ASPect on Sport* by Don Oppedhano 9 Today at 3 p.m. at the old campus field, the Albany State Great Dane baseball team will face the RPI Engineers in the home opener of the season. On hand, a s usual, will be Albany's most avid fan, Mrs. Martha Egleston of the History Department to throw out the first ball. Mrs. Egleston has had the honor for over 10 years now, and each year the pre-game ceremony is one to watch with pride and excitement. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same of what will follow, namely the contest itself. Mrs. Egleston's son, Tom, will be hurling for the Danes, and we're sure he'll give a fine account of himself. After all, he handcuffed the Engineers easily last year in beating them 5-1, for the first taste of victory that Coach Bob Burlingame has enjoyed over the visitors'from across the Hudson since he came to Albany eight years ago. In this game, the Danes really showed their muscle at the plate, getting at least a dozen hits, with the big blow a booming 425 foot last over the center field fence by the then first baseman, Denny Elkin. Since • that game, Egleston has improved considerably. As Tom, himself put it: "All my pitches are working so far this year. I have used my fast ball, curve ball, and screw ball successfully. Defensively, it should be a case of using the right pitch at the right time." Although the team's pitching has improved greatly, its hitting has not. In their three losses, the Danes have accumulated a grand total of 12 hits, two of which have been for extra bases, which goes to show that the boys haven't been exactly ripping the cover off the old apple. This lack of hittingis what makes us pessimistic about the team's chances against RPI today and the Siena Indians tomorrow, a contest which the diamondmen will face in Mike Flynn the best hurler in the area. A striking fact is that in the three games played so far, the Danes have accumulated more hits than the opposition. Actually, it is not so striken when one considers that our squad is blessed with exceptional pitching; but the few hits that the opponents did get combined with a couple of walks and some e r r o r s produced the 2 or 3 runs which were enough for victory. It all goes to show that you can have the best pitching in the world, but if you can't score, you can't win. The Dodges found this out last fall. This all points to the fact that the Danes will be on the defensive most of the time, scratching, scrambling, or poking away to try to score a run or two. This could have disasterous effects over the season on a team that has 17 members, 7 of which are pitches. As Egleston put it: "We could break out any time and have a big inning." That "could" looms large and we hope that that " b i g inning" comes today. It could be mighty tense. Great Danes To Host R.P.I, a t 3 Face Siena Indians Tomorrow Relatively new to the game of golf, junior Ray McCloat has made remarkable progress. With the season just underway, Ray has been selected the number one man. In the summer of his sophomore year in high school, McCloat played his first game of golf. For the next two years the sport held a casual Interest for him. Early in the spring. of his freshman year at Albany, the golf team was short of players; Ray decided to join. Since then he has shown marked Improvement. Last year he played in the third and fourth position. This year he is number one, with a six handicap. Golf is not the only sport Ray has participated In, In high school he was an eight letter man, competing in cross country, basketball and track, In AMIA sports lie has represented Potter Club In football, basketball, and bowling, with allstar nominations In football and baskeU'gU, Bei.dea being an active participant in sports, Ray has held a number of positions in campus organizations, lie was our sports editor for four semester. This year he is chairman of MYSKANIA and President of Potter Club. Ray is looking forward to a good season for the golf team. He feels that this year's squad has more depth than any other team In Albany's history. Any of the top seven players have the ability to fill the spot of their teammate. He sees RPI and Hamilton as our toughest foes. A further factor In this year's play is the new course, which the team will be playing, A topic which Ray as sports editor had continually discussed was the role that the university should play In athletics. He firmly believes that "If we are to become a University in every aspect Including sports, the administration should do more than, 'provide for facilities', it should encourage actual participation." Ray, who's major is English, hopes to pursue a career In advertising or public relations, Ever since he has been at Albany he has exhibited all the qualities that will insure him success. His aspirations match the work he has done for our university. WILL THURSDAY BE G E N T L E ? by Dune Nixon The Albany State baseball squad will open its home schedule today at 3 p.m. 'on the Old Campus field against their perennial rivals from across the Hudson, the RPI Engineers. Coach Burlingame has given the starting nod to veteran righthander Tom Egleston. Egelston topped RPI last year for the Danes first win over the Engineers during Coach Burlingame's tenure here at Albany. Thus, he and the entire team will be shooting for their second consecutive win over RPI. Mrs. Egelston from the History department, one of Albany's most avid baseball fans, will once again throw out the first ball during the pregame c e r e monies. !i Leagues II and III schedules are posted on the bulletin board in the Social Science foyer. The Comets are the League II defending champs. They are headed by Ail-Star first baseman Jim Hare, I N0TKES Nominations (or AMIA sign-up sheets for nominations for AMIA officers will be up until Sat., April 22 until 12 noon. Elections will be held Tuesday, April 25 and Wednesday, April 20 from 0-3 In the Campus Center, Volley-ball sign-up sheets are up on the AMIA bulletin board In the Social Science foyer, In Stuyvesant Tower and In Waterbury Hall, The varsity tennis mentor graciously consented to comment further and provide the substance for this article. "This year we have one of our more promising squads but most of the colleges we are to play have improved immensely," he offered. Utica, a team which had been practicing Inside for some time was an easy mark. Osweog, who beat State badly last year, was considered stronger by the coach. They fell 5-4. In the future, Adeiphi and Fairleigh Dickinson are unknowns, being new to the State U. schedule. RPI has always been tough and there Is never much difference between their first and sixth position players.The Albany varsity has never beaten the Engineers. Last year, Plattsburgh beat State, 8-1. They have lost only one player and are expected to, be stronger. SENATOR JACOB JAVITS ipokt hare Saturday a i part af "Opportunities Unlimited," a program dosigned to encourage an interest in politics among college students. Here he signs autographs for a few of those who attended the program. Javits Says Republican Party Is Where The Action Is9 Sat "The Republican Party is where the action i s , " said the Honorable Jacob K. new addition to the Constitution de- Javits, United States Senator from New York at the Saturday conference of Oppornnes the office of president of cen-tunities Unlimited. Mr. Javits characterized the Democratic Party as being "tied tral Council as the Presidency of t ., .,, , . . , , , . .. , ,. J ,° . ., student Association. Nowhere m the t o t n e P a s t a n d a s having grown complacent due to its long time monopoly of the student Association Constitution i& national government. In contrast, the Republican Party today is in a position of there a definition of who is the uniqueness, having the "potential of charting for the future." President of the Association. Citing Senators Percy, so provides a flexible and prag- young people can work for their Central Council also approved a new constitution for the Commisslon for Academic Affairs. The constitution has abolished the commission boards. It was felt by the ^members of the commission that the boards had proven unworkable over the past few years. by Iris Atson The Women's Athletic Association will hold elections on Tuesday, April 25 and Wednesday, April 2G In the Dutch, Colonial, Alden and Bru dining halls from 5-6 p.m. There will also be voting on Thursday, April 27 at the right information booth at the campus center from 12-1 p.m. Girls should check with their VVAA Reps for voting eligibility. Frosh Mohawk Day Slated For Apr. 30 a E Located in the Basement of (he Campus Center #) Brooke, Hatfield, and B a c o n a s e x a m p l e s of t h e fresh young blood that is r e v i t a l i z i n g the Republican Party, Mr. Javits Invited the young men ami women of today, that generation to whom the power and Influence of the American nation Is passing, to find their places In the party of opportunity, the party that Is receptive to new ideas and new approaches. When asked what political outlook he tends to identify with, Mr, Javits placed himself in the "progressive and modern wing" of the Republican Party, the wing which he feels holds the majority uf Republicans today. The II. S. Senator quoted Lincoln In his view that "politics is too much dominated by the stale dogmas of the past." matic framework within which the country. Results Of Football Poll Show 86% Student Favor The results of the Beta Phi Sigma football poll conducted March 14 revealed that 00.12% of the University Community want football on this campus. The poll was also designed to indicate how well informed the people at State are regarding particulars for the creation of a football team. Although 32.50% of those polled indicated that there were no funds now available for a team, In actual.» On Wednesday, April 10, the first ity there are presently sufficient meeting of the Freshman Class funds to create and maintain a Council was held. Steve Chernlske, sixty man squad. president of the freshman class, anAccording to Dr. Werner the iniIn remedy to this, the Republican nounced that April 30 will be Freshtial expense fur a team of sixty would Party offers an alternative to the man Day at the University. be just over $13,000, The poll indiAll the facilities at the Mohawk "sterile policies and the ulil style cated that 14.51% were willing to property are reserved for that day. candidates" uf the Democrats and have over $00,000 usod for initiating There will also he u dance In the a team, Only 5.31% Indicated tho burn with music provided by the proper price range. Senior Photos Clouds. When asked how much of a raise The last time Senior photos will The council also voted to begin in student tax would be tolerated, work on a referendum that would be taken is May 8-11, Sign up for the favored amount among tho unpropose raising the current class [appointments now in Campus Center derloads was $1-2. Admission fee opposite Information desk (this also duos from $1 to $2. of $1.00 was favored by 30,22%. •'ni This Increase wuulil Insure a means those people who put their huge, successful weekend for the names on the list for not having This poll was first conceived of freshmen next year. Tho question appointments). No photos will he] by Beta Phi Sigma in November, taken In the fall. will be decided by the entire Class I | The members consolidated luforof 1070 when the referendum l s j I matlon obtained from Dr, Werner presented to \tlL and Dean Thorne. Thequesllonnalre was prepared by Beta Phi Sigma Referendum with advice from the Psychology and There will be a Central Council referendum to vote on several Sociology departments. amendments to the constitution along with the Central Council and L.A.A.C, elections through Friday, Article I, Section 4: Officers add In order to reach a majority of to a, "and President of the Student Association," add to e, "The element which the president represents on Central the University body, the poll was conducted at the Student Center for Council shall be entitled to elect another full voting representative, The representative elected President shall not be considered a rep- commuters and the dinner lines, A total of 2,240 ballots were polled. resentative of tho element from which he was elected," Detailed results have been sent add to a. "He shall be a nonvoting member of that body except in [the case of a tie when he shall be able to cast the deciding vote." to Dr, Werner, Dean Brown, Dean The $01,105 budget of the Athletic Advisory Hoard was approved by Central Council. It was decided to maintain the large surplus of board funds. Women's Softball Albany State's Women's Intercollegiate Softball Team has been practicing every day, getting in shape for their busy schedule. The first home game will be on Monday, May 1 at 3:30 p.m. against Plattsburgh, Home games will be played at Milne Field. The team is coached by Miss DeLameter and seems to be coming along well. The girls are looking forward to the season. Hours Tues Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Central Council, last Thursday night, approved a proposed Constitutional Amendment that would, if it is ratified by the Student Association, limit the voting power of the Central Council President. The president would be allowed O to vote only in the case of a tie under the proposed amendment. The Women's A. A. News STAT] UNIVERSITY Voting for the Central Council and Living Area Affairs Commission elections will begin today with 84 people vying for 29 positions. If it is ratified by the Student Association, the members of Student Association will be able to approve or reject the amendment T on a referendum which will be held 1 ' in conjunction with the University elections during April 25 to April 28. Presently the Student Association Prsident has the right to vote In Central Council since he must represent his contituency. If the amendment is passed, the element that elected the person who becomes President would elect another person to represent them on Central Council. The amendment also states that the President shall not act as a representative of the body that elected him to Central Council. For Varsity Net Season The League IAMIA Softball schedule has been announced by Commissioner Jim Wlngate. Apr. 22 12 noon HAC vs. EEP(a) Apr. 22 2 p.m, STB vs. KB Apr. 23 3 p.m. APA vs. HAC Apr. 23 5 p.m. STB vs. EEP(b) Apr. 24 4 p.m. APA vs. EEP(a) Apr. 25 4 p.m. EEP(b) vs. KB Apr. 20 4 p.m. HAC vs. STB Apr. 27 4 p.m. KB vs. APA May 1 4 p.m. STB vs. EEP(a) May 2 4 p.m. HAC vs. EEP(b) May 3 0 p.m. STB vs. APA May 4 6 p.m. HAC vs. KB May 0 12 noon EEP(b)vsEEP(a) May 6 2 p.m. HAC vs. APA May 8 4 p.m. EEP(b) vs. STB May 9 4 p.m. EEP(a) vs. KB May 10 0 p.m. EEP(b) vs. APA May 11 4 p.m. EEP(a)vs. HAC May 13 12 noon KB vs. STB May 13 2 p.m. EEP(a) vs. APA May 15 4 p.m, KB vs. EEP(b) May 10 4 p.m. STB vs. HAC May 18 4 p.m. EEP(a) vs. STB May 18 0 p.m. EEP(b) vs. HAC Voting Befjns Today h Central Council, Living Area Affairs Coincil Refer e i d n i Will Limit Powers Of Pres. I i Vote Hathaway Expresses Hope League I Schedules VOL. U I I , . N 0 . 1 8 TUESDAY, A P R I L 25, 1967 A L B A N Y , N E W YORK Siena Will Be Tough Albany, now 0-3, will probably face stiff competition from Siena who are presently 3-0 and will most likely be going with their ace hurler, Bob Flynn. The two squads split their games last year and here too by Jim Winslow the Danes will be looking for their second consecutive win in an annual After posting two quick and impressive victories rivalry. Coach Burlingame has been over Utica and Oswego State, the Great Dane netmen pleased by the Great Danes hurling have been victimized by the elements. Since the first thus far, however, their hitting still has not jelled, perhaps due to the game of the young season the Albany area has been lack of outside practice, thanks to plagued with a rain which has wiped out every outthe Inclement weather. The coach doors practice session. The lack of practice will show has also cited the rapid adaptations Oneonta, Potsdam, and Central Conwhich Stein and Elkin have made in o v e r t h e s e a s o n . A _ <-. , „ ',, .. nectlcut seem to be the best bets the field. Stein, who is playing the As Coach Merlin uHatha- tor wlns< outfield this year for the first time the team Is on the " I s and Elkin, a converted first base- Way e x p r e s s e d i t , " W e a r e l a nToday,' d " ' o r a match with Adeiphi, man who is now at short, have both playing our toughest schedmade some fine plays in the field. ule ever with the addition 2 £ of t h e unl<n°*ns »' "» sched- of Fairleigh Dickinson and Adeiphi and the boys need all the practice they can get." Press Alb Q race Siena Saturday The Great Danes will also be In action tomorrow when they will noil the Siena Indians again at 3 p.m. Coach Burlingame will choose his starting hurler from a list that includes: Cas Galka, who pitched a tine game against Utica but may not be ready to go again by Saturday, Tom Plotrowski, who threw well in relief against Oswego, and George Webb, who also looked good against Oswego. The prospective starting lineup for this weekend's game includes) Captain Andy Christian at third, Denny Elkin at short, Paul LeonetU at second, Webb or Jack Slnnott at TOM I C L I S T 0 N • I I I b* t h * stortiaf pitcher In today's homo first, and Jim Murley, Bob Lowell, opener at 3 p.m. against RPI. Hit mother will bo on hand to and Art Stein or Slnnott patrollng throw out the first ball. the outfield. Varsity Linksman McCloat: Sports Editor Turned Golfer by Honk Rabinowitz o Friday, April 21, 1967 A L I A N Y STUDENT PRESS *•§•• Thorns, Central Council, and Don Oppedlsano, Chairman of Athletic Advisory Board. The brothel's of Beta Phi Sigma strongly hope that these results will help in speeding up action on the question of football at State. Voting will take place in Campus Center 3G1 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. today through Friday and on the dinner lines in the Dutch Quad, Colonial Quad and Walden Dining Hall tomorrow and Thursday. The following people are running for Central Council from the Dutch Quad: Sue Archey, Bo Cania, Doreen Frankel, Thomas Guthrie, Philip Hoffman, Paul Lleberman, Terry Mathias, Patricia Matteson, Elty Menachte, Susan Sammartano, Charles Young and Andrew Zambelli. Only three seats are open. Paul Butterfield, David Cummings, Diane del Toro, Thomas Ebert, Josephine Fasolo, Gregory Hicks, Carol Jonke and Jeffrey Mlshkin are seeking the three seats for the Council from the Colonial Quad. The two seats on Central Council from the State Quad are being sought by Vic Looper, Dotti Mancusi, Carol Mowers, Craig Springer, Margie Tourajian, and Natalie Woodall. C. T. Campany, Carol Hettle, Judith Mills, Mike Parker, Christine Root, and Joseph Zanca are competing from Commuters for the three seats. Six seats are open for LAAC from the Dutch Quad.The followlngpeople are running: Gary Bessel, Pamela Doscher, Delia Gelson, Philip Hoffman, William Jones, Susan Levenberg, Donna Levlne, Cherte Levy, Terry Mathias, Mady Mlxson, Edward Redelberger, Stephanie Rice, Madeline Schnabel, George Taylor, Ellen Tolkoff and Connie Vails. Nelson Atkin, Paul Breslln, Bob D'Elena, Diane del Toro, Thomas Ebert, Adele Endlekofer, Susan Formal!, Josephine Fasolo, Jay Handelman, Shannon Ha/en, Cheryl Hester, Bob Holmes, Carol Jonke, Phyllis Leltner, Nancy LePore, Fran Lltz, Bob Mulvey, Lelda Sanzel, Susan Sutton, and Barry Welnsteln seek the six positions from Colonial Quad. cont'd on page 3 VIOLENCE OCCURS in Joan Luc Godard'i Alphavlllo, tonight's presentation of the American Film Academy. Th* picture will b* show at 7:30 and 9:15 p.m. in Draper 349. Admission will b* 75*. f •§• a Tuoidoy, April 25, 1967 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS \m * We have already expressed our desir.e for a complete reappraisal of destinations which will be considered legal in signing out; we would also like to see a few steps taken to secure students some place to sign out to. At present there is a crying need for extended hours for both the Campus Center and the library. This depends on financing the necessary staff and fitting this expense into already tight budgets. At present President-Collins tells us that the library's proposed budget has been cut, and the Student Affairs Staff has similar problems. We suggest investigation of possibilities of keeping certain areas of these buildings open, in order to provide an.area for study and recreation, but not at the expense of staffing the whole building. One floor could be opened, and in the library book lending facilities would not have to be in operation. In the Campus Center it might be possible to keep the first floor lounges open, closing off the main lobby by having students enter through the side entrances. Over The Counter Intelligence Pi Gamma Mu The annual spring banquet and Induction for Pi Gamma Mu will be • held May 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Herbert's Restaurant, Members should make, their reservations with Dr. Birr in SS 341 before May 2. The price ls $3.50 per person. Archery Larry's wing team, a group of local professional archers will present an exhibition Thursday at 7:30 p.m. In the Campus Center Ballroom. Al) a r e invited to attend. Tickets on 5ale Tickets for the Bernard Greenhouse concert to be held May 2, 1967 a r e now on sale at the inforg. mation desk. Wurzkurg Study Plan To Be Held Again, Meeting Tomorrow ^~WTs~cmftmrsrwiSKXm»riM The answer is, of course, more ASP photographers. Readers who have an Interest In photography and are interested In seeing the quality of the sports photography improved are Indeed welcome lo Join the staff. As the situation '.<• now, the reade r s cannot expect a handful of men to cover all the evenls going on In the campus scene, both home and away. The answer to the problem bolls down to the basic axiom: quantity makes quality. Glenn Saplr Associate Sports Editor in search of love in a c r u e l W e b b ,and Area Schools Still Pushing For Extended Women's Hours Special from Union My dear Foster Parents: I am very happy al school along with my brother, our teachers like us and they play in the recess hours with us, and they give us snacks In the morning and in the afternoon. We are waiting for Easter time, we a r e used to celebrate It devotion at our suburb's church, is named "Vlrgen de Guadalupe," I received $8.00 of donation and 1 paid my school tuition, also toilet |and washing soaps, 3 toothpaste, and 2 toothbrushes, thank you very much lor everything, , Gractelu Garcia MARGARET D U N U A P and SARA K1TTSLEY Co-Editors -In-Chief Bruce Kaufman, Advertising Managsij Stuart Luberl, Photography Manager. Gary Schutte, Business Managen] Linda VanPatton, Technical Suporvi AH communication! must be addro.sed to the editor arid rrnsl be signed. Cqmmunlcotions should b . limlttd t 0 300 word, and are subject to editing 111. Albany Student Press c i i u m s m o responsibility for opinions opinions express* expressed Th | | | columns and communications as such expressions d.o not necessarily. reflect its views. »' Concord! ensis by Barry N e w m a n At,Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, seniors have won extensions of daily and weekend curfews, and students are hoping for eventual relaxation across all class levels. The weekday limit for remaining away from the dormitory was raised to 12:30 a.m. for seniors and to 11:30 p.m. lor ali other women. Seniors may now return as late as 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights, while a 1 a.m. curb is retained for underclassmen. Students at Russell Sage College are also asking for liberalizations. A proposal to stretch the current weekday curfew to 11 p.m. for seniors and 10 p.m. for the balance of the all women's school Is under consideration by the Common Council, a student-faculty group. A student at all male Union who frequents Albany State was relieved. The new rules eliminate "the mad dash to the door" just before curfew, he said, and on dates that are not quite successful "girls won't feel obligated any longer to use up all their time." At Skidmore, a student committee called SWAT (Skidmore Women Assert Themselves) worked with the Dean of Students to formulate its proposal, passed last month by the Common Council, a Student-Faculty legislature with the power to implement changes. ASP Foster Child Writes Of School Tim Albany Stu dun t Pros» is a soini-waokly nowipapor published by ilia Student Association of iho Slato Univariily of Now York at Albany. The ASP office, loctiiucl in Room 364 of tlio Campus Csntar at 1223 Western Avenue, is opon from 7 - 1 1 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night or may be reached by dialing 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 a/ 457-2194. Linda Berdan, Arts Editor Don Oppedlsono, Sports Editor ,GI«n Saplr, Assoc. Sports Editor Joseph Silverman, Executive Edilo i n g a S i m p l e S t o r y — t h a t o f (Paul's assistant), Neil Linden as a l o n e l y g i r l w h o c o m e s S c h e g e l , the clowns played by John Argentine Writer To Speak On Tango Press Charles, ana Barbara; Bruce met For Carnival n o r t P a v - * " r e q u i r e m e n t s Suttably *or carnival, Portray- c ^ wainwriiht as Jacquot The Central European Area Studies Program al Wurzburg, Germany will be continued again next year. Any student who wishes to participate in this program should attend a meeting tomorrow after noon _ a t 3:30 p.m. In lecture room H2. " D u r i n g this meeting Dr. Thomas M. Barker and Dr. John Wlnkleman will discuss the details of this program and pass out applications. This year, nineteen graduate and undergraduate students from the University will be taking advantage of this program and spending a year Alfredo J. (lo Franco, the popular of study in Germany. Upon arriving the students will attend a.short sum- Argentine songwriter and tangospemer session of orientation and then tallst, will present a musical hiswill take Jobs during the Hummer tory of the tango from 1'JOO to the amongst the people of the country. present on Wednesday, April 20, In October they will begin classes, at 8:00 p.m. in the Assembly Hall and in July of the next year classes of the Campus Center. A graduate of the Municipal Conwill end. The program costs about ^nineteen hundred dollars for theservatory of Music, Buenos Aires, de Franco has written approxiyear. mately fifty songs, most of -which The courses to be studied will are tangos. be History, Social Science, EngAfter playing with some of the lish, and German. Barker and Wlnkleman will be going to Wurz- best tango orchestras in Argentina, and performing In such countries us burg also next year to teach several Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile, de Francourses, co formed his own orchestra and quintet. On Wednesday evening, de Franco will interpret the history of the tango on his favorite instrument, a Graclela Garcia, the ASP fostsr special type of accordion called the child, has written another letter to bandoneon, I Inform her foster parents of her 'progress. the respondants (including faculty) start and maintain a football team said that they were willing to go immediately. All that we are lackalong with (Ids. ing Is support from the Adminis"AIIAI" I hear you say. What tration. , ... . , happens lo the support when the I hope that it is forthcoming as game at thecertainly time of publication of team starts losing? Well, the sup. soon as possible, if not sooner. that page, It can l « understood why a more recent photo ould not appear. Other excuses could IK; offered In an attempt to pardon myself and the other monitors of the sports ESTABLISHED MAY W16 staff. Excuses are helpless, however, In trying to find a solution BY TMt CLASS OF 1918 to the obvious problem. Albany Student just a play - Stole Foir There will be a mandatory meeting for all organizations having booths at State Fair on Tues., April 25 at 7:30 p.m. In Httnanlties 123. COMMUNICATIONS tive to improvement on the part of Food Service and offer the student To the Editors: a more realistic alternative than The cartoon of the Faculty-Stu- the vending machines, dent Association octopus clearly The voluntary system would also reflects the all-encompassing anil help alleviate food problems caused monopolistic operations of this or- by religious norms or dietary probganization on campus. Perhaps the lems. most unreasonable form of this or- ,1 hope that this solution can be ganization Is the fact that Food looked into by responsible student Service is compulsory for resident government bodies such as L.A.A.C, students. or Central Council. Maybe then the Though the proponents of Food resident student will get more than service will gladly cite the increase the usual platitudes which have beIn fringe services (Ice cream,etc.), come FSA's stop gap to criticism. Thomas F.bert they neglect the central issue of whether the quality ana/or and/or nuirinutrb ^m . , tlonal value of the food has im- \1\Q10QT001)61$ Needed proved. Ice cream adds calories not protein, state health regula- To the Headers: tions guarantees only a minimum In Friday's ASP, there appeared standard of quality and no more. a legitimate complaint concerning I feel that a possible solution to the photographs which appear on the the problem of Food Service Is to sports page, A criticism was made make the payment of board (I.e. to the fact that a photo of a last food costs) voluntary to the stu- season ball game appeared In condents. This action v/ould result In Junction with this season's article. financial benefits to late-sleepers This Is indeed unfortunate. However, and to those who are away on week- considering the fact that the State ends, offer competition and lucen- baseball team had not played a home The truth of the statement, "All the world's a stage," proved its worth at the recent production of Carnival, the 1967 State University Revue. The emotional impact, a s well a s the integration of audience and players, made this musical comedy more than Workshops on Vietnam The Committee to End the War In Vietnam has changed its schedule of workshops on Vietnam. Instead of k holding five meetings a week with only a few people attending, only two THE GLASS IS many-colored, and sans of the world may, too. workshops will be held each week, See, see where the PULSE streams, CRY, CRY, and let loose Thursday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher Hall and Campus Cen- the dogs of LENDINGS. What can you make of LENDINGS, nuncle? ter, respectively. No Honors This Year Food Suggestion by Thomas Bond The Inauguration of the new Central Council and LAAC will be held Sunday in the Grand Ballroom. to provide entertainment for football fans, not to become the sole reason ' L. u .! t L . port that the questionnaire presents for the existence of the school. by Martin Schwart* ^ o b t a i n e ( j 4 w n U e only 26>34% had Sports fans will probably insist that h n e In the past several months, sevf f o r a ^ " " ' ^ t e a m '" The results of the football poll con- the team will be a failure if we can't eral members of the administration, '«"y eh o°P f e w People here were unv e rew ducted by Beta Phi Sigma indicate that have money to attract " s t a r s " but most led by Vice-President Thorne, have . 7 , .nfe °v.% "f'e. " ? ' e " 86% of the undergraduates, graduates people who took part in the football poll expressed doubt as to the general !'ea"s"f- ° n l y 15% ,i? / s b °, t , h h ° a s e S on this campus toward (Probably the same 15%) either exand faculty favor football here. We en- indicated that they didn't expect the atmosphere the setting up of a football team. P e c t e d u f , t 0 h a v e B l g T e n o r I v ) ' dorse this opinion under one condition. team to be a winning team immedRecently, President Collins began League style piay. The condition is that money is not iately. Can't athletes be trained o r do to set up a committee to advise him tt nna t^ ^7 7 ^1 7%/ were v?ll ng to on intercollegiate athletics, lnclud- f l,nZ\\\ „ J per alloted from Athletic Advisory board they have to be bought? ing football. The catch is that athle- ™ o r e s P e n t ° " , 0 ° t b a 1 1 J,f tics on this campus are financed by than actual estimates say will be or any other Student tax funded organe Many student funds, through Athletic Adl ? , " „ , "'"'•e of the remain ng ization to be used to attract athletes visory Board 22.83% were willing to spend the here. There was a proposal recently To find out exactly what the stu- estimated figure, presented to A.A. Board which r e dents want on this campus, Beta , For some reason, as 1 wa s e x p lalne d by residen ' Co"lns' a1' quested that funds to be used to en- Now that we have mentioned athletics, Phi Sigma, one of the colony fra- t h„o u hh tt h, f ternitles here, undertook a well, S ? students have the money and lhe tertain prospective athletic type stu- we must mention the fact that there i s done survey to test student knowl, facilities to start a new dents for a weekend to convince them no Honors Convocation this year. We edge and opinion. The results may f p ° r t ' °» l y h e administration can couldn't find out exactly why, but it be found elsewhere in the paper. „ „e „ a f'ep.' , to attend this school. What is most Important is that , ™ President has set up a com This proposal has now been referred seems there was a lack of support by 86.12% of the undergraduates, grads, m l " f ' ° advise him as to whether e should take this step, as I mento the President's Committee on Inter- people who should have worked on it. and faculty stated that they wanted t > l o n e d befol = f°mmlttee has It seems to us that last year's con- a football team started here at Al- o t m e tl s 'f- e™ collegiate Athletics. We were opposed bany. This figure is based on 2,240 " , ' 4 ° " y w i " have theopporto having football on campus until we vocation was hailed as a step in the people who answered the question- u n '* a t " ' e r " " ' meeting to have facts at their disposal when they discovered that football scholarships right direction of recognizing academic n a [ r e This finding is exciting as it is difuss 'o°U>all. could not be given out. Now thistooi s achievement. Yet this year it doesn't the greatest consensus ever to be , „ , S o m e *?">" should be taken on exist. being considered. found here since students were asked this issue immediately. Games could Perhaps the Honors Convocation is if they wanted bathrooms on campus. p r , f a b y b e scheduled now for next We a r e afraid that once money is obvious that once and for all £ a U w l h such clubs (not teams) as alloted to bring " t o p " athletic stars another case of misplaced responsi- Ittheisquestion has been decided as to s l e " a . Marist, N.Y.U. andFordham. Thes here, any chance for fame for aca- bility. By the time Signum Laudis de- whether football is wanted. e c l " ° s are all student run and demics will be decreased. We tend to cided not to do it and the task was a s The next Important step is the coached. The experience in playing a , e w ames S would be valuable for think that once athletics gain impor- signed to Academic Affairs Commis- acquisition of money. This is not really important as AA Board has those students who would be playing sion which was to plan it with MYS- over $150,000 in its possession al- U I K l e r b e t t e r conditions the following tance, academics suffer. Scholarship aid to athletes isn't fair KANIA, it was too late for it this year ready, ready to be used for football. v e a 1 'anyway. In addition, almost one-third of the , A 'f am c o u l d be , c l 1 0 s e n now . "; 0 "' to sudents who don't have athletic respondants said that they would t h e "'ie talent shown in A.M.I.A. It doesn't matter much that it was tolerate ability or anyone with talents in other a $1.00 admission charge P1^- t l l a t could begin practice, get too late because the Faculty Committee to all games areas, like studying. ' n s n a P e on their own over tlit' If more money Is needed, which summer, and perhaps come up early Maybe if we gave scholarships to on Honors and Awards which decides is highly unlikely unless we gold- ' " September to begin work, Tllel e l s n 0 athletes we should give them to drama the people to receive some of the awards plate the field, 03.7% said that they ' reason to spend a majors to aid the State University Thea- given, hasn't been active this year. would support a $1 to $5 raise In y e a r debating the merits of a footstudent ball team. A content analysis of tax, while 11.92% would Maybe there will be a Honors Contre in acquiring a big name or we could ASP morgue will show that give the money to the Council for Con- vocation next year, if everyone doesn't support a tax hike of over $5. the these debates have been going on temporary Music to draw a big name just dismiss the whole thing with the Next problem. As most students for over ten years. like Zal Yanovsky as a student here. thought "What Honors Convocation?" realized, there are no plans for We have the money, talent, space, We were under the impression that It was a nice thought to honor academic stadium to bo built, and the best community support (see Tom Cunthat wo rould hope for would be ningham of the Albany Timesa football team would be established achievement while it lasted. bleacher seating. Luckily, 88.2(1 of Union), and the school support to Football If... Xamivar I i M t a i k Siccess, Tells Stiry Of Everyday Lite etml'd fmm page The candidates for three positions from State quad a r e Mary Coffey, Vic Looper, Dottl Mancusi, Bonnie Mattlce, Veronica Sharp, Cralf Springer, Margie Tourajlan, Joanne Wahl and Natalie Woodall. The six positions from Commu. a l t e r s a r e sought by Jeff Brewer, Grace Fortunato, William Grelner, Carney Kopa, Joe McCullough, Marjorle Mlele, and Rosemary Thornson. I NOTICES «•*?• ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Yittaf For UAC, Central Condi I ] Open Up ~3v«.cS isseks f)Tuesday. April 25, 1967 The student body president, Janet Reder, does not expect drastic r e form of Skidmore's hours until a new means Is found for communication with all students. Announcements made after curfew, she said are certain to reach everyone. The administration, according to Miss Reder, is concerned primarily with the students' safety, while students generally "want to make up their own minds." Miss Reder doubts that women's rooms will ever be opened to male visitors because "the dorms a r e not set-up for It." At a number of women's colleges, Including Bennington In Vermont, curfews are minimal and men are permitted in the women's rooms. , ... carmval-hke ., world and * t h *le™"h1fe M . T h e only p r o M e m o n e could s e e f i n d s o n l y d e s p a i r a n d m i s - with Robert Clayton is that he was ery — i s in reality, the not „*„„.. „ f „„„—,,1..., i : r „ sequel were LIU (the innocent girl storyMlra) of everyday life. from and Paul (the tortured The mainonly characters In thissidelife puppeteer able to attract show attention.) In support of them were Marco (the egotistical magician positive of everything—even love) and Rosalie (Marco's used girl—the one who would always be there.) o n sia & lon s enough—he had a true comic presentation and In Perhaps the. weakest link in this hproduction i s roIe a s D r Glass> well> adid wm was lighting—it not of the tender moments lendanItself of the play, and there was definitely too little of It on the puppets. Stage C r o w d e d The stage appeared crowded, but yet tended Itself to every scene. The settings by Deanehan were much Ladman a s L i l i like the original Broadway showing, Jo Ann Ladman, who understudied and the costumes by Michaels were for Carla Plnelli, played the role of gay and lively. The make-up by Lili for most performances with Wilcox, while good on the leads, tact, Initiative and just aboutevcry- lacked on all supportingcharacters, thing else—including a silver-toned either too much or too little. voice. Plnelli returned for the last One comment on choreography - performance—and while she lacked marvelous! Kathleen O'Neil staged everything Jo Ann had in the first and executed all numbers memact, Carla ably succeeded in the orably. And as for musical direcsecond. tion—what a gift John Webb has. Charles llartlett was astonishing He adapted the cnorus and leads' as Paul and while his intonation well. And then there was little lacked in song, his acting ability Joyce Levy, to her, congratulations qas unquestionably marvelous. 011 the technicalities of staging. Wherein I must also classify BarShe, as well as what John Fotia bara Untracht in the role of Rosalie. did, made the direction unquestionEvery time she appeared on stage, ably good. Dennis Buck, the pianist well, magnificent, what a voice, what who is usually the forgotten, was acting, what a girl. at his finest. Ills fingering techThe part of Marco fit the char- nique, his style and precision, his acter of Bruce Tiffany well and every note made "Carnival" what while not as memorable as Jo Ann. it was a SUCCESS Your State University Bookstore Now taking Orders For Caps aid Gowis Seniors Please Order early. April 17-May 13 Large Selection Mother's Day Cards Graduation Cards, Everyday Cards, also Baseballs Tennis Balls Alfredo J. de Franco Ju .marvelous and unforgettable. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Tuesday, April 25, 1967 * Oi Egleston Hurls Danes Over RPI Team Faces Mew Paltz Today Tom Egleston's pitching paced the Albany State University Great Dane baseball team to its first victory of the season by pitching a four hitter to down the RPI Engineers by the score of 3-1. The diamondmen who now have a 1-3 record faced Siena at home yesterday and will host New Paltz today at 3:00 at the old campus field. Cas Galka was scheduled to throw yesterday while big George Webb was supposed to have received the starting assignment for today. The visitors drew first blood in the contest by scoring an unearned run in the fourth inning, It was the only run they were to score all day. RPI's Chip Lee singled after one out. George Derrick then forced Lee at second for the second out. On the next pitch Derrick stole second and •cored when shortstop Denny Elkin committed a throwing error on Rich Zbrlger's ground ball. MRS. MARTHA EGLESTON it shewn throwing out the first boll before'Saturday's contest with RPI. At right is Captain Andy Christian and at left is her son Tom who pitched the Danes to victory. Danes Score 3 in 6th The Danes scored all their runs In the bottom half of the sixth. Egleston led off with a booming double off the left field fence. Second baseman Paul Leonetti beat out an infield single senlng Egleston to third. Jim Netmen Win Third Straight, Face Plattsburgh On Friday APAr HAC Reman by Jim Win slow The young State varsity netters made it three victories without a loss as they easily defeated Adelphi University, 7-1, last Friday on the Adelphi courts. The second doubles match was called off after the first two sets by mutual consent. After splitting the first two . sets .of that match, darkness set in. In the singles, first man Ron McDermott easily won, 6-0, 6-1. er In his third singles match. He lost, 6-4, 6-3, as his opponent seemed to return anything put across the net. Darrell Carp handed his opponent an easy 6-2, 6-3 beating. "Darrell still Isn't completely back in shape after sitting out last year," said Coach Merlin Hathaway. Fifth man Marty Bergen, the team's defensive ace, won his sets 6-1, 6-4. Guy Nicosia rouned ' out the singles play with a tough 6-4, 8-6 victory. In doubles play, Zack and Mao won, 6-2, 6-1, over their Adelphi counterparts. The number three doubles combo of Bergen and Nicosia also won easily. Adelphi, one of the known opponents this season, didn't show us much," commented Hathaway. "We Behind the soph ace, senior Ken should meet much stronger compeZacharlas had even less trouble tition as we go along and for that as he whitewashed his counterpart, we'll need much more practice," '6-0, 6-1, Tom Walenclk ran up he added. The Albany area has been against the complete defensive play- plagued by the annual spring rains. The Hooper Athletic Club and Alpha Pi Alpha remained undefeated in games through Saturday, April 22 as the former edged last year's champions, Potter Club 3-2, and the latter downed the Potter b team 11-2 last Thursday. APA is now 3-0 while the Hoopers are 2-0. The big games on Saturday between HAC and EEP saw the black and white take an early lead with two runs In the bottom of the second Inning. Two walks, Don Comptois's single, and an error produced the two runs. In the top of the third, the Hoopers countered with one marker when Wayne Smith singled and came all away around to score when Ray Cascla's hit got through the left fielder, In the fourt, Hac tied the game when Fred Rawe hit a sacrifice fly, scoring Don Oppedisano from third. In the fifth, Smith hit a prodigious home run to win the game for the Hoopers. In League III, the Flying Jabones set an AMIA record when they creamed STB 64-11. The old record was 57 set by Potter Club. There will be a meeting for all those interested in playing varsity soccer In the fall this Thursday, April 27, at the new campus tennis courts at 4 p.m. The soccer program for the fall will be discussed at this time. BUI Talbert and Donna Fales will hold a tennis clinic this Thursday at 4:00 at the new campus courts. All are Invited to attend. :V'i•-••'< • STATE UMIVE1SITY Located in the Basement of the Campus Center Hours: Tues.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. jay is tnainiwi vt mtmuuuM ana- AUAWY.KWYQW FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1967 by Everett Colemon Albany State opened Its 1007 golf seasun on Thursday, April 27 with a 4 1/2-4 1/2 tie against Utica at the McGregor Golf Club In Saratoga Springs. Although the match was scheduled to be played at the Normansido Country Club, Inclement weather forced play to be held at the substitute course. Returning letterman Fred Nelson, a Junior from Amsterdam, shot an impressive 84 and won an individual point plus his match, Brian Hill defeated his opponent and shot an 83, the best sora this year for the Albany llnksmen, Bill Pendergast, a junior from Troy tied his opponent in the match, and also tied for an individual point. Hill also tied in his match, Last year's outstanding frosh, Peter Ferguson, won his match which accounts for State's 4 1/2 point tie. Bay McCloat, another re- VOL. Llll, HO. 19 New Members To Be Inaugurated For Central Council And LAAC Danes Good on Defense The Danes also played well In the field, A spectacular double play cut short a possible rally In the third. With RPI men on first and second and nobody out, George Derrick hit a ground ball to Elkin at short. Elkin flipped the ball to Leonetti who made a low throw to Webb at first. But George scooped ( it out of the dirt while stretching full length to nip Derrick by a half step. After today's game the Danes have tomorrow and Thursday off. Friday they face Plattsburgh In an away game and Saturday they will be at Potsdam. - New members of Central Council and Living Area Affairs Commission will be Inaugurated at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Campus Center Ballroom. President Evan R. Collins, Dr. Clifton Thome, vice-president for Student Affairs; Dr. Earl Doresaler, vice-president for research; and Neil Brown, director of student activities will be present at the ceremonies. Voting for Council and L A A C C o n t i n u e s today u n t i l 4 p . m . in the S t u d e n t A s - Doscher, Delia Gelson, Philip Hoff. man, William Jones, Susan Leven. Susan Sutton, and Barry Weinstein seek the six positions from Colonial Quad. sociation office-, Campus £«* g*g **$*> * & * ^Hf r> 4- net J u. S- Terry Mathias, Mady Mixson, Ed- ward Redelberger, Stephanie Rice, Center 361 and on the din- Madeline ..—-• »--.-••----— •-----•Taylor, -• Schnabel, •» George ner lines tonight. Ellen Tolkoff and Connie Vails. The following people are. running for Central Council from the Dutch Quad: Sue Archey, Ro Cania, Doreen Frankel, Thomas Guthrie, Philip Hoffman, Paul Lieberman, Terry Mathias, Patricia Matteson, Elty Menachie, Susan Sammartano, Charles Young and Andrew Zambelli. Only three seats are open. , Paul Butterfleld, David Cummlngs, Diane del Toro, Thomas Ebert, Josephine Fasolo, Gregory Hicks, Carol Jonke and Jeffrey Mishkln are seeking the three seats for the Council from the Colonial Quad. Alexandra Tolstoy To Lecture On Memories Of Her Father Alexandra Tolstoy, daughter of the noted novelist Leo Tolstoy, will speak in the University Campus Center ballroom Monday evening, May 8, at 8:30. Her public address, "The World of Tolstoy and the World of Today," is sponsored by the University's department of Germanic and Slavic languages and literatures. Miss Tolstoy, 83, has written several book* concerning her father WAYNE SMITH rounds third on his long homo run that defeated Potter Club for the Hooper A.C., 3-2. Coaching is Don Oppedisano. Track Club Makes Debut, First Meet Morgan Victor by Dune Nixon Albany State began a new page in its sports history Saturday when the freshmen members of the Albany State track club traveled to Coblesklll to take part In the Cobleskill Invitational relays. And amazingly enough, In their first meet ever, competing against 16 other schools, the Great Danes came up with a first place finisher. turning letterman, scored a 90 on the course, and Craig Luther, a transfer from Delhi Tech and this year's number one man, lost his match. Last year, Utica beat the Danes twice, so the tie this year is some Improvement. The team's next match Is on Wed., April 26, against Hamilton, and It will be played at home at the Normanslde Country Club at 2:00. Albany has never defeated Hamilton. On Thursday, April 27, is another Important match against LeMoyne, Play will be held In Syracuse. Hounding out the week will be an encounter with New Paltz and will be played at the Wyltwyck Course in Kingston. An Important date to remember is May 3 when the linkers will participate in the Capital City Invitational Tournament. This key match will be held at the McGregor Golf Course. RPI and Siena are entered in the contest, Basil Morgan, after copping two preliminaries, sped to a 9.9 win In the 100 yard dash. Morgan Impressive in 220 Morgan also made the finals in the 220 as he won ills semi-final heat In 24.0, but he pulled a muscle In doing so and had to withdraw. Other runners who looked good to Coach Munsey were Terry Mathias who reached the semi-finals in both the 100 and the 220, Paul Roy who \t ran a good half-mile in the medley relay, and Charley Hart who looks like a promising middle distance runner. The freshmen will to In action again tomorrow when they will travel lo Utica lor the Mohawk Valley C.C. relays. Coacli Munsey also plans to take sophomore Mike Attwell along to compete In the open mile. Varsity Goes To LeMoyne The varsity who were rained out at Williams earlier, will get their first real test on Monday, May 1 ffl when they will compete In the LeMoyne Relays. As Is normally the case with a club team Coach Munsey Intends that this should be a building year. Neither the freshmen nor the varsity, who will be running together in dual matches during the year, has any field entries, as Coach Munsey is concentrating on the track events in order .to build a solid nucleus for next year, when track is expected to take its rightful place alongside the other seven varsity sports, o Countess Alexandre Tolstoy and Russia. "The Tragedy of Tolstoy" relates her experiences with her father in his later years and "Tolstoy-A Life of My Father" is a biography. She also wrote "I worked for the Soviet," describing her experiences in Russia after the Revolution. Born in Russia, Miss Tolstoy is now an American citizen and president of the Tolstoy Foundation, an agency which helps refugees who are fleeing Communist oppression. It consists of a home for the aged, children's camps, recreation center, library and farm. This resettlement center is located at Valley Cottage, Rockland County. The countess appeared at the University three years ago and held a packed lecture hall spellbound reminiscing about her father and her oatlve Russia. A writer covering the speech for a local newspaper wrote: "There was a humanity about the countess. She could have been your mother or mine. The way she spoke about her father made him seem human to the last detail. In fact, this writer wasn't a writer any more. He was a man." IFG To Present Thriller, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Alfred Hitchcock's demonic "Psycho" is tomorrow night's selection to be shown by the International Film Group. An instant commercial success, "Psycho" was also praised by dls% corning critics as an enormously effective work of cinema art. "Sight & Sound" wrote "Its virtues of tension, surprise, virtuosity, and control are all major ones." John Russell Taylor declared, " 'Psycho' Is the most thrilling of thrillers; even Hitchcock himself has never bettered some of its shock effects... It is also the most savagely amusing of black comedies, balancing us, even at its most horrifying, on the knife-edge where there is almost no distinction begjltween a laugh and a scream." The film begins Innocuously enough, but tiien chilling details intrude, and soon the story of apetty bank embezzlement is swarming with unexpected turns and plot twists—only to be truncated by the most horrifying murder sequence ever filmed. Janet Leigh, Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, and Martin Balsam star in this most extraordinary film. . Hitchcock as showman Is familiar to all; but Hitchcock as a truly gifted director is less evident. In Its incredible cumulative effect and sheer filmic viruosity, "Psycho" may well be his masterpiece, "Psycho" will be shown tomorrow night at 7:00 and 9:15 in Draper 349, No more than 250 people will lie admitted per show, so get there early. Admission price is oof with student tax. Nelson Atkln, Paul Breslin, Bob D'Elena, Diane del Toro, Thomas Ebert, Adele Endlekofer, Susan Forman, Josephine Fasolo, Jay Handelman, Sharmon Hazen, Cheryl Hester, Bob Holmes, Carol Jonke, Phyllis Leitner, Nancy LePore, Fran Litz, Bob Mulvey, Leida Sanzel, The candidates for three positions from state quad are Mary Coffey, Vic Looper, Dotti Mancusi, Bonnie Mattice, Veronica Sharp, Craig . Springer, Margie Tourajian, Joanne Wald and Natalie Woodall. The six positions from Commuters are sought by Jeff Brewer, Grace Fortunato, William Greiner, Carney Kopa, Joe McCullough, Marjorie Miele, and Rosemary Thomson. Cast Announced For 'Brechf Grannell To Play Lead ALFRED J. DE FRANCO, papular Argentine songwriter, presented a musical history of the tango in the Campus Center Ballroom Wednesday. m M l Linksters Tie Utica, 4)4-414 FRED NELSON hits a long four wood to the 9 len during Thursday's match with Utica College. Fred shot an 84 (or the day as the linksters tied, 4KJ.4/J, Press Q Undefeated In AMIA NOTICE fit;:; , • MATE? Murley drove in Egleston and sent t n r e e i n recording his second Leonettl to third with a double down straight victory over the visitors from Troy. the right field line. Sinnott Walked Intentionally Jack Sinnott was then intentionally walked to load the bases with nobody out, Elkln hit a slow grounder to third and the only play that the third baseman had was to step on third forcing Murley. In the meantime Leonetti scored to make it 2-1 Albany. The diamondmen scored the last run of the game when Sinnott took third on a past ball and scored on an overthrow of third by the RPI's catcher. But the big factor was Egleston's strong hurling. He gave up only four hits, one ine each of the second, third, fourth, and sixth Innings. He struck out five and walked WHICH WAY The two seats on Central Council from the State Quad are being sought by Vic Looper, Dotti Mancusi, Carol Mowers, Craig Springer, Margie Tourajian, and Natalie Woodall. C. T. Campany, Carol Hettie, Judith Mills, Mike Parker, Christine Root, and Joseph Zanca are competing from Commuters for the three seats. The Galaxy Players will perform Brecht on Brecht, revue of the work of German playwright Bertolt Brecht, tonight and tomorrow night at 8:30 in Page Hall. This is the second State University Theatre Guest Production of the season and sponsored by Dramatics Council. Arranged and translated by George Tabori, Brecht on Brecht, Six seats are open for LAAC from was performed originally in Novemthe Dutch Quad. The following people ber, 1961 as part of a matinee serare running: Gary Bessel, Pamela ies of the Greater New York Chapter of the American National Theatre and Academy. It opened for a regular run at the Teatre de Lys two months later. of Brecht will be Arthur Ploetz, veteran actor in arena and civic theatres in the capital district. Director Morrell will do double duty by serving as narrator. Working with this solid cast of veteran actors, Morrell has found rehearsals going amoothly and with "the kind of excitement only Brecht can generate." William Grannell will head the cast In Ihe production. In a previous appearance with the Galaxy Players, Grannell played the lead role of Henry VIII in Herman Gressieker's Royal Gambit. His professional acting credits range from a national touring group production of In addition to Grannell, Samuel B. Auntie Mame to off-Broadway proMorrell, artistic director of the ductions. Galaxy Players, announced the other Tonight's Golden Eye will star an all faculty cast in a special Tickets are on sale at the Unipresentation of William Alfred's members of the cast. Included in the Play "Hogan's Goat" directed by program of the songs and writings versity Theatre Box Office, Hu. 140 until 3:30 today. Miss Francis Colby. Faculty CastTo Star In Golden Eye Play Of Quest For Power This will be the first time "Hogan's Goat" has been presented Inside this country outside of New York, where It ran for 18 monthsj special permission was received from Alfred to present it. "Hogan's Goat" deals with the effect of a quest for power in politics on the lives of the various characters. Archibald Maclelsh acclaimed it as "Irish-American politics practiced in Irish-American Brooklyn ... the total effect being not IrishAmerican at all but universal..."- In an all star cast "Hogan's Goat" will feature Tim Reilly, Miss Francis Colby, Peter Cousins, Peter Larrlck, Mrs, Marlon Thorsienson, Vergene Severnz, Robert Garvin, Robert Thorstenson, Walter Knotts, Dr. Harry Staley, Mrs. Diva Daims, and Mrs, Beth o'Dell. The Eye begins at 9 p.m. in the basement of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church on Madison Avenue. T H I INFINITESIMAL POINT in no time at all. LENDINGS. The train is almost re=dy for the TRIP. LENDINGS But the conductor is wearing a black cape. Run, run against LENDINGS LENDING! mmm