PAGE 8 STATE C O L L E G E *IU OuUuU Would NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1958 Cabinet Reviews GentlemanAuctionsChinese, Parents Day, Motors To Paris For Rest Conference, Ball BY THE BYSTANDER Will a l u n a r rocket soon reach Yankee, Stay Home its destination? Will m a n soon set W h e n a n d if we get there, what foot on t h e moon? Is t h e r e a blue- do we do with it? Shall we use it p r i n t somewhere being d r a w n up for as a n unspoiled battlefield to setAt t h e Cabinet meeting last F r i the first s e t t l e m e n t u p t h e r e in t h e tle some of t h e problems yet to be clouds? As far as we a r e concerned, settled on e a r t h ? This m i g h t be day, it was recommended t h a t for these are relatively unimportant one answer. It's n o t too pleasant P a r e n t s ' Day a polished S t a t e College T h e a t r e production be given questions for this day and age. We an answer, b u t it is possible. r a t h e r t h a n take a n o t h e r chance have no desire to know if two-headed Let's call the whole experience on C a m p u s Night skits. Another green people are peering down a t us off for t h e time being. Let's wait from up above, or if t h e largest sup- until t h e U N docket is cleared of factor t h a t was mentioned is t h e t ply of green cheese in existence is up earthy problems; let's lift t h e iron a production such as "A View F r o m T h e Bridge" would give a more rethere j u s t waiting for some enter- c u r t a i n ; then, shoot the moon. alistic view of college talent. prising capitalist to package. Leadership Conference Sail Along Silvery Moon One of the proposals currently beAs one professor stated it, ing discussed is a leadership confereverytime m a n r u n s into problems, ence to immediately follow the F e b h e h e a d s for t h e frontier. He is d o ruary elections. T h e proposed m a k e ing it now, in t h e twentieth cenup of the conference would be all tury, only this time t h e frontier :s new senators and Student Associas t r a i g h t up r a t h e r t h a n west. Let's William E. Price of the News B u - tion officers, the presidents and leave t h e moon for t h e lovers to of Rensselaer Polytechnic treasurers of all organizations on gaze a t wistfully, instead of p l a n - reau Institute announces t h a t Dr. E. W. campus, the house presidents, Resining its exploration. R. Steacie, President of t h e Na- dence Council, and the old and new Now, don't m i s u n d e r s t a n d us, we tional Research Council of Canada Cabinet Ministers. are grateful to science and techand Deputy Director of C a n a d i a n I n a u g u r a t i o n Ball nology for w h a t they have clone in Atomic Energy Project from 1944 to t h e past and present for h u m a n i t y . Also under consideration is the 1946, will give a public illustrated We don't even mind t h e persistent lecture before the 21st Science F a c - possibility of holding an I n a u g u r a a r g u m e n t s of educators t h a t the ulty Colloquium of R.P.I. Monday tion Ball the Saturday night t h a t S p u t n i k had little to do with the at 4, p.m. in Room 106 of Sage Lai>- election results are announced. Howpresent science emphasis in our ever, the plan h a s a good m a n y cratory. high schools. Science we bow to problems to be solved before it can Rates Of Chemical Reactions thee! be put into action, despite popular Our Beef Dr. Steacie, as Chief Executive approval. But why m a k e a wild dash for of the National Research Council of I l i a most obvious drawback (est h e moon? I n the end, it will only C a n a d a and also C h a i r m a n of t h e pecially for the J u n i o r class i is the create more world problems to be Government's Honorary Advisory fact t h e J u n i o r Prom is scheduled solved a t t h e United Nations or a t Council for Scientific and Industrial j u s t two weeks after I n a u g u r a t i o n a Geneva conference. Let's clean the Research, will speak on "Rates of Day. One of the two formats wiU downstairs before r u n n i n g upstairs. Chemical Reactions." These organ- have to suffer, and we fear it will W h a t most Americans are inter- izations m a i n t a i n a staff of 1,200 be the J u n i o r P r c m if the idea t h a t ested in right now is whether they scientific and technical personnel S t u d e n t Association funds pay for are breeding cancer in their lungs for research in agriculture, biology, the band and essentials is accepted. by smoking; whether radioactive chemistry, physics, and medicine and In addition, there would have :,> fallout is someday going to pollute in engineering laboratories for r a - be a rescheduling of the Social C a l the air we breathe, and if future dio, electrical and mechanical re- e n d a r since the class banquets are generations shall r u n out of food. search. presently planned for t h a t night. RPI Prof Talks At Russell Sage By DAVID FELDMAN Why I remember in my youth, son, we used to auction off h u n d r e d s of Chinese a t a time, right there on Little Quemoy. By Godfrey, we sold t h e m and m a d e quite a profit. Of course every now and t h e n we r a n into a little trouble from the Foreign Office, but with a few quid here and there, why we had t h e m eating out c.f our hands." T h e r e were, this Leftenant and m y self. Now w h a t do you suppose we did?" "Turned around and r a n ? Have a n o t h e r beer. Hey barkeep—just act nonchalant, pop." "No, young fellow, you're quite wrong, we got i n t o t h e Rover a n d motored as long as the petrol lasted. We went as far as P a r i s and s t r a i g h t "Yes, old man, yes," I mumbled into a fashion show. I say, those over my brew, "and tell me about models were quite the t h i n g in my the Mau Maus." school days, son. Son! Son! do you "Yes those Mau Maus were rough, hear m e ? " old chap, b u t not so bad as those Yea, pop. Gargle. Gargle, Gargle. auctioned-off Chinese. Gargle. Have a n o t h e r gin and bit"Why, I remember there in the ters, pops." m a r k e t place one day. I t was about " T h a n k you, my lad, as I was tea time and only those m a d dogs saying, there we were in Paris. and Englishmen were out in t h a t "All at once this beautiful model post-midday sun. I m i g h t add, parenthetically, old boy. t h a t the natives slithered up to me while I was sipwere never out a t all, midday sun or ping my a b s y n t h e and said to me in what. They were lazy bounders, those a d u k i t e voice, Babee, le voila, here I am.' Well, sir, I dropped my teachaps were. cup (if absynthe. T h e n she said, " T h e r e we were eating in the teem- 'Babee!! I know where you can get ing m a r k e t place when what to our Les auctioned off Chinesemans, wondering eyes did appear, b u t the veree cheeep!' Thanksgiving Holiday. 'Ho matey,' I "All of a sudden several nasty j elled, 'tea is out.' looking gendarmes leaped out from " W i t h t h a t down came Mao and behind the Eiffel Tower and a p p r e thirteen bugle-tooting troops yelling hended the poor lass shouting, "One from the left and two from 'Storm le Bastille. Vive le C a m p u s the right column, sir.' T h e rest of die Chest!' T h e Leftenant (Who w i s whole blinking army was behind by now a G r o u p C a p t a i n ) poured them. I call them blinking although the rest of the a b s y n t h e into the they wore goggles just so t h a t they tank in lieu of petrol. T h e n off we would not have to blink. I tell you. went, old chap, to visit the T h a n k s son, the drought was bad t h a t year, giving Holiday." and the sand dunes worse. Well . . ." "Yea, yea, pops, gargle, gargle, "Have a n o t h e r beer, pops, a n d tell gargle, gargle, gargle, burp. Have us about the blasted Singalese." a n o t h e r petrol for your auction and "Well, h a r r u m p h , to continue. gargle with some absynthe. THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE-BUT TODAY'S L'M GIVES YOU- .._.., SpringSemester Registration Commences After Vacation Pre-registration for second sem- P - S ester will begin December 1. It will T-Z—December include setting up a schedule and Sophomores paying second semester's fees. A-C—December Procedure D-G Registration materials and a col- H-L—December lege schedule are to be picked up M - R in D r a p e r 106. T h e s t u d e n t is t h e n S-Z—December to fill out his own schedule and have Freshmen it approved by his advisor. This A-C—December schedule is turned in to the Regis- D-G—December trar's Office. H-L Fees are to be paid between J a n - M-Q---December uary 8 and 16. T h e exact schedule R-Z for this will be announced a t a later date. Who Registers All students currently registered who plan to return for second semester are to register. Any s t u d e n t not certain of r e t u r n i n g shomd register. 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 9-11:30 1-3:30 9-11:30 1-3:30 9-11:30 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 9-11:30 9-11:30 1-3:30 9-11:30 1-3:30 a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. Z - 4 6 3 p.m. ews '94» ALBANY. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1 . 1958 1£ >F OF £ V O L . X L I I I NO. 2 6 Inter - Sorority - Inter - Fraternity Council Sponsors Formal A t Van Curler Hotel Advisors Ricardi Band Plays MusicForWinterlude Advisors will pest their conference schedules. It is suggested t h a t stud e n t s make out an a l t e r n a t e schedule in case some class Ls closed. Seniors The music of Lennie Ricardi will provide a background for Mood Indigo, this year's Wintenude. The dance wil be held at the Van Curler Hotel in Schenectady tonight from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Bids, which sell for three dollars a couple, were sold this week in Lower Draper and will be available today until 4:30 p.m. and tonight at the door from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Sorority, Fraternity Council T h e following is t h e registration schedule for g r a d u a t e students, Seniors, and special students. A-C—December 1 D-C K-M—December 2 N-P Q-Z—Dejember 3 9-11:30 1-3:30 9-11:30 . 1-3:30 9-11:30 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. Juniors A-D- De •ember 4 E-K L-O—December ,r> 9-11;30 a.m. . 1-3:30 p.m. 9-11:30 a.m. Commuters' ClubArranges Skating Party Tonight is the C o m m u t e r s ' Club skating party at Guptil's, according to Robert Shor '01, Publicity Director. Car pools have been arranged to t r a n s p o r t the commuters. If any commuter wishes to go and lias not made any arrangements about transportation 'ne or she is urged to get in touch with James W a r n e r '(11, C h a i r m a n of the affair. All t h e details are posted on the Commuters' Club bulletin board m Draper. Commuters To Howl In the planning stage is the Comm u t e r s ' Club Kegling League. This will be an independent bowling league consisting ol all the commuters interested m participating in the sport. T h e planning committee consists of Michael Buckel, Hugh Fitzgerald, W a r n e r and Shor. All arc Sophomores. All commuters who wish to sign up may do so on the Club Bulletin Board. T h e plans are moving along rapidly and are near completion; all who wish to sign II]) a r e urged to do so imiucdialelcy. "WINTEKLL'DE OK ELSE!" Hank Boehning and Bunny Silverstein shoot t h e gun to s t a r t the race to Winterludc. Boehning is president of II (' and C o - C h a i r m a n of t h e dance with Terri Vitali; Bunny directed publicity leading up to the event. WG A/otice Henry Boehning, President of I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council, states t h a t bids for uppcrclassmen will be issued Monday at !) a.m. in the S t u d e n t Personnel Office. They must be returned by 5 p.m. of the same day. A silent period shall exist between all fraternity men and all eligible rushes from S a.m. to 5 p.m. .Monday. This is a new ruling by the Council recently decided upon, Boehning staled. It is fell t h a i ample time will be allowed for rushers to make their decision, and t h a i the complete process will be expedited, United SCA Meets Sunday For First Time The first meeting ol the new United Student Christian Association will be held Sunday In the private dining room In Brubacher Hall, announces Ronald Short '59, President. All s t u d e n t s are invited to attend. T h e meeting w ill begin at (i p.m., and a light supper which will be served al a charge ol 50c per person. Forum ol Politics announces that the third annual High .School Model United Nations Security Council Last Friday, the Constitutional will be held in Brubachcr Hall toCommittee met and revised the present constitution ol Commuters' day ll'olll !) a 111 hi -I p III Club. It was presented lor approval Frances ( h e e l i n g '.)!/, Vice-Presiat last Wednesday's meeting. Cheek dent of Forum, extends an invitaIhe bulletin board for results. tion to the [acuity and all State College students who are interested in observing a functioning Security Council in mock version. Faculty Organizes Study Committee Agenda A meeting ol the Faculty Aeu demie Council was held Novuuber 10, 195(1. A special committee was appointed to study the use ol closed circuit television for teaching. T h e agenda consists of a welcoming address by Matthew II Elbow, Associate Professor ol History, an address by tile guest speaker, an I consideration ol seven proposals on topics ol m a j o r concern today. Members ol this committee a n ; Paul Lumou, C h a i r m a n , Mr. Fairbanks, Mr. Fagan, Arnolds Grava and Caroline Lester. T h e committee will serve as sub-commillee of, and make recommendations, lo the Academic Council. laical School Representatives Each school will represent one ol the countries on the Security Council. Van Rensselaer, U.S.S.K.'; Milne, Sweden, Albany Academy lor Girls, J a p a n ; Columbia, United S l a t e s , Scotia-Glenvllle Central, P a n a m a . Troy, F r a n c e , and Niskayuna, Iraq. Winterludc is the a n n u a l presentation of I n t e r S o r o r i t y - I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council; it is under the wiairmaiishiu of Teresa Vitali and Henry Boehning, S u d o r s . Miss Vitali is Vice-President of t h e sorority ci uncil. and Boehning is President of the fraternity council. The responsibilities for the formal are divided among the various Greek organizations on campus. The following committees have been appointed: Sigma Lambda Sigma and Sigma Phi Sigma, Publicity; Phi Delta and Edward Eldred Potter Club, Advertisement. Other committees include Beta Z e t a and Chi Sigma Theta, A r r a n g e m e n t s , K a p p a Delta and Sigma Alpha, Chaperones; Alpha Pi Alpha and Psi Gamma, P r o g r a m ; G a m m a K a p pa Phi and K a p p a Beta, Band. t/acatiOH Notice Next Wednesday at 11:50 a m . the Thanksgiving recess will begin, states Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the College. Classes will resume again after vacation at S a.m., Monday, December 1. However, there are some students lo whom this does not a p ply and who may be absent on the mentioned dates. This includes: 1. Undergraduates on the Dean's List. 2. G r a d u a t e students with a .'i.5 average for the preceding semester. a. O t h e r students excused by the Dean's office or the S t u d e n t Personnel Office, before the absence. T e c m a m program ol the evening will feature Carolyn Olivo '50, as speaker. Miss Olivo will talk about her experiences in Alaska in cohni ill n with a work camp program sponsored by I lie Methodist Commission un Missions. Miss Olivo was among college students Iron) all over By DAVE the United S l a t e s who participated 1 have promised to write about in the program. She w ill also show Wintcrlude, lor thai is the most imslides taken during the six wee:; portant Hung going on this weekend work camp period. But what. what. O muse, can 1 say about this affair? Flowers cost In charge id t h e devotions lor tli • money, lads cost money, drinks cost evening Is J o h n Conway 'liU. money, gas costs money, drink.-, cost Following the program, there will money, cleaning bills cost m o n e , la a shorl business meeting during Fveryllung costs money. 1 do not mean to downgrade this winch the nominating committee will present the slate of officers lor very nice affair, but 1 spent all in;.' the coming year which it has drawn money last week Now I cannot go. Why. oh why. could not this party up. have been scheduled lor last week Because of the united meeting, when I had money? Then 1 could the Canterbury Club, Lutheran Stuhave gone with some pretty lass to dent Association and Methodist Student Fellowship will not meet There, Itary, I wrote about WinI his week. lerlude. This is it! Thanksgiving vacation Ilillel is creeping up on us I know, for Rabbi Kubinger will speak on one the other day while walking through ol the basic concepts of Judaism al •hose hallow i'd halls i trite phrase, a bagel and lox breakfast, Sund lorgivc inci. creeping right behind al 10 a in. at Temple Beth Fmnicih me cainc the Thanksgiving vacation. "Ho. ho. you sneaky, creepy thing The breakfast is free for members and 25c for lion-menibers. Also. $1 an you," I cried. "What arc you doing dues Will be collected according I i around here so early, thanks, old boy?" Toby Geduld 'til, President Forum Presents Model Council ('on.slituti'.in • L K J O L I T 4 MrLKSi I0UAU..0 CO., I9b8 State College 1-3:30 p.m. 9-11:30 a.m. Chaperones Among the chaperones a t t e n d i n g the dance will be F r a n k Calabria, Associate Professor of Psychology, and Mrs. Calabria; S h e r m a n Spector, Assistant Professor of Social Studies, and Mrs. Spector; Edward Cowley, Assistant Professor of Art. and Mrs. Cowley; and Ralph Kenney. Professor of Education, and Mrs. Kenney. T h e Van Curler Hotel is easily accessible lrom Albany; it is directly ahead as one proceeds on Central Avenue to Schenectady. Wintcrlude represents the sole event of the year in winch the efforts of the Greek groups on c a m p us are combined. Thanksgiving Vacation Visits State; Leaves Sadly Rebuked FELDMAN "I'M' conic to petition the Administration." he replied. "I want them to put. a Thanksgiving vacation on the College Calendar sometime between second semester registration and Faster vacation." "You see," he continued, "I gel so lonely about that time of year with nothing much lu do. I have a civil service job Ihe rest of the tune and 1 do this Thanksgiving bit lor extra money—the wife unci kids you know and I get so bored with the usual nine lo five, nine lo live .'.tuff that I would like to have a n other Thanksgiving around that time." "Yes, t h a n k s , " 1 answered, a little breathless lrom his run-on logic, "but wouldn't m a t sort of upset the turke, industry? And how are you going to grow pumpkin pies t h a t tune ol year? Why man, t h e f a n n ers would revolt!" "I hadn't realized that so m a n y things were involved," m u r m u r e d a disheartened Thanksgiving Vacation. "All. well, Happy Thanksgiving anyway." • STATE C O L L E G E PAGE 2 NEWS, Party, Party.. STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1 , 1 9 5 8 /Capital Kap&il Returns Long ago and in another country, the idea of political By Barbagelata a n d G e b h a r d t The results of last week's parties on campus was brought up as a possible answer to Campus Chest Drive have been Well gang, t h e two m o s t inspired suppose they h a d to find someth student lack of interest in government. Last Wednesday in announced, T o t a l collections on c a m p u s a r e here again good to say about this dull series Senate, the first political party at State came into exist- a m o u n t s to $648.48 according to writers to review t h a t joke of mass e n t e r - unhygenic blood transfusions. Nancy McGowan a n d Catherine ence with the passing of the constitution of the Ped Politi- Antonucci, Juniors tainment, Albany movies. Why m u s t MADISON The Ten Commandments—is, we be crucified on a screen of silver? cal Party. appearing in Albany for the 8: Basically, the idea of political parties is good, and the . STRAND time. You have all seen it so » aims although at times a bit idealistic, of the Ped group Houseboat — Cary G r a n t (Barry should we waste time telling •, Fitzgerald's older brother) a n d S o - about it. are worthwhile and necessary. However, there are a few »p phia Loren s t a r in this two bitPALACE deficiencies in this system not altogether attributable to ^ » movie l9 cents i n (zOS*£tHU,*liC(2.£i(Hlid. ° Albany). " G u a r T h e Last H u r r a h — T h e book v the Ped party. wvrwrftwrMVM'HWTK* an teed to float your h e a r t away on excellent. You find yourself on • waves of laughter." This ;u! is t h e bandwagon of P r a n k Skeflmm First, is the obvious one that the Ped party is the biggest joke we heard since G r a n d - veteran politician, a n d you feel only political party on campus. We find it hard to imagine To t h e K,iitor; ma fell downstairs In h e r wheel- thrill a n d excitement of a el any great campaigns with only one party on campus. Who T o t h e dellght of all concemed , i chair. political campaign. We doubl \ are they going to campaign against? You can always see that the News has again failed strongly t h a t Hollywood will be a campaign for your nominees, but without some other politi- to do any reporting on its own. But RITZ Monster on Campus—A test-tube to butcher this book, although cal slate to compete against, we're afraid elections will be with this usual lack of information terror strikes fear into the hearts of are positive t h a t they will be do y ° u n a v e s n o t ° ^ v o u l ' Pen- n " t , i l r e e w e e k s , there have been last , .. fv, f as UUll as in tne past. college students. Don't worry! I t could never h a p p e n here; small two big trips to Dippikin. The state colleges can't even afford their Recreational Leadership went up to own monsters. h e second a t t e m p t a t a shocker ft ™ ^ « ? Tusfanu is TBlood of t h e Vampire. Billed as thirty freshmen went up last week being filmed in E a s t m a n Color. W e We're not necessarily in the muck-racking class, but we'd like to see a little action this coming February. Next comes the almost unbearable thought that even if we had two political parties what issues could they differ on to make people vote one slate or the other? Actually ward to see what they have to look forWithout reservation, they the problem here is not getting political parties to arouse all h ato. d fun; they were all for t h e interest, but a concrete issue to talk about at election time development of the c a m p ; a n d they all wanted to come back. to make people feel they want to vote! The one thing that the Ped party has done that is There are meetings a t B r u every night a t 7:30 where gratifying is to recruit members that have not before open- CWednesday a m p Board holds open meetings. ly participated in government. This fact should not be Why don't you send a reporter (if the News h a s onei to find out w h a t overlooked in the final evaluation of a political party. on? Perhaps they can plan One will remember every freshman class has at least isa going trip for News Board. I ' m sure a dozen people running for each office. Perhaps this can t h a t there are plenty of people who be attributed to mere glory-seeking, but we are sure there would be willing to take you into the woods. are better reasons than this. Sincerely, As the classes progress through the years, nominees Steve Jaeobsen '59 for offices become fewer and fewer, ultimately culminating in ten candidates for ten positions. We offer no solution to this problem that is new or diflerent. To the Editor: It has been proved by Ped Political Party that if people A r a t h e r unusual meeting took are asked to participate in government, they will. Un- place a few nights ago, a n d I fortunately in our present government, if you are elected thought t h a t it might be of interest in your freshman year you have it pretty well made to be to t h e readers of the State College elected to offices the rest of your college career. People News. on business in Istanbul d u r often get tired running for offices they know they won't ingI was the last ten days, a n d was i n be chosen for—and we really can't blame them. vited to a t t e n d t h e U.S. Marine With the advent of political parties, a whole new area corps Birthday Bali at the IstanbulHotel. During t h e early p a r t student participation in government has been opened. This Hilton of t h e evening I looked around a n d has been proved by the members of the Ped group. We was most astonished to find a very feel that this in itself is an accomplishment which is worth familiar face. T u s h Barber '56, C a m p u s Queen a n d M y noting even if neither another political party nor election sformer k a n i a c h a i r m a n , was s t a n d i n g b e issues are discovered. hind me, equally amazed. - . . . . . L . L . . . . . Tllli TT.,^,1 Aiiriinn. tl-w. onvlw Wat' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 9:00 a.m. Forum's Mock U.N. Security Council, Brubacher. 10:00 p.m. Winterlude, Van Curler Hotel, Schenectady. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1:00 p.m. Sorority conflict parties. Sincerely yours, Nancy Trivers '56 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 3:00 p.m. North and South Park Open House. 6:00 p.m. USCA meeting, Brubacher. lo the Editor: MONDAY NOVEMBER 24 I have just read your editorial 9:00 a.m. F r a t e r n i t y upperclassmen bids issued, Student Personnel TV or Not TV ill t h e October 31 Office. issue ol t h e State College News. As 3:00 p.m. F r e s h m a n women meeting on ; orurities i Draper 349. a former State College student who worked extensively in the television project, I feel t h a t there are many people who will not realize t h e STATE COLLEGE NEWS value id television as a n educational aid. E S T A B L I S H E D MAY 1916 II I may I would like lo ask ',uii a lew questions. BY T H E C L A S S OF 1918 First, do you honestly believe I h a t Second Place ACP while you a r e teaching there will First Place CSPA only be one classroom-sized group ol November 21, 1958 No. 20 students in your charge? Doesn't it Vol. XLI1I seem logical t h a t statistics are disii.i', IJI- H-,HI,I il T i n - ilii', i i l l i - r i i i i i i :i ii> 5 ii in , MI-II tiers .,1 in,- NKW.S .J proving this assumption right now? i I r o n , i i n i I |, in , i l J-'l.'l^li l i i II I ' l i u l i e a unci Tin- ,lluy anil WL'Cne,sdu> Tlie undtTfcjratluuti; published t-vt»r> KnUu> Aj>&oclui;ot> ,7 1.,-ul . li.' :ilU4 M.VI1Y HTZI'ATIUCK MA HI,KM; ACKERMAN CAROL A I / I I C DAVID H J . I ) M . \ N M.VKV Ei.lJ-JN JOHNSON . MAK'IIIA I.KSK'K lAMI-s Ml III O i l KI.IZABKTH SI'KMUl MONICA TKAKKI'S . . JOHN QIJIKK . . . JAMES IMMOIO.IUV JOHN LEWIS KttBEKT KA.MI'E CJJJACK E N G E L S -_ - PHOTOOUAI'MY " •" "• 'CllllhlUil Editor -In-Chief Manuring EilHui Advertising Editor .VsMU-UttEditui Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editui I'olilli ilrlalions Editor (VSports Editor C o - S p o r t s Editor Consultant Sports Editor Circulation-Exchange l-.diliu HuhlneHH . . . ~- ll nil I'llt/i I, I- UHtHjU,) •A Y.,i K atuii- Colli-tje lor 'IVm-tiuri., IJ ti.i- NliWIi llo.inl (in t h e Btuilenl ln-u ,i..i|*rl Cuili-ui- . httte College 1'lioUi their best. Second on the bill is Apache I, ritory. In passing, our weekly word wisdom i s : when you gel tired Milne observations, watch the 1, show, it's more true to life. (dr, Service Names AU coniinunlCttUoiu* wliould IJM a(ldrLv*,cd Lo tlie edllur uml must he signed will b e w i t h h e l d o n requoM, T h e STATU C o i . l JSClfS Nl'JWy uosiiiiies n o responsibility lor o p l u i o n b expr<;i>M:di in It* c o l u m n s o r IXIIIHI initiations, as such e x p r e s s i o n s do not iiucejttfurlly reflect l u vluwt, A/otice All g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s a n d Seniors who a r c majoring i n Science a r e requested lo sign up in t h e Student Placement Office for a n interview witli ( U n i o n .1. Roberts, Director uf the Placement Bureau. Interviews will be conducted for Science majors next Monday and Tuesday, and up to noon Wednesday. Kegardless of future plans it is necessary t h a t registration be completed before graduation. Registration i n cludes being interviewed. PAGE 3 FRIDAY, N O V E M B E R 2 1 . 1 9 5 8 SenateDownsCommitteeBill; Cabinet: Reviews Ped Political Party Cabinet Reviews SocialCalendar; StassenToSpeak VAe OuUuU WolJd BY T H E BYSTANDER By JOAN CALI O N E : Yes, I j u s t love Christmas. TWO: Haven't you forgotten s o m e I t makes m e feel warm all thing? S t u d e n t S e n a t e meeting was call- accepted. Any suggestions for a n over. I just love t h e street ONE: Forgotten . . . oh, yes! I h a d ed t o order Wednesday evening a p p o i n t m e n t will be greatly a p p r e some personalized C h r i s t m a s T W O : But, there's . . . a t 7:30 p.m. by t h e Vice-President, d a t e d . . . . cards m a d e this year. O n t h e O N E : There's w h a t ? I s n ' t i t wonGrace Nesbitt. Senate then went on t o select a cover, there's a sweet looking derful w h a t manufacturers Harold Stassen, former PresidenConstitution-Ped Political Party C o o r d i n a t o r for t h e S t a t e College S a n t a Claus, b u t when you are doing these days? I First on t h e agenda was t h e r e - R e v u e t o b e h e l d o n March 13, 1959. tial Advisor o n Disarmament, will open it u p , h e h a s a m e a n bought my t h r e e year old son viewing of t h e Constitution present- s e n a t e ' s choice was Mildred Bovd be a t S t a t e College during t h e year. expression, a n d t h e caption a gun yesterday t h a t shoots This subject was among t h e many ed by a group on campus known as •QQ Congratulations, Terri! is "Bah, H u m b u g ! " I d o t h i n k ketchup pellets . . . you know, t h e "Ped Political P a r t y . " Barbara Vans '59, C h a i r m a n of brought u p a t last Friday's Cabinet my friends will appreciate meeting. like real blood! Membership in t h e party is open t n e s e n a t e Rivalry Committee, vet h a t , don't you? I t will m a k e to all members ol Student Associ- ported t h a t recommendations for P a r k i n g Lot T W O : But, there's more . . . t h e m laugh a little, a n d ation who c a n pay an annual fee Rivalry have been drawn up a n d T h e p a r k i n g l o t was discussed ONE: Oh, yes, there's so m u c h that's w h a t we need more of and it was a n n o u n c e d t h a t all cars of one dollar. considered. more! I took my son to see in this world with all i t s Third Reading Bill A communication from Plymouth m u s t have stickers. C a m p u s ComS a n t a arrive a t t h e Super problems. T h e third reading of a bill intro College asking t h a t four represent- mission will have spot checks for D e p a r t m e n t Store. H e came riuccd by S e n a t o r Charles Powter H t i v e s l r o m s t a t e be sent to t h ethe stickers. T h e owners of cars T W O : Make t h e m l a u g h ! Is t h a t ail early this year, you know . . . '60 was presented. This bill provid- college in accordance with a n "In- parked in the lot will be fined if C h r i s t m a s m e a n s to you . . . yes, h e arrived in August this they do n o t have them. ert t h a t t h e President of Student ter-vlsitation p r o g r a m " to Senate. toys, cards, gifts, Santa year. I t ' s wonderful how t h e Inaugural Kali Association appoint a standing comClaus . . . I tseems tnnt lnev have n o t lolbusinessmen keep t h e ChristT h e r e will probably be n o I n a u mittee out ol Senate, known as a ,, ( ) U t . n u s a l l e r o u r p o l i t t , r e f u s a l of ONE: Well, you're in a fine mood mas spirit alive like t h a t . Services Committee to a c t a s a s u c h u p r o g r u m last spring. Maybe gural Ball this year because of a for the C h r i s t m a s season. O h : But, what about Bethlehem TWO m e a n s of communication to students l h ( , v ] l r i v e mown in the meantime, full social calendar. However, i t is well, I suppose we're all a litand . . . hoped t h a t o n e will be held n e x t in regard to t h e following a r e a s : tle on edge. I m u s t r u n . year. 1. Faculty-Student Corporation. ONE: Oh. heavens! T h a n k s for r e "Merry C h r i s t m a s . " Culture minding me. I almost forgot. 2. Alumni Association. I must buy some imitation It was suggested t h a t twenty-five 3. Medical Service. lawn for under t h e tree. I t ' s cents be collected for t h e t h r e e 4. School Physical Facilities. tradition in our family to p u t scheduled cultural e v e n t s . T h i s Tlie bill was defeated by a vote up a manger scene each year money would t h e n be used for a of 9-12-2. Probably because it was and r u n t h e electric train fourth such event. against t h e philosophy of Student Freshman women are requested to Page Hall around it. I t ' s gotten so t h a t Government. attend a meeting Monday a t 3 p.m. T h e often conflicting use of Page we have a little village now (Continued from Page Z, Column 2) Letter Of Resignation inside t h e tracks. A letter of resignation by Senior m Draper 349 designed to inform Hall by Milne as well as t h e various Second, do you believe t h a t a S e n a t o r J a y Cohen was read a n d them about silent period, formal College organizations was brought TWO ; But, there's more to . . . person who does n o t have t h e poise dinner, a n d preference cards, a n - up. I t was decided that a schedule and self-confidence to s t a n d u p b e nounces J a n e Cass '59. President of should be set up for the use of t h ;ONE: Oh, there's plenty m o r e : Of- fore a group of people a n d speak fice parties, parties with t h e Inter-Sorority Council. auditorium. relatives, exchanging gifts. intelligently under diverse situations Silent Period Social Calendar is qualified to t e a c h your children? Certainly there's more. Silent period begins a t 5 p.m. to- T h e overcrowded social calendar Would you as a n a d m i n i s t r a t o r hire morrow. It extends throughout was also discussed and several rec- TWO ; But, C h r i s t m a s Day is . . . an individual w h o was unable to Sunday from li to ib p.m. there will Thanksgiving vacation a n d ends o m m e n d a t i o n s were put forth. Noth- ONE: I know, I know. Christmas prepare or a d a p t himself to such Day is a riot. I ' m so e x h a u s t - circumstances? be .t combined open house held by December 1 a t 5 p.m. Silent period ing definite was arranged. ed Christmas Day what with North a n d South Park Houses, a n - will be resumed December (i a t 11 However i t w a s suggested t h a t I would think very seriously before all t h a t gift buying a n d such, nounces Angela Montcbello 'Ml, p.m. following formal dinners and possibly other events could be making m y decision condemning t h a t I just collapse into a n ends at 5 p.m. December 9 when scheduled t h e same night as other President. educational television. F o r , even easy chair a n d relax. certain all College e v e n t s . All Margaret Morgan '(it) is in charge pledging is held. though you m a y n o t w a n t it, teleof t h e refreshments that will be T h e only occasions during silent College Revue a n d Campus Chest TWO : But, it's a solemn . . . vision may become a necessity in t h e served. period when sorority women may were t h e events discussed for this ONE: I know. But, I always try to classroom sooner t h a n you think. m a k e it a brighter day for to freshmen will be the fol- purpose. Inter-Sorority Council h a s d espeak Yours truly, those less fortunate. Always This would be a break with t h e clared i t permissible for sorority lowing: Potter D a t e Party, tomorgive a basket of food t o t h a t William J . Dieal, J r . women to speak to freshman women row from 8 to 12 p.m.; Madison, usual m e t h o d of having n o other organization . . . what's t h e Company M-2, U.S.C.V. during this event, although silent Fark, a n d Lake Open Houses S u n - events on t h e same night as previ-* n a m e of it again? West Point. New York day. ously scheduled all College events. period is in effect. Silent Periods Start Tomorrow GommuHicatiotU Park House Opens Doors To State rfeven. "These bluejays a r e getting too big for their britches!' A new idea in smoking! Gamman - Stalei ^% your t a s t e Tush is now teaching in Istanbul and is very happy to be there. I t By ORMSBEE a n d OLIVO ®"* is a most interesting city, a n d s h e is teaching in a n American school. It seems as if the world is really "Why, then 'tis none lo you, for there is nothing cither good or hail as small as they say! Istanbul is a but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare most unusual place for a chance meeting a n d I shall never scotf a t COME NEXT C H R I S T M A S . . . Thanksgiving vacation is upon us al last; mice again do we maim the cliche again. to gorge ourselves upon holiest-to-goodncss HOME COOKIN! We an Hoping t h a t my encounter will be met a t the train, bus, or car, are pummelled and shook, exclaimed m of interest to yoti^ a n d wishing you and about all the way home. Dad even carries the .suitca.-e sn in• i• a most successful year, I remain, waidingly weighted with texts t h a t we don'l quite gel to use. M"ii College Calendar i-'iUpull i k :MI:I.-IH. lJoui|lierl> • rushes us into the kitchen even bei'ure we alight, anil begins to slut and teed us between cries of "Oh, you're so thin," ami "How hard >oii musl have been working!" By this tune, Dud, strained by the suitcase anil bj the premonition that his favorite chair, car. and pocketbook will be soon overwoikeii h a r r u m p h s that "Those marks never came from someone greatl) over worked." Mother soothes, "Now, dear, Joe's hardly home, and yoli'i'i' al him already," and presses a n o t h e r half-chicken and a third quail '•'• milk upon us. "(iosh, M;\," we sigh, "it's good to be home," qiilie sliil" lied by all this attention anil food. Ho does Ihe vacation seltle lltln great round ol eating, then sleeping oil' the surfeit, eallli!: again, : , l : ' : going out just tu get away I nun being obliged to eon time t h e quantities ol food that our dear, well-meaning Mother I'oi Ls upon us But, alas, our idyll IN too soon over; we must gel hack lo I lie bunk the study, Hie themes. We have also to ealeh up on Ihe work thai w neglected over the vacation. And so, we are sped lo the Irani, bus. ol car. Mother bravely waves us nil Willi a great package ol e.nodies^ Fatlu-i quite it-lleveillv shakes hands Willi us, slylj slipping an extra 'tiler' m l " our moist, fatted palm. "Cod Bless them both, the deal's," we think and settle exhaiisledly into our coach's cushions, while vi inns ol Cluisi masses dance in our heads, WINTKKM l>E SI rains of Bach's Mass in li Minor, dixie-land Ja/./„ and Mi ml (l.ii m-i strange grunlings have been providing alum plu-re I'm one ol the in" ' crowded hallways m the world. Here is a "on ••<• in a lllelune," uiipr' cedentedly economical utl'er to bu,\ tickets lor one ol S t a l e ' iiumilabli social events. T h e band is grand. Ihe price is ilghl and there aic lot; of tree anil reasonable girls dying to dance, ('nine on, men, unbend and assert yourselves; t h e event, highlighting t h e Pall .social season isn't at all painful, and the Van Curler |s the greatest Hope to see \ou all there. IT'S THAT PHANTOM AGAIN While slurrying through the dismal hulls, we happened iipmi .some black and gold, raccuon-eyod guls. When wc asked them whal Iheii' nervous twitches and black-circled eyes, they repliid that Ihey had been awake all night trying to catch a prowler ' I h e would-be prowler'.' a Hupping television a n t e n n a e Too bad, girls! Better link in XI lime. CHEEK CALENDAR SETTLED AT EAST Conflict over conflicts has occurred among Ihe lady Greeks in thru party plans. Now t h a i this h a s been .settled, Hie nisiiees may begin their own conflicts as they decide which houses to go to Saturday, and which friends to walk with. We a i c sure that, both I rush and sorurlt) girls will welcome the Thanksgiving vacation. It should give everyone a chance to think more objectively before making their linal decisions. Question of tlie Week? W h a t are you borrowing for Wlnterlcwd?V? • m e n t h o l fresh • rich t o b a c c o taste • m o d e r n filter, too T h i n k of a r e f r e s h i n g S p r i n g d a y like t h i s , if y o u w a u l t o k n o w j u s t h o w a S a l e m Cigarette refreshes your taste. K i i h that's Salem. Through its m o d e r n , tohaeco taste with new surprise softness . , . pure-white filter Hows tlie f r e s h e s t taste in cigarettes. S m o k e refreshed pack alter pack . . . smoke Salem, Take a puff,'s Springtime STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2 1 , 1 9 5 8 STATE C O L L E G E NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 1 , 1 9 5 8 PAGE 4 Ped Bowlers Shutout ABC All In The Game: Change In State's varsity representatives in the Capital District Intercollegiate Leag e, sin jghtered the ABC beys Monday night by the massive total 1 i' 4-". T.n.i is the season's second shutcut for the Peels who took all thres games by wide margins and t ox the last point on total wood. The Sports Scene By JACK LEWIS The AMIA football league was brought to a close on Sunday afternoon when the league champs, Potter Club and the All Stars slipped and sloshed to a scoreless tie in the final exhibition of the season. Although there seem to be varying opinions on either side who would have swamped who, had the ground been dry, it was generally conceded that the score gave a fairly accurate picture of the relative strength of each team. The third quarter brought out the Potter offense as the Club moved down to within two yards of the All Star's goal, only to be held by excellent defensive play. In the final quarter the situation reversed as the All Stars took Ba!-.?r Hits Top Al Baker led the purple and (jokl i ays onto positive victory with ;i "16 high triple of the night. He we . s ; cfssfulfy seconded by captain Tom P u t n a m hitting a close i l l . The Kcglers swept the alley clean v u.i margins of 135. 146 and G2 puis biinging t h e total maples to 247.,2132. T h e Ped q u i n t e t still find-, to t h e air a n d gave the Champs several breathless m o m e n t s . Charlie Kane, co-captain of the 1958-59 wrestling team, watches as themselves in third place followed c a p t a i n Joe Hi c m | e t e s hold With the Stars last thrust being thwarted by lack of time, " ° P by ABC and HVTI. another season closed out as this game provided the touch of finality which seemed to be lacking in previous years. Winter Program In Motion Despite the loss of three of last season's regulars, the varsity wrestling squad appears confident of the forthcoming season. The vacancies left by Paul Harris, Bob Bosomworth and Joel Smith are now being adequately filled by freshmen, Ox Brink, Mike Kessler, who has a year's experience behind him, and heavyweight, Al Jaquays. Lou Biolsi and Jerry Zappolo are expected to be strong starters in the 147 and 177 pound classes. Coach Sauers' hoop squad also has its share of new- _. [~IVQ .. W\ QJ . ~, C± 1 L6ttQnTI6ri K^OTTy DTQIG .. . i n c O C nODGS If) / 7 J O J60S0D ' The latest edition of Joe Garcia's grapplers, depending upon the performance of five returning lettermen and nine newcomers for another winning season, moved into the final stages of pre-season practice yesterday with only eleven more days of practice remaining until the opener in Page gym on December sixth. ^955 The"' began °thTi? D a v e P a u s e ' •' Schenectady boy who se J s ' 0 n ^ C O m e r S i n T o m R y a n , E r i c B a u m u s a n d B i l l T h o m p s o n , first year as a varsity s°port and came up with a 34 point season in r e t u r n i n g a f t e r a y e a r ' s l a y o f f . H o w e v e r t h e s e m e n Will b e ended' the year with a 5-3 record; a" i spromising freshman a year, Donfirst W a ramp t h l e t e and whose earring a large share of the responsibility when the season j h l s .ha* Jf n followed by 1-2'x a n d pearance was midway through the season. Mike Kessler, an Albany gets under way. In Sauers' opinion this squad should easily ^Year compare with last years team as far as the starting lineup ""this,The fourth year of varsity product who made a midseason debut, also returns. is concerned. However it will be lacking in needed depth, grappling, the matmen will have to Al Jaquays, who had some m a t I n a m e e t i n g Of t h e b o w l i n g c a p t a i n s O n W e d n e s d a y S ^ K ^ " l l l T s ' s o m T o T t h e experience in his freshman year n i g h t tWO i n t r a m u r a l l e a g u e s w e r e S e t U p . T h e first a freshmen who are out for the sport, returns as a junior to fill in the bracket. handicap league will get under way on Tuesday while the Charlie Kane should be a strong leavyweight F r e s h m e n such as Dale Wescott, n o n h a n d i c a p g r o u p i s h e l d Off u n t i l t h e f o l l o w i n g w e e k , bet for another great year; r e t u m l n g Paul Turse, RUSK c c d £, ° ° as along a with pound nWhe.itly. ") "Lou "s Joeco-captain Hill lie leads crew 123 including Biolsi and Conn..' Congratulations to Marty Borko and Frank Fallace! Tischer '60, round out the picture. 2 for 1 SALE Flansburg Leads Businessmen Pete Flansburg did w h a t he could against the powerful local boys bin was unable to break the live hundred mark, hitting a low 455. He was backed up by Pete Morse with a 452 triple. Rush Garcia To Hospital Last Saturday, while at wrestling practice, coach Joe Garcia sull'ercd a loss ot equilibrium and was rnpioly taken to Albany Hospital. It was reported by the ho-pit;, t h a t Mr. Garcia is suffering froi. an car infection directly c o n n e i t c : to the semi-circular canals which i> turn cause him to loose sense ol balance when in a standing position. When word was last reel ived, Mt Garcia was undergoing a sene.s <,: brain wave tests. He is expect e< i uck hi.Liic al I he earliest by S u n d i v .in' honrae e v e r v a c a t i o n ? Potter Club, All Star 0-0 Tie NYSAC Elects Fallace, Borko, Delsignore Ends A M I A Football Slate Hathaway As Capture Soccer Honors First President By MIKE COYLE The AMIA All-Star game was played on Sunday afternoon between the All Stars a n d Potter Club, this year's champs. The final result 01 u n s match showed a 0-0 tie. This game proved to be a s t a r t ling display of defense which exemplifies the entire past season. Each m a t c h on this y e a r s suite showed a s h u t - o u t of some kind and in the All Star game both teams were shutout. Oll'ense And Defense Shine Potter Club in their contribution displayed the fine line which added so much to their capturing of the championship. The All Stars, lor then- part, featured PUUJ Harris n a n SLS and Gary Lynch lrom KB in a defensive backlield. On the offensive side ol the t r u e Potter used the new, hot q u a r u T bacK Don Nolan, while the stars relied on Ld Vesneski to control thenattack. Each team nad fine passing, good running and receptive ends, it't their defensives were still better. r o t i e r Keeps Off The Ground Potter had Wendy Fowler and Ros.s Daily on the end.-, and Connie Schmidt, Pete Spina, and Hud Baker held the receiving positioi s for the Stars. Baker showed up particularly well, catching some d i m cult passes oil the hand ol Vesneski Uioiind gaining tor the S t a r s was done by Paul Harris and (tar; Lynch on reverses. Potter stayed away fn in the ground for the m. ;! part', the club also advanced when Don Nolan rolled out lrom •! " begins AMIA Bowling Commission.! <. Dave Oakleaf and J o h n Ecklenr.m, . nuounce that actual c, 'lipeiiuvo g imes will commence on the T u r s day loll..wing Thanksgiving recess, and that regular c a m e , will b. played every Tuesday t h e r e a l t e r a: lour o'clock. T h i s year there will 01 a Handicap League and a No H a n d i cap League. It is still not too late in sign up; a sign up sheet is av ul:,ble to everyone on the AMIA o'.il'let m board. T h e following teai-is have already signed u p : Xeums Captains ,\pA J o h n Yager Apaches Chuck Bollenbacli l',;j,;p' Erich Kafka Bud Baker SLS Ki'bras An Hackett Cutler Lusters Alan Baker Vikings Joe Burton 1 ,,-kson House B. Schulell STATE COLLEGE 53-A No. Lake Ave. i Near Washington A v e " J I M M Y " Hah- Stylist Telephone 3-9749 today Thanksgiving Cards CO-OP • Your Winston and LIGHTERS Lowest fares of all public transportation! « Frequent departures! Quickest time to many cities! Salem • Air-conditioned comfort; picture-window sightseeing; fully equipped r e s t r o o m ; on all Scenlcruiser Service" schedules! srassss - M ^ ^ j : uartcrba.'k position and ran to the S i r ' s one yard line. However, on the very next play. Bob Austin Li'.Ke thr. ugh to tag Nolan for a 7 \ a r d loss and stop the scoringthreat. ;• lars Almost Score The Stars cam,' close to scoring in the final period. It was only luck and lack of time that kept li'.em . r in going over fur the TD and i i ,:tr:g the champs Weber And Chase Assume Posts Robert Weber who is the director ol athletics at Cortland S t a t e was elected to serve as vice-president. The secretary-treasurer position was awarded to G. Hal Chase ol Oneonta. Athletic Directors ol Geneseo, Uswego and Potsdam present at the meeting wen.' Frank Ackers, John Uiin.tKi and Sam Molnar respectively. How many points will Holway -i cue this year? Will State beat Siena at the Armory? Will Minerva stial the Indian again? What kind .if a showing will the Peds make in this year's Oswego Invitation tournament? Will this season make Coach Sal ers bald or will the Peds better year's 17-i c. i.npaign? T h e e Six-Fold Purpose (|iiestioiis and many more like them The purpose ol the New York will be answered in the coming ii..lie Amietic Conference is a s ) \ months lold one; i. 1 o lacilltate the orgam/.atii I Albany I.ins will get a chance to s i r Holwa.N and Company in action alio ai.'.nniistration oi a program ot until their December 12 debut on the intercollegiate .sports among momner colleges. 2 'I o foster a closer and mo! a v.noa-oome a t h l e t i c relationship among the member colleges. -*. In give college s t u d e n t s laboratory experience m working out the pmiosopny, iag.inization alio a d i m n i.siiatn.n .it a sports program. a. 'In encourage s t u d e n t intere.-,! alio pal tici])atlon in a greater vaiiii.\ ui spoi'Ls activities lor men, a.c.uumg p.ayoays and such games as badminton and ping-pong. 'Coining Attractions" JOE'S BARBER SHOP Hamburger Deluxe mi Tousled Roll, Frenh Fries, r,r,c Cole Slaw Gerald l)r \xg Co. ;17 Western Ave. THE MAYFLOWER 21)9 Central Avenue I'llllllC Albany, N. V. (i- i l i l O Corner of Robin L G. BALFOUR Fraternity Jewelry .1 UU A RT K A P N 11R 'Your State Insurance .Man" I T S GUCH A COMFORT TO TAKE THE B U S . AMD LEAVE THE DRIVING TO US! (j. To serve the public schools: a. As a model inter-school a t h letic organization. b. As a source ol information and inspiration in regal d t.i the aims and values ot physical education m Die hie ol our people. ;-. As a, clearing house lor a t h letic problems. d As liaison between individual colleges and the public schools. Pact- Hall court, but the Sauersmen will have played three games by t h a t time. With "as much potential as last year's team", Coach Sauers is headed lor his third straight winlimn -easoii. and since we will not have another chance to wish him uond lurk bi lore the season starts, we arc taking Hie opportunity today to wish each and every member ol the Vai u> "uund luck" m their D. crmiic r 2 opener at Hartlord. Membership Any lour year college, accredited by the Middle Atlantic S t a t e s Athletic Association, located m Nc.v York S t a t e is, eligible lor ineinltt ;•ship in the new conlerellce. .-..-! N. Lake Ave. Win Washington Ave An institution mey be elected in iia mbei-slup ul tin- eonlerencc by a ! BAIililltS ,( i \oii- I.I ,d] members All colWe Aim To Please li grs enrolled in the conlei elice a n or In abide h, I he minimum \ I ules adopted in all Intel an!legjale competition sponsored by the i-onlerence. low fare i III 1 III ;t,».-) ii. in 11.211 Representatives Elect H a t h a w a y The first order of business a t tliis initial meeting was the election ot oflicers for the c u r r e n t year. By a unanimous vote of the m e n present. Merlin Hathaway, Athletic Director here at Albany, was elected to serve as the n r s t president of the conference. SauersmenOpen At Hartford In'58-59 Debut E)r —.'-'l _ j a i d Compare these ow, I lieu New l'oik ( it s Binghumton Syracuse Rochester Fn-diuiia Last m o n t h at Cortland S t a t e Teachers College athletics directors of six teachers colleges of the State University m e t to form t h e New York S t a t e Athletic Conference. a. 10 strengthen the physical anil iiiiicaiion programs ol the memner colleges. Felicia's Beauty Shop GOING BY *i?EYHOUND* IS BASIC ECONOMICS! By DAVE MILLER IAA Kegling Season Set on ANIMALS AM. TYRF.S of INSURANCE Badges, Steins, Rings Jewelry, Gifts, Favors Stationery, Programs Club Pins, Keys Medals, Trophies UNIVERSITY V.O. BLDG. 171 Marshall Street Syracuse 10, New York OH 5-7837 5 0 Cents W i t h 10 Wrappers From Camels, Salems Or Winstons 75 State Street O H I Y I I O I M I TI.K.VUN H. :i50 BKOADWAY I'llONF l-liio"> PAGE 5 5-1471 Albany, N. Y. Carl Sorenson, Mgr. In one of his last acts as varsity co-captain, Gus Tillman announced last S a t u r d a y t h a t a pair of Sophomores who sparked the Peds to a 5-5 season were elected co-captains by the squad in a post-season meeting. Naming F r a n k Fallace, record breaking inside right, and a backfield man, Marty Borko, Gus thus turned the reins t h a t he had shared with Lou DelSignore over to the pair who will bo in their Junior year in the fall of 1059. They will inherit a team t h a t they have played with for two seasons. Fallace Scoring S t a r Fallace, who scored fourteen of the twenty-five Ped goals this fall, broke the scoring record set by Bob Backer two seasons ago midway through the season when he hit for his n i n t h goal. He scored all three Ped goals to pace the win over Adelphi and tallied t h e winning goal in the triumph over Montclair. He is a Carle Place, Long Island product., ironically the home town of the player whose record he broke He learned the game in Italy a n d on Long Island, but having no high school soc:-er team with which to piay, had to wait until h e came to Albany to pick up the polish t h a t let him realize his potential. n o . k o Defensive Spark Marty Borko richly deserved the honor his t e a m m a t e s gave him for on at least two dates he was the best p.ayer on the field. He worked steadily to improve his play and reflected t h a t practice with his performance. He was on the squad at Fallsburg High School lEllenville), and m a d e fust string at S t a t e his freshman year. DelMgnore Tabbed MVP Undoubtedly, most of the observers of the Albany soccer scene were not too surprised at the naming of DelSignore as most valuable player. The co-captain from Watervliet. a four-year m a n who was always on the job, always gave the best cf himself and his t e a m m a t e s knew t h a t he would give a good performance. He sometimes fooled them. He gave a great performance. Midghall Leads RPI Skaters In Ice Debut By BOB K A M P F Ned Harkness, senior hockey coach at R P I , is no longer crying the blues over in Troy these days. The Engineer varsity skaters cut out a neat 0-3 victory over the freshmen squad S a t u r d a y and HarkJiess lauded the skating and overall play of Paul Midghall, the nation's leading scorer last year, at this week's meeting of the local sports scribes. Hockey Opener Nov. 2ft lee fans a t Statu will have to forego the R P I opener since we Pedagogues will be on our T h a n k s giving interlude. There will be plenty of action in the RPI fieldhouse this season, however, with the highlight, being the I n v i t a t i o n T o u r n e y featuring teams from Princeton. Brown and Michigan .State. Hoop Troubles Basketball coaches in the Capital District area are having their I roubles early this year. State's own Dick Sauers reported the temporary loss ol his ace defensive star, Jack Beardon. Beardon injured his h a n d m an accident week and will be missing from practice until the stitches are removed. Enough said about "Poor Richard", for over in Union territory, Conch Tom C a r t mill h a s lost '-giant" (i foot 7 Don Woods because of academic reasons. Another Union hoopster, Drew Lawson, (5-4 rebounder, may be out for the season with a dislocated shoulder. Prediction Like the former Brooklyn Dodgers, Keith Doyle, Union football coach says afler a winlcss season, "We'll CO-CAPTAINS: Frank Fallace on be ready t,o go next .season." Hope the left and Marty Borko on the be doesn't m e a n lo Lo.s Angeles! rig] t, will take over in '59. From This Vantage Point: . . . To The Waste Basket By JIM DOKillKKTY Phil Shepherd has been appointed tri-commissioner of intramural basketball. He will be working along with Lee Uncrai't and Pete Barbagelata. It was previously announced that Bud Baker would be a commissioner, but be had to turn down the appointment for a variety of reasons . . . Sign up for hoop now; a list is on the AMIA bulletin board and all team entries must be in by 4 p.m. on Monday. . . . A team to be known hereafter as the APAthetics will be in action this season---you think the Old Men have a team! Wait until you see this one! ;j: H- *• :|. -j; Mew York City can be justly proud of its professional sports teams. The Yankees walked oil with the world championship in baseball and the Football Giants, the Knieks and the Rangers are all rolling along in high gear in their respective leagues. . . . We would like to say here that we, as probably every sports fan, feel a great deal of sorrow after hearing that Red Schoendienst has contracted tuberculosis. It is indeed a shame that a great athlete like he should be afflicted with such a dread disease. . , Carl Maxim and Paul Da miner, co-captains of the Ped soccer team during the 1957 season, have recently completed their freshman year of coaching. Their booters at Hammondspurt High and Columbia High turned in highly successful seasons for these men. Muxon was an All-American and Durmner was awarded a position on the All-State team here at Albany State. * * * * * Tlie Ped hoopsters are hurting since Jack Beardon has been out with an injured hand. STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , PAGE 6 FRIDAY, N O V E M B E R 21, 1958 News, Ped Attend ACP ". . . t h a t toddlln' town" was visited last weekend by four m e m bers of t h e S t a t e College News staff a n d three from the Pedagogue. These delegates a t t e n d e d t h e Associated Collegiate P r e s s Conference held a t t h e Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago. T h e weekend included conferences a n d group discussions on all a s pects of newspaper, yearbook and magazine production. I t climaxed with a luncheon in t h e G r a n d Ball- room with Al Capp speaking. T h e r e were over a t h o u s a n d people enrolled a t the conference including staff a n d delegates. Two h u n d r e d a n d twenty-six colleges a n d universities were represented from t h e United S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a , Newspaper delegates numbered 594, while 318 yearbook r e p r e s e n t a tives were present; t h i r t y delegates were from college magazines, a n d seventy-two were faculty advisors. After a long hard night of work on the STATE COLLEGE NEWS, Rary Fitzpalrick and Marty Lesick leave for a weekend in Chicago (note suitcases). Beth Spencer and J a n e G r a h a m in their anxiety to catch the plane, a r e already out the door while Dave Feldman tearfully blows kisses to the departers. We wish t h e PED c o n t i n g e n t h a d been so anxious to catch the r e t u r n plan. But t h a t ' s show business! Jlouie Jloudl T h e sororities c o n t i n u e their h e c tic r u s h p a r t i e s tomorrow afternoon when the Greeks on c a m p u s stage their conflict p a r t i e s for f r e s h m a n girls. gijjgr lllll'ill On t h e I n v i t a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e a r e : Carol T o m e '60, J u n e Perry, F r a n ces Organisciak, Eileen M a m m o t t , J o a n F e r r a r i , Doris Wagoner, and Gail Neller, Sophomores. Sigma A l p h a Initiation Services Sigma Alpha h a s appointed F r a n I n i t i a t i o n Service will be held ces W n u k and Marie Miranda, Sophotmores, C h a i r m e n of t h e party S u n d a y a t 3 p.m. for Doris Hische a n d Carol Tome, Juniors, a n d Doris "T.V. Review." Wagoner a n d J a n e t Zember, S o p h Beta Zeta omores. "Toy L a n d " is the n a m e B e t a Zeta a n n o u n c e s as its conflict pnity Psi G a m m a theme. "Around T h e World" is t h e t h e m e Chi Sigma T h e t a of Psi G a m m a ' s conflict party. Teresa Kerwin '60, G e n e r a l C h a i r m a n a n d Vice-President, a n n o u n c e s G a m m a K a p p a Phi the committees for tomorrow's G e n e r a l C h a i r m a n for t h e " K a i " R o a r i n g T w e n t i e s " party as fol- ender K a p e r s " at the G a m m a K a p lows: A r r a n g e m e n t s , M a r t h a Lesick pa Phi house will be Marcella Vim a n d J a n e Bruskawicz, J u n i o r s ; R e - Leuven '60. Aiding Miss Van Leufreshments, Eileen M a m m o t t '61 and ven are :Rosalie W a l s h , E n t e r t a i n Ann Foley '60, and E n t e r t a i n m e n t , m e n t ; Gilcla Sesti, Invitations, SophMaris S h e e h a n a n d Lucille G i a r - omores; a n d J u d i t h Kiehle '61, Nametags. dino, Sophomores. K a p p a Delta T h e Sisters of K a p p a Delta have chosen the n a m e "O'K. D. Saloon" to represent their p a r t y tomorrow. Phi Delta Sally Weeks '59, President, a n nounces t h a t Marion Silverstein and D o n n a Harris, J u n i o r s , are Cor h n i r m e n for Formal Dinner. " F r a n k i e a n d J o h n n i e " is the t h e m e for Phi Delta's p a r t y tomorrow. Sigma P h i Sigma T h e Sisters of Sigma Phi Sigma have s t a t e d t h a t " F r e s h m e n I. C." will be t h e t h e m e of t h e conflict, party a t the sorority house. Check Mailboxes T h e sororities on campus urge t h e freslunan girls to check their student mailboxes in the Commons f i e . u e n t l y , in order t h a t the invitations be delivered efficiently. Newman Club Holds Annual Fall Banquet Forum, Hillel To Sponsor Israeli Consul State College »M r T h e a n n u a l Newman Club banquet will be held Sunday a t 7 p.m. a t t h e S h e r a t o n Ten Eyck Hotel, a n nounces David Pitkin '59, President of the Albany Chapter. T h e b a n q u e t B being held for all m e m b e r s of Newman Clubs in the Albany Diocese. ^SITY0A T h u r s d a y a t 1 p.m. in P a g e Hall, S J n c h a P r a t t , Consul G e n e r a l of Israel in New York, will speak on a topic concerning Israel in the Arab world. He will be presented in Page Hall, and students will be excused from their classes to a t t e n d with the consent of their instructors. ews '94 « Speaker F a t h e r Andrew J. O'Reilly, C h a p lain of t h e Catholic Center at New York University, h a s accepted the invitation to be guest speaker. F a t h e r O'Reilly, born in New York City, attended Dunwoodie Seminary. He was ordained in 1950, then received a Master of Arts D e cree a t Catholic University, W a s h ington, D. C. He was assigned as an instructor in Greek at Cathedral College in New York City and studied for his Z-463 ALBANY. NEW YORK, FRIDAY. D E C E M B E R 5. 1 9 5 8 VOL. X L I I I . NO. 2 7 Sororities Hold Formal Dinners For Freshman Women Tomorrow rr ,, F h e , . , w h l l l w i I l Q oi S O l ' O r i t y r u s h i n g conclude tomorrow night with eight formal Doctorate at Columbia University, dinners lor freshman women. Beginning at 7 p.m. they will continue until 11 p.m.; At Columbia he received a Full- silent period will resume after the dinners. Will bright Fellowship to the University „ r» I* of Rome, for g r a d u a t e studies in < * a p p a D e l t a theme of Kappa Delta's formal dinner, theup.m year ills 1953-1954. "Through the Looking Glass" is the return to the united according to Corrine Marro '59, General Chairman Co-Chairman with Miss Marro is Good Homecooking . . . A place to eat, a place to drink, Variety of Foods . . . A place where one can sit and think. Reasonable Prices . . . C o m e r O N T A R I O a n d BENSON DIAL 4-1125 Wm% 176 Quail Street RESTAURANT Near Western FLORIST and GREENHOUSE A place to dance, a place which lends Itself to fun, to talk, and friends. Snack Bar College Florist for Years THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE - BUT T0DAY& L&M GIVES Y0U- D O N ' T SETTLE FOR O N E W I T H O U T THE OTHER] Change to LfM and get 'em both. Such an improved filter and more taste! Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, today's UM combines these two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment-less tars and more t a s t e - i n one great cigarette. otters daily c l o s e s in atomic physics and over 300 colleges and universities across the nation are giving credit lor TV courses. m Dorms Plan Kids' Parties lralernily. The group includes S e n lois only Mu Lambda Alpha T h e Modern Language Honorary Fraternity lias initiated the following students, announces Margaret W e l t . n e r '.59, President. Barbara Ryan. Grad Student, Waller Hems, Ursula Baiiin, Theresa Wolfe, Edwir.l Force, and Marie Gungenu, S. mors. J u n i o r . . Adrienne Hall and l'Tori lice 1 ilison have also been initiated with Eunice Clark Smith and Carl Odcnkuvheii, faculty members. t h e guest Till' college I r u I n nil ies are also participating The) will contribute cand) canes and cookies Tlie S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y Corporation will provide ice cream lor the party. The sororities participating will furnish gifts lor each ol the children. G a m m a K a p p a Phi sorority will hold a parly for residents ol tlie L u t h e r u n Old Age Home Thursday, a n n o u n c e s J o a n Anderson '59, President ol the sorority. speakers at the cere- in n are !\io i r u I R llsselaer ll.l R o y E G. urge Karlssen of the inguitge Department at Polytechnic Institute, Mosher, State Supervisor >a Foreign L ingaage Education. Officers Parly I'or Aged * LIGGETT & MYERS fOBACCO CO., I M S He was educated a t Basle and the University of London; h e obtained his law degree in 1934, and was .ailed to the bar in 1937. P r a t t served in the defense of Tel-Aviv, but was invalidated from the service after becoming a lieutenant, because of battle injuries. Honoraries Hold Initiation 'I he pari \ is being sponsored by Brubacher and I'irrce Halls, the Western Avenue I loi'iiutory, and Sa.yles Hall '1 lie lollowilig sororities are also participating: Kappa Delta, Psi G u m m a . Cln Sigma T h e ta, Beta Zela, Pin Delia, and Sigma wmmmtmmmmmm Pratt, is a former Vice-President oi Tel-Aviv's " S h a a r e Zion" Lodge ol B n a i B'rith; he is a H a g a n a h veteran, and a member of the H o n orable Society of the I n n e r Temple in London. Oral Reading Class To Hold Fourth Program Saturday, December Li, 145 children, between the ages ol two and Ii'ii. from St. Coleman's Home in Walervliel, will be guests al a large Christmas pari) in liruba her Hall Susan J a m e s 'lit is coordinator ol the allair MVVyri... P r a t t ' s Life S t a t e s F a t h e r O'Reilly was assign- N a n c y M c G o w a II ' 6 0 . Resuming his law career, P r a t t ' s ed to NYU as a member of the lac Entertaii ment will be directed by Sandra Lewis and Martha Spadinger, Juniors. ; etivities in the Israel Bar Associully as well as chaplain to the ation rapidly led h i m to m e m b e r Marcelline Waggoner is Catholic s t u d e n t s . "' ' in charge of" arrangements, and' Sharon Robbins and Palma ship on t h e Central Committee of 1 On can pus he teaches four Vivona are decorating; all are Seniors the Tel-Aviv B r a n c h of the o r g a n courses in the area of Catholic Psi G a m m a Graziano are in charge of Arrange- ization. t h o u g h t : Sacred Scripture, Doctrine Mildred Pasek md Evelyn Gil- ments, Decorations, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Ethics and two courses in History. Early Life bert, Juniors, arc Co-Chairmen of and Programs, respectively. He is a member ol the Scholarship Fsi G a m m a ' s formal dinner. ComSally Weeks '59, President, a n Pratt was born in Rovne, Russia Committee of the NYU faculty and mittees include Sets, Nellie Hem- nounces that Natalie Lemoine was in 1912, and moved to Palestine in h a s a vote in derisions relative to ingway; E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Constance elected Vice-President of the soror- 192i. He is now married. scholastic standing of students. Orapello; Programs, J a n e Reigle. ity. P r a t t served as Israel Consul and All are Juniors. Beta Zeta Invitations C< nsul General in Chicago frcin J a n e Cass '59, President, reports "BZ Heaven" will be under the December 1953 to Augttst 1957 with Invitations to the banquet have that Psi G a m m a initiated Carole direction of C a t h e r i n e Rosso 'CO, been extended to the Bishop of the T h e classes in Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n Bastion. Elizabeth DeFiore, Mary C h a i r m a n . Committees include En- Consular jurisdiction over fifteen .•lutes m the Middle West and MidAlbany Diocese, President and of L i t e r a t u r e present the fourth J a n e Laun, Barbara Luick, and P a t - t e r t a i n m e n t . Rhoda Levin and Su- dle South. Deans of State, as well as to the ricia Webb, Sophomores; Marjorie san Pursell, J u n i o r s : Caterers, Lynn Catholic members of the fatuity. evening of oral interpretation T u e s - Phister '61, was pledged. Beer,ill and Mary Lou Cinque, SenHe assumed his post a t Consul Invitations have also been s e n t to day at 8 p.m. in Draper 349. Chi Sigma T h e t a iors; Cars and Reception, Marcia General of Israel in September Newman C h a p l a i n s of the Diocese "Chi Sig Castle" will be under the Cogley '59 and Shirley Moscrop '61. 1957. a n d members of their clubs, and Presentations C o - C h a i r m a n s h i p of C a t h e r i n e T a r Beta Zeta will hold a formal inIncluded in the urogram will be: tuglia and Grace Barbieri, Juniors. the Alumni Association of Newman Forum a n d Hillel itiation Sunday al 2 p.m. Lillian Kimmel, coached by Jack Committees Club. include Decorations, Sigma Phi Sigma Burton, reading C a t h e r i n e M a n s - Ann Foley; Waiters, Ethyl H a r t ; Forum and Hillel are jointly sponTlie Newman Glee Club, under field's Marriage a la Mode; Ann Mi ri a m P I a 1 is and Rhea soring P r a t t ' s appearance, because the direction of Madeline Despres Teute reading Eveline by J a m e s E n t e r t a i n m e n t . Rosemarie Borden- Schwartz. Juniors, are C o - C h a i r - his area is of particular interest to '59 and accompanied by Douglas Joyce, coached by Carole Waldron, aro; Costumes, Nancy Lou Ryan; men of Sigma Phi Sigma's formal both groups. and Programs, C a t h e r i n e Antonucci; dinner. F r a n k e '02 will provide e n t e r t a i n - Seniors; Oilier C h a i r m e n include Elizabeth Spencer '60, all are Juniors. ment. Forum of Politics is primarily Helen Beall and Sylvia Steinhoff, coached by F r a n k Fa vat '59, i n t e r G a m m a Kappa Phi Juniors, Programs and Taxis, re- concerned with topics of c u r r e n t inpreting Charles Dickens' The Story Tickets G a m m a Kappa Phi's formal din- spectively; Sophomores, R i t a Even- terest. It is headed bv Lee DeNike of the Goblins Who Stole a Sexton; Tickets for the affair can be ob- Elizabeth Gross '00 reading from ner, "Cinderella," will be under the son, Marjorie Slusinger and Phyllis '59. tamed at the Newman Center. T h e Cervantes' Don Quixote, coached by c h a i r m a n s h i p of Joyce Pennucci H a m m e r m a n , Ruth Danowit and Hillel is the Jewish student's r e price is four dollars per person. Elaine Zipper, will direct Poems. ligious organization on campus. K e n n e t h S m i t h '59; and an inter- and Nancy Rishel, Juniors. Conunitee c h a i r m e n for the soror- A r r a n g e m e n t s and Decorations, repretation by Patricia Gengo '60 ol Damon Runyon's Hutch Minds t h e ity a r e all J u n i o r s ; they include spectively. Elaine Zipper was pledged to the P.aby, coached by Eleanor Caton '59. Rita Demers, A r r a n g e m e n t s ; Elizabeth Acelo and Grace Nesbilt, Dec- -ororily, according to Susan Goldorations; Norma Feibke and J a n e farb '59. President. Ail'led Attraction Nero, Favors: Rosalie Walsh and Sigma Alpha Ann Lessler and Miriam S a n d e r - Gilcla Sesti, E n t e r t a i n m e n t . R u t h Trimble '5!) is C h a i r m a n ol son, Seniors, of the I n t e r p r e t a t i o n G a m m a Kap will have a coffee Sigma Alpha's formal dinner, "Oriof D r a m a Class will present a scene Plans are now being formulated hour with Varsitv Club Monday al ental G a r d e n s " , in charge of EnterWednesday evening in Brubacher from The I m p o r t a n c e of Being 8:45 p u i t a i n m e n t will be Doiinalee Ander- Hall twelve students were initiated for a series ol Christinas parties for Earnest. Phi Delta son anil Eii/.aljeth Browne. Juniors, into Sigiium I.audis, the S t a t e Colover two h u n d r e d underprivileged This will be the last program of Marian Silverstein and Donna and Marlene Ferner ':")9. Decorations lege Honorary Scholastic F r a t e r n i t y , children from the Albany area dur- the semester to be presented by the Harris, Junoirs. are Co-Cliairmen will be handled by Sandra Zitko and announces Robert Wiggings '59, ing the coining week. Speech jii2 Class, however, the of "Fin Delta Winter Carnival"; Mildred Bi yd, Juniors, and Sopho- President and S i g n u m Laudis more advanced class will give mi- Juniors, J a n i c e Chun, S h i r l e y mores, Frances Willi!' and Mildred Scholar. Group House Participation ni her program. Clarke, Frances Jadick and J e a n Vojtek. Those initiated were Susan CarMadison and Lake Houses will michael, Lillian Catlorini, Dorothy e n i e r i a i n eighteen children between Davis, Barbara Hilinian, A. MarHie ages ol lour and seven, from gin el Howard, an.l Gloria Meyer. the Albany Home for Children. Roland Minch, J a m e s Powers, Pal I ridge House v. ill Journey Lo Ralph Spanswick, Eva Sowalsky, St. Margaret's Home to e n i e r i a i n William Turnbull, and N o r m a n W a t ten children. crbury were also admitted to t h e Hrubarher Party LIGHT INTO THAT LIVE MODERN FLAVOR! This event will be sponsored jointly by Hillel and F o r u m Board of Folitlcs. Waiting exueclanlly for formal dinners a n d t h r last big rush are tilt) presidents of State's eight sororities. They a r c : back row, left to right, Sally Weuks, Phi Delta; .lane Cass, Psi G a m m a ; Irene, Sigma Alpha; ( orlnno Marro, Vice-President of Kappa l>eita; front row, left to right, J u a n Anderson, G a m m a Kappa P h i ; Carol Stanton, Chi Slgrma T h e t a ; Susan Goldfard, Sigma Phi Sigma; and Teresa Vitale, Beta Zeta. T h e ullicers of Mu Lambda Alpha for 195-59 a r e the loll..wing Seniors: IV,iss W e i u n e r , President; Gisele Boulals, V i c e - P r e s i d e n e t ; Lillian Cattoriin, Secretary; B a r b a r a Thiele, Treasurer, Seniors; and F r a n k C a r j'ino, Fuculty Advisor.