Nu»« Friday, N o v m U f 6,1964 ALBANY STUOtNT M i t t a Hanfecs Finish Undefeated; Team to Compete at NCAA Meet State Runners To Ra^at Wheqtoit Peds Top LeMoyne, New Paltz; Robinson Defeated for First Time The cross country team will be returning to Wheaton, Illinois to compete in the 7th Annual NCAA Col-: lege' Division National Championship Crosscountry Meefts ? i It >.;J:. by Joe Silverman Finishing their season undefeated, the cross-country team defeated LeMoyne and New Paltz in a triangular meet held Tuesday in Washington Park. The Peds accumulated 26 points to LeMoyne's 35 and New Paltz* s 66. Tom Robinson failed to win for the first time in three, years on the Washington Park Course. . , , , , Jake Johnville, Bob Novack, and He was defeated by Le- Ed Brown finished 17th, 19th, 20th Moyne's Bill Ripple who and 27th, respectively. finished the course in the Robinson Hurt record-breaking time of The race between Robinson and Ripple'was close until about a mile 24:14.4, 30 seconds faster and a half to go when Robinson than the old record set, suffered a stitch in his side. Ripple Five men, Tom Robinso:i, Dennis Tuttle, Bob Flick; John Clark and Ken Darmer.j'iirtn.represent Albany •: •in the meet.' The decision, to send the team was announced Monday afternoon when President Evan Collins approved the AA Board's vote in favor of the trip. The team- will- leave Albany No- | vember 13 and fly to Chicago. When they get there they will be given an opportunity to' review the course. On November 14, they will compete' "ISt TOP RUNNER AND TOP COACH in one scene, « Tom Robinson (edged on by Coach Munsey), prepares to make his move his performance from last year when he finished 2fl.- Munsey comments, "that on any given, day Robinson could be in the top fifteen." The top fifteen finishers are eligible for the University Division pace to be held the following week In Michigan. Keith Munsey Winningeat Coach Team Finishes 14th against more than forty teams on the four mile winding Chicago Golf Club Course. Coach Keith Munsey calls the teams competing In the meet as the country's "cream of the crop." He is optimistic about the team's chances and feels that they have a good chance of finishing In the top ten. Albany's hopes will be with Roblnson who will be trying to better PINE HILLS CLEANERS 340 Western Avenue CLEANING AND EXPERT TAILORING We call and deliver IV 2-3134 Oifft Richman's for a terrific selection of The team finished 14th last year out of a field of 27 teams. Robinson finished first of State's runners followed by Tuttle, who was 55th, John Clark, 75th, and Ken Klrlk and Howard Merriam finishing 125th and 156th, respectively, for a total of 331 points. Kansas State Is heavily favored to win again this year. They will have John Camion returning, who last year finished first at Kansas State accumulating only 44 points. The first five teams will r e ceive gold pins and medals, the second five silver pins and the third five bronze pins. Trophies will also be presented to the first three teams. The Harriers will prepare for Wheaton by practicing on grass; the Washington Park course is run primarily on pavement, and therefore the Peds will now have to condition themselves to the type of course at Wheaton. Paul Russo is practicing with the team to act as a replacement for Darmer if his knees start to bother him. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 275 State Street 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Worship Dr. Ralph H. Elliot, Minister Contemporary Cards Walt's Submarine Open Delioeriess Sun 4p.m.-8p.m. IV 2-2988 Mon.-Thurs 8a.m.-12p.m. Fii. ft Sat. 8a.m.- 1a.m. Sun. 4p.m.-12p.m. THIPIO>LIS /our favorite hits in the famed Ferrante & Teicher style. You chose them. Now watch (hern become the hits of an age. Your age. People's Choice: your choice today, j i f i i j I I H I M I jiM jjtMwti u«'»m CHOIOI 1W The one lo watch: Robinson, Dennis Tuttle and Bob Flick finished 55 seconds behind Ripple to notch the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spots for Albany. John Clark came in 11 seconds after the Ped trio to place fifth. The next Ped runner to cross the finish line was Ken Darmer who finished twelfth. Paul Russo, Patter Club Shoots for Tenth Straight AMIA Title Tomorrow Tomorrow at 2:00 on University Field the AMIA play-off game for the league championship will be played between champion Potter Club and challenger APA. The two clubs were thrown into a tie via APA's forfeit win over Trinity last week. Potter finished the year with a 4-1 record, while APA went undefeated in a 3-0-2 record. NOTICE Potter Club has won the championship for fourteen Student Trainers Needed years, the last nine in a Anyone Interested In becoming row. Potter lost the crown a student trainer for State's athin 1954 to a team of war letlc teams should contact Charles veterans called the Vets. "Spud" Kruzan at Robin Annex, . i>« .. i i A r, .i . i. . iv. T h e 'unction of these student train- The drive and power behind the soccer team's offensive attack Is a 5'4", 128 pound Southern Rhodeslan by the name of Maurice Tsododo. Anyone who has ever seen Maurice dribble u soccer ball or boot borne a score can readily understand why he holds the freshman scoring record with nine goals and has hooted ten goals thus far this year. Arriving In Amorlca last year on a scholarship lie received after competing with over three hundred other students (twenty received scholarships), Maurice has become a fine athlete and a hard working scholar. Ills cumulative average for last year was 2,07, At his high school, Saint Augustine Secondary School, Maurice studied, among other subjects, English, Latin, and Shona, his native language, lie Is majoring In Eng- C a r ry a Torch A Free University f o r Carillon ? A l b a n y ^ ^ e d t Press A L B A N Y 3 . N E W YORK N O V E M B E R 10. 1964 Dormer Cited The big question before the meet was "would Darmer's knees hold out?" He had been troubled most of the reason especially in recent weeks. He went into the meet after having been out of practice for the last eight days, but came through to clinch the Harriers tenth consecutive dual meet victory of the season. springs. He hastens to add, "but certainly not cross-country I" Last year, Maurice, a resident of Waterbury Hall, was a member of Dorm Council, and this year he Is vice president of the Council. Used strictly as a center forward as a freshman, Maurice has alternated this season between that position and the other forward slots. He was held to two goals for the first half of the season, but Maurice has booted home eight tallies In the last four games, Including four against Utlca and three against New Paltz, Maurice considers the New Paltz game his biggest thrill in soccer, not because he scored all the team's goals, but because the team scored a "good upset," Maurice Is a colorful and exciting player and is a fine team player and competitive athlete, 'State Is fortunate In having such a flue man whu reflects honor on the university, both scholasllcally and athletically. VOL. L. NO. 3 2 Booster Soles, Auctions Begin Campus Chest " C a r r y a Torch" for Campus Chest is the appeal being heard throughout the campus as the annual Campus Chest drive began yesterday. Among the daily activities of the drive are the sale of booster pins, Chinese auctions, and voting for Miss Campus Chest. The boosters are on sale Tlie candidates are Stephanie De from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Simone from Chi Sigma Theta, Rothe peristyles at twenty- selle Warsliaw of Camilla Kappa five cents apiece. They a re Plii, Lisa Gold of Kappa Delta, Leda also being sold in the dor- Siiuuue of Psi Gamma, Helen Messerole of Sigma Alpha, and Marcia mitories from 8-10 p.m. Dan in from Sigma Phi Sigma. 11 Robinson had faced Ripple earlier In the season at the LeMoye Invitational. In that meet Ripple was running on his home course and defeated Robinson by 14 seconds. Maurice Tsododo: Outstanding Soph Athlete-Scholar lish here at Albany, and will return home some day to teach the subject. Maurice enjoys all aspects of English literature, especially the metaphysical poems. He Is extremely fond of John Donne's works. Soccer Is the major sport In Southern Rhodesia and Maurice has been playing the game for over eight years. Ha also participated in school track, running the short Do e s Senate then pulled ahead to stay. It seemed doubtful that Robinson would be able to finish until teammates Flick and Tuttle caught up and gave him the encouragement to continue. The Peds finished the season with a 10-0 record. This was the second consecutive season they have been undefeated. As a result of the team's outstanding record the Athletic Board has voted to send the team traveling to Wheaton, Illinois to compete in -* week -?™r!3 «2rT*««S? i " « e r s w o u l d •* t 0 a s s l s t M r - Kruzan the NCAA College Division Cross second of the league, 14-16, Country championships Nov. 14. and continued on to «,„.„ defeat Kappa In his training duties. Beta and Trinity. It tied Waterbury and SLS. Potter is led by flashy quarterback Wayne Smith, and ends Ray Weeks and Denny Phillips. The combination of Smith to Weeks and Phillips provided Potter with the most overwhelming majority of the team's scores and extra points. Blocking backs Dave Sully and Dick Moore were Invaluable In catching screen passes and picking off blitzers before they could reach the quarterback. APA's offense is led by quarterbuck Den Prokup and ends Mike Goldstein and Steve Zahurak. APA uses a balanced attack with Zahurak and Goldstein forming the aerial threat and backs Rick Genero and John Hatallng the ground game. APA's defense is tight and rugged and should give Potter's passing game a good battle. The secondary is led by John Buckholder and Bob Baret. The game should be a hard fought and well-balanced, pitting Potter's powerful offense against APA's ten- A FAMILIAR SIGHT this past season, as State harrier has field to himself. acious defense. by Roy McCloat HRRANTE • TEICHIR YOU PICKED A WINNER A Free ' J ^ |IjMWWl(W< Iff Wfl^lMIM II •ni'i ' • • 73 fSffM i" *^V¥t^uuul | ' \-t 1 • k 4!*; MISS CAMPUS CHEST candidates from left: Stephanie De Simone, Chi Sigma Theta; Rosell show. Gamma Kappa Phi; Lisa Gold, Kappa Delta; Leda Simone, Psi Gamma; Helen Meserole, Sigma Alpha; and Marcia Damn, Sigma Phi Sigma. Students, Faculty to Participate In Government Reorganization Workshop presently un underPlans way are for apresently Government Reorganization Workshop which is to be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on November 21 in Brubacher Hall. Approximately fifty to sixty students will participate In the workshop and about twenty-five faculty members are expected to attend. The students will be representatives of virtually all of the organization on the campus. Noti is concerning participation in the program for organizations will be placed in Student Mall by today, addressed to the groups' presidents. Faculty will receive let- 7 ters at theirVhomes. Panel D i s c u s s i o n ' The workshop will consist of a panel discussion and a review of the government revision work that has been done to date. This will be to acquaint all of the participants with the breadth of the matter under consideration. Then the students and faculty will be divided Into small discussion groups according to general classifications such as communications, services, religious groups, dormitories, and sororities and fraternities. After a luncheon, everyone will reconvene for a general discussion and reports from the various discussion groups. Q u a r t e t Concert Tickets Available Until Tomorrow Tickets will be available today and tomorrow only for the Budapest String Quartet concert on Thursday, November 17. They may be obtained In the Peristyles for $1.00 or Student Tax. The Quartet, internationally famous for its Interpretations, will appear In Page Hall playing a program of Myden, Debussy, and Beethoven, appearing under the auspices of Music Council, the quartet consists of Joseph Rolsman and Alexander Schneider, violinists; Boris Kroyt, viullst; and Mlscha Schneider, 'cellist. Although the Quartet Is worldrenowned for all the literature It plays, It Is particularly known for its readings of chamber music of the Romantic period, especially Beethoven, Indeed, Us interpretations of this literature have made critics and audiences all over the world acclaim 11 as being the unchallenged matters In this subtle and lieautlful realm. The Budapest, now Quartet in Residence at Hie State University of New York at Buffalo, has been playing In this country for the last thirty years. In addition to their concert series at Buffalo, the mem- bers of the Quartet have teaching positions at the University also. Tile Quartet's experience is just as long as it is varied. For twentythree years, it gave regular concerts at the Library of Congress. In 1904, it Inaugurated the now famous Metropolitan Museum of Art series, and it lias enjoyed great popularity In Its Kaufmann Concert Mall programs for the last twentyfive years. * Previous government reorganization work and conferences have dealt with abstract principles and basic forms of structure. Structure to be Discussed This workshop will deal witli specifics. Actual structure, function, and make-up of councils will be considered. Also considered will be further structural implications of tiie evolved thinking about government purposes. This will be accomplished through a consideration of how all presently existing student organizations will fit Into the new pattern that is developing. It is hoped that the session will give all organizations an opportunity to catch up with the growth of student government philosophy as ii aiiects groups' functioning and lo discuss specific needs for representation within a new student government structure. Members of the steering committee that has been considering government reorganization have expressed the need for an all-campus dialogue for communication, cooperation and mutual advisement In a workshop such as this as well as within the government. Tlie workshop will also attempt to explore the ways that government can be brought to a meaningful level for all campus organizations so that they may function for the benefit ol all students in Die University. Prof Offers European Flights Students and faculty at all State. Both flights will be on Saturn University units are now being of- Airways DC-7 planes. The flights fared low-cost charter flights to will lie non-stop and will include Europe fur the slimmer. meals. Professor S. Jay Walker of the Tlie Charter Program Is offerState University College at Gen- ing for the first time tills year a eseo Is sponsoring fur the second six-week guided tour of Europe, year the Faculty-Student Charter The tour will include England, HolFlight Program. The program is land, Germany, Austria, Italy, and open only to State University mem- Switzerland, at an all-inclusive tors and their families, price of $800. Two flights will he operated In Applications and further Informal'.lGO at a projected cost of $206.42 for the round-trip fare, The ilrst tion regarding the flights Is availwill leave New York for London on able from Prof. S. Jay Walker, June 0 and return from Paris to Faculty-Student Flights, Post Office New York on September 3. The Box 231, Geneseo, New York, 14404, second flight will leave on June 30 All applications will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis, and return on September 2, The pins are in tlie shape of a torch, and are in class colors. Sliaryu Teres and Ken Darmer have charge of tlie sales. Tlie Chinese auctions occur daily in tiie caleteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and in the Student Union from 9-10 p.m. Last year tlie auctions proved to he tlie most successful fund-raising event. Weekend Events The drive will conclude this weekend with two special events. A dance will lie held Saturday, November 14, lu Brubacher, featuring the music of "Tlie Invaders." Halfhour late permissions will iw sold for thirty cents apiece at all women's residence halls. Variety of (terns On Sunday, November 10, the secUnder the direction of Jack Kenny ond annual Campus Chest College and Ann Bourdon, local merchants Bowl will take place in Brubacher and students have volunteered goods Lower Lounge. Run last year as a and services to be auctioned off to contest between a fraternity and a lucky bidders. Among the items up, sorority team, this year it will infor bid are gift certificates, bids to* clude a representative from each Winterlude, and "slave duties" Greek organization, as wellasthree ranging from waitressing to escorts. independents selected by Senate. Especially popular are thesalesof The contest will begin at 8 p.m. chances to throw pies at many of the A donation of twenty-five cents will student leaders on campus. he taken at tlie door. A new event this year Is tlie selection of a Miss Campus Chest. Campus Chest lias a goal of $3,000 Six sororities have nominated can- this year. The money will be donated didates, and voting will lake place to tiie Albany Community Chest, all this week In the Peristyles from World University Service, and the 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Votes cost five National Scholarship Service and cents apiece. Fund for Negro Students. Art Lecture to Conclude Renaissance Symposium He has been an instructor and curator ol prints and drawings at Yale. Also, lie was a visiting member for the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton and a professor at Harvard. Ai the present, Eisler Is on the Board of Directors ol tlie College Art Association, Drawings Society of America, and the Committee to Save Cooper Union Museum, and Is editor tor the American edition of Elslor's main interest Is in Ico- "Emlle Male," Art at tlie end of nography; that I s . ^ j e stud> of dis- tlie Middle Ages, Bolllngon Foundatinct modes ol representation of tlie. tion. Eisler belongs to the younger subject matter. He has made many contributions to tlieknowledgeoflate generation of scholars who have done extensive research In art hisMedieval and Renaissance An. He is tlie author of "Flemish tory and analysis. Painting in New England Museums" which is a volume of tlie corpus of early Flemish painting, and two recent books — "Dutch and Flemish Drawings" and "German Drawings," and lias also written a number of magazine articles. Among the magazines lie lias contributed to are the "Burlington Magazine," "College Art Bulletin," "L'Oell," "Art de France," and the "Renaissance News." Since 1908 Eisler has taught art history at Hie Institute of Flue Arts, which Is the graduate center of New York University, Previously, he held the position of Consultant in the Painting Department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, A graduate of Yale anil Harvard, Eisler was a Guggenheim Fellow Colin Eitlet last year, and was Henry Fellow at ...To Speak Friday Magdaelln College, Oxford 111 1902. "Michaelangelo and the North" will be the topic of the lecture to be given by Professor Colin Eisler in Page Hall, Friday at 1:25 p.m. The lecture will be the last given in the Henaissance Symposium s e ries. TiMtatay, November 10,1M4 ALBAHVITUPtNT Smti: Hitt of Jissthra No one likes to have the governmental rug pulled out. from under him or desires to play political patty-cake, but ignoring the current mess .of student government does not alleviate the proglems, concerning which we have several, questions. We wonder if Senate will again be abletoproduce a quorum. Most particularly in these exceedingly trying times of transition, we .feel that the student body should not be deprived" of 'the leadership to which it has grown accustomed. We wonder why such a large number of senators find it. impossible, to fulfill the duties theoretically assumed at inauguration. Perhaps these senators do riot take their responsibilities seriously or simply do not care. But what is most disconcerting is that the individuals taxed to support this governmental anamoly and its related extracurricular activities are devoid of any feeling concerning student government. Perhaps they have concluded that popular student gov-, ernment is only an irrelevant chimera. Perhaps Senate's failure to raise, a quorum twice in three weeks helps strengthen this attitude. May we suggest that if Senate, after deep reflection, finds no occasion for meeting, it dissolve itself immediately and allow those few senators dedicated to constructive service to join other organizations currently accomplishing something. 'Counterpoint' Worthy Of Reading We are appalled at the reception currently being given to "Counterpoint." Rejection of a weekly journal on the basis of poor content and bad editing, is logical, but open hostility to a new publication because it possibly has unpleasant assocations with previous journalistic attempts is nothing less than a travesty of intelligence. "Counterpoint" serves a function which neither the "Albany Student Press" nor "Primer" can fulfill. Because of its relatively quick and inexpensive printing process, it can include longer articles than are possible in a newspaper and features of greater topicality than feasible in a yearly publication. The material in "Counterpoint" has been of consistently high quality. Moreover, its interview technique lends spontaneity and life to perhaps otherwise dull material. If the "Paris Review" succeeded with this technique, it certainly seems possible that "Counterpoint" can, too. However, consistently high standards quickly lose meaning when there are a few interested and intelligent readers to constantly read and appraise. Last year's "suppression" is assuredly a good example. Lately, we've been inundated under a plethora of meaningless verbiage about "transition," but "Counterpoint" is a transitional element to a heightened awareness of ourselves and our culture. Then again, ignorance, apathy and rejection do require less effort. Albany Student Pre$$ ESTABLISHED MAY 1 * 1 6 BY T H E C L A S S O F 1 0 1 8 2 i $&* «**!f**5f *'T? ' * • • • " r m M f c W W M O * •ushah.o' kr th. at* *mt M * . 1 t h . Stat. UMvoraltv * f N » V«k rt AhVrn, Th. ASP « . , ! » Tta^.Jte*"1'" H'"' " •*•" km 7M '• UM ""•vi*'** *" u » h EDITH S. HARDY - KAREN E. KEEFER CcEaHtwa-lifChiat' £t.%^'CH"lr'"R * « • eeitav fl^LIH Lt!t*mm0 Aaaaciot. Ealtor CYNTHIA A. GOODMAN A . . K | . t a ? . . , „ . EditWILLIAM H . COLGAN E l M v r l * . Editor HM0 L - LYNNE Spor„ f j i ^ , DEBORAH I. FRIEDMAN Aaa.clata Editor DOUGLAS G. UPHAM «T.7.i,.phy Bali!2 <-° JOHN M. HUNTER Advartlalng Manager & IANE M E R R I C K CARREN A. 0RSINI iralnvsa Mwiagor Circulation Exchanga Editor i " t > I J H *•- CONGER T . . h n l c . l Suparviaor SUSAN J . THOMSON p „ b | l c R , | „ | M < Dlr.etor Aaalstont Saarta Editor A(.i.i«.t, EditH 0 . . . Editor Rasarl.ra R.v u - r i - . , :zzz :z w^X „ .;, .EllwZana ,, Laura Avln, Frod H . I . o n , M l k . Faranall, Linda HondaUmon, Shorry Cutlor, Danlta Clark, Mauraan McParmott, A l i o Nudalman, Mlckl McGauahoy, Pamola Filail COIIMMIOM M.^ . Photofrophon „ C"»~»'« Paul J . n l . n , R.borl Judd, K.thy trophy, David C h i l d , , '- *—>' l e t , ° « y U . a a k , Milton W i l l i * , , Donnl, Church, Jocaph Mahay. Stov.n Kllng, Rokort McOdara -••« William Slnnhold A l l car.monla.llMi> M l | a . o d d n o i . d to tho Editor and rautt b alanaa. N a m * w i l l » . w l r h h . d on r a a u . i l . T h . Albany Student P r . M aaaumaa no roaponfl. U l ' t y tor w i n l . n i . a a r . a a . d In I I I column, or communicallanc, a t tuch . a . . r a a a l a n a da n . l i » c . a a « r l l y r . l l . c t l i t v l . w . . At,»AHY STUMNT M I S S Dr. Fau&tm in Cathedral WFLY Congratulate* WSUA Begins Theatre Season On Election Covtragt State University Theatre began its season last evening with the first performance of Christopher Marlowe's " D r . Faustus." The play, marking the 400th anniversary of Marlowe's birth, is the last event In the current series of the Renaissance Symposium. The Cathedral of All Saints, located at South Swan and Elk Streets In Downtown Albany, provides the setting for the classic play. Six performances of " F a u s t u s " including last night's will be given through November. 14. Tickets for any of the performances can be obtained from the State University Box Office, Richardson 279, or at the Cathedral on the evenings of performances. The cost of the tickes is $1.50 or Student Tax. Dr. Jarka Burlan of the Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts is directing the play. Assisting him are members of Dramatics Council 'The next item up for auction w i l l be 52 Goldwarer-Miller bumpor stickers! Archeologist Discovers Lost Cave by David Chllds The first time I Introduced myself in the place, a sketching student leered up at me and said, "So you're learning about u s . " The place Is the Cave and is a case for study if not a study of cases. The. Cave is not a low roofed, corpse yellow, creaky floored, insanely furnished, twenty by thirty foot room. It is a spirit, an institution such as freedom or civil rights. If Martin Luther King, J r . can win a Nobel Prize for living by his institution, there is reason to believe a cave dweller may equally be lauded someday, for many of the latter have devoted as much time to their cause as has King, But this is getting a bit sentimental about the smokey dive which hides behind the respectable Greek and commuter cafeteria of Husted. Hall. In fact, It is a poor definition of the room because it is not a universal answer. The beauty of the place is that its visitors are not all devoted to the Ideals it inspires. Herein lies- the reason why the Cave stays open. For if it were not for the occasional presence of the decent working class from Richardson and those untried or clean nosed students who slum in the Cave, the joint would be condemned as a breeder of disease. In a courtroom defense, the disciples of Cavedom would probably plead to dumb ears and insensitive psyches when explaining the diseases which they feel are good. and suspicion as I did). These two avante garde sheets are true politics In the Cave. It seems that the editors . of each were once frlneds but now have split, and wage - circulation and popularity wars by means of their Informative efforts. If one wishes to contribute to either, one carries the copy into the CaVe where he will be attacked by partisans of both groups. The essay may be torn up by one party to prevent its adding to the other's volume. To add to the fire, the editors, of ASP sally forth to seduce writers from both rags to their legitimate paper. If writing is not discussed, art may rise from the blue clouds, of smoke. There are artists in residence who sketch unharmed except when they might be obscuring a Goldwater poster with black eyes and messages like, "He'd rather fight than switch twice a day." Also, music is a worthy conversation piece. Folk singers are topical, but mention of a name might provide an Introduction to a bevy of quail to sing an entire Jingle. The Cave's folk group with the highest rating now is one called, "Maura, Jeff, and Jami." In comparing the Cave with the adjacent room, one sees more clearly the disparity. Tho Greek room is full of happy people filling the air with stock language, greetings, emotions. Color and style in clothes are far wider here and their Jewely consists mainly in fraternity pins. Girls, here, are more attractive, men larger and all unleash bright teeth and wide smiles profusely. They are botli more self conscious and time conscious. Whereas in the Cave wrist watches are a sign of Imbecility and the bells are not heard, Greeks linger on the clocks and start like race horses at the bell. In the Cave, political material is cast away like so many snakes while the outsiders actually read and contemplate upon the mass material. A brief diagnosis of the diseases would call them play acting In defense of self-boredom,argumentation in an exercise of debate, gossip in search of character understanding, laughter for exercise, conversation for art's sake, hornless relaxation to stem the tide of abysmal mechanization, and the Indulgence of various pleasures (coffee, cigarettes) as stimulants Social mobility in the cafeteria is like New York for both Inspiration and the national economy. Some City traffic - impossible. One Is either In or lonely. dilettantes refer to the Cave as an opla to good work A fraternity jacket can get you a seat or take one or as the land of rationalization. I would correct those away from you. Conversations revolve around groups critics (they've probably been found ill equipped for and the future. People traipse about making plans for Its worship) by comparing it to Moray's of Yale or week-ends and promising to meet other people. Cave any of the coffee houses of Bohemia, U.S.A. people Just about care what happens tomorrow. Apathy, Having mentioned those that are forbidden and those maybe but not. Not only Is the atmosphere cold but so that venture timorously, reference should be made of is tile cafeteria air which is caused by good ventilaCave disciples. The room has eight round poker tion. tables, seven rectangular tables, and about forty Who's to say which room is more adult? However, chairs. Under pressed periods four of the tables are used as seats and chairs from the commuter room Cave people appear to have more Intellectual depth, and^do consist of most of the creative spirit on camoften drift in by twos or threes. The seating areas may look haphazard and disarranged during the lull pus. Also, it appears that Cave people do try and act of late afternoon but mornings reveal a definite themselves for all of their oddness and are not playpattern. Tradition has created an autocracy of various ing roles but take their lot for'what It is. states wherein each table Is a duchy of one Influential organization (clique, mob). Thus, "Suppression," "Counterpoint," the thespians, WSUA, and folk singers have tables around which they nest each day. and students from all levels of the university. The central character of the play, Faustus, is played by Howard Miller. Mephlstophills, the antagonist, is played by Danny Labeille. Many of the parts are played as dual roles, adopting a popular Renaissance troupe idea, that allactors should contribute a good share to the production. Honoraries Hold Lecture, Inductions Three of State's honoraries will hold meetings this week, two including lectures and two holding their fall induction ceremonies. Sigma .Pi Sigma, the national physics honorary, will meet tonight in the Faculty Dining Room in Husted. Following their fall induction ceremony, about 8:30 p.m. the members will open the meeting to all interested persons. Dr. C. L. Andrews, chairman of the Physics Department, will speak on the future plans of the Physics Department. Those students who are particularly interested In graduate study in physics are encouraged to attend. Pi Omega Pi, national honorary in business education, will hold its fall induction ceremony tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. In Brubadher. Kappa Delta Epsilon, education honorary for women, will meet Thursday. November 12, at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher Prviate Dining Room. Mr. Gerinond. principal of Lisha Kill High School, will speak Group, s to Submit Sing Selections Sharyn Teves and Robert O'Pray, co-chairmen of the 1964 Holiday Sing, have announced that all groups expecting to participate in the Sing must submit their selections no later than Friday, November 13. The annual Holiday Singv sponsored by the University Center Association, will take place on December 13. All groups should prepare two selections. Approval of the selection will be given by the co-chairmen. In case' of a duplication of selections, the first request submitted will be approved. The UCA provides a trophy for the winning group which is kept by that group for one year. Psi Gamma presently holds the trophy. Graduate Record Examinations, Sayles Hall and Gamma Kappa Phi required by many graduate schools placed second and third respec- before entrance, will be given Notively in last year's competition. vember 21, 190-1 at Siena and Union Colleges, and at IIPI. Registration for these exams closes this week. It is important for all Seniors planning on continuing with their education in graduate school next year to know whether the graduate school of their choice Dr. C. Grey Austin, a repre- requires Graduate Record Exam sentative from the State Education scores. Department, will be on campus toThe Examination is sponsored morrow afternoon from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in Draper 105. Dr. Austin will by the Educational Testing Service interview prospective candidates for and will be given several times the Regents Doctoral Fellowships. throughout the academic year, January 10, loor, is ttie scheduled Any questions concerning the Fel- date of the second Exam. It will also lowship Program will I e answered be the date of the first exam given at that time. No previous appoint- at SUNY at Albany. Registration ments are ncessary for consultation for the second exam closes on anytime during the afternoon. December 31, 1904. Application forms for Regents felRegistration forms can lie oblowship aid can be picked up from tained from Draper 100. They are Miss Conklln in Draper 105. Closing to be submitted to the Educational date for receipt by the State Edu- Testing Service in Princeton, New cation Department of the application Jersey. is December 1, 1964. In addition to the application, all candidates must take the Graduate Record Aptitude Test. Scores from the Aptitude Test must be requested by the candidate to lie sent to the Regents Examination and Scholarship Center, Area Schools Give Graduate Exams Soon Official to Interview Doctoral Candidates Actually Cavemen are no better than oil drillers for they Inhabit only as long as fresh coffee keeps flowing. From eight until one-thirty the Cave lives but then there is an exodus which precedes the cafeteria's evacuation. The Inhabitants have characteristics of personality and dress which distinguish them. The wench generally sport long hair, black garments (sexy black print stockings, for instanco), gaudy Jewelry, and move with definition caused by preoccupied minds. The lads are rather sloppy, nervous, shifty-eyed, and though sometimes not overly vlrle they appear to think more than the average student. The atmosphere is arty, smoky, chatty and less collegiate than any other college hangout in town. The Cave may have inspired a new non-fiction book written by Abraham Luchlns, "Group Therapy," Luchlns claims that here at State certain students with mental blocks to effective learning meet two hours a week and analyze themselves around a table. Luchlns should send Ids students down to the Cave where group therapy continues every day. A Cave crasher would do well to i« an English major, he emotional as well as loquacious, lie alert to an infinite number of topics from religion and CAVE. ITES GATMF9 f.. ii • u %. L I • politics, and know the material in both "Counterpoint" day UndlhT.j.* , u q . I n 9 , r l n s " " " b r " k d u * <">• «( the less crowded periods of and "Suppression" (and don't call them consumption ' "noetiotemy, a weighty discussion is in progress... A payday in Europs can help WORK IN EUROPE Grand Duchy of Luxembourg — Every registered student can get a job in Europe through the American Student information Service, and the first 5000 applicants receive $260 truvel grants. It is possible to earn $300 u month from u job selection that includes lifi'KimriliiiK',chlld'curc and other resort work, office, sules, sliipboui'il, fit .'in and factory work Job unci i ravel grant applications ami complete details are available in a iJO-pilK'C illustrated booklet which students may obtain by sending $2 (for the booklet um! airmail postage) to Dept. N, ASIS, 22 Ave. dc la Liherte, Luxembourg City, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg1, feel doubly honored- to be aiso- because of a room temperature of elated with WSUA. one -hundred degrees. The ventilaTherefore, from all of those who tion Is superb with Individually conbenefitted from your broadcast, and trolled heaters. me personally, hearty congratulaGentleman! We hare rediscovered the luxury Large words and complicated tions on a Job well done and de- of having one's own closet, dresser phrases a r e not needed when ex- serving of the utmost credit. . and desk. And miracle of miracles, Gilbert O. Roy we even hart the choice of single or pressing the fact that I was most News Director bunk beds. With two or three men Impressed by the manner in which Radio Station, W f t Y to a room, instead of four, life has the staff of WSUA. covered the r e cent election night voting results. Fraternity Entertains Boys become bearable again. The preparation, coordination, We are now able to study — a Two Years pastime and efficiency with which the reports For Patt that was nearly impossible were aired reflected not only on To the Editorsi at the motels. The separate study WSUA, but also on the excellent and I would like to correct a state- rooms provide ideal facilities for dedicated staff of announcers, r e - ment made by Carl Cusato In the raising that all-Important average. porters, behind-the-scene editors November 3 edition of the ASP. Even though tiie lounges are not and engineers. Tiie APA Halloween party for boys complete, important Improvements It was an effort that the State from La Salle School was not the can be seen every day. Morever, ''first time any fraternity had opened it must 1« remembered that RyckUniversity at Albay and the local inan and Van Rensselaer Halls proBroadcast Industry should, Indeed, its house for such activity." Although we have never been given vide the finest accommodations on be justly proud of and makes me front page coverage for our efforts, or off campus — even while still the men of the Edward Eldred Pot- incomplete. The new campus is now livable ter Club have given a Christmas party in our house for the boys of and those of us who were living La Salle for the past two years and in the motels did not have it so • Newman Association are giving one.again this year on. good. And though tills is unheard Fr. Charles Currier, S.J., will December 7. of,: we sincerely' congratulate the talk on Chardln's theory of evoluAlso, previous to the La Salle Administration and Mr. Stone for tion and Christian optimism at the parties, Potler Club entertained the their efforts in planning the exbi-monthly meeting tonight, at 7:30 children from the Albany Home for cellent facilities at (lie new resip.m. in Bru MDR. Boys at both Thanksgiving and dence quadrangle. Walter K. L u k e n s German C l u b Christmas parties. Again these acEdward J . Brovorski The German Club will meet on tivities were given at; the Potter Wednesday, November 11, at B p.m. House. In Brubacher. John Schneider NOTICES I P r i n t Sale President, E E P A sale of original graphic prints, etchings, lithographs, and woodcuts Students Find Paradise In will be held Thursday, November 12, in tiie Commons starting at New Campus Dormitories 2 p.m. The sale is being conducted by the Roten Gallery of Baltimore, T a t h e E d i t o r s : Maryland, under the auspices of We would like to point out, conSUNYA's Art Council. trary to the article in November 0 Works by Picasso', Kollwitz, and "Common-Slater," that Paradise Matisse will be available. Prices has been found on the new campus. will start at $0.00. The sand seems to stay on the AD Plays ground, the sand storms being conTry-outs for the second set of fined largely to the area of conAdvanced Dramatics plays will be struction on the Washington Avenue held Wednesday through Friday, No- side of the campus. The noise of vember 11-13 in Richardson 291. construction is kept at a minimum Auditions will take place at 4:15 and is no worse than the sounds of and 7:30 p.m. traffic on the old campus. The plays under consideration When compared to tiie Country are one-act dramas h\ Shaw and Squire, life here is pure heaven. Chekhov. They will be directed by We can now get up in the morning Pat Fasano and Dick Brown, and knowing that there will be plenty will be produced in Page Hall on of water for washing, and we do December 10. not have to use buckets to flush the Students are needed for both act- toilets! Furthermore, the water ing and technical work. No exper- is crystal clear — nor orange. ience is necessary, and freshmen Nor do we wake up at two a.m. are especially urged to try out. to find tiie sseat running in streams 9e^ N P SHOES Quality Shoes For Women, Men, Children 203 Central Ave and Stuyvesant Plaza Open Evenings NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Due to overcrowded conditions and lack of space, Textbooks for first semester are currently being returned to the publishers. We urge all students to buy their Textbooks for this semester now. If any book is required once our stock is returned, a delivery period of from 10 - 14 days can be expected if the publisher has not run out of copies, Do not wait until the day before finals to buy your books. In some courses where texts have not yet been assigned, these Textbooks will be available for a .few weeks after their first assignment only. We .•cannot hold any Textbooks through the entire semester unless they have definitely been ordered for the succeeding semester. Thank you! STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Hall 135 Western Ave. Ext. 129 Albany, N.Y. iteL T—««Wy. Hvntdm 10,1M4 AL1AHY tTUMHT W i t t Boottrs Defeat C. W. Pest 2-1; Goal by Ospina Clinches Victory by Ray McCloat Playing without the services of leading scorer Maurice Tsododo and goalie Ron Hamilton, Coach Garcia'a injured Peds traveled to Long Island to defeat C. W. Post College 2-1. The winning tally for State was scored in the last minute and forty-five seconds of play when forward Luis Ospina booted home his first goal of the year. Ospina had moved to the forward line at the start of the second half.; for he played fullback for the majority of the season. State completely outplayed Post. The offense took 36 shots as compared to six for the Pioneers, and Ped goalie Anton Salecker had to make only five saves while Post's goalie had 29. Ed Wolner put State one point up on Post when he scored early In the first quarter. The goal came off a fast break with Joe Procopio passing to Jay Moore who in turn, assisted on Wolner's tally. There was no more scoring until midway through the fourth quarter when the Pioneer's Ralph Bauer scored to knot the game at 1-1, With the prospects of an overtime looming large, Ospina scored to break the deadlock, anoTgive the Peds their fourth victory of the year. The hooter's final record stands, at 4-5-1. The Saturday game was the last one for eight Ped seniors. Next year's team will lose forwards Joe Procopio, Ed Wolner; halfbacks Fred Rawe and Tom Flanagan; fullbacks Len Bergen, Luis Ospina, and Photo by SchnUzer Marty Miller; and goalie Ron Hamilton. JOE GARCIA'S BOOTERS who wound up their season last SatThe leading Ped scorer was Maur- urday with a 4-5-1 record. ice Tsododo who garnered 10 goals. Ed Wolner was runner-up with five. PEDS SOCCER SCORES Alba ny Opponent 0 3 0 0 0 11 1 3 1 2 Brooklyn Oneonta Potsdam R.P.I. New Haven Utlca Plattsburgh New Paltz Montclalr C. W. Post BOOKS Special ASP ***** 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 2 5 1 * * * * * A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK Bowl, Dance To Finish Week-Long Campus Chest Drive STORY OF THE GAME - Wayne Smith passing and running Potter to 19-0 win over APA. Potter Cops Tenth Straight Title; Smith Paces 19-0 Win Over APA Led by the passingandrunningof quarterback Wayne Smith, Potter Club rolled over APA 19-0 in the AMIA championship playoff game Saturday on University Field. Smith, who was given tremendous protection all afternoon by his offensive line, completed seven of seventeen passes for a total of 126 yards and ran for 108 m o r e . The Club then marched 88 yards W i t h t h i s v i c t o r y P o t t e r In eight plays for a touchdown (the maintained the AMIA foot- AM'A field is only so yards long). . ,, . . . . . .. With long passes to Dick Moore b a l l C h a m p i o n s h i p W h i c h i t a n d rjenny Phillips, Smith moved h a s h e l d f o r t h e p a s t t e n Potter to the eleven-yard line where years. In the last sixteen Rethrew to Dave Sullytorthe touchi, ™ , • it. years the Club has won the title fifteen tfmeS. APA began the game as though it was going to be their day. On the first play from scrimmage Don Prockup, the Alpha's quarterback, ran for 38 yards to the Potter seventeen-yard line. However, Potter's defense stiffened and the Club eleven-yard took- over thestripe. ball on downs on the 88-Yard Touchdown March A P I held P ^ e ' r w U h ' T s t r o n g down. Smith tossed to Moore for the e x t r a polnt> Braokor-Potter Tallies Again ball had exchanged hands twice, Phillips Intercepted an APA ass and ran P " b a c k t 0 'he Alpha's fourteen-yard line. Smith fired to L on Sneddon for the touchdown. Potter was stifled in its extra point attempt and the score at the half w a s la The'°_Club received the second half klckoff and two plays later' After tne *- ™*"T%^°tt^ S f t " Md. M'oore " ich put" h f„.. „„ .. „,„„,* o„,»,, AD. , b a " ° n Tu , , » H H t00k t , e , ball around left end and we in for e orR The extra "' " f ; stood at was19-0.m l s s e d a n d t h e score f^ A „ The State University at Albany's School of Education is one of four university units in the country which will be studying teacher evaluation methods under .a $266,000 grant from the United States Office of Education. The project, which will run for four years in close cooperation with the New York State Education Department, will include the University of Wisconsin; Sacramento State College, California; Northwestern University, Chicago, and SUNY at Albany. last phase will be devoted The project will field- to he analysis of the data gathered test a new method of teach - and writing of the report. , ^ e r certification. CertifiCoordinating Convention cation would be based on Prior to the general coordination judgments of student teach- meeting on November 18-19, repree r competence in class- sentatives from Albany will attend an Invitational meeting to discuss room performance, rather innovations in teacher education. than on courses, grades, Tlie conference will bring together only those institutions which have and credits. The design "for the 'program Is based on recommendations made by James B. Conant, president emeritus, Harvard University, in his £tudy on teacher education. All participating units will co-; operate with public school and state education department personnel as well as with the other university units. *i The first phase of the program involves the selection,organization, and training of observer judges,and the establishment of observation techniques. The second phase Includes observations of the selected senior teaching candidates, in classroom performance, In clinical pre-service performance, and In academic performance and personal traits. Phase three of the study will follow the certified candidates to Inservice teaching to determine the accuracy of the judgment made. As Campus Chest Week draws to a close, two activities remain. The Campus Chest Dance will be held tomorrow night and the College Bowl will take place on Sunday. initiated and evaluated new programs aimed at improving teacher education. Fourteen schools will be repre- JACK KENNY conducts one of the sales for the Chinese aucsented: Albany by President Evan tions. One item, a pie thrown at Al Bader, brought $34 dollars R. Collins; Dr. Randolph S. Gardner, dean of the school of educa-* from revengeful fellow students. Hon; and Dr. Josiah T. Phlnnw, dean of the college of arts and 1ences. Conant to Speak The four universities chosen for the Conant program will then meet at Madison, Wisconsin on November 18. The principle speakers at this gathering will be Dr. Conant, Dr. T. M. Stlnnet, assistant executive secretary of the National Education Association, and Dr. John Goodlad, director of teacher education at UCLA. Albany will be represented there by Dr. Gardner and Dr. James B. Cochrane, professor of education and project associate. Professor Chen t o Attend College Conference on Labor Dr. Kuan I, Chen, professor of Economics at the State University at Albany will participate in a college conference witli the Hegional Directors of I lie United States Labor Department. College professors ami department chairmen from Upstate New York colleges will meet for this one day conference on Tuesday,Novem- for C h r i s t m a s Gifts m u s t b e o r d e r e d 2-3 w e e k s e a r l y to i n s u r e d e l i v e r y . P l a c e y o u r s p e c i a l o r d e r for BOOKS in the Textbook Department. •tMEMBERS OF ALPHA LAMBDA UPSILON display new sweatshirts with insignia pertaining to landmarks on the new campus; namely a bus and tower with crane. A m o n g the m o s t thoughtful and e n d u r i n g gifts are BOOKS We are at your service STATE LmVERSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Halt 135 Western Ave. I T Ext. 129 Albany, JV. Y. •i. VOL. L NO. 3 3 N O V E M B E R 13, 1 9 6 4 Albany to Participate In National Teacher Study E M ™ thffa>rft"n„bla"lr ,?• gaining the ball It could not sustain an offensive thrust and wa6 forced to punt. Jim Wlngageboomed a beautiful thirty-yard punt which two-yard rolled outline. of bounds on the Potter m a y b e s p e c i a l l y o r d e r e d at a n y t i m e . BOOKS Albany Student Press POTTER END DENNY PHILLIPS grabbing pott from Smith for 20-yd. gain. The Sftafti®ini wnitk tk@ Happy WM^mnc® WSUA Alpha Lambda Upsilon, Albany's newest Greek letter organization according to the sweatshirts that appeared this week, is not really one, The real mean. ing of the name is "Albany's Lost Utopia." The idea of the sweatshirts was conceived a month ago by several Statesmen who were then living at the Country Squire Motel. Jim Maloy and Frank Osborne organized about fifty students who were Interested in doing something unique. The inspiration for the design wus spontaneous for Frank Osborne who" created the design for the sweatshirt. Mr. David Valle, director of Ryckman and Van Rensselaer Halls, aided in the formulation of the final name for the sweatshirts. They were ordered through the bookstore, at the cost of $2.50 each. Richard Hegeman, who helped organize the project, talked of the main reason for creating the unique representation. He said there was' a feeling that the University is prepccupied with tradU tions, but all of those traditions are attached to the old campus, while the new campus is devoid of such ties to the past. The response to tho sweatshirts has been overwhelming and if enough people are Interested, more will be ordered, Today boosters can sttll be purchased and votes may be cast for Miss Campus Chest. The Campus Chest Dance, under the chairmenshlp of Loy Augustine and Jim Constantino, will be held tomorrow from 8-12 p.m. in the Brubacher Dining Room. The Invaders will provide the music and refreshments will be served. The announcement of Miss Campus Chest will highlight the dance. Six of the eight sororities have .chosen their candidates, who are Stephanie De Slmone, Chi Sigma Theta; Roselle Warshaw, .Gamma Kappa Phi; Lisa Gold, Kappa Delta; Leila Slmone, Psi Gamma; Helen Messerole, Sigma Alpha; and Marcia Darvln, Sigma Phi Sigma. There will lie a 50 cent donation as admission to the dance. Halfhour late permissions may be purchased for the dance at the women's residence halls for 30 cents. On Sunday, November 15, from 8 to 10 p.m., students will compete In the Campus Chest College Bowl In Brubacher Lower Lounge. The contestants are from the sororities: Dottle Guiffre, Beta Zeta; Ginger Dupell, Gamma Kappa Phi; Carolyn Schmoll, Kappa Delta; Barb Townsend, Phi Delta; Pat Plotter, Psi Gamma; Marilyn Anderson, Sigma Alpha; and Fran Greenfield, Sigma Phi Sigma. ber 17 in the Old Chapel of Union College. The program isdesignedtocreate a better understanding of the U. S. Labor Department's programs and services. The regional directors will place special emphasis on current activities in Labor Statistics, Labor StanFrom the fraternities: Joe Camdards, Employment Security, Labor-Management Relations, Man- bridge, Alpha PI Alpha; Chuck Mopower Development and Training. den, Potter Club; John Deans, Kappa The discussion will include in depth Beta; Alex Delflnl, Sigma Lambda explanations, questions, sugges- . Sigma; and Joe Kestner, Theta XI Omega. tions, and criticisms. The conference will be chaired by Three independents are also parBenjamin NaumulT, Chairman of the ticipating in the Bowl. They are Stu U. S. Labor Department's Hegional Horn, Robert Judd, and GeneTobey. Staff Committee and Regional Di- Mr. Ralph Grlmaldl of the Math rector of its Office of Labor-Man- Department will be moderator for agement and Welfare Pension He- the cuntest. ports. The candidates will be divided Mr. Naumoff stated that Depart- Into two groups o( two teams each ment officials look forward to es- with four people on a team. The tablishing, in tills conference, an teams are arranged so that Greek improved dialogue with educators will nut compete against Greek, far the promotion of new ideas, nor male against female. Each group new concepts, and a fresh approach will participate twice. This event In the continuing effort to meet 'was organized under the chairman- . the nation's economic and social, ship of Eleanor Diener and Mike Purdy. needs. Michelangelo Lecture To Conclude Series Today Prolessor Colin Elslor will deliver the final lecture of the Renaissance Symposium series today al 1:20 In Page Hall. The subject of Hie presentation will be "Michaelangolo and the North." tinct modes and methods of representing different subject matters. Elsler has done most of his work in Northern art studies. He has contributed to numerous art publications and periodicals and has written three books pertaining to Elslor Is known for tils work In. Northern art, late Medieval and Renaissance Art, ills first book was "Flemish Ho Is one ol a younger generation of scholars, having graduated from Painting in New England Museums," Eisler's other writing efforts are college In 1002, "Dutch and Flemish Drawings," and At llni present time Etsler is a "Gorman Drawings." prolo.ssor ol Art History at the Inlie will draw from this background st It me ol Flue Arts In New York in Northern art to give his lecture City, The Institute is the graduate on the Renaissance period, It Is canter for Now York University. through the art of the period that Ills main Interest Is in Icono- emotions and thinking of people can graphy. Tills Is the study of dis- lie seen,