Jack Scraps

Friday, December 15, 1967
One Bttsy Hoop Week Down,
by Don Oppedisene
A highly touted Central Connecticut State basketball team
invades the Cardinal McCloskey
High School gymnasium tomorrow night to do battle with the Albany Stats Great Danes, who will
try to Improve on their 3-2 record. Game time (Or this big one
will be 8:30 p.m. and free bus
service will again be provided.
by olenn sepir
Sports Editor
this writing a &<=<=.I.I.IB., ..«,u<ycre 2-2 won-lost record.
The realization that these two losses came at the hands
of two quite powerful teams, Williams arid Buffalo makes
It clear the word mediocre is quite out of place. Furthermore, the loss to Williams was a cliffhanger, while the'
drubbing given by Buffalo saw our hoopers put themselves
out of the game in the first half, only to show their true
merit by playing even with the Bulls In the second half.
There is no doubt that the '67-68 version of the Sauersmen is a very gifted squad of ballplayers.
The game this Saturday against Central Connecticut
should be another close ballgame. The Cardinal McCloskey Gym should be packed once again as the visitors always bring with them a fine squad. Perhaps a
key to the success of our basketball team will be the
play of center Scott Price. Scott's play is almost always
good, but the amount of time Price gets to play often
varies, according to his foul situation. The victory
over Plattsburgh demonstrates the basis for my reasoning that Price is the key to our basketball success.
In this same Price played an obviously more cautious
ballgame and consequently never entered into foul trouble.
Yet Scott Price garnered 23 rebounds to keep the Danes
in charge in the latter part of the game. Price played
as much as Doc needed him, played cautiously, and dominated the boards. That Is the reason Plattsburgh was
defeated. Without Price, a dominating rebounder is
lacking although Rich Marglson, Larry Marcus, and
Jim Caverly have all shown an ability to chip in with
the backboard chores. Price is needed to get the fastbreak off in time. Price's stature is such that when he
stands still, he Is an excellent pick. Price's scoring
ability should not be underestimated either. .
Tomorrow night fans will see a good ballgame. The
play of the center from Clifton Springs could be the key
factor in this and all Albany games. Fouls could determine the outcome. Scott always plays well, but how much
time will he get to play?
Sports Calendar
Friday, Dec. IS
Varsity Wrestling vs. Cortland,
Amy, 7:30
Frost Wrestling vs. Cortland,
Away, 7:30.
Saturday, Dec. 16
Varsity Basketball vs.. Central
Connecticut, Home, 8:30.
Frost Basketball vs. Hartwlck
College, Home, 6:30.
Dee. 28-29.30
CapitalDlstrlct Christmas Tourney, vs. Siena, R.P.I., and Hamilton, Home.
Friday, Jan. 5
Frosh Basketball vs. R.P.I.,
Away, 6:30
Saturday, Jan. 6
Varsity Basketball vs. Brooklyn
College, Home, 8:30.
Frosh Basketball vs. Alumni,
Home, 6:30.
Varsity Wrestling vs. Farlelgh
Dickinson, Away, 2:00.
Frosh Wrestling vs. R.D.U.,
Away, 1:00.
ALBANY'S CRAPPLBR'S (.end rhem.elv.. i„ ^ u b | .
often during Its 27-5 lost to Oneento.
13? Central AVWIIM
We deliver Keen to Midnight In Net Mobile Oven*.
f t
The visitors will be minus
their scoring leader from last
season, Paul Zajac, who aver-'
aged over 28 points a game.
However, three of the five starters will be returning from a
17-8 club that went to the finals
of the Northeastern NCAA SmallCollege Tourney.
In recent action, the locals
won two, a 96-88 decision over
Plattsburgh, and an easy 107-75
win over UUca Tuesday, and lost
one that coming at the hands
of a powerful University of Buffalo quintet, 92-69, last Saturday
The Plattsburgh-Albany score
Is not really Indicative of how far
superior the Danes were over the
Cardinals. After
holding a
precarious four point lead at halftime, the Dick Sauers' coached
quintet ripped off 15 straight
points at the start of the second
half to put the game out of reach.
Rich Marglson led the Albany
scoring with 20 markers while
Scott Price added 17.
POINTS in its hoop victory over Plattsburgh.
Grapplers Buried,
Oneonta On Top
by Tom Nixon
In their first dual meet of
the season, theAlbanyState grapplers lost to the Oneonta Red
Dragons by a score of 274,
this past Saturday. The Great
Danes were able to record only
victory and a draw. In recording 27 points, Oneonta scored
five decisions, all of which, but
one, were decided by more than
two points, and two pins.
Watts Only Winner
Eric Watts, who was the only
winner for Albany In their Invitational two weeks ago, again was
the only victor for the grapplers.
Wrestling In the 123-pound division, Watts recorded a 12 to
2 decision over Tim O'Hara.
Oneonta then went on to win
the next seven weight classes
before Albany was able to register another score.
Bill Schempp opened up the
scoring for Oneonta by registering an 8-3 decision over Gary
Smagalski In the 130-pound division. In the 137-pound division, Bill Clark of Albany lost
a 4-2 decision to Jay Moore.
Wrestling for Albany In the
145 - pound division was Craig
Springer who wrestled most of
last year, and In the Invitational
this year In the 152-pound spot,
Despite Ills drop of a weight class,
Springer dropped an 11-6 decision as he suffered five takedowns at the hands of Dan D'Ambolse of Oneonta,
Frank Berry, who also uropped a weight class so that he could
wrestle In the 132-pound division,
lost to Bob Anderson by a score
of 13-3, Both Berry and Springer seemed to be lacking stamina
as a result of their heavy workouts In order to make the lower
weight classes.
Oneonta registered pins in both
the 160 and 167-pound spots as
Bryan Lambe pinned Francis
Weal, who was tilling the spot
left open by Berry, In 6:46, and
Don DeLuca pinned Marshall
Gladstone in 3|46.
In the 177-pound class, Roger
Gorham of Albany lost a 9-3 decision to Gary Lehr.
Roger Saul, wrestling for only
the second time, gained the only
other points for Albany as he
was able to wrestle George Miller to a 9-9 draw. Saul, who Just
started wrestling this year Is
showing great promise and looks
as if he may register some unexpected victories for the Great
Danes this year.
The Great Danes wrestle their
next four matches away before
they return on February 10th
for a match with Maritime.
Poverty Loses
"Operation: South End Christmas Dinner" behind Its slogan
"What's Christmas without Turkey," Is sponsoring a drive to
give underprivileged Albany families a turkey for Christmas.
Monetary donations or pledges
can be made Wednesday, December 20 In the Campus Center.
Interested groups may contact
Chairman John Canfleld, 482.
At Buffalo's Clark Gym, the
Bulls got off to a fast start and
were never headed. The closest
Albany got was six points, 2115, midway through the first
half. However, In the end the talent and strength of the Bulls was
too much for the Danes to overcome. Price led all Dane scorers with 19 as Marglson chipped
'n with 17.
The Utlca game was no contest
as seven Albany men hit for
double figures. The purple and
gold opened a 22-12 lead midway
of the first half and Increased
It to 46-29 at intermission. Sauers emptied his bench with ll>/2
minutes remaining after the locals had bulged their lead to 37
points, 82-45.
1. Who led the National Football League In touchdowns scored In 19667
2. Through the 1966 season,
Carl Yastrzemskl did not have
a career batting average above
.300, true or false?
3. Winner of last year's National Invitational Tournament
(basketball) was —.
4. How many times has Juan
Marlcchal won the Cy .young
sfounji ujeqmos
(01) saAeeu iiua
Now Delivers To Both Campuses
(Mln. Ordor $2.00)
With The Work*
CALL NOW 434-3298
Research Grant
Policy Discussed
By Pres. Collins
President Evan R. Collins commented on the University policy
concerning private and government research grants offered to
the University at Monday's President's Conference with students.
He stated that according to
the present policy the University
will accept no contracts whose
findings are of such a nature as
to be classified.
He stated that this policy was
In accord with a statement, drawn
up last January by the Faculty
Senate Committee on Faculty Research, which stipulates that any
funded research involving faculty
shall carry the stipulations that
all findings can be published.
Collins also referred to misunderstanding over the University's part in Project Themis, a
project designed to "developnew
centers of excellence to provide
new opportunities for research
in the hard sciences."
He stated that all Themis research Is to be unclassified material "so that the results may
be published," thereby meeting
the present University standards.
The University Is presently
working on eleven projects of
Operation Themis, mainly In the
field of atmospheric science.
An announcement was also
made of a new policy statement
handed down by the University
Committee to Draft the University Alcohol Policy dated January 4, 1966.
The policy concerns the sale
and service of alcohol In the Patroon Room, the Rathskelter, and
at the Mohawk and Dlpplklll properties. (See Page 11.)
Vice President of Stude"nt Affairs Clifton C. Thorne also announced the formulation of a new
Kosher food plan by the Student
Affairs Committee In cooperation with the Hlllel Society (see
also page 0 for policy.)
Questions were raised as to
the new policy of running the
last buses at 12 midnight on
a weekly basis. Collins commented that It was originally Intended that the head of the Transportation Service would revise
the bus schedule In order to
provide more buses at prime
on /';/. 7}
VOL. LIV. NO. 12
Council Adopts New
Student Tax Policy
by Vic Looper
Central Council approved a
new Student Tax Policy and again
acted on the question of budgeting of groups advocating a specific partisan political or religious
viewpoint at their Dec, 14 meeting.
The Student Tax Policy, passed by a near unamlous 24-0-2
vote, Includes among Its major
changes the provision that "the
Student Tax card cannot be transferred to or used by another student." In order to purchase a
ticket or obtain a publication,
a student will have to show both
Ms ID and his Student Tax card.
Under this provision, students
purchasing tickets for dated
events with tax cards will have to
bring their dates with them to
pick up tickets. Buffalo alsouses
As exam time nears, the library becomes a much used this type of system to encourage
people to pay student tax.
facility as a quiet place to study.
Another section of the policy
states that when tickets are required for admission to an event
sponsored by a Student Association organization then one ticket
will be Issued per tax card. If
the chairman of the committee
consents upon the recommendation of the event chairman a
different ratio may be instituted
by Tim Keeley
due to the nature of the event.
In recent months there have present arrangement of negotiaAs In the old policy, student
or whether they desire
been attempts to change negotiat- tion,
ing conditions for the faculty of collective negotiation with the membership, participation or
holding office and the right to
state under the Taylor Act.
the State University.
The Faculty Senate at Albany vote In elections or referendums
Currently the Civil Service
Association, the prefers the present arrangement put to the students by the Student
negotiation between the State Association Is contingent upon the
Faculty Association of the State
University of New York, and the University Senate and the Cen- payment of Student Tax.
Another provision In the
Empire State Federation of tral Office of the State Univertax policy gives the chairman of
Teachers have applied to the sity.
Committee the power to disState University Faculty Senate
The current attitude of the
for the right to represent the faculty towards selecting the tinguish whether a poll or
faculty In collective negotiations CSEA is unfavorable, although a referendum affects the Student
Association or the student body
with the state.
large portion are members of
Under the Taylor Act, passed the CSEA, Many have Joined to In general. If It affects the StuIn 1966, state employees were receive the favorable life insur- dent Association then only memgiven the right to collective ne- ance policy offered In its pro- bers will be able to vote.
gotiations with the state. All em- gram.
It also Indicates that whenever
ployees were Included In this law
In February, the Statewide Fac- a price is levied for an activity
except professors at the State ulty Senate will convene and de- the price shall at no time be the
University and state troopers, termine how the faculty of the same or lower than that charged
because they already had means entire State University system to Student Association members.
of negotiating with the state. feels towards changing negotiaThe new policy also gives the
The Statewide Faculty Senate tion conditions, If a change Is Student Tax Committee the power
has asked each local branch of decided upon, they must select to exact various forms of penalthe University to determine if an organization to represent ties on an Association organization that the Committee has Judgthe faculty members prefer the them.
Negotiation Changes
Rejected by Faculty
ed to be in violation of the Tax
There are a number of viola*
- tions a group could make e.g.
having non-Student Association
members in their organization,
not selling tickets to Association
members at lower prices, etc.
The penalties will depend on
the severity of the offense. One
of the penalties Is freezing a
budget. The group is then unable
to get payment expenditures and
thus their activities would be
severely limited.
The Committee may also issue
an Injunction, calling In and auditing an organization's books,
which Is a stronger penalty than
freezing a budget. They may ask
the Student Activities office to
refuse to give the group a table
In the Campus Center for selling
tickets, etc. Confiscation of a
publication and withdrawing of an
organizations constitution or bud-
SA Organizations'
Budgets Due Feb. 5
All student organizations
subsldary to a commission and
wishing, or qualified to get,
a budget for the 1968-69 school
year must submit 30 copies of
Its budget to the commission
by Monday, Feb. 5,1968.
Each organization not subsidiary to a commission must
submit 30 copies of Its budget to James Kahn, chairman
of the Central Council Budget
Each budget must be broken
down Into specific lines, e.g.
speakers, supplies, etc. The
budget must show the 196768 budget figures, If any, line
by line.
A written explanation of
each line must accompany the
budget with Justification given
for any new lines or Increases.
conduct hearings on Its own
budget and those of Its subsidiary organizations. Budget
procedures will follow Central
Council bill 6768-50.
New Co-Editors Plan Revisions;
To Enlarge News, Features, Sports
Linda Berdan and JohnCromie
were elected co-editors-in-chief
of the Albany Student Press for
a year at the News Board meeting last Sunday night.
They were chosen to fill the
position after the resignation
of Sara Klttsloy whose term of
office will expire at the end of
this semester.
Elected to fill the vacated position of News Editor was Sandy
(Adele) Porter, and Gary Gelt
was chosen for the position o f
Arts Editor, vacant since last
Spring. Klttsley will continue with
the ASP in the position of Executive Editor.
Cromle and Berdan have both
been with the paper since fall
of last year, Berdan, a Junior,
has served In the capacities of
Arts Editor, Association Editor
Managing Editor, and
Cromle, a sophomore, has acted as a reporter and as News
Porter and Gelt Joined the
ASP staff tills fall. A transfer
from Elizabeth Setbn College
In Yonkers wnere she edited
their newspaper, Porter has been
working In the News department.
Gelt, a freshman, has had experience In Journalism during
his previous years In high school
and has been working In the
ASP Arts department.
Philip Franchlnl, a sophomore
accounting major was elected
to replace Gary Shutte, who resigned
as business manager,
Franchlnl has worked In business positions for Special Events
on Campus,
Larry De Young, Associate
Photography Editor, has been
raised to the position of cophotography editor with Gary
Gold, De Young will be alternating the duties of Photography
Editor with Gold throughout Uie
All of the new officers will
assume their positions at the
beginning of second semester.
They will be In charge of coordinating the 40 members of the
newspaper staff.
The new co-editors stated upon
their election, "We don't expect
to produce the same paper that
Sara has, but the ASP will largely remain the same."
"We hope that an atmosphere
conduslve to the expression of
all major viewpoints on the sundry Issues, which we too will
face, will exist. There will be an
enlargement in news and feature
coverage relating to the trends
and Ideas in and out of the University Community."
"The sports area of (lie newspaper we feel, should be enlarged to Include more of Uie
"Sara has brought the newspaper and the staff to a point
where it Is beginning to look
like a university paper. This
expansion we hope will continue
under us and our successors to
the time when an organized staff
can turn out at least several
copies of the ASP a week,"
A new semester ushers in a new editorial regime of the
ASP. L. to R. are Gary Gelt, Arts Editor; Linda Berdan, CoEditor; Sandy Porter, News Editor; John Cramie, Co-Editor.
Fridoy, Johuory 12, 1968
Friday, January 12, 1968
Communist Evil
Oneonta To Offer
Hebrew Courses
In Jerusalem
Thus, he felt It was his moral
by Gerald Melton
to inform the citizens
Dr. Tivor Baranskl, secretary obligation
of his "Second Homeland" about
of the Hungarian Freedom Figh- the
of the "diabolical"
ters' Society of America, spoke Communist system.
last December 14, of his personBaranskl, born In 1922 in Budal experiences under Hungarian
Communism. His lecture en- apest, spent most of his life in
Hungarian capital. In 1948
titled, "The Evils of Communism" was sponsored by the Young he finished his studies at the
Americans for Freedom chapter Pazmany Peter University. He
helped to save the lives of 3,000
of the University.
Jews threatened by
Baranskl urged all Americans Hungarian
Nazism and fought Communism
to fight the Communists by "word through
his lectures and writings.
and sword until the final victory
The speaker was a freedomto free the people who are burning behind the Iron Curtain." fighter during the Hungarian ReHe recalled several terrible volution of 1956 and was.Imexperiences the Hungarian peo- prisoned by the Communists for
ple suffered in what he diag- five years.
The revolt that occurred durnosed as a "less and less human
society." He spoke of the women lng the months of October and
was quickly successand children raped and murdered by the Communists "dogs and ful, but was just as quickly suppressed by Soviet intervention.
This revolt was aimed to esMoreover, the speaker termed tablish
political democracy in
Up Phi Sig held the first beer party in the Campus Communism the "great social
place of a system of one-party
Center under the new University alcohol policy last Saturday disease," since this system of
regimentation has turned men and rule.
societies into animals, scoundrals, hords and gangs."
(Continued from Pg. 1)
Baranskl denoted Communism
as "animal-life and puppet-life" get were also mentioned.
stated that the freezIn conflict with the Judeo-chrlstlan viewpoint which emphasizes ing penalty would be made by
"human life based on divine prin- Finance Committee under the Tax
Committee recommendations.
The other penalties would require Council approval. Downes
surer. The members of the colby Barb Grossman
believes that this policy Is
ony now are making preparasuperior to the previous one,
Sigma Tau Beta (STB) was tions to participate in some
be vigorously enforced and
officially recognized as a frat- phases of Greek Week. This will
encourage people to pay the
ernity by the Faculty-Student be their first presentation to
by plugging up some of the
Commission of Government the University.
A collegiate presidential pri- tax
loopholes that had existed In the
(FSC) on December 13. The vote
In the Spring, the colony will mary Involving nearly 2500 colwas 6 to 1 in favor of STB, rush for new members. They also leges and several million old policy.
Council also took action on the
with one abstenslon.
hope to be accepted as a soror- students, will be held simultan- Young Americans for Freedom
This Is the second time that ity by ISC upon formal presen- eously on campuses across the (YAF)
budget for the third conSTB has tried to gain accept- tation of their purposes and pro- country on April 24.
Leaders of student organli. • secutive week. The bill, Introducance as a fraternity. Last cedure for induction of new memed
suspended the
Spring, one semester after they bers. If they fall then, they will tlons at more than 200 majov YAF budget Gold,
setup an ad-hoc
had broken away from SLS, STB still have one semester to try universities have already asked committee toand
the problem
was turned down by FSC, re- to gain ISC acceptance as a to participate in the vote. An- of representingsolve
a wide range of
portedly for violations In rush- sorority.The majority of the girls nouncement of CHOICE 68, Na- political
tional Collegiate Presidential
are from Livingston Tower.
Primary, and an Invitation to speakers through a non-partisan
Because STB was the last retake part will go out to 2200 group. Forum of Politics or
maining men's colony on camadditional colleges this week. Social and Political Problems
pus, the Greeks feel that new
CHOICE 68 Is being run by Board were suggested.
colonies may be desirable. Any
A similar bill was defeated at
a Board of Directors composed
group that wishes to become a
of eleven student leaders, each the previous meeting, which statcolony can contact Mike SblenThe Church of the University from a different region of the ed that Student Association funds
wold for Information.
not be used to finance
There Is a new women's col- Community Is a non-demonlna- country. Hie Board Is establish- could
groups which advocate specific
ony. On January 3, Kappa Chi tlonal Christian parish serving ing guidelines for the Primary, political
or religious viewpoints.
Rho was accepted by the Inter- the students and faculty of the designing the ballot and providAt this meeting a bill was
Sororlty Council (ISC). Norma University. This model parish ing overall direction and leader- passed
prohibited religious
serves the worship Intellectual ship.
Dr. Albert C. Mossln, chair- Pollizzl Is President of the and social needs of the community
Administrative costs are being groups from receiving Student
emman of the Department of Manby relating Christian faith to the underwritten by TIME magazine Association funds. The bill was
agement, School of Business, has phasized that KXP Is a colony life of the student.
as a public service. There is introduced by Paul Downes rebeen elected vice-president of the for friendship rather than a statWorship services offered by no connection between the pri- presentative from Religious AfInternational Society for the Ad- us symbol.
lesmary and the editorial content fairs commission, and had full
The otner officers of the colvancement of Management.
sons led by students. Liturgical of TIME. Results of the primary commission support, The bill
Serving as a member of the ony are Marge Perslco, Vice- music at C.U.C. services uses will be available to ail media. was passed unanimously.
society's board of directors, he President; Lenore Rubin, Secre- guitar, brass quartets, cello and
Council also approved two conInitial response by student
will be responsible for regional tary; and Marie Colgan, Tree- piano accompaniment. Dramatic leaders
has been highly favorable stitutional changes for Religious
operations in New York State.
productions have been used In according to Robert G. Harris, Affairs Commission. One adds
The society serves as an educaplace of sermons.
Executive Director of CHOICE two at-large members to the
tional forum for Its 16,000 memCommission and the other makes
The ecumenical outlook anddl- 68.
bership of business, Industrial, Lollese
verslty and personallsm of
In addition to Indicating their the election of a Commissions
and government executives In
officers and representatives to
over 90 chapters throughout the
New York, N.Y., Dec. 22 ting characterizes the parish. students will also have a chance Central Council coincide with
(LIBERATION News Service)— Agape services are centered
vote on certain Issues of na- the general elections of the StuMossln Is a past president of A counselling service to give around student led discussions to
concern. The selection of dent Association. They had preSAM's Hudson Valley Chapter. advice to college drop-outs and exploring conetmporary Issues. tional
Issues will also be made viously been elected In February
In 1965 he received an honor potential drop-outs is being orwhereas all the other Commiswas Instrumental In by the Board of Directors.
citation from the Society's Ja- ganized by the New York regional theC.U.C.
of the "Golden Eye"
In Its Informational prospectus sions and Council elect officers
panese Chapter for bis lecture office of Students for a Demo- the founding
University coffee house. The on CHOICE 68, the Board ex- and members In April.
series, conducted under the chap- cratic Society.
"Eye" sponsors student and fa- plained the philosophy behind the
Academic Affairs Commission
ter's sponsorship, on "The DeThe purpose of the program Is
readings, dramatic producidea this wayi "Never In the also had a constitutional change
cline of Authoritarian Manage- to acquaint young people with the culty
tions and discussions on vital, nation's history have so many which reduced their quorum from
ment in the Soviet Union."
various ways they can lead con- contemporary topics,
college students been so well in- 2-3 to 1-2 of the total voting
The lectures, presented before structive lives outside of the
C.U.C. Joins with other campus formed about the major Issues representatives minus excused
business and university groups "establishment," Including the religious
the day. . .yet they have had student teachers.
throughout Japan, pointed to the world of academla.
soring joint activities such as little opportunity to express their
Council approved the 1968-69 >
probable expansion of the then
It will also provide realistic the Festival of carols. Social views
In a unified, coherent man- Budget Procedure which Is
rudimentary profit system be- Information about the problems of projects In the South End, asum- ner. CHOICE
students virtually the same as last years'
ing experimentally Introduced In financial support, alternative mer project and the publication the opportunity68tooffers
express their except for the change of dates.
a small number of Soviet enter- Jobs and life style changes.
can- All budgetary organizations have
prises under the guidance of SoThe counselling service Is ex- also among the projects of the didates and selected Issues— been
mailed the procedure. All
viet Professor E. LIbermjan.
pected to offer clear, Intelligent Church of the University Com- to speak for the first time as budgets
must be submitted by
As predicted, more than 5,000 Information and advice, rather munity.
a body politic,"
to the Budget Committee.
Soviet enterprises since have than get Into the "therapeutic"
been reported brought under Lib- bag, according to Jonathan Lerberman's profit principles, Ja- ner, who Is organising the propanese businessmen and profes- gram along with Mlchele Clark,
sors, according to Mossln, reJonathan and Mlchele expect to
acted with particular Interest to set up a network of counsellors
the suggestion that Soviet history In key college communities. This
Satisfaction — 24 Hour Service
might In time repeat Itself In organization was expected to
Communist China.
emerge from the National CounU
n l i k e Any Other Service - Prompt, Dependable,
Mossln Joined the University cil meeting of SDS In Bloomingfaculty in 1951 after a number ton, Indiana, Dec. 27-31.
Part of the service will inof years' service as a business
executive. Formerly, he had been volve referring drop-outs to new
N « w - Located at 1533 Central Ave. Northway Exit # 2
associated with the business ad- creative roles In the underground
ministration faculties of the City press, craft workshops, communY • « Can Reach U» at 869-8850
College of New York and Connect- al farms, community organizing
icut state College at New Britain. and political groups.
Stat* University College**
Oneonta, in cooperation with the
Hebrew University in Jeruaalem,
la offering both an eight week
1968 summer session course on
"Modern Israel" and a full year
study abroad program to begin
in August 1968.
The summer session course
will be from June 29 to Aug.
27 with formal study to be si
the modern campus of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Students will concentrate on lectures given by toe instructor
of the course and Hebrew University faculty.
Two weeks of the period wlU
be spent In touring, visiting and
supplementary lectures by Israeli authorities around the
The year abroad study pro;
gram, also to be held on the
Hebrew University campus, is
open to students of the State
University of New York. Although
the study of Hebrew wlU be an
integral part of the program,
no prior knowledge of the language is required for acceptance.
From August through October,
1968, the students take Hebrew
University "uipan" Intensive
Hebrew language courses, each
at an appropriate level. From
November 1968 to June 1969, the
regular academic year of Hebrew
University, participants are enrolled as full time students In
individually selected programs.
Among the programs offered
are: elective courses taught In
English in many disciplines; special courses in Judaic studies
taught in simple Hebrew; and regular courses in Hebrew In all
disciplines. (However, participants may submit exams and papers In English).
Persons desiring further Information on either program may
write Or. Yonah Alexander at
State University College, Oneonta, N.T. 13820, or Allen E. Caswell, director of International
Education at State University College, Oneonta, N.Y. 13820.
STB Accepted As Frat;
New Women's Colony
Initial Response
To Choice '68
Is Favorable
CUC Aids Needs
Of Student Life
Dr.Mossin Elected
VicePre :ofS.A.M.
SDS To Council
Norfhway Taxi For All Your Taxi Needs
9? 3
ArabStudent Club
Forms On Campus
by Janie Samuels
Falling and drifting snow and icy sidwalks have plagued the campus for the last week.
Maintenance crews are finally catching up in cleaning and salting the passage ways.
Faculty Members Organize Group
To Develop Draft Counseling
by Jill Paznik
A group of faculty members,
calling themselves a "Teachers
Draft Counseling Committee,"
have decided to assume the responsibility for making our campus aware of the draft options
available In addition to those recommended at the military recruiting desk.
These teachers were disturbed to discover that there Is no
place In our University community where a student can get detailed Information or counseling to make an Informed decision
concerning his draft options.
The Teachers Draft Counseling Committee recognizes that
many of our young men question whether or not they can,
as a matter of conscience, serve
as soldiers In the Vietnam war,
and further, that, under conditions Imposed by the draft law,
the choice of service, alternate
service, or non-service represents, for many, a serious
choice about life goals, and for
others, a far reaching personal
The Committee takes the position, therefore, that, as teachers and responsible members of
the adacemld community, we
must help such young men obtain information on all alternatives and examine their own
feelings to the end that they
arrive at a rational and emotionally satisfactory devlslon
about their role, If any, In the
Vietnam war.
The group agreed to begin
to train themselves as draft counselors. Included In this committee are: Warder Cadbury, Gloria
DeSole, Peter Larrlck, Dr.
Thomson H. Llttlefleld, Frank
Snow and Harry Staley with John
Hellly as Its chairman.
About forty faculty members
met Monday, December 18thwith
local attorney Margrethe Powers whose Information on
procedures; for counseling conscientlous objectors, It was
felt, would be of aid to the potentlal counselors.
Powers stated that the limits
of the law concerning draft counselors allows only "The giving of
factual Information. There Is no
legal opposition to counseling,"
except for "counseling to disobey
the law,"
When asked what the best time
to apply for a CO deferment Is
for those whose present classification Is 2S, she replied that
they would have to write their
local boards as soon as their
minds are clear. She said that
under the present interpretation
of the law a boy who has not seen
other wars and opposes only this
war but not necessarily future
or past wars would not qualify
for a CO deferment.
Concerning the question asked
on form 150 (form for conscientious objectors) -Do you believe
in a Supreme Being?, Powers
stated that if you do not know
if you believe, check yes. She
suggested writing
"everything In duplicate, make
copies and send everything by
registered mail.
"Fill out the form adequately, have witnesses available for
any hearings. The board may refuse to listen to them, make a
record." Having a record of
everything Involved in the appeal Is, Powers Indicated,
of great importance. The appeal
candidate must have a thick
enough file In support of his case.
"The poorest time to appeal Is
after you receive the Induction
notice." If the candidate appeals
at this time, Powers said, he
would have to show that "something beyond his control changed
his mind after notification."
The faculty members were told
that It Is their "duty to assure
yourselves you are counseling
someone who really wants to do
this. You can't (under the law)
counsel them (students) to go to
Canada or break the law. You
are here and respected, lending your moral force" as teachers to counseling.
Asked how government officials would find out If counselors advised against the law,
Powers answered that the boy
"might get caught on his way to
Canada and say something, he
might be disturbed, or his parents might say something. As
counselors you are public and
acknowledged; your name would
be on references.
"The CO applicant must be
reasonable. One of the *ues-
tlons that may be asked (of the
applicant) Is Do you believe in
a police force? He must know
In his own mind the difference
between police and the military,
war and violence; he must have
his answers thought out."
During the time between the
appeal and the hearing the CO
candidate, advised Powers,
should get as much Into his file
In support of his case as he possibly can. "If you get a militarist to vouch for your sincerity" it would be a great help.
One question asked of the applicant may be whether he had
ever done anything else on the
grounds of conscience. "If he
march d on Washington or Joined any Peace Vigils, get It on
file. The Draft Board will have
to make a case against you"
and with this support on file
It will make It harder for them
to win their case.
Peter Pollack, editor of the
Albany Liberator, has been Issued a CO classification; he was
asked some questions by the
group of faculty members. Pollack said he was asked by officials If he would have fought
during World War n.
His answer was that he "could
not make Judgments on the actions
of nations In historical setting."
He told his interviewers that
he "could not go back and say
what he would do under different circumstances. His views,
he told the appeal board, had
Poolroom Open
In CampusCenter
An Albany Chapter of the Arab
Student Club has been formed on
campus to "promote true and
adequate Information about the
Arab people, their history, culture, problems, and aspirations."
Various activities are being
planned to further the educational and cultural objectives of the
•club. Significant among these is
a series of lectures related to
the Middle East and U.S.-Middie East relations.
Contacts are being made with
men who have lived in the Middle
East and Israel and are now serving In the State Department, at
the United Nations, or teaching
In universities.
Coffee hours are also on the
agenda. At these Informal gatherings club members will present various programs related
to their own particular country.
At Easter time the Club also
plans to show slides of the Holy
Seminars and debates will be
an Important activity In which,
It Is hoped, Arab and non-Arab
students may be able to discuss
matters of mutual Interest. The
Arab Student Club also anticipates giving free Instruction in
Arabic to Interested students on
The Club Is a local chapter of
the Arab Student Organization of
the United States and Canada- It
Is an Independent non-profit cultural and educational organization having chapters In many
throughout the country.
Nafez Abdullah, president of
the Albany chapter, feels that the
main goal of the club Is to "pro-
mote a better mutual understanding and stronger ties between
the American and Arab people."
He speaks on behalf of all the
members In welcoming all students on campus to Join the club
and help foster this rapport.
All those Interested In the
Arab Student Club may contact
Nafez Abdullah 463-0945 or secretary Nablla Mango 472-8255.
Mme. Wolkonsky
Granted Waiver
Madame Catherine Wolkonsky,
professor of Russian language
and comparative literature at
the University, again has been
granted an extension of waiver
of the mandatory retirement provision by the Board of Trustees
of State University of New York.
The action permits an additional year of academic service
by Madame Wolkonsky who is
72. The noted authority on the
Russian language has been granted three waivers of the provision
upon the recommendation of
President Evan R. Collins.
Her current waiver expires
next June. Formerly chairman
of the Russian department at Vassar College, she came to the
University four years ago.
The request for her continued
service noted that Madame Wolkonsky Is "still the mainstay of
the Russian part of the department of Germanic and Slavic languages and literatures."
Madame Wolkonany Is coauthor of the book, "A Dictionary of Russian Roots." The work
Is widely considered to be a
definitive study of the structure of the Russian language.
Ecological Researchers
To Study Whiteface Mt.
Dr. Jon T. Scott, professor of
earth and atmospheric sclonces
at the University, and Dr. J.
Gary Holway, professor of
science at Oneonta State and an
alumni of the University, will
direct an extensive study of the
vegetation, soil, and microclimate of Whiteface Mountain in
the Adlrondacks.
The research project entitled
"Vegetation - Environment Relations at Whiteface Mountain In
the Adlrondacks" will yield Information for forest management
and conservation practices In the
Adirondack Forest Preserve.
Dr. Scott Is an atmospheric
sclenUst with particular Interest
In ecological studies, the relation of vegetation to the environment. Dr. Holway, a botanical
specialist In ecology, will research mainly In the area of
vegotatlonal structure.
The two - year Investigation
seeks new statistical and mathematical techniques for relating
measures of vegetation to quantitative environmental measurements. The team will also describe the vegetation In an area
which has not been tifAdled by
modern ecological methods.
The study will attempt to obtain more Information on a controversy In the field of ecology
dealing with the structure of vegetation. Research will center
around the question, "Does vegetation consist of discrete units
or Is it essentially continuous?"
While their conclusions are
highly tentative, Drs. Holway and
Scott speculate that the truth
lies somewhere between the two
positions. The results, to date,
show features of both the ecological hypotheses.
Smith On Council
Barbara Smith, a Junior has
been elected to Central Council from Colonial Quad. Only
about CO students voted in the
election. The reason for the small
vote was the fact that the voting took place only In the Campus Center. Usually the elections take place on the dinner
lines, but because of complaints
of fraudulent votes the elections
were moved. Voting machines
were used for the first time.
The long awaited opening of
the poolroom In the CampusCenter Is almost here. Mr. Nelson
Swartz, head of the poolroom,
feels that It will open In a few
There were several obstacles
preventing the opening. InitialThe Student Ambassador pro- ly, the equipment was not ordergram at the University Is In the ed proporly. When the right equipfinal stages of selecting repre- ment came there were not enough
sentatives for this summer's pro- men from AMF, the manufacturer, to assemble the tables.
The largest obstacle, howApplications have been review- ever,
was the failure of the State
ed and the applicants are going Inspection
Bureau to accept the
through a series of screening In- work. The Bureau
has finally apterviews. Those selected will be proved the tables after
many Inannounced early next semester. spections.
The University has signed off
Students selected will spend
three weeks living with a family to AMF and there Is nothing
In the country of their choice foreseen to prevent the openas goodwill ambassadors. They ing of the poolroom,
The charge for the tables Is
will speak the native language.
Language training can be receiv- 90 cents for an hour. One or four
ed prior to the trip In Put- people may use the same table
for the hour.
ney, Vt.
The hours for playing are MonThere is no initial cost to
the student, The University as- day-Thursday, 10 a.m. • 5 p.m.,
sumes the cost. Funds will be 7 p.m. - II p.m., Friday, 10
raised by soUclatlons from so- a.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday 12
The pool room in the campus center (formally the Music
rorities, fraternities, and other p.m. • 1 a.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.11 p.m.
Lounge) has opened and the charge is 90* per hour.
Ambassador Plan
In Final Stages
Am..Students In Paris
Topic of Eng. Evening
1968 Summer Jobs
Available to All
College Students
The all ntw enlarged 1(68 an*
a w l •d.ttooi of SUMMER JOBS,:
the largest and moat comprehenatva listing of actual summer
Job*, compensated " projects,
awards, apprenticeships and permanent jobs Is now available.
This Directory, completely revised and undated each year,Is
for anyone who la seeking employment. This year's Directory
offers many special student training programs and oyer 7,000
permanent openings in hundreds
of Arms. Some of the over 52,000 summer earning opportunities are located throughout the
United States and over 28 foreign countries.
In addition to thousands of summer camps, fellowships with the
Newspaper Fund, compensated
projects, apprenticeships and
Jobs with summer music theaters are available.
Many branches of the U A Government throughout the country
have requested their openings
be Included. There are also Jobs
for the missile-minded with the
Air Force Missile Center and the
White Sands Missile Range.
All openings have been submitted directly to the Institute for
publication and include specific
Job descriptions, dates of employment, necessary qualifications, number of openings, salaries, and the name and addresses of personnel directors and
employers. Information is also
given on how to apply for and
how to obtain the Job one Is
The annual SUMMER JOB DIRECTORY can be obtained directly from The Advancement and
Placement Institute 161 North
9th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211
for $6.00.
ASP to Sponsor
Graciela Garcia
uear Foster Parents;
We are Just about at the end of
the school year, and we are making many efforts to pass the year.
About my sickness, there has
been a little trouble for my studying, and when my mother takes me
to the doctor, well, I always lose
a morning or an afternoon.
Thanks to the plan, they are
paying the treatment, which is of
two years. I'm feeling better and
now I have another medical
I received an eight dollar donation, and an oil burner which
lends us good service.
I am very thankful to you, and
1 will be waiting for your answer.
This is a recent letter from
Graciela Garcia. She has been a
foster child to the ASP since
She receives monthly eight
dollars In cash and seven dollars
In the form of school supplies
and clothing through the Foster
Parents Plan, Inc. located in
New York City.
Graciela lives with her family
in a two-room flat in the slums
of North Bogota, Colombia, South
Next semester, the ASP will
have a fund-raising campaign.
Bookcovers will be sold and the
money will go for the support of
The plans are set but no definite date has been made.
Friddy, January 12, 1968
Lighting hot been installed in the temporary parking lot of
Colonial Quad by the University. These lights help students
find their way within the improvised parking facilities.
Sig Phi Sig Mixer Tonight,
Proceeds for Greek Week
by Barb Grossman
Greek Week entertainment have
not been made yet. The Faculty Student Association has
not met, and, therefore, the
Greeks have not received money
from them.
The money expected from
various beer companies has also
not come through. Consequently,
money is still needed for the beer
party, the concert, and the guest
Co-chairmen Linda Klein and
George Llebowitz have been
working to make definite engagements, but the lack of money had
made the planning difficult.
However, preparations for
other Greek Week features, such
as the Olympics, the Follies, and
the Open House are going well.
There may be some hope yet
In obtaining funds soon enough
for Greek Week. Sigma Phi Sigma
Sorority is sponsoring a mixer
tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight
in the Campus Center Ballroom.
The mixer is Intercollegiate and
RPI, Union, Albany Medical
School, Albany Law, and St. Rose
have been Invited.
The band engaged to play Is
the Soul Kitchen, currently playing at Yezzl's and voted to play
at the Dutch Quad mixer. Admission Is 50 cents, and hands
will be stamped at the door to
facilitate leaving for snacks.
The money raised will go
directly into the preparations for
Greek Week, specifically thebeer
party and the engagement of a
speaker. There Is also hope that
one or more of the other fraternities or sororities will be able
to contribute money for the concert.
Dr. Paul Bacquet, visiting professor from the Sorbonne, spoke
at the English Evening on Thursday, December 14.
His discussion centered around
"An American Student in Paris"
and dealt with many Interesting
The University of Paris, the
Sorbonne, is the oldest university
of Its kind,in Europe. It offers
an almost unlimited amount of
courses and excellent professors, and nearly every foreign
language. Founded In 1257 by
Robert de Sorbon, It was originally a college for men who had
achieved the equivalent of a
Master of Arts degree, and who
wished to continue their study in
the field of theology. Even at this
time it was considered a
European center, and not merely
a French school, with a diversity
of students and professors. Situated In the center of the commercial district, the university
bears the mark of belonging not
only to the city of Paris but also
the world. Dr. Bacquet added that
It has been called "the famous
monster which must be tamed."
Student-faculty rapport Is almost non-exlstant; professors
find themselves faced mainly by
American students; unaware of
their elders rather austere and
unapproachable position.
The old system of education
was abandoned In 1966, and has
been replaced by a variety of
Improvements. The
rather archaic structure of higher learning and the overcrowded
conditions made such changes
Enrollment tor large lecture
sessions at the Sorbonne may be
twice the capacity of the classroom. Students Interested In the
lecture of a popular professor
must usually attend the class held
beforehand In the same room In
order to have a seat for the next
University Plans
To Join Circuit
Plans are now being made by
the campus Center Governing
Board for the University to Join
the Coffee House Circuit next
semester. This would mean nightly entertainment, Monday-Saturday, in the Rathskeller of the
Campus Center.
The cost for Joining the circuit
Is $200 and $150 - $200 for each
group that entertains. The senior
class has already agreed to sponsor the first group, and the other
classes will also be asked to
participate In this plan. During
the week there will be two shows
nightly and on Friday and Saturday there will be three shows
each night.
Through their Coffee House
Circuit, Sennet and Weintrauh,
owners of the famed Bitter End,
have made several professional.
and highly talented singers,"
comedians, and other entertainers available for one week
181 Western Avenue
William H. Rittbergcr, Pastor
Services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour Every
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Coming Soon To The ASP
At The Lowest Prices In AlbanyBooks For Sale
Misc. For Sale
Personal Notices
Wanted To Buy
Cars and Equipment
We'll Create a Classification For Any Ad
The Price? Just 25c per line!
Riders Wanted
Rides Wanted
Lost and Found
You Want!
Just write your ad in the box at the left,
one word in euch small square, cut il out
and send or bring it to the ASP office
with 25c for each five words.
101 C.ilr.1 /.»•.
Alkaiy T.I. HI M703
Friday, January 12, 1968
On Barring Recruiters
In Outing Clubs
"A good outing club should bea
team of first class woodsmen who
can handle themselves in the out
of doors as well as work harmoniously together." (IOCA Newsletter 1949).
Although' this definition of an
outing club Is still true 20 years
later here on Albany's campus
these Is a new emphasis on
participation in Intercollegiate
In recent years, Albany Outing
Club enthusiasts have not only
traveled more extensively along
the eastern coast, but are sharing the fun with more college
Outing Clubs.
For example, Albany woodsmen
have combined talents with such
American colleges as RPI, Union,
Vassar, University of Conn., Mt.
Holyoke, and University of Virginia for weekend trips.
For winter ski trips, McGlll
University In Montreal, Canada
lures many Northeastern IOCA
clubs to their slopes for a weekend of fun and relaxation.
. For newcomers, this emphasis
gives them more of a chance to
see the natural beauties of the
East coast, as well as meet other
college students with common
Year-round activities Include
anything from crawling around
unexplored caves of Knox Mt.,
canoeing on Lake George, or
mountain climbing In Mexico over
this recent Christmas vacation.
CBS Schedules
Smoking Test
Television viewers will be able
to find out how much they know
about cigarettes and why people—
Including themselves —• smoke,
when CBS News presents the
"National Smoking Test" Tuesday, January 16 (10:00-11:00 PM,
EST) in color on the CBS Television Network. CBS News Correspondents Mike Wallace and
% Joseph Bentl are the reporters.
The test will be based on facts
about cigarette smoking which
have been public knowledge for
some time and will be divided Into
three segments.
(1) How You Feel About Smoking, consisting of statements with
which television viewers —
smokers and non-smokers alike
—can agree or disagree.
(2) What You Know AboutSmoklng, a section involving true or
false questions plus opinion-seeking queries.
(3) Smoker's Profile: Why You
Smoke, which will enable those
taking the test to learn the motivations behind their smoking.
Part 3 will be based on the
Insight Development Questionnaire developed by Dr. Daniel
Horn for the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health.
These questions will be animated by John Huxley, and Dr. Horn
will appear on the broadcast to
Interpret the finding.
In this segment there will be
no point-count "score." Instead,
smokers and non-smokers will be
able to compare themselves to a
national sample to learn how
many people are In the same
category In which they find themselves.
Another portion of the broadcast was filmed In San Diego,
California, with CI3S News Correspondent Hill Stout reporting,
whore private companies, physicians, city officials, adults and
teen-agers are cooperating in a
"soft-sell" antl-clgarotte campaign with Hie help of federal
Photo by Klaun
Two New Shows Start
The University's radio station,
WSUA, will begin a game show on
the first Sunday of second
semester. Beginning February 4
and continuing on each following,
Sunday from 5 to 5:30 p.m. the
panel game,"KeepTalklng,"will
feature teams from various
campus organizations.
The first show will be a contest
between two teams: one from
Kappa Beta Fraternity and the
other from Beta Zeta Sorority.
No prizes will be to the winning
team, but they will have the opportunity to defend their title against
another team the following week.
One member from each team
will be given a unknown phrase
which he must Incorporate Into a
story. The story, to be started
by the moderator, will be passed
to the member of a team who has
a phrase, then to the other team's
member who has a different
phrase and then back again.
Once the time for the story has
run out each team will try to
guess the other's unknown
phrase. In the future the teams
will be drawn from other Greek
groups, dormitories, and other
campus groups.
The University Radio Station,
will present another new show
starting on Feb. 4, called the
"Rich Stevens Show." It will be
held In the Brubacher Game Room
from 6-7 In the evening.
Audiences are possible for this
show as well as the earlier show,
"Keep Talking" because of this
The program will be a variety
show featuring live talent from
the University. Four or five guest
groups will be presented each
The Candy Coated Out-House, a
rock group, will perform on the
first Sunday. Members of this
group are: Dennis O'Leary, Pete
Jogo, Barry Sarna, and Terry
A folk group called The Conference consisting of Andy Nagel
and John Blrchler will also be
featured. John Fotla will perform
a variety of comedy and singing
Included In the new "Rich
Stevens Show" will be a special
talk feature. Rich Stevens will Interview Sara Klttsley on a variety
of topics.
The pianist for the show Is
Daniel Perlmutter and the announcer Is John Mlchalke.
President Evan R, Collins responded to an open letter addressed to him which appeared
In the Dec. 12 "Objector,'' a
magazine serving as a forum of
opinion on Vietnam published by
the Faculty Student Committee
to End the War, at his Dec. 18
President's Conference With
The letter called for Collins'
Immediate and public condemnation of the actions of U.S. General Lewis B. Hershey which began with a statement Issued by
Hershey to draft boards on Oct.
It further called for condemnation of the action by prevailing
upon Collins to ban Armed Forces
recruiters from the campus in
order to demonstrate the University's disfavor.
Collins explained that he felt
there were two Issues of concern
Instead of what may have appeared to be one from the context of
the letter. The first Issue Is the
public reaction and feelings about
the action taken by Hershey, and
the second issue lies In whether
or not the University should take
action against Hershey and ostensibly, the whole army.
He also stated that he felt that
from the beginning of the Hershey
Incident he had offered public
comment on the situation. He
again cited his belief In support
for a 'Open University' and his
subsequent belief that the campus
should be open to all recruiters.
At that time he made comment
against Hershey's action which
would, In effect make the draft
a punitive organ by using It to
against the draft, by changing a
persons draft status.
He Illustrated the concern of
not only himself, but of the other
Presidents of the University
Centers of the State University
System, by citing letters sent to
President Johnson and the Justice
Department expressing their concept.
On Dec. 9, the four presidents
sent a letter as a body which
offered their commendation of
the Joint Statement Issued by the
Justice Department and The
Selective Service which Insured
that constitutional guarantees of
due process would not be circumvented through administrative proceedings taken by the
Selective Service.
The letter stated "We understand that no sanctions, either
administrative or penal, will be
Imposed against protest or dissent which Is constitutionally protected.
"We also understand that the
statement to Insure that criminal
prosecution in the United States
District Courts . . . shall constitute and sole sanction against
public protests or demonstrations, and that administrative
proceedings shall under no circumstances be employed to stifle
or suppress opposition to the
Selective Service System. . ."
Later, on Dec. IS the President again sent a telegram expressing their feelings that
although the Joint Statement had
provided enough assurance that
registrants "engaged In peaceful
demonstrations and other forms
of legal protest would not risk
criminal prosecution." "It failed
to give assurance that reclassification or withdrawal of student
deferments for alleged violations
of the Selective Service Act would
not be employed against protestors on college and university
It went on to read that clarification on the rights of students
Is "even more urgent than before
the Issuance of the joint statement. We seek assurance that no
sanctions will be Imposed against
legal protest or dissent which Is
constitutionally protected."
Books for second semester will be available starting Jan. 29. See
instructors before you buy your books, since the booklist is merely a
guide and subject to change.
Call IV 9-2827
or IV 2-0228
( T h r u u Suks Minimum)
The special hours listed below will begin on Mon. and end on Sat.
29, 9 - 5 , 30, 9 - 7 : 3 0 , 31, 1 1 - 1 1 , Feb. 1, 1 1 - 1 1 , 2, 1 1 - 1 1 ,
3, 9 - 4 .
Official Ring Day will take place in the Bookstore between 9-4:30
on Jan. 1 7 - 1 9 . Your John Roberts man will be hereto assist you in
Sunday - Friday
9 p.m. - 12 Midnight
College Preferred
The following stone selection is available to the students at this
University: Garnet, UItralite. Light Aquamarine, Ruby, Dark Aqua-
marine, Rose Zircon, Emerald Spinel, Alexandrite, Peridot, Black
The Deadline for the February 9 issue is Saturday,
6:00 p.m. o'clock.
Onyx, Blue Spinel, Tourmaline, Blue Zircon, Fire Blue Spinel, Blue
February 3 at
Start Now! You're just in time to sell your old books and find
new ones you need.
4 - 7 I'.M
Campus Dry Cleaning
. and Shirt Laundry
Herkimer Hall
' " " " M ' i"
* a a a a a a • r • «Y* * a a a r «'a-r**,a*a'«*ava-'w*-****<i<a«-i»*M
Ten Eyck Hall
11 -
Sapphire, and Topaz.
A "Certificate of Perfection" will be provided for each stone by a
registered gemmologist, guaranteeing the color and clairty of each
imported stone ordered.
Friday, January 12, 1968
Page 6
Chances For Dismissal
Outlined By Dean Morris
With finals drawing closer, this box outside of the library
will com* into use as professors turn in grades to the registrar.
University Construction
To Finish More Phases
by Sandy Porter
Many phases of construction
on the University campus will be
completed during 1968 reported
Walter M. Tlsdale, assistant to
the President for Plant Planning, In a recent Interview.
The Physical Education building will be ready for use this
semester and that area will be
landscaped. The Computer Center is also scheduled for a spring
opening. Early in the spring semester the Administration Building will be occupied.
Podium landscaping Is also
scheduled for mis spring. Flower
pots along the perimeter of the
podium as well as the east and
west podium courtyards are on
the work agenda.
Fulton and Irving Halls on
State Quad will be occupied next
semester completing the low rise
dorms on that quad and landscaping will be done. Eastman
Tower is scheduled for occupancy by the summer of this
Construction for the new planetarium on campus and Indian
Quadrangle will be begun this
spring. Both sites are slated as
the focus of attention for the
summer construction season.
The Theater Music Building
will be completed and taken over
bv the University In the fall as
will the Instructional Resources
Center, In the middle of the
Bidding for the University's
Atmospheric Science Research
Center to be located on Whiteface Mountain will be opened
late In the spring semester. Construction for the center will begin during the summer.
Sayles and Pierce Halls on
Alumni Quad willberehablllated.
These buildings, now In use as
Religious Group
Answers Needs
The Christian Science Organl.
zatlon was Instituted by Arthur
Cornwall In 1944 to meet the
needs of the Christian Scientists
or those Interested tn Christian
Science within the University
community. This group directs
Itself towards challenging the
aesthetic areas such as individual's thoughts on meta-physlcal questions as existence.
Tuesday meetings, modeled after the traditional Christian Science Wednesday evening church
meeting are held weekly by the
Christian Science Organization.
These meetings focus on readings
from the Bible and the textbook,
Science and Health, With Key to
the Scriptures, by Mary Baker
The Christian Science Organization sponsors two lectures each
year. The first of this year's leeturos, "The New Morality," was
given on Dec. 7, 1887, by Mri,
Lenore Hanks,
residences and academic facilities, are being converted to solely academic buildings.
With the completion of these
phases of the University's building project, plans for the future
are being made. Additional buildings on campus to meet the
various needs of the University
community are In the planning
Tentatively scheduled for completion In 1970 are 160 apartments for married students. The
complex will be located on campus.
New parking facilities are also
planned. The new structures will
be two levels of covered parking
with recreational and athletic
fields on the roof. The structure
planned for a site east of the
Indian Quad Is scheduled for completion In 1970. A second Physical Education building will also
be completed In 1970.
A multi-purpose auditorium or
Held house seating 7SO0 people
Is in the plans for 1971. The
structure will make possible a
continuous practice season for
all sports by, In effect, moving
the outdoors Inside. The building will contain Indoor practice
fields for the various sports.
Long range planning for the
Academic Podium Includes extensions which would expand the
Instructional space by fifty percent. The west podium extension
is scheduled for 1971 and will
be followed by a similar expansion on the eastern end of the
Future plans also Include a students residence complex for
single graduate students scheduled for 1971 on a site west of
the Colonial Quad.
Blood Shortage
At Albany Center
by Don Stankavage
Are you concerned about your
academic situation after your
first semester at the University? Is that 2.00 goal out of
your reach? Is lt possible that
you may be on probation next
term, or even dismissed from
the University?
"Before contemplating any
drastic action," says Dean Robert Morris of the University
College, "see your Academic
Advisor and discuss your problems thoroughly. Each student
Is considered as a special case."
There Is no low quality point
average that Is a cut - off point
to separate those who are excluded and those who stay for
another term. The determination of probationary standing Is
based on a Quality Point Deficiency, not a quality point
average. An explanation of the
idea of quality point deficiency
is in order.
It Is the number of quality
points you must earn In a probationary semester to achieve
an overall 2.00 average. Dean
Morris used this example to
clarify quality point deficiency.
Consider the first semester
freshman who Is carrying an
average 15 hour load of five
three-hour courses. He earns,
after his first semester, two
C's and three D's or any equivalent grade combination.
He would be placed on Academic Probation. In order to attain a 2,00 average after his
first two terms, he would have
to earn three B's and two C's
In his second semester.
The three B's are necessary to
balance the three D's of the
first term represent nine quality points. Those nine points
also represent his quality point
Your status In regard to academic or terminal probation depends on the magnitude of your
quality point deficiency. Any
equivalent average below five
C's to three D's and two C's
is the range of academic probation, In your freshman year.
You can go as low as one C
and four D's and still be on
terminal probation.
Any average worse than one
C and four D's usually results
In dismissal after the first term
because the quality point deficiency is considered insurmountable.
Academic probation demands
that you decrease your quality
point deficiency by a substantial amount or erase lt entirely if possible In the subsequent
Terminal probation Is much
more demanding. Its first condition Is that you pass all courses. The second requirement is
that you reduce your quality point
deficiency by a specified amount
by doing a certain number of
hours of B work in your probationary semester. In
cases, a letter from Dean Morris Is sent to your parents outlining your probationary status.
A freshman at the University
has only'a 1.1 per cent chance
of being dismissed after one
semester, according to statistics supplied by the University
Fifteen students of the freshman class last year were dropped In January of 1967'after one
semester. 2.8 per cent or 37
students were placed on terminal probation and 11.1 per cent
or 145 students warranted aca-
The Albany Blood Center has
a shortage of fresh blood donations. Dr. Albert H, Harris, the
medical director of the Northeastern New York Red Cross
Regional Blood Program, said
many medical situations such
as, extensive surgery patients,
severe liver and kidney diseases
and hemophiliacs, require the use
of fresh blood, or components
that are present In blood for
only a short time after lt Is
collected from the donor.
Blood collected at the Albany
Center can be sent to the laboratory to fractionate blood Into Quality Hand-made American
components but blood collected Gloves
at the bloodmoblles can't be deLeathar-palined Wool Cloves
livered to the laboratory fast Ski Gloves
enough for the process.
'Ladies' Four-button Leather
Carl H. Barley, Jr., administGloves
rative director of the blood pro- Ladies' Leather Shorties
gram, said "But the Center Is 'Black Leather Military Gloves
our weak spot, we must get
more individual donors and more ALL COLORS.SIZESond STYLES
civic and fraternal and religious
organizations, to schedule their
Personally or By Phone
donations at the Center,"
Sanger 301 «»7-g826
demlc probation,
To put these figures Into perspective: after the fall semester of last year, 15 students
out of 1289 total in the freshman class were dismissed and
182 students of 1289 were placed on some type of probation.
If a student finds himself on
probation after this- fall semester, he should not take his condition lightly. Just because he
Is on academic probation does
not automatically mean that the
student still has terminal status to fall back on. Also, do not
be surprised or discouraged if
your probationary situation lasts
over two terms.
Let's see what happened to
that select 182 after their second semester last year. Of the
37 placed on terminal probation in January, 19 were dismissed from the university in June.
Ten continued on terminal probation, 3 were removed from
terminal status, and 5 withdrew
from the University. That means
only 10 out of 37 maintained
their status quo, and only 3
of 37 Improved their position
by June.
Consider the 145 who were
on academic probation after their
first semester. 26 students were
dismissed after one term of academic probation, 35 were reduced to terminal status, 46 continued on academic probation,
4 withdrew from the university,
and only 33 were removed from
These statistics show that of
the t82 on probation, 45 were
dismissed after a subsequent
term and 9 withdrew, which
makes a total of 54 of 182 who
after one term of probation are
no longer with us.
What can you do If you are
dismissed? Your last chance
Is to appeal to the Faculty Committee on Academic Standing,
Norton Receives
Latin Grant
Mrs. Harriet Norton, chairman of the Latin education department at the University, is
the recipient of a $2,000 grant
from the National Endowment for
the Humanities.
She will direct use of the funds
in the continuing development of
audio - lingual - visual materials
with an emphasis on the Latin
concept of "numanltas," namely,
concern with the benevolent qualities peculiar to man.
Mrs. Norton, an associate professor, holding degrees from
Houghton College and Syracuse
University, Joined the faculty In
Recently she was appointed the
executive secretary of the Classical Association of the Empire
State, of which the University
Is the sponsoring Institution.
Earlier In the year she served
as chairman of the research committee of the Classical Association of the Empire State which
prepared and edited "Interesting Programs In Classics," a
63 page survey of classic programs offered at the undergraduate level by colleges In New
York State.
State U. At WestburyExperimental University
but winning an appeal Is not too
easy. .
It helps to have high College
Board marks and a high Regents
scholarship mark to supplement
a solid high school average. Also, you must present a feasible
plan to Improve your academic
record at the university.
If you have been subject to
circumstances such as prolonged sickness, death In the family, etc. which have Influenced
your work, the committee will
consider them In its decision.
t OOtl
CALL 482-4211
CALL 482-9894
Starting Jan. 13 Kosher Sandwiches now delivered
uptown - even during exam weeks.
Corned Beef, Pastrami, Turkey, Roast Beef, Salami,
Bologna, Chopped Liver, Peanut & Jelly.
All Extras (Soda, Pol. Chips, Pickles, Cigs., etc.)
by Fredda Jaffee
us. A hackneyed position, perbe built if they are to tackle the
haps, but one that has not carried
urban crisis. Universities can
The new State University Col- enough strength. We possess an
fall in suburban pastures or on
lege at Westbury will open In unlimited stream of resources
low district street corners. The
September, two years ahead of and our position In society perchallenge lies in not being obessschedule, catering to a small mits us a headstrong, potent,
ed with scholastic fields or nonexperimental group of students, and flexible role. Yet scholastic
Intellectual activism, and in enwhose major goals will be di- Isolation Itself, whether in Kalagaging in the urban battle for surrected towards dealing with mazoo, Michigan, or Pittsburgh,
vial rather than becoming a cap"pressing urban problems." New York, stifles any hopes of tive in foreign territory. Centers
Visions of the rolling hills of a creativity. There Is also the
of higher learning must take into
Long Island campus, fashioned possibility of building a Utopia
consideration both components in
out of a plush estate, may appear within the boundaries of a unifuture planning, and Integrate
rather incompatible with an Im- versity, encouraging a realistic
them into a feasible and effective
age of the teaming slums. How- application to radiate Into surwhole.
ever, Harris Wofford, president rounding areas. However, such
of the new college, defends his dreams rardv materialize.
plans in terms of Toynbee's Idea
that you must "withdraw and reWhile the City University Is
turn." He wants his new venture pressing plans for a new four
in education to be "Involved, not year institution to be situated on
All military recruiting on the
engulfed," and feels that by a scenic penlsula in Queens,
campus of the George Washington'
situating the school outside of
Mayor Lindsay prefers a more
University was banned last week
the area In question, he may
realistic site in rundown South
In an order by university presi, offer students a detached but Jamaica. He feels that this will
dent Lloyd H. Elliott.
• refreshing outlook. This Is In stimulate rebirth.
The action was explicitly In
opposition to the Lindsay apThe Universities of Chicago
response to Lt. Gen. Lewis G.B.
proach, which views the univerand Pennsylvania have become
Hershey's letter to draft boards
sity as an imminent, on-the-spotcity rebullders, expanding enerurging punitive drafting for propartner within the community,
gies and expenses to meet the
challenge of urban renewal.
Elliott said that Industrial reUn a recent Saturday, In con- Vassar college will soon recruiters (such as the representaJunction with a flurry of Christ- locate in downtown Manhattan,
tives of Dow which produces
mas spirit and the Smiles pro- while N.Y.U. and Columbia are
napalm used In Vietnam) would
gram, a small segment of our considering suburban locations
continue to be welcome on the
braver and more patient souls for faculty and research, encampus.
$100,000 to CAIRIT06, a Catholic
entertained young visitors from couraging the "withdraw and reDavid Ganz, a spokesman for
International agency which will the South End of Albany. On the turn" theory. Another unit of the
the George Washington chapter of
use the funds for the relief of surface the event appeared less State University In suburban
Students for a Democratic Society
suffering civilians In Vietnam. then excrulclatlng; the kids calm- Westchester, hoping to admit stu(SDS) welcomed the action but,
McFoley spoke of General West- ly devoured refreshments, tore dents in 1970, will create an
criticized Elliott for "handing'
morelands request that Catholic open their gifts, and proceeded active branch In Lincoln Center,
lt on a platter." The way he did
Charities In Vietnam provide ex- to race through the dorms for geared towards the Arts.
lt, Ganz explained, "the students
tra food to the families of mem- two hours of pandemonium. But
avoid responsibility for a debers of the South Vietnamese there were some glaring quesThese basic differences will
cision they ought to make."
tions which seemed toundermlne not be easily solved. Should we
Ganz said he felt the ban on
Rabbi Felnberg, who had visit- the festivities: Aren't we creating establish centers of education
military recruiters would be
ed Hanoi during the period be- a rather artificial situation when within the ghetto, creating almost
since Hershey's
tween Christmas and New Years we transport them Into a different a fortress of strength uponwhlch
stand Is not likely to withstand
world, feign Interest In them for to base further growth, or should
during 1966, also spoke.
He expressed his delight at one Isolated afternoon and then colleges be situated beyond the
seeing those who were willing to return them, dismissing their crucial areas to calmly plan
future strategy rather than in
violate the law of our nation to problems with a sigh of relief,
affirm that "no human being Is patting ourselves on the back the midst of the storm?
(Continued from Pg. J)
our enemy." He commented that with a false sense of benevolence?
There seem to be many valid
Formerly there were 6 buses
man's true enemy Is the de- The new Westbury campus bears reasons for establishing on-therunning as late as 1 a.m. and lt
humanlzatlon of man, the grow- Implications of the unfortunate
scene-lnvolvement. For Instance,
was felt by the Transportation
ing acceptance of violence, and Isolated - Insulated status of the
Wllkes-Barre Pennsylvania was
Service that there was not enough
the growing Inhumanity that majority of campuses.
the scene of an effort begun after
for buses at these hours.
Americans are willing to accept.
World War II to revitalize a deContrary to public opinion ColFelnberg stated that the people
Further consideration should pressed coal-mining community.
that the new
of North Vietnam would "rather be given to the existing "Ivory Wilkes College provided graduate
change In scheduling was posted
die than surrender. The bombing tower" concept of higher educa- departments In various fields in
before the holiday under glass In
which Is stiffening the resistance tion. The "outside world" Is a coordination with new laborathe bus stops; he also remarked
of the North Vietnames people rather formidable Item which tories offered by RCA. A cultural
that although other efforts were
should be Immediately and un- we tend to overlook when we and academic give-and-take enmade to post the changes, the
conditionally ended."
become engrossed In personal hanced both partners involved.
posters were rapidly stolen or
It Is time that we correlate
According to the Rabbi the conflicts. It may be argued that
people perceive themselves as we owe ourselves the privilege the pressing, yearning demands
He commented that perhaps the
fighting to maintain their own of going beyond the fantasy-like of urban slums with the equally
action has been too drastic on
Independence. He had heard noththe part of the Transportation
Pan" type Institutions whose
ing of the preservation let alone Involving ourselves In the reality
Department and that they are
the spread of communism. He ex- which wUl soon be thrust upon "Never-neverland"
presently reviewing the case to
lead us only further astray. There
pressed his belief that the NLF
see whether it would be possible
may be no answer to the questruly represents the Interests of
to operate one or two buses at
tion of where new colleges should
the South Vietnamese and that
1 a.m.
Americans must divorce them(Continued from Py, 3)
selves "from that paragon of
democracy, the military Junta" changed In college. "They seemthat at present controls South ed to want to penalize me beVietnam.
cause I had not felt this way
The Rabbi spoke of the feel- since I was six years old.
"There were no questions,"
ings the Vietnames have for the
United States. They patterned Pollack said, "as to supporting
their Declaration of Independence activities" (such as Peace
after the United States document. marches.)
It begins with "All men are
In the future the Draft Counselcreated equal."
ing Group Intends to formulate
He called attention to the amaz- a statement of purpose to which
ing lnconslstancy of the govern- they may apply statements made
ment. It protested the North Viet- by the President and act accordnamese government return of ingly.
gift parcels earmarked for
American pilots downed over
North Vietnamese territory as
Inhumane. But the government
denied the civilians who are accidentia! victims of homing
medical aid by prohibiting AmeriThe urgent need for the movecans from sending such aid to ment to change the consciousness
them by normal means,
of the American working class beFelnberg called those on the came evident at a recent anti-war
pilgrimage who were willing to demonstration.
Rain began falling as an antirisk the penalty of the state as
they attempted to show that their war rally was taking place on the
love of mankind transcends na- campus of the State University at
tional boundaries "the saving Stony Brook, so a Janitor came out
to take down the U.S. flag.
When a group of construction
Rabbi Felnberg's words "I see
by the headlines in this morning's workers on a nearby job saw the
paper; "Westmoreland reports flag being lowered, they assumed
progress 80,000 Enemy Dead.' the students were about to deface
I trust you'll reject that definition lt. So they rushed to the scene,
of progress. We want to see some stomping on students, the Janitor
State Quod Dining Room lecturing a green and yellow decol
real progress," echoed through and even some of the school administrators.
the pilgrimage.
and a more efficient salad bar has finally opened.
Military Recruiters
Barred AT G.W.U.
To Be Available
A kosher food plan available
to students who have contracted
for food service, will begin next
semester. It was developed after consultation with represen.
tatlves of the HUlel Society on
campus; and Rabbi Napthali Rubinger, former advisor of Hillel,
who was authorized to convey
the opinions of the Capital District Board of Rabbis.
Frozen dinners, labeled with
the »0"-"U" symbol, signifying certification as kosher, will
be served seven times each week
when standard dinners are served.
These dinners will consist of
the entree only, generally Including a meat Item and two
vegetables. As wide a variety
of food as Is available for purchase will be offered and will
Include, Insofar as possible, fish
once a week.
Students participating in the
plan will be offered the regular salad, beverage and dessert
on the menu. Participating students will be offered the stan
dard breakfast menu in the dining rooms of their regular places
of residence.
Kosher dinners will be served
In the cafeteria of the Campus
Center. Students will not be assigned a special place for dining but will use the regular
dining facilities in the Campus
The Hillel Society will take
responsibility for communicating needs to the University Food
Service, Including providing: the
Food Service each session with
an estimate of the number of
students who are interested In
participating in the plan and representatives on the Campus Center Students Food Service Committee which consults with Food
Service personnel.
A participant is expected to
notify Food Service in advance
that he plans to be present for
a particular meal. The participants should, In consultation with
the Food Service, decide on a
time when the frozen food meals
will be available so that there
will be no unnecessary delays
In serving.
The cost per student is $50
in addition to the regular charge
for board for the second semester of the 67-68 academic year.
A separate bill for $50 will lie
prepared by the Bursar's Office
for this charge. The plan, Including the charges will he eval
uated before adoption for 190869.
The "Miami of the North?"
'Pilgrimage9 Successful
According To Students
"The Interfalth Pilgrimage
was very successful as 154 of us
carrying over $2,000 and 46 of us
carrying packages of medical
supplies addressed to Red Cross
agencies and earmarked for the
relief of Civilian Casualties In
all parts of Vietnam crossed the
Peace Bridge Into Canada." The
statement was made by Carol
Crandel and Walter John Clark.
As part of the Interfalth Pilgrimage they walked through
American Customs with packages
earmarked for Vietnam and were
warned of the Illegality of their
actions. Some were asked to surrender packages but did not comply with the wishes of the offlclals.
As the group passed over the
Peace Bridge Into Canada toward
Canadian customs they received
word that the Canadian government reversed an earlier policy
and would now allow packages to
be exported from Canada for relief of civilian victims In Vietnam. Canadian officials greeted
the pilgrims warmly, extended
New Year's wishes and aided
them In rew rapping packages
opened for United States officials.
The group then proceeded to
Toronto to present the funds to
the Canadian Friends Service
Committee. The committee will
use the money for the relief of
suffering civilians In Vietnam.
During the course of the pilgrimage several speeches were
delivered expounding the Ideals
of the marchers.
Ross Flanagan, leader of a
Quaker Action Group spoke of
the reaction of the State Department when lt denied an application for a license to take medical
supplies Into North Vietnam.
Flanagan stated that he was told:
"It appears that you would place
yourselves above the President."
To this he replied, "It Is not ourselves, but our God whom we
would place above the President." To this he received the
retort, "Your conception of
Flanagan also commented on
the comparisons with Nazi Germany and the biting question
•Where are the good Americans?' He said the analogy for
our situation Is one with the
biblical King Herod. Now lt Is a
jealousy for power which Is ruthlessly seeking out the child of
he stated. The
message he had to give was that
the child of revolution could not
be destroyed by military force
but that violence could only be
avoided by ending the conditions
that are breeding revolutions.
Flanagan's speech with the announcement that Pope Paul VI
had given a personal gift of
Press Conf
Rain, Workers
Cause Fiasco
Friday, January 12, 1968
Pagt 8
rt»*i*<«, TOST *ee*us9 Y****
by Peter Pollak Editor, ALBANY LIBERA TOR
yow «*»l root /*&> r <«•*>'
WAKC u p i x see
rnew t^nfe t««>vuo(
Sa*«tuM 0
0<*ck ofnrfi <Mu *«.*Wf
6*»ft <U>*A .**,...
Moral Decision?
"The State University of New York at
Albany has long been dedicated to high
standards of intellectual excellence. Its
methods are those of free inquiry, the
consideration of alternatives, and the making of choices. In its human relationships
it provides for a maximum of individual
"The characteristics of the university
make detailed description of behavior undesirable and the tradition of freedom
places high value on the ability of the individual to make choices and determine
his own way of action." 'Student Guidelines 1967-68'; page 22; Part IV, Personal
Responsibilities; section entitled "Standards of Conduct."
All this may be true; however there is
one case of "human relationships" In
which the student is not permitted to make
his own decision, in the freedom to judge
for himself his conduct with guests of the
opposite sex in his own room during Open
House, or Open Room Visitation.
For "Guidelines" further outlines these
aspects of individual freedoms in Part Vii,
Residences; section entitled "Residence
Guests," No. 2, which specifies that "The
doors of bedrooms and studies remain
open during this time. In general, these
events last two or three hours."
It seems to us that this tacitly states
that there will be no heterosexual relations in anybody's room, at any time, no
matter what, which is in effect a forced
moral decision.
Violators of this 'understanding' will
undoubtedly fall under the section of
"Student Conduct," No. 3; "Disorderly
or indecent behavior" subject to disciplinary action by the University.
It seems to us that students, encouraged by the University to become adult
and individual in their own relationships,
should be allowed some privacy during
specified open houses.
The only people involved in any moral
decisions on the matter should be the residents having the same living quarters. It
should concern no one else. We hope this
policy will be abolished as soon as
It is rewarding to us to think that these
individuals will give their time to learning
to counsel others on the legal alternatives
to the draft.
It is important to realize that they are
not a lobbyist group, nor are they designed
to disseminate propaganda; rather they
see themselves as offering a "sympathetic
ear" to those young men who are in doubt
as to what to do when faced with the draft.
We have already stated our abhorrence
Some say p r o | W « !«>>»«> charge later w i s dropped.
The police called In more pamad* in the area of clvUrlgWs.
They sayftatsegreamtlonliasdl* trol cars and students began to
them with bottles and
appeared and discrimination la
being outlawed. They say that bricks. A temporary truce was
lynching la a thing of the past arranged and the police withand legal Justice is available drew. The students then barracaded themselves from the poto all/
Yet a legalized lunching of lice, blocking off Wheeler St., a
Ave black students Is the object main thoroughfare which bisects
of a trial beginning in Houston, the campus and has been a source
T e n s this week. The Ave have of conflict between students and
been charged with committing the city.
Hundreds of police returned
murder, conspiring to commit
murder, and felonious rioting in —the number was later estimated
connection with events occurring at over 800. The students reon May 16, 1967 on the campus treated to their dormitories and
of Texas
Southern Univer- over 5,000 rounds of ammunition
were fired wildly against the
sity (TSU).
The Houston Police hope to buildings by police. In the proconvict the five of murder and cess, one student and one policethereby rid the city of "black man were wounded, another policeman was hit fatally.
power advocates."
The police rampaged through
The "black power advocates"
in this case, members of a mili- the dorms, dragging students outside,
beating some, abusing
tant Friends of SNCC chapter,
had participated with other TSU many. In a supposed search for
students In two protest activi- weapons, they destroyed $15,000
of personal property.
ties that day in Houston.
The police arrested 488 stuIt was the second day of a
demonstration protesting condi- dents and released all except
tions at a dump in the Sunnyslde Ave. The five were held in jail
section of the city. Residents for more than a month before
complained that obnoxious odors, they could post bail of $10,000.
The police found three guns, but
rats, smoke and raw sewage from
the dump permeated the commun- it was not reported whether any
ity. The residents with the aid of of these had been fired. The
TSU students attempted to block weaponry that police claim inthe garbage trucks from enter- jured the policemen have not
ing the dump and Houston's may- been found.
or, Louis Welch, responded
Of the five students held one
by ordering police with dogs and was In another part of the city
clubs to arrest the demonstrat- at the time. He and another stuors.
dent were arrested the next day
TSU students were also In- as leaders of the SNCC group,
volved In a peaceful picketing of based on files kept by the Housrecently Integrated Northwood ton police.
I feel none of these five men
Junior High School in protest
to unequal punishment of black are guilty of the charge of murstudents Involved In a scuffle der or conspiring to commit murwith white students. 19 TSU stu- der. Student witnesses maintain
dents were arrested by 200 Hous- that both policemen were lilt by
ricocheting bullets. The stuton police.
A rally of about 125 students dent who was Injured was hit in
was held on the TSU campus that the back.
I feel also the five are not guilty
evening with students mapping
plans for further demonstrations. of Inciting a riot. A report prePolicemen who were "guarding" pared by the student council which
the rally arrested a student who was refused as evidence by the
they claim threw a watermelon McClellan Committee stated that
rind at their car for possession
of a concealed weapon. The
(Continued on Pg. 14)
by William M. Leue
It is very likely that this will
be the last semester of peace
and sweet reasonableness for
most large American universities. If the war continues to escalate, as it seems certain to
do, and if the vindictive, reactionary, and evil old man who
heads the Selective Service
bureaucracy continues to mold
the Draft to Implement his own
contempt for education and youth,
then the Spring of 1968 will
see an unparalleled outburst of
anti-war student demonstrations
both on and off campus.
and the majority of faculties
are not willing to participate In
the turbulent anti-war movement if participation means endangering any of the financial largess that is so amply showered
upon research-oriented schools
by government and Industry. Except for Harvard, Wayne State
University, and a few other Institutions, college have been unwilling even to take the purely
symbolic step of denying campus
facilities to military, CIA, or
defense Industry recruiters.
Most administrations wrap themselves In the banner of "freedom of information," maintainThe targets will be local Draft ing the convenient fiction that recruiting
is purely an informaBoards,, on-campus recruiters
for the'Armed Service and de- tional service, and therefore imfense-orlented industries, and, mune from screening by the uniincreasingly, the administrations versity. (Would most universiof the universities themselves. ties tolerate recruitment for
It is also probable that most col- prostitutes, drug pushers, or
lege administrations will re- maybe a student homosexual
spond with Increased physical and club?)
political repression. This is the
The war In Viet Nam and the
for a policy which forces those people pattern being played out now at
Draft are forcing students tomorally committed against the war to Berkeley, where students show ward political awareness at a
fight under conscription, especially when almost complete solidarity be- rapid rate. This awareness Is
hind a demand for an end to
this system becomes an unofficial punitive administration Interference In leading to action, which helps
to further polarize political opinorgan. Unfortunately,
when the time campus-based demonstrations, ion within universities. The recomes, many young men are in doubt as to and where their demands are sulting conflict can easily derunning head-on Into a united stroy any college. At the prestheir legal alternatives. The absence of front
of faculty, administration, ent time, college administrations
sympathetic aid is all too evident.
and California polltlcans who are still have time to reexamine
equally dedicated to peace and their role as manpower suppliers
To make matters worse the Selective quiet
at any cost. The likely to the military-industrial comService has now formulated a new system result, as an article in this plex.
They may even choose to
of graduate deferment which is not close week's Village Voice prophe- fight with their students against
sized, Is the destruction of the American society's suicidal rush
to being democratic.
University, whose morale has alInternational violence.
We believe the nature of the war the ready been undermined by the towards
But the time i s short! the pasUnited States is presently Involved in prospect of losing all Its grad. sage of events Is rapidly hemmerits this unwillingness on the part of uate students next September. ming In their freedom of acThe Berkeley pattern is like- tion. In time, the only role left
its young men, and support all attempts
ly to spread. With few excep- for them to play may be a reto aid them.
tions, college administrations pressive and brutal one.
Sympathetic Ear?
The formation of the new Teachers'
Draft Counseling Committee this week,
headed by John Reilly of the English Department, merits the appreciation of the
University Community.
Notes from the Movement
Friday, January 12, .1968
The Right Way
by Robert jienvon
During the 1980a college campuses throughout the United
States were characterized by the
apathy of their students. Colleglates cared little and knew little
about their political and social
environment. Because of this attitude, the American public appealed to college students to become active and take an Interest
In the forces that were going to
Influence their lives, and Indeed
the entire world. The response to
this plea for Involvement resulted In the emergence of student
demonstrations, committees and
clubs. Although this activist trend
is in many ways beneficial, It
also contains certain dangers
which should be considered.
The greatest peril threatening
this student movement Is constituted by the extremist groups
who try to lure college students
Into their grasp. The college campus Is surrounded by an aura
of Idealism and learning, and
many times is divorced from
reality. As a result of these
a college student, who is at an impressionable age anyway, might easily
be duped by extremists of the
left or right.
For Instance,
Party-USA has an extensive program for recruiting and indoctrinating America's youth. J.
Edgar Hoover said, "The party
feels that our nation Is witnessing a new upsurge of leftist thinking among young people which
makes the Communist message
more palatable. The party, of
course, is exploiting this trend."
To further emphasize the Communist's desire to pollute and
exploit American youth Is the
fact that during the academic
years from 1961-65 Communist
speakers averaged 50 appearances on college campuses. During the 1965-66 academic year
they spoke on 69 campuses.
However, the Reds are not content to merely speak and leave.
In their wake they organize Communist youth groups, and persuade other pre-existing organizations to follow them. Some of
this Communist or Communist
affiliated groups are W.E.B. DuBols Clubs, the Young Socialist
Alliance, Youth Against War and
Fascism, and Students for
a Democratic Society (SDS).
"This group (DuBols Clubs) together with other so called 'new
left' organizations such as the
SDS work constantly In furtherance of the alms and objectives
of the Communist Party throughout the nation. Communist Party
Secretary Gus Hall described
these groups as part of the 'responsible left' that the party has
'going forus.' " (testimony House Subcommittee on Appropriations for 1968).
I am not suggesting that everyone cease from joining student
organizations. However, I do believe that It Is essential that
you carefully investigate any
group you plan to join. It is inedded unfortunate when young
people who have legitimate
concern for the problems of their
country become Involved with
subversive groups. As for the students at the University, would
you Join an organization (SDS)
that Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party USA has described as a group the party has
"going for us?" We must be
certain that In an effort to Improve ourselves and our system,
we are not blindly aiding an
ldealogy which seeks to destroy
use and free people everywhere.
Off Center
by M . J . Rosenberg
1968 Is now upon us and it
already seems destined to be,
politically at least, a disaster.
Every major publication and
virtually jevery columnist Informs us that this November
the American people shall be
faced with a choice between Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.
This is tragic as an electoral
contest like that can do more to
vitiate the Democratic process
than thefearedCommunistscould
ever hope to accomplish in the
United States. Every public opinion poll demonstrates that the
American people would like to
see a choice between Nelson
Rockefeller and Robert F. Kennedy. The people neither like or
trust Messrs. Nixon and Johnson, but weAmericanshavecome
to accept the idea that the bosses
and not the people choose our
leaders. I believe that we call
this the American political tradition. And therefore we accept the alleged inevitability of
a Johnson-Nixon race. More than
anything else, it Is sad and disillusioning.
the Vice-Presidency and he was
not expected to ever surface.
This was to be a new day and
in the 1960s there was going
to be no room for the Nixons
and the Johnsons. November
22, 1963 changed everything. Not
only did we lose the man who was
the greatest leader of the generation, but we seemed to have
lost our bearing too.
So now It seems as though we
have turned the clock back. The
resurrection of the_ Elsenhower
era is apparently complete. Unless there Is a radical change in
the situation, we are going to
have to choose between Johnson
and Nixon.
And we are going to hear
them debate as to which of them is
more anti-Communist, more anti-
Page 9
Former ASP Editor, Lange
Writes On Vietnam Scene
To the Editor:
Before entering Into a discussion of the War In Viet Nam
which is based on my own observation, a few basic facts should
be brought out for foundation.
Well we know that our government's purpose for fighting In
Viet Nam is "to protect the people and government of South Vietnam from Communist aggression." There are facts however
which make this purpose weak
at best.
—South Viet Nam was not Invaded by the North until after
the United States had begun bombing raids on the North.
—The Viet Cong are South
Vietnamese who began their rebellion against dictatorial governments In their own country
and who are now fighting in opposition to United States Imperialism.
These two facts alone are sufficient to prove that the United
States Is not fighting a war of
protection or liberation, but rather one of intervention in a country's domestic affairs.
Rebuttal for United States
policy: "The United States was
asked to Intervene by the government of South Viet Nam" . . .
This Is true, however, the Viet
Cong, being South Vietnamese,
were not and are not represented by the government of South
Viet Nam although they are citizens, but In rebellion.
In Saigon, Blen Hoa, Ton Sun able to, (and there are many more
Nhut, Plleku, Da Nang and other GI's near cities than constantly
cities there are extremely per- in the Jungle) goes Into town
manent looking concrete air often with his pocket full of money
fields with complete central tow- which has been converted to Vieters and aircraft hangers. In every namese plasters.
city of reasonable size and at
He Is able to buy goods at a
every division base camp there far higher price than the averare wooden, metal and concrete age Vietnamese, and thus, the
and steel buildings fully elec- merchant Is able to raise his
trified and many with air condi- price so high that Ms countrytioning. At these same areas men can't possibly afford his
there are blacktopped roads built merchandise. This i s doubled
by the United States and many when you realize that the South
are being built daily. Also In Vietnamese forces are paid by
these areas there are compre- the United States.
hensive PXs, Snack bars, servNow a "How would you feel
ice clubs and libraries. These if?" Imagine yourself In your
are not tents, ready to be pulled own home town. How would you
down as soon as we free South feel If every day, or every othViet Nam from Communist ag- er day tanks rumbled down your
gression, but permanent struc- street. These tanks are often foltures for the well being, and lowed by 30 or 40 armed Infanentertainment of, yes, "Yankee trymen who search your house
looking for weapons or for rebThe American public has also els (your brother or cousin Is
been swamped with tales of "paci- probably a rebel): Anything layfication and friendship pro- ing around in your house that
grams." True, those exist to a strikes these men's fancy is
small extent, but on a much simply pocketed. Then the men
more complete level of U.S. go on their merry way stompatrocities.
ing through your garden on the
Child Labor — too often navel way out. Oh yes, these men are
7-V/2 feet tall, (they've got
seen Vietnamese children as
young as five years of age fill- to be to correspond to our height
ing and carrying sandbags and over the Vietnamese.) That night,
building walls, and bunkers with artillery rounds explode all
them. Under the armed super- around your town and a few misvision of American GPs! Labor directed ones fall on your neighsuch as this was not tolerated bor's house or possibly yours,
for American children and was completely demolishing the home
Our administration has stat- condemned long ago. More often and killing "Mr. Jenkins" or
ed time and again that, "we want
have I seen Vietnamese children maybe the babysitter and your
nothing for ourselves In Viet
unloading trash and garbage from kid sister. This Is Viet Nam.
Nam" (I.e. we are not engaged American trucks so as to leave
for Imperialism). Here is where
the GI free to protect them from
Lastly, viewing the economy,
direct observation of affairs in
"Communist domination." MeanViet Nam are shockingly opposite while Vietnamese adults work in South Viet Nam, the economy
almost totally agrarian, and
In their implications.
as gaUey slaves In the kitchens the villages are established on
of our mess halls at every Amer- a socialistic cooperative basis.
ican base camp in Viet Nam. At present, this is the most pracIncidentally, I have often seen tical economic system for South
Vietnamese working as trash Viet Nam. Our system of capitalpickers and latrine cleaners. ism would destroy the average
Perhaps this is not too shock- people here. The average Vieting. Perhaps the Vietnamese want namese hasn't capital for a systo do this work. But why is it tem of private enterprise, and
crime in the streets, more pro
that the United States imports
"peace without surrender" and Koreans to work at much less thus, their cooperatives are their
only protection from theposstble
more likely to create the moral
menial Jobs In our snack bars exploitation of them by the very
society. Unlike 1964 there is one
and PX's? These people work
issue that will not arise; with as clerks and waitresses while few wealthy. Yet, the Great White
"Credibility Gap" Johnson and the Vietnamese are resigned to United States is adamantly opposed to any economy other than
"Checkers" Nixon as candidates,
capltaUsm, which, since it is
we shall not hear much about
integrity and honesty.
Further, and perhaps most effective in the United States
t- therefore the best for all naThat's the way it looks at the shocking Is the fact that outside
'"hat terribly warped logic.
dawn of 1968. One had hoped every large US base camp, there
that the demonstrations and the are areas of organized prostiThat Is how I see Viet Nam.
supriots could end this year. One
ported by the U.S. government.
felt that we could all put down
President Johnson is being
The women in these areas are
our placards and return to what
Inspected regularly by U.S. gov- frightenlngly Captain Ahabesque
Governor Rockefeller calls "the
ernment employees to protect in his obsessed pursuit of the
mainstream" of American dethe GI's against venereal dis- Great White Whale of Commumocracy. It does not look as if
ease. The women are Viet- nlsm, and has been blinded from
things are going to happen quite
seeing the Immorality of the connamese.
that way. It's back to the streets,
tinuation of the war.
Another fact which Is practicalkids. There will be no place else
ly unknown to the American pubto go this November.
A. Edward Lange
lic is that the Americans are de4th Infantry Division
stroying the Vietnamese economy
through Inflation. The GI who Is
Review Of The New Right Wing
with analytical ones. He doesn't
see the 1920's as the greatest
It seems as If every time some- time to duplicate. He doesn't want
one mentions he is a conserva- to copy any time In the past; he
Remember 1960? That was the tive, the average person pictures wants to help buUd a better fuyear that John Kennedy supposed- him standing there wearing a ture. He doesn't view capitalism
ly ushered in a new era lnAmer- coonskln cap, carrying a flag as an outdated system. He sees
lcan politics. He entered primar- with thirteen stars, and talking It as the only flar system, one
ies In twenty-five states and won about the "good old days." Al- which has proven it can work.
every one. And then he was nom- though I admit that this Is better
Another picture of the conserinated, and his election proved than wearing hair down to your vative is the Nazi soldier who
that a man could be elected even nose, carrying a flag with a delights in slaughtering Jews,
if he challenged some of our hammer and sickle, and plotting Catholics, Puerto Ricans, Orienmore cherished assumptions. tomorrow's revolutions, it Is a tals, and Negroes. This, too, is
Maybe we should have known way false portrait of the conserve an Incorrect picture. A conserback then that the Kennedy exper- tlve.
vative prefers other criteria by
ience was not to be the norm.
The conservative thinks of him- which to Judge men than skin
After all, even against so sterile
color or religion. He doesn't
proan opponent as Nixon, the AmerJudge what they do. Bigots, to
ican people only gave him 50 gressive, and a man who cherish- conservatives, are narrow-mindper cent of the vote. But It look- es his rights and freedoms. He ed idiots. Hate-peddlers find no
ed as though a new generation is as opposed to reaction as the place in the conservative camp.
had taken over and that the "safe most extreme leftist. He believes By the same token, idealistic
mediocrity of the past" was not in a nation that can grow tech- love-peddlers find no place also.
going to be good enough. In No- nologically, but he also values They can play around with their
vember, 1962, all the talk was the traditions of hard work and flowers all they want, and exclean living that were given to
about tho Kennedy-Rockefeller him by his ancestors. He thinks plain the evils of capitalism,
bout that was two years hence. of a future America where every- I personally feel that this Is
And Nixon was through. If the one can earn his money and live due to a natural allergy to work
California defeat did not in it- a rewarding life, not of some and or decency.
A third picture of the conserself destroy him; then his vindic- vague Utopia in which the state
tive and tearful concession provides man with everything. vative Is the war-monger. He despeech did. And Lyndon Johnson Of course, he looks to the past, lights in killing people. Of late,
(Continued on /'tf. 14)
was burled In the anonymity of not with revering eyes, but rather
by Ray Bertrand
Tho Albany Studont Prosa Is a wuokly newspaper published by
tho Studont A s s o c i a t i o n of ' h o State University of Now York at
Albany. Tho ASP office, located in Boom 364 of tho Campus
Center at 1223 Western Avenue, IK opon from 7 - 1 1 p.m. Sunday
thru Thursday nililit or may bo reached by dialing 457-2l'J0 or
Sara Kinsley
Editor- in-Chief
Margaret Dunlap
John Cromle
Linda lU'rUun
Mem. Editor
Managing Editor
Janie Samuels Carl Llndeman
Sports Editor
Glenn Saplr
Gary Schutte
Donald Oppedlsano
Nancy Pierson
Associate Sports Editor
Duncan Nixon
Photography Editor
Gary Gold
Associate Photo Editor
Larry DeVoung
A l l ctomniunioallanfl mum b" addruaaod la tho odltor and must
bo Hiunoil. (.*onimijiiiiMitioj.H .sin)iiill i*> limitml tn 300 words and
aro Htihjtiul to editing. Tito Albany Student Pruss assumes no
ruspoiiHlblllly for "pinions expressed in Its oulumns and oonimunloatlona ao suoh express Ions do no nuisossurily roflet't its
Friday, January 12, 1968 £>
Pofl« 10
Fridoy, January 12, 1968
University Alcohol Policy
To Be Initiated This Month
On Jan. 16, 17, 18, a series
of three lectures sponsored by
the department of Biological Sciences will be given by Dr. Jack
Lowry of the Biophysics Research Unit of the Medical Research Council of the University
of London,
Or. Lowry will speak on the
structural studies of muscle and
of bacterial flagella. The lectures will be In Bio. 248 at 4
will be
Final Examination!
It will be the responsibility
of students absent from an examination to contact the Instructor
at the earliest possible moment,
with an explanation, and to make
arrangements as advisable. For
those students who fall to contact
the Instructor, the responsible
Dean will assign a grade of "Z"
to the
contrary Is available.
Reading Improvement
The Reading Improvement
Course during second semester
on Monday Feb. 5 at 3 p.m.
Wednesday Feb. 7 at 3 p.m.
This course will meet I hour
for 7 weeks, no fee and no
academic credit. To enroll sign
up in Hie University Counseling Center, Business Administration, Room 115 or call us at
Ski CluH Proposed Trips
Feb. 2 West Mtn. Night; Feb.
10 KlUlngton Day Trip; Feb.
16-18 Stratton Bromley' Magic
Mtn; Feb. 23-25 Gore Mtn; Weekend to Goodman; Mar. 1,2 Mohawk
Winter Festival; Mar. 9, Whiteface Mtn. Day Trip; Mar, 2224 Sugarbush Valley Weekend
Trip; April 6, KlUlngton Day
Trip; May 11 Tuckermans Ravine. Students are asked to attend
meetings generally on the Tuesdays before the trips to sign
Any Senior who will be graduating In January, wishing to receive a copy of the 1968 Torch
must make arrangements with
the Torch before the end of the
semester. If the student has not
paid bis or her Student Tax this
semester the cost of the book
will be $8.00, Arrangements to
receive the book may be made
by calling the Torch office In
the evening at 457-2116 or Jim
Folts at 457-8762.
Missing Coat
Will the person that mistakenly left Washington Tavern, Sat.
night, Jan. 6, with a size 44
brown corduroy coat, black and
orange scarf, and tan gloves
please call 472-5530 so that It
may be returned to its rightful
Mock Rep. Convention
Any student who Is a Republican is invited to attend a mock
convention at Williams College,
Feb. 24. Delegates will select
a platform and a "nominee."
Cost will be $3, Including lunch,
transportation will be provided.
Those interested contact Dick
Longshore at 457-8720.
Si9 Phi Mixer
An Intercollegiate Mixer sponsored by Sigma Phi Sigma Sorority tonight in the Campus Center Ballroom from 9-1. Music
will be provided by the "Soul
Kitchen." Participating area
schools are R.P.I., Union, Albany
Law, Albany Medical, Russel
Sage College and College of Saint
Rose. Admission $.50 at the door.
All proceeds will help finance
Greek Week.
IV. C.F. Film
"The Stones Cry Out" a film
of the pioneer archaeloglcal exploration Into the marvels of fulfilled prophecy. Sponsored by
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Friday, Jan. 12 7-8 p.m.
in 1st floor Physics lounge. Open
to all—free.
Mlcrosymposlum by Dr. Robert Rlkemspoel Bio 248, 4 p.m.
IFG "The Lady Vanishes,"
Draper 349 7 and 9:15 p.m.
Concert by Itzhak Perlman,
Page Hall 8:30 p,m.
Sigma Phi Sigma Mixer, Campus Center Ballroom, 9 p.m.
Women's swim clinic, Public
Bath 1-2:30 p.m.
Freshman basketball vs Adirondack C.C. Home 6:30,
Varsity Basketball vs, RIT
Home 8:30 p.m.
AMIA Hu 112 1:10-2:30 p.m.
ISC Judicial Board Hu. 32 7:30
-9:30 p.m.
AAUW, Brux lower lounge 1:304:30 p.m.
Seminar on undergraduate education, C.C. Assembly Hall, 3
fight birth defects
To the Editor:
With the passage of more than
adequate time to properly test
and evaluate the Vietnam related
policies and actions of the President, one must conclude that his
re-election would not be In the
best Interest of the Democratic
Party, but of greater Importance, the Interest of the country. The detailed substantiation
of this conclusion Is beyond the
scope of this letter, but one
method of obtaining the goal
is not.
Currently the one reasonable,
logical and lawful method open
to concerned Democrats is to
deny Mr. Johnson the Party's
nomination. To promote this
course of action calls for actual
and potential sacrifices from
those closely affiliated with the
Party. But, to some Individuals,
the demands for 'party loyalty'
come second to what they believe Is of significant national
Having been a supporter of
Mr. Johnson, I find it necessary to change my position.
He no longer represents the
Ideals for which I voted In 1964,
and for which the country stood
the four preceding years. Therefore, In encouraging and praising the decentlng Democrats
and their cause, I cast my lot
with theirs.
Gary Proud
Democratic Chairman
16th Ward, 12th District
Harp Players
Any student who can play the
harp or who could recommend
someone who would be Interested In playing for THE FAKTASTICKS, please contact John Webb
at 482-8333 or Ellis Kaufman at
He Is one of a quarter of
a million American children who a r e the v i c t i m s
each y e a r of birth defects
— " T h e Great Destroye r . " Your contributions
to the March of D i m e s
through p r o g r a m s of r e search,
Thurs., Feb. 1
Gin and Company, Travelers
Fri„ Feb. 2
Price Waterhouse (CPA)
Mini., F e b . 3
John Hancock, Mohonason H.S.,
Schenectady, N.Y.
TUBS,, Feb.
Regional Administrator of National Banks, Half Hollow Hills,
Huntington, L,I„ N.Y., Weston
P.S., Weston, Mass., EastIrondequolt, Rochester, N.Y.
Wed., Feb. 7
International Harvester, Slml
Valley Unified School Dlst.,
Slml Valley, Calif,, Auburn
P.S., Auburn, N.Y.
Thurs., Feb. 8
General Telephone Company,
Norwich P.S., Norwich, N.Y.,
Canandalgua P.S,, Canandlgua, N.Y,
Kr)., Feb.'a
Assoc. Hospital Service of New
York, Smithtown, a . James,
N.Y. Brockport High School.
To the Editor:
On January 4 on the dinner
lines, Living Area Affairs Commission administered a poll to
"ascertain whether or not there
is sufficient student desire to
establish a non-compulsary Air
Force ROTC Program at Albany." There are several aspects of this poll that I question. The first is whether It is
within the Jurisdiction of LAAC
to poll the students concerning
curriculum rather than that of
Academic Affairs.
After I questioned the person
who administered the poll on
Dutch Quad he Inferred that It
was done upon the "request"
of Dean Thome. Therefore my
second point questions whether
LAAC Is a tool of Thome and
what services he expects from
My third point is that women
were excluded from this poll.
I appreciate the fact that women are not eligible for ROTC,
but I do not appreciate that they
were not given an opinion In this
poll which might contribute to
a significant change In University policy. It Is more than a
question of ROTC In place of
physical education; It Is one of
allowing the armed forces Into
the curriculum of SUNYA, LAAC
should represent the women as
well as the men both In and out
of University residences,
I am especially disappointed
that LAAC did not seem to put
much thought Into this question
which merits much more consideration. In view of these points
I question the validity of the
poll; I would like to see one
presented thoughtfully by those
who are best In the position to
do so — as I see It, Academic
Margaret Carrol
YEA Security
To the Editor:
I would like to commend the
Campus Security force of this
University. I have read quite
a bit in columns within this
newspaper, and heard In general
conversation, remarks which
might lead one to believe that
the credentials of the Campus
Police weren't those which might
be expected of a security force.
If their Job Is to aid the University community in maintaining
some sort of order as far as
traffic and parking are concerned, I think that their work is
quite satisfactory, while very
unrewarding. But their Job goes
beyond that, as those who have
needed their help should be able
to verify.
I am writing this letter mainly to compliment the fast, courteous and timely' aid that I received from the Campus Police
on Dec. 20. At about 8:30 that
evening my wife decided to have
a baby that wasn't due for three
weeks. She called the Security
Office and through their prompt
action I was transported home,
my wife picked up, and we were
driven to the hospital (and, if
I may use a cliche) Just in the
nick of time.
On my behalf I would like to
say "Thank You," to the Campus Police. I am sure there are
many others on this campus who
could say the same.
Sincerely yours,
David P. Moore
Needs vs. Books
To the Editor:
Recently I acquired a somewhat disturbing piece of knowledge from a reliable source.
It seems that one member of
the Bookstore Advisory Board
would like to turn the State University Bookstore Into a Sclbner's. Drugs, records, cards,
cameras, sweatshirts, and other
assorted non-literary items such
as school supplies are unnecessary for the student, says this
misaligned faculty member. The
Bookstore, he says, should be
Just that, selling a greatly Increased stock of paperbacks and
hardbound volumes, Including
such things as encyclopedias, and
carrying an almost nonexlstant
stock of such unimportant things
as notebooks. In short, this
faculty member would like the
Bookstoro to cater to the faculty
and not to the students.
I must agree that the more
books that are offered for sale,
the more completely the store
will be serving the University.
However, the Bookstore also Is
meant to serve the needs of the
students' dally life, cigarettes,
drugs, and other sundries are
necessities for the student, who
does not want to walk through
the cold to Stuyvesant Plaza to
buy a bar of soap. It would be
advisable to devote the present
facilities solely to the sale of
books only If another spot on
campus were available for sale
of other items, but since the
available space on campus is
nil, anyone who wants an encyclopedia will have to' use the
While the bookstore Is no
Scrlbner's, it is no Rexall's
either. In fact, when it completes
Its reorganization and restocking
of its shelves It will have reached
a good compromise between bookstore and drugstore, a welcome
change from the mess that last
year characterized its operation.
At that time the store offered
everyone nothing. Now It offers
everyone something, and there is
no reason to slight one group
in favor of another.
Andrew Nagel
Alcohol on Campusl The facilities for serving liquor in
both the Rathskeller and the Patroon Room are due to open
later this month. (Picture from Torch 1967)
It's All Greek to Me...
The Game Is Greek Week
'Dear Sara ASP'
To the Editor:
(Dear Sara Asp:)
As a basically Conservative
American student, I rarely find
necessity to "protest" (ugh) any
branch or function of our wonderful nation and Its people. I have
seen the deviations wrought by
certain small minority elements
over the past few years; the protests, bestialities and Ingratitudes of the few (mostly "big
city" sons of Immigrants).
I am a tolerant man, however,
and realize the European and
African influences exerted on
them by their families and oldcountry based organizations. I
know that as they grow acquainted with our great land they will
come to realize their mistakes
and will accept enthusiastically,
as do we all, the fine way of life
that Is America.
However, I finally feel forced
to speak out, now, against a grave
sedition which has quietly appeared to Infect this campus far beyond
undercurrent of
Ignorance of which I have written.
Your paper ever since I arrived
at this campus, has certainly reflected the fine patriotic, American attitudes expressed by the
S.U.N.Y.A, student body. But
suddenly, over the past few
Issues I have detected certain unsavory, un-American Influences
creeping Into Its pages.
Take, as the main example
so far, your twopage "Communications" column of Oct. 12,1067.
("Communications"? Funny how
similar that word Is In appearance to another term that begins; "Communl . . ." Coincidence? Really? some Coincldencel)
Just looking at the first three
"articles" we find; "International pacifism', 'the right of
sabotage,' 'disruption of the
Pentagon/ and 'limitations ofthe
freedom of speech for Johnson,
McNamara and others.' "
Now really, I know that a little
liberalism Is Inescapable even in
a nation as great as America,
but this is excessive to the point
of insanity. Nuts like these three
writers are a danger to the well
being of us all.
Here are people who refuse
a even write under their own
names; the obvious pseudonyms
all three employ show their true
yellow Commie mettle. (They
must be pseudonyms. I know of
the people right on campus with
identical names and I am certain
that they are not ranting radical
persons at all. They should all
get together and sue.
To shower such ridiculous
abuse on the head of such a fine
one-hundred per cent American
as Michael J. Rose Is to defeat
completely any even half legitimate sentiments that such
radicals might hold.
The first writer feared that
our hard earned Freedom of
Speech was endangered by the
lunatic fringe. I cannot help but
agree with him. (I am, as they
say, a tolerant man). It Is Commies like this that strain our
great Democracy to where we can
only say "Oh Lord forgive them
for what they do, for they are
like unto children," and hope that
some day the fine spirit that Is
America shall come to warm
even their cold eastern hearts.
Clean up your paper before
it Is to late, Drive the nuts from
your gates. The
Able and
People of this great
land must be served.
God help us,
Edward Silver
/editor's note: Because of the
which have arisen concerning
alchohol policy on campus and in consideration of the recent Central Council measure
suggesting the reconvening
of the Alcohol
Committee to further study the use. of alcohol
in the residence areas and possibly
additions to the present alcohol policy, we
are printing the present policy in full.
F.E.S. Speaks
To the Editor:
I would like to clear up a
few points regarding the article
about the Fellowship of Episcopal Students that appeared In the
December 15, 1967 issue of
the ASP.
The activities of the Fellowship of Episcopal Students are
not "channelled" through the
Church of the University ComContinued on Page 11
Page 11
by Maggie Dietz
Due to the semester-long efforts of the co-chairmen and
committee chairmen, plans for
Greek Week are nearlng completion, with the unfortunate exception of those involving finances.
Publicity and operational expenses have been met by IFCISC contributions. The difficulty
lies In procuring a subsidy for an
All-University Concert culminating the week-long gamut of activities.
The Inherent problem lies In
the purpose of the activities themselves. Participation In the
festivities Is open to any and all
members of this University;
Greek Week is not limited In
welcome to present fraternity
and sorority members.
Contributions have Initially
come from the pockets of Individual Greek members, but
these have been given In the Interest of supporting numerous
and varltJ functions open to the
In view of the situation, I
would suggest a possible solution
In the cooperation of Student
Association with the Greek Week
Committee. Each fraternity and
sorority requests Its Individual
members to pay student tax;
however, no benefits are derived
for the group. Only the individuals benefit personally.
Fraternities and sororities are
not part of our Student Government structure; they do not receive budgets as do commissions and clubs. The Greek
Groups have always remained
financially Independent ofStudent
Government, and there seems no
reason for a different method of
operation at this level.
A cooperative effort in the
form of a loan or subsidy for a
Unlverslty-wlde activity might
produce the most beneficial and
enjoyable result for all concerned.
Library Receives Manuscript
Gift of Torrente-Ballester
This past Wednesday, the University's
was the
recipient of the original manuscript of the latest novel by
Gonzalo Torrente-Ballester, one
of the foremost contemporary
Spanish novelists.
Mr. Torrente-Ballester, a
member of the faculty as a distinguished professor of Spanish
literature since i960, has entitled the work DON JUAN. Written In 1963, the novel Is concerned with a modern approach
to the life of the mysthlcal character, Don Juan.
The manuscript was presented at a formal reception by Dr.
Charles W. Colman, chairman of
the department of romanco languages,
on behalf of TorrenteBallester. Receiving the addition
to the University's rapidly expanding Spanish collection was
Miss Alice Hastings, director of
Guests at the reception Included chairmen of the modern languages departments at many nearby
colleges and universities. Others
In attendance were University
administration and faculty representatives.
In addition to the manuscript
of his novel, Torrento-Iinllestor
also presented his own personal
noted with observations of life In
The newly acquired works of
professor Torronte - Ballestor
will be placed In the rare book
room of the library where they
may be seen and consulted by Interested students. Priortoplacement In the room, the manuscript
wid notes are scheduled to be on
display in the library,
Torrente-Ballester arrived In
this nation In 1966 when he accepted the position of distinguished professor In the Spanish department at the University. He
hold degrees from the Institute
de Ensenanza Media and trom the
University of Santiago, Chile.
Torrente - Ballester has a
reputation as one of the finest
writers In Spain today. He has
published books of criticism, of
which the most known Is PANORAMA OF CONTEMPORARY
has written a number of plays
and novels, none of which has
been printed In the United States.
In the short time he has been
here, Torrente - Ballester has
grown deeply attached to the University, Professor Edwin Munro
of the Spanish department stated
that Torrente-Ballester "has developed very quickly a great
sense of loyalty to the University." This can be evidenced by
his enthusiasm and willingness to
engage In lengthy conversations
or "terullos" with Interested
students. Dr. Munro commented
that Torronte-Hallostor also has
the groat talent of being an excellent extomporanoous speaker.
Professor Torrente-Ballester
Is scheduled to have a now work
appearing shortly.
inl.cn IMUKI
hu ASP
work inn
nuxl HunuiHUir 0011)11 111
Off 1(1(1,
Tliur.- day, or
onll 157-211)0,
On January 3, 1968, the University adopted the
following policies concerning the sale and service
of alcoholic beverages in the Patroon Room, and
Rathskeller of the Campus Center, at the Mohawk
Campus, Camp Dipplklll, and the Goodman Place
at Dipplklll. The regulations are based on the recommendations of the Committee to Draft Campus
Alcohol Policy, which includes both students and
faculty members.
The specific recommendations which pertain to
the Campus Center and to the off-campus facilities
which are considered adjuncts ofthe Campus Center are made with the understanding that the D i rector of University Food Service and the Director
of the Campus Center will be In close cooperation
regarding hours of operation of specific facilities,
and specific operational procedures for carrying
out the Intended principles.
Alcoholic beverage service in the Patroon Room
and Rathskeller will be Initiated at the same time.
That is, one facility should not serve alcoholic
beverages before the other.
Policies and Procedt res for Serving Alcoholic
Beverages In the Patroon Room
Service of alcoholic beverages In the Patroon
Room Is motivated by the'concept of "gracious
dining." Beverages are served for the purpose of
enhancing the meal. For this reason, the following
regulations exist:
1. Service In the Patroon Room will coincide
with the hours during which food is served, for as
many days during the seven-day week that the
restaurant facility Is open.
2. The Patroon Lounge, with the understanding
that it will not be reserved for special functions
when the restaurant Is open, may be used as an
auxiliary facility. That is, only in conjunction with
meal serving:
a. for cocktails when waiting for a free table,
or prior to a reservation.
b. for after-dinner drinks.
3. Alcoholic beverages will be served by waiters
and or waitresses only. This pertains to the routine
operation of the Patroon Room and Patroon Lounge.
Other arrangements may be made when these
facilities are reserved for special functions,
4. The University reserves the right to request
proper proof of age or Identification from any
patron. Acceptable age validation would Include the
SUNYA I.D, card, driver's license, and selective
service registration certificate.
5. Should an Individual who Is refused service,
either due to Insufficient proof of age or Intoxication, become actively Indignant, Immediate referral
to the Director of the Campus Center, or his designee, Is mandated. At the discretion of the Director of the Campus Center, this Individual may
be further referred tothe appropriate Judicial body.
Policies and Procedures for Serving Beer In the
Establishing "open" hours when beer will be
served In the Rathskeller will offer both the drinker
and the non-drinker a place on campus In which to
socialize — a place that by Its atmosphere, nature
and standards will encourage socially acceptable
behavior. Because the Rathskeller will be both afood
facility, and, at time, a "dry" area, the aurn o.' i
typical bar or grill will not be created.
It Is also desirable that students have a "place
on campus" to drink so that they will not be forced
to go off-campus, and so that they are in a situation
which Is conducive to the Imparting and integration
of certain educational principles with regard to
acceptable behavior. In such an
atmosphere, the rights of the non-drinker are not
easily lost, hence the opportunity to learn about
the rights of both the Individual and the group Is
1. Service of beer is to be on a seven-day basis,
as follows:
a. Sunday - Friday: 7:00 P.M. to one-half hour
before the closing time of the Rathskeller.
b. Saturday: 2:00 PM to one-half hour before
c. At (he one-half hour before closing, service
is to stop, and beer mugs are to be recalled.
2. Beer only will be dispensed from the beverage
service area,
3. I.D. Cards:
a. Each individual must present an I.D. card
to the bartender. Only one mug of beer per
I.D. card will be served. A non-member of the
University will be asked to present some means
of identification such as a driver's license.
b. Bartender will retain I.D. card until empty
mug is returned.
c. Each re-ordering will necessitate the same
procedure. In this way, no one can pass a mug
to a friend (who has not presented an I.D. card)
for re-NUIng of same. This would necessitate
a person, additional to the bartender, to handle
this procedure.
d. Non-members of the University community
must be "guests" of a member. (This means
that sponsorship by an Individual faculty member or student of an outsider is necessary. It
would then be exceedingly difficult for "wanderers" to avail themselves of the service and
to potentially cause problems resulting from
consumption of beer.)
4. Should an Individual who Is refused service,
either due to Insufficient proof of age or intoxication, become actively indignant, immediate referral
to the Director of the Campus Center, or his
designee, Is mandated. At the discretion of the
Director of the Campus Center, this individual
may be further referred to the appropriate student
Judicial body.
Policies and Procedures Concerning Alcohol at
Mohawk Campus, Camp Dipplklll and Goodman
Place at Dipplklll
At registered and approved events, and during
designated "open" hours all legally-eligible members of the University community, and their
specifically invited guests, are permitted to bring,
serve and consume their own alcoholic beverages
at the Mohawk Campus, Camp Dipplklll and the
Goodman Place at Dipplklll. The Student ActivitiesCampus Center Office has responsibility for the
registration and approval of events, and for the
execution of the same guidelines and policies with
regard to functions at which alcohol Is served, as
exist for the Campus Center.
1. No one under 18 years of age will be permitted to drink;
2. The present chaperone policy shall be maintained;
3. The responsibility for the behavior of the
members of the group rests with the leaders.
4. The individual Is expected to assume a high
degree of personal responsibility.
These regulations are promulgated with the
understanding that the responsibility for administering the use of the Mohawk Campus, Camp
Dipplklll and the Goodman Place, Is vested In the
appropriate official of the Student ActivitiesCampus Center Office staff.
(Continued from I'y. 1(1)
munlty, FES members realized
that CUC Is designed for all
Christian denominations Including ourselves, and whenever the
laws of the Episcopal Church permit us to participate In CUC activities and Invite CUC members
to participate In our activities
this Is done, but CUC and FES
area two separate organizations.
This year FES members have
begun to help In the work of
Trinity Episcopal Church, In the
South End. There Is no "prerequisite training program" for
tills work. Trinity (and a few other such institutions in the Inner
city) can use more help, and anyone Interested please contact me
at 457-6809.
If there are any further ambiguities about the nature and work
of FES, please feel free to call
me at 457-6809, and I will be
happy to clear these up,
John E. Miller
Coordinating chairman,
Fellowship of Episcopal
Photo by Khus
Friday,Jonuory 12, 1968
P a g * 12
P o g * 13
Friday, January 12, 1968
The Spectator
Profiles in the Performing Arts
A View of the Arts
by John Webb
by Robert B .Cutty
There's a certain tone evi- Sweden's Bo Wlderberg Is credmore penetrating section.
There will also be a few ad- dent in the best films of 1967 and ited with both script and direcditions to the page. No arts sec- It's part of a trend in the total' tion of this bittersweet costume
tion is complete without a lit- ' arts spectrum: cruelty, perver- drama and Pia Degermark as
Elvira and Thommy Berggren
erary review. Books are of'such sion, and sadism, all existing
importance that they must not for their own cynical sake. With- as her husband yield brilliantly
be Ignored In favor of the more out further discussion, we com- subtle performances.
mence the list:
popular movie review. The arts
"The Family Way:" Bill
section will also contain ediNaughton's one-dlrty-Joke com"Accident:" Harold Pinter's
torials relating to all sections Intellectual brain-teaser proved
edy Is touchingly rendered Into
of the arts. If possible, no area a trifle obvious, but boasted flaw- celluloid by England's Boultlng
will be neglected. These editor- less direction (by Joseph Losey),
Brothers with only a few hints
ials will not be reviews but will beautiful cinematography, and ex- of sexual indiscretion. Good perconsist of some honest evalua- citing performances by Dirk Bo- formances are acquired from
tions of the arts events on cam- garde, Stanley Baker, and Vivien
Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett, and
John Mills, while the best supMerchant
"The Battle of Algiers:" al- porting actress 6f the year is disIt Is true that the war In
covered in Marjorie Rhodes.
Vietnam Is a more pressing most the best foreign movie of
matter than a review of an Eliza- the year and one of the best semi"Father:" Hungary's Istvan
ever Aimed. Szabo wisely avoids sentimenbeth Taylor movie, but the arts documentaries
Young Saltan director GlllioPon- tality in this warm, human acpages would like very much to
receive criticism —whether fav- tecorvo is to be praised for this
count of a boy's idealized love for
heart-rending Indictment of the
orable or adverse. A letter may
his long dead father not here,
not be printed but It certainly callousness of humanity's wars.
with a heartbreaking perform"Closely Watched Trains:" ance from Mlklos Gabor.
won't be Ignored.
brilliant Czech film by a new
"The Fllm-Flam Man:" Comdirector, Jlrl Menzel, that is ac- edy scenarist William Rose and
tually perfect. Humorous, sympa- comedy director Irvln Kershner
thetic study of a young man kick the establishment in this
emerging Into the shadow of ma- funny, original comedy. Outstandturity with an excellent perform- ing acting achievements from
ance by Vaclav Neckar.
George C. Scott and Michael
"Cool Hand Luke:" Don Pear- Sarrazln, with fine accompanice's fascinating portrait of an
ment from Sue Lyons, Albert
American Idol, the social rebel, Salmi, Harry Morgan, Alice
Itzhak Perlman, one of the ac- slty. Pianist Samuel Sanders will Is gently transferred to the Ghostly, Jack Albertson, and Slim
knowledged leaders among the
accompany Mr. Perlman.
screen by first-film director Stu- Pickens.
world's young violinists, will apPraised by Albert Goldberg In art Rosenberg. Lovely color pho"La Guerre Est Flnle (The
pear In concert at Page Hall tothe Los Angeles Times as "a tography Is matched by Oscar- War is Over):" best foreign film
night at 8:30 p.m., sponsored by
major talent among the younger caliber performances by Paul of the year, by master of motion
the Music Council of the Unlvergeneration," and bytheNewYork Newman, Jo Van Fleet, and picture subtlety, Alain Resnals.
Times as "a sensational violin- George Kennedy, with good act- Yves Montand, Ingrld Timlin, and
ist," Mr. Perlman recently made ing also from J.D. Cannon, Genevieve Bujold give three of
successful appearances In New Strother Martin, Lou Antonio, the finest performances of the
York and Tanglewood.
and Robert Drlvas.
year in this suspenseful, bitter
In 1963, Perlman made his
"The Deadly Affair:" John Le antiwar drama.
first Carnegie Hall appearance, Carre's cynical account of the
"The Graduate:" strong, stunTwo exhibitions of contempoplaying with the Native Orches- deadly emotional Involvement of ningly photographed runner-up
rary art, "The Responsive Eye:
tral Association. A year later, an Intelligence officer, his wife, for best movie. Calder WillingPrints" and "A University Colhe scored a major triumph and his friends, and a spy ring Is ham and Buck Henry have written
lects," will be on display In the
received wide acclaim as a bril- translated to the screen with a
gallery of the fine arts building
liant young musician, wlnningthe precise cinematography and cold, screenplay and Mike Nichols has
of the University January 8
coveted Leventrltt Memorial heartless cruelty by American filmed It with the care of a
through 28.
Award In international competi- Art director Sidney Lumet. Stun- Broadway farce. Marvelous per"The Responsive Eye" Is an
ning performances are garnered formance by newcomer Dustln
exhibition of 42 works In conMany renowned musicians have from a cast of top-notch Thes- Hoffman, with great support from
temporary art, organized for the
including James Mason, Anne Bancroft, Murray Hamilfound the award a stepping stone
New York State Council on the
to fame, Including Van Cllburn, Maxlmllltan Schell, Slmone Slg- ton, William Daniels, and ElizaArts by the Museum of Modern
Andrews, and Roy beth Wilson.
and for Perlman It meant conArt,. New York. The circulat- cert appearances with the New Klnnear.
"In Cold Blood:" the best film
ing exhibition represents 22 art- York Philharmonic and other
"Divorce American Style:" of 1967. Chilling, dispassionate
ists, selected by William S.Llebmajor U.S. orchestras, as well surprisingly mature study by screen version of Truman Caerman, director, and Elaine L.
as $1,000 In cash.
screenwriter Norman Lear and pote's cold, methodical bestselJohnson, associate curator of the
director Bud Yorkln of Amer- ler. Beautifully photographed by
Since then, he has embarked
Department of Drawings and
ican family follies and foibles. Richard Brooks, with magnificent
on extensive concert tours In
Prints of the Museum.
Dick Van Dyke, Debbie Reynolds, acting from John Forsythe, Scott
"A University Collects" Is this country, Canada and Europe. and Jason Robards are worthy Wilson, and Robert Blake; John
a selection of contemporary
In his Albany concert, Perl- of Oscars, and they're backed up McLlam Is the best supporting
European and American paintman will perform Beethoven's by Jean Simmons, Van Johnson, actor of the year.
ings from the New York Univer"Kreutzer" Sonata, Debussy's Joe Flynn, Emmaline Henry, Tom
"In The Heat of the Night:"
sity Art Collection, chosen by
Sonata In G minor, a sonata by Bosley, Lee Grant, Martin Gabel, Stirling Silllphant's scenario litcurator Ruth Gurln. The exhiVeraclni and three-pieces by Shelley Berman and Sammy Jack- erally crackles with excitement
bition is circulating around the
WIenlawski. A donation of $3 for son;
and Norman Jewlson's clever
United States under the auspices
patrons and $1 for student tax
"Elvira Madtgan:" the most direction keeps the film moving
of the American Federation of
card for students will serve as beautiful film of the year, and at a fast, Interest-keeping pace.
one of the loveliest ever made. Sidney Poltier delivers his best
The University's Collection,
begun seven years ago with two
paintings, now number 640 paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints
and photographs, in addition to a
number of works on loan.
Jane Frelllcher, Al Herd, Paul
Jenkins, Kenzo Okada, and Robert Rauscbenberg are represented in the exhibition, which Is a
cross-section of the paintings In
the collection.
Gallery hours are 9 to B Monday through Saturday, 2 to 0 Sunday, and 7 to 10 on Wednesday
by Gary Gelt
Along with a new semester,
the end of January has ushered
In new editors for the ASP. My
position as,arts editor will not
be an easy one, especially since
I follow Linda Berdan, who did
an excellent Job as both Managing Editor and Arts Editor.
The arts pages In any newspaper usually Consist of news
stories and reviews pertaining
naturally enough to the arts.
This Is fine but .an arts section requires something more.
It needs reviewers who are
so adept In their field that they
can pick apart a dramatic presentation, musical composition,
or artistic piece and then put
all the parts together again. The
ASP has such people. Robert
Cutty, handling drama features,
and Gall Saltan, working with art,
will help make this a better,
Itzhak Perlman at
Page Hall Tonight
Art Exhibitions
On Display Here
Try To
" T h e Responsive Eye: Prints" and "A University Collect*" i i now running thru January
28 in the art gallery of the Fine Art* Building.
acting to date, but Rod Stelger
outclasses him with the best performance by an actor for 1967;
also at the peak of their talents
are Warren Oates, Lee Grant and
Scott Wilson.
"The Jokers:" one can't resist the pun: first film writerdirector Michael Winner has certainly come up with a test, funny
anti-stuffy traditions comedy that
Is reminiscent of Richard Lester's film technique without being boringly Imitative. Good performances from a bright, British
cast, among whom are Michael
Crawford, Oliver. Reed, Harry
Andrews, James Donald, and
Michael Hordern.
"King of Hearts:" Phllllpe de
Broca's sincere, side-splitting
commentary upon the Insanity of
war. Alan Bates leads a cast
of solid clowns, Including Adolfo Cell, Jean-Claude Brtarly,
Francolse Chrlstophe, and the
very scenic .Genevieve Bujold.
"The .Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as
Performed by the Inmates of the
Asylum of Charenton Under the
Direction ' of the Marquis de
Sade:" Peter Weiss' complex
Intellectual maze of philosophical
ideas Is brought to the screen In
regal cinematographic perfection by England's Peter Brooks.
The acting Is by the excellent
British Royal Shakespeare Company, with Patrick Magee, Ian
Richardson, Glenda Jackson, and
Clifford Rose In the lead roles.
"The Tiger Makes Out:" Murray Schlsgal's stage success Is
transferred to the screen by
Arthur Hlller with all the zany,
comic absurdity retained. Husband-wife team Ell Wallach and
Anne Jackson romp through their
parts with Joyous lunacy and are
Joined with equally Insane fervor
by Ruth White, Bob Dishy, and
Charles Nelson Rellly.
"The War Game:" Peter Watkin's frightening visualization of
the dreadful effects of nuclear
war. A cruel, angry picture that
should be mandatory viewing for
"The Whisperers:" Bryan
Forbes' sad, lovely poem on the
quality of despair Itself. The
late Eric Portman and Forbes'
wife, Nanette Newman, are splendid, but It's Dame Edith Evan's
vehicle from beginning to end
as she renders the best performance by an actress for 1967.
The Fantasticks
Opens March 1
March 1, will be the opening
night for the 13th annual State
University Revue. This year the
Revue Is the off-Broadway hit
and Is under the direction of
Ellis Kaufman. The show currently Is the longest running play In
New York and has been selling
out for eight years. There have
been productions of It all over the
United States as well as the
Simply, It Is the story of a boy
and girl In love. The central
theme Is that of experience: children must experience hurt, or
they never will mature or be able
to develop a meaningful romance.
The play Is somewhat stylized
and has as Its central figure, a
narrator who assumes different
roles during the play. He Is
assisted by a Mute whose function
is essentially to function,
Taking the role of the Narrator
Is Charles Dartlett, a senior who
has had major roles In many plays
most noteworth being Lysis,
trata, Of Mice and Men, and
Carnival, Kenneth Fisher, who
appeared In Carnival and Sideshow, Is playing the role of the
Mute, John Webb and Jay Kuperman portray the Fathers; Robert
Clayton and Donald Terry take
the roles of the Old Actor and
The Man Who Dies,
The show will run for 11 performances from March 1 to
March 11 except Tuesday and
Wednesday. OnSaturday evenings
there will be two performances.
It was with considerable apprehension that I
took my seat at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater in
New York for "How Now, Dow Jones!" My suspicious nature was aroused because the last
play that I saw at this theater was the horrible
"Skyscraper," and to add to. this was the fact
that no big-name leads were listed on the bill.
The only really familiar names were George
Abbott, Oliver Smith, and Philip J. Lang, and
these were only In the technical realm. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath, and the rather boring but percussive overture brought the curtain up.
Idle moments during a rehearsal of The Fantasticks. From
left to right are Gary Restife, Mary Carney, John Webb, Joy
Kuperman, Dennis Buck at the piano, and Al Santino atthe
by Dave Bordwell
Peter Glenvllle's"TheComed.
lans" (Delaware Theatre) and
Joshua Logan's "Camelot" (Madison Theatre) have so many similar faults and exemplify so much
commonly rotten In cinema today, that lumping them together In the same review Is as much
a matter of analysis as convenience — killing two turkeys with
one stone.
Both films are stagy, overlong, fllmlcally static, heavyhanded In treatment, and unbearably talky. Both display dialogue
that would make a sophomore
weep; two samples out of many:
"Comedians:" "My dear, my
darling, don't torture yourself!"
and "Camelot:" "Better to be
rubbed clean than rubbed out."
Such deathless dialogues are never Integrated with the settings,
but no matter, since the settings
tare treated so perfunctorily anyhow. And neither film really fits
the wide screen or attempts to
use color creatively.
Stylistically both films share
that common fault of contemporary cinema: excrutlatlng overuse of the extreme facial closeup. Now such a close-up Is like
a fortissimo In orchestral writing — you use It sparingly, saving It for the moment when It
will be most powerful emotionally and esthetlcally. Though
"Comedians" Is replete with this
flaw, "Camelot" Is the worse
offender because with almost
every song-sequence shot In those
extreme close-ups, Logan has
permitted his actors to Indulge
In the most histrionic of expressions and gestures. He does not
know that the camera demands
Its own, quieter style of acting,
completely different from that of
thu stage; acting exaggerated In
the theatrical mode looks ludicrous when splashed across an
enormous cinema screen. Fortissimo for three hours Is exhausting and, ultimately, boring.
So far I have said nothing about
the stories (sic) of these films.
"Comedians" Is adaptod by Graham Greene from his novel, and
oddly, his cinema writing Is us
prosaic as his prose writing Is
The film, as politically agnostic as Greene's "Quiet American," places In Duvaller's Haiti
exceedingly uninteresting
bunch of people wallowing around
in the stifling political heat, supposedly revealing Haiti as hell
and their souls as empty, but
really revealing that: a) Liz Taylor is twice as ridiculous as
usual In a thick and Inconsistent German accent; b) Peter
Ustinov seems uncomfortable
when all he has to do Is look
Intellectual and tap the side of
his nose with his finger; and
c) Alec Guinness Is getting better and better at playing Alex
Burton wears his usual haggard
belligerence and muddles through
his part. It may be niggling to object to the lmplauslblllty of a
couple of lunatic American tourists when none of the characters
possesses the solidity of cardboard. The plot finally starts
to move In the last half-hour,
when the film seems to end three
distinct times. Glenvllle's direction Is hackneyed throughout, with
the exception of a shot of a toad
by a corpse which Is momentarily arresting.
"Camelot" Is painfully wlilmslcal, self-consciously pretty,
and rigidly stagebound.lt possesses one of the most tedious expositions on film, a meaningless
prelude to a flashback which does
not even have the courage of Its
own banality, since It Includes
many events the narrator could
have no knowledge of.
Every snatch of song or dialogue comes Special Delivery,
always In closeup. Moreover,
Joshua Logan simply cannot control a film: the Jousting tournament Is a paralyzing bore, the
costumes look like costumes, all
but two shots aren't even picturepostcard good, the songs are
and the
matched-action cuts — the most
elementary piece of technique
a director learns — Invariably
don't match.
Vanessa Redgrave (Guenevere)
looks vapidly pretty, and so does
an I'IJ.
State Quad presents
"The Unsinkable
Molly Brown"
TonijjIn al H:,'tO p . m .
Stulc (,>uact D i n i n g Itoom
'The C a r d i n a l "
I'mnorruw n! H:.'10 p.m
S|II(c (/mill Dininu, IIIIDIII
Broadway has had a terrible time getting musicals off the ground this season. This Is due, I
believe, to the rather harsh critic's reviews
("Henry, Sweet Henry" has suffered unduly),
and because the music theater is caught In a
vacuum. People are getting weary of burlesquetype shows, even If they are the only big hits,
and they are searching for something besides
the bombastic "Mame's" and "Dolly's," yet they
are hoping for something original, new, and entertaining. So far nothing too original has shown
up except for Dow Jones which probably fits the
bill of originality the best of anything so far this
season or last!
Curtain Rises
As the curtain rises, we find Cynthia, a guide
played by Brenda Vaccaro, leading a typical group
of sightseers (the audience) on an untypical tour
of the "heartbeat" of our mighty nation, the stock
market on Wall Street. These tourists, however,
are about to see a little more than Is customary.
Cynthia has a mad crush on the head of the New
York Stock Exchange, Mr. Wlngate, while her friend
Kate (Marlyn Mason), the voice of Dow Jones who
announces the trend of the stock market hourly,
thinks she Is In love with a clerk who will not
marry her until the stock market hits 1,000.
Kate meets another guy named Charley (Anthony
Roberts) at a nearby Child's Restaurant.
Charley has been a failure In life, and Is presently getting drunk so he can go out and commit
suicide. Kate joins him, but they suddenly find
themselves really enjoying each other's company
—"Live a Little," and "The Pleasure's about to
be Mine." The romantic escapade ends up In bed,
but the following morning Kate decides that she
must leave Charley for good because she has to
preserve her reputable stature, and because Charley Is really a failure. She sings "Walk Away,"
an almost good song!
In the meantime, Mr. Wlngate and the tycoons
are trying to find someone who will be able to sell
stock to those wealthy widows and orphans. They
need a guy who Is shy and easily mothered to attract these women whose only Interest In stocks
Is whether or not the President of the company Is
handsome and wears glasses — a terribly true
comment on an actual state of affairs. Charley Is
hired and becomes an amazing success because
of his popularity with the women. They celebrate
his popularity In the show stopper, "Step to the
Kate Pregnant
Kate has gotten pregnant from her little escapade, and realizes that she really loves Charley. Cynthia and her doctor tell her that she'll
get over It In "Shakespeare Lied," but In an attempt to resolve her troubles she decides to mar-
Film Fest Seeks
Student Entries
The Motion Picture Association of America, Lincoln Center
for the Performing Arts, and the
U.S. National Student Association
have announced the Third National Student Film Festival.
Four $000 grants, contributed
by the MPAA, will be awarded
to oacli of the first prize winners
In four categories: Animation,
Documentary, Dramatic, and Experimental films.
The National Student Film Festival was founded by the U.S.
National Student Association In
1900 and, according to Arthur
Wolner, director of Cultural Affairs (or the N.S.A., the purpose
was "to showcase the best student films and Is the largest
national film competition for student film-makers."
Since receiving awards In past
National Student Film Festivals,
at least one student winner, Martin Scorcese, a graduate of New
York University, has gone on to
direct Ills first feature film. Some
post winners are now Involved In
work, A number of past winners
have also become active in commercial film production and several others have received serious
recognition as Independent filmmakers.
Entry forms and regulations
are available In the ASP office,
Campus Center 304,
ry the clerk by making the announcement that
Dow Jones has hit 1000. Then she realizes her
mistake not only because she loves Charley, but
because she has endangered the stability of the
market. Her song about her "Big Trouble" ends
the first act.
The second act opens In the Ascot tradition
of "My Fair Lady" — "Credo" — a rather sedate chorus number. Everyone starts buying stock
madly, and It Is obvious that the stock market
Is headed for "Big Trouble." Charley has to inform his widows that they are about to be ruined,
and everybody rushes out In search of Kate who
has disappeared — "Panic", a big dance-chase
number staged very cleverly.
Charley and Kate solve the problem for everyone, Including Cynthia who has become the unused
mistress of Mr. Wlngate, by bringing In A.K.,
the world's richest man who is persuaded to buy
some of every kind of stock to save the market.
Everyone ends up happy — "That's Good Enough
for Me."
For a while I was really worried because the
show was very slow getting started — even the
actors and chorus had no life. All of a sudden,
Charley and the widows bring the house down with
their song "Step to the Rear," and the show
moves along at a rather brisk pace right to the
end. The score, created by Elmer Bernstein
nnd Carolyn Leigh, Is really not memorable, but
the songs are enjoyable. Bernstein has been the
composer for "Hawaii" and "Thoroughly Modern
Millie," while Carolyn Leigh has done the lyrics
for "Wild Cat" and "Little Me." Max Shulman,
the librettist, has created a script which Is full
of cute laughs and commentary on the times. The
problem Is that It Is so dated that no one will
laugh In a couple of years.
Cast Delighted
The cast, although not made up of big name
stars, Is truly a delight. Brenda Vaccaro, playing Cynthia, Is really the tops. Her personality
and husky singing voice both radiate In every
way except distinct audibility. Kate, portrayed
by Marlyn Mason, Is enjoyable, and Anthony
Powers, as Charley, Is truly delightful. Hiram
Sherman, as Wlngate, plays his role beautifully
and In good comic style, and all of the widows
are really quite hysterical, particularly Charlotte
Jones whom many will remember for her recent
role as Mother Burnslde In "Mama."
Oliver Smith, the famed scenic designer, has
designed what I think Is probably his worst set.
It Is a bore of scanty drops, and unreal flats
and moveable platforms. The platforms which
may be moved about on the stage are stored behind two ugly flats which are lowered to conceal the tables etc., on the platforms, really
creating a lousy looking stage. The only clever
and good feature Is the scrim of New York's
skyline on which all of the buildings look like
ticker tape. The choreography leaves a great
deal to be desired — there's nothing new or
clever to be seen here, and the lighting by Martin Aronsteln Is adequate.
How long Dow Jones will last Is anybody's
guess, but I fear that It will not be for very
long. Nevertheless, If you are looking for some
rather good entertainment and a few laughs,
make this show a part of your theatrical Itinerary. Tickets are readily available.
11 Arts Events
"The Unsinkable Molly Brown" shown in the State
Quad. Dining Room at 8:30 p.m., donation 25 cents,
"The Cardinal" shown in the State Quad. Dining
Room at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 13, donation 25
Concert by Itzhak
Perlman, Page Hall, tonight,
Adults —$3, students $1 or student tax.
International Film Group, "The Lady Vanishes,"
Draper 349, 7 and 9:15 p.m. tonight.
Golden Eye, Student Peotry Reading, 820 Madison
Avenue, 9 p.m., tonight.
"The Responsive Eye; Prints and "A University
Collects," now running thru Jan. 28, Fine Arts Building Gallery, Mon.-Sat. 1 2 - 6 p.m., Sun. 3-5 p.m.
Art Exhibit by Mrs. ^Lols Gregg, Campus Center
Gallery, now running through Jan. 31,
At the Albany Institute:
Carl Baumann's sculptures through Jan. 14, second
floor gallery.
"The Simultaneous Image" by Clair Bush, Jan. 16
through Feb. 26, second Floor gallery.
"Theatre Posters," Jan. 12 through Feb. 2, main
rv V,tj.l0p l i d k '•'
Pofle U
'Hamlet' A uditions
Early In Feb.
Loii H. Gregg exhibit is now in the Campus Center Gallery
until January 3 1 . It includes 13 fabric collages, one paper collage, four works in glass, and one in acrylic.
by Walt Doherty
Now showing at the Campus
Center Gallery(that'sthebalcony
around the entrance hall) Is Mrs.
Lois Gregg's exhibit of fabric
designs. Mrs. Gregg is an Associate Dean of Students here
at the University, and this Is
her first showing in New York
since she has come here.
The works are mostly fabric
collage which means, basically,
that cut-up pieces of cloth have
been placed on top of each other.
This may sound simple, but It's
difficult to make one and have
It come out looking like something you'd want hanging In your
living room; fortunately Mrs.
Gregg can do this.
One problem a person might
overlook In making one of these
mantages Is the texture of the
cloth (or fabric or paper). In a
mantage of predominately one
color, the texture can play an
Important Influence. In the one
called "Night Shadows", texture
as well as color figures Importantly.
Also In the show are some
paintings done with acrylic paints
which are much like oil paints
except that they are water-based
rather than oil-based. There are
also three works done with broken
The First Quarto version of
"Hamlet," the final production
of the 1967-88 season by the
State University Theatre, will
have Its auditions Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, February
5, 6, and 7, 1968 at 7:30 p.m.
in Page Hall.
This rarely staged edition of
the Shakespeare classic will be
directed by Dr. Jarka M. Burian
of the Department of Speech and
Dramatic Art of the University.
Burian stressed the fact that
the auditions are open to all
students at the University: the
play has openings for more than
twenty male roles and two major
female parts.
"Hamlet" is the first Shakespearean play to be presented by
the State University Theatre
since the 1961 staging of
"Othello." This latest Elizabethan tragedy Is scheduled for per(Continued from Pg. 13)
Wednesday through Franco Nero (Lancelot) with his
Saturday, May 8-11,1968.
open, Ll'l Abner sort of face beThe First Quarto version of traying a profound absence 01 aviv
"Hamlet" Is approximately half lng talent. Richard Harris comes
the length of the standard modern off about the best, but no thanks
editions of the play, as well as to the script.
being somewhat different inform.
He Is King Aithur, a quasiHowever, the editor of this usually criticized edition feels that Intellectual whom Merlin supposedly
taught to think (We know
the First Quarto version is theagrlcally superior to the more Arthur thinks because every now
and then he gazes into space,
familiar edition.
brow furrowed, and comes up
Exactly how the First Quarto with pearls like "Might doesn't
version originated still poses a always make right" and "Only
problem for Shakespearean scho- fools never doubt.")
lars. Some critics have suggested
There Is a performance of
that It was a first draft of the mannered villainy by David Hem.
present version. Other critics mlngs, who In goatee and moushave theorized that tills edition taches looks like the Jack of
Is a "pirate script," which would spades. Everybody bursts Into
account for Its differences from tears frequently, and once or
the standard version.
twice you can actually see — I
am not making this up — mucous glistening In Miss Redgrave's
elegant nose. Ah, realism.
I am not an admirer of the
play, but I doubt that Is ad(Continued from /'y. a)
mirers will be satisfied with the
the police were responsible for film; some of the best songs
triggering the "riot" because and lines have been cut. In short,
of their hostility and undisci- the whole production Is a thorplined use of authority.
oughly tiresome and slobberingIt seems the five TSU students ly maudlin Insult to one's sensiare being used as examples to the bilities, which finally pairs It
black students and black people with "TheComedlans"andcountof Houston that they are still In- less other films pre-packaged
ferior citizens of Texas. I feel, and — sold to an escape-hungry
lynchers of yesterday are the audience: their falsity to both
art and life.
cops of today.
Bergman Brings
Life To'Mansions'
Concert in Gallery
The music department, State
University of New York at Albany,
presented "Electronic Perspectives I," a concert of taps
music, Wednesday evening, January 10, at 8:30 In the gallery
of the tine arts building on
exhibitions of contemporary art were on display In
the gallery and the electronic
music program was such that
people either listened while they
walked around and viewed the art
works, or sat still during the
The Informality of the show
allowed conversations between
selections and after the concert.
The art exhibitions, both of which
will be on view January 8-2S,
are "The Responsive Eye:
Prints," a display of 42 works
exploring perceptual phenomena,
and "University Collects," a selection from the New York University Art Collection.
Joel A. Chadabe, assistant professor of music and director of
the- electronic music studio at
the University, coordinated the
electronic concert and had one
of his compositions, "albanymuslcS" on the program. Mr.
Chadabe Is a graduate of the
University of North Carolina and
received his master's degree In
music from Yale University.
Other contributors Included
Gustav Clamaga, University of
Toronto Music Studio; Yugl Takhashl, Sogetsu Art Center Studio,
Tokyo, Japan; William Hellerman, Columbia-Princeton Electronic Center, NYC; Wlodzlmlerz
Kontonsky, Warsaw, Poland; and
Charles Dodge, Princeton University.
Friday, Jonuory 12, 1968
chips of colored glass which have
been attached to a mirror.
These are very colorful; one
called "Bright Sea" seems to be
a three-d mound that flatens itself out as you approach it and
then reforms Itself after you've
passed. Unfortunately the gallery
presents some problems In relation to another of the glass-andmirror works; "Cathedral" was
designed to be hung at a height
above a persons head, but here
it's at eye-level.
The most Interesting of the
works are the fabric collage.
There are several which show
scenes, one of a small Mexican
fishing village, one of an Arabic
town, and a Mid-Western horizon.
Each of these has It own special
problem either In color, or texture, or arrangement all of which
Mrs. Gregg solves well. In the
mountains in the background are
done with perfectly flat cloth;
however, by the way the cloth Is
cut and the way contrasting colors
are arranged around the mountains, the picture takes on a
three-d, or at least a'more real,
One piece In particular which
I like is "Shocking Pink." Mrs.
Gregg's use of red Is something alive.
It's a good show. The only
criticism that I have Is why did
we have to wait so long to get
It here.
Right Wing...
(Continued from I'tj, f) i
the people he delights In killing
are Innocent villagers, who Just
colncldentally happen to be living within the confines of an
aresenal. This, perhaps, Is the
stupidest Idea of what a conservative Is, although the other
definitions don't miss that honor
by much. A conservative likes
(J hesitate to use the word "love"
for anything these days) peace,
and nothing Is more dear to him.
But he sees, where leftists don't,
that a struggle for domination of
the world Is going on today between two great powers (j can
see of you're smoking pot that
your vision may be blurred, but
follow through, hip, search for
reality), and oddly enough, he
Is supporting the home team.
Of course, he wants peace. But
he doesn't want to give more
chunks of the world to the nonmonolithlc, peace - loving Communist agitators and aggressors.
The conservative Is the aggressor, you say. Then why didn't
he take over the world In 194S
when he had the chance? Because
he wants no mora land, and Is
willing to let boundary lines remain where they are now, unless
the pacific Commies have other
Some critics have said that Miss
by Jon* Richlin
Dewhurst "steals the show" from
" More Stately Mansions," now
Miss Bergman. This Is not at all
playing at the Broadhurst Theatre
the case. Even now, lngrld Bergwith lngrld Bergman, Arthur Hill
man holds much of the same
and Coleen Dewhurst, brings Eumystery and grace that endeared
gene O'Neill's tragedy to the
her to the public in such films
American stage for the first
as "Gaslight" and "Anastasla."
Directed by Jose Quintero,
lngrld Bergman's appearance
several notable supporting roles
as the mother In a thwarted triadd to the enjoyment of this play.
angle Introduces her, after 25 * Of special note Is Richard Bowler
years away from Broadway, to a
as Benjamin Tenard, who gives a
new theatre^olng generation. It
polished, fine performance.
is a fine opportunity to see a real
Whether you are a frequent
acting pro at work. Not a role to
theatre-goer or if you only get
particularly display her verto a few plays a year keep In
satility, the part is, rather, an
mind "More Stately Mansions"
easy one for Miss Bergman to
when you're deciding on the next
play to see.
The crux of the story is the
warped triangle of a mother, her
son, and the son's wife. Theweak
son (Arthur HU1 as Simon) Is
made to choose between a strongwilled mother and an equally
The Golden Eye, continuing in
strong-willed wife (Coleen Dewhurst as Sara). Torn between the tradition established by Alex
these two willful females, Simon Krakower's recent, successful
finally eases out of the tangle, to dramatic-reading production of
"Macbird," will present two onelet the two women battle It out.
act plays as dramatic readings,
Swaying from doting affection to
the night of Friday, February 23.
raging hate for each other, the
The two plays, Edward Albee's
wife and mother almost destroy
"The American Dream" and
each other to win out in Simon's
Archibald MacLelsh's "The Fall
of the City," will be directed by
Miss Bergman intermittently
Robert B. Cutty.
flubs her lines and seems, someCutty stated that auditions for
how, quite unconcerned as to
the plays will be held Wednesday
where her son's loyalty does He.
and Thursday nights, Jan. 1 and
But she pulls through to a strong,
Feb. 31. Cutty added the Albee
credible finish by the third act,
comedy has five roles to be filled,
arriving at an overall satisfying
two male and three female.
performance. She is, without a
MacLelsh's verse drama utildoubt, the play's real star.
izes the talents of six actors,
Arthur Hill as the son Simon
eight male and one female, and
brings a peculiar flaw to his
a chorus, whose number and
portrayal. He comes through as
gender is flexible. Cutty noted
too strong a person for such a
that there may be a need to
weak role. Had he soft-pedaled
double-cast the plays, because of
his strength, he might be more
the chorus In the second play.
convincing. But he didn't, so his
performance lacks believabllity.
Coleen Dewhurst as the wife,
Sara, seems to think- that If you
can scream and bellow your lines,
at Intervals, you can act well.
The State Quad Program CounNot quite. Her Irish accent is
cil Is sponsoring a showing of
remarkably unpredictable. Thick
"The Unslnkable Molly Brown"
at the beginning, It wafts off to
tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the State
almost nothing by the play's end.
Quad Dining Room. Tomorrow
Evening the Council will show
"The cardinal."
Franklin Levy, Stephen Bookln,
This week's "Time Magazine"
Laurence Pearson, and David
is carrying an article on the
Ridge are in charge of the comState University featuring Chanmittee, State Quad Productions,
cellor Samuel B. Gould and his
which rents the films for preclusters of universities and colsentation on the weekends.
The committee has tentatively
"Time" classed this Campus
scheduled "Love With the Proas "Miami Beach North" and
per Stranger" and "The Umcarried a picture, taken during
brellas of Cherbough" for showthe summer, of the campus. The
ings after lntersesslon.
magazine pictured the University
as "striving for problem-solvThe Production Board Is hoping competence In the social
ing for a sizeable turnout this
weekend despite the fact that
According to the weekly Gould
exams are rapidly approaching.
feels that most of the university
Levy feels that by attending the
Is "still more concerned about
movies, the student Is given an
whether a student has the right
opportunity to break up the tedium
number of courses for a degree
of studying, and at the same time
than whether he has really learncan simply relax for two or three
ed anything or not."
by Duncan Nixon
Associate Sports Editor
•State Quadrangle
Presents Movies
Pag* 15
Potter Undefeated In IA;
APA, Barons In League IB
Eye To Present
Readings Soon
Friday, January 12, 1968
Next s e m e s t e r , hopefully, Albany will take another
big s t e p up in i t s s p o r t s program, with the opening
of the new g y m . Finally all s p o r t s will be centered
In one p l a c e . T h e r e will be no m o r e bus trips to
Hudson Valley o r Cardinal McCloskey, basketball
g a m e s will be right on campus at l a s t . Wrestling
m a t c h e s will a l s o be on the New Campus for the
f i r s t t i m e , and thus they too should get improved
The opening of the new gym m e a n s that all
s p o r t s will now be played on the New Campus.
S o c c e r and c r o s s - c o u n t r y moved to the New Campus
in 1966, and basketball track and tennis will all
be "out h e r e " this spring.
If having all s p o r t s located on campus s e e m s
advantageous to the spectator, it s e e m s doubly
s o to the v a r s i t y a t h l e t e s , who for the past few
y e a r s have endured c o n s i d e r a b l e inconvenience,
just to get needed p r a c t i c e . The basketball team
has traveled far and wide the last two y e a r s ,
practicing all over the Capital District, while
the v a r s i t y g r a p p l e r s have had to suffer in the
stuffy confines of the Page wrestling r o o m .
It i s hard to say what effect these conditions
have had on the t e a m s . It would s e e m that those
who stuck it out may v e r y well have been better
off for the effort, for adversity s e e m s to breed
solidarity, and last y e a r ' s basketball and wrestling squads w e r e quite solid. However, there i s
no telling how many f r e s h m e n p r o s p e c t s were quickly, discouraged by the conditions they found confronting t h e m . Surely there were s o m e .
To say that the acquisition of new and better
f a c i l i t i e s will r e s u l t in better t e a m s may not s e e m
logical, but if a freshman prospect finds that he
i s getting r e g u l a r p r a c t i c e in a spacious gym, or
an a i r y well lighted w r e s t l i n g r o o m , he i s far more
likely to stay i n t e r e s t e d . However, the biggest
advantage probably l i e s in r e c r u i t i n g . If the coach
has to tell a p r o s p e c t i v e student, who is trying
to decide between Albany and s o m e other school,
that our basketball g a m e s a r e played in a Catholic
high school on the other side of town, or if he has
to show the p r o s p e c t the Page wrestling room his
c h a n c e s of getting that student are likely to drop.
LEAGUES I and II were bock in action this week after the
Christmas holidays.
Frosh Hoopsters Fall
Grapplers Win 27-24
Looking at the frosh hoopsters'
achievements over the week, one
might say they didn't do much.
This would certainly be true
concerning the RPI game, in
which the frosh suffered their
worst drubbing of the season,
losing 107-70.
However, after an Important
lecture by Coach Mike O'Brien,
the frosh went out to face the
Alumni, and they played their
most hustling and alert game of
the year. Although they lost, the
game went down to the final
minute against a team which the
Freshmen usually lose to anThus the new gym will make it e a s i e r on all
nually by over twenty points.
c o n c e r n e d . The s p e c t a t o r s will finally be treated
The final score was a very respectable 85-79.
to winter s p o r t s on campus, the varsity athletes
John Jordan led the way for
will have r e g u l a r and adequate f a c i l i t i e s available,
the frosh as he hit fifteen shots
not only during their s e a s o n , but all year round,
from the field and added four
and the c o a c h e s will finally be able to recruit
free throws. Les Newmark and
Dave Grllll also chipped In 15
from e x c e l l e n t f a c i l i t i e s without having to worry
and 10 respectively. The Alumni
about where the next p r a c t i c e will be held.
were led by former small college All-American Dick Crossett
who tallied 23.
The freshmen's record Is now
1-7 which is disappointing but
not discouraging. All but one of
their losses have been by no
more than eight points, and most
of them could have gone either
In League I bowling action the
The freshmen seem to have
Bad News Five seems to have
the inside rail in the race for
28-7 the Individual talent that Doc
the first season title, but this ALC
22-13 Sauers Is looking for, and coach
week's action could be decisive.
EEP22-13 O'Brien seems to be working on
League I runs two separate BPS
21-14 developing this talent.
seasons, one each semester, with TXO A
The freshmen wrestling team
the two winners meeting for the Alcenltes
10-19 recorded Its first victory Saturchampionship. This Saturday Is
16-19 day as they outpointed the Falrthe last week for this season.
8-27 lelgh-Dlckenson frosh by a 27-14
The match ups Saturday will
Potter 917
0-29 count.
be by position, so the Bad News
Five will be facing the second
Place team. At the time of this
writing that team had not been
Port-tino Help for wok lights aid Wookoids
Potter and APA still have a
match to make up, and the reMIKE'S Giant Submarine and
sults of that match will determine The Five's opponent. If
NEBA Roast Beef
Potter Club sweeps APA 7-0
they will be within two points
of first place, however, any other
Starting Salary $1.75 per hour
outcome will probably make a
Apply in person or call for appointment
championship for the Bad News
Five a forgone conclusion.
Bad News Tops Keglers
APA Leads League II
Pete Ranalll started the frosh
off right as he registered a pin
at 5:58 in the 123 pound class.
At 130 Kev Sheehan lost by a
fall, but Dave Jones put the Baby
Great Danes In front to stay as
he registered an easy 7-1 decision in his 137 pound match.
Roger Jones followed Dave and
he upped the count to 13-5 by pinning his man in 3:29. Ted Long
then won by forfeit at 152, and
Falrlelgh won 160 by forfeit.
167 and 177 were both double
forfeits, while Kris Jackstadt
captured the heavyweight class
by forfeit, for the final result
of 27-14. The frosh grapplers
are now 1-2, and will be in action again Wednesday, February
10 when they will travel to Rockland Communlt" College.
1610 Coitrd Avo. (Noxt to HoMoy I n )
Fred Renolds and his
Tuxedo Banjo and Brass Band
appear every
The Music Library is on the third floor of the Campus Center. Student! can check out records and listen to them in the
music listening room across the hall from the library.
In League II action APA widen•d their lead to 8 points, by
recording a 4-1 win over BFS.
In the mean time EEP and ALC
both recorded 5-0 wins, to move
Past the faltering BPS squad,
and Into a tie for second place.
Westgate Building
Westgate Shopping Center
Room 35
Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Monday - Friday
by Nelson Atkin
This week AMIA Leagues I &
II swung back Into action after
the Christmas vacation layoff.
In League IB the Raks rolled
over Alpha Lamda Chi 76 to 53,
while Alpha PI Alpha and the
Barons ran their records to 3-0,
Using for first place. APA defeated the Grads 79-39 and the
Barons snuck by Sigma Tau Beta
While In the other division,
IA, the men of Edward Eldred
Potter Club also ran their record to 3-0, by beating the Bruins
in a nip and tuck battle, 5046. Elsewhere the Nads .slipped
by, the Water Buffalos 37-34, and
Kappa Beta beat Upsllon Phi Sigma 65-37.
In their game the Raks were
once again paced by their high
scorer John Gallagher who collected 21 points, with support
from Ron Rice and Ed Sturgus
who had 17 and 16 points respectively. High for ALC was
Dale Smith who collected 20
points, aided by Wayne Fetter
with 18 points.
Alpha Pi Alpha's well balanced
team was led by Denny Elklns who
hit for 29 points In their romp
over the Grads, who were once
again paced by Gary La Fonataln. Here he collected 19 points,
while his teammate Bill Nennstlel got 13.
The Barons after being down
at the half came back to win under
the leadership of Dick Adams
and Jim Doyle who netted 30
points together. STB who led
most of the way, but seemed
to run out of gas late In the
game were paced by Jerry Saperstone with 12 points and Don
Beavers with 10.
Potter Club, which seemed like
a one man team early in the
year has settled down and currently leads Its' division. Their
high men for this game were
Ray McCloat who netted 14 points
and George Webb who netted 9.
While the Bruins pacer was Mike
Cole who hit for 16 points.
KB meanwhile spread the scoring out in their game as they
were led by Dave Goldstein with
20, while Bob Rlfenback and Steve
Flood got 14 apiece.
In League n, meanwhile, action was hot and heavy, with the
real shocker being Potter's win
over SLS 103-32, placing five men
In double figures.
Friday and Saturday Night
9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
(formerly appeared al lour Father's.
.and The Red.
/f-JL d£f
Friday, January 12, 1968
Poge 16
Sauersmen Host R.I.T;
Chore To Stop Robinson
by, Don Oppedisano
R o c h e s t e r Insltute of Technology, led by the nation's flfth-leadlng s m a l l c o l l e g e s c o r e r
in Jim Robinson, will be In town tonight to face the powerful and exciting Albany State
Great Danes, winners of the 1967 Capital City Basketball Tournament and four straight
at the t i m e of this writing. The l o c a l s , supporting a 7-3 r e c o r d , m e t Southern Connecticut
State at New Haven in their m o s t recent outing on Tuesday.
Robinson, Division HI ECAC Sophomore of the Y e a r two s e a s o n s ago and an all ECAC
year, i s currently averaging 32 points a contest. The 6 2 s e n i o r
from Dunellen, N.J. p o s s e s s e s a deadly outside shot from anywhere on the court and
will present a s e r i o u s problem to the Dick Sauers' coached quintet. Six other T i g e r
l e t t e r m e n return, among whom i s Rick Cetnar of A m s t e r d a m . The c o n t e s t i s slated
f o r '8:30 p.m. at the Cardinal McCloskey gymnasium with f r e e bus s e r v i c e leaving at
Pres. Collins Discusses
DrugSv^kft Counseling
Leading the Purple and Gold, who swept through Hamilton, RPI, Siena, and Brooklyn
C o l l e g e in their four g a m e win skein, will be junior s t a l w a r t s Rich M a r g i s o n and Scott
P r i c e , who w e r e named c o - M V P ' s of the Capital City c l a s s i c .
Lots of Depth
Backing up this dynamic duo
a r e sophomore Jack Adams,
whcis finally coming into h i s
own, junior guard Bob Wood,
captain Larry Marcus, sixth
man JimCaverly, and senior
Tom Doody.
Adams.although only 5 ' 9 "
Is averaging 12 points a game,
and really takes charge on the
court. His steady Improvement
has been ablgfactor In the team's
JIM CAVERLY OF ALBANY makes a fine defensive effort
Albany's victory over Brooklyn College, last Saturday.
Matmen Given Third Loss;
Crow Wins At Wilkes Barre
by Thomas Nixon
The Albany State wrestling
team lost its third straight match
on Saturday, Janurary 6th, as
they were outscored by Falrlelgh
Dickenson University, 25-11. In
registering their third defeat, the
grapplers gained three victories
and one draw In nine matches.
Jack Forbes, who wrestled In
the 123-pound division for Albany,
was able to register a draw with
Glen Chrlstenson. Forbes was
wrestling In his last match for
Albany, however, as he is graduating this semester.
In the 130-pound division, Gary
Smagalskl suffered a pin at the
hands of Dusualdo and Falrlelgh
thus gained a lead which they
never relinquished.
Clark Registers Win
WARREN CROW, winner at
Wilkes Barre.
Bill Clark, competing In the
137-pound division, registered his
second win of the year as he
declsloned Sam Gamblno by a 6-4
score. Frank Weal, however, who
filled the 145-pound spot for Albany was pinned In 4:59 by Bob
Craig Springer, one of the
team's co-captains, tallied three
points tor the Great Danes as he
posted a 6-2 decision over Barry
The next two weight classes
were won by Falrlelgh as Bob
DIMauro defeated Frank Berry
In a match which was decided
by one point of riding time for
DIMauro, and Marshall Gladstone
suffered a pin against
139 Control Avsnu*
We deliver Noon to Midnight In Hot Mobil. Ovens.
Grader In 5:15.
Roger Gorham won the last
three points for the Albany
squad as he gained a six to
nothing victory over Walkotten.
The heavyweight division was forfeited and thus, the final score
was Falrlelgh-Dickenson 26, Albany 11.
The wrestling team this year
has already been badly hurt by
Injuries as Erik Watts, who was
looking to be a standout has been
sidelined by a pinched nerve,
and Roger Saul the heavyweight
entry has been Instructed by his
doctor not to wrestle.
During the Christmas vacation, Warren Crow, last's year's
most valuable wrestler participated In the Wilkes Wrestling
Tournament and won the 123pound division. In winning the
tournament, Warren defeated
Tom Ambercromble who was the
Oklahoma AAU champion, Brian
McGann who won last's years
West Point Tournament, and Bill
Desarlo who finished fourth In
last's years NCAA University Division Championships. As a result of his victory, Crow will
receive an Invitation to Olympic
Trials and consequently will be
given an opportunity to represent
the United States on the U.S.
Olympic Team.
caged 17 against
and Is currently
averaging 10.7 ppg In addition to
being the team's, third leading
rebounder behind Price and
Margison. However, at the
present time, he Is recovering
from penmounla and will be unable to play against RIT. His
place will be taken by Tom Doody,
who hit for a personal high of
14 against RPI.
Working as a Team
Commenting on the team's
play, Sauers stated that "We
are playing together more each
game, looking for the open man
and working better as a team.
Adams and Wood are taking some
pressure off Price and Margison
with their double-figure scoring,
giving us a well-balanced attack,
which means the defense can't
concentrate on one or two men
and stop our offense."
But when It comes right dow..
to It, It Is Margison and Price
who must perform well If the
Dane offense is going to click.
In the first game of the Tourney
against Hamilton, which the
locals won, 105-87, Margison
tallied 25, In the 86-69 victory
over RPI on the second night,
Price netted 24. In the finale
aglnst Siena, which the Sauersmen came out on top, 69-63,
both tallied 17. Price, who seems
to "explode" Into the air, set a
tournament record of 57 points,
while Marglson's 56 also beat
the old mark. Rich led all Albany
rebounders with 39, while Scott
was right behind with 37.
Brooklyn College Falls
In the 80-64 victory over
Brooklyn College Saturday night,
Margison popped In 29 and Price
15. In that contest the Danes
raced to a 37-26 halftlme lead
by Barb Grossman
of same honor.
and were never headed thereafter.
For the season so far,
Margison, who has been conceded
by many observers as the best
player In the area, leads the
squad In scoring with an average
of 21.3 ppg. Price Is next with
16.3 In addition to pacing the
team in rebounds at 11 a contest.
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SEVERAL STUDENT LEADERS were interviewed by channel 10 news last week. The purpose of the interview was to
elicit their opinions on the drug problem on campus. Shown
here before the TV lights ore, left to right, James Economides, Margaret Dietz and George Leibowitz.
Events For Greek Week
Definitely Scheduled
:•••• '••
Sauers has also been pleased
with the play of Jim Caverly, a
junior transfer from Broome
Tech. Jim hit the nets for 12
in the second half to insure the
win against Siena besides pulling
down some clutch rebounds.
CRAIG SPRINGER, ALBANY, glyesFoirJeigh Dielfinionopponents temporary nose job.
VOL. LIV. NO. 13
Plans for
Greek Week
have been scheduled; the kickoff to the activities will be the
smokers and cokers on February
9, Introductory meetings where
the University men and women
will have the opportunity to meet
the various fraternities and sororities.
The Follies, an all Greek Talent Show will be held on February 10. It will be followed by a
mixer In the Campus Center
Ballroom. On February 13 and
14 open nouses will be held by
the fraternities and sororities.
A Forum Panel Discussion by
fraternity and sorority leaders
and faculty advisors from the
University, R.P.I., and Union will
be held Sunday evening, February
15, In the Assembly Hall of the
Campus Center.
On Friday, February 16, the
"Blues Magoos" will provide entertainment. Money for the concert was obtained as a loan from
Central Council.
The Olympics, the Greek
Sports event, will be held on
February 17 from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. There will be four events
for men and women Including
Thorne Witness
In Investigation
Dr. Clifton Thome, vice - president of student affiilrs at the
University, was one of three witnesses hoard by The Joint Legislative Committee on Higher
Education chaired by Assemblyman Joseph Kottler (D-Brooklyn), which was Investigating the
use of drugs on state campuses
on Monday, February 5,
Thorne was asked by Kottler
if he would permit undercover
agents on campus. Thorne stated
that he would not unless it was
known to the academic community and they consented to the arrangment, Thorne said that the
functions of the required the
widest degree of freedom as nos(Continued on /';/. IJ)
snow shoe races, snow ball
throwing contest, tug of war, and
volley ball.
There will be open houses in
the afternoon. The night of February 17 there will be a beer
party at Dave Denny's Barn.
Tickets for the beer party will
be limited and will be on sale
In the Campus Center.
A $ £ d of t L University will enThe use of
[feAyQmt ter a studeiHrl room without hU
pus, recently pi
I's'stu- ..loiowledrt J*b) presence, except
State University'
anrrinjB,,':io! roe case '31, a clear emerdent conduct guli
pressures being exerted by' cer- gency. The student himself, in
tain State Legislators for the fir- the case of a search, would be
ing of 27 faculty involved in the asked to open drawers and closDraft Counseling group were the ets and remove contents.
major topics of discussion at
Concerning agitation by cerPresident Collins' Monday Con- tain State Legislators to have 27
ference f vlth Students.
faculty members fired for their
The n>* dsuse regarding nar- activities with-the recently formc o t i c ' o n University grounds ed Draft Counseling group, Colstates that "the regulations . . . lins cited the concept of an "open
shall expressly forbid the Illegal campus" where ideas may be
use of narcotics and dangerous freely exchanged.
drugs . . . " it also provides that
He pointed out that the comthe University will cooperate mittee is not composed solely of
with health and law enforcement faculty and is not an official
agencies in the matter.
committee of the University. It
"I do not see this as any has an obligation to make the
change from previously stated latter point clear and also to expressly indicate that it does not
University policy," President
Collins said. He further indicated that each student Infraction
would still be considered as an
individual case.
When questioned on the issue
of double Jeopardy involved in
the case of a student being prosecuted through the civil and University courts, President Collins
Living Area Affairs Commisstated that any case concerning a sion (LAAC) approved two major
violation of University regula- policy statements, one concerntions would be decided by the Un- ing Open Houses and Visitation
iversity court system. A trial
and the other the lower lounges,
In the civil courts would not be at its January 31, meeting. Both
considered by the University. policy statements were co-introWhile the University will "co- duced by Vic Looper and Bob
operate" with the civil author- Holmes, Dutch Quad and Colonial
ities, it will not open health re- Quad Representatives to LAAC
cords or psychological counsel- respectively.
ing records to civil agents, nor
The first proposal allows for
will It allow the searching of closed doors during open houses,
any rooms without warrants.
abolishes the concept of callers
further and allows for an open house to
states that no administrative of- be set up by a majority vote of
Central Council made two
recommendations for the proposed 1968-69 calendar and ap.
proved a number of financial bills
at Its January 11 meeting that
totaled $3,420.
The calendar, submitted to
Central Council by the University
officials for Its recommendations, was discussed for a conslderable amount of time. Most
of the discussion centered around
the Intersesslon period, or a lack
of one as most Council members
noted, and the graduation date.
Under the proposed calendar
upperclassmen would return on
Sunday, September 15, 1968.
classes would start Wednesday.
Thanksgiving Recess would be
from noon Wednesday until
Sunday with classes starting Monday. Christmas vacation, would
be from Friday, December 20
to Sunday,January 5,1969.Class.
es would begin on Monday.
Final Exam period would be
from Tuesday, January 14, to
Friday, January 24 until Monday, January 27 with classes
beginning on Tuesday, Janu.
ary 28.
Spring recess would commence
Friday, March 28 until Monday,
April 7 with classes the following day. Spring Exams would run
To a letter from one of the
State Legislators concerned In
the hassel which asked President Collins to give the names
of the faculty members on the
committee and the dates on which
they took the oath affirming support for the State and Federal
Constitutions, he replied that all
professors took the oath and refused to give any further information.
Major Policies Passed,
Doors To Be Closed
Council Approves Calendar
$3,420 In Expenditures
by Vic Looper
Staff Writer
represent all points of view.
The University does not provide facilities for the organization but any group of faculty and
students may meet on University
groups to discuss any matters
which Interest them. The faculty
members, however, have a responsibility not to abuse the privileges which University affiliation affords them.
the hall government or residents.
The Commissioners felt that
this would be a major step in the
fulfilling of LAAC's and the University's purpose of granting students the fullest degree of responsibility, as legally possible.
The broad concept of callers
was anyone of the opposite sex
that went Into the residence hall.
All callers had to leave the hail
by 11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday by
1 p.m. Friday-Saturday. This was
modified by the second proposal
which allows for the lower lounges of the men's residence halls
to remain open for 24 hours if
the hall so elects, to University
residents and their guests of
both sexes for the purpose of social Interaction.
The old policy stated that during an open house all doors both
external and Internal of participating suites must remain open.
The new policy states that both
sets of doors may remain closed.
The Introducers of the bill and
LAAC felt that the dorm should
be more than Just a place to eat
and sleep but also a place for
social Interaction Just like one's
from Tuesday-Saturday, May 20Saturday was mentioned but It
31. Memorial Day would not be was rejected because nearly all
a UniversityHollday.Commence- business concerns are open and
ment would be held on Thurs- It would also cause an inconvenday, June 5.
Council members and others
Council also approved a numdiscussed the Intersesslon and
suggested various ways of obtain(Continued on Pg-4-)
ing one. Various suggestions
were: coming back to school earlier, leaving later and cutting
part of Winter and Spring recess In order to obtain a larger
Each suggestion was met with
a countering reason on why it
was not desirable or feasible.
In the proposed calendar residence halls would close over
Council recommended that the
tolls remain open due to the fact
that It Is even shorter than this
year's and that a lot of residents
hardly find It worthwhile to go
home for so short a period.
In the proposed calendar Commencement was to be changed
from the traditional Sunday to
'Thursday. Council recommend,
ed, on reasoning that parallel
last year's debate on the same
question, that It remain on
Council felt that a large per- attending the dinner Monday night at the Thruway Motor Inn.
centage of parents would not be
able to get a day off and that It The dinner was tho 70th Annual Lincoln Day Dinner, The pair
would be an Inconvenience to have had previously attended a dinner for the Society of Newspaper
the exercise on Thursday,
I1ML ^