Campus Complements Surging Arts Scene

Tu»»doy, SepUmbtr 27, 1966
Campus Complements
A Free Pre—,
A Free
Surging Arts Scene
by Ed Longe
September 30, 1966
Before I begin the intended drivel which will be
incorporated into the text of this column* I shall
begin with a slight bit of maudlin writing involving
beauty which SUPPOSEDLY is artistic or aesthetic.
Isn't the new campus beautiful? No? Well, I think
it is, especially at night. Before the minor deluge we
had, (which kind of grunged things up) I noticed that
Mr. E. D. Stone has designed a campus for us which
is far more spectacular than Draper ever was (which,
by the way always seemed to be in a state of constant
grunginess). Not that I have anything against Draper
you understand; I will as probably many of you will
always feel rather sentimentally, in love with the old
place. However, my feeling begins and ends with
Overgrown Ice Cube Tray
Admittedly, the new campus does have the look of
and overgrown ice cube tray o r perhaps a monastic
cloister. But you must admit (please) that it does
look also like an academic institution (whatever they
look like). Beauty, beauty, I almost forgot. The design
of the lighting in the library resembles a brilliant
poinsetta? Zinnia? Oh well, it is a very pretty example of radial symmetry. At night the lighting from
all of those vertical windows (which are really not
fortress gun slits for Indian attacks as someone
mentioned) cast a golden glow over the proportionate
combination of straight and curved lines.
I think i t ' s pretty; if you don't, ...ah, go look at
a sunset or something.
A Plug from Arts
Welcome Freshmen, how's that for overly used
trivia? Pretty good huh? Now that you have heard
plugs from every other organization on campus,
and you are now on the last page of the ASP, it is
time for a plug from Arts. Join Arts. There that is
it. Seriously, you have come to a school which is
rather proudly active in the field of Arts. The Drama
department produces four major shows a year plus
many smaller productions, all of which are open to
all students. The University Revue is a yearly, student-produced musical which is also open to all.
This year we are producing "Carnival." Any of you
newly-arrived actors, technicians, set constructors,
and scene painters should make yourself know and
Musically, State can use, happily, any singers and
musicians in Statesmen, Orchestraandotheraffiliated
groups. Several performances a r e planned for the
coming year and your talents will be greatly appreciated by the entire University community.
Pag* Hall
Taylor, Burton Score in 'Woolf
and psychological destruction existing by means of bitter, exhausting
Elizabeth Taylor, as Martha,
turns In a good performance, but
that Is probably due more to the
part than Mrs. Burton's hlstrion.Ics.
Martha, a liquor-drinking,
'dirty-talking coquette rants constantly about her husband's inadequacies while freely admitting that
she needs him.
George, her professor husband,
(played to the hilt by Richard Bur[1] How far
ton) likes to play the game of marriage with his wife. He threatens
can a dog
her with a phony shotgun and ultirun into
mately destroys her most important
the woods?
plaything, their totally intimate Il(Amwcri
lusion of having a young son.
by Jay D e a n e h a n
George Segal, as Nick, is the real
A university is like a great bear; acting surprise of the show. He Is
it exists In alternating periods of competing with three people of high[ 2 ] A storekeeper
activity aiid hibernation. For the ly developed abilities, yet he very
had 17 TOT Staplers./
bear, as bright summer days wax well manages to remain in his corAll but 3 wtrt sold. I
Into the autumn chill, the time for ner of the spotlight.
How many did,
Nick is a biology professor, young
rest draws near. For a university,
after Its summer slumber, this is and on the way up. He knows that be have left?
a time for new life. One of the sure Martha, as the college president's
signs of the yearly intellectual and daughter, can bolster his career.
cultural rebirth here at State is the So he throws over his wife (who's
activity of the University Theatre. busy throwing up) for a little while
With a heavy schedule planned for to take advantage of Martha. It is
this year, work is already under way Nick who first comes to understand
on the first production of the 190G- George and Martha's illusion.
1961 season, "Lysistrata," by ArisWhatever its shortcomings this is
tophanes. Dr. Paul Bruce Pettit, a powerful motion picture. Despite
This is the
Director of the production, has an- the tendency to go home and take a
nounced that auditions lor parts in cold shower after seeing it, no
this classic Greek comedy are to be prospective viewer should be afraid
held at 8 p.m. on Sept. 26-27 in of "Virginia Woolf."
Page Hall. Dr. Pettit Is particularly
Interested in drawing new talent into
the University Theatre and all interested students are welcome to
attend. The performance date of
"Lysistrata" is scheduled for early
270 Delaware Ave.-Free Parking
Today 7:15 & 9:25
All phases of the production are
open to student participation. Those
interested in doing technical work
should contact Mr. Robert Donnelly
•eluding 1000 s t u p i d )
In HU-380.
Larger llxo C U B Deile
It can be taken for granted that
Edward Albee will never become a
marriage counselor. He has a decidedly prejudiced view of the matter.
In the motion picture version of
his play "Who's Afraid of Virginia
Woolf?" Albee has two sadomasochlsts married to each other. Thus
evenly matched both parties hate
their marriage and ironically hate
the thought of separation even more.
Both husband and wife are caught
up In a world of meanlnglessness
Theatre Auditions
For Lysistrota
Tot Stapler
Stapler only $ 1 . 4 9
No bigger tliiiii n puck of i>uni- but packs
the punch or a bin dual I Kofilli available
everywhere. Unconditionally Kuuranleod.
M a d e in U.S.A. Get it at uny stationery,
variety, book store!
Opportunities for Exhibition
(or reduced admissions
of $1.00
any performance except
Saturday Evening
Thus, some of the artistic endeavors which a r e
available on campus are shown to be waiting for the
talent which you have brought with you, and hopefully
you will answer the call of "UNcle Sam wants YOU! "
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
JUMO uu3 no* man looipi .i[))!| l*»[
-pueif ol\i oj/iM|t 'ipuad u puu ifogcmou •
O) }xau avnu-uo, 'Anna a>\\[ iuau) HuiXwi
uju •iu.-»jmi<j '«ja|dujs j , o x Jo Xi]iv\r\itod
»t|! j o Atuit aii) inoqe jmf l,)»tjl ' p u y
|9»Jlf j , *Z i i p o o M OI|| JO )HO HUIUUIIJ 11
«H ')•",» « U V *AiM.j|iH ' I S N 3 M S N V
Dr. Pettit
Walt's Submarine Sandwiches
VOL. Lll, NO. 29
Day to Introduce Students
To Many Campus Organizations
In visual arts, there are manifold opportunities lor
exhibition of sculpture and painting. You have probably
seen some of the fine work done by the faculty which
is already on exhibit. Hopefully, "Observation," a
magazine of the visual arts will again lie published
by students of this University as it was for the first
time last year.
cor, Ontario + Madison
IV 2 -0228
IV 2 -0228
ACTIVITIES DAY co-chairmen, Judi Harjung and Nick Dugo,
plan the location of organizations for tomorrow's event.
Professor to Present
Piano Recital in Page
Findlay Cockrell, newly-appointed professor of
music at State University of New York at Albany,
will give his first piano recital in the Capital District area Tuesday evening, October 4, at 8:15 p.m.
in Page Hall at the University's downtown campus.
members of the depart-
presented by the music de-
. ,.
. . .
partment and the Music
Council of t h e U n i v e r s i t y .
Attended Berkeley
cockrell has come to Albany via
Berkeley, Harvard College and the
Cockrell's varied program
J u l l l a l l i Sc
, r.
, .„ , .
"°°i of Music. He at-
tended the latter two institutions on
will include Bach's A Minor scholarship.
Partita, Beethoven's Bagatelles Opus 119, a Chopin
group, and the Sonata by
the American composer
In I960, Cockrell was one of eight
University Alumnus
Appointed Advisor
To Foreign Students
Americans participating In the International Chopin Piano Competi"It Is my belief that our intertion in Warsaw, Poland, where his
performance received high praise national students will continue to
In tile Warsaw press and In the make a most positive contribution
In furthering international underNew York Times,
standing; not only on campuses but
also throughout the Capital DisThe musician's other awards in- trict community."
clude the Alfred Hertz Memorial
Scholarship from the University of
This statement was made by J.
California and the Ernest Hutcheson Paul Ward who has been named as
Memorial Scholarship at Juillard. International Student Advisor for
the present year, and Is presently
Ills New York Town Hall debut acting as advisor to the University's
was praised by the New York Her- seventy-four international students.
ald Tribune which described his
performance as revealing "a nice
Ward, a resident of Albany, r e sense of color and a warm sym- ceived his 11.A. and M.A, ill Social
pathetic tone."
Studies from the University, and Is
presently a candidate for a doctoral
Appuors Across Country
degree in African History at Jloston
Cockrell has appeared with the University.
San Francisco Symphony, the Oaklaud Symphony, the Harvard-liadI n s t r u c t s Poaco Corps
cliffo Orchestra, and the WestchesThis summer Ward was a member
ter Symphony.
of the Technical Studies Staff which
instructed the Peace Corps Trainees
Recitals have l>eun given by Cock- assigned to North Nigeria and West
rell In Herkeluy, San Francisco, Cameroon.
Ward and his wife, llie former
Sacramento, Cambridge, New York,
Doris Vuter, also an alumnus of
Woodstock, and Washington.
Albany, were co-loaders In (lie Experiment In International Living in
This year, for Ihe first time the Nigeria in 1003.
University Is offering the bachelor
Of Ihe University's International
of arts degree with a concentration Students forty-one are new to camIn music, Cockrell's appointment to pus this year; trie students reprethe music faculty Is one of four sent twenty different countries from
made recently to augment the ex- five continents.
Activities Day 1960 will be held terested In displays by the ASP,
tomorrow, Saturday, October 1, the Torch, Photo Club, suppression,
from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the and WSUA, each of which is activeDutch Quad parking lot near the ten- ly seeking new members.
nis courts. Co-chairmen for the
event, sponsored annually by the
Religious Organizations
Special Events Board, are Judi liarThe several religious organizaJung and.Nick Dugo.
tions on campus will lie represented
as will those from the Fine Arts
Advisor for the event is Mr. Louis area. Organizations particularly
Saltrelli of the Activities Office. concerned with the educational a s Over thirty organizations and ac- pects of the university will have
tivities will be represented at the displays.
event, offering students the opporCentral Council will be repretunity to become acquainted with the sented, as well as University comgroups on campus and, If they so muters. Co-chairmen Judi and Nick
desire, to join the organizations In urge ALL students to attend Activiactive membership.
ties Day tomorrow, suggesting that
this is the only opportunity to see
Dramatic Presentations
at once all that the University ofAdditional features of Activities
Day this year will be two dramatic
presentations by the Drama Club at
11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Also of Interest
will be dramatic readings by members of the University Readers at
11:25 a.m. and 1:25p.m. Inadditlon,
women of the Inter-Sorority Council
will be performing In hootennany
throughout the day.
Celebrating its 50th an-
fers in the line of extracurricular
activities and organizations.
Students will be free to browse
at their leisure, as well as talk
to representatives of each organization.
All organizations participating
are requested to have their displays ready by 10:30 a.m. A definite location has been reserved for
each group which has indicated a
desire to participate. See Nick that
morning for the location arrangement.
Organizations are requested to
furnish their own signs for the displays. In case of rain, the event
will be held In the U-shaped Lounge
of the Dutch Quad.
ASP to Publish Supplement,
Marks 50th Anniversary
Members of the Modern Dance
group will perform Interpretative
dances at noon. A special display
of camping equipment will be exhibited by members of the Outing
Campus radio WSUA, 040 on the
dial, will broadcast live from Activities Day tomorrow and will give
away records during the event. Students with ambitions In the communications will be especially In-
Commissary Fire
Causes No Damage
by Ken B e r n s t o i n
Damage was minor as the New
Campus Commissary experienced
trouble with one of Its large compressor motors shortly after midnight Tuesday morning. As Richard
Fluke of the Commissary explained,
" a piston (of the compressor) let
go, and the lack of compression
caused the, oil to back up."
The smoke seen coming from the
commissary was due to the backedup oil hitting the overheated motor
of the compressor which operates a
freezer, and could belter lie called
a fog. This explanation erased all
the rumors of a full-scale fire or
a possible freon gas leak In the
of the now separably wasted energies in the promotion of a real,
distinct, and enthusiastic spirit of
loyalty to State College."
"In Its columns," the editorial
said, "you will feel the pulse beat
of the student body. It will be as
a mirror standing at an angle Into
The supplement will trace the which a body peering will not see
history of the newspaper since its his own, but rather the Image of
publication as the State College another."
News on October 4, 1910.
Throughout its fifty year history
The idea of having a weekly news- the newspaper has remained a stupaper on campus was first Intro- dent newspaper under the students
duced through a skit presented by control and completely financed by
the class of 1918 on Moving Up Day the students.
In the spring of 1910. The idea
soon received the blessing of PresUndergone Many Changes
ident Brubacher and a committee of
Since the first Issue the newstwelve was formed to work on the paper lias changed from a weekly
four column tabloid to a bi-weekly
five column tabloid.
Newspaper's Purpose
It has changed its name three
In its first editorial the com- times In Its history from the State
mittee stated that the purpose of College News to the State Univerthe newspaper was "to make each sity News (1903) to the Albany Stufaction of our student organization dent Press (1904).
know and appreciate all others, to
A banquet Is being planned as
uphold the maintenance of fraternal part of the commemoration of the
regard uid friendly rivalry among golden anniversary. It will be held
all, to work for cooperation between In December and will feature the
all sections and for the solidification return of ex-edltors.
niversary this Tuesday, the
Albany Student P r e s s will
publish a specialeightpage
supplement to the normally
four-page Tuesday issue.
A l b a n y F i r e Department
Units from the Albany and Mckownvllle fire departments arrived
swiflly, as did Fluke ami others
concerned, The McKownvlllo units
Utilized a blower to rid Ihe building of smoke and prevented any ndillllona! damage.
There was no harm done lo any
ol the food in the building, anil the
tut til amount of damage was limited
to dirt and grime resulting from
the burning oil.
Fortunota Coincidence
Fluke explained that further damage was prevented by a very fortunate coincidence, "One of Ihe
McKownvlllo firemen was a man
who put the refrigerators in, and
knew exactly what lo do, cut-offs
and ihe like."
FORMER DISTINGUISHED editors confer on the intricacies of
the publication of Tuesday's 50th anniversary issue. They are
Karen Keefer, and Edith Hardy, co-editors, 1964-65. William Colgan, 1963-64 and Joseph Silverman, 1965-66 are seated on the
right. Ian Loet, administrative analyst, stands in the background.
Friday, September 30, 1966
Friday, September 30, 1966
Albany To Host Asian Symposium,
Over 500 Teachers To Participate
C. Martin Wilbur, professor of
history at Columbia University will
give the opening lecture at the Upstate New York Conference on Asia
to be held at State University of
New York at Albany beginning Friday, October 14. His topic will be
"Continuities between Communist
and Pre-Communist China." The
two-day session will mark the first
time the organization will have met
in the eastern part of the state.
Included In the conference membership, totaling some 550, are college and high school teachers. At
the morning sessions Saturday,
October 15, the subjects will be
"Overseas Indians" and "Japan's
China Policy Since 1951."
Book D i s c u s s i o n
I.F.G. WILL PRESENT "Anatomy of a Murder" tonight as their
first film of the season.
IF6 to Present Mystery Film
The International Film Group begins its weekly programs of movies
for the students of State tonight
with Otto Preminger's Anatomy of
a Murder. The film has become
renowned for its forthright treatment of a stpry of rape and murder in a small town, James Stewart
stars as an attorney defending an
Army lieutenant accused of slaying his wife's attacker. Ben Gazzara plays the defendant, Lee Remlck his wife, and George C. Scott
the prosecutor.
Praised for its authenticity, the
film was shot entirely on location In
Michigan, even the gripping scenes
The film was named one of the
year's ten best by the National Board
of Review.
Anatomy of a Murder will be
shown in Lecture Room 1 at 7:00
and 9:30. Admission with Student Tax
card is 35?; without 50?.
Student Surveying
Questionnaire Helps
To Revise Viewpoint
Afternoon sessions will be concerned with "Traditional Art in
Southeast Asia." The latter session
will be a discussion of a new book,
"South Asian Politics and Religion,"
edited by Donald E. Smith.
Professor Philip Singer, Albany
Medical College, will be chairman
of one of the morning sessions.
Speakers will be Professor A. Bharati, Syracuse University, "Cultural
Stagnation among East Indians in
East Africa;" Dr. Enrique G. Areneta, medical superintendent, Guyana
Mental Hospital, and Professor
Singer, "Hinduizatlon and Creolizatlon In Guyana."
Freshman 1
Here Is an opportunity for you to
help in the revision and Improvement of the next Issue of Campus
For his performance in this film, Viewpoint. Please fill out the following
questionnaire (use additional
Logos P o p u l a r ! !
James Stewart won the Best Acting
Logos Popularii—"People-ProbAward at the Venice Film Festival. paper as necessary) and place it in
the box labelod for the purpose on lems-Sociology" proudly announces
the dinner line tonight and tomorrow. its officers for 190G-G7. They are
Gary Proulx, president; Martin
vice-president; Joan
1. Has Campus Viewpoint been Schwartz,
secretary; William Betjehelpful to you thus far? In what
mann, treasurer; Steven Litwak,
department representative.
The first meeting of the organiThe Albany Institute of History
zation will be held on Tuesday,
and Art has just Issued the season
4, location will be an1900-07 folder listing the various
exhibitions and special members
2. Which sections do you feel
were weakest and how could they
Kappa D o l t a O f f i c o r s
Among the members' events Is be Improved?
Kappa Delta Sorority proudly anthe fourth winter Jazz program with
nounces Its officers for the 1900-07
some of the local jazz musicians, a
year: Janis Baynes, President; Sylspecial treat for Institute members
via Underwood, Vice President;
who enjoy Glenn Miller, Dixieland
and various forms of Jazz of this
3. Is there any additional Infor- Karen Hill, Treasurer; Ann Lee,
Secretary; Linda Becentury.
mation you feel sliould be included?
blo, Recording Secretary; Liz WinOne of the general exhibitions in
ter, Senior Rush Captain; Ann Lawe,
the galleries for temporary shows
Junior Rusli Captain; Peggy Hasis "Tops In Photography" which
brouck, Linda Klien, ISC Reprecomes through the courtesy of the
Albany Camera Club. The "Scho4. Could anything be dune with sentatives; and Diane Davidson,
lastic Photography Awards" will be the make-up, lay-out, etc. that would Alumni Secretary.
shown In cooperation with the Al- make Campus Viewpoint of more
bany Board of Education,
use to Freshmen?
There will be two exhibitions
The sisters of Gamma Kappa
which come through the aegis of
Phi proudly announce their officers
the New York State Council on the
for the 1900-07 year. They are Sue
Arts, one on ballet and one on
Goncral comments and sugges- Wade, President; Donna Reynolds,
prints for use in office and homo
Vice-President; Pat lledlnger, Redecorating. The season begins with tions.
cording Secretary; Joanne Redding,
the Albany Artists Group Members'
Corresponding Secretary; Sheila
Juried Show, which opens on SepAronofsky, Treasurer; Senior I.S.C.
tember 13 and will be In the main
Representative, Rosemary Debonls;
galleries for a month.
Junior I.S.C. Representative, Katliy
A week earlier Margaret CrawWllkins; Senior Rush Captain, Mary
ford's exhibition of paintings will
Margaret Seymour; Junior Rush
If any of you are Interested in Captain, Mary Ellen Mahoney; House
begin the season's group of eight
one-man shows selected from those working on next year's Campus Manager, Jean Olson; Song Loader.
artists who have been juried Into Viewpoint staff please so designate. Carol Rosenthal; Sports Manager,
Thank you.
one or more of the annual Regional
liarh Olson; Chaplain, Marcla WasHenry Madej, editor,
Exhibitions by Artists of the Upper
serman: and Clark, Joan Dopp.
The evening of the opening session
a dinner for the standing committee
of the conference will be held In the
private dining room at Brubacher
Hall on the university's downtown
campus, where all sessions will be
Following registration from 7 to
8 o'clock, the opening program will
take place. At 9:30 there will be a
reception for persons attending the
conference in the lower lounge at
Brubacher. Saturday morning registration will take place from 8:45
to 9:30 o'clock, when morning s e s sions will begin.
Luncheon will be served In the
main dining room at 12:45 to be
followed by the afternoon sessions
at 2 o'clock. At the conclusion of
the afternoon meeting, conference
members will tour the university's
new uptown campus.
Guarino Elected
Council Prexy
Dr. Eugene Guarino, of the reading department at the University,
has been elected president of the
newly-formed New York State Reading Council. Guarino will head the
council, which has held organizational meetings at the University
for the past year.
The council, now In its first year
of activity, is an intermediate council of the International Reading Association formed to provide communication and coordination services for the local councils of New
The purpose of the reading council is to encourage research toward
the overall goal of promoting better
reader instruction at all grade levels
kindergarten through college.
Guarino, a graduate of the University, did graduate work at Teachers College, Columbia University
and received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University. He formerly taught
at Michigan State University.
Albany Arf Institute
Announces Events
Earn while you Learn On ASP and Torch Staffs
Advertising Positions Available
Contact Bruce Kaufman
Japanese Policy
Professor Yang's topic will be
"Business Interest Groups In
Japan's Policy towards China, 19581902." Discussant will be Professor
Kuan-i Chen, SUNYA.
Afternoon sessions will include
an illustrated lecture, "Art Historical Research on Early Trading
Settlements in Thailand and Borneo," by Professor Stanley J.
O'Connor, Cornell University, and
the book discussion.
Chairman of the latter will be
Professor Theodore Wright, School
of Public Affairs, SUNYA, with Professor Owne Lynch, State University
of New York at Buffalo, and Professor V. E. Devadutt, ColgateRochester Divinity School and Unlr
verslty of Rochester, participating.
Brubacher Session Site
Cultural Groups
Other speakers include Professor
Paul Meadows, Syracuse University,
"Insiders and Outsiders: Towards a
of Overseas
Groups," and Professor Barton
Schwartz, California State College
of Los Angeles, "DifferentialSocio-
in the county courthouse, Also, Joseph N. Welch appears in the judge's
Religious Adaption."
Discussants will be Dr. S. Gupta,
Consul General in New York, Government of India; Sir John Carter,
Ambassador to the United States,
government of Guyana' and Professor Jean Auclalr, counsellor for
French programs, SUNYA.
Speakers during the other scheduled morning session will be Professor John Lin, State University
College at New Paltz, "A Study on
Determining Factors in Japan's
China Policy since the San Francisco Peace Treaty, and Professor
Alexander Yang.
Psychology Club
270 Del. Ave.--Free Parking
Today at 7:15-9:20
The Psychology Club will hold
its first meeting of the year this
Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in Humanities
109. Dr. R. Oesterreich will discuss the "Brain: Mysticism and
All faculty and students are Invited to attend.
ft* 9
At»AMY j T U O P j T g g t t t
Focus on Faculty
ASP To Launch Drive
For Foster Child
Graciela Garcia, the 11 year old
Colombia foster child of the Albany
Student Press corresponded with
the ASP office twice over the summer. Below are translations of the
letters she wrote.
June, 1966
Dear Foster Parents:
I, along with my parents and brothers, are greeting you and we wish
you much happiness.
I continue doing well in my studies and I wish to learn very much in
order to be able some day to help
my parents and others because we
are very poor.
We are very thankful to you for
your good help. We give you and the
nice employees of the Plan, our
thanks. I received $8.00 donation,
$4.44 extra, and a pair of shoes.
Thanks very much.
I remember you,
July, 1U66
Dear Foster Parents,
Supreme Court
Announces Purposes
The first meeting of the Supreme
Court was brought to order by
Chief Justice pro tempore, Rosemarle Vairo, in the absence of the
Chief Justice, Constance Moquist,
last Tuesday.
Students wishing to appeal a decision from a lower court on valid
grounds or those having a question
of constitutionality to bring before
the Supreme Court, may submit a
These referrals are available at
any time and can be obtained from
the following justices: Stefanie DeSimone, Lynne Marella, Miss Moquist, Elizabeth Mulvey, Miss Vairo,
or Margaret Williams.
Business meetings and case hearings, except those deemed confidential by the court, are open to the
student body. It Is the aim of the
court to become an effective, functioning body serving the students.
Dr Jagadish Garg, Physicist
Member Of Research Group
With much affection I greet you
wishing you much happiness and
my parents and brothers join me.
We are on vacation and I will
make good use of them studying
because my teacher asked us about
I thank you very much for the
donation of $8.00 as well as for the
box with the aluminum kitchen supplies which are very nice and useful.
Dr. Jagadish Garg
I have been sick. Good-bye fondly
and thankful.
Graciela Garcia
Reception Honors
Faculty Members
Freshman Dies,
Causes Unknown
JoAnn Leuzzl, a freshman from
Eastchester, New York, died Sept.
22, 1960. She resided In Livingston
Miss Leuzzl was in apparent good
spirits when she retired on the evening of Sept. 21, according to her
suite mates. At 5:55 a.m. her room
mate tried to arose Miss Leuzzl to
go to breakfast, but she cou'rl not be
The ambulance was called immediately, and it arrived promptly. Dr.
Janet Hood, director of medical
service, met the ambulance at Albany Medical Center where Miss
Leuzzi was pronounced dead on arrival.
An autopsy was performed, and,
according to an Albany County coroner, the cause of death is unknown
and Is still under Investigation.
A reception In honor of the 225
new faculty members at the University will be held tonight at 8:00
p.m. In the Dutch Quadrangle Flag
The evening will be highlighted
by the appearance of The Statesmen,
the men's choral group at the University.
Also In attendance will be members of the continuing faculty, accompanied by their husbands and
slty is In a transitory stage ana Is
striving to develop research, which,
says Garg, "Is important for excellence In education." He hopes
this will attract other professors
from here and abroad.
Garg, who has written over a
dozen reviews for different scientitle journals, Is looking forward
to student participation In his research. Garg*s work has led to the
development of new circuits and
electronic systems which will aid
in the future design of atomic reactors.
Garg, who comes from Kanpor,
India, Is a Fellow of the American
Physical Society and The Institute
of Physics and the Physical Society of the United Kingdom and is
a Membre Tltulalre of the Soclete
Francalse de Physique.
Garg has worked and studied with
Turner and Newell, The Physical
Laboratories, The University, Manchester, England; the Laboratory
of Atomic and Molecular Physics;
College of France, Paris; and the
Indian Atomic Energy Establishment.
All students interested
in working on the
1967 Torch
Monls Schuster, president of London Graphics Arts, Inc. will bring
an exhibit of contemporary European prints to the University on
October 3.
The exhibit will be held in the
lower level plaza of the University Library from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. All of the works to be exhibited will be available for purchase.
Its facilities and the promise of
a. new challenge prompted Dr. Jagadish Garg to take the position of
professor of physics at the Unlverslty this fall.
A prominent nuclear physicist,
Garg received his M.A. from the
University of Lucknow in India and
his doctorate from the University
of Paris in France. While at the
University, Garg will teach advanced nuclear physics and work
with the department's high-current
ion and electron accelerator,
He is known nationally and internationally for important contributions to the study of neutron interactions.
Fast neutron measurements, the physicist's specialty,
will be one of the principal topics
to be investigated at the new a c celerator facility.
The Dynamltron particle accelerator, operating on direct current, is capable of handling a maximum of four million volts of electricity. His work Includes the study
of the structure of the nucleus and
the Interaction of the nucleus to
the cell.
Dr. Garg feels that the Unlver-
Come to Bru Room 6 7:30 P.M. Monday Oct. 3,1966
Needed: artists, photographers, typists...
Band Available
Mark Copp
Rich Stevens
Lunch C l u b
Top 40
"The Grapes of Wrath" are available for parties, dances, and beer
blasts. Call 7B5-9487 and ask for
Mother Goose.
E d Kramer
The Newman Association is sponsoring a folk concert featuring the
Singing Friars at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow In the Dutch Quad dining room.
Admission is $.50.
Dan G u i l b o u l t
B i l l Brahnan
Top 40
Lou Strong
T o p 40
Ernie Peters
Top 40
Dick Longshore
Top 40
The university bonfire site has
been changed from the shore of the
new campus lake to the upper athletic field near the Dutch Quadrangle. Fire safety precautions have
necessitated the change.
Wayne F u l l o r
T o p 40
Jay G.
Top 4 0
Sunday & F o c u s
John F l e i t m a n
Easy Listening
Jim C h a r l e s
Easy L i s t e n i n g
Dennis Donahue
Easy L i s t e n i n g
Rich Stevens
Go, Go
T o p 40
Lesue Caron
Maurice Chevauer
Louis Jourdan
We feoture
Collegiate haircuts
. TTTi, [ -Cinemascope » MetrocotorJ
1148 Western Avenue
Skip F i s c h e r
T o p 40
Pete Nicholas
Jack P i e r c e
Top 40
Lou Strong
Skip F i s c h e r
Rhythm & Blues
Rich Sto
Top 40
Tod Ryan
Top 40
John F l e i t m a n
Top 40
Bob M a t t h e w s
Top 40
cor. Ontario + Madison
Skip F i s c h e r
Top 40
IV 2 -0228
Dick Taylor
R e q u e s t Show
T o p 40
R i c h Stevens
P r a n k M n e Comedy
Dennis Donahuie
Walt's Submarine Sandwiches
U s e your ID cards
For Roducod A d m i s s i o n s
Excopt St. E v e .
IV 2 -022H
Dan B u i l b a u l t
Easy L i s t e n i n g
5 minute walk from the.
New Campus
11,15 12,45
L o u Strong
Friday, September 30, 1966
Friday, September 30, 1966
Construction Workers
'Impressed* By Campus
From the administration to bus
drivers and cleaning ladies, the current topic of conversation at the
University Is the eccentricities and
marvels of the new campus. The
men who are actively Involved in
the construction of it are no exception.
An interview with several of the
construction members showed the
general opinion of the campus and
Its facilities to be very favorable.
Too Much Conformity?
Between gulps of hot coffee, Gino
Alessendrini of Schenectady smiled,
" I t ' s beautiful. It looks so permanent—like forever, you know?
Asked if he would enjoy living here
for four years, Mr. Alessendrini
commented, "That's a delicate
question. Maybe the conformity
would be too much, I don't know.
But it's impressive."
John Riegur has worked on the
building project for nearly a year,
and expects to be employed on the
campus for several more months.
He lives in Great Neck, Long Island, and on weekends commutes
to visit his family. With a son and
daughter in college and experience
in helping with,the construction of
four Long Island campus projects,
Mr. Riegur feels well-qualified to
judge the university's design.
Dylan's Music
"It's the most beautiful campus
I've worked on," he stated. "You
have one of the top architects in
the state, and his design is really
a work of art." Mr. Riegur also
commented that the students are
"cooperative" for the inconveniences which they must endure.
Frank Costello, who also lives
on Long Island, said simply, "It's
the best, isn't It? I've heard that
you have one of the top faculties;
now you have a top campus;
Overhearing the comments made
by liis partner, James Fllley of
East Greenbush added ills own from
a scaffold on Livingston tower's
third story. "It's a little too much,"
he objected. "Everything is angular—the quadrangles, archways—
kind of ultra-modern."
Taxpayers Pay
Asked whether the thought of embellishments like $300 flower pots
were disturbing to him, Richard Filarecki paused for a moment in his
work outside of Paine Hall to answer, "Not at all. You have a great
architect—he has to keep up his
prestige, and this is one of his
trademarks. Besides the taxpayers
pay for it." This reply brought a
quick nudge from his co-worker.
"Taxpayers—yeah, that's us!"
One young construction worker,
asked for his views, looked around
at the strolling students and ruefully shook his head. "It's a nice
place to live," he said philosophically, "but I wouldn't want to work
at Student Rates (457, off Newstand Price)
Papers Available To Commuters
Call Al or Arnie at 457-7930
Mail to~
PO Box 6121
Quail Station
Albany, N.Y. 12206
and make check Payable to Allan Alberts
Full Year
Daily + Sunday
Full Year
Sunday Only
first sem.
whole year
second sem
Avid time-watchers have been
neatly thwarted by a unique feature of tile Academic Podium, where
classrooms have been planned purposely without the distraction of
Designed to focus the student's
attention on liis professor, the
change has left the student population with mixed feelings on its success.
Cmoud '66
Od.3 t>w
Oct. 4 M 124
Some students, for instance, have
replaced clock-watching with an
equally distracting hobby: speculation on the amount of time left In
the class period. "About midway
through," explains Gerry Fraser,
class of 1970, "I start to estimate
just how many minutes more the
class will last. When It gets really
bady, I count"
Norman Early, a junior, sees no
rationalization for the change. "The
class will drag if it's dull, whether
or not a clock is in the room. If
professor is good enough, students aren't tempted to.wptch the
Dylan's Music
Have the 'New York Times' Delivered to your DORM
Mail in Coupon Below
Campus Time Watchers Foiled
By Classrooms Without Clocks
Clock Watching
by Roger Barkin and Igor Koroluk
Recently, there has been a controversy over the implications of
the lyrics of some of our more
popular songs. Probably the most
prominent figure in this situation
is Bob Dylan, Some critics believe
that his "poetics" are narratives
of trips on LSD.
However, it is our feeling that
the interpretation of Dylan is highly
personal and dependent on the individual. Unlike the average rock
and roll tune, his songs force one
to extract the meaning which lies
beneath a symbolic muddle of metaphors, allusions and images.
CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION WORKERS praised the new university design as "impressive," and termed
it the most beautiful education project in the State.
Dylan's music has gone through
a metamorphosis from protest folk
to "folk-rock" to hard rock. In
his latest album, Blonde on Blonde
(Columbia C2141), his arrangements
have become more sophisticated.
Our interpretation of his new style
is relatively simple.
Dylan represents an individual
and his experiences while the accompaniment plays the role of the
tumultuous world moving about him.
While one is trying to appreciate
Dylan, it must be realized that the
music fills in the background and
distracts the listener from the
meaning as all life obscures the individual, while his void, discordant
to some ears, expresses the emotions of the individual.
We must credit Playboy with what
we feel is an excellent description
of Dylan. They describe him as " a
singing James Dean with overtones
of Holden Caul field.
Specifically speaking, our favorite
from Blonde on Blonde Is "4th
Time Around," which has brought
forth the recollection of past experiences.
by Diane Somerville
Four major productions, one of them, the U.S.
premier of a Czechoslovakian work. A full-scale student musical. A musical variety revue. Four sets of
one-act plays, and a thesis production of a major absurd theatre. Sound impressive? It is especially when
you consider that all this will take place at SUNYA in
the academic year 1966-1967.
The first production to audition for the upcoming
season is the Lysistrataof Aristophanes, to be directed
by Dr. Paul B. Pettit, headof the Speech and Dramatic
Art Department. As anyone who attended tryouts September 26 and 27 is aware, Dr. Pettit will bring to
the classic several new techniques and approaches.
The results should be interesting.
An annual tradition at State will provide the first
intra-University performance on October 21 and 22.
The All-University Reception Show, directed this
year by Diane Somerville and John Webb. Designedas a
showcase for any sort of performing talent, the show
Man Becomes Hardened
as its theme a magical carousel. It auditions OctoBriefly, it seems that In this song
Dylan is trying to say man becomes ber 3 and 4.
hardened when lie realizes that woOne of the most exciting events of the year is the
men do not appreciate kindness. In- State University Revue, presented each spring. In the
cluded in the album also are three
extended versions of his popular driver's seat for the second year is John Fotia, who,
single releases: "Just Like a Wo- like directors Somerville and Webb, is a junior. The
man," "Rainy Day Woman 1112. 4
Revue for 1967 will be "Carnival," the Anna-Maria
35," and "I Want You."
In the Dylan tradition there is Alberghetti vehicle which won the Drama Critic's
"Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands," Circle Award for the Best Musical of the Season.
which takes up an entire side of Tryouts for "Carnival" will be held early in the
one record of the two disk -set.
Listening lo Bob Dylan Is like second semester.
studying a surrealistic painting. AlThe artistic directors of the State University
though it seems
superficially Theatre have likewise planned a full year, including
hideous, it Is underlined with a deep
symbolic theme. We feel that Dy- a farce in the best tradition of Kaufman and Connolly,
lan's music is of such a highly per- a serious drama, and a work translated for production
sonal nature that the interpretation at Albany by its director. Sound impressive? It is and
should be left to the listener and
that an attempt in tills review to it provides, as does the entire theatre calendar, an
limit or define his meanings would opportunity and a challenge to both audience and perInfringe upon the right of each to
his own thoughts.
s o n n e
clock. Anyway, the professor needs the students surprised and favorably
the reminder of a clock to end the impressed. "Without experiencing
class on time."
It, and just hearing of the idea, I
would have said that time would
Mass Exodus
drag," commented freshman Jean
Many realized the advantages of
the new system to professors. Gardiner. "But Instead, classes
seem to end before my worst ex"Clocks sometimes mean mass expectations."
odus when the hands reach the closFinally, a sophomore who shall
ing time, whether or not the profesremain unnamed was noncommital.
sor is in the middle of a sentence,"
"Time doesn't fly," he shrugged.
admitted junior Transfer Ray Depp.
"But then, it never did."
The informal poll showed most of
Building Better Bridge
by Harry Nuckols
D A Q 10 9 5 3
C 94
s K io a 4
H Q 10 7 5
DB 4 2
C G3
could not be made, for South could
no longer get to the dummy's uood
II K J 8 4
C 10 8 5 2
Divide 30 by >/2
and add 10.
What is the
DJ 0
Dealer: South Vulnerable:
The Auction
Last Tuesday's hand illustrated
why one might bid differently at
match points from the way one
would hid at rubber bridge. Today's
hand shows how the importance of
overtricks allowed East to pull off
a nice swindle.
The bidding was normal. South's
jump to two no-trump showed a
balanced 19-20 points with the unhid
suits stopped. North continued to
three no-trump, seeing that his hand
would produce six tricks if his
partner had the king of diamonds.
West led his fourth best spade
and East put up the jack, which
South allowed to hold. East continued with the spade queen, won
by South's ace. South was thinking
that if East held the king of diamonds, he would cither have no
more spades to lead or If he had
another space, only two moretrlcks
could be taken in the suit.
At trick three, South led the diamond jack. West played the deuce,
dummy the three, and East the
seven 1 Here is where the rubber
bridge player and the match point
player part company.
The rubber bridge player, as
South would now see five clubs,
one spade, one heart, and two diamonds. He had contracted for nine
tricks and lie had them, so he
would take them. But at match
points, an over-trick Is sometimes
worth more than making the contract, and wouldn't South look silly
making only three when six was
So South finessed the queen of
diamonds at trick four. East now
collected his king, and, the contract
[2] You have a TOT
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Larger sue CUB Desk
Stapler only $ 1 , 4 9
No bigger than a pack or gum-but packs
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Made in U.S.A. Get it at any stationery,
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Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
|IMM> 0 * 3 TKUC U M 1 | (OM|3*
•IWI "*IC""1 •1> ».'! ' w w * • w » 1°°*
»ou • Ol >«»u \imm »4I Xq 'lr» t> He)
We x" a' i •
•A*q nox„ '«#• Jnovz
„ . (si 1 " W 01
w*"***. WPPIFOOM-I
Friday, StpUmbtr 30, 1966
The STATEment
"Like what?"
"Well, I'm president ofmyfrat."
"You are....whlch one?"
"Man, what lines."
"The best one on campus."
"They could be worse."
"Yah, I guess so
Are you new
"I am, I'd show you the certificate
"I am a Freshman if that's what I got when I was elected, but I left
It In my room."
you're asking.
"You're not leading me on?"
"No offense meant."
"Listen, I'm not that kind of guy.
"No offense taken."
of fact, I was thinking you'd
like to meet some of my brothers."
"Are you a Senior?"
"You really mean it
I mean
"Aah...yah; how did you know?"
"I guess you sort of look It." you're really president and you want
"Gee thanks."
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean
"No offense meant."
it. I'll pick you up tonight."
"No offense taken."
"But I've got homework."
"What's your major?"
"Listen, now you're a big girl
"Greek....And yours."
and besides the profs never check
"I don't know."
Do you like It here?" It anyways."
"Are you going?"
"Haven't been here long enough
"I'm speaking from experience.
to tell."
"You go to the Candle Lighting I'll be around at eight."
"Well, If you are sore about the
homework, gee thanks, I'll be ready.
"Uh huh
did you?"
"Aaah no, I was busy....I'm sure It's sure nice of you."
"The pleasure'll be all mine. By
I didn't miss much."
the way, what's your name?"
"Maybe not."
"What do you mean. Did anything
"What is your name?
so funny?"
"We heard a speech."
"Aaah, it's just that.... well, we
"Who gave It?"
haven't been properly Introduced
"I don't know
Some man."
" I had more Important things to and I don't think I should give It to
by Sherman Richards
Well, anyway, it was a big bonfire.
Parking Problems
A choice between having to park a car
driven to the new campus or taking a bus
might be difficult to make in view, of the
parking situation.
The large parking lot in front of the
Dutch Quadrangle is now almost always
filled to capacity. If an individual parks
his car in one of the distant rows, he
must walk some distance to reach either
the Dutch Quad or the Academic Podium.
If a resident of the Colonial Quad
parks there, it is an even longer walk
to his dormitory. Obviously the parking
lot in front of the Gym is even farther
from the Colonial Quad which is where
these residents are supposed to park.
There is temporary parking in a
wooded area across the university roadway from the Colonial Quad. This, however, is still some distance from the
Academic Podium.
Cars have been parked directly in
front of the Colonial Quad on the area
soon to be landscaped. This plot of land
might be more useful as a parking lot
than decorative shrubbery.
Although the campus is purposely designed to provide an atmosphere conducive to study by preventing vehicular
traffic, this mode of transportation continues to be popular and shouldbe catered
to for the convenience of all involved.
Tradition Destroyed
It appears that MYSKANIA has attempted to abolish one more tradition
on campus. That is the freshman skit.
The two guardians of the Class of 1970
informed the individual who was to be
in charge that they were not organizing
the skit.
The freshman skit will hopefully still
be presented, but only because of the
perseverance of a few conscientious
students who recognize its worth.
This skit helps to organize the freshmen as well as to introduce them to
their fellow class members. There is
no better way to meet people and make
friends than in an extra-curricular activity such as this.
The freshman skit has been a worthwhile tradition at the University, but
it is not being given approval by MYSKANIA, guardians of tradition.
Staff Increases
Any large group of individuals necessitates appointing those who are more
authoritative than others. So it is with
a large university.
Criticisms and defenses have been
made concerning the disadvantage of
the huge community of SUNY at.Albany.
The hiring of a sufficient number of
new faculty members to maintain a
proper faculty-student ration has been
There are, however, so many personnel that no one is quite sure where to
turn for even the most simple task.
Only the most persevering individual
succeeds in reaching his goal, even if
it is something as uncomplicated as
making an appointment with his own
residence hall director.
The accomplishments of a university may be impressive, but an oppressive bureaucracy can hinder and even
destroy the most important sector of
a university-- the people who attend
and teach at the university.
Albany Student Press
The Albany Student Press is a semi-weekly newspaper published by the Student Association of the State University ol
New York ot Albany. The ASP office, located in Von Rensselaer Hall at 1223 Western Avenue, is open from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights, or may be reached by calling 457-8604 or 457-8605.
Associate Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Arts Editor
News Editor
Technical Supervisor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Photography Editor
Advertising Manager
Executive Editor
Business Manager
Executive Editor
To Be Offered by University
Students are invited to take a
personal interest In the terrible
traffic accident problem that confronts New York State today by
taking the first step toward approval
to teach high school and adult driver
and traffic safety education.
The university is pleased to announce that the professional preparation of potential driver and
traffic safety educators is being
resumed on a full time basis this
fall semester, and expanded to Include the four phase program of
classroom, In-car, simulation, and
multiple car instruction.
Two factors have significantly
Influenced the decision. The first
Is the Interest expressed by school
administrators to have an approval
to teach driver and traffic safety
education in addition to their major
secondary certification area.
Upgraded Requirements
The second is the recently announced upgraded teacher requirements by the State Education Department to six semester hours of
credit to teach driver and traffic
safety education.
There are openings In the two
German Club
Seeks Members
The German Club wants members. With the beginning of the
academic year the German Club
is again beginning its schedule of
events, including the Okloberfest,
Fasching, parties, speakers, and
other activities.
Membership is not restricted to
German students alone. Any student
interested in learning more about
Germany, Its people, and its cust o m s is mure than welcome to join.
Come and sign up al our Volkswagen
on Activities Day, Saturday, September 30.
credit, Ed 115 Sy fall semester
and the two credit Ed 121 Sy spring
semester programs and hopefully
you can work this Into your schedule.
It should be noted that the usual
three week post summer school
session pre-service program was
offered this past summer for the
last time as such and in the future
will probably be a six week offering.
Interested Students
If you are interested in dually
preparing yourself to enter a most
interesting and rewarding area of
teaching, see Richard Ellis, a s sistant professor, School of Education, Room 337 or call 457-8222.
Y.A. Reports G.I. Bill
Payment Procedures
The Veterans Administration has
announced that all veterans going
to school under the new G.I. BUI
should be prepared to pay his expenses for at least two months before receiving payments from the
The law requires that monthly
certificates of attendance signed
by veterans be sent to the VA attesting that the veteran has attended
The payment check will be mailed
from VA to the veteran on the 20th
of the month following receival of
the first monthly certificate.
The maximum monthly payments
open to veterans attending full time
sessions (fourteen credit hours) are
$100, $125, and $150, for veterans
with no dependents, one dependent,
or two or more dependents respectively.
Sports Editor
Traffic Safety Education Course
Executive Editor
Kirslen Husled, Malcolm Provost, Mark Cunningham, Margaret Honkemp, Helgo Wagner, Nancy Lehman
Marie Gandron, Deborah Friedman, Linda Van Patten, Mary Vlsceglie, Carol Altschiller
Douglas Rathgeb, Horry Nuckols, Dlone Somerville, Roger Borkin
Lewis Tlchlor, Robert Stephenson
All communications must be addressed to the editors and should be signed. Communications should be limited to 300
words and ore subject to editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns and communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views.
Parking Problem
To the Editor:
As it now stands, the faculty
plans to turn the faculty, commuter
parking field Into a weekend parking arrangement only. Parking during the week would be limited to 30
Since the student population Is not
a minority, we feel we are getting
the short end.
With little effort the Colonial
Quad's "Wooded Parking Lot" could
be made to handle 150 cars full
time, This would require a mintmum maintenance.
We are not asking for a paved
lot, only a flat surface. A student
nust pay, and pay plenty, to earn
tnu privilege of having a car.
TJie purpose of having a car is
to eliminate the Inconvenience of
following bus schedules. As It now
stands, the University seems to be
doing Its utmost to defeat this purpose,
There Is available parking space
that is being wasted by not being
The only conclusion to be drawn
Is that when the administration
planned this $100 million plus complex, they forgot the student,
Steve Schlkowltz
Friday/September 30, 1966
New Theatre Building
Great Improvement
by Ed Lange
In contrast to many articles which are found in
papers these days which concern themselves with
retrospect, I find that there is one subject which cannot be treated in this manner. The subject to which I
am referring is the new theatre building or rather
presently, the construction of it.
Recently, I was exposed to both side and top views
of aforementioned building, and was very much impressed and excited, Though the new building will seat
fewer people than does Page Hall, only 550, there will
be no poor seats in the theatre. This is due to a change
in the style of seating arrangements, and the elimination of the balcony. The style of seating is known as
Continental, which I learned is unbroken by any center
aisles, and utilizes only side aisles. There is also
more leg room between the rows of seats.
Exceptional Lighting System
Another improvement which Page Hall lacks is an
exceptional lighting system. Presently in Page, lighting instruments are mounted on the front edge of the
balcony, with the lighting technicians backstage. In
the new building, there will be lighting positions in
the ceiling, with the technicians in a lighting and control booth which is located in rear of the house. This
offers a much needed improved view of the stage by
the people who run the technical aspects of the shows.
The stage itself has been enlarged, and can be
further mechanically enlarged by an orchestra pit
floor which is able to be elevated to the level of the
stage. There is an improved system of raising and
lowering scenery planned, and a complex intercom
system among the control booth, the dressing rooms,
and the actor's ready room.
Decreased Seating Capacity
In regard to decreasing the seating capacity, it has
been observed that this is beneficial for a number of
First, to accommodate the university
community in a smaller theatre, the number of productions will probably be increased, thus giving students more opportunity to work, perform, and thus
learn. Second, a play depends on a circular response
between audience and actors; a smaller theatre will
be more intimate, and thus each audience member
receives a more personal performance, and his
response is improved. Third, simply because the
size of the theatre is decreased, the audience will
be able to hear and see better.
Thus, we of this university should all be anxiously
awaiting the proposed September 1967 completion
date of the new theatre and its affiliated building,
and we undoubtedly will be.
NEW THEATRE CONSTRUCTION: The newand modern theatre which is now under conitruction on rt
Academic Podium is a great improvement over Page Hall, and is expected to be completed by Septemb
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Adds Cultural Activities to Area
By Robert B. C u t t y
This summer The Saratoga Performing Arts Center at Saratoga
Springs staged a triumphant and
p r e m i e r e . The
$3,610,000 amphitheatre that took
300 men and 415 days to complete
opened on July 8 with a performance
by The New York City liallet.
The Ballet, under the direction
of George Ballanchine and Lincoln
Kirstein, launched the Arts Center's
first season with a performance of
"A Midsummer Night's Dream."
which received three showings. Nine
other ballet sequences were performed throughout July.
One such sequence on July 14
consisted of Tschaikovsky's "Swan
Lake," Camille Salnt-Saens "Irish
Kantasy," and Mershy Kay's "Wes- with pianist Anthony Di Bonaventern Symphony." "Swan Lake" and tura.
"Western Symphony" were both
One representative concert wai
choreographed by director Balanchine; the Saint-Saens place was that of August 11. Soloist Isaat
choreographied by lead dancer JacStern with the orchestra presente
ques d'Amboise.
Beethoven's "Egmont" Overtun
On August 4, The Philadelphia Op. 84, Symphony No. 6 in F majoi
Orchestra, under the direction of Op, 08 ("Pastorale"), and Concert
Music Director Eugene Ormandy. in D major for Violin and Orches
staged the first of fourteen com- tra, Op. 01.
pletely different concerts with the
performance of three works by BeetGuest Conductor
Also represented at the Arts
Center in August (witli the Phil
Other C o n c e r t s
adelphia Orchestra) were guest con
Ormandy's other concers were a duclors William Steinberg with se
Hachmaninoff program on August 0, lections by Schubert, Strauss, an>
featuring guest artist Van Cliburu, Wagner, Thomas Schlppers witi
a Beethoven program on August 11, works by various American, Italian
featuring violinist Isaac Stern, and and French composers, and Selj
a Kussian-Hungarian program of Ozawa conducting one program o
woi'ks by Prokofleff, Kodaly, Bar- Hussian music and another of twen
tok, and Stravinsky on August 13, tieth-century music.
'Snoopy and the Red Baron'
to Hilarious Success
It seems as though the success
of Charles M, Schulz, creator and
writer of "Peanuts," and other
trlbutarial cartoons, has become
deeply engrained in American society. This conclusion was reached
following the reception and reading
of Schulz* latest cartoon epic, Snoopy
and ttie Ked Baron.
The reason for this conclusion
lies solely in regard of (he length
in proportion to price. The hardcover edition of this sixty page
volume is listed at two dollars.
An attractive feature of the hook
is the alternation of the green and
yellow heavy grade paper.
Schulz T y p i c a l l y
Do you fancy yourself as a:
Critic in any field of the Arts?
Write for this page.
Call the ASP
at 457-8605 or 457-8604.
Admittedly, Schulz was Ills typically very humorous self. As was
Implied previously, Hie only complaint tills reviewer has with the
work, is thai there is not enough
of the happy humor.
Snoopy and the lied Baron is declared by the publisher, Holt, Hinehart and Winston, Inc., as being
Schulz's first full length novel, and
"This Is the war novelist's war
The plot is of course, concerned
Willi Suoopy's dauntless hut futile
attempts to seek out and destroy
the infamous Ked Baron. The enlire tiling reminds us of Charlie
brown's kilo flying and Lucy's marriago to Sehrooder,
Snoopy in an Airdrome
We follow Snoopy through his life
In a French airdrome, to his courageous dog-fights In the sky, through
Ills vallunl escape from behind enemy lines, to his romantic mil
tear-iiilllatlng affair wlih a French
beauty; though we can never forgot
that llils is the sumo hero who
bailed oul of his Sopwith Camel
Into Ills supper dish.
Tile book is entirely happy and
light-hearted, ami is completely enjoyable reading and viewing. The
price however is outrageous oven
for such a fine book.
All In all, public and crltlca
acclaim has assured the director.'
and officers of The Saratoga Per.
forming Arts Center and the members of The Saratoga Springs Committee on the Performing Arts tfiai
their two years of work to create
the Center were not In vain; certainly, there was a sore need for
just such an establishment.
Surnmor Homo
In addilion, the decisions of The
New York City Ballet and The Philadelphia Orchestra t» base their
Joint summer home at Saratoga
Springs Is proof of the performance and public acceptance of
the Arts Center.
In the future Saratoga Springs,
as Lenox, Massachusetts ("Berkshires," "Tanglewood"), Aspen,
Colorado, and Daytona Beach, Florida, will surely become a summer
haven of classical works to which
lovers of good music will perannaully flock.
ftld«y, S*pt*mb*f 30, 1966
Munseymen Impressive In Opener,
Travel To LeMoyne Invitational
A RayVievo of Sports
^ ^
byRay McCloat
At the ''lat#!r, part of last year we came out with
very optimistic reports about the possible success
for State's fall sports. We felt that the addition of an
outstanding frosh squad to the varsity cross-country
team would make the 1966 harriers a powerful running machine once again. The results of last week's
Montclair meet verify our optimism. But turning to
the soccer field, we find the situation a little different.
When a coach comes out and says that "If we win
four games, the season will be a success," well,
how can we be expected to maintain our high hopes?
But we are still at a loss to explain the team's
ineffective play to date. The squad suffered the loss
of only a handful of seniors last year (4-6) and
yet this year's team looks like they just learned to
play the game this summer.
Coach Joe Garcia claims the team is full of "deficiencies—lack of game experience, poor defensive
setups, lack of transition from defense to offense
and vice-versa, no poise, poor passing, ad infinitum,
including lack of depth." And the coach still says that
his players are "coachable."
The Danes have 13 lettermen— exactly one-half the
entire squad. The booters also have four of the top
players from last year's frosh squad, which enjoyed
only a mediocre record but played outstanding ball
on many occasions (five losses by one point). At
least seven of the returning lettermen have been
playing soocer together since their freshmen year.
What about the schedule? This seems to be the
team's only feasible excuse for being in such a
miserable state. The team has yet to play three
more teams (not counting Quinnipiac) who entered
some form of national playoffs in 1965. How is a
team that has managed only a single goal in four
scrimmages and a regular game (23 goals against)
going to fare against these well-drilled squads?
Armed with these facts, we feel justified in calling
for one of two measures: either State really apply
itself and build a team worthy of this competition or
withdraw from it. We're tired of prayingfor miracles.
It looks like another outstanding year for Albany State's Munseymen this falls, as
the the harriers looked very impressive in their 21-40 drubbing of Montclair State
last Saturday in a new campus meet. The Dane's personable coach, R. Keith Munsey, calls his 1966 squad "potentially, the finest we've ever had. The spirit is tremendous." And these are the words of a coach whose teams have compiled a 32-3
overall record since the sports inception in 1962.
Copped individual honors
,»rf«T <n/>t»>^ihiA A - „ I »,.,„*.*
With incredible final burst,
nipping Montclair's Jim
Harris in the final 200
yards, winning in 28:49.2
(5 miles).
Following Keating to the tape for
the Danes were Mike Atwell
(29:13.5), Don Beevers (29:14.6),
George Rolling (30:09) andBobMulvey (30:32.5).
The Albany State Great Dane soccer team opened Its 190G season
Saturday suffering a 6-1 defeat at
the hands of Quinnipiac. Albany's
.lone goal was made by high scoring
center forward Maurice Tsododo
with an assist by YutuloSUlo coming
at 6:06 of the fourth quarter.
The booters will play Bridgeport
In their first home game of the
season this Saturday at 2:00. The
game will be played on the new
soccer field located on the new
campus Just below the athletic building.
Quinnipiac Scores 1st
Quinnipiac was led by Bill Fuchs,
Ron Ayers, and Fritz Habermas.
Fuchs opened the scoring with a
goal at 0:51 of the first period.
Ayers then scored twice in the
Ripple, who holds the meet and
course records with a 19:35 clocking over the 4.2 mile hilly LeMoyne
course, and Pat Glover, a Hartwick
Junior, are the pre-meet favorites.
Keating placed a respectable 10th
In last year's meet, in which he
paced the Danes to a sixth place
finish. The best the team has ever
done was a second place finish in
1964, when Tom Robinson, the frosh
coach, was the team's top runner.
Copped Top Positions
Central Council Meets
In Year's First Session
second quarter, and Fuchs and Habermas each scored in third period. Bob Hale rounded out the scoring for the home team with a goal
Just before the final gun.
Coach Garcia Pleasod
Despite tiie score Coach Garcia
was pleased with a number of individual performances. The movement
of co-captaln Tim Jursak from fullback to center halfback late In the
third quarter sparked the team considerably.
Coach Garcia was also pleased
with the performances of Getachew
Habteh-Ylmer and Hendrlck Sadi at
the other halfback spots. Both
started the game on the front line
and were then switched to the halfback spots. Jerry Legglerl was also
Impressive in the goal, as he made
many fine saves.
AND T H E Y ' R E O F F : Albany's Great Dane runners are off to
another fast start this season as they defeated Montclair, 2140, in their opening meet last Saturday. The harriers travel to
Syracuse tomorrow to compete in the LeMoyne I n v i t a t i o n a l .
Beginning October 3 the
Bookstore hours will be
as follows:
Big Lamp Salel
. - ' » " *'
\, • i
1966 SOCCER T E A M : Coach J o * Carcia's 1966 soccer squad
w i l l try to rebound tomorrow alter its opening loss to Ouinnipiac. Th# booters w i l l face the University of Bridgeport in a
homo gam* at 2:00 on the new campus field.
Central Council met Thursday, September 29, in its
first session of the year. After the meeting was called
to order by President William Cleveland, the chairmen
of committees connected to Central Council gave reports on their latest action.
Vince Abramo, vice-president, and chairman of the
Student Tax Committee re- Merchandising Service, many which
ported on the number of are connected with the completion
the new Campus Center. Among
students receiving tax of
these are a large bookstore, with
cards without paying stu- completely new stock and the'instltutlon of_ a tobacco and news stand
dent tax, and explained
would eliminate the need to
that the committee is pre- which
patronize the bookstore for small
sently compiling a list of purchases.
the students in an attempt Also planned are a bicycle rental
shop, billiard room, barber shop,
to redeem the cards.
and bowling allies.
Recreation equipment will be
available upon presentation of a tax
card at the new campus tennis
courts, equipment shack, and dorm
Held during the following hours:
Mon.-Fri., 3:30-6:30; Sat. 9-5; Sun
2-6. The new campus tennis courts
will be lighted weather permitting
until 10:00 p.m. every night except
Equipment available includes:
tennis rackets and balls, volleyballs, soccer balls, footballs, softballs and bats. Bikes and golf clubs
will be available only at the old
campus equipment shack.
5 Way High Intensity Lamps
reg. price
VOL. Lll, NO. 30
OCTOBER 4, 1966
The Munseymen copped first,
third, fourth, sixth and seventh positions in the meet,
Jim Keating, Joe's younger brother, finished first for the yearling
harriers In the team's first time
trial. He was followed by Paul Roy
and Bob Holmes.
Soccermen Hope To Rebound
After Quinnipiac Trouncing
by Dune Nixon
Tomorrow the harriers will travel
LeMoyne College In Syracuse for
that school's annual Invitational run.
T n e U M o y n e invitational attracts
some of the top cross-country teams,
In the state, including such powerhouses as Buffalo State (last year's
frosh winner), LeMoyne (with indl-.
vldual winner of '64-'65 Bill Ripple)
and Hartwick.
The runners entered in this meet
from State are the top 7 finishers
from last Saturday's Montclair encounter.
sale price
All satin Chrome Desk Lamps
Parking Regulation.
A C T I V I T I E S D A Y introduced freshman to the various activities on campus. Hold in t h * U-shaped
lounge of the Dutch Quadrangle, it had a festival atmosphere. Pictured on the left are sisters of
Phi Delt and on the right Logos Populorii talks about its organization.
Food Service Faces Problems
In Late Breakfast, Top Service
"As soon as student and regular
help Jobs are filled, Food Service
plans to have a coffee hour immediately following the regular breakfast-—and as soon as possible after that the relnstltutioci of continental breakfast."
Mai Corbiey, Director of the University's Food Service thus expressed the desire of Food Service to offer quicker, more adequate
service to the students.
He explained that Food Service
Itself is not presently satisfied with
the quality of service they are offering; however, bettor service is
now dependent upon the alleviation
of several problems Food Service
now faces.
Kitchen Overload
Corbiey listed the difficulties as
resulting from the overload of both
kitchens and dining room facilities,
and the lack of adequate help In the
The lack uf a full work crew In
the kltchon stems from both u very
tight lulmr market in the Allmny
area, and a lack of student response
to available openings in the kitchen.
There Is presently sixty openings in tho kitchen available to students which have not been filled, and
tills contributes to tho problem of
Corbiey stated thut tho kitchen
facilities were only designed to prepare two meals u clay for tho 1,200
students on each quail, llowovor, It
has been necessary for the kitchens
to prepare food for ihreo meals a
day with tho same amount of equipment.
Lunch Rush
They are also faced with serving
lunch to tin! live to six thousand
people who find it necessary to oat
In the cafeterias dally, in a space
designed for about 2,500,
Tills overload should be allevi-
ated with the completion of the new two years ago and was the brain
Student Center which will provide child of Food Service Itself. It was
additional space In handling the designed to provide better service
for those students not wishing to
lunch rush.
Therefore Corbiey felt that con- get up for early breakfast,
infuriates Students
tinental breakfast may be discontinued until the completion of the It is this lack of continental breakStudent Center and a new cafeteria. fast, along with the problems of
The coffee hour would provide at lines, which has infuriated most
least a space for students to buy students.
coffee before the opening of the Corbiey explained that there are
always lines during the first couple
cash line.
Along with William McKinnen, of weeks of school. This is due parassistant director of residence and tially to a slow movement of the
Corbiey, Peter Haley, Colonial lines themselves until new students
Quadrangle dining supervisor of are able to orient themselves to
Food Service expressed the deep finding necessary items,
concern over the forced discon- However, in the last week breaktinuation of continental breakfast. fast lines have been reduced ten
Continental breakfast was begun to fifteen minutes a day.
The Council also considered several aspects of parking regulations.
Klaus Schnltzer explained that because the county line runs through
the campus the payment of traffic
tickets falls under different departments.
Students receiving tickets while
parked in the Albany area will pay
tickets to the City of Albany; students parked on the other side of
the county line will be paying tickets
to Guilderland County, and tickets
Incurred on parking lots belonging
to the State of New York will be
paid at the registrar's office.
The question of parking lots was
also discussed, especially In regard to the distance of the resident's parking lot from residences.
Special Guest
Special guest of the Council'Was
Al Davey, Director of Merchandising Service at the University,
and present manager of the State
University Bookstore.
Davey discussed various aims of
'Eye' To Discuss
Campus Architecture
The Golden Eye begins its third
season this Friday with a discussion
by Mr. Cowley, head of the art department, on the architecture of the
new campus. Mr. Cowley will show
slides of the new campus that he
has taken and use them to prove
his various points.
The Golden Eye is a student faculty coffeehouse held every Friday
at the Madison Avenue PresbyterIan Church, 820 Madison Ave. In
the past the Golden Eye has had
panels on existentialism, Berkeley,
Bob Dylan, President Johnson,
In the following weeks there will
be programs on The Death of God
Theology, Albany Politics, the Span*
ish movie "Veridlana," a faculty
play reading, and a panel on President Kennedy.
The "Eye" is open from 9 p.m.
till midnight.
Co-chairmen Announce Events
For Homecomingwill giveWeekend
receptions for their alumCo-chairman of Homecoming 'GO,
Frank Pelrone and Kileon Tracy
have announced ttie times and locations of the pvent for tho Homecoming Weekend, October Hand Hi.
ni. An addod attraction tills year Is
the 50th anniversary of MYSKANIA.
Past and present members of the
Honorary will gather for a reception
and dinner at the Thruwuy Motor
Page Hall will bo the silo of the Inn. There will also bu a reception
Homecoming Quoen Finalists judg- and dinner for all Alumni at the
ing, and two concerts by Stan Got?,. Thniway Saturday evonlng.
There is no offlcinl theme for
the parade, which begins at 11:30,
but the unofficial theme Is the New
Campus, Vice President for business affairs, Milton Olson, Is the
Grand Marshall.'
Homecoming Quoon
The highlight of Saturday afternoon Is the soccer game against
Potsdam. During lialftlme, the
Homecoming Quoen will be named,
the IFC and ISC scholarship trophies awarded, and prizes for tho
best floats awarded.
After the soccer game, the Greeks
Homecoming Advanco
Saturday evening features the
Homecoming dance at the Thruway
Motor Inn. Mr. Henry Torgan and
his orchestra will provide the music and tho coronation of the new
Homecoming Queen will provide the
highlight of tliu evening. The dance
will run from 9 to 1, Admission is
$3.00 per couple,
Unserved Tickets for both Stan
Getz performances are now available in Humanities 140, Admission
price Is $1.75 per ticket with tax
card, and $2,50 per ticket without
the tax card.
F L A M E S SHOT U P towords t h * sky at t h * University bonfire
which is o n * of t h * remaining traditions on campus and was hold
Friday on t h * athletic field near t h * tennis court*.