Tennis Team Trounces New Haven

frAQg 4
MAY 19, 1964
Tennis Team Trounces New Haven
Easily d e f e a t i n g NewHaven, 8-1, in a home
match last Saturday, the
varsity tennis team upped
its season won-lost record
to 9-1.
Every man on the team won his
singles match rather easily; none
of the matches needed a third set.
The doubles also were dominated
by State, with ehe exception of
Enser-Costello's loss. Enser-Costello dropped their contest 5-7,
New Haven had a 4-3 record
going into Saturday's match but
(Rica's Pitching Stymies Statesmen
Mazarulli Takes Tough 3-0 Loss
State was handcuffed by
the two hit chucking of
Fran De Joseph and lost
to the Utica College 3-0
in a home game Saturday.
Tight pitching and clutch
defense dominated the well
played game.
Both teams missed golden scoring
opportunities in the first inning.
The Pioneers loaded the bases without the benefit of a hit. But Joe
Mazarulli bore down to whiff the
third out.
State looked as if it would bust
the game wide open in their initial
time at bat. Pep Pizzillo walked,
stole second, and went to third on
a balk. Don McGurrin also walked
and stole second. The bases were
filled when Mike Putney took first
on a missed third strike.
two down, the batter singled to
left and scored when Van Shufflin
bashed a line hit to right.
State mounted its final threat of
the game in the bottom of the
eighth. Gary Smith singled with
one down. It was only State's s e c ond hit of the game. With two
down Mason was safe on an e r r o r .
But Chuck Mastrangelo fanned to
end the threat.
was regarded as a tough opponent
because of the top-notch competition that it had faced all season.
Coach Hathaway said: " I was optimistic about the match, but I had
not expected to win so decisively."
John Barthelmes, number one
man, topped his opponent 6-2, 6-1.
Number two man Tom Slocum beat
his competitor 9-7, 6-3. In the
number one doubles contest Barthelmes-Slocum teamed up to score
a 6-3, 6-2 victory.
Sturtevant-Wolner Win
John Sturtevant copped his contest by scores of 6-3, 6-4. Ed Wolner took his match 6-4, 6-4. Sturtevant-Wolner combined to notch a
7-5, 6-3 win in their doubles match.
Bill Enser recorded a 6-2, 6-2 victory, and Keith Costello took his
contest 6-4, 6-3.
Slocum and Enser have compiled
the best won-lost records on the
team. Both of them stand at nine
wins and only one loss for the season.
what is this Man Doing?
Dick Kimball came on to relieve
Mazurulli in the eighth. Mazurulli
pitched a fine game allowing only
five hits and one earned run.
Kimball held the opposition in
check for remainder of the game.
De Joseph, however, proved invincible and set down the Peds in
their last time at bat.
The Ped's final matcli of the
season is Saturday at New Paltz.
The racqueteers have already met
New Paltz once this season. On
May 9 State edged the Hawks 5-4.
However, Coach Hathaway expects
an even tougher match this Saturday since New Paltz will have a
definite home court advantage.
De Joseph Stifles Pea's
Then De Joseph came through
with a masterful performance. He
struck out Smith and Odorizzi and
got Don Mason to ground out.
Utica dented the plate in the
second on a walk, a single, a sacrifice bunt and a run producing
They again scored in the fourth.
An error and a line double to left
put runners on second and third.
Mazarulli got the next two batters,
but balked the run in.
Meanwhile the Peds were unable
to touch De Joseph's side armed
tosses. They managed to get two
runners on via an e r r o r and walk
in the fifth; but the key hit was not
Frosh Baseballers Romp Cobleskill Tech
Nass, Ciaofrini, Star io Third Victory
Behind the four-hit pitching of score run up by the freshman nine
Jim Nass, the frosh baseball team resulted from s'coring that was disromped to -its third victory last tributed throughout the contest.
Ray Cianfrini, the Peds hardSaturday, at Cobleskill. The 12-4
hitting third sacker, paced the hitting attack with three hits. He contributed a single, double and a
All women students are invited triple, and knocked in three men.
Andy Christian and Jake Johnto the Women Athletic Association's annual awards night program, ville each had two hits in the game.
May 20th at 7:30 in Brubacher's Christian, a newcomer to the frosh
lineup, having just recuperated from
private dining room.
Trophies will be awarded to the a knee operation, chipped in two
winning teams in Girl's bowling, singles and two RBI's. Johnville,
volleyball, soccer, and basketball. the team's regular catcher, alsoThe director's cup will be awarded had two singles.
to the group house, sorority, or
Prockup Scores Four Runs
dormitory that has had the best
Rightfield Don Prockup aided the
record of participation in the WAA
Peds with his two singles and two
sports program.
Next year's WAA officers will walks. Each of the four times that
boe formally announced along with he got on base he scored.
The frosh scored two runs in the
the Honor Council members. The
Honor Council members, who handle first inning and were in the lead
all WAA elections are chosen by for the rest of the game. The biggest explosion came in the eighth
the present council members
WAA Awards Night
State Defense Sparkles
A stiff State defense came up with
sparkling double play in the sixth.
A double and an infield hit put Utica
runners in scoring position. Then
on an attempted bunt, Mazarulli
fielded the ball in the air and
wheeled about to double the runner
at second.
The visitors scored the final run Soph Star Tom Slocum strokes ball over the net en route to 9 - 7 ,
of the game in the seventh. With 6-3 win against New Haven.
Ken Zachanas easily defeated
Mike Dew 0-0 and G-3. Stan Kerpel
edged out Steven fashion 4-6, 6-4,
and 0-4, and Dave Gorey put away
his man, Bob Canterbury 0-3 and
Malcolm Provost continued his
unblemished record lr, defeating
Bob Nygard 0-1 and o-O. Guy Nicosia decisively won Ins matcli 0-1
and 0-0 over Mack Dean, and Dave
Hunter beat Nick O'Connel 0-4 and
In doubles the frosh net men were
again unbeatable.
Zacharlas and
Provost defeated Dew and Nygard
6-2 and 7-5, Gorey and Kerpel l*at
Cushion and O'Connell 0-3 and 0-2,
and Hunter and Nicosia beat Canterbury and Dean 0-1 and 0-2.
Iff' Saturday's game, played at
Union, Ken Zacharias defeated Crhis
Kornisarjevsky 7-5 and 0-3, Stan
Kerpel beat Sandy Levine 0-3 and
6-4, and Dave Gorey waltzed to a
6-3 and 0-1 victory over Aaron
Malcom Provost Jost ins firsi
match of the season to Hill Danchuck 0-2 and C-4. The remaining
two singles matches were \Mh won.
Pat Pezzulo '64, General Chairman, announces that Senior Week
1964 will be held June 11-14. Ticket
sales will begin today and continue
through May 27 from 9:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m. After May 27, tickets will
»be available at designated hours at
*the Husted desk or by contacting
one of the class officers. The bid
for the entire week costs $9 per
couple. The picnic-informal party
costs $3 per couple or $2 per person. The formal costs $3 per couple
Home of the
'Burger Family'
In doubles the only loss came *'C'P<"ting
in any
when Levine and Danchuck defeated team sport next year must reKerpel and Gorey 10-8 and 0-3.
Brubacher H a l l , Room 3,
t fo
The frosh tennis learn now holds ,
a 6 and 1 record. They will wind up t h , s Thursday at 6:45 p.m. for a
their season today in a match with brief
important organizaHudson Vallev at home.
... a size for every appetite
Fellows, bring your sorority
Statesmen Perform
To 'Repay' Students
sweetheart out to A&W to start
your evening out right.
c n Dai,
1602 Western Avenue
(Just Past The Northway)
II a.m. -midnight
FROM BRUBACHER BEACH Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
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open eoening$ till 9p.m. Saturday till 6p.m.
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and the banquet $3.50 per person.
At 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, June
Tickets for the banquet and formal 13, a reception for Seniors and their
together cost $6 per couple.
parents will be given by President
Activities of the week will begin and Mrs. Collins. The traditional
with a picnic-informal party on Torch Night ceremonies will be
Thursday, June 11. The party will held in the evening beginning at
be held at Kadyross Park on Sara- %:30 p.m. in Page Hall. The Class
toga Lake from 6:00 p.m. to mid- of 1964 will present the Traditional
night. A buffet, all beverages, and Skit after which the ceremonies
a band will be provided.
will be held.
The rides in the amusement park
Seniors will receive further inand the beach will be open in the
afternoon. Tickets will be halfprice formation about Torch Night shortly.
for students and their dates upon Sunday morning, June 14 will end
JJ* eociiiauuu oi mc *-u*ic»*i- SlUJu!!1 Senior Week. Baccalaureate Servtax card. Maps and directions to ices will be held at 8:00 a.m. in the
Kadyross Park will be available at First Lutheran Church on Western
Avenue with coffee hour preceding
the Husted desk.
Friday evening, June 12 will com- the services at 7:30 a.m.
mence with a cocktail hour from
A Baccalaureate Mass will beheld
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Aurania
Club, South Allen Street, Albany. at 7:00 a.m. in St. Vincent's Roman
The Senior Banquet will follow from Catholic Church on Madison Avenue.
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Aurania Parents, friends and Seniors are invited to attend these services. The
Commencement Exercises will beThe menu for the banquet will gin al 10:00 a.m. with the academic
include fresh fruit cup, relishes, procession starling at 9:.')0 a.m.
rolls, a choice of turkey or lobster
tails, stuffed potatoes, corn, and
The responsibility of the activities
for dessert, Ice cream with straw- for Senior Week rests with several
berries and coffee.
persons. Libby Stroud '04 is handThe Senior Ball will be held F r i - ling the Traditions Skit and Piret
day, June 12 from 10:00 p.m. to Kutt is in charge of the Banquet,
2:00 a.m. at the Aurania Club. The
music for the evening will bo pro-^ The publication of Senior Newspaper
vided by the Francis Murphy Band." is the responsibility of Tony DiRocco '64 and Leuna Kerpel '64.
Bonnie Batchelor '64 and Dave Jeuks
'64 are working on the Senior Pamphlet.
Karl A. B. Peterson will direct
the Statesmen, State's all-male
choral group, in an informal concert in Brubacher Lower Lounge
Sunday night at 8:00 p.m.
The Statesmen returned recently
from a trip Io the World's Fair
where they represented the University during the University Day at
Ftiie New York State Pavilion.
The concert Sunday is "In a small
way to repay the Student Association
for sending us on the t r i p , " Peterson explained. It is also
to Hie question, "Everyone else is
hearing you sing, when do we gel
a chance."
Although (lie Statesmen took pari
in the Spring Music Festival Thursday, May 14, Peterson said that he
realized lhat many people had been
unable to attend.
He emphasized that the concert
will lie quite informal, and that stuToday's is the last issue of
dents should feel lieu to come
" A l b a n y Student P r e s s " for
dressed comfortably and "just sit
around, relax, and listen to u s . " the present academic year. The
All students in the Class of 1U64
| The ^Statesmen will sing a selec"ASP"
w i l l resume publication must file separation forms in the
"tton of songs from their repertoire
Student Personnel Office, DllO.miwhich includes lolk sough, spirit- next semester on September 14. modinieh .
ual.-), populai and sacred music
Radio Station WSUA w i l l go
Tins applies even though you may
They will concentrate on the type
nut be completing yuui degree r e off
the air next Wednesday
of song which seems to appeal to
quirements at this tune.
night at 11 ;15 p.m.
the audience that night.
IA ttention Seniors
- Jvwolry
As .n last week's meeting, Music Council provided the focus of
the debate. The Council had been
granted a guest artist line based
on the estimated contracts of five
One artist, Benny Goodman,-whom
the Council had hoped to contract
was unavailable, and the surplus
$2,050 in the line was what caused
the trouble.
Before it finally passed the programming budget, deleting theextra
money, Senate had considered four
motions, two to delete the money,
and two to add to it.
Senator Udo Guddat '66, Chairman of the Budget Committee, introduced the main motion to approve the budget as submitted. To
this a motion was added to amend
it deleting the money from the line.
After long debate, the motion was
defeated by the close margin of 21
affirmative, 20 negative, and 2 abstentions. f)n such a motion a majority of the Senate, in this case
Last ASP
Senate Approves Culture Budgets;
ISC Protests ASP Editorial Policy
Senior Week Festivities Include
Parties, Torch Night Ceremony
A l l women interested in par-
Last weekend the frosh tenuis
team added two more names to
their increasing list of victories.
On Friday tuey trounced Adirondack 9-0 and Saturday they floated
past Union 7-2.
It was a well-chaperoned outing for the members of Outing Club
on their excursion to Camp Dippikill last weekend. On Saturday
night a hootenany was held, highlighted by a distribution of
lollipops to those present. Here the " A S P " roving camera catches
one of the more tender scenes enacted that night.
Frosh Netmen Top Adirondack CC,
Union; Up Season Record to 6-1
i H I .i». - • • P I -
_ _ _ _ _ _
VOL. L. NO. 18
After more than an hour
and a half of motions,
amendments, withdrawals,
and discussion, Senate
passed the Programming
section of the 1964-65 Student Association budget.
Speedy Pep P i z z i l l o slides into second with stolen base as umpire begins to signal his safe a r r i v a l .
New Paltz Next Opponent
Mazurulll Takes L o s s
MAY 2 2 , 1964
25, is needed for passage.
Immediately Senator Gene Tobey
'65 moved to amend the budget to
add $500 to the line, Tobey, who is
also the President of the Music
Council, explained that they hoped
to schedule a concert by the Modern
Jazz Quartet.
The protest cited six instances of
"violation" and charged bias and
failure "to promote an active and
enthusiastic spirit of loyalty to the
University." Five of the six cases
referred to statements made in
The sixth protested "the motives
behind the coverage of the Phi Delta
Withdraws Motion..
party in the May 15 issue."
Seeing "that the discussion was
The ISC called for Senate " t o
getting nowhere, Guddat withdrew re-evaluate " A S P ' s " fulfillment of
his entire motion. He then moved to its policy and purpose, as stated in
approve the budget with a deletion their constitution." It alsoindi'ited
of the money in the controversial its willingness " t o cooperate in any
manner in an investigation of this
Tobey then moved to amend the situation."
motion, changing the deletion to an
President Johnston stated after
addition of $500 dollars.
the meeting that to the best of his
At this point President Art John- knowledge, this was the first such
ston '65 took the floor to impress protest made to Senate. He had no
upon the Senators that "Robert's immediate plans for action.
Rules were made to facilitate proceedings, not to play games." This
Rules Postponed
is ridiculous...this maneuvering,"
The adoption of Senate Rules for
he added.
1964-65, postponed from last week,
He told the Senators that several was again postponed after long and
important matters awaited their at- futile debate. The debate centered
tention and urged them to come to around the procedures for commita vote "if we're all through with tee formation.
our playground games."
The Committee for Revision of
Tobey's motion was defeated by Senate Rules, chaired by Senator
a vote of 22-19-2, and Guddat's Anne Digney '66, had provided for
motion lacked the necessary ma- each committee to elect its own
jority by one vote. Senator AlBader officers. Several senators, as well
'65 then introduced a motion essen- as President Johnston and former
tially like Guddat's and this time President Pat Cerra '64 felt that
it passed 27-12-4.
the SA President should retain this
ISC Protests " A S P "
The Committee refused to reconUnder new business, President sider its proposals.
Johnston read a formal protest which
Just before adjournment, Senate
has been made to Senate by the In- passed the revised bill procedure
ter-Sorority Council against the bill and approved the Outing Club
"Albany Student P r e s s . " The ISC constitution. Under its new consticharged that the " A S P " is "violating tution, Outing Club no longer has
their purpose and policy as stated any connection with the Department
in their constitution."
of Recreation.
Speaker, Exhibits to Emphasize
Tragedy of Hiroshima Bombing
Campus Christian Council is
sponsoring a lecture today at 1:25
in Draper 349 by Miss Tazu Shibama, General Secretary of the
World Peace Study Mission. Miss
Shibama is currently touring the
United States with a team of Hlbakuska — explosion affected persons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The hibakusha are traveling
around the world on a historic,
peace-seeking journey which includes countries such as England,
France, West and Eai* Berlin, the
Soviet Union, and the mainland of
China. Arriving in New York, they
attended a short briefing session at
the United Nations.
The World Peace Study Mission
may be regarded as a pilot project
for International Cooperation year,
which has been set for 1965 hy the
United Nations. Fifty-six organizations in the United Status are
cooperating with this tour,
These include peace organizations, unions, the American Association for the United Nations, the
Boy Scouts of America, Lions and
Kiwaius clubs, the "Saturday Heview, and the national YWCA and
VMCA. Honorary sponsors include
such moil as Albert Bigelow, a
weli-ki \
architect, Dr, Khetnholii I\ ,| .in-, Professor Enmitus
o Union Theological Seminary, Beltrami Russell, Norman Thomas, and
Hod Serling.
According to a letter fruin Tsutoini Tagawa, mayor oi Nagasaki,
Miss Siubauina "will share their
experience and knowledge b> means
of first hand accounts supplemented
by photographs, slides, movies,documentary materials and other data.
The hibakusha desire to exchange
information wits all the*, meet; in
the hope that there will be "No
More Hirosblmas." They want to
"help establish the international'
relationships which will prevent the
tragedies of future Hiroshimas and
There will be a thirty foot trailer
at noon today outside the college at
the corner of Washington Avenue
and Robin Street. Inside will be
photographs and exhibits, prepared
here and abroad, illustrating the
bomb's effects upon Hiroshima and
Nat asaki.
^%g» 9
i — — —
Three Noted Reformers
Discuss Albany Politics
A panel discussion entitled "Al- case In 110 assessment hikes chnrt
bany Politics: Why Reform?" spon- by Mr. Rand.
sored by Forum of Politics was held
Mr. Robinson spoke of the polast Tuesday night. The panel con- litical situation applicable to Co"
sisted of three men now prominent hoes as "overpowering, rotten corIn the reform moevement in this rupt- politics." He said that the
town council met only for the yearly
Although these men are all sup- budget which meeting he termed a
porters of reform, each is asso- "fiasco." In 1961 the town council
ciated with an independent organi- proposed a tax increase at the budzation. Grenville Rand is County get meeting.
Chairman of the Citizens United
The purpose of the added revenue
Reform Effort (CURE).
George Robinson, the County Su- was to pay the salaries of new city
pervisor of Cohoes, belongs to the offices, which were superfluous
Citizens Party in Cohoes, and Robinson feels that the economic
George Harder is a "Reform" Dem- approach of the area "is stagocrat seeking election to the Assem- nated."
bly in the First Assembly District.
His opposition believes that the
main economic interest of this area
SUNYA Graduate
Mr. Rand, a graduate of S.U.N.Y. i s politics. Opposition fears that new
A., began the discussion with the industry would bring personnel supassumption that if left alone, offi- porting reform.
cials, concerned with their own
Breaking with the party, but repower, office and private arrairs,
become corrupt. He believes that maining a "reform" Democrat,Mr.
"society is necessary to keep im- Harder expressed concern especialperfect men on the right path." ly in the area of voting procedure
However, because of the O'Con- and the Albany City Jail.
Under the present voting process
nell Machine which has been in
effect for 40 years, the citizens there is much "unauthorized asare afraid of repercussions due to sistance." Housewives are often
political opposition. The major goal wavering in their decisions bin with
of CURE is to destroy the myth the husband along they are sure to
that only the machine is correct choose the right lever.
The explosion of female enrolland opposition to this machine is
ment exceeds male enrollment in
CURE is showing that through both the town and city ami is a
court action, unfair assessments potential danger for the Democratic
can be "knocked down" as was the party.
Announcements of the ofW ficers of all campus organizations for 1964-65
was made at Moving Up
Day. The following is a
complete listing of these
organizational heads and
Kappa Beta
Kappa Beta Fraternity announces
the election of the following officers:
David Bratt '65 President; John
Gleason '66, Vice President; Richard Palmer '65, Secretary; and
David Epstein '67, Treasurer.
Also elected were Jack Kenny
'67, Historian; John Deans '65, Sr,
IFC Representative; and Robert Peterkin '66, Jr. IFC Representative.
"A Little Finer - A Little Mora Careful"
"All Garments Cheeked
Potter Club
Fot Minor Repair M"
PLANT-Ceener Washington Ave., e*4 Ontario Street
504 Hudson Ave.
Albany, N.Y.
fV 2-4211
IV 2-9894
Mm Western Aveeee
»e Cell eeJ Deliver
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Men..Thurt. Until 9 PM
238 Washington Ave,
HO v i i i e
Gerald Drug Co.
117 WMUm Art.
We'd like to say some nice things
about America's young adult drivers
Alfc»«y. «*• T -
PkMM l - M t
We brought these young
adults—most of them college
students, some from the busin e s s world — t o A r c a d i a ,
California, in late February,
For six weeks, our expert
teachers trained them in the
skills of economy driving.
Then, on April 3, they set off
on the Run, 3,243 miles from
Los Angeles to New York.
We were going against the
grain. It takes high proficiency to win the Mobil
Economy Run. Competition
is tough. Why did we rely
on drivers with such limited
Chevrolet wanted to give
the Chevy Teen Team a
chance to prove in front of
the nation that they and the
6.5 million licensed drivers in
their age bracket are safe,
sane people behind the wheel.
We felt the Run offered a
splendid chance.
The Corvair, Chevy l i s ,
Chevelles and Chevroiets
driven by the Chevy Teen
Team in the Mobil Economy
Run did remarkably well
compared with the class
winners in overall miles-pergallon figures. The final
results are a tribute to the
high degree of driving skill
displayed by the Chevy Teen
Team representing the youth
of America.
No wonder we're proud of
America's young adult
drivers. We couldn't have a
better reason.
The Edward Eldred Potter Club
announces its officers for 1964-65.
They are President, John Schneider; Vice President, David Leblen;
Treasurer, Bill Sinnhold; Clerk,
Edward Friedman; Rush Captain,
George Moed; IFC Representative,
Mike Governanti;
Also, Historian, Len Bergen;
Alumni Secretary, Ralph Warne;
Athletic Director, GaryMoorejSong
Leader, Al Welcome; Editor of the
Potter Post, Joe Blackman.
Sigma Lambda Sigma
President Don Gruel announces
the election of the new officers for
the coining year: Anthony Adaino
'65, President; John Buckly '66,
Vice President; Stan Rosen '05,
Treasurer; Sandy Berman '65, Corresponding Secretary; Sam Cypressi
'67, Recording Secretary.
Also elected were Chuck Heine^ men '05, Rush master; BobGreeney
' '07, Assistant Rushmaster, Dick
Sarnowsky '05, Song Leader; Bob
iiodner '05, Historian; Fred Rawe
'05 and Chuck West '05, Parliamentarian; Bob Ryan '05, Athletic
Director; Joe Cardone '05, Senior
IFC; Ray Allen '00, Junior IFC;
Bol) Hart '05, Second IFC; Mike
Kolbe '05, Alumni Co-ordinator.
The Sarnowski Award in honor
of the late Jack Sarnowski was
.presented to last year's president
Don Gruel '04.
And we think we've got good reason! Last January, we selected
twenty 18- and 19-year old young men and women through the
Junior Achievement pro)- ram to drive our team of Chevroiets in
the Mobil Economy Run, April 3-9. It was the first time any
company had relied entirely on drivers with limited experience in
this exacting competition.
Alpha PI Alpha
The brothers of Alpha Pi Alpha
announce Fraternity Officers for
1964-65. Ther are: House Manager
— Mike Goldstein, '64; President
— JohnShipherd,'65; Vice President
— Al Horton, Pledgemaster — Don
Mason, '66.
Also elected were Social Chairman Carl Cusato, '66 Treasurer
— Bill Enzer, '66; Recording Secretary Mike Hughes, '65; IFC Representative — John Mormile, '66;
Corresponding Secretary — Jim
Wingate, '66; Alumni Secretary —
Ron Hamilton, '65.
Other officers are: Athletic Director — Steve Zahurack, '66; Custodian - Bob Gable '66; Chaplain Jake Johnville, '67: Sergeant-atArms — Dick Shellhammer, '65;
Song Leader - Rick Shafer, '65;
Publicity Director — Danny Williams, '67.
Also elected were Parlimentarian
— Steve Trowbridge, '66; Historian
— Don Procup, '67. They were formally inducted May 4.
Theta Xi Omega
Theta XI Omega announces its
officers for 1964-65. They are
President, James Slenker; Vice
President, Tom Leteer; Secretary,
Edward Tokash; Treasurer, James
Morrell; Senior IFC, Doug Petereon; JUhicr i r e , James Albright;
E x e c u t i v e Vice President IFC,
Charles Sullivan.
Student Education Association
Wrt's Sib
Student Education Association announces its offers for 1964-00: They
are President, Marion Kintisch '66;
Vice President, Gladys Fitzgerald
'65; Secretary, Pat Libudziewskl
'66; Treasurer, Linda Lindennann
'65; and Historian Bob Nottke, 65.
Around the Corner
from the Dormt
Open Daily
University Directory
MM.'THttff. Um-MJUJOp-mhi. lUt. ll0.m.-hJO«M
SUN. 4,00t.m.~Ut•"•
271 Ontario Street
The Cars Everyone Can Drive Economically
The editor of the University Directory ior 1964-65 is Diane Corueil.
Intervarslty Christian Fellowship's officers for 1964-65
President, Margie Shirley; Vice
President, Donna Gardiner; Secretary Gladys Ames; Treasurer, Don
Locker Refunds
Also, LS.C. Representative, Joan
Mauntene '66; Assistant Rush Captain, Pat DiUar '67; and Marshals',
Maureen Qasheen '67 and Marge
Hllderband '67.
Also Alumnae Secretary, Jane
Baynes '67; Junior Rush Captain,
Wlameta Sutliff '66; Sophomore Rush
Captain, Marcia Yeaps '67; Historians, Linda Perkins '67 and Frances Paolucci '67; and Marshals,
Loraine DeBelso '67 and Anita Ulack '67.
Also, Sports Captain, MayaZubowick '67; Supplies Officer, Barbara
Kowalski '66; Sergeant-at-arms,
Patricia Green '66, Parliamentarian, Nancy Rubins '65; and Song
Leader, Carol Walker '66.
Dean Mathews announces that
locker refunds will be Issued from
Monday, June 1 through Wednesday,
June 10, 1964 in the Faculty-Student
Association Office, Draper 210 from
Chi Sigma Theta
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Refunds will be
Saturday evening President Marihonored only upon the presentation etta Raneri announced the new offiof receipt.
cers for next year:
Students are asked to vacate their
President, Margie Tucker '65;
lockers by Saturday, May 30, 1964. Vice President, Pat Conway '66;
After this date the University will Secretary, Eleanor Luden '66;
confiscate any materials left in Treasurer, Carol Hrvol '66; LS.C.
Representative, Ruth Silverman '67;
Phi Delta
Please do not remove padlocks. and Song Leader, Stephanie DeSiPhi Delta announces its officers
Open the door — leave padlocks in morw» '67.
the open door.
Also elected were Factotem, Ann for 1964-65. They are President,
Claims for refund will not be Holcomb '67; Historian, Kathy Barbara Townsend '65; Vice Preshonored after July 1, 1964.
Brown '67; W.A.A. Representative, ident, Loretta Gusberti '65; MarKay Hotaling '67; and Parliamen- shal, Roberta Joslin '65; Parliauco
mentarian, Mary LouMcNichols'65;
tarian, Maria Maniac! '66.
The University Commuter's OrTreasurer, Ellen Zang '66; and
ganization announces the following
Corresponding Secretary, Claudia
Gamma Kappa Phi
officers for the 1964-65 year: PresGamma Kappa Phi announces its Mackey '66.
ident, Dick Matrese '65; Vice Pres- officers for 1964-65. They are PresAlso elected to office were LS.C.
ident, John Wagner '64; Treasurer, ident, Ruth Siegel; Vice President, Representative, Linda Ethridge '66;
Carol Hamann '66; and Secretary, Roselle Warshaw; Recording Sec- Rush Captain, Gretchen VanVlt >t
Judi Piniazek '66.
retary, Ginger Dupell; Treasurer, •'66; Recording Secretary, Helen
Patricia Barr; Junior Rush Cap- Stoll '67; Historian, Hedy Ambrosy
tain, Jan Vicary; Sophomore Rush '67; Alumni Secretary, Sue Croaby
Kappa Mu Epsilon announces the Captain, Donna Reynolds; Corres- '66; Song Leader, Joyce Haber '67;
following officers for 1964-1965: ponding secretary, Bev Callahan; and Publicity Director, Brenda
President, Evely Simon *64; Vice
Also Marshals, Meredith Drake Smith '67.
President, George Matthews '65; and Jan Hill; ISC Representative,
Pel Gamma
Treasurer, Cheryl Hudson '65; Re- Ann Bourdon; Alumni Secretary,
Psi Gamma announces as officers
cording Secretary, Helen Barber Helen Barber; Parliamentarian, for the 1964-1965 year: President,
'6; and Historian, Jack Manley '66. Bobbi Vache; Parliamentary Com- Barb Kettle; Vice President' Gail
mittee, Rosemary Eddy and Diana Shero; Recording Secretary, Leda
Pi Omega Pi
Stoiber; Sports Captain, Rose Koch; Simone; Corresponding Secretary,
Pi Omega Pi has announed the Chaplain, Marcie Caroselli;
Gertrude Menke; Treasurer, Lotte
officer for 1964-65 as President is
Also Clerk, Gail Bolliver; His- Lauf; Assistant Treasurer, Beth
Pat Paddock '65.
torian and Photographier, Elaine Shaffer; I.S.C. representative, Mary
Volo; Co-editors of Gazette, Joan Lewis; Chaplain, Eileen Campion;
Kappa Phi Kappa
Thomsen and Robin Dawes; and Song Social Chairman, BarbaraMcCorry;
Kappa Phi Kappa, Chi Chapter, Leader, Robin Dawes.
Culture Chairman, Virginia Herannounces its officers. They are
mayer; Alumnae Secretary, Marlene
President, Joseph Kestner '65; Vice
Kappa Delta
Rabatin; Assistant Alumnae SecrePresident, William Mayer '66; SecKappa Delta announces the fol- tary, Evie Intrator; Sports Captain,
retary, George Matthews '65; lowing officers for the 1964-65 Beth Doty.
Treasurer, Ernest Betcke '65; His- school year: President, Carolyn
Also elected were Song Leader,
torian, Arnold Fishch '65; Expan- Schmoll '65; Vice President, Ann
Holzer; Historian, Judi Keysion Secretary, Robert Fullem '66; Quartararo '65; Treasurer, Rosalie
and Faculty Advisor, Mr. John A. Filgueras '66; Recording Secretary, ser; Reporter, Diane Corueil; Critic
and Parliamentarian, Patricia HowGranito.
Joanne Tobey '66; and Correspond- ard; and Marshals, Patrician Fining Secretary, Judith Barber. '66. niagan, and Joan Grimaldi.
Circle K
Circle K announces that the following were elected as officers for
1964-05: President, Fred Mulheim
'67; Vice President, Jim Marrel'65;
and Secretary, John Kienzle '67.
Sigma Alpha
Sigma Alpha installed the following officers on May 4: Helen MM*
erole '65, President; Jackie Adama
'66, Vice President; Marilyn Somerville '66, Corresponding Secretary;
Lill Dresselt '66, Recording Secretary; and Elaine Tuttle'65, Treasurer.
Also Gale Brinn, '65, Alumna*
Secretary; Barbara Burtnlck '87
and Chris Massal '66, Rush Captains; sally Nesbitt '66, Historian;
margle Wood,'65, Parliamentarian;
Teddi Loveless'66, Sports Director;
Carol Cipullo '66, Song Leader;
and Carole Caiman '66, Social
Sigma Phi Sigma
Sigma Phi Sigma announces their
jfficers for 1964-65: Mary Jane
Gusberti '65, President;
Hecht '65, Vice President; Loralee
Sharrow '65, Treasurer; HeleneGeduld '65, Recording Secretary; Harriette Cooperman '65, Corresponding Secretary; Jeanne Bollt '65,
Also, Linda Washburn and Marcia
Schonberg, Juniors, House Managers; Debbie Meltz '66, Marshal;
Fran Greenfield '66 and Jeanne
Bollt '65, Alumnae Secretaries;
Marlon Kintisch '66, Assistant
Treasurer: Eleanor Diener '67, ISC
Also elected were Laurie Miller
'67 and Alice Katz '66, Rush Captains; Brenda Miller and Betsy
Sheila Manshan '66, Parliamentarian; Betsy Mickel '67, Publicity
Director, and Sharyn Teves '67,
Holiday Sing and Song Leader.
Finally: Gail Magaliff '67, Social
Chairman; Janice Horning '67, WAA
Representative; Harriet Levine,
Ceal Cuticchia, and Laurie Miller,
freshmen, Skit Chairmen; Linda Vogel '67, Scholarship Chairman; Fran
Bloc and Doris Rosenkoff, Sophomores, Culture Chairmen; and
Leona Kerpel '64, Senior Co-ordinator.
University Center Association announces its officers for 1964-1965.
They are President Don Kisiel '66;
Vice President, Guy McBride '65;
and Secretary-Treasurer, Sandy
Cushman '60.
Campus Commission
Campus Commission announces
the following officers for 1964-05:
Grand Marshal, Harry Gardner '65;
Secretary, Betli Shatter '67; Treasurer, Jack Mauley '60; Historian,
Handie Bradley '65; Reporter, Janet
Kent 'GO.
Smiles announces that the officers for the 1904-05 year are President, Joan Ordway '05; Vice President, Hetty Newman '00; Secretary-Treasurer, Hetty Rorle '65;
and U. C. A. Board Member, Sandy
Reese '05.
The Methodist Student Fellowship
announces its officers for 1964-05:
President, June Fairchild '64; Vice
President, Nancy Carpenter '06;
Secretary-Treasurer, Paul Durhin
'65; and Publicity Director, Catherine Krautter '07.
Baccalaureate Choir
Members are needed for a baccalaureate choir which will participate in services to be held in
the First L utheran Church, Graduation Day, June 14, at 8:00 a.m.
Persons interested in singing or
who have any questions, please contact Eugene Tobey.
Beta Zeta
Beta Zeta announces the following officers for the 1964-65 year:
President, Darlene Delio '05; Vice
President, Margie Murray '65;Secretary, Kathy Annuo '65; Treasurer, Peggy Ives '65; Assistant
Secretary Treasurer, Marie Qualantone '66.
Also, Chaplain, Virelle Franseki
'67; Assistant Alumane Secretary,
Sharon O'Reiley '67; Alumnae Secretary, Heda Cohen '66; Historian,
Grace DeLong '67; Sergeant at Arms
Pat Ferrigno '67 and Nancy Shuba
'67; Song Leader, Olga Saripiucius
'66; Parliamentarian, Dottie Giuffre '65.
Big dough-light work
(and all the books you can read)
Sell culture-the thing you know best
Make $80 a week-easy
If you have to work for your spare cash
(and maybe for your tuition, too), you
can grub along at some menial job that
pays maybe 90ff an hour. Or, you can sell
Great Books and make $80 a week, and
more, in a couple of nights' work.
Take a look at the opportunity Great
Books offers you.
You call on people who are interested
in what you have to sell. Many of your
prospects will be people who have
written to us for information.
You'll be selling a product you can
wholeheartedly believe in. And have the
satisfaction of performing a worthwhile
service for the people you call on.
You'll have complete freedom in your
working hours. If a big date comes up,
you won't get fired for skipping work.
Just one sale a week earns you $80.
If you want to push a little, you can
make really big money.
Another thing, you get training in
winning people to your way of thinking
that will be an invaluable aid in your
career later.
What are the qualifications? You
should be doing well in your school
work. You should enjoy meeting people.
You should own a car.
Nothing to lose by checking into it. Call
and arrange an interview. Could be the best move you've made yet.
Mr. Lee Nelson
10 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 3;30 p.m.
FRIDAY. MAY 2 2 , 1964
ASP Position Restated
The last two years at State having
witnessed intensive evaluation and reevaluation of many phases of University
life, and this being the last issue of the
year, it is fitting at this time to. state
what we feel are the main purposes and
responsibilities of the "ASP."
In the first place pur purposes are
easy to define in a broad sense: to inform
and comment, in that order. These are
the reasons for the existence of any
newspaper, ka
A kalidescope of glittering generalities
can easily be made to fit within the
framework of these purposes. To be more
specific, we can trace more clearly our
main sources of responsibility and
The name of this paper was changed
by News Board last January to make our
position as clear as possible. At that
time we stated that because the newspaper was 100% student produced and
financed that it must by all logic be
considered a student newspaper.
It was our view then, and it remains
our view, that.this paper, while recognizing that it does have definite responsibilities to the University, must be considered a student newspaper and view all
issues from a student outlook.
This does not mean that we intend to
make the paper a tool for a fellow student
any more than we would be willing to see
controls imposed upon us from any other
As a newspaper with a fixed income we
are in a unique and very fortunate position. We do not have to worry where our
next dollar is comingfrom; consequently
we do not have to worry about antago-
The " A S P " of today bears little r e semblance to the State College News of
just a year and a half ago. If it did, we
would be failing miserably in our duties
to an ever-expanding University and to
a student body whose interests, we hope,
are becoming broader in their content
and scope.
Has Undesired l\\ect
To the Editor:
Perhaps a certain amount of s e lectivity is unavoidable in featuring
a story in a newspaper, but in the
case of the " A S P ' S " reporting of
my irate letter concerning the sor T
ority dance my husband and I chaperoned, you seem to have exceeded
this function in an unfortunate way,
a way which had the effect of distorting the intent of my sending the
letter to you in the first place.
For the record, I should like to
repeat what I said in the accompanying letter which you did not print,
and to elaborate on this statement.
It was my feeling that such a
criticism of student behavior might
possibly be turned to a constructive
use by the student body, if, first,
it's gendered by an immediate r e action of revulsion and not to be
taken as wholesale condemnation,
and second, if it could be taken as
ft •
the starting gun for a discussion
of what may be wrong in terms of
student morale to produce sucli a
symptomatic phenomenon.
Both my husband and I feel there
Is already a gap between faculty
and students, and there is an unfortunate sense of despair and alienation among many students which is
not entirely their fauit, but may be
at least partly related to the lack of
status New York accords to Its state
university system - not officially,
but because of its competitive status
with private colleges.
This i s the kind of thing David
Boroff was hinting at in his articles
on Albany State.
By playing up the sensational a s pects of the story, I am afraid the
"ASP" has done the student body
a disservice, and I only hope the
impression left can be corrected by
the-reporters who engendered it.
William H . L e u e
( E d i t o r ' s Note: Since Mrs. L e u e
not mail her letter to the
until over o week after
she wrote i t , we could not regard
it as a mere " i n t e m p e r a t e b l a s t . "
If Mrs. Leue hoped to kick off a
discussion o f campus morals in
her letter, her means of doing so
were quite unusual.
The letter was in the nature of
a formal, responsible attack on
the behavior of a group of students. A s such, it could not be
by t h e " A S P "
in any
other manner.
You state that Camp Board has
had a "lack of success in persuading people to go to the Camp
...". When has Camp Board ever
attempted to persuade anyone to
use the Camp?
Due to the inactivity of last year's
Camp Board, no encouragement at
all was given to the students. What
is needed is support of Dippikill by
student associations such a s the
to further encourage students to use the Camp.
You further state that Dippikill
is about 90 miles north of Albany.
In fact, it is 72 miles from the
dorms to the door of the Camp;
which due to the Northway, is an
hour and a half traveling time.
Outing Club used the Camp whenever it was possible to wade through
the mass of red tape which now
surrounds the Camp. Witli the p r e s ent Camp Board, we are looking to
more student interest.
Brian Goodrich
Thomas Satterlee
Feel Maintaining
To (he Editor:
Worthwhile Student Angered at Rock's
Attack on National Pastime
This letter is written to correct
blatant distortions which were put
forth in the May 19 editorial on
Camp Dippikill.
First, the statement is made that
the Camp is "horribly expensive to
My intent was in no way repres- run and maintain." Just how much
sive, but rather the opposite, and is "horribly expensive?" The total
sprang from my reading a copy of cost of running and maintaining the
the " A S P " shortly after the inci- Camp for this school year was apdent of the dance, which gave me a proximately $460. This amounts to
sense of healthy .self-respect and less than 16 cents per student per
tough-mindedness which seemed to school year.
To that "Editor":
I just can't hold it in any longer I
It was bad enough when Jonathan
Swift wanted people to eat babies,
but Mr. (?) Tim Atwell '67 has gone
too far. Apparently, " M r . " Atwell
is of the opinion that baseball is one
of those institutions which needs a
"little gentle piercing."
To insinuate that playing ball!
is the wellspring from which all
insane acts of hate and aggressioi
on page
Managing Editor
Arts Editor
Associate Editor
A t i o c i a t * Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Enacutiva Editor
Senior Editor
Butinaat Monogar
to facilitate
efforts of the crane operator.
Besides tower work, the derrick
is also used to carry and set large
sections of walls into place. The
walls of the buildings are constructed of prefabricated concrete
Mr. Dunne was first questioned
about the sand and road problems.
Concerning the sand he said "up to
this time approximately sixty percent of the campus, excluding that
set aside for buildings, has been
planted with grass. To avoid blowing sand much of the land has been
soaked with oil."
The problem cannot be circumvented completely, however.
As it looks now, there will be one
road paved for use in September.
This is excluding the service roads.
When asked about the possibility of
other roads to allow students the
luxury of walking from one end to
the other, Mj\ Dunne said, "but
with only one building , why a r e
roads necessary?"
Campus construction is being done
in three stages. The first stage is
scheduled for completion by September of 1964. This includes all
underground preparation and s e r v ice buildings.
Academic Complex
Without the aid of such a heavyNext on the agenda are the acaduty machine, rapid construction demic buildings. The academic comof our University would be impos- plex consists of general classrooms
and laboratories. The schedule for
Rock Wallaby Hunt
Sfctons a s nou>
V>eojYs a.
%.z \ioitV
ood. 's. narte oV
See^s as Ko<^ MonamfYied
9\\ vsn'i achna \\\Ct
and ixenRets ^ \vte
o< ^Vuie.\oe-\j«ovr-oU on
a cWWVanVe W \ l
<U)v|^ ofi- S o ,
, a s \Jou. u)tVi
CXr\& fly UJv\V. >ftoV-\a.Or\.v\£<i-
Advertising Manager
Aiiociot* Ttchnicol Supervisor
Photography Editor
C»n»ultonl Advertising Editor
Circulation Cifhange Editor
Public Halations Editor
A t t i t t a n t Editor*
In order to raise the tower 22
stories high, this huge derrick i s
placed in the middle of the tower
construction. With the aid of this
far-reaching machine story after
story is set into place.
f o r heavy construction such as
this, the steel skeleton is maneuvered by means of the crane.
All along the derrick are perched
various workmen. They manipulate
levers and pulleys and direct the
Q\\ V^a-i ex. l o t o^-
Co-Ed Iton-in-Chitf
Albany Student Press
T h . Albany Student P r e d i t a n.w.pop.r publnh.d by t h . Stud.nt body o< th.
j i o , t « ? ' V T , , ' , y • ' n , W V o ' , , •* A | b o r , y - Tr "» A S P ">oy *>• r«oeh«d by dialing
t e n ««" pap" C o n 0 , , ° b * '•" cr, »<">y dialing Brubach.r Hall at IV 2-3326.
? " ' * • » located In Room 5 of Brubach.r H a l l , i f open from 7:00 to
IliOU p.m. Sunday through Thunday.
Deik Editors
Sands and Roads
This powerful derrick rig was recently installed
construction on the tower of the first dormitory unit.
Y\t. ^(xirTtB-Sori oomVA ^ y
irxx\'"\ir\e Wa.avjuj£i<«>V
cro>n \*o'V drjrjHrW o-
- Y>ec(u^£ v\ u)Si\ *s»V V ti<M
-~\o ^>eojli ex. a.doA sU«.P-c o v
Wo«ta.£<i ^u-J & or so,
Joseph Silverman, Nancy Mink
" « " Zartg,"Karon Colli,on, Mary Lou Vianese
BllMn Manning, Bath Boyd, Rosemary Montour,
n i ,
Som C y p r a u l , William Smith
Paul J , n . . n , j M , p h G o m . . . Pot FoTono, Kothy Brophy,
D , | , l n l , S , . „ Curil, j . R , , , r L „ # , g n J ^ N a n c v A n d . „ o n ,
Mory L t W l i , Carolyn Schrooll
^^ ^ ^
^ Moh(jy
D#nn|, Chofeh( ^
in L
;f,V,"riy .fl.«. I u 7 . l \
"""»» "• '••pon.lUllly «« «*."••"•
" • •«*
*• - '
UniversftyPublic Relations Director
Outlines Hew Campus Facilities
"In designing your new campus,
Edward Durrell Stone used function
and utility as his criteria." This
statement was made by James R.
Dunne, in charge of Public Relations for the State University Construction Fund.
Headquarters for tht Fund are
on Washington Avenue. Established
in 1962 by the State legislature,
the Fund serves a s a focal point
of coordination for the construction
of all academic buildings throughout
the entire State University for the
University's Master Plan.
Mr. Dunne was found amid countless blue prints and news releases
covering all facets of construction..
He was able to supply much overall
information with respect to an issue
concerning all of us at State; namely
pertinent facts on the New Campus.
Legitimate News Story
solely with myself.
See you out on the new campus next year...maybe!
We are not out to be belligerent or
contrary o r nasty. Our intentions are
completely honest. If our methods at
We seem to have stirred things up a little with our
times seem at fault, we stand firmly on treatment of Mrs. Leue's letter last week. We have
our motives.
been accused of "sensationalism" in making a front
page story out of the contents of the letter.
The editorship of the newspaper conWe disagree with anyone who says the story was
tains we feel a sufficient cross-section written purely to "sensationalize." Mrs. Leue's letter
of the student body to enable us to legi- was legitimate material for a front page story. We
timately follow our present policies. say this for the following reasons.
We are students putting out a semi(1) Writing a letter to the editor of the "ASP" made
weekly newspaper primarily for our fel- it in the nature of a public attack.
low students.
(2) To the best of our knowledge this is the first
a chaperone at any student event has come right
This is the essence of the newspaper.
condemned the actions of the participants,
In our view it is what lends the " A S P "
Leue's charges wer17 completely responthe strength and purpose it presently
sible; she was not throwing barb . Common Stater style.
She was an official chaperone at ihe party; part of her
duty in this capacity as chaperone was to speak out if
anything was amiss in her belief. This she did.
(4) Finally, the letter made no mention of a specific
sorority. To have printed this letter, without making
me might warrant a little plain talk
The statement is made that "the clf^r exactly what the letter was all about, would have
on a subject which needed airing. average State student does not have been a farce.
Obviously, if its only r e s u l t s ! ave a car and has very little prospect
There was nothing irresponsible in the manner in
been to produce additional hostility of ever obtaining a car during his
toward me as a representative of stay at the University."
which the " A S P " handled the story. The sisters of
authority, and to widen the already
Phi Delta were given a chance three days before the
existing gap by providing fuel for
If this is true, then who owns the paper came out to write a rebuttal to the charges in
anti-student sentiment both on the
c a r s that fill up our student parking
campus and in the community, then lot every day? Over 2000 student the letter.
it has miserably failed in its pur- parking permits have been issued
The paper handled the story like it would hanflle any
this year. Also, you don't need a
story. If it seems "sensational" it is due only to
car for every student, one in six
If this is the case, I am deeply will do (sic).
the nature of the story, nottothe way the "ASP" presorry, but I do not feel that the
sented it.
responsibility for this result lies
FRIDAY. MAY 2 2 , 1 9 6 4
Derrick Aids Tower Construction
Mrs. leoe Feels Letter
• Intercollegiate News
• News ^features
• Humor
nizing readers and thus cutting our own.
This gives us a "freedom of the press"
which is held by few other papers in the
country. It is an advantage which has
enabled us to write editorials and print
columns that have infuriated many of
our fellow students.
We are not in business to make friends
and influence people. If we were, we
could easily become a nice newspaper
like the " T i m e s Union," and join that
group of illustrious publications who will
go down in their own archives as "having
never said a wise or a foolish thing."
their completion reads this way:
1965-Humanities, Education, Social
Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology Library, and Student-Faculty
1966 will see the completion of:
Business Education, Fine Arts,
Earth Science, Theatre, and Administrative buildings.
"The space is being used a s
economically and compactly as poss i b l e " said Dunne. The dorms are
being constructed in such a way
that floors and wings can be added
as the enrollment increases.
To avoid the elements, colonnades
are provided to enable a student to
go from building to building and
dining hall without having to brave
sun or storm.
Central Dining Rooms
Each dormitory complex will
house 1,100 students with 440 in
the 22-story towers and 660 in the
3-story units. Central dining facilities for each complex will seat,
about 550 students.
One of the outstanding features
of new campus living " f i r s t s " next
year will be the lake located near
Western Avenue. If a way to the
lake is found, preferably an overland route, the lake will provide
many hours of ice skating.
A very real problem was ex-
pressed by Dunne when Ae said,
"aside from entertainment In the
dorms, there just isn't going t o
be much for students to do out.
For each portion of the University construction bids are accepted.
So far a different company has the
contract for the first part of the
academic complex than the one who
is doing the dormitory complex.
Each bid is worth several million
Classes in Library
The Library i s designed for a
total volume capacity of 1,000,000
volumes and more than 3,000
readers. Initially, this building will
be used to supplement the classroom space. Gradually, however,
it will be utilized for classes as
enrollment increases.
The Student-Faculty Center will
be equipped with a cafeteria, day
rooms for commuters, and social,
recreational, and club rooms.
The College Theatre, seating 500,
will provide band and choral p r a c tice rooms. In addition, an arena
theatre and recital hall will be p r o vided.
The layout of the academic complex pivots around the Lecture Hall
Center. This includes instructional
aids space and lecture rooms for
the whole University.
New Campus Problems
Require 'Understanding
"We hope for a sympathetic r e sponse from an understanding student body" said Colonel Walter T i s dale, assistant to the president,
while talking about some of the
problems that students will encounter at the new campus in September.
Those students making the move
in September will find two men's
and four women's residence units
of the first dormitory complex completed.
There will be one paved road
from either Fuller Road or Western
Avenue to the dormitory complex.
There will also be four contractors
Parking Lot
A thousand car parking lot is
being built between the first dormitory complex and the service
building. Part of it will lie usable
in September. There will probably
be no restrictions on student cars
at first.
The suites will be furnished witli
an easy chair and bed for each
resident. There will be five windows, each a foot wide and six
feet high.
There will be a sand problem,
but the University i s "doing all
it can" to combat ibis problem.
Grass has been planted and drift
fences have been erected. The tennis court site will be covered to
eliminate sand there.
"Sand is there; we cannot perforin miracles," said Colonel Tisdale. The residents facing the tower
construction site will have a definite problem with sand.
Colonel Walter T i s d a l e
...Assistant to President
Eating hours will inevitably be
modified, and possibly hours. The
dining room for the residence complex will be connected to all the
individual units.
The possibility of establishing a
branch of the Student Union in September is lieing considered. There
will lie a wide variety of vending
machines in the dormitories.
There will also lie game rooms
in the dorms.
It is hoped that the telephones
in the suites will be installed in
September, but there i s the possibility that they will not be ready
Bus Transportation
B i c / c l e s to be Important
Bus transportation will also be
provided, The University has given
tliw United Traction Company estimates of the number of students
who will have classes at various
hours and they will provide enough
transportation for them.
There will probably be three bus
runs per hour, starting about 7:30
in the morning, The schedule for
weekend buses is not definite, It
is "inevitable" that some students
will lie inconvenienced at first.
The buses will probably come
down Western Avenue, stop at the
old quadrangle, Draper Hall, and
Detroit Annex and then circle around
to return via Washington Avenue.
Colonel Tisdale said that bicycles
will become more important on the
new campus for transportation. Dike
racks will be installed and the
Co-op will liegin selling bikes, for
the students' convenience.
Stuyvesant Plaza is close to the
campus for recreation as a new
theatre is being built there this
The students who are out
there in September will probably
show the University many ways
where improvements are needed,
for the experts have said that it is
impossible to operate a college on a
split campus and we are trying to
do the impossible.
ThfOBrfltction or
OorYMrsMCtotiT.. An
I wont
m*k* bock mdudd
to«eondM t onelins rwn —iifim a
for thto novel, it
can non t» ntad in
.«•*» HeoiH/tlt
lent that
$ you
FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1964
think* SoMd Oudind
is now AAy expedited*
University Arena Theatre Re-Opens
Summer Season Under Dr. Burian
InrnfNMS thB D H t
pwvioue reading time
was two minutes...
is this?
Thm Scarlet
{Continued from page four)
arise i s in itself an insane act of
hate and aggression.
To cast aspersions on the good
name of Charlie Silvera and to
bluntly state, as Mr. (hat) Atwell
did in the last frame of his "cartoon," that all those connected with
baseball possess deformed mouths
i s a direct slap in the face to boththe American and National Leagues
(which number among their players
'many Puerto Ricans and Negroes),
and i s synonomous with an attack
upon State's stolid nine, the AMIA
softball teams, and the "ASP's"
own Ron Hamilton.
I hate to stoop below Atwell's
level, but I honestly feel I must*
inform him that, as any ball fan
knows, the team holler guy is never
the pitcher. I must also object to
the use of the unequivocal term
"barogue" in reference toLightnin'
Hopkins' surf board.
rights rally recently held in the
It is true — it was a veritable
milestone in the history of the University. It is Just a pity that in an
era of alertness and awareness about
civil rights that this University is
just beginning to awaken. It is difficult to understand how a community
o f 3 s 0 0 young people can shrug off
responsibility for this great issue.
Further appalling is the> fact that
"congratulations" were extended
for this apathy. The reason why the
bulk of the, students stayed away
from* the rally does not include
their "common sense" in its scope.
Nevertheless, working committees were formed to raise funds,
organize a book drive, and recruit
volunteers. The thirty faculty and
students now involved represent a
wide variety of social backgrounds
and interest.
Fraternity members, independents, people from all walks of life,
• " religious backgrounds, white and
black, are now at work. No clique,
no one power group, has "gained
control" of the project or of the
civil rights movement at State.
Those active in the Mississippi
Summer Project do not see sending
books and students as a panacea; it
is a positive, first step towards providing education and leadership in
an area of the Country where both
clvil right; ls an issue wnlcn
„wl„ ^ reso,ved on,y t h r o u g h g
mature, sane working out of the
i s s u e s . " Therefore, we are glad to
extend a warm
invitation to the staff
of "ASP" and its readers to help with
concrete suggestions and by their
T o t n l s end
> w e welcome them
t0 our next
meeting, scheduled for
7:30 p.m., Sunday, May 24.
This year Arena Theatre, the
only arena theatre in the Albany
area, will be in its thirteenth year
of consecutive production. Because
of its uniformly high standards, it
has gained the reputation of being
one of the finest summer theatres
in the Northeast.
In recent years some of the most
noteworthy productions were "Waiting for Godot," "Twelve Angry
Men," and "Uncle Vanya."
The editorial indicates that the
Student Union rally is an adequate
example of the civil rights movement on this campus.
Things would be brought to proper
perspective had the editor perhaps
R. W. Hunt '67 attended one of more than ten meetings that have been held over the
w ^ ^ w v w v w v w *
past two months at various sites
Teacher Qualifies Praise
in Albany (which I may add were
Of 'Improved' ASP
attended by eminent Albany clergyky Mary Lewis A Cmly* UMMII
men and professors from our UniTo the Editor:
As Is usual with me, I would
Lola Johnson
like to address a comment or two
Arithmetic - the Common Stater Way
If criticism is to be given, let it
Henry Gardner
to the current "ASP" editor.
be constructive.
Guy M. McBride
First, let me say that I feel that
The fact that the civil rights bill
1 "ASP" editor
Sharon Chester
the paper has improved immeas- is in its 60th day of debate and will
x2 much editorializing
Mrs. Gloria DeSole
urably In the past few weeks (see be considerably watered down when
Rev. Fronk Snow
my letters to previous editor — and if passes shows that " a mature
Coordinating Committee i
if they are available).
and" sane working out of the i s s u e s "
Mississippi Summer Project
It is particularly pleasurable to is not providing the necessary 1001 Junior Weekend
find less space given to rather year overdue reforms.
+1 Junior party
The very misguided "Civil Rights
trivial student frolics and more
Lastly, it is with awe that I com- Mis-Guided" editorial In last F r i space given to broader issues; and
to matters which, while disturbing, ment on the editor's dubious ability day's " A S P " displayed not only an
No Senior Week next year???????????
to tag adjectives ("obnoxious and attitude of depreciation of our civil
do "make a difference."
on a movement which rights movement, but also of the
3 or 4 dependable workers
on our cam- whole student body.
+a few? nights at the Psi Gam House
It displayed, as well, a sad attipus.
...there is a need to point out that
tude of "let the other fellow do i t "
One exceptionally good yearbook?
honest, forthright presentation of
It seems to me that before sucli which unfortunately prevails among
judgments are passed on so many people in America, the
1 scholarship fund
and their efforts to. nation where each individual is so
Greek support
This need is associated with the speed a solution to what currently important in forming what it r e p r e + 1.Energetic, Enthusiastic, Purposeful group
evidence provided by one of your ranks as one of the greatest issues, sents.
The editor's mention of the " o b editor's (who can't disguise his more open-minded thinking would
Greeks do care!
noxious character of the civil rights
a d o p t i n g be done.
movement" on our campus is a •
phrases) recurrent sliding into the
Karen Slutzky '66
1 cooperative assistant Dean of Women
use of overt, highly personal higlily
Mary Jo Vincitore '66 very obvious attempt to give the
xpossible new hours for women next year
movement a reputation which it has
charged vilification.
not, in reality, acquired. My own
Restored faith in the administration.
To the Editor:
involvement In one phase of the
schooled in the negative value of
1 beautifuly Ivy speech
It is appropriate that the Editor Freedom Summer Project has shown
+ 1 outstanding person
of " A S P " seek an effective response
he has learned his lessons, he on the part of tills University to the me what the movement's reputation
on campus is.
1 memorable Moving Up Day (too bad only a few people could make it) might be quite valuable, since lie civil rights question now before the
In participating in the book drive
does "look around."
nation. However, his evaluation ofi
Keep improving — It looks well. the Mississippi Summer Project I have experienced a positive r e , 1 relatively quiet beer party
James C. Mancuso seems irresponsible and his pre- action to the Mississippi "Freedom
xl oversensitive chaperone
Summer" project on the part of
scriptions as to a future course of many students. The amount of books
1 oversensationalized Mess!
action vague.
Student Considers ASP
given is an indication of this posiOn Sunday, May 10, the Project tive attitude toward what the civil
News Story Slanderous
1 salary for S. A. President
held an open meeting in the Student rights group is working to accom2 salaries for " A S P "
Union to bring the va-ious commit- plish.
1 salary for Torch editor
To the Editor:
tees together for a progress report.
The editor mentions that civil
More than once have I found cause After a summary description of the rights is an important issue in
Something else for picayune senators to complain about!
to be annoyed with your inefficient Project for those not already in- America today. I hope that as stureporting techniques and inept edi- volved, reports were heard on the dents and as future citizens, Albany •
2 Fraternity yearbook pictures
torializing, but your headline of book drive and the collection of State students have the right to
x2 childish boys
Friday, May 15 was the poorest funds to finance a State team of make themselves a part of this very
journalistic attempt ever.
Important issue that confronts all
pornithology award!
It is one thing to publish the
"Totally misguided," says the Americans.
letter of a misinformed, antiquated, " A S P " , of this sort of activity. We
I hope that we may consider our1 dorm field
hysterlal individual whose letter- ask people to commit themselves selves significant enough to hold
+500 sunbathers
only served to illustrate a mis- to the cause of civil rights; ls this opinions about such serious issues
, under standing of the college com- what is meant by "misguided?" and to act, to do something alxjut
Dismay on the part of the Clean Up Committee
munity. But to exaggerate the entire We advocate action In the fields of the way we feel. If some of our ataffair out of all possible propor- education and voter registration; is tempts to act Involve mistakes —
1 prowler
tion — using specific names — as this "misguided?"
and I am not referring to any spe+Disbelief from authority
you did, can be considered nothing
Regretfully, we must also point cific event — at least we have given
less than slander.
out a small Inaccuracy in the " A S P " ourselves the chance to learn, to
Mass panic???????????????
There was no need to single out editorial. No one refused to serve grow so that perhaps our next aca particular fraternal organization customers throughout the entire tions will be more mature and ef1 first floor John
for actions (as innocent as they meeting. One student, Robert Clark fective.
xl firebug
were) that could be applied to any '(57, declined to cook hamburgers
At least we have taken a stand,
sorority or fraternity on any cam- during the singing of the closing assumed a responsibility toward
Frequent firedrlllsl
pus anywhere. Are you so desper- song, "We Shall Overcome."
an Issue very dear to us, and
ate for readers that you must r e He was fired and two of his co- chosen to work to effect some change
? of the week — Who will be next year's Commonstaters?
sort to sensationalism to gain in- workers walked off the job in sym- where we think change Is greatly
terest ?
pathy. We can only point out that needed.
In your misguided attempt to " i m - "We Shall Overcome" is not just
The incident in the Student Union
prove" the " A S P , " you have suc- a song for "do-gooders;" It ls a was an attempt to make students
ceeded In reaching a new low in prayer, the anthem of the entire more actively aware of the " F r e e shoddy Journalism.
freedom movement.
dom Summer" project.
Andrea J, Solomon '66
"The students who have gained
Perhaps the main objection of
control of the civil rights move- some students to such a tactic Is
ment on this campus..." For the because of their preference for a
Students, Facultu Protest
record, let us point out that civil comfortable apathy, rather than
rights activities this year began from any concern over an " i n ASP Civil Rights Editorial
with the Raleigh Voter Registra- fringement" on a place of business.
tion Project.
There is still much to be done.
To the Editor:
Then, on April 29, an open meet- Those who would sit back, lips
I take offense at being referred ing, sponsored by the Campus Chrls- moving now and then to name-call,
to as the " p e e r " of the person r e lan Council, was held to organize eyes half-closed, hands folded, waitsponsible for the unworthy editorial the Mississippi Summer Project. ing for something to be done —
dealing with civil rights In Friday's Although the meeting was publicized sanely" - will wait forever and
by " A S P , " Skandalon, WSUA, flyers, probably not mind
The sole item of the editorial that posters, and at meetings of various
The only sanity is awareness
stirred any positive feelings within o b l i g a t i o n s , less than 50 people and action. Only from this can
me was the use of the phrase " m i l e - appeared. Where was the "bulk of America become truly a place "with
stone In the history of the Univer- students" that the Editor deigns to liberty and Justice for all "
'fi minlim*-*!! (•'> tthen?
. , ^,
s i t y " with reference to the civil t 'compliment"
fcaftloia wnft!K tth<
Last summer, Arena Theatre p r e sented "Biedermann and the F i r e bugs," by Max Frisch, "The Emperor Jones," by Eugene O'Neill,
Judy Ghlnaer '66
*" by Ant0"'
and U
*° *•*"'• " T h e
Flower Bed."
Three Productions
Staff Positions
The first and third productions
Because the Arena Theatre is will be directed by Dr. Jarka Burclosely connected with the six-week ian of the Department of Speech and
summer session, only three productions are presented each summer. The production dates for this Dramatic Art. The second producsummer's productions are July 15- tion will be directed by Mr. C.
18, July 22-25, and July 29-Augustl. Duryea Smith, m , visiting P r o f e s Various piays are under consid- sor from Alfred University. Mr.
eration for this summei, among Smith directed in the Arena Thethem Shakespear'es "The Tempest" atre last summer.
August Strindberg's "The Ghost Sonata," Luigi Pirandello's "Henry
The designer for and technical
director for Arena Theatre will be
Mr. John Moore of the Department
of the Speech and Dramatic Art.
Mr. Moore will be assisted by
various state students who will be
working as staff members for the
season: Barbara Szenes'64, Pauline
Arasirn 'G5, James Lobdell '66, and
Edward Duba '66.
A powerful moment during Scene 7 of Eugene O ' N e i l l ' s classic
drama " T h e Emperor J o n e s " as presented by Arena Theatre, July,
Primer Fiction Pleasing, Diverse
helm award-winner, "Tommorrow
and Tomorrow and," by Roland
The prose in this year's " P r i m - Esolen; William Murdick's "When
e r " displays a diversity of style Jesus Christ Descended..." and Sam
and content that ls a credit both to Cypressi's
the writers and the Judicious selec- Bug."
Esolen's fable of a frustrated,
tion on the part of editor Joe Gomez
middle-aged widow giving up her
and his literary staff.
The fiction ranges from broad "last chance" for sexual fulfillfarce to parables and reminiscences ment is a superb blending of fantasy
U> sensitive and impressionistic and psychological truth — mainpoems in prose, and the net effect taining a neat balance of humor and
is one of .pleasing variety and in- pathos.
Murdick's story of Jesus Christ
Particularly outstanding in tne descending into the world of Barcollection are last year's Loven- ney's Bar and Poolroom is an unby Bruce Daniels
Marty Mo I son as Emperor Jones in last summer's Arena Theatre
production of Eugene O ' N e i l l ' s " T h e Emperor J o n e s , " directed
by Jarka Burian.
likely but uproariously funny combination of Damon Runyon, "The
Iceman Cometh," and the "Book
of Revelation."
By exploding every expectation
and creating violent and ridiculous;
contrasts, Murdick has turned a
potentially somber situation (drunkenness, despair, perversion,charlatanry) into a highly successful bit
of "dark comedy."
Sensitive Tale
"The Maha-Prajna Lady Bug"
tells of a young man who exchanges
a precious but impossible dream
for a bleak and dubious " m a t u r ity."
The story itself is essentially
romantic and rather commonplace,
but is told with exceptional control
and sensitivity.
Others contributing fiction to the
1964 " P r i m e r " were Robert Judd,
Amy Weiss, Joyce Keeler, Gloria
Avner, Mary Lou McGrade, Walter
"A Study in Negativism," by Joyce Feuerstein, Joe Gomez and William
Cottone was such an attempt. Miss Tompkins.
Cotone used parallel rhyming Inner
Essay Valuable
two verse poem. Unfortunately her
Dr. Berger's essay on "Existenvery promising way wit i words
was demonstrated on such a hack- tial
Theory" was a valuable addition to
neyed subject.
" P r i m e r " in a number of ways.
First, it demonstrated the need for
Satisfying Effort
For sentimentalists, "Sestina: provocative criticism (literary or
The Sound of Laughter," by Mary philosophical) of a t o o - " s e r l o u s , "
Lou McGrade is satisfying and dis- ever-organized society.
Secondly, its very appearance
plays a very lovely sense of words
opens the way for more essays and
and rhythm.
Nevertheless, the undertone of criticism in " P r i m e r " Itself.
Though " P r i m e r " isn't likely to
sadness that runs through the poem
and ls capped In the last three create a scandal this year, there ls
lines, reminds the reader that this enough talent and thoughtfulness a s poetry collection can only lie safely sembled in the 1964 issue to make
read on a bright, sunshiny day. it well worth reading.
Novlotzky's Exhibition Disintegrates
Into Unrelated Mass of Colors
Pessimism, Monotony
Burden Primer Verse
by Lance Anderson and Lisa Gold
The current exhibit at the .'127
Gallery presents a series of oils
and collages by Madeline Novlotsky.
The paints, for the most part,
lean toward impressionism in a
manner that somehow distorts one's
previous concept of the term. A
. t r u e impressionist deals with the
"details of his environment and how
light effects these details.
Novlotzky seems to be attempting to capture the elements of an
impressionist in her light and flowery oils but she is unsuccessful.
It seems that she tries too hard to
achieve the desired effect.
After condensing the original
scene from nature, she further simplifies the view by using vivid bright
colors to merely suggest the Intended shapes and forms. These
vague, nebulous forms cannot be
treated successfull from an impressionistic standpoint.
The oils present, not a careful
treatment of light acting upon colors,
but a mass of often totally unrelated colors,
The previously mentioned suggested forms are achieved with
delicate oriental-like Hue interspersed with solid block of geometric pastel colors. The vivid,
bright colors are perhaps the only
saving grace inherent in nearly
every painting.
The visual tension created by the
inter-reacting hues creates a sensual, nervous quality that is often
quite refreshing. Such a painting is
the one called "Bright Weeds." Its
liyht, airy colors are tastefully
placed to give a highly pleasing
visual sensation.
Unfortunately, this becomes boring and the painting loses its appeal.
The colleges are totally inept
and artificial. They seem to be
more of an after-thought than a
work of art. Especially poor is the
one called "Once in a Blue Moon."
features carefully iJlaced
blotches of uninspired color totally
lacking any degree of unity or design.
Novlotzky's saccharine use of
color invades all her canvases.
Her abstract technique leads us
to the question of universal acceptance. Females will perhaps favor
her style more than males, Her
paintings are so similar that if one
would close one's eyes while making
the selection, it would not matter.
Today, too much emphasis is
placed upon, "what the artist is
trying to say." The audience looks
for hidden meanings, Freudian symbols and the like. Madame Novlotzky speaks of no symbols. She has
no message.
Her art is a pure decorative display of pastel colors, Here we may
find her main fault: her art ls
honest but too "decorative" andtoo
pretty. The candy Is too sweet.
Although auditions have been completed, many positions are still open
for backstage and crew work. Applications are still being accepted for
a few additional staff positions, and
Interested students should contact
Mr. Moore or Dr. Burian.
CheckoT8 T h r e e
by L e s l i e Harris
Last week the " P r i m e r " for 1964
was distributed in the peristyle
beneath Draper. This anthology of
short fiction, poetry, essays, and
art selections is supposed to be
representative of the creative ability of our student body.
Judging from the poetry selections included this year, however,
our student body does not have
much creative ability.
Your reviewer had not expected
anything quite so depressing when
she sat down to set down her Judgments and carefully constructed
Poem after morbid poem paraded
before her dampening eyes. As she
reached page 102 a strangling
scream escaped her tightly compressed lips. She threw herself down
on the ashes of the " P r i m e r " for
1963 and wept.
Almost without exception our budding poet laureates crushed, ruthlessly crushed any gleams of happiness or optimlsim that might have
penetrated through the rather thick
pages of the " P r i m e r . "
Almost without exception our
poets shied away from the more
taxing verse forms, and as a result
there was little relief from the
monotony of the very blank, blank
The single exception was "The
Founding of Lavlnium," by James
F. Eddy, Eddy tackled, not only
rhymed verse, but also tried his
hand ' dialogue in rhymes.
Altnough the content of the poem
does not lend itself to gaiety, the
result of the cross dialogue Is a
delightful short poem. Fortunately,
there were other attempts at unity
through rhyme.
Writes an types el to—i— w
HO 9-1471
78 Stole Street
215 Lark St. (At State St.)
Contact Letnet — Suna\a$te%
1500 Different Frame*
To Chooie from
• JBWWBM—agwrniii wwnwi"jmi.ww' T >..., ° i m T n w B w . . w » , . — -
FRIDAY. MAY 2 2 , 1 9 6 4
AA Board Approves NCAA T r i p Tunis Saiad Trawls To Hew Paltz
New Season Record Stands 9-1
On die basis of the r e c ord in dual meets over the
past two y e a r s the varsity
golf team has been given a
trip to the NCAA College
division Golf Tournament
in Springfield, Missouri.
Southwest Missouri State
College is the host school
for the event will be held
from June 8 to June 12.
score well." Rosen has been a
pleasant surprise with consistent
play. "Stan has that steady down the
middle game and is always in the
high 70*s," said Sauers.
Albany loses Maurer, Rosen and
Paul Bachorz this year. This will
be a handicap next spring and Sauers
will look to his frosh team for replacements.
Other Schools
Sauers feels that the southern
schools will have the advantage in
the nationals because of their yeat
round golf programs, but he thinks
that his team will not be scoffed at
In the competition. Other Eastern
schools entered are MIT, Amherst,
Buffalo U., Rochester and Springfield.
The golf team is the second team
from State this year deemed worthy
for the NCAA nationals. The first
being the Cross Country team.
With the final game of
the season scheduled for
tomorrow the tennis team
will have their best record
ever. Holding a 9-1 record
the squad journeys to New
In their previous meeting this
year the Statesmen came out on
top of a 5-4 score. State captured
three of the singles matches and
two of the double matches for their
five points.
The victories went to the numbers
1, 2 and 6 men in the lineup. The
first and third doubles teams rallied
to win a tight match.
Two different courses will be
used for the tournament which will
be a 72 hole medal play affair. The
school with the lowest four man
totals will be the team winner and
the ten lowest individual golfers
will be eligible to go to the University playoffs in Denver on June
Hathaway Worried
Coach Hathaway was worried
about the encounter tomorrow.
"They have clay courts down there
and that is a lot different than we
are use to." He also mentioned Ed
Wolner's illness this week that has
prevented Ed from practicing.
Albany'* Pour
The men representing State will
be Fred Maurer, Mike Bay us, Doug
Morgan and Stan Rosen. Maurer
and Bayus have been State's onetwo punch all year, bringing in all
their points each time they have
played. Coach Sauers feels that
these two are a match for any pair
of golfers in the East.
Backing them up will be Morgan
and Rosen. The team captain, Morgan, has been hot and cold this
year. Coach Sauers said "If he can
get his driver to respond he will
Paltz State.
With the year almost over Hatnaway did a little speculating about
next year's prospects. "Our number one man, Ken Zacharias, is
going to make it. He lias shown a
lot in the past season," said the
Coach Sauers poses with State's varsity linksmen standing from left, Fred Maurer, Mike Baus, Paul
Bachorz, John Vertaik, Doug Morgan and Stan Rosen.
"We are losing Sturtevant and
Bartlielmes and that is going to
hurt us," he added. Sturtevant and
Barthelmes have been providing the
team with fine play for three years.
Baseball Team Ends Year At Utica,
Weak Fielding Ruins Season Record
By Jin Winoote
Saturday afternoon the State nine close out the 1964 baseball season with a
return match against New Paltz. Playing the game at New Paltz, the visiting Peds
hope to finish the season on a high note by bringing home a revenge victory. In the
first meeting between these two clus, New Paltz won a sluggfest, 14010. Coach
Burlingame will probably start either Don McGurrin or Joe Mazurulli.
Don has not been as effective on the mound this year as he was last year, but
has one victory to his credit. McGurrin has done well at short all year and he may
be left there to bolster
the infield for the final
game. Mazurulli was the
losing pitcher in State's
3-0 loss to Utica.
by Ren Hamilton
"Max" pitched a fine game, allowing only five hits and one earned
m*4*&tem*tt'» *m>.
run. The team has been plagued
with poor fielding for three weeks. Don McGurrin comes off the mound to field a hunt as the umIn the last outing the defensive play pire rushes to get in position for a call.
was back to the type of the four
game winning streak in the beginning of the year.
The things that happened this year are too unbelievable to tell, but there are a few stories that sum up
what kind of a year it was very well.
The first takes us back to the early weeks of school.
After writing a not too complimentary column about the
Leading Batters
soccer team, yours truly was trapped in the Mayflower
Pep Pizzillo, Dick Odortzzl figby a rather irate soccer coach and
ure to finish the season as State's
Then there was the time the captions were mixed up leading hitters. Dick is hitting at
.357 clip and Pep is at .318.
by the printer and picture of Dick Crossett was labeled a The
batting averages to this date
•as "Marty Eppner getting of a quick shot" ,,, Then
came prognostication. Well, what can we say. We
11 R
14 11 .318
thought it would add a little color, but we had no idea Pizzillo
* * * * *
9 .262
that we were creating a monster....
0 .351
Dick Kimball will be holding down
At the end of basketball season we had a big headline declaring the wrong team winner of the AMIA the bull pen If the call goes out.
second league... Then there was the Latin American
problem that keeps sports editors from signing up for
certain history courses... The wrestling coach was
This past Monday saw Jim Wingate. But Hart bore down
never pleased with his coverage, but then all wrestling
retired the side with men on
come back after their and
coaches feel persecuted....
second and third.
defeat last week to defeat
In the bottom of the sixth SLS
Moments of glory did shine through the clouds when APA by the score of 8-7. scored throe runs tu increase their
lead to 8-3. Burnett tired slightly
the sports section received an excellent ratingfrom the Again it was Bob Hart and
there were a few solid hits.
professional reviewer, such to the chagrin of our sweet, throwing against Bill Bur Iu the top of dm seventh inning
diplomatic senior editor.... The icing for the cake came nett, and it was almost a
when a demented sports editor wrote a poem, but alas replica of last week's
the golden words fell on wooden e a r s .
Hart Beats APA For League I Tie
Enough for the past, what is in store for the future?
For the first time the sports department will have an
English major at the helm. A rather pleasant change,
Harold shows more potential than his predecessor, if
we can ever get him to work.
We would like to thank one person for an outstanding
job. Those Wednesday night paste ups were a thankless
job, but they were always done with the perfectionist
touch. We think your the greatest Ellen.
Keep smiling and try playing a sport instead of just
In die first inning APA was retired without scoring, but SLS scored
two runs on an APA error and took
a quick lead. Hart continued his
mastery on the mound in HIM second,
Willie Ids teammate); scored three
runs on another error and after two
Innings, the score was B-Q,
For the next three innings both
Hart and Burnett held their inaslory over the opposition and the
score remained SLS a — APA 0.
However, the sixth Inning came
back to haunt Hart as the APA
<batmen reached liim for three runs
on a tew walks and a base hit by
'Boy he sure hit that one."
Hart tired and walked seven men
scoring four men to cut the lead
to one run. Finally he retired the
last two batters on a strikeout and
a pop-up to first base.
Hart struck out twelve men en
route to his victory, while allowing
just a few hits. His main problem
was walking men; he walked eleven
This victory lied the teams for
the First League crown. If both
teams continue their winning ways
then there will probably be a playoff with Hart going against Burnett.
Your guess is as good us anyone's
as to Hie winner of this most Important game.
In other First League games KB
edged the Infinites 9-8, and SLS
came back after their clcse game
lo defeat Walerlmry 11-5.
In League II action the Discussers,
with six runs in the top of the
seventh inning, beat TXO 11-13.
Iu the only game in League III,
The I'neurds beat the One-Eyes,
who before were undefeated, 20-10.