'guilty of deception THE PILL

PAGE 1.2
The Drug Industry and Medical r-ofession
'guilty of deception
by Nancy Beezley
College Press Service
safety of women is apparently the
last thing in the mind of the drug
industry. For a decade American
drug companies have been peddling the birth control pill as a miraculous wonder drug, a doer of
only good and the social behavior
of humanity.
But it seems the pill is somewhat less than that. Since the
beginning of the year, a Senate
committee and a Washington D.C.
woman's liberation group have
held investigations about the pill.
Testimony indicates at very least
the drug industry and the medical
profession are guilty of deception
and carelessness and at most that
these groups are committing mass
It seems that what began as
convenience for men, a casual pres c r i p t i o n for physicians and
supposed freedom for women—has
meant only one thing to drug
companies. The birth control pill
equals money.
The drug industry is one of the
most profitable industries in the
country and the birth control pill
is responsible for more than a
small part of that profit. Drug
companUs spend more money
promoting than researching the
birth control pill.
In 1957, the bii'.h control pill
was tested on a group of Puerto
Rican women. The study was
done to test the effectiveness of
the pill as a contraceptive, not to
investigate its safety and health aspects. What didn't come mil of
that study is probably more indicative than what did. By the end
of three years all women dropped
out of the experiment. There were
five deaths including three sudden
deaths. No thorough analysis was
made on why the women discontinued using the pill. Even though
the sudden deaths suggest blood
closts to the lung,the deaths were
not revealed, and no autopsys
were performed.
When the pill was put on the
market in 1960, fewer than 200
women had taken oral contraception for more than a year.
One Indiana physician told Senate committee members, "Several
near tragic examples of thromboembolism (a form of blood
clotting) caused me to slow up my
prescribing of contraceptive medication six years ago, and finally to
cease lotally prescribing the birth
control pill some four years ago."
" B u t more than any other
problems, I have seen women who
are chronically lired, or depressed,
or lacking in libido, or complaining of frequent migraine-like headaches, often of incapacitating nature. These symptoms may occur
singly or apparently rather frequently together in the same woman," Ball said.
j ^ y S T U m S A H I 1IQU0K5
Barbara Seaman, author of The
Doctor's Case Against the Pill,
said at the women's liberation
hearing that three separate surveys
indicate that one birth control pill
user in three experiences depressant personality changes-changes
to depression and fatigue. Physicians believe suicide, not blood
clotting, is the leading cause of
death among pill users, she said.
and mass genocide 9
hospital, D. C. General, refuses to
perform abortions.
Legislators who refuse to let
women control their own bodies,
physicians who casually prescribe
birth control, men who refuse to
share the burden of contraception
and drug companies that measure
women in terms of profits are
guilty of exploiting women. The
drug industry is the biggest and
most deliberate exploiter of women. Since the initial experimentation with the birth control pill,
the drug industry has been careless and sometimes even deliberately deceptive.
Contrary to drug company advertising, for example, it is a myth
that women who go off the pill
experience an increase in fertility.
Kassouf charged drug manufacturers with failure to reveal to
women the risks of the pill. About
pamphlets put out by birth control pill manufacturers, Kassouf
said, "Some of the pamphlets mislead and misinform; others are
frankly dangerous, hut all have
one thing in common: They all
seem to disparage the reader's
right to know."
'Ms there perhaps a sexual
double standard or sex discrimination that works in this seeming insistence of our medical profession
to force the pill on women rather
than men? Is the pill safe enough
for women, but a male contraceptive pill is not safe enough for
men? The simple fact that women
have the babies should not mean
that they should be discriminated
against by being the only ones
su bjected to chemical contraception. Is there anyone here that
would guess how many men
would take a male sterility pill if
the list of possible side effects
were make known in advance?"
one physician asked.
Loupieci with prescription and
promotion of the pill has been disregarded for women. As one woman put it, "They never thought
about what the pill would do to
us women. . . It is genocide on
Black people, poor whiles and women."
"For the first time in medicine's history, the drug industry
has placed at our disposal a
powerful, disease-producing chemical for use in the healthy rather
than the sick," one doctor said.
The drug industry seems to be
much busier counting money than
on the pill get pregnant at a one
to three percent rate because of
omission of one or two tablets or
failure of the method itself."
Some iud's provide a 99 percent
protection against pregnancy and
can be worn by 94 percent of women. Similar results occur with
use of the diaphram in a wellmotivated population of women,
he said.
Drug companies do what they
can to downgrade all but oral contraceptives. Many medical school
courses are taught by drug company representatives. Elaine Archer of New York Women's
Health Collective said at the women's liberation hearing that a
few years ago drug companies
bought up patents to several types
of iud's (which, incidentally, are
cheaper than birth control pills).
The drug companies promoted
birth control pills by marketing
poor quality iud's and by not promoting the iud as a valid form of
Besides the known side effects
of oral contraception, there are
many unexplored and unanswered
potential effects including cancer,
genetic damage and sterility.
Cancer has a latency period of
from ten to thirty or more years.
An assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Hugh Davis, told the senate committee that breast cancers
have been induced in at least five
different species of animals by
currently marketed oral contraceptives.
Probably I he safesl and most
effective form of population control is use of the iud or diaphram
to prevent contraception and back
up use of therapeutic abortion to
prevent unwanted birth. .Japan
anil Bulgaria use legal abortion,
not oral contraception, to control
population. Presently, the number
of legal abortions in Japan and
Eastern Europe plus the illegal
abortions elsewhere prevent more
births than all methods of contraception combined.
Even though abortion in the
first trimester of pregnancy and
under hospital conditions is medically safer than pregnancy, there
a re only about II stales with
"liberalized" abortion laws. In almost all of these states, abortion
is permitted only in cases involving rape, incest, german measles
and serious medical reasons.
At lorney Caroline Nickerson
said at the women's liberation
hearings thai women with money
can sometimes gel an abortion for
medical reasons by paying large
psychiatric fees. The District of
Columbia's abortion law was declared unconstitutional last November when the judge ruled that
the woman has a right to control
her own reproductive life.
But, if a woman does not have
money, it is almost impossible for
her lo get a legal hospital abort ion. Washington's only public
It isn't known what effect birth
control pills have on the Ictus.
should a woman Forget to take a
pill and then lake two the next
day as the package instructs. Mrs.
Seaman said it is also possible
that, if a woman begins to lake
pills while nursing a child, that
child may grow up sterile.
Even though the actual and
potential side
effects are so
widespread, a survev by the D. C.
women's liberation group indicates that most women are not forewarned by their physicians. Ball
testified, "In my experience, most
of the women that have seen me
because of adverse effects from
the pill have not been warned by
the prescribing doctor that the pill
can cause in.porlaul side effects.
Widespread use of oral contraceptives has givt'ii rise to health
hazards on a scale "previously unknown to medicine." "Never have
so many individuals I a ken such
potent drugs with so little information available as to actual and
potential hazards. It is medically
u n s o u n d to administer such
powerful synthetic hormones in
order to achieve birth control objectives which can be reached by
simpler means of greater safely. .
." Davis said.
The popularity of (he pill has
been due in tfreal pari lo promo
tion by drug companies. Doctors
often recommend birth control
pills without seriously discussing
with their patients other types of
contraception. Davis said the el'
fecliveness of the pill is greatly
overrated. "Kveu those who slay
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Vol. LVM No. 14
SXaU Unioersitu
in the future
of New York at Albany
Tuesday, April 14, 1970
Morse Accuses Administration
of Deceiving Americans
by David Peck
Former Senator Wayne Morse addressed a crowd of 200 students
last night.
Senator Wayne Morse accused
the Nixon administration of "deceiving the American people" and
ruling by "executive secrecy". He
said that Nixon is "denying to the
American people what they are
entitled to know."
T h e former Senator from
Oregon spoke before a crowd of
200 people last night. He is a visit
ing professor in the SUNY system
for this year and will be on campus for the next two days. He has
taught for 21 years, 13 of which
he spent as dean of a law school in
his home state. He was a Senator
for 24 years.
Morse was one of the two Senators who voted against the Tonkin
resolution. He stated that the
Senate has recently found that the
Maddox was really a spy ship and
the North Vietnamese had a right
to fire upon it. Morse claims that
"if Johnson had told the Foreign
Relations Committee 50% of the
t r u t h , the Tonkin Resolution
would never have passed."
The Senator is completely against our involvement in Vietnam. He believes that we violated
the Geneva Accord, the U.N.
Charter, and the U.S. Constitution
when we became involved in Vietnam.
Morse wants us to call an immediate cease fire, ask the U.N. to
enforce it and then let the U.N.
make a decision on Vietnam.
Nixon is not getting us out of
S o u t h e a s t Asia, according to
Morse. Nixon has not repudiated
"the two crooks Thieu and Ky"
and has never said he will end our
"economic support" of their regime. "You can't maintain peace
with bullets, that's jungle law"
was the Senator's response to our
current policies in Asia.
"We've put the domino theory
in reverse. We're knocking down
those countries."
Morse thinks that we ought to
look into our involvement in
Laos, Tha.land, and Cambodia. He
claims that we are paying Thai
mercenaries, gradually involving
Cambodia in the Vietnamese war
and fighting a major air war in
Senator Morse doesn't believe
that we are being told the truth in
many cases. The Executive is the
m o s t powerful branch in the
government and this power is
being abused. He said that the
"government has not been telling
you what you should know aifree
men and women. There is no substitute for the full public disclosure of the public's business."
Massachusetts has just passed a
bill which states that it will not
send any of its citizens to fight in
an unconstitutional undeclared
war. A recent bill has been introduced in the New York Legislature. Senator Morse said that
states have no right to tell the
Federal government what ware
they will allow their citizens to
fight in. The therefore believes
that this bill is unconstitutional.
He believes that a Senator must
exercise bis honest and individual
judgment. This is why he lost his
Senate seat. He is a dove from a
hawkish state.
"When I pass from the scene
I'll have my political boots on."
by Vicki Zeldin
Wednesday, April IB, marks
the spring offensive against the
war in Vietnam. Moratorium activities in the Capital District will
take place both at RPI and in the
city of Albany.
Major plans have been made at
RPI for the spring offensive. At.
2:00 p.m. Wednesday, a rally will
be held on the steps of the Rensselaer Student Union. Speakers
will include Howard Samuels, aspiring Democratic candidate for
governor, Andrew Stein, who recently introduced a bill in the
New York Assembly which would
make it unluwful for state residents to fight in an undeclared
war fltrainst
against their
their consent,
consent, nnrl
Basil Paterson, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
Edward F o x and Bernard
professors at
RPI, both active in anti-war efforts, and both seeking political
office—the former a candidate for
the U.S. Congress, and the latter a
candidate for the New York Senate—will also be at the rostrum.
The speakers will also be available
for questions at a press conference
following the rally.
During the rally, information
on the Stein bill and addressed letter paper will be distributed. Participants will be asked to write letters insupport of the bill which
will then be mailed to members of
the Assembly committee currently considering Stein's proposal.
The National Vietnam Moratorium Committee lias called for a
nationwide fust from Monday
morning until 0:00 p.m. Wednesday. The purpose of this fasting is
to demonstrate continued resislence to the war. Edward Fox and
60 RPI students will participate.
Fasters will be wearing black armbands and will collecting contributions to aid war victims. Thj s
money will be sent to the National Committee which will distribute it to the American Friends
Service Committee for Vietnam
Relicr, t h e National Welfare
Rights Organization, and the
Unite Farm Workers of America.
Following the speakers, various
presentations, includeing poetry
reading, guerilla theater, and folk
singing, will be given.
On the Albany sceno, a demonstration is planned to protest the
allocation by the foderal government of sixty-five cents of oach
tax dollar which is used lo support the military and war. The
demonstration will be a part of a
Calendar*9No Passover Vacation
Announced at Press Conference
April 15 to Mark
Spring Moratorium
• ;_ r*t__
by Liz
Passover and future calendars
were the main topics discussed
yesterday at the presidential press
cunference. Dr. Kuusisto was not
present as he was in Pennsylvania
attending a Middle States Evaluation Accredation Meeting. Clifton
Thome, Vice President for Student Affairs presided.
Thorne informed those present
that former Senator Wayne Morse
is presently on campus. He lect u red Monday nigh t on "The
Future of American Policy in
Southeast Asia." The Graduate
School of Public Affairs is responsible for his visit here.
The fire last Thursday night in
Eastman Tower was mentioned,
but as of yet the cause is still
undetermined. The residents of
the tower were commended for
I heir efficient evacuation.
Last week's question concerning legislation on public order on
campus was answered. Since that
time, the Assembly passed, with a
large majority, a measure requiring colleges and universities to sus-
nonrl students
c t u H o n t c if
if they
I lion are
a m #>nnuir»l.
convicted in a court of record for any
campus unrest. This period could
be as high as 5 years. The SUNYA
administration, however, opposes
this measure as "we do not want
an external body exerting control
over the university."
Finally, the main issues of Passover and the calanders were
brought up for discussion. Alt h o u g h a representative body
voted to close schools, it will stay
open. This decision was made by
the President after consulting with
three rabbis and the executive
committee of the Senate.
When questioned as to why the
vacations are centered around
Christian holidays,' Thorne answered that these holidays are already legal national holidays.
Much discussion continues around
the question of penalization for
not attending classes. A few felt
that missing lectures alone is a
It was also brought up that
Eastern Orthodox students will
not have their Good Friday which
comes on April 24th, either.
Looking ahead to mext year's
calendar, it was evident that Rosh
Hashonoh and Yom Kippur will
be scheduled class days as well.
This is unavoidable since the State
Education Dept. mandates that a
minimum of 14 full weeks are
necessary for a complete semester.
At the present time we will only be able to have Thanksgiving
off, and no reading days are scheduled for the fall semester.
Also the class schedules have
been changed to a Mon, Wed, Fri,
schedule instead of Mon, Tues,
and Thurs. This, according to
Thorne, was effected to facilitate
maximum scheduling since that is
now a major problem of the University.
Dr. Thorne voiced his interest
Continued on page 12
Commission Lists
Student Senators
the University
The results
Senate election wen announced
on Sunday. The new i tudent senators arc:
Richard Wesley, Dave Neufeld,
Michael Gllbortson, Donna Simonetti, Steve Viliano, Leonard Kopp,
Thomas LaBarberu, Ira Wolfman,
llichai'd Kamp, Jan Blumenstulk,
G o r d o n T h o m p s o n , Richard
Friedlander, Joseph Gree, Phil
C a n t o r , Richard Ariza n Mitch
Liberraan, Jay Glasso3 Tony
Cheh, Lowell Jacobs, 3/litchell
Toppel, Claire Fritz, Harry Kirschner.
Election Commission has also
released the new class officers of
the Class of 1973.
President: Richard Maxwell
Vice President: Laurie Pion
Secretary: Carol Finnnder
Treasurer: Walter Gross
Debris-strewn construction area on Indian Quid accentuates the visual pollution problems on our
own campus.
Continued on page 12
Tht CMIMM Club is iporuoring
• trip to NYC Chinatown on
Thursday, April 18. Round trip
but coit« $3 and leaves the administration circle at 9:00. Everyone in the university community
is invited. If you are Interested,
please contact Jim. Wong at
434-3806 or Marshall Toplansky
at 457-7936 no later than Tuesday.
Biology Club presents Dr.
Michael Rosenzweig speaking on:
"What Happens When a Population Gets Too Dense." It will be
on Wednesday, April 15th at 8:30
p.m. in LC 25. All are welcome to
Applications for Community
P r o g r a m m i n g Commission are
now available at the CC Information Desk through April 20.
English 340(Eighteenth Century): pre-planning meeting (for
fall 1970) on Wednesday, 15 of
April, in Hu 367 at 4:00 p.m.
An end to unconstitutional
Andy Stein introduced an Act
In Assembly which will prevent
New York citizens from serving
and perhaps dying in an illegally
constituted war.
Open hearing will be held Tuesday, April 14th at 11:00 A.M. in
the DeWitt Clinton Hotel, Albany
Speakers: Paul O'Dwyer, Basil
Paterson, Adam Walinsky, and
other state condidates will testify.
Students are needed for these
committees: University Governance (6), Faculty Evalutaion (3),
P a r k i n g Appeals (3). See T.
Mathias in CC. 346.
Sailing C l u b - TONIGHTTues. night— Physio lounge at
7:30 p.m. All are welcome.
The Department of Romancel
Languages is sponsoring a lecture
in Spanish by Proffesor Alfredo
Roggiano on "Memorial de Isla
Negra de Pablo Neruda." The lecture will be held on Thursday,
April 16, 1970 at 4:00 p.m. in Hu
Attention Business Students:
There is a meeting of Phi Beta
Lambda on Tuesday April 14 at
7:30 p.m. in CC 316. Eric Zilberkweit from the Albany Felt Co.
There will be an organizational
will speak on the topic of Remeeting of Concerned Undersearch and Development.
graduate Education Students on
Thursday, April 16, at 7:00 p.m.
Walden Association is sponsorin the Fireplace Lounge of the ing a trip to see Blood, Sweat and
Tears in concert in Syracuse on
The purpose of the meeting is the evening of April 18. The total
to discuss the implementation of cost (round trip bus included) is
50-60 representation on the $6.00 For further details call Mat
Teacher Education Committee.
Heyman at 472-5619.
Meeting of all interested socioAll students applying for en- logy students (you don't have to
trance into creative writing, please be a major-just interested) tonight
submit your work by May 7 to Hu in LC 5 at 8:00. The department
is open to student participation.
We have the opportunity-so let's
There will be a Memorial Sertake the responsibility!
vice tonight for the R.M.S.
Titanic. The White Star liner hit
Be a winner—learn about the
an iceberg 58 years ago on April latest campaign techniques. "Who
14, 1912 at 11:40 p.m., and sank Wins and Why", sponsored by the
in the early hours of the 15th. To- N.Y.S. College Republicans, will
nights service, in CC 322, will in- be held Friday and Saturday,
clude a Midnight Vigil until 5 April 24th and 25th at SUNYA.
The CURE Proposal
A. What's no longer required:
1. english comp.-3 cr.
2. art, literature, music, philosophy-9 cr.
3. foreign language-6 cr.
4. social sciences-72 cr.
5. math and science-/2 cr.
All Speech Path majors who are
not in a SAU course this semester
please contact Nancy Zollus at
2-4760 in order to determine the
number of Speech Path Majors.
Sail on Campus! Go to the lake
by Indian Quad. For more information, call Glenn at 457-3383 or
Jon at 463-1052. No experience
The Commission for Religious
Affairs has an at-large position
presently open. Applications will
be available at the Campus Center
Information Desk until Monday.
There will be an important
meeting of the Economics Students Association on Wednesday
April 15 at 7 p.m. in SS M6. All'
economics students are urged to
Contrary to popular opinion,
there will be a Kosher food plan
next year, for 14 meals, under the
same terms as this year. If you
wish to participate, please notify
the person in charge when you
hand in your housing packet.
TOTAL - / 20 cr.
5. 75% of credits must be in liberal arts and sciences
1. major-general program-42 cr. maximum required; teacher ed.-36
cr. maximum required
2. second field (minor)-iS cr. minimum
3. professional requirements (teacher ed.)-22 cr.
4. free electives
TOTAL- 120cr.
5. 50% of credits must be in liberal arts and sciences
is now accepting new members
Initial meeting will be held Thurs.,
April 16 at 4:00 pm
C. The cure proposal will not affect professional programs or departmental
D. The cure proposal will apply to all undergraduates including graduating
seniors and will take effect immediately upon passage by the University
E. The power to establish additional requirements remains in the Senate.
F. Physical Education is required, the amount (one year or two) to be
decided each year according to state law.
G. The courses that were formerly requirements are strongly recommended
for those students who are unsure about a course of study.
Supported by Curriculum Committee, all University College Advisors and Central Council.
Last year's bill tabled for lack of Student Support.
The Opinion Poll:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-April 15, 16, 17
10 am-4 pm CC Main Lounge
Vote. We need your support.
An Open
The road to this prospective Day Care Center site looks like a very long one
in light of (he University committee's decision o»if.
by Stuart Haymau
On Friday afternoon, the first
day of the First Annual Black Cultural Weekend, the Third World
L i b e r a t i o n F r o n t presented
Horace Holliday, former bodyguard of the late Malcolm-X.
Speaking before a group of
thirty to forty black students, Mr.
Holliday made it quite clear that
he does not care for any of the
black programs now in effect.
"No program does the job that we
have to do. Each program is set up
not to go anyplace."
He is of the view that the only
way to solve the black problem is
to unify all the separate black factions in this country. "In unity we
have a chance to su rvive. One
united people....this is going to be
the key."
Using the American Civil War
as an example, Mr. Holiday feels
that there will first have to be a
fight between the opposing groups
and whichever is victorious will be
the one under which the blacks
will unify.
Interested English students and
faculty will meet this Thursday
April Hi, ill three o'clock in the
Assembly Room. Thin will he an
open meeling concerning the pro
posiil thai was taken to the faculty department iin'ciine. Ins I Friday
which slated (hat the department
he redefined lo include students
anil that students he given equal
voting power with the faculty on
department mailers
This open meeting on Thursday
will he followed by a faculty
merlin^ on Friday tu further (lis
faculty nii'i'line, next week at
which, it is expected, .i vole on
the proposal will lie taken
It is essential that all interested
English .students (not only majors
ami minors), he present at the
open meeting this Thursday.
acclaimed as
'this generation's
only prophet'
speaking on
100 A c a d e m y
He feels that Africa is the key to
the world's economy and if the
blacks could control Africa, they
would hold a dominant position.
Speaking on the assassination
of Malcolm-X, Mr. Holliday said,
"I say I don't know who did it,
but I have ideas." On the man
himself, "He was a great man. He
know there was no point in atBlack Nationalist Party, Mr. Hol- tacking whitey with a handful.'
liday feels very strongly about the
use of killing as a means to an
end. "I believe in the kill thing."
He feels, however, that most
blacks aren't able to follow his
way of thinking. Because they
fear bleeding and dying, he sees
no black revolution for quite
Sharon Pfiilincnn
h« Chornrt
some time, simply because revoluNo, KEEP COUSINS is not '.he
tion means killing and being title of a play as some students
mistakenly believe. Vicki Zeldin,
Most of Mr. Holliday's hopes leader of the crusade, attempted
seem to be centered around the to explain the aims of the moverealization of a black nation, or ment.
even better, an all black Africa.
A group of interested students
have circulated petitions requesting that the question concerning
granting of tenure to Peter Cousins, instructor in English, be reCorrection:
opened. The students feel that by
In the article entitled "Sunken not granting Cousins tenure, the
Gardens, Motel Housing, and Pass- University will suffer a great loss.
over" in the April 10,11)70 issue
The petitions, signed primarily
of the ASP, Mr. Walter Tisdate is by those students who have had
erroneously referred to us 'Vice or who presently have cousins as
President for Management and an instructor, were submitted to
Planning.' His correct title is 'As- the Student's Advisory Council of
sistant to the President for Plan the English Department. A meetning and Development.' The poni ing is planned by the Council to
lion of Vice President for Manage discuss the request.
nient and Planning is held hy Dr.
A poll was taken last semester
Milton ()ls,m
ii I wh icll time1 approximately
Hope fully,
this clarification thirty students responded to Peter
nmy explain any discrcixnnics in Cousin's name The response was
eluded in statements about con not favorable. On the basis of this
struetion projects on campus.
iin(1 o t her umevealed reasons,
He can see no way in which the
politician of this country can ever
do anything for the black people.
Any black man picked for a high
level position in the government
will be useless to the black people
simply because he has become too
of Social Services can help with
day care if a parent applies to his
office. There are uptown and
downtown facilities, but the available accommodations are limited.
The Senate and Assembly are
joining the federal government in
promoting the concept of day
care and plans for this are being
prepared, which would provide
federal and county support if parents were unable to bear the cost.
Professor David reported that
the university would not be eligible for any assistance from the
State Department of Social Services for the financing of a day
care center.
However, private individuals
can form a private non-profit organization to establish and maintain one, The corporation would
be eligible to apply for a loan to
purchase land and a building
which could not be on state university property.
The cost of child care and amortization of the loan could be figured at about $40 per week per
child. Parents unable to pay that
cost may apply for assistance with
County Social Services Departments. The results of the questionnaire, circulated in surrounding counties at the end of March,
regarding a day <are center revealed that out of a total 5760
questionnaires distributed (1920
to faculty and staff and 3840 to
students), 551 were returned, 293
from faculty and staff, and 258
from students.
A total of 310 responses indicated that they were in favor of
the center, but only 132 would
use the facility, 92 of whom were
students. One hundred nineteen
indicated that they would not use
D„»„_ Cousins
:-.. has
— . been
u„— —
. the facility. Seventy two of that
commended for tenure. According ™mber were students.
A tolal of 28
to Dr. Walter E. Knotts, chairman
3 children, it was
of the English Department, facul- indicated, would use the facility
ty members did not recommend regularly or occasionally. Of that
Cousins' tenure because they were n "mber, 82 were faculty, 30 were
not familiar with his teaching and s t u f f a n d 171 were students.
because he has not served on any
departmental committees. Cousins
has also not received his doctorate
There will be an organizational
as yet. Although he has completed meeting of Concerned Unidergraall the necessary credits, he has d u a t e Education Students on
not written his thesis.
Thursday, April 16, at 7:00 p.m.
And so the name of Peter Cou- in the Fireplace Lounge of the
sins is the latest to appear in a ser- CC. The purpose of the meeting is
ies of arguments concerning the to discuss the implementation of
granting of tenure to University 50*50 representation on the Teafaculty members.
cher Education Committee.
Members of the Day Care Center Committee of the Women's
Liberation Movement met with
Vice President for Student Affairs, Clifton Thorne, Thursday,
April 9 at 2 p.m. The meeting was
to report the results of a quest for
information about the legal and
fiscal possibility of day care at the
Meeting with Dr. Thome were
Dr. Seth Spellman, special assistant to the President; Miss Cecile
B. David from the School of Social Welfare, Ed Taubman from
Education Policies Council, Mrs.
Carol Bienocki, Mrs. Liz Ewen,
Maxine Dashkoff, and Mrs. Barbara Pelton, chairman of the committee.
Dr. Thome reported that the
P r e s i d e n t had contacted the
Unversity Council, this institution's governing body, and the
State University of New York
Central Administration. Both
groups have noted that under the
legal provisions constituting the
university, its funds and facilities
cannot be used for the purpose of
child care. It was pointed out that
other governmental agencies are
so constituted by the state and, in
order to preserve taxpayers funds,
facilities cannot be duplicated.
The State University at Albany
can assist in solving the problem
by providing information about
other possibilities and assisting in
The Director of Children's Services, Albany County Department
178 Students Sign
to Keep Cousins
'Legends of Jerusalem'
Temple Beth
Speaks at Black Weekend
English Meeting
in the Dance Studio
University Cannot
Give Child Care
Passport application froms and
certificate of vaccination are available at the Office of International
Studies (SS 111) for those particip a t i n g in the SUNYA programs
April IS:
Dr. Michael Rosenweig, Department of Biology, will speak on
"What Happens When a Population Gets Too Dense"
Wednesday, April 15
8:30 pm LC 23
April 23:
Dr. Michael Rosenweig, speaking on
"How to Control Population Size"
Thursday, April 23
8:30 pm LCI
Sponsored byBiology Club
B. What you need to graduate:
1. major-36 cr. maximum required
2. second field (minor)-/S cr. minimum
3. professional requirements (teacher ed.)-22 cr.
4. free electives
Thew ire three openings for
freshmen and sophomores in the
University Student Judicial Committee. If you are interested, submit your name, class year, address
and reason for applying to Kenn e t h K u r z w e i l , Box BT
9021-Stuyvesant Tower.
We of the NLOC disdain the
throwing of a green stink bomb at
Thursday's People's Park rally.
Gary CanNew Left Organizing Committee
An explanation
46-35 54th ROAD
1212) 361.3088
d professional placement service offering
career positions in:
All Iocs l';iiil Hy Otii ( lien I ('imirninies
cull 462-7401
{AGE N l Y)
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
For Incoming Freshmen
Anyone Interested
May Sign Up
April 23
All Quad Dinner
Netmen Win 7-2;
Stickmen Lose 12-7 in Openers
Danes Split
Defeat Oswego 6-2 in opener; lose nightcap 7-3
T h e A l b a n y S t a t e Varsity Baseball t e a m b r o u g h t their record t o
2-1 on S a t u r d a y by splitting a
d o u b l e h e a d e r with Oswego. T h e
Danes came o u t gunning in t h e
first game as they
j u m p e d , on
Oswego for t w o runs in the bott o m of the first, c o u r t e s y of outfielder Rich Spiers. Second basem a n R o d D u n b a r ted t h e b o t t o m
of the first with a triple u p t h e
alley in right-center and finally,
after t w o w e r e o u t , came a r o u n d
o n . S p i e r s ' t o w e r i n g 3 7 0 foot
h o m e r over t h e left-centerfield
fence. After that, it was never
eally m u c h t r o u b l e for the Danes
to handle highly t o u t e d Oswego,
as Hy Dolittle held t h e m in check
the rest of t h e w a y , scattering five
hits. T h e final score was 6-2.
T h e ballplayers were fighting
the wind and cold all afternoon on
a d a y which was quite unfit to
play baseball. By t h e time t h e
second g a m e s t a r t e d , t h e temperature had d r o p p e d to a b o u t .'ifj degrees with a 2 0 mile per h o u r
wind. Bats w e r e stinging and balls
were d r o p p i n g in a sloppy second
game as a result of I he adverse
weather c o n d i t i o n s . Bui t h e weather must n o t be held as an excuse
for the poor Albany pitching the
the second g a m e , w h o were issuing walks t o Oswego batters like
they were going o u t of style. Os
wogo only had one hit in t h e seco n d game b u t managed to tally
seven runs by taking advantage of
the Dune hurlers. Even a pair of
hits by firsl baseman Rich Bordechewski and Rich Spiers' second h o m e run of the day couldn't
prevent a 7-.'l loss to Oswego.
In their first t h r e e games, the
Danes have certainly proved thai
they have t h e sticks and t h e d e fense to rival a n y team in their
class. But pitching will m a k e t h e
difference b e t w e e n a good season
and an o u t s t a n d i n g o n e . Bright
spots so far on t h e pitching staff
have been s o u t h p a w s
Ascienyo and Hy Dolittle; b u t
m o r e help m u s t be given by juniors Howie S m i t h and T o m Pek i c h , seniors Spiers and Bordechewski.
T h e S U N Y A Sailing Club s e n t
its freshman team to Cornell University this past weekend t o comp e t e in t h e Middle Atlantic Spring
F r e s h m a n eliminations. Skippering for Albany were Chris Follows
and Dan Levin. Sandy Graff a n d
Gail Henry served as crews.
28 T U B S .
ill RPI
O S W E G O (2)
P O T S D A M (2)
lit Siena
nl Central C o n n . (2)
1 Fri.
2 Sal.
5 Tuos.
» Fri.
H Sill.
11 T h u r s
16 S a l .
22 Fri.
ill l.i'Moync ( 2 ;
at Union
ill BingluiiTilon
ill lliirlwtck
T h e Varsity Baseball team split with Oswego S a t u r d a y , winning 6-2 and losing 7 - 3 . T h e y were led by
Rich Spiers' t w o h o m e runs.
hy Paul I laas
On S u n d a y , April 12, the Cam
pus ("enter Lanes held its 1st Annual Hand leap Doubles Tournam e n t . Port y-four howlers from
leagues 1,11, and III c o m p e t e d for
six trophies, Jerry Still and Alan
S o n n e b o t h bowled well above
their average in streaking to first
plaee over the talent-packed Held.
S u n n e d d o u b l e d in t h e last Irame
to slip past t h e powerful d u o of
S.A. Referendum on
M M M M M M I H I M I M M M I M M M M M M t t M
boy (oft of classes
for the Passover Holidays
April 13-15
Vote: Monday 12-3, Tuesday 10-3
J o h n ('rouse and Hob S a n t i m a w
by i'iu;hl pins. With h a n d i c a p . Still
bowled names of 108, 2 0 7 , a n d
202. S o n n e exploded with games
of |t>ft, 2 2 0 , and 220. T o g e t h e r
the pair compiled a total of 1212
pins. Crou.se and S a n t i m a w , the
second place team, smashed t h e
pins for a 12111 total. J o h n Grouse
had games of 1 9 1 , 2 3 4 , a n d 2 3 6
w i t h h i s handicap. Santimaw
chipped in with games of 2 0 1 ,
Forty-four Bowlers Participate
In First Doubles Tourney
Saturday, Albany State's varsity tennis squad celebrated Coach
Merlin Hathaway's return to the
coaching ranks after a year's sabbatical with an impressive 7-2 victory over a talented Central Connecticut squad. The win was Albany's first year and extended
State's unbeaten string in intercollegiate competition to eleven
straight. The match was clinched
in t h e singles as State t o o k 5 o u t
of 6 m a t c h e s . Senior Captain Dave
pressive c o m e from behind t o win
over Central Connecticut's T i m
Reid 4-6,12-10,6-4 and gave State
the fifth and decisive point. Backing up Hawley with wins were
K e n F i s h m a n w i t h a tough
1-6,6-1,6-4 victory at no. 2 singles
and Ted Rosenberg with a 6-3,6-1
victory at no. 3 singles. Talented
frosh Hal Forrest at no. 4 singles
and Eric Carlson at n o . 5 w o n
their first varsity matches easily
with identical 6-2,6-0 triumphs.
The o n l y loss in singles was at no.
6 where Ross Pusatere lost a
heartbreaker to Terry Smith of
Central Connecticut 3-6,8-6,7-5.
S t a t e ' s doubles teams still tentatively s e t u p due to bad practice
c o n d i t i o n s , suffered o n e loss. Surprisingly, this loss c a m e 2-6,2-6 at
n o . 1 d o u b l e s with Captain Hawley and Bruse Heffeshimer d r o p -
Sailing Club Competes
in Middle Atlantic Match
If t h e hurlers a, ably handled
by star catcher J i m S a n d y , can
c o m e t h r o u g h , s o m e post season
games might be in o r d e r for the
Wednesday 10-4
171. and 198. Crouso's filial of
6 6 1 was t h e l o p .series of Ihe day
Third place of Ihe tournament
went Lo Mike Glass and Tom Nix
on, with a total of 121!!. (Mass
had t h e high game of t h e day with
n 2 5 2 effort. Mike also bowled the
s e c o n d best three-game series.
Consistency seemed to he the
key to success S u n d a y , as there
were m a n y fine scores, b u t much
t o o frequently t h e good scores
w e r e followed by p o o r ones.
S o m e of t h e b e t t e r games were
b o w l e d by Rich
( 2 4 9 ) , Gary King ( 2 1 6 ) , John
B r a n d o n s (2<13), Larry MncDowell
( 2 3 8 ) , and Dan Llndcrman (2:U).
The best t h r e e game individual
totals were scored by Dan Under
m a n ( 6 1 2 ) , Rich Friedlander
(6118), Larry R o b e r t s (6,'i7), Bill
Green ( 6 3 4 ) , and Mike Slanek
Trophies will be awarded to
.Jerry Still a n d Alan Sonne for
first place, Bob Santimavy and
J o h n ('rouse for second place,
Mike Glass for high series, and
Rich Friedlander for high game
ami frig
The Religion of Jesus
was Judaism . . .
You can't lit1 truly religious
unless you understand tho
Jewish Helinmn
IN I), i l . J.AWKKXCK'K
m a d e for active sailing. In t h e first
light-weight G r u m m a n F l y e r sail-
b o a t s were unable to finish beIn their first intercollegiate recause of capsizing o r m e c h a n i c a l
g a t t a , t h e frosh sailors placed
b r e a k d o w n s . T h e r e m a i n i n g eleven
third over a field of six schools.
First place was shared by Colum- races were equally grueling.
bia and H o b a r t ; the remaining
were Albany, Cornell,
By placing third, A l b a n y has
West Point, and Marist, respective- qualified to c o m p e t e along with
ly. T h e Hamilton and N Y U teams qualifiers from t w o o t h e r eliminations in t h e F r e s h m a n C h a m p i o n forfeited.
A. M. I. A.
In League 1 action S a t u r d a y ,
APA outscou't! STB 11-10 in
s o m e t h i n g less than fielders' game.
APA l u n i e r Rag Wright pitched a
I'i n e g a m e allowing only t w o
earned r u n s , hut he wasn't helped
in t h e field as APA made 10 errors. But last year's champs built
up an early lead and were able t o
make tile plays to preserve t h e
win. APA was led at bat hy J i m
Shear, w h o contributed 2 h o m e runs, a triple and a double.
In League II, GDX d o w n e d
ASDUU 17-15, while the Head
•Comix were downed by APA,
2 2 - 1 6 . BPS beat the Lollipops
18-15 a n d t h e Htenneks clobbered
t h e Wetbacks 27-10 (?!) EEP lost
t o t h e R o c k e t s 12-6 while D S P
edged t h e Sun Devils 15*14.
ship t o b e held a t t h e Naval Acad e m y a t Annapolis. Last m o n t h
t h e Sailing Club began its season
with an intersectional t e a m race a t
King's Point. R e p r e s e n t i n g A l b a n y
w e r e J o n Sargalis a n d G l e n n
F a d e n . T h e r e are six m o r e regattas
s c h e d u l e d for this spring. N e x t
week t h e club will travel t o Marit i m e College for a regatta with
Rutgers a n d Cornell.
In League 1MB, G D X beat Z o o
11 1 1 - 1 0 , and t h e Alchemists
nipped Alden <)-H, a n d t h e U F O ' s
cruched APA 2.'!-6.
In y e s t e r d a y ' s a c t i o n , in League
I, T X O beat Purple S m o k e 12-10,
T X O b e a t the J a b o n e s 9-H a n d t h e
Circus k n o c k e d .off S T B 10-1
League III play saw Bate's Men
whip F u l t o n 1H-1 and S t a t e HI
b e a t S T B , 11-6.
AMIA Golf T o u r n e y will be organized, Friday, April 24 a t 1:15
p . m . in P ' E ' C e n t e r 1 2 5 .
m o u t h , p u t t h e game o u t o f reach.
Mark Werder and Mike Barlotta
each had t w o goals while Bruce
Sand, Butch McGuerty and Steve
Jakway had o n e each. A fine performance was turned in by Kevin
Sheehan (midfielder) w h o s e constant hustle got Albany possession
o f many ground balls. Goalie B o b
Cole had twenty saves and most
of the goals scored against him
were in "one on o n e " situations
between t h e attacker and t h e goalie.
T h e team was shaken by a
string of injuries and events that
prevented it from being at full
strength. Losing attackman Larry
Smith, last year's high scorer ( 6 0
points) for at least half the season
has n o t helped things; but the
team is working hard together and
because of their scoring balance,
the stickmen should d o really
well. The next game is away at
Castelton State, Vermont, o n Wednesday. The next h o m e game is
Saturday at 2 p.m. against a tough
Adelphi squad. Returning t o the
lineup o n Wednesday and Saturday will be T o m Mullin (midfielder) and John Wilcox (attackman)
b o t h of w h o m should help on offense a n d defense. With the t e a m
a l m o s t a t full strength, Saturday's
contest should be a g o o d o n e .
T h e A l b a n y S t a t e lacrosse t e a m
was defeated S a t u r d a y in their
varsity d e b u t 12-7 b y a strong and
well-drilled team from P l y m o u t h
State, N e w H a m p s h i r e . T h e stickmen g o t off to a slow s t a r t as t h e y
trailed 5-2 a t t h e q u a r t e r and 9-5
at halftime. T h e third q u a r t e r was
A l b a n y ' s as t h e y tallied twice
and Held P l y m o u t h scoreless. B u t
a series of bad breaks and penalties, as well as stalling by Ply-
AMIA Tennis Ladder will be
o r g a n i z e d T u e s d a y , April 2 1 .
T h r e e t o u r n e y s will he organized.
One— singles, experienced players.
si ngles, novice players.
Three— doubles. All interested
p a r t i c i p a n t s should r e p o r t to P.E,
C e n t e r 1 25 at I:()() p . m . Challenges can b e m a d e a t the close of t h e
S t a r t i n g in t h e fall of 1 9 7 0 ,
Springfield College will offer a
f u l l - t i m e graduate assistantship
w o r t h $ 1 0 8 0 . 0 0 in the office of
sports information. A candidate
c a n n o t b e considered for t h e position until accepted t o g r a d u a t e
F u r t h e r information m a y be
o b t a i n e d by writing t h e Director
of G r a d u a t e Studies or t h e Director of S p o r t s I n f o r m a t i o n .
State hosted a Judo tournament Saturday. As s h o w n above, the
c o m p e t i t i o n was
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ping theri match, Fishman and
Rosenberg w o n their match at n o .
2 doubles 6-2,7-6 without t o o
much trouble and the powerful
third doubles with the freshman
d u o of Forrest and Carlson blitzed
Central Connecticut 6-0,6-2. State
looks very tough and with s o m e
good practice weather shall be
ready for Potsdam and Plattsburgh this weekend and then
Oneonta State o n April 2 3 , which
could be the netmen's toughest
match of t h e season.
T h e junior varsity swings into
action April 23 against Oneonta.
N o positions have been determined y e t , however the squad
looks very tough and a successful
season lies ahead.
In League III a play, Clydes's
Crew, led hy Chuck G r o s s m a n , annihilated C.DX 2 1 - 1 . At t h e s a m e
t i m e , t h e Irish All-Stars b e a t A L C
a n d E E P whipped t h e A p a c h e s
(iiiuranU'i'd Departures
Jewish Infor motion Sociely
of A
n ——
72Eosl 11th, Chicago, 60606
Lake over t h e
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Send $ 2 . 0 0 lor
Fri., Sat., April 17, IH
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T h e s t r o n g w i n d s and freezing
t e m p e r a t u r e s which prevailed o n
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The Religion ahoui
Jesus became
Dates R e q u i r e d : F r o m
State University Bookstore
With the April 15th National Anti-War Strikes and Demonstrations
at hand, where has the new "radical" leadership of the Albany State
Student Mobilization Committee gone?
The mass actions of April 15th were decided and called for by the
majority of the National Student Mobilization Anti-War Convention
in Cleveland over the weekend of February 14th. This February antiwar convention was the largest of its kind ever held in the United
States. Oiit of this convention came the main perspective of mass
anti-war actions around the slogans of "Immediate and total Withdrawal of all U.S. Troops," and U.S. out of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
and all of Southeast Asia.
In a show of anti-YSA sentiment, Judy Bank (now a member of
New Left Organizing Committee) was elected chairwoman of Student
Mobe here at Albany State. Saying that the YSA and other independent anti-war activists couldn't conduct the anti-war activities properly, those supporting the chairwoman ( many of them now members of the NLOC) assumed the responsibility of building the demonstrations here at the State University. Now with the demonstrations
less than a week away it turns out that our militant chairwoman and
most of those who had supported her have abandoned the Student
Mobilization Committee. (The chairwoman resigned from Student
Mobe the week before Easter Vacation). They abandoned Student
Mobe without making one definite arrnagement for April 15th.
All of these militants who were going to inject such radical politics into the anti-war movement have now become soldiers in the
struggle to save the "Peoples Pork." We are glad to see these responsible people have discovered what causes, what issues, are of the greatest importance. In their attempt to give all power to the people it is
obvious that the peoples park has priority over the anti-war movement. We all know that the members of the University community
who relax on the lawns would much Hither lay around the armpits of
the podium. The political formulations of the peoples park as laid
down by the NLOC are insipid, politically meaningless. But, the New
Left Organizing Committee is tired of marching against the war. Isn't
that too bad. What if the Vietnamese were tired of Marching against
U.S. aggression?
The New Left Organizing Committee will eventually wither away to
political impotence, just as its philosophical predecessor, the oldfashioned S.D.S. withered awary. A broken window, or directions for
making Molotov Cocktails are no substitutes for a well.defined political analysis and perspective; a small group of self-styled revolutionaries is no stubslitute for a mass movement; the 'revolutionary youth
culture' is no substitute for socialist revolution.
Action Supported
To the Editors,
We of the Albany Friends Meeting support the spirit motivating
today's non-violent action at the
F e d e r a l Induction Center by
twenty-five to thirty persons, several of whom attend our meeting.
We note too that they were encouraged by a vigil of support of
some one hundred persons.
We appreciate the courage of
those who risked arrest in witnessing to their opposition to the
Vietnam War, conscription, and
the whole war system. We feel
that they acted for us and out of
love for all humanity. We commend the discipline they showed
in keeping both the spirit and the
action of this demonstration completely non-violent.
We wish especially to express
out loving support of the seventeen persons who were arrested ut
the demonstration: Katharine
Johnson, Richard Evans, Melanie
Evans, Carol Crandell, Martha
Dickenson, Rczsin Adams, Doris
Traschen, Eric Johnson, Jay Chetney, William Sanderson, Edward
Entwhislle, Robert Rohde, Joseph
Vencrosa, Barry Gershin, Cliff
Lockwood, Jr., Simon Burrow,
Stephen Price.
We have faith that their civil
disobedience will ultimately lead
toward a repeal of the draft and
an end to war.
On behalf of
Albany Friends Meeting.
Werner C. Baum, Clerk
by Perry R. Silverman
In a meeting of the History Department faculty, a majority passed
a resolution stating that all undergraduate history courses that did not
have graduate assistants would be limited to no more than 25 students
each. The purpose of this decision was, basically, to pressure the
University to provide more funds to the History Department for its
fellowship and graduate assistant programs.
Those who suffer most from this attempt by the department to
play power politics are the students themselves. These members of the
History Department faculty who approved this resolution with the
intent of using their students as pawns are shifting the burden of
pressing their demands upon the Administration to the students affected.
It is possible that these faculty members who decided to play university politics wanted to protect themselves from the risks of direct
confrontation with their superiors who sit at the highest levels in this
unit of the SUNY system.
As deplorable as this attempt to use the students as pawns in an act
of power politics may be, it is neither surprising nor unexpected.
During the past two years, students at Albany State have mobilized
their own strength to influence decisions made at the various levels of
the university administrative apparatus. The use of this accumulated
student power by those other than the students was destined.
Will this method of attack by the History Department be effective
in achieving its objective?-most likely. However, where are these graduate assistants that the department will acquire the money to pay for
going to come from? You certainly cannot expect the bulk of them to
•come from the present ranks of History undergraduates. In most
cases, individual pride will deter a person from continuing to work
with those who have trodden upon him. The History Department will
discover that it has hurt itself more than it could suppose through the
course of action it has chosen.
State University of New York at Albany
Student Association
Supreme Court
Decision on the Constitutionality of the MVSKANIA 197 1 Tapping and
Induction Ceremony.
Under consideration Is the constitutionality ol the tapping and induction ot
MYSKANIA 1971 as challenged In a refer, il presented to the Supreme Court of
the State University ol New York at Albany by Leonard Kopp.
Rei Kopp referral: "On March 8, 1970 MYSKANIA 19/0 violated the Stu
dent Association Constitution by tapping and later inducting fourteen members
for the new MYSKANIA 1970-71."
The Court will now consider the constitutionality of the aforementioned
Article V, Section l,a of the Student Association Constitution of the Slate
University of New York at Albany states:
i. "MYSKANIA shall be composed of thirteen members of Student Association who shall be recognized for their contributions to the University."
The Court'rules that by tapping and inducting 14 members to MYSKANIA
1971, MYSKANIA 1970 violated Article V, Section l,a of the Student Association Constitution; therefore, the tapping and Induction coremony was unconstitutional and hence Invalidated.
The Court so rules by a voto of 4-0-0 (Justices Handelman, Healt, Polskowskl, and Stephan concurring).
Therefore, MYSKANIA 1971 Is not In existence a the present time. In order
o have a MYSKANIA 1971, a now tapping and Induction coremony will have
io be field. At this time only the thirteen al'-tad candidates for MYSKANIA
1971 can be tapped and inducted.
So renderod by the Supremo Court of the Student Association ol the State
University of Now York at Albnay, this tenth day of April, Nineteen Hundred
ind Seventy.
Jay Handelman, Associate Chief Justice
William Healt, Jr., Justice
Edward S. Potskowskl, Justice
CArl Stephan, Justice
Damn Pipes!
To the Editors:
In the light of scientific findings on the danger of cigarette
smoking come more obnoxious
aberration of our environment,
i.e. cigar and pipe smokiers. Although personally the smoker
may be "safer" with a pipe or cigar, the annoyance to nonsmokers escalates drastically.
The Lecture Center complex
compounds the problem since
ventilation is far from perfect.
However, the cooperation of these
smokers is also far from perfect.
While no one would certainly ever
dream of denying Ihe right of the
individual to smoke, the question
is the right Ihesestudents have to
deny others their right to clean
Ironically enough, our pipe and
cigar smokers often sport PYE
buttons. Apparently the only environment worth protecting is in
their view the one which affects
them personally. However, if we
are to really work toward cleaning
our air in terms of more than rhetoric, action has to be more effective than a polite request. Perhaps more consideration cannot
he depended upon.
Whether a complete prohibition
of smoking is necessary is certainly d e b a t a b l e , but something
should be done. If we are to be
c o m m i t t e d more than superficially to clean air, perhaps we
might take action with regard to
our own environment.
Carol Hughes
To anyone who cures....
April Hth we attended a Martin
Luther King memorial lecture in
the lecture center. It was given by
former Embassadorto Ghana, Mr.
Franklin Williams. The attendance
was small. (We would estimate at
about 35.) Among those listening
were several professors of the Afro-American Studies Department,
the Vice President of Academic Af
fairs, Mr. O'Reilly, black students,
and several white students.
The essence of Mr. Williams'
speech was concerned with black
consciousness and the token political power being offeredl to
blacks in our society. Whether or
not the black students present
identified with his rather conservative views is not what motivated my letter. We write because
we are ashamed and embarassed at
the poor reception given to Mr.
Williams by Mr. O'Reilly. We were
amazed to watch Mr. O'Reilly rise
to deliver a beautifully "affected
and insincere" greeting to Mr. Williams in 2 sentences which perfectly betrayed his true feelings,
sit down and immediately fall
asleep! He personified exactly
what Franklin Williams described
as the problem of white attitudes
towards the Black people. He sat
and had a comfortable snoozec o m p l e t e l y unaware of the
speaker-- as if the speaker were
"invisible." He is the symbol of
pacification and apathy among
whites. He then had the audacity
Paul Abets
The organized groups on this campus which are pro-violence or
admit that they will resort to violence are too "heavy" to support
their own weight. Their ideas about our corrupt, archaic, uninformed
society do approach truth. But this type of organization of which
NLOC may be an example, is alienating itself from its brothers and
sisters by its mean not by its Utopian dream which can be fulfilled.
It is the same people who say leave Vietnam and close down bars
(the birthplace and nurture place of American violence) that say kill
our neighbor. This appears to be dissonant. No revolution which begins with destruction of capitalism (the incentive for most dope distribution) and all the other "plastics" can successfully be completed
without death to humans, expecially those humans unwilling to alter
pre-existing cognitions. The death of one person caused- by so/neone
other than that person himself is not worth universal euphoria.
I want to claim, and hope, that any committee promoting violence
will not find extended support on this campus - a campus of nonviolent brothers and sisters, (proved at Kuntsler's speech we clapped
loudly for peace in Vietnam and.f ee blishly for the1 violence at Santa
Barbara). It is not that we are apathetic to these campus organization's cause but that we thrive on mental catharsis. Violence to an end
is more difficult to orient, much faster in results, but much less efficient that non-violent methodology.
The truest form of change for the good must occur in the human
heart., the only way that happens is through love...therefore change
vour enemy by loving him.
to awaken in time to applaud, rise
and remark to one of the men
from the Afro-American Studies
department thai .his was a fine
All We have to say to you Mr.
O'Reilley is that we feel a strong
resentment for you and the majority of whites who exemplify
this kind of behavior, and we suggest that the next time you are
disinterested please stay home and
sleep. You shame our race.
Kathleen Sanwald and
Jo Anne Buehler
"One Way "
To the Editors:
On the railing leading down to
the lecture complexes, directly in
front of the Campus Center, there
is a metal plate with the words
"Center for Educational Communication" on it. Since the lecture centers inhibit rather than encourage two-way conversation, I
would like to suggest that another
plate be put next to the former,
with the words, "One Way."
Our Mummified Ed. Dept.
Linda Pierson
by Scott Burleigh
The abortion-law reform discussions in recent months have led me
to question a central assumption in our (essentially) Christian thought
processes: is all human life indeed sacred, the ultimate measure of all
Our humanistic literature, arts, mores, and laws are all rooted in
this premise, and any objection to it is practically unthinkable, the
highest heresy. Protest against the war in Vietnam (or any war) procedes from the firm belief that killing is wrong. Capital punishment in
this country is nearly extinct. Some unsubstantiated figures once
quoted to me indicate that, of all medical research going on in the
world, 1% is concerned with birth control while 99% is devoted to
death control. The senile, the chronically ill, the totally paralyzed and
the hopelessly retarded are legion in our hospitals and nursing homes.
Before many more years have passed, people may begin asking if the
State's real obligation is to preserve human life, to control its conception, or to terminate it. And which lives are we talking about?
Selective, state-sanctioned homicide is, of course, at the heart of
any society. All governmental authority is ultimately derived from the
ability and right of the masses, through due process, to murder individuals who apparently pose a threat to society. Eskimos kill off their
old people. Some societies kill deformed infants, thinking them incarnations of evil spirits. A few destroy all girl babies born in times of
famine. We, along with most other societies, slaughter members of
other societies; there is nothing new about killing for public good
Is it right? World War II has been justified by "the greatest good Tor
the greatest number," but abortion is thought somehow different,
being a matter of principle. It cannot be attacked on the grounds that
the victims are guilty of no crime, for neither were the individual
Germans or Japanese whom we so cooly massacred in troop-ship attacks. There it was a matter of national survival, of simple selfdefense; they were our enemies. It does not yet seem passible that a
threc-month-old fetus might be an enemy. Perhaps when things get a
little tighter, we may realize the damage that yet another potential
human being by the mere fact of his existence.
Abortion also goes against our British tradition of sportsmanship;
the poor thing can't Tight back. Exactly what bearing the temporary
defensclessness of an enemy has on the nature of the long-term threat
he poses has never been clear to me. I should think that the proper
time to do something is the time when it can be done best, without
interference or chance of failure. Would it be better to let the child be
born and grow to manhood, and then slowly starve him to to death,
knowing that in his desperation he may do harm to others? But perhaps I lack the requisite sensitivity.
There are other objections to abortion, among them the Great Man
theory (which professes horror at the thought of aborting a potential
Einstein, ignoring the evidence that achievement is primarily a product of environment, rather than of some rare and precious gene
combination) and a sick fear that the legalization of abortion will
release women from their traditional sexual roles, contributing to our
long-overdue revolution in sexuality.
I think the real significance of uborition reform is the likelihood
that the value we place of human life will decline as a result. Tin.
problem might be handled by injecting into the public consciousness n
careful redefinition of "human life" which excludes fetuses. This,
however, is a Nazi ploy to which I object for its potential as an
instrument ol totalitarianism: the definition might be periodically revised to exclude those judged subhuman by anatomical, psychological,
or even political standards. What is needed is not an unstable and
necessarily vicious conception of "human." but a rational revaluation
or humanism with attention to the realities of human lire or this
Effective birth control measures may, of course, make the whole
question academic (except for that fringe element which will always
view sperm and eggs as human beings). In the absence of such measures, the philosophical, psychological, legal, political, and cultural
mplications of abortion may muke it as influential as the overpopulation problem itself.
Where is Student Mobe?
As the old Albany Stale Teachers College gradually became (he Slate University of New York al
Albany, a thick layer of dust descended upon the
undergraduate education department. Today this
department exists in a state of virtual mumification.
The recent dialogue brought forth a group of students who recognized the condition of the education department and who are eagerly trying to
change it. These students, calling themselves Concerned Undergraduate Education Students (CUBS),
are seeking 50-50 representation on the Teacher
E d u c a t i o n Committee-- the committee whose
thumb now rests so firmly upon the undergraduate
education program.
Monday, University Senate will decide whether
or not to accept the new statement of the Undergraduate Degree Pattern which would end university
requirements for all undergraduates.
We think there is no real choice. Student programs of study should be a matter of individual
self-determination. This is not a debatable question.
Requirements arc a hindrance to education.
To insure that the Senate doesn't ignore the students, it is everyone's responsibility to vote in the
open opinion poll Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri-
All undergraduates enrolled in education courses
Hopefully, the Senate will not hlatanlly refuse
are urged to attend a meeting Thursday at 7:00 in the expression of student opinion. II is an opporthe Fireplace Lounge to discuss the implementation
tunity for this institution to gain some credibility as
of 50-50 representation. If you, like the students
a legitimate university governing organization.
comprising CUES, feel that the education departAT.
ment needs a good spring cleaning, voice your opinion al Thursday's meeting. Clear your lungs of the
dust-filled education classes at last.
To the Jewish Students
To the Jews of SUNY A:
We're off to a good start. You
have admitted, if not to others, at
least to yourself, that you are a
Jew. Don't laugh! In his quest to
be assimilated into the Protestant
establishment, the American Jew
especially the young American
Jew, finds it difficult to say forthright to his Gentile friends "Yes, 1
am a Jew." No only this but he
finds it fashionable and proper to
mock Jewish traditions to ingratiate himself with his friends.
He laughs when a non-Jew mockingly calls him a "cheap Jew" or a
"Jew bastard" and rationalizes his
laughter by saying that the insult
was said in jest.
When is the American Jew
going to realize that those words
are not always said in jest? When
is he finally going to realize that
he cannot forget his Jewish identity it Tor no other reason then for
the fact that the non-Jews will not
let him forget his Jev.^shness. Of
course, it's ludicrous that a person
should be judged by his religion or
the color of his skin, but this is
what happens The Blacks are
finally waking up and realizing
that they cannot assimilate; the
American melting pot just doesn't
work. It is harder for the American Jew to realize this because of
the whiteness of his skin. The
Blacks arc becoming aware of
their identity and heritage; the
Jew must not lose his.
The first Seder of Passover will
be next Monday night, to some
Jews, it means being home with
their families for a fancy dinner
and some Hebrew words spoken.
To me the Seder nights are also a
time to be with my family, but it
means much more than that.
Every part of that dinner symbolizes a part of my heritage
Those Hebrew words are not simply some Hebrew words. If the
English translation on the opposite page was looked at, you
would sec that the Passover story
commemorates the struggle of a
people, our people, in their quest
for an identity, not assimilation.
Despite the fact that they were
slaves and laced many hardships,
and temptations along the way;
they made it to the Land of Israel,
where they flourished and found
their identity.
What better place to remember
this story than at home with our
families, a bond that is extremely
important in the Jewish religion.
It seems however, that many students who would like to be home
for the Seder will not be able to.
President Kuusisto has refused to
close the University. Passover
without tear or missing important
Other Universities in the State
University system will be closed.
Why not ours? A referendum is
being held polling student sentiment on a boycott of classes on
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The vote ilsolf is ulmost
meaningless, but the boycott isn't.
I hope that between now and
next week, you seriously think
about the boycott, but more important, think about your Jewish
heritage. May you and your families have a happy Passover. Shalom.
by Steve Shaw
Will Speak Here Wednesday
Watch pillars for details
pnh Rnsenblum
For three consecutive years Albany State has presented jazz festivals that have gained state-wideattention. This year, largely through
the efforts of Gary Lichenstein , there will be no such concerts.
Liechenstein, ironically chairman of the jazz festival committee,
was given $15,000 for a jazz festival and has decided to use it for a
combination rock and jazz. (It should be noted that originally there
was to be no jazz. A very odd jazz festival indeed!) This was done
with the permission of the Special Events Board.His reasons are questionable at best.
He likes to compare this effort to the recent New Port Jazz Festival
produced by George Wein. This festival made a lot of money, but
artistically speaking much less has been said Down Beat editor, Dan
Morgenstorn, called it, "a resounding failure," jazz critic, Ira Gitler,
named it "New Port Jive Festival," and even George Wein agreed that
"...the experiment was a failure."
But enough of dire predictions. I feel that the planned festival will
be successful, but there are other things to be considered. Lichenstein often complains that first of all the festival doesn't pack the gym
and secondly that only half the audience are students.
Is it not true that many events provided by student funds do not
draw the 2,500 or more students that the jazz festival did? The
2,500non-students should be considered at least a minor asset, and
certainly not a detriment. After all they do pay a good deal more for
concerts, thus subsidizing students.
Those who support the elimination of a jazz festival argue that
there -should be all forms of music represented together, thus educating students- a fine idea if il wasn't phony. Where, for example, was
the concern for education during Greek Week where nearly $20,000
was spent for rock groups? And what about the earlier totally rock
concerts of last semester?
It is interesting that while white students pretend to be morally
outraged at the lack of Black Studies on a University those same
students refuse to support the very important aspect of Afro-American culture -jazz- when their own resourses are involved.
It is disappointing that while other Universities are moving forward
in the recognition of Black musical culture Albany State takes a giant
step backwards. 1 hope that anyone who feels as I do will write to me
in care of this paper. Things can be changed!
asp staff
The Albany Student Press is published twice a week by the
Student Association of the State University of New York at
Albany. The ASP editorial office is located in room 334 of the
Campus Cenler building. This newspaper was founded by the
Class of I'll8 and is funded by student tax. ASP phones are
457-2190 and 457-2194. If no answer, messages may be left at
Gary Gelt and Anita Thayer
Managing Editor
News Editors
Pat O'Hern
Nancy Durish
Carol Hughes
Assistant News Editors
Arts Editor
Sports Editors
Technical Editors
City Editor
Wire Services Editor
Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Production Manager
Advertising Manager
National Ad Manager
Photography Editor
Linda Waters
Robert Familant
Dai'C Fink
Tom Clingan
Linda Staszak
Barry Kirschner
Aralynn Abarc
Chuck Ribak
Sharon Philipson
Gloria Hollistcr
Phil Franchini
Marty Benjamin
All communications should be addressed to the editors and mutt Wo
signed. Names will be witheld on request. Letters ire limited to 300
words and are sub|ect to editing. Editorial policy ol the Albany Student
Prats It determined by the Editors -in-Chief.
me' she could give me e x a c t figures, t h e n abruptly disappeared in
the back room for Ave minutes.
Retruning, s h e asked, " H o w much
would you
guess?" I ventured
3 0 0 , 0 0 0 and she replied that's
about right." And so, armed with
half truths I left t o bring the
world my unenlightened message
from the architects.
Home for Passover?
b u y i n g off the administration,
which is what this action amounted to, would be an incredible
breach o f every priniciple I believe
in under normal circumstances. In
addition, the m o n e y had nothing
t o d o with the charges pressed against the student, since he was arrested for trespass, not destruction of property. However, the
overriding concern in this sitMichael Lippman uation was getting the charges
dropped. We had to remember
that it was not a "veteran" radical
arrested, t o w h o a light charge
such as this might cause a little
anxiety. It was an understandably
T o the Editors:
upset freshman w h o was unjustly
"Thank y o u " to t h o s e five and arbitrarily charged, and w e
R.A.s w h o have taken a stand on felt that the human factor of
the issue of room inspection. This keeping his record clean was of far
problem has b e c o m e even more greater i m p o r t a n c e than the prinserious from t h o s e reports which I ciple involved, in this case.
It was with these feelings, and
have received concerning incidents
where desk and dresser drawers not t h o u g h t s of "We're s o r r y and
have been o p e n e d and the con- we'll be good boys n o w " that w e
t e n t s shuffled while s t u d e n t s were guaranteed the m o n e y needed for
away from t h e dorms during Eas- r e p a i r s of the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
building w o u l d be p o s t e d .
ter recess.
Although your c o m p l a i n t is of
N o w facing us is t h e task of
a moral n a t u r e , y o u are certainly
raising t h e m o n e y , since the chars u p p o r t e d in t h o s e " i n a l i e n a b l e "
ges were d r o p p e d . We are asking
rights guaranteed
t o all citizens in
all c o n c e r n e d s t u d e n t s , faculty
the U.S. C o n s t i t u t i o n . This is even
and staff t o c o n t r i b u t e any m o n e y
m o r e the case in t h e face of this
they can. A b o x will be set u p at
new d e v e l o p m e n t .
the C a m p u s C e n t e r I n f o r m a t i o n
Even t h o u g h I have n o comDesk, a n d a n y " d o n a t i o n s " will be
plete information as to w h o was
going through drawers during EasAgain, we feel t h a t a p e r s o n ' s
ter vacation, I ask you to raise
future is m o r e i m p o r t a n t than t h e
Hell with y o u r e m p l o y e r s a n d let
d a m n t h o u s a n d dollars needed t o
t h e blame fall where it finally
free him. We h o p e y o u agree, and
if so, will help raise the necessary
Perry Silverman
T o the Editors:
M o n d a y and Tuesday, April
20th and 21st, are the start o f the
Jewish holiday, Passover. This is a
time when Jewish families gather
together t o retell the story o f the
J e w s ' flight from the persecution
o f the Egyptian Pharoahs. T o
many o f us, this is an important
and meaningful holiday.
housing office has announced t o live within walking distance of
offmore "increased occupancy" for University
campus housing, e x c e p t for those
next fall.
I've had e n o u g h ! Are we going with m o n e y t o burn, is nont o placidly allow ourselves t o b e existent.
Invest five minutes and t w o
crammed like sardines i n t o cubby
holds and be charged more for the stamps. WriteMommyand dear old
R o c k y . Let them k n o w w e want
Move off-campus you say? I've decent housing at S U N Y A !
lived off-campus and talked t o
other off-campus students. R o o m s A S U N Y A sardine w h o has had it!
(name witheld)
and apartments are at a premium
and for those students w h o have
Inspection Praised
We, as Jewish students, again
feel persecuted as a result o f the
administration's refusal t o close
the school for those t w o days. We
would like t o be h o m e with our
families and be assured that w e
will not miss any work.
We know for a fact many other
universities are closing t o show respect for the Jewish students' beliefs. Therefore as a large minority
group on this campus, we are not
asking, but DEMANDING
S U N Y A be closed on Monday and
Tuesday, April 20th and 21st. We
want t h e same consideration t h a t
other m i n o r i t y groups o n c a m p u s
have been given in the past.
you tired of being s t e p p e d upon
b y t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of this
school? Isn't it time t o d o -something to net Y O U R R I G H T S ?
Linda Weiss
Marcin R o t h
Donna S h a p i r o
Debbie Silverstoin
Thank you
Marty Amerikaner
Student Gets "Facts' Raise the Money
T o the Representatives oT the
PYE C o m m i t t e e for the Presentation of the Natural E n v i r o n m e n t
of C a m p u s '
T o the University C o m m u n i t y :
On W e d n e s d a y , March IK, o n e
s t u d e n t was arrested for "illegal
t r e s p a s s " occurring the previous
Friday evening. Many s t u d e n t s
and faculty were o u t r a g e d ul this
farcical a t t e m p t at justice. Thai
the arrested s t u d e n t was heme,
used as an e x a m p l e was obvious,
and all aspects of events s u r r o u n d ing the arrest were u n f a i r , a t best.
T h u s , three of us (Mike H o w a r d ,
Don Wilken and 1) wen) to Vice
President T h o m e ' s office with (he
h o p e of having t h e charges d r o p ped.
It was t h e r e t h a t the idea of
r a i s i n g e n o u g h m o n e y (about
$ 1 0 0 0 ) t o r e i m b u r s e t h e University for damages and t h u s " s h o w
good faith" t o the c o m m u n i t y
was b r o u g h t u p . T h e thought of
How do you get the null In cull
N L O C ego trippers w h o have n o t
tried to get the facts, ll amazes
m e that you got t h e m . I had in
interesting half hour in t h e architects office a short time ago. After
calling the office1 for i n f o r m a t i o n
and being informed thai the person 1 p r o b a b l y wished t o speak
with was o u t , 1 w a n d e r e d over
u n r e p r e s e n t a t i v e 0 r i m y organization) and had a marvelous time
being shafted by the front secretary. Maybe it was because 1 did
n o t appear neat or clean shaven or
passive looking (actually I was
quite friendly) b u t she would n o t
let me sec a n y plans. When I asked
Cubby Holds
Dear S t u d e n t s :
In c o m p a r i s o n to the rhetoric
anil d e m o n s ! rat ions we an- pre
sently engaged in concerning si u
dent power, let's nut overlook a
qtltel a l l e m p l to put Ihe screws to
us by the Legislature and (lover
nor Rockefeller
Rocky is calling for increased
e n r o l l m e n t , about a n o t h e r 2 0 0 ,
lor next fall and 1 u n d e r s t a n d that
(he c o m p l e t i o n d a l e for Indian
Q u a d is a n y b o d y ' s guess. Simult a n e o u s l y , t h e Legislature is contemplating iin increase in r o o m
and board charges although t h e
Corning Community College
Corning, New York
Ala Ed-DinTo Be Presented
In ThePAC This Week
by Mary Eileen O'Donnell
ALA—ED—DIN, State University T h e a t r e ' s f o u r t h major prod u c t i o n of the season, o p e n s n e x t
Wednesday for its five-day run in
the E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e of t h e
Performing Arts Center.
T h e c o s t u m e s for t h e m o r e
than thirty m e m b e r s of t h e cast of
A L A — E D - DIN have been designed by Arlene DuMond to reflect Mid-Eastern s u m p t u o u s n e s s .
T h e set for t h e E x p e r i m e n t a l
T h e a t r e was designed by Robert J.
D o n n e l l y ; a n d lighting, s o u n d , a n d
special effects designed by J e r o m e
Tickets are o n sale n o w for
A L A - E D - D I N in the PAC b o x
office, o p e n daily from 11 to I.
Tickets are $ 1 . 0 0 for a d u l t s , $.50
for children, and free with s t u d e n t
tax. Reservations m a y be m a d e by
Early Bird
is fast approaching
Registration June 8 & 9
June 10 - August 19 (MWF)
July 3-Holiday
First Day Session
Registration July 20 & 2 1
July 22 • August 20 (Daily)
Applications for WHO'S WHO available at CC Info Desk
Statesmen Show
by Steve Hirsch
It was a w e e k e n d for music and
merrimenL as choruses from eighteen different S U N Y units converged on the Oswego State campus for the First Annual SUNY
C h o r a l F e s t i v a l . Representing
SUNYA were T h e S t a t e s m e n , Alb a n y ' s m e n ' s choir. It was a gtent
time. T h e S t a t e s m e n made a n a m e
for themselves as performers and
people, receiving t h e only standing ovation given to the t w e n t y o n e c h o r u s e s thai, performed.
While not rehearsing or a t t e n d i n g
other c o n c e r t s , were singing all
o v e r c a m p u s , serenading the
l u n c h r o o m or organizing 2 a,in.
pillow fights in t h e co-educational
living quarters in an elementary
school g y m . T h e S t a t e s m e n , directed by Karl A. B. Peterson, performed " B r o t h e r s . Sing O n " , " I n
" C a r m i n a B u r a n a " a n d a novelty
piece called " I n t h e Manner of
to by t h e lunch line checker as t h e
" B r o n x Z o o " , a n d the c h o r u s
from C o r t l a n d S t a t e were the life
of the p a r t y . And a party it was.
T o use a popular phrase, it was a
genuine celebration of life, a celeb r a t i o n through music.
The ladies o f the chorus o f Alaeddin
Evening Session
llroehures available by writing In
Qualifications: Juniors and 1st semester seniors
Division of C o n t i n u i n g Education
Coming Community College
Corning, N e w York
Applications must be returned to CC 346
Join CPC
Applications for
are available at CC Information Desk
through April 20
Deadline: Thursday, April 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Registration June 25 & 26
June 29 - August 17 (MW or TTH)
Chinese Program
Seeks New Students
Final deadline for booth applications is Friday, April 17. Please obtain forms at the C. C.
Information Desk or call Pat Schumann,
(6:20 -7:50 am)
p . m . Peg LaFever directs Strindberg's THE STRONGER, and Joel
ing the s t u d e n t b o d y to look i n t o
T h e Chinese program at the the p r o g r a m .
University is now in its fifth year,
Professor Woo stated t h a t it is
and t h e e n r o l l m e n t in the lan- no', difficult t o learn Chinese. T h e
Cu r t a i n t i m e for
guage classes has gone from five three main areas of s t u d y e m p h a s t u d e n t s five years ago t o an sized arc the s o u n d s , the speech
ED- DIN is H p . m . Wednesday
enrollment of 25 in the present p a t t e r n s , and the learning of t h e
through S a t u r d a y evenings, and a
elementary class. A class of thirty characters.
1 p.m. m a t i n e e o n Friday, and a 2
or m o r e is a n t i c i p a t e d for Ihe Fall.
p . m . m a t i n e e S a t u r d a y and
Although the s o u n d s are e x o t i c ,
However there is a feeling ol
they have a pleasing s o u n d . Drill is
uneasiness on the pari of m a n y
given is class each clay in t h e
s t u d e n t s concerning the s t u d y of
Friday evening April 17,
proper e x e c u t i o n of t h e four
Chinese. Therefore, Prefessor Wilin the Arena T h e a t r e , Experitones.
liam Woo, Chairman of the Area
mental T h e a t r e presents t w o oneT h e speech p a t t e r n s are s h o r t
act plays, b o t h at 7 : 3 0 and 9 : 0 0
The Statesmen, referred
and logical, and ideas are followed
in sequence These t o o are drilled
b o t h in class and in the language
Although the characters are t h e
part of Ihe language which frightens most s t u d e n t s a w a y , they are
explained in their I rue role of
word pictures. T h e e n t o m o l o g y of
t h e character is of great aid lo t h e
s t u d e n t in helping him t o remember the picture a n d Ihe word
meaning, a* well as being interestT w e n t y live g o v e r n m e n t grants
will be given to allow s t u d e n t s to
lake u s u m m e r program in Singapore in 1 9 7 1 . This program will
include elementary studies, and
any interested s t u d e n t m a y apply.
In a d d i t i o n , interested juniors
and seniors may lake advantage of
t h e University's Nang Yang program. Any s t u d e n t s interested in
any aspect of Ihe program may
TTte Albany Statesmen perform at the First Annual SUNY Choral Concert in Oswego
c o n t a c t Prof. Woo in Ilu 2 4 8 .
Registration June 8 & 9
June 10 -July 14 (Daily)
Right n o w the NLOC is pushing hard t o s t o p construction of a
$ 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 garden. We are proposing a "people's park" as an alternative.
It is important to realize that we do not care only about a park.
This is a small, but symbolic, part of what we want.
The park is an excellent place for us t o start because it represents
s o many aspects of what we see as the system that we must overcome.
T o the members of PYE that claim the administration's plan is
ecologically acceptable, and to everyone w h o is into e c o l o g y , we cannot see t h e collage of c o n c r e t e and sod as acceptable. Especially not
for $ 3 3 0 , 0 0 0 . We all want more grass, m o r e trees, and less concrete. A
few dollars could take care of our " p o s t a g e s t a m p . "
T h e q u e s t i o n of w h o s e park will look b e t t e r is obviously irrelevant.
T h e q u e s t i o n of w h o d e t e r m i n e s t h e use t h a t this land will be p u t t o is
central. T h e c o n t r o l of our resources b y the few has g o t t e n i n t o t h e
ecological c a t a s t r o p h e we are e x p e r i e n c i n g t o d a y .
We are n o t trying to d e t e r m i n e w h a t s h o u l d be d o n e with t h e land.
We are a t t e m p t i n g t o prevent R o c k y a n d his friends from m a k i n g t h a t
decision for us.
It is argued t h a t if c o n s t r u c t i o n is s t o p p e d t h e m o n e y allocated for
t h a t project could n o t be used for a n y t h i n g else by t h e university a n d
would revert buck to t h e state. This m a y be so b u t until we challenge
t h e very s t r u c t u r e of the system we c a n n o t begin t o e n d t h e p o l l u t i o n ,
o p p r e s s i o n , g e n o c i d e , racism and o t h e r crimes which are u n s e p a r a b l e
parts of t h a t s y s t e m .
T h a t the m o n e y c a n n o t be used in a way m o r e relevant t o tile
needs of t h e p e o p l e , is a rule we m u s t a t t a c k , n o t s u b m i t t o . Wo must
reorder t h e priorities of this university, of this c o u n t r y .
What we are d e m a n d i n g is s e l f - d e t e r m i n a t i o n ; the right of every
individual to define his o w n needs.
We d o n o t believe t h a t Nixon or t h e CIA has t h e right to define the
needs of t h e people of S o u t h e a s t Asia. We certainly d o n o t believe
that their primary need is genocide.
T h e self-determination we sire d e m a n d i n g would put an end to
institutional racism, sucli as that e x p e r i e n c e d in t h e u n i o n s c o n t r a c t e d
to c o n s t r u c t tile garden.
Self (ieUM-minalion menus that we, t h e people, decide w h a t we need
in tile way of professors and c o u r s e s ; h o w much a garden is w o r t h
while we are being closed o u t of classes and d e p a r t m e n t s ; t h a t Ihe
liquor lobby is not the u l t i m a t e a u t h o r i t y in deciding t h e legality of
marijuana; and end lo racism; Ihe need for an alternative to t h e a u t o mobile, which p r o d u c e s (>()% of all air p o l l u t i o n ; that, o u r lake a n d
water supplies are m o r e important than t h e industries d e s t r o y i n g t h e m
for profit; and that all resources be used to benefit t h e people a n d not
lo control and destroy t h e m .
T o Ihe individual self-determination s h o u l d mean t h a t h e can live
his life with dignity and that a m b i g u o u s , arbitrary, oppressive laws,
and b u r e a u c r a t i c rules will not d e t e r m i n e his life for him.
Wednesday, April I (i is M o r a t o r i u m Day. For us to m a r c h o n the
capital in large n u m b e r s as we have d o n e o n previous m o r a t o r i u m days
would be a spectacular display of o u r c o n c e r n .
For any n u m b e r of us to force a m o r a t o r i u m of c o n s t r u c t i o n on
that day would be a step in d e t e r m i n i n g the use of our land a n d our
lives. This self-determination is a necessary a c h i e v e m e n t if wo arc t o
say " w e will n o t c o n t r i b u t e to t h e p e r p e t u a t i o n of t h e profiteer's
T h e time talk has e n d e d . The t i m e t o act has c o m e . C o m e t o g e t h e r
in front of C a m p u s Center. T o m o r r o w , W e d n e s d a y : 12 n o o n .
, ' - 3*»;:"2^
by Wendy Matthy
- and Miriam Rubel
T h e Speech Pathology and
Audiology Department in an effort to further understanding and
improve communications between
students and faculty has voted to
form a Student Faculty Committee composed of two students
from each class year, two graduate
stduents, two faculty members of
the student's choice and three additional faculty members.
The first meeting of this group
took place on Wednesday, March
25. At that time, the following
ideas were presented for consideration:
1. That a poll be taken in all
Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Level SAU courses to determine the specific number of SAU
2. That a list of requirements
for an SAU major be posted on
the SAU bulletin board outside
HU 317, the official place for all
intra departmental communications. A permanent list of members of the Student Faculty Committee will be left there.
3. That the students receive s
written guarantee that they will
be signed into closed SAU courses
for Fall 1970.
4. That a written statement be
issued stating that screening is
voluntary and evaluative and will
not be used quantitatively for any
student presently enrolled in this
University. A list of procedures to
be used in screening will be made
available also.
5. That an introductory seminar course be considered. Such
could serve as a prerequisite to
any 300 level SAU course. Students would visit and observe
work at Northeastern Speech Center, Inc.
Following is the alphabetical schedule by days and times by
which students will be permitted to pre-register. No student will be
permitted to draw class cards before his stated time, but may do so
on the days following.
LIMITS: AM. = 9:00-12:00-, P.M. = 1:00 - 4:00.
April 20
April 21
April 22
April 23
April 24
April 27
April 28
April 29
Albany's Statesmen relax in a very pleasant (although improvised)
Ot-Pe sleeping arrangement in Oswego's gym.
April 30
May 1
May 1
May 6
May 6
aisle of the student lot.
The following two tetters are in
This bill was passed by Living
regard to the parking regulations
May 7
Area Affairs Commission, 15 in
Wb-Wi recently net by the University,
favor, 3 against and 3 abstentions
May 8
and was also passed in a straw
Dr. Milton C. Olson
vote by Central Council and thus
As-Bd Vice President
May 11
received Central Council's supManagement and Planning
Bl-Bq Administration 326
May 12
Enclosed you will find a copy
of the bill.
With regard to our conversation
May 13
yesterday, there seems to have
Cp-Ca been a mistake concerning the alThursday
Mny 14
Victor K. Looper, Vice President
OPEN location of parking spaces to comStudent Association
OPEN muters. The bill states that aisles
May IB
l ,2 and 3 and aisles 2 and 3 of the To: Victor K. Looper
student sections of Dutch and Krom: Milton C. Olson
S t a t e Quadrangles respectively
Date: March 2, 1970.
were to be reserved for commuter
students use. The mistake on
The allocation of spaces to
Dutch Quad was that the comnon-commuting and commuting
Monday, April 27 - Thursday, April 30 . . . Registration will be open
muters were allocated aisles 1 and students was done a basis of a
6:00 - 8:00 each evening in addition to daytime hours.
4. I don't know whether the aisles very careful estimate of the
on State Quad were allocated pro- amount of space needed for each
Saturday, May 2 . . . Registration will be open 10:00 • 1 :U0
perly or not. It would be very
group. I suggest that resident stuhelpful if you could rectify this dents who must use their cars
"March against Hunger" on
Thurs Nite Movies
mistake as soon as possible and
every day for work or student Sunday, May 3rd.
withhold giving out parking tickteaching or related activities apply
University students are needed
ets or warning until this mistake
to the Parking Appeals Committee to participate in a 10 mile paid
can be corrected and this policy
for a special permit to park anywalk with proceeds going for Apcan be fully explained and publithe Marx Brothers In
where in the student lots.
plachian aid and a summer camp
In the meantime, we have asked for migrants in Illinois. The event
Also I agree with you on your
Mr. Bueklvoff to have his men re- is sponsored by 'The Club' of
Bethelem Central Senior High
idea that resident students that
frain from giving parking tickets
School with the aid of University
must use their curs everyday to go in the student lots until the resi7^00 + 9 J 5 - Thurs. Apr. 16
to work, student teach etc. should
dent students needing their cars
be given a special pass that allows have a chance to apply for special
It is exactly 10 miles from the
Adm. 25t ID/st quad, 750 without- LC 6
Albany campus to Bethelem High
School and approximately fVOO
people an> expected to walk thai
distance and hack. Each marcher
will have one or more sponsors
who will agree to pay $.-Jf> for
each mile walked.
An individual may have any
number of sponsors. The organizers of I ho march expeel that the
sponsors will he primarily' busi
nesses t h r o u g h o u t I lie coin
munily, although sludenU can
sponsor then friends, etc Knell
marcher will have a card marked
by checkers stationed along the
route. This will serve as an m*
curate rcprosentjilion of miles
The tentative starting place for
the march is the University gym
Curds will soon by availnhle at the
CC Information Desk,
Parking Regulations
Questioned by hooper
March Against
Hunger Planned
Tower East Cinema presents
"A Day at the Races"
get involved!
are now available
C@iratt@ir GOT^raiiini:
Pick up ot CC Info Desk
Turn into CC 364 by April 22
All interested people welcome to apply!!
Highlight Earth Day
Across the nation Wednesday,
April 22 has been designated
"Earth Day," the alias for the
much-publicized environmental
teach-in which has been planned
as another public demonstration
of sentiment and is expected to
approach the fall anti-war moratoriums in the level of participation. Estimates are that about
1000 colleges and universities and
4 , 0 0 0 high schools will hold
"Earth Day" demonstrations.
An Earth Day Parade, Saturday
April 18, in downtown Albany
will initiate the local teach-in activities. The parade is sponsored by
the members of the Protect Your
E n v i r o n m e n t (PYE) Club at
SUNYA and is "a march for Environmental Awareness."
The line of march will form in
Capital Park at 10:30 Saturday
morning, and will pass by the Capitol up Washington Avenue, and
i n t o Washington Park. Albany
Mayor Erastus Corning will address the marchers briefly on government participation in the environmental clean-up program and
then will help with the "TrashIn."The parade will be held in
conjunction with as many local
colleges, schools, and community
groups as possible.
A "Trash-In" in Washington
Park will be a "sweep through the
park to pick up papers, bottles,
cans, and other remains of people
living w i t h o u t environmental
PYE organizers welcome all to
join the parade but have made
three stipulations: no motor vehicles will be permitted, all floats
must be handdrawn or drawn by
animals, and at the end of the parade, all materials in the floats will
be sorted and sold for scrap.
Before the parade a requiem
for the internal combustion engine will be said by Father Fred
During this week SUNYA students and PYE members will be
administering a poll to acquaint
PYE with community attitudes
toward the environmental crisis
and environmental action, and to
establish communication between
PYE and the community.
The poll will be administered in
the Albany area in the vicinity
near the campuses. Those polled
will receive a consumer action
sheet and a schedule of teach-in
activities at SUNYA.
Plans are still being formulated
for Earth Day activities. Speeches
and question and answer sessions
will be given by State Attorney
General Louis Lefkowitz, and
Representatives Richard Ottinger
and Dan Button.
There will also be an Environmental Fair Wednesday with various multi- media exhibits and activities such as folk singing and
continuous film showings.
There will be picketing at Tobin's Meat Packing Wednesday afternoon to protest the industrial
p o l l u t i o n which is especially
damaging to our local water resources.
Anyone interested in helping or
finding out more about teach-in
activities should stop by the PYE
table in the Campus Center lobby
or go to Fine Arts 218.
Whatever your problems mny
be it should be noted that applications for on-cumpus housing, including a completed contract card
and a check for $25, (No cash will
bo accepted), must be turned in
by April 17, or the student will
forfeit his selection privilege, be
placed on a waiting list, and lose
any guarantee of housing.
All students who are planning
R u m o r A l b a n y student w n n l i to
ront to i o m o o n o f r o m tho Podium
bocauso all Boston students art) In
tho samo p o s i t i o n .
Throo r o a m apartment .iv.nl.ihlti
Juno lst-Soptombof 1st. ( Y o u could
have It for noxt year (Sept. on) H
y o u II ku It o n o u g h l ! )
Compioto student n o l g h b a r h o o d l
Around corner from c o m m o n w e a l t h
Avo. near Harvard St.! Right near
BUt Clean a p a r t m o n t - s a l u nolyhuur990 lor Info.
'' ilian German
French Latin
Reasonable rates
ZT-.E MJMMftflilitiiVjr "'*'
Spring comes to the University campus, bringing o u U h e youth in all of us.
Nixon to'Tighten Surveillance'
of Left Wing Radical Groups
An ASP Essay
oy Al Senia
Item One: The Nixon Administration will soon order a tightening of surveillance of left wing
radical groups, according to a
front page story in "The Sunday
New York Times . The crack
down will primarily involve increased use of undercover agents,
informers, and wiretaps.
The author of the article,
James N. Naughton, states that
President Nixon has become concerned with the recent surge of
n a t i o n w i d e bombings, bomb
scares, courtroom disruptions, and
what N a u g h t o n describes as
"small but growing numbers of
young people who feel alienated
from the American system."
He goes on to say that the
to live together must hand in their
Nixon Administration sees its
packets at the same time and all
primary duty as "protecting the
must be present in order to have innocent from 'revolutionary tertheir pictures taken f >r their perrorism' ". The government can be
manent meal cards.
expected to aim for an increased
Students will be notified of hall
awareness on the part of the pubassignments during the week of
lic for increased national security.
April 27-May 1. Dorm meetings
According to Naughton, the
will be held between May •! and 7, nation's intelligence system will
at which time students may select
need to be updated, since it is
rooms on the basis of priority.
now geared to catching organized
Students who are not present at
Communist groups (rather than
these meetings will lose the privi- dealing with the hit—run tactics of
lege of room selection.
the disorganized radicals).
To those who may be interestAlso, it is probable that the
ed in knowing about the dorm
Justice Department will increase
situation on Indian Quad, two its funding of the Law Enforceresidence halls arc expected to ment Assistance Administration
open in September. One will be a (LEA A).
male residence and one a female.
The LEAA is a federally
Students who would like to live
financed program through which
on Indian Quad should file hous- the Justice Department "assists"
local officials in apprehending
ing materials in groups of two,
radical elements (or, as our presithree (increased), five or six.
No Matter What The Problems Are:
On-Campus Housing Packets Due
by Martha Nathanson
Wanted: 2 frealiy girls to complete 6-man suite. If interested,
call 7-121 4.
I have a headache-what will we
do if we can't find three girls who
are willing to triple-3 into 2 won't
go—I don't want to live downtown—Indian
Quad with construction and no dining room,
that's not for me -when were they
supposed to finish construction,
last September/--1 like the view
from the other side of the podium—My roommate is moving in
with his fraternity, where does
that leave me/ State is alive
Colonial has all the girls lip with
coed housing coed suites/ coed
Jit 'M
TwtetiMt WouJufi Scwuei
each Sunday at 7:00 pm
Applications for
LAAC and Central Council
available at CC Info desk
registered student
2.0 cum or 6 hrs of S
April 23, 1970
Deadline: 5:00 pm
must be returned to CC 346
I WHMBMrW WlfiTiTni I"
dent describes them, ((potential
Why is the administration pursuing t h i s course? Naughton
quotes one official assaying: "We
are facing the most severe internal
security threat this country has
seen since the Depression." And
conservative advisors feel that any
attempt to "win over" young radicals through draft, welfare, or electoral reforms will prove futile.
Just last month, Nixon called
for broader Federal jurisdiction
and stiffer penalties in bombing
Item two: As a SUNY student
unity conference prepares to open
tomorrow at the University of
Buffalo (with no representation
from Albany State), it is interesting to note a report in yesterday's "Times".
Some 200 conservative faculty
members have met and formed a
committee (Committee for a University) as their own sign of unity.
The purpose of this group is
"to press for toughter admin-
iatrative policies in dealing with'
campus militants", according to
the "Times."
One hundred faculty from Buffalo, 75 from Bingham ton, and 50
from New Paltz were represented;
in addition, requests for information have been received from
Albany, Fredonia, and Geneseo.
Dr. Aldo S. Bernardo, a Binghamton professor, announced the
group's formation. He said the organization would call on U.B.'s
central administration to crack
down on militant disruptions, according to the "Times."
Item Three: Now for some additional news. Li/eMagazine, in an
editorial, has called for the resignation of Attorney General John
Gamma Delta Chi pledges in
conjunction with the Colonie
Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association are stuffing ballot
boxes for the selection of a Miss
Student Body. Voting a quadrangle dinner line during the week
of April 13 will be intra-quad with
inter-quad competition the week
of April 20.
in a Black College
The Southern Education Program is a non-profit placement clearinghouse for BLACK teachers. Placement is free
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WRITE: Bro. Larry Rushing, Dir.
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Now York 36, N. Y. M i
April 15 to Mark
S Pring Moratorium
Continued from page 1
Internal Revenue Service Office at
nationwide protest called by the 161 Washington Ave., Albany.
Vietnam Moratorium Committe,
From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
the New Mobilization Committee
protesters will carry signs and disto End the War in Vietnam, and
tribute leaflets.
the Student Mobilization CommitNational SANE leaflets will
tee to End the War in Vietnam.
point out that 64.87° of each tax
Sponsoring the protest in Albany
dollar is for military expenditure,
will be Albany SANE (Citizens'
while only 17% is for "human reOrganization for a Sane World),
sources". The leaflet states that
the U.S. has poured more than a
the Capital Area Peace Center,
trillion dollars into the military
War Resisters' League, Women's
the end of WWII, and that
International League for Peace
one-tenth of this amount has been
and Freedom, and Student MOBE
for Vietnam.
As for actions on the Albany
The demonstration is scheduled
for noon of April 15, and will be Campus itself for moratorium
held on the sidewalk outside the day, nothing has been scheduled.
Vol. tVM No. 15
said violence occurred in 23 percent of this year's winter's protests and 20 percent of last year's.
The major issues have been
minority recognition, quality of
student life, greater student voice
in decision making, and the war
and military. The environment has
not yet been a major source of
to Speak
hot spring
State University oj New York at Albany
by Al Senia and Vicki Zeldin
The University will prosecute
any students involved in the violence at Colonial Quad dining hall
Wednesday night if they can be
identified, according to a statement by the University last night.
H. David Van Dyck of the Community Relations office stated;
In line with University policy
covering destruction of its properly, any students positively identified -till be prosecuted."
Looking for an apartment?
Survey Reveals Favorable
Attitude Toward Marijuana
DEL MAR, CALIF.--(CPS)--A survey of more than 600 drug res e a r c h e r s , psychologists, and
by J. Stephen Flavin
physicians revealed a high percentAbbie Hoffman, one of the age of them believe marijuana
Chicago 8, 7, or 9 is conspiring to should be as available as alcohol
speak this Thursday, 8 p.m., at to the public.
However, a majority of those
S k i d m o r e College, Saratoga
Springs. Hoffman, who was con- survey felt LSD should be legally
Continued from page 1
only for research purvicted of crossing state lines with
in the "Who has the fower" ques- "intent to incite riots," during the poses. Very few said psychedelic
tion. It was revealed that certain National Democratic Convention, drugs should be available by prelegislators are authorized to make is currently free on bail pending scription.
decisions concerning University appeal of the "conspiracy" and
The findings also revealed a
affairs. But as to defining what "contempt of court" convictions. sharp difference of opinion on the
power, where, and who seemed to
Hoffman, like the other defen- effects of marijuana use between
be a very difficult question to ans- dents and their attorney William researchers familiar with psychewer.
Kunstler, are bringing their ver- delic drugs and practicing physiIn regards to a Day Care Cen- sion of the trial and riots to the cians and psychologists.
ter, a meeting with the Women's people,' Tickets for the "Saratoga
The survey appears in the April
Liberation Movement took place Convention" are on sale in the issue of Psychology Today in an
last week. First, it was revealed Skidmore Mailroom for $ 1 ; re- article by Dr. Walter Houston
that the Central administration of maining tickets wilt be sold at the Clark of Newton Theological
the University and local governing door for $1.50. The ASP has been Seminary in Andover, Mass. Dr.
board are not authorized to al- forwarned, however, that the lec- Clark found:
locate State funds for this pur- ture hall has a "vital capacity" of
Supervised use of marijuana in
pose. Second, the results of a re- 800 people, "but you are dealing the manner alcohol use is supercent questionnaire were reviewed. with Skidies" not Buffalo or Al- vised is rated as very safe by 58
Thirdly, alternate methods to set bany ! a represen tative from the per cent of the researchers but by
up a Day Care Center were ex- Lecture Committee revealed.
only 39 per cent of the practicing
Friday, April 17. 1970
And it couldn't
happen here.
Violence Increases
In CampusProtest
CHICAGO -(CPS)-"Major incidents" of campus protest have
occurred at the rate of one a day
during the first quarter of 1970,
according to the Urban Research
Corporation. Although some consider this academic year more
calm than last, the statistics show
t h a t 92 campuses experienced
major unrest this winter compared
to 88 during the same period last
The protests were "not significantly less violent" than last year
nor did they draw fewer participants, according to John Naisbitt,
president of Urban Research. He
the long
Drofessionals. However,
However, even
even the
researchers are far from unanimous about the safety of unsupervised use of marijuana: only 19
per cent of the researchers and 10
per cent of the professionals regard it as 'very safe."'
T he magazine surveyed 127
professionals having first-hand
knowledge of drug research and
490 physicians, psychologists, and
psychiatrists who have not done
such research. A key finding in
the drug survey is that an "information gap exists between the
two groups" on drug usage.
trained men and women, often
students, who ingest substances of
dubious purity."
A high percentage of both professional groups--62 per cent of
the practitioners and 82 per cent
of the researchers-felt the Federal
government should encourage scientific study of drugs much more
than it does now. This view has
particular relevance in light of recent expressions by the Justice
Department to enter the area of
psychedelic drug research.
The overall results of the
In general, author Clark noted, Psychology Today survey suggest
professionals who have done
"We have arrived at a state of absurdity in a corner of American research on hallucinogens regard
Science: most research with hal- them as less dangerous and theralucinogenic or psychedelic drugs is peutically more promising than do
being done under grossly un- the professionals who have not
scientific conditions by totally un- done research.
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May 3, 1970
It also appeared certain that
charges would he pressed against
the black student implicated in
the striking of a food service
supervisor at the same quail Sunday afternoon. This, is a a civil
action being handled in the
Albany courts independent of the
University community.
However officials in the E.O.P.
program have been pressuring the
supervisor to drop the charges and
let the University handle the incident. As of late last night, it
appeared almost certain that she
would not consent to this. E.O.P.
posted the $100 bail needed to
free the student.
Meanwhile, a group of black
students met yesterday morning
with President Kuusisto, who had
just returned from a meeting in
Pennsylvania. The students demanded that all charges be dropped and the supervisor involved be
dismissed. The president was given
a three hour deadline which expired at 1:00pm yesterday afternoon. It can be assumed that Van
Dyck's statement last night was at
least an unofficial reply to the
demands. His statement went on
to say that the charges arising out
of Sunday's incident arc "an individual and not a university matter "
The two demands were also presented to Peter Haley, an assistant
food service director. He rejected
them, also claiming that his office
had no control over charges
brought by a private citizen pending in a civil court. He also said
the supervisor would not be fired.
Late last night, Central Council
institued a "Multi-racial student
committee" to investigate campus
racial incidents and attitudes. The
bill was sponsored by Bert Eversley.
The following are the events
which led up to yesterday's actions:
'Wednesday Dinnertime Violence"
Black students congregated near
the mail room on Colonial Quad
sometime before five on Wednesday. At about 5:30 some
50-60 of these black students joined the dinner line en masse. The
students refused to show their
meal cards and some proceeded to
get their meals.
Meanwhile in the dining room
several black students went up to
a table of white students and F o o d „ d gijj, w r e K a t t e r e d gj a resu|,
demanded that they relinquish
their seats The whites refused and black students (See story for details.)
L.C 1 8
76© v v / t a x
81.25 w i t h o u t
An Exercise In Futility
Editor's note: The following are excerpts from a
statement )jy the lllach students of the Third World
Liberation Front to explain what they believe are
incidents and attitudes of racism in the University
community. This is published in hopes that the
discussion of complaints will lead to an alleviation
of the current situation. More information on the
specific nature of the complaints is available in
leaflets that will be distributed.
with the
The Racial Educative Process:
Black Students Release
18, 1 8 7 0
Wednesday night's disruption of Colonial Quad by a group of
but was quickly halted by several
students in the dining room.
Sometime during or immediately after this incident the dinner
line was closed. Some blacks then
dropped trays and damaged the
The Thursday April afternoon
drink dispensers. Proceeding from grew very warm, a welcome resthe serving area a number of pite from the winds and snow of
blacks then went from front to Winter Past. The students, about
by Al Senia
back of the dining room turning forty of them, basked in the
over tables as they went.
sunshine in back of the Campus leading up to Wednesday night
Students in the dining room Center and rapped about ' h e violence,
panicked and exited through sev- events of the previous evening
They explained how blacks had
eral doors. No serious injuries They were strictly white, some complained about racist comwere reported although a few stu- were afraid, and most were very ments aimed at black girls by
dents did receive minor cuts from angry.
kitchen staff helpers.
the breaking glass.
"I've had it!" one girl told the
They tried to show how blacks
Although the damague has not reporter, "All they do is push in resented the "double standard"
been totally assessed it is reported front of us on the dinner lines and evidenced in many areas. Specifto be in the hundreds of dollars. cut ahead of everybody. How do ically, the blacks claim that food
Several tables were broken, plates they come off being privileged checkers, many of whom are fraand glasses were smashed and two characters? If they want to be ternity and sorority members, alwindows were broken.
treated equally, why don't they lowed friends to go through the
After this action there were start treating people equally." No- food lines for free meals-hut did
blacks scattered around the quad. body needed to ask who "they" not do the same for blacks.
At about 6:15 though, over sever- were.
Students also brought out how
al minutes after the damage had
A few members of New Left some food checkers make it a
been done, the students proceed- Organizing Committee were at the point to check meal cards held by
ed to State Quad.
scene and they mingled in the blacks because "they all look the
Upon reaching State, they enter- crowd. The idea was to initiate same."
ed the dining room en masse, and discussion on the growing polariAnd, as a further stimulant,
Continued on page 8
zation the campus was witnessing. there was the campus attitude
They were there not to offer toward the E.O.P. program: "A
excuses, but to present another handout," in the words of more
side of the story. Bringing the than a few while students. Intereducative process to the masses, it estingly enough, many of those
was called, and it seemed almost doing the commenting entered the
an exercise in futility.
university by way of Regents
The white students explained to Scholarships.
the other white students some of
These wore some of the probthe underlying issues at stake, and lems, according to the students,
some of the details they thought and these problems hud i»stered
^ «•«»»», •
After the Wednesday night Colonial Quad incident students helped
to clean up the cufetcriu in u mutter of hours.
1. Monday, April lit, 7:liu p.m.:
Quadrangle, An R. A. accused two Black student of
shooting firecrackers and pulling false alarms.
2. April 12, Dutch Quad: Moal cards on Dutch
Quail woro clipped on the corners specifically so
that Blacks couldn't use them twice.
for many months. Either those in
authority were too blind to see
the approaching Armageddon-or
chose not to. Nevertheless, it had
been a long time coming. And the
problem of countering it fell in
many cases to the R.A.'s who
were not equipped to handle it.
So, the New Left people were
trying to explain this to the students soaking in the noonday sun.
"Yes," they said, "people were
hurt but people don't go around
beating up other people just for
the hell of it. There is something
very wrong somewhere underneath."
"People shouldn't say it (the
beating of an R.A. Sunday afternoon) is an individual thing done
by angry black people," one
NLOC member said. "They have
to understand the environment,
the abuse, the fact that Black
Panther brothers are being shot to
death in Chicago."
"I just can't condone what happened," one girl said when he
finished. "I'm sorry, but when
people get beaten up, that's too
much. I 've had enough of this
She was asked what she would
do about it. For a second she
paused, at a loss for words. Then
she spoke. "I'm going to transfer
out of this place next year."
i. April 15, 11:15 p.m.: Two fraternities woic
running around and talking about killing niggers.
<i. Blacks are tired of being watched and followed
in the University Bookstore.
5. March 18: A Black student was harassed by a
plainclothcsman in the library.
6. March 12: A Black girl was refused admittance
to a tower because she didn't have I.D. but had her
7. Food Service workers harassing black student*
in line constantly.
8. Week of February 2-5: Derogatory remarks
made by a professor to astudent regarding the fact
that he was going to fail. A Math professor tried to
Continued on page K