Document 14064702

P e t e l -iv'-j
i4 Ray View of Sports
by Ray McCfat
imNi^ l i l t f L,,-- • r
With over thirty men out for coach Keith Munsey's
frosh team, we do not expect this lack of depth to continue for too long. But that's at least a season away.
This afternoon's game with Oswego and tomorrow's
contest with Potsdam will be a good indication of how
sorely the team's lack of depth will hurt the Danes.
Stop by the field today or tomorrow and see if we're
not right in being so pessimistic. We'll be there,
hoping we're wrong.
by Margaret Dunlap
Approval of the 1966-67
Student Association Budget
was the major business of
Central Council at the
meeting Thursday night.
All the budgets had p r e viously been approved by
each commission.
by Mike Connelly
P o s t , all Strong
pitcher Tom Plotrowski took over, tributed a single to round out the
T h e f o u r g a m e s e t w a s allowing only one hit and no runs in Dane's scoring attack,
a sirone
t h e t p a m ' q f i r « t oWanrp rn
Performance. The
me ream s n r s t chance to
p l a y o n a n QUtSlde d i a m o n d ,
After several s c r i m m a g e s
t h i s p a s t w e e k , the t e a m
= * « , . w hi ZlZ
r 1it
Should be r e a d y for today's
In the C. W. Post contest Dane
pitcher Jim Nass looked Impressive
in a 5 1/3 inning stint, but control
difficulties and errors put him in
trouble as Post scored two runs in
both the second and fourth innings.
A triple and an Infield out brought
across another in the fifth. In the
sixth inning, with one out, Dane
J —.
Sign-Up Sheets will be available
Council Approves Budgets,
Announces Election Dates
Dane Diamondmen Bow in First 4
Play Oswego, Potsdam at Home
Still looking for its first win of the season, Albany Stale's Great Dane baseball
team opens at home today against Oswego State (3:00 p.m.) and hosts Potsdam
State tomorrow (2:00 p.m.). Despite its current record of 0-4, Coach Burlingame's
nine shows great promise for the coming year. The four losses came against Montclair State (6-2), Maritime Academy (22-8), Farleigh Dickinson U. (5-0), and C.W.
in the Peristyles all next week
from 9 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
could m a n a g e only two
r a( Montclalr
hits off Post's pitcher Frank Picari n the opening game of the year
" lo » a s l n e ' e ^ J ay Moore and a against Montclalr State, the Great
oub e
Bill Ingino, who wasplayged a comeback attempt
ifn g ' bhy
'" l S " r S t B a m e °' " l e s e a s o n - i nD a lnnees nsltna t n '"'""B w l t h 'he score
The Dane nine went down to defeat c-0, but the rally fell short as the
In its third game at the hands of an team suffered a 6-2 loss. Montclalr
Farleigh-Dickinson team managed only six hits off the servby a s c o r e of 5_0 d e s
P " e a " n e lngs of Egelston and Nass, but three
-6 o l n 6" JobbyState'sTomEgel- w e r e for extra bases,
stonCoupled with six Dane miscues,
F D U s c o r e d an
unearned run in the Montclarians used them to hand
tne ,ourtn on
anerror.apassedball, state its first loss. The Statesmen
a hlt b a t t e r a n d a
o r i f i c e . Tt>ey were held to one hit by Montclair's
s c o r e d a aln
In the fifth on a double Ed Jerauld until the eighth Inning,
and a single and three times more in In the ninth, an error and singles by
the eighth as Egelston tired, yielding — • ••
• -- •Christian and Marttno accounted
two singles, a double, a hit batter, for State's lone tallies.
and an error.
In the opener today, Tom EgelThe Great Danes were held to
three hits off two FDU pitchers, ston Is the scheduled starter. A
singles by first baseman Andy large turnout is expected and once
one of State's most ardent
Christian, catcher Frank Kankolen- Dagain,
as eba11 ta
"s, Mrs. Lester Egelston
win be on hand to throw out the
s e llt
first ball.
Kankolonski Homers
In a marathon three hour and
twenty minute game plagued by cold
and strong winds, Maritime Academy battered the Great Danes, scor- • The following hours are now in
ing twenty-two runs on fifteen hits effect for recreation (Page gym,
to State's eight runs on twelve hits. dorm field, shack, and New CamThe only bright spot of tile day was pus):
Gyin-M-K-3:30-G;00 and 7:00 the team's hitting as Dom Martlno,
Tomaselll, Kankolenskl, Moore, and ,11:00; Sat.-9:00-l:00 and 1:00-0:00
Mike Goldych each had two hits. (on rainy days only);Sun-G:00-10:00
and 2:00-0:00 (on rainy days only).
Dorm Fleld-M-F-3:30-7:00; SatCatcher Kankolenskl clouted a
three-run homer In the sixth Inning 9:30-5:00; Sun-l:30-7:00.
In addition to a single, two walks,
Shack (on old courts) - same as
and a sacrifice. Pitcher Piotrowskl dorm field.
and third saoker Moore had the only
New Campus area and tennis
other extra base hits, both doubles, courts -M-F -3:30-10:00;Sat-9:30and first baseman Christian con- 5:00; Sun-10:00-10:00.
Try our Cote, Pepsi, Root Beer,
Sprite, and Tab at your
The total was lower than last
year's because it Is not possible
to estimate exactly how much income will be obtained from student
tax. Central Council voted on each
commission budget rather than individual budgets.
The budget for the Commission for
DISCUSSING BUDGETS: Central Council labors over all tho Stu- Religious Affairs of $200 was
dont Association budgets at its mooting Thursday night. Most of adopted with little discussion. The
tho budgets were passed with few reservations.
amount approved for the Commission of Academic Affairs was $1959.
Freedom Council will
sponsor a lecture by J a m e s
F a r m e r on the Civil Rights
Revolution in America tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.
in Page Hall.
Farmer Is the former national
director of the Congress for Racial
Equality and a noted authority on
the Civil Rights movement.
He Is Internationally known as an
articulate spokesman In the struggle
for racial equality among all man.
In many of the emerging nations
throughout the world today, he Is
one of the best-known Americans
and his writings and comments are
Influencing men everywhere.
Led Freedom Ride
Farmer led CORE members in
the first Freedom Ride, spending
40 days In a Mississippi jail as a
In 1963, Farmer, who believes
that a leader must do more than
just plan, was arrested following a
civil rights demonstration In Louisiana.
He again made world headlines in
1964 when CORE and its supporters
picketed the New York World's Fair,
protesting racial discrimination and
segregation practiced by many of
the states exhibiting at the fair.
Organized CORE
Farmer helped form the first
Mon.-Thurs. 9a.m. -IO:45p.m.
Fri.-Sol. 9a.m.-12:30a.m.
Sun. 4p.m.-IO:45p.m.
Senior Pictures token must
»•; twFii
sign up at this time.
Good Only April 1819.20
Call 434-3298
revealed that no season tickets will
be sold by Dramatics Council next
year. Announcements are to be made
in the ASP two weeks before the
tox office opens to sell tickets for
each production.
Richard Thompson, Central Council President, read a letter from
two members of Student Association. The letter asked to whom Music Council was responsible if not
to the student body as Music Council asserts. The purpose of Music
Council according to its constitution is to serve the "best possible
interests" of the students.
This wording was termed ambiguous and conceptions of the "fi-
James Farmer
chapter of CORE at the University of
Chicago in 1942. These pioneers intended, Farmer states, "to substitute bodies for exhortations," and
to apply to the struggle for racial
equality in America the techniques
of non-violence and passive resistance that Ghandl used so successfully in India.
Since that Ume, Farmer has been
involved directly with the social,
economic and cultural problems of
America's Negro population.
CORE'S militancy has captured
the Imagination of counUess thousands of young Negroes and they
have willingly participated In sitins, stand-ins, sleep-ins, even jailins.
Born in Texas
He was born In Texas and received a B.S. In chemistry from
Wiley College when he was only
18 years old, He then studied for
the ministry at Howard University's
School of Religion, earning a Bachelor of Divinity degree
nest caliber" of music differ. A,
motion was made and approved to
give no money to Music Council
until the final breakdown of the artists is presented and approved.
The total budget for Community
Programming was approved for
The total budget for next year is
Council Elections
William Cleveland announced the
dates for the Central Council elections. Nominations will be April 1922. The elections will be April 2729 and the Inauguration will be on
May 1 in Bru lower lounge.
Collins to Lead Convocation,
MIT Professor to Be Key Speaker
President Evan R. Collins will
lead the University In the Honors
Convocation on April 24 in Page
Hall. The Convocation, co-sponsored by Slgnum Laudis and the
University Committee on Awards, is
to recognize superior academic
achievement among undergraduates.
The featured speaker of the Con.
vocation will be Dr. Jerrold R.
Zacharlas, a professor of physics
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Zacharlas received the
degrees of A.B. (1926), M.A. (1927),
and Ph.D. (1932), from Columbia
Notional Defense
Since he joined the staff at M.I.T.
in 1940, Dr. Zacharias has made a
large Impact on the national scene.
In 1945 he was among those working' on the Los Alamos project
which produced the atomic bomb.
In the ensuing years he continued
to work on many aspects of National
Defense, including nuclear powered
flight, and the conception of the
DEW Line.
For his work, Dr. Zacharias received the President's Certificate of
Merit in 1948, and the Department
of Defense Certificate of AppreciaDramatics Council
tion in 1955. The following year he
During the discussion concerning made his Impact on national educathe budget for the Commission for tion? •
Community Programming, it was
In 1956 he formed the Physical
James Farmer to Discuss
Civil Rights Revolution
Juniors wishing to hove their
APRIL 19, 1966
PUT OUT: Great Done baterunner is beaten to the bag by Farleigh-Dickinson player. The Danes
last 5-0 for their third straight loss. They open at home today against Oswego.
will be token in two weeks.
Senior Pictures for the 1967 Torch
NoDoz Keep Alort Tablets fiuht off
tho hazy, lazy toolings of mental
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quicken physical reactions. You become more naturally alort to people
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NOOoz is as safe as coffoo. Anyttmo
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When you can't
afford to be dull,
sharpen your wits
with NoDozIM
. .
• *:
It has oft been said — but ne'er so well expressed—
that the first sure sign of spring is the appearance of
the neighborhood baseball game. We accept this statement with a certain amount of resignation, for while
everyone greets spring with renewed alacrity, we
sports fans can only greet the Great Dane baseball
team with greatly tempered enthusiasm.
The diamondmen begin the year with 14 men on the
squad. Twelve men is far more adequate for a basketball team that has to fill only five positions. A baseball
team should have at least three extra pitchers, a r e serve catcher, a few utility infielders, and a couple of
outfielders" who can fill in other spots as well. With a
few injuries, coach Burlingame will be scanning the
bleachers for help.
We are totally sympathetic toward the baseball team
in its effort to win even a handful of games. Every win
the team achieves is indeed a credit to the desire of
the diamondmen.
But over a season with twenty games crowded into
eight weeks, a team with only three reserves on hand
is in deep trouble right off the bat. Pinch-hitting will
be non-existent, and can you imagine the poor pitcher
who is being clobbered around the park, fully aware of
the fact that he is the last remaining pitcher the coach
can use? Holy earned-run-average!!
This year's team is comprised of several talented
regulars that form a small, yet solid, nucleus for the
Danes. Pep Pizzillo, Jay Moore, Andy Christian, Bill
Ingino, and Jim Nass were important parts of last
year's team that enjoyed a mildly successful season.
Coupled with certain standout members'of last year's
frosh team, the Danes do have a fine starting team
going for them. But that's all.
nrrrf i*u
Mfcr. w r u ; ' i N t
Living Affairs Commiision
During the discussion on the budget for Living Area Affairs Commission Eleanor Dlenor requested
that $150 be added for a newsletter. She stated that a lack of
communication in the living areas
made such a newsletter necessary.
It would contain information of who
the representatives were and also
used to contact commuters. The
addition was approved.
There was also discussion on the
allocation of funds to the quads for
special events. The argument was
that it was not needed because
there had never been such an allotment to the quads before. This
money, however, remained in the
budget and the total Living Area
budget came to $1832.
Discussion on the budget for Communications Commission Included
the fact that fewer Campus Viewpoints will be published next year.
They will be distributed only to
freshmen, campus leaders and
transfer students. The total approved for communications was
Science Study Committee. This committee mapped out a new program
for teaching physics in secondary
schools. Used by only eight schools
In 1957, it is now used In 5,000.
Scientific Committees
Dr. Zacharlas has remained very
active in affairs other than his
teaching responsibilities. He is a
member of many significant committees on scientific affairs, including the President's Science Advisory Committee.
In addition, he is consultant to
'commercial companies, and on the
Board of Trustees of Sarah Lawrence College and Webster College.
Dr. Arthur Collins, Chairman of
the University Committee In Awards
will announce awards of University-wide significance. Nancy Deer-.
ing, President ot Slgnum Laudis
will recognize the top ten freshmen
and sophomores.
Personal Invitations
Personal invitations have been
sent to members of all honorarles,
freshmen on Dean's list, and all
upperclassmen with 3.0 cumulative
averages. Reserved seats have been
issued for those invited, and a
souvenir program will list the names
of those invited. The ceremony is
open to the public.
State Fair Expanded,
Scheduled for May
SUNYA's State Fair, an annual
campus event, will be held on May
20-22. Traditionally held as a fundraising drive, it has tills year been
expanded to Campus Carnival Weekend.
In addition to the Fair, the weekend will Include a concert by a wellknown vocal group at Page Hall on
Friday and a picnic at the Mohawk
Valley Camp on Sunday. It will take
place on the dorm field of the Alumni
The State Fair Is sponsored to
raise money to bring a foreign student to the University, and also
provides funds to send an Albany
State student abroad.
Committee chairmen are needed
to work on the three events Included
in the weekend, Interested students
are requested to attend the State
Fair Organizational meeting on
Thursday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m.
. ,
In Brubacher Hall, or to contact SPRINGTIME ON CAMPUS: Several students take advantage ot the warm spring weather to congregate
Mady Stein (Morris Hall),457-8776) f', £ " » i ' ™„i Quadrangle (or a fongfeit. The weather has driven many student* to tho stops of Draper
457.M8739).G'nSbUrE ^ ^ ^
mr,'fm$ •
StfWatefcaAa.'.;-1:--^ . '**.•
AllAHV ITW1T Mgtj••
Teeeeay, April 19. 1966
p T s § " 1 IF6 to f resent i t!ympia\
1936 Berlin Olympic Film
Tonight In the Bru Game Room
the International Film Group will
present "OlympU," Lent Relfenstahl's famous fllm of the 1938
Berlin Olympics.
Because of the length of "OlympU," only the second half will be
shown. There Is no charge, and
the show time will be 8:00. p.m.
Marvelous Photography
Long acclaimed as the finest
sports film ever made, "Olympla,"
In addition to the marvelous s e quences of all sports involved, has
also been widely cited as an example of Nazi propaganda about the
purity of the Aryan race.
Some scholars, such as the noted
Siegfried Kracauer, have maintained
the emphasis on German athletes
was specially designed by Relfenstahl to give a biased view to the
If this i s the case, then the film
is Ironic, according to Kracauer,
because these were the games In
which Jesse Owens won his four
Frugality Not Exercised
The follouing is a guest editorial by Douglas Upham, representatative to Central Council from Communications Commission, and
Joseph Mahay, representative
to Central- Council irom
We congratulate Central Council for disposing of
$103,950.50 in. budgets in one three-hour meeting. In
the past, passage of budgets has taken several meetings with much consideration devoted to the relative
merits of each request and the approximate interest or
desire for the activity among Student Association. This
year Central Council has dispensed with such careful
but time-consuming considerations.
For example, in the consideration of the twenty
Community Programming budgets totaling $46,977.50,
which could be used as a model of efficiency, discussion was limited to forty-five minutes. When it became
apparent that only Music Council's budget ($.696,50), of
these twenty, would be discussed within this time limit,
Central Council was still able to maintain its pinnacle
of efficiency by passing all of the other budgets in
Community Programming without discussing each separately.
Also under Community Programming Commission
is Debate Council. Its budget line for trips, $2400, is
not restricted. However, Biology Club must inform
Finance Committee as to how it plans to spend its
moeny for trips, $200.
Out of a total budget of $1590 for Living Area Affairs Commission, $1205 was devoted to beer parties
and similar contributions to dorm living. Commuters
only received $242, although they comprise about onethird of the total school population and are given
special emphasis in the Living Area Affairs Constitution.
In a year in which frugality is of utmost importance
because of voluntary student tax, we feel that Central
Council /should have considered each budget more
carefully to insure proper distribution to needy activities,
' " by Jane Schneider
Twenty students at State are undergoing a strange metamorphosis
these days - from student to tutor
to beggar to salesman. The transformation of these Newman Association members is on behalf of
poor children from the South End
of Albany, who are the State students' tutees.
For these children and their futures, the college students have
spent one night each week the whole
year tutoring them on Catharine
Street at the street's Civic Association Center. Now the students
have run a clothing drive among
their fellow, students to be given to
the poor.
Sell Clothing
Then came the idea to sell these
next-to-new articles of clothing at
a nominal fee and use the proceeds
for the tutees In some way.
Finally the thought that the money
should go to the children in an organized and enduring way, that is
through the Summer Community Organization for Recreation and Education, SCORE '66. The Community Organizations of the newlyformed lederation are sponsoring
SCORE '66.
The sale will be held at Trinity
Institute, 19 Trinity Place on Saturday, April 23 all day.
Joe Paulson, chairman of the project and coordinator of the Newman
Tutorial views the sale as "serving
a two-fold purpose: first, to get good
clothes to the poor at a reasonable
price and second, to raise money (or
Feature Editor
News Editor
Executive Editor
Arts Editor
Business Manager
Associate Sports Editor
Photography Editor
Desk Editors..
Technical Supervisor
Bruce Kaufman, Laura D e C a r o l i ,
Assistant Business Manager
Associate Editor
Sue Chape, Kirsren Husted
Advertising Staff
Michael Purdy
Ma I com Provost. Richard Kase, Mark Cunningham, Nancy Miedenbauer,
Bob Wentwr, Bill Schrlftman, John Spross, Linda Breaman, Steve Curti,
Ken Bernstein, Carol Altschiller, Linda Dufty, Sara Klttsley, Marc Potetto, Madeline Schnabel
.Diane Somerville, Jane Schneider, Harry Nuckols, Douglas Rathgeb,
D. Gordon Upham, Bob Mtwiti, Roger Barkin
Graduate Describes Program
The SCORE '66 program has been
described by Robert Wleboldt, a
University graduate student and a
work-study employee of Trinity Institute, an attempt "to assist neighborhood children needing individual
help with developing academic
The keynotes "individualization"
and "Informality" will characterize the camp's educational approach.
The camp situation will avoid
identification with formal schooling,
providing freedom for the child to
develop his educational abilities.
Small classes with maxjmum individual help from volunteer tutors
will enable the program to accomplish this end.
! Mr. Wleboldt, who will be supervisor of the camp, stresses another
aspet of the program as "the development of the children's social and
creative abilities through a coordinated recreational and arts and
crafts program."
Camp's Expectations
This project for "66 will approximate, but surpass the one of similar dimensions held last summer.
The different is that the 1965 Reading Tutorial made use of the camp
site belonging to Trinity Institute
only one day a week; SCORE '66
will be located on the camp grounds
In Clarksvllle.
As last year, the children will
receive a minimum of 60 hours of
Instruction plus the recreation time.
The particular goals of the program Is to Insure the proper read-
Criticizes Review
H i * Albany Student Press is a semi.wneb ly newspaper published by the student body of the State University of New York
at Albany, The ASP office, located in Room 5 of Brubocher Hall at 750 State Street, is open from 7-1) p.m. Sunday through
Thursday nights. The ASP moy be reached by dialing 4 34-4031.
Public Relations Editor
the tutees* summer camp."
ing skill for the grade level of the
child, since many of them fall behind
In their reading as much as two
grades or more. Arithmetic will
receive the second strongest emphasis.
It Is intended to be fully coordinated with a physical-social-cultural skills development.
Lecture Rescheduled
Senator Wayne Morse's lecture,
originally scheduled for Friday,
April 15, will be held tentatively
Sunday, May 22. Senator Morse was
unable to speak because of a commitment In his home state, Oregon.
French Club
French Club will hold its elections Thursday, April 21 at 8:30
p.m. in Ryckman Hall.
Those people Interested In going
down South as a representative of
SCOPE at the University should
contact either Marcy Posner at
472-6431 or Toby Wolkoff at 4726763 for information and applications.
1 f M
New Program Under Development GOD, MUSIC & ME #3
For Increasing Faculty Research
by Leu Strong
Samuel Gould,
D r . Samuel
flmilri. president
nr«alrian» n*
the State University of New York,
has announced that a new program
of grants, which will significantly
expand' opportunities, for research
and scholarly activity by State University faculty members, is under
The grants will be called "Distinguished Research Fellowships"
and will provide a semester's salary for faculty members who propose outstanding projects which can
not be adequately carried out within
the time and
present the Research Foundation and Dr.
_ - . , ifunding
. — . , _ _ .limits
. . _ . . _ of
program formats.
Consideration Is also being given
to a provision which would permit
combining the grant with a sabbatical
leave, thereby providing a full year's
salary for faculty members who
meet qualification in both area.;.
Harold syett, Executive Dean for
University Centers.
The Awards Committee at Its
meeting In Albany last month endorsed the proposal which provides
that faculty fellowship stipends
awarded during the academic
1968-67 be Increased to'f 1,400 from
Details Being Worked Out
the present $1,300. The maximum
President Gould said that the amount for grants-in-aids will be
details of the program are being raised to the same level.
worked out by the University Awards
Committee, Mort Grant, Director of
President Comments
Building Better Bridge
by Harry Nuckeli
but West won the first diamond and
led a spade to East's king. East put
his partner back in with a heart, and
the defense took two more spades
to defeat the contract two tricks.
How did East know to put in the
six of spades at the first trick?
H 9 8 5 4 2 Well, first of all, he knew that South
had to have a spade stopper for his
bid. But what really told the tale was
15' a little trick known as the "Rule of
Here's how It works. When you
think your partner's lead is a "fourth
best" lead, subtract from eleven the
Dealer: North , Vulnerable: Both pip of his card. That will give you.
the number of cards In the dummy
hand, your hand, and the declarer's
NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST hand combined that are higher than
Pass the card your partner has led.
But since you can see the dummy
and your own hand, you can figure
OPENING LEAD: 4 of Spades
out how many cards the declarer
has that are higher than your partThe auction was routine. The ner's lead.
opening bid was minimum, but the
In today's hand, East subtracte'd
North hand has all the requirements the pip of West's lead - four - from
of a good opening bid. The South hand eleven and knew there were seven
has stoppers in the unbld suits and 13 cards higher than the four In either
points, so he can bid two no trump. the dummy, his own hand, on the
Northn then signed off at three no declarer's hand. He could see three
in the dummy and three in his hand,
On the opening lead, South played so the declarer had only one spade
than the four.
the five from the dummy, and East
played the slxl Of course, now
Since he had to have a spade
South's contract is doomed. South stopper, South could only have the
did the best he could by letting East ace. So from this analysis, East
hold the trick, but East continued made the killing play. Note that If
with the spade nine.
East woodenly plays third hand high,
South won, finessed the ten of South makes his contract'because
clubs, and ran the rest of the suit, he now has two spade stoppers.
Tao Moon Lee, Lewis Tichter, Stuart Lubert, Robert Stephenson
A l l communications must be addressed to the editors and sho.uld be signed. Communications should be limited to 300 words
and are subject Ic editing. The Albany Student Press at sums* no responsibility far opinions expressed In its columns
at*communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views.
To the Editor:
In the March 29 ASP Robert Cutty
reviewed Steve Allen's latest book,
"Letter to a Conservative." I have
not yet read It myself, though I am
familiar with Allen's political views
and activities. The observations
which I wish to make pertain not to
the content of this publication, but
rather to Mr. Cutty's manner of
reviewing it.
(1) Though Mr. Cutty's unmitigated contempt for this book was
obvious, I was unable to unearth one
clearly expressed criticism of It.
When I though I had an inkling of
what Mr. Cutty was trying to say, I
looked in vain for an example from
Allen's work to elucidate the reviewer's objections. Lest I be guilty
of the same sort of negligence, I
submit as an example of Mr. Cutty's
prose the following: "While A'llen
uses semantics, logic, and common
sense to support Liberal thesis, he
piously insists that even Liberalism
is such a broad category that it may
contain within Its gates enough lunatics with which to confront the radical right and this hlsownphllosophy
of Moderate Liberalism...Is truly a
"elite." But what did he write? Was
It Jazz? (I* the sky red?) No. He
used tile so-called Jazz Idiom. Rhap- !
aody starts out with a clarinet playing a run and ending In a gllssando
that was typical (?) of Jazz. He
made much use, of so-called Jazz
chord progressions end "blue"
notes. Does that make It Jazz?
Again, not It still lacked the one
thing that Is needed to make jazz
Jazz. There is no room for improvisation and no room for the players
to show their own feelings about the
piece. It is still acomposer'splece.
That is still the thing that separatee
jazz from all other types of music.
I can play a song like "Witchcraft,"
you can play It, Miles, Dizzy, Brubeck, the MJQ, even Al Hlrt (ugh)
can play it. Each time it's a differ- '
ent song played a different way.
THAT'S jazz.
Are you sure you wanna work for
Gershwin, madman that he was, me?
decided that someone ought to do
something about this false attitude
of America. The consequence of
this was "Rhapsody in Blue," "An
American in Paris," and "Porgy
and Bess." Okay, so it was accepted by the money people, the
"special interest" eroup. the
Let's talk about Gershwin and
Jazz. Are the two synonymous? Let's
have a show of hands.,.Sorry, J.C.*
but you are wrong. Gershwin aid
'much to help jazz in a sociological
way but he did nothing for it musically. If anything, he may have
h i n d e r e d Its d e v e l o p m e n t .
("Wha??," said the voice).
Let me explain. Before Gershwin,
many of America's social elite, the
"high society" crowd, felt that jazz
was the music of the "underlings,"
it could never be heard on the serious (?) concert stage. It was the
type of music one listened to when
one went "slumming." "One never
-goes to a jazz concert, my dear, I
mean, it's just NOT DONE! Proper
America must remain proper. One
Never shows one's emotions in public and that's just what jazz does,
you know."
Summer Arena Theatre
To Produce 3 Plays
Dr. A.J. Burke Appointed
Ed Administration Professor
Dr. Arvld J. Burke, Director of
Research Studies at New York
Teachers Association, has been appointed professor of educational administration at the University.
Dr. Burke has taught part-time at
the University while working for
NYSTA since 1960. He has been a
leading figure in New York State
education for the past three decades.
He was Director of Research Studies since 1936 and is ranked among
the leading authorities in the country in educational finance.
Consulting Assignments
He has acted as an advisor to the
State Education Department, New
State Comptrollers Commission on
Educational Finances and New York
Dr. Jarka Burlan, producer-director of the University's Albany
Summer Arena Theatre, has announced that he, Dr. BrUce Pettlt
and James Leonard will direct three
plays this summer. tkliOQ •.•'•''
The dates of the reproduction for
this fifteenth consecutive season are
July 20-23, July 27-30and August 36. The titles of the plays wilt be
announced soon.
Participation in acting and technical work is available to all interested students and to all residents
of the area.
There are no arbitrary pre-requlsltes of age or experience. Acting
auditions for all three plays will
be held at the University in May.
State Commission on the Constitutional convention.
Recently, Dr. Burke has served
as an advisor to the New York State
Joint Legislative Committee on
School Financing, to the Commission on Per Capital Assistance and
the Commission on State Local Fiscal Relations.
While serving in these capacities,
Dr. Burke was also called in on consulting assignment at Ohio State,
University of Wisconsin, UCLA and
United States Office of Education.
In his new position at the UniverCORRECTION
sity, he will work primarily with
Housing costs for students living
doctoral candidates in educational in a triple room originally designed
administration and continue ' his for double occupancy will be charged
scholarly research and publishing. S735.
Newman Association
Newman Association is sponsoring a Pre-Cana Series discussions
for engaged couples. Invited guests
will Include marriage counselors,
physicians, married couples and
All students are Invited whether
or not both partners are on campus.
political Valhalla."
(2) Rather than rational analysis
and specific criticisms of what Allen
has to say, Mr. Cutty gives us such
statements as"Whatabsurd trash!"
"What ridiculous rubblshl" "Whai
utter Junkl" and devotes several
lines to letting us know how little ho
thinks of the author's personality.
As he does this, Mr, Cutty Indicates
that he has some special insight into
the mind of Steve Allen. Allen, we
are Informed, "thinks he has learneil
enough;" he Is a "self-Important
man," whose years of political activity have been nothing but "ego
' (3) In the third paragraph of Ills
article, Mr. Cutty complains that
Allen Is "constantly shooting his
.nouth off" on TV. Aside from the
buu taste and worst diction which it
shares with the rest of the review,
this paragraph is patently Irrelevant,
The above examples ought to give
the flavor of Mr. Cutty's discourse
to anyone who missed the original.
It seems superfluous to add that it
Mr. Cutty cannot express hlmselfin
tasteful; relevant, and intelligible
English, he should leave book reviewing to someone who can.
Thomas Llckona
President Gould gave his endorsement to faculty fellowships saying,
that ''there can be no doubt that
further development of our faculty
research activities is an Important
factor in achieving academic excellence.
"The grant and fellowship programs are a valuable component of
the University's research-support
processes, The evaluation of this
Committee will provide further opportunity for extensive and meaningful faculty participation In State
University's development."
ooks are stand-
ing counselors* always
Senior Edl*or
Athletes Competing
They attribute the presence of the
German athletes to the fact that the
Germans, after all, were the winning nation that year and so would
have more athletes competing In the
final events.
These scholars also Insist that
other athletes are shown in their
moments of glory, such as the
British rowing teams and the American divers.
Relfenstahl employed many elaborate devices to make the films,
such as electric underwater boats
and slow motion techniques. Someone has said that there were more
cameramen than athletes at the
Used Clothing Sale to Provide
Camp for South End Children
Albany Student Press
Sports Editor
gold medals, and not even Relfenstahl's direction can overshadow
this tremendous feat.
however, Kracauer's
opinion has come under criticism
by scholars who feel that the glory
of the athlete is all Relfenstahl attempted to capturing.
TwraeWy, Aarll
at hand. They are
ready to repeat their
lesson as often as
we please*
DEANSGATE is the greatest natural shoulder in
America. And much more, too. In every line, every
fabric, every pattern, every color - it expresses
the taste of today. Available in suits and sport
jackets at the better shops,
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Ext. 129
Albany, 1S.Y.
»:.4tn.ttf. :'im'
Ptrforming at Saratoga Spa
Free Pre**.
When the National Shakespeare Company arrives on May 10 for Its
three week festival at the Saratoga Spa Theatre, It will be coming in from
a thirty-two week string of performances that has carried the troupe from
coast to coast playing to over a quarter of a million people.
The New York based troupe, In three brief years of existence, has already become the most widely traveled professional Shakespearean troupe
In the country.
• A Free
Organized in 1962, with a four-week itinerary mainly concentrated in
the New York metropolitan area, the National Shakespeare Company
logged more than 20,000 miles In an extensive thirty-two week trek
throughout the East and Midwest.
APRIL 22, 1966
140,000 Can't Be Wrong
More' than 140,000 people witnessed productions of "Macbeth," "Taming of the Shrew," and "Shakespeare's.World," performed in such major
cities as Boston, Buffalo, Washington, D.C., Chicago, New York, and
Roanoke, along with engagements In smaller localities.
The itinerary of the current company has expanded to a coast-tc-coast,
thirty-six-week Junket with appearances In more than thirty states — from
Massachusetts to California, Texas to Minnesota, with first-time engagements schedule in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Wichita, Amarlllo, New
Orleans, Charlottesville, and others.
Self-Contained Unit
Founded by producer-director Philip Melster, and actress Elaine Sulka,
In order to "bring quality productions of culturally significant dramatic
literature to the nation at large," the National Shakespeare Company
travels as a self-contained unit with the most advanced modern technical
Productions are fully costumed, and performed against settings with a
lull complement of light, sound and musical effects.
"Our motto Is 'Have Company, Will Travel'," declared Mr. Melster.
"All we need is a place to set up. We perform anywhere, under any circumstances. We've acted on basketball courts, In huge auditoriums, community center stages and other areas which appeared hardly larger than
the size of a postage stamp. Transporting all scenery and technical equipment necessary for full-scale productions enables us to be completely
self-sufficient. Each sponsor need only provide the playing space and
electrical power."
QUINTET IN CONCERT: The New York Brass Quintet performs in
Pag* Hall Friday night. Their concert was sponsored by Music
April 19
World Affairs Council. General Maxwell D. Taylor.
Chancellor's Hall. 8:15 p.m.
April 19
Folk Sing for young adults. Painting by David R.
Andres. Harmanus Bleecker Library.
April 20
Film program for children. John V. L. Pruyn Library. 4:00 p.m.
April 21
American Association of University Women. Lecturer from New York State Department of Mental
Hygiene. College of St. Rose. 8:00 p.m.
Recognized Authority
Professor Wrenn is Rawllnson and
Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon
Acclaimed by Educators
Appearing primarily before college and high school audiences, but In no in the University of Oxford and Is a April 22
sense restricted to such audiences, the National Shakespeare Company widely recognized authority on
has been enthusiastically acclaimed for quality productions by educators medieval literature and culture.
and professional critics throughout the nation.
April 22
Published Studies
- "We have had few misgivings about how a major professional ShakesHe has published numerous studpearean touring company would be received, but response exceeded our ies on Old English and on the Engwidest expectations," states Miss Sulka. "Especially rewarding Is the lish language, Including an edition April 24
excitement displayed by audiences who've never seen live performances of "Beowulf1 and "The English
of Shakespeare by professional actors."
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, one of Spain's foremost
playwrights and novelists, has been appointed Distinguished Professor of Spanish Literature at the University. Ballester is currently professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the Institute Femenino de
Ensenanza Media, Pontevedra, and professor of Contemporary Spanish Language at the Institute de Culture Hispanica.
He lias authored several
texts, four plays, five novels, two collections of essays, and numerous articles. He has also been a
theatre critic for a leadThe University will be host to
ing Spanish newspaper and Raja Rao, author of the novels,
and "The Serpent
a popular Madrid radio staand the Rope," May 1-14. Rao Is
considered as one of the leading
Oxford Professor
To Discuss Chaucer mr ftliF&dt,
C. L. Wrenn will speak at the
University on "Chaucer as a Poet."
The talk, which Is being sponsored
Jointly by the English Department
and the Department of Romance
Languages and Literature, has been
scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27 in Draper 349.
Senior Pictures for the 1967 'Torch' will be token
P.G.P. Artists at the Albany Institute of History
and Art. William Keaney, pianist. 3:00 p.m. Charge.
April 24
Music Committee program at the Schenectady Museum Koung People's Concert. Free.
April 24
Albany League of Arts bus trip to Lincoln Center
including tour of the center and performance by
New York City Ballet directed by George Balanchine. Leaves at 10:00 a.m. Reservations limited.
Telephone 463-4478, Ext. 6.
Incompatible Marriage
Remains Popular Theme
the week of April 25.
by Dr. M. E. Grenander
Sign-up sheets will be available in the
Wilfrid Sheed. Square's Progress. Hew York: Farrar, Slruus & Giroux. 1965.
"Square's Progress Is yet another approach to a theme that was
dealt with by T. S. Eliot In "The Cocktail Party" and by Saul Bellow in
"Herzog": the problem of marriage between two fundamentally incompatible people. Yet "Square's Progress' deals with the issue in a more
satisfying way than "Herzog," primarily because the narrator (like
Eliot) keeps his attention focused on the basic problem, the incompatibility,
and the reasons for It; whereas Bellow gives us only a loaded and onesided picture of the same situation,
The "Square" In this novel Is the husband, Fred Cope, a big, kindly,
bumbling Junior executive addicted to his television set, newspapers, and
neighborhood parties In Bloodbury, the fashionable New Jersey suburb
where he lives with his wife, Alison. She has an inchoate desire to get more
out of life than a round of polite parties, yet she Is neither talented nor
profound. Her Inability to penetrate the impassive wall Fred has erected
against her (to him) boring attempts at conversation has turned her into a
nagging shrew. In other words, the two "don't communicate."
This lack of communication causes a one-year separation. Before
going to sleep after a party which has left Fred tiddly and drowsy, Alison
Informs lilin that she Is going to leave tor a few days to think things over.
She tells him where she Is going, Fred grunts assent, and when he wakes
up the next morning she Is gone. But he cannot remember their conversation of the night before and does not know how to find her. Each goes
his own way for a year of self-exploration, Fred Impulsively throws up
his Job and drifts off to Spain for a stay among a repulsive set of expatriate marijuana-smoking beatniks, a group he conscientiously cultivates in an effort to become more hip. Alison, meanwhile, returns to her
home town, Stapleton, Pennsylvania, where people are "real," But she
views them now with the Jaundiced eye of greater experience, More Importantly, both Fred and Alison face up to certain deficiencies In themselves, Eventually, each returns to Bloodbury; and eventually, they meet.
But they are able now to, act toward each other with more honesty. This
honesty almost leads them Into a divorce; ultimately, however, tliey
blunder Into a bittersweet reconciliation very similar to the one between
the Chamberlaynes at the end of "The Cocktail Party."
Sheed's style Is brilliant, The title, of course, echoes "Pilgrim's
Progress" and "The. Rake's Progress," The nineteenth century is not
left out, either; the first page Or two Is a magnificent evocation of the
brilliant opening paragraphs of «Bleak House." Lest we miss the point,
it is underlined; "Mud along the Thames, mud in the Chancery
Mud In the Jersey flats."
This Is an acute novel. Neither of the major characters is without
flaw. Yet the narrator has the compassion for both which can result only
from sympathy and, more Importantly, understanding,
Peristyles this week from 9:00 am to 2:40 pm.
All members off the Class of 1967 wishing to have
their Senior Photos taken must sign up this week.
This will be the only opportunity for first-quarter
student teachers to have their portraits taken.
University To Host
Noted Indian Author
International Center Ball at the Schine-Ten Eyck
Hotel. 9:00-1:00.
piano Recital by Stanley Hummel. Albany Institute
of History and Art. 8:30 p.m.
Spanish Playwright
Appointed to Faculty
VOL. LlfNO. 17
Notional Priro
Ballester's first recognition came
In 1930 when he was awarded the
National Prize for Literature. More
V I E T N A M T A L K : General Maxwell Taylor, former ambassador to South Vietnam, discusses United
recently he was awarded the March
Foundation Prize for Creative
States policy in that country. His speech was sponsored by the World Affairs Council.
Writers for the best novel published
between the years 1955-1959. Further fame has been accorded to him
fir his text "Panorama of Contemporary Spanish Literature" first
published in 1948 and now In Its third
edition. The text has often been
called one of the outstanding works
in Its field.
Dr. Janet Wlnecoff, a professor
pects of national defense as nuclear clal companies, and Is on the Board
of Trustees of'sarah Lawrence and of Spanish at Queens College, who
The University will hold Its sec- p o w e r e d night and the formation of
Webster College.
did his dissertation on Professor
ond annual Honors Convocation to t n e DEW Line,
recognize s u p e r i o r academic
The chairman of the University Tor rente's works says that "he
achievement among undergraduates
Committee In Awards, Dr. Arthur have entered his most
Recognition by President
Sunday, April 2'4. Along with' PresIn recognition of his work, Dr. Collins, will announce awards of creative period..." "He may well
ident Collins will be the featured Zacharlas In 1948 received the Unlverslty-wlde Importance. Nancy be the choice of history as this
speaker, Dr. Jerrold R. Zacharlas, president's Certificate of Merit and Deerlng, President of Slgnum Lau- generations' novelist with the most
professor of physics at Massachu- In 1955 the Department of Defense dis, will recognize the ten top fresh- universal relevance, the one whose
setts Institute of Technology.
significance extends farthest beCertificate of Appreciation. By men and sophomores.
yond the Spain of today."
forming the Physical Science Study
Dr. Zacharlas received Ills B.A. Committee, Dr. Zacharlas In 195C
degree in 1020, his M.A. In 1927, gained recognition In national educaInvitations have been sent to the
Praisod by Critics
and his Ph.D. from Columbia Uni- tion.
members of all honorarles, freshDr. Wlnecoff notes that he has
versity In 1932.
praised by critics for
This committee instituted a new
program for teaching physics In perclassmen with 3.0 cumulative "ills intellectuallsm, a tendency to
averages. Reserved seats have been satirical or philosophical writings
After Joining the staff at M.I.T. secondary schools. In Its first year
In 1940, Dr. Zacharlas worked on It was used by only eight schools, Issued for those Invited. The cere- and to the literature of Ideas popumoney Is open to the public.
lar in France, but never In Spain.
the Los Alamos project which pro- but now It Is used by 5,000.
Dr. Zacharlas is also a member
ducted the first atomic bomb. In
later years he worked on such asscientific affairs, including the
President's Science Advisory Committee, He Is consultant to commer-
Honors Convocation to Recognize
Academic Achievement
Indian authors writing In English.
Rao will be in the Albany area
from the middle of March until the
middle of May in conjunction with a
cooperative program sponsored by
the University, Union, College, Russell Sage, and Skldmore Colleges.
While here, Rao will be available
for formal and Informal talks in
tho afternoons and evenings.
Rao has scheduled a number of
public lectures both here and in
other area colleges during this time.
The first, "Ghandl and India" will
be held at 3:45 Monday afternoon,
May 2, in Draper 349.
The second lecture, "Ghandl and
the World," also on May 2, will be
held at 8:00 p.m. at the College of
Saint Rose. A talk on contemporary Indian philosophy entitled "Ecstasy as a Way of Life" Is scheduled for 1:25 p.m. Friday, May 10,
in Draper 349.
Rao holds degrees in English and
history from the University of Madras, and did research In literature
at the Sorbonne and the University
of Montpeller.
He Is a lifelong student of Hinduism and has specialized In research on the Indian philosophy of
history, c o n t e m p o r a r y Indian
thought, and Ghandl.
Graduate Student Given Fellowship
By Regents to Do Doctoral Work
Nomination Poriod
Extended to Monday
The nomination period for Central
Council and Living Affairs Commission has boon extended to Monday,
April 25, Forms will be available at
the Student Association Desk In Bruhncher Hall, the University Housing
Office In Stuyvesant 201, unci the
Student Affairs Office In Draper 110,
Membership to Living Affairs
Commission will be on the basis
1:200 ratio. There will be six ropresentatlves from commuters, six
representatives from the Dutch
Quadrangle, five representatives
from the Alumni Quadrangle, and
six representatives from the Colonial Quadrangle,
Dr. Jerrold R. Zacharlas
Thomas Llckona, who was recently accepted Into the doctoral
program at State, was awarded a
Regents Fellowship for Doctoral
Study in Arts, Science, and Engineering.
The award was based on past
academic record, recommendation
from professors, and scores on Hie
Graduate Record Aptitude and
Examinations, The
amount of Hie award depends upon
taxable Income; Hie maximum grant
is $2500.
This is a one-year grant restrucled to use in a program leading
to a doctoral degree in engineering
liberal arts.
The elections for Central Council
and Living Affairs Commission will
Educational Background
be hold In Hie Commons April 27
Llckowa graduated from Siena
through April 29 from 10:00 a.m. to
College In 1904, recelvl. ; his B.A,
2i00 p.m., during tho dinner hour In
magna cum laude wllh a major In
Waldon, Hie Dutch Quad, and the
English. He received his M.A. In
Colonial Quad dining room all three
English from Ohio University In
nights, In Itrubacher Hall on ThursDeadline for applications by male 1905, at which time he served as
day night, and In Pierce anil Saylos students to take the Selective Serv- a graduate assistant teaching freshon Wednesday night.
ice Qualification Exam, used In men composition,
part to determine college deferHe was-enrolled In the graduate
Inauguration of the new members mants, Is tomorrow, Any student program In Psychology at the Uniwill be Sunday, May 1, at 2s00 p.m. who wishes to apply should see the versify In September 1905 and has
In Brubaoher Lower Lounge.
local draft board,
since served .»s graduate assistant
Deferral Exam
to Dr. Henry Mlnton, and will now
probably finish Ills Ph.D. in Psychology here, specializing in personnlily. Ills ultimate goals Include
teaching college and doing resoarch.
Awards and Honors
Among the awards and honors he
has received aro a four-year N.Y.S.
Regents Scholarship; election to
Who's Who Among Students In American Colleges and Universities;
election to Delta Epsllon Sigma
National Scholastic Honor Society;
Excellence In English award (Siena);
National Defense Education Fellowship (declined); Graduate Assistantship in English; Graduate Assistantship In Psychology; Regents Fellowship for Doctoral Study,
'Torch' Distribution
Copies of tho 1966 Torch will
bu avoilablo for distribution in tho
Commons beginning poxt Monday,
April 25. Tho Commons will be
opon Ironi 9 a.m. to 3 P-m. each
day noxt wook, until all copios of
tho yoarbook aro distributed.
Students may socuro copies of
tho book upon presentation of a
Student Tax Card, Students not
possessing a tax card may purchuso o book for sevon dollars.
In addition, a limltod number of
books have been roservod for
faculty membors, who may also
secure a copy for seven dollars,
Thomas Llckona