^AOE STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , e FRIDAY. MAY 2 3 . 1938 Student Senate Hearing Packs In Crowd; Collegians Discuss Question Close Vote Determines Fate Of "Primer" o n c e r n i B R o Jf K o p P K U g e MARILYN G. LEACH On Wednesday eve, a local p h e n o m e n a occurred when Senate performed before a packed house! T h e r e was standing room only as the audience anticipated the night's drama, "The Primness of the t h e Primer. T h e r e was a slight rustle among the crowd with the late e n t r a n c e of Art Plotnik, editor-inchief of t h e Primer. Plotnik s u b mitted a letter to the Senate which explained his best intentions in editing the literary magazine, apologized for w h a t was a misjudgement in taste, a n d requested c" copies for himself. T h e question before t h e S e n a t e was w h a t to do with the copies of Primer not yet distributed. J i m Dougherty's solution to t h e problem was to withhold these copies from circulation. T h i s motion was d e feated 13-12 with 3 abstentions. Discussion was long with m u c h a u d i ence participation. W h e n it a p - Latest Statistics Show State College Fashion Preferences W h a t is Joe College of Albany S t a t e wearing this spring? According to a survey tabulated by Donald Mayer and R. J. Banfield, Seniors, Joe and his female c o u n t e r p a r t have shown a preference for "s.mple, practical clothes" and a "neat and conservative appearance." W h a t the Men Wear Statistics show t h a t ninety per c n t of the men at S t a t e wear white shirts for dress. Fifty-five per cent wear no tie. Only thirty-five percent of those observed were button t o w n collars. T h e Sport Coat One hundred sixty out of two hundred men were without spurts coals, while eight percent wore suits. Eighty-one percent of our boys prefer to go without sweaters, while the rest wear crew necks, v-necks a n d cardigans. Khakis captured the attention of t h e observers; they have a sixtyseven percent majority over black, brown and check slacks. T h e Distaff Side On the better-looking side of the campus, we find dresses and skirts and blouses in competition. Full-skirted dresses lead the race comprising fifty percent of the taste of State's girls. T h e modren chemise had only a t t r a c t e d three out of one h u n d r e d seventy-one t.ii\s on the clay t h e survey was .aken Point of interest: almost eighty percent preferred high necklines, lifty favored solid colors, and ninety percent wore cotton dresses. Pleated, gathered and gored skirts are more popular on c a m pus t h a n s t r a i g h t or wrap arounds. 425 to 171 skirts are preferred over dresses. O n e last note 125 out if 175 girls wear bangs! peared t h a t many observers were only at S e n a t e for a show and possibly a farce, Yager quite forcibly put discussion back in place. A show of n o n - s e n a t o r s showed t h a t at least 95'" of those present wanted P r i m e r to be distributed. T h e second scene opened with a motion by Don Donato to distribute copies of the literary magazine to S. A. members only, and t h a t this distribution should not be interpreted as either S e n a t e approval or disapproval of this edition of Primer. Interestingly enough, when the c u r t a i n fell on a r a t h e r mild performance, the audience didn't bother to see the next bill of fare. As Yager announced discussion of a possible constitution change, t h e mass exodus to t h e snack bar drowned out his speech. It seems t h a t this flash audience valued a play of personalities more t h a n discussion of our constitution —good taste? T h e present accumulative 2.5 academic average requirement for S. A. presidential c a n d i d a t e came u n d e r fire again with a proposed constitutional a m e n d m e n t t h a t S. A. president may not be on academic probation a t the time of his election. This a t t e m p t to c h a n g e the constitution was quite vehemently discussed with the same worn arguments. Ex-Myskie member Bob Kopecek, did point out t h a t the S e n a tors were considering this motion with themselves in mind, but t h a t the majority of voters would look a t the qualifications of a candidate, not "who" he is. When t h e merrygo-round of a r g u m e n t stopped, t h e constitution emerged victorious, and the motion was defeated. BUY Student Medical Insurance tor SUMMER COVERAGE $7.25 - JUNE 15th to SEPT. 15th - $7.25 Senators, C a m p Board members, the College administration, and a vary few interested s t u d e n t s g a t h ered in Page Hall last Friday to discuss t h e budget of C a m p Dippikill. T h e alleged purpose of this meeting was to have c a m p board explain to S t u d e n t Association their proposed budget of eight thousand do.lars, however the major p a r t of the meeting was devoted to a l a t h e r undirected discussion of the purposes and uses of the proposed cam)). T h e a n t i - c a m p bloc asked m a n y questions which can be synthesized into one premise—why have a college camp? To answer this question the p r o - c a m p contingent tried to impress upon the meeting t h a t a major.ty of students get very little out of t h e present S. A. budget ar.d t h a t if t h e C a m p could be developed it is believed t h a t a great segm e n t of these students could find uses for it. T h e a n t i - c a m p bloc asked a n o t h e r question—why have t h e college camp? Because in its present undeveloped s t a t e about a h u n d r e d different students used a n d enjoyed t h e c a m p this year, was t h e answer. The cons next asked President Collins if the S t u d e n t Association could sell t h e c a m p site, and the President answered t h a t it was t h e s t u d e n t s ' c a m p ! Finally, t h e anti-group proposed t h a t it might be a wise course not to a p p r o p r i a t e any money to the c a m p for one year and let the c a m p use this period to gether interest. One of t h e senators adequately stated t h e folly of this proposal—the question of t h e camp must be met. Arena Theatre Slates Auditions Open auditions and interviews for t h e S t a t e College Arena S u m mer T h e a t r e are being conducted today, according to Paul Bruce Pettit, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Arena Summer Theatre. Interviews All those interested in acting and working with t h e Arena T h e a t r e this s u m m e r should meet in Richardson 291. Interviews will begin there at 7:30 p.m. Auditions T h e Arena auditions are open to all S t a t e College students, whether they will be attending summer school or not. Auditions are also open to interested members of the faculty and staff and to all residents of the Tri-City area. Library Announces Holiday Hours Aiice Hastings, College Librarian, a n n o u n c e s t h a t the College Library will be open .Saturday, May 111 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., as usual, l i will be closed Memorial Day. May 30. It is hoped that the s t u d e n t s will take advantage of this opening to study lor their forthcoming examinations. For those of you that, haven't seen the new layout, it's different. Gmtfjf. Corner ONTARIO and BENSON T h e meeting d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t t h e C a m p Board and S. A. do not have a c o m m o n u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e underlying principles along which t h e c a m p should be developed. CAMP BOARD Proposed Budget for 1958-59 Maintenance S 250.00 Operating 174.00 C.velopmsnt 1.675.0J Capital Construction 6.CO0.0O TOTAL Coverage Is Good Anywhere! FLORIST and GREENHOUSE Seniors Bid Last Farewell By JACK O B M S B E E After recovering from an exam induced h a t e period, we can, if given to such things, indulge our sentimentalities in a nostalgic period dedicated to the s o o n - t o g r a u u a t e " G r a n d Old Seniors." I h e hallowed halls of ivy take on a warmer g.ow a t g r a d u a t i o n time, and 1 suppose a few tears will help diffuse t h a t glow, help soften the ivyless bricks, and dull t h e sheen of success, the glint of pride of a c complishment t h a t each Senior shows. Its very proper to be wistful and a little sad at g r a d u a t i o n time, but a great deal of s a d n e s s ' moisture comes from s t r a i n e d eyes. Underclassmen are stronger t h o u g h ; its not they who have to go, there's still pleasant time left for t h e m , and fewer upperclass examples n e x t year to set t h e m examples. Seniors have to say goodby too. 1 hey bid underclassmen flip or p o i g n n a n t farewells, d e p e n d i n g on the underclassman's sex. Th.'y phrase heartfelt goodbyes to ins t i u c t o r s who have A-graded t h e m , nodding casually to those who didn't. T h e cold, cold world looms larger when they bid Minerva's academic piotection goodbye, instructors pay s t u d e n t s in grades, deans in advice, but School Boards ,.ay money. Some of the nicest people I know a r e Seniors a n d I shall h a t e to see t h e m go. To whom t h e n shall I turn fur unasked advice, wasteful shortcuts, and profitless mistakes? I shall have to turn to myself, and in my tui'ii do these things for any underclassmen who m i g h t ask of me the questions I did of Seniors. Actually, Seniors a r e not t h e i ase I make against them, and besides, there's nothing they can do about their being Seniors. Somebody has to do it, lor few, if any, colleges come with only three classes. T i e ' Seniors I know, both of t h e m , are perfectly acceptable here as well, 1 trust, as anywhere. T h o u g h they might act slightly superior and somewhat cynical, 'due, doubtlessly, to their advanced experiencet they appear as normal as you or I. Seniors are dependable, too. They can be trusted to break t h r o u g h winningly m almost any given .situation, for haven't they successfully broken rules, traditions, and a few records for four long years? in t h e end, Seniors will out; they're almost out now, tethered here only by a lew weeks' time. I shall be almost bereaved at their final d e p a r t u r e . T h e r e is something comfortably solid about knowing that a Senior Class still s t a n d s between yourself and "out there " I don't want, them lu go, lor I know I shall have to replace Hutu Hut they will go, and I genuinely hope Dial my wish for their lasting success goes with them. Gerald Drug Co. 217 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y. PIwne 6-3010 College Mortal for Years Send This Ad And Your Name To ART KAPNER - 75 State St., Albany, N. Y. Felicia's Beauty Shop JOE'S BARBER SHOP 53-A No. Lake Ave. (Near Washington Ave.) " J I M M Y " - H u l l - Stylist Telephone 3-9749 53 N. I,like Ave. Near Washington Ave. JiAUUFItS We Aim To Please •4 A L B A N Y . NEW YORK. Z-463 SATURDAY, J°£ OFj£ VOL. MAY 3 1 . 1 9 5 8 XLM| NO. 16 Classes Move Up At Traditional State Ceremonies; Page Hall Skit, Sing To Conclude M U D Activities .$8,099.00 DIAL 4-1125 You Do Not Have To Be In School State College News All Student Cast Stages SCNews,Ped, Popular "Play Ball" Tonight Press Bureau Awards, Speeches Highlight Morning M U D Ceremonies Major League baseball comes to the stage of Page Arlrl AA&mh&rG. Hall tonight at 8 p.m. as "Play Ball," the Moving-Up Day " u u /Yl&IIUCI O stage spectacular, is presented for the student body and Mary F i L p a t r i c k '59, Editor-intheir guests. Chief of ' h e State College News, a n "Play Ball" is a story about the fictitious baseball team nounced t h a t t h e following have elected to positions with the known as the Albany Atomics at Albany State College for been newspaper by the News Board. Baseball. The team is struggling to keep in last place when Shoeless Joe arrives from Texas to help the team. Mr. Associate Editors Wayne, the owner of the team, tries to break Joe away T h e Board has elected M a r t h a The oldest traditional event in recorded State College history was re-enacted again this morning as Page Hall was the scene of the annual Moving-Up Day ceremonies. Formation of Lines Following the formation of the class lines, the Grand Marshall of Campus Commission, Barbara MacDonald, lead the procession down the Draper steps. Directly behind her, Miriam Sanderson, Miss New York State; Sally Harter, Campus Queen of 1958, and the Senior Myskania escorted Directors Post Counselor List ^ I . . Connie Olivo and David Youst. Juniors, announce the following as officers and counselors at Frosh Weekend. Officers Serving as Assistants to Miss Olivo and Youst will be Anne King '59 and Robert Helwig '60. Secretary is Marcella Van Leuven, and Estelle K a u f m a n serves as Treasurer. Both are Sophomores. T h e Executive Committee is composed of the following: Marion Silverstein. C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Allen J a quays, F r a n k Krivo, Stanley Mylinski. Sophomores, and Ross Miils '61. Female Counselors From the Class of 1959. t h e following will serve as Counselors: Charlotte Brown. Brenda B u c h a n an, Marcia Cogiey, Delores Giglio, Natalie Leinoine, Corrine Marro, Grace Palmissano, Marion Sciortino, J u n e Showernian, and Winnie Youngs. Sophomore Counselors are C a t h erine Antonucci, Kay Belknap, Joan Cali, Harriet Dent, Donna Harris, Frances Jadick. Marit JentoftNilsen, Estelle Kaufman, Teresa Kerwin. and Martha Lesick. Also Nancy McGowan, J o a n Novak, K a t h e r i n e O'Connor. Nancy Ryan. Shirley Stewart, Rosalie Walsh, and Marcella Van Leuven Freshuian Counselors a r e : Virginia Denhert, Barbara Gladysiewicz, Lucille Jacobson, Su;' James. Joan Hey wood, J o a n n e Hobson, Rose Kverek. Nancy Leighton, Barbara Lewick, Earline Merill, Eileen Mullen, Marilyn Ryan, Alene Rabe, Mary J a n e Sheperd, Judy Skocylas, Ann Minie Suiidstrand. and Lois Smith Alternates Alternate Counselors are: I n u l a Mandel, d a l l e Rogers, .Sharon Sanders, anil Julie Kleiner, ireshmen Also. Lorraine I.alia J u n e Alexander. M a n i a Cavanaugh, Barbara Huvti'ii, Ann Fleming, Ann Foley S phoinures .Male Counselors Serving as Counselors lor Ihe in coming Dlliejays are Hei man All man. Jack Lewis, Gary Sabln Michael Cn\|e Frank Canni/./o. J a m e s Kolley, and Richard Bailey Also. Haul Hooker. Eric Kalka, David Mead, Charles Nile. Arnold IC ihstein. Hei berl Wallhers, Richard Bennelt, T h o m a s Galim. David Feldman, J a m e s Dougherty, I ee Upcralt. and Edward Whalen Appointed also to serve as Counselors are Donald F c a i i n a n . J a m e s Watson. J a m e s Cluvejl, Charle.Fovvler, Paul Harris Charles Reeesso, Walter K-hater, Arthur Strassle, Jay Hui'lbul, Alex Capasso, B a r n Jamason, Alan H a w s , Joseph DlCllacoiuo. and Donald Donato Alternates Alternate Counselors are R J Balllield, Ronald Short. L. Fred Williams, Juniors; Joel Smith '60; Michael Meader, Clayton LaValle, Anthony Dimperio. Robert Montgomery, David Murphy, Ireshmen from his girl Sully by m e a n s of Josephine, the romance wrecker. W h a t h a p p e n s and how everything works out is for you to come and Lesick and David Feldman to the ) osition of Associate Editors. Both f » . are Sophomores. S o n i O r C _ • • l ^ ^ t Commonstater Elected to co-author of the "Comm o n s t a t e r " column for the first YVhv Is Joe Shoeless? semester of the next college year a r e T h e Class of 1958 h a s elected There are twelve musical numbers Carolyn Olivo and J o h n Ormsbee. Patricia Gearing to serve as its Eoth are Juniors. which include a variety of unique Alumni Councillor, according to songs, dances and production n u m Ronald Alexander, retiring Senior bers. You will want to find out why Pedagogue Shoeless Joe is shoeless. Your heart Retiring Editor-in-Chief of the Class President. will be melted away by Josephine Pedagogue, Dukene Zervas '58, a n as she slithers through her song nounces these a p p o i n t m e n t s to the Alumni Association number. You will see a baseball yearbook staff: Miss Gearing will work closely player and cheerleader ballet. Such Dolores Russel, Editor-in-Chief; songs as "Goodbye, My Girl" and Teresa Kerwin, Assistant Editor; with the Alumni Association as the "Sally Dear" will lift you out of Jerrv Banfield, Business Manager; representative of her graduating your seats. Laureen Dewey, Managing Editor. class. During the next year, she Radio City's Rockettes have n o t h Also, J u d i t h Pearlstone and B a r - will write to members of t h e Class ing on our Cheerleaders. See the l:ara Lewick. Assistant Managing unusual production number, "We'll Editors; Josephine Pietruch, Typing of 1958 for information of interest Never Lose a Game," and the clev- Editor; Mildred Pasek. Assistant to their classmates. er opening number, "At. a Good Old Typing Editor; Nancy Leighton. This will regularly be printed in Baseball Game." Hear George Har- Layout Editor; Gale Kleinman, I n the Alumni Quarterly, the journal ris' superlative overture, and the dex Editor. blending of the best voices at State. of the Association. She will also Yawn during the "Seventh Inning Press Bureau keep class members informed of Stretch," cheer during "Heart," and T h e new director of Press Bureau, Alumni meetings. laugh during "Give It All You've Got." Siii'iing, dancing, sets, cos- the student body's publicity agency, .•Myskania Member tumes, and fun all go into a de- is Patricia Kovaleski '59. Serving as her assistant will be lightful two acts of musical enterWhile at State, Miss Gearing was Barbara Hublak. Treasurer is Mary a member of Myskania, Secretary ol tainment. Bordiuk. Both are Juniors. Press Ihe (list Bureau's Secretary is Josephine Pie- the Senior Class, Vice-President of WAA, and President of Phi Delta T h e cast of the musical extrava- truch '(it), while Rochelle Hoch 'til ganza includes: Mabel. Grace Nes- llll the rapacity of Publicity Direc- sorority. bitt; Gertrude, Rosalie Walsh: Mr. tor. Wavne, Richard Erbacher; Clara Mae, Audrey Hard; Ella Rae, Mar- wood, Carole Waldron, and K a t h garet Darzano; Sally, J u n e Alexan- arine O'Connor. The Joe "Fingers" C a n ol S t a t e der; Joe, Thomas Watthews; Benny, K e n n e t h Kadet; Scooter, Joseph College will provide the piano a c Fosegan; Slim, Stephen Hoover; ompanilnenl. His name? George Ace. Royal Nadeau; Stumpy, Dennis Harris Burst; Anabolic Newsy, '>; Rocky, Newman Club: President, David Robert Fox; Curl). Donald Rein- Behind the Scenes Pitkin; Vice-President, Gordon Working feverishly with Ihe cast furl : Josephine, Frances Fleck. in the past two weeks, and who you Seckner; Secretary, Jean Mershon; Page Cheerleaders won't sec on stage tomorrow a r e : Treasurer, Douglas F r a n k ; PublicThose who are in competition 'lechnica] Stall J o h n Lucas. Wil- ity. Henry Albrecht; Inter-Religious with the Radio City Rockettes are li, n Gardner. Ginger Weinberg, Council Representative, William Sue James. Joan Call. Elizabeth Audrey Hurd, K a t h a r i n e O'Connor. Spence. Louise Tornatore, Franzes Margaret Darzano. Louise Beals, Raven. Pavllga. Frances Lislon Joan Hey- and Stephen Huo\ er Lull n a n Student Association: President, Linda Malson, VicePresident Linda Rehrig; Secretary, Donna Suits; Ireasiirei. Walter Hi ins. Publicity, Lois Ague 5 8 Councillor Religious Clubs Elect Officers College Honorary Societies Announce New Officers New ul lifers lor Stale College honorarles loi 195H-a9 are Alpha IJisilon i Education' Mary Hastings, President , Sue Goodrich Vice-President, Delores Havens. Secretary; and Sue Carinlehael. Treasurer Kappa .Mil F.psilon i M a t h e m a t i c s ! President, Ri berl Wiggiu. VicePresident, George Harris. Corresponding Sei iciaiy. Mr Robert Luippold; Recording Secretary, Barbara 'llilele, Treasurer, Kurt Nielsen, and Faculty Sponsor, Dr Ralph Heaver. Kappa I'hi Kappa (Education*: President, Michael Van Vranken. Vlee-t resident. Lee DeNikc; Secretary, Walt Hems; Treasurer, Richard Gascoyne; Historian. La Verne I.ibberl; Faculty S p o n s o r . Mr. Charles Haughey .Mil Lambda Alpha i Modern Language! Margaret Wellzner. President; Gisele Boulais, Vice-President . 1 ilhan Caltorini, Secretary Barbara Thiole Treasurer. Dr f r a n k Carrino. Faculty Advisor I'i G a m m a IMu iSocial Science! : President, Janice M a n n i n g , VicePresident. William Turnboll. Secretary. Marl li' Cohen. Treasurer, Hurls Wormuth I'i Omega I'i i Business Education! President, Ralph Spanswick; Vi e-Pre-idcnl, Vivian Clowe; Secletary, Joyce Sandige; Treasurer, Barbara Hublak; Historian, P a t r i cia Kovaleski; Editor, Barbara Dressier. Tail Kappa Alpha i Speech i : Corrine Marro and J o h n Yager, J u n iors; Richard Clifford, Grad. Mr. Samuel Pilchard will be the advisor to the honorary Student Christian Association: President, Ronald Short. Vice-President, Richard Fsncr, Secretary, Wilheliniiia Burton Treasurer. Doroil ly Harper the graduating class They were followed Class Myskania, t h e the Sophomore Class, men. to Page Hall. by the J u n i o r J u n i o r Class, and the fresh- Class Speakers Following a welcome by J o h n Y a ger, S t u d e n t Association President, Ann Marie S u n d s t r a n d , S t e p h e n Hoover, Palma Vivona, and Sheila M o n a h a n presented their speeches for t h e classes of 1961, '60, '59, and '58, respectively. Signum Laudis Evan R. Collins, President of t h e College, announced the r e m a i n d e r of those elected to Signuin Laudis. the scholastic honorary. They a r e : Carol Andres, Beverly R a h n , Helen Safford, Susan Shafarzek, Hollis Tibbetts, Carl Wukits, G r a h a m Zeh, Seniors; Peter Blomerly, M a r t i n Cohen, Ellen Dosch, Mary F i t z p a t rick, Gail Hogan, Janice M a n n i n g , Joyce Sandidge, Juniors. Potter Award William Dumbleton, A s s i s t a n t Professor of English, presented t h e Edward Eldred Potter Award to Robert Whalen '58. Greek Scholarship Cups David Hartley, Dean of Men, p r e sented the Inter-fraternity Scholarship Cup to Ronald Pryor, retiring President of Sigma Lambda Sigma. This is the second straight year SLS has received the cup. Should they retain the award again next year, they will retire the cup from further competition. Second to SLS's 2.49 average was Kappa Beta with 2.30. third. Alpha Pi Alpha, 2 27; fourth. Potter Club with 2.22 average. Sigma Phi Sigma was presented with the Inter-Sorority Scholarship Cup by Ellen C. Stokes. Dean ot Women. Their average was 2.910. Second was Chi Sigma T h e t a . 2.822; third, Psi Gamma, 2.751; f o u r t h . Kappa Delta, 2.750; tilth. Phi Delta, 2.691; sixth. G a m m a Kappa Phi, 2.659. Seventh was Beta Zeta with a 2.631 average. Announcements Folli wing the announcement ol th.' Residence Council members lor next year, and the leaders of J u n i o r Guides by Dean Stokes, Milton C. Olson, Director ol Business Education, presented the United Business. Education Association's U.B.E.A. Kcnead award Yager then introduced Patricia Gearing '58, as ihe class's Alumni Councillor. Canterbury Club: President, William Turnball; Vice-President, Mary Hastings. Secretary-Treasurer, J o h n Moving-Cp Conway, Religious Council RepreFollowing the singing ol the Sensentative, J o h n Harrison na farewell song, directed by Sally Millet: President, Tnbey Gedukl. Harter. the lour classes moved up Vice-President, Kleanore Sllverstein, iu ihe singing of the traditional Corresponding Secretary. Deanna "Where, o h Where." Diamond; Recording Secretary, Diane Rosen; Treasurer. Myrnu Mlkel- Organization Announcements Yager then presented the r e t i r berg. ing or incumbent leaders of S l a t e Inter - Varsity Christian Fellow- College organizations, who m a d e ship: President, Austin N a u m a n ; known new officers and honors. I n Vice-President. David M a r s h ; cluded in these a n n o u n c e m e n t s was Treasurer, Margaret Sherwood; Sec- the introduction of fraternity a n d retary, Louise Armstrong; Prayer sorority officers for the first time and Missions, J a m e s Brower, P u b - on the Page Hall stage. licity, S a n d r a K a i l b o u r n e /Continued on Payti H, Column Si PAGE 2 STATE C O L L E G E A JliUvuf. 0/ M112> By ANNE KING Moving-Up Day was founded in sented s t u n t s . T h e freshman a n d 1914 by t h e Senior Class. T h e first Sophomore s t u n t s were judged for p r o g r a m included a n address by the points in the Rivalry program, which President of t h e College, Dr. B r u - a t t h a t time r a n d u r i n g t h e entire bacher, class speakers, moving-up, school year. I n 1916, the Senior a n d t h e college sing. s t u n t was an allegory, urging t h e Mrs. Brimmer, class of 1900, re- s t u d e n t s to s t a r t a weekly n e w s p a p m e m b e r s t h a t they had a program er. T h e S t a t e College News was beheld in t h e chapel t h a t was similar gun t h e following year. to our MUD, but it did not have Class Speakers t h a t title. Only men were allowed T.-e class speakers originated in t o a p p e a r on t h e platform a t the 1918. T h a t year, representatives of ceremonies. the three upper classes gave Minerva's Doin' I t speeches on t h e "ideal Senior, J u n T h e r e is a discrepancy in dates. ior, and Sophomore." T h e tradition I n t h e college literary magazine, t h e cf "step-singing" was begun in 1919 Echo, in 1912, appeared this com- with the Senior Farewell Song and m e n t : "Moving-Up Day was a suc- t h e moving-up of t h e J u n i o r s a t cess. It seems to be a custom which the step sing. T h e first mention of is now p3rmanently established." t h e p l a n t i n g of t h e ivy was m a d e Minerva was quoted in the same is- in a News issue in 1923. sue as saying, "Everybody's doin' it Myskania Tapping Doin' what? Movin' u p ! " In May, Prom 1924 on, Myskania played a 1S13, a Letter Home described the major role in MUD. T h e tapping of traditional dress for MUD, white t h e new members provided suspense, dresses for girls and caps and gowns a n d was a good drawing card. This for the Seniors. year the class speakers have been T h e traditions of MUD have been kept a secret from everyone. MUD accumulated over a number of may not be w h a t it used to be, but years. At first, all four classes pre- it is still MUD. NEWS, S A T U R D A Y . MAY 3 1 . 1 9 5 8 "Here's ToRo, She' O • • i . . . t r u e blue. Ro who? R o Santonicsila, She's responsible for t h i s whole t h i n g , you know. Actually, we i n t e n d t o be quite serious. W h a t Ro did for us this year is n o l a u g h i n g m a t ter. MUD, as most of you know, was a " t e n t a t i v e " item o n our college calendar for quite some time. W h e n it w a s finally d e cided we would have one to carry on tradition, Ro w a s chosen is c h a i r m a n . She did a tcrrif?a job, as you h a v e seen this morning, and this evening. JtoMie, affoiuU T h e new officers of State's sororities and fraternities have been a n nounced by t h e various groups for t h e coming year. Inter-sorority Council will be headed by J a n e Cass, President; Teresa Vitale, Vice-President; Sus i n GoLlfarb, T r e a s u r e r ; K a t h e r i n e O'Connor, Secretary. K a p p a Delta T h e incoming officers of K a p p a Delta include: R i t a Lisko, Presid e n t ; Corrine Marro, Vice-President 1 R o b e r t a Dosch, Corresponding Secretary; M a r i t Jentoft-Nilsen, Recording S e c r e t a r y ; Christine B u r key, Alumni S e c r e t a r y ; Rose Carbone, T r e a s u r e r ; Anne Kin;,', P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; P a l m a Vivona. C h a p lain. Also elected w e r e : Alene Rabe and Linda Mandel, Historians; Nancy McGown, R u s h C a p t a i n ; Sandra Deiter and Mary J a n e Shepherd, M a r s h a l s ; S h a r o n Robbins. Supplies Officer; June Alexander. Song Leader: Shirley Stewart, S e r g e a n t a t - A r m s ; Arlene L u i c k , Sports Captain. Phi Delta Phi Delta's new officers include: Saily Weeks, President; Barbara Cornish, Vi .^-President; Marilyn Hastings, Marshal; J a n i s Clum, Treasurer; Brita Rehrig, Recording Secretary; Shirley Clark. Corresponding Secretary; Ann Marie S u n .'trand, Sports Director. Lillian Meaders, Historian; Heidi Bertary, Song Lecder; Donna Forer, Alumni Secretary; Marion SilverhL'in, f.S.C. Representative; Donna Harris. Co-Rush C a p t a i n ; Harriet D_>nt, Publicity Director. f-igma Phi Sigma Sigma P h i Sigma h a s elected the Sa, here's to Ro, she's true following new officers: Susan GoldBlue, she's a chairfarb. President; Donna Weshner, man, through a n d t h r o u g h . Vice-President; Eleanor Schwartz, Treasurer; Anita Rosenblum, ReWhile we're t h a n k i n g folks, cording S e . r e t a r y ; Sheila Eckhaus, t h a n k s to A n n s King, R h o d a Corresponding Secretary; Jeanne Levin, and J o h n Yager for t'icir Lashjr. Alumni Secretary: J u d i t h help with this issue. Calvin, Assistant Treasurer. Frances Offrivht, Rush C a p t a i n ; Elizabeth Wager, I.S.C. R e p r e s e n t a tive; Elaine B u d o f f , Historian: Helen Beall, P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; C a r o Psi G a m m a lvn Heineman, Ritualist; Eleanor T l v newl • elected oli'icers of Psi Silverstein, Activities Director; MarG a m m a a r e : J a n e Cass, President; jorie Slesinger, Song Leader; Toby Mildred Pasek. Vice-President; J o - Geduld, Social C h a i r m a n . ' Who are the fou/ class speak- bounced back into t h e thick of a m e m b e r of Music Council, a n d sephine P i e t r u c h , Recording Secreer;!?" No one seems to know! In things. Next year, Sunny will be a Secretary of the J u n i o r Class. We'll tary; Linda Cross, Corresponding Si?ma Alpha past years, we always knew a t least F r o s h Weekend Counselor. all remember t h e fine work she did Secretary: B a r b a r a Thiele, T r e a s Sigma Alpha's new directors ina week before Moving-Up Day. Why Tc represent the class of '60, S e n - while en the Basketball-Sendoff urer; Audrey Hurd, Assistant T r e a s - clude: Irene Pogonowski, President; t h e change? This year, the Senators ate chose Steve Hoover who lives in Commitlee this year. urer; Nellie Hemingway. Social Donalee Anderson, Vice-President; chose the four class speakers but Altamont. On the theatrical side, Sheila M o n a h a n oi Utica will C h a i r m a n ; Delores S g a m b a t i , C h a p - S a n d r a Perreira, Secretary; Mary t h e ballots were counted by our SA Steve was in t h e M U D Skit last speak lor the Seniors. Sheila served lain. Montville, Treasurer; J a n e G r a n g President. Even the Senators don't year and the Boyfriend this year. on S t u d e n t Council a n d S t u d e n t O t h e r s were: S u s a n Carmichael, er. Alumni Secretary; Marlene Ferknow. You'll see him again tonight in the Senate. Her e n t h u s i a s m during Riv- P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; J e a n K n a p p , I.S.C. ner, Corresponding Secretary; ElizWe thought you'd like a short MUD Skit. He is a member of the alry was outstanding. She has Representative; Mary Closs and abeth Browne, I.S.C. R e p r e s e n t a sketch of our four class speakers. Collegiate Singers and the S t a t e s - worked on Press Bureau a n d P e d a - Christine Noring, M a r s h a l s ; B a r - tive; Frances Wnuk and Marie MiLet's s t a r t off with the frosh. W h e n men. He has been very active in gogue. bara Rutenber, S p o r t s C a p t a i n . randa, Rush C a p t a i n s ; R u t h T r i m S e n a t e was picking the frosh speak- Rivalry the past two years. This ble, P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; S a n d r a ZitDick Bartholomew will be this ei. they looked for someone who year, he is publicity c h a i r m a n of year's Ivy speaker. Dick lives in Chi Sigma T h e t a Chi Sigma T h e t a ' s new officers ko, Song Leader; Dolores Van Valwould .surely represent the class. the class. On campus, Steve is North Creek. His a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s a r e : Carol S t a n t o n , President; T e r - kenburgh, Sports C a p t a i n : Mildred S u n n y S u n d s t r a n d was their choice. known as the "College Linen Serv- here have been m a n y . We always esa Kerwin, Vice-President: J o a n Vojtek. Ritualist; Agnes Gonsalves, S u n n y lives in Poughkeepsie, New ice" m a n . saw him at class m e e t i n g s and Cali, S e c r e t a r y ; Nancy Lou R y a n , Historian. Ycrk and ever since she c a m e to Palma Vivona of Endicott will events. Dick was one of D a n d A's State, she's been in there fighting. speak for the Jolly Juniors. In a d d i - best workers, and this year serves T r e a s u r e r ; K a t h e r i n e O ' C o n n o r , I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council You saw her at all the rivalry events tion to Rivalry, Pal was Vice-Presi- as Co-Author of t h e Senior Torch I.S.C. R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ; Gail Rogers, Henry Boehning will lead I n t e r F a c t o t u m ; Louise T o r n a t o r e , Alumni and even after her injury, she d e n t of Brubacher this year. She is Night Skit. Secretary; Lucille Jacobsen, His- Fraternity Council during 1958-59. torian; Rosemarie Sepe, Song LeadEdward Eldred Potter Club er. T h e new officers of Edward Eldred Camilla K a p p a P h i Potter Club are: Donald McClain, Heading G a m m a K a p p a Phi next President; Peter Barbagelata, Viceyear a r c : J o a n Anderson, President; President; Jack Lewis, Secretary; Valerie B u r n s , Vic e- President; Alan Hayes, T r e a s u r e r ; Richard Grace Nesbitt, T r e a s u r e r ; Yolanda Willis, I.F.C. Representative; P a t Secretary: Dolores Havens, representing the Frieda B a c h m a n , Psi G a m m a ; S h e - Palmer, Recording Secretary ; C a t h - rick Sciallo, Alumni Phi Delta sorority house, i.s Presi- ila E j k h a u s , Sigma Phi S i g m a ; erine Solovey, Corresponding Secre- Robert Gebhart, Potter Post; Erictary; Marcella Van Leuven, Rose- Kafka, Athletic Director; Douglas d e n t of Residence Council for 1958T h e following organizations a n - 59, according to Ellen C. Stokes, and J o a n n e Lahtiner, Western Ave- mary Kverek. Rush C a p t a i n s ; B a r - Penfield, Song Leader; Albert nounce these officers lor the next Dean of Women. Representatives In nue Residence Hall. bara Swarts, Alumni S e c r e t a r y . Eou.'i.nan, Historian; J a m e s Mccollege year: Officers to serve u n d e r Miss H a v Frances Liston and J o a n McGuire, G r a t h , House Manager. the Council Include: D c i a t e : J a m e s Watson, President; m s will be elected a t Residence M a r s h a l s ; S u s a n Palenik, Clerk; Roberta Taylor, Beta Zeta; BarJ u d y Brodsky, Vice-President; Joel Council's first meeting in the fall. Marcia Marion, Historian; Margaret Kappa Beta Nadel, Treasurer; all freshmen. i.aia Dressier, Brubacher Hall; RosKappa Beta will be headed by: Wei timer a n d J o A n n Butt'.'h, Ediann Beningo, Chi Sigma T n e t a ; J o h n Yager, President of S t u d e n t J o a n n e Sloat 59 will be Secretary. tor ; Nancv Rishel, Song Leader; Joseph Foscgan, President; William Barbara Vaas, G a m m a K a p p a P h i ; Association, has a n n o u n c e d t h e a p Forum of Politics: President. Grace En i d s , S p o r t s Director; Rita Hi r.-hlield, Vice-President: Donald J o h n Cocca '59; Vice-President, M a r g a r e t Neil, Kappa Delta; Tlie- pointments made bv S t u d e n t S e n a t e D( : a rs. P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; J o y c e Reinfurt, Secretary; Arthur Hackett, to the S t u d e n t Faculty Activities F r a n c e s Greenberg; Secretary, M a n lesa Ciricillo, Lake House. Pei.nucci, J o a n n e Simons. Anne Treasurer; S t u a r t Nock. I.F.C. SenMontville; Treasurer, Michael S a b Also, Marguerite Aleide, Madison Committee and to Athletic Advisory- O'Connor, P a r l i a m e n t a r y Commit- ior Representative; Phillip S h e p ini, Sophomores, T h e Board of Poli- House; Angela Montebello, Park Board. herd, Junior I.F.C. Representative; tee. tics is composed ol Richard True, House Frances Wallace, Partridge Appointed lo S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y AcCharles Niles, Historian; Robert Beta / e t a Daniel Bresnan, Jack Conway, Cyn- House, Dorothy Davis. Pierre Hall; tivities Committee were: Marion Bolender, Member at Large. Beta Zeta's new President, Teresa thia S u g a r m a n , J o a n n e Batten, DeS.lver.stein and Charles Huntress, borah G o r m a n , and Margaret RobSophomon s. Donald Reinfurt, F r a n - Vitale, will be assisted by: Marcia Sigma Lambda Sigma ces Li t n. and Frances Paluinbo, Cogley, Vice-President; Phyllis Malerts. Associates are Francis Carrier) J o h n Cocca, Sigma Lambda Siglory. S e c r e t a r y ; J a n e Showerman, ma's new President will be assisted freshmen. a n d Barbara Greenleld. T r e a s u r e r ; C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Rush Commerce Club: President, Ralph by: Arnold RothsLcin, Vice-PresiAppointees to Athletic Advisory C a p t a i n ; Lynn Matson, Alumni S m i t h '59; Vice-President, Doris Board: Joan Nole and Sally Weeks, Secretary; Virginia Dehnert, Assist- dent; Herbert Walthers, Secretary; Hlsch; Treasurer, Gary Jadwen, George Plummcr and Stanley MysJ u n i o r ; Eric Kafka, Clark Baker, ant Alumni Secretary. Sophomores; Secretary, Barbara linskl, I.F.C. Representatives; Daami Nancy McGowan, Sophomores. Ann Fleming, C h a p l a i n ; Carole Lewick; Publicity Director, Lucille vid Mead, Corresponding S e i e t a r y ; New York .State College lor I(u.s/r,yk and Frances Paviiga, Jacobson, freshmen. Alexander Capasso, Alumni CoTeachers lias thirty members ol the S e r g e a u t s - a l - A r m s ; Karen Master- ordinator, Frederick Thumhart, Outing Club; Charlotte Miers, giaduatllM la;,, ol 1953 appearing polo. Historian; Judy Skoeylas anil Parliamentarian President; J a m e s Ely, Secretary - in Who's Who Among S t u d e n t s in Hulr, Campbell, Marsnals: Marion 'treasurer. Both are Juniors. David Murphy, Historian. (Talk Am rlcan I'niversities and Colleges. I Continued from fai/e I, ('uluinn BJ Heart i n . . Song Leader; Sally K.sSmiles: President, Gail Van Sly Ice T h e annual publication i.s due to Baker, Athletic Director; Robert Doctor Collins t h e n addressed the I e\, Sports C a p t a i n '59; Vice-President, K a t h e r i n e come oil the press in earl.v July. C a s s u h , House Manager; Frank assembled classes O'Connor; Secretary, Rosalie iMinCani/i i. Pledge Master; Paul Harniei Walsh; Treasurer Elizabeth Nominated By SA ris, A.-, 1st nil Pledge Master; G a r Siatcim-ii Wager, Sophomores; Publicity DirIISOII Lewis, Song Leader. T i Statesmen, under Hie direcThe tlmi', were nominated by ector, Joseph Foscgan '50; Cn-ordlnSludeni Association to be consider- tion ol Karl A B. Petersen, AssociAlpha Pi Alpha alors, Beverly Sharpe '00, ami Roseed lor the honor by the Who's Who ate Prolessor ol Music, concluded f r a n k K n v o is the new President m a r y Kverek '01 Mall the I'age H a | | ceremonies Delores '.I Alpha Pi Alpha Also elected Music Council: President, F r a n k Russel, G r a n d Marshal ol C a m p u s The Seniors who have been were Henry Boehning. Vice-PresiF a v a t '59; Vice-President, Phillip Coinmis-lon tor t h e next year, led Ann • King '59, Minister ol oeiil. Charles Newman, House Shepard. Treasurer, Ann Foley, awarded the honor are: Ronald Al- the recession .1 Following t h e forSpecial Days, a n n o u n c e s the a p - Manager, Nell Jurinskl, Pledge MasBishop. Robert Sophomores; Secretary, Palma Viv- exander, Robert Bosoinworth, Mary Bradley, Frieda mation ol the class n u m e r a l s on p intment ol the following chair- ter, Martin Goodrich, Social Chairo n a '59. Lag;' Field, Richard Bartholomew men lor 19)11-50: man; Lee Upcralt, Treasurer; Women's Athletic Association; Cohen, Paul Dammer, Barbara De- presented the Ivy Speech, and SalAll-College Reception, Theresa J a m e s Kelly, Recording Secretary; Warren President, Delores Giglio; Vice- I'ranci.s, Marie Detlmer, ly Hurter planted the ivy for the Kerwin; Activities Day, Rhoda Lev- J a m e s Flore, Coorrespondlng SecreD u n h a m . David F o t h e r i n g h a m , P a t President, Sally Weeks, Juniors; class ol 10511 T h e singing of the in; Homecoming Weekend, K a t h e r - tary. T r e a s u r e r , D o n n a H a r r i s '60; Secre- ricia Gearing, Wlllard Gillette, Ron- national a n t h e m concluded this ine O'Connor a n d Herb W a l t h e r s ; ald Graves, Sally Harter, Richard Roger Steward, Custodian; Edtary Eleanor Silverstein '(;! morning's activities Campus Chest, C a t h y Anlonucci ward Kendall, Robert Kopecek. Jones, Alumni Secretary; C a m p u s Commission: G r a n d M a r and Nancy McGowan; I n a u g u r a t i o n Richard Cox, I.F.C. Representative; shal, Dolores RusselJ; Secretary, Also, Lorraine Kozlowski, Eileen Traditional Sing Day, Grace Nesbitt; S t a t e Fair, Ma- Robert B a k e r , Parliamentarian; C a t h e r i n e d i n g e r ; Treasurer, R o n - Lalley Purcell, Marilyn Leach, Following tonight's skit in Page rion Silverstein and Arnold R o t h ald Short, Juniors. Carlton Maxson, Sheila M o n a h a n , Hall, the four classes will assemble stem; P a r e n t s ' Day, J o a n Cali. All Robert Tillman, Athletic Director; Henry Zygadlo, Publicity Director; C o m m u t e r s ' Club: President, Mi- Nancy Monteau, Donald Rice, S u s - in front of Draper Hall lor the are Sophomores. Russell Gritsch, S e r g e a n t - a t - A r i n s ; chael D e B o n i s ; Vice-President, a n n e Russell, Lloyd Seymour, J o h n traditional Sing, under the direcKenneth. S m i t h '59 lias been se- David Youst, C h a p l a i n ; J a m e s W a t R a l p h Spanswiek; Secretary, Doro- S t e l a n o , F i a n k Swi.skey, Joseph tion of Roscmarie Sepe '59, SA lected to head t h e 1060 production son, Historian; Royal Nudeau, Song thy Whaler; Treasurer, Doris Joy. Szarek, J a c k 'fate, Dukcne Zervas. Songleadcr. of the S t a t e College Revue, Leader Sundstrand, Hoover, Vivona, Bartholomew, Monahan Deliver Class Speeches In Page Clubs Release Organizations Release Names New Leaders Of Student Representatives For Activities Who's Who' Selects Thirty MUD Activities . . . King Appoints Day Chairmen