Albany Baseball Nine Drops Three Galka Loses Heartbreaker ToUtica

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Tuesday. April 18, IVcg)
Albany Baseball Nine Drops Three
Galka Loses Heartbreaker ToUtica
by Dune N i x o n
The Albany baseball nine ran Into some tough pitching this week, as they fell
to Utlca 2-1 on Thursday and then dropped both ends of a double-header to Oswego
on Saturday. In the Utlca encounter, Albany's Cas Galka'a'nd Utica's John Smith*
hooked up In quite a dual. After eight innings the score was 0-0 with a mere one
hit apiece. Galka had registered 11 strikeouts while Smith had 7 Ks. The stage
had six hits, but Oswego's Rich
was set for a climactic scoring on a wild pitch.
Furmak was tough In the clutch.
Albany jumped Into a quick 2-0
The^ Great Danes broke Tom Plotrowski then relieved Fa- lead In the second game as Leonetti
led off with a single and scored
the ice in their half when trei, and his walk loaded the bases, on Elkin's
booming triple. Elkln
brought up Brian Williams, who
Paul Leonetti was hit by and
a sacrificeflyto center for then came across on Andy Chrisa pitch; he moved to sec- lofted
the winning run.
ond on Jim Murley's sac- On Saturday the Great Danes tra- Oswego, however, came back for
in the bottom of the inning.
rifice, and scoredon Denny veled to Oswego for a pair of seven four
inning ball games. Oswego drew Two walks and a hit batsman loaded
Elkin's single to right.
first blood in the opener when Al- the bases, a sacrifice fly scored
T H E B A S E B A L L T E A M opened i t s season on a sour n o t e w i t h
a s i n g l e l o s s to U t i c a C o l l e g e and a double l o s s to O s w e g o .
Utlca was not to be denied, however, as they opened the bottom of
the ninth with back to back singles
off a tiring Galka. Rich Fatrei relieved Galka, and walked the only
batter he faced, with the tying run
Zacharias Leads State Netmen,
Tennis Team, Posts Two Victories
by Jim Winslow
bany hurler Tom Egelston yielded
two doubles in the third.
Albany came back to tie in the
top of the fourth Jack Slnnott led off
with a single, Elkln walked, George
Webb was hit by a pitch, and Gary
Torino walked forcing in the tying
run. Oswego went ahead to stay in
the fifth on a single and a three base
error, and they added their final
tally in the sixth on a triple and a
sacrifice fly.
Two more runs came across in
the second on a walk, a single, a
walk, hit batsman and a fielders
choice. At this point Coach Burlingame called on George "Spider"
Webb, who shut off the rally and
then pitched hltless ball for the
third and fourth. Tom Plotrowski
came on In the fifth and pitched
Egleston Pitched Well
Egelston went the rout for Coach shutout ball the rest of the way,
Burlingame, yielding six hits and but Oswego's Tozar was equally
tough as he yielded only one h i
two earned runs, while striking out after the first.
three. The Great Dane batsmen also
sport t h i s week.
and the Hoopers
Beta Phi Sigma, who actually won
top position last week, is now officially League II Champion in AMIA
bowling. Paced throughout the year
T h e f i r s t w e e k of AMIA s o f t b a l l a c t i o n w e n t p r e t t y
by the two top bowlers in the league,
Steve Furdyn and Paul Smolynski, m u c h a c c o r d i n g t o p r e - s e a s o n f o r e c a s t s . T h e H o o p e r
they ended the season powerfully, A t h l e t i c Club a n d P o t t e r A, r a t e d a s c o - f a v o r i t e s b y
leaving their nearest rival, APA, m o s t o f the p o l l s , both h a d no t r o u b l e in d i s p o s i n g o f
far behind.
The last week of bowling was a t h e i r f i r s t o p p o n e n t s . A P A , a l s o c o n s i d e r e d t o b e a
battle for positions. UPS and TXO c o n t e n d e r , g o t a h e a d s t a r t and w o n two g a m e s .
met for third and fourth place. All
Roger Wright was the hero of the
TXO had to do was win one of the
week for APA as he pitched both
three games to maintain Its place Kappa B e t a , 2 0 - 5 . P o t t e r games on back to back days. He
In third. UPS, however, won the A w h i t e w a h s e d t h e i r y o u n g - was outstanding against KB and had
first two contests and TXO was e r b r o t h e r s o n P o t t e r B , good stuff against STB until tlrla)
forced to capture the final contest
In the late innings. APA showed little
while APA
t u r n e d punch at the plat but displayed sterlto cling to tile third place slot. 2 8 - 0 ,
The battle for the bottom was just b a c k KB, 3 - 1 and S T B , ing defense In the field.
as tight as the third place struggle. 8 - 7 .
ALC entered the day with a one
point edge over Potter Club, but
The Hooper Athletic Club, hereALC faltered, took two of live points,
Coach Bob Burlingame has narand wound up with a tie in the final after referred to as MAC, took advantage
of wildness by Kii's mound rowed his 1067 baseball roster down
staff on the way to their easy vic- to 17 men. Returning varsity letterThe final standings
tory, HAC also was aided by the men are Andy Christian, Tom EglesWon-Lost
43 1/2-16 1/2 chucking of its highly touted twirler, ton, Dennis Elkin, Jim Nass and
Beta Phi Sigma
Ray Cascla, Cascla pitched the first Tom Plotrowski. The 1967 baseball
Alpha Pi Alpha
28 1/2-32 1/2 five Innings allowing only one run roster:
Theta XI Omega
and a lone single by KB's John
Andy Christian
Upsllon Phi Sigma
Backus. Wayne Smith, "the old man
Tom Egelston
Potter Club
Alpha Lambda Chi
and turned in several fine plays at
Cas Galka
third base for MAC. Mike Bloom
Gordle Johnson
helped the HAC attack with five
John Lamendola
walks and a home run.
Paul Leonetti
Bob Lowell
Varsity Baseball
Dan Crlppen, Potter A's prize
Jim Murley
The varsity baseball loam will hurler, showed the form which last
Jim Nass
play three consecutive home games, year garnered him the title of AllRich Patrel
starting on Friday, April 21. The Star pitcher as he tossed a twoTom Plotrowski
opposition will be provided by RPI, hitter, He aided his own cause by
Jack Slnnott
The next game will be at University bellng a four bagger. Joe LaReay
Art Stein
Field on Saturday, April 22, Arch- hit for the circuit twice and Roger
Hal Toretzky
rival Siena College will be the visit- Saul had a single, double and triple.
Gary Torino
ing team. New Paltz will play on John Rogers pitched well for the B
April 25.
George Webb
team, but lacked support In the field,
APA, Potter A, Hoopers Win
Baseball Roster
located in the Basement of the Campus Center
Hours: Tues.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
State University Revue,
World Of Make-Believe
"Carnival," the State University Revue's newest
production is scheduledtoopen tonight to what ticket
sales predict to be a very full house. With a cast and
production staff composed entirely of students, the
Revue is staging its musical comedy at 8:00 p.m. in
P a g e Hall.
dreams are iioi uau to ..„.e, but all
" C a r n i v a l " i s a s h o w dreams must come to an end
. . .
; • ..
This plot is put across for the
which presents the world
raost part ln
"carnival" in song
o f m a k e - b e l i e v e i n p e r - and accompanying dance. Lili shows
a p e c t i v e . L i l i , ( C a r l a pi-^hwpolyaimouUook when she sings
it. « i
"A Very Nice Man" and a similar
motif i s created by
n e l l i ) , t h e l e a d i n g c h a r - ..carnival" mot
a c t o r , b e g i n s w i t h a c h i l d - "Magic,
the most famous song
p o l y a n n a c o n c e p t o f from this show is "Love Makes the
World Go 'Round" but the others
the world.
are just as delightful to watch e s When she joins the carnival and pecially the "Cirque de Paris."
meets Paul (Charles Bartlett), the
Behind-the-scenes responsibility
crippled puppeteer, she Is faced with for the show is carried by director
tile reality ot a non-beautiful world, John Fotla, assistant director Joyce
t i l l comes to a self-realization; Levy, and production coordinator
Ellis Kaufman.
W M A N a d C ,,a P ,
£\ S"
" "
"« l '"hoarse a tender scene In Carnival. Carnival premieres tonight
All scenery for the production
"» * 0 0 p.m. in Pag. Hall.
was designed by John Deaneban and
Paula Michaels supervised the cosToday is the last day to file self tumedesig^nand^xecution.Handling
nomination forms for Central Coun. the choreography for the show Is
Kathleen (Weil and John Webb is
cil and Living Area Affairs.
Forms are available at the Stu- the musical director.
dent Association Office ln Boom
361 of the Campus Center, and the
Student Activities Desk ln BruDr. Dorothy M. Major, who or- versity system of New York State positions. The curriculum Includes bacher Hall until 5:00 p.m.
ganized' the School of Nursing at and hope I will be able to contribute a breadth of study ln the liberal arts;, The number of seats open for
West Virginia University Medical to the continued advance of nursing and sciences and a major ln nursing.' Central Council are Dutch Quad, 3
Center, Morgantown, West Virginia, ln New York."
During the first two years students seats; Colonial Quad, 3 seats; State
has been appointed dean of the
are enrolled In the University Col- Quad, 2 seats; and Commuters, 3 Four Albany Coeds will have the
new School of Nursing at the UniReceives Diploma
seats. Positions available for Livversity.
The newly-appointed dean, who lege and are accepted officially by ing Area Affairs Commission are opportunity to be featured modeling
The appointment of Dr. Major, received her diploma ln nursing the School of Nursing upon success- Dutch Quad, 6 seats; Colonial Quad, the latest ln campus fashions ln the
who currently Is dean and professor from Hahnemann Hospital School ful completion of the program pre- 6 seats; State Quad, 3 seats; and August, All College Issue of the
nationally known women's fashion
of nursing at the West Virginia cen- of Nursing, Scranton, Pa., holds scribed for the first two years. Commuters, 6 seats.
magazine Mademoiselle.
ter, was approved this afternoon science and arts degrees from the
Beginning with the 1968 summer
Elections will take place April
Any girls desiring to apply for
(April 13) by the Board of Trustees University of Maryland and a doc- session transfer students will, be 25-28 ln the Student Association
of the University.
toral degree in education from In- accepted Into the program. The Office from 10:00 a.m. until 4:30 screening should pick up an appliIn announcing the appointment of diana University. She has been at exact amount of transfer credit to p.m. There will also be dinner line cation ln the Student Activities OfDr. Major, Dr. Evan R. Collins, her West Virginia post since 1960. be awarded will be determined on volting ln Walden, Dutch, and Colon- fice ln Room 137 of the Campus
president of the Albany University,
ial Dining Rooms on the 26 and 27.
The School of Nursing, wnich will an Individual basis.
said, "We are very pleased that this enroll Its first students ln SeptemAnyone applying must be between
new professional school within the ber, is the newest of the professional
5'6"-5'9" in height, weigh no more
University will have the advantage schools within the University.
than 120 lbs., and have straight
of the strong and imaginative leadWhile It anticipates the develophair.
ership which Dr. Major will provide. ment of both graduate and underThose finally selected will be
graduate programs as well as spepaid
at the rate of $5.00 per hour
To Move Swiftly
cific activities ln the area of conand $25.00 a day.
The school can be expected to tinuing education, it presently offers
The new hours for women went next hour. A Security Guard, who
move swiftly into a position of an undergraduate Integrated proT h o now hnllro tn* \ue\mnn <UA. * — _..* I.
» .*- " —
Representatives from Mademoihas been assigned to each quad
professional and community serv- gram In basic professional study into effect Wednesday,
First semester freshman women from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. when dorms selle will be on campus during the
leading to the bachelor of science must be ln the dorm by 11:00 p.m. open, will open the dorm doors week of May 1-5 to select the final
Dr. Major, who expects to come degree.
Sunday through Thursday. For week- during this 10 minute period every four models, and the actual phototo Albany early in June, commented
The program has been developed ends, that is, Friday and Saturday
that she was "very much Impressed primarily to prepare men and wo- nights these women cannot sign out hour. Women will wait ln assigned graphy will be done at that time.
by the friendliness and enthusiasm men for essential leadership posi- for any hour later than 2:00 a.m. men's dorms until they are let in All fashions to be modeled will be
supplied by Mademoiselle.
at this time.
of the people I met ln Albany." She tions ln nursing and for entrance into
They may also take 6-3:00 a.m.
added, "I look forward to the oppor- graduate programs ln preparation
Saturtunity of working with them and for key teaching and administrative
day nights.
many others who must be just as
Freshman women need only place
their cards in the out box without
The prospect of being involved ln
indicating their destination or the
a new nursing program ln so stimtime they sign out (if ln by 1:00
ulating an environment Is certainly
a.m. on weekends). Cards need only
an exciting one. I am honored to be
be placed in the out box when the
associated with the outstanding UniTonight's Golden Eye program student plans to be out after 8:00
"The Outlook for The Civil Rights
For the rest of this semester,
Movement" will feature Peter Llbrassi, currently the Special Assis- however, freshmen will have uppertant to the Secretary of Health Ed- class hours,
Upperciass women may also place
ucation and Welfare for Civil Rights,
Llbrassl was formerly the Deputy their cards In the out box, without
Staff Director to the United States Indicating the time they sign out or
Civil Rights Commission, and before their destination, If they plan lo be
that he was the Albany regional di- out after 8:00 p.m. and before 11:00
rector for (he State Commission of p.m. If they plan to be out after
11:00, they must sign out indicating
Human Rights,
their destination and the date they
Other guests who will participate l l l a n '° return.
In a panel discussion with Librasst
Upperciass women may sign out
are Leon VanDyke, spokesman for lor » n overnight indicating the next
the Brothers, an area Civil Rights day's date and destination. They
group, and Richard Evans, Presl- may also take an extended overnight
tor m o ! 8
dent of Freedom Council.
' HUM « ^y, Indicating
Kenneth Fuchsman will moderate 'ne d»t<* returning and destination,
the program, and discussion will Overnights may not exceed V days, WITH THE NICC weather and the opening of the bicycle shop,
center around the latest events In ^>rr"B win be locked at 11 p.m. students have been geettig tame exercise by riding bicycles
a n d oue,
Dr. Dorothy M. Major
civil Rights
'«d 25 minutes after every
around t h e c i t y a» w e l l m the
— _ 1
Trustees Name Major New Dean
flf University's Nursing. DepL
AMIA S O F T B A L L B E C A M E t h e intramural
n l — - . - I t — _ mm
A P A took two v i c t o r i e s , w h i l e Potter A ,
POWIIIIfl VHORlplOnS g a b b e d s i n g l e w i n s .
FRIDAY, A P t I L 21, 1947
Webb and Plotrowski Good in Relief
Beta Phi Siama,
T H E T E N N I S T E A M , NOW 2-0, holds v i c t o r i e s over U t i c a and
Oswego. Tom Walencik (above), a returning l e t t e r m e n c o u l d
add a lot of help to the team.
one, another hit batsman filled the
bases, a single scored two m o r #
and fourth run came in on an error.
Albany State's v a r s i t y tennis t e a m o p e n e d its s e a s o n on a b r i g h t note a s it
p o s t e d v i c t o r i e s o v e r U t i c a C o l l e g e , 8 - 1 , and O s w e g o S t a t e , 5 - 4 . T h e u n v e i l i n g
- w a s b r i g h t d e s p i t e the d i s t i n c t l a c k of p r a c t i c e o u t d o o r s due to e x t r e m e l y i n c l e m e n t w e a t h e r . C o a c h M e r l i n H a t h a w a y e x p r e s s e d h a p p i n e s s a t the t w o s u c c e s s e s
b u t w a s c a u t i o u s t o p r e d i c t the f u t u r e w h e n a s k e d t o . T h e t e a m w a s l e d in t h e i r
d u a l w i n s by s e n i o r K e n Z a c h a r i a s and s o p h a c e R o n M c D e r m o t t .
took'' l,,his
B e h i n d M c D e r m o t t a n d 11-9. Wallencik
"" easily
"''', DRon
"" McDermott lost his
match, 0-2, 8-0. Transfer Carp match to Smith of Oswego, 7-5, 3-6,
6-0. Ken Zacharias won his sets,
" Z a c k " a r e j u n i o r T o m won his match, 0-2, 6-1.
The only defeat of the day came 7-5, .and 6-2. Wallencik lost, 6-2,
W a l l e n c i k , s e n i o r Guy N i in the No. 1 doubles match were 6-4, as did Darrell Carp, 6-3, 6-2.
c o s i a , and M a r t y B e r g e n , Zacharias and MdCermott lost to
Marty Bergen and Guy Nicosia
D a r r e l l Zynowij Jakin and Bodnarczuk of won their matches. Those victories
C a r p , a t r a n s f e r , h a s j u s t Utica, in split sets, 3-0, 6-0, 6-3. were followed by doubles victories
The team traveled to Oswego this by Zacharias-McDermott and Berb e c o m e eligible to play.
past Saturday for its second match. gen-Nicosla,
The addition of Adelphi and FalrIn the opening match of the year, Featured in the squeaker were sur
McDermott, in the No, 1 position, prising losses by some of the key leigh Dickinson to this year's sched- L.
makes the slate the tour est in . SR2£>
defeated his opponent, 0-3, 7-5. Ken
Zacharias won a hard fought match members of the squad came through Albany tennis history. They, plus
the three teams which beat State
with his Utica counterpart, 6-1, to help post a 5-4 victory.
last year, RPI, Oswego, and New
Paltz, are among the most formidable opponents. The team's next
match is an away meet at Adelphi,
this Friday.
Today Lost Day
For NoMiiatioM
Guards To Admit Women
With New Hours Proposal
Eye To Feature
Rights Program
Coeds To Be Picked
For 'Mademoiselle'
Friday, April 21, 1967 *
A team of three investigators
in Albany including Dr. Paul Boom."iter professor of speech at the
d i v e r s i t y has developed a test of
.need in organizing tonal
and is using the test as a guide for
therapy for children with speech
and reading disorders, and to diagnose patients for surgery on the
blood vessels supplying the lower
brain, called the brain atom.
Children who hear tone as noise
in short signals are likely to be
slow in learning language. Adults
with the same problem have difficulty following one conversation
through a background, of Interfering
For Seedid Grounds
Dr. Clifton C. Thorne, vice-president for student affairs, presided
. over the President's Conference
Monday afternoon since President
Collins was away at a meeting.
Thorne stated that he had received
several letters from the contractors
about students walking 'on seeded
The letters stated that Informal
athletic activities were tearing up
the sod and lawn which had not yet
been turned over the University.
Thorne suggested that students
wishing to play ball In an open area
use the fields southeast of the gym
ONSLAUGHT OF BUTTONS appear an anyone's chest. Best selections are found in the Village, and many express anti-war and
anti-establishment motto*.
Grannel To Play Brecht
In Next Galaxy Show
Someone asked what the policy
was on locking doors in the buildThe Galaxy actors will again make
ings on the academic podium. Thorne
said that one door to a building was use of the talented equity actor,
Grannell, in their upcomalways unlocked but he didn't say
ing productions of BRECHT ON
which one.
BRECHT. The revue of the world
of Bertolt Brecht, sponsored by DraThorne was also asked about the matics Council of the State Univerpossibility of having the library sity of New York at Albany, is
open later than 10 p.m. He said that scheduled for Page Hall, April 28
Library Council was working on It and 29, at 8:30 p.m.
" but getting the staff was the biggest
In a previous appearance with
• problem.
the Galaxy Players, Mr. Grannell
Litter on Campus
played the demanding lead role of
The problem of keeping the cam- Henry Vin in Herman Gressleker's
pus looking nice was also discussed. Royal Gambit. Grannell's profesAreas that have already suffered sional acting credits range from a
from student use are the floors In national touring group production of
the humanities building and the ball- Auntie Mame to off-Broadway proroom of the campus center.
Thorne stated that the University
In addition to Grannell, Samuel
was still working on getting a liquor
license and that there are many B. Morrell, artistic director of the
Players, announced the other
problems Involved. He again said
he would be surprised to see F.S.A. members of his cast for BRECHT
get the license before next Septem- ON BRECHT. Included in the prober, The dinner dance for senior gram of the songs and writings of
week, however, will be an exception BRECHT will be Arthur Plootz,
veteran actor in arena and civic
and have alcohol served at It.
Judicial Committee
Applications are now being accepted for appointments to LAAC
Judicial Committee, Openings are
for both men and women in the
classes of '08, '09, and '70. Submit
a letter with name, address, phone
number, class year, activities and
reasons for applying to Judicial
Committee, c/o Anno Lee, Dutch
Quad, Ten Broeck Hall. Interviews
will begin in May.
Opportunities Unlimited
All students from this campus
are cordially Invited to attend the
Opportunities Unlimited Program
to be held here tomorrow by the
College Young Republicans.
Beer Porty Tonight
The Stuyvesant Tower Beer Party
will be held tonight from 0 to 1, and
will feature the music of the 21-20,
Tickets may lie purchased at the
Stuyvesant Tower desk for $2.00
with dorm tax, and $3.00 for nontax holders.
Class of 1967
Until further notice Seniors should
not pay an assessment for the Alumni Association. The Alumni Hoard
has not as yet set our class assessment.
All Organisations
All campus organizations entering a booth in State Fair must send
a representative to the Information
Desk at the Campus Center sometime this week in order to pick up
necessary information,
Draft Discussion
Men Interested In discussing their
draft status are Invited to an'lnformal meeting with other students
Tuesday night at 7:30 at the Chapel
Senior Photos
The remainder of Senior Photos
{for the Class of '08 will be taken
May 8 through May 11, Anyone whe
has not had the picture taken by
these dates will not have a senior
No photos will be taken in the'
fall. This decision is final.
theatres in the capital district, and
Peter McEUlot who provided musical commentary In a previous Galaxy production of Dylan Thomas'
UNDER MILKWOOD. Director Morrell will do double duty by serving
as narrator.
Working with this solid cast of
veteran actors headed by Grannell,
Director Morrell has found rehearsals going smoothly and with "the
kind of excitement only BRECHT
can generate."
Tickets for the Galaxy production
on sale at the State University Theatre box office. The box office is
open weekdays from 11:15 to 3:30
In Humanities 140.
aprol 23
8:15 pjn.
on the newest, swingingest fare in the air!
Mohawk's "Weekends Unlimited!"
Fly anywhere Mohawk flies. Be a gypsy! Visit a host of Mohawk's seventy
cities in 10 states—all in one weekend. Remember, Mohawk's new swingin'
fare is good not only roundtrip but on as many flights over the weekend as you
Pick your weekend.* Fare applies from 6 a,m, Saturday to 6 p.m. Sunday.
Phone Mohawk reservations or see your travel agent.
Ask for positive space reservations on the scheduled flights of your
choice, (Not including Toronto,) All for $25 a person plus .federal tax.
Reservations must be made on the Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday preceding your departure and the first leg of your journey must begin on
Check the cities served by Mohawk from your city and TAKE OFF!
"Good ii-r- WMUIMI of Iht y«r ticopl CaiUr.
ZETA PSI, the University's chapter of the national business
fraternity Delta Sigma Pi held installation ceremonies last weekend.
Rabinowitch To Give Lectures
On 'The Scientific Revolution'
Or. Eugene Rabinowitch, noted
blophyslclst and editor of "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist," wlir
give a special series of lectures
this spring at the University.
The lectures will be held Mon-
day anfl Thursday afternoon from
3:35 to 4:25, beginning April 24
and ending June 1. In addition, four
evening seminars, on Wednesdays
during May, will be offered for those
registering for the course for credit.
Entitled "The Scientific Revoluc
tlon," the lectures will be open to
both University students and nonstudents on either a credit or noncredit basis. Registration will be
hold at the first meeting, April 24,
at 3:35 In Room 133 of the Humanities Building on the uptown campus. The course, which carries the
This Sunday night on WSUA Radio, number SCI 413, will offer one
Expose '07 will present a program credit hour.
entitled "The Peace March—a Post
Mortem" and will be viewed by two
The series will reflect Dr. liabinstudents who were in New York owltch's long-time interest and
City last Saturday. Richard Taylor, study in the importance of science
on the Committee to Win the War, in public affairs, paying particular
will match verbal swords with Mr. attention to the Impact of science
Harold Lynne, co-chairman of the on the future of man and society.
Committee to End the War in VietDr. Rabinowitch, author of a
three-volume set of books dealing
with the photo-synthetic process,
John Fleitman, co-host of the also has written numerous articles
fairly new discussion show, com- and Items on science and public
menting on the upcoming bout, said affairs. He was awarded UNESCO's
"it should prove to be quite a per- annual Kallnga Prize last year for
formance since these two have been popularization of science.
working at full steam In attacking
Further information on the leceach others views.
ture series may be obtained from
Both are controversial figures the Division of Science and MatheIn and around the campus area and matics, Biology Building Room 126,
are more than well-versed on their SUNYA, Albany,.12203.
Carnival Booths
Time limit for campus carnival
Terry Llckona, the other host of
Expose '07, predicts that the tele- booths has boen extended, IdoaSj
phone lilies "will be Jammed must be in hy Friday, April 21
throughout the program" and asks For information call: Joe McCul,
that those calling "have some pa- lough, 472-7805; Sharon Toback 457J
tience" and keep trying.
Fleitman To Host
WSUA's Expose '67
Mr. Roiuulo TOlgoof tlieSociology
Department has asked for studonts
interested In working with yout,hs
in the lower economic groups, These
youths between lira ages of 16-21
need to lie given guidance about
where they can rind summer Jobs,
„ Students are mainly needed to con™ tact employers to find out what Jobs
are available for those young people,
Students could spend as little as
one to two hours per week voluntarily helping these people. Anyone
Interested should contact Mr, Tolgo
or Edward Keely, senior employment interviewer, of the New York
State Department of Labor at
,GR 4-8022,
Wo iter N e d e d
, Male students interested
In working part time as a
waiter should contact Mr.
Wagoner between 11 a.m.
and 12 noon at 4596161.
Barnsidcr Restaurant
Wt feature
Calltglat* haircuts
KOHAWK mmttmimm
of New York at Albany."
M. John Marko of Rutgers University, Grand President of the international fraternity, addressed the
members of Zeta Psi Chapter and
presented them with their charter.
Marko charged the members of the
new chapter to maintain their high
• ' • •
Ideals, continue to develop their
characters, remember their r e sponsibilities, pursue their scholarly endeavors, and snare the professional Interests of the fraternity.
He, at one part In his speech, stated
"The success of any one of us Is
the concern of all."
Brown To Leave April 2 6
To Study Criminal Justice
Dr. William P. Brown, a profes- nel who have to deal with the probsor In the School of Criminal Jus- lem of sexual criminality. Later on
tice at the University, leaves on in the summer he will return to
April 27 for Europe on the first part Europe to visit centers In Italy and
of his 1967 research tour financed France.
by the National Institute of Mental
Program in Human Resources
The work in its entirety is a
While in the Graduate School of
three-year study aimed at improving the police and general social Public Affairs at the University,
response to the problem of sexual Professor Brown earlier directed
a program In human resources adcriminality.
Professor Brown has Just com- ministration designed to meet the
pleted a major study on police and needs of those who anticipate cacorruption which was requested by reers in the government service
the President's Commission on Law with agencies having program r e Enforcement and the Administra- sponsibilities to handle problems of
tion of Justice, familiarly called crime and other types of social
the National Crime Commission, pathology.
The members of Zeta Psi Chapter
organized about a year ago Into
their own Independent fraternity
which was named Alpha Sigma Upsllon. Randolph Kundmueller, hisorlan of the former Alpha Sigma
Upsllon Fraternity, said that the
members of the old fraternity strive
"to form a fraternity that was professional in character." The members of Alpha Sigma Upsllon decided
after investigating the international
business fraternities that Delta Sigma Pi was the fraternity they wanted
National Report Proparation
to join. Dr. Milton C. Olsen, Dean
He participated in the preparaof the School of Business at the Uni- tion of the national report Issued
versity, was expressing the feeling In January and his study on corof the local chapter when he said, ruption will be published by the
"We are happy we can share with commission as one of its supportive
the other dynamic organizations in, documents.
this fraternity.
The Albany professor's upcoming
trip will Include visits at AmsterInitiation
dam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, and
Alpha Sigma Upsllon became Delta Stockholm, where, in a three-week
Sigma Pi; Zeta Psi Chapter when period, he will be seeing some of
the business fraternity was Initiated the most prominent European scholinto the International fraternity. At ars in the field of research In sex
the banquet Fred B. Wander, Vice crime. At Copenhagen he will lecPresident of the former fraternity, ture before the psychiatric departcalled the transition of Alpha Sig- ment of the University Clinic.
ma Upsllon to Delta Sigma Pi "a
In addition to consulting with those
further step of growth for the School Involved In research, Professor
of Business at the State University Brown will be seeing police person-
Dr. William Brown
Your State University Bookstore
Now taking
Orders For Caps and Gowns
Seniors Please Order early.
April 17-May 13
Large Selection
Mother's Day Cards
Graduation Cards,
Everyday Cards,
5 minute walk (rest the.
Hew Campus
1148 Western Avenue
R.K.O. Cleaiers
assembly hall
caucus center
Mmlnlom Student tax
or II •J door
The business fraternity at the Uni
verslty was Installed last Saturday
as the Zeta Pal Chapter of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. Brothers of the Delta Sigma
Pi Fraternity came from all over
the country to Albany to Install the
members of the new chapter. Greetings were sent to the Albany Chapter from the other chapters In the
International fraternity.
The highlight of the day was the
Installation banquet which was a
(our course steak dinner organized
by Daniel Dubin. After the dinner
Zeta Psi Chapter President Jeffrey
Warner cut a cake which bore the
Inscription, "Installation of Zeta
Psi Chapter of the International
Fraternity of Delta Sigma PI April
J8, 1967,
Summer Job Aids
In Toigo Project
pick your cities! pick a weekend!
here's how to take off:
New University Business Fraternity
Installed By International Group
Mohawk Outing Sun.
fly all you want
The surprising finding in the current research Is that very long tones
are needed In abnormal cases, since
some people need pure tones sounded
a third of a second, a half second,
and in some cases even a full second—100 times the normal requirement—to arrive at sensation of tone.
They hear half-second notes as
MYSKANIA 1908 is sponsoring a
day at the Mohawk this Sunday, April
Work Reported
23, with refreshments.such as hamThe three men reported on their burgers, hot dogs, soda, etc. free.
current work in two papers yester- Buses will be leaving from the new
day, at the 73rd Convention of the
Acoustical Society of America at the- campus at 9:00 a.m. and at UOOp.m
Statler-Hilton Hotel in New York T h e v * " ' r e t u r n a t 4 :°° P.m.
papers- —
V . L J . The
. . . » I*!*,..*.
«. "Relation be
All university students are Invited
tween cerebral blood flow and time to attend. Students may take cars,
required for tonal sensation In con- too. MYSKANIA is sponsoring the
ditioned rhesus monkeys," and "Im- day .to acquaint students with the
pairment and recovery in time re- Mohawk property, hoping that the
quired for tonal sensation In 57 pa- student body will further avail themtients selected for vertebral artery selvs of the facilities there.
In case of Inclement weather,
Authors of Test
The authors are Warren Creel, contact Mike Glnsburg (457-8739).
a id other equipment will'
experimental surgery laboratory,
Albany Medical College, and Dr. be availab e for use.
Boomsliter, who together devised
Bill Cleveland and Marsha Schon-™
the test, and Dr. Samuel R. Powers,
Jr., professor of surgery, Albany blom were elected class guardians
the Class of '71. Also at its last
Medical College, who uses the test
In suspected disorders of blood meeting, MYSKANIA met with Supreme Court chief Justice Connio
supply to the brain. to arrange for screening of
The three-member team reported new Justices.
that there is a time limit on tonal
sensation for everybody. If a reguSharon Toback, co-chairman of
lar musical note Is sounded for a Campus Carnival, also met with
very short time, less than a hun- MYSKANIA and presented a program
dredth of a second, it will be heard for MYSKANIA to work out connot as a short whistle, but as just cerning electing Mr. and Miss State
a clock, without tonal quality, even Fair, Elections will begin May 1st.
by normal listeners.
MYSKANIA' also commended Bob
The tonal organizing process in Mulvey and Nancy Lepore for their
concerning the revision of
the nerve centers of hearing re%
quires a certain amount of time. women's hours.
Three Investigators
Study Tone Sensation
Citfraeters Protest
Thorne was asked about the fact
that bicycles were being rented Instead of given to students who Just
showed tax cards as had been done
before at the shack on the old campus. Thorne explained that it was
an entirely different operation and
the students were probably still
being offered the tax card bicycles.
He suggested that the students be
approached about It.
Frisky, April 21, 1967
also Baseballs
Tennis Balls
Friday*April 9i, WW
THIS BANNER clearly indicates the position of this group
at they prepare to raise it for
display above their heads.
COLLEGE STUDENTS carrlad banners fram Aeir schools at wall at carryinf banners tailing A a
rest of the world why they were demonstrating in New York City last Saturday.
INTENTLOOKS can be seen on these faces as students concen
trate on demonstrating for a cause in which they believe.
THE BANNER for the Class of 1969 formed the background far the Levin' Spoonful concert Friday
night since the concert was presented by the Council for Contemporary Music and at part of Sophmore weekend.
THE SOUND of the Blues Project filled the ballroom of the
Campus Center Sunday after
crowds of students had rushed
to get in.
DANNY KALB, »••*»» al A a Blaat Pre|eet, appears ta be canc « » . t l r , aa a«a .« hit t ~ f . d-ria, per.QT.o~. W o y .
TNE DRUMMER af Aa Levin' Seeoirful ploys kit M r t la arateatlMj Aa musical sound of Aa group.
Our Per needs housebreaking.
are filed according to subject and Jack Bosson was taken at about the
same time. Now a sculpture by Robbrush the du- t an "oldie."
ert Tortorici, an art exhibit which
was held in Campus Center in March.
I was hoping with the new leadership of Don Oppedlsano that this
To the Editors:
would be rectified. But it seems To complete the list of thefts, four
Hail to the ASP for reliving old that the editors change but the sculpture projects are gone from
nemories again and again and again. pictures remain the same. With the storage area in the library baseHow long must the student body be the great support the ASP has shown ment, where sculpture classes are
shown the same pictures again and to our expanding athletic program being held.
igain on the sports page. How many it's a shame that they do not honor
/ears has the picture of a (name- our athletes with some recent photoThe other part of this situation is
less) student rolling a bowling ball graphs. In the future I hope the pic- that students and visitors have delown the same alley appeared to tures change even if the captions veloped the habit of picking at and
nltiate the AMIA bowling season, get a little mixed up.
handling art work around the cam[ recall seeing It at least twice in
David Smallen pus. One of my own works, owned
:he ASP and once in the yearbook.
by the Art Coordinating Committee,
Although I didn't get a chance to
has had three objects removed from
see Albany playing Plattsburgh last
the surface. A number of projects
year, It wasn't necessary to relive
in the library basement have had
Did memories by putting a picture To the Editors:
parts removed. My wall in the AsIt is time to bring to the attention sembly Hall of the Campus Center
Df that game in the paper alongside
in article on the Utica game. (These of the entire college community a is slowly being caressed down to its
deplorable situation which exists on original color before the final coat
are Just two examples.)
this campus concerning art and art of paint was applied.
exhibitions. The problem is twofold,
Perhaps I'm being a little unfair
but even lithe ASP Is short-handed with one aspect much more serious
I can offer no solution to all of
It doesn't take any longer to take a than the other. First, artwork Is this except to appeal to the students
"new" picture at an athletic con- being taken-stolen-from a number of this college to exhibit a new found
test than to take one of someone of places. During the previous school maturity about the art which is being
sliding on a mudladen field or of year two photographs by Joseph Al- exhibited and done around the camsome pickets parading around in per were stolen from an exhibit in pus. No amount of name-calling can
N-Y-C (3 hours away from Albany the Draper gallery. As was an- contribute to this maturity, nor can
nounced in the student press some suggestion that is being done by a
by traveling time).
I will agree it takes longer to time ago, a lithograph by Tom minute part of the student body, by
take a fresh photo than to go to O'Connor was stolen from the lounge visitors, or by the faculty. It is
the file where perhaps the photos of the Colonial Quad. A print by being done, and It is a threat to the
vitality of a number of programs.
Zondemns Photos
Jazz Review
by L o u Strong
Muddy Waters
"Muddy Waters Is the man who
actually set the down home style
and made the beat both obvious
and throbbing.
"He was born McKlnley Waters
in Rolling Fork, Miss, about a hundred miles south of Clarksdale. He
began to play guitar when he was
seventeen, learning from such masters of bottleneck style as Son
House and Robert Johnson, upon
whom Muddy patterned his style.
In 1941 Alan Lomax recorded
htm for the Library of Congress;
Muddy was working as a field hand,
playing for dances and suppers on
weekends for fifty cents a night,
Just to get a chance to sing. He
played a little, harmonica and the
next summer Joined a tent show
from New Orleans, when it came
through Clarksdale. Muddy played
the harmonica to accompany blues
singers In the show, and occasionally sang himself. The show
dropped him after a few weeks,
and Muddy went back to Clarksdale. He stayed there for a few
months and then left for Chicago,
He was twenty-eight years old,"
It was In 1945 and 1946 that
Muddy's sound finally started to
catch on. With such song hits as
"Gypsy Woman," "Little Anna
Mae," and "I Feel Like Going
Home," the road was starting to
become a little smoother.
The Muddy Waters band is said
to be one of the most Imitated bands
of Its type In the country, especially In toe International Pop Mu
the band back to its rightful place.
The Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Jazz
"On a steaming July night in Detroit In 19D5 during a so-called
Battle of the Bands, a drummer with
Stan Kenton and a sldeman with
Count Basle met and communicated.
It was then that the Idea for 'Thad
Jones-Mel Lewis and The Jazz Orchestra' was born,"
Thad Jones-Mel Lewis and "The
Jazz Orchestra" are now very much
in existence. They have their own
distinctive sound. It Is music of
today, tomorrow and yesterday all
grouped Into one tidy package—big
band style. It is Jazz at its finest.
The response to this band has
been nothing short of electric. The
word-of-mouth has spread as far
as Eastern Europe, and their apaudiences wherever they
played. They were honored by being
selected to play at the 1006 Newport
Jazz Festival, where they shared
billing with Count Basle, Duke Ellington and Woody Herman,
Thad Jones-Mel Lewis and "The
Jazz Orchestra' are the talk of the
Jazz world and the biggest thing to
hit In many seasons.
These are but two of the groups
that will be at the festival. The
two.-day affair has been fought for,
argued about, cried over and almost died for, But it's finally here
and if simply to see what all the
trouble has been for, you should
come, Tickets are available at the
Campus Center between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. I guarantee that they are well
worth the moneyu you, .wiU^j
To what purpose Is a whole excitement of the new physical plant we
are living and working In if we behave like animals in it?
A. William Clark
Associate Professor
Art Department
To the Editors:
Our new campus has provided the
space and facilities for advantageous
activities for the student body. One
of these is the gallery area In the
campus center. For the first time
It Is possible to display large art
This semester the first student
art show was presented displaying
paintings, sculpture of varying media, and ceramic works. Unfortunately, because of the lack of guards,
or police of any kind and the presupposition of the student integrity,
one of the works shown is missing,
A marble sculpture about ten
inches high by Robert Tortorici is
the missing work. His pending job
is dependent upon a viewing of this
sculpture. Information or the sculpture may be given anonymously to
Miss Susan Rose, Student Activities Office, Campus Center,
This Incident does not only effect
Mr, Tortorici, but everyone In the
campus community. If the students
cannot be trusted to appreciate the
artistic and personal value of the
objects shown, there can be no showings, no paintings, no posters
nothing to stimulate or reflect aesthetic interest.
Janice Newmark
Arts_J^^„ p Cejlden!
A special concert will
be held by the Music Council featuring the Clarion
Wind Quintet on Sunday,
•April 23 at 8:30 in the
Assembly Hall of the Campus Center.
This group includes Philip Dunigan, flute; Stephen Adelstein, oboe;
Robert Listokin, clarinet; Fredrick
Bergstone, horn; and Mark Popkin,
bassoon. This quintet gained a wide
reputation as splendid performers
of an extensive repertoire.
Quintet Performance
Their performance on Sunday will
M include selections from the works
1 of Paul Hindemith, Franz Danzl,
William Bergsma, Jacques Ibert,
- and
other notable composers. Formexely
arti&i»-in-residence at
Queens College of the City University of New York, the Quintet is
presently at the newly established
North Carolina School of the Arts.
In addition to this special concert, the Music Department has an
extensive schedule planned for the
remainder of the semester. On
Tuesday, April 25, another in the
series of Faculty Concerts will feature Patricia Grignet, oboe; Findray
Cockrell, piano; Janet Steele, soprano; and Lucy Cross, lutenist.
An evening recital and lecture
given by Robert Mumper, pianist
and Gundarls Pone, composer is
planned for Sunday, April 30 at
8:00 p.m. in the Ballroom. Mumper
will perform "Montage-Demontage" a selection by Pone and also
Chopin's "Sonata in B Minor."
Under The Counter Intelligence
by M a r t i n S c h w a r t z
Art Work Stolen
of all words of tongue and
pen, the saddest are, 'It might
have been,'
More sad are these we dally see:
'It Is, but hadn't ought to be.'"
-Bret Harte
LITTLE BOYS: An Interesting
footnote to IFC's game session occurred this week. After vigorously
denying that PBS would fail to gain
fraternity status if they changed
their name, IFC then refused this
status to them after they changed
their name.
Some people seem to think that
one needs a few years experience
to wear jackets, live together, and
throw parties. They also think that
you need so many members that
true brotherhood is unrealistic, to
be a fraternity.
On most campuses frats have
about 30 members. We are the exception, not the rule. Ignoring these
groups won't make them go away,
kiddles. You can grow up even If
your jackets are black, red, or
light blue. Do it.
CONGRATS: to Soph class,
for a fine weekend. If we could get
four weekends a year like this plus
a few Council For Contemporary
Music offerings, we would be on
the right track,
MUMBLINGS: Is it really better
to have a bunch of reckless idiots
tearing around walkways on bikes
than licensed drivers In cars?
ditches all over campus to be filled
In with trees or have seeds been
planted? This place looks like a
cross between the moon's surface
and God's pegboard.
BOOKSTORE: It may be good business sense to liquidate your stock
of paperbacks, etc. before moving,
but a booKstore should also serve a
service function to students unable
to walk to Colonie Center. Some
students do read books that are not
Does it make a hell of a lot of sense
to build a canopy to protect people
on the Academic Podium In inclement weather and then put beautiful holes In it so that you can't help
getting drenched? This place reminds me of a sterling silver candle
snuffer. Nice, but what good Is it?
KVETCH, PART II: We have It on
good word that the vending machine
concession here is held by Death
Wish, Inc. Not only are they usually
almost empty, but they rarely work.
When they do, many of them won't
accept the new copper quarters^
You guys trying to go out of business?
WUN HUNG LO: It may be interesting to some of you that the University spent $120 on Jock straps
last year. Who ever said that SUN YA
doesn't support athletics?
there any truth to the rumor that
birth control pill dispenses will be
Installed in the first floor lounges
of the Campus Center?
Would the ASP
printer like to drop by to discuss
the possibility of putting pictures
with their captions? Even for one
Rosovsky does not exist.
" S o n a t a " Concert
Bernard Greenhouse, violoncello,
and Menahem Pressler, piano, will
' appear in a concert sponsored by
the Music Council on Tuesday, May
2. 8:15 p.m. in Page Hall. Among
their selections are Bach's "Sonata in G Minor," "Sonata in A
Major, OP. C9" by Beethoven and
a "Sonata" by Franck.
In mid-May the Music department
will present their Spring Festival in
two performances. The first scheduled for May 11 will see the University Concert Band under the direction of William Hudson playing some
of their best selections.
The second concert of the Festival to be held May 16 will include
numbers by the Collegiate Singers,
The Statesmen and two Chamber
by Igor Koroluk
When I left the Blues Project
Concert Sunday afternoon I couldn't
help from feeling terribly disappointed. Disappointed In that.I didn't
get tickets for both shows and in
that I probably would never appreciate their recordings again. They
were In fact the classic group, one
that had to be seen to be believed.
The emotions, sights, and sounds
affected by the Project can only bo
fully appreciated In person. To hear
them is like being In an all enveloping womb of experience. Their
music appeals to all the senses
especially when viewed under the
adept handling of llghtingof Sunday's
Linda Berdan, Art* Editor
Don Oppedlsano, Sports Editor
Glen Sapir, Assoc, Sports Editor
Joseph Silverman, Executive Editor
Bruce Kaufman, Advertising Manage/
Stuart Lubert, Photography Manager,
Gary SchuttB, Business Manager
Linda Van Pqtten, Technical Supervisor]
All communications must-be addressed to the editor ort'J must be signed.
Communications should be limited to 300 words and are subject to editing.
The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed
in its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily,
reflect its views.
by Ellis Kaufman
"Carnival" the 19G7 State University Revue will lie presented tonight and tomorrow night in Page
Hall beginning at '8 o'clock each
evening. Tickets are still available
for these performances and may be
secured at the information desk at
the Campus Center until 3; 30 today.
The "Carnival" story began last
June when Director John Fotia chose
the show during a phone conversation with me. We had read many
different scripts and it was a general consensus that "Carnival"
should be done. Because of the
show's simplicity it seemed to be
perfect for SUNYA.
The simplicity of "Carnival" has
turned out to be one of the largest
undertakings ever to be accomplished by students at this University. Every phase of production
from directing, lighting, and costumes
to publicity was completely
CARNIVAL DRESS REHEARSALS ore in full swing before toplanned by students.
night's opening night. Pictured here are Barbara Untracht and
In addition to the cast's chores on
Neil Linden.
stage, on which they have worked
very hard, they have contributed an
amazing amount of work in the shop
and costume room and have spent
many overnight hours in Page to
make sure that "Carnival" is a big
I cannot begin to list (lest I forget anyone) the number of people who
worked on this production.
by Douglas Rathgeb
There have been so many faces
around the rehearsal area that I
After many, many years of watching British com- could not possibly know all their1
edies and comparing them incessantly with the typical names.
William Schaeffer was very valAmerican product, I am convinced beyond all doubt uable in his contribution last weekthat the British are simply too good for us. The best end with his lighting designs. Also,
a very humble "thank
we seem to be able to do is to copy them, and even Iyou"mustto say
Miss Jo Ann Ladman for
then we usually make a mess of things.
all the support and help that she
I s u p p o s e I w o u l d h a v e friendly hippo and a body like a has given to "Carnival."
The story of "Carnival" is relaf e l t t h i s s a m e Way W h e t h e r t r u c k driver, she is the ultimate In
tively simple. A young Innocent girl
T U « J „„„., «ir-! _ _ . r-'j-m wallflowers. Dwarfed by the mod comes to the Carnival seeking a Job
I h a d s e e n " G e o r g y G i r l " t^uty of her roommate (Charlotte
o r n o t ; b u t h a v i n g s e e n and Rampllng), who every night becomes
i t i m m e n s e l y i s further and further removed from
. i. i. .
it. i .
i virginity by her hyper-throidlc lo-
British Comedy 'Too Good9
'Georgy Girl9 Bursts With Life
just to hammer the final
From the beginning with "I Can't
Keep From Crying" to their spectacular fifteen minute plus finale,
"Wake Me-Shake Me," I found myself completely engrossed, enamored, and overwhelmed with the
versatility and sheer power the
group displayed.
The Blues Project is definitely
a group of outstanding, accomplished
and imaginative musicians; last Sunday they made use of all their ability
to bring the academic podium to a
spirited height it will probably never
realize again.
It's no wonder this group Is great
with such outstanding personalities
as Al Kooper and Denny Kalb, both
mfl0 (A1L, Bate s\
^ ^
of others
that shefornegH o l l y w o o d in
the shadows,
so concerned
lects herself.
Pursued by a well-past middle••Georgy Girl," like the whole
flock of recent English comedy suc- aged suitor (James Mason) who
cesses — "The Knack," "Rotten wants to make Georgy his mistress,
to the Core," "A Hard Day's Night" Georgy gradually begins to work her
"Morgan" and "The Wrong Box"-- way out of her cocoon until finally
is virtually bursting at the seems she herself finds the happiness that
with vitality, seething with life and she thought she would never find.
movement and merrily unaware of
Sounds T r e a c l y
If that description sounds treacly,
No Drippy Sentiment
the film Is anything but. The film
Without the least bit of drippy moves so quickly that if there Is
sentiment it tells an essentially any sentimentality floating about,
sappy story of a modern Ugly Duck- it never gets a chance to settle and
spoil everything.
ling, her ups, downs, and ups.
The credit for the success of this
Georgy (Lynn Redgrave) is a sad
thing indeed. With a face like a marvelous little film belongs to an
astute director and three marvelous
actors. Silvio Narlzzano keeps
everything moving beautifully, but
the talented threesome of Redgrave,
Bales and Mason really seem to
who have backed up many of the big need no direction at all.
names In folk, Al Kooper is famous
Redgrave Magnificent
for his overdubbing experiments in
Lynn Redgrave, to spare a whole
which he not only sang but also
well-deserved superlatives,
played every Instrument. Denny Kalb
is considered one of the finest is Just magnificent, and I know I
guitarists in folk music and has shall hear considerable disagreeworked with Bob Dylan, among ment when I say that Alan Bates
steals the show. Anyway, they take
turns at it. Bates Is an inspired
Highlight of the program was their madcap; there was barely a moment
extended and improvised version of when he wasn't getting howls of
"Flute Thing." Willi this piece they laughter from the audience.
made total use of their own InnovaJames Mason, as we have come
tion the electric flute. As my date
noted this number follows the pat- to expect, gives a performance that
tern of classical music with the is Just plain classy. Professional Is
statement of a theme, followed by written all over him.
I don't know when the next British
extension and development on this
theme, ending with a restatement comedy Is due over here in the
Comedy Wasteland, but If It is
of the thematic melody.
Their versatility In arrangements anywhere near as hip and hysterran the gammet from Jimmy Reed's ically funny as "Georgy Girl" it
hard blues "Caress Me Baby" to the Is worth waiting years for.
poetic, mystical strains of "Steve's
Song." Also worth noting is the
newly released single "No Time Is
the Right Time," their first attempt
T H E WORD is now a c
at making the "Hit" market after
cepting contributions (or
two successful albums.
The Blues Project Just might have
its second issue. Anyone
been the biggest and best thing to
with material is urged to
hit this campus in as long a time
as I can remember. Those who
take it to the office of
didn't see the concert can still buy
their albums and think they're the
greatest. We who saw the concert
Hu 320.
are not as fortunate; we found out
you can't capture the Blues Project
on record,
jiifjiiitjL. ivI tnijoticn..
Fourth Time Around
Albany Student Press
The Albany Student Press i t a ieml-weekly newspaper published by the
Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany, The
ASP office, located In Room 364 of the Campus Center at 1223 Western
Avenue, is open from 7 - 1 1 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night or may be
reached by dialing 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 or 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 4 .
'Carnival' Ready To Go
Production-A Long Story
Clarion Wind Quintet
To Give Concert
For Music Council
Sign-out Problems
So the women's hours have finally become a reality;
women may sigh out for the next day, or the next seven
days as they wish. It appears there is only one big
crux of the matter-finding a plausible place for which
to sign out. It's difficult to sign out for the library
overnight since it's not open past 10:00 p.m., and it's
not open past 12:00 midnight.
It is against 'Memos From Minnie' to sign out for
any apartmentor hotel in the Albany-Schenectady-Troy
Presently the Committee on Student Residences has
undertaken a revision of "Memos" and "Student
Guidelines." At present they have presented suggestions for revision to LAAC for consideration, and after
LAAC gives its recommendations it will return to
Student Residences.
It is hopeful that the new revision will accommodate
a legal way for a sign out; at present RAs may find
themselves in rather a tight situation, because obviously some students aren't going to be signed out
for correct destinations. This creates the problem of
an ability to get in touch with a girl in the case of an
actual emergency.
By the way, what happened to the sealed envelopes
which would be opened only in case of emergency?
Unless this situation is completely rectified to
allow free and honest signing out, without fear of
University infringement on where you can go, the
whole purpose of women's hours will be defeated.
Instead of encouraging freedom it will create a situation in which a lot of people will have to look the
other way (did you ever sign out all night for
"movie"?), and the University women will remain
the proverbial girls after all.
Friday/April 21, 1M7
Friday, April 2 1 , 1967
'Clearing' Scheduled
For Outdoor Setting
and finds out that the world is not u
beautiful as she had thought. This Is
an almost unfair summation of the
plot line because It eliminates the
mention of the chorus which comments on the action. The chorus In
"Carnival" is not a group of people.
who sing and dance, but individuals
who are very Involved in all parts
of the story.
"Carnival" Is a beautiful production and is full of large chorus numbers including singing and dancing,
many beautiful ballads, and quite a
few novelty acts. At one time during
the show, volunteers will be invited
to come to the main tent area to
participate in a magic act. "Magic"
is one of the words that goes synonymous with "Carnival," There
are magical songs, magical performers, and a magical stbry.
Heading the "Carnival" cast are
Carla Plnelli, Charles Bartlett,
Barbara Untracht, R, Bruce Tiffany, and Gordon Walnwright. Also
included in the cast are Gary Aidrich, Kenneth Fisher, Frederick
Penzel, Arnold Posner, Mark Zeek,
Nell Linden, Kathleen O'Nell, Anita
Lluzzi, Natalie Feldman.
Other members of the cast are
John Webb, Judith Wlesen, Carla
Jane Smith, Jay Kuperman, Christine Person, Robert Clayton, Carol
Disbrow, Jo Ann Ladman, Gail Pantley, Linda Reisch, and of course,
Diane Somervllle.
" B r e c h t on B r e c h t "
Tickets for the Galaxy produc" n
of "Brecht on Brecht" are now »n
sale at the State University Box
Office, Hu 140, 11:15-3:30, daily.
Tickets for "Carnival" may still
be obtained at the Information Desk
in the Campus Center 11:15-3:30 >
today only.
Faculty Concert
The music department of the University will present a faculty concert on Tuesday, April 25-, 8:15 in
Fitting the play directly to its Page Hall.
setting and making use of the surClarion Wind Quintet
roundings at the new campus, the
A special concert with the ClarState University Theatre has schedion
Quintet is planned for Sunuled its last production of the season
day, April 23, 8:15 in the Campus
Arthur Laurents' "A Clearing in Center Assembly Hall. Admission
the Woods" will be presented at is student tax or $1.00 at the door.
the newly designed theatre by the
lake, an outdoor theatre at the University. The play will run May-1-6
Alper Exhibit
at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are now on
A one-man exhibition of photosale at the State University Theatre graphs by Joe Alper Is now being
Box Office, Hu 140 between 11:15 shown in the Campus Center Galand 3:30.
lery. The entire show Is built around
Because of the outdoor setting, a the theme of water. The gallery is
policy for the possibility of cancel- open between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00
lation due to inclement weather has p.m. daily.
been established.
Refunds will be made If cancellation occurs before or during the
Modern Dance Show
first act, but no refunds will be
Modern Dance Work Shop Show
given if cancellation occurs during
April 25, 1967 at Camthe second act. Also, there will be
no reserve seats for this produc- pus Center Ballroom everybody invited. No admission.
A SKETCH OF Robert Totorlei'i ten inch sculpture which was
recently stolen from o Student Art Shew in the Campus Center
Gallery. Anyone having any information about thU should contact Miss Rose of the Student Activities Office. See also letters
on apposite page.
..,M, ,.., ,
,-..._,.—.isvlianl uili..lii HOV. pea
ASPect on Sport*
by Don Oppedhano
Today at 3 p.m. at the old campus field, the Albany
State Great Dane baseball team will face the RPI Engineers in the home opener of the season. On hand,
a s usual, will be Albany's most avid fan, Mrs. Martha
Egleston of the History Department to throw out the
first ball. Mrs. Egleston has had the honor for over
10 years now, and each year the pre-game ceremony
is one to watch with pride and excitement.
Unfortunately, we cannot say the same of what will
follow, namely the contest itself. Mrs. Egleston's
son, Tom, will be hurling for the Danes, and we're
sure he'll give a fine account of himself. After all,
he handcuffed the Engineers easily last year in beating
them 5-1, for the first taste of victory that Coach Bob
Burlingame has enjoyed over the visitors'from across
the Hudson since he came to Albany eight years ago.
In this game, the Danes really showed their muscle
at the plate, getting at least a dozen hits, with the big
blow a booming 425 foot last over the center field
fence by the then first baseman, Denny Elkin. Since
• that game, Egleston has improved considerably. As
Tom, himself put it: "All my pitches are working so
far this year. I have used my fast ball, curve ball,
and screw ball successfully. Defensively, it should
be a case of using the right pitch at the right time."
Although the team's pitching has improved greatly,
its hitting has not. In their three losses, the Danes
have accumulated a grand total of 12 hits, two of
which have been for extra bases, which goes to show
that the boys haven't been exactly ripping the cover
off the old apple. This lack of hittingis what makes us
pessimistic about the team's chances against RPI today
and the Siena Indians tomorrow, a contest which the
diamondmen will face in Mike Flynn the best hurler
in the area.
A striking fact is that in the three games played
so far, the Danes have accumulated more hits than
the opposition. Actually, it is not so striken when
one considers that our squad is blessed with exceptional pitching; but the few hits that the opponents
did get combined with a couple of walks and some
e r r o r s produced the 2 or 3 runs which were enough
for victory. It all goes to show that you can have
the best pitching in the world, but if you can't score,
you can't win. The Dodges found this out last fall.
This all points to the fact that the Danes will be on
the defensive most of the time, scratching, scrambling, or poking away to try to score a run or two.
This could have disasterous effects over the season
on a team that has 17 members, 7 of which are
pitches. As Egleston put it: "We could break out any
time and have a big inning." That "could" looms
large and we hope that that " b i g inning" comes today. It could be mighty tense.
Great Danes To Host R.P.I, a t 3
Face Siena Indians Tomorrow
Relatively new to the
game of golf, junior Ray
McCloat has made remarkable progress. With the
season just underway, Ray
has been selected the number one man.
In the summer of his sophomore
year in high school, McCloat played
his first game of golf. For the next
two years the sport held a casual
Interest for him. Early in the spring.
of his freshman year at Albany, the
golf team was short of players; Ray
decided to join. Since then he has
shown marked Improvement. Last
year he played in the third and
fourth position. This year he is
number one, with a six handicap.
Golf is not the only sport Ray
has participated In, In high school
he was an eight letter man, competing in cross country, basketball
and track, In AMIA sports lie has
represented Potter Club In football,
basketball, and bowling, with allstar nominations In football and
Bei.dea being an active participant in sports, Ray has held a
number of positions in campus organizations, lie was our sports editor for four semester. This year
he is chairman of MYSKANIA and
President of Potter Club.
Ray is looking forward to a good
season for the golf team. He feels
that this year's squad has more
depth than any other team In Albany's history. Any of the top seven
players have the ability to fill the
spot of their teammate. He sees RPI
and Hamilton as our toughest foes.
A further factor In this year's play
is the new course, which the team
will be playing,
A topic which Ray as sports editor
had continually discussed was the
role that the university should play
In athletics. He firmly believes that
"If we are to become a University
in every aspect Including sports,
the administration should do more
than, 'provide for facilities', it
should encourage actual participation."
Ray, who's major is English,
hopes to pursue a career In advertising or public relations, Ever
since he has been at Albany he has
exhibited all the qualities that will
insure him success. His aspirations
match the work he has done for
our university.
BE G E N T L E ?
by Dune Nixon
The Albany State baseball squad will open its home schedule today at 3 p.m.
'on the Old Campus field against their perennial rivals from across the Hudson,
the RPI Engineers. Coach Burlingame has given the starting nod to veteran righthander Tom Egleston. Egelston topped RPI last year for the Danes first win over
the Engineers during Coach Burlingame's tenure here at Albany. Thus, he and the
entire team will be shooting for their second consecutive win over RPI.
Mrs. Egelston from the
History department, one of
Albany's most avid baseball fans, will once again
throw out the first ball
during the pregame c e r e monies.
Leagues II and III schedules are
posted on the bulletin board in the
Social Science foyer.
The Comets are the League II
defending champs. They are headed
by Ail-Star first baseman Jim Hare,
Nominations (or AMIA
sign-up sheets for nominations
for AMIA officers will be up until
Sat., April 22 until 12 noon. Elections will be held Tuesday, April
25 and Wednesday, April 20 from
0-3 In the Campus Center,
Volley-ball sign-up sheets are up
on the AMIA bulletin board In the
Social Science foyer, In Stuyvesant
Tower and In Waterbury Hall,
The varsity tennis mentor graciously consented to comment further
and provide the substance for this
"This year we have one of our
more promising squads but most
of the colleges we are to play have
improved immensely," he offered.
Utica, a team which had been
practicing Inside for some time
was an easy mark. Osweog, who
beat State badly last year, was considered stronger by the coach. They
fell 5-4.
In the future, Adeiphi and Fairleigh Dickinson are unknowns, being
new to the State U. schedule. RPI
has always been tough and there Is
never much difference between their
first and sixth position players.The
Albany varsity has never beaten the
Last year, Plattsburgh beat State,
8-1. They have lost only one player
and are expected to, be stronger.
SENATOR JACOB JAVITS ipokt hare Saturday a i part af "Opportunities Unlimited," a program dosigned to encourage an interest in politics among college students. Here he signs autographs for a
few of those who attended the program.
Javits Says Republican Party Is
Where The Action Is9 Sat
"The Republican Party is where the action i s , " said the Honorable Jacob K.
new addition to the Constitution de- Javits, United States Senator from New York at the Saturday conference of Oppornnes the office of president of cen-tunities Unlimited. Mr. Javits characterized the Democratic Party as being "tied
tral Council as the Presidency of
, ,
. .,
student Association. Nowhere m the t o t n e P a s t a n d a s having grown complacent due to its long time monopoly of the
student Association Constitution i& national government. In contrast, the Republican Party today is in a position of
a definition
of who is the uniqueness, having the "potential of charting for the future."
of the Association.
Citing Senators Percy, so provides a flexible and prag- young people can work for their
Central Council also approved a
new constitution for the Commisslon for Academic Affairs. The
constitution has abolished the commission boards. It was felt by the
^members of the commission that
the boards had proven unworkable
over the past few years.
by Iris Atson
The Women's Athletic Association
will hold elections on Tuesday, April
25 and Wednesday, April 2G In the
Dutch, Colonial, Alden and Bru dining halls from 5-6 p.m.
There will also be voting on
Thursday, April 27 at the right information booth at the campus center from 12-1 p.m. Girls should
check with their VVAA Reps for
voting eligibility.
Frosh Mohawk Day
Slated For Apr. 30
Located in the Basement of (he Campus Center
B a c o n a s e x a m p l e s of t h e
fresh young blood that is
r e v i t a l i z i n g the
Republican Party, Mr. Javits
Invited the young men ami women
of today, that generation to whom
the power and Influence of the American nation Is passing, to find their
places In the party of opportunity,
the party that Is receptive to new
ideas and new approaches.
When asked what political outlook
he tends to identify with, Mr, Javits
placed himself in the "progressive
and modern wing" of the Republican
Party, the wing which he feels holds
the majority uf Republicans today.
The II. S. Senator quoted Lincoln
In his view that "politics is too
much dominated by the stale dogmas
of the past."
matic framework within which the
Results Of Football Poll
Show 86% Student Favor
The results of the Beta Phi Sigma
football poll conducted March 14
revealed that 00.12% of the University Community want football on this
campus. The poll was also designed
to indicate how well informed the
people at State are regarding particulars for the creation of a football team.
Although 32.50% of those polled
indicated that there were no funds
now available for a team, In actual.» On Wednesday, April 10, the first
ity there are presently sufficient
meeting of the Freshman Class
funds to create and maintain a
Council was held. Steve Chernlske,
sixty man squad.
president of the freshman class, anAccording to Dr. Werner the iniIn remedy to this, the Republican
nounced that April 30 will be Freshtial expense fur a team of sixty would
man Day at the University.
be just over $13,000, The poll indiAll the facilities at the Mohawk "sterile policies and the ulil style cated that 14.51% were willing to
property are reserved for that day. candidates" uf the Democrats and have over $00,000 usod for initiating
There will also he u dance In the
a team, Only 5.31% Indicated tho
burn with music provided by the
proper price range.
Senior Photos
When asked how much of a raise
The last time Senior photos will
The council also voted to begin
in student tax would be tolerated,
work on a referendum that would be taken is May 8-11, Sign up for the favored amount among tho unpropose raising the current class [appointments now in Campus Center derloads was $1-2. Admission fee
opposite Information desk (this also
duos from $1 to $2.
of $1.00 was favored by 30,22%.
•'ni This Increase wuulil Insure a means those people who put their
huge, successful weekend for the names on the list for not having
This poll was first conceived of
freshmen next year. Tho question appointments). No photos will he] by Beta Phi Sigma in November,
will be decided by the entire Class I
| The members consolidated luforof 1070 when the referendum l s j
I matlon obtained from Dr, Werner
presented to \tlL
and Dean Thorne. Thequesllonnalre
was prepared by Beta Phi Sigma
with advice from the Psychology and
There will be a Central Council referendum to vote on several Sociology departments.
amendments to the constitution along with the Central Council and
L.A.A.C, elections through Friday, Article I, Section 4: Officers add
In order to reach a majority of
to a, "and President of the Student Association,"
add to e, "The element which the president represents on Central the University body, the poll was
at the Student Center for
Council shall be entitled to elect another full voting representative,
The representative elected President shall not be considered a rep- commuters and the dinner lines, A
ballots were polled.
resentative of tho element from which he was elected,"
Detailed results have been sent
add to a. "He shall be a nonvoting member of that body except in
[the case of a tie when he shall be able to cast the deciding vote." to Dr, Werner, Dean Brown, Dean
The $01,105 budget of the Athletic Advisory Hoard was approved
by Central Council. It was decided
to maintain the large surplus of
board funds.
Women's Softball
Albany State's Women's Intercollegiate Softball Team has been
practicing every day, getting in
shape for their busy schedule.
The first home game will be on
Monday, May 1 at 3:30 p.m. against
Plattsburgh, Home games will be
played at Milne Field. The team is
coached by Miss DeLameter and
seems to be coming along well.
The girls are looking forward to
the season.
Hours Tues Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Council, last
Thursday night, approved
a proposed Constitutional
Amendment that would, if
it is ratified by the Student Association, limit the
voting power of the Central Council President.
The president would be allowed
O to vote only in the case of a tie
under the proposed amendment. The
Women's A. A. News
Voting for the Central
Council and Living Area
Affairs Commission elections will begin today with
84 people vying for 29 positions.
If it is ratified by the Student
Association, the members of Student Association will be able to
approve or reject the amendment
T on a referendum which will be held
' in conjunction with the University
elections during April 25 to April
Presently the Student Association
Prsident has the right to vote In
Central Council since he must represent his contituency. If the amendment is passed, the element that
elected the person who becomes
President would elect another person to represent them on Central
Council. The amendment also states
that the President shall not act as
a representative of the body that
elected him to Central Council.
For Varsity Net Season
The League IAMIA Softball schedule has been announced by Commissioner Jim Wlngate.
Apr. 22 12 noon HAC vs. EEP(a)
Apr. 22 2 p.m, STB vs. KB
Apr. 23
3 p.m. APA vs. HAC
Apr. 23 5 p.m. STB vs. EEP(b)
Apr. 24 4 p.m. APA vs. EEP(a)
Apr. 25 4 p.m. EEP(b) vs. KB
Apr. 20 4 p.m. HAC vs. STB
Apr. 27 4 p.m. KB vs. APA
May 1 4 p.m. STB vs. EEP(a)
May 2 4 p.m. HAC vs. EEP(b)
May 3 0 p.m. STB vs. APA
May 4 6 p.m. HAC vs. KB
May 0 12 noon EEP(b)vsEEP(a)
May 6 2 p.m. HAC vs. APA
May 8 4 p.m. EEP(b) vs. STB
May 9 4 p.m. EEP(a) vs. KB
May 10 0 p.m. EEP(b) vs. APA
May 11 4 p.m. EEP(a)vs. HAC
May 13 12 noon KB vs. STB
May 13 2 p.m. EEP(a) vs. APA
May 15 4 p.m, KB vs. EEP(b)
May 10 4 p.m. STB vs. HAC
May 18 4 p.m. EEP(a) vs. STB
May 18 0 p.m. EEP(b) vs. HAC
Voting Befjns Today
h Central Council,
Living Area Affairs
Coincil Refer e i d n i
Will Limit Powers
Of Pres. I i Vote
Hathaway Expresses Hope
League I Schedules
VOL. U I I , . N 0 . 1 8
TUESDAY, A P R I L 25, 1967
Siena Will Be Tough
Albany, now 0-3, will probably
face stiff competition from Siena
who are presently 3-0 and will most
likely be going with their ace hurler,
Bob Flynn. The two squads split
their games last year and here too
by Jim Winslow
the Danes will be looking for their
second consecutive win in an annual
After posting two quick and impressive victories
Coach Burlingame has been over Utica and Oswego State, the Great Dane netmen
pleased by the Great Danes hurling have been victimized by the elements. Since the first
thus far, however, their hitting still
has not jelled, perhaps due to the game of the young season the Albany area has been
lack of outside practice, thanks to plagued with a rain which has wiped out every outthe Inclement weather. The coach doors practice session. The lack of practice will show
has also cited the rapid adaptations
Oneonta, Potsdam, and Central Conwhich Stein and Elkin have made in o v e r t h e s e a s o n .
A _ <-.
, „ ',,
nectlcut seem to be the best bets
the field. Stein, who is playing the
As Coach Merlin uHatha- tor wlns<
outfield this year for the first time
the team Is on the " I s and Elkin, a converted first base- Way e x p r e s s e d i t , " W e a r e l a nToday,'
" ' o r a match with Adeiphi,
man who is now at short, have both playing our toughest schedmade some fine plays in the field. ule ever with the addition 2 £ of t h e unl<n°*ns »' "» sched-
of Fairleigh Dickinson and
Adeiphi and the boys need
all the practice they can
race Siena Saturday
The Great Danes will also be In
action tomorrow when they will noil
the Siena Indians again at 3 p.m.
Coach Burlingame will choose his
starting hurler from a list that includes: Cas Galka, who pitched a
tine game against Utica but may not
be ready to go again by Saturday,
Tom Plotrowski, who threw well
in relief against Oswego, and George
Webb, who also looked good against
The prospective starting lineup
for this weekend's game includes)
Captain Andy Christian at third,
Denny Elkin at short, Paul LeonetU
at second, Webb or Jack Slnnott at TOM I C L I S T 0 N • I I I b* t h * stortiaf pitcher In today's homo
first, and Jim Murley, Bob Lowell, opener at 3 p.m. against RPI. Hit mother will bo on hand to
and Art Stein or Slnnott patrollng throw out the first ball.
the outfield.
Varsity Linksman McCloat:
Sports Editor Turned Golfer
by Honk Rabinowitz
Friday, April 21, 1967
Thorns, Central Council, and Don
Oppedlsano, Chairman of Athletic
Advisory Board.
The brothel's of Beta Phi Sigma
strongly hope that these results
will help in speeding up action on
the question of football at State.
Voting will take place in Campus
Center 3G1 between 10 a.m. and 4
p.m. today through Friday and on
the dinner lines in the Dutch Quad,
Colonial Quad and Walden Dining
Hall tomorrow and Thursday.
The following people are running
for Central Council from the Dutch
Quad: Sue Archey, Bo Cania, Doreen Frankel, Thomas Guthrie, Philip Hoffman, Paul Lleberman, Terry
Mathias, Patricia Matteson, Elty
Charles Young and Andrew Zambelli. Only three seats are open.
Paul Butterfield, David Cummings, Diane del Toro, Thomas
Ebert, Josephine Fasolo, Gregory
Hicks, Carol Jonke and Jeffrey
Mlshkin are seeking the three seats
for the Council from the Colonial
The two seats on Central Council from the State Quad are being
sought by Vic Looper, Dotti Mancusi, Carol Mowers, Craig Springer, Margie Tourajian, and Natalie
C. T. Campany, Carol Hettle,
Judith Mills, Mike Parker, Christine Root, and Joseph Zanca are
competing from Commuters for the
three seats.
Six seats are open for LAAC from
the Dutch Quad.The followlngpeople
are running: Gary Bessel, Pamela
Doscher, Delia Gelson, Philip Hoffman, William Jones, Susan Levenberg, Donna Levlne, Cherte Levy,
Terry Mathias, Mady Mlxson, Edward Redelberger, Stephanie Rice,
Madeline Schnabel, George Taylor,
Ellen Tolkoff and Connie Vails.
Nelson Atkin, Paul Breslln, Bob
D'Elena, Diane del Toro, Thomas
Ebert, Adele Endlekofer, Susan Formal!, Josephine Fasolo, Jay Handelman, Shannon Ha/en, Cheryl Hester, Bob Holmes, Carol Jonke, Phyllis Leltner, Nancy LePore, Fran
Lltz, Bob Mulvey, Lelda Sanzel,
Susan Sutton, and Barry Welnsteln
seek the six positions from Colonial
cont'd on page 3
VIOLENCE OCCURS in Joan Luc Godard'i Alphavlllo, tonight's
presentation of the American Film Academy. Th* picture will b*
show at 7:30 and 9:15 p.m. in Draper 349. Admission will b*