9 ASPect on Sports

Friday, April 7, 1 9 6 7 *
ASPect on Sports
by Don Oppediumo
Bowen Tops Stale
All-Opponent Team
... The break between the winter and spring sport seasons affords us an opportunity to write a feature column on one of the University's coaches. We made
this decision on the basis of who has done the most to
coordinate and develop intercollegiate athletics on this
campus. And the answer that we came up with is,
we're sure, a surprise to no one — Joe Garcia.
Now in his 17th year at Albany, Coach Garcia is
responsible for instituting both wrestling and soccer
at the University. He coached the first varsity soccer
team in 1950 and organized a wrestling program several years later.
A native of St. Louis, Garcia received his Bachelor's
degree from the University of Illinois and participated
in four national collegiate tournaments with the Illinois wrestling teams. After graduation, he became
assistant coach at Ohio State before coming to Albany
where he assumed his new post and received his
Master's degree.
Garcia has to be singled out as the most hardest
working of all the coaches. He is the only one on the
staff to coach a sport in each season—varsity soccer,
in the fall, varsity wrestling in the winter, and frosh
tennis in the spring; This much activity requires an
undue amount of s t r e s s and strain besides patience
and integrity which the likeable coach has endured
every year. And there seems no signs in the future
of his shying away from any of these most important
Besides coaching three sports, Garcia is coordinator of varsity athletics for the University, Chairman of the NCAA Soccer Development and Clinics
Committee, a member of the NCAA Honor Award
Committee, and Section 2 area chairman for the
New York State Wrestler. A man of only Garcia's
caliber has enough energy and devotion to work effectively and efficiently for all these activities.
While coaching his athletes, Mr. Garcia takes a
very active part in his work. He not only explains
what the Individual Is doing wrong but demonstrates
what he is doing, why it is wrong, and how it should
be corrected.
In soccer, he always participates in intra-squad
scrimmages occasionally stopping practice to correct
individual weaknesses or to point out where better
teamwork could have been used.
We personally have come to respect Mr. Garcia's
integrity through his recent hard work that he has put
into the 1967-68 athletic budget which is currently
being debated by the Athletic Advisory Board. In
every way, Coach Garcia represents a symbol of the
University which every present and future athlete
should look up to.
JUNIOR TOM PIOTROWSKI will b. on* of th* mainstays on
Coach Bob Burlingamo's mound corps this spring. Th* diamondman's first horn* gam* is April 21 against RPI at t h * old campus field.
Albany Nine Hopeful;
Pitching Depth Is Key
The Albany State base-ball nine will open their
season Thursday against
Utica, with a greatly expanded pitching staff and
hopes for a highly successful season.
Coach Burllngame who was r e stricted to a mere two pitchers most
of last season, now finds himself
with six strong mound candidates.
Tom Egelston, a powerful rlghty,
and Tom Plotrowskl, a southpaw
knlckleballer are both returning.
These two will be assisted this year
by a return to action of senior Jim
Nass, who sat out last year with a
sore arm.
Joining these three lettermen will
be transfer Cass Galka, a mainstay
at Hudson Valley for the last two
years; big George Webb, last year's
outstanding freshmen; andsophRich
Patrel, who showed promise in the
summer league last year.
The hurlers wUl be supported on
the left side by veterans Andy Chris-
tian at third and Denny Elkln at
short. First and second are still up
for grabs, with Paul Leonetti and
Hal Toretzsky In contention at second. First will go to Jack Sinnott or
Webb when he is not on the mound.
The outfield is also unsettled.
Jim Murley, a transfer from Hudson Valley, Gordon Johnson, also a
reserve catcher, Bob Lowell, center fielder on the frosh last year,
and Webb are all candidates.
Catching duties will be handled
by another sophomore, Gary Torino.
Coach Burllngame cites defense and
a lack of depth as potenUal weaknesses. However Christian, Elkln,
Sinnott and Webb have all been lookJ
ing good at the plate, and their hitting coupled with the strengthened
Lather Bowen, a 5-foot-lo sophomore guard from Montclalr State,
was the only unanimous choice of
the Albany State University varsity
basketball players in choosing their
1966-67 All-Opponent Team.
Joining Bowen on the club, a m
fix-man squad due to a-voting tie,
were Ed Eberle, 6-2 soph forward
from the University of Buffalo; Mark
Palinski, 6-1 senior forward from
Slenaj'Doug Bernard, 6-2 Junior forward from Buffalo; Joe Daley, 5-9
soph guard from Merrimack, and
Mike Steele, 6-0 junior guard from
Bowen was named on all nine
ballots and little wonder. The backcourt dead-eye peppered the nets
for 33 points in a 79-64 Montclalr
victory over visiting Albany early
In the season. His output was by far
the most markers scored by an
individual against State this year, ©
Palinski and Eberle each r e ceived six votes from the State
cagers. Mark, who established a
number of scoring records at Siena
this season, tallied 28 points as his
Indians split two games with the
Great Danes. He garnered just four
in Siena's 73-67 victory in the Capital District Tourney final, sitting
out much of the game with foul
trouble. He netted 24 in the 76-75
overtime win later in the year and
played a strong all-around game.
Eberle burned the Danes for 43
points in UB's two triumphs over
Iron I's Top EEP
For Tourney Crown
of Dave
- - on the shooting
^ nr i
Goldstein and L a " y
M ^ t J * d
he rebounding of Jerry IWerstone
the Ir ondequolt Indians defeated EEP
? , 48-45, in overtime, Tuesday_ntght
'°f « » championship.to th Cornmissloner's Tournament held at
P ° ™ « in 15 of Ms'
team's 24 points in the f i r s . £ a s
the ron I's led 24-20. Goldsteins
P°tnts came on deadly outside shots
f •><» j 1 " ? ^ / 1 * 1 " * „ K M mtats
with awho
high ofup23with
markers hit 6 foul shots In a row
at the end of the game and In the
overtime period. The score was
tied 41-41 at the end of regulation
Saperstone pulled down 18 r e bounds in controlling both the offensive and defensive boards. He
and he Is the best at that scored 6 points.
Defending champion Pot- plate,
position In the league. At first base
ter Glub and runner-up will be Len Portoundo with Dave
Paced by Joe LaReau and Mike
Hooper Athletic Club are Bock handling the second base Conway, Potter stormed from an
Rich Marglson at short when 8 point deficit to cut the lead to
co-favorites for the League chores,
he's not pitching, and Mike Gilmar- one and eventually knot the score.
I crown as play opens this tin at third. Star Ray Clanfrinl will But Meyer's foul shooting proved
Monday and continuing for be in the outfield along with Tom too much for the twice beaten EEP's
had got into the finals by upsetting
Doody and Jim Olentziak.
six weeks.
The opening game this Monday APA I, 59-58.
Conway finished with 15 points,
EEP has entered two teams In the finds EEP (a) facing STB at 4:00 as Owen Coffer added 12 and LaReau
Ken started off his college career league, EEP (aj~wnich is the team at the League I field at the old 10.
in the same style which he employed that w o n the champlonslp last year campus. APA plays KB on Tues.
The champs finished with a 14-3
In high school, a winning way. On b e h l n d the fine pitching ofDanCrlp- and the Hoopers take on the EEP(b) record with a strong bench headed
tne frosh net team, Ken played the p e n ( and E E P (b) which is a team team on Wed. at 4:00. Thurs. the by Robert Rodway being a strong
number one position, and at the end m a ( | e up of the spring Potter pledges, Nads play KB with 3 games on tap factor throughout the season.
of the season was awarded with the
Besides the two Potter teams and for Sat.
Most Valuable Player Trophy.
t n e Hoopers, the rest of the league
As a sophomore, Zack played the consists of APA, a squad that will
number two slot on the varsity, and a l s 0 &, r i g n t u p there for the trophy,
went through the season lndefeated. K B f w n ich was the only team to upThe junior season was split between s e t the champs last year, STB, and
the number 1 and 2 position. The the Nads
only two losses of Zack's varsity
T h e Hoopers appear to be set at
career came when he was playing e v e r y position with their strongest
the number one position, that Is f 0 rte being the battery of New York
while he was playing the best the s t t t t e All-Star pitcher Ray Cascla
opposition had to offer,
a m j catcher Don oppedlsano.
When asked what he thought of
In the Infield, the Athletic Club
this year's team, the varsity cap- will have Tim Jursak at first, Fred
tain replied, "This looks to be the Rawe at second, Wayne Smith at
best team since I have been here, shortstop, and Marty O'Donnell at
This year's squad has lots of depth." third, eager Mike Bloom heads the
When Ken speaks of, his own ac- outfield along with other hoopsters,
complishments, he is quick to ack- Jim Constantino and Larry Marcus.
Crlppen heads the defending
nowledge that "Through the efforts
of my high school tennis coach, champions who have lost the servStuart Sterns, who Is a tennis pro, tees of catcher Len Haybrook and,
I had an excellent opportunity to be the starting outfield. Jack Duffy
exposed to all the facets of the will do the catching chores and Dick
Willow will be at first along with
All play and no work is the ex- Joe Lareau at second, Don Compcaption for most college students, tols at short, and all-star Jim Curand Ken Is certainly no exception, ley at third
As a biology major, Ken Is kept
Except for Its pitching, Alpha Pi
KEN ZACHARIAS it caught returning a valley in one of lost •>
busy with a heavy schedule. Furyear'i matches. The senior from Glons Falls is t h * premier
thermore, as a member of Alpha PI Alpha Is set and should be a strong
Alpha fraternity, Zack Is kept busy "Moose" Wingate, will be behind the
player on Coach Merlin Hathuway's (quad.
In his executive office.
ToTcn h Buri a inUme r, citing the fact
that Nass and Christian are the
only seniors is even looking forward to possible district contention
for the College division World Series that will be instituted next year.
Hoopers, EEP Co-Favorites
For League I Softball Crown
Tennis Captain Zacharias
Sixteen Wins In Two Years
by Glen Sopir
Ken Zacharias picked up
a tennis racket for the first
time when he was In the
eighth grade In South Glens
Falls, and he hasn't done
much except win with it
The twenty-two year old senior
first tried his hand at competitive
tennis the next year, his first of
four seasons of varsity play at
South High.
During Ills high school varsity
career, " Z a c k , " as he Is called
by his friends, collected many honors because of his skill on both the
basketball and tennis courts.
Ken's Junior year was his most
rewarding season at South High.
That year, Zack won his conference
.ennls championship and finished as
high as runnerup in the Section 2
Tournament. In his sophomore and
senior years, Zack finished second
to hie teammate, Larry Miller,
Miller, who now plays as number one man M Oswego, lost to
Zacharias In their collegiate clash
last season. At South High, the two
combined for the conference doubles
championship, tor two years. The
high school has never lost a conference match In seventy three con-
mff' •
Leary, Louria Debate
Advantages, Dangers
Of LSD At R.P.I.
McWilliams To Speak
On 'Need For Dissent'
"Drop-out — Turn-on
—Tune-in — Drop-out —
Turn-on — Turn-in," r e peated Dr. Timothy Leary
during his meeting with
narcotics expert, Dr. Donald Louria at the R.P.I.
Field House Saturday night.
Carey McWilliams, editor of "The Nation," will
speak on "The Need for Dissent," in a Forum of
Politics lecture to be given tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the Campus Center Ballroom. It is expected that he
will offer a severe condemnation of American actions
in Vietnam and call for widespread criticism of these
Leary's 45 minute presentation
which he gave while sitting crosslegged on the floor in front of a
lighted cancle, centered around a
comparison between life and a television studio. Leary stated that the
central news room of a T.V. studio
is located inside one's body.
Leary said that using LSD is the
key to opening up one's lnsldes and
"finding out what's going on." This,
he explained, is not wanted by the
"directors of the T. V. studio."
Leary warned that no one should
"take the t r i p " who was "not prepared" for the changes that would
take place after his " r e t u r n , "
Leary ended his presentation by
chanting, "make It better, don't be
afraid, keep It going, you're divinity,
you're God." He never listed the
dangers of LSD or any of the other
thing which he claims the drug accomplishes.
Dr. Donald Louria, President of
the New York State Council for Drug
Addition, began his presentation with
some straight forward facts on the
medical uses of LSD.
Louria also mentioned the five
claims that the advocates of LSD
make. He listed 1) creativity 2)
mystical experiences 3) Joveableness 4) Insight and 5) potent aphrodisiac effect. Louria stated that
these claims either weren't true
or could not be proven.
Louria discussed the dangers of
LSD including the recent evidence
discovered by Dr. Cohen In Buffalo
that LSD causes chromosomal
Louria stated that individuals
should move in and attack problems
to make the world of tomorrow a
better place than the world of today
instead of "dropplng-out."
No Opposition
To Proposal
From Council
T n e McWilliams lecture Is open
e d i t e d to the public with admission free,
s i n c e 1 9 5 5 , i s t h i s c o u n - A , t e r u , e lecture there will be a
, , .
I , .
, question and answer period.
try's oldest weekly journal
T h e I e c t u r e ls p a r t 0 , F o r u m 0 ,
1 9 6 5 , Politics' spring series on Ameri-
it celebrated its centen- £?"
and atVietnam.
This foreign
8 p.m.
in the Campus Center Ballroom,
This journal has consistently criDR. TIMOTHY LEARY and Or. Donald Lo uria discussed the
merits and demerits of LSD in their presentations to 3600 students in the R.P.I, field house Saturday night. Here Leary sits
on the floor behind his candle as he listens to Lourio's
ticized American intervention, in
what it views as an Indigenous civil
war in Vietnam. In recent months,
editorials have appeared on such
topics as the "credltability gap,"
civilian casualties in Vietnam, and
escalation of the war.
Council Adopts Form
Of Vietnam Referendum
McWilliams has devoted many
years to the study of controversial
social issues. He Is the author of
a dozen books, including "Brothers
Under the Skin," a critical analysis
of the treatment of American racial
and ethnic minorities. It has been
Central Council h a s adopted the form of the VietKeierendum which will be voted on by the students of the University this Thursday and Friday.
The voting will take place on the dinner lines at all
the cafeterias and at the Student Association Office
in the Campus Center. According to Joseph Mahay,
member of the Council, the purpose of the referendum is "to Stimulate dis- be held on April 20 through April
acclaimed as " a classic in American
race relations."
"A Mask for Privilege" deals
with anti-Semitism in the United
States. Twice awarded Guggenheim
Fellowships to finance his research
into crucial social questions, McWilliams has been on the staff of
"The Nation" since 1940, becoming
associate editor in 1951, editorial
CUSSion a n d i n e q u i t y o v e r 28 on the dinner lines and at the director a year later, and assuming the editorship in 1950.
the Vietnam War and pronam
vide a chance for the students to express their opinion. The referendum is below.
All students, who attend this University, are eligible to vote In the
upcoming referendum. The council
is asking for a Student Tax Card,
"whether authorized for other Student Association purposes, or not,
as a requirement to vote. This r e quirement was made to provent any
one student from voting twice.
Central Council passed the election bill concerning the council and
Living Area Affairs Commission
election this year. Any member of
the Student Association may pick
up nomination forms at the Student
Affairs Office In Brubacher Mall
or at the Student Association Office
in the campus center. These forms
may lie obtained from April 17 to
0:00 p.m. April 21. Elections will
The Women's Hours Proposal was
passed withoul opposition at the University Council's April 11 meeting.
Even (hough the new hours proposal
ls now technically university policy,
u moral question has been raised by
tlie Student Hesldent Committee regarding the responsibility of the University to the parents of the Albany The Vietnam Referendum statements:
For this reason although the mechanics of getting into the dorin after a. I, in general, support an
closing have been successfully
INCREASE in the United
woi'ked out, no deflnitedate has been
States military commitment
set for the actual change over.
in Vietnam.
Tonight will mark the beginning of
the effort to educate the women of
the University on their new freedoms b. I, in general, SUPPORT
and responsibilities when LA AC will
States policy in the Viethold meetings on all Quads for liAs
and Hall officers.
namese War.
At this time, procedures of the
policy will be carefully outlined and c. I, in general, support a DEall dorms will be requested to have
CREASE in the United States
compulsory dorm meetings on Wedmilitary
nesday night, the results of which
will lie reported to the dorm directors. Then, on Thursday night,
LAAC will meet with the dorm di- d. No opinion.
rectors and discuss final plans.
Antonioni's Red Desert
Tonight's Academy Film
From the early productions of
Michelangelo Antonloul such as Le
Amiche—11 Grido—l'Avventura to
the more recent Red Desert to
be presented tonight in Draper 349
at 7:30 and 9:10 there ls a formal
and stylistic evolution of the director.
Antonloul ls a modern humanist
who does work of vivisection on the
structures of modern society, analyzing its contltutlve elements. The
case of Giuliana in Red Desert ls
part of the dialogue which Antonloul
started several years ago.
The world around Giuliana is falling to pieces. Ugo, lier husband,
doesn't succeed In overcoming her
crisis. The cold, the fog, the noise,
the neon of the cities, the frightful
loneliness are the external elements
which contribute to sharpen her already abnormal slate.
Neither the Illness of her son or
the carnal love of her husband's
friend Corrado can fill her days now
that tlie balance has been disrupted.
Giuliana believes lo find in each of
the above factors a new pretext to
tie the broken chain and gain confidence again, but both experiments
prove to be. temporary and superficial,
Actually Antonloul doesn't offer
a solution to the problem arising
from the anallzation of our Industrial world; he Just proposes a
meditation on this theme and solicits an examination of conscience
from the spectator who Is, In a
sense, the real protagonist of the
The message which can be deducted is easily discernible: accepting ourselves as we are is a
symptom of mediocrity because the
Inner balance Is not obtained with
Norman Thomas will deliver the
next lecture In the Forum series
(Details on the Thomas lecture may
be found on page 3).
Collins Establishes
Group To Review
Research Proposals
Dr..Evan R. Collins, president of
the University, has established a
faculty review committee on investigations involving human subjects.
Purpose of the committee will be
to provide for Independent faculty
review of research proposals Involving human subjects submitted
to the U. S. Public Health Service.
The committee will review proposals with reference to the rights
and welfare of the individual involved, the appropriateness of the
methods used to obtain Informed
consent, and the risks and potential
medical benefits of the Investigations.
Dr. Collins stated that the committee will be guided In its work
by the campus position regarding
investigations Involving human subjects.
Dr. Collins has advised that recommendations of the committee will
be reported to the vice president
for research and that the latter's
office will provide administrative
assistance to the committee. .
THE CAFETERIA in the Campus Confer was scheduled to opvn
yesterday. The empty tablet should toon bo filling up with students discussing important affairs ovor their coffee.
Tuesday, April 11, 1967
(Tuesday, April 11,1967
Over The Counter Intelligence
by Martin Schwartz
Leery Of Leary
Several of the local authorities including the District Attorney M. Andrew
Dwyer spent a lot of time worrying
about the effect Dr. . Timothy Leary
would have on "young, impressionable"
college students. The event has come
and gone without incident.
Everyone in the audience listened to
both sides of the question, clapped, or
laughed in the right places. We doubt
also that too many students are going
out to t r y LSD on the basis of what
Leary said.
If the authorities had been afraid
that the mere suggestion would be enough
to persuade students then the publicity
of the objections would be even more
persuasive. Those that heard the threats
and publicity but didn't hear the presentations are more likely to want to
try LSD.
We doubt that many students were
taken in by Leary's mystical act in
the darkened room or hypnotized by
the candle. Even then one had the chance
to hear the other side of the issue
which was very ^adequately presented
by Dr. Louria.
The question period following the p r e sentations was especially enlightening
since it allows one to see something
besides prepared statements of each
individual. It also brought up some
points that hadn't been presentedearlier
and gave the audience of a chance to see
Leary and Louria respond to each other
The whole experience was very informative and we're glad that the R.P.I.
I.F.C. succeeded in its presentation. It
may even have helped sway people away
from thoughts of LSD. We don't think
anyone was harmed morally by the experience and it's too bad some people
had to make so much of it beforehand.
This may have been the harmful part.
Again, it may not even be pos"There are three kinds of lies:
Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics." sible to test for opinions on the
commitment and present
Benjamin Disraeli
US policy in the same ballot. One
may support negotiation (c) while
At the end/.of this week, we all at the same time either supporting
will have the^opflbiitunlty to vote or rejecting present US policy.
in what Is laijijjhinijly referedto as
The attitude that one takes into
a referendum.Vyi"1The present referendum suffers peace talks can make an important
from the a semantic problem. What difference In the outcome of such
IS the prese US policy In the war? talks. This referendum does not
Is it escalation, negotiation, or a allow this difference to show.
Perhaps there should be two quescombination of the two?
The major problem is that the tions on the referendum; one dealing
support for the military comreferendum tries to Include two systems of thought Into one frame of mitment and another with the supreference. While the a and c choices port for present US policy. If so,
in the ballot (see bottom of page one) there should be some way to diftalk of the US military commitment, ferentiate between those for negotiathe b choice refers to the "POLICY" tion and those for withdrawal.
One thing IS certain. For their
behind the commitment. There is
no possible response for the per- six weeks of work Central Council
son who, in general, does not sup- and the Political and Social Affairs
port the present US policy in the Committee have managed to come
up with a referendum ballot which
Another vehement objection that is next to worthless, if not comI have to the referendum is that pletely worthless for testing student
choice c does not differentiate be- opinion.
Possibly the only way to save this
tween "doves" and " o w l s . " An owl
Is one who basically is opposed to referendum is for any of us with
the war but who Is definitely opposed more specific attitudes than those
to immediate withdrawal of troops. tested to write on the ballot their
He, instead, is in favor of negotia- views, i.e. withdrawal, negotiation,
We can only hope that next time
The owl stand may be radically
different from the pacifist or dove an issue such as this comes up,
who .demands an immediate end to Central Council will find out what
the war, yet, on this ballot, he would the hell they are doing instead of
bumbling along as usual.
show up the same.
Building Better Bridge
by R i c h B e t z and Marty
The decision of whether or not to two diamonds, which showed a good
sacrifice is a bid which you do not diamond suit and not much else.
expect to make, but you believe that South had good support for partner's
you will lose fewer points in your clubs, and bid two hearts looking
contract than your opponents would for a heart contract, since he could
have gained for making their con- always fall back on clubs if his parttract. Sacrifice bidding Is especially ner did not have good hearts.
important in duplicate bridge, when
West had diamond support I ml
It can be tetter to go down as many knew that North-South had the balas eleven tricks, If your opponents ance of power, and bid two spades
can make a grand slam with favor- to suggest a possible sacrifice over
able vulnerability.
a heart contract in the higher rankToday's hand feature;; good bid- ing spade suit.
ding by both sides, climaxed by
North had good hearts for his
West's good decision to take a partner and a very fine hand, and
could have jumped Immediately to
lour hearts. However, he saw no
mltment was founded (or at least confronting the basic issues in the
reason to hurry, and 'proceeded to
To the Editors:
justified by) certain assumptions; controversy over Vietnam simply
bid three diamonds to show his
Last Wednesday evening a debate the three points discussed by the because not enough people have been
partner the ace in that suit. East
was held on the resolution: "That affirmative team were among those asking the right questions,
now bids four spades to try to take
this House should condemn present assumptions. If these basic assumpwhile several thousand people
some bidding space away from
American policy in Vietnam." After tions were incorrect, and the U.S. a r e killed or injured every week,
North-South. South now showed his
suffering through the presentation has no right to beinvolved in the possibly we should be begin imAKJ92
club support and West his diamond
of the negative team's arguments, internal affairs of Vietnam, is it mediately.
support for the first time. Norih
I feel that several comments are in not only logical to expect that the
knew that the hands fit well for his
Harold Lynne
terms of negotiation should be rad765
side, since with the East-West spade
As a debate, the program failed ically different?
bidding his partner, he could have no
because there was no direct clash
more than one spade, and there were
Since the present policy is the
on the issues. The affirmative team,
certainly no heart or diamond
consisting of John Carmlchael, Jer- outgrowth of a military involvelosers, and bid six hearts. As you
ry Gaes, and Marc Mlringoff, chose ment which was predicated on cer- To the Editor:
can see, this is a fine contract
As a followup to my letter of
to offer a three-count Indictment of tain past assumptions, I submit
which Is ice-cold, but West made
that It was bsurd for the negative April 4 "No Telegrams," I would Bidding
present American policy.
the fine decision to sacrifice in six
Briefly, they argued that (1) the team to contend that the a.'flrmatlve like to present the following Inforspades, since he did not figure to
National Liberation Front (the Viet team's three-count Indictment was mation relevant to the situation. South
East get more than one trick in spades
Upon my return from classes the
Cong), and not communist-con- irrelevant,
2D and diamonds combined.
The problem with the negative day that my letter was published,
trolled or North Vietnamese-con211
trolled; (2) the domino theory is team's position reflects one of the I was greeted by a note which asked
North, of course, doubled and'
Invalid; and (3) the United States, basic deficiencies in the arguments me to call a Mr. Wyld at the teleP
West lost four tricks, one diamond,
rather than North Vietnam, was the of many defenders of American phone company.
one Iieart, one club, and a diamond
policy: they have allowed themselves
When I spoke to Mr. Wyld, he told
initial aggressor.
After South and West passed, ruff. East-West got a good hoard
I agree with these three argu- to sidestep the crucial questions me that lie was contacted by Mr. North opened the bidding with one for this, even though no other pairs
ments and believe that there are relevant to American involvement Hob Steerer of the business office Club, which gives Ills side maximum bid this excellent slam. Even al
several other counts on which U.S. In Vietnam. These people are only at school and told about the situa- ability to explore for a contract. the six level, it was a good sacripolicy can lie condemned. However, concerned that the U.S. Is there tion. Mr. Wyld asked me to tell him East made a weak jump overcall of fice,
whatever the merlots of the affirma- and, for a variety of reasons, they the entire story of my telegram Intive arguments, they were neatly argue that the U.S. must remain. cident and told me that the UniverIf a person Is going to offer a ra- sity pays its bills to the phone comdismissed by all three negative debaters because "they are irrelevant tional endorsement of American pol- pany and the telegram company Inicy,
he must be willing (and able) to cident was not the University's or
to a debate on present policy.
the telephone company's mistake.
The negative team, composed of discuss certain issues.
Along with the Issues raised by
Mr. Wyld Is presently trying to
Richard Taylor, Lewis Fischer, and
BV T M * CLASS OF 1918
Stratton Rawson, centered their de- the affirmative theam, there are locate the source of trouble and will
fense of American policy on the con- serious questions which must be be getting back to me as soon as
tention that the "present policy Is asked about U.S. military aid to finds out what It Is.
the French colonialists, about the
Congratulations to the Business
The basic problem with the nega- U, S, role In setting up and sup- Office, and especially toMr.Steerer
Tho Albany Slud.nl Prs.s I t 0 ..ml-weokly newspaper publishod br ili«
who Initiated this Inquiry. I apologize
tive team's argument was that It
• ' , h * S l ° ' ° Univer.lt). al New York el Albany. The
ASP olllce, located In Room 364 ol the Compos Center al 1223 Western
disregarded the tragic fact that U.S. role In preventing the 1056 to the Business Office for suggesting
Avenue Is open from 7 - 1 1 p.m. Sunday thro Thursday night or moy be
present American policy also In- Vietnamese national election which that they didn't pay their bills on
reached by dialing 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 or 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 4 .
cludes the continued bombing of was stipulated in the Geneva agree- time,
I hope that In the near future I
North and South Vietnam, the conMARGARET D U N L A P and SARA K I T T S L E Y
tinued destruction of civilian vil- NLF, about the role of American shall be able to announce to the
lages, and, most Importantly, the advisors In Vietnam In the early University community that telegram
Undo Borden, Arts Editor
Bruce Kaulrnan, Advertising Manager
will be allowed on our Don Oppedlsano, Sports Editor
continued killing and maiming of
Stuart Lubert, Photography Manager
and the U. S, role in setting up and phones.
the Vietnamese people.
Glen Saolr, Assoc, Sports Editor
Gary Schullo, Business Manager
Joseph 51'verman, Executive Editor
It Is true, as the negative team
Linda VonPallon, Technical Supervisor
contended, that the U, S, currently eral Ky, and finally, there are ser- Incident Is the Immediate Interest
appears to be seeking negotiations. ious questions about the self-right- which was shown by the adminisAll communications must be addressed to the editor and must bo signed.
Conceding that the U, S, now seeks eous, almost messianic, character tration. I think that once again the
Cetnmunlcallons should be limited to 300 words and are subject to editing.
negotiations to end Its military In- of America's anti-communist for- administration has shown Its power
I ho Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility lor opinions expressed
Irl I I I columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily
In helping students,
volvement in Vietnam, it must be eign policy.
reflect Its views.
On this campus, we are not really
Ellis Kaufman
remembered that this military corn-
Albany Student Press
Coat i
Academic Affairs
With Convocation
To Feature 4 Concerts
At Its weekly meeting held last
The University will pre- Fri.
Tuesday, MYSKANIA met with Dick
Prices a r e $1.50 for each aftersent its first annual Spring noon concert, $2.00 for each afterJankowskl, head of Camp Board. After a short discussion, it was deJazz Festival on May 6 and noon concert with student tax. Stucided that MYSKANIA can best help
7 in the Campus Center dents with tax cards may buy a
the group by aiding in publicity
maximum of one ticket for each
jjnatters and attempting to Interest
performance, and any tickets to
new members In joining.
The.event, sponsored by Special be used at one time. Those with
Anyone who wishes to work on
Events Board In conjunction with tax cards may purchase one eveCamp Board is urged to contact
Music Council, was designed for ning ticket and one afternoon ticket
Jankowskl as soon as possible. New
for $3.00.
the purpose of "bringing the Unipeople are especially needed in the
Students without tax cards may
versity students a festival of great
latter months of this school year.
purchase tickets at $2.00 for each
cultural, asthetlc, and entertain- afternoon concert, and $3.00 for
MYSKANIA also made plans to
ment value at a very reasonable each evening concert.
organize a day at the Mohawk, most
likely on April 16. Details will be
In the April 7 Issue of the ASP
Consisting of a total of four con- an article appeared on page 2 which
announced in Friday's paper.
certs, the festival will be one of stated that the 1907 State Fair would
The group also decided to act In
the three largest jazz festivals In include a jazz festival. The error
conjunction with the Commission on
the United States.
Academic Affairs in sponsoring an
was due to a mistake on the part
NORMAN THOMAS talks with students and faculty after a
Concerts will be held both Sat. of the ctaff of State Fair, and they
'and Sun. afternoon from 1 to 0p.m., have since "found that this statelisted on the University calendar
will speak Thursday night at 8 p.m. in the ballroom of the Camand Sat. and Sun. nights from 8p.m. ment Is completely false."
April 23. Sue Budd was named
to 12:00 midnight.
pus Center.
'to head MYSKANIA's committee for
the Convocation.
Festival Highlights
A discussion was also held to forHighlighting the festival will be
mulate a policy statement regarding
a concert Sat. evening by the Thad
the vacant seat presently existing
Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra of 18
on MYSKANIA. A statement will be
pieces. On Sun. evening the award
released in the near future.
winning guitarist Kenny Burrellwlll
Chairman Ray McCloat was delebe featured.
gated to attend a meeting of the FesIn addition there will be a haptival of Religion In the Arts, which
pening on Sat. afternoon, and a
has asked MYSKANIA to talte an
His lecture will deal with the "projection art happening" on Sun.
Dr. Norman Thomas, long-time
active role In the formation of such leader of the American Socialist effect of the 1917 Russian Revoluevening, which will utilize the tala festival.
Party, will discuss "Fifty Years tion, how It affected American so- ents of flutist Jeremy Stelg.
As a last order of business, It That Shook the World" Thursday, cialism, and Its impact on Thomas's
was decided upon that the Class
11:30 - 3:30
Co-chairmen Dennis Donohue,
Because of his ago and injury
ijiuardtans for next year's freshman Center Ballroom.
Mr.. Thomas is a graduate of Incurred in a recent car accident, Linda Llzek, and Lou Strong have
class would be chosen at this week's
Princeton University and Union the program will be conducted in announced that other artists also
Theological Seminary. He was the an informal manner. After a brief featured In the festival are Elvln
Socialist presidential candidate in introduction, Mr. Thomas will be Jones, Lee Konitz, Charlie Haden,
1028, 1932, 193G, 1940, 1944 and seated and will continue his talk. Don Friedman, Jeremy Steig and
1048. He also has run, at various This will be followed by a question his Quintet, Reese Markevlch, and
Walter Bishop J r . and Trio.
times, for governor of New York, and answer period.
mayor of New York City, repreDr. Bernard Johnpoll, associate
sentative In Congress and New York professor of political science of
Master of Ceromonios
City Alderman.
the Graduate School of Public AfMaster of Ceremonies for the
event will be Dan MorgenThe 82-year old stateman has
There will be a meeting tonight
Mr. Johnpoll will soon have a pofor anyone interested in working with authored more than 20 books and litical biography of Mr. Thomas stern, editor of "Down Boat."
"Leadings," a happening which is 300 articles and has long been r e - published.
Tickets for the festival are on
scheduled for May 10, at 9:00 p.m. garded as one ul the eloquent and
The program is sponsored by sale In the Student Center from
intelligent spokesman for the Amerin the Assembly Room.
9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., Mon.Forum of Politics.
Student work on "Lendings," in- ican left.
Vluding a scavenger hunt, has already begun under the direction of
Dr. Thomas Llttlefleld of the University's English Department.
The title "Lendings" Is taken
Irom a quote In Shakespeare's "King
Muhsin Mahdi of the University of
Lear" which protests the "lend- Chicago, "IBM Khaldun: Arab hisings" the environment thrusts upon torian and Sociologist," will speak
human experience.
on Tuesday, April 11, atl2:20 p.m.
Llttlefleld explained the Idea of In the Campus Center Ballroom.
a happening as working with the
notion that experience occurs
through interactions of people and
All organizations financed by Stutheir environment, and what people dent Association must hand In budget
do within this environment. In a reports for March at the Student
Happening an environment Is created Association Oflice in the Campus
which can itself be used as a source
Center by April 10.
of action.
Socialist Norman Thomas
To Discuss Russian Revolution
Happening To Feature
Action, Excitement
In Several Areas
The environment of "Lendings"
will center around the 'lendings'
thrust upon the student by the University, and will contain several
areas of unrelated action.
Llttlefleld explained that the use
of several areas ol action which are
related only through "random spontaneity" comes from the P. T. Barnum Method of staging a happening
where excitement Is maintained by
the several centers of action.
"Lendings" will differ from many
filler types of happenings In that it
Will involve student action rather
than being a spectator sport; some
happenings operate under the philosophy that the actors, in acting
their parts, become thai part,
whereas In "Lendings" the actors,
acting under a series of directions,
will become themselves.
Frosh M e e t i n g
The freshman class will hold a
meeting in the Campus Center Ballroom Wednesday, April 12th at 8:30
p.m., tu meet their officers and
learn future plans of the class.
Anyone wishing to lie a member
ol the Freshman Council for the
remainder of the year must sign a
list at this meeting. The list will be
reviewed by the executive committee
and approximately 20 people will bo
Located in the Basement of the Campus Center
The Academic Affairs Committee
is at large. Membership applications
are available at the information
desks until Wed., April 12. Return
the application to the Student Affairs office.
Hours: Tues.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
$.50 per Hour
$2.00 per Day
$4.00 per Week
$20.00 per Month
We also have bicycles built for two
1.00 per Hour.
Monday-Thursday 12-5
Friday'Sunday 9-5
Tuesday, April 11, 1967
Potter Wins League I Bowling, !
Goobers, Potter Club In Playoff
Potter Club ended the second half of the AMIA League I Bowling Season in first
place, and will meet the first half leaders, the Goobers, in a roll off coming up at
Schade's Bowling Lanes. The Club's final record of 40-9 was six points better
than the nearest contender, the Bad News Five. The seven teams in the'League
.have been bowling since the fall, in what is the longest of all AMIA seasons. Each
team has bowled against each other once in each half season, giving one of the t w o #
competing teams a chance to pick up a maximumyof seven points. Three games are
bowled by each kegler and points are alloted as follows: Two points for each game, __
and an added single point to the team which has compiled the most total pins in
the three game series. In last week's action, runner up Bad News Five upset the
league leaders by taking five of the seven points. In other action, the Choppers
captured five points to edge the Justice League in their match. Other games were
THE GOLF TIME IS preparing to open its season this month.
The linksters have no seniors on the squad.
POTTER CLUB ENDED on top of the others in the second
half of the AMIA League I Bowling Season.
Co-Eds Stage Horse Show
Famed Rider Performs
IF you are opposed to the war in Vietnam.
IF you are opposed to spending 2.5 billion dollars
a month for destruction.
The two films will be shown Saturday at 7:00 and 9:15 In Draper
349. Admission is 35f with student
tax, 50? without.
Also at this program, tickets for
the April 29 show of "Psycho"
will be available. Tickets will go
on sale March 25, location to be
announced. "Psycho" will be the
last paid IFG show of the semester, the three programs In May
all being free of charge.
In t h e f i r s t C l a s s of B e - 0 f horsemanship put on by freshg i n n e r s , Who o n l y h a d f o u r man Fay Mazzone, the Tri-Clty
a r e a s Hunl Seat c h a m p l o n
M a r i e I n t e r m o n t , s e c o n d she has owned and shown horses
p l a c e t o J o a n P r i m u s , t h i r d all of her life and took part in the
o ouiie
J u l i e aaiant,
S a l a n t ana
and frourtn
o u r t h SN qa ut laornea lG a rHdoerns)e l a ss th otawu.a t M a d l s o n
than bomb.
IF you feel the United States should withdraw
all forces from Vietnam.
Results In the Beginning were first,
Rocket, Marie Intermont, second,
tored their h o r s e s , was the gI.Uni
next c l a s s .
Blue ribbon winner was Nancy
Payton, The rod went to Jane Huffman, the yellow to Cindy Polgrlm,
and the white to Linda Bohr, These
girls have had an average of twelve
hours In the saddle.
In the Advanced Horsemanship
group, who have had a little more
exporlonce, Allco Ward was the
wlnnor. Second wus JoaiUo Russell.
Penny Brown came In third, and
Carol Motl received fourth place.
A large audience ot parents and
friends then upplauod the exhibition
Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14.
A full line of Sandwiches, Cold Cuts, Salads, Appetizers
809 Madison Ave.
Table Service on Premises.
Phone 462-4869
Party catering for sororities and fraternities.
feature ' The Case of
take the place of the Sundowners.
Mlshkln also announced that the,
class has obtained another band soi
that continuous music will be provided throughout the party.
He also announced that "appropriate legal action will be taken
against them."
Pessimistic about the television
coverage of news he cited that all
networks are under the control of
the FCC. The ability to criticize
effectively administrative policy is
thus marred by the ability of this
commission to grant licenses.
Due to the distortion of dissension
McWUliams exemplified one area of
foreign policy where conformity is
present. He cited the "absence of
policy toward China and Vietnam."
We have created a policy which
has advocated an encouratement of
Instilling fear In the Chinese people
against our government, McWllliam
possible options and alternatives
and we must create an environment
where people can express what they
thin." The failure to do this is
creating a feeling of powerlessness
among our people
Voting on tne
Norwich University edged the Unit
verslty throe to two in a Friday
chess match. The outcome wus not
decided until the last game when
Charles Blackmail boat Bob Morrit
of the University on board one,
Valadlmir Grolia and John Watrous also were dofentod, but playod
well, Itoy Avorbach and John Murphy
' provided victories on boards three
and four,
The team has remaining matches
with rt.P.I. and Schonoclady Chess
Club, and will participate In the Ansulin Chess Tournament lu Manchester, Newllampshlre on April
Future matches are being scheduled with Holy Cross, Assumption
American International College,
West Point, C.C.N.Y,, Pace and
Westchester Community College,
This year's University Chess championship was held In March with 18
participants vying for top honors.
Buses for Roaring Brook will
leave the Alumni Quad at 11:45a.m.
from the corner of Partridge and
Western, and at 12:00 noon will pick
up students at the Dutch and Colonial
Supper will be served at 6:00 p.m.
and students are reminded to bring
money for supper or eat before departure.
referendum TODAY
until 2:30 at the
coat check desk of
the Campus Center
Dinner Lines TONIGHT.'
Prossuios for Conformity
McWUliams stressed three areas
that are presently pressure centers
for conformity. He mentioned first
the last twenty years of external
peril that has caused a rigid pattern
of thought and a built-in limitations
to the freedom of dissent.
Congress, accordlnv tin McWUliams, has made dissent difficult
A new fraternity on (lie univerthrough Its use of anti-subversive sity campus will gain official status the most advantages and several
faculty members on campus are
tomorrow, when the Zeta Psl chap- members.
ter Is Inducted Into the International
ralernlty of Delta Sigma PI.
The Albany chapter brothors were
Organizotion Revolution
Inducted as pledges on January 3,
A second pressure aroa for conand have received approval of their
formity has been the organization
petition for a charter, formal Inrevolution occurring within our so- administration fraternity, Delta Sig- stallation will take place In the Camciety. With large organizations pre- ma PI numbers some 145 chapters pus Center banquet hall April IS.
sold the aspirations of Individuals tu the U.S., Canada and Mexico and Delegations from other chapters,
to climb the "greasy" status lad- has more than nil,aim alumni, many as well as national officers, will
der obligates these people to satisfy of them prominent business and be present for '.he Induction prothose above them, The end result of education leaders. Students major- ceedings and dinner.
this process has teen the Inclina- ing lu business or economics are
tion of these people to suppress eligible for membership.
Warner Hoadi Local Chapter
their true opinion,
Jeff Warner heads the local chapStudent and Faculty Organizers
Other officers are Fred WanInterested students and faculty al
Albany began organizing a business der, senior vice president; Ross
Science and I ochnology
fraternity oarly last year for the Kaufman, vice president; David
During the last three decades, purpose of promoting profession- Brady, secretary; William Russell,
according to McWUliams, a scien- al!^ among Its members who Intend treasurer; Ralph Kundmueller, histific and technological explosion has to pursue careers in the business torian, and Paul Relchelt, chancelresulted In a form of parnoln of world. Guest speakers, tours, for- lor.
change by the older generation, lie ums and business organizations are
staled this was another Important intricate parts of such a fraternity,
The chapter advisors arc Dr.
step leading to a conformity of opin- lu addition to the usual social a s - Harold Cannon, associate profesion.
sor of accounting, and Dr. Frank
An additional pressure for conKolmtn, professor of accounting.
formity has been In the area of
The local group temporarily as- Other Deltasigs on the faculty Inmass media, especially in news sumed the name of Alpha Sigma Up- clude Dr. Itoy A. Klagers, profescoverage. The editor of "The Na- sllon, but decided its goal could sor of marketing; Dr. Robert J,
tion" revealed that 60% of the adult beat be achieved by affiliation with Miller, professor of marketing; and
population rely primarily upon tele- a national organization. Delta Sig- Mr. Zacharia Mathew, assistant
vision for their news.
ma Pi was chosen because It offered professor of accounting.
University Chessmen
Bow To Norwich
We Deliver te the New Campus
The 809 Delicatessen
The Sundowners, who were hired
to perform at Saturday's beer party
to be held at Roaring Brook, will
not be performing because of what
Sophomore Class President Jeffrey
Mlshkln terms " a break in contract."
Business Fraternity Formed
With National Affiliation
„ o l l y i Lmda Dehr,
third Elliot, Nancy rayton, and
fourth, Sugar Bear, Kay Dlotnicke.
In the last class of the day, the
Hunter Under Saddle, the girls were
asked to Jump their horses. Holly,
with Joanle Russell up, took home
the Blue Ribbon. Elliot with Alice
Ward aboard took second. Moun*Je)
talnoor, ridden by Penny Brown,
was third, and Burford, shown by
Laurul Pallas was fourth.
Appreciation Is extended to the
Physical Education Staff for organlzlng this show, and to Mr. and Mrs
Don Shy, managers ol Fort Orange
Mike St. Shaw and the Prophets,
presently performing at the Cheetah
In New York, have beeji hired to
In c o n c l u d i n g M c W U l i a m s
•tressed that "we must have all
Intermediate Horseman- a e o r e e ; M a r J o r l e Hym an, third, Eushlp, in which the e n t r a n t s gene, Pat Syder, fourth, Mufflt,
IF you agree with any of these positions you should
vote row C in the Central Council referendum
The need for dissent,
the lack of communication
and an erosion of confidence in our nation were a
few of the topics discussed
by Carey McWilliams,editor of "The Nation."
Mc Williams, speaking in the Campus Center Ballroom Tuesday evening, lectured on the need for dissent within our society, citing this
as a challenging problem within this
w a l k e d , t r o t t e d , a n d c a n - J u l l e Salant. Intermediate results
t^v^A f u „ i „ u „ „ „ „ „
H wore first, Mountaineer,Cindy Pel-
IF you feel that we should negotiate rather
by Carl Lindeman
to Marjorte Hyman. The
girls were judged on their Ncxt c a m e tne Beginnlng and In
equitation at a walk and termedlate Pleasure Horse Classes.*
rJf„„™«^i„f„ u~.,„„,
Jay Clark from WTRY will emcee
the show on Sunday.
Societal Pressure Centers Seen
Discouraging Individual Dissent
On April 2 at 2:00, the coeds of SUNYA staged a
Horse Show at the Fort Orange Hunt and Polo Club on #
Western Avenue. They exhibited what they have been
learning in their physical education classes in horsemanship this year.
lessons, first place wentto
Tonigit's Loving Spoonful Concert at the Washington Avenue Armory, sponsored
by the Council for Contemporary Music will give an unofficial kickoff to the Sophomore Weekend which will feature a day at Roaring Brook, resort outside Lake
George, and the Blues Project Concert Sunday.
Tickets for the Loving Spoonful Concert will be on sale until 3:30 this afternoon
at the Campus Center Information Desk, and will go on sale again at 6:00 p.m.
at the Armory at full price
regardless of student tax.
The group, who will perform here
at 8:30 this evening, got their start
in the basement of the Albert Hotel
where they worked on acquiring a
sound, and later worked at the Night
Owl Cafe In the Village.
The Blues Project Concerts Sunday at 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. are
still on sale in Hu 140 for 99?.
Advertising that there Is no type
President of music they cannot play, the Blues
Spike Mllllgan and Terry-Thomas Stov* Chetnitke,
sound Is a mixture of folkalso star In this totally lnsance story Class '69 presided at Frosh rock and electronic music.
of the theft of a valuable Mukklnese meeting
battle-horn from the British Museum; Sellers portrays a Scotland
Yard Inspector called In to Investigate. The characteristic English
humor of "The Case of the Mukklnese Battle Horn" had a large influence on such recent directors
as Richard Lester and Bryan
Trainees Needed
VOL. Llll. NO. 15
Tonight's Pop Concert Kicks off
Sophomore Weekend Festivities
Tomorrow night the International
Film Group will present an allcomedy program—"Duck Soup" and
"The Cage of the Mukklnese Battle
"Duck Soup" stars the Marx
Brothers and Is In Its own way on*
of the most subversive comedies to
come out of Hollywood. Its satiric
target Is nothing less than International diplomacy, patriotism, and
Its techniques range from slapstick to verbal barrages and subtle
parody. The gifted pantomime ol
Harpo, the incredible punning ot
Chlco, and Groucho's inexhaustible
genius for the devastating, putdown wisecrack—all are given full
rein In a film which li eats a iteilmiK
subject with an almost surrealistic
Talbert, Davis Cup Star
To Be At Albany State
Mrs. Peggy Mann, w imen's tennis coach, in cooperation with Paul
Cararls, chairman of the Eastern
Junior Development Committee, has
announced that BUI Talbert, former
Davis Cup player and captain and
Donna Fales will perform a tennis
clinic at the new campus tennis
courts at 4 p.m. on April 27.
Talbert, now a leading professional is a former national doubles
champion while Miss Fales Is currently the seventh ranking woman
player In the country.
At the clinic, Mr. Talbert and
Miss Fales will teach and demonstrate the fundamentals of tennis.
University students will not be allowed to participate in any matches.
The clinic Is open to the public and
F R I D A Y , APRIL 14, 1967
Marx Brothers M o w
ForWeekend Prograa
The Bad News Five r e ceived a balanced effort,
spearheaded by Ken Zulla,
to edge Potter in the season finale for both clubs.
Whereas Potter could not take
full advantage of Roger Cudmore's
outstanding 226-624 series, the
Choppers used John Wong's 234612 triple to lead themselves to the
fictory over the Justice League,
High man for the Justice League
a large turnout is expected.
was John Grouse with a 221-520
The women's tennis team wUl act score.
The following are the unofficial
as usherettes for the event.
statistics for the second half of
the season:
Next year when we are operating Final Standings:
in our new gym and on our many
athletic fields, we will be staring Team
a greatly expanded program of In42-14
tercollegiate athletics. Several stu39-17
dent trainers will be needed to look Bad News Five
after the many new athletic teams Justice League
the University will be sponsoring. Goobers
Mow is the time to start learning
the various skills necessary to do
this. If you would like to be a part Stragglers
of this program contact Spud Kruzan,
our varsity trainer, in Draper Oil
(tile old medical office) in the after- Goobers
Party Leader
To Discuss
Views On War
Milton Rosen, chairman of the
Progressive Labor Party in the United States, will discuss his party's
view of the Vietnam War Monday
at 3:30 p.m. In the Campus-Center
Assembly Hall.
The Progressive-Labor Party describes itself as a revolutionary
Socialist Marxlst-Lennist organization and is regarded by many
people as the most radical leftist
group In the country. It is classified
by the Department of Justice as a
subversive organization.
Party members have teen called
before the House Un-American Activities Committee In virtually every
investigation of leftist activities In
the United States during the 1900s.
Mr. Rosen has been an industrial
worker for fourteen years and Is a
veteran of World War II.
The program is sponsored by Forum of Politics and Is part of Its
series to bring diversified views
on the Vietnam War to campus.
Lorry Pixley
... new IPC President