Communications Flynn EDITORIAL COMMENT

PAG* 8
. Senator Flynn's appearance on 'campus was handled most
appropriately by. the students present. We applaud their considerate
Their succinct and pointed questions .revealed the gross
miscalculations and lack of understanding on the part of the Senate in
. its passage of the anti-riot bill. We hope that members of the
Assembly, and particularly the special task force on campus
disturbances, will consider these questions, and the conduct of the
students who asked them, when similar legislation comes before them.
What was made most clear to Senator Flynn is the students' desire
for changes in the social structure and social reality of a democracy.
That we know the legislature will make laws to preserve a rigid status
quo, socially unsatisfactory for those who believe in democracy, that
we are prepared to sacrifice for changes in that status quo, was the
beautiful and obvious result of the dialogue that took place.
That we must organize and coordinate our ideas and actions in
order to mobilize as a powerful political force for change is clearly the
next step. We must not let the legislature of the State of New York, or
the Congress of the United States, forget the good intentions of the
majority; we cannot leave thern to freely practice their insane follies.
We suggest that students here organize now, support the existing
organizations, and that these organizations coalesce and unify against
:uch anti-democratic measures.
Alcohol Revision
' All communication! mutt b* addressed to th*
editor and muit b* tigntd. Communication* an
'Cuttyed' Up
To the Editor: Re: Robert Cutty's review of THE
To compare THE WORD with PRIMER, going so
far as to speak of "PRIMER alumnus" is to make the
assumption that both magazines have the same goal.
Note that one is a University Review, the other a
And further, because of this difference, the cannot
be reviewed using the same criteria. A University
Review, such as PRIMER, is necessarily a
compendium of separate pieces—there is no specific
unity striven for. A magazine, such as THE WORD is
a specific unifying element. Mr. Cutty's review
confuses this distinction: he fails to see the forest for
the trees. His review is of pieces, not of a magazine.
It is interesting, albeit unfortunate, that no
mention was made of the layout of THE WORD. The
specific handling of space and contrast was done
purposefully. Mr. Cutty mentions his approval of the
photography, but not in the context of its relation to
the accompanying writing.
Of course, if the writing is placed on the
photograph, the relation does become more obvious.
Mr. Cutty did discern this much. Consideration of its
composition may have provided Mr. Cutty with the
insight that THE WORD is more than a random
sampling of SUNYA literary talent.
The regulations governing those areas in which alcohol
William E. Nothdurft
consumption is permissible on the campus are now being revised and
Lawrence B. Rosenfeld
will be effective p robably within the next three weeks.
We feel that the new policy, which allows alcohol to be consumed To the Editors:
With regard to the editorial of Tuesday, February
in the living areas, is much more appropriate than the one we now
25, concerning your recommendation to change the
elective, we would like to bring to your attention the
In terms of time, however, it is rather late, as legislation of this type
lack of pronoun antecedent agreement in your
usually is. In other words (and I am sure those concerned with the bill concluding paragraph.
realize this), the policy revision only legalizes the already established
Rosemary DeBonis
Kileen Tracy
fact of drinking in the dorms. Nevertheless, we are glad to see the
formal policy catching up to reality.
It does reveal, most emphatically, administrative concern for
applying, in reality, the oft staled proposition that students be
. allowed to develop and practice responsibility.
(The alcohol policy revision was passed by Central Council last To the Editors:
One day there will be a lasting peace in the Middle
night and will, hopefully, be passed by Student Affairs Council this
afternoon. Following these recommendations, it must be finally East, and the various political and other problems
will be resolved. But until that happens there is still a
approved by President Collins before implementation.)
state of war between the Arab states and Israel, and
More on this in Tuesday's ASP.
the Arabs are quick to remind the world of that fact,
and they continue to justify their aggressive acts
against Israel on this basis.
Your correspondent, A. Babiker (Feb. 25) refers
to certain articles which comment adversely on
Israeli action in occupied areas. The really interesting
Another successful season has gone by for the Great Danes thing is that the Israelis permit foreign
correspondents freedom in these areas to observe and
Basketball team, but this year there's a difference. The bid to the
write. I can only conclude from this that Israel is
NCAAthatwe'vc received brings with it the recognition so long hoped prepared to let the world judge its behavior in the
for-and so long deserved by our team.
occupied areas.
Unquestionably, in any occupation, there will be
It is a great accomplishment by any standards. As the Danes take
on Wagner College tonight in the opener of the tournament, the spirit some unpleasant incidents, but the important thing is
and good wishes of this University's p opulace will be behind them. the over-all approach and policy. And on this score
the Israeli occupation will be revealed as one of the
But no matter what happens in Syracuse this weekend, the NCAA has quietest and softest in military occupation history.
finally recognized what we've known for two years: those guys make
Why do not the Arab countries permit western
up one helluva team.
observers to report on the plight of Jews in those
countries? The fact is that Jewish societies in these
countries have been and are being destroyed, and the
plight of the remaining Jews is infinitely worse than
the Arabs in any of the Israeli occupied areas.
Let us not forget that if the Arabs had overrun
Israel in June 1967 there would have been no
problem of Arabs occupying Jewish areas. The
Arabs gleefully made bloody clear the awful fate
The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the
that awaited the Jews-JEWS and not just Zionists!!
Student Association of the State University of New York at
Albany. The ASP office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Irving H. Sabghir, Professor
Center and may be reached by dialing 457-2190 or 457-2194. This
Industrial Relations
newspaper is funded by S.A. Tax.
The Albany Student Press was
founded by the Class of 1918.
Arabian Conflict
Great Danes
New* Editor
Auoeiat* New* Editor
Art* Editor
Sport* Editor
F*atun Editor
Ttchnieal Editor*
Photography Editor
Butin*** Manager
Advertising Manager
Tim Keeley
Kathy Huueman
Jim Winelow
Gary Gelt
Pat O'Hern, Bill Shapte
8tu Riiter
Philip Franehini
Daniel Foxman
The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions
expressed in Hi columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
State (iniMNfty of New York at Albany
To the Editors:
The constitution of central council section 4 a&b
states that the president and vice president of
central council shall be elected by a two-thirds vote
of its (central council's) total membership instead of
a direct vote by a majority of the student body.
If one of the aims of central council is to bring
the university community closer together than why
should its officers remove themselves from the
control of their constituents?
This aloof s t y l e of e x e c u t i v e makes
commonpurposes and goals harder to achieve among
the many diverse facets of campus life. In an age of
student responsibility and awareness it seems
apalling that such high positions so vital to a student
body's best interests are once removed from their
direct control.
Thus on Monday March 10 there will be a
referendum on all the dinner lines asking people to
display their support for the direct election of the
president and vice president of central council in the
hope that central council will listen to the wishes of
its voting public and rectify a situation which has
for too long been ignored.
Respectfully submitted,
Greg Thompson
Forum Desired
To the Editors:
The letter which I wrote to your paper was written
prior to my decision to accept an invitation of the
International Student Group to participate in the
discussion on Zionism. While this decision did not
turn into a "superfluous shouting" match and was
reasonable and quiet, it al s o was not a true dialogue.
Even had Am Yisrael participated, it did not provide
a framework for true understanding. We must all
work together to find better frameworks for using
our contact on campus for that end. If any persons
interested in finding a suitable forum for
understanding issues and feelings like the
ARAB—Israeli confrontaiton, they are free to
contact me on campus.
Walter P. Zenner
Dept. of Soc. and Anthro.
M.J.'s Misconceptions
Tutidaa, Mareh If, (969
Margison concludes career
witlfsiiperb performance
Popular Elections
To the Editors:
Concerning Mr. Rosenberg's Off Center column of
February 14, I should like to point out some
misconception on the author's part. His discussion is
largely an emotional appeal that seems to be outside
of the realm of reason.
His major address is to the el-fatah as
representative of Hitler's troops. However, they act
as sabateurs and foreign agents in Israel's occupied
lands and Israel proper. This appears to parallel more
closely Hitler's opponents. The use of Hitler's name
is clearly intended to imply a detrimental outlook on
Jews when in fact, their orientation is towards
Israelis and their agents as can be documented by the
literature described in the February 11 issue in the
"Hebrew Students Alliance" advertisement. This
"Anti-Zionist" propoganda" addresses itself to
Zionists who aid or participate in Israeli expansion,
not to the Jew as a people.
As to the lack of popular support for the el-fatah
and their militant behavior, these statements are also
inflammatory and unsupported. The el-fatah lacks
governmental support due to the threat of an aroused
public. The people support the el-fatah as the only
effective force against the Israeli. Their militant
behavior is regretable, but equally as understandable
as the activities of the Irgun and Stern gangs (Mary
Ellen Brown, Communications, February 14). Mr.
Rosenburg has again used inflammatory inferences
without reasoning out the fallacies entailed in his
To the Editors:
Then Mr. Rosenberg concludes with Israeli
Where is the "Student Government;" What is the "lastman" courage in battle in an apparent attempt
"Student Government?" It is letting an opportunity to deny such courage in the el-fatah. Both sides are
to really lead the student body slip by. The equally as determined and equally as courageous in
opportunity is some form of recognition (protest?) defense of their cause. To illustrate, I would like to
of the current actions of the legislature.
know of the el-fatah captured alive. I know of none.
It seems that SDS will pop out of the ground
In conclusion, Mr. Rosenberg, when such
again to fill the vast vacuum created by the student incriminations are made, you should (1) document
them, (2) employ logical, reasonable arguments, and
This is really too bad, since SDS does not (.')) avoid loaded phrases and words that serve only to
represent most of the students. And, I feel, that excite emotional biases. If what you say has value,
many students would shun anything for which SDS reason should be sufficient support and emotional
is responsible. As a result, something which railing below you.
concerns most of the students will probably pass by,
ignored by them. Unless SDS becomes impossible to Sincerely,
ignore I
Gary Anderson
Mary Anne Stephens
SDS—And the Vacuum
Jill Paznih and lira Wolfman
Photo by Cantor
Rich drops the winning shot to
put the Danes one up over
L e M o y n e i n t h e NCAA
tournement Saturday.
"The Margison Era" in
basketball at State is over, but it
was exciting while it was here.
It all ended most appropriately
with another one-point win for
the cardiac kids. And, once again,
it was Rich who provided the
scoring punch and all-round good
play that upset a cocky LeMoyne
team, 71-70.
Montclair State won the
tourney with an impressive
101-78 victory over Wagner
College. They will now go to
Evansville for the National Small
College Tourney this Wednesday.
Following a more than
emba raesing 109-64 loss to
Wagner College this past Friday
night in the opening round of the
NCAA East regional tourney, the
Sauersmen had every reason to be
down for their contest with the
Dolphins the following night.
LeMoyne took advantage of
MYSKANIA, class officers
announced; Thome speaks
by Tom Monteleon
The members of MYSKANIA
1970 were tapped Sunday. Before
the Tapping began, the Invocation
was said by Father Smith of the
Newman Center. Dr. Clifton C.
Thorne, Vice- president of
Student Affairs, spoke to those
present, and the results of Class
elections were announced.
The following were tapped as
members of MYSKANIA 1970:
Peter Pavone, Kathleen O'Neill,
Diane Battaglino, Terry Mathias,
Marsha Halper, Robert Holmes,
James Winslow, Fran Litz,
Thomas Nixon, Paul Lieberman,
Victor Looper, Philip Franchini,
Stephanie Rice.
Officers elected for the Class of
1970 were President, Peter
Pavone; Vice-President, Robert
Moses; Treasurer, Barb Garley;
Secretary, Stephanie Rice.
Officers for the Class of 1971
include President, Richard Wesley;
Vice-President, Ralph DiMarino;
T r e a s u r e r , Michael Glass;
Secretary, Bonnie Woatherup.
Officers elected for the Class of
197 2 are President, Thomas
Richard Friedlander; Treasurer,
Susan Levy; Secretary, Dale
Also announced were the new
members of Alumni Board which
include: Linda Berdan, Anthony
E V E R Y O N E ,
G R O U P S ,
L E F T ,
AT 6:30 P.M. IN HU 264 TO
I N F O R M A T I O N ,
Casale, James Kahn, Mary Mencer, according to Thorne. The
and Duncan Nixon.
principle idea of Thome's speech
Dr. Thorne, the guest speaker, that "academic anarchy is
began his speech with ten followed by academic tyranny."
quotations taken from the news Dr. Thorne also stated that
media of the past week. The "institutions of higher learning are
quotes were related to the creatures of society that exist for
problems and unrest present on the benefits of society."
College and University Campuses
Thorne then "charged" those
across the nation.
students who are leaders with the
Part of the blame for campus preservation of this University as
problems falls on administrators an example to others.
that psychological edge to take a
sixteen point lead into the locker
room at half time.
four points in the first half while
committing three personal fouls,
began to take over. In the ensuing
fifteen minutes, he hit for 24 big
points on nine of eleven from the
field and six for six from the
charity stripe.
On numerous steals and many
big rebounds, the Dans* pulled to
within ten points with four
minutes to play. As the 800
Albany fans in the stands want
wild, the LeMoyne lead dwindled
until, with just one minute left,
two points separated them.
please turn to page 6
Faculty, professionals
bargain with Gould
Story and photo by Potskowski
Friday morning Samuel H.
Gould, Chancellor of the State
University of New York,
appeared at a hearing which
investigated the issues involved in
negotiations under the Taylor law
for faculty and professional
workers at the various State
University campuses.
For three and one half hours
Chancellor Gould answered
questions from groups which wish
to represent the campus as a
bargaining agent. In the
courtroom-like procedures, the
chairman of the hearing was kept
busy deciding the validity of
objections and counter-objections.
In many instances the hearing
turned into a debate on semantics.
Seated in the Assembly Hall
were representatives from the
various organizations which wish
to represent the
campus :
American Federation of Teachers,
of Samuel Gould visited the campus
University Professors, the Civil last week as faculty began its
Service Employees Association, attempt to choose a bargaining
and the Faculty Senate.
Dr. Israel Kugler, speaking for
the American Federation of to be represented will vote on
Teachers, attempted to show that which organization will be their
the Faculty Senate could not be bargaining agent. One of the
the independent bargaining agent choices offered in the election will
for the campus professors because be t h e o p t i o n
the Senate is supported by the representation at all. If no
University and thus is completely
dependent upon the University. clear majority, a run-off election
Dr. Kugler also argued in favor of will be held between the two
independent bargaining by each choices which receive the most
campus of the University system. votes. A final decision concerning
Chancellor Gould strongly which organization if any, will
objected to this point, stating that r e p e r e s e n t the
the State University of New York personnel will be rendered by the
is a unit.
There are several other key Board.
issues which remain to be settled.
What individual groups will be
represented by the union? A
decision must be made as to
whether university professors only
will be represented, or if
assistants, dorm
directors, and other University
staff members will be included in
A conference that attempted to
the bargaining unit.
"build a national constituency for
Later this year after the above peace" attracted over 2,000
issue has been resolved, the groups students and "liberals" from
across the nation to the New York
Hilton on March 5.
A series of concurrent panels
and a luncheon, attended by such
noted speakers as Senators
Fulbright, Javits, McGovern and
Cranston were the highlights of
the "First National Convocation
on The Challenge of Building
Peace" called together by the
Fund for Educution in World
The panels feature speakers
such as Floyd McKissick, Hurrison
Salisbury, Marcus Rasken and
Robert Straus-Hupe.
Peace conference
attended by over
2,000 in N.Y.C.
They spoke on such topics as
"Is American Becoming a
Militaristic Society?" and "Can't
Lasting Peace Be Attained In .
Photos by Benjamin
r or an
an in
in depth
uepin look
ai some
some of
New class officers and MYSKANIA 70 members were sworn in Sunday following a speech by Dr. Clifton C. the activities of the day, please
Thome, Vice President for Student Affairs.
turn to pages 2 and 4
Jtaw can a lasting peace
in Ada be secured?
There will be an organisational
An evening with two noraliete
w i l l , b e p r e a e n t e d 8 : 0 0 meeting of the SUNYA New
Wednesday, March 1 2 , at Democratic Coalition Tuesday.
Hamanua Jbeeker Library. It March 11, at 8:00 pm in SS 266.
win feature Dr. Eugene lUrabelli, All 'reform' Democrats are urged
aaat. prof. of American Literature to attend.
at the University and author of
two novels, and Bill Kennedy, a
There will be a meeting of all
feature writer and film eolumniit those girts interaatad in the
for the . Albany Time* Union. Spanish Language Residence Halt
(Free with refreshment*.)
on Tuesday, March 11,1989, at 7
p.m. in HU 133. Those who
There will be NO meeting of attended last week's meeting are
AM Y1SRAEL, Thun., March 13. requested to attend thia meeting,
and anyone else interested in the
S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y program is welcome to attend.
Committee to end the war will
have a meeting tonight at 7:30 in
HU-28, .
A lecture, sponsored by the
Archeeological Inatitute of
Engliah graduate students and America will feature Dr. John D.
seniors interested in the Engliah Cooney of the Cleveland Museum
Graduate Program will meet with of Art. His subject will be
Dr. Knotti, Friday, March 14, at 1 "Forged Egyptian and other
p.m. in HU-123 for the purpose of Antiquities," Time is Thursday,
discussing the policies and March 13, 8:00 pm in the
practices of the graduate program. Assembly Hall, Campus Center.
No admission charge.
COMMITTEE meeting will be this
all those interested in
Thursday at 7 p.m. in the S.A. having kosher food or home
Office (C.C-367).
hospitality for Passover, please
call Sara, 8826 or Perle, 8821.
There will be an informational
meeting for all Freshmen and
Saturday, March 15-Idea of
Sophomores interested in the
R o m a n c e Languages Honors M a r c h .
Program (French and Spanish) reenactment of Julius Caesar's
March 24 at 7:30 p.m. in HU-354. death. 1:00 pm Fireplace lounge,
C e n t e r . Cast of
Refreshments will be served.
can do for peace in Asia. It should "give up its base
by lull
in Okinawa and recognize tha neutrality of Japan."
However, Kiiaman stated in reference to
ASP Co-Editor
having made the mistake of entering, "our
Asia la in tha midst of revolutionary
change .indicated not so much by continual warfare withdrawal must be phased," rather than
aa by fundamental social changes that are weakening
"We must provide for continued American
traditional cultures.
A technical alternative, such as that which the military presence in Vietnam until the Communits'
have been.tested."
United States might impose on Asia, is "not obvious
Herman Kahn
and not desirable."
Agreeing with HHiman, Herman Kahn, director
Martha Darling, one of the "Challenge of
Building Peace" confereea, stated thia proposition and principal founder of the Hudson Institute,
during the afternoon conference at the N.Y. Hilton reported that Japan ia and will be the most powerful
dealing with the question "How Can a Lasting Peace Asian nation.
The country has a high morale and a gross
in Asia Be Secured?"
Asia's needs require that national leadership national product 50% higher than China. "In terms
per capita income, world wide influence and
adapt to the movement into a. modem world.
Presently within these societies there is no response prestige Japan ia the key to Asia."
Kahn sees the Asian revolutions as "reactionary,
to change, aa a result revolutionary groups grow.
The U.S. inevitably links revolution to subversion against the West, a rejection of Western culture."
He then added, in an apparently contradictory
by Chine and respond with a policy of containment
and the support of governments with a military statement, that "peace depends on U.S. presence in
We (the U.S.) sponsor armies, she said, that keep
"Take it out and you will have increased tension,
governments in power. As a result, we are cast as a (nationalistic) arms race "
defenders of a status quo that no longer exists.
Richard M. Pfeffer
"Our culture, our history does not allow us to
Mr. Pfeffer presented a somewhat more radical
understand their revolutions."
point of view than the preceding speakers.
Our attitude, she went on, directly implies that
"This war," he said, "is the greatest military and
we have a good system, that others should have it economic scandal in history." He then reiterated the
and that we will help them get it.
solution of so many othera-the unilateral and
"The Asian people must work out national immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops.
solutions to national problems. The less western
"Vietnam's historical situation was against us, but
participation in this, the less violence there will b e . " we'll do better in Latin America" if the American
Roger Hilsman.
war machine is left unchained.
"Japan will be the technical advancer to watch in
Chinese revolution,
inaugurated by
Asia; China will become an effective politics1 force, Mao-tse-tung, and misinterpreted in the United
fulfilling her historical ambitions.
States, is, he said, a revolution of social progress
"For this reason we should change our rigid which we cannot understand. Pfeffer considers Mao
policy toward China."
a radical in power.
Roger Hilsman, former Assistant Secretary of
"We are afraid of disorder in Asia, although very
State for Far Eastern Affairs, went on to give a little of it threatens our national interest. "
somewhat futuristic view of Asia.
Neil Sheehan
He said, "the most potent force in Asia now is
"We must abandon the misconception that
emerging nationalism and the determinations of
Communism is our enemy. This is what led us into
nations to control their own destinies."
There are limitations, however, on what the U.S. Vietnam."
Neil Sheehan, Defense Department correspondent
for the New York Times, continued his theme
stating "bad government, social injustice, disease
and poverty make a durable, peace (in Asia)
"We must be varied in the criteria we use in
handling these problems.
please tum to page 4
FEDERAL S C H O O L REPORT says: The Philadelphia
public schools are engaged in "the most dramatic revolution in a city school system in the post-war period."
' Reform in Philadelphia is "more widespread and farreaching than In any large school system in the country."
DR. M A R K SHEDD, Superintendent of Schools, says:
"Iwwill continue, to support teachers who are able to
examine, in a mature way, the gut issues of our day —
war, sex, race, drugs, poverty. If we divorce school subjects from the guts and hopes of human beings, we can
expect students to find them gutless and hopeless."
R I C H A R D S O N blLVVORTH, President of the Board
. of Education, says:- '.'The city is where the action is. It's
where the challenge Is. It's where we are lacing the great
moral Issues of our day. If you want action, come teach
in Philadelphia. If you don't, teach in the suburbs."
W E SAY: Come join our school revolution as a teacher.
Get In on the action. Teacher salaries are rising rapidly.
So is our school system. See our recruiter on your campus
March 1 9 , 1 9 6 9
or write to the
Office of Personnel-Recruitment (Telephone 215-448-3645).
For Tuesday's paper-Sunday, 3 p.m.
For Friday's paper-Wednesday, 12 Noon
Class Rings
Order your class ring now for delivery before
Graduation Day .
Deadline April 11,1969
Now In Stock
A large selection of Monarch Notes and
Study Guides
All organizations who want to
have a booth for State Fair and
w e r e n o t at t h e
organizational meeting call Norma
Israel at 457-7718 or Carol
Tibbeth at 457-8931.
Collins announces 92% for
open campus recruitment
•- ia
• --••••• -impossible to
by Amy Gurian
President Evan R. Collins remove someone with tenure,
announced the results of last unless He is charged with "gross
week's recruitment poll at his i m m o r a l i t y ,
c o n f e r e n c e with
students i n c o m p e t e t a n c y , o r
insubordination," charges which
can rarely be proven or enforced.
the 3,002 students
psrtleipsting, 2759 voted in favor
The purpose of the Security
of sn open csmpus, constituting
Police was q u e s t i o n e d in
92V of the ballots cert; 138,4JM&
connection with recent thefts in a
voted for a closed campus; snd
girls' dorm. Collins stated that the
107, 3KX proposed s selective
primary purpose of the police is
the "protection of the members
of this community."
The security force keep*
outsiders from the dorms when
they may be after "pocketbooks
or something they consider mora
The conference was concluded
with congratulatory remarks to
the newly elected MYSKANIA
members and to the basketball
Alcohol,new hours
go on to Council
The F a c u l t y Senate had
deferred any decision on the
recruitment policy until the
student poll was taken and will
reach their own decision next
Collins also referred to a note
by Anita Thayer
from Chancellor Gould, in which
the Board of Trustees approved in
The new campus alcohol policy
principle the belief that it is the and the revised open house policy
President's responsibility to make were approved by Student Affairs
m e e t i n g s held in University Council Friday afternoon in
facilities known to the public and substantially the same form
previously approved by LACC and
This question was recently Central Council.
raised by members of the local
These p r o p o s a l s will be
press during the recent S.D.S. presented to Faculty Senate
Regional Meeting, where they March 17, and then presented to
were charged admission to a University Council by President
meeting that had previously been Collins for the final approval.
declared open to the public. The President Collins indicated his
possibility of selecting certain approval of these proposals at his
members of the press was raised, C o n f e r e n c e w i t h
in view of the press' frequent yesterday, referring, to them as
practice of misrepresentation.
"generally, a thoughtful solution
The three categories of faculty to the problem."
appointments were then explained
Basically, the new alcohol
by Collins in answer to a question. policy would allow alcohol in
The t h r e e categories are: individual suites and rooms, as
temporary or part-time; term, for well as lounges, and the grass areas
1, 2, or 3 years; and tenure, or that are considered part of the
c o n t i n u i n g appointment. A living areas.
faculty member who is granted
Alcohol would be prohibited
tenure maintains his position from the physical education areas,
"without limit of time."
parking losts, the Academic
Youth fare threatened
students petition CAB
Democratic Action has petitioned
t h e Civil Aeronautics Board
(CAB) to continue low-cost
Youth Fares as an experiment in
"third-class" fares for people who
could not otherwise afford air
The CAB also accepted briefs
from t h e National Student
Association (NSA) and the
National S t u d e n t Marketing
Corporation(NSMC). The three
groups will represent students'
interests when the board holds a
hearing March 12 to decide
whether to abolish the discou nt
rates for persons 12-22.
A CAB examiner ruled in
January that youth fares are
"unjustly discriminatory" against
older travelers who must pay full
fares. A federal court had ordered
the board to open up the matter
after opponents of youth fare
(mainly interstate bus companies)
brought suit.
Three measures were recently
i n t r o d u c e d in Congress to
continue Youth Fares. Rep. James
II. Scheuer (D-N.Y.) offered an
amendment to the 1958 Federal
Aviation Act that would make
explicit the CAB's right to grant
Youth Faros. (Opponents of
Youth Fares contend they violate
a section of the ACT that
prohibits unjust discrimination.)
Sen. Charles Percy (It-Ill.) offered
u similar bill in the Senate, and
Rep. Arnold Olsen )D-Mont.)
i n t r o d u c e d
resolution that says Youth Fares
are in keeping with the ACT's
NSA argues in its brief that
Congress should be given a chance
to act on these proposed measures
before Youth Fares are abolished.
Campus ADA contends in its
brief that the nation has not
t h e "adequate,
economical service at reasonable
charges" that the 1958 ACT
sought from U.S. Airlines. While
travel is a necessity today, air
transportation "remains a luxury
which most Americans can ill
afford," it argues.
Striking down Youth Fares on
the supposition that Congress
o u t l a w e d it by a general
discrimination" would be an
"anomaly," the petition says.
"Standby service at a lower cost is
the essence of social" justice, not
For the one-half discount,
Youth Fare travelers must travel
on a stand-by basis, that is,
without a reservation. (Some
airlines do offer guaranteed seats
at a one-third disocutn.)
Podium, and adjacent areas,
U-Lounges, and one lounge in
each Alumni Quad dormitory.
The proposed revisal of the
residence hall regulations would
give the residents of each hall the
responsibility for determining
their own policies and hours in
reference t o v i s i t a t i o n in
accordance with guidelines set by
T h e a d o p t i o n of t h e s e
proposals will be another stage in
t h e l i b e r a l i z a t i o n of t h e
U n i v e r s i t y ' s living policies.
R e c e n t l y , t h e r e have been
continual revisions and changes
which have acknowledged the
capability of the student to
assume responsibility for his own
These changes include: the
elimination of all curfews, the
e l i m i n a t i o n of m a n d a t o r y
sign-out, the adoption of a closed
door policy during open houses
and visitations, and the 1967
a l c o h o l p o l i c y which first
permitted alcohol on campus.
The proposed alcohol policy as
passed by Student Affairs Council
includes the following points:
I. Students be allowed to
purchase, possess, and consume
alcohol on an individual or group
basis within the limits of the law,
and as specified in the following
II. Alcohol be allowed in the
folloing parts of the living areas:
in individual suites and rooms, in
the section lounges, in the lobby
and hall lounges, in the Flagrooms
and Cafeterias, on the grass areas
that are considered part of the
living areas.
III. Alcoholic beverages shall be
excluded from the following
areas: U-Lounges, one lounge in
each Alumni Quad dormitory.
IV. The residents of the
individual residence units may
prohibit alcohol in any of the
above-mentioned areas except in
the individual suites and rooms by
a two-thirds vote of all students.
V. Violations of this Alcohol
Policy shall be referred to the
appropriate judicial body.
VI. An educational system shall
be established by LACC to inform
students of the responsibilities
they will have.
Sorrell Chesin, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, spoke Sunday at a
Student Faculty Tea.
Photo by Cantor
Marxist Novack
speaks next week
George Novack, noted Marxist I n t e r n a t i o n a l Commission of
historian, will speak Tuesday, Inquiry into the Moscow Trials.
March 18, on REFORM AND The resulting investigation cleared
REVOLUTION IN AMERICAN Leon Trotsky of charges brought
HISTORY. He will speak at 8 against him by Stalin.
p.m. in the C.C. Ballroom. A
In 1940, Novack headed the
question and answer period will defense for the eighteen Socialist
workers Party members convicted
Mr. Novack has been a political under the Smith Act. This was the
activist all his life. In past years, first of many actions challenging
he has championed causes which the legality of the bill.
are now part of American and
During the 1950 's, he worked
world history. Following are a few against the rising fanaticism
caused b y S e n a t o r Joseph
During the 1920-27 period, he McCarthy. In recent years, Mr.
helped organize the unsuccessful Novack has devoted himself to
defense against the execution of scholarship, writing, and lecturing.
Sacco and Vanzetti, the two He has spoken at Yale, Berkeley,
anarchists convicted of murder M . I . T . , H a r v a r d , C h i c a g o ,
despite much doubtful evidence. Michigan, a n d many other
Former Supreme Court Justice schools. Some of his better known
Felix Frankfurter and others also books are: 'Existentialism Versus
entered the fight to prevent the Marxism" (1966), "Development
of Empiricism" (1969), "Moscow
In 1937, he convinced John Versus Peking" (1963), and "Who
t o e s t a b l i s h t h e Will Change the World?" (1961).
Hamburgers - 20*
French Fries - 18*
Fish Sandwich - 30*
Cheeseburgers,- 25*
Located in Quad Lower lounge*
Dutch Colonial State
Double Cheeseburger - 39*
Shakes - 25* I 35*
Apple Turnover - 75*
Chocolate - 15 £ 25*
Soft Drinks - 10 6 20*
Coffee - 15 6 2 5 *
Sat. Ham-2pm
Hot Ham S Cheese - 45*
College Students
Mon.-Frf. Apm-lfm
Big Shef - 45*
3 Mln F r o m N e w C a m p u s
Asian-American Politics
Walden presented the tint in a aeries of coffee house circuits Sunday
in the Walden dining area. The circuit is to continue each Sunday
photo by Potskowski
Is America Becoming
A Militaristic Society?
The answer was obvious to all present, even before the panelists
began discussion. Anyone who had the desire to attend something
billed as the "First National Convocation On the Challenge of
Building Peace," paying prices ranging from $10 (for students) to $50
and upwards to attend a luncheon at the NY Hilton, was going to
answer in the affirmative to the question "Is America Becoming A
Militaristic Society?"
The interest that this discussion was to generate lit in its four
major panelists, with their widely divergent backgrounds and
approaches. There was Seymour Mehlman of Columbia University,
professor of Industrial management; a man attacking the immenseness
and the power of the "killing industry" in this nation which has
brought us to a point where we now control weapons capable of
"annihilating the world's population thirty times over."
There was Floyd McKissick, a former director of CORE—first and
foremost a black man, and concerned with a society in which the
black man "was the victim"... a society which allowed the creation of
a Military-Industrial Complex which McKissick asserted was a "racist
concept" by the white man, who visioned himself as "savior to a
colored world."
Then there was Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
University of Colorado, who informed us that
America was not becoming a militaristic society.
"We've been one since our birth as a nation. We were
conceived in violence and militarism led us through
the early years."
Paul Booth, young and hopeful, also contributed.
He saw the U. S.' military establishment being
attacked by both the New Left and the Black
Militants—and he saw this as a move away from the
vast complex's growth.
The panel, one of the morning's concurrent panels
at The Hilton, was chaired by John Gilligan,
unsuccessful "dovish" candidate for U.S. Senate from
Ohio last year. It was dominated by the overpowering
presences of McKissick and Mehlman—two men
intense in their views; two men adamant in their
McKissick dwelt upon the racism he saw as so
blatant in every aspect of American history and
warfare. In a somewhat rambling presentation, he
nevertheless captured complete attention of an
audience somewhat aghast at his views, yet absorbed
in his delivery. The Vietnam War was simply another
example of "the white men's view of superiority."
The Black in America would get nothing, he decried,
until "you stop killing my brother over in Southeast
Asia." Be it the Indians or the Black Man or the
Indonesian or the Japanese, the white feeling of
superiority was going to express itself violently, he
Mehlman asked all those present to examine the
cost of a war-like nation's preparations for greater
and greater annihilation capabilities and told us that
"To continue as we are now is to take the High Road
to the End of the World—World War III." He decried
the stupidity of the ABM system, and the immense
cost it would entail. He spat out his disdain for
Senator Russell of Georgia—-who, according to
Mehlman in the Senate debute on ABM had said, "If
there is to be nuclear war, and all but an Adam and
an Eve are to be annihilated—I want them to be an
American Adam and Eve."
Mehlman hit hard on the responsibility of the
taxpayer to say " N o " to burgeoning military
expenditures by the federal government.
When a student in the audience asked Mehlman if
he wasn't overemphasizing the role of lessening
monetary availability to the military, and ignoring the
basic attitude of militarism prevalent in today's
society, Mehlman snapped back "Money is power."
The answer was so obvious that it didn't even
deserve its billing as lead question to a panel of
d i s t i n g u i s h e d m e n . We all saw America's
militarism—and after the session with Mehlman and
McKissick, we were overwhelmed by its power and its
grip on America's mentality.
continued from page two
"The Allan nations hold political beliefs different
from ours, sometimes they are unfriendly. W* must
• tolerate and aid them; we are strong enough to
endure enmity."
In that area of the world, Sheehan continued, a
Communist government may be the best available.
Another point he introduced was that for some
nations revolution is the established order.
However, in order to prevent violent change, the
U.S. supports "suppressive violence for the
maintenance of the status quo, the maintenance of
social injustice.
"Only by violence can the masses seek to change
their conditions.
"The loss of money is worth it if it avoids the
hatred of a suffering people.
"We may conduct ourselves in Asia most usefully
by keeping in mind the long-term interests of any
country we aid," and not by maintaining American
colonies for our own, short-term interests.
"We have sacrificed Vietnam to ephemeral
political and military interests. We have reaped
enormous suffering which will come back to haunt
Howard Zinn
Professor of government at Boston University,
Howard Zinn was the last and most emotional
panelist to analyse the whole mess.
He could not understand the American desire to
gather in conferences to promote change.
"Such conferences, as the one in which we are
now participating, dull the intensity of feeling we
should have about the condition of the world.
"Where we have gone wrong in the past was in
the inability to see how really bad it was. When we
finally do see, it is always too late.
iiiiauy uu wc, n ia always w u
"We are just beginning to see the explosions that
will take place for people are trying desperately to
say something that we will not listen to.
Although Zinn's voice was low and his words
halting, his intense emotional involvement with
what he was saying was striking.
"The cry of the poor," he said, "is not always
just but if you do not listen t o it, you will never
know what justice is."
We cannot, he feels, be concerned with the world
condition by acting In the capacity of policeman.
Our trouble now is with "keeping our basis as n
nation. We don't belong in Vietnam for one morp
Thunderous applause broke out at this assertion
and later when he said, "We have got to get our
military bases out of Asis. We may be helping a
small elite, but it doesn't help the people of the
Zinn suggested that the U.S. give one-hundred
million dollars to Gunnar Myrdal and ask him to
help us.
Continuing, he said, "we must stop thinking thai
political stability is absolutely necessary for
Referring to Helsman and Kahn, Zinn said it was
such a rational, intelligent and moderate approach
that has led us into disaster (Vietnam). "We must be
immoderate in our answers as we are dealing with
immoderate danger.
"If we do not raise the intensity of our
psychological feeling and bring our level of action
up to it, there will be no world left to be reasonable
"We must do far more than we have ever done
*>inn received
received aa standing
stanoing ovation.
Union German Department offers
performance of von Kleist ptay
H e r m a n Dpnnrt.ment
The German
Department of
Union College and the German
Club of the University are
sponsoring "Der zerbrochene
Krug," "The Broken Jug," a play
be Heinrich von Kleist tongith at
It is being performed at Nott
Memorial Theatre, a theatre in the
round, by the West German
l e r m a n v . Admission
Remscheid, fGermany.
is free.
For those interested, there is a
bus leaving from perimeter road
across from the Humanities Bldg.
at 7:30 p.m. There will be a $.75
Following the play, there will
be a reception in the Union
Rathskellar for members of the
cast and audience.
Wilheim Michael Mund and
Blancha Blacha both of whom
have studied Kleist's work and are
credited with being masters of
Kleist's art of language.
It is the troop's fourth visit to
the United States and Canada,
For more information, call Hay
Link at 465-4610.
State University Theatre presents 'Fairy Tales of New York' by I.P.
Donleavy, directed by Paul Bruce Pettit. Pictured from left to right
are William Snyder, Robert Clayton, Mary Eileen O'Donnell, and John
'Fairy Tales' opens Wed;
satire of American myths
State University Theatre will
present "Fairy Tales of New
York" by J. P. Donleavy as its
second major offering of the
season. Opening on Wednesday,
March 12, the play will be
performed a total of eight
evenings—4 evenings each week
for two consecutive weeks in
Richardson 291 at 8:30 p.m.
Paul Bruce Pettit, chairman of
the department of speech and
dramatic art, is director of the
current production. Dr. Pettit also
directed the American premiere of
the play when it was produced by
the Arena Summer Theatre in
"Fairy Tales of New York" is a
series of sketches concerned with
d e a t h , big business, he-man
Collins gives
next Mon.
Daniel Collins, tenor-countertenor, will be guest artist at the
March 17 concert in the current
music department faculty series at
the University. The program will
begin at 8:30 in Page Hall. There
is no admission charge.
Mr. Collins will be assisted by
the American String Trio, Charles
F. S t o k e s , William Hudson,
Dennis Helmrich, and Barbara
Blank, a student at the University,
in a program including Schubert
Lieder, Rossini tenor arias, Purcell
songs for countertenor and
harpsichord, and J. S. Bach's
Cantata 54 for solo countertenor,
strings, and continuo.
This year, Mr. Collins has
toured with the New York Pro
Musica in the medieval musical
dramas, "The Play of Herod" and
"The Play of Daiiii ' "
syndrome and social acceptance. situations ping with authenticity."
The bite and hilarity of the scenes
Mr. Donleavy's first novel,
merge with heart and truth to "The Ginger Man," was published
successfully capture the essence of in Paris and later in England.
the American ethic.
The cast o! four includes
The play was produced first at students from the Capital District.
the Pembroke Theatre in England. They are Robert Clayton, William
It was an immediate success and Snyder, John Koethen, and Mary
Donleavy received the Evening Eileen O'Donnell. Edward Kramer
Most Promising is the stage manager.
P l a y w r i g h t Award.
Tickets for the show are now
Shulman wrote of it "The writing on sale in the Campus Center for
is witty and sharp, the characters $1.50. The box office is open
are brilliantly observed and the weekdays from 10 to 4 p.m.
"My name Is Yakov Bok, a Jew looking at him through the door
and your brother." So ends John and says, "My God what is It?"
Frankenheimer's latest film "The Yakov slowly raises himself up
Fixer." It stars Alan Bates in the and repeats over and over each
lead role of Yakov, supported by time with more emphasis,"I am a
Dirk Bogard as Biblikov and has man!" Surely he is much more.
to be one of the best films I have
The question has been raised if
seen in a while. Based on the Yakov was a martyr, and if so at
novel by Bernard Malamud it is what point did he become one.
essentially a comment on the
If he was a martyr to
suffering of man This Jobian what was hie sacrificing himself?
theme is handled perceptively by Surely not to his religion. It is
both the director and his cast but made quite clear that Yakov is not
considering that they are working a religious person. He himself
from a work by Mr. Malamud this admits it at one point in the film.
is not surprising. Time and again Besides this there is the scene
you are given insight into the where Yakov, after reading the
c h a r a c t e r of Yakov as his New Testament, remarks to a
principles and beliefs unfold guard t h a t he understands
throughout the film. You not something. That something is that
only sympathize with him but any one who hates a Jew hates
you also are able to empathize Christ-they are one and the same
with his character.
as are all men. All religious
I must admit that in the boundaries are done away with in
beginning of this film I was not his mind. So to what is he a
impressed with it at all. It seemed m a r t y r ? T o his principles,
that you were being subjected to a perhaps.
lot of visual violence without
But this is not really that
being given any reason for it, or
relevant to the film per se. He is
f u r t h e r m o r e , any depth of
not made out to appear a martyr
but rather a Man. A man with all
Therefore the violence became his suffering and pain, his growth
simply an unpleasant spectacle. and failure, his thoughts and
But as the film progressed you ideals, his love and his hatred-this
became aware of the character of is what we are concerned with.
Yakov and violence became less Anything else is secondary.
repulsive. The many different
sufferings that he had to endure
The acting in this film was
ranged from the physical to the superb. Alan Bates became the
p s y c h o l o g i c a l a n d t o t h e character of Yakov Bok so
emotional. He was subjected to
every possible means of insult and completely that the viewer feels
degradation to his humanity and with an intensity the suffering of
the person of Bok. Bates' facial
still remained strong.
expressions, his mannerisms and
There is an extremely good
way of speech, and his reaction to
scene in the film where Yakov is
the other characters around him
seen lying in the corner of his cell
all contribute to the believablility
a mass of beaten flesh. A guard is
of the Jew. Identification is not
really possible but empathy is
certainly not difficult on the part
of the viewer. When Yakov
imagines that he becomes the
prosecutor and imagines that the
person he has control over is the
Czar there is a line spoken which
pierces the viewer. Yakov tells the
contemporary and energetic, it Czar to strip because he has to
was original, which I find search him. When the Czar asks
refreshing to see for a change.
him what he is being serached for,
"Promises, Promises," is easily Y a k o v a n s w e r s ,
the best musical of the season. If Certainly an intense feeling is felt
for nothing else, and it does offer by the audience at this time.
more, it has advanced Broadway
With regards to the film, what
by its effective use of guitar,
organ, and ensemble singers in the can I s a y - - t h a t I highly
orchestra pit, all of which provide recommend it? Somehow this
seems inadequate..
its new sound.
'Promises9 offers a new sound
with energetic performance
by Fred Onufryk
music an unusual sound seldom
The Bacnarach sound has hit heard on Broadway.
Jerry Orbach's acting was
Broadway, and all for the better.
Although "Promises, Promises" is excellent. His biggest feat was to
a 'conventional' musical, it has soio the title number while doing
that certain sound which sets it a vigorous dance.
This has been the most
apart from anything else this
energetic musical performance I
seen in a long time, barring
The show, if you don't yet
know, is based upon Billy Wilder's the deep characterizations of Don
movie "The Apartment." It is the Quixote or the M.C. in "Cabaret."
Jill O'Hara did a fair job, as
story of the naive Chuck Baxter,
played energetically by Jerry Chuck's girlfriend. However, I
Orbach, who moves up the find her voice unpleasant,
executive ladder by lending his sounding small and squeeky, as it
apartment keys to other executives also did in "George M."
Marian Mercer gave the only
The most exciting aspect of the
show was the music. It could be outstanding female performance.
the best score of the season, She craftily played the innocent
certainly better than "Zorba." New Year's Eve pick-up.
Neil Simon's book is not up to
The music has a beat which you
don't just simply listen or tap par with that of his straight plays,
your feet to, but absorb and feel. but it is certainly an improvement
Many of the songs have varied over his last musical, "Sweet
meter signatures, which bring Charity."
them out of the realm of being
Most of the sets are streamlined
common. Use of the electric and effective. The choreography
guitar and electric organ gives the was excellent. Aside from being
Sabbath Services
Every Friday evening at 8:00 pm
100 Academy Road, Albany, N.Y.
Transportation arranged by calling 436-9761 by each Thursday
Sign up sheets will be posted on the buUetin board opposite the Campus Center Information Desk, starting
Wednesday, March 12. Photos will be taken March 24-27 and April 8-11 and 14-18 only! For further information,
call Jim Foils at 457-8765.
308 Central Ave. Albany
Telephone HE 4-9703
Classes will be in session during the final days of Passover. Hillel is
trying to arrange Kosher-for-Passover food and facilities for these
days (dinner April 7, 3 meals on April 8 and 9,breakfast and lunch
on April 10). If you are interested in participating (on campus or
home hospitiality), please fill out the coupon below and send by
University mail to.'
Box 369 BB, SUNYA
Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge
Banquet Hall Up To 175 People
Entertainment Tues.-Sat.
Dancing Sat. Night
Reasonable Room Rates
Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm
Rt. 2 0 - 4 Miles From Campus
Phone 448-6686
A. Toronto Prei.
: Name
j Student No.
• Addresss
• On Campus
; Phone
; Home Hospitality
Notes from the Movement
by PeterPol let
Sauersmen Take 3rd Place
Margison Makes All-Stars
Continued from
page 1
As h a s almost b e c o m e
expected, Margison got the ball
for State and sunk a twenty
footer, tying the score. LeMoyne
took the ball out of bounds,
looking for the last shot of the
game. With thirty seconds to play,
a Dolphin shot went astray and
Jim Caverly, who had thirteen
rebounds, pulled in the ball.
I I i *r> ti A eta i n
i t i c n l\$>nlU
Photo by Cantor
RICH MARG,S0N , s shown
gojng up for one of hjs | ast
shots as a Great Dane.
Rich's Records
Hich Margison ended his victory career last Saturday night in
Syracuse and did it in true form as he scored twenty-eight points,
caused numerous turnovers, and scored the tying and winning baskets.
"Number 30" will take several school records with him as he leaves
Albany State.'
1. He broke the all-time scoring record (three years) held by Don
Cohen '61 (1,365) with a record 1/109 points.
2. He now holds the one season scoring record with 530 points.
3. He holds the one season field goal record with 199.
4. His career average of 21.0 tops all State players ever.
In the NCAA regional tourney, Rich was named to the all-star
team. He has also made the all-star team in the Capital District
Tourney for the past two years. He was on numerous All-East teams
this year and last and was named to the UPI honorable mention
all-America list this year.
Beyond all these records, Rich will be remembered by every sould
who saw Him play, not only for his scoring ability and artistry in all
phases of the game, but also because he was a real winner in every
sense of the word.
AMIA Playoffs
The AMIA Round Robin
basketball playoffs concluded this
past Sunday night.
All division championships
were decided and thus set the
stage for Thursday night's league
championship contests.
In League I, Potter Club more
than reaffirmed its overall
supremecy by clobbering APA,
61-47 as they were paced by Jim
Masterson's 16 points and Joel
Velinski's 13 markers. In other
action, the Bruins, led by Steve
Flood's 14 points, downed UFS
The Brothers won the League
11(a) title by defeating TXO by a
score of 37-28. Ron Rice's 22
points led the Misfits to a 47-44
victory over the Super Frosh, thus
clinching the League 11(b) title.
These results pit the Brothers
against the Misfits in the League 11
championship encounter on
In League 111(a), Pi Theta Chi
finished the regular season
undefeated as it squeaked by the
Purple Yawn by a score of 39-35.
Jay Marshall's 11 points and fine
defense and rebounding by John
Stuhl and Mark Grand led the
way. In League 111(b), Potter
Club, paced by Jerry Legietri's 15
points downed Clinton Hall by a
score of 32-29. Thus, PTC will
meet the Club on Thursday night
for the League III championship.
proclaimed that
Sauersi publicly
publicly proclaimed
the fan support was instrumental
in the upset victory. "I think it
really disturbed LeMoyne to hear
their opponents cheered 'so on
their home court," he said. It
seemed that there were more
rooters , from Albany than from
There was a mutual admiration
society going between
fans and Montclair State who
went on to defeat bushleaguers
from Wagner, 101-78. It was more
of a vendetta against LeMoyne
than anything else and prompted
the entire Montclair bench to
stand and thank Albany fans
when the championship was in the
bag with about a minute to play;
This set the stage for Margison's
driving layup with three seconds
left to play. Richie went to the
floor as the shot did not go in.
The referee called the foul and the
crowd was ecstatic. Richie calmly
sunk the first shot ensuring the
The basketball team and
"Doc" Sauers wish to express
Hheir sincere thanks to the
Albany student body for its
support throughout the season,
and, most of all, for its intense
enthusiasms in this past week's
NCAA tourney in Syracuse.
We've proved ourselves to be
worthy of the great basketball
team that wears our colors.
Just thanks!
The New York State budget for
f iscal year 1969-70 will be
approved by the State Legislature
In the next few deyi. This budget
has caused much public concern,'
and it threatens to lift the apathy
from SUNY campuses across the
We must understand from the
outset that there it nothing we
can do about the budget. There
a r e s e v e r a l r e a s o n s for
this-starting with the way each
yearly budget is prepared.
Compilations of requests for
the 1969-70 budget began in
Spring, 1968. For SUNY, for
administrations must submit a
b u d g e t - to the central
adminsitration. Here the total
SUNY request' is prepared and
sent to the State. In cbmpiling the
total for this year, President
Collins informs us, $50 million
was cut from the initial requests.
The State puts together the
State total budget which is
submitted to the Legislature by
the governor. This year's total
budget was a record high of $6.7
billion, including $405 for SUNY.
Margison, and Scott Price are
shown in the locker room after
their 71-70 win over LeMoyne.
The fourth picture is self
we're nonviolent,
so be careful of your
after shave." ^-\
\#% a
SUNY's budget would be cut
by this preoceo from 6406 to
$367.8 million, which President
Collins reported would be' $24
million short of the minimum
operating need.
Students, poor people and
working people have no chance in
affecting this process. They don't
elect the legislators, they don't
make up the budget, and they
don't testify at the hearings. All
they can do is write letters-and
let's face it-one phone call from
the head of a local bank
outweighs 100 letters.
Nevertheless, some students
have decided to protest this year's
budget, especially as it relates to
SUNY. There have been plana for
a atrike and a state-wide
demonstration in Ablany on
March 19.
Unfortunately the timing and
direction of the plans have been
poor. The Legislature, for one
thing is trying to get out of
Albany as quickly as possible and
may have voted on the budget by
March 19.
In addition, talk of a week-long
strike is aiming at the wrong
enemy. Students wouldn't be
The process of putting together hurting the Legislature by not
the budget guarantees that the going to classes. Both SUNY
Legislature cannot deal with it adminstrators and faculty will be
properly. It takes up two large giving their support to any efforts
columes when printed and is not to restore the SUNY budget.
Yet something must be done. A
considered bedtime reading.
However, the legislators do not coalition committee of SUNYA
really have to be able to read or organizations is being formed to
interpret the budget. The coordinate activities on this
legislator's interests are narrow, campus. Suggestions have been
reflecting the political and made that a teach-in be organized
economic interests that put him in for Tuesday afternoon and
office. Most of the decisions are evening, March 18, with speakers
made throught the party informing the student body about
leaderships and the floor debate is questions related to the budget.
pure rhetoric (just go down
We owe it to the people who
someday and listen!).
are being hurt by this budget (and
The projected revenues for the that includes ourselves) to inform
coming fiscal year are $620 ourselves and others about this
million short of expenditures. The
governor could have handled this
problem himself, but rather than
face the repercussions, he put the
Legislature in the position of
having to raise the taxes and make
the cuts.
Photo by Cantor
Editor, ALBANY
Fewer people write about the
"Vietnam problem" today,
because fewer people read about
it. The audience, composed
previously of public and atudents,
has about vanished. Both groups
have shifted their focus of
interest, the students to the
Oppressors of Mankind, the public
to the students.
A striking similarity can be seen
in another field: who today writes
or reads about the "civil rights
problem"? Here too an audience
is lacking; and again, it is because
the blacks and the public have
altered their objects of interests.
society to white people. And so
too the atudents have shifted their
attack from Vietnam to people
at hand.
Both groups have a great deal
of logic behind their effort:, even
if they did destroy the audience.
The black, who hated his
condition, and who turned his
anger toward that condition, now
directs his anger at the people
who gave him that condition.
Similarly, the student, who hated
the Vietnam war, and who turned
his anger against that war, now
directs his anger at the people
who gave him that war.
The change, in effect, may be
Both groups perpertrated a
described as one part of the type of overkill. A black insists
audience, the public,, becoming that all white men are equally
more defensive; the other part, guilty for his condition, since all
more violent. The audience has white men are part of white
split. The active black shifted s o c i e t y , the cause of that
from civil rights to civil disorders condition. And the student insists
and black nationalism; the active that the President of the
student from Vietnam to the University, etc., is guilty for the
Oppressors. The black switch war and oppression, since he is
came most sharply after the death part of the Establishment, the
of M.L. King; the student switch, cause of the war, and the
after the death of R.F. Kennedy. Oppressor.
Tragedy ushered in tragedy.
The shift meant not only a
In both cases, the shift was
tendency to overkill, i.e.,
accompanied by one common
irrationality. It also meant that
characteristic. Both groups have
now that one can see the causative
turned their attention to objects
agent-see the white man, see the
closer at hand, objects which can
President, the policeman-one can
more directly feel their violent
strike directly at him, in a most
energies. For the blacks have
direct way.
shifted their attention from white
While this did not necessarily
promise to be the moat effective
way of solving problems, it
certainly promised to be the most
exciting, adventurous one. It waa
alio the easiest one, for the
protestor needs no ' longer to
think-see a white face or an
Establishment face, and that is
where the anger is to be directed.
The other part of the
near-extinct audience, the public,
has switched it's interest too,
namely, to the protestors. It has
become just a bit more defensive,
just a bit more fearful, and thus
just a bit more insolvent. It does
not like to be banged on the head;
it does not like to see The Law
Broken. So Mayor Daley shall
maintain his popularity, and Gov.
Reagan's, it is said, is growing.
Thus while the public moves
(again) from sympathizer to
oppressor, the blacks and students
move from educator to a second
childhood. The public stand*
alone and is defensive about it;
the student stands alone and is
defisnt about it; and the black
stands alone and glories in it. The
number of audiences, serving milk
and cookies after the lecture, is
We pick up I deliver prescription!
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Rockefeller suggested that the
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Poll's Results
On the surface, the rendu of.the recruitment poll are a very
impressive victory for the advocates of the "open campus" policy.
Unfortunatly, we cannot accept the results as an accurate picture of
the views of 3,000 informed voters.
It is well and good that those who supported the concept of open
campus went out and worked their hardest for that side of the
question. They educated the electorate to their point of view, and
managed to stir up enough Interest to lure a record number of voters
to the polls.
But th*pott it—If fdled. Earlier last week, we stated that we saw the
poll as a definite good, for it stimulated discussion and provoked
thought. We gave the student body too much credit. Too l a t e , w e
discovered that it stimulated only irrational discussion, dealing in high
moral terms and concepts rather than practical considerations, as they
related to those very concepts.
The blame is not to be placed specifically in one particular place.
The responsibility was lodged, however, within a few groups.
Those who inaugurated the poll and were responsible for its being
run properly failed to. elucidate both sides of the argument. More
importantly, they failed to make any provision to make sure that both
sides would be heard in any rational manner. It stands to reason that
if there was sufficient grounds for holding the poll, then the reasoning
on both sides carried some degree of merit. However, the polls'
initiators seemed more interested in breaking voting records, than in
helping students understand the reasons why the poll was necessary in
the first place.
Those who supported the concept of closed or slective campus
recruiftnent made something less than a feeble effort to put their
points across. There was, as has been stated already, merit in the
arguments put forward by some of the advocates of closed campus,
especially concerning such matters as the question of priority of
allocation of funds to placement service rather than something
concerned with academic life. However, when discussion with the
opposition took place, the majority of those who supported closed
campus did so on either irrational grounds or by utilizing faulty logic.
If the electorate had been better educated (undeniably, a fault of
this newspaper also) as to both sides of the question, the results
problably would not have varied to any large extent from those
recorded. But to our way of thinking, the results would have been far
more valid. As it is now, we consider the results of this poll of liitle
worth. The issues became too confused, too muddled, for them to be
understood by the average voter. It seemed to be too much a division
between goodf OPEN CAMPUS—We're i for freedom of speech!") and
bad (CLOSED CAMPUS-~We don't give a damn about freedom of
There were valid points in the arguments of the supporters of the
closed campus policy. Due to an abdication of responsibility on the
part of those who were responsbile for running the poll, and due to
the lack of organization on the part of the closed campus advocates,
those constructive and logical statements were never heard.
Before President Collins uses the results of this poll as conclusive,
proof of the overwhelming support for an open campus policy, we
urge him to inspect the circumstances under which the voting
proceeded. ->-&
- n
rress freedom
SUNY's Board of Trustees has proposed a policy statement which
would require the free admission of all news media to any campus
event that is open to the public.
In other words, when the general public (students and the Albany
community) is invited to attend a student event, such as an SDS
confernece, the newsmen arc also automatically invited free of charge.
From past experience we know that student activities on this
campus have not been treated at all fairly by the outside press.
Although we agree with the Trustees "Whereas it is the public's
right to know about those matters which may fall into the public
realm," we do not believe that the public can know the truth from the
media's misrepresentation of facts, misquotes and general lack of
understanding in reporting.
We can no longer trust newspapers, radio or TV to report events
accurately. It is common knowledge that their coverage is directed
toward sensationalism. In addition, they view events, particularly
student administered events, through myopic established eyes.
We arc not afraid of new;, coverage, we arc apprehensive and with
good reason, of news being colored to fit what an audience wants to
If the press can be discrimanting in its coverage of campus events,
those who sponsor such events must be allowed the freedom to be
discriminating in its use of the press.
If the press is to be excluded, the event must be advertised as
"closed" campus event, i.e. not open to the public.
EDITORS NOTE: Due to budgetary problems, the Albany Studont
Press will not be publishing regularly in the coming weeks. We will
inform you of the interruptions in our printing schedule in the noar
POLICY NOTE: The aim of the Albany Student Press this term is to
give correct and accurate, but incisive and descriptive, views of the
news. To this end, we have instituted a Features section, which aims
at subjective impressions along with factual reporting. We have also
given our reporters the freedom of expression of mood and
background which may be seen as "coloring the news". We do this not
to advocate any position, but rather to point out sides of issues which
might otherwise be missed.
ftfa'-'Woaird Jap'tll stop)'
Stat* Unfocralty of Ne» York at Albany
MeMtriY «VSU»P$
March 18
Friday, March 14, 1969
Student Alliance to
march on Capitol
jjiN/ocfNT, VoKN(r
J»..HlW W i S . »UT
fcLAi, sue «>es
By Gale McAllister Staff Reporter
"We are facing something which is probably the most serious
problem the University has ever faced," declared Steve Cherniske of
the Albany Student Alliance in connection with the proposed budget
Students from the 17 campuses of the City University (estimated
between 6,000 and 10,000 in number) will be arriving at the Capitol
12:00 noon Tuesday, March 18. If Albany Students support this
march, it is probable that some reciprocal action will take place and
City College students will come back up on Monday, March 24, to aid
the SUNY march.
Students wishing to participate in the March 18 movement are
urged to attend a coordination meeting today, 2:00 in HU 137.
(JOT 4p(»W t '* T 6
K l 5 MftrW
All communications mult bt addressed to th*
editor and mutt be ligned. Communication! are
subject to editing.
Half fare dilemma
l o the editors:
The way things are going, you and your readers
are about to lose their privilege to fly at half-fare.
For some reason, practically no one in the
country felt concerned enough about it to file a
brief with the CAB on behalf of the students who
are the users of the cards. National Student
Marketing Corporation was the first to intervene,
followed only by the NSA and the Campus
Americans for Democratic Action.
We cannot, however, win the fight alone. We
need your help. Hearings before the CAB are on
March 12,1969. If we are not successful, everyone
of you, regardless of age, will have to pay full fare
and the half-fare cards which you now hold will be
We feel that if your readers were fully aware of
the situation, they and their parents would want to
do something about it. The best thing to be done at
this point is to send us letters of protest at the
cancellation of the half-fare program. We will make
sure they are forwarded to Congress, the CAB or
wherever they will do the most good.
Time is of the essence!
Very best regards,
Cortes W. Randell
Double Oops!!
To the Editors:
With regard to the editorial of
T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , c o n c e r n i n g your
recommendation to change the presently required
English composition course to an elective, we would
like to bring to your attention the lack of pronoun
antecedent agreement in your concluding paragraph.
Rosemary DeBonis
Kileen Tracy
Ed. Note: Although this letter was published last
issue, its meaning was changed by an inadvertent
ommission of one line. It is now reprinted in itt
Lopes Dismissal
To the Editors:
The institution so long praised for Its glittering
ideals...the self-righteous body of knowledge that is
unchallengeable because of its holy nature.
We speak of education in terms of schools,
teachers, students-all respectively Identified with
brick w a l l s , well-dressed professionals, and
wide-eyed, innocent children. The fallacy lies not in
the conception of what education is, but in the idea
of its image, its practical existence, We are atuned to
an established image and our thoughts are so glued to
that visualized institution that we do not allow
ourselves consider further images, perhaps more
humanized and natural perspectives of the "school",
the "teacher" and the "student."
If we are to seek a meaningful education in which
sincere human beings are involved in the reciprocal
process of learning—student and teacherHet us
seriously consider the dilemma of a member of the
Romance Language Department at the University,
Mrs. Maryon Lopez—who has been released from
employment as of June, 1969.
Mrs. Lopez has not yet been allowed a hearing on
her dismissal, nor even a clear explanation of the
department's decision. (Her dismissal was announced
last November.) It was implied that her ability in
teaching was not sufficient, but on no concrete
grounds. No one observed her classes or received
complaints from students.
What exactly are the criteria of an "efficient"
teacher in the eyes of a department that claims itself
to be "democratic" in nature, and that espouses
"academic freedom?"
Mr. Lopez refused to resign after having been so
requested, staling that she personally could not
justify a resignation, since she felt that she had been
conducting her classes (promoting the learning
process) to meet the needs of her students and her
own standards.
She cannot compromise on the issue, because it
involves a conflict between her attitudes toward
education and the demands of the administration.
It is impossible to objectively describe a teacher's
way of promoting learning, but there are several
student* who would "testify" in Mrs. Lopez's behalf
reaffirming her capabilities and effectiveness in tht
"classroom", as well as in the time devoted to
personal attention outside the formal learning
As a student body, as a faculty, as a school, we are
presented with an on-the-line issue: What is the image
of education? How narrow are our sights? Mrs.
Lopez's position is a vital case in point. Where do we
go from here?
Barbara Sjostrom
Karen Fallesen
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.Tax. The
ASP was founded by the Class of 1918.
Jill R. Paznik A Ira J. Wolfman
News Editor
Associate News Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Technical Editors
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Tim Keeley
Kathy liuseman
Carol Seliour
Jim Winslow
Gary Gelt
Pat O'Hern, Bill Shapse
Ed Potshowshi
.'hillp Franchim
Daniel Foxman
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
An increase in the faculty-student ratio, a decrease in the number
of books purchased by the library, a cut down in the amount of
necessary supplies needed by faculty in order to properly educate the
students, more large lecture classes, and basically a general decline in
the quality of education will be the problems the New York State
University System will face next year.
These problems stem from the fact that the budget of $443 million
MEMBERS OF THE ALBANY STUDENT COALITION a n planning to aid the CUNY march on the
Capitol Tuesday March 18. Over 6,000 students from CUNY will be participating in the protest of the that the University System originally requested was cut by first 9% to
$405 million and then by 5% to $367.8 million where it now rests.
budget cut.
Photo by Simmons
This is not a 5% cut as some would lead the students to believe, but
a devastating 14% cut.
To this University, the budget cut will mean a deficit of $586,130
of which only $438,000 can be saved by skimping drastically on
expenses (e.g. no increase in the amount of faculty, fewer library
b o o k s , etc). That leaves a
$148,130 deficit in which there is p r o b l e m s were d i s c u s s e d ,
no possible way to make up. explained and several important
The Pass-Fail system will be and in the Campus Center from The professor would announce There is no place left to shave solutions were agreed upon.
For immediate action all
discussed in an open meeting and Wednesday to Friday, March prior to pre-registration which of money off expenditures.
voted upon in an opinion poll 19-21. All students are requested t h e four following grading
However, we are not the only students should write letters to
to voice their opinions on the systemshe would use: (A) Letter University affected. All two-year their State Senators advising them
next week.
The open meeting will be held proposals which are presently grading; (B) Subject evaluation, and four-year colleges, plus the of what will happen to our
i.e. a written description of other three universities in the University and others if the
on Tuesday evening at 8:00 in under consideration.
Three proposals are being s t u d e n t p e r f o r m a n c e ; (C) S t a t e S y s t e m a r e equally proposed budget passes.
Social Science 256. Dr. Allan
This letter writing campaign is
K u u s i s t o , Vice-President for considered presently. The first S a t i s f a c t o r y - U n s a t i s f a c t o r y
hampered by the budget, as are
A c a d e m i c Affairs, will give proposal, which came from the grading, i.e. S or U; (D) Any the City Colleges and the private extremely important. Students
opening remarks and moderate C< -nmission for Academic Affairs, combination of the above. *
institutions throughout the state. should write personal letters and
If the professor makes no
requests that "all under-graduate
the panel discussion.
In order to do something to also inform their parents of the
The panel will include: Dr. courses shall be graded on a announcement of the method of end t h e c r i s i s , "we need situation (letting them realize that
Joan Schuiz, Chairman of the Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (S-U) evaluation for his course, the solidarity," explained Cherniske. the budget means they will pay
A c a d e m i c basis." The second proposal is the student may elect letter grading or
"All groups on campus, no more in taxes and get less in
Standing; Dr. Arthur Collins, present system of "A" thru " E " pass-fail. The option of a written matter what their interests, must dividends anc convincing them to
Chairman of the Task Force on g r a d e s . A c a d e m i c
cooperate in this endeavor in write immediately.
However, the main effort by
Academic Regulations; Richard C o m m i s s i o n has made this student only with the permission order for it to be successful, as
C o l l i e r , C h a i r m a n of the proposal their second choice of of the instructor.
must all of the University System this University and all the rest of
New York State University
Commission for Academic Affairs
The third proposal is a rather sponsored by the Commission for
of Student Association; and Mona
At a meeting of the Albany System will be concentrated in
Kurtz, student member of the complicated system of grading. Academic Affairs.
Student Alliance Wednesday, the two marches to the Capitol.
On Monday, March 24, all
colleges and universities in the
New York State System will bus
The opinion poll will be held
students to Albany for a march
on the dinner lines of the quads
and teach-in at the Capitcl
building. This must be a "protest
in numbers and not in violence"
as one student put it.
by Norm Rich
A representative from Hudson
Turning toward
internal the LAAC bill provides.
Central Council has
Valley C o m m u n i t y
endorsed two rallies protesting
President Collins is likely to a t t e n d e d t h e meeting and
By Tom Cai-ey
the proposed state cuts in aid to
volunteered to get in touch with
open visitation bill presently r e c o m m e n d LAAC's bill to t h e 44 t w o - y e a r
Capitol Correspondent
before the student
affairs University Council on March 20. throughout the state and get their
However, if Council actions
Assembly S p e a k e r
The first rally, led by students
persuade Student Affairs Council support.
Duryea, Jr. and Senate Majority of the City University, will be
Proposed by James Kahn, the
The reason given for not having
Leader Earl Brydges Tuesday held Tuesday, March 18. The bill provides that open visitation to amend the bill its outcome
will be uncertain.
the statewide march this week
endorsed a bill submitted by a CUNY group (composed of
shall be decided on a suite basis
when the City students come is
Special Assembly Committee on downstate college, high school,
primarily the fact that all State
campus unrest.
and community action groups),
campuses have not yet organized
The bill drafted by the plans to assemble at Draper Hal!
and need time to do so.
b y Tuesday morning. At noon the;
And anothor reason is that the
Assemblyman Charles Henderson will march to the slops of thi
week of the 17 Chancellor Gould
would require the stale's private State Capitol. Here they plan tc
will bo addressing the legislature
p u b l i c colleges and conduct u teach-in for the
in an effort to change their minds
universities to adopl and "provide remainder of the afternoon.
on the budget cut and to get them
for the enforcement" of ruleH
to do something about it.
concerning law and order on the representative, explained that the
rally is "for more education" and
Faculty members are urgod to
According to Duryea the object "positive education". He was
cancel clusses on the 18 and the
of the bill is to place the careful to note, however, "the
24 in order to form a unified
responsibility for campus behavior whole of this thing is to be
coordinated effort which will
in t h e
h a n d s of
school p e a c e f u l . "
bring muximum results.
explained that he expected
Wednesday, March 19, the day
Duryea added, "The approach between six thousand and ten
following the march with the City
In t h i s legis- thousand city students to make
College students another meeting
lation..directs the active efforts the upstute trip,
of the Albany Student Alliance
of the educational community
will be held in order to finalize
A meeting for those students
and the state in a proper wishing to participate in this
the plans.
the demonstration will be conducted
All students and faculty are
appropriate emphasis ut the 2 p.m. this afternoon In HU 137.
urged to attend this important
PRESIDENT EVAN R. COLLINS was queried Tuesday by students
correct levels of responsibility,
meeting. The meeting will be held
The second rally, proposed 'by
and is broad enough to have effect the Albany Student Coalition, in concerned over the dismissal of Mrs. Maryon Lopez.
at 6:30 and the place will be
Photo by Potskowski
See story on page 7.
Please turn to page 3
announced at a later date.
conjunction with other SUNY
Students to be polled on
Pass-Fail for next semester
Central Council endorses
araSfiTSUNY and CUNY rallies
by Legislators