials
Also, the accuser's costumes were piped in
and the investigations led by Senator Joseph
maroon, which was the color of the court."
Afler a slow start. Helena Binder's Abigail
McCarthy and the House Committee on Unadded Weinstock.
proved to be a psychotic, vengeful bitch.
American Activities.
Carolyn Marble Valenti's Mary Warren was a
Although the play won the Tony award for
Unfortunately, director Ed Lange can only
frustrated, weak-kneed teenager who conBest Play of the Year in 1953. it severely afbe faulted In the poor sense of timing that the
demned her neighbors to hang.
fected Miller's personal life. The Crucible led
company exhibited when they Interacted on
The lighting and scenery were by the award
to the State Departments refusal to grant Miller
a passport that he needed to attend the open-
arabesque poses as he moved her. and whe
was intertwined into his own movements that
embodied their lender emotions.
Ing of the play In Brussels, as they believed
him to be a Communist sympathizer. Then in
1955. the New York City Youlh Board
cancelled a contract with Miller for a film
script, because of his political buliefs.
Things sseemed to be lookiny up for Miller
in 1956. when the University of Michigan. Iris
alma mater, awarded him an honorary doo
torate. Ironically, just five days later Miller was
summoned before McCarlhy's House UnAmerican Activities Committee Miller declined to give them names of suspected communist sympathizers, and as a n.'sull was tried
and convicted of contempt of Congress. The
conviction was later reversed.
It should be noted that, although the play
severely hurt Miller's reputation, il only
enhances ESIPA's.
Border Wars
Jeanne Canavan
Grumbling at having been so rude-ly
awakened she sloppily slapped her hand upon
the snooze button — but the blaring noise continued
"I said turn it OFF!" knowing that with each
passing second I was becoming more awake.
"Turn it . . . "
"It's not my goddamn radio!" she said in a
more than slightly agitated tone. "Thanks a lot
for waking me up. asshole!"
Slowly but surely the realization dawned
upon my fuzzy brain: Hard as It was to believe,
it appeared that this rude awakening was not
due to a malfunctioning alarm clock — it was a
deliberate act. Ten seconds of top 40 Albany
radio convinced me who was resonsible — it
was THEM.
Grumbling apologies to my now-wideawake roommate. I started to bang on the
wall, a practice a couple of sharp raps with my
knuckles, and. after a short pause, several
severe blows with my whole fist. On this particular morning I had actually resorted to the
dreaded forearm slam, which Is usually effective and always painful.
Apparently, however, the offending party
wasn't worried, and it was not until 25 minutes
later that my 'request' was granted. Of course,
by this time both my roommate and myself
were wide awake and cursing al each other.
Just our neighbor's way of saying, "Good
What could have cause our neighbors to act
in such an abominable. Inhuman manner? 1
mean. we may have had our differences In the
past, but that's no reason to wake a person up
at 7:30 In the mornlngl The penalty for such a
crime could only be death. As I lay awake that
morning I contemplaled the different methods
Taylor Troupe Sparkles
he curtain rose to reveal an azure ing on her in a pink fancy costume. As she
backdrop on the stage as the Paul fluttered and flitted across the stage, she was
Taylor Dance company began another almost pulled Into the fog surrounding her. but
performance In their long and distinguished she resisted it. Suddenly, the audience's attenhistory, this past weekend at Proctor's.
tion was caught by a woman In a black, flimsy
nightgown that appeared to be an Insect trying
lo catch her in his web and devour her. Having caught her. he dragged her across the
"Arden Court" was the first piece, which stage, past the light of hope, but the long
premiered in 1981. To the accompanying struggle gained her freedom for a lime. As our
music of William Boyce, eight men quickly attention was drawn elsewhere, the captive
caught the attention of the audience with their and her enemy waltzed across Ihe stage out of
quick and effortless jumps, turns and pirouet- sight.
tes the stage. Each one leapt across In perfect
Still within our presence were Ihe images of
synchronism with the others, displaying a Ihe Victorian, caught in a surrealistic dream
grace that showed off long hours of arduous (hat was the outpourring of Ihe id impulses
practice. The audience was entranced by the across Ihe stage; looking, grabbing, pleading,
sense of adventure of modern dance set to wondering, fighting in a pantonine of emoclassical music. The dancers' routine was tion, the plethora of movement caught one in
Baroque in style. As the music slowed to a
a suspension of belief necessary lo understand
more peaceful lone, all the men left except
the scrambled plot lines and jumping
one, who was joined by a female partner. She
metaphor. The final ending was the release of
held Ihe classical slow movements associated
an unequivocal maddening energy that left the
with ihe music of Boyce, while he performed
audience in a slate of wonder, poised in the
lo the sporadic rhlhym energelically. As he
edge of their seals, reflecting or Ihe montage
took her in his arms, Ihe pace look on the slow
langourous movements of searching. She held of movement.
The Arthur Miller play was a strange choice.
Originally opening In 1953. it Is about the
town of Salem and the witchhunt trials ol
Iii92 that took place there. The existentialist
play concentrates on the cruelty and the unfairness of the trials, equivocating Salem';
cries of "Witch!" to the cries of "Communist!"
in the McCarthy era.
Although the play's message isn't as weighty
today as it was at the time of its opening
reminder that ridiculous travesties of Justice
can still occur, even in the modern United
aninit!." 1 yelled at my sleeping
roomate. "turn off that * ? & ! * radio!
Why the hell do you have it set lor
7:30 in the morning?"
-Views And Visions
Gail Merrell
FEBRUARY 14, 1 9 8 4 1
by which this sentence would be carried out.
Looking back upon it now. I suppose that 1
was being slightly harsh. After all. there have
been one or two Instances in which they have
perhaps been slightly disturbed by us. When
this does occur, we are subjected to the same
shuddering blows which we are used to
delivering ourselves. The effects of these
blows are quite startling: the room shakes, pictures fly off the walls, and our friends dive for
cover. And we do the same.
The casualties from such encounters have
been numerous and severe. I know,a woman
who actually broke her ankle while thumping
upon her wall one day. Although such
violence may seem foolish to others. It Is
an extreme example of the frustration that can
develop. I have defied natural laws by actually
breaking an "unbreakable" Jar of Vaseline
upon the wall while pounding especially hard,
I was then caught by my suiiemate In the act of
cleaning up mess, and was made the butt of
many unsavory jokes concerning lubrication. I
don't need this aggravation,
Sometimes, however, It's not the volume of
the music that causes the disturbance, but the
type of music. For example, (and I know this
may shock some of you) some people just
don't appreciate the talents of an Ctey
Osborne or some other bestial Satanworshipper. Also, I have just aboul had it with
Slevle Nicks. I never had anything personal
against the woman until I was forced lo listen
to the same album of hers every morning for
an entire semseter. I find her unoffensive in
small doses, but after 100.000 playings she
grows rather stale. It's gotten to the point
where any breath of a Stevie Nicks song on
the radio sends me scrambling to the dial, suppressing a scream in my throat.
It would seem that the best way lo achieve
detente would be to regulate the volume of
any music played, as well as the hours al
which it is played. and to keep up a practice of
tape rotation so that variety Is employed Unfortunately, however, musical disturbance
does not make up the whole of the problem.
This (act was hammered home to me lasl
week while I ws being visited by a couple ol
We had been talking and laughing for «
while in a very animated fashion, and i! hail
become rather late when the conversalion turned to subjects of a rather personal naturethings that do not exactly come up in everyday
small talk. Suddenly, In the midst of this intimate conversation the wall shook with a barrage of blows. We were Immedialley shocked
Into silence — but it was too late. Talk aboul
humiliation! We could see our words hanging
in the air: they had heard everything that we
said. Here they are. armed with Ihe mosl in
limale details about us. and we still don'I know
their names. All we know about them is thai
they have a Stevie Nicks fixation and they go
to bed early.
Anyway, that decided II. The walls in these
dorms are simply loo thin to allow for normal
human Interaction. I'm going lo buy some
concrete or something and try lo thicken this
barrier between us. If I don't do something'
soon I think I'll go. . .Oh no.
it can'l
M . • "TheEdgeofSeventeenl"
As Ihe pace of Ihe music quickened, so did
Ihe movements of Ihe dancers who were joined by two other couples. Classical steps were
mirrored in a modern execution of a piece fairly reminiscent of a minuet. The changing lone
was shown the mixture of changing poses that
were held as if the dancers were stalues.
These poses created physical awes of motion
in the minds' eye, Subsequently Ihe women
left and the mood darkened as did the lights.
The shadows on the men evoked images of
somber thoughts. An aura was created that
reminded one of the growth of a plant trying to
spout from the ground in which il lays. The
fights then came up and the men became
acrobats, as their slow movements became
blurs of motion and energy; rays of bright
lights and streaks of colored' light challenged
the attention of the eye.
In "Nightshade" the stage was never quite
fully lit, as if trying to recall a dream that one
had many years ago, or a memory that has
blurred so thai different vignettes of events get
tangled within the same web of emotion. The
dancers were each costumed in a Victorian
dress, and the pleading and excruciatingly
deliberate movements of the dancers reflected
emotions of despair and yearning. Amidst all
this came a dancer with the light of hope shin-
The final piece of the evening told the story
of flirtation and lust of soldiers on leave with
Ihe girls of Ihe town. Innocent meetings in the
light of day lead to the release of longing, as
Ihe day ends in sunset. The women come and
go, lugging at Ihe hearts of Ihe soldiers. As
one of them reaches out toward Ihe girl; she
retreats, only to return once again to continue
Ihe game. She returns and is carried and
thrown to many subsequent males as their
backs become a stepping path for her.
As each couple pairs off Into their own circle
of movement, Iheir long, graceful strides encompass them in a world of primordial urge
with ihe intensity of their drives in full action.
The arcs of movement, twists and turns upon
one another are soon a memory as the men
march off-to face the dawn, leaving a berel as
a memory of an evening after sunset. The curtain is lowered as the sadness eminates from
ihe women.
These three works are part of a repetoire of
over 80 dances choreographed by Paul Taylor
for his company. His works are also part of
many other dance companies around the
world. The company has performed in 53 different nations and will soon be performing in
New York at the City Center for its annual selfproduced season. It is an evening not to be
missed. Their artistic style and creative themes
have made Ihe Paul Taylor Dance Company a
dominant force in the world of dance.
An Ambiguous Silkwood
very once in a while a movie comes out
which creates a controversy. This can
happen because Ihe subject of the film Is
controversial, because Ihe film hovers between an " R " and an " X " rating (such as Scarface), or because the critics and the paying audience are split over whether or hot the film is
actually good.
Silkwood is Ihe depressing tale of Ihe life of
a worker in a nuclear plant. It is based on Ihe
now legendary life of Karen Gay Silkwood,
who died on November 13. 1974. in a
mysterious auto accident en route lo a
meeting with a New York Times reporter. At
this encounter Silkwood was supposedly going to blow the whistle on the management of
the plant for treating the workers less than fairly and exposing Ihem lo dangerously high
levels of plutonium.
Then, almost without notice, we are supposed
to believe thai Silkwood could suddenly
become a leading worker representative in Ihe
local union. Streep had a lot to overcome and
she almost did it.
While it is obvious that Streep's moving performance is forced. Cher and Kurt Russell fare
far belter because each comes across as
natural. Russell, as Silkwood's boyfriend. Is a
lough but honest and ultimately loyal lover.
Cher carefully plays the live-in lesbian friend
who is happy where she is with the woman
she loves. Cher has little to d o . but is consistently good on the screen.
Silkwood is serious entertainment lost In its
own complex tracks. Everyone knows the end
before entering the theater. Therefore, it was
director Mike Nichols's job to make the audience feel that Karen Silkwood died for a
cause, as a martyr. He has failed, and the film
suffers fmmeasureably for It.
Silkwood only hints that Its protagonist was
purposely contaminated and then killed after
she refused to discontinue her efforts to expose cover-ups.
. ,,
It Is possible thai ABC Productions a n d / o r
Nichols feared a lawsuit if they made any
claims thai could not be substantiated.
In ail fairness. I must admit that Silkwood
may have died as the film depicts. Perhaps,
though. we may never know the truth. For this
reason, il is my contention that Silkwood was
produced prematurely, Should undeniable
evidence eventually lurn up that supporls the
movie's premise, then I would gladly admit to
being incorrect in my analysis and criticism of
the film. Until then we must settle with a film
thai runs in fear of circumstances and lawyers.
Meryl Streep's latest tour cle force performance is not enough lo creale a real, complete character. Silkwood boozes, uses drugs,
tames direct confrontation with a superior by
exposing one of her breasts, and has even lost
her children because of a lack of responsibilly.
It is now your choice. Silkwood is a superbly
crafted and well-acted movie. But it Is incomplete. If one can overlook ihe ambiguities
and follow the work of the actors, then this
may be a film worth seeing.
Ian Spelling
a recent film starring Meryl
Streep. is the latest to cause a stir. The courts
are still tied up with Silkwood lltigallon. the
film has received good reviews for its acting,
but notices for Silkwood as a drama have been
mixed. According to Ihe Knickerbocker News'
Drew MacDonald, Silkwood "is as dramatically unsatisfying here as in most facl-based
dramas. It is wisely treated as a mere catlayst
for Ihe characterizations; it gives the performers something to d o . " Metroland states
that there are several unanswered questions;
"Despite the story's weaknesses, though,
Silkwood is carried along by Ihe excellent performances."
Student activism: a new era?
his weekend an event took place which could change
the course of the student movement in America. The
National Conference on Student Voter Registration,
held at Harvard University, was a symbol of great promise
for the power of the student vole, and the influence of student activism as a whole.'
Student activism has come a long way in the past twenty
years. During the I960's, a lime of great prosperity for the
nation, the "establishment" was taken by surprise with the
blossoming of radical dissatisfaction, denial and protest
among the youth.
The actual and ideological conflicts waged in the 60's were
fresh and dynamic, viewed by both sides as uncompromising
battles between right and wrong. One motif which-ran
through the cacophony of student activism was an unconditional rejection of authority, of "the system," and the desire
to create a whole new one which would embody all the ideals
of the progressive movement.
During the 1970's, the fervor and vitality of student activism
began to wane. In the face of the painful realities of the
recession, finding a job became a greater concern, and a
higher priority. And the best road to survival and security
seemed to lead straight into the'capitalistic corporate
Although the activists of the sixties made a mark on
American society, they were greatly disappointed in their visions of sweeping change and a new world order. Exposing
the tragedy of Vietnam and the fiasco of Watergate tainted
the social fabric of the nation with deep cynicism and disillusionment. A "what's the use" attitude infected students,
who had already begun to feel burdened by the ideals of the
past generation.
The focus of student leaders today has shifted from unconditional protest, and alienation from authority, to becoming
an influential and effective force within the system. Since the
••..; ' '
days of sit-ins, marches and violence, the student movemem
has experienced great re-education and organization. State
and nationwide student associations have developed impressive degrees of awareness and sophistication. Studentrun Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG's), the brainchild of Ralph Nader, have become a successful force effecting dramatic change within the system. The Conference at
Harvard was a reflection Of this transformation of student
awareness and activism.
The conference was organized not by uncompromising
single-issue radicals, but by this new breed of student leaders.
They focused on developing a viable and flexible network of
communication and organization, not on explosive forms of
protest and disobedience. They have come to appreciate that
in a democratic society, the power for long term, fundamental change can be in the hands of the people. Through the
vote, lobbying efforts, citizen actions and outright protest,
the student voice can cry out for many issues, and be heard
loud and clear on all levels of the political and economic
What occurred this weekend at Harvard was Indeed a great
step towards realizing this renaissance of the student movement. Student leaders from all over the country have now
been introduced to the techniques of voter registration; conducting campaigns; community relations; reaching out to the
poor, minorities, and other disenfranchised people; working
with the media, and other basic topics involved with initiating more effective political awareness and activism. They
began learning how to work within the system to change it, to
become better citizens and advocates for the cause of peace
and justice.
But the best thing about the conference was that student
leaders had the opportunity to talk with each other. Here
finally was the affirmation of student unity and power which
had become so elusive during the past decade. This un-
precedented Interaction symbolized the new spirit of communication and organization which was the driving force
behind the conference.
For all the hope and promise it held, the conference also
revealed some serious problems. It restored the basic spirit
and goals which are the necessary groundwork for a successful student movement. But the massive radical coordination of students across the country will demand a tremendous
and efficient effort. The real work is just beginning, as these
1600 students return home to put their newfound activism to
the test.
- ,
The organization of the New York caucus was very disappointing especially considering the importance of the state in
national politics. The presentation by NYPIRG and SASU
representatives was sadly unimpressive and left many
students unsure of what their next step should be. And this is
where the movement will either blossom or die, on the state
and regional levels, on the campuses and in the local communities.
If the conference can realize its goals, it will certainly lead
to the most powerful, intelligent and effective student movement this nation has ever witnessed. We will become not only
a force at election time, but a constant voice for progressive
. . .
Everyone at the conference was charged with excitement,
even inspired, by the prospects of being a part or this new
movement. If they can communicate this feeling, this
knowledge that we can make this world a better place to live
without tearing it down in the process, then the seeds or this
weekend will one day blossom into the fruits or peace and
This conference proved that the notion or student apathy
is a myth waiting to be exploded. The first step for every student is registering to vote and making our voices heard in
November. From there it is up to us; it is our world, and we
now have, like no other people in history have ever had, the
knowledge and power to change it for the better.
Let's not blow it.
Competition serves the Arts
In the early years of the decade, way back in the year l'JDO,
a group of stone age visionaries, poets, and extremist
philosophers decided that they did not like the campus
literary magazine that at that time was the sole outlet for
literary and visual 'expression on the campus of SUNY at
Albany. Accordingly, they had a series of meetings on that
massive Bauhaus dinosaur we call a campus, and thrashed
out the ideas and goals that would be at the guts of a new
publication. Way down deep in the bowels towards the vent,
down deep in the nadir of the beast, so to speak, they devised
the ideas of founding an alternative arts magazine. This one
would represent those writers and other technicians of the
visual and the verbal landscape who did not find their work
appearing in that original publication (named Tangent).
They took their idea to the Student Association and some of
the other power brokers who ride the beast, and after much
debate in the corridors of power, it was decided that a
magazine named Nadir would be born.
\ Michael Benson
These original founders of the publications have since
gone their separate pathways through the steaming terrain,
as have the brokers and moneylenders of that temple in the
right wing of the campus center. They left the original idea of
the publication to a next generation of both Nadir editors
and staff members of the temple. Since that distant year
three issues of Nadir have appeared, each one better than the
one before, each one with more advanced writing and visual
work represented. Some of this work, in fact, was of such
high quality that it could coexist unflinchingly beside some of
the best photography and writing being done in the country.
Unfortunately, with each year that has passed since the
early days, a new generation of recruits have taken their
places at the desks of SA, some of them fresh from courses
with titles like "Intro to Cost Analysis." There, in line with
their training, they have surveyed the list of SA-funded
groups, and their eyes have quite naturally gone to those that
already have the least amount of funding. The question has
arisen as to why it is necessary to fund two arts magazines.
This question arose last year, and it took quite a lobbying effort to keep the two publications autonomous (the question
apparently didn't arise as to why it was necessary to buy
$102,296.00 worth of extravagant but useless audio-visual
equipment that SA is now trying to sell off; look at that
figure again, it takes a while to sink in).
The question, of course, can be phrased and debated in
language that some offices in SA have learned to understand.
For instance, there is a theory that goes something like this (a
theory that capitalism is based on): monopoly leads to a lack
of quality in a product due to zero incentive caused by zero
competition. Plurality, on the other hand, leads to a healthy
and desirable competition, raising the standards and the
quality of whatever product is being offfered.
This, in fact, is the idea that makes it possible to have The
Wall Street Journal and the Village- Voice sold on the same
newsstand. It is also the Idea that makes it possible to get on
the phone, call up eight different printers, and get the highest
quality for the lowest price; something I did for the '83 issue
of Nadir.
. . .
Of course, there are other languages to phrase it in. There
is the factual language or journalism, and you should find
something like this elsewhere in this newspaper: The Student
Association is committing itself to the merger of SUNYA's
two arts magazines, Nadir and The Albany Review (formerly
Tangent). Adam Barsky, the SA Controller, said that the
reasons for the upcoming decision are primarily financial.
'Nadir has never been able to pay back the amount SA wants
them to pay back,' said Barsky in his office Monday. 'Plus
the two magazines arc trying to do the same thing. A mergei
will give the one remaining magazine more money, and so it
will be a better magazine.' On Tuesday an editor of Nadii
said that a merger would simply kill Nadir. 'An arts publication is not like a car,' he said. 'If you put more money into it,
the quality doesn't necessarily improve. It's what goes inside
that counts. Money doesn't make a good journal; editorial
decisions do. It's true that we always have to sell the
magazine. That is because, since Nadir came after Tangent
did, we have to pay back a large percentage of what SA gives
us to publish. Tangent, ,,n the other hand, has always been a
free magazine and so has never had to pay any of the money
SA gave them back."
The facts are that Nadir is sold; Albany Review is not;
therefore, Nadir makes some money for SA, AR does not.
Nadir has not, in fact, been able to pay back as much as SA
wants them to. That is because very few at SUNYA seem to
be able to understand that a SUNYA publication actually is
(a) selling for money and (b) is worth the money. This is partially because they are used to free Tangents, ASPs, Student
Voice's, Nemesis', etcetera. It is also because the amount of
interest in homegrown art at SUNYA is low generally. A
literary journal is not viewed as "entertainment" in the same
way as a movie is; that is why the huge SA-funded film
groups — with budgets ten times as big as The Albany
Review's and Nadir's — can rake in the bucks and become
involved in criminal activities such as those that plagued the
University Cinema group last year. But more than that, there
is the widespread perception that works of artistic quality or
importance come from "out there;" the film studios, or the
big publishers, or the galleries of New York, or the Yale
Review. It is hard to make people understand that quality
writing and original visual work is going on here, right at the
Bauhaus Dinosaur named SUNY at Albany. Let alone with a
$1 charge.
For instance, how many people know that there is an an
gallery at SUNYA? And that it is on campus? And that right
now there is an exhibit on that contains, among other things,
exceptional work by a SUNYA undergraduate?
These are questions aimed not so much at the SA people (a
couple of whom, it seems, would not know good writing if it
was read to them from anything other than a textbook titled
"Economic Streamlining") but at those SUNYA students
who feel themselves to be Interested in the arts, but who are
conditioned to think of New York as Mecca. It's right here,
The question of finances also contains at its core an interesting variation of the Catch-22 oxymoron. When Mr.
Barsky surveys the crinkled plane of parchment thai is his
huge volume of SA-funded accounts, he comes across Information that shows Nadir has problems paying SA (hat which
is SA's. On the other hand, ihe Albany Review has what appears to be a clean bill of financial health. Of course, all AR
has to do is spend their money .id come up with a publication. No Strings Attached. Zero money back guarantee. The
solution' seems obvious, to him: let's kill Nadir, call ii a
merger so people don't get distressed by the bloodbath, and
have one publication with a financial setup like the Albany
Review's. Then the SA fundcrs and the fundce's and the
masses will be happy right?
Wrong. Then we will have a situation that is no dlffcren
from the one that prevailed back in stone age 1980, with one
publication, one editorial board, and one version of (heTruth (for, isn't all 'art' in some ways one version? Don'l
The Wall Street Journal and the Village Voice both have a
version of the truth? Who was "right," Pilate or the
carpenter?) What Mr. Barsky, and Ms. Libby Post before
him, wish to do is to destroy a successful pluralism so thai
the ledger books line up. Well, there are other solutions that
, leave the freedom of the press intact. For instance, it would
be a beautiful and simple thing to be able to give Nadir away.
All that would take is some simple revisions on the parchment, reducing the figure that appears after the words "Income Line."
Of course, for Mr. Barsky, that would not do. That would
be like suggesting that two little economy cars are belter than
one big tank.
It should be pointed out at this juncture thai what SA is
doing is anticipating an issue, and in so doing creating one.
There is a proposal that will be coming up soon in the nerve
centers of the Dinosaur, a proposal to raise tuition. This will
necessitate an SA fee hike. As a result, students will be examining where SA money goes (even if the SA part of the bill
doesn't go up). Well, let them investigate such collosal
mismanagement that has resulted in such things as filmgroup felonies and huge outlays in audio-visuul machinerj
that goes nowhere, in high fidelity. Nadir and The Albans
Review are equally necessary; they publish different writers,
and they provide a much needed artistic plurality. Nadir
works in a larger format, and therefore can publish visual art
and longer works of prose and poetry of a more experimental
nature. The Albany Review, on the other hand, can publish
critical essays and book reviews. There is more than enougli
good work being done on this campus lo fill both Journals.
There arc more than enough interested and talented people
to edit and produce two high quality magazines.
Nadir will be going to press this spring, and the machinery
is revving up right now. Look for posters; get involved if you
want to save SUNYA's alternative arts magazine from an SA
axe. It is up to the students of SUNYA to realize that there is
some very worthwhile activity going on in their very own
upstate backyard, right here in the rectangle of dinosaurbone white buildings that we live in,
Advantage for sale
To Ihe Editor:
Something has been bothering me lately that I feel I have
to express and that is the new lecture transcription service —
Most classes in this school, as we all know, arc graded on a
curve, which illicits total competition among students. I
don't particularly like that system, but that's not the issue
here. At least we are all on a basically equal level with each
other, providing we attend each class and buy the required
But now, with this transcription service, for "only" $30 a
class, whoever can afford it can now have an exact word by
word copy of every lecture. Now we all know that, even if we
never miss a class, and take excellent notes, we're never going
to be able to get down every link' thing the professor says.
I just don't think it's fair for those people, who are willing
to put out that extra $150, to have the upper edge on
everyone else. And you know they will. I'm not putting down
the concept itself — I think it would be an excellent idea if
everyone got the copies — I just don't like the idea that I feel
like if I don't subscribe to Amanuensis (which I'm not), that
I have the lower hand against those that do.
—Sharon Wolf
The American way
To the Editor:
The on-going war of words between Professor Winner and
Timothy Taylor is both instructive and makes for exciting
reading. I really look forward to my ASP every Tuesday and
Friday to catch the latest chapter. I for one hope it goes on.
The letters are also instuctivc since they arc good representations of two extremes in the political spectrum. I think that
Professor Winner's view is closest to the truth, and certainly
better thought out and written, but as someone who has
taken his .class, 1 also think he is deliberately toning himself
down. His brand of politics, while perhaps necessary, too
Established In 1918
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and frozen in concrete. While the left tries to portray itself as
enlightened and progressive, it too Is not immune to dogma.
As long as this is so, the left will never gain the affection of
the working class it seeks to champion.
Ultimately, though. Professor Wittner is right. The most
lasting economic lesson he left me with was his diagram of
the economic pie. In (he type of economy Reagan — and
Taylor — espouse, the wealthy 10 percent of the population
control perhaps 75 percent of the pie. The rest is divided up
among the rest of us. Even with economic growth, this fundamental injustice is not addressed. Wittner is abs^' "Mv
right when he protests an economy where a very we
exercise total control. We can do better, indeed.
* It is pathetic that people like Taylor should so vehcmumiy
defend a system that offers them no share of that massive
wealth. For me and millions like me, medical care is not a
crass, abstract "economic good." It is a necessity and one 1
can't afford.
No, I'll never defend an economic system that is stacked
against me. But Taylor can go right ahead. — After all,
that's the American way.
—Tim Schultz
Defense of Europe
To the Editor:
I have read with interest the recent letters by Mr. Taylor
and Proressor Wittner. In particular, the letter by Professor
Wittner is at least as interesting for what it leaves out as for
what it includes. It is all well and good to mention Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, France, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Switzerland, Iceland, Luxembourg and West Germany as nations which in some ways are better off than we are and say,
"Sec! Socialism works]" It is quite another to look at some
of the particulars. Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg and
Switzerland are, and have been for forty years or more,
neutral. This keeps defense spending extremely low. The
others mentioned above are defended to a great exlcnl by the
expenditures of the United States. Just about anyone will admit that lower expenditures for defense will yield a healthier
economy. Thus 1 would question Professor Winner's assertion that Democratic Socialism is the reason for Ihe
aforementioned nations' economic well being. Likewise, our
slippage relative to those nations is to a large extent due to
our commitment lo defend those nations with the accompanying costs. If you wish to change this you could either
withdraw our commitment or ask Europe to foot a higher
percentage of the bill. In the first case you would be left
without any democratic socialist countries to point to, and in
the latter, their economics would come more in line with
ours. Capitalist, or Socialist dogma have little to do with the
matter. It is much more a question of who is paying for ihe
defense of Europe.
—.lames A. Robertson
Keep it open
To Ihe Editor:
The following is a copy of a petition being distributed by
S.A.T.E., or Students Against Totalitarian Enactments. It
deals with the closing of one of the finest lounges at SUNYA;
once open to all students at all hours, but now closed and
locked except for a few hours each morning. The decision to
close the lounge is an insidious one, part of a campaign that
has closed many lounges at the university already — most
notably the last-lamented Social Science lounge. The logic of
this campaign seems to be that students arc dirty creatures,
who will use a lounge so much that it becomes impossible to
keep it neat and clean for V.I.P.'s and faculty celebrations.
This logic is also backed by the idea that we are running out
of "space" for students, and if the faculty cannot grab the
lounges for "official functions," soon there will be no place
left for them to grab. The English department has already
submitted plans to "renovate" the lounge, making it a pleasant sterile environment, but considering the use the lounge
gets from students the administration is unlikely to approve
the request. So... If the students don't use the lounge
anymore, they can renovate it. The Third Floor Humanities
Lounge is therefore being kept locked up, forbidden to
students, except from 7 to 12 in the mornings. After the
"renovation," I expect the lounge will not be accessablc to
students at all. This is a crime against the students of this
University. — We need your help. Copies of this petition can
be found in the Humanilics Lounge (in the morning), at the
SA contact office, and in several other points on the campus.
Thank you.
We, the undersigned, hereby affirm our belief that the
third floor Humanities Lounge is an important element in the
intellectual growth and maturity of ihe students of this
university. We are shocked and disappointed by Ihe decision
of Ihe University bureaucracy to cheat us of an important
element in our scholastic endeavors. The meetings of minds
are close, the arena of intellectual debate stands empty, except at ihe whim of those who would use it for what Ihcy
consider "proper and correct" purposes. Freedom of
thought can only be truly realized in the context of an ongoing dialectic experience, which this lounge has provided us
for so many years. The autocratic prohibition on this
meeting place is an affront to the goals of this university. To
lit and read, to study, to talk. — Are these not good?
Students require a place lo relax in this corner of the Great
White Rock — Give us back our Lounge!
—Kurl Schnakenberg'
Imperial decree
To Ihe Editor:
After 11:30 every morning, don't try to get into the
Humanities Lounge, that once healthy outpost or interaction. There is a sign on the door that says the lounge will be
locked at that time every day. It's signed "Dean's Office."
Dean Paul Wallace was quoted in the ASP last week as
saying "It's not really a student lounge." Associate Dean
Martha Rozctt was further quoted as saying things like "I'm
not sure that this (the closing) changes things very much...the
lounge was never a place to count on..."
Well, this smells to me of revisionist history. Both of these
statements contain just enough or a grain to make their load
of deception palatable as truth. What Dean Wallace is missing when he makes a statement denying that it ever actually
was a student lounge is simply that in fact, it was a student
lounge. And one of the most livable ones on a campus that
seems to have been designed for computer hackers who
"lounge" where they "input;" a terminal.
The Dean, of course, has a nice comfortable office.
To make matters worse, history is being revised only two
weeks after we lost the lounge. This sort of decree-on-thedoor is indicative of a certain lack of sensitivity to the needs
of a student body who, presumably, are supposed to figure
somewhere, seeing as how this is a university and all.
I am waiting for a similar imperial decree, with a similar
total absence of forewarning, to appear. Only this one will
outline the procedures for use of the new wooden bathroom
Please, Mr. Wallace, give us back our Humanities Lounge.
I have been here for four years, and what remains of my sanity I owe lo dial space. Don't make me forge a key during my
last semester.
Why do 1 feel like I am petitioning the Czar?
-Michael Benson
Wrong number
To the Editor:
In Dave Catalfamd's article of 2/10/84 he addresses the
possibility of SUNYA officials implementing a multi-million
dollar phone system similar to that recently purchased by
If you ask me, the $8.4 million price tag on this "new
technologically advanced system" is far too high. Especially
when all you get with ii is a bunch of problems. I do not
know anyone who would advocate a phone system that
would result in higher monthly service charges, limited
operator service, and the lack of the feature Mr. Catalfamo
refers to as "Answer Supervision" which also helps to keep
phone bills to a minimum. As noted in the article, the list of
complaints docs not end here. So then I pose the question to
you, why bother with the service ar all? The present SUNYA
phone system suits me just fine as I'm sure it does others. I
can think of a lot of things to spend $8.4 million on other
than a phone system that there is no need for. Rumour has it
lhat the Communication Department is slowly being dissolved. I'm sure they could use a couple qf million dollars in their
bank account. Or maybe putting the money into the sports
program — new and better athletic facilities. Or even the
good old SUNYA bus system. The list could go on. Don't
SUNYA officials realize this?
Instead of asking students to participate in the process of
selecting a new telephone system for the Albany campus,
why not ask them to voice their opinion on where $8.4
million should be spent?
—Laura Llebesman
Unique perspective
To the Editor:
In response to the letter "A Real Nemesis," I'd first like to
praise Mr. Speidel and Mr. Holland for at least reading tinposters and being curious enough to go to the dictionary.
However, their research was not thorough enough to support
their claim that Feminist Alliance is "willfully misleading the
SUNYA campus."
I would like to suggest to these two gentlemen that the next
step in their research is to compare the definition in our present dictionaries (like Ihe American Heritage) to the original
meaning of the word. I don't know if the American Heritage
had the original meaning, but the Webster's New World edition did show that orignally Nemesis was a Greek goddess,
the goddess of retributive justice or vengeance. (For a fuller
description of Nemesis the goddess, 1 would suggest The
Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.)
One can see from a comparison of the original meaning
and the present meaning that something happened. Nemesis
went from being worshipped as a goddess to being despised
as the "one who inflicts relentless vengeance or destruction."
The intention of the Nemesis Collective was to reclaim Ihe
origins in an altcmpt to generate powerful, strong images of
Nemesis,.the journal, is special in that it reflects a unique
perspective of ihe world. It represents the voices of women
speaking to each other about their love, hopes and dreams as
well as their pain and anger. Copies of Nemesis 1983 are
available in the Feminist Alliance office. Nemesis 1984 will
be available in April. I hope this makes things a little clearer.
—Lisa Henderson
1983 Nemesis Editorial Collective
1984 Nemesis Editorial Collective
BuddyMove youl Happy.Valentine's I
$1.50 lor the tlrsl 10 words
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Any bold word Is 10 cents extra
$2.00 extra lor a box
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Classified ads are being'accepted In the SA Contact Ofllce during
regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
the time bt Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge for
billing Is $25.00 per Issue.
No ads will be printed without a lull name, address or phone number
. on the Advertising form. Credit maybe extended, but NO refunds will be
given. Editorial policy will not peinjlt ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or those that are In pope taste. We reserve^ the right, to
reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication.
... .
It you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel free to call or slop by the Business Office.
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You're my sunny dayl
I love you. doll.
Happy Valentine's, Dayl
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Jeff Buddy,
This is a Birthday greeting for a
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Here's a personal to make up
for 2 long lost years. Happy
Valentine's Day Phil and Bruce.
J t l
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Thanks for four beautiful months!
Happy Valentine's Dayl
I love you I
The little monster
Jeff Buddy,
CutieYou've got the most gorgeous
Valentine cheeks I've ever seen.
Lots of love
P.S. Lassie says Happy V-Day
SUNY Night Is Thursday night at
Le Fat Cat. it's all new and here
to serve you. Drink special all
night Thursday, February 16.
Not All Boats Sail on Silver Seas,
Not All Ride on a Warm Summer
Fortunate They are, And Happy
They Must Be.
To Have a Love Like Mine on a
Warm Silver Sea.
Dear Eliott,
Happy valentine's Day and
don't forget March 21stl!
• '••• . Love ya,
. ' , - . . . Sandy
Sweetheart! I love you always.
Lisa (E)
This Is as good a time as any to
tell you I love you.
Oh.Dianne Pine
There's something heavy on my
Guess who?
M- '
Happy Anniversary and Valentine's Day! You're the best thing
In my life.
I love you,
Adam 2,
Where would you like to take us
for Valentine's Day? The Bog or
Club 21? Happy Valentine's Day.
This Is a Birthday greeting for a
swell guy.
My loveOn our. forth Valentine's Day
together, things are more wonderful, more "perfect" than ever
before. I hope the next 50 will find
us just as happy as we are now.
I'll follow you anywhere (even
to Grenada!).
I love you ever so much!
Always and forever
—your one and only
To the girls on the second floor
wing Bru.Thanks lor being such sweet
Happy V-Dayl
I love you all
But our love it was stronger by far
than the love
Of those who were older than
Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels, in heaven
Nor the demons down under
the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from
the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Wanna play?
Love and not maybe,
• Suzanne
Lido, Lauren & Scooter-Pop.
Here's always to a good laugh
and a great time! Love you guys
'ta death.' '
Nancy (A.K.A. Ella, Bubba,
InsatiableI love you more than life Itself.
Happy Valentine's Dayl
Insatiable, too.
I love you more'than chocolatel
Happy Birthday tool
To MY Dear Fiance Perry,
Thanks for making me the happiest person In the world! I'll love
you forever. Happy Valentine's
Your Fiancee Anita
All the Time I thought there's only
me... I can't believe I found such a
special heart I I love youl
Your special Valentine,
Dear Ellen (The Woman From the
Happy Valentine's Day in 9 words.
Chris (No, I'm not embarrassed)
Ann, Carol, Emily, Margie,
Happy Valentine's Day. We love
I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
What you did with that luggage,
BEAUTIFUL! Happy Valentine's
Love your Best Buddy,
The music never ends. Happy
Valentine's Day Honeyl I love you.
Yours Always,
~ ~ ~
Happy 1st Valentine's Day,
Sweets, from your W.W. wilh love.
Be There. SUNY night at Le Fat
Cat. Thursday, February 16, and
every Thursday. Drink specials all
Meet behind the stove 10 p.m.
Brown Mouse
P.S. bring seeds.
h e r e ' s only one thing I do more
than |oke around, and that s - love
Saying to you I love you on
Valentine's Day Is so very hard,
because how do you make It more
special than when It Is said
throughout the year. Whether on
Valentine's Day or any other day
of the year, I Love You as much as
one person could possibly love
another person.
Love always,
..,.; , ...
You are crazy and full of life.
You're also very special to me.
Thank you for helping me with my
tray the first time. By the way,
you're also the Best Dancer In
J" .
You'll always be
that special person in my life. I
love youl
Dear Anita,
I love you more than ever and I
will miss you Incredibly next year.
Happy Valentine's Day.
P.S. I can't wait to make you my
Hey Sexy GirlsCall Jeff at 457-4110 and tell
him you want him tonight! Don't
be shy.
The Valentine of my DREAMS, I
love yod.
Yo te amo mucho.
You're the greatest Valentine In
the world. I'm very lucky to be
Lisa (E)
This Is as good a time as any to
tell you I love you.
From Douglas Lucas
There are many experiences that a
person has to go through to learn
how special a person really Is. I
know now that you are really
special to me. Therefore, I must
truly say: ODETTE, I love you.
Happy Valentine's Day. I love you
To my favorite Tguy In CQ- 1202,
Happy Valentlne s Dayl
A Neighbor
You've shown me the meaning of
How about that
Dearest Gary,
Yeah, I know you love me, but I
really love you.
thanhappy birthday!
may all your dreams come true,
love always,
Dear Nina and Lindsay
Here's to the goodtimes In
I love you both!
Happy Valentine's Dayl
Ray LHappy Valentine's Day to a great
hoop player. Think positive!
Love DD
Happy Valentine's Day, Johnny! I
love you says it all - for all the
times you've held me close and
made me smile. Be my Valentine.
Love always,
Who loves you alot a lots?
Aslmadoesll! Happy Valentine's
In eoopeiallon with
To My One And Only,
Who would have thought that
something good could have come
from Mat 112? I'm glad you did.
You're very special and I love you
very much.
Your Q.Pld
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reliable and convenient.
LizHappy Valentine's Day. You
have Hoduma's Touch even if you
aren't HADAS.
•'.": •
Love Wayne
Gary B-
announces lis
Thank you for becoming a part of
my life. Without you, I couldn't
have discovered the meaning of
true love. Happy Valentine's Day!
Love forever and always,
being able to turn away waste from
other states," Kobrynski pointed
The second option is lor New
York State to build a facility. Since
the state produces a large amount
of waste, it would be possible to
form a completely new compact
wilh one or two states who generate
small amounts of waste. Kobrynski
added, " W e could also enter into a
compact wilh another slate who is
willing to be a host."
Kobrynski said the third choice is
10 join N E C . However, the energy
office is against this until amendments arc added to the compact.
They feel the authority of NEC is
too broad. According 10 Kobrynski, the energy office thinks thai the
actual silc and the technology used
for construction should be left lo
the discretion of the host state.
"There is also the problem of
l i a b i l i t y , " Kobrynski added.
"These sites must be taken care of
for a long time. After a site is filled
and closed who takes care of it and
pays for It?," she questioned.
A representative from the Environmental Planning Lobby,
Elizabeth Lyons, said, "The (NEC)
compact seems to make either New
York or Pennsylvania a likely host
. $ stale. This triggers concern among
3 New Yorkers on the issue of
I reopening West Valley."
West Valley was a reprocessing
site owned by Getly and opened in
;; the early 60's. Pari of the site was
<\ used lo store high level waste from
nuclear plants, said Kobrynski,
while another part of the site was
. used for low level waste. Poor
Still trying to reach your status.
We need a little more time. Happy
Valentine's Day.
Hey 158 N. Allen:
Happy Valentine's Day to the people I love the most- Eve, Jess, Dee,
The resident nag,
P.S. Watch that garbage llnel
Are you returnee, host sibling or
parent? Would you like to meet
other AFS alumni and/or be kept
Informed of local AFS activities?
If so, please call Marnl at
To that gorgeous blond in Ten
Eycke 208
Be my Valentine - always.
Your secret admirer (Sleeker 206)
C • Going bananas has Its
benefits! Happy Valentine's Dayl
Bo • Everyone from Pizza-Man to a
Friendly Father loves youl They
should, you're the best! - J.
Oh My Dear
How we confounded all out
When we first learned that one
and one makes One.
Remember October 1st? All Is
forgiven. February 25th. 9p.m. The
Wrong Stuff Party.
Dear AndyHere's to friendship, Apple Jax,
lump-starting (cars) and ignition!
Happy Valentine's Dayl
Love always,
drainage caused the storage trenches lo fill up causing a basin of
radioactive waste.
However, it was not closed for
this reason, Kobrynski asserted.
When Getty was forced to rebuild
the rcpurccssing plant because of
new regulation, he found il unprofitable lo keep the plant open
and closed it on his own in 1975.
The federal govcrnmcnl has attempted to remedy the situation by
contracting Wcslinghousc lo clean
up high level waste, said Kobrynski.
The high level waste is being shipped back to original owners.
However, the low level waste is a
problem of New York Slate and still
remains at the site.
Geological scientist, Robert
Fakundiny has been working for
Ihc energy ofllce investigating Wcsl
Valley for Ihc past eight years.
"There has been a great deal of
misinterpretation about West
Valley. The site has good drainage.
The problem is more technical.
There is a problem with water getting into Ihc trench caps, therefore
producing radioactive water."
Fakundiny slated that by standard
definitions this water can be considered safe since il meets safe
drinking water regulations.
Fakundiny maintained that one
problem wilh Ihc trench caps is a
serious one and that Ihc decision 10
reopen West Valley would be based
on not one bill many criteria.
However, Lyons pointed out (hat
there arc oilier methods besides Ihc
shallow land burial technique.
"Alternatives, such as above
ground disposals are available, just
more expensive," she said.
Moji Cher'DayidrT
You havi't been laughing lately.
Life's tough. Let's try to stay
friends. Happy Valentine's Day.
Gros blsou
Jody: MM M M Job p i n .
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Seeking Qualified Applicants
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For Further Information Contact
The next issue
of the ASP will
be Friday, Feb.
24, 1984
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Albany, N.Y. 12208
starts fridaV
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How to have class between classes.
To Unpredictable,
My flame's too hot, I'm boiling
over on the back burner.
From not so predictable - Any
You are my Valentine every day
of the year. JEG ELSKER DEG.
A Glazier
Cher French Club Pres. (P.K.)
Just couldn't find the right card to
T'es chouette mo 1 petit, |e t'aime
blei. Joyeuse lete de St. Valentine. Je t'embrasse.
- Affectueusement
Une admlratrlce secrete
SarleHappy Valentine's Day
Love, Ed
P.S. I'm not so good at thinking of
things to write In this context.
ASPiesHappy Valentine's Day!! can't
think ol any other group of people
to spend many long and prosperous lights with. You leave me
stimulated, emotionally drained
and physically exhausted. If we
ever part, you will always be In my
heart because the chemicals will
always be In my brain. I will never
forget all the crazy times we have
together. Thanks.
Your ME
P.S. By the way, thanks for letting
me experiment on you with my
MelissaHappy V-Day.
Unfortunately, I was right- I miss
you still at 5 a.m.
The Trendsetter
To the girls h Slate Tower 603
Happy vale illne's Day to a bunch
of crazy peoplel
Lots of Love
Only 364 more shopping days until
Keith Marder'a birthday. In till
own immortal words, "I use to
have an ego, but now I'm
Indulge yourself in a warm c u r ^ ^ of Cafe Vienna. It's a light and drtnamony touch of class. And just one of six deliriously different flavors
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Student leaders gather for voter conference
•4 Front Paqe
ed upon, a loi o f student issues,
specifically Financial A i d and the
Solomon Amendment,
noticeably absent from Ihc discussions.
pose civil rights, oppose women's
rights and sludcni r i g h t s . " He added that " y o u are 'either l o r
everybody's rights or nobody's
He said he was impressed with
the attendance at Ihe conference
which, according to organizers, far
exceeded their expectations. " T h i s
could be the most significant student assemblage o f this decade,"
Lowcry emphasized, adding I hat
students must not be afraid to
"challenge Ihc system."
Moore mentioned that in Ihe
1972 presidential eleclion sludcni
voter turnout was good. However,
he noted, the students failed to
follow up on that turnout in 1976
and 1980. According lo Ihe USA
Today, only 12 million o f 28 million
eligible 18- lo 24-year-olds voted in
, the 1980 presdential eleclion.
Bui things can change, according
I l o Malarkcy. " W e ' r e building a
f campaign organization," he said,
adding thai students can definitely
[have a major impact in 1984.
[Malarkcy also mentioned Ihe prollests o f the 60's saying thai these
( w i l l be Ihe politics o f Ihe I980's.
| The conference, he added, provided
• "sophistication not had prior lb
Cindy Jacques, chairperson o f
Massachusetts Public
'.Research Croup (MASSPIRC) said
|sbc t o o fell thai Ihc students were
• " g o i n g lo be making history." She
" a d d e d that students "came together
.•around a common g o a l " and that,
* j n o w , " w c know what needs to be
I K i m Paulls, chair o f the California Public Inleresl Research Group
j^CALPIRG) said the conference
was Very effective in that, now,
(legislators will have a different a i ; / l i t u d e towards students. "They've
giSt l o pay attention to u s , " she
However, not all those in aiten'* dance agreed with how ihc cont ferenee was handled, or ihe issues
" T h e people who came
a here to register volcrs were lied t o , "
% said Jim Vosmik, a student from
Ohio. Vosmik poinled out ihal,
although a lol o f issues were touch-
top priority for Ihe fall campaign,"
by SASU. "There is nothing more
important," he emphasized. I f
necessary, Ticrncy said that SASU
could, and will, develop a campaign
Paulus continued, saying Ihal the lo "physically pull them (Ihe volcrs)
issues discussed were, specifically, o u t . "
Ihe issues brought u p . by Ihe
Wexler said ihal he has "great
students themselves.
hopes" for ihe drive saying that
Although all Ihc presidential can- success depends upon the sludcni
didates were invited, only Jackson media. " T h e student
attended Ihc conference. George educates students on issues lhat are
McGovcrn was scheduled lo appear important," he noted, " I h c y put
bul transportation problems pro- Ihc issues of the day in students'
hibilcd his arrival from Iowa. faces." He added Ihal, " I h c stuWilliam F, Buckley, Rev. Jerry dent media is Ihc fuzzy clement in
Falwell and former
President ihe voter registration d r i v e . " WexGerald Ford were also invited, but ler emphasized Ihal Ihe student
declined iheir invitations, according media, because o f ils power, must
l o Paulus.
lake Ihc responsibility o f making
Wexler noted lhat Ihc conference sure Ihe voicr registration is imporand the speakers educated a lol o f tant.
people and gave a lot o f people exThe conference,was deemed sue- ,
perience. He added Ihal he was im- ccssl'ul by all o f Ihe organizers.
pressed with Ihe media attention David Locke, a representative o f
given Ihe event.
Ihe Republican parly, said he found
Wexler stressed the need l o i t ' "enormously encouraging l o
assimilate local, regional, and know lhat young Americans are
statewide strategies with ihc na- concerned about Ibis country and
tional strategics. He described Ihc are willing to do something about
problems in doing this as " i h c weak i t . "
l i n k " in the process.
Gary Kalman of Clarke UniversiThe regional stale caucus' goal ty said, thanks lo Ihc conference,
is a network out there willing
was to strengthen Ihal weak link,
said Wexler. The caucus' main ob- lo help u s . "
jective was lo " n a i l down a strategy
Even Jackson, who said he was
for New Vork Stale." He said Ihal
pleaded with to allend, expressed
Ihc major problem in doing that
iiis admiration for the conference.
was thai the University Sludcni
"1 was hounded lo death l o gel
Senate, the " S A S U o f C U N Y " was here," he said, " b u l I'm sure glad I
not at the conference. He said lhat
Ihe voter registration drive needs
Iheir participation because the drive
will include efforts to gel the city's
poor and ininoritcs registered.
Bob, an American citizen living
in Israel, is currently working out o f
New York Cily and traveling lo different colleges and interest groups
lo speak on Ihc many misconceptions American Jews, and non-Jews
alike, have about Israel as a slate.
Jewish Sludcni Coalilion-Hillcl
sponsored Bob's n i p to Albany.
negotiations on control o f nuclear
Bul Kremlin foreign policy
changed Utile in ihe transition from
Brezhnev lo Andropov,' and since
Chernenko has been strongly identified with Brezhnev for decades it
seemed unlikely Ihal he would insiilue any radical changes.
Chernenko's lies l o Brezhnev
went back 30 years, lo when he was
p a r l y p r o p a g a n d a c h i e f I'or
Brezhnev in the southern Republic
of Moldavia.
When Brezhnev replaced Ihe
ousted Nikila S. Khrushchev as
general secretary in 1965, he named
Chernenko chief o f Ihc parly's
General Department. In 1976,
Chernenko was made a member o f
Ihc Cenlral Commillee Secretariat.
Those responsibilities included internal parly watchdog anil national
liaison work.
La\l July, il became known thai
ihc General Department's work was
handed over to Klavdi Bogolyubov,
a 75-year-old with career links lo
Chernenko emerged as chief parly ideologist during Andropov's
rule, although there are indications
ihal Andropov kepi a strong hand
in ideological questions,
Chernenko was hospitalized with
pneumonia last spring and unable
to make Ihc Red Square parade
marking May Day. He did nol appear in public until the mid-June
Cenlral Commillee plenum devoted
to ideology in which he made the
opening speech.
Formation of international writers institute announced
•«Front Page
He wants to meet some
students, have a question and
answer session, and then a slightly
lllbre formal round tabic discussion
in ihe b a l l r o o m " Smith explained.
Oilier writers tentatively scheduled for the fall include Peruvian
author Mario Vargas Llosa, and a
conference o f Puerto Rlcan wriicrs.
According lo Smith, Ihe Institute
plans l o focus on writers of icli
Wcslern Hemisphere ncxl year.
'We're looking al well known as
well as new and emerging w r i i c r s , "
he said. Ullimalely, Ihe Institute
would like l o gel wriicrs from
around ihe world. " Wc are Interested in writers who write in
English about foreign countries,"
Smith noted.
Kennedy, who is currently on
leave from the University, said thai
although he is Director o f Ihc InsiIt|itc ihe University will be doing
Ihe daily work. His input will mainly involve fiscal mailers and ihc
choice of wriicrs.
Kennedy began writing in 1945
I'or his college newspaper and
literary magazine. In Ihe hue 5l)'s he
switched from journalislic writing
lo fiction.
Kennedy is the recipient o f this
years National Book Critics Circle
Award for his novel Irtmwcett and
is now working on Ihc screenplay
for Ihe movie Cotton Club wilh
Francis Ford Coppola. In Ihe ncxl
lew weeks he will be working on Ihe
screenplays I'or two o f his other
novels / . w and Hilly
Greatest Game.
Kennedy is also Ihe aulhor of 0
which is a non-ficlion
work aboui Ihc cily of Albany. He
is currently working on a new novel
about A l b a n y entitled
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A close family relationship
develops with other members and a
feeling of self-satisfaction comes
from living and working on a selfsubsisting community, he said.
Chernenko selected to lead Communist Party
• F r o n t Page
through Ihc official news media as
Ihe country prepared I'or Ihc burial
Tuesday o f Andropov, who died
Thursday. Andropov had previously been the oldest man to lake over
as general secretary of ihe parly al
age 68.
Soviet television and radio said
Chernenko opened ihc plenum and
called for a minute of silence lo
honor Andropov, whom he praised
for his domestic and foreign
Since Chernenko has had virtually no personal role in foreign affairs, il is difficult to gauge how he
will approach ihe biggest problems
o f international relations Ihc
deterioration o f relations with ihc
United Stales and the impasse on
Saboiino's Sfrquon Sto/te
Israeli speaker
Regarding the issue o f a
statewide, coordinated strategy for
voter registration; Ticrncy noted
lhat, " w c arc close within reach,
but not there y e t . " Ticrncy slated
lhat in the near future USSA,
S A S U , N Y P I R G , and sludcni
w i l l be g e l l i n g
together for strategy sessions.
He added thai it is obvious that
there is heavy sludcni Interest, bul
that a solid, sophisticated strategy
must be developed l o get out Ihe
vole. According l o Ticrncy, getting
Ihc vole out will be given, "absolute
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Americans having problems at Winter Games
produce even more than the 12 medals won in
1980 at Lake Placid, N.Y. Here's a compilaASSOCIATF SPORTS FOITOR
tion of the events that have been occurring in
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia the past two days.
The expected blizzard of gold, silver
and bronze medals by U.S. athletes at the •*The U.S. hockey team found it had too
XIV Olympic Winter Games has so far been tough an act to follow. Hoping to relive the
all but a washout, the victim of weather miracle of Lake Placid, the Americans lost to
delays, judging disputes and the collapse of Canada and Czechoslovakia and then,
the defending gold-medal hockey team. A needing a victory to even think of entering
silver in the pairs figure skating competition the medals round.managed merely a 3-3 tie
Sunday night for Kitty and Peter Carruthers against a weak Norway team on Saturday.
was the first medal of any kind for U.S.
"If you had told me we'd be 0-2-1 at this
point," said Coach Lou Vairo, "I wouldn't
believed you."
It could get better this week with Alpine
skiing and figure skating, events in which the
United States expects to do best. But this was ••With the United States thirsting for its first
the team trumpeted by. U.S. Olympic Com- medal at the 1984 Winter Olympics, the
mittee officials as its strongest ever, likely to drought finally was broken by the talent-
Complied By Marc Berman
laden U.S. figure skating team.
Brother -and sister figure skaters Peter and
Kitty Carruthers won the United States' first
medal of Ihe XIV Winter Olympics Sunday
night, taking the silver in pairs for the best
American placing in that event in 24 years.
"I'm in shock," Kitty said. "I've never
been happier in my whole life. I knew it right
before the start. 1 looked at'Pete, and I knew
it was going to be magic. This is the best
we've ever skated." There was hope for further U.S. figure skating success in Judy
Blumberg and Michael Seibert, who were
third two-thirds or the way through (he icedancing competition. The medals will be
decided in Tuesday's free dance.
•< Imagine the irony. The Winter Olympics
have been interrupted by, of all things,
Three times now, officials have tried to
hold what many consider the Games' most
glamorous event, the men's downhill ski
race. But winter has made it impossible.
A storm that has dropped two feet of snow
on the city and sent howling winds across
Mount Bjelasnica has turned the mountain
Women's indoor track team
places twelfth at Cortland
By Jim Erwin
The Albany State women's indoor track
team took part in the highly competitive Cortland Invitational last Saturday. A very
talented Cortland team won the meet, while
the Danes placed twelfth. With Division I
' teams like Columbia, Syracuse and Buckncll
competing as well as Ithaca and host Cortland, the team did not expect to win.
The quality competition, however, did
serve to ready the Danes for post-season
competition..Coach White commented, "I'm
happy with our season so far, we're progressing nicely. This track meet saw many individual records set, and many of the girls are
ahead of where I thought they would be,
which is great. The team should be able to
perform up to their potential by the
SUNYAC meet, which is what we're aiming
The Danes didn't fare well in individual
events, but showed good depth as they placed
all three relays they ran. The 4x800-mcter
relay of Jenn Jones, Donna Burnham, Karen
Kurthy, and Dorcen Hutchinson ran very
well, placing fourth with a time of 10:22.6.
The 4x200-mcter relay, consisting of Mary
Carmody, Jones, Wanda McFadden and
Hutchinson, placed sixth and finished in
1:58.8. The 4x400-metcr relay, consisting of
McFadden, Sue Golla, Karen Fixler and Carmody, also finished sixth with a solid time of
Carmody continues to be impressive as she
was the lone Individual to place in an event.
Running in the 600-meter run, Mary placed
sixth with a time of 1:48.0. That finish, along
with being a member of two placing relays,
shows that this talented freshman is ready to
run with the best.
"Many of the Danes set personal bests
without placing with the help of the meets'
high level of competition. The 5000-meter
run saw three fine Albany performances.
Lynn Jacobs ran a very quick 19:01, followed I
by Bette Dzamba's personal best of 19:29,
and Burnham's 19:36, also a personal best.
In the 3000-meter run, two Dane runners
set personal bests. Maura Mahon ran a very
strong 11:32.1, followed by Chris Varley's
Jones continued her progress in the
800-meter run with a fine time of 2:33.3, a
personal,best. Jenn was also a member of two
placing relays, which made for a very solid
The Danes must now look forward to this
Friday when they face Plaltsburgh. With
many of the women already running their
best times, the Danes can expect to do well
against the Cardinals, having already faced
much tougher competition.
In nearby Saratoga County
Danes qualify
••Back Page
second place finish turned in by Clark, who
had a mediocre dual-meet record. Wrestling
in a weak 158 pound class, Clark drew a bye
in the quarterfinals before edging Onconta's
Ray Dashiell, 7-6 in the semis. In the finals,
Clark was soundly beaten by Brockport's
Todd Sladc, 12-2.
If there was a single disappointment in the
tournament for Albany, it was the outing of
134 pound John Balog, a freshman who was
expected not only to qualify for the National
Tournament, but to earn All-Amcrican
Balog, though, has the misfortune of
wrestling in a very competitive weight class as
was proved in his opening match versus
Brockport's Mike Franklin, who pinned the
Dane freshman in the final round.
Later, Balog won the consolation match to
wind up fifth. Two other fifth place finishes
were pleasant surprises for coach DeMeo.
Heavyweight Papo Rivera and ISO pound Stu'
Bradish both finished fifth and were crucial
in Albany's fifth place finish overall. Rivera
was wrestling instead of Albany's Ivan "The \
terrible" Kalz, whom he beat out for Ihe
starting job last week.
For now, the season is history for all but
four Dane wrestlers, who will continue to
practice for the next two weeks in preparation for the National Tournament,
The order of finish in Ihe
SUNYACs went as follows: I.Bruckport,
2.Binghamlon, J.Oswego, 4.Cortland,
Radoslav Marcovic, chief meteorologist
for the city of Sarajevo, said that once every
four or five years, the city experiences this
much snow in February.
By John F. Parker
Volunteers with respiratory Infection
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The women gymnasts placed first in Saturday's quad meet topping
MIT, Harvard and Rhode Island.
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Gymnasts take four-way meet at MIT
into a picture postcard, with snow-crusted
trees along the roadside framing the landscape like a Currier and Ives print.
-4Dr. Michael Woods hit "the wall" with
three laps to go in the men's 5,000 meters.
Mark Mitchell and Mark Huck were never in
The American speed-skating team had its
worst showing so far in the XIV Winter
-Olympics Sunday. With four races completed, the United States has yet to win a
medal. In the 1980 Games, Eric Hciden alone
won five golds.
"I pushed as hard as 1 could in the end."
said Woods. "I went on a medal-contending
time and I was still in it with a couple of laps
left. But what can you do it you're blown
Woods, from Milwaukee, Wis., was 12th
in 7:24.81, more than 12 seconds behind winner Tomas Gustafson of Sweden.
435 Central Avenue
Albany, New Yorkl2206
The week didn't start off too well
for the Albany State women's gymnastics team, but it sure did end in
fine fashion. On Wednesday, the
Great Danes were defeated by a
tough University of Vermont
squad, but they bounced back to
trounce the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Harvard University, and Rhode Island College in a
quad meet on Saturday at the
M.I.T. ficldhousc.
The margin of victory was the
real story in the victories Saturday
as the Danes registered a Ml.85,
followed "not so closely" by Rhode
Island College with a 131.70,
M.I.T. with a 110.45, and the newly
organized Harvard team with a
39.60. Although Albany has scored
higher as a team in previous meets,
one iliing showed true: they have a
team with plenty of depth.
In the all-around competition,
Missy Maxfielcl from M.I.T. look
Ihe lop spol wilh a 29.80. Albany
grabbed ihe next two spots wilh
Brcncla Armstrong scoring a fine
29.71) and Karen Bailey a commendable 29.55.
Maxficid began lo showcase her
laleni immediately on the vault; as
she capftired Ihe event just ahead of
Albany's Terri Sokol and Bailey,
two very consistent finishers all
On Ihe uneven parallel bars, il
was lime for two more Albany gymnasts lo do Ihe scoring. A mark of
7.90 was recorded by Armstrong
for flfsl place while leamniale Anne
Thamascll look second wilh a 7.50.
Harvard's Sally Fagcrson put on a'
gallant effort in placing ihird wilh a
Armstrong decided thai the taste
of victory was so much sweeter than
defeat that site went out and nipped
M.l.T.'s Maxficid in the balance
beam competition. The senior
Albany State tri-captain did well
enough to finish third., The final
scores read 7.70, 7.65, and 7.05,
Rhode Island College got on the
scoreboard in the final competition
of the evening, the floor exercise,
but it was a case of "too little, too
late." They took the first and second positions in the event, while
Albany's Bailey finished a close
, The host University of Vermont
team was a little too strong for
Albany on Wednesday night as they
outscored the Danes 153.60 to
Albany's high score in the
vaulting competition, an 8.0 by
both Armstrong and Bailey, wasn't
good enough lo place in Ihe top '
three spots overall.
Junior tri-captain Thatnascit
displayed greal skill on Ihe uneven
parallel bars as she captured first
with a 7.65. Her teammate Armstrong registered a 7.45 for second
Tlie balance beam was dominated
by the Vermont squad, who look
the top two positions, while
Albany's Jennifer Cleary had a
sharp third place finish.
The Danes' Bailey look the floor
exercise wilh an 8.65. Elicia
Sleinberg also did a fine job by
registering a 8,3.
Albany Stale's record is now 6-3.
They travel to Division III opponent New Pall/, on Tuesday. Saturday's meet at Kccnc Stale has been
postponed until February 28. Also,
the Danes' home meet against Long
Island University on Feb. 25, due to
conflicting dates with the state
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'When the crowd's on your side, it's a big lift"
I walked into the gym at 7:30
sharp Friday night and took my
regular scat behind the press table
in row C, scat I. I looked up into
the crowd across the way and
behind me, and I could tell this
was it: the crowd for Potsdam. It
was still 30 minutes until lip-off
lime, and already there were as
many people in Univcrsily Gym as
there were at game-time for the
Pittsburgh game last Wednesday. I knew at that point that it
game. It was great. They got their
money's worth tonight."
That was an understatement. In
a tense, hotly-conlcslcd whale of a
basketball game, Albany survived
a late comeback by the Gears in
regulation and pulled away in the
overtime period. The Danes' Dave
Adam missed a 20-foot jump shot
al the buzzer that would have
given Albany the victory in regulation. At that point, it seemed as if
the momentum had swung over to
From the
Third Row
By Mark Levine
•H to be a classic crowd. I
was going
was right.
The Danes defeated the
Potsdam Bears Saturday night in
overtime by a score of 62-56. But
Albany had a distinct advantage:
they were playing six against live.
Public address announcer Bob
Rice, whose voice could barely be
heard all night over the crowd's
thunderous echo, should have included the crowd along wilh
Albany's starting line-up of
Ursprung, Thomas, Croutier,
Adam and Gosulc.
"It was unbelievable,", said
Albany's Adam Ursprung, who
may have just as easily been
ll-rcbound performance. "The
crowd was really great."
"The crowd was great," added
Albany Head Coach Dick Sauers.
"The crowd helped us; they were
our sixth man tonight. They were
the other night against P i t t sburgh, too, when we were struggling. They were right into the
But the Danes wouldn't let it.
Sauers, when asked what he told
his team following Adam's heartstopping miss, said: "I told
Ursprung where to tip the ball on
the jump ball (at the start of the
OT period)."
It was at this point that the fans
gave the Danes a huge lift. If the
players came out for the OT feeling a little dejected after Adam's
miss, the crowd's roar lifted their
spirits and rekindled their momentum.
The freshman wilh the springboard legs controlled the tap
for Albany and after the Danes
patiently worked the ball around,
Ursprung calmly lofted an allcyoop pass to Wilson Thomas, who
laid in the first two points of the
OT period. Following a missed
l a y - u p by P o t s d a m ' s Pat
Crawford, the ,Dancs controlled
the ball patiently as the crowd urged them on.Ursprung then cut
back-door, and Albany's Dan
Albany'* "sixth man", the Great Dane fans, played a big part in the Danes' dramatic 62-56 overtime
win over Potsdam Friday night.
Croutier snapped a splendid pass
right into Ursprung's hands,
whose lay-up made it a four-point
lead and gave Albany control of
the game for good. It was as if
Albany and the crowd threw a
tremendous right hook and the
Bears were pinned face down on
the canvas.
Adam, who more than made up
Tor his missed shot with a magnificent driving lay-up in the overlime, was full of high praise for
the fans.
"That was the loudest crowd
I've .seen since I've been here at
Albany," said Albany's cocaptain, who scored II points and
grabbed five rebounds on the
game. "They were awesome. I
thought they were pretty good at
the first Union game in the
Capital District Tournament, but
these guys were awesome. They
were our sixth man tonight. I
. don't think we could have won
without them, that's for sure."
Just as the Danes didn't let their
momentum slip away after
Adam's miss, neither -lid the fans.
They had gained control of the
game and weren't going to let it
slip away. You better believe that
the Bears' horrendous (12-27)
shooting from the foul line had
something to do with the deafening noise made every time a
Potsdam player stepped to the
On lop of everything else, the
crowd behind Potsdam's bench
was so loud that they forced Head
Coach Jerry Welsh lo bring his
learn out to center court along
Thursday Night
College Night
wilh their set of chairs.
Albany's Jan Zadoorian was
another Dane player who was
thrilled wilh Albany's sixth man.
"It showed that everybody was
behind us, and it made us play
that much harder," Zadoorian
said. "The game got close, and
the crowd was on our side. When
the crowd's on your side, it's a big
lift to everybody."
The Danes' next home game is
Feb. 21 against Hamilton. The
last time I checked Hamilton was
11-1 and ranked second in the
slate. But I don't think they can
handle the Danes if they have to
play five against six like Potsdam
As Croutier said, "The crowd
made the game."
Indoor trackmen finish first in Capital Districts
By Mike Turkady
Most of the teams here at SUNYA belong
to SUNYAC conferences which provide excitement and rivalries such as the AlbanyPotsdam basketball match-up and others.
SUNYAC standings are important to Albany
coaches and players, but there's another
"conference" closer to home that is important in its own right, the Capital Districts. In
track, as in other sports, winning the Capital
Districts is a matter of pride. It's a good start
on the season and the winner has exclusive
bragging rights over area rivals.
Count the Albany State men's indoor track
team as the best in the Capital District. The
Danes scored 78 points in the area championship meet held last Friday to host Union's 72
points, RPI's 64, Hudson Valley Community
College's 38, and Siena's total of 26 points.
Although most track fans had predicted
cither the much-improved Union Dutchmen
or the RPI Engineers lo win, the Albany
squad scored impressively early during the
field events and never looked back.
A good deal of that scoring came from
captain Paul Mance, who put his best fool
forward lo win both the long and triple
jump. In the long jump, Mance and junior
Bill Waring both recorded season-best marks
of 21*8" and 20' 9.25" respectively. Waring,
the "heart-attack kid", dramatically moved
from fifth to third on his last jump. Mance
responded to pressure from some tough area
competition in the triple jump, by hop-stepjumping 44' 8.75" for his best effort this year
and first-place honors. "Not a bad day for
an old man," Mance said afterwards.
Undefeated Dane thrower Marc Mcrcurio
also came from behind to take first from a
competitive field in the 35-lb. weight throw.
Rcmillard of Union led through most of the
finals until Mcrcurio popped his winning loss
of 5I'4" to take it. That throw was only three
inches from his school-record mark.
Junior Rej Jamerson had some problems
with his pole, but still was able to take second
in the pole vault' after clearing 12'6".
Newcomer Malt Hayes is developing quickly
in his role as the Danes" only shoipuller.
Hayes was able lo place fourth in the shot
with his throw of 39'11.25".
On the track the learn solidified Its good
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equal to his own school record, on the way to
first place.
In every event, the Danes relied on their
man to score what he could. Albany made up
for its thinness with superior personal effort.
One example of this was junior Jim Erwin in
the 1500-meter run. Erwin ran nearly perfect
splits on the way to a bcsl-ever time of 4:05.4,
but was nipped at the tape and finished third.
Thai time was an eight second improvement
over his last 1500 effort.
In trying to keep up with Union standout
Winston Brillon in the 400-meter dash,
junior John Rcilly ran his best time, :52.0,
and qualified for the State Championships as
Captain Paul Mance exhibits his takeoff technique. Mance won both the long and
triple jump at the Capital Districts which Albany won.
well as taking second-place points. Senior.
Andy Callari took third despite a mild illness.
Albany stepped up its scoring tempo in the
500-meter dash where sprint star Pat Saccocio and junior Paul Fauty took First and
fourth respectively. Saccocio's time of 1:07.6
was a full I wo seconds ahead of second place,
while Fauty's 1:11.5 is a season-best mark.
The Albany distance medley relay
(800,400,1200,1600) team or Kacandcs, Errol
Johnston, Dave Blclte, and captain Ed
McGill finished first in a weak field.
Kacandcs handed off with 15-mctcrs
breathing room and the team slowly widened
the margin to win with case in 10:50.
Britton talent haunted the Danes in the
50-meter dash where he was awarded first in
a close heat while Saccocio, Van'Tassel, and
Rcilly finished third, fourth and fiflh behind
In the middle distaccs, Dane runners came
back to score despite tiredness from earlier
races. Erwin went out strong in the 800-meter
run, but fell off from the fast pace to finish
fifth. In the 1000-meter run, Kacandcs was
outkicked down the stretch, but finished
fourth and equalled his best time this season,
2:38.8. Clements and Shelley came back from
the 4x800 relay to finish fourth and fifth in
the 3000-meter run.
This scoring was enough to keep Ihe Danes
ahead of the baying dogs behind them, but
the win was sealed when McGill laid waste to
i lough Field in the 5000-meter run. His winning time of 15:13 was so fast that he lapped
the second place runner before crossing the
line. Besides qualifying for Slates, McGill
also recorded the fourth fastest time in NY
Division III this season.
The excitement kept building through the
4x400-metcr relay, the last event. Albany
team members lined almost half the track
chanting and cheering for the gulsy Dane
team of Callari, Rcilly, Johnston, and Saccocio. Union led narrowly through the first
two legs, but Britton, back again, opened a
gap during the third leg thai Saccocio simply
could not close despite his awesome anchor
leg split of :5I.0. Though seeded six seconds
behind the Dutchmen, Albany's final lime
was 3:33.9 to Union's 3:33.0.
Women cagers assured of .500 with Utica win
By Mark Wilgard
position and slowly built up a lead. The
4x800-mctcr relay of freshmen Gene Shelley,
Jim McDonagh, sophomore Ian Clements,
and junior Tom Kacandcs finished Ihird
when Kacandcs was nipped at the line after
running 2:01.5, an indoor personal-best lime.
The relay was clocked al 8:13.9, the Danes'
best so far.
It seems like you jusl can't say enough
about sophomore superstar Bruce Van
Tassel. He is Albany's only hurdler, and he is
also undefeated Ihis season. Van Tassel runs"
every race under pressure to win and comes
through. Saturday, he returned lo lop rorm
breaking Ihe tape in 7.0 seconds, a mark
The Albany Slate women's basketball
team trounced Utica Tech this past Saturday
at Univcrsily Gym by a score of 60-44. The
win puis the Danes' record for the year al
12-8, and assures them of at leasi a .500
season. .
Diane Fcrnandcs led the Danes with 13
points, but more important to the learn was
Ihe intensity she displayed on the court.
Albany had opened up a 19-10 lead which
soon dwindled lo 19-17 due to some erratic
passes and overall sloppy play. Fcrnandcs
then helped the Danes regain their composure by making some big defensive plays
on the way lo a 31-23 half-lime lead.
"When Utica Tech cut the lead to two, wc
knew something had to be done," remarked
Albany Head Coach Mari Warner. "Diane
started hustling and that got us going."
Debra Logan also kept things going nicely
for the Danes. She replaced Marling Albany
point guard Rainny Lcsanc throughout the
game and made things lick wilh her precision
passes. "Debra didn't score, but when she
came in, she ran things well," staled Warner.
"She had a very nice game."
The second half belonged to Albany as
Ronnie Patterson and Nancy Grasso pumped
home 10 and 8 points, respectively, in leading
the women cagers lo the blowout. Warner
was fairly pleased wilh the way the game
went. "Wc didn'i play well the first half, hui
wc ran our offense better in the second half,"
she said. "Wc got belter fast breaks."
The Wildcats of Utica Tech had one main
weapon, Center Diane Bcnowski, who
poured in 32 of her (cam's 44 points.
Bcnowski averages over 28 points per game.
"We tried everything to slop her," explained Warner. "We tried fronting her, going man to man, playing a zone, packing into
the key area. Nothing worked; she did
everything well."
The Danes were 10-22 from the free throw
line, a statistic Warner was happy with. The
Danes have been struggling from the line.
"I'm glad lo sec we went lo the line 22
times," said Warner. "We have lo go lo the
hoop and iry lo get that foul."
Going inlo Saturday's game, Albany was
coming off of a 65-58 loss lo Hamilton lasi
Thursday nighl. The Danes were up by five
with five minutes to go, but seven consecutive turnovers turned things around.
Wilh 48 seconds to go and Albany trailing
by 3, Ihe Danes threw the ball away on an inbounds pass and thus were forced lo foul.
Hamilton did not seem lo be bothered by this
as they nailed 21 of 28 shots from Ihe charity
Tonighl Ihe Danes host Harlwick, a quick
learn wilh size inside. Warner notes, "We
can't afford the turnovers and poor foul
shooting. Wc have to put it all together for
this game."
The fifth annual Capital District Tournament will be held this weekend at University
Gym. Albany will attempt lo defend their title against the College of Si. Rose, RPI, and
Union. The lour leams in the lourney are no
strangers to each other as every team has faced one another this year. "This should be a
lop-class tournament;" said Warner. "There
will be four very competitive games."
The College of Saint Rose was victorious in
Ihe first two Capital District tournaments.
Union won two years ago, and Albany took
it last year. And what aboul 1984? Warner
• has ihis thought! "From an RPI standpoinl,
Ihcy'rc saying 'it's our year'. We won't lei
that happen."
All the action begins this weekend.
FAST BREAKS: A bit of history will be in
Ihe making Friday night when WCDB will
broadcast live Ihe Albany— RPI game It's
the first lime 91 FM will air a women's
basketball game.
Ralnny Lesane drives to the hoop in earlier action. The Dane* crushed Utica Tech
last Saturday In University Gym, 60-44.
FEBRUARY 14, 1984
I 1984
U M B E R 7
Danes drub Potsdam in OT, 62-56
Potsdam then got a break, as Ed
Okuniewski hit a lay-up and was fouled with
The Albany State men's basketball team is 1:43 left, tying the score.
Albany set up the final shot of regulation,
now in control of their own destiny.
After defeating the Potsdam Bears 62-56 In a jump shot from deep in the corner by Dave
an overtime game Saturday evening the Adam at the buzzer, which missed to force
Danes can, by winning their two remaining the overtime period.
conference games, assure themselves a spot in
The Danes wasted no time in the overtime.
the SUNYAC playoffs.
Just 30 seconds elapsed off the clock when
In a game that was reminiscent of many in Ursprung hit Wilson Thomas with a back
a long list of Albany-Potsdam matches, the door pass which resulted in a layup. After
two teams battled each other for the 45 most Crawford missed a layup of his own,
Croutier hit Ursprung with an identical back
important minutes of the Danes' season.
Albany took charge of the game behind the door pass and Albany led 54-50 with 3:40 reoffense of freshman Adam Ursprung. He has maining.
been having problems on the offensive end
The Danes played effective kcepaway for
recently but seemed to snap out of it when the rest of the game. When the Bears were
the game was on the line. Ursprung had a 15 forced to foul them they hit the necessay foul
point performance, 13 of which came in the shots which accounted for the filial difsecond half.
ference of 62-56.
Ursprung accounted for eight of the
Danes' 10 points in a 2:10 span that saw them
"The two quick baskets in overtime that
turn a. 38-34 deficit into a 44-40 advantage. let us control it were important," said
His points came from inside, outside and Sauers. "I would have hated to chase them
from the foul line.
around in four corners the way they had to
"Ursprung played great," said Albany chase us around."
Head Coach Dick Sauers. "He was tight at
In the first half neither team took charge as
the start, then he finally relaxed and he just Potsdam uncharacteristically walked the ball
played great."
upcourt on offense. This, along with a com"When Doc took me out with about 12 bined 35 percent shooting from the field,
minutes left," recalled Ursprung, "I was real seemed to account for the low halftimc score
upset with myself. He said,'don't worry of 23-22 in favor of Potsdam. But, in the seabout your shot, just shoot it.' I didn't think cond half, even when the Bears tried to-run
it would sink in, but maybe unconsciously it the score was also low (28-27 Albany).
sunk in. I just went out there and hit my next
"We know each other's offenses too
shot and after that it just went my way."
well," said Sauers, explaining the low scoring
After Potsdam cut the Danes' lead to one game.
So now it is on to Onconta Wednesday
at 44-43 on a Pat Crawford shot, Dane point
guard Dan Croutier took over, scoring the night for the Danes, If they win it they will be
next four points to extend the Albany lead to just one victory away from post-season competition.
rive, 48-43.
Crawford answered right back and teammate Roosevelt Bullock scored to cut the HOOP-LA: Ursprung added game-high II
Albany lead to one, 48-47 with 3:18 left in the rebounds and 3 assists to his game-high 15
points, "He (Ursprung) was by far the best
The Danes turned the ball over and gave rebounder on the court," beamed
Sauers...Three other Danes scored in double
the Bears a chance to take the lead. But
figures: Thomas, 11; Adam, 11;
following a missed shot, Crawford fouled
Ursprung, who responded by hitting the bot- Croutier,10...Croutier also added three
Doug Kilmer was celebrating his
tom of the net on both of his foul shot,at21st birthday Friday night.
By Keith Marder
By Marc Berman
In an impressive showing, four Albany
State wcstlcrs qualified for the National
Championships this past weekend when each
placed in the top three of their respective
weight classes at the SUNYACs held at
The Danes, who placed fifth overall out of
the 8 SUNY teams present, will be sending
126 pound AH-American Dave Averill, 118
pound freshman Shawn Sheldon, 158 pound
Jerry Clark, and 177 pound Sandy Adelstein
to the National Tournament, held this season
at Blnghamton Feb. 24 and 25.
For Averill, this marks the third straight
year that he has qualified for the Nationals.
His second place finish doesn't transcend last
year's first place finish, but he wrestled in the
lighter 118 pound division in the 1983
Freshman Sheldon and sophomores Adelstein and Clark will all be wrestling in their
first National Tournament. Sheldon's second
place finish was expected, but for Adelstein,
who finished third, and Clark, who placed
second, their performances were a major surprise to most of the SUNY coaches.
Albany State coach Joe DeMeo was more
pleased than surprised concerning the outing
of Clark, whose dual-meet record was a
dismal 2-7; "He did an outstanding job,"
said DeMeo, "His maturing got better as the
season went on."
A more somber mood hung over AverilPs
second place finish. Averill was very disappointed afterwards, as the two-time AHAmerican failed in his attempt for a first
place finish as he was defeated again by his
nemesis from Oneonta, Desmond Basnight,
in the finals.
Dave Averill was one of four wrestlers
to qualify for the Nationals.
After sweeping his quarterfinal and
semifinal matches handily, the Dane captain
met up against Basnight, who was responsible for Averill's only defeat in the dual-meet
season. Basnight jumped out to a 4-0 lead in
first round, forcing Averill to change his
Controversy forces
changes in new group
By llene Welnstein
Albany's Adam Ursprung had a spectacular game Saturday night, scoring 15 points
and grabbing11 rebounds in the Danes' 62-56 win.
Four wrestlers qualify for NCAA tournament
"When I got down 4-0 early, it really messed me up," said Averill. "I was going for the
win so I went for broke in trying to get the
pin and it cost me points."
When it was over, Averill found himself a
13-4 loser, but his confidence was far from
"Sure, I'm very disappointed," said the
junior who graduated from nearby
Shencndchowa High School. "1 thought I
could take him and I still do. I hope I face
him in the Nationals."
That rematch could very conceivably take
place in two weeks at Binghamton, but
Averill feels he will be better prepared then.
Besides the contrast in styles of the two,
Averill feels his biggest problem against
Basnight is the height factor, which usually
has no significance in wrestling. Basnight is a
lanky 5'10 while Averill stands at 5'6.
"He's like a spider," said Averill."He just
clings to you. Coach DeMeo is going to work
with me all Week in devising a new strategy
against him."
Meanwhile, DeMeo might just have to
work with Sheldon on his ability of escaping
from the bottom.
Sheldon had a tougher time of it than
Averill in advancing to the finals. But once
he was there, Sheldon put up a magnificent
struggle before dropping a 5-4 decision to
Binghamton's John Leo, The two were tied
4-4 after the final buzzer had sounded, but
one point for riding time was tacked to Leo's
score to give the Colonial wrestler the victory.
Sheldon's highest point of the SUNYACs
was his upset semifinal triumph over topseeded Ed Morales of Brockport, 10-9.
117 pound Adelstein had to survive in a
nailbiting match for him to qualify for the
After winning his quarterfinal match, he
met up with Binghamton All-Amcrican Tom
Pillari who solidly defeated him 10-1 and
later captured first place.
However, Adelstein bounced back to
defeat Buffalo's Doug Cowry in the semifinal
consolation. Then, in the third and fourth
consolation match, Adelstein held on for an
electrifying 9-8 decision over Tim Slade from
The Dane sophomore led throughout the
match, taking a 5-1 advantage after one
period, and bringing a 7-4 lead into the final
But Adelstein was tiring as Slade cut the
margin to 9-8 with 30 seconds to play on a
two-point takedown. It was at this point that
Adelstein bore down as Slade was unsuccessful in his attempt to turn the Long Island
native off his stomach. As the last seconds
ticked off, Adelstein had survived a 9-8 decision and a berth to the Nationals.
"I wrestled up to my capabilities," he said
after the tournament. "I know I had to wrestle well and I did. I'm very proud right now."
The whole Dane squad was proud of the
Under pressure from student leaders, a group of students forming a
Heterosexual Alliance, changed their organization's name and constitution Wednesday night.
The organization, now named The Social Alternative (TSA) has been
granted temporary recognition by Student Association (SA) and can apply lor permanent recognition any time.
The group, under its original name of Heterosexual Alliance, had been
granted temporary recognition. However, SA President Rich SchaiTer
sent Ihcm a letter last week saying they would be denied permanent
recognition unless they changed their name and revised their constitution.
The Heterosexual Alliance was not intended to attract homophobic
people, maintained Teri Holder, Vice President of The Social Alternative. "We did not expect to meet this kind of opposition," she explained.
The Social Alternative President Mike Butler said he plans to submli
his group's new name and constitution lor recognition.
SchaiTer said he now forsccs no problem in graining the group recognition.
• In his Feb. 21 letter to the Heterosexual Alliance SchaiTer said he was
refusing SA recognition for the group because "the group may be intimidating and could possible pose a threat to members of the
university." He said he had "specific concerns" with the group's name
and one of its slated purposes which was "to promote awareness and action by our members so as to safeguard heterosexual rights."
"Personally,! think he (SchaiTer) had pressure put on him by the Vice
President lor Student Affairs and by Affirmative Action," maintained
About 60 students joined the Heterosexual Alliance ai their first interest meeting on February 14.
When SchaiTer refused Ihe group permanent recognition on February
21, Butler worked with SA Vice President Jeff Schneider to prepare a hill
requesting that Central Council override Schaffcr's decision and grant the
group permanent recognition.
An hour before the council meeting, Butler informally met with Gay
and Lesbian Alliance Co-chair Rod Silver and agreed upon some changes.
"The name and several sentences in the slated purposes (of Ihe original
constitution) were blatant discrimination against homosexuals," maintained Silver, but "I support Rich Schaffcr's current decision for temporary recognition" of The Social Alternative, he added.
The bill was withdrawn from council so that Schaffcr could review the
revised name and constitution.
The statement of purpose that Schaffcr had found offensive was
deleted. Instead it says that one of the groups functions is "io decrhphasizc alcoholic consumption at social events."
The approxiamtely 15 Heterosexual Alliance members who showed up
for the Council meeting unanimously approved Ihe changes while Council
was in session.
"It's a perfectly viable solution," said Butler. "It doesn't offend
anybody," he added. The issue, he explained "is to function as a group to
help the University Community. I'm satisfied with the outcome."
Mike Butler
Controversy over a name and intentions.
The Wellington Hotel
Shliloni housing should be available through Spring, IMS.
City sells Wellington Hotel
Doctor purchases building for $1.25M
By Jane Anderson
tnllOHl.u iss/w i.s/
Tile city-owned Wellington
Hotel, an optional SUNYA dormitory facility, has been sold,
Albany Mayor Thomas M. Whalen
announced Wednesday. Albany
physician Michael A. Blase purchased Ihe building for $1.25
million, and plans to convert ii into
luxury a p a r t m e n t s or condominiums, said Michael A. Blase
Jr., his son and business partner.
Students should be able to live in
Ihe hotel through Ihe spring of
1985, said the younger Blase.
The sale of the Wellington has
caused SUNYA officials 10
speculate that ihe Wellington bus
route could be discontinued after
ihe hotel is closed to students.
"Bus service (to the Wellington)
will be available for as long as
students reside in the Wellington,"
said Vice President lor Student Affairs Frank Pogue.
Vice President for University Affairs Lewis Welch said that the
question of whether service on Ihe
Wellington bus route would continue after the student wing of the
hotel closed would "have 10 be
looked at."
He contended that the basis lor
the route is the fad that the Wellington provides a number of
students with housing.
"The question is: why would you
run a bus there if no students lived
in the Wellington?," said Welch.
"The answer is: we wouldn't. It
goes well beyond any obligation
that the university has," he
Pogue said that the question will
he examined of whether the university is "justified" in continuing the
bus service for the students who
have legislative internships at the
"A lot of our reputation is based
on the fact that SUNYA has an extensive legislative internship program," asserted Student Association President Rich SchaiTer. "That
should be the main reason that bus
service should be continued down
there," he maintained.
Schaffcr said thai he would be thai the new complex could include
briefed by Pogue and Welch on the retail space, a restaurant, and office
issue Friday.
The younger Blase said he hopes
Blase and Ihe city reached an
agreement Wednesday morning, ihe renovation of the hotel "will
said Whalen. They planned 10 sign begin at ihe end of '84." He added
the Conlracl on Friday, according 10 thai he didn't think it would inihe younger Blase, and ihe closing convenience the student residents
greatly "oilier than coming in and
will lake place July I.
The Wellington Hotel has been going out" of the building.
The younger Blase maintained
for sale for "about a year," said
Whalen. "We're not in the hotel that, since ihe renovation would
concentrate on the buildings on
business," he added.
The city of Albany bought Ihe Stale Street initially, the student
hotel in 1975, and students have liv- wing would not be affected. The
ed there since then. "The city has students are housed in a wing in the
funded a deficit for two years" at rear of the hotel.
There are approximately 175
the hotel, noted Whalen. Whalen
stated in December, 19K2, that the students living at the hotel now, according
to Welch.
hotel ran $144,000 in the red during
Four to five thousand students
ihe 1981-82 year.
The younger Blase said he is fair- live off-campus, said Welch. The
ly certain that Ihe students will liv- students now housed in ihe Wellable 10 live in the hotel through the ington would only add an additional four 10 live percent 10 this, he
1984-85 school year.
explained. "I don'l know if the
"The city has some sort of agree- community could easily acment (with the university) (hat ends comodate that number or not," he
this year," he said, "and we have added.
not yet discussed with SUNY an ex"We need additional on-campus
tension or a renewal."
"We are willing to talk about housing," maintained Welch.
illustrates the point — there
allowing ihe students 10 stay
through 1985," said the younger is a clear documented need for more
on-campus housing," he stressed.
"Every year for the past 10 years
The Biases plan to meet with a
representative of SUNYA "in the we have advanced proposals for the
near future," according to the financing
younger Blase. "I'm not even sure dormitories," explained Welch.
who 10 deal Willi, "because (here "Each year we turn away 500 to
was "no need to explore this" until (i(K) requests lor space in onIhe purchase was official, he ex- campus d o r m s , " he added.
The stale has "a long lisi of proplained.
jects and little money 10 fund
Welch said that "we have 1101 had Ihcm," observed Welch, lie added
any direct confirmation" of the sale that he hopes 10 see new dorfrom Blase or Ihe city, and that he mitories planned within ihe next
had not yet spoken to Blase about three to five years.
the student wing of ihe hotel.
"I'm not really very optimistic
According to the younger Blase,
he and his father have purchase the for (gelling) new dormitories on
two adjacent buildings, as well as c a m p u s , " contended Pogue,
the Wellington. The LTk's Club sold because there is "very little funding
ihcm their Lodge at 138 Slate Street for construction in ihe stale
and Ihe now-vacant Berkshire system.",
The city had offered the WellHotel, he explained.
The two Biases plan Io renovate ington Hotel 10 SUNYA to be
all three buildings, and change them redone as a dormitory facility, but
into "executive type apartments," after a tour of the structure, the
said Ihe younger Blase. He noted