/ Sports Danes Look To Regroup Against 4-4 Fordham

/ Sports
Friday, November 9,1979
Danes Look To Regroup Against 4-4 Fordham
by Paul Schwartz
Two questions will be answered
tomorrow at University Field when
the Albany State football team
takes on the Fordham Rams. Can
the 6-1 Danes shake off last week's
devastating loss to Ithaca, and
regroup enough to defeat a 4-4 Fordham squad that owns a potent offense but a pregnable defense?
"At this point, it is a pride
thing," said Bob Ford, Albany's
head football coach. "We have to
regain a bit of lost pride from last
week's game. But most of our people have character, and 1 will be
disappointed if we don't bounce
The Danes originally had plans to
make tomorrow's contest important in relation to their playoff
hopes, but following the 46-6 setback a week ago, Albany's post
season chances are slim at best {see
story below). A Dane rout of Fordham would practically be essential, and then losses by other eastern
teams in contention for playoff bids
would have to occur; it is an unlikely series of events.
The Rams mediocre record belies
their canccling-out offensive and
defensive units. Simply, the offense
can and the defense can't. While
playing a tough Division HI
schedule, Fordham has registered
impressive wins over Rochester
(26-12) Washington and Lee (27-15)
and Seton Hall (10-0), but has
faltered when paired with stronger
i clubs. Against two nationallyranked teams, the Rams were
Albany Stale halfback Jack Burger carries Ihe football during Ihe Danes'
demolished — 48-7 by Millersville,
loss lo Ilhaca last week. (Pholo: Mike Farrell)
59-11 by Dayton. Last week, For-
dham was defeated by Hofstra,
It is on offense where Ram head
coach Jack Stephans gives the
greatest amount of emphasis, and it
has paid off. Averaging 312 total
yards per outing, Fordham utilizes
a triple-threat backficld which contains three quality runners —
thus the Rams keep the ball on the
ground as much as possible.
Halfback Juan Pachcco (5-"8, 165)
leads his team in practically every
offensive category — rushing,
ing, and scoring. For the season,
Pachcco has gained 597 yards in
eight games, and broke loose often
enough last week against Hofstra to
amass 153 yards on IB carries, and
two touchdowns. Also a dangerous
pass-catcher, Pachcco is averaging
29.2 yards on each pass he has coralled.
Combining with Pachcco to give
the Rams their running prowess are
Craig Miller (6-0, 21) and Steve Xirpoli. Lining up at fallback, Miller
is recording 5.1 yards per carry, and
Zirpoli is just a notch being at five
yards. "All three of their backs are
excellent," said Dane defensive
coordinator Jack Siedlecki. "They
arc all right in the same class as any
of the best backs we've seen, They
are definitely going to run the
Quarterbacking Fordham's
multiple offensive setup is Vince
Connolly, who is 42 for 92 passing
so far this season. "He's not an exceptional passer, but he's a good
athlete," said Siedlecki. "But he's
shown us he can throw the ball a
long way."
One area where the Rams have
had extreme problems is holding on
to the football. Despite their other
offensive statistics, Fordham is
averaging only 16.4 points a game,
and this is due to their turnovers,
The Rams have fumbled 25 times,
which is not an inordinate amount,
but they have lost 20 of those
fumbles, which is an extremely
damaging percentage.
The direction of the Ram attack
is no secret — the right side. With
right tackle Milch Lahr (6-3, 250)
and right guard Gactano Ricci (6-1,
260), Fordham continually plows
over their two huge lineman. "They
arc next to each other, and they run
over them all day long," Siedlecki
"After Norwich and Ithaca, they
arc the third best offensive team
we've faced," added Ford. "They
have a big, strong quarterback and
three excellent runningbacks. It's
amazing that they are only 4-4. But
(hen, they arc not a real good defensive rootball team."
The Danes face the talented Ram
offense with a severely depleted defensive unit. Defensive end Matt
Brancato is still bothered with a
sprained ankle, and will not sec action against Fordham. Against
Ithaca a week ago, two other
members of the Albany defensive
line were injured — Steve Shoen's
sprained ankle has him as extremely
doubtful for tomorrow's game, and
tackle Larry Pearson suffered torn
knee ligaments that will require
surgery, and is out for the rest of
the season. With Eric Singletary the
continued on page twelve
SUNY Schools Curbing
Student Booze Use
by Keith Rudich
Getting plastered, bombed, sotted, smashed, sloshed...however
you say it, students at some SUNY
campuses are finding it difficult to
reach this blissful state. The cause
of the predicament is not a lack of
liquor, but a recent increase in administrative alcohol policies.
At S U N Y A , the newlyadministered alcohol policy sets
restrictions based on the maximum
number of people who can be accommodated within certain public
areas. While Student Affairs Council berates the policy for lack of student input, it concerns only drinking done at on-campus parties.
I M€W9 fG4TUB€
j »
SUNY at Stony Brook has faced
unexpected closings and decreased
hours at campus bars, as well as an
increase in mandatory identification checks and the hiring of additional bouncers.
According to Statesman (S(ony
Brook's student newspaper) Editorin-Chief Marc Schussel and
Associate Editor Richard Wald, the
campus' four bars were closed
shortly after opening in September,
as a result of the Faculty Student
Association's (FSA) failure to
renew liquor licenses. Apparently,
bar personnel unknowingly continued to sell liquor, one bar doing
so for 18 months before being forc:d lo close. The bars reopened a
Alcohol and altitudes: Blnghainton, Slimy llruok face Issues
Policies, pubs, parties and possibilities
month later.
Stony Brook administrator John
Songster apparently failed to renew
the licenses, although he informed
FSA and campus bar employees he
had done so. It was discovered only
after Songster left the university
that he had not acted on the issue.
According to the editors,
Songster may have been working
efforts to build the door in one
night. Stony Brook's Kelly Quad
Coffee House apparently had its
locks changed in an adminstrative
effort to close the establishment.
Claiming administrators were
ruining on-campus life, Stony
Brook students protested and
argued that their main activity was
continued on paw four
Anti-Rape Meeting Held
November 13, 1 9 7 9 ,
Vol. L X V I , N o . 46
NCAA Playoff System Leaves Albany Little Hop^
poll, which placed them fifth this unexpected celebration on Saturday
by Mike Dunne
four at-large births. These go to the playoffs is Rocco Carzo, Athletic
week. They can also count on a evening if an essential high scoring
Director at Tufts University and
With Albany absent from this schools which the selection commitreputation for excellence, carrying victory by Albany is coupled with
Chairman of the east advisory comweek's NCAA Division 111 national tec feels are the most deserving,
quite a bit of weight with the an upset of either Montclair or
mittee. "I'll be fighting to get two
rankings, it appears almost certain regardless of geographic region,
NCAA. In fact, many were surpris- Ithaca, or if both take place tomoreastern teams in," Carzo said.
that the Danes' once optimistic shot
Usually a second team from each
ed when they moved only as high as row.
"What I have to do during the conat a playoff bid is just that — region is picked, making the
However, it is in the evaluation
eighth nationally this week after the
ference call is substantiate Ihe pershot.
distribution of teams in the tournaof the competition facing those
trouncing of Albany.
formances of each team we submit
The ammunition was Ithaca's po- ment even
g e o g r a p h i c a l l y , for consideration."
" I was somewhat surprised that teams that one becomes pessimistic
tent, high caliber passing attacl. However, if for some reason the
Ilhaca wasn't higher," said na- of Albany's chances.
In all likelihood the two schools
which shredded the Albany defense NSC believes that one region docs
Montclair, for instance, faces
tional chairman Grice. "They have
which Carzo will be fighting for on
and led the Bombers to a 46-6 'not have two teams worthy of post
Sunday morning will be Montclair
massacre last week. Not only did season competition, they can opt to and Ithaca.
the defeat drop the Danes out of the pick a third team from another
The reason that Montclair (7-1-1)
national top ten, but it also vaulted region.
is regarded as a mystery team is that
the Bombers and Montclair State This was the case two years ago the Lambert Bowl rankings, long
(N.J.), the mystery team of the east, when Albany was the sole eastern thought of as an indicator of
into leading contention for the two squad selected while three teams eastern football supremacy, has igpossible eastern spots in the NCAA from the southern section were tab- nored them in each of its weekly
votes. Meanwhile, those experts
The NCAA Division 111 toumaThere has been sonic controversy who vote on the NCAA national
ment is an eight-team event which within Ihe NCAA as to whether rankings placed Montclair seventh
begins next Saturday and concludes each region should automatically this week.
two weeks later at the Amos Alonzo receive two bids instead of Ihe pre"1 don't have any idea why this
Stagg Bowl in Phoenix City, sent system of trusting the discrc- happens," slated Montclair's Hill
tion of the NCS.
when contacted nt his office on
The manner in which the teams
"If you always have two teams Wednesday. "Last year we also had
an outstanding program year in and Jersey City State, hardly a
powerhouse — (hey are far more
are chosen is quite subjective.
from each area, I think you take a a good club yet never got any
year out,"
The initial step will occur Sunday chance that the playoff wouldn't be recognition in the Lambert."
A win by the Bombers, coached known for their-exploits on the
morning after all the teams under as strong as possible. It (off year)
by Jim Bullet field, would almost basketball court than on the
Montclair Athletic Director
assure Ihe defending Lambert Bowl gridiron.
consideration have completed their happens to every region," said William Dioguardi was more veheIndeed Hill is very optimistic (an
champions their second straight
scheduled games. At that time, a William Gricc, chairman of the ment in his opinion of the Lambert
NCAA birth, Logically that would unusual state of mind for a football
four man advisory committee, one NCAA National Selection Commit- poll. "The Lambert Committee is
be a good omen for Montclair, a coach) both about the upcoming
each from the four regions of the tec.
the most political organization in
team ill.II is ranked ahead of Ithaca game with Jersey City and also his
country — north, south, east, west,
Fred Hill, head football coach at football," he said.
team's chance at a bid.
decide whom they believe is the best Montclair State, disagrees. "1
Regardless of the conflicting opi- and therefore would be considered
"Jersey City is a game we should
football team in their region.
believe the east should always send nions expressed by the two groups, heavily.
A conference call is then set up two teams. Naturally if you have Montclair can still claim an
Where does all (his leave Albany? win," said Hill. "They are not one
of the tougher teams on our
between the chairmen of these ad- one region with three or four unbeaten record against Division
Apparently out in the cold,
visury committees, These four men undefeated squads they'll raise 111 teams and seems to have (he
But as Albany football coach and schedule. We have a good chance
comprise the National Selection heck, but it should be set at two backing of the NCAA eastern ad- Athletic Director Hob Ford slated for (he playoffs if we don't lose.
""'-'<• (NSC), They generally from each section."
earlier this week, "We have a faint After all we're the highest ranked
visory committee.
eastern team."
approve giving bids to the four
One person who feels the present
Ithaca, unlike Montclair, has glimmer of hope.*'
continual on page twelve ,
recommended «quBd« and then regutatli i'. .iif fair, yet still would been touted highly by the Lambert
That glimmer could turn into an
.begin debate on the sckctioim of the like to sec two cast teams in the
within the guidelines of administrative alcohol programs.
However, he allegedly disappeared
after his departure and could not be
reached for questioning.
In addition to license problems,
explained the editors, one bar was
required to construct a fire door
before being granted permission to
reopen. Concerned students joined
i Photo:
SUNYA women discuss escort service, lighting, buses
'Take back the night" inarch planned to voice concern over downtown rapes •
Pholo: Mike Farrell
Students Discuss Strategy
by Marie Corllssoz
and Chary! Taubner
Over 100 women joined forces
last night to combat the ongoing
sexual attacks in the heavily
student-populated Pine Hills section of Albany.
Representatives from SUNYA's
School of Social Welfare, oriCampus Association (OCA), Student Association (SA), MiddleEarth and the Feminist Alliance,
discussed radical approaches for action on the issue.
A recent rash of rapes has occurred within the areas bounded by
Lake Avenue, Bradford Avenue,
Partridge Street, and Morris
Avenue, Ihe "student ghetto"
where many SUNYA students
The meeting, held In Ihe Campus
Center's off-campus lounge, was attended was attended by 100 women
who expressed anger and concern
over living in fear.
English Professor Judith Fcttcrly
suggested women withhold a portion of their tuition and fees. She
Brubacher Hall Is The
Site Of Another Attack
A legally blind SUNYA student was attacked near Alumni Quad's
Brubacher Hull early Wednesday night. Due to a lack of witnesses,
the assailant escaped before he could be identified.
A recent rash of rapes has occurred in the Pine Hills "student
ghetto," located in the vicinity of Alumni Quad. Attacks have been
reported in the area bounded by Lake Avenue, Bradford Avenue,
Partridge Street and Morris Avenue.
The victim, who preferred to remain anonymous, claims she was
attacked from behind, as her assailant jumped from bushes between
Brubacher and Sayles Halls. The incident occurred shortly after 8
p.m., after the victim left a SUNYA bus at Partridge Street and
Western Avenue.
While the girl was not sexually molested, University Police believe
that the incident may have been a mugging attempt.
The Brubacher resident believes the assailant "doesn't sound
anything like" the alleged rapist. "It doesn't seem likely that lawould attack someone in a highly populated area." The student can
only distinguish colors and blurred shapes.
Although the attack occurred on city property, the case is being
handled by SUNYA policy
- Mlchele Israel ,
Brubacher Hall, pari of the downtown complex
A blind woman was attacked in another of a series of incidents.
said if female students cannot take
advantage of night activities
without fear of being alone, "they
shouldn't pay."
The possibility of a student sit-in
was suggested as a vehicle to inform
administrators of problems including poor campus lighting, a
limited escort service, and a
reportedly inadequate bus service.
The sit-in, which would be held at
the Administration Building, would
attempt to raise campus and Albany
community awareness.
Plans for a 'Take Back the Night'
march, were introduced by
Feminist Alliance member Janice
Fine. The march, which will take
place in the near future, involves
organizing masses of people wlto
will walk through the streets, stopping at sites where attacks and ra; cs
have occurred. Fine said the march
would ulcrl the community as to
where the danger zones lie.
SUNYA Police Detective John
Coleman informed women of the
Student Escort Service,. consisting
continued on page five
reported over the weekend that the three-man delegation
sent by PLO leader Yasser Arafat was engaged in intense
talks at the Foreign Ministry with Iranian officials and
representatives of the students. But Salah Khalaf, No. 2
man in Arafat's Fatah guerrilla group, told reporters in
Kuwait today that the delegation had left for Damascus,
banians Halt SUNYAB Rally
Sunday after Paul Moritzky was found dead near Shariali's
third-floor apartment, where a window had been smashed
Steve Roane, 17, and Michael Lopez, 16, both of Denver
also were struck by gunfire, police said. Lopez was wounded in the arm and hospitalized, while Roane was treated for
a leg wound and released. Governor Richard Lamm called
a news conference at halftime during the Denver-New
England professional football game to urge Colorado
residents to "not react with lawlessness" to the shootings.
President Stops Iranian Oil
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - Iranian students at the State
University at Buffalo cancelled a demonstration they had
planned for Monday because of what they said was concern
over safety. The students instead issued a statement supporting the seizure of 60 American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, Iran. The Iranian students here said that
since the Iranian revolt the embassy has been "a shelter of
the U.S. government's "covert and anti-revolutionary activities." They also said Iranians want the former shah
returned to Iran so they can "try this criminal for the sake
of the satisfaction of human conscience and decency." Iranian students who seized the Embassy are demanding that .
the U.S. return to Iran the former Iranian shah, who is now
in exile and recovering from surgery in a New York City
PLOFails To Help Hostages
(AP) A Palestinian delegation many regarded as the best
hope for winning freedom for the U.S. Embassy hostages
in Tehran gave up its efforts today and left the Iranian
capital, a Palestine Liberation Organization official announced in Kuwait. Word of the PLO's apparent failure to
end the 9-day-old impasse came as Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini's regime and the Moslem militants holding the
embassy and 98 hostages reaffirmed their determination to
face down the United States in the tense confrontation.
Tehran Radio said the Iranian people, heeding the call of
the student militants, began a five-day hunger strike today
to press the Iranian demand for the extradition of the
deposted Shah Mohammad Rcza Pahlavi from the United
States. The official radio, monitored in London, also
reported that Khomeini's Revolutionary Council had met
and discussed the possibility of U.S. military intervention
or economic reprisals to end the embassy standoff. In
another move, Iran's new foreign affairs chief, Abolhassan
Bani Sadr, summoned all foreign ambassadors in Tehran
for a meeting today and urged that their governments
pressure the Carter administration to extradite the shah, an
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said. PLO sources
Arabs Protest Mayor's Arrest
JERUSALEM (AP) Arab merchants closed their shops and
schoolchildren stayed out of class in the occupied West
Bank today to protest the arrest of Nablus Mayor Hasam
Shakka following comments by him expressing understanding for Palestinian terrorist attacks. In Cairo, the Egyptian government strongly condemned the arrest as well as
an Israeli decision to build new settlements in the West
Bank. A foreign ministry statement said the actions could
have only adverse results. A spokesmen for the Israeli
government said youths in Ramallah, north of Jerusalem,
stoned an Israeli vehicle, breaking its windshield. Dm no
one was injured in the incident, the spokesman said. All the
stores in Ramallah and Nablus were closed, the spokesman
said, and students at Bir Zeit University near Ramnllafi
demonstrated against Shakka's arrest. After the mayor's
arrest Sunday morning, his lawyer appealed to the Supreme
Court, claiming that a court order issued last week preventing his expulsion should also prevent other actions against
him by Israeli authorities.
Students Hear Housing Gripes
DENVER (AP) While the governor urged Colorado
residents to "stay calm," District Attorney Dale Tooley
said it could be Wednesday before he decides what charges,
if any, to file against an Iranian held in the shooting death
of a 15-year-old high school boy. Two other youths, who
police said were looking for "some 1 Iranians lo hassle,"
were wounded in the shooting Sunday, which followed
several days of demonstration in Denver and Boulder of the
seizure of American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in
Tehran. Afshin Shariati, 21, a student at Loretlo Heights
College, was being held in the city jail. Tooley said Shariati
would be advised of his rights at a hearing today. "We're
investigating a possible homicide, a possible burglary and
several other matters," Tooley said. Shariati was arrested
"We knew it would be hard to get to the Wellington.
Some people suffered."
Buses were back on schedule later in the afternoon
by Mlchele Israel
Charged with the harassment of a
SUC New Paltz student, a paid
organizer for the'New York Public
Interest Research Group, Inc.,
"(NYPIRG) will face trial Friday in
the New Paltz Town Court.
New Paltz Resident Advisor
Gregory Fischer has accused
NYPIRG Senior Regional Project
Coordinator Michael Klein of
physical harassment, claiming Klein
attempted to fight with him after a
Student Assembly meeting on October 31.
"The charge is patently absurd,"
said Klein, "NYPIRG never uses
fists rather than mouths. I don't
think Fischer is intelligent enough
or articulate enough to represent
According to Fischer, he and two
other students left the meeting,
when "two Klein supporters" interrupted their conversation, and an
argument ensued. According to The
Oracle (New Paltz's student
newspaper) News Editor Lynn
Sarro, Fischer apparently made
derogatory remarks about Klein.
Fischer said Klein "came out two
minutes later," and began to slap
him on the back in a "buddy" type
manner. "But he was doing it hard,
and making statements like he was
my friend. I said 'This is no place
for a debate, let's handle this
another time,' and he came back
again." Fischer explained.
Fischer had Klein arrested the
following day. Sarro said Klein
spoke lo the judge, who released
him "on his own recognisance" of
his actions. However, a hearing is
set for Friday.
Testing issues.
"Conservative faculty and administrators don't want to see
citizen advocacy. These people are
using McCarthyite tactics to derail a
people's organization," added
Klein. "There are at least 100 individuals openly and aggresively
slandering NYPIRG and me."
Klein said there wasn't an incident, stating "Fischer is not new to
this. He's a surreptitious organizer.
He used to be an Eastern Facility
Correction Officer — that's a polite
way of saying prison guard."
According to Klein, Fischer is a
member of a conservative group of
people who are dissatisfied with
Fischer said Klein was hired by
NYPIRG on October 22. "I never
heard of Mike Klein. He's not a student; he's not an employee." He
added that students approached
him, questioning the legality of a
professional organizer in a studentr.itn organization.
"NYPIRG has been successful in
making enemies. People in the MidHudson New York area have shown
unhappy reviews for our position
on nuclear energy. There has been
consternation because of Truth in
"I did a lot of research, calling
newspapers and found out about
Mike Klein. He has shown general
disruption for the law and works
from outside the system." Fischer
cited examples such as candle-light
Class Councils Vote To Hike Dues
by Arori Smith
SUNYA's four undergraduate
class councils have voted to increase
class dues by one dollar per
semester, according lo Class of '80
President Dave Weintraub.
The move was undertaken in an
Class dues Increase. Cause: inflation, rising costs.
Insurance company, 5-Quad funding cut
effort to offset price increases and
inflation, which have reduced botli
the quality and quantity of senior
week events offered by recent
graduating classes. Weintraub cited
increased attendance at such events
as Torch Night and the annual
reception for December graduates
as a facior further precipitating the
According lo Weintraub, between 5,000 and 7,000 students attended last year's Torch Night
ceremonies. The $15,000 reception
was planned for only 1,500.
"It's really not going to benefit
us this year," said Weintraub of the
increase. "The dues have already
been paid. But this year's junior
class will have an extra $4,500 by
senior year, the sophomores will
have $7,500 and freshmen will have
an additional $12,000."
Reception, Inflation Grow
The present two dollar class dues
were initiated six years ago, before
the December graduates reception
became an annual event.
"The reception has grown bigger,
but it's an additional expense lo the
senior class," said Weintraub.
"We'll still have a nice reception, ..
but the kind of menu that we serve
will have to be different."
Weintraub said that the additional funds will also enable the
class lo continue lo pay the increas-
NYPIRG Director Visits SUNYA
ed prices of bus rentals and
gasoline, associated with senior
week trips. A portion of the funds
will be added to the $1,500
allocated by SUNYA for a graduation speaker. "We hope to attract
someone belter known this year,"
said Weintraub.
Students Save, Senior Week Suffers
A change in SUNYA's student
billing procedure has been held partially responsible for the Class of
'80's receipt of less funds than its
continual on page four
vigils outside of private homes and
"packing courtrooms and board
meetings so the chair couldn't function."
"In the spirit of Martin Luther
King, I love candle-light vigils.
They're peaceful and I will continue
to have them," said Klein. In addition, he said if there are open
meetings, he supports them with a
large attendance.
"The problem isn't NYPIRG but
Michael Klein. His tactics are
geared toward intimidation and
harassment and innuendo," said
Fischer. "He's trying to form a
political base here."
He added that Klein has organized "The Coalition," an apparent
"power block" in the New York
State Assembly. "It will be used to
sway voting power."
Klein said there is a "broad conspiracy" against NYPIRG. "I
don't know where these guys are
coming from."
Fischer said NYPIRG can no
longer be considered a student-run
organization if a professional
organizer is hired.
Klein said he is a "paid
organizer," claiming it is legal and
not uncommon, citing his involvement with groups such as the
United Farm Movement.
NYPIRG Director Donald Ross
said, "The incident occurred on a
day when there was nothing else
happening on campus, so it got a lot
of coverage. It is not a huge issue,
and is of little or no concern to
Student Autos Vandalized
In Indian Quad Lot
by Juliette Mmitcinurro
An FM converter, a tape player
and 72 tapes were stolen Sunday
from four student-owned cars in Indian Quad parking lot.
The thefts occurred between 3 am
and 11 pm, according to SUNYA
police. The perpetrators apparently
smashed the side windows of each
of the four cars to steal the stereo
equipment and cassettes inside. The
car receiving the greatest damage
was a '73 Buick wilh a broken window and door, a damaged lape
recorder and $200 worth of tapes
All cars involved were parked in
the northwest and southwest corners of the Indian Quad student lot
near a wooded area, according to
SUNYA police.
Students were notified and
brought to their cars approximately
11 pm Sunday. "I should have left
the door unlocked," said one student upon discovering his broken
"We try lo patrol each of the
parking lots alter dark, but we are
always short of men," said SUNYA
Police Officer John Henighan.
He said that, while car theft and
vandalism on campus is not "a
serious problem, it has occurred
before." Another recent incident
involved three cars wilh broken
mirrors. However, Henighan noted
that "having so many cars involved
is unusual."
Henighan said SUNYA police are
"suspicious looking car which was
parked at the Indian lot the night
before the Sunday incident."
Calls For Gradual Nuke Phase-Out
Parade Slows Bus Traffic
While it didn't rain on the City of Albany's parade, it
wasn't a very sunny day for some of the students livlno in
the Wellington Hotel.
As the annual Veterans' Day's Parade moved down
Washington Avenue this morning, SUNYA buses headed
downtown faced an hour and a half delay. The green
machines originally followed the Albany Police Department Traffic Control, but traffic was too dense. Drivers
then took Clinton Avenue to the hotel, but according to
one Motor Pool administrator, it "was almost impossible"
to get through.
Faces Harassment Charges
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) Six U.S. congresswomen flew
to Phnom Penh today to ask the government theic to
reverse its refusal to let truck convoys from Thailand carry
food and medicine for an estimated 2 million Cambodians
facing starvation. The congresswomen, after spending one
day in the Cambodian capital, hoped to carry their appeal
to the Vietnamese in Hanoi who ousted Premier Pol Pot's
regime from Phnom Penh last January and installed the
Hcng Samrin government. The Vietnamese and their Cambodian proteges rejected the truck-convoy proposal, which
was first made by a group of U.S. senators who visited
Cambodia and Thailand last month. Officials in Phnom
Penh objected because some of the supplies would go to
areas controlled by Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge forces. Some
relief supplies are being flown into Phnom Penh, carried up
the Mekong River to Phnim Penh and landed at Kompong
Som, Cambodia's chief seaport. But Western relief officials said these avenues are inadequate to meet the need,
and sufficient supplies can be delivered only by the truck
Boy Killed In Anti-Iranian Protest
Fear not SUNYA students, the 1979-80 Student Directory is on the loading dock and will be distributed to administrators, faculty, and students on Wednesday. The
Campus Center Info Desk will also have a supply.
Due to a national paper shortage, there was a two week
delay in printing the directory. The book, however,! was
brought to the printer within a week of its original deadline.
NYPIRG Coordinator Arrested
Cambodia Hosts Congresswomen
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario (AP) About 220,000 persons
were urged to flee their homes in the biggest peacetime
evacuation in Canadian history as eight burning, derailed
tank cars of propane gas spread smoke and fumes over a
wide area and threatened to explode a carload of liquid
chlorine. The 90 tons of chlorine were leaking slowly and
vaporizing, but authorities said the leak was so slow there
was no immediate danger. However, the car was upside
down only a few feel from some of the burning cars, and
officials feared the fire v, mid explode it. unloosing a clnud
of poisonous gas. No deaths or injuries were reported in
city 10 miles west of Toronto, but police, firemen, and
evacuees complained of nausea, headaches and watery eyes
from the fumes which spread more than six miles. There
were no reports of damage to nearby buildings. The
evacuation began early Sunday. It was expanded during the
day as the fumes and smoke were carried by the wind. Late
Sunday night 3,000 residents of Oakville, 10 miles to the
south, were urged to evacuate.
The Directory Is Here
If the big bad administrator won't listen to your gripes
then maybe a fellow student will. The Campus Facilities
Advisory Committee, a newly formed offshoot of the
University Community Council (UCC), will deal with student complaints when SUNYA's Plant Department can't or
' According to UCC Chair Dave Gross, the Committee
was formed in response to past dissatisfaction with the
Plant's efforts. "In the past, the Plant Department was
unreceptive. It was the only place where people could go to
complain," said Gross. Students and faculty members can
now use the Committee as a liaison between them and the
Plant Department.
"We want to make it easier for students and faculty to
air complaints and get through to the Plant," said Gross.
"This year, Dennis Stevens (Plant Director), has done a
good job. We want to work with and through him."
Gross added that people "were not listened t o " in the
past. He cited complaints regarding buses and their
While the group is just beginning, Gross said one plan is
to meet with Inter-Quad Council executives and discuss
what each quad needs, in addition to improving quad conditions.
WASHINGTON (AP) President Carter has decided to stop
buying Iranian oil In a response to the seizure of about 50
American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, ABC
News reported today. The network's White House correspondent, Sam Donaldson, said the announcement was
expected this afternoon. If all oil now supplied by Iran is
cut off, the loss might amount to 7 percent to 8 percent of
U.S. imports. That amounts to about 3.5 percent to 4 percent of the total U.S. oil consumption. The Energy Department estimates the total imports of Iranian oil at 700,000
barrels a day and another 200,000 to 300,000 barrels of
heavy fuel oil refined in the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, and
elsewhere. Earlier today, Carter met with key Cabinet
members and other top advisors, but his spokesman said
the meeting was not "prompted by any new developments
in Iran." White House press secretary Jody Powell disclosed the meeting, the second in two days, as the stand-off between the United States and Iranian authorities over some
60 American hostages moved into its second week. Powell
told reporters that Carter met with members of his Cabinet
for about an hour, beginning at 8:30 a.m. EST. Then,
members of the Special Coordinating Committee on Iran
moved to the While House situation room for another onehour meeting, without (he president.
220,000 Evacuated In Ontario
Well gang, keep hanging on to your cashcards because
the Moneymatic Machine is holding out until December.
According to Western Avenue's Marine Midland Hank
Manager Chris Douglas, the machine is still awaiting approval from the Slate Banking Commission.
University Auxiliary Services (UAS) General Manager E.
Norbert Zahm said the request to operate a Moneymatic
Machine was submitted to the Commission in June. "UAS
has been arguing with them since June," he added.
Once in operation, the machine will be available to
students seven days a week, between 7 am and 11 pm In Ine
campus center. Zahm has tentatively set these hours "to be
sure that we're done with business before the campus center
Is closed."
by Susan Milligan
Nuclear power and alternative
energy sources were the topics when
New York Public Interest Research
Group, Inc. (NYPIRG) Director
Donald Ross addressed students in
SUNYA's Lecture Center last
"We can look forward to the
coming years as a real (Humph for
the anti-nuclear movement," he
Ross advocates a gradual phaseoul of nuclear power as other forms
of energy arc implemented.
"We must look at the alternatives
and how they can be phased in," he
said. "Right now, we have 72
nuclear power plants in operation.
Each plant is required to keep about
20 percent over its peak period
energy levels In reserve. Each plant
actually has much more than that In
its reserves. We could easily close 60
lo 64 of the plants with no change in
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
our (used) energy supply. We could
phase-out the remaining plants as
we bring in solar energy."
Ross noted that nuclear power
icompriscs only four percent of our
'total energy supply. "Fortunately,"
!he said, "we are not far down the
nuclear road."
Ross met with President Carter
after NYPIRG's New York City
May 6 anti-nuclear rally to discuss a
economically sensible plan" for
safe energy. Carter has taken a pronuclear stand, stating prior lo his
meeting with Ross that he "refused
to shut down all existing plants."
Ross hoped to convince Carter of
"how rapidly it would be possible
to shut down the nuclear plants
without brown-outs or economic
Ross claims that unemployment
would not be increased as a result of
the gradual shut-down of the
"Most of the jobs in the nuclear
power industry are in plant construction," he said. "Much of the
actual running of the plant only
concerns computers and a relatively
few number of highly trained staff
members. There is a greater quantity of jobs in energy conservation
and efficiency planning," he said,
"and these jobs are open to lesser
skilled workers."
After the September 23 rally in
Battery Park City Landfill, Ross
again offered a phase-out plan to
President Carter.
"We can use other forms of
energy and raise the capabilities of
the existing plants without
economic problems," he said.
Ross cited three basic reasons for
government laxity concerning a
nuclear phase-out: utility companies, energy conglomerates, and
continual on pane four
Photo: Sue Taylor
NYPIRG Director Donald Ross
He com/.' 'red SUNYA anti-nukers with the Vietnam Era activists
Class Council Votes For Dues Hike
designated for class dues on this
semester's billing form. Prior to this
semester, the optional fee had been
included in student's total charge.
continued from page three
predecessors. According to Weintraub, many seniors saved a few
dollars by failing to fill in the space
NYPIRG Director VisitsSUNYA
continued from page three
the "selling" of nuclear power to
the American people.
"Your utility bill is not paying
primarily for fuel and labor," he
said. "Much of it pays for the great
amount of capital that the corporation has invested in the plant.
Nuclear plants are the most expensive at the front end; construction
costs anywhere from 1.5 to 2 billion
dollars." Secondly Ross contends
that it is senseless to invest in a form
of energy that "is soon to be obsolete."
In addition, Ross pointed out
that other energy industries, such as
coal and oil corporations, have
nuclear connections and investments.
"Since their profits are at stake
as well," he said, "they are not
about to encourage competition of
nuclear energy with other forms of
energy or advocate a phase-out."
Ross also cited a more obscur*
psychological reason for government inaction. "We have been sold
on the idea of nuclear power as the
energy of choice," he said.
Despite this preconceived pronuclear notion, Ross said he feels
this attitude is changing. "Many
minor nuclear accidents, and major
ones such as the Three Mile Island
accident, have increased the antinuclear movement. 72 percent of
Americans do not want a nuclear
power plant in their community. It
is a losing battle from the industries' point of view," he said.
Assigning significance to college
campuses in the anti-nuclear movement, Ross referred to it as
"defining the activist politics of the
"There are as many anti-nuclear
activists at SUNYA today as there
were at the height of the anti-war
movement," said Ross. "It is very
important that the activism is now
culturally sanctioned on campuses.
The grass roots efforts of the
students are very important to the
anti-nuke movement."
Ross sees a growing amount of
political activism in the 1980's.
"During the anti-war movement,
there weren't structures readily
available to take on the activism of
the students," he said. "This is not
true today. PIRG chapters exist in
22 states. Other groups such as the
Clamshell Alliance are also taking
action against nuclear power."
Ross used the toxic chemicals
issue to emphasize the importance
of NYPIRG efforts in areas other
than nuclear power.
"The link between toxic and
nuclear wastes will rapidly be
made," he said. "Wastes are producing an almost plague level of
still available for this
weekend. Good
for b u s a n d - o r m o t e l a c comodations.
Sponsored by the Class of ' 8 1 .
Call F R A N K o r G A R Y at
cancer...Love Canal is not an
isolated phenomenon; indisposable
wastes are buried all over the
Ross concluded that it will be a
struggle to overcome the utility
companies in phasing-out nuclear
"The use of solar power has increased," he said. "It is a normal,
reasonable reaction to the dangers
of nuclear power. However, it is not
worthwhile economically for
Niagara-Mohawk to support solar
^ *
The " ^
r e c r u i t i n g soon.
LOOK f o r our
Students preferring not to pay dues
could then subtract the dues figure
from their payment.
"A lot of students, not realizing
what the class councils do, didn't
add it in themselves," said Weintraub. "A lot of people just said, 'a
two dollar optional charge — I
won't add it in.' As a result, class
revenues went down."
Weinlraub feels it was unfair of,
SUNYA administrators to effect
the new billing system without serving the senior class with ample prior
notification. "We kind of felt that
the administration should have let
us know," said Weintraub of the.
class officers. "It caught us by surprise. It affected us, Five Quad'
(Ambulance Corps), the (student
health) insurance company. If it
was going to be changed and affect
us so drastically, they should have
let us know."
The fee increase must now be approved by SUNYA Dean for Student Affaits Neil Brown before it
can take effect.
"The extra money will definitely
be brought back to students in the
form of reduced prices for senior
week events," said Weintraub.
"This will give the senior class the
opportunity to plan events without
having to scrimp and save on the
budget we've been using for the
past six years."
Carter Asserts Chrysler Loans
WillRequire Employees1 Help
WASHINGTON (AP) Carter administration support for congressional approval of a loan-guarantee
program for the Chrysler Corp. will;
not depend on whether the new
Chrysler wage contract meets antiinflation guidelines, Treasure
Secretary G. William Miller said
SUNYSystem Curbing Drinking
beverages arc to be supplied in procontinued from page one
portion with alcoholic beverages.
being eliminated.
SUNY at Binghamton has also According to Grccntrereer, this
regulation will cost students more
met with administrative alcohol
policies, including a recent ban on since some parties, he explained,
the use of grain alcohol on campus. will be held without serving soft
A c c o r d i n g to Pipe
Dream drinks.
(Binghamton's student newspaper)
R o b e r t t Mandatory Identification checks
Grccnberger, the sale of grain have been initiated for parlies and
Binghamton's on-campus bar, The
alcohol is illegal in New York State,
and this is the basis for the regula- Pub. Pub Manager Mark Stevens,
said he refuses to serve people who
Students serving alcoholic may harm themselves or others, or
beverages at parties must first damage property. He added lhai a
receive approval from Bingham- committee has been formed to enton's Student Services Committee. sure that the guidelines are enforcIn a d d i t i o n ,
n o n - a l c o h o l i c ed.
quick cure for
the book blues.
Hottest New Drink of the Year
The book blues. It's those sleepless nights with visions ol
exams, pop tests and required reading dancing through your
head. They just won't g o away.
But you c a n . . . with Greyhound. Take oil Ihis weekoi n i
your lamily. see your Iriends... just get out ol lown and lea te II e
book blues behind. II doesn't cost much and it'll do yoi i a world
of good.
So, if you've got the book blues, get on a Greyhoui id and
split, it's a quick cure for what ails you.
Super smoothf Fire enthusiasm any
time with this wonderful warm-up I
1 Jigger (1 V2 oz.)
Southern Comlort
Small slick cinnamon
Slice lemon peel
Hot cider
One-Way Round-Trip
New York
Queens Village "'' 00
Southern L „ , ^
Comfort WW
Nothing's so delicious as Comfort'
ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) Some 200 wearing robes and marching a
students rallied at Ithaca College on black-faced student with a noose
Monday urging stronger penalties around his neck.
against four men suspected for stagAbout 11 a.m. some 200 students
ing a Ku Klux Klan-type parade on marched from the student union to
the president's office, in a move led
Seven other students were expell- by the campus Afro-Latin Society,
ed for the stunt, which involved demanding the suspended four also
(Price s subject to chango)
W.B. Wilson 34 Hamilton St. Albany 4340126
St I.OUlS. MO 63132
be expelled.
In the incident on Halloween
night, 10 students dressed in Klantype robes, and led the slave-type
character into the college Pub, and
the library. When they were asked
to leave by campus police, they
walked into this quiet village of
26,000 persons at the foot of
Cayuga Lake.
The group is appealing their
disciplinary actions to college President James Whalcn. College
spokeswoman Lee Moss said the
administration had no immediate
reaction to the petition regarding
the four.
One of those suspended, George
Enzian, a senior from Ithaca, said
the stunt was done "in the spirit of
"I'm a Lutheran. There were also
a couple of Catholics and a Jew,"
among the group of white males, he
"If that Jewish person thought
we were serious about everything
that costume stands for, he would
never have gone out with us.
"Demand For The Extradition Of TheShah"
Associated Press
The Iranian people began a fiveday hunger strike today to press
their demand for the exiradition of
the deposed shah, Radio Tehran
reported as the occupation of the
American Embassy in Tehran went
into its ninth day with no indication
of an end to the stalemate.
Iran's new foreign affairs chief
summoned all foreign ambassadors
in Tehran for a meeting today in
what appeared to be a diplomatic
counter-offensive against the
United States.
Tehran sources reached by
telephone from Honn, West Germany, had said beforehand they expected the Iranian official,
Abolhassan Bani Sadr, to urge that
their governments pressure the
Carter administration to send the
ousted Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi to Iran.
Reached again afterward, the
sources declined to give details of
the meeting. One of them, a European diplomat, said the ambassadors "were given the opportunity to present their views," but
he said there appeared to be no progress in negotiations to obtain the
release of the 98 hostages held by
militant students at the embassy
since November 4.
about 40 demonstrating Iranians
from the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday,
and police in Washington, D.C.,
drove several hundred anti-Iranian
demonstrators away from Iran's
embassy in the U.S. capital. In
Denver, Colorado, an Iranian student was held for the fatal shooting
of a teenager and the wounding of
two others who police said smashed
a picture window in the Iranian's
An official iranian broadcast,
monitored in Kuwait, said the
students called for a fast taken up
"by the country as a whole to
underline the strength and unanimity of the Iranian demand for the extradition of the shah to stand trail
in Iran."
Meanwhile, Syrian troops drove
Palestinian sources said representatives of the Palestine Liberation
Organization and the Pakistani,
Syrian and Turkish ambassadors in
Tehran were negotiating for the
release of the hostages in the
American Embassy, and a Saudi
Arabian newspaper reported all or
some would be freed by Tuesday.
But a spokesman at the Iranian
Foreign Ministry, reached by
telephone from New York, said
there was no indication of that.
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ENTRY BUNICS FOR B o t h RACES CAN be picked up AT:
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continued from page one
of 16 work-study students vrho'will
escort students around the uptowncampus. The service operates
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
nights, with four people working
each night in teams of two.
Coleman explained that original
funding provided for 40 escorts, but
only 16 students were hired from a
limited applicant pool. In response
to a student inquiry on the service's
safety, Coleman admitted the applicants had not been fully screened.
While the Albany Police Department has doubled patrols in the
Pine Hills vicinity, students claim
there is a lack of student protection.
"It's negligence on their part that
brought this about," said one student.
A media force will be organized
in order to publicize precautionary
measures to follow, such as learning
self defense, as well as printing information on available advisement.-
Meeting Held
Iranians Go On National Hunger Strike
Put cinnamon, lemon
pool and Southern
Com foil in mug. Fill
with cider and stir.
(Put spoon in mug
to pour hot cider.)
"We are not in any way dlsconti.
nuing our support for legislation "
Miller told a news conference
He continued, however: "The
elements of the plan including the
contributions of the various constitutencies, of course, have to be
resolved before we actually make a
commitment for a guarantee."
Students Urge Expulsion
Of Costumed Klanners
211 C.nlr.l * « . - . »!>>•"» «M-«>85 •
446 Dro.dw.y SI. S.t.lou" 984-6804
L o n d o n Broil
nwni) (d
"i i
^ « # *
Tortier ( C a n a d i a n M e a t Pie)
NOVEMBER 13, <979
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
made to torture. There were complaints that some ate well while the
field workers had little — a teaspoon of vegetables and maybe two
spoons of rice.
I remember the survivors - 80 of
• (hem.
Jim Bogue and his family said
Jonestown was a concentration
camp. The 46-year-old Bogue
escaped; but he told me then that he
too might have drunk the poisoned
fruit drink had he stayed.
1 remember sitting on a hotel terrace, drinking coffee with Mike
Prokes as I interviewed him. He
was the 31-year-old television
reporter from Stockton, California,
who had made it back to the States.
He had started out a half dozen
years before to do an investigative
report on Jones and the Peoples
Temple but ended up joining the
cult "for idealistic reasons."
"I think it's dead now," he told
me that day a year ago. "It's just a
legacy of death. I feel the most profound sadness I've ever felt in my
Jonestown: One Year Gone By
Associated Press
I will never forget the colors, a
kind of twisted rainbow of broken
dreams, as I flew over Jonestown,
The bright, tropical sun radiated
colors from the clothing of more
than 900 bodies still lying there a
few days after the Peoples Temple
mass murder-suicide.
A year later, I still remember
U.S. troops on the assembly line of
death, removing the bodies.
They wore surgical masks
because of the smell, rubber gloves
because of the leaking rubber body
Some of the bags sagged grotesquely in their hands. They were too
big for the bodies they held — the
bodies of children who earlier had
swung on swings and played with
sacked by the local people, in a
steady rain.
There in the mud, outside the
cottage of the Rev. Jim Jones, lay
their letters, letters to "Dad," as his
followers called him.
These ledgers of human emotions
offered some bit of insight as to
why they did it, why they committed this unbelievable act. Casualties
are expected in wars. There is an explanation for political coverups like
Watergate. But Jonestown was
sheer madness.
The letters, rambling and disjointed, were journals of selfcriticism and evaluation. Jones'
followers wrote of their guilt, of
their feelings of inadequacy, of
their weaknesses, of suicidal impulses and suicide rehearsals staged
by Jones.
Unexplained references were
As the soldiers worked, the swings hung motionless. A doll lay in
the dirt.
There were signs of unfinished
business: empty shoes on the cottage steps, wash hanging on
clotheslines. Unmailed letters to
There were messengers of death:
flies, mosquitoes, the lingering
1 remember the words of a U.S.
Army major at Jonestown after the
last body had been flown out by
helicopter: "It was a very nasty job,
a disgusting operation. More than
900 people committed suicide in a
very tropical area and it took us six
days to clean it up and that's how
unpleasant it got."
1 stayed behind for a time and
walked around the cottages, ran-
life. It will stay with me but Fkn^
I can function with It,"
Four months later, at a news conference in his native town or
Modesto, California, Prokes handed reporters 22 pages of ramblir,.
"It is sadness beyond tears | 0
think of my brothers and sisters
from Jonestown . . . Peoples Temple was their only home, their only
family. They arc nameless and
alone — forgotten by America."
At the end of the conference,
Prokes walked into a bathroom!
shut the door, turned on the waie!
and fatally shot himself. His wifc
and adopted son were among iht
victims of Jonestown.
I remember Hying back Irom
Jonestown to Guyana's Tlmehri
Airport that Saturday nlghl belore
the U.S. troops left. The last bodies
had been removed, and I could set
the bonfires from the all. I hey \scre
burning their work clothes,
I wrote in my notebook,
"Jonestown is dead,"
workers did not want the power
stations started up before the cracks
were repaired.
E.D.F. claims that the cracks are
not serious, and even the unions
reportedly agree that the public is
not at risk.
However, the strikers are
reportedly worried about the safety
of workers. If the reactors arc fueled,
they claim it will eliminate the
possibility of mending the cracks
before the reactors become highly
Paulsen For Pres.?
Comedian Pat Paulsen is
definitely running or definitely not
running for President of the United
States next year.
If this sounds a bit confusing, well
it is. Paulsen has told a Canadian
publication {Macleans Magazine)
that — in his words — "I have
announced my candidacy in several
cities and denied it in several
In Toronto, for example, the
comedian revealed to reporters that
he was definitely in the 1980 race. A
few days later in Montreal, however,
he denied he was planning another
run for the White House.
, In kccpingwilh his 1968 and 1972
campaigns, Paulsen has said he
intends to run without a platform.
As for spending money on
Presidential campaign buttons and
banners, Paulsen had this to sav:
Sexual ©ecteion ^flaking anti Sexual ©tototf)
topics otecusfjfrti: ~&tx roles
--tfrxuni decision matting
--languages of Hex
-plus! more
HSortuirjopsf mill be rjelo ODuesoap, iJtotoemoer 13
FUIILJ Automcl he, Dirczct
list Pricxz. $229.
New Scientist magazine reports
that some of the first cracks have
begun to appear in the otherwise
solid pro-nuclear line of the French
The British scientific journal says
that last week, engineering unions
involved in atomic reactor
construction — who are usually
strong supporters of the country's
extensive nuclear program —
opposed the fueling of three new
French reactors.
Elcctricilc dc FranccfE.D.F.), the
French state electricity utility,
planned to load the reactors in order
to add more generating capacity in
time for winter.
However, New Scientist reports,
the fueling was halted when workers
at two of the sites went out on strike
because there were cracks in crucial
reactor components, and the
ifflibtrte Cartf) presents atoorktftyopin
S Q N / - 1 5 W i t per Channel AJA/flA SLczr<zoReoziv<zr
J^-ExzJt-Dr'iVrz.ScEjrii-Aatorricarac ( u r n t a b l ^
l-C - 3 - Way Specter S q s t e m u j i t h }&' VJcoYczr
Cracked Nukes
I'd still like to
know if this is
the past,
future, or
"guaranteed to destroy your
phonograph needles" — that is, if
you can get the record out of the
,. It seems that the people at Absurd
Records have glued each copy of the
"I'm not putting any money into single inside its paper sleeve.
getting a job like that."
Appropriately, this single by "Gerry
and the Holograms" is entitled "The
New Music,"an obvious
Nose Jobs For Xmas Emperor's
take-off on "The Emperor's New
And now for the person who has Clothes."
everything — especially if you don't
like looking at his or her face: a gift Now:Cancer From Beer
certificate for plastic surgery.
The Cosmetic Surgery Center on
A study of 30 brands of
East 58th Street in New York City is American beer by the U.S. Food
offering gift certificates for daring and Drug Administration has found
individuals who want to present that all but two of those brands
them to their less than perfect- contain potentially-dangerous levels
looking friends or relatives.
of cancer-causing chemicals.
Among the operations the gift
The FDA released its study
certificates arc good for are face results last Friday shortly after It
lifts, wrinkle removal, and nose was accused of "sitting on" the
controversial report for the past six
weeks by the Center for Science in
the Public Interest.
White Noise
According to the government test
results, the only two beers that did
This record should certainly he in not show traces of "nitrosamines"
the running for the "Strangest (pronounced ni-TRO-sah-means)
Recording of the Year."
were Coors and Guinness Stout.
A Hritish company has issued a
Other brands of beer In the
new single on the "Absurd" label government study, Including
that contains nothing hut two Schlitz, Tuborg, Budweiser and
minutes and 17 seconds of what is Lowcnbrau, registered levels of
described as "vaguely rhythmic nitrosamines ranging from 2 to 8
fu//." What's more, that fu/zy parts per billion.
sound, according to producers, is
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NOVEMBER 13, 1979
Bromberg Blues
Univ8r$ity Concert Boord
t f t
J ^ f O j ' ^ J jfll
Everything For Everybody
t f t
Anyone who wasn't at J.B. Scott's last
Wednesday missed a thoroughly entertaining
evening of acoustic music. The David
Bromberg Band was on the stage and the
capacity crowd loved It. As usual the band
drifted through Its wide repertoire of musical
styles. Along with the usual comedy and stage
antics of Bromberg, the show was Just another
fine, well-rounded performance.
Marty Vukovlch
An Evening with
Todd Rundgren & Utopia
Aspects on Tuesday
David Bromberg at the helm: A variety of
g o o d m u s i c for all ears to hear
The show consisted of a balanced blending
of Bromberg's mainstay, the blues, and a collage of folk, bluegrass, Irish fiddle and
downright inspirational tunes. The show was
never dominated by one style but floated
evenly through all. Bromberg also broke up
the show with his witty lyrics and short comedy routines. The audience never got restless
as they wandered from mellow blues tunes
and hand clapping, foot stompln' countrystyle tunes. They play the blues standard,
"Kansas O'ly" as well as his own "New Lee
Highway Blues." They also touched on his
more rock-oriented tunes such as "Bandit In a
Bathing Suit" and "Demon In Disguise."
The master, Bromberg, commanded the
stage and the audience like a field m a r s h a l
The atmosphere of his vocals created a bridge
between the band and the audience. It created
a personal relationship and when David got
riled up, so did the crowd. His musical talents
were exhibited as he switched from guitars
(acoustic and electric) to mandolin and fiddle.
One of the highlights of the show was
Bromberg's slide guitar leads during the ever
popular tune "Sharon." He literally made It
Much credit also belongs to his band which
only amplified his talents. Its depth of talent
and size (seven members) allowed for the wide
variety of music. A large facet of the blues prowess was provided by the brass section. It consists of Curt Linberg on trombone and John
Firmln on alto and baritone sax. The mellow
bluesy leads of Llnberg's trombone and Fir-
nin's hot searing sax leads coupled together to
form a perfect combination. They provided
harmonious backgrounds as well as jamming
leads along with Bromberg. The workhorse of
the band was Dick Fegy. His multiinstrumental talents (banjo, fiddle, mandolin,
organ and guitars) allowed for much of the
band's versatility. His real talent laid In his
guitar, mandolin and banjo playing. The band
was rounded out by George Klndler on fiddle,
Lance Dlckerson on drums and Danny
Counts on bass.
The crowd's clapping along with songs and
recurrent catcalls only went to reaffirm the
crowd's affection for the band. They responded by playing a lengthy show of high quality
which included two encore sets. It was a plea-"
sant change from blaring rock and roll to be
able to walk out without ringing in your ears.
The show provided energy, inspiration, and a
good time to all in the audience. It is recommended that the next time you have a chance
to see Mr. Bromberg's band, go.
Muldaur Moves
Midnight With Maria
One of live music's greatest potentials Is that Boys play swing tunes.from the 1920's, 30's
It has the ability to pick up a receptive group of and 40's, and swing they did, all the way
people and move them en masse to emotional through a well-paced, but regrettably brief,
heights that recorded material can't quite at- set.
After a quick equipment shuffle, the
tain. On those nights when everything is right
you can feel an almost palpable electricity members of, Maria's backing band wandered
flowing out from off the stage —the musicians onstage and commenced to (Iddle about for
are charged and the crowd picks it up through what seemed a lerriblv long time. While we
some sort of indefinable current. I once heard were still debating whether they were in fact
a musician say she had an orgasm onstage members of the band (most of the table look
them for roadies making sound checks), they
during one particularly inspired moment.
suddenly broke Into the opening number,
"Brickyard Blues," and Maria bounced In from
the wings.
Jeff Hall
Feedback problems through the first two
These Instances of pure magic are few and
far between (there are just too many variables numbers put a momentary damper on things,
In the formula), but they do happen. When but once they were resolved the band started
Maria Muldaur played at J.B. Scott's Sunday to bear down, and with a vengeance.
They rolled out of the first tune and straight
night no one danced on the bar and 1 didn't
spot anyone entertaining an orgasmic flight of Into one of Muldaur's standards, "It Ain't the
fancy, but this may have been due more to In- Meat (It's the Motion)." Obviously, she was
dividual efforts to retain a certain cool than not going to do anything to refute her popular
lack of effort on the band's part. Maria was reputation as the Mae West of contemporary
throwing out every trick she's got, and even music. Flitting around the stage In her
though the rabbit never did pop out of the hat, customary tight black pants and shaking like.
Tina Turner's shadow, she projected the kind
it peeked over the brim a few times.
The evening got off to a good start when the of sensual, happy-to-be-a sinner personality
warm-up act, Dr. Scanlon's Rhythm Boys, one could detect in "Midnight At the Oasis,"
surprised anyone who was expecting a the single that boosted her up into the public
stereotypical local band to come out and slog eye In 1973. She projects that image on stage
around In a mire of old Bachman-Turner too, the difference being that on record it's
Overdrive covers for an hour. The Rhythm kind of washed down and only mildly ap-
parent, but in person she whips It out and hits
you right between the eyes with It.
The show was divided Into two sets of nine
songs apiece. Predictably, her new album,
Open Your Eyes, was given a good deal of attention (eight o( the numbers were from the
album). The band was also given room to
stretch out in, but Individual members never
strayed too far from home base. They were as
tight as Maria's pants, If you'll pardon the comparison, and threw In a few nice pieces of
inner-band humor (In the middle of "My Tennessee Mountain Home" the bassist and
guitarist spun off a quick, two measure blurb
from "Dixie"). 1 was surprised at their versatility, which with a musical style as diverse as
Muldaur's is obviously a necessity. The band
went from swing lo rock to country, doubled
back, whipped out a jazz tune and never missed a step, grinning and mugging with Maria all
the while.
Muldaur has never been known for her
outspokenness, but she wasn't above taking
the opportunity to express a few opinions. She
dedicated "Wheelers and Dealers" to the
lOPEC nations, addressed women's liberation
in "Clean-Up W o m a n " {"While I was out raising my consciousness, he was at home raising
something else"), and sent out "(No More)
,Dancln' In the Streets" in response to what she
called the alarming "over-profusion of disco,"
a sentiment greeted by wide-spread approval
S e x y songstress M a r i a M u l d a u r oang at
Scott'a Sunday; Sin can be fun.
from the audience.
The second set ended on that note, and the
band returned for one encore, the clap-along,
everybody-sing gospel tune "Sisters and
Brothers." We might not have had the consummate musical experience Sunday night,
and the magic might have been just beyond
our grasp, but Maria made us reach for it, and
she brought us close. Y o u really can't ask for
much more than that.
Rundgren Rules
This Thursday night at
the Palace Theatre at 8PM
Tickets are $6.50 w/ tax card
$8.50 General Public
C e n
l2 A t° » T
Just-A-Son* Records and the Palace T W n
Must have Tax Card to get discount!!
Born f o Synthesize
if' you're waiting for Todd Rundgren to
come out with a chart busting, platinum status
album — forget It. This enigmatic whizz kid,
guitar virtuouso, and master of the studio, has
no appetite for commercial success. Having
influenced rock music for close to a decade.
Todd is well established, and one of the most
respected names in the musical business.
Cliff Sloan
Many artists who have obtained commercial
stardom have, in one form or another, gone
to Todd for assistance. Among the huge
number of acts that Rundgren has worked
with In the studio are The Band, Janis Joplin,
The N.Y. Dolls, Hall and Oates, Patti Smith,
Rick Derringer, Meatloaf, and Tom Petty. His
own musical endeavors are as diverse as the
music produced by this list of bands and upon
going to see Todd at Radio City in 1973, none
other than Mr. Bowie sat four seats to my left.
Commercial success is not something that
has eluded Todd. Rather, it's the other way
around. He's quite capable of producing top
forty hits, but he prefers to treat his cult following to a taste of complex engineering and
often bewildering diversity. He doesn't Impose
his personal style on any of the acts he produces but promotes their more admirable
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
traits, bringing them their desired success.
Todd produced Grand Funk in 1974 ("some
of the worst trash that's ever been on plastic"),
a band which reached platinum status twice
with two Rundgren-produced singles. Todd
chooses to remain elusive, and treats his
dedicated fans in other ways, such as the
poster which accompanied the release of
Todd in 1974 made up of the names of fans
who mailed in. His records are documented
testimony to his engineering wizardry, while
his live performances leave more room for improvisation.
Back to the Bars, a double live recording
and Todd's latest release, is a stylish display of
his various Influences and superior guitar
talent. Love ballads, heavy metal rock,
futuristic synthesizing, "Runt" can, and does,
do it all. Five of his fourteen albums were performed and produced single handedly by
Todd began his career by forming "Nazz,"
an English Mod-influenced flash-rock outfit in
1968. They provided the first alternative to the
San Francisco sound which was dominating
rock at the time. Nazz were characterized by
recording and playing sophistication which
heralded the end of the 60's and a newer,
more professional sound. His solo career
blossomed with the release of Ballad oj Todd
Rundgren (1971). Always attempting to push
the barriers of rock to new heights, Rundgren
made an attempt to launch his Utopia Road
Show with a lighting system and effects that
could visually match his futuristic music. The
plan failed for lack of funds but was later revived when his movement into Intensely complex
heavy-metal space rock met with a larger and
more appreciative audience.
This change in style blossomed in 1974 with
the release of Todd. This space age departure
revealed that the synthesizer kid could astound, confound, amuse and confuse both
the fans and the critics. But as always, Todd
remained one step ahead of his time.
"Ain't no jiue It's not a surprise, I was born
to synthesize," the wizard sings on his 1975 effort entitled Initiatiation. The album was full of
acidic visions and amongst the longest albums
ever made, containing over an hour of music.
This album featured Edgar Winter and Rick
Derringer, who ironically fit into the Eastern
mystique atmosphere of the record,
Another Live (1975) Is a far more listenable
reflection of his dynamic stage abilities, including a nod to his roots in the form of The
Move's "Do Ya?" By 1976, Utopia had settled
down to a fully democratic band. This was
achieved with /?a (released In 7 7 ) which again
confused and confounded, but showed the
The whizz kid T o d d " R u n t " Rundgren: T o
be live T h u r s d a y night at the Palace.
highly complex Rundgren still out In the
forefront of radically unusual, rock.
Todd is ahead of his time and one of the
most talented people that will ever enter into
the world of rock. His band is marked by uncanny tightness and precision, while Todd'sguitar talents are to say the least, phenomenal,
One of the last remaining true talents In rock,
Rundgren Is an act that shouldn't be missed.
Opposition To SALT II
by Steven Schaeffer
On June 18, 1979, President Carter and
President Brezhnev signed Ihc S A L T I I treaty
in Vienna. On June 22, the trealy was sent lo
Ihe Senate for advice and consent lo ratification.
S A L T I I in its present form is unacceptable
and should be defeated by Ihc Senate so it
can be rcncgoliaied more equitably. As
Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.) slates:
Ihe treaty is "inequitable, allowing Moscow
significani military advantages; and it is
politically dangerous, signaling U.S. appeasement and distracting Americans from
the Soviet strength." A more forceful U.S.
opposition to Soviet foreign policy is
necessary. Jackson said the irealy is one more
item of gratuitous concession made lo
Moscow by an administration thai was too
eager to maintain Ihe appearance o f a
U.S.-Soviel accord. " I n the areas of trade
and technology, Ihe riglu lo emigrate, and
strategic arms, the signs o f appeasement are
all loo evident." Since S A L T I, Moscow has
undertaken a vast buildup of lis strategic
arsenal and has developed significani
numerical superiority in conventional arms.
" A n d all o f this is taking place in a misty atmosphere of amiability and good fellowship
under a policy of detente. This is appeasement," said Jackson.
The effect o f Ihc force. The effect o f this
commitment was less than clear-cut since the
Russians insisted thai the unit was merely a
training force.
This leads lo Ihrcc points why the treaty
should be defeated before we even discuss the
merits o f the trealy. Firstly, Moscow apparency has gone to great lengths lo conceal
the fact that their military establishment in
Cuba was organized, equipped, and trained
l o p e r f o r m Combat
missions. This
emonslrated the Russians' fundamental unIriistworlliincss and violated a basic premise
" T h e real danger ahead is Ihe Kremlin's
political use of strategic superiorly as an umbrella under which to pursue a series of probes to expand Soviet power and weaken the
position o f the United Stales . . . Can wc
bargain confidently and stubbornly, can we
stand up lo Soviet blackmail, can we hold
our ground in a crisis situation from a position o f relative military weakness'.'" asks!
Jackson. A case in point was when Presidem
Carter backed down from his original stance
on the issue of the Russian combat Iroops in
Cuba. Initially, Carter announced that the
status quo of Russian troops in Cuba was
unacceptable to the United States. In Ihc
speech Carter delivered October 2, 1979, it
became clear lhat the troops would remain in
Cuba, with Moscow insisting that they ran a
"training center" and nothing more. The only concession lhat Carter got from Moscow
was Moscow's assurance lhat it would not
change ihe existing character of ihc force.
not resist any longer. Student Accounis F—
Student Accounts:
of the S A L T negotiations, namely, thai hoih
superpowers would be more secure if each
knew what Ihe other was up to militarily.
Secondly, the Soviet brigade had been
opcraling at least since Ihc mid-1970s, even
though President Ford insisted there had
been no Soviet combal unit in Cuba through
1976. This called inlo question the quality or
U.S. intelligence, i r it could not detccl a
Soviet unit 90 miles from Key West, Fla.,
how could the U.S. intelligence delect'
relatively subtle improvements in Soviet
continued on page fifteen
To Ihc Editor:
In these bleak days or prc-rcgislration,
many poor souls endure long, torluous lines
in the almighty quest for R C O I 0 0 and PHI
210. There arc undoubtedly hundreds o f
complaints concerning the various holds on
student records. However, I must clearly
describe Ihe horrifying episode lliai I suffered
at ihe hands of ihe Infamous office of Student Accounts:
I was scheduled lo prc-rcgistcr on the last
day for juniors, Tuesday November 6th, at
noon. I armed myscir with various releases of
previous holds and began my trek lo Colonial
Quad. Upon arriving al noon, Iherc naturally
was a very long line lo gel inlo ihe prcrcgislration area. After wailing a good 20
minutes, I finally made it to the registration
permit area. I mutually expeded some sort o f
a hold and so, I began lo pull otil all my
release forms and oilier evidence. To my
dismay, I was promptly informed thai Ihc
prescnl hold on my account involved signing
an N D S I . promissory note, something thai I
had done back in .September. Of course, I
had no evidence for thai. I was Infuriated bui
I managed lo remain calm and I made my
way lo Ihe office of Sludcnl Accounts.
I made my way back to Colonial and
discussed my plight with a certain woman ai
the tables. She was very understanding, and I
was glad that someone else recognized by
problem with Sludcnl Accounts. Luckily, I
gol all my courses bul who knows how many
people got closed out o f a course because ol
ihc idiocy o f Sludcnl Accounis? Ii was about
3 p.m. when I finally left Colonial Quad's
U-Loungc. I went to a professor (whose class
I had missed because o f my experience) and
explained what had happened. He expressed
his deepest sympathy and excused me foi
having missed class. I'm hoping thai students
will continue to speak oui againsi iliis
bureaucratic bumbling. There has uoi m be a
better way.
— Fred Aliberil
T o the Editor:
Hello, I'm M i l o dc Challc. I'm really a kitIcn, bin I try to let people think I am oldet by
telling them thai I am a cut. I'm onlj three
months o l d , bul after my receni experiences,
I have acquired an enormous amounl ol
I'm writing about a simple issue thai rctill)
concerns me and other cats like me. I do nol
like the fact thai some people think thai they
can gel away with keeping pels in Ihc dorm.
Sure, i l ' s o k a y for ihc goldfish; they're undci
water and d o n ' ! care one way or another. Bul
me, I would like lo run around outside, catch
mice and birds, and be a well-adjusted Mine.
Instead, ihc life I lead is one of misery,
loneliness, and general claustrophobia, All I
do all day is sit under a table and look at ihe
four walls. Also, I live in conslanl fear that
ihc dorm director or an RA will discover the
existence o f an illegal pel and I will be given
to another suite in a different dorm, given a
more terrible treatment.
I expected a grizzly sight upon entering
through Ihe heavy glass doors. There were
about 30 people wailing on line to sec the two
besieged Student Accounts' representatives,
You would think thai the University had the
common sense lo put a few more people at
ihe counter during prc-rcgislration. O f
course, dial's unheard of! Does ihe Director
o f Sludcnl Accounts, Robert J. Acquino,
ever wail on those lines? Do Kathleen
Wakeman, Edmund .1. Zcnr.cn, Krislina
Cnabowski or Julio DIOuillo (Sludcnl Accounts Bureaucrats) ever wait on those lines?
Nol O f course not. We, the students, arc a
pain in the ass. Wc should suffer! Wc always
do, al leasi al Ihc hands o f Sludcnls AcMy owners aren't so terribly nice either.
counts. That's one way that Ihe University
Their idea o f housebreaking a pel is lo spike
gels us. There arc countless others, but none
my drinking waier with Southern Coniforl
as despicable as Sludcnls Accounts.
and watch me gel drunk. (I slill clon'i
I wailed about an hour and fifteen minutes remember whal 1 did a couple of niglus ago,
before I made it lo Ihe counter. 1 explained but someone said thai I looked quite amusing
my problem, and just as I expected, ihe pro- passed oul in front o f my litlcrbox. Ha, ha.
missary note had already been signed by me. very funny . . .) Another disturbing' thing
A certain Mrs. DiGuilio expressed her thai Ihey do is smoke pol and for anoihci
sinccrcst apolpgies. My anger and disgust was cheap thrill- they blow the smoke up my nose
great bul I remained calm. That apology was and 1 gel high. Then they laugh and say,
certainly not enough. I rorgive in some cases, " L o o k al Ihe cat chasing his tail! He's really
but I will never forget Sludcnl Accounts. fucked u p ! " Is it my fault? I'm no Puritan,
They deserve lo be described with the most
but I do like lo have some say in these mai
profound obsccnilics. The sheer irresponlers. I'm loo young lo understand all of this,
sibility and disorganization
o f thai depart- and why someone would want lo (real me
mcni would meril such a description. I can- like this is beyond me.
To urn iHer;.
( 4 ^
W £7/6 HCRf
mes THArj
e*r. f<Kp U R a w m s w u m
em mreR,
nose em
mm hies
I don't know what my life will turn out to
be. Will 1 eventually escape, only lo be hil by
a car in my quest for freedom? Will I be
discovered, and sent to my death? Will 1 be
sent lo another, decern family and given a
proper second chance?
I don't know, bul I do know thai it is nol
fair to me and other illegal pels, lo be
sentenced to an indefinite lime of sadistic life
— Beth Goldstein,
On behalf of
Milo dc Chane
Disco Rat
To the Editor:
Why are the Ral bartenders under the impression lhat S U N Y A students like disco?
When I am in the Ral, I personally do not
want to hear disco. There are four very good
radio stations in ihc area, namely W R P I ,
WQBK, W M H T , and even our own W C D B ;
all presenting Interesting and varied musical
programs. The bartenders automatically go
lo W F L Y whenever the Rat is more than half
full, late afternoons, and weekends, notwithstanding whal I believe to be Ihe
prevalent taste o f most people who like to
hang oul in the Ral. Is (his true? Make your
preference known!
— Lcc Howard
A Plea For Respect
To ihe Editor:
For the sake o f clarity, let me first say I
have nothing against men who prefer males
as sexual partners. A l the same lime, I lake
offense (o those gay males who have made
the men's rest room outside of the CUE and
EOP complex a social hangout for their sexual releases.
. At any given time, one can smell the scent
o f semen, overhear " l o v e r s " in the same stall
and be solicited by an effeminate male
pretending lo be urinating. A l besl, the situation is sensitive enough to be explosive. Continued harassment will probably lead lo
physical retaliation by a heterosexual and
maybe then the problem will be resolved.
Until such males learn to respect Ihc
privacy of others, the homosexual's image
will always be one o f perverted sickness.
• — A b d u l Jarvis
Vigil Vindication
To the Ediior:
This is in response lo S. Marino's letter to
Ihc ediior in the November 7 issue of the
ASP, and to anyone who shares her views on
Ihe issue. 1 found her letter so cluttered with
garbage and ignorance that it simply needs lo
be answered, for everyone's sake. There is no
need for platitudes. I am nol writing to
placate anyone.
The issue here is the .ISC vigil held at Ihc
house of accused Nazi war criminal Vilis
Hazners, on Sunday November 4. Giving
Ms, Marino the bencfil of Ihe doubt, I
assume that she knows exactly what the Nazis
mean to the world, and in particular to the
Jews. Thusly, we shouldn't, don't, and never
will lake litis mailer lightly.
She mentions "disgustedly" thai a man in
litis country is innocent until proven guilty. It
is loo bad no one is challenging this f a d . The
vigil's purpose was nol to usurp this tend of
our law, bin to call to attention an infraction
of another law in this country. That is that
Mr. Hazners admittedly lied on his entry visa
to ihe U.S., concerning his membership lo an
organization thai persecutes individuals. This
fact alone is grounds enough for deportation,
No, the vigil was not a "reactionary activit y " or a "travesty o f justice", as was claimed. No one wants to do away with a trial by
jury, but on the contrary, it was an appeal lo
make ihc public aware o f the serious implications o f the hearing. You yourself call for
prosecution, nol persecution. Well ihen you
should have joined the vigil, for they loo
were calling for prosecution. A l l they were
asking for is a fair and honesl hearing, and
the real travesty would be letting this opportunity for ascertaining the legality of Mr.
Hazners' American citizenship slip away.
This vigil noi only didn't infringe his rights,
bul calls needed attention to the mailer at
hand. That is the possibility of permitting a
war criminal lo reside freely in out wit country.
You also warned lo know what Ihc vigil
proved. Il proved in spile o f it all, thai there
arc slill sonic people who are willing to slare
inlo the face of evil itself, and lo call for
justice and decency. And despite "ashamed'
people like yourself, who equate lllis vigil
with ihc "Salem Witch H u m " , "McCarthy
E r a " amies, and even lo " I h e level o f ihe
Nazis" (which has !o be, Ms. Marino, one o f
the most outstanding examples of doubletalk), there ate slill those who will not sit
quietly as you wish.
Concerning your lasi paragraph, of being
disappointed in what you ihougln as JSC's
"interpretation of Judaism is lo condemn
and lo prejudge" (which is in itself a blatant
anti-Semitic statement), I say, what lite hell
do yon know abom Judaism? When il conies
to justice, we don't " t u r n Ihe oilier cheek
But . . . "Juslice, j t i s i i c , you shall pursue',
so thai you may l i v e " — you can read il for
yourself as il is written in ihc Old Testament
(Deuteronomy 16:20). For those present at
M r . I lazncrs' house, if I may speak for I hem
this was their Interpretation of Judaism.
— Robert Suposh
Who Pays For Nukes?
To the Ediior:
In Friday's New York Times was a story
proving [he economic inefficiency o f the
nuclear power industry. Herman Diekamp
the presidem o f the General Public Utilities
Corporation, the utility lhat owns ihe Three
Mile Island reactor, is seeking Ihc Federal
Government's help to reduce the cost ofl
cleaning up the damaged power plant, an
operation lhat is estimated to cost between
$300 million lo $500 million. His justification
for such a demand is that Ihe accident at
Three Mile Island provided " a n important
opportunity lo add to the nation's nuclear experience." Mr. Diekamp feels thai the public
has been so enriched by T . M . I , that il should
be willing lo fool the bill for the nuclear Industry's mistakes. I disagree.
The American public has been paying too
much for Ihc nuclear industry. The nuclear
industry could nol economically function independent o f the Federal Government. The
Federal Government takes mu lax dollars
and uses them to supporl the nuclear industry
because the industry could nol function on its
own. Our lax dollars arc used to subsidize the
investors o f nuclear power plains, to allow
for lax write-offs for the investors and lo insure the plants. Because nuclear power plants
are such a high insurance risk, no private in
surance company will insure them, our tax
dollars must perform thai function.
The argument in favor of nuclear power as
an economical source of energy would have
more credibility if the industry was able to
maintain its own costs. However ii is nol a
sell-sufficient industry. Noi only should our
Federal Government refuse lo give M r .
Diekamp ihe money lo clean up his nuclear
accident, bul Ihe government should end all
subsidies and lax benefits lo ihc nuclear induslry. Since nuclear power is not a sound
economical investment, without government
subsidies, investors will refuse to invest in
nuclear power because lo do so would lose
them money. Nuclear power cannot continue
lo exist, not only for safety reasons, bul
because it is uneconomical. Given the present
stale of ihc economy, lite government would
be wise lo lake our money oul of Ihe nuclear
industry and use il to help cure our economy.
— Kevin Quinn
One Question
One question: Why did Albany police wait so long before warning
ic women of Albany against the animal terrorizing and raping them?
Two Hundred Percent
A few m o n t h s a g o , al the height o f an A m e r i c a n gas shortage, the p r o b l e m s in
I r a n that stopped the o u t w a r d f l o w o f o i l were cited as a p r i m a r y reason f o r (he lack
o f gits al the p u m p s . Yesterday, Prez C a r t e r t o l d I r a n wc were t a k i n g o u r business
elsewhere, o n l y there isn't a n y w h e r e else l o take i l . Gas guzzlers cheered h i m o n , and
Ihc o i l companies s t o o d d u m b f o u n d e d . T h e p r o b l e m is o b v i o u s : I f the c u t o f f o f I r a n i a n o i l doesn't cause a shortage as big as the last otic, then someone somewhere has
been l y i n g their b u t t o c k s o f f , a n d Ihe A m e r i c a n people may f i n d o u t . Q u i c k reaction
o n the pari o f c o r p o r a t e geniuses w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y solve the mess. E i t h e r t h e y ' l l
raise the price o f gas a g a i n , and b l a m e il on C a r t e r ' s I r a n i a n b l o c k , or t h e y ' l l raise it
and blame ii o n the greedy members o f O P E C w h o arc t a k i n g advantage o f
A m e r i c a n p o l i t i c a l catastrophes. T h e y may even b l a m e il on the A y a l o l l a h . But they
will blame i t , a n d we will pay f o r i t .
So Carter has made what may even be termed a " b r a v e p o l i t i c a l m o v e , " asserting
U.S. " s t r e n g t h , " b u l A m e r i c a n s w i l l pity t h r o u g h the nose in the l o n g r u n . A n d i t ' s
o u r o w n f a u l t . N o w that gas is f l o w i n g fast and f u r i o u s a g a i n , A m e r i c a n s let the
reports o f o i l c o m p a n y p r o f i t s w h i z by w i t l t lit lie n o t i c e . So d i d C a r l e r , so d i d C o n gress, and so d i d the companies themselves, t a k i n g a deep breath as the i n c r e d i b l y
large percentages were f o r g o t t e n , i f p o l i c e d at a l l .
J i m m y , y o u r crisis o f c o n f i d e n c e has p r o v e n itself true once a g a i n . A n d isn't il
nice l o k n o w that J i m m y was right a b o u t
Three Ways To Live
T h e person wc t h i n k a f o o l may s i m p l y be the one w i t h the wit and courage t o be
an i n d i v i d u a l , t o f o l l o w his o w n c o n v i c t i o n s , even w h e n they arc u n p o p u l a r . W e r e
we all such f o o l s , the w o r l d might be a better place. W h e n w e ' r e a m o n g swingers and
t o l d l o t h i n k o n l y o f Ihc present, i l m i g h t not h u r l t o c o n c e r n ourselves a l i t t l e w i t h
the fit l u r e , and t o remember o u r c o l l c c l i v e past. W h e n we are among those w h o
w o u l d o n l y w o r k a n d p l a n f o r the f u t u r e , it m a y not h u r l t o r e m e m b e r t h a t , after a l l ,
we live in the present. A n d w h e n w e f i n d ourselves a m o n g s l u d c n l s searching f o r
eternal verities t o w r i t e in litis newspaper, it m i g h t not h u r t t o remember A l i c e .
" R e a l l y , n o w y o u ask m e , " said A l i c e , very m u c h c o n f u s e d , " I d o n ' t t h i n k — "
" T h e n y o u s h o u l d n ' t t a l k , " said Ihe H a l t e r .
_ j W
Jay B. Glasen, Editor-in-Chief
Ronald Levy, Richard Behar, Managing Editors
News Editor
Michele Israel
Associate News Edltora
Laura Florentine), Sylvia Saunders
ASPects Editor
Stuart Matranga
Associate ASPects Editor
Martin Vukovich
Sports Editor
Paul Schwartz
Associate Sports Editor
Mike Dunne
Editorial Pages Editor
Charles Blcner
Staffwriters: Charles Bell. Pal Branley, Bub Bellaflore, Andrew Carroll, Karen Ren, Mike Fried
Maureen George, i:d Goodman, Larry Kalm, Debby Kopf, Susan Milligan, Michelle Mockrell, Knth^
Perllll, Roberta Rosenbaunt, Jeff Schadoff, Belli Sexer, Aron Smith, Debbie Smith Around Campus: Susan Milligan Zodiac and Preview: Dorolhy Baronc
Debbie Kopf, Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Billing Accountant
Assistant Accountant
Composition Manager
Sieve Goldstein
Lisa Applebaum
. Bennie Brown
Amy Sours
Sales: Kathy Bosco, Rich Schonlnger, Mich Sellgson Classified Manager: Robin Block Com*
position: Fran Glueckarl, Mike McDonald Advertising Production Manager: Sue Hausman
Advertising Production: Charles Bell, Welenc Drucker, Tamml Golger, Penny Greensteln, Joy
Prefer, Annette Stone Office Coordinator: Evelyn FJlis Office Staff: Jay Lustgarten. Bonnie
Si evens
Jordan Metzger, Rob Grubman, Production Managers
Eric Koll, Graham Sllllman, Associate Production Managers
Production Assistant
Vertical Camera
Typist Extraordinaire
Vincent Alello
Dave Benjamin
Hunk's Chick
Paste-up: Lisa Bonglorno, Marlu llollano Typists: Rosemary I'erraia, Robin Goldberg, Miiuly
Guidon, Septemboi Klein, Debbie Loeb, Belli l.nibev, Proofreaders: Rachel Cohen, Joy I"rlod
man, Sue Llchlenstein, Ronald Sucher
Photography, supplied principally by University Photo Service
Established 1916
The Albany Student Press is published every Tuesday pnd Friday during the school year by the
Albany Student Press Corporation, an independent, not lor profit organization. Editorial policy is
determined by the Editor in Chief and is subject to review by the Editorial Hoard, Mailing Address:
Albany Student Pte^s, CC 329, 1400 IVasningfoM Ave.. Albany, NY 12222
(f>18) <Ui7-8892
Met Fans
Senor Grazlosl,
S'uo credessl che mla risposta
146 days till opening day.
fosse a persona che mai tornase al
Loyal Forever In Ten Eyck
mondo, questa flamma starla senza D.Q. Night at the Fights Is back!
plu' scosse. Ma percio che glammai November 29
Dear 714.
So far this year we have shared di questo fondo non torno vivo
three of your favorite things • sex, alr.un, s T odo II verg senza tema Patty S. (formerly of 1202),
How come you guys never say
drugs and rock and roll. Let's hope d'lnfamla tl rlspondo.
that by the end of the semester we
Senor Suracl hello?
have squeezed In good grades as
The Guys (Formerly of 1203)
well - and also a very, very nappy bir- Dear Icicles,
I lust for oursecret moments Dear Wormy,
> II • ! . ,
I • I ' J J . I ...L J "'......
Thanks for the great times we had
1973 AMC Station Wagon, excellent
Love always, U.S. W i t h m u c h love, " R e d " t h e together and many more to come.
running condition, some work needLove, Mike
Fed Up,
ed, call 455-6912.
We're tired o l your asslnlne
1974 Mustang II Ghla, Auto, PIB,
statements such as "Shut the hell
Burn an Iranian Flag to pay.
Passport-Application Photos, $4 for AIC, AM-FM Stereo L _sunrool, reg.
up" and "Fucking calm down." Im- It was a great party and Ihe cake One last thought before your mortwo; 50 cents each thereafter. Mon. £ £ • a x M H a n i ° « R f f r ° T
mature, threatening statements was even better • What was It that ning class,
such as yours are not appreciated came out of It?
and Tues., 1 - 2, CC 305, University BChevy
' excellent,
(1967): good
running condiSigned, Uncooi Iranian Students: Blow It out your
by others that are more responsible.
PholoService, 78867, ask for Bob. tion; regular gasoline; snow tires;
J.D.L. • SUNYA Division Dear Lisa and Cathy,
Haircuts • $4, shampoo and blowdry
P.S. Jewish blood will be avenged! I would like to give you my most Martin Mull, Dec. 6th, Palace
Theatre, Tickets • Recotd Coop, 8
extra, Al's Hairstyles, Ramada Inn, $450; 459-8714.
Dearest Kevin (denny),
am. Friday, Nov. 16th.
Western Ave., Albany, 482-8573. Electric guitar: Les Paul Custom
You certainly do make me happy • and collect.
12-5 Mon., Wed., FrI., Tues. and (like new), $450. Acoustic 135
Paul Richi
You've captured my heart and my
Thursday till 7,
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
smiles. Hope you have the greatest P.S. Still a jallbate Lisa.
Keep on trucking and always
Rush t y p i n g Jobs done by legal 7-5663.
remember; "When In doubt, take
8-day ever!
My dancing man,
secretary with 6 yrs. experience.
the Knollwood gate."
Minor editing and spelling correcand rusty but runs great. $450,
Your Whole without you. Actually nothing is.
tions. Neatness and accuracy 436-8848, 4850056.
count. Call Theresa at 439-7809.
On Wednesday, Nov. 14, Telethon
Typing: Prompt In-home service. Ex'80 is sponsoring a food fast. Give
PSA meeting 7:30 in the GSPA.
Halloween, baby oil, and mascara,
perlenced In all areas of secretarial
up your on-campus dinner for Dear Klng~Wlldebeast of Ye Royal
Moisons and Renaissance, wine
work. Resumes, dissertations, letOrder,
and Mllanos in the Gerry. So much
ters, research papers. No Job too A t t e n t i o n a l l SUNYA students:
laughter and loy It Is dlsqustlna.
small or too large. 371-2975,
Classified ads will no longer be sold
Thanks for the advice and comforWith all my love, Chuck
on the dlnnsrllnss. To place a perSmall typing service, call Mary Beth
ting words. If you ever need the Randy,
sonal or ad, you must go to the Conat 463-1691 days, or evenings before
It's hard to find a good friend these P.S. You might ever....
same you know where to come.
tact Office located In the Campus
9 pm.
Love and Waka Waka, Debs days, so I'm glad Pve found you.
Center and submit it there. Ads for
Love, The girl with the new stereo
I. hope you are as happy on your
Friday's Issue must be In by 5 pm. "Studle" and Mr. Horlz. Stripes,
birthday as I am when I'm with
on Tuesday, and ads for Tuesday's
I really was surprised...especially P.S. How about that beer?
Many more birthdays
Issue must ba in by 6 pm. Friday.
when I got the bill.
What It was, was excellent. You're together. Happy birthday.
Reminder: All ads must have 15
Models Wanted, have a free fashion
Just 20
I love you, Michael
haircut at Les Clseaux, top NYC words or a minimum of 76 cents will
No. 1. N o w II only \ c o u l d Martin Mull • one of the funniest
be charged.
and European quality styling for
Our friendship is precious and our remember...
men alive. Don't miss him.
men and women, 1568 Central Ave.,
relationship means even more. I
Love y'all, Alan Don't miss the sTave Auction at the
The ASP will not bill clubs or
one quarter mile west of Wolf Road,
treasure It now and forever. You're a
call 456-4121 for your appolntmentl .organization that advertise in the Beautiful person and I wish you only Dear Rob,
Needed: Family to volunteer with C l a s s i f i e d section unless t h e
Ihe best. Happy 18th and many Let's remember all of the beautiful "Thanksgiving Parly with all the
amount charged exceeds a
charming nine year old emotionally
m i n i m u m of $ 2 5 . Please be
d i s t u r b e d boy - call Barbara
ward to many more together. I love
Love you always, Tracey you honey!
prepared to pay for your ads when
Chenault at 434-2376.
Sorry this Is late, but you know
you submit them or they will not be The Italian American Student
Love always, Donna how I am—Hope you enjoyed your
Alliance presents Italian Feast
22nd! Here's to a great woker,
Seith and Joel,
T h a n k y o u for c a r i n g a n d perfect mother (Jackson), so-so
354, band, wine, food, fun.
Thanks for keeping my birthday
understanding, You're a special housekeeper, but most of all, a ten
such a secret and making the end of
pher's Subject needed by
Can you follow directions?
part of my life.
rifle friend who will never be
commercial studio - must be 18 my teens worthwhile.
Gimmick Road Rallyeqc, Nov. 18,
Love, Komar forgotten. Thanks for the shoulder
plus, stills and flicks, commercial
12-5 pm., watch dlnnerllnos for signEric
I've so often leaned on. Please let
art, calendars, centerfolds, attracup, more Info, call: Gerry at 7-7742
It be there when I get back.
tive and uninhibited a must. For an Hunk"
or Elaine at 7-7741.
Cheerio, mate!
You play one great game of soccer.
Immediate reply write to Centerfold
Colonial Ouad: Find Those Blocks Win a keg for your next party from
FriStudios, P.O. Box 225, Rensselaer,
Starting tomorrow there will be
P.S. Remember, every 4th ThursWhippets on winning the championNY 12144.
blocks hidden in all Ihe public areas day's ASP.
day, London and Albany
of Ihe Quad. Finding them can be Dear Felix,
Students • make $50, sell one ,or
Hunk's Chick
worth your while since the dorm We missed September 10th. Happy Alleycats:
both of my two AKC Reg. English
Keep that No. 1 spot and defeat
lhat finds the most (In points •
Cocker Spaniel puppies for $200
those Barbarians!
If that was just a practice game, I
higher point values are harder to
Love, Oscar
each and I will give you $50 each.
Your loyal fan, Tweety Bird
find) will win $25 toward their next P.S. Did you remember?
Call 473-8685 or 482-3404.
lerious. You were Eggs-celentl
happy hour. Find thorn and let your
Dear Fonz,
Political Science-Public Affairs maR.A. hold them. Hunt ends Sat.
finally made it to the big " 1 8 " . Surprise! You're beautiful and I
jors at the PSA meeting tonlghi, P.S. Good luck tonight.
afternoon. They're worth looking You
Hoorah! I just hope that you live miss you In numerous quantities.
7:30, GSPA
Passport-Application Photos, $4 for
through this week of hell, so we can Remember the present Is but terntwo; 50 cent6 each thereafter, Mon.
all go out and celebrate another nnrarv and the future Is etnrnltv.
I love you, Shakespeare Junior
and Tues., 1 - 2, University Photo
It's been a great year! From Magic time. My best wishes alwaysl!
Service, CC 305, 7-8867, ask for Bob.
Love, Sharon (Goose) P.S. Paradise Is only 3 and a half
lo V.D. and even C. and M. disease,
hours away.
Male Roommate Wanted to share
I'va enjoyed II all.
Oxford Heights apartment. RecreaI know our time logelher has been
Love, The Bong You re the greatest friend a person Dear Kenneth,
t i o n f a c i l i t i e s , good l o c a t i o n ,
Gossiping wouldn't be the same
limited this past month and you've
could ask for. Happy, happy birthBarb,
456-6620 evenings.
without you. I know you really love
been great about It babe, but each
Here Is your much awaited per- day I
And next lime I undress, let me
Male grad student needs apt. room
Love, Felicia It.
sonal. Hope it was worth waiting '
know you're there. Happy 18th birperiod closer to an end, so look on
In Albany, spring semester: Tim
Mellta, 50 Clinton Street, Oneonta.
Love, Cuddles But Chez eats Ed
after Nov. 17!!
Love, Penis Head
Love ya', Chuck
For Rent: 3 or 4 bedroom apartment,
Dear Sharl-Bear,
Jill and Jeannle, _ _ _ _ _
available Dec. 1, convenient loca- Suite 103 Bleecker
You're a wonderful roomie and 146 domlnateslll
Thanx for being there when I needtion on busline, for more Informs- I couldn't have asked for a nicer
you've deserved a personal for a Doug,
ed you. I love you both.
-tlon, please call 438-4288.
long time, so here it Is! Good luck "It was Inevitable, love needs no
suite. Thank you all for putting up
Have a good life, Jack
on all your tests. I know you'll do reasons"
Wanted: Graduate student to share with me.
Long live Luke! (We won't forget
2 br. apartment starting January,
you Roy)
Love, Cindy-Bear Do you remember the question??
$95-month, heat Included, large P.S. Have any oranges lately?
room, call 482-6929.
Martin Mull
I love you.
Eileen Congratulations! When do we gel
Martin Mull
For a mutual friend of ours, here's
Wanted: Apartmentmate to comto play doctor?
your personal. Thanks tor help with
plete a beautiful 3 bedroom apartHave your caricature drawn at the
Martin Mull
Guess Who
the vigil.
ment on busline! $70, available
Colonial Tower Council
January, call 463-5404.
Buy your tickets now lor Ihe raffle
"Thanksgiving Party with all the
Dec. 6. Palace Theatre
To clear up any confusion about
Thanksgiving Parly with all the
last Wednesday's personal, Kalhy
Iranians go home, go back to your Trimmings.
Babe, we still have to have that one
G., Floor 3, Is still the best Kathy in
Ayalollah, let 'ny people go.
Waterbury. That's right. It was lor Love, (Probably the person silting
Go lor " O " Stelnmetz
Americans against Iranians
Two rices desperately needed t o you.
1) You can tell that Tom's his
next to you)
Colonial Quad for sale: $40,000 o r ' name cause his middle log is
Queens (Bayside) 11-20 or 11-21,
will consider trade lour a pound of
return Sunday. Call Marlon at C o l o n i a l
2) You can tell his name is Todd
"Thanksgiving Party with all the You re a great guy, a helluva roommate, and I'm sure you will make socause his prick Is always hard.
To Marlon,
Wanted: One way ride to Yale Univ. Trimmings" with mixed drinks,
3) You can lell his name is Paul
We didn't lorgot your birthday.
or New Haven, Conn, or vicinity, soda, punch, munchies, FrI., Nov. meone a very happy housewife one
because of his lopsided ball.
H.B. |ust forgot to put this in on
leaving Nov. 15 or Nov. 16. Please
4) You can tell his name Is Russell
time. Happy olrthday from the
call Maria, 7-7554. Will share costs. Plainvlew Derles,
cause his sprout looks like a
P.S. It's water under the bridge!
Dayo! Happy 18! For your birBrussel.
H.B., C C , and the Jap
thdays, Jon Greene will make a
Dear Andrea,
5) Jeff's the one who's always
special appearance so you can You have truly brightened my short
Dear Tina,
quiet but once In bed he is a riot.
(orce leed him. What's green, Tony
stay here at SUNYA. I hope all my Happy 21st birthday! We started
) You can loll his namo Is Adam
Lost: Gold watch at Fatso's on sll on my face, massive snowball
olf freshman year as really close
days here and those elsewhere In
cause he only does it with a
Thursday, 11-8. Sentimental value. lights when we re drunk and wool.
friends, and now after lour years,
the luture will be enhanced by your
If found, please call Rachel at Enjoy legality.
wo are even closer, and have many 7) Ronnie Is burnt, as we all know.
455-6609. Reward.
memories. Memories I will never
• Much love, Debbie a very happy birthday.
Ho would do anything for a good
forget. I know our post-college
All my love, Dave
To two really great people,
years will bring us even cloBer!
You can toll his namo Is Rob
Have a happy sour and a happy
Dear Sue,
Good luck on all your big " 8 " intercause his cock tastes like a -nrn
legal. Don'! get too rowdy without
Whoever said SUNYA wasn't big
Bulck 1971 LeSabre, very reliable,
9) You can toll his namo Is Dave,
Love, Mom and her Roommates
I love you, Jo
$550, 7B5-'i5flfi nights.
his favorite hobby Is exploring the
Plenty oT music and dancing at
Happy birthday! Hope the Big " 2 1 " Rich Lovlno,
Audio bullet Discounters saves you
was great.
Happy Belated Birthday!
"Thanksglvng Party with all the
10) You can lell his name la Yan
more. Thld month's specials: JBL
comes, It's In a
902vx superspeaker - $136 each, all To O.R. PWKS", Dyann, and the rest
MXR producls, TEAC A-105 (factory
Magazines at the Lowest student
of Sulle 1704,
Dear Cathy and Lisa,
his namo Is Ken
sealed) $165, Shure M95HE only $22
prices anywhere. Call Ricky at
Have a happy Itigal and an almost
cause he lays just liko a lion.
(act quickly),'KUH 703's • $22 each, Thanks for deserting me this
logal. Lisa you're almost there.
Tha-a-a-a-nk you.
Sanyo RD 500B tape deck • $120,
Dear Denny (alias Kevin),
Cathy, don t get too rowdlo.
shows what an obnoxious roomT D K S A C - 9 0 • $3.25, o r i g i n a l
Love, Barbara
J.B.A. formally announces you as Martin Mull, Dec. 6th, Palace
discwasher - $10, soundguard
Theatre, tickets • Record Coop, 8
a member but look at Ihe bright
" m i n t " weekend anyway!
system - $10. Also many compacts
Hound Dog,
Love, Rob
aide, now you can have my roomie, am. Friday, Nov. 16th.
and complete Bystems for under
Dear Grucu,
$300. Before you buy, just one
you get one all-oxpenso paid vacaLove, the girl In the next bod
Rich Jenis,
phone call saves you money! ConYou're fantastic!
tion to Illinois with Coach Munsey.
Happy belated blrthdayl
tact J.,inn.- - 438-4253 or your Quad
Fuck Iho Ayalollah, luck Ihe Shah,
Love, Al
Love, Bloockor Hall
fuck Iran, leave us alone.
Martin Mull, Dec. 6 t h , Palace
Jheatre, Tickets • Record Coop, 8
m „ Friday, Nov. 16.
Classified II
C Services }
C Wanted")
£ Housing
Club News
SUNYA R.A.I.N. (Rights for American Indians Now) Planning
^meeting. Outline of^RAIN activities, future planning, welcoming
new members and Interested students. CC 370 Tuesday
November 13, 12:30-1:30.
Great Dane Pep Band Rehearsal every Thursday night at 8-30
B-28 PAC.
Fire Dragon Kung Fu-YVu Su is back and classes will be starling
soon. Watch for posters and ads.
Tri-Bcta Meeting Date changed from Thursduy November 15 to
Tuesday November 13. Bio Building Room 248, 7:00.
Ballcl Club meets every Friday In the dance studio. Call Andrea
(7-7805) for details.
Campus Scouts Monthly Meeting. All welcome as we eleel officers, ratify constitution, and plan upcoming events, including
winter workshop for area scouts. If you have a skill to share, or
ideas, or enthusiasm, we want you. Info: Claudia 7-7875. CC 358,
Tuesday November 13, 7:30 p.m.
Feminist Alliance Meetings Monday nights at 8:30 in HU 116. Ail
arc welcome — different topics each week.
SUNYA Gay 4 Lesbian Alliance meets Tuesday, CC 373 9:00 p.m.
Please join usl
Albany Slate College Republicans General Membership meeting.
Special events will be discussed. CC Assembly Hall, Tuesday
November 13, 8:00 p.m.
German Club There will be a meeting and it will be for planning
upcoming events. HU 290, Tuesday November 13, 7:30 p.m.
Art Council presents a Faculty Lecture scries: Starting November
14th, with Tliom O'Connor on Lithography and Stephen Day on
Sculpture. Fine Arts Building, Room 126, Tuesday November 14
.1:30-5:30. Refreshments served.
Fireside Theatre Movie — Meeting Fireside Theater will be showing H.ti. Wells' The Time Machine In the Fireside Lounge on the
Second Floor of the Campus Center at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, November 14th. After the movie there will be a brief
meeting discussing die various aspects of our group. We welcome
new ideas and any suggestions lhat you may have — New members
are welcome. All movies arc free.
Society of Physics Students Al tonight's meeting, the SI'S will
discuss the topics "Entropy and Its Effects on Ihe Universe" und
"Conductivity Factors of Plane-Polarized Neutrontum .Surfaces."
We will send out for pizza afterwards. Members and non-members
welcome. Physics 105, Tuesday November 1.3, 7:30 p.m.
Nicaragua Solidarity Committee General meeting lo prepare for
speaking engagement of Mr. Alejandro Vcndana, member of
Nicaragua!! Mission lo the United Nations, al SUNYA on
November 30. A l ! welcome! Off-Campus Lounge, Campus
Center, Wednesday November 14, 1979. 6:(X) p.m.
Russian Chili Meeting Tonight al 6:30 p.m. in the Russian Room.
Programming for the rest of the year will be discussed.
Class of 1980 Seniors meeting tonight al 9:30 in the Palroon Room
Lounge. Please attend.
Ski Club Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 7:30 p.m. Important Information on upcoming ski trips to be discussed. Meeling in LC 3.
're-lleulth Professionals General Meeting Membership cards
handed out, Health fair committee formed. LC 20, Tuesday
November 1.3, 8:00 p.m.
Attention Majors
Career Workshop In Psychology Dr. Gordon Gallup, chairman of
Psych Department, will be speaking on types of psychologists,
graduate school criteria, job outlook and related topics. He will
also be available for questions, Indian Quad Resource Room (off
skinroom) November 15 — Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
r Telethon
NOVEMBER 1?, 1979
Student Teaching Registration for all those who wilt be. teaching
cither semester next year will begin November 15th. The schedule
Is as follows: Business Education—Nov. 15, 16; English—-Nov.
26,27; Math—Nov. 28; Science—Nov. 29; Languages—Dec. 3, 4;
Social Studies—Dec. 5,6. Registration will be held in Education
333 from 9-12 and 1-4.
Boxers Wanted for "Night at the Fights" contact Jeff at 7-8936 or
Box 814 Colonial.
History 383 (Call No. 1115) "The Arab Israeli Conflict" (M, W, F
1:25-2:20) has been reopened for enrollment.
University Theatre — Boy Meets Girl Comedy farce about
Hollywood filmmaking in (he I930\s directed by arttsi-in-rcsidence
John Milligan. PAC November 14-17, November 28, and
December 1, ut 8;00 p.m.
Friend's of Albuny Public Library Film: First Love Bused on u
famous autobiographical novella by Turgencl. It is an interesting
perspective of conflicts between fathers and sons. Thursday
November 15th ut 8:00 p.m. l.ark Street and Washington Avenue.
Le Cercle Franeals Movie: French Film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" with Catherine Dcneuvc, Admission $.25, Humanities
354, November 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Albany Public Library Diana Ross is Billy Holiday in "Lady Sings
ihe Blues" which will be shown free to the public at 2:00 and 8:00
p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, in Albany Public Library, 161
Washington Avenue. This stunning film biography, produced in
1972, received five Academy Award nominations and features Billy Dee Williams and Richard Pryor.
Preview is a free
service of the ASP.
Deadlines are:
5 p.m. f-ri.
for aTues. issue;
5 p.m. Tues.
for a Fri. issue.
Bring to the SA Contact Office
sroiMSiioi:**S TATE t-AMI»r$
Shoes for 18 S|>orb
A l the Top Basketball Shoes
Monday through Friday 12-8 pm
Saturday 10-4
Oor Sale )
Sneakers Forum Presents Comedian — Martin Mull A hilarious
night with Martin Mull, noi to be .missed. $3.00 with tax card,
$5.00 general pub. Tickets go on sale on Friday, November 16th
at Record Coup K:()o a.m. Palace Theatre December 6ih at K:00
Beudlngs at Noon English Graduate Students present poets Lynn
Shoemaker and Cindy Shearer, Thursday November 15th in HU
Indian Quad Pre-l.nw Workshop for students interested in tawschool. Speakers will discuss the application process, the law
school experience, different law careers. Refreshments will be served. Indian Quad Penthouse, Thursday November 15th, 7:00 p.m.
National Rifle Association "Firearms Education Symposium"
(FES). The NRA will have exhibits and displays in the Campus
Center lobby from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday dealing with firearms safety and gun control laws. Or.
Joseph A. Magoli, a noted firearms expert, will be present to
answer questions.
Children's Hour Meeting Tuesday, November 13th m 7:30 p.m. in
CC 361. Help chDOsc the theme for children's hour.
Wiilk-n-Ihon Bring money to CC 130 or mail a check to Box
Theme Song Contest to begin soon. For info call Dori at 457-1864
or Kelly at 482-0576.
Arts &JL mils Show November |4ih and 15th from 9 to 4 in Campus Center Ballroom.
Contest for Telethon '80's T-Shlrt Design for info call Devra at
457-5068. Theme: Kids: (kidz) pi. n, I. a special gift of love.
C Rides ")
Bella and Samuel SpewacU's Bov Meets Girl will he staged in the
Performing Arts Center Studio Theatre on November 14 thru 17 and
November 28 thru December 1 at 8 pm by artist-in-residence John
Milligan. Two other professional artists-in-resider\ce, Giva T. Taylor
(costume designer) and Bennett Averyt (scene and lighting designer),
collaborate in staging this farce comedy about Hollywood film-making in
the 1930's.
WVEMBER 13, 1979
9:00 pm
9:30 pm
10:00 pm
10:30 pm
11:00 pm
1:00 am
1:30 am
2:00 am
2:30 am
3:00 am
F R E E BEER F R O M 9-3 a m
G u y s $3.00 Gals $ 2 . 0 0 "
9-10 pm
25« Drafts 50f Mixed Drinks
FATSO FOGARTY'S, RT. 155 456-9890 I
SALT II: An Essay In Opposition
of Systems Research Institute, IBM, NYC
Systems Researcher & Stoticicm
Tonight 7:30 GSPA Members
'Statistics & Use of Computer
Monday, November <9
4:00 P.M.
SS 140
and those interested attend
More Info....
Dr. Turner, ES H5, 7-0952
It's Important!!
Volleyball Officials
Colonial Tower Council Presents
With nil The Trimmings
Date: Wednesday 11/14
Friday, Nov.16 from 9pm-lam
Time: 4:00
Tomer Penthouse
Place: CC373
Mixed Drinks
Anyone Interested in Officiating Intramural Volley hall
Must Attend. For more Information
call Gary Becker (457-5145)
continued from page ten
I missiles test fired in the middle of Asia? Last| |y and most Importantly, was that the deployment of Russian troops in Cuba
demonstrates the unremitting Soviet campaign for political advantage through the use
of its military forces.
The Administration has warned that any
action to amend the treaty by the Senate
would be tantamount to rejecting the treaty,
and that Moscow simply would not concur in
Senate modifications. This Is just another
case of the Soviet Union trying to gain the
upper hand. The Soviet Union realizes that
SALT 11 at this point favors them. Because
of this, Moscow is saying "take all of it or
let's renegotiate the whole treaty." At no
point should the United States Senate reject
amendments just because the Soviet Union
stated that no amendments would be acceptable. If this is done, it would just be another
case of appeasement. The only way the treaty
can be made acceptable to U.S. interests is by
amendments which may or may not be acceptable to the Soviet Union.
What is actually wrong with SALT II? The
first area of concern is whether the treaty is
verifiable. On October 6, 1979, the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence stated that
the U.S. had the ability to monitor many
facets of Soviet military development. But
Senate sources said it could draw no firm
conclusion that the new strategic arms treaty
can be adequately verified. When the Shah of
Iran's government fell this past year, verification of the treaty went along with it. The
U.S. was forced to disassemble their
monitory equipment which would have had
the capability to verify the treaty. (These
bases had been used to monitor the
qualitative aspects of Soviet missile testing.)
As an alternative to Iran, the administration
was planning to use Lockheed's U.2's in
Turkish airspace to monitor Soviet compliance with the SALT II limits on missile
tests. After the plan leaked to the press, the
Turkish government said it would allow the
U.S. over-flight only if Moscow explicitly approved them. As of now this plan is dead
even though the Administration insists the
option is still under consideration. Senator
John Glenn (D-Ohio), who has researched
the technical aspects of SALT II verification
for nearly two years, Insisted that the committee report supported his own long-held
view that U.S. intelligence had not yet put Into the field monitoring devices that would
replace the intelligence sites lost in Iran.
Another problem with verification is that the
treaty allows the encoding of Radis data
from (he test missiles. If the information is
encoded, the U.S. cannot determine whether
or not it is needed to verify compliance with
SALT II. An amendment is definitely needed
to bar encoding of Radis data. Another
amendment is needed to bar each country
from making any durges in its military procedures that would affect verification. Even
with those amendments and future amendments that will be discussed, the treaty is not
in U.S. interests until the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence can conclude that the
treaty is absolutely verifiable.
set current U.S. vulnerability to Moscow's
increasingly accurate ICBMs. A movable
missile Is necessary to thwart an all out Soviet
missile attack, which in a few years would be
able to wipe out existing stationary U.S.
missile launchers.
The most awesome weapon in the Soviet
missile arsenal is the SS-18, which carries ten
large, accurate warheads. There are no U.S.
plans to build such a large missile, but it Is
necessary that the U.S.'s right to build such a
weapon in the future be preserved to
establish the principle of strategic equality.
As it stands now there Is a treaty provision
that no new land-based launchers for missiles
larger than the Soviet SS-19 can be built. The
M-X missile is projected to be slightly smaller
than the SS-19. The U.S. will have no
missiles the size of the SS-18. The only way to
remedy the situation is to pass an amendment
phasing out the big missiles. As it stands now
the treaty is not acceptable unless this is accomplished. Another amendment is needed
to require that the Backfire Bomber be
counted under the treaty limits. Moscow
repeatedly has explained its refusal to formally treat the bomber as an intercontinental
weapon of the type covered by SALT II,
although it could strike U.S. targets under
Even if the treaty is verifiable, is the treaty
certain conditions. The issue of the Backfire
in the U.S. interest? There is a basic need for
is just another case of the treaty's inequities.
modernizing U.S. defenses to meet Soviet
Moscow agreed to a separate statement freezthreats. To accomplish this, Senator Sam
ing the plane's production rate and limiting
Nunn (D-Oa.), an influential member of the
its operation which might lead to its use as a
Armed Services Committee, is pushing for
weapon to attack the U.S., but the separate
specific commitments on defense spending
agreement has to be dismissed as vacuous and
increases greater than three percent annual
unenforceable. Flic only way it can be accepreal growth. Senator Nunn continually cited
table is to incorporate it into the actual treatestimony by the Joint Chiefs of Staff calling
for annual real increases averaging five percent. This will allow the U.S. to modernize its
An amendment must be added to give the
aimed forces to match Soviet threats.
U.S. equal treatment for its weapons in
Europe for NATO. The amendment could
The first defense system that is desperately
either drop from the treaty the range limit In
needed is the M-X intercontinental missiles.
U.S. ground launched cruise missiles or exThe new missile, which is fired from a
tend the same limit to Soviet weapons. It is
movable ground launcher, is essential to off-
Attention Artists:
SEND Designs to Box 78 , Dutch Quad,
please call 7-7747.
"Your Roles as a Leader"
Notv thru Man. Nov 26
And Fine Arts
November 27th or 28th, 7 PM-10:30 PM, Patroon Room Lounge
All SA funded group officers invited.
If interested sign up in SA Office (CC 116) of Student Activities
(CC 130) by November 16th.
Any questions? Kathy Nussbaum 7-5115, CC 130
Sue Gold
7-8087, SA Office
Winning design will
Win a FREE T-Shirt.
Advisema it
From tho creator ol
Ftath Gordon,
How to succeed in business...
By studying the liberal arts
Definitely not for Kids
Thurs. Nov. 15 7=30 P.M.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Lecture Center 18
Pl'tnt oi Mull Ou«(i»n'
November 15,16,17
Are you an officer in an SA funded group?
D o e s that make you a leader?
What is a leader?
What makes for a successful leader?
Student Association and Student/University Activities in the
Campus Center present a series of workshops the first of which
is entitled:
are being accented.
In conclusion, 1 fully support the stance of
Paul Nitzc which 1 feel would be in the best
interests of the United Slates of America.
C'SI 310: Don't forget to subinil RUN highs
' on Thurs. Winners will be announced.
mmxsfss^m^ mmm
argued by the administration that the range
limit on cruise missiles is meaningless since
the U.S. weapon would not be employed until after the limit lapsed at the start of 1982.
That position has no foundation as Moscow
would be in a powerful bargaining position to
insist the limit be extended in any future
SALT agreement. This is just another inequity of the SALT II treaty.
SALT II proponents concluded that if the
treaty was rejected European allies would
lose confidence in Washington's reliability.
But on October 8, 1979, Paul Nitze told
Senate Armed Services that the European
allies would be greatly reassured about U.S.
leadership if a clear majority of the Senate
voted to send SALT II back for renegotiation
and, at the same time, agreed to begin beefing up U.S. defenses.
With all the amendments that are needed
to make SALT II a treaty in U.S. interest, It
is obvious that the amendments would not be
acceptable to the Soviet Union. It would be
in the interest of the U.S. to scuttle the SALT
and start renegotiating the treaty with
Moscow more equitably. Since the treaty in
reality is not a treaty that imposes restrictions on the nuclear arsenal, the treaty would
inevitably lull the country into a false sense of
security and undermine political support for
a military buildup. The way to elicit public
support for increased defense efforts Is to
shock the public into a realization of the
Soviet threat by rejecting SALT II. At a
hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Paul Nitzc stated that the best outcome of the SALT debate would be for the
Senate to vote to have the treaty renegotiated
on more equitable terms and, simultaneously, to support a U.S. defense buildup.
1.00 w/tax 1.50 w/out
'•A funded
Refresh ments
Tower East Presents
Pick your favorite professor for Funniest, Best
Dressed, Most Personable and more!!!
Nomination forms are in Room 227 Biology Building
Nominations will be held from November 12 to
November 16
Voting will be held from November 19 to November 23
Voting will have a 25<F entrance fee. Proceeds to
All winners will get pies.
For more information — Call Robin 7-7795
Sponsored by Tri-Beta
7:30, 10:00
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
Contest for:
Telethon 'do's T-Shirt Design
Rock ANd Roll wiih us
The theme Is
Kids: (kick) piai. 1. Special gifts of love
Submit Designs to Box 22649 SUHYA Station
(on campus mail)
For Info coll Devra ot
contest to begin soon
Theme song
cs For Info coll Dorl at
,4i 457-1864 or Kelly
457-7777 TO QET
y O U R S E l r HEARO
invites y o u t o attend their
Puerto KieaiB
'Discovery' Day
SA fuwdcd
SJA T e a c h i n g
& Advising
A w a r d s Committee
-a film ( d o c u m e n t a r y ) on P u e r t o H i e o
-finest s p e a k e r s : F a c u l t y m e m b e r s o i
P H $ 0 e p t . & O u e s t s p e a k e r f r o m X.Y.V.
Mr. Koilo T o r r e s
Organizational Meeting
Tuesday Nov 13th
in the SA Office
Date:| W e d n e s d a y , JSTovember 1 4
Time: 1:30-5:30, P l e a s e B e
P l a e e : C a m p u s C e n t e r 3 7 5 „,„nd,.d
at the
Campus |
* *
I Ctnttr
* & & >
the bin band sounds of:
S U N Y A Jazz Ensemble
link.-' KIlitniKi.it
Mi-I l . i i r .
you can sat and dxinkl
Tli.id Joiics
Mile. Dnvis
nr,i i-v|m'(M«i' ..II muk't III' .In.. iH.n ..1
1 .. 1 Kl-.n, ..ml lin Id'
cJxaffLs dxavuing fox
Wnody f lerman
Cum It,,,,i
tSfCoA* H/l/lns <Ss.t
2 0 « 40'
mi \t)i& Wimsttap Jiisfjt at tfje $)ub
Zmu'iddcuf &Vo(jEmb£% 1$
(Efjururjap, Jtobember t5
6 p.m.— 12:30 a.m.
cM^Li 354 fcT-fumanitUi.
IRVING, Texas ( A P ) Tony from Ron Jaworski.
Franklin's 59-yard field goal, seHowever, it was the unlikely
cond longest in pro history, just combination of backup quarterseconds after Charlie Smith's first back John Walton to Smith lhat
touchdown reception of the year, gave the Eagles the go-ahead
ignited the Philadelphia Eagles to a touchdown with 1:03 left in the first
31-21 National Football League hald.
upset Monday night over the Dallas
After Jaworski injured his left
wrist on a sack by Harvey Martin,
It was a must victory for the W a l t o n flipped a 29-yard
Eagles, who had to withstand a touchdown strike to Smith followtypical fourth-period rally led by ing a Frank LeMaster recovery of
Roger Staubach, who threw two Sieve Wilson's fumble on the Dallas
touchdown passes in the final six 29.
minutes. It was the Eagle's first vic- • Then safety Randy Logan intory ever in Texas stadium and tercepted Danny White, subbing for
snapped a nine-game losing streak the injured Staubach, on the ensuto the Cowboys, who had not lost ing possession at the Dallas 42. The
to Philadelphia at home since 1965. Cowboys held, but with 27 seconds
The loss dropped Dallas to 8-3 in left in the half, Franklin nailed his
the National Conference Eastern club-record 59-yarder. It was just
Division, ju$t a game ahead of both four yards short of Tom Dempsey's
Philadelphia and Washington at NFL record 63 yards.
7-4. Dallas scored a touchdown in
Jaworski started the second half
the first 61 seconds of the game on a and threw a 13-yard touchdown
48-yard pass from Stauback to pass to Carmichael and the swarming Eagles defense sacked Staubach
Tony Hill.
The Eagles tied it on the first of five limes.
two Harold Carmichael touchdown
Staubach, who played the second
receptions, this one a 32-yard pass half with a bruised thigh, found
and Tom Watson are the 1979 winners of the Golf Wrilers Association of America Player of Ihe Year
The winners were a repeat of lasl
year's selections and il was Ihe Ihird
consecutive year lhat Watson has
received ihe honor.
Association officials said Lopez
was an overwhelming victor wilh
only a handful of voles cast for
Jerllyn Britz, Pal Bradley, Sandra
Post, Sally Little and Lori Castillo.
Watson won over a field which
included Larry Nelson, Hale Irwin,
John Cook, Steve Ballesleros, Ben
Crenshaw and David Graham.
Fisher Vi Price Speaker Sale!
More Info? Call: Elaine 7-7741 or Gerry 7-7742
Cost $2/car (limit 2 persons per car
Place Dutch Quad parking lot
Date Sunday Nov 18th
Prizes 1st, 2nd, 3rd places
Time 12 Noon
Length app. 40 miles
It's a sale you don't want to miss! Save
50% on all brand-new Fisher speaker
systems in stock —for a limited time
Now's the time to enjoy the famous
Fisher high fidelity sound. Upgrade
your system or add extension speakers.
These are not "seconds" or demonstrators—they're all brand-new and
hacked by a full Fisher warranty.
AirDyne Wide Range Speaker System.
Rugged 10" woofer, 8" computer-tuned
passive bass radiator, 5" high efficiency
midrange driver, 3" wide-dispersion
tweeter. Walnut grain vinyl veneer
cabinet, sculptured see-through grille.
T 141) '/pair.
^ ^
Sign up on dinner lines
Speaker complement: 15" Woofer, Twin 5" Midrange,
3" Flair Dome Tweeter. Ported Bass Reflex Enclosure.
Special prices on all receivers wilh equalizers and all stereo components
made by F i s h e r plus other 60 brand names which we carry.
TDK SA-CA9T>$2.92
Shure M91ED $16.50
G R A D O AHliCartridge
- List 119.95 • $30.00
Mniuerflito Aiutilinrrj &tni\m &ponnn«&
Delivery on Campus available
This Weeks Lineup
I ues
Jazz night "The John Esposito Group"
Harvey K o
at turntables
back from Boston "The Units"
Sunday afternoon and Monday night football on ,
our giant screen' 25$ hotdogs 50<P off pitchers
10 E.Bayberry Rd, Glenmont, NY 12207
439-6865 6 pm-10 pm Daily, Sat. 10 am-6 pm.
Tues 11/13 Dulch
Wed 11/14 Colonial
Thurs 11/15 State
Fri 11/16 Indian
AirDyne Full Range Speaker System.
8" high power woofer, 8" computertuned bass radiator, 3" high-flux midrange, 2" wide dispersion tweeter.
Special la-off price: $99.95/pair.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
AFCk Dominant
LopezAnd Watson Both
Named Outstanding Golfers\
Master Charge and Visa accepted
Ed Too Tail"
Jones Ready
Eagles Upset Dallas Monday, 31-21
Right now we're offering a super savings
spectacular from the most famous name
In high fidelity. Buy one Fisher speaker
and get one free!
<Stua£n£ czn-LLiance. fx%£±£.nt±:
With 1:19 left, Staubach threw
another scoring strike, this one to
Billy Joe DuPree covering 5 yards.
But Eagles running back Wilbert
Montgomery killed any Dallas comHill alone again on a 75-yard eback hopes with a 37-yard
PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) Ed
touchdown pass play with 5:56 to touchdown run with 1:01 left to
"Too Tall" Jones weighed in at 253
play. Hill streaked behind the play.
pounds Monday for Tuesday's sutEagles secondary on a post pattern,
The game marked the NFL round heavyweight boxing match
caught the ball at the Eagles 20 and record 107th consecutive game in
with Abdullah Muhammad.
sailed untouched into the end zone. which Carmichael had caught a
Jones, former defensive end for
pass. Montgomery gained 126 yards the Dallas Cowboys, made his box<>k ,in the game and went over 1,000 ing debut November 4th with a mayards rushing for the season, jority decision over Jesus Meneses
NFL Standings
becoming the first Eagle ever to in Las Cruses, New Mexico.
American Conference
post consecutive 1,000-yard
Muhammad, a 214-pounder, also
has beaten Meneses.
New England
Earlier in the day, Jones'
The nine-point favorite Cowboys
7-4-0 looked like they were going to rout manager, Dave Wolf, accepted a
N.Y. Jets
5-6-0 the Eagles, who had lost their fight challenge from Rep. Clay
5-6-0 previous three. After their Smothers, D-Dallas, but not exactly
4-7-0 touchdown, they rolled again to the on the lawmaker's original terms.
Eagles 43. But rookie linebacker
"We're prepared to make this
9-2-0 Jerry Robinson, starting his first guy a counter offer is he really
8-3-0 game of the year, punched the ball wants to be shown u p , " said Wolf.
7-4-0 out of Tony Dorsctt's hands and "But it won't be to fight Too Tall.
2-9-0 recovered it on the Eagles 43.
It'll be to fight Too Tail's 58-yearWest
old trainer, Murphy Griffith."
San Diego
8-3-0 McEnroe Beats
Smothers issued the challenge to
Jones last Thursday. Calling Jones'
Mayer For Tide debut a terrible fight, Smothers said
Jones should return to the Dallas
Kansas City
4-7-0 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) Cowboys as a defensive end.
Defending c h a m p i o n
National Conference
McEnroe of the United Stales,
down a set and trailing 1-3 in the seDallas
7-4-0 cond, fought off a brisk challenge continued from page nineteen
from countryman Gene Mayer and record into Monday night's game
won the men's singles title in Ihe againsl Philadelphia. The Eagles
N.Y. Giants
St. Louis
3-8-0 $210,000 Stockholm Open Tennis were 6-4 and hoping for an upset
Championships 6-7, 6-3, 6-3.
victory lo pull back into a secondCentral
The lop-seeded McEnroe became place tie with Ihe Redskins, 7-4, in
T a m p a Bay
Ihe East.
6-5-0 ihe first player ever lo win two
Even the Giants, an 0-5 team six
Green Bay
4-7-0 straight lilies in this tournament,
4-7-0 billed as Ihe oldest and biggest in- weeks ago, aren'l out of contention. They're 5-6 with one game
1-10-0 door Grand Prix event In the world.
Slan Smith and Arlhur Ashe won apiece remaining againsl Dallas and
the tourney twice, but never in suc- Washington.
New O r l e a n s
The teams which arc all but out
cessive years. Bjorn Borg, the
Los Angeles
world's No. I player, and Jimmy of il are Green Bay and Minnesota,
each 4-7, Si. Louis, 3-8, and Detroit
1 - 1 0 4 } Connors reached one final each but
V^San F r a n c i s c o
and San Francisco, each 1-10.
never won.
Ohio State Slips Past
Nebraska For Second Spot
(AP) Alabama's hold on the lead in
The Associated Press college foctbal' poll narrowed Monday while
Ohio State slipped past Nebraska in
a lose race for second place.
Alabama squeaked past Louisiana State 3-0 Saturday night and
received 34 first-place votes and
1,262 of a possible 1,320 points
from a nationwide panel of 66
sports writers and broadcasters.
However, Nebraska dropped
from second to third despite a 21-12
triumph over Kansas State while
Ohio State pounded Iowa 34-7 and
moved up from third to second.
Ohio State received 14 first-place
votes and 1,218 points while
Danes Lose To
Fordham, 35-28
continued from page twenty
back was nine-for-I7 in the second
half, and his 187 passing yards padded the Rams final yardage total of
"We could not generate a real
good pass rush," said Ford.
"Shoen was limping, and we just
did not have Ihe mobility in the inside line to rush the quarterback."
"We have u real good offensive
line," said Si' plian. "I would compare our line to any other teams offensive Iiii'.'."
In building up their ill-fated 21-0
halflime lead, the Danes put
together one of their finest 30
minutes of the season. A short drive
ended with 5:11 remaining in the
first quarter when halfback Levi
Louis powered his way into the endzone from four yards out, and after
freshman kicker Tom Lincoln hit
the first of his four poinl afters,
Albany held a 7-0 lead.
A ten play, 80 yard drive was aided by Louis' 21 yard run to the Fordham 21 yard line. From there, the
• I Janes crossed up the Ram defense
with Walsh's on-largel pass to tight
end Bruce Dey for six points. The
ensuing Albany kickoff was booted
short by Lincoln, and with Fordham out of position, Dane defensive end Sal Indelicato fell on the
ball on the Ram 42. Albany fought
the clock, and managed to advance
to the Fordham eight yard line.
With just seven seconds until
hull time, Walsh fired a low spiral to
split end Scott Lusher, who went
down to his knees and scooped up
the ball in Ihe endzone, and the
Danes had their three touchdown
"That might have been the best
first half we've played all year,"
said Walsh. "We went into halftimc
like the game was ours. We thought
they didn't have a chance - we were
probably overconfident. Then we
just had a total letdown. A lot of it
could have been from last week - we
felt we were eliminated from the
playoffs. It just didn't matter
(call no. 1115)
— The ArabI Israeli Conflict
has been
reopened for
Nebraska had five first-place ballots
and 1,209 points. Last week,
Alabama had 46 of 66 first-place
votes and 1,290 points to 1,190 for
Southern California, a 24-17 winner over Washington, retained the
fourth spot. The Trojans received
12 first-place votes and 1,164
points. The remaining first-place
ballot was split among sixth-ranked
Texas, No. 8 Arkansas and No. 9
Florida State, one of the nation's
seven unbeaten-untied teams, did
not receive any first-place mention
but the Seminoles piled up 983
points following a 27-7 trouncing of
South Carolina and jumped from
seventh place to fifth.
Rounding out the Top Ten arc
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
Houston and Brigham Young.
Texas climbed from eighth to sixth
with 981 points for a 21-13 victory
over Houston that dropped the
previously undefeated Cougars
from fifth to ninth.
Oklahoma, a 38-0 victor over
Kansas, slipped from sixth to
seventh with 960 points. Arkansas
moved up from ninth to eighth with
859 points after coming from 17
points behind to turn back Baylor
29-20. Ninth-ranked Houston had
788 points while Brigham Young,
9-0, cracked the Top Ten for the
first time this season with a 31-17
decision over Long Beach State.
The Cougars were 11th a week
ago. They replaced Michigan in the
No. 10 position when the
Wolverines were beaten by Purdue
24-21 and skidded to 13th.
The Second Ten consists of Pittsburgh, Purdue, Michigan, Clemson, Auburn, Washington, Wake
Forest, Temple and Tennessee, with
Baylor and Tulanc tied for 20th.
Last week, it was Michigan,
BYU, Pitt, Notre Dame, Purdue,
Washington, Auburn, Baylor,
Clemson, South Carolina and
Wake Forest.
Temple and Tulane made the
Top Twenty for the first time this
year. Temple, whose only defeat
State University a} New York
in cooperation with
The Department of Education and Culture, wzo
announces its
fourteenth Summer Academic Proaran in
Earn up lo 9 Undergraduate or Graduate Credits
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was to Pitt by one point, boosted its
record to 8-1 with a 35-3 rout Of
Akron while Tulane is 8-2 after
crushing Mississippi 49-15.
ings after a week's absence by
crushing Notre Dame 40-18 while
the Fighting Irish dropped out of
the Top Twenty. South Carolina
also fell out after losing to Florida
Tennessee returned to the rank-
AP Football Rankings
The Top Twenty teams in The Associated Press college football poll,
with first-place votes in parenthesis, and records:
1 .Alabama,(34)
2.Ohio State,(14)
3.Nebraska,(5) .
5.Florida State
10.Brigham Young
17.Wake Forest
• >
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NOVEMBER 13, 1979
Scott James Lone Albany Runner In Nationals
by Harold Diamond
The season abruptly ended for
the Albany State men's varsity cross
country team last Saturday afternoon. The harriers placed fifth
overall, just missing the fourth
place qualifying position in the
NCAA qualifier inBinghamlon.
Four teams did make it to the nationals: Fredonia 47, Plattsburgh
82, Binghamton 93 and Rochester
108. The Albany harriers 108 points
enabled them to defeat the following teams: St. Lawrence 155, RIT
181, Cortland 203, Union 219, RP1
235, Geneseo 284, and Brooklyn
This marked the first time in
three years (hal the Dane squad Tailed to make the nationals. Albany
cross country coach Bob Munscy
was naturally disappointed, yel in
comparing this year's team with
other cross country teams, he felt
they had performed well despite a
lack ofdeplh.
"Sure,.we would have loved to
win," said Munsey. "Yet there was
serious question that we weren't a
viable learn. We've been running
hurl all season long. One or two of
our runners seemed lo injure
themselves each week. This put a
terrible burden on the rest of Ihe
Scolt James (third from lefl) was the only Albany runner to qualify for ihe l e a m "
J u n i o r M i k e Sa ers w a s disa
nationals In Illinois this weekend. (Pholo: Mark Halek)
pointed about the (cam having
missed the nationals by only seven
points. "We are definitely better
than fourth place Rochester," said
Sayers. "We beat them at the
Albany Invitational, but they came
through with their best meet of the
year. Their strategy was to peak late
in the season while it's been a long
season for us. We have little depth
after our top five runners. Bill
Mathis, Scott James, Bruce
Shapiro, Jack Russo and myself
have been carrying the team. It's
impossible for us to keep at a continuous mental and physical peak.
No one really ran bad, we just
didn't run good enough."
The team was running tired late
in the season. However, il was Scolt
James' consistency that boosted the
harriers' efforts. He placed in (he
(op ihree for (he (earn during each
of the lasi four meets. James refused lo give up despite (he team's
mediocre performance on the same
course last Saturday.
James responded with a first
place leam finish. He raced over ihe
five mile course in a lime of 26:50,
and his llih place finish enabled
him lo become the sole Albany harrier lo make ihe nationals in Illinois
this weekend.
This murks the second consecutive year thai James will run in
Ihe nationals. He placed 166 out of
250 as a freshman last year. He feels
that his domination of the
Binghamton course gave him much
confidence. " T h e course was
basically uphill for (he first two and
one half miles and downhill for the
last two and one half miles," said
James. "I really let myself go on the
downhill and 1 surprised myself.
The nationals will be another test of
my speed since it's five miles of
completely flat road. I'd like to
break at least the 18th position."
Albany co-captain Bill Mathis
finished only 15 seconds behind
James. Yet the high caliber of the
field prevented him from going to
the nationals. He missed making
(he nationals by only one spot. The
17th place finisher, Chuck Ellis of
RIT, made the nationals as he
sprinted by Mathis during the final
few yards. Mathis finished second
for Albany, just two seconds
behind Ellis.
The other co-captain ran a
courageous race. He developed a
cramp al the two and one half mile
point, and every time he tried lo accelerate going down the hilr, he experienced pain. But Russo held on
and finished third for Albany and
24th overall with a time of 27:16.
Rounding out Ihe Albany lop five
finishers were Sayers, who finished
fourth and placed 31st with a time
of 27:31 and Shapiro, who placed
33rd with a time of 27:35.
Women Swimmers Down New Paltz
and Albany's early lead, Bingham maybe 2 or 3 tenths of a second al a
decided to enter Hoch, who owns time. On Sunday our times were
several school sprint records, in on- dropping by 2 or 3 full seconds,"
ly one individual eveni in order to said Bingham.
give other swimmers more exThe win evens Albany's record at
perience. Hoch look full advanlage 1-1. A prolesl filed following a conof the lighter load, breezing to a troversial loss lo Russell Sage lasi
triumph in Ihe 100 yard individual Wednesday was not upheld, leaving
Albany jumped ahead 7-0 with a
medley in a time of 1:12.6.
Ihe leam with its first loss,
victory in the first race of the afterOne bright spot for New Paltz
Bingham's squad is now faced
noon and continued (o widen that
Iwo lough road meets (his
margin throughout ihe meet,
Myers. Proving to be (he fasles( week. Tomorrow lliey travel lo
The initial win was earned by
Belh Larson, Carol Lim, Ann swimmer of (he mcel, she won the Saraioga lo face Skidmore College.
200 individual medley, 200 yard
"Skidmore will be a good inHoch, and Donna Starace who
backslrokc and 100 yard butterfly dicator for us. They recruited
churned through the 200 yard
(1:03.9) races all by wide margins. several good freshmen."
medley race in a quick 2:11.3 to
On Saturday they travel to
"Myers is an excclleni Swimmer.
start the Danes off on the 41 point
Binghamton to face a Binghamton
Her times were great."
lhal is regarded as one of the
Albany also look ihe final relay
Starace also copped Ihe 50 and
top three in ihe slale.
100 yard Treestyle evenls giving her
Thus far Bingham is pleased with
Kicnzlc, Joan Meikelham and Judy
a hand in three first place finishes.
Koltai teamed up for ihe team's her team's progress.
Beth Larson, Carolyn Shwidock,
ninth first place finish.
and Carol Lim also swam lo sprinl
"I feel good about the team righl
Meikelham was also viclorious In
victories under the tutelage of first
ihe one meter diving competition. now. We've already qualified a couyear Albany coach Sarah Bingham.
Despite ihe huge margin of vie ple of girls for Ihe slale mcel. It is
"If was a very strong perfortory, Bingham was mosl impressed hard lo judge how good we can be
mance by Ihe entire leam," boasted
by ihe way her swimmers lowered unlil I see some of the other teams T n l
Bingham. "All bin one girl broke
in Ihe slale. These next iwo meets
' Albany women's swimming leam bounced back from a loss (o Russell
their times.
her own best limes."
chnnM I»II
•. Int
Sage by defeating New Pallz on Salurday. (Photo: Mike Farrcll)
"Usually times come down by should
tell a
35-17 on October 7, close the season
In ir(jiu
light uofr New
n t w Pallz's
r u n * , a 1-4
i—i .record
SI lull lu I (.11 d r u i .
againsl the Rams in New Orleans
December 16.
Even Atlanta has to be convisits (hem December 10 — and iwo
(AP) If you wanl winning football, Dolphins, repeatedly wriiicn off as Chargers Coach Don Coryell seems ahead of Cleveland — Ihe Browns, sidered a factor. The Falcons, al
you look to Ihe American Con- injury-plagued and uninspired,
lo have broughl his cardiac attack 51-35 losers on October 7, visil Pitt- 4-7, aren't wild-card candidates,
ference. The same mighl be said for keep coining up with surprises — a wilh him from Si, Louis. San sburgh in Iwo weeks. Incidentally, but they could sneak into a West tihot-handed Bob Griesc and a
exciting divisional races.
Diego, nailing by eiglu points in (he Oilers defeated the Browns tle, being only two games oul of
The AFC is the dominant con- perfect defense against Baltimore, Cincinnati on Sunday, beal ihe 31-10 on September 30 and play first place. They were 40-34 overtime winners over the Saints in their
ference in the National Foolball for example — and remain very
Bengals 26-24 on Mike Woods' again in Cleveland December 2.
In other words, in the AFC, eight season opener. They hosi New
League, having won 26 of 36 games much in contention.
field goal wilh 19 seconds left,
The 19-0 victory over Ihe Colls,
from the NFC this year and 138 of
The Chargers, 7-0 losers in teams are definite contenders for Orleans November 25 and have
224 in Ihe pasl five and a half coupled wilh New England's 45-10 Denver five weeks ago, host (lie the three division lilies and Iwo both games remaining againsl ihe
loss to Denver, left the Dolphins
Broncos in this season's final Mon- wild-card berths and three other Rams, November 19 and December
and Palriois lied for first, each wilh
It's also (lie conference providing
day night game, December 17. And teams wilh winning records also 9.
-a 7-4 record. Miami, which losi to
In the NFC Central, Tampa Bay,
most of (he cxciiemcnl in 1979.
the Raiders, who can't be counted have a shot al Ihe playoffs. That's
die Palriois 28-13 three weeks ago,
Willi five games remaining, all three
out just yet, play their final game II of 14 teams, excluding 8-3, owns a two-game lead over its
hosts them on Nov. 29.
AFC divisional races are very much
againsl one of the co-leaders in Baltimore, Cincinnati and Kansas only challenger, Chicago. The BucBuffalo and ihe New York Jels
caneers, 17-13 winners in Chicago
up for grabs, with a veritable
Denver on November 28. Oakland City in Ihe running.
in contrast, only six learns in the on September 30, host the Bears
plethora of poicntial wild-card are each 5-6 in (lie Easl and Seattle belled the Broncos 27-3 in their first
teams. In the NFC, two divisions is 5-6 in (he West, but considering meeting and split with San Diego, NFC have winning records. Thus, a December 2.
team like Los Angeles, 5-6, is still in
Dallas, which plays the first of Us
aren't exactly close and.the third in- the number of contenders with win- losing 30-10 and winning 45-22.
the running not just for a wild-card, two games against Washington next
volves teams which, in (he AFC, ning records, their chances of makIn
Pitbut for the West Division title, trail- Sunday, the teams meet again in
would be all Inn ignored in Ihe ing the playoffs are fading fast,
The Broncos' victory, mean- tsburgh, al 9-2, is one game ahead ing New Orleans by just one game. Dallas December 16, look an 8-2
playoff picture. And (he wild-card
while, kepi (hem tied wilh San
The Saints, who lost to the Rams
"iluation is even worse.
continued on page seventeen
Diego atop (lie AFC Wes( at 8-3, Oilers 38-7 on Seplcmber 9 and
In the AFC East, [he Miami
by Mike Dunne
Dominating the sprint and relay
races, the Albany State women's
swimming team eased past visiting
New Paltz 90-49 on Saturday at
University Pool.
AFC Is The Dominant Football Conference
NOVEMBER 13, 1979
Tuesday, November 13,1979
Late Heroics Lead Fordham Past Danes, 35-28
Vol. LXVI No. 47
Ahead 21 -0 At Halftime,
Albany Falls To 2nd Loss
by Paul Schwartz
ed, and Pacheco sped 47 yards unThe game paralleled the Danes contested into the endzone.
season - a 60 minute example of the
"Bruce went for the ball, but he
1979 Albany State football cam- just didn't make the play," said
paign. First there was the quick Albany defensive coordinator Jack
start, followed by more success, Siedlccki. "It was a good, agand then the building confidence gressive play by Bruce."
that goes with a 21-0 halftime lead.
The Rams took possession after
As in the first six games of the halftime because of a decision by
season, it seemed as if the Danes Ford. Included with the dark, overcould do no wrong Saturday against cast afternoon was a strong, gusting
the Fordham Rams. After the con- wind, and Ford opted to kick off in
test ended, it seemed as if Albany the second half, but also have the
had done everything wrong. The wind to the Danes advantage in the
Rams piled up 35 second half third quarter. This unusual move
points, and went on lo stun the allowed Fordham to move with the
Danes at University Field, 35-28.
wind in the final quarter.
The loss dropped Albany's mark
"It was our choice, and we decidto 6-2, and crushed whatever faint ed to defend the wind," said Ford.
hopes the Danes had for the NCAA "1 though! if we could get one more
Division III playoffs. Fordham, not score, wc would be up 28-0 and we
in cpntenlion for posl-scason play, would take our chances going into
assured themselves of their fourth the wind in the fourth quarter. Our
winning season in a row and finish- lead should have been enough."
ed their year at 5-4.
The Danes retaliated immediately
"Th s was a heartbreaking loss," with a ten-play, 64 yard drive to
said Albany State head football once again nudge their lead to 21
coach Bob Ford. "In the first half 1 points. A face mask penalty and a
thought wc moved the ball rather roll-out pass from quarterback
- consistently, and wc shut them out Terry Walsh to halfback Jack
with our defense, and wc had a Burger brought Albany to the Ram
pretty good lead. They scored 27 yard line, and six rushes later
quickly in the second half and then Walsh coasted in from one foot
we came back, but then they punch- out, and the Danes led 28-7.
ed in another touchdown and I
The Albany touchdown was
guess- the momentum swung."
scored with 8:42 remaining in the
The Dane 21-0 advantage was third quarter. From then on, it was
shortlived, as the Rams look the se- Fordham's ballgamc.
cond half kickoff and stormed 80
With the wind in their faces, the
yards to cut the Albany lead to Rams came out firing. Connolly
21-7. The score came suddenly, as found halfback Steve Zirpoli for a
Fordham quarterback Vince Con- 13 yard pickup, and one play later,
nolly Fired a bullet pass over the Connolly was faced with one of the
middle to his speedy halfback, Juan few Dane defensive rushes, but
Pacheco. Albany safety Bruce Col- calmly rolled out and passed to split
lins gambled, and raced in for a end Roger McOloin on the left
oossiblc interception. Collins miss- sideline for a 25 yard gain. A 12
New Task Force Instituted
Safety Measures Enacted
Albany halfback Levi Louis (32) carries the hull during the Dunes' 35-28 loss to Fordham on Saturday. The
defeat dropped the Albany State football team's record to 6-2. (Photo: Bob Leonard)
yard bullet to tight end Mike
Crossan capped a 14 play, 90 yard
drive, and brought Fordham to trail
After a 22 yard pass interference
penalty gave Albany the ball on the
Ram 44, Walsh ran, was hit, and
fumbled, and Fordham took over
on their own 44 yard line. A draw
play by Zirpoli . netted 35 yards,
then Connolly ran wide and into the
endzone, and his ten yard
touchdown cut the Albany lead to
28-21 with 14:25 remaining in the
"1 think my fumble gave them
some momentum," Walsh said.
"And there's no doubt momentum
was a big part of the game."
The Danes failed to move the ball
on three successive offensive
possessions, and still trailing by
seven points, the Rams took control
on their own 21 yard line with 4:14
left. Once again the strong arm of
the 6-2, 200 lb. Connolly shredded
the Albany defense. A toss to Zirpoli was good for 23 yards, and
then Zirpoli bettered his effort by
racing past the Dane secondary and
corralled a 36 yard pass to bring
Fordham lo within a point at 28-27.
Fordham head coach Jack
Stephans called for a timeout, and
decided to go for the two-point conversion and the victory. Connolly
rolled out looking for a receiver,
but before he could release the football, he was smothered by John
Verulo and Jerry Wicrzbicki, and
wilh just 2:00 remaining in the contest, the Danes clung to a precarious
one point lead..
"At that point, wc had to shut
them down, and wc did," said
Everyone knew what would come
next ^an onsides kick. Ford sent in
his beller ball-handlers in anticipation. Ram kicker Kevin Ciync rammed the ball on the ground to the
left side of the Dane line. The foolball kicked up, took a high bounce,
and Crossan pounced on lite free
ball. In the most startling of turnabouts, Fordham look control on
the Albany 43 yard line.
''' 'rt*vk"okryV«™.lFol",«My (8) passed for 187 yards as he led Fordham lo
" n y " University Field. (Photo: Bob Leonard)
November 16, 1979^
Connolly's firsl pass attempt fell
incomplete, and then Ihc Rams
went to the ground. Fullback Craig
Miller picked up three yards to bring Fordham to the Dane 40. But
time was running down. Connolly
then faded back, and fired an arching pass towards the right corner
of the endzone. Split end Ted Smith
and Albany defensive halfback
Daryl Haynor went step-for-slep into the endzone, but Smith angled to
the corner and left his feel to catch
the picture-perfect toss by Connolly. Miller scored on the conversion,
and Fordham had come from way
back to push ahead,'35-28, with but
1:16 left to play.
"We felt we could throw on
Albany," said Fordham's coach
Stephan. "We felt we could throw
the ball well all year long, and it jusl
happened that Connolly had the
best game of his career."
"The last two touchdown passes
he threw were incredible," said
Siedlccki. "On the last one, we
had good coverage. Me just made a
great throw."
The Danes last chance to pull out
a victory they once securely owned
saw Walsh gain 14 yards to the
Albany 38 yard line, followed by a
sideline pass to Tim Votraw to bring the Danes to the Ram 49. With
25 seconds left, Walsh's next toss to
Votraw was turned into a diving interception by Wally Slaughter, and
the Danes were done.
The game was striking because of
its abrupt about face. In the first
half, Albany ran off 20 more plays
than the Rams, and the Danes also
dominated in lotal yardage, 222-73.
Included in Albany's strong defensive first half was Fordham's complete inability to mount any threat,
and the Rams'managed only four
pass attempts, and did nol complete
any. "They didn't run many plays
in the first half," said Siedlccki. "It
was hard to see what they had."
Albany got to see too much in the
next haft. With Dane defensive
linemen Matt Brancato and Larry
Pearson injured, and Steve Shocn
hobbling on the field with a sprain-,
ed ankle, Albany could not break
through the Rams large offensive
line, and this enabled Connolly to
stand in the pockcl and pick out his
receivers. The Fordham quarterconlimied on page eighteen
O'Leary's Task Force on Women
New group on campus
Photo: Bob Leonard
by Aron Smith
SUNYA President Vincenl
O'Lcary has formed a Women's
Safety Task Force, designed lo deal
with a wide variety of issues related
lo the security of SUNYA women,
both on and off campus.
The group was developed partially in response lo a recent rash of
rapes and assaults on SUNYA
women in the Pine Hills section of
Albany. O'Leary appointed Vice
President for Finance and Business
John Hartigan as chair of the
group, composed of faculty,
students, and administrators.
While O'Leary and Hartigan
agree thai Ihc Task Force should be
prepared to tackle any area of campus life involving women's safely,
the current wave of assaults in the
vicinity of Alumni Quad is ihc
group's priority concern.
"How do we begin to approach
this problem?" asked O'Leary.
"The people of this campus should
have a legitimate ability lo move
back and forth to the campus
without fear. H is very interesting
thai there are men who are concern-
ed. We all have a stake in this. It the SUNYA community. These inseems to mc that it is the respon- clude Ihc need lo recognize that fear
sibility of everyone to address Ihc docs exist among SUNYA women,
issue, whether man or woman."
the need for SUNYA men lo apVice President John Hartigan
O'Leary expressed hope thai the preciate the situation, and the need
Rape, fear, assaults, answers
SUNYA community will work lo listen to what women feel aboul
Photo: Karl Chan
closely with the Albany Police ihc incidents.
According to Hartigan, the three ing, as well as several poorly Hi
"I think that litis is happening," issues mosl closely associated with areas. He attributed the darkened
he said. "We need a good soilrce of women's safely at SUNYA arc outdoor lamps to mechanical
Information to 111 between whai wc lighting, buses, and Ihe student failure and vandalism. Stevens called Alumni Quad "nol sufficiently
are doing here and what's going on escort patrol. ,down there."
Plain Department spokesman lit," specifically citing the area of
Three Needs
Dennis Stevens said that on a walk- P a r t r i d g e
Hartigan analyzed » possible ap- ing lour of the uptown campus, Washington and Western Avenues.
Stevens is working wilh Ciiy of
proach lo ihc recent situation by Draper campus and Alumni Quad,
continued on page seven
breaking ii down into three needs of he found many lights not function-
Photos Stolen From Art Gallery
by Luuru I'lnrcnllno
Two photographs, valued at
several hundred dollars a piece,
were stolen from the University Art
Gallery Wednesday.
The pholographs, by artist
Hellinmo K i n d c r m a n n , are
Humor Mag Loses SA Funding
by Debbie Kopf
Through a series of budget revisions, Central Council has forced
Hut Seriously Folks, (BSF) SA's
humor magazine 10 cease publication.
The presence of allegedly offensive and racist material in ihe
magazine's firsl issue has been
cued by many Central Council
members as the main reason for
budget changes. While SA's literary
magazine Tangent received funding, BSF was denied proposed
Tangent and BSF were originally
combined in a single publication, in
an el fori by SA to reduce priming
cosis. The literary magazine will
now 'unction as a separate publication wiih its own budget. Consideration of /y.SY-'.s proposed
budget has been "postponed Indefinitely."
"I thought the ediiorial policy of
the magazine and ilie attitude of the
editors was warped — plain and
simple," said Jim Castro-Blanco,
sponsor of ihe motion to postpone
indefinitely. "Wc are nol going lo
support this type of idiocy," he added.
something thai shouldn't be taken
as a joke," said ASUBA Presidenl Lcander Hardaway. "I don't
think you hide your racist tendencies in a humour magazine. It's very
elilisl of editors lo think they can
decide what is offensive lo certain
"Everything was done in
humor," said BSF Co-editor Scott
Benjamin. "Part of Ihc problem
was that wc weren't listened lo
when we spoke before Council. A
majority of the people had decided
what they would vote before hand.
People jusl didn't realize that when
Archie Bunker makes a joke, you
continued on page eight
One East Team Selected
For Division M Playoffs
The NCAA Division III football playoff selections have once
again held to their usual route — the perennial power teams were
quickly picked, the eastern region had trouble representing
themselves, and one learn was left out in the cold.
Montclair Stale was Ihc one misplaced learn. Posting a record of
8-1-1, Monlclair had not played an extremely lough schedule, but
still had definite playoff aspirations. And after iheir final impression
— a 68-16 swamping of Jersey City State on Saturday, Montclair had
definite playoff expectations,
Bui they were passed over, as the NCAA committee saw fit to
select only one team from the east. Usually, two teams from each
region are slated for post season play, but this year only Ithaca (8-2)
was picked. The Bombers, who made a lasting impression on the
NCAA after their 46-6 rout of Albany two weeks ago, will travel a
long way for Iheir playoff match — all the way to Iowa, lo face 9-0
Dubuque, one of the western representatives.
The other team from the west is Baldwin Wallace, Ihc defending
national champion. Baldwin Wallace (9-0) will travel to Pennsylvania lo face Widener (9-0). The other pairings are: Witlcnburg
(9-0) at Millcrsvillc (8-1), and Minnesota Morris (9-1) at Carnegie
Mellon (9-0).
The eighl-team tournament will conclude on December 1st at Ihc
Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl at Phenix City, Alabama.
— Paul Schwartz L
blueprints of collages of 1940-50's
newspaper cutouts.
According lo SUNYA Police,
one was subsequently found, while
the other remains missing.
According lo SUNYA Art
Gallery Director Nancy Liddlc, Ihe
Gallery scene of rubbery
Valuable photos taken
Photo: Jon Hodges
robbery occurred al approximately
4:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Fine
Arts Gallery.
"An individual came into the
gallery and informed us thai someone was taking two pholographs
in the lobby," explained Liddlc.
"They took Ihe pholographs and
ran. /I was sort of like taking record
albums out of a slorc," said Art
Gallery employee Jason Stuart."
"Three people in the gallery ran
after the thieves but were unable lo
capture them," Stuart added.
SUNYA police f o u n d one
photograph near Ihe computer
center at approximately 6 p.m.
Wednesday, according to SUNYA
Security Invesligalor John Havncr.
"The photograph was sci down
very noticeably. I think ihc thieves
put ii down because it was too large
(aboul 15x20 inches) and conspicuous," he said.
Hayner added,"Security has
already lifted five latent prints off
the photograpii. These can be used
to positively identify any suspects."
Sources believe that two to four
continued on page eight
Iranian Students Face
Status And Visa Check
Central Council postpones magazine's funding
ASUBA President Leander Hardaway cites racist tendencies
Photo: Bob Leonard
Eight Iranian students unending SUNYA will be requested to submit to a status check and visa review within the next four weeks.
Although the deadline for this verification is December 14, Ihe
Albany office of the Federal Bureau of Immigration has set aside
specific days to deal with Iranian students attending each of the
Capital Districts colleges and universities.
"The government is going lo verify their status as non-immigrant
visas," said Assistant Dean for Student Affairs J. Paul Ward. "It
means they have to be a bona fide student, fully enrolled and involved in their studies; it means that they must have adequate finances to
support themselves; it means that they must be proficient in English;
it means that they must not be working illegally and that they have
not been convicted of a criminal offense."
Although foreign students must renew their visas each year, the
current action is apparently related to an Iranian-American conflict
involving the holding hostage of American students in Tehran.
, "It's a response, but it's also a way to cool things as far as Iranian
students demonstrating," said Ward. "One thing follows another.
This was one thing they could do to prevent the Iranian students
from actually demonstrating. At a demonstration you might punch
someone, and that would be a criminal act. The checking up on
students was designed to lessen the possible violence in our country."
—Aron Smith