State's Win Streak Broken

State's Win Streak Broken
Despite this photo's implication, State lost the "battle of the foul
line" in their 73-64 loss to Siena last Friday.
Photo by DeYoung
Grapplers Meet
FDU Here Tonite
The Great Danes' winning
streak was stopped at eleven this
past weekend as an aroused Siena
squad came back from a two
point deficit at half time to record
a 73-64 victory.
Albany was up by as much as
five points in the second half
before the Indians, behind fine
foulshooting by Bob Herman,
stormed into the lead.
Rich Margison once again
played an outstanding game as he
hit long jump shots in the first
half to keep the Danes in the lead.
In the second half, the Indians
prevented Margison from shooting
and thus stifled Albany's most
potent weapon. Margison finished
the game with twenty-three
points, fifteen of which came in
the first half.
Scott Price, who was at a
'distinct disadvantage in having to
guard and being guarded by
Siena's 6-7 Herman, contributed
eighteen points. Jack Jordan who
fouled out of the game, was third
for Albany with eleven markers.
The Danes were hurt in the
second half by excess fouls as
Siena capitalized by hitting
The standing-room-only crowd
was treated to an exciting first
half as the lead changed hands a
number of times before Siena
pulled ahead with 6:39 left in the
The Danes chance for a
post-season bid was somewhat
The probably lineup of
With only three meet!,
remaining in the season, the Great wrestlers for tonight's meet will
Dane Varsity wrestling squad be: Pete Ravalli, 130; Fran Weal,
prepares to grapple with Farleigh 137; Bob Kind, 145; George
Hawylchak, 152; Craig Springer,
Dickinson tonight at home.
The Dane matmen have but one 160; Frank Bevy, 167; John
dual victory under their belt thus Ferlinif, 177; and Curt Whitton,
far. That one came almost a unlimited.
The meet will be held at 8 p.m.
month ago at the expense of New
Paltz. The victory was the first in the main gym.
one following a coaching change
t h a t took place between
Varsity wrestling coach, Joe
Garcia, went on sabbatical and
was replaced by Bill Mull, a
graduate of Brockport and former
Freshman coach. The vacancy
brought about by Mull's rise to
the Varsity squad introduced
Grant Longley as the new
Freshman engineer. Longley is a
graduate of Springfield College.
'The Law Revolt'
Mull's presence introduced to
the State squad a greater emphasis
on conditioning. His overall
Wednesday, February 26, 1969
enthusiasm caught on and sparked
the Danes to that lone victory
over New Paltz.
Campus Ballroom 8.00 PM
Earlier in the season, Albany
put together a second place effort
Free With Tax
5 0 * Without
at the Albany Quadrangular meet.
The team was runner up behind
Hartwick's squad. In addition to
the team performance, individual
efforts were also acknowledged.
Seth Seahly, Bob Kind, and Craig
Springer each took a first place in
the Quadrangular meet.
The big problem on the squad,
however, has been experience.
Few Albany matmen have more
than one or two years of wrestling
experience. Craig Springer, with 8
years of wrestling to his credit, is
the most experienced of all the
The team also suffers from a
lack of depth, as it has but one
member to each weight class, at
the very maximum.
reduced with this loss although
they certainly aren't to be
counted out yet.
Once again the Danes were hurt
by their lack of depth as both
Cayerly and Jordan got into foul
trouble early in the game and
were force to spend a large .
amount of time on the bench in
the second half. With these two
starters on the bench the Danes
were badly in need of defensive
strength against Siena's much
taller team.
With Seina taking the lead, the
Danes were forced into a situation
where they were forced to go to
an even greater pressing game and
consequently ended up with more
The Indians, who were defeated
by State earlier in the Capital City
Tournament, played an inspired
game and quite possibly prevented
the Great Danes chance for a bid.
The Danes record now stands at
thirteen wins and four losses. This
Saturday, they go against
Southern Connecticut in an
important game. Friday they will
host Potsdam State.
With Rich Margison socring at a
twenty-one point pace, and with
the tough defensive game of Price
and Caverly, the Danes may still
be able to gain a bid to the NCAA
tournament and a possibility to go
on from there.
Engineering • Science • Business Administration • Liberal Arts
" are cordially invited
Vbur faculty
advisor asks you
for advice?
All sophomores und juniors
interested in the Student
Ambassador abroad program for
this summer are asked to attend
an informational meeting tonight,
February 18, in the Assembly Hall
of the Campus Center at 7:30 pm.
Anyone unable to attend tonight's
meeting should contact the
Student Association office.
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• '
State UnlvcnftH of NM» Ytrk «t Albany
Vol.LV no.
this weekend
The finishing touches are being
put on plans for "Dedication
'69", a weekend of special'event*
at State University of New York
at Albany which will note both
the 125th anniversary year of the
institution and the conclusion of a
two-year period during which
buildings on the new campus have
been dedicated. James E, Allen
Jr., U.S. Commissioner of
Education, will be the dedication
convocation speaker Saturday
evening, May 17.
An unusual feature of the
weekend will be a symposium
designed to provide participants
w i t h an opportunity for
stimulating discussions on
contemporary subjects with
knowledgeable people. Sessions
are scheduled for this afternoon,
May 16, and tomorrow morning.
w i l l range from
international dimensions of higher
education and ethics and human
engineering to the new literature
and the cost and consequences of
science in the modern world.
Reinstatement of
Psych professors
by Anita Thsysr
Dr. Waterman's and Mrs.
Rhoads' term appointments have
been extended for one year by a
decision of President Collins
which concludes with his recent
Participation," distributed at an
all-University meeting Thursday,
May 8. This is the culmination of
administration efforts to And a
constructive and acceptable
solution to the Waterman-Rhoads
The issue, according to Collins
"is the e x t e n t t o which
information from students was
systematically included in the
judgements made, the ways in
which students were involved in
the discussions, and most
important the degree to which
constructive dialogue between the
students and faculty was
COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, James E. Alton, Jr. will bt tht>
T h e Student
er at the dedication ceremonies, 8:30 pm Saturday.
requested Collin's intervention on
the basis of "their inability, over a
period of more than three weeks
U» develop a basis for constr uctive
discussion with the faculty of the
psychology department."
Prior to this case, the faculty
had committed itself to the
principle of student participation
election or be a member of any made by Arnold, who is UB's in academic affairs." There is no
Student government's "Student request by students nor intent by
SA financed group.
faculty to shift control over
In other matters, Council Rights Coordinator."
passed faculty
appointments to
passed the resolution to run an
opinion poll concerning the unanimously the resolution in sutdents," but there is an
intention to utilize student
establishment of a Student
Association Legal Aid Society. possible implementation of the information, and concern.
The poll is expected to be taken
' Meaningful discussion is the
College und un "heart of the academic process.
in the fall by Council's Political G c n e r u l
and Social Positions Committee. Experimental College" at the Unless opportunity for continuing
The main purpose of the legal University.
, d i a l o g u e is assured, the
aid society would be to help
"ndorscd the pluralistic fundamental function of the
obtain legal counsel for University c o n c e p t of undergraduate' University is threatened.
students charged with a felony or education onunciutcd in the 1968
Over 200 students attended he
report, "New Patterns in May 8 open meeting and greeted
Dennis Arnold, a student at the Undergraduate Education," and Collin's decision and statement
University of Buffalo, spoke to felt that the establishment of the with emotional approval and
the members of Council about the Gcnerul und Experimentnl expressions of relief.
Students present also discussed
Legal Aid System recently Colleges would bo u murk of real
necessary the genorul issue of student
established ut UB, und its success progress toward
participation. "If we slow down
academic reform.
so fur.
Thomson Littlefield, an
Arnold stated that tho system
consisted of un unsworing service introducer or this bill, stated that
that could be culled ut unytimo, due to the budget cuts for the
und which guvo information to coming fiscal year, there may be u
in t h o
students about their legul rights. If l e n g t h y
tho student found himself in jail, implementation ol' these two
nn uttempt to post bond und colleges ut the University.
obtain legal counsel would bo
Council lowers student fee
SA Legal Aid Society poll
by Nancy Duriih,
Staff Reporter
The passage of the bill
containing revised student activity
assessment rates was the highlight
of last night's Central Council
This bill, whose major provision
calls for a reduction of $4 in the
mandatory student tax rate for
the entire year, contains changes
affecting all students, including
graduate and special students as
well as students enrolled in the
General Studies program.
The new rate of $26.75 per
a p p l i e s to all
undergraduates and special
students carrying 9 or more credit
hours a semester. Those carrying 4
to 8 crodit hours will pay $13.38
per sumester, and those having u
course-load of less than 4 hours
are exempt from paying student
On the graduate level, if
students elect to pay tho student
tux fee tho charge will bo $13.38
per your for a course load of 7-11
hours und $26.7 5 per your for 12
or more hours.
Students enrolled in tho
General Studies Program will pay
no student tax. Those students are
generally people from the
community who take one or two
courses a year at tlio University.
A completely new rate for
married students was also
instituted with the bill's passage.
If one member of Student
Association is married to another
member of SA, they will pay the
normal rate for two people but
will receive u refund of $13.38 per
sumester. In uddition, If an SA
member is married to a
non-member, the non-member
will receive ull of the benefits of
student lux by paying $6.69 in
uddition to the member's fee "'
$26.75 por semester. However,
because this non SA member is
not attending the University, lie
shall not be able to vote In any
Friday, May 16, I969
we're really going to lose...What
we need now is a vehicle for
responsibility...The ultimate
power should reside 50-50...Power
isn't numbers; if you can acualize
your ideas you have power..."
The Faculty-Senate discussed
the Waterman-Rhoads issue and
President Collin's statement on
student participation at their
Monday meeting.
Although Collins affirmed
several times that attempts had
been made to solve the issue at
the departmental level, many
Senators saw the President's
action as a threat to departmental
Collins denied that "coercion
had played a role in his decision in
response to another Senator's
President Collins emphasized
that the role of "meaningful
student dialogue" was more
important in his review of the
issue than the merits of the
original decisions, on which he
passed no judgement.
The right of students to
petition for the redress of
grievances has been affirmed in a
policy on student consultation
adopted by the Faculty Senate.
Faculty are obligated to "consider
such petitions in good faith and
act responsibly on their merits."
This policy calls for the
University President to impose on
all departments and schools the
"duty a! providing for an orderly,
faculty-student consultation with
regard to policies and decisions on
matters of concern to students."
An Ad Hoc Consultation
Guideline Committee of four
faculty members and four
students will draw up guidelines
for implementation of this policy
before the end of September,
Any student who is interested
in serving on this faculty-student
committee and will be here this
summer should contact Terry
Mathias in CC 367.
Work-force integration
study to begin now
Whereas: The President lins
requested tile offices of tile
University Construction Fund und
the Dormitory Authority to
conduct u survey of tho extent to
which minority groups uro
construction projects.
To this end a cominilte is to be
formed composed equally of 1
students and 1 faculty senutors.
Any student interested in
participating is urged to submit
his nntme to Terry Muthius ut
Fuculty .Senate passed u
resolution Monday resolving:
That the Faculty Senate
review the findings of this study
and, If discrimination is found to
exist, join with the Student
Association to establish u joint ad
hoc group empowered to rectify
lire situation by such measures us;
1' Publicize tho findings of tho
2. Ascertain tho reasons for
non enforcement of existing laws
3. Study the need for changes
in existing legislation
4. Survey the availability of
trained construction munpower in
tho locul nreu, with emphasis on
members of minority groups.
5. Provide assistance In
recruitment und employment of
such trained workers.
6. A s c e r t a i n
opportunities in the building
Continued on nags 7
DISCRIMINATION In Indisn Quid work
Investigate and report.
frMiy mty I t , I M t
d t a n y itudmit p r « §
«adc Rhetoric*
offered in spring
Students can now
break contracts
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Beer Blast fesm&sr n^s
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IMPENDING DESTRUCTION OF CHAPEL HOUSE h i t arouwd growinf opparttow In tbt form of •
Committee to Save Chapel House. 'Proof of much student support would be necessary to save It.'
Chapel House destruction
is opposed by committee
by Valerie Ives
Opposition t o t h e destruction
of Chapel House, which is t o b e
replaced by an Interfaitb Center
has been voiced b y t h e C o m m i t t e e
to Save Chapel House.
The Interfaith Corporation n o w
o w n s t h e property where Chapel
House is located. Although it is
b y University
Chapel House is neither run nor
paid for b y the University.
This Corporation, made up o f
citizens in the c o m m u n i t y , w a s
given the power to plan the
Interfaith Center by the Capital
Area Council o f Churches. In
order t o get the m o n e y t o build
the center, it is h o p e d that enough
b e made by
members of the c o m m u n i t y .
o f students in
religious organizations was taken
by the Corporation and it was
revealed that they would be in
favor of the new center.
The preliminary plant1 for the
center have already been drawn.
The chairman of the Corporation
said that proof o f much student
support would be necessary in
to save Chapel
because it would b e expensive t o
change the plans.
One alternative suggested was
that Chapel House b e m o v e d .
iVithin t h e c o m m i t t e e , however,
an objection was made to t h i s - t h e
architect wouldn't approve o f t h e
way the huge, modern, center
would look next t o the o l d ,
w o o d e n house.
the Interfaith
smaller or putting it n e x t t o t h e
Chapel House so that it need n o t
be moved.
Chairman of the Committee t o
Save Chapel House, Shari Long,
said that the Interfaith Center
could be a good thing, but that it
doesn't seem to merit the tearing
down of Chapel House. This is
because there doesn't seem t o be
any reul need for an Interfaith
Center, und especially one of the
size planned.
It would have t w o floors and
include offices for the campus
ministers and priests, and also o n e
room largo enough to hold 3 0 0
Onu of its purposes would bo
having traveling clergymen c o m e
und stay for a few weeks while
giving speeches, e t c . A n y religious
group could meet there. It is
hoped that it would get the
c o m m u n i t y and the student b o d y
more involved in this t y p e o f
activity and also that the religious
active. A regular worship service
would be held every week.
w a s built
somewhere around 1 9 1 0 and, as a
point of interest, was run by the
Republican machine. Most people
that k n o w the place have c o m e t o
love it. Its w o o d e n structure, high
a n d fireplaces all
atmosphere. It's ideal for small
group discussions and is also a
g o o d retreat house. Its setting o n
the hill and the sharp contrast in
atmosphere b e t w e e n the rest o f
the campus and Chapel House are
important t o those w h o go there.
Work o n the Interfaith Center
is planned t o begin next fall. A t
t h e Interfaith
Corporation is trying to see if the
c o m m u n i t y is going t o donate
enough m o n e y .
Dr. S m o o t received his P h D .
from t h e University of Michigan
with a strong background in
Formerly a
at t h e
College at Cobleskill, Dr. S m o o t
has held appointments at West
Virginia State College, Allegheny
a n d Morgan
Walinsky, Kennedy aide,
Initiates Memorial Lectures
A lecture series honoring t h e
late Senator Robert F. Kennedy
has been established
at the
Graduate School o f Public Affiars
at the State University o f N e w
at Albany. T h e initial
lecture will b e delivered b y Adam
t h e late
assistant, on Tuesday, May 2 0 t h ,
at 8 : 0 0 pm at the Campus Center
of the University.
Mr. Walinsky will speak o n
"The Radical in Politics." T h e
lecture series is being sponsored
by tho Albany Chapter of Pi
Sigma Alpha, a national political
science honor fraternity.
Memorial Lectures, in addition to
the primary purpose of honoring
the late Senator, will b e designed
to establish a dialogue between
leaders-government officials and uides-and
tomorrow's political Icaders-the
Senator Kennedy was involved
in such a dialogue during his
public life. His many campus
marked by a sharp exchange of
and ideas.
Kennedy's willingness t o accept
this challenge of student views
impressed many o f the present
college generation and sparked
admiration for his frankness and
the idealism of his concern.
Mr. Walinsky is a graduate of
He joined
Senator Kennedy' s staff while
only 2 6 years old, after having '"radical in residence," he is well
worked with the Peace Corps. Mr. equipped t o address the lecture
Walinsky drafted many of Senator topic.
Kennedy's best k n o w n speeches,
The public is invited t o attend
drew up much of the Kennedy the lecture. All w h o are interested
program, and was in the present campus unrest and
influential in urging t h e Senator the Kennedy' N e w York years
to enter the 1 9 6 8 Presidential should find the talk worthwhile
A s Senator
Blood drive
sets record
Red Cross Chapter 4 6 2 7 4 6 1 o f
Albany with the aid and assistance
of the brothers o f Alpha Pi Alpha
Fraternity set an Albany area
drive record this past
Tuesday, May 1 3 , 1 9 6 9 . Doors
opened t o willing participants at
1 0 : 0 0 . A.M. and finally shut six
hours later, but n o t before 4 5 8
life-saving pints of blood were
collected from a non-apathetic
and spirited 5 0 1 willing donors.
Mrs. Phillips, an official R e d Cross
nurse, said that this was o n e o f
the best turnouts she has ever
witnessed. Her expectancy w a s
in t h e
neighborhood of 3 0 0 pints w o u l d
be obtained even though t h e
fraternity's goal w a s boldly stated
at 4 0 0 . Y e t , t h e last drops o f
b l o o d shed pushed the mark well
over both the estimation and t h e
goal. Mr. Peter Pavone, a junior at
State, and Mr. Robert Moses, a
senior, worked throughout t h e
day and put o n an
attracting many more donors.
The R e d Cross and Brothers o f
the Alpha Pi Alpha Fraternity
extend their sincere and warm
t o all t h o s e
concernedly gave their share t o
such a worthwhile drive.
Sat. May 24, 31
9am 10pm
Sun. May 25,June112:30pm-12am
Graduating Seniors
come to your
(It will be held Saturday, June 7 at 8:30 p.m.)
We need to know the number of people attending—
You need to know what to wear, what to do, who to bring, etc.-If you plan to attend, please complete an information card (at
the Campus Center Information Desk) before Friday, May 2 3 Then we can send you our plans. Parents, lovers, and
other guests are welcome.
June 1 - September 1
Near Stale Office
Living, Dining Area, Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom. Furnished. $70 a
Efficiency: Livingroom, Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining area, bath. Furnished.
$60 a month.
"Black R h e t o r i c , " a new course
b y t h e Rhetoric and
Public Address Department, will
b e offered starting in t h e spring o f
1 9 7 0 . T h e course, RPA 3 3 3 , will
with t h e
Studies A A S 3 4 3 , and will carry 3
The course will study and
analyze speeches o f black leaders,
a n d present,
such as
Truth, Booker T. Washington,
Malcolm X , Stokely Carmichael,
and Eldridge Cleaver.
Prerequisites include RPA 1 0 3
(SPH 1 0 3 ) or RPA 2 0 2 (SPH
1 0 2 ) , or t h e former course SPH
are presently
under w a y t o hire Dr. James
S m o o t t o teach the course. He is
the new Assistant Vice-Chancellor
of S U N Y and is also presently
Coordinator o f Urban Centers and
Special Programs with the Central
including the
A large part o f the course will
consist o f listening t o tapes o f
speeches in t h e listening lab i n t h e
Humanities building. During t h e
summer, t h e head o f the Rhetoric
and Public Address Department
will b e collecting tapes o f black
speakers, and b y the fall, t h e
will possess a large
Call: 434-5532
Parents, lovers, and other guests may be housed
at the University June 6 and 7.
Make reservations in person or by mail by May 31
at Eastman Tower.
. dfesny student areas
Irldey may 16, 1988
•Ibany student press
Stickmen Beat Cobleskill
Host Corning Tomorrow
THEY SAY THAT the best offense is a good defame. Silvey'i chares* m m to
be employing it in grand fashion.
Albany'. •«ondlacro«w«a.ori'
comes to an end this Saturday
when the Danes meet Corning
Community College at 2 pm on
the soccer field. Corning has a 5-1
The highly successful stickmen
will take an 8-1 record into the
g a m e . Over their two-year
history, coach Silvey's charges
have an even more impressive
13-1-1 mark.
The only setback in State's
short history came at the hands of
the West Point J.V.'s earlier this
year. The tie came last year
against tomorrow's opponent,
Under a new rule, no game may
end in a tie. Thus, a repeat
performance of last year's game is
impossible. There will be a winner
(and a loser).
In their most recent games, the
lacrossemen have posted victories
over the Hartwick varsity, the
Siena frosh, and Cobleskill A&T.
The encounter with Hartwick
went into fiftm ~
the score was tied at tha end of
both regulation play and two over
time periods. Mark Werder put in
the winning goal in tha third
minute of sudden death. The final
score was 8-7.
' Against Siena, what was billed
as an easy game for State turned
into something more as the Great
Danes had trouble scoring until
late in the game. The Indians were
on the short end of a 9-2 score.
Most recently, State beat an
aggressive Cobleskill team, 11-7.'
Contact lenses can be
heaven . . . or hell. They
may be a w o n d e r of
modern science but just
the slightest bit of dirt
under the lens can make
t h e m u n b e a r a b l e . In
order to keep your contact lenses as comfortable and convenient as
they were designed to be,
you have to take care of
Until now you needed
t w o or more separate
solutions to properly prepare and maintain your
c o n t a c t s . You w o u l d
think that caring for contacts should be as convenient as wearing them.
It can be with Lensine.
Lensine is the one lens
solution for complete
contact lens care. Just a
drop or two, before you
insert your lens,coats and
lubricates it allowing the
lens to float more freely
in the eye's fluids. That's
It has been demonstrated
that improper storage bet w e e n w e a r i n g s may
result in the growth of
bacteria on the lenses.
This is a sure cause of
eye irritation and in some
cases can endanger your
vision. Bacteria cannot
grow in Lensine which is
sterile, self-sanitizing,
and antiseptic.
Let your contacts be the
convenience they were
meant to be. Get some
Lensine, from the Murine
Company, Inc.
, bv
by Mark
Mark Grand
Several school and track Andersen who won tha Javelin
records were broken aa tha track throw with a toss of 175 faat,
team posted its fifth victory of topping his own record by ten
the season Saturday with an feet. Don VanCleve broke both a
impressive 104M-39M win over school and track record in tha
visiting Marist College.
discus with a throw of 128 faet 2
Leading tha Danaa waa Roes inches. VanCleve also look top
The Aggies stayed within long
range of victory, by playing a
bruising s t y l e of lacrosse
reminiscent of Albany's encounter
with Army.
For tomorrow's final game, the
Danes will have all their top
scorers in the lineup; the attack
will feature starters Larry Smith,
Jim Flanigan, and Steve Jakway.
J a k w a y , A l b a n y ' s second
leading scorer, recently returned
to the lineup after suffering
bruised ribs.
Golf Team Downs Hamilton
Gertzberg, Patterson Star
The Albany State varsity golf
team played its fifth match in a
week yesterday and in the process
closed out its first winning season
in five years.
Last Tuesday, the team hosted
Union College and were more
than hospitable as they dropped a
4-3 decision to the men from
Schenectady. The six individual
matches were split, three and
three, but the seventh point went
to Union by virtue of their lower
overall stroke total.
The following day, State
traveled to Syracuse to face
LeMoyne. Led by sophomore
Tom Patterson's 73 and junior
Marv Gertzberg's 74, the team
came away with a 6-3 victory. On
Friday, they traveled to Plattsburg
to compete in a triangular match
with Castleton State as well as the
former. Again led by Gertzberg
who shot another fine round, I his
time a 78, State won both
The three match winning streak
was broken on Monday, however,
as the team dropped a 5-2
decision to RPI. But they were
not to be kept down for long as
they defeated heavily favored
H a m i l t o n College, 5-2 on
Wednesday for their first win over
Hamilton in five years. Once more
Gertzberg and Patterson paced I he
team with scores of 78 and 7!),
This last match closed out a
very fine season record to B-r>.
Gertzberg led the team with a
cumulative average of 79.1 with
Patterson following close behind.
The SUNYA Scuba Club will
hold its last meeting of the
semester, Wed 21, at 7:30 pm in
the Campus Center 315. Students
and faculty who were unable to
attend the first meeting are urged
to attend. Self-nominations for
officerships for next year are still
Instructional courses will be
offered this summer. Each club
member must provide his own
basic equipment, consisting of a
mask, snorkel, and fins. All other
equipment will be provided by the
club, the course consists of 35
hours of rigorous training in (he
pool, in the classroom, and in
open water.
Guests will be a Cahill's
Sporting Goods representative,
Mr. Walter Hornberger, a U.S.
Divers' National Consultant, and
Dr. Swift, an anesthesiologist. A
film will also be featured.
If you are interested but unable
to attend this meeting please leave
i n f o r m a t i o n in the student
mailboxes for either Lynn Marl in
or Dave Cummings: Mane, phone,
experience and if in area summer
phone, address.
do your
conflict lenses lead
a clean life? Scuba Club Sets Plans
because Lensine is an
" i s o t o n i c " solution,
w h i c h m e a n s t h a t it
blends with the natural
fluids of the eye.
Cleaning your contacts
with Lensine retards the
buildup of foreign deposits on the lenses. And
soaking your contacts in
Lensine between wearing periods assures you
of proper lens hygiene.
You get a free soaking
case on the bottom of
every bottle of Lensine.
Munseymen Murder Marist
Meet New Paltz Saturday
SUNYA Magazine
Science Fiction
Distribution - week of May 19
Student Tax - Free
J t£0*ty^|r wM4fwW
for Information 4 5 9 - 9 0 1 0
American Travel
Washington Ape.
Albany was one of several
yearns considered by the Eastern
College Athletic Conference for
its basketball Team of the Year
iward in Division II. The honor
vent to American International
College, which finished third in
the NCAA College Division
Several weeks ago, a very inconspicuous column appeared in this
space. It had to do with the much talked about possibility of
intercollegiate club football next fall at Albany State. In essence, it
concluded that the only solid obstacle to institution was the. lack of
knowledge, in the Athletic Department and Central Council, that
there were enough men who would want to play the rough contact
The column must have been quite inconspicuous for although it
was made clear that d u b football could easily become a reality,1 no
group of individuals has, as yet, come to the Athletic Advisory Board
with a petition to institute the sport. Once again, let it be stressed that
the petition had to come from those who wanted to play the sport.
This has been the policy of late when instituting new sports and it
has worked with much success. Both the Sailing Club and the Lacross
Club began wiih petitions by interested participants. The policy
partially assures a successful club--at least it fulfills the most basic'
prerequisite: fielding a team.
It is both the Athletic Department's and Central Council's prime
concern that each new sport at least be given the prerequisites for
success. In demanding a petition from the participants, those who
have the most to do with the athletic teams (coaching and
supervision-wise, and money-wise) are trying to assure the
Discounting the facetious possibility that no one has approached
the Board actually because the column was inconspicuous, only one
explanation can be seen for the lack of action: there are not enough
men at this time at Albany State who wish to play the sport.
I go out with a whimper, not with a bang!
Five Albany State University
atheletes have been chosen to
appear in the 1969 edition of
featuring the accomplishments of
matches handilv.
a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5,000 young
Meanwhile, the Great Dane a t h e l e t e s w h o have proven
Frosh netmen closed out the themselves outstanding in sports,
season Tuesday, defeating New c a m p u s
Paltz 7-2, and upped their final curriculum." They are seniors
record to 6-2. Coached by Grant Rich Margison, Scott Price seniors
Longley, the "Fribble Kids" (as Jack Sinnott, John Compeau, and
they are commonly called) were junior Jim Sandy.
led by Steve Kissler, John.
As far as Margison is concerned,
Buffone, Ray Priller, Larry
little need be said about his
Schliefer, Ray Shofler, and John
previous achievements at this
Tennis Team Trims Utica;
Travel To Oswego Tomorrow
c i _ i _,_ Varsity
ir-.^i.. m
history-making record to 9-0, with
an 8-1 victory over Utica
yesterday. The victory tied a
Great Dane record for consecutive
The only loss State suffered all
afternoon was in the number one
c o n t e s t , as Ron
McDermott was defeated in a
closely-fought contest, 7-5, 8-6.
This was the first loss handed to
Ron all season, and stopped his
consecutive win streak at eight.
Cutside of the first singles
. . the
.. _ „Varsity
. . . . _ 5netmen
d r o p a single set. Second
ningles-man Dave (Hondo) Hawley
kept his undefeated record intact,
winning 6-2, 6-3. Ken Fishman
made his overall mark 8-1 as he
ran away with his third singles
match, 6-0, 6-0. Ted Rosenberg,
kept his slate unblemished with a
6-0, 6-1 triumph. Finishing the
singles' play, Ross Pusatere took
fifth singles, 6-0, 6-0, while Mark
Walton grabbed sixth singles
almost as easily, 6-2, 6-1.
The Danes swept the rest of the
afternoon, taking all three doubles
Baseballers Set Back Utica
Brooklyn Twin-Bill Saturday
bullpen and brought in George
Margan who squelched Utica's
attempt to come back, thus saving
the game for Webb.
The Danes put the game out o f
reach in the fifth when they put
four runs across the plate. Singles
by Rich Spiers, Jim Lee, and Jack
Sinnott preceded a booming triple
by Jim Sandy.
Spiers and Sandy also supplied
big hits in the seventh frame when
the Danes collected three more
runs. Spiers slashed out a double
while Sandy added a single to the
l o m o o r o w against Brooklyn
beginning at 1:00. A large crowd
is expected since the game will be
one of the many events going on
With Webb tirinu in the eighth,
during Parents Weekend.
Coach Burlingame went to his
Albany's baseball team ran its
record to eight wins and six losses
this past weekend as they
defeated Utica, 8-3.
The Danes were originally
scheduled to play a double-header
with Utica on Saturday, but were
rained out. The Sunday attempt
to play the twin bill was also
washed out resulting in the
playing of the single game on
George Webb hurled no-hit ball
for the first six innings, and with
relief help picked up the win for
the Danes. Webb, the top winner
for Albany this year with a four
and two record, held Utica in
check until the sevent when they
erupted for two of their three
5 0 * without
m*s NEW * imd???
SPRINTERS HIT TAPE In 100 yard dash final In Saturday's Marist Meat.
. . the
. .shot
. *rput.
. In the
honors in
running events, in an, exciting
finish to the two-mile, senior
George Rolling crossed the finish
line Just ahead of the Marist
runner. Rolling turned in a fine"
time of 9:56.8. Freshman Marty
Amerikaner copped the 100 yard
dash and anchored the record
breaking 440 yard relay composed
of Joe Savoni, Jay Handleman and
Booker Evans. The new school
record now stands at 44.5.
State swept the 880 with Rich
Horowitz, Jay Kaplan, and Don
Beevers finishing first, second, and
third, respectively. The 440 ended
with the same results as Jay
Parker, Bob Pryba, and Joe
Ingrassia reaped all the points for
The tracksters end their season
on Saturday as they host the New
Paltz varsity. On Monday, the
varsity will meet the freshman
team in a wrap-up to the season.
University. This honor is indeed a
fitting reward to an individual
who has a great deal of which to
be proud.
Price is also a most deserving
recipient. Hobbled by an ankle
injury this year, his performance
did not lack hustle and desire
which characterized his play
S a n d y is a t w o l e t t e r
man.catching for the baseball
team, and in winter serving as the
sixth man for the basketball
squad. Sinnot is the starting first
baseman on the baseball team,
while Compeau captained the
Soccer team.
SUNY Full Year Study Program 1969-70
Tel Aviv University
An accredited program open also to Non-SUNY students. Earn 36 credits. Courses offered in all
diciplines. Sonic scholarships offered.
For applications and more information fill in and mail coupon immediately to:
Year in schopl_
State University College
Oneonta.N.Y. 13820
. Major_
School now attending .
Address *
MONDAY, MAY 19-Those students who present tax cards for BOTH semesters will be able to receive
books starting on Monday and every day thereafter.
TUESDAY, MAY 20-Starting on Tuesday those students who have paid tax both semesters but have
ost one or both of their tax cards will be able to pick up their books.
See 'Rocky and His Friends* at
WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 -Starting Wednesday studen ts who did not pay tax either one or both semesters
may purchase a book. Price per copy: with one tax card, $4.00; with no tax card, $8.00; Faculty and all
Dthers pay $8.00 per copy.
THURSDAY, MAY 22 and FRIDAY, MAY 23-Open days. Friday is the last day of distribution
scheduled, providing the supply of books lasts until then.
Play Ring Toss
Spon. by Albany State Young
Republican Club
HOURS-10 A.M. to 3 P.M. every day
LOCATION-third flootgallery, Campus Center, by old ASP office. Go up stairs of elevator on RIGHT
side of building (northwest, snackkftr side of building). Please leave by the elevator and stairs on the
LEFT side of the building.
NOTE- If you have not yet picked up ypur current tax card, ask for it at the Campus Center
Information Desk. There will be yearbooks saved for those student teaching; they may be picked up at
IrWty, may 16,1969
PRESIDENT EVAN REVERE COLLINS het been an essential end vital part of thlt University for 20 yean. I t will be a greet I o n for ell
concerned when he steps down at President thii year. The belt withet of the ttudent body will be hit, no matter what he mey endeavor.
by Jill Paznik
EDWARD D U R E L L STONE hat daikjnad many varied!?) structures throufhout tha world. Tha Campua Cantar at tha SUNY Albany eampva H but e m example
of aaria, "moonllka" appaaranoa that many of hit buildingt team to project. Anothar axampla of hit wide ttyle of architactura it tha Pakittan Institute of
Nuclear Technology and Science, located at Islamabad, Pakittan. It bears an uncanny resemblance to—almost everything elte EDS hat datigned.
by Kevin J. McOirr
by Dean O. William Perlmutter
Performing Arts
given to implementing last year's
College of Arts end Sciences
ASP Feature Reporter
r e p o r t , " N e w P a t t e r n s of
One of the more frequent most glaring contradiction, the
A people-oriented university
topics of discussion by the aware water tower which is off center on
written at the request of the especially the establishment of
should become an active cultural
student body of Albany State is both axis.
center. For the Albany campus
diverse experimental colleges. Let
the campus architecture. It's a Mr. Hoopes explains that the
perspective to the paths this me review t w o that were
this indicates an enormous growth
rare week when students or campus was designed for function
the performing arts, especially
mentioned and suggest a new one.
faculty are not complaining about and points out that very few
may fulfill its educational goal:
theatre, music, and art. We have
some facet of the grandiose Universities can be built up in five Let each become all that he is
some of the finest physical
structure. Complaints such as: years. He says that in future years capable of bemg.)
The Experimental College
facilities in the world, and they
poor acoustics, lack of visual there will be more greenery to
should be generously supported
A university
is a human
variety, or the sterility radiated by give relief to the white and grey
This would combine the last and used with daring and
define its
the bland colors are very frequent. stone.
and these part of high school (two or three imagination. The people of the
The man responsible for this goals and methods,
It h a s been said that the
years?) and the first two years of
capital district should feel at
architecture was designed to super magnanamous structure is change with time. As a living college. It should be the entry home on their campus all year
the university is
renowned Edward Durell Stone. institution,
reflect the student bodv.
Mr. Stone at 67 is responsible for always in process of becoming; it socially disadvantaged, together
symphony, ballet, cinema, and a
It has also been the delight of a bevy of structures throughout has no fixed essence like the with the culturally disadvantaged
of chemistry
certain individuals to perpetuate the world.
mathematics; it has only a history from white middle class suburbia.
rumors about the stupendous
Mr. Stone has designed the U.S. and an uncertain future.
We solve two major problems
structure. There have been stories Embassy in India, Civic Center in
with this type of unit: the
Advanced Studies
that the academic podium is New York, JFK Performing Arts
articulation of school and college
sinking, that the campus was Center in Washington and has traditional to describe and define and the provision of systematic
scientific side, and
designed for Florida, and that the been a consultant for t h e ,
preparation for university-level
tower on Indian Quad will only be Verazanno-Narrows bridge; this is is, as institutions concerned with studies to member of depressed without science there is im
ten stories high.
university and no liberal learning
only a small sample.
advancing knowledge. I believe
I s e e t h e concept
<> I
that the university of our time
At present, Stone has designed
environmental sciences as a
All untrue says Mr. Hoopes,
office manager for the architect's the Institute of Nuclear Science and the near future must now be injustices of the post, and reaching u n i f y i n g a n d harmonizing
described in more concrete and
office. There has also been and Technology in Pakistan which
principle for us in Albany
human terms.
speculation as the fact that the looks remarkably like the Albany
equity among all racial and ethnic Accommodating pure and basic
University is planning on building Campus. When I asked Mr.
groups in the society—this is our research within these parameters
The "free university" of the
another podium, this is also Hoopes about the similarity in
most urgent problem. We have yet presents no great problem; where
Stone's architecture he said that
, , , ", , •""" .,: " , \
. ' " " possible, I would hope that much
to take that magnificent American re
. , , .
once an a r c h i t e c t
l..,.i „IT__.
kt— of our research could be related In
u - i "all-out"
effort. New
In the Fine Arts building lobby,
h u m a n development of its
something that is successful he
the notion of planning and
one will find a model of the likes t o utilize its popularity in
members and to the improvement
controlling our environment. We
Finished structure as of 1974. One
of society. I see the State
other designs.
are already on the right path in
The General College
will also take relief in the
University of New York at Albany
atmospheric science and we are
asymmetrical plan for the whole
as becoming an outstanding
Whether or not one is satisfied
This unit should be come the making considerable strides in
campus. Mr. Hoopes says that the
example of this new kind of
with t h e sterile appearance,
heart of undergraduate education biology and chemistry. Geology
present campus is actually not
univc rsily.
symmetrical desing, cold concrete,
at SUNYA. The report envisages it and geography and the planning
that symmetrical; one may notice
or smalll living quarters; the
as a two-year non-departmental sciences need substantial support
that there is no dome between the
taxpayers of New York have spent
Let me speak of self-governance i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y
s c h o o l , above present levels.
Administration and Fine Arts
$104,000,000 for this phase of
Our n e w Afro-American
experimental and innovative in
the campus construction-so enjoy buildings. One will also notice the
As a legal and corporate entity, character, carrying out liberal, Studies chairman, Dr. Nathan
the university should eventually h u m a n e
keeps reminding us that
e d u c a t i o n in a
embrace all of its members as part contemporary manner. It is modern life is predominated
• •• •
of the corporation; policy and requested in the 1970-1971 urban and that "cities in
decision-making should become budget.
people." I couldn't agree imm
functions shared by ail-not only
Magnificent possibilities exist I.
' students and faculty, but also
t r a n s l a t i n g this idea tutu
College of Transnational Studies
people in support positions. If
mr. w l l h e l m
university activity and relating il
' you work or study in the
To prepare leaders for theto the concept of environmental
vie looper
institution, you have a stake in modern world, I propose a sciences.
Jim w l n s l o w
what happens, Policy should be three-year college leading to an The university shoultl also
based on consent freely obtained M.A. in the -social sciences and b e c o m e
a n international
tony oasale
and distilled t h r o u g h the humanities, with programs in a community, using many language,
howle woodruft
p r o c e s s e s of variety of fields requiring an and assisting its members idiscussion.
international background und a become bi-cuitural.
dan lago
mastery of two or more cultures.
A fine beginning has nlrenili
gary breullly
This college would aim atbeen made toward these goals and
to serve: 1) students in their quest producing a bi-cultural person.
much of what I write is contained
dunoan n i x o n
| for human fulfillment; 2) the
Comparative studies, teaching, in or is implicit in our campu
needs of society; ,1) the needs of international administration, are a master plan. The various gradual.
terry m a t h l a s
tile techno-structure
few of the possible areas of schools on campus have a mil)'"
At present, the order is usually studies.
and obvious
oovious role to play
pu m '
m i k e Judge
reversed. A university must do all
Entrance requirements would people-oriented university Social
' three. If it does only the first, it is
include mastery of two languages, w e | f B r B i education for urban and
and m a n y others
' a finishing school; if only the last,
plus academic achievement, 6 u b u r b a n 8c |,ools, the health
' a technical institute; and if it only
aptitude and u deep sense of
sciences, the communication
' serves society, it is a totalitarian
P l ed MOn
~n ?
" b r a r y " s c l e n t " a h ^ i n a T justice
' institution.
" T " , " * * » • , Md public affairs, can he
When I speak of serving
minimum of one year of study r e a d i | y •„,„„» .„ c o m m o n o f r , l r ,
' students and human fulfillment,
h the
' our topic is really undergraduate
L". c planning
° n i u ™ t l ° nand
* , l .improving
™ out'
.. More about this at another
""IHM,* of
' education. High priority should be
Continued on paa»7
^ People-Oriented
Few others have had the "The core is the arts and and skeptical of the relevancy of
o p p o r t u n i t y to develop the sciences with the professional the university to the changes that
perspective over this University school based a r o u n d a n d are and will be made. Some have
that President Collins has from 20 benefitting from this liberal reached the conlusion that the
years experience in his position. education."
entire university is irrelevant.
From his vantage point, the
Collins, from his perspective, feels
p r i m a r y function
of t h e
a little different.
University is to provide a free
"The 1960's everybody agrees,
"Courses," he says, "Don't
forum for learning both old and has seen all kinds of explosions have a relationship to each other
new ideas.
most notably in (lie areas of or to the students' problems
However, he emphasizes that population increase, technology except as he coordinates them in
" i d e a s a r e n o t static, for and human aspirations or his own mind,
knowledge to be alive it needs to expectations.
"Relevance is established when
"The attitude now is that it the student takes a course with
be transmiteed, taught, discussed
and applied.
this in mind. A course is relevant
"Knowledge for its own sake better, we want it better and we'll when the individual has a use for
gets sterile, precious. It has to be make it better.
"People arc ready and more
tested, used, in order to be viable.
"Students make the course
It is used in its applied forms in than that, determined to bring make sense; the 'goodness' or
change. Now wc have the 'badness' of a course varies with
the professions.
"The big advantage of this opportunity and implements for the individual's purpose.
i n s t i t u t i o n , is that it has, change.
"Students feel the generation
"This attitude has hit here."
preceding them hasn't done such a
professional and liberal arts
good job; they are impatient with
Many students are interested in the rate of change.
The University Becoming
Continued from page 6
Since language and literature
are among the most humanizing
of the disciplines, they will have a
vital role lo play in this kind of
university a n d should be
i n t i m a t e l y linked t o o u r
transnational and multicultural
efforts. In this connection, we
should add to the strength we
already have in Romance
languages and continue to build in
German and Slavic studies. Special
efforts are already under way in
Afro-American studies. Parallel to
these are new efforts in Hebrew
and related languages, as well as
Asian studies. Capitalizing on our
position in the Slate of New
York, we should take a leadership
role in Latin American studies,
with emphasis upon Puerto Rico.
What many people consider the
problem of Now York State,
namely its ethnic diversity, is its
greatest educational opportunity
and a source of intellectual
Graduate study in the United
Slates is in a rut. As we develop
new programs at the masters and
doctoral level, we should carefully
reexamine Leaching methods, a n d
dedicated to human
degrees, and program offerings in fulfillment in an environment of
order lo bring about radical mature self-determination.
i m p r o v e m e n t s in g r a d u a t e
On the balance, I would say we
education. A report similar to our have made considerable headway
undergraduate study is, in my since we first assumed university
opinion, now needed,
status. It has been painful at
I leave the social sciences until times, but this is a normal part of
last, since this is my own field. In growth. We need also to remind
a sense, they can fulfill an ourselves that a plurality of goals
architectonic role and provide an does not mean that one cancels
over-all design lor the various out another; and we must not be
studies of the university. The overcome by the complexity of
c o n c e p t s of e n v i r o n m a ntal our task. A great university must
u r b a n I s m , do many things and do them
transnationalism, autonomous superbly, with artistry or at least
u n d e r g r a d u a t e c olleges, and with high craftsmanship.
human develop m e n t, relate
directly lo ideas and methods
from the social sciences. Another
way of putting this is to conceive
Tim photos of Presidoni Collins
of the university as an inter- and
ore done by Taa Moon Loo.
cross-disciplinary affair, cutting
across e t h n i c a nd national
boundaries, pluralistic in approach
State University Bookstore
We would like to extend our congratualations
to this year's graduates.
"Universities are changing very
rapidly; they are trying to speed
up their processes of adaptation
and change; they are becming
more flexible."
The idea that the University's
is to uphold the
standards, values, and morals of
the society within which it exists
is, to some, repulsive.
President Collins believes that
the University must, "as well as it
knows how, uphold the standards
of society while, at the same time
them to critical
evaluation and refinement.
"It needs to leach the truth the
best that it knows the truth and it
must strive to discover new
In order to offer the free
intellectual atmosphere necessary
Work force integration
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
SOB Central Ave. Albany
Telephone HE 4-970)
We now have
For sale-1965 Honda and
Helmet call 434-5700
Need a way to get your
clothes and boohs home to
cither Floral Park or liayside
457-7048. Cos! $-1.
Wauled- Driver to California,
Approximately June 16th. For
details, call Jim 467-7963.
a complete line o\ Monarch Notes
and Study Guides auailable.
We'd like to thank all out customers /or their
patronage this year.
See yau in September.
Sofa Free just come and
it—poor londition.
Passport photographs can be
picked up at 208 Anthony Hall
The Bookstore will be open Saturday, May 17
fom 9 am—4 pm only
Collins now would like to
instruct graduate students in
adminstration of higher education
and personnel services at a
University that offers active
Of graduates in gneral he
believes the University experience
has aided them in asking more
intelligent questions. "You won't
be half as comfortable when you
leave as when you came in."
Right now many of us arc
asking the uncomfortable
Who will take his
trades in the local area and the
extent to which the graduates of
coordinated their "Work For All"
t r a i n i n g institutions receive
movement will, community
appropriate employment
efforts for minority group
7. Recruit people to take
of e x i s t i n g
As reported by Rick Schwab in
o p p o r t u n it ies and press for
the Buffalo SPECTRUM, "There
e s t a b l i s h m e n t of additional
is a resolve in the University that
training facilities if the need is
the campus (new Amherst campus
found to exist
estimated at $600 million) will be
The issue of discrimination on
built with an integrated work
construction work forces has been
brought to the attention of the
There is also resolve in many
University faculty administration
students' minds that campus >gill
because of the demonstrations
not be built unless the work crews
that have slopped construction
are integrated.
(on the same issue) at Buffalo
It is expected that similar
responses will be evoked if it is
of t h e s e
found by our Faculty-Student
demonstrations is the consistent
Committee that discrimination is
refusal of trades unions to being practised among unions
integrate their labor forces.
constructing this campus.
Graduation announcements are in and may be
for critical e v a l u a t i o n of
established ideas and values, the
University must be without
coercion of any kind from those
within it or those in the civil
co nd ition,
radical cam.
Ap't to sublet for summer
$70. 450-2040
th c d it in in ies of
who thought
Marian sorts the mail. HAPPY
DAY, love, MARgarel and
vivlA N
I i) 6 7
II n
1600-Convertlble, R&H 4 sp
111,000 mi. Tonneau and Pool
Silver-Grcy, $IHU0. cull Ho
5-3039 after 5 pm
Oolf clubs--$20 (Hug, 4 irons,
I puller, 2 woods) Good
condition. 438-7083
offered, call Hob 7>.)HH
welcome to go canoeing on the
lake on campus.
Nice girl wanled-Friday
night concert, call 8741 NOW
• I b i n y student p r u t
fridey may I t , I t W
The Odyssey Of A Dow Demonstrator: 68-69
fayed tutor
(Editors' note: The Dow demonstration and if after-effect* hat
been all but forgotten by the present etudent body. It does, however,
have its mark on some. For this reason we asked Ed Stiver to present
their and, more specifically, his own story of the games people
Well I got kicked out of school
presented graphically enough,
just short of my B.A. and it
things being as they are.
certainly didn't end the bloody
2) Demonstrations and protests
war. However, it certainly did not
against Dow Chemical had
end my education either so maybe
precipitated all over the country
it is not all as black as it might
on many half ass campuses.
first seem to you academically
Albany is a particularly half ass
obsessed people. Before sinking to
apathetic nothing, but given the
the theory part though, it is best
great news buildup for months
that I tell you the intricate story
and months, it was possible that
of my bust and the actions
even here spirit could be aroused
following that Anally lead to my
among 'student radicals' to
suspension February 28,1969.
actually implement their talk with
Once upon a time not too far
some action. At Albany State
past (as these things go) the Dow
people just do their jobs and do
Chemical Company recruiter
their jobs and do their jobs so that
decided to visit Albany State . anti-war and anti-imperialist
again and the terribly named
activities are difficult to stir up.
'Student Placement' Office, which
Dow was a golden opportunity, gainst one wall of the corridor on increased on both sides. The up a bit and quite a fight broke
just does its job, posted a notice not to be lightly discarded in either side of a door that said interviewees had to be lifted into
o u t . It ended after fifteen
of his visit in the usual place. favor of poster making.
Dow Interviews. I sat down on the , the Dow den over seated minutes-while the cops just stood
Some students signed up for
1 belonged to no political other side of the hall and was demonstraters by several large by cause it looked like the frat
interviews, they were just doing groups on campus, because I was immediately told to leave by a big cops. But the interviews kept on
jocks would beat up the commie
their jobs, of course, and some tired of attending endless fat guy in a very blue suit. He schedule and this looked bad. I
fags-with a number of the frat
other people doing their own jobs meetings and talking pointless later turned out to be one of the was in the middle of it all before
boys pretty badly bruised by
took it to the attention of the talk, which is where radical campus cops in disguise and he the Dow door. A number of us
some angry demonstrators who
school's anti-war groups. This was politics is at in this town. I did go told me I was blocking the hall. disussed how to be more emphatic
'had watched them operate all day.
in December, 1967 or January, to a few meetings where Dow This was a lie and I appealed to about getting this stoogie bastard
'Most of the frat kids left after this
These groups began actions were discussed and .tried- the rest of the people to help me off the campus. We decided to
considering taking measures to suggest the strongest measures out. They said wait so I moved siddle into the man's room as
By now people were standing
against the recruiter's campus people would agree to, but across the hall with them. By 10 soon as the door reopened and see
i up and linking arms in an attempt
agreements were few. The night AM the numbers had doubled and whether he would also like to join to stop the interviews. There was
Why protest against Dow's before the recruiter was to appear a group worked up courage to the discussion. Which happened
singing and chanting. The head
recruiter? Briefly: 1) Dow SDS held a big meeting cross the hall and take both sides. soon enough.
cop, a school vice president and
is concerning the coming event. The fat man couldn't do nothin
Eight or ten of us made it in, he some others made humerous
supplying the U.S.'s imperialist After an hour or more it looked about it. Gee won. After that the said "No comment." The cops,.remarks to the crowd, each after
war effort with napalm and other like moderation (ie: impotency, hall filled up quickly with about rushed in after us. They pushed his own kind
murderous chemical weapons. hypocracy, stupidity) was winning one hundred demonstrators and and shoved around, removing the •
These weapons are new and the day so I walked out with a thirty or forty frat boys on the little man to another room and '• They did not know what the
spectacularly barbaric, brutal, few others and we all got a better ends patriotically punching girls sealing the group of us into the hell to do. I several times
suggested removing the Dow man,
disgusting. This makes Dow a night sleep than the rest of the who had to pass through them
standout among the more debatees.
and being generally abusive. There Dow room. We were asked for IDs but this was one of the things that
traditional industrial murderers in
Early next morning I walked were also a lot of school cops and draft cards. We were told we was futile. They had clubs issued
were 'not yet' under arrest. That to the campus cops, announced
our country if the point is into the administration building appearing.
that the police had been called in,
and found twenty people seated
By noon the numbers had seemed nice so we asked to leave.
They said no. We announced the everyone would be arrested, and I
and r e j o i n e d
situation to the people outside. w e n t
They responded by tossing in demonstration. There was more
about 40-50 ID cards to show talking about being arrested. After
solidarity with our action. Putting a while all but 5 or 6 of the
our cards in the pile, we were demonstraters, including myself,
released. This incident stirred up a took off. The five were arrested. I
rather collective, lively feeling on had been similarly arrested a few
the part of almost all the months before. I did not want to
the same
demonstraters which was nice to s e e
judge-Teppedine-or have to cut
groove on.
Then everyone on all sides off hair and beard agains, so I
swayed with the wind and went
broke for lunch.
The war resumed at about 1:30 home.
PM. down the hall in a new
That was the whole thing, I had
location where the Dow man was a little faith still in the school
now attempting to finish his day administration about acting
clandestinely. There was a lot of rationally. I also had seen the
talking and group discussing of whole thing and realized that it
tactics. I chaired about half the had been quite tame. It was no
discussion. I was getting into the Columbia or T.F. State, As it was
swing of the thing. About .1:30 a in the Administration Building,
group of the frat boys blocked a l m o s t
one end of the hall, separating administrators, minus President
many people, including myself, Collins who was vacationing in
from the demonstration. 'If you Germany, had also seen the
con block the hallway, we can demonstration, It was the first for
block the hallway', they chimed. just about all, I presume.
But they couldn't, Some girls
Soon after, the university
began snaking through the line.
They were hit. I started through started serving up justice on a
platter in the form of little
and got shoved by a fellow I had
witnessed slamming an attache notices.
case ovor a demonstrator's head
earlier in tho day. I doublod him
continued to page 9
- - -i.:^-.
I know the way home
with my eyes closed."
Then you know the way loo well.
Because driving ah old familiar route can make you
drowsy, even when you're reeled.
When lhal happens, pull over, lake a break
and lake two NoDoz» Acllon A i d s " They'll help you
drive home wllh your eyes open.
NoDoz Acllon Aids. No car should bo wllhout thorn.
trldey rney 1 « . » » »
Demonstrator's Odyssey
. ^ continued from p. 8
The notices charged everyone
with breaking a school rule against
blocking students from acess to
legitimate school activities. The
rule had been passed on
administrative initiative by our
puppet-like Central Council
.. . ,
exactly one month before the
wire.They got it in just under
small number of the longer haired whether anyone had recognized'
school people decided to fight the me as entering the room in a
decision. We were right in our 'rude, offensive, or boisterous
actions; there was no crime to be manner'. I would have if it had
punished for. The lawyer n . „been
, , necessary,
. . but it had not and
unable to get another court order s o . I l n a d n o . t \*m "">"»> • P™»V
qUlet g u y m fact I t d i d
until we had used up our school
not MM"
, s o W e a n aonlleS t o m e , i k e m u c h w «« P r o v e d °»<°
an ther
M 8t
Nobody toVi, that ^ ^ 1
" " "'
°f the
w tne8ses
Two of the letters to
-hink that there is such a listing it a n o t n e r ana< grinned a lot. Most of
undergrade, including Joe Schyler,
is all probably arbitrary to the
admitted that it was not me
a senior, and myself, also charged
tnat tney saw
' '' u t r a t n e r ">ey saw
us with entering the room of the situation, so we wrote a long a fellow with
a beard that stuck
letter of appeal all about the
recruiter, a special crime.
out of the whirl because of the
criminality of the war, etc.
Several were never charged with
This was rejected, but we were
any infractions at all. Oh well. We allowed the appeal because the committee told me they would
were all of us ordered to appear punishments meted out to us were make a decision and that was that.
before either LAAC judicial improportionately greater than About six weeks later I was again
Board, undergrad, or the Faculty those given to the rest in light of suspended.
Committee on Student Conduct, the fact that we were all charged
I was again readmitted at Fall
for grad students. We could bring with the same 'crime'. We were all registration when Harvey got
witnesses, but lawyers were reinstated pending this appeal. another court order enjoining the
For me the appeal did not come school
.._ ..._
""'—' from
Someone contacted a local "P until early June after school action against me until the appeal
lawyer, Johnathan Harvey, who was out and there was no chance
hoard in Appelate Court That
' T H I N E W E S T T Y P E O F PROTEST. • ' chalk-in" nearly resulted In die arrest
agreed to represent all of us in a of trouble.
finally happened this past
of some of the nicest people Wednesday.
civil case against the school
The appeal body turned out to February, a year after the Dow
dealing with the kangeroo lack of be the same group that had demonstration. The case was again
It proved that the university is
due process recurrent in its original jurisdiction over the grad dismissed in favor of the school
perpetuates itself. It raised a fuss capable of being scared very easily
judicous reprisal system. He students. It had suspended them a n [ i ' received a letter kicking me
of acting irrationally and
advised us to ignore the scheduled and I really did not expect much
- ' can reapply next January
system as a form of farco.
irresponsably. At no time did my
hearings until we were permitted more for myself. I put on my red 1 9 7 1 .
It cause a number of people to fellow protesters or myself
council, due process, and the right shirt and marched on down with
6ht now, lawyer Harvey is
reflect on the war and on the threaten the freedom or form of
to express our viewpoint, none of the lawyer, Harvey. President willing to take the case on to the
whole ugly mess now brewing just the university, yet it felt
which seemed forcoming from the Collins, reknown for his slippery Supreme Court, but first he wants
under the surface of the fading threatened.
school as things then stood.
ways, had decided to permit me a 'I 1500 to write and research the
American colosis. It was a lot of
Then he went to court and got legal counsel this time around.
that would be necessary No
fun. And it helped knock a great
a holding order against the school
My'trial'lasted about six hours o n c see ™s at all interested
Perhaps in the screwed up
glob of middle class superficiality
on March 6. This prevented the a n d i t w a s r e a | l y a g a s H a r v e y di(J anymore.
out of my system. I do not know minds of its administrators there is
school from taking any actions not let me soy a word, because grad students took
their if it was worth it, since after all I somewhere doubt and death. I
against us until the case anything I said might hurt the
had rather doubted their
concerning due process was heard court appeal. I just had to sit suspensions and went on to really did not do anything
immortality for some time,
in court. The school desisted and there while all kinds of strange academiu. I would fight this concrete—if 1 suspected that I
although I did it in the minority.
the case came up in County court nonsense went on. There were suspension if there seemed to be would be kicked out of school for
It did not seem to prove anything
on April 17, 1968. It was microphones set up and the whole any more milage left in it attempting to talk to a Dow
very new about the issue of
dismissed and the school show was tape recorded. They all politically, but it looks pretty recruiter, I could have at least set
dead politically and I am in no fire to u couple of buildings or campus recruiting by legal
rescheduled its hearings. The wore suits.
hurry to get a B.A. anyhow.
something—but it certainly did murderers—witness the recent
lawyer filed for an appeal to the
Little Dean Cliesin acted as
So 1 am out of school 12 hours not hurt me. I do not now and referendum—but if it made just
Appelate Division (Court of prosecutor for the school. He
short of my degree. Was it worth have never intended to sell my one other person think to act,
called lots of witnesses and I had it? What was proven? Well, it is
mind and my soul to any fucking then it proved inevitability. That
Still heeding legal advise trouble staying awake. Harvey impossible to say whether it was
'future employer.' My goal has perhaps is all that can be proven,
everyone boycotted the hearings. helped that by objecting worth it all. It gave me an
always been more to live with but perhaps in this lifetime that
The boards met and sentenced all everytime due legal process was unusually personal view of how
myself and with my actions and I shall be enough.
the students in abstentia. Joe and massacred during the hearing. This the university, or any large
feel that I can do that pretty well.
I were suspended for one winter happened about twice every
s e m e s t e r . The five grad minute and it was fun to listen to.
students—who being older should He was consistently overruled by
have been wiser, spoke the faculty the committee chairman, Mr.
committee—were suspended for Lanni of the Physics Department,
the summer semester. Tho rest w ho did not seem to be very
were placed on disciplinary interested in them.
probation for the rest of their
Several of tho witnesses
undergraduate years.
distinguished themselves by lying
Unfortunately, the intensity of about their observations of my
political feelings had been fading ac tion. The big fut cop in the blue
since the
point of the su it was there, his name was
demonstration. Many of the officer Rogers and he lied like a
charged students were already Cop. Another cop, Andrew Fitz,
scared by the idea of school w a s
extremely honest in
reprisals-how will this affect my testifying, however, so that
future employment and all that evened out. Deun Lois Gregg,
shit. As for tho other members of c i i f t o n T h o m e ' s ussistunt
the academic community, some sur p r ised me by her lies. She hud
profs and kids hashed ovor tho m e fling open tho Dow door and
perversity of it all, but nothing force myself in as tho first
much was done to help us.
entering tho room.
Therefore, many of the
This is a moot point, true, but
students In the original lawsuit they wore only interested in moot
group now accepted thoir points. It was also false--und since
probation status and quietly s n e was very close und did see
disappeared for the rest of the w |,ul actually happened, 1 wonder
semester. Everyone who wus w hy she chose to tell that story.
suspended, however, along with u The testimony all dealt with
If you will be looking for interesting
summer employment, we have it!
/ / you are capable, WE OFFER:
$155 per week to start
15 $1,000 cash scholarships
also 500 cash scholarships
Call now for appointment after finals.
Located in Quad Lower Lounges
In Albany, telephone 463-4233
Dutch Colonial State
GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people,
SUMMER and YEAR ROUND. 20 countries, » paying job catoories offered. For FREE cultural program literature including
etalls and applications, write: "ISTC admissions, 866 United
Nations Plaza. New York, N.Y. A Non-Prom" Student Membership Organization,
• T.M. O106S Bflltol M/m Co.
•Ibany student prate
In Utica, telephone 724-3149
between 9 am and 2 pm
Mon.-Fri. 4pm-7pm Sat. llom-3pm
Y ,.;.;-.(
MOVIE: Dr. Strangelove
7:30 pm C.C. Ballroom
Admission: FREE
Buses leave for Green Mountain
Raceway at 5:00 pm from the
Administration Circle.
Price: $6.00 per couple
$3.50 single
Includes: 1) Bus ride
2) Buffet dinner
at the track
3) Seats in the
Mohawk Campus Buses leave at
11:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
From Administration Circle
Price: $3.50 per couple
$2.00 single
Includes: 1) Swimming at the new pool
(bring towel and suit)
2) DinnerRaw clams, steamed clams,
barb-b-que chicken,
corn on the cob, salades,
8:30 Campus Center Ballroom
Price: $2:00 per couple
$1.50 single
6:00 p.m. CC Ballroom
Price: $4.00 per couple
$1.50 single
Includes: 1) Hawaiian
Buffet Dinner
2) Dance with the
Candy Coated Outhouse.
Seniors and torchbearers meet
in the Campus Center Ballroom •
at 8:00 p.m. not Colonial Quad
as previously scheduled.
Candles and candleholders
must be obtained at the
Bookstore prior to Torchnight.
frlday may 16,1969
albany student prate
It is a ahame that more
publicity haan't been given
Boulting Brother's production,
TWISTED NERVE. The film has
only one name star, a grown
Haley Mills, which is hardly
enough to make movie-goers
break down the doors.
It is indeed tragic that a film
such as TWISTED NERVE has to
struggle to break even when
unartistic trash such as THE
millions simply becuase its
producers have the financial
resources to purchase expensive
advertising. Despite the fact that
TWISTED NERVE will probably
be a box office failure, it will also
.be remembered as one of the best
films of 1969.
The film starts out slowly.
Director Roy Boulting builds
scene upon scene, always giving us
hints at what is to come. The
movie opens with Martin, alias
Georgie, (Hywell Bennet) playing
ball with his Mongoloid brother.
We get insight into Martin's
character when we see the
dissension in his home life. He
hates his stepfather, and at one
point his overly protective mother
says, "Sometimes I don't think
you care for anyone." We don't
realize the full importance of this
line until after Martin has killed
his stepfather. Then it is
connected with a young medical
student's comment that a
psychopath is a person who has
no conscience and cares for no
Chad Walsh, poet, author, and
anthologist, will read and discuss
his poetry at 8:15 p.m. on
Wednesday, May 21, in the
Assembly Hall of the Cumpus
Center. A professor of English at
Beloit (Wis.) College, he was a
Fuibright lecturer In American
literature in 1957-58.
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
may 21, 22, 23.
calling for Susan, without thinking
of Anthony Perkins in PSYCHO.
However, even" with the beat ots
several movies, this film still could
have been unsuccessful, if it wen
not for the excellent editing that
tied each of these scenes to the
next. This is obvious in the cut
from Georgie raising the hatchet
to kill Susan's mother to a
medical chart of twisted blood-red
As for the acting, all the actors
perform so well that the plot
remains suspenseful throughout
the film. This is not to say it is
t o o o m i n o u s or heavy.
t h o u g h t f u l l y provides the
audience with comic relief. His
sequence where the medical
student diagnoses an intestinal
THE S I X T H STREET T H E A T R E repertory group will appear this
infection for a woman whose only Saturday evening at 9:00 p.m. at The Golden Eye, 820 Madison Ava.
malady is an overdose of laxative
can be compared favorably with
Shakespeare's drunken porter
scene in MACBETH.
All t h e characters are
ingeniously necessary to the plot
except for Jerry (Frank Fihlay), a
broken-down film editor. Hir
GreeksT dorms and other campus
presence is by no means a flaw, as
by Holly Seitz
groups are urged to construct
he also provides needed laughs
"Excitement Plus" could be
Judging of the floats will
with his drunken comments on considered the theme for
not be based on a first, second
sex and violences in films.
Homecoming Weekend 1969.
Photographer Harvey Waxman Stephanie Rice and Marty and third prize basis, but rather in
and the other members of the Stromei, co-chairmen of the categories. The parade will be
Boulting staff have a decided flair Weekend, are already planning the accompanied by a marching band.
Saturday afternoon there will
f o r suspense and drama. events for October 24, 25 and 26.
be a soccer match at which IFC
The Weekend will offer and ISC will sell hotdogs.
routine-establishing sequences are traditional events planned in a
The ballroom Saturday evening
just that, routine.
brand new way.
,will be the scene of a champagne
Also there is one routine
Headlining the Friday concert buffet and formal.
sequence which is edited out of will be Dionne Warwick, a popular
The Campus Center will also
reason song stylist. The plans then call
for this is unknown; perhaps they for the apres concert activities to have exhibits, phobsand films of
SUNYA's past for the returning
needed what is commonly known move to the Campus Center.
as a "cheat shot" and hoped no
T h e c a f e t e r i a will be
The entire weekend will be
one would notice. It is, however, transformed into a red checkered
The primary reason lor this quite noticeable.
presided over by the Homecoming
table-clothed Italian pizza parlor. Queen. She will be chosen from
small number is lack of funds. In
If it weren't for flaws such as
recent years the cost of financing these, the Brother Boulting would The ballroom is to be decorated the girls entered in the traditional
one student's year of study has have created a minor masterpiece. for a night club-cabaret type contest, o n . contestant being
risen from about $1600 to over Yet even with its flaws, it is still atmosphere.
chosen from each of the sororities
The traditional Homecoming
far above the average as an art Parade is to be centered around and dorms. S-'mi-finalists will be
A scholarship provides the work.
named by a panel and the Queen
the theme of "2001" and all will be selected by popular vote.
foreign student with room, board,
tuition, books, linen, insurance
The co-chairmen expect the
and a small monthly stipend for
Weekend to be a real change of
expenses; the student must
pace and rather reasonably priced
provide his own transportation to
due to mandatory student tax.
Scholarships are usually given
to students from developing
Selection of scholarship catchphrase for the 1969 Arena INVENTION, a children's play;
recipients is the responsibility of a Summer Theatre, according to J o h n
committee A r t i s t i c Director William ENTERTAINER; and three
composed of five
faculty Frankonis. The season is to one-act plays by William Hanley,
members and two students. This include four productions, among collectively entitled, MRS
committee meets after State Fair which will be a Children's Theatre DALLY HAS A LOVER.
Also, Robert Bolt's A MAN
to determine how much profit production, the first in Arena's
Jinlft Joplln • Jefferson AirFOR ALL SEASONS; ACTS
was made and how it will be seventeen-yeur history.
plane • Creedence Clearwater
Revival * Iron Butterfly •
distributed among incoming
Canned Heat • Crosby^ Stills,
Beckett; and the LENNON PLAY,
student ambassadors.
and Nash * Mothers of'Invention * 3 Dog Night • Byrds
State Fair represents the sole Snyder, who will join returning a dramatization of Beatle John
• Procol Harum • Mary Hopsource of money to finance a staff members John Velie and C. Lennon's two books, IN HIS
kins • Johny Winter • Moody
foreign student's year of study at
Blues • Chicago Transit AuARENA: SEASON
'69 will IN THE WORKS.
thority •Butterfleld Blues Band
Albany State. This State Fair was
• B. B. King • Buddy Miles
Despite delays in play selection,
conceived with the goal of making begin on July 9 and end on
Express • Crazy World of Arthur
Brown • Savoy Brown • Mother
it possible For foreign students to August 2, with each production Arena has set as its audition dates
Earth • Sir Douglas Quintet
broaden the dimension of the running four days, Wednesday Monday through Wednesday
• Little Richard * Moby Grape
evenings, June 2, 3 and 4, at 7:30
University while gaining personal through Saturday.
Among those plays under pm in Laboratory Theatre 2 of
benefits. Since then, these
August 1-2-3
purposes have made State Fair an. consideration are: PROFESSOR the Performing Arts Center.
Atlantic City Race Track
annuiil event.
Atlantic City, N.J.
Dionne Warwick at
Homecoming conceit
State Fair funds
aid ambassadors
In the midst of the excitement
generated by preparations for
tomorro's State Fair, a great many
people on campus fail to realize
the very purpose of the Fair itself:
that the proceeds from the event
will be used for scholarships to
bring foreign students to Albany
State for a year of study.
Diversity in its student body
can only serve to enrich a
University. Foreign students on
inter-cultural exchange by living
and studying with American
students. SUNYA's foreign
students contribute to and also
benefit from campus life.
According to Mr. J. Paul Ward,
the international student adviser,
there are far too few foreign
students on campus today, there
are o n l y
representing 40 countries. Of this
tickets for all events
must be purchased
at the campus center
one but himself.
The first 35 minutes of the film
are weak. Their sole' purpose is to
establish the setting, Georgie's
character and sickness. The scenes
are often tedious and somewhat
sloppy in their construction. They
are rather unsophisticatedly built.
The camera work in this section is
below standard, occasionally
cutting off the tops of heads.
From the time Georgie picks up
those deadly scissors and the
camera focuses on their ghastly
reflection of the pantry light,
everything seems to pull together.
The Boulting Brothers have
learned their film-making from
watching other films. From here
on out they borrow heavily from
Alfred Hitchcock's classic,
Their best devices are not
original, but are successful bits
stolen from other films. The crane
shot in Susan's (Miss Mills') home
is right out of CHARLY, although
it is enhanced further by some
sharp, sophisticated editing.
Susan's mother looks and acts like
Mrs. Robinson with the added
Von Stroheimian twist that she
wants to make it with a
Georgie's cutting up of his Mrs.
Robinson with a hatchet is shot
from the same angle and precision
as it was in Bette Davis'
impossible to watch that closing
sequence of Georgie sitting in jail,
Arena Summer Theatre
plans "SEASON '69 ¥
Atlantic City
Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge
Banquet Ha* Up To 175 People
Entertainment Tues.-Sat
Dancing Sat. Night
Reasonable Room Rates
Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm
M. ,20 • 4 Mile* From Camput
PIWM 438-6696
A. Turanto
Tickets ( 6 per performance, ( I S for
3 performances. Send tall-addressed
stamped envelope to Electric factory,
2201 Arch St., Phils., Ps. 19103
Eelitot ia
Social Knowledge
If the good of knowledge lies in its practical social applications why
do we not receive academic recognition for using that knowledge?
This University has never given credit for tutoring in the South End
or Arbor Hill areas, for work in political campaigns, in student
government, in the newspaper.
It has not recognized the educational function of any of these
As a matter of fact, the university's emphasis on 'ideal' knowledge
rather than practical or 'realistic' knowledge has led many students
away from these socially beneficial services. In order to acheive purely
'academic perfection they cannot spend time serving the community
(Academic and outside).
This policy must change and can change by this fall.
Faculty Senate must implement the task force report on
Instruction which calls for recognition of aforementioned services.
By doing so it would be rewarding many for using their education
and social motivation for the good of the community. It would also
allow more of us to contribute in this way .benefitting ourselves and
this institution.
Department chairmen can add to this prevailing inflexibility by
adding new programs to their departments within which students can
shape their own education. The departmental programs are only a
start. More independent study courses for individual projects should
be offered ori the .idergraduate level, preferably by the fall.
We are sure professors can aid in this pursuit of knowledge by
innovating within their department.
Students, of course, now that they have had their influence
formalized, may add immeasurable new dimensions to their
departments. They can and must demonstrate their ability to
contribute to their own education.
We hope that the expectations for a more invovlcd and flexible
institution, next year are fulfilled so that we may be better educated
for the future.
Another Dedication
Today, we formally dedicate this impressive, 104 million
dollar campus. Construction has been completed on the entire body
of the podium (for the while, anyway) and on the quadrangles (we'll
forget about Indian Quad for now.) Speeches are to be made, mention
of the University's first 125 years will be repeated endlessly, and
fascinating and captivating predictions will be made for her next 125.
But, STOP. Right now, stop and think...and maybe, even, Isiten.
Dediated to what? for whom?
The dedication of a mass of concrete and glass is meaningless.
Concrete, whether designed by Edward Ourcll Stone into a campus, or
simply lying on the ground in the form of sidewalks, is nothingness.
What students on this campus should get from this dedication, is,
finally, a sense of dedication themselves. Is it possible that this might
become a dedication far more meaningful than to "Old SUNYA" or
Let us instead, attempt to dedicate ourselves to
awareness and responsibility.
An awareness that tells us that we must do what we can in an
attempt to aid people— for that is the one variable you must not
forget, even on this mammoth campus.
An awareness that will make us stand up for the rights of
others—and our own personal rights.
An awareness that calls for watching, with interest and concern, as
a new administration will attempl to cope with the universe of
problems that this campus contains.
And responsibility-a responsibility far more important than
chairing an event or running for an office.
A Responsibility to learn, to grow, to experience. A responsibility
to be sure that your mind is not closed to any ideas—old or new.
We see the need for dedication on the part ofstudents as pressing;
we can wait another 125 years lor the concrete dedication.
©It wiftk a baimgo.
but a whimper
The ASP hat culminated its publishing schedule
(there's no mote issues left)
All communications mutt be addressed to the
editor and mutt be signed. Communication! art
subject to editing.
Terrifying Reply
To the Editors:
In response to Miss Rae Ann Harman's letter of
Tuesday, May 6,1 would like to offer my frustrating
and terrifying reply to her charge of apathy and
Close observation reveals that each of the recent
college protests were initiated by those who saw the
crying need for social reform. Outright militancy or
destruction never entered their actions, even though
an occasional building was set afire or a few
shotguns were carried here and there. And it is my
firm belief that the 100 or so students who blocked
firemen from extinguishing a blaze in Brooklyn
College's administration building were doing so only
to protect the firement from the dangers within.
The clubs and spears that the militants carried were,
no doubt, Mother's Day projects from shop class.
And what ban Albany State to compete with such
news-making events? A blood drive? An educational
and recreational program for the kids in the South
End slums? Pathetic, isn't it?
Yes, Miss Harman, there is no alternative but to
assume that a college that doesn't have a good,
old-fashioned riot once in a while is just no damn
good. I, for one, feel that the academic podium
needs a few strategically placed molotove cocktails
and perhaps a brick and-bottle fight with the police.
News Board
This would serve the three-fold purpose of ending
the war in Vietnam, eliminating poverty from the
face of the earth and reserving page 1, column 1 of
THE TIMES as proof of the interest students take in
world problems. With a stabbing or two, we might
even make the ENQUIRER'
Howard Tag
To the Editor:
Since the position I am presenting appears rather
pro-administration and pro-faculty and since I am a
student, I would like to have my name withheld to
prevent speculation about ulterior motives.
Presently a group of students is concerned with
trying to obtain student representation on faculty
committees, particularly personnel committees. I do
not feel that the Waterman-Rhoads issue, which is
somewhat unique, should be used as a precedent for
one-to-one representation for students on faculty
committees. Fifty-fifty representation is absurd.
Students should be able to communicate their
opinions to their departments since they are
members of the University, who have unique needs.
But students are not the professional or intellectual
equals of faculty members and therefore do not
deserve equal representation.
Name Withheld
The News Board of the Albany Student Press has
elected a somewhat new slate of editors to forge
into the Fall Semester with high hopes. KaUiy
I luscman, currently the Assosciate News Editor of
die paper, lias taken over the reigns from Tim
Kecley as News Editor. I lcr Associate Editor will be
Anita Thayer, a sophomore from Hastings, New
Daryl Lyiine Wager and Dave Fink were
appointed lo the positions of Arts Editor and Sports
Editor, respectively, for the Fall '69 campaign.
Iliil Franchini has stepped down as Business
Manager, but will continue as National Ad Manager.
Chuck Ribak will take his place as Business
Technically speaking, Pat O'lfcm will continue to
serve the paper in her capacity of Tech Editor. Bill
Shapse, former Teclmical Co-Editor, lias resigned.
Stepping down as Arts and Sports Editors were
Carol Schour and JimWinslow.
Newly elected Photography Co-Editors were
Marty Benjamin and Andy Hoclibcrg.
All members will take office officially in
The Editorship will remain in the same hands as it
lias been in this term.
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones are 457-2190,2194.
Jill R. Paznik & Ira J. Wolfman
Newt Editor
Associate Newt Editor
Arts Editor
Sportt Editor
Feature Editor
Technical Editors
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Tim Keeley
Kathy Huseman
Carol Schour
Jim Wintlow
Gary Gelt
Pat O'Hern, BillShapse
Ed Pottkowski
Philip Franchini
Daniel Foxman
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications as such expression:
do not necessarily reflect its views.