PACE 8 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17,1969 7 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS EDITORIAL ALBANY STUDENT PRESS COMMENT Appalling policy Shadows We ire the dead, the ones who, being products of a culture that' ritualistically celebrates the destruction of all that makes life beautiful, are left to stand as shadows of substance and meaning. It is pathetically laughable, the hypocritical satisfaction we get from castigating our government and ourselves for allowing wars to continue. We, as students are an obvious manifestation of the ritual war. We create our own unique individual wars among our friends, our teachers, our parents. „ We have let our culture excape with our own peace of mind, a mind we never even had. Shadows, we march to the barricades wondering who we are, where we will march next, wondering if shndows can band together to make reality. If we can come together within ourselves, make our own bodies into invulnerable instruments of total communication, invulnerable to the destitution of external forces. We can no longer hide in the alleyways provided by any illegitimate authorities. Strike out, we urge you, for your own souls, for cosmic consciousness, communion with the unique univers of self. We urge you not to react to the celebration of death by reading the names of the dead, by inculcating the self in the horrors of war, for by doing this we are legitimizing the death culture, surrounding all possible means of excape to life with prison bars constructed by the powerful dead. We cannot let ourselves continue in the trap we arc in, we must beware of new wars, from all sides, wars denying the liberating life of the individual. We were appalled to find that the Campus Center Snack Bar set up a policy which said, in effect, that if a student employed there did not report for work on October 15-Moratorium Day-he would find his employment there terminated (in other words he would be fired). We understand the idea that employeees have a responsibility to tell their employers if they will not report for work; we believe that the threat of action by the snack bar was aimed only at those who did not give notification. However, it is obvious that the snack bar hierarchy has acted in a totally ridiculous manner. Threatening someone with loss of employment on the basis of one day of absence is not standard procedure; it seems that political views may have colored this decision. If anyone has been fired on these grounds, we hope the snack bar management will realize their odious mistake and rescind their action. The elections for University Senate will be held from Tuesday, October 21, to Thursday, October 23. Write in votes are permitted, as long as tho write in candidate has the qualifications neccesary to hold the office. The rally for the residents of Alumni Quad will be held on October 19, from 2 to 5 P.M. in Brubacher Lower Lounge. COMMUNICATIONS Moratorium Day To the Editors: The National Moratorium Day has passed. Whether or not it has succeeded in its avowed purpose, however, remains to be seen. Even the Moratorium's most active supporters apparently could not have expected immediate results, as further similar activities are planned for the future. Evenutually, wc will be forced to judge the Moratorium on its merits as a contributor to peace, bearing in mind the Administration's present commitment to a negotiated peace. To the extent to which the Moratorium will have contributed to and speeded the cause of peace, it is to be praised; and to the extent to which it may delay the cause of peace in V/iet-Nam ' l ' s to be condemned as a capricious further wast of human lives.. Harris A. Hull Graduate School of Business Admin. Republican moratorium To the Editors, "The members of the SUNYA COIIege Republican Club would like to express their support of the October 15 Moratorium on the war in Vietnam. As politically involved students, we feel it is our obligation to take a stand. We think this is a valid educational experience that students can take advantage of, to learn and to express their sentiments on this very important issue." The preceeding executive board resolution was presented and unanimously adopted by those present at the October 9 meeting of the Albany State College Republicans. We believe we must become involved In the everyday life of the campus community, making our views known and our presence felt. This resolution represents a new policy of involvement in the affairs of the university community, and a concern for social and moral issues of today. SUNYA College Republicans Executive Board Francis Battisti, President Ed.Note: This communication was received last week, but due to an oversight did not appear in our hut issue. Heil Haley To the editors: Heil Haley and Food Service! Nothing Is more important than the iron rule, including students. Hell Haley and Food Service! The students are to bo penalized for the inefficiency of Food Service. Upon learning that the permanent meal cards had arrived I went down and waited in line only to further learn that my permanent meal card Hmt4i*en misplaced. I was told to go to Food Service's office at State Quad the following Monday. Being well aware of the Inefficiency of this University Monday morning my friend called Food Service to find out whether the permanent meal cards were ready. She was informed that she needn't come, the cards would be distributed to the various quads in a few days. But this wasn't done and permanent meal cards became mandatory Friday, Oct. 10 at 4:00 p.m. At dinner trie checker refused to let me through the line because my name was not in the missing cards list. 1 explained the situation to Mrs. Hayes, who evidently is in charge of Food Service at Dutch. She informed me that until I had gotten a pass or permanent meal card I would not be permitted to eat in the cafeteria and if my friends brought food to me, their meal cards would be confiscated. To eat, I needed a Food Service pass which could only be obtained at State Quad by 5:00. It was then 5:00, but she allowed me to call Food Service from the cafeteria and request that the office remain open a little longer. A student worker agreed so I ran over and obtained that precious scrap of paper. Why hadn't they given the pass to me earlier? They're so busy no one knows what they're doing-I've noticed. Tht student is charged $5.00 for replacing a lost meal card, regardless of whether it is a permanent or temporary meal card (Alas! students who are inconvenienced when Food Service loses their cards are not paid $5.00!). Are justice and mercy lost virtues at Albany State? Even though Mrs. Hayes realized that it was through no fault of my own that I had neither a permanent meal card not a pass in my possession, she would have deprived me of my meals. It is a rude awakening to learn just how the officials in charge of this university have the student's interest at heart. anyone to understand, believe, or even respect you when you use threats; illegal threats against freedom of speech. Or don't you care... Mr. Urbano, look around. Something is happening. There is a reason for it. Why sir, why? Think about it, for all our sakes, please think about it. . In peace, Marshall Winkler Warped Urbano To whom this should concern: After having read Verne Urbano's letter (ASP, 10/10 69), I decided certain comments were necessary, if not obligatory. I am not concerned with Mr. Urbano's dislike for "Peace vs. US"(ASP,9/30/69); however, his entire criticism and attitude openly suggest an anti-intellectual as well as totalitarian approach to other people. Unfortunately Mr. Urbano does not attend this "institution." Hopefully his children will receive a many-faceted education, something which Mr. Urbano desperately could use. It would be a pity if his children were indoctrinated with Marine-Corps ideology, for their solutions to self-perceived "Problems" are going to revolve around violent annihilation, as prophesized by Mr. Urbano when he said: "If, personally,, I could get my hands on the element of depraved human responsible for this filth, the problem would be solved." Lautly, I am happy that the "Irate American" is sending a copy of "Peace vs. US" to the "top administrators" of the State University. Perhaps he will also send a copy of his letter so that Mr. Urbano's primitive diatribe and stimulating expose of his own warped personality. Yours truly, John J. Fleitman One disillusioned student, Theresa Falta Verne Urbano To the Editors: I am writing this letter in response to the Communication by Mr. Verne Urbano in the Oct. 10 issue of the ASP. First, Mr. Urbano seemed very disturbed by the language used in the editorial. For any communication to be effective, it has to be read and understood. Mr. Urbano, the war is still on, mon are still dying. Think, sir...Why dirty words, vulgar thoughts? Unfortunately, no one wants to listen to you until you twist his arm a bit. It's as simple as that. If it takes a four-letter word to make people sit up and take notice (as it did to you)-then I con't condemn its use, Maybe enough of these words unci thoughts will, someday, somehow, save men's lives. In perspective,then, the disgusting words only describe a disgusting situation. Maybe they'll help... Thon you say "...depraved"-tho person who wrote tho article is dopravedl If you could get your hands on him thon the problem would be solved. What do you intend t 0 do to him, Mr. Urbano? You talk about depravedYou finish your letter with a threat. An out and out threat. No more thought, no more expression of feelings-or else. How can you possibly expect ASP STAFF The Albany Student Pr«s It published two times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP editorial office ii located In room 334 of the Campus Canter. This newspaper is funded by S. A. tax. The ASP was founded by the clan of 1918. The ASP phones are 457-2190, 2194. Editors-in-Chief Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman News Editor Associate News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Technical Editor Assistant Technical Editor Photography Editor liuseness Manager Advertising Manager Features Editor Kathy Huseman Anita Thayer Daryl Lynne Wager Dave Fink Pat O'Hern Tom Clingan Andy Hochberg Chuck Ribak Daniel Foxman Harry Kimclmer The Albany Student Prees assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. Volume LVI. No.8. State UniwnftH of Hem York it Albany Tuesday, October 21,1969 Defense contracts, narcotics policy by Perry Silverman Two of the important issues facing universities today, military defense contracts and drugs on campus, were discussed at this Monday's conference of President Kuusisto with the students. In answer to previous inquiries concerning Albany State's involvement with Defense Department research contracts, Kuusisto provided a list of six contracts being fulfilled with various members of the defense establishment totaling $861,255. The largest of the six was a $600,000 contract with the Air Force for a project being researched by Professor Vonnegut of the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center. ThiB investigation into "The Physical Properties of Clouds and Fog" concerns research of fog, rain, and snow production, weather fronts and air pollution. The second largest contract was one for $183,000 from the Air F o r c e again for research conducted by Dr. Corbett of the Physics D e p a r t m e n t on ''Radiation D a m a g e in Semi-Conductors." Other contracts with the defense establishment concern those with the Office of NavalResearch on "The Fear of Failure and General Achievement Behavior" and "The Growth of S m a l l Particles in t h e A t m o s p h e r e , " by Professors Teevan and Mohnen, respectively. Kuusisto emphasized that these projects were Not of a secret nature . The next major question considered was one raised by a student at the conference on the arrest of four Albany State students involved with marijuana on campus and any possible shift in the university's "narcotics policy." Clifton Thome, Vice President of Student Affairs, acknowledged at this time that this was the first arrest made for narcotics use on campus. However, he pointed out that formal charges were not pressed against the four until they '.".-.: • r: . ?i.,.'£r'.':~":'. were off campus grounds. T h o m e established that U R S U N Y INSTITUTI0N choose s^te o f t h e ^ k f ) ° alternative paths toward becoming all they are (in university policy on narcotics law violations had not changed. Such • benjamin policy consists of denying the university campus as a sanctuary to drug abusers and cooperating with law enforcement agencies. T h o m e denied that the administration is in comspiracy with police agencies to monitor the student body. He emphasized by Aralynn A bare However, both sides did manage activity. He asserted ne asserted the point that the administration intends t o prevent "Stony that the council now had an even The legality of Central to deliver concrete arguments. The plaintiff, Bert Devorset- greater responsibility to the rights Brook-type" police invasions of Council's 3000 dollar allotment this campus. for sending buses to Washington backed by Bob Iseman and Ken of the minority because tax is Dr. Thome indicated that the next month was the issue at last Stringer-contended that the now mandatory. Due to this, university is commited "to help night's Supreme C o u r t a l l o t m e n t was 'in direct many students would be paying t o B i l l for many activitieses which they human beings in trouble." He hearing. Much of the four hour c o n t r a d i c t i o n ' cited that those arrested were session of the Court was taken up 6768-73. That bill states, in do not neccesarily support. provided with free legal advice "What is more important is that with discussion of minor and part, that 'Student Association and assistance in acquiring lawyers irrelevant points, such as asthetic monies shall not be used to this court set down the guidelines, directly finance any group which in addition to being permitted to l o u d l y and clearly, that versus moral judgement and why a n y p a r t i s a n mandatory fees may not be used confer with university officials. Bill 6768-73 is not a by-law. a d v o c a t e s viewpoint.' Devorsetz presented for partisan political activities.,he a letter from Mr. Chandler Stein, concluded. legal counselor to the university, T h e c a s e f o r Student which stated that to use "Student Assosciation was presented by Assosciation transport D o u g Goldschmidt, Terry students to this protest would be Mathias, Dave Neufeld, and Vic an improper use of such funds. Looper. S.A.'s major argument rested the first Robert F. Kennedy Devorset also argued that by Candy Miner the War in Vietnam, to coordinate lecture. He received a standing the moratorium day activities on ""mdatory student fees could not on the fact that Council has the "The Students Role in the ovation for his speech on the October 15. be u s e d for partisan political continued to page 3 Nixon Era" will be the topic of "Future of Leadership in the US." Adam Walinsky, a former Born in NYC and currently The Robert F. Kennedy lecture Kennedy aide and a leader of the has since become an annual event living in Scarsdale, New York, Mr. anti-war movement will speak sponsored by the Graduate School Walinsky is a graduate of Cornell here tomorrow evening in LC 1 at of Public Affairs and Pi Sigma University and Yale Law School. 3:30, sponsored by Forum of In 1964, after having worked in Alpha.. Politics. His speech will be Walinsky is active in the Dept. of Justice under Robert followed by an extended the anti-war movement. It was Kennedy, he joined Senator discussion period. partly his action which brought Kennedy's staff where he became Last spring, Faculty Senate universities to which we have An enigma to many people, Mr. about the statewide bommittee, his chief speech writer and key tabled a resolution which would written." Walinsky Is often accused of being known as the Committee to End aide. have eliminated university wide "As of now, we are asking that an arrogant, young (32 yrs.) man. requirements. The proposal was all university-wide requirements, However, those who know him put aside because it lacked a plan such as 12 hours of Math and see that this so-called arrogance is of implementation and evidence Science, 12 hours of Social really an impatience to effect of student and faculty support. Science, 6 hours of Language, and change, thereby bringing the In an effort to revive tne 9 hours of Humanities be ideals of the young to reality. proposal, five university students eliminated, but that departmental have formed CUHE-Committee major requirements remain in Mr. Walinsky is currently for Undergraduate Requirement existence. We do not however, lecturing in colleges throughout Elimination, a subcommittee of advocate that departments adopt the state. Last spring, he Academic Affairs Commission. requirements which have been addressed Pi Sigma Alpha, the The students, Steve Bookin, Phil discontinued by the university, as plitical science honorary, and gave Cantor, Sue Elborger, Aline is the practice at some schools." Lepkin, and Steve Villano, have CURE'S goals are to offer the been working with Dick Collier student a freer choice in planning and Bob Gibson U University his own academic career, to College since early October, eliminate the atmosphere of The election for University attempting to outline an compulsory learning, to lift the Implementation procedure which Senate will be held on October burden of required courses off the would dissolve the existing student since a student now 21, 22, and 23 from 10-S p.m. in university requirements but spends approximately one half of the Main Lounge of the Campus maintain departmental major his university Hie taking courses requirements. Center. Write in votes are not necessarily of his liking, and to free faculty members from permitted, as long as the write According to Committee teaching courses which are a spokesman, Steve Villano, "The in c a n d i d a t e has the source of frustration and a waste Committee has drawn up a qualifications necessary to hold of time to faculty, the the office. ADAM WAUNSKY, FORMER KENNEDY AIDE, w0. ape* he» w E £ w . u t e°xpan£7wtn w. departments, and the students • s r l n M e i a V O V A t l I l i n A n " T h a C « . e s l a « * * . D . I . I . i.W.m. M l C »t f f l P f l l u A 11 f Wednesday evening on "The Students Role in the Nixon Era.," involved. VOTE!!! continued tq page 2 Case against $3 000 involves minority rights, student tax Antiwar leader to discuss students in the age of Nixon Students pose ''cure for forced learning University Senate >*CB2 . ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,069 visitations way. Socrates and Plato will be Telling people about the erased from the memories of Contributions are now being "monkey-demona" U Jtut about people for they were free-thinkers accepted for L'Humaniste. Please the toughest undertaking I've ever and the term free- thinker will not leave your essays, poems, etc. on given myself. When people listen exist. Splro Agnew will be the the door at CC320. to me, some understand and tell great philosopher of our time. me they've known about the Those of you who are free "monkey-demons" without being thinkers know and feel the Creative writers: All persons pressure. I'm writing this aritcle able to name themTOf course interested in forming a writers' there are the others who laugh at for you so that you will know workshop oriented towards me or tell me they believe me that you are not alone. Don't. helping the writer improve his when they really don't. If you're change, fight the monkey-demons work for publication. Call Bruce, one of these people, you needn't as you have. You are no* alone. 439-2948, evenings. go any further. First, let me clarify something I've given them the name "monkey-demons" merely to give them identity, so that when I do speak of them they are less abstract. Monkey-demons is the force behind the conformity idea. They pressure people to follow ideas of society. The less conventional people feel this pressure Special Events Board will have work on Holiday Sing he would constantly. The pressure can build an Open Meeting tonight at 7:30 be all finished shortly after it was to such a point, so as to make one in Campus Center Room 375 for over. The amount of time that question his own ideals, to make all those students that signed up you need to give if flexible and one wonder whether he is right in on Activities Day and for anyone you can for the most part decide thinking the way he does. If the elst that is interested in the Board. when and how much time you monkey demons have their way, Special Events, encompassing will devote. A vast array of talents no thinking people will be left. many traditional and novel and jobs are offered. Philosophy will not exist, because campus activities, are sponsored The Board needs people for there will be only one philosophy by the Board. The purpose of everything form actors which with everyone thinking the same these events is to present a variety require certain specialized skills to of entertainment for the ticket selling which required University and area community. virtually nune. People are also The co-chairmen depend almost needed for many other things (e.g. totally on student assistance and publicity, typing, ushering, continued from page 1 participation. Not only is student decorating, telephone calling, CURE will be conducting help welcome but individual scheduling, etc.) interviews with Department effort is gieatly appreciated. The Board has already Chairmen and Administrators for sponsored Activities Day and the the next two weeks, after which Fall Concert (Blues Bag '69). It Special Events Board offers the time it will begin drafting its final Homecoming, student who is interested in also sponsors rationale and implementation participating in student activities a Campus Chest, Telethon, Talent procedure. wide variety of choices and Show, Holiday Sing, Jazz Festival, The Committee's report will be experiences. Students can become Parents Weekend, State Fair, publicized from November involved on any level from the mixers and cultural events. 16-December 2 and the publicity Board down. Quite often students Information about these events campaign will culminate in a want to get involved in activities and the need for At-Large University-wide referendum to be but don't because they feel that Members will be supplied at the held December 3, 4, and 5 to they do not have the time and meeting. If you are interested in demonstrate support or rejection that it will lower their or»H*« working on any of these events or of the plan. if you have questions or are CURE will hold an open The activities, unlike some interested in starting a new event meeting this Wednesday evening, clubs are not year round. For we strongly urge you to attend October 22, at 7:30 in LC 2. example, if a student wanted to this Open Meeting. needs student help No requirements ? There will be a meeting for all those interested in working on "The Word" Tuesday, October 21 at 8 p.m. in CC 320. Interested S o p h s : Union College AFROTC will visit SUNYA October 21 and 22 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. BA 231. Complete information on Air Force Reserve Commissions. SUNY Young Conservative will meet Tuesday October 21, at 7:30 p.m. in CC 373. All students interested in conservatism are welcome to attend. The New Democratic Coalition will hold an extremely important business meeting tonight in SS 134. Fund-raising, Legislative and campaign programs and speaking engagements will be discussed. All are invited to attend. Elections for the Grduate Student Assosciation will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 20 and 21. Voting will take place at the enterance to the Campus Center and in the upper lounge of the Campus Center from 11 AM to 7:30 PM and in the main lounge of Brubacher hall from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. . The names of nominees will be posted next to the vot: -g stations. The Spanish Club will be holding its first meeting of this year on Thursday, October 23 at 4 p.m. in room 370 of the Campus Center. Officers for the year will be elected at this time. All Spanish students welcome. The Albany Film-Making Society announces that auditions will be held for its first production, THE KILLING, on Monday, October 27, in CC 315, and on Tuesday, October 28 in the CC Assembly Hall. There are roles for 12 men and 5 women with 5-20 "extras" needed. Are you fed up with University requirements? If you are, come to the CURE meeting (Committee on University Requirement Elimination) Wednesday night, October 22, at 7:30 p.m. in LC 2. College Young Democrats will hold a meeting Tuesday, October 21, at 8:30 in HU 258. All are invited. Paul O'Dwyer will speak on Campus this Sunday evening, October 26 at 8 p.m. in the Assembly Hall concerning the effect of Moratorium Day and what students can continue to do to bring the war in Vietnam to an end. Project Helpmate, an Albany Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored organization, is in need of a coordinator. The Project works with girls, ages 5-16 in Albany's South End, meets one evening per week with the children and is usually involved with arts and crafts, dancing, singing or similar activities. The coordinator acts as a go-between the J.C's and Albany State volunteers. (Transportation and money for Project materials or any other needs are provided by the J.C's). For further information contact Lucy Grodson, 7041 Livingston Tower, phone 457-8974. Positions are still open on the following Committees and Councils of the University Senate: --Committee on Academic Standing (4 students) -Personnel Policies Council (5 students) -•Academic Freedom and Professional Ethics Committee of Personnel Policies Council (4 students) -Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointment (3 students) -Educational Policies Council (4 students) -Research Council Please contact Terry Mathias in Campus Center 346 for applications or for more information. Where does the taste of great beer begin? You've got to get off to a good start to end up with a great beer. And barley malt is where beer begins. So we make all the malt for Genesee Beer in our own malt house. No other Brewery does this. That's why no other Brewery can give you the same guarantee that the quality never changes...that every glass gives you ( smoother body and more real beer flavor.' Extra care, right from the start, makes Genesee a little more exciting than any other beer. ALUMNI QUAD ELECT MARC ROSEN BERG TO LA AC & CC. SCHOLASTIC FRATERNAL SORORITY SOCIAL COMMERCIAL We'll d o a n y t h i n g t o b r i n g y o u b e t t e r b e e r CBCO, Rochiilir, N.V. CAPITOL PRESS PRINTERS 308 Central Ave. Albany Telephone HE 4-9703 PACK) Opinion poll on new calendar bogs down Council again graffiti by Ed Zoffino Special Events Board ALBANY STUDENT PRESS by Ken Stokem on the calendar. An appropriation At this past Thursday's short was made to buy a full-page in the Central Council meeting, the ASP to publicize the entire outstanding event was again the calendar. It seems however that discussion on the effectiveness or Ithe effort was effectively ineffectiveness of the Opinion Poll sidetracked, by passing the taken by Academic Affairs responsibility of enacting it from Commission on the Proposed the President of Central Council Academic Calendar. The results of to the Chairman of Finance the Poll were 361 for and 68 Committee, to Academic Affairs against. The poor turnout for this Commission. As a result, the important issue tends to cast some calendar will probably go into doubts on the effectiveness of the effect with questionable student manner in which the Poll was backing. taken. Also, it seems that there In other action Central Council may have been ample opportunity passed a bill, introduced by Vic for stuffing the ballot box. Looper, requesting that an Ad At the previous week's meeting Hoc Committee be formed to Lenny Kopp and Norm Rich had study the possibility of having the DON CRAWFORD, FOLKSINGER, is the featured performer at made efforts to see that the Student Association construct and this week's Coffee House Circuit. Story on page 4. . . students were accurately informed operate student housing. Doug r ' ^ ...benjamin Goldschmidt, a former member of Council, lead the support for the Committee. It will look into the legal and financial problems of such an operation. The members of the Committee on Rules and Regulations for by Kathy Reillv important role in the October 15 "We try to work inside of Republican who leans more moratorium; members helped plan buildings, not to throw rocks at toward the Coalition's thought the candlelight march from them." Spokesman Steve Villano receives their support. Draper to the Capitol, personally sums up the principles of the New C o n c e r n i n g the A l b a n y visited every suite to urge the Democratic Coalition, a group of mayoralty campaign, the New b o y c o t t i n g of classes, and about 150 students, organized on D e m o c r a t i c C o a l i t i o n has contacted ail 150 churches in the campus to fill the void between remained neutral, on the belief by Diane White Albany area to seek support for the radical SDS and the that the Republican nominee, the moratorium. The importance of birth conservative YAF' Albert Hertheimer, represents no Some members of the campus Allied with the state and real change from the incumbent group are working jointly with the control and family planning were Democrats in the State Capitol on the topics of a meeting Sunday national N.D.C., which was Mayor Corning. research projects. This spring, the sponsored by Trinity Young formed in February of this year, Although the party in power Albany's is apparently the only would change, there would be no state New Democratic Coalition Adults. Mr. Schendell, executive of the Planned will open an Albany city d i r e c t o r existing College shapter. It is essential difference in policy only Association of hoped that attempts will bo made i n m ethods. 1 lowever, many headquarters, probably before the P a r e n t h o o d to establish the NDC at other area individual m e mbers actively state primary, and the University Albany, conducted the meeting lecturing, distributing and state colleges in the near support the reform Democratic c h a p t e r plans on providing b y pamphlets, presenting a film, and future. candidate for City Court Judge, assistance, answering questions. Lawrence Kahn. Orien ted t o w a r d s college Several assemblymem have The necessity of responsible students a n d members of Since its inception last March, already agreed to participate in minoritygroups, iLs eventual goal the NDC has carried out a number campus debates on various issues. parenthood in a world of rapidly is to wrest Democratic party of projects, Several notables, , Future speakers include Ogden increasing population was stressed control from the "old guard" like including Steven Solarz, who Reid, Paul O'Dwyer, Jonathan by Schendell. Today there are approximately 3.6 billion Chicago's Mayor Daley and discussed abortion reform, and Bolinsky and Gordon Bingham. Hubert Humphrey. Paul O'Dwyer were invited to Stressed was the point that the inhabitants on the earth. According to Planned speacl on campus last year. Also, 1 New Democratic Coalition is not The NDC does try to support a Democratic party candidate an intensive campaign was merely a revitalization of the Parenthood, it is practically mounted against passage of the Young Democrats. Rather, it is a inevitable that this number will whenever possible. If, however, n Flynn bill in the assembly. completely new organization, and, double by 2080 even if the birth Democrat differs radically in his political views on policies, another The NDC associated in the unlike the Young Democrats, is rate is decreased by stringent birth independent of party control. control practices. At the present, nominee wins their endorsement. leveling discrimination charges Since neither the national nor the only 10% of the world has access In New York City, for example, against South Mall construction Democratic p a r t y to a d e q u a t e birth control Democrat Mario Procachino, by employers, who were accused of s t a t e NDC s t a n d a r d s is unduly d e n y i n g blacks equal job contributes any money, the group information. is presently very low on funds. Mr. Schendell foresees the conservative, so John Lindsay, a o p p o r t u n i t i e s . It played an NDC meetings are held every institution of radical changes in other Tuesday, including October order to curb the population 21; everyone, including those with explosion. If family planning is differing political viewr, is not effective by voluntary welcome to attend. Speakers are practice, the government may bo often invited, and open, frank continued from page I Parliamentary Procedure, the discussions are encouraged. At tonight's meeting the question of ultimate power t. .itrol student minority can be heard. In reply to Devorsetz* charges organization and officers will finances. According to a letter by that Council had no right to allot briefly be presented. Freshmen Chancellor of the State University the money, Mathias said that and sophomores, especially, are and S o c i a l urged to participate. of New York, Samuel Could, "It P o l i t i c a l The NDC will again sponsor an has been agreed that such funds Positions(PSP), the branch of (i.e., madatory sludentmonies) are Council from which the bill appearance of Paul O'Dwyer of s t u d e n t funds ...and should emanated, was "more than a Sunday, October 26 . O'Dwyer therefore be eompletelywithin the partisan political body." He will give an informal talk on the control of I e duly constituted continued stating that PSP "does effects of the moratorium, and student government organizations. not advocate a partisan political additional alternatives to students The importance of the will of viewpoint; it coordinates the seeking anit- war activities. the majority was emphasized by efforts of the politically involved the SA representatives.Along with members of the SUNYA student the fact that present provisions body." • exist to protect the rights of the In accordance with Supreme minority. Through representatives Court regulations, the decision 10% INTRODUCTORY on Central Council, appeal, and will be made public by next DISCOUNT the various protections found in Monday. Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7 'We work inside buildings,9 not throwing rocks at them maintenance of Public Order on Campus were announced and approved to be: Steve Brown, Skip Counti, Nanci Wolf, Judy Avner, Ellen Kurtzman, Chris Materson, Larry Blau, and Ken Stokem. Corrections on last week's list of appointments by Central Council are: Undergraduate Affairs Council: Bob Ackerman, Stephanie Rice, Ken Kurzweil, Nadine Siminoff, and Jack Schwartz. Student Affairs Council: Steve Lobel, Vic Looper, and Mark Goor. Educational Policy Committee: Greg Bell and Booker T. Evans. Curriculum Committee (U.A.C.): Charlie Hart. Admissions Committee ( U . A . C . ) : Gordon (Corky) Thompson and Charlie Hart. Be all you can be as often is you can be and thank you for letting me be myself Use birth control and save the world Supreme Court hearing forced to limit couples to procreating no more than two. It was stressed that all religious groups favor some way of limiting the size of families. The Roman Catholic Church, much criticized for its disapproval of artitificial contraceptives, was in fact the first church to publicly endorse the rhythm method of birth control. A film entitled QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL was shown, which described the most effective measures i n c l u d i n g oral contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, condoms, diaphragms, the rhythm method, vaginal foams, and creams and jellies. Mr. Schendell extended an invitation to all young couples to come visit Planned Parenthood of Albany before their marriage. Fees range from $4 to $15 depending on ability to pay. Girls under the age of 21 must be recommended to Planned Parenthood by someone else, such as a doctor, clergyman, or parent. The local address is 225 Lark Street, and the phone number is 463-5432. ahACttU4 64... UNISEX CLOTHES Waif's SUBMARINES THE GRADUATE OCT. 23-26 Thurs.i Sat. at 7:30+10:00 Fri. t Sun. at 9:00 or IV 2 - 0 2 2 8 FREE DELIVERY (Throe Sub« Minimum) Mon Sat. 8 pm 1 am Sun & Other Special Days 4pm-1am TOWER EASTCINEMA on State Quad Uauti{ut continued through October, alt at... CHAPTER VII . PLAZA 7 SHOPPING.CENTER ROUTE 7 TROY.SCHENECTADY RD. 785-5444 • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FACT 4 Faculty musicians virtuoso artists Crawford at coffee house Don Crawford, folk singer, It the featured performer at thla week's Coffee House Circuit. Mr. Crawford, a native of Barkeley, California, is of Canadian fame. He ia well-known throughout the northeast aa an interpreter of the music of such artists as Jim Webb, Tim Hardin, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen. Playing his twleve-string guitar, Crawford has appeared at such night spots as San Francisco's Purple Onion and has recorded on the Verve-Folkways label. Don Crawford may be seen nightly through Friday evening at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Cafeteria. The Coffee House Circuit ia sponsored by the Campus Center Qoverning Board. by Warren Burt ***** An unusual simultaneous book exhibit will open Friday, October 24, at the library of State University of New York at A l b a n y . Featured in the exhibition area of the entrance lobby for three weeks will be a showing of the American Institute of Graphic Arts "Fifty Books of the Year" and the American Association of University Presses' "Twenty-five Books of the Year." The exhibit is being sponsored jointly by the State University of New York Press and the Mohawk Paper Mills, Inc., of Cohoes. Co-sponsoring units at the University are the University Library, School of Library Science, department of art, and the Art Gallery. Selection for the AIGA exhibit are made from hundreds of entrants. The choice is based on good design "as planning and problem-solving," reflecting the DIONNE WARWICK will appear in concert at the first major event of Homecoming Weekend '69. Concert tickets are on sale now in the Campus Center lobby-$2.50 with student tax. $4.00 without. diversity of university press publishing, and being educational as they "illustrate a creative approach to bookmaking today" and "demonstrate new solutions to problems and new techniques in composition, printing, and binding." The upcoming exhibit will mark one of the few times when the two shows are simultaneous and the first time for the showing of the State University of New York Press selection. NOTICE As a special service to students at the State University of New York at Albany, the Hellman Theater has made available to the student body 2,000 discount tickets that may be presented at the theater's box office for a $.50 reduction in admission price. The tickets may be obtained starting today at the Campus Center information desk. F r i d a y n i g h t saw the inauguration of the new Performing Arts Center Recital Hall with the second of the Faculty Series Concerts, a flute recital by Irvin Oilman of the faculty here, accompanied by Dennis Helmrich on piano and harpsichord. The new recital hall is easily the most opulent room and best designed theatre on campus, and the crystal chandalier in it is purely a jewel of perfection. The program began with Sonata IV for flute and harpsichord, supposedly by Mozart, although a number of factors, principally its low Koechel index number of 13, and mainly the extremely sophisticated counterpoint in some sections, seem to weigh very heavily against this being the work of an eight-year old. More likely it is a work of J.C. Bach which the young Mozart either copied or transcribed for his own use, and later being discovered in his manuscript, was erroneously thought to be his. This light and airy work, which oddly enough, ended with a minuet, received a very sturdy performance from Messrs. Oilman and Helmrich. The next work's authenticity, however, is scarcely to be questioned. The Sonata in B minor, S. 1030, for Flute and Cembalo Obbligato by J.S. Bach is one of the most rugged pieces in the literature, and was a piece that offered considerable challenges to both players. In fact, the only time during the entire concert when I felt in the least dissatisfied with the performance came during the second movement of this piece when the players seemed to be fighting their instruments. The second half of the concert consisted of two very interesting and different twentieth century pieces for flute. The first was Edwin London's "Song and Dance," which was written for Mr. Gilman, and which, to my ears at least, was a rather pleasant piece of concert jazz that had however, some weak spots. Fluency was the key word here. The three players, expecially Mr. Gilman, were very much at ease in the very fluid language that the piece was written in. Another interesting aspect of the piece was that it had a part for snare drum improvisation, played very well here by Mr. Thomas Brown, also of the faculty. The final piece on the program was the Prokofiev Sonata for Flute, Op. 94. This work dates from the relatively free years of the Second World War, when the Russian government was too busy fighting Nazis to regulate musical styles much, and as a result, contains some of Prokofiev's prettiest (and best) music. In its four movements it encompasses pretty much what Prokofiev was all about, with its broad arching melodies, its lush harmonies, its formalism, and its extremely dry wit and grotesque™. Performance-wise, this piece was for me the height of the evening, receiving a very loving performance at the hands of Messrs. Gilman and Helmrich. As an encore, they performed the Saint-Saens "Voliere" from the "Carnival of the Animals." All in all, a very fine concert. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Intl. Film Group publishes schedule The following schedule for the fall semester has been released by the International Film Group: OCTOBER 24—CONTEMPT Brigette Bardot, Jack Palace, and Fritz Lang in Jean-Luc Goddard'i exploration of love and myth. 31 — LA STRADA Fellini's poetic fable. With Anthony Qulnn, Oullstta Masina, and Richard Basehart. NOVEMBER 4 THE D E V I L IS A W O M A N Jotef von Sternberg's poetic evocation of the mystiques of Mariana Dietrich. 7 MAN ESCAPED Robert Bresson's painstaking study of the infinite persistence of a condemned man, 14 — HAMLET Russian Grigor Kozintsev's direction gives atmosphere and power to Shakespeare's play. 2 1 — T H E THIRTIES Just as you thought they were. THE BRIDE OF F R A N K E N S T E I N (Karloff) and Lubitsch's witty T R O U B L E IN PARADISE. Homecoming Pat Campbell Chi Sigma Theta and R»ta Phi Sigma LM l-rinko Gamma Kappa Phi Karan Millar Beta Zeta Queen WESTFRONT 1918 The solidarity of the working class in wartime; directed by G.W. Pabtt. Kathy Shirko Princess Sigma Tau Beta in the Campus Center Oct. 21 and 22 Morris Hall tfue Trltton Hamilton Hall «""«• Zlmotoak Tan Byck Hall by Tom Quigley "We blew it"—Captain America 5 EASY RIDER is the ultimate crash. Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, the disconcerting auteurs of the film, have fashioned a frightening non-movie that records the beauty and bestiality of America 1969 with acrimonious benevolence. Captain America and Billy, the ironic w e s t - t o - e a s t pioneers, cycle through the southwest groping for a freedom that can only be found through self-realization. Their fruitless asphalt odyssey, in search of a mythologically emancipated A m e r i c a , is inevitably destroyed by their own innocent egoism and the reality of intolerant, self-righteous bias that roadblocks any easy ride. The recognize too late their own susceptibility to social corruption. Captain America and Billy are victims of the monetary necessity that motivates us all. Fonda as America tools around on his glistening machine with a tankful of prostituted cash netted from their drug running. He realizes that the cash fuels the trip and when the tank is empty termination sets in. He is the freer of the two because unlike Hopper he senses that the freedom road isn't two4ane and tarmac but an inner journey toward the core of self-realization. Hopper's preoccupation with external sensation makes him oblivious to his quest in the direction of artificial freedom. He is shackled by his own freaky machinations which leave him incredulous at Fonda's final dissolutionment. The film is u plotless, free-wheeling series of humanistic confrontations with a myriad of American types from farmers to communal dwellers, giving it the uura of cinema verite naturalism. As the ride progresses however, F o n d a ' s s t a t e m e n t becomes cynically clear. There are two THE LADY F R O M S H A N G H A I Richly Baroque, Orson Welles' thriller probes the insidious corruption of power. Starring Welles, Rita Hayworth, and Everett Sloane. 12 RASHOMON Akira Kurosawa's shattering analsis of the nature of truth in a mysterious murder and rape. JANUARY 9 OPEN CITY Roberto RossMHni's Magnani. classic of Italian neoreatism. With Anna A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S D R E A M Max Reinhardt co-directed this sumptuous, typically 1930's version of Shakespeare's comedy. With James Cagney, Joe E. Brown, and Dick Powell. 16 SHADOW OF A DOUBT With Joseph Cotton as the "Merry Widow Murderer," this study of evil in small-town America is alfred Hitchcock's own favovite of his films. Friday programs will be shown in Lecture Center Room 18 at 7 :00 and 9:15. Admission is $.25 with student tax and $.50 without. Tuesday programs will be shown in Lecture Center Room 23 at 7 :00 only. Admission 16 free. Many of the Friday night programs will include short films by Renoir, Rensais, Baillie, Pintoff, Connor, and others. The International Film Group is a member of Student Association find is financed by Student Tax. Harvey Vlahos 63 Soutb Allen Street Freshman THE EVOLUTION OF CINEMA 2 For information about IFG programs, contact: and PETER FONDA, CO-STAR OF "EASY RIDER," portrays a young man in search of the "ultimate freedom" on a motorcycle odyssey through the southwestern United States. DECEMBER 13 Vote for PAGES •I3B-63U6 'Arts Thing" features local amateur talent Local Hand-Craft artists will come together in an ARTS THING to be given to the public in the parking lot of Plaza Seven Shopping Center on Saturday and Sunday, October 25th and 26th from 1 p.m. to 6 p,m. Craftsmen will display their wares from their own Individual booths set up along the sidewalk. Among the many items to be offered for both sight and sale are pottery, weaving, leather goods, jewelry, p a i n t i n g s , and candlos—all band-wrought. In c o n j u n c t i o n with the Handicraft Fair, local musicians will join in a free-for-all jam session to be held in the pinking lot each afternoon. Artists interested in participating should contact Chuck or Felicia at 785-6444. Musicians are cordially invited to join the Jam Session. There are no fees involved in the little festival. Plaza Seven Shopping Center has donated all facilities. major forces vying for supremacy in modern America. One is a humanistic ethic perpetuated by the Bill of Rights which supports the equality of man and gives him the initiative to be. The other is the Protestant work ethic which also supports self-determination but indirectly fronts for a deplorable selfish doctrine of undeclared opportunism. One ethic supports humanity; the other supports money. The winner of this devastating juxtaposition is the foundation g o d of the work e t h i c : materialism. Everyone is so busy getting their own t h i n g together, attempting to divorce his own tight little circle from the human family, that independence and l i b e r t y have literally been prostituted for petty cash. A p u r i t a n i c a l lovelessness and suspicion of change perpetuated by this back-stabbing bourgeoisie attitude have replaced the human struggle for honesty and justice with a fearful social climb at the expense of others. Not only are the red-necks and established orders guilty of this callous disregard for humanity but the Captain Americas and Billys share the blame with their ignorant hedonistic ethic. Dennis Hopper's directoral debut is impressive. He purposely subordinates himself to the Fonda character by overacting in order to bring out the subtleties of Fonda's brooding nature. At times Fonda resembles a young Tom Joad (once played by his father) in search of that justice and equality that everyone seeks. The film could have been his if it hadn't been for the brilliant performance of Jack Nicholson, who plays George Hanson, a sotted ACLU lawyer. Nicholson's caustic bayou twang has a profound effect upon Fonda's consciousness, making him understand the futility of a "search for freedom." His incredibly sarcastic humor examines the American paranoia that fears destruction from external forces yet fails to realize the smug internal decay that signals an incurable social illness. Nicholson is the conscience of the film. His naturalism steals the easy ride. Finally, Lazlo Kovacs' cinematography captures and blends a landscape of fantastic geological beauty with soft filter lens hues, adding to the poignancy of the tragedy. EASY RIDER is an abrasive film that jolts people into militant opinions about the state of American mores. The Fonda-Hopper film is an honest analysis of the word "freedom" and its applications in our uptight society. The movie is a tribute to the courage of independently produced films of true importance and to the fortitude of its creators who made it work. REWARD ANYONE WHO MAY HAVE WITNESSED AN ACCIDENT T H A T O C C U R R E D ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 AT 7:20 P.M. AT THE INTERSECTION OF WESTERN AVENUE AND MANNING BOULEVARD PLEASE CALL 869-0881 BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Upperclassmen &, Transfers KAPPA BETA ILL UNIVERSITY TELETHON OPEN HOUSE Anyone talented in children's theatre 18th floor Stuyoetant Tower (ie. storytelling, magicians, clown acts, puppet shows, etc.) JudyWiesenat please Thursday, Oct. 23 7 - 9 pm contact 457-6898 LIQUID REFRESHMENTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 6 On Thursday the Great Danes sparked by their best team performance of the year defeated New Paltz, 19-41. In winning the team, with a 7-4 record and just t w o dual m e e t s remaining, guaranteed themselves a winning season, their eighth in a row. State's Dennis Hackett led all the contestants with a rec ord-setting time of 25:23:5. The Harriers' Pat Gepfert, Paul Holms, and Tom Mills finished second, fourth, and fifth respectively. The distance of the race was S miles. Runner of the meet honors went to Tom Mills. Saturday in what has got to be considered the the hishliffht highlight of of this this considered cross-country season the Great Danes d e f e a t e d high-ranked Colgate 27-32. State runners placed second, fourth, and then sixth through twelfth. They were Dennis Hackett, Pat Gepfert, Tom Mills, Paul Holmes, Bill Meehan, Sal Rodrigues, Orville Eacker, Larry Franks, and Jon Herbst. Dennis Hackett set a new Albany State record covering the 5 mile course in 26:51:6. Coach Bob Munsey attributed the victory to what he called "a great bunch of guys, all putting out 100% plus." This Saturday will be the third annual State University at Albany Invitational. There will be three d i v i s i o n s , freshman, Junior A MI A by Mike Schwergert farsity, and Varsity with over •fan three hundred runners participating. There will be over fifteen teams hoping to defeat Boston State College, the winner of the previous two meets. State finished third both times. The odds-on favorite in the varsity division is Ron Stonitsch of C.W. Post, last year's winner, who is undefeated in d u a l meet competition. Hoping to challenge him are Skip Meno of Colgate, Lou Ruggiero of Boston State, and our own Dennis Hackett, who won last year's freshman division. Both the Varsity and the Junior Varsity have dual meets with Adelphi and LeMoyne before closing out the season. BACKGROUND At its June 2,1969 meeting the Faculty Senate approved a system of mixed grading; on June 5, three days later, it moved to reconsider. The new discussion made it clear that to many faculty there were faults in a mixed system, faults in the present system, and faults in a "pure" S-U system, but most of all that the Senate could not evalutate the proposals in the form and time submitted. Consequently, they voted to recommit the matter to the Undergraduate Academic Council, who were asked "to have a report ready and available to members of the Senate by tern days prior t o " the first meeting of the fall. It was to be the first item on the agenda. In response to the assignment given it by the Senate, the Council at its organizational meeting for 1969-70 (June 11, 1969) agreed to establish an ad hoc committee consisting of Robert Thorstenson (English, chairman of Academic Standing Committee 1969-70) as chairman, "up to four students, and tow to four more faculty members." It was hoped that most members would have served on one of the SUNY Albany groups that had studied the grading question. ' SOPH DENNIS Hackett (right) finishing second Saturday. ...Cantor Booters Drop 4th to RIT Offense sm Sputters to score on passes of 15 and 25 yards. The KB defense completely The varsity soccer team With only two more games dominated the Johnson offense, traveled to Rochester Saturday to remaining in League I, APA leads holding them to only three play a very well drilled and with a 4-0-2 record. Second place c o m p l e t i o n s in twenty-five conditioned RIT contingent and STB will have a chance to tie it up attempts. came away on the short end of a when they meet TXO on Tuesday; Johnson Hall forfeited its final STB's record is 3-0-2. In a three way tie for third place are UFS at game to APA; after the w;iy 3-3-0, KB at 3-3-0, and Potter at they've played all season, it was 3-2-0, which will have a chance to the only decent thing to do. by Glenn Faden take over sole possession of third On Saturday afternoon STB The SUNYA Sailing Club won when t h e y meet TXO on defeated UFS 13-0. The first score its first regatta of the season at a Thursday. Sixth place is held by came on an 18 yard reverse and two-day event hosted by the club TXO w i t h a 1-3-0 record: the second TD came on a this weekend. Participating in the however, they have two games spectacular 88 yard bomb. STB's competition were teams from remaining and can finish in a four Larry Meyers turned in the finest Hobart, Marist, Queens, RPI and way tie for third. Last place is all-around performance in the U n ion Colleges. State sailors held by Johnson Hall with a league; he completed seven often moved into an early lead on dismal 0-6-0 record. passes—one for a TD—ran the ball S a t u r d a y which they held On Thursday KB downed consistently well, and intercepted throughout the regatta. In the Johnson Hall 12-0. The KB four passes—one more than UFS twelve races which were held, offense was sluggish but managed completed to its own players. Albany recorded six first places 1-0 score. T h e c o n t e s t p l a y e d on Homecoming Day, could be called a defensive b a t t l e b u t a "non—offensive battle" probably Sailors Place 1st HOMECOMING 69 cm iw 14 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Dionne Warwick in Concert and five seconds. Skippering for Albany were Chris Follows; team captain Glenn Faden; and Richard Alweis. Jon Sargalis and Lily Winiger served as crews. The final team standings were Albany 75, Hobart 65, Union 51, RPI 45, Marist 43, and Queens 35. Albany's responsibility as host includes providing facilities and supervision for the event. Visiting schools raced in Albany's 420 class sailboats purchased last .year. A ten-knot breeze prevailed over the half-mile triangular course, making f o r brisk racing conditions. Docking facilities were provided by the Colonie Park Department. Dr. Donald Schmalberger, faculty advisor, and Charles Bowman, former club Commodore, served as the race committee. The Sailing Club is a member of the Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Association (MAISA), a student-run organization which coordinates all '-egattas. PARSE After-the Concert SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 Homecoming Parade- Soccer Game- Theme: 2oor C (uU<Wf/ici4M-{idu)ti student-faculty contributions for Fall '69 issue accepted Campus Center 320 interested in staff or artwork call Andy Trudeau (356-0484) after 8 questions welcomed WHYS A NICE GIRL LIKE YOU FEELING SUNYA vs. Stonybrook Champagne Formal C.C.Ballrooin Prime Ribs Buffet Dinner (suggested dress long gowns and dark suits, cocktail dresses acceptable.) THOSE WERE THE DAYS" describes the encounter in better fashion. There were very few scoring opportunities for either team. When the defense was called on to make the play, they were there but these occasions were few and far between. The wind was a very great factor in the playing of the game. The ball would either go nowhere if kicked into the wind or would travel all the way downfield if the wink was at the kickers back. The game was scoreless at the half and continues this way until late in the third qurater. With only one minute to play in the period, RIT's fine center forward Steve Teramy booted in a loose ball after a mell in front of the goal. Teramy was an all-cholastic selection in Rochester for four years. Aside from this goal, the Dane's defense did a fine job keeping him in check. Wednesday, State faces Hamilton College at 4:00 p.m. The westerners, according to Coach Schiefflin, are a solid team but are unpredictable. Thus far, the Danes have had quite a bit of trouble putting the ball in the net. They have given up fewer than three goals per game but have scored only a littly over one a ga^me- hence, an 0-4-2 record. Campus Center Ballroom Old-Fashioned Pizza Parlor- cc. Cafeteria an exhibit in the Campus Center All tickets on sale beginning mon. oct. 20 PAGI7 REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON GRADING Harriers Post Impressive Wins; i i Invitational Saturday ^ . nBob «. •*„-,, by Familant^ ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 EVERY MONTH? WATS PREHISTORIC! Viiu know. A monthly problem. Hot who tares when you have that pull), Illumed, "Oh. I'm so lat leering".' TOHNDAR, that's who. TRKNDAR'l L. help keep you slim as you'.ire all month lung. Its modern diuretic (water-reducing) action controls temporary prcincnstroal weight gain (That can lie up to 7 pounds! I .Start taking TRKNDArt I to 7 Jays he-lore thai itmc.'li'll help in.ike you look heller ami leel Inner TRENOAR...ITMAKES YOU GLAD YDUkEA GIRL! The committee had five meetings and some informal discussions. This Report, written by Thorstensen and Collier, expresses the unanimous judgment of the group. At least four groups at SUNY Albany have studied reform of the grading system. (1) The Task Force on Instruction recommended "the abolition of the letter grade system and its replacement with S or U grades." (2) The Task Force on Academic Regulations considered several proposals but voted to recommend no change in grading for the present. Their report noted that among faculty and students there was a good deal of "enthusiastic support" for a Pass-Fail option. (3) The Commission for Academic Affairs of the student government strongly recommended a total S-U system and in March conducted a poll of nearly 2,000 students, of whom over 70% favored pass-fail grading in all courses. (4) The Academic Standing Committee studied the question through most of 1968-69, investigating a number of plans for change. They canvassed faculty opinion on this campus and others, including directors of graduate shcools. Oil May 26, the Committee recommended in a five-page report to the Undergraduate Academic Council a "Mixed " H-S-U system, to which the Council added a recommendation for field examinations. It was this plan which the Senate was finally unwilling to adopt at the end of the year. Still, the year's work amounted to a virtual mandate for change. It is clear that during 1968-69 a great deal of attention was given to the grading problem by many members of the University community, and valuable reports had resulted. The summer ad hoc Committee on Grading was expected to work primarily from these reports and supporting documents, not to look for fresh data unless it was clearly useful and readily acquired; to develop recommendations for the Senate to act upon; and to furnish the necessary information and rationale. PROPOSAL Resolved that: A. Beginning in the fall term, 1969, all grades for freshman students shall be submitted to the Registrar as satisfactory or no credit. Satisfactory work is that quality of academic performance which the institution expects from its students in order to earn an undergraduate degree. The mark of no-credit means that a student has not provided the instructor with evidence which would justify the grade of satisfactory. B, Beginning in the fall term sophomores. 1970, such grading shall be used for all freshmen and C, The new grading system shall be under continuing observation and review by the Academic Standing Committee of the Undergraduate Academic Council, which shall interpret the system, report on its operation, and recommend changes as appropriate. D. The system shall be in effect until June, 1973. CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSAL . . SYMBOLS. The expression "all grades for freshman students" refers to grades formerly recorded as A,B,C,D, and E; the proposal is not intended to affect the special designations I,W, and Z as currently used. The symbol S, "satisfactory," is now awarded in graduate seminars, student teaching, and other approved courses (Undergraduate Bulletin, 1969-70, p. 59). The proposal would extend such approval while preserving the meaning of the term and the convenience of a symbol that is an initial letter. The symbol N would avoid the pejorative and often misleading implications of U ("unsatisfactory") or F("failed"); however, it may be unacceptable as a symbol, because it now signifies that a course was offered on non-credit basis. Perhaps NC could be used, or X, but the choice of the most convenient symbols can be determined by the Registrar in consulatation with the Academic Standing Committee. 4. DURATION'OF EXPERIMENT. Four years provides time for the novelty of the plan to wear off and for students, faculty, and administration to have gained substantial experience with it. During the third year the first freshmen under the plan would be juniors, well into their major fields and with good perspective on their experience. 5. This proposal does not attempt to answer the question, "Wfiat is satisfactory progress for a student under the proposed system?" The ad hoc committee and the Undergraduate Academic Council did not feel required to develop the details of policy in matters of advisement and retention, a normal responsibility of the Academic Standing Committee. RATIONALE The discussion that follows is intended to explain and support the proposals by considering the most prominent questions and alternatives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What's the matter with grades? Why not a Pass/Fail option ? Why no " H " for honors work? Would changes occur in evaluation and standards? Would the quality of work deteriorate? What has been the experience of other schools with S-U plans? 2. PRELIMINARY VERSIONS. The proposal is part of the recommendation that Margaret Farrell's committee submitted to the Task Force on Academic Regulations in the Spring. (See the Task Force Report, Appendix II.). Much the same proposal had been independently developed and approved by the students' Academic Affairs Commission in November, 1968. The Farrell committee also proposed gradual extension to a total S-U system and the development of comprehensive and field examinations. These features appear to have been important in its failing to win the approval of the Task Force. We came independently to the conviction that the part we offer has the greatest overall merit and the fewest disadvantages of any plan to come to our attention. We do not see it as "the answer" to the grading problem but rather as a strong step in the right direction. 3. STARTING DATE. The policy should begin without delay. The matter has been long and responsibly deliberated, there is a strong consensus among students, and there are no major administrative impediments. We can think of no consideration that would require or justify waiting any longer. CONCLUSIONS 1. The proposal is TIMELY. All over this country, indeed the world, the demand is urgent for creative change in university education. SUNY Albany has so far responded creditable to this challenge in many areas of campus life and work. There is strong consensus that reform of the grading system should be the next step and strong expectation that it will be. We should take that step now. 2. It is EDUCATIONALLY DEVELOPMENTAL. It extends, significantly and clearly, the scope of the student's self-regulation and urges upon his attention not the shadow of his education but its substance. It removes a major obstacle between students and teachers and stimulates fresh approaches to their common enterprise. Its risks are well worht taking. 3. It is PRACTICAL. It is simple in concept and operation; it is of the right sizelarge enough to count and small enough to observe and control, it is dynamic and properly paced, allowing time for adaptation and coordination within departments. For all these reasons, the proposal should be adopted. The questions listed above in the Rationale will be answered in the Open Meeting on the Pass-Fail Proposal 8:00 pm TONIGHT in the Campus Center Ballroom ADVEHnSEMEOT PACE 8 EDITORIAL ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS COMMENT Student* progress; Education too? Endorsement Well, today begins the voting (YAWN) in "the most important election ever held on this campus"(Asp Editorial, Oct. 3) SIGH.. We were quite excited about the prespect of elected students serving on University Senate. Excited, that is, until the campaign began, (did it ever, really?) Among our choice of adjectives to describe this "campaign" are: lacklustre,boring, and indifferent. What about the issues? Well, we found four. No one else seemed to be looking very hard. The candidates showed little potential for innovation, almost no evidence of thought on what they could do for us, and certainly little proficiency in writing(as exemplified by those incredibly similar and boring essaysl) Only a few candidates stood out in any manner. We have decided to formally endorse, and offer our support, to those candidates. They are: l.MikeGilbertson 2Doug Goldschmidt 3.Lenny Kopp 4. Mark Landesman S.Sue Schwartz 6. Greg Spear 7. Marsha Buebel 8. Steve Villano Volume LVI, No. 9 LOOKING AT THE MOON THROUGH A microscope-Dr. Pryor. evaluating each situation independently. They must not be bound to —hochberg any doctrine, and must approach each problem with an open mind. 3. Desire—an active desire to devote time and effort to studying and considering the issues is vital. 4. Knowledge—Our representatives should have some knowledge and background in the field of governance of the University. 5. Experience—some experience in government can be an asset. This election campaign has been more than disappointing; it has been downright horrible. We are disgusted by the meaninglessness of it all—and it is more than slightly frustrating to see more and more posters as the only positive(?) result of, again, "the most important elections ever held on this c a m p u s . " Sanctuary "We provide no sanctuary for those who break the law." This statement, made by Dr. Thome at the President's Conference yesterday, defines the attitude of the university as an institution toward drugs on campus. Thorne also said, "the University is committed to helping students in trouble." The grand paradox is that there would be fewer students in legal trouble if some of the laws were either brought up-to-date or rescinded altogether. "Trouble" is an illusory term usual'y defined by the University in the context of established laws. You are "in trouble" if you protest, "in trouble" if you smoke marijuana, "in trouble" if you are a human being with peculiarly human habits. We must keep in mind that humans cannot be successfully judged by any law. For laws are, by definition, institutionalized and, as such, can only judge institutions, not individuals. Only other individuals can execute their morals effectively, justifiably. The laws have no meaning for humans-we make our own and abide by them. Because this is true of most people, it is important that they be educated so their laws arc the result of reasoned thought, not emotional reaction. We think that if there is any "problem" at all, it is with the ridiculously antiquated education that does not aid us in questioning our own morality or in determining what our "troubles" are. Perhaps before the University administration starts turning in students for breaking "the law," they ought to concentrate on determining validity of those laws, and their humane relationship to them. Friday, October 24, 1969 Students in Faculty Senate; Pass-Fail first consideration Undeniably, we were hampered by the fact that we do not know all candidates-- and also, by the inability of many of the candidates to reach us with their views. We did use definite criteria, however, in judging the candidates we were acquainted with, and we did find that the 8 people we have endorsed fulfilled those criteria. We looked for these qualities in the candidates: 1. Innovative attitude—we are a mobile body; our representatives in government must enter with definite ideas which they will attempt to institute. 2. Open mindedness—We need students who are capable of These attributes are more or less in descending order. By tar tne most important criteria upon which we must base our judgement of the candidate is his openness to new ideas, as exemplified both by his announced support of some, and his willingness to consider others. We believe our cnadidates have enough of the above qualities to merit election; there are other candidates who have made some valid points, or made some valid contributions, but they did not impress us sufficiently for us to endorse them. (We still take these elections seriously, and still consider them of importance.) State Unioentty of New York it Albany 219 policy concerning observers, Dr. Allan Kuusisto, president of Thomas Nixon 204 m e m b e r s of t h e university the University, and Dr. Alfred Candy Miner 203 c o m m u n i t y are generally Finklestein, Chairman of the Terry Coleman 199 permitted to attend. Students Executive Committee of Faculty GailKrause 181 who have specific views on any Senate, will meet with the Marie Staiano 176 issue should contact any student stduents who have been elected to Mitchell Toppel Mark Landesman 175 Senator. the University Senate on Monday, Out of an undergraduate October 27 at 10:30 A.M. in Room 375 of the Campus Center. population of over 8 thousand, Other candidates in the election The 22 students with the largest 1,367 votes were cast in this included: Mel Brosterman, Susan i imber of votes were declared the election. Reynolds Schwartz, Tobi Shostak, \ inners: The list of the other candidates Phil Cantor, Larry Blau, Michael i n this election is included Golub, Gordon Thompson, Nanci ^ ictor K. Looper 657 elsewhere in the body of this Wolf, Debbie Copeland, Pat Terry D. Mathias 532 story. Mahoney, Robert Cole, and David NeufelcT 430 Michael Gottfried. SENATE AGENDA Michael Gilbertson 357 Also running were Richard Richard Zipper 317 This month's Faculty Senate Richard Kamp 298 meeting, which will include Sternberg, Jeffrey Sherrin, Robert Douglas Goldschmidt 284 student Senators for the first , Sichel, Bert Devorsetz, Richard Joseph Green 259 Brendel, Thomas Peterson, E. Paul Jack Schwartz 255 time, will be Monday, October 27 Yasek, Charles Hart, Bruce Thomas LaBarbara 245 at 3:30 p.m. in Lecture Center Hatkoff, Susan Elberger, Bruce Jan Blumenstalk 244 Four. The Proposal on Grading which Leinwand, Mark Sosne, Alan Leonard Kopp 243 Stephen Villano 236 calls for a Satisfactory-No Credit Herzlich, Barry Davis, Bill Healt, Gregory Spear 236 grading system, as proposed by Allyson Price, and Andy Egol. Marcia Buebel, James Watson, Sam Moriber 223 the Undergraduate Academic Council, is among the issues to be Lucy Grodson, Linda Klausner, discussed. The results of a Jay Glasser, Perry Silverman, Dan faculty-wide poll taken by the Duncan, Thomas O'Boyle, Joseph Executive Committee on this Pachman, Paul Passantino, Steven proposal will be announced at this Gerson, Milledge Mosley, John Koethen. meeting. Write-ins were the following: Guidelines for student-faculty consultation will be presented by Dave Formanek, Paul Howard, the Ad Hoc C o n s u l t a t i o n Steve Bookin, Bill Coluni, Richard Laboratory in Houston. Planned C o m m i t t e e . These guidelines Friedlander, Alan Sorota, Dave collections by Apollo 12 and e n c o u r a g e flexibility and Forman, Aline Lepkin, Greg Moss, Apollo 13 will, it is hoped, yield experimentation depending on the Bill O'Kain, Nadine Simonoff, additional samples for such study. n e e d s of each individual Bernard B o u r d e a u , Michael The m a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e department. If these guidelines are Confield, April Richards, Jeff technique is non-destructive, and adopted, each department must Mendleson, David Wood, William will yield information about file a s t a t e m e n t with the Pompa, Joe Kaiser, 0'Connel,and Brumman. hydrogen, silicon, fluorine, and Vice-Chairman of the Senate. Also, Diane Baily, Alice other atoms thought to be present Generally this statement should in the lunar surface. Information include the manner in which Borman, William Hunt, Big L. about the chemical state of the student opinion will be obtained, Mitchell, Michael Silva, Bob atoms and about internal electric s ubject matter scheduled for Hoffman, Sue Donhatek, Chuck and magnetic fields in the samples discussion, and a procedure for Ribak, Fred Grombozzi.Jay Four, may be obtained. complaints and the redress of T. Freer, Kathy O'Neil, Jeannette Beckorman, J. Robbins, Ron The data will be used as a grievances. Neuman, Isadore Johnson, background to the study of The Personnel Policies Andrew Haber, Amato, Steve proton implantation at the lunar C o m m i t t e e will present surface, the nature of which will recommendations on campus Espositio, Alice Kenney, Mel be viewed as some measure of parking policy concerning parking KArp, and Mark Goor. solar activity and the rate at lots 3 and 4, Jtff Finkel, Chris Hill, Judy which the surface layers of the Avner, Susan Bellock, Louis Although the Faculty Senate Giordano, Ed McCabe, Eric Stein, moon turned over with time. has never formally adopted a continued to page 2 No green cheese on moon, see SUNYA's lunar samples COMMUNICATIONS All communications must be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Communications are subject to editing. Sign Revolution To the Editors: On Friday morning, about 2 a.m., on Oct. 17 a few of us put 15 posters around the campus. They all said the same thing: Revolution, Nov. 15, Anarchy. By 12 noon all 15 posters had vanished. I don't know who removed the signs but I presume it was the campus pigs. While putting up the signs a pig told us that not only weren't we allowed to put up our posters but that we weren't allowed on the academic podium after 11 p.m. We are all students of this University and the reason for our posters was disgust. All of us had taken part in the moratorium. A moratorium that showed the apathy and ignorance of the majority of students on this campus. A disgust at the little our efforts achieved. Only revolution in Washington on Nov. 15 can start to change this action. In our violent country there is only one way to force the majority to change from fighting necessary riots with more police to getting to the root of the problems. That way is by having them watch their white, middle class,sons and daughters die and be beaten fighting for a legitimate cause. Non violence has never worked and as the stones said "the time is right for violent revolution." Remember our national and parsonal securities are worth nothing without our freedom. On Nov. 15, be in Washington, and don't march, revolt and don't say, destroy. Undergraduate Requirement Elimination (CURE) have been working under the auspices of Academic Affairs Commission since the first of October. With the aid of Kick Collier and Bob Gibson of University College, we have explored the feasibility of eliminating University wide requirements and have discovered that our goals can be attained by the end of this semester. However, such an undertaking needs the maximum amount of Student and Faculty support. If our proposal is passed, it will inevitably change the character of academic life at SUNYA and it therefore commands the total interest and commitment of the entire University community. There will be a meeting Wednesday, October 92 at 7:30 in Lecture Center 2. Your absence or presence at this meeting may determine the direction of your academic career. Love, Committee for Undergraduate Requirement Elimination(CURE) \ASP STAFF The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP editorial office is located in Room 334 of the Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A. tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918. The ASP phones are 457-2190,2194. EditorslnChief Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman To ALL Students: News Editor Associate News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Technical Editor Assistant Technical Editor Photography Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Features Editor Are you fed up with University Requierments? WE ARE! We, the members of the Committee for The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. THE PATHOS PEOPLE CURE requirements Kathy Huseman Anita Thayer Daryl Lynne Wager Dave Fink Pat O'Hern Tom Clingan . . Marty Benjamin Chuck Ribak Daniel Foxman Barry Kinchner Lunar samples collected by Apollo 11 are being studied at SUNY Albany by Dr. Kline of the Physics department. The moon samples will be on display Saturday from 11-5 and Tuesday from 9-5 in the Main Lounge of the Campus Center where they can be viewed through a microscope. Dr. Kline's specific research is in nuclear magnetic resonance studies of lunar materials and lunar simulation samples. While he has done initial study of the lunar samples at Oak Ridge, it is expected that much of his work will be performed in the magnetic resonance laboratory in the University's physics department. Professor Kline is studying samples of lunar material already collected by the Apollo 11 Lunar Mission as they become available from t h e L u n a r Receiving Pass-fail explained, students pose questions by Carol Hughes Members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Grading clarified the proposed Satisfactory-No credit rating system at an open meeting on Tuesday, October 21st. The recommendations of the committee will be acted upon by F a c u l t y - S e n a t e on Monday, October 27th where the plan may be accepted, rejected or changed. A panel c o n s i s t i n g of C o m m i t t e e Chairman Robert Thorstenson, Fred Childs, Richard Collier, Robert Gibson and Terry Mathias responded to student questions for the major portion of the meeting. Thorstenson, wishing to clear up a "lack of communication," seemed to bore the audience by reading the sections of the rationale for S-N grades omitted in Tuesday's ASP. He termed Pass-Fa il the most feasible solution to the inadequate grading system presently in existence, but by no means a total answer to the problem. Student objections to the plan centered on thje very partial nature of the recommendations. Concern was expressed for the "shock effect" that would be experienced by students in the Junior year upon return to the conventional grading system. Why students could not "map out their own destiny" was also an area of interest. Since Juniors and Seniors would still be taking lower level courses with freshmen and sophomores for A,B,C,D,E credit, instructors would still be obligated to teach on the present basis. A partial system (mixing S-N courses with those taken on a conventional basis) was regarded as a totally unacceptable solution since students would let S-N s u b j e c t s slide and concern themselves with those with an A,B,C,D,E grade. The Pass-Fail proposal would provide creativity, educational development and practicality to the learning process on this c a m p u s , a c c o r d i n g to the committee. "No one thinks he has the grading problem licked," said Thorstenson, but the adaption of Pass-Fail would be a beginning towards that end. NEW AND UNUSUAL SHAPES AND COLORS embellish the Indian Quad landscape. —cooper