The Demonstration

The Demonstration
The New York State Legislature will be faced with one of the
largest demonstrationsever this Tuesday.
It seems as if virtually the entire college population of N.Y. City
will come to the Capitol that day to protest the forboding education
budget cuts.
We deplore the treatment education is receiving from the
legislature. The budget cuts must not pass!
For this campus it would mean 50 fewer faculty members necessary
to maintain the present student-faculty ration. It would mean no
implementation this year of the General or Experimental College, this
University's first venture into relevant education.
It is obvious that we mutt work together as a unified political and
social force to prevent further deficiencies in our education.
For these reasons, we wholly support the demonstration at the
Capitol Tuesday. We believe that the appearance of large numbers of
students will demonstrate the grave concern we all have for the future
of education in this state.
Students must be alerted to this impending danger and, once
informed, act on that information cooperatively for the common
Not only are informed students necessary, but faculty also. Inthe
past, our professors have proven themselves worthless academicians in
the sense that they have not shown concern for our endeavors. This,
we feel, is a major reason why past efforts have failed.
Now they may take a leading role. They must inform students in
their classes of the threat facing all of us, and what students can do
about it. We expect, again, that our professors will take advantage of
their leadership to aid students by participating in our education and
in our demonstration. We need them.
There may never be a more opportune time to demonstrate our
concern for the perpetuation and improvement of our educational
institutions. There certainly will not be a better time for dialogue and
Assembly open letter
When you appointed a task force to review and revise the Flynn
Anti-Riot Bill, we had suspected the worst, for the members of that
task force were the most conservative members of The Assembly, who
seemed opposed to any intelligent approach to campus disorders.
Today, we see our worst suspicions were well founded. Your task
force has outdone itself by creating a bill which attempts to please
everyone-but shows an amazing lack of regard for the guarantee of
equal rights under the law.
It was very wise of your task force to realize that the best place for
dealing with academic problems is in an academic setting. It warms
our heart to see that you have realized that taking away a student's
scholarship (for demonstrating and being arrested) punishes him twice
for the same crime-something we all know is not in the democratic
tradition, Mr, Duryea.
But your insistence on "preventing student disorders" has resulted
in an amazing lack of good judgement on your part.
Can you seriously believe that it is an equitable law that creates a
new criminal category (i.e., "Aggravated Disorderly Conduct"), with a
new criminal sentence (i.e., one year in jail and $1,000 maximum
fine) for students convicted of "disrupting" wihtin 500 feet of a
campusTWhy is it "aggravated" when it is 500 feet away, and merely
"disorderly conduct" when it is 501 feet away?Can this be a serious
attempt at effectively solving the problem?
Can you see justice, Mr. Duryea, in the provision that makes a
student who has been convicted twice (in an unlimited period) of
aggravated disorderly conduct (arrested in a demonstration) eligible
for up to seven years in jail?ls it justifiable to charge him with a
felony-thercby placing on a student's record a charge which would
seriously jeopardize his chances of entering a profession or business
requiring a state license?
You, too, Mr. Duryea, have fallen into that oh-so-casy trap. You
have attempted to solve one of the pressing problems facing us today
by attacking the surface manifestations of that problem. You say,
"(This law) gives society further protection." Mr. Duryea, ran you
seriously believe that? Universities are the cornerstone to a free
society. No society that represses its students so harshly and
irrationally is protected; rather, the institution of equality under the
law is threatened.
It greatly grieves us to see that you havenot attempted to find out
why student unrest is evident on campuses across the state today-you
have only looked at the how to of stopping demonstrations. This is
sad, Mr. Duryea, for it will ultimately accomplish nothing.
The inequalities inherent in this bill are overwhelming. The lack of
real thought behind this bill is freightening. Although it returns some
of the jurisdiction to the University Administration, this bill is not
more lenient than the misdirected Flynn bill; it rather is more
dangerous. The Speaker of the Assembly has made a grievous error in
allowing this bill to come out of committee in any form-worst of all
(we hope) in the newest form.
We have.been informed that Governor Rockefeller may sign the bill
in its new form, This bill is a violator of the principles of equal
guarantee of rights and equal punishment under the law. it if grossly
unfair and amazingly inconsistent. We urge all students to make every
effort to insure that there is a torrent of protest against this latest
attempt by the Assembly to destroy dissent on campus.
State University of New .York at Albany
Vol. LV No.
A University
is Quite
s . m . V * u an. t » « / « f r e
All communications must be addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications are
subject to editing.
To the Editors:
On behalf of myself, Coach Lewis, Co-Captains
Rich Margison and Scott Price and all of the players
on the team, I would like to take this opportunity
to offer my sincere gratitude to the scores of
Albany basketball fans who have followed us
wherever we have played this year.
I feel that this excellent support has been a great
factor in deciding a great many of those close
"road" games in our favor.
It 'was particularly gratifying to see the continued
enthusiasm during the Wagner game at the Eastern
Regional despite the apparent outcome of the game.
To me it was a deserving tribute to a "gutsy" team
that overcame many physical handicaps in order to
reach the tournament.
To all of us- you are number one.
Dick Sauers
Basketball Coach
To the Editors:
I just received a copy of a letter that a student at
Oneonta State wrote his parents.
"Yesterday, a few of us went to Albany, visited
the Albany Campus. Wouldn't care to attend that
place. It's not only overwhelmingly large but very
sterile looking. More science-fiction looking than
Oneonta's new buildings. They all look alike. No
personality, no individual evident. I much prefer
living off campus in a small city like Oneonta than
in the middle of the Albany Sahara. Can you
imagine living on the 24th floor of a dormitory?
The whole place is like a moon port."
How's that for a good, unbiased judgement on
our campus by an Air Force-veteran student?
F. Dickey
This writer (age 24) still believes that people marry
to form a new way of life, call it "leading each other
to Salvation," yet, it is still a peace of mind, not a
piece of body!
Does anyone believe in the man as Father and
decisive arbiter of the household in whose hands the
scales of domestic justice lie? Does anyone believe in
people with self control, unselfish aims, similar
economic philosophies, thoughts on a common
experience to all beings—God: actually loving each
other because of themselves as they exist spiritually
apart from the physical and fisical realm?
Is this type of love such an Eleusinian mystery
that we must substitute instead the bacchanal orgy of
mass worship of the transitory and physical? This
writer, for one, feels love is sacred and not to be
laughed at. True love is first and foremost the mutual
growing of two people so that they think similarly
and are using the same basic philosophy to achieve a
homo-pneumatic and high unity and peace.
It is out of this search and the sheer enjoyment of
each other and true comrader in Union that first
formed, fed the developing, and shall sustain (in
more mature years) that "beautiful" quality called
It is not so much mind over matter as it is sanity
over insanity that this author suggests that we as
individuals, a college, a city, a nation, yes even a
world, listen to Cleo's teachings on societies and
individuals that put the physical and fisical over the
common salvation of the union (whether it be a
marriage or a nation).
Charles E. Knight
292 North Street
Pittsfield, Mass. 01202
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.Tax. The
ASP was founded by the Class of 1918.
Jill R. Paznik A Ira J. Wolfman
Where Is Love?
News Editor
Tim Keeley
Associate News Editor
Kathy Huseman
Arts Editor
Carol Schour
To the Editor:
Sports Editor
Jim Wimloui
I have just finished watching several T.V, programs Feature Editor
Gary Gelt
und reading some newspaper and magazine articles us Technical Editors
Pat O'Hern, BillShapsc
I now take pen in hand to jot these few terse Photography Editor
Stu Hitter
Business Manager
Philip Franchini
Where has true love gone—or is it just hiding? I see Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
so much sex and "making love" in the empty lives of
The Albany Student Press assumes no
people today. Must we show our lack of
self-confidence and sane attitude' toward the responsibility for opinions expressed in its
physiological aspects of courtship and marriage by columns and communications as such expressions
giggling and making sick jokes of it and a mockery of do not necessarily reflect its views.
its sanctity?
Faux pas?
Tuesday March 18, 1969
GI, civilians
protest war
over Easter
Discussion tonight
on grades of S-U
Easter weekend will be the time
set for massive GI-civilian antiwar
demonstrations, across the
country. The protest actions are
being held in support of those GIs
who oppose the war in Vietnam.
GIs and civilians are working
together in order to co-ordinate
the demonstrations, called by the
National Gl-Civilian Antiwar
Action Conference held in
Chicago Dec. 28. The peace
actions will be oriented to GIs
whose involvement in anti-war
protest is the most significant new
development for the movement
against the war in Vietnam.
Seven regional centers have
b e e n s e l e c t e d for the
demonstrations in the US-Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle,
Chicago, Atlanta, and Austin,
which will hold actions on Easter,
and New York which will
demonstrate on April 5.
The demonstration in New
York, on April 5 will assemble at
2 pm in Bryant Park (Sixth Ave.
at 41st Street) and march to a
rally in Central Park. There will be
speakers at the rally expressing
the three themes chosen; support
to antiwar GIs a call for bringing
the GIs home from Vietnam now;
opposition to theadministraiton's
war o r i e n t e d policy of
militarization and white racism.
Committee to End the War is
organizing for April 5 on the
Albany State campus. Posters,
buttons and other materials will
be on sale in the Campus Center.
Three alternative systems of grading will be up for discussion
tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Social Science 256 as the Commission for
Academic Affairs sponsors "An Open Meeting on the Pass-Fall
Dr. Alan Kuuisisto, Vice President for Academic Affairs, will give
opening remarks and will moderate the panel discussion.
The panel will include: Dr. Joan Schulz, Chairman of the
Committee on Academic Standing; Dr. Arthur Collins, Chairman of
the Task Force on Academic Regulations; Richard Collier, Chairman
of the Commission for Academic Affairs of Student Association; and
Mona Kurtz, student member of the Committee on Academic
Three proposals are being considered presently. The first proposal,
which came from the Commission for Academic Affairs, requests that
" a l l under-graduate courses shall be graded on a
Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S-U) basis." The second proposal is the
present system of "A" thru "E" grades. Academic Affairs Commission
has made this proposal their second choice of the proposals.
The third proposal is a rather complicated system of grading. The
professor would announce prior to pre-registration which of the four
following grading systems he would use: (A) Letter grading; 0)
Subject evaluation, i.e. a written description of student performance;
(C) Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory grading, i.e. S or U; (D) Any
combination of the above.
If the professor makes no
announcement of the method of
evaluation for his course, the
student may elect letter grading or
pass-fail. The option of a written
evaluation would be open to the
student only with the permission
of the instructor.
Opinion Poll
careful. Thorne feels that
Universtiy students are "A. Giving
The Commission for Academic
their ID's to other kids and B. Affairs is also sponsoring an
Sponsoring beer drinkers that opinion poll, to be held on the
they never laid their eyes on dinner lines from Wednesday
before." The situation must through Friday of this week. The
change now before it'stoo late and poll will attempt to determine
requires student cooperation.
student sentiment as regards to a
President Collins was also asked grading system for Fall 1969.
to comment on today's CUNY Editor's Note: (In order for there
march. He felt it is a "united to be a meaningful dialogue on
attempt to remedy the situation pass-fail which can reach the vast
but not an effective means of majority of students, we include
influencing legislators."
in this issue of the ASP two
Collins did feel however that statements as to the relative
"1000 letters from back home virtues of the present grading
and the pass-fail
would have more pressure than system
system. The following is a
10,000 marchers."
by Dick Collier,
The remaining IB minutes of statement
the discussion centered on the Chairman of the Commission for
topic of drugs. Thorne added a Academic Affairs in favor of the
few comments that members of complete pass-fail system.)
the Bureau of Criminal
The present A-E grading system
Inverstigation made last week to
members of the residence staffs. and the suggested partial S-U (or
The BCI noted that if they felt ?. "pass-fail") system limit the
b u s t was necessary they student and the instructor. Both
of these systems maintain the
"wouldn't even tell Thorne."
Thorne did say that in the past pressure to get the best grade
three semesters only 16 University possible in courses marked A-E.
students were arrested on drug Unfortunately, "getting the
is frequently little related
charges and all were off campus
please turn to page 7.
Chemiske, ponder demonstration tactics , aiming towards todays'
CUNY rally and the rally on the 24th to 'Save SUNY.'
Townies invade, vandalize;
securitv needs student aid
by T. W. Keeley
The President's Conference
with students took on a very
informal but serious look at the
security problem of the past
weekend, yesterday.
President Evan R. Collins and
Clifton C. Thome Vice-president
for Student Affairs expressed
their grave concern over the
growing "townie" invasions which
occur each weekend.
Demonstration today,
faculty budget letter
by Valerie Ives
Staff Reporter
Albany State students are urged
to support 'Don't Cut CUNY' by
participating in the march on the
Capitol today, March 18. Another
march to 'Save SUNY' will be
held on March 24
The announcement was made
at yesterday's Faculty Senate that
a letter signed by 24 department
chairmen is being sent to
Governor Rockerfcller as well as
all members of the Assembly and
the Senate, stating: 'We urge you
to r e s t o r e to t h e bill
(Appropriation Bill A. 2301-S.
1685) at least those funds
described by Chancellor Gould as
'absolute essentials' for our
"We urge you to continue the
support on which the State
University depends if it is to fulfill
its objective and become an
institution of quality second to
" I n his statement, the
Chancellor pointed out that that
the proposed budget would force
the State University to effect
drastic changes force the State
University to effect drastic and
harmful reductions in key areas of
expenditure, resulting In an
inflation of student-faculty ratios.
It is estimated that about
10,000 students from NYC will be
arriving at the Capitol at 12:00
noon today where a program
including a rally and speeches
The problem this weekend
stemmed from the presence of a
large number of high school
"guests" that the band invited to
the mixer. These "guests" were
not permitted into the mixer
because it was open to university
students only.
As a result the students made
an evening of it by attacking
s t u d e n t s , creating
disturbances, and vandalizing.
Thorne announced that as a
result an adminstrative decision
was made to cancel all mixers.
Further commenting on the
matter, Collins noted that many
of the youngsters picked up were
12, 13, and 14 year olds that were
dumped at the University "as a
babysitting service."
"These students come here
raising hell and beating up our
students and our students aren't
aiding in the process" by
cooperating with the security
police, Collins noted.
Collins reluctantly added that
"we are a short step from locking
up the campus socially."
Dr. Thorne also noted that we
have a good chance of losing our
liquor license if we are not more
have been planned.
Students are urged to write
letters to their Congressmen about
what will happen if the proposed
budget passes and to sign their
home addresses.
There is not going to be a
strike, but faculty members are
being asked not to penalize
students for not coming to classes
on March 18 and 24.
Students wishing to march
should gather at Draper between
10:30 and 11:00 am. At 11:30
the parade to the Capitol will
75 students attended an
organizational meeting concerning
the march that was held Friday
afternoon. The meeting was
conducted by Steve Cherniske. It
was stressed that the march is
going to be peaceful and
nonviolent. Students are asked to
dress neatly, as part of making a
good impression to parade
Discussed was the problem of
getting the facts straight to
everyone. The proposed cut in the
budget will lead to cuts in
education in olehr ways rather
than a raise in tuition. One of the
purposes of the meeting was to set
up a publicity committee to
inform students, faculty, and the
community about the situation.
'"- iStte'
A committee was set up to sell
•Save SUNY' buttons at $.26
Photo by neryamin
apiece in order to make money to
pay for the cost of organizing the THE INTERNATIONAL WEREWOLF CONSPIRACY held a reenactment of the death of Julius Caesar on
Saturday, the Ides of March, in the Campus Center snack bar.
Legislature to act
on proposed Budget
LAAC visitation policy ^
threatened by Council action
At the Central Council meeting
of Thursday, March 13, 1969,
Council pasted a bill which could
have unfortunateconsequences for
the LAAC Open Visitation Policy.
The bill "Requests Student
Affairs Council to reconsider the
Open Visitation Policy, Section 2,
Residence Guests and requests
that all dorms shall be open 24
.hours each day, with the residents
of each suite deciding their own
. policy for the suite."
Vic Looper, stated "Although
the bill may be' laudable in its
objectives it is at this time
ill-conceived, poorly worded, and
ill-timed. Council either disagrees
with or choses to. ignore the fact
that by current standards an Open
Visitation affects more than those
that live in a suite. In most cases
in order to get to your suite you
must pass through common areas
or lounges. Thus, an Open
numerous people living in the hall
and those inconvenienced have
very little to say in the matter.
"Another very bad feature of
this bill," Looper added, "is that
it makes no distinction between
halls and would madate that each
hall have a 24 hour Open
Visitation Policy regardless of the
residents' wishes or opinions and
r e g a r d l e s s of each halls
peculiarities or problems. In
comparison the LAAC bill allows
a 2/3 majority of the hall to
decide its hours and policies of
Visitation and a"2/3 majority of
each section to decide its hours of
"Under the LAAC bill a hall
and the section could allow 24
hour Open Visitation and the hall
could have as its policy the suite
option. The major difference is
that the residents of the hall
would have an opportunity to
make that policy instead of having
it mandated. This makes the
LAAC bill flexible and also
protects the minority which is
considered important both by
LAAC and the Office of
person of the same sex at any
B. A resident may entertain a
person of the opposite .sex only
during visitation hours.
C. Any person not invited by
the University or a resident of the
hall is restricted to public areas
and may not be in the residence
after the closing hour.
shall decide the policy and hours
for that hall. Changes in the
policy and/or hours of each hall
shall also be made by a 2/3
majority of the total number of
residents in that hall.
A section of a hall may decide
its own hours of visitation. A
section is defined as: A group of
suties or rooms adjacent to a
lounge or corridor respectively
2. OPEN VISITATION POLICIES that has direct access to and from
The residents of each hall by a a public area without passing
2/3 majority vote of the total through non-public areas.
number of residents in that hall Stair wells and elevators are
shall determine their own policies public areas only during visitation
and hours in reference to hours.
visitation in accordance with
Each hall shall appoint a
guidelines set by Living Area committee to record the policy
Affairs Commission.
and hours of visitation with Living
ARea Affairs Commission and
provide each resident with u copy
An overnight guest is a person of the policy and hours. It shall
of the same sex who utilizes a bed also be the duty of the committee
and'services of the residence hall to consider problems arising from
subject to the same rules and the policy itself or the hours.
In addition, each hall shall
regulations as their host or
hostess. Resident students may provide for the hearing of
entertain an overnight guest on infractions of the policy and/or
Friday or Saturday nights only, hours, either through creation of a
providing the guest is registered hall judicial board or referral to
by the Thursday night preceding the next higher judicial body.
the weekend and' a bed is
These guidelines are subject ot
available. The registration fee review and change by Living Area
covering services of the residence Affairs Commission at any time.
hall and linen is presently one
It is proposed that the
following replace Numbers 1, 2,
and 3 of the Residence Guests
section of "Student Guidelines":
A. A resident may entertain a
George Novack, noted Marxist
historian, will speak on REFORN
8 pm. in the Campus Center
Ballroom. Sponsored by Forensics
Union, admission is free.
meeting this Thursday night only
if there are students who are able
and WOULD LIKE TO participate
with the children from the South
End. If interested, call Judy, or
Lucy, 8987., by Wednesday,
308 Central Ave. Albany
Telephone HE 4-9703
The Off Campus Housing Office will conduct
a series of Information Hours for all students
interested in moving off campus. This will
consist of a short presentation and a question
and answer session.
March 18, 1969 7:30pm Walden Dining Hall
March 20, 1969 7.30pm Dutch Quad Dining Hall
S t u d e n t s p l a n n i n g to m o v e off
c a m p u s t h i s fall, t h i s m e e t i n g i s for
,..•. ".•••.• . •.. your •"•
Capitol Correspondent
Dr. Yonah Alexander, of
S.U.N.Y. College at Oneonta,
director of the S.U.N.Y. junior
year abroad program in Jerusalem
(Hebrew U.), will be on campus
Friday, March 21. He will address
interested students (for the year
program or the summer program),
and will be available for
consultation, in the Physics
Lounge (1st floor) from 1:00 p.m.
on. For information, call Judy
Kirschner at 457-8790.
Paul O'Dwyer is coming to
Albany on Friday, March 21. For
more information call Steve
Villano at 3049.
Thre will be a meeting of the
Coalition tonight, March 18 at
Russian Historian, Dr. Warren 8:00 in HU 133.
Walsh, currently Chairman of
Syracuse University's History
"Impressions of the Soviet
Department. Free with student Union" Slide travelogue by Dr
tax. $.50 general admission, 8:00 Clara Tucker of the History Dept.
pm March 21, Campus Center March 20 Refreshments. 8:15
Assembly Hall.
the botlom of every bottle. Soaka drop or
ing your conlacts in Lensine betwoolLenIween'wearing periods assures
sine beloro
you ol proper lens hygiene.
you i n s e r t
Improper storage between
your lens prewearings permits the growth of
pares it lor
baclena on your lenses This is a
your eye, Lensine makes your
sure cause of eye irritation and
conlacts. which are mado ol
in some cases, il can endanger
modern plastics, compatible
your vision. Bacteria cannot grow
wilh your eye. How? Lenin Lensine, Lensine is sterile, sell. sine is an "isotonic" sosanitizing, and antiseptic.
lution. Thai means it's
Let your conlacts be Hie conmade to blend with the
venience they were designed in
eye's natural fluids. So
be. The name of the gamu is
a simple drop or two
Lensine, Lensine. mado by
coats Iho Ions, forming a
; •
the Murine Company. Ii
sort ol comlort /one around • _L_ S
Cleaning your contacls with Lensine lights
bacteria and foreign deposit llial build up during the course of the day.
And lor ovemighl soaking, Lensine provides a
handy contact canister on
by Tom Cuty
TORCH urgently needs typists
for senior photos next week and
after spring vacation. Only
minimal experience necessary; to
be paid by photographer. Call Jim
Folts at 457-8766.
Each residence hall must
consider a visitation policy and
hours within thrity days after
adoption of the Living Area
Affairs Bill on visitation or thirty
days after the arrival of students
in September, whichever comes
first. There will be no open houses
until the hall has done this.
In addition, each residence hall
must reconsider their visitation
policy and hours each Fall
Semester by November 1.
A 2/3 majority of the total
number of residents in each hall
LAAC visitation bill and guidelines
The following are the L.A.A.C.
visitation bill and guidelines that
are going before University
Council. Their implimentation is
dependent on passage by the
council and fulfillment of the
Signups for senior yearbook
photos, Class of 1970 are
continuing on the bulleting board
opposite the Campus Center
Information' Desk. Photos will
begin Monday, March 24. No
further time will be scheduled if
the four days now posted are not
filled up. If you have questions,
call Jim Folts at 467-8765.
Guidelines for Visitation Living
Area Affairs Commission Bill
Wash, wel, soak, h u n l ,
squint, wash. soak. wot. cry a little
Contact lenses were designed to be a convenience. And
they are up to a point. They're
convenient enough to wear,
onco you got used to them, but,
until recently, you had to use
two or more dillerent lens solutions to properly prepare and
maintain contacts. You
needed two or three dillerenl bottles, lens cases, and
you went through more than
enough daily utuals to make
even the mosl steadfast individuals consider dropping out.
But now caring lor your contact cm be as Lunveiiieiu ub
wearing them. Now there's, lrom the makeis ol Murine.
Lensmo is the one lens solution
designed lot complete contact
lens care
, preparing, cleansing, and soaking.
Are you
cut out for
• sports?
Drug documentary, discussion
not well received by students
hv Rosemary
Rnvmnrv Herbert
"The Hippie Temptation" was
the title of a film and discussion
which attracted 30 students to
theDutch Quad flag room
Thursday evening.
The film, originally a television
documentary, began with Harry
Reasoner walking down a street in
Haight Ashbury, conspicuous in
his business suit among the
crowds on the street. "These
people are hippies." was the
opening statement of the film.
The film went on to speak
about narcotics, but, as the title
and opening scene indicate, the
perspective was as related to a
limited number of Haight
Ashbury residents. Medical and
statistical data was interspersed
with scenes of hippies and limited
interviews. "The informative
aspects of the film did not go
beyond the common knowledge
of the average colege student,"
was an opinion voiced *in^ a
follow-up discussion.
Three speakers spoke briefly
after the film and then turned the
meeting into a question-answer
session. Dr. Hood of the Health
Center spoke of common diseases
such as hepatitus encountered
among people who have generally
irregular living habits. She also
stated that here "LSD is not our
big problem." Problems with
barbituates and marijuana are
more often encountered. Dr.
Hood answered numerous specific
question-answer session.
Bernard Cramer of the New
York State Addiciton Control
Commission informed students of
the treatment capacities of the
commission. He spoke of a Cure,
Care and Control approach to
narcotic addiciton.
George Harder spoke from the
legal point of view, informing
ippa B@ft&
All University Clothing
Drive For
The South End
Depository Boxes in Residence Lower Lounges and
Campus Center
For further information calls
Kappa Beta Fraternity is
sponsoring an All-University
clothing drive for the South End
beginning Tuesday March 18
through Wednesday March 26.
Depository boxes will be placed in
residences' lower lounges and the
Campus Center.
The purpose of the drivive,
according to co-chairmen Paul
Lieberman and Jared Graber is to
make the student aware of one of
the many problems that exist in
the South End, and to motivate
h i m t o t a k e action by
participating in other projects.
The co-chairmen hope that all
students will give generously. For
further information contact Paul
Lieberman at 4042 or Jarad
Graber at 3247.
The March 25
issue of the
ASP is
following organizations have had
their budgets frozen for failure to
turn in their monthly budget
reports. No funds may be spent or
committed until the budget is
unfrozen. Turn the monthly
budget reports into the Student
Association Office C.C. 367 to the
Secretary to be placed in the
Finance Committee mail box. The
frozen budgets:
Commission, Campus Viewpoint,
Observation, University Directory,
Council for Contemporary Music,
Fencing Society, International
Student Association, Modern
Dance Club, Music Council,
Sailing Club, Ski Club, Colonial
Quad Board, State Quad
Programming Council and
An exhibition of original prints
by classic and contemporary artists
will be presented by Ferdinand
Roten Galleries of Baltimore,
Maryland in the Campus Center
Today, March 19 from 10am-4pm,
Prices range from $5 to $1000
with the majority priced under
For Graduation
Orders will be taken at the Bookstore for the rental of caps, gowns,
and hoods between MARCH 17 and APRIL IS. 1969 ONLY ! The Bookstore
WILL NOT HANDLE any orders after April 15.
The following information is essential:
Jared Graber
KB collects
clothing for
South End
Of t h e Assembly's 78
Republicans, three are declared
Conservatives and another 7 or 8
were elected to their positions
with the assistance of the
Party. The
Conservative Party has urged that
the Legislators elected with their
support vote against the sales tax
If the vote on the sales tax
increase is along Party lines (with
the exception of the Conservative
Republicans), the sales tax
increase would be defeated by 6
or 7 votes.
Tues. March 18 - Wed. March 26
Paul Lieberman
students of penalities for
possession and sale of drugs. He
was also asked many specific
questions on the follow up
With the possibility on an
adjournment before Easter, the
Legislators are attempting this
week to hammer out agreements
on many major issues.
controversial $6.41 billion budget
is on this week's calendar. The
Democrats having released
counter proposals, seem to be
readying for a "fight to the
The bills of Senator Flynn and
Assembly Speaker Duryea, dealing
with law and order on campuses
are expected to be acted upon
sometime this week.
Also, the polemic abortion
reform bill could be debated and
voted upon with the next two or
three days.
Of the political issues, the
budget seems to be the most
difficult to reach an aggreement
on, and the presentation of the
Democratic alternative indicates
that Rocky's budget may meet
with considerable opposition.
The Democratic plan includes
tax reform with increased taxes
on business and high income
earners, and an expansion in the
governor's revenue estimate. This
program was formulated as an
alternative to the Governor's
proposed 50 percent increase in
the state sales tax and a 5 percent
across-the-board cutback to
balance his proposed budget.
Assembly Speaker Duryea
appears to be willing to accept
"selective cuts" instead of the
"across-the-board cuts." However,
on the tax question, he has not
yet set forth any definite plans.
It ' ..nutating policy on this
question, Duryea must use
extreme caution, for the
Republicans hold only a two vote
majority In the Assembly.
FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2:00 P.M.
RETURN APRIL 7 Go to Huntington-Hempstead, fare $8.50
Syracuse, fare $8.00
Rochester, lure $10.00
Holiday Buses
Tickets on sale
1. Name (first and last)
4. Total height (in heels)
2. Permanent address
5. Chest size (or weight)
3. Degree being received
6. Cap size (or head circumference
taken level 1" above the ears.)
Please specify what part of the regalia you wish to order. Bachelor
candidates wear only a cap and gown; Master and Doctoral candidates
wear a cap, gown, and hood.
March 20:12-2 p m , Campus Center
6:30-8 pm, State Quad Flagroom
March 21: 10-2 pm, Campus Center
March 23: 11:30-l :30 pm, Walden; 2:30-4 Dutch flagroom
March 24: 12-2pm, Campus Center; B:30 -8 pm, Colonial
March 25: 10-2pm, Campus Center
March 26: 9-2 pm, Campus Center
More Information Call
Regalia will be distributed during the week of June2,1969. Regalia can
be picked up at the Bowling lanes. Regalia must be returned to the pick
up site before 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 8,1969 . Regalia must be returned
in the rental box or there will be a $1 charge.
We appreciate your cooperation in making this your, graduation.
REMINDER - Deadline for Graduation Announcement* it March 22
'Fairy Tales Of NY! uwrtkwhile;
last production at Richardson
by Richard Matturo
PnH of
Tales of New Yo,,k is
the last production to be
O f i p f n performed on the old campus by
M M C^m« the University Theater.
'Lion In Winter'
badly over-rated
by michael nolin and diana dalley (Peter OToole) how she made her
THE LION IN WINTER won former husband, Louis XVI, take
the New York Film Critic's Award her on a Crusade. She said, "It
as the best film of 1968. It also was the greatest blasphemy ever. I
has been nominated for seven rode bare-breasted for the last
Academy Awards. It should be a hundred miles. Louis had a
great film; It is not. It is, perhaps, seizure. I got a terrible windburn,
the most uneven film I have ever but the soldiers were dazzled."
seen. Its inconsistencies can be Unfortunately the dialogue is
seen in all facets of the often boring and verbose. Even
p r o d u c t i o n - i t s script, acting, some excellent camera work
photography, and editing.
cannot save us from the boredom
James Goldman's screen-play is of Henry's soliloquies.
at times witty and bawdy.
Katherine Hepburn has one of the
Director Anthony Harvey has a
classic lines in the film. She is definite feel for realism in this
telling her husband Henry II story concerning the ambitons of
three sons to inherit Henry's
throne. The castle sequences are
shot in Ireland, and are not the
white ivory towers that are so
often passed on to us in less
realistic films.
Noted historian
to lecture Fri.
on Russia
The noted Russian historian,
Dr. Warren Walsh, currently
C h a i r m a n of t h e
University, will speak on "The
Bolshevik Revolution and 50
A N ew
Interpretation" on Friday at 8
This could have been a great
film. Director Harvey has some
flashes of brillance, but he seems
not to know what to do with
them. He often lapses into cliches
and triteness. This would most
certainly have been a better film if
the zoom lens had not been
invented, since some parts of
He has served several terms as LION are photographed as if the
the president of the American camera,'s zoom lens were a new
Association for the Advancement toy. THE LION IN WINTER has a
lot to recommend it, but its flaws
of Slavic Studies.
are too glaring to recommend it
Mr Walsh has been teaching at
very highly.
Syracuse University since 1935,
While at Syracuse he was called by
Hepburn and O'Toole give fine
the government to fulfilll various performances, but the acting
honors go to Timothy Dalton as
His publications, too numerous King Philip of France, John Castle
to list are all concentrated on the as Geoffrey* is also an excellent
field of Russian History, with actor, This fine acting is, however,
special emphasis on the subject on offset by the weak performance
the Revolution and the Soviet by Jane Merrow as Henry's
mistress and the
The lecture will take place at
overacting of Nigel Terry as the
8:00 in the Campus Center
"moronic" Prince John, who
Ballroom. Admission is free with supposedly knows three languages
Student Tax, SO cents without.
and has studied law.
Where Are We
must* .lose
win, f-.
for he
- - .instead
— , — J of
-i ...:h»
counts on the generocity of the
victor rather than on his own
powers for success.
In the final act, he has
seemingly attained worldly wealth
and rid himself of his fear of
spending money, but he has not
yet c o m p l e t e l y
conformity being the other
necessary ingredient to success: he
wears, in opposition to his
completely black and white attire
which he has worn throughout the
p l a y , a singular pair of
peach-colored shoes. But he
inevitably discards these, too, and
conforms his dress so that he, like
the earlier Christian, can enter
Robert Clayton, who plays
Christian, is very pleasing in the
role. Either from habit or design,
he speaks with the accent
characteristic of Western New
York State which suits Christian's
personality by its seeming frailty
and lack of conviction: the flat
" a " makes such expressions as
"That's nice" and "Thanks" seem
to mean just the reverse. Clayton
also has a wide variety of facial
expressions through which he
portrays the various moods of the
thority figures are
The .byauthority
fieures who
William Snyder
contrasting with Christian, speaks
in a resonant, commanding voice
Probably the best actor 0f the
four, he has no trouble switching
from the pier official to the
businees president to the navy
admiral to the head waiter. He
appropriately dominates each
scene in his authoritative position
John Koethen is fairly good in
the "friend"'roles, though he
cannot reproduce an Irish accent
The parts for the single female
character are relatively short and
do not allow much scope, thus
rendering any judgement of Mary
Eileen O'Donnell's ability 0T little
value, though perhaps she might
use her short appearances on stage
to brighten up more the scenes
she is in.
The play is worthwhile on the
whole, and really very funny, for
the humor which Donlcavy
employs to put across his ideas is
not of the tragi- or black sort. For
those who have not been at
SUNYA overlong, it is the only
and last opportunity to see a
University Theatre production in
Richardson, and "Fairy Tales" is a
significant conclusion to the
As the program states, the
production of J.P. DonleBvy's
''Fairy Tales of New York"
currently running in Richardson
291 marks the end of an era, for it
is thefihalState University Theatre
production to be performed at the
downtown campus: The next
play, Livings's "Big Soft Neljy"
scheduled for May 14-18, will be
produced at the Theatre's new
quarters in the Performing Arts
Center on the new campus.
Though among the last of the
University functions to move to
Eldorado, the downtown theatre
atmosphere has changed along
with the rest of the school in
recent years. It seems like a long
time ago that you could stroll into
Richardson Hall of a Friday night
and see the AD's without worry
of finding a seat or paying
admission. But gone w'th the
annexes, the peristyles, and the
cave, is finally that always
over-heated little room where so
much excellent theatre has
Its final offering, "Fairy Tales,"
though probably not one of its
best, has the distinction of being a
play which had its American
debut as a University production
in the Summer of '62. In a series
of scenes, we see the American,
Cornelius Christian (who, like
Cnady Christian, harks back to
"The Pilgrim's Prgress), face a
number of American situations.
The play opens with Christian
By Holly Seitz
within the various bands as a
having lost his English wife aboard
In the endeavor to demonstrate representation of the tribalism of
ship on his way back from
to the campus just how wide a y ° u t h - H e f e e l s t h a t m a n v b a n d s
Europe. He is faced with two
subsequent ordeals: that of being spectrum can be encompassed by a r e b a s e d o n le K al
told (or not being told) how sorry
music, Contemporary Music a n d t h a t t h i s f l u i d i ' y o f '"""'
others are, and that of being Council was organized.
m e m b e r s h i p aids in the
subjected to the funeral director,
„ .
, .
- .
stimulation of creativity and
who, like the stage director,
Seeing t h e basis of the d i v e r s j t y
recreates life, and whose favorite appreciation of music as a
„, m u s | c
color is green which at once personal thing, Steve Cooper, c o m m u n e t h e r e ,„ k , s s
symbolizes both life, naturally president of Contemporary Music Q n „ m i n e „ a ( ] d m o r ( J (|| , u , c
and death, grotesquely.
Council, feels that "Music has
Accordingly, the leadership
more ramifications than theory o f t h e Council is equally fluid and
Next Christian faces the world class,
of big business. At his interview
Uniting within the Council are based on charismatic appeal
The next
he says, "I want to make..." various bands among which is
followed by a pause during which Aman Ra which was featured s c h e d u l e d by Contemporary
the audience wonders what the recently as an "event." This Music Council is April 12 in Page
product is. But like Babbitt, semi-concert was the first major Hall. The theme is appropriately
Christian wants to make "neither activity of the Council and it "The Rites of Spring," and there
will be four to five hands
butter nor shoes nor poetry"; he included a light show.
ends the sentence with a loud,
resounding MONEY!
Not strictly tied to one furm of
formally recognized about two m o d e r n music the Council
In the third act, Christian, like
months ago, Cooper states that
all variations from
his namesake, must fight a he-man the Council idea started over four
psychedelic to folk and frmn
so that he can attain success, but years ago.
classical to blues. After all,
unlike Bunyan's hero, Christian
according to Cooper, "music is a
interchange of band members
very personal thing."
New Music Council
supports creativity
Author. Malarnud
reads excerpts
from his works
The noted author, Bernard
Malamud, will read from his
works at the University Thursday
evening, March 20, in a program
sponsored by the University's
department of English.
Mr. Malamud is the winner of
two National Book Awards for
"The Magic Barrel" and "The
Fixer" and of a Pulitzer Prize, for
the latter work.
Currently ho Is working >n »
screenplay for the film version of
"The Assistant,"
The program, at 8 in the
Campus Center ballrrom, is open
to the public at no charge. Mr.
Malamud will be Introduced by
Professor Thomas Smith of the
host department.
A panel on
drugs and the
Tues. March 25
h30 pm Ballroom
TICKETS Now On Sale DAILY - C.C. Lobby
The 2 n d A n n u a l I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e
this Sat., March 22, 9 pm - 1 am
at Rafael's
Continuous music - All area colleges invited
Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge
Banquet Hall Up To 175 People
Entertainment Tues.-Sat.
Dancing Sat. Night
n Reasonable Room Rates
Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm
*• 30 - 4 Milt, horn Camput
Phone 448-6686
A. Taranfo Pre.
State Quad's play
pleasant musical
'Clear Day'
Catherine Poluzzi, as Daisy Gamble (Melinda), and Jen rankin as
Warren Smith, with Ken Malian as Dr. Mark Bruckner looking on in a
scene from 'Clear Day.' The play highlighted State Quad's Parent's
Cockrell's performance:
impressively successful
by Warren Burt
For a pianist to give a superb
' c o n c e r t with m o n t h s of
preparation is indeed a worthy
feat. But when a pianist gives such
a concert on only 3 days notice,
his feat is all the more impressive.
Friday night in the Chancellors
Hall of the State Education
building, pianist Findlay Cockrell
did just that. Substituting for
ailing baritone Abd Fazah, Mr.
Cockrell's performances were
indeed impressive.
The program opened with an
energetic performance of Bach's
Italian concerto for harpsichord,
performed on the piano. Notable
were 'his handling of ornaments
and his emphasis on the formal
aspects of the first and third
movements of the suite. The
second movement, Andante, was
highlighted by a very clear,
sympathetic performance.
Next on the program was a
selection of three pieces from
Ravel's suite, "La Tombeau de
Couperin." An interesting fact
about these pieces is that Ravel
gave them very neo-classic titles,
such as Rigaudon, and Minuet,
but those titles, and the rhythms
therein impl ied are the only things
neo-classic about these pieces.
impressionism. They also feature
some good music, by the way, and
some pretty difficult writing also.
With these, Mr. Cockrell pulled
off one magic trick after another,
r e s u l t i n g in an
To close out the first half of
the program, ho performed
Beethoven's Sonata in F minor,
op. 57, the "Appasionatea."
Normally, I'm not Beethoven fan,
and for the first two movements,
Friday night proved no exception.
Even Mr. C o c k r e l l ' s
performance could nut save this
work, which (In my opinion)
lurches gracelessly along with ils
violent c o n t r a s t s ,
melodies and overdone tremolos
for the first movement, and then
. bores to tears for the second
t h e only
noteworthy about these first two
movements was Mr. Cockrell's
bringing out of the famous fifth
Beethoven also wrote into this
With the third movement
however, my ears perked up. What
magic was thisTor even though I
normally despise Beethoven,
something happened here. It must
have been the performance that
made this movement come alive,
and come alive it did, as Mr.
Cockrell performed it with much
flair and dynamism.
It is interesting to note that
when he performed this piece last
fall, Mr. Cockrell drew his heaviest
c r i t i c i s m for his uneven
p e r f o r m a n c e of t h i s last
movement. I must confess that I
went to this concert with a critical
chip on my shoulder and watched
like a hawk for some trace of
uneveness this time. Happily,
none occurred. Whatever was
wrong with his interpretation last
fall was absent here and a
performance was given.
After intermission, the second
half of the program began with
three pieces of corn, the Gershwin
preludes for piano. Now I like
corn, especially when it's well
d o n e , and Mr. C o c k r e l l ' s
certainly was the spice these
jazzy, bluesy pieces needed.
The rest of the program
consisted of pieces by Chopin,
listed hero because of their
number. The major work s wore
the Scherzo in C minor and the
Ballade in CI minor. The other
pieces were the Waltz in C minor,
the Prelude in D flat, and the
Fanlasie Impromptu.
in the
Beethoven third movment also
happened here, Alas, Chopin, like
We pick up C deliver prescription*
on student insurance program.
1237 WttUtn AM.
f d m IVM355
Beethoven is not my cup of tea.
But Mr. Cockrell's performances
made all of t h e s e pieces
endurable, and some of them even
enjoyable. A high point for me
came when he performed that old
warhorse, the Fanasie-Impromptu
at a speed designed to make one's
hair stand on end. Throughout the
Singers Richard and Lee Wilkie
concert he received the most will p r e s e n t a concert of
enthusiastic applause from the traditional American music and
audience and he rewarded them original sailing songs on March 21
with two encores, both by at 8:00 p.m. in the Art Gallery.
Chopin, the Op. 24 and the
The WiI kit's are widely known
Revolutionary Etude.
in New York and New England
"myster," Mark falls in love with
Daisy and, in the end, wins her
from her egotistical fiance.
Catherine Poluzzi displayed
well her talent as a singer, and Jeff
Pankin his talent as a comedian.
In the part of Dr. Conrad Fuller
was Gary Gelt who also proved
himself very capable of making an
audience laugh.
I found the play very
enjoyable. However, it was not all
sunshine. I feel that Mr. Levy and
.his actors were at a tremendous
disadvantage in such a small area
as the Flagroom
One tended to lose the effect of
past time compared with present
time as all the scenery had to be
together in a very
limited area. The short modern
ballet by Alison Karr worked well
in a small area, but I do not think
that any "soft shoe" dancing
should have been attempted on
such a small and unstable
platform. The scenery which
worked best was the three painted
flats of the New York' City
Although the
started out the production a little
on the nervous side, line by line '
the pieces fit together into a very
pleasant musical comedy.
Wilkies' concert
Fri. in Art Gallery
Childrens Theatre
sponsors Marionettes
C h i l d r e n s Theatre of the
will sponsor an
appearance of the Smithsonian
Puppet Theatre at Page Hall on
Sunday, March 23. At that time
the Bob Brown Marionettes will
perform the beloved classic,
" H a n s e l and Gretel." Two
one-hour performances will be
given starting at 2 and 4 pm.
Oversized hand puppets und
rod p u p p e t s with animated
features create an illusion of live
theatre by means of expert
manipulation, stage settings made
to scale and effective lighting.
Well trained voices and modern
equipment combine with carefully
selected musical accompaniments
to complete the enchanting show.
The Bob Brown Puppets have
appeared throughout the United
Stales, been guest on television
shows, and have had their own
show, "Poochi's Playhouse."
Bob and Judy Brown maintain
a large studio where, together
with a costumer, scenic designer
and artist, they create new
studio-workshop is filled with
puppets of every size and type,
which are valued at throusands of
The m o d e r n version of
H u m p e r d i n c k 's "Hansel and
Gretel," which will be performed
at Page Hall, was conceived by
puppeteer Bob Brown.
At the conclusion of "Hansel
and Gretel," there will be a
demonstration of puppets. A
variety show utilizing hadn and
rod puppets and marionettes
concludes the program
All tickets, at 50 cents, will be
available at the door.
for their musicianship and their
work in civil rights and peace
movements. They have performed
in various area concerts and folk
festivals, among them the Beers
Family Folk Festival and the
Garrison Landing Folk Picnic.
According to Mr. Wilkie, who is
Associate Professor of Speech and
Dramatic Art at the University,
the March 21 concert will be a
"sort of farewell concert for the
next year or so."
The Wilkies will spend the
coming summer and winter sailing
the Southeastern United Stales
costal waters and the Carribean
c o l l e c t i n g folk songs and
communication material.
Richard and Lee Wilkie's sailing
songs have been written during
the past few years when the
family sailed the Hudson River
during summers and vacation
time. Theyhave been recently
published by Mr. Wilkie in a book
which includes anecdotes and
drawings of the Hudson.
The Wilkie's University concert
is open to the public and is free of
Sabbath Services
Every Friday evening at 8:00 pm
100 Academy Road, Albany, N.Y.
Transportation arranged by calling 436-9761 by eaih Thursday
The Bookstore is happy to announce that a 5% discount
on all required textbooks will be in effect all semester. You
must keep your cash register receipt tops. Refunds will be
made on Wednesdays only, from 9am to 8pm.
Please come into the main bookstore for your refund.
by Marcia Roth
On the evening of March 14, I
had the pleasure of viewing in the
State Quad Flagroom State Quad
Productions' , "On a Clear Day
You Can See Forever," a musical
comedy for which the book and
lyrics were written by Alan Jay
Lerner and the music by Burton
Lane. The production' was
d ccted by Franklin Levy, and
starred Ken Malian as Dr. Mark
Bruckner, Catherine Poluzzi as
Daisy Gamble and Melinda, and
Jeff Pankin as Warren Smith and
Edward Moncrief.
The audience was really put
into the mood to watch a musical
when a chorus of girls at the rear
of the Flagroom sang with the
overture, played by Susan Morton
at the piano, Gary Nestle at the
drums, William Bixby on the bass,
and Deborah Klein on the flute.
The overall effect was very nice.
The story is of a young woman,
Diasy Gamble, who is discovered
by psychiatrist Mark Bruckner to
have Extra Sensory Perception.
Her subconscious, under hypnosis,
reveals that Daisv appears to be a
r e i n c a r n a t i o n nf a Melinda
Moncrief who lived in the 1790's.
While trying to solve this
" • • W T
" • W W " ™ W ™ W *•'
Pass-Fail System: Yes or No ,?
AMIA Wrestling Meet
Attracts 65 Contestants
AMIA's rejuvenated First
The meet, which will be
A n n u a l N o v i c e Wrestling enthusiastically continued next
Tournament, held this past year, featured several high school
Saturday in the gym, attracted section champions. Wrestlers who
more than 150 spectators and, had competed on the varsity level
moat significantly, 65 entries in at Albany State were not allowed
the seven weight classes.
Six years ago, a similar meet
was tried, but failed for lack of
interest. This year's meet was
patronized by several fraternities
as well as an independent team
and many unattached men.
In the 125-pound weight class,
The women's intercollegiate
John Davidson of "The Zoo"basketball team lost to Potsdam
(Waterbury) won in the final last Saturday at home, by the
match over Bill Smith of APA. score of 35-31., Miss Barbara
Smith placed second and Mark Jordan's team played well in the
Joseph (ind.) was third.
At 135-pounds, Al Stuyvesant
(KB) won by default over Larry
Fredericks. Littleton Smith of the
Zoo was third.
In the 145-pound class, Dave
Jones of Potter Club won a tightly
contested match with Sheldon
Salzman (ind.) to take first place.
Greg Thompson of APA was
Denny Wyckoff of Potter won
in the 155-pound class as he
defeated Mike Hersher, 8-6, in the
finals. Glen Faden was third.
1 6 5 - p o u n d s , Jim
Nightengale of the Zoo took a 5-0
It was announced Monday that
win over Royce VanEvra (ind.) Albany State's Rich Margison was
who placed second. Randy selected as the GCAC's Division 2
Streeter of Potter was third.
Player of the Year. The honor,
In the 180-pound class, George one of many Rich has received in
Habermehl of Kappa Beta won an his varsity career, encompasses
overtime, judge's decision victory more than fifty schools along the
over Kris Jackstadt of Potter. eastern seaboard, including,
Rich Ward of the Zoo was third. notably, American International,
In the unlimited class, Mike Springfield College, Central
Mueller easily won all of his bouts Connecticut State, and Montclair
by pins, beating Tony Caputo of State of New Jersey. Rich broke
APA in the final. Jim Schroeder or tied eight individual scoring
(ind.) finished third.
records during his career at State.
continued from page 1.
Dr. John Badeau
Former Ambassador to Egypt
"The American Approach To
The Arab World"
Wed, March 19
8:00 pm
Colonial Quad Flag Room
By Arthur Collins
Professor of English
The strongest weapon yet knowledge has (8) or has not (U)
recommendations by doing fine
deployed by the advocates of an been acquired.".
work in at least three or four
S-U grade system is their Utopian (3) Among those who have
courses. Now these students wind
up with averages of 2.0 to 2.7 or vision of an era of universal virtue. achieved at least the minimal
The beauty of that New required skill or knowledge, there
so, and, no matter their abilities
University (or even universe) may s t i l l b e significant
and eagerness in their field, they
glows through the charged differences—differences s o
have had no chance to - earn a
language with a compelling force significant as t o warrant
recommendation that will offset
as the visionaries proclaim an erarecognition ("average," "good,"
the "poor" or "average" cum.
Total S-U encourages the Good students, if they are good
of "understanding, compassion, and "superior").
instructor to teach for thoughts students, of course will not be
and toleration."
(4) Because the university
and seek out the opinions of his affected by this—they will only
Being susceptible to the claims
engaged in actively promoting the
students, instead of forcing them have more opportunities for great
of all those words, I am tempted
a c q u i s i t i o n of skills and
to memorize mathematically recommendations. (If they turn
to leap onto the bandwagon
knowledge, it wishes to encourage
testable "facts" to produce out to be not good students but
instead of reasoning my way to a
all students to the highest rather
"objective" letter grades (such as "grade getters," at least SUNYA
position that I can defend even
than lowest level of achievement,
huge "C" curves in lecture w i l l
after the charge has leaked out of
and to do so In all courses or
classes—the average student now tremendously to their maturity,
the language, the shamans have
being penalized for work outside and what more could they ask?)
taken their degrees and departed,
There are, however, some
his major that turns out to be
Evidence indicates that total
courses where the object is the
"only" satisfactory.)
muttering Housman's lines about
S-U is acceptable to, sometimes
practice of skills already acquired,
Hopefully, this will make preferred by, employers and grad
waking in the ditch on the
the utilization of knowledge
students less dependent on one schools. Honest recommendations
morning after: "The world, it was
already acquired. Differences of
major field and will, at the same and a chance to do some real
the old world yet; I was I, my
performance in these courses do
time, improve instruction across thinking as an undergraduate are
clothes were wet."
not always amount to differences
the board. At the least, it will worth more to them than
I have been invited to set down of level or performance; they may
allow students to put out more recommendations of the "form
some arguments for the present turn out to be differences in
for those courses and instructors tetter" variety and a transcript
grading system, and I do so under personalities or other traits which
who really turn them on, instead which may mean only cramming,
two disadvantages: (1) the either cannot or should not be
of doing only the "safe" amount foxy choosing of courses,
negative in this debate is at a clear evaluated in the same manner
in every course to get the overall sometimes cheating.
disadvantage because the present employed in regular courses.
C's or B's for which they are now
system has weaknesses that not
Compared to this, a partial S-U
For these courses, then, the
forced to shoot.
even a fool would defend, and (2)
system is laughable. Who is really
the views I am going to state do most suitable evaluation is simply
Concerning requirements, going to be fooled by semesters
not completely or adequately a statement that the work was
students could take those courses consistently reading: A, B, S, S,
represent my own position on the acceptably done (S) or was not
that really looked interesting to S?!
question. Having entered this (U).
them—and perhaps find a better
We are presently witnessing the
(5) Evaluations may take many
demurrer, let me sketch what I
major, minor, or field for graduate loss of really good teachers at
take to be the raisons d 'etre of tht forms; letter grades are shorthand
study than their present one. SUNYA due to lack of funds. The
evaluations, shorthand ' letters of
Under A-E or partial S-U, the total S-U should improve
recommendation, intended to be
student is really foolish to risk his instruction without increasing the
(1) A university differs from a
read individually and with
average by taking requirements budget. The partial S-U system,
public library in (a) promoting the
r e f e r e n c e to the course
other than those tried and true however, promises little in
a c q u i s i t i o n of skills and
description and the stated
ones guaranteed to give him a improved courses and teaching
knowledge, not just making
significance of the letters used in
minimum C.
possible their acquisition; and (b)
methods yet the complicated
the grading system.
evaluating the achievements of
Instead of cumulative averages, administration it entails will
(6) Students do not compete
those who spend time within its
the students would depend on require a great increase in funds,
for grades in any course where an
recommendations. Complete S-U probably staff.
is open to any student who
(2) An evaluation may be
would give every student the
Dick Collier, Chairman
minimal. "The required skill or performs at a specified level.
opportunity of earning good
remove some of the factors now
hampering both faculty and
students. It will encourage greater
experimentation and afford better
chances to select a major and
second field suited to the interests
and abilities of the student. The
present system and partial S-U
will tend to discourage this.
to enter, but much of the credit
for organizing and publicizing the
meet should go to the varsity
Female Cagers
Upset by Potsdam
first half, ending the quarter with
a score of 8-8 and being ahead at
the half 19-14.
But Potsdam went ahead 27-25
at the end of the third quarter.
Then the visitors surged ahead to
THE RUGGEDNESS OF WRESTLING is something that these
an 8 point lead which Albany
tried to remedy in the last two contestants in the recent AMIA Wrestling tournament have
minutes of the game, but the experienced first-hand. Sixty-five men entered in this first succesful
Tigers' scoring effort came too tournament, which is to be an annual affair.
Photo by Cantor
High scorer for Albany was
Senior Judy Mysliborski, with 11
points, bringing her season scoring
average to 6.7 points a game, the
best for the team. Seniors Linda
There will be a meeting of all candidates for the freshman and
Lint/, and Terry Lamparella also varisty golf teams on Monday, March 24, at 4:00 pm in the upper
played well, especially on defense, lounge in the Physical Education Center.
in their final game.
There will be a captians' organizational meeting for AMIA Softball,
Friday, March 21, at 1:30 pm in Phys. Ed. 125. Each team captain
should bring the names of at least two players willing to serve as
SPORTS SHORT: The NCAA has officials.
voted to lift its restriction against
freshman players on varsity teams
Fran Weal of Albany State's varsity wrestling squad, who finished
in all sports but < football and with a regular season record of 9-1, participated in the Four-I
basketball. Pending further Tournament (Interstate Intercollegiate Individual Invitational) this
a n d local past weekend at the University of Miami in Oxford, Ohio. More than
interpretation, this decision could twenty-five schools from New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia,
greatly effect both the varsity and Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois participated. Indiana State
freshman sports at State, least of University of Indiana won the team title.
those effected not being wrestling
Fran placed in the first six finishers but did not qualify for an
which had a tough time fielding a award. Among his most impressive matches was a 12-4 win over Paul
full team this past season.
DeMoss of Bowling Green University.
OEM. I K I W , CO.. AOCH.. N.V
Classes will be in session during the final days of Passover. Ilillel is
trying to arrange Koshcr-for-Passovcr food and facilities for these
days (dinner April 7, 3 meals on April 8 and 9 .breakfast and lunch
on April 10). If you arc interested in participating (on campus or
home hospitiality), please fill out the coupon below and send by
University'mail to:
What's so special about
Beechwood Ageing?
We must be bragging too much about
Beechwood Ageing.
Because we're starting to get some
flak about it. Like, "Beechwood,
Beechwood . . . big deal." And " I f
Beechwood Ageing is so hot,
why don't you tell everybody what it is?"
So we will.
First, it isn't big wooden
casks that we age Budweiser
But it is a layer of thin
wood strips from the beech
tree (what else?) laid down
in a dense lattice on the
bottom of our glass-lined
and stainless steel lagering
tanks. This is where we
(7) Grades are not rewards, but
(8) A grade is valid (indeed, is
only valid) as a sign of acquisition
of a particular level of skill or
amount of knowledge; the
equating of grades in a Grade
Point Average (GPA) is not a valid
index of anything definable.
(9) An accumulation of course
grades does not constitute a
liberal education. Neither does a
pass on a comprehensive or even a
The Bachelor of Arts degree
does not certify that one is
liberally educated; it attests to
one's having fulfilled various
requirements which curriculum
builders hoped would make
possible (not inevitable) the kind
of inner development which
constitutes liberal education—a
kind of development equally open
to him who chooses to frequent
the public library rather than the
(10) If a change in the grading
system would lower the incentive
to become "all that one is capable
of being," it should be opposed.
(11) The present system can be
i m p r o v e d —(a) by clearer
definition of course objectives, (b)
by i n s i s t i n g upon fuller
consciousness of what a given
exum measures, (c) by adding
other kinds of evaluation to
examinations, (d) by rewriting
curriculum descriptions in terms
of skills and knowledge to be
acquired, thus subordinating
courses and grades, and' (e) by
making available even better
evaluations of courses and
instructors than SECT already
Box 369 BB, SUNYA
let Budweiser ferment a second time.
(Most brewers quit after one fermentation. We don't.)
These beechwood strips offer extra
surface area for tiny yeast particles
to cling to, helping clarify
the beer. And since these
strips are also porous, they
help absorb beer's natural
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its finished taste. Or in other
words, " a taste, a smoothness and a drinkability you
will find in no other beer a t
any price."
All yes, drinkability. That's
w h a t ' s so special a b o u t
Beechwood Ageing.
But you know that.
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Budweiser, is the King of Beers,
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Wed. March 19
10A.M. to 4 P.M.
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Go Now!
It Menu that the legislature is about to screw us in more ways than
one. The current issue, raging on all campuses in the state, is one of
money for the improvement of our education.
' Money, by Itself, however, cannot improve education. It takes
active participation by alert students.
The danger does not lie strictly in the lack of money. It lies in the
lack of education, irregardless of money. The two elementsshould be
exclusive of each other. More money, in other words, does not
necessitate better education and it hardly necessitates more education.
It is the latter, however, that is the likely result. This University, we
are sure, will continue along the same mediocre pattern it has pursued
in the past, perhaps with greater or lesser energy (directly
proportionate to legislative appropriations.)
Faculty will go on getting higher salaries for specialized researcli
projects (609 grants and fellowships were approved this year for such
projects) totaling $1,431,172. Faculty Senate will go on beating the
heart out of innovative programs for this University.
The majority of students will continue to vegetate allowing
administration to innovate and make all decisions concerning our
These are things money cannot rectify. Money only means more of.
the same.
Educational Program on reforms begins next week
By T W Keeley
Open Visitation
Central Council passed a bill Thursday night requesting
reconsideration of the Open Visitation Policy that is not in effect yet.
This original I.AAC proposal is coming before University Council
Thursday for final approval. It would have a 2/3 majority of the
individual tlorms decide its hours, within which a 2/3 majority of each
section can decide its hours.
The new Central Council bill mandates that each hall have a 24
hour Open Visitation Policy within which each suite may decide its
This new bill allows much greater individual decision-making and
we admire and condone its liberality, howevor, it comes at a very
inopportune time.
Central Council has only added, by passing a second bill, to the
confusion surrounding the original LAAC proposal.
Have no fear, however, for this second bill must travel the same
hierarchical route as the first which means that it would not come
before University Council until their next meeting (next month) after
the first bill has been passed.
In future editorials and news stories (see pagt2) we will deal with
this second more substantial and virtually ideal bill.
a starbe °isned- °°™™°«on°. *
All communications
Voice Your Concern
To the Editors:
It' is obvious to state that the student body of the
State University consists of many potential and
present voters. As such, they have some power to
say what happens in this state and country, and now
is the time for them to use a little of this power.
The most direct way for studetns to exercise this
power would be to write their state legislators and
voice their concern with the proposed budget cut of
the State University. Chancellor Gould's statement
on the effects of this cut (ASP, March 14) show
only too well its detrimental effect on the quality of
education which students will receive in the State
University system. It should be noted, at a more
personal level, that this could effect the value of the
degrees granted by the system.
For the students who care (whatever their
reason), there will be a map of Now York State,
showing districts and a key to legislators of these
district. Students could also write letters to the
Ways and Means Committee of the Assembly and
the Finance Committee of thcSenate. Including
one's home address, rather than school address,
would be a practical thing to do.
be addressed to ,h*
and convictions will go untried, and unheard for
another year.
Respectfully submitted
Greg Thompson
To the Editors:
I would like to extend the following invitation to
the University Community:
Passover is an eight-day festival recalling the
Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt, and their
redemption from bondage. The first two nights are
celebrated with family and frelnds about the table,
participating in an elaborate feast called the Seder,
in which the story of the Exodus is repated, with
symbolic embellishments.
You arc cordially invited to attend a model Seder
on Sunday, March 23, at 4:30 pm in the Campus
Center Ballroom. To facilitate organization, please
RSVP to Box 369BB by University Mail, or phone
Perlc at 8821. We do hope you can attend.
Bnai B'rith Hillel Society
Mary Anne Stephens
To the Editors:
Because of the results of the March 10 petition
concerning the popularization of elections for the
president and vice-president of central council (800
signatures upp.) a bill will be proposed to central
council in the immediate future. It will in essence
1) persons running for president must be an
incoming junior or senior 2) persons running for
vice-president must be an incoming sophomore,
junior, or senior 3) both must have a 2.0 cumulative
average 4) both must have paid student tax 5) this
bill will bo placed on a referendum for the student
body's consideration immediately.
The central council elections for representatives
are going to be hold near the end of April, and due
to constitutional secaiton 4 a and b the student
body is going to have no direct voice in the choosing
of its executive. The only way for revision of
section 4 a&b is through a referendum of the
student populous. If central council will not allow
this bill to be placed on a referendum for your
approval or disapproval the student body's opinions
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of tin
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Iloom 382 of the Campus
Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.Tax. The
ASP was founded by the Class of 1918.
Jill R. Pamilt & Ira J. Wolfman
News Editor
Tim Keeley
Associate News Editor
Kathy Huseman
Arts Editor
Carol Stfiour
Sports Editor
Jim Winslow
Technical Editors
Pat O'Hern, BiUShapsc
Photography Editor
Ed Potskowski
Business Manager
pMlip Franchini
Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
Feature Hditor
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
Friday. March 21, 1969
SUNY march
will go on
University Council
approves reforms
If you are afraid of meaningful education, then it is understandable
why you would be against the newly proposed full Pass-Fail system. If
your academic horizons are no broader than wondering how you can
best gain entrance to graduate schools, then it is easy to comprehend
why you are afraid of change in the grading technique.
But if you yearn for meaningful education-if you are searching for
real knowledge instead of the garbage that we so gladly swallow
today, then it is your responsibility to examine the Pass-Fail proposal
tonight in the open meeting at 8:00 p.m. in SS256.
We cannot explain more eloquently the reasons why the Pass-Fail
system is desirable in its entirety, than Dick Collier has done in the
recent issue of AAC's publication. Read that. Digest it.
But we can urge you not to shy away from radical change, simply
because its scope frightens you. We are convinced that Pass-Fail will
bring renewed understanding of what education is, and a renewed
meaning to knowledge-if we adopt the measure put forth for full
However, if the student body is frightened by real change and
moves to the comprimise (a poor one, indeed), then all will be for
Here we have an opportunity to rise far above academic mediocrity.
We can attempt something so radical that il may frighten away some
students. But its virtue lay not in its radical nature, but in the profits
the student body will reap. We can create an academic atmosphere
which might, for once, aim at understanding and not at Quality
Points. An atmosphere which motivates incentive for study-not
incentive for marks.
We urge all students who arc fed up with digesting a text and then
regurgitating its contents, to examine the benefits of Pass-Fail. We
urge only those students who want a quality education that will have
true meaning for them-and not those whose goal at this University is
merely a BA or a BS-to learn, think and reflect over the merits of
We then hope you will see that complete Pass-Fail is the best way
to academic freedom. Vote "Yes" in the poll Wednesday through
State Unfocrsftu of New York at Albany
Vol. LV No.
by Valerie Ives
Staff Reporter
News Editor
Announced at the teach-in
The University Council approved the proposed Campus Alcohol
yesterday was that the march
Policy and Change in Residence Regulations which were presented by
scheduled for Monday, March 24,
President Evan R. Collins yesterday. The decisions were part of a
is definitely going to be held.
three hour meeting between Collins and the body legally responsible
The turn-out for the teach-in,
at which several faculty and
for the University, chaired by J. Vanderbilt Straub.
members spoke
Following the meeting, Dr. Clifton C. Thorne, Vice-President for
about the consequences of the
Student Affairs and Straub were interviewed. Itsftfieyealed that the'-*
proposed budget cuts, was fairly
Council discussed two pertinent issues before voting on the alcohol
large, and the speakers were well
policy. "We were concerned about the neatness problem," Straub
noted. "We would like to see that the continuance of good
housekeeping is a part of the educational program." Thome rejoined
Bill O'Kain of the Young
that "It is important that the campus does not become like many
Socialist Alliance spoke first
areas of the countryside, littered with beer cans."
about the reasons for holding the
march. It is necessary that the
The second consideration of the Council was the legal responsiblity
legislators be impressed that the
of age. New York State requires an individual be 18 years old to
students aren't going to sit back
consume alcoholic beverages." I was surprised when Dr. Thorne noted
13,000 CUNY AND SUNY STUDENTS swept down upon the Capitol
and not do anything about the
that as many as 25% of the freshman class enters under the age of
lawns Tuesday to protest the budget cut to education.
situation, he asserted.
18," Straub commented. "The policy was approved on the
assumption that we are dealing with responsible people."
A call-off would show a decay
of the unification and strength of
In approving the changes in residence regulations, Straub
the student body. Also, all the
remarked,"The degree of responsibility exhibited by students in the
publicity is already out, including
past has caused us to act favorably toward changes in such areas. Now
to parents. Furthermore,
that the policies have been approved the educational process is the
some teachers have already shown
next step. On March 24, 25 and 26 members of the LAAC-Residence
a willingness to cancel classes,
Staff Education Committee will meet with Residence staff and
O'Kain went on to say.
student committees to explain the new alcohol plicy and the
especially because business has
responsibilities which go along with it. Topics will include minority
Ed Golash of the Peace and
by Steve Cherniske
started to leave the state. He Freedom Party talked about the
rights, personal responsibility, and laws concerning minors.
On Wednesday, student mentioned that education costs in need for changes in the tax
Then immediately following Easter Vacation there will be residence
representatives from all SUNYA NY have doubled every six years structure. The proposals for
hall meetings where these topics will be discussed and voting will take
colleges met with Governor and SUNY still holds top priority changes include: a progressive
place in each hall on adoption of alcohol. Each suite will receive a
Rockefeller and legislative leaders as far as expenditures go. The income tax, a restructured
copy of the policies and guidelines governing alcohol. This policy will
at the Capitol. The meeting with only optimistic statements made corporate income tax, and
go into effect as soon as this process has been completed.
the Governor lasted about an concerned long-term hope for abolishment of the personal
The educational program covering the changes in residence
hour. Many important points were increased federal funds.
property and sales tax.
regulations will begin at"~these meetings. However, the complete
raised including the fact that
In the next meeting with
program will not be finished until later in the month of April.
Mr. Robert Stierer, Assistant
expenditure per student last year Assemblyman Will Stevens and
Part of the educational process is familiarizing the University
Vice President for Management
amounted $3,095 and this year Senator Warren Anderson, we
community with the recommendation of the Committee to Draft
and Planning, spoke about the
will be $2,947 for an absolute again emphasized strongly how
Campus Alcohol Policy. Their recommendation as approved by
budget situation of the University.
decrease of $148 per student.
critical the situation will be. On The expenditure ceiling for the
University Council is edited here.
Rockefeller defined t h e this campus for instance, just upcoming year is about 26
The Committee reiterates its belief in the appropriateness of
dilemma he faces. After this when security should be expanded million, an increase of only about
alcoholic beverages in those areas that can be considered a natural
legislative session, New York State there will be no additions to the one million from last year's.
component of the living .areas of the students. The Committee
will have the highest total tax of police force. They were very
recognizes that the grass areas adjacent to the quads are used by
There is a big problem of
any state in this country. He sees receptive to comments and said spreading funds over required
students for relaxation and recreation and feels, therefore, that the
this as a dangerous position, they hoped things would not be as expenditures. It is hoped that
"bring your own" concept
bad as current figures indicate. more funds will be provided for
indeed appropriate. Further, the
When a question was raised about some new programs. As it stands
Committee chose to deafwith the
the effect of the tax increase on now, there will be some
more positive aspects of the
the poor as compared with the improvements, but no allowance
"bring your own" concept and to
corporateWttx they said that it for growth patterns.
leave other aspects to the channels
would be ' easier for the poor
Charles Brown, from the
already established.
family to face a 1% tax hike than steering committee of SDS, spoke
The Committee believes that
In a recent letter to Speaker
about recruitment and military on
Physical Education areas and By Pat McCrohan
business has moved.
campus and its relationship to the
playing fields, parking lots and
After the first shock of Duryea, twenty-four distinguished
In the subsequent meeting of budget cuts. He also stated the
those external areas immediately Chancellor Gould's statement to SUNYA department chairmen
adjacent to theAcademic Podium, the Legislative Fiscal Committees indicated that the future for all the student repusentatives it need for changes in the tax
decided not to hold the mass structure.
and all areas outside the boundary began to subside, a new and more
Richard Myren, Dean of the
drawn by the perimeter road horrible specter became apparent proposed budget cuts: "But the rally on the capitol on Monday
should be excluded from these as t h e implications of thebudget bill currently before you primarily because the reasons for School of Criminal Justice, spoke
the march had been realized, i.e. a about the direct impacts of the
proposed legislative cuts began to will make our assignments
confrontation with Rockefeller proposed budgets cuts. There will
impossible to carry out.
Please turn to p 2 col 3
"It would not merely slow our and t h e legislators. The be less money for programs,
progress; it would take us a step representatives also felt that such teaching losses, fewer courses to
back from where we are now. In an action would have a negative offer graduate students, and a
our particular situation, that effect and that it would also be library cut.
might prove a fatal blow to our too late. We did agree on the
For the faculty there will be a
importance of the letter writing greater work load, less research
future development.
opportunity, and less assistance.
"The programs we are now
attempting to develop would lose that Chancellor Gould and other He said that the image of
excellence of SUNY is in danger.
their momentum, our national
image as an institution marked for substantial efforts, both formally Good people will be lost because
of the money situation. Also, we
imminent distinction would be
Members o f t h e Albany w e r e just now becoming
ruined, and the indispensable
recruitment of quality faculty for Student Coalition, agreed to go competitive for outside support.
our urgently needed graduate on with the march for a number
of the
of reasons. Considerable student Anthropology Department spoke
programs would be aborted.
"We would forfeit our and faculty support indicates that of the deplorable teaching
credibility in the academic world, a significant demonstration can be situation, lack of space, and how
and our hope of achieving organized from this school alone. it will be even worse next year.
distinction would be foreclosed And we will still receive nominal The student-faculty ratio is about
for t h e foreseeable future. support from other SUNY 360 to 1 for next year in his
Eventually the State of New York campuses. It was also felt that a department and others,' end there
would discover that it is fur more demonstration Monday would are n o allocations for new
expensive to repair damage show both the letter writing positions.
already done than to maintain the public and the legislators that all
Mr. Donald Whitlock, Director
the students here are genuinely of Financial Aids, noted the
Dr. Robert D. Allen, renown
effects of the cuts in this area. It's
the CUNY marchers Tuesday and now urges that letters be written to
legislators. Monday the ASC will descend upon the Capitol to voice biologist and chairman of the and the future of present high possible that the interest on loans
may h* increased to 7%. There
their concern over the proposed budget cut.
Please turn to p 2 col 5 students,
Please turn to p 3 col 1
Photo by Potskowski
Students meet Rocky
in save SUNY effort
Proposed budget cuts
Albany future is bleak