Document 14064395

Students Delineate
Differences Gamma 2ueen And Jle* Gaunt Math Students
In Education Here And Abroad WML,. l:
Form Honorary
By THOMAS SMITH and JOHN R E I N E R S , J u n i o r s
"Life Is very different, so very country most of t h e profs were u n different here." I n an interview known to t h e students and there
with two of our foreign students, is n o a t t e m p t t o make t h e s t u d e n t
Elsa Gottlow from Sweden and An- p a r t of t h e university. Everything
dree Wildi of Switzerland, at last seems to be on a n intellectual basis.
we found proof of t h e above s t a t e - T h e r e is n o t h i n g like fraternities or
sororities, but in Switzerland t h e r e
One of t h e m a i n points of differ- are little social gatherings in which
ences pointed out by these students certain intellectual discussions a r e
was t h e great a m o u n t of freedom carried on.
allowed to foreign students in
Another cultural difference was
their own country. They
or m a y n o t a t t e n d classes. When t h e fact t h a t European girls m a r r i e d
they feel they
are ready
for a t a much later age.
Both students were very much i m a test, they inform the Instructor,
however, t h e tests are very intense. pressed with t h e fact t h a t AmeriThere seems to be more of an em- cans weren't so brash as they h a v e
phasis on a specialization in a cer- been pictured by some Europeans.
tain course, r a t h e r t h a n in obtain- In most cases Americans placed
ing a well-rounded education. By more of a n emphasis on religion
this we w a n t to emphasize t h a t most t h a n do t h e people of Sweden or
of t h e subjects such as music or Switzerland. W h e n they r e t u r n to
languages are pursued In what is their respective countries, they will
which be given certain tests on w h a t they
Campus Queen, Theresa Barber, reigns over her court which includes
would be roughly comparable to our have learned h e r e . W e hope w h e n
h i g h school. T h e university student, they return, t h a t their impressions Carole Wya tt and Barbara Douglas, Seniors; Phyllis Roberts and Bara t t h e completion is supposed to formed h e r e a t S t a t e will be favor- bara Duhiey Juniors; Florine Skutnik a n d B a r b a r a Stetkar, Sophomores;
be well-rounded enough to allow him able, and better reflect the typical O'nrinnc Ma rrn and Sheila Gerig, freshmen.
to specialize when h e reaches t h e American citizen.
A difference which stood out particularly was t h e attitude of the
teacher toward t h e student. In their
Honorary Initiates
An organizational meeting, combining business with sociability, for
a new honorary m a t h e m a t i c s fraternity will be held in Brubacher on
Tuesday evening, December 13.
In a few days several J u n i o r s and
Seniors will be honored by receiving letters inviting t h e m to become
c h a r t e r members of this new honorary m a t h e m a t i c s fraternity being
formed a t S t a t e College. Students
to receive invitations are those who
have completed m a t h e m a t i c s courses
t h r o u g h Ma. 27, who have a general
scholastic average of a t least 2.5,
and who h a v e an average in their
m a t h e m a t i c s courses of a t least 3.00.
After t h e fraternity h a s been in
existence for a year, it will then
be possible to petition to become
a c h a p t e r of K a p p a Mu Epsilon, a
T h e initial p l a n n i n g committee is
composed of Violet Larney, Associate Professor of M a t h e m a t i c s ; R o b grt Luippold, Assistant Professor of
J o h n Wilcox
J a n e t Burt, Seniors; and Morton
Hess and Elizabeth Steifeld, Juniors.
Pi Omega Pi, t h e honorary Commerce fraternity, initiated its newly
elected members a t a meeting Wednesday night, states William S h i p engrover '56, President of the Beta
Eta c h a p t e r at S t a t e .
T h e newly elected members are:
Mary Breslin, Lewis Carr, Richard
DeGroat, J o h n Evans, Donald Germain, Phyllis Krug, J a m e s Lockh a r t , J o a n Lopat, E d n a Rice, Seniors.
J u n i o r s elected to Pi Omega Pi
a r e : H u g h Brown, Jr., B a r b a r a DuPelski,
F i r t h , J o h n Gauquie, M a r g a r e t Ann
Klnsler, Mary F o r m a n I n m a n , N a n cy Louprette, Beverly
Mary Meiser, T h o m a s Nicholas, Bettye Sigety, Doris Sterzinar, Everett
Weiermiller, and Nancy Whiteneck.
T h e new initiates were accepted
on the
They must first have the intention
of being a Commerce teacher and
have an interest in business. Academically, candidates must have completed 15 hours In Commerce, and f>
h o u r s in Education. Their scholastic
average may consist of either of
these combinations: 3.0 in all Commerce and Education courses and a
2.0 in all college subjects as a group
j r a 2.75 in Commerce and Education and a 2.5 in all college courses
as a whole. T h e n a m e of each candidate filling these qualifications is
then submitted to the members of
the fraternity. A student receiving
a three-fourths majority vote of
t h e m e m b e r s receives a bid to the
honorary fraternal organization.
Tills S u n d a y , December 11, will
find sixteen organizations vieing for
a coveted cup to be offered to the
winner of t h e fifth a n n u a l S t u d e n t
Sing Festival. Doris Vradenburg '57,
Vice-President of SCA, announces
t h a t the program, with Peter Bookt
'57, President of SCA, as Master oi
Ceremonies, will commence at 7 p.m.
in Page Hall. Each organization h a s
two selections prepared for the evening. E a c h group will sing one
ning. Each group will sing one piece;
the three most qualified will have
the prerogative to sing their second
songs. Witli hopeful
each group has two
C o m m u t e r s ' Club, u n d e r the direction of Donald Howard '56, will
present "Jesu Bambino," and "Adeste Fitfeles." Shirley C a n a v a n '57,
will lead Beta Zeta in "Little Boy
Baby," a n d " W h e n S a n t a Claus Gets
Your Letter," Sigma Lambda Sigma
will sing " T h e Christ of the Snow,"
and "The Carol of the Bells," undei
the baton of Robert Stimson '57.
" W h a t Child Is This," anl "As 11
Fed Upon a Night" are the selections to be sung by K a p p a Delta,
under J e a n Hageny '56. Rosemarie
Sepe '59, will lead "Silver Bells"
and "O Holy Night" for Newman
Hall. Potter Club, directed by Horace Crandell '57, will include "March
of t h e T h r e e Kings" and "Christm a s Song" in their agenda. Brubacher Hall will present "Sleigh
R i d e " and "Jingle Bells," with Sally
H a r t e r conducting. Judy Ambrosino '58, will lead Psi G a m m a , who
plan " T h e Little Jesus" and "The
Birthday of a King."
Chi Sigma T h e t a will sing "Birthday of a K i n g " and " W h a t Child
Is This," under Bernice O'Connor
'57. T h e Veterans .slate "O Conn
All Ye F a i t h f u l " and "O Little Town
of Bethlehem." with Alan S t e p h e n son conducting. Paula Segal '57. wn 1
Reduced Train
Tickets Available
Tickets at reduce., rates for the
Vacation T r a i n to New York City
are now on sale in lower Husted,
a n n o u n c e s Patricia Hall '57. C h a i r m a n of Vacation Trains. Tickets
are priced at $7.70.
T h e Vacation T r a i n is the 1:2-1
p.m. Mohawk to New York City,
December Hi. T h u r s d a y is the la-t
clay that you may purchase a ticket.
Anyone who wishes In obtain lhis
reduced rate should stop at the
booth or contact Miss Hall at Pierre
Hall. Reduced rales on the Vacation
T r a i n to Buffalo will be announced
at a future lime.
Religious Clubs Slate
Dinner, Party, Speech
T h e religious organizations on
c a m p u s are planning activities for
the week including a spaghetti supper, a C h a n u k a h party, and a talk
on teaching opportunities in the
missionary field.
Sunday, Canterbury Club will hold
a spaghetti dinner a t St. Andrew's
c h u r c h a t 7:30 p.m. Following the
dinner a Christmas movie will be
shown, s t a t e s Joan Van Dusen '57,
A C h a n u k a h party sponsored by
Hillel will also take place Sunday
at the Ohav Sholom Synagogue, at
6:30 p.m., announces Norman Arnold '57, President. T h e r e will be
dancing and the traditional food,
potato latkes, will be served.
According to President Ann R a m mer '56, t h e Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in B r u b a c h e r on Thursday will feature a s|x;ech by Roy Shaffer, u stud e n t a t Albany Medical School, who
h a s worked with missionaries in
Kenya, Africa. Shaffer will speak
on "Teaching a t the World's Crossroads." His topic will deal with
teaching opportunities in the missionary field and will be supplem e n t e d by slides.
Sixteen Groups To Vie
For Cup A t SCA Sing
lead Sigma Psi S i g m a in " R i n g t h e
Bells" a n d " T h e C h r i s t m a s Song."
Thurlow Hall, u n d e r M a r t h a Wolfe
'58, will add C h r i s t m a s cheer with
"A Virgin Unspotted,"
C h r i s t m a s Song." Alan Weiner '5G,
will conduct t h e Sayles Hall m e n in
" T h e Night Before C h r i s t m a s " a m .
"O Holy Night." P h i D e l t a will sing
"Carol of the Bells" a n d "Mary's
Little Son," with Nancy Schneider
'57, directing. "Rise U p S h e p h e r d s
and Foller" a n d "Peace on E a r t h "
will be presented by G a m m a Kappa Z-46Q
Phi, Linda Niles 56, leading t h e singing. T h e girls from Pierce Hall, Marion Keene '58, leading, h a v e "Winter W o n d e r l a n d " and "Jingle Bells"
Goom 4 Mum '
VOL. XL NO. 24
Legislature Will Decide Voting
On Camp; Discusses New Sites
Judges for this contest are J u d s o n
R a n d , Director of Music of St. P e t er's Choir, and Capital Hill Choral
Society; Edgar Curtis, O r g a n i s t and
Choir Director a t Madison Avenue
Presbyterian C h u r c h ; a n d F r a n c i s
Bailey. Supervisor ol Music at Albany High School.
After MC Peter Booke a n n o u n c e s
the two top place winners of t h e
event, Prances L. Colby, Associate
Professor of English, will present
tlie trophy.
Any organization which claims the
cup for three consecutive years wili
keep the cup. Potter Club was the
vi; tor in last year's sing.
T h e SCA Sing will be followed by
a S t u d e n t Union Board Coffee Hour
at Brubacher Hall immediately after
the event. During the Coffee Hour,
t h e first and second place winners
will be requested to repeat their
SUB Selects New
Board Member
T h e Representative Assembly will decide today
when a Student Association vote will be taken on the
College C a m p issue. Two weeks ago. a motion was
passed which would have had a SA vote on the
Warrensburg site today and Monday. In last, week's
session, the delegates passed a motion to reconsider
tin;. An a m e n d m e n t was also passed which would
permit a vote to be taken on two days in J a n u a r y .
Lack of time curtailed discussion, and the issue will
probably be settled today.
T h e motion with the
a m e n d m e n t , to be voted on today, reads as follows:
Voting on the Warrensburg C a m p be by absentee
ballot on J a n u a r y 19 and 20.
'Ihe administration of the college has put a down
payment on the Warrensburg site for the s t u d e n t
body. If SA is still undecided as to whether or not
to buy the land by December 31. the site will probably no longer be available for purchase.
Discussion on three available campsites began last
night in a special SA assembly at Brubacher. T h i s
di.-cussion will be continued today in Draper 349 and
at a n o t h e r SA assembly Tuesday evening. These three
sites have been thoroughly investigated and the following data has been compiled by Bruce King '5(3.
C h a i r m a n of the Surplus Committee.
The first site is near Warrensburg. approximately
HO miles from Albany, and is priced at $10,000. DippiI iM Pond, located on this land, is pictured above. The
70J acre site features one small beaver pond, the size
of which is about one-half mile by three-eights of a
mile. A natural horse-shoe shaped ridge surrounds
the pond, with the open end facing the Hudson
River. At present there is one building on the land,
a farm building. The structure could provide t e m porary shelter for small groups until other buildings
are constructed. A d e t i n u e advantage is t h a t the
lake is entirely within the proposed property lines,
which would give t h e college exclusive rights to the
At last Sunday's meeting of S t u d e n t Union Boa I'd elections were
held to fill two vacancies. In the
first election Robert Reuss '57. was
elected to the board to fill a n opening in t h e J u n i o r class. Secondly
Sheila Lister '57. was chosen to be
the new Vice-Chairman.
S t u d e n t Union Board, in connection witli the C h r i s t m a s Sing, wili
sponsor a coffee hour in B r u b a c h e r
after the Page recital. Admission
is free. Those groups placing first
and second in the sing will be requested to give renditions al this
time. Cn-Chairmen for the event
will be Robert Reuss and Rosemary
cookies will be served as refreshTickets lor Alexander Ostrovsky's
ments. In addition to t h e organized
entertainment there will be spon- The Diary of a Scoundrel, a State
taneous singing of C h r i s t m a s carol-. College T h e a t r e production, may be
by the group.
obtained on January -I through li,
and 9 through 12, The comedy w ill
be presented at 8:30 p in . January
111 and 11, in Page Hull
body of water. This proposed site is accessible to
winter sports regions.
The second available site is 65 miles from Albany.
in the region northwest of Gloversville. The quoted
price is $4,000 for approximately 1,000 acres of land.
There are three lakes partially included In the wooded
area. One cabin and one barn are the only s t r u c t u r e s
on the site. The chief body of water, Irving Pond,
has several other owners on its shore front. T h e
water level of the large lake fluctuates at times from
10 to l'j feet because of tlie operation of a power
dam or. the southwest end of the lake. T h e only road
leading to the property is on a n o t h e r t r a c t of land.
To reach the proposed site, onv must either go around
the entire lake, go by boat, or travel through a p a t h less brush area. T h e two buildings now s t a n d i n g
could provide temporary shelter for small groups.
The third site is located on Lake C h a m p l a m , s o u t h west of Burlington, Vermont. This site, approximately
142 miles from Albany, is the most highly developed
area of Ihe three. T h e price for the 15 acre tract is
$05,000. Natural features include a wooded a r e a on
a sand beach fronting on Lake Champlain. Buildings
include a sizeable recreation hall and dining hall with
excellent kitchen facilities. T h e dining hall accommodates 125 people. The hall is pine panelled witli
a glass exterior. There are hi cabins housing 75 people. Ea h cabin has a picture window and a private
bath. The physical plant also includes a sewage disposal plant iseptic t a n k s i , hot and cold water, and
electricity. One cabin is insulated for winter. F u r n i ture and equipment is included in the sale price.
There are ample facilities for boating, fishing, a t h letics islniffleboard, horseshoes, baseball, handball,
badminton, croquet, ping pong, and golf on the a d joining propertyi, and swimming isand beachi. T h e
DitH Railroad runs from Albany to within a mile of
the camp. Nearby Willsboro has churches and stores.
College Theatre Tommy Tucker Troupe To Break
Distributes Tickets State College Blues At Winterlude
State Plays Hast To Renowned
Vienna Choir In Page Program
Music Council will present the
Vienna Choir Boys a- their first ol
I wo noted musical personalities or
groups to be brought In S t a t e t'ollege during the school w a r . T h e
program nl Ihe Choir will lake place
al H:HD T h u r s d a y evening in Page
M u r n a n e '.ill. President ol Must,
Admission lo the r e c t a l will be
by Student tax or In llckcl. Ihe
, , i , a..,
'"•"•'•'" * 1 ' " " ' * * "
The rcpcrtril'o nl ihe group will
include, as well, a hurl operetta
Tlie program will conclude in linn
I,I allow fnr the traditional l n . h r nity caroling.
T h i s present lour is ihe twelfth
time thai V i c u n a s K o n u k l Sehnol.
founded by Imperial decree 457 years
ago, has senl one of their groups to
North America under t h e m a n a g e ment of Impressario 8. Hurok. T h e
twenty-two ; members, r a n g mg in age I nun eight in Inurlccn,
will appear ill seventy cities in the
I' S ami Canada this season,
The Knnvikl School has ihree
eh >ir.-, . u lour each year. A rotation
systt m allows every choir bn\ in Ihe
ehonl an n| poi liiliily to visit each
eniiilr.v mi Ihe C h u n ' s extensive
itinerary at lea.-t once before his
*<»ce changes. One nl I he group
is always .,I Vienna to pel to. m s e n ices a Si Stephen s
o n i s ten per cent nl Ihe numbei
n | . n ) | ) l u . i m | „ U l ( |iis school, are uiiBefore a.lm i n , , , | ( l l i j u . institution
, u i.-.siun In one ol Ihe choirs, stu( |eiils receive two years ol training
in the pasl twn seasons the Choir
has becnine. known to a wider uudience through their a p p e a r a n c e s in
"Cinerama," on the Kurd F o u n d a lions
"Omnibus" on
Christinas Eve program last year
and on recordings.
With winter comes J a n u a r y ti, icy
weather, freezing siinw, and waitn
Winterludes. ' I h e Winterlude, like
ice and snow, is an annual affair.
Unlike ice and snow, it is sponsored
by Ihe lntei'-Snrorily and lntcrKratornlty Councils.
[his winter, Tommy Tucker ami
In order to receive I lekel ,, .In- his orchestra will provide the meldents nuts! tiring their "indent t a \ odic sounds. He has had sufficient
rehearsals at RPI and Union proms
c u d s . All seals Will be reserved To
enable students to iicl the best selection nf seats, outside reserv.iII, lis, ciislllig $1 00. Will not lie lilli i1
until J a n u a r y 7 Tickets w ill be ills
Oscar K. Lanford, Dean ol Ihe
tribilled in ihe llusied pcrlsly le
College, releases the following reguTin pl.i\ is a Russian omu'ilj and lation concerning attendance on the
da; s immediately preceding and
will be -ecu in Ihree different >. Isucceeding Christmas vacation,
tlllgs S l a t e College will introduce,
Christmas recess begins at 11:50
tin- the Ill's! lime here, a Woodwing a m on Friday, December Hi. Class..,
set consisting of three varied back will resume mi Tuesday. January II,
al li a in
set I lugs and sis woodwings
All students, except undergradul)r J u i k a liuiien, Assislunl I ' M a t e , wlin are mi the Dean's I 1st,
lessor nl English, will be the dire, - and graduate students with an averi ir, while Dr. Paul Bruce Petlil, age nl 3 5 for ihe preceding semester
are required to attend all classes
Associate Professor ol English, will on Friday, December Hi, ami Tuesdo the teehn! ail directing T h e di- day', J a n u a r y 3. Any student who is
rector's student assistant is Janice unable to attend classes on these
C h a m p a g n e '57, and Ch.ules Crow- days must secure an excuse from
the Dean's office before Friday.
der '57, will be stage manager.
Dean Releases Notice
O f Christmas Recess
this year, and is ready in give our
event his top performance.
T h e (lance, incidentally, will inhabit tlie Shaker Ridge Country
Club, which is often found on TroyShaker Road. It will start when
freshman girls usually finish, at 10
P in., that is. and will finish when
fieshman men usually star! .their
homework', tit 2 a in. As a m u t t e r
nl fact, energetic girls need not
make their delicate departure until
;i a in
shocking !
As for those little details one hales
lo read but inusi : tu kets are four
dollars lor man and male, and may
be bought, borrowed, or stolen as ni
1 p • n . today.
A c is; el Ihniis.iinls appeal's in
Ihls MUM linen, girls, and music)
spectacle. For instance, two p r o m inent statesmen make up the bids
cnnuniltee alone Of course there
will be chapeinnes, and chaperones
In chapci'iuie ch.ipel'nnes, etc., and
even more people will paint pictures, n i l : bells, and shout words
ol publi.ilv T h e r e are more people
on the band committee t h a n in t h e
band, and enough bid salesmen for
Arrangement artists unci program
professionals round out the crew of
merry workers.
You, too, may attend.
./; ?-
No Time For Quibbling
Today the Legislature will vote on the motion postponing absentee balloting on the Warrensburg Camp until
January 19 and 20 By that time the camp will probably
no longer be held for us by the Adminstration and our
chance to buy it will be out the window. The reasons behind this motion were that we don't know enough about
this camp or two additional ones which have been offered
*,s Edltor:
co™ ^ f f j £ , £
for graduation and more necessary
for my future years in the teaching
profession. This course is known as
• * « * £ J ' , ? ^ " " ^ show
t o US.
Student Council Wednesday evening, voted sixteen to
four to recommend to the Legislature that voting on the
camp be postponed until after Christmas. Furthermore,
they voted eleven to seven with two abstentions to recommend to Student Association to vote "no" on the Warrensburg Camp if voting occurs before Christmas. If Council
feels SA does not know enough about these camps to vote
wisely, we would like to know why Council feels itself
qualified to recommend to SA to defeat the Warrensburg
camp! They heard a brief ten-minute description of the
two newly-proposed campsites, after which they came to
this decision. If they are able to decide between the camps
in ten minutes, then certainly SA should be able to decide
after the hearing last night, the assembly today, the information printed on page one of this issue, and a proposed
hearing Tuesday evening.
fyndrt *JU *!*•• /It fau
1 rs-"' (?«)
t h e problems of teaching are
and to some extent what
goals and
vnlues should be
lied in
Recently we have discussed course
^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S Z ported by the education department
is that which maintains that cont e n t ls t0 be
determined by student
leeway with regard to individual
participation and
I m u s t admit t h a t while these
1U l
views, ideals and principles seemed
do thin
very good, I was consistently challenging t h e course a n d w h a t it differently a t college."
t a u g h t on t h e ground of practicality.
T h e simple t r u t h is t h a t I have
W e S h o u l d l i k e t o k n o w j u s t h o w m u c h m o r e i n f o r m a - never seen, let alone participated in
class, guided by such consideration Council expects to gather during the two weeks fol- ations!
This fact inevitably casts
lowing Christmas. At the present time there has been suf- doubts
on t h e principles as well as
ficient information and material presented on all three practice of the theory.
camps to justify a vote this week. By this time we know Let us take a look a t how this
what we want in a camp and we have enough information particular class measures u p to t h e
on all three to compare them sensibly and choose between ideal it preaches, A rigid curricuthem. If Warrensburg is your choice," cast an affirmative lum with prescribed readings which
b e read only with some degree
ballot, if not, a negative one, but vote upon it one way or can
of inconvenience on the p a r t of t h e
the other. Nothing at all can be gained by postponing the s t u d e n t is t h e backbone of t h e
vote. This could continue for the next two years,if allowed, course. Added t o this, are trips to
and we wouldn't know any more about it than we do right social agencies and speakers, neither
of which are particularly successful
in relating to the problems involved
We urge the Legislature very strongly to defeat this in the course.
motion postponing voting until January, and vote this T h e two class hours are used for
"discussion" purposes, a n inaccurate
week on the Warrensburg site!!
description if ever there was one.
In regard to voting on the camp a t Warrensburg, we believe it shun
be done before Christmas with the following type of ballot—
D Yes
n No
iJ I feel t h a t adequate information is not available, and
would prefer a final vote in F e b r u a r y .
This is the best way to find out whether or not the majont\
students want the camp* a t Warrensburg, or if they feel they aic v
enough infoimed. T h e members of Student Council say the Student A
sociation does not know enough about this issue. I t seems to us, it shun
be up to SA to decide if they are well enough informed!!
T h e teacher is talking over half the GREEN GREMLINS INDEED
Verily, a harshsome sight a r e t h e verdant freshmen bedecked
time. T h e r e can be n o opportunity
for real discussion in such a group gymnasium garb, as they gambol through the clear old commons or si
of over twenty students. T h e last and nibble a t their nectar and ambrosia in t h e cosy cafeteria. Fie up
Much has been written about the deficiencies of Stu- point
I wish to discuss is the "feeldent Union Board and Campus Commission. However, ing" of accomplishment which in these unflattering garments? Render unto the gym field that \\\n
these articles have never admitted the basic reason should supposedly accompany a stu- isAREathletic.
for the weaknesses that they so intensely attack. The rea- dent's endeavors. I personally feel
Last Friday morning in assembly some of us were privileged to li'
that there is a m i n i m u m of this
son is simple to state yet complex to combat. We, by our feeling, a n d n corresponding level what our new coach had to say about, basketball. His few words w<
actions, are the reason. We know these organizations exist of actual achievement. T h e e x a m i n - as timely as anything we've ever heard in this college. For the first in
our four years here, a member of our faculty addressed a gi
and the purposes for which they were established, yet we ations used to test the s t u d e n t s are ofin students
on an extra curricular subject which was very imporlani
often take the attitude the rules were made for others.
him, and made it sound as if h e wasn't sure we were the perfect ben.
I think it is stupid to test we think we are.
Each time we leave a coke bottle lying around, or en- Frankly.
a person's ideas on a n objective
fellows work very hard and make a great many sacrifices
courage youngsters to stay in the Union we destroy the test, and the questions we have had bringThese
us a basketball team. The question seems to be whether or i
work that we, when in a more rational mind, demand these so far a r e worse t h a n most.. Not we're worth
the trouble. Our hats are off to Richard Sailers!!
groups to perform. Both groups are small and should be only that, they constitute more t h a n BE PATIENT LITTLE MAN
credable to handle through fines and warnings those amongst iCoiiliiiui'd mi Pain •'/. Column i\>
Complaints, complaints! Some people would complain about i
feathers on their wings or the color of then' h a r p s if they became an
us who do not have respect for public property and no
ongels. This is difficult to believe, but one J u n i o r actually buttonhni
sense of common cleanliness and courtesy. They should,
i s and bemoaned that the presents under the tree at. Bru were 1;11.•
that is, if we act as a group the way college students are
He felt this was a shocking and deplorable state of affairs. To us. tl
expected to behave and show the maturity socially we do
phenomenon .seems perfectly n a t u r a l . After all. K. Kringle isn't il
'till December 24th.
academically. However, it seems that State students are
either careless of their obligations or are not mature enough
we have a student written script for our All College He\
to accept the freedom college offers. If the latter be true, For the past week we have been Our Hear
hearty congratulations to Dick Beaudin. W e feel very stron
of the unfortunate situation
which we doubt intensely, there is no course but to hire aware
t h a t since this is a n all college revue, t h a t the best place to conn
Tech. T h e governor and with a script is in our own school. Too bad it's a one night stand. To tl
a group of nursemaids to watch our every movement. athis Georgia
supporters are to be condemned of you who wanted a Broadway show- there's a reduced rate on ion
Since we deem this unlikely we are confronted by the other and the students to be commended
tickets to New York Citv!!!
alternative which is carelessness and apathy. This is some- lor their position and the method of AtripPOEM?
thing we must grow out of rapidly if we have any loyalty making it known. T h e idea t h a i i
To the faculty—2 weeks peace.
football team should be barred from
To the .students—2 weeks rest,
toward the college in which we have chosen to spend four playing
a n o t h e r teacn merely b e To all concerned at S. 0 . T.
years of our lives. Admittedly this apathy is hard to over- cause of the presence of a Negro on
May your Christmas be flic best,.
come when we see a leader in student government, for ex- the opposite squad is much more
Ric and Dick
ample, willingly set himself above the rules and regulaNorth,
tions in such a way that he encourages warnings to be is- in the dangerous luxury of complacsued to him. We must overlook this and show we support ency,
and believe in the college by actions that receive no recog- There exists, at least to my waj
nition but in our own conscience. By this cooperation we of thinking, a situation t h a t is even
will do more for the college as a whole than those who talk more harmful to the way of life to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9
loudly but act with moderation when it comes to a matter which we all profess allegiance. This 10:00 a.m. Assembly, Draper 349.
does not take the b l a t a n t 7:00 p.m. Outing Club Trip to Adirondacks.
of personal sacrifice as contrasted with self glorification. situation
form of the Georgia governor's a c - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10
tion, or even the next best, form of
8:00 p.m. Sigma Lambda Sigma Le Rat Morte," Husted Calcteri.
words such as 'nigger', kike', 'dago',
7:00 p.m. Christmas Sing. Page Auditorium
"He's a good guy . . . so what It'
Coffee Hour, Brubacher.
he is a Jew."
"Sure he's colored . . . but h e is 3:30 p.m. Dry Skiing, Dorm Field.
E S T A B L I S H E D MAY 1 0 1 8
pretty white."
BY T H E C L A S S O F I 9 I B
"He's not like all t h e other 2:30 p.m. Dry Skiing, Dorm Field.
7:30 p.m. Special Assembly, Brubacher.
First Place ACP
First Place CSPA
Tills type of remark is heard of- 7:30 p.m. Psychology Club Meeting, Brubacher,
December 0, 1955
No. 24
ten, and I suspect t h a t some of us H:00 p.m. Readings from Literature. Draper 349.
Members of Ihe NKWS Muff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to
used similar .statements. T h e r e WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15
II p.m. al 2-33a0, Ext. II. Phones: Cochrane, 2-1(i:i0; Swlor/.owskl, 2-0843; Cloklnteln,
2-2812; Kendlg, 5-8921.
Is as little point in exploring tin* 3:30 p.m. Dry Skiing, Dorm Field.
4:00 p.m. Tryout.s fur Laboratory P l a \ s , Draper.
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teacheri; fallaciousness of this b r a n d of reapublished every Friday ol the College year by the NEWS Board tor the Student
soning, as there Is In reiterating the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15
2:30 p.m. Dry Skiing, Dorm Field
Editor-in-Chief almost trite arguments against It.
8:30 p.m. Vienna Choir Hoys, Page Auditorium.
Co-I'ubllo Relations Editor We have heard them many times,
Co-I'ubllo Relatione Editor but that we have not assimilated FRIDAY, JANUARY (i
Bu«lne»»-Advertising Editor
Circulation Editor more of these ideas Is distressing. 10:00 p.m. Winlerlude, Shaker Ridge Country Club.
Aaaaalala Editor We need not murder an E m m e t t Till SATURDAY, JANUARY 7
Aeaoelate Edlter to be as immoral as those who did.
6:30 p.m. Class Banquets.
»cuturc Editor
Asiorlate Features Editor
As I said It's Just a thought . .
S»ar«a MjtW
The NKWS Board and Staff extends to all our readers
Senior HporU Edlter something to carry with us a s we
a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
S*»» rfcaUgraakw enter this Christmas season.
Are You Guilty . . .
A lUuqkt"
Route 9W, 3 Miles South of Albany
ALBANY 62-9086
We Cater To Banquets
Make This the Best WINTERLUDE
Uptown Alleys
O 'Connor s
Seafood Is Our Specialty
PHI DELTS in the mood
Compliments of
College Calendar
5 Minutes from State College
Telephone 63-5562
(Open Until 2 a.m.)
The Danee Of The Year
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Ifs always time for a "COKE"
DIAL 4-1125
Corner of Eagle and Hamilton
come to LORD and TANN for your
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J. S. SCARR, Prop.
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"A Most Successful Winterlude"
1060 Madison Avenue
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . F R I D A Y . D E C E M B E R 9,
Pedagogue Representatives Travel
To Detroit Yearbook Conference
For t h e first t i m e in a number of
years, members of t h e Pedagogue
board and staff a t t e n d e d t h e Associated Collegiate Press Conference, in
Detroit, Michigan, t h i s year. R e p r e senting t h e Pedagogue, were Carol
Student Council:
Class Presents
Seasons Reading SC Votes To Postpone Camp Vote,
Tuesday In D349 Hears A M I A Autumn Inventory
Ann Luft, Editor; Dorothy R a s m u s
sen, Business Manager,
T h e Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n class u n Trudy S t e m m e r a n d B e t h Beehler
der t h e direction of Agnes E. F u t t e r Junior Editors.
er, Professor of English, will present
T h e conference formally opened a C h r i s t m a s program of readings
with a Joint meeting of editorial and from literature Tuesday, in Draper
business yearbook delegates, Friday. 349 a t 8 p.m., a n n o u n c e s Carol Allen
'57, publicity director of t h e evening.
November 18. J u d g e s of A C P and
yearbook advisors discussed " W h a t
T h e program will include a readAre We and W h a t Are We Doing?" ing of " T h e Story of the Nativity"
The delegates t h e n a t t e n d e d sec- from t h e Bible read by Frederick
C r u m b , Grad, "The Juggler of Notre
tional meetings concerning budget Dame," by Anatole France, read by
Several sororities and fraternities problems, photography, a n d prob- Marjorie Jelley '57, Joyre Shelton '56
on c a m p u s have scheduled events lems in editing t h e modern year- will read " T h e Story of the Goblins
who Stole a Sexton," by C n a n e s
for t h e future and initiated new book.
Dickens, Vivian DeNatale will give a
Discussion of t h e problems of the rendition of "The Little Prince," by
Sigma Lambda Sigma is holding modern yearbook in a panel session, Antonine De S a i n t Exupery. Robert
"Le R a t Morte", its Annual Rush pointed up t h a t m a n y editors and C h r i s t m a s " will be presented by
P a r t y tomorrow evening in the board members a r e either salaried Cornelius
Husted Cafeteria. D o n a l d Whitlock or given scholarships for their work. Charles Bostick '56 will read an
from Murder
'57 is general c h a i r m a n of the affair. A point well taken was t h e sugges- Interlude
C a t h e d r a l by L. S. Eliot.
Maurice Bouvier '57 is c h a i r m a n of tion that the Editor be n a m e d in
refreshments and chaperones. T h e March preceding t h e Senior year,
decoration committee is headed by t h a t preparation may begin early on
Hugh Felio '58. Burt Rounds '58 is the book for the following year
in charge of invitations and An,Before nnd
T h e pQne, dtecusslon
thony Oliviero '57 is c h a i r m a n of After the Click of t h e S h u t t e r " was
tlie e n t e r t a i n m e n t committee. Alan concerned in the m a i n with cautions Old News at P a l a t e
There's a variation on an old
Levine '58 will be in charge of to editors to use simplicity. "A good
picture is a simple picture." Tilted theme this week at the Palace.
and odd shaped p h o t o g r a p h s were Three Stripes in the Sun is the story
Robert Banfleld, Eric Kippert, frowned on as ineffective. T h e year- of the GI who dislikes the J a p a n e s e
Robert J. Myers, T h o m a s Treadway, book and the pictures in it should until he falls in love. Aldo Ray is
Donald Rice, and Joseph Szarek, first and foremost tell the story of the GI, and Mitsuko Kimura is
M a d a m e Butterfly. They don't over
Sophomores will be formally initiat- the year.
do il, so it shouldn't be too bad at
ed at 2:3!) p.m. on Sunday, in the
Sigma Lambda Sigma house, Arnold
In several meetings stair organiza- all.
Grava, Assistant Professor of Mod- tion was brought up as a m a t t e r of Not Much at ( h a n d
This is the worst | Iclure m town.
ern Languages, Walter Knott,, As- concern. In many schools the Editor
sociate Professor of English and is chosen by a .school- Mdc election It creeps and staggers all the way,
Frederick Moore. Assistant Professor r a t h e r t h a n by interest and ability. but J o a n n e Dru gets her man, J i m of Modern Languages, of the faculty One such school r u n n i n g u n d e r this my Stewart, in spite of her shady
will become honorary members at system has not had a book out on past. T h e picture is called T h u n d e r
this time states Richard V a n s b t t e time since 1946. Keeping an ade- Bay and it's all about undersea oil.
'56, President,
quate and interested staff was a n - Holdovers
other problem. Most schools favored
T h e Sheep lias Five Less, the best
Robert Stimson '57 will direct the a system of recognition titles for film in a long while, is held over at
group in the S t u d e n t Christian As- everyone from a Senior to a fresh- Delaware.
m a n with subordinated duties for Innovation
sociation Sing on Sunday.
We've decided that this column
Alpha Pi Alpha wil present a jazz
should enlarge itself to include a
concert on Sunday, J a n u a r y 8, 1956
In considering layout a m e m b e r ol wider range of things to do in Ala t the Alpha Pi Alpha house at 765 t h e faculty of t h e University of bany, so here I will remind those of
Madison Ave. T h e concert will be- Illinois School of C o m m u n i c a t i o n s you who like culture, that
gin a t 2:00 p.m. and all S t a t e College pointed out t h a t t h e r e are four big Capitol Hill Chorai Society is putstudents are welcome states Whitson elements to be considered 11 picture ting on its Fall Concert, under the
Walter '65, President.
material, 2) display type, 3> body direction of Judson Rand. T h e r e
type and 4) white space. Leading will be a Soprano soloist too. This
K a p p a Beta pledged Richard W a r - national magazines serve as excel- won't be Carnegie Hall, by any
ner, and Joseph Grossman, Juniors, lent guides to effective layouts.
means, but it's local. I think we
and J a m e s Robinson, Fred Arcorarashould support local talent. This all
cl, J o h n Pell, Ronald Humphreys,
Discussions on the use of a theme takes place a t Chancellor's Hall toand Michael Levine, Sophomores on and copy in a yearbook proved val- night at 8:30 p.m. and only costs
November 22, 1955 states Livingston uable in pointing out t h a t a theme mas and all. T h e two "five and
Smith '56, President.
does not have to be trite and over- .students 75 cents. Anyhow, it's a
worked but can be carried through
Phi Delta is holding its a n n u a l by a certain s h a p e picture or uni- suggestion.
Wassail Party for members of Sigma form views on divider pages. Copy Noel
It's very nostalgic these days on
Lambda Sigma on Wednesday night is needed in a book to complete the
a t 8:30 p.m. Mary Smith '56 is gen- story given by the photographic Central Avenue, what with Christeral c h a i r m a n of the affair. T h e work.
food committee is clialrmaned by
Carol Luft '56, and Joan Newman
Pedagogue delegates left Detroit
'56 is in charge of the e n t e r t a i n m e n t . with hopes of organizing a local
Carol Bell and Mary Ann Schlott- c h a p t e r of a national group of
hauber, Juniors, are c o - c h a i r m a n of t'.OSOSBDYW i G r a n d Old Society
the Pre-Clean UP Committee.
of Slightly Broken Down Yearbook
Wheelsi, a n o t h e r outcome of tile
T h e State College News Board has
Evelyn Neumeister '56, President conference.
elected two Juniors to positions on
of Psi G a m m a a n n o u n c e s that, there
the News Board and two Sophowill be a coffee hour lor the Vetermores and one freshman have been
an's Association on Monday,
promoted to the position of Desk
Editor, announces Aileen Cochrane
Peggy Carr '58 has been appointed
'56, News Editor.
activity reporter tor the group.
T h o m a s Smith and J o h n Reiners,
Sigma Phi Hi una held a successful
Juniors, have been elected to the
The Election results for a repreparty with Rho Pi Phi fraternity
positions of Feature Editor and Asfrom Albany Pharmacy college last sentative of S t u d e n t Board of Pi- sociate F e a t u r e Editor, respectively.
week. Eleanor Bogan '56, announces nance for the class ol 1958 are as Marie Dettmer and Joseph Szarek,
thai there are two new members, follows:
Sophomores, and Bruce Norton '59,
Brencla Eicle and I ueia Badger,
have been appointed Desk Editors.
12 47 54 all Ellm,
17 Elim.
Greeks Initiate,
Schedule Events
Robert B e t s c h a '56, President of
S t u d e n t Association convened the
Wednesday n i g h t government meettag which discussed t h e school camp
issue, t h e AMIA inventory and heard
committee reports.
Clyde Payne '57 stated t h a t Stud e n t Board of Finance h a s granted
to WAA a $28.00 line transfer from
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n to the conference
line of their budget. A $7.00 bill for
partial Directory expenses was passed and the News was granted $57.00
for a n eight page issue this week.
T h e University of Connecticut is
interested in sending t h r e e students
here on an exchange program, states
J e a n Hageny '56, Exchange Chairman.
Todd Cushonan '56 T ^ L . , " ™ ! 1
'57, Winifred Youngs and Ronald Ro
manewski, freshmen, have been add
ed to the Constitutional Review
tens", Woolworths and Neisers are
all decked out in red and green just
. , .. ,
to be festive. I suggest t h a t 11 you re
not busy tomorrow, you should pay
a visit. You'll see thousands of
ALbanians engrossed in Christmas
spirit, pushing and shoving. There
are rude salesgirls, and worried parcuts who yell at the children. The
children, however. are the best,
They wander around witli very wide
eyes, picking things up land dropping themi and wishing for everything they see. C h r i s t m a s is for
kids, they say. T h e sheer plentitude
of the Christinas goodies will really
move you — mountains of red and
green merchandise! It's a wonderful visual aid to C h r i s t m a s cheer,
And there's a S a n t a Ciaus too, in
Neisers, who wouldn't fool anyone,
not even a two-year old. He's very
self-conscious with his beard. All
told, it should be great fun. Bring a
S a r a J a n e Duffy '57 stated t h a t
Activities Day will be a n Activities
W e e k . D u r i n g t h e s u m m e r a leaflet
c o n c e r n i n g all organizations on c a m pus
Class Of '58 Elects
SBF Representative
m™ leu-ru'ti. 54 56 59 72
S t a t e m e n t T o C o u n c i l Blanks
Rita Lamboglia ':>7, Auditor ol Loss
Class Board ol Finance, announces
a Statement of Class Finances as ol
December I, 1955.
According in Miss l.amboglla, the
Class of 1955 has $6(12 91 in its
treasury which will lie transferred to
the Alumni Association The Senior
Class has $1,225.01 as assets, the
Junior (Mass $916.15, the Sophomore
(Mass $1,570.71, and the freshmen
class $809 49 T h e Class Board ol
Finance is accredited with having
$1 51 In its treasury. The total
a m o u n t of money in all the treasuries Is $5,124.78.
29 34 Ellm
10 10
II 13 29
171) 170 170 170
32!) Western Ave.
Name B r a n d Watches & Jewelry30'! discount for S t u d e n t s
Tiny Tim Wouldn't Have Been
If He Hud Patronized The
Handbook, to t h e prospective frosh;
t h e d a t e of e a c h group's' reception
will also be listed. T h e I m p r o v e m e n t
of Activities Committee also felt t h a t
t h e prestige of the Campus Queen
could greatly be heightened by h a v ing the Queen preside over several
other functions during the school
A M I A . . S inventory was presented
t o council by J a m e s Sweet '56. Much
equipment is either lost or
of t n e
for. It was explained
t h a t both Frosh Camp and Rivalry
use this
equipment besides t h e I n t r a m u r a l Groups and that, due to
the lumping together of State a n d
A M I A e q U . p m e n t , discrepancies have
occurred in the marking and checkin?- out of equipment. A meeting
with President Collins to ask for
separate storage space for this equipment is in the offing. It was felt t h a t
immediate action had to be taken
so John Stefano '58 moved to freeze
the AMIA budget indefinitely. This
was passed by Council and will be
referred to Student Union Board ot
p , n H n c e ,.,,. t h e U . c o n s l d e r a t i o n .
Bruce King '56 reported
three camps are now available—one
in the Warrensburg area, the second near Gloversville and he third
in the vicinity of Lake C h a m p l a i n .
King moved t h a t S t u d e n t Council
recommend to Student Association
that vuting be done prior to Christmas on the camn issue. A roll call
vote was taken and tills was defeatthat
e d, 16 to 4. A motion stating
in the event Student Association did
decide to vote prior to Hie C h r i s t m a s vacation, t h a t then S t u d e n t
Council would recommend the W u r rensburg Camp Motion be passed,
this was defeated. King then moved
t h a t in the event SA does vote prior
to Christmas vacation, t h a t then
Council will recommend not passing the Warrensburg C a m p Motion;
this was passed.
News Board
Promotes Five
Cass Auditor Gives
Pamela be just as
impressed if you phoned her?"
J u s t ' c a u s e s h e ' s y o u r big flame d o e s n ' t m e a n
she can u n d e r s t a n d smoke signals. Sure they're
i m p r e s s i v e — b u t t h e n so a r e g r e n a d e e x p l o s i o n s .
T h e b e s t w a y t o k e e p h e r b u r n i n g for y o u is w i t h
r e g u l a r t e l e p h o n e calls. S h e r e a l l y gets " y o u r
m e s s a g e " w h e n y o u p h r a s e it p h o n e - w i s e ! A n d
it w o n ' t b i t e i n t o y o u r s u d s a n d p i n b a l l c a s h
e i t h e r . B e c a u s e y o u get Bargain
Hales to all
d i s t a n t p o i n t s e v e r y n i g h t a l t e r (i all d a y S u n d a y , t o o . S o , before y o u ' r e out of y o u r m i n d bec a u s e y o u ' r e o u t of her sight a n d her m i n d call
h e r ! ( ( ' a l l h e r " K e w p i e , " " H e y , y o u , " or even
" S t u p i d " but call her by phone!)
New York
Telephone Company.
l*AOI 4
POfUnf 04m */As C*cAoHfe College Offers
Here's a bit of news from t h e You got a complex B e r t r a m dear?
Syracuse Dally Orange. The P h i B e r t r a m we all love you so
Sigma S i g m a girls of Syracuse U n l - B u t one of us h a s „got to go.'
versity h a v e adopted a homeless
t h e I S C Bengal
A n c j t&^en i r o m
reptile. He is now residing In t h e I d a h o S t a t e is t h e following'
second floor b a t h r o o m tub a n d h a s
" W i t h all t h e science fiction
been n a m e d B e r t r a m .
lt11 s o o n b e
m a n
O n e of t h e coeds a t t h e house g l r i m a n l o s e s g l r j m a n b u l l d „ f r l »
wrote t h e following ode t o B e r t r a m
..Qirls don't m a r r y a m a n for his
which s u m s u p t h e situation as it m o n e y They divorce h i m for i t "
™ " "''
Definition: An actor is a m a n who
"Oh little creature in t h e b a t h
is always me-deep in conversation
Soggy footprints line your path.
T h e Hilltop Press of Cortland
W a t e r dripping from t h e t a p
S t a t e printed t h e following article:
Palls on your soft scaley back.
S t u d e n t s a t t h e University of
Lumps of meatball in the water
Rhode Island were touched when
T h e best of food for our star board- they spotted a little piggy bank
resting on t h e cash register at t h e
s t u d e n t union.
Dirty P h i Sigs cannot shower
Noise m i g h t wake our little flower.
I n front of t h e bank was a sign
Why you hide when we come near
saying, "Save your Piggery! Donate
to t h e Piggery Reclamation F u n d ! "
T h o u g h there is no such fund
at_ least mrt at t h e University of
R h o d e Island
students contributed two dollars.
Added Courses
C a m p u s Commission, State's most
We feel
derided organization, decided a t its should stop worrying about their
last meeting t h a t prestige is their prestige a n d keep up t h e present
chief problem a t t h e present time, enforcement of their rules. I t is no'
i t was pointed o u t t h a t if C a m p u s u n k n o w n to anyone in this school
Commission members were elected t h a t t h e Commons a n d t h e cafeteria
by s t u d e n t Association, t h e o r g a n - a r e in a mess. We feel t h a t if the
Philosophy 210 covers t h i e e major i z a t i o n would gain t h e prestige they Commission's recent enforcing oi
issues in t h e
P h i l o s ° P h y o f science s o m u c n d e s i r e , T r , i s reporter fails their penalties is continued then
a n d o t h e r a r e a s of culture
- s u c h a s to see how an SA election will gain will be a change in t h e attitudes oi
rel gl n
i ° * P o l l t l < if a " d art/: t h e , u n " y prestige for t h e group or regulate some of t h e great m a n y uncoopera
a n d t n e diverslt
y of methods in t h e t h e use of t h e Commons, lounge, tive people at State. Keep up th.
gestapo tactics for awhile and w.
P n v s i c a l > biological a n d social sci- c a f e t e r i a , a n d mailboxes.
m i g h t one of these clays walk int.
j * h e Problem of logical and
t h e Commons and sit in a chair thir
speculative synthesis of some of t h e
n dln s
t h e
Isn't sopped in coke!
! !o b ,e l ? F„ „
several sciences. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s . . .
' t - K r e e g a n , Associate P r o T h e easiest solution to State's bi
fessor of
Philosophy, is t h e instruc
(Continued from Page 2, Column 2) mess is merely one of good manner
but it seems t h a t a great many •
it. To m a k e m a t t e r s worse, t h e m a F r e n c h 10 is entitled "French Lit terial on which we are tested is n o t mthe s t u d e n t s on campus don't beiic\.
... ,
those radical things. Let's con
c ..1
e r a t u r e in T r a n s l a t i o n . " I t is or.
t u
ganized for those students who, be- accessible for review of t h e picayune U n u e
points which all too frequently a p _it.s
f u n to w a t c h
people n|1
cause of a lack of proficiency in pear on t h e examinations.
.. hfloor
P c
m t „ „ . „ ...
the F r e n c h language, have been u n B u t possibly t h e biggest obstacle microscopic"sizedI n o t e s - w h a t b e t ,
able to profit by contact with the to a feeling of accomplishment is t h e e x e r c i s e \s their t h a n ' bendin^ ov
rich culture a n d intellectual history fact t h a t the lessons c a n n o t be t o nick up a half inch square
of F r a n c e . T h e course includes read- learned properly without practical d a t e d S e p t e m b e r fourth from th!
ings from Montaigne, Corneille, R a - d e m o n s t r a t i o n s or experience. I feel floor? w n o knows somedav th
Marilyn Erter '56, announces t h a t
"The toughest pass defense most cine, Moliere, Voltaire, Rousseau, t h a t a b u r d e n of proof rests with g t , i t e ' University mav w a n t In \vi\l
tryouts for t h e next set of Labora- football players face is p u t on by Hugo a n d Zola. T h i s course is clos- t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d faculty.
'" " agricultural
'' ' '
' school here
' ' "'"'
, ,
. _
,. , . ,
tory plays p u t on by the members their college professors."
ed t o m a j o r s a n d minors in F r e n c h
I a m sure t h a t at least one ex- d o n a v e t h e f a c i]ities for the raisin
of t h e Speech 112 class will be held
(from t h e Minnesota Daily)
and does n o t count toward comple- p e r i m e n t a l class in Education 20 of one type of farm a n i m a l !
for Wednesday, December 14, at 4
tion of t h e l a n g u a g e requirement, could be established within t h e pres:'.< >!« * in Draper 349. Nancy Gade '57,
Dr. E d w a r d P . Shaw, Professor of e n t framework of hours t o demonT h a t New Look
will be directing scenes from ChrisF r e n c h , is t h e instructor. I t will, strate t h e validity of t h e principles
topher Fry's A Phoenix Too F r e however, carry three hours credit in being t a u g h t . I have a plan to a c l e
q u e n t a n d Marion Stern '57, will be ^ l ^ ^ l ^ l
i ! ^ £"?f_ses the h u m a n i t i e s area. This is a n o n - complish this which space does not
presenting excerpts from Mr. Robpermit me to outline here. I would
specialized course.
erts w r i t t e n by Joshua Logan and In h a i r styles, suits and dresses
like to h e a r how other people think
I liked t h e way she filled h e r skirt
Paul Lewis '57. C h a i r m a n of tInT h o m a s Heggan.
about this situation. P e r h a p s some
,, r
The way she wore h e r hair
W a r n i n g System of Campus Coin
Tryouts a r e open to all freshmen A n d w h e n she went away it h u r t
value a n d prestige of the education mission, announces t h a t David Kenand upperclassmen. The plays will F o r r d really begun to care
from their p r e s e n t sad state. dig '57, and Alan Levine 58, have
be presented on J a n u a r y 17. 1956 in B u t now my love is back in town
received three minor or one miijni
Draper 349.
Sincerely yours,
A n d g e t ft l o n d o f t h j s
T h e F o r u m Board of Politics
Advanced Dramatics gives a d e - Her figure's slimmer i forty pounds i
T h e regulations of Campus Cum
elected t h r e e delegates to t h e Model
tailed examination of problems con- Her hair . . . J u s t don't exist,
Morton B. Hess '57
mission s t a t e t h a t three minor olSecurity
fronting t h e actor, the director, and She's now the toast of buddies
fenses or one major offense constia t St. Lawrence University, Canton,
the stage technician with emphasis W h o had last year called her square
To the Editor:
tutes t h e publication of the offendNew
upon t h e preparation of t h e direc- But I liked h e r better chubby
our campuses
s p r e a d er's n a m e in the State College News.
Chairtor's p r o m p t book. Each student will With lotsa hips a n d lotsa h a i r
throughout t h e State, it is impossi- Two publications of the person
m a n of t h e F o r u m Board of Politics.
direct a short production for pres- So come on fellas up in a r m s
ble for Gne and other m e m b e r s of n a m e in t h e school paper constitute
e n t a t i o n in t h e College's Laboratory And down with Chris D'Or
Elected to r e p r e s e n t Albany S t a t e the S t a t e University c e n t r a l staff removal of a selected school activii \
T h e a t r e , will be assigned a produc- You might be in time o save t h e are McHarg, Malcolm Rogers, Do- to extend C h r i s t m a s greetings to from their tax curd. T h r e e publication staff position in the S t a t e Colcharms
minic DeCecco, Juniors, a n d alter- you personally.
tions of t h e person's n a m e cons;,
lege T h e a t r e , a n d will have opportu- Of t h e chubby doll you adore
With t h e kindness of your col- lutes reference to the Dean Willi
. n a t e Lee DeNike '59. State's delenities for acting with t h e S t a t e Col(from Tempo, Chicago Teachers gates will act as t h e Belgium lega- lege's newspaper editor, however, I t h e recommendation for suspension
lege T h e a t r e .
tion to t h e Security Council.
on Page
Column ki from school for one week.
Two n e w courses a r e being offered
n e x t semester, announces Oscar E.
Lanford, D e a n of t h e College. The
courses a r e Philosophy 210 and
F r e n c h 10.
A D Class Opens
Play' Tryouts
Campus Commission
Warns Two Offenders
Forum Board Elects
Delegates To Council
When you've earned a "holiday"
And you take off to play...
Have fun the best way-have a CAMEL!
It's a psychological fact:
Pleasure helps your disposition
If you're a smoker, remember
— more people get more
pure pleasure from Camels
than from any other cigarette
No other cigarette is so
rich-tasting, yet so mild!
Korean Student Notes Similarity JliUwu} ReuiM State College News Celebrates
In American High School Set-Up One ofBy tDAVID
Thirty Ninth Year O f Publication
h e most amazing books
T h i s week for our column we interviewed Mr. E u n Choi Kim, a
K o r e a n G r a d s t u d e n t . Mr. K i m is
majoring in Education here a t State.
While i n Korea, h e t a u g h t a t t h e
junior h i g h school level.
According to K i m , as he prefers
t o be called, t h e K o r e a n school setup is very similar to t h a t of t h e
United S t a t e s . I t is organized on a
6-3-3 basis with a grade school, a
middle high school a n d t h e high
school. Many of t h e courses pursued here by K i m a r e similar to those
studied a t h i s university. Relations
between s t u d e n t a n d faculty a r e very
good d u e to t h e fact t h a t most of
the time is spent in discussions with
the professors. Most of t h e subjects followed a t t h e university byK o r e a n s a r e of a n academic n a t u r e ;
a t present, there is n o t too much
on t h e
courses in Korea. However, there is
somewhat of a n increase in this
field a s witnessed by t h e fact t h a t
there arc two Korean s t u d e n t s a t
K i m states t h a t C h r i s t i a n i t y is
fast becoming t h e new religion in
Korea. About 35% of t h e people a r e
Christians; t h e Methodists lead and
are followed by P r e s b y t e r i a n s a n d
Catholics in t h a t order. I n t h e rural
districts there a r e still some Confuciusians. K i m seems t o feel t h a t
the Buddhist religion is breaking
down because of i n t e r n a l troubles
in the organization.
One of t h e o u t s t a n d i n g social differences noted by K i m w a s t h e idea
t h a t Korean boys and girls do not
date as is done here. I n fact, due
to cultural traditions, boys a n d girls
marriage. They usually m a r r y a t the
completion of t h e college career.
More boys are educated in Korea
t h a n a r e girls.
Five members of t h e State College
News Board, Aileen Cochrane '56,
Editor, Mary Ann Schlotthauber,
Business-Advertising Editor, Joseph
Swierzowski, Sports Editor. Marcia
Lawrence and Richard Saner, Associate Editors, Juniors, attended the
Associated Collegiate Press Conference in Detroit t h e weekend of
November 16, 17 a n d 18. After a 10
hour train trip we arrived a t the
boarded buses for t h e River R o m e
P l a n t of the Ford Motor Company.
Here, as guests of Ford, we toured
the assemblying a n d steel plants.
in», college a d m i n i s t r a t i o n relationship, m a k e - u p and typography and
feature writing.
As you may be able to judge by
this issue of the paper we gleened a
few ideas which we a r e using in this
week's issue of t h e News. First,
notice our radical p h o t o g r a p h y display on page one. O n e editor showed us his paper with a picture
which covered five columns on page
one and extended over t h e five columns on t h e last page. I n t h e m a k e up clinic Professor Harold W. Wilson
of t h e School of J o u r n a l i s m of the
University of Minnesota, MinneapolT h u r s d a y n i g h t at t h e Statler, is suggested t h a t we use a 1 ' 2 column
Max S h u l m a n , Broadway playwright layout on page one. In general he
gave a humorous after-dinner talk approved our present m a k e - u p .
on, "So You Want, to Be a Writer.
In t h e lecture on feature writing
You Fool You." T h e next morning G a r e t h D. Hiebert, columnist for the
we began business meetings in e a r n - St. Paul Dispatch,
est. T h e five of us attended discus- t h a t we have more features. Consesions on news coverage, and report- quently we need more space — so
there are eight pages today. Do you
want us to continue this enlarged
paper? Notice our new features,
a satire
in last week's
Education 21 'a, and our interviews with our foreign students.
Now we w a n t to begin a series on
Outing Club plans to make two points of interest in school and
trips in the near future, according their significance. Look next for a
to Susan B a r n h a r t '56, C h a i r m a n feature on Minerva.
of t h e group.
T h e first excursion is to lake place
this weekend, today, tomorrow, and
Sunday. At this time, the club will
visit Whiteface and Esther Mountains, both being located in the Adirondacks. Miss B a r n h a r t
t h a t the group will leave tonight
alter supper and will spend the
night at the ski dorms on Whiteface. Tomorrow the group will hike
during the day and spend the night
at a lean-to on t h e ridge between
Esther and Whiteface. An early start
back to Albany .Sunday is anticipated. Or. Eugene McLaren, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, will
chapernne the group.
Outing Club is also planning a
five day Christmas trip to Ml. M a n y
In the Adirondacks. T h e members
participating will leave Albany December 17.
Dry skiing on the Dorm Field is
an event planned for four school
days next week by Outing Club
Anyone interested is urged t " sign
the sheet on the Outing Club bulletin board in lower Hustcd. The
tentative schedule for dry skiing Is
Monday, 3:30 p.m., Tuesday. 2:30
p.m., Wednesday, 3:30 pin., and
Thursday, 2:30 p.m. David Kleinke
'57, will be in charge.
to be published this year, or any
year is J o h n Malcolm B r i n n i n ' s Dylan T h o m a s in America. I n it, B r i n nin, who was mainly responsible for
bringing T h o m a s to America relates
the strange a n d tragic story of t h e
tortured Welsh poet who gave us
"After t h e F u n e r a l , " "A Winter's
Tale," and "Fern Hill." Admirers of
Thomas, will criticize t h e sometimes
brutal characterization, of Thomas,
his life and his family. His wife,
frankly terms Brinnin's account a
lie. On the whole, however, students
in English and related fields owe it
to themselves not to miss w h a t may
develop to be t h e controversial
bDok of t h e year in t h e intellectual
circles. Told in an honest, forthright manner, this autobiography of
sorts paints an amazing picture, a n d
one t h a t will stay with t h e reader a
long time.
Kim states t h a t his experience
here h a s been of invaluable aid to his
teaching, a n d upon completion of
his education here, he will r e t u r n
to Korea and a t t e m p t to improve
Admirers of t h e spoken word will
his country's education a d m i n i s t r a enjoy the many recordings t h a t
T h o m a s h a s made reading his own
works. They are well done, the
sound is good, and Dylan T h o m a s
makes his poetry spring to life in
Associate Editors Issue Report
On Collegiate Press Conference
Outing Club
Plans Excursion
bwc f>ta*e!
Magazine of the Month
Tne new magazine of the m o n t h
is The National Review, "a weekly
journal of c u r r e n t opinion." It is
designed to present t h e conservative
side on current issues, which is in
itself not a bad idea, b u t as i.s so
often the case in political m a g a zines, it goes so far oil to one side,
t h a t the result is w h a t can only be
termed a somewhat perverted and
illogual viewpoint on everything
from politics to homosexuality. T h e
editor is William Buckley, who
achieved some sort of a success as
an educational theologian in m a t ters concerning Yale
some time ago. It seems to be anything from against t h e League of
Women Voters to Geneva, t h e Eisenhower administration, a n d of
course, "liberals." T h e word liberal,
covers a multitude of sins and e n compasses anyone who voted for
either party's presidential c a n d i d a t e
since 1940. To help in explaining
what a liberal is, a n "expose" is
published each week titled "The
Liberal Line," to keep us informed
on their activities, which they clearly regard as somewhat subversive.
It docs have some kind words to
say about a few Democrats. In one
issue they offer a weak apology for
one Eugene Talmadge, an ex-govcrnor of Georgia who achieved some
notoriety as demagogue about twenty years ago. The magazine seems
destined to fall captive, as so many
other conservative measures have,
to illogical viewpoint, and fascist
tendencies. No one will doubt the
need for a conservative journal, but
it is not as desperate as T h e National
al Review would have us think. The
Hearst papers still seem to be publishing. T h e advice is to read these,
the arguments seem to be a little
more valid there, t h a n in ' (he N a lional Review.
The meeting on busines m a n a g e ment gave us a clue as to how to
obtain more national ads. Maybe
with these and more money from
S t u d e n t Association we can continue
our eUht pages.
New Recordings
T h e r e are some bi nilllill records
In th:' discussion on College Press on the market this m o n t h , which
and the Administration t h e discus- should not be overlooked. Beethosion moved rapidly into an appraisal ven's most controversial work, and
of faculty advisors. Surprisingly it I believe his most significant, "The
was discovered t h a t a few of the Eroicn Symphony" h a s been released
large dailys had faculty supervision in a magnificent rendition by Bruno
and even more surprisingly t h e stu- Walter on RCA Victor. As in t h e
dents Irian one University in par- case ol most new records, you m i g h t
ticular defended them as a necessity. have to hunt around to find the
However the large majority deemed n a m e of the work on the album,
Ihem unnecessary. On the panel and indeed you m i g h t like the alwhich led t h e discussion were three bum better t h a n the record, when
laculty representatives. In one in- you finally play it, but it is well
stance the advisor from Wayne Uni- worth any listening effort. For opversity inferred t h a t t h e students, era lovers, RCA's recording of Carwho in a year will be out in the men and Aida will reaffirm your
world, are not sufficiently aware of loyalty as nothing else can. T h e
responsibility to accept t h e task of spoken word is well represented in
publishing a paper. T h i s same idea an Rt'A re-recorded version of Oliwas parroted by the s t u d e n t s from v e r ' s "Hamlet" and "Henry IV." Tosthe University of Miami.
eannini enthusiasts can rejoice over
a new two-record album ol his orHowever, most s t u d e n t s present chestra favorites. Music lovers who
did not follow this line of reasoning rediscovered Chabrier's " E s p a n a " lust
and the debate had become intense week when If was played in line
yet quiet when the meeting was fashion by the All S t a t e Orchestra
forced lo close due to time.
can find a good recording ol it on
Again as at oilier conferences Mercery. Capitol's recording of the
Stale College can feel proud t h a t Beethoven "Violin Concerto" is the
our administration respects t h e m a - finest I have yet heard. T h e sound
turity unci intellect of its .students is excellent on all of records,
to allow them freedom to guide their and they should make line Christmas presents.
own activities.
By THOMAS SMITH '57, Feature Editor
Dearie—do you remember when? time. T h e News was s t a r t e d in 1916
T h i s week we have searched t h e a n d t h e first issue c a m e out on O c files from t h e beginnings of t h e tober 4 of t h a t year.
S t a t e College News u p t o t h e present
T h e first paper carried this q u o t able quote: "When t h e sun goes
down on Delmar, life begins in Albany." T h a t year also saw t h e l a r g (Continued from Page Jh Column l>) est frosh class u p to t h a t time—330.
a m happy to take this opportunity O n e of t h e Kolletch Kolyum conto wish all of you a very blessed tributions was;
"And t h e n I'll teach, teach, teach
Christmas. Those of you who have
T e n p e r is all I hope to reach.
worked hard t h u s far in t h e college
I t costs nine dollars t o board
year deserve the relaxation and m e r T h a t leaves me one, good Lord
r i m e n t the Yuletide vacation brings.
I'll need to save for fifty years
Best wishes for a very Happy New
To buy me a Ford."
Year, too!
Since t h a t time t h e t e n per h a s
William S. Carlson,
gone u p a n d I would venture it
would take a little longer t h a n fifty
To t h e Editor:
Not since Justine a n d Candide
W h e n t h e United S t a t e s entered
have I enjoyed such poignant irony the war, m a n y of t h e students left
as t h a t found in the lead editorial to volunteer for officer duty; one
of t h e News, December 2, 1955. A of these m e n was Eldred Potter, who
minor satirical masterpiece, effectu- died in t h e service.
ally heightened by contrasting fragT h e "roaring twenties" saw t h e
m e n t s of realism.
organization of a S t a t e Humor M a g Appreciatively yours.
azine which was warned against u s Richard Parker '57.
ing t h e popular topic of t h a t time—
prohibition. T h e cover carried a picTo t h e Editor:
ture of a foaming glass of beer.
Open letter to Student Assoeiation— Their motto was: "Without the p r e t This Friday inaugurates the c a m - zel t h e kick is lost." About the s a m e
paign for Winterlude.
Publicity, year there appeared in the news a n
bids, special advertising and the ad for Socket Shoes. T h e ad advised
music of Tommy Tucker all will a p - " t h a t if ladies would only use j u s t
pear today to remind you t h a t J a n . 6 ordinary discretion they wouldn't
is drawing near.
have to worry about their arches.'
We've done a geat deal of work in These shoes were nifty little n u m the past few weeks for this dance. bers with round toes which laced
We think you'll like the S h a k e r halfway up the leg. They weren't
Ridge Country Club. I'm a native endorsed for formal occasions, b u t
Albanian, and consider it one of the carried tremendous possibilities for
best available locations for a formal ordinary wear around campus. I n
t h a t I've seen in the area. Granted 1924, through the efforts of t h e
you may feel it's quite a way from State College News, a Directory
here, but actually it's no farther Board was elected, and in 1925 a
t h a n the Circle Inn, where last survey was conducted by t h e News
year's Winterlude was held.
concerning girls smoking. T h e comWe believe t h a t in Tommy Tuckc. m e n t s ranged from "it looks like
we have the best available band t h a t the deuce" to "it's just more e x we could afford. Last year we step- pense to t h e men."
ped up the ladder and brought to
T h e "30s" seemed to be a r a t h e r
you a name band, and this year we
cynical age, as evidenced by some
are following the same procedure.
To me, Winterlude h a s always of the articles appearing in t h e
been " t h e " dance at school. I'd like News at this time. Complaining
to see it continue t h a t way. But, in about t h e lack of spirit in t h e S o p h the final analysis, what I think omore class, one s t u d e n t suggested
doesn't count. W h a t you think is t h a t t h e Prom be held in the Activities Office and music be provided
w h a t really matters.
As has so often happened this by the College Victrola. T h e idea
year. I find myself in the position of having a personal interview as
of saying, "It's up to you". T h e an admission requirement was also
question of whether or not Winter- brought forth at this time. T h e
lude is a success now passes from Class of 1942 was the first class s u b our hands to yours. We've done ject to this process.
To accommodate t h e returning
everything possible to make this
dance what we think you'll like. GI's from World W a r I I , the B e n e We've got our fool in the door; all volent Association of S t a t e College
you have to do i.s open it the rest purchased a new dorm in 1946. T o day this dorm is Van Derzee Hall.
of the way!!! T h a n k s .
As for the fifties I thought I
Co-Chairman, Winterlude
would leave it for posterity.
Dick Tlnapp
Communications . . .
Class Presidents Announce Plans
For Annual January Banquets
Class officers announce the plans types of graduation speakers, a n d
for the annual class banquets which the final a r r a n g e m e n t s will be m a d e
by Sigmund Smith, President, a n d
are to be held J a n u a r y 7.
Evan R. Collins, President of t h e
T h e class of '56 will hold their college. G r a d u a t i o n a n n o u n c e m e n t s
banquet this year at O'Connor's were also chosen. This year the class
Restaurant, announces Mary Brezny, will buy the a n n o u n c e m e n t s from
C h a i r m a n . Tickets will go on sale Bastian Brothers, and the procedure
this Monday.
for ordering them will be given in
A! a class meeting Tuesday night the near future.
in Brubacher the Seniors discussed
Herbert's will be t h e location of
the class of '57 banquet, announces
Michael Maxian, Vice-President. T h e
exact cost of t h e tickets will be d e cided on in a class meeting this
Tuesday a t 10 a.m. in Rcxim 200.
T h e speaker for the banquet will be
The All College Revue Committee Lothar Schultze, Assistant Professor
announces that an original script of Science.
has been chosen for this year's production. "It's a Social Thing," by states t h a t the banquet of the class
Richard Beaudin '57, goes into re- of '58 will take place at Jack's Oyhearsal Immediately following the ster House, 42 S t a t e Street. Edward
C h r i s t m a s vacation with tryouts lor Sargent, Assistant Professor of Edsingers and actors scheduled for ucation, will be the speaker. T h e
Tuesday and Wednesday, J a n u a r y price of tickets will be $1.75.
;i ant. 4, at Brubacher, beginning
T h e class of '59 will hold their
promptly at 7 p i n . Interested m e m - banquet at P a n e l t a ' s R e s t a u r a n t In
oers ol all classes are urged to try Menands. Tickets will go on sale
and Thursday,
anBeaudin will direct this year's nounces David Youst, Class Viceshow which will feature original President T h e price is to be decidmusic by Jack El'tle and Christian ed on in class meeting this Tuesday.
Behr, Sophomores. The show is Paul Bruce Pettit, Associate Professcheduled to be presented in Pitgt sor of English, has accepted t h e
speaking position.
Hull on March I).
Committee Picks Script
For All-College Revue
Ped Cagers Travel To Face Harpur College Friday;
Sauersmen To Play Oneonta State Teachers Saturday
State Downs New Paltz 92-58;
Gary Holway Scores 28 Points
. . . Ped ft tabled. . . .
Looking back on last year's dismal
two wins and sixteen defeats of t h e
1954-55 basketball squad, it is h a r d
to picture State having as bad a
record this year. With improvem e n t s m a d e in all d e p a r t m e n t s , the
Peds have opened what looks to be a
wining basketball season. S t a t e o u t scored their opponents by t h i r t y t h r e e points this weekend, and only
missed having two wins by one
I n last Friday's
m a t c h e d contest, State lost mainly
because the boys from R P I were a
little hot on the foul line. It's not
in every game t h a t a t e a m makes
72 per cent of their foul shots, but
Varsity Bowlers
Bow To Siena;
Drop To Fourth
State's varsity bowling team was
blanked for the second consecutive
time last Tuesday evening to fall
into fourth place in the" Albany
District Inter - Collegiate Bowling
League. This week it was t h e Siena
I n d i a n s who waved the whitewash
brush over the locals. Again a C a r pentier this time Dave who proved
to be the culprit as far as t h e
S t a t e s m e n were concerned.
week Paul Carpentier, brother of
Dave, of R P I , rolled a new high
single of 235 to set a new high for
the season and lead the Engineers
to a 5-0 win over State. This week
brother Dave clobbered the woods
for a sparkling 256 game to head the
attack of the Indians.
Lose By Few Pins
Despite losing all five points the
Peds had two respectable games
which they lost by only a few pins.
In the first contest the local quintet
put together an 872 total, only to
lose out when Siena came up with
a n 889 game. In the second encounter they slumped to 782 while
their opponents were racking up 884.
T h e finale, however, was t h e real
heartbreaker as the locals, led by
Joe Clement's 204, came up with an
854 game but were second best to
the Indians who had but eleven pins
more, 865. Siena captured the two
points for total pinnage, hitting
2578 to the Peds' 2518.
t h a t ' s w h a t R P I did Friday, S t a t e
m a d e 62 per cent of its fouls, which
is nothing to laugh about. I n S a t u r day's game, the Peds hit for 56 per
cent of tseir fouls, while New Paltz
could only m a n a g e to hit for 48 per
cent of their fouls, while New Paltz
was not t h a t tight t h a t fouls could
have m a d e a difference. Another imp o r t a n t factor in the improvement
of S t a t e this year is the addition of
Gary Holway to the roster. In two
games, this boy scored 42 points, and
by the looks of things, h e T j scoring like t h a t in future games.
Dempster's Injury May H u r t
It's not only in the a p p e a r a n c e of
Gary Holway t h a t an improvement
has been shown, but t h e entire team
looks well organized on the court.
In the R P I game, Don Mayer, Jack
Miuon. and Denny Dempster were
o u t s t a n d i n g as was Holway. In S a t urday's game, J o h n Rockwood, Lew
Carr, Sig Smith, and Holway were
outstanding, though all of the boys
played well. One t h i n g t h a t may
h u r t the squad at this point is the
injury of the speedy playmaker,
Denny Dempster. Denny's leg inJury may keep him en" the squad for
six weeks, which m e a n s he will miss
at least five games. Conch Sauers i;
hoping he r e t u r n s before six weeks,
ut that's one of the "break" of basketball.
J.V .'s
I'nlon Frosh
1 6 8 Walker
11 2 24
3 !l D u n c k e r
0 3 3
0 0
2 1 3
l 1 0 San Fillppo
n 2 2
•i 6 14 M a t h e r
3 1 7
0 0 0 Flanagan
l 0 2
1 :i 5 M y e r
3 2 8
0 (i 1) Le w is
2 3 7
1 3
(1 () n
•n 14 SO
11 25 47
J.V ,'s
FO 1'' T
2 0 4
9 11 t!l!
0 0
7 ft 19
i) f> 23
0 0 0
Tib bets
ri (1 (1
ii 0 (1
l (1 2
• attarl
•I 1
2 (1
2 0
4 5
1 i
Ii 2
7 3 17
3D IS 75
Sauersmen Lose
Season Opener
Via Foul Failure
BIG I'ED—A n e w c o m e r t o t h e Ped h o o p • *."r:'—::n:! t h e his m a n t h u s f a r — I s G a r y
through the nets.
J V Hoopsters
Stata College's varsity basketball
team opened its 1955-56 season last
Friday night a t the Union Fieldhouse opposing R P I in one game of
an inaugural tripleheader. It was
a sad opening for S t a t e fans, as the
Peds lost a squeaker, 52-51.
It was not the size of the court
which caused State's loss, but the
two deciding factors were R P I ' s accuracy from the foul line, and the
Peds failure of not getting the ball
Last Friday a t the Union Field to Gary Holway more often. Holway
had scored ten points in the first
House Gym, the Albany J.V.'s lost half, but had to settle for four in
their first game to the Union Frosh the entire second half.
Drop 2 Openers
by a score of 56-45. Despite the lack
S t a t e otitscored the
of height, Albany never was too far from Ihi' floor by one basket, but
from the foul line, RPI sank 18 of
behind. Mike Flahive was tops with 25 a t t e m p t s , and S t a t e stink 15 out
14, while Ron Graves and Bob of 24.
It was a good game throughout,
Fierro had H and 9 respectively.
and t h a t small difference on the
S a t u r d a y night at Page Hall, the foul line resulted in S t a t e losing by
a shade.
J.V.'s dropped their second in a row,
but by 1 point to the Roxy Swan's,
of the first half, the Albanians ral-
1U*OH<f It/ay
lied only to lose in t h e last 10 seconds. Bob Fierro <2fii, Mike Flahive
high men
for the losers, while N.
Bottari was high
with 17.
0 4 Hasenbalg
8 14 Wessel
4 II D e L u c a
1 7 Kabler
0 4 Pazanl
II 2 Molla
I) II U m g e l t e r
•I 12
0 4
4 5
3 5
1 3
3 I
0 II
5 51
Veterans Team Takes
Lead In I M Bowling
'I lie m a t c h did serve its purpose
by giving tlie squad sonic very badly
needed c x p u i o n c c . Another thing
Hint interesting to note, was
that even niter being pinned during the m a t c h tlie Peel grapplers
asked to let the match continue so
thai they could gel more experience
Some of the boys even requested
two m a t c h e s so they could get flic
leel of actual competition, Tills indicates t hat the team has the spirit
to win so thai Willi a little experii ncc and some team depth Ihe
inatmen ol S i . r e could definitely
give their opponents n good match
lor their money
T h e Peds are
K'l cduled i'i meet Brooklyn Tech
tonight, while tomorrow an all-day
wrestling chine will he ueid at Ihe
1 N'l>i;n:.VIT:i>—Vil to l u n l r i l i f i u l In
I u I I jeitri. of w r c a t l i n i I* W a y n e H a r v e y .
Dempster Injured
S t a t e slowed down as the third
quarter opened, and the Hawks, led
by Miller, began to close State's
lead. Their threat didn't last long,
however, as Sig Smith began to hit
from the outside, and J o h n Rookwood and Holway added a few
[joints from the foul line. It was
in this quarter t h a t Denny D e m p s ter, the play maker of the team,
skidded and injured his leg. He was
carried from the court, and may be
lost to the team for six weeks.
Denny's injury didn't stop the
Peds' scoring, however. In fact, it
may have been an incentive to their
last quarter spurt. Coach Sauers
substituted his entire bench in the
last ten minutes, in order to give
his starters a rest. Lew Carr added
ten points to the score sheet in the
last quarter, to make his total for
the night, 13. From the foul line,
S t a t e sank 32 out of 57. while the
Hawks hit for 15 of 31.
IM Basketball
December 10
1:30 Potter—Sayles Sabres
2:30 Vnnderzee—Wheatios
3:30 Vets—VIP's
December 12
7:30 SLS-—Kappa Beta
9:30 Finks—Raiders
December 14
7:30 V e t s - Sayles Sabres
8:30 VDZ—Seinops
9:30 Zooirls—VIP's
I M Bowling
December 8
P o t t e r — K a p p a Beta
Alpha Pi Alpha - S L S
Ridge - S u m m i t
APAches- G u t t e r s
December 15
Sigma Lambda Siuma KB
V e t v - P o t t e r Club
Summit — APAches
January 5
Vets—Sigma Lambda Sigma
APA—-Kappa Beta
Sayles—Poller Club
APAches Commuters
last year and Coach Sauers is expecting to employ h i m a lot this
season. . . . T h e school spirit displayed at S a t u r d a y night's game was
certainly a welcome relief from the
declining spirit displayed in the last
couple of years. Now t h a t we have
a great team, along with the necessary school spirit, perhaps more
steps will be t a k e n to schedule
State's game somewhere other t h a n
the Page bandbox. . . . By the way,
did you notice how cool the atmosphere got starting at the second
half? We'd swear one of the players seemed almost frozen. Yes,
many are cold but few are frozen.
. . . It's our sincerest hope t h a t this
trial run of the eight page News is
put into practice in the near future.
If it becomes a reality, this departm e n t will share in the expansion to
Ihe tune of one page. This will give
us a greater opportunity to give you
a wider coverage of tlie sport's
scene at State. We'd like to make
one point, however. We are badly
understaffed and need more writers. Anyone interested in writing
sports stories is asked to contact
Ihis writer al the Publications Office Tuesday or Wednesday night
or write via student mail. . . . Nolice the schedule listed below in the
wrestling story. Perhaps it may
come as news to some that the m a t men are wrestling on a varsity basis this season. It would prove a very
interesting and enjoyable time for
those who have never seen a college
wrestling match before as well as
those who have had Ihe opportunity
to see one. . . . All you skiing enthusiasts arc asked to check the
college calendar. There will be three
daily sessions of dry skiing on Dorm
Field. It should prove to be quite
a gathering. . . . A lew predictions
for what they arc worth. Potter Club
will run away with the IM baskethall league while an experienced
and determined Veterans team will
stave off F r a t e r n i t y Wds to win the
IM bowling crown. . . .
l u n i l almve
(ra|i|ilei —
WAA a n n o u n c e s the opening of a
m o d e r n d a n c e class conducted by
Mrs. Coogan, Instructor of Physical
Education. T h i s class, which will begin Tuesday, will meet each T u e s day in t h e Commons a t 4 p.m. Girls
are requested to wear sneakers and
something comfortable.
Playday Tomorrow
S t a t e will play host to Skidmore
and St. Rose Saturday at 10 a.m.
in t h e Page Hall gym. A luncheon
will be held following the basketball games. T h e playday is u n d e r
the general c h a i r m a n s h i p of Mary
Ann S c h l o t t h a u b e r and Andi Arvantides. Committees a r e : food, Lee
Hazeltine, reception, P a t Gearing,
name tags, Sylvia Stoker, and a r r a n g e m e n t s , Alice Lockwood.
In the first league basketball
games of t h e season, Bru I I I defeated Psi G a m m a , 36-11. Chi Sigma T h e t a downed BZ, 25-20, and
the Chi Sig Motleys, clad in their
uniforms of latest fashion, beat
G a m m a K a p , 16-13. in the final
game of t h e evening.
Rock Retains Crown
In Table Tennis Finals
Bill Rock, once again showing his
power with the paddle, defeated
Harry Millett for tlie second year in
a row to retain his T a b b l e - t e n n i s
Rock, who had defeated F r a n
Nancetti in t h e semi-finals, took
Harry in straight games of 21-18.
23-21. Millett had previously overcome Schwager to earn the right to
meet Rock.
At the oilier end of the double
elimination tourney. Carl Maxson
and Dick Oliphant await their final
In t h e doubles final Bob Bloomer
and K e n Kime are pitted against
Randlev Dudley and Carl Maxson.
Team Ii iliauiu, I.cgaiilf and
Al Stephensoni finished the last ol
Ihe shutouts wllh a sweep over All
Plalnlck, Hill Mchwiiger and Hemic
Theobold Stephenson was high in
the mutch with 4711.
ing played.
In t h e Albany League, Potter Club
opened t h e season by routing t h e
Veterans by a score of 82-33. Experience and good ball handling e n abled t h e S t a t e Street t e a m to coast
to an easy victory. S a n d y Bernstein,
last year's J u n i o r varsity star, led
the winners, scoring w i t h seventeen
points. He was closely followed by
Tito Guglielmone with sixteen while
Al Lederman, Dave S t a r k and Bill
Lindberg also hit double figures.
Al Kouba with ten points led the
losers while Dick Wemple scored
eight. Sayles Hall toppled K a p p a
Beta, 71-26. Bob Sischo with sixteen
points took the scoring honors for
Sfxobt Spotlight
Jackson who dropped in eight points
was high m a n for t h e losers.
Rousers Win
I n t h e State League, there were
two games played. T h e Rousers, u n derdogs by virtue of a 28-24 halftime score, staged a second half
rally to cop the victory, 60-42. Ed
Demske, who snapped t h e twines
for 17, was high tnan for the winners while Randy Dudley and Joe
Purcell scored 13 apiece.
Wes Brown and Dick Herodes
scored 14 and 13 respectively for t h e
Tlie Seinops stopped EEP by a
score of 51-38. Joe Zizzi, who played
J V hoop last year, led the winners
with twenty-three points. I r a Goldstein netted 14 for t h e losers while
J a c k T a t e found the r a n g e for 12.
After a short layoff because of VIP's Win
the "in between season" t h e Sport
Two games were played in the
Spotlight again casts its glow on a Teachers Loop as the VIP's downed
IM performer.
the Raiders and the Sayles Jets
tripped the Zooids. In the first conJ o h n Zidik, stalwart bowler in tho test Pete Barbagelata hit for twenty
S t a t e College kegling circle, is this points followed by Lou Delsignore
week's choice. Bowling for his frat and Fran Nancetti for the VIP's
team, SLS, J o h n came up with win. Norm and Charles Strite and
a resounding 552 triple, equivalent Marshall Sternberg led the scoring
to a 184 average. By his feats the for the losers.
South Lake frat was able to stave
In a low scoring game Sayles Jets
off a Potter bid for a clean sweep
outscored the Zooids, 33-26. G a r r i of their match.
son Lewis led the winners, scoring
nine points while Bell McChire
Zi/./.i Second
scored nine points, over half the
Joe Zi/./.i, hoopster for the Sienops, points for the losers.
is up in t h e runner up spot for his
T h e r e were many spectators a t
showing against EEP. Joe dropped the opening games and it is hoped
in a total of t w e n t y - t h r e e of the many more students will turn out
team's 51 points. Not only was his for these contests. Games are played
scoring the best of the week but his on Monday and Wednesday nights
rebounding and defensive play was starting at 7:30 p.m., and on S a t u r excellent.
day afternoons.
Schedules for all three games a p Congratulations J o h n and Joe for
pears elsewhere on this page.
an outstanding performance.
u to order your <*
! wlnicri are on display
Drawings will he held Wednesday
W E have a wonderful array
for your selection - the finest
in years - beautiful cards by
leading makers, including the
popular cards by W h i t e &
Stop in the
Cay cards, dignified cards,
curds of real quality — for
people in every walk of life
are all here.
alters lire all smiles as (hey face t h e
SMII.K P R E T T Y — T h e newly e l e c t e d C h e e r l e
llle; Sylvia l l n l l e l , llcv lluss. I l c l t u m
camera. Top niw—llrv Wylam, Mummer
Sully H u r l e r . Missing;—.Marie Carbolic.
niH—(ia.vlc I ' e t l y , Marifc Weni|>li\ C i n d y Willis.
State Swimming Club
Begin|[ Organization
All persons interested in Joining a
swimming club arc again reminded
to add their signature on tlie signup
sheet which is posted on t h e AMIA
bulletin board. One likewise appears
on the WAA board lor flic female
Aquatics. S t u d e n t s arc also asked
to either signup for the instructional or Ihe competitive phase of Ihe
T h e club will begin operations as
soon as all those Interested have
signed the sheet.
Joe's Barber Shop
53 N. Lake Ave,
Near Washington Ave
We Aim To Please
Gerald Drug Go.
217 Western Ave.
Albany, N. V.
Phone 0-8C10
to the holder of
i ; W r t tSr / / . - I I
( iirncr O n t a r i o &
I Christmas Cards
Nswly Formed Kegling
League Begins Rolling
( Icnionts Itolls 577
'I he combination ol Fred Willi,
Bruce Wise and Joe Clements found
I lie going nil her easy as I hey downed Ihe I n o of Joe Hwieivowski, Jerry
Stickle and Dick Wemple by a 4-0
count. This match displayed the
night's best kegling as Clements hit
577 with Ihe aid ol a big 222 nightcap. T e a m m a t e Willi rolled a 526
and Wise a 511 lo aid Clements.
Dick Wemple ended up Willi a respectable 542.
It's not too late!
5 II llas.siiiitter
3 1
4 II Uucklev
I I Miller
Ii 211 M u r p h y
II 23 G o d w i n
I :i K i n g
I) (1 S n r e o
I) 4 Cecere
II 2 U n v i d u w l i / .
3 13 D o r a n
Jan 7 MIT
311 32 112
21 111 58
I'd) I I Oswego
tell 17 l'a II I Smith
fob, IK ( l a r k s o n
I'd). 25 Tail I Smith
All Invited
Coach C a r d i states thai ill home
T h e newly organized State Coli Hatches are held a t Page
;e Gvm
and all are invited to attend, 1'lie lege Men's Bowling League got unassistant coach is Bob Dreher 111(1 der way Sunday as six t h r e e - m a n
teams began rolling at Rice's alleys.
the m a n a g e r Is Ken Kadet.
In first week competition, 'Team 1,
consisting of Tom Sullivan, Dean
C u n n i n g h a m and Jim Sweet got oil
l" a bad start by losing all lour
points to Ihe .Second Team Mario
Scal/.i. Gary1 Adelson, and John
Zidik, Sweei led ihis match with a
480 triple bin conceded individual
honors to John Zidik who covered
the wood lor a 11)2 opener.
I'HIIS r.tcr Brooklyn
Thi! (iarciaini'ii are also scheduled
to la e Ihe following t e a m s :
Dec. !) Brooklyn Tech. Away
II E ,\ V V W I! I l l H I ' — I'll
Dec. 10 All Day Clinic Homo
S t a l e ' s lllllgl'll heiiv) iti'lghl
Doc. 15 Itl'l
Hi. inn iiio|i|i.
Well, t h e basketball season just
got u n d e r way Friday, b u t from all
indications t h u s far it seems t h a t
it will be a great year—something
new and different. T h e new blood
injected in t h e team via t h e m e n torship position and a new face or
two on t h e squad seems to have
brought about a favorable change.
Let's' just hope our optimism is justified. . . . We would like to extend
our apologies to Lew Carr, whose
n a m e was inadvertently left out of
last week's cage story. Lew, the 3
foot 6 inch Albany product, played
a big p a r t in State's basketball play
Mrs. Coogan
Intramural Basketball Year Opens
Begins Class In With Six Games Last Week
T h e I M basketball season was i n - t h e winners. Jim Gilbert, J a c k O r m s Modern Dance itiated
last week with six games be- bee a n d Tom Buckley also h i t double figures to insure t h e win, Joe
. . . and cMalujLoy
I loppy
Gri pp who WHS pinned with only
l'a m i n u t e s of the nine minute
inat.'li l:'lt to go. Also handed setbacks were Burt Rounds, Yale
Grayson, and Don Bindruin who
looked verv good. Unable to wrestle
were Bob Bosomworth, who Is out
\ hi a sprained ankle, and Mike Norman who is suffering from a rib
injury. No Ped injuries were reported at tlie close of the match
indicating t h a t the team must be
in pretty good shape.
I'eds (lain Experience
Last Saturday night in the Page
Hall gymnasium, the Peds walloped
the Hawks of New Paltz S t a t e
Teachers College by a score of 92-58.
Prom the opening m o m e n t s of the
game, it was all Albany S t a t e . G a r y
Holway, who wound up with 28
points at the end of the game, d r o p ped the first two points of the game
through the hoop on a lay up shot,
soon after the game was underway.
S t a t e was never behind from t h a t
m o m e n t on. The absence of C a p t a i n
Sig Smith from the starting line up
was no cause lor alarm, as Holway
paced the Peds on oiTense, and Denny Dempster led the way on defense.
Sig, however, did come off the bench
to score twelve points by halftime,
and the Peds led by twenty-one
points at. tell hall'. 50-29.
Varsity Gropplers Lose 1st Match To Williams;
Wayne Harvey Pins Opponent For Sole Win
Wcmple Leads
Anchorman Dick Wemple led the
attack of the luckless Statesmen
with a 540 triple on single games ol
173 182, and 185. Newcomer Al T u t tle '59 was right behind him with a
527 total including games of 189 and
l a s t Saturday the S t a t e College
188, while Joe Clement came out wrestling team was defeated by a
third witli a 517 and captured h U h strong Williams College team at
single honors with 204 in the finale. Wi'liauis. The match, a practice affair, was the first for the newly
formed Ped team.
Harvey Wins
Tlie only match won by the S t a t e
team was won by diminutive Wayne
Harvey who pinned his opponent
On the losing end was Ed WeavT h e IM Bowling scene finally got
under way last Thursday with last er wild lost on points as well as Bill
year's champs APA, finding t h e m selves overwhelmed by a strong new
Veterans team.
T h e "A" loop victors last year.
Potter Club,, also found the going
a little rough as they were forced to
split with SLS, 2-2. KB downed
Sayles 3-1 in the final "A" m a t c h .
T h e "500 Circle" for Die first week
included J o h n Zidik 15531, Dick
Wcmple 1528), Bernie Thobold i510i,
Joe Ketchum '503i and Prod Willi
In tiic
division APAchos
downed Ridge, 4-0, Gutters took
three from the Rousers and the
C o m m u t e r s found themselves blocked by .Summit. Bob Sischo set the
puce ill tills loop with a 477 triple
Theobold Hits Top Single
High singles lor the day included
a 213 by Bernie Theobold and a I HI)
in tile lower loop by Hischo
(Because of I he Wednesday night,
deadline yesterdays results oiild nol
be published, All scores arc those of
the preceedlng wecki.
'Die schedule of
m a t c h e s appears on page seven.
Coach S a u e r s ' hoopsters, h a v i n g shown their power on their h o m e
court, travel to t h e home courts of H a r p u r College and O n e o n t a S t a t e
T e a c h e r s College this week. (Last night, the Peds met Hartwick in t h e
Hartwick gym, but due to a Wednesday night deadline, it was impossible
to get any information on t h a t game for this issue of t h e paper.) T h e
S a u e r s m e n , having lost one game on t h e road, will be out to c h a n g e
their road record for the better, as they meet Harpur at 7:30 tonight,
and O n e o n t a on Tuesday night at the same time in the Oneonta gym.
75-74. TiTiling by eight a t the end
By B O B K A M P F
to see who the Lucky Name is.
You'll bo pleasantly surprised,
too, nt their modest price.
Ask to sec our now box
assortments - the convenient
iffli/ to buy your cords.
News Views:
Supreme Court Outlaws Segregation
O n Public Conveyances In South
The Nation
Big news in the nation this week
Is the recent Supreme Court ruling
regarding segregation. The Supreme
Court ruled that there shall be no
segregation on Interstate travel on
twelve railroad companies, one rail
terminal company and one bus company. This ruling has been hailed
by segregatlonallsts as the beginning of total segregation in the
South. The law does not affect all
parties practicing segregation, and
does not affect segregation in intrastate travel, however, this is one
of the most sweeping rulings issued
by the Supreme Court.
The prospects for an increase in
farm income are just about nil. Most
speculators agree that the farmer
is in for another bad year. Farm
income has dropped from 16 billion dollars in 1952 to an estimated
10 billion dollars in 1956. Most people seem to disregard the plight of
the farmer since he does not begin
to holler until it really starts to
. The Democratic Party
Is not moderately for labor, not
moderately for the small business
men, not moderately for any such
group. We are for them all the way."
How Do I Love Thee?
Love, Peace and Friendship seem
to be the key words in Russia's
woo-woo policy in the Far East.
Objects of her affection? India and
Afghanistan. This policy of big talk
—no wampum seems to work out
satisfactorily for Khrushchev and
Co. People seem to appreciate these
spiritual offerings rather than our
material offerings. This has led to
the increase in U. S. participation
in various affairs held in these
countries. Our exhibits attract more
people than the Russian exhibits.
The Russians, who won't admit dePictured above are members of the NEWS Board and PEDAGOGliL
feat, have withdrawn from several
fairs when the United States has staffs at the Associated Collegiate Press Conference in Detroit. L to r.,
announced its entry. This seems to Marcia Lawrence, Richard Sauer, Dorothy Rasmussen, Carol Ann Luft,
be a good field to work in.
Joseph Swierzowski, Aileen Cochrane, Mary Ann Schlotthauber.
Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, Professor
of English, announces that English
majors and minors in the class of
1957 should consult the bulletin
board on the first floor of Richardson by Tuesday for their assignments during the professional semester.
Dr. Paul Pettit, Associate Professor of English, has been elected
Executive Secretary of the New York
State Theatre Conference and appointed technical editor of Players
At the Foreign Language Teachers' meeting at Union College, Lois
V. Williams, Assistant Professor of
Ancient Languages, gave a featured
talk entitled "Pax Nobiscum: A
Plea for Genuine
Among Teachers of Modern and
Ancient Foreign Languages."
Reno S. Knouse, Professor of Commerce
(merchandising), was a
speaker on the Distributive Education program at the American Vocational Association Convention in
Atlantic City yesterday. The title of
his talk was, "What New York State
Is Doing to Develop Better Instructional Activities and Materials in
Distributive Education."
Middle of the Road?
Moderation does not seem to be
the keynote of the Democratic platform for 1936. Governor G. Mennen
("Soapy") Williams and Governor
Averell Harriman blasted a speech
made by Adlai Stevenson at the
Democratic National
dinner in Chicago last week. Harriman came out with a powerful at-
English Evening
Hears Whitman
The English Evening Committee
will present a Whitman Evening in
the lower lounge of Brubacher Hall
on Thursday, January 19, at 8 p.m.,
announces Vivian C. Hopkins, Professor of English and English Evening Chairman.
Members of the class in Oral Interpretation will give an oral reading, under the direction of Agnes E.
Putterer, Professor of English (theatre), and the State College Chorus
will present an arrangement of "I
Hear America Singing," under the
direction of Karl Peterson, Associate Professor of Music. Sophomore
members of the committee recently
elected are Arlene Birnbaum, Frieda
Cohen, Brenda Erde and Marilyn
An exhibit of the books and pictures commemorating the Centennial
of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass
will be on display in the school library next week.
The purpose of the English Evening is to give members of the English Department and majors in that
field the opportunity to get together
and discuss the literature and drama
of the English language.
Primer Deadline
Set For January
The deadline date for the Primer,
the literary and art magazine of
State College, has been set for January 5, 1050. Anyone may submit
poetry, fiction, and essays to be
printed in the edition.
All work submitted must be typewritten with the name, date, and
class of the person submitting it on
the manuscript, These manuscripts
may be given to Thomas Smith, Edltor-ln-Chief, Maxine Adner, Seniors,
Literary Editor, or placed In the
Primer mailbox in lower Draper.
Anyone Interested In doing urt
work for the magazine is urged to
contact Judy Van Gelder '50, Art
Editor, by student mull or through
the Primer mailbox.
The purpose of the Printer which
will come out In the Spring is to
encourage the creative talent of
students and to issue u publication
that will record the literary and
artistic achievement of Statu College,
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