Document 14064422

News Views:
Students Vote To Settle Problem
Of Tennessee School Integration
Freshmen Win
State Awards
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the
College, announces that sixteen additional New York State Regents
College Scholarships have been
awarded to members of the freshman class. It had previously been
reported that seventy-seven regular
scholarships and eleven special science scholarships had been awarded, making a total of eighty-eight
scholarships, At present, there are
104 recipients of the State scholarships.
The additional holders of the
scholarships are Katherine Aldous,
Joanna Babcock, Janis E. Clum,
Joseph F. Conroy, Isabell Dalzell,
John A. Eckehnan, David Feldman,
Mary Alice Gird, Solveig L. Hanssen, Margaret L. Hawver, Angela N.
LoVerde, Phyllis H. Mallory.
Sonja D. Pelton, Miriam Ptalis,
Peter J. Savarie, Ann Scott, Gertrude L. Sufrin, and Sandra L.
Last year the New York State
Pvegents offered a new scholarship
to those High School Seniors with
a major in Math or Science. This
scholarship consists of $500 for each
of five years while the student pursues his indicated course of study.
The integration ticket won the
election by a three to one majority.
The people of Clinton have shown
the world that they are vehemently
opposed to violent action.
"Benevolent" States
Meanwhile, Federal Judge Robert
L. Taylor ordered the arrest of sixteen Clinton residents, including
two women, for interferring with
the integration process. Judge Taylor set their trial date for January
28. The attorneys general of Texas,
Georgia, and Louisiana are going
to "advise" the defense counsel during the trial. We are sure the
people of Texas, Georgia and
Louisiana can find enough work at
home for their attorneys general
instead of letting them interfere
with a case in Tennessee!
Minority Mob
Although the majority of the people of Clinton seem to be opposed
to integration, they have indicated
that they do not condone violent
action. They are willing to abide by
the law. The school authorities and
town officials had urged compliance
with the law. Out of an enrollment
of over seven hundred white students in the Clinton High School,
only about forty took part in the
insult tactics. Authorities have
blamed outside agitators for the
Car Pool Arranges
Students Back Stand
Dramatics and Arts Council will
Today, Clinton High School stu- present
Holiday Transportation dent
Class of Oral Interpreare back in their classes. The tation inthe
the third Evening of ReadA car pool offering rides to any- student body has overwhelmingly ing from Literature Tuesday, at 8
place in the state for the Christmas endorsed the principal's stand of p.m. in Draper 349, announces
vacation has been organized, accord- complying with the integration or- Marcia Meiselman '57, Chairman of
der. Students who are found guilty Publicity for Oral Readings.
ing to Donald McClain, '59.
Students desirous of obtaining of misconduct over the integration
This will be a winter program and
rides, and those with cars who have issue will be expelled from school.
If the authorities continue to will include readings by Brenda
extra passenger space, are requested
to sign up at the desk in lower prosecute the violent racial segre- Erde, Claire Hampel, Paul Gannon,
gationists, and if the townspeople Margaret Toth and Shirley Hyman,
Draper today.
This is the only type of special continue to work in harmony, se- Juniors.
In addition to the readings, Paul
vacation transportation for the holi- gregation in the Clinton school
day as their are no special vacation system will become a thing of the Powlesland '58, will sing several
The town of Clinton, Tennessee
is in the spotlight again this week.
For the past three months the officials of Clinton High School have
been trying to comply with the
Supreme Court decision on integration. For the past three months,
they have been unsuccessful in their
Assault On Minister
Eight Negrq students had enrolled
in Clinton High, but they found that
the "unwelcome" mat had been put
out by a minority of the white students. Lest week, the Negro students stayed home for four days
after a series of "insults" had been
cast on them by a few of the whites.
Finally, a Baptist minister escorted
six of the Negro children to school,
only to be assaulted later. The
school's principal, D. J. Brittain
Jr., immediately closed the school
temporarily due to the unrest.
Voters Veto Violence
On the day of the assault, village
elections were held in Clinton. A
ticket favoring integration and a
ticket favoring segregation were on
the ballot. As soon as word of the
assault on the minister spread
throughout the town, the people
went to the polls in great numbers.
Class Presents
Oral Readings
Student Council:
Council To Use Big Four Fund
To Publish State College Songbook
Student Council convened Wed- ure. Council also passed the motion
nesday evening with -Clyde Payne to have two representatives of the
'57, wielding the gavel. Included in Junior Class chosen by Myskania
the agenda were committee reports to serve as advisors in rivalry to the
and discussions of the Big Four freshman class.
Fund, and the Foreign Student
Sally Harter '58 reported for the
State College Revue Committee that
Because of the problem of the the two scripts submitted by the
inability of several members of the students were unacceptable. StuStudent Board of Finance to attend dent Council then moved that for
meetings, Donald Rice '58 moved the State College Revue a Broadway
that Article 8, Section 1A of the production be used with funds to
Student Association Constitution be be used from surplus.
replaced with the following repreStudent Council passed the mosentation listing five Juniors, seven tion to change Parents Weekend to
Sophomores, and three freshman, Parents Day with the anticipation
thereby deleting the original representation of sixteen members in- of having more parents come up.
David Kendig '57 proposed, after
cluding three seniors.
Council passed the motion that it very lengthy deliberation, the solube recommended for the passage by tion of what to do with the Big
Student Association at the January Four Fund. Council passed his motion that the fund be used to under4 Convocation.
write the expenses for the publicaStudent Council passed the Rival- tion of a Songbook to be sold with
ry C o m m i t t e e ' s recommendation funds to be returned to the Big
that a clean-up committee from Four Fund. The songbook, which is
each class be appointed to police to contain College songs and their
Dorm field after activities and that histories, is to be published by the
each rival class spend a maximum Traditions Committee of Myskania.
of $10 for activities excluding the
skit which is to cost a maximum of
$25.00 per class. Council also passed
the motion to abolish the traditional Registrar Requests
banner hunt and in lieu of the track
and field events men's and women's
basketball games be held. Also Candidates Signatures
passed was the motion to have outAll students expecting to comsiders be judges of the rivalry de- plete
degree requirements for a
bate and sing rather than Myskania, Bachelor
Master's degree by Janwhich supplements the intention of uary, 1957or should
sign the list on
furthering the new rivalry proced- the bulletin board
outside the
Registrar's office before leaving for
the Christmas holidays, according to
Francis Harwood, Assistant Pro- Diane Davey, College Registrar.
fessor of Education, died yesterday.
Lists arc also available to ExtenHe came to the college in 1944 and sion class instructors for the beneprior to his death was a supervisor fit of those students not attending
of science in the Milne School. Mr. regular session classes.
Harwood was a graduate of New
When signing the list, degree
York State College for Teachers,
Albany, where he received his A.B. candidates should write their name
in full, as they wish to have i!
and M.A. degrees.
appear on their diplome.
>• i r
Z 462
Forum Sponsors President O f
British Council A t Convocation
There will be a non-legislative,
and therefore a non-compulsory,
convocation in Page Auditorium at
10 a.m. this morning states Marilyn
Leach '58, Chairman of Convocations Committee. At that time
Forum Board of Politics will present General Sir Ronald Adam,
announces Malcolm Rogers '57,
Sir Adam is President of the
British Council which was established in 1934. The Council is responsible for the British cultural
relations program in most countries of the world except the United
States. Under Sir Ronald's leadership, the program has reflected his
belief in the unifying influences of
the international cultural relations.
The Council performs numerous
services both abroad and in Great
Britain. Its extensive program includes English language teaching,
sending lecturers overseas, and sponsoring visits by ballet companies,
theatre companies, and art exhibits.
Moreover, the Council looks after
many thousands of overseas stu- cil's work abroad. He is expected to
dents, visiting experts and United speak on the British educational
Nations technical assistance fellows. views and international cultural relations.
The recipient of an honorary doctorate from Aberdeen University New Sealing- List
and an Honorary Fellow of WorcesThe new lists of names of those
ter College, Oxford, Sir Ronald is who must attend legislative convoPresident of the National Institute cations for the next eight-week sesof Adult Education, Chairman of sion were posted today. Those peothe Council of the Institute of Edu- ple who were excused from convocation of London University, a cations before must submit new exGovernor of Birkbeck College, and cuses for the new session. Veterans,
a Governor of the Shakespeare Me- married students, and those having
morial Theatre. He has been Chair- job conflicts are excused from asman of the National Institute of semblies but if their names appear
Industrial Psychology, a member of on the lists they must send a note
the Advisory Committee on Educa- to Miss Leach by Student Mail.
tion in the Colonies, a member of
the Miners' Welfare Commission,
and President of the Library Association.
Before accepting the Presidency
of the British Council, Sir Ronald
was Chairman and General Director
from 1946-1954. As Chairman, he
visited forty-six countries in a six Non-Legislative, and therefore NonCompulsory Convocation in Page
year period to supervise the CounHall.
Study For Goof-Off Courses—
No Work And All
WINSTON is always good company !
Harriman Plans Funds
For State Construct'
Forum Board of Politics Speaker:
Above, construction workers on State's new Western Avenue dormitory pose with the Implements of their trade for NEWS photographer,
Willard Gillette.
As work continues on the new
Western Avenue dormitory, plans
were revealed on Capital Hill for
future construction at State College.
Governor Harriman's budget, sent
to the Republican-controlled legislature, includes an appropriation
for the planning of a combined
Health Building and Gymnasium.
Should the appropriations gain the
approval of the state legislators,
planning will begin immediately.
Work on the new Physical Educa-
Trustees Post
Next Semester
Fee Increases
tion plant will begin next year, if
money is appropriated for actual
construction at that time.
Partridge Street Site
The college has selected the present location of the College Heights
dormitories as the proposed site of
the structure. The barracks, erected
after the war, will probably be torn
down this summer. The area will be
graded and turned into playing
fields and tennis courts. The gymnasium will face Partridge Street.
The college administration has
reconunended that the gymnasium
include two gyms, a swimming pool,
courts for handball and squash, a
bowling alley, locker rooms, and
physical education classrooms.
New Library
The Governor's budget also recommends to the legislature a reappropriation of $1.5 million for
construction of a new library. Plans
are now being drawn, and it is expected that construction will begin
within a year. The structure will
be located on the easterly corner
of Thurlow Terrace and Western
Avenue, directly opposite Draper
General Sir Ronald Adams, Noted
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the
British Speaker, President of the College, states that as a result of
British Council.
action by the Board of Trustees of
State University at recent meetings
Had your exams, huh? Flunked, at eleven. Well, got that assignment
the following changes in expenses
huh? Good. Now maybe you'll stop finished. Gee, it's only one o'clock. Announcements from the Floor.
will be effective on July 1, 1957.
that silly studying and be smart. Seven whole hours before that first
By now you should have learned class. Only three more classes to
Room and board at Brubacher
that studying won't get you any- prepare for tonight. Good thing
will be $300.00 per semester
where, except a hospital bed per- they're only goof courses. Seven
Also under consideration is the
for the academic year.
hours may be enough time to get
erection of a new practice-teaching
building. As yet no site has been
Get out of that hot, stuffy room, them done. You can use your breaks
and board will be $110.00 for six selected for the structure, which is
and get into a nice, warm, stuffy to prepare for that Lab quiz. Sleep?
bar. There you'll get experience in Shut up, Philip! That's for sissies.
Friday, February 15, all Seniors weeks and $144.00 for eight weeks. in the very early planning stage.
life. Oil, you think studying can State builds strong minds and bodies will be excused from classes in orThe "dormitory and Regular Sesget you somewhere. How can it? eight ways.
der to take the Teacher Education sion Fee,' henceforth to be known as
You go home in the afternoon, gel
Sec? All work and no play. Who Examination of the Educational "College Fee," will be $27.50 per
out a book, and start to read. By
dinner, you've got half the assign- wants to have a strong mind and Testing Service given at the request semester. The tuition fee for summent finished. You know, one of body? Be a weakling. Visit your of the State University, announces mer session und extension courses,
those short assignments we get local pub. At least you'll keep regu- Oscar E. Lanlord, Dean of the formerly $10.00 or $12.50 per semester hour, depending upon whether
lar hours there. The law says they
here at State.
the credit wus undergraduate or
have to close at 3 a.m. By that time, College.
The State College Theatre proAfter dinner you go back to your anyone's ready for bed. Alcohol is
graduate, will henceforth be $15.00
books. Two hours later you finish good anti-freeze too. If you persist
per semester hour for undergradu- duction, "The Insect Comedy," will
be pre-.ented on the evenings of
your first assignment. Suddenly, be- in studying, bring your books along. exception of the Long Off- ate (a- graduate work.
March 29 and 30 in Page Hall
fore you know it, it's ten o'clock. It'll add a little variety to your Campus teachers and the individuals
Time to go to the Union for coffee. term papers; shake some people up laking the foreign language oral
Regularly accelerated undergrad- Auditorium.
Hm-m. Only got half that assign- around here. Oh, well, time to credit examination on that day.
uates arc not charged tuition for
ment done, Well, after coffee. Back study. Draught please.
Director of the production is JarAll regularly enrolled students attendance at .summer session.
ka Burian, Assistant Professor of
who will complete work for a bachRoom and board charges in Sayles English. The play, a new translaelor's degree in June or August,
1957, are required by the State and Pierce Halls will be the same tion by Dr. Burian, will be a large
University to take these examina- as in Brubacher, that is $300.00 per production with a cast of 30 peosemester, $600.1)0 per year. Room ple, dancing, and highly elaborate
and board in houses operated by costuming to portray the insect
Seniors are asked to register for the Faculty - Student Association characters,
the examination in the Student Per- will be $2)15.00 per semester and
Norman Chancer '5a will play the
sonnel Office from February 4-11 $570.00 per year.
lead role; his role is different in
and to pick up the official Bulletin
that he plays a human being in the
of Information. Seniors are also to
world of insects. Other leading roles
check the bulletin board across
CdUaiial Paiicq,
are to be played by: William Gardfrom the Student Personnel Office
ner '59, Francis Ireland, Thomas
lor seating arrangements lor both
Contrary to the last issue of tin- Myers, Elizabeth Brown, freshmen;
the a in. ad p.m. sessions.
News, "Common-stater" writers this Carol Allen, Janice Champagne,
semester are Marie Carboue and Seniors and Klaus Kaufman '50.
Kii'hard Feldman. Miss C'urbcuui re- Director of the production
Classes Meet Jointly
places Leonora Hughes, who was is car,. Payment '59.
Tuesday In Page Hall tin tide to accept the position.
An Internationally known theatre
The Junior, S o p h o m o r e , and
All editorials appearing in this success, "The Insect Comedy" is a
freshman classes will hold a com- paper are the opinions of the co- social satire in the form of a fanbineu meeting on Tuesday at 10 editors and will be unsigned. Edi- tasy. L depicts the sometimes
p.m. in Page Hall, to announce torials written liy persons other than comic, sometimes tragic charactertheir respective presidents, John the editors will be followed by their istics of civilization by presenting
various aspects of society in the
Stcfano, Donald McClain, and Rob- initials.
form of insect life.
ert Helwig. The possibility of InPictured above iii the 1057 NHWS Board. From left to right, they are corporating a political party system
The News Board and staff accept
Dr. Burian has announced that
Frank Vetosky, Mary Fitzpatrick, Joseph Swierzowskl, lYfat'leiie Ackurman, for elections to various Student As- no responsibility for editorials and
Joseph Szarek, Marie Dcttmer, Hobcrt Kampf, Ann Hitchcock, George sociation offices wil be considered views expressed In columns, as they if there is anyone interested in tryGraham, Nancy Billiards and Arthur Plotnik. Fuphotographed are Mar- by the members. They will also express only the opinions of the ing out us extras or stage crew, lie
should contact either Dr. Burian or
cia Lawrence, Mary Ann Schlotthauber, Joyce Meyermann, and Keith discuss a complete revision of Stute writers.
James Leonard, Assistant Professor
Student Government.
The News Board and Staff.
of English.
College Slates
Senior Testing
State Theatre
Stages Satire
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To have government revision or not. To have political parties or not. These are the questions, and the answers
lie right there in your hands, Juniors, Sophomores and
freshmen. Tuesday at 10 a.m. a joint meeting will be held
in Page Hall Auditorium for all the members of the classes,
of '58, '59, and '60. Revisions in State College government
emphasizing the possible creation of political parties on
campus, will be discussed openly. Here is your opportunity
to indicate to your class representatives to Student Council just how you feel about this issue. It is your obligation
as a member of Student Association to attend this meeting
and to express your views. You are the one that this matter will affect. It is from you that Student Council, which
is responsible for initiating any innovations in governmental procedures, must acquire the basis for its decision.
You are the primary source from which Council must
draw its definite conclusions—your suggestions, ideas, and
opinions are of outstanding value to this branch of our
legislative body.
As for revision itself—do we need it? Take a look
around at the next legislative Convocation meeting, count
the number of resignations from class and government
offices, and evaluate the capabilities of those individuals
that run for an office. It is only between the clicking of
knitting needles, the scratching of pens, and the rattling of
newspapers that a motion is ever voted on by the student
body assembled in Convocation. The seats are filled, yes,
but only by a blank face populace that seldom realizes what
issue is at stake when it raises its hand. Now, what is your
How About It?
• • •
First Q la„e CSPA
F c b n m p , H, 1957
Second Place ACP
No. 1
Member* of Hie NEWS slul! may be readied, Monday unj We Ineaday from 1 'o
11 |)»i and Tuesday from 3 lo 0 pin ai 2-3320, Kxi II Hlionea Uetlmer HU-0IB4.
Smtrek 2-0870; Hitchcock 2-7630. Humph 2-U870
The uiideraraduale newspaper of ihe New Yoik BLUe Colleije tor Teacher.v
published every Friday of Ihe College year by Ihe NEWS Board for the iiudeni
W i l l AKI) (HU.KTTB
- .. ~
Our s t u d e n t government, formulated as S t u d e n t Association, is
m a k i n g progress: a p a t h y h a s been
Don't criticize this column; you may be asked to write it n e x t week!
replaced by jeering. I n a few more
years, critical evaluation m i g h t fol- SIMPLY STATED
W h a t fools are we who try to say
low, a t this rate. But—do we have
T h e things we should in a truthful way.
to wait?
We've both rushed in where angels fear
To have oar views, each week, appear.
Many groups, as they grow larger,
We're certain t h a t whatever we write
substituted representative democIs bound to cause a little fight
racy for town meeting; S t a t e now
But think twice before you disagree
h a s a population of 2O0O. Let's
And say to yourself "Who are we?"
t h i n k about it. Is S t u d e n t Council,
If all opinions emerged the same
increased by ten this year, doing its
No one would have no one to blame.
best? T o the possible surprise of
We'll try our best to be aware
T h u r s d a y morning q u a r t e r b a c k s , it
write our comments with utmost care.
is doing a good job. But is it posYou, our readers, may be fine debators
sible t h a t if there were more comBut we are only the "Common-Staters."
petition for seats, it would be better?
Let's think about it. Is Myskania LITTLE GEMS OF WISDOM
a popularity contest? Or is it (or
Have you been noticing the Lucky Strike Sticklers? How a b o u t t h i s
could it be) a body to uphold a n d
one?—The definition of silent period—"crushing-rushing."
exemplify the best in our school
To all third quarter Milne Student Teachers—"Good afternoon Ladies
and a m e a n s of recognizing the
and Gentlemen."
truly outstanding? Let's t h i n k about
T h e a t t e n d a n c e for the expected appearance of Governor H a r r i m a n
at convocation was not so good; let's see how the Lord does t o d a y !
We like t h e subtle advertising for t h e "Bat Morte"—notice those
T h e conclusion m i n e ) ?
SC to ten, refer legislation back to
Cafeteria C h a t t e r : Freshman—"Oh, I'm so happy!—I got a ' D ' in
classes instead of at SA legislative
M a t h 21."
convocations, keep Myskania but
Another Frosh—"Gee, I'm pretty lucky to still be
change our attitude toward it. I n
here with a 0.9 average since I
other words, subordinate personalhear t h a t they kicked a Senior
ities to values in elections, a n d stop
out with a 2.2."
doing and judging everything in
terms of "pushing for Myskania." UNDERESTIMATED EFFORT
And it might be logical to t u r n all
We were glad to see the fine tryouts for "Plain and F a n c y " even
elections and voting over to Elecwithout all kinds of publicity. It just goes to show you that all you n e e d
i.u.i Commission.
is something worthwhile to get results. We're looking forward to t h e
t h r e e - m i n u t e barn-raising and all those bumps a n d ' g r i n d s d a n c e r s !
Congratulations to the 19)6 Ped-"saver." We mean Nancy a n d
Mr. Cowley, professor of art, has done a lot since his r e t u r n to S t a t e .
He's spent many hours working on the exhibition section of D r a p e r
Lounge. How about dropping over to see it during your n e x t free h o u r ?
Take advantage of some of the culture offered around this i n s t i t u t i o n it does not apear too often. Also, we advise you to go a n d h e a r Mr.
Crowley's speech, Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Draper 349. His topic is " T r e n d s
in Twentieth Century Painting" and it's free. (Advertisements c o n t a i n
the only t r u t h s to be relied on in a newspaper.)
"H! Where's your school spirit, State College s t u d e n t ? "
"Shut up! Can't you see I'm busy getting all dressed up to go h o m e
for the weekend!"
"Pardon me. Is t h a t seat taken?"
"No, honey, but we're keeping t h a t seat vacant this year!"
Martin and Jerry Lewis. In color.
LO Hie editor and must be sighed
All commuoiMiiom should be twldmwd COU.EUE NEWS assumes no responsibility There are tjjJieal Martin and Lewis
will be withheld on request. l i e 81 A l b communications, as such expressions do not antics. T h e only difference is t h a t
lor opinions exprewed In Its columns or
this one is even sillier t h a n t h e
necessarily retted its views
others. T h e other smash hit is
G r e a t Day in the Morning with
Robert Stack and Virginia Mayo.
As the new semester s t a r t s , m a n y
of us find ourselves in t h e same old
rut. In fact t h e very act of finding
ourselves in the same old r u t is a
rutted gesture in itself. T h a n k
goodness I'm in no rut. I'm in no
rut. I'm in no rut. I'm in no rut.
like just any old coot can get into
this here place nowadays. I suggest
we kick every single dirty little
undesirable clean outta this here
school. I t would be about a n empty
Speaking of ruts, I am overjoyed
to see t h a t several s t u d e n t s have
ceased to b a t h e in the sticky slime
of t h a t most despicable of all p a t terns—shaving. Several weeks ago
I condemned female m a t h - m a j o r s
for not brandishing the duridium
blade. However, if one speaks of the
sensuous delicacy of a female leg
a n d the rugged countenance of a
m a n ' s chin in the same b r e a t h . .
wAU, teach h i m the difference. T h e
knowledge might be useful some
Beards arc practical. Beards are
Beards are
Beards are masculine. They are colorful, individual, sensational, and
adaptable. They tickle and they
itch. Buy one today!
^ t | • r l ^ n t c
We also noticed t h a t there were
m a n y new transfers starting the
semester. Well someone should say
it, and as a good citizen, I'll say it:
We don't like no new transfers! All
you uppity aliens come a' snoopin'
around S t a t e College, a'thinkin' to
mess up our happy little home. Go
home M a r t i a n s ! America for Americans! We folks are good u p s t a n d ing people, and you transfers come
around with all t h e m crazy new
ideas and it just ain't right!
Shucks, I even suspect t h a t some
of them there transfers are comm u n i s t s ; you know, t h e m big g i a n t
monsters t h a t eat up little k i d s even when they ain't hungry. Seems
W B O d i e
Eastern Colleges
Debate Council traveled to Rutgers
University in New Jersey T h u r s d a y
to compete with other .colleges from
the Eastern coast, a n n o u n c e s J o h n
Yager '59, Treasurer. T h e t o u r n a ment is run on a n elimination basis
and will last until tomorrow.
Representing S t a t e College will be
Corinne Marro '59, Gerald Pickard,
F r a n k Krivo, and Elise Shink, freshmen, who will compete in the debate section of t h e t o u r n a m e n t .
Richard Clifford '57 will be our
candidate for the discussion portion
of the competition,
Preliminary rehearsals are under
way for the 1957 State College R e vue. For t h e first time since it was
originally presented the production
will be a prepared play. T h e Broadway hit, "Plain and Fancy," has
been chosen as t h e vehicle for this
P a r e n t s ' Weekend presentation. F r i day and S a t u r d a y nights, March 15
and 16, are the evenings for the
Lead Players
T h e lead p a r t s in the play will
be taken by the following students:
Barbara Hungerford, Morton Hess,
Seniors; Veronica Davis, Carolyn
Olivo, Marion Sciortino, K e n n e t h
Smith, Sophomores; Robert Helwig,
Joseph Ilardo, freshmen. The play
will be directed by Charles Weed '60.
T h e music will be under the direction of George Harris '60, and Dick
Feldman '57 will direct, the choreography.
Samuel Prichard, Associate P r o - Dutch Tale
fessor of English, is t h e faculty
T h e iplay is concerned with the
moderator of Debate Council.
adventures of two New Yorkers in
debate the Amish or "Dutch" country of
group competed at Siena College.
Pennsylvania. T h e New Yorkers beThe purpose of this organization come involved with the strict living
is to promote organized debate on ideas of the Amish people. Among
this campus, and
facilitate the highlights of the show are a
friendly competition with other col- carnival ballet, a three minute barn
leges. Debate Council also offers raising, a typically Amish kitchen
opportunities for intercollegiate dis- scene, and a horse and buggy ride.
Songs from the show include "Young
cussion t o u r n a m e n t s .
In p a s t years members have en- and Foolish," "Plenty of Pennsyltered t o u r n a m e n t s with the follow- vania," "How Do You Raise a
ing colleges: Union, R.P.I., Univer- B a r n ? " "It's a Helluva Way to Run
sity of Vermont, D a r t m o u t h , and a Love Affair," "This Is All Very
N.Y.U. In addition, they were host New to Me" and many others.
to over fifty high schools in New
The S t a t e College Revue has been
York S t a t e for the region New York
State High School Forensic League. an annual production for four years.
A.l previous shows had been written by S t a t e College students.
209 Central Avenue
Student Council convened W e d nesday evening for the first m e e t ing of t h e new semester. Committee
reports, two budget approvals, a
report from the Athletic Advisory
Board and a p p o i n t m e n t s to various
committees highlighted the m e e t ing.
tion of s t u d e n t government of these
colleges. T h i s association
from Inter-Collegiate Association in
t h a t it would also include t h e t w o year colleges. S t u d e n t Council u n animously agreed to Mr. P a y n e ' s
A motion was m a d e and u n a n i m ously passed n o t to have an e x c h a n g e p r o g r a m this year. A m o tion was m a d e a n d tabled until next
week concerning changing the d a t e
of M o v i n g - U p Day because of E a s t e r
Clyde Payne '57, President of vacation coming so late this year
S t u d e n t Association, received a let- a n d
t h e r e not being
ter from the President of t h e United a m o u n t of time for electioneering.
S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t of
College, inviting h i m to a t t e n d a
Gail Petty a n d J a c k Tate, Juniors,
conference on F e b r u a r y 23 a n d 24. were appointed t o S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y
At this conference t h e s t u d e n t pres- C o m m i t t e e . Cecil Blum '59 was a p idents of t h e various colleges under pointed to t h e Constitutional Review
the S t a t e University of New York Committee.
will discuss a plan for the unificaT h e S t a t e College Review a n d
the P a r e n t s ' Weekend budgets were
approved by S t u d e n t Council. S t a t e
College Review for $800 a n d P a r ents Weekend for $550.
Two members of S t u d e n t Council,
K a t h e r i n e O'Connor '60 and J a c k
Ormsby '59, submitted their resignations.
Council Revises
Social Calendar
Marilyn D e S a n t a '57, C h a i r m a n
of Myskania, stated t h a t t h e seat
Suzanne Lieberman 58, C h a i r - left v a c a n t by David Kendig '57
m a n of S t u d e n t Council's Social will not be filled for the remainder
C a l e n d a r Committee, announces of t h i s year.
t h a t the social calendar has been
W h e n the Athletic Advisory Board
completed and approved.
was first organized it stated t h a t
File Cards
t h e r e were to be two Seniors, one
Any organization wishing to m a k e to be c h a i r m a n a n d one to be the
any additions or changes in t h e financial secretary, one J u n i o r plus
calendar should contact Miss Lieb- two m e m b e r s from the faculty. Also
erman by Monday, February 11. one Senior was to be elected to a
Even though the events have been two year t e r m . Last year this was
scheduled on t h e calendar, t h e c h a n g e d lo t h r e e Seniors. Due to
white cards must be filled out in resignations a n d other difficulties
advance in order to be considered it was recommended t h a t the board
should constitute of two Seniors,
two J u n i o r s a n d the faculty m e m T h e final weekend social calendar bers. T h e J u n i o r s are to be elected
will be printed in a future issue of for two years. A motion was m a d e
the News.
and passed to this effect.
TOMORROW, Saturday, February 9, 1957
College Calendar
General Sir Ronald Adam Speaks at Convocation, Page Hall.
State vs. New Paltz Basketball Game, Page Gym.
Sigma Lambda Sigma Rush Party, Sheraton Ten Eyck.
Varsity Basketball Reception by Beta Zeta, Brubacher.
Basketball Dance, Game Room, Brubacher.
by Chester Field
6:45 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
1C.30 p.m.
" N o w there's a n i n t e r e s t i n g face —
Ugly, but not commonplace .
F u l l of c h a r m , I m u s t a d m i t
F u l l of c h a r a c t e r a n d w i t !
W h y on e a r t h c a n ' t women see
All t h e t h i n g s I see in m e ? "
Smoka for rma\,,.
"Sa who's rushin'V"
for the 5% Discount
MORAL: N o m a t t e r w h a t face y o u
live b e h i n d , it will l o o k h a p p i e r
w i t h a real satisfying
o u t f r o n t ! E n j o y t h a t B I G full
flavor p l u s t h e smoothest
today, because it's packed more
smoothly by Accu»Ray! You'll
be s m o k i n g smiles!
(i o i
State vs. Brooklyn Poly Tech, Page Gym.
Varsity Basketball Reception by Kappa Delta, B r u b a c h e r .
Basketball Band Dunce, Brubacher G a m e Room.
By A R T P L O T N I K
T h e ( i r e a t American Pastime with 7:30 p.m. News Board Meeting, Brubacher Government Room.
T o m Ewell and Ann Miller.
10:03 a.m. Combined Junior, Sophomore, freshman Class Meeting,
Draper 349.
Joel Macbeth with Paul Douglas 4:00 p.m. D&A Speaker, Mr. Cowley. Draper 349.
and Ruth Rinnan Imagine if you 6:45 p.m. State vs. Hartwiek Basketball Game, Page Gym.
can, a modern story of racketeering
and gangsters based on S h a k e speare's Macbeth. English majors
will be fascinated by t h e t r a n s formation. Illiterates like us will
be fascinated by the noisy yunplay
T h e second feature is Wicked as
They Come with Allelic Dalil ant'
Herbert Marshall.
Lust for Life with Kl'iv Douglas,
Executive Editor
I'ublie Relation, Editor Anthony Jiiinn, J a m e s Donald u'.id
lluslness Advertising Editor Pamela Brown. In C i n e m a s c o p e end
Circulation Editor color. T h e turbulent life ol th<
Associate Editor Dutch Painter Vincent Van Gogh.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor Anthony Quinn is excellent as G a u Associate Editor guin. A movie well worth seeing.
Feature Editor It's scheduled fur a three week run.
Sports Editor
Consultant I'UIJIJC Itelatluus Editor
Consultant business Advertising Editor MADISON
Consultant Spurts Editor
Hollywood or Bust with Dean
Mall rtiotoffrahper
Rehearsals Start
For State RevueCouncil Discusses Vacancy;
"Plain & Fancy" Hears Athletic Board Report
*7<4e Qfxe+i Mind
To t h e "Editor:
Last week, while most of us were enjoying a short
break from college studies, Governor Harriman sent his Finally: government isn't just an
annual budget to the State Legislature for approval. The activity! Offices should be filled
largest appropriation in the budget is approximately 597 according to interest and capabilmillions of dollars for the expansion and improvement of ic,\ But, as to the extent t h a t the
affects us, we have t h e
education in the Empire State, and of more vital interest government
right and t h e responsibility to form,
to us, of the State University.
m a i n t a i n , and cooperate with it.
Construction money for a new library and planning Let's think about it, let's talk
money for the desperately needed and long-overdue gym- about it, let's do something'!
nasium here at State are included in the appropriation.
Winnie Youngs '59.
But, let's not jump to the conclusion that the fate
of these projects rests only on the action of the State Street
legislators, for the student body of this college, as well as
those of the other branches of SUNY, can do their part J KapdtcU Kapve/U
in securing sorely needed facilities. Most of the money in
the Governor's budget slated for State University expan- STRAND
sion is included in a 250 million dollar bond issue to be
placed before the voters in the November election. At pres- Rock Pretty Baby with J o h n S a x ton, Sal Mineo and Leona P a t t e n .
ent, the passage of the bond issue is somewhat in doubt. This
is a n o t h e r one of those picWe can do our part in removing that doubt!
tures on a rock-'n-roll kick which
At present, one of the committees out of Student have come to plague us of late. If
Council is the Inter-Collegiate Association, an association you're one who digs t h e subtle n a ture of rock-'n-roll you're sure to
of ten of the eleven State Teachers Colleges. Student enjoy
it. Sal Mineo plays the
Council could recommend to the local ICA committee that drums. W h a t more could one ask
they promote, along with the other member schools, a for in a movie? T h e second feature
Everything But the T r u t h with
campaign to place the bond issue and the necessity of its isMaureen
O'Harn and J o h n Forpassage before the eyes of the voter. A campaign of this sythe.
type might consist of letters home to parents and friends,
and to the letter column of hometown newspapers. ICA is PALACE
the most logical group to conduct such a campaign, since Westward Ho tin- WuKons with
it is the only existing link among the student bodies of Fess Parker. In C i n e m a s c o p e and
the Teachers Colleges.
color. Walt Disney's been grinding
westerns with the regularity of
We urge the members of Student Council and ICA to out
Carter's Little Liver Pills, l a n d they
give consideration to this proposal. The other schools lack are getting just about as n u m e r o u s l .
facilities as much as State. We want the gymnasium; we If you niis.s this one, don't fret.
want the library. Do we want to see what we can do in We've got inside info t h a t it'll be
on Disney's TV show for free in
assuring the passage of the bond issue?
the near luture. Also showing is
Student Council:
(iKoiua: (iiiAHAM
i m o k e Chasterflsld!
f BO for every philosophical verse accepted lor
publication. Chesterfield, P. O. Box 21,
New York 46, N. Y,
Qliuifll ft MftrlTwUoco Co.
The CO-OP will buy
U s e d BOOKS [not for resale]
From this school or another
Fiction or Non Fiction
Starting February 18, 1957
Ruilt Ruled,
Judicial Board Students In Bridge Tourney;
Elects Officers, CardPlayersCompeteByMail
New York State College for leges in the United States from
Teachers at Albany has entered February 17 through the 23.
Presents Plans the 1957 National Intercollegiate The tournament is open to all
The week from February 10 to Notices will be sent by interFebruary 19 has been declared Si- sorority council to rushees thru
lent Week by Inter-Sorority Coun- student mail on Monday, February
cil. The following regulations have 11 at 8 a.m. These notices will inbeen listed by I.S.C. governing struct the rushees to a designated
Sara Jane Duffy '57, Chairman of Bridge Tournament. State College undergraduate students of this colplace before 5 p.m. that day to reSilent Week.
announces the following students will compete with repre- lege. Anyone who is interested in
ceive Invitations to t h e formal
Silent Period
concerning the newsentatives from more than 100 col- playing should contact Mrs. Merlin
During the silent period there weekend. Rushees must return these
Hatnaway, Director of Brubacher
shall be no communication between invitations to a member of council elections and recommendations of
Hall, immediately. E n r o l l m e n t
rushees and sorority members exshould be by pairs, but individuals
cept for two parties given by each Bids
may enter and be matched with a
The new officers for the second
sorority for invited rushees. There
Formal bids will be sent to thesemester are as follows: Chairman,
shall be no rushing during this rushees through the student mail Marilyn DeSanta; Vice-Chairman,
The contract bridge competition
period except by means of the part- on Tuesday. Great care and dis- Robert Burns; Secretary, Mary
Lucy Schneider '58, Publicity Di- has been sponsored since 1946 by
ies described above and then only crimination should be used by Knight; Treasurer, Sheila Lister; rector, announces that the first of the Games Committee of the Nain the sorority houses. Except at rushees in checking preference Master of Ceremonies, Joseph And- the two Inter-Varsity Christian tional Association of College Unions.
the parties there shall be no con- blanks. If a rushee does not re-erson and Sara Jane Duffy; Warn- Fellowship Ski Weekends is being
Contestants will play on their own
versation between rushees and ceive a bid from her first preferheld a t New Lebanon, New York campuses the sixteen hands which
members, and it shall be considered ence but does receive one from her ings Chairman, Betty Van Vlack; this weekend.
have been prepared and mailed to
an offense to have a third party second, she will be obligated to join Parliamentarian, Clyde Payne; MiAlong with the skiing, skating and them, C. C. Nolen, University of
Deact as a medium to carry on a the second sorority. If she does
Cecco and Sara Jane Duffy, Seniors. tobogganing there will be discus- Texas Union director and tournaconversation.
not receive one from her second
sions. The speaker will be Norton ment chairman, announces.
Formal Weekend
or first choice, but does from her
Activity sheets will be distributed Sterrett who is a missionary to the
Goeffrey Mott - Smith, contract
bridge authority, will score the
On the weekend of February 15 third, then she will be obligated to to the Juniors through student mail university students in India.
early next week. These sheets will
Registration for the second week- hands to determine the campus.
and 16, each sorority shall give two join the third.
Any rushee who refuses to accept be used by Myskania in recommend- end is still possible by calling Miss regional, and national winners.
parties for invited rushees and in
pledgeship in a sorority which she ing and suggesting candidates for Barbara Randall, 3T5-7209 in Colthe following order:
Two national championships will
The first will be a buffet supper has stated in her preference blank next year's Myskania to Student onie.
be awarded. One trophy will go to
sororiOn Thursday, February 14, thethe college of the pair scoring
from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday,
and the second a formal dinner ty rushing and bidding for one year returned to the Myskania mailbox meeting will be on a Bible topic highest on the East-West hands.
no later than February 20.
presented by Miss Janet Travel-.
from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday. from the date of refusal.
Another trophy will go to the college of the North-South winners.
Winning colleges will have custody
of the trophies for one year. Each
of the four individual winners will
receive a smaller cup for his private
possession. Last year Harvard and
Dartmouth were the 1956 co-champions of the tournament which a t tracted 1,770 students from 87
Colleges entering the bridge tournament for the first time will receive a plaque designed to bear the
names of the four individual campus champions. Each local campus
winner will also receive a certificate.
Religious Group
Plans Activities
Pick the Pack that Suits You Best!
Plan State Fair
State Fair will be held on Saturday, March 9, announces Lorraine
Kozlowskt '58, Chairman. The Fair
will be held in the lower peristyles
of the College.
Staie I a n consists of an all college fun-night in whicli the faculty
and organizations on campus sponsor concessions. Those organizations
whicli have not yet .submitted applications to participate in State Fair
are asked to do so as soon as possible. If a regular form has not been
rei-eived by the head of an organization, he may receive one by request
uom Muss Kozlowski.
The proceeds from this annual
aflair are donated to the foreign
soiuent fund. The fund helps to
bring foreign students to State.
Last year's Fair raised over eight
hundred dollars.
The people working on committees for the State Fair are: James
Lorricchio and Margaret Krause,
secretarial committee; Donald Rice
and Robert Kopeeek, financial committee; Robin Roy and Margaret
Toth, publicity commit tee; Jack
Tate and Sue Russell, booster committee; and Lloyd Seymour, prize
committee, Juniors.
I'>'.>', I j u i - i i r & Virtus T U B - . . I . U Co,
Smoke modern L&M and always get
full exciting flavor
53 N. Lake Ave.,
Near Washington Ave.
We Aim To Pl< use
Pcds To Play New Paltz, Brooklyn Poly, Hartwick;
Win Over Hillyer To Open Second Semester, 93-72
Coach Sauers' assemblage of varsity basketball players
returned to action this week with a decisive 93-72 overmastering of a mediocre Hillyer College Connecticut squad.
Tonight, the Peds play their second of four games
Be It Ever So Humble
to be played in the short period of a week as they entertain New Paltz State in the Page "fieldhouse." The
There's NoPlace Like Home
preliminary will get under way at 6:45 p.m. All proceeds
from tonight's game will be turned over to the Albany
intramural keglers got back
As they swing into the final half of the season, the to The
Paralysis Sports Fund. The varsity cheerleadclearing the pins off the Rice
varsity basketball squad will be as busy as a bunch of alleys yesterday after taking a ers will collect a donation preceding the feature contest.
beavers; playing eight games during the current month couple of weeks off to clear the
Tomorrow night, the Statesmen
and three in the first week of March. Of these eleven, six library reserve shelves. Thanks to
will be right back in Page to play
a beautifully working handicap syswill be played in the lower "cubby hole" of Page, our home tem all but one team found itself
host to Brooklyn Poly. The varsity
attraction will follow the State JVgymnasium. In the first half of "the season, Coach Sauers' able to gain the top slot within a
Siena JV contest which will comcharges took all five home games, the closest contest being week or two in a league that's as
mence at the regular 6:45 starting
the one with New Haven. . . . Speaking of our home gym, wide open as the old west.
time. Poly brings two outstanding
it was called to the attention of ye scribe that a small sec- As of Wednesday, the Gutterdustplayers
Page in the persons of
In accordance with the present in- "Whitey"into
ers were able to ha»g onto a slender
and Johnny Juan.
tion of the Western Avenu end of the floor is beginning one
game lead. Ridge, meanwhile, ternational assistance being given
to buckle. If this continue, it's going to be fun watching found itself running ahead of a to the Hungarian freedom-fighting On Tuesday night the JV and
the players go over mounds in the floor to score points.
three team pack of the Vets, SLS refugees, Woman's Athletic Associa- Varsity will meet the junior and
and APA by the same small margin. tion will sponsor a clothing drive senior divisions of Hartwick ColMinon Listed On NAIA Report
next week to aid in the efforts to lege. Hartwick lias a strong team
State's statistical averages are now included in theVets High !
make the lives of the Hungarians and its record shows a victory over
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, which In high game laurels thus far the worth a better living here i" Siena.
Clothing will be collected
publishes small college statistical ratings weekly. Last power-packed team of Sullivan and America.
in all group houses and boxes will liolway, Anderson Pace Attack
week, Jack Minon was listed sixteenth in foul shooting Vets — stand second to no one. Be- be placed in the college building State took its tenth win in twelve
percentages with a total of 23 out of 27 free throws made, sides possessing a high 886 individ- peristyles for commuters and off-starts on Tuesday from a dismal
or an average of 85.2. The weekly report includes leaders ual game effort our gallant ex- campus residents.
Hillyer five which went down to its
tenth defeat in eleven games. The
throughout the country in points per game, field goal and defenders lead the 10 team loop Phi Delt Tops Bowling Loop
Even though they split games Peds led from the outset as Joe
foul shooting percentages for individuals and teams, aver- with a 765.4 game average.
to be outdone the Gutterdust- with the Gamma Kappa Phi team Anderson hit on two jump shots to
age rebounds per game for individuals and teams, leading ersNothang
onto a 2410 high team this week, the Phi Delta sorority open the scoring and put the Aloffensive and defensive teams and a list of undefeated triple besides looking up to no one keglers remained on to]) of the banians in the lead, 4-0. Hillyer
WAA loop with a 7-1 record. They didn't connect from the floor until
in loop standings.
are closely followed by Psi Gamtwo and a half minutes had elapsed.
This semester's team of Peds will include Don Beardon Tom Tops
sorority which split with Kappa Foul shooting kept them in the
(6'1") from Watertown. Don is a left handed shooter who After relinquishing his top slot Delta this week. WAA bowling game throughout the e a r l y part
has just completed his term with Uncle Sam's Air Force to newcomer Don Dame for a period takes place on Wednesday after- of the first half. However, with
Gary Holway and Anderson leading
of exactly seven days Tom Sullivan noons a t the Rice Alleys.
Polio Fund To Benefit From Tonight's Game
Added to the list of women's ac- the scoring, the Peds took a 47-32
again fears no kegler encroaching
A collection will be taken up for the March of Dimes on his 178.8 average. Just for kicks, tivities will be modern dance In- halftime edge.
at tonight's game with New Paltz. This gesture is being Tom adds to this the high 579 triple struction, scheduled to begin ThursHawks Cut Lead
run in accordance with the Albany Sports Infantile Pa- for individual bowlers. Decker Par- day afternoon in the Commons.
dee meanwhile Is still able to boast
Behind Prank Deutsch and Roger
ralysis Fund to help "the Kid Around the Corner."
about a top 232 tally.
Lynch, the Hawks began to cut the
We figured it is about time we began pushing the
State, lead in the early part of the
Top Keglers
forthcoming Siena game to be held a t the Washington
second half. The closest they got,
however, was 51-43. Prom there, the
Armory on February 23. When this game comes up, we'd Tom Sullivan
Due to the fact that the current Peds returned to form and after
like you to keep one thing in mind. The State-Siena series Decker Pardee
manager of varsity basketball will ten minutes led, 69-51.
started back when many of us were thinking about our Bill Bonney
165.5 be off campus teaching for the next
Dick Causey ably assisted the
two o'clock feeding instead of college, in 1938. Only five Al Stephenson
164.1 eight weeks, one or two undergrads scoring in the second half spurt as
Anygames have been played between the schools since that
he garnished nine assists for the
one interested should contact Coach night's activities. Coach Sauers
League Standings
time, and Siena has won all of them.
Sauers or John Benton '57.
Maintain Lead
In IM Kegling
Kampf Kommcnts:
W A A Starts
Clothing Drive
Wrestlers Nip Army J V;
Play OswegoTomorrow
14-1) K B
13-7 Rousers
12-U EEP
12-8 A p a c h e s
12-8 Hilltop
pulled his starters in the late minPositions as sports writers are now utes of the half, and the bench
open on the News staff. If you are strength took over where the startinterested contact Bob Kampf '59. ers left off as they added four more
points onto the ten minute lead to
go away winning, 93-72.
300 Circle Due
The Hillyer live hit on 20 out of
28 foul shots to the Peds 15 for 21,
but Albany scored 39 times from the
floor to Hllyer's 26 to account for
the decision.
If Gary Holway hits his average of
23.1 points a game tonight, his
season total to date will climb over
the 300 mark.
Albany will be forced to meet a score 25 points for Albany in the
once - tied, never defeated Oswego 123 pound bracket.
squad without the services of CapHe and the following wrestlers
tain Ozzie Leahy tomorrow whe" had built up a ten point lead before
the Peds make the long trip to the fateful match of Oz/.ie Leahy,
Oswego with plans to raise their who pinned his man at the expense
record to five wins and one loss, and of three broken ribs. II turned out
to gain their first win over an to be the clincher, for the next
Oswego team.
three wrestlers lost.
The one loss came at the hands of
Bob Bosomworth, who is recoverDartmouth when three bad breaks ing from a dose of tonsilitis, Charlie
I'd !•' T
2D Lynch
in a row handed the Green a one Kane, and one of the State heavyIII
H Turk'Klun
poi»t win by a 16-15 score. Winning weights will be contending with unMiiycr
li H u g e i s
in the pre-exam mutch were Tom beaten wrestlers tomorrow in their
IK Butt-urn
Farrell, Wayne Harvey, and Chuck respective weights.
10 Ueuucli
\ Hawkins
Kane, while Don Bindrim fought to
State returns to friendly Page
\ Eiiionda
a standoff with his opponent to gym two weeks from tomorrow after
Mill llli-IMiT
2 Blunku
furnish the 15 State points
enjoying an open date next .SaturUeurdrii
Farrell Keeps Streak Intact
Tom Purrell continued to .set the
The Summary
pace in the next match as the Peds
I in it'll won by pin, 1:110
KANE CHALKS UP TWO POINTS. Slate's undefeated 117-pound
gained their costly wi» over the
Harvey won by pin, 3:30
wrestler, Charlie Kane, gains the advantage over his West Point adfledgling West Pointers by an 18-16
Itiiulrim lost by decision
versary and adds two points to the score sheet prior to winning' by
score. The high point man gained
Kiini' won by decision
that the
a pin at the two minute mark to
Leahy won by pin, 5:37
run his siring ol pins to lour
Snyder lost by pin, 4:03
straight aim set a record that may
lilt lie losl by decision
OFFICE of the
not be broken for a long tune by
Kay nor lost by pin, 0:43
taking a total ol nine minutes to
Hill lost by pin, 4:43
Fraternity Jewelers
firing your (lute to dinner in
is located in
The University Post Oftlce
the Pine Room of the
2nd Floor - 171 Marshall St.
Syracuse 75-7837
L G.Balfour Company
With L4M . .. and only L*M . . . can you pick the pacK
that suits you bast. And only L A M glvea you the
flavor... the full, exciting flavor that
makes L*M ...
Open Every Day Until 8 p.m.
75 Stale Si reel
Headquarters (or
Fraternity Pins - Kings - Gifts
Favors - Plaques - Cups - Medals
Stationery - Programs
Carl Sori'iisen, Manager
Albany, N. V,
Syracuse '39
Write or call or visit us and see
for information complete display
and catalogue Open daily 10 to 5
FRIDAY, F E B R U A R Y 8 . 1 9 S 7
News Views:
Saud Visits United States;
Greeted By Chief Executive
Recatd ReaieuA
Album Reviews
Ella Fitzgerald, generally accredited a s being t h e first lady of jazz,
certainly lives u p to this s t a n d a r d
A million square miles of drifting strategic D a h r a n airbase. This is in h e r n e w two disc L P package on
sand, a desolate wasteland. T h i s is t h e price t h e United S t a t e s m u s t Verve e n t i t l e d "Ella Fitzgerald Sings
the Rogers a n d H e a r t Song Book."
Saudi Arabia on t h e surface a n d yet pay to keep its eagles flying.
Thirty-four numbers are treated
below t h i s scene of u t t e r desolation
here a s they've never been done b e are t h e pools of oil, t h e liquid t h a t The Man
makes t h i s feudal kingdom all p o w In 1953 Abdul Saud, t h e old king fore. Miss Fitzgerald sounds r e erful in t h e Middle East. I t is the of Arabia died; into h i s place s t e p - freshing on e a c h n u m b e r ; t h e r e a r e
piece of territory in t h e world be- ped I b n Saud, t h e n e w king. Old or never a n y tired tones to be h e a r d
longing lock, stock a n d oil barrel new it made n o difference, t h e Saud as one might expect from a lesser
to one m a n , I b n S a u d .
family came first, t h e country sec- artist. I t ' s h a r d to honestly r e p o r t
ond. T h e country r e m a i n e d o n e of which rendition is t h e best because
Blood And S a n d
mud h u t s , dates, camels, a n d pov- each is first rate.
T h e wells p u m p e d t h e liquid Doris Day
This b a r r e n land since t h e time of
"Day by D a y " is t h e n a m e of a
M o h a m m e d h a s been t h e scene of gold b u t disease struck in t h e cities,
bloodshed. Early in t h e twentieth even in t h e holy cities of Mecca song. I t is also t h e title given to a
century t h e r e appeared in this e n d - a n d Medina. Disease t h a t even new album release by Doris D a y
lass wasteland a m i l i t a n t follower struck a little six-year-old boy, all on Columbia. Selections from this
of t h e beliefs of M o h a m m e d a n d this would go unnoticed in this LP will be featured on D. J. p r o the K o r a n . Abdul Saud leading his land of sword a n d immorality h a d g r a m s for a long time to come. Miss
followers with t h e cry "Back to the not t h e little boy been t h e son of Day's i n t i m a t e styling of t h e twelve
K o r a n a n d on to t h e Land," set Ibn Saud, oil baron. Saud was i n - s t a n d a r d s s h e offers here h a s never
out to unify Arabia. He drove out vited to visit t h e United S t a t e s a n d been excelled. T h i s package will
the Turks, t h e ruling family of H e - with h i m came t h e little boy for make D a y fans go wild a n d music
jaz, a n d smashed British plans to t r e a t m e n t . T h e tall m a n in t h e flow- lovers in general marvel at h e r fine
divide t h e country. W h e n Abdul ing robes, blind in one eye, was per- vocalizing.
died in 1953 he controlled all oi this sonally greeted by P r e s i d e n t Eisen- F r a n k S i n a t r a
F r a n k S i n a t r a once again proves
mysterious peninsula except Yemen. hower, a n honor afforded n o one
T h e m a n of t h e black t e n t h a d else on this globe. I b n S a u d pos- why h e is t h e disc jockey's favorite
unified his country t h r o u g h t h e sesses t h e oil a n d we t h e knowledge m a l e vocalist, in h i s new album r e only two m e t h o d s known to h i m : to utilize it. T h e r e a r e no blind lease for Capitol. I t ' s called "Close
sheep in this game of i n t e r n a t i o n a l to You." S i n a t r a i n t e r p r e t s a dozen
physical violence, and bribery.
ballads here in his own u n m a t c h The Weapon
able phrasings. Besides t h e title
T h e Incident
song, " P . S . I Love You" a n d "Blame
1938 oil was discovered,
overnight t h e Saudi family held the
In this world there a r e m a n y peo- It O n My Y o u t h " a r e among t h e
scepter of power a n d wealth in the ple, some intelligent, some o t h e r - tunes included. T o e n h a n c e S i n middle east. T h e land belonged to wise. O n e such person
almost a t r a ' s ' class" vocalizing, t h e Hollythem hence all royalties from it. Oil wrecked American foreign policy by wood S t r i n g Q u a r t e t h a s been e m pays for t h e Cadillacs, palaces, even trying to a c t a s a crusader. How- ployed to supply t h e backing.
the air conditioned R i y a d h Rai road ever, t h e federal
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n Tony B e n n e t
"Tony," a new album by Tony
t h a t r u n s nowhere. T h e "Black stepped in a n d saved t h e d a y by t a k Gold" of t h e world h a s such i m - ing over t h e duties of t h e self- B e n n e t on Columbia, should soon
portance t h a t American oil com- styled S a v a r n r o l a . P r e s i d e n t Eisen- be one of t h e top selling albums in
panies such as A r a m a c o m u s t follow hower s u m m e d it up aptly w h e n h e the country. Ballads a r e tastefully
such rules a s no alcohol a n d no said, "We do n o t talk just with i n t e r - m i x e d with some very good
Christian worship on their installa- those we like b u t with those we dis- up tempo n u m b e r s to produce a very
tions. T h e United S t a t e s govern- like if we a r e to achieve our goals." listenable package. This is Beimel's
m e n t m u s t also train a n d equip t h e King S a u d m a y n o t be r u n n i n g a first dozen deal for Columbia in a
Saudi Army a n d mobilize new oil model Utopia in S a u d i A r a b i a b u t long while a n d should satisfy his
reserves if it w a n t s to keep t h e for t h e time being we m u s t be p a r t - long list of fans who have eagerly
valuable oil concessions a n d t h e ners with h i m till d e a t h do us part. awaited it.
Greeks Feature O p e n House
Announce Election Results
Initiations a n d social events h i g h - lege on Sunday, F e b r u a r y 10, from
light news from t h e Greek houses. 2:30 to 5:30 p m . T h e K a p p a B e t a
house is located a t 577 W a s h i n g t o n
G a m m a K a p p a P h i h a s pledged
Marie Gagemi, Yolanda
a n d Rose A n n Scalfari, Sophomores.
Alan H u t c h i n s o n '57, President of
G a m m a K a p will h a v e formal i n - Sigma L a m b d a Sigma, a n n o u n c e s
itiations F e b r u a r y 10 a t 2 p.m. I t t h a t their formal rush p a r t y will
will be followed by a house w a r m - be held this evening from 9 p.m. to
ing for all S t a t e College students. 1 a.m., a t t h e S h e r a t o n T e n Eyck
T h e house, which is located a t 207 in t h e F o r t Orange Suite. T h i s party
Western Avenue, will be open to
is called R a t Morte and those a t t h e s t u d e n t s from 3 to 6 p.m. I n
tending should be dressed in F r e n c h
charge of t h e reception committee
fashion. I n charge of t h e c o m m i t is Barbara Vaas '59 a n d Gail Rivertees a r e : Ronald Pryor '58, General
k a m p '59 is in charge of refreshC h a i r m a n ; Paul Erickson '59, Arments.
Norton '59,
In a replacement election, Nancy C h a p e r o n e s ; J e r r y Banfield '58 a n d
Madelin '58 w a s chosen treasurer Michael Van Vranken '59, E n t e r of G a m m a K a p p a P h i .
t a i n m e n t ; Joseph Swierzowski '57,
Peter Dykeman '57, President of R e f r e s h m e n t s ;
Louis Cashon '57,
Kappa Beta, a n n o u n c e s a n open Decorations; Robert Stimson '57,
house for all s t u d e n t s of S t a t e Col- I n v i t a t i o n s a n d P r o g r a m s ; Donald
Rice '58, Name Tags; a n d J o h n
Cocca '59, C l e a n - u p .
State College News
Students To Attend
Lecture On Painting
You smoke refreshed
Anew idea in smoking...all-new 5 » a
I,,, /.'../. ItnillilhlH TiilMlrrn Cum mill y/.
VOL. X L I I NO. 2
Sorority Rushing Concludes With Buffets, Formats;
Silent Period Terminates Late Tuesday Afternoon
F o r m a l rushing comes to a conclusion t h i s weekend a s t h e sororities stage t h e i r a n n u a l Buffet a n d
F o r m a l Dinners. T h e Buffet D i n tiers a t six sororities tonight will be
held from 6 until 9 p.m. Formal
D i n n e r s a r e to be held tomorrow
evening from 7 until 11 p.m.
t h r o u g h Tuesday to 5:30 p . m . with
t h e exception of t h e weekend par-
ties. F r e s h m a n preference sheets
should be filled out a n d returned to
the S t u d e n t Personnel Office by
12:35 p.m., Monday. Bids will be
sent to t h e rushees t h r o u g h S t u
dent Mail on Tuesday.
K a p p a Delta
Patricia Burke '57 is general
c h a i r m a n of K a p p a Delta's Informal
Dinner, t h e t h e m e of which is
O'Kady's Saloon. K D Wonderland
is t h e t h e m e of F o r m a l Dinner.
General c h a i r m a n is S u s a n n e R u s sell '58. Coordinator of t h e weekend
is E izabeth Stapleton '57.
Psi G a m m a
General c h a i r m a n of t h e Buffet
Dinner. " C a n d y l a n d , " is S u z a n n e
CiM'michael '59. "A G a r d e n of M e m ories" is t h e t h e m e of t h e Formal
Dinner, according to M a r g a r e t Carr
'53, General C h a i r m a n .
Chi Sigma T h e t a
C o - c h a i r m e n of t h e Chi Sigma
a r e S u e Fusco
iind Mary Shelton, J u n i o r s . T h e
theme is C o n t i n e n t a l Chi Sig. T h e
theme of t h e Formal Dinner is Chi
Sig Castle. C o - c h a i r m e n of t h e
event a r e Eileen Lalley a n d C h r i s tine Melillo, Juniors.
Sigma Phi Sigma
"Women Rule t h e World" is t h e
t h e m e of Sigma P h i Sigma's Formal Dinner, state Frieda Cohen a n d
Lenore Mosner, Juniors, a n d coc h a i r m e n of t h e affair.
Gamma Kappa Phi
General c h a i r m a n of t h e Buffet
is Edna Reger '53; t h e t h e m e is a
F r e n c h Cale. F o r m a l D i n n e r h a s
for its theme 'Cinderella." General
c h a i r m a n is J u d i t h Swan '58.
Beta Zeta
The theme of t h e B e t a Zeta Buffet Dinner is Toyland. Sally H a r t er '58 is general c h a i r m a n , "BZ
Heaven" is t h e t h e m e for Formal
Dinner, according to Beverly W y lam '57. C h a i r m a n .
I'hi Delta
"Roaring Twenties" is t h e theme
ol P h i Delta's Informal
C h a i r m a n of t h e event is Ann
Hitchcock '58. T h e theme of t h e
Formal Dinner is "Showboat," a n nounces Patricia Gearing '58, C h a i r man.
SA Convocation
Meets In Page
This Morning
Committee Holds
Basketball Dance
Alpha Pi Alpha h a s h a d new
elections, a n n o u n c e s Edward J o n e s
After t h e game with New Paltz '57, President. Donald Bindrim '58
T h e new
tonight. S t u d e n t Union Board will was elected historian.
sponsor a J u k e Box Dance in t h e songleader is Lloyd Murdock '59.
G a m e Room, from 10:30 until 12
p.m. Marilyn D a r z a n o '59 a n d William D e G r o a t '58 a r e co-chairmen.
Sandwiches a n d coke will be served
by Beta Zeta in t h e upper lounge
to members of both teams.
B a r b a r a Hungerford '57, PresiOn S a t u r d a y a t 10:30 p.m., fol- dent of D r a m a t i c s and Arts C o u n lowing t h e game with Brooklyn cil, a n n o u n c e s t h a t t h e group will
Polytechnic Institute, Kappa Delta sponsor a talk on t h e Art of P a i n t will sponsor a reception for m e m - ing, Tuesday at 4 p.m., in Draper
bers of t h e visiting a n d home teams. 349.
In t h e G a m e Room, Clyde Payne a n d
T h e speaker will be E d m u n d Cowhis Pedcats will play for dancing,
ley, Assistant Professor
of Art.
s t a r t i n g a t t h e same time.
Cowley will speak on t h e "Basic
T h e sororities a r e sponsoring t h e Schools of Painting," a n d " T r e n d s
receptions in conjunction with t h e in T w e n t i e t h Century
Hospitality Committee of the S t u - Everyone, especially those interested in a r t , are welcome to a t t e n d .
dent Union Board.
15, 1 9 5 7
T h e r e will be a legislative assembly today at 10 a.m. in Page Hall
Auditorium. A t t e n d a n c e
meeting is compulsory. T h e agenda
lor this meeting as approved by
S t u d e n t Council is as follows: two
financial motions, one concerning
S t a t e College Revue, t h e other concerning P a r e n t s ' D a y ; t h e p r e s e n t ation of proposed changes in constitutional
by t h e
Watchdog committee from S t u d e n t
Council; the presentation of a m The presidents if t h e sororities a r e phographed above, In t h e back row, from left to right, arc Mary e n d m e n t s by S t u d e n t Board of F i n Furncr, Chi Sigma
' b e t a ; J u n e Studley, G a m m a Kappa I'hi; Mary Lou Mciscr, Psi G a m m a ; Paula ance, also for t h e approval of S t u Lehrer, Sigma P h i Sigma. In t h e front row arc Ann Kinsler, K a p p a Delta; Nancy Louprette, Beta / e t a , dent Association; n o m i n a t i o n s for
S t u d e n t Board of F i n a n c e a n d S t u and J o a n Van Dusen, I'hi Delta.
dent Council.
Annual Merchandising Clinic
Features Speeches On Retailing Agenda
T h e Distributive Education Club
will sponsor t h e fifth a n n u a l m e r chandising clinic, a n n o u n c e s Reno
S. Knouse, Professor of M e r c h a n dising and faculty advisor of t h e
Poj an. Mr George
Mi- Jeff Di vis.
Perkins, and
Two financial motions for approval
of SA: one for $800 for S t a t e College Revue, t h e other for $550 for
P a r e n t s ' Weekend.
A motion for t h e appropriation
of $800.00 for the a n n u a l S t a t e College Revue will be brought before
t h e s t u d e n t body. Another motion
lor a similar appropriation of $550.00
for P a r e n t s ' Weekend m u s t also be
approved by S t u d e n t Association.
Both of these motions were passed
by S t u d e n t Council; to be carried
out a t w o - t h i r d s vole of S t u d e n t
Association is necessary.
Both t h e Watchdog committee ol
Student Council a n d S t u d e n t Board
ol F i n a n c e will bring proposed a m e n d m e n t s before Student Association tor approval. It is suggested
that each s t u d e n t bring his h a n d book to assembly in order to discuss
and vote on these a m e n d m e n t s .
Nominalions for a S t u d e n t Board
ol F i n a n c e member from t h e class of
'59 will be held, along with n o m i n ations for two members of s t u d e n t
Council: one from t h e class ol '00
and one from SA at large.
posted a new list of names for compulsory a t t e n d a n c e ; those legally
excused first semester must secure
new permission.
Tuesday, Mr. George Fllda will
speak on the .subject of "Creative Constitutional
the Watchdog committee of StuDisplay," Mrs. Monique Jones will
dent Council for SA approval.
discuss "Current Practices in MerCosmetics" and Mr. Student Board of Finance amciidThe purpose oi the clinic, to be chandising
incuts lor SA approval.
Becker will speak on
held in the merchandising labora- Clement
tory .n New Draper, is to bring into "Wholesaling Practices ill the Drug licplacemcnt nominations for two
I he .school t h e highlights of current Field."
members of Student Council: one
from the Class of 'GO, t h e other
practices in t h e field of m e r c h a n Wednesday,
from SA at large.
dising This year's theme i.> " T h e Through Chamber ol Commerce
C'e liien Age ot Retailing." Lew is Activities" will be the topic ol a Nominations for one member of
Student Board of Finance from
C U T "I" President of the Distribu- speech given b , Mr. Robert Young.
the class of '59,
tive' Edui ii tiiJIi Club, announces the
"Creating the Advertising P l a n "
Fraternity bids for all eligible
There will be no a n n o u n c e m e n t s in
billowing speakers and their topics.
Statesmen will be issued on Monday,
today's assembly.
Thursday, 'Display Techniques"
iiiiin 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in t h e
Monday, Mr. Lloyi Swalison will will be the subject ol Mr. Paul
New lists of compulsory attend
Student Personnel Office, a n n o u n c e s
ance have been posted.
speak on Sliccesslul Uetail Selling Marsh. Miss [-Catherine Van Epps
Alan Hutchinson '57, President of
Ti'i'hniqui ; " Later i panel discus- will discuss "Fashion as a Force in
I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council. T h e bids
"A Close Look At Two Merchandising," and Mr. J. E.
must be returned to t h e S P O on
Major Mi i l l s III Communication
Tuesday between t h e hours of 9 a.m.
'I V." is Its topics will Wlieaton will speak on "Current
and 1 p.m. If a rusliee should fail
lo pick up or r e t u r n his bid or bids
be held Members ol the panel will Techniques In Mail Order .Selling."
during the specified hours, his bid
be Mr ll.irn Goldman, Mr. (Jig
Friday, Dr. George J, Vinson, Dior bids will become void. Since
rector ol Training at Saks Fifth
rushees will be notified by S t u d e n t
Avenue in New York, will speak on
Mail on Monday m o r n i n g if they
"Preparing for Retailing\s Golden
" I n t o the valley ol death rode engro.-sed in winter sports in aid have received bids, it is emphasized
Age." Dr. Vinson's speech will be
that t h e S t u d e n t Mail boxes m u s i
given in room H49, Draper Hull. R e - the six hundred . ." And valiantly them.
be checked before 1 p.m. on that day.
tail m e r c h a n t s Irmu the Albany they rode Never hesitating, never
S i nilo t h e valley they rode, and
A rusliee must have spent at least
retreating. They faced the conlines their w a n inis conquered toe a l t e r
-lores will lii Invited
ol t h e smallest ol all valleys with toe. T h e six hundred became more one semester a s a regularly enrolled
ii .Juii
irk l a b fill, Chairman ol
shun h e a r t s and .simple minds. And and more incensed against t h e e ti- student at this college to be eligible
when they had entered the valley, ers, but t h e elders held stubbornly lor a bid.
( illliles, a n n o u n c e s that a S t u IFC also a n n o u n c e s t h a t a period
they sal and held council. T h e to I hi- old rulings. "Tile valley is
I (illlili prograin will be initialed
talking was loud and l i n n , never large enough lor us. We emphasize ol silence shall exist between all
I in: Mondaj from 0 a.m. to t p.m.
once yielding to the authority ol culture, not competition," they said. m e m b e r s of any fraternity a n d all
will last until t h e Interviews
eligible rushees from U a.m. on
I he elders. For I be elders had bealii
Marilyn DeSunta '57, C h a i r m a n come enemies, T h e wise, astute eldSo the old valley remained, Many Monday to 1 p.m. on Tuesday.
ers bad condemned them to t h e years passed, and as it happened,
its purpose l lie introduction ol pros- ol Myskaiila, announces iwo new
the mightiest warriors in t h e h i s appointments to Student Associa- valley.
pective freshmen to the institutions
tory of thi' six h u n d r e d were a s Year
and traditions ol S l a t e College. A tour
sembled. Eight consecutive battles
ol the school will be given by t h e Hughes, wb was appointed as t h e had promised them a new a n d larg- were won before u defeat was i n er
students ol the cobege who may also new Seliloi member to Election
charge. Tuesday a n d Friday nights curred. It was a mighty record, a n d
answer any questions raised us to Commission; J o h n Oauquie was a p - they would voice their approval ol the quest for a new valley was r e - Elmer C. Mathews, Assistant to
the President, a n n o u n c e s t h e d a t e
S t a l e activities a n d customs.
pointed a Senior member to t h e their warriors. But t h e valley was newed. They wanted to displuy t h e ~{
uv b l J 1 , l n g V l i ( , t u l t ) 1 1 a 8 published i n
Cm i vocal ions Committee.
h e General Catalog is not t h e d a t e
S t u d e n t s from a n y of t h e classes
M>skania h a s requested that all had become t h e symbol of mistrust their cries iell on t h e deaf ears ot l l s U , ( i i n t l l e s t u t e C o i l e g e Directory.
may lake purl in this guidance p r o Tlie new a n d correct dates for
gram. Anyone interested is asked Juniors return their activity sheets and extreme thrift, almost border- the elders.
T h e va.ley remains, even t h o u g h spring vacation a r e as follows:
to send the hours he Is available to Sheila Lister '57 before February ing on t h e cheap. " T h e game is
t h e elders.
They the warriors continue to win battle s i r i n g recess begins ut 12 noon on
to Tide through S t u d e n t
Mail. 2(1. These sheets are used by M y s - scarce,"
There will be un i m p o r t a n t m e e t - kunia to make recommendations could n o t acquire sufficient funds after battle. And every Tuesday a n d Friday, April 12; instruction will
to finance a new valley, a n d t h e Friday night, " I n t o t h e valley of resume a t 8 a.m. on Wednesday,
ing of S t u d e n t Guides on Monday and suggestions to S t u d e n t AssociSkiln ( t h e council chief) was too P a g e ride t h e six h u n d r e d . "
ation for the Spring' Elections,
April 24.
in Draper U49 ut 4 p.m.
To Issue Bids
Elders Reject Promised Quest;
Deem Larger Valley Useless
Chairman Sets
Guide Plans
Myskanio Requests
Junior Activity Lists
College Revises
Vacation Date
menthol fresh
• rich t o b a c c o taste
• most m o d e r n filter
Take a pull—it's Springtime! Light up a /iUer-liji SALEM and iiml a smoke
that refreshes your taste the way Springtime does you. It's a mui idea in smoking— menthol-fresh comfort... rich tolmcou taste... pine, white modern filter!
They're all in SAI.KM to refresh your taste. Ask for SAL KM — you'll love 'em!
S a l e m refreshes your taste