Ped Political Party Discloses CabinetDiscussesHandbook, Editors Recommendations

Ped Political CabinetDiscussesHandbook,
Party DisclosesEditors Recommendations
Purposes, Status
"But, I a m m u c h bigger t h a n you," out of t h e election picture,
cried t h e e l e p h a n t , as h i s massive E l e p h a n t Convalescent H o m e
An excellent recommendation c o n - these signs h a v e been the notices
shadow fell over t h e frame of t h e
Only in New York S t a t e could t h e
cerning Prosh Handbok publication of Religious Clubs.
tiny donkey. T h e donkey, with a Republicans find some comfort in
A new group of s t u d e n t s concern- was read a t t h e Cabinet m e e t i n g C u l t u r e
confident gleam in his eye, quickly their m o m e n t of agony. I n t h e
D&A Council, in addition to b r i n g r e t a l i a t e d : "I don't care how big you battle between millionaires, Nelson ed with politics on t h e c a m p u s h a s last Friday. Its most i m p o r t a n t
point states t h a t t h e Handbook staff ing " a r t " back into its activities, h a s
are, t h e people have spoken. You A. Rockefeller swamped Governor recently been formed
Originally known as t h e Political should be composed of both S o p h - been considering doing several exhave been exiled. Get out of m y H a r r i m a n by some half-million votes
l a n d ! " T e a r s welled up in t h e ele- in one of t h e nation's h o t t e s t g u b - Conference, t h e official n a m e of t h e omores and J u n i o r s and t h a t t h e p e r i m e n t a l t h r e e - a c t plays called
"Eleven-Day Wonders." These plays
p h a n t ' s eyes; slowly h e turned ernatorial elections. T h e G O P also group is now Ped Political P a r t y , editor should be a Junior.
a r e worked on intensely for eleven
around, and headed up t h e trail for retained, in its usual m a n n e r , both I t consists of some s t u d e n t s who
Therefore t h e Sophomores of one d a y s a n d a r e t h e n presented in
New York S t a t e . As t h e p a c h y d e r m houses of t h e S t a t e Legislature, a n d a r e currently in politics as well as
lumbered along, h e was h e a r d to sent K e m i e t h K e a t i n g of Rochester those who are not, and meets in year would have sufficient e n o u g h w h a t e v e r stages of readiness they
mutter, " J u s t wait, I'll come back, to t h e United S t a t e s S e n a t e to r e - B r u b a c h e r Hall every T h u r s d a y experience to r u n t h e publication m a y be.
of t h e next year's Handbook w i t h I'll get even. J u s t wait."
place Irving M. Ives. I n short, as n i g h t a t 7:30 p.m.
Music Council is in the process of
G O P ( G r a n d Ousted Party)
New York S t a t e went, so t h e rest of
These meetings a r e open to any out m u c h difficulty.
p l a n n i n g a series of "poetry a n d
one interested in the groups activiAnd t h u s it was in t h e elections the n a t i o n d i d n ' t !
jazz" for S u n d a y Listening Hours,
ties, a n d anyone can become a m e m - Posters Disappear
held t h r o u g h o u t t h e nation earlier go's Triple T h r e a t
Campus Commission seems to be a n d h a s also been t h i n k i n g about
this week. F r o m Atlantic to Pacific,
Even before all t h e tabulations ber.
over-anxious in t h e performance of staging a ' S t a t e College Musicale."
the stubborn Democrat donkey r e a r - w e r e in this past Tuesday night, F u t u r e P l a n s
T h e plans of Ped Political Party its duties lately. Posters are being
ed u p his h i n d legs a n d booted t h e politicos and news commentators
Mysterious Declinations
bigger, heavier e l e p h a n t out of office. w e r e
discussing t h e presidential for t h e future include having a removed from t h e walls of the p e r i I n t r i g u e crept into our usually u n To p u t it mildly, 1958 as a n election election of 1960.
V i c e - P r e s i d e n t Nominating Convention to set up styles even before the activities interested c a m p u s when nominees
year will go down in history as an N l x o n , w n o p r i o T t o Tuesday's°elec a slate of candidates for the S t u - which they are advertising a r e fully for S e n a t e replacement elections
overwhelming victory for t h e Demo tion appeared to be the f r o n t - r u n - d e n t Association elections in Febru- organized. We hope it is merely a
were declined without their knowlc r a t Party.
ner for the G O P nomination in '60, ary. T h e p a r t y wil also endorse co-incidence t h a t the majority of edge. W a s it these same jokers who
T h e Democrats this past Tuesday will now have to contend with Nel- candidates from each of t h e three
crossed the n a m e s off t h e S e n a t e
routed the G O P from t h e United son Rockefeller for the nomination. classes which will be electing.
n o m i n a t i o n s t h a t also u s e d t h e
S t a t e s Senate, the House of R e p r e T h e Question of Kennedy
C a m p u s Queen n o m i n a t i o n s to fursentatives, a n d in m a n y states, g r a b T h e Ped Political P a r t y lists sevt h e r their sadistic tendencies?
T h e Democrat victory also posas eral purposes including:
bed off governorships and legislative
bodies t h a t previously h a d been a problem for t h a t party in 1960.
1. T o act as a check on t h e govP e r h a p s a locked box or a glassWho will t h e nominee for t h e presi- e r n i n g body by advocating new
"safe" Republican outposts
enclosed case would remedy t h e
Some say t h e Democrat victory £
J? \
Youthful S e n a t o r J o h n p o l i c i e s a n d r a i s l n g n e w i SSU es
problem of the mysterious declinamay be attributed to the disappoint iKn e nh inse d y rolled up a fantastic vote
2. To act as a point of coalescence
Marshall Sternberg '60, Vice-Pres- tions, but what can be done about
m e n t oY"the"eTec"torate "in P r e s i d e n t
Massachusetts campaign for around which s t u d e n t interest can
ident of Sayles Hall, reports t h a t t h e uncontrollable list of farcical
Eisenhower. Ike is still admired as r e - e l e c t l o n to t h e Senate.
be safeguarded from the pressures
a gentleman and a personality, b u t
Much has been said a n d written created "by private groups in their the a n n u a l Sayles Hall Date P a r t y
m a n y in t h e land now seriously o f this popular- Democrat, primarily effort to influence s t u d e n t govern- will be held tonight from 8 p.m. to
doubt his capabilities as an a d m i n i s - because he is a R o m a n Catholic ment.
12:30 a.m. Hours for
trator. O t h e r s a t t r i b u t e t h e s m a s h - w h o i s v e r v m u c h in t h e r u n n i n g
T h e Constitution of the Ped Poll- women will be extended until 1 a.m.
for t n e
ing defeat of the Republicans to
Democrat presidential n o m - tical P a r t y is now in t h e process
Music for t h e evening will be p r o foreign policy and the actions of ination. His chances for success a t 0 f being recognized by the S t u d e n t
tne next
vided by Richard Carroll. T h e comJ o h n Foster Dulles, unemployment,
P a r t y convention have been S e n a t e ,
and business recession.
' enhanced by t h e defeat of Governor
Officers will consist of c h a i r m a n , • nittee c h a i r m e n include: Gerald
T h e r e were no issues in' the c a m - H a r r i m a n , which practically elim vice-chairman, secretary, and t r e a s - Biggs '59, Favors: Charles S t o u g h Next T h u r s d a y four m e m b e r s of
ton, Party C h a i r m a n : J o h n Sullipaign, other t h a n t h e controversial hiates him from any i m p o r t a n t posi urer.
van, C l e a n - u p ; Benjamin Willard, t h e S t a t e College News staff a n d
Right to Work a m e n d m e n t s pro- tion on the national political scene G r o u p S t a t u s
posed in some states. Generally, i n the future.
Until now t h e group h a s been Decorations; Sophomores; and L a w - t h r e e from t h e Pedagogue will leave
to a t t e n d a press conference.
outside of local issues, both parties
T h e men to watch a r e Nixon, .functioning
, unofficially as Political rence Dubinet '62, Refreshments.
did an outstanding job of erasing Rockefeller, and Kennedy, for as it Conference, and it was u n d e r t h a t
T h i s is the Associated Collegiate
C h a p e r o n e s are Neil Brown, Miss
issues out of existence. Such touchy now stands, any one of t h e t h r e e n a m e t h a t it brought t h e case bePress Conference to be held a t t h e
subjects as the segregation problem could very likely be President come fore M y s k a n i a considering t h e con- Eieanor Smalley and Robert M u n C o n r a d Hilton Hotel in Chicago,
sey, Housing Officer.
in t h e South were left completely 1960.
stitutionality of t h e election bill.
Illinois. It is designed to help both
newspaper and yearbook staffs of
college level publications.
Sayles Slates
Date Party
ACP Delegates
Leave Thursday
Today a t 1 p.m. in Page Hall,
Dr. Preston K. M u n t n e r of t h e
H a r v a r d University Health Services wil speak to the I n t r o d u c tion to College group on " T h e
M e n t a l Health of College S t u dents." Dr. M u n t n e r h a s h a d
extensive experience in this field.
Faculty a n d upperclassmen a r c
invited to a t t e n d .
C o m e r ONTARIO and BENSON
DIAL 4-1125
College Florist for Years
T h e delegates, who will leave a t
12:30 p.m., include from the News
M a r y Fitzpatrick '59 a n d J a n e G r a h a m , M a r t h a Lesick a n d Elizabeth
Spencer, Juniors.
Representing the Pedagogue will
be Delores Russell and R. J. B a n field, Seniors, and Teresa Kerwin 'tiO.
Weekend Conference
T h e Conference will encompass
the weekend and will t e r m i n a t e
S u n d a y . It will include sessions on
all p h a s e s of production and concern
itself with the problems of publication staffs.
Felicia's Beauty Shop
53-A No. Lake Ave.
(Near W a s h i n g t o n Ave.)
"JIMMY"—Hah- Stylist
Telephone 3-9749
Western Ave.
State College News
We A i m T o P l e a s e
Albany, N. Y.
Always Available
Fraternity Jewelry
Badges, Steins, Rings
Jewelry, Gifts, Favors
Stationery, Programs
Club Pins, Keys
Medals, Trophies
come to the
171 Marshall Street
Syracuse 10, New York
OR 6-7837
Carl Sorenson, Mgr.
XL.II/ NO. 2 5
Annual Campus Chest Campaign Concludes Tonight;
Contributions Benefit Community, Foreign Universities
SUB Sponsors Annual Dance; State Offers
Fashion Show To Headline
To Crown Soccer Sweetheart Aid For College Outfits From Local Stores
"The World is Our Campus," this year's slogan for
annual Campus Chest Drive, signifies a world wide
goal—education for all. Each dollar obtained from faculty
Tomorrow night amidst falling
leaves, soft lights and fine dancing
music. New York City, with all the
splendor of its skyscrapers and c a n dlelit cafes, will come to life in Brubacher dining room. T h e reason lor
this atmosphere is simply S t u d e n t
Union Board's a n n u a l soccer dance,
"Autumn In New York."
contribution to the spirit of
players and her promotion of
Most Valuable Player Award
Other attractions of the evening
will be the presentation of t h e Most
Valuable Player Award and the a n n o u n c e m e n t of the new C o - C a p tains for the 1959 season. Last year's
Crowning Of The Soccer Sweetheart most valuable player was Carl MaxAs in previous years, the hign- oii. At this time also, Varsity Letter
light of the evening will be the Men will be announced.
crowning of the Soccer Sweetheart Master Of Ceremonies
by last year's queen Sally H a r t e r '.OK.
K e n n e t h Kadet. '59, lor the t h u d
T h e Soccer Sweetheart will be chosen by the team on the basis of her straight year will act as Master il
Ceremonies oi the program planned
lor the event.
Dance Bids
For Formal
The S t a t e Education D e p a r t m e n t
of the University of the Stale of
New York announces t h a t graduate fellowships are being m a d e
available on a competitive basis lo
residents oi New York State who
will start g r a d u a t e study in Februan .
' l h e c l a p i r u n •s l o r t h e f o r m a l
a r e : F r a n k ( a l a j r i a , As.MHia c 1 1 0 l e s s o r of Psy< •hoi i.;y, a n d Mr.' C'l l a S p e c t o r , A sist inl
SI e r m a n
P r o l e s s o i of i loci il . S t u d i e s , a n d M r s
S p e c l o r ; E d w a r d C o w l e y . Assist mi
Profi s oi' of Ail a n d M r s C '(IV. '">".
a n d K u l p h K • n n e y , P r o f e s s o r ol •:dIleal ion. Hid Mr> K e n n e y
Dorm Plans
Open House
The Inst ()pen House ol the New
He iden.-e Hall on Western Avenue
will lake place Sunday Iron) 3 to 5
p i n Members ol the faculty and
statesmen a r e im Med, and In lit refreshments will be si'i i'ed
Hostesses Sunday will be Patricia
'all, Donna Colby, Nancy
Kilds, and Linda Purdy Juniors
Sophomores include Carol T h o m e ,
Julie Hteiner. I ois Ague, Caiuie
K w i r i t . Barbara Gladysiewiez, Harriet Suiclille and Prances Orgauisciak J a n e Havens, Carol Ilogan and
Susan McFurlane, freshmen, will
also preside as well as all lhe dormitory olllcers.
Speech Class
Offers Readings
Tuesday night a t li p.m. the third
evening of Oral Interpretation will
lie presented m Draper 349. slates
Ague.-, I',' Fulterer, Associate Prolessor ol English.
Reading lor the evening will be
.1 o a n II e MeCalfrey, > oached In
Ralph Wehsrlmann, doing Unrolli\
Par'-.i'i s "Just a Little (>ne " "I he
Prairie" In Waller J Mllllcnliui :
will be read bj Vela Jul m a u n , and
ciiat bed by Eva Mary Sowalsli.\
M a n Ann Nottw '.ham, coached
by .Shell,i Merger, will interpret "A
Work li inn Frances " an cxccrpl
I ton i John ( l u m b e r ' s nook Death lie
Not Proud, winch was conlribuled b\
his wile An excerpt liom The l,ivc,,
and Times of An h.v and Mchltaliel
by Don Marquis, will lie read by Susan I'lil'cell who was coached by
Judy ( ' a h in
Sylvia Slcinhufl, coached by Ann
I essler. will interpret Anion Chekhov's "I he Lament " The readers
are all Juniors from the Speech 162
class, and lhe coaches are Seniors.
Murder in the Cathedral
T h e lasl leading lor the evening
will be Jack Burton's interpretation
ol a si lection from Murder in the
( a t h e d r a l by T S Eliot.
members and students will be used to aid students in the
United States and other parts of the world to secure an
State College gives forty per cent of its receipts to the
World University Service, an organization which has helped students in India, Germany, and many others. The
National Scholarsnip and Service Fund for Negro Students
receives twenty per cent of our receipts, while The University of Athens and the local Community Chest each
receive an additional twenty per cent respectively.
These fellowships will entitle the
recipient to from $530 to $2,500 a
year depending on the financi il
ability of the recipient and his
A Fashion Show tonight a t 8:3u
p.m. in Page Hall Auditorium will
In order to compete lor a fellow- highlight the Campus Chest Drive.
ship, candidates must be or have Tickets a r e on sale in Lower Draper
been lor one year prior to the date for 50 cents, and may be obtained at
of the award a legal resident of the door as well.
New York State. T h e candidate must T h r e e Door Prices
A sport outfit and a dress along
also have been a full-time student
at an accredited higher institution with accessories for the women and
during the 1957-58 college year or a sport jacket and slacks for the
the fall semester of the 1958-59 col- men, as pictured below, will be
lege year. S t u d e n t s who will receive door prize . ' l h e ticket must be prea degree a t the end of the 1958-59 sent in order to win a dour prize.
Marion Sciortino '59, n a r r a t o r of
fall semester are also eligible.
the Fashion Show, will describe the
outfits which include sport clothes,
Terms And Conditions
i usual school wear, dating attire,
C a n d i d a t e s must achieve a score and a formal evening gown.
on the Miller Analogies Test high
T h e women's oufits have been doenough to be placed in the competi- nated
tion before they may apply for fel- women's apparel store; the men's
lowships. They must also hold a wear by Nock's Men's Shcp of Albaccalaureate degree, and intend to bany.
enter a college teaching career.
Model i
Fifteen S t a t e College co-eds and
A student may not hold a Regent five men will model lhe out!
College Teaching Fellowship and Models from the Senior class are
hold any national grant or award Mary Anne Barczewski, Lynn Beat the same time. He may, however, craft, Lillian Kimmel, Corinne Marreceive additional financial assist- ro, and Sharon Moore; from the
ance from the university or other Junior l a c s , Irene Domenico.
local source.
Sophomore models are S u s a n
Berne, Deanna Diamond, J o a n HeyWhere To Apply
wood. Eileen M a m m c t t , Earline MerRitterbusch,
in uit, Margaret
D i a p e r 105. Forms must be returned Skocylas, Judy Sterner, and Deborah Traver.
to the D e p a r t m e n t today
Hours For T h e Dance
T h e affair will be held from 9 to
12 p.m., announce Dolores S h i m a n d l e
'58, and J a y Hurlburt '61, Co-Chairmcii of the event. "Smooth sound.; '
will be provided by Jack D r u m mond and his band. It is comprised
of five nieces and is new in the Albany area. It was chosen because of
T h i s year's Winterlude will be held the high quality of dance music
a t the Van Curler Hotel in Schen- which it has always provided.
ectady next Friday from 10 a.m. to
2 p.m. T h e theme. Mood Indigo, will Admission
Admission will be by S t u d e n t Tax
be danced to the sound of Lennie
Ricardi's band. T h e hotel is easily Cards only. Favors will be given to
accessible: s t r a i g h t out of Central those girls in a t t e n d a n c e .
Avenue into Schenectady.
Winterlude. an annual
T h e following committees have
dance sponsored by both the I n t e r - been selected for the d a n c e : Chui. - F r a t e r n i t y and Inter-Sorority Coun- mim of A r r a n g e m e n t s and Band,
cils, is the only event on the college Robert Harris '61; Decorations, J u d calendar signifying the cooperative ith Pearlstone and Shirley Stewart,
efforts of all social groups on c a m p - J u n i o r s ; Publicity, Marcia Ronspees
and Eleanor Silverstein,
Sophomores; Programs, Barbara K a n e t
J a m e s Catone, freshmen; and C h a p T h e bids are $3.00 per couple and erones, Janice G r a h a m '60.
they will be sold next week in Lower
Draper from H a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Chaperones
Chaperones for the dance are the
Tickets may be purchased a t t h e
following: Robert Luippold, Assistdoor from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
T h e c h a i r m a n s h i p will be shared a n t Professor of Mathematics, and
equally between Henry Boehnmg Mrs. Luippold, and Albert Finklestein, Professor of Mathematics, and
and Teresa Vitali, Seniors.
Mrs. Finklestein.
S t u d e n t Union Board also a n T h e following are .slated for the nounces t h a t it will close lhe Lowvarious committees: Sigma Lambda er Lounge and or lhe G a m e Room
Sigma and Sigma Phi Sigma, P u b - il they are found to be in such a
licity; Phi Delta and Edward Eldred condition which violates excessively
Potter Club, Advertisement; Beta the rules concerning these rooms.
Zelii and Chi Sigma T h e t a , Arr a n g e m e n t s ; Kappa Helta and Sigma Alpha. Chaoerinii s; Alpha Pi
L o m a Wilson, si I u a r I
Alpha and Psi (lamina, P r o g r a m s ;
Nock and Ann Fleming
G a m m a Kappa Phi and Kappti
model the outfits lo be
Be.a, Band.
given as door prizes at
tonight's fashion show.
Phone 6-3U10
53 N. L a k e A v e .
N e a r W a s h i n g t o n Ave,
Gerald Drug Co.
l h e first is a periwinkle
blue sheath dress; jewelry
and shoes are included in
the prize.
Nock wears a thirty-five
dollar coat as part of his
ivy-league outfit.
Miss Fleming wears an
iiiiiiigc, red, and black plaid
two-piece dress, with black
jersey sleeves.
These three people represent (lie forty-five models
who will siiow eliithes from
David's and .Stuart Nock's
The models were chosen
li.v Nancy McGowan ami
Catherine Antonueci, CoC h a i r in e u of Campus
Chest's drive to gain money
for the local Community
Chest and several foreign
Wendell Fowler. G r a d u a t e student, S t u a r t
Hoover and Michael Meader. Juniors,
will model the men's outfits.
Chinese Auctions
Chinese Auctions, held throughout
this week, will end today in the
Cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Waiters, waitresses, surprise packages, Co-op merchandise as well as
Prom bids, Winterlude
tickets, and Fashiun Show tickets
have been auctioned off to the h i g h est bidder.
C o - c h a i r m e n of t h e entire C a m p us Chest Drive are Catherine Antonucci and Nancy McGowan, J u n iors. O t h e r committee chairmen include Barbara Gladysiewicz and
J o h n Sullivan, Sophomores, Solicitations; Ann Foley '60, Faculty Contributions; David Mead 'CO and
J a m e s Kelley '61, Chinese Auction;
J u n e Alexander '60, Auction m a t erial; and M a r t h a Lesick, Rhoda
Levin, and Miriam Ptalis, Juniors,
Boosters, sold by members of the
S t u d e n t Senate, are still available
in Lower Draper. Boosters are twenty-five cents.
' l b ' S t a t e College Co-op and the
1 acuity have made generous donations to make the drive MI 'ce.ssful.
Buy A Bid
Next Friday will mark another rFC-ISC Winterlude.
AH graduate students and
This event is the only cooperative effort of the eight sor- Seniors
who are majoring in
orities and four fraternities on campus. Unfortunately, Business Education are requestthe cooperative spirit which organized the dance is now ed to sign up in Placement Office with Clinton J. Roberts, Dilacking when general support of the affair is needed.
There have generally been two reasons used by the rector of the Placement Bureau.
will be conducted
less social members of our social groups as to why they forInterviews
Business Education majors
cannot attend the formal. The first is, of course, money. next Tuesday, Wednesday and
Since the bids are a mere $3.00 this year, we hardy think Thursday. Regardless of future
it is necessary t h a t regisit is going to mean that these individuals will have to be plans,
tration be completed
in debt for the rest of their college careers if they go.
inThe second reason, however, is a bit more incon- cludes being interviewed.
ceivable in our minds. Winterlude, as you know, will not
have a name band this year. One of the aims of this year's
formal is that it be a financial success, so that perhaps
next year's Winterlude will have a big name to publicize.
The people who use this reason as an excuse for not attendBy O e b h a r d t and Barbagelata
ing are defeating their own purpose.
How can you ever expect to have a name band when Well gang we made it. This is
the main reason that we can't have one this year is be- the second straight week t h a t our
column is going to be printed and
cause that past Winterludes have not made enough money don't
worry fans we are going for
to pay for one? This condition will continue until there is the record, five weeks straight.
Question of the week: Will v.e
a financially successful IFC-ISC formal.
Tickets go on sale this Monday. Break down and buy do it?
one. After all—"What's in a name?"
Sign Up At Bulletin Board
Students who wish to use the
room for consultation with a n y a d viser may do so by signing for one
of the rooms In advance. Sign-tips
are to be posted on the bulletin
board which is in the outer office
of the set of rooms.
"Some Chinese Auction this year, e h ? "
Qamntan - Statei
Pictured above is the faculty parking lot which faces Washington
Avenue and Robin St. T h e gentlemen s t a n d i n g behind the white t a r
t h a t is blocking the sidewalk is the a t t e n d a n t hired by the school to
insure proper and efficient narking of faculty vehicles. We wonder how
the people who have to walk on the street due to the law of space
occupancy feel about his capabilities and our considerate faculty members,
For Religious Advising
Those who wish to confer with
their religious advisers, should consult the schedules on the bulletin
board. T h e times when these m e n
are available will be posted there.
T h e student should then either telcphone for an a p p o i n t m e n t or leave
a note in the drop box on the desk.
T h e r e will be cards and envelopes
provided for t h a t purpose.
Tonight at 8 p.m. there will be
a Student
S a b b a t h service
Temple Beth E m e t h for all students from all colleges in the capital district, according to Toby
Geduld '61, president of Hillel. A
social gathering will follow the service.
Kirk Douglas stars in a showing
of "The Juggles" a t Temple Ohav
Sholcm S u n d a y a t 7 p.m. Admission will be 25c.
Next T h u r s d a y
at 7:30 p.m.
Rabbi Rubinger will give the first
in a series of four lectures on groat
reli-'lous masterpieces. All lectures
will be followed by discussion periods.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
D. A. B e r b a n a n , M.D. scientist
at the S t e r l i n g - W i n t h r o p Research
Institute and Professor of Medicine
a t Albany Medical College, will bo
guest speaker at the Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship meeting next
T h u r s d a y . 7 p.m . in Brubacher Ha.l.
announces S a n d r a Kailbourne -61,
Publicity Director.
In 1956, members of the Student Association voted to
purchase a college campsite sixty miles north of Albany,
near Warrensburg, New York. We are now the legal owners ground music playing -The Marines
•- • the Gem of
of Camp D i p p i k i l l - t h e name it has unofficially
been ^" ^ ," ,"O a Columbia
n d t n e .. star S p a n g l e ,
I.F.G. and C.C. <Campus Chest) were at odds over whose show won!
be seen Friday in Pa:>e Hall. Since the "Glenn Miller Story" is nut
avaricious as a benevolent fashion show, I.F.G. graciously bowed to tin
Banner," all at the same time. Oh, philanthropists. Worthwhile though this cause may be, we were arous' <
by the avidity with which these well-meaning pepole pounced up. i
passers-by for contributions. Don't get us wrong; we too are eager '••
reach the North Pole goal, but we're quieter.
Since that time, a Camp Board composed of students
and faculty members has been created to plan, publicize,
and promote the campsite. Some work has been done at T h N a k e d E a r t h W e wll b n 0
Dippikill, chiefly the renovation of an old farm house m e a n s endorse any type of enterwhich came with the property. Since its purchase, a very tianment that has a title of this
small percentage of students has made the trip up north Jj'pe- W e f "\even know if this
Our s t u d e n t teachers are back from the Field, filled with expenenn
enthusiasm, and tales calculated to e n t h r a l l any captive audience. "Oh
r , ,.
i n c o 4-v,
„„4-~,. w,^i^,.i4-,, „r O A title will get by the editor. I t s dls- let me tell you about . . . ," " J u s t last week, my . . . ," "Although nn
to inspect the site. Since 1956, the greater majority of SA g u s t l n g i Nmful ' a n d w o r s t of a „ v e r v cooperating teacher wasn't much, I . . . ." with these and other in
phrases, the Experienced launch into Dewev-ish accounts u!
has been content to limit its knowledge of the camp to misleading. In other words a dirty troductory
their trials and triumphs. T h a t ' s O.K., gang, we're glad to have ym,
with Africa" type. Don't back, happier for the experience.
a scattering of pictures in the News and Pedagogue, and lie. A "filmed
Co-feature is Showdown at Boot
to a verbal description from the few who have seen the bother
they want us to write a N A T U R E S OWN NEMESIS
Dippikill site.
serious movie review. Are they seriReasonably sure t h a t t h e Frosh h a v e n ' t heard much about our col
And again this year the story appears to be repeating ous?
lege camp, we welcome this opportunity to publicize thai wondeiiu.
itself. Few people seem to have any interest whatsoever
institution. Dippikill, our cam]), owes its existence to two clever beaver,
in Dippikill. The College Camp Board has done little to LELAND
I t l T h e Terror from Outer Space— who decided to have revenge upon this s t a t e by building a small dan,
publicize the site, and plans for its future either are not A bloodthirsty Martian monster This d a m collected water, the water collected slime and crawling thin •:
being divulged, or no such plans exist today, almost three comes to earth In search of h u m a n attention, slime and crawling things want biological study, and ever
flesh and eats his fill until he runs college has its camp. Combining these factors, this college has its camp
years after the purchase.
of governn nt inspected G r a d e We s t u d e n t s have a virgin tract of scrub oak .some two hours' tra-.ei
There are those who advocate the sale of the camp out
away into the Northwoods, and we really mean away! Now, nothin
A people.
site. We are not yet among the group. But, we are to be Curse of the Faceless M a n — T h e much has been done this year to improve upon Nature at the camp
counted among that group who insist that the college camp story of a faceless man and his nothing has been heard from a once-active C a m p Hoard about In.v
wonderfully well work has been progressing P e r h a p s the work hasn '
be planned, publicized and promoted. Rumors have been quest for a h u m a n bride. He finally been
progressing; p e r h a p s Camp Board just quietly graduated :mi.
circulating that some in this college would like to float a solves his problem by sending away forgot. Well, this article would like to remember. It would like hi pa'
tor an autographed picture of one homage to those beavers whose foresight m a d e this c a m p possible, am;
loan to immediately build the facilities needed at Dippikill. ol
us, lias a plastic mask made to
would like to stimulate interest toward solving some very kixi'i
We question the wisdom of such a proposition at this point. resemble the picture, marries Brid- itproblems.
Can we move Dippikill closer to Albany? Should 'we nil ..
Would the erection of all the buildings necessary to make get. Bardol. and now appears on the the place lo quietly weather into c h a r m i n g rusticity? Or, should we iu
wait till that scrub oak (.'.rows to marketable size before we ran n;ilr<
our site a camp create the interest that now is practically
some profit from Dippikill? It is our camp, though.
non-existent in the student body? Would it not be wiser MADISON
to first ascertain the degree of interest the student body
has in a camp?
Frankly, we are perplexed. Camp Board has done very
little to foster an interest in Dippikill, particularly among
the freshmen. What are the plans for the camp? When
and if it is built, how shall we use it? What facilities will
we have? In short, today, three years after its purchase,
what are the definite plans for Student Association's White
Elephant in the Adirondacks?
First Place CSPA
.Second Place ACP
November 14, 1958
MeilililT" "I III I' NKW8
HUH l»f riMirlifll TlR'SciUl
mid Tm-Miav mid Wi-ilni'Mlii) inula hum 1 lo II P m >'< -
No. 25
II ' u
Kxti'iiMun II
:i |l 111 ,
K.Upiilrli-k J 0:i:.ll Ittjuiitirrl) 2-MISI U » h H'MllDI
The uiali-rvruiluutii llc'Wn|m|n-l »l llif N> »
Yolk Htalt (JolU-ur lor
I i-m IIIM ....
puWlilliMl (.'Wiry H'rliluy (>l I lie ('ullcli- vein lis llii" NICWH Hon i (I lor lliu Blucluiil
Kdltlil In< lllet
i A U D I . Al.'f'IC
JAMKH Mi 111(111
l l b i f l 111
The lUg Country One ol the be it
westerns to make the scene this
j e a r . The cast is a real winner and
the movie is worth your while It
is very unfortunate when anyone
has to recommend a western as ihe
best movie ol the week The problem lies in the fact that we keep
forgetting we're in Albany. T h a t ' s
all for now gang, hope lo see you
next week?
Jin-im .1 AdvurlUiiiK
. .
Ml 11 or
(lltA(;fc fc.NCifcl.S .
(:|r<uliill»ri Kxclruitgti fcdllor
PHOTOflftAFIlY ' ~
HHU Culle/re rirolo HrrvliiK
All eamuiUAlcftlloiu should hu aoataumii lo Die edluir und muat bo olgned Names
will be withheld «'" request T i n STATU OOIJ-iBOB NtSWH >MIUIIM no ruiiMjiielbllU.y
(or opinion* t'X|irwi»e(l In It* column* or ooinrnunlcrmonn. an snch exirnuwloiui do not
iK,((.v,anly relied IU views
English: MUSICAL C O M E D Y
Thinklish translation: Kudos to the
new hit Smoklcihoma! Plot: boy meets
cigarette, boy likes cigarette. Lucky
Strike was convincing as the cigarette, displaying honest good taste
from beginning to end. The end?
We'll tell you this much: it's glowing.
*»•"" * — — G E W A S H 1 N G ; 0 N r E R C 0 A T
A foreign tigre to Slate College came, and. alter roarinu too sporadn
ally, slunk away. We think that the tiger was overfed; hul far wm •
we feel that it was out ol its element. It is unrewarding, indeed. !
find that the more popular productions are inn nl'ten those re-worku
musicals that say nothing so prettily
or COURSE voi
Fraternity n\shing is now olllciall.\ n p e n i d ; Monday night's Hiimkei
upheld the smutty tiadition ol past smokeis, providing new joke loi
Hie rushees as well as for Ihe careful listeners upstairs. The be I |>.Ri
tellers do not constitute the besl Iraternify brothers; some ol the HH . '
girls we know tell great jokes. But, you Frosh, it, is now open .IMS-I,
the house cullers will be depleted iinpressing you, the members v. ill
put on their most cll'usive m a n n e r s ; liquids will undoubtedlv How apan
Pick and choose, we caution, u e r b and evaluate, you'll be Willi I hem l"i
lour years. The Greeks are pretty good guvs, though, so Good lank
To the Editor:
Last Friday's Cabinet report said Question ol the week?
t h a t Campus Commission was reWhere's Ihe University of Athens, anyway?
moval", posters I nun the .vall.s ol the
peristyles even before the activities
which they arc adverlisur are fulls
organized Thus reporl was erroneous.
Cabinet members said thai they
bad received complaints that posters
were beiiii.' removed b\ persons other FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II
t h a n those on ('umpllH ( oinmishlon
., tonight (aiict'lled.
Caiii|ius Coinmsision is lookin;: into "'"HI p in "< Helm Miller ,Story"; Showing
»•'10 pin. Sigma Lambda Sigma Dale Par'ty
the situation
11 :il)
l»'" Campus Chesl Fasluon Show al Page Hall
John Vager 7>H,
Student Assui iutloii President. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15
:i (ll)
l> in Kiippii Delta Rush Parly
!) no P in Soccer Dunce, St
AD Opens
J0f / W P
n„„klish FANGORA
K O U N I V l Ol I
KANSAS S l A l t
JIIMI put two words Lordlier In form a new
niie. Tliinklish is so easy you'll think ol
dozens of new words in seconds! We'll pay
$:;,ri each for I be h u n d r e d s ol Thinklish words
indeed l>nnl and we'll feature many ill our
college ads. Send your Thinklish words i with
KIIKIISII I ranslal ionsi lo Lucky Strike, Mux
(>7A, Ml. Vernon, N. Y. Unclose your mime,
address college or uiiivorsil y and class
Get the genuine article
:i 00 p.m. New Residence Dormitory Open House
4:00 p.m. Sigma Lambda Sigma Opt-n House for Sta tesinen
G a m m a Kappa Phi Codec Hour lor Polte r Club.
11:00 p.m. Oral Interpretation Readings, Draper 340.
© .* ; i..
I „
G e t t h e honest taste
AM4LONC, p / r r
Plans for reorganizing the S t u d e n t
Christian Association are well u n derway, according to Ron S h o r t '59,
president, and the Rev. F r a n k Snow,
Campus Minister to P r o t e s t a n t S t u dents.
Prior to this time, the S.C.A. has
been one of several religious o r g a n i zations on campus. Most of Us
members were P r o t e s t a n t s who were
not members of one of these d e nominational groups. I t differed
from these organizations in t h a t it
was not sponsored by a specific
denomination and it met on c a m pus r a t h e r t h a n in a local church.
To Become Ecumenical
It is now hoped t h a t the S.C.A.
will become the ecumenical s t u d e n t
group on the State College campus.
The present denominational groups
land others t h a t may be formedi
will be an integral p a r t of the
S.C.A., so t h a t a s t u d e n t joining a
denominational group will also be
joining the S.C.A.
T h e denominational groups will
meet in their respective churches
three Sunday evenings during the
month. On the fourth Sunday there
will be a united meeting of the
whole S.C.A., including the m e m bers of the four groups which have
nil agreed to participate in the support el the reorganized S.C.A.
Membership in this new S.C.A.
is not limited, however, to members
of these denominational groups.
All students on the S t a t e College
campus, whether previously associated with one of these denominational groups or not, are invited to
become members of the S.C.A.
SCA Cabinet
The S.C.A. cabinet will be composed of representatives appointed
groups in addition
elected by the entire S.C.A. m e m bership. These representatives a r e :
Elizabeth Pfegl '59 and J o h n Conway '60 from Canterbury Club;
Karen O'Neal a n d Mary
Pringle, Sophomores, from Methodist S t u d e n t Fellowship; Mary Lee
Glass '61 and C a t h e r i n e Tartaglia
'60 from Westminster S t u d e n t Fellowship and Linda Matson and
Sylvia Vaughn, Juniors from L u t h eran Student Association;
Present officers of S.C.A. are Ron
Short, President, Dick Esner, VicePresident, and Dorothy Harper, Secretary-Treasurer, all seniors. One
of the first acts of the new cabinet
was the a p p o i n t m e n t of a committee to rewrite the S.C.A. constitution to take account of these
changes in the organizational s t r u c ture.
In addition to this monthly meeting of all the groups, the S.C.A. will
continue to hold meetings on alternate Thursday nights in the form
of study groups. Cabinet meetings
will also be held during
Thursday meeting time.
First Meeting
T h e meeting of the new
united S.C.A. will be held Sunday
evening, November
23. Carolyn
Olivo '59 will be the speaker for
the evening and will n a r r a t e slides
taken on her summer work camp
trip to Alaska. All students are invited to a t t e n d . The location of the
next wei'k's State College News.
College Calendar
8:4fi p.m.
Interview Rooms Hillel Plans Sabbath Service;
1 For Religious IVCF Announces Meeting
Aid Available
David Hartley, Dean of Men, h a s
I announced the procedures to be
used for obtaining use of t h e new
interview rooms in Lower D r a p e r 08.
In Love and War—A touching and
beautiful story of our armed forces,
their loves, joys and sorrows all
rolled up into one sloppy mess of
" . . . I do know of these, t h a t therefore only arc reputed wise loi
blood, guts and lipstick. At the saying nothing." Shakespeare
end we find our heroes marching
off to certain death with the back- M I S A N T H R O P I C P H I L A N T H R O P I S T
Drought At Dippikill...
Product of i/fii\wmvutxm
— dovwase is our middle name
The class in Advanced Dramatics
announces its round of plays
In he given Wednesday and T h u r s da\ al II p in in the Little Theater,
Kiehanlson 2H1.
llic (Ilass Menagerie
'Ihe first of the selections for this
program is scenes taken from T e n nessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie," which is directed by Roseniarie Sepe '.')!), assisted by Brenila
Caswell til in the cast are
Kli/il.eili Gloss ';;!). Carol S t e p h e u s n lil, and Howard Miller '(i2.
A ftiiu'i'iiuju Proposal
The second select inn is a scene
Iron) Chekhov's "A Marriage Proposal" which is directed by Carolyn
Helmsman 'to, assisted by J o a n n e
Gruner 'CI. Those m the cast are
Teresa Boyd '60, Jack Sloan, and
Joseph Hall, freshmen.
The AD plays are open lo all who
wish to attend. T h e r e is no a d m i s sion charged.
• : : • . • • . - . • •
Cinema SidelujJttl
• : ;
14, 1 9 5 8
Senate Approves Yager Appointment;
Acquires Swimming Facilities For Student:
IC Course Under Discussion;
Freshmen Express Opinions
I ill I
S t u d e n t Senate met in record time t h e students and faculty with a s p e - selecting a c o - o r d i n a t o r for tl
Do you get eyestrain watching t h e 6-5000," a n d "Chattenooga
Wednesday evening a t 7:30 p.m. cific s t a t e m e n t t h a t t h e committee S t a t e College Revue. A final dc<
movies from t h e corners of Draper Choo." Louis Armstrong a n d Gene Appointment New Senator
look into three a r e a s : t h e S t u d e n t sion will be m a d e n e x t week,
349? Give your eyes a rest tomor- K r u p a a r e responsible for revitalFirst o n t h e agenda was t h e a p - Faculty Corporation, the Medical after some d u e deliberation. . .
row night! I.F.G. will present T h e izlng this Immortal music in a j a m pointment and approval of a S t u - D e p a r t m e n t , a n d t h e Alumni Assodent Senator from t h e Class of ciation. This bill was referred to t h e It was a n n o u n c e d t h a t Studi
Glenn Miller Story in Page a u d i - session which is a rare treat.
Association h a s acquired facilii;
1961. S h e is Brita Rehrig a n d sure Rules Committee of Senate.
torium tonight a t 7:30 p.m. Not only
Thus, we will soon have legisla- a t t h e C e n t r a l Avenue B a t h Hoi
to do a good job of representing h e r
Biographical Tribute
tion in t h e area of "Services," it of Albany. Swimming will be pi
will there be enough seats to elimclass
" T h e Glenn Miller Story" is a First Reading Bill
seems. T h o u g h t it might be more a p - milted for S t a t e College studei
inate a seond showing, but t h e film biographical tribute to t h e modest,
Charles Fowler '60 then intro- propriate in a n o t h e r branch of gov- on Tuesday a n d Wednesday c\
will be projected on t h e new c i n e - hardworking, ingenious bandleader duced a bill concerning student e r n m e n t , however . . .
nings, beginning a t 7:3(1 p.m. i
mascope screen. Come a n d see t h e w n o s e startling innovations and representation
yes—Tuesday evening for mai>
on t h e S t u d e n t - Co-ordinator State College Kevue
first film guaranteed to prevent eye- m e l l o w trombone led the way to one S t a n d i n g Committee of Senate a s a
Next, Senate nominated and con- only a n d Wednesday evening is ,
of t h e most brilliant musical careers m e a n s of communication between sidered several people in regard to educational.
in t h e last 50 years. His career was
See & Hear Glenn
ended prematurely when he lost his
Very few S t a t e students have h a d life in a n airplane crash during
the opportunity to see a n d h e a r World W a r I I .
Glenn Miller in person. Many of u s
have enjoyed his recordings, how- Who Dun I t ?
ever, and are familiar with their i m Valentine Davies and Oscar Brodpact during t h e thirties a n d early ney, who wrote t h e sccrlpt, have
forties. J a m e s S t e w a r t stars as t h e made what could be a trite success
S " b l i : ! ? " f . i i a ! ? ? 3 - - ? - L ^ h 0 , s ^ ! ' - V ? ! ^ 0 story into anTpne~a"llns"and "heart
win popular acceptance of h i s radi warming scenario. Some liberties
cal style.
have been taken in condensing
J u n e Allyson portrays t h e d e - twenty years of his life into two
voted wife who ;'olns Miller in his hours of film, b u t t h e result is a n
struggle for t h e recognition which honest a n d unforgettable movie,
finally came with such a r r a n g e - Glenn Miller is not represented as a
ments a s : "Moonlight Serenade." genius or s u p e r - h e r o ; melodrama is
"Tuxedo Junction," "Pennsylvania conspicuously a n d gratefully absent.
T h e Introduction to College course
which this year's freshmen class is
required to elect is "designated to
introduce t h e freshman to college, to
acquaint h i m with t h e n a t u r e a n d
purposes of liberal and professional
education, a n d to help him find
meaning i n college and in life," or
so it says i n the 1958-59 Catalogue.
T h e I.C. experiment now h a s to
pass t h e test of usage until its
practicability or possibly ineffectiveness have been proven a n d
measured, And how will its achievement, be guaged? Probably by r e actions in t h e form of grade results
a n a t h e combined weight of the
criticisms of all interested parties.
Intrested parties abound. Members
of t h e faculty a n d upperclassmen
appear sincerely interested in t h e
phases a n d effects of I.C. T h e y ,
also, ask questions of t h e freshmen,
who are, of course, t h e most interested parties concerned.
These a r e some of t h e comments
they h e a r : "I.C. is a waste of time
. . . T h e text for t h e course. On
Becoming A n Educated Person, lias
nothing of value to offer us . . . it
is boring to read . . . it says things
we already know . . . " I am not
.saying t h e r e have been on favorable
comments. O n rare occasions, some
brave soul will offer: ' T h e r e a r e
some good things about I.C. . . . I
A watch is to tell time
but without h a n d s . . .
you miss the whole idea of a w a t c h
A c i g a r e t t e is to s m o k e
Jfoude Jl&udl
Clockwise, brothers of SLS, EEP, KB, a n d APA perforin
T h e Greeks trying to avoid t h e Phi Delta
Christmas rush, a r e planning their
Donna Colby '60 was pledged to
formal dinners early this year. They the sorority Monday announces Salare also holding open houses and ly Weeks '59, President of P h i Delta.
At the faculty buffet, David Sterlplanning rush parties.
ing, Associate Professor of History,
was initiated as a n honorary memK a p p a Delta
Rita Lesko '59, President of K a p pa Delta, announces a planned rush Sigma Alpha
party for freshman women tomorThose pledged to Sigma Alpha
row a t 3 p.m.
Gengo, Maria Testa, Nancy Wagner.
1'si G a m m a
Larae Atwood,
Co-chairmen of formal dinner are Bradt, Louellen Jones, Noreen NooMildred Pasek a n d Eve Gilbert, nan, Beatrice Smith, a n d Patricia
Juniors, announces J a n e Cass '59, Tidgewell, Sophomores.
President of Psi G a m m a .
Irene Pogonowski '59, President of
Sigma Alpha, announces t h e chairChi Sigma T h e t a
men for formal d i n n e r a r e : Charlene
Miller '59, P r o g r a m s ; Donnalee AnTeresa Kerwin '60, Vice-President
derson, E n t e r t a i n m e n t ;
of Chi Sigma T h e t a , states t h e a p Browne, Flowers; Mary Montville.
pointment of Grace Barbieri a n d
Arrangements; P a u l i n e Oathout,
K a t h e r i n e Tartaglia, Juniors, as CoClean-up; Dolores Van Valkenburg,
Chairmen of formal dinner.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ; S a n d r a Zitko.. Decorations, Juniors.
Sigma Phi Sigma
Monday evening t h e brothers of Sigma Lambda Sigma
Alpha Pi Alpha will be t h e guests of
T h e Sigma Lambda Sigma house,
honor a t a coffee hour given by Sig- located at 155 South Lake Avenue,
ma P h i Sigma, announces Susan will be open to State students SunGoldfarb '59, President.
day from 4 to 7 p.m., announces
J o h n Coeca '59. President
G a m m a Kappa Phi
The Open House will feature Zach
G a m m a Kappa Phi will have a Clements a n d his band.
coffee hour with Potter Monday at
There will also be a date par's
8:45 p.m., slates Joan Anderson '•)'•). tonight at 8:110 p.m. for t h e brothPresident
but without f l a v o r - y o u miss
the w h o l e idea of smoking
Albany, N. Y.
this lmtmlu
is new right
to the tougher
cord tires
it rolls on.
"WUdlm lit*
Qati Away . . ."
Hlfe ••••• •
It is with teary eyes a n d
h e a r t s in our throats l h a t we
must say, not good-bye, but au
revoir to four members of the
left us veslerclav for far-away
the car 'kill's
be our guest
for a pleasure
lesl —
Olio look at this '5',) Chevy tells you
here's a ear w i t h a whole new slant
on driving". You .see the traiisl'orniat i n i i in its low-set headlights, t i n '
overhead curve o f i t s windshield,
the sheen of its .Magic M i r r o r finish
ti new acrylic lacquer that tines
nwtij w i i h w a x i n g and polishing
Cornei of Robin
"Your State Insurance Man"
do get something from t h e meetings
we have . . . t h e text isn't so bad; i t
h a s its points . . ." However, i n
most cases, t h e next word t h a t u s ually follows is t h e qualifying conjunction BUT, a n d t h e n again come
those unfavorable comments.
W h a t a r e upperclassmen a n d faculty to conclude?
T h a t there is
perhaps a mutual agreement among
t h e freshmen t h a t n o t h i n g complim e n t a r y should be uttered about
I . C ? Or should they assume t h a t
is a great deal of dissatisfaction
among most members of t h e Class
of '62 concerning t h e aspects of I.C.
as it now stands?
Certainly there a r e m a n y reasons
for dissatisfaction. Last Friday's
general session brought out most of
these. One of the first things to consider is t h e quality of t h e learning
atmosphere in Page Hall. Pilled
almost, to capacity, as it is during
I.C, t h e crowded a n d cramped conditions in Page m a k e it difficult to
sit still for long periods of time,
let. alone take notes and absorb some
knowledge from t h e content of a
speech which is being rapidly d e livered, due to tire short time left
to it, a l t e r t h e vast hoards have finally settled down, a n d t h e introduction of t h e speaker a n d weekly
joke have been given.
We Forget
During group meetings, t h e general sessions a n d text a r e discussed,
but in t h e case of talking about t h e
lecture heard t h e previous week,
many things are forgotten and some
freshmen a r e too weary of t h e tcpic
to discuss t h e points of t h e lecture
Itoom For Improvement
We all agree t h a t there is room for
improvement in I.C. W h a t we disagree on is what should be i m proved and how this should be done.
However, what is important is
t h a t instead of merely talking about
it, an effort is made to correct a n d
improve t h e situation. By J a n u a r y
the Administration will probably
have some changes of its own to
make in I.C. Now is t h e time for
the student body m o t only t h e
freshman classi to exert its influence by letting those in charge of
this course know our opinions and
suggestions for improvements t h a t
occur to us.
tl <••,
75 State Street
Like nil T,9 Chwivn,
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t h a t counts
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you're on I lie mail you'll t l i s t o w r
i n | U . r conl more miles per uallon.
A m i , of course, you Iitit] Safety
Class till around in every
Chevrolet. Slop by y o u r dealer's
anil pleasure test the car that's
>1IU|JIM| to the new A m e r i c a n taste!
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Sllcll hasie l i f l i e l i t S as b i g g e r , l i e t l e r
mm f'lllfll/U
l i u l lo discover all that's fresh
and line you must relax in Chevrol e t ' s r o o m i e r Body li.\ Kislii'i ( u p
cooled brakes that g i w over 5(1',
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U p front in W i n s t o n is
That's why
like a cigarette should!
ie vour local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal-early delivery!
see yo
However, cheer-up, they shall
return! They have left lor t h e
Associated Collegiate Press Convention in Chicago, there to
learn many new a n d fascinating
things, They will, we a r e sure,
soon come back to us with t h e
knowledge to make us better
students, citizens, a n d perhaps
e.en teachers.
The above lias all been a series of terminologicalinexactiludcs, but we were forced by certain parties nameless in t h e future, but heretofore referred to
as t h e parlies of t h e first
through fourth parts respectively.
Nevertheless, it is with great
pleasure that we announce that
they have left, which leaves us
free to go to Hudson by ours'. Ives a n d . . . oh well.
Teacher Training
Interviews Begin
J o h n Deliiny, Director ol Teacher
Placement, State University Teachers College. Oneontu, will be at t h e
College to interview 1959 degree
candidates concerning t h e intensive
teacher training program telementary education) through summer session a t t e n d a n c e Interviews will be
at t h e College Tuesday from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m.
Anyone interested in this program, please sign t h e interview
schedule in t h e P l a c e m e n t Oflke,
Hoom 101
• "r*»,«s,
"Jleti Qo! We Qound
By M I K E
Once ajain, as t h e time far t h e
AMIA Bowling League to resume its
activities draws near, interest a n d
excitement begins to m o u n t . Predictions a n d dire w a r n i n g s , t a u n t s a n d
boast.; a r e a l r e a d y being passed b e tw ;en t e a m s .
To add tc t h e genera! ccmmotion.
certain incredible a n d unau'.hentic a t : d rumors have been heard c o n canin
a Mot of c e r t a i n m e m b e r s
of t'.ie fa u l t v t o i r e a r c y j e . r s e l f i
enter a team in this yecr's lea u s .
If t h i s s h o u l d b y a n y n a n c e p r o v e
to b e t r u e ( w h i c h wo::!.! m e a n t h e
n e i v e of o r r f a c u l t y h a s b e e n m o s t l y
u n d e r e s t i m a t e d i it is h e r e b y a d v i - e d
t h a : such a plan be discarded, n o t
b e c a u s e s u c h a t e a m would be i n eligible b u t because they would o b viously b e in a l e a , l i e " w a y over
t h e i r hru~ls.'
This week's AMIA results bring
T h eother game that added tothe
t h e 1958 f o o t b a l l s l a t e t o a c l o s e , f i n a l o u t c o m e w a s T h u r s d a y , b e Again
Club tween S L S a n d K B . S L S came out
c o p p e d t h e c u p . T h e m e n f r o m S t a t e v i c t o r i o u s fi-0. T h i s g a m e w a s t h e
street demonstrated a n undefeated o n e eliminating
K B a n d setting
season, featuring 4 wins a n d 1 tie, S L S u p for t h e c h a m p i o n s h i p g a m e ,
c a p t u r i n g ' 9 of t h e 10 p o i n t s p o s s i b l e K B D i s p l a y s S p e c t a c u l a r T e a m
in t h e r e g u l a r s e a s o n . T h e g a m e
i n another K B game on Tuesday,
t h a t d e c i d e d t h e f i n a l o u t c o m e w a s A P A w a s d e f e a t e d 7-6. T h i s y e a r K B
; ; - a v e c i S a t u r d a y b e t w e e n P o t t e r a n d s u r p r i s e d e v e r y o n e b y f i e l d i n g o n e of
t h e fine offensive a t - t h e s t r o n g e s t athletic t e a m s in their
S L S Behind
c o n t r i b u t e s t o t h e i r s e a - h i s t o r y . E v i d e n c e of t h i s f a c t i s t h a t
t:u,:; t n n t
t h e Club rolled over t h e m e n from W a s h i n g t o n A v e n u e
L a k e o p p o n e n t s 18-0
t h e i r Sollth
finished only two points behind t h e
l e a g u e l e a d e r s , a n d a h e a d of s u c h
P o t t e r B o a s t s Strong- Line
strong competitors a s APA.
T h e deciding factors in this vieT h e touchdown which won the
tory were t h e s t r o n g P o t t e r line, g a m e for K B w a s a freak. O n
a v a r i e t y of p l a y s e n g i n e e r e d b y a c o n f u s i n g p u n t a t t e m p t a K B d e q u a r t e r b a c k D o n N o l a n , a n d a l e r t j ^ d e r " g r a b b e d ' t h e "ball j u s t o i l t h e
dc.ensive backs. Against t h e almost
o f
t h e
t e r , m d
s c a r n p e r e d
p e r f e c t f u n c t i o n i n g of t h i s c o m b m a - i n t o t n e e n c j Z O n e
t i o n it is n o w o n d e r t h a t S L S w a s
Sayles Wins By Forfeit
T h e o t h e r g a m e this week b e tween Sayles a n d Union Heights d e Leading Scorers:
cided w h o would be i n t h e cellar.
Final Standings:
Top Six Scorers in AMIA League
Although t h e game ended in a n
Bud Baker, S L S
18 p t s .
0-0 tie, i t w a s considered a w i n f o r
Eob Baker, A P A
12 p t s .
S a y l e s by forfeit. T h e r e a s o n for
Lou Call. E E P
12 pus.
this forfeit w a s t h a t Union Heights,
W e n d y Fowler, E E P
12 p i s .
b e c a u s e of i n j u r i e s , w a s f o r c e d t o
Ron Graves, E E P
12 p t s
use a player w h o w a s n ' t in t h e
Pete Spina, S L S
8 pts.
U. H e i g h t s
Bob Dallow, AMIA commissioner,
S t a t e College News A l l - S t a r s
IM L e a g u e A l l - S t a r s
has announced t h e All-Star team
Ed Vesneske S L S
Ed Vesneske S L S
Pete Savarie E E P
t h a t will l a c e P o t t e r , t h e c h a m p s .
Paul Harris'* S L S
Lou Call E E P
E a c h of t h e o t h e r t e a m s in t h e
Lou Call" E E P
G a r y L y n c h EvB
Gary Lynch K B
l e a g u e is r e p r e s e n t e d e x c e p t S a y l e s .
Phil S h e p h e r d K B
Phil S h e p h e r d K B
All-Star T e a m Is Picked
Rcss Dailey E E P
Ross Dailey* E E P
T h e f o l l o w i n g list, is n o t t h e t e a m
Bud Baker S L S
Bud Baker S L S
t h a t w a s actually selected b u t , b e Russ Hall A P A
Al J a c a u a y s * E E P
cause eight m e n from Potter Club
Don Donato APA
Don Donato APA
h a d t o b e r e p l a c e d , it is t h e t e a m
Harris S L S
t h a t will p l a y i n t h e A l l - S t a r g a m e .
Owen Davis* E E P
Of t h i s t e a m , f e a t u r i n g 18 p l a y e r s ,
Lou Call* E E P '
Jim Warner Sayles
8 a r e from S L S , t h e second place
Garv Lynch K B
Gary Lynch K B
elub, six from K B t h e third place
Ed W h a l e n S L S
George McGaughey K B
club, t h r e e from APA, a n d o n e from
Fowler* & Graves* E E P
Ed W h a l e n S L S
Union Heights.
Pete Savarie* E E P
Pete Spina S L S
W e w o u l d like t o t i p o u r h a t s t o
Joe K e t c h u m K B
Joe K e t c h u m K B
t h e league commissioners this year,
Phil Shepherd K B
D o n N o l a n of P o t t e r s u c c e s s f u l l y t a g s B u d B a k e r o f S L S . A c t i o n a f t e r s t a r t i n g w i t h d i f f i c u l t y b e Joe Gilbert K B
Phil S h e p h e r d K B
t o o k p l a c e l a s t S a t u r d a y a t t h e A M I A c h a m p i o n s h i p g a m e . P o t t e r c a u s e of t h e i n s i n c e r i t y of s o m e of
•• Unanimous choice of team captains
t h e t e a m s originally entered.
• These men will not play (or the All-Stars because they are members of the Ail- s w a m p e d S L S 1 8 - 0 .
Star opposition, namely The Edward Eldred Potter Club
The following men will replace those players that were elected from EEP: Fred
Thumbhart SLS. Connie Schmidt APA; Pete Spina SLS; Joe Garcia APA; Bump Lavalle KB: Jack Perry SLS; Steve Hoover KB; Bud Austin UH; Dick True KB and
Gary Lewis S I S .
Potter Boasts 8 All-Stars
All I n The Game:
Spirit Paramount
In AMIA League
By J A C K
After the deciding game between Potter Club and SLS
last Saturday, the following telegram was received at the
Potter house.
Occurrences such as this are what keep the intramural
spirit alive at State. After an exhibition such as this we
must readily admit that the purpose and effect of the
AMIA leagues is still the promotion of sportsmanship and
the tying together of the various groups on campus.
Highlights »f the Tilt
As for the game itself, the statistics tell the story. The
Potter defense held tight throughout the course of the
game, giving the SLS nine little opportunity to approach
the goal. The scoring came as a result of three passes by
quarterback Don Nolan which fell into the hands of Owen
Davis, Wendell Fowler and Lou Call It cannot be denied
that the Club had its share of breaks but it is also true
that the SLS squad was definitely outplayed and that the
outcome came as no surprise. However we must again say
that the highlight of the afternoon was the spirit and
sportsmanship exhibited oi < ither side.
In the absence of a Sport Spotlight this week we
would like to mention the Potter line which kept the SLS
offense off balance, and quarterback, Don Nolan lor his
cool thinking and accurate passing. Also, in the thick of
the action were SLS quarterback Ed Vesneske and receivers, Bud Baker and Paul Harris who acted as a threat
to the Club with theu successful pass plays.
KasketbaU In Motion
The AMIA basketball league is now under way to take
over the intramural scene. Three leagues have been organized with their respective commissioners being Bud
Baker, Lee Upcraft and Pete Barbegelata. The grapevine
has it that the newcomers, the Old Men are about to walk
away with the laurels.
/t'.'rtfcf/.c t&io«j& (j<wn. CoMeqe Stone
1 Year
1.00 (7 mo.)
3.00 (8 mo.)
3.50 (9 mo.)
3.50 (8 mo.)
New Yorker
3.00 (8 mo.)
2.50 (34 wks.)
R e a d e r ' s Di^ est
17 uks.
2.50 (8 mo.)
4 mo.
Saturday Evt . Post
3.50 (35 wl:s.)
Sports Must -ated
2.50 (6 mo.)
2 yr.
3.00 (8 n i l
2 yr.
State College CO-OP
3<j and up
14. 1 9 5 8
14, 1 9 5 8
EEP Downs SLS; Takes 11th
Consecutive A M IA Title
Bowling Now
Fall Wrap-Up
Winter Preview
Junior Soccer
Squad Loses
To Alumni 4-1
By J I M D O U G H E R T Y
State Keglers Bow To Siena;
Putnam Leads Purple, Gold
" H o m e , S w e e t H u m e " w a s t h e c r y m a n o n t h e t o t e m pole t h i s w e e k ,
ol t h e Peel b o w l i n g t e a m OILS w e e k led t h e P u r p l e a n d G o l d w i t h a
a s t h e y d r o p p e d a c l o s e m a t c h t o 532 t r i p l e , s e c o n d h i g h e s t l o r t h (
t h e k e g l e r s w h o call t h e L o u d o n v i l l e evening'. C o i n i n g in s e c o n d l o r tin
alleys h o m e . T h e Siena I n d i a n s h a d S t a t e s m e n w a s Dave Oakleaf, " t i n
w h a t it took M o n d a y n i g h t a s t h e y small s e n i o r with a m i g h t y
p l a y e d t h e i r A l b a n y foes r i g h t d o w n h a n d , " w i t h a 171-165-167 t r i p l e ,
to t h e wire in t h e i r s e a s o n ' s second G r e e n A n d Yellow Boasts M a t t
lilt w i l h S t a t e .
P e t e M a t t t o o k h i g h h o n o r s loi
T h e t w o first g a m e s found t h e S i e n a t h i s week with 1B9-190-180T e a c h e r s HI a n d 109 p i n s s h y . b u t 539 f o r t h e e v e ' s t o p t r i p l e ; C a r p e n lliey c a m e b a c k in t h e t h i r d t o t a k e t i e r s e c o n d e d w i t h 524. T h e I n d i a n . '
it by 98 m a p l e s .
look t h e i r t h i r d p o i n t m i m a p l e s a s
the total wood for t h e n i g h t s u m I'utnam Tops
T o m P u t n a m , w h o w o u n d u p l o p 111(,<l " P ' " 'i "Uil> 2441-2391. T h i s
m a t c h s t i l l f i n d s t h e I . o u d o m ill;
boys in l o p spot in t h e C a p i t a l D i s trict I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e B o w l i n , L e a g u e .
Fraternity Jewelry
Badges, Steins, Rings
Jewelry. Gilts, Favors
Stationery, Programs
Club Fins, Keys
Medals, Trophies
171 M a r s h a l l
S y r a c u s e 10, N e w Y o r k
Curl Sorenson, Mgr.
The Box Score
171 1(15 187 503
127 12H 128 SHS
14.) Kii) 199 474
Ui7 1
la 9 1
c laklcal
s c o r e d o n c e i n e a c h of t w o o t h e r
g a m e s f o r a 14 g o a l t o t a l , f i v e m o r e
t h a n h e needed for a record.
Retain Nucleus
T h e n u c l e u s of t h e scpiad f o r n e x t
season, including s u c h a s Lou E m p i e ,
Zwickelbauer. remains a s only four
seniors depart. Marty Borko, great
a s a b a c k t h i s s e a s o n , will b e o n
h a n d along with Fallace a n d G r e s tenberger; E d Walsh,
a Florida,
New York resident, a n d A r t H a c k e t t
will b e p a t r o l l i n g t h e b a c k f i e l d .
T h e b o o t e r s m a y look t o D a v e C o l b u r n , u p f r o m t h e J V s , t o fill a
starting spot after t h e winger gave
a good s h o w in t h e last t w o g a m e s
of t h e s e a s o n .
Peci P e r f o r m a n c e
Albany 3 F D U 4
Albany 4 Geneseo 1
A l b a n y !j A d e l p h i I
Albany 0 R P I 4
Albany 0 Plattsburg 1
Albany 0 Middlebury 2
F I N A L E — M o n t c l a i r goalie t h w a r t s a n o t h e r S t a t e offensive
A l b a n y ii O s w e g o 1
T h e Varsity B o o t e r s k e p t t h e offense however, to w i n t h e g a m e 5-3 i n
A l b a n y 1 B r i d g e p o r t (i
Albany 4 Union 2
A l b a n y .r> M o n t c l a i r 3
2! S S Fall Season Nears Completion
Hobart, Siena,
As Indoor Activities Begin
Brooklyn Poly
Gerald Drug Co.
In Hoop Slate
72.:i H!I7 2391
H34 79.) 2444
217 W e s t e r n Ave.
A l b a n y , N. V.
.1:! N . L u k e A v e . W a s h i n g t o n Ave
•> B A K B E H S
We A i m T o Please
rulii on sip a I uiana ed a solo \ :
Good Housekeeping . .
at the
Variety of Foods . . .
Reasonable Prices . . .
I7(i Quail Street
1 •),*,H A y e a r like a l ! y : a r . l i l t ' , !
• u ! i l ! i ' ox; n o u n nl ol a last , . i , n l i e loih li.lov. ii. a s a w by a g o a l i e ,
a n d a h a i r i e r raclll ; a. l o s s t h e l i n i h line a l t e r c o v e r i n g a 4 2 m i l ci u i s e T n e l a l l s e a s o n w a s fell nl
ibi' \ i\ lenes.-. ol | a s ; e a r n , ale;ns Willi
a n a d d e d toil li :ii g l a m o r be in • a d d i d IJJ new n a m e s a n d b e l l i ' . e r e n l n i l clonings
B u t like all lall s e a s o n s .
t i n s n n e h a c o m e In a close a l s o
I h " 1 II lit I win - p i n g will bo a d d e d In
t h e C a p i t a l D i s t r i c t s l a t e Oils w e e k end
I h e l o a l e lew b i n e r i b b o n s mi t h e
C'apilal'i.l p a e k . c o
Recesso Tallies Equalizer To
Set Stage For Winning Boot
December is fast approaching and with it State's
athletes will move indoors. The walk to Bleecker will be
replaced with running the stairs in Page and hands will
again become as important as feet. For some unknown
reason this is the time when State students realize that
An overtime thriller sparked by Frank Fallacy's three
we have varsity teams and school spirit begins to show '1 h e J V e d i t i o n of I h e s o c c e r t e a m goals, Chuck Recesso's tying goal in overtime, and a shot
itself. During the winter the number of fans out-numbers les t h e i i s i x t h a n d l a s t r a n i " of t h e by co-captain Lou DelSignore provided the seasonal finale
the players for a change.
'511 M a s o n t o t h " Al; a m i . 4 - ! , o n for the Peds in Montclair, New Jersey last Saturday as t h e
Soccer: The Garciamen evened their season record S a t u r d a y . T h i s w a s a b i n ; a w a i t e d Garciamen finally cracked the jinx of the former Panzer
both team;. t h e regular
with a 5 to 3 overtime win against Montclair. This was imt'a i1n e h by
athletes to register a 5-3 overtime victory by coming from
h a \ i n ; been postponed three
their first triumph over the Indians in five years. . . . Frank w e e k b e f o r e h a n d . T h e A l u m n i a p - behind twice, once in overtime.
Fallace set a school scoring record by tallying 14 goals in p e a r e d :,n t h e s c e n e w i t h 25 m e n
The triumph came on the heels of a 4-2 conquest of
10 games. . . . Tomorrow night at the Soccer Dance next m o s t l y u n l n y r a d r a t e s , w i i e r e a , t i n Union and marked the fifth time this season t h a t the
year's co-captains and this season's MVP will be announced. J V s oi lv '. aus'ecl 10 Wi'ling p l a y e r s . Golden booters have outscored their opponents. It evened
. . . Merle Miller will be back in action for the 1959 cam- O c a h r d d i ' J o n : s s i p p e . l in a s at five wins and five losses, with three of the losses coming
t h • '.an, a n d p l a y e d a v a r i paign. , . . Deserving credit goes to Gus Tillman, Lou Del- teht ye of1 1p.i
iticms. i n t h e n e . s f o r t h e at Bleecker Stadium where the weather (it was raining
Signore, Eddie Koubeck and Hank Boehning who have f i r s ' h a l f \ ;"-• ' v a l e ' s r e u l a r o n t o i in three of the five appearances) failed to dampen t h e
earned fine records while playing here at State. . . . A cer- D o ' ' F p a r t , r e a e l in t h e la t 44 spirit of the enthusiastic crowd.
tain sportswriter "finally saw a game." Are you all satisfied i r >>; ' bv H o a r Q e i u k e n b u s h , r e - H e r e ' s o T i e s S c o r e
a h i g h of f o u r t e e n g o a l s f o r t h e
::si'.'!e i..i t h r e e of t n e g o a l s . O u t now?????
T i n Peds h a d lo come from b e - season.
s a n d ' n : offensive p l a y i n g o n t h e
Wrestling; Fourteen men are presently on the roster . J u n i o r si ie w a s c i ; i a v e d b y R o n n i e h i n d in t h e o v e r t i m e p a r t of t h e
of the 58-59 jdition of the varsity grapplers. . . . Connie Ci. lib a n d J e r r y Z a ,; ; 1 \ t h e h u t ' i c o n t e s t t o w h i a n d b e g a n t h e w i n - c h a r g e t o p a c e t h e P e d s t o a
victory over U n i o n t w o d a y s
Tischer is back after four years with Uncle Sam. He se I'm ' t h • yo: n.; tins ; lily p e a l . Gp hl oi ;v e rd. rviivl el e wphreond u cCth u cwk h oR ewc eas ss op, uat 4-2
before t h e trip to M o n t c l a i r a s
wrestled here in '53 when the sport was still on a club
on t h e w i n g s p o t f o r t h e v a r s i t y i n
the Peds outplayed t h e G a r n e t
1 is first s e a s o n of s o c c e r , h e a d e d i n
basis. . . . Dave Pause and Mike Kessler along with co- O n T h e O t h e r S i d e
d u r i n g m u c h of t h e g a m e . T h e
alizer to set t h e s t a g e for
victory w a s t h e second
captains Charlie Kane and Joe Hill are the only returning / l l b o u h t h e r e w e r e few r r e s e n t , Ft hr "a n e.'p
c Fallace's winning boot a t t h e
lettermen. . . . The Garciamen open their season at home lt iant c iG ar a cglrse ecna mb eu t lw; ian kn i an n; dl e aarenu i Tm hu - • ci lit m i n u t e m a r k of t h e t e n m i n u t e yUenairosn. f o r t h e P e d s i n t h r e e
against Brooklyn Poly on December 6th.
J V ; i in . a y e d t h e A l r m n i b o . h of- e . c r t m i .
Fallace Sets Record
Basketball: Coach Dick Sailers will be counting heavily t e n ively a n d d e f e n s i v e l y b a t t h ' A p p a r e n t l y t o s h o w t h a t h i s w i n - F r a n k F a l l a c e , a s o p h o m o r e f o r on 6' 3" Tom Ryan this season. . . . Don Cohen is expected Gp lrnayc cl si s s tai lsl Wb oeansdt ee ldl sFuocwh i c r ,v aBr soi tby k igno a' l rwi gahst n wo i fnlguekre , ptahr ek erde c ao rnd-- w a r d f r o m C a r l e P l a c e , L o n g I s l a n d ,
to take over the rebounding job held by Don Mayer last B a c h e r , W a r r e n D u n h a m , D a v e C a l l , <"lv. r w t h o n l v s e v e n s e c o n d s left sneetv ear nc he aa rl ll ye n gsec do r itnog e sptaacbel i sthh a at wr eac syear. . . . Jack Beardon and Tom Baughn should pick up a n d F r a n N a n c e t t i .
lo p u t t h e g a m e o u t of r e a c h a n d h i t o r d t h a t m a y s t a n d
for several
years unless h e breaks it next year
the slack in scoring left by Mayer, Dick Causey and Don
h i m s e l f . S c o r i n g i n b u n c h e s of t h r e e ,
h e h i t for a trio four t i m e s a n d
Peds Score Three Overtime Goals
To Gain 5-3 Triumph Over Montclair
From This Vantage Point:
Near Western
lory c o r Union a n d t h e l a t t e r w a n '
t l i n . u C ' ;• w i n l e s . ' c a s i n I n e r a ; e o u j l l i y , T o m H o f f m a n led U n i o n
C o l l e g e l o a t h i r d p l a c e in t h e . S t a t e
With t h e December 2 opener last
meet, w i t h h i s i n d i v i d u a l v i c t o r y a n d
p . will s e e k l e i ' . h e r l a u r e l s al t h e a p p n . a . h i n g , C l i n c h S a i l o r s ' h o o p lois have a twenty g a m e s c h e d u l e
U ' l A i n - e l in N e w Y o r k M o n d a y
tn m a k e r e a d y for. T w o s c r i m m a g e s
Soccer Acclaim
A l h t n v S t a t e ' s o w n F l a n k F a l l a c e t i n s week will give S u t l e r s a g o o d
. u , j H p | s uunclv C s o b a j l w e r e mil - a h a nl w h a t t o e x p e c t t i n s s e a s o n .
. . : l ! u | i | ; , , „ , , t | u , , S l , r , t . r Hold. F a l l a c e Hi is i|ii.i.eil a s s a y i n g , " t h i s y e a r ' s
ti ; i u h a s a s m u c h p o t e n t i a l a s d i d
.,,:,•,.(! u
nals lor an individual
la i! \ e a r s "
,,.,„•,,,.. r e c o r d a n d C s n b a j i
I lie lii.iH-lliaiJ s c h e d u l e ;
i, | 7 M ,;;,p in 7 n a m e s t o load I h e
2 I nl i l a r t t o r d
I'll Ulcers lii a li-1 s e a s , i n
a Pa, e
Who's W h o In Sports
li . v Y M a r i t i m e
Willi Clary H o l w a \ a n d D e e . \2 New P a l t z
Ii,111K U r o b i l i n , w h o m a d e W h o ' s Doe. l!i Now H a v e n
W h o I r a n S t a t e s , go t h e n a m e s nl D e e Pi U t l c a
J o h n c i i r a r . l a n d Jerr.\ U r c h i n I m m D e e in P o t s d a m
Siciiii l i n ' l i ol t h o s e h o o p s t e r s will J a n . li Uticu
bo mi t h e S i e n a r o s t e r w h e n A l - J a n 1(1 S u i i a i W a s h i n g t o n A r m b a n y tin k l c s t h e I n d i a n s a t t h e
ory i
A r m o r y J a n u a r y 10.
J a n . 13 O n e o n l a
Additional Scoops
J a n Hi N e w H a v e n
D a k H a u o r s , P e d h o o p m e n t o r , J a n . !ii B r o o k l y n P o l y
t a b b e d T a i n R y a n ol S c o t i a a s t h e F e b . (i O s w e g o
most i m p r o v e d on h i s roster . .
Fob. 7 H o b a r t
b a s k e t b a l l F e b . 11 N e w P a l U
c o a c h , h a s t h e t a l l e s t t e a m i n t h e F e b . 14 P r a t t
C a p i t a l D i s t r i c t , b u t n e e d s b a c k - 1'ob. 18—New B r i t a i n
court s t r e n g t h .
Feb. 21—Plattsburgh
A n d t h a t ' s t h e s t o r y t r o m t h e C a p - F e b 26 t h r u 2 8 — S T C T o u r n a m e n t
ital District S p o r t s w r i t e r s m e e t i n g Mar. 4 H a i p u i '
Mar 7 R.P.I
held at Union Monday afternoon.
*IU OuUuU Would
Cabinet Reviews GentlemanAuctionsChinese,
Parents Day, Motors To Paris For Rest
Conference, Ball
Will a l u n a r rocket soon reach Yankee, Stay Home
its destination? Will m a n soon set
W h e n a n d if we get there, what
foot on t h e moon? Is t h e r e a blue- do we do with it? Shall we use it
p r i n t somewhere being d r a w n up for as a n unspoiled battlefield to setAt t h e Cabinet meeting last F r i the first s e t t l e m e n t u p t h e r e in t h e tle some of t h e problems yet to be
clouds? As far as we a r e concerned, settled on e a r t h ? This m i g h t be day, it was recommended t h a t for
these are relatively unimportant one answer. It's n o t too pleasant P a r e n t s ' Day a polished S t a t e College T h e a t r e production be given
questions for this day and age. We an answer, b u t it is possible.
r a t h e r t h a n take a n o t h e r chance
have no desire to know if two-headed
Let's call the whole experience on C a m p u s Night skits. Another
green people are peering down a t us off for t h e time being. Let's wait
from up above, or if t h e largest sup- until t h e U N docket is cleared of factor t h a t was mentioned is t h e t
ply of green cheese in existence is up earthy problems; let's lift t h e iron a production such as "A View F r o m
T h e Bridge" would give a more rethere j u s t waiting for some enter- c u r t a i n ; then, shoot the moon.
alistic view of college talent.
prising capitalist to package.
Leadership Conference
Sail Along Silvery Moon
One of the proposals currently beAs
ing discussed is a leadership confereverytime m a n r u n s into problems,
ence to immediately follow the F e b h e h e a d s for t h e frontier. He is d o ruary elections. T h e proposed m a k e ing it now, in t h e twentieth cenup of the conference would be all
tury, only this time t h e frontier :s
new senators and Student Associas t r a i g h t up r a t h e r t h a n west. Let's
William E. Price of the News B u - tion officers, the presidents and
leave t h e moon for t h e lovers to
Polytechnic treasurers of all organizations on
gaze a t wistfully, instead of p l a n - reau
Institute announces t h a t Dr. E. W. campus, the house presidents, Resining its exploration.
R. Steacie, President of t h e Na- dence Council, and the old and new
Now, don't m i s u n d e r s t a n d us, we
tional Research Council of Canada Cabinet Ministers.
are grateful to science and techand Deputy Director of C a n a d i a n I n a u g u r a t i o n Ball
nology for w h a t they have clone in
Atomic Energy Project from 1944 to
t h e past and present for h u m a n i t y .
Also under consideration is the
1946, will give a public illustrated
We don't even mind t h e persistent
lecture before the 21st Science F a c - possibility of holding an I n a u g u r a a r g u m e n t s of educators t h a t the
ulty Colloquium of R.P.I. Monday tion Ball the Saturday night t h a t
S p u t n i k had little to do with the
at 4, p.m. in Room 106 of Sage Lai>- election results are announced. Howpresent science emphasis in our
ever, the plan h a s a good m a n y
high schools. Science we bow to
problems to be solved before it can
be put into action, despite popular
Our Beef
Dr. Steacie, as Chief Executive approval.
But why m a k e a wild dash for of the National Research Council of
I l i a most obvious drawback (est h e moon? I n the end, it will only C a n a d a and also C h a i r m a n of t h e pecially for the J u n i o r class i is the
create more world problems to be Government's Honorary
Advisory fact t h e J u n i o r Prom is scheduled
solved a t t h e United Nations or a t Council for Scientific and Industrial j u s t two weeks after I n a u g u r a t i o n
a Geneva conference. Let's clean the Research, will speak on "Rates of Day. One of the two formats wiU
downstairs before r u n n i n g upstairs. Chemical Reactions." These organ- have to suffer, and we fear it will
W h a t most Americans are inter- izations m a i n t a i n a staff of 1,200 be the J u n i o r P r c m if the idea t h a t
ested in right now is whether they scientific and technical personnel S t u d e n t Association funds pay for
are breeding cancer in their lungs for research in agriculture, biology, the band and essentials is accepted.
by smoking; whether radioactive chemistry, physics, and medicine and
In addition, there would have :,>
fallout is someday going to pollute in engineering laboratories for r a - be a rescheduling of the Social C a l the air we breathe, and if future dio, electrical and mechanical re- e n d a r since the class banquets are
generations shall r u n out of food. search.
presently planned for t h a t night.
RPI Prof Talks
At Russell Sage
Why I remember in my youth, son,
we used to auction off h u n d r e d s of
Chinese a t a time, right there on
Little Quemoy. By Godfrey, we sold
t h e m and m a d e quite a profit. Of
course every now and t h e n we r a n
into a little trouble from the Foreign
Office, but with a few quid here and
there, why we had t h e m eating out
c.f our hands."
T h e r e were, this Leftenant and m y self. Now w h a t do you suppose we
"Turned around and r a n ? Have
a n o t h e r beer. Hey barkeep—just act
nonchalant, pop."
"No, young fellow, you're quite
wrong, we got i n t o t h e Rover a n d
motored as long as the petrol lasted.
We went as far as P a r i s and s t r a i g h t
"Yes, old man, yes," I mumbled into a fashion show. I say, those
over my brew, "and tell me about models were quite the t h i n g in my
the Mau Maus."
school days, son. Son! Son! do you
"Yes those Mau Maus were rough, hear m e ? "
old chap, b u t not so bad as those
Yea, pop. Gargle. Gargle, Gargle.
auctioned-off Chinese.
Gargle. Have a n o t h e r gin and bit"Why, I remember there in the ters, pops."
m a r k e t place one day. I t was about
" T h a n k you, my lad, as I was
tea time and only those m a d dogs saying, there we were in Paris.
and Englishmen were out in t h a t
"All at once this beautiful model
post-midday sun. I m i g h t add, parenthetically, old boy. t h a t the natives slithered up to me while I was sipwere never out a t all, midday sun or ping my a b s y n t h e and said to me in
what. They were lazy bounders, those a d u k i t e voice, Babee, le voila, here
I am.' Well, sir, I dropped my teachaps were.
cup (if absynthe. T h e n she said,
" T h e r e we were eating in the teem- 'Babee!! I know where you can get
ing m a r k e t place when what to our Les auctioned
wondering eyes did appear, b u t the veree cheeep!'
Thanksgiving Holiday. 'Ho matey,' I
"All of a sudden several nasty
j elled, 'tea is out.'
looking gendarmes leaped out from
" W i t h t h a t down came Mao and behind the Eiffel Tower and a p p r e thirteen bugle-tooting troops yelling hended the poor lass shouting,
"One from the left and two from 'Storm le Bastille. Vive le C a m p u s
the right column, sir.' T h e rest of die Chest!' T h e Leftenant (Who w i s
whole blinking army was behind by now a G r o u p C a p t a i n ) poured
them. I call them blinking although the rest of the a b s y n t h e into the
they wore goggles just so t h a t they tank in lieu of petrol. T h e n off we
would not have to blink. I tell you. went, old chap, to visit the T h a n k s son, the drought was bad t h a t year, giving Holiday."
and the sand dunes worse. Well . . ."
"Yea, yea, pops, gargle, gargle,
"Have a n o t h e r beer, pops, a n d tell gargle, gargle, gargle, burp. Have
us about the blasted Singalese."
a n o t h e r petrol for your auction and
"Well, h a r r u m p h , to continue. gargle with some absynthe.
SpringSemester Registration
Commences After Vacation
Pre-registration for second sem- P - S
ester will begin December 1. It will T-Z—December
include setting up a schedule and
paying second semester's fees.
Registration materials and a col- H-L—December
lege schedule are to be picked up M - R
in D r a p e r 106. T h e s t u d e n t is t h e n S-Z—December
to fill out his own schedule and have Freshmen
it approved by his advisor. This A-C—December
schedule is turned in to the Regis- D-G—December
trar's Office.
Fees are to be paid between J a n - M-Q---December
uary 8 and 16. T h e exact schedule R-Z
for this will be announced a t a later
Who Registers
All students currently registered
who plan to return for second semester are to register. Any s t u d e n t
not certain of r e t u r n i n g shomd
a.m. Z - 4 6 3
2 1 . 1958
>F OF £
V O L . X L I I I NO. 2 6
Inter - Sorority - Inter - Fraternity Council
Sponsors Formal A t Van Curler Hotel
Ricardi Band Plays
Advisors will pest their conference
schedules. It is suggested t h a t stud e n t s make out an a l t e r n a t e schedule in case some class Ls closed.
The music of Lennie Ricardi will provide
a background for Mood Indigo, this year's
Wintenude. The dance wil be held at the
Van Curler Hotel in Schenectady tonight
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Bids, which sell for three dollars a couple,
were sold this week in Lower Draper and
will be available today until 4:30 p.m. and
tonight at the door from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Sorority, Fraternity Council
T h e following is t h e registration
for g r a d u a t e
Seniors, and special students.
A-C—December 1
K-M—December 2
Q-Z—Dejember 3
. 1-3:30
A-D- De •ember 4
L-O—December ,r>
9-11;30 a.m.
. 1-3:30 p.m.
9-11:30 a.m.
Skating Party
Tonight is the C o m m u t e r s ' Club
skating party at Guptil's, according
to Robert Shor '01, Publicity Director.
Car pools have been arranged to
t r a n s p o r t the commuters. If any
commuter wishes to go and lias not
transportation 'ne or she is urged to
get in touch with James W a r n e r '(11,
C h a i r m a n of the affair. All t h e details are posted on the Commuters'
Club bulletin board m Draper.
Commuters To Howl
In the planning stage is the Comm u t e r s ' Club Kegling League. This
will be an independent bowling league consisting ol all the commuters
interested m participating in the
T h e planning committee consists
of Michael Buckel, Hugh Fitzgerald,
W a r n e r and Shor. All arc Sophomores. All commuters who wish to
sign up may do so on the Club Bulletin Board.
T h e plans are moving along rapidly and are near completion; all
who wish to sign II]) a r e urged to do
so imiucdialelcy.
"WINTEKLL'DE OK ELSE!" Hank Boehning and Bunny Silverstein shoot t h e gun
to s t a r t the race to Winterludc. Boehning is president of II (' and C o - C h a i r m a n of t h e
dance with Terri Vitali; Bunny directed publicity leading up to the event.
WG A/otice
Henry Boehning, President of
I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council, states
t h a t bids for uppcrclassmen will
be issued Monday at !) a.m. in
the S t u d e n t Personnel Office.
They must be returned by 5
p.m. of the same day. A silent
period shall exist between all
fraternity men and all eligible
rushes from S a.m. to 5 p.m.
This is a new ruling by the
Council recently decided upon,
Boehning staled. It is fell t h a i
ample time will be allowed for
rushers to make their decision,
and t h a i the complete process
will be expedited,
United SCA
Meets Sunday
For First Time
The first meeting ol the new
United Student Christian Association will be held Sunday In the private dining room In Brubacher Hall,
announces Ronald Short '59, President. All s t u d e n t s are invited to
T h e meeting w ill begin at (i p.m.,
and a light supper which will be
served al a charge ol 50c per person.
Forum ol Politics announces that
the third annual High .School Model
United Nations Security Council
Last Friday, the Constitutional
be held in Brubachcr Hall toCommittee met and revised the
present constitution ol Commuters' day ll'olll !) a 111 hi -I p III
Club. It was presented lor approval
Frances ( h e e l i n g '.)!/, Vice-Presiat last Wednesday's meeting. Cheek
dent of Forum, extends an invitaIhe bulletin board for results.
tion to the [acuity and all State
College students who are interested
in observing a functioning Security
Council in mock version.
Faculty Organizes
Study Committee
A meeting ol the Faculty Aeu
demie Council was held Novuuber
10, 195(1. A special committee was
appointed to study the use ol closed
circuit television for teaching.
T h e agenda consists of a welcoming address by Matthew II Elbow,
Associate Professor ol History, an
address by tile guest speaker, an I
consideration ol seven proposals on
topics ol m a j o r concern today.
Members ol this committee a n ;
Paul Lumou, C h a i r m a n , Mr. Fairbanks, Mr. Fagan, Arnolds Grava
and Caroline Lester. T h e committee will serve as sub-commillee of,
and make recommendations, lo the
Academic Council.
laical School Representatives
Each school will represent one ol
the countries on the Security Council. Van Rensselaer, U.S.S.K.'; Milne,
Sweden, Albany Academy lor Girls,
J a p a n ; Columbia, United S l a t e s ,
Scotia-Glenvllle Central, P a n a m a .
Troy, F r a n c e , and Niskayuna, Iraq.
Winterludc is the a n n u a l presentation of I n t e r S o r o r i t y - I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council; it is under the
wiairmaiishiu of Teresa Vitali and Henry Boehning,
S u d o r s . Miss Vitali is Vice-President of t h e sorority
ci uncil. and Boehning is President of the fraternity
The responsibilities for the formal are divided
among the various Greek organizations on campus.
The following committees have been appointed: Sigma
Lambda Sigma and Sigma Phi Sigma, Publicity; Phi
Delta and Edward Eldred Potter Club, Advertisement.
Other committees include Beta Z e t a and Chi Sigma
Theta, A r r a n g e m e n t s , K a p p a Delta and Sigma Alpha,
Chaperones; Alpha Pi Alpha and
Psi Gamma, P r o g r a m ; G a m m a K a p pa Phi and K a p p a Beta, Band.
t/acatiOH Notice
Next Wednesday at 11:50 a m .
the Thanksgiving recess will begin, states Oscar E. Lanford,
Dean of the College. Classes will
resume again after vacation at
S a.m., Monday, December 1.
However, there are some students lo whom this does not a p ply and who may be absent on
the mentioned dates. This includes:
1. Undergraduates
Dean's List.
2. G r a d u a t e students with a
.'i.5 average for the preceding
a. O t h e r students excused by
the Dean's office or the S t u d e n t
Personnel Office, before
T e c m a m program ol the evening
will feature Carolyn Olivo '50, as
speaker. Miss Olivo will talk about
her experiences in Alaska in cohni ill n with a work camp program
sponsored by I lie Methodist Commission un Missions. Miss Olivo was
among college students Iron) all over
the United S l a t e s who participated
1 have promised to write about
in the program. She w ill also show Wintcrlude, lor thai is the most imslides taken during the six wee:; portant Hung going on this weekend
work camp period.
But what. what. O muse, can 1
say about this affair? Flowers cost
In charge id t h e devotions lor tli • money, lads cost money, drinks cost
evening Is J o h n Conway 'liU.
money, gas costs money, drink.-, cost
Following the program, there will money, cleaning bills cost m o n e ,
la a shorl business meeting during Fveryllung costs money.
1 do not mean to downgrade this
winch the nominating committee
will present the slate of officers lor very nice affair, but 1 spent all in;.'
the coming year which it has drawn money last week Now I cannot go.
Why. oh why. could not this party
have been scheduled lor last week
Because of the united meeting,
when I had money? Then 1 could
the Canterbury Club, Lutheran Stuhave gone with some pretty lass to
dent Association
Student Fellowship will not meet
There, Itary, I wrote about WinI his week.
This is it! Thanksgiving vacation
is creeping up on us I know, for
Rabbi Kubinger will speak on one the other day while walking through
ol the basic concepts of Judaism al •hose hallow i'd halls i trite phrase,
a bagel and lox breakfast, Sund
lorgivc inci. creeping right behind
al 10 a in. at Temple Beth Fmnicih
me cainc the Thanksgiving vacation.
"Ho. ho. you sneaky, creepy thing
The breakfast is free for members
and 25c for lion-menibers. Also. $1 an you," I cried. "What arc you doing
dues Will be collected according I i around here so early, thanks, old
Toby Geduld 'til, President
Forum Presents
Model Council
• L K J O L I T 4 MrLKSi I0UAU..0 CO., I9b8
State College
1-3:30 p.m.
9-11:30 a.m.
Among the chaperones a t t e n d i n g
the dance will be F r a n k Calabria,
Associate Professor of Psychology,
and Mrs. Calabria; S h e r m a n Spector, Assistant Professor of Social
Studies, and Mrs. Spector; Edward
Cowley, Assistant Professor of Art.
and Mrs. Cowley; and Ralph Kenney. Professor of Education, and
Mrs. Kenney.
T h e Van Curler Hotel is easily
accessible lrom Albany; it is directly ahead as one proceeds on
Central Avenue to Schenectady.
Wintcrlude represents the sole
event of the year in winch the efforts of the Greek groups on c a m p us are combined.
Thanksgiving Vacation Visits
State; Leaves Sadly Rebuked
"I'M' conic to petition the Administration." he replied. "I want them
to put. a Thanksgiving vacation on
the College Calendar sometime between second semester registration
and Faster vacation."
"You see," he continued, "I gel
so lonely about that time of year
with nothing much lu do. I have a
civil service job Ihe rest of the
tune and 1 do this Thanksgiving bit
lor extra money—the wife unci kids
you know and I get so bored with
the usual nine lo five, nine lo live
.'.tuff that I would like to have a n other Thanksgiving around
"Yes, t h a n k s , " 1 answered, a little
breathless lrom his run-on logic,
"but wouldn't m a t sort of upset the
turke, industry? And how are you
going to grow pumpkin pies t h a t
tune ol year? Why man, t h e f a n n ers would revolt!"
"I hadn't realized that so m a n y
things were involved," m u r m u r e d a
disheartened Thanksgiving
Vacation. "All. well, Happy Thanksgiving