Just minutes from Campus
Allen Center to Be Phase J!
Out After 3-Year Existence
Visit Carpet Remnant Co. Today
T h e Allen Center: "Not sufficiently distinct . . . ," according to the Academic Priorities Committee,
to warrant Its continuation.
Treat Your Feet Tomorrow!
NYPIRG Sues Legislators
4'x12' to12'x20'
slightly irregular
Long wearing rubberback Herculon
use as car mats, door mats,
or make a colorful rug costing only
In its court papers. NY l ' I K ( i contended that the payments violated
Article 3, Section 6 ol the Slate C o n stitution that prohibils legislators
from increasing their own salaries
during their elected term of office.
W h i l e s i g n i n g t h i s year's
supplemental bill, Governor Carey
took critical notice of the payments,
and Slate Comptroller A r t h u r Levitt
refused to issue legislators checks
until Attorney General l . e l k o w i u
ruled on their constitutionality.
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, N you don't I n your carpet when you
get it home, return it within ten days <
'and your money w i be uncondMonaly'
CARRY OR . . .
hy Judy Jaeger
The New York Public Interest
Research Group ( N Y P H K i ) has
commenced action in the State
Supreme Court to sue New York
legislators l o r the additional
payments (lulus) that they grunted
themselves on July I I , 1975.
The payments in question total
more than $1(00,000 and were given
to 163 of the 210 legislators on the
next to the last day o f the legislative
In the press conference last
Wednesday morning, Dennis Kaufman, an attorney representing N Y P IKCi. announced that the judge had
signed the " O r d e r to Show
C'ause"(lhe preliminary step in such
i case) and set the hearing dale as
nexi l-riday, September 12 at 9:30
i.m. in the Supreme Court
Courthouse downtown.
conference, Kaufman told reporters
that he believed Ihe payments were
hastily issued due to a new state
finance law that became effective on
September I. allowing a taxpayer to
bring suit against the legislature to
prohibit illegal expenditures of
Ihe payments read to reporters
ranged from $1000 to $9,000 per
legislator, and weir paid for such
positions as being "ranking minority
member of the aging committee", as
well as to the minority whip.
Legislators are normally reimbursed for travelling expenses to and
from Albany f r o m their homes during the legislative session as often as
once a week, as well as per diem expenses while in Albany. " I h e monies
they allowed themselves are i n -
creases in salary". Kaufman said.
Prior- to instituting court action,
N Y P I R G wrote to all legislators
who received lulus, asking them to
voluntarily return themoney."None
compiled". Ross said, "even though
several agreed thai Ihe payments
were in had taste."
N Y P I R G is nsking the court lor
( D a declaration that the supplemental payments are illegal. (2) an injunction permanently clarifying the
law which prohibits such payments
to legislators, and (3) an Injunction
ordering each legislator who received such payments to ihe State of
New York.
Martin (iai bus. an attorney from
New York City, will argue Ihe case
lor Ihe plaintiffs (NYPIRCi and
;"+TT'?:"T v *-"-
by Maria Abraim
Ihe .lames E. Allen Jr. Collegiate Center, established in 1972 us an
"experimental interdisciplinary curriculum in the Social Sciences, will be
terminated hy the end of this academic year, as a result of former university
President Louis I. Rene/el's decision last June.
Ihe decision was made alter a recommendation from the Select
Committee on Academic Priorities staled that the Allen Center was " n o t
sufficiently distinct to warrant a special program which lays claim to a
significant investment of resources."
While state budget cuts created a need for ihe removal of various degree
programs, faculty litem hers Deborah Kaufman and George L'rangos feel that
it was one ot the first programs to be cut because of its "experimental nature."
l-raiigus. a history teacher at the Allen Center, also feels that the program
suffered from a lack ol "constituency." lie explains that "the Allen Center
had no power and no friends. Many were suspicious ol a place that grew m i l
ol t he 'Mi's,"
According to Dr. Seth \V. Spellman. Dean ol ihe Allen Center, the
program was innovated between I9(>x-I972 to "establish a new college I "
admit students early, as well as to Initiate a new curriculum for
undergraduates based on the British Open University."
Originally funded h\ the Carnegie foundation "to ttdnelitike an
experimental, lime shortened degree ('Less l i m e - Mote Options
Document'), and authorized by the Hoard ol Irusiees. the James I . Allen
Center (named after the former Commissioner id b'tluviift ,M ol New York
Stale) began with 61 students mainly front ihe capital district." says Dr.
Spclhnun. As assistant to President Ucnc/el in 1970. Spellman and others
involved didn't led the program could work on the uptown campus T h e
integrity of the program could best he preserved in a new college."
Although the Allen Center is termed "college.'- il is actually an
interdisciplinary major entitled " M a n and His Institutions." According to
junior Ronnie Oslrofsky, the first two years id the program tire spent taking
i n t r o d u c t o r y courses in the Social Sciences, while the last two years deal
with the live major institutions (Lconomy, f a m i l y . Lducatmn. Government,
and Religion- Morality) and an internship." Dr. Spell man says the internship
program allows students tti "actually test what thev arc learning" out in the
"real world" through this program. Last semester, internships tune nllcred
through the New York Stale Assembly, which included positions with the
Legal Aid Society. Regional Planning. New York Court ol Claims and
various other governmental and economic agencies.
Due to lite small student-teacher rutin at the Allen Center. Dr. Spellman
explains t tl hi a "contracting system which provides students with more
program flexibility, is possible." I his system allows lite student to make any
change in a course syllabus lo suit his or her goals, "as long as it meets the
objectives ol I he course." Lor example, "otie student registered I in a course in
ihe Allen Center with ti contract t " complete Ihe objectives ol the course in
While Ihe Select Committee on AeadcmicPriorilics was collect nyi! with a
"high attrition rale among its students." a response report by Ihe dean and
lucidly explained that leaving lite Mien Center is the equivalent ol changing a
major and "SO percent ol Sll NY A undergraduates chance their plans lor it
major during Ihe fust two years, according to a tilth crsil; College si tidy."
Only I.Vft percent ol Allen Center freshman changed then major last year.
Meanwhile, an approximate IK3 students are enrolled in lite Allen l enter
this year. Many sophomores and juniors are in the process ol changing their
major to programs offered on the main campus. A list ol equivalent courses
will lacilitale the transfer ol credits. However, as jttnioi SueSwinegar suites.
"It is difficult to switch schools or pick a new major at this point. Most
students arc going into sociology or political science because it is iheensiesi
wav to lull ill their major." Still many others feel thai ihe program should
have remained "ai least long enough lor those alreud) enrolled lo receive
Iheu degicc."
FSA Keeps M o h a w k - P a g e 5
f o u n d the
payments legal. " I h e
General's opinion is that these
payments arc not salary increases",
Donald Ross, director of N Y P I R G
and a plaiutill in Ihe case said,
"because they weren't in effect lit the
beginning of the legislative session.
Thus, in l.efkowiw's opinion, they
are new payments, and not increases." Ross found this to be ti
"tortured interpretation thai badly
strains the facts."
Ross claims thai "legislators
themselves have admitted to N Y P IRG thill they havebeencountingon
these payments since Ihe beginning
of thl) legislnliv esession." "Moreover
he said, "they are grouped with
salary for Ihe purpose of computing
At Ihe Wednesday morning press
SUNYA's Football Offence... Page 18
Michener on Wasted Time... Page 14
The Moon Children... Page 5
Hearts and Minds... Page 15
NYPIRG attorney Dennis Kaufman claims legislators' lulus were
issued hastily In a vain effort to avoid being sued.
Assembly Bails out Big Apple
by Hindi Tokr
The New York State Assembly
passed a bill yesterday to give aid to
New York City by a vote of 80-70.
Governor Carey presented the
legislature with the 79-page bill
which would advance the city $750
million and order
Comptroller Arthur Levitt to purchase
$250 m i l l i o n in Municipal
Assistance Corporation's (MAC)
bonds, The bill represents aW-page
plan to rescue the city from default.
Carey admits that there are certain
risks for the state involved in the
enactment of this legislation but he
feels it is the only possible way to
avoid the catastrophic default.
Carey called the legislators intoan
extraordinary session on Friday to
deal with New York City's financial made up of Governor Carey, Mayor
crisis which demanded immediate Beame, both the state and city compaction. He reminded the legislators trollers and an appointee of the
that if the city were to default the governor. This Board is one of the
state would be burdened with paying major sources of conflict holding up
' a great deal of the city's debts and complete passage of the bill. Senate
financing necessary municipal ser- Majority Leader Warren Anderson
vices, Governor Carey had previous- has been delaying action on the bill
ly been seeking aid to New York City until he can get enough votes for the
from the Federal government. Presi- passage of an amendment which
additional board
dent Ford refused to help the city wo
asserting that the Federal govern- members from outside New York.
ment could not give aid to merely City. This same amendment was
one city out of an entire nation.
defeated in the Assembly yesterday
Emergency Board Appointed
The bill also calls for the appointGovernor Carey is confident that
ment of a Ave member Emergency the bill will be passed by both houses
Financial Control Board which as he feels the legislature has no
would carefully regulate all of the .choice but to act swiftly in order to
city's spendings. The board would be save both the city and the State.
Acid as Alternate Army Weapon
WASHINGTON (AP) The Army's general counsel and surgeon
general said Monday that tests it
sponsored on humans using LSD
and other hullucinogenic drugs were
part of a search for alternatives to
nuclear war but may not have been
properly authorized their first eight
They testified before the House
Armed Services Comittee's investigations panel that they have
"few d o u b t s " that prescribed
medical ethics, saftety procedures
and prior-consent requirements
were violated to some degree in the
first decade of the tests, held in the
1950s and 1960s,
General counsel Charles D.
Ablard, declined to answer in open
session as to whetherthe Central
Intelligence Agency used "the result
of your research" in actual
operations in foreign countries.
Ablard said that the "motivating
factor" for the tests in the first place
was a report lo the Army surgeon
general from "a civilian doctor" on
Oct. 21, 1951 after the doctor hud
communicated "with several European medical personnel concerning
the effect of the 'cgo-depresscnt
Aside from the threat to U.S.
troops the drugs presented, and their
potential use to get information
from American intelligence agents,
Ablard said the information more
significantly "indicated that an alternative to nuclear weapons might be
available, a weapon which might
render large forces helpless-but only
temporarily- and without any permanent damage to those forces and
none to their surroundings."
•Lt. Gen. Richard R. Taylor, the
Army's surgeon general said that, to
the best of his knowledge, the drugswhich at three forts, in mass field
experiments-were never used against
foreign forces. The whole research
thrust was abandoned in 1967
because of "the unpredictability" of
LSD andiother psycho-chemical
agents, he said.
Taylor said that, while "wemay be
missing some documents," the Army's investigators of the d rug-testing
program so far have found no
evidence that the portions of it involving psycho-chemical agentssuch
as LSD were properly authorized
before 1958 or'1959.
Wellington Transformed into Student Haven
Terrorists Assassinate Colombian General
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)Terrori»to gunmen in a speeding car assassinated
theinspeclor general of theColumbianarmytoday.militaryauthoritiessaid.
They said Gen. Ramon Arturo Rincon Quinones was sprayed with bullets as
he was being driven to the Defense Ministry in a limousine. The general's
chauffeur was seriously wounded. Rincon
had conducted a strong
campaign against leftist guerrillas.
Fighting Erupts in Lebanon Over Presence of P.L.O.
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) A private army of 3,000 leftists and Moslem
militiamen fought to encircle a Christian village Monday as savage sectarian
fighting spread into the northern Lebanese hills. The fighting is largely over
the Palestine presence in Lebanon. The Moslems support the guerillas and
the Christians want them curbed.
Gangsters Hold Seven Hostages for $1.35 Million
PARIS (AP) Gangsters armed with automatic weapons held seven persons
hostage in a Paris bank today and demanded a SI.35 million ransom, police
said. The bank is near the Invalides, which houses Napoleon's tomb. Police
said there wer cither two or three gangsters involved. They had gas masks as
well as a sawed-off shotgun and pistols, they said. Bursts of automatic
weapon fire were heard after the ga ngsters holed up in t he bank but it was not
known if there were any injuries.
Kissinger Outlines U.S. Role in Mideast Peace Plan
WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger declared today
that no more than 75 American technicians would be on duty at any one time
monitoring the new Sinai peace agreement, which he said directly affects the
security and well-being of every American. Appealing lor quick approval of
the Israeli-Egyptian accord, Kissinger told the House International
Relations Committee that the maximum 200 Americans doing the
monitoring would be working at early-warning stations in shifts of 75.
Boston Boils on Busing
officials said normal attendance fo,
opening day is 80 per cent.
Police said 74 members of the E.P.A. to Propose New Regulations
probusing Committee Against
WASIHNGTON(AP) The Environmental Protection Agency will propose
Racism were arrested Monday mornew regulations this month requiring deposits on all beverage containerssold
ning on charges of disorderly conon federal properly, a spokesman says. The regulations, a goal long sought
duct at a gathering in the Irish
by environmental groups, will be an attempt to cut solid wastes created by
neighborhood of South Boston,
disposable containers and may put pressures on state and local governments
which has been the center of anto take similar action.
tibusing sentiment in the city.
Twenty-one other persons were
Postmaster Calls for Increased Subsidy
detained at the South Boston DisWASHINGTON (AP) Postmaster General Benjamin F. Bailar appealed
trict Courthouse but were later
Monday for a doubling of the SI billion annual subsidy paid by the
released. A police spokesman said an
taxpayers. He said such a hike would be necessary for at least two or three
additional 100 stale troopers had
years, pending a thorough review in that period of those services which the
been added to the Boston police conusers of the mails cannot rightly be asked to support.
tingent that was blocking off the
courthouse area near South Boston
Republicans Set Convention Site for 76
High School.
WASHINGTON (AP) Republicans unanimously agreed today to hold their
party's I976 presidential convention in Kansas City beginning next Aug. 16.
Smokcy the Bear, the 25-year-old however, thut Smokcy continues to The Republican National Committee approved as expected the choice of the
mascot of the Forest Service, was be populur. receiving more than
Missouri city over Cleveland, Ohio and four other cities that had bid for the
recently retired from the National 150,000 letters a year.
Zoological Park in Washington, and
Smokcy is so popular, in fact, that
a younger beartook Smokey'spluce. the post office has given the lireThe Forest Service reports. lighting mascot its very own zip Ford Embraces G.O.P. OH Plan
code: 20252.
WASHINGTON (AP) President Ford today embraced a GOP plan lo
extend oil price controls for 45 days as Republicans and Democrats
disagreed on prospects of sustaining his promised veto of a six-month
The Albany Student Press is published everv Tuesday and Friday during the school year except holidays.
Address mail lo: Albany Student Press, CC 326, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222.
extension. Ford would like to see a 45-day continuation of controls und the
fashioning during that period of a Republican-Democratic compromise on a
longer-term phaseout of oil price curbs.
Miners Defy Picket Line as Workers Return to Work
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) Miners defied their own picket lines lodayas a
hack-lo-work movement spread across West Virginia's coal fields, hit by a
Managing Editor
wildcat strike during the past month. Scatlerd reports indicated that most
A dvertising Managers
mines had returned to work this morning despite scattered pickets who tried
to block mines at the midnight shift. There were some confrontations
Business Manager
Production Manager
between miners and pickets. An official of Big Mountain Soals, Inc.. lit
Prenler in Boone County, said that when pickets appeared at midnight, "our
men insisted they were going to work and the pickets left..luckily under their
Assistant Editor: Marc Weiger
Editor: Stephen D/inunku
own power."
Circulation Manager: Nancy I'illel
Associate editors: Hetty Stein, David
Hilling Accountant: Susan Domres
Water Problems Still Plague Trenton
Classified Advertising and Graffiti Manager:
Associate lor nil-campus: Randi Tolcr
TRENTON, N„l. (AP) Schools and industries without independent wilier
Kenneth Cobb
AC Manager: Mutt Kaufman
supplies closed again loday as workmen completed repairs that will.restore
normal water service to New Jersey's capital and near-by suburbs. Louis
Klockncr, supervisor of the city's only filtration plant where an accidental
Assistant I'roduclon Managers:Carol Mcl'herEditors: Hillary Kelhiek, Spencer Ruggi
backup of water Hooded all pumps that fill a 110 million-gallon reservoir,
son, Louise Minks
Preview: Joyce l-cigcnhuuni
estimated that at least 85 percent of the water system's customers had normal
I'echnical Edilor: Sarah Blumenstock
service by Sunday night.
Head Typist: Leslie Liscnstcin
Composition Manager: Ellen Boisen
Editor: Nathan SnInnt
Assembly Gives Relief to NYC Fiscal Problems
Production staff: Ellen Fine, Kelly Kiln, Debbie
Associate editor: Michael I'iekarski
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) The state Assembly approved a $2 billion plan
Reigcr, Debbie (iliek, Michelle Upton, Janet
Monday for a state takeover of New York City's fiscal affairs lo slave off the
Ailler, Carol Burger, Sue Brenner, Kim llunlley
city's financial collapse, And as the Democratic-controlled lower house
Advertising Production Staff: Joe Zubrovich,
Edilor: Andrea Her/berg
passed the bil, 80-70, Republican Scnutc Majority Leader Warren Anderson
Lisa lliundo, Dick McRoberl, Jeff AronnwiU
announced he would support it-a step that guaranteed that the Senute would
Photographs supplied principally by University Photo Service and Camera Club
pass the bill later in the night.
BOSTON (AP) Boston's racially
torn public schools opened Monday
with the arrest of about 100
demonstrators, most of whom said
they were on the streets to support
children being bused out of their
neighborhoods/There was no major
disruption, but expected school
attendance was cut nearly in half as
parents kept hundreds of pupils
home. No serious incidents were.
reported, and nearly 1,800 armed
police officers backed by 100 U.S.
m a r s h a l s and 600 National
Guardsmen on standby broke up
several demonstrations and kept the
yellow school buses rolling.
School officials said over-all 58.9
per cent of the 76,127 pupils expected to report for classes. School
Life at the Wellington
200 Find
New Home
by Rachellc Harary
The Hotel Wellington in downtown Albany has been retained by
the city of Albany and is now housing two hundred SUNYA students.
The students are mostly transfers
and upperclassmen who could not
get on-campus housing.
in a bind to get more studentson to
their campuses, SUNYA is trying to
find alternative means of housing its
students due to over-crowding in the
dorms. Although Ihc Admissions
Office docs take into account the
number of beds available when it
accepts students, that is not the sole
criterion. Rodney Hart, Director of
Admissions, cited a number of
reasons for the housing shortage this
The Admissions Office can usual- •
ly estimate the number of beds that
will be needed each semester to
house all the students that request
on-campus housing. This year the
problem started when a greuterlhan
average (or expected) number of
upper-division students decided to
stay on campus. To hither complicate mailers, more freshmen and
transfers then expected also requested on-campus housing.
Once this problem was brought to
the intention of John Wclty. Director of Residence, he immediately
went lo work trying to find alternative means for housing ihc great
influx of new students, Welly spoke
to I'redcnl Hcnc/el who in turn discussed the problem with the Mayor.
Ihc Mayor was involved in
proceedings for the city to take title
ol the Wellington, since the bank
had foreclosed on the mortgage held
In the Caller Holds chain. I 'he total
price ol the hotel anionntcdlo $148.000. Forty-eight thousand of thai
was back taxes.
I here was a check on the hotel's
annex before ii wasapproved for occupancy by the students. "On July
10,1975 members of Ihc State Eire
Advisory liuicnu. live Albany Eire
Department, SUNYA Central Campus Development Office,und our office (Office of Residences) made a
building inspection of the above
I he building appears to be of fireresistive construction, well maintained with the boiler room,garage,
interior stairway rooms opening
by Michael Sena
Except for the two men at me
hotel information desk and the din
from the overhead lights, the Hotel
Wellington is quiet. The narrow lobby hallway, faded yellow walls, and
green carpeting give the hotel an air
of austerity.
Because of the overcrowding in
thedormsand Albany's new housing
law two hundred SUNYA students
now live in the city's lone remaining
hotel. The Wellington looks out
upon the Capital park and the busy
downtown shopping urea on State
A certain eomaradarie or pioneering spirit has brought the student
residents together. For the residents,
mostly transfer students, the Hotel
Wellington was the last hope for oncampus housing.,
Gayle Knibloe is one of the four
R e s i d e n t A s s i s t a n t s in the
Wellington. For the kit two years
The Hotel Wellington: unprofitable hostel becomes temporary
solution tor SU NY As pertnnM
there on and the entire first lloorcorridor where the interior stairway terminates spri n k le red." Ill is statement
is a quote from the Summary of
Building Inspection of Hotel
Wellington. On the list that followed
the opening statement there were
twenty four deficiencies that had
been cited, hut all of the deficiencies
are scheduled to be fixed during the
fail semester. The reason that these
problems are called deficiencies and
not violations is because the building
as ii now stands meets all the
building code requirements set lor a
building its age. To supplement the
safety of the building it will remedy
these deficiencies and the buildings
being completed now.
flic city has appointed Mr. Ruben
ticrsowilz to manage the money that
it allotted for the renovation ol the
whole hotel. This money a mounts to
SI20,0(10 for the first phase of the
renovations. The money is being
used lo paint the hold rooms, correct the above mentioned deficiencies and refurnish the main lobby.
Contrary to popular belief, all of the
money is not going to the hulfof the
building occupied by the students,
but their half is being renovated
Mr. (iersowit/and Mr. Havekost,
the manager, both made it clear that
this is a city operation. The city did
not buy the hotel with the express
purpose of accommndating Ihc
students, although they are quite
happy thai the students are there.
A pioneering spirit prevails among students situated
Wellington: "It could be worse."
Although there arc still many
problems to he solved there isa feeling of cooperation between all parties involved. The hotel was not
legally in the hands of the city until
August 8. contracts went out lo the
students on the I2lhand they started
moving in on the 21st. There was less
than two weeks to accomplish all the
cleaning and fixing up thai the hotel
needed. Needless lo say, there was
much that could not be done in thai
short time period.
and a Dorm Director. The R.A.'sare
Ciayle Knibloe. Fred Lilt, Leslie
Tiel/.e, and Ed Valente. The Dorm
Director, R o b e r t Levin, is a
graduate student.
There are limes when all the
residents will question why they got
put into the Wellington butloquote
Hob l.evin,"lhc Wellington isa completely new experience in student living. Wenre trying to make the transition into this new lifestyle as simple
as possible. Due to the short time
clement between the agreement with
the city to house the students and the
actual arrival of the students, many
problems slill have lo be solved.
Slowly but surely the necessary improvements arc being made. Despite
the inconveniences ol commuting,
tile Wellington has the advantage of
a dorm-like atmosphere and the
privacy thai only a single room tan
Council Cooperates
I here has been cooperation from
the Central Council as seen by the
allocation of SI0OO lor programming, and in excess of $40,000 lor
regular and temporary late-night
hus service. The city has also
cooperated by providing for the
renovation ol ihc hotel and the installation of a sludeni staff of R.A.'s
43 fiiljifTdliltiahy
$88.00 and up
used with guarantee
we also rent
Duane Rentals
415 Delaware Ave.
Albany, NY
she has been an RA on Indian quad.
"There's much more for me to learn
down here," she, said. "We're
pioneering the whole thing down
here. Being an R A here is much more
exciting than being an RA on Indian. But it involved a lot more
work. You have to put out a little
more energy to solve problems. The
resources are more limited," she explained. "For example, if we want a
coffee house we don't have the urns
or otner stuff that you have oncampus, you have to borrow them."
She noted that she is trying to work
something out with an RA in
I uscarora to share movies.
On the positive side Gail noted
that you don't have the small "closeknit social groups that you have oncampus. People arc ready to make
new friends."
Most of the complaints centered
around the isolation of being all the
way downtown, the lack of food, and
the quirks in the sicty year old annex.
Dianne Torsiello, a transfer student from Nassau Community
College lives in a spacious double
room. "It's kind of bad. You just
meet the people here, all there is is
us," she said."If you havea party it's
jusi us. Plus 1 hate the city. But
there's always parties here, that's
what we do around here." Dianne
complained that the hotel is not in
the best of shape,"These beds are so
shitty. The management came and
put in boards. They're accomadaling, bul it just takes time."
"You have got lo hear Ihisplaceat
7 or K o'clock in the morning."
Dianne said a* she smiled. "You hear
rocks and holders going down a
sliutc from outside in the street. The
city must be building or fixing
something. They wake me up every
"Hul you know we have room service." Dianne's roommate interjected. "I he switchboard will call
you up to wake you up If you Want,
and that's a nice convenience;''
The dinner meal plan just started
this week. Previously students usually ale subs, peanut butler and jelly,
or went hungry. "Wedon't eat."said
Dianne. "We've been eating garbage.
We cut whatever we am gel our
hands on." Fran Kicak. a transfer
student from Onondaga Continuity
College in Syracuse doesn't intend
on Hiking the meal plan. She explained. "I have my hotpot so I've
been living oul of that; Campbells
Soups. Chel-Hoy-Ar-Dce with meat
and cheese, macaroni and cheese,
bread, and coffee. 1 figure if it comes
to the point where 1 want a nice
dinner, lean go down to the cafeteria
and gel something a la carle."
Hotel Needs Work
Kim Klinko, a transfer student
from HroomeCoinniunily College in
liinghamton. also likes living downtown. "The main problem." said
Kim. "is that I here's so much that has
to be done such as painting the
rooms and gelling everything
together. You know they only decided on housing students in Ihc
Wellington just two weeks before
school started."
"It could be worse - it's tolerablethe people make it," said Dianne
"h stalled out rough,"said Karen
lepcdino, "but everybody got to
know everybody else and we've had
great parlies." Karen said at first she
was worried about livingdowntown,
bin was "relieved to find there were
no cockroaches."
Sociology Gains Chairman Loses PhdProgram Exploring On the Darker Side of the Moon
New Sociology Department chair• • • D r . Robert Farrel facts the task
of directing: a department fouled by
the sasneanon of its doctoral
This was one of sewn programs
recommended for suspension by the
Select Committee on Academic
Program Priorities under former
president Louis T. Benczct- Prior to
the suspension, a review team made
up of internationally known
program be continued and
strengthened. The department
points out that it published nine
books and 60 articles in the past
three years. Half of the faculty have
presented papers at national
sociological conferences this year
and will have grid students delivering papers at a meeting of the New
York State Sociological Association, something unmatched by any
other university. Despite this
evidence, the Priorities Committee
is* May asat tkc
Mental Hygiene, and the Whitney
It wassaidof Farrel that "Hes a Center. The department is reaching
scholar, an excellent teacher, and a . out into thecommunity more and establishing liasons with the city and
good organizer who commands the
the state. The department is also
full confidence of the entire departcollaborating with Capital District
ment and will put on 'one hell of a
Medical Centerand Albany Medical
good show.'"
College on a number of projects.
Swigert said that the reason Forer
Dr. Farrel said that he was very
wasn't reinstated was because he did
want the chairmanship. She in- optimistic about the program anil
dicated that there was no personal lhat "the accomplishments of (acuity
animosity to wardshiminthedepart- and students in the program and the
ment. The disagreement ended up in quality of the program must be made
the dean's office, she went on, and clear. I'm confident thai when lhai is
was a
"human mistake that clear that the university will lift the
. »n\\ the suspension... Three important erad
seen." Through schools, Public Affairs, Social
Forer's efforts, said Swigert, the Welfare, and Criminal Justice, artSociology department's faculty all all based on social and behavioral
sciences. Therefore it is important
hold PhD's.
that there be a strong department in
New developments in the departSociology... Suspension ol the
ment include a set of new by-laws
program affects people's lives and
which allow for increased faculty
careers and therefore is a serious
participation in decision making.
The faculty now elects ils executive
One graduate student predicted
A new project is already in that the PhD program will hiprogress called the Tri City Area reinstated within six months .mil
Survey. This is being done in said, "When you're defined as incollaboration with three universities, competent, it's harder than starting
the New York Stale Department of out anew."
PhD program be suspended. The
reason that they gave was lack of
SUNYA'sfirst Sociology doctoral
student, Vicki Swigert. said that personality conflicts existed and rather
than resolving them within the
department these problems were
sent to the dean's office. According
to Swigert, it seemed "that the only
things coming o ut of the department
were bad reports of disagreements
and dissension."
Dr. Parrel said: "I don't know if
that was the basisof the decision, but
I recognize that there wasan internal
disagreement in the department and
it had become public information."
Farrel received his PhD from the
University of Cincinnati in I972.
This is his fourth year at SUNYA.
Originally a chairman was sought
from outside the department, bui
when the decision was made to suspend the PhD program, it was also
decided to find an inside chairman.
Farrel was chosen out of the
recommendations of the members of
the department.
Dr. Farrel looks young for a
department chairman and when interviewed was wearing a flannel shirt
and had braces. When asked if his
age was a factor and if it indicated
any new directions, he said, "I guess
oneimponam consideration lhat the
faculty had given was that a person
should chair the department who has
not been involved in former disagreements. I have not been... It was
important lhat the differences that
existed in the department do not interfere with the administration of the
by David Winzenerg
College is afimeof uncertainty for
many of us. Unfortunately this
creates a breeding ground for unsuspecting recruits into the ranks of
an ugly and deceptive organization
known as the UnificaNews
tion Church. Under
the guise of various
Analysis fronts Including the
Korean Folk Ballet,
The Collegiate Association for the
Research of Principles (C.A.R.P.)
and the D.C. Striders Track Club,
the Church invites its "prey" to local
centers. There they learn or are
"mind manipulated" to believe the
ways and teachings of the Cult's "second messiah," self-ordained
Reverend Sun Myvmg Moon.
was excom-
municated by the Presbyterian
Church in Korea in I948. He has
been married four, times, served a
three-month" jail sentence for conducting group sex orgies in I9SS and
can be accredited with the following
quotes from "Master Speaks": "Our
strategy is to be united into one with
ourselves and with that as the bullet,
we c a n smash the whole
world"..."The whole world is in my
hand and I will conquer and subjugate the world"..."From this time,
every people or every organization
that goes against the Unification
Church will gradually come down,
or drastically come down and die".
Recruits into the cult arc trained
in fund raising for the Church,
probably the source of capital for
Master Moon's $620,000 Hudson
^ T T *
Kaiea-tel \
by Glenn Nichtenhauser
FSA Director E. Norbert Zahm
has disclosed that SUNYA will keep
its Mohawk Campus facility, despite
the recommendation by a stuteaudit
to shut it down and sell the property.
According to Zahm, the Campus
had been appraised during the spring
and summer resulting in a figure
which, "...would not make theselling
of Mohawk Campus economically
feasible at this lime." Zahm also indicated that if there is increased student usage of the facilities, the Campus may be moved closer to the University. Already the I S A and the
Student Association are evaluating
some prime real estate, but there was
no comment regarding the expenses
for llie proposed lands.
Presently, more revenued are
needed in renovate dilapidated conditions thai exist on Mohawk Cam-
in the Campus Center
Special S t u d e n t R a t e s for S t y l i n g
Sociology h u d Dr. Robert Farral mtifl try to strengthen the
department this year.
$7.50 style now only $6.00
a p p o i n t m e n t s b y D a n a n d Ted
Furniture For Sale:
Student selling furniture at low price .
Beds, dressers, rugs, lamps, sofas, overstuffed chairs,
kitchen tables, end tables, mirrors.
pus. Fifty to Seventy thousand
dollars in appropriations arc the
devised expenditures for the Campus. In contrast Dippikill, the other
recreational facility, is receiving approximately nine thousand dollars.
The repairs that were specifically
cited were the three houses on the
campus. Students would party,
relax, or just screw around there,
there has never been too many
students at Mohawk, bul a decently
furnished house would probably attract more.
Zahm is'optimistic about the
future of Mohawk Campus. It is an
area lhat is ideal for the student who
wants to gel away from thcheclicatmosphere of the University. In summation he added. "I hope students
will lake mure advantage of these
opportunities .so it will not got lo
Let me know what else you need.
Got questions? Need information? |
Come to the new student
Drop in Center
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REALIZE n ^ A O O o V D E A L ' ° "* A N
Individuals interested
in acting as
"la-i — w
before the various
judicial boards
and the
SA Supreme Court
11:15 AM to 1:30 PM
, " • * • epntmmt tt ths earner of
IMmwtw «w, a CeUMe « . ki AIBM,
and unhealthy areas, raising money
from anyone who would give, winos
not excepted. "A lot of my health
was ruined as a result of the MFT
trips", she recalb. Turner urges
everyone to be careful of any group
with a suspicious nature and warns,
"we were psychological slaves; our
minds were raped".
It sounds incredible, but their
"heavenly seduction" goes on every
day and Moon's church is growing.
Because of the First Amendment,
the Church owns tax free: a 22-acre
estate on the Hudson near
Tarrytown; a' $620,000 estate; the
former Columbia University Club
Building valued at $ 1,200,000; and a
Berkeley, California mansion
overlooking the bay with a value of
$22S,O0O. The Church's goal is said
to be to purchase the Empire State
Building. The President of the Unification Church int'he U.S. says that
when this happens, "People will
realize we're not a fly-by-night
Five Quad
Mohawk to Remain Ambulance
University Barber and
Hair Styling Shop
ASP News Reporters Meetings
Every Sunday 8:00 -9:o0 p.m.
Every Thursday 7:00-8:00p.m.
CC 326—Attend!
River estate and many other assets, of the Church in this area. Last year
of which his earnest disciples see lit- at this time, Patrick deprogrammed
a fourteen-month veteran of Moon's
Converts are allowed a maximum children from Warwick, Rhode
of 4 to 6 hours of sleep each night. Island. Twenty-one year old Shelley
They are fed a low proteinJiigh Turner now helps people who are
starch diet and are threatened with caught in the cult looking for a way
death and eternal damnation if they out.
leave the Church. They arc constantTurner joined the cult in the
ly exposed to lectures and "master summer of 1973. At her Rhode
speaks". Since individual thinking is Island center, known as the Family,
forbidden, brainwashing or "mind she was taught "the ways" and was
manipulation" is easily attained.
hypnotized into staying with the
Several groups are presently un- group. "I'd always have feelings that
ited against Moon. They include I wanted to get out, but they said that
Citizens Freedom Foundation, the spirits will punish you if you
Citizens Engaged in Recruiting leave the Church," she explained.
Families, and Return to Personal
While at the center, the former
Choice. These groups help and ad- Rhode Island College student was
vise parents of victims trapped in trained at how to sell Church
Moon's wide-reaching web and products, how to witness and what
counsel them on "deprogramming", to say to possible recruits of different
a process through which the con- religions. Fund raising seemed more
vert's trance is erased and he is important to the Church than
returned to his normal states.
anything else.
A highly regarded deprogrammer
In the fall of 1973, Tumertraveled
and constant target for Unification the country with one of the Church's
propaganda, Ted Patrick, has Mobile Fundraising Teams (MFT),
helped many people shake the hold sometimes frequenting dangerous
\ l.MVIJ
flunfef It* ia IM9
* ^ * »
On the Job
by Randi B. Toler
The Five Quad Volunteer
Ambulance Service is available free
to any member of the Albany State
University Community. The
ambulance service runs to Albany
Medical Center and St. Peter's
Hospital quicker than any of the
local commercial services.
II you have an emergency the first
tiling to remember is lo stay calm.
The Five Quad Ambulance Service
can be contacted through the
Infirmary. The Informary's number
is 457-8633. If the nurse on duty feels
lhat the emergency is real she will
call the ambulance service on a hot
line and send them over to you. The
mam purpose lor the ambulance
service is to transport people who
need to he lying down and
immobilized, or lo provide
immediate first aid on the way to the.
hospital. I he Infirmary's job is to
determine whether the ambulance is
needed or a non-trained student
driver will suffice merely for
There are several Ihings to
remember when speaking to the
Infirmary nurse. Do nol hang up
first; the nurst may need more
information from you than you have
thought lo volunteer. Give the name
of the injured, your name, and a
number where you can be reached.
Ciive Ihe nurse as much information
as you can about the nature of the
injury or illness. If you are in one of
the towers, have someonw hold ihe
elevator on the first floor so that the
ambulance crew can reach you as
soon as possible.
Members of the Five Quad
Volunteer Ambulance Service who
work on the ambulance itself are all
students who have had at least
advanced first aid training. Ninetylive percent of them have had the
New York State Emergency Medical
Technicians certification. In orderto
obtain this certification, they must
go through an 81 hour training
course. This year Five Quad finds
itself under the able direction of
Wayne I'rinly, Chief of Services, and
Dick Sleeper, Assistant Chief of
Operations. If you are interested in
joining Five Quad, be on the lookout
for ads in the ASP and Tower
New Keys Costly
Housing Injustice Victim Caught in Red Tape
by Paula Rssnlck
Supervisor of Maintenance in the
Campus Center Frank Hoban says
that although he sees "no real
problem" with thenew$l08,000kcy
system, he does not think that it is
helping to prevent crime as it was intended to do. The system was installed in all of the buildings on the
academic podium in December,
there is a lack of master keys for each
building. Originally only one muster
key was issued for each building. A
few more can beobtained by request
There are presently three muster
keys for the Campus Center. According to Corbin. the decision In
limit the number of masters "was
based on the premise thai the kissoi
this basic key is very serious"
The people most grcaih affected
Hoban says that a considerable by the lack of master keys are the
amount of the burglaries lake place maintenance men. A man clcmiing
during the day when all of the doors one floor of the Campus Center must
carry a three-inch key riiie IHIUM;
are unlocked anyway. Of the Camthirty-six different keys lm cidi
pus Center he said, "This is the
student's building. Anything that
"To have that man) kejs doesn't
happens here is for the betterment of
the students...In the other buildings make sense," Mr. Hoban said, lie
they just don't pay that much atten- explained thai even il'a man is used
tion." He elaborated by saying that to the system and familial • ah ilk'
when a student is seen carrying a keys, he could be slowed af m his
typewriter, for exntnply. it is often work by three lo loin mum es pei
assumed that he has permission to
Campus Center maintenance worker displays the large ring of keys he must carry around with him.
System Created Work
lake it. It is very easy In just walk out
From its beginning I h o ) Man hm
with something,
created a lot of paper work luinrara
Ihe plan was originally thought
people. In July ol l u 7J each dentinnecessary because of the easy
duplication of the old keys. It had mcnt was responsible lm uimpiliiij
become impossible lo determine an inventory and requesting n
how many keys were out and who specific number ol keys lm n>
by Joan Klhworlh
problems encountered by students at
Equal Opportunity Program, Stu- had them. Director of the Campus respective building. New kc)simiM
be ordered through Ihe I'fcint AdSue I'iercc. new Acting Assistant
SUNYA is "not knowing about the
dent Activities and other campus Center Alice Corbin estimates that
Dean lor Student Affairs, and other
services at the university." Now,
groups will he available at the there were approximately 250 ministration.
If a key is lost, a search lm n is
student resource organizations are
special informational meetings on
meetings and drop-in center to master keys out for that building
trying to "get a better handle on stuthe quads and a new student drop-in
answer student questions and help alone. It was the potential for launched. The lock on the dour can
dent needs." In a new experimental
center will extend orientation serwith problems I he center is robbery that led to thedevelopmenl he changed if that room requires n
great deal of security and the ke> is
program, these groups are attemp- vices.
scheduled to meet every Tuesday of the new key project.
ting to reach the new and off-campus
and Wednesday from 11:15 to 1:30 in
As part of a coordinated effort
That potential is cut considerably not found. Normally, an outer lorin
student Ihroughudrop-in centerand
the Campus Center I'atroon due to the difficulty in the duplica- for a new key is given lo die Plant
which began last spring, personnel
from the Student Affairs Office, Untion of the new keys, Any regular key Administration. They place an order
iversity College. Counseling Center,
I'iercc explains that one of the
I'iercc explains that the present can be cut in several local stores. But lo the manufacturer in New Haven,
experimental programs have grown the new keys, with a special cut, re- Conn. This is done about once CUT)
out of an increased awareness by quire extra machinery even for a month. There isa $5.00 line charged
campus resource offices that they locksmith. Lor this reason, it is much to the department responsible loi On"were not sensitive enough to the easier to keep track of thenumbcrof lost key.
needs of specific groups."
I here are several reasons win file
keys and lo control their duplicaOff-campus students at SUNYA tion. However, no material evidence new keys and locks wcrcnoiptiiuiin
have special needs different from could be produced lo show that a the dorms. Housing Director Inlrn
resident students. A new bi-monthly decrease in burglaries husoccurred. Welly explained. "We lu\ e tint had .i
student newsletter will attempt to inMr. Hoban agrees lhal it is more major problem Willi llieli imoluruj
crease these students' awareness of difficult to reproduce the keys, but locked doors...the problem liesuitli
both on and off campus information also stales I hat ma ny of the robberies students who admii that the) lorgol
and service facilities.
are caused by carelessness, and not lo lock their doors." Well) canI he Student Affairs Office by entry with a key. Thingsare taken lirmedthat the thefts in ihedoriiisdn
currently serves as a resource center when doors are left unlocked or not amount lo a large ainuuiii ol
lor information on many nn-campus when they are left on desks. These money while on the podium
facilities, but ultimately the office are "people problems" having thousands ol dollars could be Insi
would aim to provide more informaHe continued by saying lhal llic
nothing to do with the keys.
tion on off-campus services.
Several other factors combine to security in the dorms is adequate
Students may now use the Office of
Although the new sysiein dues
make the system more "secure."
Student Affairs to ail particular adSome of ihese factum, however, also mean personal inconveineiuc lm
ministrative problems they may be
many people. Hoban leels thai Ins
present problems.
having or find out where they can go
One of (he major problems is lhal men are adjusting loir
for help or services.
I'iercc, formerly Associate Director of Residences tu SUNYA.istcinporarily replacing Ralph Bister al
the Office ol Student Affairs lor one
year. Itislei was forced to leave due
lo the clealh ol his lather and increased business rcsponsiblilities.
on Lark between the Annex and Ihe Hotel Wellington
New Student Affairs Dean Seeks to
Familiarize Students with Services
# J M ) O J T W A T A U . 1 CAH OfFEE.
/n/r magazine,a month!) magazine
lor men which has been published
since I'/.Ki, iscfilliugilquilslhisfnll,
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Open 6 days a week leaturing... used books at very reasonable ;
prices... hardcovers and paperbacks
Come in to browse and see what we have
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was thrown out of court.
A case two decades ago. State University v. Syracuse University, established the University as an instrumentality of the State and
brought it under the State's umbrella
olsovereignimmunity. This doctrine
renders the State immune from any
lawsuit except when it specifically
waives its privilege. Upon being
notified of Sachs' case. Deputy
the following summer
Assistant Attorney General Arthur
and, returning in August to find
I'alane wrote to Judge Whalen of
himself barred from his bedroom,
Albany City Court asking for disdecided to pay the bill.
missal on Ihe grounds thutthcCourt
Meanwhile Sachs had appealed to
Housing on the grounds that he had lacked jurisdiction. The motion was
not damaged the room
rather he
theoretically, there remained one
bad improved it by making it more
final line of attack. The State may
"liveable". The appeal was denied by
give a claimant permission to sue it,
Onondaga Hall Director Thomas
hut any such suit must be brought in
Daley "since painting the walls,
the Court of Claims, a formal, fullregardless of its aesthetic value,
scale slate court. As legal fees alone
alters the condition of the room
would have outweighed any possible
which must be defined as damage."
Daley claimed that the Housing con- benefit from a suit in the Court of
Claims. Sachs abandoned Ihe idea.
tract gave him ihe right "as landlord"
In a last effort, Sachs appealed to
to define whirl damage was done.
Attorney General Lefkowitz for written law nor legal precedent
Convinced lhal further appeals
help. He based his plea on a letter authorizes the university, cither exwithin the University system would
l.clkowilz hud written to SUNY plicitly or implicitly, to levy penalties
prove futile, Sachs headed for
Chancellor Ernest Beyer live months for rule violations. Only il painting a
Albany Small Claims Court. Norroom constituted real damage and
earlier forbidding the university
mally, a lenanl with a grievance can
from levying lines or holding records necessitated repairs could a student
pay $.1.2(1. file a suit against his
be billed for it. Al the time of his
landlord and settle Ihe case on his lor violations of campus conduct
nearly a year
own in a small, informal hearing. I regulations. While the university Idler In l.elkowit/
could collect remuneration for ad- after the original billing
Hut Sachs' landlord was the State
room had not been repainted.
ininstrttlive or other costs, neither
University of New York
the case
by Brent Kigner
A student seeking justice within
the state's labyrinthine bureaucracy
may find his plight similar to that of
the ill-fated K,inKafka's"'i rial".One
such student was Daniel Sachs, who
painted his room in
the fall of 1973. Along
with his roommate.
S a c h s w a s hnkli
Central Council News
Attend the News Reporters Meetings in the A S P Newsroom (CC 326)
liveiy Sunday K:(K) p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Every Thursday 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students
who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you
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WflftK is:
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c) the president of SUNYA
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Committee Structure Revamped.
Food Committees Made More Responsive
by Daniel ()'( onnell
Although Ihe questions dealt with
at September limit's Central Council
meet inn "ere of Utile iinineiliule consequence In the student body, some
of the subtly connected issues
evidenced u continuation of old undercurrents
thai may he a
foreshadowing of stormy sessions
ahead. Undouh ledly, during some of
these, decision will he made affecting
areas basic lo many members of'the
university community.
After an explanatory commentary
by Chairperson David Coyne, Ihe
Council unanimously accepted his
"Revised Committee Structure" bill
(7576-12). As the name suggests the
hill dealt primarily with a partial
reorganization of the Council's committee system. Specifically it
eliminated the On and Off Campus
Student Life Committee along with
both l-SA and Administrative
Mason Committees. In place of these
it created conimillecson Academics,
hood. Housing, Internal Affairs.
Administration and, lastly, Health
Safely and Ihe Law.
According lo Coyne the reasons
for Ihe changes were thai certain
aspects of the old structure were
divisive and thai the new one would
eliminate Ihis by avoiding situations
where with similaraims(like the old
On and Off Campus Student Life
Committees) had to compete for
As important as the actual content
ol the hill was the omission of a section from the original proposal
which would have disbanded the
Athletic Advisory HouriKAAHIand
possibly jeopardized the university's
'membership in theNCAA. Saying
that he didn't want to "nun anything
d o w n Ihe Council's throat"
The University Wind Ensemble needs
people who would, like to play in the
Concert Band. You don't need to be a
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If you answered d to all of the above you are eligable to attend
I'alane. responding to Sachs'
letter to l.elkowit/. did not address
lite da lliagc question, Instead, he explained lhal. as counsel to the State,
il would be improper for Ihe Allorney Outturn I lo intercede on
hehall ol a claimant against the
State. I'litnue suggested lhal Sachs
"take live mutter up with the university." I'i'uslriiled. Sachs gave up.
Sachs notes that since the prohibition against the use of paint is
covered in Ihe housing contract
separately from Ihe damage clauses,
cannot be construed <*.v wile as
damage. According lo Residence
Director John Welty. whenever a
student paiuis his walls without permission,it is necessary to sand and
repaint them.
But all are welcome. Instruments are
Contact Mr. Ciompi
To Florida, California and all
cities in the USA.
89 Shaker Road
Terrace Apartment
Albany, N.Y.
Must fa* 18 yart old
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PAC Room B 0 3
...andieavetfiodriv.no to us*
Chairperson COMIC temporarily
abandoned Iris direct atlacks against
the AAI) and the present system of
landing intercollegiate sports.
In other action the Council look a
step towards making each quails
hood Committee more responsive to
Ihe students. By a vote of Id to I il
approved a hill (7576-8) pro posed b>
.lay Miller ( D u t c h ) whicn
recommends that a representative o'
each committee bcmudcuvailablcu
students three times a mouth I'm
questions or complaints. It also askeach committee to publicize
themselves and their activities so as
lo 1'ticilltutc understanding of them
by the people they serve.
l-'innlly. it was reported to the
Council by S.A. Controller Stu
Klein that over .15 S.A. supported
groups have had I heir budgets frozen
for cither not filing forms or not
intending the treasurer's meeting.
Introductory General Meeting
Sept 1 0
It stales thai while the greatest increases in the quant it ies of pollutants
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Ihc UN study says Ihal if the
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spends on war-related items each
•••» »»»•
alone and almost all were eating.
Lockyard found that men arc
more successful inpanhandlingfrom
women, while women found it easier
to beg dimes of men.
Food, the psychologist reports,
was the most imporiant single factor
in the study. Lockyard reports that
"a handout is almost insured if people approached a single eating subject."
W I T H HER HIT SINGLE " M i d n i g h t B l u e "
JRCKSOn* midnight Bond
nn> the breeder brothers
a n d s p e c i a l g u e s t star
The declassified "cointelpro"
documents stale Ihal secret FBI informants held lop-leadership roles in
seven o f the nation's 14 Klan groups.
Ihc papers also show that, in l%5.
2000 of the 10.000 K K K members
were I H I informers in disguise.
In addition. FBI records indicate
thai during a one-year period in the
laic 1%0's, F B I informants accounted for more than 70 percent of
all new K K K members.
[LltlTOn & n PEHRL 5T5.
A m o n g the "10 worst" bills aiding
c h i l d nutrition, senior citizens'
programs, and education o f the handicapped. The White House complains that the bills are too costly,
although it supports more costly
measures funding the Trident Submarine and the B-l Bomber.
presenting liue in concert
University Concert Board presents...
High Times maga/incis out with a
suggestion o n how marijuana
smokers can "recycle" their pot
The quarterly magazine says that
seeds should be sorted from the
stash, and then placed between wet
kleenex. High Times explains: "the
moisture will stimulate the seeds to
germinate, resulting in sprouts. In a
few days or so. these sprouts will be
about four inches high."
Newly released documents by the
L B I show thai a high percentage of
Ku M u x Klan leaders in the 1%0's
were actually undercover KBI informers.
According to High Times, each
pound of unwanted old seeds will
produce more than a pound of
although perhaps illegal
A United Nations' sponsored
study is predicting that worldwide
levels will probably
quadruple by the year 2000.
The study.conducted by aBrandeisHowurd research team, says that
pollution will likely increase in every
nation on earth during the next 2b
HI) 3 5 4 (3rd Floor Lounge)
Residents of a housing complex
lor the elderly in Florida are being
victimized by someone unknown
who apparently hates Lawrence
A Washington University survey
Gainesville housing authority - has discovered that the key to beinga
director says that for the past 10 successful panhandler is — believe it
or not — to beg when the person you
Saturdays, the phantom-like culprit
has clipped the television cable arc asking is eating.
University psychologist Doctor
leading into the Oak Park complex,
.loan Lockyard reports that team of
blacking out all T. V. sets. The culprit
strikes each week just minutes before psychology students approached 526
people in the Seattle area and asked
the "Lawrence Welk Show" comes
them for ten cents. O f the 34 percent
on, reportedly a favorite show
who gave, Lockyard says, most were
among elderly residents.
8:00 pm
1 !
Ihc While Huse has supplied the
Washington press corps with a lisi of
the 10 "inosl objectionable" bills as
seen by the Ford administration.
. - w * - - - v _ . ' v . - V -v..
CBS has finally decided what to
do about Cher's navel. The television
network for weeks has reportedly
been mulling over the problem of
allowing her to display her navel
during her new fall l.V. show.
Cher's new show begins at K p.m. on
Sunday nights this fall, during the
lime period which CBS had dubbed
"ihc family hour."
Sonic CBS censors suggested that
the hare navel might be in conflict
with traditional family values.
In any ease CBS has told Cher that
her navel can remain in sight
only if she avoids aII costumes which
give her lhat see-through look. H i e
network says that all her fleshcolored gowns inusl remain in the
dressing room.
CHARTER BUSES to a l l N.Y.C. areas
--for Yom Kippur W e e k e n d
- L e a v i n g Fri. Sept 12
- R e t u r n i n g M o n . Sept 15
-LATE BUS if d e m a n d
Tickets on Sale Mon- Wed in CC Lobby
10 am- 3 p m
Friday, Sept. 19
rniRPORT [onuEnnon
Class o f 1978 Council
with Sandy Denny
puos COrOUOn
monday, Sept. 22
$3 w/tax
Tickets go on sale Wed. Sept. 10
$5 w/o
in C.C. Gameroom beginning 10:00 a.m.
Bus tickets go on sale
Mon., Tues., Wed. (Sept. 15, 16, 17)
Uledneidny, Oct. B
THE stankv brown group
Friday, Oct.10
dauid sancioos Friday^. 17
Tuesday Sept. 9th
Fireside Lounge
in C.C.Gameroom at 10:00 a.m.
at the Palace Theater
T h u r s d a y Sept. 18th
funded by S.A.
8 : 0 0 p.m.
Coming Sept. 29
lean Luc Ponty
$ 5 . 0 0 IR RDURRIE
$ 6 . 0 0 RT THE DOOR
Ticket Ootlets:
Palace Theater b.o.Just R
Song 84 Central Ruejime
Center Jeuielers
in Schenectady,
RP.I. Stodent Onion
Discussion of vacant council seat
The G e r m a n magazine Der
A / C M claims t o have uncovered
another apparent discrepancy in the
official police version o f the Robert
Kennedy assassination case.
Stern, amasscirculationWest German publication, reports it has
tracked down a key eyewitness t o the
l%X assassination " h o disputes the
story that Sirhan Sirhan was i n ' a
position lo fire the bullets which
struck Senator Kennedy.
Sieth says it interviewed the late
Los Angeles District
Joseph Busch earlier this year shortly before Busch died. The magazine
says it questioned Busch about
reports that Sirhan was standing
several feet in front o f Kennedy
when the shots were fired, yet the
Senator was struck at point-blank
range from behind
suggesting that
two guns may have been tired at
Busch is quoted us saying that a
maitre d ' a t the Ambassador Hotel.
Karl Ueckcr. who was holding
Kennedy's hand when the shooting
broke out. "saw Sirhan's weapon at
Kennedy's head."
Busch told Sicni thai Ueckcr was
hiding at an undisclosed location in
Ltiiope "lor safety reasons,"
However, the maga/.ine says it
tracked down Ueckcr in Dusscldorf.
Germany.and that 1'eckeilTath disputes the police version ol the
assassination. Ueckcr is quoted as
M;it i nc thai Sirhan's gun never came
close enough to Kennedy to lite
bullets at point blank range, Los
Angeles I'oioiiei l l i u m i m Noguehi
has slated repeatedly that Kennedy
was struck ihice limes by a gun fired
ai virtual point blank range Iron!
I wo stockholders in a Howard
Hughes linn have filed n SI00
million class action suit claiming
ihal the recluse billionaire is dead.
I lie suit asks the court lo appoint
an administrator lor the Hughes estate, alleging that although Hughes
is reported lo he residing a 1 Ihc Hotel
Xanadu in the (Hand Hahamas. he
"has been dead lor a considerable
period" ol time.
Ihc sun was filed in New York
Stale by Victor and Kllen Kurt/., two
stockholders in An Liquidation
Company, lormcrly known as A i r
Ihc lrg-.il action alleges that
Hughes is fraudulently reported to
be alive bv various Hughes corporalion employees who want to keep the
Hughes empire together in order to
make personal profits,
AltornciAs for the K u i v s s n y lhat
il Hughes does not respond personally to the New York sail, they
will ask the courts to appoint tin administrator lor the Hughes estate to
handle disposition of all the
billionaire's assets.
Party of Sept. 20
Constitutional Amendments
the Heath Brothers
audition parti for 8 men, 5 woman, a BBC Voice, a female tube p | ayer
and o body that jutt lies there for their season's lint production, The Real Inspector Hound and After
Mogritte These two one-act comedies, written by Tom Stoppard will be directed by Graham Ze-h.
Auditions will lake place on Sept. 8 and 9 at the Slingerlands Playhouse on Delaware Turnpike in
Unlonville. Production dates are set lor November 5 through 9 and 12 through 15.
The Chinese Studies Club invites you to its first meeting of the year on Thursday, sept. 11 at8:00 p.m. in
Mohawk Tower lounge (22nd floor). Guest speakers, good people, and refreshments. All welcome!
M e n * of fhe New Cititen will meet this Thursday 7:30 p.m. in the Patroon Lounge. Anybody
interested in working with the new community newspaper in the area please come.
Science Fiction Lives! Every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Patroon lounge meets The A/bony State
Science Fiction Society. Drop in anytime or contact Dove Romm at 301-1 Tuscarora, Box 2484, or 75352 when they connect the phone. Boggle the imagination! Learn the secrets of Collation! Bring
objects of the bizarre and arcane.
Duplicate Bridge Game meets Weds, at 7 p.m. Beginner's class at 6. All welcome. Cash prizes,
refreshments. For info call Andy at 7*7705.
The Professional Business Fraternity of Delta $igma Pi
invites all business students to an Accounting Seminar on Tuesday September 9 at 7:30 p.m. in L.C. 20
and too Wine and Cheese Party on Wednesday September I Oat 7:30 p.m. in the third floor lounge of
the Business Administration building,
There will be a general interest meeting of the SUNYA student chapter of the Association for
Computing Machinery on Wed, Sept 10 at 8:00 p.m. in LC11. All interested students are invited to >
T/ie C/oss of 1978 Council invites you to an Open Meeting Tues. Sept 9th 6:30 p.m. Fireside Lounge.
Replacing class officers and forming party committees will be discussed.
The Biology Club is sponsoring a weekend Field trip to Cranberry Lake Biological Station. Trip will
include a 6 mile boat ride, lodging in student cabins, food , and a guided tour of the Island. We will be
leaving early Saturday morning Sept. 13 and will return early the following day. Sunday Sept 14
before the holiday begins. All are welcome'!! Please call 7-7923 or 7-4997. Last minute arrangements
are being made. Fee wy tax card S8.50, w'out tax card S9.00. Meeting Thursday Sept 11, at 7 p.m.
Funded by SA.
A meeting of the Student Nurses' Organization will be held Wed. Sept 10 at 7 p.m. in BA 130. Plans
lor the coming semester will be discussed. All are welcome to attend!
The SUNYA College Republican Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wed Sept 10 in LC12. Tony Rousseau,
County Legislature candidate will be speaking. All interested are urged to attend,
There will be a general interest meeting of The Classics & Archaeology Club Wednesday, Sept 10 at
4 p.m. in the Humanities Lounge (third floor). Everyone welcome!
The Professional Business Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi invites all business students to an Accounting
Seminar on Tuesday September 9 at 7:30 p.m. in LC 20 and to a Wine and Cheese Party on
Wednesday September 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the third floor lounge of the Business Administration
Torch 1976 needs a business manager and a managing editor. A great opportunity for upper-class
business students. Meeting Tuesday (today) in CC 305 at 7:00, or contact Donna at 75254
Albany's own Gay A/fiance meets this and every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. in the Patroon Room Lounge. All
are welcome.
If you are interested in assisting students who have physical disabilities please contacl Al De Grail,
Rehabilitation Service, 7-1296. We need individuals who can read and make tapes for the blind and
take notes for the deaf. Particularly needed are attendants for quadriplegics. These positoins are lor
pay and or volunteer.
What is the IRA? Come to the meeting of the Jame$ Connolly M i h Hopi/bMcon Club and find out.
Thursday. Sept 11th in the Campus Center Fireside lounge 8:00 p.m.
There will be a Homecoming Parade this year. It will be Sept 27, Saturday before the football game.
Interest meeting for planning and participating In the parade will be Thursday, Sept 11 at 8:00 in the
Colonial Quad Cafeteria.
The New York Slafe Assembly Committee on Chile)Car* is looking for student volunteer interns lo
assist in the Committee's investigation of the State's juvenile justice system. Interns ore needed during
the summer and
during the fall 1975 session. Students are needed both in New York City area and
in communities around the State. Call Richard Tastor, Assistant to the Dean ol the Graduate School ol
Public Affairs, Mohawk Tower 905, 457-2371, for procedures.
WSUA Radio, 640 AM, is looking for a remote engineer. Although it is a non-paying |ob, there are
many fringe benefits. The requirements: a working knowledge of simple electronics and lime lo pul
into your job. Any further questions, please contact Doug Lewanda, Sports Director, at WSUA mosl
afternoons, or call him at home 457-7747.
Anyone who is living on Srafe Quad this year and would like to work for the Tower East Cinema film
group, please contact Ron 7-4323.
Your opportunity to fill empty time slots getting experience in the Special Education field is waiting tor
you at the Albany Association of the Blind as a volunteer. Call Annis White al 463 IVII lor
Attentions Community Service Studentsll Mandatory orientation Sept. 9, 10, or 11 7 p m LC 7 You
MUST attend).
Judo Club meets in gym wrestling room Tuesdays at 7p.m.,Thursday at 6. Beginner's class starts at 7:30
on Thurs.For info call Andy at 7-7705 or Bonnie at 7-7875.
Scufao Club general business meeting Thurs. Sept 11 at 7:00 in basement of Bleecker Hall. All
welcome. Any questions—call Bill or Mike 7-7768.
\ <
Students planning la lake-heMCAT/Aledica/CollegesAdmission Test; on Saturday, Seplembe
1975 are reminded that deadline for applications (available in University College) is Sep. 27 Sp.
consideration is being made by MCAT for religious conflicts.
Like lo throw a Frisbee? There is a team sport called Ultimate frisbee presently being played by many
colleges in the Northeast (including RPI, Cornell, Princeton, Yale, and Tufts). If interested call Jon at
273-6477 or Howie at 272-3553.
1971 Norton 750 excellent condition,
+8'; front end, more. $1500.482-4387.
Raleigh Professional MK3: Campagnola, full race equipped, very
good condition. S400, will dicker. 7672772
For Sale. Albany. 8 room Townhouse.
Excellent condition. Near Draper SI 9,900. Call Mr. Mulderry 434-0161.
Used furniture—sofa, chair, bed
frames, book shelf, student desks, misc.
Used furniture—odds & e n d s clothing- -elc—at Roney's Junk & Jems
600 Clinton Ave. Albany, open Mon
thru Sat 12 noon til 6 o'clock.
One pair 6 ft. Fischer-Alpine skis. Size
7"iboots. poles included. Excellent condition. Inexpensive. One twin mattress
like new. Also box spring to go with it.
Cheap. Call Marlene 472-9214.
Dual 1228 turntable—like n e w complete with wood base, dust cover,
and Shure cartridge. Has ring-ina-ring
tone arm. Lists lor over $200,1 will sell it
lor SI50. Call Marc at 457-7735.
Used Minimoog for sale. 1 year old
good condition. Call Joe at 436-8904.
Pre l o w Prep Course for LSAT's begins Sept. 8th at 8:00 in LC 19.
dents w , n ' b e e m e 5 , 0 r ''I0'',91"'' S C ' ' e n C " D e " ~ f
lose e l n e d
° " y a ' 7 : 3 ° P m - in ^ ^
Party With Usl TONIGHT. 11
I us and wei
Albany State Cinema presents Heart, and Minds
on Thursday, September I I at 7:30 and 9:30in LC
18. FREE with tax, 25a without.
Donu, Party The „ , . „ *
0 , p 5 i O a m m a invites'all University Women to a danu, parly tonig
7:30 to 9 In Van Ren Hall Dutch Quad
Hoppy Anpiversaryl
Agency interested in models. Excellent
pay. Send resume with photo to: P.O.
Box 81, Watervliet, New York, 12189.
For your convenience Ihe ASP
will have forms lor hoth classified
love you, ads and graffiti available in t w o
Ride needed Monday, Wednesday,
Friday at 9:00 a.m., from Sch'dy to
podium. 355-1246
Male—cleaning walls, floors, garage,
4-5 hr. weekly. $2.25. 482-4844, 4828183.
800-522-2193 (toll-free)
Lost— deer antlerwith inlaid red bead.
Sentimental . S5.00 reward. Call
Cherie 462-2716.
models needed
p h o t o g r a p h e r . All phases of
photography covered. Excellent hourly
rale. Respond to Mr, Jer Flynn P.O. Box
1423 Albany, N.Y. 12201.
location the Campus Center first
lloor Student Association Office
(next to check cashing) and in the
ASP Ad Office CC .1.W
f-or p u b l i c a t i o n
deadlines ate 4 p.m. Kridey at the
Campus Center first lloor SAOIfice.
or 2-.1 p.m. Sundit* in the ASP Ad
Officii CC .1.14.
l o t publication t-'riduy deadline is
2 p.m. Wednesday lit the first lloor
SA Office
I'leuse note thatthcSA office will
N O T make change lor classified ads.
Lost—wallet with passport, ID, and
very important papers. Reward. Call
Cherie 462-2716.
Lead guitarist into Winter, Hendrix,
Howe, etc. looking for musicians for
band. Contact Scott, 226 Waterbury
1. Circle Heading:
My red summer handbag was taken
last Saturday night Aug. 30, from the
Brubacher party; if found please call
472-7763; this is very important to me,
it contains my keys and ID.
Local lirm needing people for phone
work. Eve. 4-8 p.m. No exp. necessary.
Interviews 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Mr.
White B&L Bldg. 1054 Central Ave.
small green bag
Room 31 1
3. Print name, address, phone no.:
4. Enclose five cents for each word(minimum charge S.75); fifteen cents lor each word in bold (indicate words to be set in
or return it to Schuyler Hall Room
Babysitting. Responsible, experienced
individuals: couples lor occasional day
and overnight silting. Fond ol children.
2. Print as NEATLY, exactly as you wish it to be printed:
Los): Blue denim jacket, missing pocket
and sleeve buttons; also missing lowest
button on front. Possibly lost in Business
Administration and possibly anywhere
else on campus. Sentimental value,
Please call Matt at 457-7850
Address envelopes at home. $800 per
monlh, possible. Offer-details, send
50c (refund able) to: Triple "S" 699
M34 Highway 138, Pinion Hills Ca.
bold by circling).
Put money ond form info on envelope, seal it, and send it
by campus mail or US Mail
PLEASE LISTEN! I'll piay anything you
want! (II its in the studio). TONIGHT
I I p.m.-3 a.m. WSUA Radio 640 A M
on your dial on campus.
Auditions lor SUNYA Jazz Society
Stage Band Wednesday 9/10 PAC
room B-28 at 8:30 p.m. Need saxes,
trombones trumpets and rhythm.
A l b a n y S t u d e n t Press
CC 3 3 4
1400 Washington Avenue
A l b a n y , N.Y.
Delivery people, part time, must be
dependable and have car. Call Scott
438-8350, Albany Campus Pizza.
Keep chugging thai beer and don't
take the punishment so hard.
The Boys in 205 Oneida
Anyone interested: please pick up
applications lor volunteer switchboard
counseling positions at Middle Eorlh
(102 Schuyler Hall, Dutch Quad). Call
457-7588 lor details.
To all our Iriends and those Ihey love,
besl wishes lor peace, health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming
year. L'shonah tovah.
Monica and Joanne
A happy and healthy new year lo all
my Iriends may Ihe coming year be all
that you wish L'shonah tovah.
Steve Shaw
Avon that long-time producerof WASP
cosmetics, has finally discovered that
there are black and brown women in
the world! Cosmetics are now available
(or a woman of any color. For personal
attention, demonstrations and free
samples in your dorm room or apartment, call Claire at 393-4895, after 6
p.m. Catalogs in English and Spanish.
Graffiti Form
Dates graffiti is to be printed.
Graffiti is to read as follows:
CANCEL MY RHUAABA LESSON!!!! Outgoing, aclive, sell-directed women
wonted lo |oin young men (21-25) in
rich and varied experiences. 465-9497.
Wero you in Mrs. Sault's 1967 Class 6-4
otP.S. l84?Sendnameandaddressto
Dutch 496 lor details.
Bored? Single? Important Iree inlo
write INSTAMATE, Box 6175, Albany,
Name .
David Taffet fathered the twinsof 751
N.Y. 12206.
That lovely 3 bedroom apt. on busline
still needs one woman 24+ with
Feminist consciousness. If you called
before and were told wo were lilled,
call back 438-3886.
"(nformarion Clinic" for ore-meds an,, :
2 8
< ° " T ^ a y , September 9. A meetinc
Synchronized Swimming interest meeting Tuesday, Sept 9. New members welcome.
1973 Suzuki TS 250 excellent condition.
Only 3,000 miles. Book rack. $675. 3779347.
History grad Sstudent wants room
where he can work much, near bus.
Call Brian 456-0334.
Biology 248 on Tuesday Sept 16.
Yamaha 72 200 electric. Excellent Condition. Best offer takes it must sell within
September. 374-1689
Administration. Pre-professional MBA will be held Wed. Sept lOat 3:30 in LC 20. All interested stud
P.m. - 3 a.m. WSUA AM If you want it, and we hav
ploy it. Call 457-7317 f
or requests, dedications, and verbal abuse.
1973 Honda CB-450. Custom. 5000
miles. Mounted snow tires for Chrysler
G-78-15. 489-4987.
Seminar in Business Careers Programs altered by SUNYA Business school; Accounting, Bus,
Kyoduih/n/ta/Kan. Karate at SUNY recognized as one of the four major styles of karate in Japan, by
the Japanese Karate Assoc. Certified Black Belt instuctor. All invited to a general interest meeting Sept
8 at 7:30 in the Wrestling Room. Classes MWF at 7:30 in the Wrostling Room.
Models wanted, nudes, com. rates,
msg & comm. Call 477-5279 EricStrick.
New Paltz area to SUNYA Mondays,
arrive by 4 p.m. leave at 10 p.m. Call
Pioneer components-TX9100 tuner,
SA9100 integrated amp, Dual601 belt
drive auto turntable. All perfect, mo.
old, warranty cards. Cheap. 783-6890
after noon.
-hose enrolled in, or interested in the SUNYA Medical Technology Program wW be held 7:30 p r.
Ride needed to SUNYA from Saratoga
MWF. Leave Saratoga 7 a.m. return 5
p.m. 457-4291 or 5870664.
HiFi components all major brands.
Service. Some used J,m 457-7730.
are welcome. Sponsored by Phi Gamma Nu the professional business soronly
Mens Varsity Tennis, practice starting immediately, 3:30 p.m. at the Indian Quad Courts
- ,.
Five women "ho graduated Irom State five-eight years ago will discuss Women's Struggle ••
noon Tuesday. Sept. 9 West Podium Gardens Everyone welcome.
Albany State Archers will begin its meetings on Tuesday Sept. 2, 1975, at 6:30 p.m. in the Women's
Auxiliary Gym on the 2nd floor of the Phys Ed Building. Credit will be given, instruction and activities
planned. New members welcome (you don't need to know how to shoot a bow ond arrow). So hurry
down to gym Tuesdays. For questions call Dole 7-5228.
1968 Mercury Montego, 4 dr, am/fm
radio, rear speakers, 2 mounted
shows. $350. 472-6059.
Welcome to SUNYA, returnees and
freshmen! Hoppy 19th to Barb, Katie
ond laura! love
you all.
Sincerely, your adoring mother.
Joni Mitchell 45 "You Turn Me On, I'm A
Rodlo" if excel, cond, will pay $3. Dennis 356-0916.
Applications are now being accepted
for floormen, bartenders, cashiers,
and parking lot attendants. Apply Varsity Inn, Rt. 155, Co'onie.
Christian Worship with holy communion will be celebrated al 3:00
On Thursday evening, Sept 11 at 8 p.m. Chapel House, the N e w m a n Association will „..„.
dialogue between Roman Catholics and Evangelical Christians. Everyone welcome
If you have concerns or questions about your life or liberties in your pursuit ol happiness al SUMplease call the MiddleEarfhcenter (457-5300and 7-5301 )any time between3and I2p.m ord
at 102 Schuyler Hall, Dutch Quad, and have a cup of coffee with us. Freshmen and Iransle, sluuvt'is
students especially welcome.
Hardly used. Size 8. S60. Tom at 7-
New Students?! Got Questions?? Come to the New Student Drop-In Center held every luesday one.
Wednesday Irom 1115 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Patroon Lounge ol the Campus Cenle.
Licensed driver will pay for driving
lessons on any standard transmission
car. Call Barry eves. 482-7329;
Lange Pro's ski bools, Flo inner boot.
Need a roommate? Interested in meeting people? People passing through Albany need a plan n
crash for a night or two. If you've got the room and the interest drop into Middle Earth, 102 V '
Hall on Dutch and become part of the crash list we're compiling or call Marc, Jim or Pali al 7 I ifS i
Marc at 7-7950. Look for more info about signup in the Campus Cenler
Members of the University community with previous choral experience who would be interested m
singing the Berlioz Requiem with the University Orchestra and Chorale on October 27 and 28 should
contact Stephen Osmond, PAC B-04, 457-6889.
Telethon 76 Interest Meeting Wednesday Sept lOat 8 p.m. in LC2. Excerpts (ram last years Telethon i„
be shown.
. t •
Counselors: Grad students with experience in Counseling may volunteer
for work as a Middle Earth peer
counselor. Call 457-7588 or drop in at
102 Schuyler Hall (Dutch Quad) to
arrange interviews. Deadline notice:
applications submitted after noon on
Sept. 11 will not be considered.
Annnnnnd we're gonna have some
more good boosying going on.
PHOTOGRAPHER. Weddings, port r a i t s , albums, etc. All your
photographic needs. Call Joe Ingoglia
at 457-3002.
Unisex hair cutting and styling. Special
trim ond shape scissor cul S3.50. Al's
Hair Shop, Romada Inn. Western
Avenue. Phone 482-8573. Open til 8
Wanted: Double bed or mattress. Must
be lirm and in good condition. Call
Jane 434-8004.
Telethon "76" Interest Meeting lor all
student onWed. Sept 10th o t 8 p . m . in
LC 2 Excerpts Irom last year's Telethon
lo be shown — lurther questions call
Barry 7-4028 Morcia 7-4723.
Fur ,i daily update uu campus IJLIIJIIC events,
news audio suivitj, cmrercjimcy weather
conditions, unci laie-biealiing news
affecting campus operation, call:
Mate Wanted Important Free information write INSTAMATE, Box 6175,
Albany, N.Y. 12206.
b e a u , y o n September tenth.
A 24-hour recorded service of:
The Communications Group
State University ol New York at Albany
The Vocabulary Kid.
Torch For All
assume that t h e material would n o t pose a
problem for m e . I have a l i o conferred with
other members of this c a l u w h o were a l i o dismayed t o find the tame o l d material being
rehashed for t h e umteenth time.
Could not s o m e m e a n i be worked out where/
a short mini course in vectors could be added
a s a prerequisite t o certain courses and the
assumption would be that y o u have had t h e
vector material. .
Kenny Amrbn
T o t h e Editors
I was a December 1974 graduate of the U n iversity, a n d w a s listed in the graduation
ceremony program and have my picture in the
present yearbook.
However, being a
December gredaute a n d n o longer o n t h e
S U N YA campus or in close proximity, I was
unable t o purchase a yearbook.
Same Old Thing
T h e beginning of the year, while S A can still
afford it. and the the opportunity to meet with
both old and new friends can lead t o a whole
This letter was written in the hopes that you,
Mr. a n d Ms. Student will call your Central
Council Reps and tell them how sick y o u are
o f drinking Price Chopper beer. Y o u should
also a s k them t o vote for the bill when it's reintroduced.
Your Central Council Reps are:
Commuters - Dave Weprin, Cary Klein,
Steve Katz, Roger Herbert, Dave C o y n e , Sari
Colonial - Kathy Baron, Steve D i M e o ,
Rich Greenberg.
State - Greg Lessne, Ed Halpren
Dutch - Nate Salant, Jay Miller, Jeff
Quote o f Ihe D a y :
"Thank God thut he was all right."
Vice President Nelson
after he learned of the assasination attempt against President
I don't know how many more of these
exciting monthly installments
I can stand"
Indian - Larry Schwartz, Ed Moser
Alumni - Bryant Monroe
Perhaps if enough! tax-payers e x p l a i n their
views on this matter to ther reps, those Councilpcrsons who voted against "M & M Week"
will vote with their consituents best interests in
mind ... and that means giving them their
money's worth.
We Remember
T o t h e Editor:
Several m o n t h s a g o . G o v e r n o r J a m e s
R h o d e s , various officials, a n d t h e National
G u a r d s m e n involved in the shootings at Kent
State were found innocent of a n y w r o n g d o i n g .
The inevitable question was: Who is guilty?
Who is guilty'.'
Seeing as how this is t h e sixth time, I would
Under the Sheets of Liberation
h) Dhtnne Piche
and Ellen Deutschman
When HUS tlie last lime you really experienced a pure, unadulterated
'zipless fuck'!'; found
your dclicous Mr. Cioodbar'.'; finally got the man of your dreams into your boudoir,
pun basing on credit that foxy nightgown you saw advertised ir,;. our favorite glamour
unit ticted out that erotic fantasy you read about in Cosmo?
II villi have followed recent literature which is directed towards women and is meant t o depict
the so-called " w o m a n of today" y o u a r e familiar with these latest offerings of the publishing
industry. The industry n o w found b u t a n o t h e r feminine mystique of sorts t o capitalize o n .
She is none o t h e r than t h e u l t r a m o d e r n w o m a n living her own life in her ov/n self-styled world.
O f c o u r s e we a r e t o o busy living t o stop for a m o m e n t t o think a n d we actually accept what is
coining down in c o n t e m p o r a r y " w o m e n ' s literature" - that is. everything from Cosmopolitan to
Ms. Magazine with a lew Tear of Hying t y p e novels in between. We might be fooled into
believing that this newly-fabricated w o m a n of the seventies has indeed been liberated from all
those nasty elements of male chauvinism which d o m i n a t e our society and which we angrily
protested in t h e siMies, sans
Things are dilferent n o w . we a r e told. O u r new American w o m a n a s we experience her in
Playboy, ( osino. etc. is e d u c a t e d , talented, sexy a n d m o b i l e . Hut in reality h e r typically single life
is no better than Betty Friedan's depiction of t h e fifties' housewife. She is still a conspicuous
consumer, an object of m a l e sexual desire a n d c o n q u e s t , a n d a desirable c o m m o d i t y as well as
desiring the commodities of o u r culture herself — money, men and beauty (although she is now
on t h e pill, free t o be m o r e independent, and maybe m a k i n g a little more money).
So this is h o w w o m e n ' s tastes and lifestyles h a v e changed. We n o longer have to "look and act
like m e n " because we are able to be liberated a n d silll act feminine. Now, isn't that wonderful'.'
We w o r k with m e n . live with them a n d enjoy sex with the ml?) as we never have before. Hut. what
h a p p e n s when your Mr. G o o d b a r t u r n s out t o be nothing more than a piece of stale chocolate,
without nuts? M a d e to believe we lead exciting lives painted u p with colors a n d imagesol all the
marvelous things o u r c u l t u r e has t o offer, we're fooled again,
Literature, movies, magazines, music a n d all other cultural products d o nothing m o r e than
reflect the altitudes and behaviors of those in t h e society l o r whom they arc produced. Anything
l o o oil-beat a n d alien t o a culture rarely sells o r seldom is taken seriously. S o , we have
m a r k e t a b l e politics in t h e form of a feminism so disguised a n d prostituted that the word
liberation has b e c o m e as a m b i g u o u s us the word love
in some circles it m e a n s fucking; while in
others it means a way ol living, a n ideal that involves a c o m m i t t m e n t a n d a m e a n s toward h u m a n
lull ill inciil and sell-acluuli/ation.
A Wry FSA.
SUN YA's system of providing student services is economically advantageous, buta
detriment t o its original purpose. Faculty-Student Association (FSA) is a non-profit
corporation, but a corporation never-the-less. FSA is now efficient and financially
sound but serving the university is distinctly a second priortiy to its own financial
Last year's mad McCarthy-like attack on everything related to FSA on the part of
some members of Student Association was essentially a reaction to the fact that FSA's
largest constituency, students, had neither complete control nor were the primary
interest of FSA. Whether this is a worse situation than the alternatives is a subject fora
night-long barroom debate, but within the context of the present system students
should continue to increase their input and power in FSA affairs.
FSA is dealing with students on gut issues: eating, pinball, barbershops, laundry and
so on. This year will bring some issue or another into public scrutiny, and hopefully
student i n f l u e n c e in F S A will increase a s a result, a s s u m i n g s t u d e n t leaders properly '
reflect the wishes of those they represent.
Remember, cull your reps - their function is
to serve you.
Jonathan Levenson
Central Council - C o m m u t e r s
With Ham and Cheese
It is bud e n o u g h that o u r system of justice
cannot punish those guilty of the crimes c o m T o the Editor:
mitted at Kent State, but last week we found
I a m a junior, a math, c o m p u t e r science m a - that it doesn't even have t h e conscience t o
j o r a n d I a m also troubled. I a m presently c o m p e n s a t e t h e families w h o have suffered for
enrolled in t h e linear algebra course offered their grief a n d injury.
here at S U N Y A a n d a m spending t h e '
T o those w h o have waited a n d believed for
c u s t o m a r y week o r week and a half reviewing five long years: We c a n remember. We c a n
Ordinarily I would n o t . be bothered by a
W e will.
week wasted in a course, however this is not
J a m e s Close
t h e first time I have reviewed vectors. T h e first
was in high school m a t h , next was in high
school physics, next w a s calculus here a t
The Albany Student Press reserves the sole
SUN YA where if I a m not mistaken we went
rifthl 10 i>rinl or edit letters to the editor.
oyer that material twice. Next w a s Physics
Submit letters TYPEWRITTEN
to Camhere at S U N Y A and n o w I a m again spending
pus Center Room 326.
a week or t w o in t h e Linear Algebra course.
T o the Editor:
Last spring, the Student Association funded
t w o weeks of free beer o n t h e podium. It went
over well, with most people having a pretty
good time. T h e major drawback was that it
was done right around finals time, a period
which ranges from fairly hectic to moderately
Wouldn't it be better to have such a prty
week now, at the beginning of the school year,
while we're all still "happy t o be back" and
before the Albany blizzards hit?
I thought s o , and introduced Bill 73-76/12
to Central Council, the S A legislative branch
which would have set u p " M A M Week." It
would have meant a week of free Miller ( M o n day, Wednesday, and Friday) and Michelob
(Tuesday and Thursday) for two hours per
day. Initial preparatory arrangements were
made which included the use of two taps t o
prevent a repition o f last year's lines. But the
Council, in its infinite wisdom, defeated the
bill. I don't see why.
I a m disappointed in the manner i n which
the distribution of yearbooks is handled. I feel
that a letter should be ..ent to each December
graduate asking them to sign itand return it to
the TORCH office with the proper amount if
they wist t o purchase a yearbook. I realize this
is an expense, however, I did receive a letter informing m e about the senior week activities.
S o - why was I not informed about the dates
the yearbook would b e o n sale, and how I
could purchuse one'.'
I would appreciate u copy of the yearbook.
I'lease tell me the cost o f the book for an individual with a first semester tax card. If there
are no ongcr any books available, I feel the
December graduutcs should be polled. Then,
enough yearbooks should heordcrcd to satisfy
the December graduates'demand.
Anita Wilenkin
December '74 graduate
Beer Bill
year o f good timet (as opposed t o meeting
some interesting people a week before leaving
for h o m e or vacation) is the time t o party.
For example, the Rathskeller snack bar no longer serves sandwiches, though heros,
hamburgers and hot dogs are still available. The reason FSA has done this is. on the
surface, sensible: They want to eliminate duplication between the Campus Center
Cafeteria and the Snack Bar. Now. if you want a sandwich at lunchtimc you go to the
cafeteria, and if you want a hamburger you got to the Snack Bar. There is. however, a
problem when the cafeteria is closed. Students wanting night-time snacks can n o
longer have sandwiches anywhere on campus. Dinner possibilities are limited also.
What t o do? FSA could have sandwiches at Ihe Snack Bar when the cafeteria is
closed. But there is an opportunity hwere to revive one old Student Association idea.
Ihe Sandwich Truck.
If some vehicle went from quad to quad during the evening making sandwiches,
students would gel their sandwiches hack and an added convenience too.
Bui Ihe present situation, while not critical is annoying. Only at SUN V Albany is it
impossible lo have a ham and swiss on rye at 9:(K) p.m.
SUNYA Interest Groups
The ASP is looking for
informative, well-written
Submit material to:
Editorial Page Editor
c/o ASP - CC 334
A Conversation Piece
by Harvey Kojan-
Those of you who are new SUNYA students
have probably arrived on campus with some
pre-conccived ideas and expectations about
university life However, if one of them is that
you wil be enlightened and entertained by
your fellow students and faculty members,
forget it. We veterans of Albany campus life
know better. Hut until recently, we could never
quite figure out why. Finally, through extensive research and analysis (plus a couple of
bowls on the side) everything became clear.
And although certain segments of the university have tried to quash our findings, we have
Question: Why is almost everyone on this
campus familiar, uninteresting, and downright boring?
Answer: Because everyone says the same exact things.
Yes. it's shocking but true. When you come
right down to it. you. your friends, your acquaintences. and everyone else associated with
SUNYA say the same things and have the
same raps in the same situation year in and
year out.
Balderdash, you say? Well, we have the
documented evidence to prove our
allegations. Last year we began conducting a
large and comprehensive research project. It
lasted from August 2d, 1974 to May 26, 1975,
thousands of conversations were randomly
taped, edited, compiled, and processed. The
results: students and faculty arc basically
limited to six areas of discussion: sex, drugs,
food, grades and courses, weather, and
vacations (sounds like Jcopardy"and when
you hear this sound, the round..."). Not less
thun 92.7% of all the interactions we studied
concerned one of these topics (and the other
7.-1% were disregarded and unintelligible,
mindless babbling).
Ilulldinky, you reply? I suggest you conduct
your o w n little experiment. Carry a tape
recorder around all d a y a n d hold it in your
friends' faces (they'll love y o u for it). Bring it
back t o your suite o r a p a r t m e n t , listen t o it,
and you'll hear the same lines repeated over
and over. Such a s :
" H o w was your s u m m e r vacation','"
"What did you get last semester?"
" I his loud sucks!"
"Man. check out thai piece over there!"
let's gel d r u n k , stoned wasted,
plastered, etc!"
"Shit, it's winter already?!"
" I h i s veal is s o d a m n greasy, youneedl(K)
napkins t o dry it o u t ! "
"What's your major?"
Although those six were the major topics,
close contenders were M U S I C (if I hear o n e
more word about Springsteen) and S P O R T S
("I he Yankees/ Mets, J e t s ; Giants/ Rangers
Seriously, when was the last time you heard
a discussion o n politics, violence, a n d discontent? Or perhaps a conversation concerning the Middle East. Boston's
problems, or New York City's financial crisis
(how many people still think the only Big Mac
in t h e world h a s t w o a l l beef patties...?)?
Maybe even a cerebral talk on religious existential philosophy ( d o y o u ascribe t o the
Huherian or U n a m u n i a n point of view?).
Luckily, for inosi of y o u , these few
topics will interest you e n o u g h t o keep you
from a n early d e a t h . Instead, you'll merely
slugnale like the rest of us. Then, when your
lour years conic to a close, y o u c a n enter a
whole new spectrum of conversation: "What
the hell am I going to d o N O W ? ! "
Well, there's always d r u g s , sex...
Democratic Horse
I IK Ik Id lor the 1976 Democratic
Presidential nomination is the most crowded
in recent puny history. A welter ol ciindidutcs
are uctivelj seeking the nomination: absent
from the lias, loi Ihe nine being, lire three
other possibilities who are undergoing close
examination In pari) eliiellnins.
I or the lirsl lime since 1952 and Adlai V.
Stevenson 1976 shapes up as a brokered
convention, None ol lire multitude actively
pursuing ihe nominnlinii has causal any
excitement or d:i//lcd ihe public and none
appeals likely lo do so. Il would lake a
Mciliivcnt-likc miracle lor any one ol the
"actives" to go lo the convention llool vulli
enough delegates to gain Ihe nomination.
In a brokered convention, cunvenlional
wisdom lias n thai lire three noncaudidaies
Senators I dvuird M. Kennedy. Hubert II.
Ilinnpliiey. and Ldmimd S, Muskic have the
best chance ol garnering the nomination. The
old war horses Humphrey and Muskic are
more likely lo win a convention draft because
ol Kennedy's unswerving desire to sil out
l>)76. I asi September. Kennedy"closed the
dooi. and rather convincingly at lliat. to any
possibility ol hisaccepiingilienoroinnliou. lie
has done nothing in the interim lo make us
doilbl his word.
Ol the active candidates only George C.
Wallace and Senator Henry M. Jackson ol
Washington have a high degree ol public
recognition, Wallace can be dismissed right
away as a serious contender, for obvious
reasons he is impnliiluhlclollieDcinucruis. In
the unlikely evenl lie is nominated, the liberal
wing would holt from ihe party unci run their
own candidate.
by Mure W tiger WSSSWSJSSWS
Senator Jackson, a shrewd, effective
legislator is hctici financed and organi/ed
than any ol Ins rivals. I low ever, lie loo is beset
by problems lliat could preclude his
nominalion. Ovei the y ears he has made many
enemies, especially lor his support of the Vietnam War and large military budgets, liven
George Meany, his original benefactor, has
left the Jackson camp.
I he icsi nl the Held is basically anonymous,
winning almost no public attention or media
coverage. Senaloi I loyd Hentsen has been
campaigning loi more than a year and a hall
ami has not gained support past his home slate
ol lesus.
Tornier (iovernois Jimmy Carter ol
Georgia and Iciry Snnlord ol North
i ,Molina, both moderates, are Hying lo battle
Wallace in his own bailiwick and use those
victories as the Inundation for national
support. Both arc impressive and thoughtful
politicians bin u is doubtful either can
conquer Wallace in his own ballpark,
Representative Moms Udall of Arizona,
Senaloi liucli llayh ol Indiana, and e.sseniilor lied Harris arc Ihe most liberal and
progressive ol those running. But they sutler
from low public identification and have
orgaui/aiional and money problems thut lace
all the candidates except Wallace and
I he oldesi rule ol politics is "you can't beat
a horse with no horse" and it's up to the
Democrats In settle »n the horse they are
going lo enter agamsi President lord. Once
the Democratic horse is selected and the party
unites behind him. they'll find President Lord
is a very vulnerable horse in the stretch run.
Easy Rubbers
At gas stations throughout the Soulh prophylactics a re sold in .ending machines. As
condom commercials have spread to television, condom vending machines have
spread north and west. The University of Massachusetts Iras them and they have been
considered at Boston University also.
Many students would consider condom vending machines on campus a real service.
I hey would be both convenient and. at lime, theonly places where they arc available.
Their very presence could be objectionable to some, however. They can be
unpleasant reminders, or could make il very embarrassing to show parents or visitors
around the campus.
II there is a demand for the machines. FSA should arrange lor ihero to be placed
inconspicuously; around campus. Students feeling strongly one way or the other call
contact I S A or their Student representatives.
r.i»ii<m IN (Hill
Spouts u n i o n
I . o i i s t MARKS. CAROL McPllBkSON
ANIlllliA BEK/.llliKU
till I AH.V Kl.l.llll'K, SPENCTi IUOOIO
1)1 II III! UTS All! LOI Villi IN CAMPUS CllNTOH 326 AND 334, AND OUR IBLBI'tlONB IS457-8892.
On Wasted Time
bjt Jama A. Michcntr
Don't be too calculating. Don't be too
scientific. Don't let the shrinks terrify you or
dictate the movements of your life.
There is a divine irrelevance in the universe- and many men and women win
through to a sense of greatness in their lives
by stumbling and fumbling their way into
patterns that gratify them and allow them to
utilize their endowments to the maximum.
If Swarthmore College in I92S had
employed even a half-way decent guidance
counselor, I would have spent my life as an
assistant professor of education in some
midwestem university. Because when I
reported to college it must have been apparent to everyone that: I was destined for •
/ cannot tell you how often I was
penalized for taking a frivolous
language like Spanish . . .
some kind of academic career. Nevertheless,
I was allowed to takcSpanish, which leads to
nothing, instead of French or German,
which as everyone knows arc important
languages studied by serious students who
wish to gain a Ph.D.
I cannot tell you how often I was penalized
for having taken a frivolous language like
Spanish instead of a decent, self-respecting
tongue like French. In the end, I sacrificed
my academic career,
Instead, 1 continued to putteraround with
Spanish and found a dtcn affinity for it. In
the end, I was able to write .« book about
Spain which will probably live longer than
anything else I've done. In other words, I
blindly backed into a minor masterpiece.
There are thousands of people competent to
write about France, and if I had taken that
language in college I would have been
prepared to add no new ideas to general
knowledge. It was Spanish that opened up
for me a whole new universe of concepts and
I wrote nothing until I was forty. This tardy beginning, one might say this delinquency, stemmed from the fact that I had spent a
good deal of my early time knocking around
this country and Europe, trying to find out
what I believed in, what values were large
enoughtoenlist my sympathiesduringwhat I
sensed would be a long and confused life.
Had I committed myself at age eighteen, as I
wasencouragedto do, I would not even have
known the parameters of the problem, and
any choice I might have made then would
have had to be wrong.
It took mefortyyearstofindputthefacts.
As a consequence, 1 Have never been able
to feel anxiety about young people who are
fumbling their way toward the enlightenment that will keep them going. 1 doubt that
a young man—unless he wants to be a doctor
or a research chemist, where a substantial
body of specific knowledge must be
mastered within a prescribed time—can
waste time, regardless of what he docs. I
believe you have tillage thirty-five to decide
finally on what you arc going to do, and that
any exploration you pursue in the process
will in theend turn out to have been creative.
Indeed, it may well be the year that
observers describe as "wasted" that will
prove to have been the most productive of
those insights which will keep you going. The
trip to Egypt. The two years spent working
asa runner for a bank. The spell you spent on
a newspaper in Idaho. Your apprenticeship
at a trade, these are the ways in which a
young man ought to spend his life.the ways
of waste that lead to true intelligence.
Two more comments. Throughout my life
I have been something of an idealistoptimist, so it is startling for me to discover
that recently I have become a downright
NieUchean! Ifindthat the constructive work"
of the world is done by an appalingly small
percentage of the general population. The
rest simply don't give a damn...or they grow
tired...or they failed to acquire when young
the ideas that would vitalize them for the
long decades.
Can you hang on through the crap
they throw . . .
I am not saying that they don't matter.
They count as among the most precious
items on earth. But they cannot be depended
upon either to generate necessary new ideas
or put them into operation if someone else
generates them. Therefore those men and
women who do have the energy to form new
constructs and new ways to implement them
must do the work of many. I believe it to be
an honorable aspiration to want to be among
those creators.
Final comment. I was about forty when I
retired from the rat race, having satisfied
myself that I could handle it if 1 had to. I saw
then a man could count his life a success if he
survived—merely survived— to age sixtyfive without having ended up in jail (because
he couldn't adjust to the minimum laws that
socity requires) or having landed in the
booby hatch (because he could not bring his
personality into harmony with the personalities of others).
1 believe this now without question. Income, position, the opinion of one's friends,
the judgment of one's peers and all the other
traditional criteria by which human beings
are generally judged are for the birds. The
only question is, "Can you hang on through
the crap they throw at you and not lose your
freedom or your good sense?"
1 am now sixty-four and three-quarters,
and it's beginning to look as if I may make it.
If I do, whatever happens beyond that is on
the house...and of no concern to me.
Mr. Michenerisa Pulitzer Prize winner, who
has written such best selling novels as Hawaii
and The Drifters.
'.' I
SEPT. 23-24-25
Central Council
Self-nomination sheets can be picked up in
the S.A. Office CC Room 346 On Sept. 9-19
from 9 am to S pm.
Friends Meeting
Thursday, 8/11
CC Assembly Hall
8:00 pm
The Classical Forum
Readers of the Classieal Forum will, it ii helped, enjoy another of
Herodotus' slightly naive but charming stories. This one takes place in the
ancient kingdom of Lydla (Asia Minor) in the 7th Century B.C.
"Now Candaules conceived a passion lor his own wife, and thought shewas the most beautiful woman on earth. To this fancy of his there was an
unexpected sequel.
In the king's bodyguard was a fellow he particulary liked whose name was
Gyges, son of Dnscylus. With him Candaules not only discussed his most
important business, but even used to make him listen to eulogies til his wile's
One day the king (who was doomed to a bad end) said toCiyges'll appears
you don't believe me when I tell yoti how lovely my wife is. Well, a man
always believes his eyes better than his ears: so do as I tell you eontrievelo
see her naked.'
Gyges gave a cry ol horror.'Master.' Itcsiiid.'whal an improper suggestion!
Do you tell me to look at the queen when she has no clothes on? No. no: "off
with her skirt, off wilh her shame" you know what they sa> of women. Let
us learn from experience. Right and wrong were distinguished longago and
I'll tell you one thing that your wile is the most beautiful ol women: so for
goodness' sake do not ask me to behave like a criminal'
Thus he did his utmost to decline the king's invitation, because he was
afraid of what might happen if he accepted it.
The king, however, told him not to distress himself.' I here is nothing to be
afraid of. 'he said, 'either from me or my wile. I am not layinga trap for you:
and as for her. I promise she will do you no harm. I'll manage so that she
doesn't even know that you have seen her. Look: 1 will hide you behind the
open door of your bedroom. My wile will follow me in to bed. Near I he door
there's a chair
she will put her clothes on it as she takes them off. one by
one. You will be able to watch her with perfect ease. Then, while she's walking
away from the chair towards the bed with her back to you, slip away through
the door
and mind she doesn't catch you.'
(iyges,since he was unable to avoid it. consented, and when bedtime came
Candaules brought him to the room. Presently the queen arrived, anuGyges
watched her walk in and put her clothes on the chair. I hen just as she had
turned her back and was going to bed. he slipped softly out of the room.
Unluckily.thc queen saw him.
At onccshcrealizcd what her husband had done. Hulshedidnol betray the
shame she felt by screaming, or even let it appear that she had noticed
anything. Instead she silently resolved to have her revenge, for with th
l.ydians. as wilh most barbarian races, it is thought highly indecent even lor a
man to be seen naked.
For the moment she kept her mouth shut and did nothing; but at dawnthe
next morning she sent lorCiygesalter preparing the most trustworthy of her
servants for what was to come. I here was nothing unusual in his beingasked
to attend upon the queen: so Gyges answered the summons without any
suspicion that she knew what had occurred on the previous night.
'Gyges,' she said, as soon as he presented hi mself.'there are two courses open
to you. and ytui may lake your choice between them. Kill Candaules and seize
the throne, with me as your wile; or die yourself on the spot, so that never
again may your blind obedience to the king tempi you to see what you have
no right to see. One of you must die: either my husband, the author ol this
wicked plot.; or you. who have outraged propriety by seeing me naked.'
for a timeCiygeswas loo much astonished to speak. At last he found words
and begged the queen not 10 lorce him to make soditlicull a choice. But il was
nogood; he soon saw Ihtit he reullv was laced wilh die alternatives, either ol
murdering his master, or ol being murdered himself He made his choice to
•fell lue.'hc said/since you drive me ouainst mv will i" kill live king, how
shall we set on him'.''
'We willallack him when he isnslcep.'wnsthc answer;'and oittheverv spot
where he showed me to you naked.'
All was made rend) lor the attempt. I lie queen would not letCiygesgo or
give him ar.y chance ol escaping the dilemma I nhei Candaules or lie must
die. Nighl came, and he followed hei into the bedroom. She pul a kuile into
his hand, and hid him behind Ihesu me dooms helm c, I hen. when Candaules
was asleep, he crept from behind the dom and struck
I hiisGygesusurpcd the throne and married the queen.
Later he had his power continued b) an oracle hum Delphi"
Transhtieil hy Althrey tie Selincourt.
ilon'i just be another pillar on campus
(Utile lor the AS I')
We iteetl short fiction, poetry, pieces oj prurient interest, hook I
movie/ plav reviews, rt/ciml ami concert reviews (espet tally casstcal
•tn,l soul). Come up to CC 12i ami talk to us either I lllary or
Spence or give us a call at 457-8891 NOW. I hanks.
General Khanh In "Hearts and Mind*".
'Hearts and Minds': Provoking
Albany State Cinema's first •movie."Heiirls and
Minds". h> no means light-hearted entertainment in
the conventional sense, opens their w i n d ! season with
a thought provoking and awakening film.
"Hearts and Minds" examines the American
consciousness that lead toourinvolvememl in Vietnam.
Hie film makers probe for logic behind military actions
that devastated one society and polari/ed another.
I his film is a controversial documentary, drawing
upon historical record and incorporating interviews
photographed specifically for the project. "Hearts and
Minds" includes exclusive interviews with the General
William Westmoreland, former Secretary of Defense,
Clark Clifford, Senator William f ulbrighl, and Walt
Kostnw. Daniel lillsbcrg gives his unique perspective on
the war.
I he film was two years in the ma king, with filming on
three continents and a cast of leaders and followers,
victims and perpetrators, the strong and the weak.
Director Cn-I'roduccr I'eler Davis, who also made
"Selling ol lite I'ctvtiigtiit"*. says of" Hearts and Minds".
"It is a movie about the war. It is neither pro or aniiAmcriean: it is an attempt to understand what we have
done and what we have become. It is more
psychological than political, and it is not a chronology
ol the war so much as a study of people's feelings,"
Co-I'roducer Men Schneider savs of "Hearts and
Minds", 'litis was not the kind of film that would go
avvav and hide...I consider the film to he journalism
and...it's as objective a film as I know how to make. I
have strong feelings ttbotil it and fell t his kind ol picture
could have a place."
,V/w Tower IJtsl I'lmyuu has cancelled its sltowinn
oj" Hearts ami \lltub", Tliurstlay IIIKIII will he the only
by Bruce Connolly
Nobody Can Wait Torevcr-Alquin
In the U.S. the real rock'n' rollers
are the kids who dodged enough
razors to survive high school. In
I • ngla nd the i auks arc tilled by all the
little Davcy Copperlields who gol
Iheii knickeis hooted out ol art
school and their homes before they
hu sixteen. In I urupelhcv goto university diessed in bulky sweaters
and di op out lust hclorc they earn
then engineering degrees. I.xccnl
sometimes ihcv don't drop out.
I utopeuns make great liluis; they
make great album covers: and wilh
thcquulity ol raw maiciialsavailnhWj
loi them lo draw on (that languid
decadence, kinky sev. Hal champagne, and crypiop-lacism). they
ought in spew up some pretty tasty
•uisic. I he) haven't yet. Luropean
rock is either pure technology or a
munition ol flabby Anglo pop and
loreign Hint soundtrack music.
I he Dutch group Alquin takes its
name I rum the 15th century convent first American release. It draws on
Ih,il the) use as a workshop. sources thai they've largely been
I'tobahl) lite only rock group with lorced lo invent themselves, and it
die same roots as I he Singing Nun. shows. I he lew spastic pokes at any
May he you might bin thai il the) kind ol emotional expression sound
wei e
m a k I n genihaiiiissingliiliiine. I lieu roots are
cerebral spiritual lechiiologicitl in hall-learned lessons over tranmusic. Maybe. Hut these guys acl sistor radios, not in the streets. I hey
like they're real loiighies. lalking do not need to play rock'n'roll.
Xiihmlf Can Wait I'orcver eight
about ass-kicking and revolution
and sliiidomand passing iI oil as life. 'mini-symphonies' and not a decent
Basically dial's the trouble with hook in the lot. from the lyrics.l'm
,W>t"/i Can Walt i'orcver. their not even clear on whether these
kamikazes really speak English.
Only the instrumental "Sunrise"
liom "Sew Guinea Sunrise" is
passable. Nol an aural picture on
New G u i n e a , bill passable.
"Wheelchair Groupie" is worth mentioning, but only for the title. Event)
little cruelty is something of a relief.
At least cruelty is a human quality.
Alquin. They're like going lo the
senior prom with your cousin.
Sometimes it's just us much fun to
stnv home.
The following ore excerpts from
the newspaper' and magazines of
countries throughout the world.
They are taken from the American
Altai W o i M P r o .
Review, a monthly which translates
and reprints articles from the world's
press.'The A S P will be using Atlas
material this year, and invites reaction to it.
Coming P a t o t U m Compromise
From the liberal Paris daily, l.e
by Eric Rouleau
In Palcsinian eyes, Israel is no
longer a tough, pureheartcd pioneer
nation. As the press exposes financial scandals and Government corruption in high places, the unprecedented rate o f inflation (more
than 40 per cent a year) provokes
strikes, demonstrations, and riots
among the underprivileged, especially Jews of Eastern European origin.
Signs of the recession have surfaced
in various branches of the economy,
with unemployment, already at
about the 20,000 mark and threatening to increase.
Siena College presents
Nitty Gritty
Dirt Band
TICKETS $4.50 - $5.50 - $6.50
Tickets available at all Ticketron Locations, including Macy's at Colonie Center.
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Born To Run
Backatreets/Thunder Road/She's The One
Kama Sutra Time/The Tibetan Memory Trick
The Kung-Fu Killer/The Pop-Slar Massage Unil
There's No Businusb Like Show Business
The crisis has hit the Zionist
movement, too. Immigration declined 42 per cent last year from 1973
figures and 50 per cent during the
first quarter of this year, partly, it is
true, due to Soviet restrictions on
emigration. Emigration f r o m Israel
itself has just hit a new h i g h m o r e
than 20.000 people left in 1974, a
twenty-live year record.
This change of attitude delights
the Palestinians. Hut paradoxically,
renewed confidence, far from
engendering ovcrambilious hopes,
has prompted the inhabitants ol the
occupied territories to look Inward
loa compromise settlement, whether
provisional or permanent, with
neither shame nor excessive emotion. Day-to-day experience has
convinced them, that despite all
nal Reporting
doesn't really get us any where on the
serious issue or making it a Pit
World for People, There is only the
world, the one we all live in where
men and women are wrapped (or
trapped) in the same parcel of
have heard abundant
Women's Year rhetoric and in the
coming months there will be no
dearth of speech making where the
already converted gather to convince
each other a little more. N o harm in
that; but to make greater social impact our speech makers and activists
The best from
could also strike out for a more
the world press
varied audience: otherwise it is the
t o the
German trade unions did not, like bourgeoisie—an inbred exercise.
their British equivalents, see their, The
role as one of opposition to the o r g a n i z a t i o n s , a n d
Government or to the represen- organizations deserve attention, the
tatives of capital in a free enterprise prolessional associations both male
and female need mobilization. It
i n should be an integrated effort
management is seen asa means to in- wherever possible with intelligent
tegrate themselves more closely, to men included, since the impetus
accept a greater responsibility for the toward women's liberation is not a
whole economy. They would always war on men.
be completely loyal to the Stale and iKiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiuHmiiiiiiiiiiiaNMiiiii
Israel's ups and downs it has the will
and the means to defend its cxcstence. The words "peace,"
"independence," and "coexistence"
recur in conversations like a litany.
A survey by Gaza Communist
leader Kadi Homo among the hundreds of mostly Fedayeen political
prisoners in Ga/a shows that 90 per
cent would like to see a "miniI'alcstinc." This large consensus in
favor of a peaceful settlement
temporary or permanent
reached spontaneously.The change
in public opinion has been actively
fostered for some time by the NPP
whose lenders knew that the P l . 0
leaders were also looking for some
way to embark on the path to compromise but didn't dare say so
Officially, f-'t'thyt't'ii leaders now
do not exclude i mplict recognition of
Israel should the littler take the initial step ol recogni/ingthc Palestine
1 i liet ut in II O r g a n i z a l ion us
spokesman Im the Palestinian people. Resistance newspapers have
stopped prefacing the phrase "Slate
ol Israel" with the cpiilicls "socalled" or "alleged."
H) appealing lo Palestinian public
opinion, the supporters of compromise are following the course
Nasser adopted to persuade Egyptians to accept the Security Council's
Resolution 242. They stress how
much Palestinians have t o gain from
the establishment o f a m i n i - Palestine
on the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip, passing over in silence the implied a b a n d o n m e n t
of these
territories by Israel...
German Unions Help
by Peter Oichl-'l hiel
At a recent gathering of trade union olficialsin Hamburg Chancellor
Schmidt thanked the unions lor accepting comparatively
modest wage settlements as part of
a policy of cooperation with the
Government's efforts to stabili/e the
economy. By way ,.f return, or so it
would seem, unions have received
firm assurances thin codelcrminanoii legislation will be passed at this
session ol Ihe legislature. In his
speechChancelloiSchmidt described
the trade unions as a part of the
political lahiicot the country. Union
speakers emphasized that the West
its official organizations, however.
Despite external appearances West
German trade unions arc more
p o w e r f u l t h a n their
P r e n c h . or
colleague. Their strength lies in the
extraordinary discipline nud loyalty
of their 7.4 million members. People
often overlook the lael that the many
strikes in Britainand h u h a r c a s i g n
ol the weakness and not Ihe strength
of their trade unions.
Viewpoint 75-76
Is here!
Viewpoint 75-76 is here in a new formal making it easier
Cuba's Work-Study
Prom The Toronto Star,
by David Lewis
developments-in present-day Cuba is
Ihe educational system. Itsdirection
is precisely opposite to recent experiences in most Western countries
where schools have tended to veer
from strict discipline, to
p n n ide wider options in the choice
of subjects, and to deemphasize the
lllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllHIItlllllllllllllllMinMlllllllll importance of grades.
In Cuba, on the contrary, school
People, N o t W o m e n
discipline is strict, all pupils wear unProm I he Pakistan Times.
iforms, the curriculum is firm, and}
by Miriam l l u b i b
students are constantly exhorted to
Plenty of loose talk and banter arc watch their marks and to aim lor
in the air about it being a Man's high grades. 11 igli scholastic achieveWorld or a Woman's W o r l d , which ment bring* recognition and such
privileges us p a r t i c i p a t i o n in
desirable school activities, attendance at important events, and admission lo prclerred schools. 'They
don't call it competition among
pupils: they refer to it as "emulation." 1 he notion presented to the
children, us lo workersin industry, is
thai they should "emulate"thcbesl.
to read and, find information plus a rip-out section o f
Every child in elementary us well
as secondary schools is required to
work as well ussludy.T his isdelended not only in cultural terms as tending lo develop discipline and a
sense ol social responsibility, but
also in economic terms. Cuba cannot
afford universal free education unless the beneficiaries help pay for it
by contributing lo production.
important telephone numbers. If you haven't gotten
your new Viewpoint yet, rush to the old telephone office,
now the SA xerox room and get the new viewpoint.
Only $.75 with tax card, SI.50 without.
<ii| Sdddoulscho Zoilung'Munich
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Brought back for
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students with picture I.D.
$1.50 (Sun. thru Thurs.)
Back to the Books
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Written and Directed by W O O D Y A L L E N
)W©stt M a
Sweet Pie's music is i n
amalgim of traditional blues
pieces i n d outrageous treef o r m absurdities. Somehow it
works. Few performers can
rip through J.B. Lenoir's standard "Five Long Years,"
lapse into a talky, outaised
original dubbed " T o o Drunk
To Ball," then switch effortlessly into s thoroughly involving
interpretation of
"This Bitter Earth." Sweet
Pie can and does, in a fashion
that is as honest aa it is
W h a t can you say about
a thirty-year-old nudlat
who travels around New
E n g l a n d p l a y i n g blues•nd-boofle
singing M a own songs?
Last C h a n c e Saloon
Unfortunately, because of
Pie's appearance, some people
never even reach the point of
listening to him or taking
what they do near seriously.
Though Ids lack of clothing
comet naturally—for several
y « r e he was a confirmed
nudist-Sweet Pie accepts this
w i t h typical good humor.
"Living bare-asssd, I discovered whole groups of
people can't even talk to aw
because of my nudity. Their
silence eliminates most of the
bullshit in my daily life."
109 Central Ave, (1 block from Draper)
* Danes' Offense Solid •
by Cnlf Bell
"The best defense is a good offense
because is the other team doesn't
have the ball they can't score."
Sounds familiar? A cliche?
Last year, the Albany State Great
Danes football team ranked number
one in the nation in rushing) number
four in overall offense, and third in
Last year the Danes were 9-0, so
perhaps. Hie cliche is also a truism.
This year, the Danes are looking
forward to proving that last season
was no fluke, according to Coach
Bob Ford of the varsity football
"We've added teams like
Referees arc needed for football and
by Patricia Ann Gold
soccer. Football refs will get $2.50The Women's Intramural & $2.75 per game; sign up in CC356.
Recreational Association.' (WIRA)
The WIRA bowling captains
plans to open its first season in flag i meeting will be Sept. 11, tennis tourfootball and soccer later this week. nament Sept. 9, and golf tournament
Six teams will be playing flag foot- Sept. 17; check CC356 for details.
ball, and two teams will be playing
WIRA needs more council
members to help organize, schedule,
Individuals without teams may and publicize WIRA's sports
join teams in either sport by contac- programs and events. This year
ting the Intramural Office in Cam- WIRA hopes to add several minor
sports including tennis, bowling, and
pus Center 356.
The .lockettes, who came in first track and field.
WIRA plans to hire another stuplace in Softball and second place in
basketball last year, have entered a dent assistant. The duties of this
salaried position include supervising
football team this season.
events, notifying the Health Service
The officers or the W.I.R.A.. in- immediately if any injuries occur to
correctly listed in Friday's -I.V/'.are players, and clerical duties including
Jayne Crabbc, President; Cathy comparison of names on rosters to
Dower. Vice President; Alice names on scorcsheets. Applicants
Reagan. Secretary;and PatricaGold, must have Red Cross first aid cerTreasurer. Our student assistant is tification which may be satisfied by
Lynn O'Ciarrow.
taking a "quickie" Hist aid course
.;W1RA [lag' football and soccer alter being hired. See Dennis Blktn
rules '-differ from the men's rules in lor details. Applicants must be
lie length ol the field (XI) yards) and available to work between 3;30-dark
tlie length of the two halves In flag on Mon.-1-ri. and on weekends.
football which will be 20 minutes.
Springfield, Southern Connecticut,
Norwich, and Albright," says Ford,
"and that makes our schedule as
tough as that of any other NCAA
Division III school."
In addition, the Danes will meet
the Ithaca Bombers, last years'
Lambert Trophy winners (number I
in small college football) at Albany,
September 20 at I p.m., for the first
meeting between the two teams.
Albany in only the second year of
a varsity schedule, led the nation in
rushing with an average of 361.6
yards a game. Number four in total
offense, the Danes averaged 482.4
yards a game and 40.8 points, good
for number three in the country.
The entire backfield, the main
thrust of Albany's triple option
offense, is returning.
Quarterback John Bcrtuz/.i, who
Couch Ford calls "very capable and
an intense leader", is back at the
helm, directing the Dane offense.
Bcrtuzzi completed 42 per cent of
his pusses last year for4l2 yardsand
seven touchdowns. In addition, he
scampered for 299 yards in sixty-six
Behind Bertuzzi is junior Dave
"It is a pity Dave is here the same
time John is," says Ford."Dave
would be a starter at any other
school. Unfortunately for him, John
was here first and knows the system
The fullback slot belongs to
Albany's first 1000-yards gained
runner, Tom Dclilois. who totaled
1006 yards last year.
According to Ford, DcBlois has
not fully recovered from a toe injury
suffered the day before training
camp opened, "but when he does, he
will be awesome. He is up to 225
pounds and still runs the 40-yard
dash in 4.7 seconds."
Behind DeBlois is Roy Fillbrook,
who Ford is extremely plcascdwith.
" He's another big one with speed,"
says Ford, "but right now he's
recovering from a hamstring pull."
The halfback position is well
stocked with both of last years'
regulars, Orin Griffin and Glenn
Sowalskie was second on the
squad in rushing, totalling 644 yards
in 70 carries for a 9.2 average, and
led the team in scoring with seven
"Griff ran for 620 yards, and was
second in receptions with four, good
for fifty six yards.
Both have excellent speed and arc
good blockers according to Ford.
Sophomores Tim Ridgeway and
Dave DuPrc, both of whom saw
limited varsity action last year, arc
the backups.
"The split end job fight now
appears to be a dead heat," according to Ford, as Hob Baxter, Jim
Pollard, and Don Whitcly battle for
the starting spot."
"Bob blocks well, runs a very disciplined pattern, and has good
hands," Ford continued. "1 guess he
has a very slight edge."
"But Pollard and Whitcly have
been putting on some pressure. You
can see how much they want to play,
and Whitely caught for 143 yards
last year."
If there is one giant hole in the
Danes' offense, it's at the tight end
position. Tom Cleary, last years
starter,'left a gaping hole when he
left Albany.
"He was one of the greatest
athletes ever to attend State,"
lamented Ford, "andhisabscnccwill
This brings us to the most important positions, and according to
most coaches, least recognized: the
offensive linemen.
"The center and tackle spots arc
set, but the guard positions are up
for grabs," says Ford.
"Andy Lee will be back at center.
Hanked by Dom Roncome and Ty
Curran at the tackles. Both Lee and
Roncome will be giving away
pounds, but we've won before with
them, and they will stay.
As for our guards, we've got four
possibilities: Bruce Court, Gary
Manilcnko, John Russell,and Steve
Abramovich fighting it out."
The kicking game will once again
rest on the foot of soeeerstyle hooter
Al Martin, who tallied 44 extra
points and 3 field goals last year, including a 47 yarder, and who will
also handle kickoffs.
Veteran Mike Mann (averaged 37
yards) and newcomer L;d Sellers will
split the duties as punters.
"Let's lace it. things will be
tougher than last year." sums up
Ford, "but we have a betterclub than
last year, and we will be there. We'll
be strong."
Judo Club Seeks New Members
by Andy Rosa and Bonnie Ostrofsky
As the Albany State Judo Club
enters itsscvenlh yearof activities on.
our campus the club is excited over
the many changes that have taken
place, according to president Andy
Ross. "We are proud to announce
that the club has retained a new instructor, Noriasyu Kudo, one of the
most highly ranked and highly
regarded Judo instructors in the
northeast," said Ross. Kudo, a fifth
degree black belt who will soon be
JV Soccer
three starting fullback positions.
Congress expressed satisfaction
with goallender Richard l.ayne.who
"has done a line job so far."
Congress said Iheindiv idual talent
is there, but "it'sa matter ol'blcndipg
that talent intooncsolidificd team."
" Hie players make a team what u
is. I can only refine and coordinate
their established skills."
John Dollard In regular season form as he pitches In fourth inning ol
Dane opener. Dollard allowed only one hit in his live innings ol work.
new members for various positions
8 pm in LC-5
of its membership.
Judo Club meets on Thursday
nights from 6:00 to 7:30 and practices on Tuesday nights at 7:00 and
Sunday afternoons at 2:00 in the
gym wrestling room. Visitors are
welcome to come und watch.
Beginners' classes arc scheduled for
Thursday evenings at 7:30 and during the practice sessions with the upper belts. All students arc invited to
attend an interest meeting this coming Thursday evening at 7:30 in the
gym wrestling room on the third
The Judo Club plans to perform in
front of the Campus Center on Activities Day. Kor further information
contact Andy Ross. 457-7705.
Tuesday, Sept. 9
Ross, while at the same time being
able to be part of the Judo Club's
spirit of comradcrie. As an added
bonus ull students can receive
academic credit Tor the course.
Scnscis Kudo und Duleflio will be
working with the brown belts in the
club to instruct the beginners'class.
I he beginners' class will be held
separately so individual attention
can he paid to the students.Sign-ups
for the beginners' classare scheduled
to begin September 4 und run
through the week following Activities Day. Sept. 20. In an effort to
make Judo available to as many
students on campus as possible.
Judo Club plans to reduce its rates to
depending on the si/c
ivntinuetl'front page twenty
Danes who did outhit the victors by
a 10-7 margin. The pitching, though
shaky at limes, did not look all that nmtimti'il from paye twenty
bad. Plunder only gave up two hits two transfer students. Dan Austin
(one of the infield variety) and and Mike Valentine have looked
Dil.ello exhibited n live fastball and very strong."
pretty good control.
Congress said Ihedefense has been
Wednesday the Danes host Siena a problem thus far. "We have been
in the first of a homc-and-home able to score enough goals in our
series beginning at 3:30 before scrimmages, but we have been giving
travelling to Potsdam over the up far too many." said Congress.
Si.\ players are fighting for the
announces its first meeting
"We combine the good points of a
varsity sport with the advantages of
a gym course or 'an intramural
team." said Ross. For those who are
highly skilled in Judo the club offers
intense competition at the intercollegiate, regional and national
levels, while beginners receive top
level training including competition
on club and regional levels. "Judo
offers the individual the chance to
simultaneously develop his own
skills and self confidence," said
receiving his promotion to sixth dun,
is internationally acclaimed. He has
won numerous awards in Japan and
has placed both first and second in
the United States' Senior Men's
Judo Championship.
In addition, the Judo Club has
hired another black belt instructor.
Chuck DalclTio. to assist Kudo.
Ross said that the Judo Club is unique on the Albany Campus in the
level and character of the activities
that it offers.
—Do you have first aid skills?
—would you like to acquire first aid skills?
Interested in learning how to handicap?
—would you like to help out on a non-first aid basis,
This and many other facets of
as a dispatcher?
harness racing will be topics during the
If at all interested why not come to a
Weds. Sept. 10 LC 5 8:30 - 9:30
All s t u d e n t s , faculty and staff invited
year. Plans for an evening and dinner
at Saratoga Harness Track will be
AH new stock from
leading publishers
Come to the first meeting to give us
your ideas
for more trips
The Bookstore
and programs.
Campus Confer Basement
questions answered
options offered
responsibilities outlined
State University ol New York at Albany
September 9, 1975
Booters' Outlook: A Solid Team
New Paltz," explained Schieffelin
by Nathan Salant
Conference halfback Curios Rovito,
"and our home contests include the
T w o yean ago the Albany State . leading t o Coach Bill Schieffelin's
Keane State, Oneonta, and Union
varsity soccer team participated in
prediction of a solid team, but . . .
the N C A A Eastern Regional*, and
A strong defense has always
won the State University Center
"The schedule is very much
characterized Great Dane soccer,
Tournament at Bing aniton with a
against us," said Schieffclin, whose
team which included I I freshman.
Booters play nine o f their 14 games and as Schieffelin relates, "This year
should be no exception.
on the road. Included in the roud
Last year, the team w o n its first
The defense should be very strong,
contests are six of the teams seven
five games, but finished with a
w i t h Arthur Bedford, Bob Schlcgcl,
State University o f New York
terribly disappointing 7-5-1 mark.
Kicurdo Rose, Emcrick Browneathletic Conference games.
What can Albany soccer fans exM a r k , and freshman Pepe Aguilas
pect this year?
"We've added
Keane Stale
battling lor the three starting
Sixteen lettermen w i l l return, i n (fifth in the N A I A last year) and
fullback spots," said Schieffelin,
cluding All-New York State halfgo
B r o c k p o r t , Cortland,
"while senior Henry Obwald w i l l
hack John Kolando. and A l l tiencsco, Pluttsburgh, Potsdam.and
tend the net."
T h e defense notched seven
shutouts Inst year, and only Oneonta
and Union colleges managed more
than three goals against Albany.
Rolando and Rovito have two of
the three halfback spots, while D c n zil Carew, Jimmy Alvarez, and
freshmen Carlos Arango and Simon
Curanovic compete for the third
starting slot.
If the Booters had a serious
problem last year, it was their inability
to take advantage of
countless scoripg opportunities, as
in their 2-0 win oyer New I'altz In
which lite Hooters look 74 shots.
" N o question about it." admits
Schieffclin, "we must score more
goals, " and the Booters have added
one new lace on the front line, Jorge
Aguilar. "He showed me a lot
against Ulster, Saturday," said
Schielfelin, " l i e always seems lo be
in the right place at the right lime,
and scored twice in our 5-2 scrimmage w i n . "
Returnees include: Frank Selca,
Ruuno. Matte Denora,
Pascuali Petriccione. Paul Schciscl.
and Edgar Martinez. Schielfelin
makes no secret o f his expectations
form these returnees.
Three year veteran goalie Henry Obwald makes the save during soccer practice.
"The whole season probably rests
in their hands. While its true that you
can't lose if you don'l let the other
team score, you can also tic 0-0. and
we did that against Cortland last
year," said Schieffelin.
Two years ago. Martinez scored
eight goals, but was injured for part
oI last season, and did not play up to
his p o t e n t i a l
Schieffclin, "but then again, neither
did any of the other forwards if one
looks for consistency and goal scoring."
Schieffelin looks to a successful
season, and credits assistants Don
I'rozik and Carlos Alvarez in helping to create the "beginnings of a
closely knit team from a wide diversity of individuals."
We have players from several
different countries who play dilferi in
styles of soccer, and developing a
high quality cohesive unit is d i l ficult." said Schieffelin. " litis year. I
finally have sonic help running the
leant, enabling each of us to wor.
wilhl'ewer players on specific
The Booters were
generally disulisficd with their performance Inst year, and with good
reason. The leant has great talent
and super potential, and i f i l p l i i y s a s
one unit, definitely has a shot a l
a n ol her
Quadrangular this Saturday, versus
W i l l i a m s . St. L a w r e n c e , and
Southeastern Massachusetts will be
a good indicator o f what the team
will do on ihe field, as opposed to
what might be.
John Dollard got the starting nod
lor the Danes and he and Utica
starter andwinner.Tom l-'iesthumel.
matched blanks lor the first five i n nings before Dollard was relieved by
freshman lofty Roger Plantier.
Burlingamc used both Plantier and
Paul Dil.ello, the other freshman
hurlerover Ihe lasi lour innings in
order lo give them some muchneeded experience lor the upcoming
S U N Y Conference games.
minimum. He did not give up a hit
until the fifth inning and allowed
only one runner lo get as far as second base.
Plantier was not us fortunate.
After walking the bases lull in the
sixth, he gave up the hit to Boyce
that broke up the scoring drought
and let the dike open. In the next
frame, a walk, a sac bunt, infield hit
and a double steal made it .1-0 alter
Dollard was almost untouchable
as he laced only 17 baiters in his live
frames of w o r k - t w o over the
Albany, meanwhile, was wasting
opportunity alter opportunity. In
fact, after the first five innings, the
Danes hud stranded no less than nine
JV Soccer
Flrat baseman Jeff •regllo give* It "the big stretch" • • (tie Danes
complete a double play In opening day lost to Utica.
continued oh page nineteen
Suspect Still at Large
by Stephen Dzinanka
and D a v i d Winzelbcrg
Approximately $1,000 was robbed Tuesday f r o m a student run bus
service in the Campus Center lobby.
University Police reported.
According to Assistant Director
of Security John Hcnighan the
suspect approached the ticket selling
tabic of Campus Happenings, I n c u t
approximately 2:30 p.m. and threw a
hot cup o f coffee in the face of the
lone seller. Hcnighan stated that the
suspect then grabbed a cardboard
box containing about $700 in cash
and $.100 in checks and fled out of
the building onto the podium.
" A l l I heard was change falling on
the floor," recounted a jewelry vendor, " I t happened so fast. There was
a lot of people around. "
Hcnighan indicated that people at
adjacent tables saw the suspect.
"There were at least two witnesses
who saw the guy," said Henighan.
He explained that t w o or three
eyewitnesses aided a police artist in
d r a w i n g the composite sketch of the
Krinick maintained that his concern lor the loss o f the money is
secondary. "People's apathy upset
me the most."
Krinick lays part o f the blame for
the incident on Student Association.
Di l.ello came on in thecighthfor
the Danes and Utica quickly went t o
work on him. Hack-lo-back doubles
by Rich Block and Hoyce made it 4-0
and alter Ulica loaded ihe bags later
in Ihe inning, they picked up their
U p in the air, the man with the mean look—John Rolando, co-captaln
fifth run on a wild throw during an
ot the varsity soccer team.
attempted douhleplay.
Ihe Danes finally got on the
scoreboard in their hull of theeighth
with help from their rookies. Jell
Breglio led o i l with a double up the
right-center power alley. One out
later, freshman Howie M a r k o w i l /
vations regarding the learn. " I h e
by Brian D r i l l
singled lo right sending Breglio lo
" I am very optimistic about this chid responsibilities ol Ihe forwards
third. After Mark l-uchs forced
ten ins chances," says Evan Con- arc lo score goals." Congress said.
M a r k o w i l / us second. Plantier
ress, rookie coach of Ihe Albany "In recent scrimmages against the
slammed the first of his iwo hits lo
ate Junior Varsity soccer team. varsity, our offense has shown the
left center, scoring Breglio and senVe have an excellent chance for a capability lo do this. Standouts an
d i n g Kucha l o second. Rookie John
Craig then grounded a base hit up winning season, even though the the forward line lo dale have been
Jorge Aquilur, Jack Chitirelli, Carlos
the middle scoring Euchsand cutting competition will be lough."
Ihe learn, composed mainly of Arango, and Kit I'll UcKussian, all
the gap lo three.
freshmen, sophomores, anil transfer freshmen."
l-ieslhuiuel then bore down and
According to Congress, the hullfanned Mark Conslantiue lo end ihe students, opens its sett son September
17 versus junior college power Hud- hacks will be the key lo his team's
rally and Ihe Danes' last gasp.
Utica closed out ihe scoring in Ihe son Valley.
" I hey must be able to help the
Soccer is a Icam spoil in which
ninth via a M u r k Salsbury single, a
every player is involved with the ojjjmse on allack. yet withdraw and
stolen busc, and an infield error.
"help the defense against Ihe opAlthough 0-1 on the young offensive and defensive machines.
Congress eagerly explained Ihe ponenls'ulfensivc thrusts. Thus far,
season, it was not a total loss for the
game ilscll. along with a lew obseramlinueil on pane nineteen
$1000 Robbed in Campus Coffee Caper
Director of Albany Operations
for the bus f i r m , Howie Krinick.said
that Ihe suspect apparently waited
until the ticket line hud vanished
before he approached the table.
" N o b o d y had the brains to pick up a
phone and call Security, " c o m p l a i n ed Krinick. " I h e ticket seller had to
call litem by himself after wiping the
coffee out of his eyes." Krinick added that the seller was "stunned" but
Batters Drop Opener, 6-2
by Mike Pickarski
Hilly lloycc rapped out three hits
including a double and drove three
tins lo pace Utica to a h-2 victory
over thcCucat Dane varsity baseball
leant. Sunday, spoiling Coach Bob
Blli'lillgilroe's IS»75 season opener.
Hoyce broke a scoreless tie in the
visitor's sixth when he smacked a
two-nut, bases loaded single up the
middle.driving in the first two Ulica
runs o f the day. I 'wo innings later, he
doubled in another run as the
visitors again tallied twice lo put Ihe
game out ol reach.
"SA should have notified us about
the Campus Center safe so we could
deposit money periodically . . .
didn'l ask them, but they should
have realized that there was a lot of
money involved."
I don't think it's our fault for not
letting him (Krinick) know ESAhad
a safe, " commented SA President
A n d y Bauman. Bauman explained
that I S A generally docs not let
groups use their Campus Center safe
for fear of mixing monies. However
according to Concert Board member
Roger Herbert, their group does frequently deposit money with FSA to
prevent a build-up ol cash while selling tickets.
Henighan speculated, that ". . .
• . he(the suspect) probably stayed
on campus because we responded
pretty quickly." He added t h a t " . . .
we don't have the personnel to
cover all of the roadways leading out
of the campus."
Police Investigator
Gary O'Connor disclosed that the
stolen checks were
Wednesday by campus security.
Although he could not elaborate,
O'Connor revealed, "We managed
to develop several leads that look
productive." The investigator added, " W e have fingerprints."
Students purchasing bus tickets from Campus Happenings, Inc. In the Campus Center lobby.
Student Services Budget Cut
by Sue Emerson
Neil Brown, Dean o f Student Affairs, certainly would not havcasked
for the budget cuts in student service
w h i c h totaled $.100,000.
Campus Happenings, Inc. isa stuHowever, he does feel that "not all
dent owned and operated holiday
of the changes (brought about by the
bus service. They have been selling
cuts) are b a d . "
tickets to S U N Y A students onDean Brown is responsible lor
eampus for lour years.
such areas as counseling, financial
" W e will prosecute t o the fullest
aids, student health service, placeextent to put the guy awuy," said
ment, student life, and many more.
Krinick. The part owner added that
A l l of these services are funded in
the company is not insured for Ihe
whole or in part by the student serloss. "*
vices budget.
file suspect is described as a black
In an attempt to deal with such a
male, age 20, height 5'8"-5TO", and
sizeable cut in theallocationsforstuslender.
dent services, Dean Brown was forced lo abolish a number of positions
upon their becoming vacant. Gone
are four clerical positions as well as
one position each in residence, placement, the Dean of Students Office,
and financial aids. Also abolished
were one professional position (advisor) in the Office o f Student Life,
one associate dean in the Dean o f
Students Office, 2 physicians in ihe
Student Health Service, and the
salary of one physician for the
summer of 1976, Not only were these
positions vacated by late spring or
early summer and then subsequently
abolished, but II more positions
w h i c h became vacant between
January i'nd August could not be
refilled until just recently due to the
late passage of the supplemental
budget, according to Dean Brown.
Eor the lust four or five months,the
Division of Student Affairs has been
understaffed, and money has been
tight. According to Dean Brown, it
has been necessary lor the remaining
staff to take on more responsibility
and for resources to be redeployed
and reallocated.
Police composite drawing ol the suspect in Tuesday's robbery.
How then can Dean Brown say
that "not all o f the cha nges are bad?"
Says Brown, " I ' m very proud o f the
members of the Student Affairs
Division . . . We haven't spent a lot
of time sitting around complaining
about the budget cuts . . . I think
there's been a spirit of'we're going to Affairs is engaged in an a d ministrative self-study o f its various
conquer i t ! " Dean Brown feels that
the staff of the Student Affairs D i v i - departments.
Not all of Ihe changes due to the
sion has responded well to the a d ditional responsibility and initiative budget cuts have been beneficial,
however. Dean Brown feels that
that have recently come its way.
The necessity for "tightening its even with the budget cuts Ihe D i v i belt" has forced the Division o f Stu- sion of Student Affairs is going t o be
dent Affairs to stop and critically ex- able lo provide atleuuule service this
amine its many programs and ser- year. When asked if that meant that
vices. Not that Dean Brown feels Student Affairs was not adversely
t h a t too many services are affected by the budget cuts Dean
Brown replied, "I'd like to provide
provided™ on the contrary, he feels
thai there are more areas of student excellent service." And whilehc feels
interest and concent which require that the increase in creativity, efexamination and possible expan- ficiency, and responsibility has been
sion. One such area is career counsel- fenelicial to Ihe Division of Student
ing. But too often, in Dean Brown's Affairs, Deun Brown is o f the o p i -
( •
Dean ol Student Affairs Nell Brown
opinion, programs which arc no nion that uny additional budget cuts
longer necessary or relevant are not could result in the watering d o w n or
phased out while new programs con- complete curtailment o f some essentinue to be added.
tial student services.
The cut i n the allocations for stuIt would seem then that Dean .
dent services has meant a close and Brown is not looking at the w o r l d
careful examination o f student needs through "rose-colored glasses", but
in tin attempt to discover more ef- rat her is attempting l o deal w i t h the
ficient and innovative ways of "reality" of fiscal shortages i n the
providing for these needs. Dean most efficient, innovative, and c o n Brown feels that internal lines of structive way possible. Dean Brown
communication have been shortened would like the Division of Student
unci efficiency has been increased. Affairs t o be known as ait "office
Presently the Division of Student dedicated to student services."