s r m . VOUJH;*: >t:»s. FRIDAY, OCTOBER a, 1962 PAGE 8 Patrol to Issue Parking Fines Wyftiftwp^ v ^ >-^_yr ^yr 4u (Axilhor of "I Hn* a r*w-d*v Pwff" (- '" FW V.CT;, ANOTHER YEAR, ANOTHER DOLLAR With t o d a y ' s entry I begin my ninth year oi writing columns in your school newspaper for the makers oi Marlboro Cigarettes. Nine years, I believe you will agree, is a long time. In fact, it took only a little longer than nine years t o dig t h e Suez Canal, and you know what a gigantic undertaking t h a t was! To be sure, the work would have gone more rapidly had t h e shovel been invented at that time, but, as we all know, t h e shovel was not invented until 1946 by Walter R. -hovel of Cleveland, Ohio. Before Mr. Shovel's discovery in 1946, all digging was done with sugar tongs—a method unquestionably d a i n t y b u t hardly what one would call rapid. There were, naturally, m a n y efforts m a d e to speed u p digging before Mr. Shovel's b r e a k t h r o u g h - n o t a b l y an a t t e m p t in 1912 by t h e immortal T h o m a s Alva Edison to dig with the phonograph, but the only thing t h a t happened was t h a t he got his horn full of sand. This so depressed Mr. Edison that he fell into a fit of melancholy from which he did not emerge until two years later when his friend William Wordsworth, the eminent nature poet, cheered him up by imitating a duck for four and a half hours. B u t I digress. For nine years, 1 say, 1 have been writing this column for the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes, and for nine years they have been paying me money. You are shocked. Yon think t h a t anyone who has tasted Marlboro's unparalleled flavor, who has enjoyed Marlboro's filter, who has revelled in Marlboro's jolly red and white pack or box should be more than willing to write about Marlboro without a penny's compensation. You are wrong. Compensation is the very foundation stone of the American Way of Life. Whether you love your work or hate it, our system absolutely requires that you be paid for it. For example, I have a friend named Hex (Hebe, a veterinarian by profession, who simply adores to worm dogs. 1 mean you can call him up and say, " H e y , Hex, let's go bowl a few lines," or " H e y , Hex, let's go flatten some pennies on the railroad t r a c k s , " and he will always reply, " N o , t h a n k s . I better stay here in case somebody wants a dog wormed." I mean there is not one thing in t h e whole world you can name that Hex likes better than worming a dog. Hut even so, Hex always sends a bill for worming your dog because in his wisdom he knows thai to do otherwise would be to rend, possibly irreparably, t h e fabric of democracy. PSI GAMMA PHI DELTA President Phyllis Cipolla '63 President June Druian ' 6 3 a n a n n o u n c e s that M a r y A n n Q u a t t r i n i n o u n c e s t h a t B e b e C r o w l e y , E l l e n h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d a c t i n g s e c r e - M a r k o w i t z , and S a r i VVyner, S o p h o t a r y ; M a r y J o S o l l e c i t o , supply m o r e s , w e r e i n i t i a t e d l a s t Monday 450 Permits c h a i r m a n ; A n d r e a Z a m o r s k y , j e w - e v e n i n g . A m i x e r with Delta Chi O v e r 450 p a r k i n g p e r m i t s w e r e e l r y c o n s u l t a n t ; a n d C a r o l E a t o n f r a t e r n i t y a t Union will b e held distributed. this number greatly and Ginny M o r g a n , c o - c h a i r m e n O c t . 6. T h i s M o n d a y , a coffee e x c e e d s the c a p a c i t y of the l o t ; for the float c o m m i t t e e . h o u r will b e h e l d with S i g m a t h e r e f o r e , p a r k i n g will be on a Lambda Sigma. f i r s t - c o m e - f i r s t - s e r v e d b a s i s for CHI CIGMA THETA p e r m i t h o l d e r s only. SIGMA ALPHA P r e s i d e n t Jean Davis ' 6 3 a n Patrol Organized Judy Strong ' 6 3 , president, a n n o u n c e s that B a r b a r a K i t t l e b e r g e r A student p a r k i n g lot p a t r o l h a s nounces that P a t Pfenning ' 6 3 , ' 6 4 h a s been a p p o i n t e d gift c h a i r b e e n o r g a n i z e d to c h e c k the a r e a . m a n . T h e r e will be an open h o u s e R r l g e t t K u p c z y k , B a r b B o c h n a k , If this p a t r o l finds a v i o l a t o r , it and Anne P a r t i s e , '64 and Reggie for S t a t e s m e n on O c t . 14. will i s s u e a w a r n i n g . E a c h student Rybicki, and T e d d y Loveless, will be allowed two w a r n i n g s and M a r g i e Wood, B a r b B a k e r , and SIGMA PHI SIGMA on the third w a r n i n g a line will be I.eona K e r p e l ' 6 4 , p r e s i d e n t , B a r b L e u t h m e r ' 6 5 w e r e i n i t i a t e d i m p o s e d . Each s u c c e s s i v e w a r n i n g announce 1 ' the f o l l o w i n g c o m m i t t e e Monday night. will r e s u l t in l a r g e r fines and c h a i r m e n ; Homecoming Weekend, p o s s i b l e r e v o c a t i o n of p a r k i n g J e a n n e Rollt ' 6 5 a n d M a r y J a n e POTTER CLUB privileges. Gusberti ' 6 5 ; Sunshine, Loralee P r e s i d e n t Gary Penfield '63 anWarnings May Be Protested S h a r r o w ' 6 5 ; R e f r e s h m e n t s , G e r r y n o u n c e s t h a t Dave L e B l e u ' 6 5 w a s W a r n i n g s m a y be p r o t e s t e d in Goldman '64; F o r m a l D i n n e r , e l e c t e d Alumni s e c r e t a r y . w r i t i n g anil left at the Inform tion C a r o l y n M e r r i l l ' 6 3 and Ann GoldBooth in D r a p e r Lobby a d d r e s s e d s t e i n ' 6 3 ; State F a i r , Sue S l e i s c h e r KAPPA BETA to Student P a c k i n g Lot P a t r o l . ' 6 4 ; House I m p r o v e m e n t , E l s i e F r a n k Banta ' 6 3 , p r e s i d e n t , anP r o t e s t s of w a r n i n g s m u s t lie m a d e R e y n o l d s '64 and Sandy G a r b o w i t z n o u n c e s that t h e r e will b e an i n within ten d a v s of t h e i r i s s u a n c e . ' 6 3 ; C i g a r e t t e C o n t e s t , H e n i e L e n t z f o r m a l d a t e p a r t y at t h e Italian '65. Sheila S t r o m w a s s e r '64 w a s B e n e v o l e n t S o c i e t y Hall, O c t . 1 e l e c t e d ISC r e p r e s e n t a t i v e a n d f r o m 8 to 12 p . m . Ruth S a m s o n '64 WAA. SIGMA LAMBDA SIGMA GAMMA KAPPA PHI Doug F l a g g , v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , a n P r e s i d e n t Sue P i a t t ' 6 3 a n - n o u n c e s that an o p e n h o u s e will be n o u n c e s that l.ois Gianini '64 anil h e l d O c t . 7 from 5 to 9 p . m . John C a roll Col way '63 a r e c o - c h a i r m e n Tyo a n d h i s C a m p u s C o u n t s will of the H o m e c o m i n g float. p r o v i d e m u s i c f r o m 6 to 8 p . m . Every Wednesday CHAPEL SERVICE for STUDENTS and FACULTY 12 Noon At the U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h Washington at R o b i n Sponsored By ALPHA PI ALPHA BETA ZETA President Larry Coleman '63 L o r a i n e C r i s p e l l ' 6 3 , p r e s i d e n t , a n n o u n c e s that t h e b r o t h e r s will a n n o u n c e s IhnI J o a n M c G r a w ' 6 4 a t t e n d a coffee h o u r O c t . 8 to be and L a u r i e A n g e r s , l.ana E v e r e t t , given by the s i s t e r s i d ' I ' s i G a m m a . M a r g i e F r i e s n e r , N o r m a Kelley, B r o t h e r s R o b e r t S t r a u b e r g and S t e v i e O r t h l i e b , Alicia Schiffer, G a r t h S m i t h h a v e r e t u r n e d to A l and M a r y T e m p l e , S o p h o m o r e s , bany to c o m p l e t e w o r k on thenw e r e i n i t i a t e d . Sandy I.isson ' 6 4 d e g r e e s . w a s appointed H o m e c o m i n g c h a i r - ALL ARTICLES LOU HOI SI: HOWLS man. T h e r e will be a coffee h o u r MUST 111- IS THE NEWS OFFICE HY with Kappa Beta on O c t . 8. SI SPAY NIGHT. spa graphic arts , >,//> \H^W^c£iWMi wkjivWiad // It'- the same with mi' a n d Marlboro Cigarettes. I think Marlboro's flavor represents the pinnacle of the tobacconist's art. ! think Marlboro's filter represents the pinnacle "I the filter-maker'.-, art. I think Marlboro'- p;iek and box represent the pinnacle of the packaizcr'- art. I think Marlboro I- ;i plea.— lire and a trea.-ure, and I fairly bur.-t Willi pride that I have been clio.-eii to -peak for Marlboro on your campu>. All the same, I want my money every week. And the m a k e r - ol Marlboro understand tin- full well. They don't like it. but they understand it. In the columns which follow tin- opening installment, I will turn the hot white light of truth on the p r o s i n g problem- of cauipu.- hie the many and varied dilemma.- which be-,el the undergraduate burning questions like "Should C h a u c e r classrooms be converted to parking garages'.'" and "Should proctorbe given a saliva test'.'" and "Should foreign exchange s t u d e n t be held for ransom'.'" And in these columns, while grappling with the I T M - that vex campus America, I will make occasional bnel 11n-r>'•<>ii ol Marlboro Cigarette- li I do not, the maker- .'.iii n- ' to • all) 1 money. phone Saratoga 1404 12 MAPlt AVENUE * * The milker* of Mmthorn n ill briny unit free-style column 26 times t hrouyhout the. iny thin period it in nut unlikely that Old Hume toes—principally ours- but tie think tie hope you will too. thin urn enxoreil, ml tout year. I) in Mux it ill utep mi it'a all in ittn unit SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. § Publications § Planning • Letterheads • Magazines • Designing • Envelopes 9 Newspapers • Art § B u s i n e s s Forms t Circulars § § Varityping • " - •' •• * State College J+audi I'ho p a r k i n g lot h a s been a m a j o r p r o b l e m for many y e a r s , this year Campus Commission is m a k i n g a m a x i m u m e f f o r t to c o n trol this situation, but your c o o p e r a t i o n is n e e d e d . R E V . F R A N K SNOW Campus Minister to P r o t e s t a n t & E p i s c o p a l Students •"H'yl Jtouie Layout • Shopping Guides • Addressing t Headlining • Brochures § Mailing § Halftones • Programs • Folding • Negatives % Booklets • Advertising Literature • Positives Catalogs § Complete Bindery • Proofs Folders § Collating § Press Plates § t CLEANERS AND TAILORS " A L i t t l e Finer - A L i t t l e More C a r e f u l " "All Gannuals Chuckvd Fur \linur P L A r - l T - C o r n e r Washington Ave., A L B A N Y , NEW livpuirs" and O n t a r i o S t r e e t COMMERCIAL and BUSINESS Z464 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 VOL. XLVIkf No. 17 "Vaudeville Goes Modern," with The Gregg Smith Singers Gregg Smith Singers All-College Reception, Saturday by Dave J e n k s T o m o r r o w , Saturday, October 13, P a g e t u r n s o v e r i t s hallowed hall to t h e A l l - C o l l e g e Reception a s " V a u d e v i l l e Goes M o d e r n . " S t a r t i n g at 8:00 s h a r p , c o - c h a i r m e n R o z F e r r a r a a n d Lenny L a p i n s k i will begin the fun-filled 18 a c t d i s p l a y of Albany State talent. I m m e d i a t e l y following t h e c o n c l u s i o n of the e n t e r t a i n m e n t , the s c e n e s w i n g s to the A l d e n - W a t e r b u r y Dining Room w h e r e m e m b e r s of all four c l a s s e s will get t o g e t h e r for t h e a c t u a l A l l - C o l l e g e R e c e p tion. T h e m u s i c of John Tyo and his C a m p u s C o u n t s will p r o v i d e the s o c i a l i z i n g m e d i u m a s e a c h student i s a f f o r d e d t h e c h a n c e to m e e t and b e c o m e a c q u a i n t e d with m e m b e r s of all four c l a s s e s . T h e r e c e p t i n g will end at 12, and by p e r m i s s i o n of Dean Siokes, f r e s h m e n g i r l s will have e x t e n d e d h o u r s until 12:30. To Perform Tuesday At 8, in Page Hall The Music Council of State University will present the Gregg Smith Singers in concert Tuesday night, at 8, in Page Hall. Admission will be by Student Tax card presented at the door; faculty and visitors can secure tickets for reserved seats for $2.00 from Music Council or at the door. The group, organized in 1955, is currently on their Pedagogue Tells Rules t h i r d 1 0 - w e e k t o u r of the U. S. and the E u r o p e a n Continent. They h a v e a p p e a r e d at t h e B r u s s e l s World F a i r and in the D a r m s t a d t , E d i n b u r g h , and S a l z b u r g F e s t i v a l s . T h e i r r e p e r t o i r e r a n g e s from the c o m p l e x c o n t e m p o r a r y to the m u s i c of the R e n a i s s a n c e and i n c l u d e s c l a s s i c a l c h o r a l w o r k s and A m e r i c a n folk m u s i c . F U R T H E R d e t a i l s have b e e n r e l e a s e d in the s e a r c h f o r a new n a m e f o r THE PEDAGOGUE. J u d g e s n a m e d to the s e l e c t i o n c o m m i t t e e a r e Dean H a r t l y , Dean of M e n ; Dean S t o k e s , Dean of Program Women; Dean T h o r n e , Dean of T h e i r p r o g r a m h e r e will include F r e s h m e n Studies; D r . Edith O. W a l l a c e , C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t - " A d o r a m u s T e " b y M o z a r t , " E a r l y m e n t of C o m p a r a t i v e L i t e r a t u r e ; A m e r i c a n H y m n s " by William B i l Steven Condojani, P r e s i d e n t of the l i n g s , " D r e i m a l T a u s e n d J a h r e " S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n ; John T y o , by S c h o e n b e r g , " I n the B e g i n n i n g " V i c e - P r e s i d e n t of the Student A s - by A a r o n Copland, and w o r k s of s o c i a t i o n ; Shirley B o w l e r B l a n - B a r b e r , R a v e l , and G r e g g Smith. c h a r d , M i n i s t e r of P u b l i c a t i o n ; All t w e n t y - f o u r m e m b e r s have and T e d D u s a n e n k o , M y s k a n i a g r a d u a t e d f r o m u n i v e r s i t i e s a n d c o l l e g e s in S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a . member. T h e y r e p r e s e n t such c o u n t r i e s a s C o n t r a r y to what w a s s t a t e d in K o r e a , J a p a n , F r a n c e , G e r m a n y , the l a s t i s s u e , the c o m m i t t e e will Sweden, and Scotland. not c h o o s e a new n a m e if none submitted a r e acceptable. The Gregg Smith y e a r b o o k will r e t a i n i t s p r e s e n t G r e g g Smith, 30, s t u d i e d and name instead. All e n t r i e s for this c o n t e s t m u s t taught at the U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i b e s u b m i t t e d on ,')x5 c a r d s to the fornia and h a s conducted an o p e r a S e c r e t a r y of the Student P e r s o n n e l c h o r u s and the U.C.L.A. M a d r i Office by Monday at 5 p . m . All g a l s . S e v e r a l of his c h o r a l c o m s t u d e n t s a r e eligible for c o m p e t i - p o s i t i o n s have been r e c o r d e d by the R o g e r W a g n e r C h o r a l e . tion. Lenny L a p i n s k i and Roz F e r r a r a , J u n i o r s , Co-Chairmen of the All College Reception, practice for tomorrow's event. Catholic and Protestant Students to Meet in Bru For Wednesday Discussion Next Wednesday evening at 7:30, a unique meeting will be held in the Brubacher lower lounge: the Protestant Campus Christian Council will meet with the Catholic Newman Club to hear speakers of both faiths on the subject of the eccumenical council, which opened yesterday. Fr. Owen Bennett O.F.M. of St. Anthony's Seminary, Rensselaer, will speak on "What a Catholic Hopes for Soph's Lead Rivalry Events; Allien, Brubacher, and Sayles New Schedule Halls Elect, Plan Mixer, Open Houses, Oct. 14, 27 " R a i n , Kain, go a w a y , " h a s b e c o m e the m o s t p o p u l a r song for the R i v a l r y C o m m i t t e e at the c o n c l u s i o n of the s e c o n d weekend of competition. Soph't Take Lead The w o m e n ' s r e s i d e n c e h a l l s have s e t the dates for their first s o c i a l e v e n t s of the y e a r . 1 to 5 p. in. Brubacher Open Houte B a r b a r a Bochnak '64 is c h a i r man id the B r u b a c h e r Hall ((pen Allien Mixer House to be held I letober 27 from Allien Hall will have i t s M i x e r 7 to <J p.m. Henry I'organ and Ins tonight from 8:30 to 1 1:30 in the band will play at the dance follow A l d e n - W a t e r b u r y D i n m g l l a l l . Muing the open house I rum \l to | j s i c will be provided by " T h e N a t u r a l s , " a four-piece combo. Houte Officer* R e f r e s h m e n t s will be s e r v e d , and The new h o u s e o f f i c e r s ol Hru d r e s s will be c a s u a l . b a e h e r Hall for the 19(52 - 1963 Open House PRINTING BY OFFSET LITHOGRAPHY ews ' M > On Sunday, O c t o b e r 14, A Idea will follow up the F r i d a y e v e n t with the Alden Open House. This will take p l a c e between 3 a n d 5 p . m . YORK Sayiet Open Houte F r a n M i l l e r , P r e s i d e n t of S a y l e s H a l l , a n n o u n c e s that an open house will be held on O c t o b e r 14 from The t i e for the R i v a l r y Cup was b r o k e n , h o w e v e r , a s the Sophomore g i r l s s c o r e d two points for a volley ball v i c t o r y . They a c c o m p l i s h e d t h i s by s w e e p i n g o v e r t h e i r Freshman o p p o n e n t s in two S t r a i g h t g a m e s of a best two of three series. T h i s placed the s c o r e at F r o s h - 1,Soph's - 3. Event! Retcheduled Due to i n c l i m a t e w e a t h e r , the R i v a l r y C o m m i t t e e h a s announced school y e a r a r e : p r e s i d e n t , Meg a new s c h e d u l e for the e v e n t s p o s t G o n c k '64; v i c e - p r e s i d e n t , Ginny poned. The C o l l e g e P e p Rally h a s M o r g a n '64; c o - o r d i n a t o r s , B a r b b e e n r e s c h e d u l e d for today at 7:30 Bochnak ' 6 4 and Sandy Donaldson p . m . The Softball g a m e will again ' 6 5 ; s e c r e t a r y , Helen M e s e r o l e be a t t e m p t e d on Sunday at 2 p . m . '65, t r e a s u r e r , Carolyn llavnikar T e a m s m u s t r e p o r t by 1:30 for the ' 6 5 ; C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , Put Hobogame. t h a m '64; P u b l i c i t y , C a r o l y n Horen The R i v a l r y football game will ' 6 5 ; S p o r t s d i r e c t o r , Helen Klym be held on S a t u r d a y at 10:30 a.m. •65; Song l e a d e r , S h a n H o l z e r ' 6 5 ; The p l a y e r s m u s t r e p o r t by 10 for and h i s t o r i a l , B a r b Sehuey ' 6 4 . the g a m e . Co-Chairmen Stale Purpose ' • T h e p u r p o s e of the A l l - C o l l e g e R e c e p t i o n , " c o m m e n t e d the c o c h a i r m e n , " i s first of all to p r o vide an o p p o r t u n i t y l o r the upper c l a s s m e n and f r e s h m e n to m e e t on an i n f o r m a l b a s i s . " " N o t only d o e s it give e a c h c l a s s a c h a n c e to d i s p l a y i t s talent in the o p e n i n g s h o w , but it a l s o allows the four c l a s s e s and the m e m b e r s of t h e m to m e e t , s o c i a l i z e , and b e c o m e f a m i l i a r with e a c h o t h e r . " Fun Filled Show U s i n g the t h e m e " V a u d e v i l l e (Iocs M o d e r n , " Roz and Lenny have g a t h e r e d IS a s t o n i s h i n g a c t s of Albany a r t i s t r y into o n e c o m p a c t , I list moving, fuil-lilled, spe ' t a e l e . I he p r o d u c t i o n will include e v e r y thing I r o m '• s i n g i n g , d a n e m g , and i ' o m e d y lo an exl ra spi r i a l , uuf r o m the C o u n c i l , " and Dr. George annmiiK'i 'd, s u r p r i s e p, ,\ • r i, M o r g a n , R e s i d e n t Chaplain at P . P . I . , on " W h a t a P r o t e s t a n t m i c e . ' ' H o p e s for from the C o u n c i l . " F o u r n u m b e r s Irom Insi , I T ' S An e c c u m e n i c a l council is the All C o l l e g e Revue will be meli.iled, h i g h e s t r a n k i n g council of the C a t h - p l u s two o r i g i n a l c o m p o s i t i o n s . All olic' C h u r c h , a s o l e m n a s s e m b l y of the c l a s s e s will be r e p r e s e n t e d all r e s i d e n t i a l b i s h o p s and o t h e r with I /I) ol the a c t s sta Ming m e m C h u r c h officials with the Pope, to b e r s i il o u r v e r d a n t Hock i il blue study m a t t e r s r e l a t i n g to faith, lavs. m o r a l s , and d i s c i p l i n e . They a r e c a l l e d by the Pope Get There Early whenever there is a s e r i o u s threat I ' r o l l miliary act i v i t n s wi li oe to t h e s e things. I inly twenty have gin at V: 15 a s M a r g i e I uckei and b e e n convened in the twenty c e n Sue Murphy will lead the e a r l y t u r i e s of C h r i s t i a n h i s t o r y . a u d i e n c e in a snapps , ->|.i i 11«-<i 15 '1 he p u r p o s e of this council is a m i n u t e s o n g t e s t . " m o d e r n i z a t i o n " — and a l m o s t Meanwhile back at " U a l d o n " a n y t h i n g could c o m e up for r e - (the W a l e r b u r v - \ l d e n dining e x a m i n a t i o n , from C h u r c h laws r e r o o m ) , right a l t e r the show , e v e r y g a r d i n g fish on F r i d a y to the use thing I r e m the i ' a m p u s ('ounts to of Latin in the M a s s . c o o k i e s will be ready and u, ailing. P r o b a b l y what will be of g r e a t e s t I . noli p e r s o n will reeoiv e a n a m e i n t e r e s t at W e d n e s d a y ' s m e e t i n g , lag ol h i s own c l a s s c o l o r a s he h o w e v e r , is the c h a n g i n g attitude of c o m e s in. I h e r e will be 10 h o s t s C a t h o l i c s t o w a r d P r o t e s t a n t s . and H o s t e s s e s to help get things Within a g e n e r a t i o n , P r o t e s t a n t s u n d e r vi ay. h a v e c h a n g e d , in the C a t h o l i c viewl i v e r y one is u r g e d to c o m e stag p o i n t , from " h e r e t i c s " to " s e p a - and wiule d a t e s a r e p e r m i t t e d , they r a t e d b r e t h r e n , " and it is hoped a r e a l s o d i s c o u r a g e d for t h i s funct h a t this council will f u r t h e r the tion. I he c h a i r m e n feel that, p r o g r e s s toward the " f a r distant " this will m e a n that l e s s will be goal of n e a r l y all C h r i s t i a n s : t h e i r lied down and il will be e a s i e r to u l t i m a t e unity in one C h u r c h . " gel iii knov, more 1 p e o p l e . " There will be a u d i e n c e p a r t i c i " R e m e m b e r that t h i s is a good p a t i o n a l t e r the s p e a k e r s have c h a n c e to meet people who may finished. In o r d e r that m o r e s t u become close 1 n e n d s or possibly a d e n t s may attend the m e e t i n g , future d a t e . \\ e hope (hat e v e r y S e n a t e h a s been r a n , r i l e d tor that one Villi attend to m a k e t h i s truly evening an All i ' o l l e g e R e c e p t i o n " \ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1962 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1962 PAGE 2 Where Have All The Writers Gone? To th* Editor: A newspaper's principal function is communication, but it should be no surprise to learn that the better than average publication needs more than a mere weekly report of "the facts." Intelligent and wellcontrived commentary i s an intregal part of any college paper. The News does not expect to be exempted from this pattern. 1962's Second Semester brought about a sort of revival of "thought writing" at State. The Ntwi was swamped with well-written columns by both students and faculty m e m b e r s . The invitation i s still here, but a r e the w r i t e r s ? Any student o r faculty member may submit m a t e r ial to the News. We welcome contributions on politics and world affairs, theatre, books, movies, education, philosophical questions and other brain stimulating topics. All m a t e r i a l in essay o r feature form is eligible for publication. Our only request is that w r i t e r s meet Sunday evening's deadline and, in some a r t i c l e s , document certain n e c e s s a r y facts. It is quite evident that State students a r e capable of producing work representing high caliber. We attempt to publish something demonstrating this each week, but there must be other w r i t e r s somewhere, to join the t r i e d and true ones we already have. If you have seen a stimulating a r t exhibit, don't keep it a s e c r e t forever. If you don't like the a r t exhibit, c r i t i c i z e it intelligently. There is no need to keep your, perhaps unique, musical views to yourself. Maybe someone s h a r e s them and would enjoy reading about them. And may we add, reviews need not be confined to activities on the State campus only. And some people read books. Creativity need not be absent from either a campus o r its newspaper. Newsprint should not s c a r e away th . rht. The News wants to see a variety of w r i t e r s r e p r e s e n t e d in all of the fields available at the University. Will you be one of the c o n t r i b u t e r s ? Nobody's Responsibility? The i xcitement at State University continues. So far this year everyone who walks e i t h e r in front of Page or f r - m Draper to Detroit Annex h a s experienced the mud uu Idles, which double as practice pits for our new Broad Jumping team. We do not mean to be overly bitter, but most of the puddles have been here longer than the undergraduates. Possibly it is impossible to r a i s e the slabs of the slate sidewalks, but we doubt it. Perhaps it is impossible to improve the drainage of the sidewalks, but w. doubt this even more. LaLit winter, the i c e o n " o u r " sidewalks was responSiblr :"' r two accidents. One was a broken leg; the cthei a broken a r m . Perhaps this year such h a p .: ./, - will not be occasioned. X.-5 the college grows, its responsibilities grow. The coll ;e should assume the responsibility for the upkeep If it has already done so, it should be O f U:. grounds. m o iv ibvious. JWG STATE COLLEGE NEWS ESTABLISHED BY Vol. XI. VIII THE CLASS MAY 1910 ' ' • ' " '•') .,| , , ,| '' ' I " ' " 1 " • ' ,|,,|. I i,,*rl-.,u ••'•» '•> tlir ' . . » • . I ,,,,,,;,- No. 17 „| | | , „ „ , .„ ,, (.,,,, h o . i i I I..I II,,- , i „ | , . „ i ^ s ,', M U S IIOMCH •.:•.! . i ., v . I I ' . l \ I \ ••••) I I I . I ' . M I II i . A I I I ' A V I | l \ k -, I ' ' I T - S.II III |i II ; I ' . I M . M I i I • H I. I hi n •!• i \ i, i s s i . . . . i .1 t i l I I V.I i HI i.AN ' II M i l I s I1AKI II i I . M i l S N A l i III \ I. U ' l \ i III r . ' . M S . . . C . l . l i . Kil l . . M l , , ,-. \ . H , I III I I III. I I III I ' - I I. II I . S I VI I I ],I„I.,I; A.M.ijui >''• i i - ' l >•> • i >K I . M I O K S : J , . i n A v f i . g r , i .,.,„. ' ' • I 1 . . . 1 . . M r l v i . t - M e n I i v i „ i - . ) . i.i, M . m I .,., I . . „ , . . , „ n , . S j i i i i u I l o i u l . l i . o i , , I - , „ ! . , I . . . l . . . I l i - , i l ) I ' . I I I I , , i ) i - v . i - 1 . I In i l l | i , -, I, J o y i i- U i I N . II, , » , , „ . ' i i| I M ' . I M S: 1 ' i u l ) e n . e n , I , M , > S i , „ , , , | , l - , , - , i S . i . u h , i AH I I H i S l s ' l . I ,II M w e l l ^ i( , ,-Hill,unit 4lii.ll* fcliuuld Mr . i l l l r i M - l I . , n . i - f . l i l - . i 4 1 . J u . u k l I t - - . i ^ m - J . N . i i n i I..ft.it.nc. J ,.i, u - | „ i - u ll.il A l i l i i l l i l . l ' . I i. . . m i i i i . i a I , , , r r - > | . . , . •, i I.. I i l y I , . ,,.111. C * J I f I.I.CO III I I I , l . . I .1,1,1 K , . l CUINII.MIII l i l Hill . , . i s S . . I I. C I [ l t - S i l - , 1 , i III ll.il l l l ' i l - i I c t1 e i I » 11 a v 11- v. a . Although I want to make it plain that I a m not s p e a k i n g officially for my c l a s s , I believe that I a m e x p r e s s i n g the feelings of the Sophomores. The m a j o r i t y of the c l a s s , I b e l i e v e , t a k e s violent exception to the C o m m o n - S t a t e r ' s r e m a r k s in l a s t w e e k ' s p a p e r . It is true that we have shown an a m a z i n g amount of apathy in R i v a l r y this y e a r ; about a s e v e n t h of the c l a s s h a s a l s o been w o n d e r i n g where the o t h e r 600 a r e . But this i s no r e a s o n for a supposedly i m p a r t i a l p e r s o n to r a i l at o u r " t i t u l a r " P r e s i d e n t b e c a u s e he can't be in two p l a c e s at o n c e . To put the m a t t e r into plain English, " G o l d e n Boy" plays s o c c e r . Did you know that t h e r e is a c o l l e g e s o c c e r t e a m , F r e d and Libby? Have you been too busy with c l a s s R i v a l r y to realize that the S o p h o m o r e s a r e trying to be a p a r t of S.U.C.A. a s well a s o f t h e i r own c l a s s ? O r don't you c a r e ? If F r e d could have split himself in two he p r o b a b l y would have, but t h a t ' s a m o s t unlikely feat. Moral of the tale: if the Common S t a t e r i s going to j a b , let it at l e a s t get i t s facts s t r a i g h t f i r s t . I by Paul Jensen " I s that Fragile sign in reference to the glass or the buildings?" What is "Cinema A r t ? " What should a motion picture do, o r be, in o r d e r to be classified as a r t i s tic? What kinds of films could be put in this category? Although these questions are seldom considered by the average viewer, any p e r s o n ' s e r i o u s l y interested in the movies should ask them of himself. Answers, of course, would nece s s a r i l y be highly personalized and varied; much depends on an individual's attitudes and attributes. Most people will probably agree, though, that certain types of films can be eliminated from consideration. Art It Not T h e t e r m " a r t i s t i c " could not be a p p l i e d to e n t e r t a i n m e n t p i c t u r e s . Most comedies, fantasies, spectac l e s , t e a r - j e r k e r s and q u i c k i e g a n g s t e r f i l m s m a y t h e r e f o r e be e x c l u d e d . As r a n d o m e x a m p l e s of s u c h f a r - f r o m - a r t y p i c t u r e s , That Touch of Mink, El Cld, Mytttrlout Island, Sutan Slad* and Legs Diamond might be m e n t i o n e d , while s o m e of Rene C l a i r ' s e a r l y c o m e d i e s c a n be Common Stater ^*4 MW By Stroud a n d S m i t h Linda Delfs '65 noted a s a m o n g t h e i n e v i t a b l e e x ceptions. Usually only f i l m s of a m o r e s e r i o u s intent d e s e r v e to b e l a belled " a r t i s t i c , " and even this c a t e g o r y of " s e r i o u s f i l m s c a n b e further sub-divided. Take, for example, the film Judgment of Nuromborg. This excellent production boasts great acting by. many of its principals, excellent d i r e c tion by Stanley Kramer, and an award-winning (and deservedly so) script by Abby Mann. Technically Above Average This p i c t u r e , technically far above a v e r a g e , would be c o n s i d by m a n y to be e x a c t l y what a m o t i o n p i c u t r e should b e . H a r d l y a p i e c e of p u r e e n t e r t a i n m e n t , t h e film c o m e s to g r i p with the i m p o r t a n t and c o n t r o v e r s i a l q u e s t i o n of Nazi w a r guilt. It i s e x c e p t i o n ally well done within i t s own l i m i t s , but a s a " m o t i o n p i c t u r e " it s t i l l l e a v e s quite a b i t to b e d e s i r e d . What t h i s film s a y s , and the m a n n e r in which it i s s a i d , could j u s t a s e a s i l y and effectively be p r e s e n t e d a s a B r o a d w a y play o r novel. In fact, it i s a t e l e v i s i o n p l a y which h a s b e e n a d a p t e d for the movies. Hlrothlma, Mon, Amour A film that seems to me to make g r e a t e r use of the possibilities of the motion picture medium is Alain R e s n a i s ' Hirothlma, Mon Amour. This picture also deals, in a way, with World War II, but it makes its anti-war point in a purely cinematic manner. The c a m e r a easily does things that would be next to impossible to duplicate on the stage o r the printed page, as witness the swift cutting from short scenes of the past to the present and back again. Many Interpretation! Because its technique is e s sentially cinematic, and its plot lends itself to a variety of manyleveled interpretations, I would say that Hirothlma is the type of film to deserve the adjective " a r t i s t i c . " Despite the excellence of the Judgment type of picture, it fails to deserve the laurel wreath of Cinema Art. Current Comment First Article in Series of 3 Discusses Rocky's Term by Joseph Galu On Tuesday, November 6, the voters of New York State will decide who will be our governor for the next four y e a r s . The choice is among Nelson A. Rockefeller, a Republican who all but promises to spend the next two y e a r s running for President if he is re-elected; Robert M. Morgenthau, a Democrat with a record of quiet accomplishment; and David J a quith, a Conservative who is running on the courage of his convictions. Record Governor Rockefeller has stated that the only issue is his record. This record includes s u c c e s s e s , as well as many failures. The last four y e a r s has seen no improvement in New York's e x tremely lax food laws. (Food dyes that cannot be used in interstate commerce can be used in foods made and sold in New York State.) "Muddy Hud.on" Under the Harriman administration there was an exhaustive study completed dealing with the pollution of the Hudson and other r i v e r s . T» the Editor: If the w r i t e r s of the C o m m o n S t a t e r w e r e a little m o r e informed about what w a s going on around the C o l l e g e , they wouldn't have had to t h r o w m u d at "Golden B o y " and h i s " t o o l . " It s e e m s they w e r e r e a l l y d i g g i n g for their mud. Y e s , " G o l d e n B o y " and h i s " t o o l " w e r e in d e m a n d e l s e w h e r e , a s they w e r e r e p r e s e n t i n g not one c l a s s but the C o l l e g e in a v a r s i t y s o c c e r g a m e at Adelphi. In fact, the " t o o l " s c o r e d one goal. Is it m o r e i m p o r t a n t to be a t o n e Rivalry event o r to r e p r e s e n t the College? It was o u r i m p r e s s i o n that one of the p u r p o s e s of Rivalry w a s to f o s t e r school s p i r i t . It looks like a fight between two c l a s s e s c o m peting against college sports. Isn't it p o s s i b l e to c o m b i n e s p o r t s , v a r s i t y and f r e s h m a n , with Rivalry? P o i n t s for c h e e r i n g could be a w a r d e d to c l a s s at s o c c e r g a m e s or c r o s s country meets. We also n o t i c e d that no i n t e r c o l l e g i a t e s p o r t s w e r e listedon the College C a l e n d a r even though the v a r s i t y and f r e s h m a n soccer t e a m s , c r o s s c o u n t r y Irani and the golf t e a m w e r e a c t i v e . Edward and Sharon Broomfisld " F e w a r e wise enough to p r e f e r useful r e p r o o f to t r e a c h e r o u s p r a i s e . " - - L a Rochefoucauld GLAD TO SEE Sure Loved Swingin' to J. T . ' s band l a s t Sunday. T h e r e ' s no doubt that the f o r m e r have m o r e than c o m p e n s a t e d for the open house we m i s s e d l a s t fall. W'e hope t h e i r e n t h u s i a s m will c a t c h on. Notices At next w e e k ' s Senate meetingon Thvnday i n s t e a d of Wednesday, R o s s Dunn ' 6 3 , this y e a r ' s State r e p r e s e n t a t i v e to the College A m b a s s a d o r P r o g r a m will speak on h i s s u m m e r in F r a n c e . All s t u d e n t s a r e urged to altend this m e e t i n g . A question period will follow. I h.-iv will lie :i Kappa Mu k p s i lon Mealing on Wrdnrsilny, -vou p . m . in I (Taper lounge. Miss Nura I u n i e r v. ill speak about h e r t r i p to tin- International Gongivs.s nl M a t h e m a t i c i a n s at Stockholm, Sweden during tins past BununiM-. All iiiiMiibcrs a r c urged to attend. Attendance will lie taken. Attention Freihmtn lnilay, at 1:00 p . m . in Page Hall t h e r e will be a c o m p u l s o r y O r i e n tation Meeting for F r e s h m e n . I lie topic of this m e e t i n g w i l l l i i t " P r o llle ill Hie C l a s s ul 1966." Myskania will take attendance. Pedagogue Group p i c t u r e s will he taken lor the Ptdaqogua, I u e s il a y anil Wednesday. All group m e m b e r s a r e asked to c h e c k the P,dagogu* Bulletin Hoard n e a r the Go-Op, There h a s been no effective implementation of the recommendations of the r e p o r t . The Hudson continues to be known as the "Muddy Hudson." Mr. Rockefeller's record includes allowing the state debt to climb to a record high. The budget i s out of balance this year by 87 million d o l l a r s , d e s p i t e three bookkeeping manuevers. Primary Election Despite a pledge he made in the 1958 campaign, Mr. Rockefeller has not worked for getting a p e r manent June p r i m a r y . Although the State's constitution plainly Infers that legislative re-appointment is to be accomplished in the first regular session of the legislature after a federal census, Rockefeller gave in to Joe Car lino and postponed it. The State's narcotics laws continue to be hopelessly out of date. As the law stands now, it is a crime for a doctor to treat an addict in the procedures known to be effective. Wait 'til Next Year R o c k e f e l l e r h a s refused to take a s t a n d on r a i s i n g t h e d r i n k i n g a g e . He s t a t e s that he will send h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s to the l e g i s l a t u r e next y e a r . He p r e s u m e s h i s re-election. In addition to failing to p r o m o t e useful l e g i s l a t i o n , he h a s a p p r o v e d h a r m f u l l e g i s l a t i o n and vetoed u s e ful b i l l s . Gerry Mandering LET'S SING ALONG? The c o n g r e s s i o n a l r e a p p o r t i o n m e n t law i s a l r e a d y c o n s i d e r e d a c l a s s i c e x a m p l e of w h a t - n o - t o - d o . T h i s law w a s d e s i g n e d to give the R e p u b l i c a n s 6 1 % of t h e c o n g r e s s ional s e a t s when they have only 46% of the e n r o l l m e n t . A n o t h e r law, s i g n e d by Rocky, t h a t h a s c a u s e d s o m e annoyance a r o u n d the s t a t e i s one allowing double t r a c t o r t r a i l e r s on the s t a t e ' s r o a d s . T h e s e a r e not c o n s i d e r e d to be the s a f e s t method of t r a n s p o r t i n g goods. A r e the g i r l s on the first floor of P i e r c e p r e p a r i n g for the Holiday Sing a l r e a d y ? Now g i r l s , you know that those s o n g s a r e no longer C h r i s t m a s f a v o r i t e s . Then again, with s e c o n d s e m e s t e r r u s h i n g they m i g h t p r o v e p o p u l a r to a s e l e c t few. OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS . . . . G r e e k o p e n - h o u s e s s e e m to be the p o p u l a r thing again. Some a r m o r e p o p u l a r than o t h e r s . Well, I g u e s s s o m e of o u r c a m p u s mab feel i t s a long walk to 840 Washington. TRY THESE: Can You Imagine N a i r s a l e s m e n in W a t e r b u r y on F r o s h M e n ' s P a n t s R o l l e d - u p Monday'.' A Rivalry C h a i r m a n not c a u s i n g c o n t r o v e r s y ' . ' P l a y i n g " T h u m p e r " in the cafeteria'.' T r y i n g to d r a w a m a p of o u r c a m p u s a s it is now',' T h e P o t t e r rail b e i n g moved to the C o m m o n s ' ? State Control A useful b i l l , which w a s vetoed, w a s an a t t e m p t to c o n t r o l the amount of X - r a y e x p o s u r e a p e r son m a y r e c e i v e from shoe fitting m a c h i n e s . (New Y o r k C i t y l e g i s l a t o r s had p r e s s e d for the bill b e c a u s e s t a t e law p r e v e n t s city c o n t r o l in this field). TOPS IN OUR BOOK! Surprize. W e ' r e s t e p p i n g out of o u r u s u a l l y " c r i t i c a l " role • give c r e d i t w h e r e it is more than d u e . We tip o u r b a t s to Pat an : D a v e , who did a s p l e n d i d job o r g a n i z i n g the v a r i o u s g r o u p s on c a m p ; Great Expectationi IN FROM THE BOONDOCKS . . . . Kappa Mu Epsilon OF 191b I riday, October Vi, HWl • • • ! , : • ! , . , I I- , „ • » . | Reviewer Poses Cinema Question; What Should a Motion Picture Do To Be Classified As Artistic? PAGE 3 T h e s e a r e but a few e x a m p l e s of what h a s gone on and wh.it h a s been s w e p t u n d e r the r u g ,1,. mg the last four y e a r s . Rockefeller w a n t s a r e c o r d p l u r a l i t y so he ean run for P r e s i d e n t for the next two years. W'e h e a r that the " w o o d - c a r v e r s " from the " C o l l e g e on the I il-.. " are arriving tomorrow. L e t ' s hope o u r U n i v e r s i t y m e n have a |..' of s u p p o r t in chopping the college b o y s down to s i z e . SMOKE MUCH ? ? ? ? Many g r o u p s on c a m p u s a r c e x h a l i n g s i g n s of r e l i c ! now that tin-, know their s u m m e r ' s work was not in vain. Y e s , it would tie f r u s ' r a ting to s e e all those M a r l b o r o p a c k s go up in s m o k e . Sarcasm For Governoi Rocky would like the people of New Y o r k State to a c c e p t Malcolm Wilson a s g o v e r n o r after he is e l e c t e d P r e s i d e n t , if e v e r . Wilson w a s s e l e c t e d a s a candidate for L i e u t e n a n t Clovernor l a r g e l y in r e w a r d for h i s r e p u t a t i o n as a c u t tingly s a r c a s t i c d e b a t e r . Despite the efforti K.icky'a Madison Avenue m e n u, ..i.,'.,.• a different i m p r e s s i o n , there a r e people r u n n i n g a g a i n s t h i m . The> will be d i s c u s s e d in the next two weeks. ? OF THE WEEK W i l l the b l e a c h e r s be f i l l e d t o m o r r o w " '.' '.' College Calendar i IUDVV, o r m i i i . i t I,. 7:.Wp.m. All College P e p Kally. 8:00 p.m. Theta Xi Omega 8 : 0 0 - 12:30 Gamma Kappa Phi Date Party 8 : 3 0 - 11:30 Alden Mixer 8:30 - 11:30 " P e d H o p " k SATURDAY, 0< TOHI.H i i 10:30 a.m. Rivalry Football Oswego Soccer Game 7:00 &, 8:45 p.m. IFG (Komanotl 81 Juliet) All College Reception Debaters SUNDAY, Ot'TOBI K 14 Psi Gamma Open House Allien Open House Sr. C l a s s Picnic MONDAY, 0 ( TOIW It 14 Allien Open House I I I SI) \ \ , o n OBI K 15 Gregg Smith Singers Concert, College h e l d Little Bavaria Knights ol Columbus Allien Hall t J r u ,,„,,<• mm, Vets Field I J- W \VS D-3-1" "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!" says Romulus (Alley-Oop) Antonius, agile acrobatic ace of the amphitheater, while enjoying a Tareyton. "Tempus sure does fly when you smoke Tareyton," says Alley-Oop. "Marcus my words, one Tareyton's worth all the Julius in Rome, Because Tareyton brings you de gusli bus you never thought you'd get from any filter cigarette.' U Dual (.'amp Ibppikill Filter makes the difference £&&&' Cenyaatw - Jvvuuv Octotu i U I.F.G. Presents Peter Ustinov's "Romanoff j£i&$J&&/ u Technicolor PAGE HALL Page Hall and Jul l e t " •Sandra Dee -- John (i m n JDUAL FILTER 1'iuJmi uj ,/A* . V W i < r „ « .A&iw Friday 8:45 P.M. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 PAGE 4 Club Plans Season's Activities Senate: Group Slates Parents Day The Chemistry Department announdes that there will be a meeting of the Chemistry Club in November. The organization, the American Chemical Society, Student Affiliate, is limited to chemistry majors, and the $3.50 membership fee goes to the Society. Monthly Speaker There will be a meeting of the club once a month with a speaker. This month's speaker, Dr. Frederick Nachad of the Sterling Winthrop Research Co., spoke onOctober 9, on the topic " C a r e e r s in Chemistry." It was announced by the cochairmen of Parent's Day, Sue Murphy and Tony Dirocco '64, that one week from tomorrow the State University of New York at Albany will hold its annual Parent's Day. Open H o u i e The first thing on the agenda will be the open houses which will last from 11-2. Luncheon will be served from 12-2 in the AldenWaterbury and Brubacher Dining Rooms. The commuters, the Group House residents, and the residents of Alden-Waterbury will eat in the Alden - Waterbury D i n i n g Room. The residents of Pierce, Sayles, and Brubacher will eat in the Brubacher Dining Room. Program Welcome As well as having an extensive program of lectures and demonstrations, the club will print a newsletter bi-weekly, and plans a picnic for its members at the end of the year. After the Luncheon there will be a welcome in Page Hall by President Collins. Dr. Thorne, Dean of Freshman Studies, will be the Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon program which will include entertainment by the Statesmen, introduction of the faculty, and slides of the new campus shown by Mr. Tisdale, President's Assistant for Plant Planning. Undergraduate Seminar In addition to the Chemistry Club, the Chemistry Department is sponsoring a graduate seminar open to interested undergraduates. The group will meet every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in Husted 250. Names Are Added To Dean's List Accept New Minister; Dunn to Speak Thurs. by Joseph Galu The first order of business was the proposing of a new StudentFaculty Minister. Student Association President S. Stanley Condojani '63 proposed Gary P e t r e . His approval was unanimous. The question of whether or not a minimum cumulative average of 2.0 should be required for memb e r s of Senate was raised and discussed. No vote was taken on the proposal. The second question discussed was w h e t h e r or not freshmen should be allowed to cast votes for the President and Vice P r e s i dent of the Student Association. Harry Thornhill '63 mentioned the fact that it is a tradition that people running for Myskania do not campaign. Mary Alice Lynaugh '63, who suggested that the various upper classes help educate the freshman, said that it should not be necessary for Myskania to destroy its tradition. Guest Speaker Coffee Hour* Next week, due to the meetingof the Newman Club and the Campus Christian Council on Wednesday night, Senate is postponing its meeting until Thursday night. At that time Student Ambassador Ross Evening The evening's entertainment will Dunn will speak to Senate and the be held in Page Hall from 7-9. student body. His subject will be Included in this will be the Rivalry his trip to Europe this summer as a student ambassador. Sing and various acts. Senate, in effect, suspended its Committee rules in order to take final action The other members of the P a r - on a proposal that two hundred ent's Day Committee are: Harry dollars be appropriated for the Thornhill '63, Business; Marilyn purpose of paying for the P a r e n t ' s Masters '64, Faculty; Piret Kutt Day coffee hour. All three read'64, Coffee Hours; Salle Healy '64 ings on the proposal were held and Dick Stenard '65, Publicity; within five minutes. Doug Lippert '65, Open Houses; Vice President John Tyo '64 Alicia Schiffer '65, Flowers; Marthen took the floor to find Senate's gie Friesner '65, Programs; Ed feelings about taking an inspection Wolner '65, Invitations. trip to Dippikill, the college camp. When the parents are finished in Page Hall, they will attend the various coffee hours which will be arranged by Departments. Academic Dean Jack M. Deeringer, announces additional names to the 1962-63 first s e m e s t e r Dean's List. A star before a name indicates a cumulative record of 3.0 or better. Those people are: Nancy L. Alden, Barbara R. Leuthner, Paul R. Sheehan, Carol A. Wagar, *Gary E. Wait, Veronica A. W'aite, Maryann W a l u k a s , "Carolyn M. Wameling, *Miriam A. Ward, *Ralph H. Ware, *.Samuel W. Warren. Also, *Dorothy A. Watson, Herbert H. Weidemann, Audrey R. Freshmen Urged to Write Weiner, * Donna L. Uetsig, •NichoThe Parent's Day Committee las T. Whelden, •Enid D. Whipple, urges the freshmen to write to •Linda P. White, •Lorraine A. their parents and ask them to come White, 'Dennis L. Wienk, •Robert to Parent's Day. E. Wilcox. Also, •Martha L. W i l l i a m s , Frederick H. Winsor, •Patricia A. Woinoski, •George R. Wolff, Ann L. Wolford, Edward W. Wolner. Also, "Susan B. Yarina, Valerie B. Yule. Also, •Carol L. Z e b r o s k i , •Clara L. Zebroski, 'Barbara R. Zendle, •Robert James Ziegler, by Gaye Fruscione Sanford J. Z i m m e r , Franz K. Zwicklebauer. Last Monday evening, the Dramatics and Art Council of State presented the Circle in the Square Theodore Mann and Jose Quintero production of Dylan Thomas' play Thomas Play Social Studi«* Majors Social .Studies m a j o r s a r e r e q u e s t e d to r e p o r t to the Office of T e a c h e r P l a c e m e n t in R i c h a r d s o n b e t w e e n O c t o b e r 15-19 f o r t e a c h e r p l a c e m e n t i n t e r v i e w s . No a d v a n c e a p p o i n t m e n t is n e c e s s a r y , Under Milk Wood. Skilled Company On t h e s u r f a c e , Undtt Milk Wood appears to be only an improbable fusion of the pure solemnity of an Our Town and the frenetic machinations of a laugh-a-minute farce. Such superficial examination is deceiving, however; Mr. Thomas' play has a depth and richness which can be appreciated only when interpreted by a group as skilled as the one we saw last Monday. Thirty Choracteri Undtr Milk Wood c h r o n i c l e s a spring day In a small Welsh village. In addition to the two onstage narrators, there are better than thirty characters which were played by a gallant troupe of ten last Monday. As there are almost as many scenes as there are characters, the producers wisely adhered to the simplest possible concepts in staging. The step-like series of three; platforms, a dais, and half a dozen stools formed the setting. The only backdrop was the dark blue curtains. Greeks (with a total Senate membership of 18), the trip will probably take place on November 3 o r 4. The feelings of Senate toward joining Siena College in co-sponsoring a famous singer orgroupof singers were then asked for. The reaction to names like " P e t e r , Paul and Mary", Ray Charles and the Kingston Trio was highly favorable. Committees New procedures for passingbudgets were proposed. A committee to study the problems caused by Who's Who nominations was appointed. Also a committee to study renaming various school institutions was appointed. Needless to say, the people who volunteered were the same people who have been volunteering all year long. The next regular meeting will see a fierce partisan debate over who will fill a vacacny on the Athletic Advisory Board. The political infighting should make Advise and Consent look like a Dell comic book. Attention All Poets! by Glee Gillies The Ptlmtt editors include thi = week two of the several contributions which are being considered for publication. Miss Lorraiiv Bernacki '65, has shown her interest in Primtr with the following offerings: The Duit of Dreams The duet of dreams Whirls up To choke my throat And sting my e y e s With unwonted memory. The dulling, musky Dust of dreams Clogs my brain. Thought s t o p s Dream f i l l e d . Hazy, swirling, s w e l l s Of dreams—future, past, and present Dreams—which sting my eyes With tears, and choke my throat With s o b s . The dust of dreams. Decay What s e e m s Impregnable Could crumble; I have climbed the peaks of Though', the height of V i s i o n , But my grip falls Each time I share my view with Others down below; And with e a c h step back I chip a little from the whole. Thus the crags of Mind Are softened, and the edge Of Thought i s dulled As Ineffective climbers Futllely attempt their a s c e n t . S. U. Theater Frosh Relate CompletesCast Skit Staffs For Eliot Play Casting for the State University Theater's production, Murder In tht Cathmdral by T. S. Eliot, has been completed. Dr. Jarka Burian, the director, will be assisted by Connie Amelio and Gail Soffer. Technical director is Mr. Edward Mendus. The priests will be played by J. Barden, W. J. Mayer, and F. Ryerson; and the messenger by T. A. Vandermeuler. Doug Ross will play Thomas. The Temptors will be R. Peterson, N. Puckett, R. Willower, and G. Zeh. The chorus will consist of H. Berbary, J. Boomsliter, C. Griffen, E. Honnett, K. Jurewicz, R. Palabay, E. Rusinko, and A. Smith. Attendants are A. Keizer, H. Herzog, D. Davis, and T. Vanora. Bill Colgan says: "The climate of Bombay is such that its inhabitants are forced to live elsewhere." Note: THIS IS A PAID ADVERTISEMENT. French Club To Plan Upcoming Events At First Meeting Tryout dates and members of the production staff for the freshman skit have been announced by Dick The first meeting of "Les InKelly and Pete Fisher, Myskania novateurs," the French Club, will skit advisors. be held next Thursday evening at Interested freshmen may tr" 7:00 in Brubacher Dining Room. out next M o n d a y and Tuesday At this m e e t i n g prospective nights. The skit will be presented members will be told about the on Campus Night, Nov. 9 at the purposes of the club and also of climax of Rivalry. the various activities pertaining to Director of the skit will be Jim the club. Of special interest to all Lobdell. He will be assisted by members will be the "Soiree" at Ann Digney and Ellie Konnolly. Christmas time; the spring trip to Ann Digney is chairman of the Williams College to view several committee to write the skit. Sue French plays; and the closingbanBoyd is in charge of lyrics and quet at a French restaurant. music. Prospective members will also Other committee heads include: hear at this first meeting talks Marian Kintish, programs; Sue given by two girls who spent the Thomson, publicity; Betty Sham- past summer in French-Canada. pang, costumes; Gail Giancola, Anyone wanting to Join, watch for choreography; and Art F e r r a r i and posters and check your atudent Rich Ten Eyck, technical crew. mail. Senior Class Plans Picnic Richard Kelly, President of the Class of 1963, announces that a Senior Class picnic will be held on Sunday, October 21 at Camp Dippikill. „ , . c , ,, r NOTICES Budgetary Organisations President and/or treasurers of all budgetary organizations under Student Senate are reminded to attend the finance meeting at Brubacher at 8:30 p.m., Oct. 18, announces Marcia English, Minister of Finance. Channlng C l u b The Channing Club will hold its second meetingof the year inChanning Hall at 7:30 p.m., Sunday. Dr. Joseph Sanders, who will be advisor to the club this year, will speak on the subject, "The Moral Implications of Lollta". The public is invited. Dr. Sanders is a psychologist and is in charge of professional licensing with the State Education Department. Program Card Changes Every Student Shops Here at HAROLD FINKLE "Your Jeweler" 207 Central Avenue Required Sign Up Everyone attending must signup this Wednesday or Thursday in the lower peristyles. Bus transportation will be furnished for a small fee, and all food at the picnic will be distributed free of charge. PAGE 5 OPEN EVERY NITE 9 P.M. Watch and Jewelry Repair At Special Student Rates Where Dl ( c o u n t ! are given to a l l Students. Come In and b r o w i e around between c l a s s e s . All s t u d e n t s having m a d e changes in their schedule of classes or changes in address, telephone no., name, major, minor or degree program should go to the Information Desk, first floor Draper Rotunda, and correct their program cards. Students should a l w a y s keep these cards up to date, since they are used as a principal source of information. The program card corrections do not take the place of official changes for I.B.M. r e c ords, which still must be filed with the Registrar. Senior Pictures Pictures for the class o f 63 will be taken Tuesday, Oct. 16 through Friday, Oct. 19 in B r u b a c h e r Room 1. Sign-up sheets are posted on the Ptdagogv bulletin board. This will be the last opportunity to have Senior pictures taken. Recruitment Interviews A representative from the Port Washington Public Schools (Nassau Co.) will be at the University this Thursday to interview candidates for teaching positions for 1963. Interested students should sign the interview schedule in R. 172. Debate Club The Debate Club will travel to Colgate University at Hamilton, N.Y., today. There will be discussion groups and novice^tours. The main topic of tomorrow's debate will be "Resolved: Thatthe Non-Communists of the W o r l d Should E s t a b l i s h an Economic Community." All interested students are welcome to attend weekly meetings on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher. Kappa D e l t a E p s l l o n Seniors, are you interested in Kappa Delta Epsilon, a national educational honorary sorority? The qualifications are: 1. an overall 2.75 average 2. completion of 2 e d u c a t i o n courses 3. a combined average of 3.0 in both education courses Please contact Gretta Beck via Student Mail by Monday, October 15. Friends Youth Group Friends' Youth Group will hold its next meeting at 7:30, October 14, in Brubacher Hall. The evening will be devoted to a discussion of "Quakers and Pacifism." For further information, contact Sue Hewes, East House, IV 2-9593. Everyone is welcome. why more people smoke Winston than any other filter cigarette. Open EVERY Evening till Flavor does it every time—rich, golden tobaccos specially selected and specially processed for filter smoking! Madison House The men of Madison House announce that house officers for 1962-63 were elected on Monday, October 1. They are D o n a l d Diltz '65, President; Steven Kidder '66, Vice President; andJoeAlexeichik '65, S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r . Date Trouble The first date mentioned was Sunday, October 28. Since this is the day before bids come out and the day of open houses of two Displays Depth and Production NOTICE STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 s.u.o. The Student Union Organization announces that it will sponsor the " P e d Hop" this evening from 8:30 to 11:30 in the Bru game room. The Hop is designed for t' e recuperation of voices after the College Rally. Music will be provided by the Juke box. Chairman for the dance is Robert S a r g e a n t '64, S.U.O. Dance Chairman. Mr. William McKinnan, Student t'nion Director and Mrs. McKinnan will be chape rones. Skill L y r i c Dialogue After the first slow minutes which sounded like nothing more than a recitation of Dylan Thomas poetry, the play came alive. We saw the countryside, the houses, and above all, the people of the little village with startling clarity thanks to the dialogue which soared and plunged from lyricism ("lakeeyed cows") to earthiness ("hotwater-bottle body") almost in one breath. September Experience There will be a meeting of all students who participated in the September experience program on Monday from 3 to 4 p.m. in Draper 349. P l a y e r * R e a l i i e Dialogue Potential The players, oannily neutralized as persons by being dressed in various shades of greys, were able to realize the full potential of Mr. Thomas' dialogue. We saw them c h a n g e , chameleon-like, from teacher to poor girl to fancy lady and from minister to idiot to bartender, in a matter of seconds. It is to the credit of the actors that we were able to fix in our mind their individuality only by consulting our program at intermission and carefully deciding who played these four people and who, those. Torn B r e n n a n and Michael Prince played the narrators with consummate skill and helped materially in preventing the whole production from becoming diffuse. A mere cataloging of the actors cannot do justice to their artistry, but it is all we can do under the circumstances. Cardigan /.SrO Pullover 6 . 9 8 Skirt PURE WHITE, ! MODERN FILTER I 9.98 H IZZZD PLUS Y O U LOOK "EXACTLY R I G H T " I N O U R FAMOUS SHELTIE-MIST CLASSICS The beloved "Sheltie-Mist" who could i>ossibUj have too many.' So sure of itself, so beautifully tailored. Makes everything else you wear with it so right wherever you g0 \ STUDENT UNION FILTER-BLEND SNACK BAR UP FRONT Wle§toe OHM Mon-Thurs., 9-10:45 P.M. »'.".. H J, lii-inuUU ToNdiioCuii.i.iu.) \\ luii S a l t (i. N C, Fri.,-Sai., 9-12:30 A.M. Sunday 4-10:45 A.M. STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 PAGES Spinning; the Sports Wheel Ped Keglers Hold 3rd Place Potter Leads In Capital Bowling League In Intramural Loaded with new talent, State's team, with Branick's247-587 right varsity bowling squad h a s as a s - in there. Gittleman, a standout sumed a new role, that of the recruit from the freshman class, proverbial giant-killer. Hoping to added to the t e a m ' s momentum improve on last y e a r ' s disappoint- with a 201, 166-367 total. After ing fifth-place finish, the team winning the first two games by a swept four points from Union Col- handy margin of 169 pins, the State lege, the defending league cham- men rallied from a three mark pions, on the Columbia lanes last deficit in the eighth frame of toe Monday night. This fine effort third game to go four marks up (a gives State possession of third mark is equal to ten pins) and take place with a record of 5-3 (one it running away. The final margin point for each game won and one of victory over the three games point for total pins). Ahead of was well over 200 pins. State in the standings are a muchWith the ball rolling in the right improved Siena College team and direction, the team looks forward R.P.I, with identical records of to a tremendous season that could 7-1. Rounding out the league very well end with State in toe (Capital District Inter-collegiate winner's circle. League) a r e Hudson Valley Community College and Albany Business College. A week ago Monday, three members of the team went to the lanes to attend an "organization meeting," only to find out that it was also the first week of bowling. Despite this obvious handiSiena Oct. 3 cap, toe men put up a great fight, Mon. losing to R.P.I. 3-1 byaveryclose Thurs. Oct. 18 Hudson Valley margin. Next week the team will Sat. Oct. 20 Platsburgh meet a strong A.B.C. team with Mon. Oct. 22 Siena high expectations of i m p r o v i n g Wed. Oct. 31 Bleecker their record to 9-3. (night race af half-time of Leading the State attack were soccer game) Paul Beaudin, Bill Branick, Dave Nov. 22 Poughkeepsie R o e g n e r , and Jim Gittleman. Thurs. (5 to 19 mile Beaudin's 200-588 was high for the Cross-Country Schedule "Of course I'm happy, but I didn't expect it." These few modest words serve to underscore the character of Tom Robinson, one of the finest athletes at State today. Tom was referring to his tremendous performance at the LeMoyne Invitational crosscountry meet last Saturday, where all he did was set two records in winning the grueling 4.2 mile race. Quiet-spoken and reserved this Sophomore has taken first place in every meet he has run for State during his college career. In talking about Saturday's race, Tom makes it sound all too simple. After all, it was only four laps long — and so what if each lap was over a mile long. This is the way Tom describes those four laps: "At the start I didn't have any strategy, so I paced myself back at about thirteenth for the first mile. During the second lap I moved up to third, and stayed there until the start of the final mile. I'd noticed that the leader (Mack Green of Wesleyan, who eventually finished second) tired on hills. Since the final lap began with a three-tenths of a mile hill, I decided to kick out about fifty yards before it. I did, and he was never able to catch me." There now, isn't that simple? After all, what's so tough about kicking out after running a mere three miles on a rainy, windy day? What's that you say? Does this neo-Spartan have lungs down to his toe nails? Well, not quite, but would you like to hear how he got into his present top condition? First of all, he started running for track last spring; the track team soon died a quiet death, but not Tom. He kept right on running. As a matter of fact, he ran all summer long in his home town, Harrison. For the sake of having some competition, he entered the famous Van Cortland Park races, where he walked off (if you'll pardon the expression) with two first place medals in two three-quarter mile runs. He has now stepped up the pace a might, and daily runs six or seven miles (on a good day 10), seven days^a week. Despite his achievements, Tom still remains a team man, who is proud of the squad's record of four straight dual meet victories. He hopes the team will have the opportunity to run in the Canissius meet in a few weeks, a meet which will pit the Peds against top Canadian teams. If all goes well, Tom and his fellow harriers will end their season with a little five-mile jaunt at Poughkeepsie on Thanksgiving Day. So pass the turkey, already. At the end of toe first week of AMIA football action, Potter Club leads toe league with its record of two wins and no defeats. Both Waterbury and APA remain undefeated and 1/2 game behind the pace-setters with one v i c t o r y apiece. The big game between these two clubs on Tuesday was called because of rain. EEP Edges Goobers The Potter defense got tough just when the Club needed it the most last Monday, stalling a late Goober bid to win 12-7. EEP had dominated most of this hard-fought game in building a 12-0 lead. In one amazing play, however, the Goobers put themselves right back in the game. Jim Olson r e ceived a kick-off on his own 10 midway through the last period, and receiving several key blocks, outlegged the entire Potter team to score the TD. The try for the extra point was good, and the Goobers were only five points behind. The EEP defense then settled down, making two interceptions, as Potter notched the victory. Potter's two touchdowns in this contest came on passes from quarterback Mike Camarata to Pat Spicci and Dick Moore. road race) COMMONS closes SATURDAY Oct. 13, 1962 ALL TEXTBOOKS will be moved back to the Co-op For Your Convenience the Co-op has a Photo Service May We Also Suggest You Order Vour Special Student Rate Magazines Soon Golf Team Competes in Tournament State sent a four man contingent to the EC AC sectional golf tournament in Syracuse last Saturday. As 3 team they finished seventh in the twelve school field, 21 strokes off the pace set by the winning team from Syracuse University on the rain-soaked Drumlins Course. Fred Maurer paced the State quartet by shooting a steady 75 which allowed him to tie for third place in individual honors. Maurer was thereby one of ten golfers in the field selected to represent the district in the EC AC finals at Bethpage, Long Island on October 20. John Possono of Siena was the medalist with a 72, while Fran Moynihan, also of Siena qualified for the finals with a 76. Other State scores were Doug Morgan at 82, Captain Bill Nelson at 86, and Paul Bachorz at 88 for a team total of 331. Buffalo University copped second place honors with a 1)13 effort, while Siena finished fifth at 326. Robinson Shatters LeMoyne Invitational Records! by Bill Colgan Touch Football WAA Plans Playday Nov. 3 Sage, Skidmore, and St. Rose will converge at Brubacher on November 3 for a W.A.A. sponsored playday. After registration, there will be volleyball and bowling matches In the morning followed by basketball and tennis matches in the afternoon. All girls who are interested in playing or officiating any of these spoils are asked to attend the W.A.A. meeting on October 17 at 8:30 in Brubacher. If anyone is unable to attend this meeting, they should get in contact with Shari Holzer. Varsity Booters Bow to Oneonta; Battle Oswego Tomorrow, Home State's varsity soccer team will play its second home game of the season tomorrow, taking on a strong club from Oswego at 2:00 p.m. on the College Field. The Peds are looking forward to this game since it was the Lakers who handed them one of their two defeats last year. The Oswego booters beat Albany at their Homecoming Weekend with a crowd of about 2000 fans cheering them on to victory. The Peds will continue their home stand next Wednesday afternoon, this time playing host to a tough Potsdam team. Potsdam has won both its games this season, beating both R.I.T. and Fredonia. This is supposed to be one of the best teams Potsdam has fielded in recent years, and it will be eager to defeat the Peds after losing last year's game with State 4-3 in double overtime. We h.ivt- the latest in ski equipment and clothing. Kverythmg lor novice and expert al i k e ' Peds Downed by Oneonta Wednesday afternoon the Peds lost their first game of the season at Oneonta. The home team got off to a fast start, scoring at 3:00 minutes of the first quarter and again at 9:30 of the same stanza. From then on until the middle of the fourth quarter neither team was able to gain the upper hand. Then the winners scored again. Coach Garcia cleared his bench with four minutes left. The second string Peds prevented a shutout when Lee Comean scor for the Peds with one minute remaining. Peds Beat Geneseo 5-0 Last Saturday the State booters clinched their second win by downing a hopeful Geneseo club 5-0. From the opening whistle the Peds outplayed the visitors. The team scored every quarter Toward the end of the last quarter Coach Garcia cleared the bench to give many of the sophomore players their first experience of varsity soccer. Shari Holzer, playday chairman, is being assisted by Joann C o r disco, Paula Dulak, Marie Kotasek, Linda Krepp, Pat MeDowald, Marietta Haneri, and Margie Tucker. Charcoal Broiled Hamburgers and Delicious Dinners Drop in and browse around on your way home from school Open till 9 every night Subs BRING THIS AD WITH YOU AND G E T A 2ND SUB AT h P R I C E 260 Central Ave. Open 24 Hours A Day GRAND OPENING of COLLEGE SUB HOUSE *«» Visit our clmm ahop thin wt-ek Halloween Cards at the Co-op V<*\ TAYLOR & VADNEY 303 I'enUal Ave, 111.-4-9183 ( OUNKK OK WIS1IKN AVE & WIUII. ST. Suns made to order "You've tried the rout, now get the bent" O J ' I N 9 A.M. - 2A.M. Jubilant teammates hoist Tom Robinson on their shoulders after he won LeMoyne Invitational meet. Robinson's reaction: "Winning is embarrassing." Freshman Soccer Season Opens on Sour Note " | -• • 1 * *•. « % ** - Phil Shaw battles opponent for ball in same with (ieneseo Saturday. Peds romped in first home contest ft-0. State's X-Cers ran over a course 4.2 miles long consisting of 4 long hills. It was at the bottom of one last of these hills that Tom burst into a 10 yard lead and increased it to 40 yards at the finish. He was followed by Bill Bronson and Steve Doleski in 37 and 38 with times of 23:46 and 23:55 respectively. Dennis Tuttle finished 43 with 23:27 and Dick Sarnowski captured 48 with 25:40. Running against nine schools State finished seventh with 167 points. Roberts Wesleyan was the victor with 37 points and Siena was holding up the totem pole with 204. While our Le Moyne finish wasn't one of our best it was good enough to beat Siena for the second time this week. On Wed. o u r Hill and Dalers squeezed out the Indians 27-28. Again it was Tom Robinson who nailed first place with 17:54. Backing him up was frosh John Clark in third place with 18:46. Bill Bronson and Steve Doleski copped the 6 and 7 spots turning in times of 19:56 and20:00 respectively. Frosh Pep Pizzillo was the last counting man across the line for State with tenth place in 20:30. The Peds met Siena again last Wednesday. Girl's Soccer StartsTues. The freshman soccer team opened it's season against a powerful Hudson Valley team with a 5-0 defeat. The hosts got off to a quick 4-0 lead at the half, but then This Tuesday the g i r l ' s intermural soccer season will open. Managed by Shari Holzer and Bobbi Evansburg, the games will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. the Peds started to jell, holding the Hudson Valley team to one goal in the second half. Albany was sparked in the second half by g o a l i e John Miller, who had switched from f u l l b a c k . Also showing up well were fullbacks Jim Brooks and Larry Hurly and Ndlmbo, an exchange student from Uganda, who exhibited fine passing. The team's offense was hampered by the absence of George Ouddat, who is the main impetus in the team's attack. In the second game of the season at Coblesklll, a 4-1 lose, the team was hindered by rain; also half of the winner's team was composed of foreign students, nil having p r e vious experience. Again John Miller sparkled in the nets ami on a better day our or two ol the goals scored against him wouldn't have been tallied. The Pod's goal was scored by (ieorge liuddat in the last period; again both fullbacks played well. featuring in Delicious Soph Tom Robinson, running for State's Crosscountry Club at the Le Moyne Invitational meet at Syracuse last Sat., broke both the meet and course records. In shattering these records Tom galloped the 4.2 mile course in 20:29.4, smashing the course record previously held by Tom Ryan, Le Moyne, 1959, by 40 seconds and the meet record by 86 seconds. The team, led by Tom's fantastic run, finished seventh in a field of nine. Tom's time and the team's final position are both considered by Coach Munsey as outstanding. Team Shaping Up Well CHARCOAL HOUSE RESTAURANT Also Specializing Cross-Country Team Finishes Seventh in 4.2 Mile Race The Peds are now entering the tough part of their season, and will be playing two games nearly every week. Coach Garcia feels that the team has shown steady improvement over the past few weeks, and that its ability to work as a unit has improved considerably. Now that the toatn as a whole has mastered the skills and techniques of the game, he continued, the most important factor in winning or losing ball games is the support given by the fans. The attendance at last Saturday's home-opener was good, he added, but it can, and should be, much better in the future. Last week's rained-out pep rally has been r e scheduled for tonight at 7:00 p.m. Coach Garcia will make a speech introducing the men who will battle it out with Oswego tomorrow. It is hoped that attendance at tonight's rally and tomorrow's game will be high. r DO YOU SKI? PAGE 7 The team's main trouble, so far, has been the lack of coordination between the halfbacks and the forwards to form a good attack. However, Coach llurlingame feels that the team has shown improvement, considering hall of the sixteen man squad has never played before. Tomorrow the team is home playing Oswego right before the Varsity game. It is hoped that many will be on hand for this game with one of Albany's traditional rivals, as in the last two meetings the teams have split. IN THE COLLEGE BRAND ROUND-UP PRIZES: UEAUTIFUL 19 INCH MOTOROLA TELEVISION CONSOLE RULES: WHO WINS: Get on the BRANDWAGON ... it's lots of fun! * ^ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1962 PAGE 8 WW^S^A^ Jtouie Group to Plan Year's Slate Jtoudl > ^ . 5 K (Au<Aor of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf," "The Many "^ Loves of Dobie Gillie," etc.) loTI KAPPA DELTA WHAT TO WEAR TILL THE DOCTOR COMES Now that you have enrolled and paid your fees and bought your books and found your way around campus and learned to hate your roommate, it is time to turn to the most important aspect of college life. I refer, of course, to clothes. What does Dame Fashion decree for the coming school year? (Incidentally, Dame Fashion is not, as many people believe', a fictitious character. She was a real Englishwoman who lived in Elizabethan times and, indeed, England is forever in her debt. During the invasion of the Spanish Armada, Dame Fashion— not yet a Dame but a mere, unlettered country lass named Moll Flanders—during the invasion, I say, of the Spanish Armada, this dauntless girl stood on the white cliffs of Dover and turned the tide of battle by rallying the drooping morale of the British fleet with this stirring poem of her own composition: Don'l be gutless, Men of Britain. Swing your cutlass, Wc ain't quittin . Smash the Spanish, Sink their boats, Make 'em vanish, Like a horse makes oats. PSI GAMMA Phyllis Cipolla '63, president, announces that Bessi Baker '64, and Eileen Campion, Sharon Marosek, and Leda Simone, Sophomores, were i n i t i a t e d Monday evening. A coffee hour with Alpha Pi Alpha was held after the meeting. Ellie Coons '64 and Nancy Short '64 have been appointed co-chairmen for the formal weekend. CHI SIGMA THETA President Jean Davis '63 announces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming float are Elaine Valentino '65 and Carol Darby'65. An open house for Statesmen will be held Sunday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For flood Queen Bess, Dear sirs, you gotta Make a mess Of that Armada. GAMMA KAPPA PHI You won't fail! Knock 'cm flat! Then we'll drink ale And stuff like that. 'M'» \t J£99 4ie v«< President Mary Lou Eisenman •63 announces that Darla Zigar'64 and Saron Fittipaldi, Sandy Haimowitz, Cindy Sue Pettey, and Pam Sheppard, Sophomores, were initiated last Monday. A coffee hour with Theta Xi Omega was also held Monday. An open house for Statesmen will be held tonight from 8 to 11 p.m. As a reward for these inspirational verses Queen Elizabeth dubbed her a Dame, made her Poet Laureate, and gave her the Western Hemisphere except Duliith. But this was not the extent of Dame fashion's service to Queen and country. In 1589 she invented the laying hen, and she was awarded a lifetime pass to Chavez Ravine. Hut she was not to end her days in glory. In 1501. alas, she was arrested for overtime jousting and imprisoned for thirty years in a butt of malmsey. This later became known as (luy Fawkes Day.) But I digress. Let us get back to campus fashions. Certain to be the rage again this year is the cardigan (which, curiously enough, was named after Lord Cardigan, who coi anded the English fleet against the Spanish Armada. The sweater is only one product of this remarkable Briton's imagination. He also invented the glottal stop, the gerund, and the eyelid, without which winking, as we know it today, would not. be possible). But I digress. The cardigan, I say, will be back, which is, I believe, cause for rejoicing. Why'.' Because the cardigan has nice big pockets in which to carry your Marlboro Cigarettes and that, good friends, is ample reason for celebration as all of you will agree who have enjoyed Marlboro'.-, tine, comfortable, mellow flavor and Marlboro's filler. So why don't you slip into your cardigan and hie yourself to your tobacconist for some good Marlboros? They come in soft pack or flip top box. (' irdigan> come in pink for girls and blue for boy-, .. IU.U M»..-O Sue Piatt '63, president, announces that the following girls were initiated Monday evening: Bev Callahan, Marci Caroselli, Dottie Crowley, Pat Fasano, Hilda Gozemba, Maddy Fusaro, Maggi Mansion, Linda Nelson, and Roselle Warshaw, Sophomores. Sally Healy '64 was pledged. Barb Keenan '64 and Pat Fasano '65 were elected Junior and Sophomore Rush Captains, respectively. Linda Nelson '65 was elected ISC representative. The first date party will be held tonight from 8 to 12:30 at the Knights of Columbus Hall with music by the Campus Counts. PHI DELTA President June Druian '63 announces that the Homecoming float committee consists of Joanne Cordisco '64, Linda Merena '65, and Carolyn Ravnikar '65. Mr. Edward Igoe, Director of State Income Tax, spoke at the first SIGMA ALPHA meeting of Phi Beta Lambda. Judy Strong '63, president, anMr. Igoe, a nearby resident, gave nounces that Joan Somerville '63 an address on "Electronic Data has been appointed General ChairP r o c e s s i n g " of personal Income man of Homecoming Weekend. A tax forms. He also extended an coffee hour will be held with Alpha invitation to the group to visit the Pi Alpha on Monday night. state Income tax offices to see how their income tax forms were p r o c EDWARD ELDRED POTTER CLUB essed. Plans a r e being made for President Gary Penfield '63 an- the trip sometime in March or nounces that Dick Moore '63 was April. appointed Pledge Captain for 1962Members are asked to sign up 1963. Dick Pierce '64 was appointed rush captain for 1962-1963. on a committee, nominate freshmen officers, and list their preference date for the field trip to KAPPA BETA Montgomery Ward. The sign-up Frank Banta '63, president, an- sheets are on the club's bulletin nounces that Don Weintraub '65 was board. appointed chairman of the Homecoming float committee. Transfers To (Plan THETA XI OMEGA President Charles B a k e r ' 6 3 announces that a date party will be held tonight at 8 p.m. at the Little Bavaria. Chairman of the event is Don Diltz '65. Bob Sargent and Dave Moore, Juniors, will present the annual "Buddy" awards. INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Bill Leo '63, president, announces that the fraternities will hold their formal rush parties on the following dates: Theta Xi Omega Nov. 30 Kappa Beta Dec. 7 Sigma Lambda Sigma Jan. 4 Alpha Pi Alpha Jan. 11 Edward Eldred Potter Feb. 8 Other important dates are Oct. 29, upperelassmen bid day; and Nov. 5, the annual IFC Smoder. All articles /or House Howls Mu»t be in the News office by Sunday night. DEADLINE NOTE: All notices sorority and fraternity news pictures news story information feature articles columns letters to the editor MUST BE IN THE NFWS OFFICE New O r g a n i z a t i o n Last Monday afternoon a coffee hour was held by Myskania for transfer students. At this gathering, plans for a new campus organization were formulated. Many transfers pointed out the significance of their common problem. Little in the way of orientation exists for transfer students HI State. Doublo Purpose The students present expressed a wish to join together for a dual purpose. They believe it is important to acquaint themselves with the groups and activities of State, and to know their school. However, the group will not serve a mere social purpose. The transfer students felt that their most important function will be the help they can offer to incoming transfers, in the way of orientation and introduction to the school. This year, the Parents of our freshmen class will have a chance to view part of Rivalry in the form of the Rivalry Sing. This annual event is being held in Page Hall tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of holding it in Page Hall, and asentertainment for Parent's Day, is to try to convey to the Parents of t h i s y e a r ' s freshmen class the spirit of friendship and competition that exists between the f r e s h m e n and Sophomore classes. Rivalry, one of State's oldest traditions, dates back to 1923. Each person gets out of Rivalry exactly what he puts into it. If he will allow it to, Rivalry gives the freshmen a chance to become an integral part of State, develop an interest in and partici- pate in college and class activities, and develop class leaders. The whole system of Rivalry is based on a twenty-nine point s y s tem. Each event is worth a certain number of points and the class to win the greatest number of points will win the coveted Rivalry Cup. Tomorrow night, three p o i n t s will be at stake for the Rivalry Sing. Each class will present a welcome song, class and college fight song, and a class alma mater. The alma mater of both c l a s s e s must be completely original in words and melody. The other three songs need only be original in word. It is hoped that having part of Rivalry incorporated into Parent's Day will convey some of the Rivalry Spirit and fun to them. lassie Meeting Who Will The Penguin Be? shop Gerald Drug Co. '17 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y. Phone 6-3610 Ship'n Shon PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED BLUE NOTE SHOP 1.6 l I N I H A i AVI HO 1 U l j l O f l h III V p M {ymiM, /I.I.I tier thtll m.i FLORIST and GREENHOUSE Gift-O-Rama EVERYTHING IN STOKE AT WIIOIKS VJ.I DISCOUNT PUICFS DIAL 4-1126 College Florist for Years ._ Pretty Ruffles Edged In Color, has tapered tails too! In 65% Dacron Polyester, 35% Cotton. White, Deep Blue, 28-38. JAKE'S FOOD MARKET 504 Hudson Ave. Albany, N.Y. IV 2-4211 IV 2-9894 1000 Parents to Visit Campus For Special Weekend Activities State's campus will be visited tomorrow by over 1200 parents of the freshmen class. The event scheduled is the annual Parent's Day, with Sue Murphy and Tony Di Rocco, Juniors, as co-chairmen. The various dorms and group houses will be open for the parents' inspection from 11-2. This will give them the opportunity to observe the atmosphere in which the students live and study. While the Open Houses are being held, there will be a l u n c h e o n served for the parents from 12-2 in the Alden-Waterbury and Brubacher Dining Rooms. The parents of the commuters, the group house residents, and the residents of Alden-Waterbury will eat in the Alden-Waterbury Dining Room. The residents of Pierce, Sayles, and Brubacher will eat in the Brubacher Dining Room. At this time, programs of the days activities will be distributed and Parents' Day Committee: standing; Alicia Schiffer, Doug Lippert, each mother will also receive a Margie Friesner, Fd Wolner, Salle Healy, and Dick Stenard. Seated; rose. Harry Thornhill, Sue Murphy and Tony Di Rocco, Co-Chairmen, and Following the luncheon will be a Piret Kutt. c o n v o c a t i o n in Page Hall with Dr. Thome, Dean of Freshmen Studies, as Master of Ceremonies. Starting off the program will be a greeting by Steve Condojani, the President of the Student AssociaBeginning Wednesday, October tion. Following that will be an 24 and continuing through Friday, introduction of the Administration October 26, the class in Advanced and Mr. Tisdale, President's AsDramatics will present a program sistant for Plant Planning, will of our one-act plays in the Little show slides of the new campus. Theatre, R-291. Forum of Polities will sponsor Dr. Collins, President of the The curtain, which will go up a lecture by Vance Packard on college, will be next on the agenda promptly at 7:30 p.m., will rise October 25 at 7:30 p.m. in Page with his address, and he will be first on A Good Bargain, directed Hall. followed by the Statesmen, the all by Pauline Arasim. Following Mr. Packard has had three conmale glee club. Bargain will be Lima Beans, a pupsecutive number-one best sellers: When the program in Page Hall pet show with people, directed by The Status Seekers, The Wosre Makers,is finished, the Parents will r e Samuel Singer, who is assisted by and The Hidden Persuaders. A grndturn to the dorms for the social Elaine Barber. After an interuage of Columbia Graduate School hours from 3-5. There will be mission, the curtain will once again seven social hours which are a r go up, this time on a play called ranged by department. Bin* Concerto, which is directed by They are arranged as follows: Jack Tkatch, assisted by Lee Liss. Science, Alden's new recreation The last performance each evenroom; business, Brubacher Upper ing will be a play by Eugene loLounge; S o c i a l Studies, Sayles nesco, A Maid fo Marry, directed by Hall Lounge; English, Engel Room James llnenlin with the erstwhile in Pierce Hall; modern Foreign assistance of Rosanne Ferrara. L a n g u a g e s , Alden recreation Theatregoers are reminded that room; Ancient Languages, Waterbecause of the theatre's size, seatbury lounge; Mathematics, Bruing will lie limited, ami they are bacher Lower Lounge. requested to take advantage of the The evening's entertainment will fact that there are three separate also be held in Page Hall. It will B 4 nights of presentation. include the Rivalry Sing and variA p p e a r i n g in A Good Bargain, ous acts from the All College Rewritten by Lord Dunsany, will be ception. A. Delfini, R. Judd, 1'. Jensen, ami The other members of the P a r II. Herzog. To lie seen in Lima ent's Day Committee are Harry Beans, written by All red Kreym•.-•'• Thornhill '63, Business; Marilyn borg, are A. Hitchcock, Breiula Masters '64, Faculty; Piret Kutt Smith, ami V. Brooks. In Marvin '64, Coffee Hours; Salle Healy '64 I.. Sieger's Blue Concerto will bo and Dick Stenard '65, Publicity; H. Bench, J. Ghinger, C. Cusato, Doug Upper! '65, Open Houses; and S. Boyd. Fred Thumhart, Vance Packard Alicia Schiffer '65, Flowers; MarAmelia Weiss, and Paul Erickson gie Friesner '65, Programs; Ed will appear in tile lonesco play, Wolner '65, Invitations. ol Journalism, lie lias also com- 4 Plays To Open To State Viewers A m e e t i n g of the interested transfer students will be held Monday afternoon at 3, in Draper 300 for the formation of such a group. Open Eve. 'til 9 i orner ONTARIO and BENSON Unusual Gifts From The 4 Corners of the World-A Full Selection of Keligious Articles-Handbags That Are different—An d The Largest Selection of Costume Jewelry in This Entire Area 18i CenUal Ave,, (2 Doors Below Bobbins .St.) PHONE HE 6-9310 Opvn Daily From 10 A.M. to ° P.M. Parents to View Rivalry, Sing on Parent's Day Not A Group Apart SUN. NIGHT VOL. XL VIS No. 18 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1962 Z464 It was clearly pointed out that the transfer students represented do not wish to become a group outside the realm of State activities. Their aim is to group together so that they can become a more active part of the campus life already existing. Cardifjana or pullovers—it'a a matter of tonic . . . ,\nd no in Marlboro a mutter of tattle—the best taste that van possibly be achieved by experienced grower* and blenders by science, diligence, and tender loving care, try a pack. Ml Hallmark and Nor cross Fveryday •ml Christmas Canls-Klbboit unit Papw —•— h Price State College News Freshmen rehearse for tomorrow's Rivalry Sing. Ross Dunn To Accept Applications For College Ambassador Monday Beginning Monday, October 22, and extending through Monday, November 5, applications will be accepted for the 1963 College Ambassador Programs. All members of the Class of 1964 with cumulative average of 2.0 are eligible to apply. Submit applications to Rosa Dunn '63, Minister of Culture, through student mail. Each application should be, typewritten and must Include the following information: (1) a statement of the student's approximate cumulative average; (2) a summary of the student's college activities; (3) a choice of two or three countries that the student would like to visit and the reasons for his choices; (4) a statement explaining how the student believes he can represent the University and the nation abroad and contribute to international understanding. All applications will be reviewed by the Ambassadors Committee composed of several students and faculty members. From three to five finalists will be chosen. Each finalist will then be required lo submit a formal application ami several references to The Experiment in International Living in Putney, Vermont. The Experiment will consider these applications and make recommendations to the Ambassadors Committee. The Committee will then make the final selection. The College Ambassador for 1963 will be announced on Inauguration Day. Our College Ambassador will spend approximately two months in a foreign country of his choice living with a native family and traveling with other Experimenters. Upon his return he will be expected to report to the University about his experiences abroad. Important qualifications for Ambassadorship are: a keen interest in other people, a real desire U) contribute to world understanding, and a capacity to adapt with enjoyment to new ways of living. No applications will be accepted after Monday, November 5. Noted Speaker To Address Page Hall Audience >^j A Maid fo Marry. NOTICE pleted a new volume, The Pyramid Climbers, as well as a m y r i a d id a r t i c l e s for some of our lending periodicals. Jim Miles, Election Commissioner, announces thai nominations for Campus Oueen may lie made by writing the Senior girl's name on the list posted on the Senate Bulletin Board on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All declinations by girls nominated must also be done on these days. All nominations must be made for Senior girls and can only be made by members of the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore classes. M r. Packard will bring to .Male the findings of eight years ol in tensive research into our social s t r uc t II r e . His topic will be "America in Upheaval: The Seven Great Changes of Our Time." He will attempt lo describe the impact ol today's mobility, giantism, automation, commercialisation, new persuasion techniques, emphasis on diplomas and exploding population growth on our behavior patterns and moral standards. Business Majors Requested to Report Dr. Clinton J, Roberts, director ol placement, announces that business majors are requested to report to the office of Placement in Itlchardson 172 (luring the week of October 22nd, (Monday through Friday) fur required interview. No advance appointment is necessary.