Document 14064443

State Voters p0tfer Club Visits Dippikill Camp Site; SA To Elect
Pass SUNY Group Seeks To Create Greek Interest State Queen
Bond Issue
November 15
Last Tuesday voters of New York
State went to the polls and cast
their ballots in an election which
covered constitutional a m e n d m e n t s ,
questions, and local contests.
Bond Issue Passes
The a m e n d m e n t authorizing the
S t a l e to borrow up to $2o0 million «
for the expansion of t h ' Stale Uni- '"
verslty was passed by tin- electorate
The controversy which raved up- -i &
state over I lie plavin; of inn.:
the Empire S t a t e was linalh M-II] d j*
when the voters legalized it ihrotigli
the passage of Amendmenl No. :(. A &£,
strong anti-bingo drive had been | f e
conducted over the pasl months by W '
the S l a t e Conn il ot Clvi.- • i
' |^_
F!>S. NOT!:: Potter Club's inter' t in the Dippikill Camp lias been
n-.r.i'l through their recent trip to
Folheriimrmm all. ChairI ' e r u n . ) . The intent of the article ' » " " 0 | L l u ' R | , m i t e Elect urn Coinis -i ;niliranl in that it suggests a nolle!., r e l e a s e s th
e r a . of building interest III the M ' h , l l l ! l ' l n l ' t h ( ' el-riio,, „| ihe
( ,,,,,
( ' a n i o n . Queen tor Campus \'i"lit
and ber court
diii' In Joe Ta«aarl Till, I'I.INominations for (|iiei-ii will be
( lab. in an alleinpt In build • 'pi'ii I hrnugh iVIond,..\ All, nn mbi i
i a :ii C a m p Dippikill and per- ' l Student ASM M latum iiiav IHIIIIIli'i'iil
oioe liarndh ennipe- n i l e niie woman Irom llu- Senior
i i nn n i Ihe Crick sorielies on C.n > All lamination.-, musl 01
.Mil i - * i • 1111 > lo the College placed in the }>n\ . ' h u h is li" Oai
! Hi ,n W a i n a urn •. \'i •.'. York, on I.est Hour llu led undei 'le
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S e n a t e liulleliii tumid
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el.i.ssrs a. I I nominal.
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No Convention
A political question vv is ill , ided H N N
when voters rejected the proposal WSMS
for a constitutional
Democrats bad favored the idea
since it was hoped t h a t a convention
( t i l It MI.MBF.RS Ol I'OTTFK ( I I I ; -IVn r Mi'iini i sn„. | , , ,ma~
woi Id re-align the R e p u b l i c a n - ' o n - Oarnn, Joseph Tasrijart and >penrrr llfrlisl- pi.-r in Iron! ui I'lch n r u h
trolled S t a t e legislature
painted emblem.
Local Elections
In local i lei tion... the Republic ins
were uprooted in nun- c me ol (Instate. Deinoi rat mayors were elccled
in New York City. Buffalo. Amsterdam, Canandaigua, Cornin:. Kingston, North Tonawanda, I.aakawanS ivn •:;. aih ;•-. o; the
na, Glens Fulls and Johnstown.
Ih S a !r ! nl!i-;i' \ r u , n
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: 14 •'!' .e di i.n le i \," a i r-l.i
Local Elections
,,,. ip,. ,),,,.] \ . , y,ei-,
In Democrat-controlled Albanv, '.'o-. i •<< . v.ii r- 'h • vol
Mayor Corning was uvervvhilminglv Cu , I : , M I I
'»••,. -I ,I M C , , • ,;i
rei'le. ted. as was the e n t i n Demo- p. , C ,n a i n ,', ,..-.,,
• v.'' IUI.I i i
cratic slate. Corning wa- re-elected S.ali u a n l for his filth tfiin of lour w a r s b\ a
'!'..,• e H I .•: n i ,1 :!•,: y e p m .
• -;
47,716 plurality.
a p r- un i y l..V:d "an. i.e. I, u. : n 1 ;•
,u mo
In a n o t h e r upstate h e a l election, a 1 i ii nl i h - I'll.! i S t a t e ( n m i .-:
the Citv ol Fiona' dethroned lis Citv ml i i a i Amer,can lenitorie., li i.Male < r!| r _,. \,-u .
Manager form of government m la- (e: i 11- i • , p: • v He pual.. .<i e in- ni iin
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vor of llu- Mayor-Council l\pe. l e n m .'.nd ,m op., i.iiiniv lo o n - |: i'm • n i .1 .
whirl] was in effect until lour years - .-., ||, a o oiie.iH• n in com an,- An. a: p a a n i i : ,",:i ,i
. a I i ni i i
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St,i ml
Publication Board Members
Attend National Conference
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Minister Lists
'61 Offenders
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Coronation of Soccer
Sweetheart Highlights
'Southern Silhouettes
Tonight State College will honor
the men of the soccer team and pay
tribute to the outstanding players
of the squad at the annual Soccer
Dance sponsored by S t u d e n t Union
Board. The affair will be held in
the Main Dining Room of Brubacher
Hall from 9 until 12 p.m., announce
Marilyn Darzano '58 and Marcia
Marion '61, Co-Chairmen of the
The theme for the d a n : e is
Southern Silhouettes, and music will
be provided by J o h n McLean and
his band, the "New Sounds." Favors
wll' be given to the girls attending
the dance.
K e n n e t h K a d e i '53 will act as
Master of Ceremonies of the program planned for the event. The
presenLution of the Valuable
F.ay.T Award will be made and the
new C o - C a p t a i n s for the 1958 season will be announced. The next
p a r t of the program will be the coronation of the Soccer Sweetheart
by last year's queen Rosemary S a n tanicola '58. T h e Soccer Sweetheart
is chosen by t h e t e a m on t h e basis
of her contributions to t h e spirit of
the players a n d her promotion of
school support of the squad,
The following committees have
been selected for the d a n c e : Publicity, Carol Scheu '59; Programs,
K a t h l e e n Bonk a n d B a r b a r a Smith,
Sophomores; Arrangements, Richard Esner '59 and David Mead '00;
Refreshments, Marlene Ferner '53
and Ruse Mary Kverek '61; Desk,
Renate Schocnfelder and Carol Mallozzi, Sophomores; Invitations, J a n is and J a n e G r a h a m , Sophomores;
and Decorations. Carol Si'heu and
Kathleen Bonk, Juniors.
Chaperones for the dance are:
Mr. Spector, Assitant Proles-or of
Soci il Studies, and Mrs. Spector,
and Richard Sauers, Assistant Prolessor of Physical Education.
Admission to the dance will be by
i.tudent tax only in compliance with
th • ruling by S t u d e n t Union Board
on the a t t e n d a n c e of students outside the college attending Stale ColIn Senate meeting on Wednesday lege functions.
night, with a quorum present, the
E.ection Bil. which had been reii rred back t i the E.ection Committee last week was passed after
many changes and'h discussion.
This bill gives p e r m a n e n t procedures for future elections and s p i c -
Senators Pass
Election Bill,
Finance Rules
The stage of Page Ila 1 will be the
scene of the coronation of C a m p u ;
Queen, the presentation of the Sophomore and freshman ski.s and the
awarding of the Rivalry Cup tomorrow evening at 8 p.m.
Can.pus Queen
Votin.; by absentee ballot will
take place from 10 a.m. to .J p.m.
today in the Lower Feristjle of
Draper lor Campus Queen. T h e
Queen will be selected from the five
finalists voted upon Wednesday,
Mary Bradley, Sal y Harter, J o -
a n n e Marro, r i o r i n e Skutnik and
Bernice Tyler are the Senior woman
chosen by the student body to comprise the court; one of them will
be crowned c.u_>en by Marcia Lawlencs, State's 56-'57 C a m p u s Queen,
Twa of the five fina ists will t s c . r t Miss Lawerence and two wi.l
csjert the new Queen. From each of
t h e Junior. Saphomore and freshm a n : lasses four girls be chos
t n ; two frcm each class will be included on the court a n d two will be
Governor Harri maris Prod amotion Officially
Opens State Observance Of Education Week
Kappa Mu Epsilon
PlansTalk, Initiations
liul il you waul a n al
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WIN %2'j CASH!
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Cl.nal t 1 n l u l M.iliull,
He.v iuih 1/ H. I.
VOL. X L I I , NO. 2 2
Ileavrn Help Us
i h c first of the two skits will b2
the Sophomores' Heaven Help Us
written by Marion Brown and directed by Robert Helwig. Technical
direction for t a e production was
" L n - J by Mark Nye, musica, directicn
by Lou Beale and choreogra1 h)' by K a t h e r m e O'Connor, the lending parts in the
s! it will be Charles Staughton.
Eleanor G r u s n , F r a n k Canizzo, David Mead, Grace Nesbitt, and Rosala? Walsh.
Bohemian Party
I n . ' freshman c ass will present
B c h : . n i a n P a r t y written by Robert
Congemi and produced under his
In .uaed in the cast will be K e n ne.h Taylor, Carole Engels, Ginger
Weinberger, J a m e s Dougnerty, Peter
Spina, Harold Jewe 1, Ronald Pasca,
b . u b a r a S.itith and Louise T o r n a tore.
T h e s e skits must last no less t h a n
twent,' and no more t h a n fortyl i v e m i l l u t e s . s i n c e five points are
awaid3d lor the winning skit, the
outcome of the judging could decide
who will win the Rivalry Cup.
At 9 a.m. tomorrow the pushball
una will be played between the
s o p h o m o r e and"freVhman"classes"on
Beverwyck Field. This event is
worth two points and cheering will
consist of one point.
Kivalry Cup
C a m p u s Night will conclude with
!i i e , ^ r c U n g of the Rivalry Cup by
g ° l l £ i l c i Alexander 58, C h a i r m a n ot
Ri a ll y
' t ' ' A t ° t h e cl,asf, w l t h the most
p o i n u At present the • core stands
at t h i r t e e n - e i g h t in favor of the
Bruce Norton '50, Chairman of
C a m p u s Day, announces t h a t tiie
fallowing committee has as.-.isted
him in arranging th.' proceedings:
Richard Kendall, Ronald Alexander and Nancy Monteau, Seniors;
Donald M c C a i n , Natalie Lemoine.
Robert Fox and Patricia Ireland,
Ji n.ors, and F r a n k Krivo 'GO.
•Our young people constitute this ends tomorrow. This year, the New designated as a period of eva'.uatir.n
paas.a, an unueigiaauaiLs . a n \ o u
nriceless asset
Our York S t a t e Teachers' Association, of school needs and achievements.
J ' U ' s ; u e n t A c t a v U e r F " a n d " c h i o t a \ ™ * " . . m m a n d i S role in the S t a t e Edu.ation D e p a r t m e n t , T h e t h e m e of this y e a r s o b s e r v a n t
then b t u „ c n t At i n iiies i.ii a
helping the New York S t a t e Congress of is a timely and inspiring one—"An
n o t S l ; e U pcrmUted to vofc! in The tentiahties
these young a people
reali J themselves
their'po- P
a r e n ULegion
a n d Teachers,
Move crisis
n d prepare
D e p a r t mand
e n t the
of AmNew Educated
W i t h the recent
confor becoming our leaders tomorrow." York have joined in sponsoring this cernlng discrimination within our
Who's Who EU'cticn.
The above is a quote from the thirty-seventh a n n u a l observation national school system, and with
Finance Bill
--• • in our
•--• dictatorships in countries outside
Finance Rules and Procedure B i l proclamation of Governor Averell of American Education
our .and, it re-emphasizes our rewas passed and it supercedes all H a r r i m a n which officially opened state.
American Education Week which
Since 1921 this week h a s been sponsibility to assure adequate a n d
previous legislation on the matter.
equal educational opportunities for
Student-Faculty Committee liill
all, regardless ol their race or
David Hartley, Dean of Men, rereligion.
quested a Student-Faculty Committee to be established immediately
Governor H a r r i m a n called Upon
so t h a t the group could discuss
the people of the state as well as
hou-ing, dormitory and other probof the country to acquaint t h e m lems affecting students. T h e com.selves more fully with the achievemittee will consist of a Senator
merits and the problems of our
irom any class and a representative
Forum of Politics will hold a Model Security Council s c h o o s , to the end t h a t our schools
f r c n the Senior, Junior, and Sophofor high schools in the capital district area in Brubacher may receive the support and comore classes.
they require to fulfill their
Campus Night
Lower Lounge next Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., an- operation
lunction as the chief source of our
Campus Night will take place as
originally planned, Saturday at 8 nounces Lee DeNike '59, President. All students, faculty, nation's strength.
and the general public are welcome.
p m. in Page Hall.
As citizens we should do these
Robert Congemi, Director of the
The morning session will begin with registration at things.
As future teachers we have
Fro ii S.Ut, was allowed to voice his
opinions in Senate regarding the 9 a.m. At 9:30 the students will be welcomed by Rob- a double responsibility to become
Sophomore ruling earlier t h a t e\e- ert Rienow, Professor of Political Science. After the intro- acquainted with the advancements
iwi'i to enforce the lour warning ductory remarks, the students will assume their roles as of our profession and to he p work
niie established by Senate. By this representatives of the sovereign powers and discuss world for the objectives for which our
profession is dedicated. the lemale lead ol the frosh
. II was removed irom her pari problems with each delegate taking the part of h i s
',, |, two more nights ,1 play prac- nation. This v i s i o n will be devoted to c o n s i d e r a ^ . ,
I.: r remaining. This in peal I i Hi n- 1 .Soviet, a t r o i l i c s in Hungary, as presented by Sweate was rejected by the body and ll n and Colombia; the internationalization of Anlliie freshmen ware to d that no fur- i i ' l i c a . introduced by P a n a m a ; joint ownership ot
ther action on Ihe matter could lake inteinational canals, submitted jointly by the United
place without the colli lrmal ion ol Kingdom and F r a n c e ; and the admission ol South
the Senate winch
unfortunately Kcina and Vi'.'t-Nam to the United Nat.ons. The
dors not meet again until ai,.er the nn un .1 !• c session is expected Lo adjourn for lunch at
11:45 a.m.
skits have been presented.
The afternoon session will be
nil e l to order at 12:30 p in. and
will leal lira an address b\ Erik N.
Valters, associated Willi the Austrian
delgation at. the
Nations, Alter this address, students
will dis usi resolutions on the Red
Chin i issue as proposed by the
"Htalisllcs" is the topic ol a speech In be given at U.S.S.R.; l'akis an, as submitted by
tin' regular meeting ol Kappa Mu Epsilon, the hon- Iraq; cessation ol nuclear explosives,
orary mathematics fraternity, Thursday evening. Ini- by j a p a n : of a pertiation i eremonles and a o.ial hour will also be in- m a n e n t UN police force, by Cancluded in the evening
ada; and an atoms for pear ' plan,
Mrs Helen Chase ol Ihe Slate Health Department , nipna'.l l.v Ihe Dulled Slates
will lie guest speaker nl Kappa Mu Epsilon al II p i n
in llrubaclier Hull, announces Clinton Carpenter '57,
I ' I I . idi nl nl the organization.
Mrs. Chase will speak after new members have been
initiated into the group To be a member ol Kappa
Mu Epsilon, a student must have completed integral
calculus, have an over-all average of 2,5 and a m a t h e Robert S. Burgess, Jr., Prolessor
matics aveiage of 3.0.
ol l.iarai lanship. announces that an
A social hour will be held to) members after the award ol :..2;> will be given to
the suu.ent who has ace inp'islud
II jularly scheduled meeting.
Those who will be initiated into the Beta c h a p t e r the b st work ill a library minor
ol Kappa Mu Epsilon from the class ot 105H a r e : Rob- in the end i I the seventh semester.
ert Flachbarth, Ira Goldstein, Harriet Kazdon, Bar- ; The award is made from the Mart a Pritchard Fund which was raisbara. Mclioilyli, Hubert Pilpel, Carol Ann Wiggins
Photo by Don Milne
Junior members will include: Susan Uoldfarb, Mar- i a by alumni in the library field in
CAMI'lJS QUEEN candidates for S a t u r d a y ' s Coronation a r e : J o a n n e Marro, Bernice
garel Howard, Joan Alice Kraiiz, Arhne Leaning, K u r t honor ol Miss Pritchard, pi nicer
Tyler, Sally Harter, Florine Skutnik, a n d Mary K IJradley. Voting will take place from 10
Nielson Richard Sumner and Barbara. Tliiele. Also to school librarian and first c h a i r m a n
to 3 pan. today in Lower Draper Hall.
be initiated is Mary Ellen Cox '60.
ol the Library D e p a r t m e n t
15, 1 9 5 7
Cup Presentation Ends Rivalry;
ueen iseigns
lomorrow Night
United Nations Delegate Talks
During Forum Program Friday
If \'oii anHwcicd " N o " lo all que lions. ,i,u oh\ lously .-niol.e ('arni'ls a real ciyan-l le, ()nlv o or
7 " N o " aiis'Vi i , menu you lnl h r {,'el oriio ('.aim I,
fasl, Ki.'Wci than 0 "No'.-," and H nully dm ,n't
matter what you moke. Air, ilnne/ , p.,,, ( | , noii'di!
Fund Grants Award
To Library Student
2ueen Candidate*.
A Slow Walk . . .
IS, 1967
Hi Y'all! Another weekend's done STRAND
rolled around and once again here's
T h e Hunchback of Notre D a m e your happy, smilin' movie reviewer Anthony Quinn is impressive as
ready t o bring you m o r e inside Quasimodo, t h e twisted soul w h o
scoops on t h e local flicks! ( G a d ! h a u n t s t h e towers of t h a t famous
Sunday, December 15, t h e t r a d i By ART P L O T N I K
How you can read this dribble week c a t h e d r a l . Gina Lolobrigida's beauty tional C h r i s t m a s Sing, sponsored by
I actually did meet M a x S h u l m a n noyingly late, a n d seemingly u n after week is a mystery t o me.) is unfortunately n o t enough t o the S t u d e n t Christian Association,
Actually I ' m only kidding. I write cover u p some pretty bad acting. A will be held In Page Hall. Arlene last week a t t h e press convention, prepared, having forgotten a bass
good stuff—just ask m e .
good night's e n t e r t a i n m e n t n o n e t h e - Murphy '58, President of SCA, a n - b u t I didn't tell h i m how poor h i s drum a n d his vibe mallets. Howcolumns were. On t h e contrary I ever, when h e did g e t a r o u n d t o
less. / so showing is Naked in t h e
T h e PALACE this weekend i s Sun. . . story of t h e Seminole i n - nounces t h a t t h e Collegiate Singers w a s extremely humble, a n d all I performing, h e played t h e b r a n d
featuring Zero Hour with D a n a dians. I t ' s gory in p a r t s a n d in will sing during intermission a s a n dared to say was, "Gosh, Mr. S h u l - of jazz t h a t r a t e s h i m with t h e best.
added attraction. Sororities, frater- m a n , how on e a r t h did you get your Nevertheless, it w a s sophisticated
Andrews, Linda Darnell a n d Sterl- color
ing Hayden. W i t h typical Hollynities, group houses, a n d t h e Com- s t a r t ? "
jazz for t h e most part, a n d a little
wood modesty we re told It's "A R I T Z
m u t e r s ' Club will vie for t h e cup Once again I throw a n orchid a t above t h e h e a d s of t h e bulk of t h e
picture you'll talk about a n d r e - Mickey Spillane's h e a r t w a r m i n g taken last year by K a p p a Beta frat- myself ( a t this r a t e I'll soon suffo- audience. Luckily, t h i n g s evened
member as long as you live!" Y a , a n d Inspiring My G u n is Quick. T h e ernity. C h i Sigma T h e t a sorority cate in orchids): last week I plugged out In a perverted way, since t h e
well maybe I won't soon forget t h i s G r e a t American Novel h a s finally won t h e second prize.
t h e J u n i o r Prom a n d affected a audience itself w a s late enough t o
picture, b u t only because of t h e been fi'med. T h e second feature is
m o n u m e n t a l success. Even Skitch miss of t h e high-brow music a n d
h a r d , cold cash I shelled o u t for T h e Buckskin Lady. If you like Song Leaders Meet
c a m e . T h i s week I promised to plug barely catch t h e slapstick comedy
the tickets. T h e plot: An airline's class C westerns you deserve to sit
something or other, b u t I forgot routines which served a s echoes of
crew is stricken with food poison- t h r o u g h this one.
T h e r e will be a meeting of all song w h a t it was. I believe it was to Kai Winding's glistening personality.
leaders Tuesday, December 3, in
in/; a n d Dana, ta former fighter
F I L M Draper 349 at 4 p.m. It will be a p - t a k e place on t h e fifteen: i.e., t o -open, it seems a likely time t o c r e a t e
pilot i must bring it in. Does h e
day. Thus, faithful ones a t t e n d
preciated if t h e song leaders could
succeed? Will t h e s u n rise in t h e
a cheap verse destined t o e n d m y
all things occurring tonight.
East? How c a n h e fail? He's got winner. Mr. Roberts, with Henry definitely s t a t e t h e number of perown happy fraternity d a y s :
I don't believe t h a t Don Elliot
Linda a s a co-pilot. You take it Fonda, J a m ' s Cagney, Jack Lenvnon sons singing in their group by t h a t
Dirty rushing hits t h e spot;
from t h e r e - - I can't go on. T h e and William Powell. Don't blame time. Sheets will be distributed went over as well last Sunday a s
Fifty members ill-begot,
second stellar a t t r a c t i o n is T h e
Curse the House with Flemish fluDevil's Hairpin with Cornell Wilde, mend it too highly. See you Friday which t h e judging is done, as well fault lies with Elliot himself a s well
Dirty rushing is t h e thing for you.
J e a n Wallace a n d Arthur Franz.
" T h e most exciting racing story
ever filmed!" Perhaps, perhaps, b u t
when J e a n Wallace prances around
in h e r tighter - t h a n - skin dresses,
who thinks of auto racing?? Talk
about dumb, beautiful blondes! Ton
much, m a n !
Doctors Urge
Students Get
Flu Vaccine
Dr. J a n e t Hood, head of our Medical Office, a n d Dr. R u d o l p h
Schmidt, College Physician, have r e leased the following s t a t e m e n t about
flu shots:
MUSIC MAJORS! Know how to change
a glee club from a loud crowd to a
lyrical miracle? Simple: just promise
'em a Lucky break! A Lucky's a light
smoke—the right smoke—for anyone.
It's all cigarette —all fine tobacco!
And that naturally light, wonderfully
good-tasting tobacco is toasted to taste
even better. Hold your rehearsal without a Lucky break, and you'll get
nothing but Choir Ire! Chorus: Light
up a light smoke . . . a Lucky Strike!
•We finally have t h e new and
more effective vaccine fur Asian flu.
"Since this illness is likely to r e t u r n in t h e winter m o n t h s in even
more .severe form t h a n we have a l ready experience:!, we strongly urge
students and facility to get t h e vaccine i i i if you have not h a d the
••flu" m our l resent epidemic. I 2 I
i; you have not already h a d a shot
lor Asian f u, and i'!i if you are nut
allergic to egg.
••'I i„. last opp ii'lunitv to obtain
Hi,, vaccine will be T h u r s d a y , in
I 1C7. Office, from 1 In 3:..0
p.m. If your schedule conflicts fry
ID ..•nine between classes. II you are
., hit late we believe you will i.n.l
instructors sympathetic."
Society Schedules
Meeting, Speaker
Kdw.trd Koiibek ':VJ. President of
H„. Student Atlihatcs Chapter ol
til,. American Chemical .Society, annuunces that Hugh Teinpletun. Super \ isor ul Science in t h e S t a t e Education Department, will be the guest
speaker Wediiisday evening ul the
meeting held m Husled loll at I!
p in
Mi- leinpletoii's subject will be
Y.iilii'. Kids
We Need
•nielli" All students a r e inwU'd to
1:00 p.m. F r e s h m a n Class Meeting, Page Hull.
7.:;o p.m. "Mr. Roberts," D i a p e r H4U.
9:00 p.m. Soccer Dance, Urubacher
B:00 a m Rivalry Pushball, Beverwyek Field.
8:00 p.m. C a m p u s Night, Page Hall.
3:00 p m D&A Council Tryotltii, Richardson ai)I
7:00 p in DAsA Council Tryouta, R i c h a r d s o n a o i .
7 so p in Biology Club Meeting, Brubaclier Hall.
Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n Program, D r a p e r 1*40.
ii (J0 p.(II
B:(0 p m American Chemical Kocietv Meeting, Hunted 150.
. i l l R S D . W , NOVEMBER 21
1:0') p.m. Flu Shots, Medical Office, Diaper, until
:J::JO p m.
7 If. p m .
tit::) p m .
" T h e Inlormer," D349.
Kappa Mil Epsllon Meeting, Brubucher
1:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Recess Begins. No edition ol
T h e News.
First °!a. e CSPA
11 hi. VI I 1 I.
Hug Drug
UK I AH iM A A ft M
J II .
Don't just stand there..
Place A C P
November 15. 1U57
N o . 22
Hi . ' i
in 'I I n
ii iiiuii
T n l i lli'ln,
MAItilK i n ; r m i K
JOSKI'll S / A l l l i l i
MARY H T / . l ' A T I t l C K
Mbliibuii, ul tIn NKWS .stiill limy Liu m i u l i •it, Muiiiln
:i in ii a in in -J :i:uii.
I I p III mi I Tin-Mi iv In
H/.UI ek a UH70, lllli ii •link '.! 71130: K a in p> i 2 Willi
T r e uiuli'iijnuliutti! UL'Wbpupur ol llio Ni-u Yu
k H U l f 1 ulU'inI Hid Culli'Ki- sum' In m i NKWH Hi l Ml I
!•'! id ay
College Calendar
Christmas Sing; *1U Open Mind
Leaders Meet
Who's On First? . . .
Each day brings new problems to be faced
Week by week, little by little, smart by
by those interested in the future of the new smart, the Rivalry bubble grew; grew until
government we have formed for ourselves, the least of tensions would cause it to
Each day we hear new arguments that break. Burst it did—so wide open that its
the Senate, Myskania, and the Cabinet are bits hit every part of this campus,
not functioning as many had expected.
Rivalry this year has been a fiasco— a
Each day we have a rash thought to disgrace—a failure. It has been a picnic;
strongly criticize the methods and proce- a picnic for all the chaotic, lumbering,
dures we have created in our new SA Con- brawling teddybears of our college career,
stitution. Yet we do not—we do not because i t has been a victim of disorganization,
we strongly believ? that our new govern- poor sportsmanship, and disinterest. It has
ment is not a monster running wild. We not accomplishsed one thing it set out to
are more disposed to look at our govern- do. Instead, jealousies and injustices have
ment as a crawling baby—a baby that will developed. Disillusioned freshmen have
soon stand up on its own two feet and walk, thrown up their hands in dispair, and upInstead we offer our suggestions—sug- perclassmen have walked away in disgust,
gestions that will start our baby walking
What more can we expect when one traperhaps a little sooner, and perhaps with dition becomes the scapegoat for all others?
more confident steps.
Our esteemed Senators placed the freshmen
First, we feel that the basis for the dwin- 0 n crutches when they passed the fourth
dling interest becoming more and more warning rule—this lack of foresight is their
evident in the Senate lies in the fact that s o le possession. The Junior Class was unthe college legislators have burdened them- a ble to assume the position of guardian.
"Innocent victims of t h e masses, PHARAOH forgives you!"
selves with a backbreaking load of "chore- They failed in arousing interest and proboy" activities. We envision the Student moting unity within the Class of 1961. The
Cabinet as the agency for disposing of such underhand tactics and the miserable atyearly routine matters as the who, what, titude of the Sophomores weakened the
CammOH- Stated
where, and when of our Queen elections.
spirit of Rivalry. It was into this atmoWe do not envy the position of our Sena- sphere the freshmen came, yet they are
tors at this time. We feel that the Senate not without fault. They have whined and
should immediately move to a higher level cried when a little "fight" would have been
of Student Government. That higher level s 0 much better. When help was desperately
"If you strike a thorn or rose, keep a-ffoin'!
consists of the formation of student policies needed, they did not seek it. And they took
If it hails or if it snows, keep a-troin!
'Tain't no use to sit a n d whine
in regard to the College as a whole, and not their advice from unreliable sources,
'Cause t h e fish ain't on your line;
merely the mechanics of student governThis is 1957's puffed up version of RiBait your hook an 1 keep on tryin'. Keen a-goin'!" — S t a n t o n
ment and the mechanics of the social valry. It will be an empty victory that one
of the classes wins tomorrow night. We BETTER
Well, we'll try again. Maybe, we'll g e t a n election law, a sound
Some of our Senators are no longer in- have learned our lesson the hard way, but financial law, etc., etc., etc. So w h a t ! I t h a s taken weeks and we're still
terested—this we have mentioned—but this w e have learned it well. We know now what bogged down. T h e committees a r e rarely functioning—those t h a t h a v e
little cooperation. T h e S t u d e n t S e n a t e persists in resembling
is certainly not the time to lose interest, not to do, and surely we are not fools gotten very
Council. Its' about time our senators concerned themselves with
What the legislative branch of SA does for enough to permit this' to occur next year. Student
the problems which have faced us all year. Some senators d i d n ' t even
the remainder of the year will affect the
think of w h a t h a d happened to t h e letters supporting t h e Bond Issue
until a week before election. T h e S e n a t e doesn't seem to know m u c h
Senate of years to come. Our legislators
about t h e present religious controversy on campus. Let's take care ot
must assume a greater degree of responsithe picayune immediately. We don't need weeks to t h i n k those over.
bility—we need ihe interest, and we need
it now.
This is like having two beginnings to a semester. All these n e w
lyet oldi faces. We're really glad to welcome back t h e hard-working,
Myskania, to be quite frank, must begin To t h e Editor:
quarter practice teachers. T o t h e second q u a r t e r P T ' s we .say,
to make use of its constitutional powers. T h e Sophomore Class met Wednesday n i g h t to dis first
"bonne chance."
Our constitution was left purposely broad
Should C a m p u s Night be postponed until T h u r s
SUB h a s really worked like t h e devil, so let's show t h e m we a p in scope to allow for wide interpretation by day1. to
afford t h e freshmen more time to work on preciate it. With a theme like " S o u t h e r n Silhouette," t h e decorations
the judicial branch of this government. their skit?
help but be excellent. Yes, this year's Soccer Dance is bound to
There is plenty of interpreting to be done, 2. Should State College overlook t h e fact t h a t one can't
be a success. Wanna take any bets on Soccer Queen? We'll bet o n e
and little time for the present Myskania to of t h e lead, in t h a t skit h a s four warnings, making tiling-—the cheerleading squad will be well represented!!
to participate in Rivalry?
interpret. What this Myskania does shall herOnineligible
t h e first point t h e opinion of t h e class was
Not t h a t anyone likes to hear "We told you so," b u t we did. J u n i o r
influence to a great degree what student uraiiiirious: C a m p u s Ni :ht should s t a n d as it is.
Prom, Junior-Senior Party- well—the whole weekend was great. Really!
government ana Myskania shall do in fu- No one can say t h a i t h e Sophomores a r e inconsist- Since
our predictions on t h e athletic events would have been biased,
ent—they itood for tradition and principle t o t h e last we're certainly glad we didn't make a n y ! C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s again, J u n i o r
ture years.
freshman girl will not be in the skit.
The Student Cabinet's function is still p . Ti nhtr. j eT hdelys
be fere presentation t h e freshmen arc
floundering on open waters. We have sug- told to replace one of their leads—to replace a lead OH!So!YEAH!
s Night is Saturday. Or at t h a t was t h e last word
gested that they assume the major part of in a play the third act of which h a s never been r e - we got. FC aomr pau change
we're going to try a n d look a t something objechearsed
the "choreboy" duties of student govern- > A rule t h a t h a s never been tried before.
tively, iDon't faint, readers of t h e S. C. News.i G r a n t e d , the freshman
ment. They could also act as a sounding Now it is a well known fact t h a t this girl realized class h a s not h a d the proper guidance', nor have they been given a
attitude. But they have been given a s much time to p r e p a r e
board for organizations on campus, which : he should not take part in Rivalry she told t h e positive
for t h e skits as any preceding class h a s had. This whole issue brings
is something we now lack. They could easily Sophomore class this two weeks ago. S h e should never the question to our minds as to who h a s t h e power to c h a n e e Rivalry
assume the role of coordinator of student have been cast in the .skit. But she was.
dates. And that's what we're wondering is there such a power?
And now beca'i.-" a rule was not enforced in time I T O P I A ?
i ml because "we want to give t h e freshmen a proper
n k heavens the bond a m e n d m e n t passed! It will be so nice to
Finally, we would suggest that a meeting . espect h.i S„ate traditions" we have pulled t h e skit get Tah anew
cnfet"i'ia, so we won't have to light a major baffle in t h e
of all branches of our Student Association i nd Campus Night apart.
lunch line. But how long will we have to wait? We're becoming one big
government and the administration of our
bruise. Maybe w''11 get the infirmary first, who knows?
respect tradition. Realizing as they w i l l
How about replacing the a s h t r a y s in t h e Commons with heavier
college be held in the very near future. ireshnieu
how tiadition benefits t h e incoming class they'll
i.nes? And some more wastebaskels? And why must, t h e old Commons
We suggest that the discussion center on ainly do everything to uphold it.
cleaned when students are still using It? There's much else t h a i
the philosophy which underlies our new Further, they're bound to iespect ami admire the be
could be dour at those I lines.
constitution. We have included the ad-. a n thev help but appreciate such line attention to TO I ( i l l BRAKE
We're ceitainly ulitcl to see Thanksgiving Vacation extended. Only
ministration because this philosophy, in ; rinciple and such concern lor t h i n wellare?
a week to go. We need all the rest. T h e only difficulty is t h a t t h e social
many areas, involves faculty, students, and
Beth Spencer '(10
calendar is r.ow botched up. It only involves three days, b u t it's j u s t
l o t h e Editors:
enough to put t h e pressure on, especially with rushing
About that Smoker bust Monday night boy, did we ? O F T H E WEEK
A meeting of this group is needed, be- i rente
an impression 1 mean, did we really create an
Will Minerva gel a vacation?
cause in our opinion, the basic fault with nil iv.vlon
T h a t ' s one Hung we did really do. Hut
student government at the present time is did we create t h e impression we want to? How much
that we have one SA Constitution, and limi ": I v.i give to I1'.1.' ; dvaiilages of fraternity life,
ot our individual Iratei nities, a n d t h e opportuniSTATE COLLEGE NEWS
twenty or more interpretations of the phi- and
ties we oiler tor what we think its beneficial to the
losophy upon which that document is ii.dl.alual. lo Stale, and lo lite. We know flic
E S T A B L I S H E D M A Y 1 <J ! 6
on I'III/I (i, Column 1/
IS, 1957
i n ilium in t nil I
< I I l . i l l l m i n Clilrf
ItiihliH's.-. AilverUslin I illlur
.Usui lulu E d i t o r
As»UllllHu I illtul
I i n ! lire l i l l t o l
Spuria 1 i l l U r
<;KACI: l:N(ii:i,s
riirululliiii-KAiliunije Kdilur
s t u t v ( J u l i a n I'llulu S i r v i c c
All ccmiiriulilciUlona should iiu luldieaMjil l o llic editor mid must be uancc!
will be w i t h h e l d on roquetl
T h e 8 T A T B COLLEGE NEWS UAMimtm no r e s p o i n l b U l i y
(or o p i n i o n s exprtissiid In Its c o l u m n s or ooinJiiuiilcitUonii, lis BUCII uxprusjiUnw d o li*t
ueceKtuirlly p ' l l n i Ita views.
DWISIII i c o n
Stiiltlers a r e simple ridilU's with Ivvo-woril r h y m i n g
answers. Both words nuisl have t h e name n u m b e r of
syllables. 1N11 drawings, please' i We'll shell out $25
for all we use and for h u n d r e d s that never see print.
So send s t a r k s of 'em with your name, address,
college a n d class t o I l u p p y - J o e - L u c k y , Box (i7A,
Mount Vernon, N . Y.
Svelte Celt
.frA. T. C'u.l
Product of tM* J&ntue&n
— dvvwooo
is our middle
Sororities Plan Annual Teas; /?oW wuk £cU<u? Religious Clubs Schedule
InitiateNewFacultyAAembers ^^AcMai^ Speaker, Banquet, Sermon
T h e sorority social calendar shows
t h a t three faculty teas are scheduled this weekend along with a faculty buffet and a coffee hour.
K a p p a Delta
K a p p a Delta sorority is holding a
Charlotte Norton '58, President. T h e
tea will take place at the sorority
house on 380 W e s t e r n Avenue.
Psi G a m m a
Patricia K e n n e d y '53, President,
announces t h a t Psi G a m m a has
scheduled a coffee h o u r with Sigma
Lambda Sigma Monday n i g h t at
8:30 pjoi.
Chi Sigma T h e t a
A faculty tea will be held by Chi
Sigma T h e t a S u n d a y from 2 to 5
p.m., states P a t r i c i a Corcoran '58,
President. T h e sorority house is located a t 354 W e s t e r n Avenue.
Sterna Phi Sigma
Preida Cohen '58, President of
Sigma P h i Sigma, announces t h a t
Professors h a v e finished d e t e r m i n i n g mid-semester grades
t h r o u g h t h e usual process of
drawing s t r a w s a n d a g a i n stud e n t s a r e faced with a new crisis.
Are academic endeavors to be
allowed to make i n r o a d s on social activities? Obviously no, a n d
a g a i n t h e problem arises of
how to lessen lessons.
H a r r y C. Staley, Assistant Professor
of English, h a s bsen initiated as a m e m b e r of t h e sorority.
Beta Z e t a
B e t a Zeta h a s scheduled a tea for
all S t a t e College faculty members,
according to Sally H a r t e r '58, P r e s i dent. T h e t e a is p l a n n e d for S u n day from 3 to 5 p.m. a t t h e B e t a
Zeta house a t 389 S t a t e Street.
P h i Delta
A faculty buffet is scheduled by
Phi Delta S u n d a y from 5 t o 8 p.m.
Patricia G e a r i n g '58, President, a n nounces t h a t P r a n c e s K. Belknap,
H a r r i e t L. Dent, and Fay C. M c more, Sophomores, were pledged to
the sorority.
Ronald Pryor '58, P r e s i d e n t of
Sigma Lambda Sigma, a n n o u n c e s
t h a t a n informal r u s h party will
be held T h u r s d a y evening a t 8 p.m.
at the fraternity house located on
155 S o u t h Lake Avenue. All freshm a n , transfers, and eligible u p p e r classmen are cordially invited.
Deve'op a hobby, first a n d
foremost, t h a t will keep you occupied while in class (e.g. counting coughs. Secondly, study your
teachers. Know t h e signs which
m e a n (hey are about to ask a
question (e.g. pulling a t a m u s t a c h e ) . Thirtily, smile appreciatively a t a 1 teacher a t t e m p t s a t
At the end of the next eight
weeks when the new marking
system of pulling n a m e s out of
a h a t comes into effect, you'll
sec t h e progress you've made.
We're Crossword Puzzle "Cheaters"!
Some folks call it cheating to
use reference books to solve
crossword puzzles. Some of
us did one last week that
sent us to seven volumes: a
dictionary, a book of quotations, an anthology of English verse, a French-English
dictionary, an almanac, an
atlas, and a book of opera
scenarios. (We finished the
The way we see it, there
wouldn't be any crossword
puzzles if everyone knew all
the answers. Just imagine a
doctor or a lawyer without
his library, or an insurance
agent without his actuary
We're in the memory business because we sell all kinds
of reference books. There are
important reference volumes
for just about every course.
If we don't have the one you
want, we are equipped to get
it if it is available anywhere.
You will want to keep these
reference books for the rest
of your life. (After you own
some of these books, you'll
wonder how in the world
you ever got along without
t h e m ! ) Penny for penny,
page for page, books are the
best "buy" of your college
career. Come to the store today!
College man's
best friend
By Virginia Lyons a n d Gail Rogers
For you lucky F r e s h m e n taking
Speech, three h i n t s from t h e Elmira
College OCTOGON. . . . T h r e e h i n t s
for speech m a k e r s : Be sincere, be
brief, be .seated.
. . . a n d for Biology majors t h e
Wiscoiv. .1 S t a t e S P E C T A T O R offers, " o n e corpuscle to a n o t h e r
corpuscle, 'Our lives a r e in vein!"
. . . and you think you have
troubles? F r o m the McGill DAILY
comes this lament, "Police in a
village in England had to break
into their own jail because a n officer had dropped t h e key. which
was t h e n swallowed by a clog."
Makes you wonder who was worse
off, t h e dog or t h e officers.
. . . J u s t for fun, here's a tidbit
from t h e KEUKONIAN. "In 1864.
C a p t a i n Huns on Gregory, an old
New E n j l a n d sea captain, was like
any other boy in his m o t h e r ' s kitchen. Watching his m o t h e r fry
d o u g h n u t s , he noticed t h a t the
centers, were never done. . . ." O b servant old "boy" wasn't lie?
. . again from the Wisconsin
S t a t e S P E C T A T O R i they're really
on the balli "Confucius said, 'Two
heads are better t h a n one. but very
. . . let's not everybody be like Vel
Alberto Velaochaga '59 of M.I.T.
who presented the bursar 743 silver
dollars in p a y m e n t of his first term
bill, or so it says in the T E C H .
. . . in closing we have a s t a t e m e n t from an R O T C m a n u a l t h a t
t h e SIENA NEWS offered to all
profs, "If the s t u d e n t has failed to
learn, t h e n the instructor h a s failed
to teach."
Nov. K Winner - Shea Allen
A hot supper will precede t h e
dis.uision and will be served a t 5:00
Newman Club Holds Second Annual
T h e S C T N e w m a n Club will hold
its second a n n u a l banquet Sunday,
December 1, at 6:00 p.m. in the
Main Ballroom of the S h e r a t o n - T e n
Eyck. T h e d i n n e r will be in honor
of Auxiliary Bishop Edward
Maginn, D.D.
Quel 'Ike £><xcitaH(fre
Don't forget to register
for this week's
$25 Free Food and
Fountain Certificate
Regular Price $69.95 p'
M a r j a r e t C a r r '58, Moderator, a n nounces t h a t the Westminister Fellowship will u n i t e with t h e L u t h e r a n S t u d e n t Association for a joint
meeting a t St. J o h n ' s L u t h e r a n F e l lowship House, 16r C e n t r a l Ave.
T h e meeting will be held S u n d a y a t
5:03 p.m.
T h e speaker will be Rev. Russel
Gaenzle, DD, who will speak on
mixed marriages. T h e r e will be a
Now open Friday and
Saturday n i ; l i t s until 1 a.m.
he Amazing//
Coach and Four
Invitations will be sent to all
Newman Clubs of t h e Diocese a n d
their chaplains, as well as to t h e
Alumni and special guests. Miss
Clarissa Dhoncit, President of the
Alumnae Association, will be c h a i r m a n of the Alumni Committee. A
capacity crowd Ls expected to honor
the new Bishop a t this dinner.
Ellen McCauglin '58. President a n nounces
Christian Fellowship will have a
W o r s h i p Service
T h u r s d a y . T h e si rviee will take
place at 7:30 p.m. at B r u b a c h e r
David Marsh '60 will lead t h e
singing and deliver the message.
Thanksgiving vacation, Mr. R u n e s
of Schenectady wi'l be t h e guest
Greeks Bid
Ronald G r a v e s '58, President of
I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council, a n n o u n c e s
t h a t fraternity bids for all eligible
upperclassmen rushees will be issued Monday between 9 a.m. and
1 p.m.
Rushees are requested to che: k
their student mail boxes I'm' m i nouncements of bids. Anyone failing to pick tii) hi.s bid or bids liefore 1 p.m. will be eliminated from
possible fraternity membership for
this semester. Bids must be r e t u r n ed signed or unsigned by 1 p.m..
Oral Interpretation
Presents Readings
'I'he class in Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n
will present readings from literature 'I uesdav at H p m in Draper
lit ihlightiiu l lie program will be
Juniors Willi.I;:I G a r d n e r reading
"M , Hide o! the Mai its" oy T n i u i in
Capol.', i oa lied by Barbara Ba IT
'.it); Ki nr.el h : mil h reading sop cii'ins from " H a n d c i " by .Shakes' care
and i oaehe.l by A nasi a ua Pcnlul'i •
'58; J u d i t h C.'lav in. "The 1 osl 'I ea",
i,y lJoiolliy r . i k e , ' and eoaclie'l 1,\
Gloria Meyers; 'V.'iies Her, " T h e
Elephant's Child" b\ Hudyurd .Kipling, oached by Margaret H u s / a r
'59; Ku-einal'le .'-'epe 'ail, "Ill
Dau liter s Sell" by Fran i s Colby.
Associate Fiolessor ol English; and
Allelic lill'IH,.Hill ',"11. "I he !• n : born" by < lei I rude Al hei I, n, , I,,I< n
ed l.y Joan 1 a n d / b u r g ill
New Vork City
It a II.11 (j
Washington, I). ( .
Surunai' Lake
l.os Angelea
* :i.7.r.
All pricas plub t.ix
Garciamen Close Losing Season;
Top Union, Lose To Panzer In Finale
S t a t e closed the books on the 1957
reason this week by electing the new
co-captains and the most valuable
pjayer, as well as t h e soccer swestAMIA fc-jtbal' standings as of h e a r t , in a secret meeting in B.eecker S t a d i u m .
Wednesday. November 13, ware:
T h e n a m e s of the c a p t a i n s and
;he most valuable player will bs a n P o t ' e r Club
n; uncsd at the soccer dance tonight,
in Bru.
Top Union
Ridge R u n n e r s
Union Heights
in action on the field, th.> Peds
Sayles I
c oscd the seascn by winning one
Sayles II
game and dropping the other, both
in Albany. Th.' G a r c i a m e n victim-
ized Union for t h e i r second t r i u m p h
of t h e season last T h u r s d a y by a
2-1 score, capitalizing on t h e scores
b " Dammei' a n d Backer before giving up one goal to Union. Going on
to support goalie G u s Tillman's
g:e.U n : t play to insure the victory,
the Peds bottled up the G a r n e t d u r l r g much of the second half.
P a n r a r was too m u c h for the Peds,
e . c n with the efforts of Carl Maxis- n and goalie G u s Tillman. Both
played well in vain as the men from
New Jersey walked off with a 4,-0
decision. T h e we'd played game, by
t h e way, was witnessed by some 100
chilled spectators who carted off
several prizes for their perseverance.
Potter Club Neors Championship;
SLS Loses Sunday Contest, 32-14
Alter their victory over the SLS SLS Tops K B
team on Sundav, r o t t e r Club seems
On Monday the S L S squad held
to be the likely champs of this K B scoreless, 19-0. In the beginj j a r ' s i n t r a m u r a l football league, mng of the first period Ed Vesneske
Following a scoreless first quarter c-.rried the ball around end for a
both teams seemed to get ro ling 30 yard run and paydirt. A Vesvvhen Lou Call intercepted an SLS neske to Buckley pass play a c c o u n t pass and ran it back 17 yards for ed for t h e second touchdown. In
paydirt. A few minutes later Harry t . e second stanza a 20 yard aerial
Millett pulled in a t':row from Tom from Vesneske brought the score
Brierlv for the Potter score, to 19-0. T h e game was finally called
S L S then moved down to within a because of darkness,
yards of the goal vvlvre Ed Vesneske Ridge Wins
Kit, Bud Baker witli a short pass. At
On las; T h u r s d a y t h e Ridge R u n the half the score was 13-7, favor ners slipped by APA, 12-7. T h e two
of Potter.
Ridge touchdowns c a m e on a pass
interception by Boo Costello and
Passing' Clinches Victory
, , n a n a e r i a l f r o m D u n Bisson to
T h e high point o! the third quar- C ( stello. APA scored o n : e on a pass
tar was a 40 yard pass play from l 0 s l ; m D a v i e s
Tom Brierly to Harry Millet:. Millett pul'.ed duwn the 29 yard aerial
and ran the rest of the distance u n touched for Potter's third touchdown. Erierly and Millett then si-or(;i again in t h e s r m e period on 12
and 10 yard passes into the end : one
lor 12 more points. In the final
quarter SLS struck back witli a 1.)
yard pass play from Ed Vene.ske to
Bob Sischo lor their sucund score.
Hi.Aever. Po'.ter kept their Hire •
t. uchdown lead and the game ended with a score of 32-14.
Farewell For Six Seniors
T h e squad lost six Seniors in the
game with Panzer, b u t the fray also
showed some who were coming into
their own on the field. Coach Joe
Garcia had no sooner put Danny
McNeil, an Oceanside, Long Island
bey, into the game when t h e freshm a n responded with a pair of blistering shots on goal. Dave Frank
turned in some good play as the
season neared its end. as did JV
regular Bob W a r n , a Nyack product, who shows promise if he slicks
with t h e game.
Leading scorer during the season
was Paul D a m m e r ; F r a n k Pallace
had t h r e e assists to lead t h e team in
that department.
Goalie G u s Tillman, who had
more shots poured on him t h a n he
cares to remember, gets credit for
an average of nine saves per game
and 1.9 misses—an admirable record
but ineffective in terms of a line
t h a t h a s very little scoring punch.
Keglers Open
IM Season
(By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")
(iuinlernuin Shines
A in wcomer to the Gutlei'dust.'rs,
1 ai'iv Gundernnin, ployed to be the
outstanding freshman bowler ol the
.lav as h;' rocked the maples lor a
total ot 31)3 | ins and had a high
aim' i)t 21)5. T h e Rousers, beaten
by the Dusters. 3-1. took high game
with 821)
. ,
Jim Lone ' h i " paced KB to a 3-1
wm over HI.S with a 5111 series '1 he
Kappa Betameli went down to deleal Hi the llisl gallic, hut bolIIH'iil
hack to take the next Iwo anil go
on to win by eighty-eighl pile
Stephenson Hits Zl'l
Alter using the lust game by almost one hundred puis, the APA
eilintet bounced back to lake a 3-1
victory over Ridge Al Stephenson,
bothered by a low 123 second game,
hi' tlie maples lor a big 212 game
to lead the Madison Avenue Haternity.
In the final mulch ol the day,
Sayles Hall Look a 3-1 victory Irian
the Apaches without a man hitting
a 400 series. All three games were
won by less t h a n thirty pins, in a
vei'V close m a t c h .
Albany Diamond <<"!>
Tel. 3-3130
T h e m a k e r s of M a r l b o r o C i g a r e t t e s h a v e b o u g h t t h i s
s p a c e s o I c a n b r i n g a m e s s a g e of i m p o r t a n c e t o A m e r i c a n
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s e a c h w e e k . T h e r e is n o m o r e i m p o r t a n t
message I can bring you t h a n this: College can b e b e a u t i ful. D o n ' t l o u s e it. u p w i t h s t u d y i n g .
T h a t w a s m y m i s t a k e . A t first, c o w e d b y c o l l e g e ,
I s t u d i e d so m u c h t h a t I t u r n e d i n t o a d r e a r y , b l i n k i n g
creature, subject to drv m o u t h and night sweats. This
dismal condition prevailed until I learned t h e real m e a n i n g of college. A n d w h a t is (hut,? I'll tell y o u w h a t : t o
p r e p a r e y o u t o face t h e r e a l i t i e s of t h e w o r l d . A n d w h a t
d o y o u n e e d t o face t h e r e a l i t i e s of tlie w o r l d ? I'll tell y o u
w h a t : poise. A n d h o w d o y o u get poise? I'll tell y o u h o w :
not b y s t i c k i n g y o u r n o s e in a b o o k , y o u m a y b e s u r e !
Relax! L i v e ! E n j o y ! . . . T h a t ' s how you get poise.
Of c o u r s e y o u h a v e t o s t u d y , b u t b e p o i s e d a b o u t i t .
D o n ' t b e like s o m e d r o n e s w h o s p e n d e v e r y s i n g l e n i g h t
b u r i e d in a b o o k . T h e y a r e n o t l e a r n i n g p o i s e ; w h a t ' s
more, they are playing h o b with their posture.
T h e t r u l y poised s t u d e n t k n o w s b e t t e r t h a n t o m a k e
the whole semester hideous with s t u d y i n g , l i e k n o w s t h a t
t h e night before a n e x a m is p l e n t y of t i m e t o s t u d y .
Yes, I ' v e h e a r d p e o p l e c o n d e m n c r a m m i n g . B u t w h o
a r e t h e s e p e o p l e ? T h e y a r e t h e e l e c t r i c light a n d p o w e r
i n t e r e s t s , t h a t ' s w h o ! T h e y w a n t y o u t o sit u p l a t e a n d
s t u d y e v e r y n i g h t so y o u will use m o r e e l e c t r i c i t y a n d
e n r i c h t h e i r b u l g i n g coffers.
Don't, b e t a k e n in b y t h e i r i n s i d i o u s p r o p a g a n d a !
C r a m m i n g is c l e a r l y t h e o n l y s e n s i b l e w a y t o s t u d y . B u t
b e w a r e ! Even c r a m m i n g can be overdone. W h e n you
c r a m , lie s u r e y o u a r e g o o d a n d r e l a x e d . B e f o r e y o u s t a r t ,
e a t a h e a r t y d i n n e r . T h e n get it d a t e a n d g o o u t a n d e a t
a n o t h e r h e a r t y d i n n e r . T h e n go p a r k s o m e p l a c e a n d l i g h t
u p a M a r l b o r o . E n j o y I h e peaceful p l e a s u r e it affords.
D o n ' t g o h o m e till y o u ' r e p r o p e r l y r e l a x e d .
Filtv-one keglers turned out on
W.'dncsda" t i initiate the AMIA
bowlin ; s i - s o n which saw only two
n u n hit the two hundred circle.
Potter Club emerged triumphant
Hhoio by DICK oumniir
I-- taking four points from Union
Q l ARTKRBACKS' MEK'l I N C . Ball carrier Ed Vesneske, quarterHeights lor the only shutout victory
,1 th • day. Potter piled up '::;!)! p m - bailt of the SLS squad, about In be tuffsed by Tom Brierly, quarterback
to Uni >n' Heights' 1991 as Joe T a g - nl Putter Club, after picking up a first iluv. n in Sunday's SLS-I'otter
gall led tin' way with a -17! high game, won by Potter, 32-11.
It's such a comfort to take the bus... and leave the driving to us!
OnCampus M&Mnan
O'l U.'i" nib"]' (,'. Stale's wi c.slluig
li ;.. n will lie ;ni a n o t h e r v. asoii,
i \ cuing al Bruokh n Holy 'I he prospects are bright, but (.' ai h Joe
( laivia h a s one big worry
says, "There just aren't enough leli w.s out for t .ie team. Knr the last
lew years we have been working
i i: a play er and unless more c a n didate.-, turn out, v\e will be doing
just thai again this y e a r "
At I Ins point we would like to
urge a n y o n e interested in the sport
to report to the Milne gym any day
at -1 p in All posilious are opi n and
no experience is necessary.
Medals, Trophies
171 Marshall St.
(jilt 5-7K37
O n c e at
asleep. T h i s
a chair that
a chair with
h o m e , s l a y r e l a x e d . D o n o t , h o w e v e r , fall
is loo r e l a x e d , T o i n s u r e w a k e f u l n e s s , c h o o s e
is not l o o c o m f o r t a b l e , t o r e x a m p l e , t a k e
nails p o i n t i n g u p t h r o u g h t h e s e a l .
P l a c e s e v e r a l p u c k s of M a r l b o r o s w i t h i n e a s y r e a c h ,
( l o o i l , mild t o b a c c o h e l p s y o u relax, a n d t h a t ' s w h a t
M a r l b o r o i s — g o o d , m i l d t o b a c c o . Hut M a r l b o r o is m o r e
t h a n j u s t g o o d , m i l d t o b a c c o ; il is a l s o c i g a r e t t e p a p e r
t o k e e p t h e g o o d , mild t o b a c c o from spilling all o v e r t h e
p l a c e . A n d it filler, A n d it Hip-lop b o x . A n d a red ( a p e
t o lift, tlie c i g a r e t t e s easily . . . Il is, in s h o r t , a lot t o like.
N o w y o u ' v e gut t h e u n c o m f o r t a b l e c h a i r a n d t h e
M a r l b o r o s . Now s o u need l i g h t . I'se t h e lil e n d of y o u r
M a r l b o r o . D o not e n r i c h t h e light a n d p o w e r i n t e r e s t s .
R e a d y o u r t e x t b o o k in a slow, r e l a x e d m a n n e r . D o
nol u n d e r l i n e ; it r e d u c e s t h e resale v a l u e of t h e b o o k .
A l w a y s k e e p y o u r b o o k s in p r i m e reside c o n d i t i o n . You
n e v e r k n o w w h e n y o u ' l l n e e d gel a w a y m o n e y .
As y o u rend y o u will no d o u b t c o m e a c r o s s m a n y
t h i n g s y o u d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d . Hut d o n ' t p a n i c . R e l a x .
P l a y s o m e P a l s D o m i n o . R e m o v e it c a l l u s , ( l o o u t a n d
ealch some nigh! crawlers.
R e l a x ! L i v e ! E n j o y ! R e m e m b e r - a n y n u m b e r of
p e o p l e h a v e b a c h e l o r ' s d e g r e e s , bill p r e c i o u s lew h a v e p o i s e !
!i. 1U67. Mm bl,ului«u
It doesn't take any cramming
to learn that
cigarette on the market today in Marlboro,
take pleasure in bringing you this column
the finest filter
217 Western Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone tJ-3610
S3 N. Lake Ave.,
Near W a s h i n g t o n Ave.
We Aim To Please
IS, 1957
You've Heard About The All-American Girl;
Biology Club
Hears Speech Here's The Other Side Of S t o r y - A State Girl!
(Continued from Page 2, Column BJ
of t h e Smoker a n d w h a t we w a n t to
Athlete: Unless you a r e sure of
J a m e s Rogers '59, President of t h e
accomplish. S o w h a t did we do?
Much h a s been w r i t t e n on girls. your prowess in a t least eighteen
M o n d a y n i g h t w a s a verbal orgy Biology Club, a n n o u n c e s t h a t Paul More h a s been written about t h e m . different sports, do n o t even t r y to
of s m u t , w i t h Seniors opening u p Lemon, C h a i r m a n of t h e Biology A t t e m p t s have been m a d e to class- approach this type. However, to
their four-year file of filth, J u n i o r s D e p a r t m e n t , will give a lecture T u e s - ify t h e m by every device known. No those who fall in this category p r e t h e i r t h r e e - y e a r file, a n d so o n a n d
list c a n be called complete. How- p a r e for a hectic courtship. Your
on a n d on, with enough organized day a t 7:30 p.m. a t Brubacher Hall. ever, there a r e a few basic c a t e - big ccenpetition will be h e r gym
a n d rehearsed obscenity t o keep t h e At this time D r . Lemon will discuss gories which college males m a y find teacher.
Intellectual: F o r t u n a t e l y this is
girls on t h e second floor of B r u talk- the vocational opportunities offer- any d a y in t h e Commons.
ing for a year. F o r m a n y freshmen ed in t h e field of Biology.
Collector: All one needs to do to quite r a r e in our co lege, b u t t h e
t h i s was a new, thrilling, a n d shocka t t r a c t this type is to appear u n i m - pseudo-intellectual is gradually b e ing experience. W h a t a g r e a t kickAny s t u d e n t interested in joining pressed. I t h a s a s h a k i n g effect on coming more common. T h e easiest
off t o r u s h i n g . W e p u t o n a floor t h e Biology Club m a y do so a t this h e r ego a n d causes h e r t o begin a way to a p p r o a c h this type is t o disshow t h a t would m a k e a Paris n i g h t systematic c a m p a i g n to c h a n g e your cover her favorite a r e a of intellecclub d o n a t e all i t s profits to the r e - time.
indifferences t o dog-like faithful- tualism (?) a n d t h e n forget h e r .
tired comedians' home.
All-American: S h e h a s read every
Wednesday, December 4, a t B r u - ness. Her favorite p a s t i m e is to colB u t for w h a t it was, it w a s g o o d - bacher H a J t h e Biology Club h a s lect c h a r m s for h e r bracelet. T h e book e n how to be t h e perfect (?)
suitable a n d plentiful refreshments,
scheduled a discussion on the o p - c h a r m s a r e in t h e main, various date. So when s h e asks you n o t t o
smooth a n d efficient
and s u n d r y fraternity pins.
: pell a perfect evening by trying to
with few lulls. Why c a n ' t we turn portunities for graduate study in
this theatrical ability into some- the Biological Sciences. Leading t h e
t h i n g which c a n better tell t h e discussion will be three professors
freshmen w h a t we think of frater- lrom Albany Medical College: Dr.
nity life, a n d w h a t we think will i erguson from t h e D e p a r t m e n t of
teneflt them, a n d all the rest of 1 harmacho'.ogy, Dr. Muntz from the
t h a t u n a p a t h e t i e stuff?
D e p a r t m e n t of Bio-chemistry, a n d
Some t h o u g h t s o n next year's Dr. Alexander from t h e D e p a r t m e n t
S m o k e r : How about a well-put t o - of Pathology.
gether film on some of our frat a c tivities—the sports, t h e parties, picT h i s discussion will be of primary
nics, work sessions, a n d such? And
we have t h e President of each or- concern to students interested in
ganisation n a r r a t e the film—not so ent2r:n3 g r a d u a t e school next fall.
much from a n individual s t a n d pcint, b u t from a "we" meaning
' f r a t e r n i t y " angle.
And a n o t h e r thing. There is talent
in our midst. T h r o u g h t h e smoke
and o t h e r things we could see t h a t .
Let's exploit it—let's p u t on a real
variety show t h a t is suitable for
showing o t h e r t h a n behind locked
T h e class in Advanced Dramatics
coors in a smoke-filled room. (I u n will present We Were Dancing, by
derstand our proceedings were heard
Noel Coward; Waltz of t h e Toreoutside of those same locked doors
adors, written by J e a n Annonihl;
and B ' u e Concerto, by Marvin Li
This is a n opportunity with great Slger in t h e following weeks as p a r t
psssibihties. T h i s is our c h a n c e n o t of their yearly program.
only t o introduce freshmen to our
organizations, b u t also for us to use Tryouts
our imagination a n d creative ability
as a group. T h i s is a unique opporTryouts for t h e above plays will
tunity t h a t c a n benefit t h e four fra- be held in Richardson 291 Monday
ternities a s well as t h e freshmen.
lrom 3 to 5 p.ui. and again t h a t
These are my t h o u g h t s on t h e 1957 evening from 7 to 9 p.m. All students
Photo by Don Milne
edition of t h e I F C Smoker.
interested in appearing in one of
J U N I O R (PROM QUEEN Rosemarie Sepe a n d h e r court. Absent
the plays a r e asked to attend.
Mike Newman '59
from t h e p h o t o g r a p h is A n n Marie Zwakhals '59.
A D Schedules
Play Tryouts
kiss her, don't say you h a v e n ' t been
prepared. After this occurs, you m a y
begin to see some flaws in h e r from
t h e n on.
Of course, a s you will l e a r n i n
Education 21, this does n o t give you
t h e true picture of any p a r t i c u l a r
girl. You m u s t study t h e whole p e r son, a n d t h a t ' s when you'il r u n into
trouble. S o complain b u t t r y t o d o
without them.
I Herman
and his new third herd
NOV 24
4 I*. M.
Tickets $2.00 at
most music
VOL. XLII, N O . 2 3
WAA Hosts
Inter-Collegiate lice's presidency means that
lighest average in the Senior
Tunior year. He receives the
Representatives audis
Sally Weeks '59, G e n e r a l Chairman, announces t h a t t h e annual
Woman's Athletic Association Conference will be held in Albany this
weekend. Representatives from various col'eges in New York State will
a t t e n d t h e conference to discuss the
general theme, "WAA's Place On
Several sub-topics will also be discussed :
How c a n WAA create interest in
a sport now offered in g y m classes?
How shall we appeal to t h e average college girl w h o h a s little interest in sports?
How c a n WAA promote co-ed
W h a t does WAA have to offer to
college life?
Are t r e n d s a n d awards helpful in
creating interest?
T h e needs of girls on campus with
regard to WAA.
A banquet for conference members
will be held a t Jack's R e s t a u r a n t
Saturday evening, with Miss Francis
S t e w a r t of t h e S t a t e Education D e p a r t m e n t as guest speaker.
T h e p r o g r a m of events is scheduled as follows:
Ftiday, 3 to 11 p.m.: Registration
a t t h e Hotel S h e r a t o n - T e n Eyck.
Saturday, 9 a.m.; Registration a t
Brubacher; 10:45 a.m., discussion
groups; 4 p.i.n., Faculty Coffee Hour;
6:30 p.m., Banquet.
Sunday, 11 p.m. Discussion groups
will meet a t Brubacher Hall.
"ill be held Monday evening
Jpper Lounge. Doctor Vivian
Hopkins will address t h e group.
T h e s e Seniors join sixteen others
announced a t last year's MovingUp Day ceremonies. They a r e : Mary
Aiken, F r e d Arcoraci, Arlene Birnbaum, Robert Bishop, Mary Bullock, Frieda Cohen, Jack Ertle,
Helen Hofman, Richard Kendall,
Charles LaFountaine, Carl Maxson,
Several sororities a n d fraternitie
' Rice, Valerie Schneider, Carmita
p edged a n d initiated upperclassme:
Siaba, Carol Wiggins, a n d Dukene
on November 18 a n d 19.
K a p p a Delta
10 % of Class
K a p p a Delta h a s initiated Rit |
S i g n u m Laudis is composed of t h e Lesko '59, a n d Shea Allen, Sandi i
top t e n per cent of t h e Senior class. Lewis, Arlene Luick a n d Hec
Four per cent are elected at the close Schwartz, Sophomores, states Cha:
of t h e J u n i o r year, four per cent lotte Norton '58, President.
' during the •' i v c t "pmpstpr nf t.he Sigma Alpha Sigma
F O R AND AGAINST. Albany State began t h e 1957-58 s e a s o n b y " topping Hartford University, 82-48. O n e reason for such a one-sided
victory w a s Gary Holway, seen a t t h e left ready t o score two points on a hook shot in t h e first half. S t a t e did n o t get all t h e breaks, however,
(photos by Dick Sumner)
as Roger Lynch of Hartford grabs a rebound away from State's Don Mayer in t h e picture a t t h e right.
Greeks Hold Pi
Initiations For I
Music Council Holway, Bearden Star In 8 2 - 4 8
PresentsConcert R o u t Qf Hartford In '57-58 Opener
In Page Hall
Coach Dick Sauers is preparing his Ped hoopsters for their second game of the
season tomorrow night against New York Maritime Academy, after gaining a season
Friday, December 13, at i p.m. in opening victory at the expense of the University of Hartford.
Page Hall, Music Council will pre,,,„_
F o r t h e s e c o n d s t r aight season, the Sauersmen started the year off right by gainsent its a n n*„„..;..
u a l C hrr i s t m a s „.,II
announces F r a n k F a v a t '59, Vice- ing the upper hand. Gary Holway and Don Bearden led the way on Tuesday night as
Pi esidenl ol Music Council
the Peds started off with an 82-48 rout over Hartford. The game was decided from the
The college Orchestra, women's field as the Albanians found the mark on 38 attempted field goals to a Hartford total of
and Collegiate singers are 12 . The early part of the first half witnessed a see-saw battle which ended when Holway
performing a t the Concert.
began to find the range. The Junior star, who
has already rewritten many of the alltime Albany records, exploded for 21 of his game
College Orchestra
T h e College Orchestra, conducted
S t u d e n t Union Board will sponsor b : C h a r e s F. Stokes, Professor of
a dance tomorrow evening in the Music, will play LeRoy Anderson's
> Brubacher game room following the "Christmas Fantasy."
basketball game with t h e New York
S t a t e Maritime Academy. A band Women's Chorus
T h e Women's Chorui under t h e
wi 1 provide t h e music until midI n d u c t i o n s for freshmen a n d transfers concerning
night. T h e co-chairmen lor the af- direction of Karl A. B. I •terson, As- the M r .ity confli t parties, silent period a n d bids
fair are Shirley Stewart and Judy
have li ' n released by Judv Swan '58, President of
"Wolcum Yole" by Button, "A Snow
Pearlstone, Sophomores.
I n t e r - S ii'ority Council.
Legend" by Clokey, "Lulla jy On
This is t h e first in a series of ChrisUmas Eve" by C h r i s t i a n ; n and <onfh<
Each i.orority will hold a conflict party tomorrow
basketball dances to be held at Bru- Andersen's "Sleigh Ride. '
afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. Invitations have been isbacher Hall a l t e r all the weekend
i.ued t h o u g h student mail, and rushces are free to
home games this season. Musir will ( o l l e g i a t e Singers
T h e Collegiate Singers, also under attend , allies at any or all of the houses to which
be alternately provided by bands
Peterson's direction, will perform Ihey have been invited.
and the S t u d e n t Union jukebox.
for Christmas Bid In Iruclicms
Day," S a i n t Saens' "Praise Ye the T i n re will be a meeting for all eligible rushees t o Listening Hour
Lord on High," KounU's " T h e day at 1 p.m. in Draper 349 a t which instructions
S t u d e n t Union Board's first Lis- Sleigh" and H o s t ' s
"Christmas concerning bids and other pertinent information r e tening Hour will be held Sunday p a y . "
garding sororities will be discussed.
from li to 4:;j(J in Brubacher
Silent Period
Upper Lounge. Agnes Futterer, ProT h e following information about
fessor of English, will do a dramaSilent Period is quoted lrom the
lie reading of a well known one-act
h u s h Code as printed in the College
play. Co-chairmen ol this event are
Marilyn Darzano '58 and Kathleen
During the silent period there
Bonk '59.
shall be no communication between
Everyone is invited to attend ReT h e Chi c h a p t e r oi Kappa Phi Kappa, National lushees and sorority members, exfreshments will be served.
Honorary Education Fraternity, initiated seven mem- cept fur one parts given by each sobers last night, announces John Kicl.le '58, President rority for invited rushees. T h e period
extends lrom DeeiDiiber 8 a t 8 p.m.
ol t h e group.
until pledge service on December 17
New Members
From the Senior class new members were Hubert m 5 30 p.m.
There shall be no rushing during
Bishop, Hugh Farley, David Fothernighaiu, LaVerne
I.ibbert. Juniors who were initiated are Martin Cohen (his period except by means of t h e
party described above a n d t h e n only
J a n e t Hood a n d Rudolph Schmidt, and Lee DeNike.
in t h e sorority houses. Except at t h e
College Physicians, announce that Purposes a n d Program
any students who still wish to reT h i s professional education fraternity promotes the parly there shall be no conversation
ceive the vaccine for the Asian Flu cause of education and encourages young men to study i.etween rushees a n d members, a n d
should report a t once to the medical its principles a n d problems. To further this purpose it shall be considered a n offense to
oil ice.
the fraternity emphasizes social intercourse, scholarly have a third party act as a medium
to carry on a conversation.
Any students under twenty-one a t t a i n m e n t a n d professional ideals.
Each sorority will hold a Formal
T h r o u g h a yearly program which takes the form ol
years of age will be required tu secure a note of permission from their u series of talks a n d panel discussions, under t h e d i - Dinner on the n i g h t of December
p a r e n t or guardian. Anyone having rection of distingi islied leaders in the field of educa- 14 from 7 to 11 p.m. (Invited rushees
an allergy to eggs should n o t r e - tion, K a p p a Phi Kuppa works toward further develop- ihall not arrive before the first hour
(Continued on Pauv 6, Column V
ceive the vaccine for the Asian Flu. ments in its chosen field.
Asian Flu Vaccine
Available At State
r OB AC CO C O . ,
6, 1 9 5 7
ins saitzburg, Lucille SchneiWallace, Joseph Warren, and
H. Littlefield, Assistant Protected a faculty member.
Council Announces
Rushee Information
New Members Join
Education Fraternity
WINSTON - S A L t M , N . C .
Basketball Squad Seeks Second Straight Victory;
Sauersmen Face Maritime In Page Tomorrow Night
Holds Dance
H. J . R E Y N O L D S
high 25 points in the first half enabling his t e a m
to leave t h e court with a 39-21 edge.
Bearden Shines
After t h e teams h a d r e t u r n e d for t h e second half
a n d action was resumed, Don Bearden took over as
t h e Ped scoring leader. H i s sixteen points in this
half helped shoot Albany to victory. Coach Sauers
substituted freely in the final m i n u t e s of the ball
game, giving t h e newcomers to this year's varsity
a c h a n c e to show their stuff. Ernie J o h n s o n was high
a m o n g t h e rookies with eight points.
Although Hartford was lacking in field shooting,
they out-did t h e Pods from t h e foul line as they
t a r n e r e d 24 of 35 a t t e m p t s to a below par 6 for 18
icored by Albany.
In t h e preliminary contest, t h e J u n i o r Varsity lost a
close one to Albany Boys' Club, 65-60. T h e freshmen
d o m i n a t e d squad showed great potential, however,
a n d should enjoy a successful season once it is over
the hurdles of inexperience.
Long Home S t a n d
Tomorrow night's game against Maritime will continue a long home s t a n d for t h e Peds, which is i n terrupted by only one road game. F r o m now until
F e b r u a r y 1, t h e Purple a n d Gold will play a total ol
six games on t h e Page hardwood a n d one on t h e
Washington Armory court against rival Siena Colli ;;e. 'I h e one road game un t h e schedule during this
lime is with New Haven S t a t e T e a c h e r s College next
S a t u r d a y . According to Coach Sauers, this game is
p a r a m o u n t in the minds of his players who are out
to avenge last years' defeat on t h e New Haven court.
Should Make It Two S t r a i g h t
T h e S a u e r s m e n should m a k e ii two in a row tomorrow night against the Academy live. S a u e r s will probably use the same starting line-up which he used In
t h e Hartford game T h i s includes Holway, Bearden,
J a c k Bearden, Don Mayer a n d Dick Causey. T h e
g a m e will begin at 8:30 after the J V game which
pits t h e J u n i o r Peds against t h e R o t t e r d a m All Stars
scheduled to begin ut 6:45.
In last year's 17-5 season, t h e second team on t h e
Ped schedule wus none other t h a n Maritime Academy.
In t h a t game, t h e Peds won by a 63-49 margin, T h e
schedule h a s been shortened this year to make room
for t h e S t a t e Teachers Colleges basketball t o u r n a m e n t
to be held in Oswego from February 27-29. D u e to
this fact, the Peds will meet o t h e r S t a t e College teams
only once during t h e regular season.