PAGE 0 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, MAY 4 , 1956 News Views: Professor Opens Morse, Neuberger Continue Expose Writing Class Of McKay s Record; Barkley Dies Shields Mcllwaine, Professor of POfUnf Out* 7U* Znckcuufe. T h e Russell Sage Quill printed the the tombstones from a relative's results of a survey taken at Doug- m o n u m e n t firm, but found they h a d English and C h a i r m a n of the E n g - lass College by t h e D e p a r t m e n t of too m u c h weight- Result—a t o m b By R O B E R T SIMMON DS lish D e p a r t m e n t , a n n o u n c e s t h a t all S t u d e n t Life. T h e conclusions were stone on the neighbor's lawn. In the Senate, D e m o c r a t s Morse larities. W i t h indictment of R e p r e - s t u d e n t s who plan to take English t h a t Sophomores sleep less and J u n (from T h e Central Michigan Life) iors work more. Could this apply to and Neuberger of Oregon continued sentative L a n e (D-Mass.) already A University of Texas s t u d e n t 134, Creative Writing, m u s t comply us? their expose of Interior Secretary in the bag, Brownell is proceeding answered the p h o n e with, "It's me." Douglas McKay's record in office. more carefully since a syndicated with the following procedure. Hindu h u m a n pin cushions have "It's I," corrected the voice at I t is now revealed t h a t McKay r e - columnist exposed the Justice D e Notify Dr. Mcllwaine, Richardson it easy when compared with the re- the other end of the line. cently appointed three friends of p a r t m e n t ' s political affairs. I t h a s search experiment of a K a n s a s U n i "Me, he, what's the difference?" his as I n d i a n commissioners for the been rumored t h a t p r o m i n e n t D e m - 24, orally or by letter, t h a t you are versity coed whose projects include K l a m a t h tribe in Oregon by exert- ocrats in West Virginia and P e n n - including English 134 in your course several dozen mosquitoes. Mosquitoes he asked. The silence t h a t tollowed was ing coersive powers upon the tribe sylvania were to be next on the list during the advisement period get hunrgy. They have to be fed. to get their consent as required u n - i n d i c t m e n t list. They h a p p e n to need and prefer broken by these words: from May 18 to May 24. At t h a t "This is your English instructor. der the law. I t was just a n o t h e r blot h u m a n blood. So . . . time, indicate when you will submit I called to remind you of the m a k e upon the record of the m a n the Nixon Says 'Yes' "Someone h a s to feed them," says up quiz this week." Finally in the Capitol, Vicesamples of your writing, which the s t u d e n t . "No one w a n t s to voladministration is backing for SenPresident Nixon said "yes" to a n x (from The Minnesota Daily) ator Morse's seat in Oregon. should include two or three short unteer, so each n i g h t I'm d i n n e r for ious inquiries as to w h e t h e r h e The following poem was taken Water Power Sites my pets." would be available for a n o t h e r term, pieces—poems, stories, or portraits. from the Rensselaer Polytechnic: S e n a t o r s Morse and Neuberger hit and President Eisenhower, back These should be left in Richardson A U t a h resident found two J r . chemists all in a huddle, again at the Eisenhower power pol- from his golf game at Augusta, r e icy also. T h e present plan of t h e affirmed his faith in God, world 24 before the end of the semester or tombstones on his lawn one m o r n - Here's one job they wouldn't m u d ing and reported it to the police as dle. administation seems to be to r e - peace, prosperity, and morality in mailed to Dr. Mcllwaine during the the p r a n k of vandals. They checked With nitroglycerine in each little serve the best paying water power government, and summer. the cemetery and found that no without being hand, sites to the large private companies specific about anything, urged all T h e class will be limited to twelve tombstones were missing. They moved the school right off its and leave the money-losing ones to Republicans, Independents and Investigation finally disclosed t h a t land. federal development. Morse h a s r i g h t - t h i n k i n g Democrats to back Juniors and Seniors, and s t u d e n t s charged t h a t the Republicans t h u s h i m in his crusade for re-election. accepted for the course will be noti- a group of s t u d e n t s had needed more T h i s wasn't for fun or fooling, weight in their truck for a trip They just believed, "You learn by can help the private power lobby Time called it "giving 'em heaven." fied by S t u d e n t Mail. t h r o u g h deep snow. They borrowed doing." and still give lip service to a public power program. This policy is w i t h out a doubt a good break for the big private companies, but a dam-poor one for the taxpayers, who foot the bill for the public power programSenate Loses Alben Barkley Washington was saddened this week by the passing of Alben W. Barkley, long time Senator from Kentucky and distinguished exVeep. T h e death of Senator Barkley who had served in the Upper House from 1927-43 and again from 195556 stripped from liberal r a n k s a n other wheelhorse. Earlier, liberals lost Senator Harley Kilgore of West Virginia. Senator Barkley's seat must now be filled for a four year short term in the November election. Governor Albert (Happy) Chandler of Kentucky is expected to n a m e an interim appointee in the n e a r future. Brownell Slows I n d i c t m e n t Plans Attorney General Brownell reportedly has slowed up on plans to seek indictment of eight Democratic politicians on inco«ne tax irregu- MUD . . . (Continued from Page 1, Column H) Alan Weiner '56, Robert Burns, B a r bara Hungerford, Alan Hutchinson, Juniors; Robert Alward, Helen Eetner, Dorothy Eardley, T h o m a s W a t thews, Sophomores; Marlene Ackerman, Elizabeth Gross, Veronica Davis, J a m e s Owens, Joseph Fosegan, T h o m a s Hopkins. Paul K a p p . K e n n e t h Kadet, Robert Pox, William Hershfield, Richard Esner, Michael Van Vranken, Marion Sciortino, freshmen. Members of the singing and d a n c ing chorus are: Tony Scordato '56, Paula Segal, Richard Peldman, Lenore Hughes, Phyllis Hurd, Sheila Lister, Juniors; Patricia M c G r a t h , La Verne Libbert, S o p h o m o r e s ; F r a n k Favat, Dolores Shimandle, Gerald Dwight, Mary Fltzpatrick, and Ella Mizzell, freshmen. Special Class Attire Miss Hallenbeck sets forth the following specifications for class a t tire. Seniors are to wear caps and gowns. Juniors will all wear the traditional class hats and carry canes. Women are to wear white dresses and white heels and the men are to wear suits, white shirts and ties. Sophomores arc to all wear beanies. White skirts and blue blouses or sweaters will be the attire for women and the men will wear suits, white shirts and ties. Freshm a n women are to wear white dresses, socks, and white flats, while the men are to wear dark trousers and white shirts. Z-461 ALBANY, NEW YORK, SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1 9 5 6 .._ „ , .,. , » o o H_!r nrn VOL, XLI NO. 12 Clyde Payne Triumphs As SA President; Ratio Remains Same with All Myskania Members Reaching Quota Hinck, Youngs, Lister Victorious News, Ped Myskania No. 41 Ascends Steps As S A Veep, Secretary, Songleader Pick New Staffs In Shortened Tapping Ceremonies In fnr the thp SA HA Presidency, D..»^M ^« In aa close close race race for Clyde Payne re- pQf Next V6GT s ceived 148 more votes than Dominic DeCecco, to triumph victorious as the President of Student Association for 19561957. Out of the 879 votes cast, Payne obtained 473, while DeCecco received 325. Richard Hinck captured dent Association by receiving The position of SA Secretary went to Winifred Youngs in the fifth distribution. She figured first during the whole race. Filling the post of SA Songleader will be Sheila Lister, who run a very close nice with Sally Harter. Eleven New Members of SBF Student Board ol Finance m e m bers for next year will be Janice Champagne '57. Warren D u n h a m , Marilyn Leach, Brent Patton, George Cosgrovc. Frank Swiskey, Sophomores; and J a n e Cass. Donna Divens, K e n n e t h Kadet, Ann Sheldon and Roland Short, freshmen. A/1 Hoard Elections S t a t e College Athletic Advisory Board will be increased by three new members, namely, Nanc,\ Schneider and Joseph Purcell, J u n iors; and Joseph Barton '58. Chairman of the Board for next year will be Joseph Swierzowski '57, elected last year S.l Council Members All Reach Quota With all the members of Myskania reaching the quota, the Senior Honorary Society will again have the same number of men and women as in the past two years. After the classes had "moved up" to their new position and everyone had sung "Arm in Arm," the Tapping ceremonies began. The old Myskania filed to the second row of seats on the stage in preparation for the tapping, and Theresa Katherine Barber, Chairman of the outgoing Myskania, and Robert Francis Betscha, President of Student Association, came forward to the rostrum. The S t a t e College News Board has made additions to the Board and to the Editorial, Business and Sports staffs, according to Marcia Lawrence and T h o m a s Smith, Juniors the Vice-Presidency of Stu- and Co-Editors. 193 votes more than the quota. The new Business - Advertising Manager is Ann Hitchcock, while Norman Koslofsky, Sophomores, will serve as Sports Desk Editor. New Desk Editors of the Editorial staff are Ann Ridley. William Schwager, Betscha acted as the speaker and announced the Arthur Palazzola, Vincent T r a m a n tana, and F r a n k Swiskey, Sopho- names of the new members of the Judiciary, while Miss mores; Carole Hall, Frank Vetosky, Barber presented them with purple and gold tassels. Winifred Youngs, Nancy Richards, Nancy Schaeffer, freshmen. DOMINICK JOHN DE CECCO was the first member of Serving on the News Board as the 1956-1957 Judiciary to be tapped. Sigmund Arnold Smith Feature Editor will be Arthur Plotand Alan Donald Weiner circled the auditorium, stopping nik '59. Members of the Pedagogue Board beside his row in the Assembly, as Betscha boomed out his have been chosen for next year, re- name. DeCecco served on Student Council for two years ports Carol Ann Lull '56, retiring and has been a columnist for the State College News. Editor of the yearbook. Editor-inChief for 1956-57 will be Beth Aileen Jane Cochrane and Linda Lou Niles left the Bechler '57. Assisting Miss Beehler stage next to tap the second person of the honored thirteen. will be David Kendig, Public Rela- The name of MARCIA MACKENZIE LAWRENCE boomed tions Editor; Mary Pagidas, Busi- out as they stopped next to the row in which she was sitness-Advertising Editor, and M a t thew Ostoyich, Copy Editor, Juniors. ting. Miss Lawrence is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the State Directing Press Bureau activities College News. for tin coming year will be Barbara Davis '57, announce Mary J a n e JOSEPH JOHN ANDERSON, the newly elected PresFisher and Aileen Cochrane, Sen- ident of the Senior Class, was next to be tapped. Samiors, retiring Co-Directors. The reuel John Krchniak and Joseph Richard Kelly escorted mainder of the Board will be chosen CLYDE PAYNI Anderson to the rostrum where Miss Barber pinned on his at a later date. Classes Elect Anderson, Stefano, McClain As '57, '58, '59 Leaders purple and gold tassel. Anderson is the new director of Men's Frosh Camp. Members of Student Association Mary Brezny and Weiner left the stage, circled around elected lo Student Council for next, the auditorium, and stopped as Betscha boomed out year all readied the quota, and are the name of CLYDE IRVING PAYNE, the newl\ elected the following: Lorraine Kuslowski, Suzanne Lieberman. Gayle Petty. H, 1.1.....' President of Student Association, and former Vice-President Breaking the put tern of the last Donald Rice, Lloyd Seymour, Soph- l wo years, ol Inning a I least one cis as Publicity Director, and Ma- of Student Association. omores; and Natalie Lemoiue anil woman President, the Classes of rion Keene as Songleader. 1958 S t u Steven Jacobson, freshmen. 1957. 1958 and 1959 have chosen dent Council members are Ronald The new Student Association Songleader, SHEILA three men to lead them. Joseph And- Alexander, Mary Bradley, Margaret LISTER, was next to be tapped. She was brought to the Carr and Sheila Monahan. erson will lead the Class of 1957 stage by Marjorie Anne Kelleher and Smith. during (be coming year while J a m e s Class of 195!) Elections 1 ockhart will serve as his ViceBARBARA GENEVIEVE HUNGERFORD, the new PresReceiving 68 more first-place President. Other officers include: ident of Dramatics and Arts Council ascended to the stage, .Secretary, Bernice O'Connor: T r e a s - votes than his nearest i •ompetitor, urer, Betty Kim:; Publicity Direc- Donald McClain was vie torious in escorted by Jane Anne Loman and Judy Ann Vimmertor, Barbara Dubrey; and Song- Die race for the Preside] icy of 'lie stedt, to take seat number six, Joseph Anderson '57. C h a i r m a n ol leader, Patricia Hall. Student Coun- Sophomore Class Olhei executives be Vice-Presiden t, Seventh to be tapped was NANCY JANE SCHNEIDER, Men's Flush Camp for 1956-57. has cil members from the Class ol 1957 will David announced the following officers will be Marie Carbone aim Eliza- Youst; Secretary, Doroth y Harper; new President of Women's Athletic Association. Miss CochTreasurer, Roberl Fox; and counselors for the coining year. beth Staplctuii. Publicity Director. K e n n e t h Kadi •t: Cheer- rane and Weiner, descending from the stage for the secC h a i r m a n of Programs will be J a m e s ond time, brought her to the rostrum. leader, Grace Palmisano; Lockharl; Steward, Horace C r a n - Class of 195K Elections ami Songleader, Marion Scjorthli >- Council dall. Juniors; Athletics, Keith OlJ o h n Stefano is the new Junior As the suspense mounted, MARY ELIZABETH KNIGHT son; Store, Joseph Szarek; Head Class President lor the coining year. members for 1959 are Ge urge H a r Counselor, J o h n Minim; Waterfronl, Serving with him will be Eileen u s Ella Mizzell, Bruce N ort'in and was tapped by Miss Niles and Krchniak. Miss Knight has John Yager. served on Student Board of Finance for two years and Roger H u m ; and S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s - 1.alley as Vice-President, Mary urer. Warren Dunham, Sophomore was President of SMILES this year. Crawford as Secretary, Jerr\ Ban- Anderson Selects Camp Counselors W m / l^^gfv M? - -•M • W r\ 11 sj •: •••• •:•:-?% A touch will tell you . . . an Accu-Ray Chesterfield is more perfectly packed . . . and that means Chesterfield satisfies the most . . . burns more evenly, smokes much smoother. Counselors from the Class of 1957 field as Treasurer, Barbara DiT'raliAs silence fell again, Kelly and Mary Jane Fisher dewill be: Donnniek DeCecco, Richard scended from the stage, circled the auditorium,.and stopErbacller, Michael Maxian, T h o m ped as the name of SARA JANE DUFFY boomed out from as Hoppoy, Roberl Backer, Edward Deniske, Edward Jones, Joseph the stage. Miss Duffy was President of her class this past Swierzowski, J a m e s Smith and Sigiuiin Laudis, the scholastic year and served as Secretary of SA her Sophomore year. David Burrows. honorary society ol Slate College, will have new members announced ROBERT EDWARD BURNS was the fourth man to The Forum Board ol Politics has today. The two per cent of 1956 to Representing the Class ol 195B Board be named by President Collins to- be tapped as Miss Brezny and Miss Vimmerstedt brought will be Joseph Fl.vnii. Lloyd Sey- elected new ollicers and mour, Howard Caldwell, Ross Dailey. members, announces Charles Mc- day are Evelyn Vcrna Beals, Eve- him to the stage to take seat number ten. Burns has been Nils Bri.ska, Frank Swiskey. Richard Harg, retiring President The new lyn L. Castler, M a n i a C. Dalbec, a member of Student Council for two years and has been Causey, J o h n Stefano, T h o m a s ollicers are: President, Malcolm Sylvia A. Doody, Bruce li. Marsh, very active in dramatics. Brierley. Ronald Alexander, Joseph Rogers '57; Vice-President, Lee De- Virginia Lie Walls and J a n e A. Barton, Robert Bosoinworth, Robert Nike '59. The other ollicers will be Whitehursl Miss Loman and Miss Fisher moved down from the elected by the new board at their Banfield. stage to tap MARILYN ELIZABETH DESANTA, the new Inst meeting after Moving-Up Day. The first lour per cent of the Director of Women's Frosh Camp. Sophomore Counselors are: J o h n Included in the ollicers yet io be Junior Class were selected. They elected will be a C h a i r m a n lor the yager, Edward Koubek, Robert The last woman to be chosen was BETTY RAE VAN a r e : Clinton Ray Carpenter, Harry rCanuif. J a m e s Rogers. William Hers- High School Model Security Coun- Sidney Cooper, Doris Dunn, J u n e VLACK, escorted to the stage by Miss Niles and Kelly. Miss cil which was initiated this year field, Robert Murdoch. Garrison M. Frankland, Tito W. Guglielmone, Van Vlack was Co-Chairman of Campus Chest this year, Lewis, William Maekie, David S u l - and found so successful thai H will Phyllis M. Hurd, Mary 1' Inman, become a traditional pail ol the Ann E. Kan.mer, Laura F. Marosca, and active in dramatics, terlee, David Youst. Forum program. Mary Lou Meiser, Malcolm A. RogSilence reigned and the tension mounted as Miss BrezAlternates will be David Kendig, ers. Nancy J. Schneider, Elizabeth ny and Miss Kelleher circled the auditorium looking for The Boui'd members for next year William Mason, Frank Melody, J u n S:eifeld. William Sevenson, Everett the last member to be tapped. DAVID THOMAS KENDIG, iors; Paul Cullen, Carl Maxson, are Charles LaFounlaine and Peter C. Weieriniller. McGtiirk '58; Richard Saner and Sophomores; and J o h n Spaargaren, President of the Inter-Collegiate Association, columnist for Michael Saltzmiill, Steven Jacobson, J o h n Cocca '59; Emil Polak, RichFaculty in F r a t r e s are: Paul C. the State College News, and Public Relations Editor of ard Erbacher, Richard Clifford, and freshmen Boomsliter, J a r k a M. Burial), J a n e t Pedagogue for next year, came to the stage to claim seat Dominic DeCecco '57. Hood, and George W. Murphy. number thirteen. Collins Names Members Rogers Will Preside Of 56 Signum Laudis Over 1956 Forum Satisfy Yourself 'with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke packed for more pleasure by exclusive AccuRay DE Club Plans Trip To Albany Felt Co. T h e Distributive Education Club is planning a field trip and conference at Albany Felt Company, in Menands, New York, Tuesday livening at 7:30 p.m., announces Erwln Horwitz '56, President oi the club. T h e p r o g r a m for the evening will include a brief session prior to the t o u r of the plant, and a final conference to discuss the organizational and o p e r a t i n g policies of the company. State College N By ANN RIDLEY To the taste, t o o . . . Chesterfield packs more pleasure. Firm and pleasing to the l i p s . . . mild yet deeply satisfying to the t a s t e . . . Chesterfield alone is pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray. MILD, YET THEY gatbfr...THE MOST! ©1**.IM * Mriu TutMU) Gu STATE PAGE 2 COLLEGE NEWS, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1956 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , S A T U R D A Y , - - - Student Association - - 4- 1 = 43951 S t u d e n t Board of Finance—1957 Quota: • 1 1 1 32500 ( h a m pa? ne 47300 Davis 8100 Schlotthauber DeCecco Payne Blanks Total 87900 2 Vice-President 20600 22200 25600 12100 12909 Blanks 15500 15500 15500 15500 2300 43951 Total Secretary 879 X 100 Quota: -I- 1 = 2 1 F'tzp'k 13900 K i n g 16400 M a r r o 13700 Mlz'ell 11700 Yo'ngs 21600 Blanks 10600 Loss Total 879 x 100 S t u d e n t Board of Finance—1958 Quota: 1 llinck Blank 2 3 4 15500 18500 20800 25500 15800 18200 8400 24500 87900 87900 87900 87900 879 X 100 -i- 1 = 4 Vradenburg Total 2 3 33300 35000 38400 47900 6400 Loss 1 63300 Bradley 24600 Alexander 87900 D u n h a m Leach ration Roscoe Cosgrove 43951 Swlskey Blanks Loss 5 1 Elim. Elim. 18500 25200 4700 4300 5900 14000 15300 Total Songleader Myskama Kecommended 23500 27300 32200 42400 10600 10600 10600 10600 4000 11000 19600 34900 Total Quota: • 1 Benton 10800 Castillo 10300 Dykeman .... 7500 Purccll 19700 Schneider 30100 Blanks 9500 Loss Total 7100 7100 147(10 14651 14651 8800 8800 9400 1170011700 11700 1000 1049 2949 SA Student Council 878 X 1000 Quota: 79819 11 la 102000 102000 * 101000 101000 106000 106000 110000 I10000 * * 125000 125000 155000 7981.4 65000 105172 114000 114000 35000 1 B78();X> 8780OU Eliminated by preference. Cheerleader 1 • 1 President 1 Ericson 6200 2 3 15424 26016 29301 9500 7659 879 x 100 Quota: 3 I 7500 10200 Knmpf McClain Ormsbee Blanks Loss 4400 12600 13800 14800 20000 4700 540O 2300 2300 2300 2300 1200 2900 7300 Total 30200 30200 30200 3O20O Vice-President Eisenberg Owen Voust Planks Loss 1 3700 8000 16300 2200 2200 Total 30200 Secretary 1 8100 1)300 7fi00 1900 3300 Buchanan Harper ... Richards Salak Blanks Loss 2 3 4 8500 10800 9500 11900 17000 8200 3300 700 3300 4200 3300 9900 30200 30200 30200 30200 Total • 1=43,951 1 1 2 3 35300 37200 40300 8800 . .. 22500 24400 25600 10000 11000 11300 11300 11300 4000 10700 Anderson Bouvier Burns Carbone DeCecco DeSanta Feldman Hughes Hungerford KendigKnight Lawrence Lister Lockhart McEvoy Maxlan Schneider Stapleton Swierzowski V a n Vlack Loss Blanks Total 1 La lb 108000 73166 73166 11000 12288 12932 42000 45220 49728 19000 20288 22864 108000 108000 73166 43000 44610 46864 30000 30000 37728 22000 23932 26830 46000 47932 48576 73000 76864 76864 42000 43288 44898 55000 56932 61440 29000 31898 33508 26000 31796 33728 7000 10864 11186 6000 7288 7288 77000 77000 77000 40000 40322 40322 .... 28000 28644 29932 51000 51966 52610 702 2370 15000 15000 15000 878000 878000 878000 lc 73166 12981 50022 22962 73166 47158 37826 27026 48625 76864 44947 62714 33802 33924 11284 7435 73166 40371 30324 52806 2431 15000 2 73166 13239 50237 23005 7316G 47760 37369 27155 43668 73166 45076 63273 33888 34096 11542 7607 73166 40629 30625 52978 2689 15000 3 4 73166 73166 Eliminated 51237 57246 24005 24005 73166 73166 47803 47803 37869 38234 27155 27155 49668 51990 73166 73166 45076 45076 63322 63371 33937 33980 34139 35504 14508 15508 Eliminated 73166 73166 40629 40629 31668 32668 53343 54343 2738 2824 150O0 15000 878000 878000 878000 878000 5 73166 Bird ... Curley Fox Nole ... Short 1 2201) 5900 9900 4200 4500 Thiele 1200 2 2300 6000 10100 4500 4800 3 I 9 73166 9a 73166 10 73166 10a 73166 10b 73166 11 73166 59289 61626 61948 62024 24649 Eliminated 73166 73166 73166 73166 48211 51855 55269 55369 38234 38234 40556 40576 27198 28241 Eliminated 51990 56312 60692 60712 73166 73166 73166 73166. 45076 46398 46812 46864 63785 S4107 73717 73166 34624 36624 39673 39745 41123 43089 44132 44204 Eliminated 70169 76212 73166 73166 73166 73166 73166 73166 64940 41633 73166 72079 41633 73166 72827 41985 73166 73166 77548 73166 Eliminated 73166 73166 73166 73166 67089 73166 48229 73166 45393 45577 70093 73166 52229 73166 48436 49952 70643 73166 52515 73166 48766 50414 76053 73166 57554 73166 651431 50541 76053 73166 58280 73166 6705* 51179 73166 73166 58500 73166 67716 51773 73166 73166 76239 73166 77409 Elim. 73166 73166 Eliminated 73166 73166 73166 64521 22333 15000 69098 20172 15000 878000 73166 42629 38775 58987 7146 15000 73166 73166 73166 42641 42782 38835 Eliminated 59015 63390 64433 7185 7968 22103 15000 15000 15000 878000 87H000 878000 878000 68570 28596 15000 69340 30343 15000 73971 50050 15000 878000 878000 878000 878000 878000 878000 87900 87900 87900 Hungerford Leads McClain Heads Childers Lists D & A Council, Smiles Next Year 25 M u Lambda New officers of S M I L E S have elected and announced by Alpha Members Segal-Affiliates been Mary Knight, retiring President. Dramatics and Arts Affiliates will have as it.-. President lor 1956-57, Paula Segal, according to Mary Punier, retiring President, both J u n i o r r. Vice - President, Nancy G a d e ; Secretary. S a n d r a Faye; F n nancial Secretary, Richard Bartholomew. Try-out C h a i r m a n , Sheila Stronjjin; and Publicity Director, Harold Mayo Donald McClain will take over t h e Presidency while Ella Miz/.ell will serve as Vice-President. Secretary will lie Barbara K a u f m a n and Coordinator:! lor t h e Albany Home for Children a n d Clinton Square Neighborhood House are Robert Banfleld and Joseph Fosegan, respectively. Publicity Director will be Verity Pulliam. All are members of the Class of 1959. J e a n Conipagnone 56, C h a i r m a n of Student Union Board, reports that the new C h a i r m a n will be Robert Reus.s ;>7 Vice-President, replacing Sheila faster '57, will be Suzanne Leibernuui '58. Carol Alt it: will take over Miss l.eiberuian's job of Secretary. Members ol Council a r e chosen from Affiliates on the basis of leadership, ability, interest and personality T h e Affiliates were formed during the year '50-'51 to work along with Council a n d to provide a larger sphere of cooperation for s t u d e n t s v. ho a r e interested in I Hour 58 Tin' Secretary will be t h e a t r e work a n d line arts. appointed by the President at a Marie Devme '58, retiring Presi- lati " date Outgoing Secretary is d e n t of D r a m a t i c s a n d Arts Council, Marilyn Leach '5li, a n d retiring reports that t h e newly - elected Treasurer is Nancy Schneider '57. President for 1956-1957 i.s Barbara New members of Council for next Hungerford '57. Serving a s T r e a s - year will be Eileen [..alley a n d urer of Council will be Lloyd Sey- Preida Cohen, incoming Juniors. S T A T E C O L L E G E NEWS ESTABLISHED BY MAY 1916 THE CLASS OF 1918 First Place CSPA First Place ACP New members of Mu Lambda Alpha, t h e Honorary F r a t e r n i t y in VOL. XL1 M,, No 12 1956 Modern Foreign Languages, are as Mi mber.s nl Hie NK'.VS ,1,01 : m i \ b, n i-lini l u i ' . d . u ,in,l W i ' t l i n ' i d m Ir.uii " follows, a n n o u n c e s ,J, Wesley Child- II p i n in U-atiail. Kxl II l'honi-s Lawri'i r 3-332II; S m a l l S-li'l'Jl; Yuiuliih HU-'lll i 1 ers, C h a i r m a n . Mildred Ahlers, Sclilollluiubi'r :' mil- , S w i o r z o w s k l 2-DIH3 Anna Buongiorno, Paul Hammer, T h e uiiili-rKr.ulinii r l l r w s p . l ] } ! i o t 111! N l ' K York St .in. Culli'Ki' (i Tt'iuTiiT.'. »• H'luleM ,(i William UeAlleaume, Henrietta Du- p u b l i s h e d I'very F r i d a y ni tin' Cdiicm.' Hi.' NliWU U o u n l fur Association fort, Barbara Fiebke, Barbara G i t t'o-Killlur l n - C h l « l low. Sidney Goldstein, David G r e e n - MAKC.'IA l . . \ \ v i ( l . \ ( i: Co-Kill tor-In t h i r l berg, William LaBarr, Susan Leiter, THOMAS SMITH l':\i'fiitivt' Killlor Susan Losee, Ann Maher, Carol Me- \II.I:I:N c o u n t \ M KEITH VNMMJII I'ulillf I t i h i l l n m i.illlui Dullee, Dorothy Miller, Gene Norris, MAIIV ANN M i l l III THAI III It lliisjiicss Adve rllsiiiK lailtoi T h u n a s l n i i Pagan, Richard Parker, J O V t i : M I V I I t M A N N t i n uliitliui M l l u r Nancy Schneider, Anna Hiirtnagel .MAIllli 1 I I I T M I U Assoclillf I.illlur Smith, Esther 'fucker, Carmelo Vir- JOSKI'll S/.AIIIK Anaoiiiiite t i l l t u r glllo, Virginia Watts, Alan Weiner, l O S I I ' l l SWIIHZOlVHKl Sports Killtoi JOHN III INT l i s and Yoliinda Aufleni Assuflutu F e a t u r e Editor IJV WII.I. Villi These students have attained at an over-all schoastic average of 2.5 a n d a 3.0 average in t h e language major or minor concerned, and are recommended a t this time by t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Modern Foreign Languages for m e m b e r s h i p in Mu Lambda Alpha. ( i l l II I IT - siiiir Issue Editor l Inline i'uplli'l Ailet'ii Cut'lintnt All ruiiiiuunU'iiiliius s h o u l d ho a d d r e s s e d lo t h e i i l l t o r u n d inusl be s i n n e d Nainet w . " be w u l i l u h l on r e q u e s t . T h e S T A T E COLUBUE Nl'JWS lusuiiiua n o responsibility lot . , . B I o i i s expressed In Its c o l u m n s or c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , u» s u c h e x p r e s s i o n s d o nut necessarily rellei I lis views. »Mejiffi>- 3 5500 6000 4300 5100 3500 3800 5900 3000 1600 4200 2600 6400 3000 6800 8300 9100 10400 11000 13600 4600 5000 5400 rarbcr Braun Hurley Mahland . Palmisano Sanford ... Sgambati . Wallace ... Blanks Less 6 7000 5600 6400 7700 8800 5100 2600 Qllot 9900 13004) Allcock . Seiortino 2300 Blanks Loss Total 2300 7700 Harris Jacobson Lemoine Mi/./.cll Norton lb la 4050 4194 1402 1466 2556 2620 4406 4518 6600 6041 Religious Clubs Elect Officers •> 4480 3 4950 4 5668 2982 4996 5844 8648 1)041 6041 6041 9000 Anderson 12500 Kendig 1100 Blanks 1 12300 5800 1400 23100 Total 19500 Vice-President 2 3 6300 8200 9200 10600 Erbacher Feldman Lockhart 5300 1400 1400 Stimson 900 2900 Blanks 1 6000 8400 2300 5000 1400 23100 23100 23100 23100 23100 Total 1 Publicity Director 3298 6041 1400 447 3394 6041 1400 526 3510 64)41 1400 750 l)e Francis Kliskowski ROV 4912 Blanks 64)11 6041 Loss 1400 1400 1012 2402 Total 1300 13400 1400 Total . 30200 30200 30200 30200 30200 30200 Deans Award Kleinke Leads Scholastic Cups 1956 Outing Club 1958 Student Council 231 X 100 Quota: 1 4 ( i 2' Total Total 2300 3000 1 2 9500 10400 ..... 6100 6300 2900 1000 1000 1800 19500 19500 1 2 8900 1080O 8400 2200 2200 6500 19500 19500 1 15700 3800 19500 1957 Student Council Alexander Bradley (• a rr .' Gearing Hilick Kuslowski .. Monahun Petty 195 X 100 Quota: 2 5 4621 4621 3406 Student Council 2532 Burns Carbone 3500 4952 4952 4621 DeCecco ' Knight 1100 1100 1100 1100 Stapleton 1095 2020 2199 Blanks I 8400 6300 2300 1500 * la 4621 6300 3004 2028 II) 4621 4621 3342 2444 Clifford, DeSanta Lead Debate, Music Editor Lists Handbook Staff 7700 6500 5 Sue B a r n h a r t '56, reports that t h e Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, The new officers of Ilillel lor next year are as follows, announces Nor- and David Hartley, Dean of Men, Outing Club h a s elected the followman Arnold '57, outgoing President. have released the names of the ing officers for next year: ChairPresident for 1956-1957 will be J e n - winners of t h e Inter-Sorority and man, David Kleinke; Vice-Chairnette Weinberg '58; Vice-President. I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Scholarship Cups m a n irlotte Miers; Secretary, ' Maxine Halpin; Recording SecreT h e I n t e r - Sorority Scholarship tary, Rochellc Rosent'eld; C»rre- Cup goes this year to Chi Sigma Ann Ktinciiatis; Treasurer, Dolores Blanks ... scponding Secretary, Judy Herlz- Theta Sorority, which h a s an aver- Peck; and Equipment C h a i r m a n , Lass m n n ; a n d Treasurer, Minna Podber; age this year of 2.74. Sigma Phi Erik Buck Total ... 23100 23100 23100 23100 incoming Sophomores. Sigma Sorority was a close r u n n e r Outgoing of (leers a r e : Marilyn up with an average of 2.72. Commuters' Club h a s elected its Goodman, Vice-President; CorreRecipient of the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y new officers for the coming year, sponding Secretary, Gail Abramson; Scholarship Cup this year is Edward J u n i o r s ; Recording Secretary, Doris Eldred Potter Club, with an averagt reports Nancy Gade '57. retiring er will Weinberg '58; Treasurer, Miss Pod- of 2.59. Other lllij, wiLii m i m n i m i fraternities compiled President. Barbara Rohl ber. the following averages Kappa Beta stime the duties of the President, New officers of Canterbury Club 2.50; Alpha Pi Alpa 2.45 Sigma hile Margaret McNeill will serve Debate Council h a s elected Richw for 1956-1957 a r e : President, David Lambda Sigma. 2.29, as her Vice-President. Theresa Bell, ard Clifford '57 as President for t h e Goldberg. Vice-President, William Sophomores, will take over as coming year. New members of CounSmall; Secretary. Mary Darlington; Juniors, and Treasurer, Mary BulTreasurer, and I lie new Secretary is cil include: Barbara Baiim, Audrey lock '58, J o a n Van Dusen '57 is the J a n e Zillilner '59. Co-Athletic Direc- Schmitt, J u n i o r s ; Lynn Nusom. outgoing President. tors are Joseph Jackson '58, a n d Freida Cohen. Robin Hoy, SophoT h e new olllcers ol the Student Helen Cassavailgh '57. mores; and C o n i n e Mario, J o h n Christian Association a r e : Doris Nancy Schneider '57, C h a i r m a n ol Vradenburg '57, President; ViceYager. Kaye Harris, Lee DeNlke, President. Clinton Carpenter '57; Junior Guides lor this past year h a s Sarolc Hall and Barbara Hlllman, anil Secretary-Treasurer, Theresa announced the two new Co-ChairI reshmen. Bell '58. men lor the year 1956-1957. HandlIVCF a n n o u n c e s their new olll- ing urraimeiiients lor guiding the The advisor lor Debate Club is cers as follows: President, Gene Ar- l i e h n i e u women will be Mary Mr Clyde Ree\es, Associate Profesnold '57; Vice-President, MlK'ii Mc- Bradley, while Jack Tate will supersor ol English. Elections for the Laughlin '57; Secretary, K a l l n vise the guides lor the irnsh men remaining o l l a e r s will be held soon Monsees '57; Treasurer, Austin Both are Sophomores. Warren D u n h a m '58, Editor ol the Nnunaon '59; Publicity D i m lor, The new Co-Cliiiirmen will start Freshman Handbook lor next year, New Music Council olllcers have Gall Kline '59; Prayer and Missions interviewing iipperclassnicn for the been announced by Barbara Murl m a a i m ( ( l m m l l u s h l a l f „f Associate .Secretary, Alma Webster '57 i u m 1 '56, retiring President They positions ol lag brothers and sisters The .Student Association 1 ,,,,,,,, Editors, lie hided are the lollownig are President, Marilyn De S a n t a . ol t h e Albany Area is it religious or- sometime next week. Vice-President, Barbara McGoiigh; ganization alliliated with St John's Treasurer, Barbara Weinstock; and Sophomores Patricia Corcoran, P a l Lutheran Church a n d recognized by Secretary, Margaret Stebbnis State College may become a mem- " c i a Clearing, Lorraine Kozlowski, S t a l e College. Per Faculty members who wish to Eileen Lalley, Marilyn Leach, members ol Music Council T h e purposes ol the organization tlo so may participate in any meet- mandie Pishhko, Florine Skuinik, are chosen by a system ol tryouta are to provide spiritual guidance nig FruiVk Swlskey, a n d Joseph S/.arek. and are judged on a basis of interfor college s t u d e n t s away from Olllcers for the 1956 - 57 school est and amount of work done, not home a n d lo promote a healthy year are as lollows: President, EdT h e Editor promises several new social life a n d strong Christian ward Van Ainerougeii; Secretary, features ill the book und urges tiny- on musical ability. All persons elected to i h e Council hold m e m b e r s h i p friendship. Gale Kleiman; and Publicity Direc- one with suggestions to submit them as long as they are in college. Any student regularly enrolled at tor Dorothy Davis. to h i m through student mall. Bradley, Tate Lead 1956 Junior Guidts 3 19500 19500 19500 8400 13200 Publicity Director 1500 Dubrcy 23100 Ferrara Blanks Loss 1 2 9804) 11700 Total 5500 " 0 0 7500 SOIIH leader 2100 2100 1800 Hall Loss 23100 23101) Blanks .. . Total Weeks Yager Blanks Loss 1 2 * 6200 7000 4900 5300 3400 3700 2700 2300 2300 1200 Secretary 1 13100 O'Connor 7400 Vradenburg 2650 Weinstock Blanks 23100 Loss Harter 30200 30200 30200 Kecne Blanks 60(1 19500 Treasurer 5000 5300 6800 9300 10400 12500 Total 7600 7900 9000 3000 3000 3000 Songieader 2100 5700 Total 1 1400 2100 10300 4100 1600 23100 23100 23100 Total Banfleld Swiskey Blanks 1 9751 1 Fowler Lalley Seymour Tate Blanks Loss Total 1 President President 30200 30200 Treasurer Carmichael Hell Kadet Mayo Blanks Loss i 2 1 6700 Barton Stefano Blanks 4400 4500 2600 2600 Total 500 1500 Vice-President 8800 Quota: 1 2 3 4 5 2400 2400 2400 Champagne 7400 7800 8500 9200 10500 Kini; 1900 1900 Schlotthauber 1200 Segal Skutnik. 3900 4000 4700 5000 1 Van Vlack S w a n .... 4500 4800 4900 5500 6100 13400 Blanks 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 Blanks 14500 20204) Loss 400 800 1600 4700 Loss 5 1 270(1 700 1800 2300 6600 1 Secretary 2600 2600 2600 2700 ")4()0 8900 14600 Betner Crawford 30200 30200 30200 30200 Hallett McNeil . Sonffleiider . 1 195 x 100 i 1 - 11551 Total Total 00 _._ Quota: 30200 30200 30200 30200 5 6500 1957 231 x 100 3 5300 4200 3400 1959 Student Council 8 73166 73166 42629 35732 58665 6824 15000 7 73166 Total 5 30200 30200 30200 30200 30200 Total 7a 73166 73166 40629 35361 54343 5824 15000 6 73166 1 4900 4100 3300 800 5900 2900 1600 4100 2600 Barber Braun Hurley Mahland Palmisano Sanford Sgambati Wallace Blanks Loss Publicity Director Treasurer 302 X la 2 10896 12298 10382 11594 7552 19896 21808 29301 29301 9500 9500 373 3399 1958 • 1 _. 15101 73166 Quota: Junior Class Representative Barton Blesi Fitzsimmons Loricchio Blanks Loss 5500 14200 8600 11700 300 Q u i t a: 1 87900 87900 87900 87900 1 12400 12600 12600 13800 7600 7900 7900 8800 10300 10800 10800 12300 440O MYSKANIA • 1 = 29301 2 12100 760O 9400 4400 2500 5400 13800 8100 11700 200 Total 879 x 100 302 x 100 2 3 4 5 6 12700 12900 13300 13300 14300 Jacobson Kendig Kuslowski Lciberman Lemoine McClain Norton Petty Rice Seymour 87900 87900 87900 87900 Blanks Loss Sara .fane Duffy and Clyde Payne both a t t a i n e d the necessary n u m ber of "Yes" votes to be elected to Myskania. T h e tabulations will be 87900 87900 87900 87900 87900 printed in t h e next issue of t h e STATU COLLEGE NEWS. Senior Class Representatives 1959 - 14651 87900 87900 87900 87900 87900 87900 la 2 3 by Preference by Preference 879 X 100 18500 14651 14651Quota: 43951 14651 14651 14651 5438 6058 6454 1 2 3 4 5448 5848 6123 Allcock 13000 7458 8338 8811 Harter 20300 22400 25900 29500 17034 17034 14651 Keenc 14300 15400 15300 15300 15300 Lister . 20400 21900 25900 32900 4071 6020 7259 14900 16400 19800 Hall ... 87900 87900 87900 87900 Blanks 5000 5000 5000 5000 6800 11300 20500 Loss A A Board Total 1 12100 2000 11500 7500 9400 4200 2L<0 5400 13700 7900 11700 Cass Devitch Divens Jolly Kadct Salek Saltzman Schaeffer Sheldon Short Blanks Loss 1 — 14651 Total 1 1 6 1 = 43951 5 2 Quota: Quota 879 x 100 879 X 100 Quota: Student Board O f Finance Student Beard of Finance—195.') PAGE • - - Class Tabulations - - 879 x 100 President MAY 5 , 1 9 5 6 Total 3901 1 * 7000 ' v 8700 3800 19500 Psychology Club Elects Leaders Elections of new olllcers by Psychology Club resulted 111 the selection of Marilyn Darzitno, President, according to Erik Buck '57. retiring President. Other officers include Mary Bullock as Vice-President; G n u u m Cohen as Secretary and Treasurer, Anabelle Barloot. Psychology Club is dedicated to the extra-curricular study ol psychology Lectures, discussions, and films are ( c a n n e d at the In monthly meetings which are open to all 111ii resteil students. I h e Society ol Critical Thought, SOCT, is a group dedicated to the open and free discussion ol any and all i.sties All are welcome to membership. T h e new olrtcers for 19501957 as announced by Edward T i p loll, retiring head, are its follows: Secretary, Anna Belle Barloot '58; Treasurer, Barbara Hilmiin '59; Board members. Main: Colao '57, Edward Strauss 58, Erik Buck '57, and Caroline Terrielo '59. PAGE 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 5, 1 9 5 6 M U D Skit, "Play Ball, Features Struggling Albany Atomics Team DE Club Elects Lewis Carr New President Ae** tyec* WUk Ike, Qieekt Seven Sororities a n d three f r a - Wemstock; R e c o r d i n g Secretary, T o n i g h t a t 8 p.m. the c u r t a i n rises amusing about such a set? We r e - ternities have released a listing of Judy S w a n ; Corresponding Secretheir officers for t h e coming year, tary, Virginia B u d d e n h a g e n ; Alumon one of State's greatest spectacu- peat, come a n d see. T h e list does n o t include t h e results ni Secretary, Lois Underwood; Song l a r s ! Baseball is a l l - i m p o r t a n t now j h e Cast a n d so baseball is t h e keynote of T h e c a s t c o n . s i s t s of Helen Betner of t h e Alpha Pi Alpha elections. Leader, Joy Cafaro; Sports Director, T h e P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t of t h e Disour show. O u r title—Play Ball ( a n a s S a n y , D o t t i Eardley a s Alice, Their officers will b e elected n e x t J a n Vormivick; Newspaper Editor, Wilma H a r d i n g ; Marshalls, Barbara tributive Education Club for 1956original one by Dick Feldman>. T h e M a r l e n e Ackerman a s Nancy, Eliza- week. _ . „ . _ ., . .. . Vaas a n d Gail Riverkampf; Parlia- 57 is Lewis Carr '57, reports Erwin story is about t h e struggling Albany b e t n G r o s s a s J o a r l | R o n n i e Davis ... — ---- Beta Zeta: President, Nanev Lou- m o n t „ , i 0 „ I , „ J . „ ii7„n D . r^iD..i, Horwitz '56, outgoing Atomics, t h e team ", f t President. a s C a t h y J i m w e n a s Joe J o e «w , n a i , , P . h T » W ° Prette; Vice President, Beverly Wy- A n n V h i c e n t Serving under C a r r will be ViceA Vi 1Cent S t a t e College for Baseball. A hearty F o s e g a n a s S n m , T o m H o p k i n s a s { Treasurer, Betty Holbrook: "" ' President, Robert S h a r p e '58. SecreI f a m o l e a v i n h i s s i r 1 ? to h°e?n h e S T g 6 ' P n U ' K , B P S a S B i " A 1 Secretary, J a n G a r r e t ; Assistant P h . Delta: President, J o a n Van Hut team o n l l M b i ? t e 5 o t e d b v M v ^ / n s o n a s Al, T o m M a t t h e w s Secretary - Treasurer. M a r y A n n Duscn; Vice President, Dorothy Al- tary, Ann Kinsler, Treasurer, Robert t h e R o m a n c e Wrecker c S m e a i d ?< S l T B°* ^ u r n s a s Ace Bob Kuakowski; C h a p l a i n . Shirley Blow- ford; Marshall, B a r b a r a E l l e n ; Cor- Bishop, Publicity Director, Edson Alward see h ™ i a t „ r n , nnV *t S c o o t e r ' K e l 1 K a d e t a s e r s ; Marshalls. J o a n Nole a n d responding Secretary, B a r b a r a D e Travis, a n d Historian, Sanford see now n a n t u r n s out. Benney, t h e manager, Bobbie H u n g - Connie Olivo; Alumni Secretary, Francis; Treasurer, A n n HitchcockShow F e a t u r e s Well-Known Tunes erford a s Anabelle Newsy, t h e r e - Florine S k u t n i k ; Historian, Robin Representative to ISC P a t G e a r i n g : Bernstein, J u n i o r s . T h e show is full of well-known porter, Bob Fox a s Rocky, Bill R o y ; Sergeants - a t - arms. Marcia Recording Secretary ' Carol Altic ! T h e DE Club will sponsor a coffee t u n e s dressed u p with new words. Herchfield a s Stumpy, Dick Eisner Co ley and Mary Cosentino. Historian B a r b a r a ' J o l l v Alumni To m a k e i t even more exciting to a s Curly, Mike Van Vranken a s Jim, Secretary Natalie LeMoine- Athlet hour preceding t h e Commerce Conwatch, t h e boys on t h e ball team Alan Weiner a s Mr. Wayne, a n d Chi Sigma T h e t a : President, Mary ic Director, Sally Wees; 'Publicity vention S a t u r d a y , M a y 12. Tuesday perform a brilliant baseball ballet Marion Sciortino a s Dolly. F u r n e r ; Vice President, Sheila Lis- Director, Carole Hall. evening t h e Club is sponsoring a to t h e t u n e of "Shoeless J o e F r o m T h e Chorus t e r ; Treasurer. Marilyn Leach; Secfield trip touring t h e Albany Felt T h e A l a m o " which could easily _. , re ary. Mary Crawford; Historian, Sigma Plil Sigma: P r e s i d e n t , rival a professional number. Not , f n e ononis includes Tony Scor- C a r o l s t a n t o n ; Representative to Paula Segal; Vice President, J o a n Company. to be outdone by t h e team, t h e girls ? a t o ' P r a n ^. u f a v l e t " -?lck F e l d m a n , I S C | A l i c e Lockwood; Factotem. K u s h n e r ; Recording S e c r e t a r y , T h e newly-elected officers of Pi come o u t in t h e second a c t a n d do Laverne Tibbert, Gerry Dwight, B m n e t l a Bromfield; Song Leader. Sheila Strongin; Treasurer, C h a r Segal, Ella Mizzell, P a t Mc- Bernice O'Connor; Alumni Secre- lene Hollander: Corresponding Sec- Cmega Pi, reported by William S h i p a quick a n d bright cheerleading Paula d a n c e t o " T h a t ' s W h a t ' s Called G " rraalt "h ', Sheila Lister, Lee Hughes, tary, Mary A n n Ermlich. retary, Rima Kreisoerg; Alumni engrover '56, President, a r e a s folBaseball." They a r e introduced by ™°™s Shmandle, Rary Fitzpatrick, Secretary, Marilyn Chenfield; A s - lows: President, Herbert Felske; Vice President. Everett Weiermiller; some of t h e ballplayers singing t h e p h v l l l s H « r d . Marie Devine, Judy Psi G a m m a : President Mary Lou sistant Treasurer, Leni Mosner; song a s they tell us just why base- V l m m - e r s t e d t , a n d J o a n e Ginsburg. Me.ser: Vice P r e s i d e n t Margaret Rush C a p t a i n . Frieda Cohen; ISC, Treasurer, Beverly M c l n t y r e ; Hisball is i m p o r t a n t to them. I n a d - T h e P r o d u c t i o « s *aff C a r r : Recording Secretary, M a r g a r - Arlene B i r n b a u m ; Historian, Sherril torian, J o h n Gauquie. dition to these involved dance n u m T h e Production Staff is a s fol- a h a n l i l t o n : Corresponding Secre Silver; Ritualist, Marcia Meiselman; Pi Omega Pi, National Honor S o Treasurer, Activities Director, S u e Goldbarb; bers, we find m a n y other sparkling lows: Directing Committee, J o a n e tary. Gretchen H u r d ; ciety in Business Education, i n G e r t i u d e Wilder; Social C h a i r m a n . Songleader, Maxine Halpin. songs. T h e first a c t c o n t a i n s "Play Ginsburg, C h a i r m a n , Marie Devine, cludes members from t h e Senior Ball" in which our Texas gals t r y Judy Vimmerstedt, Alan Weiner; J o a n K o p c z a ; P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n , Class chosen because of outstanding Audrey Bri.-gs; Chaplain, Edith Kdward F.ldred P o t t e r C l u b : scholarship a n d leadership in t h e to pull o u r Texas guys away from Choreography, Dick F e l d m a n ; CosOwens; Representative to ISC. J a n e President. Bernard Robbins: Vice commerce d e p a r t m e n t . t h e ball game on TV. Do they tumes, T h o m a s Pagan, C h a i r m a n , Theobold; succeed? You'll find out. Act I Sheila Lister, Claudia Alcock: C a t s ; Marshalls, K a y H a r r i s a n d President. Bernard E a c h m a n n . Treasurer. Richard Kotsi; Clerk, also c o n t a i n s " H e a r t " sung by m e m - Lights, Al Stephenson, C h a i r m a n , Ronald Hubright; I F C R e p r e s e n t a - son; P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n , Bruce Norbers of t h e ball team a n d their P e g Carr, M a k e - U p . George Kappa Delta: President. Ann tive. Bruce Pfaff; Alumni Secretary. ton; Alumni Co-ordinator, T h o m a s m a n a g e r . T h e final song of this act Van d e n Houten, Chairman, Ki..sler; V i c President. Elizabeth Donald Mayer: Editor of Potter W a t t h e w s ; Historian. Jack O r m s is "Joey Boy" in which our R o - Dick W a r n e r, Co - c h a i r m a n , m a n t i c Wrecker tries to lead our Mary A n n Schlotthauber, Peg D a r -S t a p let o n : Recording Secretary. Post, Sanford Bernstein; Historian. bee; Co-Editors of Sigma Lambdian. William D e G r o a t a n d A r t h u r Plothero, Joe, astray. Act I I opens with zano, Carol P a y m e n t ; Props, M a r i - Elizabeth Ann Ruffles; correspond- T h o m a s Ciarno. Norton: nik; Senior House Steward. Joseph " T h e Seventh Inning Stretch", a lyn DeSanta, C h a i r m a n ; Sets, Nan- ing Secretary. Charlotte ,, . Treasurer, Lorraine Kozlowski; HisSigma Lambda Sigma: President, Swierzowski; J u n i o r House Steward, salute to a famous baseball instituChhaaiirrm maann,; George Music. t . . j r i a n . c h a r l e n e Miller Parlia- Alan Hutchinson; Vice President. Pel or McGuirk. tion, sung by t h e singing a n d d a n c - cy ClydeSchneider, Payne, C ing chorus with Mr. Wayne, t h e Harris, Bob Stimson; House, David hmienm a i i a n . Marilyn Stillwell: C h a p - Robert Kopecek; Recording SecrePatty Burke. Song Leader. tary. Herbert Felio; Corresponding Kappa Beta: President, Peter owner of t h e Albany Atomics. F o l - Kendig, Chairbnn, Peg Darzano Claudia Allcock; Sports Director, Secretary. Richard Ronconi; T r e a s - Dykeman: Vice President. Peter lowing this is t h e cheerleading Miriam Sanderson, Gloria CosenMary Margaret J o n e s ; Marshalls, urer. Gerald Banfield; Pledgcmas- F r c l e r m u t h ; Secretary, George Harballet, a n d then t h e finale "Say berg. As you can see a large n u m Ann King a n d Lorraine Rhodes; ter, Ronald Pryor: Assistant PledgePlay Ball" presented by the entire ber of people a r e involved in t h eAlumni Secretary, Leah G r e e n m n n . master. Paul Erickson; Senior IPC ris; Treasurer. T h o m a s Hopkins: Senior I F C Representative, Richard c o m p a n y . T h e set is simple and yet. skit, so why not conic a n d sec a n d Representative, Donald Dame; J u n - W a r n e r ; Junior IFC R e p r e s e n t a we hope it will amuse you. Most of enjoy it? As an added present for G a m m a Kappa P h i : President. ior I F C Representative, W a r r e n tive, Fred Arcoraci; Historian, t h e action takes place on t h e ball you. the S t a t e s m e n a n d the Choral- J u n e Sturlley; Vice President. Bar- D u n h a m : Athletic Director, Carl Joseph Hill; Member at large, park. You wonder what could be ettes a r e singing before t h e skit bara Hngerford; T r e a s u r e r . Barbara Maxson: .Songleader, Robert S l i m - Richard Esnv. YOU'LL BOTH GO FOR THIS CIGARETTE! ews 2-461 ALBANY, N E W YORK, F R I D A Y , MAY 11, 1 9 5 6 '94* VOL. X L I NO. 1 3 7 'State College News Celebrates 40th Anniversary W i t h Banquet Pictured above a r e Klaus K a u f m a n us Macbeth a n d J o a n Ginsburg as Lady Macbeth rehearsing a scene from Act I I I of t h e play. Music Council Stages Annual Spring Concert The State College News will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of its existence tomorrow, with a banquet at O'Connor's Restaurant, announces Keith Yandoh '57, Public Relations Editor and Chairman of the Banquet. Dr. Edwin Richard Van Kleeck, who was Editor-inChief in 1927, will give the main address. He is now Assistant Commissioner for Pupil Personnel Service and Adult T h e S t a t e College T h e a t r e will Frieda Cohen. K e n n e t h Smith, G r a present William Shakespeare's h a m Zeh, George Van Den Houten, "Macbeth" a s its Spring production arshall Sternberg, William G a r n a r , next Friday a n d Saturday, M a y 18Robert Young Michael Saltzman, and 19, a n n o u n c e s Richard F e l d m a n Robert Tillman, K e n n e t h Smith, '57, C h a i r m a n of I n t e r n a l Publicity. Robert Buff, DImitri Perdaris, J o h n T h e Annual Spring Concert p r e T h e c u r t a i n rises on t h e S h a k e s - Bacon, Brenda B u c h a n a n , Nancy sented by Music Council will be pearean tragedy a t 8:30 p.m. In Page Wilson, Renee Wallace, Carol P a y Hall on both nights. Paul Bruce ment, a n d Elizabeth Gross, fresh- staged a t Page Hall tonight, a n Barbara M u r n a n e '56, Pettit, Associate Professor of Eng- men, comprise t h e r e m a i n d e r of t h e nounces lish, is director a n d designer, a n d cast. President. T h e Concert scheduled J a r k a Burlan, Assistant Professor of T h e production staff includes: tor 8:30 p.m. is t h e last production English, serves as Technical Direc- Stage Manager, E d i t h Strack; P r o tor. Carol Allen '57, is t h e Assistant duction Coordinator, B a r b a r a H u n - of Music Council for t h e present to t h e Director. gerford; Properties, Nancy G a d e ; scholastic year. The cast consists of Klaus Kauf- External Publicity, Lenore Hughes; T h e program will feature selecm a n a n d Bruce Norton, freshmen; I n t e r n a l Publicity a n d House. FeldTownsend Rich. Professor of Eng- m a n : Sound, Paula Segal: Costumes, tions by t h e various music groups Miss C h a m p a g n e ; Editor of t h e AD on campus. Vocal a n d Orchestra s e lish, a n d J o a n Ginsburg '56. Others featured in t h e production Newsletter, Marjorie Jelley, J u n i o r s ; lections a r c Hie highlights of t h e a n d Correspondence, are: T h o m a s Smith, Richard T i n - Exchange presentation. app, Gene Arnold, a n d Leslie Brody, Marilyn Erter '56. Seniors; Richard Warner, William Tickets will be on sale all next T h e following will make a p p e a r DeAlleaume, Richard Beaudln, week at t h e booth in t h e lower Richard Feldman. David Kendig, Draper peristyle. Admission is byances during t h e vocal part of t h e Harry Roberts. Peter Dykeman, S t u d e n t Tax. S t u d e n t s may secure show. T h e Choi-alettes, Statesmen, J o h n Reiners, Emil Polak, a n d J a n - either reserved or unreserved seats. Women's Chorus, Men's Chorus a n d ice C h a m p a g n e , Juniors. Outside admissions a r e $1.00 for r e - a Mixed Chorus group. All of t h e DR. EDWIN VAN KLEECK Sophomores in t h e cast a r e : J o -served seats, a n d seventy-five cents above a r e under t h e direction of seph Flynn, Paul Powlesland, a n d for general admission. Karl B. Peterson, Associate Professor of Music. T h e Orchestra a n d f~*r*mt r\ Student Council: f^l rc\r*¥r\r Ensembles in the program a r c u n - V-UilljL/ L/Jl C?LI(JI • der t h e direction of Charles F . Stokes, Professor of Music. Lists Counselors Education for t h e S t a t e Education D e p a r t m e n t . T o a s t m a s t e r for t h e dinner will be David Kendig '57, e x Co-Publlc Relations Editor a n d columnist for t h e News. T h e News came into existence 40 years ago, when t h e Class of 1918, represented by a "Committee to Publish a Weekly College Newspaper." Alfred E. Dedicke, C h a i r m a n , published t h e first issue of the S t a t e College News on October 4, 1916. Editors-in-chief since 1916 a n d News Board m e m b e r s since 1945, have been invited to the dinner. Mrs. Van Kleeck will also be present. Members of t h e News Boards, past and present, will give self-introductions, telling of their experience on the News a n d briefly of their life since leaving college. O n e of t h e features of t h e dinner will be a birthday cake to commemorate this 40th birthday. Two members of t h e first News Board, t r u l l t h e class of 1918 will be present at t h e banquet: Lillian M a - ci!nm.PmSL'ott'a,Kl Kathrvn Colr Admission to t h e Concert will be Marilyn DeSanta '57, Director of During t h e past two years, t h e through t h e Student Activity Tax Women's Frosh Camp, announces News h a s undergone quite a few Card. T h e r e will be a slight charge t h a t t h e c a m p will be held on cam- changes, among which were t h e i n liy A1LEEN COCHRANE pus this year, with most of t h e a c - auguration of eight page issues, t h e Student Council, meeting with the Council for $1,710, Press Bureau for for n o n - S t a t e s m e n . tivities centering around Brubacher initiation of t h e usuage of a floatnewly-elected Coucil in a special $131), C a m p Board for $4,500, and Kail a n d Dorm Field. ing nameplate, a n d t h e Editorship Committee C h a i r m e n for t h e meeting Monday evening, heard a Debate Council for $925. running from J a n u a r y to J a n u a r y , C a m p Van Schoonhoven. the largReport from t h e C h a i r m a n of J o h n Stefano '58, C h a i r m a n ol t h e event a r e : Publicity. Shirley M c instead of from May to May. est, camp available in this area Mnving-Up Day, discussed a finan- C a m p Board, presented the Budget pherson '56; Ushers, Barbara Mccial motion for Activities Week, r e - for $4,500, explaining thai a lump Ciough '58; Staging. Archie West- which h a s been used in previous placemen: elections, set t h e agenda sum line was necessary because of a miller; Outside Publicity. Dwight years, lacks the necessary facilities for t h e increasing number of freshfor Friday's Assembly, passed four urea: deal of estimating of costs. Willsey, Seniors; a n d Tickets a n d man women who desire to attend budgets a n d decided to have a The money will be used for t h e camp. Brubacher Hall will offer special Budget Assembly. T h u r s d a y following things, bill it is impossible Program. Marilyn DeSanta '57. better sleeping accommodations, a evening, at ti.'M), in the G a m e Room. at this time to estimate t h e exact, T h e program for t h e event, i n - larger dining area, a n d shelter .for costs: House repairs, equipment, Robert Bet.scha '56, retiring Presi- septic tank, sheds to store equip- clude.-, such compositions as t h e fol- cool fall weather. Chi Sigma Tlu-la. Beta Zeta a n d dent ni Student Association, con- ment and cooking unit, two row-lowing by the Orchestra, "Slavonic Miss DeSanta announces for t h e(.iamma Kappa Phi have slated t h e ducting his last meeting of Council, boats, two canoes, government sur- Dance," "English Folk Song Suite"; called upon J e a n Hallenbeck '56, plus, a n d taxes a n d insurance. T h e Collegiate Singer.-,, " T h e Happy C a m p Committee, composed of Ellen following cumint; events: 'Lilt Thine Eyes"; C. Stokes, Dean of Women; R u t h B. C h a i r m a n of Moving - Up Day tomoney not used by t h e Board from Wanderer," May 12, at Jack's Oyster House, give a report. T h e total expenses the alloted Budget, Instead of r e -Choi-alettes, "Just One of Those Woolschlager, Assistant Professor of Chi Sigma Theta will hold its a l Things"; T h e Statesmen, "The B a t - Education iCommercei; Anna E. for the (lav1 were $211.12. verting back to SA Surplus, will go tle of Jericho"; Woodwind Quintet, Love, Assistant Professor of Health umnae banquet, announces Mary Mary Bradley 'all. C h a i r m a n of into a Camp Building Fund where '57, President. General "Birds of Passage"; Women's Chor- Education- Ilelenjane Cougan, As- Furner Activities Week, moved to include the money will be used for buildus, " T h u m b e l l n a " ; a n d t h e Festival sistant Professor of Physical Educa- C h a i r m a n is Mary Ann Ermlich, in t h e Student Council Budget a ing, m a i n t e n a n c e a n d facilities perChorus. "I Hear America S i n g i n g " tion: Nancy Schneider '57. Assistant committees a r e : Programs. Marie line for ,<-2,r>() for refreshments for taining to the Camp. T h e Board will Director; Elizabeth Stapleton '57. Dettmcr; Flowers, Burnetta Bromthe receptions to be held during have to have t h e approval of StuSecretary: a n d Marilyn Leach '58, field, Sophomores; Place Cards, I r that week T h e motion was passed dent Board of Finance before the> Treasurer; that t h e following will ma Tagnola '59. Speakers include by Council a n d Will come up before can use t h e money in this fund Barbara Maaloe '56, Marcia Lawbe counselors: SA lor consideration this Friday, Council passed this budget u n a n i rence '57, Eileen Lalley '58, a n d mously. along willl a motion made last Beth Bechler, Marie Carbon", Winifred Youngs '59. week to delete t h e activity seek Sara J a n e Dully. Patricia Hall, lines ol $10 already alloted to some Lenore Hughes. Barbara HungerAlso on May 12, from 8-12 p.m. organi/al ion ford, Lois Johnson, Ann Kinsler. Chi Sigma T h e t a will hold an open o n Friday, May 18, at 3 p.m. inBernice O'Connor, Betty Van Vlack; house for S t a t e students a n d facToday in Assembly nominations Page Hall, Forum will present Saul J u n i o r s . ulty. General C h a i r m a n is Sheila will be taken from t h e Junior Class K. Padover who will speak on t h e Mildred Beisswanger, Marj Brad- Lister '57. for replacement ol two Student Alpha Pi Alpha will hold its a n - "United States a n d," a n - ley, Marie Dettmcr, Assunta Fusco, Council members, and from Student nual weekend starting tomorrow May 16, a t Herbert's, Ciamnni K a p Association for three new meinbers- Willi Us formal at S h a k e r Ridge nounces Malcolm Rogers I'I, Presi- Patricia Gearing. Sally Harter. Lillian Jewett, Lorraine Ko/lowski, pa P h i will hold its Senior Banquet, a t - l a r g e lo Student Council. Voting Country Club, a n n o u n c e s Whilson dent. Eileen Lalley, Patricia M c G r a l h , a n n o u n c e s J u n e Studley '57, Presifor these replacements will lake Walter '56, President. T h e weekend Born in Austria, Padover receivSheila Mnnahan, Evelyn Moody, dent. General C h a i r m a n , J u n e S t u d place next Friday in Assembly. will be climaxed bv a picnic at Mur- ed his B.A from Wayne University, Petty, Janet Mack, Roberta ley; Arrangements, Barbara H u n Nominal ions close Monday at 4 p.m.. ry's Beach at L} I'S Lake on S u n - Detroit, a n d his M A . a n d P h . DGayle . Roy, Mary Shelton, Judy S w a n : gerford '57; E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Gall and declinations close Tuesday at day. iroin t h e University of Chicago. I n Riverkamp '59; Tickets, Edna Reger Sophomores. I he Mime hour. A Constitution test and Sally Eggleston, Sophomores. The formal includes a dinner- 1050 he was Dean of the School of for all candidates will be given Carole Alt U-, Nichollna Firen/e. Politics a n d won Guggenheim ami Tuesday »l 4 P i n . in Draper 111, dance a flair with t h e dinner begin- Rocketeller Fellowships. He is t h eLeah G r e e m a n , Anne King, Corinne Nancy l.ouprettc, President, a n ning at 6:30 p.m. a n d t h e dance and al 7:15 p.m. at Brubacher. starting at I) p.m. T h e picnic will recipient of t h e Citation lor t h eMarro. Charlotte Miers, Ella Mizzell, nounces t h a t Beta Zeta is holding Bronze Star Medal awarded by ex- Constance Olivo, Nancy Richards, a faculty picnic this Sunday from Today's Assembly Agenda is a s begin al noon on Sunday. lollows: Installation of new SA Chairmen for t h e events a r e a s President T r u m a n , a n d was a for- Carole Waldren, Sally Weeks, Wini- ;i to 5 p.m. at t h e sorority house. Beverly Wylam '57, General C h a i r officers, nominations for replace- lollows: General C h a i r m a n of t h emer Professor a l the Sorbonne. P a d - fred Youngs; freshman, h a s also written two books: ment elections, Budgets a n d An-Formal, Edward J o n e s '57, a mover Alternates include: Helen Betner man, lists t h e following' committee i nouncements. General C h a i r m a n for t h e Picnic is Europe's Quest for Unity a n d and Alice Lockwood, Sophomores; heads: Arrangements, Shirley BlowRefreshments, Sally H a r t e r , Passed by Student Council were Donald Bindrim '58. Bindrim will French I n s t i t u t i o n s : Values a n d Ann Crocker, Nina Kort, Charolotte ers; Politics. Niiull a n d Carol Stanton, freshmen. Sophomores. t h " Bugets present ed by Music be assisted by Donald McKell '50. Sororities Slate Annual Banquets WINSTON TASTES GOOD! "m 5J\ S ^K / ii.'s LIKE A CIGARETTE SHOULD i / V Brothers Of A P A Slate Formal/ Picnic US % i&i,,, • Winston is the cigarette that gives you flavor in filter smoking - full, rich, tobacco flavor! No wonder Winston's so popular with college smokers clear across the country. Along with real flavor, Winston also brings you a finer filter that works so well the flavor comes right through. Try Winston! J HKrNOlUS State College Ml* Juniors, S A Nominate Council Replacements In Assembly Today WINSTON H College Theatre Presents Shak espearean Tragedy »CCU t u . i V I H b l O N •'•', i.M. U G oWee J Padover Speaks To State Students