Document 14064801

Manner of Elections
It has become obvious that the manner of election of the Central
Council president is not a matter which is to be easily-resolved.
The proponents of direct election have made their case clear;
students should elect the man who will represent them as official head
of the'Student Association. We can find no fault with this—the S. A.
president is representative of all students and should, therefore, be
elcted by the students.
By the same token, the job of executive and chairman of Central
Council requires a man who is well acquainted with' the innerworkings of Council. He must be capable of running a meeting, and
must be aware of the immense responsibilities of the office of
For this reason, we feel that the Presidency should be thrown open
to the students on campus with one stipulation: Each candidate must
have previously been a member of Council for at least one year. In
this way, we can be assured that the candidate will have a working,
knowledge of Council's duties.
This stipulation may prevent some emminently qualified men from
running, however. For this reason, we hope that Council would
enpower itself with the right to waive the requirement (by Council
vote) in extraordinary circumstances.
In this way, students would elect their president, yet the guarantee
would be built in that the president will be experienced.
We hope the newly elected Council will see fit to act upon the new
Constitution and change the provision in it for direct election to this
proposal—or at least send the proposals to a referendum. We urge
newly elected officers to support some method of popular election;
we feel ours is the best for all concerned.
Vol.LV no.0 erf
Tax is now mandatory; the students who cared enough to vote
favired that decision, although by a razor thin margin. Although we
were not in favor of the imposition of this tax, we are hopeful that
the new impetus that the added revenue brings will translate into
better programs and activities for all. It is every students money now
that is being handled by Student Assosciation; wc demand that it is
handled cautiously and usefully.
Russian Students
There is a department on this campus to which students have been
consistent and conscientious contributors (contrary to popular belief).
In the Russian department, students have initiated schedule changes
and a course addition which greatly benefits the majority of majors.
These changes were not made smoothly; resistance by the
department chairman was based on the theme that the proposed
changes came too late for them to become effective for the fall.
Because students felt the changes were necessary, they pcrscrvercd in
initiating the changes by re-affirming departmental faculty support
and bringing their justified suggestions to the College of Arts and
Sciences whose support was a great aid in attaining the students' ends.
Majors in Russian intend now to proceed with faculty, to help
organize the (as yet) incomplete Russian department. We commend
the intention of students to be active participants in establishing
participation in departmental procedures in full cooperation with the
We feel this example, at this time, best illustrates the framework
and diligence with which students must work in order to have justified
changes realized.
The Russian Department should be closely watched as an example
to the university community of how student involvement pays
dividends towards student power.
All communications must be addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications art
subject to editing.
To the Editors:
This past Sunday night at about 12:00, the
Central Council of the Student Association, in
accordance with the old S.A. Constitution, elected
the Student Association a president, and Central
Council a chairman.
The persons and the positions are one in the
same, although this may tend to be disputed. The
fact is that only two-thirds of Central Council, a
body consisting of only fifteen elected and twelve
appointed students and five appointed faculty,
determined the president of Student Association,
who shall be called on many times, in the next year,
to represent the student body of the State
University of New York at Albany.
Does the chairman of Central Council(more
broadly interpreted as also being the President of
Student Association), really have the right to
represent anyone other than that "autonymous"
body which elected him?You'II have a hard time
convincing many students that he does.
I don't believe, that the president of Central
Council can ever truly be the president of the
Student Association, and therefore truly represent
the student body, in any manner, until he is directly
elected in a popular election. Therefore, until
Student Association can popularly elect itself a
president, who, also, presides over Central Council
meetings, we should cut out the farce that the
President of Central Council can speak in the naire
of anything else other than Central Council and
least of all the forgotten student body.
Ken Stokem
Chairman of the, 1968-69, Central Council
constitutional Revisions Coimittee.
To the Editors:
In answer to Ronald Simmons' complaint about
my favorite dog, Sailor, I would like to say this. Life
is not easy for a homely old dog who must beg for
bread and cannot talk. There is gread sadness in the
poor creature's eyes if anyone would stop to look.
And as for his haunting the various eating places
on campus, I would rather have him at my table
than some people I know. It is also foolish to
assume that Sailor will bite someone; he's as gentle
as a lamb. All he asks for is a little kindness.
And shitting in the middle of the kitchen floor is
hardly what he does. He might take a nap there, but
he doesn't shit!
Yours truly,
Barbara Handel
'Tepee Tower?'
To the Editors:
As Indian Quad slowly rises in the sunset one
wonders whether or not any names for the dorms
have been established. As our contribution to the
University, we have deliberated for many hours and
would like to suggest, as a start, that the tower be
named "Tepee Tower."
Best Wishes,
Eastman Tower
Suite 1302
Communications continued from page 8.
-only one more issue of the ASP
Friday, May 16
DiMarino on Popular Elections
T o the Editors:
I would like the opportunity to explain my
position on popular elections.
As stated in the preamble of the Student
Association Constitution, both present and new
proposal, "the intent of the form of government
herein established is to create a coordinating body
which shall delegate to subsidiary bodies, herein
enumerated, the authority for establishing policies
and procedures in their stated areas of concern."
Therefore, since Central Council has been given the
executive and legislative powers over &.A., Central
Council is a coordinating body or a
Like any commission, Central Council should
have the right to choose its own chairman and
vice-chairman. The listed duties and powers of the
Central Council President, in both the present and
proposed constitutions, are to preside over all
Central Council meetings, to be responsible for
carryingout all action taken by the Council, to call
special meetings of Central Council, and to appoint
the chairmen of Central Council committees. No
where is the Chairman given the right to present the
opinion of S,A. This may only be done after
appropriate steps have been taken to secure the
opinion of Student Association, such as by having
an opinion poll.
The Chairman of Central Council has to have a
Tuesday February 18. I960
SDS conference
unites membership
True Representation?
Taxing Thought
good working knowledge of S.A., has to be a good
administrator, and has to have the support of
Central Council members to work with him in order
to have a successful year.. I am NOT against all
popular election (It would seem ironic for someone
to even think that I could ever make such a
statement since I have won five popular elections in
the last two years), but I do feel that a majority of
the students do not have enough knowledge about
SA to be in a position to judge wisely as to who has
the best working knowledge of S.A., who is the best
administrator, and most of all who the Council is
most willing to work with. Perhaps it is u fault of
election procedures here at State, but most populai
elections are nothing more than popularity
contests—If you see or hear a person's name enough
times you'ro going to vote for him if you know he's
qualified or not.
1 am not saying that this University can never
elect its own president who could be considered
president of the Student Body, but before this can
lie done there must be a great change in the purpose
of Central Council from a coordinating body to a
policy initialing form of government, and there
must be a great change in election procedures.
Thank You,
Ralph DiMarino
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones are 467-2190,2194.
Editors! n-Chief
Jill R. Pamik & Ira J. Wolfman
News Editor
Associate Newt Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Technical Editors
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Tim Keeiey
Kathy Huseman
Carol Schour
Jim Winslow
Gary Gelt
Pat O'Hern, Bill Shapse
Ed Potshowskl
Philip Franchini
Daniel Fox man
(The Albany Student Press assumes
responsibility for opinions
columns and communications as such expression!
do not necessarily reflect its views.
photo by Greg Bell
SDS convention
VUtinf memben of SDS discussed current trends at a workshop this
past weekend. More than 300 SDSers invaded the campus for their
annual regional meeting.
Assembly to take action
this week on grant ban
by Gary Brown
The SDS Conference this
weekend brought a large number
of active people onto the campus.
In half a day on Friday the "back
of the snack bar 'freak crew' "
multiplied 10 to 20 times.
Students and people from all
over the state and other states
attended the conference from
Friday to Sunday.
The Niagara Region SDS
Conference was sponsored by the
SUNY at Albany SDS chapter and
the Albany District of the Niagara
The multi-faceted conference
performed several functions. It
took care of SDS Regional
Business, and acted upon several
It served as a catalyst for
discussion and education through
34 different scheduled workshops
and showed Newsreel Films of the
C o n v e n t i o n , ' the
Columbia Revolt and others. The
conference followed a tight
schedule from noon Friday to
3:00 pm Sunday.
The Friday night assembly was
introduced by the Pagent Players.
The Players are from New York
City where they live, hold
workshops, and street theatre
when its warm enough. Contact
with them was irrevocable and
impulsive and imaginatively
attracted minds and hearts.
There was a panel discussion of
members t i t l e d : "women,"
" c a m p u s , " "research," and
"labor" at 7:30 and then people
found their way to apartments
that were putting them up.
On Saturday there were three
two hour sessions of workshops.
Some of the sessions were:
Campus Organizing, Radicals as
Military Projects, Economics of
Imperialism and Introduction to
Woman's Liberation.
Direction of SDS, Analysis of
the American University, Toward
Radical Adult Politics, Vietnam,
City-Wide Organizing, Biafra,
L a t i n America and U.S.
Imperialism, were among other
topics covered.
Several workshops discussed
proposals which would be acted
upon by the conference plenary
sessions. These included a
socialism proposal, militarism
proposal, womans proposal and a
proposal for SDS "graduation"!
The SDS "graduation" proposal
means that SDS would branch out
from strictly campus oriented
'activity and begin long-term
efforts to "bring about political
consciousness /in non-student
) constituencies.
In other words, students and
graduates should, "graduate" to
the "political consciousness of the
'real' world." '
This would necessitate research
into community power structures,
contacting local people, and
involving them in the "project."
"City-Wide Organizing and
White Working Class Organizing"
discussed the necessity of
extending political consciousness
to White workers and effectively
countering the particular power
structures of different cities.
Saturday night the Pagent
Players performed at the Golden
Sunday there were more
workshops and a further plenary
It was announced that there
will be a local SDS meeting on
T u e s d a y to discuss Dow
Chemical's imminent arrival on
this campus.
by Tom Carey
President Collins, at his press conference yesterday, joined many other New York educators in criticizing
the Senate approval of the Flynn Bill to ban state financial aid to students convicted of crimes "committed
on the premises of any college."
He said he could not think of any points with which he does not disagree.
Not only is it "penalty legislation," but it is "discriminatory" in that it hits the disadvantaged.
It is "illogical" because scholarships are "awarded on the basis of ability, not behavior."
Collins stressed the opinion that such a measure is an intrusion of the university rights. Student
discipline, he feels, is a university community's problem and should be handled by that.
Collins added that he does not believe that the bill will become law.
James Allen, State Education Commissioner, and soon to become President Nixon'.s\ Commissioner of
Education, believes that the scholarships awarded to students on the basis of academic merit and financial
need should not be "used as a disciplinary measure."
In response to the criticism, the supporters of the bill argue that the measure is "a modest attempt to
deal with a growing problem" that has resulted from the failure of the Regents to carry out their
responsibilites; therefore, the supporters feel, the Legislature must
take action to insure that these "neglected duties" will be carried out.
Assemblyman Henderson, R—Steuben County and a supporter of
the bill, feels that part of the blame for the campus unrest should be
directed "at some of the knuckleheads" who are running the State's
educational institutions.
Governor Rockefeller no longer has a majority of Democrats in
either the Senate or the Assembly to oppose the Flynn Bill.
by Gale McAllister
He cannot rely on a Democratic Assembly to defeat the bill as he
President Collins expressed his "an invasion of the university's
Staff Reporter
did during the 1968 session.
opinion of the bill recently passed rights" and gave several definite
This session the burden will be placed directly upon the Governor.
President Collins talked by the State Senate which denies reasons for being against the
(It is expected that the bill will get through the
on a number of State aid to University students legislation.
Primarily, Collins feels that the
Republican-dominated Assembly.)
topics at his who are convicted of breaking the
legislature is going about
The Governor has many aspects to weigh in considering the bill.
Conference with
Students law on university property.
He has to consider the votes that he will need to be re-elected in
Collins stated that the bill is correcting the problem in the
wrongway, and that the discipline
1970; the increase in taxes and the cutbacks in spending are not the
of the students should be handled
most popular actions recently taken by the Governor.
the University.
By signing the measure, perhaps, he could increase his strength
Collins also feels that the bill
among the more conservative voters who want something done about
discriminates against a certain
the unrest on campuses.
group of students more than other
At the same time, Rockefeller must also consider the impact that
signing such u bill would have on his voting strength among the
Nevertheless Collins feels "the
very badly drawn bill" will
Can he afford to forget the educators, the students and the other
probably never become law.
liberals who worked so hard in his losing battle for the Republican
Also discussed was the fact that
Presidential Nomination?
coming in the first week of March,
Will Rockefeller play the game of party politics as some critics have
is a student opinion poll
hinted, and sign a bill that opponents contend:
concerning whether firms, such as
1. discriminates against the poor, for the rich could continuo their
Dow Chemical, should be allowed
education without the slate aid;
to come on campus to recruit
2. punishes a person a second time for a crime that he has already
future employees from the
paid for;
student body.
3. changes the State Regents Scholarship Program from an
On this matter Collins feols that
academic merit and financial need program to a disciplinary program
this Is a service made available to
in regard to illegal protesting;
the student for his benefit and not
4. infringes upon the traditional academic freedom of our
educational institutions; and
for the benefit of the firms
6. infringes upon the freedom of speech and assembly that are
guaranteed in the State and Federal constitutions?
He stated that the policy,
The only one who can answer these questions is the Governor
whether it be changed or not, will
bn guided by the results of the
The Young Republicans
It is expected that the bill will be passed by the
student poll.
Republican-dominated Assembly sometime this week or next and s»r>t
The faculty will also express
on to Rockefeller for his consideration.
politicians Thursday evening.
their sentiment on the issue.
Collins says Senate bill
invades university9s rights
Hebrew students unite to
establish Jeurish^ifanUty
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Congressman Benjamin Rosenthal
of New York's 8th District will
•peak on Government and the
C o n s u m e r ' s Interests on
Thursday, Feb 20 at 3:30 pm in
SS 133. .
The s e c o n d organizational
meeting of AHM YISRAEL
(People of Israel) will meet on
Thursday, February 20, 1969 at
8:00 pm in SS 134. Be there for
the surprise announcement!
The Forensics Union will
sponser a reception for new
members Tuesday, Feb. 18 at
7:30 in the third floor Humanities
lounge. All students interested in
debate or individual speaking
events are urged to attend.
There will be a Freshman class
meeting on Tuesday, February 18,
at 7:00 pm in the Campus Center
Ballroom. The purpose of the
meeting will be to discuss the
nomination and election of class
officers. All are urged to attend
"China The Roots of Madness"
will be presented at 7:30 pm
Tues, Wed, and Thure. SS 134,
HU 137, HU 137 respectively.
This is an Emmy winning T.V.
Documentary by Theo. H. White
presented by Young Americans
for Freedom
The Student Ambassador
C o m m i t t e e will hold an
organizational meeting tonight in
the Campus Center Assembly Hall
at 7:30 pm. The meeting is open
to all sophomores and juniors who
are interested in serving as student
smbassadors by living abroad this
s u m m e r under University
Campus Center Governing
B o a r d w i l l be accepting
applications for 4 Board seats.
Applications are out now and will
end Feb. 24. Applications can be
picked up at the Campus Center
information desk. They should be
returned to the Student Activites
office, CC 364.
having a party for children from
the South End (ages from about
4th to 7th grade) in Colonial
Quad Flagroom, Thursday Feb
20, starting at 7:30 pm. Everyone
who would like to come is
"faculty members on Wis campus
who are antisemitic," the YSA,
SDS and the Socialist Workers
Party. Rosenberg decried what he
called "the Nazi kind of line right
here in the student center at
Albany State." However, it was
•tressed that insofar as the
meeting was to be for the purpose
of organization, '.'everything is
tentative" with respect to the
name and platform Of the group.
criticism from those who saw the
meeting as an act of retaliation,
announced early in the evening
that the Hebrew Students Alliance
is "not an arm of the Black
Student Alliance; not an arm of
Hillel either." He stated that he
sought as members Jews and
non-Jewish sympathizers to
Czechoslovakia and other liberal
Dr. Bernard Johnpoll of the
Department of Political Science,
delivered an emotion-packed
speech in which he proclaimed:
"You have been lied to and
by Daryl Lynne Wager
Chaos was the rule at the
organizational meeting last
Thursday night of the Hebrew
Students Alliance, as 150
outspoken students rttempted to
answer, each in his cwn way, the
question, "If I am not for myself,
than who is?" (HUlel).
M.J. Rosenberg, initiator of
what he termed the "Jewish
militant organization," tried
unsuccessfully <o maintain order
but was impeled by the fact that
parliamentary procedure could
not be imp lamented effectively
in a not-yet-existant organization.
Rosenberg opend the meeting
with a dircussion of Israel's
present precarious position and
the danger of U.S. increasing
" n e u t r a l i t y " toward the
Arab-Israeli conflict. Then he
initiated the series of accusations
and counter-accusations that were
to color the entire evening.
Prime targets under attack were
betrayed and misinformed by
everyone here, and it is time that
you know (it). We have hadit. We
are men. When we go to
Auschwitz this time, (they'll) go
with us!"
Johnpoll explained as the
reasons for his vehement attack
on the administration his
longstanding desire to teach
Jewish hiitory without pay, and
the administration's refusal to
allow him to do so. "By this
speech I am putting my tenure on
the line," he said, "and I am ready
to do so."
considerable anger with an
accusation that "Arab students
are molly-coddled" and that
"faculty rrembers are asked to go
easy on Arab students.
"We don't object to the Black
Studies Program," he continued.
and on this principle was wildly
and unanimously applauded. "It's
also time that the Jews knew that
much of the greatness of our
history is ours."
continued on page 7
A good cry
cleanses the soul
MMfVrSrf F!
Mandator}' meeting SAT. FEB. 22
1:30 PM. for all Student Association
Organization treasurers., (including SEB
chairmen) Questions and Answers about Finance
Policy. Vouchers. Monthly Budget Reports. If you
can't attend, contact Ralph Di Marino 457-8761 ot
Walt Doherty. 482-2010. Someone must attend for
>ch organization.
Important Meeting!
Hamburgers - 2 0 *
Double Cheeseburger - 39<
Shakes - 25* . 35*
by Kevin McGirr
This article is supposed to be
about Student Advisory Boards,
or the participation of the student
body in the Academic operation
of the University. The enthusiasm
for student participation by both
the faculty members and the
students seems to be rather
minimal. A quick sampling of a
number of students will find that
very few are aware of any student
representation in their respective
The nature and magnitude of
student participation varies with
each department. In many of the
departments each of the various
committees has only one or two
students, while in the Math Dept.,
student membership is as much as
50% on each of the committees.
Some departments have a body
of students who have been elected
by the majors and are able to
recommend changes in the
department. Other departments
such as the Biology Department,
allow students who belong to the
respective department club to
suggest curriculum change.
The effect of this token
participation seems to be minimal.
First of all, student representation
in most of the departments is
minor in comparison to the
f a c u l t y ' s . Secondly, some
departments appoint rather than
allow representatives to be
elected. Thirdly, the purpose of
these student representative* ••
only advisory.
Once a policy is recommended
by a particular committee it must
be passed by the tenured faculty
in the respective department.
From there it goes to a College or
University-wide committee for
approval and finally to the
Although there is student
University-wide committees there
are sure to be frustrations, with
t h e m i n o r i t y of student
representation and the many
channels that must be passed
before recommendations take
Administration are eager to have
students represented on the
various committees, but to the
extent that they will be allowed
to have "power of change" is left
for speculation. Many of the older
faculty members are not very
willing to give up the power to
which they have become
Organizing students to achieve
such demands seems to be equally
as difficult. One Psychology major
has had difficulty attaining a list
of the Psychology majors. Only
when she suggested that the
names were available at the
Registrar did she receive them.
She also reported that getting
the students interested in such
activity is almost futile.
Counterfeit tickets
used at Joplin concert
by Anita
Anita Thaver
Approximately 40 forged
tickets for the Janis Joplin and
Earth Opera concert were
detected at the Friday night
concert in the University's gym
according to the office of Student
The Contemporary Music
Council and the Student Activities
Office were tipped off before the
concert by an observant student
who had hitched a ride to the
uptown campus and noticed a
large pile of tickets—all number
1503—for the concert in the car.
It was decided to use only two
doors so that it would be possible
to guarantee seats to all students
who had purchased legitimate
Self-nomination forms are now
available at the Information Desk
in the Ca mpus Center for
MYSKANIA, Class Officers, and
Alumni Board. MYSKANIA
nominations must be in to the
Student Association Office with
your Spring semester's tax card by
24. Class Officers and
Alumni Board nominations must
be in the Student Association
Office by Feb. 28. For any
further information, call the S. A
Office al 457-3430.
tickets. This is the reason there
was such a lengthy wait to enter
the gym.
The 40 students with forged
tickets were eventually admitted
when it became apparent that
there was not an extremely large
number of people
counterfeit tickets.
The counterfeit tickets were
thinner and slightly lighter in
color than the genuine tickets.
They all were number 1503. It has
not been determined yet who was
involved in the counterfeiting. A
report has been filed with the
Campus Security.
There are plans for a different
m e t h o d such as a more
complicated printing process in
the future to insure that there is
not a recurrence.
There have been numerous
instances in history which have
shown that the transfer of power
comes by the will of those who
want it and less so by those who
already have it. The question is:
how many students are willing to
take what can be learned and how
many only want to learn what is
Many students, feel that they
are not qualified to make
decisions about their own
Education. A few professors have
commented that the students are
so used to being led that they
have no desire for self-education.
Dr. Paul Meadows, Chairman of
the Sociology Dept., has a number
of times encouraged students to
recommendations for curriculum
change. He has gone as far as
saying that any recommendations
would most probably be adopted,
but student reaction has been
Can't find a place to paint your own thing?
Shop for its. at
March 1st
(Express your artistic talents by painting our walls)
1336 Central Ave.
3 Mtn F r o m N e w C a m p u s
308 Central Ave. Albany
Telephone HE 4-9703
We are happy to announce that required textbooks for the
Spring Semester will be furnished during the period February
3-28 al a price 5 % below list.
Appl? Turnover - 25*
Council on Promotions and
Coninuing Appl., 1 grad.
Committee to the Interim
Chairman of the Dept. of
Afro-American Studies;
Committee to Draft a Campus
Alcohol Policy;
Faculty-Student Committee on
International Students.
The first voting machine w
used in the nation in 1892.
Downtown Mbcwy
Applications are now available
in the Student Association Office,
Campus Center, Rm. 367, for
positions on the following
Councils, Committees, and
Councils of the Faculty Senate:
Council on Research, 1
undergrad, 2 grads;
Council on Personnel Policies, 4
undergrads, 1 grad;
Library Council, 1 undergrad, 1
Council, 1 grad;
Student Affairs Council, 1 grad;
Council on Education Policy, 2
State UrWtuiUf 'Zookstou
Suffering from
not your
Big She/ - 45*
College Students
More SDS
This student was among those
that gathered at the University for
the SDS Convention
by Barry Kirschner
.misance, falsely reporting an
Staff Reporter
incident or unlawfully possessing
Central Council has
resolution condemning the noxious material . . .".while on
passage of a bill by the New York campus.
The resolution was passed by a
State Senate which would deny
state aid to certain student law 13-7 vote of Council. It
b r e a k e r s . The r e s o l u t i o n , recommends that the State
introduced by James Kahn, was Assembly defeat the bill and that
passed at CC's meeting last if it is passed, that Governor
Rockefeller veto it.
Central Council also discussed a
Kahn urged the passage of the
poll of the student body on the
measure because the Senate's bill
subject of campus recruiting
discriminates against the poor. He
Also mentioned were
justified this by saying that the
wealthy student would be more p r o p o s e d
free to act with 'academic amendments to be decided by
freedom' since he does not have as refernda in the near future.
great a financial need for state aid.
The issue of academic freedom
was brought up in Central
About 10 per cent of the
Council's debate of the resolution.
The disagreement with the world's people are left-handed.
punitive intent of the Senate's bill
A cricket is able to leap
was also a factor behind the
a hundred times its length.
Council's condemnation.
The Indian elephant Jives about
Part of the Senate's bill says
that no student shall be eligible to
60 to 70 years.
receive benefits "who has been
convicted, without subsequent
pardon, . . . of any felony or of
the misdemeanor of criminal
trespass in the first or second
degree, unlawful assembly,
aggravated harrasment, criminal
Hot Ham t Cheat - 45*
photo by Greg Bell
Council condemns
N.Y. Senate bill
48 N. Pearl St.
Soft Drinks - 10 t 20*
Hot Chocolate - 15 f 25*
Cefl* • 15 I 25*
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by the Murine Company mc
Student representation ?
Fish Sandwich - 30*
Cheeseburgers - 25<
Fries - 18*
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bui you' contacls
need help They n e e d L e n "
sme Lensme is the one conlac; ler:s soiu!»o^ fo' com
pleie c:>ntacl rare
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There was a tirre when you
needed TWO or rnpre deferent lens
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mamta*'- youf coniaci? No more
Lensme from The Murine Company makes caring lot contact
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All you have to du NOW is come down lo
Pandemonium and register your name and
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We'll supply
the paint and brushes and the walls., the rest
is up to you!
This reduction has been made possible by the diligent
efforts of the Bookstore Management and all its people, who
are making continuous efforts to improve this service and
efficiency in (lie Store. Their efforts have converted a deficit
of a year ago into a small excess of income over expenditures,
and we are happy to pass this saving along to our customers.
The above decision could not be made until December 3i
financial information hud been assembled, the books have
already been marked with the list price, and will be sold at
thai price during the coming rush. Students are asked,
however, to hold their green sales receipts and turn them in for
a cash rebate during the period March 3-14. Rebates will he
made at a special counter set up in the tunnel.
Robert A Cooley
Dii .lor
Mon thru Tiiurs Vain-Spin
Eri 9am-4:30 pm
Sal 9am-1pm
Educational Worth
Assembly Threat
Today or tomorrow the Assembly of the State of New York will
oass judgement on the bill barring aid to college students who protest
out of the bounds of die law.
We urge all students to contact their Assemblymen by phone or, if
possible, stampede their offices with personal appearances. Perhaps if
students ask their parents (taxpayers) to call their Assemblymen it
would have a still greater effect.
There are a number of decisively important issues involved in this
bill not the least of which is that of academic freedom.,
No outside political body can be allowed in the internal regulations
of the University. The right of disciplining students belongs within the
University community.
; •;
The academic freedom within' this community must not be
intimidated even by the state legislature. The University community,
in words of President Collins, is solely "responsible for its own
Another discrepancy in the bill puts the student in the position of
being doubly jeopardized. If passed by the Assembly the student
would not only receive punishment for committing a crime, but
would, in addition be discriminated against by having his scholarship
taken away.
We must understand that it is all too easy for those outside tne
university to misunderstand our motives for protest. It is easy to see
violence and react by punishing those who seem to destroy the
established social order of the present.
It is much more difficult for those not involved in the changing
order to understand the reasons why these violent eruptions occur.
Perhaps we should try harder to comprehend the forces involved in
these issues and try with still greater effort to make out views more
articulate and widely known.
In this manner it may still be possible to involve still greater
numbers in the social revolution.
CALL Assembly switchboard phone number 472-3100 and ask for
your Assemblyman. If you do not know who your assemblyman is the
switchboard operator will be able to give you his name. The bill
number is 524S.
All communications mutt be addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications are
subject to editing.
Hillel Speaks
isolated, but an itegral part of American society. It
will also remind the non-Negro of the task that lies
To the General Community and Administration of before him if the Negro is to achieve full political and
social equality.
the State University of New York at Albany:
John Hilgeman
To protect the good name of Hillel and its officers
Ira M. Bandel
and members, we of the executive Board of Hillel
Society feel it necessary to indicate and clarify our
position in regard to this newly organized coalition
which is now called Ohm Israel (the nation of Israel),
formerly the Hebrew Students Alliance.
To begin with, we at Hillel are in the same position
as the university community in awaiting to see what
To the Editors:
policies and methods of implementation that will be
In answer to Mr. Ahmed M. Metwalli's letter
adopted. At this time we neither condemn nor
(printed in the Friday, February 14 ASP), which
condone the establishment of this new political
criticized the structure of the yet-to-be-established
coalition on campus.
Semitic Studies Department, I, on behalf of Ahm
Further we feel an explanation is needed to Yisrael (People of Israel), originally the Hebrew
counter the suspicion that this coalition is formed by Students Alliance, would like to correct any notions
the Hebrew Students in the Hillel Hebrew course. held on this desired department.
The establishment of this organization and its name,
What makes Mr. Metwalli assume that only Hebrew
we understand, were to be established at this
language, culture, and history is the goal of Ahm
organization meeting February 13,1969.
Yisrael? There has been no announcemnet as to what
The ad hoc name which unfortunately was
specific courses we desire in the program, save for the
misleading, we are told, was used to attract attention
one in the ad in the ASP of Tuesday, February 11.
and not suggest any Hillel involvement whatsoever.
And yet in this ad, our wish was.stated as follows:
This new Ohm Israel political organization is not
"The establishment of a department of Semitic
related in any way to the Hillel Society.
studies, to include language, culture, and history."
Many of their members are Hillel members and we No mention was made as to which languages and
will not ask them to drop their allegiance to Hillel cultures, and, more important, the statement was
society. Members of Ohm Israel are acting as obviously not limited to Hebrew.
responsible individuals apart from Hillel and
It is my personal and sincere hope that when such
independant of any instigation from Hillel or its
a department is established at this University, it will
include such languages as Hebrew, Arabic, Persian,
Finally, we would like to reiterate our intentions
Turkish, Amharic, and any regional others for which
about Hebrew and an eventual mideastern studies
a demand is heard, including "archaic" ones such as
department. Hillel in association with Dean
Assyrian and Sumerian. To do so, the department
Perlmutter of Arts and Sciences will attempt to
would more appropriately be titled "Middle Eastern
formulate curriculum and courses to recommend to
Studies," in order to embrace such non-Semitic
curriculum committee.
tongues as Persian, etc. I would be happy indded to
Atid, the cultural arm of Hillel, will endeavor to see a Middle Eastern "tudies Department here
propose the curriculum to 'the Hillel executive board teaching the cultures of the whole fascinating Middle
and then the Hillel Faculty Board.
East, the cradle of civilization.
It is our hope that with this framework we can
help develop one of the best mideastern studies
program in the State University system.
Judith Kirschner
Semitic Studies
Look back on the past term of study. Or the past year. Or the past
14, IS or 16 years of education. Are you satisfied? Have you absorbed
enough "knowledge" to make yourself feel justified over spending one
quarter of your life scribbling facts, taking tests and getting grades,
instead of existing in the real world?
For the educational system in the US today, (and probably every
educational system in the world throughout the ages) is a refuge from
the realities of the world.
You've taken the next logical step up from high school, so you're
now pursuing your studies at a University. You are supposed to spend
the next four years in preparation for entrance into the world of
reality. But examine your courses; examine the time you've already
spent. Is this any preparation for reality? Will you be any more able to
take your place in life after four years of classes here?
The overwhelming majority of maturing that occurs on the college
campus is brought about by living and interacting with other people,
not by classroom experiences. This may seem natural, but it is not
desirable. For while our personalities mature at their own respective
rates by interacting,-our classes fail to mature us intellectually.
The reason for this is that our system orients itself around the
regurgitation of facts. If we can vomit back on an examination the
facts we have gleaned from our history text, we may get our desired
B. The course is a success. If you can memorize the chart on page so
and so in your Chem text perfectly, maybe you'll gel your A.
Therefore, all assume you've learned a great deal. While we may be
rewarding hard work in this manner, isn't the work misdirected?
Memorizing trivia one day and forgetting it the next is nol the way to
make education meaningful.
Few will deny that a basic conception of sonic facts is a
Hersh Cousin
prerequisite to appreciating any field of study. Bui this sytcms'
President, for the Hillel Executive Board
fantastic infatuation with fact aflcr fact has led to an education which
for the most part, is meaningless after i( is completed.
The truth is that the search for meaning lias not yet uncovered
many answers. We continue to look for ways to make our classroom
experience a more meaningful one. To those professors who attempt
to create a meaningful discussion and succeed (and they are very rare)
thanks must be but a small reward. The ability to create a meaningful
course is not easily cultivated.
But here is where lire student who is agreeing so far with what has
Recently, the Black Student Alliance submitted a
been written comes in. If you've been shaking your bead "yes," and
list of demands to President Collins for additional
black studies courses and a new department.
you agree, ask yourself if you responded to thai one teacher in twenty
Although we sympathize with the black person's
who has given you the chance at a relevancy. Did you work with the
new feeling of freedom to create, to expand your horizons, to search for recognition, we feel that in the long run an
black studies program will only widen
broaden your scope? Or did you use that new found freedom to no
advantage, let it slip by, find yourself floundering because there was the racial gap.
Secondly, we believe a dangerous precedent has
no oppressive structure to make you conform?
been set. The Black Student Alliance was consulted
The point is this: if education becomes more challenging, students in the approval of the new black studies department.
must rise to meet that challenge. It is not an easier way out, for
Suppose the Hebrew Alliance asks for the same
example, to have an unregimented course-it demands more time and consideration. Can they be denied? Our point is that
effort on the part of the student, as well as more interest on the part
this country is not populated by Negroes, Jews, Irish,
ol the professor. Ill both cases, the faculty member and the student, or Italians, hut by Americans.
We believe the solution lies not in segregating our
the individual must begin to think anew. This is more awe-inspiring,
more frightening, more challenging than any 150 question multiple historical studies, but rather in combining those of
both blacks aid whites into one American studies
choice lest could ever be.
This will serve to remind the Negro he is not an
More to be said on this in the future.
BSA Demands
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
office is located in Room 382 of the Campus
Center This newspaper is funded by S.A. Tax.
Editorsin Chief
Paznlh and Wolfman
Tim Keeley
Kathy lluueman
Carol Sehour
Jim Winstow
Gary Celt
Pal O'llern, HillShopse
Ed fottkowskl
Philip Franchini
Daniel Foxman
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
News Editor
Associate News Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Technical Editors
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
It is gratifying to note that the articles by Mr. M. J.
Mr. Buch himself, however, does not make much
Rosenberg last week contributed greatly to a of this, for he realizes that If 6,000,000 of his people
dispassionate atmosphere conducive to calm died that way, so did 9,000,000 others—mostly Poles,
reflection and the rational search for truths proper to. but also many Ukrainians and some anti-Nazi
• university.
Germans, including German communists.
The Arab-Israeli dispute being one of the most
Hitler apparently considered Mr. Buch a Jew if Mr.
explosively emotional issues today, too often an aura Rosenberg does not.
of emotionalism, if not hysteria, pervades any
Who and what determines Jewishness? Opinions?
attempt to discuss it intelligently. With this in mind, Does a nun cease to be a Jew because he disagrees
Mr. R. is to be commended.
with the state of Israel?
It is always comforting to know of someone who
Like the other Jews in the Young Socialist Alliance
knows which opinions are kosher and which are not, and the SWP, Mr. Buch refuses to accept only the two
among both Jews and the rest of us.
categories of Zionism or anti-semitism, and the rest of
Perhaps out of all this will come an Un-Jewish us refuse to accept support of Zionism or
Activities Committee, to carry us all back to the good
old days of the 1950's, during the tenure of the first anti-semitism.
Sen. McCarthy.
We see at least one other alternative, as
It will have been too late for the Rosenbergs, non-socialists, I am sure, see yet another. None, Mr.
though. Or maybe it'll resurrect the good old days of R., are anti-Semitic if we disagree.
Salem; they, too, knew right opinions from wrong
YSA supports the formation of the Hebrew
Student Alliance, with a modification: that the Dept.
Of course, that neither witches nor an of Semitic Studies be a Dept. of Middle Eastern
"international communist conspiracy" exists Studies, to include not only Hebrew but also Arabic,
bothered no one. It seldom does. The Salem witch Amharic, and all other cultures, languages, and
hunters live on, in the KKK, the Minutemen, etc.
histories of the Middle East.
For these people a difference of opinion becomes a
Subsequently, I'll explain our position of
wrong opinion, for which a Jew forfeits his non-support for the state of Israel and support of
Jewishness and the rest of us become anti-semitic.
Jewish people. Next, Al Fatah—what it is, what it is
Thus does a Jew like Mr. Peter Buch, former attempting to do, and the dangers it poses for the
Socialist Workers Party Congressional Candidate in Arab regimes as well as for the state of Israel. Finally,
the 19th CD, become un-Jewish despite his having I shall discuss Zionism and the black liberation
fled the Nazis from Turkey to France before getting struggles in the U.S.
one of the last boats out of Marseilles in 1940, and
If YSA's or anyone else's ideas are unpopular, we
having lost nearly all but his immediate family in nevertheless have the right to hold them, express
Hitler's camps.
them, and advocate them. Fascism is not with us yet.
Last week this column decried the militant minorities which are'
cropping up in our universities. It did so on the pragmatic basis that
these few are exceedingly dangerous to the university both internally,
and also externally, in terms of the public image and potential
reaction the militants necessarily evoke in society at large.
The activities of the violent were opposed also on principle—that
violence and anti-intellectualism have no place in our universities.
The column closed with a plea to students to actively engage and
counteract these groups.
'. •
Obstacles to Organization
The question which should be entertained now, is whether or riot
such reaction on the part of the student body can be forthcoming; or
more precisely, what are the obstacles which impede such
Undeniably, the first and foremost obstacle is student apathy, the
doctrine of noninvolvement. This difficulty has long plagued the
university—Albany being a striking case in point.
While the reasons for this need not be gone into here, the fact
remains that if the militants are to be successfully opposed, this
obstacle must be overcome. A quantitative and qualitative majority is
going to be needed to counter the dedicated minority.
Second, and closely related to the first obstacle, is the fact that, as
in society as a whole, the average college student lives content with
the status quo. He has no desire to interfere or upset the militants
because he incorrectly feels that they create no danger to him; and
that an active opposition to them would, indeed, constitute a radical
change in his environment.
Opposing the Minority
Moreover, our average college student tends to feel that opposing
the minority would be undemocratic,
unproductive—testimonial to the success and influence of the
He feels, it seems, as if his opposition would constitute a radical
departure from what is; that he would be classified as not being "with
it." Again, the problem of the status quo is aroused—ostracism is a
real, if needless, fear.
Finally, there lies the problem of knowing how to deal with the
Ceroone and Doug Goldschmidt
Almost universally, administration and faculty (and in a few cases,
student) opposition to militants on the campus has been unsuccessful.
" B r o t h e r s , s o m e commie Oldlot.
The trouble seems to be that the approach taken so far has been either
infidels have recently tried to take
to give in, or to fight with violence, the violent minority. And this has
"Shriek" shrieked Linda.
not worked.
all but our budgeting powers."
A New Approach
("But that's the only power we
"The final meditation for
For this reason, a new approach must be suggested. A broad
have" screamed brother -Dug. today, brothers, is 'Trust in God,
coalition of students is need to actively—but nonviolently—engage the
"Lynch hinv-Amen, amen, but tie your camel."
militants. Nonviolently it can be done—an idea to be further explored.
anyman" moaned the ladies of
"Why can't we allow this? I'll
tell you why: Give me a J, Give
me an O, Give me a B-What does
it spell?"
"What will we lose?"
("Our jobs, our jobs, our
"All those desiring to join
brother Wiseman in his holy
crusade against the infidels, those
who have dared to defy the
teachings of this church, of this
sacred institution, of this mothers'
breast of all religions meet at
Minerva at high noon and don't
forget your ropes."
("Give me that old time
religion, That good old time
religion, It's good enough for
me." said the STB Chorus.)
A lot of people say no. They say
beer is Beech wood Aged; it's
"It was good enough for
Cleaveland, It was good enough
beer is one of those good things
a costly way to brew beer, and
for Cleaveland, It was good
you cultivate a taste for . . . like it takes more time. But it
enough for Cleaveland, and it's
good enough for me."
olives, or scotch, or
"It was good enough for
So whether you're
Mishcan, it was good enough for
Mishcan and it's good enough lor
of the few who
"lirothers, this day brother
think it makes a difhas never tried beer,
Housa will start his crusade to
ference which brand of
or a beer drinker who
plant flowers in the sidewalks to
prevent hotrodding. Join him in
feels the
this sacred trust to stop the
pagans. Don't bring your wallets
urge to find out why
or your wives, brothers. Those
We think Budweiser
so many people enjoy
pagans have been attacking all
over and you never can tell when
we think you'll
you may lose your wallet or see
your wife raped."
gotta get used to it" rule. It's
like it.
("My wallet" screamed Dave
O n The Other Hand
by Tom
"Brothers we are gathered here
today to convene this Central
Council of the Church of No
("Hallelujah brother Nixon!")
"Brothers, these are troubled
budgetary times, when those
heathen treasurers, those pagan
spendthrifts, are everyday
conspiring to tear the limbs from
our tree of life.
("In other words brothers,
those filthy bastards are trying to
get our money,)
("Tell it like it is," shouted
brother Kapless. "Amen" snored
sister Eileen.)
"Our immortal bard, Dr.
C a r v e e m , author of
inspirational book 'Stare at the
Ceiling and it will go Away', will
now lead us in his latest song: 'No
one can Con Cahn (or Let's all
Cry Like the Treasurers Cry)'
(sung to the tune of 'We're Having
a Heat Wave'):
'Budgets are rising
the money is falling,
Treasurers crying,
our clubs are all dying,
But no one can con, Cahn.
The Council is falling,
the debt is appalling,
We try to do something,
but no one does nothing,
for no one can con, Cahn.'
(('Amen" cried Dr. Backlot.)
"And now for a word from
Tax-em Terry: 'Who'll pay the
tax? Who'll pay the tax? Tax, tax,
tax, pray more tax. Tax, tax, tax,
pay your tax or get the axe.'
"And now the apostle of
power, our Lady of Burden, will
lead us in a chant to our diefy:
'Give me a P, give me an O, give
me a W,E,R-What does it
spell?--POW--ER. What do I want?
Linda wants POW-ER,' "
Did you like
beer the first time
vou tasted it?
so smooth. (You see, no other
From the very first taste.
Sabbath Services
Every Friday evening at 8:00 pm
100 Academy Road, Albany, N.Y.
TransportatioB arranged by calling 436-9761 by each Thursday
Budweiser, is the King of Beers.
(But you know that.)
YSA forms policy :
pro-socialist revolts
Greek Power
by Mike Rosenberg and Greg Elbtrom
Black Student Alliance, S.D.S.,
Hebrew Student Allinace, Y.A.F.,
Y.S.A., Arab Student Alliance,
Latin American Student Alliance,
Italian Student Alliance, Northern
Polish Student Alliance, Queers
for Freedom, etc., etc., etc.
Albany State readers are,fed up
with the above
underground ASP's constant
attention to these organizations.
Don't get us wrong. We're all for
debate and discussion, but we feel
that the "constructive power" on
this campus, which is backed
s o l e l y by Oreek
organizations, has been left by the
wayside in the ASP's descent into
mediocrity. The authors of this
column hope to bring to light
where the true power on this
campus lies-GREEK POWER'
Y.A.F., when was the last time
you sponsored a blood drive?
Alpha Pi Alpha has sponsored
several drives. S.D.S., when was
your last clothing drive for the
needy? Kappa Beta had one this
fall. Y.S.A., when was the last
time you gave any extra time to
play and teach basketball with
underprivileged children? Alpha'
Lambda Chi and Potter Club have
done it several times. We can do
on and on about the positive
activities of the Greeks, and upon
request, WE WILL.
In anticipation of the criticisms
that this column will probably
bring, we aren't trying to claim
that Greek life is perfect. Sadly
enough, fraternities bust up bars
once in a while, but on the whole
GREEK POWER is constructive.
With the I.F.C. Smoker only a
few days away and sorority rush
a l r e a d y in full swing, all
i n d e p e n d e n t students should
consider their futures at Albany
State. If you're a guy, attend the
S m o k e r t h i s Friday night,
Inter-Fraternity Council tobacco
can only cause cancer, not
We have praised the Greeks as a
constructive force in . our first
column. We will also provide
constructive criticism whenever
needed. We, the authors, are going
out on a limb in stating what we
believe to be the truth. We
challenge the Greek organizations
Guarneri String Quartet
to perform at Page Hall
Screaming with Hell's fire, gulping Southern Comfort and grooving
to the beat, Miss Janis Joplin, a female leadbelly, a Texan in and out
of four colleges, a one-time foiksinger, entertained the University's
capacity-filled gym last Friday night.
Janis Joplin was taken in by "Big Brother and the Holding Co." a
few years back. One week after the release of her first record single
she began firing the rest of her group. Janis Joplin decided to send
"Big Brother and the Holding Co," back to San Francisco while she
shopped for a band that could move with her, rather than stifle her.
"Summertime" and "Take a Piece of my Heart" demonstrate Janis'
voice. Her voice cuts like a razor blade, but one can still hear a sort of
innocence creeping forth. Screaming, drinking, clapping and
dancing-Janis does them all. She feels and acts in the manner that she
wishes on stage. She's free.
Janis' versatile gro'ip, consisting of Roy Markowitz, Sam H.
Andrew III, Terry Clements, Terry Hensley, Richard Kermode, and
Keith Kcherry, back Janis well. Their instrumental arrangements are
e x e c u t e d with precision. Flute, trumpet, drums, guitar,
tamborine...they all harmonize together to produce just what one
StOry by Alan LaSKer
Photos by
Gary Gold
would expect; A Janis Joplin and
Co. The beat didn't ramble, and
the notes didn't fly haphazardly.
The group had no trouble in
commanding the attention of the
The audience loved her...even
though she did not sing "Ball and
Chain" as one devoted follower
had requested her to do. ButJanis
was kind enought to apologize
and suy, "I'm sorry...I forgot."
Janis generated life in iter
audience...if there had been more
room, people would hove left
their seats to move with her. The
audience was satisfied with Miss
Joplin...the back up music was
good, the atmosphere was ureal
but most of all because Janis
Joplin was herself.
Janis Joplin performs witfi u
distinct style. Her voice is one
which Is most distinguished; her
actions contain an uir of freedom.
The audience knew what to
expect and were not disappointed.
Along with Junis Joplin ana iio,
"Earth Opera" appeared. They
failed to generate the feeling that
Junis hud; they exploded with u
band, but not enough fire. Muny
times their instruments drowned
out their lend singer und muny of
their selections seemed to contain
a similar beat. However one
s e l e c t i o n t h a t was handled
differently wus their nnti-wur
c h a n t . F o r the most part
instrumental^ they created the
agony, battle cries and the pain of
Friday night, Feb. 21, Music
Council will present at 8:30 in
Page Hall, The Guarneri String
Quartet. The Quartet, originally
formed at Vermont's Marlboro
Festival, consists of four young
string players: Arnold Steinhardt
and John Dalley, violins; Michael
Tree, viola; and David Soyer,
Following the Quartet's New
York debut at Manhattan's New
School for Social Research in
February, 1965, the "Guaneris"
were quartet-in-residence at
Harpur College in Binghamton,
New York.
The c o n c e r t s created an
opportunity for building an active
repretory—which is not a
specialized one, but emphasizes
lesser-known works of established
Tickets will be available all this
week at the Campus Center
Information Desk. The price is $3
for non-students, free for students
with Student Tax (SUNYA), and
$1 for all other students. Tickets
may also be purchased at the
We pick up 6 deliver
on student insurance
1237 VfHUtn AM.
Phone IV2-1355
a word t h a t s h o u l d be s y n o n y m o u s
with H e b r e w c u l t u r e a r o u n d t h e
world a n d h e r e o n c a m p u s .
by Marcia Stalker
As a result of denouncements
by v a r i o u s individuals and
organizations, the Young Socialist
Alliance has found it necessary to
issue statements of position
concerning current issues on
Its first statement for public
on our campus to live up to this
praise. If they fail, so shall this
column. Through fact, humor,
satire, and a sprinkle of Greek
militancy, we hope to bring a
little fresh air into the Albany
Student Press.
Hebrew students seek
organizational goals
continued from page 2
A discussion of the Hebrew
language course revealed that the
intermediate level classes, which
a r e held o n Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings, are not
regularly scheduled, and that their
participants are taking the courses
without, guarantee of receiving
Two faculty members in the
audience were
outspoken. Dr. David Feinblum of
the Physics
d e n o u n c e d the inflammatory
nature of the discussion, and held
that it is possible to act effectively
within the system. Feinblum
t o R o s e n b e r g 's
"confrontation politics."
Dr. Amen Ben Amor, an Arab
who is a member
of the
Economics Department, offered
that the Jewish students on
campus should be as aggressive as
c o u n t e r p a r t s . " W e all live
together-this is what the idea of
pluralism is, isn't it?"
The ensuing battle of semantics
caused impatience among the
audience, and a long argument
organization's name and purpose
obstructed progress. It was finally
agreed that the organization be
named Am Yisrael, which in
English translation means "the
people of Israel."
The selection of a name
afforded little unity to the group,
who were unable to agree upon
the objectives of the new
organization. While many felt that
their primary goal should be to
help Israel, others felt it more
essential to petition for a
Department of Semitic Studies.
release waa read at a YSA meeting
hut Sunday at 8 p.m.
YSA . auppor ta any
organization'! freedom of thought
and speech; therefore, it supports
the formation of all ethnic
alliances on campus.
YSA does not support the state
of Israel basically because it
cannot justify Israel as the answer
to t h e Jews' problei
a n t i - S e m i t i s m . T h e Israeli
Zionists, says the YSA, are on a
suicidal course.
The Zionists drive Arabs from
their country and commit acts of
agression against Arab countries,
thereby alienating as many Arabs
as possible.
No existing Middle Eastern
regime, including Arab regimes,
are supported by the YSA. YSA is
s y m p a t h e t i c , however, with
revolutions against both the state
of Israel and Arab countries; but
the revolutions must be socialist
revolutions for independence.
Al Fatah, a revolution aimed at
the downfall of both the Zionists
and the Arab regimes, is cited by
the YSA as one Middle Eastern
revolution that is worth fighting.
The Dow Chemical recruiters,
who will be on campus Thursday,
February 20, will again be faced
with a student demonstration.
demonstration, with appointed
leaders to prevent a repetition of
last year's chaos.
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State's Win Streak Broken
Despite this photo's implication, State lost the "battle of the foul
line" in their 73-64 loss to Siena last Friday.
Photo by DeYoung
Grapplers Meet
FDU Here Tonite
The Great Danes' winning
streak was stopped at eleven this
past weekend as an aroused Siena
squad came back from a two
point deficit at half time to record
a 73-64 victory.
Albany was up by as much as
five points in the second half
before the Indians, behind fine
foulshooting by Bob Herman,
stormed into the lead.
Rich Margison once again
played an outstanding game as he
hit long jump shots in the first
half to keep the Danes in the lead.
In the second half, the Indians
prevented Margison from shooting
and thus stifled Albany's most
potent weapon. Margison finished
the game with twenty-three
points, fifteen of which came in
the first half.
Scott Price, who was at a
'distinct disadvantage in having to
guard and being guarded by
Siena's 6-7 Herman, contributed
eighteen points. Jack Jordan who
fouled out of the game, was third
for Albany with eleven markers.
The Danes were hurt in the
second half by excess fouls as
Siena capitalized by hitting
The standing-room-only crowd
was treated to an exciting first
half as the lead changed hands a
number of times before Siena
pulled ahead with 6:39 left in the
The Danes chance for a
post-season bid was somewhat
The probably lineup of
With only three meet!,
remaining in the season, the Great wrestlers for tonight's meet will
Dane Varsity wrestling squad be: Pete Ravalli, 130; Fran Weal,
prepares to grapple with Farleigh 137; Bob Kind, 145; George
Hawylchak, 152; Craig Springer,
Dickinson tonight at home.
The Dane matmen have but one 160; Frank Bevy, 167; John
dual victory under their belt thus Ferlinif, 177; and Curt Whitton,
far. That one came almost a unlimited.
The meet will be held at 8 p.m.
month ago at the expense of New
Paltz. The victory was the first in the main gym.
one following a coaching change
t h a t took place between
Varsity wrestling coach, Joe
Garcia, went on sabbatical and
was replaced by Bill Mull, a
graduate of Brockport and former
Freshman coach. The vacancy
brought about by Mull's rise to
the Varsity squad introduced
Grant Longley as the new
Freshman engineer. Longley is a
graduate of Springfield College.
'The Law Revolt'
Mull's presence introduced to
the State squad a greater emphasis
on conditioning. His overall
Wednesday, February 26, 1969
enthusiasm caught on and sparked
the Danes to that lone victory
over New Paltz.
Campus Ballroom 8.00 PM
Earlier in the season, Albany
put together a second place effort
Free With Tax
5 0 * Without
at the Albany Quadrangular meet.
The team was runner up behind
Hartwick's squad. In addition to
the team performance, individual
efforts were also acknowledged.
Seth Seahly, Bob Kind, and Craig
Springer each took a first place in
the Quadrangular meet.
The big problem on the squad,
however, has been experience.
Few Albany matmen have more
than one or two years of wrestling
experience. Craig Springer, with 8
years of wrestling to his credit, is
the most experienced of all the
The team also suffers from a
lack of depth, as it has but one
member to each weight class, at
the very maximum.
reduced with this loss although
they certainly aren't to be
counted out yet.
Once again the Danes were hurt
by their lack of depth as both
Cayerly and Jordan got into foul
trouble early in the game and
were force to spend a large .
amount of time on the bench in
the second half. With these two
starters on the bench the Danes
were badly in need of defensive
strength against Siena's much
taller team.
With Seina taking the lead, the
Danes were forced into a situation
where they were forced to go to
an even greater pressing game and
consequently ended up with more
The Indians, who were defeated
by State earlier in the Capital City
Tournament, played an inspired
game and quite possibly prevented
the Great Danes chance for a bid.
The Danes record now stands at
thirteen wins and four losses. This
Saturday, they go against
Southern Connecticut in an
important game. Friday they will
host Potsdam State.
With Rich Margison socring at a
twenty-one point pace, and with
the tough defensive game of Price
and Caverly, the Danes may still
be able to gain a bid to the NCAA
tournament and a possibility to go
on from there.
Engineering • Science • Business Administration • Liberal Arts
" are cordially invited
Vbur faculty
advisor asks you
for advice?
All sophomores und juniors
interested in the Student
Ambassador abroad program for
this summer are asked to attend
an informational meeting tonight,
February 18, in the Assembly Hall
of the Campus Center at 7:30 pm.
Anyone unable to attend tonight's
meeting should contact the
Student Association office.
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State UnlvcnftH of NM» Ytrk «t Albany
Vol.LV no.
this weekend
The finishing touches are being
put on plans for "Dedication
'69", a weekend of special'event*
at State University of New York
at Albany which will note both
the 125th anniversary year of the
institution and the conclusion of a
two-year period during which
buildings on the new campus have
been dedicated. James E, Allen
Jr., U.S. Commissioner of
Education, will be the dedication
convocation speaker Saturday
evening, May 17.
An unusual feature of the
weekend will be a symposium
designed to provide participants
w i t h an opportunity for
stimulating discussions on
contemporary subjects with
knowledgeable people. Sessions
are scheduled for this afternoon,
May 16, and tomorrow morning.
w i l l range from
international dimensions of higher
education and ethics and human
engineering to the new literature
and the cost and consequences of
science in the modern world.
Reinstatement of
Psych professors
by Anita Thsysr
Dr. Waterman's and Mrs.
Rhoads' term appointments have
been extended for one year by a
decision of President Collins
which concludes with his recent
Participation," distributed at an
all-University meeting Thursday,
May 8. This is the culmination of
administration efforts to And a
constructive and acceptable
solution to the Waterman-Rhoads
The issue, according to Collins
"is the e x t e n t t o which
information from students was
systematically included in the
judgements made, the ways in
which students were involved in
the discussions, and most
important the degree to which
constructive dialogue between the
students and faculty was
COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, James E. Alton, Jr. will bt tht>
T h e Student
er at the dedication ceremonies, 8:30 pm Saturday.
requested Collin's intervention on
the basis of "their inability, over a
period of more than three weeks
U» develop a basis for constr uctive
discussion with the faculty of the
psychology department."
Prior to this case, the faculty
had committed itself to the
principle of student participation
election or be a member of any made by Arnold, who is UB's in academic affairs." There is no
Student government's "Student request by students nor intent by
SA financed group.
faculty to shift control over
In other matters, Council Rights Coordinator."
passed faculty
appointments to
passed the resolution to run an
opinion poll concerning the unanimously the resolution in sutdents," but there is an
intention to utilize student
establishment of a Student
Association Legal Aid Society. possible implementation of the information, and concern.
The poll is expected to be taken
' Meaningful discussion is the
College und un "heart of the academic process.
in the fall by Council's Political G c n e r u l
and Social Positions Committee. Experimental College" at the Unless opportunity for continuing
The main purpose of the legal University.
, d i a l o g u e is assured, the
aid society would be to help
"ndorscd the pluralistic fundamental function of the
obtain legal counsel for University c o n c e p t of undergraduate' University is threatened.
students charged with a felony or education onunciutcd in the 1968
Over 200 students attended he
report, "New Patterns in May 8 open meeting and greeted
Dennis Arnold, a student at the Undergraduate Education," and Collin's decision and statement
University of Buffalo, spoke to felt that the establishment of the with emotional approval and
the members of Council about the Gcnerul und Experimentnl expressions of relief.
Students present also discussed
Legal Aid System recently Colleges would bo u murk of real
necessary the genorul issue of student
established ut UB, und its success progress toward
participation. "If we slow down
academic reform.
so fur.
Thomson Littlefield, an
Arnold stated that tho system
consisted of un unsworing service introducer or this bill, stated that
that could be culled ut unytimo, due to the budget cuts for the
und which guvo information to coming fiscal year, there may be u
in t h o
students about their legul rights. If l e n g t h y
tho student found himself in jail, implementation ol' these two
nn uttempt to post bond und colleges ut the University.
obtain legal counsel would bo
Council lowers student fee
SA Legal Aid Society poll
by Nancy Duriih,
Staff Reporter
The passage of the bill
containing revised student activity
assessment rates was the highlight
of last night's Central Council
This bill, whose major provision
calls for a reduction of $4 in the
mandatory student tax rate for
the entire year, contains changes
affecting all students, including
graduate and special students as
well as students enrolled in the
General Studies program.
The new rate of $26.75 per
a p p l i e s to all
undergraduates and special
students carrying 9 or more credit
hours a semester. Those carrying 4
to 8 crodit hours will pay $13.38
per sumester, and those having u
course-load of less than 4 hours
are exempt from paying student
On the graduate level, if
students elect to pay tho student
tux fee tho charge will bo $13.38
per your for a course load of 7-11
hours und $26.7 5 per your for 12
or more hours.
Students enrolled in tho
General Studies Program will pay
no student tax. Those students are
generally people from the
community who take one or two
courses a year at tlio University.
A completely new rate for
married students was also
instituted with the bill's passage.
If one member of Student
Association is married to another
member of SA, they will pay the
normal rate for two people but
will receive u refund of $13.38 per
sumester. In uddition, If an SA
member is married to a
non-member, the non-member
will receive ull of the benefits of
student lux by paying $6.69 in
uddition to the member's fee "'
$26.75 por semester. However,
because this non SA member is
not attending the University, lie
shall not be able to vote In any
Friday, May 16, I969
we're really going to lose...What
we need now is a vehicle for
responsibility...The ultimate
power should reside 50-50...Power
isn't numbers; if you can acualize
your ideas you have power..."
The Faculty-Senate discussed
the Waterman-Rhoads issue and
President Collin's statement on
student participation at their
Monday meeting.
Although Collins affirmed
several times that attempts had
been made to solve the issue at
the departmental level, many
Senators saw the President's
action as a threat to departmental
Collins denied that "coercion
had played a role in his decision in
response to another Senator's
President Collins emphasized
that the role of "meaningful
student dialogue" was more
important in his review of the
issue than the merits of the
original decisions, on which he
passed no judgement.
The right of students to
petition for the redress of
grievances has been affirmed in a
policy on student consultation
adopted by the Faculty Senate.
Faculty are obligated to "consider
such petitions in good faith and
act responsibly on their merits."
This policy calls for the
University President to impose on
all departments and schools the
"duty a! providing for an orderly,
faculty-student consultation with
regard to policies and decisions on
matters of concern to students."
An Ad Hoc Consultation
Guideline Committee of four
faculty members and four
students will draw up guidelines
for implementation of this policy
before the end of September,
Any student who is interested
in serving on this faculty-student
committee and will be here this
summer should contact Terry
Mathias in CC 367.
Work-force integration
study to begin now
Whereas: The President lins
requested tile offices of tile
University Construction Fund und
the Dormitory Authority to
conduct u survey of tho extent to
which minority groups uro
construction projects.
To this end a cominilte is to be
formed composed equally of 1
students and 1 faculty senutors.
Any student interested in
participating is urged to submit
his nntme to Terry Muthius ut
Fuculty .Senate passed u
resolution Monday resolving:
That the Faculty Senate
review the findings of this study
and, If discrimination is found to
exist, join with the Student
Association to establish u joint ad
hoc group empowered to rectify
lire situation by such measures us;
1' Publicize tho findings of tho
2. Ascertain tho reasons for
non enforcement of existing laws
3. Study the need for changes
in existing legislation
4. Survey the availability of
trained construction munpower in
tho locul nreu, with emphasis on
members of minority groups.
5. Provide assistance In
recruitment und employment of
such trained workers.
6. A s c e r t a i n
opportunities in the building
Continued on nags 7
DISCRIMINATION In Indisn Quid work
Investigate and report.