PAGE 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1958 News Views: Forum To Represent State College Pi Gamma Mu Bricker Amendment To Curtail A t Mock Senate; Presents Speaker Lists Officers PV>rum Board of Politics is partiAll bills passed today, tomorrow Pi Gamma Mu, National Honor - Presidential Power If Accepted cipating in the fifth annual Intercollegiate Mock Senate this weekend and is presenting a speaker in Draper 349, Tuesday, May 17, at 10 am_ The State Capitol Building will be the scene of the Mock Senate, Activities included are committee work, debates and addresses. The State College delegation under the chairmanship of Malcolm Rogers •57 will present a bill to ratee the W 3EJ£L«Tn«PrtShhLiJr t nolle beverages from eighteen to twenty-one unless the'Person o r p e i their are legal n guardian. sons the accompaniment of and Sunday will be submitted to the Governor for consideration. A highlight of the activities will be the presentation of an Award by the Freedom Foundation to the Mock Senate for its work in acquainting students and the public with the working of our state legislatlve body. The deliberations are open to all interested faculty and students. Delegates to the conference are Maly L a P r e e '55>C h a r l e s M c H a r g a n d B a r b a r a salvatore, Juniors, and a t e s will be Mary Rogers „ . . , _ A.l t „e r n , „ , v. A r, , M a r t l r e 55> J e a n Hand a g e nRichard y m< a nErd Dominick DeCecco bacher, Sophomores. Paul Saimond, Grad, will serve_as the Assistant to the President of the Mock Senate Tuesday, May 17, at 10 a.m. in Draper 349, Forum will present Mr. Jonathan Bingham, Secretary to Governor Harriman. Bingham, who has The State College News has, with worked as Technical Cooperation the cooperation of Robert Betscha Director of the Point Four Pro'56, Vice-President of the Student gram, will speak on "The Point Four Association, and the Financial Of Program.' fice of the College, obtained a list ing of the student finances up to the present time, $3,382.36 is the present surplus fund, from which initial requests, authorized by the Student Association, have been drawn during the year. There is, in addition, $6,000 on deposit in one bank, and two separate amounts of $3,000 each on deposit in two other accounts, The Student Facilities Fund of the Faculty-Student Association has on deposit in two banks the sum of $8,448.21 and $8,917.69. This money was collected some years ago for the building of a Student Union, which the State paid for. There are two other existing funds and one proposed one. $167.03 remains in a different Student Facilities Fund and $771 is in a fund, titled the "Big Four Fund," under the custodianship of the Vice-President of S.A. Today in assembly, a vote will be taken as to whether a third fund shall be established, called the All-College Revue Fund, to consist of the profits from past and future All-College Revues, to finance such a show each year, As of March 31, the four classes had the following balances: Class of 1955, $681.44; Class of 1956, $647.01; Class of 1957, $960.98, and Class of 1958, $710.53. 'News' Probes Student Finances MUD . . . (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) emity Scholarship Award. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, will present the Intersorority Council Scholarship and announce the Residence Council and Junior Guide appointments. The U.B.E.A. Smend Award will then be presented by Milton C. Olson, Chairman of the Commerce Department. The classes will then move up under the direction of Linda Niles '56 and Elizabeth Becker '5,5, The assemblage will then witness the tapping of the Myskania members for 1955-56. Announcements will then be made concerning the results of the elections for the various organizations on the campus. Myskania will then announce the new class officers to be followed by the announcements of the Student Association Officers by Coan. The Recessional will be directed by Miss Becker. The forming of numerals on Page Field, the traditional Ivy Speech and the National Anthem will conclude the morning festivities. Albany High Scone Of M i l ) Skit "Dial M for Minerva," written by Nancy Evans '55 will be offered at 8 p.m. In the Albany High School Auditorium. The Ped Cats under the baton of Clyde Payne will offer musical selections before the show. The skit concerns the antics of a certain professor giving his famous lecture with Audio-Visual Aids on the Highlights of Albany's own State College. Immediately upon the conclusion of the Skit the Traditional Slug will take place on the steps of Draper. Miss Niles will conduct the Alma Mater, and the Traditional Songs. In case of Inclement weather, the Sing will be held In the Albany High School auditorium. ary Social Science Fraternity, held a banquet Wednesday at O'Connor's at which time they inducted sixteen members into the honorary, announces Ann Tobey '55, outgoing President. The officers for next year have also been released. The new initiates from the Class of '55 are: Kathryn Johnston, Walter Lawder, H. David Van Dyck and C. Cynthia Wilson. From the Class o f - 66 the new members are: GreB°>''° OtmtaL, Claire Delorla, Sally Manfred Hochmuth, Jr., Doody, Robert Jennings, Frances Monahan, .._........ . William Lorraine Rock, George Murnane, Singenberger, spengler, Andrey Teal, and Virginia Van Orden. The speaker at the banquet was Dr. Walter Simon, Assistant Professor of History. The officers for Pi Gamma Mu for next year are: President, Robert Jennings '56; Vice-President, Manfred Hochmuth, Jr. '56; Secretary, Claire Delorla '56; Treasurer, Lorraine Spengler '56. By M. A. ROGERS The controversy over the Bricker Amendment has sprung up anew, The battle seems to revolve around the same arguments which were presented last year. The administration holds that the amendment is , SorOnf'lBS . And FrdtS (Continued from Pago I, Column fy) Club, according to Robert Sage '55, President: Richard Sonnergreen '56, Robert Backer, Lewis Carr, Henry Muller, James Morrissey, Bruce Willis, Joseph Zizzi, John Knapp, William Mason, Sophomores; Henry Aceto, Ronald Alexander, Peter Barbagelata, Joseph Barton, Nils Briska, Donald Brennan, Joseph Benton, Robert Bossomworth, Thomas Briely, Paul Cullen, Ross Dailey, Emerson Miller, Keith Olson, Bruce Pfaff, Jack Tate, Hallis Tibbetts, Francis Nencetti, Wendall Fowler, Ira Goldstein, Ronald Graves, Wayne Harvey, Tony Kord- not at all necessary as the constitution Is the supreme law any way with or without the amendment. I n light of some recent lower court decisions it would appear that this position of supremacy is being questioned; how long before this doctrine will reach the Supreme Court? The crux of the matter lies mainly in what might be called "legislation by executive agreement or treaty." A treaty made by the President and ratified by a two-thirds vote of the Senate can grant to Congress rights which the Constitution does not. We think, therefore, since treaties "can cut across the rights given to the people by the constitutional Bill of Rights," such an amendment is quite necessary, The quote, by the way, is from the speech of a certain J. F. Dulles. ziel, Richard Kotsi, Austin Leahy, Thomas Morgan, Donald Mayer, Harry MUlett, Jack Gibson and Robert Woyton, freshmen. All Thirteen Reach Quota In Myskania Election; Men-Women Ratio Remains Same As Last Year 40th Honorary Body Ascends Steps In Tense Page Ceremony State The ratio of men to women will remain the same on the Senior Honorary Society next year. The women will maintain their majority of eight, while the men will keep their number at five. Mt«'""'""», After the classes have "moved up" to their new position, and after "Arm in Arm" has been sung, the traditional tapping ceremony began. A hush fell upon the auditorium while the old Myskania filed into the second row of seats in preparation for the tapping. The first members of the out-going group to step slowly forward were Robert Joseph Coan, President of Student Association, who acted as the speaker and announced the names of the new members, and Mary Joan Carlin, Chairman of Myskania, who pinned the new members with the purple and gold tassles which are the symbol of the office. MARY BREZNY was the first member of the 1955-56 Myskania to be chosen by tapping. Her name boomed out as Robert Allen Sage and Olga Komanowski stopped in the aisle beside her row in the assembly. Miss Brezny served as SA Secretary in her Sophomore year and will serve as Senior Class Vice-President. Donna Kathleen Hughes and John Franklin Orser were the second pair to leave the stage. Their slow walk around the auditorium ended beside MARJORIE ANN KELLEHER. Miss Kelleher served as Vice-President of the Sophomore Class and President of the Junior Class. After Miss Kelleher took her position on the stage, Zoe Ann Laurie and Ann Christie Tobey tapped the first male member of the new Myskania, who was SIGMUND ARNOLD SMITH. Smith was escorted to the stage and took his place as the third member to look out on the sea of excited and anxious faces. Smith was Vice-President of his class this year and will be President of the incoming Senior Class. ollege ews '94» Z460 A L B A N Y , N E W YORK, S A T U R D A Y , MAY 7, 1955 LINDA LOU NILES was the sixth woman added to the Myskania roster. Beckwith and Koster came from the rear of the auditorium to pause as Coan called the name of this year's Student Association Songleader, who will occupy seat number eleven. After Miss Carlin presented Miss Niles with her Myskania tassle and she joined the ranks of the new members, Miss lacavone and Sage descended into the tense audience to escort JANE ANN LOMAN to the stage. Miss Loman was Secretary of the Junior Class and will be the Co-Director of Women's Frosh Camp next year. The suspense reached its apex as Miss Hughes and Miss Laurie circled the auditorium twice, carefully searching for the last member to be tapped, AILEEN JANE COCHRANE, Editor of the State College News. 1$, Payne Captures Vice-Presidency; BradleyVictorious Tin' classes of 1956. 1957 and 1958 have chosen two men and one woman to lead them. This has been the pattern for the last two years. Sigtnund Smith was elected in an uncontested election and will serve as President of the Senior class next year. To .serve with Smith the class elected: Mary Brezny, Vice-President; Vivian Schiro, Secretary; Olina Fusco, Treasurer; Jane Ide, Cheerleader; Carole Hughes, Publicity- Director. Jean Hageny, Bruce King, Roberta Stein and Dick Van Slette will serve on Student Council. By an overwhelming margin, Robert Betscha was elected President of Student Association for 1955-1956. Obtaining 607 votes out of 871 votes cast, Betscha received nearly threequarters of the ballots. Clyde Payne will fill the Student Association Vice-Presidential post for next year. Coming from behind David Kendig. Payne won by seven ballots in the final distribution. The election for Secretary went to Mary Bradley in the fifth distribution. She consistently ran ahead of her nearest competitor. Marilyn Leach. Filling the post of SA Songleader lor the second consecutive year will be Linda Niles '56, receiving over half the votes cast. pleton, Publicity As the atmosphere became more tense, with the sense of competition becoming more keen, Miss Battisti and Miss Montalbano descended into the hushed auditorium to tap ALAN DONALD WEINER. A prominent entertainer at State College, Weiner has been active in Student Government as well as Dramatics. NO. Eighteen Females, Th irteen Males To Take Office Director. Joseph ROBERT BETSCHA Luff Assumes Ped Editorship As silence fell again, Charles Henry Beckwith and Anderson. Robert Burns. Dominick The Editor-in-Chief of the literannual, the Pedagogue, will be Orser walked solemnly to the row where MARY JANE De Cecco and David Kendig will ary Carol Ann Lul't '56, announces reserve on Student Council. FISHER, Chairman of State Fair this year was seated. tiring Editor Ronald Koster '55. As- After circling twice, Miss Laurie and Koster broke the suspense by tapping the fourth woman, JUDITH ANN VIMMERSTEDT. Miss Vimmerstedt was active in Dramatics and has been President of Christian Science Organization. The ninth member tapped was THERESE KATHERINE BARBER. Miss Barber, escorted to the stage by Orser and Miss Tobey, has been an active member of the State College Debate' team and has served on Student Council. VOL. XXXX Betscha Sweeps SA Presidency; Classes Elect Smith, Duffy, Hinck ROBERT FRANCIS BETSCHA, the newly elected President and former Vice-President of Student Association, was the next to be tapped. Dolores Marie Montalbano and Ronald Anthony Koster circled to the back of the auditorium before stopping beside Betscha and escorting him (lass of 1957 Elections to the stage. Sara Jane Duffy Is the Junior class President. Serving with her The new director of Frosh Camp, SAMUEL JOHN will be: Michael Maxian, ViceKRCHNIAK, was fifth to be tapped. Miss Komanowski, de- President; Eleanor Honey, SecreMargaret Williams, Treasurer; scending once again from the stage, and Mary Arcangela tary; Mary Lou Fink, Cheerleader; Patrilacavone brought Krchniak to the rostrum. cia Hall, Songleader; Elizabeth Sta- The seventh member to be added to the new Myskania was JOSEPH RICHARD KELLY, tapped by Mary Louise Battisti and Sage. Kelly has been active in his class and in athletics, and will be Chairman of State College Athletic Advisory Board next year. jgmm\ Four New Members of SBF Student Board of Finance members for next year will be Samuel Krchniak 56, Jo-Anne Kazmercik and Trudy Stemmer, Sophomores, and David Blum, '58. All the preceding are new to the office. The carry-over will be Jane Whitehurst '56, elected last year. sisting Miss Luft will be Jane Whitehurst, Business Manager; Jane Ann Loman, Photography Editor; Eliza- \.\ Board Elections beth Ann Vroman, Literary Editor; Filling the roster of SA offices and Dorothy Rasmussen, Advertis- will be the two new State College ing Manager, All are members of Athletic Advisory Board members, the Class of 1956. Virginia Hilkiker '56 and Joseph Members of the Class of 1957 that Swierzowski '57. will be assisting in the publication are: Joanu Kazmercik, Art Editor; Trudy Stemmer and Eileen Sterns. Photography Editors; Clifford Davis and John Reiners, Literary Editors; Eighteen women and thirteen men and Beth Beehler as Business Manwere elected to the various class of- ager. fices this year. This year for the first time in Stall members will include: John Knapp and William Gillette '57. sevira years, the Interfralernity Gerald Banfleld, Donald Rice, Jo- Scho' irship Cup for the iraternity seph Barton. Michael Brennan, with he highest academic average Publications Release Donald Blndrim, and Charles Will- is awaided to Alpha Pi Alpha, anscy. The latter arc members of the nounces Dean Lanford. The men of Stiff Appointments this fratTiilty maintained an averClass ol' 1957. age of 2.51, as against that of 2.58 At a regular meeting of the Stale of Kappa Beta, 2.48 of E. E. Potter College News Hoard Tuesday evening, promotions were made to the Scholastic Honorary Club, and 2.43 of Sigma Lambda Sigma. The cup is a contribution newspaper stall', states Allien Cochof a number of recent graduates rane '56, Editor-in-Chief. Chooses Members and will be awarded annually until Promotions in the SporUs DepartSix new members from the Class one fraternity receives it three ment include Herald Birr and Paul at which (joint it will become Dainmer. freshmen, as Sports Desk of 1955 and twelve members of the times, the permanent |X)ssession of that Editors. Mary Ann Sehoflhauber Junior Class have been accepted fraternity. and Rita Lainboglia, Sophomores, Into Signum Laudis, the scholastic were elected to the position of Co- honorary society of State College. The two per cent of 1955 to be Ai:iMil Repeals Win Buslness-Advertising Editors. AddiDean Stokes announces that Altions to the Editorial stall include named by President Collins today Jeanette Pietrantoni '5(1 and Ann are William Behunlak, George pha Epsilon Phi Sorority again has Cochran. Edward Cornell, Walter won the Intersorority Scholarship Nelson '57. Sheila Lister '57, Editor-in-Chief Lawder, Mary Martlre and Keith Cup, having maintained an average of 2 837. Runners-up in the scholof the State College Freshman Russell. The first four per cent of the astic competition are: Gamma KapHandbook, announces additions to this editorial stall'. Michael Maxian Junior Class were selected. They pa Phi, 2.773; Kappa Delta, 2.734; and Betty Rue Van Vlaek, Juniors, are: Robert Betscha, Janet Burt, and Chi Sigma Theta, 2.733. will be seated behind the remaining Barbara Dezendorf, B. Merldeue Junior Editors' desks. Sophomores Pox, Barbara Gltlow, Eleanor Gold- Dean Releases Guide Chairmen appointed to the stall' will Include: man, Jane Loman, Frances MonaThe Chairmen of the Junior Mary Forman, Eleanor Roney, Rich- han, Barbara Moore, Hignnuul Guides will be Nancy Schneider and ard Suiter, Matthew Ostoyich, Ma- Smith, Dorothy Studley and Whit- Joseph Tagged, according to Dean rie Carbons and Elizabeth Stupleton, son Walter. Stokes. Class of 1958 Klections Richard Hinck was victorious in a very close race tor Sophomore class President. The other officers are: Joseph Barton. Vice-President; Susan Faille, Secretary, Keith Olson. Treasurer. Beverly Ross, Cheerleader, Mary Ann Kuskowski, Publicity Director. Ronald Alexander, Marilyn Leach, Gail Petty, and John Stefano will serve on Student, Council. A P A , AE Phi Win Honor Cups rAaia STATE COLLEGE NEWS. SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 •TATS COLLKOB NEWS. SATURDAY, Student Association Quota s= 871 x 100 + 1 = 43551 Quota 1 4- 1 Total Student Board of Finance—1958 1 + 1 1 26100 12300 7700 16200 7100 7900 9800 Vice-President Total Quota = + 1 — 43551 = 1 60700 20500 Bradley 5900 Crawford Harter 87100 Leach Petty Vigilante Blanks Losses Betscha Kelly Blank 8710O la 27700 12500 8700 17400 9100 9800 1900 87100 9800 9800 5700 9800 9700 9800 14400 Aceto 5 Alexander 49200 Blum Dettmer Lorrichio Patton Rice Blanks 9800 Loss 28100 87100 87100 87100 87100 2 3 30000 32300 13100 14800 4 37800 18700 25100 20500 1 24200 1 • 1 2 3 4 5 24300 25100 27200 29000 Eliminated by preference 27200 27700 29400 32400 7200 7600 8500 4000 27000 44400 7000 3200 3100 6500 7000 7400 16100 16100 16100 16100 16100 16100 1300 3200 5900 9600 26600 Total 87100 Student Board of Finance—1957 87100 87100 la 2 3 Senior Class R e p r e s e n t a t i v e 33100 37100 14900 871 x 100 31600 37800 55900 Quota = + 1 = 43551 1 + 1 6000 6000 600O 1500 6200 25200 1 2 Hilflker 34900 51000 87100 87100 87100 87100 House 34300 Blanks 17900 17900 Loss 18200 Total Songleader Total 87100 Anderson Clifford 871 X 100 DeCecco Quota = + 1 — 43551 Forman Hess 1 + 1 Kazmercik 1 2 Stemmer Ogrodnik 27700 Blanks Swierzowski 42800 57300 Loss Blanks 16600 16600 Loss 13200 Total Junior Class Representative 87100 Total 87100 Myskania Recommended + 1 = 43551 Recommended Quota—435 1 21800 45200 Betsch 14100 Fisher 6000 Krchniak 87100 Loman Lister Niles Ross Blanks Total 868 X 1000 = 1 = Yes No Blanks Elected Automatically 585 133 150 678 81 109 521 191 156 1 109000 16000 91000 54000 14000 16000 9000 4000 76000 39000 26000 7000 8000 36000 13000 13000 89000 30000 21000 55000 la 86801 16812 91000 55421 15015 17218 9000 4406 84526 40015 27421 7000 8000 38030 13203 13203 89000 30609 21812 55609 lb 86801 17088 86801 55467 15061 17632 9092 4452 85722 40245 27697 7000 8092 38628 13203 13203 89000 30701 21950 55609 Wciner 73000 74624 75130 Whitehurst Loss Blanks 40000 40203 72 29000 40341 85 29000 Total 29000 1 2 3 Eliminated by preference 8200 Eliminated by preference 15200 15900 17400 8900 10100 16500 17300 18800 16600 17800 20300 21700 21700 21700 4300 8900 22500 26800 21700 16100 87100 87100 87100 87100 4 871 x 100 Quota — Engelhardt Krchniak Salvatore Total Schiro Shippingrover Blanks 868 Loss 868 868 Total i 1 - 43551 1 1 la 16800 18600 29800 30600 11700 11900 5200 10400 11400 13200 13200 1400 • 1 2 21000 34700 13200 J 24600 38500 13200 5000 13200 10800 13200 23000 87100 87100 87100 87100 87100 4 50900 Myskama 86801 9 + 1 Barber Barnhart Brezny Cochrane Devine Engelhardt Erter Hughes Kelleher Kelly King Luft Maaloe Niles Price Scordato Smith Stein Swartout Vimmerstedt 87100 + 1 — 43551 87100 Student Board of Finance—1956 1 + 1 •Quota 87100 1 - 1 871 x 100 Quota = 87100 Quota = Athletic Advisory Board 1 30700 11700 28800 9900 6000 Kendig McEvoy Payne Taggart Blanks Losses 6 871 x 100 + 1 = 43551 1 + 1 lc 86801 17136 86801 55539 15109 17728 9116 4452 85938 40557 27985 7000 8092 38868 13227 13251 86801 30749 22142 55657 75490 40413 148 29000 2 86801 17136 86801 55539 16109 17728 9319 2a 86801 17144 86801 55553 16119 17766 9321 3 86801 17144 86801 59553 16119 17766 9321 4 86801 17144 86801 59553 17119 17766 9321 86801 17144 86801 59553 19119 17812 86801 17144 86801 60553 22119 17812 86801 17144 86801 61553 22119 18814 86801 8a 86801 9 86801 10 86801 11 86801 12 86801 13 86801 14 86801 14a 86801 14b 86801 14c 86801 86801 64760 22119 23270 86801 64880 22335 23426 86801 67083 86801 69185 86801 86801 74392 76611 86801 81681 86801 86801 85811 88699 86801 88699 86801 86801 24653 87187 40557 29985 7000 8092 38868 13227 13251 86801 30749 22142 55657 75490 40413 148 29000 86801 40599 30005 7000 8096 38944 13227 13255 86801 30761 22166 55661 75532 40419 226 29000 86801 40599 30005 86801 40645 31005 86801 40848 31005 86801 40848 32005 86801 43848 35005 86801 46097 35005 86801 46253 35137 86801 47468 39197 86801 52928 41307 86801 57169 42596 86801 59279 48728 86801 86468 86801 86801 86801 86801 86801 86801 8096 40946 13227 13255 86801 30761 22166 55661 76532 40419 226 29000 40948 14227 14255 86801 30761 23166 55661 78580 41419 226 29000 41950 14227 14301 86801 32761 23190 55661 81580 41419 1226 29000 44950 46153 46247 46535 47645 51827 60945 77410 84656 112159 112159 86801 86801 15301 86801 32761 25393 55685 83580 41419 2226 29000 86801 33807 26393 55685 86630 42419 2226 29000 86801 34807 28439 56777 88630 43419 2226 29000 86801 35035 28547 56849 86801 43623 2375 29000 86801 37083 31752 60076 86801 45649 4389 29000 86801 38201 34987 61303 86801 50866 4391 29000 86801 42470 86801 86801 86801 86801 86801 86801 66626 86801 55167 5630 29000 68628 86801 59647 14692 29000 70050 86801 62183 19957 29000 83074 86801 8448(1 86801 87885 86801 86801 86801 28702 29000 32806 29000 54809 29000 29000 86801 95249 868000 808000 868000 868000 868000 868000 868000 868000 868000 808000 808000 808000 868000 868000 868000 808000 808000 808000 868000 808000 868000 808000 Service Groups Director Names Radio Group Elections Name New Counsellors Votes Sgambati Staff Directors and A d m i n i s t r a Counsellors for Men's Frosh Wcmen Leaders tion Guild Leader C a m p have been released by Sam Two campus service organizations have elected officers for the 19551956 year. Student Union Board and the re-organlzcd Smiles group met last week to chaw up their new olf leers. T h e following officers for Studeni Union Board were elected last S u n day, reports Alice O'Neill '55, this year's Chairman, The C h a i r m a n s h i p will be idled by Jean Ciimpagano '56. Assisting Miss C a m p a g a n o will be Michael Maxlan '57, V i c e - C h a n man. Suzanne Lleberinan '58 Is thu new Secretary, Elaine Swartout '50, C h a i r m a n ol Smiles, releases that o r g a n i z a t i o n s '55-'50 officer*. Serving as President, will be Mary Knight '57; Vlce-Piesidenl, Margaret Williams '57; Secretary, Marilyn Chenlield '57; Treasurer, Joan Human '57, Publicity Director, J o h n Reiners '57; Coordinator Albany Home, J o h n Minon '58; Co-ordinator Neighborhood House, Joyce Shelton '56. Krchniak '56, Director. Frosh Ciunp will be held September 16 to 18 at Orinsekwa-Sonnlkwa, W a r n e r ' s Lake. Staff Directors are Joseph Anderson, Athletics; Clyde P a y n e , P r o gram; Horace Crandell, W a t e r f r o n t ; Michael Maxlan, C a m p Store; Jtimc., Sweet, Head Counsellor; Sophomores, and Custer Quick, .Steward, '55. Administrators of t h e c a m p a i r ; David Kendig '57, T r e a s u r e r ; and Cieruld Banfleld '58, Secretary. Counsellors a r e : Whltsoll Walters, David Kleinke, Willard Moused, Livingston Smith, and Joseph Kelly, Junior.-.. Also, Duincnick DeCecco, Richard Erbacher, Robert Backer, J a m e s Lockhart, Leon Ogrodnik, P. Randell Dudley, Joseph Taggeri J a m e s Smith, Robert Burns, Frank McEvoy. ami Richard Sailer, Sophomores. Freshmen who will serve us Counsellors are: Robert Hossoniworth, Joseph Burton, Joseph K h u n , Ronald Alexander, Lloyd Seymour, J o h n Slelaiio, Paul .Sloaiul, J a m ' s Fitaslmmons, Ross Duiley, Henry Aceto, Warren Letb, Donald Mayer, David Blum, Roger H u n t , and Peter McGulrk. T h e retiring President of Radio Guild, Nancy Feeler '55, releases the following list as officers-elect of Radio Guild: President, Emella Sgambati '57; Vice-President, Harold Schwager '56; Secretary, Barbara Bailey '57; and Treasurer, Animbelle Persi.-o '57. The C h a i r m a n ol Associates will be Phyllis Huicl '57, other Associates including Jesse Vies '57, and Iroiii the Class ol 1958, Nelll Havens. Bruce Clark and J o a n Shtilell N c u h elected Council members arc Miss Havens and Clark. Seniors Choose Junior Marshals, Counsellor STATE COLLEGE NEWS ESTABLISHED BY T H E MAY 1916 CLASS OF I91B First Place CSPA VOL. X X X X 1959 PAOI M Second Place ACP No. 12 May 7, 1955 Members of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3320, Ext. 11. Phones: Cochrane, 2-7030; Luft 2-0612; Swierzowski 2-3744, doldsteln 2-26120; Lackey 3-0277; Moore, 2-3320. The undergraduate ne wspnper of the Now York State College 'or Teachers; published every Friday of the College year by the NEWS Board for thu Student Association. AIMSKN COCHRANE Editor-! i-Olilef . CAROL ANN LUFT Editor - I'Ullll a Managing ESTHER GOLDSTEIN Relations Editor FRANCES MONAIIAN Huslness- Advertising Editor NANCY SCHNEIDER Circulation Editor . RONALD LACKEY Executive Editor . JOANNE MOORE Consultant Editor 1MAKCIA LAWRENCE Assoolutu Editor MATTHEW OSTOYICH Assoolate Editor . RICHAHD SAUER Associate Editor . (I II I OKU DAVIS FiMlurr 1 ,lllm JOSEPH SWIERZOWSKI Spurts Editor ARNOLD NEWMAN . Ju ilur Sports Editor DOROTHY HAHMUSSEN Junior 1957 317 X 100 Quota — + 1 — 43551 871 x 100 Quota = 1958 871 x 100 871 X 100 7, Class Tabulations Student Board O f Finance: Secretary President MAY Sports Editor JOHN KNAI'P Staff I'hotographcr All communications should be addri'.-sed to the edilur uml inusl bu sinned Nanus will be withhold on roquest The STATE COLLEQE NEWS assumes mi responslbilny lea opinions expressed In Us columns ur communications, as such expressions do not <)n Monday Ihe Senior Class voted necessarily reflect its views. lor Ihe J u n i o r Marshals and Allli.lliii Counselor. John Orser '55, PresUONAI.I) I ,\( K I V issl„. i.iilm ident ol the Senior Class, reports Members ol Myskania aided in the publication ol ibis issue. thai Robert Betscha and Linda Niles will be the marshals. Mary llaltisli '55 was elected to the position ol class counselor. 1956 President 245 X 100 + 1 15851 Quota 1 + 1 = + 1 = Total Vice-President Barton Corcoran Dunham Pelio Fitzsimmons LaFalce Blanks Loss 1 12900 6000 2800 1800 5100 1700 1400 Total Secretary Betros Bradley Cantor Faille Blanks Loss 1 2 3 9300 10500 13900 10600 14000 22900 1300 1300 1300 2500 7500 Duffy McEvoy Blank 1 14300 8000 2200 Total 24500 31700 31700 31700 Vice-President 1400 200 13800 15100 18400 6700 7100 8500 3100 6300 7100 1400 400 1400 1000 1400 3400 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 1 2 Disqualified Eliminated by Preference 7700 11700 W700 12300 12300 4700 Total Publicity Director 1 2 Alward 4500 4500 Bruno 3300 3500 Fusco 6000 6400 Ku'k'ki 6300 6700 Mayer 2200 2300 Seym'r 3300 3500 Sch'der 1500 White 2700 2800 100 Loss Blanks 1900 1900 31700 31700 3 5000 3600 6700 7100 Davis .... Maxi»n Blanks 1 7900 14100 2500 Total 24500 3 13200 6200 2800 2000 5900 4 5 6 7 8 5600 6500 7200 4000 7200 8100 9100 11100 14600 7300 8000 9OO0 10500 Treasurer Total Secretary Hungerford Roney Blanks Loss Total 24500 Publicity Director 4000 4100 4200 Culligan Ferrara 2900 Staplcton 500 1600 3000 4500 8200 15200 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Blanks Loss Total Total 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 Songleader Cheerleader 1 Ross 24300 Blanks 7400 Hall O'Connor 31700 Blanks .... Total 4 2 Treasurer 1 Total Fowler 7200 7900 Liermoe 6600 8100 10300 Olson 10500 11800 15200 '040 () Cheerleader Petcoff 5400 Blanks 2000 2000 2000 2000 Fink 1900 4200 9300 Blanks Loss 15900 Schiro 3400 Blanks 1 15800 3500 Total 19300 Total 19300 Vice-President 193 X 100 Quota = 1- 1 = 9651 1 + 1 193 X 100 Quota — + 1 — 9651 1 + 1 1 16500 Fusco 2800 Blanks 1 16700 2600 Total 19300 Total 19300 Director 193 X 100 S t u d e n t Council + 1 = 9651 1 + 1 1 193 X 100 Quota — + 1 — 3861 4 + 1 1400 9900 1 la lb 2 5600 2600 2688 2697 2400 Coogan Hageny 3300 3564 3572 4396 2 Total 19300 Kelleher—Eliminated by Preference Kelly—Eliminated by Preference 16800 Cheerleader King 5000 3861 3861 3861 2400 193 X 100 Krchniak—Eliminated by Preference Quota = 1- 1 = 9651 Stein 3600 3732 3740 4343 5300 Van Sleete .. 3800 3932 3861 3861 1 + 1 Vimmerstedt—Elim. by Preference 1 24500 Idc 1000 1000 1000 1000 15400 Blanks 523 569 1839 Blanks 3900 Loss 1 2 3 6500 8600 6300 8800 10500 14500 2900 2900 2900 2500 7100 24500 24500 24500 1 13300 Total 19300 Total 19300 19300 19300 19300 PsychologyClub, Religious Clubs ACS Affiliates Select Leaders Pick Candidates For Coming Year 8600 2600 Two recently formed organizations on t h e S t a t e College c a m p u s have chosen their officers for the 195524500 1956 school year. A s t u d e n t affiliate group of t h e American Chemical Society, newly formed, and Psy1 chology Club, organized last year, 19100 have filled their posts of lead5400 ership as a result of recent elections. For A.C.S., Marvin Goldstein '56 will 24500 serve as C h a i r m a n , while Robert 31700 31700 31700 31700 Total Total Woodrow will be Vice-Chairman, and Audrey Briggs '57, SecretaryTreasurer. Dr. Richard Spaulding was selected as the group's Faculty Advisor. 245 X 100 Psychology Club h a s elected the i- 1 = = 4901 Quo a = following slate of officers: Presi4 -! 1 dent, Eric Buck '57; Vice-President, 8 7a J o a n Reul "58; Secretary, Mary •» 3 6 7 5 41) la 1 1 Bullock '58, and Treasurer, J a c k Anderson ... .. 3300 3300 331)0 3700 3708 3773 3995 4726 5927 4901 4901 Officers for the coming school Ertle '58. . 1200 1600 1700 2000 2001 2O01 2401 250G Bernstein year have been released by the hon. 4200 4200 4900 5000 4901 4901 4901 4901 1901 4901 4901 orary societies in their respective Burns academic fields. K a p p a Phi Kappa. . 1900 1900 1900 1900 1913 1973 2079 Carbone Professional Education F r a t e r n i t y , 2987 3392 3612 4322 2567 2057 2012 2000 2000 1900 . 1800 DeCecco and Pi Omega Pi, Professional Bus. 1300 1400 1400 Kazmercik iness Education F r a t e r n i t y recently . 4500 4600 4600 5200 5200 4901 4901 4901 4901 1901 4901 held their a n n u a l elections and seKendig lected the following leaders: Kappa Forum ol Politics and Debate 1600 1700 1700 1700 1708 1758 Lockhart Phi K a p p a , President, Marvin Gold- Council convened recently to adopt Swierzo'ski . 1100 1100 stein '5; Vice-President, Harvey a slate of officers for the coming . 800 Taggert Brody; Secretary, Richard Van school year. Slcele; Treasurer, Ernest TeBordo; Van Vlack . 1600 1000 1801) 1800 1807 1822 2227 2530 2830 3020 Mary LaPree '55, retiring F o r u m Chairman, reports that . 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 Historian, Manfred Hochmuth and Board Blanks 50 114 229 749 1349 1965 4275 Faculty Sponsor, Dr. Allan F. Rose- Charles McHarg '56 will succeed h e r Loss brock. as C h a i r m a n , and that Charles Nel. Pi Omega Pi President, William son '56 will serve as Vice-President 24500 24500 14500 '4500 : 4500 24500 24500 '•1500 24500 24500 24500 Shlpengrover; Vice-President, J o h n of the organization. New Board Total F l a n a g a n ; Secretary, Vivian Schiro; members a r e : Dominiek DeCecco Treasurer, Deloris Price; Historian. and Richard Erbacher '57. Serving Archie Wesi miller and Editor, Au- a.- Advisor will be C a t h e r i n e Newdrey Teal. bold of ihe Social Studies Department, Phyllis Bialow '56, President oi 317 X 100 Debate Council, lists Ihe fuluiwing 6341 Quota ' 1 J u n i o r s as new members of the 4 •(• 1 Council: Sondra Schecli r, Theresa 8 Barber, Shirley Allen. Linda Nlleli lia I In :• 3 I •> »" International Film Group, a re- and J e a n Hageny. 11500 6341 6341 6341 6341 113II 6341 6341 6341 6341 6341 cently formed organization contrib • Alex'der uting to dramatic arl on canipu.., 60(1 776 776 Ciiiin'haiii and Dramatics and Arl Afliliules 21(H) 2320 2320 2-120 2420 2420 2420 Del t n i c r have released Ihe list ol leaders fur 2800 3328 3428 3672 3672 3716 3716 3804 3804 4504 Lalle> next year. 3500 4556 4800 4844 1844 5144 5144 678K 6341 6341 6341 T h e following officers of D r a m a New officers for Residence Coun190(1 2340 2340 241(1 2984 3472 317'! 3716 37 III 4624 (1288 lies and Arl Affiliate.') have been Pet I j cil and C o m m u t e r s Club have been elected: resident, Mary Furrier '57; 1)00 121)3 1208 1452 laft'J Rice T h e new Residence Vice-President, Marjorie Jelley '->7. announced 110(1 1364 1364 1364 Sal/ Secretary. Marilyn Leach '58; Treas- Council President will be J a n e Ide 3000 5440 5510 5540 5828 6401 6341 6341 6341 6341 6341 urer, Richard Feldmun '57; Try-oul f>(>. stales K a l h y Western '55. The Slitanii C h a i r m a n , Barbara Davis '57; Pub oilier officers, including Judicial •Hit) 444 S/.al'ek la My Director, Lloyd Seymour '58 Board, Will be elected at their first 170(1 2140 214(1 2140 2428 2572 2572 2722 2772 Vigilante T h e new officers of the Inieriia- meeting a l t e r Moving-Up Day. 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 Blanks C o m m u t e r s Club officers will be: II il Film Group are: President, 143 143 187 331 331 394 638 1085 2241) 501(9H a n n a Wilier! '56; Cinematic Dir- President, Nancy Gade '57; ViceLoss ector, Arthur Lennig '55; Treasurer, President, Patricia Roscoe '58; Secretary, Helen Cassavaugh '50. 31700 31700 3170!) 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 31700 William DcAlluesume '56. Total Student Council 1957 Treasurer Brezny Blanks 9900 Quota = 11700 15800 2900 2900 5800 Dalbac Hughes 24500 24500 S t e a r n s Blanks 1 9900 12200 2400 + 1 = 9651 1 + 1 Smith Blanks Publicity 1 DeSanta Williams Blanks Loss Quota = 1 + 1 President Aceto Blum Hinck Blanks Loss 193 X 100 -f 1 = 9651 Quota 1 + 1 President Secretary 193 X 100 12251 Kappa Phi Kappa, Pi Omega Pi, Announce Heads Forum, Debate Elect Leaders Student Counci I 1958 Film Group, D& A Release New Officers Ide, Gade To Head Campus Groups The officers of Hlllel a r e : President, Norman Arnold; Vice-President, Marilyn Goolman; Secretary, Ida Cicelsky; and Treasurer, Paul Lewis. All are members of t h e Class of 1957, reports Harvey Brody '56, President. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will be headed by Ann K a m m e r '56, re-elected President. Vice-President will be Lee Hazeltine '57; Prayer Secretary, G e n e Arnold '56; Secretary, Alma Webster '57; Treasurer, Frances Ireland '57; and Publicity Director, K a t h e r i n e Monsees '57. C a n t e r b u r y Club has selected the following officers for t h e coming year: J o a n Van Dusen, President; Mary F o r m a n , Vice-President '57; Mary Bullock, Secretary; J o a n Reul, Treasurer; R u t h Bonesteel, Parliam e n t a r i a n ; and Ann Hitchcock, Publicity Director, all from the Class of '58. Filling the post of President of Newman Club will be Bernice O'Connor '57. Assisting h e r will be Tony Scordato, Vice-President, '56; Elizabeth Stapleton, Secretary; and Betty Gaiss, Treasurer, '57. Battisti Wins Award; Horwitz Heads DE Dr. Milton Olson of the Commerce Department reveals that the first UBEA-Smead Award given to the outstanding Senior student m a joring in business education has been presented to Mary Louise B a t tisti '55. The award consists of a professional membership in the f i iled Business Education Associat e d , an affiliate of the NEA, and a leather, engraved binder c o n t a i n in ' is. u -, of the Business Education F a r m for one w a r . Mary was chosi n lor the award by the faculty of the Commerce Department and the • i siiH---. education supervisory staff in ihe Milne High School. She e a r n c I the award by the excellence of her scholastic work and the quality an.: amount ol her other college ac11, ities. Al o in (he commerce Held (he i ; i t r , b . live Education Club lists its , i n . e i s for the 1955-11)56 year. In ihe office ol President is Irwin Horwitz 56; Vice-President, Edson T r a vis '57; Secretary, J o a n Lopat '56; Treasurer, Josephine DiNolo '56; Publicity Director, Livingston Smith '56; and Sheila Stangeu '50, Historian. PAOB4 STATB C O L L E G E N E W S . S A T U R D A Y . MAY 7 , 1 8 5 5 Original Show Director Lists ft/ext IjeoA. With Ike QiezU Devine, Murnane New Counsellors Will Highlight Seven sororities a n d t h r e e frater- Coogan; Secretary, Helen H a g e n a h ; Direct Dramatic*, nities have released a listing of t h e i r Treasurer, Merldene F o x ; Assistant officers for t h e coming fall s e m - S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r , S a n d r a Brill; Music Councils For Frosh Camp nite s Festivities ester. T h e list does n o t include t h e T h i s evening's MUD show will be presented a t 7:15 p.m. a t Albany High School, reports Alan Weincr '56, Director of the show. T h e original skit, "Dial M for Minerva," was written by Nancy Evans '55. T h e Assistant Director is Marie D e Counsellors from t h e Class of 1956 vine '56. are: M a r g a r e t Coogan, Mary J a n e Fisher, Olina Fusco, J a n e I d e , M a r - T h e cast of the skit, whose theme Jorie Kelleher, J o a n Lopat, L i n d a is "Class of '59 goes to Orientation Niles, B a r b a r a Salvatore, a n d J a n e Class," includes Weiner, first p r o W h i t e h u r s t . Alternates are Aileen fessor; Laura Bruno '55, C h i n a C o c h r a n e a n d Carol Sanders. m a n ; Mary Ann Jolinpoll, Arlene Yanks, Seniors, R u t h F a i r b u r n '56, F r o m t h e Class of 1957, Counsellors a r e : R o b e r t a Dypa, Lenore a n d Marjorie Jelly '57, Counsellors; Hughes, J o a n n Kazmercik, Betty Miss Devine, Museum Guide; MorKing, Nancy Schneider, J e a n n e ton Hess, P h a r o a h ; J a m e s LockS m i t h , Trudy Stammer, J u n e S t u d - h a r t , Dinosaur, Sophomores; Miss ley, a n d M a r g a r e t Williams. Alter- Yanks, student teacher; Miss Evans, n a t e s a r e Marilyn D e S a n t a a n d second professor; Marilyn Erter '56, Elizabeth Stapleton. third professor. T h e Class of 1958 will be r e p r e sented by Helen Betner, Shirley Blowers, Marie Detmer, Sally H a r ter, Eileen Lalley, Marilyn Leach, P a t r i c i a M c G r a t h , Mary J a n e Meara, Mary Shelton, a n d A n n Vincent. Alt e r n a t e s are Alice Lockwood a n d A notification of t h e officers of Beverly Ross. C a m p u s Commission for t h e ensuing year comes from Elizabeth Becker '55, present Grand Marshal, stating t h a t her successor is to be Carol S a n d e r s '56. Uver As Director of Women's F r e s h m a n C a m p , Elaine S w a r t o u t '56, will be assisted by J a n e Anne Loman, Ass i s t a n t Director; B a r b a r a H u n g e r ford, Secretary; a n d S a r a J a n e Duffy, Treasurer. ISC Representative, J e a n n e S m i t h . results of E d w a r d Eldred P o t t e r Club's election. Their officers will be elected tomorrow. Edward Eldred Potter Club's a n n u a l award to t h e o u t s t a n d i n g male m e m b e r of t h e Senior Class goes to David Borden. Sanders To Guide Chi Sigma Theta: President, Campus CommissionThomasina P a g a n ; Vice-President, Hilfiker To Preside W A A Sports Officers of Women's Athletic Association recently elected a r e : P r e s ident, G i n a Hilfiker; Vice-President, J o a n B u r g u i e r e ; Treasurer, Nancy Schneider; Office Manager, Sheila Lister; Secretary, Alice Lockwood; Co-ordinators, Patricia Gearing, Lee Hazeltine, a n d Carol H u g h e s ; P u b licity Director, B u r n e t t a Bromfield; Class R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s : 1956, Olina Fusco; 1957, Anna Arvantides; and 1958, Alice Meyer. T h e positions of Secretary and Treasurer will be filled by Patricia Gearing '58 and Sondra Briggs '57, respectively. New members include: Myrna Lande '57 and from t h e Class of 958, Patricia Gearing, Barbara McDonald, Patricia Roscoe. Margaret McNeill, William DeGroat, Robert Bossomworth, a n d Alan Levine. Alternates are Donald Howard '57, Joseph Barton a n d Beverly P e t coff '58. Barbara M u r n a n e ; Secretary, Mary F o r m a n ; Treasurer, Shiela Lister; ISC Representative, S a r a J a n e Duffy • the new officers of D&A Council K a p p a B e t a : President, Livingston are: President, Marie Devine '56; S m i t h ; Vice-President, Richard E r - and Treasurer, Nancy Schneider '57. bacher; Secretary, J a m e s Loricchio; A new member is David Blum '58. Treasurer, J o h n Horner; Historian, Joseph Connors; I F C Senior R e p r e Kazmercik To Pilot sentative, Dominick DeCecco. Sigma Lambda Sigma: President, William Small; Vice-President, Maurice Bouvier; Recording Secretary, Robert Kopecek; Corresponding Secretary, J o h n Gauquie; T r e a s urer, Anthony Olivero; I F C Senior Representative, Richard V a n Slette; IFC Junior Representative, Alan H u t c h i n s o n ; Historian, Edgar Allen. G a m m a K a p p a P h i : President. Jane Whitehurst; Vice-President, Ann R y a n ; Recording Secretary. Carol Lynes; Corresponding Secretary, Ann Poulin; Treasurer. Lillian Alpha Pi Alpha: President, EdGregory; I S C Representative, Bar- ward Rockstroh; Vice-President. bara Hungerford a n d J u n e S t u d - Whitson Walter; Recording Secreley. tary. Donald Murdock; Corresponding Secretary, Robert Hyde; I F C Thomas Hoppy; Beta Z e t a : President, Patricia Representative, Atwoocl; Vice-President, Margaret Treasurer, Paul Polito. Student Publicity T h e new Director of Press Bureau will be J o - A n n Kazmercik '57, r e ports Esther Goldstein '56, present Director. Assistant Director is B a r bara Weinstock '57; S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s urer, B u r n e t t a Bromfield 58; a n d Historian, Ethel S h a n d '58. T h e new Press Bureau Board members for the ensuing vera will be: Burnetta Bromfield; Ethel S h a n d . Ruth Bonesteel, Alice Lockwood, Joyce Meyerman, Cynthia Krieg, Lillian Jewett. Marie Dittmer, J a n e t Mack, a n d Lee Hazeltine. All are members of the Class of 1958. State L*iL? The President-elect of Music Council is B a r b a r a M u r n a n e '56, r e ports K a t h r y n J o h n s t o n '55, President. T h e S e c r e t a r y is Nora H a n ley '57 a n d Treasurer, Marilyn D e S a n t a '57. Phi Delta: President, J e a n H a l lenback; Vice-President, J a n e S t r u ble; Recording Secretary, Lee H a z eltine ; Corresponding Secretary, Carol A n n Bell; Treasurer, Dorothy New m e m b e r s to t h e Council i n Alford; I S C Representative, J o a n clude: Shirley M c P h e r s o n '56; from K a p p a D e l t a : President, B a r b a r a Van Dusen. the Class of 1957, Anita Blando, M a r g a r e t Stebbins, A n n e Buettner, Salvatore; Vice-President, J a c q u e Sigma P h i S i g m a : Dean, Eleanor and Beth Beehler. F r o m the Class line Darfler; Recording Secretary, Ann Kinsler; Treasurer, Elizabeth Bogan; S u b - D e a n , J o y H a r r o w ; R e - of 1958, additional members a r e : Stapleton; Corresponding Secretary, cording Secretary, L e a h Rosenblum; Marie Betros, Patricia Colosimo, a n d Secretary, Helene B a r b a r a McGough. Mary J a n e M e a r a ; I S C R e p r e s e n t a - Corresponding S h a i r ; Treasurer, C h a r l e n e Hollen- D&A Council Elects New Member tive, A n n Ghilchrist. der; I S C Representative, Marilyn Dramatics a n d A r t Council PresiPsi G a m m a : President, Evelyn Chenfield. dent F r a n Verven '55 r e p o r t s t h a t Neumeister; Vice-President, Rita Hohnke; Recording Secretary, B a r bara Douglas; Corresponding Secretary, Joyce Piccard; Treasurer, G e r trude Wilder; I S C Representative, Mary K n i g h t . ieatre To Produce 'Laburnum Grove In A r e n a Theatre Style ews f 94* 7 460 A L B A N Y . N E W YORK. FRIDAY. MAY 13, 1 9 5 5 VOL. XXXX NO. 13 Chorus, Orchestra To Present Annual Spring Concert Tonight (Left t o right) Marjorie Lanjir, Nancy G a d e , R i c h a r d Tlnapp, R o b ert Woyton, rehearsing a scene from five-day performance of " L a b u r n u m Grove." Something new h a s come t o T h e cast includes: Charles CrowS t a t e ! I t ' s the innovation in d r a m a d e r '57, as George R a n f e i n ; R o b staging here entitled " L a b u r n u m e r t Woyton '58, a s McBakeley; Grove," which will be brought to u s R i c h a r d T i n a p p '56, Harold; Nancy Tuesday through S a t u r d a y in t h e G a d e '57, Elsie; Mari•ie Devine '56, gym. T h e "Grove" will mark t h e first Mrs. R a d f e r n ; Marjum.uu.ju, rjorie Lanjir, time t h a t t h e arena style t h e a t e r Grad., Mrs. Baxley; Norman a n„u„,..v,„„ C mh™ has ever been used here a t S t a t e cer '58, Sgt. Morris, a n d Richard in its regular session. W a r n e r '57, as t h e Scotland Yard Tickets for t h e performance a r e inspector. now on sale, a n d there are openings Production C o o r d i n a t o r is B a r for every night. T h e ticket booth bara Maaloe '56, a n d Nancy Schneiwill be open until the play officially der '57 is Publicity Director. Laburnum rove b S!LS.i,"«.w«ffl the p e i l o r m a n c e s is p.m. T h r e e sides of t h e t h e a t e r will be reserved, while the fourth section will be unreserved. Paul Bruce Pettit, Associate P r o fessor of English, will bydirect the assisted Marilyn performance, assisted bv Marilyn Dinardo '55. ," p Guides Urge Festival Chorus To Highlight Statesmen To Program A t Chancellor s Hall The annual Spring Concert will be presented by Music Render Services Council this evening at 8:30 p.m. at Chancellor's Hall, Sam Krchniak and Beatrice En- state Education Building. Karl A. B. Peterson, Associate o— — „..„.,...,... ,„._.„ .,..„... gelhart, C o-C hairmen „ of. last year's JJ uu nn ii oo rr Guides, a v e announced Ouirips hhave annnnncwl the HIP new J u n i o r C h a i r m e n for next year. The y a r e Nancy Schneider a n d J o - seph Taggart, sophomores. t Mil s i r w pP mr ot pf tP,oc Sr ns rr n w iillll n f Music "riLUe&MJl ° S ° * ,Ul „ n iMK L C„, „ Will ^ " UM O i c n e s i i a Will De u n a e i P r o f e s s o r Of M u s i c . m d irrne rclt tt h h ep rr hh nn rr aa ll apBrr m n n itnwnP Thp tU11CCI S " u „ f «U«i e Cff l nl £D S . L i, n e O i a i „ig r O U i n e D a t o n 0 1 L - n a i ' i e s if. b t O K e S , The Collegiate Singers will render the following num- S ' n T w poste?on t h e S e - b e l ' S : " W e A r e t h e M u s i c M a k e , ' S " ^ M u e l l e l " "Legend" b v T s c h a i k o w s k y , "Blow, Blow, T h o u W i n t e r W i n d " b y tln board outside o f t h e student Pprsni-mPi offinp n t p r v W * w\\\ a r e e a n t : ""Walking W a l k i n e ' at a t Night," Nieht." a z e r . h n s l n v a k i a n Folk TTnlk Personnel office, Tinterviews will RSargeant; a CCzechoslovakian GZls " y J-B. Priest- start on Monday and continue Song, arranged by Fisher and "Nobody at Home," a tra- J • f% *% . ditional Round, arranged by D i e S u m f T I P r S P ? < J I O D t r i c n - T n o Orchestra will offer w V l M l l l w l U C J O I W I I -pique D a m e " Overture by Von Su D " I I C P P e a»d " P r o m e n a d e " from Opus ,0 w O S O / f l S JUlV ' 0 ° b y Sof c h uthe b e r tOpen - H a r r i Air" s, "God by Cain 2 7 W. Flinton, / Director of will be t h e first presentation by t h e Edgar G r a d u a t e Studies h a s announced Women's Chorus. They will t h e n /\\i/r l-Jr\elr lr%llis~.l r / \ n L i > A n i . A t h e 1 0 5 5 s c h e d u l e f o r summer ses- sing " T h e Robin in the R a i n " by I N C W 5 n O S f S i n i T i a i V « . O n r 6 r © n C 6 sions. T h e College will operate two Cain; "A Blossom Palls" by Ravel; summer sessions in 155—a six week a n d "Highland Song" by Sacco. g r a d u a t e session a n d a n eightT h e S t a t e s m e n ' s repertoire i n week u n d e r g r a d u a t e session for s t u - eludes "Brothers, Sing O n " by dents in the accelerated program. Greig, " T h e Homeland" by Kountz, S t a t e is hosting collegiate news- sel Sage, Albany College of P h a r - Each session s t a r t s on July 5. T h e - s h e ' d Be Good If S h e Could B u t paper representatives in the vicini- macy, a n d Albany Law. Although g r a d u a t e session ends August 13 and s h e C a n ' t " by Berger a n d " P e t e r ' ty (.1 Albany today, in the first unable to attend, R.P.I. Union, a n d t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e August 26. Or- P e t e r ' P u m p k i n E a t e r " bv R h e a Pur t h e third successive year, conference of the proposed Capital Siena Colleges have indicated a d e - dinarily courses meet one hour dai- Following t h e intermission t h P O r State h a s received one ot t h e Eldred District Collegiate Press Associa- sire to become members of t h e As- ly although some a r e scheduled for ' " l l u m s , M 0 » UM- U i ~ chcatra will render t h e "Andalucia Scholarships established by t h e tion, being founded by t h e State sociation. longer periods and others require s u i t e " by Lecouna. T h e Choralettes New York S t a t e Teachers' Associa- College News. Ronald Lackey '55 additional hours for laboratories. w U 1 0 f f e r - A g D l r i t mom?< bv Scheduled to commence a t 10 a.m. „ u„ e„i ,( „, ,„u,..w„e, e„k, s,,«,,.„,„ „m n b e,..,, .,,... „ r,.ke lh(, s tion. This year's winner is Phyllis Executive Editor, who is Conferl l Tlutoii T, n esslon i ,» s c l,,,.. c . ca Hur.-l '57. ence C h a i r m a n , reports t h a t a t ' » the Upper Lounge a t Brubacher, s l g n e f . t ( J c o m p l e l e t n e requirements bv Rota "Moon' Marketing" by Every year each of the t h i r t y - 'east thirty delegates will be c o n - the m o r n i n g program will feature f o r ., baccalaureate degree in less Weaver ' and "Kitchennette" b y eight colleges a n d universities p a r - vening at Brubacher Hall this m o r - two addresses by personnel from . . . j . . . . u . . . w... tr hi i ai ini i Li n n en uii*simi s u n l f or iui ru i y' -evani i i r p ein>ri(in rlod Si.;,.., o n r ..<, m o >, ,i i n;.* A from the the _ following colleges: t ™ h ep Knickerbocker News: ticipating in the New York S t a t e n l n ^ irom following jsolleBM: * ™ R * „ n l , " r nn "NPW.William r!"fi^ . ? . t u ! e n t s P . l a n J l l n l t o i l t t e ^ c i l h e festival Chorus consisting of Rose. Skidmore, Cobleskill speaking on ^ " N e w^s G a t h - 1 9 5 5 E l g h t . w e e k S u m m e r Session t h e various choral groups will r e n Teacher T r a i n i n g Program n o m i n - Saint ' " "'-•-•• ^,.............. Skirving, . in . a n d S Reporting numbers including "Glory ates one candidate from the Sopho- Agricultural a n d Technical I n s t-i - & ,.„„,,,„,,„ J , „ , „ . , „ „ ; Kathenne s h o u l d a l y fol, a d m l s s i o n t o t h e d e l . f Pi U g '••••' "•• " •u-s - X*!, Vwilupps "Make-Up." R e s l S t a r . S t u d e n t s interested in gra- to G o d " bv Bach. "He W a t c h i n g more class. T h i s candidate is selec- tute, Albany Business College, R L.J^.discuss ]ng Alter a luncheon in t h e Brubacher d u a L e s t u d y i n t h e six-Week S u m - Over Israel" from "Elijah" by M e n ted on the basis of scholarship, perd i n l n j room, t h e delegates will break m e r S e s s i o n s h o u l d C Q n c u l t t h e D 1 . d e l s s o l l | . . H y m „ o f P r e e d 0 m " by sonality a n d teaching talent. up into discussion groups, consid- r e c t o r o f G r a d u a t e Studies. T h i m a n a n d "Allegro from QuinA committee from the Association ering the various phases of newsBulletins for t h e summer sessions tetie in G Minor" by Mozart M o r then selects five winners for t h e papei publication, with assistance m a y b e obtained a t the Regislra- ton K a t z '56; Louis Nude a n d Elischolarships, with each scholarship lrom additional members of t h e t l o n office. unbefn Stcifeld, Sophomores; Mary valued a t $350.00 per year for t h e Knickerbocker News. T h e afternoon T h e attention of undergraduates Crawford '58 a n d Dr Stokes will Junior and Senior year. program will conclude with a b u s - i s . i l U e d to the following changes perform in t h e Allegro T h e 1956 Pedagogue h a s t e n t a - iness meeting, including the r a t i - ,„ t n e .schedule of Education 20 and T h e P r o g r a m will e n d with " O n In t h e past two years, winners of a constitution, a n d fin- 21 m a d e since t h e bulletin was prin- ward Ye Peoples" by Sibelius. Acfrom S t a t e were Ann To bey to and tively scheduled p o r t r a i t sittings fora l lfication y members of the Junior class for " , t o u r o l t n e Knickerbocker ted. Section I of Education 20 will companists are Lucretia D'Andrea Slgmund S m i t h '56. news plant. meet daily 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and George Dunbar, Seniors. In naming these a n n u a l awards, Monday through Wednesday. T h e the Association is honoring Arvie 1955 Pedagogues will be distributed Assisting Lackey in a r r a n g e m e n t s Eldred of Troy, New York, retired j n August a n d September reports a r e : J o a n n e Moore '55, C o n s u l t a n t clit01; Dr. Eldred C l l l . u l A n n L u a '56, Editor-in-Chief EEditoi executive secretary. Dr. Eldred Carol Ann Luft, Managing worked for better educational opEditor; a n d Esther Goldstein, P u b portunities for youth of teaching. All J u n i o r s a r e urged by Miss lic Relations Editor; Juniors. State Receives Eldred Award For Third Year mystery-comedy which is through t h e week. T h e Junior Guides centered about a certain counter- are helpful in directing a n d aiding felter who leads a r a t h e r unusual bewildered freshmen in m a t t e r s p e r life, to say t h e very least. t a i n i n g to b o t h academic a n d social For the a r e n a atmosphere, t h e l t f e stage of raised platu nbig i o r brothers Guides act sisters f'o™s : _ will and consist grid lights will add to a nJ d to as thebig incoming the effect forms, a n d ttrid liahts will add to and t.he innnmlncr m e m bhio e r s hrnt.hprs of the t.n freshman class. ley l sa Of Proposed C D C PA Today 56 Ped Begins Portrait Work Hie scholarships a r c offered for the purpose of encouraging o u t s t a n ding s t u d e n t s preparing for t h e teaching profession. And then you find her summering next to your house on the bay.. You finally meet the campus queen—on graduation day! M-m-man, that's PURE PLEASURE! For more pure pleasure... No other cigarette is so rich-tasting m 1 ^yPj^^B ^gil^i _ ^ ^ _ 8 B ^M W t l l C W £ P'S" N O o m e r brand has ever been able to match the p u r e p l e a s u r e in Camel's exclusive blond of costly tobaccos - one of the reasons why Camels arc America's most popular cigarette! U J. Kiiinihli. TUIMCCU Cti , WIIIJUWI Hukiu, N. 0. Lottery Drawing To Decide Next Year s Student Housing Situation Luft to consult t h e Pedagogue b u l letin board in lower Husted today today C • « . „ • ' , « . . . . A ^ ^ M « ^ » C « . . . wer Husted Because of the large number of who have filled in requests for t h e fur sign-up sheets a n d further n o - OcniOlS M f T C j n £ | e T O f freshmen who will be replacing a above halls should stop in to draw tification of sitting times. A fee of ^ _j f\' / relatively small g r a d u a t i n g class during t h a t time. Those who select $2.00 will be required a t time of t n C f r O S S e C f UIDlOmaS next September, there will not be low numbers will receive assignsitting. These pictures will be used sufficient space for all those up- m e n u to t h e various halls and c a n 0 f f i c e r s o l l h e C l a s s ot I 9 5 5 h a v e S P O R e l e a s e s N o t i c e s i n l|1(-' , S e » ' 0 1 ' s t ' c t l o » " f t h e 'fj perclassmcn who have u desire to sign contracts. Those who pick high _ , , , , yeuroouk. Blouses will be provided „ m ( | L . a r r a n g e m e n t s to have diplo- live In t h e men's a n d women's resl- numbers will be placed on a waiting v v . R e g a r d i n g W i t h d r a w a l s ' ° ' " " " f ^J: ™f'f.,^L''Tri? r„,.i° " u , ' s Prepured and engrossed a t a denec halls next year, according to lisi pending cancellations. wear a d a r k jacket and dark four weal a CUIIK. lacket and a a i k loUlAH 1 r,,,, cost of $4.00. All Seniors receiv- David Hurllcv Dean of Men mid Ellen Stokes, Dean Women. Two notices have been released i n - h a n d ties V,, " t aof n 01 ivii.u. Tin ana preference f^\\ womenform Who, filling omuat d ea 3, , forinhousing, ing a Bachelor of Science 1C0111estimated enrollment for 1965-1950 by t h e S t u d e n t Personnel office Sororities and fraternities will be m e , T t ) D o e e choice for Brubacher o r oncerning those students who do „, ) U ficd individually concerning t h e «'' this J u n e must, in is 1,950, including 550 from t h e class | , l e r o c | ! t t n s a n 3 requested to come not plan to return to State next fall, sittings for members of their groups, addition, pay a teacher's certil'i- of 1959; 350 from 1956; 375 from t o d m w a l U l e s e U m e S | n l s o A 1957; 475 from t h e class oi 1951) and W uitinn list of uppercla.ssmen will Those who know belore they leave .,,,„, ^ ^ t e lee of $3.00, unless of course, book8 w,„ bo ma„fld 200 graduates. |„, formed for each of these halls, ttie l m v e all ead 1 s 111 J u n e thai they will not be r e t u r n - b y l h ( , | n l b ) l s h e r U ) graduating S e n V ' y "I"'"" " »" "'As a consequence, students who so that those who do n o t receive low ing should go to Room 110 to till i ( ) rs in July or August. Those Seniors dividual for such a certificate. signed up to live In group houses enough numbers to put them i m out the State University withdrawal who do not receive their books by for next year must draw numbers mediately In t h e hall of their choice form, and either see Oscar E. L a n - September, 1955 should write d i - Those students receiving a Mas- for priority In assignments to the may receive assignments as vacunlord, Dean oi the College, or ,-ectly to the publisher: Myers a n d ter's Degree, but who do n o t al- dormltories. T h e drawing will be cles occur or new housing Is acquirwrite a letter to him breitly ex- c o m p a n y , Inc., P.O. Box 5147, 419- ready hold a teacher's certificate held in the S a i d e n t Personnel O l - ed. II is estimated t h a t 112 of t h e plaining lhe reason lor withdrawal, 2 ] N ( ) ) . l h A d d l s o n s t r e e t , Richmond of any kind, must also pay the $3.00 flee, Draper 110, Monday, Tuesday rooms In Brubacher will be reserved Those who make their decision 20, Virginia. T h e remainder of t h e fee. C a n d i d a t e s in residence may and Wednesday, all day. for freshman girls and the rest of during the s u m m e r should be sure '55 yearbooks will be distributed to pay cash for diplomas and certlfiAll those m e n w h o ' Indicated a the rooms will be available for u | ) to send a letter of withdrawal to underclassmen in September a t t h e cates In t h e Business Office of the desire to live in Sayles, VanDer/ee, perclas.stnen. In Pierce Hull, 40 of the Dean. college. College on May 26 a n d May 27. a n d College Heights next year and the rooms will be given to freshmen.