STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, M A R C H 8 , 1957 PAGE 6 News Views: Israeli Decision Results In Threat Of Violence, Revolt By DON DAME Last week the Israeli government indicated that she would favor troop withdrawal from the Gulf of Aqaba and the Gaza Strip areas. The United States was quite pleased to hear this good news. Underlying this good news are several problems. The announcement has brought serious repurcussions within Israel. The government of Premier David Ben-Gurion is faced with political revolt and the threat of violence by the opposition. Ben-Gurion's decision to act without the immediate approval of the Israeli parliament has created serious opposition. Earlier this week, additional provincial police have been moved to Jerusalem in order to prevent any possible rioting in the streets of the Holy City. A short time after the announcement, one could see signs saying "Ben-Gurion, your time is up." The walls of the city's buildings have become billboards for the opposition's wrath. Bargaining Power Opponents of the Premier's move feel that Israel's bargaining power would be much greater if she had held her Sinai Desert positions. These aforementioned positions were only 10 miles from the Suez Canal. The Premier's latest decision has led many Par.iament deputies to regard the last four months of negotiations as a complete waste. The situation in Israel bears watching. The United Nations has voiced no opposition to -he temporary occu- Union Downs State Bowlers The State College keglers took it on the chin this week after several weeks of keeping pace with the league leaders. After easing out an 805-778 initial game win, the Teachers were humiliated by a "close" 900-712 defeat by the power of the Union College quintet. Embarrassed by the poor middle contest showing the Peds bounced back and came within 4 pins of victory in the finale. The fourth point of the evening easily went to the aggregation from the Electric City as a result of the outstanding second contest showing. Pardee, Peterson Pace Peds After Decker Pardee and Irv Peterson combined games of 191 and 189 to capture State's lone win, the big college team combined efforts of 202, 201, 193, 192 and 122 (122?) for a neat 900 pin tally. Union Victor In the night's closer, Tom Sullivan's 182 mark was erased by Plummer's 190 and Union rode home on the third point of the week. Peterson and Pardee put 520 and 525 scores back to back to pace the Albanians. Stine paced the tri-city foes with 552. pation of the withdrawal area by the United Nations Emergency Forces (U.N.E.F.). The problem areas are (1) The right to fair passage through the Strait of Tiran into the Gulf of Aqaba. This stipulation is forwarded by Israel and is upheld by the U.S. and other maritime powers. Countries backing this proposition contend that the Strait ol Tiran is an international passageway through which Israeli and other shipping is entitled to free shipping; (2) The eventual administration of the Gaza Strip and 300,000 Arabs, a majority of them Palestine refugees living on United Nations relief allotments. These are two problems which the United Nations must resolve before any final decision is made. Civilian Direction Meanwhile Dr. Ralph Bunche, winner of the Nobel Peace Price in 1950 for his Palestine activities, is expected to take charge of the U.N.E.F. in Egypt. Dr. Bunche is presently an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. This move would put the U.N.E.F. under civilian direction at the very pinnacle News from State College Greek ot its activities. houses centers on announcements of pledging, election, and a social If Israel does go ahead and with- event this week. draws her troops, then Egypt must Joan Van Dusen '57, President of stay out. Ben-Gurion told Israeli Phi Delta, announces the pledging political leaders that if Egyptians of Jean Graziano '60. Phi Delta returned to the Gaza Strip "we will hold their faculty tea this have it in our powers to send them Thursday. back into their own territory in one Thomas Thompson '59 has been day." The fuse on the powder keg elected to the post of pledge-capis being dampened. Let no nation tain, announces Edward Jones '57, President of Alpha Pi Alpha. strike a match. Greeks Pledge; Elect New Officer > • * Record RetUeut > > > "^H^W/-/""1 By FRANK VETOSKY Rosemary Clooney Rosemary C l o o n e y (remember her?) has just released a new calypso-type "Come On A My House" single for Columbia called "Mangoos". This one will surely be well received by the Dee-Jay circuit. With enough plugging, it could become Miss Clooney's first big hit in many a day-o. Pat Boone A two-sided hit is in the making once again for Pat Boone. His brand new recording "Why Baby Why", backed with "I'm Waiting For You", is already starting to hit the best selling chorts. Our preference goes to the latter side. Practice Cruise Open To Men Applications for men interested in participating in the Practice Cruise of the Maritime College are now available in the Student Personnel Office. All applications are to be accompanied with an essay of not less than 750 words on "Why I Am Interested in Making This Trip." The cruise, which is being sponsored by the Maritime College of the State University is open to men who will complete their Sophomore or Junior year by June, 1957. The selection of a representative and two alternates to represent Albany State will be made by a Committee of Students and Faculty consisting of Dr. Mauritz, Associate Professor of Education, Frank G. Carrino, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, and Marilyn DeSanta and John Rookwood, Seniors. The cruise runs from June 13 to August 21, and is estimated to cost $140.00 for maintenance and $25.00 for clothing and additional personal expenses. It's a sweet ballad done with full justice by Boone. "Why Baby Why" is a rather cliche ridden piece of material which won't wear too well with the older music fans. Frankie Lane Frankie Laine says, "Love Is A Golden Ring" on his latest Columbia release. This tune is an excellent followup to his million seller, "Moonlight Gambler". As usual, Laine exhibits his dramatic styling. This disk might best be described as a calypso type western tune having Gypsy flavorings. It is highly reminiscent of Dean Martin's .smash "Memories Are Made Of ' This". An interesting sidelight is that the Easy Riders, who helped Terry Gilkyson rocket "Marianne" to the top, supply the vocal group backing for Laine here. Fats Domino "I'm Walkin'" is Fats Domino's new release for Imperial. This one features the usual keyboard banging, pie plate bashing, etc. Domino completely butchers the oldy, "I'm In The Mood For Love", on the Hip side. Domino is still very hot, so this one should gather a lot of coins for him. Tab Hunter Tab Hunter has completely outdone himself on his new Dot etching. This platter contains two third-rate attempts at vocalizing. The tunes are "99 Ways" and "Don't Get Around Much Anymore". Don't be surprised if Tab has another gold mine here, though; he's just that popular. The Hi Los "Suddenly It's The Hi Los" is the title of the group's new album for Columbia. This quartet is top-rate and they really deliver terrific versions of such old standards as "Blue Skies" and "Stormy Weather". Besides being a great package, it's a very collegiate one. ALBANY, Z-462 Anew idea in smoking...all-new S Created In, It- •'• Reynolda Tobacco Company. There will be a compulsory legislative assembly this morning at 10 a.m. in Page Auditorium, announces Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of Convocations Committee. The agenda includes presentation of Who's Who certificates, discussion of budgets to be presented by Student Board of Finance, and a three minute preview of the State College Revue. Certificates to twenty-six Seniors who were selected by the Student Association to represent State College in the 1956-57 edition of Who's Who Among: Students in American Universities and Colleges will be presented by Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women. Those honored are: Joseph Anderson, Robert Backer, Beth Beehler, Robert Burns, Marie Carbone, Dom inic DeCecco, Marilyn DeSanta, Sara Jane Duffy, Richard Feldman, Tito Guglielmone, Lenore Hughes, Barbara Hungerford, Alan Hutchinson, David Kleinke, Mary Knight, Marcia Lawrence, Sheila Lister, James Lockhart, Clyde Payne, Bruno Rodgers, John Rookwood, Nancy Schnelder P'iula Segal Elizabeth Stapleton,' Joseph Swieriowski, and Betty Van Vlaok 15, 1957 VOL. X L I I NO. 6 Parents' Day, a new social function at State, will be inaugurated tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in Page Auditorium with a welcoming address by Evan R. Collins, President of the College, announces Florine Skutnik '58, Chairman of the Parents' Day Committee. Clyde Payne '57, President of Student Association, will speak at that time. Oscar E. Lanford, David Hartley, and Ellen C. Stokes, Deans of the College, Men and Women, respectively, will be introduced. A tour of the college and the television set-up in Richardson Hall will be conducted by Alan Stephenson, Technical Director of the television facilities. Dormitories, Group Houses, Fraternities and Sororities will hold open house from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The houses will be decorated and OUR PARENTS have a busy day, according: to the plans of the a $25.00 cash prize will be awarded Parents' Day Committee. Pictured above, left to right are: Florine Skutthe group showing the most orignik, Chairman; Richard Feldman, Mary LaPorte, and William DeGroat. inality, work, and quality. The judges in this competition are Edward Cowley, Associate Professor of The following is the breakdown Art, Karl Peterson, Associate Proof the receipts of the organizations fessor of Music, and the Parents' which participated in State Fair, Day Committee. states Donald Rice '58, State FailTreasurer. The figures listed here do Music, Drama Festival _____ _ _.__, ... and Drama Festival will not include expenses. Each orgr.nA Music Nominations for class officers and in the spring elections. It is hoped Nation paid for half of its ex- take place in Brubacher Upper Student Association ot fleers lor the that the student body will become p e nses; the other half was deducted Lounge from 2 until 3:15 p.m. Pet1957-58 school year will open pre- better acquainted with the candi- f r o m t h e receipts. erscn, Dean Stokes, and Agnes Futvious to the Easter recess this year dates and their issues by using this terer, Professor of English, are din ' order to allow sufficient time for method. F««t Group recting the Festival. Veterans, $24.36; Edward Eldred campaigning, announces Jack Tate '58, Chairman of Election Commis- \ oting On April 26 P o t t e r Club, $75.64; American The program includes lour songs gion Actual voting will begin on April Chemistry Society, $39.05; Canter- by"the 'choraTette's acc'o'mpanieTby 26 and will be by absentee ballot, bury Club, $3.75; Student Union Marceline Waggoner '59 a reading C|M> Nominations Votes may be cast starting at 12 Board, $7.56; Phi Delta, $19.21; o f " C r e s Delahanty" by'Betty'Van , C.ass officer nominations will noon In the school on Friday Student Christian Association, $5.84; vi'irk '^7 m d qpWtinvxs hv tho open Tuesday in class meetings at a n d a t U l e S n a c k B a r i n Brubacher Brubacher Hall, $15.50; M u s i c woodwind Q u a r t e t w h o s e members Treasurer Lists Total Receipts For State Fair I Nominations For School Offices Open At Tuesday Meetings Myskania has interpreted the budgetary procedure as set down in the constitution, Article VIII, Section 1, Number 9, a and c as follows: As it is written, that each organ izational budget total will be voted upon separately, and that a motion to delete or change will be recognized as calls for discussion, and that, in order for a person to discuss a line in the budget, a motion must read "to change or delete." _ , . , , . . , . ,,„,.„„J •„ ,-,,„, That the budgets be read in Convocation by totals rather than I e Z ^ ^ S ^ C t ^ ^ X Student Association prior to the presentation of the budget in Convocation. Members of Uie cast of the State College Revue production of "Plain and Fancy" will present a preview of the show at the close of the business meeting. It is requested that .students look for these notices and list possible hours for appointments as indicated. They should be returned as soon as possible. S a l e m refreshes your taste FRIDAY. MARCH Welcoming Address Opens First Annual Parents' Day Medical interviews with each student in the Senior class an; p aimed before graduation, announces Janet Hood, College Physician. menthol fresh . rich tobacco taste . most modern filter YORK. SA To Vote On Budgets In Assembly Office Lists Senior Exams Think of a Spring breeze blowing over fresh, green grass and you'll have a good idea how refreshing all-new SALHM Cigarettes taste. The freshest taste i„ cigarettes flows through SALKM'S pure white filter, Rich tobacco taste with new surprise softness. ..menthol-fresh comfort. Try S A L E M - you'll love 'em. NEW »o«» Parents Day Features Reception, Open Houses, Revue; State University President Speaks A t Brubacher Hall A representative fr om Student Board of Finance will present these budgets for SA approval: Press .,.,._„,., ._„ _ — Forum , Bureau, Student., Council, Smiles, and Student Board of Fin- You s m o k e refreshed ews State College The medical office will then make definite appointments. All Seniors will be notified of these through student mail. Appointments will ulsu be posted on the bu letin board across from the Medical Office, Draper 107. Seniors should look for notices. It is important to keep all appointments. T h e C0Un U o^low]nKT1]ocrtions-eSf^ nrin'class ^ \ °J! S a T d a y " J * *"$*? f ' * M B : Ch' Sigma ^ S S S ^ S T t e n S T w ^ n ™ S f ^ J l f o ^ So ° P Z n ol mto ^ e E d a ^ l / r U " ° ~ » ~ ° " S » L ^Athletic W ^ Association, l S t e £$23.16; 5 ^ Anderson, W LindaPogonowski, SophMonday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to Women's omores, and Nagel and Nancy Draper 111; and Junior 4 „ m in school meeung, Kappa Beta, $13.15; International jjjcitson freshmen meeting, Draper, 349, announce Film Group, $17.80; Newman Club, Robert Helwig, Donald McClain, Moving-Up Day $2.65. Statesmen aJ1 d John Stefano, class presidents Results of the elections will be The Statesmen, accompanied by Nominations for class officers will reV ealed on Moving-Up Day which h e r c * n d ^ r o u , ? „ , t. „ „ oeor ge Harris '59 will also sing 0 1 F W close March 22. Nominations for i s Saturday, May 4 Moving-Up Day h ^ I ^ L ^ " r ° " fever eral selections and Joan GinsStudent Associa .oclation will open i s t h e c l l l n a x 0 ' f t h e co itege year. ^ i p . $5.00; Myskan a $4852; Gam- «ver. Graduate, will give the hummu 01 March 22 in legislative convocation The new Myskania is "tapped" and legislative convocation The new Mvsknnin is "tanned" and lege Kappa News, $26.50;'Beta'Zeta, Phi, $35.74; State$32.43; Col- buig "o us reading:, "Gertrude the Govand will close on March 26. Declin- y l e n e w officers of the various or- Alpha Pi Alpha, $28.90; Commerce erness." ations for both class and Student ganizations on campus are an- Cub, $9.71; West' House, $11.26; William Carlson, President of Association offices will close on nounced. activities are F o r u m o l P o »tics, $36.20; Lake State University of New York, will hiPhliehfPdThehvevening thP Mill! skit qnri Wednesday, April 3 highlighted by the MUD skit and H council, give a short talk following the pro$675 student . M A T o. „ ' ,,,.„ m Campaign Procedures Open the traditional Sing on the steps . . . . . i „u ^7 1 0 ' V ^ a l ^i a ^ r «£' ^ £ reports that restrictions for ol Draper Hail. At the close, the » iors cede their Lplaces on the %*"*• i : ™ n ? ™ ' *****> Coffe fee Hour ^ wlH be Umiu.d Seniors cede lhelr Camp Board, $11.01; Pierce Hall, From 3:15 until 5 p.m., a coffee » * ™ . J £ same campaign pro- front steps to_ the_ Juniors, lu.d the $5.95; Sigma Lambda Sigma, $55.24; cedures which were used in the re- Sophomores and freshmen move up 011*1, ; Club, $6.05; Kappa Delta, hour will be held in conjunction placement elections will be followed as the Seniors march away. ' ' Television exhibition, $11.70; with Student Union Board in the $16.87; Brubacher Lower Lounge where parand Boosters, $100.25. ents may meet the college's faculty Financial lie port i.nd administration. Patricia ColThe gross receipts for this year's way '57 and Richard Ronconi '59 are State Fair were $1,245.14. The total 1 Continued on Payc 3, Column 1) expenses were $125.48. This leaves $1,119.66 as the net receipts. Edward Eldred Potter Club led all By WILLIAM FKANKONIS other organizations by accumulating 'Today people of Mars, 'Were You over there. Why is it that their $75.64 for the evening. Potter Club was also voted the best show. This There?' presents, a look at our most heads arc all so large?" means that this fraternity will piefamous center of learning, the "Ve einvasise culture." Ynabla Blp. We hope to show you "I see. Well Professor, tell us, sent tlie opening show at next year's "The Insect Comedy" will be preJust a little of this great institu- what arc those men doing down State Fair. sented by the State College Theatre tion's life. there on that Martian surfboard?" 111 Page Hall Auditorium on the eve"You will notice, as we walk tonings of March 29 and 30. The di"Dot I.SS not a surfboard. Dot IS.S wards Its chestnut covered walls rector of the production is Jarka that a projected image of our na- our basketball court." Burian, Assistant Professor of Eng"Professor, I notice that your athtlonal hero, Avrenim stands as lish. Dr. Burian has made a new guardian of the central portals. Ex- letes' legs are not as well-formed as translation of tills Czechoslovakian 9 c u , s e n ie, that's Professor pon Hand- most athletes. Why?" play e.-pecially for this production. "Veil, you see, dey don't liaf to ler who was to meet us. Hello there run too much. They choost ehoomp Compulsory Legislative Convutm This theatre production is a social Professor." frctn vone end to der odder." lion. satire, depicting the sometimes "Veil, goot efnlug." "Professor, were you wailing here "Vhy . . . I mean why is that stu Presentation of Who's Who Certif comic, sometimes tragic characterfor us?" dent dragging his chin on the (nates by Ellen C. Stokes, Dean ot istics of civilization by presenting Women. varoius aspects of society in the "No, I vas looking for shtudenls ground?" Vone or two veren't able to show up 'Oil, dot's iss vhat is known as Discussion of budgets to be up- form of insect life today. Ve vere looking for sonic der Ynabla Flop. Dey get dot vay proved by Student Association: "The Insect Comedy" is a fantasy mental midsliets to turn into from too much vacations. Dot iss Press Bureau, Student Council, in which a philosphlcal vagrant falls clilants." bad for der system. Veil, dot is about Forum, Smiles, and Student Board asleep in a forest and observes hu"l'ui sorry to hear that. Are all you vill see here." of Finance. manistic insects there. In this large they siok?" 'Thank you very much, ProlesThree minute preview of the State production with a cast of thirty "Oil no, malnutrition. Nodding sor. And now, Were You There' re- College Revue, "Plain and Fancy," people, highly elaborate costuming serious." turns you to our studios for Now which will be presented both this will be used to portray the insect 'Professor, I see several students You're Back'." e\ening and tomorrow night. characters. Odd Center Of Learning Forms Cultured Creatures College Theater Presents Satire A i,enaa STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , PAGE 2 Progress Is Time and time again we have been critical of many iacets of life at State College. Now, we would like to take the opportunity to indicate some of the more important advances that have been made this year. State Fair this past weekend was a fine example of cooperation between the two State - minded parties — faculty and students. Much criticism has been heaped upon student-faculty relalions. We have two facts for you to consider before you condemn State in this respect. We have been given much freedom in our college affairs that has instilled in us an independency that does not allow for faculty participation. We, ourselves, have declared many activities "off limits" for the faculty. For this reason we would consider their participa./?et*fc*s tion an unwarranted intrusion, and for this "And these, Mother and Dad, are my friends reason the faculty does not wish to enter many fields of activity. Today the last section of this year's Pedagogue was sent to the publisher. The staff has given unselfishly of its time and Gammon-Stated energy to one State activity that receives little a c k n o w l e d g m e n t but a gigantic By FELDMAN and CARBONE amount of criticism. For once when this book reaches our hands in June let's say thanks. Recommended? Suggested'' SA Nominates? Besides these two major improvements "There's small choice in ro.icn .ijiples." we have seen appear on our campus—a Parents' Day, a humor magazine, a BroadGEE MA, LET'S GO! Tomorrow night, Page will see the iiiitj;.' i<-n of something new . . . a way show, open campaigns, a successful Broadway show. For years SA has been '>c :.-.% for this; now the boneWinterlude and Junior Prom, and a winhas been thrown. Everyone .should come 'o ,;ee if $1,000 of your money ning basketball and wrestling team. was worth it. We mink the show itself will be a success, but whether or not it's monetarily successful depends upon yen, • :. student 'Judy—that means, go to see J.J'ai:I and Fancy." OVERHEARD "What is 'college '•) "'.' pop 9 " "College biead r; 'i four-year loaf made froi.i the flavor o. youth, and the old man''? dough" THEATRE? Tuesday and Wednesday nights we'll see the performances of two so fans, go .'.D Plays. One is bein^ directed by one of yours truly* jtind here to go . . . go! The opportunity doesn't come too often U see modern plays, F^ " T ' S your chance. OVATION DESERV1.T) We congratulate i.'-.,|,aine and her crew on a verj line State Fair. We only thank God, however that we won't be her* another year to be bored with some of the organizations who present the same booths year after year. Potter Club set a perfect example of varietj with ingenuity, originality, and a darn funny show. Maybe more groups ought to follow along. P.S. Myskania was rea.iy all wet that night. We hope they've dried out for Convocation today! REMEMBER WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM Henry Ward Beechcr once said. "There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent foi the child." This might sound sentimental, but it's true and we lgree with it. What about the parents who haven't been personally invited? EDUCATED PIGEONS It's been said that many courses around this institution are "for the birds." We never took this literally until several of our fine feathered friends came to classes this week. VITALITY LACKING The long awaited "Penguin" finally made its grand entrance much to our disappointment. We agree witli many other opinions that it was not representative <f State. Aside from a lew exceptions, the material was mediocre and it looked more like a weak attempt at an intellectual newsletter than a college humor magazine. We suggest more humor, some advertisements, find stories of quality. Page should be enraged. Minerva should blush, and the Penguin should change color if drastic revision isn't accomplished before the next issue. . . . We did think the letter to the editor was very well taken. I T S A THOUGHT If all the speakers in the world were laid out end to end, it would be a darn good thing EVEN THE WALLS HAVE EARS Myskania keeps everything they do a secret. We respect their right to do so. Student Council has only one tiling a year they keep a secret, and that's Moving-Up Day speakers. Well, Monday night, after a three hour hashing session, the speakers were chosen, Tuesday morning, at least a half dozen non-Council members knew who these chosen few were. This is secrecy? WHEREFORE OF THE WEEK How many will run.' College Colendoi FRIDAY, MARCH 15 10:00 a.m. Compulsory Legislative Convocation, Page Hail. 8:00 p.m. State Colhje Revue, Plain and Fancy, Page Hall. SATURDAY, MARCH 10 2:00 p.m Chess Club Meeting, Brubacher Hall. 7:00 p.m. Hillel, Megilh.h Reading at Congregation Ohav Sholom. 8:00 p.m State College Revue, Plain and Fancy, Page Hall SUNDAY, MARCH 17 3:00 p.m. Psl Gamma Open House (or Statesmen. 5:00 p.m Lutheran Student Association Supper Meeting, St. John's Lutheran Church 7:00 p.m. Hillei P u r m Party, Congregation Ohav Sholom. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 10:00 a.m. Class Meetings, freshmen. Page; Sophomores, Draper 111; Juniors, Draper 340. 7:30 p.m Music Council's Movie on the life of Paganinl, "The Magic BOW," Richardson 300. THURSDAY, MARCH U 7:30 pin. Newman Club Meeting, Brubaeher Hall. .Student Christian Association Meeting, Brubacher Upper Lounge Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Meeting, Brubacher Hall. STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY. M A T C H 15, 1 9 5 7 Question Myskie isn't frisky anymore. In the past, the Senior honorary has been held in high esteem by the student body as a whole, not merely by the Sophomores and freshmen, as it is p r e s e n t l y . Myskania's prestige has sunk to a low ebb since the present Junior Class entered this college. Supposedly, the thirteen act as the judicial branch of our government. Actually, what judicial powers does Myskania possess that don't cease to exist at the end of Rivalry? Should it serve as a branch of our government, or should it be limited in such a way that it becomes a resting place for those Seniors who have earned such a reward for active participation in student affairs? These are questions we would like answered, and by the people who should know, Myskania. In a few weeks we are to elect your successors. How shall we elect them— for their governmental abilities, their entertaining abilities, or shall we elect them because we like them, and that's all? In short, are we to elect an honor society, or a branch of our government? We'd like to know, Myskania, and you can supply the answers. You have served a full year—what are your ideas on the society of the thirteen chairs? You know its strong and weak points. Does it need a change in function, and if so, what? We're asking, Myskies, you supply us with the answers! - - - One Man'i Opinion -- - By LLOYD SEYMOUR For uonths now we have argued be. a great many students just over from the feudal system? Does student government. Changes are DON'T care about student govern- it do more than count votes? Should effected which are, in turn, changed, ment? it be primarily a governing body, an until a", we have is a complex, nebPerhaps one of the basic things honorary body, a glory body, or ulous, and inefficient system which wrong here is the misplacement of what? Its place now is certainly very few individuals really under- emphasis. Student government, so ambiguous. If it is primarily a govstand. We try to correct the out- obviously not a concern of much of erning body, why should being a ernppings of this outdated set-up, the school, is greatly emphasized, good entertainer or head of a cleane.g. poor elections, instead of going while other tilings, just as import- up committee be a prerequisite for to the heart of the matter; what ant, take a back seat. On entering it? If Myskania were removed, (he we need to do is critically examine State, the freshman sees student people on Senate would then be cnery basic part of our government government held up and glorified in those who were sincerely interested to sec if it is really that basic and Mys riia; the ultimate achieve- in the running of our government: necessary. We should look at State in study—Signum Laudis—is scarce- Senate would not be a steppingas if it were founded only yester- ly known about by the frosh. There- stone, since nothing would be gainday and act accordingly. Tradition fore, government should be de- ed from being on it except the satis fine, but let's not remain in the emphasized. Then the supposedly isfaction of helping to run the school time of the original Minerva. We inconsequential aspects of college well. have to shake off our antiquated life — studies, activities, sororities, inertia and wake up to reality. Since a great many students do fraternities — could be brought to The problem is always apath.\. the fore. These Important elements not care how their school is run, it What is done to correct it? People could then attain the place they would definitely be most advantageare forced to go to Convocation ta merit, without their efforts being ous for everyone to let the entire student body be represented by a high-sounding, but lew-resulting, sapped by student government. smaller, more interested, and more renaming of Assembly), thus changAt, this point you must think I capable body, namely, a Senate. ing students' apathetic attitudes into negative ones. Political parties are want to do away with all student This strong nucleus—the Senate forced upon the students simply be- government. Nothing is farther from would carry on SA business — the cause they are something new and my mind; student government is an basic work, not the extraneous matdifferent. Tlvse are excellent ways essential part of our college. The ter that now wastes so much tune to corn. t ,i '..thy. Did anyone ever point is that It is a part of the These secondary affairs could be stop to thu . that maybe, just may- whole -not the whole. Therefore, it treated by two or three major subshould be set up on a minimum committees, working in conjunction basis, including only essentials. Do with the Senate. Tire exact set-up we need a Convocation? Couldn't a of this Senate is a problem for conSenate handle matters sufficiently, sideration. Its need is definite; an SA petition provided? Do we what remains is the realization ol need a Myskania? Is it a carry- this theory. To the Editors: I read the first issue ot the I'enKuin and m general found it enjoyable reading. Being a first venSTATE COLLEGE NEWS ture it naturally had its share ol shortcomings, .nine of which I E S T A B L I S H E D MAY 1 9 1 6 heartily disapprnr e ol; e.g., too much BY T H E C L A S S O F 1 9 1 8 swearing just loi the sake ol swearing. However, o'.e ol our students took it upon I imselt to write a First Place CSPA Second Place ACP vitriolic letter to the editor con- VOL. XLII M a r c h 15, 1057 No. 6 demning just ..bout everything in d h, NEWS -,0,1! muy bu reuelied MOIHIIH illld We li, ,,l,i \ 1 n u n V lii the magazine < xcept the quality of II ()Members in. and TueMluy Irom 3 U) fl p in in 2-TS'iti Ext 11 I'honei D e l I m i r M M ) 111). the paper the omission probably S/.uri-k a-0871). H i t c h c o c k 2 - 7 6 3 0 , K u i l i p l l li-DMO being an oversight on his part. Just The iindeno luluule newspaper ol Ihe New York Hiuie Ou liege for Tfuf)nT» what is it, fellow Statesman, that published every l-'ridin ul ihe College year by ine NKWS Bourd lur I hi Bludriit jou want in a college humor maga- Association MAR IK DKTI'MEK ( ii lidllur in Iliiel zine? You obviously have an axe to JOSICI'H s/.Utl K Cil-ICdllol ill-Clilcl grind .but whatever it. is, you've MAItCIA LAWRENCE Executive Editor safely cloaked it in vague gener- OCOIUli: (iltAIIAM I'ulilie Relations Killtui ANN HITCHCOCK lluoinuKB AdveiliisiiiK Editor alities. The very fact that the edi- JOYCE MKYKKMANN Circulation Editor tors saw fit to publish this strong M.Utl.lM: ACKI'.II.M.AN Associate Editor condemnation of their efforts has MARY riTZl'A'J'Klt'K Associate Editor MH'ilAIIHS Associate Editor increased my admiration for them. INANCY KINK VKTOSKY Associate Editor Fellow Statesman, if you are dis- AKTIII'll I'UITNIK Feature Editor Sports Editor satisfied with the Penguin, you have ROBERT HA.MI'F YANDOII • Consultant I'ulilie Relations Editor two alternatives open to you: H) KEITH MARY ANN SI lil.OT I IIYI III It consultant Business Advertising Editor boycott future issues, or '2i edit a .lOSEI'il StVllll/.OVVSKI Consultant Sports Editor literary magazine of your own, em- (VIM.AKII (iilXETTE • "•"?"" Stall l'liuliiKiali|ii'i ploying Hemmingway, Gallico and All communications should be addressed to the editor unci must be slaned Name* will be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility other established writers, with illor opinions expressed In its columns or communications, as such expressions do not lustrations by John Groth and Pi- necessarily relied Its views. casso. You wouldn't expect a baby eagle to soar over mountains, so (Continiud on Pago H, Column I) Gosntnunicattoni PAGE 3 F R I D A Y , M A R C H 15, 1 9 5 7 Original Broadway Musical Features Student Cast; 'Plain And Fancy' To Highlight Weekend Activities Tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Page Hall tl e State College Revue will present "Plain and Fancy," announces John Yager '59, Co-ordinator. Genen 1 admission is $1.00 and reserved seats are $1.25. Charles Weed '60 will direct the musical, Richard Feldman '57 will be in charge of choreography, and Richard Erbacher '57 and Oeor-j,^ Harris '59 will provide the music The Cast The cast of "Plain and Fancy includes: Barbara Hungerford as Ruth Winters, Morton Hess as Isaac Miller, Seniors; Veronica Davis as Katie Yoder, Marion Sciortino as Hilda Miller, Carolyn Ollvo as Emma Miller, Sophomores; Robert Helwig as Peter Reber, Robert D'Andrea as Dan King, Joseph IIlardo as Papa Yoder, freshmen. The Finance Committee includes: Joseph Flynn, Lloyd Seymour, Marilyn Leach, Mary Bradley and Sally SOME PLAIN, SOME FANCY. Members of the State College Revue cast take time out from their ^ J ^ ^ ^ ™ 8 ^ 1 ^ ! ® ™i!2fn' Wednesday night rehearsal to give NEWS photographer Willard Gillette a visual expression of how they feel Paul Gorman and Ella Mizzell, Sophomores; Frank Krivo and Bevabout the show, erly Burke, freshmen. Tire Publicity Committee is divided into: Sororities and Fraternities, Edna Reger; Schools, Jack Kiehle; Radio, Nancy Monteau; Clubs, Margaret Darzano, Juniors; Colleges, Jane S h o w e r m a n ; Newspapers, Nancy Richards, Sophomores; Perisyles, Marion Silverstein '60. At its Tuesday morning meeting, and Camp Board. Behind the scenes of the Revue Student Board of Finance approved The Procedure following people will be workthe budget: ol the State College Following Student Board of Pin- ithe n : Sets anee action on organizational bud8 . Donald Jackson 'SO, The State University has reached News and the typewriter pool, gets, they are submitted to Student Chairman; Properties, Robert an agreement with the Albany cording to Ann Sheldon '59, Sec B u r n s 51 Association in convocation for its ' - Lights, Richard ErbachCatholic Diocese to buy the residence tary. approval. The Student Association e r '57, Director; Make-up, Kenneth of the Most Rev. William A. Scully Tentative Schedule budget i. based primarily on the Kadet, Chairman. o n Thurlow Terrace for the sum of A tentative schedule has been total of organizational budgets. The Faculty Aids $225,000. Karl drawn up by the board of its budget yearly Student Tax is then deA. B. Peterson, Associate hearings. Any members of Student tenr.ined. Professor of Music, Paul B. Pettit, Future Expaasion Association interested in any par- :,A Approval Associate Professor of English, A g r e e m e n t on the prlce was dls. Up to this date, SCAGS, the James Leonard and Jarka Burian, closed by state officials, who said ticular organization's budget may negotiations were underway to pur- attend Student Board of Finance Graduate Student association has Assistant Professors of English, and in order to acquaint them- been submitted and approved by the Josiah T. Phinney, Chairman of the chase all other property on Thur smeetings st-ioent body It has been deleted Social Studies Department, are the low Terrace, a short street off West- e l v e s w i t h t n e budget's content. from the SA budget. faculty consultants for the produce r n Avenue facln 8 t h e State College T h e s c h e d u l e : week of March 19, The budgets of Press Bureau, tion. Mj skan a c 26 a Z ^ t h e s ^ r e ^ t h e n rese n t ' c S e o f ^ f ? ? ' , ; j : ^ f £ ' Student "Council, Forum, Smiles; There will be a dress rehearsal of 2 " rnitlri he doubled, rioohleri a a,m i ? ? , ^ d e i ^ . S n i ° n £™!?i £ ? * ! ! . P 0 1 ^ ? Student Board of Finance, Outing "Plain and Fancy" for the students facilities could be unicil; April 2, Dramatics and Ai" c l u b | Music Council, Campus Com- of the Milne School this afternoon versity spokesman said. Council, Penguin; April 9, Women's mission, and the two listed above at 2 p.m. in Page Hall. Athletlc The bishop's home will be remodAssociation, International n a v e b e e n p a s s e d by the finance "Plain and Fancy" ran successF lh G r o L p ; A p r i l 30 ' ' **??£ a " o n board and await SA action. These fully in New York for 461 performe l e d f01 . u s e ^ ft temporary adminf " c>leci f o i . u s e ^ a temporary ol Mens i n t r a m u r a l Athletics, budgets appropriate funds of $9,675, ances or over a year. It was writistration building for the State University, which Is now housed in the Primer; May 7, College Handbook, a decrease of $1,270 for the same ten by Joseph Stein and Will Glickcapitoi budgets last year. Universities In Spain Offer Study Programs Spanish universities will ofTer American students a program of study and travel during the months of July and August. College and professional growth credits will be alloted for the special course which will be given at the Universities of Barcelona, Burgos, Cadiz, Madrid, Oviedo, Pamplona, Santander, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Seville, Valladolid, and Zaragoza. The program is one of low-cost and in addition to this courtesy, cards are issued to American students which allow them reduced rates on books, travel, medical care, theatres, museums, student restaurants, and hotels. A highlight of the program will be a study offered by the Institute of Hispanic Culture, an official agency of the Spanish government. The extent of the course will be from July 1 to 31 and will be repeated from August 1 to 31- Included in a blanket fee of $150 will be tuition, diploma, board and lodge at Colegios Mayores in Madrid, and sightseeing and excursions to near by "Art Towns." Spanish language history, culture, literature, art, and music courses will be conducted by professors from the University of Madrid. The termination of both sessions will provide an optional opportunity to tour Andalucia, including visits to Seville, Malaga, Granada, Cordoba, and Cadiz. Tire cost of this lour will be $90. To apply for the Institutes program write the Educational 7 ravel Association, 554 Fifth Avenue, New York. In Madrid a similar course of r u study suuuy will vwn be re given • ivcu by „, the ».* cultural Department of Cultural Relations from July 1 to August 11. A $90 fee will cover tuition and lodging at the University hall for the six weeks. other Organization of courses in otner Spanish universities mentioned follow a similar procedure. will For additional information on these courses students should contact the Cultural Relations Office, Embassy Bond Issue of Spain, Washington 9, D. C. A constitutional amendment authorizing the State of New York to create a debt of up to $250,000,000 for the capital development of State Friday, March B, Dramatics and University has been approved by the legislatures of 1956 and 1957. Arts Affiliates and D&A Council The amendment has also been rec- m e r g e d l 0 f o r m o n e organization, Harry Belafonte One of the three B s, as one re- ommended by the Governor, the _„ . _ ., _, porter puts it, has a brand new B o a i . d ot Regents, and the Associa- D & A C o U n c U ' announces Barbara record out for Victor. His name is, U o n OI colleges and Universities of Hungeriord '57, President. The new ol course, Harry Belafonte. The t t l e state of New York. It must now constitution was approved Tuesday plug side is titled "Mania Look At m e e t w l t h llM , a p U r o v a i 0f the peo- by D&A Council and will now go The Boo-boo". As we see it, this is p i e o r y i e s t, u t e . The proposal will the liist big boo-boo Belefonte has g 0 before the voters in the Novem- to the Constitutional Review Commiide since his recording debut. It's b e r elections. mittee. hard to imagine that even the most Preparations are now being made loyal of Belafonte fans will approve If the proposal is passed, the luc, , til' this hunk of low grade wax. The ilities gained by State College in disk features!?) a slew of offensive the future will include: land acquis- or the guest college production, slang designed to appeal to those ition, play fields, library, health She Stoops to Cony ler," which will having an I Q. ol about -—70. and physical education building, be presented April 10 by New Paltz Meduire Sisters education and school of practice state Teachers College Coral records gives the McGuire teaching building, conversion of the Sisters another opportunity to score present library to a day student high mi the best selling list with center, conversion of Milne School the issuance ol their new one called to tt college laboratory building, a He's (lot Time." This is a lilting science building, residence halls lor iContinued /rum Pityr I, Column tune sting in appropriate fashion (JOO students, and a dining hall to Uo-Chairnien 'o-Chairnien of the aaffaii by the group. The lyrics are In the s( .at 300 persons. The total amount At 8 p.m. the State College Revue light religious vein. The Sisters t 0 be appropriated to State would PI.,i,, .,,,,! i.'.mrv" uiii i„. i,i,..,>n Plain and Fancy will be piestntwould have easily had a hit on this be $13,637,333. ed n Page Hall. The production is one in "the good old day.s of the under the direction ol Charles ballad " However, it now appears Weed '60. Choreographer for t he that it Will be lost in the shuffle show is Richard Feldman '57, and since most songs bearing quality George Harris '59 is Music Director. are today. Two weeks ago, invitations were Jo Stafford sent 1 out to the parents of all stuJo Stafford subbed for the vacaSix members of the American dei.t ' attending the college by the tioning Perry Como last Saturday night. Her performance included Chemical Society Chapter at this P;.. in Is Day Committee. The mem many standards sung in her inimit- college will attend a convention at ben if the tommltte e Include Mary '5a, I.aPorte '59 '59, Williaml DeGroat '5«, able best. Miss Stafford's new re- G e o r g e Washington University, taPorte lease on the Columbia label isn't a Washington, D. C, this weekend. Feldman, p e ldmun, Miss Skutnik, and Peterstandard but it certainly ranks as Those attending are: Gary Adelson, 6 o n oneof the r^st r S s o f our day Audrey Briggs, Robert Davidson, The two songs are "The King of Margaret Hamilton, Seniors; and Although the various activities Pans" and "Wind In The Willow" David Champagne and R o b e r t are to afford parents, relatives and Both are sung with much feeling Woodrow, Graduate students, friends an opportunity to visit the Yoti have to hear them to really Dr. Eugene McLaren, Associate college aud to meet the admlnistraappreciate the fact that good popu- Professor of Chemistry, is accom- Hon, everyone is invited to attend ltlr music is still being recorded. panying the group. the scheduled affair. State Purchases Student Board Of Finance Bishops Home Holds Open Budget Hearing ; For Expansion Drama Clubs Consolidate Reooid Review Parent's Day . . . Six Students To Attend Convention 7I4e Onen Mind By ART PLOTN1K STUDENT ONE' Oloryosky Zero, what are we going to do? Huh? A play in less than one act. What? What? Scene one, the commons STUDENT ONE: My parents ire STUDENT TWO: Get smashed, coming up tomorrow and I wish Bombed. Blotto. they weren't. Scene two, in the dorm STUDENT TWO: Why is that, stu- PARENT ONE: Now what did you dent one? say your marks were, mine little STUDENT ONE: Well, you know jewel? how it is, two, this school is such STUDENT ONE: One-point-seven, a drag and I'm on probation. oh honorable parent number one. STUDENT TWO: Drag? Probation PARENT ONE: That's very good, Speak, my son, that I may know ] ltt ],, blossom. That's even better thy thoughts. t) l a l l [ b e one hundred what you got S T U D E N T ONE: Aren't you a- i n spelling when a little frog you shamed of them crazy colors in the vvere. hall, the garbage cans in the peri- STUDENT ONE: t b r i g h t e n i n g ) style, the characters with the Aren't those hull colors pretty that beards, the dirty city, and your y o u s u w tonight, most devoted '"arks? creator? So pretty like our socks Yes, yes. Yes I yuL1 you vwash'' And the little uarha!re H T U D E N T T W O : ,.„. I n r t w r i ,.,„. ,, Y l l l l Y,.„ " l M 1 : n' u U1L m u , c . Haroage „,.. .indeed, ,..., am. b u u am "i up. i t s ,lc oa mn es g 0 A] Ulcdl , l l k e m 0UJ . j j i ^ j , ^ a t M 1 ' ' anl' / ' "»' ^ n d s with the ., . , _ . . ^ ; ^ c h « smart boy he is? And m £ j / / o f Submits Find ffi^T ^ A ^ S f t L Impression _ r\i \/ L I OQCllOH Uj YeOfbOOK The linal section of the 1957 Peda8<»Bue has been completed and subfitted to the publisher announces nutted B te t h 'tn Beehler '57, Editor-in-Chief, People responsible for meeting this deadline are: Willard Gillette Photographer; Lawrence Mannion, Literary Editor; Dukene Zervas, Lay-Out Editor, Juniors; Edson Travis, Advertising Manager; and Mary Pagidas, Business Manager, Seniors. budl Lovel v - - A u d for all these nice HVnB? whut you have, you only take half of Papa's salary. Yet on your half so much nicer do you live than Papa, STUDENT ONE: Drunk again last night? PARENT ONE: All the time, kiddo. STUDENT ONE: So you really like the school, huh Mama? PARENT ONE: ttakes gun out of purse) Why you little phony I Trying to con the old lady, huh? Take that! (shoots through head) And thutl PAGE 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 STATE C O L L E G E NEWS, Students Should Understand State University M y s k a n i a A n n o u n c e s Government-Then Revise Opens College R e s u | t s Of Meeting By ROBERT BETSCHA Each week State College students lated on by a lesser group if cir- On Long Island By MARILYN DE SANTA make statements in and out of print cumstances warrant such action. to the effect that the present form of student government is outmoded, it doesn't work and it cannot work. They further argue that some new plan is needed. As a result individuals and groups are spending hours of work developing a plan of representative government, a student senate, or any new twist that might replace the status quo. Two weeks ago the State College from anyone at all; one person The State University of New York has recently announced plans to News printed a letter from Myskania, mentioned to us what she woulr open a new teachers' college next telling of our forthcoming meeting like discussed at a meeting of this fall. The college, to be called State with the administration. We asked type. We had this meeting las' University College of Long Island, for questions, ideas and criticism Monday and plan to meet again next week. will be temporarily located at Planting Field, near Oyster Bay, L. I. 'Pure Democracy' Broken Ice The new college will open with a An immediate reaction to this student body of about 150 students. This first meeting accomplished suggestion might be—"If we elim- Future freshman classes will be several very important things. inate budgets and constitutional about the same size. Is Change Necessary? 1. It was one of the few attemp;, Work is soon to begin on a new to exchange ideas between adminisDo we need a radical change in amendments from the legislative convocation, there won't be any permanent campus which will be tration and students. We found thai the government or do we need a few discussion was free—"the ice can less impulsive modifications in the business to conduct." True, there ready for occupancy in 1962. This By SANDRA HOWE won't be any business of the type campus is to be developed at Stony be broken." present convocation system, modifiThis year's State College Revue cations which will iron out some of that SA members continually express Brook, L. I., and will have entering disinterest in, and perhaps there 2. It was discovered that more may be the beginning of a new the trouble spots that anyone might wouldn't be more than two or three classes of about 600. The campus trend here—one that many feel is communication is needed between expect to find in any new plan? legislative convocations a year where will cover 340 acres. The present temporary campus an improvement. For the first time the administration and students, n How many of you reading this major items of business might be article (both interested in govern- debated, or where SA might use its was donated to SUNY by the late in its four-year history, the Revue this communication did exist there would be answers to such questions Wil iam Coe. The college will be will be a professional play. ment and disinterested) actually re- power of check. as "What is the Student Faculty alize the philosophy of the convocahoused in a 60-room mansion. AdCorporation?"; "Why isn't cafeteria tion as it was set up last year? I agree with those who are dis- joining buildings will be converted Long Broadway Run The musical hit "Plain and food better?"; "Where is the Public Those responsible for developing the satisfied with the present status of into dormitories and dining halls. present convocation plan sought to student government at State ColState University College on Long Fancy" opened on Broadway in Relations Department of this coldetermine the things about the as- lege. I agree that '"pure democracy" Island's program is designed to train January, 1955, and enjoyed a fifteen lege?"; "Do students have to approsembly (as SA legislative meetings just won't work in a college of this science and mathematics teachers month run. State College Revue will priate funds to advertise for State were then called) that the student size. I disagree that we need a new for high school and community present this play on Friday and College?"; "Why can't the Education courses be reorganized?"; body found uninteresting. They form of government — just a few colleges. It will provide a broad Saturday evenings. tried to remove the less important minor changes could presumably foundation with specialization in The action centers around Bird- "Why don't students help to plan items of business which could be left correct the situation. mathematics, physics, chemistry, In-Hand, an Amish community in the curriculum?" It may surprise to other units of the government to and biology, and will lead to the Pennsylvania, where life is more some students to know that the administration is just as anxious to be handled more expeditiously. In "plain" than "fancy." degree of Bachelor of Science. meet with the students as students essence then, the plan attempted to The proposed Dean of the College bring to convocation only business are to meet with the administrais Leonard K. Olsen. Olsen received People You Know that would be of interest and imYou will enjoy the performance tion. his A.B. from the University of Chiportance to the student body as a cago in 1936. Since receiving his de- of Bob D'Andrea '60 as Dan King, Cinemascope whole. gree he has been in the navy as a and Barbara Hungerford '57 as Ruth Lt. Commander, has worked as a Winters, New York sophisticates who 3. Student Government should inRight Approach The Albany Junior Chamber of research associate for the Encyclo- find themselves in the middle of crease its scope. Rather than limit What are the reasons for unrest pedia Britannica, and until two preparations for an Amish wedding. itself to special interests groups, it. and dissatisfaction with government Commerce announces that it is years ago was a Director of Special Of course, the wedding is com- should in its revision appeal to tinseeking a 1957 Community Amo.^sthis year? Could it be that students Projects and Associate Professor of plicated by the "eternal triangle," whole student body. Our philosopln sador to visit Austria this summer. are clearly not interested in much Humanities at the University oi which is further complicated by a of government needs to be changed. of the business taken up in legis- Applications are available at the Chicago. Last year he joined the lovable but despotic father. lative convocations? Is it possible Chamber of Commerce Office, 74 SUNY Central Administration Staff. This meeting served to lay the Sweet Katie Yoder will be ably that this situation could be cor- Chapel Street and must be submitportrayed by Veronica Davis '59. Her ground work for future meeting. ted by April 15. rected by perhaps further eliminatsuitors, Ezra and Peter Reber—Ken- We have openly stated our probing business from the legislative Applicants must be between the neth Smith '59 and Robert Helwig lems; the ensuing meetings will atconvocation, thereby making them ages of 18 and 30 and must live, '60—vie for Papa Yoder's favor. Joe tempt to solve these problems. Kafutal Kajzeld fewer in number and of the type work or attend school in Albany. Ilardo '60 will be charming as well Help Wanted that might draw interest because of They must be able to spend from By ART PALAZZOLO as convincing as the heavy handed the topic of discussion itself? Is it ten to twelve weeks away between Papa. If you have any ideas, questions, PAGE possible that many of the issues June 15 and September 15. or viewpoints that you would like to Marion Sciortino '59 is perfectly which the group last year felt to Plain and Fancy with an all star The person who is chosen will as Hilda Miller, the would-be see brought to the administration be of sufficient importance to SA serve as Albany's Community Am- cast. Colorful! Gay! Musical! See cast Amish femme fatale, and Carolyn please let a Myskania member know as a whole are not really consider- basador until the following spring talent you never thought your Olivo '59 promises to be delightful them. ed to be such this year? and must be available during that friends had! Stay away from the as the sentimental, Pennsylvania Before people spend many hours time to speak to local groups about, movies this weekend and see a real loving Emma. Morton Hess '57 is in developing something new, why his experiences abroad and life in Broadway production! amusing and sincere as the marriage not attempt to understand the plan the country he has visited. He will PALACE. promoting Isaac Miller. now in effect. If budgets and con- be required to furnish no money exBattle Hymn with Rock Hudson. stitutional amendments are items cept what he wishes to take for Meanwhile, Backstage of business which should be taken personal expenses. Prior to May 15, Dan Duryea and Martha Hyer. The The director, Charles Weed '60, is true story of Col. Dean Hess, the out of convocation, do so and leave a group of prominent Albany citidoing a splendid job, as befits his the association with the power to zens will select the person to serve jet-jockey chaplain in Korea. In theatrical background. Cinemascope and Technicolor. Also check, to review the business legis- as Ambassador. Pledging, open houses, and lunThe combined talents of George cheons showing is The Night Runner, "the are the news from the Greek motion picture that tells the truth Harris '60, music director, and Dick houses this week. about today's most shocking prob- Feldman '57, choreographer, are lem!"—or, how to find a parking sure to produce music and dancing Psi Gamma I T S FOR REAL! by Chester Field rivaling that of the Broadway cast, place in Albany. Mary Lou Meiser '57, President ot to say nothing of the efforts of the STRAND Psi Gamma, announces the pledgperformers they have chosen. The True Story of Jesse James State College's claim to fame ing of Mildred Pasek '60. Psi Gamwith Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hun- won't be strictly academic after ma will hold open house for Statester and Agnes Moorhead, In color you've witnessed the spectacular men Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. and Cinemascope. "Bolder than his carnival scene, complete with bumps They will have a coffee hour for legends." POW! POW! "Mightier and grinds! Sigma Lambda Sigma Monday at than the law!" TWANNG! (That FIREBUG* Don Jackson '60 has done an ex- 8:15 p.m. last sound Is a bullet ricocheting off ceptional job with scenery design. a boulder,) The second feature is Be sure to check the proscenium- (hi Sigma Theta The Women of Pitcairn Island with sized road map for Bird-In-Hand Chi Sigma Theta will have open James Craig and Lynn Bari. "Love and particularly the three .sur- house for parents Saturday lrom paradise of ihe South Seas!" 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., announce;rounding towns! Mary Furner '57, President. The folDELAWARE lowing are in charge of committees The Wild Oats. Fernandal is back Raise the Roof! A thousand curses on that slim, for the event: Marcia Levine, DecoThe scene and songs are diversiagain with his finest and funniest Incendiary she one yet. It's a Frenchie import with fied and are all equally intriguing. rations; Lenore Hughes, Reception. Who—calculating shrewdly my For you skeptics who ask, "How do Seniors; Shirley Palmer '59, Food. English subtitles. Combustibility— You Raise a Barn?" the "Plain and Enflamed me with her eyes and let RITZ Fancy" cast will show you when Sigma Phi Sigma 1<M)0 Years From Now si airing they do just that on stage in three me burn so merrily Sigma Phi Sigma will hold open Ron Randell, iphonetic iii what? 1 minutes! That when the fire was out she'd made house for parents Saturday lrom unci Gloria Saunders. 'See men and "This Is All Very New To Me" 12 to 3 p.m., announces Paula A perfect ash of me. women in a world beyond our com- is true of this type ol production Lehrer '57, President. Leila Levme prehensions!" Also exploding on the at State, and "It Wonders Me" that is in charge of refreshments and MORAL: Where there's fire—there's screen Is Invasion 1'SA whl"h is these "Young and Foolish" collegians Barbara Schwartebulg is m charge smoke. So pull yourself together, probably just as incomprehensiole, aie doing such a splendid Job. of decorations, Sophomores 'Die chum, and put a flame to the end of theme for the- open will be your Chesterfield King. Ah-h-h-h— "Big Phi Babyland." that feels better. Take comfort in Try to realize the purpose of the convocation as originally constituted—a place where major issues would be taken up and a place for meetings of the association with an entertaining or educational intent. Musical Hit Amazes State Albany Seeks City Delegate Greeks Hold Open Houses that regal, royal length. Enjoy the smoothest natural tobacco filter. Savor the smoothest tasting smoke today—packed more smoothly by ACCU.RAY1 Like your pUasur* HOT Ch»*t«rfi«M King hat i v r y t h l n y l 'f60 met to Daniel J, Buliiwn, Holy Crott Colli$t. lor hit Chatter Field potm. $60 for each pkilotopkicui vert* accepted lor publication.ChetttrfieU, PXt. Bo* «/, New York 46, N. Y. O Mw«u * Uim TttacwO*. CAMP COUNSELLOR OPENINGS —for Faculty, Students and (iraduates— The Association of Private Camps . . Comprising 250 outstanding Boys' Girls', Brother-Sister and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England, Middle Atlantic States and Canada. . . INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employment as Counsellors, Instructors or Administrators. . . . POSITIONS in children's camps, In all areas of activities are available. WRITE, OK CALL IN PERSON; ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS—DEPT. C 55 West 42nd Streut, Kooin 743 New York 36, N. Y. Beta Zeta Nancy Louprette '57, President ol Beta Zeta, announces a bullet luncheon for the parents Saturday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the sorority house. SpottiaUt On State 53-A No. Lake Ave. • Near Washington Ave.i "JIMMY" Huir Stylist Telephone 3-8749 Class Officers Choose Editor For Handbook 15, 1957 PAOE 8 POfUna 6m*, *}Jte SxcUanae By JAN CHAMPAGNE By NATALIE LEMOINE You sit either smoking a cigarette ranging in age from seven to sevenFrom the McGill Daily come the Clever Clues or chewing your fingernails, and teen) live on a farm outside of Alfollowing steps on how to be a more finally the secretary nods. You enter bany. This farm has become a Some useful tips: Use the stem impressive pipesmoker: the Inner Sanctum with mildly strange sort of hobby, not directly of the pipe as a forefinger to strike shaking knees to see a stern-look- connected with his work, yet not enhome your point. This adds force to Due to the resignation last week Step One ing man staring at his desk. You tirely separated from it. As he says, your argument. Draw slowly so as of the newly-elected Handbook EdiBuy a pipe to suit your personalquake as he begins to look up—sud- "Aside from the pleasure gamed in to eliminate burnt tongue. Pack denly he smiles and you feel as watching things grow, it (farming) tor, Art Plotnik '59, and the lack of ity. If not sure which pipe to buy, your tobacco into the bowl loose on though something very nice has has tied in well with my work in sufficient time for a re-election, ask the clerk and take his advice. It the bottom, denser in the middle, happened to you. You say to your- Chemistry . . . it's simply a matter Myskania gave the Sophomore Class may be that he will sell you the and thickest at the top. Use your self, "Who and what actually is this of which element goes where, and President, Donald McClain, the most expensive pipe in the store, but pen (the same one you use to stir power to name the new Editor. The this merely Indicates a rich perman?" when!" Editor was to be named from the sonality. Smoking a corn-cob shows your coffee) to push down the ashes. Os:ar E. Lanford was born in 1914 Appointed Dean defeated candidates. This decision guts. There are also pipes for girls, in Louisa County, Virginia, where In 1952, he was appointed Dean on the part of the Judicial Body and it won't be long now when both he attended public schools. He Step Two will set a precedent for a similar of you sit for the rest of your life, studied Chemistry at Virginia Mili- of the College and feels that in ad- situation in the future. Use a tobacco that lets everyone together, dreamy, comfortable, Intary Academy and received his ministration, as in most any field, in the room know of your presence. active, enveloped in a cloud of Bachelors' Degree in 1934. At this there are headaches, but the re- Board Elects This is a new dimension, for now soma. Put that in your pipe and time, although jobs were at a pre- wards of working with individual Feeling that the Executive Board mium, he became a commercial re- students are many and often come of the class should have some voice you will be recognized by smell as smoke it. search chemist for the Golddust when least expected—as do discov- in the matter, the class president well as sight. There are many new Corporation in Indianapolis. The c ries of mistakes. When I spoke of called a meeting of the Board to tobaccos on the market. Here I sugfollowing year he entered Columbia the most unnerving experience of elect the Editor. As a result of the gest a few: "I Smell,"*"Come HithGraduate School and worked as a goin'j; Into his office and seeing him meeting held Tuesday, the Board er," "You Smell," "Tonight Is the teaching assistant. He received his turned to his desk, his brows knit, ejected Lauretta McGuirk, Editor of Night," "We All Smell." But the smell is not everything. Choose a M.A. in Chemistry in 1937, and be- he blushed a little, then grinned and the Handbook. gaily-colored package. came a full-time instructor. He fin- said, "I do? . . . Weil, I suppose I'm ished his grad work "on the side," full of excuses, but if there were just Associate Editors Today is the last day to submit The following persons were named Step Three and in 1939 was awarded his Ph.D. another thirty seconds to finish one thing before you start another . . . as Associate Editors by Miss Mcfame to Albany in 1940 The right way to fill a pipe is entries for the State College News Anyway, it's a bad habit, and I'll Guirk: Jane Cass, Mary Fitzpatrick, to place the pipe in the tobacco In 1940. he came to Albany State try and break it!" contest seeking State College's bestSuzette Goodrich, Corrine Marro, pouch and fill it with the forefinger, as a chemistry instructor. In 1951, dressed co - ed, announce Marie Although this habit may be conusfn.; only one hand. If unable to Bruce Norton, Caroline Olivo, Marwhile on Sabbatical, he wrote a Dettmer and Joseph Szarek, Juniors, sidered a criticism, it is far outdo so expertly, do not let anyone ion Sciortino, Frank Vetosky, and high school chemistry textbook, ;ee you. Sneak into the nearest co-editors of the News. which is being widely used in this weighed by other qualities which Robert Fox, Sophomores. Men's Room, close the door behind area and California particularly. He make him respected by faculty and Purpose of the Handbook has worked on research with va- students alike. Being able to admit The writing and publication of j or, and fill the pipe in any way Entries nadium, a metal important in pro- an error is only one of these. The the Freshman Handbook is tradi- jou please. Entries should be depoisted in the ducing different types of shock-re- stability of his decisions and his tionally the job of the Sophomore ballot box located in lower Draper sistant steel and in 1951, through word is another. It is a comforting class. The book is published in Step Four Lighting the pipe is an art in it- Hall Nomination blanks are availthe work of he and another instruc- thing in the turmoil of college life order to acquaint the prospective tor, the college was given a research to know that you may run around freshman with both the academic self. No lighters allowed. Strike a able in last week's issue of the contract with the U. S. Atomic En- like the proverbial headless chicken and extra-curricular phases of Al- match and hold it in front of you. paper, or they may be written on ergy Commission. The research in- for days, but if you go to him and bany State College life. It attempts At the same time continue talking a plain slip of paper, including this volved the separation of the iso- his answer is "yes," you may be to answer any questions the fresh- casually. Right now your compan- information: the name of the nomtopes of nitrogen, to the end that if sure that it's yes; if it is "no," for- men might have concerning the ions are excited. Will the match inee, her address, class, and your burn his fingers? Will he see it in name. low-cost Nitrogen 15 tone of the get it. college before he arrives, and to isotopes i can be isolated and proAs I was leaving he said, "Watch- serve as a guide to the organizations time? Has he forgotten? Should I warn him? The suspense is mountThe News Board will select from duced in large quantities, they can ing students grow and develop over and activities of the school. ing. DO NOT LOOK AT THE the finalists nominated by Student make a new and improved atomic four years, and making friends like Handbook Plans MATCH! Look at your friends' eyes Association a candidate who will reactor. The work was so successful some of you are what make a man The budget for the Handbook is and when the suspense and tension compete aainst co-eds from all parts that the AEC has made cost-esti- glad to stay in college work." I smilmates on the construction of a ed with a knot in my throat and under preparation to be presented have almost reached a peak, light of the nation in Qlatnour magaplant to attempt this production. could not help feeling how much I in the near future to Student Board your pipe. Remember to gage the zine's search for the ten "bestHobby Connected with Work had admired him as a Dean when of Finance and Student Association time of lighting by their excite- dressed co-eds" in American colfor approval. ment. Beware of dull friends. leges. Dean Lanford, his wife and five I went in, and how enormously I like him as a person now. children (three boys and two girls, News Contest Closes Today Myskania Committee Plans Display Of College History The Traditions Committee oi Myskania has prepared a display on "State College Through the Ages." announces Betty Van Vlack, Chairman. Members of the committee aie Robert Burns and Dommick DeCceco, Seniors. The committee has made plans to present features of State College, its faculty, alumni, and history, to the students with the hope that our history will serve as a guide to future action. Plans are now in progress lor the revision of the history of the college in the college catalogue of the Song Book, and of regular articles on State in the State College News. Long range plans Include revision of College of the Empire State, our centennial history, naming of the new dorms, cornerstone laying ceremony, and displays of past presidents' portraits. In the upper library display case. an attempt has been made to portray the evolution of State lrom a normal school to a college. Many interesting pictures have been loaned for display through the cooperation ol Miss Hastings, College I iIjiaiian The first building ol the Normal school Is on display a.s well as Wlllctt Street school. The Normal school was first located at .state and Maiden Lane in a converted railroad depot. Later, it moved to State and Lodge Street. Willi an appropriation from the legislature a new building was built on Willett Street. This was destroyed by fire and for a time the students used the facilities of various halls and churches until the new buildings were built on the present site. One can see the evolution into a larger institution with more laclllties for offering a broad educational program. Also on display are some ot the rooms of the Willett Street school. Can you imagine attending assembly in this baroque type room complete with statuary and flora? The Handbooks past and present reflect, a change in the program and functions of the college. Some samples ol student endeavors in the model school in 1900 show the change in high school curriculum which has evolved. The group portrait ol the class of '88 shows change in tl>e style of clothes and the type of student attending State. The Pedagogue's of '38 and '56 were shown to portray the shift from the traditional to the modern. We fee) that the display would be of definite Interest to the student body because these are pictures and items which are historic and probably never seen by the present college generation. You might enjoy bringing your parents into the .lbrary on Parents' Day to show them where we study and explain the history ol .State by looking al the pictures in the display ease. ^Mayflower 209 Central Avenue Felicia's Beauty Salon FRIDAY. M A R C H Try Our "WIIIMI'Y" 2 Hamburgers, Melted Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise, on toasted bun ALL FOR SOc WE'RE BLUSHING! (But we like it!) Somebody likes us after all! The president of the American Textbook Publishers Institute — that's the association of most of the textbook publishing companies — says that we are "essential to our whole system of higher education". We're glad someone else said it, for we would be immodest if we said it. This authority goes on to say that, "Running a college store is a vexatious and often thankless effort. But without the college store, the professor and the student would be without the tools of teaching and learning. If textbooks and supplies had to be sold directly to individuals or small groups, this more expensive system of distribution would greatly increase prices to all students. Tin; college store is an integral part of the educational system, performing essential jervices and, for the most part, performing them well. The store management deserves the thanks of students, faculty and administration." I UBHA*7"| Sure, we're blushing at those words, but we like them! Now we would like to say something about the publishers and their books, Penny for penny, page for page, books are the best "buy" of your college career. Come in and see for yourself. CO-OP STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY. M A R C H 15, 19S7 STATE C O L L E G E NEWS, Harvey, Bosomworth To Lead Ridge Ties For Bowling Lead; Eight Keglers Top "500" Circle '58 Peas; Leahy Most Valuable R i c e Alleys was t h e scene of t h e h o t t e s t I n t r a m u r a l bowling day i n quite a spell Tuesday a s 8 bowlers topped t h e 500 m a r k , 4 slipped over the 200 circle, a new h i g h team triple was set a n d t h e h i g h individual single was equalled. T o add to t h e interest t h e loop tightened up w i t h only four g a m e s s e p a r a t i n g t h e top five teams. T h e league leading G u t t e r d u s t e r s took it on t h e chin this week as they were victims to a red h o t APA team. T h e Madison Avenue quintet climbed into fourth slot a s they tossed t h e new high triple 2425 a n d swept by t h e front runners, Al S t e p h e n s o n paced the APA m e n By DAVE M I L L E R who now a r e only 3 games out. T o m a k e m a t t e r s worse for t h e A t r i u m p h a n t season for S t a t e Bob Bosomworth a n d W a y n e H a r - almost 1500 on t h e h o m e m a t this G u t t e r d u s t e r s they became forced c a m e to a n end for t h e grapplers vey to t h e i m p o r t a n t post. season) a n d t h e 214 point total of to s h a r e the loop lead with Ridge. a week after it did for t h e fans T h e Most Valuable Wrestler Hon t h e t e a m is surpassed. B o t h now sport 27-13 records. D e w h e n t h e grapplers n o m i n a t e d their or went t o t h e injured c a p t a i n for Not all t h e records below a r e winspite R a l p h Adams 212 single a n d inspirational captain for most val- h i s inspiring leadership d u r i n g t h e n i n g ones, b u t t h e n e x t edition of 531 triple, t h e Rousers suffered t h e uable wrestler of t h e season. I n t h e entire season m o r e t h a n for h i s 20 Coach J o e Garcia's Peds will be loss—thanks mostly to the efforts same post season conclave t h e P e d s point total. T h e Ped senior who better t h a n h i s 7-2-1 aggregation of Ridge's ace Decker Pardee. T h e elected t h e c a p t a i n s who will s u c - wrestled his last m a t c h for S t a t e a t of this year. Don Bindrlm, who is big kegler rolled a 526 triple. ceed Ozzie Leahy, when they n a m e d Army JV a n d received a trio of a m u c h better wrestler t h a n his broken ribs for his trouble was a record shows, was a tremendous T h i r d place SLS dropped two o u t great influence in bringing along influence on t h e team a n d will be of four points when one of their the grapplers who will be t h e back- a great asset n e x t year. Joel S m i t h newly initiated brothers threw a bone of t h e t e a m for years to come- promises to provide the m u c h n e e d 232 single against them. Doug S p a n n b a u e r not only wasted h i s T h e n a m i n g of t h e Malone, New ed s t r e n g t h in the heavyweight difoes but also notched himself half York senior came j u s t before t h e vision, with Joe Hill ready to take a claim to the loops high single. n a m i n g of Bosomworth and Harvey up t h e 123 slot should T o m m y F a r T h e Hilltop kegler shares the honor to t h e co-captaln posts. Theirs will rell move up a weight bracket. T h e Al S t e p h e n s o n gets the nod for with Decker Pardee. be an i m p o r t a n t job n e x t year, for final statistics for t h e t e a m follow: besides filling t h e big shoes of Ozzie Wrestler Won Lost Decisions Pins Sport Spotlight this week as a reK B quietly kept themselves in t h e sult of his clutch bowling last T h u r s Leahy, the only d e p a r t i n g team r u n n i n g as they threw a s h u t o u t 45 0 0 9 day. By rolling a 561 triple, Al not member, they will be faced with the Far re 11 Apaches. Lorrichlo 35 3 5 4 only came within three pins of the a g a i n stth e the task of guiding t h e G a r c i a m e n Kane wood to the tune of 507 20 3 0 4 high wood for t h e day, but more split through an even tougher schedule Leahy including a 203 single. 34 10 i m p o r t a n t he helped his APA keg3 5 t h a n t h e one they faced this year. Harvey T h e color in the last m a t c h was 15 8 Bosomworth 5 1 lers to a 4-0 sweep of the league Leave Mark on S t a t e M a t s 5 5 Mackie 0 1 leading G u t t e r d u s t e r s . By knocking provided by Tom Digesare a.s h e So the t u m u l t and the shouting Goldberg 0 3 0 0 the Dusters off for four, APA climb- wound up with the day's high triple. are over, Some of t h e m a r k s m a d e Tuttle 20 17 0 4 ed to within 3 g a m e s of the league T o m ' s 203 single was also the best single game effort in the 4-0 win by t h e 56-57 Peds will s t a n d for a Snyder 8 18 1 0 lead. t h e Vets captured over EEP. long, long time; included in these Jaquays 0 5 0 0 R u n n e r - u p slot for t h e week goes a r e Tommy Parrell's perfect season Bindrlm 12 17 0 2 O t h e r 500 talles for t h e day were to Doug S p a n n b a u e r . By merely with an average of only two m i n u t e s Gremmer 0 5 0 0 bowling 232 in h i s middle game, tossed by J o h n Yager (510) T o m per pin, and t h e 25 second "quickie" Miano Sullivan (509) and Irv Peterson 0 10 0 0 Doug helped Hilltop take t h e game, Pictured in deep thought a r e Bob of Al Tuttle . . . a n d some will fall Raynor (503). 0 5 0 0 the p o i n t for total wood a n d knockBosomworth and Wayne Harvey, when even bigger crowds will pack S m i t h 15 10 0 0 Standings ed S L S out of t h e potential loop co-captains for wrestling next year. Page gym ( t h e Peds played before Hill 5 0 0 Outterd usters 0 27-13 Vets lead. 20-20 Go-Gaptaini Rid KG SLS Apa KB 27-13 20-14 24-10 23-17 Rousers EEP Apaches Hilltop 17-23 14-20 11-29 11-29 Writers Pick District Stars Chevy is America's "hot"car G a r y Holway h a s been included on the first team of the Capital District Ail-Star College basketball team, which was selected by t h e Northeastern New York sportswriters a t their weekly meeting this week. -officially! T h e first team also includes J o h n Obermayer of Siena, Armund Westerlund from ABC, Don DeLuca of R P I and Drew Lawson of Union College. T h e team averages over six feet in height. Minon On Second Team T h e captain of the Peds, J a c k Mlnon is included on the second team. T h e second team selections include players from the some .schools with the exception of ABC. Included along with Minon were the captain of Siena, F r a n k Connelly, Gordon Dailey of P h a r m a c y College, F r a n k C r u m of Union, and Rudy Nessel from RPI. These players were selected bv sportswriters from Albany, .Schenectady and Troy newspapers. All ot the players selected were upperclassmen with the exception of Westcrluncl of ABC. Badminton •**s** .•**;.. Chevrolet Wins Coveted .Miinul'uetiirei's' T r o p h y a I D a y t o i i a ricueh as '"best p e r f o r m i n g I . S. u i i t o m o i i i l c " ! W a n t facts about performance? T h e n look at t h e official figures from N A S C A K ' B * internationally famous D a y t o n a Beach c o m p e t i t i o n for s t o c k cars, Here's w h a t you'll find: C h e v rolet, in two weeks of blistering competition, proved itself as A m e r i c a ' s N u m b e r One performance car. N o t h i n g in t h e low-price field could t o u c h it. N o o t h e r car, regardless of />rice, scored such a sweep. And C h e v y walked a w a y with t h e famous M a n u facturers' T r o p h y , h a n d s d o w n ! T h e ll>o7 Chevrolet is, by all o d d s , t h e most astonishing performer ever produced in t h e low-price held. Best of all, this superiority isn't limited to just a few extra-cost h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e models. E v e r y t y p e of C h e v y —from t h e six-cylinder models right u p to t h e 28.'5-horse|X)wer " S u p e r T u r b o - F i r e " VH's, from the single-carburetor VK's with I'owerghde to t h e stick-shift " 2 7 0 ' s " — i s a c h a m p i o n s h i p car. ^National As&i/cmtioti Jut Slack Cat Aula Kucmg. Only jmnchiaed Chevrolet dealers /j& See Your Authorized i COME IN INOWGET A WINNING DEAL ON THE CHAMPION! display this famous Chevrolet lis:'"**.' t 1 USA '87 CH6Vf»P.USJ# T h e annual AMIA badminton t o u r n a m e n t will K<'t under way a.s .soon as intramural basketball is finished. The basketball leagues .should finish action during the forthcoming week. A.s soon a.s the bulletin boards arc returned to their proper places in lower Draper, sign-up .sheets will be posted lor the tournaments m .angles and doubles. Mutches will be played on Monday and Wednesday evenings. By looking over the modern record books, which include the seasons from 1946 on, we found that this seacon was by far the best that State College has had since that time. The best record any previous State team was able to muster was in the 1953-54 season when the Peds of that year ran up a 13-7 season. From 1946-1951, Albany never had a winning season. Then for three years, the tables turned and the Peds racked up seasons of 11-7 and 12-9 to go along with the 1953 campaign. The roof fell in during the '54-55 season season as the Penguins were able to take but two games, one from Potsdam and the other from New Paltz. Sauers Arrives On The Scene After that dismal season, Coach Richard Sauers took over. In his freshman year, the Peds had a winning season of 11-9. As we all know now, in the now concluded campaign, the Peds ran up a 17-5 record. Some of the new records set this year as well as records tied are as follows: This was the first year that a State team was undefeated in Page . . . the eight game winning streak in the beginning of the year tied the longest winning streak set by the 1953-54 team . . . the 82.18 average per game this year is the highest ever accumulated by a State team, breaking the previous record set by the 1953-54 squad . . . Hartwick, Brooklyn Poly and RPI were all beaten for the first time since 1946. Individual Marks Set Gary Holway's 486 points along with his 497 of last year equals more than Bill Walker's four-year total of 868. . . . Another Holway mark is his 40 points against Utica, highest for a State player. . . . Page Gym record is held by Karl Luebbert of Utica (1951), 41 points. . . . Gary has also broken the single season field goals scored, total field goals scored, single season foul shots scored and total fouls scored records. . . . Previous records in order were held by John Centra, 132; Bill Walker, 316; Sig Smith, 94; and Bill Walker, 236. . . . John Rookwood's 345 points makes him the second highest State scorer since 1946. Standing Room Only A final note on Page (to clear up doubts), the gym is 36 feet wide and 68 feet long. The seating capacity is 800, which means only 1200 of you will have to stand if Page is still around next year. Pardee, Lorrichio Pace State Keglers To Conquest Of RPI 840-776 victory over the Engineers in this one. T h e win came despite Barker's 209 effort for the Tri-city opponents. T h e second Mame proved to be the only mistake the Teachers made all night as they let a 71)1-749 conquest rum a perfect night for themselves. Davis threw a 208 monkeywrench into State's kegling machine. Rezek also added a 180 to the dismay of the Peds. Jim J a r s Engineers T h e final match saw Jim Lorrichio level the woods for 213 to trounce over the Rennselaer boys by 92 maples and to give the Peds the m a r k e r for total wood. Looking back over the three games Decker Pardee had biggest r i a s o n to smile with a 546 thirty Irani! tally liorrichio was only 11 pins behind this sum while Tom S u l livan used a final staggering maple in tin last frame to hit the 500 circle. STATU 546 223 151 172 Pardee 11)7 297 130 Peterson mi Ml 213 535 Lorrichio 261 134 127 Adelson 500 1 72 157 17) Sullivan 21)7 173 124 Thompson To go along with the various other honors lie h a s received this year, Gary Holway h a s recently been selected to the Utica Collegi allopponent team. T h i s was, announced by Tom Huggins, UC Athletic Director. O t h e r s on the team include J o h n Gle/.en ot Hamilton College, Hon Davis ol Oswego, Al Marsh of I t h aca and Paul DelGobbo from New Haven State. Holway's .selection came mainly lor his o u t s t a n d i n g performance in the U t i c a - S t a t e game in Page when he scored -10 points and for his efforts in Stale's 65-63 loss earlier in Total RPI lhe season, 840 776 749 791 847 739 53 N. Lake Ave, Near Washington Ave. •i HAKHF.KN We Aim Tit 217 Western Ave. Albany, N. V. J'lione 0-3010 Peds Finish Season With RPI Conquest Six men hit double figures last Friday night as the Peds closed the 1956-57 season in good order by dropping RPI, 89-71. The win gave the Sauersmen a 17-5 record for the year, and a perfect home season of eleven straight victories. As was usual during first halves, the Peds took an opening advantage, 6-2. Gary Holway hit for four of the first six points. However, the Engineers rallied to knot the count at 20-20 at the 10 minute mark. Shifting into an all court press, the RPI Don Mayer a n d Dick Causey, co-captains of t h e 1957-58 basketball team, review p r o g r a m of past season. WAA Lists A A Board Hoop Playday Seeks Sport On March 23 ..... .,, . , ,. „ WAA will sponsor a basketball playday on Saturday, M a r c h 23 for area high schools. Committees for the event are Sheila Lister, Greeting; Sally Weeks, Equipment; J a n Vormevik, Food; Alice Lockwood, Guides; J e a n Nicolai, Clean Up; P a t Gearing, Invitations. Sally Weeks Honored w *». a 4 To t h e Sports Editor: W i t h t h e elimination of T r a c k from t h e Varsity scene a t S t a t e college, we are left with but one spring s p o r t ^ - t h a t of baseball. W i t h i n a very s h o r t period of time, Athletic Advisory Board will begin a study to find a new sport t h a t will replace T r a c k a n d Field. Although t h e Board a t this i m mediate time is n o t ready to delve into t h e problem h e a d - o n t h e time is now ripe for discussion to begm by those interested in any particular spring sport. P r e l i m i n a r y plans Sally Weeks was elected conference President of the New York w iul 1d e s h o r t l y b e m a d e to f e e l o u t «tnf„ A T ? , " . ' , T ^ P " f.i„n n( rv!i_ ^ " ' opinion and bring t h e probS t a t e Athletic Federation of Col lem to a head. lege Women which will be held a t ll' any individual or group wishes S t a t e next fall. to see any particular spring sport Phi Delt On Top Of KcKling Loop added to the intercollegiate pro,.,.,, .. , gi'am the procedure to do so could With the bowling season coming p e r h a p s f o l l o w a p a U e m s i m l l n r l 0 close veiy snoitiy, tne TOI to l h i s : ]. Begin discussion of the posDclLs have gained a secure clasp s ibilitv with those people known to on first place in the Wednesday have • - shown •-» ••• ••interest in "t h- e- sport. loop. They lead Beta Zeta by ten 2. A t t e m p t to determine somewhat ^ ! L J l t „ l h r e .,,?, rese „"l'. • 1 ™ e ; „ „ ° a lh'c foilo"wing'of"paa^icipants"such"a Wednesday of this week, t h e West- sport would a t t r a c t . ern Avenue sorority took total pin3. Acting as a unified group a p nage from BZ to gain a 1-1 split. proach t h e Board so t h a t they may In other matches, Pierce took two listen, discuss and make a recompoints from Psi Gam, and G a m m a m e n d a t i o n in regards to t h e findK a p and Kappa Delta split points. ings. 4. At any time feel free to quesWednesday Standings lion members of the Board or seek their advice on any such matters, Won Team Lost It is only by t h e interest and ac41 P h i Delta 7 lion of t h e interested themselves Beta Zeta 26 12 t h a t AA Board may have any basis Gamma Kap 24 24 lor the recommendation of a new Psi G a m lti 26 spring sport. Kappa Delta 18 28 10 38 Pierce Members of AA Board Baiketiall Player Anderson, Joe ... Burmeistcr, Ken Causey, Dick Holway, Gary Hoppey, Tom Mayer, Don McDonough, John Minon, Jack Rookwood, J o h n Bearden, Don Statlitioi Field Goals Free T h r o w s Atts. Scored Atts. Scored 172 60 44 44 . 23 7 I) 5 138 53 45 30 357 182 167 122 46 10 27 20 199 82 97 51 49 1!) 46 27 223 84 60 48 262 127 127 91 86 37 14 10 Team Totals 1592 682 Opponent* Team Totals incl de live points Tom Baiighan'.s. 653 it J e r r j Rebounds Number 40 16 73 339 18 230 67 61 111 50 ART KAPNER ST A ri<: /.xsuR.ixcti MAX" A L L T Y P E S of squad hampered t h e S t a t e scoring for the remainder of t h e half, and took a 47-38 advantage a t half-time. State Steps l i p R P I relaxed their press somewhat in the second half, and t h e S a u e r s men began to dig into their lead. After five minutes, t h e Peds h a d c u t t h e [ e a d t Q 5 1 . 4 6 ftnd g o o n ftfter were just two points down, 56-64. Before t h e game was t h r e e - q u a r ters gone, Dick Causey h i t on a set shot to put the Teachers in t h e lead, 59-58. Prom this point on, R P I could never regain their first half edge, T e n - M i n u t e Spree s t a t e went on a r a m p a g e in the i n s t ten minutes, outscoring t h e Trojans, 26-8. Coach Sauers gave every man a chance to play in the final minutes, as the Engineers could not cope with the final spree. Gal V H o l w a y l e d t h e P e d s w i t h 2 6 'points, followed by J o h n Rookwood with 13, and Don Mayer, J a c k Minon, Don Bearden and Dick Causey with 10 each. Game scoring honors went to Rudy Nessel of R P I with 28. Fjnaj p o r p0ur , a s t fm. C a p . Thfi gftme W M ^ tain Jack Minon, J o h n Rookwood, Tom Hoppev, and Joe Anderson. In "— •--» his three years of* -varsity ball, «-• Minon scored 499 points, Rookwood in V four "years had"an' ~even"66b7and" Anderson had 376. Tom Hoppey, who played two years of varsity belore taking time to serve Uncle Sam, had 92 points in the l a s t two seasons. Immediately after the R P I game, the Peds elected Don Mayer and Dick Causey to serve a.s Co-Captains next year. , y . s |..|1(j g e a s o n ' T h e ' j u n i o r varsity ended its seathe Albany Business son agnlnst college JV on Friday night also, T h e Junior Peds completely outclassed the ABC's, and walked off with a one-sided victory. For the JV, they ended the season with a dismal 4-14 record. QiHaU . . • lti p a }•• T 11) II 28 lliimho ft 3 13 DeLuca ft 0 111 Nessel 2 1) 10 Unijelier 4 •1 10 Uesliu 3 II II Uii.seiuhiU3 1 10 Chun 1 11 1 MoHii I) II 0 STATI: Hulwiiy Rookwood Mayer Minon Bearden Anderson Cuusey Hoppey Bunneisler V T 8 'JO 1 1 12 28 2 4 0 2 II 4 0 10 (I 2 1005 KEMINDING YOU that the CENTRAL NEW YORK STATE OFFICE of the L G.Balfour Company near and far just to go to State's SNACK BAR INSURANCE Point.ts No. Ave. 164 7.45 19 1.46 136 6.18 486 22.09 52 2.74 215 3.77 65 3.25 216 9.81 345 15.68 84 7.64 1808 82 18 1506 68.45 Davie's and twenty-one of 444 Parents come from "YOUR Gerald Drug Co. PAGE 7 2436 2306 JOE'S BARBER SHOP trademark Dealer The Best Years Of Our Lives Utica Honors Gary Holway 15, 1 9 5 7 Basketball Squad Elects Causey, Mayer As Next Year's Captains Kampf Komments: The S t a t e Varsity Club bowlers called upon high single game efforts this week to c a p t u r e three out of four points from t h e R P I quintet. Decker Pardee, whose tremendous bowling is now beginning to be expected by kegling followers, led the Peds to victory No. 1 as he rolled a neat 223 opener. A 181 backing by Lorrichio gave the Albanians a FRIDAY, M A R C H Fraternity Jewelers is located In The University Post Office SRYACUSE, NEW YORK 2nd Floor - 171 Marshall St. Syracuse 75-7837 Headquarters for Fraternity Pins - Kings - Gifts Favors - Plaques - Cups - Medals Stationery - Program* Carl Sorensen, Manager Syracuse "39 75 Stale Street 5-1471 Albany, N. V. Write or call or visit us a n d see for information complete display and catalogue Open daily 10 to 5 STATE COLLEGE NEWS. PAGE 0 FRIDAY, M A R C H I S , 1037 News Views: Council Chooses Religious Clubs Slate Party, UN Forces Occupy Gaza; Speakers; Hears Supper, Meetings, Speakers Weinberg '58, President Brubacher Main Dining Room, Nassar Violates Agreement Calendarkeport of Jeannette Hillel, announces a Purim party Newman Club will present the last By JOHN YAGER » Student Council convened at 7:15 to be n e l d Sunday a t 7 p.m. at the in a series of four lectures on marThe Gaza Strip dominates the was solved with the help of the p . m . M o n d a y with R i c h a r d Congregation Ohav Sholom on nor riage.'57,According Bernice CConPresident,toReverend Robert news again this week. Since the U.S. This week, the problem isjnore Hinck '58, Vice-President of Stu- Washington Avenue. a t 7:30 p.m. in Gabel, L.F.M. of the Siena College Thursday evening Israelis moved out of the Gaza area complex. President Nasser of Egypt dent Association, presiding in the faculty, will speak on the "Sanctity and the United Nations Emergency has again thrown a monkey-wrench absence of Clyde Payne. The agenda of Marriage." Everyone is invited. Forces moved in, the peace that we in the wheel of world peace. He included committee reports, election had all hoped for in this area has seems to make a habit of it. He 0 f Moving-TJp Day speakers, and Student Christian Association not come about. President Nasser wasn't satisfied with taking over the discussion of the Social Calendar, violated an understanding between Suez Canal. He wasn't satisfied with Before the meeting was called to Miss Catherine Newbold, Assistant UN Secretary General Dag Ham- his commando raids on Israel. He order, Payne suggested to Council Professor of History, will speak before Student Christian Association marskjold and Foreign Minister wasn't satisfied when World War for their consideration the idea of _, , Thursday evening a t 7:30 p.m. in Mahmoud Fawzi of Egypt by order- III almost broke out. Now he wants hiring a professional auditor to keep The formation of: a Chess Club Brubacher, according to Arlene ing a civil administration into the the Gaza area too. the class books. He felt that such . Gaza area. This order caused a dip- x\ 0 Way Out a move would insure a uniform and at State College is anticipated. The M u r p h y . 5 8 ^ Newbold's topic first lomatic uproar in the UN. How long does he think he can orderly system of bookkeeping. meeting will be held a t Bru- w i l l ^ , . T h e y o u t h of the NetherThe Question act like a world dictator? It is In the last twenty minutes of the bacher Hall tomorrow at 2 p.m. Any- i a n c j s . " Refreshments will be served. One of the big questions of the a b o u t time for the United Nations meeting, the College Calendar and o n e interested in learning how to week is "What will Israel do now?" t 0 c a m p d o w n o n n i m a n d h a r t i suggestions for its centralization P' a y <=hess l s invited to attend. Dr. Lutheran Student Association The Israelis withdrew from the Gaza with so many people questioning the v,ere discussed. A committee out of Arnold Grava, Professor of Modern Student AssoclnT n e Lutheran area on the assumption that the usefulness of the UN, here would Council was set up to see Presi- Languages, will explain the funda- t i o n w m hold a supper meeting Egyptian forces would not be allow- b e a g00^ time for the UN to show dent Collins to ascertain what ex- mentals and correct chess openings Sunday at 5 p.m. in St. John's Lued to return. The Egyptians had i t s v a l u e I t c a n ' t afford to let the actly can be done to consolidate the a t t n e f i r s t meeting. theran Church. According to Doropreviously used Gaza as a base for Egyptians assume civil control over Calendar. The members of the coinThose who would be interested in thy Davis '59, Publicity Director, the their attacks on Israel and the the Gaza area. An agreement was mittee include Suzanne Liberman starting a competitive college chess program will include a St. Patrick's Israelis are afraid that they will do made and should be maintained, and Ronald Alexander, Juniors, and team are asked to contact Hugh Day party and the election oi ofthe same thing again. There is no backing down. Lauretta McGuirk '59. Farley '58 through Student Mail. iicers. The world is waiting to see who makes the first move. Thousands of Arabs have been demonstrating in the Gaza area. Israel has charged that Egypt is using paid rioters to stir up anti-Israeli feelings. The UNEF force fired tear gas over the heads of an angry Arab mob on Sunday. Egypt has protested to the UN over the incident. Red Sea Base On Wednesday, reliable sources reported that the United States has asked Ethiopia for a military base on the Red Sea. If the United States obtained the use of this base, it would have a protective covering to Egypt's southern flank. When Emperor Haile Selassie was asked about the possibilities of a U.S. base in Ethiopia, he replied, "Ethiopia desires to collaborate with the United States but only on an equal footing." Many approve the request providing the United States agrees to give Ethiopia more economic and military aid. There have been reports that even Russia has gotten into the act by advising Ethiopia that the U.S. wants the BASIC TRAINING for R.O.T.C. base in order to store up atomic and hydrogen bombs. When the talk turns to tactics, rememThe Gaza Strip crisis is far from being over. Last week, Israel was ber this: troops who don't get a Lucky hesitant over removing her troops from the Gaza area. Tills problem break soon become a Solemn Column! Chess Players To Organize Mu Lambda Alpha, national modern language honorary fraternity, is holding a banquet Thursday a t Jack's Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. for its newly initiated members, announces Mildred Ahlers '57, Secretary. The new members are Barbara Baum, Carol Greenhill, Carol Keysey, Marilyn Cohen, Marilyn Kriedemann, Rosemarie Sollecito, Elizabeth Steifeld, Seniors; Mary Picciano, Donald Rice, Janet Senez, Duckene Zervas, Judith Ambrosino, Mary Crawford, Phyllis Hurd, Suzanne Llberman. and Charlotte Norton, Juniors. Go4H*n <n catiotU WHAT IS A POOR BIRD'S HOME? WHAT IS A HAUNTED WIGWAM? GIIAVl'LLE Parrot Garret MINNESOTA WHAT IS A SLOVENLY FLOWER? OOU MC ClVI'py KINNEY Tl'/M'L' KANSAS WHAI IS A ( HINESE IIOAI WITHOUT A BOIIOM? WHAT IS A MAN WHO CLASSIFIES SNAKES? (Continued from Page i, Column 3) why expect it from a fledgling publication? "To err is human . . . " to criticize sublime, Art Palazzolo '58 Dear Editors, Last weekend, State College suw its most successful State Fair. This was due to inuny factors. Chief anion',' these were the hard work done by committee members, the enthusiastic support of participating organizations, an appropriate opening show, and the kind patronage of the school at large I'd like to thank all who helped make State Fair the success It was: the booster sellers and buyers, my committee, the concession chairmen, and all the crowd who came. I'd also like to thank the faculty for their enthusiasm and support. Apathy? What does that word mean? Lorraine Kozlowski '58 Room sHoss Sloppy Poppy U. O f O R E 0 O N BRYOI ROLEN OKLAHOMA AI M Rocker Hocker JED JACOUSON. JOHNS Vipvr Typer UINL' Mrtus I ON0 HOPKINS UfcACH STATE Su/ili Junk CULL Luckies Taste Better "IT'S TOASTED" TO TASTE BETTER . . . CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! <JS/A. I . C o . Ullliui 1 Of ( / % i^/iM<JKJ« o W W W ^ U ' / y W W AMKK K ' A S 1 . B A D 1 N U iiir ^,„,.....-...„ ews Myskania has recommended the following Juniors: Mary Bradley, Marilyn Leach, John Stefano, and Jack Tate. Myskania has suggested the following Juniors: Ronald Alexander, Marie Dettmer, Warren Dunham, Sally Harter, Richard Hinck, Rob- Z 4 6 2 ert Kopecek, Lorraine Kozlowski, Eileen Lalley, Donald Rice, and Joseph Szarek. Budgets The following budgets will be disNominations Nominations for Student Associa- cussed this morning: Smiles, Outing tion President, Vice-President, Sec- Club, Student Board of Finance, retary, and Songleader will be tak- Typewriter Pool, State College News, iincl Campus Commission. They will be presented in Convocation by Donald Rice '58, Chairman of Student Board of Finance. ALBANY. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, M A R C H 2 2 . 1957 VOL. XLII NO. 7 Spotlight Of Weekend Centers On Brubacher, Pierce Formals Class Presents Announcements from the chair Oral Readings will follow the business meeting. An evening of readings from literature will be presented Tuesday in Draper 349 by the Oral Interpretation of Literature Class, announces Richard Beaudin '57, Chairman of the evening. The program will begin at 8 p.m. »94« Dorms Slate Orchestras This weekend the social calendar v/ill be highlighted by the Pierce and Brubacher formals on Saturday evening from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 'News' Receives Press Award Marie Dettmer and Joseph Szarek, Juniors and Co-Editors of the State College News, slate that the paper has gained a first-place rating in the schools of education printed newspaper class ratings, as anA selection from "Miss Brill" by nounced by the Columbia Scholastic Katherine Mansfield, will be read by Jean Thomas '58 who is coach- Press Association. ed by Adriana Bosna '58. The publications are graded withEmmett TenBroeck '58 will present in groups, and rated as medalist, readings from Shakespeare's "Rich- "publications of distinction," and ard the Second." Barbara Maaloe, first, second, third or fourth place. LET'S TALK. Above, Joyce Meyermann and Suzanne Lieberman, Graduate student, is coaching him. The Rating: vice-presidents of Brubacher and Pierce Halls respectively, talk over Included in the program is "The The rating received by this news- their formal dances to be held tomorrow night. Little Prince" by Antoine de Sainte paper was earned under the editorExeuperey. This will be read by John ship of Marcia Lawrence '57, for Reiners '57 who is coached by Carol the first semester of the present school year. Cloos '57. Barbara Dutton '58 will read a selection from "After Apple Picking" and "The Fear," by Robert Frost. She is coached by Agnes Futterer, Professor of English. Outing Club Sponsors Dance; The final selection will be preThe News and the Rambler, a sented by Dorothy Lindsay, Grad- literary magazine printed by theSchedules Trip To Adirondacks uate student, and Adriana Bosna College of Saint Rose, were the only Brubacher Formal "Enchanted Garden" will be the theme of the Brubacher formal and music will be provided by Harry Vincent, his trumpet, and orchestra. Joyce Meyerman '58 is General Chairman for the affair, announces Ann Ridley '58, House Vice-President. Her committee heads a r e : Decorations, Dolores Shimandle and Carol Schew; Refreshments, Myrna Cohen; Hospitality, Joan Anderson, Sophomores; P u b l i c i t y , Rosalie Walsh '60; Arrangements, Barbara DeFrancis; Programs and Bids, Dukene Zervas, Juniors. Chaperones for the Brubacher affair will be Violet Larney, Associate Professor of Mathematics, and Mr. Larney, and Frank Carrino, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, and Mrs. Carrino. Pierce Hall Formal Suzanne Lieberman '58, Vice-PresGordon Hill and his band will Outing Club bulletin board in Lower ident of Pierce Hall and General Chairman of the Formal, announces provide music for Outing Club's Husted. that "Cotillion" has been selected as first Square Dance tonight, a n its theme. Clyde Payne and his ornounces Dolores Peck '58, Chairman Bicycles chestra will furnish the music for of the event. The English traveling bicycles dancing. Spearing the various comBrubacher Dance purchased last year by Outing Club mittees are: Decorations, Marlene Kunego; Band, Anne King; ProThe dance will be held tonight in will be available to Student Associ- grams, Marcellne Waggoner; Rethe main Brubacher Dining Room ation as soon as the weather per- freshments, Helen Mansar, Sophofrom 8 p.m. to midnight. Admission mores; Publicity, Shea Allen '60; The Distributive Education and smaller groups. One group will visit is by presentation of a Student Tax mits. The sign-out system for theand Flowers and Coronation, Miss bicycles will be outlined in a future the Chase Manhattan Bank locatCommerce Clubs are sponsoring Lieberman. Card. issue of the News, their annual field trip to New York ed at 18 Pine Street; the other group City Wednesday, announce Lewis will visit Saks Fifth Avenue located Chaperones for the evening are Acting in the capacity of chaperCarr '57 and Robert Bishop '58, re- at 611 Fifth Avenue. There will be Paul Lemon, Professor of Biology, ones will be Mrs. G. Rand, Director spective organization presidents. guided tours conducted at both and Mrs. Lemon. of Pierce Hall; Edward Shaw, Professor of Modern Languages, and The one day visit will include tours places. During the two hour tours, Mrs. Shaw; and Roswell Fairbank, of the New York Stock Exchange, the students will be taken behind Future Events Associate Professor of Education, the Chase Manhattan Bank, and the .scenes to view the internal opAmong coming Outing Club events and Mrs. Fairbank. erations. Salts Fifth Avenue. is a hiking trip to the northern Featured during the festivities will The entire group will visit the The students will travel to New mountain region, according to Da- Legislative and Compulsory Convobe the crowning of a queen which Stock Exchange which is located at York by bus under the direction of vid Kleinke '57, President. The trip cation. will take place at 11 p.m. Last year's 11 Wall Street and 18 Broad Street. Reno S. Knouse, Professor of Mer is scheduled for March 29 through The students will be given the op- chandising. Besides Knouse, Carr, 31, and hikers will travel to theOpening of Nominations tor Student queen, Marion Keane '58, will have the honor of crowning her successor. portunity to view the activities on and Bishop, arrangements were Mount Marcy region of the AdironAssociation Offices: President, handled by Robert Schultheis, Sam- dacks. the floor of the exchange. uel Sklar, and Margaret Rochford, Vice-President, Secretary, SongAfter the Stock Exchange tour, Juniors; George Murphy '57, and Students interested in participatleader, Student Hoard of Fining in the trip should consult the the group will divide into two Kathleen Coessens 'GO. ance, and Student Council at Large. Also Suggestions for Myskania. '58 who will do the recognition scene Aibany area from "Anastasia." awards. colleges to receive Agenda Do you like to shirk work? Here's some easy money —start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler we print—and for hundreds more that never get used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y. WHAT IS A MAN WHO PAWNS THE OLD FAMILY CHAIR? New Attendance System A new system will be used in taking attendance. All freshmen will sit upstairs. Sophomores will fill in the left hand section, beginning with the rows nearest the stage. Juniors will fill in the right hand section, beginning with the rows nearest the stage. Seniors will fill in the middle section. Attendance slips will be passed out when all are seated. They will be collected during the Convocation. ollege Gotivocatian STUDENTS! MAKE $25 A. E U G E N E State Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of en. Candidates for Student Board Convocations Committee, announces of Finance and Student Council a t that there will be a compulsory Con- large will be nominated. Nominavocation this morning a t 10 a.m. in tions are to be taken for Myskania Page Hall. from Student Association. Clubs Sponsor Annual Trip To New York Wednesday Why? Any private can tell you: Luckies outrank 'em all when it comes to taste. You see, a Lucky is all cigarette . . . nothing but i'ine, mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. On the double, now! Light up a Lucky. You'll say it's the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! Honorary Lists New Members SA To Nominate Today; Attendance Plan Changes MANIJI'ill ll'KHI O F I'lIiAIIK I T | | Board Lists Coed Finalists Chosen Few Witness Competitive Feets House Mothers Sight Strapless Charges Tomorrow night the first round ol the elimination trials for the 1900 Olympic Dance Team begins. After training in the Bru game room since September, the young hopefuls will be given the chain e to show their stuff at last. These trials will continue until the finals sometime in April. Those who have survived at that tune will qualify either or Olympic entrants, financial wizards, or both. Tomorrow night's trials promise to be real thri.lers, with the ladies of Pierce pitting their wiles against the women of Brubacher. Unfortunately, the trials are closed to the general public, Only a specially Discussion o( Budgets: Smiles, OutThe finalists nominated by Stuing Club, SBF, Typewriter Pool dent Association for the State Coland State College News. legs News contest seeking Stale College's best-dressed co-ed have Announcements. Hy WILLIAM FKANKONIS been selected, announce Mane Dettmer and Joseph Szarek, Juniors, Cochosen few will be allowed to Wit- solute truth you can get, with the ness the competition. Imagine the exception of a recommended sugEditors of the News. scene. Arthur Murray turning green gestion, which is the absolute truth, with envy at the sight of steps which also brings us to the next The top nominees include Betty never before seen in the outside point. The next point is, simply, that King '57, Marcia Levine, Suzanne world; John D. Rockefeller turning Lieberman, Gretchen Hurd, Junwhite with envy at the sight of these dance trials do have a recMembers of the Class of 1957 will iors; Lynn Becraft, Barbara Neville, ommended suggestion. Snowman money flowing out the bottomless meet at 7:00 p.m. Tuseday. an- Gail Klienman, Marion Sciorlino, well, otherwise known as the male Vyskie Plow has recommended in nounces Joseph Anderson, president. Roberta Devlin, Sophomores; and wallet; and, housemothers turning his latest article, "Recommended Christine Mazur '60. The Senior meeting, to be held grey with envy at the sight of eve- (suggestions and Vice-Versa on ForThe News will select from these ning gowns staying up without mal Dunce Tryuuts," that attend- in the B r u b a c h e r Government Room, will include a discussion of finalists the candidate who will straps. ance be encouraged. plans for Senior weekend, which compete against co-eds from all For those who cannot go, don't precedes the annaul Commencement parts of the nation in Glamour If at all possible, it lias been suggested that attendance at these worry, there will be others. For Exercises of the Class. Senior magazine's search for the ten best trials be highly recommended. A those who can, be careful. Some Weekend includes the annual class dressed co-eds in American colsuggested rcommendation is, ofpeople have been in their rooms banquet, the Senior Ball, and the leges. The winner will be chosen at traditional Torch Night. the next board meeting. course, the closest thing to the ab- since September. Seniors Discuss Class Weekend