Document 14064363

State Schedules
Second Annual
* • / u«*A*t
Program W l I Include
SoCC^r' G a m e , D a n c e
WOCCCr w a r n s , l ^ a n c e
The second annual Homecoming
Weekend has been scheduled • for
October .15 and 16, reports Mary
Brezny '56, Chairman-.
'Pec/'Distribution Classes Schedule 'News' Opens
Primer Releases
Meeting Date
Will, Continue
Rivalry Activities; Cub Sessions
The Primer staff will hold a
'Continued from Paget, Columns)
K i t PI AM*
D .
Freshmen meeting
Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
Brubacher from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Com- DO l i a n S
9 TOM For
muters may ask a friend to get a ~ , „ c„„v,„~„,.„ „„^
°Py fOT t h e m ' Yearbooks will not
™* £ £ " £ £ „ *
^ t J ' ^ T
be given out at school, states Koster. f * S
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Pnrnifv mpmhpvs whn nrHprpH v a l r y which will commence in two
book " S i SfSbkjRahe'mare
weeks The Junior Class ha S begun
^ M ^^ ^
work for their Junior Prom which
tQ ^
student mail in order that a tracer * m bt h ^ d sometime in the Sprtag
mipht- hp spnt. tn find thpir pnnip<:
J-he Junior Class, a t their last
m i
^ e Ci£ iX£LlCi ™ * « n * « * t h e * * « * » *>r the
members of the class of '54 who c o n v m & J' e a r a t forty-six. Volunteers
have not received their Pedagogues were asked to work on Junior Prom
are requested to contact Miss Fuchs. Committees and Chairmen were appointed from those who volunteered, ScUocUU
Tuesday, at 10 a.m. in Draper 349,
the Juniors will nominate for Viceschedule President and will discuss plans for
has been announced by John Or- a Junior show,
ser '55, Chairman of Rivalry ComThe Sophomores a t their last
meeting elected the following RiDebate Challenge
Oct. 1 valry Committee Chairmen: J o Softball
Oct. 9 seph Swierszowski, Men's Sports;
% Challenge
Oct. 15 Ann Krammer, Girls' Sports; RobWomen's soccer and men's
ert Bloomer, Debate, and Horace
Frkfciy evening, October 15, Music * t i n c i i will present a guest
Oo„„„,„ I i n W „
concert. Seymour Lipkin, pianist,
will perform in the Page Hall concert. ,
_ , ,
,. -~ • , .-.. • „
Saturday morning, October 16,
registration of all Alumni will commence a t 9 a.m. at Brubacher Hall.
. . „t , .
. . , . ,
A buffet luncheon is scheduled for
noon in the main dining room of Banner Hunt
Brubacher. Entertainment will fol- Debate
low the luncheon
Campus Day
A soccer game with Oswego will
highlight the afternoon's activities
beginning at 2 p.m. Climaxing the
weekend at 9 a.m., Saturday evening, will be a dance. A name band
will render the selections. Favors
will be issued to the Alumni and reChairmen will
for the
be committees
served athave
been announced and are as foldance.
lows: Invitations, Joyce Tonnata;
Arrangements, Olina Fusco and
Theresa Cardamone; Hospitality,
Beatrice Engelhart, and Sam Kr-chniak, Sophomores; Promotion, Lois
Johnson '57 and Walter Barbash
'54; Decorations, Publicity and Prograins, Barbara Paulson '57; and
Clean-up, Joseph Kelly '56.
Freshmen interested in working
on the State College News are requested by Ronald Lackey '55, Editor-in-Chief, to report to Brubachei Activity Room 8, Wednesday evening at 7:30 pan.
Upperclassmen who are also desirous of working on the News, especially Sophomores, are urged to attend this same meeting.
In order to begin work on this
college publication, it is required
that students attend a series of cub
classes, taught by Evelyn Ruben '55,
Managing Editor. During these
meetings students learn styles of
publication and various phases of
newspaper work. Initiative and a
sense of responsibility are the only
two essential requirements, states
Miss Ruben.
Working on the News expands the
students' knowlege of factual and
creative writing, thus improving
their ability to write formally. Work
Q c t 16 C r a n d a l l i P e p B a n d
on the News will also enable stuOct. 23 The Class of '58 will choose the dents to advise.
Nov. 5 heads of rivalry committees TuesNov
- 1 2 d a y a t t n e i r Orientation Meeting in
Nov. 20 Page Hall.
in one of the Brubacher activity
rooms states Bertram Sackman '55,
All persons, including freshmen,
who are interested in working on
Primer are urged to attend this
meeting and sign up for one of the
three Primer staffs. The three staffs
are: literary, art and business.
The Primer annually publishes
student creative writing including
the short story, verse and essay. I t also prints illustrations
drawn by student artists. All members of the State College student
body are invited to contribute their
literary work for publication.
The purpose of Primer is to encourage the creative talent of students and to issue a publication that
will record the literary and artistic
achievement of State College. It
also offers students an opportunity
to become familiar with style and
make-up of a. literary publication.
Homecoming Weekend was inaugurated last year as a new tradition at State College. Graduates of
'51, '52, and '53 were invited for
the first weekend. The purpose' of
the weekend is to create closer feeling between the alumni undergraduate students. Robert Coan '55 served as the first Homecoming Weekend Chairman.
* * c *ive
i T **TIO
ooronties Plan
Open Houses
nv* r,*r*
The Sororities of State College
will hold Open House for freshmen
girls on September 30 and October
1 from 7 to 10 p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m.
respectively announces Patricia Finger '55, President of Inter-Sorority
. Visits will be done on a rotation
system. Each ireshmen girl will visit the sorority house witli the
group under which her name is
On September 3(J freshmen girls
whose names begin with A-G will
visit Alpha Epsllon Phi at 7 p.m., Chi
Sigma Tlietu at 8 and Kappa
Delta at 9 p.m. Girls with nanu • beginning with H-O will visit Chi Sigma Thetu at 7, Alpha Epsllon Phi
at 8 and Kappa Delta at 9.
All students will visit each house
for forty-five minutes. Fifteen minutes will be allotcd for travel between tne sorority houses.
On October 1 from 7 to 11 p.m.
a similar four group rotation system will take place so that tin:
freshman girls may see the rest of
the sororities. Freshman girls whose
names begin with A-E will visit the
Gamma Kappa Phi at 7, the
Beta Zeta hous at 8, Phi Delta at
9 and Psi Gacnma at, 10. Girls whose
names begin with F-L will visit
Beta Zeta at 7, Gamma Kappa Phi
at 8, Psi Gamma at 9 and Phi Delia
at 10. Name.1 beginning with M-K
will go to Phi Delta first 7, Beta
Zeta at 8, Gamma Qappa Phi a I !)
and Psi Gamma at 10. Freshman
whose names begin with S-Z visit
Psi Gamma at 7, Phi Helta at 8,
Beta Zeta at 9 and Gamma Kappa
Phi at 10.
The last group at each sorority
house Is to remain for refreshments.
Poor Cooperation
May Break Ped ,
Studio Contract
Koster Urges Students
To Make Appointments
* »V£*S
""" T °BACc 0
It's the FILTER that Counts
and L&M has the Best!
L&Ms have already won the quickest,
most enthusiastic nation-wide acceptance a cigarette ever had. Now, L&M
comes to you in king-size, too . . . the
same great cigarette — at the same low
l> we as regular.
In either size — only L&M Filters
give you real full-flavored smoking en-
Mo& Flavor
Much leg
Mcgtine I
joyment-plus the Miracle 'lip — the
effective filtration you need. You get
much more flavor — much less nicotine — a light and mild smoke. Remember, it's the filter that counts . . ,
and L&M has the best!
Huy L&Ms king-size or regular.
Past - Your - Eyes
Milk For Peds
A new cow has been grazing'
outside the Commons for a
week. It has been milking thirsty students every day.
More mothers
their brand. But who's going
to recommend a satisfactory
method of making the machine
work? As much as thirty cents
has been spent in futile attempts to taste the nectar of
an orange.
Good fortune struck for one
out of a hundred when the machine said "tilt" and paid off
for two milks for the price of
a half.
The cow seems to conveniently run dry when money is deposited. Perhaps it hasn't been introduced to Mr. IBM, the most
important man on the campus.
If everyone has to continue
nudging the machine, it will
start spurting milk shakes and
orange fizz.
\i h
v UUOIM 4 M*mi rem*! <
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1 9 5 4
Frosh To Sign Up Tomorrow
For Extra-Curricular Activities
Evening Agenda
To Include Skit,
Bonfire, Dance
Council Selects
Assembly Format
The Sargent Studios, Photographers of the 1955 Pedagogue, have announced that the students have broken their contract with them by
not showing up to have their picActivities Day, a traditional event
tures taken. The students of State
at State College, will commence toCollege are guilty in this matter
Student Council announced the
morrow morning at 9:30 a.m. and
and as a result have forced upon
schedule for Actvities Day at their
last until about midnight. Sigmund
the photographers this sudden anmeeting, conducted by Charles BeckSmith '56, Chairman of Activities
nouncement. Only two-thrds of the
wit h. Wednesday night. A permanDay,
releases the following schedule
students who signed up to be phoent Better Government Committee
of the day's events.
tographed have clone so. Unless
was set up and nominations and apAt 9:30 a.m. there will be a genmore students do get photographed
pointments were made. The agenda
eral meeting in Page Hall for evthe Studios will leave as of tomortor today's assembly was also set up.
eryone, at which time a representarow.
Appointees to the Better Governtive from each organization particiment.
Seniors. Honoraries,
pating will explain its function.
Mary Ann Johnpoll, Mary Bnttisti,
and Fraternities have been guilty of
From 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Thomas Dixon, Seniors: Theresa
signing up for a period of time and
freshmen will sign up for activities
Barber. Mary Jane Fisher: Juniors,
not showing up for the period that
in which they wish to participate
Sara Jane Duffy and David Kenwas reserved especially for them.
this year. The booths, set up each
dig, Sophomores.
Ronald Koster '54, Editor-in-Chief
organization, will be located in the
Olina Pusco was elected Auditor
was able to get a minimum of eight
Cafeteria Annex and the Old Comof i he class books. William Small
proofs for a two dollar fee because
was appointed Temporary Chairman
of the arrangement of having thirty
of Smiles; Juniors. Small was asThe Banner Ceremony is listed for
people photographed a day.
signed the duty of reorganizing
12:30 p.m. in the Commons. The
Thirty people have signed up but
Smiles. Thomas Dixon '55 presented
Seniors, represented by John Orser,
only twenty people have arrived to
the revised constitution for Student
class president, will present the
Associabe photographed per day. The presi- tion, Christian Science Organiza- Union Board. Council approved the
freshman banner to the freshman
dent of the corporation iSargent tion, Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- revisions in the constitution.
Studios i is threatening to relieve lowship and Newman Club have
The agenda for today's assembly
The first soccer game of the seaPedagogue of the photographer as announced plans for the following was planned. Reading of the Insurson, between State and Fordham,
of tomorrow.
ance Motion will be followed by noweek.
will begin at 2 p.m. on Beverwyck
minations for Who's Who, a Mys- Prom Committee Chairmen, the So- field.
Anyone who has signed up for
Activikania Motion, Debate Challenge,
this week is reminded to show up
At 7:30 p.m., the Sophomore class
Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Apologies, Announcements and a ties Day Chairmen and the freshfor his appointments and to ask Service
Unitarian Church on Washington Pep Rally. The Agenda was accepted men will play Myskania in a Soccer will present a skit on the stage of
other people who haven't, signed, Avenue, directly across from New
Page Hall, after which Bruno Rodgame.
to come, in case someone doesn't Draper. These services will be con- as read.
gers, Class President, will make a
show up. They might fit into the tinued throughout the year.
Mary Ann Johnpoll '55 reported Prom Committee Chairmen. They short speech.
mi Election Commission. J. Ruben
The Bonfire will start at 8 p.m.
The same group will hold a meet- Garcia '55 was chosen as the Senior are as follows: Arrangements, Judy
If enough students do not sign up,
Vimmerstadt; Orchestra, J a n eon Page field, accompanied by the
Rethe photographer will leave tomorWhitehurst; Decorations, Jacqueline singing of school songs, led by
row and break the contract. A new bacher Hall. They have extended an vue Committee. Jane Whitehurst Darl'ler and Boyce Rogers; and Pub- Linda Niles '56, SA Songleader. Folinvitation
photographer, at this time of the
licity. Mary Brezny.
lowing this will be the forming of
The Christian Science Organiza- to the Committee.
year, will charge three to four dolMarjorie Kelleher, Junior Class the Snake Dance, which will circle
lars per sitting for only three or tion has announced that Willard
Nominations were held for the President, also reports that voting the fire once or twice until everyReitz '55 and Marjorie Jelley '57 Herald Tribune Conference in New- for Class Vice-President will be
four proofs.
body is in line. The line will march
If all the people show up as they will acl as Co-Chairmen of the York October 18 and 19. The follow- next Friday. October 8 in assembly. down Western Avenue, up Cortland
ing nominations will be submitted to Absentee voting will be conducted Place, and down State Street to
are supposed to between today and
•<'mi I in ii< d on Page )), Column '/' On Tuesday, Otober 12. the CSO Forum Board who will then select Thursday and Friday October 7 and Brubacher. A dance from 9 p.m. un
will elect officers from the list of I wo members as representatives of 8 in Lower Husted for the Juniors til 12 midnight will be held in the
nominees selected at a recent meet- State at the Conference. Clarence who are excused from Assembly. game room in Brubacher. ChaperMosher, Robert. Coan: Seniors, Da- Tomorrow afternoon, between the oncs for the dance will be Dr. Huding.
vid Kendig and Richard Clifford; halves at the State-Fordham Soccer son Winn. Professor of Biology and
The IVCF has scheduled a meet- Sophomores.
game. Myskania will play the fresh- Mrs. Winn; Dr. Richard Spalding,
ing for Thursday at 7:HO p.m. in
men in a soccer game. This is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Brubacher Hall. Discussion and
annual Activities Day event.
plans for the fall conference to be
and Mrs. Spalding.
The Sophomore Class has set its
Lists as they will appear in the held at Camp Pinnacle in I he Helquorum for the year at sixty-five. The committees for Activities Day
State College Directory will be post- debergs will be continued. The camp,
Chairmen for Activities Day have are as follows: Leaders of the Snake
ed Monday, states Ann Dvorak '55,
been appointed. Betty Van Vlack Dance Phyllis Roberts and Clifford
Editor. Typing will begin October 9.
and Jo Ann Kazmercik will be Co- Davis; Publicity, Donald Butler;
FarmA complete list of all names that
Student Activity Cards will be Chairmen for the Sophomore Class, Bonfire, Joseph Taggert; Dance,
are to be printed in the Directory er, a staff worker for IVCF. will handed out next week due to a de- reports Bruno Rodgers, Class Presi- Beverly Wylam; Decorations, Jotalk
will be posted on the Student AssoAnne Kazmercike; Refreshments,
Daily prayer meetings will be lay in photography. Extra pictures dent.
ciation Bulletin Board in Husted
of freshmen lor ihe Administration
Aside from selling the usual tic- Jean Smith; Sophomores; and Arand the Directory Bulletin Board in scheduled as soon as a worship cen- has caused some delay. Notices will
rangements, James Sweet '56.
Lower Husted near I lie Cafeteria. ter can lie set up. announces Ann be posted as to when the cards will kets the Sophomore Class will raffle
Organization participating in AcKammer
Students are urged to check these
tivities Day include the following:
lists tor correct spelling of their t Continued on I'aijv !,, Column S) be released. Cards for upperclassmen will be out early next week. It Orser
State College News, Forum, PsychoAnnounces
name, home address, college address,
is hoped that all cards will be out
logy Club, Debate Council, Distri.lass and college telephone number,
butive Education Club, Music CounForeign Film Group by the end of next week.
according, to Miss Dvorak.
Chairmen Of Rivalry cil,
Radio Guild, Press Bureau, WoAccording to Nan McEvoy '55, the
Typing will begin October 1) in
Rivalry Committee heads for men's Athletic Association, Men's
Movie distribution ol the cards will be theTheSophomore
the Publications Oil ice in Brubach- Will Present
and freshmen class- Athletic Association, Commuter's
er. Anyone interested in typing the
undertaken by Student Board of
Thursday, October 7, the Inter- Finance. Members of Student, Board es have been appointed. The pur- Club, Pan Amigos, Inter-Varsity
final lists to be published in the
Directory should contact Miss Dvor- national Film Group will present, al of Finance will distribute the cards in pose of Rivalry is to unite individu- Christian Fellowship, Christian Sci7:110 in Draper 340 its second film the Rotunda. All students must pre- al classes and lo aid them in be- ence, Association, Hillcl, Newmiui,
ak by Student Mail.
Those interested in designing I he of the semester, "Kaiiieradschafl." sent their Student Receipt Cards in coming an integral part of the col- Pedagogue and Athletic Public Recover lor this year's book, should Directed by Ci. W. Pabsf, this Ger- order lo get their Cards. It will be lege. Also, student leaders are able lations' Board.
contact Miss Dvorak lor complete man film with English sub-titles impossible to obtain thetu without lo wni rge from Rivalry.
John Orser '55, Chairman of Ridepicts the famous mining disaster the Student Receipt Card.
valry, has announced the following Mysk ania To Conduct
on tlie French - German border a
few years after the First World War. Those Students who did not have (ommitU'c heads for Ihe freshman
their picture taken fur their StlldTPB Requests Seniors
The film portrays the German enl Activity Card, in Room 111 dur- class: Debate, David Blum; Wo- Absentee Voting Booth
Myskania has announced that Abminers coming to the aid of their ing registration do not have their man's Softball. Carol Shakan; Men's
To Register Promptly one-time enemies, the French, in a names on file, according lo Ronald Softball, John Stefano. The Banner sentee voting booths will be set up
Committee will consist of: James in Lower Husted Thursday and Frirealistic study ol international reAll students who will graduate in lations. II denounces tlie "fatality Koster '55. These students should Denio, Gerald Birr, Michael Bren- day, Oi tuber 7, 8. Voting will be from
•miliary 1955, and who wish to ob- of impulse" winch makes men erect report lo the .Student Personnel Ol- naii and Henry Aceto.
nine to four on both of these days.
flce, Draper 110 and give their name
tain teaching jobs starling then are fences against their brothers.
Chairmen for the Rivalry ComAbsentee voting will be conducted
as no' having their pictures taken, mittee for the Sophomore Class are: for Sophomore Student Council repurged |o register with the Teacher
pursn thai a complete list may be com- Debate, Robert Bloomer; Women's resentative and Junior VicePlacement Bureau.
The Teacher Placement Oil ice chased from Miss Hiuina Wilfert, piled
Softball, Ann Krammer; Men's president replacements. Also, Sen'50,
requests thai Seniors graduating in
These pictures of the late regi- Softball, Joseph Swierszowski; Pep iors will be voted on for Who's Whu
January register with them between The season ticket is $1.50; single strars will be taken alter the Stud- Band, Horace Crandall; and Cheer- in American Colleges.
October -1 and Octobebr 15. Those admission is only 50c.
Absentee voting is for the conThe mam purpose of the group ent Activity Cards have been re- leaders, Phyllis Roberts. The Banstudents graduating in June will be
ner Committee will consist of:
given the opportunity to register is In bring to State College films leased, so that the pictures that James Smith, Clyde Payne, Horace venience of students who do not
during I lie month of November for not merely to entertain, but to in- will have to be retaken or pictures Crandall, Robert Burns, Marion have assembly seats, who are practice teaching and who have legititeaching positions starting next troduce a better appreciation of the that did not turn out may be taken Weiner, and Ann Kundratis.
at that time.
mate excuses.
technique and art of cinema.
Editor Releases
Directory Lists
Religious Clubs
Release Plans
Three Classes
Slate Activities
Activity Cards
To Arrive Soon
Frosh .
. . . tomorrow you are to meet a member
of long standing at State College, bearing a
sinister-sounding name . . . Tradition. It
is he that dictates that Activities Day fall
on an early Saturday of the school year. In
accord with this, tomorrow is the day purported to acquaint you with the major
extra-curricular features of our college. A
new innovation this year for you will be the
opportunity to see and hear a representative from each campus organization on the
Page Hall stage in the morning. Each group
win certainly make its best attempt to sell
itself to you . . . take heed. They are bidding for a very precious individual commodity, which is not in abundance at college .. .
time. Forget the idea, which you may have
carried with you from high school, of having a finger in each pie. It just isn't cut
that way here . . . the element of discretion
is priceless. Your choice should not be
founded on a glory-seeking basis, for in
most campus groups it takes considerable
time, limitless hours, hard work, and an
enduring faith to reach thetop. It would
be a wise move to consult your Handbook,
to refresh your conceptions of the various organizations. In this way, you will go
to school tomorrow with a pre-concluded
decision as to which groups represent your
interests. Find the right booth, and sign on
the dotted line.
The herald of Rivalry will appear today
in Assembly, in the form of the Soph debate
challenge to you. Ordinarily you would
h a v e m e t Rivalry t o m o r r o w also a t the
Soph-frOSh Softball g a m e , b u t his a p p e a r -
ance has been delayed this year by Myskania, due to the home soccer game.
A Sour Gri
Famous last words
'Naw! I ain't gonna join nottin' this year.'
Q44&U Column
Dear Members of Student
ed t h o u g h t s are directed toward the
new people on our Campus i that's
you froshi and t h e "old faces" as
It's a real treat to have t h e opt guess the Sophs come in this
portunity to chat with you as a well
category, even though it's difficult
group in addition to being able to
to forget you as being freshmen, too.
meet you one by one (as we would
one short year agoi. We intend n o t
certainly like to do. These scatter- to be accused of preaching, but will
merely a t t e m p t to give some constructive suggestions and the results
of some serious thinking on our
part about our lives as the outcome
of our sojourn here a t Albany State.
Certain energetic students are continuing their endeavor this fall to revive the T h e Palace is offering two top College is a fine institution, makSmiles organization, which dropped out of hits for your movie enjoyment this ing a definite contribution to outthe picture last year. With the names ob- weekend. Debbie Reynolds is at her society and our individual ways of
tained by posting sign-up sheets just be- as she plays a teen-age girl life. Some authorities theorize that
fore school ended last summer, they ap- invading Dick Powell's a p a r t m e n t college years are t h e most formative
proached Student Council Wednesday eve- in Susan Slept Here. This film co- years of a person's adult life. We're
ning in an attempt to return under the SA stars Ann Francis and is colored by- not inclined to disagree with this,
budget. The result, the election of a chair- technicolor.
a l t h o u g h the degree depends on the
man, who is to assume the burden of re- T h e second feature is Pushover individual.
organization. Certainly, the work accom- dubbed "the year's suspense sensaby movie critics. A story of
During your college career you
plished by this group is meritous of support, tion"
h u m a n temptation, it s t a r s Fred
will meet new friends, form new
both by you and ourselves, so how about MacMurray,
Phil Carey, and i n t r o ideas and philosophies, and underhelping to shoulder some of the responsi- duces a new star, Kim Novak.
go a crystallization of personality
bility involved?
Who's Who? . . .
Nominations for "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" will be held
in Assembly today. Eligibility is limited to
Seniors only, and in this election freshman
ballots are not cast. These twenty-four persons will be our choice of outstanding Seniors deserving recognition on a national
scale, so think and vote accordingly.
First Place CSPA
First Place APC
October 1, 1954
No. 3
Members of the NEWS statt may be reached Tueiilay and
Wednesday from 7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3326, Ext. 11. Phonos:
Lackey, 3-0271. Ruben
62-0570. Hi-iu, 2-1)711
2-3744. Moore, 2-3320
The undergraduate newspaper of Uie New York State
College for Teachers: published every Friday of the College
year by the NEWS Hoard for the Student Association.
Managing Editor
i'ulillo Relation! Editor
. . .
- Business-Advertising
Assoelatc Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Kcature Editor
Junior Sports Member
Junior Sports Member
staff 1'tiologrsiphrr
Chills a n d thrills are yours as
F r a n k S i n a t r a assumes t h e role of
a savage killer in Suddenly, now
showing a t t h e S t r a n d . If you liked
S i n a t r a in From Here To Eternity
you're sure to enjoy Suddenly, t h e
picture sensation of the nation.
which is the mark oi a mature, wellintegrated adult. This m e t a m o r p h osis occurs in addition to the academic achievement which is the paramount goal oi higher education.
To complete the program is T h e
Yellow T o m a h a w k starring Rory
Calhoun a n d Reggie Castle.
We firmly believe that, lor the
most p a r t , you will be well-sati.-died
with our college; well-satisfied with
aspects currieular and non-curricular; the friends with whom you will
associate, including students, faculty, and administration; anil the
help given in forming new ideas.
You have no doubt heard this before a n a Will hear ll again, but
what you ultimately obtain from
college is primarily your responsibility. P a r t i c i p a t e in the college activities, by all m e a n s They serve a
worthwhile and essential purpose
here. Al the same time, always endeavor to keep firmly in mind a
clear perspective oi the importance
of maintaining a proper balance between study and extra-curricular
Adventure is the word at the
G r a n d which is now featuring two
exciting color hits. T h e first i.s Heturn To Treasure Island, an interesting and suspenseful story which
combines love, treasure h u n t , and
sheer biutality. In Pathecolor it
stars T a b H u n t e r and Dawn Ad(iam.s. Overland Pacific, the second
leature, brings the old west to life
on the screen. Jack Mahoney, Reggie Castle and Adele Jergens m a k e
for a good, fast-moving d r a m a .
Playing a t the KHz this week is
Mack Morse Canyon, an actionpacked story of wild love. Joel McCrea and Marie Blanchard arc costarring. T h e second feature i.s Heat
Wave with Alex Nicol.
For those who care lo journey to wi irk
tlie Troy area, Russell Sage College is sponsoring the famous Don
II you can keep these thoughts
Co.s.sack Chorus and Dancers next
Thursday, October 7, in the Troy ill mind and make your decisions
Music Hall.
according to Jour own .sense ol what
is best for your own betterment, we
This group was originally organized in Czechoslovakia in 1U27 but leel sine that you will always think
has been touring the United S t a t e s in retrospect ol your college career
All communications should bo addressed to the editor and
must be signed.
Names will be withheld upon request. ever since 1039. Their program is as being among the best years ol
The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for varied so as to be entertaining to
oplulonj expressed In Its columns or communications, as Bueh all You could hear religious as well your life.
expression* do not nocessarlly reflect Its view.
as lolk music and see ihylluiuc military routines as well as guy, sparkiincurel > .
ling dunces. T h e program s t a r t s al
Neil ('. lil'OWII
8:15 p.m. Tickets range from $.75 to
Class of 11151.
By GADD and LO T R U G L I O
everybody turning out for Activities Day this year?
T h e r e are enough organizations on campus to interest everyone in one way or another. So let's see a
big frosh t u r n o u t tomorrow morning. Let's not get
too activated on Activities Day, consider . . . choose
carefully . . . choose!!
Remember, the biggest club on your schedule is
really going all out tomorrow afternoon when OUR
soccer team .meets F o r d h a m University on Beverwyck Field. The team has done their half of the
job by practicing so diligently every afternoon, now
let us do our half of the job by showing t h e m how
much we really appreciate them.
R e m e m b e r the terrific job they did last, year?
those Seniors, sorority and fraternity members who
h a v e n ' t signed up for their I'et! pictures getting on
the ball and doing so—the tempus is fugiting. And
lemember, when you SIGN UP, SHOW UP. T h e way
things have been going, we won't have any photographer for Pedagogue 1955!
F l a s h ! ! Last minute word has it t h a t the photogr a p h e r i.s leaving tomorrow afternoon.
all of us giving a little thought to the pictures that
appeared in last week's News. Most of us recall the
inconvenience caused by having the Commons and
G a m e Room closed last year.
Remember, these rooms are for OUR use and WK
are responsible for their appearance . . . wc think a
word to the wise is sufficient.
giving a big thank-you to all who worked on the
President's Reception and also to all the faculty and
students who attended.
those people having legitimate excuses tor assembly absences handing then in soon.
Remember, the deadline is October (i. Attendance
is not compulsory for Seniors.
looking for notices t h a t will soon be up throughoul
the halls in school, that will tell you when to pick
Draper Rotunda.
Freshmen will not be able to pick up their S A C .
until a week alter upperclassmen receive theirs.
the new check-out system that MAA finally adopted
for their equipment, l o o bad that this system wasn't
in before, so that much of Student Association's
money could have been saved.
Here's hoping thev stick with it.
all our budding young writers turning in scripts
to the All College Revue Committee. These kids ate
ready and willing to put on a bit: show but they can't
do it if thev haven't got the material to work with
bringing your gripes and suggestions about student
government to the Better Government Committee.
They have a big job ahead ol them and need help
all the way. Let's remember we are all a part ol S t a t e
College and have as much say in government a l l a h s
as t h e next person. So don't hesitate to bring your
Idea.s to them.
trotting over to the Commons in Richardson ai
least onie a day and checking your student man
This .'.ear. the mail boxes seem mure cluttered t h a n
ever, despite the fact that we've been in school oiih
three weeks. It se?m> Unit some of the mail lias bee:.
there since the first day ol school. Let'., get bu.-> and
get rid of the out-dated notes.
the new "personalized'' straw wrappers found u: the
Pnack Bar pretty nitty, n'est, ce pas'.'
someone pelting that mural repainted on the wall
in back ot the Ian in the Snack Bar . . . think it'.been washed oil' jiM long enoi gh . . . alio how about
getting another Greek mural up. too.
keeping close watch as you take your llle in vniu
h a n d s ,'i'o.s.sing Dorm Field. You'd better duck Iho.-e aren't Cupid'- arrows
lliev're the
TcicherPlacement Alums To Borrow Wheelchairs
Bureau Releases ToHobbleTo Happy Homecoming
New Positions
During the weekend of October therefore going to be filled w i t h
54 Graduates Teach
'Throughout The State
T h e Teacher P l a c e m e n t Bureau
h a s a n n o u n c e d the following placem e n t s : Herbert Thier, MA '54, Malverne, Science; Eli Ballin, MSC '54,
Kingston, Commerce; Walter Leddy, MSC '54, ABC, Albany, Comm e r c e ; Robert Sawyer, BSC '54,
Haverstraw, Commerce;
B u r t c h , MA '54, Mineville, S S ; William Mac Devitt, MA '54, Floral
P a r k , English; Richard Meyer, MA
'54, Malvernc HS, SS J r . Hi; R i t a
Rosinus, MA '54, Phoenis C.S., M a t h ;
Eleanor Balskis, BA '54, Pt. Wash.
J r . Hi, Jr. Hi M a t h ; Alice Mashoian,
B S '54, P o t s d a m STC, Science; Paul
Carter, MA '51, Northville, Math;
Mary Fitzgerald, BSLS '50, Albany
Library lor the Blind, Library; J e n nie Bono, MA '54, Pt. W a s h i n g t o n ;
M a r g a r e t G i u n a n , BA '54, Bainbridge
OS., M a t h ; Dorothy DeCicco, MA
'53; Florence P a r k s ! BSC '51, K a tone HS, Commerce; Elizabeth Brignell, BA '48, Herricks New Hyde
Park, Jr. Hi English; Edward LaRochelle, BS '51, Albany Boys' Academy, Jr. Hi M a t h ; Gordon Kilts,
MA '53, St. Johnsville, ScienceM a t h ; Richard Greening, MA '54,
C.S., English;
Ward, MA '54, Bainbridge OS.,
English; Joseph Keei'e, BA '50, Utica
T.B. Ho.sp., English; J a m e s Sharkey,
MS '50. Guildcrland; Richard Adach, BA '53, Rouses Point, La-Fr.;
Robert Hicks, Grad '54, Eltiora SS-A.
His.; Edith Hurley, BSC '51, H a r t ford, Conn., Ass't. Lib.; Louise Bid/.,
BS '53, Wappingers Falls; Rita
Daly, BA '44, F r a n k l o r t , English;
[liana Niciu. BA '53. Fonda. Science;
J o a n H a r t m a n , AB '54, Heuvelton
CS, S S ; LcRoy Cobtirn, MA '51,
Hoosick Falls, G u i d a n c e ; Mary B.
Sica, MA '54, ABC. Albany, Com(Continued
on Page Jh
planned activity.
Friday n i g h t in Page Hall, Seymour Llpkin will rattle t h e ivories
to e n t e r t a i n t h e refugees from t h e
wide, wide world. Lipkin's performance is being sponsored by Music
Registration, without IBM will
take place in the Upper Lounge,
Brubacher, Saturday morning. At
noon luncheon will be served in Bru
by the staff of goodies specialists.
S t a t e will tussle with Oswego on
the soccer field a t 2 in t h e afternoon, as t h e Garciamen display their
well-known h e a d - a n d - t o e talent.
In t h e evening Brubacher will be
the scene of a dance. And j u s t simply everyone is invited, be they u n derclassmen, Seniors, grad s t u d e n t s ,
or old-timers in these h e r e p a r t s .
Homecoming Weekend is one of
the newer traditions here a t State,
having had its inception last Fall.
Its purpose is to promote affection,
loyalty a n d fond memories of S t a t e
among the Alumni, giving t h e m a
chance to see what we've been doing
to their school. T h e committee hopes
Campus Commission elected and t h a t , not only the Alums, but t h e
appointed new officers and commit- rest ol us, will turn out to m a k e
tee chairmen this week. Elizabeth it a big success this year.
Becker '55 was elected G r a n d M a r shal of the Commission. Tuesday.
The following Committee Chairmen were appointed to serve in the
C a m p u s Commission regulated areas
in school: Lost and Found, Judy
Wilen '56, and Sheila Strongin '57;
T h e Psychology Club will hold its
Assembly. S a n d r a Brill '57; Posters, first meeting of t h e year, Tuesday,
Merton Hess and Richard Anderson, in B r u b a c h e r Hall at 7:30 p.m. AlSophomores; Commons. Paul Lewis fred E. Kuenzli, Instructor of Psy'57, and Carol S a n d e r s '56; Draper chology, and visiting scholar from
Lounge, Barbara Balinski '57; and Harvard, will be t h e guest speaker.
S t u d e n t Mailboxes, C a r m e l a Salduc- His topic will be entitled "Toward
co and Evelyn Neumeister, Juniors. a Science of Social Man."
Pertaining to t h e Lost and Found
Dr. Kuenzli will advise t h e club
Box in Lower Draper, anyone who for t h e coming year. T h e officers
has lost an article should write if of the club a r e : Donald Howard,
on the list on t h e bulletin board President; Morton Hess, Vice-Presinext, to the box. Hours when the dent; J u n e F r a n k l a n d , Secretary,
box will be opened will be posted on Sophomore.s, and Virginia Doyle '56,
t h e box, according to Miss Becker. Treasurer.
15, two weeks from today, S t a t e ' s
old grads wdll come dragging back
to Alma Mammy for the second a n nual Homecoming Weekend. Special
invitations are being sent to t h e
grads of '52, '53, and '54. Older Alumni, however, will certainly be
welcomed back to Minerva's arms.
Among the sparkling events p l a n ned to provide a bodacious and m o tivating weekend, a r e a dance, a
soccer game, a n d a concert.
An added incentive for t h e h a r d ened teachers to show up Albany,
t h e jewel on the Hudson, on this
particular date, is t h e fact t h a t the
Eastern Zone T e a c h e r s ' Conference
is coming off a t the same tune.
Mary Brezny '56 is in charge of
t h e whole shebang, and h a s committees working on all aspects of the
venture. Nearly every m i n u t e is
Campus Commission
Appoints Marshal
Psychologists To Hear
Dr. Alfred Kuenzli
Hold Elecitons;
New Members
Exchange Grant
Deadline Nears
T h e closing date of the competitions for United States Government
educational exchange grants for
g r a d u a t e study abroad, is November
1, 1954, announces K e n n e t h Holland,
President of t h e Institute of I n t e r n a t i o n a l Education, 1 East 67th
Street, New York City. One m o n t h
remains in which to apply for
awards under the Fulbright and
Buenos Aires Convention Programs
for the 1955-56 academic year. An
exception i.s the program for New
Zealand, for which October 15 is the
closing date.
Scholarship application blanks are
available a t t h e Institute or in offices of Fulbright odvisers on college and university campuses. The
Fulbright adviser for State College
is Dr. Edwin C. Munro, Associate
Professor of Modern Languages. A
brochure describing the overseas
study awards m a y be obtained from
t h e Institute.
T h e programs under the Fulbright
Act and the Buenos Aires Convention for the Promotion of InterAmerican cultural relations are p a r t
of the international educational exchange activities of the Department
of State. T h e y will give abnost one
American citizens the
chance to study abroad during the
1955-56 academic year. Since the
establishment of the Fulbright P r o gram in 1947, three thousand six
h u n d r e d American students have
gone abroad under its auspices, and
over nine hundred have accepted
g r a n t s for t h e current academic
Eligibility requirements for these
foreign study fellowships a r e : (1)
on Page lt, Column If)
Two Fraternities Elect
New Presidents, Veep
Two fraternities a n d one sorority
held elections Monday evening to
elect new officers and replace v a c a n t
Sigma L a m b d a Sigma elected
Robert Henderson '55, President,
and William Small '56, Vice-President.
K a p p a B e t a held
elections for President and Secretary. Elected to t h e respective offices were R i c h a r d T i n a p p '56, and
J o h n Horner '57,
Psi G a m m a elected three new officers a t its meeting. Elaine S t a r t out is Songleader, Phyllis Lyeth is
the Sportscaster, J u n i o r s ; a n d Nina
Scaramuzza '55 will fill t h e office
of Historian. Psi G a m m a h a s scheduled S t a t e s m e n ' s Open House for
October 8 from 8-12. Nancy Hughes
'57 is C h a i r m a n .
G a m m a K a p p a P h i formally initiated Shirley J o h n s o n '57 a t its
regular Monday meeting. J o a n Rogers '55, Vice-President a n d Social
Chairman of G a m m a Kappa Phi, is
acting as C h a i r m a n for the S t a t e s man's Open House. This will be
October 8. P a t r i c i a Finger '55, President, said all men are cordially invited. A group of girls under t h e
supervision of Delores Montalbano
'55 has painted the living room and
music room. Guests a t t h e house for
the weekend were Barbara H u n g e r ford '57, Rosemary Keller, Alumni,
and J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56.
Events a n d rules of rushing were
explained to the freshmen by Custer
Quick '55, President of the I n t e r Fraternity Council in F r e s h m a n
Orientation Tuesday.
During a recent meeting, the IFC
bidding procedure
rushing rules. Also discussed was
the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Smoker which
(Continued on Page if, Column 5/
and how It started.
T E R E S A W R I G H T says: "Up to 16, my k n o w l e d g e of a c t i n g
had been gleaned from seeing' movies. W h e n I s a w my first
professional play, t h a t w a s it: I only w a n t e d to act. I g o t into
high school plays, wrestled props a t Provincetown, understudied,
sat for m o n t h s in producers' reception rooms. One rainy
night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and not it!"
Start smoking Camels yourself!
M a k e t h e 30-day Camel Mildness Test.
S m o k e only C a m e l s for 30 d a y s — see
for yourself w h y C a m e l s ' cool mildness
and rich flavor a g r e e with more people
than any other cigarette!
n n ; WICKK . . .
W h o w i l l be L L P ' s next Week's A w a r d
H a t s oil' to B. B !
ABOUT oi KSI:I,\I:S . . .
We're Hew to t i l l s game so don't contuse
open to c r i t i c i s m , but keep it clean
College Calendar - - 1 KIDAY. OCTOBEK I
•1.00 p.m. News Stat I meet lie:. I ' l l
S A 1 I ' K D A Y , Ot T o m . K "
!1 ;|() a in
A c t i v i t i e s Day, Page H a l l C.i let eri.i A n u i s
and Old Common •
l'J.lill p i n
Banner Cereliiuiij. Commons
Soccer ( t a m e w i t h L o r d l i a i n , Beverw \ i r.
7 .11) p i n
S o p h o m o r e S k i t . Pace H a l l a n d
Dunce to D r u b a c h i T
!) lit) p in to L! m i d n i g h t
1 ianec. B r u b a i liei
S U N D A Y , ( X T O I H . l t ;i
7 31) p t u
C h a n n i n g Discussion. U n i t , i t I ' h u u l i .
W a s h i n g t o n Avenue
T U K K D A Y , 0 < T O H i : i { T>
•I DO p i n
SUA Vespers, U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h
;i 01)-, i Oil p m
'1 I j o i l ! . loi S l a t e College I' ie
D i a p e r :Hl).
7 ;ill p i n
Music C o u n c i l M e e t i n g . I l l u b . u h e i
W1CDM S D A V , (»( T O I t U I I li
7 lit) p III
Kcil Cross Mei'l III::, Hi uli.u lie:
•I III) p in
S m i l e , Meel nn:
1111 I t S U A V
(K l l l l t l It ;
!l (III a Hi to •1:0(1 p in
Vol an
I owei
•I 00-.) till p i n
II.VA A l l l i l a l c s R e c e p t i o n , l l i u b a c l i e l
7 HO p m
D-31U, SUA
l l r i l b i i c l i e r , 1VCK M e e t i n g ,
.. .by
it. J. IUOUOMH Tobaaw Couipuny, Wiiisiuuttttlum,N. U,
Seymour Lipkin
To Give Concert
On Page Stage
Music Council Presents
Musician October 15
Music Council will p r e s e n t Seymour Lipkin, musician, Friday, O c tober IS, 3:30 p.m. i n Page. Admission will be by S t u d e n t T a x Cards;
or $1.50 for reserved seats.
Mr. Lipkin, pianist, h a s studied
u n d e r Rudolf Serkin a t t h e Curtis
I n s t i t u t e i n Philadelphia. Later, h e
studied conducting with Serge K o u s sevltsky. H e was a n apprentice conductor a n d guest soloist with George
Szell a n d t h e Cleveland Orchestra.
Here's a little nonsense from t h e
Tempo of Chicago Teachers College:
See John
See this S t u d e n t
His n a m e is J o h n
J o h n is a Good Boy
He is very quiet
T h i s is t h e Lost and Found
J o h n is still h e r e
He is unclaimed
W h o is to blame
If J o h n is u n m a r k e d
He is n o t Bright.
Some more nonsense from t h e
same publication:
J a c k : "And you say radio announcers have small h a n d s ? "
A n n : "Sure. Wee paws for s t a tion identification.
F r o m t h e p a g e s of T h e BucknelHan of Bucknell University:
Prof: "Young m a n , why a r e n ' t
you taking n o t e s ? "
M.E.: "I don't need to, sir, I got
my grandfather's."
Here's a few quotes from t h e
pages of t h e T o r - E c h o from Alfred
I n 1948, Lipkin won t h e R a c h m a n inoff Award i n a nation-wide c o n test. He h a s appeared with more
t h a n fifteen m a j o r orchestras in
this country, as well as in a n n u a l
recital tours in t h e United S t a t e s
and, last summer, in Europe. T h e
New York P h i l h a r m o n i c - S y m p h o n y ,
Boston Symphony, Chicago S y m phony, a n d t h e Minneapolis S y m - (Continued from Page 3, Column ii
phony are some of t h e orchestras merce; L a m o n t R. Sanders, MA '53,
Rochester, Tec. Inst., Engl.-Reading;
with which Lipkin h a s appeared.
Burton Nelson, MA '38, Mohawk CS,
HS P r i n c ; LawrenceEschen, M S '54,
Mr. Lipkin h a s received m a n y
Newburgh No. Jr. Hi, Guidance;
rave notices from p r o m i n e n t critics. J o h n Wilson, AB '54, Schenevus
"An exceptionally equipped virtu- CS, S S ; Genevieve Casey, MA '32,
oso a n d musician . . . T h e audience Red Hook CS, Librarian; Carol La
went wild,'' Robert Bagar, T h e New Rowe, ME '50, Ellenburg-Deposit,
Commerce; Donald Miller, MA '54,
York World-Telegram, reports a n d Sandy Creek CS, S S ; Dorthy M a n n ,
"Playing of distinction, brilliant BSC '51, Bellrose, Elem.; Eugene
and compelling," s t a t e s T h e M i n - Sullivan, BA '51, Hudson River Tec.
Inst., SS-Engl.; Richard Coler, MA
neapolis S t a r - T r i b u n e .
'54, Port Jervis, Engl.; Marie Adams, BS '51, Highland HS, Commerce; Michael L e m a n n a , MA '51,
Van Hornsev .le, SS-Eng.; LeRoy
Dodge, MA '51, Harpursville, S S M a t h ; Marceline Stieve, BS '52,
Commerce; H e r b e r t Ebert, MA '54,
Troy, M a t h - S S ; Richard Coler, MA
An invitation h a s been extended '54, Port Jervis, English; Vida Wood,
to all college students by t h e N a - Grad '54, Upland, Indiana, Biology;
tional Poetry Association to submit Shirley Long, BA '54, Albany, Eloriginal verse to be considered for e m e n t Donald Collins, AB '53,
possible publication in the A n n u a l S o u t h a m p t o n , Engl.-Speech; W i l Anthology of College Poetry.
monte Nash, BA '53, Rome, SciThis is t h e Twelfth Annual Col- M a t h ; Pauline Car, BA '54, S S lege Competition.
E n g l ; Patricia Byrne Joy, BA '54,
Rochester, Nursery.
Rules a r e as follows:
M a n u s c r i p t s must be typed or
written in ink on one side of a
sheet. T h e student's home address,
n a m e of College a n d College address
must appear on each article submitResidence Halls have elected ofted. S t u d e n t s may submit as many
articles as they desire. T h e t h e m e ficers for the coining year.
and form m a y be in accordance
College House has elected t h e folwith t h e wish of t h e contributor. lowing officers: President, Bel Ross;
Inasmuch as space is limited, more Vice-President, Mary Ann Scalera;
favorable consideration is given to Secretary, Dolores Seaman; T r e a s shorter poems, states Dennis H a r t - urer, Margaret Ford; Fire Chief,
man, Secretary of t h e National Rosernarie A b r a h a m ami Counselor,
Betty Lee Smith, freshmen,
Poetry Association.
Hilltop House h a s elected t h e folT h e closing d a t e for submission of
manuscripts is November 5, 1954. lowing officers: President, Richard
Send all entries to t h e National Wands ' 57; Vice-President, Jerry
Poetry Association, 3210 Selby Ave- Bunfleld '58; Secretary. Clinton Carpenter and Treasurer, Richard Pownue, Los Angeles 34, California.
ell. Sophomores,
Mrs. Gladys h a n d , Social Director of Pierce Hall has returned to
the dormitory alter an illness.
T h e officers for Brubacher Hall
are: President, Zoe Ann Laurie '55;
Vice Presidents, Virginia Doyle and
Jean Hallenbeck, J u n i o r s ; Song Director, Sara Hoyt '55; Sports Director, Yolando Auflero; Treasurer
Carole Eisenlord and Secretary
Olina Fuscu, Juniors.
Gracfs Receive
Teaching Jobs
A n n u a l Poetry
Contest O p e n s
Residence Halls Elect
Officers, Counselors
At I t s Finest"
Joe's Barber Shop
53 N. Lak* Ave.,
Near Washington Ave.
We Aim T» Pkaae
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
"Don't be afraid of your past.
W r i t e a best seller."
" T h e Optimist fell ten stories, a n d
a t each window b a r h e shouted to
h i s friends: All right, so far.
"A woman will t r y on any n u m ber of shoes before she's finally dissatisfied."
"Recently a laundry sign was n o ticed which r e a d : "We do n o t tear
your laundry with machinery. We
do it carefully by h a n d ' . "
F r o m t h e Rensselaer Polytechnic:
Following a r e fifteen ways in which
to fail a course:
1. Enter t h e course as late as
possible. By c h a n g i n g your mind
about t h e curriculum after school
s t a r t s , you should be able to avoid
classes until t h e second or t h i r d
2. Do not bother with a text book.
3. P u t your social life a h e a d of
every thing else. If necessary, cultivate a few friendships in the class.
I n t e r e s t i n g conversation should be
able to drown out t h e noise of t h e
4. Observe how seedy professors
look and treat t h e m accordingly.
5. Make
when you study. If possible, draw
up a n easy chair by a window.
6. Have a few friends handy d u r ing t h e study period so you c a n
c h a t when t h e work becomes dull.
7. If you must study, try to l u m p
it. all together a n d get it over with.
T h e most suitable time would be t h e
last week of school.
8. Keep your study table interesting. Place photographs, magazines,
goldfish bowls, games and other
recreational devices around you
while studying.
9. Use memonic devices on everything you learn. Since they a r e easy
to forget, this approach keeps your
mind from getting cluttered u p
with stale facts.
10. Never i n t e r r u p t your reading
by checking on w h a t you have l e a r n ed. Recitation is n o t very pleasant
any how, since it shows u i your d e ficiencies.
11. Avoid bothering with n o t e books. If you plan to use one any
how, so t h a t you c a n draw pictures
of airplanes d u r i n g the lecture, tryto follow the simplest a r r a n g e m e n t :
keep all the notes for a given day
on the same sheet of paper.
12. R e m i n d yourself
how dull the course is. Never lose
sight of the fact t h a t you really
wanted to sign up for something
13. Review only t h e night before
examinations, a n d confine this to
trying to guess what the teacher
will ask.
14. Find out exactly when your
final examination will be over so
you can plan to forget everything
about the course at that moment.
15. Join the Poly.
Affiliates Plan Greeks Schedule
Public Meetings Open Houses
At t h e last meeting of t h e D r a m a t i c and Arts Affiliates, t h e m e m - For Statesmen
bers voted to sponsor public m e e t ings which a r e being presented by
Agnes F u t t e r e r ' s Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n
Class. T h e first of this series of
Tuesday evening performances will
be October 19. Marjorie Jelley '57
is c h a i r m a n for t h e performances
from t h e D&A Affiliates.
B a r b a r a Maaloe '56, C h a i r m a n ,
also a n n o u n c e d t h e Affiliates h a v e
decided to sponsor Red Cross e n t e r t a i n m e n t from S C T for the Vetera n s Administration Hospital in Albany. Anneliese H a r t n a g e l '56 is
T h e affiliates' reception for freshmen was held in B r u b a c h e r Hall
T h u r s d a y afternoon from 4-5 p.m.
Bruno Rogers '57 was general
c h a i r m a n . Linda Niles '56 a n d Mary
K n i g h t '57 were C o - C h a i r m e n of
E n t e r t a i n m e n t . Mary F u r n e r '57
h a d charge of refreshments.
I n other business, Miss Maaloe
a n n o u n c e d t h a t Mary J a n e Fisher
'58 was elected the Affiliates r e p r e sentative to the D r a m a t i c a n d Arts
Lack Of Cooperation
Hits 'Ped' Schedule
(Continued from Page 1, Column I)
tomorrow t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r will r e main. If he does remain it will be
necessary to keep a tight schedule.
As soon as students neglest their
obligation, t h e photographer
T h e company is justified, states
Koster, in this action, due to t h e
lack of cooperation shown by t h e
Pictures will still be t a k e n in
P a g e Auditorium. Girls a r e asked to
wear blouses which can be easily r e moved in order t h a t they may be
photographed in a drape. Boys are
asked to wear dark jackets, white
s h i r t s and a dark s t r a i g h t tie.
S t u d e n t s arc urged to sign up on
the lists in Lower Husted a n d to
show up on time with their sitting
Off-Campus Teachers are asked to
contact Delores Price '56 if they are
not able to be there tomorrow.
Red Cross Requests
Drivers For Service
(Continued from Page:), Column 5)
is scheduled for Monday, November
15. E a c h fraternity is forfeiting i t s
Monday evening meeting to sponsor
this affair.
T h e Inter-Sorority Council h a s
a m e n d e d R u s h Rules in Section I I I A
by a u n a n i m o u s vote. S t a t e m e n t 2c
now states "No bids for formal w a i t ers for formal weekends shall be
sent before four weeks preceding
fonmal weekends or as s t a t e d by
t h e council."
Patricia F i n g e r '55, P r e s i d e n t of
ISC, states t h a t waiter bids would
not go out before J a n u a r y 11 for
the school year 1954-55.
Sunday, C h i Sigma T h e t a i n i t i ated thel'ull owing J u n i o r s : J e a n e t t e S c a r a n o a n d Mary R i t a K o n i ski. New Sophomor m e m b e r s a r e
Betty Geiss, Arlene HofTarth, L e nore Hughes, J o a n Mazzatta, a n d
Bernice O'Connor. B a r b a r a DuBrey
and M a r g a r e t Williams, both S o p h omores, are pledging.
Sorority Open Houses for freshmen women will continue tonight,
states P a t r i c i a Finger '55, P r e s i d e n t
of Inter-Sorority Council. F r e s h men women m a y visit t h e houses
from 7 to 10 p.m. according to t h e
schedule set by ISC.
Starting a t 7 p.m. A-E will visit
G a m m a K a p p a Phi; F - L , P h i Delta;
M-R, Psi G a m m a ; S-Z, Beta Zeta.
At 8 p.m. A-E will visit P h i Delta;
F-L, Psi G a m m a ; M-R, Beta Zeta;
S-Z, G a m m a K a p . At 9 p.m. A-E
will move on to Psi G a m m a ; F - L ,
BZ; M-R, G a m m a K a p ; a n d S-Z.
Phi Delta. At 10 p.m. A-E will stop
a t BZ, F - L , G a m m a K a p ; M-R,
Phi Delta, a n d S-Z, Psi G a m m a .
S.C, Nominates
Forum Delegates
T h e New York Herald T r i b u n e
Forum will be held this year on
Monday evening, October 18, a n d
Tuesday evening, October 19. T h e
opeinng session on Monday evening
will be in the new H u n t e r College
Auditorium, 69th Street between
Park and Lexington Avenues; the
second session in the G r a n d Ballroom of Hit Waldorf Astoria. Hotel.
T h e p'ovum will be in t h e n a t u r e
of a .opi n on the progress in Ameri a at this hall-way point of the
ne.v administration. T h e opening
se.'Mon will be entirely devoted to
what i.. taking place in the held of
racial integration in t h e United
States as a result of the recent Supreme Court decision.
At the second meeting, cabinet
members and oilier high government officials will answer questions
about accomplishments of the Eisenhower administration in areas
•uosl vital to the public interest,
such as international security, tax
reductions, health and education,
and development of atomic energy
for peaceful purposes. T h e climax
ol the program will be a pro and
.uii presentation ol the most controversial election issues of November. 195-1.
sqiideni Council nominated Clarence Mosher, Robert Coan, Seniors,
and Rulvird Clillord and David
Kei'.dig. Sophomores. Furuni Board
will sell I l wo (it the above to r e p I'CMMII Slate College at the Forum
T h e r e is an immediate need for
drivers lor Red Cross, states Jesse
Vies '57, Vice-Chairman. T h e prefect:'.site lor driving is to have a
New Y'.rk S t a t e driver's license in
good standing.
Anyone wishing to drive one afternoon a week, should apply to the
Red Cross C h a p t e r House, at 3 E n tile wood Place, across
the street.
from the campus, or c o n t a c t Jack
l l i g h a m '57. C h a i r m a n of flic Motor
Service Commit tee.
T h e drivers tor Red Cross a r e
obligated lor only one afternoon a.
week when it is convenient lor t h e
students. Applicant'; should bring
/Continued from Page 1, Column Hi their license to the house i'nr faster
they will probably be held sometime service.
a r o u n d noon. G e n e Arnold '5(i, is
C h a i r m a n of t h e IVCF Activities
Day booth.
'50, a n n o u n c e that Anthony Scordato '50,
was appointed editor of the New- (Continued from Page :i, Column li>
luanite, the Newman Club News, United Stales citizenship, (2i A colwhich is published every month. Miss lege degree or its equivalent at the
McCain! also announces the pilgrim- time t h e award is to be taken up,
age to the Auriesville Shrine will be I 3 I Knowledge of the language of
October 10.
the country sufficient to carry on
t h e proposed study, and i4> Good
health. Final selection of Fulbright
Dr. Edwin Lawsou, of the PsychoClothes Dryers - Study Lamps
grantees is made by the Hoard of logy Department, will lead an open
Thousands of Items
Foreign Scholarships appointed by discussion on the topic, "Religious
the President of the United Stall's. Altitude., ol College S t u d e n t s " S u n day evening, 7:3(1 p.m., at Channilig
Hull. C'hanning Hall is located lie313 Central Avenue
hind '.he Unitarian Church, just
Below Quail Street
ii cross Ihe street liom Draper fclxOpen Every Night till 9
feitsion, mi Washington Avenue.
This is the first ol a series ol
similar meetings to be enlivened by
the d i m m i n g Club everj other S u n Corner Ontario & Benson day,
slates Theodore Peterson '57.
Newman Club Plans
Trip To Auriesville
Fulbright Application
Blanks Available Now
Cha nning Hall Slates
Religious Discussion
Central Variety
t h e News
in t h e Snack B a r
Dial 4-1126
College Florists for Years
Special Attention
Sororities and Fraternities
Dan's Uptown
Itiee Illilg.
Fine Dry Cleaning
Tel. 02-1152
MM Quail St.
State To Open Soccer Season Against Fordham;
Veterans, Freshmen Tie Williams In Scrimmage
M a n y Returnees
IM Football Season Commences;
Bolster Coach
Upsets Mark First Week s Play
Garcia s Squad
T h e I n t r a m u r a l Football League Chuck Derwin for the point after
Among m a n y of t h e Albany State
Booters to entertain P o r d h a m University tomorrow. Coach Joe Garcia
h a s several outstanding Sophomores
who made good in their initial season last year.
One of these outstanding Peds is
Bill Bonesteel who is 18 years old,
an even 6 feet tall, and weighs in
a t 165 pounds. During
his high
school days Bill was one of Cano
Central School's top athletes, r e p resenting his alma m a t e r in Soccer,
Basketball. Easeball, and Track.
Last year Bill was one of State's
strongest booters, and so is expected to make a fine whoming this
Another m a n who is expected to
bolster the team's s t r e n g t h this
year is Tito Guglielmone, a nineteen year old six fooler who weighs
165 pounds. Tito comes Irom Mastic
Bench where he played Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and ran Track
for Center Moriches High School.
Tito came out alter t h e season was
underway last year, but soon became one of the top goalies on the
team. This year Garcia is relying
on him strongly to keep t h e enemy
from scoring.
Lederman Colonies Representative
Colonic h a s a representative on
Slate's Soccer squad this year in
the person of 19 year old, 5 loot 9
inch, 14U pound Al Lederman. Al
played four varsity sports while a t tending Roessleville High School,
but was a newcomer to the soccer
ivorld when he tried out for the
team last year. He soon c a u g h t on
lo the game, however, and became
one ol State's top players. He has
made a fine showing in practice
this year.
Pengelly State's Top Goalie
J o h n Pengelly will also bo one of
the strong players mi the college
eleven. J o h n , who is 1!) years old, (i
feet ;! inches fall, and weights 1H7
pounds, was first, team goalie last
year and is likely lo hold down the
sain,' position this year. J o h n has
I I'pi'csenleii Bayshore High as one
el Long Island's top goalies, A lot
is expected of John and if lie lives
r.p to his reputation, few goals will
be Miiivil against State this year.
Five Area Colleges
Form Kegling League
Al ii • -e\ era! ineel iug> by represeiiial i\ cs in ii- i' area colleges an
I nli'i'colle utile how ho , league has
Dceii loriiieil.
'I he lo.ip going under I he name
ui the Alban.N District Intercollegiate Howlin.'. l e a g u e , will be made
up ui iwo learns from H.P.I, and
line each II.a i Siena. Stale, Hudsell Valley Tech and Albany Business College.
The league will gel under way
next Tuesday
Square when all six teams enter
their lirsl compel it ion.
As ui new. Stale has lined up
sis outstanding bowlers I ruin the
student body Heading Ihe list arc
John /.ulik and Tom Shumanski,
w ho wei e number one and i wo men
in Slate's league last
year Also on Ihe squad arc Joe
1 in, ui and H dpb Adams w ho have
bull! up ii-] Mil ;i l n ii i.. as a < otiplc ol
fop Imwlers mi Hie college campus
Last but not least on the list a l e
Fled Willi and Joe Sw teiv.owskl, a
couple ol Sophomores who, during
llieii' licshinaii
in.ur, ol Ihe run e expel leneed Imw 1ei'.s al Slate.
Blue Note Shop
I5li Central Avenue
Open Kwnings till !M)u
commenced this week with a full
slate of games being played on b o t h
Dorm and Beverwyck Fields. W i t h
perfect weather conditions prevailing, and with all teams showing
up for their scheduled contests,
there were neither any favorites nor
any rain-outs.
F r a t s Chalk Up Wins
Monday, the Dorm Field League
started its season with Potter Club
facing t h e Sayles Bluejays. At t h e
conclusion of t h e game Potter h a d
25 points while t h e Saylesmen h a d
none. Four players shared scoring
honors for the Club, each making
one touchdown apiece. They were
Sam Krchniak, Jack Klein, Bob
Sage, and Newt Owens. Owens also
scored the one extra point of t h e
game. Meanwhile
Field. SLS was rolling over College
Heights 26-0. SLS started the scoring parade in t h e second quarter
when Pete Neville sprinted around
left end into paydirt. Joe Swierzowski followed this up by intercepting, a pass and carrying it over for
a 'I'D. In the second half SLS tallied twice more on a pass from
Fred Willi to Randy Dudley and
a long run by J i m Estramonte. Sal
Zaecaro stood o u t for t h e losers on
sparked their pass defense.
Thurlow 69'ers Score Upset
Tuesday's games resulted in two
fraternity teams being upset. In the
best played game of the young season, the 69ers nosed out the APA
team 12-7. T h e 69ers s t a r t e d scoring in the second q u a r t e r on a 25
yard pass from Zizzi to Stefano. A n olher scoring pass from Anderson
lo Peacock made t h e score 12-0
touchdown making t h e final score
12-7, favor of t h e 69ers. I n t h e Beverwyck League Thurlow was upsetting B by a score of 13-0. Pete Dyckin favor of t h e 69ers a t halftime.
Bob Strauber scored for APA in the
fourth quarter on a spinner play;
Bob Dreher then flipped a pass to
m a n scored the first T D for t h e
Thurlowites on a pass from q u a r t e r back Bob Backer. Bob Youmans
scored the second touchdown on a
run, after which J i m m y Denlo took
a pass from Bob Backer for the
final point. T h e outstanding defenders for the K B squad were d e fensive ends Dick Goriup a n d R a y
Sayes Conquers VDZ
T h e one game played Wednesday
pitted t h e VanDerzee team against
Sayes. In a tight defensive battle,
the Saylesmen eked out a 7-0 victory. T h e only score of the game
came on a pass from quarterback
J e r r y Birr to right end Harry Milieu. Leo Legault was '.he defensive s t a r for the winner while Wayne
Harvey threw several key blocks for
the victors. VanDerzee
played a
sound team game with Bruce Pfaff.
•'ack Kloberdantz, Don Butler, Don
Mayer, and Joe Duran making several outstanding plays for t h e losers.
Next Week's Schedule
Monday Cctober 4
G9ers vs. VDZ
SLS vs. Thurlow
Tuesday, October 5
APA vs. Sayles
K B vs. Col. Hts.
Wednesday, October 6
Totter vs. Gflcrs
Thursday, October 7
SLS vs. K B
M e n s Intramural A t h l e t i c Officials
Announce N e w A w a r d System
AI a meeting held Tuesday night,
Tom Hoi'gue, president of M.A.A.,
presented a new award program for
participants of I n t r a m u r a l Sports.
After looking through several college I.M, brochures, a committee
consisting of Hogue, Whitson W a l ler and Cliff Davis drew up t h e
system of awards that Hogue presented.
Anyone who participates in any
ol Ihe I n t r a m u r a l Sports offered
here al Slate will be credited with
a certain amount of points. T h e
amount itself depends on whether
Ihe spoil is classified as a major
or minor sport.
Anoiiie, 1,,,'t.oi' will be the a m o u n t
ol tune played. n , u committee's dei isioii was to classify louiimll. bowling, basketball, volleyball and soft
hall as major sports. Extra credit
points will be given to members of
championship teams, managers and
team officials,
Pins, Trophies to be Awarded
At t h e time of t h e Athletic Award
Banquet, the total points for all
participants will be added up a n d
those accumulating
the .greatest
n u m b e r of points will be a worded
pins. Individual certificate" will also
be presented to each l. M. particip a n t and to ii roup houses. Team
awards will consist of trophies as
well as certificates. T n e possibility
ul giving a good sportsmanship trophy h a s also been given a great
deal of consideration.
As of now Hogue states its point
values as well as the time requirem e n t s are tentative. These listings
have been placed on t h e M.A.A. bulletin board in Lower Draper. All
M.A.A. members, tall u n d e r g r a d u a t e
male memmbers of State,I are urged
to carelully read this bulletin for
clarification of t h e new system. As
this is just an experiment, t h e loop
officials are asking lor suggestions
timt would improve the system. Anyone wiio hat; any such idea.-, should
send them to Tom Hogue throuah
student, mail.
Gerald Drug Go.
Felicia's Beauty Salon
The mam points that Tom outlined were as follows:
117 Western Ave.
.Albany, N, V.
Phone (i-KlilO
W i t h two weeks of long a n d tedious drills over t h e stage is set for
Coach J o e Garcia a n d his m e n to
i n a u g u r a t e a n o t h e r soccer campaign.
T h e question immediately pops to
m i n d : C a n S t a t e live u p to or better last year's fine records? T o b e gin with G a r c i a h a s back h i s "Big
T h r e e ' Co-Captains Bill Lindberg
a n d Don Canonica plus All American J o h n Lindberg. By now we've
completely r u n out of adjectives to
describe their tremendous play. Of
course no t e a m can get along with
only three m e n and so it is with
S t a t e . Forced to play in the s h a d ows of these three are such fine
booters as Al Roecklein, John P e n gelly, and Al Lederman. Bill Bonesteel, Tito Guglielmone, Phil Billings, a n d Ev Weiermiller further
give Garcia great hopes of bettering
last year's 8-2 won lost record. Back
too is Ralph Adams, a fine defensive booter. Outstanding new talent
in men like Paul D a m m e r and Ed
Jones also make Joe optomistic.
75 State Street
can get
with an
Albany, N. Y.
After a thrilling scrimmage on
Beverwyck field this past Tuesday,
the Albany Teacher's soccer team,
coached by J o Garcia, will play
F o r d h a m University this S a t u r d a y
a t 2 p.m. on Beverwyck to s t a r t off
a n o t h e r season.
Tuesday's game saw Albany hold
the Williams College crew to a 4-4
tie. T h e Pedagogues scored In t h e
second, third and fourth quarters,
with goal checks being placed opposite t h e n a m e s of Al Rocklein, Al
Lederman, and J o h n Lindberg (2).
T h e Peds will go to the fore this
S a t u r d a y minus t h e playing of Bill
Bonesteel, who will be benched with
an injured leg, and last year's brilliant goalie, J o h n Pengelly who is
nursing a bad finger. I n practice
and scrimmage sessions, m u c h hope
will be bestowed on Ralph Adams,
who h a s shown great defensive play
in t h e backfield, and the Lindberg
brothers, Bill and John, who have
Soccer is a game t h a t perhaps displayed their typical brilliant fast
some of t h e frosh as well as some ball play.
new students have never seen. It Seek Eleven S t r a i g h t
may come as a surprise to you to
T h e S t a t e aggregation will be d e learn t h a t soccer is t h e world's most fending a ten game home winning
popular sport. Forced to take a back streak, and trying to equal or betseat in the U.S. it nevertheless is ter their last year's record of 8 wins
the national pastime of m a n y coun- and only 2 losses. With a r e t u r n i n g
tries. It is a fast moving g a m e t h a t crop of J o h n Lindberg, All Americalls for good brainwork as well as can, and Rocklein, Lederman, and
footwork. Those who have never Bill Lindberg, All State, G a r c i a sets
seen it have a treat coming tomor- his hopes high.
row when S t a t e entertains the h i g h ly touted F o r d h a m University team.
This year will also see r e t u r n ing players Tito Guglielmone, "RebTomorrow's game could bring out el" Hockmuth, Don Canonica, Weipossible new potential. T h e only ermiller, and Phil Billings. Frosh
thing t h a t ' s needed for a wimiing turnouts have yielded Nils Briska,
team now is student support. Last Larry Culvert, Paul Dammer, W a r year's turnouts were good, but this ren D u n h a m , Bill Gron Boo Kalin.
year we a r e hoping they will be Eric Kippert. D^U Leirmoe, John
even better.
McQuilev. and Doug Posekraus.
At the F o r d h a m U. game S a t u r State students owe it to them- day everyone should be on h a n d to
selves to get out there a n d SMPI"""! lend moral support to our players.
t h e team tomorrow. While you and As it is scheduled p a r t of Activities
I were arriving a t college and just Day, there should be quite a bit of
beginning to register, these men excitement on t h e field, a n d on the
were out m e r e running,
kicking sidelines.
(the uoccer ball t h a t is) a n d sweating for three or four hours daily.
We need not mention how much
good it does the team's moral to see
a huge crowd to play before. Everyone, we're sure, knows t h a t . These
On Saturday morning, October 9,
men have clone much
to bring the Red Devils will grapple with the
State's n a m e in sports to greater novice Blue Jays on the Softball
a n d greater areas. All we need to do field t h e first of t h e scheduled
to be out. there on Beverwyck rivalry events. T h e men's clash and
the women's tussle will be worth 2
points apiece. Cheering from the
Sport Shorts
lusty lungs will constitute 1 presciWe're glad to welcome a n o t h e r ous point. Sophomore practice h a s
member to our ever growing sports been scheduled for Tuesday and
staff. He is Joe Pureed, a Sopho- Thursday a t 4:00 p.m. on Bevermore who h a s been very active in wyck. Sophomores are also r e m i n d I n t r a m u r a l sports. Glad to have you ed to keep on the lookout for the
with us Joe.
football signup sheet.
53-A No. Lake Ave.
i Near Washington Ave.)
"JIMMY" Hair Stylist
Telephone 3-974!)
Booters Suffer
Two Casualties
In 4 - 4 Deadlock
• - «'•:• fiOUJ33E FOR rgACMglk
ean Releases
Honor List For
Spring Semester
Class O f '55 Places
Most Students On List
Oscar E. Lanford, D e a n of t h e
College, h a s released t h e Dean's List
for last spring semester. T h e Dean's
List for t h e Class of 1954 will be
published a t a later d a t e .
Class of 1955:
Ashley, Marjorie; B a r o n a s , Ellen;
Battisti, M a r y ; Bianco, A n n r l t a ;
Blake, George; Broadbent, Marilyn;
Carlin, J o a n ; C a r r e r a , Gregorio;
Castler, Evelyn; Chapin, Patricia;
Chini, Madeline; Cramer, S t u a r t ;
Groce, Dorothy; Curtis, Ella; Cusack, MaryLou; D'Alfonsi, Saturno;
Davis, Floyd; DeGroat, Richard;
Derivan, T h o m a s ; Derwin, Charles;
Devitt, B a r b a r a ; D i a m a n t , Joyce;
Dvorak, Mary; Finger, Patricia;
Finkelstein, Alfred; Garvin, J a n e t ;
Golda, Helene; Grier, Arline; Hart,
Joseph; Heacock, Audrey; Isley,
J a n e ; Jessmer, Evelyn; Keel, Robert; Koch, M a r i a n ; Komanowski,
Olga; Korab, Sylvia; Lennig, Art h u r ; Lighthall, Nancy; McEvoy,
N a n ; Martire, M a r y ; Mehan, Doris;
Mitchell, J o a n ; Morrissey, J o h n ;
Mullen, T h o m a s ; Murphy, Teresa;
Norman, Virginia; Norris, Gene;
Ptacek, Luella; Reardon, Ann; Reitz,
Willard; Ricclardi, Mary; Rofsky,
K e i t h ; Sage, Robert; Schatz, Dorothy; Schultz, J o a n ; Shair, Francis;
Silva, Fred; Standley, E d n a ; Steifeld, Elizabeth; Strosber, Carolmae;
T a l m a n , Robert; Tobey, A n n ; T u r ner, Ella; Van Akin, Everett; Verven, Evenglia; Vigilante, Ann; Voepel,
Lorraine, Wilson,
Wittschen, Marilyn; Windrow, Robert Jr.; and Yanks, Arlene.
Class of 1950.
Alguire, Shirley; Auiici-o Yolande; Baker, B e r n a r d ; Baker, Koh Pl -t;
Barber, Theresa; Beals, Evelyn; Behuniak, William; Berk, Faye; Betscha, Robert; Bialow, Phyllis; Borden, Wendell; Broland, William;
Burt, J a n e t ; Cochran, George; Cook,
M a r t h a ; Cooker, H a r r y ; Coretty,
B a r b a r a ; Cristiani, Rosemarie; Dezendorf, B a r b a r a ; Doody, Sylvia;
Doyle, Virginia; D u n c a n , William;
Endreny, Corinne; Enfield, Carveth;
Farrell, Phyllis; Fennell, Cathleen;
F l a n a g a n , J o h n ; Fox, B. Merldene;
Garcia, J. R u b e n ; Geslak, F r a n k ;
Gingold, Arlene; Gitlow, B a r b a r a ;
Goldman, Eleanor; Hartnagel, Anneliese; H o c h m u t h , Manfred Jr.;
Hurd, Phyllis; Kelleher, Marjorie;
Liston, William; Loman, J a n e ; McDuffee, Carol; M o n a h a n , Frances;
Mooney, J o a n ; Moore. Barbara;
Newman, Arnold; Olechna, Doris;
Scheehter, S a n d r a ; Schiro, Vivian;
Shipengrover, William; Smith, Sigm u n d ; Smith, T h o m a s ; Stanger,
Sheila; Stein, Roberta;
Dorothy; Swenson, William; Teal,
Audrey; Van Dyck, H. David; Van
Orden, Virginia; Viminerstadt. Judy;
Waller, Whitson; Watts, Virginia;, J a n e ; Wilcox, John;
Wilfert, Hanna.
Class of 1957:
Beaudin Richard; Bertan, Paul;
Briggs, Audrey; Clifford, Richard;
C u n n i n g h a m , S u s a n ; Dunn, Doris;
Ertuuiher, Richard; Ettinger, Bernard; Feeler, H Nancy; Ferrara, Llliian; F o r m a n , Mary;
J u n e ; Furner, Mary; Oade, Nancy;
Gaiss, Mary; Gallas, J a m e s ; O a u qulc, J o h n ; Goldberg, David; Goldstein, Marvin; Greenberg, David;
Guglielmone, Tito; Hess, Morton;
Rohnke, Rita;
Howard, Donald;
Jackofsky, Gilbert; Johnson, Murray; K a m m e r , Ann; Kimelbolt, Debra; Kinsler, M a r g a r e t ; Kouhler, Erhai'd; Lawrence, Marcia;
Mary; Marsh, Bruce; Mordkoff, Hada.s.-.ah; Rising, Carole; Honey, Eleanor;
Rose, F r a n k l i n ;
Elaine; Schmidt, Audrey; Schneider,
Sllvestrl, Gino;
J u n e ; Steminer, Trudy; Testa, Josephine; Tucci, I. Joyce, Vies, Jesse;
Vradenburg, Doris; Webster, Alma;
Weiermiller, Everett; Wheeler, Alma,
and Williams, Margaret.
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 1, 1 9 5 4
Acting Tryouts
Begin Tuesday
Tuesday, Paul Bruce Pettit, Associate Professor of English, will hold
acting try-outs for t h e S t a t e College T h e a t r e from t h r e e t o five
in the afternoon in D r a p e r 349.
Students may s i g n - u p for e x t r a curricular work with t h e S t a t e College T h e a t r e on Activities Day, t o morrow, and will also h a v e a c h a n c e
to do so a t t r y - o u t s on Tuesday. I n
addition to acting opportunities,
students will be able to work with
sets, lights, properties, costumes,
make-up, and business a n d p u b licity.
All S t a t e College s t u d e n t s will be
welcome a t these t r y - o u t s a n d signups regardless of class major a n d
minor subjects, or previous experiences, states Dr. Pettit.
T h e first S t a t e College T h e a t r e
production of t h e season will be a
"Shaw Festival" on Friday, December 3, a n d will feature "Oven-uled"
and "Androcles and t h e Lion," b o t h
by George Bernard Shaw, a noted
British playwright. Work on t h e
festival will s t a r t shortly after t h e
try-outs and sign-ups a r e completed.
Music Council
To Explain Tryout
System To Frosh
Robert Burgess, C h a i r m a n of t h e
Librarianshlp D e p a r t m e n t , will a t tend t h e a n n u a l conference of t h e
New York Library Association, M a bel J a c k m a n , Milne L i b r a r i a n a n d
Alice Hastings, A s s i s t a n t
Librarian, will a c c o m p a n y Mr. B u r gess. T h e conference will be held in
Buffalo October 6 t h r o n g h 9,
Mr. Burgess h a s been appointed
to t h e Committee on M e a s u r e m e n t
and Guidance of t h e A m e r i c a n Library Association. He h a s also been
re-appointed to t h e
Committee of t h e Association of
American Library Schools a n d to
t h e Committee on Professional S e r vices of t h e Adult E d u c a t i o n Association.
Mathematics, Mabel J a c k m a n , Milne
Librarian, a n d Helen J a m e s , Assist a n t College Librarian, who
since retired, a t t e n d e d t h e I n t e r national Congress of M a t h e m a t i cians at A m s t e r d a m this summer.
Sixteen h u n d r e d m e m b e r s from all
countries attended t h e conference.
T h e group also traveled in Spain,
Italy, a n d F r a n c e .
K a t h e r i n e Heinig, Assistant P r o fessor of Biology, motored for eight
weeks in F r a n c e , England a n d Holl a n d this summer. I n P a r i s s h e a t tended t h e E i g h t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Music Council will hold a meeting,
Botanical Congress. While in A m - Tuesday, a t 7:30 p.m. In B r u b a c h e r .
s t e r d a m she a t t e n d e d the Holland All Council m e m b e r s and s t u d e n t s
Music Festival.
wishing to try out are urged to a t George Murphy, Professor of C h e - tend, a n n o u n c e s K a t h r y n J o h n s o n
mistry, spent two weeks in Europe as '55, President.
T h e purpose of t h e meeting is to
c o n s u l t a n t to t h e Saling W a t e r Conversion P r o g r a m under the auspices explain the Music Council's t r y - o u t
of t h e United S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t of system to t h e freshmen and upperclassmen. Election to Council in
the Interior.
Dr. K a r l Peterson's illness forced May depends upon the work accomt h e postponement of t h e Faculty plished for the a d v a n c e m e n t of M u Concert from November to F e b r u a r y . six Council t h r o u g h o u t the year.
Shields Mcllwaine, Professor of
English, Donald Van Vleve, Associate Professor of Community S t u d ies, M. A n n e t t e Dobbin, Professor
of Modern Languages, Howard F l i erl, Associote Professor of Social
Studies and J. Wesley
Professor of Modern Languages will
a t t e n d t h e fourth S t a t e University
of New York Symposium and t h e
sectional meeting of the Association
of New York S t a t e Teachers College
Faculties on October 8 and 9.
Committee C h a i r m e n will be a t
this m e e t i n g to accept n a m e s of
s t u d e n t s interested in working for
t h e Seymour Lipkin Concert on October 15 in Page Hall.
T h e aim of t h e Music Association
is two-fold—cultural a n d social. T h e
Association is governed by t h e M u sic Council composed of from fifteen to twenty members. All persons elected to t h e Council hold
m e m b e r s h i p as long as they are in
State College News
Brubacher Hall Sponsors
Open House, Dance
day evening a t 8:30 p.m. to h e a r
works of these famous composers
played by Seymour Lipkin, who is
recognized as one of the most r e markable musicians now appearing
before the public.
Winner of the coveted R a c h m a n inoff Award in a nationwide contest in 1948, Lipkin h a s appeared
with more t h a n fifteen major orchestras in this country, as well as
in annual recital tours in the United States and, last s u m m e r , in
ing with Serge Koussevitsky and
continued his varied musical career
as apprentice conductor and guest
soloist with George Szell and the
Cleveland Orchestra.
The program t h a t Lipkin will
present will begin with Beethoven's
"Sonata in B flat Major, Opus 22"
This sonata will be followed by
two nocturnes by Chopin, the C mi
r.or Opus 48, No. 1 and the F s h a r p
major, Opus 15, No. 2. Next on the
program is another work by Chopin
entitled "Scherzo in E Major."
After '.he intermission, the audience will first hear B r a h m ' s "Sixteen Variations on A Theme by
S c h u m a n n , " then Bartok's "Suite,
Opus 14" consisting of four movements.
The final two numbers by Lipkin
will be "Reflets dans l'cau ; by DePussy and Ravel's "Toccato, from
'Lc Tomorau de Couperin.' "
T h e Baltimore Sun describes LipIs, n as "an artist of the first rank.
Not since Rachmaninoff has this
listener heard such an authentic
Racl maninoff "feeling' recreated in
letter and spirit." Ralph Lewando of
The Pittsburgh Press calls Lipkin
"one of the most thrilling pianists
of our time."
Greeks To Open Music Council To Present Seymour / \ s S 6 I T l b l v T o
Doors ForStudents Lipkin, Pianist At PageHall Concert f*
Beethoven! C h o p i n
I B r a h m s ! direction of Rudolph Serkin. Later,
This Weekend
Bartok! Debussy! Ravel!
P e d a - the young virtuoso studied conductgogues! Come to Page Hall next F r i -
Lonstitutional Motion
To Complete
P fPed' Pictures
Council Favors
Return To Class
Color Beanies
B r u b a c h e r , G a m m a K a p p a Phi,
K a p p a Delta and Alpha Pi Alpha
are p l a n n i n g Open Houses this
B r u b a c h e r Hall will sponsor a n
Open House for everyone tomorrow
Wednesday night S t u d e n t Council
from 7 to 9 p.m. and a dance in the
Portraits for the Pedagogue will set the agenda for today's assembly,
large d i n i n g room from 9 to 12 p.m.,
continue to be taken in Brubacher heard committee reports, discussed
states J e a n Hallenbeck '56, G e n e r a l
until S a t u r d a y , October 16, states new motions, and appointed one new
Miss Hallenbeck
anRonald Koster '53, Editor-in-Chief. committee. T h e agenda for today's
At the a<;e of eleven, Lilpkin e n nounced the following c o m m i t t t e
The last t n r e e days will be reserved assembly will include a motion
heads for t h e affair: Flowers, S a r a holled in Philadelphia's Curtis I n for special portraitures of students from Myskania, followed by a motion
Hoyt '54; Invitations, Olino Fusco;
off-campus from S t u d e n t Council, a special a n Chaperones, Theresa Barber; O r c h nouncement from Campus C o m m i s teachers.
estra, Mary Brezny; Hostesses, T h e sion, a motion by T h o m a s Dixon '55,
resa C a r d a i n o n e ; Decorations, BevAll students who have not signed freshman apologies, and general a n erly Duga, J u n i o r s ; Refreshments,
up are urged to do so as soon as nouncements.
Ann Arvantides; Publicity, Phyllis
possible. Those men who are to have
S t u d e n t Board of F i n a n c e sugH u r d ; Clean-up, S a r a J a n e Duffy;
their pictures taken are asked to
A r r a n g e m e n t s , Marcia Levine, S o p h wear dark navy or black jackets, gested to Student Council t h a t a c omores.
Five sororities and one fraternity
white shirt a n d a dark s t r a i g h t tie. tivity tax tickets be set a t t h r e e
announce initiations and a p p o i n t Girls are requested to wear blouses dollars for housemothers. Robert
K a p p a Delta will hold an Open
Betscha '56 moved t h a t activity tax
ments to vacant offices.
that can be easily removed.
House for Statesmen tonight from
tickets be set at three dollars a n d
Phi Delta at their regular MonSargeant Studios has agreed to be m a d e available not only to
8 to 11 p.m., stales Barbara Salvaday meeting formally initialed five
I hush the portraiture due to in- housemothers but also to faculty
tore '56. C h a i r m a n . Rooms will be new members, according to Ellen
creased cooperation of the students members and their wives. Council
open from 8 to 9 p.m. only T h e fol- Baronas '55, President. T h e new
in the past week although the con- passed the motion which will be
lowing committee heads were a p - members are: Carol Anne <3ell,
tract was not fulfilled in the terms presented to Student Association t o pointed: E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Remza S a - Pauline Bordonali, Helen Konel'al.
of the contract for the first two day and tabled until n e x t week,
lem '55; A r r a n g e m e n t s , Norma Ros- Helen Taylor and Joyce Tucci,
w< i ks, reports Koster. It must be since it is a financial motion.
coe '56; Refreshments, J u d i t h Stev- Sophomores.
realized t h a t this contract saves the
Publicity, B a r b a r a
J o h n Orser '55, reporting for
According to Marjorie Liddrll '55,
Pedagogue approximately $2,000 on
Rivalry Committee, stated
President, Beta Zeta formally i n photography
G a m m a K a p p a Phi will hold an itiated four new m e m b e r s on M o n Campus Day will definitely be Nolee
Open House for Statesmen this eve- day. October 5. Those initiated were:
vember 20. Men's and women's rivning from 8 to 12 p.m., announces J a n i c e C h a m p a g n e , B a r b a r a De M a r Any s t u d e n t who would desire to alry softball games will be played
J o a n Rogers '55, C h a i r m a n . All m e n co. Helen H a g e n a h and Phyllis
have his picture taken who is not in tomorrow morning at 9:30 on Dorm
a sorority or fraternity or a m e m - Field.
are cordially invited. T h e follow- Roberts, Sophomores. J e a n S m i t h
ber of the Senior Class m a y have
ing committee h e a d s were a n - '57 was appointed Athletic Director
Absentee voting will be conducted P. taken in an,\ clothes they desire
Mary Brezny '56, C h a i r m a n of
nounced: Refreshments, Mary J a n e and Patricia Atwood '56 was elected
today in Lower Husted from 9 a.m. for a sitting fee of $2.
Hcmecoming Weekend, s t a t e d t h a t
Fisher: Arrangements, Susan G a r - Songleader.
to 4 p.m. lor Who's Who Elections.
Proofs will be mailed out from she has received 20 affirmative r e rett, J u n i o r s ; Publicity, M a r g a r e t
G a m m a Kappa P h i pledge:! one From the list of nominees, the stusponses out of 40 relies from alumni
Culligen; E n t e r t a i n m e n t . B a r b a r a new member Monday, October 5, dent body, with I be exception of Boston approximately October 18 to
but expects more responses this
E l l e n announces Patricia Finger '55. P r e s - freshmen and first semester t r a n s - (Continued
on Paije !h Column 5) week and next. The Pep B a n d , comSackett, Sophomores.
ident. The new pledge is Emilie fer students, will elect twenty-four
plete with twirlers, is scheduled to
on Page 0, Column I) Vavra '57. The G a m m a Kappa Phi of these Seniors. These will then
play at the soccer game for H o m e Open House is scheduled for to- be submitted to the National "Who's
coming Weekend.
morrow from 8 to 12 p.m.
Who in American Colleges and UniAt the suggestion of Charles
T h e Psi G a m m a Open House for versities" who then select the SenBeckwith '55, President, Council d e Statesmen has been canceled due iors who will have I heir names and
cided to turn over to Myskania the
to conflicts in the Social Calendar, a short biographical sketch of their
problem of p u n i s h m e n t of s t u d e n t s
announces Sylvia Korab '55, Presi- college career printed in the book.
This weekend will mark trips to who over-cut assembly.
dent. Psi G a m m a initiated three
T h e students nominated by State the shrine a t Auriesville for the charts for assembly will be posted
T h e Scripts Committee lor the new members Monday, October 5. College, who will be voted on to- members of Newman Club, and the Monday according to Marilyn G a d d
All-College Revue has been g u a r - They are: Mildred Williams '55, day, a r e : Mary Iacavone, Robert annual weekend a t C a m p Pinnacle '55, C h a i r m a n of Assembly Seating.
anteed a d a t e in March 1953 a n - Nancy Hughes and Ursula Ryan, Coan, Mary Battisti, Delores Munt- in the Catskills for the members of
Council discussed t h e possibility
members albano, Charles Beckwith. Olga the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow- of having paid e n t e r t a i n m e n t for
nounces Mary Ann Johnpoll '55. A Sophomores. Two new
definite date will be released in were also pledged. They arc B a r - Komonowski, Ronald Koster, Joan ship.
assembly. F r a n k McEvoy '57 moved
bara Brown and G e r t r u d e Wilder. Carlin, J o h n Orser, Donna Hughes,
the n e a r future.
The trip to Auriesville is open to t h a t the Assembly P r o g r a m ComScript deadline will be prior to Sophomores.
Ann Tobey, Thomas Mullen, Walter all Members of the Newman Club. mittee look into the m a t t e r . I t was
C h r i s t m a s vacation. Anyone wishKappa Delta pledged one new Lawder, Nancy Evans, T h o m a s Dix- The bus will leave Newman Hall suggested by Council m e m b e r s t h a t
ing to submit scripts may give them member Monday, October 5, a n - on, Miry Ann Johnpoll, Custer at 8 a.m., and will cost $1.25. Mass perhaps speakers sponsored by vato anyone on t h e All-College Revue nounces Olga Komanowski '55, Pres- Quick, Robert Sage, Patricia Finger and Communion will be held at the rious organizations could be schedScript Staff. Scripts should be mu- ident. The new pledge is Mary J a n e and Dorothy Mehan.
shrine, after which will be a guided uled for the assembly hour.
sical if possible, but it is not. com- Mourn '57. The K a p p a Delta Open
Also, Zoe Ann Laurie, Marilyn lour ol the grounds. Newman will
Sara J a n e Duffy '57, Secretary,
pulsory. In order to unify the skit House is scheduled for tonight from Gacld, Frances Verven, Marilyn schedule a lecture on the Life of reported that J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56,
and t h e script it is necessary that 8 to 11 p.m.
Kavaniiugh, Cardinal Newman, and the Newman has accepted the a p p o i n t m e n t of
there be a thin plot. T h e length ol 'Colli in Kid on Page (!, Column lti Ronald Lackey, Evelyn Ruben, Ed- Club origin, for its meeting T h u r s - (Continued
on Page Jh Column 4J
the revue will be between one and
ward Franco, Nan McEvoy, Don- day.
o n e - h a l l or two hours.
ald Capuuno, Robert Ashfield, Frank
Anne K a m m e r '56, IVCF repreApplications for the director ol
Lo Truglio, Gilbert Schloss and sentative, announces t h a t
the All-College Revue may be subWilliam Lindberg.
Pinnacle in the Catskills will be
mitted to Miss Johnpoll.
open to interested students. A
Members of the Script Committee
series of meetings and recreations,
are: Mary Ann Johnpoll, J. Ruben
mainly to help the frosh get a c Garcia. Seniors, J a n e Whitehurst,
At the regular Tuesday meeting
quainted, will be scheduled this
Wednesday afternoon at 4 p.m.
Marie Devine, Juniors, and Richard ol Myskanin Ireshman captains for
the first meeting of S M I L E S was
Bodine and Mary Knight, Sopho- Rivalry events were chosen, reports
Christian Science Organization at conducted by William Small '56,
mores. Two freshmen will be a p - J o h n Orser '55, C h a i r m a n of the
their meeting Tuesday, will a n - temporary C h a i r m a n of S M I L E S .
pointed at a later date by Student Rivalry Committee.
Myskania has released I he follow- nounce their new officers.
Discussion at the meeting centered
around proposals for committees to
Donald Mayer was chosen Captain ing list of freshmen who are now rehelp set up the organization.
of the Men's Football team and quired to give apologies in student
Alice Meyer was chosen Captain of assembly in the near future.
Three committees were n a m e d a n d
the Women's Soccer team,
They arc: Robert Waylon, Leo Le
chairmen appointed. Program C o m The Rivalry Softball games will Gault, Jerry Banllekl, Larry Culver,
mittee will be headed by Elaine
Ten Broeck
be played tomorrow at 9:30 a in, on Emmett
Swartout '56; the Membership C o m The
instructors class of
the mittee by Clyde Payne and t h e ConDorm Field. Cheering will be judged Schrader.
Everyone that can play an instru- at this tunc. Judges for cheering
'Ilie billowing freshmen have re- Driver Education course is now de- stitution
Committee by
ment and is interested in playing in arc:
Ki nuiliowski,
Donna ceived two warnings lor violation veloping the black hard top surface Hess, Sophomores.
a band is asked to sign up to nlay H u g h e , unci Charles Beckwith, Senof Slate C, liege tradition. This of- area ol St, Mary's Park as a pracSMILES alms to form a service
at the Alumni Homcconiin" .)uy, iors. Umpires lor Women's Softfense requires their names lo be tice ground lor all Driver Educa- club on the campus. I n s t e a d of
October Hi, urges Dr. S t o i c s , P r o - I all are Frances M o n a h a n , Theresa
published in the State College News.
dealing with the Albany H o m e for
fessor of Music
Cardamom' and J o a n
Buiguiere, 'flic fresliineli arc: Eileen I.alley,
Tins projeel is under the super- Children as was Its previous policy,
In order to make a rehearsal pos- Juniors. Bruce King '5(1 was chosen Donald Gunnarssmi, David Blum,
sible, three dilfereiil hours arc being as oni' ol tin' umpires lor the Men's Wlllii'ii Bruck, Mary J a n e Maion- vision ol T h o m a s R. Gibson, Profes- it will work with other groups.
arranged this week. They arc Mon- Softball game Oilier judges will be ello, Mailene Buschkamper, Burton sor of Safety and Health Education. Other organizations with whom It
The i lass is now clearing (he area was suggested SMILES m i g h t work
day, October 11. ;i pni.. Tuesday, chosen by Myskania,
Met iunk.
Frank opposite the soccer field and making were the Clinton Square NeighborOctober 12, II) a nl. and T h u r s d a y ,
plans to lay out the park area hood House, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.,
Kadi event will he worth two
October 14, :i p.m.
J r a p p . Jim Dcnio, William Warren,
T h e rehearsals will take place in points, ('heeling lor both events Phyllis Conklin, Paul Gorman, Bev- Willi lines representing parking and Jewish Community Center, a n d t h e
Richardson 211. For answers to any will be worth one point. Cheering erly Pol coll, Sandy Schneideniian, safely lines for practice for driver Community Chest.
T h e next meeting will be W e d n e s other questions, see' Neil Brown, will be based on enthusiasm, n u m - Edward Tipton and Susan Wake- training students This will provide
a sale, secluded area lor amateur day, October 13, at 4 p.m. in D r a p e r
Gnul, s t u d e n t director, or Dr. Charles ber in attendance and originality of field.
F. Stokes, Professor of Music.
Greeks Initiate
New Members
Perry Como, top TV and recording star, and
Ben Hogan—only active golfer to win 4 national
championships, enjoy a Chesterfield during a
friendly round of golf.
Stud ents
To V o t e
Today O n ' W h o ' s
Norn mees
Religious Clubs
Schedule Trips
Revue Committee
Requests Scripts
flHtf ^
e mt
* *
(at the New Low Price) and Regular
Like Ben and Ferry you smoke for relaxation, comfort and
satisfaction. In the whole wide world no cigarette satisfies
like a Chesterfield.
You smoke with the greatest possible pleasure when your
cigarette is Chesterfield hecau,se only Chesterfield has the
right combination of the world's best tobaccos-highest in
quality—low in nicotine.
In short, Chesterfields are best to smoke and best for you.
Softball Heads
Rivalry Events
Smiles Conducts
First Meeting
Myskania Lists
Frosh Warnings
Students To Rehearse
Instrumental Music
Driver Training Class
Completes Project