Tuesday, November 19,1968 Albany Student Press Pt|e8 AMI A Causes Controversy Marcus, Doody Involved The winter sports season is about to begin at Albany State. On the varsity level, it appears as if both the basketball and the wrestling teams will be suffering. The freshman teams, although it is always difficult to predict how well they will do, again look as if they may be hurt by lack of participation. The AMIA basketball leagues are once mote in the process of taking shape with the close of the football season and the approach of winter. Ten teams recently registered in League I and, The Great Danes basketball squad has been beset by a number of misfortunes. Stef Smigiel, who was one of the top substitutes last year, and was expected to make a valuable contribution to this year's squad, is no longer in attendance at this school. Bob Wood, who was sidelined last year with a virus infection, dropped out of school midway through this semester. Wood, although there was a question of whether or not he would be given permission by the doctor to play this year, certainly would have been an important performer if he had participated. A third setback suffered by the team was the development of calcium deposits on Scott Price's ankle. Without Price in the lineup, the team will be woefully lacking for rebounders. intramural teams against "near professional" competition, but to protect the varsity program from being drained of the best players who for various reasons chose not to play varsity ball after having lettered in it in a previous year. Both APA and Potter Club have strong entries in League I. Besides Doody, the Apagogues will have center Bill Moon, forwards Jack Sinnott and Denny Elkin, and versatile guard Gary Torino—all returning along with a fine bench. T h e C l u b , h a r d hit by graduation, will feature forward Pat Reed and sophomore Richie Adams, along with Marcus, in their hardcourt battles this year. K a p p a Beta, another strong contender for League I honors, will be led by senior Howie Dobbs and junior Dave Goldstein. already, controversy has hit the hardcourts. The "controversy" centers around the rosters of two teams entered in the league. Although the rotten are not official yet, both Potter Club and APA have made It known that they intend to play former varsity basketball athletes on their League I entries. Larry Marcus (Potter) and Tom Doody (APA) are the students i n v o l v e d . Each played the maximum three years of varsity basketball and are still enrolled undergraduates at the University. I would surmise that while the hoopsters will probably still have a winning record, it doesn't seem feasible that they will be able to secure the NCAA bid which they barely missed last year. The varsity wrestling squad is extremely short of wrestlers this year. While they have a good set of wrestlers in the lower weight classes, ^gjgp^" there is only one man on the squad over 152 pounds. As a result of ^23t such a large shortage of wrestlers, the team will be able to w.n only if they capture each of the lower weight classes to stand a chance of winning. Photo by Phil Cantor The rule in question is number •even under the AMIA rules of eligibility which states, "Any undergraduate who has lettered in a varsity-sport may not also be competing in intramural AMIA competition in that sport unless h e is cleared through the Intramural Office and the Athletic Director." According to the ruling, Coach Robert Burlingame, coordinator of intramural athletics, cleared Doody and Marcus for play. I m m e d i a t e l y , several team captains registered their protests of the ruling. In defending his decision, Burlingame argued that the rule was developed, not to protect the Fer wrestlers taking part in the workouts. SUNYA Wrestling Squad Opens Informal Season Against Union Last Friday, the Albany State wrestling squad unofficially opened their season with a t h r e e - w a y scrimmage against Cobleskill Agricultural and Technical College and Union College. In Coach Joe Garcia's words, "I was very impressed with out showing and with just a little more strength of numbers we can have a fantastic season." Those who were m o s t impressive in the initial encounter were Seth Ceely, a 12H pound transfer from Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Pete Ilanalli and Kevin Sheehan al 130 pounds, Bobby Kind, a 137 pound transfer student from Orange C o u n t y Community College, Fran Weal at 145 pounds and Craig Springer at 152 pounds. In addition, two happy and unexpected surprises were the showings of John Howland und John Ferlins. Both are novices and wrestling for the first time. AMIA basketball leagues close as of Thursday, Nov. 21. A m e e t i n g to o r g a n i z e volleyball leagues will be held Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 4 p.m. in room 123 of the gym. Those playing AMIA basketball are not eligible for volleyball. Coach Garcia feels with the addition of a 115 pounder and a 191 pounder or aheavyweight that this will give the team a chance for a potentially fine season. This Thursday, the squad will host Hudson Valley Community College in a scrimmage at 4 p.m. in the second floor wrestling room of the athletic building. will belong to her quad team. However, any group of students, including commuters, may form a team independent of the quad teams by calling Linda Myers at 457-4727 from 7-10 p.m. on the same night. Each person may enter no more than two events. This event is for enjoyment. No great ability is necessary, one need merely know how to swim. GOVERNORS Photo by Phil Cantor MOTOR INN Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge Banquet Hall Up To 175 People Entertainment Tues.-Sat. Dancing Fri. & Sat. Nights Michael Welsh Trio Featuring Jan Savino Reasonable Room Rates Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm Rt. 2 0 - 4 Miles From Campus Phone 468-6686 A. Taranto Pres. ^ l i ami P » P FESTIVAL AT G U L F S T R I A M P A R K /4 Thousand Wonder* and a Three Day Collaue of beautiful Music SATURDAY, DEC. 28 • 1 pm -10 pm MONDAY, D E C . 3 0 ' l p m - 1 0 p m Jose Feliciano • Country Joe and the Fish • Bulfy Salnte Marie * Chuck Berry • The Infinite McCoys • John Mayall's Bluesbreakers • Booker T. and The M.G.'S. • Dino Valente* Fleetwood Mac Jose F e l i c i a n o • C a n n e d Heat • The Turtles • Iron Butterfly • The Joe Tex Revue • Ian and Sylvia • The Grassroots • Charles Lloyd Quartet • Sweet Inspirations • The Grateful Dead PLUS EVERY DAY: SUNDAY, DEC. 2 9 ' l p m 10 pm SUippenwcilf • Jr. Walker and the All Stars Butterfield Blues Band • Flatt and Scruggs Marvin Gaye • Joni Mitchell • The Boxlops Richie Havens • James Cotton Blues Band H. P. tovecraft • • • • Live Performances Tonight To Highlight Telethon by Gal* McAHiitar byUaltaKiBf The 1968 Invitational Walking Catli.h Derby; The Giant TM.eai Slide; Hundreds of Arts and Crafts Displays; The Warm Tropical Sun and a Full Miami Moon; Meditation Grove; Wandering Musicians; Blue Meanies on Parade; Things to Buy and Cat; 20 Acres ol Hidden Surprises in Beautiful Gardens; World's First Electronic Saydivert; Stratospheric Balloons; Kaleidoscopic Elephants I II 15% DISCOUNT COUPON • MIAMI POP FESTIVAL P.O. BOX 3900 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 NO. TICKETS SAT.. DEC. 28 @ $6 00 Ea f | I NO. TICKETS SUN . DEC. 29 @ $6.00 Ed I NO. TICKETS MON.. DEC 30 © $6.00 Ea • (6 00 Includes all-day atlmission (ticket) at the doo' B 1 if available: $7.00) I J I ? | • • I havu unclosed $in check or mene* I order payable to "Miami Pop Festival " • I untiorstiind that the management duet. • CI I guarantee delivery on orders postmarked ™ later than Dec 9. 1968 | Name , — m • Address State I City „ Zip — •I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1968 ALBANY, NEW YORK It Part Of LA AC BUI Not To Be Recommended W M M My The frosh basketball squad does not appear to have the same trouble Details concerning the as they have more than enough ball players out for the squad. It would intramural swim meet to be held seem that the freshman team may well have an outstanding squad as on Tuesday, December lOare now they have a multitude of talent to choose from. in order. The meet will take place from 7 to 9 p.m.; all students are It remains to be seen whether or not the wrestlers will be able to expected to be prompt. It will salvage a representative showing and whether or not the basketball offer everyone a chance to try out her racing skill against her fellow squad will be able to maintain their winning ways despite the loss of students. So that all competitors three possible starters. will be at an equal level of experience , no intercollegiate AMIA also promises some interesting developments as League 1 swimmers will be allowed to competition promises to be particularly stiff this year. APA, who won compete. Those who wish to enter the Commissioners Cup last year, has their whole team back and in c o m p e t i t i o n may sign up addition pick up a couple of last year's freshman ball players. Potter Thursday, November 21, at the Club also looks strong as does KB. dinner tines at all quads. Unless otherwise specified, each entrant VOL. i,» n u . « k UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SUPPORT Campus Chest Week at the booster table. The highlight of the week's activities, the Telethon, taker place tonight in the Campus Center Ballroom. photo by Benjamin The freshman wrestling squad is suffering from the same lack of participation. At present, they have only a sprinkling of the projected Up Against The Wall The Fac u 1ty-Student Committee on Residence discussed the LAAC policy on residence changes Tuesday and Thursday. Sections I and II of the rationale, concerning Freshmen Women's Hours and the sign-out p r o c e d u r e , respectively were recommended to the next Committee to which the bill will go, the Student Affairs Council. However, the remainder of the bill will not be recommended until certain terms are specifically defined. By having these terms denned to the point where they catinot be misinterpreted, the Faculty-Student Committee feels they are helping the students to get the bill passed in the higher committees. However, Bruce Cohen, a member of the Faculty-Student Committee, feels that "by leaving no room for 'misinterpretation,' the Faculty-Student Committee denies the rationale of the bill by leaving no room for the individual to interpret his own freedoms and responsibilities." Those who originally brought up the rationale now feel that the bill is being "blown all out of proportion," and that the whole point of the bill is being missed, which is that the students should be able to live their own lives w i t h o u t anybody interpreting cont d to p. l. The First Annual Campus Chest Telethon, a 24 hour variety show, will get under way tonight, 7 p.m. in the Campus Center Ballroom. Highlighting the event are such well-known campus performers as Judi Ann Wiesen, comedian; Gary Aldrich and Ellis B. Kaufman, singers; Kathi O'Neill, dancer; Dean Sorrell Chesin, comedian; Neil C. Brown Director of the Campus Center and of Student Activities, pianist; and many others. This event is being held to raise money for the Student Mental Health Work-Study Interne Project, which was begun with the funds raised at the University's first Telthon, a i d the Academic Affairs Commission Tutoring Project. The a n n u a l pie-in-the-face action will be held at 12 midnight as part of the Telethon. Featured to be hit with a pie are James Kahn and several fraternity and sorority members. One half hour of the best of the Telethon performers is being aired on WRGB-TV on Saturday, including Gary Aldrich, Ellis B. Kaufman, Dennis Buck, Gary Kestifo and Mary Carney, Judi Ann Wiesen, and Kathi O'Neill. All will be performing live at the Telethon. MC's for the evening will include Dean Sorrell Chesin, Dean Dell Thompson, Martin Mann, Ro Cania and many others. Kisses will also be auctioned to the highest bidder and the girls include Judi Ann Wiesen, Ro Cania and several sorority pledges. "Up against the wall, you mother-fuckers...up against the wall, you mother-fuckers...up against..." Columbia committed itself. The militants were fighting a clear enemy, they had become radicals. And Mark Rudd, Columbia University's revolutionist came Wednesday night to "bend SUNY's mind" with his bold persuasiveness and "biased, propaganda-filled, hut TRUE movie." 1150 University students sat, absorbed, as the 21 year old activist spoke at the lecture s p o n s o r e d by the campus Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter. Rudd compared Universities uursio a "rneHiis of production for mechanisms of the machine." He condemned Exploitation, O p r e s s i o n , Racism, and Imperialism; he praised Education Action through the "power to win," conquering the ruling class. Rudd claimed that the s t a i r - s o a p i n g , window-taping, barricade-erecting SUB "refused to be produced." They demanded that students have a say in the policies of the administration and that their actions be taken on a . . . . . . Several folk singers are on the program and sing alongs are expected. Coffee and dougi.nuts will be available all night for those who make this a 24 hour marathon of endurance. Auctions of merchandise will also be held. The Student Mental Health Work-Study Intern Project employs students from area colleges a n d universities as psychiatric aides, recreational assistants, classroom assistants, w o r k e r s w i t h the mentally retarded and the emotionally' disturbed, aides in old age homes and other capacities throughout the community. Through this program, a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2000 persons needing extra care and attention have been able to receive such help. Sltkidents, also, are enabled to work, under close supervision, in vital community services. The First Annual Campus Chest Telethon funds will also aid in buying materials necessary for tutoring in the poorer section of the Albany Community. Student groups at the University are presently beginning to coordinate these tutoring efforts and to gather funds to further their effectiveness. Tickets are on sale in the Campus Center across from the Information Desk, $1.00 for students, $1.50 for faculty and staff. Telethon is being sponsored by Special Event* Board-Campus Chest, produced by Linda R. Berdan and directed by Eileen W. Deming. Student Tax Validity To Be Aired Sunday The question of the validity of the recent Student Tax Referendum's held Oct 23,24 and 25 will be aired at an open Supreme Court Hearing this coming Sunday, Nov. 2-1 at 2:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Assembly Hall. Two separate referrals have been presented to Supreme Court. One was presented by Paul Schlect and Steve Kichen, who were the inauguarators of a petition signed by over 2,000 students, which called for a new election. The s e c o n d referral was submitted by Keith Nealy, a member of Central Council, who is contesting the legality of the wording of the referendum. Both cases will be handled as •" negotiate with the outside; Rudd one, according to Supreme Court would not compromise with the Justice Peter MacMonagle. University's questioning audience. The procedure will be as Rudd seemed dominated by a f o l l o w s : Both Student power to win. Association, speaking in defense We were bewildered.,. of the referendum, and those Columbia's Strike Revisited Through Mark Rudd's Eyes hu atti A mhrodi by P Patti Ambrogi The morning hours will be highlighted by the Frand G. Surprise" act at 6 a.m. Fushman women will have no hours if they plan to attend the Telethon. contesting the referendum will submit opening statements. They will then call witnesses for both sides, and will then be given the opportunity to refute each others' arguments. The floor will then be opened to questions from the floor. All and any students may participate in this part of the hearing. The issue at stake is NOT the legality of the mandatory Student Tax, but rather the validity of the referendum from which it mbsequently became law. The Justices of the Supreme 2ourt who will be judging this case are Peter MacMonagle, Jim o l t s , Paul Leiberman, Jay Handelman and Cheryl Heater. The decision on the case, must, by law, be submitted within one week of the referral. higher level of seriousness. The SDS acted in a "cohesive way" for the legitimacy to protest. The movie's blood, brutality, The decision will determine and realism illustrated the "masses whether or not new student tax reacting to crisis induced by elections are to be held. society.'' Hamilton Hall symbolized the opposition to the war in Vietnam and a trial against Racism and Imperialsim. Columbia students, appalled by the gap between their capability and what they were allowed to do, struck out at the ruling class. They claimed that the ruling class, the trustees, represented the mass-media, the CIA, the government, and the corporation, and t h a t they dominated Columbia and the world. Rudd and his strikers found a new meaning fulness in their lives, a common bond, a STRIKE. University students, dazed, agreeing, or appalled, fired questions at Rudd. One accused him of using the very tactics (violence) which he so radically opposed. Another disagreed with the whole movement until Rudd m i g h t find something more suitable to replace the opposition that he claims so heavily burdens Kioto by Tom Pettrac* us now. MARK RUDD CONFRONTS the University during his lecture Wednesday. His methods and goals were R u d d ' s strike would not appreciated by some and knocked others 'off the wall.' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1968 PA ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CE2 f*e 3 Obscene 'Peter Pan' Play Closed At Wisconsin Univ. Gordon, who has presented M A D I S O N , Wis. (CPS)-Hearings will begin next several other plays at the week on charges of obscenity Universtiy, is charged with against a play director and dancer obscenity, because of the who performed an original "Peter appearance of nude dancers in his P a n " on the University of adaptation of J.M. Barrie's classic. Carolyn Purdy, who allegedly Wisconsin campus. But according to the director, appeared nude in one sequence, iii Stuart Gordon, the charges miy also charge with obscenity. be dismissed, and legal action is at The play was closed down after a temporary standstill. two performances by the campus LAAC Rationale Questioned NEARLY A 100 PEOPLE picketed in support at Brooks Smith. He refused to sign his name to the military papers which would finalize his induction. (Story page 2) Photo by Paul Jacobs cont'd from p. I. their freedoms for them. The Facu11 y-Student Committee on Residences has also expressed great concern about the protection of the rights of the minority. For instance, there may be some students who do not wish to conform to the majority decision on Open House policy. Again, the Committee feels more definition is necessary. Cohen feeis no further definition is necessary. "The bill is trying to do what is best for ALL t h e s t u d e n t s — n o t just the majority. The bill tries to present the broadest possible sphere in which the students may make those decisions which affect their lives." RFK Memorial Service Held On Capitol Steps by Caryn Leland A group of approximately sixty persons gathered for a memorial Candlelight Service for the slain Robert F. Kennedy on the steps of the Capital Building in Albany, Wednesday night. Kennedy would have been 43 on Wednesday and thus the group, headed by Jim Tubeman, a senior at Albany High School, decided to celebrate Kennedy's birthday in a solemn manner. The g a t h e r i n g contained members of the Albany Citizens for Kennedy along with various other onlookers and University students dispersed throughout. The order of service consisted of short speeches from local clergy and University members. Rabbi Bloom from Beth Emeth Temple opened the service with excerpts from the Bible. M. J. Rosenberg, a senior at the University and chairman of the Students for Kennedy last spring, recapped the major political events of Kennedy from the time he entered the race for the Presidential nomination to his assassination. Richard Rust, a political science teaching fellow at the University, spoke on the Kennedy years and its impact upon the nation. Father Kirwan from the Church of the Immaculate Conception led the gathering in prayer for Kennedy. The singing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic concluded the service. TXO Conducts March Of Dimes Charity Appeal Theta Xi Omega Fraternity will bo involved in u campaign to c o l l e c t contributions for u national charity organization, the March of Dimes. Dave Gary, pledgemaster of the fraternity, said that both members and pledges would be stationed at four local shopping centers this afternoon. They will be soliciting contributions from shoppers at West G a t e , Grandway, and Colonie shopping centers, and at Htyvesant Plaza. The fraternity plans to involve the University's students in this charitable effort by making collections on campus during the month of December. Monday, November 25, there will be an emergency meeting of the Faculty-Student Committee at 5:30 p.m. to further consider the Mil. The bill originated in LAAC's Committee On Residence Reform and was passed in toto by LAAC and Central Council last W e d n e s d a y and Thursday evenings. SUNY, Wurzburg Cooperate On Student Exchange Program by Amy Gurian A cooperative program between SUNY and the Julius-Maximilians University of Wurzburg has been established to provide interested students of SUNYA and of the S t a t e University College at Oneonta the opportunity to study foroneyear at the University of Wurzburg. The program now operates on a SUNYA, AMC Collaborate On Scientific Research S c i e n t i s t s at the State University of New York ;it Albany and Albany Medical College will collaborate on a research project designed to perfect a lost which will detect and assess impairment in human subjects exposed to air containing low concentrations ol carbon monoxiside. The project is supported by a $46,000 contract between the Medical College and the National Air Pollution Control Administration. At the same time, University residence staff "has been trying to build a society of open communication. This establishes a h i g h level of t r u s t and responsibility, and enables students to work out resdience problems at the root of the problem, among themselves." police and the Madison district attorney in September. Camps police conducted the investigation of the identity of participants in the n u d e d a n c e sequence. A l t h o u g h universitv officials reportedly asked the D.A.'s office not to press charges, they took no official s t a n d against the censorship. Gordon said his version of 'Peter Pan" was an attempt to 'emphasize some parts of the n-iginal covered up by Mary Martin." He said he believed the t e l e v i s i o n musical veisiou overshadowed the more meaningful association in the original. "We presented the idea that Peter Pkn had been pretty much destroyed by his society," Gordon told the Daily Cardinal. "It's a play about a man attempting to achieve happiness; in his effort he loses both his innocence and his happiness." Captain Hook and the pirates are represented as police in the play, Mrs. Darling (mother of heroine Wendy) as a "cross between a Tennessee Williams character and Mrs. Robinson," and Mr. Darling as "a henpecked shadow of a man." Dr. Robert E. Carroll, acting chairman of the department of prevenlive and community medicine, is the project director. Working at the medical college, Dr. Uoomsliter will explore refinement of the lioomsliter-Creel Test for Tonal Perception. ^' The researchers plan to modify their test so that it will enable them to study the mild oxygen deficiency that results from exposure to air polluted with low c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of carbon monoxide. The ultimate goal is establishment of air quality criteria for carbon monoxide. 12-month basis, including 8-week preliminary language course at the Goethe [ nstitute, a 4-week p r e p a r a t i o n course introducing the student's major subject, 2 semesters of study at the University of Wurzburg, and a vacation period. The academic year consists of a ''winter1' semester (mid-October mid - February) and a ''summer" semester (mid-April-mid-July). Admission to the program is restricted to students whose performance in 2 years of the study of German, and in their other courseslndicate the required ability and industry. The geographical location of Wurzburg is well-suited to the needs of Americans wishing to study in German. It is central situated within easy traveling distance of Frankfurt and Munich, and is culturally well-endowed. The SUNYA student is fortunate as, while other German iniversities are usually inundated AUCTION: KISSES Midnight Today The LIGHTHOUSE CC Ballroom Restaurant and BAR STARRING State Students Welcome Chi Sig, Sig Phi, 67 CoioinAoe. Phi Delta, GDI, KD, Phone 483-9759 Kappa Chi Rho by American students, Wurzburg is host to only this U.S. educational operation. Students interested in the program are urged to apply as s o o n as p o s s i b l e . More information and applications arc available in the office of John Nicolopoulos, Coordinator of International Programs; Social Science :t81. WHY NOT? Why not fly Mohawk home for Thanksgiving? It'i a groovy way to travf)l. You gel lharo quicker. Your vocations lonrjor. Mohawk serves /5 cities in 10 states and Canada. If you arun't going homo, but wont to travel, chock Moliowk\ "Consecutive Exucutivo" plan. Five days unlimited travel. Faro is good from 12:01 a.m. Monday to midnight Friday. Call Mohawk and make positive space reservations on as many flights as you can. Then, GO to as many cities as your ingenuity and stamina allow. (If you're not an oxecutivo, do it anyway. We won't tell.) ARTHUR R. KAPNER Your State Insurance Write* All Types Man Of Insurance Phone 434-4687 MOHAWK AIRLINES for witrvallom, call Mohawk or your travel auent FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22.1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Forum Discusses Mid-East Economy by Kartn Ovarbaugh THE TRIVIA CONTEST, part of Campus Chest Week, is activly being participated in by these gats. Brotheis of ALC captured the contest and received two tickets to tonights beer party for each team member. photo by Benjamin Course In Black History Designed To End Ignorance by Kevin McGirr "Abraham Lincoln freed the Black man from slavery,'' a statement that one might elicit from any child and most adults, is actually quite far from the truth. Mr. Jerome Dukes, who teaches the Black History courses at the Urban Center, 80 Central Avenue, feels that 'Reconstruction' has been the most distorted period of history. The conceptualization of President Lincoln as being the Great Emancipator was actually not the reality for most Blacks after the war. Only because the Union Army was failing did Lincoln allow Blacks to fight for their own freedom rtfter the war only veterans and 'very intelligent Negroes' were allowed to vote. Ignotan'-e of peoples whom you have learned to mistrust will reinforce misunderstanding and hatred; such is the philosophy of Dukes. He feels that the introduction of Black history into early childhood curriculum will be a necessity for racial harmony in the future. He also feels that it should be assimilated into the regular school • curriculum and not as a single course which is being done presently. To Dukes' knowledge, there has been no wide-scale attempt to bring this subject matter into the schools. Dukes feels that it is no I enough that only historical fact be taught, but it is also important that Black Arts be introduced. Bio Building Dedication Tonight At 8 Among guest participants at the ded i cation of the biological sciences building at State University of New York ill Albany Fridiiy, November T±, will be Dr. George Wood well, Brookhaven N a t ional L a b o r a t o r y , iind Professor Donald R, Griffin, of Rockefeller University. Mr. Wood well will be the principal speaker at the evening meeting in the Ci.mpus Center dining hull at H o'clock. His subject will be "Slahilily in Ecological Systems: The Ultimate Challenge to Man," Professor Griffin will be one of the t h roe participants in a la symposium devoted "Perspectives in Neurobiology to be held in room SMH of the new building. His subject will be "Rigor and Speculation in the Study of Animal Behavior." Professor Griffin has been a member of the staff and professor at Rockefeller University since 1065. Also scheduled to take part in the symposium is Dr. ISric It. Kamlvl whose topic will be "Principles of Organization of a Simple Nervous System." Dukes is having his class read number of Black novelists and poets. He is trying to create a dialogue amongst class members and thus far Dukes has noticed a number of attitude changes. Dukes feels very strongly thai sensitization of the oppression of Black people by White people is tantamount to minimizing racial conflict. There are approximately twenty people in the class, with the majority being Whites. Dukes is happy to see that the class is comprised of people from both academic and non-academic backgrounds. At present the course is taught for non-credit, but the University is presently evaluating it for credit basis. The course is taught for a semester and will be offered in the Spring. Dukes has formerly taught at Howard and Southern Universities and is at present teaching at Mt. Pleasant High S c h o o l in Schenectedy. A group of twenty people gathered at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon in HU 137 to hear Dr. P e t t e n g i l l of the economic department deliver a lecture on "The Middle East Today." He began by giving a "general overview" from the economist's point of view. The audience was surprised to learn that the per capita income of the Middle East, which Dr. Pettengill defined to include Western Asia and Egypt is approximately one-twentieth ol that of the United States. He attributed this fact to lack of resources such as coal and iron ore, lack of skilled labor and entrepeneurs, and a climate not conducive to agriculture with the rainfall amounting to about one-half of that of the United States. Nevertheless, he stressed the importance of their one major resource, that is, the Middle East Smith Refuses Induction Nearly 100 Support Him by Gregg Bell J J. J. Tuesday morning at the local step forward and sign his name. Having thus broker) Selective draft board, Brooks Smith, a Chicago Divinity School Student, Service law, he now stands trial went through the procedure for with the possibility of two to five induction into the military up to, years in prison and up to $10,000 but not including, the actual fine. Outside of the Albany Federal induction. He refused to take the Building on State Street and Broadway, nearly a hundred people picketed and held a kind of "folk worship" service in support of Smith. Under the bright Tog at 8:30 a.m. a half do;: en people, Rome wearing another car parked on Stale street vurious buttons, were walking near Brubacher Hall had been back and forth in front of the unlocked and the trunk's contents Federal Building. There wi.s not strewn about. Nothing was taken. really a demonstration yet. Also investigated was the Quickly, however, the picket line presence Sunday evening of six grew ai.d cardboard and magic students in the physics building markers arrived. and several reports of damage to Signs were made and given to cars by unknown vehicles also the supporters, including slogans were investigated. Additionally, like "Nol with my life you security personnel was kept busy won't," and "Thou shall nol kill, identifying o w n e r s h i p of Ex. 20:1 3—it really means it," and abandoned cars and making "Smith did it-now il's your lurn." arrangements for their being At about 9:15, Smith bad towed away. arrived and the informal worship began, complete with a thirteen star American flag and impressionistic drawings of peace by some second graders. "Down by the Riverside," with fok guilar accompaniment was sung. A Weeks of planning, commiLLee couple of students read Bible work, and interviews culminated verses. W i' d n e s d a y night as the Smith made a brief statement Intorfraternity Council presented about his decision Lo refuse the first ''Fraternity Man- o I' -1 he -M on th'' awn rd to induction and about his liklihood David L. Anderson (APA), of being in prison within six months. Ending with the now October's recipient. tradition "Peace," he received This award, the first of its kind, warm applause and the raising of is designed to give recognition to many supporters' hands in the the fraternity man who has shown symbol of viclory. He then turned outstanding achievements in the and went inside with a chaplin fields of leadershi p and from his campus, who later scholarship, as well as overall contributions to the University, explained what Smith would do inside. the community, the fraternal m o v e m e n t , a n d his o w u fraternity. Anderson, popularly known as " S p a r k y " by his fraternity tells it brothers, is a Senior Marketing major from PoughkeepHio. Last year, Dave received the 'Cioil Rights and " O u t s t a n d i n g Junior" award presented by Alpha Pi Alpha. He Black Power' was APA's Social Chairman last year and is also an Assistant Seoul Master in Poughkeepsie. This year, Dave is a Senior Office Assistant in the Campus Center. Linton High School Security Police Report Thefts, Auto Mishaps Security personnel investigated a wide variety of incidents on campus the past week. A fire broke out Tuesday evening in a trash can in the machine vending room in the basement of Eastman Tower, but was extinguished quickly by an alert coed. Earlier the same evening an ambulance was escorted to the Physical Education building to transport ;i student to the Albany Medical Center hospital, lie reportedly had suffered a leg injury. Lust Saturday 10 men, not connected with the University, at first declined to leave the gym w h e r e they were playing basketbull. Following a call for assistance, eight left the building but two remained until the arrival of security personnel. That same afternoon assistance was provided in taking down the remaining part, of a large slate flag in the State Quadrangle Flag Room. The banner had been partly destroyed. Also investigated was the report of a flag's being stolen from its mast in the Flag Room of Colonial Quadrangle. There were two two car •ollisions last week. On Sudny at 'eritneti'r Road and Washington \ venue, a driver reportedly failed (i observe a yield sign. There were 10 injuries. The day before a wo-citr collision occured on 'irele Road as a previously parked •ar pulled out into the line of raffle. A student passenger was taken Lo Albany Medical Center for observation and returned to her residence hall the same day. Thefts and attempted thefts continue. Four bumper guards valued at $30 were removed from a car parked in the Colonial Quad temporary lot, The trunk of of the world's oil out put. The points of the lecture were ilearly emphasized and followed one another logically as Dr. Pettengill began to discuss hope 'or future economic improvements in the Middle East. He pointed out that their own Joal was to increase their per apita income by four to five jercent yearly. With a touch of humor, he added that "the stork is their major liability," that Is, a population increase "diminishes the additional returns" that come with economic progress. The lecture came to an end with a realistic, yet optimistic tone, and it proved to be very interesting and informative, even to those in the audience that knew little about the subject. This can be a t t r i b u t e d to Dr. Pettengill's thorough background of the topic, since he lived for two years in the area, and his great enthusiasm for economic developments in the Middle East. Fraternity Man Of The Month DICK GREGORY MONDAY 8 P.M. GRAPE BOYCOTT TODAY Picket Stores \n Stuyuesant Who Sell Calif. Grapes Plaza Meet In Dutch Quad Cafeteria At 3pm Auditorium Schenectady FREEDOM FOROM Next followed what was called an "alleged litany," by TV reporters. It was a responsive reading which involved the congregation t h r o u g h such responses at "Help us to stop the w a r , " and " H e l p us t o understand." A highly r e l i g i o u s aura surrounded the demonstration. Many University students were there, but so were alot of minister, chaplins' a n d n u n s - T h e presence oi a number of reporters, photographers, RV camerus, and mikes wus obvious. A few policemen and a police photographer watched from the street. No violence occurred and peacefulness seemed to rest upon th e d emonstrators STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS MONDAY thru THURSDAY 9AM to 8PM FRIDAY 9AM to 4:30 PM 9AM to 1PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, l « 8 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,19M ALBANY S1UPENT PRESS it's budget over these five years the total referendum vote, Supreme Court will be faced with a dec' '<v ..,ii Sunday, as to there is no need for an increased positive and negative) believe that athletic fee for at least that long. a simple majority is wrong whether to reject or sustain the referendum on i.te student fee held on If there still remains a belief because it allowed a vote of only October 23, 24, and 25. If the Court declares the referendum of the To the Editor: Duncan Nixon uid in hU letter that the increased athletic fee was 67.6% in favor to force a direct student body invalid because of the petition passed around to students to the ASP of Nov. 8, that no one instituted to finance even in part tax on 42.6% of the students who, on dinner lines, it will be sanctioning the "right" of a student to make who appeared at the polls for the our expanding athletic program as evidenced by their vote, do not no effort to become informed on topics that confront him. If the referendum on Mandatory then this portion of the rationale want to be taxed. Student Tax waa denied his right from Central Council bill no. I feel strongly motivated at this referendum is rejected by the court because of another referral that to vote. We of the petition 6869-67 introduced by Duncan ooint to inform Duncan Nixon, charges that the referendum was improperly worded, the court will be committee have evidence to the Nixon should make our point who opposes the 2/3 vote ignoring the intent of the people presenting the referendum and of the contrary in the form of witnesses quite clear. principal, that to attain his own who have signed to, and are Central Council also feels that the office of President of Central people voting on the referendum. willing to swear to, the fact that question of University financial Council, a 2/3 majority vote was The three major statements in the petition which asks for the they were prevented from voting. priorities can be answered by the required to insure that close to Even if this testimony is refuted simple fact that the Athletic half of the Council would not invalidation of the referendum contain an unstated clause: the student our cause for concern would not Advisory Board has presently a have to put up with a President did not know. The authors of the petition, which the court will act be lessened. As Duncan said, there surplus of $160,000 of student (like a tax) whom they were not upon Sunday, admit that students were ignorant of the meaning of the were more than twelve students money that it has been in favor of. word "referendum," and of the fact that the student fee, which was who had not received validation accumulating specifically for the cards at the time of the election, financing of an expanded athletic Gregory R. Spear listed on everyone's bill as $28.75, includes the student tax as well as (three to four hundred according program. Also, coaches could be the athletic fee. to the Bursar's office, Duncan). It provided from the additional has long been the expressed policy phys. ed. staff that must be hired The other point of the petition based on student ignorance is stated with increased of Student Association not to t o c o p e in a totally erroneous manner. The petition charges that students who allow those persons without enrollment, and facilities (field To the Editor: I have just read the summary of were not able to obtain their validation cards (activity cards) were not validation cards to vote. Were all house, etc.) are already being of these people without cards planned, more or less regardless of my lecture before the Forum of able to vote. The fact is that they were able to vote, and a small number expected to assume that the rule expansion of the athletic program, Politics in ASP, November 12, would be broken this time? simply because they are necessary 1968. Unfortunately, it reports did vote. The reason why more students without validation cards did Indeed, if one was not a legal to a growing University. much of what I said in a distorted not vote is probably the same as why no more than 86 percent of the resident of a State voting district Also included in Duncan fashion. This is particularly bad other students did not vote; they did not care about the referendum at would he be expected to go to the Nixon's letter to the A8P was the since you place quotation marks that time. It can also be true that many students did not know what polling place anyway and around statements attributed to following statement. "...approach the election officials me. As far as I know, the reporter was happening as the petitioners charge. On the question of the clarity and find out what could be done did not use a tape recorder and of the referendum's objectives, I The acknowledgement of the ignorance of the student body is not about the situation."? (quote could not make verbatim from aforementioned lutter by feel that it was made sufficiently quotations. For instance, I am considered an affrontery to the University student by the petitioners, clear, to all those who bothered to Duncan Nixon) Of course not! As read the ASP, that the referendum sure that I did not say that the but as the fault of the student government. They blame the government the rule stood, they couldn't vote. was indeed, a binding vote of the British promised the Jews a for not publicizing the referendum so that every student would know If they had attempted to, they student body, and not an opinion republic-they merely favored the the facts and implications of the mandatory fee without .the student would have been allowed to vote poll. establishment of a national exerting any effort. at considerable inconvenience but homeland. I did not say that the the rule said no, and common This was mentioned once in one Maronites or Copts were Two stories devoted to the fee appeared on the front page of this sense would tell anyone in such a article in the ASP but it should be non-Arabs; I said they were quite clear that those 2,200 newspaper, not to mention the numerous articles inside the paper that position not to try. non-Muslims. The article leaves (aprox.) signees of our petition do were either devoted entirely or partially to the fee. Posters advertising not "feel" as Duncan does that the impression that I singled out As to Duncan'8 second point the point was indeed made East European Jews as a group the elections and referendum were posted about the campus. Even that the athletic fee deserves no sufficiently clear. We wish to seeking to retain traditions, while "suppression" published articles about the referendum. Students can more special attention than the emphasize the point that what I tried to communicate the idea Community Programming Duncan Nixon "feels" or what that both Jews and Arabs desire still complain that there was not enough publicity for the referendum, Commission's $ 8 6 , 6 0 0 Central Council "feels" does not modernization as well as retaining but the basic information about the referendum was presented to the appropriation a n d invalidate what the signees of our loyalty to the tradition. student body, if they wanted to read. Communication Commission's petition "feel". While I do not feel that this The second referral charges that the wording of the referendum $61,200 appropriation, I leave the On the question of whether or report was unflattering, the prejudiced the voter and was not worded as a possible binding law reader to judge by the following distortions were serious. not a 2/3 majority vote should be whether or not the increased should be. The statement on the ballot above the referendum described athletics fee should have been required to pass a Mandatory Walter P. Zenner the need for a mandatory fee to finance the increased wants of the Student Tax the signees of our made known to the voters on the Department of Sociology petition (aprox. 700 more that and Anthropology ballot or at least in the ASP. students is called an opinion by the referral. Is the fact that Student The mandatory athletic fee Association ran into the red last year for the first time opinion? amounts to well ove $115,000/yr. for undergraduates alone, (based The referral also charges thai on a conservative 6,500 pop. the referral itself, "Are you in estimate) favor of a mandatory student The Athletic Board has a The Dopt. of Homanco languages Is fee?" was not worded as a law, $160,000 surplus, which by their been cancelled Friday nlgnt for those Studont Education Association of sponsoring two lecturos: Prof. Joan to tno T E L E T H O N . Buses will own estimate is enough to going N.Y. Stato Informal gathering at but as an opinion. Mesnard from the University of run downtown all night beginning at organize and maintain a football 1:30 a.m. from tho Infirmary bus stop. Bordeaux, France, will lecutro, In Mohawk property Sun Dec. 8, Two The wording is weak, bill Ihe films will bo shown and discussion will team for up to FIVE YEARS. They will run on the halt hour from fronch on; "Actuallte do Pascal" at tho Infirmary bus stop to tho 3:30 In H U 354 on Thurs. Dec. 5. and follow. Refreshments will be served. court must decide whether omul Assuming that whatever source of downtown Transportation provided. .75 members, campus and on the hour Prof. Remy Salssclln from tho funds allowed this surplus to from tho Western-Partridge bus stop to University of Rochostor will lecture In 1.00-non members. Contact Jim Weiss the voters interpreted Ihe phrase accumulate will continue to feed the uptown campus. English on "From Pascal to for more Information and for tlckots. "Are you in favor of" as meaning Voltaire Tho Transformation of 457-8723 or Monday at campus contor Aesthetics Into Bourgools A r t , " at 4 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Information desk "That there be." We believe thai 1 p.m. In H U 354 on Wed. Doc. 11. they did, and thai there are no T H E ALBANY 12.00 mlndnlght 1 0 >'<"> a.m. Student Education Association of tonight; Kiss and Plo-smashlng defensible reasons why Ihe STUDENT auction. N.Y. Stato Exocutlve Board mooting, Just another part of the Campus Chest referendum should be invalidated. PRESS Frl. Nov 22 at 3:30 p.m. Fireplace telethon. lounge evaluation of student Teachor J.C. Panel Program hold on Tuos. Nov 19, Dune n' Tax Distortions ASP STATK UNIVKRSITV Or NKW VOHK AT ALBANY The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP office, located in Room 382 of the Campus Center at 1400 Washington Avenue, is open from 7-12 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night or may be reached by dialing 457-2190 or 457-2194. The ASP was established by the Class of 1918. j Managing Editor Newt Editor ArU Editor Sporti Editor Technical Editor VPI Win Editor Co—Photography Edilon John Cromie Editor-in-Chief Jill Ptunik Ira Wolfman Carol Schour Tom Nixon David Scherer Tim Keeley Ed Pofhowtki Tom Petenon Uutintu Manager Philip Franchini Advertiiing Manager Daniel Foxman Executive Edilon Margaret Dunlap, Sara Kilttley, Linda Berdan All communications must be addressed to the editor and must be signed, Communications should be limited to 500 words and ate subject to editing, The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. Funded by SA tax. • will be topic for discussion. Everyone Is Invited, Any S E A N Y S mornber Intorestod In working on the following committees, who have not already signed up, please contact Jim Weiss at 457-8723 or at Campus cantor Information Desk on Mondays between 8 am and 2 pin. The commltteos aro as follow: Social Functions, Publicity, Telelphone Squad, curriculum Revision, Spring Faculty Tea and Mock Interview Skit, and Constitution. Hunger In Amorlca. Area students will stage a hunger fast to publicise this problem. Nov. 24, First Unitarian Unlvorsallst Church of Albany, 10:30 a.m. 'Hunger In America' wilt be shown all day Sun. & Mon. Questions, call 463-2195. Anyone Interested In Hebrew classes PRIMER: Anyone who requested the return of material submitted for the Fill '68 Issue of PRIMER please check your student mailbox In the C.C. i •'•-—-* ' V © V I T A i Sign-up sheet and more Information covering the VITA program (Voiunteen InTechnlcal Assistance) are available through Prof. J.W. Corbett, phone 457-8315 and Alice Curbln, campus center 357. * { ( WSHBgaagmv The.Right Way In 1960, if you asked someone why they didn't like Richard Nixon the probable answer would be, "I don't know; there's something about him, but I can't put my finger on it." During the Nixon-Kennedy contest, this reply seemed to be standard for those people who opposed Mr. Nixon. It had a bandwagon effect among Kennedy supporters, it became their pet phrase. In 1968, Spiro Agnew has come under similar attack. Today the "thing to do" is to be against Agnew. Whether you have any reasons seems to be unimportant. Ask someone why they are so hostile towards him. Ask them to objectively analyze his record and qualifications. Tb ; chances are most of his critics have never bothered to examine his record. They are just content to yell "Agnew" in their favorite sarcastic tone; just like some lirst grader who thinks what his friend is saying is pretty smart, so he'll say it too. Tv 1966 h e " entered into an "irrevocable trust agreement with the Maryland National Bank under the terms of which the bank was to make a suitable sale of the land within one year or put it up for public auction. On Oct. 31, 1967 the land was sold for $13,200, at a slight LOSS to Agnew." (Congressional Digest) Finally consider the now infamous conflict of interest charge by the New York Times. It was originally made by Rep. Clarence D. Long concerning the building of a second bridge across Chesapeake Bay. Long claimed that Agnew was pushing for the bridge to be built because he owned land near the proposed cite. From rt]e floor of the US House, Rep. Rogers C.B. Morton defended Agnew. Agnew had To me it is very strange that last spring when Agnew was backing Rockefeller, northern liberals were all singing his praises for being a true southern progressive. Then suddenly, when he switched to Nixon he became a racist reactionary. While I would have preferred that Mr. Nixon had chosen a different running mate, I fail to see that Spiro Agnew is the bogeyman everyone makes him publically disclosed that he owned out to be. I am sure that if you the land prior to the gubernatorial study his record, you will come tot primary of 1966. On Sept. 16, the same conclusion. The Greek Echo We wish to take this opportunity. to congratulate all the new sorority pledges for Fall 1968. We wish them luck and happiness and hope their sororities offer them new and lasting friendships as well as a new Throughout his career as a p l a c e in o u r University public servant some of his most Community. notable accomplishments were Pledges to the various sororities made in the field of civil rights. As are as follows: Baltimore County Executive he Beta Zeta: Kathy Carney, Sue vigorously backed and signed one Haley, Sue Ravelle, Judy of the first ordinances banning Seligman, Denise Craft, Heather discrimination in public Davis, Carol DiNapoli, Amy Glass, accomodations. As governor, on Risa Goldberger, Randye April 21, 1967, Mr. Agnew signed Goldman, Linda Leiss, Karen the FIRST open-housing law Miller, and Linda Shatanof. south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Chi Sigma Theta: Joan On December 12, 1967 he issued D'Arcangelis, Gail Drexier, Linda Hanna, Margaret Walsh, Mary Ann a "code of fair practice" which.. BACK OFF ! The incident described in lust weeks "Back Off" was not a figment, of the imagination, it was a completely true story. **** It has been rumored that severeul dormitories on Colonial Quad have not had candy machi nus, that have been in the dorms since the beginning of school, filled at all. This has caused considerable irritation among students who have either lost money to the machines or who have had to walk a considerable distance for a mere candy bar. Therefore, if it is at all possible, would whoever owns these machines stop picking their noses with so much relish and either "fill 'em up or pull 'em out!" The crews were noticed shoveling furiously last Wednesday, but the object of their labors was the botanical gardens not the walks. Heard several persona Off Center banned discrimination in state empioymnent and by contractors working for the state. Tliis .„ certainly not the record of a racist as many have called Mr. Agnew. While he is not the most experienced man Mr. Nixon could have chosen, his credentials compare favorably with others backed for the job, such as John Lindsay. Vice-president elect Agnew was educated at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Baltimore where he received his Bachelor of Law degree. During the years 1962-66 he was County Executive of Baltimore County, the second largest in Maryland. In 1966 he was elected Governor of Maryland over George P. Mahoney, a candidate who many say used racist appeals. Food Service is putting on a fantastic display of good food and correct procedure for the resident* of Colonial Quad. Resident*, have the choice of either going through a regular hot lunch line or the Colonial Delicatessen line. The question now on many lips la how long will it be be fore their fantastic service comes under observation, and how long will it be before the efficiency will bo corrected. next semester for credit, please contact Mr. Nlcolopalus, SS 346, by Tuesday, Nov. 26. PAGES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 4 by John Soja and Diane Battaslino Wilson, Joan Adam, Catherine Bertini, Linda Gilmore, Eileen Howe, Andrea Kapit, Ennid Padrusch, JoAnn Segbers, Carol Steinman, and Alice Wolslegel. Gamma Kappa Phi: Maureen Johnston, Judy Arkell, Janice Highers, Eileen McCormack, Patti Weber, Peggy Donovan, Judy Grauer, Judy Hallasey, Cheryl Kupras, Sue Lieberman, Susan Peters, Lori Porter, Marion Smoler, and Linda Weils. Kappa Chi Rho: Kathy Blotnicke, Linda Caputo, Kathy Lenhart, Joan Orlando, Vicki Castegner, Barbara Ettinger, Beth Goldmacher, Nancy Gosset, Jane Hoos, Caryl Jacobs, Barbara Kaplan, Marion Lebbed, and Melanin Shenkman. By BUTCH McGUERTY complaining thai the .Snack Bar was so noisy that they couldn't hear themselves think, but they would probably find that what they would hear, if they could hear themselves think wouldn't be worth listening to anyway. Didn't go to the concert last Friday because of two reasons: 1. I feared the 3000 people crush in the 2900 people capacity gym. 2. Figured that Judy Collins would probably sound better on a record rather than trying to use the acoustics in our unacoustical gym- **** The campus is again at peace. The time of backstabbing, character assasination, and judgement is finished. Rushing is over, pledging has begun. **** Due to an apparent oversight on the part of the adminstration, Thanksgiving Vacation will include Thanksgiving this year. Invisible Man On Campus by JI M SMALL This past Saturday night, while enjoying the atmosphere of our Rathskeller, I car.ie upon a surpr sing fact; I don't exist! A friend and I were rapping over our beers about the nature of this life. I concluded my part of the UHe h like with the statement "I don't exist." It has been said that we are the products of our respective experiences. In developing my idea, I have assumed this to be a verity. The annihilation of the first person singular, the "I", depends on this point. Experiences, as reactions between people, are dependent on interaction and interpersonal iuvolvment. This interaction, an active force in human relations, is the antithesis of apathy. Today is the fifth anniversary of the asaassination of President Kennedy. It 1B as good a time aa any to look back on the tragedy of the last eight years. In 1961 it appeared to all New Year's observers that we had marked the end of the post-war era. The previous November, two men, born in this century, competed for our highest office, The fact wes as significant as it was symbolic. The victory of the forty-three year old Catholic was the herald of a new day; it seemd to most that the New Frontier was more than a slogan. Inauguration Day was the day of the transition. There on the platform were the aged Presidents Eisenhower and Truman. The ascendancy of youth meant the final act in the New Deal Drama, In reality, the Inauguration was a celebration of the dynamism and vitality of the American system. Richard Nixon did not share * I, in this column or elsewhere, can't exist. If I am acting or writing by myself, I am only hypothesizing an existence. Only when I interact with my fellow men can I exist. When we achieve some form of rapport, the WE exist. This is a pleasing, though in some ways saddening, thought. In extension, it means that the apathetic students on this campus don't exist. Their lack of participation and interaction brands them as mere spec tors; unfortunate little beings with stunted souls. The saddening part is the n u m ber of nominally apathetic people on this campus. What a wmie Q f natural material; too many embryo existences being destroyed. Kappa Delta: Bev Christie, Eileen Cortese, Barbara Cowen, Pat Dahl, Angela DeSantis, Linda Drexel, Dawn Dromirecki, Pamela Goodman, Susan Heffernan, Mary McAllister, Lois Piovino, Barbara Standke, Lia Uustal, Ann Walsh, and Jery Yoswein. Phi Delta: Barbara Carroll, Kathy Eister, Patricia Higgins, Estelle Inkeles, Terri LaReau, Gloria Ragonetti, Carol Anthony, Anne Marie Barber, Carol Dubin, Nancy Engelman, Marjorie Harris, Ellen Hofstatter, Phyllis Hyman, Ronnie M a s s i n , Maureen McDowell, Elyse Seltzer, Iris Soloman, and Deborah Walter. Psi Gamma: Lissa Gentile, A l b i n a Bourgeois, Connie Carpenter, Wendy Cukell, Pat Hammond, Mary Hart, Bev Monnat, Faith Nolan, DeDe Pasqusle, Mary Patrick, Donna Soson Nancy Subik, Laura Terlask Poot, Barb Tupper, Jo Ann Whalen, Celeste Yanni, Sharon Zraly, and Virginia Zuzze. Sigma Phi Sigma: Jean Germiller, Carol Kedzielawa, Ann Suertin, Mary Dwyer, Gail Greene, Kathy Lavendar, Betty Limerick, Mary Ann Puglisi, Cindy Sullivan, and Helen Harris. by M.J. Rottmbarf Eisenhower's joy at leaving the Capitol. He probably was reviewing his impressive career so abruptly ended at age forty-seven, He, like Lyndon Johnson on his right, was reconciling himself to being a historical footnote, Relegated to an office "not worth a cup of warm spit," Johnson realized that his day waa done. He understood that the New Frontier would have little room for an old "pol" like himself. The President had the people with him. He effected aconsensus. Blacks and whites fought together in, what was then called, the civil rights struggle. Martin Luther King called for a March on W a s h i n g t o n . Hundreds of thousands came to show their approval of the President's plans: u/ e w e r e ' moving in new |j re ctions. A bullet intervened, E v e n in our sorrow we thought in( i i [ n e w that the dream could , 0 t be killed, that America would mrvive. Our optimism was mwarranted. History may well new November 22, 1963 as the lay the tide began to run out for ;he United States. As tragic as President Kennedy's assassination was in its immediacy, in the long run it is even more tragic. Out of the rubble of Dallas emerged Johnson and Nixon. Presidents. Who would have thought it possible. This blings us to today. Five years since they killed Kennedy, seven months since they killed Dr. King and Bobby would have been forthy-three on Wednesday. It is almost too much to believe. Shortly before June fifth in LA, a Newsweek writer predicted that when they kill Bobby Kennedy, it will be the end for the United States as we know it. Was it? "The government still lives in Washington." Perhaps The creweut types are returning to Washington, just like 1928. Old, young men. The business majors will inherit the earth-or at least America. But I guess it was theirs ail along. Eight years ago it was not too late "to seek a newer world." I'm afraid that it is too late now. And I'm not even sure that we deserve a "newer world-' The Camelot legend will grow to even greater dimensions. Because we have to believe that it wasn't always like this, that once there was hope. The thousand cont'd to p.6. CLASSIFIEDS Just write your ad in the box below, one word to each small square, cut it out, and deposit it in a sealed envelope in the ASP classified advertising box at the Campus Center Information Deik, with 25 cents for each five words. The minimum price for a classified ad will be $.15. We will alio accept no ads that ire of a slandtrous or indecent nature. Please include name, address, and telephone number with the ad. Classifieds will appear every Fri. - Deadlinel Wed. noon. WANTED Pair of 7:00-13 Duillop m o w tires, $26. Bob Rice 457-4902 A roommato for apartment with 2 other girls. If Interested call 482-2293. Sell Albany Liberator campus? call 463-778B. Mary. AMI*. on Soyons ensemble! Harrad College Inquiries! Box 423, Latham, New York. Old comic books 1930-65, .jly-llttle books, pulps, and related Items. Write Don Foole, Mallroom, New campus, or 407-4378 David and Bathsheba: That's a No-no. Nathan. To Big Quy, The barbershop may be a suicidal place, but 1 love you Just the seme. From The Kid. FOR SALE Dual 1006 combination stereo turntable/changer walnut casing, 4-speed $15.00, call Paul 4042. i o stomach, chin, director, leg, bust, and R.A. Thanks for visiting.—The Eye J FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1968 PAGE 6 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS IJIDAY.NOVEMBER 22,1968 Cockrell Concert Acclaimed Success FILMS by Dave Bordwell "TSnTTTears much today of "The Battle of Algiers." It is, French are clearly in the wrong, "relevance," and movies have firstly, lastly, and brutally, about they're seen not as wantonly sometimes been singled out as the a specific situation-the struggle cruel, but rather t'S men in a most "relevant" art for us now. for Algerian independence in the delicate, if wrongheaded, situation For instance, "Bonnie and Clyde" Fifties--and is a practical of political pressure. Moreover, reveals the violence at the heart of textbook of guerrilla strategy. s o m e of the revolutionaries' American legend, "La Guerre Est Yet, it's as well a depth sounding tactics-slaughter of children and Finie" concerns the fading belief of t h e moral a m b i g u i t i e s innocents- make one (me, at in Causes as guarantees of surrounding any revolutionary l e a s t ) r e s t r a i n wholehearted personal happiness, "Weekend" movement and a vigorous poem sympathy for their methods. shows the frantic acceleration of a b o u t man's will to resist And-double helping of irony-the c i v i l i z a t i o n ' s slaughter and oppression. French commander can outwit inhumanity. Okay: as a medium Pontecorvo pushes our noses the revolutionaries because he for capturing current lifestyles against the nitty gritty of fought in the French underground and fleeting fashion s, nothing can terrorism. The protagonist, a during the war! beat the cinema. young Arab, joins an undrgroun d Pontecorvo shows an But 1 wonder if the talk about cadre, and through his eyes we understanding of the complexities r e l e v a n c e isn't sometimes a follow the fascinating, grueling of commitment, a sorrowful cockeyed didacticism, a reflection duel of Arabs vs. French. awareness of inevitable excess that of many people's inability or We see the logistics of political alone would make the movie u n w i l l i n g n e s s to accept an assassination- officials are shot in t r a n s c e n d t h e category of abstract theme. A work of art the streets-met by the logistics of 'political" even if it lacked heroic needn't take a specific stand on a suppression-the Arab quarter is dimensions. rrent issue, o r d i s p l a y sealed off. So Arab women dress But it doesn't. When the "THE PREVALENCE OF RITUAL" is part of the new exhibition ci mu m ediate tensions to beas French citizens and, bearing that will open Monday in the Art Gallery. The exhibition will include relevant; in fact, this generates a plastiques, slip into the city to terrorists are killed and peace seems restored, riots erupt. the works of Romare Bearden and Donald Cole. cramped, transitory art. It seems blow up milk bars and waiting Thousands of Arabs swarm against to me that what's most relevant is rooms. So the French raid Arab police lines, hollering and least transitory; the best art treats tenements, As retribution, Ar abs scuffling. In the film's last shot, eternal truths about man's life in hurtle d o w n streets in stolen cars, an Arab woman breaks away from the context of a revealing (current machine-gunning at random. So the line, defiantly taunting the or not) situation. Thus "Bonnie the French grab stray Arabs and French soldiers; moving toward and Clyde" is mainly about the by torture extract names...On and and away from us, waving her sash hairline separating innocence and o n it goes, t h r u s t a n d like a banner, she furiously shouts d e s t r u c t i v e n e s s ; this theme counter-thrust; this is revolution for freedom. It is on this third main character, an exiled Lost in the Funhouse, by John becomes more powerful for being in modern society. Pontecorvo image-angry, disquieting, harshly half -self: a sperm wriggling its way set in an era when American Barth. Doubleday, 1968, c a t c h e s i t in s h a t t e r i n g l y beautiful--that "The Battle of through a "Night-Sea," towards a suffered from delerium-tremans convincing cenema: even though Algiers" ends. Relevant, certainly, (CPS)--The harried Author not unlike those of now. addresses his audience: "The feared annihilation in the side of a it's all reconstructed, "The Battle but also timeless. reader! You, dogged, uninsurable, great sphere. Ambrose is born, All this is a reverse-English of Algiers" looks like a newsreel. print-oriented bastard." We read lives to 13; and then we have prologue to a movie that will There's none of the moral on. Has the Author gone mad? "Petition," a mysterious letter please t h e most finicky flatness that I suspect pleases the The reader? Mad indeed! When written by the sat-on, humiliated, relevantizer: Gillio Pontecorvo *s r e l e v a n t i z e r s . Although the cont'd t r o m p . 5 . the self sees its image reproduced mute half of siames twins, who is to infinity in a Funhouse's connected by his stomach to his days weren't all tranquility and opposite mirrors, it might turn brother's back. Things fall apart. peace; there was excitement and away pleased by the illusion, or it there was movement. And for one Lost in the Funhouse is a mock might (if it has reason to suspect epic of the human soul. Joyce is mement there, because he was our is o w n reality) linger and here, with his "omphalos" and President, we were all proud to be a s k , " W h i c h is T ? " This fabricator father (in this case Americans. A myth? I don't know q u e s t i o n i n g - s e l f - c o n s c i o u s , wicked). The journey-search of and I don't even care. But I do s c h i z o p h r e n i c , a n d often Odysseus is unmistakeable. The Duel of the Sexes, an Sunday, November 2-1 at 3:0C know that as the years pass we grotesquely hilarious - is theMetaphor piles on metaphor and arrangement of scenes from the p.m. The production will be will realize how much we lost and essence of John Barth's new thins get tremendously complex, works of George Bernard Shaw staged at Richardson 291, the that we wil! always wonder what but Barth never loses control in an collection of 14 stories. will b e presented by thestudio theatre on the downtown might have been. Thats Camelot. A writer operates just this side exhilarating display of "passionate campus. The entrance to theR.I.P, JFK, RFK, America. University Readers on Saturday of some dangerous ground, a virtuosity." November 23 at 8:00 p.m., and theatre is on Washington Avenue twilight zone where words, between Robin and Lake Streets himself and his whole purpose for Written by Patricia Benedettc writing seem intangible, Snyder, the play is a compilatior disembodied, even ridiculous. This of Shaw's scenes depicting tin time, instead of running from it, interaction of man and woman Barth operates (albeit as an and includes further insights from o c e a n o g r a p h e r ob serves t he his correspondence. Shaw's visioi Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7 depths from the safety of a Two new exhibitions - I open Mr. Cole worked as a civil of the male-female relationship i;bathoscaph) and the result-if a bit November 25 at the Art Gallery, engineer until 1959 when he perceptive, wry and humorous at or IV 2 - 0 2 2 8 self-indulgent-is fascinating. at the University. Collages and returned to school to study for a his scenes investigate the varieties The stories follow no linear "projections" by Romare Bearden Master of Fine Arts at theof the relationship from the pattern (perhaps Barth's answer Lo and paintings by Donald Cole will University of Iowa. His large beginning of courtship to the McLuhan?) and each one can only be shown on the first floor of the a b s t r a c t canvases reflect an finale of marriage. be completely "read" in the Gallery. interest in relating the forms and The cast includes William F. context of the entire book. ma t h e m a t i c relationships of Both artists live in New York, technology to the plastic and Snyder as the Man, Barbara Devio Stories play off against, and with, (Throe Subs Minimum) as the Woman, and Karen Prete at each other like words in a very where Mr. Cole teaches at the colorislic concerns of painting. Narrator. The production is undei Mon-Sat N e w Y o r k I n s t i t u t e of tight poem, yet their complexities A reception for both artists will the direction of Linda Sternbert create a rich chaos strung together Technology. Mr. Bearden exhibits be held in the Art Gallery at 7:30 7pm - 1am an instructor in the Department regularly at the Cor dier-Ekstrom with symbol and metaphor. p.m., November JJ5. The public is of Speech and Dramatic Art. Gallery and recently has made Sun & Other Special In " L i f e Story," the invited. Admission is free. rhetorician's practice of building, covers for Fortune and Time Days 4pm-1 am then bringing together, in high magazines, 'Funhouse 'Found Grotesquely Comic Off Center University Readers Open With 'Duel' New Exhibitions Open At Campus Art Gallery Wall's SUBMARINES FREE DELIVERY haranque, the essence of his tale, is ridiculed. Though many of the stories are meant for tape-and we have to deal with print-lhe desired effect of a "disembodied Authorial Voice" can be achieved by just keeping the recorded voice in mind. In his experiments Barth develops the authorial voice itself and Ambrose M , a precocious child, who are embodied i n the Mr. Bearden's powerful Expressionist images are created from newspaper and magazine photographs and scraps of fabric, paper and paint. The projections are p h o t o enlargements of collages, The artist's subject rm.tter ranges from Negro life in the southern countryside and in Harlem to classical mythology and contemporary life. Fourth Annual Thanksgiving Get your own Photo potUr. 5«nd «ny Black and WhiU or Color Photo. Alto «ny ntwip<apir or m«q«ilrt* photo. PERFECT F O P A M A $28.00 Value for Poit«f_roli«d i m i l turtd*m*g*d. d In iturdy tub*. Origin*! ind returned Add S^C for p o i l * g * and handling for EACH Htm oro*r*d. Add Local S*l*i T*x, No C.O.D. Sand (hack Loth or H . J . To: PHOTO MAGIC 2x3 Ft-T Dr. Robert Morris, Dean Of The University College Will Speak Change Am. The UniwrslfyUniversity Readers Club, Sun. Nou. 24 7.30PM Wnat p0 y/e Haoe T o Be Thankful Fori Selection! For Thanksgiving. Campus Center Assembly Hall ' » « • h r W H . Po.t«ronty$l.M| 210 I . 2Jr*J St., Oeef. C-100 Now Verb, N.Y. 10010 P#oUr I n g u i r i t i Invited 4 88 African Authority McEwen To Lecture Here Next Week English Dept. Presents Nemerov Poetry Reading University Band Gives First Concert informal approach to his reading. Prefacing the reading o f each poem with a n e xplanatory anecdote, Nemerov created a The University Concert Band, rapport difficult to achieve with of the University will perform in so large a group of listeners. Page Hall at 8:30 Friday evening, The selections n ad spanned a November 22. The university wide range o f themes. Mr. music department is sponsoring Nemerov opened his program with the program, which also will a number o f social and political include Irvin E. Gilman, flute satires, several o f which were soloist, a n d t h e University aimed at t h e E i s e n h o w e r Percussion Ensemble, conducted ad m i n isl r a I 1 u n . These by Thomas Brown. William L. compositions were sh a rply Hudson will conduct the band. contrasted with more serious Mr. Gilman's flute solo will be poems, such as, "The Painter "Night Soliloquy" by Kent Dreaming in the Scholar's House." Kennan. Other selections on the Mr. Nemerov was introduced as evening's p r o g r a m will be a poet o f "frightening honesty "Incantation i\M Dance" by a n d u n i q ue i magi nut i o n -a Chance, "Choral, by [Melhybel, complete man o f letters." His "Suite No. 2 in F Major for Band" program displayed the versatility by Hoist, "Espana Rhapsody" by and straightforwardness o f the Chabrier, a n d a group of man as a writer and speaker. international marches. Among the N e in e r o v met with his numbers by the percussion enthusiasts the following morning ensemble will be a composition by In the Faculty Lounge o f the Mr. Brown, "Trajectories." Humanities Building l o answer Friday's concert is open to the questions aboul his life and work. public free of charge. Many uueslioned Nemerov QQROMf ^ BLOW YOURSELF UP ~ T 0 POSTER SIZE I byFredWaite After this piece, he gave the A large number of both audience an unexpected treat. students and music-lovers from Saying that he had just finished the area turned out to hear with an evening lecture class, he Findlay Cockrell, a member of the felt a compulsion to speak about music faculty here at thethe next selection, Schubert's University, perform last Thursday Sonata in D Major D.V. 850. He n ight at Page Hall on the said that s o m e of t h e pianoforte. technicalities of this piece he What made this concert most himself had not understood until enjoyable was Cockrell's informal he was twenty-three years old. He discussion after his first number. went on to illustrate the different It is perhaps ludicrous to make modes and changes in key in the the analogy b u t there if. piece. an interesting parallel between He provoked laughter from the THE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND will perform tonight at Page Hall. The program will include flute Cockrell's loquacity and his audience when he mentioned how soloist Irvin E. Gilman and the University Percussion Ensemble. expressive quality on the piano. a student once asked him after a For his first piece, he played c o n c e r t w h e t h e r a jazzy Sonata in C Major No. 58, bysyncopation played by himself Haydn. The first movement, had been written by the composer Andante con espressione, he or had been his own addition. He performed par excellence. What answered by saying that there are could have b e e n a mere times in various pieces that are perfunctory r e n d i t i o n was syncopated figures written by the rendered b y Cockrell a composer, and thus are not meetings with faculty and Frank J. McEwen, African art have slowed t h e s c h o o l ' s students. At 3 p.m. Monday, he ' ' t e t e - a - t e t e " affair. His additions by the artist. When he authority, will visit the University d e v e l o p m e n t , b u t McEwen will lecture in French on thecomphrension of dramatic timing finished the audience showed its campus Monday and Tuesday, recently returned there to direct it s ubject ' ' N a t i v e A r t inbetween the slow phrases and of a p p r e c i a t i o n f o r Cockrell's and obtain a more complete November 25 and 26. Mr. F r a n c o p h o n e C o u n t r i e s of dynamics left the audience on the informative discussion with its documentation of the artists' McEwen, a Stale University of Africa," in room 354 of theedge of their seats for the rest of applause. c r a f t s m a n s h i p on slides, New York Scholarin-Residence, is H u m a n i t i e s Building. His this piece, and set up a "highly Cockrell then plunged into the visiting some 21 campuses this photographs, and recordings. slide-illustrated lecture at 3:30 charged" atmosphere that was to Schubert Sonata. The second Mr. McEwen will give two fall. pervade the rest of the concert. p.m. Tuesday movement, Con moto (with The visiting scholar is director lectures, in addition to informal animation), was extremely well of the National A r t Museum in done. The haunting lyrical phrase Salisbury, Rhodesia, and of the seemed to echo in one's ears, The museum's Workshqp School. He final movement, Rondo: Allegro began the museum's collection of moderato, was a "fun thing." It international a r t , including was obvious Cockrell was enjoying Western, Oriental, and Primitive himself. It left the audience eager works, and its extensive Dy Daryl Lynne Wager and is Writer in Residence at to hear him ply after the about the "quality of talk" in h exhibition program in 1956. The The second in the series of intermission. Workshop School, which he lectures sponsored by the English poetry. The poet acknowledged Hollins College, Virginia. He has The third piece was one of founded, is a n o n - p r o f i t , Department was presented on the fact that he writes in a published six collections of self-supporting i n s t i t u t i o n Thursday, November 14, in the somewhat oral style, but doesn't poetry, including The Next Room Mozart's mosri significant works for piano, the Fantasy in C Minor, involving 70 artists who were to form of a poetry reading by think himself overly casual. For of the Dream, K. 475. Cockrell again showed his example, he admittedly prefers Critical acclaim has not been exhibit on three continents. Howard Nemerov. Three hundred ability at playing a lyrical phrase Political shifts, including the students and members of the the conventional poetic form on unanimous; many critics feel that with the right touch of controlled dissolution of t h efaculty attended the reading, the page to some of the newer the element of self mocking in his passion. visual effects. wit hampers the success of his R hodesia-Nyasaland Federa tion, which was held in the ballroom of Summing it up, Mr. Cockrell Consultant in poetry for themost serious poems. Nevertheless, the Campus Center. Library of Congress for the year they recognize Nemerov for his gave a phenomenal performance, Mr. Nemerov immediately ability Lo represent in his writing which incidentally, reflects on the captured the attention o f his 1963-64, Nemerov is currently on high calibre of the faculty in our leave from the Department of the helplessness and tragedy of audience w i t h his sharp wit and Music Department. Literature at Bennington College, the events of our time. Psycadelic World Of Festival & * Sponsored By The Commission For Religious Affairs "Saturday afternoon isn't nearly as tough as Saturday night!' W e keep warning you to be careful how you use Hai K a r a t e * After Shave and C o l o g n e . W e even put instructions on self-defense in every p a c k a g e . But your varsity sweater and best silk ties can still get torn to shreds. That's why you'll want to wear our nearly indestructible Hai Karate Lounging Jacket when you wear Hai Karate Regular or Oriental Lime. Just tell us your size (s,m,l) and send one empty Hai Karate carton, with $4 (check or money order), for each Hai Karate Lounging Jacket t o ; Hai Karate, P. O. B o x 4 1 A , Mt. V e r n o n , N.Y. 10056. That way, if someone gives you some Hai Karate, you can bo a t t j o l e s s careful how you use it. » Dance To 2 Top Bands Legal Alcoholic Bev. Mlely Served Thurs. Nite - Ladies Free! Thurs. - Sat. 8:00 pm - 3 am Everyone Is Welcome PAGE 7 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Admission $1.50 Send (or your practically lip-proof Hai K a r a l t lounging Jacket. Allow 6 woi ks lor delivery. Oiler expire! April 1, 1969. II your favorite store Is temporarily out of Hai Karalo, keep asking. HUDAY, NOVEMBER 2 2 , I N S PAGE 8 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Hoopsters To Open Season December 4th At Oneonta LIRR On Strike State University at Albany released its 1968-69 varsity basketball schedule and announced that all 22 games will be broadcast live on WHRL, Albany. Jay Silverman and Bob Rice will handle the play-by-play and color. This will be the first year the university has aired its contests on commerical radio. The season opens December 4 at Oneonta. The Great Danes will play twelve games in their long-waited 2,800 seat gym in the new physical education building on campus. Court Hears Tax Cases Decision Due Next Week Highlighting the season will br the eighth annual Capital City Tournament, a two-day affair thii year. Defending champion Albany will host St. Lawrence University at 9 p.m. December 27, after a 7 o'clock Siena-Hamilton match. The losers and winners will play the following evening. Khotoby Stu Rtttir THE GREAT DANES, in preparation for their opening contest Five opponents on the schedule against Stony Brook have been working on reorganizing their offense were not met last year. Included following the loss of Scott Price. among this five are West Chester State College, St. Lawrence. Merrimack, Hartwick, and Oswego. The Danes were scheduled to face Oswego last Photo by Stu Rltttr year, but snow forced cancellation AMIA HELD ITS second annual swim meet this Thursday. Results were The Harlem Globetrotters, include pre-game and half time of the game. not available in time for printing in the paper. world-famous b a s k e t b a l l entertainment. entertainers, will appear in the Abe Saperstein, who founded 2,800 seat gymnasium of the the Globetrotters in 1927, died in physical education building, State March 1966. A year later, University at Albany, at 8:15 executors of his estate sold the Tuesday evening, December 3. team to Potter Palmer, John H. The show is being sponsored by O'Neil, Jr., and George N. Gillett, the Community Programming Jr. The new owners are in their Commission of the university's second season with the club, Student Association. Barry Ross, which has won 97% of the 9,607 a sophomore at Albany, is games it played prior to this year. chairman of the commission and Player-coach Bob "Showboat" in charge of all arrangements. Hall will lead the Globetrotters Tickets are on sale in the lobby into Albany. His twenty years of the Campus Center from 10 with the team is a club record, as a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays and will is the 4,000-pluB games he has be sold the night of the game, played during that time. The 6-2 when the doors open at 7:30 p.m. veteran is the top comic on the University students with tax cards roster, having taken over from the may purchase tickets for $1.75, late Goose Tatum as No. 1 court while general admission is $3. jester. The Globetrotters, in their 43rd Among Hall's teammates year, have played before more December 3 will be Pablo than sixty million fans in Robertson, at 5-7 the shortest eighty-seven countries during their player in Globetrotter history; 6-3 career. They will meet the New Warren Daniels, 6-5 Doug Himes, York Nationals in their Albany 6-10 Frank Stephens, 6-6 Willie appearance. In addition to the Campbell, 6-10 Al Dixon, 6-5 basketball game, the program will Hubert Ausbie, 6-8 J.C. Gipson, and 6-2 Ray Lother. Masters Of The Court To Appear December 3 Mat Season To Feature Quadrangular Dec.7 The schedule for Albany State's wrestling season was released recently. Included in the schedule is a quadrangular which Albany will host to commence its season. The schedule running from December to March, is as follows: Dec. 7 Quadrangular llatRPI 14 at Central Connecticut 20 C.W. Post Jan. 7 at Oneonta 11 Pittsburgh Feb. 4 New Paltz 8 Hobart 11 at Maritime 15 at Potsdam 18 at Fairleigh-Dickinson 22 at Harour March 1 Cortland PRE-DATE DROP JUST ONE FRESHENS BREATH i INSTANTLY! NOTICE SUNYA will host the Albany Womens' Invitational Swimming Meet, Saturday, November 23 starting at 12 noon. Nine schools will be participating: SUNYA, Skidmore, U. of V e r m o n t , U. of Massachusetts, New Paltz, Geneseo, Green Mountain College, Castleton College, and Pittsburgh. Binaca WINTERLUDE SLEIGH RIDE Ote. 13, 1969 9pm DINNER DANCE OK. 14. 1968 9-km Give your contact lenses a bath tonight ilKttl.- In order to keep your conlacl lenses as comfortable and convenient as they were meant to be. you have to take care of them. But until now you needed two or more separate solutions to properly prepare and maintain your contacts. Not with Lensine. Lensine is the one lens solution for complete contact lens care. Cleaning your contacts with Lensine retards the buildup of foreign deposits on the lenses. And soaking your contacts in Lensine overnight assures you ol proper lens hygiene. You get a free soaking case on the bottom of every bottle of Lensine It has been demonstrated that improper storage between weanngs may result in the growth of bacteria on the lenses. This is a sure cause of eye irritation and in some cases can endanger your vision Bacteria cannot grow in Lensine which is sterile, self-sanitizing, and antiseptic. Just a drop or two of Lensine, belore you insert your lens, coats and lubricates it allowing the lens to float more freely in the eye's fluids. That's because Lensine is an "isotonic" solution, which means that it blends with the natural fluids of the eye. Let your contacts be the convenience they were meant to be. Get some Lensine, from the Murine Company, Inc. NOVEMBER 2 0 , 1 9 6 8 ALBANY, NEW YORK REFERRALS CONTESTING the validity of the Mandatory Student Tax referendum were brought before Supreme Court Sunday afternoon. From left to right in the picture are:Cheryl Heater, chief justice; Paul Lieber man and Jim Folts justices; Candy MiTter and Adele Endeikofer, stenographers. The Supreme Court met on Sunday afternoon in Assembly Hall to hear evidence concerning the validity cf the Student Fee Referendum held October 23-26. Cheryl Heater, the Chief Justice, along with Associate J u s t i c e s J i m F o l t s , Jay Handleman, Paul Lieberman and Pete MacMonagle listened for over four hours to the arguments of Duncan Nixon and Stratton Rawson, who were respectively representing the cases for and against the legality of the referendum. Stratton Rawson was the chief s p o i l s m a n for the three plaintiffs: Keith Nealy, Steve Kichen and Paul Schlect. Their attack on the referendum contained three major arguments. Rawson, first cited that the voters were not given any reason to believe that legislation by Central New Approach In Vermont Gain Fame For Debaters Albany State debaters 'stole the show' at the Vermont Invitation Debating Tournament at the University of Vermont this past weekend, despite their 9-23 official record, They managed to do this by making the proceedings more interesting, educational, and pleasant for those who heard them speak. The topic being debated was the national collegiate topic of: Resolved: Executive control of U n i ted States foreign policy should be significantly curtailed. Debates on this topic usually b r i n g about sophisticated discussion of the powers of the President and Congress in foreign policy. Four members of the Albany State squad argued u rather unique case. The members of the switch-side debate team defined the chief executive not at; the president, but as god. This unusual approach to the topic earned Albany State recognition as the team with the most interesting approach to the resolve. Word of 'the plan' spread quickly among the other schools at the tournament, More than once, 'conservative' members of the SUNYA squad were asked if they were arguing the 'god case.' The debating team of Stratton Rawson and Tom Cervone, along w i t h the team of Doug Goldschmidt and Dave Small proposed the unique case. Each of these debaters believe that they Thorne Discusses Housing Problems by Tim Keely Dr. Clifton C. Thorny, Vice-President for Student Affairs, met with students yesterday to discuss u possible alternative to off campus housing for next year. Thome has been officiating for several weeks ut the Monday's President's Conference with Sludenl-s in the absence of President Evan It. Collins who has been in Europe. Thome's introductory remarks included a note of congratulations to the leaders and participants in the University Telethon. A question was then raised concerning the need for housing that will arise next fall. "We've talked with ten private developers about building off campus residences for September 1, 1969. Currently we've entered no formal agreement,'' Thorne revealed. 'ITiorne then elaborated on the solution that the University wa; considering for additional housing. The proposed plan would be to encourage a builder to construct smalt pre-fabricated residential units within a reasonable distance from the campus. "The existence of these units rests, however, upon several 'lis," Thorne commented. The list of 'IIV includes: that the land can be found that is suitable, that the contractor wishes to proceed, and that zoning regulations can be met. Should these requirements be met, 150 prefabricated units will be installed for use by next fall. Money to construct these units would come from the Federal Housing Administration, "These units would serve the purpose of present off campus housing; that is apartments would be rented to any interested groups," remarked Thorne. The units would consist of a living-dining area, kitchen, bath, and either one, two, or three Continued to Page 2 had received and given a more educational experience from arguing the 'god case,' The feedback received by coach Jeanine Rice also was of a complimentary nature. Coaches from other colleges thanked the 'mother of god' for making the tournament more interesting than it normally would have been. While the 'god case' (originated by Stratton Rawson) did not officially win debates on the t o p i c , it earned SUNYA's debating squad the reputation of producing extremely interesting debates. Of the more conservative debaters, the novice team of Dave Ballinsky and Ellen Arshamsky went undefeated throughout the tournament. Jim Garvey and Jan Anagnost also succeeded in winning a majority of their debutes as a team. The Forensic Union meets each Tuesday night at 7:30 in Humanities 355. Council would follow the referendum. In the past, tiler* h'«ve been times when a referendum of the student body was nothing more than an opinion •ell. Secondly. Rawson stated that many of the procedures used in conducting the referendum w e n i m p r o p e r . The plaintiffs' contended that "the voters were not provided with protections consistent with Common Law, New York State Statute, or Student Association Statute." As an example Rawson asserted that New York State election laws require that a statement of proposition be included in the ballot. However, the petitioners did not believe that the part of the ballot reading "it hereby refers the question of a mandatory student fue to vou [the voters]" was adequate . Thirdly, Rawson argued that the ballot, as worded in the referendum, was editorialized and biased. The ballot stated, in part, that there is a need for "bigger, better and more activities of [a] recreational, social and education nature." The plaintiffs stated that WWWftsj. the words "bigger, better and more" were comparative t e r m and not neutral ones. Keith Nealy wrote in his argument before the court, "the onlv change called for is not voting in a referendum, but voting yes in the referendum." Duncan Nixon defended the SA opinion along with Terry Mathias, Vice-president 01' Central Council, and with Mitch Foster and Stephanie Rice, respectively chairman and vice-chairman of Election Commission. The defendants presented the court an eleven page brief which answered Nealy's arguments on a point by point basis. one of the plaintiffs' contentions was that Central Council bill 6869-41, which called for the referendum, did not "make clear to the voter that the result of the referendum would determine whether or not we would have a mandatory student fee." The defense stated that nowhere in "the constitution, laws or enactments of Student Association is there a reauirement that such information must be included in a hill empowering on Continued to Pass 2 Faculty Urge Relief For Biafran Children by Barry Kirschner Faculty members of the University's School of Criminal Justice have sent a letter to President Johnson, including a petition, asking him to initiate direct relief for the children of Biafra. The petition was sent on November 20, and was signed by nine members of he department. Biafra is the province in Southeast Nigeria which has d e c l a r e d its independence from Nigeria. While a civil war is being fought, thousands of Biafrans are dying each week because supplies have not been allowed to reach them. Despite the impassioned pleas of many distinguished persons (including Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts), little has been done by govern menu of the world to help supply the Biafrans with food. The petition being sent to the president reads: The undersigned, members of the faculty of the School of Criminal Justice of the State U niversity of New York at Albany, respectfully urge our government to initiate direct relief shipments to the starving children of Biafra, with or without the assistance of available private relief o r g a n i z a t i o n s and irrespective of the possible technical infringement of the sovereignty of any friendly nation. f*<rt9by»»o«*«N*. THE RAPE AND INDIGNATION of Uttle Nell" packed the house at the. Telethon. More plx, storm on pee* /.