Peds End Season with LeMoyne; Robinson, futile to Run Last Race

Peds End Season with LeMoyne;
Robinson, futile to Run Last Race
When Albany State's ''undefeatedharriers meet LeMoyne College and New Paltz
State Sils afternoon, it will be the last appearance of the Ped'stoptwo runners,
Tom Robinson and Dennis Tuttle. State's unvanquished dual,meet record will also
be in the balance as LeMoyne will be the tougiest competition the Peds will have
encountered this season. The peds have now won eight straight dual meets this
year, and fifteen straight over a two year span. The last State loss was in November, 1962.
Robinson, who hails from
Harrison, New York, has
been the number one Ped
for three straight years,
leading the harriers to a
20-1 record during that
Booters Bow to Montclair State;
Pod Defense Weak in 5-1 Defeat
T h e P e d d e f e n s e w a s UnWasserman booted home another
te lntne tnird
uarter a s tne
nu as un ao ll ll yv w
t h i s8 ™
c o n - gp ° a l .l adefense,
e a K ii n
w l W 1yleKledthlrtyeds
T h e l o s s Ot t U l I D a C K t w o s | 1 0 tsduilngthegame,fellapart.
Luis Ospina, who was out
uHth n n n n k p l i n l u r v . h u r t
Albany Finally Score.
LeMoyne Offers Big Challenge
As for the meet, New Paltz Is
considered the weaker of the three
teams, but LeMoyne will be very
tough. Even though State placed
higher in the LeMoyne Invitational
than LeMoyne, State will probably
be running without the services of
the team's fifth man. Ken Darmer,
who hits serious knee trouble i s a
doubtf il entry in today's meet.
PULLING AWAY FROM Montclair runner Ken Darmer near* halfway mark of race at Washington Park.
Frosh Win Quadrangular Meet,
Keating, Downs Sweep Honorc
Robinson has set a dozen meet
or course records, and still holds
He has won the LeMoyne
Invitational Meet twice and has come
in third once. He has never lost
Tuttl „ Teom Leodorl
Hosting teams from" Ad- t h e t r o s h a n d l e f t them with a 6-3
Robinson's achlvements are even
witn an annei injury, nm Albany [{nMy got on the s c o r e .
.«Wlnr.1c C o m m u n i t y C o l - mark in dual meet competition, greater when one considers tha he
the State defense.
boitil early in the fourth period on i r o n d a c k C o m m u n i i y ^
placed sixth in the LeMoyne ran wi tout the benefit of winter ( n Montclair Jumped Into an early Wolner's fourth goal of the year. l e g e , L a S a l e t t e a n d S>lena, C o l l ' e g e ^{iMonaX
door) track, or spring track, which
a n ( 1 fifth in the
lead with only flfty-slx seconds Montclair came back with Its final
many other top runners had.
gone by ln the firs,t quarter as tally a few minutes later when Jim t h e f r o s h h a r r i e r s w o n t h e „ u c l s o n valley Invitational.
Dennis Tuttle never ran c r o s s Keating was the leading runner
forward Gus Faustina hooked in a Migliorl booted a twenty-yard goal, f l r n t A n n u a l N o r t h e a s t e r n
country In his Homer, New York
shot that caught goalie Ron Hamll- State's Udo Guddat was forced
} f. ™ " , u
r n n f e r p n o e ">r t n e f r o s h a s h e w o n e v e r y d u a l
school. Yet he became the Peas'
ton off balance.
to leave the game In the third quaroonierem-e meet ha ^ wUh (he exceptlon of steady and reliable number two
ter due to a reinjury of his nose, Collegiate
m e e t held Saturday.
the RPI meet In which he placed man and co-captain.
Faustina Score* Agoln
which was broken in last week's
The meet was originally sched- second,
Faustine also scored the second conquest of New Faltz.
uled as an Albany-Adirondack meet
The Interest of the meet will cengoal of the game, a penalty kick at Goalies Ron Hamilton and Anton
T u
but was changed to include all NECC
Downs Number I wo Man
ter around the race for first be1:55 of the Initial quarter. Mont- Salecker had a difficult timelioldlng
Downs was tne
schools fielding cross country
consistent number tween Robinson and LeMoyne's
clair was awarded the kick when onto the ball during the game. Both
two man behind Keating, Mulvey, Bill :Ripple. Ripple, a flashy sophfullback Larry Hurley, ln attetnp-peds were faced with constant shoot- teams.
The Peds were able to place Geneso and Magin were the"middle omore, took first place in the Leting to clear the ball irom in front ing by Montclair; the Jersey-ltes
for the team. Mulvey, although
of State's goal, had a hand penalty dominated the major portion of the
,.„,,.„„„„, „ ,
called against him.
game, and Montclair was able to keep cop the meet with a combined score hampered by shin-splints in thelatof 22 points. Siena's frosh fin- ter part of the season, was a consls- Moyne Invitational this year to end
Midway through the second quar- the ball deep In Albany territory
Ished second with 50 points followed tent third or fourth all vear.
Robinson s skein,
ter, Montclair's Gus Wasserman throughout the contest,
La Salette with 01 and Adlron
scored the first of his two goals, glv- state now sports a 3-5-1 record. byJoe
Keating led the field of run77.
ing his team a 3-0 margin at half- On Saturday the Peds play C.W. Post dack
ners around the rugged 3.2 mile
in the last game of the season. course with a time of 17.30, three
* * * * *
Froth Bow to Rockland C.C.
tenths of a second short of the
The frosh booters wound up their course record. Keating was folseason on a losing note when they lowed by teammate Grant Downs
dropped a 4-1 decision to Rockland who finished 22 seconds behind him.
Community College, last Saturday ln
an away game,
Magin, Mulvey, Parkor Place
Rockland controlled offensive play
& &
Other Peds that placed were Kevin
* * * * *
In the first half and jumped out to
a 3-0 lead. The opposition moved Magin, fourth, Bob Mulvey, sixth,
to a 4-0 lead in the fourth quarter and Mike Parker, ninth, Coach
before Tony Glasor tooted home the Keith Munsey said lie was "proud
lone State goal late ln the final and pleased with the team's perperiod. The frosh ended up their formance,"
This completed the season for
season Willi a 1-5-1 record.
C H i * ^ SHOES
Quality Shoes
APA, Poller Club rip.
In Thursday's AMIA football game lone touchdown late In the first periseemingly destroyed APA's od when Steve Zuliurak look the pigMen, Children Trinity
hopes of winning the league lltly skin into the Trinity end zone on a
203 Central Ave
Stuyvesant Plana
Open Evening*
a. /
by holding the Greeks to a 0-0reverse run around left end. The
extra point attempt was no good.
Although the tie seemed to put
The rust uf the Initial period
APA out of contention for the league was scoreless, hut early In the seccrown, APA protested that since ond session Trinity quarterback
Trinity's John Woytowich had quit Corille Sutherland lud a powerful
school he was an Ineligible player. drive which culminated In a score
Thus Trinity forfeited and APA on a pass play from himself to BUI
foil into a tlo with Potter Club for the lironsou. This proved to be the last
league championship,
score of the game ns the attempt id
Don Prokup engineered APA's the extra point failed, leaving the
score tied id 0-0.
A PA threatened lo score late in the
final quarter but the Trinity dofonse
hold oil the attack.
Tho play-off game will be held this
Saturday. Potior Club lost to APA
earlier In the year, and will be out
to avenge the loss and to retain the
title which It has held for ten consecutive years.
APA'S "pygmies" topped Kappa
beta 7-0 Thursday to assure Itself
of tlin "Pygmy" Louguo crown,
APA's touchdown came via u pass FROSH HARRIER finishes with a strong burst in meet held last
from quarterback Doug Morgan to Saturday at Washington Park.
and Hill Elisor,
The ASP sports staff need* several
men interested in covering sport*.
No experience is necessary.
Brubmher Room
any lime after 7p.m.
Albaiiy^wtott Press
NOVEMBER 6. 1964
VOL. L NO. 31
President Outlines Aims, Plans
For State University Development
Coach Munsey commented: " I t ' s
difficult to be a second runner like
him and to know that your chances
of surpassing your lead man are
pretty thin. However, " T u t " was
always there and was highly respected by his teammates and opponents."
FULLBACK LEN BERGEN dribbles around Hew Pelts defender
as h« thv/orti (coring thrust of opposition.
Falling two goals behind in the first two minutes
of play, the soccer team dropped their fifth game of
the year to Montclair State College 5-l,lastSaturday.
Playing at the winner's field, the booters managed only
eight shots at Montclair's goal. EdWolnerhad State's
only score, driving home a boot early in the fourth
Wi™t Will D-cftlc
Cn in p u s Chest?
long-vacant offices
His ultimate aim Is, to transform
NOTE: Tho following
the President
Of t h e " , e U l n v e , ' s l t v f r o m a " l o o s e fed- Interview was given exclusively
r>f M a , . , e i ' a t l o n " " " ° a " Institution With t o , h e editors of the ASP by Dr.
Mate university of New „unlty 0, resolve
a r e nOW O C C U p i e d b y
D r . S a m u e l B . Gould. The
A S P h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y Of
t a l k i n e - w i t h D r finnlrl W
alld aSpiration... 5amuel
Although his goals of giving unity
university as a whole while
eranltng each unit a greater de-
l 0 llle
l a i K i n g W i m D r . OOUld l a s t
g r e e
Q, autonomy
at tlrst
J , he
State University of New York, in
l n o m,Js
* °* ° buf V schedule.
Provided o unique Insight
'"to the brood outline, of new
University policy.
glance to lie In conflict, Dr. Gould
Such fluidity of movement within
Inevitably the conversation began explained that the two goals would the system would require a great
with a reference to Albany's New be achieved In different areas,
amount of cooperation, he pointed
tass^i^M .s^lessiaaaaerV
«•*" ^
I C a m P u s - D r - Gould said that he " I would like to see units shar- out. Asked about the difficulties of
' 1
I was "very pleased" with the living lug faculty much more," lie said, determining the acceptability of
I p l a n s ' H e w a s especially impressed He went on to explain his hopes grades and credits from unittounit,
I by the elimination of long corridors for a university system where stu- he replied:
and other features of older dormi- dents may take courses at differ"f hope as time goes on, we'll
, tories which tended to give them an ent S. U. campuses without going worry less and less aliout grade
f institutional atmosphere.
through the red tape of transfer- points, and more and more about
**™a*»»^»^»™»^»^»^"^ i "
He explained that the delays In ring.
the competence of the student and
construction were tied up with the
Unity of the system would allow his ability to prove It."
Dormitory Authority. Laughing, he faculty members to teach at dlf-'
He feels that competency tests
TfttUEMlTiBs I-IWE T U C n c w i i . e .
• u i
added, "for once the University ferent campuses, thus allowing more should be more widely'employed,
i t i J
01 .il L W B Y , L . " ' r a « » ™ * i n Marlowe s itself was not directly involved." students to have the benefits of so that a student can receive credit
classic drama. Play will be presented all next week.
The University is directly ln- exceptional knowledge in specialized for a course if he can pass the final
volved In a vast expansion pro- fields. Library facilities at each exam, whether or not he has attended
, ,_
gram, however. Construction Is unit would lie open to any member the classes.
E M I K 4 | I C
44% D A M I M
going on at many units, and en- .of the system.
| / | • niUeVlUef
I VD 6 1 ] I I I
many will double In the
Concentroiion on Speooli,
next six years.
"Something More"
As to the autonomy of each unit,
D r Gould
41 I
Indicated that after
Dr. Gould's aim Is to make It Dr. Gould remarked, "Autonomy
laAlIf nftAIUM
• M I H A M P M I
° " l e t' ruWtl1 s P u r t v' 1 1 level tangibly evident to each student comes as each unit develops Itsown
V I I I I r V W I I I U W I I
V t l l n C l l l III
ofl, and enrollment at most of the that he belongs to something more
smaller units will stabilize at about than a single campus."
< continued on page 5J
The State University Theatre beCurtain time for each perform- 5 ' 0 0 0 students. Alter that, additional
. _
- _
gins its season with six perform- ance is at 8:30 p.m.
space will probably be provided by » / > , « . « * »
l s * v * * h ~
I h / i t n / i
ances of Christopher Marlowe's
new units.
Vvi*#f \
U M. U l V l l
Llit! Itit!
"Dr, Faustus." The play, marking
Tickets at Box Office
Definite Goals
the 400th anniversary of Marlowe's
Tickets can be purchased at the
Although he has only been in _
y ^ l j
r .
birth, Is being staged in connection State University Box Office, Rich- ° ' " c e fo1 ' t w o months, Dr. Gould f<j~lf*l£S
• f l T t t n i l S
• flsOfiif I t f l l l d i
with the current Renaissance Sym- ardson 279, or at the Cathedral on l l a s expressed a definite set uf . L r l A t L / f s / O i J l t l f I/BJIM&
V><f H > O l U t e v f / C J
poslum. The production will be the the evenings of performances. The Bfalrs which he hopes to accom•»
last event In the series covering cost of the tickets Is $1.50 or P l l a h '
Campus Chest 1904, backed by frway from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and
the various aspects of Renaissance presentation of a Student Tax Card.
Include strengthening his the theme "Carry a Torch" will in the Student Union, Monday through
thought and art.
organization, Interpreting the hold Its annual charity drive dur- Thursday from 9-10 p.m. and SunAny Information pertaining to the University to the public, and liu- Ing the week of November' 9-10. day, November 14 from 7-8 p.m.
November 9th through the 14th Faustus production can lie obtained proving academic facilities. He Chinese auctions, booster sales,
will witness six performances of by calling the University Theatre, plans to follow a plan of general residence hall and sorority and M l «* Campus Chosi Elections
Faustus at the Cathedral of All at HO 3-12S4 or by writing lo the deiionlrallzatlon in respect to his fraternity house solicitations, a Voting for Miss Campus Chest
Saints located at Swan and Elk Theatre at 135 Western Avenue, dealings with Individual units.
dance, college bowl, and Ihe elec- w l " take place In the Peristyles all
Streets ln Downtown Albany.
«T1 1
Cy •
Hon of Miss Campus Chest will high- w e e k ' Candidates will be nominated
Dr. Jarka Burian, of the depart- ofjlUBTltS
' " c l m p u s Chest Is headed by Marlon CtesTwUl'hrannOTnee^aUliedS
r d r e c t l n X X ^ M e m b e r s of
he Dramatics Council and ofher
«tuH«n£ nf fit ,,mviVBi!vy i « . u
fre S s s l s l g n he P o ductlon
aie assisting In the production.
ti„i u ...i.„ Tk„„... A„„.„.
University I hootro Anniversary
mis yeni is also the fll eth anniversary-of a theatre at til s unl •
r.owe-Shclasreiennd u r i ? . '
centennial anniversary Its proper
T 1 ***
¥ TO- I I/I tlftlt
* 1 *
I ,t>ffl ^1 fttfhVK
Uty University students fought the Issue.
a hard but mainly unsuccessful battle
"The racket finally became too
last weekend to keop pro-tuition much for the cops. They sent both
assemblymen from gainingre-elec- trucks away."
The police did no, send away
According to,,„, artlc. e ,n the another group of students cam*
» " " h »»" J o h " G l B a s o » ' T , » "
set this year's goal for the
""' lt >' , l d v e a t * 3 ' 0 0 0 ' Proceeds
will be distributed to three charltable organizations.
These organizations are World
University Service, an International
student relief organization providing
e d u c a t i o n a l facilities, student
' T^'XTX
%cl J
Saturday, Nov. 1 4 , Campus Chest
Dance will l« held1 ln Walden to the
music of the "Invaders." Half-hour
late permissions will be sold again
In the dorms for 30 cents. Admission
to the dance Is 50 cents.
Sunday, Nov. ID - College Bowl
In the Ilru Lower Lounce from 810 p.m. Greeks and Independents
wlU both participate. Admission will
' Co'uunHtee chairmen for the
'»- i ' - m , ! ;
• S e ? Z T Z J Z - tnTio f Z Z t ^ f
^ U N E S C " °" S e SSS D l a n n t d ^ u c P e U K '
Howard Miller plays the role of drove soundtracks, and followed the student "truth squad" that followed S 0 V 6 r a l | ) r 0 ) e C l S '
S h a r T l W o s * £ Dsrmnr"
Faustus, the professor-philosopher candidates everywhere.
* .
tei.s, wiaion leves, Ken uarmer,
c ,
who agrees to denial damnation
Diane Gregory, Jack
Bro Student Fund
la return for prolonged life, to
Their efforts
were directed
"Ho got so annoyed with all this a cl T I , B National Scholarship Service Mauley; Chinese Auction, Ann Bourenablo him to understand Hie mys- Iagainst
Dance,Loy Auguso rJolln M
terles of the Universe.
- Burns, Paul Cur ran,
said we wore wllhln our rights tabllshed lo piovldo equal oducu- tine, Jim Constantino; College Bowl,
Robert F, Kelly, und Anthony P.
tlonal opportunities for qualified Eleanor Dlenor, Mike Purdyj FacMephlstophllls is played by Dan- Savaroso. All have voted against
Negro students attending Interracial ulty Connections, Judy Golburd,
» ny Labellle. This Is tlie chanic- restoring the free-tultlon mandate
Other Assemblymen tiled to ills- colleges In this country,
torlzatlon of the devil, who Is con- to tho City University, All were re- courage the students before they heThe Albany Community Chest
tlnuously trying to possess tho souls turned to the Legislature by the gan. Prellor warned, "You kids wlilch provides aid and support for
of men willing to pay that price for volors on Tuesday.
think your going to get something various charitable Institutions In the
superhuman powers.
in my district, you're wrong. My Capital District area Is the third roThe Cathedral provides u good
voters are going to shut the door clplent of Campus Chest donations.
^ ^ ^ ^ e ^ l
in that II lends a solemn
The students met with many kinds in your face."
and hulv contrast lo the basic nlot " ' resistance to their taclics. In
Schoilule of events for Campus
and holy contrast to the basic plot. Kelly's district, Jpol Cooper, vine
Curran went further and sent Chest 1904 Is as follows:
•Tlsw!j f «|j
/e»Jw. I - . J J .
president of the student council, representatives to stall ofl the
~ l d a v N o _ Half-hour luto
Un tlie InSlde....
reported that the aoundtruok they -l" ""»" "Invasion" of his district. .„., S o n s will 1x7 soli l a 30 cents
wore driving met one of Kelly's. They tried to engage Cooper and V^*T^^!T^i^!lTC'
Randall lectures
Page 2
other leaders In debate, but Cooper a l l u ( <-' l 0 'ose going to the ISC-II t.
Dance aroua meet.
Pan. 1
" " s w ' o d that we were slu- cotillnued the campaign saying, "The I h if'""" » B B r « ' ' J 1 ' A «°B " ' 1 , 0 B r
Uance group meets
f a g e 3 ( t o l | ( s o f c , t y U n l v e , . s l l ) , „„„ w e r B | l l l l e ( o r ( , o l ) | U e , / „ „ • , . , ,
will Ixi auctioned off.
Page 4 both Democrats and Republicans and ' C C N Y
Monday, No\ 0 - Booster sales
Huckleberry Road
Paae 5 wore hero as students to talk about
^indents have been leaders will bogln In tho residence hulls,
un B
In the anti-tuition light since hofore group houses, and sorority and fraUr. faustus
Paget 6-7
"Wo pulled up alongside their tuition was Instituted at tho Stato tornlty houses until Friday,Novom• Campus Chest, past . , . Page 8 soundtrack and started to explain University units, The city schools her 13. Boosters will also bo sold
l 0 8S
Paae 9 " ' " ° ' '''heir soundtrack ans- do not have tuition as yet, but the (or twenty-live cents In tlie Porl„.-..'.
D i n wared buck hy ouylng'these pinkos sludonts are working for u bill stylos and'outside Drapor 140.
"<">• 10 and leftists should go home and preventing tuition from over being
Chinese Auctions will be hold In Marlon Mntlscn Jonn Uleason
Pages 11-12
" Brooklyn alouel' "
the Husted Cafeteria Monday through
...Campus Chest Chairmen
k" wLM
Pflrfoy, Nevembet 6, 1964
Bernard Cohen
... Speaks Monday
Lack of Quorum
Stops Senate
Once again there was no quorum
for the Senate meeting last Wednesday evening. Absent without excuse were Senators Clark, Coon,
Dibler, Kisiel, and Tucker. Senators Friedman, Gable, Green, Darmer, and Quartararo were excused.
When asked to comment on the quorum-less Senate, President Johnston said, "The situation is tending
toward the ludricrous; the degree
of responsibility seemingly exercised by some people in this area
Is appalling." Lack of quorum delayed the announcement by MYSKANIA of its decision on the referrals by William Colgan and Steve
Curti on behalf of tlie yearbook.
During tills period there will be
no communication between sorority
girls and rushees. This includes
written messages or phone calls
through third parties.
Preference cards must be filled
out by all rushees on Monday, November 9, between 9 a.m.and5p.m.
in the Student Activities Office in
IFC-ISC will hold an informal
party tonight at the Polish Community Center from 8 p.m. Tickets
are available to Greeks and upperclassmen only.
John Herman Randall
..Renaissance Upheaval
Preferonco Cards Duo Monday
Indication of the three sororities
a girl would like to pledge in the
order of her choice should be made
Transfer Students
Official memos of transfer credit on the preference cards. These
are now available in the Registrar's
Office, Draper 200,
UCA Mixer
The University Center Assocla->
tion Fall Mixer will be held tonight
In Walden from 8-12 p.m. Charlie
Fritschler will provide the music.
Dr. Randall, a professor at Columbia University and author of
"The Making of the Modern Mind,
is regarded in many quarters as
one of tl..- most distinguished of
American philosophers.
Upperclass Sorority Rush Ends
Sorority Upperclass Rush Period comes to an end on Sunday,
November 8 at 11 p.m. At this time
a period of quiet hours will be instituted until Tuesday, November 10
at 7 p.m.
We feature
collegiate haircuts
5 minute walk from the
New Campus
1148 Western Avenue
Current Series
The first two lectures of the
series were delivered by Dr. George
Boas, emeritus professor of John
Dr. Randall also argued that above
Hopkins University, and Robert Co- all the Renaissance saw a rejection
nant, curator of the Yale Collection of the Aristotelian scientific interof Musical Instruments.
ests for more worldly, artistic, and
religious interests. "These changes
Stressing the complexities that were realized in actions, noti©
must be dealt with in- analyzing an thoughts."
intellectual movement, Dr. John
From these changes developed
Harmon Randall gave the third lectwo great schools of thought. On
ture of the current R e n a i s s a n c e the
one hand, said Dr. Randall, the
Symposium Monday night in Page imaginative and religious humanHall.
ists developed; on the other the
The . Symposium was organized scientific humanists appeared.
.by the Division of Humanities to
Dr. Randall cited the authors he
present to the University a unique
opportunity for exposure to the var- considered to be most representaious aspects of Renaissance thought. tive of this new synthesis: Murcello
Peccino, founder of the Peatonu
Dr. Randall keynoted his plu- gospel, and Peiodella Merandola,
ralistic interpretation Monday by author of the Oration on the Dignity
stating, "Those who believe that of Man.
the essence of the Renaissance was
the re-discovery of the world and
man's nature have chosen a far
too easy definition."
7 Barbers - No Waiting
Albany, N.Y.
Telephone IV 9-1805
«V -Ul'?\
Wallace International Sterling
Diamond) Set Whib-U-Wsll
Watch and Jtwiry Rtaalrir
Headquarters far College Jeuelru
Student Charge Account Auailable
Stuuuesant Plaza
IV 9-0549
The Budapest is now Quartet In
Residence at the State University
of New York, at Buffalo, where they
vJhave instituted an annual series of
fifteen concerts. The members also
teach their individual instruments,
and conduct classes In chamber
music as well.
SEA Plans to Hold
Reception Thursday
MODERN DANCE GROUP practices their routine in the Unitarian Church reception room.
Dance Workshop Meets Tuesday
A Modern Dance Workshop has
The members of the Modern Dance
been meeting in the Unitarian Church Workshop also have the opportunity
Room 11C, every Tuesday from 3:30
to 5 p.m. The workshop is spon- to participate in many of the events
sored and guided by Miss Baker. sponsored by the Sclienactady Modern Dance Council.
Students participating in the workshop spend the period in learning
The well-known dancer, Yuriko,
dance technique and working on will direct an open workshop on
choreography. Students learn to ex- November 14 for the Modern Dance
press and communicate their feel- Workshop.
ings by means of a gesture of the
Albur, N. T.
Pass* (-Ml*
by military and commercial
ground crew
solution. For
information, write:
Academic Aids
P. O. Box 969
Berkeley 1, Calif.
• Won't penetrate
• Dries instantly
• See-thru Ink
•» Odorless
*i Won't smudge
• Non-toxic
• i bk_
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47 N. Ptfffl St.Shop by Phone 434-1231 Stuuvttant Piaia
Presidents are Marcia Darvln and
Rosell Warshaw, and SecretaryTreasurer Is Georgian;! Francisco.
All students are eligible and encouraged to join the group and experience "the excitement and thrill
of using the faculties ofone'sphyslque to express oneself and subsequently communicate with tlie rest
of the world."
Campus Ni
Week-end positions available for
skiers to instruct high school hoys
d girls. Prior instruction ex
perience not required. Good com
pensation. Excellent ski facilities
Write or Call:
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
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of the center d i a m o n d . . . a perfect gem of flawless clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut.
P.O. Bo* 1149 Pittsfield, Mans.
Lebanon Spring (N.Y.) 7-1255
The name, Keepsake, in tho ring and on Ihe
tag is your a s s u r a n c e of fine quality and lasting
saiisfaclion. Your very personal Keepsake is
awaiting your selection al your
Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find
him in the yellow pages under
" J e w e l e r s . " Prices from $100
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s h o w beauly of^Tradem a r k registered.
This Card Entitles You To
20% Off On All Cash Sain
at the
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Plans for creating- an Ushers
Guild for University Theatre productions and for Hie Dramatics
Council's Guest Artist programs
were outlined today by Professor
Edward J. Mendus, business manager and publicity director for University Theatre.
The Guild Is to lie an independent
honorary organization which will
provide the house managers and
ushers for the University's theatre
productions. During the period of
organization, the house managers
who have worked the Guest Artist
productions this season will serve
as officers.
The chief function of the Guild
will be to assume the responsibility for the safety and comfort
of the audiences. GulM members
will earn credit toward membership in the Dramatics Council.
Previously, all ushering has been
done on a volunteer basis for each
individual program.
Tickets may be purchased in the
Peristyles from Monday, November
2 until Wednesday, November 11 'hand, a turn of the head, and the
The workshop has an Increasing
betwee 9:00 and 2:30 p.m. Student
Tax cards are needed.
membership and has elected offipounding of feet.
cers for this year. President is
Gall Maglliff, 1st and 2nd Vice
Ushers Guild Forms
To Serve Theatre
American Education 'Week is Novenber. 8-!4. The national theme
for the week is "Education Pays
In conjunction with American Education Week, the Student Education
Association will hold a reception for
the faculty on Thursday, November
12. from 3:30-5 p.m. in Brubacher
Lower Lounge.
Recognition will be given to those
faculty members who have written
and published books.
The week is set aside as a tribute
to teachers and the role they play
in molding society.
ready proven very successful is the
Monday afternoon classes given by
Reverend Hlllie on Catholic theology. This class is an excellent opportunity for those Catholic students
who, during tlie course of their college, career, have accumulated
questions and doubts about their
Gerald Drug Co.
11} WMUra Ave.
w l\
% " ' • ' •
new and invigorating
changes have taken place within the
University this year. The development and advancement of Newman
Club can readily be counted among
these changes.
Among the accomplishments of
which Newman Club can be very
proud is a bi-weekly mass which
is celebrated In the living room
of the Newman Center every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:15 p.m.
Lectures to explain the changes in
the liturgy of the mass are being
held on Friday afternoons at 1:30
in the Newman Center. This Sunday several students are attending a cleric-lay dialogue with Our
Lady of Angels Seminary.
Another innovation which has al-
The Budapest String Quartet will
appear In Page Hall on Tuesday,
November n , at 8:15 p.m. The
Quartet Is noted for Its performance of classical, romantic and
chamber music and especially for
Its unique interpretation of Beethoven.
Joseph Roisman, violin; Alexander Schneider, violin; Boris
Kroyt, viola; and Mischa Schneider,
violincello, comprise tlie quartet.
The string quartet is considered by
musical connoisseurs to be thepurI ) e s ' a n d m ° s t personal form of musical expression and the members of
the Budapest have long held their
positions as the unchallenged masters of tliis subtle and beautiful art.
The Budapest Quartet has been
Playing in the United States since
1930. For twenty-three consecutive
years they gave regular concerts
in the Library of Congress, In 1954
they were chosen to open the annual
series of chamber music concerts
of New York's Metropolitan Museum
of Art and their annual series of
programs at the Kaufmann Concert
Hall In the same city have been
popular for the last twenty-five
New Ecumenical Spirit
Marks Newman Club
laras AdOflHitnl of Pierces' Earrings
Y •*r»
Shop at Roy's
'Home of Distinctive Jewelry and Gifts
143 Western Ave.
said Dr. Randall. The Renaissance period, being a
time of great intellectual upheaval,
was also characterized by Dr. Randall as being marked by increased
individualism and Increased impatience with Inadequate political,
social, and economic institutions.
cards are In turn matched with rush
lists submitted to the Student Activities Office by the sororities.
Any rushee not receiving a bid
from the sororltyof her first preference, but does receive one from
her second or third choice, is obligated to join the second or third.
If a rushee wishes to do so, she
may check only one preference.
If a rushee refuses to accept the
bid to a sorority for which she has
stated a preference,' she will be
Shifts Vital
Ineligible for general sorority rush
Dr. Randall saw the Renaissance
for one year from the date of her as stemming from two great shifts
from tlie synthesis of beliefs and
values that characterized the Middle
Rushees may pick up their bids Ages. The shifts Involved a moral
in Room 7 in Bru on Tuesday, No- rejection of the Middle Ages by
vember 10, from 3 to 6 p.m. A list men who were not knowledgeable
of student numbers of those who of their times.
have received bids to pledge a
"Today we tend to notice consorority .will be posted outside
tinuities rather than the shifts,"
Room 7.
Randall Affixes PluraHs6c Budapest Quartet
J o Perform Here
Interpretation to Period
November 17
Cohan To Spook Monday
Bernard Cohen, Professor of the
History of Science at Harvard University, will deliver the next lecture in the Renaissance symposium
series on Monday evening, November 9, at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall.
His topic will cover'."Science in
the Renaissance.1!
Dr. Cohen Is the director of the
graduate research in the history
of science at Harvard. He has lectured on the history of scientific
ideas and the growth of physical
thought at the University of Donden, Oxford and the Sobonne University in Paris.
The lecture given in Page by
Dr. Cohen on Monday will cover
the ideas propounded in the two
earlier lectures,
friJo;,Noy»mb«r6, 1964
Ext. 129
Albany, N.Y.
(Raoalrs Excluded)
Fin* Watch and Jswalry Repairing
Dona on Prtmitn
open evenings till 9p.m. Saturday till 6p.m.
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Ext. 129
Albany, N.Y.
Please send new 20-pogs booklet, "How To Plan
Your Engagement and Wedding" and new 12-page
full color folder, bolh for only 25(. Also send
special offer of beautiful <H-poge Bride's Book.
Free Tuition Again Possible
P o r t r a i t of Sonato
Albany Offers Best Opportunity
being especially good in one particular
field, as for example, Fredonia in music, or Cortland in physical education.
Gould's plan would relieve these units
of providing a wide and probably medioof providing a wide and probably mediocre curriculum, and would allow them
to develop their specialty to a high
By his own admission, Gould is not degree of excellence.
an administrator. He is concerned with
We also think his ideas concerningoppolicy, not procedure. This is good, for portunities for independent study and
he is delegating more responsibility to competency exams have special releeach unit and to his subordinates, thus vance on this campus.
leaving him time to view the whole
Albany is actually the best place for
perspective of the University's needs experiments of this type to take place.
and potentials.
It is the oldest unit in the system, and
one of the largest. Our students are
With a background in both public and among the most qualified in the system,
private higher education, he brings the as is our faculty. We have assumed the
the ideas and viewpoints of liberal arts physical and curriculum aspects of a
universities to a system with a teacher university, but we have not yet achieved
college tradition. These ideas and view- the corresponding attitude and outlook.
points can do much to change the outWe feel that the students here would
look of the units within the State system.
respond enthusiastically and successIn particular we are encouraged by fully to opportunities for independent
his ideas concerningmakingthe courses, study and more rapid advancement.
But before this can occur, the faculty
faculty, and students mobile from one
will have to show a greater confidence
campus to another. While this will in- both in the students and in each other
volve an upgrading of curriculum at all than we have witnessed so far.
units it will also enable each unit to deWe call upon the faculty to consider
velop an excellence in a particular field seriously the possibilities for transwhich it would not be able to achieve lating Gould's plans into action. The
initial responsibility for making Alotherwise.
Many units now are recognized as bany a true University rests with them.
We were greatly impressed by Samuel Gould, President of the State University. By all appearances, the Universities Trustees have chosen a man
with the foresight, ability, and experience to mold the University into a
truly superior system.
Motels Need Telephone Link
Living in motel-dormitories for the first semester
has proved to provide a number of varied situations
for the girls in them. Primarily, it has meant a lot
of readjusting to a unique physical environment.
Bus transportation brings the coeds back and forth
to the university community all during the day, and
until upperclassmen hours are enforced at 11 o'clock
at night. Except for the time spent in traveling, there
is really no discontinuity in contact between motels
and the rest of the university.
Some of the motel residents do have valid complaints in many areas. Some have been forced to
give up waitressing Jobs that they might have had if
on the new-campus. Others find th(, motel "dormitory"
dues of $6 higher than that on the Residence Quadrangle with less to show for it.
A last question, concerning that of telephone privileges remains a problem.
Unlike the Residence Quad dorms, the two motels
have an adequate number of telephone lines connecting them with the outside world. At all the dorms,
however, calls may be placed and accepted until 11
p.m. Women living in motels cannot be reached after
10 p.m.
We maintain that especially since many upperclassmen are housed presently in the motels that these
telephone restrictions should be ruviuwed and rev ised.
The Democratic capture of the State Assembly and
Senate should lead to the re-establisbment of a freiJ
tuition policy within the State University by September, 1965 if the party lives up to its campaign and
promises of the past year.
Tuition was initiated by the trustees of the University in September, 1963 after the Republicancontrolled legislature had granted the power to
initiate tuition to the trustees. This was an obvious
maneuver' by the Republicans to escape direct r e sponsibility for tuition. From the beginning, tuition
was opposed by the Democrats.
Last March a bill co-sponsored by then Senate
minority leader Joseph ZaretsW which would have
declared free tuition a fixed policy of the State,f
New York was allowed to die in the Assembly Ways
and Means Committee.
The bill would have amended the State Education
Law "to declare it state policy that benefits of collegiate education by furnished gratuitously to all
undergraduates, attending every community, statotory
or contract college or institution under Jurisdiction
of State University or State University trustees."
Senator Zaretski was successful in his bid for
re-election. Unless, as all
too often happens, the Democrats spoil their success
in intra-party struggle,
Senator Zaretski will be
the next majority leader in
the Senate.
%:T"ji « f r . s ^ ^ » i
In this position, he will
™""i A^nti^*^
be able to exert great leverage in- the cause of free
tuition. The Democrats, including the all-powerful
New York City machine,
are firmly committed to
Just such action.
Sonotor Joseph Zaretski
However, we feel it remains for us and our fellow
students to make sure that the Democrats do not
forget the oratory and promises they made when
unencumbered by any chance of actually getting their
proposals through the legislature.
A letter writing campaign to the newly-elected
Democratic Assemblymen and Senators should result
in quick action on an amendment to the State Education
Law. Senator Zaretski, in particular, should be singled
out for just such a campaign.
We do not support the concept of free tuition purely
from selfish motives. We believe free tuition to be an
essential part of the American commitment to education for all those qualified, regardless of income. At
a time when the teacher shortage is especially acute,
the state can ill-afford to drive potential teachers to
other universities in other states.
New York State has long ranked near the bottom of
the list of states in terms of assistance granted to
higher education. A return to free tuition would go a
long way towards easing this deplorable situation. We
ask our fellow students to make sure that the new
Democratic majority takes just such steps.
Albany Student Press
• • T A M j a M S D MAY
The Albany Student P r e , , i i a • •mi.w.okly n.wipoptr published by the llueent body ol the Stall University o( New York
ol Albany. The ASP may be reached by dialing allhar 4 8 9 4 4 8 1 of IV 2.3326. Tho ASP o f l i c . , locatod In Room 5 ol Bru.
bocher Moll, it opan Irom 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday night.
Art, Editor
Sport, Editor
Atiociota Editor
A . . o c l o l e Faotuta Editor
t„.cull,. E d " ° '
Photography Editor
T.chnlcol Supai.Ua>
A d . . r l l , l „ , Mono,.,
Attistant Sport, Editor
A t i i t t a n l A d . . f l i i i n g Editor
A i t i i t a n t Editor...
De.k Editor
Auociota Editor
puh||c „.,„„„„, „ , , „ , „
B u . l n . i i Manage.
Circulation E.chong. Editor
R o y McClocit
.'.'l',!!"!]!.""^'.""".'!'.......!.'.."...'..." Karl Domat'lo
Joteeh Silverman
t f I I . , , Zona
< " " ° A * l " , Frad N e l i e n , Mlk. forenell. Linda Hond.liman, Sherry Cutlor, D . n l i i Clark,
Maureen McDermott, A l i o . Nud.lmon, Mlckl McGaugh.y, Pamalo Flloll
Paul J . n i . n , Robart Judd, Kolhy Brophy, Da.ld C h l l d i , Tonl M . i t . i , M, Gllb.rl Wlll.oml
D . n n i . Church, Jo.eph Mahay, Steven Kllng, Robart McOdort
William SlnnholJ
All communication, mint be oddre,fo<i lo tho
Editor and
and mutt b . l i u n i d , Noma, will bo withheld on r . q u . i l . T h . A l b o n ^
'ho Editor
•Klfrjm P r . t i o i l u m a , on r.tpontihil
V opi'iiunt a . p r . M . d tn i t , column! or communication,, at iuch ewpre»»ioiir
><- ft ' Koc.tiorily rallact '!» vipwi,
a;.' IJ.J.L r » . ' ' . - l l c|VJ 1..J i /Win
(ii - t l i ' l i :.ll I .,JO ;
• InteraoUegiato
• News FMtuxM
• Humor
Gould Stresses Academic Excellence
Sees Need for Scholars at Albany
from page I)
peculiar characteristics." If the
exchange of teachers become a reality, each unit will be able to concentrate on a particular field and
bring it up to the "highest standard."
Dr Gould also noted one In a
series of administrative changes
which he intends to make lo give
the units more autonomy. Previously, all faculty appointments had
to be approved by the State University President. Since taking office,
Dr. Gould has delegated this authority to the presidents oneach campus.
" E q u a l to A n y "
DR. S A M U E L B. G O U L D , new President of the Slate Un i v e r s i t y
of New Y o r k , is shown w h i l e being i n t e r v i e w e d by the ASP.
Samuel B. Gould; fourth president of the State University of New York, is a graduate of Bates College
in Maine. He received his Master of Arts degree from
New York University in 1956. He has taught school,
served as Lieutenant Commander in the Navy during
the war, and helped to establish a departmentof communication arts at Boston University.
He was president of Antioch College from 1954-59,
then served as chancellor of the University of California at Santa Barbara. In July, 1962, he became
president of WNDT-TV, Channel 13, in New York
City. Many of his views on education are contained
in his book, "Knowledge is Not Enough."
Another of Dr. Gould's stated
aims upon taking office was to have
the University "achieve academic
excellence equal to any in the nation." He commented that excellence of SUNY at the present is
"uneven, and its over-all reputation is not what it ought to be."
He cited the universities of California, Michigan, and Wisconsin as
outstanding examples of excellence
In public higher education institutions.
"One important way in which a
university gains distinction is in
having scholars who can advance
knowledge as well as communicate
It," maintains Gould. He pointed
out that the State University at this
time has no Nobel prize winners
and no members of the American
Academy of Sciences on its faculty.
The University of California, on
the other hand, has eleven Nobel mester they scored as well as or
prize winners alone.
better than a similar group who
took the course under conventional
Albany L a c k . Scholars
A second basis for judging the
The important difference was that
excellence of a school Is In the the experimental students developed
number of graduates who go on to an independence and an enthusiasm
further study, especially the num- for study, which the other students
ber who win Wilson fellowships did not, said Gould.
which are granted for preparation
in college teaching.
Fees and Football
Two other subjects which were
Gould noted that Albany graduates have received far too few Wil- touched on briefly were tuition and
son fellowships in the past, but "big-time athletics." Gould feels
conceded that possibly, "the reason that enough financial help has been
Is the faculty, motivation, and tra- made available so that tuition is not a
burden on any student. He added, the
dition of the school."
With the change in Albany's pur- building program would not be possible
without tuition."
pose from a teacher's college to a
As far as having nationally known
liberal arts Institution, however,
Dr. Gould remarked that "you have football teams at State University
the greatest laboratory for educa- units in the .future, Gould stated emphatically, "I don't lelieve in it."
tional experiment."
He cited several instances of
One experiment which he would
like to see tried is the independent schools which had attempted to instudy program such as he helped to stitute such athletic programs, and
institute as president of Antioch which bad found the problems too
great. "The temptation (to win)
once you get injo it is tremendous,"
A group of students were given he argued.
the syllabus for the course and
Although he ran cross-country
left alone for the semester. They during his four years of college,
attended no classes, and conferred he now favors more emphasis on
with their instructor only by their sports such as golf or tennis which
own choice. At the end of the se- can be enjoyed throughout life.
Huckleberry Road
by Tim Atwell
Greensleeves Goodman, skywriter, jazz flutist, and
agnostic, (It all started when, as a fourteen-year-oldchoir boy, he was severely reprimanded for taking
out his flute and breaking into "TheSwingin' Shepherd
Blues" one Sunday during High Mass) sat in his bigcity pad riffling his way through "Son Winds," when,
out of the cornel' of his eye, lie espied a transfixed
Norway rat. When Greensleeves stopped playing, the
rat scampered away.
"Coincidence, my flute playing and the trans' fixation of that Norway rat," said Greensleeves as
he flipped the next page of his brand new fake-book
and lit into "Coinin' Home, Baby."
Thirty-two bars later, Greensleeves espied, out
of the corner of that very same eye, another transfixed Norway rat.
"One more time? One more time. One more time!"
said Greensleeves, and lie flipped another page and
let out with "Fly Me to the Moon." Sure enough,
out of the corner of his eye, (that very same eye)
Greensleeves espied still a third transfixed Norway
Now, three things must lie borne in mind: 1)
Greensleeves Goodman had teen playing the flute
for thirteen of Ills twenty-two years, and his lung
capacity and metacarpular endurance approached the
superhuman. He had been known to play his flute for
eighteen hours straight on thirty-one separate occasions, and the feat had involved absolutely no sweat.
2) Greensleeves knew that if a Norway rat could lie
preveuled from gnawing fur u sufficient length of
time, his teetii would grow so long that he would not
be able to eat or drink and would die. 3) Greensleeves
liked to help people.
Greensleeves captured twenty rats and put them
Into a homemade cage which he had equipped with a
large feeding dish, three oak two-by-fours, one long
lead pipe, and many small concrete blocks. Then he
started playing his flute. The rats were transfixed
immediately. Greensleeves played for sixteen hours.
Then he gave the rats their daily requirement of
three-fourths of an ounce of too and half an ounce
of water and went to sleep,
In the morning, Greensleeves measured the length
of the rats' teeth. Lo and behold, for some reason
or other, the rats' teeth were longer than they had
been the previous day. They had grown'more while
Greensleeves played than they had been ground down
during the night. Greensleeves reasoned that the
period of transflxatlon was a period of awakeness^
after which the rats ate, gnawed a bit, and went to
sleep. And during this period of sleep, of course, the
rats' teeth continued lo grow as they had done during
tho period of transflxatlon. Greensleeves made sure'
that he began playing Just as the rats awoke from
their sleep, further cutting down on the amount of
gnawing that could be done by the rats..
Over a period of weeks, Greensleeves observed
that the growth in length of the rats' teetii involved
a negative acceleration (that is to say, the rats'
teetii grew at a slower rate eaclt day), and, due to
the appalling lack of research in ihis particular
field, Greensleeves decided it would l>e Impossible
fur him to predict exactly when the rats' teeth would
reach the magic can't-eat-nor-drink-no-more length.
Greensleeves Goodman went to the City Housing
Authority and explained Ills plan for killing all the
rats la tiie city. (He planned to have his flute playing
broadcast over the radio ai a volume level sufficiently
loud to transfix the rats, but also low enough not
to disturb the normal daytime activities of the citizens of the city.)
"How long did you say il would take?" asked the
man at City Housing Authority.
"Can't say," said Greensleeves.
"Better oheck Willi the Mayor."
"How lung did you say It would take?" asked the
"Can't say."
"How much do you want?"
"Pay me scale," said Greensleeves, "and allow
the tenants of the rat-infested buildings to withhold
rent payments until the job is done."
"Who's going to pay the rent?"
"If the landlords must lie paid, the city must pay
.them," said Greensleeves. "Think it over, I'll be
back tomorrow."
The landlords had to be paid. Even If the city required the landlords to i educe the rents, no drastic
reduction could be effected, and the city would still
be stuck with a whopping big rent bill at the end of
each and every month for an uncertain number of
The Mayor called a meeting of his council.
"Look, It's either this Greensleeves character
or the new culture center, and I really think that
culture Is1 Important In today's world," said the
Minister of Culture.
"This guy has got a lot of nerve expecting us to
pay him scale for the duration of this Job. And
besides, he could drag it out forever if he wanted!
to," said the Minister of Labor,
"This Greensleeves is blatantly wet behind the
ears. Stall him off for awhile, and he'll get over It,"
said the Senior Member.
When Greensleeves returned to the Mayor's Office the next day, he was told that the council was
"Look, man, I haven't' got time to waste around
here. I got this other gig to make, so take It slow
and easy, okay?"
Greensleeves Goodman took off In his skywriting
plane, climbed to average skywriting height, and
wrote ofl,
DR. G O U L D t a l k s in his o f f i c e w i t h E d i t h Hardy, co-editor of
the ASP. Dr. Gould o u t l i n e d h i s new and brood program of action
for the State U n i v e r s i t y .
SUNYA Enrollment HHs 4711;
Class of '68 Largest inHrstory
The student enrollment at SUNYA
for the academic year 1904-65 totals 4711, The reason behind the
tremendous increase in enrollment
Is the expanded facilities of the
new campus, which had been scheduled for completion in September.
The breakdown of the registration Is as follows: 1043 graduate
students, 50 special students, 741
seniors, 848 juniors, 805 sophomores, and 1219 freshmen. Included
in the class registration are 298
transfer students.
This year's freshmen class is
the largest In the history of the
university. An enlarged faculty Is
another Indication of the transition
that Is taking place. Sixty-five new
members joined the faculty which
now totals more than 400,
State University Incteaee
While this expansion both in campus size and in enrollment lias been
going on at SUNYA, there has also
been a significant Increase In the
registration of the entire State University.
Preliminary figures Indicate that
the full-time enrollment of the State
University this year Is 92,226 students, an Increase of 20,5 per cent
over last year's 76,510 students,
This vast population Is distributed
throughout the 58 University Centers, Medical Centers, Graduate
Schools, Two and Four-Year Colleges, and Community Colleges of
the State University of New York.
This is the first time that enrollment Increase has exceeded the
14,762 Increase when the State University of New York at Buffalo,
formerly the private University of
Buffalo, merged Into the State University on September 1, 1962,
University Meet! Needl
The head of the entire State University, President Samuel B.Gould,
feels ttiat the great surge in enrollment Is due not only to the Increase In college applications, but
also to the ability of the State University to expand to meet these
President Gould added that the
heavy enrollment will probably continue as a result of the increasingly
large number of New York State
high school graduates.
Albany will continue to receive
Its share of the Increase. The projected enrollment for the 1964-6S
academic year Is 5,000 full-time
Frrdtr, N»v»»wW<, 1W4
Frkl«y, M e v w W t , 1964
State University Theatre te Begin Season with Six Performances of Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus
by Dtbby Friedman
In conjunction with the fiftieth anniversary of the theatre at the State University of New York at Albany,
the Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts is presenting Christopher Marlowe's classic, "Dr. Faustus."
This year is also the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Marlowe. The play is being given from
November 9 to November 14 in the Cathedral of All Saints.
The play is also to be the last in a series of events making up the Renaissance Symposium now under
way. In the Symposium various aspects of Renaissance thought are being explored by guest lecturers. In
" D r . Faustus" many reflections of this thinking are manifested through the characters, especially Faustus
and Mephistophilis.
Just as Faustus has been given here before, so has a State University Theatre production — "Murder
in the Cathedral" — been presented in the Cathedral of All Saints. Producing any play in the Cathedral
setting provides a unique challenge to the director, the cast, the set designer, and the stage crew. Dr.
Jarka Burian, who is now directing the production of "Dr. Faustus" was also director of "Murder in the
Cathedral," and is thus familiar with the problems that must be overcome in such a production.
Some of the main problems encountered in presenting a play such as this in the cathedral are the
acoustics, the mastery of which is a challenge to the actor, lighting, scenery adaptation, the limits of the
stage area, and seating arrangements.
SCHOLARS APPROACH Fouitut Making knowledge of man's nature.
"Dr. Faustus" is a play with many interpretations possible. The version that is being performed next
week will be one emphasizing the theatrical aspects of the play. Dr. Burian has stated that, "Its intensely
MEPHISTOPHILIS GATHERS devils around him to prepare for claiming Faustus' soul.
spiritual theme of salvation and damnation of the §8ul fAds obvious reinforcement in the church context.
He goes on to say that "the Cathedral setting underlies the spiritual issues of the destiny of the soul and
in no way detracts from the equally universal, ever-contemporary, but more secular theme relating to
the limits to be imposed on man's aspirations and materialistic .achievement."
The theme of the play is of great interest to modern man, who is still trying to reach the bounds of
human limitations. This can be seen in what are probably the most famous lines of the play, showing
Faustus' reaction to Helen of Troy: "Was this the fact that landed a thousand ships, and burnt the topless
towers of Illium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss."
The play shows Faustus as a man intellectually bored, enclosed by human limitations - the result being
frustration and eventual damnation. This theme is timely now and in 1588 when the play was first produced. Faustus is being produced now at the Phoenix Theatre in New York City.
The productions of Faustus have been many and varied. In the last half of the seventeenth century, and
the eighteenth century, Marlowe's plays were generally not performed. The main exception was "Dr.
Faustus" which was lowered to the level of a puppet show. The twentieth century brought a revival of
interest in Marlowe's works and now, in commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of his birth,
"Dr. Faustus" is being presented here in Albany.
DR. JARKA BURIAN directs a scene.
Marlowe Probes Deep into Man's Soul
The'story of Faustus is based on an old German legend,
Christopher Marlowe did more than write a play at
but the mood reflects that of Elizabethan England in the
twenty-four when he penned "Dr. Faustus." He created
itilddle of the Renaissance. Reality Is how Marlowe viewed
an enduring theatre masterpiece.
magic and Hell — Renaissance man was often preoccupied
Marlowe was considered an angry young man of his day
with these thoughts.
— a rebel of conventional learning. The play Is a symbol
of this rebellion against authority.
For the first time, Marlowe In this play, asserts the
Faustus Is the re-creation of a man who sells his soul
responsibility of the Individual and the Importance of the
to the devil. The whole play reHects the popularity of
individual. This is in opposition to the previous concept
stories concerning man's contracts with the Devil In
of allegiance to one's superiors, as in the Feudal system,
Renaissance literature. This theme has been used by
the divinity of kings, and even God.
Goethe, Mann, Washington Irving, and Gonould
Faustus was in an awkward position in time, and as a
result, was torn between two Ideas. He wants power and
Faustus Is a Doctor of' Theology who is willing to sell
tries to face the world and rise above it, but yet recoghis soul to the Devil to gain superhuman powers, innizes his sinfulness. He rebels against the authority of
finite wisdom, and the ability to probe the mysteries of
God while admitting the justice of the doom he faces.
the Universe. He hopes to have powers equal to those of
Excesses of the Renaissance were manifestations of a
God. The required price is eventual damnation. Faustus1
lust for power. This lust is epitomized In Faustus who
reaction to the price Is, "I think Hell's a fable."
is condemned to hell.
The play was performed in Nome
once with the Pope and the Cardinals portrayed in burlesque style,
paying tribute to the passion of the
times. It was amidst the religious
and the political conflicts of the time
that Marlowe lost his life.
Marlowe's contemporaries labelled him as an athlest, based on
his plays. He seems to question
nature, creating throe of his four
main characters in the play as
Infidels. They all want knowledge,
power, and beauty and try to reach
l/eyond human limitations.
Faustus chose his own path to
power and ended in damnation. Marlowe created tragedy out of a ceaseless quest for power.
The spirit of Faustus is that of
Marlowe, for he too sought beauty
and power. His life ended at thirty
in a duel after writing four plays
of which Faustus probes deepest
into man's soul.
Faustus Consults the scholar
Chorus, Duke, Gluttony
Wagner, Vintner, Carter
Good Angel, Devil
Bad Angel, Devil
Valdes, Old Man
Cornelius, Lucifer
1st Scholar, Emperor, Friar
Robin (Dick)
2nd Scholar, Horse-Courser
Beezlebub, Cardinal
Pride, Cardinal, Knight
Covetousness, Paramour, Hostess
Envy, Devil
Sloth, Devil
Lechery, D'lchess
Archbishop, Alexander
Friar, 3rd Scholar, Attendant
Friar, Attendant
Lester Greenberg
Howard Miller
Edward Schwartz
Norma Gltter
Georgiana Francisco
David Chllds
Joseph Nicastri
Alex Krakower
Danny Labellle
Francis Bllven
Dennis Willard
Jon Barden
James Economldes
Carl Cusato
Alma Stacey
Dona Eptlng
Marque Wolfson
Lillian Spampenato
Walter Doherty
Steve Cornell
John Fotia
John Langton
James Lobdell
Production Coordinator
Joyce Davis
Light Crew
Gall Glonrol, Keith Ingles, Janice Newmark,
Susan Gorman, Richard Siegal, Dan Labellle, John Langton,
Carol Hum.Sam Cypressl, Judith Lawrence
M*ry Kehin, Ceclle Guldote
Set Construction and Painting
Maine Poskanzer, Janice Newmark,
Susan Gorman, Sam Cjpresit, John Langton, Ceclle Guldote,
Marcie Darvln, Lee Llss
Lee Llss
Dennis Tunle Paulo Michaels, Nancy Crawford
Lois Weissman
Box Office Treasurer
House Manager
Maureen Dugan
Meredith Drake
Cheryl Werblu
Christine Smith
Dona Eptli.g
Mary Kemp
Students Enjoy Unique Stage Experience
It Is a unique experience for any stage performer
plays the Horse-Courser and the second scholar. This
to act In a cathedral setting rather than the usual
senior will not be facing the challenge of the Cathedral
theatre or auditorium stage. This is the opportunity
for the first time. He had a part in "Murder in the
that Is being given to a number of State students in the
Cathedral" when it was produced at the same Catheforthcoming production of Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus,"
dral two years ago.
which Is being given in Albany's Cathedral of All
Saints. The students who are participating in this
Problem of Acoustics
production will experience problems and challenges
Barden said that one of the main problems for the
in adapting to this "foreign acting environment."
actor in the Cathedral Is acoustics. However, he emThe cast is composed of Students from wide backphasized the fact that this presents a real challenge to
grounds. The striking fact about the cast is the numthe actor for he must be conscious of his diction,
ber of people who are taking part who are new to the
enunciate clearly, and modify his normal delivery.
University. There are freshmen, transfers, graduate
He added that taking Marlowe's play into the Cathedral
students, and State University Theatre veterans.
complements the entire production, since it puts it
James Economldes, who Is a freshman, is playing
Into the context of its mood.
the dual roles of Beezlebub and a Cardinal. He was
Danny Labellle, a graduate student, plays one of the
very impressed with the Cathedral setting.
lead roles; that of Mephistophilis. He felt that it was
One of the returning veterans is Jon Barden, who
an excellent way of reflecting the Renaissance spirit
of the play — going to the Cathedral. He added that the fact that It
is a Cathedral Is not being hidden.
The arches will frame the action,
while adding the austere atmosphere needed. Labellle said that
performing In the Cathedral gives
the actors so much more motivation than H 11 were In Page Hall.
Renaissance Style Used
He said that It is being done In
the style of the Renaissance traveling troupe. The actors will come
down the aisles to the stage at the
beginning of the play. The large
number of characters in dual roles
reflects the Renaissance troupe Idea
of all doing their share as it was
a Job then.
Everyone in the cast felt basically
the same about the production —
that it was a challenge to act in the
Cathedral and It Is a wonderful exGood Angel
perience — one which is unique and
never-to-be forgotten.
frhky, Hov«i>fc>r6,1964
A PT*}»
Soviet Hierarchy
by J i Roger L e e
Half a month has elapsed since
the fall of Nikita Khrushchev, and
still it is possible only to speculate
about the new status of various Russian leaders and of the USSR itself.
No "hard" analysis may yet be
drawn concerning the future of
either Russia or the world communist movement. Some observations concerning the coup are in
order, however, since they provide
a basis for sane speculation.
First, it is noteworthy that the
abortive reight of Khrushchev
marked the first time that the leadership of a major communist nation
was not in the hands of a theoretician. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Tsetung have all written on the philosophy of dialetlcal materlalsm.
Campus Chest Tradition Includes
Chinese Auctions, Dances, Goals
by L i n d a H a n d e l l m a n
Once again the annual Campus
Chest Drive Is taking place. It has
been a tradition at SUNYA since
1943 when fifty cents per person
was the goal of the week-long drive.
Since then, Campus Chest has become synonymous with a week of
fund-raising activities culminated
by a dance.
YMCA's, and other similar Institutions.
Perhaps the past themes of Campus Chest can better convey the
purpose behind the drive. Themes
such as "The World Is Our Campus" in 1958, "Dollars for Diplomas" in 1957, "Students Helping
Students" in 1956, and "Hands
Across the Sea" in 1953 express
the goals of Campus Chest.
The purpose of Campus Chest Is
to solicit contributions for the furthering of college education throughout the world. The funds are divided
among the World University Service, the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students,
and the Albany Community Chest.
In the past, many diverse activities have proven successful in
acquiring the funds for a worthwhile cause. There have been Chinese auctions, dances, boosters in
class colors, films, skits,speeches,
raffles, and card parties, not to
mention many others.
In" recent years, fashion shows
proved to be successful fund raisers.
Funds B i g Improvements
Students modeled the fashions of
The funds given to the third re- several neighborhood stores, and
cipient, the Albany Community outfits were given to the girl and
Chest, are well used for local im- the boy holding the winning raffles.
provements on community centers. The money for the raffles and the
—"He who reams last, reams best"—Hank Bauer
Your "dump" concerning the Gamma Kap beer party was a little inaccurate — like 100% wrong. We tlUnk this "holler than thou" attitude
has gone to your heads — well, why not? There's plenty of room up
there for filler.
We commend the bravery of our three deans who came to the aid of
two "damsels In distress," but did anyone ever consider the police or
the possibility that this pervert may have been carrying a gun?
The foreign policies of these
three men have all been faithful
to the philosophy's comment to
spread the revolution. These Items
become noteworthy in light of the
fact that one of the key figures in
both the coup and in the subsequent
power struggle has been the Russian Communist Party theoretician,
Mikhail Suslov.
Suslov has been a rallying figure
proceeds from the admission fee for the Stalinist factions of the
were given to the Campus Chest CPSU. It was he who delivered the
four hour indictment at the Central
Committee meeting which ousted
Slave Sales
Khrushchev from his post of party
At the Chinese auctions, waiters leadership.
and waitresses for the various
Another interesting fact that was
houses were auctioned off, as well
as first place positions in regis- slow to come to light was the involvement of Marshal Rodlon Mallntration lines.
ovsky in the October coup. MalinT
Campus Chest committee mem- ovsky has often been one of the
bers canvassed the dorms-, group more outspoken of the hard line
houses, and sorority and fraternity .anti-Americans. In Khrushchev's
houses in an effort to get a con- 'time, it was usually Malinovsky's
tribution from every student. Boos- oratory that "rattled the rockets."
ters in class colors were available
for twenty-five cents at booths situMolotov
ated in Draper. '•
The National Broadcasting ComThe proceeds from special showings of movies were given to Cam- pany, hearing that Khrushchev had
been seen alive on the streets of
pus Chest.
Moscow, sent a camera crew to
Skits, speeches, and other forms get pictures of the deposed leader.
of entertainment usually got the
drive off to a start in the beginning
of the week, while a dance over
the weekend provided the culminating attempt to secure funds. AdIn a recent ramble down Hucklemission was charged, and girls were
able to buy one half hour extended berry Road, we happened on this
hours for twenty-five cents.
piece from the ''Xavier News."
Posters Plot Progress
Posters in the peristyles kepti
track of the growth of the funds.
One year a thermometer was used
to record the gains of Campus
Chest while in another year it was
a poster depicting student in cap
and gown holding a diploma. As
the contributions increased, the diploma came nearer to his head,
signifying the completion of his
In 1954 there was an All-State
Day, on which were held Softball
games, auctions, a card party, and
a sguare dance.
The most recent innovation has
been the Campus Chest College
Student P l a y b o y s
Seventeen students from Xavier
University, Cincinnati, Ohio,silently marched in front of the city's new
Elayboy Club for two hours, carrying signs with such slogans as "Hide
from Reality Here" and "Do You
Want Your Daughter to be a Playmate?"
The leader of the group, Thomas
Conway, a sophomore from Cleveland, said the demonstrators objected to the presence of the key
club because of its connection with
"Playboy Magazine," which he described as "pornographic trash."
The "Xavier News," a campus
newspaper, said one of the students
He later had him read out of the
party in 1957 but Molotov is back
in Moscow, and his presence adds
another portentous factor to the
struggle for power.
One of the Unknown factors in
the communist movement is the influence of Mao Tse-Tung. The western press has not indicated any
Involvement of the Chinese revolutionary In the events of the last
month. And yet, it would be Inane
to suppose that he has remained
inactive in the face of recent developments.
Mao and Khrushchev had been
fighting for control of the apparatus — the world communist movement. Khrushchev had fallen and
Mao would be foolish not to exploit
the weakness of the newly formed
Russian leadership. No sane observer has ever considered Mao
Tse-tung to be a fool.
Last semester a constitution for
the Council was successfully passed
through Senate, and a first year's
budget was drawn up which (though
trimmed in budget hearings) allows
the council to bring four speakers to
SUNYA this year, and several loan
exhibits. In addition the Council has
a small sum for the purchase of
original works of art which will be
housed as a permanent art collection
in a separate operating gallery on
the new campus.
3 Functions
Thus it is that the Council has
three main functions: to sponsor
lectures on art subjects by prominent artists, art critics, and art
historians; to provide a continuous
display of art on the third floor
area known as the "Draper Gallery" for all students to view; and
to purchase original art creations
by both contemporary artists and
by those of the past.
It seems to this writer that if
Brezhnev and Kosygln are to remain In power, they will have to be
ideologically sound, which means,
that they will effect a degree of
The figures behind the coup are
too powerful for them to act otherwise. Failure to re-stalinize would
put Kosygln and Brezhnev up against
a formidable power block led by
Molotov, Malinovsky and Suslov. The
probable outcome of such a confrontation would be the transfer of
leadership to Mikhail Suslov.
distributed a mimeograph sheet,
which read as follows:
"In picketing Playboy Club, we
as university students wish to point
out that the entire Playboy philosophy not only opposes the basic
Judeo-Christian principles of our
society but-OPenly advocates their
overthrow. We decry Hugh Hefner's
"new morality," It is nothing but
plain old immorality.
At present the council is nusy
working out next year's budget, trying to revise its constitution, and
making ready to purchase some
original works of art. All of this
work Is being carried out via committees.
Reports of recent Potter and friends activities In O'Heaney's makes
us wonder — when are people going to realize that they can't keep
getting away with Immature actions and last on this campus?
Utopia has finally been reached — unfortunately the sand, noise,
etc, leave quite a bit to be desired. Some day, maybe, the new campl
will be livable. Maybe those living In motels didn't have It so bad
after all? g
We would (Ike to extend our congratulations to Senate on their apparent rise In maturity. A more businesslike attitude on the floor coupled
with long needed revisions In many areas, extended library hours, more
study areas, etc., etc. are Indications that we finally have an Interested,
group working in the best interests of the student body and not themselves.
yd) j5
hlbits, and even the purchase of
art had been carried on, though,
needless to say, to a much more
limited degree.
Pressing Need
Usually no more than two speakers could come a year, only one
loan exhibition was a rental collection, and about one work of art was
purchased. It was because this program was felt to be too limited for
a school the sizeoftheStateUniversity at Albany, that several students
and myself saw the pressing need
for a separate organization solely
devoted .to art. \
It is the Council's sincere desire
to see all of State's students partake in the Council-sponsored
events, and that a good number of
you will wish to Join the council
and keep this youngster growing
stronger year after passing year..
All of the Council's membersrealize the responsibility they have,
for they are spending monies given
them through your student tax. Thus,
the Council seeks to please you,
and to stir you with the exciting,
worlds of art.
History of Art Activities
It would be somewhat unfair if
I said that all of these programs
are completely new to this'campus. For though such art activities
had not been previously sponsored
by an independent organization,
First Exhibition
there Is a history on this campus
It was only recently that the
of the activities now sponsored by first loan exhibition sponsored by
the Art Council.
the Council opened. That show is,
of course, the fifty prints of AlFor several years under the aus- brecht Durer. In the months to
pices of the Dramatic and Arts come you will see in Draper GalCouncil (now divided Into the Art lery such shows as the Prints of
Council and The University Dra- Leonard Baskin, an exhibit of Pop
matics Council), lectures and ex- Art applique banners, the linocuts
of Stanley Wyatt, and many other
Of more Immediate interest are
the two forthcoming lectures sponsored by the Council. On November
20, at 1:30 In Draper 349, author
and editor, Mr. Peter Blake, will
give an illustrated lecture on ills
recently published book, "God's Own
On Monday evening, December 14,
Mr. Horst Janson will give in lower
Brubacher lounge at 8:30, an illustrated lecture on the Renaissance
sculptor, Donatello.
We of the Council Invite you to all
of our programs, and hope this expanded organization meets your demands for good art education continually.
Doctor F A V S T V S
The Division <}f Humanities of the State University of New York at
Albany presents Lectures and Exhibits on the theme of the'Renaissance:
Clifford Leech
Professor of English at Hie University of Toronto
November 6, 1:30 p.m., Page Hall
Bernard Cohen
Professor of the History of Science at Harvard University
Science in the ficnaissance
November 9, 8:30 p.m., Page Hall
Colin Eisler
Professor of Art at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
and the
November 13, 1:30 p.m., Page Hall
On the evenings of November 9 through 14, the University Theatre
will present a production of Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus.
Curtain at 8:30 in the Cathedral of All Saints. Admission by Student Tax.
The Draper Gallery will display a collection of Durer prints from
October 17 to November 8.
The library will feature an exhibit of Renaissance books to lie siiown in
the foyer of Draper Hall from October 26 to November 13. The selections are from the rare book collections of tile New York State Library
ami the State University Library.
Daniels Challenges Jensen: 'Herzog9
by Bruce D a n i e l s
T H E B U D A P E S T STRING Q U A R T E T , consisting of two violins,
o viola, and violincello.
Bunnies Bring Business
T w e n t i e t h Albany A r t i s t s Group
bany Institute of History and Art.
by Harriet Kenyon.
P u b l i c Library Art Room.
November 15
"Mr. Hugh Hefner is the publisher
of "Playboy" magazine, famous for
its daring pictures. A Playboy Club
of Cincinnati cannot but help promote the "Playboy" magazine.
John D. M a z i a r z (paintings
Institute of History and Art.
November 7
El (This
I F G , M e x i c a n . Written
and directed by Luis B u n u e l . 7 & 9 p.m., D 3 4 9 , 5 0 « .
November 9-14
Doctor Faustus,
November 10
See Symposium listing.
I F G , R u s s i a n , Silent
D 3 4 9 , no charge,
114. 7:30
Not Immoral
Arnold Morton, Vice President
'of Playboy Club International, told
'reporters that "the presence of the
pickets was embarrassing to some
of our guests. We are not immoral."
November 12-15 The Man Who Came to Dinner,
by Kaufman & H a r t ,
& 19-22
produced by Albany C i v i c T h e a t r e , 235 Second A v e nue.
Thursday thru Sat., 8:30; Sunday, 7:30 p.m.
He added: "The leader (Conway)
has never been Inside a Playboy
Club. He reflects an uninformed
attitude of emotional blindness. He
Is doing what he has been told to
do by adults."
November 12-14 Coriolarms,
Siena C o l l e g e L l t t l o Theatre Production,
Siena C o l l e g e , 6:00 p.m. $ 1 .
Subsequently, the university's
student council voted, nine to four,
against officially sanctioning the
actions of any volunteer group of
Xavier students In such a protest.
But Conway and his band of volunteers vowed to continue their
Renaissance Symposium
The P r i m e r PoRitinr.
"It has been stated that the presence of a Playboy Club will bring
more business to Cincinnati. What
kind of business? Have we reached
such a ridiculous impasse that the
development of downtown Cincinnati
depends on overgrown "boys" ogling
"Pornography, no matter how sophisticated it claims to be, Is nothing
more than filth — a filth whose
stench Is repulsive and whose advocates are corrupters."
Will the quote of the week make It past the "censors?"
With malice towards none (hal),
Art Ferrari and Gary Splelmann
The Art Council, last year at
this time a dream, is how an Infant reality. A mere handful of
students and Mr. Edward Cowley,
chairman of the Art Department,
worked out plans for the establishment on SUNYA's campus of
an Independent organization devoted
to the sponsorship of art lectures
and exhibitions.
The Council has at present a
membership of about twenty students, composed of upperclassmen
who are full members and interested freshmen who must await
(as stipulated by the Council's' constitution) the completion of one academic semester before they can
become •fullfledged members. The
only other requirement for Council
membership, In addition to the one
academic semester clause, Is that
the interested student has an unfailing devotion to making art available to the entire student body.
Xavier Pickets New Playboy Club
"A" for effort to our soccer team, but how inconsistent can you get?
Eleven goals in one game and Just not enough the rest of the time —
let's get together guys,
Molotov, Stalin's foreign minister, is the old bolshevik who is
without doubt the most influential
Stalinist In the Soviet Union. Khrushchev had to defeat him in his
rise to power after Stalin's death.
Art Council Reflects New Interest
by M. Gilbert Williams
The cameraman patrolled the area
around the government and party
offices where Khrushchev would be
likely to be found, but the ex-premier
was nowhere to be found. However,
they did see and photograph a postcoup returnee to Moscow named
Vyacheslav Molotov.
A u
Frldoy, November 6, 1964
TWO C O N T R A S T I N G SCENES (ram last year's Campus Chest. At left the score is evened after some
brisk auctioning In the Union, while at right fraternity men battle out a College Bowl Competlfion
against the sororities in Bru Lounge. ,
o p
November 13
Smother Brothers,
8:30 p.m. R P I F l e l d h o u s e , T i c k e t s :
$3 to $ 2 , a v a i l a b l e at V a n Curler.
Nov. 17
Budapest String Quartet,
student tax.
8:15 p.m., Page. Tickets by
November 18
Noon Book Review: Dr. Townsend Rich, Chairman
of English Department, reviews "Border Country,"
by Raymond Williams. 12-15.12:45, Hormanus Bleecker
Library, free,
It is just one of the Ironies of
Saul Bellow's "Herzog" that It
seems to he a smashing success.
Not thai we should fault Bellow for
his good fortune alone, hut there Is
something ahoul the marriage of the
Culture Industry and a Good Reputation that must make us uneasy.
And, further, the book itself is a
repudiation of the very people who
will gobble it up and bat it about at
cocktail parties.
One might have predicted some
weeks before the book appeared on
the stands that it would be a bestseller. Bellow, being a "name"
and thus a highly saleable commodity,'might — if he wanted to —
publish his grocery list and keep
his reputation intact.
Even so, the full mechanism of
promotion was brought to bear on
"Herzog" and sections of the book
were sneak-previewed not only in
''Commentary" but in the "Saturday Evening Post."
zog sets out to work on a second
study of Romanticism — a Grand
Synthesis which he abandons and
finds that, in his dawdling, lie has
been scooped by another scholar.
From this he turns to writing
fragmentary letters shot
through with petty spleen and flashes
of Insight. By the end of the book
he lias abandoned even this and
has the profound silence of exhaustion.
This disintegration of rationality
is interwoven with the story of
Herzog's failures in his animal
life: lie is cheated sexually by his
wife Madeline and his best friend
and protege Valentine Gersbach.
F u t i l e Attempts
He is unable to make connection
with his past and is cut off irrevocably from Ids family. His various
attempts at eroticism fail because
Herzog is simply not built that way.
Even Ramona, whom we feel at
times is Herzog's only hope to reestablish contact with the human
world, is transformed by Herzog's
Guaranteed Success
own Ironic Intelligence into some
To cap It all off, "Herzog" was kind of exotic monster— at once
rapturously reviewed in the ''N.Y, larger and less than life.
Times Book Section" as its frontThe characters of Madeline and
page Great Book of the Week — Qersbach are (besides Herzog's,
and followed in the same issue by of course) the most superbly and
a disgusting little portrait of the subtly rendered creations In the
Genius in a Lighter Moment, How look. Madeline, particularly, has
could "Herzog" miss?
been singled out as llfeless-too
In an attempt to become the much a "type" and not enough a
"Lovejoy of his generation," Her- fully-realized human being.
Dr.The Renaissance
Leech's Symposium
on Wednesday that Professor Clifford Leech's lecture on "Shakespeare; Elizabethan and Jacobean"
originally scheduled for today at 1:30 p.m. in Page
Hall has been cancelled because of unresolvable
emergencies. It has not been possible to re-schedule
the leoture.
But we must remember that both
Madeline and Gersbach are creatures of Herzog's moral universe—
and in a moral universe (whether
we call them "daemone" or ''humours") types and perfectly at
in the first
Issue of " C o u n t e r p o i n t / ' a w e e k l y
journal of literary opinion* It is
reprinted because of Paul Jensen's
commentary in " A R T S at the M o v
i e s " In lost w e e k ' s A R T S i
FrU«y. Hovn*w<, 1964
Provides Balanced Format
The radio station is one of the casting an average of seven hours
largest and most expensive of the a day. A loss In personnel from
service organizations on campus. last semester was partly responIt provides a balanced program of sible for the station's limited acpopular, classic; and folk music, tivities during the first eight weeks
plus world and University news, of the year.
on a dally basis.
A successful training program
The station requires a large staff has been carried out in the past'
to meet the pressures of broad- eight weeks to add badly needed
technical workers, news men, and
announcers to the staff.
The station Is currently enjoying
a tremendous increase In both the
quantity and quality of its technical equipment. Over $3000 Is budgeted for capital Improvements during the current year.
All of this equipment is of a
professional calibre and is comparable to that used by local stations.
The station began broadcasting
in February 1962 in a one room
studio that was formerly used as
a storeroom. The first transmitter was a retread of a unit originally Intended for a Public Address system.
Today the station boats a four
room studio off the Brubacher Game
Room, a UPI machine, a new $2000
transmitter, and a record library
consisting of 1670 long playing records, and 1000 forty-fives.
WSUA is already looking toward
its future on the new campus. The
station originally planned to begin
broadcasting to the new dormitory
complex next semester, but delays
in construction will make this imTiamiv)'....— '
possible until the fall of 1965.
The station itself will move to
J . ROGER L E E , commentator of American Forum interviews
the new campus In 1967 and will
guest in WSUA't new studio.
present a full day's schedule.
Climaxing a year of intensive
re-organization and growth, Radio
Station WSUA embarks upon an expanded 48 hour per week programming schedule today.
the student station broadcasts
at a frequency of 640 kilocycles over
a closed circuit system In the residence quadrangle.
-Liue From
the Union-
World, National, State, Local, S tlniuersittj Nems
World, National, Slate, Local,
-Uninterrupted Easy Listening Music-
Jo* Keating Sparks Frosh DistancemeD
* Music Representatioe of Type Required For Music I Including That Required
Until 'Tuesday's meet against LeMoyne College and
New Paltz, in every dual meet that the cross-country
team had participated over the past two years Tom
Robinson had been the first man to cross the finish
line. On Tuesday afternoon, in Tom's last college dual
meet, his fantastic fifteen-meet wining streak was
brought to a close by Bill Ripple, LeMoyne's flashy
Ripple, whom cross-country coach Keith Munsey
termed "the best college distance runner that I have
ever seen" broke Tom's Washington Park course
record by 30 seconds. However, State was still ble
to capture team the meet due to a sweep
of the second through fifth positions by Robinson,
Dennis Tuttle, Bob Flick, and John Clark respectively.
The Peds actually garnered two dual meet victories*
as Albany-LeMoyne and Albany-New Paltz were each
scored as dual meets.
Since cross-country meets are scored on the basis
of the first five finishers for each team, Ken Darmer's twelfth place was very important; Darmer was
a doubtful starter for the race because he had been
sidelined with a leg injury the previous week. If
Ken's sore legs had not held up over-the grueling
4.55-mile course, the team's undefeated record would
have ended a fifteen straight as Robinson's did.
Immediately after the meet Coach Munsey informed
the harriers that AA Board had voted to send them to
the NCAA College Division Championship Meet held
in Wheaton, Illinois November 14.
This opportunity to compete against the top college
teams in the country is certainly well deserved and
we are confident that the team will turn in a fine
our Pepsi, Teem,
and Diet Pepsi at
M«i.-T>iiir«. 9a.m.-IM5?.m.
Sun. 4p.m.~iOi4Sp.m.
Sheridan Aue., Albany, N. Y.
Tuesday, November 24, 8 P. M.
\t \
Price $2.00
by Harold Lynn*
WAA Hockey Team
Bows to Castleton
State will have to rebound after
last week's defeat to Montclair,
5-1. The team's defense was week
and forced goalie Ron Hamiltpn to
make thirty-two saves.
Guddat scored two goals for the
Peds In last year's victory in which
State was offensively strong in the
first half but was forced to take to
defense by an aroused Post squad
in the second half.
This year lias been a season of
frustration and. surprises for'the
Peds. TWO' of the team's losses
came in overtime as did the one
tie. The booters were soundly defeated by Brooklyn College (C-0)
and by Montclair College (5-1);
they smashed Utica College 11-1
and trimmed New Paltz and Oneonta,
P I L E U P A G A I N S T NEW P A l T Z is t y p i c a l of the a c t i o n in the
both by 3-2 scores.
1964 soccer season. Pea's sport 3-5-1 record going into tomorThe Utica victory came after the r o w ' s f i n a l e .
booters had been held scoreless for
284 minutes of play. Maunice Tsododo and Ed Wolner led the State
attack in that contest, scoring four
and three goals respectively.
Much of the credit for the suc- ord.
Coach Garcia expects tomorrow's
"He is quick to spot a critical
contest to be evenly matched, and he cess of this year's frosh crossfeels that If the Peds passing game country team must go to Joe Keat- area in a race and he will generally
profit by mistakes," Coach Munsey
can click, as it did against New
Paltz and Utica, State should be Glens Falls. Joe, who graduated said. Joe, while viewing films of
of his races this season, spotted
able to win. The defense should be
solidified with the return of co- Falls last June, won seven of the an error in his stride. He corrected
flaw and since then he has been
captain Luis Ospina. Ospina, a fullback, was forced to sit out last season; the team compiled a 5-3 able to maintain better rhythm in
his running, and thus improve his
week's Montclair game due to an
Cross-country Coach H. Keith speed.
ankle injury.
Munsey emphasized Keating's abilCoach Munsey, looking ahead to
ity to analyze his own strengths and next year said, "I am positive that
weaknesses as an Important factor Joe will be a great asset to the
in the freshman's outstanding rec- varsity squad next fall. He has
strength and substantial amount of
speed, and this coupledwithastrong
The hockey team played Its first
desire to win makes him a fine
Varsity game at Castleton State
Teacher's College in Vermont' on
Joe is majoring in biology. By
Friday, October 30. The final score
planning his time well lie has been
was 2-1 In favor of Castleton. Barb
to do well in his studies while
Russell scored State's only goal.
ej<celllng In cross-country.
Karen Bock, Beth Boyd, and Priscilla Gurney, under the supervision
of Mrs. Mann, comprised the first
women's physical education class
to use the facilities on the new
campus-Thursday, October 29. They
practiced on the new tennis courts
to prepare for the scheduled match
against Oneonta. However, due to
Oneonta's lack of practice and Interest, the match was cancelled.
Recently, Sue Emborsky, as
Joe Keating
State's representative, attended the
Frosh Harrier
10th annual conference of the State
Sue was especially impressed with
Athletic and Recreation Federation the discussion presented by Dr.
of College Women at Upton Hall, Margaret E, Nix. who teaches beState University College at Buffalo. havioral sciences at Pace's grad•Along with representatives from uate school in New York City. Dr.
eleven other units of the State Uni- Nix emphasized one important point
versity System, she spent the week- about athletic recreation; recreaend of October 23 discussing the tion is really re-cieaiiuii because,
importance of athletics and listen- after a day of studying, participation
ing to lectures on leadership qualin some sport
evllali/e the
Sports, & Uniuersily Nems
The Lynt Lilt oi Sports
With a chance to better last year's record of three wins and seven losses,
Coach Garcia's Peds take a 3-5-1 record to Long Island this afternoon for the
final game of the season against an always powerful C. W. Post College team.
The game will be played on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock; the Peds will be
staying in a hotel on Long Island tonight. Last, year State hosted the game against
Post and was a 3-2 winner in a tense and exciting contest.
Post is an especially
tough team as it contains
several foreign born playe r s . State has been plagued
by injuries and Luis O s pina and Udo Guddat have
been sidelined.
(Feature to Begin After
-The Lioely Uptempo
-Accent on
CLUB " 6 4 0 "
Albany, Now York 12203
Anyone wishing to hear a particular work on any of
the above shows is requested to drop a note in the
student mail under the announcer's name.
BRUBACHER HALL - 7S0 State Street
Thursday, November 12
WSUA Showtime-" The King and I "
Announcer-Art Loder
Booters End Season with CW.Post
Wednesday, November 11
Music 1 Listening, Announcer-Dick
Senate Report
Sunday, November 8
1:00- 2:00
World of Folk Music-"Talking Blues"
Announcer-Gerry Terdiman
4:00- 6:00
Music of the Masters-Tchaikovsky's
"Pathetique Symphony" — Announcer
Art Loder
6:00- 7:00
World of Folk Music
7:30- 8:00
The American Forum
"The Contemporary Cinema" Host-J. Roger Lee:
Special Guests-Paul Jensen, Art Loder, and Dr. Arthur Lenig
8:00- 9:00
Eye on the Campus - " F i r s t Session
of the Renaissance Symposium" - Dr.
George Boas speaking on " C r o s s Currents of the Italian Renaissance" - Announcer-Bob Fullem
WSUA Showtime
Saturday, November 7
Jazz Scene SUA - "A Night vvilh Miles
7:30- 9:30
Davis" •- Announcer-Lou Strong
Music of the Past-"The Fabulous For9:30-11:00
t i e s " - Announcer-Duane White
per person
Tickets available at the door.
WAA H O C K E Y T E A M d r i v e * toward goal In recent contest with
Friday, N o v m U f 6,1964
Hanfecs Finish Undefeated; Team to Compete at NCAA Meet
State Runners To
Ra^at Wheqtoit
Peds Top LeMoyne, New Paltz;
Robinson Defeated for First Time
The cross country team
will be returning to Wheaton, Illinois to compete in
the 7th Annual NCAA Col-:
lege' Division National
Championship Crosscountry Meefts ? i It >.;J:.
by Joe Silverman
Finishing their season undefeated, the cross-country team defeated LeMoyne and New Paltz in a
triangular meet held Tuesday in Washington Park.
The Peds accumulated 26 points to LeMoyne's 35
and New Paltz* s 66. Tom Robinson failed to win for
the first time in three, years on the Washington Park
. , , , ,
Jake Johnville, Bob Novack, and
He was defeated by Le- Ed Brown finished 17th, 19th, 20th
Moyne's Bill Ripple who and 27th, respectively.
finished the course in the
Robinson Hurt
record-breaking time of The race between Robinson and
Ripple'was close until about a mile
24:14.4, 30 seconds faster and a half to go when Robinson
than the old record set,
suffered a stitch in his side. Ripple
Five men, Tom Robinso:i, Dennis
Tuttle, Bob Flick; John Clark and
Ken Darmer.j'iirtn.represent Albany •:
•in the meet.'
The decision, to send the team was
announced Monday afternoon when
President Evan Collins approved the
AA Board's vote in favor of the trip.
The team- will- leave Albany No- |
vember 13 and fly to Chicago. When
they get there they will be given an
opportunity to' review the course.
On November 14, they will compete'
TOP RUNNER AND TOP COACH in one scene, « Tom Robinson (edged on by Coach Munsey), prepares to make his move
his performance from last year when
he finished 2fl.- Munsey comments,
"that on any given, day Robinson
could be in the top fifteen."
The top fifteen finishers are eligible for the University Division
pace to be held the following week
In Michigan.
Keith Munsey
Winningeat Coach
Team Finishes 14th
against more than forty teams on
the four mile winding Chicago Golf
Club Course.
Coach Keith Munsey calls the
teams competing In the meet as
the country's "cream of the crop."
He is optimistic about the team's
chances and feels that they have a
good chance of finishing In the top
Albany's hopes will be with Roblnson who will be trying to better
340 Western Avenue
We call and deliver
IV 2-3134
for a terrific
selection of
The team finished 14th last year
out of a field of 27 teams. Robinson
finished first of State's runners followed by Tuttle, who was 55th,
John Clark, 75th, and Ken Klrlk
and Howard Merriam finishing 125th
and 156th, respectively, for a total
of 331 points.
Kansas State Is heavily favored
to win again this year. They will
have John Camion returning, who
last year finished first at Kansas
State accumulating only 44 points.
The first five teams will r e ceive gold pins and medals, the
second five silver pins and the third
five bronze pins. Trophies will also
be presented to the first three teams.
The Harriers will prepare for
Wheaton by practicing on grass; the
Washington Park course is run primarily on pavement, and therefore
the Peds will now have to condition
themselves to the type of course at
Paul Russo is practicing with the
team to act as a replacement for
Darmer if his knees start to bother
275 State Street
10 a.m. Church School
11 a.m. Worship
Dr. Ralph H. Elliot, Minister
Walt's Submarine
Delioeriess Sun 4p.m.-8p.m.
IV 2-2988
Mon.-Thurs 8a.m.-12p.m.
Fii. ft Sat. 8a.m.- 1a.m.
/our favorite hits in the famed Ferrante
& Teicher style. You chose them. Now
watch (hern become the hits of an age.
Your age. People's Choice: your choice
today, j i f i i j I I H I M I jiM jjtMwti u«'»m
The one lo watch:
Robinson, Dennis Tuttle and Bob
Flick finished 55 seconds behind
Ripple to notch the 2nd, 3rd and
4th spots for Albany. John Clark
came in 11 seconds after the Ped
trio to place fifth.
The next Ped runner to cross
the finish line was Ken Darmer
who finished twelfth. Paul Russo,
Patter Club Shoots for Tenth
Straight AMIA Title Tomorrow
Tomorrow at 2:00 on University Field the AMIA
play-off game for the league championship will be
played between champion Potter Club and challenger
APA. The two clubs were thrown into a tie via APA's
forfeit win over Trinity last week. Potter finished
the year with a 4-1 record, while APA went undefeated in a 3-0-2 record.
Potter Club has won the
championship for fourteen
Student Trainers Needed
years, the last nine in a Anyone Interested In becoming
row. Potter lost the crown a student trainer for State's athin 1954 to a team of war letlc teams should contact Charles
called the
Vets. "Spud" Kruzan at Robin Annex,
. i>« .. i i A r, .i
. i. . iv. T h e 'unction of these student train-
The drive and power behind the
soccer team's offensive attack Is
a 5'4", 128 pound Southern Rhodeslan by the name of Maurice
Tsododo. Anyone who has ever seen
Maurice dribble u soccer ball or
boot borne a score can readily understand why he holds the freshman
scoring record with nine goals and
has hooted ten goals thus far this
Arriving In Amorlca last year on
a scholarship lie received after
competing with over three hundred
other students (twenty received
scholarships), Maurice has become
a fine athlete and a hard working
scholar. Ills cumulative average for
last year was 2,07,
At his high school, Saint Augustine Secondary School, Maurice
studied, among other subjects, English, Latin, and Shona, his native
language, lie Is majoring In Eng-
C a r ry a Torch
A Free
f o r Carillon ?
A l b a n y ^ ^ e d t Press
A L B A N Y 3 . N E W YORK
N O V E M B E R 10. 1964
Dormer Cited
The big question before the meet
was "would Darmer's knees hold
out?" He had been troubled most
of the reason especially in recent
weeks. He went into the meet after
having been out of practice for the
last eight days, but came through
to clinch the Harriers tenth consecutive dual meet victory of the
springs. He hastens to add, "but
cross-country I"
Last year, Maurice, a resident
of Waterbury Hall, was a member
of Dorm Council, and this year he
Is vice president of the Council.
Used strictly as a center forward
as a freshman, Maurice has alternated this season between that position and the other forward slots.
He was held to two goals for the
first half of the season, but Maurice
has booted home eight tallies In the
last four games, Including four
against Utlca and three against New
Paltz, Maurice considers the New
Paltz game his biggest thrill in
soccer, not because he scored all
the team's goals, but because the
team scored a "good upset,"
Maurice Is a colorful and exciting
player and is a fine team player
and competitive athlete, 'State Is
fortunate In having such a flue man
whu reflects honor on the university, both scholasllcally and athletically.
VOL. L. NO. 3 2
Booster Soles, Auctions
Begin Campus Chest
" C a r r y a Torch" for Campus Chest is the appeal
being heard throughout the campus as the annual
Campus Chest drive began yesterday. Among the daily
activities of the drive are the sale of booster pins,
Chinese auctions, and voting for Miss Campus Chest.
The boosters are on sale
Tlie candidates are Stephanie De
from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Simone
from Chi Sigma Theta, Rothe peristyles at twenty- selle Warsliaw of Camilla Kappa
five cents apiece. They a re Plii, Lisa Gold of Kappa Delta, Leda
also being sold in the dor- Siiuuue of Psi Gamma, Helen Messerole of Sigma Alpha, and Marcia
mitories from 8-10 p.m. Dan
in from Sigma Phi Sigma.
Robinson had faced Ripple earlier
In the season at the LeMoye Invitational. In that meet Ripple was
running on his home course and
defeated Robinson by 14 seconds.
Maurice Tsododo: Outstanding Soph Athlete-Scholar
lish here at Albany, and will return
home some day to teach the subject.
Maurice enjoys all aspects of
English literature, especially the
metaphysical poems. He Is extremely fond of John Donne's works.
Soccer Is the major sport In
Southern Rhodesia and Maurice has
been playing the game for over
eight years. Ha also participated
in school track, running the short
Do e s Senate
then pulled ahead to stay. It seemed
doubtful that Robinson would be
able to finish until teammates Flick
and Tuttle caught up and gave him
the encouragement to continue.
The Peds finished the season
with a 10-0 record. This was the
second consecutive season they have
been undefeated.
As a result of the team's outstanding record the Athletic Board
has voted to send the team traveling
to Wheaton, Illinois to compete in
-* week
i " « e r s w o u l d •* t 0 a s s l s t M r - Kruzan the NCAA College Division Cross
of the
league, 14-16,
Country championships Nov. 14.
and continued on to «,„.„
defeat Kappa In his training duties.
Beta and Trinity. It tied Waterbury and SLS.
Potter is led by flashy quarterback Wayne Smith, and ends Ray
Weeks and Denny Phillips. The combination of Smith to Weeks and
Phillips provided Potter with the
most overwhelming majority of the
team's scores and extra points.
Blocking backs Dave Sully and
Dick Moore were Invaluable In
catching screen passes and picking
off blitzers before they could reach
the quarterback.
APA's offense is led by quarterbuck Den Prokup and ends Mike
Goldstein and Steve Zahurak. APA
uses a balanced attack with Zahurak and Goldstein forming the aerial
threat and backs Rick Genero and
John Hatallng the ground game.
APA's defense is tight and rugged
and should give Potter's passing
game a good battle. The secondary
is led by John Buckholder and Bob
The game should be a hard fought
and well-balanced, pitting Potter's
powerful offense against APA's ten- A FAMILIAR SIGHT this past season, as State harrier has field
to himself.
acious defense.
by Roy McCloat
A Free
' J ^ |IjMWWl(W< Iff Wfl^lMIM II •ni'i ' • •
i" *^V¥t^uuul
MISS CAMPUS CHEST candidates from left: Stephanie De Simone, Chi Sigma Theta; Rosell
show. Gamma Kappa Phi; Lisa Gold, Kappa Delta; Leda Simone, Psi Gamma; Helen Meserole,
Sigma Alpha; and Marcia Damn, Sigma Phi Sigma.
Students, Faculty to Participate In
Reorganization Workshop
presently un
way are
for apresently
Reorganization Workshop
which is to be held from
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on November 21 in Brubacher
Approximately fifty to sixty students will participate In the workshop and about twenty-five faculty
members are expected to attend.
The students will be representatives
of virtually all of the organization
on the campus.
Noti is concerning participation
in the program for organizations
will be placed in Student Mall by
today, addressed to the groups'
presidents. Faculty will receive let-
ters at theirVhomes.
Panel D i s c u s s i o n
The workshop will consist of a
panel discussion and a review of
the government revision work that
has been done to date. This will be
to acquaint all of the participants
with the breadth of the matter under
Then the students and faculty will
be divided Into small discussion
groups according to general classifications such as communications,
services, religious groups, dormitories, and sororities and fraternities.
After a luncheon, everyone will
reconvene for a general discussion
and reports from the various discussion groups.
Q u a r t e t Concert Tickets
Available Until Tomorrow
Tickets will be available today
and tomorrow only for the Budapest
String Quartet concert on Thursday, November 17. They may be
obtained In the Peristyles for $1.00
or Student Tax.
The Quartet, internationally famous for its Interpretations, will
appear In Page Hall playing a program of Myden, Debussy, and Beethoven, appearing under the auspices of Music Council, the quartet
consists of Joseph Rolsman and
Alexander Schneider, violinists;
Boris Kroyt, viullst; and Mlscha
Schneider, 'cellist.
Although the Quartet Is worldrenowned for all the literature It
plays, It Is particularly known for
its readings of chamber music of
the Romantic period, especially
Beethoven, Indeed, Us interpretations of this literature have made
critics and audiences all over the
world acclaim 11 as being the unchallenged matters In this subtle
and lieautlful realm.
The Budapest, now Quartet in
Residence at Hie State University of
New York at Buffalo, has been playing In this country for the last
thirty years. In addition to their
concert series at Buffalo, the mem-
bers of the Quartet have teaching
positions at the University also.
Tile Quartet's experience is just
as long as it is varied. For twentythree years, it gave regular concerts at the Library of Congress.
In 1904, it Inaugurated the now
famous Metropolitan Museum of Art
series, and it lias enjoyed great
popularity In Its Kaufmann Concert
Mall programs for the last twentyfive years.
Previous government reorganization work and conferences have
dealt with abstract principles and
basic forms of structure.
Structure to be Discussed
This workshop will deal witli specifics. Actual structure, function,
and make-up of councils will be
considered. Also considered will
be further structural implications
of tiie evolved thinking about government purposes.
This will be accomplished through
a consideration of how all presently
existing student organizations will
fit Into the new pattern that is developing.
It is hoped that the session will
give all organizations an opportunity to catch up with the growth of
student government philosophy as
ii aiiects groups' functioning and
lo discuss specific needs for representation within a new student
government structure.
Members of the steering committee that has been considering
government reorganization have expressed the need for an all-campus
dialogue for communication, cooperation and mutual advisement In
a workshop such as this as well as
within the government.
Tlie workshop will also attempt to
explore the ways that government
can be brought to a meaningful level
for all campus organizations so that
they may function for the benefit ol
all students in Die University.
Prof Offers European Flights
Students and faculty at all State.
Both flights will be on Saturn
University units are now being of- Airways DC-7 planes. The flights
fared low-cost charter flights to will lie non-stop and will include
Europe fur the slimmer.
Professor S. Jay Walker of the
Tlie Charter Program Is offerState University College at Gen- ing for the first time tills year a
eseo Is sponsoring fur the second six-week guided tour of Europe,
year the Faculty-Student Charter The tour will include England, HolFlight Program. The program is land, Germany, Austria, Italy, and
open only to State University mem- Switzerland, at an all-inclusive
tors and their families,
price of $800.
Two flights will he operated In
Applications and further Informal'.lGO at a projected cost of $206.42
for the round-trip fare, The ilrst tion regarding the flights Is availwill leave New York for London on able from Prof. S. Jay Walker,
June 0 and return from Paris to Faculty-Student Flights, Post Office
New York on September 3. The Box 231, Geneseo, New York, 14404,
second flight will leave on June 30 All applications will be handled on
a first-come, first-served basis,
and return on September 2,
The pins are in tlie shape of a
torch, and are in class colors.
Sliaryu Teres and Ken Darmer have
charge of tlie sales.
Tlie Chinese auctions occur daily
in tiie caleteria from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. and in the Student Union from
9-10 p.m. Last year tlie auctions
proved to he tlie most successful
fund-raising event.
Weekend Events
The drive will conclude this weekend with two special events. A
dance will lie held Saturday, November 14, lu Brubacher, featuring
the music of "Tlie Invaders." Halfhour late permissions will iw sold
for thirty cents apiece at all women's residence halls.
Variety of (terns
On Sunday, November 10, the secUnder the direction of Jack Kenny ond annual Campus Chest College
and Ann Bourdon, local merchants Bowl will take place in Brubacher
and students have volunteered goods Lower Lounge. Run last year as a
and services to be auctioned off to contest between a fraternity and a
lucky bidders. Among the items up, sorority team, this year it will infor bid are gift certificates, bids to* clude a representative from each
Winterlude, and "slave duties" Greek organization, as wellasthree
ranging from waitressing to escorts. independents selected by Senate.
Especially popular are thesalesof
The contest will begin at 8 p.m.
chances to throw pies at many of the
A donation of twenty-five cents will
student leaders on campus.
he taken at tlie door.
A new event this year Is tlie selection of a Miss Campus Chest.
Campus Chest lias a goal of $3,000
Six sororities have nominated can- this year. The money will be donated
didates, and voting will lake place to tiie Albany Community Chest,
all this week In the Peristyles from World University Service, and the
9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Votes cost five National Scholarship Service and
cents apiece.
Fund for Negro Students.
Art Lecture to Conclude
Renaissance Symposium
He has been an instructor and curator ol prints and drawings at Yale.
Also, lie was a visiting member
for the Institute of Advanced Study
at Princeton and a professor at
Ai the present, Eisler Is on the
Board of Directors ol tlie College
Art Association, Drawings Society
of America, and the Committee to
Save Cooper Union Museum, and Is
editor tor the American edition of
Elslor's main interest Is in Ico- "Emlle Male," Art at tlie end of
nography; that I s . ^ j e stud> of dis- tlie Middle Ages, Bolllngon Foundatinct modes ol representation of tlie. tion.
Eisler belongs to the younger
subject matter. He has made many
contributions to tlieknowledgeoflate generation of scholars who have
done extensive research In art hisMedieval and Renaissance An.
He is tlie author of "Flemish tory and analysis.
Painting in New England Museums"
which is a volume of tlie corpus of
early Flemish painting, and two
recent books — "Dutch and Flemish
Drawings" and "German Drawings," and lias also written a number of magazine articles.
Among the magazines lie lias contributed to are the "Burlington Magazine," "College Art Bulletin,"
"L'Oell," "Art de France," and the
"Renaissance News."
Since 1908 Eisler has taught art
history at Hie Institute of Flue Arts,
which Is the graduate center of
New York University, Previously,
he held the position of Consultant
in the Painting Department of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City,
A graduate of Yale anil Harvard,
Eisler was a Guggenheim Fellow
Colin Eitlet
last year, and was Henry Fellow at
...To Speak Friday
Magdaelln College, Oxford 111 1902.
"Michaelangelo and the
North" will be the topic of
the lecture to be given by
Professor Colin Eisler in
Page Hall, Friday at 1:25
p.m. The lecture will be
the last given in the Henaissance Symposium s e ries.