PAGE 0 STATE COLLtOE NEWS. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1 S 8 2 116 8 Plans are in progress for the establishment of an educational organization on campus which will attempt to coordinate the activities of students interested in the field of education. The organization, when chartered, will be open to all those who have interest in the field which goes beyond their college careers. A meeting will be held during this week for the purpose of discussing the intent and organization of the group. Interested students, regardless of any educational group with which they may now be affiliated, are asked to watch for notices as to time and place and to be present at the meeting. The committee which has been working on the organization thus far includes: Walter Decker, Edward Lehman, Ralph Moot, Robert Reigle, and Kurt Rosenbaum, Juniors, and Bradford Miller •55. P*ofUH*l Budqmt Student QoavL oj finance Item Television Set Antenna Dish Cloths Broom Mop Pail 2 Dozen Ashtrays Ping Pong Table 1 Dozen Paddles 1 Doz. Sets Balls 3 Nets with Brackets 6 Card Tables 2 Movable Black Boards .... Pile Dart Board 3 Checker Boards 2 Chess Sets 6 Decks Plastic Cards Radio-Phonograph Console —floor model Phonograph— 3 speed Semi - Classical & Popular Records Record Cabinet Reading Rack Price 269.95 35.00 3.60 2.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 58.a!< 21.60 21.60 9.30 57.50 103.10 77.00 9.75 4.05 10.00 15.0C 269.95 69.95 50.00 75.00 7.95 Total Contingency Fund $1,181.80 18.20 Total $1,200.00 introduced the element of corruption." Talk about glaring mistakes, next time you're poring through the Exchange, note page two of the October 30 issue of the McOill Dally, newspaper of McOill University, Montreal, Canada. Under the headline, "Through the U.S. Election" is a picture of Ike and one of Stevenson. The caption below Ike's picture reads "Democrat" and under Stevenson's, that's right, "Republican." Prom the University of Detroit Varsity News: All his girl friend does is talk diamonds and look at more T<XkS State has its compensations. One of the dorms is now housing students of both sexes. Oldtlme students say "they never had it so gooa. ; A South Dakota State College Coed tells of her experience during registration. It seems things were going smoothly until she arbitrarily chose to join one of two equally long lines. After a two hour wait, she reached—the men's washroom. Prom Canisius student paper "The Griffin": Judge: "You're charged with beating your wife for the second time this month. Liquor again?" Defendant: "No, your honor. She licked me this time." l 0ol mn J The following is a list of persons who donated blood: Colleen O'Grady, Ruth Poole, Ann Yananella, Linda Hopkins, Betty Piatt, Pearl Mintzer, Edna Sherber and Paul Ward, Seniors. Earl Hars, Dolores Donnelly, Barbara Cumber, Shirley Nellis, Doris Emens, Faith Hanson, Barbara Rfempel, Walter Render, Barbara Wolslegel, Juniors. Also Robert Lundergan, Madeline Chini, Ann Keegan, Beverly Demarest and Prances Giannuzzi, Sophomores. Catherine McCann and Walter Curren '56, and Joseph Dolan, Graduate. An English comedy of the latter part of the nineteenth century is Miss Smith's choice of production. The thesplans in this dramatic endeavor are Elaine Stryker, and Herbert Safran, Sophomores. Supporting committees are: technical director, Doris Hagen; lights, Frederick Crumb; props, Jo Ar.r.e ^ovle; make-up, Madeleine Payne; special effects, John Laing; house, John Jacobus, Juniors; publicity, Kay Wright; and costumes, Marietta Wiles, Seniors. NOSE, THROAT and Accessory Organs not Adversely Affected by Smoking Chesterfields FIRST SUCH REPORT EVER PUBLISHED ABOUT ANY CIGARETTE medical specialist and his assistants. The exam- competent medical specialist and his staff on the ination covered the sinuses as well as the nose, effects of smoking Chesterfield cigarettes. ears and throat. A g r o u p Of p e o p l e from various walks of life T h e m e d i c a l S p e c i a l i s t , after a thorough exam- was organized to smoke only Chesterfields. For six ination of every member of the group, stated: months this group of men and women smoked their " I t is my opinion that the ears, nose, throat and L. G. Balfour Co. normal amount of Chesterfields— 10 to 40 a day. accessory organs of all participating subjects ex- FRATERNITY JEWELRY 4 5 % of the group have smoked Chesterfields con- amined by me were not adversely affected in the Badges Rings Steins Jewelry Gifts Favors Stationery Programs Club Pins Keys Medals Trophies tinually from one to thirty years for an average of six-months period by smoking the 10 years each. provided." Write or Call CARL SORENSEN 30 Murray Ave. Waterford, N.Y. At t h e b e g i n n i n g and at the end of the six- pictures, by the No. 510 cigarettes months period each smoker was given a thorough Telphone Troy — Adams 82563 S),i Bonjour! Wie Gehts! i Buenos Dias! immm^ ASK YOUR DEALER FOR CHESTERFIELDEITHER WAY YOU LIKE 'EM iWttffBWffi Hi!! No mutter how you say it there is a 1 w a y a a friendly welcome at TEMPERANCE TAVERN UOSIII t Mrim toi*cco co. inn Z-457 Unit Schedules Tryout Auditions For Entertainment State Students Receive Beginning Swimmers, First Aid Certificates Nearly 30 acts have tried out for the Red Cross entertainment group, reports Marie DeSeve '53, President. The acts are mainly composed of singers, and more novelty, dance, and instrumental acts are needed, states Miss DeSeve. Another audition is tentatively scheduled for a Saturday morning; the date to be announced later. If anyone has a short skit prepared he is requested to present it. Schedule X-Itays Any student interested in having a chest x-ray for tuberculosis taken should report to the County Court House via the Lodge Street entrance. Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m. and Friday, after 6:30 p.m. A L B A N Y , N E W YORK, Penniless Blues To Leave State Are you penniless? Do you go 'round singin' those I'venothin'-but-holes-in-my-pockets Blues? Did you ever think of (excuse the expression) workin' for a livin*? The bulletin board in Draper that you usually walk quickly by, has notifications of a job for YOU, experienced or inexperienced. Do you like gardening? In this weather, you can always burn leaves, If you're proficient in bookmaklng, there are lots of openings for you. And if you're one of those rare people who likes kids, there are loads of baby sitting positions. If you're a brain, you can even tutor. All these are guaranteed to pay in good U. S. rash. Don't try to get out of it. 'Tain't so bud, really. And after all, yen have only 34 more shopping days in which to make some Christmas money. CONTAINS TOBACCOS OF BETTER QUALITY A HIGHER PRICE THAN ANY, OTHER KING-SIZE CIGARETTE IWOIir I MYIRS TOiACCO CO, Buy C H E S T E R F I E L D . ^ Milder Copyright 1952, LlGCHTT & MYBRS TOBACCO Co. XXXVII NO. 0 Annual Commuters Club Soc-Hop Will Take Place In Pa3e Hall Gym Dance Features SfoJces, Peterson Will Perform Blocfi, Prank, Purcell Selections Tex Ray s Band Page Hall Auditorium will be transformed into a concert hall Friday night, November 21, when Music Council presents their annual Faculty Concert. The recital will feature Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, Mrs. Margaret A. Stokes and Karl A. B. Peterson, Instructor in Music. The program will include the A Major Sonata for violin and piano by Cesar Franck. This sonata appears on the program this year by request. It is the first repetition of a work in this series of programs since the inception of the series in 1944. The sonata is characterized by many unorthodox characteristics that arc dominant in its four movements. Franck's chromaticism and use of the cyclic form to give coherence to the work are examples. Dr. Stokes will perform the violin part with Mrs. Stokes playing the piano. The vioiln that Dr. Stokes will use Is a 1780 Antonio Testore, and is listed in the catalogs of Italian instruments. Alto on the program are five selections by Henry Purcell, to be sung by Mr. Peterson. A bass-baritone, Mr. Peterson studied at the Ju.n.ard Institute of Musical Art and Columbia University. During his study at Columbia, he was a member of the University Male Quarle; and was soloist with the Columbia Choir. Later, he directed the choir. The Purcoll selections, taken from his miniature operas, borrow their settings from the imaginations of Shakespeare, Spenser. Dry- SA Will Meet Honorary Initiates Pi Omega Pi Initiates Members Affilia Ask Students Check Commons Mailboxes VOL. F R I D A Y , NOVEMBER 14. 1 9 9 2 Award Certificates Standard first aid certificates have teen awarded to 11 students. Twenty-two hours of classes were required to complete the course. Those who earned certificates include Marjorie Alguire, Louise Daley, Marie DeSeve, Patricia Gehrt, Norma Kerper, and Helene Zimmerman, Seniors; Konrad Maier, Betty Rose, Dr. J. Christy Wilson, an interand Barbara Wolslegel, Juniors; Carolyn Sisson and Patricia Theo- national authority on the Near East, will address the annual Tri-City bald, Sophoomres. IVCF missionary banquet at Hale Red Cross certificates for having House, Union Co'lege, Schenectady, successfully completed the begin- announces William Whitwer '53, ner's swimming course requirements President of IVCF at Slate. The have been awarded to Hazel Jones banquet will take place tomorrow '53, Jean Labouseur '54, Edna Stand- evening at 6:30 p. m. ley o'o, and Joan Schultz '56. Dr. Wilson has recently returned Certificates for having completed an extended visit in Afganlsthe intermediate swimming course from where, at the reque t of the were presented to Marie DeSeve and tan government, he instituted an eduLorraine Migliaccio, Seniors; Kon- cational literary program with Dr. rad Maier and Barbara Wolslegel, Luitbach. Prior to this, he Juniors; and Virginia Bruce, Betty Frank traveled extensively in France. Gundrum, and Arnold Newman, has Egypt. Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Syfreshmen. ria and Russia. He has appeared Red Cross is trying to keep a rec- several times on the air with Lowell ord of blood donors from State. All Thomas in the hitter's broadcasts Introductions of the new members students who have donated blood concerning the Near and Middle of Signum Laudis, discussion of the are asked to send their name to Bar- East. Student Finance Board budget and Wolslegel '54, through student mail. a vote on the Constitutional amendDr. Wilson lias recently written ment are on the agenda for today's Anyone wishing to donate blood two books relating to the Mohamshould also contact Miss Wolslegel. assembly. Faculty members are invited to be- maden faith: 'i'hc Christian Mesnew members of Sigma Laudsage to Islam, and Introducing is, The come blood donors. the honorary scholastic fraterniIslam. ty, will be Introduced in assembly At the present time he is Profes- today. This organization is compossor of Mission; ut Princeton The- ed of those Seniors who rank among o'ogical Seminary. Dr. Wilson has the highest ten percent of their been one of the main contributors class In academic standing. of articles to the New Collier's EnA discussion of the Student Ficyclopedia, nnnce Board's budget, which was Pi Omega Pi, the National Honorstarted several weeks ago, will be In addition to Dr. Wilson's ad- continued ary Society in Business Education dress, this week, the film, O For A Thousand at .stale, has released the names of Tongues, will be shown at the banThe student assembly will vote on its new members, announces Peter quet. The picture takes place In a proposed amendment to the ConTeller '53, President. Eighteen peo- South today. The amendment and depicts the dif- stitution ple have been admitted to the Beta ficultiesAmerica concerns the shortening of the hours of translating the Bible Eta Chapter of Pi Omega Pi. Two into native Mexican and Peruvian for absentee bulletin. of the new members are Seniors dialects. If time is available, apologies will and sixteen are Juniors. be given by three freshmen. This banquet is jointly sponsored Formal Initiation of the members was held last night In Brubacher by IVCF Chapters at Union, RPI, tes Announces Hull ut 7:3J p.m. Informal Initia- Cneonta, State and Albany State. Transportation will be provided tion was held Thursday, November to .Schenectady unci all those Inter- New D & A Members 5. ested should contact either WhitIncluded among the new lnltlnnts wer or Marlon Menzel '55. New members who have been acare Alice Cohen and Ethel Martin, cepted Into the Dramatics and Art Seniors. The rest of the new memAffiliates have been announced by bers, all from the Class ol 1954, inLeunore ICotch '54, Chairman of the clude: Norma Bunflekl, Joan Bolz. Affiliates. The new members are: John Dillon, Kenneth Everard. Frances Ciliberti and Frederick Phyllis Ferber, Edith Hausman, Crumb, Juniors. Henry Hull, Robert Johnson, EdAlso included are Nancy Li'Uithall, The Student Mail Boxes are now ward Lehman, Frank Mayer, permanently located in the new Nancy Evans, Ronald Koster, MarCharles Milhiun, Joan Olenyk, Commons. Therefore, all .students garet Watson, Helen Goldu, Doris Frank Shepherd, Kenneth Smith, are urged to visit the boxes at least Mehan and Ann Tobey, Sophomores. .June Staples, and Evelyn TeUen. The D&A Affiliates wus instionce a day ami to chuck for any Dr. Albert c. Mossin, Assistant messages. Important messages such tuted, during the year 1950-'51, to Professor of Commerce, was admit- as the Insurance policies have been augment the activities of the D&A ted as the new futility member. One leit in tlie boxes for a long period Council and to provide a larger faculty member is admitted to the of time. II these articles are not sphere of operation for those stusociety each year. Dr. Edward L. claimed shortly, Campus Commis- dents who were Interested In theuCooper, Professor of Commerce, is sion will be forced to remove and ter and line urts. Membership in the the sponsor of the chapter, Affiliates is open to anyone. discard them. IVCF To Hear East Authority At Union Meet reported the results of a continuing study by a STATE COLLEGE CO-OP JOHT Hagen; publicity, Frances Hopkins, Juniors. examination, including X-ray "Number Racket" ewsx ATTEND -HOP (Continued from Page 1, Column S) A responsible consulting organization has Lucky 4> *&s Smith Names Casts, Production Committees Students To Form POiiMf Om* *IU Z*cUa*up DeSeve Lists Education Group, Blood Donors "When you lure an athlete to a or university for any other inTeThe'ad ' *** **" ^ ' < * » * • • « * tnm **** > * * Desire Workers college reason than education, you have The housing shortage at Michigan to perform, rercrtf Miss DeSeve. den and Sir Robert Howard. Mr. Peterson will also sing selections by Verdi, Pergolesl, Denza and Tosti. Ernest Bloch's Suite for Viola and Piano will be performed by Dr. and Mrs. Stokes. I'or the performance of this work, Dr. Stokes will use a contemporary viola made by Harry Schnicke of Cincinnati. Dr. Stokes is a graduate of both the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and the University of Cincinnati. The unique motives of the composition to be performed find their origins in representations of four phases of the developments of human civilization. This series of annual concerts is being welcomed back after a lapse of one year. The recital is open to the public and no admission price will be charged. Student Attire To Include Colorful Socks, Dungaries The annual Soc-Hop sponsored by Commuter's Club will take place this evening in Page Gymnasium, according to Joy Longo '54, General Chairman of the event. There will be round and square dancing from 8 until 11:30 p.m. Cider and doughnuts will be oerved as refreshments. Tex Ray Will Provide Music Tex Ray's five-piece band will provide music for round, square and folk dancing. The theme of the decorations will center around corn stalks and socks. Bright colors will dominate the affair. Skirts and dungarees, plaid shirts and socks, will be the accepted attire for the evening. To emphasize the bright socks of the dancers, shoes will be checked at the door. Longo Announces Chairmen Committee chairmen, as announced by Miss Longo, are: Decorations, Beverly Dodge; Refreshments, Emily Fletcher; Tickets and Door, Paul Saimond and Frances Bethea, all Juniors; Publicity, Sophie Kosek '55. Chaperoning this affair will be Frank G. Carrlno, Instructor in Modern Languages, and Mrs. Carrino, Instructor in English, Clifton Thorne, Instructor in Commerce and Mrs. Thorne. To Request Donation A donation of $.65 is requested from each person attending, according to Miss Longo. Tickets may be purchased at the door. That participants may come stag or drag is emphasized. To Award Prizes Highlighting the evening's activities will be the awarding of various prizes. The owners of the biggest feet, the smallest feet and the flashiest socks will be the recipients of these prizes. Commuter's Club extends an invitation to all State College students to attend this annual Soc-Hop. Juniors, Frosh Pick Committees Appointments to committees and the selection of the Junior class rings comprise the class news this week. The Junior Class has formed a committee for the Junior-Frosh Revue. Members of the committee are: Walter Barbash, Dolores Donnelly, John Laing, Donald Voell.nger, Sylvia Semmler and George Hathaway. A Junior ring committee has been formed with John Wilson as its chairman. A representative from the G.eason Company will be here on November 19, December 4, and December 5 to take orders for class rings. The rings will be delivered aiojnd Moving-Up Day, reports Marvin Chernoff, President of the Jun.or Class. Appointments of various committee chairmen have been announced by William Small, President of the Class of '56. They are: Linda Niles. Sonj Committee; Ronald Petty, "Pep" Committee; Anita McKeon, Poster Committee; Ross Hack, Rev.ew; and Mary Brezney, FroshJunior Party committee. The Freshman Class has intentions of meeting monthly at night Campus Chest will have a booth with dancing and entertainment in the Commons every day next week following. for the uprpose of collecting donations that were pledged during their recent drive, as announced by Madeleine Payne and Joy Longo, Juniors, co-chairmen of Campus Chest drive. The booth will be open from 12 noon until 12:30 p.m. from MonSororities this week have released day to Thursday. names of several pledges. Plans have been formulated for a Faculty All persons who pledged to conTea, and the procedure for being tribute to the drive before Thanksadmitted to formal dinners and giving vacation are requested to do buffet suppers outlined In Inter- so at this booth at their earliest Sorority council. convenience. Any students who have Pledged to Kappa Delta recently not yet contributed to the drive may were Uemza Salem, Marilyn Dinarcl. do so at the times stated above, and Madeleine Chini, Sophomores, states Misses Payne and Longo. announces Elizabeth Piatt '53, President. Phi Delta has planned a Faculty Frosh, Transfer Students Tea for Sunday between the hours of 3 p. in. and 5 p. in. Jane Staples W i l l Receive Grades '54, Is chairman of the tea, accordDavid Hartley, Dean of Men, aning tj Ruth Poole '53, President. Freshman girls are to check their nounces that all freshmen and student mailboxes Monday for no- transfer students should check with tices from sororities, Katherine their faculty advisers beginning Sinclair '53, President of Inter- Wednesday, November 19 order to Sorority Council advises. If they receive their mid-semester grades. receive such notes they are to pick The faculty's schedule cards are up Invitations to sorority formal now in the Registrar's office and dinners and buffet suppers in Dean should be consulted for convenient Stokes' office before 5 p. m. These times when your adviser will be in d.nners are to be held on Friday his office and available for conferand Saturday, November 21 and 22. ence. Chest To Collect Students Pledges KD Names Pledges Phi Delta Plans Tea; X" STATE C O L L K O I N l W t , PAfttft The Home Stretch Minnie'* Kick As the sorority women of State move into the final week of rushing, the tempo of their activities quickens as they attempt to win frosh women to their respective organizations. With bids being issued a month earlier this year, the pressure is doubly apparent, both on the frosh women as they endeavor to evaluate the attributes of the various sororities, and on the members themselves as they attempt to get to know the women of the Class of '56. For several years now, sorority rushing regulations have been in a state of change as InterSorority Council continues its efforts to find a workable system. The fact that this year's rules have evoked complaints is nothing new, nothing unusual. There will always be those who are hurt by the application of a rule set up to govern their rushing activities. However, let's not lose sight of the fact that it's not the rules which make the rushing atmosphere. It's the attitude of rushers. No regulations will control attitudes. The freshmen women are at present in a state of concern and confusion, and well they should be, for the joining of a sorority can be an important factor in later college life, especially if the wrong choice is made. Sororities must engage in rushing if they wish their organizations to continue in existence on campus. We feel that, basically, all sororities would prefer to rush on a basis of friendship and mutual and his initials are in it so 1 won't j or get who he is I interest, rather than for quantity alone, but we realize that many sororities are forced to look for members in order to insure maintaining their houses. Just don't let numbers come first. Base By RUTH PUNN your numbers on your individual needs and desires, For nearly four years, I have can't be all we need If our turnout, not on how many someone else is getting, There's h e a r d c o n s t a n t gripes about corn- is so poor. P e r h a p s uppevclassmen little honor in quantity when the quality lies else- pulsory assembly, sports (or lack of are a t fault for n o t m a k i n g t h e i r where. Lastly, don't be caught up in the last min- t h e m ) , c u t systems, Myskania, pop- activities sound a t t r a c t i v e enough ularlty contests, infrequent partici- to draw in prospective m e m b e r s or ute rush to get frosh women at any cost or to join pation in a n y conceivable activity, participants. P e r h a p s Activities Day any sorority which offers a bid. " a r t y " factions, dirty r u s h i n g a n d is held too soon for prospective s u p No sorority is better than one which you will strong groups making a conserted porters t o know which activities later regret having joined; fewer members who are effort t o u n d e r m i n e t h e less strong, they wish to join; however, how a r e griping is essential, but as yet, the frosh to get in t h a t a l l - i m p o r attributes to your organization are better than a Well, the only t h i n g we've been success- tant year of activity testing a n d i n houseful you will later Tegret having pledged. ful in as a result of t h e griping is terest centralization if they do n o t Most of you will agree to this, but now is the time a small time s m e a r campaign. begin until m i d - y e a r or later? to consider these facts, not after bids have been Lack of I n t e r e s t ? Only about 40% of our s t u d e n t s One t h i n g appears completely 11 participate extra-currtoularly a n d issued. If you're not sure, it's better to wait. Spirit Or Spite? T h e r e s e e m s t o b e s o m e t h i n g in t h e c o m p e t i t i v e s p i r i t w h i c h unifies classes, a n d , on this basis, s t r o n g a r g u m e n t s m a y b e a d v a n c e d for t h e existence of R i v a l r y on o u r c a m p u s . H o w e v e r , this spirit of c o m p e t i t i o n also s e e m s t o d e v e l o p n a t u r a l l y a split of v a r y i n g i n t e n s i t y b e t w e e n t h e t w o lower classes. I t is n o t t h i s n a t u r a l split w h i c h evolves from c o m p e t i t i o n in o r g a n i z e d r i v a l r y e v e n t s with w h i c h we t a k e issue h e r e . R a t h e r , w e q u e s t i o n such p e r f o r m a n c e s as were seen a n d h e a r d in last w e e k ' s a s s e m b l y . B e a n i e s n a t c h i n g , booing, a n d hissing a r e n o t e v i d e n c e s of a h e a l t h y c o m p e t i t i v e s p i r i t . If t h e s e o c c u r r e n c e s a r e a n y indication of t h e feeling w h i c h h a s g r o w n u p b e t w e e n t h e t w o classes, we call u p o n y o u , S o p h s a n d frosh alike, t o r e - e x a m i n e y o u r a c t i o n s . W o r d s will d o little if y o u a r e h a p p y w i t h such g o i n g s - o n , b u t we c a n n o t help b u t wond e r if t h e s t r o n g - a r m s w h o c o n d u c t e d w r e s t l i n g m a t c h e s over frosh b e a n i e s last week really e n j o y e d t h e r e a c t i o n s t h e y g o t ; if those w h o led t h e b o o i n g a n d h i s s i n g s e c t i o n s were pleased w i t h t h e a t m o s p h e r e t h e y c r e a t e d . R i v a l r y , as an i n s t i t u tion p r e s u p p o s e s c o m p e t i t i o n , a g r e e d ; h o w e v e r , we believe t h a t if t h a t i n s t i t u t i o n is w o r t h y of t h e i m p o r t a n c e p l a c e d u p o n it, it also o u g h t t o p r e s u p p o s e a n a t t i t u d e of friendliness, a n a t m o s p h e r e of s p o r t s m a n - l i k e c o n d u c t . STATE COLLEGE NEWS ESTABLISHED MAY I B I S • Y T H I CLASS OF IBIS H A T I N G — F I R S T CLASS November 14, 1952 No. 8 VOL. X X X V I I ..,, nf I In1 MOWN ntit rr limy IMI roiii'liml TUI'HIIM.V ami Wuilnua'ilii)' frnm 7 Ui II p.m. in '.' IIK'JU, Bxl. II I'IIIIIIOK: IVni'c li-.TOi; Itltiiiiiniu, '.' 117-111; Kimiti'Wtikl, II-8IW7 ; Mil.vukla, SU-naiSi; llivisliisky, (ia-0873,; I' lit 11. 2-n.YI.V 'I'liu uiiilortfriiiJiiuto iiiivw»im|nir of llm NuwYork Sum. i <il • li-Ko fur iVurlii-M: imlilUliuil uvory Friday" of Un> (Nil uye your liy iIn- N'KWH Muunl I'm- ttic .Student AHHIH'IIIIIUU Killlor-ln-Clliol ISAIIHAHA I'KACK - - - < O-Mltnuglllg Killtor II P.N IIV KOHZKM'HKI - - - ( <i-Miiiuitfliitf Killtor P.Hi'HKII MAVAKIH Co-Public KuliillniiH Ktlltor IKKNK ItHK/.INHIlV • ( u - l ' u b l l v ItnliitluiiH Killtor KI.I&WIF.i II ri.A'lT S|iurl» Killtor AHKI. Hl.ATTMAN - H.nlor HIIIII-U M«ml»«r DO It IS IIOIIKHTY - IIIIHIIIIHB AIIMTIIHIIIK MiillilKir . K i i i K i M : »HWV • - - • Clrriiliiliiin MiimiKt'i MAKVUI.I.KN HKil.lill HXPlianVD I'lilltor VI KIM. WIHII»MAN Ii-iiliiri- Killtor JOVf'K HI HTKN - AHXIIIUIII Killtor IKKNK IH.IIKKO - - - - - .-VfcMM'liilx Killtor •ALLY OKIIHJ - - Annorlulti Keillor CATIIKRINK LYNCH lm inlilri'HNi'il lo llm eilltur iiml All .'iililllllllllral I.HIrt inii»I In- KIBIIHI KHIIIOM will hu wlililicld upon rt'tiuow Tin- ST A T10 COI,I.KUK NK1W8 imiiiiiiirH mi runpouillulllty f„r opinion* i-xprfHuiMl In l u common or CMIIIIIIIUIIU'IUIUUS a. »I»WI »*pnj»»iiin» Uo nut uucumiurlly reflect lit vluw. STATE COLLEGE NEWS. PRi&AY, N O V E M B E R 1 4 , 1 9 9 2 logical—very few constructive re- of those, about 6% a r e leaders. You sults have come from this seeming- ask why this is a n d people tell you ly exceptional displeasure, T h e big they h a v e n ' t h a d a chance, cliques question t h a t comes to my mind is f o l ' m a n d r u n everything. That's —why so little conserted action cne helluva'n excuse! Still o t h e r about affairs t h a t cause unrest? ex uses a r e : 'We don't have time," The only answer I can find is lack "why p o t h e r ? " , "This Is high school of interest a n d more definitely, lack stuff," of interest in our college life as it Professional vs. Liberal Arts? is set up. This last remark recurs too often T h e Class of '56 Is thought to l ° fce overlooked. F o r a n u m b e r of have a g r e a t deal of spirit, pep, In- years, all through high school, we terest. Why, t h e n do a s m a n y as hear stories about colleges t h a t dwell 60 freshman women leave campus on the social r a t h e r t h a n t h e a c a each weekend? Whv were there onlv demlc phase of college life. N a t u r 50 frosh spectators a t the rivalry ally, when we arrive, we find t h a t football game? Why a r e there so °..r college s e t - u p Is a far cry from few t r e s h m e n tryouts for organiza- Cornell, Syracuse, etc. Maybe this tions. Since these things have been Is why we lose Interest in our colevidenced in each f r e s h m a n class, le e life or non-college life, as you the fault, not being peculiar to just will. Maybe it would be wise to have one class, m u s t be something broad- women allowed in men's group er t h a n class—perhaps school. houses, to have beer served a t f r a Calendar, Friendliness? ternity houses, to have m e n in First, we have a full social cal- women's r a o m s a t a p p r o p r i a t e time'4 endar, but apparently the social to have television in women's group calendar doesn't include t h e a t - houses. These t h i n g s seem orthodox tractive types of events t h a t will even if we are a professlnal school draw people out. Maybe It's too full and liberal arts school combined, now a n d we should allow for more However, we should remember unorganized activities. Anyway, t h a t as a State supported institum a n y '56'ers go home on woekends tion, there are some ivy league d o Another answer to this mass mlgra- ings t h a t we cannot enjoy, tton would seem to be lack of This article p e r h a p s seems to be friendliness on the p a r t of t h e u p - so much gripe! I don't mean It to per classmen. T h e sorority rushliv, be. I just would like to have an system would certainly add to this Inkling of an idea as to WHY t h e unfriendly idea. Sure, we're beaming lack of interest or perhaps somenil over t h e place till 7 or until thing even more basic, some afternoon from 3 to 5 when Do They some Greek group Is having a sit It Is my opinion that these a r c to. Why c a n ' t you mix with fresh- some of t h e problems of our colmen then if they're not a t the af- lege community. If there is not. suffnir? It m u s t be confusing a n d dis- ficlent belief t h a t these problems h e a r t e n i n g to some one eager to exist a n d sufficient Interest In solvadjust a n d lead as nearly average a Ing them, then nothing can be life a t college as he or she did at done. But, if there Is interest-—let's home. see it I Not I.nounh Variety? A group of interested people is a l Another answer to our sporadic- ready anxious to look into these ally a t t e n d e d e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r events problems which they believe to exist. problem m i g h t be t h a t not enough However, if they continue to h e a r variety is provided. A ski club, cy- nothing from the student body, cling group, t.v. club might be I hey will be forced to assume t h a t some additions. Then too, we have students do not believe we have any Activities Day as a facility provided solvable problems, that they a r e primarily for freshmen a n d t r a n s - satisfied with t h e existing s i t u a t i o n * fers to Join e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activi- and to drop t h e m a t t e r . T h r o u g h tills group, the opportunity for c o n ties. structive griping Is offered once Lack of Information? On behalf of the organizations, more. If anyone h a s an Idea or a I would like to offer this argument. partial answer or Is just Interested please, please drop me a note or Prosit camp, Orientation, a n d teas provide t h e freshmen with p e r t i n u n t the NEWS a n d let's see if we c a n ' t Information on the extra-curricular lake a step in t h e proverblul right life of t h e college. However, this direction. Sommon-Stafoi By J . K O R B A & B . H U G H E S . ALL Q U I E T ON T H E W E S T E R N F R O N T Is someone offering a course in sign l a n g u a g e ? ? ? I t ' s a s u r e bet t h a t it would be a m o n e y m a k e r a t t h e m o m e n t . Beginning S u n d a y a n d lasting for t e n days, sorority gals will be snubbing (for official reasons only) you frosh. T h i s is open r u s h i n g ? ? ? ? (Somebody h a s g o t t e n fouled-up s o m e w h e r e ) . B u t , d o n ' t give u p " G r e e k s , " you c a n always resort t o smoke signals. LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, EQUALITY I t looks as t h o u g h t h e m o v e m e n t is o n to change our S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t a n d M y s k a n i a h a s bowed to t h e will of t h e masses. Next T u e s d a y t h e rapping of t h e gavel m a y m a r k t h e beginning of a new era. a t S t a t e College. Myskania h a s d o n e a good thing irt trying to bring these criticisms t o t h e foreground, b u t we t h i n k t h a t they will find few people w h o would b e willing to back u p their criticisms with a little work. I t seems quite evident t o us t h a t t h e m a i n reason people w a n t t o c h a n g e is t h a t t h e y a r e too lazy t o go to assembly on Fridays. T h u s , t h e conclusion m a y be d r a w n t h a t those w h o w a n t a c h a n g e a r e t h o s e who d o n ' t care about w h a t is going o n r e g a r d i n g Student. G o v e r n m e n t . T h e n , w h e n we d o c h a n g e i t will be t h e s e s a m e people w h o a r e t h e first to squawk w h e n t h i n g s don't seem to be going r i g h t . Therefore, we say, if we sincerely w a n t t o c h a n g e our governm e n t , let's reorganize it completely a n d n o t add a few t h i n g s here a n d s u b t r a c t a few t h e r e . T o those who would c h a n g e for t h e good of t h e school, we say t good luck in your endeavors. LEFTOVERS T h e c u r t a i n goes up tomorrow n i g h t o n t h e Mtlne Senior play, "You C a n ' t T a k e I t W i t h You." directed by WftUy Qoodell . . . Wonder w h e t h e r t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n believes in legal holidays . . . I s C a m p u s Commission going literary on us? Note t h e lilting rhymes in t h e C o m m o n s . . . H a t s off to S U B for their fine job on " A u t u m n Whirl." Suggestion is t h a t next year it be held on C a m p u s D a y W e e k e n d . . . W h e r e diet t h e clock go t h a t was in t h e cafeteria? Speaking of clocks, t h e D r a p e r G r a n d f a t h e r Clock h a s been telling us t h a t it's 11:23'/.: ever since school began. Ah, to have time on your h a n d s . . . At last, here's a c h a n c e to prove t h a t a n honor system would work. T h e S t u d e n t Union h a s been given 100 books by t h e American Association of University Women. They're yours, read t h e m ; but r e t u r n t h e m . . . Debate Council h a s gone one step ahead in improving i n t e r n a t i o n a l relations by a r r a n g i n g t o have B r i t i s h D e b a t e r s c o m ing to our C a m p u s December 9 . . . Let's have a remodeling of t h e Recovery Room so t h a t t h e girls can come out feeling better t h a n when they went in . . . T h e Co-op is going all out for t h e C h r i s t m a s season . . . We wish someone would get busy a n d get rid of t h e furniture t h a t will soon be rotting away in t h e lower peristyle between Husted a n d R i c h a r l son . . . C a n ' t something be done t o m a k e the Comm o n s a little easier to get i n t o from t h e Husted peristyle? Open t h e door into t h e lower Richardson, mcve t h e coke machine, or both, so we c a n a t least get i n t o O u r Commons without being crushed . . . Soon t h e call will be out for help o n t h e All-College Revue. Now !<• the time for all w h o w a n t the n a m e of S t a t e In lights to get busy a n d do s o m e t h i n g to, m a k e it so. You wanted it, now you have to support, it or it will fall Hat . . . T h e frosh a n d Sophs deserve a big h a n d for their overwhelming spirit shown in t h e Rivalry events. More power to t h e m ! ! ! . . . We see t h a t some p:o;:le do read this column—You can now pick up your extra copy of t h e Times. T h a n k you, Coop . . . Don't forget to d a r n your socks a n d attend t h e S o c - H o p tonight. See ya! . . . Don't forget, dolls, only a casual greeting . . . Q U E S T I O N O F T H E WEEK Who h a s the largest feet in S t a t e College??????? College Calendai F R I D A Y , NOVEMBER 14 8 p.m. Soc Hop, Page G y m n a s i u m . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 12:30 p.m. Rivalry B a n n e r Hunt. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 3 p.m. Phi Delta Faculty T e a . 3:30 p.m. Brubacher Faculty T e a . 8 p.m. S M I L E S Meeting, B r u b a c h e r , MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17 3:30 p.m. Wrestling Club Meeting, Page O y m n u .sium. 3:30 p.m. Tryouts for malec h o r u s p a r t s In " M j k a do," Richardson 28. 4:30 p.m. Tryouts for men's leads In "Mikado," Richardson 28. Grinell Requests Original Scripts T h e Grinnell College radio players, directed by Prescott, plan a series of 13 shows under t h e ae^is of a National Association of Educational Broadcasters, F u n d for Adult Education, grant. In t h e past few year.;, t h e group h a s world - premiere 1 nearly 50 original scripts, m a n y of which a r e contained in t h r e e commercially published books under Prescott's editorship. Scripts should be submitted in s t a n d a r d form a n d m a y be in prose or poetry. Those sending scripts should enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with their submission. All materials in proper form will be carefully read, a n d rejected scripts will be accompanied by a check-form appraisal. %' *. .1 i ,i f i \ 1 ' • i •:• i : :: k mi : •" | • . ' . ' • ! II' If • /1 I i H j * | i f |t *0 w : | ''"••' «*.*:<*?" .1 ' JK'' i i [ l; > | 1 fi . r. # • I fi ... ^.M» For jazz tans, t h e Jazz Appreciation Society is bringing R a l p h S u t ton a n d the Eddie Condon B a n d to the Jazz Band Ball in t h e Ball Room of t h e Hotel Ten Eyck November 16 from 3 until 7 p.m. Tickets are $1.80 a t the door. T h e shadows of t h e College of St. Rose will e n t e r t a i n you with t h e comedy, " T h e Wild Goose C h a s e " to be presented in the St. Rose Auditoi'i'um a t 3:15 p.m. S u n d a y a n d a t 8:15 p.m. on November 17, 18, and 19. Student, tickets a r e $.50. Spanish Group Will Hear Talk P a n Amigos will have a meeting Wednesday, November 19, from 7:30 until 10 p.m. in B r u b a c h e r Hall, a n nounces Irene Brezinski '53, P r e s i dent. T h e main feature of t h e m e e t ing will be a n address by J o h n Ha!! Blackburn. B l a ' k b u m , a resident of Albany, will speak about his recent travels in Europe. At present, he h a s a r a dio program on station W O K O a t 7 p.m., Monday t h r o u g h F r i d a y . T h e program is called " T h e Voyager," and is mainly a n a c c o u n t of Blackburn's travels. P a n Amigos will h e a r about his personal experiences a n d general impressions during His stay on t h e island of Mnllorca in t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n . A s h o r t business meeting will precede t h e lecture. Vincent Price will enact t h e Devil in Bernard Shaw's "Don J u a n in Hell" November 18 a t t h e R P I Field House. Charles Laughton will not a p p e a r because of illness. Since the Q u a r t e t t e h a s memorized the text, they will a p p e a r to be Art Department Reveals reading Shaw's prose directly when Deadline For Exhibition actually music stands are before them. T h e deadline for s t u d e n t s t,o s u b According to producer Paul Greg- mit photographs for t h e p h o t o ory the principals play their parts graphic show is December 1, a n "as musician-actors in a symphony nounces R u t h H u t c h i n s , Assistant. Professor of Art. Entries should be of cascading ideas." placed in drawer 54 of t h e cabinet Opening night a t t h e new Colon- outside Room 208, D r a p e r Hall. ial Playhouse is November 19 with Photos should be no smaller t h a n the first performance of " T h e Af- three Inches square. Pictures a r e to fairs of State." S t u d e n t reductions be placed in a n envelope with t h e will not be given opening night. name, address a n d class of t h e e x At 1400 on your dial tomorrow you hibitor. Photos m a y be s u b m i t t e d in will hear music a n d p a t t e r about six different categories: landscape, Jerome Kern when Radio Council people, animals, industrial, l a b o r a presents "Musically Speaking," from tory, .spoils, a n d news. 2:30 until 3 p.m. The current a r t exhibit will be T h e Danish National O r c h e s t r a on display until Monday, November under the baton of T h o m a s Jensen 24, states Miss Hutchins. T h e exhibit, will perform at the R P I Field House consists of reproductions of n i n e November 23 at 3 p.m. in t h e second teenth and twentieth c e n t u r y p a i n t concert of the season. ln'js. Representatives of c o n t e m p o "Never Take No For An Answer" rary French. Spanish, a n d Ameriwill show ut the Delaware starting can Art Include Broque, Vlamink, tonight and running through No- Duly, Roulat, Cezanne, Picasso, vember 20. Dennis O'Deay a n d Vlt- Gropper, Brook, Marin, a n d O'Keefe. terlo Manunlii will star in P IUI G a l - T h e paintings are done in oil a n d ileo's story taking place in t h e Vati- water colors a n d range from realism can. to abstraction. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 7:30 p.m. P a n Amigos Meeting, B r u b a c h e r . T H U R S D A Y , NOVEMBER 20 12 noon CASDA Meeting, B r u b a c h e r Lounge 7:30 p.m. Sociul Calendar Meeting, Room 1, S t u dent Union. (it'orgi' D. Juoney & Sons Boulevard 198 Central Ave., Cor. Robin Phone (52-0116 Gafciebia Albany (», N. Y. :?: ' T h e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t of t h e S t a t e of New York will be t a k ing applications for t h e 1953 college series of examinations for e n t r a n c e professional a n d t e c h n i c a l Jobs accounting posts, a n d public a d m i n istration internships. College S e n iors a n d current college g r a d u a t e s are t h e most sought after for t h e openings, b u t all college g r a d u a t e s with t h e proper qualifications m a y compete. B r u b a c h e r H a l l will hold • F a c ulty T e a this S u n d a y , November IS, from 3:30 t o 5:30 p.m., s t a t e s M a r jorie Alquire '53, House President. T h e affair will t a k e place in t h e lower lounge. G e n e r a l C h a i r m a n of t h e tea is G e r t r u d e S m i t h '54. I n charge of Invitations is Zoe Ann Laurie '55. A r r a n g e m e n t s c h a i r m a n is R u t h R i c h t e r '54. O t h e r committee h e a d s a r e R e f r e s h m e n t s , Patricia G e h r t a n d Louise Daley, Engineers a n d a c c o u n t a n t s will Seniors; Hostess, J e a n e t t e Robinson find t h e most openings. T h e r e a r e '54; C l e a n - u p , Beverly Wales a n d also vacancies in t h e fields of biol- J a n e Ide, freshmen. ogy, chemistry, m a t h e m a t i c s , economics, statistics, library science, law, a n d psychology. '1 ? * - . . ' ' •••', ' ' • «:&:;*si a " . One Manb. Opinion Public administration i n t e r n s h i p s '.n S t a t e service are also available. T h e s e positions offer an excellent e n t r a n c e opportunity for young m e n women w h o have been t r a i n e d or h a d work experience fitting t h e m for a n d who want careers in public a d ministration. T h e applications will be acepted up to December 5. T h e d a t e for t h e written e x a m i n a t i o n s is J a n u a r y 10, 1953. Classes To Vie In Banner Hunt Beginning w i t h a n I r i s h t r a g l fantasy directed bv Lee Kotch, Tuesday's o n e - a c t plays got off t o a good s t a r t . T h o u g h t h e AD s t a g e is not, it is t r u e , i n t e n d e d for " s t a r " performances, we believe t h a t t h e r e is sufficient interest in t h e varying quality of individual performances to justify m e n t i o n i n g t h e m . T h e r e fore . . . was t h e question on t h e m i n d s of t h e dancers as they waltzed around the lounge waiting foi t h e coronation to take place. Everyone wondered who woutd have t h e honor of Second warnings from M y s k a n i a reigning from t h e green throne banked by baskets of pompons. and tho b a n n e r h u n t comprise t h e Finally t h e big m o m e n t arrived. rivalry news this week. Down the stairway between t h e lines The C h a i r m a n of t h e W a r n i n g of dancers came t h e queen robed in green—none other t h a n B a r b a r a Committee, Elizabeth P i a t t '53, h a s Law who was "nervous but proud." released t h e names of those freshKing for t h e day was Dean Strick- men w h o have received their secland, co-captain of t h e soccer team. ond warnings for offenses. They a r e : Miss Law felt t h e most difficult B a r b a r a Dezendorf, B a r b a r a Gitlow, p a r t of being t h e first soccer queen Arllne Grier a n d William U r q u h a r t . rf there Is time this week in a s was keeping t h e news secret for a whole week preceding t h e corona- sembly, apologies will be given by: Samuel Kurchniak, Robert S m i t h tion. and Arnold Schonberg. Miss Byrne, o u t s t a n d i n g t h r o u g h out, was especially good a t mood contrast; Miss S t e i n c a m e forth with t h e best d a n c i n g we've seen on S t a t e College s t a g e ; Miss S h e c ter gave a n u n e v e n b u t highly p r o m ising p e r f o r m a n c e ; w h i l e Miss K n i g h t was a d e q u a t e for h e r s u p porting role. T h o u g h characterized by two exceptional individual p e r formances, those of Misses B y r n e and Stein, t h e p e r f o r m a n c e a s a whole did n o t effectively c o m m u n i cate t h e h e i g h t e n e d h o r r o r upon which t h e play d e p e n d s ; t h e actors were not always moving in a common direction. T h i s failure m a y be partly a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e play Itself and its steadily lessening appeal for modern American audiences a n d partly t o t h e directing. T h e B a n n e r H u n t h a s been schedu b d for Saturday from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., reports Joseph Lombardi '53, Kids To See Santa C h a i r m a n of t h e Rivalry Committee. T h e Sophomores are leading A meeting of all SMILES m e m rivalry t h u s far with 7 points to t h e bers will be held in B r u b a c h e r Hall lrcshinens' 3 points, Lombardi says. Sunday evening a t 8 p.m., according to Doris Doherty '53, C h a i r m a n of SMILES. Phys Ed Clerks To Issue Two things troubled us specially: one was a n occasional difficulty with movement, giving a statlo effect; a n d t h e o t h e r was t h e lack of real emotion a t t h e climax—we simply weren't very terrorized. Both the setting a n d t h e lighting a r e deserving of special praise. Smiles To Take S M I L E S is taking children to see the arrival of S a n t a Claus a t t h e Gymnasium Equipment Whitney's P a r a d e S a t u r d a y m o r n There will be Physical Education ing a t 9 a.m. Interested people are requested to accompany t h e m . clerks on duty for t h e issuing a n d Those who w a n t to go are advised receiving o' equipment, a n d for a t tending tc, lockers a n d locker busito contact Douglas Nielson '53. ners. They will be found a t the floor or balcony end of the gym in Page Committee Seeks Scripts Hall, or In t h e Physical Education offices. For All-College Revue J a n i c e S m i t h ' s play, t h e second of t h e evening, was a British light comedy ably acted by H e r b Saffrom and Elaine Stryker. As t h e young man, Mr. Saffron was generally good, In spite of his tendency t o be overly conscious of h ' s movement. Miss Stryker, too, was excellent; we And h e r stage presence and fine pacing a pleasure to watch. Both players, however, were a little weak on volume. T h e clerks are Joseph Stella '54, This play achieved quite well T h e All-College Revue Committee lias requested t h a t people begin sub- rind Ralph Morgan '56. They will be what t h e other did less successfully—unity of effect. mitting .scripts for this forlhcom-* on d u t y : ing production. T h e only requireDaily—12:10 to 1 p.m. (except m e n t s are t h a t they provide two Tuesday—11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) hours of e n t e r t a i n m e n t with a Daily—2:35 to 5:30 p.m., Monday, I bread of plot or a d o m i n a n t theme. Wednesday and Friday. T h e committee would like as m a n y scripts as possible, a n d urges evDnlly—2:35 to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday eryone to s t a r t writing. Questions and Thursday. arc referred to F r a n c e s Hopkins '54. Saturday—9 a,m, to 12 noon. ALL T Y P E S a member of t h e committee. COLLEGE, F R A T E R N I T Y SORORITY PRINTING Capitol Press PRINTERS H. F. taikel & Son PHARMACISTS Founded 1905 Phone 4-2036 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. L. G. Balfour Co. FRATERNITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 10 a.m. CASDA meeting, B r u b a c h e r Lounge 12 noun Music Council Record Hour, Richardson 28. 12 7:30 p.m. Coed Tumbling, Page G y m n a s i u m . 8 p.m. Varsltv " S " Club Meeting, Brubacher. '-.> -i\ " %WLfc?KsJ^^B Excitement a n d e a g e r n e s s filled the air a t t h e " A u t u m n W h i r l " last a t u r d a y evening. After rugs h a d luttln' OH 7he *1oum Sbeen rolled up a n d f u r n i t u r e h a d been moved, B r u b a c h e r Lounge b e By SY SEMMLER came the scene of t h e first a n n u a l soccer dance. Billy Eckstein, Count Basie, and "Who would be t h e soccer q u e e n ? " George Shearing, blind pianist, are scheduled a t t h e Mid City skating rink tonight a t 9 p.m. "You Can't Take I t W i t h You" will be presented by t h e Milne Senior class tomorrow in Page Hall at 8 p.m. T h e Seniors are selling the tickets a t $.75. 1} JgL -~_ ,- „ $ | " C 1 I • P I i Imf Hi H d •§dSte 1 : * > •»AOB3 Civil Service Brubacher Halt Schedules Tests Arranges Tea In College Series For State Faculty The Royal Couple College Program Plans Series O f 13 Shows Students a n d faculty members are invited t o submit 15-mlnute radio scripts "of an Intelligently patriotic motif," With those selected t o be paid for at $100 per script, to Herb e r t Prescott, Director of Public R e lations, Grlnnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. This information h a s been r e leased by Edward J. Sabol, Coordina t o r of Field Services. FRIDAY, N O V E M B E R 1 4 , 1 9 8 8 JEWELRY Badges Rings Steins Jewelry Gifts Favors Stationery Programs Club Pins Keys Medals Trophies Write or Call CARL SORENSEN 30 Murray Ave. Waterford, N.Y. Telphone Troy Adams 825(13 GeraSd Drug Co. 217 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y. T E L E P H O N E 4-9701 170 South P e a r l Street Albany, New York Phone 6-8610 You May Still Purchase STUDENT MEDICAL EXPENSE POLICY W R I T E OR CALL ART KAPNER 78 STATE ST. 5-1471 State Debaters Survey Reveals Frosh Knowledge Mikado Chorus Coonc'' W« Feature e Will Collaborate Of Domestic, International Events Hold, Tryout. The Jweekly "Music ^ Council ° ± lRecord °„ £our WJ"/*at"e T0We r S u e thls ,o " er 8 a t 100 The Tryouts for the male leads In OH" 'Manhattan A survey of 320 members of the 45% believed to the contrary, and Tuesday, NovemClass of 1956 has disclosed some in- one girl had no opinion either way. bert and Sullivan's famous work J "' , announced t h e teresting statistics concerning frosh Of the 160 boys interviewed, 132 "The Mikado", the annual operetta ° i P a t e n t of Music Council, Joan Monday evening, November 17, knowledge of current affairs. were In favor of the privilege, 26 presentation by the music depart- De Vinney. The "Manhattan Tower" Robert Berkhofer '53, and Richard The poll was taken just preceding voted negatively, and two had no ment, will be held Monday at 4:30 ct>m P°sition will be played by its Shaper '54 will appear on radio election day, November 4, and the opinion. This means 82.5% were for, p. m., announces Dr Charles F composer Gordon Jenkins and his station WHAZ, Troy, on the pro- following are some of the findings, and 16.2 Vi were against. Although Stokes, Professor of Music, The au- Orchestra. The program will be held Of the 160 girls polled, 87 of 54.4% 263 of those polled said they were ditions will be held in Richardson gram "RPI Panel of The Air". in Richardson 28. Along with two RPI students and felt that 18 year olds should be interested in the campaign, only 219 28. The operetta is scheduled to be This afternoon in Richardson 28, granted the voting privilege, 72 or were in favor of voting a t the age presented in March, 1953. Moderator Julian Wasserman, the there will be a short meeting of of 18. A State students will discuss "Fair r»„i„ KA P„«„,,i» =i„v.+l r M - I . o«rf ny niale student interested in any Music Council tryouts who i Employment Practices," r e p o r t s " ! "or f«°S£ S 2 Participating in the chorus parts of would be interested in operating 46° men, 16.9% ^ofJ .thoseL 5polled the operetta should report to RichMrs. Elnora Carrino, Instructor in knew that the Democrats were run- ardson 28 a t 3:30 p. m., Monday, the victrola for the Tuesday noon English. ning John Cashmore for U. S. Sen- states Dr. Stokes. Male voices are recording hours, says Miss DeVinator from N. Y. On the other hand, needed to balance the tenor and ney. Next Wednesday evening the Dealmost 50% knew the Republican bass sections of the operetta chorbate team from State will journey All of those who have purchased candidate, Irving Ives. us. Cooperation in these requests to Union College for two encounThe frosh were also questioned ters. JoAnne Doyle and Ronald tickets through the D & A Affili- about t h e following issues: Tide- will assure the success of the proFerguson, Juniors, will uphold the ates for the performance of the lands Oil, FEPC, Mutual Security duction, says Stokes. affirmative. Speaking for the neg- First Drama Quartet are advised, System, Korea and McCarthyism. ative will be Richard Shaper and by Leanore Kotch '54, President of Less than 50%, in each case, knew The financial status of t h e four Affiliates, that the bus for the RPI Mysk •nia Announces classes Edward Lehman, Juniors. as of November 7 1952 has Fieldhouse will leave from the front something about these issues. Even The weekend of November 21, 22, of Draper on November 18, at 7:00 though, in the case of McCarthy, Forum O n Government been released by Joan Stocker '53, Auditor of the Class Board of F i the percentage tended to rise great23, says Mrs. Carrino, will be thep. m. nance. The Class of 1952 h a s Tuesday, November 18, a meet- $387.49 in its treasury. 1953 holds The First Drama Quartet is pre- ly immediately after McCarthy's biggest Debate Tourney of this se last pre-campalgn speech, the per- ing will be held in the Government mester. I t will include a Thursday sentlng "Don Juan In Hell.' $1055.17. The Class of 1954 has a The members of the Quartet are: centage did not rise above 50%. Room at Brubacher for the sub- treasury of $1372.08. The treasury oi night debate at Champlain College. In general the girls rated better Agnes Moorehead, Charles Boyer, mission of plans for the revision of AH day Friday and Saturday will be the Sophomores holds $709.59. The spentd ebating at the University of Sir C'edric Hardwick and Vincent in knowledge pf the issues of thethe Student Association, Myskania freshmen have $829 in their treacampaign, and the men knew more advises, Vermont with 125 other college Price, who is taking the place of sury. The Class Board of Finance about the personalities connected Charles Laughton who is HI. teams. Open forums will be held and holds $4.75 at their disposal. This with it, written plans for the revision of the makes a total of $4353.08. student governmental body may be Class money is used by the class submitted at this time. for various projects upon which the Gom4MM4UC&U04U Because this meeting affects all members of the class votes. Among students, it is open to anyone who these are financing the care of war is interested in the government of orphans, and publishing class newsbecause there aren't any ashtrays To the Edtor: papers. the college, Myskania publishes, to be found. With the Sophomores Recently charges have appeared in taking our beanies in assembly, we "Teaching Behavior Change" will the Common-Stater Column that Forum was politically biased. With won't even have that resort much be the subject of a meeting of the heat of the campaign over, I longer. The only thing that I would CASDA, Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Bruthink a sensible reply is necessary. like to clean up in the Commons is bacher Lounge states William Wiley, the person who doesn't have the in- Grad- Dr, Morris Eson, Assistant Being Speaker of Forum last year, testinal fortitude to sign "its'' name. Professor of Education, will be the and maintaining an interest in it Sincerely (and apologetically) group leader of the meeting. Princithis year, I can personally state yours, pal consultant will be Dr. Helen Hall that there is not one iota of politiShirley McPherson, 1956 Jennings, Consulting Psychologist cal bias in Forum. I cite as examand Associate Professor of Brooklyn ple that its general meetings have An Open Letter to the Editor: College, sponsored Democrat as well as ReLast year, we sent letters to your An administrative seminar on publican speakers. The two Forum Student Council president asking "The Administrator and Group Dybulletin boards were equally divid- him for your school's support in our namics" will be held next Thursday ed between the two parties tor cam- attempt to save Champlain College. noon in the Brubtu'her Lounge. Dr. paign data. Also, the Soapbox neith- Now that this idea is impossible, we Daniel Griffiths will direct this er directly nor indirectly endorsed are now campaigning for the Relo- meeting; Dr. Ernest O, Melby, Dean any candidates. It reported the news cation of Champlain College, of New York University, and Dr. —accurately. Where is the bias? we'd like to call upon your Again, school Leland P, Bradford, Director of the Answer that! for aid, but in a different manner. ^dult Education Service of NEA, It is clearly apparent that the On the weekend of November twen- will be the principal consultants. nnter . . . for the Common Stater was ty-flrst, and twenty-third, our Colelther ignorant of the facts and thus i e g e l s presenting "The Champlain drew an ignorant conclusion, or else Mysteria" weekend featuring The New Library Opens that knowing the facts she deliber- Crystal Ball on Saturday night, Noately stated a falsehood. Either of vember 22, 1952, The Crystal Ball In Brubacher Lounge the above mistakes are a cardinal stars Charlie Splvak and his orsin in newspaper reporting, and are chestra, The price for the dance and Beginning today students from most damaging to the reputation weekend is $5.50. State will be able to borrow books d the State College News. Other activities scheduled will be from a library which has been sec A public apology or explanation a bon-flre rally on Friday night fol- up in the lower lounge of Brubacher lowed by a Monte Carlo night. On Hall, advises Rudolph DeSantolo is mandatory. Saturday we plan to have the fol- '53, Chairman of the Student Union Glen N. Armitagc, Grad lowing: a float parade, guest speak- Board. ers to speak on the relocation of our The Library will be made up of To the Edtor: College, a bnrbecue, and then the some 100-odd books which have been It hurts me deeply, but I have to semi-formal dance, On Sunday we donated by the American Associaapologize to the Sophomore Class, are planning a musical concert fol- tion of University Women. in the first issue of the frosh news- lowed by a tea dance. All of this for There will be no specific time paper, I sounded off on the New $5.50. limit placed on the reading of the tommons and in.sua^d the SophoI would like to extend an open in- books borrowed from the Library. I. _re Class in a mud way. vitation to you and the student body "*DdE»y 1 was informed that I of your College to attend our weekt:nould have checked my information end and add to its success. Theatre by a helpful but anonymous person If anyone would like more inforALBANY (Sophomore, perhaps?) that first of mation concerning our Pall Weekall, the Campus Commission takes end, please do not hesitate in writJoseph Cotton - Theresa Wright care of the Commons not the Soph- ing to me. IN omore Class. Sincerely, Secondly, someday we will have Richard M. Shane noontime dancing, because the Vic Publicity Chairman is being repaired—I quote my unSuite "C", Clinton Hall known assistant — with "New recChamplain College ords." Plattsburg, New York Thirdly, although no one can ever (Continued on Page t>, Column 1) $3.60 SYRACUSE $2.80 CORTLAND find one, my "friend" says there are BOSTON 4.25 PLATTSBURG 3.80 pew ash trays and some more com1.85 BINGHAMTON 3.20 ONEONTA ing. Cheers! We frosh won't have • RECORDS to use our beanies anymore, 5.45 ITHACA 4.10 PHILADELPHIA • FILMS DEVELOPED Finally my shy "helpmate" asks 8.10 ROCHESTER 4.60 WASHINGTON the question, "Why don't the frosh OGDENSBURG 5.45 Corner Ontario & Benson BUFFALO 5.(55 show their desire to improve the 5.45 WATERTOWN 4.10 CANTON Commons by keeping It clean?" The 150 Central Ave. 62-0221 Dial 4-1125 only thing that we can do to make 3.45 NEW YORK CITY 3.35 AUBURN Open Evenings Until 9 it dirty Is Hick ashes on the floor, 6.05 UTICA 2.30 MONTKEAI In Radio Series Affiliates Slate Bus Departure CBF Submits Status Of Class Finances CASDA Plans Group Meeting NOW PALAGI "STEEL TRAP" G#£YWOefSf0 Blue Note Shop FLORIST & a ) IM V IIa d w a A N Ma A VI No matter how you loo k lit it GREENHOUSE College Florists Cor Years it's .still Special Attention T A V K It N T E IM I'E R A N ( K Fur food and 'un 1 for Sororities and Fraternities f»AOKMB STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1052 STATK COLUtOK NEWS. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1032 PAOK 4 GREYHOUND TERMINAL Plus U. S. Tax. Big EXTRA Savings on Round Trips. 350 BROADWAY PHONE: 4-6165 GREYHOUND * * ' « * * * » Hortowcv cute A P A Beats KB For Final Spot; A P A , Potter Play Second Time By DOTTIE MEHAN Co-managers of hockey Zo Ann Laurie and Marilyn Wittschen, have picked a team to go on a playday at Green Mountain Junior College in Vermont tomorrow. Besides pld stand-bys, Edie Titterton, Buzcie and Marilyn Burke, Donna Hughes, and Alikl Apostilides, they have selected Edna Standley. Bea Englehart (a frosh), Lorraine Voepel, Joan Burguere (another freshman), and Ann Vigilante. To turn to another sport, last Wednesday night's volleyball games proved to be exciting, fast-moving, and skillfully played matches. The first contest between Chi Slg and Pierce B got off to a slow start, but picked up considerably in tempo as the game progressed. Kay Oberst stood out as the star of the winning Chi Slg team with her long, powerful serve, especially notable in a slight girl. On the other side of the net, Anna Wong, playing for Pierce, scored a goodly number of points with an unusual onehanded volley. Beta Zeta and Kappa Delta played a spirited game that was a real pleasure to watch. BZ's reliables, Marge Llddell, Angle Kavanaugh, and Gladys Smith led their team to two fairly easy victories. Two teams composed mostly of freshmen, Brubacher and Pierce A, faced each other for the third game of the evening. We thought that this match was the best played of the three, because of the long volleys and tricky, close-to-the-net returns. Pierce took the first two games; the first, 13-3, and the second, 8-7. VarSltVlJV RemOinS I ©OfT) IntOCt Coach Merlin Hathaway has made the Varsity Basketball cut and is in the process of working his elevenman squad into shape for a possible opening game November 25 against the Alumni. Hathaway has been drilling the team on plays in an attempt to develop teamwork and The APA five continued to roll coordination among the players. along in League A of the Men's Intramural Bowling, while SLS and Varsity Experienced The Varsity is made up of seven Patter Club pulled into a first place returnees from last year's team and tie and the K-Bobbles dropped to four newcomers. Those who have third place in the B League standhad at least a year's experience on ings in the action at the Rice Bowlthe State Varsity are Captain Bob ing Alleys on Tuesday afternoon. APA had little trouble in extendTabor, Walker, McDonald, Prout, Allassio, Centra, and Zongrone. The ing their unbeaten skein as they new members, Krug, Gillespie, Tel- rolled over the Rousers 2207-1886. ler, and LaRoe, have all had plenty Ken Rutley and Bob Sinkeldam of experience on other teams and were high for the APA aggregation furnish rebounding power to the with 482 and 465 respectively. Tom Shumanski, with a triple of 505, State team. led Thurlow Hall to a 2020-1950 vicJ.V. To Be Cut tory over Kappa Beta. Summit There are still about fifteen can- House, who has yet to gain a win, didates out for the Junior Varsity forfeited to Van Derzee. team. Hathaway will probably post Summit House Withdraws the J.V. cut list next week. This Tuesday, after the forfeit. Sumteam will be composed of twelve mit House withdrew from the leamen, including about six or seven [ ue. Bowling manager Ralph Moot frosh. Many veterans of last year's '54, announced that since no team Junior Varsity are returning to fight can be formed at this late date, a for their positions. Smith, DeMi- meeting would be held early next chiell, McKay, Sage, and Combs week to decide what to do about have the experience of a year's play the points won from Summit by to give them an advantage over the Van Derzee. Thurlow and the Rousfrosh candidates. e s . It is thought that the points Contrary to a .statement in last t arnered by these three teams will week's News, Joe Garcia is not be deducted from their total and coaching the J.V.'s. Hathaway, as- the rest of the League A season will sisted by John McCormick '54, isbe played out with only five teams. coaching them. SLS And Potter Tie For Lead APA Team Remains Undefeated; Scoreless Tie Shumanski Bowls High Triple, 505 Again Invades In the B League battles, SLS League Games knocked off the K-Bobbles 21281851 with Carmen Corsi rolling a APA gained entrance to the IM 501 for the winners. Potter, led by football finals last Thursday by Giammatteo with 457, walked over squeezing out a 7 to 6 victory over the Finks 2023-1679. In the final KB. The game was a hard-fought match, Wilson and McCormick battle all the way. In the first pehelped the Misfits eke out a win riod APA took a 7-0 lead as Bob over the Commuters 2057-2024. Hausner scored from the five-yard Shumanski's 505 Is High Triple line on a quarterback sneak, and Tom Shumanski rolled the high then passed to Fox for the extra triple for the week with 505 and point. Carmen Corsi was right behind with Early in the second half, Abel 501. Carrall Judd and Ken Rutley Blattman hit Bob Sturm with a spot had the high singles with 203 and pass in the end zone for six points. 198 respectively. ihe attempt for the extra point was Thus far this season, Joe Duran blocked and the rest of the game of Van Derzee holds the high aver- was played around the mid-field age for League B with 170. Mean- stripe, as neither team could start while, Carmen Corsi of SLS is top Another scoring drive. KB was the man in A League as he boasts a 167. first team to score on the fine APA defense all season. LEAGUE STANDINGS APA, EEP Play Scoreless Tie League A Again on Monday the scoreless tie APA 12 Thurlow 4 "bug" hit the IM football loop. APA Kappa Beta 4 and Potter Club battled to a scoreVan Derzee 3 less deadlock in what should have Rousers 1 been the final game of the year Neither team could dent the deLeague B SLS 8 fense of the other. The forward Potter Club 8 walls of each team played terrific Commuters 6 games, while the highy-touted backK-Bobbles 6 field combinations looked harmless. Misfits 4 Both APA and EEP had scoring opFinks 0 portunities but neither could capitalize on them. Schaertle, Carlo, and Egert played standout football for Potter, while Bennett, Lucas, and Stanford sparked the Alpha Pi Alpha eleven. Potter Club sorely missed the services of their two fine baokfield men, Morrissey and ChampUn. Champlin has missed the last few games with a bag leg, while Morrissey, the club's ace passer, sustained an injured wrist in the Potter-Steelers semi-final playoff. Final Game Set For Nov. 17 James Fox '54, announced that the final game will be played on Monday, November 17, at 4 p. m. Fox asks that the participating teams be ready to play at 4 sharp, so the game can be completed before dark. Stite s Soccer Squad End Season With Impressive 3-0 Win Over Geneseo, Garcia Moulds Freshmen, Returning Veterans Into Winning Combination Varsity S , Mat Clubs Schedule Initial Meets Varsity "S" Club, Tumbling Club and Wrestling Club have scheduled meetings for the coming week. Coach Garcia has announced that there will be a meeting of all men interested in a wrestling program on Monday afternoon in Page Gym. At this time the program will be discussed and times assigned for physicals. Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. there will be a meeting of Varsity "S" Club in Brubacher Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to award the new members of the organization with their letters. Immediately following this there will be a business Pictured above arc the men who compiled a 6-4, won-lost record for State this year against tough opposition. From left to ri^ht standing meeting to discuss the future of arc: Joe Garcia, Coach; Doug Neilson, Manager; Don Canonica, Joe Stella, Al Cannon, Pete Telfer, Henry Nadig, Bill Adams, Don Snyder, Al Dash- the Club here at State. The officers er, manager; Tom Bcncnatl, trainer; kneeling; Dave McKay, Joe McDowell, Will Bosch, Ben Button, Jack Hughes, "Red" McCormick, Dean of Varsity "S" Club are: President, Strickland, and Ed Steele. Joe Stella; Vice-President, Al Cannon; Treasurer, Bill Adams; and A thrilling 3-0 victory by State ent to balance the veterans remain- goals for the season while their Snyder Sergeant-at-Arms, Bill "Red" Mcover Geneseo brought down the in o' from last year and by mid-opposition could onlv muster u to- A d , l m s ., cormick had moulded a winning curtain on tilt' soccer season for season tal of 16 goals. Ai Cnn-cr led the W o o c , 4 A l s o o n Tuesday night there will squad. this year and added to the already offense with 7 goals, while Tom Stella 1 be a meeting of all students InterKing, who m issed the lust three Strickland Impressive record compiled ny theFreshmen Add Strength 1 ested in a co-ed tumbling team, Jack Hughes, a freshman, filled ames because of injury, was a close Peds. In winning State notched — Coach Hathaway announced this their sixth victory of the season, one of the fullback positions very second with 5 pointers, Total 23 week. and fifth straight at home, as capably and was a key man in Following is a list oi goals scored against only four defeats, The ma- State's defense all year. Little jor part of the offense and defense "Rebel" Hockmuth, another frosh, by each player: were supplied by only two men. took over, a - position , , , , on State's «•front „,. Goalie Telfer posted his third »ne and sparked them on offense cannon shutout of the campaign, while Al throughout the year until injured Cannon, repeating George Wood's in the Union contest. Don Snydei Kill" feat of the previous week, booted • • also also a a frosh, frosh, ffilled in as a j r o n t line home all three of State's goals. reserve and many times he proved McCormick to form a winning combination. Garcia Moulds Winning Team, Henry Nadig and Gerry Murray, Under Joe Garela's great coach- freshmen, and Don Canonica, Sophing, State continued their yearly omore, didn't see much action this LOCATED AT 53 N. Lake Ave, rise as a soccer power. This year's year, but gained the experience 167 CENTRAL AVENUE Near Washington Ave. record alone is an Improvement, which will benefit them in win2 BARBERS 81 STATE STREET Also Coach Garcia was forced to ning a starting berth next year. We Aim To Please start the current season minus five Cannon Leading Scorer 134 STATE STREET of last year's front line men. But Stale hooters scored a total of 23 Garcia came up with some new tal- Joe's Barber Shop CAFETERIA «* ? C/1' STATE COLLEGE NEWS. f AOE • Helmer Releases Honorary Data - Kappa Phi Kappa has appointed committees for the year of 1952-53, states William Helmer, Grad. Helmer has also announced that t>. Kappa Phi Kappa General Assembly will be held in New York November 14 So 16. The teacher recruitment committee includes Robert Giamatteo, Chairman, Howard Ahders '54, William Hawkins '53, and Robert Lanni, Grad. Members of the program committee Include Thomas Benenati, ffhairrhan, Gilbert Waldman, Paul Ward, and Richard Jacobson. Seniors. The irembershl;. •ommittee includes . harles Abraham, Chairman, Harolo. Smith, Seniors, James Coles and Robert Barron, Grads. Refreshment committee members are: Harold Smith and Joseph Lombard!, Seniors, and Robert Lanni and Donald Sonberg, Grads. Communication^ To the Editor: I am the individual who wrote the so called slanderous remarks about Forum in the COMMON STATER. Soapbox arrived at their conclusion by maintaining that there are 1301 students in oar student body. The Registrar reports that the enrollmtnt for 1952-53 is 1606 students including the grads and special students. Here is where, I believe, our misunderstanding lies, for I agree with the Registrar. Apparently, Soapbox disregarded the votes of transfers, grads, and all those who do not have assembly seats. The above letter states that equa' space was given to both parties. I noticed that Mr. Stephenson's picture (one that was noticeable from more than a two feet distance) went up on October 27 and vanished the next day. Regardless of the fact that a student may have removed this poster, Forum, being "politically unbiased" should have replaced it immediately. In conclusion, I feel that the statements I made in the COMMON STATER still stand in that they were arrived at through careful consideration and truth. Therefore, I do not feel that I drew an ignorant conclusion and above all I did not deliberately state any falsehood. I realize the privilege I have by writing this column and expressing opinions and because of th:s opportunity, I have never entertained for a moment any thouahts of untruths. When I do, I feel I should no longer be placed in such a position. Julie Korba FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1082 Calendar Committee To Arrange Events Faculty Footnotes The formation of a new society by the faculty has been announced by Dr. Ralph Beaver, Professor of Mathematics. The title of this organization is the Faculty Research Society. The first meeting will be held Monday at 8 p.m., in Brubacher Hall. There will be two short papers followed by adiscussion. Nura Turner, Instructor in Mathematics will speak on "Application of Mathematics in Capital District Industry." Dr. Watt Stewart, Professor of History, will discuss "The Father of the United Fruit Company," Dr. Minnie Scotland, Professor of Biology, announces that Dr. Allen Benton, representing the department will attend the meeting of the National Audubon Saturday tomorrow and Sunday. The 48th National Convention will be held in New York M City from November 15 to 18. Dr. Benton's special interest is the Junior Education Progress of the National Audubon Society, because of its connection with the school Dr. Paul Lemon, Assistant Professor of Biology visited the Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School at Hyde Park on November 10. Dr. Allen Benton, Instructor In Biology, will visit the Newark-Lyons High School Tuesday. Both teachers are taking part in the Assistance in Recruitment program. Vjas; Friday, Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, Professor of English, went to Buffalo as a representative of State College to help with the planning of the State University Symposium. The conference which will be held March 21, 1953, will have as its subThe Social Calendar Committee ject "State University of New York: Its Progress and Prospects." The will hold an important meeting purpose of the symposium will be Thursday evening, announces Madeto acquaint the people of the state leine Payne '54, Chairman of the more fully with the New State UniCommittee. The meeting will be held versity. in Activity Room 1, Student Union, A Seminar on Municipal Governu ment was held yesterday at the Jo- at 7:30 p.m. seph Henry Memorial, reports Dr. The purpose of this meeting, acTheodore Standing, Professor of So- cording to Miss Payne, is to arrange ciology. Dr. Robert Rienow, Profes- the Social Calendar for second semsor of Social Studies, Dr. Standing and Dr. Griffiths were on a panel ester. All the heads of organizations to discuss the "Importance of the or their representatives are requestSuburban Movement for the Urban ed by Miss Payne to attend this T' eting. The events of the various Community." that are being Dr. Ruth Wooschlager, supervise." campus organizations f in the Milne School, was selected planned or second semester must chairman of the Eastern Zone Busi- be arranged and placed on the calness Teachers meeting for next year. endar during this meeting. NOSE THROAT. ? and Accessory Organs not Adversely Affected by Smoking Chesterfields FIRST SUCH REPORT EVER PUBLISHED ABOUT ANY CIGARETTE A responsible consulting organization has examination, including reported the results of a continuing study by a medical specialist and his assistants. The exam- competent medical specialist and his staff on the ination covered the sinuses as well as the nose, effects of smoking Chesterfield cigarettes. ears and throat. A g r o u p of p e o p l e from various walks of life T h e m e d i c a l s p e c i a l i s t , after a thorough exam- was organized to smoke only Chesterfields. For six ination of every member of the group, stated: months this group of men and women smoked their " I t is my opinion that the ears, nose, throat and Lucky normal amount of Chesterfields— 10 to 40 a day. accessory organs of all participating subjects ex- "Number Racket" 4 5 % of the group have smoked Chesterfields con- amined by me were not adversely affected in the No. 118 tinually from one to thirty years for an average of six-months period by smoking the 10 years each. provided." STATE COLLEGE CO-OP X-ray pictures, by the cigarettes A t t h e b e g i n n i n g and at the end of the six- THE HAGUE STUDIO months period each smoker was given a thorough r^Wii 'Portrait At Its Finest" HOLLYWOOD COMES EAST TO TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT CONTAINS TOBACCOS OF BETTER QUALITY & HIGHER PRICE THAN ANY OTHER KING-SIZE CIGARETTE ASK YOUR DEALER FOR CHESTERFIELDEITHER WAY YOU LIKE EM UOOtlT | MVtBS TOBACCO CO. OPEN 8:00 to 5:30 DAILY 811 MADISON AVENUE TELEPHONE 4-0017 Buy CHESTERFIELD.Mwfc Milder Copyright 1952, LIGGBTT & MVJIES TOBACCO Co. ALBANY. N E W YORK. The Monday Musical Club of Albany will present its winter concert Tuesday, December 2, at Chancellors Hall in Albany at 8:30 p.m. Dr. Elmer Tidmarsh will conduct, while Elizabeth Riggs Conklin will be the accompanist. Susan Yager, soprano, a native Albanian who graduated from State in 1945, will be the assisting artist with the Chorus. A special student rate of $.75 on tickets may be obtained by presenting the Student Tax ticket at the door. Miss Yager, who was active in the operetta productions of the Music Department during her years at the College, is now a prominent member cf the Philadelphia Opera Company, and formerly toured with the Liebling Singers. The concert will include choral performances of a group of Schubert songs, "The Lord Is My Shephard," "The Young Nun," and "Omnipotence," with Miss Yager singing the latter with the Chorus. Also included on the program will be a group of numbers in line with the holiday spirit. The following Christmas numbers will be performed: "Rejoice All Men," "I Wonder As I Wander," and "As It Fell Upon the Night." State Charters Vacation Train A special student train to New York City has been chartered for Wednesday, November 26. This train will leave Albany at 2:08 p.m. The cost of a round trip ticket is $8.05, announces Mary Ann Cossaboon '54 Chairman of the Train Committee. Ticket money will be collected outside of the Commons until 3:30 p.m. today. All students planning to take this special train to New York must report to Phyllis MacCormack '54 by 1:30 p.m. on the day of departure, Miss MacCormack will be near the train announcer's desk where she will distribute tickets and designate the cars on which students will travel. An announcement will be made in assembly if the bus for Binghamton can be chartered. F R I D A Y . NOVEMBER Heads To Roll Next Thursday Arc you tired of dormitory meals? Do you yearn for the finer things from the freezer? Arc you a frustrated gourmet? Do not despair. Your day is coming. The big feast is only six days away. Tasty roast turkey, luscious mince pies, candied sweet potatoes—oh, that home cooking! Truly something to be thankful for. But we at State have more than that to be thankful for. Just think of those reduced rate student trains, Milne, Silo's on Monday mornings, term papers, portable mailboxes, feasibility, official notes in our mailboxes Wednesday, A-Bomb drills, Fridays, Al on the Juke Box, two Commons, and of course those trips to Hudson. Best of all, once we're back from Thanksgiving recess, only 19 days until our next parole! Collins Names Honored Seniors Those students standing in the second i'/, of the Senior Class will be installed into Signum Laudis at a ceremony to be held in the Upper Lounge of Brubacher Thursday, December 4, at 7:30 p.m. Donald Stine, highest ranking student in the Class of '53 will automatically become president of the honorary. 21. 1952 —BAT TOO MUCH! VOL. XXXVII NO. lO Music Faculty Presents Annual Concert Tonight Music Council SA To Review Finance Motion, W i l l Sponsor Hear Apologies Evening Program Today in Assembly, SA will continue discussion on the proposed Student Facilities Board budget, consider a financial motion, and hear two frosh apologies. Voting will also take place on a Constitutional amendment concerning the hours of absentee voting. Wednesday night in Student Council, Rivalry Committee reported that the girls' rivalry hockey contest will take place tomorrow at 10 a. m. Council voted to cancel the December 5 Rivalry Sing and defer it until some later date. The Council also passed a ruling to clarify the point that all organlzation board and council meetings are open except those deemed closed by the constitution, and recommended that organizations place in their by-laws provision for written recommendations to Incoming board or council members. Marvin Chernoff, Junior Class President, announced that Mrs. Gleason will be at the College Decemiber 4 from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. to take orders for class rings, and that a $5 deposit must be made at this time. Performance Includes Franck, Tosti Works The annual Faculty Concert will be held tonight in Page Hall Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, Karl A, B. Peterson, Instructor in Music and M r s . Margaret Anderson Stokes will perform at this Music Council spons o r e d program, announces Joan Devinney '53, President, T l i e ' p r o g ' r a m f0r the evening will o p e n w l t h t h e performance of Cesar Pranck's Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano. Dr. Stokes will perform the violin part with Mrs. Stokes playing the piano. This Sonata is written in four movements: Allegretto ben Moderato, Allegro, Recitative-Fantasia and Allegretto poco mosso, Next on the program will be five selections by Henry Purcell, sung by Mr. Peterson. They are from "The Tempest," "The Fairy Queen," "New Ayres and Dialogues," and "Lilliebulero." After a short intermission, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes will return to collaborate in performing E r n e s t Bloch's Suite for Viola and Piano. This piece was awarded first prize in the Berkshire Chamber Music Festival Competition in 1919, and Is written in four movements that represent the progress of human civilization. The program will end with Mr. Peterson singing four Italian songs, 'Eri tu che macchiavi" by Verdi, "Nina" by Pergolese, "Occhi di Fata" by Denza and "La Serenata" by Tosti. The first number is from Act n i of "Un Ballo in Maschera." "Nina" is a song of a poet to his beloved who has died. The last two numbers are love songs. The names of students thus honand as announced by Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of the College, last Friday in assembly, are as follows: Ifigenia Aliferis, Eli Ballin, Catherine ~Castaldo, Mary Ann Coc cetti, David Gardinier, Marion Horn, Page Auditorium will be the set Dena Kaplan, Martha Nevlezer, Tina ting Tuesday night for "two playsTo Nicastro, Daniel Robinson, Joan be staged by members of the Adstocker, and Gilbert Waldman. vanced Dramatics class. A dramatization of the betrayal Signum Laudis is an honorary of duty, love, and honor during the scholastic fraternity composed of Italian Renaissance will be directthose Seniors who rank among the ed by Marietta Wiles '53. The cast highest ten per cent of their class includes Murray Lubliner '53; in academic training. The names of Frances Hopkins, and Frances Cilithose students represented in the berti, Juniors; John Orser '55, and initial 4 r ; were released last spring, Robert Betcha and Maurice Bouvier, while the final 2'i, will be announc- freshmen. ed this spring. Committee heads include technical director, Frances Ciliberti; Several State College students Props, John Laing; Costumes, Margaret Eckert; Make-up, Joanne have been volunteering their services Doyle; Publicity, Doris Hagen, Junas Staff-Aides at the Albany Red On Tuesday evening, December iors; and Lighting, Kathleen 2, at 8 p. m„ the first English EveCross Chapter House. The follow// Wright '53. ing have been working about twenty ning of the year will be held in the hours a week collectively: Betty A special piano prelude will be Upper Lounge at Brubacher, anCerrone '54, Jane Herr, Ellen Baplayed by Priscilla Jones '53. nounces Leanore Kotch '54. Have you been wondering who's rona.s, Louella Ptacek, Anne VigilThe second production, a college This meeting of English faculty ante, Marjorie Liddell, Rose LaBella, hastening the arrival of snow by George Smalling, General Chair- satire on athletics, fraternities, and and students will be devoted to student government will be directed Charles Dickens. The main event of and Patricia Theobold, Sophomores, allowing snowmen and snowballs to men. and Ann Hamilton. Joan Newman, fall throughout the halls of S.C.T.? Snowmen, snowballs, and silhou- by Richard Jacobson '53. The cast the evening will be the showing of Barbara Rugen, Jean Sitterly, Juyne Well, you're wrong. It's not Jack ettes of snow scenes will decorate includes Richard Wood, Owen a full-length feature film based on Struhle, and Mary Sylvester, fresh- Frost, but the publicity committee the ballroom of the Hotel Ten Kyck Smith, and Donald Collins, seniors; 0 ne of Dicken's novels. The film's men. Miss Theobold. who is in for "Winterlude" headed by Faith which as „ been -. ._ this af- Harry Mills, Grad; Stuart Macnof- title has not yet been released by reserved for charge of this group, requests more Hanson and Henry Koszewski. fair. A wonderland complete with sky> J o n n Jacobus, Stanley Howlett the English Evening Committee, but sign-ups. Better get those formats pressed dreamy lights and soft music will and Ann Caparis, Junior.' and it is to be a J. Arthur Rank production. In addition to the motion picBlood donors are still urgently before you go home for Thanksgiv- set the mood as your feet glide Nancy Lighthall '55. ture there will be various exhibits needed according to Barbara Wols- ing vacation, girls, or the big night around the floor to the mellow melon the Victorian period and Dicklegel 54. Students may give blood will .sneak up on you. "Winterlude" odies of the Varsity Orchestra from ens. any Tuesday morning from 8 lo 10 is being held Saturday, December 6, Potsdam a Hi-piece band plus a Newman W i l l Hold from 10 p. in. to 2 a. in. the first songstress! All English majors are invited to a.m. Holy Hour, Meeting the evening, at which their annual Auditions for the Red Cross en- weekend after we come back from Three faculty couples have condues will be collected. Because of tertainment unit will be held on "les vacances." When would be a sented to aL't as chaperones. They Newman Club will hold a Holy the program's general interest, EngDecember (i. Students are asked to better time to earn the price of a include Joseph Garcia, Coach, and sign up on the Red Cross bulletin bid, et cetera, than during the holi- Mrs. Gar .'la; Robert Luippold, In- Hour at the Vincentian Grotto, Sun- u s n minors are also welcome. A fee board, announces Marie De Sevc '53, day so you can escort your favorite structor in Mathematics, and Mrs. day from 3 to 4 p.m. This service is 0f $.25 will be collected from them date, fellows? for Newman Club mem- l 0 help cover the expenses. Chairman for Red Cross. Luippold; and Joan Baden, Instruc- especially bers, announces Patricia Butler '53, Two snowmen holding crossed tor in English, and Mr. Baden. Refreshments will be served. President of Newman Club. red-and-whlte striped candy canes 'skania Announces will welcome you to the ticket booth, Additional committee chairmen Miss Butler also advises that Newdesigned by Isabelle Martin and working to make the dance a suc- man Club will hold its next meet- Lanford Declares Rules cess include Margaret Livingstone ing at Newman Hall on December 4, Second Frosh W a rnmgs Richard Wood. Bids will go on sale Monday under the direction of and Robert Giamatteo, decoration. at 7:30 p.m. For Wednesday Classes Two freshmen have received their Prances Allen and Henry Berleth. Robert Sturm and Joan ' Boiss, The feature of the meeting will Attendance regulations of the second warnings, announces Eliza- Members of the several sororities tickets; Peggy Smith and John Zon- be the second in a series of group college require that all students be beth Plni.i '53, Chnirman of the and fraternities will be on hand at grone, programs; Patricia Wilkerson discussions on the subject, "The in attendance at all their classes Committee on Warnings. the booth to collect your three dol- and Abel Blaltman, orchestra; San- Roman Catholic Church." until noon Wednesday, November The number two warnings were lars the cost of a bid. Tickets will dra Cohen and George Smalling, Functions of Newman Club in- 26, and all day Monday, December given to Jean Hageny and Joan Ne- be sold through Friday, December arrangements, Audrey Cahill and clude lectures, discussion s t u d y 1. Students whose absence at these jman, Sophomores are advised that 5, or may be purchased at the door James Finnen, chaperones. groups, Holy Hour services, and va- times is necessary are urged to sethey must tell freshmen when warn- it necessary. Everyone is invited to "Winterlude" is an annual affair ried social activities such as dances. cure prior permission from the ings arc given to them. attend this winter wonderland and traditionally the first formal teas, and smokers. Currently the Dean's office, announces Dr. Oscar Freshmen whose beanies have sponsored by Inter-Fraternity and dance of the college year open to Newman Club is sponsoring the say- Lanford, Dean of the College. This Councils, reports all state College students who wish ing of the Rosary nightly in Brii- does~no't "apply "to"studeri'ts=on"thfr been lost or stolen must be identi- Inter-Sorority fied by their yellow class ribbons. Seniors Katherine Sinclair and to attend. bacher at 6:45 p.m. Dean's List. Red Cross Lists New Staff-Aides oreci Snowmen, Snowballs To Adorn Scene Of Annual Winterlude Mys U00II! 1 MViai TO»ACCO CO. Evenings by appointment This weekend will terminate this semester's sorority rushing of freshmen women students. Each sorority will hold a buffet supper tonight from 5 to 8 p.m. and a formal dinner tomorrow night from 7 to 11 p.m., reports Katherine Sinclair '53, President of Inter-Sorority Council. From the Fraternities, Kappa Beta announces its Open House and Inter-Fraternity Council advises about bids. Chi Sigma Theta's theme for its buffet supper will be "Davy Jones' Locker," announces Katherine Sinclair '53, President. Its theme for the formal dinner will be "Chi Sig Castle." Susan Steward '54 is General Chairman for the buffet supper, while Shirley Edsnll and Eleanor Balaskis, Juniors, are in charge of the formal dinner. New pledges for Chi Sigma Theta are Patricia Ward '54 and Marie Richardi '55. Gamma Kappa Phi has chosen a Paris Cafe theme for its buffet spuper and a Cinderella theme for the formal dinner. Catherine Lynch '54, is chairman of the buffet supper and Mary Ann Frascatore '54, is in charge of the formal dinner. Noel Aivaz '55 lias been pledged by Gamma Kappa Phi recently, according to Patricia Wilkerson '53, President. "Come To The Circus" is the theme of Beta Zeta's buffet supper. The theme for the formal dinner is "BZ Heaven." reports Patricia Butler '53, President of Beta Zeta. Joan Stocker '53, is Chairman of the buffet supper and Margaret Livingstone '54, is Chairman of the formal dinner. Psi Gamma has a "Hillbilly Haven" as its buffet theme and "Arabian Nights" its formal theme, says Irene Brezinsky '53, President. General Chairman for the buffet supper (Continued on Paye ) , Columns) v, ews Greeks Release Albany Musical Formal Weekend Club To Present Themes, Events Winter Concert Chi Sig, Gamma Kap Name Recent Pledges tft •*y State Z-457 '* * AD To Enact Drama, Satire English Evening To Feature Film