University Refbr ths

University Refbr ths
In passing
patting the liberalized Open Visitation and Alcohol policiei
University Council hat given the student greater responsibility and
control over hit life hen.
We are most emphatically in favor of this action which gives
individual dorms the largest possible latitude in developing their own
visitation policies.
We urge all residents to vote for 24-hour open houses so that each
section of the dorm can decide, within this broad basis, their own
policies in accordance with a 2/3 majority vote of that section.
The alcohol revision includes two considerations not made explicit
in the proposal. One is the condition that students under 18 do not
drink. (The State law has not yet met reality.) We realize this is
virtually impossible, however, if the condition is not met the
University will lose its liquor license which would jeopardize all of us.
The second condition is that beer bottles and assorted other liquor
containers are not left in and around the lounge areas.
For these new liberal opportunities we express our appreciation for
the perserverence of LAAC's committees on Residence Reform and
Alcohol Revision.
March Monday
We are not sure the'march on the Capitol this Monday, March 24,
will accomplish its multifarious purposes.
One purpose is to try, by demonstrating massive concern, to rescind
the ominous education budget cuts. We know that concern has been
expressed from across the state to powerful Assemblymen and
Senators on this subject.
Wednesday, the presidents of the student bodies of various State
Universities spoke to Governor Rockefeller and members of the
Senate Finance Committee and the Assembly Ways and Means
These presidents had originally felt the need for a demonstration.
However, after their conferences at the Capitol they felt they had
accomplished all that a demonstration could,which is to explain the
tragic situation we will be in if the cuts are not restored. Can a
demonstration outside the Capitol do any more than this? Perhaps.
There are two views the legislators may take regarding another
demonstration. Some may have a completely negative reaction and
say either "enough is enough" or the typical "It's those lousy college
kids again." These are the reactions that we would not wish to evoke,
particularly at this shaky moment.
On the other hand, if we handle ourselves in a decorous manner,
some legislators might react favorably, realizing our true concern for
the future of education in this state.
This campus is being hit so hard that the ratio of faculty to
students in the Anthropology Department is projected at 1:163; we
will not be able to afford to bring in a chairman for the Physics
department; state financial aid for incoming freshmen may be
reduced, or possibly eliminated.
We feel, at this point, that letters written by constituents to their
Assemblymen and Senators would do a better job of obviating these
points than a demonstration.
We strongly urge all students to write letters to their legislative
representatives. There are fact sheets on the cuts in theCampus Center
lobby and the lis of legislators by geographical location may be found
at the fountain directly in front of the Campus Center.
Letters have always had a greater effect on legislators than a
demonstration. The former can be a written denunciation while the
latter may be construed as a transitory parade.
Letters are also written directly by constituents who arc or will be
voters and may effect their Assemblyman's or Senator's position in
government. Legislators know this and will listen to what they say
more carefully than a group of demonstrators.
Write today or sit back and watch this University go through its
most agonizing year.
Demonstrate Monday to learn where this University, in particular,
is at if the budget cuts are allowed to go through; Demonstrate
concern for your education.
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Center. This newspaper Is funded by S.A.Tax. The
ASP was founded by the Class of 1918.
Jill R. Patnik & In J. Wolfman
New* Editor
Auociate Newt Editor
Art! Editor
Sporti Editor
Technical Editor!
Photography Editor
Biuinem Manager
Advertising Manager
Tim Keeley
Kathy Hweman
Carol Schour
Jim Wimlow
Pat O'Hirn,
Stu Ritter
Philip Pranchint
Daniel Poxman
. Th» Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinion* expressed in its
columns and communication* as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect it* view*
All communication!
editor and mutt be
subject to editing.
miut be addremed to the
Communication! 'are
Stat* Uniotrtitu of Htm York at Albany
will say, maybe this i* a good thing. After all, what
are we losing. Library book*? Teacher*? Condition s
To the Editor*:
will probably get a lot of people up tight. Maybe
There is • tendency for student* (end other*) to they'll get angy and ask whose running: this game.
become wrapped up in themselves and their own And they'll get involved. But I doubt it. That's why
little world*, thereby neglecting and ignoring a larger we're atheists.
world community....
A* long as you think that every thing is pretty
I would like to share part of a letter, dated 10 nice and all, and sure we need a few changes and all,
March 69, I received from my brother who is and things are getting better all the time, and
stationed in Vietnam.
everything will be great again when the war's
over,-good for you.
"Life here is duller than OaNang and this is bad.
Things don't have to be the way they are. But
There is no civilization for miles. We are confined to how's fighting for the status quo going to help? Go
our small sector. Life here at the Hill i* very basic buisness majors go!
and we are much more a part of the actual war.
One unit of grunts (Infantry) based two miles Paul Nathe
from here lost 107 men out of the 138 in the
operation. I bet nobody in the world hears about it
as we have a funny habit of lying about American
To the Editors: s
Things aren't as peachy keen as much of the
I wanted to let you know that several of my
American public wants to or is made to believe.
colleagues and myself are joining together to take a
stand against the proposed cuts in education aid.
Lucy Grodson
We simply can not allow this to happen, and we
are coordinating our actions to make sure that it
doesn't. But we have some serious problems that
must be faced squarely.
The state's economy demands that some budget
To the Editors:
cuts be made, or taxes raised or a combination of
Something is very wrong. Everyone is very both. I know that the people in my own district
concerned about the tax cut. It hit home and
fully understand that you can not have something
Albany has taken a holiday from not giving a shit.
for nothing.
But it has to be the first demonstration ever to
The more than 10,000 students who came here in
demand a return to the status quo.
249 buses earlier this week to plead against the cuts
I think you people are wrong. How do you impressed me by their efforts and I was pleased at
equate dollars and education? That's rot. But their orderly manner,
everyone's worried about how their education is
I guess legislators will have to become
going to suffer.
accustomed to seeeing our .youth in long hair and
Now I've got no argument if you like the way bright costumes. They certainly are a change from
things are going. But I'd like to see some pretty the business-suited lobbyists who .normally come
gross changes, The people you are going out to get into my office.
money for have been running this system right
The students are fighting for a legitimate cause, a
along. They're not my friends, maybe they're yours. cause that I shall personally work hard to achieve.
That education you're worreid about-good stuff,
huh? Get a nice job, nice house, nice family. Vote Cordially,
liberal. Go baby. Go to hell.
Edward J. Spend
Help to build the country. Like, college builds
strong countries 12 ways, if it's done the way the
s y s t e m s a y s i t s h o u l d be d o n e . A
military-university-industrial complex is a very real EDITORIAL
Our weekly
thing to me. What's the next question. How do we BREAKING BUREAUCRACY,,:has
not received
develop Africa? You watch, Maybe you'll get a good any questions in the past three weeks. It is intended
as a service to students; if there is no need for that
$ and Education
service, BREAKING BUREAUCRACY'S days will
be numbered. If you have any questions, submit
them at the Information desk, clo the ASP.
Editorial Comment Criticized
To the Editors:
The ASP has printed some sub-moronic editorials
lately, but the one entitled "Go Now!" in the March
18 issue perhaps sets a new standard. There is the
now familiar pattern of illiteracy, which lends
substance to charges that we are failing to educate
you people. Worse, I believe, is the reappearance of
old cliches: the extravagant, eye-caching, slick
phrases that help cover up the lack of content. One
gets the feeling that the editorial staff feel they
MUST say something, even if they have nothing to
say. It is always safe to grind out the same old
rhetoric, lambasting the faculty, the administration,
the student body, Edward Durrell Stone, the entire
University or any convenient patsy, because it Is the
in thing to do. Sage heads can always be found to
nod solemnly as they wisely concur: "ain't it eh
truth!" It matters little what the particular charge
may bo.
Even when the ASP is on the right side of an issue
(as I believe it often is) it is usually for the wrong
reasons, so much so that ASP editorial support
might well be the kiss of death. What I ask is merely
this: does the litany of wholesale condemnation
that is routinely chanted on your pages represent
your serious, carefully weighed judgement, or is it
simply tossed off' the top of your collective head?
The editorials themselves provide the answer. Here
are a few pearls of your wisdom:
"Faculty will, go on getting higher salaries for
specialized research projects." The grants to which
you refer do not come out of SUNYA's budget;
many faculty awards do not come out of state funds
at all, and in any event the bulk of the money I* for
research expenses, not for the researcher's personal
support. A* for the balance of research and
teaching-it you had any knowledge of the world
beyond our campus you would know that
undergraduate teaching hold* * place of high honor
at this school. Many of us believe that this balance
can be maintained without sacrificing either
teaching or research, and we intend to maintain it.
You could help with constructive criticism, but
when I was at the University of Cincinnati one of
the "specialized research projects" brought to
completion there was a successful polio vaccine. But
this is a waste of good money that ought to be spent
on undergraduates-right?
"Faculty Senate will go on beating the heart out
of innovative programs for this University." I do not
know what this strange matephor means, but the
gist is clearly that the Faculty Senate has habitually
stood for reaction and against innovation and
improvement. This statement is so preposterous that
I can only stand in mute awe before its colossal
asininlty. If you read your own paper you would
know better than that!
"The majority of students will continue to
vegetate allowing administration to innovate and
make all decisions concerning our education." Ho
hum: another sweeping condmenation of students
past, present and future, all In one dazzling,
uninformed cliche. Well, at least you admit that
somebody around here innovutes-no doubt a slip
that can be remedied by another editorial.
There is a lot of room for improvement here, of
course; most of us welcome consturctive criticism (I
solicit it and get it from my own students). Brainless
and irresponsible condemnation of everything does
not help, but it sure is a lot easier than thinking,
isn't it?
You problably won' it believe it but this criticism
is meant to be constructive.
Very sincerely,
John C. Overbeck
Auociate Professor
and Faculty Senator
we fire
only the beat
Friday April II. 1969
Waterman, Rhoads
not to be rehired
Speno*8 Stand
So that's a big part of what a lot of us good guy,
NON-SOS type, college kids really want. A chance
to succeed. Amen.
Now the atheists will meet over in this corner. We
The University community was
informed this week that Dr. Carol
Waterman and Mrs. Connie
Rhoads of the psychology
department will not have their
contracts renewed, and will be
forced to leave their positions
when their present contracts
expire in June 1970. The
psychology department has failed
to offer any grounds for this
action. As a result, a large number
of students have organized to
protest and seek a reversal of
these decisions. Students have
criticized the dissmisals as unjust
and d e t r i m e n t a l t o the
department and to the students. A
petition for each
instructor is being circulated
throughout the University, calling
for their reinstatement. These are
being circulated on the dinner
lines and in the Campus Center.
Dr. Waterman's Introduction to
Psychology course has been
reviewed in the Spring '69
Student Evaluation of Courses
and Teachers (SECT) in which 44
out of the 46 students responding
strongly recommended her as an
instructor, and every student in
the class (48) evaluated her
preparations for class as excellent
or good. Her publishing record
includes three different studies on
cognitive dissonance. One was
published in '67, another was
published in '68, and a third was
presented at the '67 Eastern
Psychological Conference. Last
week her paper on how the
i d e n t i t y crisis relates to
dissatisfaction in college students
was accepted to be read at the '69
Association Convention.
In Mrs. Rhoads' learning
course, 26 out of 26 students
rated her as excellent or good on
preparation for class. Seventy per
cent of those responding, strongly
r e c o m m e n d e d her as an
instructor. The remaining 7
Pass-fail supported by students*
Collier interprets poll results
D.. Dick
r w _ l . Collier
The rwuHt of the opinion poll
on Pass-Fail grading, held in the
Campus Canter and on the dinner
lines this March 19-21, were «
follows: 1931 students voted on
the resolution: "Be it resolved,
that effective September 1969, all
undergraduate courses shall be
g r a d e d
o n
Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S-U)
basis at SUNV Albany."
Of these students, 1379 voted
"yes" (for a TOTAL S-U system),
552 voted "no." In other words,
71.4% favored pass-fall In all
courses for fall 1969.
The Commission for Academic
A f f a i r s feels that
representative sampling of nearly
2,000 students is large enough,
and that the figure 71.4% u high
enough, to confirm our belief that
the total S-U grading system is the
one desired by the majority of the
student body st SUNYA.
We believe our position is
further supported by the first
open hesring on the subject
(March 18), at which the pros and
cons of the various grading
systems were extensively
explained and discussed and at
which an even greater percentage
of those present (76.9%) voted In
favor of the complete pass-fail
For these reasons, the
Commission for Academic Affairs
shall continue to urge the
adoption and implementation of
total undergraduate satisfactory
unsatisfactory grading for
September 1969.
The above policy statement
expresses the Commission for
Academic Affairs' interpretation
of the results of the pass-fail
opinion poll. As chairman of that
c o m m i s s i o n , I support the
interpretation and agree with it.
However, I have been asked
here to express my own
interpretations and conclusions. I
shall also use this opportunity to
give my personal opinions of what
immediate next steps should be
I was very pleased with the
results. At the Commission's open
hearing on pass-fail, Dr. Schulz
expressed the feeling that it was
too bad everyone at SUNYA had
not the opportunity to attend and
listen to the arguments before
However, though the vote in
the opinion poll was not quite as
high as that taken at the end of
the hearing, I think it was strong
en ough
assumptions: 1. The majority of
students on this campus favor
total S-U grading; and 2. An even
greater majority are very much
opposed to the present system.
It was noted by all who took
these polls that more of the "no"
votes were still for some S-U
system (though not this particular
type of total one) than were for
the present system of A-E grading.
Cont'd, on Page 3.
Each residence hall must
consider a visitation policy and
hours within thirty days after
adoption of the Living Area
Affairs Bill on visitation or thirty
days after the arrival of students
in Septmenber, whichever comes
first. There will be no open Louses
until the hall has done this.
In addition, each residence hall
must reconsider their visitation
policy and hours each Fall
Semester by November 1.
A 2/3 majority of the total
number of residents in each hall
shall decide the policy and hours
for that hall. Changes in the
policy and/or hours of each hall
shall also be made by a 2/3
majority of the total number of
residents in that hall.
A section of a hall may decide
its own hours of visitation. A
section is defined as: A group of
suites or rooms adjacent to a
lounge or corridor respectively
that has direct access to and from
a public area without passing
thorugh non-public areas.
Stairwells and elevators are public
areas only during vlsitaion hours.
Each hall shall appoint a
committee to record the policy
and hours of visitation with Living
Area Affuirs Commission and
provide each resident with a copy
of the policy and hours. It shall
also bo the duty of the committee
to consider problems arising from
the policy itself or the hours.
In addition, each hall shall
provide for the hearing of
infractions of the policy and/or
hours, either thorugh creation of a
hall judicial board or referral to
the next higher judicial body,
These guidelines ure subject to
review and change by Living Area
Affairs Commission at any time.
'Points of
by Rosemary Herbert
William O. Douglas will speak
at the University Saturday in
conjunction with the Campus
Center dedication ceremony. A
member of the liberal block of the
Supreme Court, Juistice Douglas
has been described as "a
consistent fighter for civil
liberties." His pertinent topic,
"Points of Rebellion," will deal
with the university student and
Justice Douglas has been a
member of the Supreme Court
since his appointment by
President Roosevelt in 1939. He
was previously the chairman of
the Securities and Exchange
He has also written several
books including "A Living Bill of
Rights," "The Right of the
People," "Anatomy of Liberty,"
"America Challenged," and most
recently, "Toward a Global
Continued on p. 7
V 1 - 1 ' Rki
Editors Note: In accordance with
LAAC's new visitation policy the
ASP is publishing the guidelines
for students.
recommended her, which is the
next highest category. She
c o m p l e t e d her PhD. course
requirements at Wisconsin and i*
presently in the process of
completing her doctoral thesis.
This will be finished before her
contract expires. In recent years
she has worked on many studies
in the field of learning
Various attempts to receive an
explanation of their non-renewal
of contract from the department
chairman, Dr. Shirley Brown, have
proved unsuccessful. It has been
reported that many students are
wondering if the department itself
can justify this action.
THE HATCHED AREAS ON THE ABOVE map indicate areas where liquor will not be allowed under the
new Campus Alcohol Policy. In addition each hall will decide on Us own procedures.
Pre-registration postponed;
card drawing begins Wed.
Final days
for senior
TO PARTICIPATE Of SECT: If photographs for the 1970 TORCH
n o t received a are next weak. Sign up now for
participation aHp, you can (at your appointment in the hallway
tham from tha SECT committee by the TORCH office, third floor
in Campus Center 364, or by of the Campus Center, west side.
writing 8ECT,c/o Campua Center. If ypu have questions, call Jim
Thoaa Profaaaora who have not Polta at 467-8765.
yet handed their •lipe in Mill may,
aa the deadline b u been extended.
Do you give a damn about your
fellow man? If you do, come to a
Experimental Theatre presents meeting of SUNYA's New
TRIAD, three original one-act Democratic Coalition on Tuesday,
playa tonight Friday, April 11, at April 16, at 7:30 in SS 266.
8:30 pin in HU 39. Admission is
free. Bring a balloon.
A resolution adopted by State
University trustees said that all
B U D G E T discussions on the subject will be
REPORTS FOR MARCH ARE terminated. The resolution said
DUE BEFORE SUN. APRIL plans would be made immediately
13th. ALL organizations not t o implement the university
having their budget reports in at master plan which calls for
this time will have their budgets b u i l d i n g a State University
frozen. The reports are to be f o u r - y e a r
s c h o o l in t h e
t u r n e d in at the Student Utica-Rome area.
Association Office-CC 367.
student unrest
T h e R o m a n c e language
department is sponsoring a lecture
by Prof. Elio Gianturco, in
English, on Gianbattista Vico,
UPl-Pollce with clubs swinging
called "Vico's Road." The lecture
will be held on Wed. April 16th at cleared 5 0 0 students from
3:00 pm in HU 354. All are H a r v a r d
building and
and arrested
IMPORTANT (Soc 355) Dr. 196 to end an occupation
Cranford Class will meet on
on-campus military
WEDNESDAY, April 16, Room
wounds from policemen's clubs In
Alex Haley, the man who
collaborated with Malcom X on
his autobiography, will give two
lectures and speak with students
on campus. Further information
will be in Tuesday's ASP.
students retaliated by calling for a
he balked at
granting their demands.
I'm a masochist. I threw
away my instructions
on self-defense."
P r e - r e g i s t r a t i o n will be
conducted on an alphabetical
baaia and' will begin on
Wednesday, April 16 and continue
F r i d a y May 9.
Pre-regiatration (class card
drawing) will be held in the U
lounge of the Colonial Quad.
Follwing is the alphabetical
schedule b y days and times by.
which students will be permitted
to pre-register. No student will be
allowed to draw class cards before
his stated time, but may do so on
the days folowing.
LIMITS: A.M.=9:00-12:00 P.M.=
Wednesday, April 16, AM,
Mc-Mo; PM, Mp-Oa. Thursday,
April 17, AM, Ot-Pe, Ka-Ki; PM,
Ki-Le. Friday, April 18, AM;
Monday, April 2 1 , AM, Si-Sm;
PM, Sn-Ss. Tuesday, April 22,
A M , S t - T d ; PM, Te-Uz.
Wednesday, April 23, AM, Va-We;
PM^f-Pr. Thursday, April 24,
AM, Ps-RhjPm, Ri-Rt. Friday,
April 26, AM, Ru-Sb, PM, Sc-Sh.
Monday, April 28, AM, Bl-Bz;
PM, Ca-Ch. Wednesday, April 30,
AM, Wj-Zzj PM, Aa-Ar. Thursday,
May 1, AM, As-Bk; PM, Gj-Gq.
Friday, May 2, AM, Fr-Ozj Pm,
Monday, May 6, AM, Hi-Ik;
PM, H-Jx. Tuesday, May 6, AM,
Db-Dn, PM, Do-Ei. Wednesday,
May 7, AM, Ej-Fe; PM, Ff-Fr.
Thursday, May 8, AM, Fs-Gi; PM,
OPEN. Friday, May 9, OPEN.
Monday, April 28-Thursday,
May 1...Registration will be open
6 : 0 0 - 8 : 0 0 e a c h evening in
addition to daytime hours.
Saturday, May 3...Registration
will be open 10:00-1:00.
Fall housing plans outlined
The Returning Undergraduate
Residence Policy is, that all single
returning undergraduate students
may apply to live in University
R e s i d e n c e Hall.s S t u d e n t s
planning to reside off-campus or
commute must file a local address
card at the time that they pay
their bills for Fall Semester.
Applications for residence are
available in all Residence Halls as
of Monday, and in the Housing
Office (Fulton Hall, State Quad,
Suite 103). Applications cannot
be processed and students cannot
be assigned until all of the items
listed below are received by the
Housing Office:
Contract Cards (Parent's signature
is required if students is under 21)
Return the completed contract
packets as follows:
seniority and return to the same
organizations will determine their
own priority system for their unit
up to established quotas.
Class Vsar (cr.diti)Dat. to R.turn
Order of assignment priorit y
1) Seniors returning to same
2) Seniors changing halls or
moving into residence
3) Juniors returning to same
Credits above refer to credit hours
4) Juniors changing halls or
completed by June 1969)
moving into residence
5) Sophomores returning to
All application forms and $25.00 same hall
6) Sophomores changing halls
must be turned in by April 18,
1969 or the student will forfeit or moving into residence
7) Transfer students in order of
'-is selection privilege.
receipt of applications
2 Part Advance Rental Deposit
8) Students applying after the
Students will be notified of deadline lose their priorities and
$25.00 Advance Rental Deposit HALL assignments during the are assigned in order of receipt of
Make check or money order week of April 28-May 2, 1969. A a p p l i c a t i o n m a t e r i a l s . The
payable to State University of general information meeting will probability of students in this
New York at Albany. CASH be held in each residence hall category residing on campus is
during the week of May 6-10 to minimal for Fall Semester due to
select ROOMS. Students not housing demands.
present or represented by a
Thre are 2,600 spaces available
r o o m m a t e will forfeit their f o r
selection privilege and will be students. 259 4-man suites will be
assigned to a room by the r a i s e d
in o c c u p a n c y
Residence Director.
accomodate 5 persons. One third
of Alumni Quadrangle will be
Assignment Procedure as
tripled. Housing charges will be
adjusted accordingly.
Priorities will be based on
Seniors(88 or more)
Apr 8-11
Apr 14-18
Continuing Fresh. (24 or less)
Fraternity and Sorority Apr 14-18
Camp SchodackBoy-Girls(8 wk. overnight)
Nassau, N.Y. (near Albany)
Group Leaders
Head Waterfront
Nature 8. Pioneering
MALE or Female:
Specialist in Arts and Crafts
Salary $200-600; paid commensurate with age, experience and ability
Contact: Louis Krouner, 438-3210
Clauified ad* may be placed
Pleat* include name, address
in lite ASP box at the Camput and telephone number with the
Center Information detk.
Each word it 5 cent*, the
minimum price being IS cent:
No clauifiedi
will be
Clauified, will appear even
V Poymtnt it not
A little pain is one thing, but sheer
disaster is something else. We put
Instructions on self-defense in every
package of Hai Karate® After 3have
and Cologne for your own safety, because we know what girls can do to
an under-protected, over-splashed
guy. So please read the instructions
... even if it doesn't hurt.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
, 9 6 7
Pernor Life Saving, call 472-7804
Cnnin^i /„.,., * J
Info dish
' aeSR
senior —must
'"formation, call Gary Kissel a,
. .
participate in love-in, May
2-8.00 PM Ballroom.
You won't believe your eyes
and ears at ENVIRONMENT.
Free with your ID.
For sale: Volvo—4 door
Sedan, 36,000 miles. $1,250.
Call 482-5101.
Pass-fail poll interpreted
Cont'd, from Page 1.
I draw a third assumption from
the results of the open bearing:
information, more open hearings,
more discussions (perhaps within
class—some faculty have already
done this), the number of people
opposed to total S-U would
substantially decrease.
There do appear to be various
forms of total S-U that might be
acceptable and further discussion
could conceivably result in
formulating even some partial
system that would not totally
negate advantages of S-U grading.
These assume ..ons if valid (and
I believe they are) should be
weighed very seriously by the
faculty at SUNYA. And I would
hope to see more faculty appear
at future open hearings. Students
and faculty, many of them, have
objections to total S-U which
must be explained to their
The results .of the first open
hearing indicate these objections
can be satisfactorily explained.
Furthermore, the first open
hearing indicated that many
persons, who fully and clearly see
the evils and disadvantages of the
present system or a partial system
that retains these factors, have not
been adequately presented with
the best advantages of total S-U
The most important next step,
then, is to encourage greater
discussion of the subject and
p r o v i d e m o r e s o u r c e s of
information, so that the majority
of faculty and a greater majority
of students not only will accept
but will desire total S-U.
But there is another important
consideration. The reports of the
F o r c e s and
i n n o v a t i o n s and changes in
academic policies and procedures
are now beginning to come forth.
It will be easy for the sum of
these to bury the individual parts,
however promising, under the
accumulated weight. But with
pass-fail we are dealing with
something already desired by
most students, something whose
demonstrated already elsewhere.
We are presented with a lack,
a failing, the present grading
system and we should replace it as
soon as possible. I hope it will be
kept in mind that, whatever the
new c a l e n d a r , r e g u l a t i o n s ,
treatment of hours, etc. that may
be brought onto this campus,
none of this directly conflicts
with total S-U grading any more
than present conditions do. In
fact, w i t h certain proposed
changes (such as the elimination
of assigning hours to courses),
total S-U might well be expected
to produce even more beneficial
Further discussion may indicate
that in part some other change
from A-E grading will be better,
but the discussions I have heard
(as well as my own arguments!)
have convinced me that, given the
whole picture, total S-U of some
form will be the best all-around
system and the one with the
fewest drawbacks.
In conclusion, I see a proven
desire, a generally agreed need,
a n d a r e l a t i v e Lack of
concerning total S-U. I hope
everyone who agrees with my
interpretation will attempt to join
over-deliberation and redtape and
will oppose well-meant but
ineffectual compromises. I equally
hope that those who do not agree
with me will consider the matter
further, openly discuss their
honest objections, and then act
for what the feel is the best
interests of SUNYA and the cause
of learning.
Chisholm speaks
by Anita Thayer
Mrs. Shirley Chisholm, the only
Negro Congresswoman, and a
native of Brooklyn, was the
speaker Wednesday afternoon in
the Campus Center at an open
convocation in honor of EOP
students who have made high
Previously, as a member of the
State Assembly she sponsored the
SEEK program. Her activity in
politics has spanned twenty years.
C h i s h o l m said "We
Negroes must be realistic... . We
are Americans in an American
s o c i e t y . . . We have measured
America not by her achievement
but by her potential....But there is
a limit to how much more we will
She continued by saying that
she knew that some will hate
while others still have patience.
Everyone must "do their own
thing." It is not only a black
student rebellion but a white
student rebellion too."
Mr. Chisholm stated her faith in
the younger generation and the
belief that they have something to
say. She believes that education
will play an important part in the
struggle for the equality of
opportunity that belongs to every
American. "The world is looking
for builders and producers...Every
man must make a contribution to
Legislators pass budget
By Tom Carey
After eight hours of bitter
a r g u m e n t , almost unbearable
frustration and mass confusion,
the New York Legislature finally
increased the sales tax and passed
part of Governor Rockefeller's
$6.4 billion budget.
In one session lasting until the
early m o r n i n g h o u r s , the
Assembly attempted to reach an
agreement on the fiscal policies
for the coming year.
From the Democrats' view, this
session was plagued with the
heavy gavel of the Assembly
Speaker overriding parliamentary
rules, amendments offered and
ignored, frustration when they
were told to vote on a complex
20-page bill just placed on their
desks, and the refusal of clerks to
give members copies of the bills
under discussion.
As a result of the widespread
o p p o s i t i o n to
particularly to school aid, Lhe
legislature decided to seek
" s e l e c t i v e " cuts in specific
Among the many changes in
the proposed budget, perhaps, the
greatest is the cut in the welfare
Much of the protest against the
across-the-board cut was directed
at the reduction such a plan
would have on aid to education.
The Legislators reacted to this
pressure and restored $74 million
of the $104 million cut in
education originally proposed by
the Governor.
To accomplish this and still
have a balanced budget, the
Legislators increased Rockefeller's
will be giving a lecture entitled "Art and Creativity," Monday, April
14, at 8PM in U U .
Weiss to speak here
on 'Art and Creativity9
Dr. Paul Weiss, a distinguished
Yale Philosopher will speak here
on the subject of "Art and
Creativity." Dr. Weiss whose
academic career began with
g r a d u a t i o n from t h e City
University of New York in record
time, also studied at Harvard
u n d e r renowned philosophers
America from his talent."
"Education," according to Mrs.
Chisholm, "is the bridge over
which the underprivileged may
pass." All society, not just
educational institutions must
help. "A Great Society must be
p r e c l u d e d by an educated
"The Achilles heel of America
is racism and a people command
respect by their actions and not
their words. "
Staff needed for Fall 1969
proposed $51 million cut in
welfare to $128 million.
immediate opposition by the New
York Catholic State Committee,
the State Council of Churches,
and the New York Board of
In a telegram to Rockefeller,
they urged him to veto the
legislation and immediately
reconvene Lhe legislature in order
to restore the money to the poor.
Alfred North Whitehead and
Charles Hartshorne.
While a Harvard student, he and
Charles Hartshorne co-edited a six
volume c o l l e c t i o n of
philosophical writings.
Dr. Weiss continued authoring
such books as "World of Art" and
"Nine Basic Arts." Before writing
a book about aesthetics, he set up
a studio in Oreenwhich village and
devoted himself to painting for six
months. Then he proceeded to
write from personal experience.
Dr. Weiss has taught and
lectured at many outstanding
universities and has made many
television appearances. Termed
the "philosopher in residence" for
the Jack Parr show, he made
many appearances.
Dr. Weiss will appear Monday,
April 14 . 8 p m i n L R 3
International Student Orientation
Continuing students who are interested in serving on the Fall.
1969 International Student Orientation Staff are requested to see
Mr. Ward, International Student Adviser, AD 238. Both
undergraduate and graduate students are needed. Tentative
orientation dates are September 9-12 inclusive.
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Varsity Seasons Start For
Track & Field, Golf, Tennis
Diamond Men
Beat Stony Brook
By Dave Fink
The 1969 edition of the Albany
State varsity baseball team opens
its campaign clouded with
uncertainty. Coach Burlingame
expresses his feelings about the
squad by saying "I'm looking on
this as a rebuilding year."
This fact cannot be disputed.
Gone from last year's 7-10
contingent are three starters, the
second baseman, the shortstop,
and the centerfielder and three
pitchers. If the old baseball axiom
b e i n g strong and
experienced up the middle is true,
then this year's team must look
for help there.
Coach Burlingame looks to
George Webb to carry much oi
Webb mil
posted a
to carrv
4-2 record last year with a fine
earned run average of l.SS. Also
figuring in the Coach's plans is
righthander Dave Wheeler.
Junior Jim Sandy has the
catching position nailed down
while Jim Rourke, last season's
top hitter is back in the outfield.
Other returning offensive threats
include first baseman Jack Sinnott
and outfielder-pitcher Rich Spiers.
Last year's team had trouble
scoring. This year they must score
more to compensate for the lack
of pitching depth. The team's first
game, a 12-8 victory over Stony
Brook characterized this.
a t Mr/lav afternoon
a f + A « t n n . » (April
/ A n . i l 12)
at 2 p.m. the first vanity track
and field meet in State University
at Albany history will be held on
the campus track behind the
physical education building. The
Great Danes will host Rochester
Institute of Technology and
Boston State College in a double
dual meet.
After two years as a club sport,
track will field varsity and
freshman teams this spring, with
freshmen permitted to participate
in varsity meets. Head coach Bob
Munsey and assistant Brian Kelly
t h e team to be
representative, but it probably
won't equal last year's 6-2 club
record, since the schedule is
considerably more difficult. The
team figures to get stronger as the
year progresses, but the toughest
part of the schedule is early in the
The biggest problem will be
lack of depth, a factor that will
result in too few second and third
places. The team's strength is in
the races a half-mile or longer, a
reflection on Albany's strong
cross-country program. Five of
the seven letter winners on last
fall's 8-2 harriers are on the
varsity track roster: senior Don
Beevers of Warnerville, who will
compete in middle distance races
and the weights; senior Paul
Breslin of Binghamton, middle
distance; sophomore Pat Gepfert.
of Colonie, distance; senior
George Rolling of Illion, distance;
and junior Paul Roy of Fulton,
middle distance,
Duncan Nixon wears pf
Activities Day
There will be a mandatory m e e t i n g of r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
from all groups participating in Activities Day '69 on
April 22 at 6:30 p m in HU 113.
For further information call:
Linda Pierson 457-4007 or Donna S i m o n e t t i 457-7725
Campus Center Governing Board
The State University at Albany
'She return of last spring's No. 1
varsity golf team will open its varsity player and the addition of
1969 season Tuesday, April 15, several of last year's unbeaten
hosting Siena ' and Central freshmen paints a bright 1969
Connecticut at 1:30 at McGregor tennis picture at State University
Golf Club, Saratoga. All home at Albany. Bob Lewis, subbing for
matches will be held at McGregor varsity coach Merlin Hathaway,
except the sixth annual Albany w h o is on sabbatical, has
Invitational at the Saratoga Spa considerable talent on hand and
Course May 1. Seina is the should better last year's 3<6
defending champion.
record. The season opens April 18
Coach Dick Sauers expects this at Plattsburgh.
year's team to show greater
overall strength than last spring's
Senior captain Ron McDermoU
squad, which split 10 dual
matches. The seven men who will of Newburgh was 7-2 last year as
compete for Albany this year will the No. 1 singles player. He also
be chosen this week end (April 12 teamed with junior Ira Oustatcher
and 13). All candidates will play of the Bronx to post a 6-3 mark as
36 holes of medal play and the the top doubles team. A third
low seven golfers will comprise returnee is senior Dennis O'Leary
of South Glens Falls, 2-4 in singles
the varsity team.
last season.
Four men are back from the
1968 team, including senior
captain Dave Breiter of Harrison.
The freshman team was 5-0-1
The other returnees are seniors
Gary Thomson of Newark Valley last spring and three individuals
undefeated. No. 1 man and
and Gary Turton of Cohbes
(Shaker High), and junior Angelo Most Valuable Player, Ken
Matra of Ossining. Of the four, Fishman of Ocenside, was 6-0, as
Turton had the lowest average was No. 2 player Ted Rosenberg
score last year, 85.6. Senior Brian of Jericho. Ken Blackman of
Hill of Mahopac, who lettered as a Bayside was 5-0 playing sixth on
sophomore and sat out last year, the ladder. All three are varsity
also is out for the team.
Sports Shorts
Pat Gepfert of Colonie, a sophomore at State University at Albany,
recently was named recipiant of the 1968 James A. Warden Memorial
Scholarship. The cash award is made annually to a student at the
University showing need and possessing the qualities and ideals of the
late James Warden.
Warden, who played soccer and basketball at Albany in the late
1940's, died in 1959. Friends and classmates subsequently established
a memorial fund in his name. Warden graduated from Albany in 1951
Gepfert, a 1967 Colonie Central graduate, participates in
cross-country and track at Albany. Last fall Pat was the first Albany
finisher in two cross-country races and second in three others.
Fran Weal, senior from Adams, was named Most Valuable Wrestler
on this season's 1-9 State University at Albany varsity team at the
recent post-season banquet. Senior John Ferlins of West Islip was
chosen Most Improved and junior George Hawrylchak of Richfield
Springs received a trophy for registering the season's quickest pin and
also was given the "Tiger Tail Award," presented yearly to the
wrestler showing the most initiative, courage, and spirit.
Gym lockers are to be cleared, and return of deposit requested
before June 6, 1969. Locker deposits will not be returned after thai
Umpires are needed for the New York State Employees' Softball
League. The league begins on April 28 and continues to the middle of
August. Anyone interested in umpiring for money please contact Mr
Robert Lewis in Rm. 227 of the P. E. building.
Supreme Court Justice
speaking on
APRIL 12, 2:00 P.M.
C.C. Ballroom
Dedloation of the Campus Center
R e c e p t i o n will follow
Photos by Hochbeig
A Hindi movie in COLOR with
English sub-titles
7:30 pm
AdmfMfom $ U 5 for member., | | . 7 5 for othert
For further information pleate call
Udft N. Singh 4 6 2 - 4 5 9 6
Mohawk L.C.
The game
the blocking
football, the plays of basketball, the
explain the game, we must divide our
thoughts into categories—players and playing area,
equipment, fundamentals, penalties.
Ten players start the game—three attaekmen, three
midfielders, three defensemen, a goalie. Substitutes may be
made in two ways: On the fly, while the game is in progress, or on
bounds plays.
Usually a team can get by with just one goalie, three attacks and three
defensetnen. The answer to a strong team is having depth at mid field, the
position which plays both ends of the field.
The field is 110 yards long, 60 yards wide. From end line to mid field, it's 55
yards. There is a 20-yard restraining line on each side of midfield.
Normal equipment for a lacrosse player is a helmet with a face guard, gloves like those
worn by hockey players and a lacrosse stick. A player may wear arm and shoulder guards and
usually will use football or lacrosse shoes. A goalie wears a light chest protector and may wear
football pants if he desires.
Lacrosse sticks are made of hickory or ash, with the not at the end usually crosstex nylon, leather or
gut. Sticks range from 40 to 72 inches and the head, or net end, varies by position.
An attackman must use no less than a 7-inch head.lfit were smaller, it would be tough for an opponent to
get the ball loose. A middle uses an 8-inch head, a defenseman a 9-inch head. The goalie is equipped with a 12-inch
head, but the rules state only one lacrosse stick of that size can be on the field. The larger head makesit easier for
the goalie to smother the ball. An illegal stick commands an automatic three minute expulsion penalty.
The ball is made of hard rubber—the same used in a handball, but bigger.
Basically, the object of the game is to score points on offense and prevent points on defense. After the faceoff, which starts the
game at the middle of the field, the team that takes possession moves into its offensive zone.
A team must have four players in its defensive zone and three in its offensive zone at all times. The middies move back and forth in
and out of both zones. After each score, another faceoff starts the action.
The game is divided into four quarters, each 15 minutes long. In the final minute of play in each period, the clock operator runs onto the
field and stands next to one of the two officials. This is known as "clock on the field." All tie games are ended in sudden death overtime play
after two four-minute overtime periods.
There are two kinds of penalties, technical and personal. If the team has the ball, a technical results in loss of ball. If the other team has possession,
the guilty party gets 30 seconds in the penalty box. There are a number of technical fouls, including touching the ball with a hand, offside, offensive man in
the crease (goalie's protective circle), pushing, too many men on the field, illegal equipment, etc.
A personal foul calls for a one to three-minute spot in the penalty box, no matter which team has control of the ball. Some personals are blocking from
the rear, blocking below the knees, uncontrolled swing of lacrosse stick (stash), cross-checking with stick and unsportsmanlike enduct, the latter covering a
number of infractions.
There you have an idea of the players, playing area, equipment, fundamentals, and penalties.
Stick this story in your hat.
The next time you go to a lacrosse game, you, too, can yell "slash," like those who know lacrosse best! As in any sport, a good spectator knows the rule*.
Arts in the University 1969;
on Albany campus April 16-18
Seven events-including opera, a emphasized.
faculty members.
' The highly regarded Crane
combined orchestra and chorus of
At 3 pm Thursday, the
160, ensembles, solo recitals and Orchestra and Crane Chorus of
e l e c t r o n i c s - w i l l p r o v i d e a the College at Potsdam will offer a
accompanied by pianist Findlay
kaleidoscope of musical programs 9 pm concert on Wednesday,
Cockrell, will be featured in
for State University of New April 16, the first evening of the
recital. Among the works to be
U n i v e r s i t y - W i d e convocation. The instrumental
performed will be aomposition
Convocation on the Arts on our and vocal ensembles will premiere
" G l o r i a , " a w o r k in six- written especially for the artists
campus April 16-18.
b y t h e State University of
More than 650 faculty and movements written by Potsdam
Binhamton's William Klenz. The
student delegates, representing the composer-in-residence Arthur
trio, consisting of violist Marvin
departments of music, theatre art, Frackenpohl. The symphony will
M o r g e n s t e r n , violinist Karen
dance and humanities from most be under the direction of Maurice
T u t t l e , and cellist
University campuses, and guests Baritaud and the chorus of 110
Goberman, are in residence at
are expected to attend "The Arts voices, selected from the total
in the, University 1969." The Crane Choruse membership of
trio in 1965 in response to a need
convocation coincides with the 376, will be directed by Carl
F r a c k e n p o h l in the world of chamber music for
formal opening and dedication of O r u b a . T h e
a major ensemble devoted to the
the Performing Arts Center on composition was supported in
part under a 1967-1968 State superb, largely unknown literature
of the string trio. Works by
Sharing the cultural spotlight University Research Foundation Beethoven and Schumann are on
with the musical activities will be
the convocation program
The Crane Orchestra also will
the other arts areas-visual arts,
State University of New York
perform Charles Ives' "Symphony
dance, theatre and exhibitions.
at Buffalo musicians will be heard
"Only the wide specturm of No. 2 . "
an 8:30 p.m. concert Thursday.
talents and musical emphases
from a great many campuses Dream," to be given at 7:30 pm T h e varied p r o g r a m
could make possible the diversity Friday in Page Hall, will be compositions reflecting a variety
of p r o g r a m s
t h e presented by more than 111 of periods and styles.
Bass-baritone Heinz Rehfuss,
convocation will offer in three College at Fredonia students and
House series is presenting The short days," Dr. Charles F. faculty members who constitute who has made appearances in
Leaves of Gold,' a group of folk S t o k e s , chairman
Europe and is active both as a
of our the staff, cast, and orchestra.
singers from Boston. The group d e p a r t m e n t of music and
The opera's music is the work concert artist and oratorio soloist,
will perform tonight and Sat. coordinator of the convocation, of Benjamin Britten with libretto will appear in the Buffalo
night at 8,9:30, and 11 p.m.
by Peter Pears. Mrs. Mary Elaine program, along with bravura
Wallace has staged the production, pianist Seymour Fink.
first performed in 1960. Included
T w o artists-in-residence at
in the repertoire of the New York Stony Brook, soprano Adele
City Opera C o m p a n y , the Addison and pianist Martin Canin,
Shakespearean fantasy seldom has will be among recitalists from that
by diana dalley & michacl nolin
been performed on college campus who will present a 10 a.m.
Of course, any review of
b e c a u s e of its program on Friday.
realistically developed that I
G E O R G E " has
Attending the many events will
film can't help but be provacative.
something to say of the much
Professor Richard Levitt, be delegates to the convocation.
Apart from the acting and the
talked about bedroom scene.
counter-tenor, will be heard in the All admission is by ticket but
Susanna York (the innocent one script, technically the film was role of Oberon, while graduate where space permits, extra tickets
also far above the norm. The
in "Tom Jones"), playing an
student Anita Keehn will sing will be available for the university
attractive young girl that the lighting particularly enhances the Tytania. Other leads are John community at the registrar's desk
gitieraltone created by the action.
a c t i o n l a t e r reveals as a
This was apparent in several of the Lueck, faculty baritone; John in the Performing Art Center
simple-minded thirty-two year old
taken in the apartment. In Harold and John McFadden,
woman, engages in some pretty
the film is quick-moving; graduate voice students, and
explicit love-making with Carol
t h e c r e d i t s a r e so seniors Noreen Crowley and
The modern Musicians club and
Brown, as Miss Croft, a well-bred e v e n
Florence Fiandach.
the I.W.W.C. present "The Rites
career woman and George's (Beryl eye-catching that I found myself
of Spring-Phase 2 1/2" There will
Reid) television associate. From a watching the action behind them.
more traditional musical forms at
be 5 bands (Snake Drive, Stoned
female point of view, I was more The make-up and costuming
a 10 a.m. electronic music concert
Innocence, Amon Ra and others),
repelled than apalled by the
on Thursday by Joel Chadabe,
lightshow, smell show, and guerilla
scene-a reaction which by the film as in the lesbian nightclub
director of the Electronic Music
Tickets are being sold in
way was not shared by my male
at A l b a n y .
the student center lobby and at
the door. This Sat night (April 12)
Beyond this candid surface a GEORGE is not without humor. feature trends In electronic music
shows at 7:30 and 9:30--Funds
fine job of casting was done. All The Laurel and Hardy imitation and the presentali on of electronic
turned over to the Bail fund
t h r e e actresses give stellar sequence,vhile providing light and contributions by State University
committee-Protect yourself!
performances, particularly Beryl lively entertainment, further
Reid in her difficult role of e m p h a s i z e s
depicting the effects of the destruction of Sister George.
c r e a t i v e and From both a male and female
self-destructive forces often at point of view, THE KILLING OF
work in everyday life. She quite SISTER GEO RGE, a most
movingly portrays the sensitivity s t i r r i n g ,
and callousness so ironically empalhetic-invoking portrayal of
found in one individual. All three the demise of a middle-aged
characters, I thought, are so woman, is one of the best films of
the year.
'Leaves Of Gold*
Photo by Benjamin
If director, Robert Aldrich's
intent in THE KILLING OF
SISTER GEORGE was to portray
an unusually moving story so
realistically that his audience
could understand his characters
and their feelings, he is a definite
success. Despite the controversial
subject matter-the struggle and
tormentwhich eventually led to
t h e b r e a k u p of a lesbian
"marriage," I feel the director's
beyond the
surface fact that his characters are
social deviants. His intent is not so
much to shock his audience, but
understanding of such a situation.
CPC to present
underground film
on Sunday night
The world of experimental
films is dominated by young
filmmakers, and the best of the
youngest can be found in "The
Teenage Underground," a
90-minute film program to be
presented Sunday, April 13th at 8
pm in t h e Campus Center
Assembly Hall. Admission is $.50
with tax and $1.50 without tax.
Commission is sponsoring the
program as one of an eight part
" A r t and Document" seri es
the work
experimental filmmakers of every
type from around the world. This
p r o g r a m includes startling
examples of creativity in youths
ranging from 9 to 19 years of age.
The degree of technical excellence
and sophistication varies, but all
have in common a novelty of
approach that is a product of their
Among the 12 films included in
the program is a series call "Bag
5," a collection of five films made
by children ages 9 to 13. Under
t h e i n s t r u c t i o n of Yvonne
Anderson and Mary Austin, the
children created the art work,
story, animation, camera work,
editing and sound.
Another film in the program,
"On Nothing Days," produced by
Clarke Mackey, has received
honors in the student films
competition at Expo '67.
Snake Drive
CC. Assembly Hall
• • « * . . »
wggjgj ^
"Ladies and gentlemen, the
President of the United States of
America." Enter cool, confident,
yet humble Richard M. Nixon.
"Gentlemen and ladies of the
press; Americans. I have an
announcement to make: I shall
make an announcement next
week. Any questions?"
Mr. President, is progress being
made in Paris? "Well, let me say
this about that. Slight but
significant progress is being made
in the talks. Private discussions
have become promising, but I
should like to stress that the
substantial progress being made
here is not too substantial. What
the substantial non-substantials
are, I rather not indicate at this
Mr. President, when will your
"new approach" to ending the
war become evident? "Well, let
me make one thing about that
very clear. During my campaign I
explained that I had a whole new
approach to the war question. I
said at that time that I would not
disclose the details of that
approach because it might upset
the talks already underway. Now
that I am President I still hold to
t h a t approach about
Mr. President, is it true that
private discussions have been held
b e t w e e n t h e S o v i e t s and
ourselves? "Yes, they certainly are
and many topics are being
discussed. What those topics are, I
cannot now disclose."
Mr. President, can you disclose
any of the concrete plans and
problems you and Pres. DeGaulle
may have discussed? "I would be
very happy to. I told the General
that he was a great man. We then
discussed various aspects of the
world situation and agreed that
neither of us knew how to solve
t h e m , b u t that we would
nevertheless try. We look forward
to working together in the future,
though I would caution that we
may not work together in the
Mr. President, are you going to
go ahead with the ABM system?
"Well, let me say this about that.
We are going ahead with a
modified system. In this way, we
can p l a c a t e t h e Pentagon,
Congress, and the people. At the
same time we expect a few
modifications are so modified. In
this way we are assured of a
moderate discussion so that our
modified modifications can be
further modified.
"The purpose of the system, I
might add, is to increase our arms
without increasing the arms race,
because our arms are not really
arms. They do not go boom, only
Mr. President, what are you
going to announce next week? "I
am to announce that I shall have
some future announcements, but
what they are I rather not disclose
at this time."
Mr. President, do you feel that
your campaign promises are being
fulfilled? "Yes I do, for they are
still being promised. I have
reneged on none of them,"
Mr. President, how do you feel
after two months in office? "I
have not decided yet."
Mr. President, what do you
plan to do about the war on
poverty? "Well, let me say this
about that..."
You may have noticed as of
late various activities, concerts,
c o m m i t t e e s sponsored by
something called the International
Werewolf Conspiracy. What is the
Werewolf Conspiracy? Why are
they here? What do they want?
All these questions have been
asked of us, and in this short
article I will attempt to answer
them. But first, a brief history of
the IWWC.
The first organized appearance
of the Werewolf Conspiracy came
in the 1920's (previous to this a
large number of small bands
bearing the word werewolf in
their names had appeared, but
they all eventually formed into
the one large group, when the
Prohibition laws at the time were
causing a large amount of
bootlegging and gangsterism. The
Werewolves provided alcoholic
beverages to the general public
w i t h o u t charging exorbitant
Needless to say, this brought on
a rather harsh reaction from the
gangs who were losing money by
this, and the original found of the
Werewolves, Edward Eldred
CC dedication
Continued from p. I
The Campus Center Governing
Board is sponosring the event
which will begin at 2 pm in the
Campus Center Ballroom. Mitchell
K. Foster, chairman of the CC
Governing Board, will introduce
J u s t i c e Douglas. Following
Jusitice Douglas' speech will be a
question and answer period.
A dedication ceremony will be
held at 3 pm with President Evan
R. Collins as the main speaker.
Neil Brown, Campus Center
d i r e c t o r , T r u m a n Cameron,
c h a i r m a n of the dedication
committee, and Mitch Foster will
ahio speak. A reception will be
held in the formal gardens,
Yaeger, was killed along with four
of his chief aides in an ambush on
G r o u n d Hog D a y , 1 9 2 7 .
Fortunately, the remaining
members of the group were able
to "continue the organization
without their leaders.
During World War U, the
Werewolves went to Germany
where they acted in the capacity
of a terroritst organization,
working in cooperation with the
underground. The Werewolf is, as
you know, a prominent figure in
German folklore, and the name
alone instilled a good deal of fear
in the hearts of the Nazi High
After the fall of Nazi Germany,
the Werewolves went back to the
USA, but the name of the group
was now t h e International
Werewolf Conspiracy, as we now
had a large membership in
The sixties approached, the
Werewolf Conspiracy found its
m e m b e r s h i p being increased,
largely through the presence of
dissatisfied SDSers and other early
revolutionaries who found the
type of organization they needed
in the Werewolf Conspiracy.
As time w e n t o n , t h e
Werewolves grew bigger and
bigger, and their goals became
more realistically defined, and
what is more important, we were
recognized by the FBI and the
H U A C as a
A c t i o n s t a k e n by the
Conspiracy were confined to the
usual radical revolutionary things
that are always happening (we
were a driving force behind the
Columbia a c t i o n s ) until a
conference of all members was
held in Madison Square Garden on
December 28th, 1968. It was
decided on. that day that the
Werewolves would start chapters
on every college campus in the
USA, and as many others as we
need in the rest of the world, in
final p r e p a r a t i o n for the
And so the Werewolves have
come to Albany. In only a few
short weeks, we have brought in
three hundred and twenty-seven
new members (as opposed to the
newsletter "Walter" in case you
didn't buy it the first time), set up
a bail fund, organized concerts,
And that is only the beginning!
If things go according to the
schedule we have set up (and I see
no reason for them not to), our
membership by next week will
include 6000 of the University's
10,000 member student boyd,
and a few hundred non-university
p e o p l e
f r o m
Albany-Schenectady-Troy region.
Activities will expand (all
coordinated with the national
program, of course), and on April
27th, at 11:04 am, we will begin
the revolution.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
M>ur last check
from home
just bounced?
Several articles which have been stolen from parked vehicles in
recent weeks have been recovered by the N.Y.State Police.
Students who have had such articles taken from their parked
vehicles are requested to contact Mr. James J. Connally, Chief of
Security Police at 7616 to identify and claim such articles.
The very
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Demonstration! have been felt by many to be "unpopular" and
"inefficient" means of affecting legislative decisions; it is felt they
would "turn o f f many people and hinder individual efforts toward
effecting the desired change.
Marches and demonstrations, as was proven by CUNY, may be
peaceful and effective. CtiNY received committment*; from
Rockefeller and legislators immediately following their massive march.
It was not only letters and telegrams that convinced the legislature
that their proposals were opposed by their voters; it was also the
physical committment inthe form of demonstrators standing solidly in
opposition to the proposals.
Demonstrations are constitutionally guaranteed; it is a right that
everyone has, that no one can take away. If our legislators do not
know this, if the people do not know and utilize this means for
change, they do not know or accept a major aspect of America
democracy If anger is aroused purely by a peaceful march, it is the
anger of ignorance.
It is true that some of our policy makers view demonstrations
negatively; they do not understand that demonstrators are, for the
most part, committed to achieving action. So committed that they
feel they have not done enough for their goals until they tap all means
of achieving those goals.
The beneficiaries of a demonstration are not only the
demonstrators fulfilling their committment, but the public. If the
media were not so biased and sensationalist in its coverage, and
sometimes they are not, the public may be made aware of a problem.
It is this awareness that is the outcome of demonstrations. Viewed in
this light, they perform a definite and necessary educational function.
The promotion of interest and concern for the issues of the day in
both the demonstrators and in the public is meritorious and must be
Letters and telegrams are excellent means for effecting change.
Demonstrations perform the function of education these means; in
addition, they are a very acceptable means of obviating the necessity
for change.
The means o f demonstration may very well achieve
Sitting on Governor Rockefeller's desk at this moment are two
pieces of legislation which remain very pertinjnt to college students.
They are the "Flynn Anti-Riot Bill," which proposes to take away
state scholarships from any student convicted of a misdemeanor (i.e.
being arrested in a demonstration); and the Duryea amendment to the
penal code, which could send a student to jail for up to seven years if
he is arrested twice (in an indcterminatcd period of time) for
protesting on the grounds of a college campus.
Through ages past the search
want on youth potions to secure,
But now it's hoped with
alcohol all students will mature.
The kids grow beards, and
humorless, bid fair to run the
While adults with the discipline
run scared-and very slow.
If having alcohol in rooms is
not enough to age them
Their bedroom visits day and
night will certainly engage them
In fascinating aspects,years?, of
growth and maturation.
With visitors and alcohol there's
super saturation,
I wonder where they 11 find the
time or why they would desire
To study in a book to get their
education higher?
Distractions alight are booze
and bods compared to some,
D r u g s obfuscate reality
tonight-perhaps forever.
M.D.'s protesting drug abus e,
of "bias" are accusedOf "scientific bias"-yet! By
this they are amused.
The roles are twisted: child
plays adult, adult suckles student
The danger is adult at child
play seems to play his part the
Today in A.S.P. (it must be
true!) I read that liquor's IN
And SUNY Council's chief
concer is not the full but empty
Jill R. Paznik & In J. Wolfman
Tim Keeley
Kathy lluseman
Carol Schour
Jim Winslow
Pat O'Hern, Bmshapse
Stu Killer
Philip Eranehini
Daniel Foxman
Qary Qelt
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed In its
columns and communications as such expressioni
do not necessarily reflect its views.
One lesson that should be salvaged from the 1969 Education
budget crisis is vitally concerned with demonstrations and their role in
affecting policy.
Demonstrations and marches are unpopular, inefficient and
dangerous ways of attempting to affect legislation and policy.
Nothing bears this contention out more clearly than the education
budget crisis itself. It was not because 15,000 idealistic college
students from the City University (along with 1500-2000 idealist
Albany State students) journeyed to a mass rally in front of the
capitol that the budget was saved. It was, rather, because the
legislators in Albany were deluged with telegrams andlettsrs and other
indications thatconvin:ed them that their constituents were against
cutting Education.
In fact, the rally in front of the Capitol did little but anger the
citizens of Albany over the damage to the Capitol lawn.
While we fully believe that the education of 350,000 students is
more important than having helathy tulips on the Capitol lawn, when
we gauge the results of a march such as this one, we get the feeling
that those 15,000 students were wasting their time.
For, in essence, it is the public with which we must be concerned.
The media distorts the size of the radical and unruly elements while
downplaying the more "conservative" or "establishment"
participants, thereby greatly angering the public.
Many people today are "turned-off' by demonstrators. This alone
means little to us; it means even less to the idealistic "marcher."
But, if one considers the fact that, so many times, the people
"turned off" are the very constituents that a legislator will consult,
and whoe opinion he respects, then the repercussions of a poor
reception by the public becomes more clear.
Yet, another danger that demonstrations bring about is a
self-righteous feeling of accomplishment. For too often, marchers
believe they have "done their share" by marching and stop there.
They accomplish little, yet they feel as if they are closer to achieving
their ends. There is much that an ordinary citizen can do to bring
about real change, change far more substantial than marching can ever
bring about.
We believe, in many cases, in the causes and the people who are
marching and demonstrating today across the nation. We applaud the
ends persuied, from the call for cessation of hostilities in Vietnam to
the call for Freedom and Equality in the U.S. now.
We do feel, however, that the means utilized must aid in attaining
those ends; if they do not, we are deluding ourselves, and we must
realize the error of our ways and replace those poor means with ones
that do move towards realization.
We cannot deny that some protest has been successful in bringing
about change. We feel, however, that far too often, the energies
exerted, could have been channeled into more productive methods.
Nathan Wright and Shirley Chisholm arc where Black Power is
really at. They understand what it is the Black man needs and, more
important, what the white man must learn.
We must learn to be beautiful, to be fulfilled by not only being
(doing our individual thing) but becoming (doing things to make
ourselves grow and develop). This was their message, emphasized by
using the term "beautiful" to refer to everyone, black and white.
They clearly articulated the meaning of the often misinterpreted
term Black Power. Whites now have the power to fulfill themselves by
their positon or status in society. They do not have to fight the color
war and so may proceed to better themselves knowing they arc
accepted as human beings. Black Power affirms the black man as
having the same power and right as the white in terms of potential
fulfillment as u human being. It reaffirms the black man as an
individual, different in some respects from the white man but human
in all respects; it means that whites must understand and respect these
differences or be doomed to the narrow-minded ignorance which is
still so apparent.
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Center. This newspaper is funded hy S.A.Tox. The
ASP was founded by the Class of 1918.
State Unfocrsftu of Nc» York at Albany
Black Power
Both of these bills are unduly harsh and both violate the standard
of equal justice under the law. We have made our position clear on
these bills before. We are saddened by the legislative passage, and we
now look to Governor Rockefeller to veto both these measures.
We urge all students to communicate with the Governor's office by
mail or telegram, and ask him to veto these two bills, the Flynn Bill
and the Duryea Penal Code Amendment and Bill.
Rocky's Choice
News Editor
. Auoclate News Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Technical Editors
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Feature Editor
Black Power has already contributed a great deal to American
society by vividly illuminating the white curse of hypocrisy mid lack
of understanding. It has made clear the inadquacics of the present
means by which change may be effected. We hope they will as
effectively make known plans for changes in the current system.
Blacks, Wright made clear, do have the marginal perspective, which
gives them the unique ability to understand and contribute to this
society as no one else can, We look forward optimistically with this in
We hope that the BSA and HOP students will continue to
contribule to our understanding of Black people and enliven this
predominantly white academic community though educational meam
that we will learn what must be done.
Douglas speak*
by Jill Paznik
Is a faculty member
qualified to pass judgment on the
teaching ability of a fellow
Is teaching ability the major
criteria upon which a professor is
What power does student
opinion have on this campus,
particularly within a department?
These are the controversial
questions that have been raised as
a result of the non- renewed
contracts of Dr. Waterman and
Mrs, Rhoads.
Both faculty were on three-year
contracts when they came up for
renewal. Neither contract was
renewed beyond the three-year
SUPREME COURT JUSTICE William V. Douglas delivered
"Points of Rebellion" at the Campus Center dedication Saturday
Photo by Hochberg
Partial system this time
Another pass -jail considered
letter grade.
According to this proposal, a
professor must declare before
registration, to be noted with
course listings, which of the above
alternatives he wishes to employ.
gome of the advantages and
disadvantages of the committee's
proposal have been set forth in
the following paragraphs.
A partial pass-fail system,
which is what the above proposal
15, 1969
Waterman, Rhoads
by Valerie Ives
At the present time there is a
proposal before the Committee on
Academic Standing, a standing
committee of the Faculty SSnate,
concerning a psw-^ii policy for
the univer^y T n „ p r o p o s a | r e a ds
"». 'oiiows:
purpose of undergraduate grading,
that effective September 1969,
the following changes be adopted.
A faculty member shall have
the option of announcing prior to
registration that a given course
which he is teaching will use one
of four alternative methods of
A) Letter grading
B) Written description of
student performance
C) Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory
grading (the grade of "S" to earn
credit; the grade "U" no credit)
D) Any combination of the
When a professor takes no
action to announce what methods
of evaluation will be used in a
course, the student may elect
letter grading or S/U.
Students on their side may
receive credit for courses taken on
the S/U system up to 120 credit
hours taken at SUNYA toward';
the Baccalaureate Dejj'ee. The
option of a Gotten evaluation,
wher» '„ j s available, will be open
to a student only with the
permission of the instructor; there
will be no limit on the number of
courses which he may take with
written evaluation rather than the
Contract controversy
CC dedication
The Campus Center was
dedicated Saturday. The program
included an address by Justice
William O. Douglas at 2 p.m. in
the Ballroom.
Justice Douglas spoke on
"Points of Rebellion." He began
by stating that in 1931 the First
Amendment was upheld; it was
unconstitutional to suppress
Since Truman, he noted, the
factor of militarism and concern
with foreign policy has become
great. Now, there is a change in
the public attitude on militarism.
Today's youth are questioning
whether it is our goal to destroy
the Soviets. They ask if something
can be done to achieve world
He spoke briefly of the Negro
e m p l o y m e n t , housing, and
The taw is biased against the
Please turn to page 3, col. 3.
Ah, Spring,
all over
a m o u n t s t o , would enable
sturjoiits to explore fields
otherwise restricted by fear of low
grades, and, at the same time,
allow him to accumulate a grade
point averaged for the purpose of
incentive, future employment,
and graduate schools.
In addition, the proposal is a
broad step in the direction of
academic freedom since it gives
the student the opportunity to
decide if his entire course of study
will be completely S/U or entirely
A though E or an individually
weighted combination of these
One of the many advantages for
the professor is that he has more
freedom in the planning of a
course, because he has the option
of announcing which alternative
he wishes to use. If he elects to
teach his course on a S/U basis, he
has expanded his opportunities to
bring in innovations in both
material and method. In the event
that a student chooses an S/U
course, he has the same
opporunities for exploration and
T h e r e are also certain
disadvantages which .such a system
will precipitate. Whereas this
system is designed to relax
c o m p e t i t i o n , and i u i l i a t e
innovation, it m a y , instead, relax
initiative in S/U courses. A
aiudent may devote his main
energies to those courses for
which he will receive a grade on
his transcript. Inherent, however,
in this disadvant is an advantage
of the partial pass-fail proposal.
Students may choose to be
graded in those courses in which
he intends to delve and explore,
thereby excelling in them.
will be held on each of the
quadrangles for this purpose. All
students are encouraged to speak,
as the committee wants to
consider informed
opinion in the decision that will
be made within the next month.
The meetings are scheduled as
follows: 1) April IS; 6:30 in
Coloial Quad Flag Room w 2)
April 17; 6:30 in Dutch Quad Flag
Room with Mrs. M. McKenna 3)
April 17; 7:30 in State Quad Flag
Room with Mr. R. Gibson 4)
Alumni Quad — time and place to
be announced with Mr. E. Butler
Pre-registration begins
tomorrow! Corrections to the
original course offerings
appear on page 3. Check the
corrections before pulling
(The decision concerning the
renewal of appointments is made
approximatly one year prior to
the contract's expiration date. At
this time it may be renewed for
one. two, three years or not at
Waterman and Rhoads were
notified of the decision in a letter
which stated, in part, that "the
Psychology Department Personnel
Committee, in consultation with
the remaining tenured faculty, has
reached the decision that the
interests of all concerned will be
best served by not extending your
term beyond the current
expiration date."
(The Personnel Committee is
elected by the total psychology
faculty from among the tenured
mem bers of the department. Its
members are Dr. Shirley
Brown.the department chairman,
Dr. Morris Eson.Dr. Norman
Greenfeld and Dr. Ostereich.)
No reasons for the non-renewal
were given in the letter although
both professors were invited to
discuss the matter with Dr.
Brown. After such a discussion,
Or. Waterman is still "not at all
clear" on the ground for the
action. As a result of heretofore
ambiguous answers, Mrs. Rhoads
has not seen Dr. Brown on the
matter. When questioned as to the
reasons for the non-renewal, Dr.
Another disadvante arises due
to the prerogative granted the
professor since a course or oven an
entire field of study may offer the
student no option because all the
professors have decided to use the
same grading system.
In discussing this proposal, the
Committee on Academic Standing
has concluded that the advantages
far outweigh the disadvantages.
However, the student body mu..
be heard on this subject. Meetings
ALEX HALEY, who assisted Malcolm X In writing his
autobiography, will speak on campus Thursday. Haley is scheduled
to meet with students three times during the day.
Brown said that if "further
clarification" was requested, the
concerned parties could see her.
Dr. Waterman believes that the
issue is much larger than the two
faculty members
"What are the criteria for
making these decisions?" she asks,
"What priorities of criteria are
considered? Teaching and research
are both valuable; teaching should
have a higher priority.
"If there is strong student
feeling that a professor is
competent and has published; that
must be considered."
This approaches the second
issue which is, "to what extent
student opinion is considered"
both in making the decision and
approving of it.
"Student of these professors
were consulted in no systematic
way (there is no mechanism for
consulting students) by the
department before the decision
was made," said Dr. Eson.
Student Involvement
Both Waterman and Rhoads are
strongly in favor of increased
participation in departmental
decisions in the field. Mrs. Rhoads
is a member of a faculty
committee whose purpose it is to
promote and channel such interest
for the benefit of all concerned.
She feels that the controversy
raised over the non-renewal has
increased communication, a factor
which she believes will extend
beyond the immediate case.It is
the intention of students in the
department, many of whom have
been active in the petition
campaign, to form a psychology
As of now, there is no direct
student participation on any of
Please turn to page 2
Malcolm X ptotogee
Alex Haley
Alex Haley, the man who
helped Malcolm X write his
autobiography, will give two
lectures and talk with students on
campus Thursday, April 17.
Mr. H a l e y ,
writerin-residence ^ n d visiting
professn- a t H a m i i t o „ College
(Clinton, N.Y.) is completing a
new book, BEFORE THIS
ANGER, which is the story of his
search for his own African
ancestry and heritage. His
schedule at the University
arranged by the College of Arts
,and Sciences, will be:
1:10 p.m. Lecture in Lecture
iRoom 2 on "The Story Behind
(the Story of Malcolm X." This
[will be a lecture for American
iS.tudies 100b in which "The
Autobiography of Malcolm X" is
being studied, but will be open to
other interested students.
3-4:30 p.m. Informal meeting
jin the faculty lounge in the
Humanities Bu j Iding. Students
land faculty, especially those in
Afro-American history and
literature courses and in writing
courses, are invited.
8:30 p.m. Lecture in Lecture
Room 3 on "Black Saga-A Sage
of Black History." This lecture,
for the university community, will
be on Mr. Haley's five years of
research and travel in Africa,
Europe, and America that have
gone into the making of his new
Please turn to page 3, col. 1