Document 14064386

Thirty Upperclassmen Turn Out
For Start Of Soccer Campaign
Swiff Scufi
We noticed a young looking guy
at frosh camp and we couldn't figure out whether h e was an older
frosh or a transfer student. The
good looking individual struck us
as a nice easy-going guy. It came as
quite a pleasant surprise to us when
Richard Sauers w a s introduced at
dinner as the new addition to the
Physical Education department and
coach of State's basketball and baseball teams. Later as we approached
t h e navy vet for an interview and
from our talks with a few of the
varsity athletes he'll coach, we
found out our judgments of Coach
Sauers were all true. The young
Slippery Rock Graduate (Class of
'51) and P e n n State Graduate
(Class of '55) is the kind of guy you
c a n approach to talk to, feeling at
ease and knowing that if you ever
have troubles with the game you
c a n sit down and talk it over with
h i m . To quote a varsity eager, "he's
a young guy with good ideas." From
all of us concerned with sports
around State, Coach, it's a hearty
welcome—and we wish you and the
"Sauersmen" all the luck in the
who have any interest at all to
get out there and place your name
on Garcia's growing list of candidates. Even if you've had no high
school experience it's no reason to
sit on the sidelines if there is any
potential in you. In digging through
old scoop sheets of the soccer squad
we've noticed many top notch hooters actually got their start at the
game at Beverwyck under Garcia's
tutelage. There's only one way t'o
show the Coach and yourself whether it's in you or not and that's to
get out there and find out.
Garcia also h a s a n appeal out
for men to become managers and
publicity men for the squad. The
importance of publicity men should
not be under-estimated as no team
can gain a following without men
to spread the word of their feats.
For managers there's also a big
prize in store for your efforts as
they are eligible for the coveted varsity "S" letter.
Eight Missing
From Garcia s
Previous Team
With eight big booters missing
from last year's powerful soccer
squad, Coach Joe Garcia stopped
scratching his head early this week
and began putting a group of a p proximately thirty upper class candidates through daily workouts. A
few new frosh reported but Garcia
expects to see more after the registration and freshman tests are over.
Lindbergs Out
Heading the list of those familiar
faces State fans will not be seeing
this year are John and Bill Lindberg — the
brothers. Bill donned the graduation
LOOK WHAT I GOT, DEAN. Dean Hartley and Bud Smith look cap and gown last June while John
Little Mascot
was lost for academic reasons. In
on as Horace Crandall brings in a boat at Men's Frosh Camp.
John's case—State's loss is Rome's
In case some of you soccer folgain as the younger Lindberg will
lowers are wondering who the dark Penn State Graduates:
be kicking them for the western
complexioned little kid with the
school this season. Last year's other
brown shorts and white T-shirt is
graduates included Don Canonica
stopping those soccer balls at the
Soccer Begins
and Ralph Adams—a couple of topAt present all the State sports post, he's none other than Ken
notch booters. In the case of anenthusiasts are ready to witness the Flories whose back for another seaother pair — Phil Billings and Al
opening soccer game of the year. It son with t h e booters. At the rate
Rocklien—it was a case of Uncle
certainly must have been a long Ken's going now he's going to be
Sam intervening while the loss of
rough summer on Coach Joe Gar- quite an asset to any team he may
The Physical Education staff be- season. S a u e r s ' athletic ability is not
cia as h e waited to see what sort play for. Watch for him before and came enlarged by one recently when limited to t h e cage game however Bob Liermoe and John Pengelly was
of team h e could salvage from last during time outs at State's opener. Richard Sauers began his duties as as evidenced by S.R.'s tennis and due to academic reasons.
year's powerful team which was torn You'll see what we mean.
instructor at State. Sauers, a prod- baseball scorebooks.
Bonesteel Captain
apart by three "S's"—senior, service Varsity Status?
uct of Irwin, Pennsylvania, will also Joins Navy
Heading t h e list of those availand studies. As it turned out the
For all you bowlers and wrestlers assume the job as coach of varsity
After completing his four year able for m u c h soccer action this
score read 3-2-3 respectively. The
and all others—look for the kegling
stay t h e r e he traded his c a p a n d year a r e C a p t a i n Bill Bonesteel a n d
picture seems to be getting a little
and grappling games to become Graduate of Slippery Rock
gown for t h a t of a navy uniform. All-State Honorable Mention T i t o
brighter daily however as last year's
State's fourth and fifth varsity
An u n d e r g r a d u a t e of Slippery Lt. J r . G r a d e Sauers continued his Guglielmone. Several others who
vets and a flock of upperclassmen
status sports this year. You track- Rock T e a c h e r s College, h e g r a d u a t - basketball playing as he coached drew s t a r t i n g positions at one time
have begun getting the kinks out
men also will be pleasantly surpris- ed from t h e Pennsylvania school in a n d played for t h e men in blue.
or a n o t h e r t h r o u g h o u t the season
of their arms and legs after a long
ed to hear- track will be run on a 1951. While a t Slippery Rock h e
After serving forty months with are Al Lederman, Ev Weiermiller,
summer lay-off.
club basis this year and may hit played four years of varsity hoop, Uncle S a m , h e then returned to his "Rebel" Hockmuth, Hollis Tibitts
being elected c a p t a i n in his final home state, enrolling as a s t u d e n t a n d Ed Jones. J o n e s is the booter
At this point we'd like to urge all varsity status next season.
of P e n n State. T h e Class of '55 lists who showed very much promise a s
the young bachelor as one of their a Sophomore a n d r e t u r n s co S l a t e
long list of graduates.
after leaving a semester.
Hathaway to Coach J.V.'s
Merlin H a t h a w a y , Director of Scott Transfers
Another m a n of experience t h a t
Physical Education, will continue his
basketball m e n t o r s h i p as head of the G a r c i a m e n will have is G e n e
State's J.V. cagers while Sauers a s - Scott, a transfer from Hamilton.
O t h e r s out to help a t t e m p t to
sumes his new responsibilites.
duplicate or better last year's fine
5-3-2 record are F r a n Nancetti, Bill
Mason, Bill Gropp, Eric Kippert,
Paul Dammer, Wendell
W a r r e n D u n h a m , Wayne Harvey,
Paul Sloand, T o m Morgan, Carl
Joe Garcia, coach of soccer a t Maxson, Bob Backer, Leo Legault,
soccer a t State, once again h a s put Don Butler, R a y Castillo, Ira Goldout the call for all those interested stein, Bob Bailey, Nils Briska, Bob
to try out for soccer. Besides the Davidson, Larry Culver, Eric Buck,
need for players Garcia finds h i m - Bill Phi tier a n d Wendell Fowler.
self without a n adequate n u m b e r
Scrimmage Williams
of m e n to handle the managerial
T h e squad itself, p u t through two
and publicity end of the squad.
workouts daily prior to the s t a r t of
Workouts arc held daily from yesterday's classes will somewhat
four to .six a n d lockers will be issu- unofficially open their season t o ed to all those interested. Experi- morrow as they travel to Williams
ence in t h e game is not necessary. for a scrimmage tilt. Last year t h e
Follow the lead of your Upperclassmen...Use
"If you have the interest, we have teachers played the Williams squad
the patience," states Garcia. "As of to a 4-4 tie as Al Lederman, Al
now all positions are wide open." Roeklein and J o h n Lindberg a c He also stresses the importance counted for all four goals.
and t h e need of managers a n d also
T h e Peds officially open their
asks those interested to report to c a m p a i g n October 1 as they take
him. This year likewise Garcia h a s on F o r d h a m on a road trip. They
need for publicity men.
r e t u r n to play R P I a t Troy on O c tober 6 and then open a t home in
a tilt with Plattsburg.
Sauers Joins Physical Education
Staff As Cage, Diamond Coach
8:45 - 4:30
9:00 - 12:30
Resolution .
Pennants — Banners — Books
State College Jewelry
— Paper —
Sweat Shirts
Garcia Issues Call
For Players, Aides
School Supplies
Discount On Books Given For Cash Sept. 22
Sept. 28
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5J
his n a m e to be brought up for consideration to t h e legislature for replacement.
RESOLVED, t h a t meetings of the
legislature be open to all o t h e r
m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t Association as
non-voting participants.
RESOLVED, t h a t all nominations
a n d elections bo absentee, unless
o t h e r a r r a n g e m e n t s are made at the
p a r t i c l u l a r time bv the president
of S.A.
RESOLVED, t h a t on petition of
200 m e m b e r s of the S t u d e n t Association, or a t the discretion of the
president of S.A., there shall be an
assembly of the association, at
which each member present will
have a vote.
RESOLVED, t h a t special n o n compulsory, non-business meetings
of assembly of the association.
RESOLVED, that at the beginning
of the second semester, the legislative power of the association will be
revested in the assembly of the association.
Beverwyck Scene of Tilts
For the benefit of all new frosh
and transfers the scene of State's
home soccer games is Beverwyck
Field. T h e October 8 home opener
will also mark the first a p p e a r a n c e
of the Varsity Cheerleaders.
1). of Bridgeport
President W e i comes
Frosh A t Reception
23, 1955
Reception1;Line Includes Students,
Members Of The Administration
' *>**w*nii
30, 1955
X L NO. 15
rtc C CZiinrninnc
Assembly W i l l Consider O - _ . "_ . _ • _ C ' i
Proposed Resolution Today rganiZe
Today in assembly t h e s t u d e n t
body will be able to discuss a n d vote
on the resolution introduced in last
week's assembly. This proposal is
m a d e necessary by the closing of
Page Hall for renovation beginning
October 1. T h e resolution is as follows :
Whereas, the present constitution
of the S t u d e n t Association vests t h e
legislative power of the association
in the h a n d s of the assembly of t h e
Whereas, Page Hall auditorium,
t h e only meeting place available for
t h e assembly of the association, will
not, be available for regular assemblies from October 1 to J a n u a r y 1,
it is therefore,
Resolved, t h a t for the first s e m ester of the academic year 1955-56,
t h e legislative power of t h e association be vested in the h a n d s of t h e
following: the president, vice-president, secretary, and p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n
of S t u d e n t Association who shall be
t h e officers of the legislative body;
one member of each organization
receiving support from the budget
with the exception of S t u d e n t C o u n cil and Myskania; 15 members from
each class, freshman members to be
elected a t the time of their regular
fall elections.
Resolved, t h a t Myskania members
and S t u d e n t Council members, with
the exception of the officers of S t u d e n t Association, shall be non-voting members of the legislature.
Resolved, that two unexcused a b sences on the part of any voting
member of the legislature will cause
his n a m e t o be brought up for consideration to the legislature for r e placement.
Resolved, t h a t meetings of t h e
legislature be open to all o t h e r
members of Student Association as
non-voting participants.
Resolved, t h a t all nominations
and elections be absentee, unless
other a r r a n g e m e n t s are made a t
t h a t particular time by the presid e n t of SA.
Resolved, t h a t on petition of 200
members of the Student Association,
or at the discretion of the president
of SA, there shall be an assembly
of the association, a t which each
member present will have a vote.
Resolved, t h a t .special n o n - c o m -
Editor Solicits
Directory Staff
Helene Shair '56, Editor of flu'
State College Directory,
that there will be a meeting of all
those interested in working on the
Directory, tomorrow a t 11 a.m. in
Brubacher Hall.
All those win) would like to s u b mil, entries lor the cover of I he
Directory are urged lo have them
in by Wednesday, October 12. The
dimensions of the cover must be
•1', " wide and 7 V long, T h e cover
should also carry I he Senior colors
yellow and while. "N.Y.S.C.T.
Directory" and the college year
(1955-561 must also appear. All e n tries must be submitted to Miss
Shair via Student Mail.
These entries will be Judged by
a committee consisting of both faculty and students.
A copy of last year's cover will be
posted on the Student Council bullet in board to serve as a guide for
(.hi.-, year's cover. This Directory will
contain the names, addresses and
phone numbers of all State's s t u d e n t s this year.
U , U , I J
Tonight in the lower lounge at Brubacher the administration and student leaders will officially welcome the
class of '59. The Junior Guides will escort the freshmen
to the Annual President's Reception as the concluding
feature of the guide program.
The receiving line will be headed by Dr. Evan R.
> President of the College, and Mrs. Collins, followed
by Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the College, and Mrs. Lanford. The line will also include: Nancy Schneider and
Joseph Taggart, Co-Chairmen of Junior Guides; Robert
Betscha '56, President of Student
Association, Sara Jane Duffy, President of the Class of '57; and Sigmund Smith, President of the Class
of '56. The receiving line will i n clude more s t u d e n t s this year in
contrast to last year's almost exclusive administration line.
Gremlin Pro/ecf
pulsory, non-business meeting of the
assembly of t h e association m a y be
B r u b a c h e r Hall will be t h e scene
called from time to time by the
t h e first d a n c e sponsored by t h e
president of the association.
f r e s h m a n class, a n n o u n c e Marjorie
Resolved, t h a t a t t h e beginning
of the second semester, the legisla- Kelleher a n d Joseph Kelly, Seniors,
tive power of t h e association will be class g u a r d i a n s . T h e "Beanie Ball"
revested in the assembly of the will be held tomorrow night from 8
to 11 p.m. in t h e m a i n dining room
of t h e dormitory.
To avoid overcrowding, t h e freshmen will be received alphabetically
according to t h e s u r n a m e s of their
guides. They will meet the President
a t the following times: A - G from 3
to 8:30 p.m.; H - P from 8:30 to 9
p.m.; and Q-Z a t 9 p.m. Faculty
and G r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s are also i n vited to attend.
Music for t h e dance will be pro-
Debate Council vided by Clyde Payne's Pedcats.
Informal dress is recommended for
Receives Frosh;the evening.
General c h a i r m a n is J o h n Yager
C o m m i t t e e s coordinated under
Names Coach '59.
the general c h a i r m a n a r e : publicity,
Debate Council will hold its first
function of the year in a reception
for freshmen and any upperclassmen who are interested in debate,
discussion, a n d other forensic ac
tivities. T h e reception will be held
on Wednesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. in
£ e _ u p p e r ^ " S . 0 ! ? ™ ^ * !r. All
those who are interested are invited
to a t t e n d .
T h e new debate coach this year is
Mr. Clyde Reeves, formerly of t h e
University of Illinois and St. Lawrence University.
T h e new officers of Debate Council this year a r e : Phyllis Lyeth '56,
Clifford '57,
Vice-President; Barbara Salvatore
'56, Recording Secretary; Judy Vimmerstedt '56, Corresponding Secretary; a n d Shirley Allen '57, T r e a s urer. Members of the Council are
Phyllis Bialow, J e a n Hageny, and
S a n d r a Schecter, Seniors.
Tail K a p p a Alpha, the National
Honorary Society, has
elected t h e following new officers:
Phyllis Bialow '56, President, and
'57, SecretaryTreasurer.
T h e purposes of Debate Council
arc to promote debate on this
campus and to facilitate friendly
competition with other colleges. Deb ( U e C o u n c i l a l s 0 n c t s i n .,„ l l d v i s
ory capacity to high school debate
'fan K a p p a Alpha promotes inter. sts in speech among the students
of the college, and to stimulate a c livify in national and regional tourn a m e n t s of the fraternity, and to
foster a respect for, and an appreciafion of. freedom of speech as a
vilal element of democracy.
chainmanned by Robert Fox; e n t e r t a i n m e n t , J a m e s Owens; and Nancy
Wilson; decorations, G r u n n a Cohen; refreshments, Patricia Ireland;
n a m e tags, David Yausd, freshmen.
A d m i t t a n c e to t h e dance is r e stricted to t h e Class of '59.
Eleven New Members Serve On
College Faculty For 55-56 Year
Eleven new members have joined
the faculty r a n k s for the coming
year. Eight of these are on the
College faculty while three m e m bers a r e on the"Milne School staff.
Clyde Reeves, Assistant Professor
of English, is also the new Debate
Coach. Reeves received his B.A. in
Radio Speech and an M.A. in
Speech from Temple University in
t a u g h t a t St. Lawrence University.
Another addition to the English
D e p a r t m e n t is Harold F. Zindell.
Zindcll received his B.A. from Centre College of Kentucky and his
M.A. from T e a c h e r s ' College, Columbia
University. A native of
Brooklyn, Zindell was an E d u c a tional Advisor with the Air Force
in London. He h a s also served as a
teacher a n d Dean of S t u d e n t s at
file C e n t r a l High School in Bushy
P a r k near London.
Replacing Miss C a t h e r i n e E. Newbold, Assistant Professor of Social
Studies, who was awarded a Fullbright S c h o l a r s h i p to Holland, is
Donald E. Leidel. Leidel received his
B.A. from Wayne University in D e troit a n d his M.A. from the University of Michigan. Prior to his n p p o i n t m e n t a t Slate, Leidel had a
Blue Jays Poised To Snatch Green
Gremlins Into Diversified Activities
Eager eyes are now focused on a
big day at Slate College- Activities
Day, S a t u r d a y , October 8. Come prepared for a confusing, crazy, mixed
up. yet enjoyable event. Those in
the dark will get all the Info a t
an assembly in Page Gym a l 9:30, Saturday morning. Approximutely
thirty organizations
backing the day's fun; represenlalives from each group will give
brief, inclusive talks about their
activities. Wander over lo lower
HllHled to see some gay booths, open
al 10:30 a.m. Al the 12::i() p.m. b a n uer ceremony, the senile Seniors
will present the coveted It'll, pen-
Student Union Board will serve
refreshments a t t h e reception u n d e r
the direction of Rosemary S a n t o nicola '58, C h a i r m a n of the r e freshment committee. P u n c h and
cookies will be served.
a scintillating skit on the part of
the Sophs. T h e Sophomore president
will speak about some hot rivalry at
a bonfire on Page Field al H p.m.
T h e n will come a general songi'est,
A fancy S n a k e Dance will wind its
way to Bru a l 8:30 p.m. for an informal d a n c e in the dining room
from 9 p.m. lo 12 m i d n i g h t . Gaylu
'58, is Dance
"Hoot" Stefano '58, is bonfire chairm a n with Bob Bosom worth '58, on
clean up; floor c h a i r m a n to locale
booths is Horace Crandall '57.
If someone walks up to you sellma. u two cent ticket for a dinner
with Myskania, or an eight cent raffle excusing you from classes for
null! lo greedy Green Gremlins in
Pane Gym. A bang-up soccer game the rest of t h e year by all means,
buy it all proceeds go lo a worthy
is slaled in the afternoon,
Dick Bartholomew is in charge of cause.
Research Fellowship at the University of Michigan,
T h e Chemistry D e p a r t m e n t ' s new
member is Eugene H. McLaren who
received his B.A. a n d M.A. at S t a t e
College. McLaren received his Ph.D.
a t Washington University In St.
Louis. He served as a W e a t h e r Forecaster with the Air Force.
Miss J o a n Sivinski h a s been lidded to the Commerce D e p a r t m e n t
staff. Miss Sivinski received her B.S.
from St. Cloud's Teachers College,
St. Cloud's. Minnesota, a n d her M.A.
from the University of Minnesota.
Miss Sivinski h a s taught in high
schools in Minnesota a n d at the
University of Minnesota.
Mr. J a r k a M. Burian is a n o t h e r
new addition to the English Dep a r t m e n t . Burian received his B.A.
from Rutgers University a n d his
M.A. from Columbia. B u r i a n h a s
where he was employed before coming to State. He will also assist in
the D r a m a t i c Productions.
The Physical Education Department's new m e m b e r is Mrs. Helenjane Cougan. Mrs. Cougan received
her B.S. at Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia, and her
M.S. from Springfield College in
Richard Sauers has also joined
the Physical Education stuff. Sailers
received his B.S. from
I Continued on Page 6, Column 1//
Ped Invite
Junior Guides will lead the freshmen down t h e receiving line. They
are requested to follow t h e time
schedule to eliminate
This reception culminates the J u n ior Guides activities for t h e year.
T h e program of the Guides, u n d e r
the direction of Miss Schneider a n d
Taggart, included a supper, dance
and informal reception at B r u b a c h e r
during the first week of school.
Assembly Opens
SA Nominations
Nominations will open this m o r n ing in Assembly for Who's Who
from the Senior Class a n d for a
Sophomore and a J u n i o r member
on the S t u d e n t Board of Finance.
Nominations for a '56 Class Song
Leader will be in order a t the S e n ior Class meeting Tuesday at 10
a.m. Voting for these positions will
take place October 18 and 19 by
absentee ballot, releases Beatrice
Engelhart '56, Election Commission
Nominations will open this m o r n ing in Assembly for a Sophomore
and a J u n i o r replacement on the
Student Board of Finance. Also,
nominations will be in order for
Who's Who in American Colleges.
These nominations will close on
Monday at 4 p.m. Declinations m u s t
be submitted before 4 p.m. on T u e s day.
Tuesday at 10 a.m. a t the Senior
Class meeting n o m i n a t i o n s for a
Song Leader will be opened. These
nominations will close Wednesday
at 4 p.m. Declinations for this ofIice will be closed T h u r s d a y a t 4
Voting for all of the above posilions will take place Tuesday a n d
Wednesday, October 18 a n d 19, by
absentee ballot,
Frosh To Reception
Freshmen, transfers, and upperclasmen are invited lo attend a reception sponsored by the Slate College News and Pedagogue
Monday evening at Brubacher's upper lounge, it p.m., lor those interested in contributing time during
the year to these two organizations.
T h e News schedules an introduction
of its staff, an explanation ol the
different systems ol reporting, and
a briil history of Us existence.
Dean Sets Last Date
For Entering Classes
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean
College, sends the following
randum lo all s t u d e n t s a n d
concerning the last date for
ing courses.
of the
In accordance with the policy of
the Academic Council, Monday will
I'mliiKoguii's editor, Carl Ann Lull lie ihe last day lor registering for
'56, slates t h a t there will be vari- a ciaiise and for beginning a t t e n d ous displays, including an exhibi ance in the course.
lion of previous yearbooks, dummy
Courses may be dropped without
pages and photographs Relresh- penalty up to Monday, November
luenU will be served.
14, states Dean Lanford.
Campus Chest Christens Campaign
To Send Drive Down Gangplank
(Capital Kap&U
One Above All?
Wednesday evening Debate Council presented a resolution to Student Council stating that "two Thursday
nights a month . . . be reserved on the social calendar for
the year 1955-1956 for the meeting of religious organizations on this campus and no other groups." Passage of this
resolution would prevent all other organizations from
meeting on alternate Thursday nights.
This would be very unfair to such organizations as
Debate Council, Kappa Phi Kappa, Inter-Collegiate Association, Press Bureau, New Types of Government Committee, and other such organizations who now meet on
Thursday evenings because their members are involved in
Myskania or Student Council which meet on Tuesday and
Wednesday nights respectively.
The religious clubs, not under the budget of Student
Association, have no right whatsoever to ask for exclusive
rights to meet Thursday nights—allowing no other groups
to meet then. In answer to their argument that religious
clubs are very important and need a time to meet when
everybody can attend, we offer the evidence that all groups
on campus have to compete with others on their particular
night of meeting and that students have to make their own
decisions as to which meeting they attend. Religious clubs
have no right to take precedence over all other groups.
If religious clubs can request exclusive use of one
night a week, then technically any other group on campus
could request that a certain night be left free for their
group and only theirs to meet. After five or six of such demands, there would be no time left in the week for the
other twenty-five organizations on campus.
The organizations meeting on Thursday nights at the
present time obviously can find no other time. Most of
these organizations are a vital part of the school and could
not be done without—they have important business to
transact and should not be deprived of their privilege to
Debate Council, who argued so strongly last year for
the freedom of speech, is completely reversing itself by refusing to recognize the freedom of assemblage. Religious
clubs aren't any different from other groups who have to
compete for membership and attendance. We don't care
what night of the week they designate as their meeting
time, but they do not have the right to demand that other
clubs not meet on that particular night.
Room For One More?
The meeting of Student Council Wednesday evening
was very well attended and we witnessed some very lively
debate. More and more people are exhibiting an interest
in student government by showing up at these legislative
meetings and participating in discussion.
Many people were standing, or did not venture to
enter, due to the lack of room. In order to accommodate
this growing audience, we would suggest a larger room for
this weekly meeting—one with more breathing space and
one which will hold a larger number of chairs. Instead of
pushing these people away, we would like to see them encouraged to attend. Also, the students who were there had
a hard time trying to peer through the smoke.
As an onlooker at the meeting, we couldn't help but
notice the absence of discussion from a few members of
Council. They were elected to represent their classes and
to voice their opinions in all matters relating to Student
Association. Having been elected they must have some
good ideas, so why not voice them? We would like to see
all of Council participating as actively in the discussion
as most members are now.
T h i s promises to be a n interesting weekend a t the cinema for those
of us w h o like t h e dark. Of course,
those troubled with n i g h t blindness
m i g h t find it a little troublesome
b u t t h a t can easily be taken care of.
How? Oh, you silly people!
I t a l i a n Movies a t Ritz
T h e I t a l i a n s have done it again
with a double header a t the Ritz.
W h e n G i n a and Silvana get t o g e t h e r who knows w h a t thrills are
in store. Miss Lollobrigida will speak
in English for t h e first time as
" T h e Wayward Wife." Second on
t h e bill is Silvana M a n g a n o in
"Outlaw Girl." I t m u s t be a western I t a l i a n movie.
•• -Tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound a n d fury,
signifying nothing."
™. J t .
f ctoto fnilptre are practices which have been h a n d e d
"Traditions at S t a t e C o l l e g e a i e P™°™
a(M s o m e t h i n g
down year by year the ^ ^ * J »
l l a s group college spirit."
one's own veneration towaids ^ c o l g a ^w e^
^ ^
w e feel this is as true in 1955 as it was in 1933, and will be in 1984.
H o w S r ^ r t h ' e 8 student body seem^to be g o n g - f ^ o f t h ^ f a c t .
ou c S f b u t tauS L f S s 1 an intangible richness to your
college life Unfortunately this h a s been steadily decreasing during
S t r a n d Offers Mystery
Bogie's gal Lauren finds herself the past four years. You have allowed:
trying to escape from the Orient
1 The condensation of Rivalry from a year to a mere two m o n t h s .
w i t h big boy J o h n W a y n e down
2. The abolishment of Big Fours.
"Blood Alley." It m u s t be along col3 Standardization of beanies.
orful alley; it is in color and CineI i imination of the fight song as * lres*m™Z*T??*cut"
mascope. Also at the S t r a n d is " T h e
5 A revision of frosh customs which allows t h e m to cut c a m p u s
Big Bluff" with J o h n Bromfield and
' and precede upperclassmen through doors.
M a r t h a Vickers.
RESOLVED' T h a t every time State College loses a tradition, it also
loses something in he way of spirit, of unity, and of pride. Other schools
Palace Shows Love Thriller
Stewart a! voung i in years t h a n State, are more inextricably steeped in such
G r a n g e r will a p p e a r opposite his observances And vet we, who will someday be the driving force behind
wife, J e a n Simmons, in a love thrill- S c o t ' s youth, are every day letting these ideals slip f a r t h e r a n d
er a t t h e Palace. I t is called "Foot- farther away. We repeat: "Quo vademus? '
steps in the Fog"; and it wasn't
RESOLVED- Bring back the class beanie! We believe t h a t the u l t i even filmed in Albany either. T h e
mate goal o f R i v a l r y and all other extra-curricular activities te to c r e a t e
second feature, "The Night Holds
Terror", sounds like a real hoody a bond o college spirit. However, before you can achieve a unity of t h e
ou classes as a whole, you must achieve a unity of t h e four classes
Stewart Playing a t Mohawk
J a m e s S t e w a r t is riding the range UNPRECEDENTED . . .
in " T h e M a n From L a r a m i e " a t the
The word is out t h a t Miss Peltz's "Romantic Poets" course was the
Mohawk Drive-In. He must be tired
as h e h a s to ride over to three other only 200 literature course which had to be closed because of overcrowddrive-ins in the course of the eve- ing'. W h a t is the fatal fascination? Sex appeal or Byron??
ning. He's also riding herd in a
used car lot in his spare time.
Musical a t Madison
T h e Madison T h e a t r e , just a r o u n d
the corner from the dorms will
show "There's No Business Like
Show Business." Music and dancing
will be rendered by Ethel M e r m a n ,
Donald O'Connor, Marilyn Monroe,
D a n Dailey and others. It's a short
walk and a good show.
G r a n d Shows Wild West
Attention Wild West enthusiasts!
T h e G r a n d is currently showing an
interesting work entitled "Apache
W o m a n . " Look for a suffragette in
feathers! Tlie stars are J o a n Taylor,
who, I assume is the Apache Woman, and Lloyd Bridges, who probably wins her h e a r t .
Because of our extensive journalistic influence, we have been contacted by a shady c h a r a c t e r known as a "fence" who has offered us a
generous rate for the contents of the Lost and Found box. In order to
save us from a life of crime (excluding this column) please claim something J u n e seems to be bustin' out all over in lower Draper. First
chance goes to the rightful owners so if you've lost s o m e t h i n , be t h e r e !
It's open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:50 and Tuesday a n d
Thursday at 11:50. Don't say we didn't warn you . . .
LOVELY . . .
If any lost souls still haven't procured a copy of the Frosh Handbook,
they c a n ' g e t one from Sheila Lister. All they have to do is appear at
the Chi Sig House in a puff of smoke and bow to the east three times.
We hear "The Rock" is having trouble getting to classes this week.
Better just stick to ping-pong.
DuMille Adventure a t Leland
Rcme wasn't built in a day, but had it proceeded a t the same r a t e
" R e a p the Wild Wind" is playing
a t the Leland. J o h n Wayne and Su- as the current Page Hall renovation, it probably still wouldn't be finished.
san Hayward, two old film favorites, It's great to see the reconstruction finally on the way. Be patient. T h e
combine talents with Cecil B. De- South will rise again!
Mille himself. It should be big!
BE THERE . . .
Alec Guiness a t Delaware
Do you want a free dinner? Are you busy Sunday a t live? Do you
Ever see Alec Outness in techni- know where St. J o h n ' s Lutheran Church, 100 Central Avenue, is? All
color? Let me just say t h a t color those interested in starting a State College Lutheran group which will be
ages him somewhat. Otherwise, "To expanded to include the other surrounding colleges, should a t t e n d .
P a r i s With Love," Alec's latest film,
should prove light-hearted e n t e r - MEMO OE THE MONTH . . .
tainment, for all Guiness fans. It's
down at the Delaware.
Flunk out early; avoid the vacation rush.
College Calendar
(1:00 p.m. President's Reception, Brubacher Lower
11(1(1 a.m. Directory stall meeting, Brubacher.
11(10 p.m. Freshman "Beanie Ball," Dining Room,
U:30, Canterbury Club Picnic, Timelier Park.
I!:00 p.m. Christian Science Reception.
7:30 p.m. Hillel Reception.
11:110 p.m. Stale (oll<'So News and IVclitlioKUc Reception, Publications Ofllce, Upper Lounge,
10:00 a.m. Sophomore Class Meeting.
Senior Class Meeting.
Distributive M u n i t i o n Club Meeting, Km.
:i (10 pni
Studenl Hoard of Finance meeting o| all
treasurers ol orgauizal ions under the
budget, Diaper 301.
3:30 p.m. Commuters' c l u b Recept, on lor iiesluncn,
First Place "CSPA
Second Place ACP
September 30, 1955
No. 15
Members of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to
11 p.m. ill a-a:!2U. Ext l l Phones: Cochrane, 2-7030; Bwierzowskl. il-3744; (inkistein,
2-2012; KcndlK, 5-6921
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State Oollege for Teachers;
published every Friday of the Oollege year by the NEWS Board for the Student
- '
t'ii Public llelall
Co-I'ubllo Kelaliuna Editor
(Jo-ltuslness-AdvertUIng Editor
t!o-llu«ine»»-Advertl»ln« Editor
Circulation Editor
Aasoolate Editor
AuooUtc Editor
AssooUl* Editor
Sports Editor
- Senior Sports Editor
All communications should be urtdrcHseil to the editor and muni be sinned. Nuinen
will be withheld on request. The STATE OOLLEOE NEWS assumes no responsibility for
opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not
rjtceaurlly reflect Its views.
30, 19S5
"This Is no line. I'm just talking with my friend.'
Upper Lounge, Brubiielii r.
•I 00 p in. SMILKH Meeting.
7:30 p.m. International Kllui tlroiip, "Charlie Chup'in Festival," Draper IHU
IVCF Meeting, Brubuchi r.
Now h e a r this! Now hear this!
T h e C a m p u s Chest-sponsored "USS
Goodwlll" will dock in t h e Commons on Friday, October 7. The
gangplank will be lowered each day
for a week at twelve bells. First
m a t e B a r b a r a Hungerford will preside a t a Chinese Auction. T h e sorority, fraternity, or residence hall
which leaves the biggest amount of
loot in the ship's hold will have
s t u d e n t s t o serve meals in their mess
T h e ship's admirals, Patricia Hall
and Betty Van Vlack, Juniors, urge
t h a t each group house make reservations on t h e passenger list by
Dean Specifies
Attendance Rules
T h e following m e m o r a n d u m from
the Office of Oscar E. Lanford, Dean
of the College, concerns the policy
of the college regarding a t t e n d a n c e :
1. Faculty members will report each
Friday all absences, for t h a t week,
of freshmen, new transfer students,
students on probation, and veterans.
(Freshmen, new transfer students
and s t u d e n t s on probation are allowed no unexcused absences. Veterans' Administration
require complete weekly records reyarding attendance of veterans.)
2. Normally faculty members will
not report absences of students who
are on the Dean's List, as these students are exempt from the a t t e n d ance regulations to which the other
students are subject.
However, there may be special
circumstances regarding the work,
or a t t e n d a n c e , of a given Dean's
List s t u d e n t which t h e faculty m e m ber may feel should be reported to
the Office.
3. Absences of upperclassmen, not
in one of the preceding categories,
will be reported when, in the opinion of the instructor, these absences
have become excessive.
4. All students except those on
the D e a n ' s List and g r a d u a t e students with an average of 3.5 for the
preceding semester, are required to
a t t e n d their classes scheduled for
the 24-hour period immediately preceding, and following, a college
5. Total number of absences of
every s t u d e n t will be reported on
the grade sheets at the end of the
P.terson Announces
Statesmen Members
having 100% contributions. Ensign
B a r b a r a Davis Is in charge of faculty solicitations. T h e d o r m s will be
visited by a group of sailors u n d e r
the direction of Ensign B r u n o R o g ers. Committee solicitors will be
by Ensign
T h e s h j p W M m o v e to t h e P o r t of
B r u b a c h e r on October 15. A d a n c e
i nt n e
m a j n
commencing a t n i n e bells i n
t,h e evening. Admission will be 35
cents for the gob while a swabbie
and his gal will be a d m i t t e d for 70
All capital which is found in t h e
ship's hold, wil be t u r n e d over to
Campus Chest which will a d m i n i s t e r
these funds to needy groups on foreign collegiate campuses.
I Black and Red Reversible
Please Return to
JERKY RANI l l l . l ) '5H
Hilltop House :M)7II — Reward
A Bumper Crop
S t a t e is soon t o assume a new
title. All references t o t h e college shall no longer be to New
York S t a t e College for T e a c h ers but a s New York Sardine
C a n n e r y on Western Avenue.
Many sections a r e so large
t h a t C o m m u t e r s ' Club could
clean up on new memberships
with all t h e classes moving.
Why a r e all these classes on t h e
r u n ? Because n o t all t h e classrooms a r e quite as large as
D r a p e r 349.
B r u b a c h e r is also bursting a t
t h e rims with meetings. Wednesday, D&A found t h a t the
NEWS, as it always docs t h a t
evening, was using t h e room
they wanted to use. They were
more fortunate t h a n others and
only had to contend with some
1,500 PED'S in a file room.
College Purchases New Dorm
For Freshmen - Madison House
Madison House, located a t 727
Madison Avenue, is the new a d d i tion to S t a t e College's e x p a n d i n g
dormitory facilities. Opened for t h e
first time this semester, t h e house
twenfv-six girls, mostly fresh
SC Elects All-State Day, State Fair
Chairmen; Sets Homecoming Date
Student Council had its second meeting Wednesday
at 7:30 p.m. in the Government Room at Brubacher.
President Robert Betscha presented the first items of the
agenda which included: Rivalry, Surplus Committee,
Constitution Committee, book exchange, assembly program and publicity.
David Kendig '57, moved to r e c fZ.*«.*-. J M « » !*<**. 4 •*<-.*•
I . ' . 1 m e n d to Class Board of F i n a n c e to
C C C / e S / Q S r / C S
direct all classes to table financial
motions for one week unless t h i s
C . . . . . 1 .
is reversed by t h e Class Board of
J e a n Hageny '56, reported t h a t
T h e religious groups on campus Montclair College in New Jersey
have all scheduled activities for t h e hao. been tentatively selected for a n
coming week. Two general m e e t - exchange program with out college.
ings and two receptions have been Kendig moved t h a t Council approve
planned. One group h a s a r r a n g e d a this school for a possible exchange.
Council also voted on C o - C h a i r Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship m e n for All-State Day, as yet u n will meet T h u r s d a y a t 7:30 p.m. in scheduled on t h e calendar, a n d
Brubacher. According to Ann K a m - elected F r a n k McEvoy a n d M a r iner '56, President, the Rev. Artlund &aret Smith, Juniors. C h a i r m a n for
of Scotia, N. Y., will speak on t h e S t a t e Fair, to be held in February,
topic "God Has Nothing Against will be Marilyn D e S a n t a '57.
J a n e W h i t e h u r s t a n d Roberta
Rev. Richard Dineen, Chaplain of Stein, Seniors, resigned from t h e
Newman Club, will speak on "The All College Revue Committee b e Purpose of Newman Club on C a m - cause of off c a m p u s work. They will
pus" at the Club meeting on T h u r s - hold office until n e x t week w h e n
day a t 7:30 p.m. in Newman Hall. Council will elect replacements.
Bernice O'Connor '57, President,
Sheila Lister "57, explained t h a t
states t h a t there will be a general the Post Office w a s responsible
meeting after the address.
for t h e delay in delivery of Frosh
T h e Christian Science group will Handbooks. T o Insure delivery to
hold a reception on Sunday a t 3 prospective frosh a t least two weeks
p.m. i n Brubacher, according to prior to Frosh C a m p , Kendig recPhyllis Parshall '56, President.
Hillel is p l a n n i n g a frosh recep- should be mailed in July.
tion Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Dominic DeCecco '57, C h a i r m a n
on of
anWashington Avenue.
nounced t h a t the d a t e of this event
A picnic will be sponsored by the has been changed from October 22
Club on Sunday at to November 5, since President ColT h a c h e r Park. J o a n Van Deusen 11ns felt t h a t a home soccer game
'57, President, asks t h a t all those would a t t r a c t more alumni. This
interested are to sign up on the date will coincide with t h e Junior
bulletin board in lower Husted and P r o m weekend so t h e schedule
meet a t 2:30 p.m. in the upper promises to be a full a n d varied one.
lounge in Brubacher on Sounday.
on Page 6, Column 1)
PENS Shaeffer
T h e immediate area of t h i s new
residence includes Newman Hall a t
741 Madison and North and S o u t h
L a k c Houses on South Lake Street,
ALL of these Special SALE PENS must g o . . . .
SMILES Canvasses
Smiles will hold a. meeting WedKarl A. B. Peterson, Associate nesday at •! p.m., a n n o u n c e s Mary
Professor of Music, announces the K n i g h t '57.
members of the S t a t e s m e n . In the
first tenor section are Roger Hunt
This c a m p u s organization which
and Edward .Jones, Sophomores: works with community groups in
Robert Sfimson and Donald Whit- Iho area is s t a r t i n g a crafts p r o lock, Juniors. Second tenors are gram al. the Albany Home lor ChilWilliam Savage, Dominic DeCecco,
dren this week. T h e Home requests
Erbaeher, Juniors, and
Philip Bartel '55. Harlow Cushman State s t u d e n t s for tutoring crafts.
'50, Robert Murphy '5(1, Donald But- Juniors and Seniors are asked to
ler and J a m e s Lockhartc, Juniors, sign up with J o h n Mlnon '58.
will comprise the baritone division.
Leaders arc also needed for t h e
T h e basses include Peter Boolce
'57, and Sophomores Robert. Bosom- Clinton Square Neighborhood
worlh, Hartley LaDuke, and Alfon- to direct singing, dancing a n d game
so LaPalce, George Dunbar '55 is groups. Miss K n i g h t stresses I h a t
companionship is one of the most
accompanist for the group.
important needs of the children.
T h e r e are openings for students ' interested ill working al.
in the orchestra and Women's Cho- Neighborhood
House should
rus, Anyone interested may contact Joyce Shelton '50. All s t u d e n t s arc
Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Mu- asked to volunteer their time.
sic, or Mr. Peterson.
LOST (Station 3)
Student Council:
Buy One Pair Get Another Pair for One Cent
ii'ini .isn irrriiorr
i /
Joe's Barber Shop
53 N. Lake Ave.,
Near W a s h i n g t o n Ave.
We Aim T o Plcaae
the !allowing Stationery
is now a (,'IYK - AWAY
I tfin — Buy one get
one free
I ' l l I: It III
To those intcrested hi good
Come to the SNACK BAR
Follow the lead of your Upperclassmen...Use
(liry Misl
No Kciui ns on Sale Merchandise
Addition To Richardson Hall Rapidly Progressing;
To Provide Rooms For Dramatics, Music Departments
Construction on the addition to
Richardson Hall will possibly be
completed by Spring Vacation.
New facilities for the Dramatics
Department will include stagecraft
rooms on the first floor, a large rehearsal room with a stage approximately the size of Page Hall stage,
dressing rooms, and costume and
make-up rooms on the second floor.
A stairway will connect these dressing and make-up rooms to backstage of Page Hall.
A large music rehearsal room, music library, two practice rooms and
storage rooms for instruments (all
on the third floor) will expand the
existing Music Department. One additional classroom and five offices
will also be included on the third
floor. A corridor through the exlsting classrooms in Richardson will
connect these rooms with the third
floor of Richardson
The basement of the new edifice
will be used primarily to house a
new heating plant.
The new building will connect
Draper Annex to Page Hall, presenting a completed front on Washington Avenue of the College's
assar•"•"•'by "*'viS» — —«
A. M . l l b . ,
% . %
n . US„ a note that I, approximate* V
by 4".
•2. The outside of the note must contain the name and the date.
•4. Cards and posters may be put on the
outside of the boxes only With permission
of 0 0 They must be of colloge level.
allowed' to
' approve these posters. They
to be put on the C.C. desk In the HustedRlchardson Tunnel.
"5. C.C. will put up nnrl remove all
1. Smoking Is allowed.
*la. Cigarette butts and ashes nrc to be
put In receptacles provided.
•2, No eating at any time.
*3. No card playing at any time.
*4. This lounge Is for quiet study and
*"5. Committee meetings, play rehearsals,
or song rehearsals may be held here only
with the permission of the Dean of Women.
The Commuters' Club will hold a
Outing Club's President, Sue
reception for freshmen Wednesday Bernhardt '56, announces that there
at 3:30 p.m. in the Upper Lounge will be two expeditions this weekend. The first, tomorrow, will be a
0 f Brubacher Hall.
o n the agenda for the afternoon caving expedition to Austen's Glen,
W ill be entertainment, community which is near Catskill, and Sunday
singing and refreshments, an- will feature a bike trip.
nounces Nancy Gade '57, Chairman
interested in Saturday's
0 f the event. Other members of the c n v l n g . expedition should meet in
committee include Terry Bell and t h e lc t wel . lounge of Brubacher at 9
Delores Peck, Sophomores, and Hel- a m T h e t r l u ^ill b e l e d b v R o bert
e n Cassavaugh '57. Patricia Roscoe L e v y '57, who advises spellunkers to
'58 will be emcee.
w e a r o l d c i o t hes as the l ' i
The principal aim of the Com- trip will be wet and muddy. The
muters' Club is to encourage greater group will return at 5:30 p.m.
participation of commuters in the
Sunday's bike trip will be led by
various college activities. It sponsors Miss Barnhardt and Patricia Ter.some intramural sports, informal willigcr '59. Those interested In tills
get-togethers, an annual Soc-Hop, bike trip should meet in Brubacher's
and a spring picnic. Membership is lower lounge at 2 p.m
open to regularly enrolled students
Five bikes an available and may
not living in organized group houses, be reserved.
pure pleasure!
It's a psychological fact:
Pleasure helps your disposition.
If you'ro a srnokor, remember
— moro people got nioro
pure pleasure from Camels
than from any olhor cigarette I
Swify, Scufl
^L *
P 9
" ^ f p ^ S . M m l u T e
O. General College Regulations:
"I. No necking on State College campus.
•2. S m o k i n g Is restricted to Draper
lounge, cafeteria, Commons, and Page Hall
v 'stlbulc only.
*2a. There is to be no smoking or carrying of lighted cigarettes, cigars, or pipes
in any other part of the school buildings.
•3. No books or rubbish arc to be left
round the locker rooms.
4. There shall bo no eating in any part
„f the school iiMiiHintrs
buildings except
In "the cafe
l.etiii and In the Commons as slated In
rule C-l.
•*5. Willful destruction of property is
•0. No wearing apparel Is to be left In
tile Commons, Draper lounge, or In the
II. Ilulletln Hoard Regulations:
1. All organizations are responsible for
their own malerlitl placed on the boards.
2. II any organization wishes to change
a board, permission must, he obtained from
the Grand Marshal.
:t. C.C. reserves the right to supervise
... ( , jp, 1UU | jc- Rides and miscellaneous
Lower D r a p e .
bullcln board
I. .Assembly Regulations:
1. .Seniors leave first followed by tin'
.Juniors and then the Sophomores
2. The freshmen leave lust by the tw
C. Commons Regulations:
•1. Only milk, soil drinks, and candy
bars may be eaten In the Commons.
*2. Coke bottles are to be put back in
en si's.
•3. Ash trays are to be used for elgurettes and matches.
a. Only cigarettes and matches are
to be put In ash trays.
b. All milk containers, papers and
other rubbish are to be put into specified receptacles.
**4. Vie and records may be used by oncampus organizations with the permission
or the Grand Marshal.
i. Only authorized persons may oper
ate the Vie and play records during school
* '<i Playing cards nrc nol to be removed
from the Commons.
7. The Commons may be decorated by
H. Kverynne Is to r e m a i n lit Ids sen
any organization if approval of the Com
d decorations mil II dismissed by the
mens Chairman is securo(
dismissal procedure will be cuare for i college function or recognized
times even d ihe class bell
Inrci'i nihe llla.mln
is aware ..I this prorings,
>. Cafeteria ItcKUlutimis:
obey the
.i Pica
1. Smoklni; Is allowed.
Refuse is to be dispoj .[I o f I n I In I lines
li U s u a l l y different procedures nr
n^ptac!,* provided
used (or vol nig ' Students » III lie not iflei
Knllnw Ihe inarshnls' illrei-i ions
i:. I.est anil round Regulations:
7. The assembly doors will lie close
1. Lost, and found box is located In
ni Hi I,, -harp.
lower Draper opposite tile Co-op.
Ml. Nn s
2. found articles are to lie placed In
I lllllle
Ihe box Willi liie Under writing Ills name I line cxeepl In II
id Pi
on the sheet supplied.
11. N o CHI I M i l l
a n y I III"'
:t. In ease of a lost article, the loser
should list his name unci a description ot
the lost article on the slicel supplied,
•Minor offense.
4. The, box will lie opened dnllv in' a
•Major offense.
C <"' member
Commuters Slote Outing Club Plans
Frosh Reception Two Expeditions
When your courses are set
And a dream-girl you've met...
Have a real cigarette - have a CAMEL!
No other cigarette is so
rich-tasting, yet so mildl
may be usod:
B. Draper I oungc Regulations:
Radio sound studios and a control room on the second floor will
be used to correct speech and to
provide practical experience for radio and television activities.
In addition to new facilities for
the use in the dramatic and audiovisual fields, four offices will be included on the first floor; two classrooms and seven offices will be included on the second floor. One-way
glass will be used for two walls of
the middle of three adjoining second floor offices making it possible
for this office to be used as an observation room.
Campui. 3ommUi4oH &*!**•
We were very enthused this week
by the wonderful find fast start
that many sports groups on campus
have gotten off to. It seems as
though it was only yesterday that
most of these groups went through
the year haphazardly and making
a farce of the "purpose" clause in
their constitution. This year, due
perhaps to new leadership and new
blood or possibly just to a renewed
interest, there is evidence of a potentially outstanding year if each
individual takes it upon himself to
attend the meetings and do his utmost to help his particular club or
organization. Typical
changes, we believe, are AMIA and
Varsity Club.
It's still clear in our minds how,
in our freshman year, we were very
disgusted at the IM set up. The
sports were there nil right, but no
one seemed to know who ran what
and games usually ended up in numerous flareups because of poor
league organization. With a new and
better set up this year, nil the
school's IM athletes can look for-
A M I A Heads
Slate Beginning
Or Fall Sports
ward to better leagues and perhaps
because of it, keener and better
Organize Teams
At this point we'd like to urge all
groups on campus to organize their
own grid teams. As of Wednesday
there were but six. Where arc all
the group houses' teams?
Besides grid there are numerous
other fall sports going on, as can
be seen by the IM story on this page.
Although the competition may get
rough at times it never will reach
the calibre that any group, frosh
or otherwise, must consider their
attempts at the game futile. Sign
up today on the AMIA bulletin
board in lower Draper.
Likewise, what about you track
men? Homecoming weekend will
mark the inauguration of track at
State. Thanks to the persistent work
of Joe Barton and Co. enough interest is being shown to merit the varsity status that the Phys. Ed. Department is thinking of placing it
There's still more room for your
signature for the track and field
day which will include hurdles,
dashes, shot put, high jump, relays,
While we're in the mood of urging, may we also suggest you kegling enthusiasts give it a whirl this
weekend and try to place your name
on State's Intercollegiate Bowling
Grid Game Today
A note to you grid fans is that a
new type of "flank" football will be
demonstrated today at. 4 p.m. on
Dorm Field
Intramural football was the big
topic of conversation as the Association of Men's Intramural Athletics held their first meeting of the
year Tuesday night. Ray Castillo,
Football Commissioner, lias announced that a sign-up sheet has
been posted on the AMIA bulletin
board. All captains are urged to
sign up their teams on the lower
Draper board. "The main objective," states Castillo, "is for the
freshmen to get busy on organizing
teams for the league." A captain's
meeting will be held in the very
near future. At this time league
WAA launched its fall sports prorules and schedules will bo drawn
up so that the loop may begin oper- gram Thursday with the opening of
hockey, soccer and archery pracation as soon as possible.
tices. All of these sports, plus tennis,
ping pong and horseback riding can
Track Discussed
be credited toward WAA hours. The
The other major topic of discus- WAA bulletin board will post further
sion was tlie Track and Field events, Information
about these sports
scheduled lor Homecoming Week- soon.
end, November '1. A sign-up sheet,
Plans arc being made for a hockey
has been placed on the AMIA bulletin board and it, Is the hope of club which will compete Sundays at
Coach Hathaway, .Jim Sweet (Proxy Skidmore, announces Ginu Hllflker
of AMIA i and .Joe Barton i Direc- '56, WAA President. Girls Interested
tor of Track i thai I his new sport In playing on Ihls team should conwill bring out a large number of fael. Mrs. Cougan In the gym office.
enthusiasts. If is hoped the com- Also under consideration are plans
petition will draw many witnesses, foi' a tennis Inurnaimenf and a mixed bowling club.
Tennis to Start
I tosli Frolic Promises Fun
Another sport, due to gel under
Frosh Frolic. Ihe Camp Johnston
way soon Is the tennis tournament.
Jim Lorrlchlo, Commissioner, urges spree which officially welcomes
all to place their "John Hancock" frosh to WAA, will be October 29.
on the posted entry sheet. The lack This "day in tlie outdoors" will featof time this year lias curt ailed the ure entertainment, spoils, Including
program somewhat as only singles soffball, badminton, hiking, horseshoes and wading, and lunch. Buses
will be played.
will fake the girls out to Camp
Volleyball fans are reminded to Johnston and bring them back in
keep watch for the net game .sheet time for dinner. Girls can go out
to go up. Tom Oarno has been se- to the camp Friday and stay overlected as head of Ihe lull season night providing that they obtain
written permission from home. Those
Table tennis also was discussed wishing to go should sign up on the
at the meeting and although noth- WAA bulletin board this week.
ing definite has been planned, there
exists high hoilies that Hie Indoor Committees Iti'leuKed
Committees for ihe Frosh Frolic
game can begin early ami continue
operations for i|iille some time un- arc: general chairman, Joan Burguice; loud, Sheila Lister; enterder a new setup.
tainment, Nancy Schneider; pubDirectors I'o He Appointed
licity, "Bunny" Uroinfleld; buses,
in closing the meeting Hweel Andy Arvalilldes; anil faculty, Olle
strongly recomineinled Unit dorms Ktiscn livery girl, freshmian anil upand frafs appoint athletic dircelors pcrclassinan, Is invited to attend.
tor the year so tlint, more teams Fur further Information, see any
could be organized for Ihe coining member ol WAA or eonlacl (Una
WAA Launches
Frosh Frolic,
Fall Program
.11.1 C e n t r a l Avenue
n.iiiKl.b • ' . ) , • ' , II i:„ , Wiii.i.m IJ.I.,,,. I I . i:
Uelnw (Juuil Street
OI'I.N liVliKY NIC.I IT "I'll. lJ
Soccermen Travel To Fordham
To Begin Eleven Game Season
Veterans Form Nucleus Of Peds;
State's Booters
55 Starting Year Without Injuries
Sport Brilliant
the State soccer team will meet the FordSchool Records hamTomorrow
"11" in the initial fray of the year at the latter's field.
In trying to familiarize State
soccer fans with the Ped booters, we
dug up a little background from
some of the nucleus of this year's
team. Coach Garcia is fortunate in
having six veterans of last year's
team back to help better the 5-3-2
record of last year.
Tito to Guard Goal
goalie, Tito Guglielmone, will be
back stopping opposition scoring
this year. Tito hails from Center
Moriches, Long Island, and graduated from Center Moriches Higii
School. At Center Moriches, Tito
was a four letterman in varsity
sports. He experienced a taste of
baseball, basketball, track and soccer. Tills is his third year of soccer
for State, and he's out to hold down
the score of State's opponents once
lionestecl to Captain Team
Returning for his third year also,
is Captain Bill Bonesteel. Bill received his first experience in soccer
at Cairo Central High School in
Cairo, N. Y. Not only was he a
soccer player, but also a baseball
and basketball letterman. Bill is a
Junior, and has high hopes for a
good season on the soccer field,
Another Junior who will be drawing a starting position on this year's
squad is Ai Lederman from Colonic,
N. Y. Al attended Roessleville High
and starred in baseball, football,
track and basketball. Besides playing soccer for State, Al also uses
his talents on the baseball diamond.
Hamilton Transfer
Booting for Albany this year instead of Hamilton College, will be
Gene Scott. Gene transferred from
Hamilton this year, and will be a
fourth starting Junior for the Garclamen. Last year, Gene played for
Hamilton and thus brings his experience here to State. He hails
from East Greenbush, N. Y., but lie
attended Remsen High School in
Remsen, N. Y. At Remsen, he participated in baseball, basketball and
Jones Returns
Ed Jones, who left State for a
semester, returns to bolster flic
Garclainen this year. Ed returns a.s
a Sophomore. He Is another Long
Island boy, from Valley Stream. At,
Valley Strcami High School, he was
a live letterman, but soccer was not
on his list of letters. Football, baseball, basketball, cross country and
track comprised his letters.
Ilockmiitli a Vet
A vol that Garcia Is relying on
for much action is Manfred "Rebel"
Hockinuth, the small graduate ot
Wapplngers Central School in Wupplngei's Falls who was seen running
for the track team as well as becoming a soccer enthusiast t h e e .
Thus Garcia has a good nucleus
to start wlfli, a potentially strong
Starting at the forward positions will be veterans Al
Lederman and Ev Weiermiller. Paul Dammer and Wendell
Fowler, as well as freshman standout Lou Delsignore, will
round out the forward wall. Captain Bill Bonesteel, HoUis
Varsity 'S' Club
Considers Many
Social Programs
State's Varsity "S" Club held its
first meeting of the year Wednesday night with President John
Rookwood reporting that numerous
events were being considered for
the club's annual promotion. Among
the events listed were a Jazz Concert, Square Dance, Basketball
Dance, Fall Dawn Dance, Varsity
Drag (Formal), and a Benefit Hoop
Game with the faculty playing the
varsity cagers.
Friday Letter Day
John also reported that all letter
winners are to wear their Varsity
"S" sweaters every Friday. This year
as usual, the group will sell refreshments at all home athletic events.
Varsity "S" Club with Rookwood
at the helm is made up of all varsity
letter winners. Besides promoting
intercollegiate athletics, the service
organization regulates the wearing
of the coveted "S" letter. A big
characteristic of the club is the
continual aiming for the practical
Tlie group, whose officers include
Al Lederman as Veep, Joe Taggart
as Secretary, Joe Anderson as
Treasurer, and Paul Dammer as
Sergeant-at-Arms, will hold their
next meeting on Thursday, October
(i, at 7:30 p.m. at Brubacher Hall.
Hathaway Announces
Tryouts For Kegling
With tlie start of the intercollegiate bowling loop October 4, Coach
Merlin Hathaway has come up with
an emergency method of determining who will represent State for the
first few weeks. The procedure of
gaining a berth on the team is as
follows: All those interested arc asked to roll six games at the Rice
Bowling Alleys. Scores must then
be recorded by Nelson Swart at the
Western Avenue establishment. Aspirants must report to Swart prior
to their tryouts which will be held
today, tomorrow and Sunday. Those
hitting the highest, scores will have
their name placed on a temporary
roster which will hold until the IM
kegling gets under way. At that
time the representatives of the Peds
in the Albany District Intercollegiate Bowling League will consist of
I lie fop IM kcglers.
Tibbets, and first year men Carl
Maxson, Paul S l o a n d and Gene
Scott expect to see action in the
Three team veterans, Bob Backer,
Bob Davidson, and Ed Jones are all
expecting to trod Fordham soil. AllState goalie, Tito Guglielmone will
be guarding the nets.
The team enters the game in excellent physical shape and appears
to have a strong offensive threat.
In the defensive department, however, the team is lacking, via graduation and other scholastic reasons.
During the past few weeks concentrated effort has been placed on
scrimmaging and less training.
The scrimmage against Williams
scheduled for last Saturday was
called off because of rain. In last
year's tilt against the Fordham
team, State was victorious by a 7 to
2 margin. The citymen are expected to field a strong team this year
in that almost their entire team
from last year has returned.
Face BPI
After this week's tilt the Peds
will face their neighboring foe, RPI,
who last week bowed to Cortland
State by a score of 3 to 2. Tlie tilt
will be held at the engineers' field.
Coach Garcia has high hopes as
this year's season is launched but
he is a little apprehensive about the
fact that the team lacks experience.
"The team is in excellent shape,"
states the coach, "and if we lose It
won't be because the boys aren't
trying or because they are lacking
Games At Bevcrwyck
All home games are held on Beverwyck field which is located across
from Brubacher Hall.
A probable line-up is as follows:
Goalie —Tito Guglielmone
Forward —Al Lederman
Forward —Ed Weiermiller
Forward —'Paul Dammer
Forward —Wendell Fowler
Forward —Lou Delsignore
Fullback —Hollls Tibbets
Fullback—Bill Bonesteel (Capt.)
Halfback—Gene Scott
Halfback—Paul Sloand
Halfback—Carl Maxson
l lie IEonderful
of . . .
• Socks
lllonnie Daon)
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Felicia's Beauty Salon
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217 Wiwtrrii Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Fliono 6-8610
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"JIMMY"—Hair Stylist
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75 Scute Street
Albany, N. Y.
• Bermuda Shorts
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• Accessories
Belts - (ilovcs - Scurfs
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231 Central Avenue
New Faculty . . . Pettit Schedules
International Film Group Outlines Press Bureau
(Continued from. Page l, voiumn k>
Fall Semester's Movie Schedule
Elects Member, Rock Teachers College in P e n n s y l - Tryouts For
H e received h i s M.A. from
T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m G r o u p will
Three AD Plays
Requests Forms Pvania.
open Its fall season w i t h a Charlie
enn State.
Chaplin Festival on T h u r s d a y evening a t 7:30 p.m. i n D r a p e r 349, a n nounces A r t h u r Lennig, O r a d . S e a son tickets will be on sale in lower
Husted Monday t h r o u g h T h u r s d a y
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Season tickets, which will be $1.50,
will entitle s t u d e n t s to six showings
of t h e film group. Memberships for
one showing only will be $.50.
T h e Film G r o u p plans to show
Rene Clair's F r e n c h comedy, "Le
Million," on October 20, a sciencefiction view of t h e future, "Metropolis," on October 27, a n d Pudovkin's
"End of St. Petersburg," t h e story
of t h e Russian Revolution, on November 10.
Later on in t h e semester two special showings will be held. One,
called An Evening of t h e Weird a n d
Macabre, will feature t h e original
" P h a n t o m of t h e O p e r a " with Lon
Chaney, Luis Bunuel's a n d Salvator Dali's surrealistic film "le Chlen
Anralou," and " T h e R e t u r n of t h e
Charlie Chaplin, s t a r of t h e film
Vampire" with Bela Lugosi and N i - festival sponsored by International
na Foch.
Film Group,
In December, A Survey of Docum e n t a r y will include "Song of Ceylon," P a r e L a r e n t z ' " T h e River,"
"Screw Drivers a n d Screw Jays,"
and "Night Mail," with the poetry
of W. H. Auden and t h e music of
Benjamin Britten.
A new Assistant Director for Press
Albert Wootton will serve as AsB u r e a u was elected a t t h e last reg- sociate Professor of Education and
ular meeting, a n n o u n c e s B a r b a r a Supervisor of M a t h e m a t i c s in t h e
Weinstock '57. T h e new addition is
Milne School. Wootton received his
M a r y Lou Meiser '57.
B.S. from Rutgers and his M.A.
Press B u r e a u requests t h a t all from Teachers College. Columbia.
freshmen who did not fill out the
f r e s h m a n forms for the b u r e a u to He h a s previously t a u g h t a t Arlingget in touch with Miss Weinstock ton High School, Rutgers Univert h r o u g h s t u d e n t mail or drop a no're sity and C h a m p l a i n College.
in t h e Press B u r e a u mailbox in LowMrs. G i n a Moore, who m a t r i c u er Draper.
lated from State in 1949 with a B.A.
These forms consist of home ad- and from Middlebury College where
dress, high school activities, schol- she received h e r M.A., will be t h e
arships a n d other i m p o r t a n t m a t e - Supervisor of Modern Languages in
rial. This m a t e r i a l is used by Press the Milne High School. Mrs. Moore
B u r e a u in sending publicity releases previously t a u g h t a t Hoosick Falls
to t h e s t u d e n t ' s hometown paper.
High School and a t C h e n a n g o Forks
Press B u r e a u also requests t h a t Central School.
all requests for publicity from vaSupervising Science in t h e Milne
rious organizations be placed in the
Press B u r e a u mail box in Lower School will be W a l t e r F a r m e r who
D r a p e r as well as in the News box received his B.A. and M.A. from
so t h a t they could make use of some State. F a r m e r h a s t a u g h t at C h a t m a t e r i a l which t h e News m i g h t not ham High School before his assignhave room for.
m e n t to t h e Milne School.
T r y o u t s will be h e l d for t h e first
advanced d r a m a t i c plays this a f t e r noon a t 4 o'clock in D r a p e r 349.
These plays will be p r e s e n t e d O c t o ber 18.
T h e three plays a r e " G i o c o n d a "
by D'Annuncio, which will be d i rected by Carol Allen; "Cyrano de
Bergerac" by Rostand, u n d e r t h e
direction of Marjorie Jelly, a n d
"Theodore Muller," an original play
to be directed by Richard F e l d m a n ,
Dr. Paul Bruce P e t t i t , Associate
Professor of English, s t a t e s t h a t " t h e
purpose of these plays is t o give
a realistic e n v i r o n m e n t in which
s t u d e n t s in Advanced D r a m a t i c s
can place t h e fruits of their d i r e c tional experience before t h e school
as a whole. AD lab plays are laboratory in every sense of t h e word,
t h a t is to say, t h e e m p h a s i s is on
the experimental."
Casting is open to all s t u d e n t s
find co-operation with t h e work of
these s t u d e n t s will be appreciated.
Assembly Launches 1955
Campus Chest Camgaign
T h e C a m p u s Chest Drive will get
u n d e r w a y with a skit and guest
speaker in D r a p e r 349 this m o r n ing a t 10 a.m., a n n o u n c e P a t r i c i a
Hall and Betty Van Vlack, Juniors,
C o - C h a i r m e n . T h e theme of this
years drive is "U.S.S. Goodwill."
S t a t e ' s goal is $1500.
Allocations of t h e funds derived
from this drive are divided in the
following m a n n e r : World University Service Fund, sixty percent;
National Scholarship and Service
F u n d for Negro S t u d e n t s , ten perc e n t ; National Negro College F u n d ,
t e n percent; Albany Community
Chest, ten percent; and the University of Athens, Greece, t e n percent.
Chinese Auctions, u n d e r the direction of B a r b a r a Hungerford '57,
will take place in the Cafeteria n e x t
week, beginning Monday a t 1 p.m.
Miss Hungerford will auction off
t h e Saylesmen Q u a r t e t to serve as
waiters a t one of the women's group
houses. Members of t h e Q u a r t e t a r e
T h o m a s Briefly, Joseph
Robert Bosomworth, a n d Ronald
Alexander, Sophomores.
Tuesday a t 12 noon in the Cafe-
teria Joseph T a g g a r t '57, will a u c Won off as waiters also for a
women's residence hall with the
highest bid Robert Betscha '56,
and Dominick DeCecco '57.
F r a n k G Carrino, Assistant P r o fessor of Modern Languages, will
be In charge of t h e auction Wednesday a t 12 noon. J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56, and Janice C h a m p a g n e
'57, will be auctioned off to serve
as waitresses in a men's residence
Z 460
Edward Sargent, Assistant P r o fessor of Education, will be the a u c tioneer T h u r s d a y a t 12 noon. He
will auction off cookies and cakes
m a d e by Vivian Hopkins, Professor
of English; F r a n c e s Colby, Associa t e Professor of English; Betty V a n
Vlack, and B a r b a r a Hungerford.
A J u n i o r P r o m bid will be a u c tioned Friday a t 1 p.m. by Clyde
P a y n e '57.
A d a n c e will be held in B r u b a c h er's m a i n dining room, Saturday,
October 15, a t 9 p.m. under the
c h a i r m a n s h i p of Sheila Lister a n d
(Continued from Page S, Column t>
T h e Neanderthal m a n thought
he had it bad but a t least he
could go out and drag home a
bonnic lassie by the pony tail.
C a m p u s Chest Committee launches "L'.S.S. Goodwill" campaign.
Left to r i g h t : Bettve Sigety, Betty Van Vlack, Patricia Hall, Lloyd
Could it be t h a t times a r e so
tough they'll send us all back
to t h e I n d i a n s ?
Rivalry Will Begin
To Vote Today With Challenging Opening Day
For Who's W h o Mr. C h a i r m a n ! Mr. CByh a i rTHOMAS
m a n ! I years. It is a means whereby classElections for
Seniors representing Albany S t a l e
in "Who's W h o in American Colleges and Universities" is taking
place today. Nominations were made
a t last Friday's Assembly and d u r ing the week. Sophomores, Juniors,
and Seniors can cast their absentee vote a t a desk in lower Husted
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., under the
jurisdiction of Myskania members.
F r e s h m e n are reminded t h a t they
a r e ineligible to vote.
Next Tuesday and
October 18 and 19, members of the
Class of '56 will vole absentee tor
their class songleader; the Sophomores and J u n i o r s will elect S t u d e n t Board of Finance replacem e n t s . Also slated is the voting tor
members of the representative body
of fifteen students from each class
to the legislature. These elections
are for t h e classes '56, '57, and '58.
F r e s h m e n will have their elections
for s t u d e n t representatives in November.
Myskania wishes to
t h a t the w a r n i n g system will be in
operation t h i s year. T h i s system,
which is set u p to curb the breaking
of SCT customs, allows all upperclassmen to give w a r n i n g s to freshm a n violators.
W a r n i n g s must be placed In an
envelope a n d put in t h e Myskania
mailbox in lower Draper. They must
contain the following Information:
T h e n a m e of the violator, the
custom violated, the place, time and
date of the violation. T h e n a m e of
the person giving the warning must
be signed on the warning.
A list of the violations and the resulting penalties may be found on
pages 45 and 46 of the College
Council . . •
from Page 3, Column 5,
Committee Organizes
First English Evening
T h e first English Evening of the
year will be held Wednesday at, 8
p.m. in the Upper Lounge of Brubucher, under the c h a i r m a n s h i p of
Vivian C. Hopkins, Professor of
Sophomore, Junior, Senior and
G r a d u a t e students majoring in English are invited to attend the Evening. A 11(4lit. program on the theme
"Reverse English" will be followed
by refreshments and a social hour.
Sophi mores will eleel their representatives lo the English Fvcning
Committee which plans the programs lor each oi I hi' Evenings.
Season tickets for lite three Evenings will be sold at the door lor
llfty cents each.
The traditional Activities Day which gives freshmen
an opportunity to sign up for various activities will begin
tomorrow morning at 9:30 with a General Assembly in
Missing Link Returns Page
Gym. A dance at Brubacher Hall will close the event
states Joseph Taggart '57, Chairman.
"Come on over to the cave
A General Assembly will tee off the event at 9:30 a.m.
sometime" — might have been
At this assembly meeting in Page Gym the representatives
said m a n y years ago B.C. (Beof the various activities will brief the freshmen on their
fore College) but someone said
organizations. Booths will open in the Old Commons at
A few once healthy r a h rah
collcgiates have turned cave men
for each a better, handy establishment. T h e r e old bar rugs are
flea ridden a n d prehistoric a r t
designs the three and one eighth
walls around the abode.
Myskania Lists Rules
Concerning Warnings
it the other day.
Edward Travis '57, Acting Presid e n t of the Distributive Education
Club, announces t h a t t h e r e will be
a meeting Tuesday, Room 147 in
New D r a p e r a t 10 a.m. P l a n s for t h e
coming field trip October 12 will
highlight this club's active program.
T h e purposes of t h e Distributive
Education Club are to exchange
ideas, develop leadership a n d s t i m ulate a professional a t t i t u d e . Some
of t h e major activities include a
merchandising clinic, a n d trips to
various retail business houses. M e m bership in t h i s business organization
is open to any s t u d e n t in Distributive Education.
Anyone interested in joining this
club is urged to a t t e n d the initial
meeting. Travis suggests t h a t this
club will be especially helpful to
those s t u d e n t s minoring In Distributive Education.
S t u d e n t Union Board Chairman,
J e a n Compagnone, came to Council with a request for advice about
such things as last week's Siena Issue. It was moved to form a group
from S t u d e n t Association under
Betacha's direction, and with Presid e n t Collins' approval, to confer
with t h e Siena leaders at a later
Inter-Collegiate Association r e ported t h a t since seven of the eleven
m e m b e r schools had ratified t h e
new constitution, the new constitution was passed and now in effect.
Joseh Szarek '58, was elected to the
O'Loughlin '50, Is to be the new
Senior r e p l a c e m e n t with Clare Delorla as t h e a l t e r n a t e . Richard Bartholomew '58, Is t h e Sophomore rep l a c e m e n t with Lloyd Seymour as
Annual Activities Day Features
Banner Ceremony, Skit, Dance
DE Announces
First Meeting
insist upon being heard. Today in
Draper 349 the Sophomores will be
heard issuing their a n n u a l debate
challenge to the frosh. Point of order—What is this a n n u a l debate
challenge? None other t h a n the
kick-oft event of Rivalry.
To most of us this term rivalry
suggests conflict or a dispute. We
m i g h t logically expect to see student and teacher grappling u n d e r
t h e stately Minerva in Draper, or
to witness a knock-down d r a g - o u t
battle between classes. However this
is not the case. Rivalry has been
a part of State's tradition for many
Wilson To ay
For Junior Prom
Teddy Wilson first became known
in the music world when he became
a member of the Benny Goodman
Quartet in 1935. Teddy teamed with
Gene Krupa, Lionel Hamilton and
Benny himself to give America one
of the best swing combos of the
century. The Goodman
played In the famous '36, "17, and '38
Jazz Concerts at Carnegie Hall.
Wilson was anxious to get out
on his own and In 11)41, the Goodm a n Q u a r t e t broke up. Teddy got
two great musicians, Buddy Rich on
d r u m s and John Simmons on bass,
and put together the Teddy Wilson
Trio. Teddy played a Goodman type
jazz and Immediately became a favorite with audiences.
Lust J u n e the "Goodman Quartet" was reunited by Universal Int e r n a t i o n a l in the making of the
Benny Goodman Story. During the
Miming of the picture, Teddy a b a n doned his Trio and put together a
12 piece band. West Coast critics
acclaimed Teddy's Band as one oi
I he best new bands to conic along
on t'age ,1. Column Zi
mates, through informal means, (jet
together and become acquainted.
This Rivalry provides for the exercise of many talents and also enables our future leaders to blossom
forth. It is a means whereby the
various integral parts a t State become a composite whole.
you are experiencing any
doubts of your hidden talents, you
have a large choice upon which to
dispell these indecisions. You can
choose from sports, dramatics, music, stagecraft or debate. Rivalry
features such events as a suftball
game, both men's and women's, a
Soph-i'rosh debate, a sing, a soccer
game, track and field games, cheerleading and a talent skit. Points are
awarded for each event and if the
frosh should win this classic, they
are excused from wearing their
beanies, no m a t t e r how reluctant
they may be to doff this headgear,
until the week preceding MovingUp Day. However if the Sophs
should win, the frosh wear their
beanies till Thanksgiving vacation.
T h e Important thing to keep in
mind, frosh, Is t h a t Rivalry is the
essence of cooperation and fair play
at S t a t e - -make the most of it.
'55 Directory Editor
Posts Check List
Directory Editor Helene Shair '56,
specifies t h a t Monday through Friday, the lists of file students tor
the 1955 S l a t e College Directory will
be plisted on the S t u d e n t Council
bullelin board in llusled and on
the bullelin board in lower Husted
All students are requested to
check their name, class, Albany address, home address and telephone
number lor accuracy. If your name
does not appear on the typed list
insert it on the bottom of t h e proper page.
Greeks Schedule
Open Houses
Sororities and fraternities have
scheduled open houses and faculty
teas for the weekend. At several of
the Greek meetings last week elections were held. Alpha Pi Alpha
fraternity elected a replacement
president a t its Monday night's
Chi Sigma T h e t a , K a p p a Delta
and Psi G a m m a sororities are h a v ing open house for S t a t e s m e n tonight. Chi S i g m a Theta's open
house is from 8:30 p.m. to m i d n i g h t
at 297 Western Avenue. B a r b a r a
'56, Vice-President,
general c h a i r m a n of the evening.
Judy Stevens '57, c h a i r m a n of K a p pa Delta's open house announces
t h a t it will be from 8 to 11 p.m. al
380 Western Avenue. Psi G a m m a ' s
open house a t 113 South Lake Avenue will be from 8 p.m. to midnight,
announces Evelyn Neumeister '56.
Sigma Phi Sigma will have open
house and a faculty tea Sunday at
3 p.m., a n n o u n c e s Eleanor Bogan
'56, President. G a m m a K a p p a Phi
is also having a faculty tea from
3 to 5 p.m., states Ann Ryan '56,
Vice-President. B a r b a r a M u r n a n e
announces t h a t Chi Sigma T h e t a ' s
faculty tea will be from 3 to 5 p.m.
iContinued on Page S, Column I)
10:30 a.m. where t h e frosh will h a v e
the opportunity to sign up for t h e
organization in which they are Interested.
T h e J u n i o r Class will p r e s e n t to
the fre.-hman class their green b a n ner. T h i s ceremony will take place
in Page Gym. In the afternoon S t a t e
will play Hillyer in a soccer tilt
at Beverwyck Park.
T h e Sophomore Class will p r e s e n t
a skit a t 7:30 p.m. Immediately following t h e skit, the Bonfire C e r e mony will take place on Page Field.
A Snake Dance will wind its way
to Brubacher and an informal d a n c e
will take place in t h e game room.
Assisting T a g g a r t are: B a r b a r a
Hungerford and Lenore H u g h e s in
charge of t h e Snake Dance; Lillian F e i r a i a , Publicity; C h a i r m a n
of Floor Plan, Horace Crandell,
Juniors. J o h n Stefano is in charge
of the Bonfire event a n d Robert
Bosomworth is in charge of C l e a n up for Bonfire. T h e dance a t B r u bacher is c h a i r m a n n e d by Gayle
Petty, Sophomores.
Activities Day include the following:
S t a t e College News, Forum, Psychology Club, Debate Council, D i s tributive Education Club, Music
Council, Radio Guild, Press Bureau,
Women's Athletic Association, Men's
Club, P a n Amigos, I n t e r - V a r s i t y
Christian Fellowship, Christian Science, Hillel, Newman, Pedagogue
and Athletic Public Relations Board.
Student Council:
Council Defeats Debate Resolution;
Elects Replacements For Committees
Again this week, the G o v e r n m e n t to read "and a report on the tax
room at, Brubacher was the scene card program."
of much
This week's social calendar was
smooth politick!) g, and the settling listed by Roberta Stein '56.
of some vital Issues.
Sigmund S m i t h '56, reported t h a t
I. 't.scha
lo rivalry pushball h a s been set for
give a repoi" on his meeting with the m o r n i n g of November 12. T h e
President Collins: Payment for j a n - Debate Challenge will be given t o itorial services at Brubacher after day in assembly—Draper 349.
so: ial I unctions, is lo be investiT h e surplus committee received
gated. Siena Issue—President Col- some suggestions
lins suggested t h a i the committee Council concerning inquiries Into a
write him a mcmorandumi of spec- scholarship, a school bus, or a colific
grievances lege cam)). Bruce King '56, C h a i r which he will forward to the Presi- man, has already gathered some
dent of Siena asking what plan of informal ion on the bus and will
action they would like taken.
make further inquiries into t h e
For the Constitution Committee other sugggestions.
Michael Maxian '57, was chosen to
T h e All College Revue Committee
be the new c h a i r m a n and Barbara received their replacements: S a l Maaloe '56, Ronald Alexander '56, vatore Zaccaro '58, Marie Devlne
filled the two vacancies made by and Eleanor Goldman for t h e Class
of '56.
Clyde Payne reported that StuT h e Debate Resolution which h a d
dent Board of Finance will meet been tabled was put back on t h e
Friday at 8 a.m. Molly Knight '57, floor. Soon after initial discussion,
gave a breakdown on expenditures Robert Burns '57, moved t h a t for two
of lax cards; $200 more is needed. Thursdays a m o n t h no meetings
Dominic DeCecco '57, moved t h a t would be held, other t h a n those of
Student Council suggest lo student religious c u b s , from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
board t h a t they return the money This was defeated. Next the resolufor the laminating machine to sur- tion as a whole was discussed a n d
plus and then come back to Coun- voted on; this too was defeated aftcil asking for the total expediture, er much debate and c o m m e n t s from
Duvld Kendlg '57, amended this both sides.