Document 14064358

Dr. George Murphy, Chairman tributed a portion of the nature
of the Chemistry Department, an- study workshop being conducted a t
nounces that first semester chemis- School 23 for adult Girl Scout leadtry will be offered in summer school ers. Dr. Wall, professor of Biology,
for the first time in several years. has had two articles published reDelcgatei Represent
Dr. Winn, professor of Biology, is cently In the Pan, Pacific Entoattending as NYSCT representative, mologist and two In the Journal of
State At Science Confab the Eastern Region meetings of the Economic Entomology.
Association for the Education of
Professors Adkins, Donley, Grig,
The eighth annual Eastern Col- Teachers
In Science, at New Paltz
and Conklin are representleges Science Conference was' held and Lake Mohonk. He has con- Griffiths,
ing the College at a New York State
at Brooklyn College April 23 and 24,
1954. The conference, first organized
at Vassar College in 1947, was designed to stimulate interest among
undergraduates of the colleges of
the East both in natural sciences
and in their relation to other fields
of learning. The conferences present an excellent opportunity for
students of the different colleges to
come together to exchange ideas and
to discuss contemporary and traditional scientific problems. These
conferences provide a means by
which students may present original research papers to fellow students and participate in discussions
concerning new developments In
their respective fields.
meeting of the Association for
At the weekly meeting of the
Supervisory and Curriculum Devel- Psychology Club, Tuesday evening,
opment at Lake Placid, May 9, 10,officers for the school year '54-'55
and 11. On May 7 CASDA will were elected.
sponsor the annual Conference for
The following people were chosen:
first-year teachers.
Donald Howard, President; Morton
Dr. Mcllwaine, chairman of the Hess, Vice President; June FrankEnglish Department, will participate land, Secretary; freshmen; and Viron the panel at a meeting of State ginia Doyle, '56, Treasurer.
English Council in Syracuse on SatA program for next meeting will
be announced later.
Today's CHESTERFIELD is the
Best Cigarette Ever Made!
Delegates heard talks by six professional scientists, participated in
panel presentations of original research papers, and visited various
points of scientific interest in the
city of New York.
Dr. Paul C. Lemon, associate professor of Biology, was the delegate
from State College. Student papers
were submitted by Harold Schwager
'56 on "Fauna of an Abandoned
Mine in Montgomery County, New
York" and Robert Sturm '54 on
"Fleas of Small Mammals."
"Chesterfields for Me!"
^%UL+%*VU*U*t\* >»'*»• Univ. 56
The cigarette tested and approved by 30
years of scientific tobacco research.
Success of the conferences was
due to the all-college effort of the
student organizations and their
faculty helpers.
College Offers
New Workshop
A graduate course in Librarianship will be held July 12 to 23,
announces Dr. Burgess, Chairman
of the Department of Librarianship.
Miss Christine B. Gilbert, Director
of Public Relations and Adult Activities, Manhasset Public Schools,
will direct the workshop. "Administering the School Library to Meet
the Needs of the Fast and Slow
Learner" is the topic of the workshop. Dr. Walter Barbe, Director,
Junior League Reading Center, University of Chattanooga, an outstanding leader in the area of the
special child, will also be on the
campus as director of a workshop
in Education, and will be available
for consultation and special lectures.
Two hours graduate credit will be
given for attending the workshop.
Requirements for admission are
graduate standing and thirty hours
credit in librarianship, or special
permission of the Chairman of the
English Teacher
Attends Confab
for Me!
Star of the Broadway Hit
"Tta ond Sympathy"
The cigarette with a proven good record
with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly
examinations of a group of smokers show no
adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses
from smoking Chesterfield.
nivtrilty of
The cigarette that gives you proof of
highest quality—low nicotine. For the
taste and mildness you want—smoke
America's most popular 2*way cigarette.
Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, Chairman
of the English Department, is attending a State English Council at
Syracuse Saturday. The subject of
the panel is Literature and the Ethical Standard.
Largest Selling Cigarette
in America's Colleges
Dr. Mcllwaine also announces
that speech will not be offered for
the master's degree next fall because of a lack of staff. All the
new speech courses on the two
hundred level listed in the new
catalog will not be offered. However, a master's degree in speech
may be obtained in 1955-50.
Speech 112 and AD will be offered the second semester. Speech
112, formerly listed as En 112, consists of the presentation at evening
class meetings of sixteen to twenty
one-act plays to be chosen, cast and
directed by students, under the
supervision of the Instructor. Thei'e
is opportunity to try out simple
theories of lighting, costuming, and
setting. A full length play is to be
given in May, directed by the instructor.
Copyright 1954, Uootn & M m * TOIACCO CO
State College News
MAY 7. 1 9 5 4
Moving-up Day Ceremonies Will Feature Dance,
Traditional Processions, Announcements, Singing
Tapping, Show
'Maytime Theme
Of MUD Dance
A t Brubacher
Will Highlight
Day s Events
Traditional Moving-Up Day ceremonies will begin tomorrow at 8:00
a. m. The day is to begin with a
Junior Breakfast a t the Boulevard
At 9 a.m. class lines will form ill
the lower peristyles under the direction of the Class Marshals. The
processional into Page Hall will begi. at 9:30. Freshman girls are to
wear white dresses or skirts and
blouses and red hair ribbons.
Freshman boys will wear dark-colored trousers, white shirts and red
Sophomore girls will wear white
skirts, yellow sweaters or blouses,
Myskania '53-'54. Left to right; Madeleine Payne, Faith Hanson, Sylvia Scmmler, Neil Brown, Peter and socks. Sophomore boys will
McManus, Kathleen Anderson, Frances Allen, Kathleen Oberst, Dolores Donnelly, John Allasio, Patricia wear dark-colored trousers, white
shirts and yellow ties. Both freshDean, Jo Anne Doyle, Marvin Chernoff.
men and Sophomores will wear
their beanies.
Two and two equal four; four cumstance, climaxing the evening ry; Pat Dean, "who is preferred by
Neil Brown '54 will welcome the
and four equal eight; eight and fate as a gracious queen; Neil's fightin' gentlemen" was Chairman during classes and introduce the class
equal Myskania—that mystifying words, "Will the Assembly please the first semester and one of the speakers. Dr. Evan R. Collins,
work which is known only to Its come to order?"; Hanson, noncha- advisers of the class of '57; Marv President of the College, will anmembers. Tomorrow a new "13"lantly reading off our important Chernoff's towering frame holding nounce the new members to Sigwill be inaugurated as part of the budgets; Katy Anderson as Chair- down the right side of the stage: num Laudis, following a musical
State College tradition. Today, the man of the Revisions Committee Sy Semmler, who counted Myskie's interlude furnished by the Statestribute goes to the thirteen out- which worked so hard to install a money and worked diligently on men, directed by Karl A. B. PeterCouncil; and last but notson, Assistant Professor of Music.
going members of Myskie.
new government a t State; Fran Al- Debate
least Jo Ann Doyle.
len, who always took an active part
The Edward Eldred Potter Award
"Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered" was the theme in Septem- in Student Council and who was "Thanks for the Memory" Mys- will be presented by Arthur Jones,
ber when they embarked on their one of the "joviaJ" members on kania of '54 and to a job well done. Acting Co-ordinator of Field Servtreasured office. Chairman Mc- Myskie; Little Obey, who acted as Today, Student Association will ices. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean oi
Manus can not be forgotten for Secretary; Dee Donnelly, "the tall glimpse for the last time the fad- Women, will I resent the Interliis cheery smile In the Snack Bar; Texan," who brought tremendous ing Myskania. Tomorrow Page Sorority Counc il Scholarship cup.
our beautiful Campus Queen. Made- entertainment to State through Hall will resound as next year's The Residence Council and Junior
leine, who marched to the senti- D&A Council; John Allasio, who members are tapped to climax an- Guide announcements will follow.
The classes will then move up,
mental strains of Pomp and Cir- guided the freshmen through Rival- other State College tradition.
directed by Jean Rasey '54, SA
Christian Association,
Songleader. The assemblage will
Newman Club, and Canterbury
witness the tapping of the new
Club will have meetings this week.
Myskania when the classes have
The next SCA Chapel will bebeen placed.
held on Tuesday, at the Park UnThe new leaders of State College
ion Presbyterian Church at 12 noon,
News, Pedagogue, D&A Council,
announces Thomas Dixon '55, PresiMusic Council, and other organizadent.
tions will be announced. Myskania
Further activities during the
Student Council's Wednesday eveKappa Beta, Alpha Pi Alpha, and Studies, Paul Wheeler, Instructor will announce the new class offisemester will include a Cabinet
Program Retreat on Thursday, a ning meeting included reports from Potter Club initiated their new of Social Studies, and Townsend cers, followed by the announcement
of the new Student Association ofmeeting on May 18, at which the several committees, Student Board members this week and Sigma
topic, "Finding a Personal God onof Finance, and the setting of the Lambda Sigma will have its formal Rich, Professor of English and Mrs. ficers by Neil Brown.
The Recessional and forming of
the Campus," will be discussed, and assembly agenda for today.
class numerals will be directed by
the final Chapel on May 25.
After a temporary delay due to Sigma Lambda Sigma will hold
Potter Club initiated twenty-eight
Tire topic at the next Newman the lack of a quorum of Council its annual spring formal tonight new members, reveals James Fin- Joy Longo '54, Grand Marshal. InClub meeting will be Apologetics. members, Secretary Mary Brezny from 9 to 1 at the Aurania Club, nan '54, President. They are: stead of an Ivy Speech, there will
The meeting will be held at New- '56 read the minutes, which were announces William Limage '55; Gen- W. David Borden, William Lind- be a speech commemorating the
planting of a new tree on campus.
man Hall on Thursday, reports approved without additions.
eral Chairman. Girls will have 2 berg, David Stark, Jack Klein, RonLater in the day, there will be
Catherine McCann '56.
Charles Bcckwith '55, Vice PresiCanterbury Club will meet in dent and Treasurer of SA, then Robert Betscha '56; will be in John Peacock, Sophomores; Joseph a baseball game at Bleecker StaRoom 111, Draper, Monday, 12 read reports of several budgets, charge of arrangements and George Taggart, William Roecklein, Tito dium. The All-College show will
noon. Business at the meeting will with the announcement that the Hathaway '54, will be in charge of Guglielmone, Everett Weiermiller, begin at 7:30 in the evening. The
include formulation of plans for Student Tax will be between $13 programs. Jack Cooper '54, will be John Higham, Edward Walsh, Jo- show will be followed by the tradithe Freshman Reception in Sep- and $15 for next year. The differ- chairman of arrangements for theseph Donnelly, Frank McEvoy, Law- tional sing in front of Draper.
tember. Committees for the re- ence will depend on the passage of Sunday picnic in Thacher Park.
rence Hackett, John Rockwood,
ception will be appointed at this a motion to have student photo- Faculty guests will be Dr. David Bernard Robbins, Thomas Fuller,
Council Will Present
graphs on the Student Tax cards, Hartley, Dean of Men and Mrs.Leon Ogronik, Joseph Anderson,
Hartley, Luther Andrews, Profes- Bernard Theobald, Sanford Bernand the budget for Pedagogue.
sor of Physics and Mrs. Andrews, stein, John De Luisi, Mario Scalzi, Annual Spring Concert
An earlier suggestion to increase Mrs.
Pi Gamma M u Lists
Larney, Assistant Pro- and Clifford Davis.
Music Council will present their
the food line in the budgets of all fessorNorbert
annual Spring Concert next Friday
organizations attending conventions Larney, Mr. Howard Flierland
Officers, Members
and Mrs.
at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall. The
would amount to approximately $65, Flierl, Assistant Professor of
Social freshmen became members of Al- concert will be conducted by Karl
Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary it was announced.
pha Pi Alpha last Sunday. Richsocial studies fraternity, installed
Also, the setting of a bi-annual
ard Bailey '54, President of APA,A. B, Peterson and Charles F .
thirteen new members at its banquet (Cuntinurd on Pnyc •/, Column Si
MaiUttp-tifi jbay Schedule lists: Robert Davidson, Ronald Had- Stokes, both of the Music DepartWednesday, April 128, at O'Connor's.
lock, Bruce Wise, Sophomores; ment at State College.
Officers for next year were elected.
8:00 a.m. Junior Breakfast at the Martin Eagan, Robert Hyde, David
The guest speaker was Dr. Robert Students Choose
Selections will be offered by the
Boulevard Cafeteria.
Hughes, Edward Jones, Arthur PatRienow, Professor oi Social Studies.
Collegiate Singers, Orchestra. Wotun,
ArThe new members are: Ann Rear- Queen Representative 9:00 a.m. Lines form i n Draper chamboult, Kenneth Goettler, Wil- men's Chorus, the Statesmen. Men's
don, Ann Tobey, Meryle Goldman,
liam Henry, Alan Lesko, Alan Glee Club, and Choralettes.
Frances Shair, Pearl Szabo, Fred
New York State College for 11:30 a.m. Processional from Dra- Lewis, George Murphy, David PresGeorge Dunbar '55, will accomper to Page.
Silva, Virginia
Norman, Carol Teachers' representative to College
ton, James Smith, Charles Thibault, pany the Collegiate Singers; PatriKnight, Mary Martlre, Eugene Nor- Queen for a clay will be Angela 0:45 Moving Up Day Exer- and William Velgel, freshmen.
cia Atwood '53, Lucretia D'Andrea
ris, Robert Keel, Joan Boxer, Jun- Kavanaugh '55, announces John
cises in Page Hull.
Kappa Beta initiated fifteen, ac- 55, and Susan Garrett '56, will aciors; Walter Render '54.
Hanevy, Director of Press Bureau. 11:30 a.m. Recessional, forming of
cording to Arnold Smith '54, Presi- company Women's Chorus; George
The officers for next year are
Miss Kavanaugh will compete with
class numerals on Page ident: Earle Beach, Gregorio Car- Dunbar and Richard Archambault
President, Ann Tobey; Vice Presi- students from colleges throughout
rera, Ronald Lackey, Juniors; Rob- '57, will accunpany Men's Glee Club,
dent, Walter Relider; Secretary, the Eastern half of the United
Vocal soloists will include Elaine
Frances Shnlr; and Treasurer, Pearl States. The winner among the :i:00 p.m. Home baseball game, ert Simmonda, Samuel Brenner, Swartout '50; Robert Stimson and
college contestants will receive a
Bleecker Stadium.
Peter Booke, freshmen.
Membership in lJi Omega Mu is free trip to Hollywood, where she 2 - 5 p.m. C o k e r iu Brubacher sell Hunt, Richard Erbacher, Richard Anderson, John Horner, James
All students of State College and
restricted to Juniors and Seniors will be given a complete screen
Game Koine.
who are interested in history or so- test. Tlie contest is sponsored by 7:311 p.m. MUD Skit, Page Hall. Peabody, Dominick De Cecco, Ray- their friends are cordially invited to
cial science and have maintained a the sponsors of the radio show 0:00 p.m. Traditional S i n g , in mond Prindle, Richard Clifford, and attend as guests of the Music CounDomonick Toscino, freshmen.
••Queen for A Day."
B average.
I r o u t of D r a p e r .
The committees lor the annual
Moving-Up Day Dance have been
announced by Kathryn Johnston '55,
General Chairman for the dance.
There will be dancing from 8:30
p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Friday, May 7,
in the dining roam of Brubacher
The Moving-Up Day dance will
be presented, as in the past several
years, by Commuter's Club. The
theme will be "Maytime." Music
will be provided for the Maytimers
by Frank Mayer's Orchestra.
The committees ior the MovingUp Day dance are as follows: General Chairman, Kathryn Johnston
'55; Orchestra, George Wood '54;
Publicity, Nancy Gade '57; Tickets,
Mary McCann '55; Ticket Booth,
Helen Cavanaugh '57; Decorations,
Norma Barney '56, Ann Ferrioli '57,
Tickets for the affair are selling
for sixty-five cents per couple. The
tickets can be purchased at the
booth in lower Husted peristyle and
at the door before the dance.
Decorations will be on the Maytime theme.
SCA, Newman
Canterbury Clubs
Slate Meetings
Student Council Fraternities Formally Initiate
Hears""Budgets New Members; Schedule Formal
''Chesterfields for Me!"
Psychology Club Lists
Officers For 1954 -'55
State Students
Read Papers
A t Conference
*—•* *
To The Chief
In Retrospect
We have noticed that SA's interest in its
own activities has been growing steadily in
the past few months. We are hoping that
this interest and participation will not receed between now and next September. It
will be the job of the leaders we meet tomorrow to catch up this spirit and interest
and help it grow in force and momentum
until the inertia of life can sustain it alone.
Among the achievements of this year's
SA officers is the growing rapport between
students and faculty at State. We hope
to see the work of the Student-Faculty
committee continue its progress next year.
Also worthy of note is the work done by
this year's Student Board of Finance, a
g r o u p w i t h f o r e s i g h t i n t h e f a c e Of a m o s t
Dear Evlc,
W h e n you t u r n over your "editorial ruler" tomorrow, you will
leave behind an appreciative staff
and a year of o u t s t a n d i n g accomplishment. .
We feel we h a v e been privileged
to serve under you. You have set
up Ruben's Rules of Journalisrm for
us to follow. No one can question
the skill you used in h a n d l i n g t h e
• V TH« C L A M Or
I * IB
Tomorrow will be a big day for the Juniors, a day
of rejoicing for m a n y and dejection for even m o r e .
At t h e risk of sounding preachy we'd like to say t h a t
t h o u g h election results seem pretty i m p o r t a n t in
May, in September one's viewpoint c h a n g e s considerably. R e m e m b e r t h a t however the elections come
out, we need active Senior m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t Association next year, as well as good leaders. Good luck
to all of t h e candidates—the results are anybody's
You have kept us laughing as well
as working, combining wit with
ability. We'll miss t h e jean-clad
clamor from t h e Editor's corner a n d ALL COLLEGE S K I T
the Evievessant chuckles in the P.O.
w h e n you leave your gang a t S t a t e
Due to t h e work of a persevering few we will have
College News.
a skit tomorrow night. T h e struggle to get people out
to rehearsals seems to be quite typical of t h e general
Best of luck and success In t h e lack of interest which SA h a s demonstrated all year.
Large n u m b e r s t u r n e d out for try-outs, received parts,
and h a v e n ' t been h e a r d from since. (They all can't
have joined the Air Force I) I n spite of the p r o b lems which h a v e faced t h e directors t h e show promises
T h e News Board and
some fine scenes. O n e of t h e high points is a n o t h e r
Staff, 1953-1954.
R a n k Production which Is said to top Tomorrow's
Creatures, t h e movie which the Sophomores showed
last year. If you saw t h a t one, you should need no
further e n c o u r a g e m e n t to come to see t h e skit. However, it does h a v e some other fine spots, among t h e m
one of the best ballet scenes ever danced in Page.
Come to see the skit, stay to sing—should be a great
1. Seniors will go down t h e
walk by Husted Hall.
Today, in Assembly, you will be asked to consider
2. J u n i o r s will follow the S e n - the advisability of having identification p h o t o g r a p h s
iors. At t h e end of t h e Page walk, on S t u d e n t T a x cards. This seems the best solution
they will turn r i g h t and proceed to the problem which has faced m a n y c a m p u s o r g a n izations of the transferring of tax cards. T h e s i t u a down the walk at Albany High.
tion h a s been thoroughly investigated and the plan
3. Sophomores follow the J u n - is well worked out. We'll go out on a limb, exert a
little more excessive pressure and say, "Vote in favor
iors, turning left a t the end of Page of the plan."
walk to go through the Senior
Last night the I F G showed a n o t h e r fine foreign
4. F r e s h m e n will follow t h e film production, and plans have been made for two
more to be shown this year. This should show t h a t
Juniors, turning right to go through the group is not a m o m e n t a r y flash in the pan as
the J u n i o r lines.
many predicted when it was organized, but is here
to stay. T h e Albany I n s t i t u t e of History and Arl has
C. T h e classes will walk out of shown considerable interest in the group, which should
Page in double file, the couples bode well for its future.
splitting as they t u r n either r i g h t
or left to form a single line on
either side of the p a t h . S o p h o A friendly tip to those of you who drive cars. No
mores go through the J u n i o r lines. m a t t e r how the parking a r e a i ? i outside Brubacher
is, do not leave your Stutz by the loading p Lit form
W h e n everyone is out of the a u d i at the end of the building. The men who drive those
torium, the Seniors in turn go big, impressive trucks t h a t deliver fond in Hie girls
through the Sophomore lines and in the dormitory are likely to have little regard for
the J u n i o r s go through the fresh- those lenders Unit y on prize. You know how il is with
big. impressive trucks.
man lines.
MaalHf Hft 3ba4f Pn&oedu/ie
T h e following procedure h a s been
outlined for t h e Moving-Up Day
exercises tomorrow:
I. Processional—9
A. 1. Seniors will form a double
line beginning a t Minerva and e n d Ing In the per'.style leading to t h e
difficult job. Praise is also deserved by the Library.
religious clubs on campus, which have
2. J u n i o r s will meet by t h e
shown a decided spark of progress after a Registrar's office and their ine will
few years of deceleration. Our yearbook, extend into t h e i jrislyle of Husted.
too, has enjoyed a year of efficiency and
3. Sophomore lines will s t a r t
originality that we hope will be continued
in the Annex area at the foot of
and extended next fall.
the steps to Husted and will end a t
On the red-ink side of our ledger we the Co-op in lower Draper.
found almost a complete lack of interest
freshman double lines
in the All-College Revue, the show that was will 4.s t aTr th e behind
to unite all lour classes through working- at the girls' looker theroomSophomorr.-i
together. We would very much like to see Draper a n d will extend to inthe lower
lowa revue next year that succeeds in this pur- er Library.
pose and provides good entertainment as
9:30 a.m. the procession
well. The same applies to rivalry, intra- willB. At
begin with the Senior class
mural sports, and assembly attendance, to marching down the front step's of
mention a few things for tomorrow's lead- Draper, turning right a t Western
Avenue, then turning right at t h e
ers to concentrate on.
walk which leads to Husted, t u r n left to Husted, walking toward V. Forming the Numerals
Last of all we must say farewell to the ing
Albany High and then right, up
News, its board and staff and all those who to the walk a t Page Hall. T h e T h e Seniors will turn right and
cooperated with us to make this a most un- Juniors, Sophomores, and freshmen form their n u m e r a l s in the corner
of Page Field nearest Husted. T h e
forgettable year. We find it impossible to will follow the Seniors, in order, to Sophomores
will torm their n u m e r Page
judge ourselves; we realize we have left
als in front ot the Seniors near
many things unsaid and undone. But we
Western Avenue. T h e J u n i o r s will
have tried to serve our purpose as the only II. Seating
turn left and form their n u m e r a l s
organized means of communication in our A. 1 Seniors in front, center scc- in the corner nearest Milne. T h e
college community. We have striven to lions. maln floor.
freshmen will follow the J u n i o r s
and form their n u m e r a l s in front
lead student opinion, not to be simply its
s in the right section of the J u n i o r s near Western Avemirror and record. We feel we have accom- to the2. Jmuaniino r floor
and in the right nue.
plished many things within our own organ- section of the balcony.
ization; whatever we have done to guide
11. Sophomores in the left sec- VI. Evening
SA must be judged by you, our readers.
tion of the m a i n floor and the
By H O P K I N S a n d COOPER
Tomorrow we will welcome the leaders
that will guide Student A s s o c i a t i o n
through a year that may prove to be a decisive one for student government at State.
Today we are saying farewell to the leaders
that have served us competently in a year
of transition.
This year's President and his Student
Council took office in a time of discontent.
In all phases of student activities the cry
was for a change, regardless of in which
direction that change would take us. A
change just for the sake of change was regarded by many as the cure for the growing
apathy of the student body as a whole. Our
leaders realized the necessity of trying to
answer that cry, but they also realized that
a more efficient way to revitalize student
activities would be to make us aware of
what we have now.
A. T h e MUD skit will begin a t
rows left unoccupied by the Seniors
in the center section.
7:30 p.m. Immediately after the
skit the c lasses will meet in front
4. F r e s h m e n in the left l n d of Draper and take the following
center sections of the balcony.
III. Moving-Up
As President Brown raps his gavel lor the last linn
today, il is lime lo review the accomplishments ol
I his year's S.A. officers without, we hope, gelling too
nostalgic. As usual, we had sincere and dedicated
people doing their best to give the student body the
best possible kind of s t u d e n t government, sometimes
in the face of discouraging student apathy. As for
our Prexy, Neil's ability and sense of humor will be
missed. To t h e old officers, we give our t h a n k s ; to
the new, our congratulations and best wishes for a
successful year.
College Calendar
A. 1. T h e J u n i o r s in the balcony
1. Seniors stand on the steps of 10:30 a.
Forum Mock Senate, Assembly C h a m b e r
will move quickly to the right, down Draper.
S t a l e Legislature, Opening Session.
First Place CSPA
First Place APC
seats behind the J u n i o r s downstairs,
12:00 noon S t a t e College News staff meeting, Room
2. J u n i o r s stand to the right of
May 7, 1954
No. 24 who will have moved to t h e left,
the Seniors, facing the Library.
into the center section.
Members of ihe NEWS sniff may be reached Tuesday and
Show Dress Rehearsal, Page Hall.
Wednesday from 7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3320, Ext, 11
2. T h e Seniors move left across
Ruben, 2-3326; Ashfleld, 3-3580; Eldrecl and acrlg, 2-0012,
3. Sophomores face the Seniors.
9:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. Sigma Lambda Sigma Formal,
Burtes, 3-3326.
the aisle into the Sophomore secClub.
The undergraduate newspaper of the New Yorlt State
4. Freshmen face the Juniors.
OoUege for Teachers; published every Friday of the College
4. T h e freshmen in the cenyear by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
ter section of the balcony will inovu
The Step Song will be sung first
Editor-in-Chief right, down the r i g h t stairway, fol!):()() a.m. Moving-Up Day, Page Hall
After they have
Co-Managing Editor lowing the Juniors, and fill in the by the .Seniors.
sung it once, they will move to
Co-Managing Editor section
vacated by the Juniors.
10:00 a in Forum Mock Senate.
I'ubllo Ilelullons Editor T h e freshmen in the left section their left and stand In front of t h e
Circulation Editor will move across the center section
12:00 noon S t a t e Colegc News Luncheon, Boulevard
Sports Editor and fill In the front part of the the Step Hong once in place and
MABEL HCUWEIZER - • - • Business -Advertising Manager right section of the balcony.
Associate Editor
Draper, and will como out the front SI N O W , MAY il
door ol Draper singing ihe Step
IV. Recessional
All (.•(Jiiiiiiiiiilcnilinirt s h o u l d Im ixldruHHOll l o t h e m i n o r ttml
Hong. T h e Sophomores will fill in II] 00 a in Forum Mock Senate
m u s t lid HIKIICII
NIIIIICH will he w i t h h e l d u p o n m i l i u m
I h e the section vacated by the Juniors.
T i m H'l'ATW CO I, I, B O B N K W H Immunol) no r u g u o i m l l i l l l t )
11.00 p i n
S t a t e College News Boaid and Stall meet"
formiiu.; a
for o p i n i o n * e j p r o b s o d in Its c o l u m n s or c o i n i n u u i r u l l o n H right center aisle, and
ing, P.O.
Alter Ihe singing of the Step
uu s u c h i'.(|ireiiMloiiH d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y r o l l o u t l i s v i e w
line on cither side of Page Hail
Song, tlie Seniors will turn and
walk down the sidewalk to Western MONDAV, MAY 10
lit. 1
li. T h e (our classes lollow in Avenue Kinging " U r e a l Fires" as
I hey dn so,
12.00 noon Canterbury Club meeting, Room III
From The Sidelines
WAA Plans
Play day,Cancels
Softball Leagues
State Hosts Potsdam Saturday;
Seeks To Snap Losing Streak
L a s t weekend when S t a t e bowed
to Utica in its first g a m e of the
season, we were on h a n d and, b e ing strictly a fan, were impressed by
two of State's ballplayers
t u r n e d in great games.
As tne
F i r s t of all, J o h n Zidlk, who goes
spring sports season, the —
into t h e books as the losing p i t c h - last of WAA's three-period sports - » • • < «
• •»
er. J o h n is in his third year of programs, enters its final weeks, K r J I n l f c
r n A
\ h A
Varsity ball and last year he was ,„„,
. .
. «. , • W U V I I s l
quite effective, but pitched in t h e « * n « w r s are urged to get their
shadow of DeComb's " i r o n - m a n " h o u r s l n t o W A A President Buzzie
D - ^
feats. T h e first outing of the year Burke. A total of 10 hours Is needO O W
was enough for J o h n to convince e d in a sport in order to receive
F a n s will be offered their n e x t **$*•
«» j ^ ^ V i S ^ - l E
»" -h a s it." I n, credit
hours „„„
for May
" " 15
*" h"a"s" been
"~~" set
**" as
" " t h"""
on u i e snare e n a of
oi a i-«
e w Pm
everyone ihe •
„,. it. As
„ before,
„ „„
e d""""'
a t e rhnncp to wnrch thei ~Pnia nnrfnrm on
7-4 nNew
a l t uz
t h e early innings J o h n m o w e d . o r m f , lf. 4" u f 'a ' " "
for t h e forthcoming MAA golf tour- f " * " ^ ™ „!L„ ^ Q f 5 P
tally.t h e Ts hh eo r t end
r e t u r n a Utica
down 6 straight men nn srHitps tennis, badminton and other n°.
. tomorrow w h e n t h e S t a t e s m e n o p „,„- «i««» *u« - ! f ~ I
m ,
a S w o V d h ? h i M M a S t a , ' t S dividual sports should be turned in ™ m
\ ™e *
I ^ ^J°?*%
* * " ¥»,*£>
E e n d m g in / f f f t a S
« S
with 9 whiff victims. J o h n , unlike to the m a n a g e r 24 hours after p a r - J ? g " l d a n h c e « ™
« * W « * ^ L K K o r V t f f f & Z
^ h o S g h not a p J e l r l n T l n ° t o e
most p tchers, is one of those "good- t l c l p a U o n .
Bob Strauber, will be a flag t o u r - d M h ^ j e ^ g " ' « } £ > « { g " * : won column during t h e week's a c h i t t i n g " pitchers and last year even
n a m e n t and t h e h a n d i c a p s will be break into t h e Win column
tivities, t h e scores a r e t a k e n r a t h e r
took over in left field when n o t
There will be no softball leagues a s s l g n e d by Duprey a t m a t c h t i m e
Since t h e last issue of t h e News J * * £
^ « $ j > ™ £ £
on t h e mound.
scheduled for this season.
An all-around performer, J o h n softball practice will be held on
T h e golfers will tee off on t h e ^t^tto?^ I^^^IS*' s l o n o f t h e f r a y 8 to toe n e e d «*
would m a k e a Varsity bowling t e a m d?a°vr ma n ?n e " w e v e r y f f M o n d B y ' f W e d " e » : Albany Municipal Golf Course with ™
iri then- onener last S v
S s t r e n g t h Imposed by t h e
i t s t n t p look micrhrv trnnH
Friday afternoon from 3:30 ..
. . , . . . . ~"' , , „
" opener last JTiaay, s t a t e s m e n ' s toueh a n d
a t S t a t e IOOK m i g h t y good.
We . . . . .
t h e first m a t c h e s scheduled in t h e t h e H a t h a w a y m e n suffered some „ T A <
m if
i ° « ,?*
T o
look for J o h n to have a good year l 0 0Mlitters in meeting a s c h e d u l e sure,
m n r n l n .
e a r l y season
a b u n d a n c e
o f t a l e n t hB
a n d to continue improving his
Committees for the WAA high
9-4 defeat a t t h e h a n d s of Utica
* displayed
mound talents.
school playday to be held here on
State's leading golfer will be t h e College. Their second venture was i t s e l f , o n t h e S t a t e roster, as h a s a
T h e other name is probably less May 15 have been announced by r P r l r ) i e n t of a lanre tronhv
— m a r g i n for improvement. T h e feel
ing shared by both followers of t h e
to sfoto
S t a t e fans.
The ™
WAAA Secretary.
miliar fn
i„ m
, „ uHilfiker,
n t i l . . . i.rA
^e n - recipient,
oi a large iropny donated
squad and the team itself is t h a t
reason we can think of is because eral C h a i r m a n will be Mary P u g s '
with an a m o u n t of seasoning a
Leon Ogrodnick is only a fresh- sley. Assisting her will be Betty
winning S t a t e demon aggregation is
m a n . Leon, a little guy a t 5' 8", Miller, food committee; Ann K a r a - „ , f „J, 'f ^
, !
m Tl ,7
to emerge.
looked mighty "big" around second mer reception, and Lee Hughes, v a r s u v b C 1 U D w m nola
base. We were sort of wondering equipment. The girls from the p a r - regular meeting of t h e year.
Stella, 3b
1 1
Zidik Twirls Opener
as to just how good this freshman ticipating schools, corning from the this time the new officers for t h e
Sage, ss
1 1
"Opening Day" was t h e d e s c r i p was who was taking over Al C a n - Albany area, will meet in Brubacher forthcoming year will be installed,
Bogiages, l b
4 0 1 tive phrase for last Friday's U t i c a
o n s old slot. After we saw him tor a lunch a t noon. T h e games .
., ..
Lein, If
1 1
tussle. S t a t e ' s loose play a n d a
h a n d l e his first chance wc won- are scheduled to begin around 1:30.
continuation ot presenting
Ovcrton, cf
4 00
dubious a m o u n t of Utica m o u n d
dered no more, as he m a d e the
area sport celebrities to speak to
Murphy, rf
4 00
s t r e n g t h was seemingly t h e story.
play as easily and as smoothly as
»«""'* s P r i » R *i™
the Varsity Club men, Nate Sutin,
Ogrodnick, 2b
4 0 1Albany during the course of events
one would want.
All WAA members will want to c o a c h a t Albany High, h a s been
committed 6 errors while g a r n e r i n g
Smith, c
3 00
Leon gained his experience play- keep May 22 in mind as the date of U l e speaker proposed for this m e e t 5 hits, hi comparison to 9 hits a n d
Shumanski, p
% \ \
ing second base in high school a t the annual Spring Spree. Held at w
4 mlsplays for the Utes. Zidik b e McCormick, p
1 0 0
Ossininn and, from the way he C a m p Johnston, the Spree will feagan on t h e mound for S t a t e a n d
moves around on the diamond,
' Hie a n n o u n c e m e n t of next
MAA and AA boards are In t h e
allowed 7 hits in the seven-inning
34 4 5
proves he learned . well.
Leon's year's officers.
All spring sports, final planning stages for the Varspan. In an a t t e m p t to quell t h e
\ l t R II
diamond talents are not limited to softball, wading, swimming and hik- sity banquet which is to be held
m o u n t i n g count, J o h n McCormick
Eibelheiser, 2b
defense, as he showed good power
B . are being planned. Betty Mil- on Thursday, May 27. C o - c h a i r hurled the final two frames, w i t h
Lyons, 3b
4 1 0
at the plate over the weekend, 'er, general c h a i r m a n , has scheduled m e n of the event are J i m F i n n e n
two hits. Zidik's pitching was of
g a r n e r i n g n couple of hits a n d c h a s - many activities for the clay. T h e a n d F r a n Rodgers. T h e possible loa fairly high calibre in all, allowFoster,
0 1
ing the outfielders back to capture food committee, headed by Gina cation of the b a n q u e t has been n a r ing three free passes and f a n n i n g
Cummings, ||>
0 0
his drives on several other occa- Hilfiker. lias planned picnic fare of rowed to three places, University
9. including 6 batters in row.
King, cf
2 1 0
hoi dogs and coke. Barbara S t e m - Club, Aurania Club, or Brubacher.
Christian, c
3 I (I
Shumanski's No-Hit Bid Spoiled
Leon's great hustle and ability P' 1 ' i s ' " charge of transportation
Rubco, ss
3 I 0
T h e New Paltz contest showed a
will keep State fortified at second » » d Ann Arvanticles will take care
T h e proposed speaker is Bob
fantastic variance from the score.
base for the next few years.
the equipment. As always, the Davies, star of the Rochester Roymorp
Novice Shumanski's hurling was on
111 ihe Utica test we t h o u g h t
' merrier be sure to be aJs basketball
Tickets will
the phenomenal side in his 6-inning
Slate's I wo best defensive plays ' ln'ic.
go on sale early n e x t week by the
Tom allowed but 2
were turned in by Ogrodnick and
„ ,„_ , l u , W A A Varsity Club members.
I n „ , m , „ i n „ ,)f A
\\\ R II
hits, while maintaining a n o - h i t
Wayne Overton. Ogrodnick flashed Council made tentative plans to
All IM a w a r d s and
Stella, :;i)
a 1 1 front for 5 2/3 innings.
McCorquickly to his right to b a c k - h a n d a , m n . „ „ . W A A F l y ( , , . p r i n t c d „ „ a w , u „ K w , „ b(J g W e n m l ,d {hc
Sage, ss
4 I 0 mick's relief work was fair, s h o w <n
ball headed for n hit
' ' " ' " " * in time to be distributed to the quet by Coach
Murphy, rf
ing 3 hits, 3 free passes, and one
3 0 I
throw from right-center was per- i l u , j m i , m f r o s h a L P r o s h C a m p
Coach Garcia.
Bogaiges, II)
The hit count was
I 0 2 earned run.
feet and cut down a Utica r u n n e r
even. S t a t e and New Paltz e a c h
Lein, If
3 (I (I
collecting five. The difference i n
3 0 0
state got tin niv doubu piay Fraternity Squads Triumph In Softball O p e n e r s ; Ogrodnick,
Overton, cf
4•I 0 0 the game came in the sixth i n n i n g
of tlu1 clay when Huge flipped to
exception with Shumanski's downSmith, c
3 00
Ogrodnick for one and Leon fired
fall on walks and hits.
Shumanski, p
1 0 0
on to Boglages to net two.
Zidik, p .
(I 0
Let'.- not forget to make Moving,
Utica return
h M 1(1
U|) a l u i
Up Day complete tomorrow by fak- r M Soflball season gol underway. on Ihe mound shut out a
Wednesday was a nound story a l Ing in the ball game between Slate In the opener last week, the Hilltop .scrappy Hilltop leam 8-0. B a t t e r y most entirely. T h e Tangerines g a r Totals
32 2 I
and Potsdam at Bleecker al 2:110.
nered 12 hits against 4 blasts for
club defeated the Pots 19-12. Jim m a t e Nick Cassevoy called
our heroes, to tell the tale. Doing
Reed pitched for the winners, his pilches with canny precision in
Dowd, ss ...
the Peel serving were S h u m a n s k i
hilling support coming from Dick helping to preserve the shutout.
Oiiiquinto, Ih
5 1 3 and Zidik. A Ufican by the n a m e
Wands who belted two homers and Dick Wands chucked lor the Hilltop
Tresivani, :il)
of Paparella employed by the colDick Powell who slapped 4 hits in S squad.
Nichols, If
1 1 lege for centerfield made few AlNo\c that softball lias pushed trips lo (lie plate. Dick Persico twirlFovel, 21)
Kirige Squeezes Out Victory
1 0 bany friends while netting a cirbowling from the IM spotlight, it's eel for the Pots,
Evans, c
The evening mime al Bcverwyck
0 0 cuit clout and two other hits.
interesting to go over the season
The game on Page pitied last
I'a will leson, c
Chris Bogaiges topped the Peels
and pick mil a few high spots and year's champion APA leam against produced Ihe closest till, of the
I'aparella, cf
with two hits for four trips to t h e
top bowlers.
the Gracls. At the end of the con- young season, with Ridge House
finally nosing out Ihe Rousers in (i
(I I
Utica plate.
T h e biggest clay's honors went, of test, APA behind speedballcr J o h n
Eliaso, p
innings H-hi. The game lasted until
In the t h r e e - g a m e outing, hi all,
II 0
course, to Bob Sinkledam, who had Allasio was ahead 25-3. Tom Bentwo were out in the bottom of the
— Bobaiges, S t a t e first sacker, racked
everyone amazed with his (129 triple, enafi hurled for the Gracls. Capt.
Totals inning at which point the score
!» 12
up 4 hits in 11 tries and fielder Lah
Another big thrill was the big 244 Don K i n g led the APA'ers al bat
was tied at 16-16. Darkness forced
struck out for Zidlk in 9th.
collected 2 clouts in 9 attempts.
game of Bob Hughes.
w ifh a home run.
the g a m e lo be called, and the score
T h e close races, predicted by this K I J Defeats AI'Aclies
reverted back to the 6th inning.
d e p a r t m e n t , made up the biggest
league entered into a full Ridge House was paced by Len K r o The
thrill, however, with SLS and schedule last. Wednesday, lour games nick wlio belled 3 hits and by Lou
APAches winding up on top only | ) ( . i l u , ],i, ly ed. In the afternoon a t CHIT who proved a formidable d e after the final game was bowled. Beverwvck, Kappa. Beta "eked out" fenseman. Joe Swierzowskl with 5
J o h n Zidik and Tom S h u m a n s k l ., ; i 6 . ; j w l n o v e r t h e APAches. KB RBI's and Joe P u r e e " led t h e
paced the champs.
T h e bowling was led by "Big" Dick Kirch who, Rouser baiters. Owen Smith gained
due also finished 1-2 in the league, besides pitching' the entire 7 frames, credit for the win, while Fred Willi
with 1G8 and 106 averages respec- also belted a grand slam homer to and Don Butler shared pitching
tively. Although their bowling was deep rigid, field. Ralph Moot, and chores for flic losers.
unsurpassed, they received
good Arnie Smith had 3 hits apiece for
backing from the consistent keg- the KB squad. Ed Jones pitched 6
Al Page the Finks defeated t h e
lint: of Hughes and Ralph Adams.
innings for Ihe APAches. long Pols with Ihe help of a li run 1st
Willi Best Frosh Ken lor
enough to absorb the defeat; Whit and 11 run 2nd inning. Jerry HolzFor APA Sinkledam was forced Walter led the stickmen with 2 hits man hurled lor the victorious Pots,
to share honors with little Joe and 2 runs scored.
while flank Midler and Jim Sweet
At Page field SLS, Willi Carmen shared hurling duties for the Finks.
Sayles it was freshman s t a r Fred
ling Season
Nine Drops Opener To Utica;
New Pa|tz Loss Extends Skein
Bote Sconei
Vi ctorious By Large Margins
CluL A/ated
Don't forirct lo come lo
Willi, backed by the big "onename sprees" of Bruce Wise. Spirit,
of course, was added by the crazy
antics of Larry Silliness. Hilltop's
big late-season drive was a result
ol the ever-improving Hookies who
turned from " g u t t e r - c l e a n e r s " lo
Gerald Drug Co.
Zll Western Ave.
Alba ay, N, Y
Phone il Kino
before MAY 15
to order vour cans and uovvns
lor Commencement
FRIDAY, MAY 7 , 1 9 5 4
*2i3l COLL£GE TOR re J O B S *
'News Staffs
Kapner Releases Debaters Slote Council Releases | Vacuity footnot**.
of t h e Albany I n s t i t u t e Plan Meetings
Activities Today s Agenda of Exhibits
Summer Session New
History a n d A r t will b e o n disNew York S t a t e Intercollegiate
Members of t h e S t a t e College
Legislative Assembly will m e e t May (Continued from Page 1, Column 2) play a t t h e I n s t i t u t e , T h u r s d a y , May
a n d staff will meet today.
Insurance Plan
13, 14, a n d 15 a t t h e Wellington meeting of S t u d e n t Board of F i - 13, 5 to 9 p.m., a n d May 14, 10 a.m.
They will dine tomorrow a n d conHotel. T h i r t y - n i n e colleges will be
T h e s t u d e n t hospital-medical e x p e n s e i n s u r a n c e coverage h a n d l e d
by A r t K a p n e r is renewable a n d
m a y be extended t h r o u g h t h e S u m mer. T h e cost of this extension is
$6.89. T h e period of coverage will
be from J u n e 15 to September 15.
K a p n e r will be selling policies in
front of Draper, Room 101, on May
17, 18, 20, a n d 21.
Benefits u p to t h e a m o u n t of
$150.00 for e a c h accident or illness
will be available, u n d e r t h e following categories: Hospital board a n d
room, $8.00 p e r d a y ; $40.00 for X rays, anesthesia,
t r e a t m e n t , a flat r a t e of $20.00 p e r
accident u p to $150.00; Medical a t tention, $3.00 p e r visit, u p to $75.00;
Dental a t t e n t i o n , u p to $100.00 for
injury to sound, unfilled teeth.
Coverage is effective whether t h e
s t u d e n t is i n this country or abroad.
S t u d e n t s who did not have t h e policy during this past year a r e eligible.
nance, S t u d e n t Council,
represented in t h e congressional d e - Gelbond, Financial Secretary of t h e
bate, discussion
a n d committee college, President E v a n Collins, a n d
Dr. J o s i a h Phinney, T r e a s u r e r of
Representing S t a t e a r e : B a r b a r a SBF, is being considered. T h e p u r Salvatore, delegate, a n d Phyllis T y - pose of this meeting would b e to
eth, a l t e r n a t e , Sophomores, who will discuss a n d clarify t h e feelings a n d
discuss " W h a t should be done to standings of t h e above organizations
promote t h e welfare of t h e aged in and t h e faculty a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a s
N Y S ? " Gloria Migliore a n d Paul to t h e budgets. Specific budgets
Seniors, will
discuss: would n o t be discussed.
" W h a t changes, if a n y , should be
Custer Quick '55, r e p r e s e n t i n g
m a d e i n t h e system of legislative Athletic Association, reported t h a t
appointments in NYS?"
Phyllis progress on t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of
Bialow '56, delegate, a n d R i t a C o - t h e AA budget for n e x t year is
hen '57, will speak o n : " W h a t temporarily held u p , since t h e
changes, if any, should be m a d e in necessary quorum of t h r e e m e m t h e S t a t e University of New York bers h a s been lacking.
of SA Neil Brown '54, t h e r e u p o n
S t a t e College speakers a r e invit- appointed a pro-tempore member,
ed to a c t a s hostesses for t h e zone to fill t h e quorum, a n d enable AA
finals of t h e Hearst Oratory Contest budget hearings to proceed.
in Chancellor's Hall, located i n t h e T h e assembly a g e n d a for today
S t a t e Education Building, M a y 13.includes a motion to rescind t h e
S t a t e representatives include: J o - motion m a d e last fall o n c o m p u l Anne Doyle, Gloria Migliore, Sylvia sory assemblies, a motion to h a v e
S a n m l e r , Seniors; J e a n
Morris, Election Commission c o u n t ballots
Lorna G a l b r a i t h a n d Angela K a v a - in lieu of Myskania, a n d considern a u g h , J u n i o r s ; Emelie Vavra a n d ation of t h e S t u d e n t T a x Card
Audrey Schmidt, freshmen.
to 9 p.m., states R u t h E. H u t c h i n s ,
Assistant Professor of Art. T h e pur- vene S u n d a y with t h e new a n d old
pose of this exhibit is t o c o m m e m - Board m e m b e r s .
orate t h e 5 t h A n n u a l C u t Tulip
All staff m e m b e r s will meet today
Display a n d to compete i n t h e Ala t noon i n Room 111, Draper, C r i t i bany Tulip Festival which will be
held a t t h e D e W i t t Clinton Hotel, cisms of t h e p a p e r will be given by
the Sophomore Desk Editors.
Saturday, May 15.
Displays will be s h o w n on t h e
first floor a n d in t h e auditorium.
Exhibition classes include tables
done on invitation of t h e Display
Committee, a r r a n g e m e n t s of tulips
in competition a n d h o r t i c u l t u r a l
specimens. T h e r e will also be a
and junior h o r t i c u l t u r a l section.
Prizes worth o n e h u n d r e d dollars
in tulip bulbs will be awarded.
Edith Owen Wallace, Professor
of Latin, a n d Lois Virginia Williams, I n s t r u c t o r in Ancient L a n guages, a t t e n d e d a T e a c h e r s of
Foreign L a n g u a g e Conference a t
Brown University, April 9th a n d
Following t h e Moving-Up D a y
exercises tomorrow morning, t h e
staff will g a t h e r for a n informal
luncheon. T h e y will dine in t h e
Faculty Room of t h e Boulevard
Cafeteria on Central Avenue.
New a n d old board m e m b e r s a n d
the staff will convene a t 8 p.m.
Sunday in t h e Publications Office,
B r u b a c h e r Hall. Evelyn R u b e n '55,'
Editor, will install t h e new Editors
and read t h e Constitution. T h e n e w
board will meet briefly u n d e r t h e
c h a i r m a n s h i p of t h e new Editor to
elect a Secretary of t h e Board a n d
discuss activities for the coming
Todays C H E S T E R F I E L D is t h e
Best Cigarette Ever M a d e !
* * * * * H* H>'"
Z 458
Beckwith Winner In Close Race For Presidency;
All Thirteen Members O f Myskie Reach Quota
Betscha Wins
Of Student Body
Classes Choose
Females Keep Myskania Majority;
Orser, Kelleher,
Five Men Tapped For Honorary
Bruno Rodgers
A female m a j o r i t y will a g a i n c h a r a c t e r i z e t h e S e n i o r H o n o r a r y
Niles, Duffy Victors
In S A Office Races
In t h e class elections held last S o c i e t y next y e a r . T h e men d i d pick u p o n e m o r e m e m b e r , b r i n g i n g
week Marge Kelleher broke a t r a dition by being the first girl to t h e i r total to five, with eight w o m e n filling t h e r e m a i n i n g s e a t s .
become a class president in t h e past
6 years. S h e will lead t h e class of
T a p p i n g c e r e m o n i e s began after classes h a d " m o v e d u p " t o
T h e Seniors will be led by
n e w p o s i t i o n s a n d p a r t i c i p a t e d in singing " A r m in A r m . " T h e
J o h n Orser, who will also fill seat
10 on Myskania, while
Bruno old M y s k a n i a filed t o t h e second r o w of s e a l s o n t h e s t a g e in p r e p Rodgers was elected president of
a r a t i o n for t h e t a p p i n g .
t h e Sophomore Class.
To serve with Orser t h e class of
P e t e r M i c h a e l M c M a n u s , c h a i r m a n of t h e o u t g o i n g M y s k a n i a ,
'55 elected Donna Hughes, ViceP r e s i d e n t ; Marge Liddell, Secre- a c t e d a s t h e s p e a k e r a n d a n n o u n c e d t h e n a m e s of t h e n e w m e m b e r s
t a r y ; B a r b a r a Devitt, Treasurer; of t h e j u d i c i a r y , while P a t r i c i a A n n e i ) e a n p r e s e n t e d t h e p u r p l e a n d
K a t z, Cheerleader:
O'Neill, Publicity Director; a n d L u - gold tassels.
cretia D'Andrea, Songleader.
In t h e elections for t h e J u n i o r
Sylvia W i l m a S e m m l e r a n d J o h n B a t t i s t a Allasio were t h e first
Class officers t h e following were In leave t h e s t a g e a n d circle t h e a u d i t o r i u m twice in t h e t r a d i t i o n a l
s t e p . A s t h e y p a u s e d beside h e r seat, t h e n a m e of M A R Y A R C A N Bouvier; Secretary. J a n e Loman;
Treasurer, Vivian Schiro; Publicity G E L A I A C A V O N E , w h o will o c c u p y seat n u m b e r o n e , w a s a n I n t h e fall M a r y will be a s s i s t a n t d i r e c t o r of W o m e n ' s
Director, Carole Hughes; Songlead- n o u n c e d .
er, Joyce T a n n a t t a ;
Cheerleader, F r o s h C a m p .
J a n e Ide. T h e class of '57 has elected t h e following:
Robert Burns,
As tlie a u d i t o r i u m a g a i n b e c a m e quiet, F r a n c e s E l i z a b e t h Allen
Vice-President: Carol Allen. Secretary; T r u d y Stemmer, Treasurer; a n d K a t h l e e n T h e r e s a O b e r s t left t h e s t a g e t o r e t u r n w i t h ex-SA
Barbara Poulson, Publicity Director; s e c r e t a r y , M A R Y L O U I S E B A T T T S T I , t h e second m e m b e r of t h e
Sheila Lister, Songleader; and Phyl- n e w M y s k a n i a . M a r y will b e o n e of t h e Senior m e m b e r s of t h e S t u lis Roberts, Cheerleader.
d e n t Hoard of F i n a n c e n e x t y e a r .
Tom Dixon, Edward Franco, Marilyn Gadd, a n d Ami Vigilante will
W i t h t w o w o m e n a l r e a d y on stage, R O B E R T A L L E N S A G E
represent t h e class of '55 on S t u dent
Representing t h e w a s escorted to t h e p l a t f o r m b y K a t h l e e n M a t y A n d e r s o n a n d M a r J u n i o r Class a r e : Theresa Barber. vin Chernoff.
T h e n e w d i r e c t o r of M e n ' s F r o s h C a m p h a s been
Mary Brezny, Joseph Kelly, a n d
Alan Weiner. Members of Coun- a c t i v e in v a r s i t y a n d i n t r a m u r a l s p o r t s fur t h e p a s t t h r e e y e a r s .
cil from the class of '57 a r e : S a m
Dolores A n n D o n n e l l y a n d J o A n n e Allen D o y l e m o v e d off t h e
Lenore Hughes,
McEvoy, a n d Clyde Payne.
s t a g e a n d p r o c e e d e d slowly lo t h e rear of t h e a u d i t o r i u m .
d o w n (he aisle, t h e y s t o p p e d at t h e row in which C H A R L E S H E N R Y
B E C K W I T H w a s s e a t e d . T h e new president of SA a n d J u n i o r M a r shal for t h e Senior class took h i s place as n u m b e r four. C h u c k h a s
been a c t i v e on D&A Council in t h e p a s t .
After a close race, Charles Beckwith emerged victorious as Presid e n t of S t u d e n t Association. Serving with him is Robert Betscha as
Vice-President a n d Sara J a n e Duffy as Secretary.
With a total of eight h u n d r e d a n d
sixty-four votes cast, Beckwith finally defeated h i s opponent, J o a n
Carlin, by t h e narrow margin of
sixty votes.
In t h e two-way Vice-Presidential
contest, Betscha topped S m i t h by
two hundred a n d two votes.
Sara J a n e Duffy outlasted h e r
five opponents to cop t h e position
SA President
of SA Secretary. A former S t u d e n t Council representative, s h e
will now serve as secretary to t h e
as SA Songleader is
Lmda Niles, who almost, doubled t h e
tally of h e r closest competitor. Lllcretia D'Andrea.
T h e newly-elected members of
According to Evan R. Collins,
S t u d e n t Board of Finance will serve
with t h e carry-overs from
this President of t h e College, t h e followBoard. Die new Senior r e p r e s e n t a - ing-people from the Class of 195<i wi!!
tive is Marilyn Spegele, who will be initiated into Signum Laudis, t h e
loin Mary Baltisti, Nan McEvoy, honorary scholastic fraternity. These
and P r a n k LoTruglio. Nick Casscvoy a n d J o a n DeCicco will round people make up t h e last 'I per cent
ait the J u n i o r representation with of t h e lop ranking Seniors. They
Sue B a r n h a r t , a n d will serve for include Benjamin Bui ton. Charles
'. wo years. 'The .single r e p r e s e n t a - Cullen, Doris Hagen, Henry Hull,
tive tion) t h e Sophomore Class, Jr., Ann Keegan, Richard Simper,
wo years is Mary
serving to
and K e n n e t h Smith.
T h e two new members of A i h Dr. Collins h a s released Hie folletic Association Board are Olga lowing names from t h e Class of
a n d Joseph
Kelly, 1955.
These people make up t h e
According to Mary Ann Reiling,
Senior a n d Junior, respectively. T h e fop 4 per cent of t h e incoming
Escorted lo t h e stage In' Madeleine Avis I'avne a n d Allasio,
the outgoing ( h a i r m a n , new ot'fiBoard consists of two faculty m e m - Senior Class. Marilyn Broadbent,
cers a r e Nancy Hazzard '55, Board R O B E R T J O S E P H C O A X , t h e J u n i o r class p r e s i d e n t , b e c a m e t h e
oers a n d three students. T h e third Ella Curtis, Helene Gulda, Audrey
C h a i r m a n ; Fi ank LoTruglio '55. fifth m e m b e r a n d third m a n to be l a p p e d .
Bob w a s a m e m b e r of
student member is Custer Quick, t h e Heacock, J a n e Isley, Nancy LightVice-Chairman ; ami J o a n DeCicco S t u d e n t Council d u r i n g t h e past y e a r .
arry-over from last year's Board.
hall, Virginia Norman, Louella P l a - '5li. Secretary, Senior members ineek, Ann Reardon, a n d A n n Tobcy elude Philip Ba rtell, T h o m a s Dixon,
P r o c e e d i n g a r o u n d t h e a u d i t o r i u m . Neil C a r l t o n Brown a n d M i s s
have been chosen for their high Alice O'Neill. m d Edna Standlcy.
e l l v reached t h e new d i r e c t o r of W o m e n ' s Frosh C a m p . D O Frank S a n t o n Tony Scordato, and
scholastic standing.
T h e third w o m a n to be t a p p e d
Helen Natale are t h e new Junior L O R E S " M A R I E M O N T A L B A N O .
Another -I pel' cent, will be chosen members. T h e Sophomore ineiii- a i l e d a s c h a i r m a n for Activities D a y this y e a r a n d w a s president of
in t h e fall, witli the remaining L> bers a r e Sheila Lister, Anne K u n - DcVA Affiliates.
per cent lo be named in t h e spring dratls, Betty V m Vlaek, a n d Lois
Ronald Koster '55 will fill t h e of 1955.
Miss S e m m l e r a n d Miss Oberst then d e s c e n d e d In go in search of
jffice of Editor-in-Chief of PodnZ O E A X X I , A L K I E , w h o became t h e s e v e n t h m e m b e r ,
Xne h a s
nogue, t h e out-going Editor. Evelyn K a l u s a k , h a s revealed. .Senior
s e r v e d twice a s t r e a s u r e r of her class and has been elected president of
Editors who will assist
W A A for t h e i liming y e a r .
Koster a r e : Marilyn Gadd, Lileriry Editor; J a n Kai/., Photography
T e n s i o n m o u n t e d a s t h e a u d i e n c e watched Miss Doyle a n d Brown
Dolores Price,
halt beside a row in t h e | u n i o r section. T h e n t h e n a m e of D O X X A
Photography Editor; Laura Bruno.
K A T H L E E N ' H E C H E S ' e c h o e d t h r o u g h the hall. D o n n a will serve
Art Editor; Custer Quick. Business
The duties of Editor-in-Chief of
Manager; Belly Miller, Advertising the Slate Colle/jo News will be a s - Goldstein.
as vice-president for t h e Senior class a n d for W A A .
Manager a n d Marge d e n s e r , T r y - sumed today by Ronald Lackey '55,
Oilier positions will be filled by
outs Editor.
1','vie Ruben, retiring editor, h a s a n - Corrine Endreny '56, F e a t u r e EdiH a v i n g served her class a s Vice-President a n d e d i t o r of t h e
Evie will lake over the tor a n d Willard Reifz '55, Public F r e s h m a n H a n d b o o k , .MARY JOAN' C A R L I N w a s t h e next female
T h e new Junior Stall members nounced.
Both Relations Editor.
are Eleanor Bogan and Dolores Managing Editor's position.
to b e t a p p e d . S h e w a s b r o u g h t to her p l a t e in line by F a i t h A n n
Price, Juniors. Josephine
Testa, have completed a busy year ol
H a n s o n a n d Chernoff.
Cindy Willis, Belli Beehler, Nun/.iata Magislio, a n d Helen Taylor
As t h e result ol recent News
T h e new president of t h e Senior class, J O H N
have been elected lo serve as S o p h - Board deliberations, Ailcen CochO R S E R , w a s t h e fourth m a l e to b e l a p p e d , receiving t h e t e n t h seat.
omore members on t h e I'criiiKotiue rane a n d Carol Ann Lull have been
As a J u n i o r , J o h n served his class a s vice-president.
promoted lo Associate Editors. Nine
Soph reporters have also been
W i t h only t h r e e s e a t s r e m a i n i n g , t h e a n t i c i p a t i o n of t h e a u d i e n c e
named to the staff.
They a r e
increased a s Miss P a y n e a n d Miss Allen went mil into t h e j u n i o r secMarsha Lawrence. Rosemary S t a u tion to find O L G A K O M A N O W S K I .
T h e e l e v e n t h seal" w a s t h u s
bel, Ruth Robinson, Matthew O.soccupied by t h e new AA r e p r e s e n t a t i v e A\H\ former c a p t a i n of t h e
Nan McEvoy a n d Custer Quick, Swcir/.owski, and Rita Cohen.
Seniors a n d Co-Chairiiicn of last
Retaining the post of Spoils EdT h e last w o m a n to be l a p p e d after two n i p s a r o u n d t h e a u d i year's J u n i o r Cluide.s, have a n - itor on t h e News Board will be Bob
t o r i u m by Miss D o n n e l l v a n d Miss H a n s o n w a s A N N C R I S T L E
Bob h a s completed two
nounced the names ol the new J u n - Ashlicld
T O B E V . Ann is a m e m b e r of S i g n u m Laudis a n d t h e n e w p r e s i d e n t
ior Chairmen, S a m Krchniak a n d years of .service on the sports staff
Doroof Pi ( l a m i n a M u .
Beatrice Kngclhardl, who will lead as desk editor and editor
thy Rasmiissen a n d Arnold Newman
the Guides program next year
have been named as t h e new J u n Miss A n d e r s o n a n d Allasio then left ihe p l a t f o r m to c o m p l e t e t h e
of I he
J u n i o r ior sports members.
i p of t h e T h i r t e e n .
W h e n t h e y reached (heir d e s t i n a t i o n , t h e
Guides in t h e freshman orientation
T h e Business-Advertising d e p a r t program is to contact prospective ment will be headed by F r a n Monn a m e of R O N A L D A N T H O N Y K O S T E R w a s h e a r d from t h e rosfreshmen during t h e summer a n d ohan. T h e position of Circulation
W i t h next y e a r ' s P e d a g o g u e editor on s t a g e , t h e n e w M y s KONAI.I) LACKEY
welcome them in t h e fall.
Editor will be held by Esther
kania was complete.
Signum Laudis
Honors Seniors
Reiling Announces
SUB Offices For '55
"Chesterfields for Me!"
' T?fr/&nȣ
'Chesterfields for Me!
The cigarette tested and approved by 30
years of scientific tobacco research.
The cigarette with a proven good record
with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly
examinations of a group of smokers show no
adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses
from smoking Chesterfield.
Copynghi IV54, IJUAH At Mrtu TOIACXO CO.
1 1 l"
uooen t « ^
Univ. of
Indiana '54
The cigarette that gives you proof of
highest quality—low nicotine—the taste you
want—the mildness you want.
Largest Selling Cigarette
in America's Colleges
Chesterfields for Me!
Koster To Edit
'Pec/' Next Year
Appoint Lackey Editor-in-Chief
Of S.C. News For Coming Year
Engelhardt, Krchniak
To Lead Jr. Guides