PAGES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS DITORIAL :oivi i\/i i Poll's Results On the surface, the rendu of.the recruitment poll are a very impressive victory for the advocates of the "open campus" policy. Unfortunatly, we cannot accept the results as an accurate picture of the views of 3,000 informed voters. It is well and good that those who supported the concept of open campus went out and worked their hardest for that side of the question. They educated the electorate to their point of view, and managed to stir up enough Interest to lure a record number of voters to the polls. But th*pott it—If fdled. Earlier last week, we stated that we saw the poll as a definite good, for it stimulated discussion and provoked thought. We gave the student body too much credit. Too l a t e , w e discovered that it stimulated only irrational discussion, dealing in high moral terms and concepts rather than practical considerations, as they related to those very concepts. The blame is not to be placed specifically in one particular place. The responsibility was lodged, however, within a few groups. Those who inaugurated the poll and were responsible for its being run properly failed to. elucidate both sides of the argument. More importantly, they failed to make any provision to make sure that both sides would be heard in any rational manner. It stands to reason that if there was sufficient grounds for holding the poll, then the reasoning on both sides carried some degree of merit. However, the polls' initiators seemed more interested in breaking voting records, than in helping students understand the reasons why the poll was necessary in the first place. Those who supported the concept of closed or slective campus recruiftnent made something less than a feeble effort to put their points across. There was, as has been stated already, merit in the arguments put forward by some of the advocates of closed campus, especially concerning such matters as the question of priority of allocation of funds to placement service rather than something concerned with academic life. However, when discussion with the opposition took place, the majority of those who supported closed campus did so on either irrational grounds or by utilizing faulty logic. If the electorate had been better educated (undeniably, a fault of this newspaper also) as to both sides of the question, the results problably would not have varied to any large extent from those recorded. But to our way of thinking, the results would have been far more valid. As it is now, we consider the results of this poll of liitle worth. The issues became too confused, too muddled, for them to be understood by the average voter. It seemed to be too much a division between goodf OPEN CAMPUS—We're i for freedom of speech!") and bad (CLOSED CAMPUS-~We don't give a damn about freedom of anything). There were valid points in the arguments of the supporters of the closed campus policy. Due to an abdication of responsibility on the part of those who were responsbile for running the poll, and due to the lack of organization on the part of the closed campus advocates, those constructive and logical statements were never heard. Before President Collins uses the results of this poll as conclusive, proof of the overwhelming support for an open campus policy, we urge him to inspect the circumstances under which the voting proceeded. ->-& - n -a rress freedom SUNY's Board of Trustees has proposed a policy statement which would require the free admission of all news media to any campus event that is open to the public. In other words, when the general public (students and the Albany community) is invited to attend a student event, such as an SDS confernece, the newsmen arc also automatically invited free of charge. From past experience we know that student activities on this campus have not been treated at all fairly by the outside press. Although we agree with the Trustees "Whereas it is the public's right to know about those matters which may fall into the public realm," we do not believe that the public can know the truth from the media's misrepresentation of facts, misquotes and general lack of understanding in reporting. We can no longer trust newspapers, radio or TV to report events accurately. It is common knowledge that their coverage is directed toward sensationalism. In addition, they view events, particularly student administered events, through myopic established eyes. We arc not afraid of new;, coverage, we arc apprehensive and with good reason, of news being colored to fit what an audience wants to hear. If the press can be discrimanting in its coverage of campus events, those who sponsor such events must be allowed the freedom to be discriminating in its use of the press. If the press is to be excluded, the event must be advertised as "closed" campus event, i.e. not open to the public. EDITORS NOTE: Due to budgetary problems, the Albany Studont Press will not be publishing regularly in the coming weeks. We will inform you of the interruptions in our printing schedule in the noar future. POLICY NOTE: The aim of the Albany Student Press this term is to give correct and accurate, but incisive and descriptive, views of the news. To this end, we have instituted a Features section, which aims at subjective impressions along with factual reporting. We have also given our reporters the freedom of expression of mood and background which may be seen as "coloring the news". We do this not to advocate any position, but rather to point out sides of issues which might otherwise be missed. TUESDAY MARCH, 11,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS ftfa'-'Woaird Jap'tll stop)' Stat* Unfocralty of Ne» York at Albany rbuMxiNtr puM»TY,e>uAilp MeMtriY «VSU»P$ X«uRNIN(r PASSION Today! HVti72:00 March 18 Organization Friday, March 14, 1969 Student Alliance to march on Capitol PC*ftsuiter, jjiN/ocfNT, VoKN(r J»..HlW W i S . »UT fcLAi, sue «>es By Gale McAllister Staff Reporter M. "We are facing something which is probably the most serious problem the University has ever faced," declared Steve Cherniske of the Albany Student Alliance in connection with the proposed budget cut. Students from the 17 campuses of the City University (estimated between 6,000 and 10,000 in number) will be arriving at the Capitol 12:00 noon Tuesday, March 18. If Albany Students support this march, it is probable that some reciprocal action will take place and City College students will come back up on Monday, March 24, to aid the SUNY march. Students wishing to participate in the March 18 movement are urged to attend a coordination meeting today, 2:00 in HU 137. (JOT 4p(»W t '* T 6 V/WM&.. K l 5 MftrW Communications All communications mult bt addressed to th* editor and mutt be ligned. Communication! are subject to editing. Half fare dilemma l o the editors: The way things are going, you and your readers are about to lose their privilege to fly at half-fare. For some reason, practically no one in the country felt concerned enough about it to file a brief with the CAB on behalf of the students who are the users of the cards. National Student Marketing Corporation was the first to intervene, followed only by the NSA and the Campus Americans for Democratic Action. We cannot, however, win the fight alone. We need your help. Hearings before the CAB are on March 12,1969. If we are not successful, everyone of you, regardless of age, will have to pay full fare and the half-fare cards which you now hold will be worthless. We feel that if your readers were fully aware of the situation, they and their parents would want to do something about it. The best thing to be done at this point is to send us letters of protest at the cancellation of the half-fare program. We will make sure they are forwarded to Congress, the CAB or wherever they will do the most good. Time is of the essence! Very best regards, Cortes W. Randell N.M.S.C. Double Oops!! To the Editors: With regard to the editorial of T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , c o n c e r n i n g your recommendation to change the presently required English composition course to an elective, we would like to bring to your attention the lack of pronoun antecedent agreement in your concluding paragraph. Rosemary DeBonis Kileen Tracy Ed. Note: Although this letter was published last issue, its meaning was changed by an inadvertent ommission of one line. It is now reprinted in itt entirety. Lopes Dismissal To the Editors: Education. The institution so long praised for Its glittering ideals...the self-righteous body of knowledge that is unchallengeable because of its holy nature. We speak of education in terms of schools, teachers, students-all respectively Identified with brick w a l l s , well-dressed professionals, and wide-eyed, innocent children. The fallacy lies not in the conception of what education is, but in the idea of its image, its practical existence, We are atuned to an established image and our thoughts are so glued to that visualized institution that we do not allow ourselves consider further images, perhaps more humanized and natural perspectives of the "school", the "teacher" and the "student." If we are to seek a meaningful education in which sincere human beings are involved in the reciprocal process of learning—student and teacherHet us seriously consider the dilemma of a member of the Romance Language Department at the University, Mrs. Maryon Lopez—who has been released from employment as of June, 1969. Mrs. Lopez has not yet been allowed a hearing on her dismissal, nor even a clear explanation of the department's decision. (Her dismissal was announced last November.) It was implied that her ability in teaching was not sufficient, but on no concrete grounds. No one observed her classes or received complaints from students. What exactly are the criteria of an "efficient" teacher in the eyes of a department that claims itself to be "democratic" in nature, and that espouses "academic freedom?" Mr. Lopez refused to resign after having been so requested, staling that she personally could not justify a resignation, since she felt that she had been conducting her classes (promoting the learning process) to meet the needs of her students and her own standards. She cannot compromise on the issue, because it involves a conflict between her attitudes toward education and the demands of the administration. It is impossible to objectively describe a teacher's way of promoting learning, but there are several student* who would "testify" in Mrs. Lopez's behalf reaffirming her capabilities and effectiveness in tht "classroom", as well as in the time devoted to personal attention outside the formal learning situation. As a student body, as a faculty, as a school, we are presented with an on-the-line issue: What is the image of education? How narrow are our sights? Mrs. Lopez's position is a vital case in point. Where do we go from here? Barbara Sjostrom Karen Fallesen \ASP STAFF The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP office is located in Room 382 of the Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.Tax. The ASP was founded by the Class of 1918. Editors-lnChief Jill R. Paznik A Ira J. Wolfman News Editor Associate News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Feature Editor Technical Editors Photography Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Tim Keeley Kathy liuseman Carol Seliour Jim Winslow Gary Gelt Pat O'Hern, Bill Shapse Ed Potshowshi .'hillp Franchim Daniel Foxman The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. An increase in the faculty-student ratio, a decrease in the number of books purchased by the library, a cut down in the amount of necessary supplies needed by faculty in order to properly educate the students, more large lecture classes, and basically a general decline in the quality of education will be the problems the New York State University System will face next year. These problems stem from the fact that the budget of $443 million MEMBERS OF THE ALBANY STUDENT COALITION a n planning to aid the CUNY march on the Capitol Tuesday March 18. Over 6,000 students from CUNY will be participating in the protest of the that the University System originally requested was cut by first 9% to $405 million and then by 5% to $367.8 million where it now rests. budget cut. Photo by Simmons This is not a 5% cut as some would lead the students to believe, but a devastating 14% cut. To this University, the budget cut will mean a deficit of $586,130 of which only $438,000 can be saved by skimping drastically on expenses (e.g. no increase in the amount of faculty, fewer library b o o k s , etc). That leaves a $148,130 deficit in which there is p r o b l e m s were d i s c u s s e d , no possible way to make up. explained and several important The Pass-Fail system will be and in the Campus Center from The professor would announce There is no place left to shave solutions were agreed upon. For immediate action all discussed in an open meeting and Wednesday to Friday, March prior to pre-registration which of money off expenditures. voted upon in an opinion poll 19-21. All students are requested t h e four following grading However, we are not the only students should write letters to to voice their opinions on the systemshe would use: (A) Letter University affected. All two-year their State Senators advising them next week. The open meeting will be held proposals which are presently grading; (B) Subject evaluation, and four-year colleges, plus the of what will happen to our i.e. a written description of other three universities in the University and others if the on Tuesday evening at 8:00 in under consideration. Three proposals are being s t u d e n t p e r f o r m a n c e ; (C) S t a t e S y s t e m a r e equally proposed budget passes. Social Science 256. Dr. Allan This letter writing campaign is K u u s i s t o , Vice-President for considered presently. The first S a t i s f a c t o r y - U n s a t i s f a c t o r y hampered by the budget, as are A c a d e m i c Affairs, will give proposal, which came from the grading, i.e. S or U; (D) Any the City Colleges and the private extremely important. Students opening remarks and moderate C< -nmission for Academic Affairs, combination of the above. * institutions throughout the state. should write personal letters and If the professor makes no requests that "all under-graduate the panel discussion. In order to do something to also inform their parents of the The panel will include: Dr. courses shall be graded on a announcement of the method of end t h e c r i s i s , "we need situation (letting them realize that Joan Schuiz, Chairman of the Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S-U) evaluation for his course, the solidarity," explained Cherniske. the budget means they will pay Committee on A c a d e m i c basis." The second proposal is the student may elect letter grading or "All groups on campus, no more in taxes and get less in Standing; Dr. Arthur Collins, present system of "A" thru " E " pass-fail. The option of a written matter what their interests, must dividends anc convincing them to evaluation would be open to the Affairs Chairman of the Task Force on g r a d e s . A c a d e m i c cooperate in this endeavor in write immediately. However, the main effort by Academic Regulations; Richard C o m m i s s i o n has made this student only with the permission order for it to be successful, as C o l l i e r , C h a i r m a n of the proposal their second choice of of the instructor. must all of the University System this University and all the rest of the proposals. All of t h e s e events are the New York State University Commission for Academic Affairs students." The third proposal is a rather sponsored by the Commission for of Student Association; and Mona At a meeting of the Albany System will be concentrated in Kurtz, student member of the complicated system of grading. Academic Affairs. Student Alliance Wednesday, the two marches to the Capitol. On Monday, March 24, all Committee on Academic colleges and universities in the Standing. New York State System will bus The opinion poll will be held students to Albany for a march on the dinner lines of the quads and teach-in at the Capitcl building. This must be a "protest in numbers and not in violence" as one student put it. colleges will occur on March 24. rather than by the entire hall as by Norm Rich A representative from Hudson Turning toward internal the LAAC bill provides. Central Council has Valley C o m m u n i t y College matters, Council ratified a bill endorsed two rallies protesting President Collins is likely to a t t e n d e d t h e meeting and seeking to amend the LAAC By Tom Cai-ey the proposed state cuts in aid to volunteered to get in touch with open visitation bill presently r e c o m m e n d LAAC's bill to t h e 44 t w o - y e a r Capitol Correspondent education. colleges before the student affairs University Council on March 20. throughout the state and get their However, if Council actions Assembly S p e a k e r Perry The first rally, led by students council. persuade Student Affairs Council support. Duryea, Jr. and Senate Majority of the City University, will be Proposed by James Kahn, the The reason given for not having Leader Earl Brydges Tuesday held Tuesday, March 18. The bill provides that open visitation to amend the bill its outcome will be uncertain. the statewide march this week endorsed a bill submitted by a CUNY group (composed of shall be decided on a suite basis when the City students come is Special Assembly Committee on downstate college, high school, primarily the fact that all State campus unrest. and community action groups), campuses have not yet organized The bill drafted by the plans to assemble at Draper Hal! and need time to do so. Committee headed b y Tuesday morning. At noon the; And anothor reason is that the Assemblyman Charles Henderson will march to the slops of thi week of the 17 Chancellor Gould would require the stale's private State Capitol. Here they plan tc will bo addressing the legislature and p u b l i c colleges and conduct u teach-in for the in an effort to change their minds universities to adopl and "provide remainder of the afternoon. on the budget cut and to get them for the enforcement" of ruleH Joan O'Loilly, CUNY to do something about it. concerning law and order on the representative, explained that the campuses. rally is "for more education" and Faculty members are urgod to According to Duryea the object "positive education". He was cancel clusses on the 18 and the of the bill is to place the careful to note, however, "the 24 in order to form a unified responsibility for campus behavior whole of this thing is to be coordinated effort which will in t h e h a n d s of school p e a c e f u l . " Leilly further bring muximum results. administrators. explained that he expected Wednesday, March 19, the day Duryea added, "The approach between six thousand and ten following the march with the City embodied In t h i s legis- thousand city students to make College students another meeting lation..directs the active efforts the upstute trip, of the Albany Student Alliance of the educational community will be held in order to finalize A meeting for those students and the state in a proper wishing to participate in this the plans. direction, provides the demonstration will be conducted All students and faculty are appropriate emphasis ut the 2 p.m. this afternoon In HU 137. urged to attend this important PRESIDENT EVAN R. COLLINS was queried Tuesday by students correct levels of responsibility, meeting. The meeting will be held The second rally, proposed 'by and is broad enough to have effect the Albany Student Coalition, in concerned over the dismissal of Mrs. Maryon Lopez. at 6:30 and the place will be Photo by Potskowski See story on page 7. Please turn to page 3 announced at a later date. conjunction with other SUNY Students to be polled on Pass-Fail for next semester Central Council endorses araSfiTSUNY and CUNY rallies by Legislators FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 2 Lack of off •campus housing; Mall Project cuts vacancies The Campus Center Governing Board will sponsor a "St. Patrick's Day Bash" in the Campus Center Ballroom on Monday, March 17, at 8:30 p.m. Featured will, be Raun MacKinnon, a Coffee House Circuit performer, andassorted Jazz Dialogues by Campus Jazz NoEYEToaajht! Men. Green Beer will be available i Free!!!! and admission is free. (University Student Association is seeking I.D.'s will be required for •pnhfsnti for the University admission.) Athletics Council. This body will review and recommend policy All HISTORY MAJORS-OPEN with regard to inter-collegiate MEETING, Monday March 17, SS a t h l e t i c s . Applications are 134 3:00 pm. a v a i l a b l e at the Student Aaaociation Office, Campus Center 367. Saturday, March 15-Ido of March. IWWC preients naiiatliiH nt of Julias d e a r ' s death, 2:00 pm fireplace lounge, C a t a p u s Center. Caat of Budget Hearing "Youth and Education in the MARCH IS. 1968 Soviet Union." Slide-talk by Mrs. HU290 Lois Gree, Associate Dean of Students. R e f r e s h m e n t s . 10:00Albany Film-Making Society 3:00-4:30. March 18, Assembly 10:15 Forum of Politics Halt 10:30 Forensics Union 10:50 Council for Contemporary "An Evening of Russian Folk Music Culture" Music and exhibits by 11:15 Womens Recreation the Russian Club. 8:00 pm, March Association 18, Assembly Hall. 11:30 . Campus Center Governing The first practice of Women's Board Intercollegiate Softball will be 12:30 Living Area Affairs held Thursday' march 20, at 4 pm Commission in the Women's Auxiliary Gym. 12:15 Colonial Quad All interested women may attend. 1:05 . . .Commuter's Organization 1:15 Dutch Quad All students must pick up 1:35 State Quad Activities and Validations Cards at 1:55 Walden Council the Campus Center Information 2:30 MYSKANLA Desk. 3:00 . . .Commission for Religious Affairs The Tuesday evening modern sound ensemble will hold its 3:15 International Students' regular meeting in practice room Association Arab Students Dub 349 at 3:47 pm. All interested 3:30 Ski Club musicians and others are invited 3:45 4:00 Others to attend. VIN SOIREE A la prochaine reunion du Cercle Francais on aura des preparatifs pour une 'Wine Tasting Party'. Nous acceptons toujours des members MflrJi. Mars 18 7.-30 PM Salle.- Hu 290 VENEZ! CLASSIFIEDS Classified ads may be placed in the ASP box at the Campus Ctnttr Information des* Each word a 5 cents, tht minimum price being IS cents. by Edward Weiss " T h e . off-campus housing situation will get worse before it gets b e t t e r , " states Joseph Scaring, Assistant for Off-Campus Housing. Mr. Scaring and George Seyfarth, Assistant Director of Residences met with students on State Quad Tuesday evening to discuss the many problems students have in finding adequate off-campus housing. On a yearly basis, only 6% of the apartments are vacated in the Albany area. Also, due to the mall construction in downtown Albany, over 600 apartments will be destroyed. Due to the shortage of apartments in the Albany area, there are about 10 applicants for every apartment. Apartments are easier to find in Schenectady and Troy, but due to transportation problems, most students live near Draper Hall in Albany. Mr. Seyfarth announced that by April 18th, students must turn in their dormitory applications if they desire to live on-campus. A student living on campus must choose one of six meal plans to be offered in the fall. Informative "housing flyers" will soon be given to students full explaining any changes in the room or board contracts. Mr. Scaring advises students interested in living off-campus in the fall to begin their search for apartments on individual rooms in April. According to university regulation, a student must live in approved bousing if he is not CO living with a parent or legal guardian. The off-campus housing office sends inspectors to check on basic housing requirements before official approval is given. Apartments and rooms-to-rent are alphabetically filed on cards by street address. These cards contain valuable information for students. The off-campus housing office is located on the first floor of Fulton Hall on State Quad, and is open from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Someone is always available to answer any questions a student might have. While prices vary greatly, a one bedroom furnished apartment will cost up to $125 a month. A f u r n i s h e d , t w o bedroom apartment will cost up to $150 per m o n t h . Unfurnished apartments are usually less expensive unless they are in a desirable location. Mr. Scaring and Mr. Seyfarth gave the students many helpful ideas in how to choose an apartment. First of all, try not to sign a lease; try to get an oral agreement with the landlord. If you must sign a lease, make sure it is for the school year, and not the full calendar year. Also be certain that the lease gives you the right to sub-let the aparmtnet if you so desire. The student looking for apartments should know who will pay the utility bills. Oil heat is very expensive in the city of Albany. If the landlord pays for the utilities, there is still the phone bill. This includes up to a $50 refundable deposit and a $5 installation charge. The basic charge for a private line is $8 p c r month. Personal property insurance is relatively inexpensive in Albany, and should be gotten, if possible' by all students. For a small amount, a rider can be attached to the insurance policy of a parent to cover the students property in Albany. Many more questions regarding apartment hunting can be found by attending the two meetings next week, or by stopping in at the off-campus housing office. Mr. Scaring and Mr. Seyfarth welcome questions regarding moving off campus in the fall. Two more off-campus housing "information hours" will occur next week, each starting at 7:30 pm. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday night, March 18, in the Walden dining hall. The last meeting will occur uptown on Thursday night, March 20, in the Dutch Quad Dining Hall. NOTICE Signups for senior yearbook photos, Class of 1970. are continuing on the bulletin board opposite the Campus Center Information Desk. Photos will begin Monday, March 24 For further information, call Jim Folts, 457-8765. WHERE THE ACTION IS FEDERAL SCHOOL REPORT says: The Philadelphia public schools are engaged in "the most dramatic revolution in a city school system in the postwar period." Reform in Philadelphia is "more widespread and farreaching than in any large school system in the country." Pleme include name, address and telephone number uith the ad. Classifieds will appear every Friday So classifieds uiil be accepted if payment is not included DR, MARK SHEDD, Superintendent of Schools, says "I will continue lo support teachers who are able to examine, in a mature way, the gut issues of our day — war, sex, race, drugs, poverty. If we divorce school sub lecls from Ihe guts and hopes ol human beings, we can expect students to find them gutless and hopeless RICHARDSON D I L W O R T H , President of the Board ol Education, says: "The city is where the action is. its where the challenge is It's wheie we are facing Ihe grea! moral issues ol our day If you want action, come teacc in Philadelphia. It you don't, teach in the suburbs LOST PERSONAL Ladies gold match—Germing! Voltaire. b*rv*tn Humanities and Business Great Sentiments! value Catl-l57-7$92-Antte ••»;" Those Words, "B". Three Little W E SAY: Come join our school revolution as a teac.ic' Get in on the action Teacher salaries are using rapid:, So is our school system. See our recruiter on your campjs on M«rch 19. 1969 or write to tne Office of Personnel-Recruitment (Telephone 21544S3W5 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA 21st STREET AND PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA Come to pfsma 303 tonight! **leomt party as suite All malts Congratulations Debi and Fran. Heard you're getting married! Lave. S011. PA. 19103 FRIDAY,MARCH14,1969 ALBANY STUDENT HUSSS Gould's Budget Statement Editor's Note: The following statement concerning State University's proposed 1969-70 operating budget was delivered by Chancellor Gould at a hearing before the Legislative Fiscal Committees prior to the announcement by Governor Rockefeller that he would renegotiate his budget plan with leaden of the Legislature. . The ASP is presenting Gould's statement as exerpted from the State University Newsletter in the hope that our readers might be more aware of the crucial situation facing higher education in New York. I appreciate this opportunity to discuss realistically the proposed 1969-70 State University budget. We are grateful for your interest and will welcome your comments and questions. Since much of what I shall say focuses on the difficulties we face, it would be remiss of me not to mention the dramatic support State University has received during the past five years. This period has been marked by unparalleled growth, and State University is being studied and imitated by educators around the world. This year we have nearly 124,000 students on State-operated campuses of the University. All of this has been possible because the Governor and the Legislature of New York have generously supported this new and exciting institution which seeks to open doors to thousands of our young people who otherwise will never have a chance. The University's 1969-70 budget story actually began last year when each campus of the University was asked to develop its projected program, indicating the amount of money needed to carry on for the following year. Such plans were developed campus by campus and were brought to Albany where extended discussions were held with campus delegates and Central Administration. At the completion of that phase, the projected University budget for 1969-70—when all the campus requests were added together—totaled approximately $493 million. However, Central Administration of the University examined the initial campus budgets with great care, trying always to distinguish between what might profitably be done and what was essential in order to improve the work of the University. Priorities were established, hard decisions were made, and at this point, the University budget was pared to $443 million (from the original $493 million). This was the request submitted to the Division of the Budget last fall. In other words, the original request of the campuses was cut by $50 million. University, The University's request for $443 million included $44 million for what we call "workload" increases. In concern over the proposed budget cut as it would effect the State simple terms, this means continuing the present level of support needed to cover such items as the payment University system. His comments to the legislature are found in of full annual salaries for faculty appointed September 1968 (because our academic year doesn't parallel today's ASP. the fiscal year), salary increments we must pay present faculty and other staff in accordance with the step Photo by Potskowski. increases mandated by our salary schedules, the availability of have only $8.1 million to cover all the increases needed to meet our maintenance staff and other costs needed to open 17 new academic regular University operations next year. buildings and dormitories, the faculty and support needed to handle It is at this point that we become completely dismayed by the 7,700 additional PTE enrollments, and continuance of such basic dilemma we face. Bear in mind that we have just over $8 million to services as libraries and the student personnel program. cover increased operations. Yet one item alone—the costs of The $443 million request also included $22 million for what we call annualization—will take $7.7 million of this amount. In addition, we "improvement." Our main concern here was to try to keep our must have another $6.5 million to give the legally mandated step Continued from page I faculty salaries in competition with those of other institutions of our increases to faculty and other staff already on the payroll. on all potentially disruptive type, to improve the library staffing, to provide more professional We must provide $1.8 million for maintenance and operation of the elements." counseling programs on some of our campuses, and to strengthen the 17 new academic buildings to open next year, and $500,000 to security staff throughout the University. Unlike the Flynn Bill, this bill operate new dormitories. We must have the $5.2 million This last element in particular has become one of the most does not include the loss of state recommended in the Executive Budget for a minimum increase in our worrisome aspects of campus administration. aid to the students. However, professional salaries. I stress the fact again that these are just absolute Only $4 million of our $443 million request was for new programs, Duryea pointed out that the essentials. We see no way to avoid them without breaking contracts, including new graduate programs at the University Centers and the "Concept is inherent in this plan, allowing buildings to stand idle, and facing wholesale resignations. introduction of liberal arts programs at the Agricultural and Technical which provides for that student's There are other expenses which, while not related necessarily to Colleges. suspension and expulsion." survival, are nevertheless of major importance. Finally, we requested a $13 million increase to be used to The proposal requires the For example, we should provide for the $5.5 million workload strengthen and expand Urban Colleges and to support two new SEEK governing board of every college recommended for the additional 7,700 FTE enrollments. We should programs at Syracuse and Purchas< operations geared especially to or university chartered by the provide the $500,000 workload recommended for libraries and serve the disadvantaged. state or created by legislative act student services. We should also provide the recommended $1.3 to formulate rules against campus million for other workload increases in Organized Activities, The Division of the Budget, after a campus by campus review, disorders that will "specify precise Organized Research, General Administration, arid other functions. We eliminated $38 million—reducing the budget from $443 million to penalties for violation, including should also provide $3.1 million to develop the Stony Brook Health $405 million. This reduction, which was printed and fully defended in the ejection of a violator from the Sciences program, the development of the College at Purchase, and the Executive Budget, included a recommended "workload" increase of campus, and, in the case of a other such basic developments. $32 million, "improvements" totaling $9 million, and just under $1 student or faculty violator, The financing of all these items comes to $32.1 million—and all we million for "new" programs. provide for his suspension, have is $8.1 million. We face a $24 million gap. expulsion, or other appropriate, An additional $3 million was recommended for special programs, disciplinary action." mainly to support disadvantaged students. Thus the total Executive Obviously, if we are to take on certain fixed-cost items not Budget request of $405 million was $38 million of 9% less than the Included in the bill is an heretofore included in our budget, and at the same time stay within request submitted by the University for approval. amendment to State Penal Law the ceiling, drastic reductions and in some instances eliminations, are defining aggravated disorderly necessary. We have been considering a number of actions and are A new element now was introduced into the budgeting process. In conduct. According to the weighing their possible effects upon quality of instruction, research, order to keep expenditures within available State resources, the amendment a person who "while maintenance, security, retention of faculty, and general morale. Governor established an expenditure ceiling. The proposed ceiling was on or within 500 feet of college or $2.3 million for improvements must be eliminated. determinedby the Division of the Budget by estimating an university property disrupts, We must cut out $1 million from the $1.3 million recommended in expenditures for the fiscal year and then reducing this estimate by 5%. disturbs, or prevents classes or the Executive Budget for other workload increases—in administration, In accordance with this formula, the expenditure ceiling for State other school administration, or organized research, and other functions. University of New York for fiscal 1969-70 was set at $367,818,000. other school activities; or if such The $500,000 rncommended for workload increases in libraries and It is important to keep in mind the differences between an person attempts to prevent student services will have to be reduced by $300,000. "appropriation budget" and an "expenditure ceiling budget" since students or faculty from attending The $5.2 million needed for professional salary increases cannot be comparisons are difficult and may be misleading. classes or other functions or funded within the existing ceiling restriction. In general, the "appropriations" proposed in Ihe Executive Budget activities." The aid to private medical centers will have to be reduced to the cover the fiscal year but actually are in existence for an additional six This most recent bill to control 1968-69 level of funding. This will eliminate $2.9 million. months to cover obligations that will not be paid until after the end of campus unrest seems tailored to The aid to the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn can no longer be the fiscal yeur. "Expenditure ceilings," on the other hand, refer to meet Governor Rockefellor's the responsibility of State University when it has insufficient funds to bills actually paid during the fiscal year. contention that campus discipline take care of its present campuses. The institution needs help, hut this To clarify these two budget approaches as they apply to the should be handled by campus is a Statewide responsibility. A shift here will free $3 million. University, it may be helpful if, by using prior year trends as administrators. With these adjustments, we will gain back $14.7 million of the $21 guidelines, we attempt to convert appropriations to expenditures. This Capilol observers believe the million deficit. The only other move we can make is a drastic one—but chart relates, in expenditure terms, a comparison of tin1 University's bill will easily pass the Republican we have no choice. In order to get the remaining $9.3 million, we shall request, Lhe Executive Budget recommendations, and the funds controlled Legislature and the have lo cut into existing "workload" support and shift our provided in the expenditure ceiling. Governor will sign the measure student-faculty ratios from the 13.3 recommended in the Executive With this explanation, I come buck to the fact that the expenditure into law before this session is Budget to 14.2. This will provide another $9 million. The remaining ceiling imposed on the University for 1969-70 totals $367,818,000. ended. $300,000 will have to prorated back to the campuses and each will Assembly aims at student unrest 11 is important for you to realize just how critical this proposed ceiling actually is. This can best be shown by our looking at the estimated ceiling for the current year. This year—1968-69— our expenditure ceiling has been adjusted to $359 million. Wo started with a figure of $325 million, but we have had to add to this a number of special fixed-cost items—totaling $31.7 million—that heretofore were funded by separate bills or allocations—plus increased private medical school support. This means that we must compare the 1969-70 ceiling of $367 million to $359 million rather than to the original $325 million figure. Starting with the $325 million expenditure base, we have added $23.2 million for Food Service contracts; $1.5 million for income-offset programs; $4 million for the Upstate SEEK program; and $3 million for aid to Brooklyn Poly. An additional $2.9 million is recommended for increased support of aid to the private medical schools. When these items are placed on top of the $325 million base, we have an adjusted total of $359 million which means that we in fact Please turn to page 7 BOOKSTORE ANNOUNCED ' T h i s 1H the" 0 •H u 3 3 0" < R a 9 i 0, D 'E, 3' s„° . j o a S y oqi U ,* The Bookstore is happy to annonce that a 5% discount on all required textbooks mill be in effect all semester. You must keep your cash register receipt tops. Refunds will be made on Wednesdays only, from 9am to 8pm. Please come into the main bookstore for your refund. PAGE 4 ^ FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS nUOAY.MAnCHH.lM9 Seeger performs with enthusiasm %m m MARIJUANA «## BACKGROUND From an article by Weil, Zlnbarg, and Nation antitlad "Clinical and Penological Effacti of Marijuana In M a n . " . Student Comment A commentary on marijuana by Gary Wilson, a medical student. Many individuals have hailed the research of Weil, Zinberg and Nelsen for providing scientific data on marihuana. However, individuals have attempted to draw inferences from this research and apply them to the general population of marihuana users. These attempts to apply the research findings to marihuana users in general produces erroneous extrapolations. First, the research was conducted to collect data on the pharmacological aspects of marihuana. It was not undertaken to establish or refute popularly held concepts pertaining to marihunana. Secondly, all.subjects employed by the experimenters were thoroughly psychologically screened. To say the least, this use of screened subjects is not a r a n d o m sample of those individuals who are marihuana users. Consequently, the data collected may be biased and to draw inferences from this research and apply them to the population of marihuana users would be a grave error. In addition to employing psychologically screened subjects, the laboratory environment in which the research was conducted is not indicative of the environment in which most marihuana is consumed. This study was undertaken in a neutral laboratory setting where e x t r a n e o u s variables were controlled. Thusly, all social environmental factors were eliminated. Again, it would be erroneous to draw inferences and apply them to the general population of marihuana users because the neutral laboratory setting is entirely alien to the "marihuana environment." From the data collected in this neutral setting, the experimenters concluded that for both the naive and regular marihuana user there was some impairment of simple intellectual and psychomotor tasks. Also, minimum physiological effects were noted by the experimenters. Perhaps the research that no great psychological-physiological dysfunction occurs from smoking marihuana. Nevertheless, more research should be carried out to ascertaine the effects of prolonged psychological or physiological changes that we are not aware of, and that these hypothetical changes could have a tremendous impact on the human organism in later life. At this point a question arises. Does one have to demonstrate explicitly some gross morphological change such as a horrendous purple hemorrhage in the cortical tissue of the brain to designate a substance as toxic and/or lethal? Certainly this is not the case with the extremely lethal and toxic compound strychinine. When an Individual ingests strychnine for purposes of suicide, it is nearly impossible to detect a residue in the body, or any gross morphological change, at the time of autopsy. It is known that when anything (even food) is induced into an organism systematically that some physiological change occurs. Whether the change is detrimental or not is another question. In regards to marihuana, the research of Weil, Zinberg and Nelson attempted to explore the pharmacological action of marihuana. Actually, their research provides little data on situations external to neutral laboratory settings. Sociological Perspective Although the researchers are to be commended for their impartial and reasonable approach to the effects of marihuana use, they Louis Lieberman, a mamber of have not contributed to the tha sociology department, resolution of the marijuana comments on marijuana. controversy. None of their conclusions will sway advocates or opponents of our present punitive policy concerning marijuana possession. This is not to deny the importance of such research for psychopharmacology but to recognize, however regretfully, that such research probably cannot proved the persuasive evidence on what is fundamentally a moral issue. We have socially defined marijuana use as "bad", thereby justifying the harsh laws for possession. These laws were not originally based on psychopharmacological effects of marijuana but on some social myths: a) marijuana use leads to heroin addiction, b) marijuana use leads to a life of sin, c) marijuana use leads to the loss of values and aspirations. Once lawmakers have enacted laws, it seems they get overly cautious about removing them-witness the many laws in the U.S. Medical View Dr. Janet Hood, Director of Health Service comments on marijuana. One of tha aspects of lha Social Confrontation Committee is the broader education of tha Univariity community on tha subject of drug use and abuaa. Prasanted today are a series of critiques on "Clinical and Psychological Effects of Marihuana In M a n , " and an abstract of tha article itself. Spseking for the rest of the committee I would like to invite all of you to send me your criticism of these presentations, and any suggestions that you would Ilka to make toward tha continuation of tha idea of a press forum arrangement. Send ell ideas to Jim Smell, CB 02042, vie Cempus Mail. The experiments described in this report took place in the Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory of Boston University School of Medicine and the Boston University School of Medicine in the spring of 1968 The object of the investigation was the collection of pharmacological data based on controlled laboratory experimentation. The authors review previous studies of the physiological and psychological effect of marijuana on roan and conclude that "...valid basic research on marijuana is almost nonexistent." (p. 1235) The authors feel that this can be related to a number of general problems facing the researcher and proceed to resolve these problems for their basic study by the following decisions: 1) to administer marijuana to humans by smoking rather than ingestion; 2) to assay the potencies of different samples of marijuana both chemically by spectorphotometer and humanly by the rating of chronic users; 3) to establish negative control by the use of inert as well as intoxicating cigarettes; 4) to select psychological tests previously used to evaluate other psychoactive drugs in order to measure the following psychological variables: capacity for sustained attention, cognitive function, mood, muscular coordination and attention, and the ability to judge timeand to choose for measurement the following physiological responses: heart rate, respiratory rale, pupil size, conjunctival appearance, and blood sugar; 5) to control "set" and "setting" where "set" refers to a subject's psychological expectations and "setting" refers to the total environment in which the drug j s taken; 6) to protect their subjects' welfare medically, ethically and legally. The subjects were two groups of healthy male volunteers 21 to 26 years of age of whom 6 were chronic users and 9 had never tried marijuana but smoked tobacco cigarettes regularly. Subjects were informed that they would be "expected to smoke cigarettes containing marijuana or an inert substance." (p. 1236) Following a detailed discussion of the results, the authors state their conclusions: 1) It is feasible and safe to study the effects of marijuana on human volunteers who. smoke it in a laboratory. 2) In a neutral setting persons who are naive to marijuana do not have strong subjective experiences after smoking low or high doses of the drug, and the effects they do report are not the same as those described by regular users of marijuana who take the drug in the same neutral setting. 3) Marijuana-naive persons do demonstrate impaired performance on simple intellectual and psychomotor tests after smoking marijuana; the impairment is dose-related in some cases. 4) Regular users of marijuana do get high after smoking marijuana in a neutral setting but do not show the same degree of impairment of performance on the tests as do naive subjects. In some cases, their performance even appears to improve slightly after smoking marijuana. 5) Marijuana increases heart rate moderately. 6) No change in respiratory rate follows adminstration of marijuana by inhalation. 7) No change in pupil size occurs in short term exposure to marijuana. 8) Marijuana administration cause dilatation of cpnjunctival blood vessels. 9) Marijuana treatment produces no change in blood sugar levels. 10) In a neautral setting the physiological and psychological effects of a single, inhaled dose of marijuana appear to reach maximum intensity within one-half hour of inhalation, to be diminished after 1 hour, and to be completely dissipated by 3 hours. regulating the bedroom sexual behavior of married couples. Now that the social myths surrounding marijuana use cannot be maintained as a rationale, we have employed new argumentation to justify our laws: a) marijuana use may lead to a condition of psychological aberration, b) marijuana use may cause temporary visual distortion, c) marijuana use may damage the fetus in the first few weeks of pregnancy, d) marijuana use may result in a form of "drunken" driving. Unfortunately, these arguments are, to varying degrees true and not the fabrication of moralists who are anti-pleasure. They are unfair arguments in the sense that the same statements may be made about hundreds of j, ethical pharmaceuticals which we find in our own medicine cabinets; recommended to us by our physicians or dispensed in college infirmaries, as well as other drugs which we may buy without prescriptions. The issue, therefore, is not one to be resolved by research (we know that the cold tablets we buy can be harmful and dangerous-it says MI on the label). It is rather the moral issue of the rights of a free ciii /HI, an adult, to purchase a product which he feels is beneficial or satisfying to him-after proper education and Caveat Emptor, he n cigarettes, alcohol, high chloresterol cheese, or marijuana. Drue, IIM' should not be confused with drug abuse. such a Xd7wUh7h e e U |arge proportion o f l . Z °f- P^iatrically screened volunteers immediately renders somewhat less than helpfuf t o X JS . Wwho won"fi IZ t*t " ^ " ^ U n d e r r a t h e r " i n vit ">" circumstan.-™, V does to people. " h o w o u l d i , k e '° know what the repeated social smokinB of "pot" maf ttgfcssztpzst r » ««rrhich ™ —«- •» *-«««. u. demonstrating elevated blood sugars and n „ n m „ a , u ""d'ngs are sufficient to refute earlier studies g M Whi e t h e y C o n c u r o n n e a r t a n d as well as the dilation of conjunctival vessels * ' respiratory rates The authors' first conclusion, that it is "feasible and safe to study the effects of marijuana on known volunteers who .smoke laboratory" may not necessarily prove valid if on their six month follow-up they find they have one or two habitual users in the I!" declaring themselves to be "dependent" on marijuana despite the careful screening. (Surely the authors did not expect them to convuls something, did they?). While it is inevitable that more work will be done on the physiologic and pharmacologic effects of marijuana (and absolute definilm exactly what Cannibis product is being studied is mandatory), interesting work on animals has already been reported by Daginmanjia Boyd with synthetics and by Adams working with TCH derivatives. Acute physiologic effects were reported on in some depth by Allenluc early as 1944. The study by Williams showing what can happen to individuals with prolonged use cannot be minimized but needs expiin'shell's studies on TCH need expansion also. Actually, the longest clinical trial of any drug substance known to man (with the possible exception of alcohol) involving milli man tn-years has been going on and recorded, albeit crudely, since marijuana was first alluded to in Emperor Chen Nung's herbal liael, 2700 00 B.C.! And people must by now recognize that not everybody who puffs on marijuana a few times is doomed to eternity like the who a lethal of aspirin or lU.. the child ovenJh.lmuV'i ' — » """•»»" ™ »«..•..*, . i n peats u i s .1 l*i|h:,l amount n m n n n l *>f n a n M n i\v i.U\\A who ..,!.-. develons »l~..»l i._i__, . i" . '•'""'• . . . . tenement. II ill s o m e "I tenement. On On the the other other hand, hand experien « " " ™ < - l » ^ (such as Hashis) has negative influences sociologically. Indii , ,„, ,,,Uiu where r'nnnik!. k"~ u " """ "If"" 'nat me enronic user ot stong Caiinih as part of their attempt to develop as a nation. It wu „ interestTne to „ n . a ^u P ? r t ,° f t h e c u l t u r e f o r »£es< i s "°w W"t u> H"-'1 '"' "' lh experiment when he learned what was involved. Medical exrjer I emu h..» 2„.. * l n d ' a n volunteer was the only one to bow out ol ih Health Service that certain individuals become "addicted" oven i c ? w a a k e A - I V " ' ' , " 6 C a n ,lo<;u "" ! "t this right here in our own Slu.lei, such individuals that they are not truly "addicted," but they tell us that ,L„ ™J''<»n-type marijuana in their own view. We need to reason off. My whole life revolves around the stuff." Experience a so "hows tha?n™ "t' T Wh , at t h e h o " *ou d o c t o r s c a l 1 »• « want out. I w.-n. reactions. Unfortunately, too, some "pot" is laced with halluctotie™ J• n i h £ T " a ' S m o l ^ r S o f A m 0 " ^ n "pot" may suffer aeule pan, what has been absorbed. i. or .uiitr arugs so neither the user nor the physician can be certain n Of greatest concern to the physicians working with vrniu nennt„ i, SUbtk users of even weak American "pot"-the lengths to which ulliey wfll ociTZV&A*"} ' P 01,8 """'^ changes that occur in many ch, . ,By w m g 0 todefB . . .1, « . »rl W.OOUUUB personality changes that occur in many chronn "better than alcohol," "no worse than tobacco' • "which " - " they will go todefendand '" ''" ""•'"'-'-*••-'-'•-'--•• • • ' • • • arguments they presen gths to maintain habit; the illogical surprisng willingness to stick anything in theiriacco"-as if 3 wrongs could make a right if 2 their don't; their r mouths when they'd tested food item or new pharmaceutical, their eagerness tn see "n„ be the first • j to , condemn an inadequately —• , | h e .«»=•>»' I to seel "pot" legalized Hint tn.» aws need modification and that marijuana niir e eeagerness l f o ' b e placed egX w h W l ifmost T ' Snnre» ' T """ P—* 9 am-l pm Friday their vagabondism; and most serious of all, their sincere belief tha onlvThe "£?•• P^^McaHy); beautifu , "liberated" man, free of "hangups," and sole possessor of the truth P " """ In fact, no medical use or excuse for "pot" has been demons"ah e in 669 years ARTHUR R. KAPNER Your State Insurance Man Write* AH Xupet Of litiurancf Phone 434-4687 Saturday thru Thursday 9 am-4.30 PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS By Alan Lasker PETE SEEGER Photo by Benjamin PETE SEEGER GAVE a vigorous and inspiring performance Wednesday night to an enthusiastic audience. The proceeds from the concert will go to his "Clear Up the Hudson River project." Russian Week: March 18-21; lectures, dancing, exhibits The Cultural Events of Special Events Board in collaboration with the Russian Club presents '' The Russian Week," March 18-21. Mrs. Lois Gregg, Associate Dean of Students, will speak on "Youth and Education in the Soviet Union" on March 18 at 3:00 in the Assembly Hall. Refreshments will be served at this slide-lecture. "An Evening of Russian Folk Culture" will be presented by the Coffee House sponsors outspoken folk artist Folk artist, Raun MacKinnon will perform for the Coffee House Circuit starting March 17. An outspoken individual in every sense of the word, Miss MacKinnon "never wears a watch on stage, is extremely fond of murder mysteries, hates Muzak, and admires the current generation for laying their heads on the line in rebelling against the establishment." Composer of most of her own material including ballads, pure Albany to host 'Protest in Arts' Convocation The University will host the Student Convocation in the Arts, a weekend of presentations focusing on the theme "Protest in the Arts." This will take place the weekend of May 2. From among the several state units which applied to host a convocation, Albany is one of the two which will hold such an event, sponsored locally by the Community Programming Commission. Protest has become, in this decade, a major focal point of the American society. Originating from the college campus, the theme of protest found its way early into all forms of art. The protest in the arts is a revolution against the denial in society of evils and goods. The weekend will include presentations in the forms experimental theatre, fashions of protest, dissent in the mass media, protest in music, revolutions in photography, and multimedia. This concept of a Protest in the Arts weekend is unique to college campuses and should prove to be an unforgettable experience of the campus and the Albany area, More news on this to come. For further information, contact Chairman, Eileen Deming, 4007. folk, spirituals, pop rock sound, she feels at home in the warm a. nosphere of a coffee-house. She says these college circuits provide "board, lodging, modest salaries, a chance to work a lot, and the possibility of becoming well-known." Her special brand of music is becoming known across the country-from the Ice House in Pasadena, to the Gate of Horn in Chicago, the Cellar door in Washington, and the Gaslight and Bitter End in New York City. She will appear in the campus center cafeteria March 17-22. There will be two shows nightly Mon.-Thurs. at 8 and 9:30 pm and three shows nightly on Fri and Sat at 8, 9:30 and 11 pm. (47-49 GRAND ST. -ALBANY j [PAL JOEY (near mall) UNFAIR TO IPROTESTERS/ i THERE'S NOTHING TO PROTEST ABOUT!! Good food-fine pizza Big-big ounces in t drinks! Intimate atmosphere ...Roof doesn't j eoen leafel —in-! Directions: Down Madison M Ave. to Grand Street, turn left toEPalYpU Joey. SEE JpU ALL SOON, 4 Russian Club on March IS at 8:00 in the Assembly Hall. Russian folk dancing, music, and exhibits are on the agenda for that evening. The film "The House I Live In," sponsored by the Russian Club, will be shown on March 19 at 7:30 in the Assembly Hall. Dr. Marc Raeff, Professor of Russian history at Columbia University, will speak on "Imperial Russia from Peter to Nicholas: An Interpretation" on March 20 at 3:15 in Social Science 256. Dr. Clara Tucker of the History Department, a Russian history s p e c i a l i s t , will speak on "Impressions of the Soviet Union" on March 20 at 8:15 in the Assembly Hall. Noted Russian Historian, Dr. Warren Walsh, currently Chairman of the History Department at Syracuse University, will speak on "The Bolshevik Revolution 5 0 Years Later: A New Interpretation" on March 21 at 8:00 in the Ballroom. Bless the Grass;" this song metaphorically told us that the truth will push its way through the lies that may cover it, just aa the grass pushes its way through the black top. "70 Miles," a selection dealing with the San Francisco Bay "garbage" problem ended the medley. Pete also sang an anti-war chant entitled "Bring 'em Home." This song brought on exhuberant audience participation. Pete's intent 'on closing the concert with "This Land" waa shattered as he returned to sing another tune following his two minute standing ovation. The entire audience decided that this still wasn't enough and Pete Seeger returned to do another encore. The primary reason that Pete Seeger came to the Univeristy lies in the fact that he wished to inform his audience of his "Clear Up the Hudson River project." His selection "Sailing Down My Dirty Little Stream" depicts the situation nicely. The money netted from the concert will be used to further his plans. If anyone is interested in joiriinghis war on dirty waters, they asked to call 462-0243. Pete Seeger has not only revived many of the old time songs, but has also written many new ones as well; among the many he has authored or co-authored are "Turn, turn, turn," "Kisses Sweeter than Wine," "Where Have all the Flowers Gone?," and "If I Had A Hammer." Witnessing Pete Seeger in action enables a person to see a devoted, hard-working and respected man. He has become known across the world by the various songbooks and folk music magazines he has edited, by his more than sixty LP's and by the many films with background music self-composed. Pete Seeger has become a legend in his own time. NOTICE The Buckinghams will appear in concert Friday, March 21 at 8 pm in Siena's Gibbons Hall. World famous folk musician of New York City origin, Pete Seeger, appeared in concert strumming his banjo, stamping his feet, clapping his hands, and singing out his tunes to a purely Seeger audience last Wednesday night in t h e Uniyersity gymnasium. The powerful spirit that Mr. Seeger generates wherever he preforms was evident, for before he could even reach the platform, applause clammered within the gymnasium. Beginning with "Cripple Creek," an instrumental featuring his loon-necked five string banjo, which by the way is the "Pete Seeger trademark," Pete continued to command the attention of his audience as he sang "Blue Mountain Lake," "My Dirty Little Stream," and "Both Sides Now." Following these few selections Mr. Seeger relinquished the platform to the many friends that had accompanied him. Tom Winslow, a local preacher sang a few selections which included, "There is a Bright Side Somewhere." Appearing along with Tom Winslow, Sterling Pierce, Bill Spence, The Gary Owen Singers, and members of the "Pickin' Singin' Gatherin' Group" performed. By the time these other performers had finished, a wave of impatience could be felt among the audience; the people had come to hear Pete Seeger, not to witness a talent show. It wasn't that the other performers weren't good, it was just that the audience had come to see Pete Seeger and they wanted him to perform more than he had up to this point. In a few seconds the situation was alleviated: Pete grabbed hold of his guitar, gained position before the microphone and wailed out "It Takes A Worried Man." Members of the audience joined in and once again the Seeger-spirit was evident. Along with his equality Tickets are $3 and may be selection "Little Boxes," a medley purchased at the Newman Center followed, which included "God STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ATTENTION Academic Regalia For Graduation Orders will be taken at the Bookstore for the rental of caps, gowns, and hoods between MARCH 17 and APRIL 15.1969 ONLY ! The Bookstore WILL NOT HANDLE any orders after April 15. INFORMATION REQUIRED The following information is essential: 1. Name (first and last) 4. Total height (in heels) 2. Permanent address 5. Chest size (or weight] 3. Degree being received 6. Cap size (or head circumference taken level 1" above the ears.) Please specify what part of the regalia you wish to order. Bachelor candidates wear only a cap and gown; Master and Doctoral candidates wear a cap, gown, and hood. Regalia will be distributed during the week of June2,1969. Regalia can be picked up at the Bowling lanes. Regalia must be returned to the pick up site before 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Junes, 1969 . Regalia must be returned in the rental box or there will be a $1 charge. We appreciate your cooperation in making this ypji graduation. PAGE 6 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS THE ASP By Stu Rothchlld st«tad by numerous start. Marly Amerikauer hit for nine points in the half, while his back court sidekick A y Marshall notched six markers. The Club was led by Jerry Legieri with eight points. The scon at the half was 19-11 in favor of PTC. The second half proved to be the same story. Pi Theta Chi's defense was too much for Potter as the former won going away by 16 points. John Shihl was high for the team with eleven points, while Amerikauer finished with nine and Marshall with eight. Tom McGloughlin played his usual fine r e b o u n d e r y game and also chipped in with five points. Legieri was high man in the game with 14 points. In the evening's final contest, the Misfits held off a second half surge and held in to beat the Brothers 32-27 to win the League II championship. T h e Miafits completely dominated the first half and led at halftime by a scon of 17-8, on the strength of Ron Rice's six points and Bill Phillips' 5. The second half was a different story as the Brothers came out like a ball of five to tie the score late in the game. The Misfits, however, were able to regain the lead and h o l d on for the win and consequently bring TXO the league title. Rice led all scorers in the game with 12 points while Phillips had 1 1 . Jesse Harmon had 9 for the Brothers Local Judo Tourney Slated For March 30 By Kevin Kazacos The State Judo Club for men and women la now in existence, being established February 19, 1969 by a 13-0 vote of the Commission for Community Programming. Under the auspices of the United States Judo Federation, this club was formed in order to provide University students with top-notch instruction in Kodokan Judo. Since the instruction is being Student Association subsidized, it is free with student tax. Sports Shorts The Women's Intercollegiate Softball Team will have its first practice Thursday, March 20, at 4 p.m. in the Women's Auxiliary Gym. All interested women please attend. night, while Forando had 11 and Breiter 9 for the Sons. In the second game, Pi Theta Chi used a tight zone defense and fine shooting and rebounding to down Potter Club 39-23 for the League III title. PTC jumped out to a quick 13-5 lead and thereafter were never threatened. They employed an effective fast break which was T r y o u t s for the Women's Intercollegiate Tennis Team will take place in Gym " C " at the P h y s i c a l Education Building, March 20, at 3:30 p.m. Come dressed in sneakers and shorts p r o m p t l y . Tennis may be practiced in Gym "C", Saturdays 10-12 or Sunday 3-4. For questions call Coach Peggy Mann at 4535. Girl Hoopsters Instruction is from two very capable masters. Mr. Robert Fountain, Nidan, President of the Troy Judo Club is instructing the women, and Mr. Noriyasu Kudo, Godan, chief instructor at the Troy Judo Club, and All-Japan Judo Champion, is instructing the men. At present, we boast over 60 members. Formal class is on Monday, from 4:00-5:30, the women meeting in the second floor auxiliary women's gymnasium, and the men meeting in the third floor modern dance qymnasium. Proposed is a coed practice p e r i o d o n Thursdays from 4 : 0 0 - 5 : 3 0 , location as yet unknown. The training revolves around all aspects of Judo: training for rank advancement, s p o r t s , physical and moral conditioning, self-defense, and Japanese customs—not just the mechanics alone. Another point of Judo interest is the Third Annual Capitol District Judo Shiai being held at H u d s o n Valley Community College on March 30, from 12-5. For t i c k e t s t o t h i s big tournament, or for information about our own club, just show up at formal class, or contact Kevin Kazacos, 482-5286. Help keep America and Albany State fit and first through Judo. To Finish Season The women's intercollegiate b a s k e t b a l l team defeated Westfield State Of Massachusetts on Wednesday night by a score of 35-32. The victory brought the Albany Tigers' win-loss record to 3-4 for the season. The women were behind in the game 8-11, 18-21, and 28-29, at the end of the first, three quarters, but outscored the Westfield women 7-3 in the final quar'^r to win the game. High scorer for the team is freshman Linda Gabriel who is averaging 7 points a game. The final game of the season is home on Saturday, March 15, at 11:30 a.m. against Potsdam State. Co-captains Linda Lintz and Judy Mysliborski will be playing their final game for State after four years of intercollegiate c o m p e t i t i o n . Senior Terry Lamparella will also be playing her last game as the Albany Tigers try to extend their winning streak. Firjf Annual AMIA Wrestling Tournment March 14 6 15 Individual and team awards: 1 ) C o n t e s t a n t s : Open to individual and/or teams 2) Rules: NCAA rules(modified) 4 m i n u t e m a t c h e s 3)Weight classes: 125; 135; 145; 155 165; 180; unlimited 4)Awards: Medals t o 1st, 2nd, and 3rd p l a c e s - t r o p h i e s t o teams 5)Enlries: Entry blanks are available in Soccer Room Cage. Deadline for entries-March 12th. "NOTE: This is a novice toutnament; men who have earned varsity letters are ineligible. Vk ThMUJamt RETIRE NO. 30 Misfits, PTC, Sons Win AMIA Leagues II, III, IV pyDou. Fink The AMIA basketball league championships w e n decided last Bight with the playing of three title games. In the first game of the night, the Sons of Italy finally won a basketball trophy for Kappa Beta by downing the Paper Lions 38-28 in a tightly contested game for the League IV championship. The Sons took command at the outset and were never headed although the Lions came within one point late in the first half. Roger Forando and Dave Breiter led KB with six anf five points respectively in that session. Corby Thompson put in eight markers for the Lions. The Sons led by six at the half, 19-13. In the second half, KB, led by Forando and Breiter stretched the lead to ten which eventually was the margin of victory. Thompson led all scorers with 14 for the FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1969 fundamentals THREE MEMBERS OF the League II champion Misfits are shown doing what winning is made of. CAMPUS HOUSING The Off Campus Housing Office will conduct a series of Information Hours for all students interested in moving off campus. This will consist of a short presentation and a question and answer session. SCHEDULED QUADS, DATES AND TIMES AS FOLLOWS, March 18, 1969 7:30pm Walden Dining Hall March 20, 1969 7,30pm Dutch Quad Dining Hall S t u d e n t s p l a n n i n g to move off c a m p u s this fall, this meeting , 8 for The Civil Aeronautics Board currently has before it the decision of Examiner Arthur S. Present which holds that airline youth fares are discriminatory to adult passengers and should be eliminated. As most students know, youth fare is available only to persons between the ages of 12 and 22, and it applies only to seats which otherwise would be vacant. There are several reasons why the airline youth fare should be continued. Montana Congressman Arnold Olsen pointed out in Congress February 17 that "this has been a significant factor enabling thousands of young people to attend the college or university of their choice." He added further that nobody would benefit from elimination of the youth fare and could mean a general rate increase for all passengers. Most of the airlines want to continue the youth fare. The National Trailways Bus System, a trade organization of bus companies, filed suit against the youth fare plans claiming the plan discriminated against passengers who must pay the full fare. Airline officials agree that the youth fare has resulted in increased revenues. In addition, it educates the young people in terms of air transportation, developing a future clientele. Editors and writers of college newspapers across the Nation are speaking out in favor of reten tion of the youth fare. These include the American University Eagle, Ohio University Post, Michigan State University State News, Boston University News, Montana State University Exponent, and many more papers. Congressman Olsen charged that the elimination of airline youth fares would "encourage thousands of Collins presented with petitions Lopez dismissal to be reviewed By Valerie Ives Staff Reporter President Collins talked with a group of eight students who went to see him about the dismissal of Mrs. Maryon Lopez, from the Romance Language Department. Collins said t h a t if he discovered that Mrs. Lopez was not fairly dealt with then he would do something to rectify the situation. The students presented President Collins with petitions and a general statement about the case and then discussed it. They seemed very enthusiastic about her abilities as a teacher, and said STUDENTS! WISE CATS KNOW you save when you buy COOK'S TRAVELERS CHEQUES STILL ONLY 75<= issuance charge ON *100 AVAILABLE AT Albany Travel Bureau, 146 Slits Street First Trust Company of Albany, 136 State Strset Seven-Sixty T r u s t Inc. 760 Msdiion Ave. young people to resume the illegal and dangerous practice of hitchhiking or to attempt long dangerous trips, frequently in unsafe vehicles." In a letter to CAB Chairman John Crooker, Olsen asserted "I fail to see how permitting a young person to fly half fare on a seat that would otherwise go empty discriminates against regular passengers." The bus companies allege that the airline youth fare discriminates against adults. Now that's quite a switch. The safest automobile driver has to pay twice as much if he happens to be under 25. Persons under 21 cannot vote in 46 states-, persons under 25 cannot serve in Congress; persons under 62 cannot receive Social Security benefits; persons under 35 cannot be President of the United States, and on and on goes the list of discriminatory practices based on age. Moreover discrimanatory practices based on age sometimes fnvor the young. Children under 12 get discounts at movies, and students under 22 have received airline discounts. Congressman Olsen calls the youth fare "a bright spot in a world that generally discriminates against young people." The abolition of the youth fare will greatly reduce the amount of student flying, and the airlines wilt not benefit from having more empty seats. Write your opinion to CAB Chairman John Crooker, 1825 C o n n e c t i c u Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009; and send a carbon copy to your congressman. Protest this unfair decision against youth fares. There is still a chance the youth fare can be saved, for the full board has not voted on the proposal yet. So, if you care, make your views on youth fare known today; tomorrow may be too late. build yourself a bankroll this summer Get a GOOD-PAYING JOB at MANPOWER! what was important is that they how she was informed. were learning under her. The legal problem was brought Collins pointed out that he out—that the department has couldn't discuss Mrs. Lopez's already hired another teacher. The competency as an Italian teacher critical budget situation has put a due to his lack of professional freeze on hiring any more backround in the subject. teachers. The students said that He began discussing the Dr. Monroe of the Romance categories of teachers and that Languages Department said Mrs. Lopez was appointed for a perhaps it was a mistake to let term and this is her second one Mrs. Lopez go, but that it was toe year term. late to reh're her. The d e p a r t m e n t has no obligation to tell those who get an appointment why they got it or those who don't get it why they didn't. Its responsibility is to find the best available person for tht position. Collins said, however, that any individual should have an opportunity for an appeal. He said he would make an inquiry into the details of the fairness of the decision, such as how was the decision reached and The March 25 issue of the ASP is cancell ed Gould on Budget Cuts Continued from page 3 have to cut back some necessary items such as supplies and expenses, secretarial help, professional travel, or library support. I want to make it very clear that the faculty-student ration cut which I mentioned a moment ago, is serious indeed. For example, it means that a campus with 10,000 students will actually be able to budget for approximately 50 fewer faculty next year than it has now. Unless it has vacancies or "simply absorbs" new students, faculty will have to be dismissed and in many instances, commitments already made will have to be canceled. I have tried to picture for you the fiscal crisis we face and the tentative plans we are exploring in order to live within the $367.8 million expenditure ceiling. It is very difficult to simplify this complex matter, especially when we have had to shift from an "appropriation" budget to a "ceiling" expenditure budget. I have not been able to comment on certain technicalities that should be covered when such comparisons are made. However, members of my staff will be more than happy to meet with members of the Legislative staff to answer any questions you may have. The important issue—which I feel our charts do clearly and accurately portray—is simply that if we are to live with the present ceiling, certain very important things in the University must be sacrificed. To review: Our student-faculty ratios will be changed mors than is wise in a lingle year, increaiing class s i n , making faculty Issi available, and in toms instances removing existing faculty and stopping new •ppointmtnts. Adjustments for pries increases will bs denied which, in a period of Inflation, will result in • decrease in purchasing of supplies, materials, and equipment. The special economy savings enforced in 1968-69, for one yesr, will have to be continued. The workload increases needed for general administration and institutional services will be sharply reduced. Practically all funds recommended in the Executive Budget for improvement covering euch items at security on campus, computer programs, health servicee, and library will bs eliminated. All new programs will be eliminated or postponed, including organising a Generel College et Albany, starting a School of Business at Binghamton, beginning a Neuroiceinces Center at Buffalo, snd joining an interinstitutional Ocean Sciences Center at Stony Brook. The eid of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn will be removed from the University budget. The aid of private medicel schools will be cut to the current level of funding. And finally, I stress that the present plen does not provide for the $5.2 million faculty salary increases which are still far below whet our faculty requested and deserve. It ii unthinkable in our minds, that we can ignore such a need; yet we have not yet been eble to locate further areel of reduction in the budget that would provide the funds necesisry. Before concluding, I should like to make one or two observations about the University and its support. First, I want to stress that generally a budget crisis springs from two obvious facts—a sharp cutback in money, or a rigidly imposed formula as to how money is to be spent, or a combination of both. Under such circumstances I would urge that we in the University be given the greatest possible freedom to determine how our limited resources are to be used. The need to have flexibility is always important for a University, but it is especially critical when the budget is cut. If we are not only denied funds, but also told exactly how what is left is to be spent—without opportunity to shift to meet special crises and unique campus situations—then our task next year will be all but intolerable. Finally, as I look at the budget situation, I cannot help but reflect on our priorities as a people. In spite of impressive gains, we still face critical problems in our cities, in our natural environment, and in the inner quality of their lives. In our view, the University is one of man's last great hopes for a better way, and we must soon decide if we are going to invest adequately in the youth of today in order to make secure the world of tomorrow. Again, I want to say how impressed I have been by the priorities you in the Legislature have demonstrated and by your commitments to education. I want to say also that we in the University are keenly aware of the critical fiscal situation we all face. I assure you that we are eager to economize in every way possible—while at the same time fulfilling the mandate we have been given. My only purpose this morning has been to clarify as best I can the plans we have developed for next year, the peculiar financial difficulties we now face, the shifts in priorities we have considered, and the problems that remain unresolved. TXO THE MOVIE Presents At FAILSAFIc We have factory, warehouse and outdoor work — as many days a week as you choose. You get good pay, still have time to soak up the summer sun. Come In this week — we're Interviewing NOWI MANPOWER An Equal Opportunity Employer <5^ PAGE HALL Tonite Friday - March 14 ^b \ 3 # 8:30 pm Mmittion, $.75 EDITORIAL FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS / COMMENT The Demonstration The New York State Legislature will be faced with one of the largest demonstrationsever this Tuesday. It seems as if virtually the entire college population of N.Y. City will come to the Capitol that day to protest the forboding education budget cuts. We deplore the treatment education is receiving from the legislature. The budget cuts must not pass! For this campus it would mean 50 fewer faculty members necessary to maintain the present student-faculty ration. It would mean no implementation this year of the General or Experimental College, this University's first venture into relevant education. It is obvious that we mutt work together as a unified political and social force to prevent further deficiencies in our education. For these reasons, we wholly support the demonstration at the Capitol Tuesday. We believe that the appearance of large numbers of students will demonstrate the grave concern we all have for the future of education in this state. Students must be alerted to this impending danger and, once informed, act on that information cooperatively for the common good. Not only are informed students necessary, but faculty also. Inthe past, our professors have proven themselves worthless academicians in the sense that they have not shown concern for our endeavors. This, we feel, is a major reason why past efforts have failed. Now they may take a leading role. They must inform students in their classes of the threat facing all of us, and what students can do about it. We expect, again, that our professors will take advantage of their leadership to aid students by participating in our education and in our demonstration. We need them. There may never be a more opportune time to demonstrate our concern for the perpetuation and improvement of our educational institutions. There certainly will not be a better time for dialogue and communication. Assembly open letter TO: MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY OF N.Y. STATE ATTENTION: ASSEMBLY SPEAKER DURYEA When you appointed a task force to review and revise the Flynn Anti-Riot Bill, we had suspected the worst, for the members of that task force were the most conservative members of The Assembly, who seemed opposed to any intelligent approach to campus disorders. Today, we see our worst suspicions were well founded. Your task force has outdone itself by creating a bill which attempts to please everyone-but shows an amazing lack of regard for the guarantee of equal rights under the law. It was very wise of your task force to realize that the best place for dealing with academic problems is in an academic setting. It warms our heart to see that you have realized that taking away a student's scholarship (for demonstrating and being arrested) punishes him twice for the same crime-something we all know is not in the democratic tradition, Mr, Duryea. But your insistence on "preventing student disorders" has resulted in an amazing lack of good judgement on your part. Can you seriously believe that it is an equitable law that creates a new criminal category (i.e., "Aggravated Disorderly Conduct"), with a new criminal sentence (i.e., one year in jail and $1,000 maximum fine) for students convicted of "disrupting" wihtin 500 feet of a campusTWhy is it "aggravated" when it is 500 feet away, and merely "disorderly conduct" when it is 501 feet away?Can this be a serious attempt at effectively solving the problem? Can you see justice, Mr. Duryea, in the provision that makes a student who has been convicted twice (in an unlimited period) of aggravated disorderly conduct (arrested in a demonstration) eligible for up to seven years in jail?ls it justifiable to charge him with a felony-thercby placing on a student's record a charge which would seriously jeopardize his chances of entering a profession or business requiring a state license? You, too, Mr. Duryea, have fallen into that oh-so-casy trap. You have attempted to solve one of the pressing problems facing us today by attacking the surface manifestations of that problem. You say, "(This law) gives society further protection." Mr. Duryea, ran you seriously believe that? Universities are the cornerstone to a free society. No society that represses its students so harshly and irrationally is protected; rather, the institution of equality under the law is threatened. It greatly grieves us to see that you havenot attempted to find out why student unrest is evident on campuses across the state today-you have only looked at the how to of stopping demonstrations. This is sad, Mr. Duryea, for it will ultimately accomplish nothing. The inequalities inherent in this bill are overwhelming. The lack of real thought behind this bill is freightening. Although it returns some of the jurisdiction to the University Administration, this bill is not more lenient than the misdirected Flynn bill; it rather is more dangerous. The Speaker of the Assembly has made a grievous error in allowing this bill to come out of committee in any form-worst of all (we hope) in the newest form. We have.been informed that Governor Rockefeller may sign the bill in its new form, This bill is a violator of the principles of equal guarantee of rights and equal punishment under the law. it if grossly unfair and amazingly inconsistent. We urge all students to make every effort to insure that there is a torrent of protest against this latest attempt by the Assembly to destroy dissent on campus. State University of New .York at Albany Vol. LV No. A University is Quite s . m . V * u an. t » « / « f r e Communications All communications must be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Communications are subject to editing. 'Thanks' To the Editors: On behalf of myself, Coach Lewis, Co-Captains Rich Margison and Scott Price and all of the players on the team, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to the scores of Albany basketball fans who have followed us wherever we have played this year. I feel that this excellent support has been a great factor in deciding a great many of those close "road" games in our favor. It 'was particularly gratifying to see the continued enthusiasm during the Wagner game at the Eastern Regional despite the apparent outcome of the game. To me it was a deserving tribute to a "gutsy" team that overcame many physical handicaps in order to reach the tournament. To all of us- you are number one. Sincerely, Dick Sauers Basketball Coach Campus Viewed To the Editors: I just received a copy of a letter that a student at Oneonta State wrote his parents. "Yesterday, a few of us went to Albany, visited the Albany Campus. Wouldn't care to attend that place. It's not only overwhelmingly large but very sterile looking. More science-fiction looking than Oneonta's new buildings. They all look alike. No personality, no individual evident. I much prefer living off campus in a small city like Oneonta than in the middle of the Albany Sahara. Can you imagine living on the 24th floor of a dormitory? The whole place is like a moon port." How's that for a good, unbiased judgement on our campus by an Air Force-veteran student? F. Dickey SS-328 This writer (age 24) still believes that people marry to form a new way of life, call it "leading each other to Salvation," yet, it is still a peace of mind, not a piece of body! Does anyone believe in the man as Father and decisive arbiter of the household in whose hands the scales of domestic justice lie? Does anyone believe in people with self control, unselfish aims, similar economic philosophies, thoughts on a common experience to all beings—God: actually loving each other because of themselves as they exist spiritually apart from the physical and fisical realm? Is this type of love such an Eleusinian mystery that we must substitute instead the bacchanal orgy of mass worship of the transitory and physical? This writer, for one, feels love is sacred and not to be laughed at. True love is first and foremost the mutual growing of two people so that they think similarly and are using the same basic philosophy to achieve a homo-pneumatic and high unity and peace. It is out of this search and the sheer enjoyment of each other and true comrader in Union that first formed, fed the developing, and shall sustain (in more mature years) that "beautiful" quality called love. It is not so much mind over matter as it is sanity over insanity that this author suggests that we as individuals, a college, a city, a nation, yes even a world, listen to Cleo's teachings on societies and individuals that put the physical and fisical over the common salvation of the union (whether it be a marriage or a nation). Charles E. Knight 292 North Street Pittsfield, Mass. 01202 I ASPSTAFF The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP office is located in Room 382 of the Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.Tax. The ASP was founded by the Class of 1918. EditorilnChief Jill R. Paznik A Ira J. Wolfman Where Is Love? News Editor Tim Keeley Associate News Editor Kathy Huseman Arts Editor Carol Schour To the Editor: Sports Editor Jim Wimloui I have just finished watching several T.V, programs Feature Editor Gary Gelt und reading some newspaper and magazine articles us Technical Editors Pat O'Hern, BillShapsc I now take pen in hand to jot these few terse Photography Editor Stu Hitter remarks. Business Manager Philip Franchini Where has true love gone—or is it just hiding? I see Advertising Manager Daniel Foxman so much sex and "making love" in the empty lives of The Albany Student Press assumes no people today. Must we show our lack of self-confidence and sane attitude' toward the responsibility for opinions expressed in its physiological aspects of courtship and marriage by columns and communications as such expressions giggling and making sick jokes of it and a mockery of do not necessarily reflect its views. its sanctity? Pass-Fail: Faux pas? Tuesday March 18, 1969 GI, civilians protest war over Easter Discussion tonight on grades of S-U Easter weekend will be the time set for massive GI-civilian antiwar demonstrations, across the country. The protest actions are being held in support of those GIs who oppose the war in Vietnam. GIs and civilians are working together in order to co-ordinate the demonstrations, called by the National Gl-Civilian Antiwar Action Conference held in Chicago Dec. 28. The peace actions will be oriented to GIs whose involvement in anti-war protest is the most significant new development for the movement against the war in Vietnam. Seven regional centers have b e e n s e l e c t e d for the demonstrations in the US-Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, and Austin, which will hold actions on Easter, and New York which will demonstrate on April 5. The demonstration in New York, on April 5 will assemble at 2 pm in Bryant Park (Sixth Ave. at 41st Street) and march to a rally in Central Park. There will be speakers at the rally expressing the three themes chosen; support to antiwar GIs a call for bringing the GIs home from Vietnam now; opposition to theadministraiton's war o r i e n t e d policy of militarization and white racism. The Student-Faculty Committee to End the War is organizing for April 5 on the Albany State campus. Posters, buttons and other materials will be on sale in the Campus Center. Three alternative systems of grading will be up for discussion tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Social Science 256 as the Commission for Academic Affairs sponsors "An Open Meeting on the Pass-Fall Question." Dr. Alan Kuuisisto, Vice President for Academic Affairs, will give opening remarks and will moderate the panel discussion. The panel will include: Dr. Joan Schulz, Chairman of the Committee on Academic Standing; Dr. Arthur Collins, Chairman of the Task Force on Academic Regulations; Richard Collier, Chairman of the Commission for Academic Affairs of Student Association; and Mona Kurtz, student member of the Committee on Academic Standing. Three proposals are being considered presently. The first proposal, which came from the Commission for Academic Affairs, requests that " a l l under-graduate courses shall be graded on a Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S-U) basis." The second proposal is the present system of "A" thru "E" grades. Academic Affairs Commission has made this proposal their second choice of the proposals. The third proposal is a rather complicated system of grading. The professor would announce prior to pre-registration which of the four following grading systems he would use: (A) Letter grading; 0) Subject evaluation, i.e. a written description of student performance; (C) Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory grading, i.e. S or U; (D) Any combination of the above. If the professor makes no announcement of the method of evaluation for his course, the student may elect letter grading or pass-fail. The option of a written evaluation would be open to the student only with the permission of the instructor. Opinion Poll careful. Thorne feels that Universtiy students are "A. Giving The Commission for Academic their ID's to other kids and B. Affairs is also sponsoring an Sponsoring beer drinkers that opinion poll, to be held on the they never laid their eyes on dinner lines from Wednesday before." The situation must through Friday of this week. The change now before it'stoo late and poll will attempt to determine requires student cooperation. student sentiment as regards to a President Collins was also asked grading system for Fall 1969. to comment on today's CUNY Editor's Note: (In order for there march. He felt it is a "united to be a meaningful dialogue on attempt to remedy the situation pass-fail which can reach the vast but not an effective means of majority of students, we include influencing legislators." in this issue of the ASP two Collins did feel however that statements as to the relative "1000 letters from back home virtues of the present grading and the pass-fail would have more pressure than system system. The following is a 10,000 marchers." by Dick Collier, The remaining IB minutes of statement the discussion centered on the Chairman of the Commission for topic of drugs. Thorne added a Academic Affairs in favor of the few comments that members of complete pass-fail system.) the Bureau of Criminal The present A-E grading system Inverstigation made last week to members of the residence staffs. and the suggested partial S-U (or The BCI noted that if they felt ?. "pass-fail") system limit the b u s t was necessary they student and the instructor. Both of these systems maintain the "wouldn't even tell Thorne." Thorne did say that in the past pressure to get the best grade three semesters only 16 University possible in courses marked A-E. students were arrested on drug Unfortunately, "getting the is frequently little related charges and all were off campus please turn to page 7. students. THE ALBANY STUDENT COALITION, led by Chairman Stevi Chemiske, ponder demonstration tactics , aiming towards todays' CUNY rally and the rally on the 24th to 'Save SUNY.' Townies invade, vandalize; securitv needs student aid by T. W. Keeley * The President's Conference with students took on a very informal but serious look at the security problem of the past weekend, yesterday. President Evan R. Collins and Clifton C. Thome Vice-president for Student Affairs expressed their grave concern over the growing "townie" invasions which occur each weekend. Demonstration today, faculty budget letter by Valerie Ives Staff Reporter Albany State students are urged to support 'Don't Cut CUNY' by participating in the march on the Capitol today, March 18. Another march to 'Save SUNY' will be held on March 24 The announcement was made at yesterday's Faculty Senate that a letter signed by 24 department chairmen is being sent to Governor Rockerfcller as well as all members of the Assembly and the Senate, stating: 'We urge you to r e s t o r e to t h e bill (Appropriation Bill A. 2301-S. 1685) at least those funds described by Chancellor Gould as 'absolute essentials' for our operations. "We urge you to continue the support on which the State University depends if it is to fulfill its objective and become an institution of quality second to none." " I n his statement, the Chancellor pointed out that that the proposed budget would force the State University to effect drastic changes force the State University to effect drastic and harmful reductions in key areas of expenditure, resulting In an inflation of student-faculty ratios. It is estimated that about 10,000 students from NYC will be arriving at the Capitol at 12:00 noon today where a program including a rally and speeches The problem this weekend stemmed from the presence of a large number of high school "guests" that the band invited to the mixer. These "guests" were not permitted into the mixer because it was open to university students only. As a result the students made an evening of it by attacking Statu s t u d e n t s , creating disturbances, and vandalizing. Thorne announced that as a result an adminstrative decision was made to cancel all mixers. Further commenting on the matter, Collins noted that many of the youngsters picked up were 12, 13, and 14 year olds that were dumped at the University "as a babysitting service." "These students come here raising hell and beating up our students and our students aren't aiding in the process" by cooperating with the security police, Collins noted. Collins reluctantly added that "we are a short step from locking up the campus socially." Dr. Thorne also noted that we have a good chance of losing our liquor license if we are not more have been planned. Students are urged to write letters to their Congressmen about what will happen if the proposed budget passes and to sign their home addresses. There is not going to be a strike, but faculty members are being asked not to penalize students for not coming to classes on March 18 and 24. Students wishing to march should gather at Draper between 10:30 and 11:00 am. At 11:30 the parade to the Capitol will begin. 75 students attended an organizational meeting concerning the march that was held Friday afternoon. The meeting was conducted by Steve Cherniske. It was stressed that the march is going to be peaceful and nonviolent. Students are asked to dress neatly, as part of making a good impression to parade on-lookers. Discussed was the problem of getting the facts straight to everyone. The proposed cut in the budget will lead to cuts in education in olehr ways rather than a raise in tuition. One of the purposes of the meeting was to set up a publicity committee to inform students, faculty, and the community about the situation. '.'••." '"- iStte' A committee was set up to sell •Save SUNY' buttons at $.26 • Photo by neryamin apiece in order to make money to pay for the cost of organizing the THE INTERNATIONAL WEREWOLF CONSPIRACY held a reenactment of the death of Julius Caesar on march, Saturday, the Ides of March, in the Campus Center snack bar.