D a n e s F a c e...

I Spifee r * 7 - I
February 29, 1980!
Danes Face St. L a w r e n c e ^ ^
Split In Buffalo Enou^To Send
against a darn good Buffalo1 team
(the Danes defeated Buffalo 66-58
earlier in the season), and the
strength of the east division of the
SUNYAC compared to Ihc west
division. When wc gave the national
committee our recommendations,
we gave I hem the four teams I hat
were eventually picked, and wc also
asked them to consider the Buffalo
situation — wc wanted them to at
least know that there were other
teams in the cast with good records".
Then the national committee voted
unanimously for Albany,"
"Albany got in because of the
strength of their schedule," said
Tom Murphy, basketball coach and
athletic director al Hamilton, and a
member of the East Regional selection committee. "And Ihc last game
at Buffalo went four overtimes, so
it's obvious thai it was u pretty
equal game. If Buffalo had beaten
them by 10 or 15 points, they would
have been in. But based on the
closeness of the game, and their 1-1
record against each other, and looking at their schedules and comparative scores, Albany gels it. Buffalo has beaten nobody with a winning record — They've only beaten
So the loss to the Bulls did not
leave the Danes eliminated, but it
certainly left them frustrated. Buffalo used ihc small court to their advantage, laying back in a zone
defense, with 6-6 center Nate Bottic
applying enough Intimidation to slide the Dane inside game — three .
Albany postmen managed just three
field goals among them. But guards
Winston Royal and Rob Chine provided the Danes with early 12-6 and
19-12 leads, and they seemed on ihc
verge of forcing the Bulls out of
their zone. However,Albany shot 41
percent during the game, allowing
Buffalo lo slick with their defense,
despite repeated slow-downs by the
Danes. At the half, it was Albany
holding a 21-20 lead; after regulation play, it was 36-36; then lied al
38 after one overtime, 41 after the
second, 45 after three extra periods,
before Buffalo exploded for 20
. points in the fourth overtime.
"I assumed they would play a
zone," said Sauers aflcr the game.
"They played us man-to-man the
first lime. But wc didn't shoot very,
well, and their zone made
everything jammed up in the middle, and they were bigger than wc
were, so wc couldn't pass Ihc ball
over them."
"Wc gol into a quick lead, so wc
were content lo hold the ball out,"
said Royal, Ihc Dane captain.
"They play on that small court, and
they have good height. They jusi
didn't switch lo a man-lo-man."
"The zone is our best defense,"
Buffalo coach'Bill Hughes said.
"You saw what they did Ihc few
times we went man-to-mau — they
killed us. I thought they did a good
job against our zone, but we have a
good zone, and it's tough to beat."
Despite their difficulties, Albany
still had four golden opportunities
to win the game — four shots that
could have clinched a Dane victory
— but each chance came up empty.
With 1 ;49 left in regulation, Albany
[pele Stanlfli drives** Buffalo State's Derrick Mljshcll applies defensive took control, the score lied at 36,
I pressure. Albany defeated the Bengals, 98-61. (Photo: Mike Farrell)
The Danes held for the last shot,
and with time running down, center
by Paul Schwartz
There was an unlikely series of
events at the SUNYAC tournament!
in Buffalo last weekend, resulting in
some anxious moments for the
Albany Slate basketball team. But
Sunday evening, the Danes received
the news they had been wailing for
— Albany, for the second year in a
row, was in the NCAA playoffs.
The Danes will face St. Lawrence
tonight in the first round of the
Division III East Regional in
Potsdam, while the SUNYAC
Champion Potsdam Bears (24-3).
will host Stony Brook (18-8) in the
second game.
"Any one of the four teams can
win it," said Albany coach Dick
Sauers. "It's really up for grabs.
Potsdam, has a tremendous advantage by playing on their home
court, but they have already lost
three home games this season.
Whoever can gel it going will win it,
and I feel the winner of the East will
go a long way. Wc have as good a
chance as anybody."
That chance was almost blown in
Buffalo's cozy Clark Hall last week,
where the lop four squads from the
conference's cast and wesi divisions
met to determine the SUNYAC title
and the automatic bid to the
playoffs. After Potsdam got by
Buffalo State, 54-56, on Friday, the
Danes and Buffalo squared off in
what turned out to be a slowmotion marathon. It took regula-1
Student Victim in
Pine Hills Burglary
Pope 19
Vol. LXVI1 No.10
March 4, 1980
Colonial Cuts Elevator Use
lion play and four overtimes to
separate the two teams, and in the
end, almost three hours after it
began, the Bulls came away with a
65-57 victory. The next night, in
their final impression on the NCAA
selection committee, Albany needed
a convincing decision over the 11-15
Buffalo Stale Bengals. The Danes
came through with a 98-61 trouncing of the Bengals, and then watched as Potsdam's Ed Jachim hit two
free throws with 24 seconds left to
seal the Bear's 50-45 triumph over
The committees then look over.
Potsdam was in. So was St.
Lawrence, winners of the Independent College Athletic Conference
(ICAC). Next came the two at-largc
bids, and based on their 11-0 record
ugaiust Division 111 teams in New
York State, Stony Brook was
selected. There was one spot to be
filled, and the two possibilities were
Albany (20-5) and Buffalo (17-10).
"Wc felt there were several teams
in the east of NCAA calibre," said
Dave Oeorr, chairman of the Division 111 Eastern Regional selection
committee over ihc phone on Monday. "There was ferocious competition between Albany and Buffalo
— it went four overtimes on Ihc
court and in our committee. Wc
had good discussion, and Ihc voting
was very close. Albany's strong
points were Ihcir record, their (wo
solid performances at Buffalo
Tries io Eliminate
by Michele Israel
While residents complain of inconvenience and inadequate notice.
Colonial Quad will keep two of the
three tower elevators temporarily
inoperable until vandalism is reduced.
Heading io continuous elcvatorvandulism in Livingston Tower,
Colonial Quad Hoard, rower
Council, ;uid Tower Director Dave
Render insiiiuicd an anli-vandalism
policy lust Wednesday which will
shut down iwo elevators on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights
from II pm. lo 7 am. According to
Colonial Quad Central Council
Senatoi Mark Borkowskl, ihc
elevators will remain closed until
the "culprit is caught."
However, while students favor
(he protection policy, many arc
arguing that ii was instiiuedwithout
proper notice this past Thursday.
According io Borkowskl, residents
were informed i^\' the procedure late
last Thursday only two. hours
before service was terminated. In
addition, Borkowski claims Rendci
only contacted three section of the
According to Colonial Quad
Central Council represent alive
Mark Lafayette, approximately 50
lower residents attended Sunday's
Quad Hoard meeting lo complain oT
the inconvenience. "For what a few
According io Tower Council
people do, you're punishing 450
member Andria Ciagliano, a light
people that live in the tower,"
plate was destroyed in an even
Lafayette said.
Lafayette said that he had no elevator as soon as vacation ended.
"Something is going to be done.
previous knowledge of lite policy.
The bullshit has lo stop," added
"I came back from vacation and
,read the policy on the wall," he Ciagliano.
Over this past vacation, explained tuttle, Plant Department DirecQuad Relations Vice-President
tor Dennis Stevens promised to
Becky Tuttle said Ihc policy shall remain as is until more information, repair ihc elevators. New plexiglass
regarding Ihe occurrence of- van- ceilings were installed and light
panels were replaced and rewired.
dalism surfaces.
Tuttle added thai residents were
Borkowskl, however, said that
properly informed of ihe policy, exthe elevators were "shabbily
plaining that Render did cut Unci
repaired." Tul tic added that while
RAN and several tower sections, Stevens did repair the elevators, a
Posters were placed on all even "flimsy job was done." Tuttle apfloors and in the main lobby early
parently requested ceiling panels
Thursday morning, explained Tut- which could be securely attached io
the crossbars, rather than the plexiglass. In addition, the light panels
Render was unavailable lot comwere held down by only two screws.
According lo Stevens, ihe
Tutileexplained that maintaining
towel elevators has been a long pro- elevators were repaired a number of
limes last year. "You can maintain
cess. Lust year and early last
semester, repairs in the elevators them jusi so long," He added thai
down clcvutoi service is an
were made continually by die quail
"unfortunate" way to resolve ihe
custodial staff and ihe Plain
vandalism problem. "I would like
ihc elevators to operate all the
Colonial Quad's Committee of
lime," he added.
Vandalism and Safety cited a
definite need Id improve Ihc condiStevens said there is.no safetytions of the elevators. "Ai least
factor invoked with running only
every oilier weekend another light
one elevator, citing the shutdown of
was out or a panel ceiling was miss- elevators in case of fire.
ing/ said Tultie.
I mile pointed out thai no deals
Aflcr 55 lense m i n u t e s ,
something finally had to give, and
in the final extra session, the Bulls
broke things open. Bouie and his 14
rebounds had fouled out one overtime before, and his replacement,
6-5 freshman Kenny Jones, stole the
show. His offensive rebound basket
gave Buffalo a 47-45 lead, and
Jones went on lo score 11 points in
the fourth overtime — his only
points of Ihe entire game — as the
Bulls look control.
"At first, 1 was real nervous,",
Kenny Jones said. "I missed two
free throws al firsl— I was kind of
thinking of Ihc glory afterwards.
But I put I hat out of my mind, and 1
thought about the game. With all
the overtimes, it was almost like
sorts>f a high school game. That's
what I thought of."
Willi Buffalo behind them, Ihc
Danes needed to concentrate on
Buffalo Stale Saturday night, but in
the first half, that concentration
seemed to waiver. Albany shot just
40 percent, was oulrebounded
21-14, and after Terry Burch's jam,
t|ie Bengals closed an early Dane
lead to 30-26 al halflimc. The
Danes were not exactly taking Buffalo by slorm.
Albany owned the next half.
Scoring a Dane-record 68 points,
Albany gol ihcir running game in
full swing, and behind career highs
by reserves Bob Collier (18 points)
and Steve Low (16 points), the
Danes turned the contest into a 37
point rout, enough of a spread to
even impress the NCAA committee.
The victory gave Albany their second consecutive 20-win season (the
Danes closed out their schedule
with victories over Potsdam and
Pittsburgh), bin Albany's bid for
number 21 will no doubt be
tougher. The St. Lawrence Sainls
went 12-0 in the ICAC, 22-3 for Ihc
season, and currently sport a 15
game winning streak. Their lust loss
was a 75-74 setback lo Polsdam, a
leant they have faced three times
(Ihc Saints won their last malchup
votiiinutd on /Mine seventeen^
were officially made regarding the
policy. She explained the elevators
remained open because ihcclcvalor
key was inaccessible.
"I'm sony people were inconvenienced in the lower, lint ii did
heighten awareness. I do agree there
were some problems but the
response was immature," lidded
Tuttle. "liliy students docs not
represent the tuujoi i t \ . "
Tutile explained thai partial termination of elevator xcr\ Ice \\i
hopefully discourage weekend vandalism.
While Borkowskl supports the
new policy, he cites Inadequacies inthe way the idea was introduced.
Aside from lack of propel publicity; those elevators remaining
unusable were lo have their doors
closed. Borkowskl said ihex were,
left open and according to Tutile,
this resulted in elevuior damage.
Borkowski is seeking a compromise io the current policy, pending access lo ihe elevator key. I le
is advocating that the elevators run
Students Subpoenaed
Albany forward Steve Low goes Inside between Tom Parsons (30) and Nalc
•Ionic (40) during the Dane's loss lo Buffalo. (Photo: Mike Farrell)
Kelvin Jones found himself forced
lo lake a long side juniper
("Definitely out of my range — i t
was not a good shot for me," Jones
said later). The shot came close, but
bounded away. Overlime.
With 40 seconds remaining in the
first overtime the Danes had the
ball, and wailed for the final shot
with the score tied al 38. Royal tried
a long jumper, which missed at ihc
buzzer. The second overtime was a
41-41 deadlock when Albany stole
the ball and rushed up court, Steve
Low glanced up at the clock,
Ihoughl he saw one second remaining, and threw a half-court shot-at"
the basket, which hit off the rim.
Actually, there :wcrc nine seconds
left when Low's shol was launched.
In ihe third overtime Ray Ccsare's
jump shot was blocked by John
Pilzpatrick, sending the contest to
its fourth and final overtime.
by Laura Fin rent! no
Albany's Pine Hill "Student Ghetto" was the scene of yet another
incident in this year's wave of downtown incidents yesterday. According to Albany Police Lieutenant Detective John Damino, a man
entered a first floor apartment near Alumni Quad through a window
at approximately 3 am Monday.
He then entered ihc room of a female SUNYA student, placed his
hands around her neck and said, "I'll only be here a few minutes."
The woman reportedly screamed and the intruder fled through the
kitchen door.
Albany Police Sergeant Daniel Nicholson described Ihe intruder as
5" 10" in height and wearing a dark ski hat and a dark waist-length
leather jacket. His age and race have not been determined.
According to Damino, ihe incident is not related to the work of
the "Pine Hills Toucher," whom he claims is actually a composite
name of two or three people.
Damino pointed oui thai two intruders involved in rapes have been
apprehended downtown. While previous incidents attributed to the
"Toucher" were sexually related, yesterday's break-in was not, according lo police.
Damino believes that another two individuals involved in
downtown crimes are still at large.
Albany police are following up the Pine Hills crimes by issuing
questionnaires (o victims and deploying random police patrols, said
Suspended officers Vila and Buchanan
Student witnesses called to testify,
(photo: John Hodges)
by Patricia Braulcy
SUNYA students Jay Anielman
and Tony Lcnkiewkv were subpoenaed io testify at preliminary
police depart men ifd hearings for
suspended Albany City Police officers Richard Vila and Michael
Albany Police Li. William Murray, also subpoenaed, said "These
(hearings) determine whether ihc
officers will be permanently
dismissed from ihc department."
Vita and Buchanan were
suspended from lite -department for
violating police department rules
and regulations dating back lo incidents on March 21 and 28 in
SUNYAN Walerbury Hall. On October 24, Vila and Buchanan were
acquitted of six criminal charges including extortion, robbery, and
burgjary of several SUNYA
Anielman and l.enkiewic/, both
witnesses in ihe case, were issued
r Campaign'80
A look al ihe
Page 5
from 7 am. to H pin. during the
week, and iheit having two turned
off at 8 pin. Borkowski, Tultie, and
Lafayette have met with Dean of
Student Affairs Neil Brown to
discuss ihe situation and will meet
again today to arrive at a decision.
Brown was unavailable for com-
Colonial's Livingston Tnwcr.
Cite of elevator vandalism.
(Photo: UPS)
in Hearings
supocnas last Wednesday by
Albany Police Serjeant William
Dolan, according lo I.eukiewic/.
He said, "Wc were scheduled lo
testily at ihe Public Safely Building
in from of arbitrator Professor
Donald P. Goodman on Friday.
Anielman, however, said he wus
told on Thursday morning that the
hearing was "indefinite!) postponed." He said no reason was given
for the postponement.
I.enkiewkv said, "I was uul
notified of Ihe postponement by
any official. Bui when Jay lold me
he did not have lo aiieuil the healing on the scheduled day, I assumed
it was postponed."
Lieutenant Murray said the hearing was "not cancelled, but adjourned until a later dale."
Murray explained, "When an
Albany City Police Officei is
suspended on disciplinary charges,
his contract assures him a departmental hearing."
"The hearing can be done in two
ways and Ihe officer determines
which procedure will be used. They
can choose lo have their case heard
by ihc Public Safety Commission of
ihe City of Albany or they can be
heard by an arbitrator assigned by
l|ieir union," said Murray.
Murray said he docs not know
when the departmental hearings will
be rescheduled.
• I
March 4, ly&Q::".'.
i i.' '
State Quad Results
Telethon '80 Draws Near
(winners in bold type)
SASU Conference
The SUNY budget, t h c d r a f l , voting rights, financial aid,
affirmative actiort and lobbying techniques arc just a few
topics lo be covered at the Ninth Annual SASU Legislative
Conference. The four day event runs from Saturday,
March 8, until Tuesday, March 11,ai SUNY Albany Cantpus.
" T h e Legislative Conference is a comprehensive seminar
w i l h iwo objectives — education and a c t i o n , " said A r t h u r
Hidalgo, conference coordinator. " W e will give students
the background and'techniques l o create change on their
campuses and in the legislature."
Conference-goers will receive pertinent Information on
federal and state education issues through workshops led
by students and experts. Workshops i n c l u d c ' T h e Student
Role in the 1980 Elections,." " S U N Y and the Slate Budget
Process" and "Student Participation in Decision Making.**•
Legislators, education representatives from SUNY,
C U N Y and the New York Slate Education Department,
students and professors will comprise a panel to discuss
"Public Higher Education in Ihe 80s."
Conference highlights also include presidential and
senatorial forums, n reception with legislators, staff and
members o f the SUNY Board o f Trustees, and a SASU
press conference for presentation of the legislative awards,
Students will gain insight into lite political process wilh a
basic orientation on ihe legislature coupled with strategies
ami methods on effective lobbying techniques.
Pulling their new skills lo use, students will attend special
appointments with their legislators lo discuss issues during
the last two conference days.
Gel your
Gel your voles in now! N Y P l U l i and SASU will be
distributing absentee ballot applications in the Campus
Center Lobby and on dinner lines from Wednesday
through Friday. Make sure you east your vole for Ihe
Marc 1 25 presidential primary.
Major Reduction
In US Budget
W A S H I N G T O N (AP) The Carter administration is considering major reductions in government jobs programs as
part o f an overall effort of slash spending by up u> $20
billion lo balance the 198I budget, officials said Monday.
They said thai except for the Defense Dcparnncni, nearly
every agency of government has been targeted for spending
reductions as part of ihe administration's hastily conceived
new strategy lo I'iglu inflation. Meanwhile, W. Bowman
Culler, an associale director of the Office of Management
and Budget, told the House Ways and Means Committee
that a revised budget lot I98I would be submitted to Congress in about two weeks. Spending for salaries and
operating costs of individual departinetils are to be trimmed by about 2 percent, wilh the savings in salaries to be accomplished by holding hack on raises and promotions, a
spokesman in one deportment said. The budget for ihe
Labor Department alone might be reduced $1.6 billion, ii
was learned. Sources said lite summer youth jobs program
would be cut in half.and public service employment would
be reduced by about 15 percent. Other cuts would be made
in spending for energy. Highways and human service programs. •
BOSTON (AP)- Dehiocral Edward M . Kennedy and
Republican George Bush, both sons of Massachusetts, are
looking lo Ihe slate's primary Tuesday to pump new life into their presidential bids. But rcccnl polls show some erosion in the support each can expeel from voters. While Kennedy and most o f the Republican candidates campaigned
hard in Massachusetts, another GOP hopeful, Sen.
Howard Baker Jr., shifted his attention to Vermont. That
slate also holds it's primary Tuesday and Baker felt he had
a beiier chance ihere o f making a good showing lo keep his
campaign alive. That left the Massachusetts Republican
field lo Bush, former California Gov. Ronald Reagan and
Rep. John B. Anderson of Illinois. Former Texas Gov.
John B. Connolly is putting his efforts into Souili Carolina.
It appears Kennedy, still expected lo easily top President
Carter, and Bush, in a virtual dead-heal wilh Reagan, have
the most at slake in Massachusetts. A Boston Globe poll
published Sunday showed potential voters in the
Democratic primary still preferred Kennedy over Carter.
Bui that portion of Ihe polling done iwo days after Kennedy's loss i n ihe New Hampshire primary hist week showed subsiantially lower support for ihe senator,
— (Photo: Routine
April Gray (150 votes)
Vice President
Andy Witrock(76)
Rob Saunders (72)
A runoff will be held between
the two highest candidates.
Pirgees invade SUNY A
Over 400 Piruccs descended upon SUNYA ihis weekend
as NYPIKCi Held ii annual convention.,
Activists from all over New York Stale were housed by
S U N Y A volunteers for the Informative and convivial
Among the issues discussed In workshops were Ihe future
of higher education in New York Suite, ihe Trtllh-lllTcsling law and null-nuclear campaigns,
According lo SUNYA N Y P I K U Chair Am) Adclniiiu,
NYl'IKCi's main thrust foi 1980 will be such issues as the
New York properly lax, higher education, sexual harassment on ihe j o b , Ihe atiii-snioking bill and toxic chemical
wusle bills.
Along wilh serious considerations, the convention provided a fun-filled weekend of luncheons, breakfasts, and
British Forces Leave
S A L I S B U R Y , Khuilcsiu (AP) Britain began withdrawing
its 1,300-mun Coiuinonwealili truce supervisory force in
Rhodesia today as counting continued in Ihe election that
will lead lo creation of an independent Zimbabwe. Hundreds of British-led Commonwealth troops were pulled out
of the assembly camps where they monitored 22,000 black
nationalist guerrillas during the two-month election etui
palgn thai began wilh the Jan. 4 Rhodesian truce. Ihe
soldiers are lo begin flying home this week. A handful of.
troops will remain behind at each of the I I camps as ihe
guerrillas are Integrated into ihe armed forces in preparation for Zimbabwe's Independence later this monlh. Britain
is lo grant sovereignly to iis last African colony once a
government is formed, based on the outcome of the voting
last Wednesday-Friday. Flection results are lo be announced Tuesday morning, said British officials supervising the
Spy Poses As US
W A S H I N G T O N (AP) The 11)1 brought a mp-ranking.
turn coal Soviet spy before ait exlraordinary news conference Monday lo describe how he had reported American
political trends to the Soviet Union while posing for eleven
years as a free-lance photographer in the New York area.
For one hour he sat on a stage behind ait opaque glass
screen through which only his profile could be .seen,
answering questions in a heavy casicrn-Europcnii accent
and in often niigrunnuniicnl English. Ihe FBI said his voice
was modulated electronically to disguise the accent. The
spy, whom. FBI officials said ihey apprehended and convinced lo cooperate wilh U.S. authorities "some years
a g o , " was identified only by ihe cover name he used here,
Rudolph Albert Herrmann'. He was identified as a colonel'
in ihe Soviet KGB Intelligence nppuriiius. Among the activities Herrmann described were an unsuccessful effort to
abort a manned U.S. space shot, efforts 10 gel v
lose I.'
American presidential candidates, and the establi
and servicing o f "dead drops," locations at whit
h spies
leave money, information, insinicih
or equipment for
other spies lo pick up.
Albany Student'Press'
Tape Hotline lo aid
Middle Earih, S U N Y A ' s alternative on-campus counseling service, is offering individuals Ihe chance lo cope with
personal problems through a new tape-hotline.
Beginning March 17, Middle Earth will provide 30 tapes
for callers dealing wilh problems ranging from depression
lo human sexuality. The recordings will enable the lisieneis
to increase their understanding o f specific problems and
help them develop means o f arriving ai u solution.
Individuals may call the regular hotline and request a
tape, after which llicy may discuss the problem further with
a counselor. The recordings also serve lo mnlmuln the
caller's anonymity.
Middle Earth spokesperson Valerie Fahcy explained thai
olhei universities provide a laped-hotline and ihe results
have been successful. University of Miami's counseling service, she added, claimed its calls have almost doubled since
the project was incorporated two years ago. The service
said the tape-hoilinc allows the caller lo remain complete!)
anonymous, increasing the use of Ihe phone-in program.
SA is funding the hotline and equipment is being provided In ihe New York State Division of Drug and Alcohol
Become a Kennedy
(AP) A U . N . spokesman in Tehran said Sunday negotiations to arrange a meeting bciwecn the U . N . Commission
and the estimated 50 American hostages have reached a
sensitive stage, but another day passed and no date for the
meeting was announced. " I wouldn't call ii trouble really,"
said U.N. spokesman Satnir Sambar. " T h e commission is
proceeding through very delicate w o r k . " Iranian President
Abolhassan liaui-Sudr, who has advocated the release ol
Ihe hostages held in lite U.S. Embassy, told reporters, " I
hope ihe commission's visit to the embassy will lake
place." He also was quoted by Tehran Radio as saying ihe
hostages would noi be freed quickly, and the U.S. government was delaying the process. "Sufficienl time must pass
before their release." the radio quoted Batti-Sadr as saying
in an interview wilh ihe Saudi Arabian newspaper AIMedina. " T h e United Stales could speed up the release b)
refraining from any unilateral a c t i o n . " liaui-Sadi said ihe
problem " c o u l d be solved very q u i c k l y " if Washington
cooperated, but did not elaborate on his remarks about
cooperation or unilateral action.
marathon, walkalhon and the
The weekend of March 21-22 will Student-Faculty baskciball game
unfold SUNYA's nmuteur talent in will also add to Telethon's funds.
a series of skits, dances, and
The SA Book Exchange also raismusical routines designed to raise ed several hundred dollars for
money for the h a n d i c a p p e d
Telethon's cause.
In a d d i t i o n , G r u s k i n said,
According lo telethon '80 CoTelethon '80 is nlempling lo gel the
Chair Marlenc Michaclson, the
Albany community involved in sellWildwood School and Ihe Big
ing raffles and offering prices lo
Brother - Big Sisier program were .draw public attention.
selected from among seven other InAccording to Gruskin, lasl year,
stitutions because they denll with
Telethon raised $35,000. " T h e
menially, physically, and socially
amount of money raised is imporhandicapped children.
t a n t " , Ite said, " b u l jusi as imporlaui arc ihe feelings o f goodwill
Tehhons '80's Co-Chair Stuart
generated among the community.
Gruskiu said-lie has not totaled
It is an opportunity for students to
choir contribution yet. "There's
participate in a university-wide aconly it few thousand so far because
tivity, and has tremendous potential
most of lite money comes in at ihe
for bringing SUNYA together for a
c u d , " he said.
common g o a l . "
Events such as the dance
Donnelly Files Job Grievance
NEW YORK Senator Edward Kennedy's New Yotk Sink
campaign director announced today thai there will be u
series of seminars held throughout the stale on March Ij, 15,
and Ih lo discuss how to become a Kennedy delegate lo tin
1980 Democratic National Convention.
Senator Kennedy is especially Interested In-having women
and members of racial or ethnic minorities as his delegates,
according lo Richard K. Donahue, who heads Kennedy'presidential campaign here.
Donahue said delegates lo the national presidential
nominating convention will be chosen at public caucusc
held around the state on A p r i l 27. Any registered Democrat
may attend the caucuses and run for election as a delegate
Donahue said the exact procedure for becoming a Kenned;
delegate will be explained at the mid-March seminars.
Donahue said that in order lo become a delegate, a person musi file a siulcnicni of candidacy wilh the Democratic
Stale Commillcc by March 20 (address: 60 Fast 42ud
Street, New York, New York, 10017) and pledge to vole I n
ihe Senator at the national convention.
The Albany mid-March caucus will be held on Sunday,
March 16 in St. Juhn-Sl. Ann's Parish Hall on Franklin
and Fourth Avenue from 1-3 p.m.
For further information, conlacl Elizabeth Hongistb of
J 0 0 S. Manning Boulevard.
British Forces Leave
by Lynn Goldberg
Kids (kiilz)pl.n
I. special gifts of
This is how Telethon '80 defines
Ihe kids ai ihe Wildwood School for
Development ally H a n d i c a p p e d
Children and the Big Brother - Big
Sisier program.
Telethon '80, in a 24-hour drive
f o r money contributions, will
donate all iis proceeds to these
B O G O T A , Colombia (AP) The Colombian government
proposed that the guerrillas holding ihe Dominican
Republic's embassy keep as hostages only the 20 foreign
diplomats and iwo Colombian officials they caplured ami
lei the rest of their captives go. There was no imniedink
response from ihe armed baud of leftists who invaded the
embasy during a diplomatic reception five days ago. Thc2v
guerrillas freed a doctor and four waiters Sunday al'lct a
90-miniite negotiating session held in a Ford panel truck
parked outside the embassy. They released 19 other
hostages last Thursday and Friday, including all 15 women,
and arc believed still holding 36. " T h e government's pro position is thai only the diplomats, and Foreign Minlstr) officials who were attending Ihe parly when ihe embassy wits
laken by assault should r e m a i n , " a Foreign Ministry source
Claims Contract
b j Bell) Sever
Citing lack of notification and
explanation for his dismissal, Tom
Donnelly filed a grievance on
February 20 against S U N Y A ' s
Physical Plant department.
The grievance filed through the
United University Professionals
Union (UUP) slalcs that Donnelly's
condition of employment had been
violated, discipline was improperly
applied, and his "grievance rights
as a citizen base been denied."
According to U U P Grievance
Committee Chni Professoi A l l i e d
P. Finkelsleiii, 'There is a proceduie lo follov if ti dismissal is
Donnelly said lite grievance is
disciplinary procedures required
before his dismissal were not laken.
" I n view of the appointment letter, a careful explanation is d u e , "
Donnelly said.
Donnelly, who claims he was
fired for "improper disclosure of
Information" lo ihe Albany.TimesUnion about ihe astronomical cost
of vandalism at S U N Y A , is arguing
thai his dismissal is " i n violation of
his c o n t r a c t u a l c o n d i t i o n o f
Donnelly said he had an agreement wilh the university lo serve as
a temporary employee from October 22, 1979 through May 7, 1980
"unless new conditions require an
early termination."
" M r . Donnelly," Stevens said,
" w f l | l u " dismissed because of accusallons iinvolviug vandalism,"
continued on pane five
"Officially, ihey haven't given
atiy new conditions," Donnelly
Stevens also said thai " w e make
truth in Donnelly's accusations.
Grad School Evaluation Program Designed
Former Plant Kmploycc Donnelly.
Issued grievance aaumsi dept.
(Photo: Tony Tqssarolt',)
The current G A C evaluation pro- p i n , Hall said.
cess Involves bringing in visitors
According lo M a r i i n , " a l l ol
recognized in I hell' fields ai such iii- SUNYA's graduate programs have
siituiions us Harvard, Yale, and
been evaluated at least Iwo l i m e s "
Northwestern, These researchers and are constantly uptlatcd.
ami faculty members address
students on the issues o f advisement
JiUNYA's doctoral programs as 22,
quality, staff, atal availability o f with master's degrees offered in 46
library resources. They also discuss
fields. He admitted thai programs
student quality and output with must sometimes lie suspended as a
faculty members.
result of evaluation siudics, " o n e
New Yotk's Suite Education o f ihe consequences o f the G A C
Department (SED) also conducts and SED programs is to strengthen
periodic evaluation of SUNY doc- graduate programs Ivy showing ihe
toral programs, using such criteria university how to belter use
as nutnbci of students enrolled, resources and evaluate the quality
faculty quality, and quality of oul-'
continued on page Jive
questionnaire options. Graduate
This sludy " d i d n ' t come as a
result of complaints," he said, but 'sludeitis, alumni, and faculty are
asked lo respond to a standard set
because schools " d i d n ' t
of statements concerning each
anywhere lo turn lot information as
graduate program as well as up to
to what areas were most important
ten questions prepared by lite
for a doctoral study."
depart men t itself. Locally-prepared
The questionnaires consist of
siaicineuis deal w i t h program
about 60 siaicineuis concerning
elements ami concerns of individual
According lo ETS spokesman various aspects of the doctoral proschools.
Martin Glaubitz, Ihe nationwide gram, including curriculum, quality
Since "the departments arc all
Council of Graduate Schools " f o u r o f teaching, student commitment
quite different," each one's results
or five years ago began a sludy lo and motivation, and faculty work
is tabulated separately, rather than
develop all instrument that could be e n v i r o n m e n t . A g i ee-disagt ce
as a university system, said
used in evaluating graduate pro- choices and p o o r - i o - e x c e l l e n i
rulings spectrum are among lite
" W h i l e we don't have ihe data
yet," he said, "eventually schools
using ihe service willhavc an opportunity to request, fin comparison,
the responses of leu oilier institutions, I hey wll pel a profile sheet,
not naming the other iiisiituiions,
wilh lite requested information,
concerning, lor example, the quality of iusiruction, student evaluation
b j Jaime Kcinhurl
of faculty, library resources, and
Meeting wiili student opposition,
opportunity lor student involve(he Undergruduuic Academic Comment in meaningful research,"
m i t t e e ' U A O p u s l polled iis decision
ETS is charging $ioo per departlo iuoease acad
ment and $2 per, questionnaire for
necessary I'oi gr
iiiion w i l h
iis service. A n additional charge of
$20 is levied for subgroup unalvsis.
The pi posal, which would in" I h e questionnaires have not
crease Hi' trude point average rebeen used in then current formal lo
quired I graduating Magna Cum
dale," ( i h i u b i l / said, Holing llllll
I antic Irom a 3.4 lb a 3.5 and Cum
"regional iiccredilatioii associations
Laudc from a 3.0 to a 3.25, has met
have expressed interest in the
wilh much opposition among the
student members of the Senate,
S U N Y A Dean ol Graduate
while being pushed through ihe
Studies Richard Hall and Vice
U A C by faculty members,
President for Academic A I fails
It passed, ihe policy would go inDavid Martin both agree that
to effect in lour years.
SUNYA will probably not make use
In May, l<>78, 49 percent of
of ihe new setviee. According h i
SUNYA giadu;tieil wilh honors, acHall, S U N Y A "already has iwo excording to Central Council Chair
icnsivi programs foi graduate proMichael l e v y . " T h e problem is adgram evaluation,"
dressing grade inflation, and its ef" T h e Graduulc Academic Coun
fects," he said. The proposed
cil (GAC) conducts a study of each
CM*. A. increase for graduation
Dean nf Grail Studies Richard H a l l .
wilh honors will have no effect on
explained. "Several dcpnrlmcnis
'•SUNYA probably will not use the new senke."
the present quality of Ihe Universiare evaluated each year."
by Belli Cnmmarnln
In response to a growing concern
toward the maintenance o f doctoral
programs, Educational Testing Service (ETS) has developed a
selfas'scssincnl service for graduate
school use.
Students Oppose Stricter
ty, lie added.
Levy said that in Ihe present
system, honors don't reflect deparjrricnl differences, course differences
or extra activities in which lire student is involved. Me said thai these
issues should be laken into account
when deciding upon a new honors
system. " J u s i
numbers arbitrarily would not
make the honors system any more
In addition, he said thai grade inflation is beginning lo decrease.
Having ihe proposal postponed is
a " i w o - p a i t v i c t o r y " t o r . the
students, according to Levy. " F i r s t ,
for having slopped the passage ol
the policy this year; and secondly,
ihe students were given the chance
to bring up other related matters involved in a future decision," he
U A C representative, I Utrold
Cannon, said thai the proposal has
not yet been referred lo University
Senate for decision.
March 4, 1980
Colonial Quad Tower Council
Spanish Club
wouldlike to thank the following for
their generous contribution to our
Valentine's Day Party
N o w meets Tuesdays
at 7pm in
Humanities 290
Any and all interested students are
welcome - you need not be.
a Spanish Major
New Members
For more info call Laura Jonsson 7-8087
The Student
mi BnffiT
Tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the OffCarrjpus Lounge. The Voice is
the journal of your student
government and you can make
it work. We need editors,
writers, proofreaders and layout
people. Come on downTonight!
Americana Inn
Golden Fox Restaurant
Jack's Oyster House
i l y present
Thursday, Friday, and
March 6, 7, and 8
7:30 and 9:30
Thursday shown in I, C J
Politics: It's Still A Guessing Game
by Onirics Biener
Well, what used 10 be ihe first
evenl of the political season, bui is
now ihe third or fourth, look place
last week and the New Hampshire
presidential primary, the first o f
thiriy-sevcn primaries 10 be held in
Ihe coming mouths, proved at least
one thing! Polities is still a guessing
years, hesitated to lake himself out
o f contention early. Rather, he
chose to stride the sidelines, waiting
for Carter's problems-inflation,
energy, Soviet Aggrcssion-lo catch
up with the President and turn his
own parly against him. Kennedy
finally saw his chance and leaped
inlo the fray. Hardly anyone could
have predicted the crazy chain o f
events that would shape the next
I N€M f€dTUB€
Italian-American Community Center
Colonie Village Pharmacy
A few months ago, who would
have guessed thai " o n e - t e r m "
President Jimmy Carter, assisted by
failures in foreign affairs, would be
well on liis way to the Democratic
nomination and possibh a second
term? A few weeksago, who would
have thought thai George Bush
would be just another Republican
chasing Ronald Reagan's shadow?
Indeed, the pollsters have been
duped again! Helloes o f "Dcw'ey
Defeats T r u m a n " can be heard
throughout the land.
What happened in New Hampshire? What went wrong for Bush
and Kennedy and why are Carter
and Reagan the troulninners? Let's
look at both sides o f the political
coin and see what happened, how it
happened, and why it's loo early i d
count anybody out o f the race.
On the Democratic side, President Carter has truly engineered a
remarkable political comeback. In
September and October, Democrats
were begging lor an alternative to
Carter. Most if not all parly leaders
feared a one-term presidency and
were searching for a replacement.
Kennedy: Inst narrowly
few months and drastically change
the political picture.
Afghanistan. The Carter people,
adept at campaigns though inept in
administration, took over and put a
lid on Carter's personal campaigning, livery family member and administration official was out on ihe
hustings; President Carter was hidden safely in the Rose Garden 10
deal with Ihe acute crises that have
dragged on for months and lo avoid
dealing with bis political rivals.
Albany State Veterans
You will be asked to
March 10'&11:
Shall the Student Activity Fee be
increased by $2.50 per semester per
student beginning with the Fall 1980
no""shall be
II • Central Council
Replacement Seats:
Off Campus- 3
1st prize- 1 week trip for 2 to
Jamaica, MontegoBay, donated by
Bytner Travel
2nd p/7'ze-stereo donated by Mom's
Warehouse, valued at $500
L Referendum:
Note: This referendum
'80 DOOR
3rd prize- 1 year membership to
Nautilus Total Conditioning- Century II Mall
4th p/7ze-Vivitar Pocket Instamatic
Camera donated by State Photo
Donation: 1 raffle for $1, 3 raffles for $2
Drawing: March 22, In the Campus Center Ballroom
the S. A. Ofj ice
Now>!> pm Thurs. March 6
General Interest Meeting
W e d . March 5 3 PM. Fireside Lounge
If you have a gripe...be there
If you have a b i t c h . . . b e there
Frustrated b i n undaunted,
Senaior Kennedy tried to smoke ihe
President out o f the While House.
Look at the record, Ihe Senaior implored. Inflation at fourteen percent, the economy in ruins, foreign
affairs in a jumble. It was a struggle
but it seems thai Kennedy's pleas
had a limited impact on the New
Hampshire voters.
Pollsters were widely predicting a
2 l o 1 margin o f victory f o r the
President, especially damaging in
Kennedy's backyard. But the final
results were much closer than thai:
Carter, forty-nine percent -- Kennedy, ihirty-eight percent. Certainly
not the victory thai Kenned) claims
it lo be, but he has cut inlo some o f
Cartel's support. A n d who knows?
As Ihe repealed attempts to free ihe
hostages in Iran continue to no
avail, i f ihe Soviets continue to
scoff ai Caller's insistence dial they
withdraw from Afghanistan, mid it
inflation continues lo race along al
record rales, perhaps Ihe Senaior
can convince the voters to pul his
own personal life aside and give him
tiie chance l o tackle the country's
problems. With tlie Massachusetts
and Vermont primaries next, the
pollsters should proceed with caution.
As for Ihe Republicans, the
favorite questions are, who is in Ihe
lead' this week, and more importantly, who will be on lop nexl
week? The biggest surprise o f New
Hampshire was Ihe shockingly huge
victory won by Ronald Reagan over
a field o f si.v challengers. Remember
way back in the fall, when everyone
was saying that John Coonally was
Stevens Explains
continued from page three
" H e was dismissed," Stevens
continued, because "over a twonionlh period...lie refused to Indicate lo his supervisors where he
was going, or what he was d o i n g . "
Stevens also said that " w e make
Hold it... w e t h i n k y o u ' r e
g o n n a l i k e this picture!
"Bruce Woolley & The Camera
Club." The American debut of
the man people are hailing as
the most important new British
rock artist. A n album of songs
for a wired nation, like the electromorphic international
smash, "Video Killed the
Radio Star."
Get y o u r hands on
t h e music!
Woolley &
The Camera
The first
exposure, on
"P\ Records and Tapes.
the one lo watch, and when John
Anderson was known as John
Who? Remember ihe Iowa and
Maine caucuses and how they propelled George Bush into the fronlrunner's spol? A n d remember Ihe
pollsters who all said thai Bush and
Reagan were running neck and neck
in New Hampshire? Well, all this
might as well be forgotten. Reagan
received fifty percent o f the vole.
Bush was fuzzy on the issues. As he
received more and more press attention, his stands became less and less
clear (sound like a H)76 candidate?). The second, more crucial
occurrence was the S N A F U ' d
debalc between Reagan and Bush in
Nashua, N.I 1. Bush was labelled as
arrogani and selfish by the other
candidates from his own parly.
Reagan came out smelling like a
rose, and looking like he belongs in
the Ro<c Garden. Thai evenl, more
than anything else, confirmed for
the voters what Bush's opponents
have been trying to poriray all
along -- thai Bush is a Yale
educated, preppy, northern conservative who has III tic in common
with the majority o f the voters.
Reagan looked sure and certain, the
father figure many feel we need in
ihe White House.
Bush: lukvil h> landslide
Bush finished a poor second wuli
I w e i l l y - l h r c c percent. Senatoi
Howard Baker and KcprcscnlUllvc
Anderson finished with thirteen
percent and len percent respectively. Conunlly, yesterday's froiiiruunei. hud less than two percent while
Crane and Dole were vitluull)
eliminated. Why did this happen
and what does ii mean?
But once again, lei's nol count
chickens. This coniesi is far from
decided. Reagan's age and newfound conservatism (as evidenced
by ihe ousting of his moderate campaign manager, John Seais) may
yet propel Bush or another
Republican into the forefront. I f
Carter continues to lead the
Democrats, Right-wing Reagan ot
Bush may be seen as less electable
and ihe thirsty Republicans may
turn lo a more moderate such us
Anderson, Baker, ot (yes, even)
Gerald Lord.
What all o f these twists and turns
portend is threefold: the political
picture is more volatile than ever,
M o s i a n a l y s i s agree
Reagan's victory over Bush can he the only filing thai is certain is the
explained In two phenomena! One uncertainty of it all, and boih races
are far from over.
was the perception
thai candid;
no effort n hide ihe cost of villi.
dalism. We IV t o . .get il out in file
Donnelly's grievance hearing was
lieltl on February 27, although no
decision has been reached.
of its programs," said Hall.
In addition, the responses o f
graduaic students, alumni, and
faculty arc all separately tabulated.
Individual schools will also be able
l o request
identification of
responses according lo up l o three
subgroups, such as male-female and
majority-minority, said Glaubitz.
H'hDMXlM )', March 5, 7:30 ami 9:00/>in
THURSDA)', March 6, 9:00pm
forms will be available
Page Five
Albany Student Press
For sale from someone with a heart
Also available in Campus Center.
Cost: u.siiai ilic Hale, tl.SQ In advance
M Six, J
March 4,
, Albany Student Press.
Aspects On Tuesday
Looks 10, Plot
Cruising For A Bruising
( # • ' he controversy surrounding William
Frledkln's new film Cruising
obscured the film itself. This Is a pity. If the film
is no masterpiece (which it Isn't) It deserves, as
does any work by a major director, some
iierious criticism. All Cruising Is getting are
moralistic tirades from closet Victorians.
Jim Dixon
Cruising is a inriller set in the heavy leather
gay bar scene of New York City. Al Paclno
plays a young cop who is sent into this world
undercover to track down a homosexual .lack
the Kipper who picks up men. has sex with
them, and then stabs ihem to death. In the
process of his Investigation, the cop loses his
naKete about gay life, police work in general,
iVH\ begins in fit in wilh the S and M devotees
I'h. script is often wi
lured which has a dllulli
and badl 1 S i l l !
Keel on l-i edkn
s u p e r b dlr
in a n d i
Uoyraphei ,1am
miners photography, th s hesl so f.ir
1980. Nonetheless, Paclno, Paul Sorvlno and
Karen Allen deliver fine performances in often
stilled roles. When Ihe slory moves, Cruising
is an Intriguing and powerful thriller. When it
doesn't, scenes that should be gripping produce laughs from the audience.
In a sequence In which an Innocent suspect
fingered by Paclno is brutally Interrogated by
Ihe police, we can al best wonder why ihe
N.Y.P.D. Isri'l protesting Ihe film, and worst,
when a large black cop, naked save lor bonis
and Jock strap punches the suspec I in the face,
watch while the film lowers Itself lo jarringly Inappropriate black comedy.
Cruisinti's biggest problem, however, lies in
its tendency to overlook the plot for the sake
of voyeurism. A good porlioi of Ihe itly parr
of Ihe film is composed , linosl
.lely of
Paclno's wandering through kinky
quite knowing how lo behavs i in Ihe
are several scenes of i m p l i e d (,
piled) s o d o m y o n s c r e e n " W l i i l
o n e ' s interest for a w h i l e
e s c a p i n g I h e inevitable I.'ilium a
fellatio begin to- seem rather
The violence, which has Inspired a number
of protests, is no big deal. It is frightening and
powerfully directed to be sure, but the critics
who have referred lo "outrageous" shots of
bloody flesh being sliced through In close-ups.
are in fad creating their own film. No such sequences exist in the movie. There is blood on
Ihe screen but less lhan in such critically
acclaimed films as The Godfather or The
Yet the controversy surrounding the film
has caused some theatre circuits lo ignore the
film's H rating and admit no one under eigh
teen. Grilles and theatre owners have
demanded that Ihe film he rated X. One
placard displayed locally asked lo "Sale out
children from bloody anil violent films." In my
judgment there is nothing In Cruising which
warranls an X rating, The sex is not explicit
igh III
HI don't believe
. c h e i k out
Thi follai Win, Tell Tr IM Cmi 1 With The
gel aw y with, with
i H rallng],
are. Whlli
Inarch 4, 19$Q,
of Ihe1 voyeuristic
. „ y e u r , 5 I 1 . c„ ,
n ' lI quite
n n l t « lift
llf* it:i out
finds itself In all too often.
r S
' ' " ««
Yet Cruising at least deals explicit M
subject that has seen little attention In m ,
films, and even if every gay n,a„ and WoT
In America hates ihe film (or being l„ a c c i ,„,
or explicit (which Is a debatable ^ " J
Fosse Jazzes I t Up
( J l ^ he production notes for All That Jazz
* say that it Is "many things" and for once
that publicity from the studios was right. All
That Jazz is indeed many things: it's brilliant,
dazzling, arrogant, pretentious, exhilarating,
and boring almost simultaneously. It inspires
such mixed emotions that it's Impossible to
make any kind of blanket judgement.
Perhaps, however, that's to be expected from
a musical aboul death.
A l P a c l n o as u n d e r c o v e r cop who digs
l o o d e e p in
Part of the problem Is that the qualities that
make Jazz so good arc the same qualities that
make it so bad. Like "8.5" (a film it closely
resembles) It journeys back and forth in the
mind of It's hero Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider).
going between the past and the present and
fantasy and reality. Its full of absolutely spectacular visuals, unfortunalely they don't say
anything. Bob Fosse is probably the greatest
living muslcai-comedy director, so it makes
sense that most of the film's non-narrative
flights of fantasy would take a musical form.
I'm surprised, however. Jhal a talent of his
caliber would misuse the musical moments so
severely. Lavish produclion numbers, like
those in Caharet. can add a great deal to a film
Al P a c l n o a n d I h e h o m o s e x u a l S & M
Ben y e r e e n and Roy Scheider In Bob
Fosse's n e w f i l m All That Jazz.
Winter Kills
rli.ips the most arresting quality thai
wresting quality thai
Jgui Winter possesses
as a musician is
isses asand
a m perfor
u s i c i a n Is.
his dynamic ability to compose
a n d p e rhis
wide variety nf musical styles, During
le a
;|yles, D u r i n g his ten
vear career. Fdgar has dabbled will
p eOmental or "ueo"jazz. blues. R and B
r o c k . A t t i m e s , n o t a b l y d u r i n g his " T h e y O n l i
sucessfully a c h i e v e d a n electric synthesis of
hi ;
s o m e w h a t d e c l i n e d in recent years, ll
r e m a i n s a l o y a l f o l l o w i n g a n d his p e r f o r m a n c
at J , B . S c o t t ' s lasi T h u r s d a y night a t t r a c t e d
f u l l h o u s e of l o c a l d e v o t e e s .
Robert Gordon
I l l u m i n a t e d t h e stage. W i n t e r a n d
his r e c e n t l y f o r m e d b a n d skillfully p r o v i d e d a
musically diverse a n d Intriguing show.
h a n d m a y n o t be c o m p r i s e d o f " n a m e " p l a y e r s
t h e y a r e just
as e x c i t i n g a n d
W i n t e r ' s earlier b a n d s ( r e m e m b e r W h i t e T r a s h
T h e Edgar Winter G r o u p ? ) . This comes
as n o s u r p r i s e as W i n t e r has a l w a y s s u r r o u n d ed
himself with
t a l e n t e d m u s i c i a n s -•
I l a r t m a n . R o n n i e ( G u i t a r ) M o n t r o s e , a n d Rick
D e r r i n g e r h a v e all p e r f o r m e d w i t h E d g a r at
one time or another.
Since h e has not r e c o r d e d any n e w material
in .i f e w y e a r s . W i n t e r c o n c e n t r a t e d m a i n l y o n
r e p r e s e n t e d his past
stages a n d e x p e r i e n c e , O p e n i n g t h e set w i t h
tiIhe I n s t r u m e n t a ll " W i n t e r ' s D r e a m , " EF d, Ig»a* rdni
k i . . W h i l e T r a s h d a y s a n d his e a r l y
n l s . T h e s o n g b e g a n w i l h a sur-
when Ihe fuss dies down
W h i t e Trash Is Back
" iiwimy .Hid ciirecnon available
d r e a m l i k e m o o d , p u n c t u a t e d by d r u m
G r e g C a r t e r ' s light a n d r h y t h m i c p a c e ,
s l o w l y led
.i climactic sax solo
E d g a r , w h i c h w a s r e a l l y frantic a n d i n t e n s e ,
lelyjpy heavy on Improvisation Through most
if In- M.IOS (both sax and keyboard). Winter
of eenergy
e x e r t e d a t r e m e nldous
dous a
m o u n t of
nergy o
w h i c h t h e rest;t of
of tthe
he b
a n d tthrived;
h r i v e d ; he
he ocstage for
for the
the set
set aand
c u p l e d c eliter
n t e r stage
n d wa
war .n c o n trol of
h e material
)f tthe
With "Undercover Man" the band switched
the musical focus from improv jazz lo power
chord rock n* roll. The transition was a bl
shaky, but nonetheless, they still maintained a
high level of intensity. Edgar even attempted
lead vocals but was hardly audible due to a
faulty mike towards the end of the song, The
band lost some momentum but the technical
difficulties were taken off by ihe next tune a
ballad, "Fighting To Live"- and Edgar finally
had the opportunity to showcase his vocal virtuosity. His range Is definitely limited but
worked well within those boundaries and Injected enough soul into the song lo make il effective.
Unsurprisingly. Edgar and Ihe band then
eclipsed Into a rousing version of "Free Ride",
wilh the albino maestro once again supplying
vocals. Guitarist Al Ferante provided some
really excellent leads which were as driving
and quick as Derringer's original rendition.
However. "Free Ride" turned mil to he Just *
primer for the following number.' 'akc It The
Way II Is", a danceablc. funky bin
122 piece
which featured more expressive si
ing from Edgar and tasteful keybo
Work by
Ronnie Dolse. The tune brought
pie, including yours truly*, to their fi
el as Edgar
eagerly encouraged his audience.
The mounting energy on stage and off
reached a climax with a Winter favorite,
"Tobacco Road". Ihe composition is arrang
ed In Ihe claISSIC bill
lock mold and
played II lo e|
onions (20 mlnut
• . . ) Eachn
o l Ihe band per/o
ihorl solo and
ed their indivk
"T.K " gradui
eded „ , ! „ „
ween W iter«
"ite While W
ed In a slyle t,
»ly resembling thai
Joplfn. M
i . Ferante
Feranl- a c c o m p a n i e d h i m w i t h
O U D blues
i c k i n g ,i\u\ m o a n i n g . T h e
very LLOUD
blues ppicking
i t h th
the c r o w d a n d Edgar
ig went
went over well
well w
' h e s h o w a n d t h e e n t i r e In
^ roaring. After leaving
^^^^^^^^^^ffiaving I
quick minutes. Edgar a n d
luick minutes. Edgai
3d pleased with his perfi
back on stage for a one
For tin* finale. Winter chose, quite
"Save The Plane
proprlately, ihe instrumental we all know and Winter groupies,
love. "Frankenstein." He transformed it into a
Overall, the show
tour deforce, venturing not only In sax terrepresentation of Wlntei
rltory, hut also playing keyboards, occasional
character. Much of his . arly White
congas, anil ultimately donning the infamous
aged well and Instead >f staunatii
miniature Aip synthesizer. Winter incessantly
further develop
experimented with different sounds on bis
clan. The show dive sity Wi a tesllmni
treasured loy and hovered about ihe stage like
search fa
a self-possessed madman. He finally snapped bi^ fnventlvenes and eleutl.
. I hope
out of his trance and got down to rocking oul.
begins i
The hand was never tighter at any point during
mate il though.
Show Bizarre
and comment brilliantly on the action, but they
don't hold up as action in themselves. Hence .
a majority of the numbers seem excessive and
too long (especially the tedious finale). The
film has no narrative or structural backbone,
so ft comes off looking like a series of loosely
connected production' numbers. The. best
routines are the ones that lake place in the
realistic realms of the storyline, of these the
"Air Eroticon" number is the best, The mixed
emotions come back again, however, because
even the most Indulgent routines are so damn
good you can't help admiring them. They are
so superbly staged and photographed that you
wish they had a stronger backdrop to fit into.
The film's other major flaw, again like 8.5 is
It's self-indulgence and downright arrogance.
The parallels to Fosse's own life are so thinly
disguised they*cannot be ignored,especially
considering that Fosse co-wrote the film. Gideon is a successful Broadway and Hollywood
director (Just like Fosse) who, being a compulsive workaholic, attempts to edit a film
about a nightclub comedian (just like Leu
nyjand direct a Broadway show al the same
time The pressure finally gels to Gideon and
he has two heart attacks (just like Posse), He
has an ex-wife (Leland Palmer) who's a lol like
losses ex-wlfe Gwen Verdon, and an old
girlfriend played by Ann Reinking who's a lot
like Fosse's old girlfriend Ann Reinking. Not
in.ilk/ the relationship between life and art are
hardly worth mentioning, but the problem
here is Ihal Fosse is making a film aboul a man
who's a bastard and knows It (and doesn't
care), but Is so brilliantly talented that
everyone loves him anyway. The fact that Gideon and Fosse's lives are so close (they even
look alike), and ihe press releases statements
thai Fosse "reaches deep within himself, his
own life, his silt cesses and failuies in his work
and his relationships" make clear that Fosse is
making a film very much about himself, and
the implications are not attractive. But, once
again the ambiguity arises because the man is
incredibly talented, and none of ills films
demonstrate It more than this one. With only
three cinematic credits (Sweet
Cabaret, and Lenny) Fosse shows extraordinary control of the medium. The Images just
(Sphere are counlless arteries or tributaries
* of character which blend logelhei, comprising Ihe llfeblood of a rock-n-roll band.
They are sidelines lo Ihe music (everything Is),
but nevertheless prove to be a sizeable Influence on a band's general image, altitude,
and Ihe audience attracted, They're things like
driving home a hand's s.
•iii Islheli
live performance A liv, , perfo
Hist hand delivery of the
band can either plead with y
v»u. or spit on you. Il Is Ihe
and lasting Impression a band
fact, In these days o l "aiiylhin
1 'I"
there are bands capable of survh
'''"lie presentations. Th
I'laone o l those bands.
_ They g|y e a rock show,
Mure performers while
mists, whether they I
•si •
and whll
n able lo mesh tl
'Vd, H o w i e ) , lli,'i
like III.
Ralh •r they.
4T7. . F 1*2***
S c h e i d e r a s J o e G i d e o n f l i r t s w i t h d e a t h i n All
swirl a m i s s (he screen a n d t e c h n i c a l l y this is
m a g n i f i c e n t as K a t e , t h e g i r l f r i e n d w h o k e e p s
o n e o f t h e m o s l t s t u n n i n g a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s In
g o i n g back t o J o e e v e n i h o u g h s h e k n o w s
recent years
she'll n e v e i be m o r e l h a n a g l o r i f i e d o n e - n i g h t
The film s h o u l d d e s e r v e d l y w i n
most of ilus year's t e c h n i c a l Oscars
i l a n d . H e r c h a r a c t e r is n o t e x p l o r e d in d e p t h
is about s h o w biz a n d it's
( o n l y G i d e o n ' s is), but R e i n k i n g is able l o g i v e
reflected In e v e r y aspect, J o e G i d e o n is a m a n
us a real f e e l i n g f o i her
fine singei a n d actress she is also o n e o f t h e
In a d d i t i o n l o b e i n g a
b r e a t h i n g s h o w biz, so his t h o u g h t s a n d e m o
most i n c r e d i b l e d a n c e r s I've e v e i s e e n . L e l a n d
l i o n s are all s h o w n in s h o w hi/, t e r m s ; t h e
P a l m e i gets most of t h e h e a v y d r a m a t i c s a n d
n u n i b e i s . the fantasies, e v e r y t h i n g
she h a n d l e s t h e m b e a u t i f u l l y , Jessica L a n g e
I'hls o b s e s s i o n g o e s bey*ond t h e m e r e c o n f i n e s
of t h e p l o t , h o w e v e r , a n d affects i h e e n t i r e
propriately exotic, iliiiaiioiis, and mysterious
as A i i g e l l q u e , Fosse's b l o n d e w h i l e g o w n e d
to d o , but
she Is a p -
b e a u t i f u l l y d e m o n s t r a t e d l h a n w i t h the cast,
personification ol death,
The cast is not r e q u i r e d l o act in the* w a y that
l i e n V e i e e n are o n l y a d e q u a t e in e x t e n d e d
L e n n y o r K r a m e r vs
Cliff G o r m a n
K r a m e r is a c t e d , hut to
c a m e o s , the latter b e i n g especially b a d . J o h n
p e r f o r m roles in the m u s i c a l c o m e d y of life (I
L i t h y o w is also q u i t e g o o d .is G i d e o n ' s r i v a l
k n o w it s o u n d s p r e t e n t i o u s , i n n It's n o t m y
that's really w h a t
this m o v i e is
| a d m i r e All That Jazz f o r lis Inventiveness',
a b o u t ) so Fosse w i s e l y g o e s b a c k t o his B r o a d -
its d a r i n g a n d Its style. 1 just w i s h Fosse a n d
stock c o m p a n y l o fill most of the r o l e s .
is w o n d e r f u l as G i d e o n .
s t r o n g e r w a y of p u t t i n g il all t o g e t h e r . T h e s u r n
r e a l i z i n g all the c o n f l i c t i n g e m o t i o n s of a v e t y
of the p a r t s is l i u l y lesser l h a n i h e
Fosse h a d s o m e of I h e best p e o p l e i n the
n o m i n a t i o n just f o r t h e w A y his r e a d i n g o f ' b n e
business w o r k i n g w i t h h i m , H e was a b l e to
l i n e , " l i s s h o w t i m e " , tells us all w e n e e d l o
create a brilliantly acted technical masterpiece,'
k n o w a b o u t G i d e o n ' s m o o d . A n n R e i n k i n g is
Great Expectations
on page
Specials P r o v e A B a r g a i n
(£f\ he so-called "New Wave" which has
* been around with us now for about fgur
years, has brought to our shores a crop load of
bands which, for the most part, weren't too
special. Most of them feel that the sixties were
such a good time for rock that they want to brIng it to us again. Well, thai decade was a
Cliff Sloan
great time but. ihank-you-very-inuch.'but lo
hear It again for the next ten years, no thank
you. Fresh Ideas and energy is what makes
something "new" and a few (Flvls Coslello.
Joe Jackson. Ihe Police, the Clash, et al) have
really made their presence felt, They, more ol
less, lead the pack, and not to be Ir.ampled
under the big Influx of groups you have lo be
"special. You've had lo have a gimmick.
The Specials, besides their name, have one
gimmick: go oul and play hard, fast rock with
reggae and a little punk added. Their performance al J.B. Scott's last Tuesday used Ibis
gimmick and used it well. The Units were sent
out first as the warm-up hand and produced
some sparks but not much fire. It was the
Specials that really set Ihe stage ablaze. The
band's seven members, who go by first names
only on their first and only L.P. (who says
bands are oul of touch with the "commoners,"
anyway?) were all in a manic furor from starl
to finish. They kicked off the show with
"(Dawning of a) New Fra," which (It quite appropriately. From here on, the Specials made
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mtlnued
^ ^ ^on^/>< ^ ^
The Plasmatics
Page* Seven
Albany Student Pre&'
Have Taken Off
senses. The music Is secondary to the performance which features the chalnsaw massacre
of a guitar, a strip-teasing lead singer, and a
bl/arre film clip, I won't give you a song-bysong breakdown because chances are you've
never heard of them, In fact, chances are
you'll never hear of them because they're nol
They ail sound the sameworth taking in
ncl unimaginative. The
ieen. not heard.
k show can't he fun? The
Yei wh.
Plasmatic! re indeed enlerlalnlng and there Is
at 100 percent of my attention was
locked on ihe J.B Scott's stage Friday night
Their looks alone are enough to make your
mouth drop In awe and your eyes widen with
disbelief. In addition to a topless, masturbating lady (I use the term loosely) vocalist
guitar smashing and drum kicking antics, the
bass player sports a blue Mohican, It's (he
Munsters performing porno-rock. You don't
realize how poor the music Is because your
senses are enveloped, swamped by the stage
spectacle. You might smile, ypu might frown,
and you might puke, bul the bottom line is
you'll watch, and you will with undivided attention. The Plasmatics aren't to be taken
seriously, but they never claimed to be They'll
raise some eyebrows, raise some hell, and If
il's been loo long guys, they might raise
something also. The Plasmatics are Grade B
Tubes, the kind of entertainment that vinyl
simply can't capture, and they'll sell a lol more
tickets than records, So don't empty your
piggy bank or scrape up your last few dollars
to see the Plasmatics. If you're feeling rich
and bored, however, willing lo pay a couple of
bucks (oi some visual stimulation, take two
ludes, see the Plasmatics, and call me In the
their existence fell Horace Ihe bassisl began
the familial "llium-llium Ihum-thum" which
continued all mghl long, while lead vocalist
Terry quickly assumed ihe role of "Joe New
Wave." dtess and all. "Do ihe Dog'' was next,
which combined the quick and wild style of
Joe Jackson with reggae a la Police. The
lyrics, foi ihe most part, weie unintelligible,
it was Ihe music thai was ihe ruover. Next up
was "It's Up to You " The song came across as
one combined unit of sound ralher than instruments playing logelhei. giving a somewhat
muddled sound, However, here's where Ihe
dancing and running aboul come in. My location al this poinl bail one of my ears stuck In
speakei ami standing righl in front of one of
the more "hyper" personalities of the hand,
keyboard player Jerry
He handled Ihe
keyboards well Ihe whole nighl through and
he was one hell ol a dancer! I le was as much
fun to watch as he was lo lislen lo. This also
brought lire oilier lead vocalisl Neville into the
scene, sharing the lead with Terry.
Terry Introduced the next song "Rat Race"
which doesn't appear on Ihe album, which by
the way is produced by Elvis Costello, as
dedicated to "the students of ihe U.S.A."
There was a nice guitar run here by Roddy,
and the message of "working for the rat race,
you're wasting your time" was a nice bit of
philosophy. "Blank Expression" next up, was
more of the reggae-flavored rock that the
Specials do so well. "Concrete Jungle" had
IIUne good guitar riffs and was another
cranker, Neville's tambourine smashing and
wild dancing act was great and I was hoping
for a dance contest between him and Jerry
before the night was out. "Too Hot" was
definitely a Bob Marley number with the pure
sound of reggae, The ending upbeat tempo
was powerful and had the stage shaking,
"Doesn't Make It Alright" was less manic, back
to a subtle reggae rock synthesis that had the
crowd shimmying like snakes, which was Interesting lo walch also, Jerry got so excited
lhai Ire hipped during his solo! "Stupid Marrlage" had Ihe band doing relay races, hading
licks and riffs with an Intro sounding like tlie
Stones. "Rip This Joint", Neville was off and
running again wilh a towel wrapped around
ills head, Another upbeat ending came about
and by ibis lime I was exhausted just watching,
" l o o Much Too Young" continued the
energized atmosphere, with drummer Brad
continuing the strong backbeal. "Little Bitch",
which Included two horn players, was pure
rock, Again the lyrics were lost under the
sound, bul il cranked so well that nobody really
noticed, " A Message To You Rudy" was
another song dedicated to the youth of today;
reggae witli some nice horn solos, "Nile Klub"
continued nice charges of pace within Ihe tune
Itself, charging from horn to guitar solos, the
next song, which also doesn't appear on the
debut album, had more good instrumental
continued on page nine
T h e Specials: Looking for a gimmick.
« > * • *i*^^5^^p5p^=
, • » » » • » • , . '
Today. March 4 all day
Campus Center Fireside lounge.
| Learn why the massive budget cuts recently proposed by
Governor Carey constitute a greater threat than ever before to
public higher education in New York State.
March 4, 1980
birty Air Advantage
Humans aVe not the only ones lo
suffer from addiction: crops such as
corn, cabbage and cotton are
becoming addiclcd lo — believe it
or not — fillhy air.
Thai's the finding of Tennessee
Valley Authority researcher, J.C.
Noggle, who says thai air pollution
from coal burning plants has laken
Ihc place of fertilizers in providing
the sulphur nutrients by many
Sulphur, says the researcher, is
Ihc essential building block for pro-
tein and chlorophyll, Ilic green
substance which allows a plain to
use energy from the sun.
If ihc polluted air is cleaned up,
ihc "addicted" crops would have lo
go "cold lurkcy" on their sulphur
habit, and according lo Noggle,
thai would cosl more than $300
million a year in crop losses.
Noggle suggests lhat, "If c
clean up ihc air, then the cost of
putting sulphur back into feriilizers
should be considered in Ihc costs of
Ihc cleanup." Thai, he estimates,
would cost a lucre $6 million.
Sinning in Census
' The Census Bureau has finally
decided on an official term for
describing members of the opposllo
sex \ ho arc living together out of
Acareer in
consulting opens
the door to a future
of extraordinary
What can you do?
Join the students and faculty who are coming together to voice
their opposition.
FREE coffee and donuts.
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Consider •••
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We are coming to Albany - Take your choice - of Ihe Albany or NYC metro aiea.
We ate owned and run by technicians and offer an excellent opportunity to learn and progress. If you are
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datronics, inc.
675 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017
An iquil oupMlunllr imulojir M/F.
Lazy and Legit
This may be good or bad news,
depending on how you feel about
Allergy expen tit. Albert Sheffer
reports that some people may actually be allergic 10 exercise.
Sheffer says, in fact, thai people
who ttrc allergic to exercise may be
risking dcaih in certain cases.
The doctor, speaking at a recent
meeting of the American Academy
of Allergy in Ailania, said "some
allergic reactions to exercise are so
severe, they're actually life
Sheffer cautions thai people who
are allergic lo exercise should never
work out alone.
Save the Skyscraper
The Carlcr Administration is
leportcdly restudyiug ihe possible
deployment of the so-called
"neutron bomb" in the al'ienmtili
of lite Soviet invasion of
The Now York News reports thai
Sect clary of Defense Harold Brown
has ordered a new review of ihe
enhanced radiation weapon, whose
product ion was halted two years
ago tu the request, of President
According to the newspaper — in
iis words — " I h e enhanced radiation warhead has appeared 10 maps
people lo be Ihe ultimate capitalist's
weapon — ii destroys human life by
intense short-lived radiation, but iis
relatively low blast spares proper-
Consider •••
"* *
you just share expenses."
This new category in ihe list of
various living arrangements is the
latest in ihc Census Bureau's Efforts to keep irack of changes in
American Lifestyles.
continued front nage six
take a minute to considet consulting.
Take some time, today to hear how you
can help save your system of public higher education!!
According lo the new 1980 Census questionnaire, those "living in
s i n " will be described as
"roommates," distinguished from
Says Paul Cjlick of the Bureau's
Population Division: "We've added the word 'roominale' because it
sounds a liulc more intimate.
'Parlller,' " he says, "sounds like
Graduates: Computer Science
I Find Out how these budget cuts will affect you and your education
next year.
Page Nine
Albany Student Press,
his new band and might be able to succeed In a little more experimentation. •
Jazz 14 Up
continued from page seven
but he's like a link' .)oy who has so many
new toys he doesn't know which to play
with first, so he dabbles and wc get some
extraordinary moments within Ihe con
fines of some weak, unconnected
drama All Thai Jazz is a film made by a
great artist who somehow let his ar| gel
the best of him, but it's better to have loo
much an than loo little, •
continued from page seven
from Jerry and • Roddy and featured
Neville and Terry on joint lead vocals,
Neville went into convulsions here and I
was wondering for a minute when the
men in the while suits would arrive The
Specials then announced "Good night!''
which only lasted five minutes before
they came back on for the first of two encores. They kicked it off with another
non-alburn cut which again had the band
cranking with a combined rock, reggae,
and even Latin sound. Jerry again hit ihe
floor but recovered nicely. The next nine
had Neville back on lead, continuing his
usual manic antics. Off they went again
and on ihey came again. This was what I
was waiting for; Jerry and Neville
simultaneously suffered "brain hemorrhages," where Jerry began ripping
down the ceiling fixtures, while Neville
llm'W himself and slobbered all over the
keyboards. Jerry then got hit with some
beei from a membei of the crowd, which
brought them back lo reality all too fast.
He then had lo play the next song
"You're Wondering Now", which was
song of the night, with sticky
Ihe I
The Bong announced "This is the
" and the ending llself just had singIIHJ . ind clapping with no background Instrumental* The Specials then slipped
offstage followed by loud applause from
ihe audience •
gpjftfcttt •t:it,im).t
European Dissidents
Recently, the "Soviet Ambassador lo East
Germany slated in a rare Interview with tile
West that detente would be threatened if the
Wesi Europeans followed President Cartel' in
slavish obedience." (N. Y. Times, Feb. 8).
Another warning emanated I'roni (he C'eiilral
Commillcc o f Ihe U.S.S.R. which slated,
" O n e cannot, as some politicians i. ihe
N A T O countries do, declare for continuing
deicnie-in Europe and simultaneously press
solidarity with the U.S. policy ai frustrating
i t . " (N.Y, Times, Feb. 8). Ihe political and
economic implicalions of these messages
have t heir greatest impact on France and
Wesi Germany, who have Ihe most lo lose
from a termination of the dcjculc policy.
West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
has staked his continued political leadership
on ihe casing o f East-Wcsi tensions through
detente (trade alone between Ens! and Wesi
Germany rose lo almost $5 billion in ll>7'>).
1980 is an election year in West Germany,
and to further complicate the situation,
Schmidt has tentative plans (dating from
1979) for a late February summit meeting
with East German leader Erich Hcuecker thai
will be held in East Berlin. M must be
remembered that llie Soviet Union can
manipulate her East German satellite lo increase tensions with West Germany, which
could nullify Schmidt's hopes for detente and
Fiance is in a less inventions situation
which allows it considerable independence
from Washiagion. President Vtllcry discard
DT'stning is not inunediaicls dependent on
U.S. military tiid, nor would llie government
of France collapse under ihe influence ol a
little ami-American sentiment. This freedom
of aciiou enabled discard d'Eslaing lo issue a
siaiemcni saying thai be would not attend a
meeting in Doun ton February 2()ili) designed
to patch up Ihe Allied discord in response lo
ihe December invasion. The French feel that
ihe Uniled Slates lias overreacted lo the
Soviet move. They are noi willing lit jump on
the bandwagon of American boycotts
wiilioui first weighing its long' term consequences, which could be detrimental to 'lie
French foreign trade interests (certainly to
Eastern European relations).
The filial factor in Ihe Western spill can be
attributed lo ihe Miiiii-Nniinunl Corporations (MNCs), the functional Golinlhs of
profit seeking. Two interesting points arise
from an analysis of ihe role Ihul MNCs play
in relationship to their " h o s t " countries,
The multi-nationals wield a considerable
amount of influence in policy formulation
due lo their enormous si/c and their vtisi pool
of capital. This exertion of pressure on
governments is aimed solely at a policy that
will increase profils, regardless if it is in die
best Interests of that host nation to follow
thai policy. The multi-nationals also feel thai
11 icy do not owe allegenees lo any government, only to profils. Many limes there is a
conflict o( interests in which the sovereignly
of ihe host nation is challenged hy an outside
nujlli-imlionnl.wishing to control ihe internal
decision making procedure I lull is ifiidlliounl-
tile mxo&v
live at-home? Do you even care? W h a l ^
wrong? I wish someone could icll me!
Don't gel me wrong, I love life on campus,
I love Colonial and I wouldn'l have given ii
up. It's been my life for 3 years now. I've
seen people come mid go, ihings change, altitudes change. What is unforlunaie is iliai
I've had to endure the doings ol olhers, in
have llie by far larger majority ol good people that live on the quad. I ihink about till the
lime that has lo be devoted to die dealing
with these people and their doings and I'm
saddened. I think about ihe cffeci iliat ilic
lime wasted on these things would have an
llie life here if il could he directed imvank
development o f new programs, aciiviiles,
etc., rather than on clean-up, ot papei wurl
that goes with them.
To the Editor!
It's hard for mc to put Into words the
disillusionment, lack of understanding, and
disgust that I tun feeling now about the acts
of vandalism and general lack of respect I hat
some students seem lo have throughout the
residence hall system here at SUNYA.
As an KA on Colonial Quad I tun cognizant and involved in lite efforts being made
by the residence staff and concerned students
to curb these actions and uliimaicly change
peoples altitudes, to one of concern for a
place that is home for 9 months oui of every
year. Uill'orllliuilely though, ami despite
these efforts, acts of this kind continue lo ocI'm sure it's disillusionment linn I led.
When I have lo waste my llnie dealing tvidi ;i
fills morning (Sunday), I was going
aiphmorc hothead who's threatening me,
through ihe quad on my morning opening
and in general making a until ass ol liiimcll
rounds, ami il seemed that around every corio iiupiess his girlfriend, laud lu- know tvliu
ner I wns creeled by some form of vandalism,
he is), or I have lo go chasing down lurnillite
or jnsi a general Irnshincss that seems lo be
thai lias been taken from die section, write
everywhere, on die weekend. Tile lower
up a report on someone who ibouglu ii was
alone suffered greatly. Ihe lobby had 2
cute io shoot his friend with ihe fire exbroken windows, the vending machines bad
tiuguislici, ami cndaneci everyone else in I lie
been displaced, one had been broken into.
dorm, or any of the oiliet myriad ol filings
The elevators had no lights, were full of Irtish
dial have lo be dealt with, disillusionment,
and, in ihe ease of one, had been left inis at besi all I can feel.
operative. My only recourse was lo use llie
This is my last scniesiet on campus. In
siairs, which were also full of Irtish, and
some ways I'm glad to he gelling out, Inn in
made my walk up less than pleasurable. In
iusi as many ways .I'm saddened because n
die low rise buildings I found broken winpan of my life is ending and I can uevei get il
dows, Irtish, etc. On the quad garbage cans
had been lipped over, emptying iheir conI think ihe point that 1 want to Impress on
tcnis to blow in the wind, bottles were smashpeople is think before you aei and du
ed and a streamer of toilel paper added that
something siupid. 'I'hink aboul the people
Utile something extra thai made my day.
you're living w i t h , and consider ilicni anil
Is this any way lo live? Is ihis how people
their feelings. Mosl of all, think o f this place
ly ihe function o l the sovereign nation-stale. as home, and please Ireat it accordingly.
In rcccnl weeks, il seems as though llie hence, his rc-cleelioii hopes. To add lo
Kremlin's primary diplomatic' strategy is Schmidt's problems, il is no great secret ilitil
geared lo split western unity, as.vicwcd in lis Wesi Germany is dependent on U.S. amis to
response lo the invasion o f Afghanistan. The counter Ihe massive Soviel buildup in Eastern
Soviet leadership has envisioned achieving Europe (ibis may soon include new Pcfsehlng
this goal by driving a wedge Of incongruence missiles lo be installed in West Cieriniiuyj. As
between the U.S. and her West European such, Schmidt is under considerable pressure
allies (especially West Germany and France), from lite Uniled Slaies to follow iis lead in n
dividing them in their decision whether or not strong condemnation of ihe Soviet invasion,
to continue with the positive aspects of the which includes an economic as well as Olympic lioycolt, Ibis puis Schmidt in a rather
detente policy.
Soviet leader lirc/lincv, in his recent precarious situation. He is walking a unirow
February 4lh message, called for llie light-rope between East and Wesi in which
"strengthening of sccurily, and devclopineni any rash move would cause hint lo lose his
of peaceful coexistence, especially with balancing pole of dcleillc, casiiug liini
E u r o p e . " This is an indiciiiion ihal the Soviel headlong into it chasm of political iiistuhilily.
Union has realized llie poientinl for continu- The Wesi German Chancellor uiiisi sleet his
ing to reap the harvests of clelcnlc wiilioui nation onward with extreme caution, leading
Uniled Stales participation. The U.S.S.K. il safely along a path between the two super
believes thai il can slill obiain high powers, wiilioui offending either. Therefore,
technology goods from Western European an exceedingly sirong condemnation of the
Multi-National Corporations regardless of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is at iliis singe
any negative U.S. reaction. How can llie of Ihe game out of the question,
Soviet Union display Ibis kind of confidence
in spile of llie call by ihe U.S. lor Western
Unily in condemning Ihe rcccnl "Soviel aggression" in Afghanistan? The answer lies in
a more in-depth look at Ihe nations of Wesi
Germany and France, and a closer examination o f the Wesi European Multi-National
In Western Europe, continued high
technology irade between ihe multi-nationals
ami llie Soviel Union might incite rclalialory
measures from ihe U.S. because of conflicting interests (non-adlierence lo llie U.S. high
technology ban lo the Soviet Union). Never;
lliclcss, the iiuilti-ualionals will continue llicir
high technology trade because ii is highly
profitable (regardless of any warnings lo llie
Western European nations from America).
This condition further exemplifies die division ot ihe Allies in response lo "Soviel aggression".
In sumiualioii, we can conclude ihal Ihe
Soviet Union lias realized its potential for
maintaining the benefits of detente with
Western Europe in spile of any negative U.S.
response. Il will be of great interest in ihe up
ami coining weeks to see if American will accept this new externally instituted siaius quo,
or if she will make a bid to reassert her
loriuei influence over ihe disscutful Western
European nations. Il shall also be seen
whether the Uniled Slates will gracefully accept the downgrading of her international
role io dial of a second rale power, or if she
will lake die initiative to reverse such an
"undesirable'.' stature.
Thank you,
till! Mils:
Due to the rise in Colonial Tower vandalism,
weekend elevator service lilts been <ut
drastically (see front page). Jim, ire (aye
,1'riw letter reaches the vandals, lid.
am! show
MM! 0OR,
OIL m uw-
sW eft
\$ci,eik "•"
i">r fitiO rtW»MV«rc * w * 4 M -
2> veeeweur m F.eArjtXApy rWs at,
HON nhi? £MA Mi'S
# # '
i)/>r rtiffiiiniiiiiiiBiiiiiriii IIIIIIIIIMIIII hiiiiiiiiBWiiaiiii.inii'iw
mm* .,
I n die Editors
This past year a new refrigerator rental
company, Creative Conveniences, took over
die refrigerator rental contract on die campus, rite change was made lo bring a more
icspoirsive company to S U N Y A .
Since this was their first year on campus,
die company had problems distributing the
refrigerators in September. A plan has been
proposed io improve die distribution next
year: Suite's must leave ihe i l l ) deposit with
ihe company in April (during room selection). Over the summer those students who
Icl'l a deposit will he billed llie balance ol ihe
rental cost,'Before school starts, the company vvill put llie refrigerators in each suite so
11 in t when you arrive in September standing
on line for a icfrigcrnior will be one less filing
you'll have to worry aboul.
I he drawback lo ihis new program is thai
lel'rigeriunr contracts will have to increase
S2-S.1 to cover the cosl of putting a
refrigerator in each suite.
In today's issue of lite ASP there is a
siiivcy io help determine whether to go with
ilic new plan or to remain with the present
sysiem. Please drop your surveys off at the
t ( Info Desk so dial you vvill be satisfied
wiili ihe way the sysletn works next year.
Franklin Ball man
Student Services Committee
Peer Advisors
undergraduate's use ai this lime.
If you are concerned about Ihe quality of
education here at S U N Y A , do something
about i l . One of die things political science
students can do is to get involved in ibis program. Students with other majors should go
to iheir department chairperson and suggest
that a similar program be established.
Kevin Quint!
Use Your Voice
On God And Hugh
In tile beginning, Rockefeller created the heavens and the SUNYA.
The school was without
Joint and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of Rocky was moving across the,lace of the fountain.
And Rocky said, "Let there be light, "and there was light. And money. Loads of it. And
Rocky saw that il was good: and lie separated this from Ihe darkness. Rocky called the light
Tree, and the darkness he called Tuition. And there was evening and there was morning, one
And Rocky s,»,/, "J.et die waters under Ihe heavens he gathered together into one place,
and lei the dry land appeal; " . \nd it was so. Ile called the dry land Podium, and the waters he
called fountain. And Rocky saw that it was good.
That Rocky saitl, "I ct us make students in my image, ujtcr my likeness, and let them have
dominion over the frisbee.s in the fountain and over the birds in the air, and over Ihe Hook
Store " So Rocky oiade ilicui. And he blessed them.
T n Ihe Editor:
In it conversation curlier today, someone
told mo they thought students in general, and
ai Albany State more specifically, were
"And to every simian on the podium, and lo every Mid of die air, and to everything that
apathetic about national events and world afcreeps on tin foundation, everything thai has the breadth of life, I have given every green
fairs. I disagreed with him at first, but as I
thought more about it, I decided that there plant fin food. " \nil u was so.
was probably some truth to what lie said,
And so u lun happened'.'
Die reasons for this apathy'? Mostly stem.Is Rocky rested, some time later, an anti-rock crept to the throne. And hence lie was evil.
ming from a reeling of helplessness; there is
Violent waves splashed in the fountain, tremors shook die platform, and a vrey cloud stood
^nothing one can say or do that \\ill influence I -silent over Rock v\ meal phallic tower and stretched across die land. . \nd die concrete bled.
anybody, B u i , ijuti is nut necessarily true,
Ami so Roeky's children met. . \nd the various sects united to fight the anti-rock as iheir,
I or the first time in most students' lives, vicen plants Itatl suddenly mined a crisp brown.
they will have the opportunity to support a
Since Ciovernoi C'urey took ilic liiu.li ibrone some sears back, lie lias consistently and .
presidential candidate through primary and without much ado, em the N.Y. public higher education sysletn lo ibreads. In Ibis same
general elections in March and November of
period, aid io private colleges has increased dramatically. Was this Rockefeller's intention'/ *
this year, This is a direct means by which you
Recently, lie has released a budget calling lor a 2fi million dollar cut hi SUNY. Needless to
can voice your concerns, your needs, and I say, the figure is ill decimate the system. Programs, positions, anil possibly entire colleges may
your hopes for the future of this country,
have to go unless we net now to halt i i .
What can yon do'.' Stop complaining about
A m i we reully can! filings ate looking clearer every day. Hut you golln' believe. A n d help.
Ineffectual leadership, and actively support
Here's a ptiriinl lisi of what's been happening as of lately:
someone representative of your concerns.
• Deinonstiaiioiis, rallies, lobbies, ami masv letter writing campaigns base been nccuring
Register lo vote, Learn the issues, learn the every day on cver> SUNY campus across the slate. ( A n enormous prolcsl look place at SUNY
candidates' stands on those issues and how
linl'fnlii iusi yesierdny.)
they plan to deal with ihcni. Become familiar
• United University I'lofcssiouals ( U U I ' l and SASU are continually lobbying at the
with the candidates' qualifications that will Capitol. gs.tKK) signal arcs base been collecled (denouncing llie cuts) and thousands of loiters
enable him lo ojj'ovlively deal with those base been dumped on the desks at the Division of llie Budget, And more tire coming.
issues and get the lough j o b done. Mosl im• The A l l -(.'IO has informed local labor councils to lobby before the Legislature. And
portantly, make your voice heard; work on a they are.
campaign for the candidate of your choice,
• Our own Sliidcnl Association mailed nut II,(XX) letters to all undergraduate's parents
but GUT I N V O L V E D !
during llie vacation urging them lo write to c o w legislators at home and in Albany. (This slop
i n die Editor:
As a firm believer that students should
assume a greater responsibility for the operais crucial and can do more to save SUNY than anything else. You must drop your folks a line
Craig R. Recti
tion of ibeir college or university, I have
j ami urge Ihcni to respond. Ihis could do it all.)
always advocated ihal students get more i n • Our A l u m n i House will be sending Holes oul lo all S U N Y A Alumni urging litem to lobby.
Students for George llusl
volved in Ihe procedures dial affect them.
• O u r Student Union has milled with U U I ' and will be presenting an all-day teach-in today
One of die university's major deficiencies is
concerning the cuts. If sou hurry von can catch it now in the fireside Lounge.
the abhorrent condition.of academic adviseI
•President O'l.enry is also inking sirong actions in condemning the cuts.
ment for undergraduates. The administration
What have you done'.' We're asking jusl H/H'lhing. Please have yom parents contact their
doesn't care enough to improve ihis vital
legislators to urge I Item to save r o w education. It's no j o k e . The cuts are enormous. A n d (bey
area, as die upcoming pre-regislration will
T o the Lililnr:
could do II. (Clip ibis editorial il you wish, and send il lo ilicni.).
show when chaos and confusion become the
We were students in Professot Harold |
Our praise and hearts csicud to all the groups anil individuals who tire tackling llie issue.
norm for die S U N Y A undergraduate.
Cannon's Accounting 211 course during the | Let there be light, again.
It's lime for die students to confront, and
fall P>7 ) semester, but we must remain
master, ibis situation. N o one else is going lo
anonymous because we fear retrifiuiiou from
do il for us. The Political Science Department is sponsoring a unique program to deal current and future instructors in ihe School
with the advisement problem, "Peer ad- o f Business or from iho University advisors" will be available to the undergraduate ministration.
We were shocked lo learn i t : u Professor
during prc-rcgisirnlion in order lo assist
students who need academic advice. These Cannon has been uomiuutcd lor the Student
Rich 1. Behar, EditoNn-Chlej
Established 1916
peer advisors will conic from some of llie Association A w a r d I'm Excellence in
Ronald B. Levy, Rob E. Grubman, Managing lUlitors
Veaching. Giving Professor Cannon an
most sensitive people on campus: students.
News Editor
Mlchele Israel
Associate News Editors .
LOUM Ftoreiittno, Sylvia Saunders
These student advisors will be thoroughly award for the excellence of his teaching
ASPects Editors
Stuart Malranga. Bob O'Brian
trained by C U E and vvill be loaded with in- would be an affront in the leaching profesAssociate ASPects Editor
Suzanne Gerber
formation concerning: majors, minors, dou- sion, to the School of Business and lo ihe enSports Editor
Paul Schwartz
tire Stale University.
ble majors, graduation requirements, etc.
Associate Sports Editor
Bob Bellatiore
One might consider P.rofessor Cannon an
These peer advisors vvill be available to lalk
Editorial Pages Editor
Steven Rolnlk
to students ai any time: on die podium, in lite excellent teacher because of his ability lo
Pat, etc., and will have office hours during relate the curriculum lo the students and his
Staffwriters: Pat Branley. Andrew Carroll. Harold Diamond, Mike Fried, Maureen George, Ed
the day and in the evenings so thai all In- knowledge, expertise and credentials in ihe
Goodman. Larry Kahn. Amy Kanlci Douglas Kohn, Debbie Kopf, Rich Kraslow, Susan Milllgan.
terested students vvill be able to obtain these field of accounting, However, an evaluation
KcJihy iViilli. JeH Schadoff. Beth Sexer, Aron Smith, Mike Williamson Zodiac & Preview
S B of excellence in teaching should also consider
Editors: Carol Volk, Jamie Klein News Editor Emeritus: Aron Smith
This is a unique opportunity to establish a
Debbie Kopf, Business Manager
permanent structure thai deals directly and
Advertising Manager
Steve Goldstein
effectively vvitli the advisement problem. This
Billing Accountant
Lisa Applebaum
"professionalism" may be variously defined,
program was set up with considerable student
Assistant Accountant . .. .,
Bennie Brown. Miriam Raspler
Input and has the full support of the Political and honest people may disagree aboul its
Composition Manager
Fran Glueckert
Science Department Chairperson Professor components, mosl people would agree that
Tarlion, Some peer advisors have been certain behavior patterns areunprtilessioual.
Sales: Rich Schonlnger, Rich Sellgson Classified Manager: Robin Block Composition: Mike
selected but we slill need mote concerned Deliberately intimidating and instilling fear
McDonald, Marie Blancht, Marilyn Moskowltz Advertising Production Manager: Sue
political science majors io make this program in students with seemingly sadistic delight is
Hau.sm.in Advertising Production: Edith Berelson, Marie Anne Calavito. Tammy Geiger. Joy
run smoother. Anyone interested in becom- not professional, nor is gearing exams to
Goldstein Penny Grei'nsteln. Ruth Maibden, Mike McDonald. Joy Prefer. Steve Robins Office
ing pan of this dynamic program should app- trick students (we shouldn't have in analyze
Staff: Bonnie Stevens, Sieve Robins
ly lo become a peer advisor. Applicants the wording of a question, only ihe informaEric Koll, Vincent Alello, Production Managers
should have completed 15 credits in political tion asked for); not is belittling students
Ellssa Beck, Lisa Bongtorno, Joy Friedman. Associate Production Managers
science and should he determined to make when they ask questions in class; nor is
this program a success. If anyone has any throwing a hook on (he floor in anger. The
Vertical Camera
Dave Benjamin
Typist Extraordinaire
Marilyn Chambers
questions, they should call Professor Tarlton list of examples of Professor Cannon's
til 957-4573 or myself at 457-5212.
behavior could go on and o n . T o say the
Paste-up: Marie llallanu, Typists: Rosemary Ferrara, Marie Gabarino, September Klein, Debbie
For the next week the program vvill be least, we were appalled by his lack of profesLoeb, Debbie Schiller, 7.a\\ Stahl, Laurie Walters Proofreaders: Rachel Cohen. Sue Ltchtenslein,
accepting applications for peer advisors and sionalism.
Robin Lainsteln, Arnold Reich Chauffeur: Tom Sallna
will be providing adequate training exIf he should will the award, we will he very
Photography, supplied principally liy Urtfoerslty f'noto Service
perience in order lo produce highly compe- disappointed since wc are sure l hat at least
Photographers: Roaniu* Kulakoff, Bob Leonard, Alan Calem, Karl Chan, Su-ve Lss,.'n, Mike
tent advisors. The week of March I7lb, die one o\' ihe oilier nominees, if not all of them,
|-arrell. Mark I lalek, Marc Henschel, Stevi* Nigio, Carolyn Sedgwick. Suna Steinkamp, Sue Taylor,
Political Science Department will hold its possesses the "professionalism" necessary to
Tony TaBSaroltl, Will Yunnan
semi-annual Advise-a-lhon and the peer ad- merit ihe award.
visors will be made available f o r , the
Dismayed Anonymous Students
March 4, 1980
Albany Student Press
Typing: Dissertations, theses,
snorter papers accepted, excellent
work guaranteed, call 483-1691
days, evenings beforefrpm.
Qualified debate judges wanted for
Rush typing Jobs done by legal
NY State Finals, March 21-22 at secretary, 6 yrs. experience, minor
Albany High School, $30 pay, call editing and spelling corrections,
Stacy Sass at 7-8928.
neatness and accuracy count. Call
Theresa at 439-7809.
Someone needed to tutor a local
ninth grader In Algebra, must be Haircuts $4. Shampoo and blowdry
fairly familiar with the subject, good extra. Al's Hairstyles, Ramada Inn,
Western Ave., Albany. 482-8573.
payf Call Mike at 7-5157.
Mon., Wed., Frl., 12-5; Tues., Thur.
Help wanted: Free lance artist need- till 7.
ed, part-time, to do poster work.
Call Rick at 459-5110.
Would you like a new logo, business
Wanted: One driving Instructor, will card, ad, sign, etc?. A student of Art
pay $5 per hour plus gas, call Im- will do It professionally and cheaply. Call Liz or leave message at
mediately, Helene, 7-7789.
434-4141, ext. 550.
Jobs In Alaska: Summer-year round.
Income Tax preparation, Federal,
$800-2000 monthly! Parks, fisheries, State, and City, $S, 7-8718.
teaching, and morel 1980 employer
listings, Information. $3. Alasco, Typing - Fast, accurate, free pick-Up
and delivery, $.80 per page,
Box 2480, Goleta, CA 93018.
Summer jobs • Residence camp In
upstate NY - general and specialty Typing: Fast, accurate, reliable. I'm
counselors needed. Interested, call a deadline-oriented typist with a
Jesse at 455-6725.
3-yr. old typing service and a B.A. in
$356 weekly guaranteed. Work 2 English. I offer neat professional
hours dally at home. Start Im- work (minor editing, spelling correcmediately. Free. PO Box 754-A, tions, proofreading Included) at $.75
per page. Call Leo at 489-6164.
Pearl River, NY 10965.
Income Taxes prepared - c a l l
Counselors: Adirondack Boys' 482-5702 after 4 and weekends.
Camp; 7 and one half weeks,
$500-600; campcraft, sailing, swim- Typing: Prompt in-home service, exming (WSI), trip leader, rlflery, ar- perienced inall areas of secretarial
work. Resumes, dissertations, letchery, sports, driver; 39 Mill Valley
ters, research papers. No job too
Road, Plitsford, NY 14534
small or too large. 371-2975.
Death row prisoner, age 32, white
male desires correspondence with
either male or female college
students wishing to form open,
honest relationship and more or
less exchange Ideas and past experiences, will send picture and
answer all letters. If interested,
write to: Larry E. Evans, Arizona
State Prison 36165, Box 629,
Florence, Ariz. 85232.
For Sale
Electric Guitar Amplifier: Acoustic ,
135 (like new), 125 watts RMS,
reverb, wheels, $300. Fred, 7-5063^
Car s t e r e o c a s s e t t e , Pioneer
KP-8005, AM-FM, ln-dash, supertuner, locking FF and rewind, auto
eject, $100, call Rich at 7-5235.
TEAC 420 tape deck, two and a half
years old, $350 list, sell for $125
firm. Call Tony at 438-5222.
Flute, Yamaha model YFL-24N,
good shape, 434-4141 ext. 860, leave
message, $130, or trade for 5-ST
Sony Stereo, brand new, unused,
two speakers, direct drive turntable,
receiver. Valued at over $650, a
great buy, must sell, call 7-8823.
Yamaha CR 640 stereo receiver six
months old In mint condition, $325,
call 455-5418 weekdays between 9
am. and 5 pm., ask for Pat.
C.B. power mike, astatic D-104, excellent c o n d i t i o n , $35, Steve,
For Sale: Brand new Realistic
cassette recorder, $40 or best ofler,
call after 6 pm., 472-9939.
6 tickets to 1980 Golden Gloves
Finals at Madison Square Garden,
Friday, March 14, Sections 204,206,
price negotiable, contact Stew at
Pioneer SX-450 stereo receiver, excellent c o n d i t i o n , about $100,
'75 Plym. gr. Fury; new TMS'N and
batt.; $800; 7-8604.
New Audio BMI 40 watt speakers,
woofer, tweeter, port newest In on
campus speakers, solid wood
cabinet with extraordinary sound,
$175, negotiable, contact Mark at
Brand new Technics by Panasonic
receiver SA-500, special value • $325
(negotiable), 55 watts per channel,
loaded, contact Mark immediately,
Passport-Application Photos $5 for
two; $.50 each thereafter. Mon.
12:30-2:30, University Photo Service,
CC 305, 7-8867, ask for Bob,
Roanne, or Suna.
Typing Service - T B M Selectrlc • Barbara Halo, 445-1575, days; 273-7218,
nights, weekends.
Come, see the Men's Varsity
Volleyball' at the University Gym
Wednesday at 7 pm.
Dear Frank,
You've been hanging around 'Hel"
too l"nn!<
Your climatology class and teacher
P.S. Frank, Steve, and Rick didn't do
P.P.S. Consider yourself lucky;
Steve wanted to take out a full page
Make babies - Not war .
Wanted: At least five males to get
our suite pregnant. You're for us If
you've got what It takes; stamina
needed to Insure effectiveness.
Send eye color, hair color, heloht.
weight, and shoe size to Colonial.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dear Debbie,
Happy birthday. Live It up.
Love, Sherl and Donna
P.S. Keep the walls clean.
The Dreamweaver - Don't miss it!
Children's Hour Is going to be GR-8
cause you're GR-8I
Love, Your Co
Here's to you, Michael Lee, for all
the nice things you do for others.
Thanks, from all your friends
Here's to good times, good grades,
and good fortune. Thanks again for
being a sisterly friend and a friendly
sister. Have a fantastically happy
Love, Andrea
The Dreamweaver
Do supernatural forces shape your
destiny? The answer may startle
Dear Gary,
No special occasion. You're my
best friend.
D.M always, Sink (alias Arlene)
The Moose is Loose - Happy Hour at
WT's, Thursday night, 9-11 pm.,
Moosehead beer, $.65 a bottle..
Therese (Seneca 200),
I lust want you to know I had a great
time Saturday night. I never thought
backgammon could be so much
fun. How about a rematch tonight?
If I wasn't still mad at you, I'd give
you a personal. Gotten forced Into
anything lately???
Page Twelve
Dear Bruce,
This one's really from mel
Love, Jacki
Jugger Naut Concert Wednesday at
the Rathskellar, 7 pm.
I'm still at a loss for words, so I'll
spare being witty, and Just say
thanks for everything to Doug &
France, Larry & Candy, Monlka,
Dorothy, Trudl, Tom, and Tim.
Listen Bucko,
I can't believe you didn't spare me
the details—for a change. I hate
you so much I Can't stand It.
The Classified Staff
Everybody at 'CDB:
You're the greatest!! Thanks for a
great party, and for being the most
amazing bunch of people I've ever
known. I love youl
"The Dreamweaver"....penetrating,
thought-provoking entertainment,
unveiling a perspective on the
supernatural you may never have
seen before.
Jon, Duke, Ira, Pete, John, and
anyone else I forgot,
The other night I wasn't upset andHave a really fantastic 20th; you or depressed because of my height
lack of It) and the comments
deserve III (386.5)
I love ya' (still), Arden made about it. It was something a
Ittlemore serious than that. ' hope
Dear Lesley,
Linda B.,
Happy birthday to the next Harold you believe me.
Love, The Only Little One
Happy 19th birthday from all of your Clurman. This Is going to be your
friends In Albanyl
some people work hard all their
Love always, Jo lives and never get a thing, some
ArrTyou tired ot living In a lifeless people seem to do nothing and have
a self-governing all that life can bring, you and I,
Purrsonally, I thought that this
dorm section at the top of Indian we've been working so hard trying
weekend was near purrfeClion.
to get somewhere buCmaybe when
Come by again rrreal soon.
we do that we find we really, really
I think you're uglier than sin
didn't care.
You look so bad.
The Moose is Loose, Happy Hour at
Dear Karen,
Your face Is uglier
WT's - Thursday night, 9-11 pm.,
you for listening to the same
Than what a toad should have,
Moosehead beer, $.65 a bottle.
old song. You helped mo more than
I hate you.
I don't like you at all.
Love, Sharon
Let's go fishing together soon. (Do
(You know I love you.)
you have your ice pick?)
M'iol mo in LC IB on Wednesday al
Met Fans) only 37 days till opening 7:30 or'9 pm. or Thursday at 9 pm.
day! Spring training has begun.
Be therel
Friendly Flxlt, electric appliance Dear.Jennifer,
Loyal Forever In Ten Eyck
" The Dreamweaver
repair (toasters, hairdryers, etc.) This is to wish you happiness and
Free pickup and delivery. Ron Isaac, love on your 21st birthday.
Attention Steve:.
having a parly! Iff I
Suite 303 wishes the nicest guy in
P.S. G.S. will be disappointed with
Hot Fuckin' Brubacher a happy So you think your schoolings
Susie's Singing Telegram Service phoney
19th. We hope to have more good
on campus only, birthdays, anniver- us on Thursday.
I guess it's hard not to agree
times together in the future.
saries, courtships, etc. Tell the one
Take It anyway you want It
You say It all depends on money
We all love ya'
you love In 6weet song! Call 7-1864.
Be your own superstar
And who is In your family tree.
Let the world know
ferrT (Herkimer).
the only way you want it
You're one of the most stunning
I'm sorry that I couldn't come on
Is the way you are.
girls on campus. I hope I see more Saturday. Maybe next time.
of you.
Love you still, Selth
You're secret admirer. M
Roommates wanted to share a You knew I wouldn't lorget your birThe Dreamweaver - what Is It'
5-bedroom second floor apartment thday. Happy 20th!
Love ya, Joss
on Morris Street off busline, Call ImP.S. Try not to lose this personal.
mediately Anne or Maya at
43B-7394, $95, everything Included.
HI Cutle,
I am writing this little note In appreciation. I love everything you do
for me and never forget them. I am
so glad you are my main squeeze. I
am looking forward to a beautiful,
prosperous semester.
Bermuda - Bermuda - Bermuda
Luv ya', Cool Jule (Julio)
Spring Vacation • 8 days and 7
nights; $289. Contact Bryan at Jugger Naut Concert, Wednesday
434-0793. Includes airfare, acat the Rathskellar, 7 pm.
comodations, and more.
Haircuts, perms, relaxors, lints, etc.
They say that In New York City
Call Charlie at 434-4065.
The people are all cold as ice
Dear Left,
But way up In New York Country
You're the nicest other hall anyone
The folks are all warm and so nice
could ever ask for. Thanks for being
The breathin' Is easy ,
you. I love you.
The laughin' Is Iree
Smile for awhile and I'm sure you'll
The Dreamweaver - Who is he?
That country people, wherever they
Go away belore I sic
My Saint Bernard on you.
Are lovers and love is for real.
He's been trained to malm and kill
The Todd Hobin Band - March 23
Upon my very cue.
I hate you.
Joyce Robinson is featured at the
don't like you at all.
Mousetrap this Friday and Saturday.
Happy 19th! Cheer yourself, and
Niece Lisa,
thanks for multiple meows, songs
You were more than I expected.
In the key of Lurch, kreplach, and
You're welcome to Cornell anytime
first grade memories.
I'm here. Come again s o o n l l l l l
Love always, Baby weeble (Emily)
Uncle Dean
Give up your meal for Telethon '80.
They paid me to do It.
Sign up for the Foodlast tonight,
Rotindtrii) from
tomorrow, and Thursday on the dinThe Moose is Loose, Happy Hour at
New York
from CllicilgO
WT's • Thursday night, 9-11 p m „ ner lines.
i n I .iiM'inhmii)',
to Luxembourg
Moosehead beer, $.65 a bottle.
Dear Andrea,
I wanted to take this time to say Congratulations on your premiere
that I think you are the best, and I performance at the Mousetrap. You
Confirmed reservations •Tree wine wiih dinner, cognac after*
a real cool chick.
love you more than anything else in are
no restrictions on stays to 1 yr. or advance purchase. Prices valid
the world. (Much, much more and Love, Amy, Lyn, Donna, Terl, and
from U.S. from March 10 thru May 14, 1980. All schedules and
always will.)
prices subject to change and government approval. Purchase
All my best, Dave Edwin Garcia^
tickets in the U.S.
Don't read for two daysl Happy blrEdwin Garcia
thday Lyn(ette)l
, See your travel agent or write Dcpt. #(.N
I kdanduir P.O. Box 105,
I West Hempstead, NY 11552.
Come t o " the Mousetrap this I love you more than you do, and I
Call in NYC, 757-HS8S; elsewhere, call HOO-555-1212 for the
weekend. Relax while you listen to always will!
toll-free number in your area.
Joyce Robinson.
I Please send me: D An Icclanduir flight timetable,
D Your European vacations brochure.
Happy one year anniversary (how
Happy blrthdayl Wishing you days original!) and, as usual, all my love
filled with sunshine and rainbows always.
Name —
(Instead of smoke-filled rooms).
Address r
Love, Sue
Have a great birthday!
Love, Barbara Jugger Naut Concert, Wednesday
. Zip.
P.S. This was easier to write than at the Rathskellar, 7 pm,
the other one.
You're looking lor somoono to nlve
What Is 4 plus 2? 4p7us 2 standsTor
an answer
the four C's and the two R's: comBut what you see is just illusion
munication, cooperation, concern,
You're surrounded by confusion
community, r e s p o n s i b i l i t y , and
Still your best value to Europe •
Saying life's begun to cheat you
relevance. Find out what 4 plus 2
Friends are out to beat you
really Is at our lowne meeting
Grab on to what you can scramble
tonight and every Tuesday night at
10 In the Indian Penthouse.
Club Slews
3 llPreview
Albany State Ski Club Sugarbush Valley — Ski Weekend. March
14-16; Meals, lodging and lifts all Tor $69. Call Sieve 457-6737 or
Skip 455-6737.
Women's Tennis Team Meeting for anyone interested in trying out
fur Women's tennis icam (present team members please attend
also). Conference room - 3rd flooi Phys. Ed. Building on Monday, March 10th al 3:30.
French Club Meeting on Thursday, March 6 at H:00 in HU 354.
Field Hockey Club Anyone interested in joining a field hockey
club lor the spring and-or team for the fall — please get in touch
with Barbara at'457-5075.
C Miscellany
School of Library & Information Science SLIS Colloquium Series
— Lecture by Susan Otis Thompson, Professor, Columbia University "The influence of William Morris on American Book
Design". Downlowtt campus, draper 146. Wednesday, March 12
ai 1:00 p.m.
Chrisliuu Science Organization Weekly meeting Tuesday at 5:45 in
Campus Center Rm. 357. All interested are welcome.
4 plus 2 Kollerskatlng Night at Rollernma Join 4 phis 2 on Friday,
March 7 ai Rollerama in Sehnceiady. Cost is $4 which includes
round-trip bus, admission and skate rental. Tickets on sale on Indian Quad dinner line March 3-7.
Of fin- of International Programs An orientation meeting for all
students Interested in the Wurzburg summer intensive German .
language program, August I9H0, will be held on Thursday, March
6 at 7:30 p.m. in Humanities 290.
Campus Crusade for Christ The Dreamweaver — a 75-mimne production of breathtaking photography blended with contemporary
nil tunes. More than 2000 visuals Tickets — $2.50 at door.
Advance group sales over 5 — $1.00. Sold at the campus Center
Tues. & Wed. A o n dinner lines. Wed. March 5, 7:30,9:00 LC 18.
Humanities Film Committee presents A DOUBLE FEATURE:
Johnny Guitar, starring Joan Crawford and directed by Nicolas
Ray and The LefhHanded Gun starring Paul Newman and
directed by Arthur Pcnn. Wed., March 5, 7:45 p.m.
Be a Chaperone for Telethon '80's
Children's Hour
Come sign up on Tuesday, March 4 at
9:00 in LC 19
499 *533
No restrictions
JSC-llilM The Fixer starring Alan Bates. This is the third of four
films in the Students for Israel Film Festival. Thursday, March 6 at
8:00 p.m. in LC 23.
United Jewish Appeal — Chai and JSC "Chat Week" beginning
Saturday night March 15, a full week of events. For instance: an
auction in the ballroom, a one-woman show, speakers, exhibits
films (Exodus), and more! Watch for our posters! 1!
Office of International Programs An orientation meeting for all
students interested in the Albcrtvilie summer intensive French
language program for 1980 will be held on Thursday, March 13, at
7:00 p.m. in Humanities 290.
SUNY Albany Students for George Bush An organizational
meeting for those students interested in working on the Bush
presidential campaign. Central N.Y. campaign chairman John
Zagamc will speak. GET INVOLVED, A L L INVITED! Tuesday,
March 4 In LC 5 at 8:00 p.m.
Albany Student Union Three speakers will lead a panel discussion
with question and answer. Topics to be: U.S. responses to the
Afghanistan situation, the revival of the Cold War, Detente and
the consequences of U.S. military preparations. Thurs., March 6
at 7:00 p.m. in LC 25.
Office of International Programs Fall semester opportunity for
11-13 students to share dorm suites in Ten Broeck Hall on Dutch
Quad. Two Soviet students occupy I room in each suite. All speak
English fluently and men only are expected. Excellent opportunity.
Contact promptly, ULB-36, 457-8678.
The Professional Business Fraternity
Help run
games too!!
Wed March 5
8:30PM LC 11
Page Thirteen
Albany Student Press
CCCtfEEGgtf DflGGtfCtflee
eEL^BBHHe All Men's Leagues Tuesday 3/11 4:00
(Deadline for roster - Wed. 3/1 2 5:00)
EBGB £EI7mMLIle Wednesday 3/12 4:00
(Deadline for roster-Thursday 3/13 5:00)1
0EBBGEe Men's and W o m e n ' s Thursday 3/1 3 4 : 0 0
(Deadline for roster - Friday 2 3 / 1 4 5:00)
BtLUCKJBUB PBCeBBBe M o n d a y 3/1 7 4 : 0 0
(Deadline for roster -Tuesday 3 / 1 8 5:00)|
All meetings will be in the lecture centers. Check the A.M.I.A.
bulletin board (across from campus center information desk)
for exact location of each meeting.
Page Fifteen
March 4, 1980
Albany Student Press
Jug Huggers
Of The World Unite
and . . .
Hug A Jug With
The Juggernaut Jug Band
Is Nuclear Power
a Viable Energy Source??
-P R O :
SA.S.U. and C.D.A.N.A.
Danes Eliminated After 87- 72 Loss
8o'clock Kill.
I^cc'liirck C e n t e r - 1
S I M a l Albany
sa funded
1920's Rock V Roll
^ *t
continued from back page
(railed by just Iwo points, 65-63,
" I don't know what happened —
with 7:03 left to play.
it's hard to say," said Dane cenicr
" W h e n it was 65-63, we must
Kelvin Jones, who had I I points
have got anxious," Sauers said. He and 10 rebounds against Potsdam.
was correct. Albany had three op- " I t was such a complex game, and
portunities to tie the game up, but so fired u p . You could feel the
each chance failed — miserably. pressure every lime you looked up,
Collier's steal resulted in a turnover and ii was hard lo fight back. But
by Clune, Royal threw up an air Potsdam lias been there before, and
ball on a long jumper, and Low Ihcy know what it lakes."
followed with the same from the
Tile Danes reached ihc finals with
a solid effort against St. Lawrence
Potsdam scored the next 12
Priday night. Ray Cesare's 10 point
points to finish the Danes.
first half helped Albany open a
Despite losing Woods to five
32-22 lead al halfiime, along wilh
fouls, the Bears kepi calm and slowthe Dane's 2-1-2 zone coupled with
ly built their lead. Franko hit a free
32 pcrccnl shooting by the Saints.
throw, and after missing the second
Cesare's 18 points and seven reshot, Bear forward Terry Hunter
bounds (and eight points against
grabbed the rebound and scored,
Potsdam) was enough lo have him
giving Potsdam a 68-63 lead.
selected as the only Albany player
"That might have been the turnon the All-Tournament team,
ing p o i n t , " said Hunter. " 1 just
The Saints never drew closer I hall
snuck in, and it turned out to be a
five points in (he second half,
big play. We pulled away after
despite a courageous effort by their
All-American forward, George
Guard Ed Jaclllm then stole the
ball from Collier and got Iwo points
on Collier's goaltend. Sauers called
a time out, but with the large crowd
al Maxcy Hall roaring, a Dane comGeorge Hughes
eback seemed unlikely. Rowland
eventually fouled out with 2:58 re—Si. Lawrence
maining and Potsdam ahead, 72-63,'
liui .liicliim (theTournament MVP)
workd ihc Bear's four corners to
—Slony Brook
perfection and hit six free throws
Ray Cenare
(12 of 13 for the game, 24 points) as
Potsdam rolled to llieir 15-poinl
"This was Ihc best tournament Derrick
Jacliim has played in a long while,"
Welsh said. " H e was giving the hall
off al exactly the right lime. The
— Poutdam
tougher ihc gume, the better he
Iliiilirrnilii i'ltixilinrj> (frtrbictu *|!Oll»ottti
Fireside Lounge10a.ni.-4p.iii. (all day)
TodayTuesday, March 4
A multi-media presentation o n t h e
secret ways ad m e n arouse your sexuality and even
your death wish- to sell and manipulate consumers.
T h i s ThuRsdAy N i q h r - 1 1 : 0 0 pM
In Person
Albany's Run Simmons (51), Steve Low (41), and Pete Slanlsh (3D all light l o r a louse hall in the
Dunes' 87-72 loss lo Potsdam on Saturday in the Kusl Regional title game. (Photo: Dave Muchson)
SVNY budget cuts
Speakers Forum Presents
Jones said. " T h e r e ' s always
somebody to loosen us up. This
lime, it was Ray's t u r n . "
In the lockcrroom after the St.
Lawrence triumph, the Danes spoke
with confidence o f their chances in
the finals, whoever ihey were matched w i l h . But Polsdam will b e '
playing this weekend, while the
Danes arc left wilh their 21-6
record, a disappointing ending, but
still, a superb season.
All— TournamentTeam,
and he was in constant pain. But
he's a senior, and it was his last
game, so he did all he c o u l d . "
Guard John Wright's baskei
brought St. Lawrence in striking
Hughes. Although hobbled by an distance o f the Danes, 58-53, but
ankle injury, Hughes managed lo Albany pushed their lead back up to
score 20 points and pull down 11 re- eight points on a lay in by Jones (13
bounds, both highs for either learn. points) with 3:45 remaining, and
" H i s ankle was real tender," said the Saints did not threaten again.
St. Lawrence coach Paul Evans.
" W e played our typical game —
" H e couldn't put any weight on i t ,
this is what we d i d to get here,"
$1.00w/tax card
author of the Signet paperbacks
volunteer only 4 hours per
week to
Thursday, March 6 at 7:30pm
in the Waterbury Main
for info call Laura Jonsson at 457-8087
• • * * * * * * * * * * *
Page Seventeen
awe^tW^^^^^^^^^^^*^ ^^^^^
regret to announce, that due to
problems beyond our control,
'The Deer Hunter" cannot be
shown this semester. In its place
CO*>T.*i|.00 v/totaKl'+l*0 y«*«»(puMc
will be shown "The Life of Brian".
? c«€n*cJ
> c -f R € € Z - €
Thursday April 17,1980
All interested in fighting
call: Andy 457-5063
Thurs March sixth LC5 7:30pm
Many positions available:
OF DIRECTORS plus many more
//// out a form at the Credit Union office
YOU can make it happen!
Interested in Kosher Meals (lunches
and dinners) during Passover
TV dinners will be served
April 7 and 8.
RouNd-Tmp JET AccoModATioNS
FOR 8 <Uy s-7 NiqhTS AT QUEST
R o u s t s ANd PRIVATE hoMES.
C O N T A C T : BRyANPAzyk
by Kalh) 1'erilll
Two weeks ago in lihaca, the
Albany State women's gymnastics
leant look third place behind Northeastern and Hofsira in a iri-nieci.
The Albany team wound up with
102.SO points against ihc two Division 1 icams. Albany gymnastics
coach Pal Duval-Spillaiic said,
" W l u t l was iinporiani was lhal we
broke lite hundred. We were
shooilng in consisienily gel in the
The following week lite Albitn>
cam met with Ithaca, a Division I I
leant. Ahhough they lost the ineci,
Elaine Clynii look first place on tlie
balance beam wiih u score ill' 7.35.
In a home nteel against Kccne
Siaie of New Hampshire, Albany
won with 100.35 points to Keetio's
62.55. On the uneven parallel bars,
jlinloi Barbara Shaw topk first
place, Olyitii-placed second and
Terri Minims look tltlid. " T h a i was
FREE AdiviissioN TO:
Gymnasts Sixth In State Meet
A hwice «*
Albany State Cinema
Tower East Cinema
Thurs. March 6:4-6 pm at Dutch Quad Dinner line
Fri.and Mon., March 7 and 10:10am-12 noon at Campus
schools were reprcsenled and
Albany came in sixth.
Arier vaulting and uneven bar
competition Friday night, the
Albany leam was n filth place and
Glynn was tenth all-around. " W e
were ahead of Brockport and we
really didn't expect I t , " said DuvalSplllanc.
Saturday Glynn became sick and
couldn't compete on the balance
beam and lloor exercise and the
leant wound up in sixth place,
behind Cornell, Cortland, lihaca.
Hofsira and Brockport,
This Friday and Saturday Ihc
E A I A W Division 111 championship
will be held at Froslburg State College. Besides Albany, Brockport,
Conn. College, Trenton Stale,
Boston College and Indiana Stale
of Penn. have qualified for the
Represeining Albany will be Terri
Michos on Ihc balance beam and
Elaine Glynn who was first place
all-around and will be competing in
all four event s,
Heiden Wins "Only" One
In World Championships
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
H E E R E N V E E N , Nellterlamls <AI>)
the Willici' Olympics lust monib,
E r k . H c | d e | l i ,,,„ c o m M
wonderHeiden won just one evem, I lie
b o y „,• s k u l h , 1 , i
L .. u n c
u , jj|C
Netherlands last week lo defend Ills opening 5tX) ineicis, in winch he
was lirsi LMmlncliigly in 39.83
w l ) | k | c r o w | , w j | h ( h e CX peciallLi|ts
seconds, Utii he pciTormed slugThe Albany Stale L>yimiuslli's Irani » i l l send I n n leant iiu'inhcrs In lliis
a nice sweep," Duval-Spillatte
o f the skating world resting heavily
gishly over ihc next three races to
Glynn placed second
weekend's Division I I I championships. ( I ' l i i i l n : Will Viirniuii)
on his shoulders.
wind ujt runner-up lo Duichmun
on the balance beam and she and
Everyone thought the2l-ycar-old
Hilhcii van tier Duiiu.
r^"^-^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . » • » . . ...
Michos took second and third
American would scoop up every
His I'all from ihc lop Sunday
Community Organizers
gold medal here, as Ihc world chamThis past weekend ai Hol'sll'tl pion of the last three years hail done showed lie was human and, in
L'hmiicicrfsiic fashion, he was
were the N Y S A I A W s . Eleven in grabbing all five gold medals at
ACORN needs organizers to work with tow ami moderate income
gracious in defeai.
families in 19 slates (AH, SK. TX. I.A. T\, MO, hi, CO, ,\T, l>A,
Citneealhig his disappoiiuinciil,
IA, OK, Ml, AX, NC, CA, SC, CA, CTlfm I'lolltlcal anil economic
\ Heiden talked instead of his plans
justice, Direct action tut neighborhood deterioration, utility rales,
taxes, health care, tvdliniini eh; Get a /oh dial makes change. Loan
for, a holidti) and his future outside
hows, lowpity—training ))tovitletl.
speed skating.
Contact Career planning for an unci view Friday, March 14 or write
Bui whtu went wrong? *
Kaye Jaeger. ACOHS • 41)4 l.odi, Syracuse NY /.'-'H.I IMS) 476-1707.
"limofionally, I wasu'i ready for
• i i . . . . . * - . . •
. . . . - - - , . . .
. » ihis," Heiden said. " T h e biggcsl
problem this weekend was ii was
Flexible Programs & Hours
hard foi me lo gel menially
Visit Our Centers & See For Yourself
prepared and motivated, After hav^^_
Italian Plate
Why We Make The Difference
ing lo ilt» ii five times in Lake
For Information Please Call:
Placid; ii iusi didn't realt) feel like
,791 Madison A v e . Alhunv NY
()|K'ii 7 days. -4 p.in. 2 a.m.
a world championships to m e . "
i'OR ON-l'RKMlSi: EATIN'i 1462-2222 1
Heiden's daws were echoed b\
Albany Center
Kces Verkcik, ihc Dutch forhVer
Sj'OH l'l(K-l I'OK l)i:i.l\T:i(\ SERVICKJ
Ihn iitlmuni lor fiOC itnioimr
world cliaiupioi) who is now
163 Delaware Ave.
Other Centers In
nn ainttrhaw
>>t am pizza/</<• j
Swedish national coach, who said
Major U.S. Cities & Abroari
Delmar, N.Y.
Outside n v Stale
thai llciitcn could he wot Id chamCALL TOLL FREE: 800-223-1782
pion aeam il he so desired.
" I Ic-'s a superb spoilsman hm ho
WW Madison Ave.. .\|,biim M A > .
speui iwo weeks in Lake Placid in
Between Quail and Ontario
l i m i t ' s , c o i i c e n i r u ' i i o u , " said
Veikeik. " I lie si rain of having lo
explode 1'iu' times in a row is so big
I'OK I'K K-.iT OR m:i.iu:m SI:K\KI
Mia ;i I c u k w i i of ijiis k'iiul is cjtiiic
S ^ p e r pie'
minimum purchase $2
1 coupon pei person per cndoi
tixplres April I.I980
^ ^ j
Ii was oh\ious in ihc day. afiei
Heiden ai rived In Amsictdani ihai
he was Mil leiing a lei down from his
Olympic niumphs, Coach, Oianue
Holimi IKIHUI ii necessary lo oidci
GRE Adv. Psych. GRE BIO
M a m a Nina's
_N V
erry s
Call 518-439-8146
Deadline for Applications for
Telethon '80 Auditions is March 7.
Pick them up in CC130.
Wonk rise NiqhT of TELETIION.
AT 9:00 p.M. IN LC 2 J.
Meals will be served only at the Kosher Kitchen in the
back of Dutch Quad Cafe.
Anyone interested must sign up (during the above
times) regardless of whether or not you are already on
the Kosher Meal Plan.
March 4, 1980
Albany Student Press
Come to Telethon'80's
Flea Market - March 5 in
CC Ballroom.
"He's been meeiing a lot o\ people ami signing autographs ever
since lie j u i . h c d , " she said. "So I
have mill liiiu 'enough' tuilil after
the cliaiii|'i.tiisliips."
Though die Dutch were ecstatic
ovci van ilei Daiiii's win, Heiden,
from Madis.-n, Wisconsin, remains
a favoiiie son here aflci' his years oi'
iraiuiiig widi the Dutch ualioual
I leideii did not make excuses, bill
lie jusiiliabK could have.
Bring meal cards to sign up!!
Prices will be posted at sign-up desk.
If questions, call: Carol Krohn or Sharon Schneier at
434-3991 or Carole Leavitt 7-7762
UAS Your Fqod Committee
March 1,1980
at 5pm in each quad cafeteris
•' It'tryour opportunity to try food items and
let your food committed know your reaction
9 Prices Totalling $280
C h a n c e s A v a i l a b l e i n CC
Lobby 3/3-3/7
B r o u g h t t o y o n b y TXO—TKE
The G r e e k s of t h e 8 0 s
Page Eighteen
March 4, 1980
Paso; the Big East Connecticut and
Boston College; the Missouri Valley
West Texas Stale and Wichita
State; the Sun Bell AlabamaBirmingham and Jacksonville; the
Eastern Eight Pittsburgh and Duquesne.and the East Coast Conference Lafayette and St. Joseph's.
T h e o t h e r teams selected:
Nebraska of the Big Eight; Bowling
Green of the Mid-American Conference; St. Peter's East Coast
A i l i l e t i c Conference;
Atlantic Coast Conference, Texas
Southwest Conference; Murray
Stale Ohio Valley Conference;
Southwestern Louisiana Southland;
Boston University Yankee Conference; Grambling Southwestern
Athlciic -Conference; Loyola of
Chicago Midwestern City Conference; Washington Pacific-IO and
two independents, Penn Stale and
Illinois Slate.
NIT Gets "Best Of The Rest" In 32 Team Field
N E W YORK (AP) After Ihc N C A A
picked the " b c s l " , the N I T got the
rest. Which wasn't so bad after a l l ,
according to Long Beach State
Coach Tex Winter,
" T h e r e are a lot o f good clubs in
the National Invitation Tournam e n t , " Winter said Sunday after
accepting a bid t o the natron's
field — the largest in Ihc tourney's
After the Long Beach SialePcpperdinc game, the first round
will continue with seven games each
on Wednesday and Thursday nights
and a single game Friday nighl. A
second round of eight will be played'
on Monday, March 10, and a ihird
round of four on Thursday, March
13, at campus sites to be determined
prior to the semi-finals and finals at.
' New Y o r k ' s Madison Square
w i n s , " said Welsh. " I f we're going Garden on March 17 and.19.
lo go any further, we're going lo
The N I T selection committee exhave to play good defense. In the tended the bids Sunday a lew hours
final eight (a group to which after Ihc National Collegiate
Potsdam now belongs) tjiere w o l f (
Athletic Association invited 48 of
be any easy teams."
the nation's leading teams lo Its
oldest post-season college basketball tournament. "Some of them,
in fact, arc better than the teams
that will be in the N C A A . "
Winter's Pacific Coast Athletic
Association team, which opens the
43rd N I T against Pepperdinc of the
West Coast Athletic Conference
Tuesday night, is one o f 32 in the
Potsdam Wins Despite Pressure
continued from
page Nineteen.
buck page
were l o be fulfilled.
Polsdam returned three starters,
and won their first 16 contests
before losing to St. Lawrence,
70-68, on January 30. After two
more victories, Ihc Bears were
destroyed by Division II power
Harlwick, who held Polsdam lo 39
poinis, while scoring 61 themselves.
" W e had scheduling problems,"
commented Potsdam head coach
Jerry Welsh. "There were six games
in eight days, and we didn't have
lime lo practice."
" W e reached our peak loo fast.
We were fortunate lo be winniii).
but we weren't playing w e l l , " suit
Polsdam guard and Moor gcnci'ii
Ld Jachim (12,5 poinis and 7.
assists per game average).
Six o f lite next seven opponent*
fell to the Bears, with ihc only ex
ecplion being I he Danes, who belli
them in Mnxcy Hall, 88-86, on
February 15.
" T h i s one feels belter," said
Jachim of the tourney win. " S i .
Lawrence being the number-one
sect goi us up even m o r e , " he commented, referring lo the Saiuis pre-'
tournament placemen!,
Welsh eiled defense as ihc key to
victory in Ihc playoffs. "Defense
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post-season playoffs.
" I hope wc can gel back to playing like wc did a couple of weeks
ago — 1 don't think wc were hilling
on all five cylinders in our conference tournament last week,"
noted Winter, whose team losi a
57-55 hcarlbreaker to San Jose
Stale in the finals of the P C A A
playoffs Saturday nighl.
The Big Ten dominated the farflung N I T field with ihrcc rcprescntaiives — Illinois, Michigan and
Seven oilier conferences had two
teams each: I lie Southeastern, with
Alabama and Mississippi; the
Western A t h l e t i c
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After Loss At West Point
by 1'iuil Schwartz
Sometimes a team can play poorly and still conic away with a w i n .
The Albany Stale men's volleyball
team found thai mil on Saturday.
Sometimes a leam plays poorly,
cannot overcome themselves, and
ends up losing. The Albany Slate
men's volleyball team found dial
out on Thursday.
The less .painful lesson for the
spikers came against Vassal' ai
University Gym on Saturday. Facing an inspired but mediocre Vassal'
team, tlie Danes performed just
well enough to w i n , posting a 15-13,
15-7, 16-14 victory. Hut against a
powerful West Point club, ihc
visiting Danes could not afford
llieir sub-pat outing, and ii cost
Albany a 6-15, 14-16, 15-3, 5-15 setback at West Point on Thursday,
pul away their opponents. Injuries
once again hurl the Danes, as
Devon Lockley was forced lo the
side lines because of shin splints.
But' his replacement, T o m Leahy,
brought the spikers out of their
" T o m did a real credible j o b , "
said Earl. " H e had a nice solo
block, and that got ihitigs fired up.
ll picked us up out o f our
Earl also cited Kob Harrington as
a key substitute. " H e was super o f f
the bench," said Earl o f Harringlon. " H i s selling gol us back ill
ihc game. He really moves the ball
Against Wesl Point, the Danes
dug themselves'a'hole that they
could not climb oul of. A rash of
missed first serves in the first two
games gave Wesl Point Ihc edge
they needed, and after securing the
firsl two games. West Point pul in
their second string in the t h i r d /
game, ami then caine on strong in
the final game in give Albany their
second loss of ihc season.
got aboost when Gary Becker made
what Earl called " o n e o f the most
beautiful blocks I've ever seen."
The play led lo three straight
Albany points, and a one point
lead. Bui the Danes' serving problems cancelled out the bid, as Wesl
Point took the next three points and
the game.
Earl mentioned Don Klinski, who
started his first game in the middle
for Albany, as giving a solid performance. "West Point is a tough
place to get your firsl start i n , and
Don did an excellent j o b , " Pari
"West Point was able lo hit over
our smaller blockers with consistenc y , " continued Earl. " B u i wc beat
ourselves. The blown serves were a
lack of concentration. Everyone
was pumped u p , and I guess wc
.'tided up trying too h a r d . "
Arter virtually handing the Danes
the ihird game, Wesl Point came
out and overwhelmed Albany in the
fourth game. "They came out fast
and h o i , " Earl explained. " I t was
decided early." .
The spikers next face New Pallz
tomorrow nighl at 7:00 at University G y m , and Earl is looking for his
l o shake o f f
"mid-season s l u m p " against a
relatively weak New Paltz team.
"They arc jn a rebuilding cycle, but
Ihcy dumped a competitive Queens
team lasl week," said Earl. " N e w
Pall?, is an up and down team, and
if we're not careful and wc don't
concentrate, we can lose. I f we keep
playing the way we have been playing, we could get nailed. But we'll
come a r o u n d . "
"There was no excuse for not
beating i l i e i n , " staled Etirl. " I n the
first two games, we blew about 12
firsl serves — seven ill the firsl game
and five in Ihc second. We were
leading 14-13 when we lost the serve
in the second game. We should have
beaten t h e m . "
Despite their mistakes, the Danes
almost staged a comeback in the second game. Trailing 13-11, Albany
The Albany Stale men's volleyhu|l team was defeated h\ a "seasoned" Wesl Point squad on Tllursduv,
but beat Vtissur on Snlurilnv. the Spikers' record now stands at 8-2. (Photo: Mure Nadlei)
Third Place For Men's Indoor Track T e a m
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Sparerlbs, cooked carefully with Qrandma's own
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choice of Soup or Salad,
French Fries, Roll and Butter.
8-2 Danes Defeat Vassar
Not expecting a lough match with
Vassal, the Danes gave the visitors
reason to believe an upset was
possible, as Albany could hot easily
1273 Central Ave.,(NEXT TO VALLE'S) 459-4585
Business F r a t e r n i t y D e l t a S i g m a
Spikers Manage Split Despite "Bit Of A Slump 99
"The whole leant is in a little bit
of a slump," said men's volleyball
coach Ted Earl of his 8-2 spikers.
''We've had three lackluster performances in a row. Against Vassal wc
did noi.play well — we were sluggish. Bui Vassal was not experienced enough to take- advantage of us:
West I'oiitl is good physically and
mechanically, and ihcy are an excellent ball-handling team. Wc gave
iliein opportunities, and they were a
seasoned enough team j u lake advantage."
Mr. .lack G! recti
Call 436-9958.
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Robert McCluin
March 4, 1980
Albany Student Press
Albany Studenl Press
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Compare John Sexton Course '.advantagesyvithothers, than
for information call
• Bait, mott recent meurlels
many events. The runnel* v\lii> had
already qualified for those meets in
mie event gol ihc chance to qualify
in another event;
It's surprising thai no weight men
have qualified for these meets.
Albany indoor track coach Boh
Mousey attributes their poor performances to a lack of proper training facilities. Munsey said, " T h e y
get almost all their training at the
meets. Also, no football team
members went out for the team this
season, it hurt us tiiat ue didn't
have these necessary men to carry
us in the weight events."
This meet marked one of the
finest efforts shown by an Albany
runner this season. The heroics
were performed by junior Tony
1'i'iieiii in the MX) meter dash.
I erreiii started o f f rather slowly
in what was to be one of his best
races. " I love l o run from b e h i n d , "
I'etietii said. " I t ' s always been my
strategy since I can always see who
has been taking charge. I plan when
I want l o take charge once I formulate this pjeture. The other runnels can't pass ine back since 1
always pass them at ihe e n d . "
I c i i e t i i played his cards perfectly. Vet lie still had two men to pass
will, one lap lit go. The front runner, Don Page, was some 30 yards
ahead at this point, l-erietii used
every ounce of his skill and talent in
(he finish. He planned the finish
perfectly as he passed Page by half
a stride at (lie finish. His time for
a>n ttt/cUUotuUfee
to fatty
the €>€>&(& cflcUbfudwMng,
• Substentive curricula
$40 00 Supplomonl
You worked hard in college: but, w Ins everyone elso who's
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P Alright! Sounds goodl I've checked the week I
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Telephone _ _
each man the chance lo see i f he had
been specializing in Ihc tiglil events.
The strategy worked in the case
o f sophomore Bruce Shapiro. He
ran Ihc 880 meter race instead of Ills
usual mile event. Shapiro ran the
firsl and the lasl q liar let's in 60
seconds apiece. " T h e pace was loo
slow although 1 was in the lead for
most of ihc race," Shapiro said. " I
was able to finish with a strong hard
kick which outlasted those o f my
opponents." Shapiro vvon ihc 880
meter race in a time of 2:00.8
The strategy served a second potpose, ll enabled runnel's lo qualify
for Ihc Union Invitiaiioiial and lite
N.Y. State Championship meet in
Don t let 4 years of college
- go by the boards.
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"Special departuro
by Harold Diamond
The Capital District incci held
lasl Saturday proved to be a fine
Hitting for the Albany Stale men's
indoor track team. The Albany
squad of 20 men finished ihird
among some 120 runners f r o m six
other tennis. Albany accumulated
117 points, but was defeated by
both KPI and U n i o n , with 142
points and 117 poinis respectively.
The Danes did defeat Hudson
Valley (97 poitus), Siena (28) and
Schenectady Community College
Willi six poinis.
This meet was a lest o f the
Albany team's flexibility. Many
runners competed in events which
were not their specialties. This gave
the bunvmeb
fa im^e 4c tea*lM*e Jeit&t io 4Jt# eeUiol
the SIX) melcr race was 1:08.3. This
lime set boih a school and a personal record.
Co-Captain Dill Matins was
another outstanding performer, He
inputted two events in the same
meet for the second lime Ihis
.eason. M:itIn-, won both the I00U
and I5IXI meter races in 2:31.1 and
,-4:iX).8, respectively, yet he thinks he
can siill improve, " M y goal is lo
qualify lor the nationals in Ohio
liming the indoor eason. I'll have
lo take six seconds o f f my Capital
District winning I SIX) meter time lo
do t h a i , " said Matins.
Other outstanding performances
were dcuioiislrnlcd by Dan Billing.
He is a jumper who has been
plagued by injuries till season long.
He qualified for the Invitational
with a 1.88 melcr high jump. Rounding out lite Albany top finishers
were: Scott James, who finished
Ihird in Ihe 800 melcr with a lime of
2:04.8; Milch l l a r v a i d , who finished second in the 50 meter high
hurdles al 7.2 seconds, Howard
Williams, who finished second ; n
Ihe 45 meter dash in 5.6. seconds,
and T i m Ounthcr, who finished
fourth in both the triple jump and
the long j u m p with 12.75 meters
and 6.22 meters respectively.
This meet set the team's record to
three wins and four losses in dual
meets and 11-6 in big meets. The
next meet is the highlight of the
season: Ihe Union Invitational. This
brings together 20 of the best learns
.from all over the slate.
Hospital Opening Not
Hindered By Cutbacks
Track Team Places Third
Page 19
March 4, 1980 !
Facility Costs $69.25 Million
Danes Bow Out Of Playoffs, 87-72
(hat had been expected.
Bui. in (he last seven minutes
Saturday night, Potsdam stole the
show, captured ihe lillc, and advanced to nexi week's national
quarterfinals with their 87-72 victory. The Beats (26-3) also put an
end to Albany's playoff hopes, and
left ihe Danes a 21-6 record, but a
disappointing finale to an otherwise
outstanding campaign.
After First, Round Win,
Albany Falls To Potsdam
by Paul Schwartz,
P O T S D A M — l l was to be the final
confrontation between Albany and
Potsdam. They had met twice
before this season — each scored
two-point victories on the other's
home court — but this time, the
slakes were at their highest. Both
teams had convincingly defeated
their first round opponents, selling
up i he Danes'versus the Bears in the
championship game o f l lie N C A A
Division I I I East Regional. And for
the first 33 minutes, it was ihe baitlc
Third World ProiesI — Members o f the T h i r d W o r l d
|Student Coalition, prolesling Ihe dismissal of Puerto
Uicuu Studies Professor Juan Silen, staged an all-night
sit-in al (he office of Ella Chrlslenscn, Deparlmcnt
Chair. The students demanded, among several requests,
the reinstatement of Silen, a meeting with Chrlslenscn,
who has taken a medical leave of absent e, a list of.
eusiius for the termination of Silcn's position, and that
Albany gained their iwenty-first
win (one more than lasi year) by
• knocking o f f ihe number-one seed
in the tournament, Si. Lawrence,
75-66, halting the Saints 15 game
winning sireak. Potsdam had even
less difficulty in their opening
match, exploding off a two-point
advantage ai the half to easily run
away from Stony Brook, 93-75, lo
scl up ihe showdown,
At first, the Danes didn't seem
fa/ed by the Bears nor their lively
home crowd, as iwo Wiuslon Royal
jumpers gave Albany an early 15-8
lead. T h a i q u i c k l y dissolved,
though, as Potsdam look a 36-30
advantage on Scott Lranko's offensive rebound basket, and afier
holding a 41-36 edge, Ihe Bears
hied their four-corners offense wlih
2:19 remaining hi ihe first half.
Peli 1 Stauish drives wild St. Lawrence's Larry Kenan hack on defense (luring Albany's first round win. (Photo: Dave Madison)
And this year, it's Potsdam, W i l l i
a .26-3 record, their fourth consecutive S U N Y A f |||| C| a m | a
nutiihet 11 ranking
Ihi country ,1
" W h a t they're doing, in effect, is
staffing the place with professors,"
said O'Leary. '
According lo Haffner, arguments
such as I he one presented by
O'Leary are a "really silly way of
looking at i t . "
" T h e hospital was being planned
as early as 1970," said Haffner. " I t
was created as an important component to the Stony Brook Medical
School. But people think that since
the hospital Is just opening, ihe cuts
.arc occurring because o f i t / "
" I l is unfortunate the hospital is
being blamed for the budget cuts,"
said Haffner.
According lo Hugh Tuohui, a
spokesman for SUNY Chancellor
. C l i f t o n Wliarlon, it was necessary
for SUNY to build a leaching
hospital al Stony Brook since there
" a r e n ' t any private Hospitals
a r o u n d . " He added thai he is " n o t
sure" if it is usual for a medical
school to have its own teaching
Zahm Cites Inflation As Cause
by Beth Canumiruta
Board rates for standard and
Kosher meal plans will be increased
by 4'/i and 6 percent respectively in
the fall, according to I M S Hoard of
Directors Chair Susan Gold.
AIIKUIN guard Koh Chine tries his hand at a reverse layup as I'olsriam
center Derrick Rowland (44) looks m i . (Photo: Dave Machsoii)
50-47. Albany was working hard for
their points against ihe Bear's /one,
while Potsdam repeatedly tore
through ihe Dane defense for inside
I'oui consecutive uncontested layups boosted the Bear
mat gin, ami with 8:54 remaining,
the Danes found themselves on ihe
brink o f losing contact
Potsdam, nailing 63-55.
Things became alarming foi
Albany in a hurry,
Baskets by Derrick Rowland and
l-'rauko, plus a ihree-poini play In
Woods, left Potsdam a sudden
" W e made a committment at
50-41 lead, but Sieve Low's layup,
lialftime lo get the ball inside," said
Royal's j u m p shot, and a Pete
Stauish bank o f f an inbounds pass I Welsh. " W e made up our minds lo
brought the Danes right back, j look lor Rowland and Woods the
first three or founninuies of Ihe second half, and we got some action
in ihere;"
W i i h 8:12 left, Rowland (17
points, eight rebounds) was called
lor his fourth foul, and atici
Stauish made two free throws, the
Danes plowed back into contention. Bob Collier hit o f f an offensive rebound, Chine scored on a
free throw, and then brought the
Albany bench lo iheir feel with a
driving ihree-poini play. The Danes
continued oil / W ' / < / " ' ? ' '
" W e lookeo over every area lo
cut the raise as much as we c o u l d , "
she said, hut Ihe increase was approved by an 11-6 vote al Wednesday's UAS Hoard meeting.
Originally U A S Director E.
Norhert Zahm "was throwing
around very high figures like $50-60
for the standard plan and a seven
and one-half percent increase in the
Kosher meal p l a n , " Gold said.
In addition, Gold said S U N Y A
Vice President for Business and
Finance " t h r e w in a $79,000
charge-back that UAS would have
lo pay the University for clean-up
services. We tried to bargain them
d o w n , " Gold said, " a n d ended up
wiih $30,000 in charge-backs which
we can absorb with ihe $35 increase."
Regarding the Kosher meal plan
which serves over 500 people, she
said, " i t loses money every year,
since Kosher food is so expensive,
but we felt it just wasn't fair to increase Kosher rates by seven and
one-half percent."
" T h i s is penalizing students for
iheir religious practices," she said.
" T h e faculty and the administrative
directors of the board suggested an
increase of more than $35 because
they like to make a p r o f i t , " said
Gold. " T h e y didn't even think the
$35 was high e n o u g h , " she added.
Zahm attributed the increase to
"impossible i n f l a t i o n . " " I t used to
go up at an angle," he said, " b u t
continued on page seven
'We looked for every area lo cut Ihe raise,'
Meal cards may cost more soon
Senate Passes Academic
A final exam is now defined as
"any examination of more (ban
one-half hour's duration that is
given in Ihe terminal phase o f a
course." A n exam n^ci\ not be comprehensive to be considered a final.
'Therefore, no exam more than
one-half hour long may be given
during Ihe lasl week of classes, l u siruciors wishing an exemption
from Ihe policy must submit a written request for one to the dean of
his or her school.
Polsdam guard Terry Hunter (.33) raises bis hand in jubilation us ihe Hears were announced Division III
Eastern Regional Champions in Hie awards ccreinnu> Salurda) ulglil at Muxes Hull, where they heul
Albany in Hie finals. (Photo: Dave Muelisnil)
Tuohui refused lo comment on
President O'Leary's assertion that
the hospital is, in effect, being staffed wiih professors.
According to Haffner, the Stony
Brook Teaching Hospitul is expected lo serve as a major health
care facility for Long Island
residents. (I has a maximum capacity of 540 beds, and will mainly treat
complex patient problems.
Techniques taught at the hospital
will include open heart surgery,
transplants, and kidney dialysis,
said Haffner.
now ii goes straight u p . "
" F o o d prices have gone up 10
percent," he said, and we ure buying more than $3 billion worth of
food a year. Some costs have gone
lip MX) percent. There have been
astronomical increases in both product liability and workman's compensation insurance," he said.
There have been " b i g increases in
the price of paper products and
repairs u> equipment," he said,
" a n d a grealer than usual need for
replacement of china, glassware
and silverware."
by Debbie Kopf
Changes in llic University final
exam policy, and in Ihe definition
o f " i n c o m p l e t e " grades were
among Ihe major proposals passed
by the University Senate Monday
The new final exam policy stales
[hat finals be given only during the
lime officially scheduled by Ihe
Registrar, and thai no finals be
given during the lasl five regularly
scheduled class days o f the
(llic) were as Inch as four), Ihe
I)) It'll) llcllafinrc
P O T S D A M — Last year, il was dif- I Bears were Ihe Goliath llull every
David in eastern Division III
basket ball shot l o i . But lliese
Lasl year, Stony Brook, who
Davids, at least the ones in the
finished 24-3 anil had the lop winning percentage of Division 111 S U N Y A C and ihe Easl Regional,
had lost, Potsdam was up lo the
schools in Ihe nation (.889), was Ihe
challenge and, with ihe defeat of
team lo beat. They had won their
Ihe Albany Stale (ircal Danes on
first 23 games i 2 8 consecutive al
Saturday nighi, 87-72, al Maxey
home) and boasted ihe highest field
Mall in Potsdam, they moved one
percentage in Division I I I (.504);
step further in their quest for that
When Ihe Patriots hosted the
national championship which was
N C A A Division I I I Easl Regional,
almost theirs one year ago.
they were supposed to w i n , not
" A lot of people were looking
forward lo us doing w e l l , " said
Polsdam junior co-captain Derrick
Rowland (17 points and 7.5 rebounds per game on the season). " 1
fell like there was pressure on u s , "
he continued. After lasl year's surprising and impressive N C A A
tourney, tills was understandable,
And wiih Ihe Beats' big start in
J979-80, it seemed as il the pieseason predictions and expectations
continued on pttge eighteen
The leaching hospital, which cost
about $69.25 million lo build, admitted patients to its first 30 beds
last Monday. Under Governor
Carey's proposed budget
SUNY, Ihe hospital will receive
SUNYA Board Rates Raised
Pressure No Match For Talented Potsdam
Potsdam! The Patriots were supposed to go lo the final lour, uoi
Potsdam. But the Bears upset Stony
Brook in the first round of thai
tournament, 70-65, and uiadc.it lo
the N C A A championship game,
where, even though they had two
slurts in the last eight seconds,
Poisdain lost lo North Park, 64-62.
$43.4 million this year.
Last Thursday, i n an open discussion with residents o f Dutch Quad's
Schuyler Hall, S U N Y A President
V i n c e n t O ' L e a r y n o t e d the
"coincidence" that, 1300 positions
arc being eliminated from SUNY
schools while Stony Brook Hospital
is being supplied with a staff of
March 7, 1080
The move by Potsdam coach
Jerry Welsh paid o f f — for Ihe
Danes. Expecting the tactic from
their previous encounters, Albany
forced Ihe Bears to turn ovei ihe
ball, and guard Rob Chine's steal,
and layup tied the score at 4 1 . Beat
forward Maurice Woods' lay ill Ihe
bu/./.cr gave Potsdam the half-lime
lead, 43-41.
" A i hall-lime, we made ihe usual
adjustments,'* said Albany coach
Dick Sauers. " I n tire second half we
had some easy shots, but we missed
them. Now we were quickly down
by six points, and we needed a time
out. But I didn't sec anything alai- <
ihe Search eommitlce seeking a replacement professor
be slopped. Silen was apparcnlly informed of his
dismissal lasl year, but, according to students, has not
been given proper treatment by University and Depart
i n i i i i administratis " W e feci there's a move by the ad
ministration lo diminish the effectiveness of the department," said SA Vice-President and protestor T i t o Martinez.
(Photo: Sunu Steinkampl J
by Bruce Fox
S U N Y Vice Chancellor
Health Finances Alden Haffner,
reading lo charges that Ihe recently
opened Stony Brook Teaching
Hospital is responsible for proposed cuts in staff al SUNY schools,
said lasl week that it would be
" c r i m i n a l " if ihe hospital is forced
lo close.
The new policy is expected lo
strengthen the existing final exam
policy, passed by ihe Senate In the
" T h e situation is currently very
rough on faculty members who give
finals during finals week when no
one else does," said Undergraduate
Academic .Council ( U A C ) Chair
Harold Cannon. "There is an increasing tendency among students
lo cm the lasl days of those classes
To study for Iheir earlier finals.
Many important topics covered in
those last few days arc missed by
these students," he added,
" I ' v e had all loo many students
get caught will) too much work in
that lasl week, said Senator Robert
G i b s o n o f the C e n t e r
Undergraduate Education (CUE),
" a n d this has affected them
" I had a lot of problems wiih the
bill and did not vote for i l , " said
Senator Neil Gel land, a sophomore
from Colonial. " 1 don't think It's
fair to students to have all their
finals hunched up withi.i one week,
when Ihey could be spread QUI over
a longer lime p e r i o d , " lie said.
Senior Class President Senator
Dave Weintraub spoke in support
o f Ihe bill. " I really don't think
four extra days of work will make il
much harder, when you compare il
lo gelling a good education."
$43.4 million for the teaching
hospital this year represents a $1.7
continued <>n /mxe seven
In a major grade policy revision,
ihe Senate approved changes in Ihe
length of lime a student may have
an " I n c o m p l e t e " (I) grade.
Under ihe new system, if a student does not complete course work
by one month before the end of tile
semester in which the incomplete
was received, Ihe student will
receive the penally grade of " J " (or
" K " if the course was graded S-U).
Both " J " and " K " arc academic
penally grades, lo be computed Into
the students grade point average as
an " E " wiih zero credit.
Grades o f " J " and " K " can be
changed by ihe instructor.
" G o o d students arc Ihe ones who
will benefit from this b i l l , " said
Cannon. "Incompletes should be
taken care o f and not left on a
student's record Indefinitely.
Bolli measures take effect beginning Fall I9S0.
In olher action, the Senate placed
an amendment to thv faculty bylaws on the upcoming faculty
meeting agenda. This amendment
may extend Student representation
on the Senate anolhcr 4 years. The
faeully currently must vole lo exlend student representation on the
Senate every 2 years.