Document 14064767

/f-JL d£f
Friday, January 12, 1968
Poge 16
Sauersmen Host R.I.T;
Chore To Stop Robinson
by, Don Oppedisano
R o c h e s t e r Insltute of Technology, led by the nation's flfth-leadlng s m a l l c o l l e g e s c o r e r
in Jim Robinson, will be In town tonight to face the powerful and exciting Albany State
Great Danes, winners of the 1967 Capital City Basketball Tournament and four straight
at the t i m e of this writing. The l o c a l s , supporting a 7-3 r e c o r d , m e t Southern Connecticut
State at New Haven in their m o s t recent outing on Tuesday.
Robinson, Division HI ECAC Sophomore of the Y e a r two s e a s o n s ago and an all ECAC
year, i s currently averaging 32 points a contest. The 6 2 s e n i o r
from Dunellen, N.J. p o s s e s s e s a deadly outside shot from anywhere on the court and
will present a s e r i o u s problem to the Dick Sauers' coached quintet. Six other T i g e r
l e t t e r m e n return, among whom i s Rick Cetnar of A m s t e r d a m . The c o n t e s t i s slated
f o r '8:30 p.m. at the Cardinal McCloskey gymnasium with f r e e bus s e r v i c e leaving at
Pres. Collins Discusses
DrugSv^kft Counseling
Leading the Purple and Gold, who swept through Hamilton, RPI, Siena, and Brooklyn
C o l l e g e in their four g a m e win skein, will be junior s t a l w a r t s Rich M a r g i s o n and Scott
P r i c e , who w e r e named c o - M V P ' s of the Capital City c l a s s i c .
Lots of Depth
Backing up this dynamic duo
a r e sophomore Jack Adams,
whcis finally coming into h i s
own, junior guard Bob Wood,
captain Larry Marcus, sixth
man JimCaverly, and senior
Tom Doody.
Adams.although only 5 ' 9 "
Is averaging 12 points a game,
and really takes charge on the
court. His steady Improvement
has been ablgfactor In the team's
JIM CAVERLY OF ALBANY makes a fine defensive effort
Albany's victory over Brooklyn College, last Saturday.
Matmen Given Third Loss;
Crow Wins At Wilkes Barre
by Thomas Nixon
The Albany State wrestling
team lost its third straight match
on Saturday, Janurary 6th, as
they were outscored by Falrlelgh
Dickenson University, 25-11. In
registering their third defeat, the
grapplers gained three victories
and one draw In nine matches.
Jack Forbes, who wrestled In
the 123-pound division for Albany,
was able to register a draw with
Glen Chrlstenson. Forbes was
wrestling In his last match for
Albany, however, as he is graduating this semester.
In the 130-pound division, Gary
Smagalskl suffered a pin at the
hands of Dusualdo and Falrlelgh
thus gained a lead which they
never relinquished.
Clark Registers Win
WARREN CROW, winner at
Wilkes Barre.
Bill Clark, competing In the
137-pound division, registered his
second win of the year as he
declsloned Sam Gamblno by a 6-4
score. Frank Weal, however, who
filled the 145-pound spot for Albany was pinned In 4:59 by Bob
Craig Springer, one of the
team's co-captains, tallied three
points tor the Great Danes as he
posted a 6-2 decision over Barry
The next two weight classes
were won by Falrlelgh as Bob
DIMauro defeated Frank Berry
In a match which was decided
by one point of riding time for
DIMauro, and Marshall Gladstone
suffered a pin against
139 Control Avsnu*
We deliver Noon to Midnight In Hot Mobil. Ovens.
Grader In 5:15.
Roger Gorham won the last
three points for the Albany
squad as he gained a six to
nothing victory over Walkotten.
The heavyweight division was forfeited and thus, the final score
was Falrlelgh-Dickenson 26, Albany 11.
The wrestling team this year
has already been badly hurt by
Injuries as Erik Watts, who was
looking to be a standout has been
sidelined by a pinched nerve,
and Roger Saul the heavyweight
entry has been Instructed by his
doctor not to wrestle.
During the Christmas vacation, Warren Crow, last's year's
most valuable wrestler participated In the Wilkes Wrestling
Tournament and won the 123pound division. In winning the
tournament, Warren defeated
Tom Ambercromble who was the
Oklahoma AAU champion, Brian
McGann who won last's years
West Point Tournament, and Bill
Desarlo who finished fourth In
last's years NCAA University Division Championships. As a result of his victory, Crow will
receive an Invitation to Olympic
Trials and consequently will be
given an opportunity to represent
the United States on the U.S.
Olympic Team.
caged 17 against
and Is currently
averaging 10.7 ppg In addition to
being the team's, third leading
rebounder behind Price and
Margison. However, at the
present time, he Is recovering
from penmounla and will be unable to play against RIT. His
place will be taken by Tom Doody,
who hit for a personal high of
14 against RPI.
Working as a Team
Commenting on the team's
play, Sauers stated that "We
are playing together more each
game, looking for the open man
and working better as a team.
Adams and Wood are taking some
pressure off Price and Margison
with their double-figure scoring,
giving us a well-balanced attack,
which means the defense can't
concentrate on one or two men
and stop our offense."
But when It comes right dow..
to It, It Is Margison and Price
who must perform well If the
Dane offense is going to click.
In the first game of the Tourney
against Hamilton, which the
locals won, 105-87, Margison
tallied 25, In the 86-69 victory
over RPI on the second night,
Price netted 24. In the finale
aglnst Siena, which the Sauersmen came out on top, 69-63,
both tallied 17. Price, who seems
to "explode" Into the air, set a
tournament record of 57 points,
while Marglson's 56 also beat
the old mark. Rich led all Albany
rebounders with 39, while Scott
was right behind with 37.
Brooklyn College Falls
In the 80-64 victory over
Brooklyn College Saturday night,
Margison popped In 29 and Price
15. In that contest the Danes
raced to a 37-26 halftlme lead
by Barb Grossman
of same honor.
and were never headed thereafter.
For the season so far,
Margison, who has been conceded
by many observers as the best
player In the area, leads the
squad In scoring with an average
of 21.3 ppg. Price Is next with
16.3 In addition to pacing the
team in rebounds at 11 a contest.
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SEVERAL STUDENT LEADERS were interviewed by channel 10 news last week. The purpose of the interview was to
elicit their opinions on the drug problem on campus. Shown
here before the TV lights ore, left to right, James Economides, Margaret Dietz and George Leibowitz.
Events For Greek Week
Definitely Scheduled
:•••• '••
Sauers has also been pleased
with the play of Jim Caverly, a
junior transfer from Broome
Tech. Jim hit the nets for 12
in the second half to insure the
win against Siena besides pulling
down some clutch rebounds.
CRAIG SPRINGER, ALBANY, glyesFoirJeigh Dielfinionopponents temporary nose job.
VOL. LIV. NO. 13
Plans for
Greek Week
have been scheduled; the kickoff to the activities will be the
smokers and cokers on February
9, Introductory meetings where
the University men and women
will have the opportunity to meet
the various fraternities and sororities.
The Follies, an all Greek Talent Show will be held on February 10. It will be followed by a
mixer In the Campus Center
Ballroom. On February 13 and
14 open nouses will be held by
the fraternities and sororities.
A Forum Panel Discussion by
fraternity and sorority leaders
and faculty advisors from the
University, R.P.I., and Union will
be held Sunday evening, February
15, In the Assembly Hall of the
Campus Center.
On Friday, February 16, the
"Blues Magoos" will provide entertainment. Money for the concert was obtained as a loan from
Central Council.
The Olympics, the Greek
Sports event, will be held on
February 17 from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. There will be four events
for men and women Including
Thorne Witness
In Investigation
Dr. Clifton Thome, vice - president of student affiilrs at the
University, was one of three witnesses hoard by The Joint Legislative Committee on Higher
Education chaired by Assemblyman Joseph Kottler (D-Brooklyn), which was Investigating the
use of drugs on state campuses
on Monday, February 5,
Thorne was asked by Kottler
if he would permit undercover
agents on campus. Thorne stated
that he would not unless it was
known to the academic community and they consented to the arrangment, Thorne said that the
functions of the required the
widest degree of freedom as nos(Continued on /';/. IJ)
snow shoe races, snow ball
throwing contest, tug of war, and
volley ball.
There will be open houses in
the afternoon. The night of February 17 there will be a beer
party at Dave Denny's Barn.
Tickets for the beer party will
be limited and will be on sale
In the Campus Center.
A $ £ d of t L University will enThe use of
[feAyQmt ter a studeiHrl room without hU
pus, recently pi
I's'stu- ..loiowledrt J*b) presence, except
State University'
anrrinjB,,':io! roe case '31, a clear emerdent conduct guli
pressures being exerted by' cer- gency. The student himself, in
tain State Legislators for the fir- the case of a search, would be
ing of 27 faculty involved in the asked to open drawers and closDraft Counseling group were the ets and remove contents.
major topics of discussion at
Concerning agitation by cerPresident Collins' Monday Con- tain State Legislators to have 27
ference f vlth Students.
faculty members fired for their
The n>* dsuse regarding nar- activities with-the recently formc o t i c ' o n University grounds ed Draft Counseling group, Colstates that "the regulations . . . lins cited the concept of an "open
shall expressly forbid the Illegal campus" where ideas may be
use of narcotics and dangerous freely exchanged.
drugs . . . " it also provides that
He pointed out that the comthe University will cooperate mittee is not composed solely of
with health and law enforcement faculty and is not an official
agencies in the matter.
committee of the University. It
"I do not see this as any has an obligation to make the
change from previously stated latter point clear and also to expressly indicate that it does not
University policy," President
Collins said. He further indicated that each student Infraction
would still be considered as an
individual case.
When questioned on the issue
of double Jeopardy involved in
the case of a student being prosecuted through the civil and University courts, President Collins
Living Area Affairs Commisstated that any case concerning a sion (LAAC) approved two major
violation of University regula- policy statements, one concerntions would be decided by the Un- ing Open Houses and Visitation
iversity court system. A trial
and the other the lower lounges,
In the civil courts would not be at its January 31, meeting. Both
considered by the University. policy statements were co-introWhile the University will "co- duced by Vic Looper and Bob
operate" with the civil author- Holmes, Dutch Quad and Colonial
ities, it will not open health re- Quad Representatives to LAAC
cords or psychological counsel- respectively.
ing records to civil agents, nor
The first proposal allows for
will It allow the searching of closed doors during open houses,
any rooms without warrants.
abolishes the concept of callers
further and allows for an open house to
states that no administrative of- be set up by a majority vote of
Central Council made two
recommendations for the proposed 1968-69 calendar and ap.
proved a number of financial bills
at Its January 11 meeting that
totaled $3,420.
The calendar, submitted to
Central Council by the University
officials for Its recommendations, was discussed for a conslderable amount of time. Most
of the discussion centered around
the Intersesslon period, or a lack
of one as most Council members
noted, and the graduation date.
Under the proposed calendar
upperclassmen would return on
Sunday, September 15, 1968.
classes would start Wednesday.
Thanksgiving Recess would be
from noon Wednesday until
Sunday with classes starting Monday. Christmas vacation, would
be from Friday, December 20
to Sunday,January 5,1969.Class.
es would begin on Monday.
Final Exam period would be
from Tuesday, January 14, to
Friday, January 24 until Monday, January 27 with classes
beginning on Tuesday, Janu.
ary 28.
Spring recess would commence
Friday, March 28 until Monday,
April 7 with classes the following day. Spring Exams would run
To a letter from one of the
State Legislators concerned In
the hassel which asked President Collins to give the names
of the faculty members on the
committee and the dates on which
they took the oath affirming support for the State and Federal
Constitutions, he replied that all
professors took the oath and refused to give any further information.
Major Policies Passed,
Doors To Be Closed
Council Approves Calendar
$3,420 In Expenditures
by Vic Looper
Staff Writer
represent all points of view.
The University does not provide facilities for the organization but any group of faculty and
students may meet on University
groups to discuss any matters
which Interest them. The faculty
members, however, have a responsibility not to abuse the privileges which University affiliation affords them.
the hall government or residents.
The Commissioners felt that
this would be a major step in the
fulfilling of LAAC's and the University's purpose of granting students the fullest degree of responsibility, as legally possible.
The broad concept of callers
was anyone of the opposite sex
that went Into the residence hall.
All callers had to leave the hail
by 11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday by
1 p.m. Friday-Saturday. This was
modified by the second proposal
which allows for the lower lounges of the men's residence halls
to remain open for 24 hours if
the hall so elects, to University
residents and their guests of
both sexes for the purpose of social Interaction.
The old policy stated that during an open house all doors both
external and Internal of participating suites must remain open.
The new policy states that both
sets of doors may remain closed.
The Introducers of the bill and
LAAC felt that the dorm should
be more than Just a place to eat
and sleep but also a place for
social Interaction Just like one's
from Tuesday-Saturday, May 20Saturday was mentioned but It
31. Memorial Day would not be was rejected because nearly all
a UniversityHollday.Commence- business concerns are open and
ment would be held on Thurs- It would also cause an inconvenday, June 5.
Council members and others
Council also approved a numdiscussed the Intersesslon and
suggested various ways of obtain(Continued on Pg-4-)
ing one. Various suggestions
were: coming back to school earlier, leaving later and cutting
part of Winter and Spring recess In order to obtain a larger
Each suggestion was met with
a countering reason on why it
was not desirable or feasible.
In the proposed calendar residence halls would close over
Council recommended that the
tolls remain open due to the fact
that It Is even shorter than this
year's and that a lot of residents
hardly find It worthwhile to go
home for so short a period.
In the proposed calendar Commencement was to be changed
from the traditional Sunday to
'Thursday. Council recommend,
ed, on reasoning that parallel
last year's debate on the same
question, that It remain on
Council felt that a large per- attending the dinner Monday night at the Thruway Motor Inn.
centage of parents would not be
able to get a day off and that It The dinner was tho 70th Annual Lincoln Day Dinner, The pair
would be an Inconvenience to have had previously attended a dinner for the Society of Newspaper
the exercise on Thursday,
I1ML ^
Friday, February 9,1968
SEVEN STUDENTS WERE s*l*ct*d to be Student Ambasiadon (ram th* University.
Financed by th* student body and S.A. thay will go abroad thii summor. Standing loft to
right arc Claudia Sloboda, Michael Shinvold and Susan Myers, sitting Maria Coutoupisand
Joy Couchmon. Two students missing are Carol Everingham and Judith Myslibroski.
Assemblyman Kelleher Attacks
Draft Counseling Group
by Jill Painik
Staff Revotte.r
Clarence D. Lane of Greene County accused 27 Albany State OnV
verslty professors assoclatet
with the Teachers' Draft Counseling of "acts of treason," calling them "unfit and unsafe to
teach" according to the "Times
His statement was made public by Nell W. Kelleher, Troy
Republican Assemblyman, Kelleher told the Assembly that Lane
wrote him that the "teachers
are unfit and unsafe to teach
our young people and should be
removed from their positions."
"Academic freedom does not
include acts of treason and the
behavior of these teachers is
nothing less than treason" quoted Kelleher.
Controversy was aroused by
Kelleher earlier when he charged the University with not stopping the teachers from Instructing the students In the intricate
ways of avoiding the draft on
the school grounds.
Kelleher and Assemblyman Edwyn Mason (pelaware Republican) denounced the University
for allowing "subversive activities" to appear and remain on
John Moore of the "Schenectady Gazette" quoted Kelleher
as saying that his primary purpose was to see that "public
facilities are not used for courses of Instruction In bow to
"legally abold the draft"
Replying to the statement by
Golden Eye
The Golden Eye will present
a discussion on "The Conscientious Objector Alternative and the
Draft." Tonight at 9:00 p.m.
the discussion will be focused
upon the definition and nature of
Appearing with Dr, Charles
Edwards of the University fac.
ulty and the Rev. Frank Snow
will be the Rev. Roger L. Albright, executive minister of
the VermontCouncll of Churches.
The Rev. Albright served as a
parachute Infantry sergeant with
the 82nd Airborne Division.
He has been a consultant, cooperator or advisor to many
groups, Including the Ford Foundation, the Office of Economic
Opportunity, NAACP.
At the Rev. Albright's suggestion, the executive committee of
th* Vermont Council adopted a
statement In regard to conscientious objectors) "We would declare our full support or the man
whose conscience does not allow
Mm to participate In mortal
Kelleher that th* committee's
Intent was to "create conscientious objectors of young men who
for reasons other than moral
want to beat the draft," Dr.
John Rellly, chairman of the
Teachers' Draft Counseling Committee said the be did not feel
the 27 member group was either
"illegal" or "Critically disobedient." He said there was no
Intention to teach a student how
to beat the draft.
The Gazette stated that the
Board of Christian Social Concerns of the Troy Conference
charged Kelleher with "subversion of the law" In attacking
the University professors.
Observing that conscientious
objector status is provided by
law an a military service alternative, the Board warned all
who attack such actions of the
"danger o their siihyorgion."
According to The Gazette, «KeUe-
her said that there has never
been any Indication of a need
by the student body, for this counseling." Kelleher cited, as an
Illustration that "the group Is
out to create the need," the fact
that no student has yet appeared
before the committee.
The statement of purpose of
the Draft Counseling group Is
that It "recognizes that many
of our young men question whether or not they can, as a matter
of conscience, serve as soldiers
In the Vietnam war, and further,
that, under conditions Imposed by
the draft law, the choice of service, alternate service or nonservice represents, for many,
a serious choice about life goals,
and for others, a far reaching
personal crisis.
by Kathy Deyo*
Th* Student Ambassador program has announced the selection of 7 University representatives for this summer's program.
Th* seven applicants have been
selected from a series of screening Interviews. They are Joy
Couchman, Maria Coutoupis,
Carol Everingham, Susan Myers,
Judy Mysllborski; Michael Shier*
vold, and Claudia Sloboda.
Joy Couchman, a Junior English education major from the
Albany area, has applied to participate in the Austrian dance
group. Joy performed In "Sideshow" and Is noted on campus
for her modern dance activities,
Maria Coutoupis, a Junior Latin
education major from Watertown,
New York, has applied for the
program in Greece. Maria is an
active member of Psi Gamma
Carol Everingham, a Junior
French major from Lafayette,
New York, has applied for the
program In France. Carol attended summer school at McGlll University in Montreal, and presently her family is sponsoring
an exchange student from France.
Susan Myers, a Junior biology
major from the Albany area,
has applied for the program in
Germany. Susan is a transfer
student from the College of Mount
Saint Vincent.
Judy Myslibroski, a junior chemlstry-pre-med major from Cutchogue, L.I., has applied for the
program In Austria. Judy Is an
active participant In women's
Intercollegiate sports, was a coordinator during the Summer
Planning Conference, and Is presently a Resident Assistant In
Alden Hall.
Michael Shlenvold, a junior
science major from
Kingston, New York, has applied
for the program In Japan. Mike
Is an active member of The
Edward Eldred Potter Club and
Is also president of the Interfraternlty Council.
Cohen to Speak
At Colloquium
Professor Donald L, Cohen of
of Social Welfare at the university will
be the University Colloquium
speaker Monday evening, February 12, in the Assembly Room
of the Campus Center. His topic
will be "The Incomplete Family:
A New Family Structure Emerging In American Society."
Professor Cohen, who holds
degrees from City College of
New York and from Columbia
University where be Is completing his doctoral dissertation, is
a co-author of "Eastern Union:
The Development of a Jewish
Community," which won the National Book Council Award. He
has been on the Albany faculty
since September, 1966,
CO-CHAIRMAN OF Greek Week George Lebowitz accepts a
For the past three years Professor Cohen has served as a check for $225 presented by Ann Epke, president of Sig Phi
consultant for the sociology of Sig Sorority. Th* money was raised at a mixer sponsored
the community In relation to air
earlier this month to defray cost of Greek Week activities.
pollution problems In the Center
for Atmospheric Studies at Pennsylvania State University. He was
a Russell Sage Doctoral Fellow
at Columbia University and also
has done graduate work at Dropsle College in Philadelphia and
at Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio.
181 WoHtorn Avonuo
(SOMIM oxpurlunco necessary
Contact either:
Larry De Young*
Clary Gold > . . .
William H. Rittberger,
Claudia Sloboda, a junior Spanish education major from Coboes,
New York, has applied for the
program in Spain. Claudia spent
last summer in Mexico working
with young children.
Th* number of students who
will be sent to th* countries of
their choice as ambassadors depends upon the funds raised by
soliciting dormitories, fraternities,' sororities, and other offcampus organizations.
Scholarships are offered by the
Student Ambassador Program In
Putney, Vermont.
The announcement of the students who will represent the University as goodwill ambassadors
will not be made until later
this spring.
How End War?
Conf. To Decide
A conference addressing Itself
to the question, "How can we end
the war?", will take place on
the University campus February
The following speakers who
have recently been In Vietnam
will give first hand Information
about the war: Jonathan Mlrsky,
Asian expert at Dartmouth College; Alfred Hassler, national
executive secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation; and
Sanford Gottlieb, National Director of SANE.
Also speaking Is Tran Van
Dinh, who has been South Vietnamese Ambassador to SEATO
and to the United States 0903).
In addition, he has served as
an ambassador of the South Vietnamese government at the United
Nations and to Burma. The speakers will begin their presentations
at 8 p.m. in the Dutch Quadrangle Dining Room.
Discussion groups, to be held
on Saturday morning and Saturday
afternoon, will concern themselves with the alternative
answers to the question of how
the war should be ended. What
Is the role of political action?
What is the role of direct action
In the peace movement? What is
the role of civil disobedience.
Gerald Taylor, Director of the
State Youth Division of the
NAACP; Noam Chomsky, leader in the Direct Action Movement
against the War; and George
WUlougnby, co-chairman of a
Quacker Action Group supporting projects for medical relief
to Vietnam will be attending this
They will be chairing some of
Saturday's discussion groups.
These groups will first assemble
In Lecture Room three at 9 a.m.
Saturday morning.. February 24.
The conference will continue
until 10 p.m. Saturday. The concluding portion of the conference
will take place in the Campus
Center Cafeteria.
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Friday, February 9, 1968
Rathskellar Opens
"Working Well"
I.D Necessary
Meetings To Begin Sunday
For Resident Assistantships
The Rathskeller In the Campus Center opened Tuesday, Jan.
30, to serve beer regularly to
the University community. The
opening was a major step In the
operation of the University's
campus alcohol policy.
Nell Brown, director of
the Campus Center was chairman of the committee to draft .
the campus alcohol policy. According to Brown, the Rathskeller Is working out well, and he
anticipates no problems.
The only restriction that might
cause a problem Is that the present license does not permit alcoholic beverages sold In the
room to be removed from the
premises. Eventually the license
will be expanded so that drinks
can be brought outdoors.
Liquor Is also available at other locations In the University.
The Patroom Room, a restaurant on the second floor of the
Campus Center, Is opened to students Sunday from 2 p.m.
and every other night from 8
Liquor Is also available at the
Mohawk Campus,CampDlpplklll,
and the Goodman Place at Dlpplklll.
The service of beer In the Rathskeller Is on a seven-day basis.
The hours are Sunday-Friday:
7 p.m. to one half-hour before
the closing of the Rathskeller,
and Saturday: 2 p.m. to one-half
hour before closing. At
half-hour before closing, service
Is to stop and beer mugs are to
be recalled.
The procedure for getting a
beer Is to hand an I.D, to the cashler who gives a ticket that Is to
be presented to the bartender.
The I.D; Is returned when an
empty mug Is returned. A nonmember of the University will
be asked to present some means
of Identification such as a driver's license.
GE Vice Pres.
To Speak Tues
The first of two meetings on
management and research and
development Jointly sponsored by
the Hudson Valley Chapter of the
Society for Advancement of Management and the Institute of Management Science will be held
Tuesday evening, f ...ruary 13,at
the University,
Host for the meetings will be
the management department of
the University's School of Business.
Dr. Arthur M. Bueche, vice
president for research and development, General Electric Co.,
will speak at the first meeting.
Ills subject will be "Management
uf and by Scientists." The session, set for 8.00 p.m. In the
Assembly Room of the Campus
Center, will be preceded by dinner at 0:30 p.m. In (heBallroom,
A highly Important part of the
management of research and development Is concerned with the
personal and professional relations of scientists In an Industrial research environment.
Dr. Bueche will discuss such
questions as "What happens when
a scientist leaves the bench for a
managerial position" and "What
are the mutual objectives of industrial managers anil Individual
Dr. Bueche,
received his I'll. I). In physical
chemistry from Cornell University In 1047, was appointed to his
present position ofGE Vice President for Research and Development in I MS.
Dr, Bueche Is a member-utlarge of the National Research
Council, a past member of the
Hoard of Directors of the American Chemical Kocluty.
He Is also a member of the
Hoard of Trustees ol the Albany
Medical College of Union College and a member of Cornell university's Council for the College of Engineering,
Page 3
AFTER ALL THESE months beer In the Rathskeller is
finally a reality. The only element that is missing in the Rathskeller is atmosphere.
Administration Moves
To New Campus
by Done Del Torro
The AdministrationBulldlngas
the official
entrance to the
University, presents an Impressive picture to the visitor.
The plush carpetingand furniture
probably make the building unsurpassed In any other university. The centralization of offices makes the building a convenience unavailable to faculty
and students before.
The major part of the moving
of offices from Draper to their
present locations was completed
last week. According to the secretaries the moving was quick and
smooth, and in most cases was
accomplished In a single afternoon.
Among the offices now Included
In the building are the Bursar's
office, the Registrar's office,
the Business Administration, and
personnel offices. In fact, nearly
every administrative office of the
University is included in the
building. The office for legal
council will be moving to
In order to aid visitors, a receptionist is located In the main
foyer of the building. This will
be the main entrance to the
University, and a welcome sight
to anyone who Is unfamiliar with
the campus.
Prospective students will be
receiving the "red carpet" treatment as they are shown Into a
lounge to await an Interview.
The lounge is quite Impressive,
with two marble coffee tables,
and a number of plush chairs.
Old yearbooks are available for
Senior Lift' Saving
An American Red Cross Senior Life Saving course will be
held at the Betlilohotn Central
Senior High School swimming
pool beginning Tuesday, February 13. The course, which Is a
prerequisite to the Water Safety Instructor course, will meet
from 7 until 10 p.m. for eight
consecutive Tuesday evonlngs.
There Is no charge for the Instruction, Applicants must lie
able to swim at least 400 yards
and be at least 10 years of ago.
.Students wishing to enroll may
do so by calling the Albany Red
Cross Chapter, telephone 4057301. Enrollment will close after the first mooting of the class
on February 13,
groups outside the residence
halls Is encouraged.
The degree to which a Resident Assistant may participate in
outside activities will depend upon a personal evaluation. A Resident Assistant Is expected to devote his primary efforts to hi*
residence unit.
Although positions will be open
on all four quadrangles, the exact number of positions needed
has not been decided upon.
Faculty Members
Receive Grants
Seventy-two faculty members
at the University have received
81 Faculty Fellowships and
Grants-ln-Aid totaling $99,501,
for the current year.
Announced by State University
President Samuel B. Gould, the
awards have been made on the
recommendation of the University Faculty Awards Committee.
Fifty-six $1,500 faculty fellowships, received at thrfUnlverslty, are distributed for research
In fine arts, the social sciences,
physical sciences, the humanities, education, mathematics and
Grants-in-aid in amounts ranging from $200 to $1,500 and totaling $15,510, have been received by 25 University faculty
Nine faculty members received both fellowships and grantsin-aid for their project. They are
Dr. Yong Moo Kim, Dr. David
I.G. Kingston, Dr. David Kline,
Dr. William Leue, Dr. Richard
MacMahon, Dr. Earl Rollins, Dr.
Richard Wllkle, Mr. Alvar Elblng, and Dr. Dewltt Elllnwood,
President Collins' office is
probably the highlight of the
entire building. Carpeted In plush
green, the office does not contain
a desk, but rather Is furnished
wl h two round tables. The bookense lined room Is lighted by two
crystal chandeliers. Adjacent to
the office is the president's
private study. Also on the second
floor is the conference room.
The conference table is long
enough to seat twenty-two people
in large chairs, and had to be
brought In In three parts.
Charles Bowler, director of
alumni affairs, pointed out that
the Alumni Association has " e s tablished its claim to fame" by
placing an original painting by
Grandma Moses In Its office. The
painting, titled "The Hill Road"
and painted on masonlte Is still
In the original frame. It was
donated to the Alumni Assolcation by Mrs. Moses' daughterin-law, who was a graduate of
Albany State,
In contrast to the new modern
building Is the clock from Draper
Hall which was placed In the office
of the Assistant to the President,
James M.
Lewis. The venerable grandfather clock has belonged to the school since 1895
and provides a change from the
modernism that is so apparant.
Lewis, who collects clocks, felt
that this antique should be saved,
and is responsible for its
The printing office Is now located In the Administration
Building. It has three offset printers and prints an estimated 2
mil Hon pieces a year. It Is used
primarily by the faculty and administration and prints such
things as the Campus Clipboard
PRESIDENT COLLINS (left) and Vice President Thome
and the sports schedules.
(right) sit around one of tho roundtables in the President's
The building, which contains
two corridors down the middle office, The office, carpeted in green, is lighted by two crystal
of it, Is arranged so that the ma- chandeliers.
jority of the offices are suites.
Most are carpeted, and the rest
Is oxpectod to be carpeted at a
later date. The difficulty arose
when more office space was allocated than was originally planned. A few of the offices, especially on the first floor are awaiting draperies.
(Cbonistry, llology, Physiology)
The preliminary bombardment
usually received In the early
part of the semester by thoburser's and registrar's offices was
all but eliminated by supplying
a separate office for the paytnent ol telephone bills, and one
for change of class schedules.
Complete Line
Sorority Jewelry
('III Nig
l*«l (Jmil
Three Interest meetings will
be held next week for all students
who wish to become Resident Assistants during the '68-'69 school
year. To receive a Resident Asslstantshlp a student must be a
Junior, senior, or graduate student at the time of employment.
The meetings will be held on
Sunday, February 11 at 7:00p.m.
in the Colonial Quad Flag Room;
7:00 p.m. Monday, February 12
in the State Quad Flag Room, and
7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 13
in the Dutch Quad Flag Room.
Interested students need only
attend one of these three meetings. Applications for Resident
Assistantships will be distributed at these times. Present Resident Assistants must reapply If
they wish to be considered for
employment next year.
The purpose of the Interest
meetings is to Inform all Interested students about the duties
and responsibilities of a Resident Assistant. Also, any questions a student may have about
the assistantships will be answered.
Applicants should be In sound
academic standing. They are expected to work and associate with
their peers as they will be In
constant contact and communication with members of their sections and with the professional
residence hall staff.
Remuneration for being a Resident Assistant consists of free
room and board plus a waiver of
tuition. There is a maximum of
16 credit hours per semester
that a Resident Assistant can
Since a Resident Assistant Is
expected to work 20 hours per
week at his Job he cannot expect
to carry on any time consuming
activities. Yet, membership In
liny, $3,60 - SI .79
Hon, $3,B0 - $1,18
ChiirtiiH, I'IIIM, Key UIIIKM, ulc. Htiirl i IIK HI Ivor
.Sunnily |(lnu,M
Sluyvesunt Jewelers
P o r » o n n « l R e c r u i t e r o n Campus,
Association with a major teaching institution,positions offering professional omployo benefits Include free tuition,
NYU (24 credits per year)
Appointment ununited tlireiiuh collene Placement Service or
write Personnel Department, New Vurk university Medical
Center, ISHH First Avenue, New Vurk, N.V. iniiii,.
Pag. 4
Friday, February 9, 1968
Dorm Directors Specialize
To Serve Students Better
Central Council..
(Continued from Pg. 1)
ber of appropriations. Balling Club presented a budget of
$12,600 with money coming from
three sources: Central Council
Emergency attending Line (ESL),
Athletic Advisory Board Surplus
(AA Board) and Faculty-Student
Association (FSA), to buy sailboats, to provide for maintenance, to pay the charter fees
for Inter-Collegiate Sailing etc.
Council appropriated $2,200 to
buy sailboats which will be used
mainly for recreational purposes. Council also approved a
$5,400 appropriation from AA
Board's surplus. Council acted
on this measure because they
must approve all of Its expenditures over $1,000 FSA allocated
$5,000 from its funds to the Club.
Sailing Club members stated
that the boats bought with AA
Board funds will be used primarily for Intercollegiate sailing. AA
boats can be used for both recreation and competitive sailing.
They plan to have Instructions
and demonstrations on sailing to
attract new members to the club.
All students who have paid Student Tax were welcomed to participate.
Council appropriated $320
from the ESL to AMIA for Intercollegiate Council extra-mural
athletics. The Torch was allocated $900 to pay for additional expenditures due to the rise In
printing and photography costs.
Council loaned $2,000 to the
Fridoy, February 9, 1968
Greek Week committee so that
It could stage a concert during
Greek Week. Arlo Guthrie and
the Chiffons will, probably be
appearing. The concert will be
held In the Gym and all proceeds after expenditures wHl be
by Ira Woifman
returned to Council.
After these appropriations a
This past week ColonlalQuad
question arose over the status of
the ESL. Paul Bresiln, Finance Introduced the first stage of a
Chairman, stated that It waa new policy concerning dormitory
about $12,000 in the red. The directors on the Quad. The genusual procedure to to run the eral Idea of this plan, which has
Line, which was set at $3,600 also been Introduced at State
Quad, Is to make each dormithis year, In the red.
The Line Is always budgeted tory director a specialist In a
too low to cover the appropria- specific area of Quad life which
tions that Council makes after he has expressed an Interest In.
The plan will, hopefully, In the
budgets are passed. The budgets
for 196849 are due to Budget words of Miss Kathleen FltzWilliams,
currently Dorm DirecCommittee of Feb. IB.
Community Programming Com- tor of Herkimer and Morris
mission's new Constitution was Halls, "provide a better service
approved. The Constitution will to students by giving them the
have a change of concept In its benefit of getting the best perdealings with Its subsidiary and son's help in the area he Is most
constituent groups. The Campus qualified to assist."
Center Governing Board was givThe plan, which Is In the neoen constitutional status by this phyte stages right now, Is Intendaction.
ed to Increase Quad unity and
Election Commission announc- spirit. At Colonial, presently,
ed that the Council ColonlalQuad one director has been placed
vacancy was filled by Barb Smith. In charge of the business aspect
The results of the LAAC Air of dorm life.
Force ROTC poll were also anAnother director has been givnounced. Approximately 75 per en the task of working with Quad
cent of those that answered stat- government and programming.
ed that they would like to see Two directors have been assignROTC on campus, 46 per cent ed to work with the Resident Assaid they would register for the sistants.
Admittedly, this program will
We teach yon Reading Skill* that are guaranteed
to at least triple your reading rate,
improve your comprehension.
The Evelyn Wood
invites you to a free presentation of this internationally famous method.
You will see an amazing documented film about Reading Dynamics
and learn how it oan help you to faster reading and understanding.
with aquil or btllir compr»tnnilon!
In the 18 yean since Mrs Wood made the itinllng
discovery that led to the development of her unique
method, over 350,000 people have taken this course.
These ire people with different educations, different
IQ's.., students, businessmen, housewives. All of them
—even the slowest—now read an average novel in less
than 2 hours. You car, too. We guarantee if.
Acclilfid by public figure!
In 1962, the late President Kennedy Invited Mrs.
Wood to the White House where she taught the courie,
•t his request, to members of The Cabinet and the
White House Staff,
Senator Herman F„ Talmadge, Georgia: "In my opinion, If these reuding techniques were instituted In (he
public end private schools of our country, It would be
the grealctt single step we could lake in educational
Senator Proxmlre, Wisconsin: "I must say
that this It one of the moit useful educational expcrlPRESENTATION
"place a greater burden upon
the R.A.'s and will call for an
Increase In student responsibility." Fltzwllllams stated.
It is expected that when the
program begins working up to
capacity, It will provide for more
efficient planning of activities
and Increase communications between students. Another expected
result of the program will be
greater standardization of regulations throughout the Quad.
At present, the plans call for
all the dorm directors to move
from their respective dormitory
offices Into one central location.
At Colonial, this location Is the
main lobby of Livingston Tower.
The plan was initiated Just recently after a great deal of thought
and discussion. Fltzwllllams said
that It "Will have little effect
on the student this year" but
added that this Is just the Initial
stage. By starting at Colonial
this term, we will have the opportunity to see how it operates
out on a small scale.
The number of Staff members
will not be affected by any
Maids On Colonial
To Clean Flat Surfaces
In the near future Colonial
Quad will have a new maintenance system Instituted. This system Involves allowing maids to
enter suites
and Individual
rooms, to clean the floors and
other flat surfaces In those areas.
The residents will be Informed
of the time and day prior to the
cleaning date. The other flat sur-
1375 Washington Avenue
(Near State University Campus}
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 3:30 P.M. end 7:00 P.M.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 3:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 12:00 Noon and 3:30 P.M.
Mow Being
Accepted For
to be held ot
Thruway Motor Inn
1375 Washington Avenue
(Near Slate University Campus)
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
TUESDAY, MARCH 19 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Evelyn Wood READING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE, Ton Eyck Hotel, Albany, New York 12207
Poughkeeptie Phone (914) 454-4266
faces Included In the policy are
desk and dresser tops.
However, It Is the responsibility of the student to remove anything that Is on these surfaces.
If he does not, the maid will
not touch them — nor will she
clean them.
Miss Catherine Brown of the
residence staff stated 'that one
of the main reasons for this action was that the "wear and tear
on the rooms demands a good
deal of maintenance wort which
might be averted If this system
works effectively." She reiterated that this program was strictly experimental.
The privilege to say "no" to
the maids will not be granted
completely to the student. According to Miss Brown, whether
or not the student consents "The
maids will still clean the floors
and the bathrooms."
This system has never operated before at the University. Prior
to this time, maids only cleaned lounges and bathrooms.
Contrary to what appeared In
the last Issue of the ASP, Sigma
Tau Beta (STB) was not recognized officially by a Faculty-Student Commission. It was actually
recommended for acceptance as
a fraternity by the Inter- Fraternity Council (JFC) to the Faculty-Student Committee on Student Government and Organizations,
It Is expected that
the Committee will accept IFC's
Lecture Thurs.
The Albany Area Society of the
Archaeloglcal Institute of America will hold a public lecture
Thursday evening, February 15,
at 8:00 p.m. In room 354, Humanities building.
The speaker being featured Is
Professor J, Walter Graham of
the University of Toronto. Dr.
Graham will discuss "The
Palaces of theHomerlcHeroes."
Refreshments will follow his
Call IV 9-2827
or IV 2-0228
(Three) Subs Minimum)
Sunday - Friday
9 p.m. - 1 2 Midnight
(518) 462-5408
College Preferred
Thank You
General Studies
Speed Reading
Now Offered
Page 5
Oath For Teachers
Upheld ForN.Y.S.
Designed for adults who wish
to read faster and with greater
comprehension, a rapid reading
workshop Is being offered by the
College of General Studies at the
University. There will be six
sessions of both the afternoon
and evening courses, to begin
In February.
Elizabeth M. Tlbbetts,
who holds a master's degree of
science In guidance and reading,
will be the Instructor.
The courses, Identical In content, will Include practice exercises, vocabulary Improvement,
selecting main Ideas, skimming,
and skannlng. Records, graphs,
and charts will be kept to show
Individual Improvement.
Enrollment Is limited to 20
persons In both the afternoon
session and the evening session.
The afternoon course will be held
Thursdays, beginning February
22, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
In room 148 of the Biology building on the uptown campus.
On Tuesday evenings, from
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., the evenTH E BAR IN THE PATROON Room is open to students
ing course will be held In room Sunday from 2 - 8 p.m. and every other night from 5-8 p.m.
290 of the Humanities building,
Richard Lasselle is mixing a cocktail in the built-in bar.
beginning February 20.
Tlbbetts, in addition to
having conducted remedial reading clinics, has taught speed reading courses for several years.
Her experience Includes instruction In reading Improvement at
Russell Sage College.
Student Scholarships
Given For First Time
Supreme 'Court has upheld the
constitutionality of the New York
State affirmative loyalty oath for
teachers In public schools and in
tax-exempt private schools.
The Court's ruling — Its first
In favor of such an oath — came
In the form of a brief order affirming a Federal District Court
decision In New York. The District Court had upheld the constitutionality of a New York law
requiring all teachers in public schools,and in private schools
with tax-exempt status, to swear
to uphold the Federal and state
The action by the Supreme
Court answers for the first time
the question of whether any type
of loyalty oath for teachers Is
constitutional. Since 1961, the
Court has declared loyalty oaths
In five states unconstitutional,
The oaths thrown outbytheCourt
generally have required teachers
to sign that they are not members
or supporters of subversive
The New York oath which was
upheld reads, "I do solemnly
swear (or affirm) that I will sup.
port the constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the State of New
York, and that Iwill faithfully discharge, according to the best of
my ability, the duties . . . to
which I am now assigned."
The New York oath is Identic
cal to the oaths of office required of many state and federal officials. The oath has previously
been upheld for public officials,
but not for teachers.
The Oath was being tested for
its constitutionality by 27 faculty
members at Adelphl College In
Garden. City, N.Y. Adelphl Is a
private Institution whose real
property Is tax exempt. Although
the New York oath has been In
effect since 1934, Adelphl,
through inadvertence, had failed
to require Its faculty members to
take the oath until October, 1960,
Chess Tourney
To Be Held
The University Chess Championship and A.c.U. Intercollegiate Qualifier will be held In
the Campus Center Feb. 10-11.
The top four finishers will represent the University In the regional tournament for New York
State to be held here Feb. 17-18.
Registration will be held in
the Campus Center from 9-9:30
a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10. Participants must pay an entry fee of
$2 and must fulfill the requirements ot amateur standing. Both
undergraduate and graduate students may enter.
The tournament begins Immediately following registration.
Everyone will play four games,
one In the morning and one In
the afternoon on Saturday and
Sunday. Play on Sunday begins
at 10 a.m. The Swiss system
will be used. Players with equal
scores will meet In each round.
Last spring, the Commission handled many aspects oi tne schofor Academic Affairs received larship and Is now planning Its
$500 from General Electric for campaigns for next year's
Its part In the selection of the awards.
University's College team.
They have a number of proDr. Arthur A. Hitchcock, proAfter a series of meetings jects In the planning stages Infessor in the department of gui- with
Donald Whltlock of cluding a tag day and a theater
dance and personnel services In the Financial Aids Office, the benefit. The theater benefit will
the School of Education, has been Commission established a scho- feature "Camelot" at the Madiawarded an $11,700 planning larship to be handled entirely son Theater on Feb. 29.
grant for the Joint Planning by students, except for confidenTickets will be available In
Group for Two Year College tial Information concerning fin- the Campus Center, Feb. 19-23
Counseling Programs. The grant ancial need on the part of the from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m. at $2.50
will run until June 30, 19G8. candidates.
per person or from Terry MathThe purpose of the grant will
The scholarships were award- las, Stuyvesant 1804, phone 4.17be to prepare a proposal for ed this year to Fred Chllils and 7976.
an Instrument which would help Richard Epstein. Fred Is predetermine the best means to sently studying In Wurzburg, Germeet the immediate and long many while Richard continues his
range needs of research devel- studies here at Albany.
opment and preparation of perChllds who attended Union Colsonnel in the improvement of
lege prior to his military sertwo year college counseling pro- vice, has traveled widely. He
A contract United States Post
has spent much time In Germany Office opened on campus January
Hitchcock joined the Uni- where he met his wife.
24. The hours are weekdays from
versity's faculty in September,
The scholarship Is awarded on 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The facilities
190G, after 10 years as executive financial need as demonstrated are located In the basement of
director of the American Per- to the Financial Aids Office.
the Academic Podium, on the
sonnel and Guidance Association. Whltlock of Financial Aids has northwest corner. They are acHe previously held several posi- worked to assist the committee cessible from the basement of
tions In public anil higher educa- In obtaining confidential Informa- the Business Building.
tion, Including posts at the Uni- tion and soliciting funds. Through
The post office situated at the basement level between the
The Post Office, run by University of Nebraska, Harvard his efforts a check from the
Social Science and Business Administration Buildings is now
Graduate School of Education and National Merit Scholarship Cor- versity staff members for the
New England Public Schools,
poration for $200 lias been added U.S. Government, will offer all
open. The office will rent mall boxes to faculty and students.
services normally available at
During his tenure as APCA to the present funds.
The other criterion lor the any Post Office, except the safe
director, the organization quadrupled in membership, tripled award Is exceptional Intellectual of Government bonds, internaits number of publications, bought achievement. Candidates must tional money orders and COD's.
and built permanent headquarters have an accumulative average of
Approximately 1,000 combinaIn Washington, D.C., and Increas- 3.0 or higher.
tion-lock post office boxes will
ed Its budget six-fold.
The University Student Scho- bo available for a minimal fee,
the greatest living writer
Hlthcock holds an A.B. larship committee is composed with preference given to students
o n the Middle A g e s
from Wesleyan University, an entirely of students with the Com- and professors living off-campus.
M.A. from Harvard and a Ph.D. mission for Adacemic Affairs as Anyone Interested In renting a
from Yale. He Is a member of the parent body. Members of the box should arrange rental with
several guidance and personnel committee are: John Towler, the teller.
organizations, and, In 1905-00, Thllu Pordorls, Nancy Laporo,
The services will bo availserved on Vice-President Hu- Betsy Morris, and Terry Math- able to anyone, but the Post
bert Humphrey's Task Force on las, chairman.
main function Is to
The Committee so far has servo the University community.
"Immensely interesting,
full of tremendous
tales of heroism,
folly, plunder
und slaughter...
u brilliant survey
of the Medieval world."
-New York Times
Hitchcock Given
$12,000 Grant
Post Office Open,
Podium Basement
Now in paperback
308 Central A M
Alkaiy T.I. HE 4-9703
0 >
Campus Dry Cleaning
D A I L Yv
4 - 7 P.M.
ain d
IIV meet
Student A ceds
\t Studei t.
Shirts - 1S«
Sweaters - 4 5 *
Coats - $1.00
Shirt Laundry nAl.
Herkimer Hall
Ten Eyck Hall
Lower Lounge
Anthony Hall
Lower Lounge
Waterbury Holl
"The finest historical novel that has come my wuy . . .
an amazingly successful recreation of the dark und
brutal world of the twelfth century."
-New York rimes
$1.25 each wherever
Uallantine Hooks arc sold,
Fridoyy Februory 9,
Poge 6
Friduy, February 9, 1968
Senate Votes
Blaine Repeal
The State Senate voted 3517 Tuesday, Jan, 30 to repeal
the so-called "Blaine Amendment" and substitute Instead
the language of the Federal
Constitution. The action came
about after a number of hours of
mainly partisan debate. Earl
Brydges (R-Nlagara Falls), the
majority leader, Introduced the
which also gives
citizens the right to sue the
state for what they consider unconstitutional
expenditures cf
funds to parochial schools.
The resolution will have to undergo the following steps before
It can take effect: It must be
passed by the Assembly at this
session, then It will have to
be repassed by both houses next
year and, finally, by the voters.
The Times is now available everywhere
for your convenience.
The earliest time that the people will have an opportunity to
vote on the measure will be November, 1969. If one of the above
steps Is not completed, the
process would have to start all
over again.
The vote on the measure was
quite partisan; only two Republicans voted against It. One was
Sen. D, Clinton Domlnick III (RNewburgh), the Chairman of the
Education Committee. All the
Negro senators and most of those
who represent highly populated
Jewish constituencies
against the measure.
C A f
^ ^
111 T V
delivered right to your office or mailbox
rates: Monday - Friday $3.25
•%*<*•••"••"« ' *
£ ^ _ | J V I J M U T E R S
If the Assembly acts on the
amendment it will be very late
In the session since the Speaker
Anthony Travla (D- Brooklyn)
Is In no hurry to take up the debate. He believes that there
should be a "cooling off" period
due to the emotions that were
aroused over the issue at and after the Constitutional Convention that was held last year.
COLONIAL AND DUTCH - delivered to a locked box
in the basement of the tower
STATE AND ALUMNI - delivered right to the dorm
rates: Daily $4.00 Sunday $6.50
3oth $10.50
m delivered to a locked box in the right lobby of
the Campus Center rates: $3.25
FEB. 1 9
tZu€4tC04U *% P%*6te*K&?? Call Your N.Y. TIMES Campus Representatives
Box 5176
Roessleville Branch
Albany, N.Y. 12205
D Weekdays and Sundays
D Weekdays
• Sundays
DMon.-Fri. (Faculty & Commuters) $3.25
My Name .
Campus Address .
At the Podium
Dutch Quad
Mall Box
Signature _ _ _ _ _
••delivery beelns Man. Fob. 1»
• ..rf
.«,'n.l,ii v
r .. 1M
For Doctoral
The University has been allocated 14 new National Defense
Education Act (NDEA) Title IV
Fellowships to begin September,
1968. One fellowship Is-assigned to each of the 14 doctoral programs, with Atmospheric Science and Public Administration
being added to the University's
list this year.
Other eligible programs are
Biology, Chemistry, English,
French, Physics, Political Science, Spanish, and five programs
In Education — Educational Administration, Curriculum Instruction, Guidance and Personnel Services, Education Psychology
and Statistics and
Each award Is for three years
of full-time study In a doctoral
program, and Is open to beginning doctoral students admitted
to doctoral study who are pre-
,.|M . 1.7
"The Seekers," a film on drug
addiction, will be available to
Interested campus groups. The
newly released film produced by
the New York State Narcotics
Addiction Control Center deals
with the drug problem on the
student level.
Throughout the film, groups
of students discuss their past
experiences with drugs from pot
to LSD. The discussants spoke
of the reasons they tried drugs,
the effects they felt and the experiences they had while under
the Influence of drugs,
Oeorge Lelbowltz and Judy Osdoby, student coordinators, have
announced that the film will be
shown in the Assembly Hall of
the Campus Center on February
22 from 1:10 to 4 p.m. and 7
to 9 p,m.j February 23 at 1:10
and February 26 at 1:10 and 4
p.m. The film runs 20 minutes.
President Johnson has asked
Congress for modest increases
in federal student aid programs
during fiscal 1969, but the increases will be offset by severe
reductions In higher education
construction funds.
The administration's 1969budget request also Includes' an
Increase of about $86 million
for - educational research In the
Office of Education, and an Increase of nearly $70 million
for teacher training.
In his budget message to Congress this week, the President
requested an ncrease of $112
million for existing student financial aid programs and a decrease of $82 million In the
amount of federal funds for construction grants to colleges.
The Increases in federal aid
to students are spread over a
number of different programs,
resulting In only modest Increases for each program.
The administration's budget
also asks $23 million for proBOOKSTORE! As a result of poor planning the check-out posed new legislation in the area
counters were over staffed in the evenings of the 'peak rush.' of federal assistance to students.
This request refers to PresiIs this where all your money goes?
dent Johnson's State of the Union Message in which he recommended passage .of an Educational Opportunity Act "to step
up our drive to break down
Mike Shlenvold became pres- ior, to go for Job interviews. financial barriers separatlngour
In addition, he stated that young people from college."
ident of IFC last month upon
the resignation of Larry Plx- as his last act as president, he
Details of this $23 million stuley. Shlenvold, a Junior, and wished to see IFC recommend dent aid legislation will be Informer vice president of the STB for acceptance as a fra- cluded in the President's eduCouncil, plans to encourage more ternity. Once this was accom- cation message, which will be
participation by fraternity mem- plished, he felt it best to re- sent to Congress within the next
few weeks.
bers in IFC functions.
Originally, only a steering
committee of APA, IFC was
chartered as an organization In
April, 1967. At that time Plxley became the first president.
In the first few months of
IFC's existence, four new fraternities have been admitted, almost doubling the size. Pan-Hellenic Council has been restructured and many services to the
school have been rendered. They
Include the Ernie Davis Leukemia Fund and aid to Arbor Hill.
Plxley, whose term would have
ended In April, stated that he
resigned because he found that
his numerous duties as president left him insufficient time
to be an R.A., and, as a sen-
Shienvold Becomes IFC President
Narcotics Film
Please deliver The New York Times to me as checked**
Located For Your Convenience
Johnson: Increase
In Student Aid
by Vic Looper
Page 7
The President asked to appropriate $193,4 million for national defense loans, $109.7 million for advances for reserve
funds and interest payments,
$145,5 million for work - study
grants; and $15 million under
proposed legislation for project grants to institutions for
services for disadvantaged students in college.
In all cases, President's request falls below the amount authorized for the programs by
The 1969 program level for
higher education construction
grants under the administration's budget totals $225.6 million.
Join a firm that'll
give you executive
responsibility your
paring for college
A student must have completed not more than 12 hours of
graduate work by September 1,
1968, to qualify a* a beginning
graduate student.
Interested students should apply directly to the chairman of
the department Involved, and
applicants will be notified of
awards on March 15. If the applicant has not already applied
for admission to doctoral study
through the Office of Graduate
H.jdy, he should do so immediately.
A national total of 3328 new
fellowships is being funded this
year In approximately 3,000
doctoral programs.
The International Film Group
will present "The Manchurlan
Candidate" In Page Hall tonight
at 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. This
Tuesday It will show "The Lost
Squadron" In Draper 349 at 7 o.m.
CUC and Newman
evenings through
March 12th Hu 111. Wednesday
evenings through March 13th in
Hu 108 and Friday afternoons
through March 15th. The spring
discussion group Seminars will
be "What About The Christ,"
"The Message of Modern Music"
and "A Modern Priest Looks at
His Outdated Church" respec
M <•'
Mixer and Bear Party in C.C,
Ballroom for the entire University from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission will be $.75 single and
$1.25 couple.
Now, that's a pretty funny thing for a
civilian firm to say. A boss'. Right out of
college? The first day?
But the Air Force can make such offers.
As an officer in the world's largest
technological organization you're a
leader. Engineer. Scientist. Administrator.
Right where the Space Age breakthroughs are happening.
Or how about the executive responsibility of a test pilot clocking 2,062 mph
in a YF-12Ajet?
That could be you, too.
But you don't have to be a pilot in the
Air Force to move fast. With your college
degree you zip into Officer Training'
School, spin out an officer, speed on
your way as an executive, in the forefront of modern science and technology.
Right on the ground.
The Air Force moves pretty fast.
Think it over. A man's career can
sometimes move pretty slow.
United States Air Force
Box A, Depl. SCP-82
Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 7814B
Fridoy, February 9,1968
onVcjV-vV b e .
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Coopera-Rpn How Much?
\? G i o d
2>»r- a4r,«&4:5
m? M
Legislators On Fire
The Draft Counseling Committee, recently formed by several faculty members' and other interested persons, is under fire from certain State Legislators
who are pressuring the administration to
fire the professors Involved. We feel that
the action by these Legislators is despicable and i s aimed, not at improving the
University, but at piling up votes for the
Legislators Involved.
It is true that the State University of
New York is run by the State of New York
and subject to some control by the Legislature, but If those running the government of the state consider it their perogatlve to attempt to have University faculty
members fired on such flimsy grounds as
these, we feel that they are not equipped
to have any control over a university.Any
university made subject to the vote-getting tricks of such men would not be worth
We are very glad to hear that our administration has refused to give the names
of the faculty In the group to these Legislators as has been requested. We hope
that these professors continue their efforts to represent their point of view
among the many represented here. We,
further, hope that these Legislators will
come to their senses and discover what
i s meant by an "open campus" and "freedom of speech."
Fridoy, Februory 9, 1968
The addition of two-specific clauses regarding
narcotics on campus to the student conduct guidelines for the State University System leaves no doubt
as to where the University stands with respect to
this growing, problem, or does It?
The first clause states that "the regulations . . .
shall expressly forbid the. illegal use of narcotics
and dangerous drugs on campus" and that each "institution, through cooperation with the appropriate
health and law enforcement agencies, will provide
no sanctuary for those who violate State and Federal narcotics laws."
But in what manner will the administration cooperate? It is still not clear whether, if a member
of the residence staff discovers someone using narcotics on campus, he will notify the civil authorities
or not. Or will the case be unpublicized and decided
outside the University court system? A clarification on this question is seriously needed.
The University System policy further states that
the University shall supervise and authorize "campus visitations by non-students" and Includes a definition of loitering as remaining on University grounds
when "not having any reason or relationship involving custody of or responsibility for a pupil or
student or any other specific, legitimate reason for
being there."
This can very easily be directed toward removing
possible drug pushers, however, would not a federal
narcotics • agent, if he came onto this campus, come
under this classification also?
Our administration states that it knows of no such
agents on campus; therefore, if any are present,
they could have received no such "authorization."
We doubt, however, that any persons suspected of
being an agent would even be approached and asked
what he was doing here.
This dual standard, we feel, would not be in keeping with the University policy of an "open campus."
Further, the presence of such agents would seriously
inhibit the free discussion of the issue, since anyone
expressing a pro opinion on the use of narcotics
would be subject to suspicion and possible harassment.
Or would a federal narcotics agent's "specific,
legitimate reason" be decided by authorities other than
the University administration? We hope that all these
questions will be clarified and-or rectified in the very
near future.
The Right Way
by Robert Isemon
Negation of Privilege?
The student of this University traditionally has been given the privilege of retaining the privacy of his room. Although
the University reserves the right to enter
the student's room without permission,
Dr. Cllffton C. Thorne, vice president for
student affairs, pointed out at the last
President's Conference with Students, It
is the Administration's policy to enter the
student's room without permission or his
knowledge only in clear cases of emergency.
However, the residence staff is planning
an experiment on Colonial Quad which will
take this privilege of privacy away from
the student. The plan will require a resident to admit a maid to his room for
cleaning the floors and flat surfaces, such
as desk tops.
Although it is a justifiable concept that
this procedure may reduce the neglect in
the dorms (which makes necessary a great
deal of maintenance work during the summer), and perhaps, decrease the cost of
rooms, the usurping of a student's privilege is unjustifiable. The question being
dealt with here is not one of cleanliness
but one of privacy.
To be consistent with the University's
policy, the residence staff must allow the
student the privilege of requesting a maid
not to clean his room. Since this experiment has not begun, we suggest that the
present plan be changed so that a maid
will enter a student's room to clean only
if he desires the service.
Scraps" Passes To "Shots'
When one of the editors resigns from
the ASP, he leaves a position which he
has molded to fit his own personality and
Ideas. This is very true of the Sports
section and their editor, Glenn Sapir,
with his distinctive editorial column "Jock
Scraps" and particular writing style.
We are very oorry to see Glenn leave
his post, since this means the end of his
many contributions to the ASP as an
editor. Glenn, however, will continue to
work under the new Sports Editor, Dune
Nixon (formerly Associate Editor in
We thank Glenn for his work on the
ASP* during his tenure, especially his expansion of the sports section to three
pages. To Dune, we extend our congratulations; and we are sure that he too
will make a distinct imprint on the Sports
Regardless of how the U.S.
resolves the Pueblo crisis, certain historical lessons can be
drawn from the Incident. Our
policy In Vietnam, our disastrous restraint In the Korean
War, and the very nature of
Communism Itself can be related to the Pueblo affair.
Many of the critics of the
American commitment In Vietnam assert that the Communist
North Vietnamese and the Viet
Cong are each Independent of outside control, are politically Independent, In other words are benign, nationalistic Communist
groups. Contrary to this belief,
the seizure of the Pueblo and
other recent Incidents has proven that there Is unified, planned
Communist activity seeking the
conquest of all South East Asia.
The act of piracy commlted by
the North Koreans coincides ex.
actly with a major Communist
military offensive In Vietnam.
This Is not coincidence, but an
attempt by the Korean Reds to
help their comrades In Vietnam
by trying to divert the attention
of the U.S. from the Communist
buildup at Khe Sanh. Recent Communist attacks on government
troops In Laos, Cambodia, and
Korea further Illustrate the cohesive Communist force operating In South East Asia. The abduction of the Pueblo represents
one more part of a carefully
laid Red scheme to harass the
U,s. and remove the last obstacle to their conquest of South
East Asia.
Today's ominous situation can
be largely attributed to our failure to dispose of Red China and
her puppets during the Korean
War. Had we allowed MacArthur
to win a real victory In Korea,
we would not be in Vietnam today, nor would there be a Com-
munist North Korean government
to hyjack American ships. Truman's refusal to allow MacArthur
to eliminate the Communists in
Asia once and for all must be
regarded as one of the most
costly mistakes In recent American History. As a result, the
legitimate government of China
Is marooned on Formosa, Red
China has progressed Into a nuclear power, and the Chinese
Communists are threatening all
South East Asia through manipulation of their allies In Vietnam,
Korea, Laos and Cambodia.
However, more recent events
than the Korean War Influenced
the seizure of the Pueblo. Our
soft attitude towards Castro, culminating in the Bay of Pigs
fiasco, and our hesitancy to
use our superior military power
to win the war In Vietnam has
encouraged the Red aggressors.
Their boldness has Increased
to a point where they dare to detain an American ship! If we
allow them to escape unpunished for their latest act of aggression, what will they try next?
If we fall to deal harshly with
the North Korean Communists
we will surely pay the price In
years to come. Red China and
the Soviet Union will continue
to think of us as a paper tiger.
History has shown that appeasement has never stopped an
aggressor. I would hope tliat by
the time this column appears
In the ASP the U.S. will have taken appropriate action against
North Korea, We must show the
Communists that our attitude towards them is one of strenuous
opposition; that If they persist in
their aggression "OUR might will
make right," that we will use
whatever force
necessary to
thwart their goal of world conquest.
Pag* 9
View From The Behind
byM.D.S., and M.A.D.
"Time" magazine —that watershed of American Ideology—
recently chose Samuel B. Gould
as the subject of its cover story:
an exciting "special" on the
State University: "The Giant that
Nobody Knows." Gould emphasized the progressive, liberal
spirit and open-eyed awareness
which pervades the structure: "I can't think of a single
possibility for education In this
country, that doesn't exist In our
country, that doesn't exist
in our university." Encouraging, isn't he?
We continue the article and
find mention of Alfred Kazln,
English professor of Stony Brook
who finds a "tremendous excitement in Its happy, creative
looseness — this Is a place where
the time Is right." Kazln may
not have been following his horoscope, but he was reading his tea
leaves correctly. Thursday's
N.Y, Times carried a striking
photograph of a Suffolk County
Police Commissioner.
Paranoid students, perplexed
parents, and pursulngpollcehave
created pandemonium on the
We are all aware of the drug
scene "right In our own backyard." Albany State will be the
• Inevitable target of future actlvlties threatening us with a begood-or-bust spirit.
It Is Impossible to limit students here to a pure classification of "beads" and "straights."
The grass blight knows no boundaries; It affects sorority and
fraternity people as well as In.
habitants of The Cage. It has
taken Its toll upon the various
organs of the university, Including communication and highly
respected councils among graduate students, faculty, freshmen and seniors alike. In short;
It's everywhere, It's everywhere!
This Is not confined to a small,
Intimate group,
but is an entity of rather
amorphic proportions. It Is sur-
prising that the exaggerated fashion of the mass media has not
crowned marijuana with a similar halo, "The Giant Everybody
It might be worthwhile to examine this subject In the light
of a cliche which has reached
rather nauseating heights: What's
the big hassle? The majority of
us are neither flipped out hippies nor threatening addicts bent
upon their fix. It is time to accept
the fact that the beer keg Is
rapidly becoming replaced by
the nlckle bag. Those who disagree with this stand ought to do
just that; they must not place
Impediments In the paths of others. The topic has been discussed so thoroughly that it has
become quite overworn. However, we still allow ourselves
to be scrutinized by the authorities and infiltrated by narcotics
agents; phone tapping Is a certainty. We resolve this with an
anger which fades into silent
Let us examine Joe College.
He has smoked grass ocasslonally, prompted originally by his
curiosity and the desire to clear
up his own misconceptions. Fully
aware of his position In tampering with the law, he Is able to
justify his actions to himself.
He realizes that the drug has had
no 111 effect upon him physically or psychologically — his rank
on Dean's List will attest to that.
He finds himself dealing not with
hardened criminals, but rather
fellow students quite similar to
Other than a slight twinge of
fear, he has successfully evaded the restrictions which might
Incriminate him.
The treatment of a social problem such as this requires an
infinite amount of patience and
a good deal of common sense.
Neither seems to be gaining
much ground at the present time.
There Is no logic In the assumption that Jailing a student In-
Review Of The New Right Wing
by Ray Bertrand
There seems to be a time when
principles must be placed aside
for the purpose of practicality.
It Is only natural that sane people loathe war. But, of course,
wars are sometimes essential,
either Immediately or In the
long run, for the defense of a
nation. This Is the way I feel
about President Johnson's restrictions on travel abroad.
I regard this subject with mixed emotions. First of all, on the
exterior, I see an Infringement
on my liberties. I see a man
preventing me from going where
I desire. And what Is the motive
of this man? He Intends to restrict one of my freedoms for
the purpose of maintaining my
nation's economy. His action Is
In the best Interest of my nation, hence, In my best Interest, But, as I look at It, Is there
that much outside of the United
States to see? Should I go to
France, where a senile war hero
considers himself to be to France
what Jesus Christ Is to Christians? Or perhaps to English,
where "saviour" socialism has
forced the nation to devaluate
the pound? On second thought,
scratch England anyway . . . I
don't like hippies. In fact, most
countries around the world
appear not to be such great
places, but ones where an American can most easily empty his
way, Britain Is one of the countries whose products can be purchased In North Vietnam and
Cuba. Britain Is also the country which Implored the United
States to become Involved with
the blockade of Rhodesia, which
has done nothing to the United
States but ask it not to interfere In Its fight for Independence. Can a president really be
so concerned with money, who
Is willing to throw away resources on socialistic programs like
medicare. You've heard of socialIsm. That's what grows from
medical aid for the needy when
a country like Denmark (maybe
the U.S. next) decides that It
costs less to give everyone free
medicine than It does to determine who Is needy. And, I'm
sure you've heard of medicare.
That's what philanthropists have
decided hypochondriacs need to
give themselves a desire to live.
Meanwhile back at the Cadillacs, the poor people are suffering.
volved in a drug crime will In
any way eradicate his desire
for It, castigate him, or solve
the problem. As a matter of fact,
present circumstances offer
more of a temptation: toe Idea
of striking out, breaking the law,
challenging the establishment.
The laws are antiquated, there
is little sense In maintaining
them, and yet we are oblivious
to the necessity of change. We
are confronted with an entirely
new set of circumstances and
we botch them, applying previous
codes of law because they have
served us well up until now.
The situation is a crucial one.
According to the "Times," "operation Stony Brook" Involved
198 law-enforcement people who
worked on the raid.
In order to achieve Its desired
end it should also have Involved
hundreds of students. Arbitrarily choosing a small group of
students to bear the guilt of all
Is not only Illogical but Ineffective.
The State University Is burdened with the unique conflict
of owing allegiance to Its students, the community and taxpayers at large, and the law.
While the drug problem has exceeded the dimensions of the
college campus, It finds ample
breeding grounds In this general
vicinity. Members of the university community are provided with
the resources which would enable
them to Justify their position to
the lawmakers, in rational, scientific terms. This alternative appears to be much more appealing than submitting ourselves to
restrictions Imposed upon us by
external, uniformed stimuli.
Someone is preparing an intelligent comment to make at a
Central Council meeting.
There is someone on this cam.
pus who smokes pot and doesn't
brag about it to everyone he
SDS will demand Evan ColUn's
resignation. "He Is too liberal,"
one member said, "We have nothing to protest about."
Albany's basketball team will
continue their practice, of scheduling easier and easier teams.
The projected schedule for 1970
includes Vassar, Skldmore, the
NYS school for the Blind, PS
17 and the Plattsburgh Paraplegics.
Young Americans for Freedom, In a surprise move, will
change the literature on their
table to appeal to the 21-50 group
rather than the under 21 group
their literature currently appeals to. The numbers refer to
I.Q. of course.
Someone will explain to Nelson Rockefeller and Samuel Gould
that quality is not quantity. Two
$7,500. a-year Instructors who
are functionally Illiterate do not
equal one qualified $15,000-ayear professor, even If they can
speak to more warm bodies.
Under the new budget committee ruling that money will be given out according to the usefulness of a group, next year's
Student Association budget will
be $.17. Outing Club will double
Its membership and all four of
them will be able to use next
year's money. The yearbook will
be abolished next year.
Carpeting In the Humanities
building Is to hide the fact that
the floor has collapsed.
The real communications problem on this campus Is Communications Commission.
Sen. Eugene McCarthy will
admit that there Is really no
difference between himself and
President Johnson, except that
a few people believe Mm when
he says he will negotiate with
the Viet Cong. In fact, he will
Last year Logos Popular!!,
the Sociology club, began to make
a Utile heat for the bookstore
by beginning to Investigate such
inner secrets as proper percent,
age, and what attempts were being made to serve the students
rather than simply to make a
profit. Two prominent members
of Faculty-Student Association,
which runs the bookstore, showed
up at a meeting to make an attempt at self-defense.
At this meeting, these men
spent much time explaining the
operation of the bookstore, including a discussion of the new
contracts being negotiated with
distributors of cosmetics and
records. It was promised that
very soon prices would be lowered on these Items, and, In addition, It was absolutely promised that a 10 per cent discount on
all books would be instituted
in August, 1967.
As you all no doubt know,
once again FSA has managed
to pull a fast one over on the
students of this University. It
seems that FSA's only Interest in these students Is that they
provide almost the total Income
of this organization.
This column, you can be assured, will be continuing this story
In the future.
Off Center
by M.J. Rosenberg
AH these men show a remarkable
It was Robert F. Kennedy who moral courage to be found today
contempt for the public that they
last year said that: "Few men In our national leaders. Robert
are supposed to be serving; I
are willing to brave the disap- MacNamara Is a case in point.
suppose that they believe that
proval of their fellows, the cen- We all know that he resigned bewe will just lose our bearing and
sure of their colleagues, the cause of differences between him.
become Communists if we learn
wrath of their society. Moral self and the President as rethat all is not harmony In Washcourage Is a rarer commodity gards the conduct of the war.
than bravery In battle or great But he does not tell the people
The next to leave the AdminisIntelligence." I believed Kennedy
tration shall be the thoroughly
when he said that, and moreover resigned because a $30,000 a
disillusioned Ambassador ArI believed that he was ascribing year banker's Job Is Just too good
thur Goldberg. I know that this
this moral courage to himself. to pass up. And Secretary CardIs too much to even hope, for
Ever since his brother's death ner of HEW rightfully quit bebut It certainly would be great
he has spoken to millions of young cause the administration has cut
if Goldberg garnered together
people throughout the world and back on Great Society programs.
all his long dormant "moral
has Imparted the message that we But he tells us that his health
courage" and told us the real
should stand up and fight the was the cause for his departure.
reason for his departure. That
forces of oppression. He has And then there were Bill Moyers
might Just Introduce a new elebrought hope to people from Po- and a host of other young men
ment Into our democratic sysland to South Africa. Foreigners
tem: honesty.
see him as an American who of the wet climate In the Capitol.
stands apart from his government's detested Vietnam policy.
Here was a statesman who could,
and would, oppose Lyndon
And where Is Bobby now? He
has run for cover and Is lying
low. He Is supporting Johnson
for President. One wonders how
our Junior senator can reconcile
Tito Albany Student Proas is a weekly nowspapor published by
the Student A s s o c i a t i o n of the State University of New York at
his new timidity with his brave
Albany. The ASP office, located In Room 3114 of the Campus
words of the past five years.
Center at 1223 Western Avenue, Is open from 7 - 1 1 p.m. Sunday
Mrs. Roosevelt, commenting on
thru Thursday night or may be reached by diallna 467-21(10 or
Senator John F. Kennedy's rec457-211)4.
ord, said tliat he could have
Linda It. Ilerdun and John J. Cromie
shown "less profile and more
courage," The same and more
can be said of Bobby. He has givSundy
Gary Gelt
(ilenn Sunir
en us reason after reason to
News Editor
Arts Editor
oppose the war. He las spoken
Sports Editor
of the "Immorality" of our
Associate Sports Editor
Duncan Nixon
course. He has said that the John(' o-Photography-Editors
son policy Is at variance with what
Gary Gold and Larry DeVoung
his brother would have done. He
Bus in es s Ma noffo r
Philip I rmiciiini
has led us to the brink of active
A dvertising Manager
Don Oppedisano
dissent and dlsassoclatlon. But
Circulation Editor
Nancy Piersun
now he deserts us. He will supMurugret Dunlap and Sara Kittslt'y
port Johnson because he wants
Janle Samuels and Carl Lindemun
to be President In 1972. I sup.
pose tliat makes sense for him.
We can except no more from
All communications must bB addressed to the editor and must
any politician. But we do expect
be s i g n e d . Communications should lie limited to SOU words and
more from Robert Kennedy. Or
are s u b j e c t to edition.. The Albany Student P r e s s at.aumos no
we did.
r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for opinions expressed In lis columns a n d com-
But all this Is Just a part of
what is called the President's
credibility gap. In the past, Mr.
Johnson lias been a bigot who
likes Negroes. Now Mr. Johnson
has become a splendor who likes
to save where he can. AH we rightwingers ask for Is a little consistency. We ask that the President either be the man whom we
opposed in 1064 or the man we
So, I conclude by saying that would favor In 1968 against a
the only freedom President John- Rockefeller or a Romney. But
son is restricting Is similar to we hope he avoids his weird
a law restricting water skiing brand of the politician on both
sides of the road. However, when
in the desert, But . . ,
Can a man who seems so con- someone Is drinking beer while
cerned with American solvency speeding In an automobile It Is
One must conclude that Bobby
be dumb enough to want to pour Inevitable to be on both sides
is right. There Is very little
money Into Britain? Yes. By the of the road,
munications u s such e x p r e s s i o n s do no nyoesaurily reflect its
Friday, February 9, 1968
Friday, February 9, 1968
Profiles in tie Performing Arts
by John Webb
by Don G t n n t t t
tht officer from the Burns Detec-
tive Agency was there for "our
Teacher To Counsel protection"
but that he actually
To tht Editor:
I am now available to students
for counseling on tht draft. As
I am affiliated with the Boston
Draft Resistance Group It should
be clear that I advocate draft
resistance. On tht other hand I
•hall be ready to talk with people
who have any sort of draft problem, and to refer students to
'raft counselors who work within
the framework of the Selective
Service System. I maybe reached
in ES 108 on Wednesdays and
Thursday mornings, although
actual counseling will not be done
Students should know that my
advocacy of draft resistance may
be illegal and that my views do
not represent those of the State
University of New York or of the
Department of Mathematics. At
the same time It is quite legal
for students to consult with me
concerning their draft problems.
James N. Whitney
Assistant Professor
of Mathematics
''Slap in the Face"
To the Editor:
One of the facilities that a
University this s i i e should certainly provide for Its community
Is an adequate bookstore. This
bookstore should be expected to
carry the texts and supplementary materials necessary 'or
course work. The store should,
In addition, be expected to carry
a' variety of other text books and
reading materials not usually
found In thedowntownbookstores.
And since the bookstore Is run
for the benefit of students and
professors, It is reasonable to
expect that books be sold at some
savings and that there be some
second-hand books at an even
greater savings.
Why then at the State University of New York at Albany do
we have a combination supermarket-drugstore that sells overly priced books on the side; that
Is obviously run as a profit-making Institution, not for the benefit
of the student and professors
who need it?
The glaring fact of our woefully inadequate bookstore is
made blinding at the beginning of
each semester. In class after
class, students and professors
find the books they Intended to
use not available at the bookstore, or that the books had not
been ordered as specified. And,
of course, one Is forced to Ignore
our bookstore when attempting to
locate books on the mimeographed sheets of "supplementary
It is frustrating to find no books
at the bookstore, to receive no
discount on the books you dobuy,
to be unable to get a used copy.
The frustration Is aggrevated
when one does find rows upon
rows of mugs and SUNY jackets.
But what becomes most disturbing of all at the beginning of
each semester Is the very atmosphere of our bookstore.
The fact that the bookstore is
not run for the benefit of the
community, but in
spite of It, was made very obvious to many of us last week. It
has always been difficult to tell
ourselves that this Is "our"
bookstore when we are frisked
before we enter, observed while
we browse, and checked when
we leave. It Is difficult to understand why, after standing In line
for an hour to see the book list
and standing In line for another
hour to enter the store, you are
rudely told to leave all your personal belongings In a pile outside
the entrance. And it Is not only
difficult but Impossible to rationalise away the ugly fact of the
armed guard (rent-a-cop, we call
him) that stands at tht entrance
of the bookstore and directs you
to the proper lint,
Several of us were so dlstuibed by this last "slap In the
« c e " that wt visited Mr. Hayes,
director of the bookstore, last
Wednesday. We were assured that
didn't need a gun. And wt wtre
assured by Mr. Hayes that tht
gun would bt removed. Howtvtr,
when wt checked, back on Thursday and Friday, the guard was
still wearing the gun.
We ask the students and
faculty: Is this the kind of bookstore you want?
Linda Bald, Sally Pollak
Barbara CarnelU, Ed Silver
J, Clifford Btrkey.GregKlersz
Phil Lord, William Ltua
To the Editor:
I want to explain why my
column, "Notes from the Movement" will no longer be appearing In the ASP. I agreed to write
a column last fall with the understanding that what I submitted
would not be altered without my
permission. However, the editors
who recently took over the ASP
do not feel that they can continue
this relationship.
They told me that it is their
responsibility to make certain
that their readers understand that
what I say In my column Is
opinion (not to be confused with
facts). Therefore, In my last
column (on the trail of five black
students In Houston, Texas), they
Inserted "I feel" three times and
"It seems" once.
The good liberal would be upset
If I said that I was being made
subject to censorship. But it
appears that the editors feel
(after having discussed the
matter with one of our good
deans) that my views are not best
expressed through my particular
style. In our last conversation
the editors let out that they felt
I was using "tricks" to spread
t The editors probably feel that
my refusing to write in the future
Is some kind of pollticlal trick
or that I'm being "Irrational."
That they obviously so not see
that their policy hinders my selfexpression is an Indication of
what kind of newspaper we will
have for the next year.
P. Pollak
Editor's Note: We would
like to correct an error in Mr.
letter. At no time
did we apeak to any one of
our "good deans" about his
column, nor did any approach
us concerning his column. We
agree with Mr. Pollak though
when he states that we do not
see the newspaper's
of (avoiding what may be considered to be libel) as not
hindering his
Vietnam Policy
To the Editor:
President Johnson's Vietnam
Policy, If based on thepremlse of
achieving freedom for the South
Vietnamese or of self-interest of
the United States, Is Inconsistent
and misleading.
If the goal of American occupation Is a democratic government
for the people of South Vietnam,
then what of the oppressed people of Greece, Spain, Hungary,
Haiti, Poland, Argentina, Algeria, Congo, Syria, Tibet, etc.
If the goal of American occupation is to protect our country's
then what of
Castro's Cuba, only 90 miles
from our shores?
It would seem that there Is
another explanation for Mr. Johnson's policy. Some would say he
Is a "captive" of the militaryIndustrial complex and striving
to Implement a new Imperialism,
or he's misinformed as to the true
political situation In Southeast
Asia. Still others would point to
an arrogant self-pride In his
while delusions of
granduer are offtred as another
Regardless of the degree of
truth In the aiformentloned, the
fundamental reason for Mr. John-
son's actions Is a lack of understanding of nationalism and selfdetermination (either explicit or
implicit), and a perverted view
of America's proper role in the
community of nations.
To rectify the situation, Mr.
Johnson should retire or be retired aid a successor chosen
who has vision to properly deal
with the problems which exist in
the world and nation today.
Gary Proud
Radio Censors
Study In I s r a e l
The State University College at
sponsors both an
academic year and a summer
study program at the Hebrew
University at Jerusalem In
Israel, qualified students from
tht University units are eligible
to apply. Dr. Yonah Alexander,
Director of the program, will be
on the Albany campus Tuesday
afternoon Feb. 13 to discuss the
program with interested students
and faculty. Specific appointments with Dr. Alexander maybe
arranged through Miss Alice Corbln, Student Activities Office,
137 Campus Center, 497-6972.
To the Editor:
Whose musical taste does
"our" campus radio station
WSUA serve — the disc Jockies
or the public's? On several pro- Books For Salt
grams the DJwlll make requests:
Any student who has "Elements
"You request It and we'll play of Digital Computer Programit;" that Is, if the DJ likes the ming" by Rellly and Federlghl
song you request,
and would like to sell It, please
Saturday evening I requested give them to Mrs. Dobeck at the
the popular song "Open Letter to bookstore. If the book Is sold
My Teenage Son" by Vic Lorn- she will rtturn the money to the
berg. This song had made the student, If not, the book may be
Top Ten on both WTRY and picked up In about a week. This
WPTR. What was the reaction of book is In short supply.
"our" campus radio DJ when
this song was requested on his Bauhaus School
"All Request Show?" He refused
Professor Kurt Kranz of Garto play It on the grounds that It many, visiting professor of archiwas a "protest song."
tecture of Harvard University,
To see If this was a constant will lecture on "The Bauhaus
attitude, I then requested the School" Thurs. evening (Jan.ll)
antithesis of "Open Letter" — at 8 o'clock In the Campus Cennamely, "Eve of Destruction," a ter assembly room, the Univerprotest song if there ever was sity. The lecture, open to the
one. Did the DJ maintain his public, is sponsored by the
policy by refusing to play this university's Art Council.
record ? Nol
The "Bauhaus School" Is a
Apparently certain DJ's allow trend In art, particularly archipersonal taste and bias to enter tecture, which was dominant in
Into the decision as to which rec- the 1920's, especially In Gerords they will play during a "re- many. It is concerned with a
quest show." Evidently it is per- study of horizontals and verticals
missible to request songs which in simple design.
condemn society or America, but
let not a voice be raised In song Univ. Chess Championship
to extol the American way of life
or the principles for which this Championship and A.C.U. Intercollegiate Qualifier will be held In
nation stands I
This station policy of allowing the Campus Center Feb. 10-11.
a DJ to refuse to play certain Registration will be held from 9popular discs with a particular 9:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10.
Participants must pay an entry
point of view amounts to nothing
fee of $2. Play will begin Imshort of Censorship.
mediately after registration on
"Our" radio station has a reSaturday and at 10 a.m. on Sunsponsibility to the students of
this University to provide us with
Both undergraduate and graduthe type of music we wish to
hear — regardless of the political
ate students may enter. They
point of view. Or perhaps does
must fulfill the requirements of
WSUA feel that we are not mature
or Intelligent enough to select the
Mock Rep. Convention
songs we wish to hear?
Any student who Is a Republican
Sincerely yours,
is Invited to attend a mock conEdward S. Potskowskl
vention at Williams College, Feb.
24. Delegates will select a platform and a "nominee." Cost will
be $3 including lunch, transportaTo the Editor:
tion will be provided. Those InI would like to request that terested contact Dick Longshore
Assemblymen Nlel W. Kelleher, at 457-8720.
Clarence D. Lane and Edwyn
Mason who have called for the Conference Assistants
There will be a general meetfiring of the Teachers' Draft
Counselling Committee to con- ing for all upperclassmen Interested in applying for positions
sider the following:
1. It Is perfectly legal to ad- as Conference Assistants for the
vise anyone of his rights con- forthcoming 1968 Freshmen*
cerning the selective act and the Transfer Summer Planning Conalternatives that are open to him ference. Specific Information
concerning qualifications, duties,
under this law.
2. My request that they take and remuneration will be disthe Initiative In defining the pro- cussed at a meeting on Wednesgress of this war in terms of day, February 14, In Humanities,
lives restored to usefulness and Room 116 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
the relief of Innocent civilian
victims by spending at least as
much time openly supporting
humanitarian projects concerned
with relieving human suffering
and Vietnam as they have spent
in their denounclatlons of some
SUNY faculty members.
practice Is unsafe, for It ImThis support should be as much perils the humanity of the Amera matter or public record as their ican people.
denounclatlons. If they can not In
It Is unfit for any people who
conscience agree with me that wish to be considered civilized.
we should be doing everything It Is un-American, for It Is an
possible to relieve the Innocent act of treason against whatever
victims of this war who are living Ideals America holds, claims to
in all parts of Vietnam, then I hold or has every held, I hope
ask that they at least give their that these gentlemen will dewholehearted support to such nounce this act of treason against
efforts In South Vietnam. I am the Ideals of their country, this
making this request to them in act of treason against the huthe name of humanity.
man race before they again de3. My request In the name of nounce those members of tht
common decency that they de- SUNY faculty who have given
nounce the disgusting, immoral, their precious time and risked
and Insane practice of defining their reputations to help those
tht progress of this tragic war of us who are faced with a choice
by counting tht dead, Such a which would tax the wisdom of
Fire Teachers?
Placement N o t i c t s
N.Y. State Insurance Dept.
Associated Hospital Service of
New York
FEB. 13
International Business Machines.
FEB. 14
Bureau of Federal Credit Unions.
Atomic Energy Commission.
FEB. 15
Swift and Company
Royal Globe Insurance Co.
FEB, 16
Albany Felt Co.
New York University Medical
Student Aftairs O f f i c e
The student Affairs Office is
now located in the Administration
Building, Entrance through Room
129. Dr. Clinton C. Thorne, Vice
President for Student Affairs,
Deans Lois H. Gregg and Sorrell
E. Chesln and Asst. Dean Dell
Thompson are In this new location.
Business Ed. Students
To all Business Education Students who plan to do their student teaching during 1968-1969:
Preliminary Interviews will be
held In Education Building, Room
321, Feb. 6 and 7, from 9 a.m.
to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to
4 p.m.
Archaeological Institute
The Albany Area Society of
the Archaeological Institute of
America will hold apubllc lecture
Thursday evening, February 15,
at 6 o'clock, In room 354, Humanities building, the University.
The featured speaker, professor J. Walter Graham of the University of Toronto, will discuss
"The Palaces of the Homeric
Heroes." Refreshments will
follow this address.
To A l l Organizations
Payment for all mimeographed
and ditto work must be paid for
by Feb. 23, 1968 in the Student
Association Office In the Campus
Center room 367. Any work to
be done after the above date will
have to be paid for by CASH.
If a bill Is not received In
the mall It may be picked up
at the Student Association Office.
Bus,, Eco. Majors
The Zeta Psl Chapter of Delta
Sigma PI Invites all business and
economics majors to a facultystudent coffee hour In the
business administration faculty
lounge (BA 323), today between
1 and 2 p.m.
Self-nomination forms for application to MYSKANIA, class
offices, and Alumni Board will
be available at the Information Desk In the Campus Center from Feb, 12.19 at 4:00
p.m. Applicants must attach
their current student tax cards
to the forms when the forms
are returned to the Information
Desk. Applicants must have a
2.0 cumulative average.
4, My request that they recognize the tragedy of a situation
in which It Is the man who refuses to kill his brothers who is
forced to prove his sincerity and
to defend himself.
I have written this letter because I feel that we must recognize the fact that we are at a
point In human history where our
very humanity Is In danger. It Is
my sincere belief that our only
hope for even a few moments of
peace Is grounded upon a love
which recognizes all men as our
Walter John Clark
In the beginning there were
no fraternities. Miami of the
North was still Albany State
College for Teachers. Suddenly,
burning his name
into history, State's first flyer,
Edward Eldred Potter, courageously gave, his life somewhere
in France by crashing his biplane lno the side of a hangar.
Back in the States, Edward's
classmates decided to form a
society in the image and likeness
of the uncelebrated war hero.
Potter Club was born; dedicated to the Ideals of physical excellence and fair play toward
all. Even today, the members
continue to "do unto others."
Another group which wasformed during this era was originally known as the Spotless Living
Society. Its members fought for
the Student Body by running it
completely. It seemed that all
student officers were filled by
members of the society. Many
years later, a deceptive personage wormed his way into the
society. A cancer grew up among
the members, a disagreement
concerning the meaning of fraternity. The most Sincere Twenty Brothers broke away from
those who had brought plague Into
their society and formed their
own group.
This group gave up Its rights
to the name S.L.S. but not their
ability to be elected to student
office. This uncanny knack has
been under scrutiny recently and
has been proven not to be Just
the product of winning personalities.
Another group, the Albany Piety Association, was founded
by a group of semi - conservatives who wished to expose the
evils of drink and the undeslrabllity of women. Striving toward perfection, its members
have abstained from these base
pleasures for many years. To
this very day, no member would
dare drink In public, show emotion In public, or even be seen
in the company of a female.
In 1923, Kevin Baurman, a pilot, enrolled In the Albany College for Teachers. He Is reported to have worn his flight
jacket dally, a navy blue Jacket
with his Initials, K.B., emblazoned on the left side.
Others, seeing his Jacket and
his amazing success with women, jumped to the wrong conclusion. Simultaneously, several
students were seen wearing
KB flight jackets. Embarrassed and humiliated at their action, these men retained their
Jackets and formed a fraternity.
Other groups have been organized, but none warranting any
Schoenbrun To Give
Lecture On France
David Schoenbrun, International foreign news analyst, will give
a lecture at the University Sunday, February 11. The lecture,
"De Gaulle and France In Modem Politics," sponsored by the
Forum of Politics will be at 8
p.m. In the Campus Center Ballroom.
A question and answer period
will follow. Admission is free
with a student tax card, or $1
without student tax card,
Schoenburn has written several
books on foreign affairs and foreign leaders. Among them are
"As France Goes" and "The
Three Lives of Charles de
Schoenbrun Is a faculty member of the Graduate School of
International Affairs at Columbia University in New York. He
Is multi-lingual, fluent In French,
German, Spanish, speaks Italian
and Hebrew and can get along In
It has been years since I have seen anything
like Broadway this season. There has been flop
after flop, and yet more plans keep coming.
Several weeks ago I thought perhaps that I was
reasonably well acquainted with the state of
Broadway, when all of a sudden a gamlt of new
plays and scheduled openings began to be announced. Now things naturally are really popping.
"Henry, Sweet Henry," what I considered to
be a reasonable success, not because of Don
Ameche, but because of the stunning performances of Alice Playten and Robin Wilson, did
not seem to be quite dazzling enough for the
owners of the Palace Theater. When the leasing contract came due they sort of upped the
cost so that Henry had to close. It would have
been conceivable for It to move to another
theater because It was selling, but I presume
that with the state of busyness, they were unable to find another one. The Palace opened
Tuesday with the "Grand Music Hall of Israel"
which will be there for a limited engagement.
Pearl Bailey, Cab Calloway and the all-Negro
cast of "Hello Dolly" Is bringing ticket sales
above those of Carol Channlng, and has been
claimed to be a smashing success. Spirit runs
high at the Saint James theater, and a standing audience has become almost a ritual for
Pearl as she descends the stairs for the title
number. An opening night the spirit was so good
that when the orchestra started its entrance,
a little girl from the audience came dancing
right down the aisle and onto the stage. Pearl
will be there through December, 1968, if her
health holds, and then the show will close.
Angela Lansbury Is leaving "Mame" on
March 1, an event which Is still causing some
speculation in New York. Her replacement has
not yet been found! Many have felt that perhaps
Auntie Mame herself, Rosalind Russell, might
take the part. When approached, she said that
first of all she had made fame In her original
role, and second of all would not take a second
role. Celeste Holm, who Is now on tour was
suggested as a possibility.
"1 Do, I Do" has changed forces with Carol
Lawrence and Gordon MacRae, the former
matinee stars of this show, taking Martin's
and Preston's part. These two originals are
about to start on the road with this show. "Fiddler on the Roof" with Its new star Harry Goz
is still going strong at the Majestic Threatre,
from /'</. 1)
slble. He said the University
would "detest and deplore" undercover agents unless they were
informed about their presence.
Thorne stated that there has
been evidence that marijuana has
been sold In two residence halls.
Of the two chief suspects, one
withdrew and one left for academic reasons. He did not know
whether the students knew if
they were being Investigated.
Thorne stated that he agrees with
the present law until enough contrary evidence is presented that
marijuana is not harmful.
One of the other wltnneses,
John Hell man the District Attorney of Dutchess County, staled that he deplored the scare
tactics that were used which
were caused by the "lack of
solid Information as opposed to
false or scare information."
Mr, Kottler said the committee will recommend a bill for an
authoratlve study by the Department of Health on the drug problom. Federal holp will also be
needed to solve the problem.
The W o r d
Will hn l l H l r l l i u t i .1 I...
v nuk
in 1 tu i.
Free with student Tux
is now accepting
l.i'uvc I he in ut
the In form ul inn
"I Never Sang for My Father," opened to
fairly good reviews at the Longacre. It stars
Hal Holbrook and Alan Webb, and Is directed
by Alan Schneider, Pinter's old stand-by director. The new Jule Styne musical opened to mediocre reviews. Sidney Poltler makes his debut
as a Broadway director In what he calls a
"fresh and original Idea," "Carry Me Back to
Mornlngslde Heights." A new musical, "Here's
Where I Belong," Is coming to the Billy Rose
Theater this week, and Albert Finney, the star
of the famed play "Luther" Is now previewing
In a new comedy, "Joe Egg," at the Brooks
Mike Nichols Is back on the scene with a
great line of people. He Is directing NeU Simon's comedy, "Plaza Suite" starring George
Scott and the highly talented Maureen Stapleton
with sets by Oliver Smith and lighting by Jean
Rosenthal. This predicted success opens at the
Plymouth on Feb. 14.
"The Happy Time," the Robert Goulet musical directed and staged by Gower Champion,
runs at the Broadway Theater, but is far from
a smash hit. Succeeding "Mansions.. ." at the
Broadhurst on March 13 will be a new comedy,
"Weekend," by Gore Vldal. Steve Lawrence and
Edyle Gorme have opened In a musical "Golden
Rainbow" at the Shubert.
With this unusual mass of shows, I am afraid
that many good ones will be forced to close
because of a lack of audience. Tickets to something are readily available but the big hits continue to be sold out. Huge amounts of money
are being lost, but the New York stage this season Is certainly earning Its name as the theater
capital of the world.
Drama Council Brings
Lectures To Campus
but I understand that some tickets are available. "More Stately Mansions," the O'Neill
play with Ingrld Bergman, closes March 9
when Bergman leaves, and "Man of LaMancha"
moves uptown from the Anta-Washlngton Square
theater to the Martin Beck on March 19.
Now, about the new shows. Edward Albee's
new play, "Everything In the Garden," certainly has not lived up to previous Albee standards,
and will close on Feb, 10. Melvln Douglas stars
in a new comedy, "Spofford," at the Anta,
David Burns gives a winning performance in
"The Price" a new play by Arthur Miller at
the Morosco. "Staircase" a comic but highly
understanding play about two aging homosexuals
staring Ell Wallach and Mllo O'Shea, plays
at the BUtmore.
D A V I D S C H O E N B R U N , shown speaking to the late P r e s i dent Kennedy, w i l l speak Sunday at 8 p.m.on ' D e G a u l l e and
Franco in Modern P o l i t i c s ' In tho B a l l r o o m .
A week-long series of seminars, conducted by theatre professionals and covering a wide
range of theatrical subjects, will
have Its opening session in the
campus Center Assembly Hall on
Monday, Fob. 12, at noon. The
seminars, sponsored by the Dramatics Council and open to the entire university community, will
feature four professionally eminent lecturers: Edward Wright,
Richard Corson, Richard Carradlne, and Jaclyn Lord. Each
of the four guest artists has
an established reputation In the
theatrical field. Edward Wright
who will discuss Japanese theatre, directing, and character actIng, has been an actor, professor and director for over three
Richard Corson, In addltloi
to having been an actor, director, and scenic designer, Is
recognized as one of the fore
most authorities on theatrical
makeup. Corson's seminars will
deal with the art of stage makeup.
The seminars will culminate
Saturday evening, Feb. 17, wltl
"The Brownings," a dramatlza
tlon of the story of Ellzabetl
Barrett and Robert Browning
at 8:30 p.m. In Page Hall, "Tin
Brownings" will be performed
by Richard Carradlne and his
actress - wife Jaclyn Lord. The
show will be open to the genera
public and tickets are available
at the Campus Center Ticketare $1.00 or student tax.
The schedule for the semi
MONDAY, Feb. 12:
12-2 p.m.: All four artists
on professional theatre; Campus Center Assembly Hall
ed by the University Council In
2-4 p.m.! Richard Corson on
regard to the role and existence
makeup; Humanities 39
of fraternities and sororities on
TUESDAY, Feb, 13:
this campus should be consid12-2 p.m.: Edward Wright on
Japanese theatre; Humanltle.
354 (FacultyLounge)
"1, The University should rec.
2-4 p.m.: Richard Corson on
ognlze and support only those
makeup; Humanities 39
social, academic, fraternal, and
recreational organizations whose
12-2 p.m.: Tho Carradlnes on
objectives are consistent with the
Acting Styles; Humanities 39
purposes of the University,
2-4 p.m.; Edward Wright on
directing; Humanities 39
"2, The University should esTHURSDAY, Feb. IS:
tabllsh regulations governing the
12-2 p.m.: Richard Corson on
existence of these organizations
makeup (repeat of Monday); Huand procedures for supervising
manities 39
their activities, to assure real2-4 p.m.: Edward Wright on
ization of the stated objectives,
acting: Humanities
FRIDAY, Fob. 10:
" 3 . The University should rec.
11 a,m,-l p.m.: The Carradlnes
ognlze and respect the right of
each student to extend or limit
on scene building; Humanities 30
his personal involvemont In the
2-4 p.m.; Rlclurd Corson on
organizational life of tho Unl.
makeup (repeat of Tuesday): Huvarsity Community."
manltlos 39
.'i.V' ..V v , , ' u , , i ,'..'. v.*.. .','
. t\'
It's All Greek To Me...
by Maggie D l o t l
"Put on your shades; it's selfovalimtlon time again."
The Committee on Student Government and Organizations Is
charged by the University Council with the responsibility of conducting annual self-evaluations of
all Student Organizations.
The University Council forniaHy adopted the policy of annual
solf-evaluatlon in 1003 on the
following basis: "The Council,
under Section 350 of tho Education Law and In accordance to
rules established by the State University Trustees, has responsibility for both the review of all
plans for the 'appraisal or Improvement of student activities
and housing' and for making'regulations govornlng tho conduct
and boliavior of students,' and
prescribing for and oxerrtslng
'inpervlslon over student lionsIng and safety,' "
At the time this policy was on.
i ( " . . ' bi '
acted, fraternities and sororlties requested that tholr evaluations be conducted and considered separately from those of Stu.
dent Government and Activities
("lubsj this requost has boon compiled with,
A format for this "year's selfevaluation will soon bo distrlbuted to eacli fraternity and sorority. It was drawn up by the Committee on Student Government and
Organizations and representatives from Pan-Hell, IFC, and
ISC, Consideration of the completod evaluations will be done
by sub.comiiilttees of the same
The nature of these evaluations should bo solf-lnvostigatlve
and solf-lnforniatlve. How do a
group's accomplishments relate
to the goals stated In Its charter
with the University?
In beginning such an evaluation, three major policies adapt-
I '
Pag* 12
Friday, February 9, 1968
"Primer" Is
Enjoyable Again
An exhibit of photographs by Klaus Schnitier is now on display in Channing Hall of the
First Unitarian Church.
by Dave Bordwell
I Implore you to see Jlrl Menzel's "Closely Watched Trains"
at the earliest possibility. It Is
the most feeling film I have seen
In a long time. Unlike most pictures today, It Is concerned with
realistic people and their problems.
"Closely Watched Trains" is
about Mllos, a boy who becomes
a trainmaster In a Czech village
during World War n . Naive, fragile, with a face reminiscent of
the boy's In Olml's » n Posto,"
he Is Introduced In a comic opening that explains how his uncle
and grandfather were killed In
the war. Now he has become a
tralnwatcher "to shirk work all
my life and to leave all drudgery to other people." The station Is populated by an old man,
an alluring female telegrapher, a crafty Casanova trainmaster, and a henpecked statlonmas.
ter who admonishes the boy: "You
can have your fun, but duty must
always come first."
And for Mllos It does. The
fine trainman's cap that Is placet! so reverently on his head at
the story's beginning remains
there as a reminder of the demands of duty. But the trainmaster's wholesale seduction of
women and the lechery of a pride
of soldiers remind him of his
Inexperience wlthglrls.Depressed after he has awkwardly spurned a cute girl train conductor,
lie slashes Ms wrists; and suddenly the comedy sticks In our
throats. From the hospital he returns to the station In disgrace.
lint the sympathetic trainmaster arranges a rendezvous, and
polling the cap off Mllos' head,
pushes him Into a room alone
with a woman for a night.
With the film's characteristically abrupt shift of mood, there
comes a twist. The trainman Is
In the Czech Underground, and
draws Mllos Into his plan to slip
a bomb aboard one of the closeI: -guarded trains that are vital
to the Fuhrer's cause. The tari,"t train is due when an official
'' the train company arrives to
! i vestigate the trainman's amai <ry activities. Mllos sneaks out
and drops the bomb aboard the
I ...islng train; he Is shot by a
c a r d and dies. The train explodes; Mllos' cap clows away;
loncusslons shake the station;
tho officials rage; (clock chimes
• lug); the end.
This final sequence capsul'.?.na the film's mixture of comedy and pathos. The Juxtaposition Is not as Jarringly zany
as in, say, "Shoot the Piano
J'layeri" the comedy Is quletr, the pathos Is underplayed
• more like Chekhov or Ren.
Ir than Truffaunt.
My summary has not done Jus•Ire to the exhilarating richness
of the film. There are pantoICmULnui'i! on /':/. 13)
Coffee House Comes
To Campus Snack Bar
The University has Joined the
Coffee House Circuit and the
first performer will be Jake
Holmes and his folk-rock group.
Holmes will appear February
12-17 In the CampusCenterRathskeller Monday-Thursday at 7:30
p.m. and 9:30 p.m.; Friday at
1, 8, 11:00 p.m.; Saturday at
7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 p.m.
ance will be approximately one
hour In length and there will
be no admission charge.
The Coffee House Circuit,
which will enable the school to
have eight groups a year, each
performing for one week, has
been organized here by the Campus Center Governing Board. The
Senior Class Is sponsoring the
first group.
Several professional and highly talented singers, comedians,
and entertainers are available
for one week stands through the
Coffee House circuit. The entertainers travel much in the
order of a road company. They
live In the dorms, eat In the
cafeterias, and Interact with the
students on campus.
Holmes has played Mr. Kelly's
In Chicago, The Playboy Club In
Miami, and The Bitter End In
New York City.
The Chicago Daily News reports that "as both songwriter and singer, Jake Holmes treats
such subjects as his wandering
eye, human insincerity, and even
war movies of the 40s with sensitivity and Impact."
"Primer" Is now In Its 25th
year of publication and its fiction and poetry all reflect the
modernity of the magazine.
The poem by William Schaeffer perhaps best reflects the
disillusionment with Society. The
poem Is short and terse, and
Schaeffer concludes it with a
three word line which would lose
all Its Impact If It were any
In the "Campus Ode" by Jean
Thompson, the author skillfully
compares the modern buildings
to those of Athens, reflecting
not only Its beauty but also the
"foreshadow of unbelng." However, the author switches In midstream from the beauty of the
building's forms to the beauty of
the female students' forms and
the final Image Is Incongruous
to the Images In the beginning of
the poem.
"Sheepskin" by Babs Brlndlsl
beautifully depicts the pursuing
of a goal. The first stanza contains mostly short words, giving
the reader the stop and go effect of running.
"A Rainy Evening's Walk" by
J. Glllman contains an extremely skillful use of dark and light
themes. The poem begins with'
the dark Image ("dark pavement
at night") switches to one of light
and finally returns "towards that
great dark Infinity that It was
surely born of."
Robert B. Cutty's poem, "Meditations On The Gentle Motion Of
The Passing Rainstorm," begins
with the simple question "what
do you think of the weather we're
having?" and ends with sleeping
pills, cigarette smoke and pot.
The poem Is definitely well
thought out but it does not take
the reader long to realize that
the "weather" is just another
word for the present state of affairs. However, the constant use
of "says I" and "says you" Is
so distracting that the reader Is
only capable of "asthmatic whispers" at the end of this rather
long poem.
Mary Ellen Barrett's best work
Is the poem "Mon Ami." All
her works tends to be similar
and after reading one poem or
short story by her, one can
easily recognize her style. The
poem Is an excellent character
study, showing a deep perception
of character. The words were not
Just put down on paper, but were
thought out. Such a phrase as
"gentle tender smile" proves
that the author sweated to achieve
each word and the final effect
Is excellent.
The last poem, "Totality" by
Carol Isaac, takes a rather prosaic Idea and phrases It extremely well. "If within the fitness of man's stay on earth
he cannot bring Joy to someone
other than himself, he should
crawl back Into the cave from
whence he came." This Is most
appropriate to end "Primer,"
because It Is bound to bring
some Joy to all Its readers and
the big 25th anniversary Issue
will be eagerly awaited.
The State University Revue Production
Schnitzer Photos
In Channing Hall
An exhibit of photographs by
Klaus Schnitzer Is now hung In
Channing Hall of the First Unitarian Church. Approximately
100 photographs are displayed
giving the photographer the opportunity to show a wide range
of subjects. The hall Is open
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday thru Friday and Is closed
on Saturday.
Schnitzer began working with
photography at the University
In 1964 with no prior Instruction
or knowledge In the field. He Joined the student photo service and
served as photo editor of the Albany Student Press and for the
Torch, the University yearbook.
He Is currently an assistant
In photography to Mr. Josoph
Alper at the State University at
Albany Art Department and Is
studying part-time at the Graduate School of Public Affairs.
Mr. Schnitzer feels that he
Is still In a period of learning >
and experimentation In photography and has not developed a
definite philosophy. He tends to
lean towards photo-Journalism,
working primarily with smallframe cameras,
Tho current exhibit demonstrates the photographers ability to work well with light, the
essence of photography, using
Its subtleties, Its softness, and
Its harshness to achieve varied
effects. Ills pictures show that
he has a strong perception of
the world about him and an artist's eye for composition.
Send Coupon to:
J. Michflol Walsh
Johnson Hull
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, Now York 12203
Number of tickers
C i r c l e D e s i r e d Performance and Applicable Price Scale
(Student T a x or Regular)
Sutu relay
1 - 8:30 p.m.
i7:00 p.m.
2 - 1 0 : 0 0 p.m.
3 - 7:00 p.m.
4 - 8:30 p.m.
7 - 8:30 p.m.
8 - 8:30 p.m.
9 - 7:00 p.m.
0 - 1 0 : 0 0 p.m.
Murch 1 0 - 7:00 p.m.
March 1 1 - 7:00 p.m.
$1 .SO
ill us
|il ii.-,
or $3.00 regular
or 2.00 regular
or 3.00 regular
or 2.00 regular
or 2.00 regular
or 2.00 regular
or 3,00 rugulur
or 2.00 regular
or 3.00 regular
or 2.00 rcgulur
or 2.00 regular
Friday, February 9, 1968
New Exhibitions
Open In Campus
Center Gallery
A new exhibition entitled "Big
Prints" will open at the Art
Gallery of the State University
at Albany on Thursday evening,
February 15. It will run through
Sunday, March 24.
The show is a national invitational, compiled by Donald Mochon, Director of the Gallery;
Thorn O'Connor, an Associate
Professor in the University Art
Department; and Mrs. Charles
Llddle, Associate Director of the
Gallery. It will consist of 94
prints by 47 artists.
The idea of having a show of
"giant" prints—some as large
as three and a half by eight
feet—is a novel one and most
of the artists Invited to submit
works were enthusiastic about
the opportunity to show outsize
One of the alms of tne Gallery Is to expose the University
students to good print-making;
they will be fortunate to find a
large number of Important prints
and prlntmakers involved In the
Such artists as Leonard
Baskln, Robert Rauschenberg,
Antonio Frasconl, Frank Lobdell,
Garo Antreaslan, Sister Mary
Corlta, Gabor Peterdl, and Carol
Summers are among those Included, as well as two of the University's own Instructors, Jack
Bosson and Thorn O'Connor.
A wide variety of artistic
styles are represented, ranging
from hard-edge and realism to
expressionism, abstraction, and
surrealism, A good many prints
In the exhibition reflect the Increasing
tendency of printmakers to experiment with traditional media and to Invent new
A comprehensive catalogue of
the exhibit will be published and
widely distributed.
prizes worth $1000 will be awarded. Prints receiving prizes will
then become a part of the Art's
Department permanent collection.
The selection of prizes will
be made by Miss Una Johnson,
Curator of Prints and Drawings
at the Brooklyn Museum. Most
of the prints In the exhibition
are for sale, with prices ranging from $35 to $1000.
An exhibition of photographs
by Larence N. Shustak Is now
showing In the Lounge of the
Art Gallery at the State University at Albany.
Shustak, a free-lance photographer from Staten Island, New
York, has done photographic work
for record album covers, book
Jackets, Industry, and advertising. He has also made some
He now teaches photography at the School of Visual
Arts In New York City.
This exhibit contains examples
of Shustak's jazz photography, a
series of grafltl done In and
around New York City, and a
Kroup of photographs ho calls
Death Images, which he shot in
New York and Mexico.
The show will run through
Lost and Found
Remington. Typewriter,
Skis, bindings, 8-3", $25. 4897508.
Rides wanted
Skiers riders.
Hickory Hill,
Text, mgt., 671, $6, 489-7508.
If you wish to place an ad...
Jake Holmes will be the first performer to appear in the
Campus Center Snack Bar under the auspices of the Coffee
House Circuit. He will appear February 12-17.
by Walt Doherty
The Hollyrldge Strings have spirit and thought of the first
a new album out: Beatles Songversion, but—maybe It's the
book No. 4; and true to form, mood, It's sort of thoughty, If
It's good.
a song can be thought of as being
A few years ago the Holly- thoughty.
rldge Strings came out with the
On the whole, the technical
first Beatles songbook In which aspects of this album are good,
the tunes the Beatles made If not excellent. The recording
famous were transcribed for an is beautifully done because each
orchestra. For the most part song manages to come across.
the songs are played exactly as This, of course, Is also due to
written except for the fact that the arrangements and orchestraviolins and trumpets are carry- tion. The arrangements someing the various parts, "I Saw
times could be Improved, but
Her Standing There," "Love Me the orchestration Is near perfect
Do" were among the best in- and the playing Is faultless.
strumentals on that album.
If you go In for lnstrumentals,
Since their first album the tills album Is for you. Of course,
Strings have gone on to record If you're a classic rock-and-roll
several others, and No. 4 Is fan (e.g. the Four Tops), stay
probably the best df these. In away, you won't like It. Here Is
general, there Is the Hollyrldge a calmer stylo, a more relaxed
String "sound" which makes one one. These are well arranged
of their recordings recognizable, tunes, which make good listeneven If you hear It on the radio, ing.
but you didn't hear the artists'
name. This "sound," which is
about as Instrumental (typical
background music at a restaurant) as possible, Is evident In
only a few of the tunes. Fortunately It's limited to "Eight
Days a Week," "I've Just Seen
a Face,"
and "You've Got
Hide Your Love Away."
They're still good, but not as good
as the rest of the record.
The best band on the disc Is
"Penny Lane" which you might
remember from the "Intro"
music of SIDESHOW. This Is a
really good arrangement of
"Penny Lane;" It captures the
spirit and originality of the Beatles' version, yet adds an originality and vitality of its own.
This is a quality Job.
"Yellow Submarine" Is done
with freshness. Basically this Is
a monotonous tune, and slngsongy; however, here It Is done
as If It were something new and
catchy; and with the piccolo arrangement, It retains the "salty"
liavor of the Beatle original.
"Strawberry Fields Forever"
1 don't know about. It's got the
A Boy, A Girl,
Two Fathers,
and AWall
We Have No Mugs or Sweatshirts ...
Lots Of
"& O..
John Mistletoe Bookshop
Stuyvesant Plaza 238 Washington Ave.
MON.—Frl. 1 0 - 9
Mlscelaneous For Sale
containing 1,000 irreplaceable SS
mm slides and ivory whale's
toogh carved In form of penguin.
Reward. No repercussions. For
prompt return. 861-8020, 4574818.
Total amount of unclosed chuck
Do NOT send Tux Card, hut nroaont It (tuio ounl for ouoh tiukut)
when y»u pick up your tiokota,
Tickets will Iin ftvuilulilu at Cumpus (Junior Information Desk
boginnlny Monduy, Fobrunry II). Mail Orduru will In fllliul priiir
to Box orflou oponln«.
Sit. 1 0 - 6
Moi.-Tkin. 9-9
Frl., Sit. 9 - 6
Just write your ad in the box below, one
word to each small square, cut it but and
deposit it in a sealed envelope in the ASP
classified advertising box at the Campus
Center Information Desk, with 25 cents
for each five words.
Please include name, address, and phone
numbor with the ad.
Fourth Time A round
by lg or Koroluk
It has been a. long time since group, however, proved to be a '
I have been able to write this mistake. Although their perform,
column. With so much happen- ance Is competent, It can hardly
ing in pop music, I'm going to be termed Inspirational. Look to
summarize much for which I the name Axelrod, because he appears to have an enlightened fuhad entire columns planned.
I went to Los Angelos over ture both as a writer and arthe holidays and caught the Cham- ranger.
Finally, Richie Havens "Somebers Brothers at a cool little
coffee house called the Ash thin' Else Again" (Verve) is Just
Grove. These guys are truly dyna- that. Havens Is both an accommic and professional performers plished Instrumentalist writer
with a great sound combining and singer. Much of his work Is
soul and blues with a bit of in the Jazz vein and frankly
put-on West Coast freak music. he could be one of the best
They've got two singles, "Up- Jazz vocalists around.
town," which never went anyAlso worth mentioning is
where, and "Time Has Come Jeremy Stelg's excellent flute
Today," their new release. Both barking on a number of the bands.
are from their new Columbia Havens comes out as number one,
album. Although I have to say though, with the new uses he
that the record is a disappoint- makes of the sltar In the title
ment after seeing them live, I'll song, "Somethln' Else Again,"
admit It still projects the excite- his guitar playing throughout,
ment of their sound — hard-drlv- and his great vocals.
lng soul and blues with definite
West Coast influences for that
Just a little different effect.
(Continued from Hg. IS)
Albums are coming out atsuch
mimes (little comedies 01 gesa rate that It Is almost Impossiture and expression played out
ble, as well as uneconomical, to
In front of passing trains), Irony
keep up with them, but I will
(two old men discuss the Nazis'
try to hit at least a few.
unmitigated cruelty In shipping
Probably my greatest Joy of
. . . sheep and cattle), delicatethe mass Is the Cream's newly finished minor characaterlzaest, "Dlsrell Gears." When I
tlons (a lecherous old photographreviewed "Fresh Cream." I
er, a wife-murderer, an Indigthought that such excellent musinant mother), and fine use of
cians should be able to come
what Pudovkln called "plastic
forth with better quality matermaterial" (the way the repeated
ial. Now they have proven me
slaughter of rabbits, geese and
correct. Thanks goes to their
pigeons symbolizes the effects
producer Felix Pappalaldl who
of the war). The cast Is excellent
has managed to tie their very
throughout; I regret only the boy's
often Individualistic (like they
tendency to moon around a little
don't play together) sound Into a
too much. The camerawork is
tightly organized unit without losunobtrusive, the textures coning their Individual Influence on
vincingly grimy. Nentel uses sieach piece.
lence to great advantage: the reWorth special note on this very
bounding glances of the characexcellent recording are "Sunters carry much of the story.
shine Of Your Love," which could
And I must not omit the seducbe their first single hit In the
tion scenes, especially the one In
United states, and "Tales Of
which the telegrapher's bottom
Brave Ulysses," one of Eric
Is rubber-stamped; they are unClapton's first attempts Into
Anyone who cares about cine"Mass In F Minor" by the
ma will see the film as a matter
"Electric Prunes" certainly
of course. But It should as well
must be commended. Actually,
be seen by anyone who cares
all the honors should go to the
about people, for seldom does a
composer, David Axelrod, for
picture show us humanity with
this Ingenious Idea of a rock
the delicate perceptivity and
mass. The
of the
beauty of "Closely Watched
"Prunes" as tho recording
Friday, February 9, 1968
Friday, February 9, 1968
Page 14
Olympic Day Soon,
APADefend s Grown
by Duncan Nixon
Associate Sports Editor
This University Is rapidly growing and improving,
and as It does so, it i s hoped that the sports program's
development will keep pace. Present developments indicate that such may very well be the case. Central
Council has already passed the budget for a sailing
club, that will be starting this spring, with both home
and away Regattas, and Central Council will soon be
presented with a proposed lacrosse club budget, which
If passed, will mean that lacrosse will be starting next
Although the prospects of our having football in the
near future have been dimmed by the state legislature's
cutting back on the hiring of new coaches, there still
is plenty of room for development. Our new gym which
is already being used for practice (by the basketball
and wrestling teams, and by the new swimming club)
provides excellent facilities to start from.
One good Indication that expansion is taking place, is
the fact that the schedules for almost all sports are
slowly being stepped up. The cross country team faced
a strong field In the Albany Invitational this fall, and
they have scheduled Colgate for next season. The soccer
team Is taking on powers like Bridgeport, the basketball
team has moved up, via its opening tournament, and the
wrestling team i s also facing an increasingly difficult
schedule. And the same will probably be true of the
spring sports. Such acceleration is not easy for the
further up the university moves in caliber of opposition,
the more it has to face teams of composed scholarship
The best indication of the direction that the University
will take with regards to its athletic policy, may very
well come from the University Athletic Council's report
to the President which will be delivered on April 1.
The report will probably include recommendations on
football and other sports that might be Initiated in the
future and it will also include proposals for future
scheduling and on the possibilities of future conference
membership. It seems quite likely that this report will
reflect the trend toward expansion and growth which is
mentioned above, and it is certainly hoped that if such
is the case, appropriate action will be taken to enact
such proposals.
Swimming Club At Albany;
Pool Is Really Finished
WAA Remains Very Active
Many Sports Are On Tap
by Iris Alson
mural bowling. Handicaps, teams
and leagues were being estabWAA has many activities lished on Feb. 7. Intramural bowlscheduled
for this spring ing will be on Wed. evenings
semester. There are several from 7:15-9. There will also be
activities already going on and Sat. leagues If enough Interest
more which will begin with the Is shown.
opening of the new gym.
Intramural basketball will be
One of the activities which
was started Wed. night Feb. 7 starting March 12 on Tues. and
due to strong Interest shown Thurs. nights from 7-8:30.
first semester Is judo. Lessons Rosters are due Feb. 14. Pracare being given for Albany State tices have also been going on for
women every Wed. from 4:30-8. Women's Intercollegiate Sports.
The lessons are being given by a The first intercollegiate basketblack belt member of the Troy ball game will be on Feb. 10
Judo Club, The cost for the against Skldmore. The intercollessons is $20 for 3 months. legiate swimming team is also
Another activity which also practicing now. Team schedules
started Wed. night was intra- will be printed In future ASPs.
Port-tiiM Help for week nights and Weekends
MIKE'S Giant S u b m a r i n e a n d
NEBA Roast Beef
Starting Salary $1.75 per hour
Apply in perxon or call (or appointment
Wostgote Building
Westgate Shopping Center
Room 35
Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Begin on
Students who
have d r o p p e d
courses must
drop-card and
receipt. All
others who need
must present
a receipt and
r e t u r n e d books
must be in
Is getting some Idea of what kind
of talent Is at his disposal.
"Only a handful of men have
been attending regularly and of
those, there are only a few with
any previous competitive experience," notes Kelly. "Of course,
Albany never has had a swimming
program, so naturally any high
school swimmer looking at colleges would pass us by. Now, we
should attract many students with
ability who would have gone elsewhere previously. It takes time
to establish an activity, because
first you must enroll people who
have the talent to offer."
The most promising men at
1610 Ctitral Avt. (Nut to Holiday I n )
Fred Renolds and his
Tuxedo Banjo and Brass Band
appear every
Friday and Saturday Night
9 p.m. • 2 a.m.
at Your
One other development that also Indicates the current
trend toward growth, is the recent establishment of preliminary contacts with other area schools on the subject
of extramurals. Such a program could easily tend to
elevate the sports involved to the level of clubs, thus
besides promoting competition between area schools,
which could conceivably be the forerunner of the development of varsity teams in the sports involved.
EEP Tops League I
Outroll Bad New 5
League I bowling ended its first
season with an exciting finish
just before lntersesslon, and the
second season got under way on
„ ami The Red
Camp Schodack
present, all free stylers, are:
Jon Getbehead, a freshman from
Rome; Allan Seltel, a Junior from
N, J,; Matthew
Metzler, a Junior from East
In order to participate on a
varsity level, a swimming team
must have at least 15-20 members
available which the club must
follow before it achieves varsity
status. How fast the program advances depends entirely on the
interest shown by the prospective
participants. A minimum of two
years on the club level would be
a reasonable estimate, but should
not be held out as a deadline.
Nassau, New York (near Albany)
*Athletio Director
•Group Loader
•Group Leaders
•General Counselors
"Head Waterfront
•Arts und Crafts Counsolors
(must huve Instructors)
•Danue Counselor
Water Skiing Instructor
•Dramatic Counselor
General Counselors
•uxpurionuo nuoo««ury
PramatioH Counselor
Golf Counselor
Contact: M r . P a u l K r o u n e r
201 A West Castle St,
Syracuse, N.Y, 13205
Potter Club outpointed the Bad
News Five on the final day to take
the first season championship.
The Five had led throughout the
season, but the Potter team slowly closed the gap and ambushed
the Five on the final day.
Final Standings
Bad News (5)
Tower Power
Irish All-Stars
42 - 14
40 - 16
38 - 10
31 - 25
30 - 26
25 - 31
18 - 38
0 56
MacDougall (Shafts)
Rlfenberick (KB)
Decker (KB)
Colunl (APA)
Last week League I got its
second season under way, with
Potter, the Choppers, the Bad
News Five, the Shafts, and APA
all gaining the maximum seven
The top five bowlers for the
first week were Bob Rlffenberlck
of KB at 557, Don Romano of the
Shats with 552, Ed Plotrowskl of
EEP with 545, Bob Elchhorn of
the Shafts with 537 and Dick
Woytek of the Five with 530.
League II Finale
In League II ALC and APA
will be squaring off this weekend
to determine the first season
winner. APA finished the season
at 34-11 while ALC was 31-14.
The race for the top two spots
was a four-way battle most of
the season, but in the last week
APA knocked EEP out of contention, while BPS was alsoelimlnated by a resurgent Tappan Hall
139 Control Avenue
We deliver Noon to Midnight In Hot Mobile Ovens.
beat TXO 60-35, Kappa Beta won
over Waterbury 32-29, andSigma
Tau Beta nipped Hudson A.C.
The KB win over the Water
Buffalos tightens up the league
IA standings, giving KB a record
of three and one. This puts them
hot on the heels of Potter Club,
who Is In first place with a record of 4-1. High scorers for
KB were Tony Mastroiannl with
17 points, Dave Goldstein with
16 points, while Dobbs had 12
points. The Water Buffalos were
paced by Pat Wright with 13
In League IB, the APA romp
over the previously undefeated
Barons, puts them In sole possession of first place with a record
of 4-0. This thus makes them
the team to beat if anyone else
has their eyes on the league
crown. Top man of APA was
Denny Elkln who hit for 28 points,
while teammate John Slnnott was
runner-up with 17 points. The
Barons were led by Len Baxter
who scored 15 points.
The STB win, although only
evening their record at 2-2, was
an exciting contest highlighted
by a come-from-behind effort.
High-point-man for STB was Mike
Brennan who scored 17 points
while playing most of the second
half with 4 fouls. Following Mike
in scoring was Jerry Saperstone
who hit for 12 points. Top man for
ALC was Ed Wadas with 17points
and In second place was Dale
Smith with 15 points.
APA's win In league IIB over
TXO throws them into a threeway tie with KB and Waterbury
for first place. The top three
scorers for APA were John
Careri, Ed Klein, and Steve
Thompson who hit for 18, 14,
and 12 points respectively.
While in league IIA, The Theta
XI Omega "slaughter" of the
69ers puts them solidly In first
place with a record of 4-0. Pacesetters for TXO were George
Margin and Cas Galka who hit for
28 points a piece. While top for
the 69ers was Roy who netted 12
Elsewhere in this league, the
men of Potter Club took hold of
second place as they defeated
Brubacher. Club leaders were
Tony Glaser and John Rodgers
who hit for 21 and 12 points
League IB
League IIA
League IIB
J Hudson AC
by Nelson Atkin
This week AMIA league IA, IB, and IIA and IIB m o v e back into action a s
Important g a m e s w e r e played in a l l four l e a g u e s .
In l e a g u e IA, Upsllon Phi Sigma s q u e e z e d by t h e B r u i n s 45-43 and Kappa Beta
r o l l e d o v e r the Water Buffalos 61-39. While in IB, the Raks beat the Grads 4 1 34, Sigma Tau Beta nipped Alpha Lamda CM 46-44, and Alpha P i Alpha r o m p e d
over the Barons 80-45.
Over In league IIA,
Potter Club defeated Brubacher 67-35, and Theta
XI Omega rolled o v e r the
106-31. And In
league IIB, Alpha Pi Alpha
League IA
Top Ten Averag e s
Giles (Shafts)
Plotrowskl (EEP)
Pehrns (Bad News)
Elchhorn (Shafts)
Cudmore (EEP)
MoCloat (EEP)
Page 15
EEP and APA Head IA,IB
TXO Tops IIA, IIB Tied
the men's tug of war will be
Once again this year the Greek
postponed until half-time of the
Week activities which kick-off the
Albany-Siena basketball game
spring rush, will Include a Greek
which will be Monday the 19th.
Olympic Day, which will be held
Trophies will be awarded to
from 11.1 a.m. Saturday, Februthe groups which score the most
ary 17 on Alumni Quad. The purpose of Greek Olympic Day Is to team points. First and second
place trophies will be awarded,
Introduce the Greeks to the freshmen, by presenting them In - and a special trophy will be
given to the winners of the men's
competition with each other.
tug of war.
This year the various Greek
Locations Switched
groups will. be demonstrating
Last year the events were
their athletic prowess In the
well attended by the Greeks, but
following events; a snowshoe
very few freshmen got to see the
race, a snowball throw, a volactivities since they were held on
leyball tournament, and a tug of
the New campus. This year It Is
war contest.
hoped that the Greek's efforts In
Soroities First
Olympic Day will not go
Sororities and fraternities will
unnoticed by the freshmen.
both participate In all events.
Winners last year were Alpha
The sororities will start off at
Ft Alpha and Sigma Alpha, the
11 a.m. and the fraternities will
events last year Included a Char,
take over as soon as the girls
lot race which is not Included this
The sports picture at Albany
year, but the volley ball tourna- State
The highlight of Greek Olym.
University Is enlarging
ment Is a new addition to replace along with the school itself. This
pic Day will not be held on Satthat
urday, however. The finals of
winter, for the first time, swimming is being Introduced on a club
level, Joining track and field
which was Inaugurated last
spring. The birth of a sport on
campus is difficult, long, often
discouraging, but'eventually rewarding. Brian Kelly, who Joined
1. Prior to obtaining Wilt
the Albany Staff this fall, Is exBosket boll
Chamberlain, the Syracuse Nats
periencing the trials and tribulaDr. Richard Sauers, In his 13th (now Philadelphia 76er's) had
tions accompanying a newly Inyear as varsity basketball coach another 7 foot man. Who was he? stituted program, but is optimisat Albany State University, will
2. Which starting quarterbacks
tic about the future.
gain his 200th victory this month. did Johnny Unltas and Bart Starr
The club swimming program Is
The milestone could come as replace in the 50s?
really more of a recreation opsoon as Tuesday, Feb. 6, when
3. What colleges did these
than a serious comthe Great Danes visit Binghamton former track stars attend?
petitive sport at this stage. Any
to play Harpur College.
a. Billy Mills
University student, from freshRich Marglson has shots at
b. Frank Budd
man to graduate, mav attend
several all-time Albany State
c. Ray Norton
workouts and althougl. Kelly is
records. Records within Margld. Wilma Rudolph
keeping records of those who
son's grasp are season total
4. What are the nicknames of
show the most Interest, the pracpoints (523), field goals (193), the following universities?
tice sessions are neither mandaand free throws (147).
a. Niagara
tory nor strictly supervised..
Season highs through Monday,
b. St. Bonaventure
Still, It Is a start and the coach
Feb. 5th are:
c. Fordham
Points, team-107 vs. Utlca
d. St. Louis
Points, player-38, Marglson vs
Field goals, player-14, Marglson
Free throws, player-11 by Mar'17 V
eassauuei 'p 'a)»1S esof uss ' D
Rebounds, player-23 by Price •BAOUBJIIA ' l ''(1 SBSUBJI *B •(•
Assists, player-6 by Price
aVH uiqoi-aasjs
Recoveries, player-7 by Mar'«Bqs 93aoa«>-sB)iun 'Z
H00jqnjH9pe*s , l
while EEP and APA look like the powers of League I.
Frosh Cagers Fall
Jordan Has 34,30
by Joel Volinski
If one thing can be said for
the freshman basketball team, It
Is that It doesn't quit when behind. However, that may be all
that can be said for them. Although the frosh came back from
huge deficits In their games agalnst Junior College of Albany
and Oneonta, they still could not
pull them out. Their record now
stands at 2-9.
The J.C.A. game wasn't a good
one for either club. Both teams
shot poorly and played sloppily.
The ridiculously low 32-16 halftime score Is evidence enough.
J.C.A, jumped to an 11-0 lead
quickly, but the frosh refused to
rush their game or play catchup ball. Using a deliberate brand
of ball, Albany prevented the
game from getting out of hand
and actually controlled the game
the rest of the half.
In the second half, J.C.A, started to hit from the floor and expanded their lead to 23 points
with only six minutes left. Albany, using the full court press,
and behind the phenomenal shooting of Jack Jordan who gunned in
32 points In the second half alone,
knocked the lead to only 9 with
three minutes remaining. However, J.C.A. regained their composure and went on to win 70-57,
Swimmers inGym
2 Meets On Tap
Albany State's newly formed
swimming and diving
club is now practicing dally from
four to six in the new pool. Despite the almost palatial atmosphere provided by the new
facilities Coach Kelley presently has only 14 swimmers.
The team is badly In need of
qualified backstroke and butterfly swimmers, and anyone interested in these events should
report as soon as possible in
view of the fact that the swimming club has two meets coming
up in' the near future.
The squad will travel to New
Paltz February 14 for an evening
meet, and then will travel to
Harpur Saturday March 2 for an
afternoon meet,
The Oneonta game followed
quite the same pattern. Once,
again, because of poor shooting, rebounding and lazy defense,
the frosh were down 44-24 at the
half. And once again, using the
press, Albany came to within 7
points with nine minutes left.
From this point, It was a combination of foul trouble,
officiating, poor rebounding and
finally, hot shooting by the
Oneonta frosh which kept them
on top and led to a final score
of 89-75. Jordan once again led
Albany in scoring as he peppered
in 30 points. Les "Big Wayne"
Newmark hit for 15, HowleSmlth
14, Joel Volinski 8 and Jim
Doyle 6.
This Saturday the frosh take on
Hobart in a preliminary to the
varsity game at Cardinal McCluskey at 6:30.
Sailing Club
The Albany State Sailing Club
will hold a general meeting on
February 14, at 7:30 p.m. In
Physics 129. ALL who are interested are Invited to attend.
A combination Senior Lifesaving and Water Safety instructors course is being offered in
the new pool from 4-6 p.m. on
Wednesdays, starting Feb. 21.
Applicants must be able to swim
440 yards continuously, and must
be fairly proficient in the crawl,
backstroke, breaststroke, and
Quality Hand-made American
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Page 16
by Glenn sipir
Sports Editor
A person often doesn't realize what's happening
until. it has happened. I have learned a lot as sports
editor,- but unfortunately I have learned through retrospect. My main desire as sports editor has been
to aid In improving any and all activities related to
the athletic program at this university. I was privileged to possess the instrument necessary in making
the university community aware of these activities.
Whether I have used this instrument well is questionable, but I do feel that all praise given was deserved
while ail criticism was sincere.
Originally, I pictured the athletic administration
as well as the school administration as being the
roadblock to the expansion of the university sports
program. By looking back at the Improved sports
program, and by looking ahead at the future sports
program, I realize my error. Not enough can be said
concerning Dr. Werner's unending efforts at making
sports at this university equal to its academic rating. President Collins too has been an advocate of
an expanding sports program.
Expansion Is, as*It is In professional sports, the
key word in a description of the university athletic
program. The faculty has grown In the past three
years with an excellent crop of young sports mentors. Our track will be ready in the spring. Soccer,
cross-country and baseball are on the new campus.
Our long awaited gym will soon be ready. The basketball team has practiced there; the swimming pool
Is finished; a wrestling match is scheduled to be
held there, tomorrow I Swimming, track and field,
and fall baseball have been added to the schedules. A
most successful cross-country invitational has been inaugurated, while a wrestling tourney has been continued.
Schools larger than all the Podunc States we are used
to playing have been added to the sports schedules.
Scholarship limitations are the only things which separate this university from big-time prestige.
It is with great pleasure that I may admire this
university's athletic growth, and it is with great regret that I pass down this tool of communication. I
am confident, however, that Dune Nixon's craftmanship can aid in molding this university's greatly
expanding program.
Grapplers' Victory
by Tom Nixon
During the past week, the Great
Danes wrestling team recorded
its first victory, but also suffered Its fourth defeat of the season.
On Tuesday, the grapplers
traveled to Brooklyn Poly where
they gained a 33-10 decision.
On Saturday, however, they were
defeated by Plattsburgh by a
score of 25.8. As a result of
these two matches, their record
now stands at one win and four
In amounting 33 points against
Brooklyn, the Great Danes gained six pins and one decision. Roger Gorham recorded the fastest
pin as he forced the shoulders
of his opponent to the mats In 1:30.
BUI Russell, who was replac.
lng the Injured Eric Watts In the
123-pound division, started the
match with a pin as he put his
man away In 2:42. Alex Domkowskl, who was also wrestling for
the first time, followed Russell
victory with a 4-1 decision over
Culllgan of Brooklyn. Bill Clark,
In the 130 weight class, raised
his season record to 3-1 as he
galned'a forfeit victory.
The next three weight divisions
were all won by pins for Albany
as Fran Weal pinned Abraml In
1:55 In the 145-pound division,
Craig springer put away Mayer
In 6:20 at 152 pounds, and Frank
Berry defeated Dancak by pinning him In 5:40. At 167, Marshall Gladstone suffered the only
loss for an Albany wrestler as
he was pinned In 4:40. Roger
Gorham then finished out the
scoring for Albany with his pin.
At the heavyweight division, Albany forfeited as Roger Saul,
who was at the spot transferred at the end of the first semester.
Against Plattsburgh, the only
winners for Albany were Bill
Clark and Roger Gorham who
both recorded decisions In their
weight divisions.
Clark defeated Feeley by a 5-3
score and Gorham outscored
Fradenburg 13-5.
Bill Russell lost 11-4, Gary
Smagalskl'was pinned at the 130pound class In 6:41, Fran Weal
lost 8:3, Craig Springer was
outscored 8-2, Frank Berry was
defeated by a 4-3 score, Marshall Gladstone lost a 0-4 decision and the heavyweight division was again forfeited.
The grapplers have a home
match this Saturday which will
be held In the wrestling room of
the new gymnasium.
Danes Win Skein At Nine;
Hobart Here Tomorrow
by Dan Opptdlsano
With a possible NCAA berth
waiting In the wings, the highflying Albany State Great Dane
basketeers, their win streak now
at nine, are home for the first
Urn* in a month tomorrow night
against always tough Hobart College at 8:30 p.m. at the Cardinal
McCloskey High School gymnasium.
ID games since last writing,
the Purple and Gold has upped
Its record 'to 12-3, defeating In
succession Southern Connecticut,
88-80; HIT, 103-86; Stony Brook,
64-52; Potsdam, 74-63; and Harpur College, 75-60; lastTuesday,
the 200th win In Coach Dr. Richard Sauers' Illustrious thirteen
year career.
Due to the Installation of the
bleachers, the new gym will not
be ready to hold any home games
this season. Consequently, the
Siena game which was originally
scheduled for Saturday, February
17, has now been moved back to
Monday, the 19th at 8:00 p.m.
Hobart comes into the Albany
game with a deceiving 5-7 record.
Losers of three games by three
points or less, the men from
Geneva, N.Y. are led by 6*6,'
sophomore Carmen Genovese
who Is currently averaging over
22 points a game. Terry Hatmaker, a 6'4" Junior Is Hobart's
second leading point producer
at 17.4 ppg.
But the main attraction, as
usual, will be the shooting ability
and aggressiveness of the Danes,
currently averaging 83.3 points
a game as compared to 73.3 for
Its opponents. Rich Marglson,
Albany's bonaflde Little AllAmerica, leads his team in scoring at 22.2 ppg. The 6'1" Junior
dominates the area's major college statistics In that he leads
the area In scoring and Is second
In field goal percentage, free
throw percentage, and rebounding.
Backing up Marglson in the
Albany attack Is Scott Price, who
is the area's no. 1 rebounder
(10.7 a game) besides ripping
the cords at 16.7 a contest.
Jim "Super Sub" Caverly's
play has also been a big help in
the recent Dane drive. Caverly
leads area scorers In field goal
percentage (.559) and has come
off the bench consistently to spark
late drives. In the Potsdam game
last Saturday, the 6' Junior tallied
12 of Albany's 13 points within
five minutes as the locals widened their margin over the Bears
from two-points to eleven. Jim
finished the evening with 18
markers, hitting on nine of 12
field goal attempts and grabbing
13 rebounds.
However, it has been Margl-
Saturday/Feb. 10
Varsity'basketball vs. Hobart
^CMlege, home, 8:30,
"FroMh basketball vs. Hobart College, home, 6:30.
Varsity wrestling vs. Maritime
Academy, Home (Gym), 2:00.
Frosh wrestling vs. Morrisville
A&T. home 3:30.
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Varsity basketball vs. Oswego,
Away, 8:00.
frosh basketball vs. Fulton-Montgomery C. c „ Away, 8:00.
Varsity wrestling vs. Potsdam,
home, 7:30,
Frosh wrestling vs. Coblesklll
A&T, Home 4:00.
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son's shooting and general allaround play that has become to
dominate every Albany game.
During the week before exams,
the smooth-as-silk former Cortland star was named totheECAC
. Division 2 All-East squad for his
65-polnt outburst, 27 coming
against Southern Connecticut and
38 against RIT, as he outdueled
the Tigers' Jim Robinson, who,
coming Into the game was the
nation's leading small-college
scorer. Marglson's 38 points represented a career high and was
only two short of Gary Holway's
single game record of 40 set
against Utlca In 1957. Meanwhile,
Robinson was held to his season
low of 22, 13 points below, his
Stephan Smigiel, a native of
Llndenhurst, N.Y. and who played
freshman ball at St.. Francis, Is
now eligible, after sitting out the
first semester.
could not prevent the Great Danes from adding to their mounting winning streak.
Intramurals Go Extra,
Tri-City 4 Compete
Intramurals will be going extramural this year, and Intercollegiate rivalries will be enhanced. The Inter-Collegiate
Council has set up a program
In co-operation with Siena, RPI,
Union, and SUNYA, through which
the best of lntermural talent
In each school will compete
against each other.
Among the sports to be played In this program will be basketball, bowling, track, Softball,
tennis, and perhaps swimming
and Ice hockey. Next year, football, soccer, handball, and volley ball will be added to the
Central Council has passed a
budget for this program which
will exceed $300, the money going
for transportation, offlcatlng,
and trophies. In addlton, bowling games as well as bowling
sanction will be covered by this
A basketball roundrobln tourney will take place March 11-14,
with Albany sending two teams,
the players being selected from
the AMIA League 1 all-star
Representatives In tennis will
be the winners of the university
tourney held last fall. Representatives for the Ice hockey
team will be chosen Individually.
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Conf. Topics
Dr. Clifton C. Thome, Vice
President for Student Affairs,
answered questions on drug problems
and student deferments
Monday at the President's Conference in the absence of Dr.
Evan R. Collins, who was attending a meeting with Chancellor
When questioned on whether
or not a student caught using
narcotics on campus would be
reported to the civil authorities,
Thome replied, "Yes." He continued by citing as an examplean
Incident which had occurred.
Last year there were several
student complaints about narcotic
users. The University staff explored all possibilities to discover the facts, but was unable
to solve the dilemma. 'Then,
and only then, we called in the
York State Narcotics
The narcotics experts were
unable to catch "the two people"
concerned in the act. However,
during the Investigation one flunked out and the other dropped out.
Dr. Thorne continued by pointing out that if an R.A. found
marijuana in a room, he must
report it to his superior, who In
turn would contact civil authorities.
"If we see illegal activity, we
must do something about It,"
Thorne reiterated. However, he
went further to declare that "No
undercover agent will be allowed
on this campus without the approval of the Faculty and Student governments. This measure
would only be taken If the situation became severe."
Comments were also made by
Dr. Thorne concernlngtherecent
discontinuation of occupational
and graduate student deferments.
He cited the report of Dean Edgar
Flinton of Graduate Studies. This
report stated that 50 per cent of
the 1968 graduates will not apply
to graduate school or complete
grad school. Also, 25 per cent of
the new male enrollment at the
to /'<!</<• .?)
Chancellor Speaks
On Dope, Athletics
SAMUEL B. GOULD, Chancellor of the State University of
New York system, spoke to the presidents of the student
governments of University system colleges last week, on
narcotics, athletics and student tax.
"Students just don't care about
their student government. Fear
of Involvement," said Douglas
Upham,'Is a major factor contributing to Inactivity In government."
"Even wltliln student government people will give up some of
the power they can exorcise."
"Students are not really that
concerned oven about things they
agree with." Upham used Women's Hours and the liquor policy
to Illustrate his statement. He
said those policies were given
Impetus by the administration
and upper echelons of Central
Council, not by the students themselves.
Speaking at the seminar on
student rights Sunday, Upham
brought out the point that the
rules of conduct, as explained In
Student Guidelines, are not
specific enough.
In reference to the Waterbury
case Involving five freshmen
boys, he said that perhaps spedflc rules concerning student behavior might have been bene-
by Carl Lindeman
Samuel B. Gould, Chancellor
of the State University of New
York, recently discussed future
athletic policy and Issues confronting the Statewide University
system emerging from the recent narcotic raid at Stonybrook
University on Long Island at his
general meeting with student
Chancellor Gould met with the
Student Association Presidents
of the four university centers
and representatives of the four
year colleges and Community colleges on Feb. 15, Thursday, at
his home In Albany, discussing
this Issue.
Expressing concern over the
ramifications that the raid might
have on the growth and expansion
of the entire University system,
he cited two prime Issues emerging.
One problem is the question of
whether the University Is making
it difficult for law enforcement
agencies to Investigate those
students in violation of existing
laws. A second consideration concerns the belief by many lndlvl-
Council Acts On Election Bill;
Will Not Fund Political Groups
by Vic Looper
Central Council unanimously
approved a new election bill and
passed a policy prohibiting the
financing of partisan political
groups at its Feb. 15 meeting.
The election bill was approved
as the fisst' by-law of the Student Association. Council also
unanimously approved a companion bill dealing with Election Procedures.
The new election bill and procedures were drawn up by the
Election Commission of Douglas
Upham, Klaus Schnltzer, Henry
Madej, Ro Canla, James Kahn
and Ralph Belsler) after a number of months of study and de-
Inactivity of Students
by Jill Poznik
Stuff Reporter
V O L LIV NO. 14
ficial in preventing such a case.
Vice President of Student Affairs, Clifton C. Thorne, said
that if you enumerate some tilings
specifically, you may leave out
others just as Important. For this
reason general or fundamental
rules are more encompassing.
Thorne also said that general
rules offer more flexibility and
room for snoclfic Interpretation
of Individual cases,
Dick Jankowsky, President of
Forum of Politics, felt that the
legal position of the University
should he clarified. He said that
the student may consider the University In loco parentis.
This, he Implied, may be one
of the reasons on-campus students do not have as many rights
as those off campus, "It Is only
recently that the on-campus student Is coming to enjoy some of
the rights of the off-campus students,
In reference to this point
Thorne said that the University
is responsible (to the State) for
what happens on campus.
Jankowsky explained that an
(Cont'd to Pni/ti 3)
bate. Together the bill and procedures represent a comprehensive revision of the old election bill and make a considerable number of changes.
In the new bill, the Myskanla
screening committee was enlarged to Include the chairman
of Pan Hellenic Council and the
chief justice of the Supreme
Court. All Juniors were eliminated from the committee In the
new bill Including the President
of the Junior Class.
A person who is recognized
as the equivalent of a second
semester Junior by the University, who is participating in an
affiliated program of study at
another university, may run for
MYSKANIA providing he pays
his student tax for the semesters
In Who's Who elections, first
semester transfers and freshmen cannot vote. The screening
committee for Who's Who is
similar to that of MYSKANIA
except that the President of the
Junior Class Is Included and
all seniors are eliminated from
the committee.
The new bill includes a provision that LAAC elections will
be regulated under the same
conditions as Council elections,
LAAC and the other commissions are given total autonomy
In determining the composition
of their boards.
The new bill also provides
for replacement and run-off elections and write-in votes (except in MYSKANIA and Who's
Who elections whore write-ins
are invalid.) In the case of writeins, no candidate shall be considered elected until Election
Commission certifies that he
meets the qualifications
the position,
The election procedures go
into great detail concerning the
duties and responsibilities of
Election Commission, self nominating procedures, and the composition, printing, distribution,
collecting and storage of ballots.
They allow for the use of computerized ballots and voting ma-
chines. The procedures Involved
in voting, staff, processing of
voters and tabulation are spelled out In detail.
In the case of Irregularities
the Commission may ask the
Supreme Court or a lower court
with sufficient Jurisdiction to invalidate an election and mandate
a new one. The Commission by
a 2-3 vote of its membership
may also ask Council to censure an individual for Interfering with an election.
The election bill Is the first
by-law of Student Association and
thus requiring a2—3vote of Council for amendment or repeal.
The election bill was Introduced as a by-law In order to give
tho Supreme Court ' broader
Jurisdiction when deciding cases
of constitutionality. This problem was noted by President Jeffrey Mlshkln, the chairman of
the Ad-hoc Judiciary Committee, during their deliberations
duals outside the University that
already existing University regulations are not being enforced.
This not only Includes the use
of marijuana, LSD and narcotics
on campus, but also the violation of other University prohibited activities. Although Important, he felt that the Issue of
marijuana on campus Is now a
consideration. Of
more immediacy and seriousness
is the threat of financial penalties In the form of cuts in University budgets.This will severely limit University growth and
expansion, according to Chancellor Gould, at a very crucial
Under the pressures of Investigation by a Legislative committee Chancellor Gould believes these questions
first be answered. Public pressure Is also present.
Attending the meeting, Jeffrey
Mlshkln, president of Student
Association on campus, stated
that Chancellor Gould believed
firmly In local autonomy of
each University center. He further stated that It has been Chancellor Gould's attempt to give
each University center discretion in making decisions. The
central office serving primarily
as an Instrument of distributing
general guidelines for policy.
Student participation in formulating policy was cited by
Mlshkln as a second goal of
Chancellor Gould. But recent
events at stonybrook have seriously challenged both of these
goals. Both the public and state
legislature may now question the
validity of these goals.
Mlshrln also cited that the issue of marijuana and narcotics
on campus Is still an Important
issue. But, in concurrence with
Chancellor Gould, he believes the
priority of questions concerning
the possibility of the hindrance
of law enforcers by the University must be considered first.
Also present Is the question dealing with the possibility of laxity In enforcing already existing University regulations.
The dangers of a breakdown
in communication between the
University Community and the
outside community must be
avoided, according to Mlshkln.
The additional breakdown of
[Cont'd to I';/
A PANEL LEAD the faculty-student discussion on student
rights held here last weekend. L to R Richard Jankawski,
Douglas Upham, Dr, Norton, Dr. Clifton Thorne, and Dr. James